FRANKLIN B. GOWEN COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE ART AUCTION Rooms oF CONDUCTED BY THOS. BIRCH’S SONS STAN. V. HENKELS 1110 Chestnut Street, Philada., Pa. IBRARY EDLER & €0, FIFTH AVE. FW YORK f i ¥ ‘aunaf, a] auacng Ag ‘GANYANLYAAO TOVINAVID THL—S8 ON #°T ssseeceneormorserinis CATALOGUE No. 774 3t CATALOGUE « OF CHOICE OIL PAINTINGS COLLECTED BY THE LATE FRANKLIN B. GOWEN, ESQ. (LATE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILA. & READING R.R Co) INCLUDING SPECIMENS OF THE BEST WORKS OF A. BIERSTADT JUSTIN P. OUVRIE EUGENE LE JUNE P, STORTENBEKER GAETANO CHIERICI FLEURY CHENU ANTON ZWENGAUER FREDERICK VOLTZ JULES HEREAU AND ELEGANT FRAMED ENGRAVINGS TO BE SOLD Wednesday Afternoon, Jan. 20th, 1897 AT 3 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE ART AUCTION Rooms oF CONDUCTED BY THOS. BIRCH’S SONS STAN. V. HENKELS 1110 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. kay- ON EXHIBITION, Jan. 15th, 16th and {8th. CATALOGHGE. TITIAN (Arter) i THE CHOCOLATE GIRL. Beautifully painted on porcelain. GUIDO (ArrTsEr 2 ECCE HOMO. Faithfully reproduced on porcelain ; one-third life-size. DOLCE, CARLO (Arrsr) 3 MATER DOLOROSA. Faithfully reproduced on porcelain. Companion to Lot a. WAPPERS (AFTER) 4 COLUMBUS IN PRISON. A magnificent rendition on porcelain, of unusual size. OUVRIE, JUSTIN PIERRE 1806-1879 5 VIEW OF DORDRECHT. (1871. Signed.) Born at Paris, 1806; died, October 21, 1879. Landscape, his- torical, portrait and genre painter. Pupil of Abel de Pujol and Chatillon. Obtained medals, second class, 1831, and first class, 1843; Legion of Honour, 1854. The paintings of this artist have, and always will be held in the highest esteem, on account of their drawing, coloring and truthful rendition of nature. The painting here described represents, in miniature, a view of the old Dutch town of Dordrecht, with its buildings bordering on the river, upon which are various crafts of different kinds, with the tradt- tional old mill on the opposite shore. Size, 6x8 1-2. OUVRIE, JUSTIN PIERRE 1806-1879 6 VIEW OF SAURDAM, HOLLAND. (1871. Signed.) A companion to the above. q BIERSTADT, A. 1830- 7 HETCH HETCHY VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. (Signed.) Born in Dusseldorf, January 7, 1830. Landscape painter. Brought by his parents, in 1831, to New Bedford, Mass.; in 1857 he made a sketching tour to the Rocky Mountains and from this and other sources gathered material for his most important pic- tures. He was elected to the National Academy in 1861; obtained medals in Austria, Germany, Bavaria and Belgium ; Legion of Honour in 1867, and Order of St. Stanislaus, 1869. This painting represents the artist in one of his most pleasing effects, a glorious California woodland scene in early autumn, with the trees clothed in the resplendent garb of Nature, and which only Bierstadt could paint on canvas. S726, 20-4 30: Accompanied by a letter from Bierstadt quoting the price to Mr. Gowen. LE JEUNE, EUGENE 8 THE CARRIAGE OVERTURNED. (Signed.) This beautiful juvenile subject, in which Le Jeune excelled all has compeers, represents a group of five little bays and girls playing horse with a toy wagon. Two of the litile rascals, who are taking the place of the horses, seem not to know that their vehicle, which they are drawing, has met with an obstruction which has unceremoniously spilled the occupants on the ground, to the abject horror of a little maiden on the left, Size,17 x24, See reproduction, 6 LE JHUNE, EUGENE 9 THE BLUEBIRD. An artistic rendition of the favorite fairy tale, called“ The Blue- bird,” noted as one of the masterpieces of this celebrated artist, which was received with such favor that a beautiful engraving from the picture was published It ts probably the most tmportant picture in the collection. Size, 32 x 20. STORTENBEKER, PROF. P. 10 COW IN A PASTURE. (Signed.) A truly grand work of art, and worthy a conspicuous place in any gallery. The wonderful effect in light and shadow, which the artist has been so happy to obtain in this paint- ng, will attest to his ability, and merit him as ranking with the greatest artists of modern times. Size, 36 x 28. CHIERICI, GAETANO 1838- Ii THE FIRST STEP. (1871. Signed.) Born at Reggio, Italy, 1838; genre’ painter; noted for humor- ous interior scenes with children. The reproduction of this plate will fully describe the subject chosen by the painter ; but, of course, black and white can never express the feeling and pathos of the artist as he has por- trayed them with has colors. Chierici's paintings are al- ways pleasing, and are readily given place in the most noted collections. Size, 22% 30. See reproduction, "2904a0y) ouvjaoyn forg AT GhGEIS: Ah SAMhEl— CURIS UNE OTE q eee ee ee . 8 - ‘ — | _ < — Be a _ _ . 7h CHIERICI, GAETANO 12 THE LITTLE NURSE. (1871. Signed.) A companion to the above. See reproduction. Size, 22 #30. CHENU, AUGUSTUS FLEURY 1845-1875 13 SNOW SCENE. (1871. Signed.) Sige, 18 x 24. A French landscape painter ; was born at Lyons, about 1845. He received his art education in the academy of his native city, and became a successful painter of snow scenes, Died, 1875. ZWENGAUER, ANTON 1810-1884 14 SUNSET IN THE BAVARIAN HIGHLANDS. Born at Munich, 1810; died, 1884. Landscape painter. A student from Nature in the Bavarian Highlands. His evening and sunset landscapes are very fine. In 1853 and 1869 he was Conservator of Schleissheim Gallery, and since 1869 of Munich. The painting represents the artist in one of his best effects, that of a sunset. Sige, 13 * 34. ZWHNGAUER, ANTON 1810-1884 1S NOON IN THE BAVARIAN HIGHLANDS. Companion to Lot 14. Size, 13 © 34. HEREAU, JULES 1839-1879 16 DRIVING HOME THE CATTLE. (1872. Signed.) Born at Paris, 1839. Noted for his landscape paintings. He spent some time in England, and painted several views on the Thames. He was killed on the railway at Auteuil in 1879. His works are much sought after. A painting of unusual merit and of realistic effect, representing a farmer driving home his cattle, an approaching storm in the distance. Size, 28 x 36. VOLTZ, FREDERICK 1817-1886 17 HAYMAKERS RETURNING FROM THE FIELDS. (1871. Signed.) Born at Nordlingen, 1817; died in Munich, 1886.