eee : 3 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LIBRARY PHILADELPHIA Cini DO. Bay fa ft REFERENCE GIVEN BY Ab Cd bala hd ELLIS COPYRIGHT 1925 BY HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. 431 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO All Rights Reserved . Ay > ‘ oD SS > y (EA %, y ie 0 = SUT, A Se ©, A) 9 Say TT) pcre ennitiyg f, S —s a Ss 2 . 2, = = }: >= Aare FD My ESSS) ee Le Z Cy CLESEEPREREECCCOHTCCTUETE EDD t a COAPUAT ATR UUOO EUROPE ROTOR TPP EE URE RUD TED E ECU UE UTED ERR CERT EERE EER EPP ECHO UTEP CECE DCEO DCE PU CCG eee eee ae tet ei eas Better Homes ( é = ig rN We gS es ( Gets. a ~ Ss N. pad 4) br . 1} Mi gp aN ay lar NG rd YARN vy CBRL ep : Sey YW ( \ 42)))) na) wy ») S SAS See By whee SSS tes SESS Cte fie — = Acre ae thse AS weet St ares -/dee™ Oat Pest SU te cong Lh Joe Feae a ne ROU ~“ 213 Piliinecesarick Company.......:..... 46A-B-C-D REE EGO, ok ee ne ee hele we ep ees 262-63 Alpha Portland Cement Company......... 33 Pomaligeuiatedakooing Co... . 1... 6 eee ees 138-39 Peierieame bed » Company... ... 666. ses nee 445 PPeMeCA MEDIO Wer CO, . eieidod 5s ois Big el oie ees 406 meacrcan olae Print Paper Co...2..0.5.%. 478-79 American Face Brick Association......... 39-41 American Floor Surfacing Machine Co..... 488 PUieriGan (race SsOCIAlION. . 6. a oes ee oe 410-13 mEaericangtypsum Company..........5.: 118-19 American Heating & Lighting Co. Coca, 1. GNSS Ue a ee Seer es 409 REEL TCALGE ee rife. Ses koa Sie kee as 03 416 American Insulation Company............ 140-41 American Magnestone Corporation........ 82 American Radiator Company. a DVS Socal «os a) sw Gu.dl'ai 5 F wse ooe ads 388-89 LOU GES ha a ire 383 American Window Glass Company........ 286B American Wire Fabrics Corporation....... 295 Anchor Concrete Machinery Co....76; also 70-75 manceren umber Company..........056 188-89 “Andeasange and Furnace Corp........... 356-57 Orla 7S Oe) eae a 77-79 Armstrong Cork & Insulation Company..... 106 ER EOD ew LOCK. (O28 8 ela ee es ee nes melee 77-79 Asbestos Shingle Slate and Sheathing COPING CEA 144 Associated Metal Lath Manufacturers...... 89-91 Poraseendereplock Corp... . sr). seb dvs as 77-79 B Paseteeiverss, Company, Inc... ..0.ce eb ees 292 Beaver Products Company, Inc., BreameeNiatertals 2.2.) stein ts le ae 142-43 OPE LETI AS oie a Sars steve 50'S + Gow yl 120-21 Beckman-Dawson Roofing Company....... 145 LoS) i ists 1c) ul ia ah cn aa 42-43 Perecnepimtcing Diock« Cow. io. ke es ee os 77-79 SED SSe 2g 8 Pe 80-81 Pecesevuudig Glock Co. 4-010 Ss sa. ote es 77-79 Bertelsen*Adjustable Grille Co...:........ 196 Bessler Disappearing Stairway Co......... 214 Bommer Spring Hinge Company.......... 258-59 eee OTN TO eae uc Siacla salty SPA a eee 146 misnopiie: Manufacturing Cos.i4.% fo. 6.40: 497-98 Peretti es eOtners,) LC)... 2.3. ba sta es Oty, s ete 457 Berar aera Se. CG siaecrn ior ti Mee Ammer Sete 183 PetreromPorre- Com pan yrs ei ae dene 407 Pmcing Materials o.5 ons sss tons -« en, es 77-79 Burnham Boiler Corporation. .....00. wees 387 C Cabot, Samuel, Inc., Trgulatioreeson awe teece soni eccsce oa gues 107 Shin ples meets eee sla 5 orem tise trees ele 157 California White & Sugar Pine Manufac- turers Association... ..4.5 0-2 eee es ees 164-66 Canton Brick and Fireproofing Co......... 44-45 Casement Hardware Co.........---++-0-- 245 Celotex Company .....---seeeeeesecees 108-111 Chamberlin Metal Weatherstrip Co., Inc... .288-89 Chemical Toilet Corporation............-- 334 Gitar Gates ONE Cn. tats! eneseue teers mai. on = 341 Chicago Faucet Company...........+-+++- 342 Chickamauga’ Cedar CoO... i246 his a, 224 Ginerorere LC tree a eke nr ape nee ehe ait san. ahah 77-79 Pmerete Erodes Corpse sek ee nes oe ries Bees 77-79 Gindere Block. Cost ashen. Wi iedene es ie 77-79 Gindér- blocks @orpe. 22.4 fra cer es 2 77-79 Cinder Brick “Ge Tile Coli 6 teens aaa oe 17-19 Cinder Tile Company, Inc.............-.. 77-79 Claycraft Mining & Brick Co............. 46 Cleveland Gas Burner & Appliance Co..... 414-15 Clinton Metallic Paint Company....... 60A-B-C-D Co-operative Foundry Company, Barnaeas te a) vies os arse ener any oy 359 Meth as Gal face Rana hoy i hk Pep encase care 384 Gast Rangegiet piven ete ace ee 428 Coles Manufacturing, Co pags: «ees es ag 358 Colonial Fireplace Company............. 275 Columbia Metal Box Company...........- 346 Combination Blow Torch Mig..Cow..i7..5).~ 481 Common Brick Mfr’s Associaton of America. 38 Concealed Bed Corporation.............. 440-41 Concrete Block Manufacturers............ 70-75 Concrete Specialties) Gor...) cite ie ye stn 77-79 Concrete..Structural Units, Ine. s. 25. 2). 22s - 77-79 Conkey, H- D.7 é& Company ne wpe ee A7 Covert;; sms os os 184-85 Curtis Companies Service Bureau.......... 190-91 Curtis; Brog&é: Cogs ner nee eee 190-91 Curtis: Companies, [nec iieiaa tess: eae caeeens 190-91 Curtis: Wetroit: G67 ges i aici aahe ae pees 190-91 Curtis: Ddo0r'é. SashtCocas ss, ccage eee oe 190-91 Curtis, Sash oo DoortCom a... eee 190-91 Curtis, “Towle: &. Paine: Co." (2 ee 190-91 Gurtis-Yale-Holland (Cp cvcgie 190-91 Curtis sl ceny gles Gowe,\ si. 2.0 cvs Reeeeteeae ae 190-91 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page List of Manufacturers, (Continued) D DahlquistyMiguCo- we eee etic oe 418 Dail Steele broducts-Gormace: ain os 335 Dambackert As 2 Sons eee eens oy. nee 77-79 DelcotiehtuGo. aa eect: heer aan ee em 472 Dely ame blocke(o var: tet ene ee 77-79 Detroi Cinder BlocksG. Tile: Co... ee 19 Detroit Steel Products Company........... 232 Diamond Metal Weather Strip Co......... 287 Dietzgen< hucene: on tae ates ee oe 480 Domestic Science Division.—see McDougallaCompanyas o> oe 220-21 DonléveBrothersi@.o2 mae) mea cena 277 Dio vie eyes (Com panvaet eee tri. eae 382 E Ebsary Gypsum Company. Inc... ee 95 Edgecumbe-Newham Co., Limited......... 162 Electrics) ooreCorporation 1 ee 270 Electric Rotary Machine. Co... a soe. 489 Hlite;Manufacturing WC o.enn meee: eee 483 Kimirag Buildings (nits, sing, ser: ee eee 77-79 Brae er OS) ceo ae ieee eee ee ee 132-33 Erion patent 9B loe¢kaG@ ac. seek ae ieee tee 77-79 Estate StovexvCom pany eee ere on ee 385 Everhot Heaters Companys. ean ee 419 F Fairmont Wall gPisster1Co cn, ee ee 77-79 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., DisappearingsStairwaya..)..0 420. - ee 215 Millworkwpe caters ts sax! Wiese eee 192-93 Fedeéral ‘SteelisacieComeac. Uo. et ke 233 Finchy & Ostrander, incertae. os, 77-79 Flint Cinder Block & Products Co......... 77-79 Fimtkote, Com pan yan ues er ne oe ee 135-37 Flint Rock Stueco Company, Inc., Stucco: s'est 83 Stirceo -Base. Gi .5: ese Oe eee aa 98 Phint Walling "Mie. Comsee peewee ct... 325 Fort Wayne Engineering & Mfg. Co........ 326 G Gabriel’Steel ‘Company . » se eee 466 Hess Warming & Ventilating Company, Hurnaces...G:. cee aes. 362 Medicine, Cabinets 7. te. «6 See 347 Higgin Manufacturing Co., Weather olrips vm e ee ee 290 DCrEClie faa ie tele ia’ vaca a uae toeenaeeeye ee 293 Hoftmah, Andrew, Mier Go, 225): eee ee 234-36 Holland: Furnace ‘Company... . «©... eee 363 Hollow Building Tile Association.......... 66-67 Hollywood Building Block Com. 77-79 Holmes Disappearing Bed Company....... 440-41 Holyoke Heater Company... ....2)2.=eee 420 Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co., Hollow, Brick ........... 2... 57-60 Vile cose ee Hace deo ls ae 64-65 Hotstréam: Heater Col pn -nle eae 421 Hudson Fireproof Block Col? see 77-79 Hungerford, U. T. Brass & Copper Co..... 294 Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc. Garage Hardware... .....). 5 264-65 Barn Equipment. .... 2... eee 272-73 Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co............ 194-95 Huston-Cannonsburg Cinder Co...3 7.9523: 77-79 I Ideal Cement Stone Co... .. 25.38 77-79 Ideal Concrete Machinery Co'i@ eee 70-75 Illinois Cinder Block Co.-.. 223.5 77-79 Illinois Refrigerator Company...) 4s 469 Ironclay Brick Company. ......c eee 50 J Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro:, Ince 492 Jaeger Machine®Co.;.. ..0.. <5 eae 484 Jaeger Portable Machinery Co..= ga. ee 492 Jamestown Block & Tile Con 3 77-79 Johnson, S.C., & Son. <5 i). eeeee 458-59 Jones, Fred G., & Co, Incl; 2) eee 197 Juniata Reconstruction Stone Co... 212... sen 77-79 K Kaustine Company, Inec....... a9. 336 Kelley Island Line & Transport-Cov ae 104-05 Kelvinator Corporation <..>..7.5 eee 473 Kerner Incinerator Co.2.. 2.2 eee 298-99 Kewanee Private Utilities Co............%. 328 Klug}. Peter... 1.4 ee 77-79 Knape & Vogt Mig. Company... 3.3 eae 252-53 Koehring Company, Concrete: Mixerspeo eee os 0 9 0 eee 485 Gasoline Shovels... ..:.2% 4.30 4.9 4 Kwik-Mix Concrete Mixer Co............. 486 L Lancaster Concrete Tile Co... J 2)... eee 77-79 Lane, Arthur E., Lumber Corp., Cedar 2 Sn os hone oles ee 225 Shingles «2.5: (A. 33 se eee 162 See Next Page List of Manufacturers, (Continued) Woman i. H.. Company: vce oie gna ns 348 re OUM PANY cette ss are t-te s aos Ses 148-49 Limestone Products Corporation of America. 99 Pincolnssenmever Mchy.. Cor... 65 2... eas 490 Peek potmcnper COmMpany. . i... Sane ee ee 147 Merauelone Company 6.6. tee pees 150-51 Mee OC ONS 6. oo ee ee ee 187 Tudowici-Celadon Company .............. 134 Bunion savid, Sons Company..........«. 238-41 RI ESEOCUCUA es is eo oe we ee see ek he 271 Mc Meornur brick Companyini... 3-000 6.6. 48-49 0 LOS. Dis CHUTE Sere ee 8 WICC ce aie a 77-79 McCray Refrigerator Sales Corporation....470-71 WL GT DOS PERE (0 Se a 220-21 McKinney Manufacturing Company........ 260 M DUS OPC SC OM PANY 2.55 oe ee es 284-85 Majestic Steel Cabinet Co. Prectemetquipment <5. 62060. ee ee 218-19 ereteomie a Winets 64. 2 a 349 Masiesite Products Company............. 84 Manitowoe Portland Cement Co........... 36 Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association. . 180-81 Mascot Stove Manufacturing Company..... 429 PiagieGso., Lumber Company.......... 162A-B Ne OmerEOGs 1TON CO... 5. 5. eke es 281 NMetopoltanePavying Brick Co............ 52-53 Rivlesmiendtacturing CoO... 2... oe ce ws 70-75 Minneapolis Heat Regulator Co..:........ 404-05 Diemer astestone, CO... el 77-79 Diemerelieturinecring Co................% 329 Monarch Metal Products Co., @acemoeniatiardware .. 20.0%... 0.0.66 0s 246 PemeeeeTe LIDS S Ao. ee ed ee a a tle he 291 Bemememengamin, 66 Con... 06. ones tees 460-61 Rrotemestraduets, Co.,-Ine.... css ee ke 454-55 Morgan Woodwork Organization......... 198-204 Morgan Co.—see Morgan Woodwork Organization... .. 198-204 Morgan Millwork Company.—see Morgan Woodwork Organization..... 198-204 Morgan Sash & Door Co.—see Morgan Woodwork Organization..... 198-204 Emirome igs Gompany <<... . wa 0s 6 2 oe 350 PER ry x iui. iste ce eat ed 343 Mueller, L. J., Furnace Co., PACES Selene AS Cotes x79 ot UF eee hey ae 364 El Gterse mt mee hee) aa Sie eae 386 SLOT Grieg Ne Meh EN. crc Bee 380 Panter Eranklyn Re Tic, 0.8 tk ie ee 85 Murphy Door Bed -Company............. 4A 2-44 Prrers te Heo Brot Cos...) aoe 330-31 N National Asbestos Shingle Corporation... . 152 National Cinder Concrete Products Associa- ELOM mek: goth Whout es Sons, Sete sea Sit ete: Ch at’ #8) National Council for Better Plastering..... 88 National Fireproofing Company .......... 68-69 Nationals Roohmrs Companys onus eek en. 153 National Steel Products Company......... 237 National Warm Air Heating & Ventilating ENTS (Rasa RPL EE a ORES Sedan ae 353-55 IN Suzi ret hie @ Cine i bys Oreciete twer tee eee oe, Fe 37 Nepeuma Building Materials Co... 5... «2. - 77-79 New York Blue Print Paper Company...... 478-79 ING DLE; LtO lias, Worcs (0. ihehea a ree rea 70-75 Norfolk Building Block Corp... ...0e 5. 77-79 Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfg. Asso- ciation and Rotary Birch Club........ 167 Northern Hemlock Mfr’s of Mich. and Wis.. 173 INTentss LOSs SONS a NES oa eee ee ee 365 O Qaigtloorin se Durenitn a tie ee eee 182 Oaklands Foundry. Company ache ot ate 366 Obiosiiydrate & supply Go ae. a nee ae 100-01 Oliver Oil Burner Corporation..:....-...: 403 Onany.De WicticsGone see ee eee eee eee 491 P Pacirc.) uliber Company ste eee 175 Paciies lira berk@om paiva. en eee eee 158-59 Paniacote: Com paltry. (C1 oe eee terse 122-23 Patented Building Block Coy... ... -.can- 77-79 Peuberthy Injector: Companyvany © a1. 4e" ie 333 Penn-GregeManutactirings Cogs. cata: 251 Pennalliardware: Company ava ene ee 256-57 Peru, brick Corporation as. 70). ae. f me, 51 PecrlessyManufactiring= CO.) ae) eee 279 Philadelphia Partition & Building Block Co. 77-79 Phoenix Cabinet Company, Inc... 4.72 oc: 205 Pittsburg Water Heater Company......... 422 Plastergon Wall Board Company.......... 124 Pottsville Building Block Co...) 4h ee 77-79 Pyramids Com patiyatey nas eon ee 86 R Receivador Sales:Company;.......... +08 254-55 Red Cedar Lumber Manufacturers’ Ass’n... 168 Reynolds, H. M., Shingle Company........ 154 Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, VV indo Wieeelavdsmarams! J.y0o) J tee 247 Chaba fer Lara a retecme ft Toc ae eee eee 266-67 Richardson & Boynton Co. Boilerchgtemuc reid. oi 5 eee ae eee. 390-93 Sgt Ui. Creer Mea. pee See oye 367-69 Ran Sess e mca < cige rene een rere 430-33 Panks bles terast co «ao ee utenes sk seen 400 Richerdsous ora pan yo. wuneerey oe cman 499-500 Richmond Patented Building Block COrpa. uxt 1-72 ee ee SR ee ay | HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 7 See Next Page List of Manufacturers, (Continued) Rite-Grade Shingle Association............ Ritter, W. M., Lumber Company.........-. Roberts & Mander Stove Co...........-+-- Roberts Sash & Door Company.........-. Rochester Cinder Block Corp............. Rock Island Register Company........... Rock Plaster Corporation.............+.. Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company........ Roll-A-Way Bed Corporation............. Safepack, Mills 2G. sen. esas ay tes Salil MountemeCompaniyo... ose ee Samson. Cordage ~Workse. 32-0420 Yauco Sandusky Cement Company.............-. Schwab, R. J., & Sons Company.......... Seattle. Cedar Lumber Mifg.Co. 3.2.2... ; Sedgwick Machine Works.............-. Sharon Hardware Manufacturing Co....... Shreti ler Ames: li. tien satel eye w e)ane uae ae Shift lineese Green ocr tee em eee ice cower te Silvers’ Manufacturing Co............-.. Sheet he oes bad Weir rs ate nny oh LeAnn atten eniwes fcr orc Smith less Com pany sno rain, pete shies Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Ass’n.. Southern Pine Sales Corporation......... Springtelds Cinders blocks CoO. acme. aneun Standard Engineering & Manufacturing Co.. Standara’Heaters Company oaseta eo 7k eo Standard Iron & Wire Works, Fixtures Iron Work Stanley Works, Builders’ Hardware Garage Hardware oe) (ere is (be) ©) 6 ee) 8) 6) ee) 8 ei 3e| © Je) je, ne” lop ee e800 e a) 0: ee 0-4) ee wl ete) 06; ar 6) 8 (8, seu 0, Ue Sterling Brick Coniparry ne aaa, ere eee Sterling Poundry Company eam aes sterling Range & Furnace Corpie....<.« Sterling Wheelbarrow Company.-s-.-.0...< Stover Manufacturing & Engine Co........ Strath sBuilding” Units, -Incisiadencnenee eee Straube@incretesCompany ...-......- 2/5 OR; be ds 5 Es OCS eer 276 MDGS LOGIT CO cc sticisce case a sss 277 RT RIRUMECEIE CCOlawtiin fees sis 6 aes 282-83 Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc... 278 SA ECE oS I a 284-85 Peer iecen Wie C0., 40C.. 26.26... 279 Stover Mfg. & Engine Co........ 280 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co...286a ASH HOISTS Sedgwick Machine Works........ 22 ASH PIT DOORS—Fireplace Golonial Fireplace Co............ 275 MEME PU ICON, (Oc. oneness ees 276 (ou eS ay Oo are 2ae oh RST Cro a OF oa 282-83 UR SAS Ee 284-85 Peerlessmivire. Go. Inc.) 2.5 ssi. 279 Stover Mfg. & Engineering Co. .. 280 merece Metal Lath Co.........55. 92 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co....286a ASPHALT SHINGLES Amalgamated Roofing Co...... 138-39 Beayerseroducts Go. Incssa0.° 142-43 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Alphabetically Arranged ASPHALT SHINGLES—(Cont.) Beckman-Dawson Roofing Co.... 145 Bird Geen Olt mit Cereae tee crstct-ranievers 146 Biintkoies CoOmmhe ates ete eles 135-37 [Seon Come eects ee ce cane were 148-49 IvockportesPapercs Cox. nc feeatnns eae 147 Legan- Vong £ Con iene eee noe 150-51 Nationals Roofing) (0. .095 1 aa5. as 153 Reynolds, H. M., Shingle Co..... 154 Ric har dso C Ouse eatin 499-500 POD A CaN Ll LLG rate cere feerallcne's & Sysc's 155 Sale lotiintaltins © merece tact ses 156 ASSOCIATIONS American Face Brick Ass’n...... 39-41 Asmarcaya, (Enis VARGAS Gog oeucaoes 410-13 Associated Metal Lath Mfrs..... 89-91 California White & Sugar Pine INET SaReA SSiT tenet ceriere ome cence 164-66 Common Brick Manufacturers INES Ie he ANAC in nd 465 Sh oacunT’ 38 Concrete: block (Mirs 7a. 5226s as 70-75 Hollow Building Tile Ass’n..... 66-67 Maple Flooring Mfrs. Ass’n..... 180-81 National Cinder Concrete Products PA GS Simi Te N tests eet aEN Ss ote 77-79 National Council for Better Plas- (oa bavew te Mace DOO eRe ta dane Bootes 88 National Warm Air Heating & Ventilating *ASS Ner..4s sla oe 353-55 Northern Hemlock Mfrs. of Mich- igaiie amd WISCONSIN ch cen na as Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs. Ass’n & Rotary Birch Club 167 Oakeehloorinewb uteallorreer mica 182 Red Cedar Lumber Mfrs. Ass’n.. 168 Southern Cypress Mfrs. Ass’n..170-71 Western Pine Mirs. Ass'n......... 174 ATTIC—Disappearing Stairs Bessler Disappearing Stairway Co. 214 Farley & Loetscher Mig; Co..... 215 B BALCONIES—Railings—Iron Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 296 BARN EQUIPMENT Allith=Prouty > Covi aa em. cress: 262-63 Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc...264-65 Richards-Wilctox. Mig.” Co. 23... 266-67 BASEMENT WINDOWS-—‘Steel Crescent Steel Comers n athe 224, Detroit stechsroductsmeo en as 2a8 Donley Brose- Goin: & doom stele yaaa 204 Federal Steel’ Sash Cov) f.a gens os 233 Lupton’s, David, 50n¢) Coz. mr. 238-41 Mesker Bros) lrone Ossie: 281 National Steel Products Co....... 23% SykesuMetalelathsG oon teen ae aac 92 FEruscom Steel Gove deere 242-43 Western Architectural Iron Co... 244 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co...286a BATHROOM FIXTURES—Tubs— Lavatories—Closets—Showers, Etc. isnentomeneOtbentecme Omran oe nian 340 Toilet Seats G@hinch Gas Hwee Coma eae 341 BEADS—Corner Syikesum\Letallme@aitiome Gopryom teers 92 Aeris cOlmoteeia COM tat ee er nc 45 Wheeling Corrugating Co. ...... 93 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co. .. 286a BEDS—Disappearing NimericGatie s Gdia GOmme primer rae 445 Goncealedab eda Corpses ener acr 440-41 Holmes Disappearing Bed Co...440-41 Miurphiyas Door ede COnnae eer nr 442-44 Roll-A-Way Bed. Corp... ...::.. 446-47 “Anam” IDysyoxe “Bieal (C@)sace onc go- 448-51 BEECH—Lumber-——Flooring Maple Flooring Manufacturers TARTS Ay Ul ea TCNSICN Gy CICERONE Pectin PET 180-81 BELLS AND BUZZERS— Electric General Blectric CO... ums ees 304-23 BIRCH—Lumber—Flooring Maple Flooring Manufacturers INGER CEES ce chs teelaah Sa etre ee cee 180-81 Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers Ass’n and Rotary Leia. (CMP 6.5-a8 C pocima sens ome SF 167 BLINDS—Window Curtis Companies Service Bu- TOAU arte ee eee poker aa eee ae 190-91 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing RO sat, eit ea tae on sare 192-93 Hurd Lumber and Woodwork GOn ae eons he ee ne ee 194-95 Jones cPred vGjntrs Com. os eaters: 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- PHLOSOW!. sora ee OL eae Rimicke Be. coer 198-204 Roberts Sash & Door Co...... 206-07 Watsontown Door & Sash Co...210-11 Wilbur Lumber Cos. 0..2+s.-.27. Az BLOCKS Cinder Concrete Straub Cinerete Corp, fae cs ates ae 77-79 Gypsum American Gypsum Cois.2o....... 118 Beaver eroductss Cows lnG.ce a 120-21 Ebsaty. Gypsum, Co, incs a een 95 Rocks Plaster Conp sec oars 96 United States) Gypsum Coi7y..-.; 125 Universal (Gypsum =Cosy.5 occkn ces 126 Hollow Concrete Concrete Block Manufacturers. .70-75 See Next Page —_—_——<——_— 0 an Sn eau BLOCKS—(Cont.) Hollow Tile Alliance Gime GC kame One er eateetees 46 a-b-c-d Gonkey, RED fe CGilees an 8 ei usrets 47 Hollow Building Tile Ass’n...... 66-67 Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co.64-65 National Fireproofing Co........ 68-69 BLUE PRINT PAPER Dietzeen, Eugene, Cot) .oi.- opm be ies Be eet 192-93 Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co.194-95 Jionesaelireda Ge aan © Oren eernee ete 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- tiOTiNe Gs ee ee eee 198-204 RobertsaSash <2 DoonsGo7s.-. ar 206-07 Watsontown Door & Sash Co...210-11 Vili eelstim bere Of serene te ZZ BOXES Outlet—Electric For All Purposes Genera leblectrics Com ane 304-23 Mail— Built-In Petin= Gress Viton Omen eerrnemens pon BRACKETS _ Radiator Flea lyetaiieConn ae. ek ee 408 Scaffold Ajax Building Bracket Co......... 482 Elite” Manutacturing “Co......74... 483 Gabriel @Steclis Gomaneccacrieras oon 282-83 BRANCH CONDUCTORS—Electric General lectyicm@omn- 2a 304-23 BRANDING IRONS Combination Blow Torch Mfg. Co.481 BREAKFAST Nooks— Niches Curtis Companies Service Bureats 2.4 on acs ee eee 190-91 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing : COR Ua wis. nie ie. sees toa eee 192-93 Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co.194-95 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG BREAKFAST Nooks—Niches—(Cont.) Fomes nl red: CoseQr Ae Ora ore ae) eeteteee 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- {LOT A Seite ee On ae eh 198-204 Robertsssacsh co Doon Con aren. 206-07 Watsontown Door & Sash Co..210-11 Walbur sleumbeme Cone ane ZA Rooms—Fold-Away Wasmuth- 2 ndicotign Cor scesei see 222-23 BRICK Cinder Concrete Straub, Cincrete Corp, Gye. sees 77-79 Common Common Brick Manufacturer’s NS Sulia Oar A TIC T1Ca seine arian nets 38 Concrete Concrete Block Manufacturer’s..70-75 Face or Front Alliances rica GOs ie rar 46 a-b-c-d American Face Brick Association.39-41 Belden ab rickw Gomes este ree 42-43 Canton Brick & Fireproofing Co.44-45 Claycraft Mining & Brick Co..... 46 Conkey, tH, CD30 0. ae een. 47 Tronclays Bricks CO. on oawe nicete os 50 McAtthtiaeS nicks Comer eer 48-49 Metropolitan Paving Brick Co...52-53 Penne Brick Corpinw ean tees SA Sterling - Brick Covers. aoe 54 Valley “Wiew sBrick> Cot. sans aee 53 Westerns Bricks Comer e erent irae 56 Hollow Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co.57-60 BROOM CLOSETS—Built-in Majestic Steel’ Cabinet €o.....- 218-19 NicD ocala C Ome ee ener 220-21 Miutp hayes D oon s.edmC Onn enre 442-44 Wasmuth-Endicott €o-.......... 222-23 SS VWihitesas DOO Reb cca Cormnn nis 448-51 BUFFETS Bertelsen Adjustable Grille Co....196 Curtis Companies Service Buredttee cei co eee ee 190-91 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing CO. Tee eae Ron oes eke ee 192-93 Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co.194-95 Jones) réduG.) 6 COma eee ee 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- tlONt ay a ode pe eee 198-204 Roberts Sash & Door Coro... 206-07 Watsontown Door & Sash Co..210-11 “Wilbur Lumber Oe shibnsaete 212 BUILDERS? HARDWARE " Bommer Spring .Hinge -Co..... 258-59 McKinney Manufacturing, Co..... 260 Penn shardware® Co... ase 256-57 Sharon bancdwaem Viton Sommers 268 Stanle yay Otlcce eee een nen 261 BUILDING PAPER Beaver Products Co., Inc....... 142-43 Bird > &eSo nye licemee. cee tcnieeree 146 Cabot; ‘Samuel sa lce a... eee 107 Flintkote Go e¥atesee ene nee 135-37 Iehon ™ Comes cen eo ones aes 148-49 Satepack “Mills its ene 155 BUMPERS AND STOPS—Door Bommer Spring Hinge Co...... 258-59 BURGLAR ALARMS—Electric General Electric Cos. a eee 304-23 BURNERS Gas and Jet Cleveland Gas Burner & Appliance Coss. «: 5. See 414-15 Garbage or Refuse Goder Incinerator Corpeecneeeee 297 Kerner, Incinerator: Coogee. 98-99 Oil Cole Manutacturing Co. ase neee 358 Oliver Oil Burner e@aro.. ese eoe 403 BUTTS Bommer Spring HingerGo.. 258-59 McKinney Mig) Conese 260 Penn Hardware €o...) eee 256-57 Sharon Hardware Mfg. Goll. 268 Stanley Works. ..0. 0... 261 BUZZERS—Electric General Electric =Gor,.40e eee 304-23 C CABINETS Blue Print and Plans Dietzgen, Eugene, (Co sees 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co.478-79 Broom (See Closets—Broom) Cabinet Work—Steel Majestic Steel Cabinet Co...... 218-19 Murphy Door Bed Co.......... 442-44 “White” Door BedeGou aes 448-51 Cabinet Work—Wood Bertelsen Adjustable Grille Co..... 196 Curtis Companies Service Bureau. 2 ae ee 190-91 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing CO. nals wisn eo eu 192-93 Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co.194-95 Jones, Fred G, & Co... ee 197 McDougall Co eee 220-21 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- tion: »: (eee ous @ eee 198-204 Roberts Sash & Door *Ga.eeeee 206-07 Wasmuth-Endicott “Gorge ase 222-23 Watsontown Door & Sash Co...210-11 Wilbur Lumber> Coma 212 Ironing Board (See Ironing Boards.) Kitchen combined with Gas Range. (See Ranges—Gas and Kitchen Cab- inet Combination.) Kitchen—Steel Majestic Steel Cabinet Co...... 218-19 Murphy Door Bed Come eee 442-44 “White” Door Bed® Goene eee 448-51 Kitchen—W ood McDougall Co... eee 220-21 Wasmuth-Endicott GOs eee eee 222-23 “White” Door Bed” Coupee 448-51 Kitchen and Refrigerator Combination. (See Refrigerator—Kitchen Cabinet Combination.) See Next Page CABINETS—(Cont.) Medicine—Steel Columbia Metal Box Co 346 Hess Warming & Ventilating Co. 347 Lawson, J. H., Co 348 Majestic Steel Cabinet Co Micphy Doom bed. Co.......... 442-44 Morton Mfg. Co Silvers Mfg. “White Steel” Sanitary Furniture Co. eee ee eeee Pre ee co J og ree 352 Medicine—W 00d Curtis Companies Service Bureau Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Co. Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co.194-95 CC CC ateswsttreduGr. CaCO. . ahs. oa os 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- (BONE: dethote bitte oa ceo oC 198-204 Ropentosoashice Loot Co...... 206-07 Wasmuch-tndicott Co.......... 222-23 Watsontown Door &. Sash Co..210-11 Wilbur Lumber Co 212 Panel Board—Electric Generales tectricaCo., wees... so. 304-23 Radiator—Cover or Enclosure Columbia Metal Box Co Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co Telephone— Built-In Tomesmercd, Gr, && Co. oie. cae 197 Om ime (pee (0 © 0 6 0 0-00 eee eee eee e018 6 6 ewes Majestic Steel Cabinet Co........ 349 Poet Cabiinet LGOn = LNG. cece 1 - 205 CALKING 8 Chamberlin Metal Weather Ret MEMEO tthe Soa isle se bas 8 ow 288-89 Diamond Metal Weatherstrip Co.. 287 CARPENTER’S LEVEL Dietzsens Emsene, Co... ... 2c ees. 480 New York Blue Print Paper C@. o5 das SS Ohanese Oe eee 478-79 CARPENTER’S SAW HORSE GalpielmotCele COs ss vcsc es cs + a's 282-83 CARRIERS Feed— Litter Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc...272-73 Garment Knape & Vogt Mfg. Co CASEMENT WINDOW HARD- WARE Casement Hardware Co 245 Hoffman, Andrew Mfg. Co. ..... 234-36 Monarch Metal Products Co 246 Richards-Wilcox. Mfg. Co Whitney, Vincent, Co Wilkins, George Lester wife ie 40:6 (e\ @):81 16, Piles) 66. ee ee eee ee eee CASEMENT WINDOWS—Bronze or Steel Crittall Casement Window Co...228-31 Detroit Steel Products Co...:.... 232 Hoffman, Andrew, Mfg. Co..... 234-36 ieapton.s, David, Sons Gow... .. 238-41 Missicerme bros. ron. GOncn ue es: 281 MMS COIMMe Ot CL oO yeaa ereln eeeetocs ore 242-43 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CEDAR—Red Ciickamatcan Gedate Commemam case 224 Laney Arthur E, Lumber Corp... ..225 Red Cedar Lumber Mfrs. Ass’n.. 168 Seattle Cedar LbpreMio Co. oa. 225 CEILINGS— Metal Bere crawl imme Oscars fas ti eee 80-81 Wheeling Corrugating Co........ 93 CEILING RECEPTACLES—Electric Generale lectricn Comes 304-23 CELLAR DRAINERS Penberthy Injector Go...c..% 5.5: 333 CEMENT Colors. (See Colors—Mortar—Cement —Stucco.) Plasters. (See Plasters.) Portland PM PiameOriand cement. CO. itt. 33 Manitowoc Portland Cement Co.. 36 Nazareth Gemilenim@ on merrier: Sy Sandusky sCement@Co ... 2... eas. 34-35 Portland—Waterproofed Sandusky CemrentCo.. oss 3. o8 34-35 Portland—White Sancusksyae Gemen tas ©On saree sti 34-35 CHANNELS—Furring, Studding, etc.— Metal. errereal lowe COs aeaec ee cag 80-81 GabnielmSteel@ Conn gana cen 282-83 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co... 286a CHECKS AND CLOSERS—Door Bommer Spring Hinge Co...... 258-59 McKinney, “Mig? Cowen «sa eeuies 260 Penn bard wares Gon. 8a a) en 256-57 Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co...... 266-67 Sharonmelanrd wat cus onsen: 268 Semnley WGI oooh ooudsase som ue 269 CHEMICAL TOILETS Chenrcals Foret} Corpec- see oe 334 DaileSteel> Products). Co. sane none 335 Kaustinem Comm lin caaeitrceriaeri ce 336 Western Metal Specialty Co...... 337 CHUTES—Coal—Cellar Window DosteyeBrosi Cor eee ee Bhd Gabriela SteeleiCo iene 282-83 Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc; .. 278 MajesticiGo nu. -aeecmitesr ore race 284-85 Mesker® Brosialvon’C6. 4.25582 281 Peerless Mists Gon vtec 279 Sterlinoeyoundnye Concent tee mer 286 StOvVereNl 1escom ene thes COM eaten tae 280 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co... 286a CINDER CONCRETE Straube GineretenCorpe=. a eer 77-79 | CLOSET Garment Carriers—Clothes Fixtures Knape & Voet Mic! Co,movass.. 252-53 Lining—Cedar Brice, ha Le Goes ery anos 183 Chickamauga) Cedar®Co.t acess ee 224 Lane Arthurs Ee -bre Cornea, 225 Seattle Cedar bine Mitse. wens 225 Seats = Church, Goer. yulvise aC Ogaear ones 341 ay, CLOSETS Broom—Built-In Majestic Steel Cabinet Co... .%; 218-19 MeDougalli Commerce 220-21 Murphys Doon Beds Cotas. 442-44 WViastatth=irdicotom © Osean etee 222-23 VN tes OOtmE aed m COM inner 448-51 Chemical (See Chemical Toilets.) Water Granel CO; Merecstee oo ee kee see: 338-39 rentonmeOtlenicse CO mmr Era in 340 CLOTH Blue or Brown Print—Tracing Dietz eo enmeltin cen eum GO entre 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co.478-79 Wire (See Wire Cloth) CLOTHES HANGERS Ia ways tse Wroyese Wihve (COL Ga aHocac 252-53 COAL Chutes (See Chutes—Coal—Cellar Window) Ranges (See Ranges—Coal) COLORS— Mortar, Cement and Stucco Gabotmoatiielyel corey erate 107 Clinton, Metallic Paint Co..60a-b-c-d A\WNANUEE Rani (Ca WEG noe Serene oo Ge 2 61-63 COLUMNS Basement Donleye Bross CO 7d Aceaee ee 277 Metal—Porch, Pergola, Etc. Union Metal Manufacturing Co.216-17 COLUMNS, COLONNADES—Wood Curtis Companies Service Bitreatt Sete ence coeds oe 190-91 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing COP atte che Pee anes cteale es Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co.194-95 Joneses biredm Gem Can Ore tines: 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- CLO Tiare ato 1a eet renee eens 198-204 Roberts) Sashec Doon Conese. 206-07 Watsontown Door & Sash Co..210-11 Walburleumiberns © ons caine en Zz COMMON BRICK Commion Ss Bricke M it's eAssm:sees 38 COMPOSITION FLOORING Magnesite:Froducts. Go. ..> 2s... 84 Muller ehranklyn= Ra Ine.c..22t >. 85 CONCRETE BLOCK—Its Uses Concrete Block Manufacturers ...70-75 CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINERY Anchor Concrete Machinery Co.... 76 CONCRETE BRICK—Its Uses Concrete Block Manufacturers...70-75 CONCRETE BRICK MACHINERY Anchor Concrete Machinery Co... 76 CONCRETE CARTS Sterling Wheelbarrow Co......... 493 CONCRETE INSERTS Sterling Foundry Co. ... . 286 CONCRETE MIXERS Jaeger Machines Gan use. nase te 484 Koehring:/Co. tina ae ees 485 Kwik-Mix Concrete Mixer Co..... 486 Sats es Leo ee ce epee nara 487 See Next Page CONCRETE TILE—Its Uses Concrete Block Manufacturers... .70-75 CONCRETE TILE MACHINERY Anchor Concrete Machinery Co.... 76 CONDUCTORS—Branch—Electric Generale Slectric moter iercists 304-23 CONDUCTOR PIPE Hungerford, U. T., Brass & CoppersCoaceeternctre- ee srines pes Wheeling Corrugating Co......... 163 CONDUIT AND OUTLETS— Electric General Electric Co... 5. 5... <6: 304-23 CONTROLLERS Damper (See Regulators—Damper) Motor—Electric General “Electric C0... a2 .2 ssa. 304-23 Temperature Minneapolis Heat Regulator Co..404-05 Thrush, H. A., & Co........00se+- 402 COPPER CONDUCTOR PIPE, GUT- TERS, LEADERS Hungerford, U. T., Brass & Copper CO ee rae OE Meh eeas 294 CORD-—Sash, Shade Samson Cordage Works .........- 274 CORK Flooring (See Tile—Cork Composition) Insulation (See Insulation and Insulating Materials) CORKBOARD Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co. 106 CORNER BEADS—Plaster Sykes Metal Lath Co...........-. 92 ‘Mruscon) Steel GO. see ee ec 242-43 Wheeling Corrugating Co. ...... 93 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co...286a COVERINGS—Boiler, Furnace, Pipe Doyles )e Ws, Cans 20s tees meena 382 SalleMoluntaing Owes eect eee 136 United States Mineral Wool Co... 116 COVERS—Radiator (See Radiator Covers) COW STALLS Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc...272-73 CRUSHED LIMESTONE Limestone Products Corp. of ATE Tic Ameen oa toraetarete bts fee 99 CUPBOARDS—Wood (See Cabinet Work) CURB BARS—Driveway Mriuscon Steels Commenter eer 242-43 CUT-OUTS—Electric Genetale electric COs meneame 304-23 CYPRESS—Lumber Gulf RedtGy press Co. oes Wi Southern Cypress Mfrs. Ass’n..170-171 D DAMPERS—Fireplace Colonial: PireplacesGo.n. ee scat ose 275 CovertRi Wise Gooey ores 276 Donleyabross Gogg oee ee 277 Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc.... 278 ek Wir. eee 284-85 Péerless lig iGarvluci. ac oe os 279 Sy Kesm\ etal ml sathia© O saeenen eee 92 DAMPROOFING (See Waterproofing) DISAPPEARING BEDS American Bed Conses ieee 445 Concealed sBed #Corp ms. en se sees 440-4] Holmes Disappearing Bed Co...440-41 Murphy DoorBed:Cos... eine 442-44 Roll-A>Way Bed Corp. ....5.05.- 446-47 SWihite: 2DoorkBedsComsens cos 448-51 DISAPPEARING STAIRWAYS Bessler Disappearing Stairway (Se Sits vee Deets amen eee 214 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. .... 215 DOORS Ash—Pit or Cleanout Covert. H.W Come eee 276 Donley Bross: Cosme, cae ee Pati GabrieleSteciiCo.4 na eee 282-83 Majestic. Gost, cae ton eee oe 284-85 Peerless Mig. 50.20. ac, see eee 279 Sterling Poundre: Concmee, eee 286 Stover Miciu& Enoime Cogsace we 280 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co..... 286.a Electrically Operated—Garage Electric: Door) Corp. cae ene 270 Entrance—Wood (See Millwork) Frames (See Frames—Door—Wood) Garage —Wood (See Millwork) Garage—Wood Operators (See Operators) DOOR—Handles—Entrance Penn sbardware. Cones. eee 256-57) S hanOtgedad and wa kee CO. 268 StanleyeVWOrlkSusne ioe ee ee 261 Hangers (See Hangers—Door) Holders (See Holders—Door) Screens—-M etal—Wood Baker 5 eGo. Cee eee 292 Higeinig.. Gon owen eee 293 Standard Steel rusconmoteels Gomes a eee 242-43 Veneered—Flush and Paneled Curtis Companies Service Burea: 2s ien Sart tion 190-91 Farley & Loetscher Mfg: Co... 192-93 Hurd Lumber & Woodwork Co..194-95 Jones, red=a..627 GOlntn Geen ee 197 Morgan Woodwork Organiza- tion, - Bae Seize ke ee oe eee 198-204 Roberts ‘Sash & Door Co<.5..-; 206-07 Roddis Lumber & Veneer Co...208-09 Watsontown Door & Sash Co...210-11 Wheeler—Osgood Co. ......... 212a,b Wilbur Comber. Cosemiees ase 212 DRAFTING ROOM EQUIP- ” MENT Dietzgen,.. Eugenes Gone eae 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co..478-79 DRAINERS—Cellar Penberthy Injector’ Co, =. 333 DRAWING MATERIALS— Boards—Instruments—Paper Dietzgen,. Eugene, Co, 2s 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co..478-79 DRESSERS—KITCHEN (See Kitchen Cabinets) DRESSING CABINETS “White” _Doeri Red: Gana eee 448-51 DUMBWAITERS—Hand Sedgwick Machine Works........ 226 DUMP—Ash—Fireplace Colonial Fireplace sGomueeea ee 2/5 Covert, H. W., Conan 276 Donley Bros Co. )..3=e5eee 277 Gabriel Steel Co.) 282-83 Jackson Edwin A., & Bros incense Majestic: Co... e+ ne 284-85 Peerless -Mig.-Co, Inc, a ee 279 Sykes Metal LaiitCo een 92 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co... 286a E EAVESTROUGH Hungerford, U. T., Brass & Copper Co, ... 10a 294 Wheeling Cotttgating Gomes 93-163 EJECTORS Automatic Cellar Draining Penberthy. Injector Co... lee 33 ELECTRIC—DOOR OPERATOR Electric: Door -Gérn22 ee 270 Lighting Plants—Private Kewanee Private Utilities Co..... 328 Wiring General Information Wiring and Devices Complete Specifications for Residential Work General Electric Co:)3 eee 304-23 ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION Delco-Light Cos == sesaeeeee 472 Kelvinator Corpt.9. eee 473 ELEVATORS—Automatic Brake Invalid Sedgwick Machine Works....... 226 ENAMEL Breinig” Bros, “Ine.s.esne0eeeeee 457 . Johnson, S. Cy & Som. 22. ee 458-59 Moore, Benjamin, & Co........ 460-61 Valentine & Col. sees 0eeeeeee 462-65 ENCLOSURES—RADIATOR Columbia Metal Box Co.......... 346 Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Coa. ane 381 ENTRANCES—WOOD See Millwork ENTRANCE GATES—Wrought Iron Standard Iron & Wire Works... 296 EXPANDED METAL LATH Associated Metal Lath Mfrs..... 89-91 Sykes - Metal Lath Co..3.5e.eeee 92 ee renee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 12 See Next Page a F FACE OR FRONT BRICK pee OCen rick Co. oy scscie aes el 46 a-d American Face Brick Association.39-41 pre aener brick CO. 4 Pt ee i... ss ws 42-43 Canton Brick & Fireproofing Co..44-45 Claycraft Mining & Brick Co..... 46 Monker si. 1) 1e GCo......... “hee 47 PrEMGlA yD SIC CO... . kee. cave ees 50 Pee CUS FICK CO. oy... soo c as 48-49 Metropolitan Paving Brick Co... .52-53 Pememe Mem COrp: o. ses. ene oe aul prong rorick Go. ........--..... 54 Walleye View Brick Co............ 55 ReeetetmeGrttt CO... ... sc eee ees 56 Hollow Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co..57-60 FACES Register—Cold Air Hart éz Cooley Co., Inc....'..... 374-77 Mueller, L. J., Furnace Co........ 380 Rock Island Register Co........ 378-79 Mattie fiRailey Mig Co........;.. 381 FANS—VENTILATING medericane Blower Co. ............ 406 Bretonrorre CO... .5..:...0s...; 407 FASTENERS Conductor Pipe and Gutters Hungerford, U. T., Brass & COjive) Ue A (i 294 Wheeling Corrugating Co. ....... 163 FAUCETS ReieasGrPpucet. Co, 2.5... secu 342 Wve eo (OG ae 2 343 FEED CARRIERS Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc. ..272-73 FELT INSULATION—Sound Deadening See Insulation—House FENCING Wire Wickwire Spencer Steel Co....... 295 Wrought Iron Standard Iron & Wire Works..... 296 FEN DERS—Fireplace See Fireplace Equipment FILLERS—Wood Prete ebrOss Inc. . 2... cs. s ce veces 457 Pompeo. G. kcSon.......... 458-59 Moore; Benjamin, & Co.......<-. 460-61 ateutmesc: Co. cso. 5..5. 002.00. 462-65 FIR GUTTERS PO eee Gk SOUS. oe oak cae ws 187 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS—Electric (General Electric Co.-........ 4... 304-23 FIRE INSURANCE Hartford Fire Insurance (COD cea eee Inside Back Cover FIREPLACE OR MANTEL BRICK See Face Brick HOME BUILDERS CATALOG FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT OR ACCESSORIES Celonial Mireplace-Go.. ..5. 02: 6.. 275 Gover rewe Cont ne eee eee 276 TOMIEV OS COd 715.5 . teas ae ae 277 Gapereleoteel (C Osu... ose oe 282-83 Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc... 278 WMAICEUIG AC Orme dca eit hale acl. 284-85 Peerless Mig eCony lncsme ete © 279 SlovermMin oc ingine (oO. esa 2.5. 280 SyckeseMietalel athaCo- nett wete. 92 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co.....286a FIXTURES—Garment—Clothes—Closet Knape:& Vogt Mig. Co... 3... 252-53 Lighting—Interior HeéerwieaCompanyos. sot t.seus aes. 466 Weisbach Comipanyer era cns. oesn ss 468 Lighting—Exterior Ererivign GOMpal yo ova cc. ee ews bs 466 Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 467 FLAGGING— Slate Prmacks (ohne) Cee 5. oe 2, 132-33 FLAT WALL FINISH See Paint FLOOR—Drains Benbertny Invector On sai. 5 garner 33 FLOOR FINISHES—W ood See Varnish—Polish, Liquid or Wax FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES American Floor Surfacing Co..... 488 Electric) Rotary Machine® Co.... 2. 489 Lincoln-Schlueter Machinery Co... 490 FLOOR WAXERS American Floor Surfacing Co..... 488 Hlecinicnnotaryae Machities Conn: 489 Lincoln—Schlueter Machinery Co.. 490 FLOORING Beech—Birch— Maple See Beech—Birch—Maple Birch Northern Hemlock & Hardwood (Mfrs. Assn. & Rotary Birch Club sa S06is a cane one tee ae 167 Composition See Composition—Flooring Cork See Tile—Cork Cork Composition See Tile Board—-Fibre Maple See Maple Flooring Oak See Oak Flooring Pine See Pine Rubber Tile See Rubber Tile FLUE—DAMPERS See Dampers FLUSH PLATES AND SWITCHES—Electric General _Electric#Comeene tee te 304-23 13 FLY SCREENS See Screens FRAMES—W o0o0d—Door and Window Andersens umber Cols. 20, <5. 188-89 S Ges also nh ares town. econ 190-212 FUEL LIFTS Sedgwick Machine Works ....... 226 FURNACE INSULATION Doyles aa ae GO mer. een estes 382 SallaMiountaing: Come eee eee 156 United States Mineral Wool Co... 116 FURNACES—Warm Air—Standard Codes National Warm Air Heating and Ventilating wAss ti sence ooecie ce 353-55 Warm Air Andes Range and Furnace Corp..356-57 fy OLR LEO AGO sre con tere tiecoae eae toute 358 Co-operative Foundry Co.......... 359 Ehall=Nea leburiaces Coser ae 360 Henry Furnace & Foundry Co..... 361 Hess Warming & Ventilating Co... 362 EHollandsturnaces© om ancccrtr nies 363 Mueller oy jee hurnaces ©ose a eaee 364 INtIS ent smbhomndass SO1:s eam 365 Oaklandei ound tym Commune ter 366 Richardson & Boynton Co.......367-69 Selina. I. Wh, ee Sone, (Cosco cice 370-71 Sterling Range & Furnace Corp..436-37 dihemy asta gh Qoyotey heme a aeweres oP tee wear 372 Witicas Eleaters: Commerce cee aca 373 Warm Air—Cabinet Type—Parlor American WRadiator.G@si5.o. ues. 383 Co-operative Foundry Co. ........ 384 Hctatesotove. COmmak ose. «ics eee 385 Mirelilerelews) — Eunncces ©OManrn ner 386 Warm Air—Pipeless Andes Range & Furnace Corp... .356-57 Co-operative Foundry Co......... 359 Henry Furnace & Foundry Co..... 361 Hess Warming & Ventilating Co... 362 Mueller (la )i .Puriace, Co sah... 364 Nigent ss Dhomasnsouge, 2 2) ean 365 Oakland? Foundry s.Co, 00 6.05.6 ewes 366 Richardson & Boynton Co....... 367-69 Sterling Range & Furnace Corp..436-37 hatches Gonipctt yaepeiiieen tes 372 UiticarlieaterntC oan cnte aan oes ek 373 FURNITURE—Beds See Beds FURRING AND STUDDING—Metal Berger gilio eC Gace cota © se ciewet 80-81 Gabevele ai cel WGow sens: asc cue 282-83 -Brivege SiGe leary cates <2 een 242-43 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co..... 286a FUSES—Electric Generale Electrics Gow wee 304-23 G GARAGE DOOR—HARDWARE See Hardware—Garage Door GARAGE DOOR—LOCK Lairiee Fb rodtitetsecs eames cca eee 271 Operators See Hardware—Garage Door Sliding or Swinging—Electric Electrice Doors COLD ae ae 270 See Next Page eS GARAGE HEATERS See Heaters GARBAGE BURNERS Goder Incinerator Corp... -. 4... 297 Kerner incinerator Co. erence 298-99 Burners and Water Heater Combination Mueller aa eirnaces Con mere GARBAGE RECEIVERS See Receivers GARDEN AND LAWN LANDSCAPE - Greening Landscape Co..;...... 474-77 GARMENT CARRIERS Knapemandany ocite ito a. mnrer 252-53 GAS—ITS USES American Gas Association...... 410-13 Burners Cleveland Gas Burner and Appliance Co. Producers American Heating & Lighting Ranges See Ranges Water Heaters See Water Heaters GASOLINE SHOVELS MPochinge (CO, saceteme ce «dee hes 494 GATES Wire Wickwire Spencer Steel Co...... Wrought Iron Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 296 GLASS—WINDOW American Window Glass Co. ....286 B GLAZED TILE—Hollow Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co. 409 Gorn Fa rte ek ok ae eee ee 64-65 National Fireproofing Co........ 68-69 GRATES—FIREPLACE See Fireplace Equipment GRILLES AND SCREENS Metal—Ventilating diary ce Cooley Go. Ine. co... 374-77 Mueller, L. oJ, Furnace Co2.s 380 Rock Island Register Co....... 378-79 Puttle & © Bailey Miz. Cos... 381 GRILLES AND GUARDS—Window Tron Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 296 GUTTERS—Roof—Metal Hungerford, U. T., Brass & Copper COL. 57 no ae ts Wheeling Corrugating Co......... Wood—Fir Ong, kM, Gop SOne eee ene GYPSUM Blocks See Blocks Plaster Board See Plaster Board Plasters See Plasters 294 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GY PSUM—(Cont.) Roof and Wall Insulation See Insulation—House Wall Board See Wall Board H HANDLES—Door See Hardware HANGERS Door—Garage Alltth=Prouty Go... eee eee 262-63 Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc....264-65 MeKinney Mion Cotem ten renee 260 Myers, b) Ely cob roy Cota enced 330-31 Richards=Wilcox sMiow Conn. ase 266-67 Shareonmelardwatemvitcu Com mennier 268 Grewia WWOW KS. Sacbanosha sce soe ue 269 Garment Krape, 6 Vv 0rtsCon aces eee 252-53 Gutter Hungerford, U. T., Brass & Copper? Gow et ser ete ees 294 Wheeling Corrugating Co......... 163 Radiator Flealy7 Rul Coe ease eee as 408 HARD WALL PLASTER See Plaster—Hardwall HARDWARE Butts See Hinges Builders Bommer Spring Hinge Co....... 258-59 McKinney Manufacturing Co. .... 260 Penn Hardware Go; 7... 0rcseeee 256-57 Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co....... 268 StanleyeWiorksesm ace eeacea nies 261 Casement Window—Adjusters and Operators Casement: Hardware Co... 3.25 sc.u6 245 Hoffman, Andrew, Mfg. Co...... 234-36 Monarch Metal Products Co....... Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. Whitneyes Vincent. Commas eee 248-49 Wilkins, George Wester... .. 02. -2 250 Casement Window—Sliding— Folding Hoffman, Andrew, Mfg. Co...... 234-36 Richands= VW tleox Vito (Co.s ese 247 NWihitne yen ice tO One ene 248-49 Casement Window—Stays Gasement Hardware Co. eee 245 Monarch Metal Products Co...... 246 Colonial—Hand Forged Standard Iron & Wire Works..... 466 Finish—Door—Trim Bommer Spring Hinge Co....... 258-59 PennsHard wate, C0.2. 60ers. 256-57 Stanleye Worksite: sth eee 261 Garage Door AllitheP ro utyane Omen ete eee 262-63 Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc....264-65 MeKinney Mig Co jn cor pete 260 Meyers, PCE @ bro, Go. see 330-31 Richards- Wilcox Mfg. Co........ 266-67 Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co......... 268 StanleyaVViorkseee cere cee 269 HARDWARE—(Cont.) Garage Door Lock Lurie Products»... oot 2/3 Garment Carriers and Closet Fixtures Knape & Vogt Mig: Co. ay epee 252-53 Sash Cord Samson Cordage Works. .....e0ee 274 Window Casement Hardware Co............ 245 Hoffman, Andrew, Mfg. Co...... 234-36 Monarch Metal Products Co....... 246 Richards-Wilcox: Mfg. Co. ....... 247 Mihitney.« Varicent; Gon. sori ee 248-49 Wilkins, George Lester .......... 250 HARDWALL PLASTER See Plaster—Hardwall HARDWOOD Flooring Beech—Birch—Maple Maple Flooring Mfrs. Ass’n ....180-81 Birch Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfg. Assn. & Rotary Birch Club... ssa sbi eee eae 167 Oak Bruce, E., L.; Co. 2s eee 183 Crooks-Dittman Come 184-85 Oak: Flooring Bireartes-2 eee 182 Ritter, W. M., LatmberCo.. ae 186 HEAT REGULATORS Minneapolis Heat Regulator Co..404-05 Thrush, H. Aj®& Coles. ener HEATERS Air—Warm Air Furnaces Andes Range & Furnace Corp..356-57 Cole Mfa. Con siyeue oe 358 Co-operative Foundry Co......... 359 Hall-Neal Furnace’ Cos .- sear 360 Henry Furnace & Foundry Co..... 361 Hess Warming & Ventilating Co.. 362 Holland Furnaces@o7 saa ee 363 Mueller, L. J., Furnace Gor eee 364 Nugent’s, Thomas, Sons Gi2ae 365 Oakland Foundry. Cos aera 366 Richardson & Boynton Co...... 367-69 Schwab, R. J., & SonsiGas eee 370-71 Sterling Range & Furnace Corp..436-37 Thatcher Company) ..-22 eee 372 Utica Heater Co. 7.5 72s ee Air—Warm Air—Parlor Cabinet Type American Radiator*@o. 2. eee 383 Co-operative Foundry Co.......... 384 Estate Stove Cosa eee 385 Mueller, L. J., Furnace Gore 386 Sterling Range & Furnace Corp. .436-37 Electric a General Electric Co: 3. J.u.gemeeus eo Garage Hot Water—Complete Units Richardson & Boynton Co....... 367-69 Thatcher Co? 7.3.22 ~, 398-99 Gas Welsbach Gow... 2.5 eee eee 439 See Next Page HEATERS—(Cont.) Laundry Bima Oller Corp mercies: 387 Samiand Moundry Co. .....0:-...- 366 Richardson & Boynton Co......... 400 Bisatomers Company .....:..+...- 398-99 Oil Som CMEC Om as coc ccd asa ees ces 358 Olivet Oil Burner Corp. ......... 403 Water—Coal Burihamepoiler-Corp. 22... 06... 6. 387 Mueller, L. J., Furnace Co......... 364 Caiana moundry Co:..........6.% 366 Ihichardsones: boynton Co......... 400 PU rae tet COND as. 5 oe sis,e ene aa esi wos eie 438 Water—Electric HOVE asd be VEO GOs ca agers wastes ss oe 8 418 General Hlectric (Co. :.. cc. .0s 304-23 Water—Gas American Heating & Lighting Co.. 416 (Com OS ae 417 SAG CS Ee Os 418 Pwertariiedter CO; ..... 6.2... 419 hohyekesbeater CO. ...:.. 66.0205 420 Psomeriteam, reater Co. .......... 421 Pittsburgh Water Heater Co...... 422 WV ellsingicln (Coke... eae eee 423 Numcaebanr Mio Cov. ......... 424-25 Water—Gas—Range Boiler Combination Creme Coe odin 6 os cog aooe eee 417 Pittsburgh Water Heater Co...... 422 pyooe Jomn, Mig. Co. ......... 424-25 Water—Indirect fmareesecenta rleater (COn is... + 421 fmermal Appliance Co. ........... 401 Sieligatis ear Vem AN Gre Oss sree cise < wa es 402 Water—Kerosene DahilquistevVires Con oO. . on. ook esa 418 ivolyokesbleaters CO. 5... 0665.60 06 420 HGteo¢eampleater Co... 5.5.52. 421 HEATING CODE Standard Warm Air National Warm Air Heating & Wentiating ASS «...3.... 0. 353-55 Systems Hot Water, Steam and Vapor Standard Engineering & Mfg. MG ets eos de a seis e's «094-95 Garage See Heaters—Garage Hot Water Pressure—Forced Circulation eiermals Appliance Coy ....5...4.%3 401 SRrireisiptd fic, OC COn or iba ce a eens 402 Warm Air See Furnaces—Warm Air. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG HEATING AND VENTILATING APPARATUS AND EQUIP- MENT Boilers See Boilers—Hot Water and Steam Fans See Fans Furnaces—Warm Air See Furnaces Heaters—Garage See Heaters—Garage Mushroom Ventilators See Ventilators Radiator Covers See Radiator Covers Radiator Hangers See Radiator Hangers Radiators See Radiators Regulators—Temperature See Temperature Regulators Registers—Floor and Wall See Registers Thermostats See Regulators—Temperature HEMLOCK Northern Hemlock Mfrs. of Michigan and Wisconsin........ HINGES Butt—Anti-Friction or Ball Bearing McKinney Mfg. Co. Stanley Works Butt—Plain and Ornamental MekKinney Mie. Cows sta a eceke 260 SharontHard ware C0... 9, ..s0e8. - 268 Stanley Works 261 Rutt—Double Acting Bommer Spring Hinge Co....... 258-59 Garage Door Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc... .264-65 MeKinneye hi tpee Cow, suis aes 260 Penn Hardware: €o.".7.72..5.9- 256-57 Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co........ 266-67 Sharon Hardware’ Mig. Co... ¢..-. 268 Stanley -Works 555" 2: 261, also 269 Hand Forged—Colonial Standard Iron & Wire Works...... Spring—Butt Bommer Spring Hinge Co...... 258-59 Pivot—Ball Bearing Bommer Spring Hinge Co....... 258-59 ee Spring Pivot—Floor Bommer Spring Hinge Co....... 258-59 HOISTS—Ash and Fuel—Hand Sedgwick Machine Works........ y HOLDERS—Door Bommer Spring Hinge Co. ....258-59 McKinney Mfg. Co. Penneclardwatea © Oss aaa 250-5781 Richards= Wilcox. Coss..2) nome 266-67 Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co. Stanley Works Sie) 0) ee) wake O10) 8) 0/19) 0) 6 oe. HOLLOW BLOCK OR TILE Brick See Brick, Hollow Cinder Concrete See Cinder Concrete Clay See Tile—Hollow Concrete See Concrete Block Gypsum See Blocks—Gypsum HOT WATER Boilers See Boilers Heaters See Heaters—Water Range Boilers See Boilers—Range HOUSE INSULATION—Floor, Wall—Roof See Insulation—House HYDRATED LIME Kelley Island Lime & Transport COTM Miter eae de co ieee 104-05 Ohio Hydrate & Supply Co. ....100-01 WinitedsStatessGy,psum Comme. nee 97 Woodville Lime Products Co... .102-03 I ICE BOXES See Refrigerators INCANDESCENT LAMPS General sislectiice Cosemeemee te 304-23 INCINERATORS Godern incinerator, eee Kernermincineratonmn COs eee 298-99 INSERTS—CONCRETE Steninomiuound tye COseseer sets INSULATING MATERIALS Block See Concrete Block and Hollow Tile Cement See Cement Cork See Cork Board Gypsum See Block—Gypsum and Insulation —House Metal Lath and Insulation Combination See Metal Lath Mineral Wool See Mineral Wool Paper See Paper—Building Wood and Cane Fibre See Insulation—House Wall Board See Wall Board Wood Lath and Insulation Combination (See Wood Lath) See Next Page INSULATION Boiler, Furnace and Pipe Doyler jis Wee Contrainte 382 SalleMountain* Come eee eee 156 United States Mineral Wool Co... 116 House, for Floors, Walls and Ceiling AIMIELICATI NN GyPSii © On ae i rei Arinstrong Cork and Insulation (Oieh te rd Si eincic ad o Real te aio patios care 106 Cabot: Santuel sel newest. ..cenes es 107 Gelotex4 Gowers sac tee 108-11 Sall Mountain “Gompany-: «....<. 156 United States Gypsum Co......... 17 United States Mineral Wool Co... 116 Universal “Gypsum, Concerns. 5 es ss 185) Wioods@onversions 0: ee. nae: 112-14 INSURANCE—Every Form Except Life Hartford Fire Insurance COs case ee ae Inside Back Cover INTAKES—FRESH AIR Hart: & Cooley, Co. Ince. s..0-5 « 374-77 Mueller, ‘Lo StecliC a. | css eens 282-83 eS CON -Oteel {CO aa Soe ease 242-43 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co... 286a K KEENE’S CEMENT (See Pilasters) KITCHEN-CABINET & GAS RANGE COMBINATION (See Ranges) Cabinet & Refrigerator Combi- nation (See Refrigerators) Cabinets—Units—Steel Majestic Steel Cabinet Co......; 218-19 Murphy Doors Bed, Gog. ee. cea. 442-44 “White”: Door Bed Cosma. -7eee 448-51 Cabinets— Units—W ood MeDourallSGom: eeanenaneee 220-21 Wasmuth-Endicott Co. ......... 22-23 White! Door «Bed “Co, seme 448-5] Ranges (See Ranges—Cooking) HOME BUILDERS CATALOG L LAMP STANDARDS & BRACKETS Herwiz Company. serakere soe 466 Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 467 LAMPS—Incandescent General sMiectrica Comer. 304-23 LANTERNS, IRON COLONIAL, HAND FORGED Herwic.Compatiyas tase eer 466 Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 467 LANDSCAPE—ARCHITECTURE & GARDENING Greening Landscape Co.00.0. 045 474-77 LATCHES Door McKinney Manufacturing Co. .... 260 Penn Shard ware. Gage vere ae 256-57 SharOneklardwaresCoOwmeye meters 268 Stanley \VWorks es. cece: eee re 261 Door—Colonial Hand Forged Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 467 LATH—METAL EXPANDED Associated Metal Lath Manu- LACTULERS | Sora toe acme eee 89-91 Sykes \Metal Lath Co. sec cece 92 Wheeling Corrugating Co......... 93 Metal & Insulating Combination Wickwire-Spencer Steel Co........ 94 Wire Wickwire, Spencer, Steel Co. ..... 94 Wood Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ PU Toh a Ege nen ahem Te ths ARTEMIS 8'e 170-71 Wood & Insulation Combination Bishopric. Mig. Com, sera eee 497-98 Hlint=hoclees ticcon Commer wae rte 98 LAUNDRY Heaters and Stoves Burnhanry Boilers Cotp a. eee eee 387 @aldands Boundive C ome ere 366 Richagdsornecc es Ovatoine © Omemtaase: 400 sthatchetar@orue = tcmts accra tier 398-438 Tubs—Trays Porcelain CGraneuGo.wenn eee Set Ae 338 .-39 Trentongeeotteriesm Ossqae eee 340 Tubs—Trays—Soapstone Alberence stone = Goma tr ear 344-45 LAVATORIES—Porcelain or Vitreous China Crane Con ies ee eee A Ea 338-39 irenton Potteries Convey tyes 340 LEADERS—Copper Hungerford U. T. Brass & GoppermGomk,... alate peter 294 LETTER BOXES—Built In Penn-Greg Manufacturing Co..... 251 LEVELS—Contractors and Surveyors Dietzgen, Eugene Company...... 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co..478-79 LIFTS FUEL—Invalid and Trunk Sedgwick Machine Works........ 16 LIGHTING FIXTURES—Interior erwie) Com pata eee ieee: 466 Wielsbach) Comipatniyerecernteete 468 Fixtures—Exterior Herwig? Gos *.6. 4c. © ... 248-49 Wilkins, George Lester Door-Sliding or Swinging- Electric Hlectricn) OObMCOLPE eee er 270 Doors—Garage See Hardware—Garage Door ORNAMENTAL IRON & WIRE Standard Iron & Wire Works.. OUT DOOR LIGHTING FIXTURES See Lighting Fixtures—Exterior Cat te ire eS . 296 OUTLETS—Convenience General Electric Co P oo eee cea eee PACKAGE AND MILK RECEIVERS (See Receivers) PAINT Enamel and Flat Wall Finish Breinig? Bros. -lnCen. s. tee. ns aces 457 Johiuson, oO. Ga We 000 fae a 3 cee 458-59 Moore, Benjamin, & Co......... 460-61 National Roofing’ Corn... -2se422. 153 Texturing Gratiot Cot ek sete cay eae 452-53 Morene Products Co., Inc...... 454-55 United States Gypsum Co........ 456 Water-Portland Cement CrgitesC LO, js ee dees ae eo 452-53 Morene Products Co., Inc...... 454-55 Sandusky. Cement Co::......-+:.: 34-35 Waterproofing (See Waterproofing) PANEL BOARDS Electric Generale leciiicn Comse amoral 304-23 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 17 See Next Page PAPER Blue or Brown—Drawing—Tracing Mietzgens Kugene eGore. oe 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co.478-79 Building beavermeroctctcesOs mt Cer es 142-43 Bird: & Sanne lice ee. eee 146 Cabot =Samuel mines 272 are 107 Flinthote@C6 ne aoe see Oe 135-07 ehon AGos eee eee ee 148-49 maAlepatihe lie wate hwme es aes 155 PARTITIONS Asbestos American, Insulation "Go... 1... 140-41 National Asbestos Shingle Corp...152 Cinder Concrete Straube Cincrete Corp... ccs sane 77-79 Gypsum Block Alerican sGy pst ~ Coun wees ee 118 EbsaryoGypstitt. oo. ese, oe 95 Rock «tlaster= Corps eee eae 96 United States Gypsum Co........ 125 Universal “Gypsum, Gov. ..).... 0 126 Metal Berger Migs Goce. oe 80-81 Standard Iron & Wire Works..... 296 Tile—Hollow Alliances Bricks Con, aoe. k 46 A-D Conkey eH Sais Cos. sue 47 Hollow Building Tile Assn...... 66-67 Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co.64-65 National Fireproofing Co......... 68-69 Wall Board—(See Wallboard) PERFORATED METAL GRILLES Hart ’& CooleyeCo,, 2Inces.. mee 374-76 ivetler, ti). Purtace:Co. saa on 380 Rock Island Register Co....... 378-79 ‘Wattles dé. BaiteyoMi tom Cone ee oe 381 PERGOLAS—Pilasters Metal Unione Metall Mics Co, sees oe 216-17 Wood See Columns PINE California White & Sugar Pine MS eAASS fA) ec hes ny ee 164-66 Southern Pine Sales Corp....... 176-77 Western Pine Manufacturers Ass’n.174 PIPE Conductor Hungerford, U. T. Brass & Copper COP 5 Ne oe ee 294 Conductor—Steel Wheeling Corrugating Co........ 93 Coverings See Coverings—Boiler—Furnace—Pipe PIPELESS FURNACES See Furnaces—Warm Air PLASTER BASE See Metal Lath—Wood Lath—Plaster Board—Wall Board and Metal Lath Insulation—Combination PLASTER BOARD American aGy:psitm me COnne aes 118-19 Beaver Products) Go.) Ince ace. 120-21 Ebsary Gypsum Ud. lnc... seat 95 Rock Piasten’ Corp. ane ace eee 96 United States, GypsumeaCo. ates: 97 Universal Gypsum. Co... ao. ee 118-26 PLASTERING—Better—General Infor- mation. National Council For Better Plasteringv as ae Se 88 PLASTERS Gypsum—Hardwall or Ready Mixed ATmeriCanin Guy PSUitien CG Omen riers 118-19 Beavetalecoduetsm Commi Caan 120-21 Ebsary> Gypsum Co... Inc... seen. 95 RockePlasters, Corpcp acaciee see 96 United States Gypsum Co........ 97 Wniversalm Gypsum Or ners 118-26 Hydrated Lime Kelley Island Lime & Transport Co. Ohio Hydrate & Supply Co.....100-01 United=States Gypsum Cocn...... 97 Woodville Lime Products Co...102-03 Keene’s Cement Beavers Productsm Gonna eer 120-21 United States Gypsum Co........ 97 Portland Cement Alpha Portland Cement -Co..:... 33 Manitowoc Portland Cement Co.. 36 Nazareth» Cement, Cofsrecctees oes SH Sanduskys Gementi Gorm eee 34-35 Wood—Fibered See Plasters—Hardwall PLASTIC PAINT See Paint-Texturing PLATE GLASS MIRRORS See Mirrors PLUGS Floor Wall & Ceiling—Electric Generale Electrica Cos aneitso eee 304-23 PLUMBERS BRASS GOODS Chicago se aucetyCors a cere ate 342 Miteller"2Gontan os eck ae 343 PLUMBING Bathtubs—Lavatories—Porcelain or Vitreous China Shower Baths— Water Closets—Kitchen Sinks Porce- lain Enameled. Crane Co < sahes ee. Aes 338-39 (renton, Potteries! Com.c 4) seen 340 Chemical Toilets See Toilets—Chemical °* Closet or Toilet Seats Church ee M te son pees eee 341 Drainers—Cellar Penberthy =I nrector.Gom- one 333 Faucets Chicago: Faucets Gone) eee 342 Muellér. Coca: ans a eee 343 Laundry Trays-Tubs Poreclain Crane Got *8 a5 ae eee ee 338-39 Trentom, Potteries Co, 4.0 eee 340 PLU MBIN G—(Cont.) Soapstone Alberene ‘Stone/Ca_2..--. eae 344-45 Septic Tanks See Tanks—Septic Sewage—Disposal Systems See Sewage Disposal Systems Water Supply Systems See Water Supply POLISH—Floor—Liquid— Wax Johnson, 92 Co) é& Sons 2 eee 458-59 PORCH COLUMNS Metal Union Metal Manufacturing Co.216-17 Wood See Columns Wood Railings—Iron Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 296 PORTABLE SAWS Jaeger Portable Machinery Co.... 492 Onan, D. W., & Sons. eee 491 Woodworker Jaeger Portable Machinery Co.... 492 PORTLAND CEMENT Alpha Portland Cement Co....... 33 Manitowoc Portland Cement Co.. 36 Nazareth. Cement) Co. 55 see 37 Sandusky Cement (e7eeeeee 34-35 POSTS—Clothes—Metal Donley Bros. Cos..gye eee 277 PULLS—DOOR See Hardware PUMPS Deep or Shallow Well Crane Co... apse ee eee 324 Flint & Walling Afio) Gow. eee 325 Fort Wayne Engineering & Mfg. Of MS ROG CaS dgpobnadnéons 326 Kewanee Private Utilities Co..... 328 Monarch Engineering’, eee 329 Myers, F..C., & Bro Gorse 330-31 Vaile-Kimes Co.iue. geese 332 PUSH BUTTONS—ELECTRIC General: Electric @ot ees eee 304-23 Q QUILT—DEADENING Cabot, Samuel, Ine 4207-0 107 R RADIATOR COVERS—Enclosures Columbia Metal Bex )e,-o--eee 346 Tuttle & Bailey Mig.Co7e.. eee 381 RADIATOR HANGERS OR BRACKETS Healy-Ruff Coach eee eee 408 RADIATORS—Hot Water—Steam American RadiatomeC@onae tee 388-89 Standard Engineering & Mfg. CO. as vei oases oer 394-95 RAILINGS BALCONY ETC.—Metal Standard Iron & Wire Works..... 296 RANGE BOILERS—Copper Dahlquist’ Mies Cort wae 418 Hungerford, U. T., Brass & Copper Co... i055 oe ee 294 ees” H OME BUILDERS CATALOG 18 See Next Page —_—————————————————— RANGES Coal Poem Manufacturing CO... .2 00. . 358 Go-opetative Foundry Co......... 428 Makiand |) Foundry (CoO. cares cons 366 Richardson & Boynton Co....... 430-33 Sterling Range & Furnace COREL 55 SSC rr 436-37 RUMUPCHeGMO@OM DANY... 6.0 vecc ewes 438 Gas Pepi stome Company........... 426-27 Andes Range & Furnace Corp. .356-57 PESO os. ova ss ones dw seals 358 Co-operative Foundry Co......... 428 Mascot Stove Mig. Co........... 429 Wakiend Moundry Co.....2..sss. 366 Richardson & Boynton Co. ...430-33 Roberts & Mander Stove Co.....434-35 Sterling Range & Furnace Corp.436-37 SibietCW ete COMPAy ics osc cee cs 438 Coal and Gas Combination Co-operative Foundry Co......... 428 Richardson & Boynton Co. ..... 430-33 Sterling Range & Furnace Corp.436-37 MiiaveGnerOGOMIPany.........:-s... 438 Kitchen—Cabinet Combination Majestic Steel Cabinet Co...... 218-19 Murpoy Door Bed Co.......... 442-44 Bywiite woor Bed Co.......... 448-51 RECEIVADORS Rs Receivador Sales Co....... ee, 294255 RECEIVERS Garbage Colmupia. Metal, Box Co......... 346 WP OMIeV POS CO... os ccc ck Pit) Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc... 278 Blaestic }COMpany....5......... 284-85 meemecsmiits —Co., Inc. .......... 279 Milk-Bottle and Package Ute 2 ae OC 2hI Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc... 278 Majestion Gonipany......2....-+. 284-85 fvecetvador sales. Co........... 254-55 RECEPTICLES—Electric Floor Ceiling and Wall General Mlectric (Cos... vec cues 304-23 RED CEDAR See Cedar REDWOOD-LUMBER PaChiCme tM DET COs... a. ee ns + 0 175 REFRIGERATING MACHINES Automatic Electric—Domestic JP ok, JONG A ST Ore ie en a ae 472 KelvinatoneCo.,. 2... Pies eee ee 473 REFRIGERATOR—Kitchen Cabinet Combination Majestic Steel Cabinet Co....... 218-19 BRN Al BOO Ores ais 3 cee wane 2 ts 220-21 Marphy. Door Bed. (Go..,.5 ...% «+: 442-44 Wasmuth-Endicott Co. ......... 222-23 evi nite’ Door Bed Coy:... 0.0: 448-51 REFRIGERATORS illinois Reirigerator Go, .2....... 469 McCray Refrigerator Sales REED tice racy arcieee hod ithe este a 470-71 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG REFUSE BURNERS Gover lacineratore Corps v.02. 6 297 Kerner Ineinerator’ Co. .... 2... 298-99 REGISTER FACES See Grilles and Screens, Metal REGISTERS—Heating and Ventilating Flartsce Cooley? Go... ich aaesne nis 374-76 Miurcllen aloes Lutnaces Gomme ane: 380 Rock: Island Register Co. ..... 378-79 DuttlesveBailey Mtoe Com... 381 REGULATORS Dampers—Fireplace Golonial’ Rireplaces Go. nc. 6 275 Covert liom Wew COmeriee ca cis oe 276 Wem leven Degen Ome esas cane ies ns 277 Jackson, Edwin A., & Bro., Inc... 278 (NAP VSSaVS:. “UCYey.~ Miet an hacen pee eeee 284-85 bP ectieses MM to (cO. LCase 6 ncsg delale 279 py resa Metal ath fC 0: kane tamed 92 Furnace Hartec Cooley Co.) 1nt.a 2. can 374-77 Oven—Heat Co-operative Foundry Co. ........ 428 Roberts & Manders Stove Co.. .434-35 Temperature Minneapolis Heat Regulator Co..404-05 hres lie Acree GO. igs ee 402 ROOF GUTTERS See Gutters—Roof ROOFING Asbestos Shingles American nstlation Ome ec cs 140-41 Asbestos Shingle Slate & Sheathing Gor uments tee 144 National Asbestos Shingle COLD AR eae anae et eee TRE 15Z, Asphalt Shingles—Plain or Surfaced Amalgamated Roofing Co. ....138-39 Beaver Products’ Co:,, Ines 3.3.5. 142-43 Beckman-Dawson Roofing Co. .... 145 Bicdt ke Som tic made ee ae 146 Blatkotes Come. ws eise eae 135-37 ISehon BCG ae.) eet cee een ie 148-49 ieockpont Paneer Comoe. soe ere 147 Logan. ong, Comenteenes. thon. 150-51 Ne tonaleoontlom Coser ante 153 Reynolds, H. M., Shingle Co. ... 154 Richardsomy Coss acre eee ite . .499-500 Safepack Mills 154 Se Sali uM ountain Gos me eae erg. cae 156 Asphalt Shingles—Copper Clad Flintkotes oot, ay son ences oe 135-37 Roll—Prepared or Ready Amalgamated Roofing Co. ..... 138-39 Beaver Products Coz Inc. ... 2 142-43 Beckman-Dawson Roofing Co. .... 145 BicdhS&esesonsslater pe lee 146 Elinthoten Coss det aan eee 135-37 Leehot Cosa.0 es atti eee 148-49 Logan Long: Cos Asus oo ncoeee 150-51 Nationdlehooince Wome neers 153 Reynolds, H. M., Shingles Co. ... 154 Richardson Company: .......0- 499-500 SafepackeMillscs oe te cae cee 155 Sall Mountain Co. ROOFING—(Cont.) Slate Idnawel, jel 1D. (CO, secasoancor 132-33 Shingles—W ood—Natural Rite-Grade Shingle Ass’n Southern Cypress Manufacturers Ass’n Stained Shingles Cabotesatittel sa ticae tien ateee GréozDipth Commence oun 156 A-B Edgecumbe-Newham Co. ......... 162 Lanes Arthur Ee umber Corp... 162 Matic Ge Asmlcuin Deru Gomme 162 A-B Pacific Timber Co., Weatherbest Stained Shingle COR Chios oa ee tia aes 160-61 Tile Ludowici-Celadon Co. ROPE Samson Cordage Works RUBBER TILE FLOORING Wright Rubber Products Co.... RUBBISH Incinerators See Incinerators S66 Us 6 00, 6 @i/6) 10,0 [0.0.8] Bile, 90! Siatiel.e; Ve, Se) «\'e wae S SAFETY SWITCHES—Electric Generaligis ectricm Commer eerie 304-23 SASH—BASEMENT WINDOW— Steel See windows—Basement-Steel Casement See Window Casements Cord See Cord Sash Locks See Hardware SASH OPERATING DEVICES See Operators SAW HORSE Gabriel Steel ‘Com.3 . - rae ee 156 MATERIALS American Magnestone Corp....... 82 Slate Cinder Concrete—See Cinder Con- Bishopric Manufacturing Co.....497-98 Emacik. johns), Co.9. eee 12239 crete Flint Rock Stucco Gow. jae 83 Metal Cork—See Cork Board Magnesite Products Gor eens 84 Wheeling Corrugating Co......... 93 Felt—See Insulation—House Muller, Franklyn Roy Incomes 85 Tile Floor and Wall—See Insulation, Pyramid "Companys... eee 86 Ludowici-CeladoniGo..-.... eee 134 House United States Gypsum Co......... 87 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 20 i STUCCO—(Cont.) Base — See Metal Lath, and In- sulation Combination, Plaster Board, Wood Lath and Insula- tion Combination, Cinder Con- crete—Concrete Block and Hol- low Tile Colors—See Colors—Mortar Dash—Limestone Products Corp. of America Hydrated Lime See Lime—Hydrated Portland Cement See Cement—Portland STUDDING—METAL— See Metal Lumber SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Diretzeen, Eugene, Co. .....2 055% 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co..478-79 SWITCHES— Electric a) eel aw 61)B) 8) © 0: 8)! @s4\ 090, erie: 0:8, 0. 10) ieneraletiiectric Co... ......... 304-23 1% TABLES—Drawing Dietzgen, Eugene, Co. ...........- 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co..478-79 Dressing wiwnte 8 Door bed Co.......... 448-51 TANKS—Copper-Range Boilers Paibanist Mic. Co. .. 2. ..2.85s.5 > 418 Hungerford, U. T., Brass & | nonin | Ce" 52 Oe as Se ae ere 294 Septic iemicaleboilet Corp: ..0. 266556. 334 sae oes! Products Go... .....5.... SKB PGaistinem ONeill. snc ces es a's 336 Western Metal Specialty Co....... 338 TAPES—STEEL—Contractor—Sur- veyor Dietzgen, Eugene, & Co. ......... 480 New York Blue Print Paper Co..478-79 TELEPHONE CABINETS—Built-In Wgnee erred, O& CO....5..5...55% 197 Majestic Steel Cabinet Co....... 284-85 Pitoemixacapinet Co., Inc). s....'..: 205 TEMPERATURE REGULATORS— Thermostats Minneapolis Heat Regulator Co..404-05 Mprelek eA, OC CO. esas eee cs = 402 TEXTURED WALL FINISH (Craze (CON ation eae rae 452-53 Morene. Products Co., Inc. ...... 454-55 United States Gypsum Co........ 456 THRESHOLDS— Weatherstrip Combination Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip PEPE irc dic 58 els alee es 288-89 Diamond Metal Weather Strip Co.. 287 emer Nite. (0. aciis'd deco melis « shes 290 Monarch Metal Products Co...... 291 THROATS—Fireplace See Dampers, Fireplace TIES—Wall—Metal Syirese Metalcluatin ‘Co... one ase 2 92 Wheeling Corrugating Co...... 93-163 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co...286A HOME BUILDERS CATALOG TILE—Board—Fibre Beaver br Oductsa: GOn meres 120-21 [atitas Ot Crm Lil Cometteta ciel secre ereee oe 122-23 Blastencons Valles oardeCos arms 124 LO SOTlm SONI p a tiy aero emenemeriae ane 128-31 Concrete Concrete Block Manufacturers..70-75 Cork Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co..106 Hollow-Clay—It’s uses Hollow Building Tile Ass’n..... 66-67 Hollow-Clay Milian cemi ticks © Ome arise acetate 46A-D Gonkey- elle acre COnmerace ae Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co..64-65 National Fireproofing Co........ 68-69 Hollow-Glazed Hoosier Building Tile & Silo Co.64-65 National Fireproofiing Co. ...... 68-69 Hollow-Gypsum—Partitions, Furring, etc. Americana. Gy psiit CO... ees 118 Beavers roductssCOmnene aero. 120-21 ER Dsacy me Gy Dstiines | O,.ero meses 95 Rock lastetam COLD sancti 96 UnitedeStatess Gypsum Co...2 sc... 125 lWinimercsalmn Gy pPSline Commer Mente 126 Hollow or Solid Cinder Concrete Stipe Cincretcm COorpaameseet rt. 77-79 Roofing (eudowdaci-eelac ons. COmmenr rae 134 Rubber-Flooring Wright Rubber Products Co....178-79 TIMBER—See Lumber TOILET—SEATS Chupen s Gear eo Mig ao. 2028 341 Systems—Chemical Chemical! otlets Gotp, 2 acca eeon 334 Dawe steels Proditctsa Cocke wih. 335 Iauistines COs 1G are ere 336 Western Metal Specialty Co...... Ae TRACK—DOOR See Hangers—Door TREADS—RUBBER Wright Rubber Products Co.....178-79 TRANSFORMERS—BELL RINGING Generale Elec tricn: Conse anos 304-23 TRIM—WOOD California White & Sugar Pine Mirs.> Assn oceania eh 164-66 Chickamauga CedarsGoi.- anaes: 224 Guitaved=e Gy press a Gorman WAZ Lane, Arthur E,,.. Lumber Corp... 225 Maple Flooring Mfrs. Ass’n....180-81 Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mirs. Ass’n & Rotary Birch Clibvicesc eee bee dean oe use mmaes 167 PaciiicuieumbersOocs! pacman eaner 175 Red Cedar Lumber Mfrs. Ass’n.. 168 Seattle Cedar Lumber Mfg. Co... 225 Southern Cypress Mfrs. Ass’n..170-71 Southern Pine Sales Corp...... 176-77 Western Pine Mfrs. Ass’n......... See Also Millwork Section....190-212 21 TUBS AND SINKS COMBINA- TION Alberenemotones. Compan ere ne: 344-45 Granes Cog. ceo eee 338-39 rentone POLtenicsun © Ossie 340 TUBS AND TRAYS—LAUNDRY Alberene Stone Co.............. 344-45 Cranes Copan ee. mee 338-39 ren toneeLOLLelies m CONE ane ree 340 TRACING PAPER Dietzgens Eucenem oC... teak 480 New York Blue Print Paper COME inet ane cet ec se nccae 478-79 TREES Greening’ Landscape Co:-.....5- 474-77 TROLLEY SWIVEL HANGERS See Hangers TRUNK LIFTS Sedgwick Machine Works........ 226 V VARNISH—Floor—Interior—Exterior BreiniesD rOsee iCy wh ee ee Johnson eSe- GC Oca SOnse ae te 458-59 Moore. Benjamin, vo Co. .aaeeee INationals Roofing iGoms.eaeee ee Valentine and Company........ 462-65 VENTILATING—KITCHEN Ametican, Blower Co. senate Buttalo-Morges Cow. sya aka een eee Windows Allen Window Co. of America.... 213 VENTILATORS—MUSHROOM Hart. &< Cooley. Go, Inet eae: 374-76 Mueller. Jn Furnace>Co.. 12 380 Rock Island Register Co....... 378-79 Duttlerd& Bailey Migr, Co.s...0 381 W WALL Beds AMehiCanebede Or. cane eet 445 Concealed .Beds.Garps aware 440-41 Holmes Disappearing Bed Co...440-41 Murphy Door, Bed.Cos. 222-222 442-44 Roll-A-Way Bed Corp. *.....2: 446-47 WwW initess Door Bed’ Coystre...s 448-51 Board—Asbestos-Fibre Cane— Gypsum-Wood Fibre ENiaeriCa tim ci sli Onn) hee 118-19 Beaver Products2Co. ‘Inc...y... 120-21 CelotexmCompanyurr ls eee 108-11 National Asbestos Shingle Corp.. 152 Pantasotes Company.) unceam emee 122223 Plastergon Wall Board Co....... 124 United States Gypsum Co........ 125 Universal, Gypsum 9 Cone... ate 126 Wpsons Companyaceeencnne oe 128-131 Finishes—See Paint—Paint Texturing See Lime—Hydrated Plugs—Ceiling-Floor General -Electrige(Co-. 36... cess 304-23 Ties—Metal Sykes, MetaloLaths Gor. ance 92 Wheeling Corrugating Co. ..... 93-163 Youngstown Pressed Steel Co...286 A See Next Page — ($$ OOO LLLLLLLLLL——————6§ WARM AIR—HEATING—Standard WATER WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Code and General Information Water Supply Andersen. Lumber Cos. Votan a 188-89 National Warm Air Heating & See Water Supply Systems See also “pages. ... .ajece ieee 190-212 Ventilating ASS niece oe 353-55| Pumps WINDOW —GLASS Furnaces Deep or Shallow Well American Window Glass Co..... 286 B See Furnaces—Warm Air Grande Goer scauise cote ca eee 324 Guards and Grilles Heaters Flint & Walling “Mig. Co... ...-.. 325} Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 296 See Heaters—Warm Air Fort Wayne Engineering & Mfg. Hardware CO Rae loerchc ramen ta eam tates 326 See Hardware WARMERS—PLATE ELECTRIC Kewanee Private Utilities Co..... 328] Opening Devices Generale lectricm Comuce eae 304-23 Monarch Pnginecrine Seo ere 329 Selene WATER Myers, F. E., ie Step (GE Ao dea. 330-31 Screens—Metal and Wood Bowls—Barn Equipment Vaile-Kimes *Co.-7 15.000. 555 teens 332] Baker, W. J., Co., geo at Ogee 292 Hunt-Helm-Ferris & Co., Inc...272-73| WATERPROOFING Higgin Mfg. COnsad se ome 293 Closets Birds& Son; ines wera tg 146| WIRE LATH—also Lath and GranenCom aa pig cae ia 338-39 Breinig Bros Inc) ces eee) 457 Insulation Combination iPrentonmebotteriesm © Ouveerircmr ters 340 Gabote Samuel) lice a tsedse =n. 157 Wickwire Spencer Steel Co....... 94 OIE Graftexa Goce aeatna arnt tsk 452553 loa Nem Church, C. F., Mfg. Se 341! Morene Products Commi nce 454-55| see Nails Closets—Chemical Sanduskys Cement Co. .250..52...5 34-35 Screen Cloth Chemical Sl oilet™ Corpt 7. tog $25 WeValentine: @aCogeedt seek fat 462-65| Wickwire Spencer Steel Co....... 94 Dail Steel -Prodticts= Co. sno a 335 Fence and Gates—Wire Kaustine Coxe (nc... eraser ne 336 | WAX—FLOOR Wickwire Spencer Steel Colsoees: 94 Western Metal Specialty Co...... 337 Breinio a Bross Luce.) sane ase 457| WIRING—ELECTRICAL Faucets Johnson, (9.5 CG a 0Us sao cae 458 General Information, oes 300-03 Chicasor BaucetGa.o. nism. .-o saa 342 WEATHERSTRIPS Complete Specifications for Residential Mueller + Co. 4 cuss isn et. eae Oe 343 Chambesinubletal Weatnececicn Work Heaters—Coal CO ie ae eee ea 288.99 General Electrice@ou, eee 304-23 Burnham Botler (Gorpessie eee 387 Diamond Metal Weather Strip Co. 287 WOOD—COLUMNS Mueller o. Jo MurnacesCon 2. a 364 Hicpin BAlio COs ee ee 799| See Columns—Wood Oakland " yr aarehon Reale codices cae eee 291| Dyes Richardson & Boynton Co........ 400 ThresholdaCombinations Johnson, S. Cy See Soneresea eee 458 sihatcheraCompattyam reece oii 438 Can Threchalite Fillers Heaters—Electric Breinig Bros., Ines, -:oes eee 457 Dahlquist.” Mfg.” Gp. cece. see 00s 41g; WHEELBARROWS Johnson, S. C, & Sons... aan 458-9 Generale leGtticm OG. eutesies ticle 304-23| Sterling Wheelbarrow Co......... 493 Moore, Benjamin, & Co,..:....460-61 Heaters—Gas WINDOWS—BASEMENT—STEEL |. Finishes | American Heating & Lighting Crescentasteele Colm one 227| See Varnish—Paints—Stains (CO. o Ron atin eer eee beeen 416 Detroit Steel “ProductssCon- oa 232 Lath Crane OO sian eee eee ere 417 Donley. Brost Co. 277 Southern Cypress Mfrs. Assn....170-71 Dahiquist (Mion. ee ees RLONEM te da rales tealiGnshuG ee ee 233| Lath and Insulation Combination Ewerhot Heater) (Co... ose ee 419 Lupton’s, David, Sons Co....... 238-4] Bishopric .Mig,) (Coe =e 497-98 Holyoke).H eater? Cos sims oes 420 Meskerabtocelcon (eee ee 281 Flint Rock Stuceo (Coven 98 Hot Stream Heater TZUN EN onal ctecieP odnctst Come) 237| Shingles Pittsburgh Water Heater Co..... 422) svies Metal Lath Co..........+-. 92| See Shingles—Wood Wielsbach#: Gor tna.eee eo nea 423 Truscou eS eel coma ee eee 242-43 Stains Wood, John, Mfg. CO... eee ee ees 424-25| western Architectural Iron Co... 244| See Stains Heaters—Indirect Youngstown Pressed Steel Co..286 A Trim Fioteotieammr eaters Come eee 421 @ascment Crone ceo ies! See Trim—Wood Thermal Appliance Co............ 401! Crittal Casement Window Co...228-31| Windows ‘Ehrnsh able Ala Oc Cones os ons a ele 402 Mer eteniteStesl: Peoducter one 232| See Windows—Wood Heaters—Kerosene Hoffman, Andrew, Mfg. Co.....234-36| WOODWORK DahlqnwstaMigwCos nt. es 418 Lupton’s, David, Sons Co... 238-4] Bertelsen Adjustable Grille Co.... 196 Heé@lyokewieater’ Coscia seas 420) iMiecler Bros itodeCos oe 22] Curtis Companies Service Hothotreatmm tester CO,25 0-5 7.5.46 421 | er cnet eee CG eee ee 242-43 Bureau |... no yce eee 190-91 Softeners » Ventilating Farley & Loetscher Mig. Co:jar. 192-93 Crane, Co. eee i eh Mar S ps 324 AticnWindow (Go of Americas 218 Hurd Lumber and Woodwork Monarch Engineering Co......... Seo aT ad OMI ee 194-95 Vaile-Kimeés * Garg pees tec tks 2 eee 332 Wheeler-Osgood Co.......... 212 A-B Jones, . Fred .G,,. & Coc. seven eee Supply Systems Morgan Woodwork Organiza- Crdne::Go.t <..0 OL eee eee 324] WINDOW CHUTES—BASEMENT TION. os. cd s.scolesee. es oe ee 198-204 Flint & Walling Mfg. Co......... 325 —COAL Roberts Sash and Door Co.....206-07 Fort Wayne Engineering & Mfg. Donley-. 281| Jaeger Portable Machinery Co... 492 Monarch Engineering Co......... 329 | =tbykese Metal Lathe Coins. ace ee 92| WROUGHT IRON GATES AND Myers,-F.-E5-& Bro. Co. .220330-381)" PrusconeSteel Gorse ta aeae ae 242-43 FENCES | Vales Ki és, CO.eee oc eee 332! Youngstown Pressed Steel Co...286A Standard Iron & Wire Works.... 296 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 22 TRADE MARKS-—as applied to Products Catalogued and not identified by the name of the manufacturer. Trade-Mark Product Page No. Trade-Mark Product Page No. A Flexibacwse es ae Iron & Steel Coverings......... 157 AOR AB RA cients 3 JAG ior Pin elat Ferme seaeuce es oAme cer 39-41 Florentine........... Lighting Fixtures, »..oeb en ores 468 Air-Way.....----+++: Window Hardware............ 247 Free-O-Dust.......... Floor Surfacing Machine....... 489 Ambler: a sche eins + +s Asbestos Shingles............. 144 Frigidaire............ Electric Refrigerator. 1...) 5% A472 American Universal. ...Floor Surfacing Machines...... 488 Furnclane et ee ee Heaternccer be eee 384 American............. Wires ocre clin ©lOUimnrnas skein 295 Eurnacettes eee Hentor = knee a Wert 386 Ambassador.......... IBC H IRAN Cle LA Gisent tae Buta: eee OO 340 CG Appalachian... crc Dak Flooring. «cose. scs 14.386 | G+ E+ Wiring System. Electrical Equipment ...... 204-23 Aquatherm............ Elot es Wiaters SySteniymanuners mene: 418 ECT Soh anne Brick ce his sp tihaaab POOR ghee ee cc ee 44-45 PECHIIER Ooo ics 6 o ian eka ee 225 Marvel.............- Gas Water Heater ............ 417 Medusa............- White Portland Cement...... 34-35 Merion.............. GasaWater seater. 424-25 Metro..........-++.-: Face Brith ee ue co visl, coneeetee 52-53 Midvale............. Brick Skeets came 44-45 Mineral Wool......... Tnsulation ees cece oeiessanes hele ts 116 Mooramel............ PWTAUNE] ee ree Gio aula ls titans 460-61 Movar............--- Wea rms livesets tare ans chee ehcieues take ae 460-61 Mule-Hide........... Shingles & Roofing ........ 148-49 Multicrome.......... Roohin® sev. pes ha ee eee 499-500 Murdock Jr........... Water SUDDIY ce ocr en ee ate 327 Muresco............-. Waterbainteemeeter meine 460-61 Moncrief............ HUTNaCeS ae ors c cate mek cecenee te elm teee 361 N Natcos's- eerie Hollows Liles tcicec teeters 68-69 Natroco fists sissies reteset Asphalt Roofing & Shingles,....153 INASCO ciise ein oso hart oe rs Asbestos Shingles & Boards... .152 Neponset............ Roofings, Building Papers...... 146 Newcomerstown....... Brick Males terrence ey eter ois 4A-45 No-streak (cca cs > Warm Air Registers ........ 378-79 Nova neers aie uamee raion se Wavatoryesennltaun emer ote 338-39 Nu? Diletta ees Asphalt Shingles<: 42-65 eer 138-39 O OF Gasser eee eaten HireGutters) 2 ase eee 187 Ohioe ies oilers soles Bimishin ep iciin eerie errs et 100-01 Oul-Craft®. se os oe PUTNACeS uate toe neces 358 Olconieri-r temas cemenne eae Oil Heaters ack ona eee 403 Old Masters.......... Tenam ela acc secre orb ani cerita 457 Olde Stonesfield....... Rioofss Bla Somes ELC et riers 132-33 Oriental. 4. 203. S25: STUCCO nme rata dcte ete a tee ceee ees 87 Out-O-Site........... | BY s(6 Sinli ot almrds Gaon Maas eenecmtn toa CR Peano 445 Out-O-Wallt.]. 22 Warm Air Registers’....... 378-79 P Paroid {tia ee JAMO [ROT ce ak bh ac ono wb os oe 146 Paul tse ac otis s aie eee WatersSupply tn s.c 6 cet sneer 326 Pen-O-Stains......... Stainguetnes sci oe eee oer 457 Perfect (25,00 -t-u- > 2 2h Gas, Coal, Comb. Ranges... . 430-33 Rertect nn etter te aaa Purnates hee aa oe eee 367-69 Perfectone........... Paint setey os scarier ee pee 458-59 Permacote........... Walliinish wees) aac 458-59 Petrofluid............ Waterproofing ...........-- 454-55 Pondosa Pine......... Lumber... ete os ercterl Neve ehets 174 Premier. cnrr sx. 6 cco Gas Water Heater .:...-.:%...- 417 Presto............-- Disappearing Stairway ........ 215 Prosress aoe svcgis 0 ein, Boer woke ieee cikss oe eeepc 398-99 Pulmanook.......... Breakfast NOOkeeei a aeceeerck 222-23 Purus icc0ca cos costs ota MYGhireie ) CUO G a ao cen bo Moos 338-39 Pyrocell tno cases Sere 2 Tnsula tions anche clensiiere ca as smemen ene Val Q Qualitys oe een Gas Ranges & Appliances... . 434-35 Qualitybilt........... Woodworkrenai sates tieet ates 192-93 Quaturn 2h ie ee ers Haucetes sone scan ss Oi lo eee 342 Quicklocki.2 dss. Garage’ LOCK Wag na odae wale see = 271 R Ri& Bo. See ee Heating Equipment .390-93; 367-69 400; 430-33 Red Cross .)cc¢ he es Ranges & Furnaces. ..428; 359; 384 Red Tope. is nanan ee Plaster mest ratects ie yee eee eee 97 Reliable i 225. cGss ede Seattold WBracketsiee.c.-o er sinene 483 Reliance: so 22-0. s.2.0ank LADO eid ce setewr ea wae ao, seperti 480 Reswin si). 3 iti: ice Casement’ Windows ........ 228-31 Rex Ssicns's spuucke desis, yates Roofing & Bldg. Paper...... 135-37 Riverside: si. usr om Plastersdcccucs acte ee eeeno tar 96 Robertsville Reds...... Brick wan fetes ee ee 44-45 Trade-Mark Product Page No S Safty-Sawr-y. ite ee ese Portable*Saw <.c1 ae eee 491 Dal=mo sein ces erie Asbestos Products... eee 156 Safekote; 64°). 5. 4d <5 <4 Roofing, Building Papers, Etc. .155 Sana-bestos........... Floor Tiles ....... 0.9 eee 85 San-Equip........... Chemical Toilet... .; vege 334 Sani-Flat....+.+....- Paint 4%. >s i>», 460-61 Senior iSO eis co ecied 7 Saniks Varnish. isis. sie 458-59 Sani-White........... Toilet” Seat! >... eee 341 Sel-Klo.............. Faucet 4 gsi eee 342 Semco............-. Heating System ........... 394-95 Shamrock............ Drawing Tablew. eee 480 Sheetrock..........., Wall Board {22503 eee 125 Simplex............. Levels. 34,20. ee eee 478-79 Siwelclo. .. 6...57.,5% Water Closet . 2 snceeee 340 mlidletite tem csi 5 tones Garage Hardware ........ , $266-67 Slydasyde............ Garage Door Hardware ....... 267 Snow White.......... Medicine Cabinet (2.2. 347 Spenceroeias es Magazine Fuel Heaters..... 396-97 Spot Cord 5 iis. an scan Sash *Cord oii22 sna 274 Staricvg ss Sena. Barn Equipment 24-1 eee 272-73 Standard). 0-55. hoe Water Heater 5... 7.5.. 2 ee 424-25 Star Brand........... Copper. Products #3 294 Suntast sos. 3 sis paseo Stucco =/inish pene ae 497-98 Super-Smokeless....... Furnace: dcicnee ue ee ee 373 Super-Standard....... Laimber® ...@2: eee ere 176-77 T ‘Tac@sisfers a cae etwas Hot’ Water Heaters. eer 401 Tarnia ts eee tere Bathtubs” 45 /aatestns see 338-39 Te-Pe-Co..........-. Plumbing Fixtures ]> seen 340 Textones os scsi seu eas Wall Finish)... 2) eee 456 Thatchslate.......... Slate Roof...) eee 132-33 Tidewater............ Cypress). uk ug eee 170-71 Tiger sits ee. eae Limesis. eee sa: edema 104-05 TU-EL? 2h eee Roofing 473... ee eee 150-51 Tuxedo2.3. 3 orn Lavatory, Wash Pedestal...... 340 Vv ValPecetiks. esa eae Face Brick <5... =o 55 Valspar.-4 6 come ee Varnish, Stain, Enamel..... 462-65 Vectos.c. oo eene ee Heater. s S230 0a. cree nee 383 Vehisote. 5 c.scc1e > str: Fibre Board 7... 23. ee pss Velhix.. 5 eres Tracing Paper... eee 478-79 Velvetile....-....5.% Flooring |... + ss0+ dae 84 Velve-Tex. 5.0... 5.2. Brick «55 >: e0h 44-45 Ventura) 2.3 cea ern Ventilating Fano... seen 406 Victor. 045 sn sm aneenee Furnaces 2.050 we ee 360 Viskalt..% 7a tio mesons Roofing, Paints, Etc....... 499-500 Vo ee eee Water System’... 2a see 332 Vol-Yum soe eee Warm Air Registers........ 378-79 Vulcanite............ Roofing Materials .......... 142-43 WwW Ws Bi Gos eee Clay Products) ..2.0s eee 56 Western Red Cedar....Lumber ..................... 168 Whitco ssa. sales: see Casement Hardware ....... 248-49 White Enamel........ Finishing Lime) <2. esses 102-03 White Lily... ........ Finishing Lime = 2 102-03 White Rock.......... Wall Board 3.2 3)2..eeeee 117-18 Wilcolator........... Oven Heat Regulator: 428 | Win-Dors 2.5: 5 a see Casement Hardware .......... 245 Winner ses 2. cos Mets ate Ironing Board Cabinet...... 206-07 Winthrop............ Asphalt Shingles ...... 145; also 47 Wocos J. eet eee Fir Sash .... 23h eee 212A-B Wolverine........... Chemical Toilet sap ee 335 Yorktown... ss. 2eca China Closet ...... he 4 : = -4 EIN: rane. oad ie a ‘3 4 mM Sita “ ~ S " ; ‘ aa : 8 Eterm et a Pee pe eae aT ; ji PIs perme BER ; ; ; ; , 2 ites. ; io ese Spe ae & ee Sg Doar 7 ; Sz apae so Pa pS Pie a EG SE OF a age ae: ant se 5 F * a a ee eS ee gag Fer forther details and THE CANTON BRICK & FIREPROOFING CO. %™ ‘nie? literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ng ERS AE oe Manufactured by The Claycraft Mining & Brick Co. Matt—Red Mingle BEAUTY AND DISTINCTION WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE Gray “Raglan” td iapee eo Raae hope Sener pieun ne Vertical Scored Buff . Claycraft Brick = ae is made in many different shades and textures. It affords an excellent medium for architect and builder to create exterior walls in Keeping with all types of architecture. Buff and Gray Face Brick A high grade fire clay is used in the manu- facture of this line, ranging in shadjes from light to dark, and sold either in a straight shade or a Smooth Buff mingle. An impervious Face Brick in both Vertical Scored Gray Smooth and Rough Textures. oO O Red and Brown Face Brick An attractive line of all-shale Face Brick in beautiful shades of Red, Brown, Green and Gun-Metal. Made in Matt Texture and Vertical Scored. “Old English” A Smooth Red and Brown Mingle similar to brick psed in early colonial days and especially adapted to that type of architecture. Smooth Gray Matt Gray SOLD THROUGH ESTABLISHED DEALERS EVERYWHERE Names and addresses of nearest distributors given upon request. eee Fej,cctee, Swan’ THE CLAYCRAFT MINING & BRICK CO., % "e3i,,8s"3,24© HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 46 Alhance Multi-Color Ruff-Face Brick A MANUFACTURED BY THE ALLIANCE BRICK COMPANY ALLIANCE, OHIO Alliance Multi-Color Ruff-Face Brick No. 76 Alliance Multi-Color Ruff-Face Brick No. 76 excel all other brick as to beauty and harmony of blend and coloring. The chromatic scale of colors runs through their beautiful rough-texture faces, most of the individual brick showing on the face of each brick three or four or more of the seven primary colors or their shades—gun-metals, wines, chocolates, browns, ox-blood reds, buff tones and multi-colors. These brick are made of Ohio shale of the highest grade. They are thoroughly vitrified, permanent in color, standard in size—right in every characteristic. They provide a richness and a dignified beauty that is causing them to be used in many of the finest homes and com- mercial buildings in America. Skee The Seven Types of Brick in Alliance Multi-Color Ruff-Face Brick No. 76 The seven brick above illustrated, represent the seven distinct types of brick composing the panel above. Study these two illustra- tions. They tell of wonderful possibilities for the architect and builder. The dark wine or gun-metal brick at the right of above seven brick is also sold as a straight shade—Alliance Gun-Metal Ruff Brick No. 75. The red brick at the left is sold as a straight red shade—Alliance Red Ruff Brick No. 72. Our Alliance Ruff-Face Hollow Building Tile is a most excellent and most economical material for facing buildings of various types. See following pages for description of our Darlington Grays and Browns. sae For further details and = THE ALLIANCE BRICK CO., 31 Review Building, Alliance, Ohio literature, write to: erence H OME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page B My ain fireside, my ain fireside, O, cheery’s the blink 0’ my ain fireside My ain fireside, my ain fireside O, there’s naught to compare wi’ ain’s ain fireside. —Elizabeth Hamilton. vl 2 ities on tag Alliance Multi-Color Ruff-Face Brick Mantel No. 8 Height—From floor to ceiling. 'Width—8&6 in. Opening—31 in. high x 35 in. wide. Hearth—Tile, 1 in. x 4 in. x 4 in. Projection from wall, as desired. All dimensions can be varied, to meet requirements. Brick are rough face and hearth tile smooth. Mantel includes all plain and special brick for facing and back- wall and sides of openings, all brickettes or tile for hearth and under fire (no wood shelf or iron work), all properly packed in barrels and delivered f. o. b. Alliance, Ohio. A “Setting Drawing,’ showing floor plan, elevations, correct flue design, and complete and definite scaled drawings for erection, is furnished with each mantel. Multi-Color fireplaces are artistic, correctly designed, right in every particular—They never disappoint. The living room fireplace weaves a spell of social contentment and homey ease. Its restful influence is one of the reasons why this room is the real unit of the home. If so desired, above design can be furnished without the portion above the shelf. See next two pages for description of our Darlington Grays and Browns. WESS> "Yiettuse, wateto, THE ALLIANCE BRICK CO., 31 Review Building, Alliance, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Darlington Smooth Gray Face Brick MANUFACTURED BY THE ALLIANCE BRICK CO., Alliance, Ohio Three Factories—Two at Alliance, Ohio, and One at Darlington, Pennsylvania ‘ 5 ‘ ; ‘ f i x So 7 : s Ba! ot Dar.incTon SmoorH Grays, illustrated above, are made of the highest sylvania fire clay. They are a warm light or whitish gray, with manganese spots. They are thoroughly vitrified. They are mechanically perfect, and their color and character are permanent. They will not absorb dirt. Wherever these brick are used they give character and distinction to the structure. They are pleasing and permanent. DaRLINGTON Browns AND GOLDEN Browns. In addition to Grays our Darlington factory (No. 3) is producing a line of smooth, flashed Brown and Golden Brown, manganese-spotted brick, of quality and character equaling Darlington Grays. See your dealer. If he cannot show you samples and quote, write direct. Eeomccat x Shade 24 Shade 26 Foheraturswneeces THE ALLIANCE BRICK CO. * Aiist.Ponio® HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Darlington Ruff-Texture Gray Face Brick MANUFACTURED BY THE ALLIANCE BRICK COMPANY, Alliance, Ohio Three Factories—Two at Alliance, Ohio, and One at Darlington, Pennsylvania wren Bi Te Lon rae meer ent can ee PREM Gna ran : ih + Wie SMe lens om Berea ay dg peat ee iNest vid gy POR ‘ his } a eal he SRA Havaatiaeny Ue TERS Bee He Whe SO lee) fF he v Hp ease ES pe Stes mS, Ny 4 Pas i een Bi tcads AEicedee katt ve By : a SL eee JF ane Dah oe Rawal =< tel . if Ht ot, i. @ Paev Aaa cWinatn a eane Mat ala to dpt Tate Mee ATA Ph nee be Here if : Bia a hee p had Date by ga ’ : } ra ee iy NEADS Rie ee BCC Lamy mrt one Rita A HY a eae r Fe WT Aah. iMee atl a Flat Z : AM tis 3 HO ait ate une PIT tee < i nips badied ee Uri te Pe cs uy Mae OF Be it Che ' ft] " a@Ton Ru ~~ are also produced in Browns and Golden Browns, with manganese spots. These are wonderful brick for residences and other high grade buildings. In addition to our Darlington Grays and Browns, our two factories at Alliance, Ohio, manufacture lines of gun- metals, wines, chocolates, browns, ox-blood reds, buff tones and multicolors. We also manufacture a splendid build- ing material in our Alliance Ruff-Texture Hollow Building Tile—very suitable for low cost buildings. If your dealer cannot quote, write us direct. . eae: Shade Shade 35 : Shade 36 MF Gecctirc watts” THE ALLIANCE BRICK CO. * Aiinz.Poni? HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CONCO CLAY PRODUCTS Sales Offices Brick Plant PaiekcG H. D. CONKEY & COMPANY DANVILLE, ILL. INDIANAPOLIS Tile Plant DUBUQUE. MENDOTA, ILL. Sic ANNE, ILL. Products This company, with associate companies at Dan- ville and St. Anne, Ill., produces Face Brick, Com- mon Brick, Drain Tile and Hollow Tile. Also Mor- tar Colors. Send for literature giving full particu- lars of our various products. Write for Description of Shades or Samples We will be glad to send building contractors on request a complete list of our various brick, giving names, numbers and color ranges, DANVILLE PEACOCKS TUXEDOS Rough Vertical Texture If you want something striking in the way of color effect Pe a wurest deep vein Danville Shale. A —Danville Peacocks—a charming blend of greens and reds, A : ; . Rough texture. Uniform siz Ever rick : ick brick perfect in form and with a beautiful range of colors. = size. Every brick a perfect brick. Five shades in Flat Set Brick, ranging from a rich, dark © brown to light chocolate. Five shades in Edge Set Brick, ; Hollow Tile ranging from clear red to dark red, with flashed edge. = : : : gee We make a full line of Hollow Tile—partition tile, floor tile and back-up tile in all standard sizes—some of the sizes illustrated below. 5 Also 5x8x12 3-cell PATRICIANS Matte Texture A medium, “rough textured brick. Every brick a perfect brick. Warm in.tone and blend well, making a most attrac- tive wall. Three shades in Flat Set Brick, ranging from dark brown to medium and light chocolate. Three shades in Edge Set Brick, ranging from clear red to red center with dark border. ALSO 5x12x12 3x12x12 ALSO 10x12x12 and COMMUNITIES Sanded Smooth at son taelS peel eels 114” and 2” SPLIT FURRING A beautiful, smooth brick made of pure Danville Shale and burned to deep, rich colors. No. 10—hard burned—dark Drain Tile chocolate or red center with black or brown border. No. 20 We also manufacture Drain Tile. Write for full infor- —medium red shading to darker red. No. 30—clear red, mation on any of our products in which you may be inter- with only slight variations in color. ested. ee or eater ote H. D. CONKEY & COMPANY, Mendota, III. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 47 McARTHUR—The Brick Beautiful Made by THE McARTHUR BRICK COMPANY McArthur, Ohio ed: ei No. 60—Light Buff Vertical No. 65—Golden Buff Vertical No. 70—Mingled Buff Vertical No. 503—Light Brown Vertical No. 578—Mingled Brown Diamond Tex No. 505—Mingled Brown Vertical No. 575—Light Brown Diamond Tex No. 560—Dark Brown Two Tex : i i No. 570 No. No. 502. Diamond Tex Two Tex Smeets Date Dark Brown Vertical Plants at McArthur, Ohio, and Hamden, Ohio— Products—Shale Face Brick in all colors. Fire both on Hocking Valley Railway. Clay Face Brick in buff shades. Capacity—150,000 bricks, daily. Distributors in all principal cities. oe For ertaes, setas.a7? = THE McARTHUR BRICK CO., McArthur, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 48 McARTHUR—THE BRICK BEAUTIFUL— (Continued) No. 240—Olde English Mission No. No. 110—Mingled Brown Mission Gyms Fer. gurther details and ~=THE McARTHUR BRICK CO., McArthur, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 49 The Ironclay Brick “* It washes its own face’’ Manufactured by THE IRONCLAY BRICK COMPANY Columbus, Ohio Distributors of Ironclay Brick in the Following Centers: ATLANTA, GA.—B. Mifflin Hoed Brick Co., Candler Bldg. BALTIMORE, MD.—O. W. Ketcham, Baltimore American Bldg. BOSTON, MASS.—Parry Brick Co., 123 Summer St. BUFFALO, N. Y.—John H.. Black Co., 505 Delaware Ave. CHATTANOOGA, TENN.—Hibbler-Barnes Co., 700 East Tenth St. CHICAGO, ILL.—S. S. Kimbell Brick Co., Chamber of Commerce Bidg. CINCINNATI, O.—The Moores-Coney Co., 111 East Fourth St. CLEVELAND, O.—The R. L. Queisser Co., Schofield Bldg. DETROIT, MICH.—The Sterling Brick Co., Wabash Ave. DULUTH, MINN.—Duluth Builders Supply Co., 503 Alworth Bldg. FLINT, MICH.—Flint Coal and Masons’ Supply Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—S. A. Morman & Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Allied Coal & Material Co., Odd Fellows Bldg. KNOXVILLE, TENN.—Chandler & Company, MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Wisconsin Face & Fire Brick Co., Caswell Block MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—Twin City Brick Company. NEWARK, N. J.—Tomkins Bros., 48 Passaic St. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—Acme Brick Co. NEW YORK, N. Y.—O. W. Ketcham, 130 W. 42nd St. OMAHA, NEB.—Sunderland Bros. Company. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—O,. W. Ketcham, 125 No. 18th St. PITTSBURGH, PA.—Martin Brick Co., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PROVIDENCE, R. I.—P. L. Monroe & Sons. pea ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Theodore H. Swan, 446 Powers Bldg. ST. PAUL, MINN.—Twin City Brick Company. SYRACUSE, N. Y.—The Paragon Plaster Co. UTICA, N. Y.—American Hard Wali Plaster Co. WASHINGTON, D. C.—O. W. Ketcham. Color No. 38 THE IRONCLAY BRICK are unique in character, color and composition. They are the product of a fine grade of fire-clay containing two non-magnetic elements of iron. Being made from fire-clay without any artificial ingredients whatever, Iron- clay Brick will stand a heat that will melt iron or convert marble to dust. We manufacture Standards, Romans, Normans and Shapes in seven different colors ranging from an old ivory to a deep bronze. No other Flashed Brick on the market approximates the Ironclay in delicacy and beauty of color, No. 40 No. 38 No. 45 An Tronclay Brick is in no way influenced by climatic changes and being only semi-vitreous will remain free from stain. The rain keeps the surface clean and bright, or in other words “IT WASHES ITS OWN FACE” e Tronclay Brick are absolutely free from all elements that will decompose and produce a discoloration on the face. For more than a quarter of a century the Ironclay Brick_has been the standard of quality throughout the country for Flashed Brick. Samples and prices can be secured from our dealers in all the principal cities of the country, or you may address us direct. QuaS~ For further details and THE JRONCLAY BRICK COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio aes en SS a HOME BUILDERS CATALOG PENN FACE BRICK Made by PENN BRICK CORPORATION Bradford, Pa. Products This company produces Face Brick exclusively, in the finishes and shades illustrated below. Lach brick is true to form and perfect in finish and color, our careful methods of manufac- ture and inspection of the finished product insuring that none but perfect brick are shipped to our customers. Red Brick Exclusively The clays of Bradford, Pennsylvania, where our plant is located, are unsurpassed for the production of high grade Face Brick in various shades of red. Laid up in mortar to No. 14—Matts For further details and literature, write to: contrast pleasingly with the warm tones of the brick. As illustrated below, Penn Face Brick produce a wall of excep- tional beauty. Our smooth face brick was recently used in the construction of five school houses in New York City. Distribution Penn Face Brick are sold through dealers in Building Materials. If your local dealer is not already one of our dis- tributors, send us his name and we will arrange to supply you through him. Samples of our brick will be gladly sent to building contractors on request. State shade and finish you prefer when writing. PENN BRICK CORPORATION, Bradford, Pa. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG “METRO” FACE BRICK Produced By THE METROPOLITAN PAVING BRICK CO. CANTON, OHIO “Metro” Face Brick are manufactured from pure Any shade, or mixture of shades can be supplied, by shale. giving shade number, or numbers, shown under in- Colors produced are permanent—they are burned in. dividual brick or panel displayed. They are standard in dimensions. We ship orders promptly. We give SERVICE. Each brick blends with the other in harmonious tones. Samples, etc. furnished gladly upon request. “Metro” Brick are mechanically perfect—therefore “Metro” Brick can be purchased through your local easy to lay, dealer, Desirable agencies still available. FULL RANGE MINGLED VERTEX—Shades Nos. 20F to 80F. §§- BEFORE BUILDING, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE OF “METRO- BRICK”, STATING SHADE NUMBERS THAT INTEREST YOU. Noe NOME Nove NOME Noor NORE Noe ypu Foy further details and ~THE METROPOLITAN PAVING BRICK CO., Canton, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 52 SMF. FULL RANGE MINGLED METRO SMOOTH COLONIALS—-Shades No. 230F to 280F These brick are particularly adaptable to produce English or Colonial effects. The markings, and blend of color the weathered effect so desirable on this type of work. * “METRO VERK-TEX”—Shade 40F. This is the most popular brick for the modern and permanent home. The red in this brick cannot be equalled. This shade is distinctive and must be seen to be appreciated. - “METRO MAT-TEX” FULL RANGE MINGLE—Shades No. 120F to 180F. Architects and those with discriminating tastes favor this texture. It is especially desired for the highest type of work, and for large operations such as schools, public buildings, etc. Sys Fer further details and THE METROPOLITAN PAVING BRICK CO., Canton, Ohio literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 53 FACE BRICK FOR ALL PURPOSES Supplied By STERLING BRICK COMPANY 5401-31 Wabash Avenue DETROIT, MICHIGAN MAIN SALES ROOM We carry in stock all textures and shades of Face Brick. They range in shade from Creams to Gun Metals. We are prepared to supply any brick re- quirements throughout Wayne, Monroe, Macomb, Washtenaw, St. Clair, Oakland and Lenawee counties, Michigan. All inquiries by mail promptly attended to. Our representative will render service to any builder in the above territory. Our shipping facilities enable us to render prompt delivery on all car load orders of Face Brick. WE REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING BRICK MANUFACTURERS IN TERRITORY MENTIONED ABOVE: The Alliance Clay Products Co., Alliance. Ohio The East Liverpool Brick Mfg. Co., East Liverpool, O. The Hanover Brick Company, Columbus, Ohio The Ironclay Brick Company, Columbus, Ohio Kittanning Brick Company, Kittanning, Pa. The McArthur Brick Company, McArthur, Ohio Paterson Fire Brick Company, Clearfield, Pa. Penn Brick Corporation, Bradford, Pa. The Toronto Fire Clay Company, Toronto, Ohio For further details hi a write to: STERLING BRICK CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Vall’e Matts and Vall’e Verticals The Face Brick of Quality Made by VALLEY VIEW BRICK CO., Cleveland, Ohio Product Our bricks are made from one of the best Ohio shales and are manufactured by the most approved methods with modern machinery. Compare them with any brick you like—you will find none better anywhere. Colors Vall’e Face Brick can be furnished in selected Shades or in full range of color which includes various tones of red; light, medium and dark browns; greens and gun metals. Textures Two textures are made—Matt and Vertical. Both of these textures are uniform as to design. Colonial Home of A. R. Bruggeman, Cleveland. George J. Johnson, Architect. Vall’e Matts Used. Shipping Facilities Located within the city switching limits of Cleveland, adja- cent to the tracks of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, our plant is admirably situated for prompt shipment. We can. ship brick out of Cleveland on any railroad desired. Capacity In our brick sheds we carry a stock of approximately 4,000,000 finished brick ready for immediate shipment. Principal Uses While used in all kinds of building construction—indus- trial, commercial and residential—our bricks are particularly suited for homes. The range of colors and the two finishes Matt and Vertical—enable the contractor to make a selection that will be exactly suited to any type of dwelling. Distributors Vall’e Face Brick can be obtained from a dealer in build- — ing materials in most large cities. If we have no representa- Residencekotac a Wim Raninee Clveland tive in your locality communicate direct with us. Architects. Vall’e Matts Howell and Thoniass Used. Taylor Road School, Cleveland Heights. F. C. Warner, Architect. Vall’e Matts Used. Foliteratuee, wnteta’ WALLEY VIEW BRICK CO., Cleveland, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 55 WBC Brand Clay Products Manufactured by WESTERN BRICK COMPANY Danville, Minois Member, American Face Brick Association Products The WBC line covers a wide range of clay and shale products, including face brick and common brick. WBC Face Brick has for many years had a wide distribution among dealers in the Middle West and has during the last few years been extensively used in the East and South. The line includes a variety of popular and distinctive surface textures in the buff, brown and red color ranges. The leading numbers are: WBC HamMered TEXTURE — Resembles the beautiful texture of hammered metals. It is a highly finished, mechanically perfect brick, suitable for both interior and ex- terior work. The face is so thoroughly impervious and the indentations so shght that rain will readily wash it clean, vet the texture is sufficient to deepen and soften the color. This tex- ture is protected by basic patents. Made in every shade from hght buff, through tans and reds to almost black. WBC Stipptep Mixture—Another exclu- sive and distinctive WBC texture that has increased in popularity year after year. All grain and lines are eliminated, the tex- ture consisting of small indentations that give a rich, velvety effect. The color range is complete, including every desirable shade. WBC VEETEX is a regularly scored, mechanically perfect, vertical texture brick, standard in every way. Produced in the bruliant reds and browns of the shale colors. WBC Marte Texture—Similar to orig- inal textures or rough surface brick, but re- fined and highly developed. Made in the buff, tan and brown ranges. eS Se CONCRETE ROOF TILE a= ae PORTLAND CEMENT STUCCO ron W j 1 y rial yf! : pp ; Vy i i pore WATERPROOFING Hf AD i Lf a DRAIN TILE A drawing showing how the concrete masonry house is built. Note parti- cularly the firesafe features of this type of house OF cena Any of the companies listed at foot of page 75 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 70 Somcrn rE BUPrLDING PRODUCTS—(CONTINUED) House at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Trowel finished Cement Stucco on Concrete Blocks. An example of a large house of Concrete Block construction. For small houses, bungalows and garages see following pages The Economy of Concrete Masonry It is a well known maxim that if a man ean afford a home at all, he can best afford a home which is permanent. Even for the builder with only a limited amount of money to spend the permanent house will be most economical in the long run. Such a type of construction is concrete ma- sonry. The first cost of the concrete masonry house is little, if any, higher than the cost of a house built of less enduring materials. Every builder knows that first cost is not the last eost of the house. Concrete masonry represents true econ- omy since it combines low first cost and the practical elimi- nation of upkeep expense. Concrete Masonry Is Adaptable The spread of the concrete masonry house has known no limitations of climate or locality. Entire communities have been built of concrete masonry in the northernmost tier of states where winters are prolonged and changes of tempera- ture are rapid; the most severe test of a building material. Equally noteworthy is the wide adoption of concrete ma- sonry to the climate of the southern states where tempera- tures go high and where drying winds and torrential rains exact their toll on materials. It is interesting to note that concrete masonry and portland cement stucco is the accepted building material in Florida. And so it is in California. The Advantages of Concrete Masonry Concrete masonry, whether it be concrete block or tile has brought a new type of wall construction into being. That type is the wall having air spaces incorporated within it. The advantage of this type of construction lies in the Concrete Block with rough texture surfaces provide a backing ie fact that the dead air space within the wall insulates the paich Boe ee Cope eo a couecueaes anaenres at pene F her detail d ° ° ete Woe Any of the companies listed at foot of page 75 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 7| CONCRETE BUILDING PRODUCTS—(CONTINUED) A CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW—Portland Cement Stucco finish on Concrete Block A FLORIDA BUNGALOW —Portland Cement Stucco finish on Concrete Block Z LL Dita igre cea te Any of the companies listed at foot of page 75 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 72 osc REE BULL DING PRODUCTS —]( CONTINUED) wall to passage of heat and cold. The concrete masonry house is cool in summer; warm and easily heated in winter. The preference for this type of construction has brought forth many types of walls, but in concrete masonry these air spaces are a part of each unit. When the unit is laid up in the wall the air space is formed with the laying of the block or tile. Many builders of concrete masonry do not furr the in- terior walls as the insulating air space prevents passage of moisture. This effects further building economy. Strength Is Important To withstand the effects of time and the elements the materials going into the walls of a house must possess strength. In concrete masonry construction this strength is inherent in the material. Concrete masonry walls do not depend upon bracing of construction features for strength for once laid the wall becomes practically monolithic, that is possessed of the strength of a solid wall. Nothing Left to Chance Those construction features which spell the difference be- tween excellent and passable building are not left to ehance when you build with concrete masonry. Construction detail are already provided for with the adoption of this material. For example joist block are special units. Provision is ~ made in these blocks for placing the joists and there is no chance for joist movement or mediocre construction which deteriorates with time. Drafts and moisture are effectively prevented by the use of special jamb block, properly recessed to enclosed ; : ‘ door frames and window boxes. Weather staining of walls ee of SEO Surface eenerets hacks: oe cold climates the hollow wall : i as i, construction provided by Concrete Blocks results in a house that is easily heated, around these openings are also prevented. Sills and lintels the dead air spaces in the wall furnishing the most efficient type of in- and other special masonry units are so designed as to sulation. In warm climates these same air spaces insure a cool interior, Hence eliminate leakage of air and moisture through the wall. the wide use of Concrete Blocks in both cold and warm climates, These details, often slighted, are provided for when you specify concrete masonry. HOUSE IN DULUTH, MINNESOTA Hollow Concrete Block and Tile are the ideal materials for building garages quickly and economically oF Bae On the left is illustrated a Stucco finished Concrete Block garage with Concrete Roofing Tile, while on the right is shown a garage of Faced Concrete Block with brick trim. Danae apy kar aero lban roar Any of the companies listed at foot of page 75 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 73 CONCRETE BUILDING PRODUCTS—(CONTDINUED® A group of small houses built of Concrete Block. The same houses in course of construction are illustrated below es The walls of concrete block houses are erected rapidly and with a minimum of labor : i For walls above grade, a thickness of 8 inches is standard for houses one or two stories in height. Basement walls are commonly made.8-or 10 inches thick for bungalows and 10 or 12 inches thick for two-story dwellings. The 5 by 8 by 12-inch building tile has a volume equal to 6 brick and walls may be built either ‘8 or 12 inches wide, according to the way the unit is turned in the wall. The height of 5 inches equals two course of brick. Concrete Block and Tile are particularly suitable for residence construction OF oe Siitcrsecre suet Any of the companies listed at foot of page 75 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ak See Next Page 74 CONCRETE BUILDING PRODUCTS—(CONTINUED) x $ Fen Peis 9 % Oak Park (Illinois) Home of A. J. R. Curtis, of the Portland Cement Association Built of Concrete Blocks Concrete Masonry Is Firesafe More and more attention is being given today to the matter of fire safety. Building codes are compelling it, good construction is demanding it. The fire safety of concrete masonry is well known. Hundreds of tests and actual fires have shown that this material possesses a very high degree of protection. Occupants of the concrete masonry house know that their home is as fire resistive as it is possible to build. And they do not pay more for this added security, in fact they pay less, for their insurance rates are lowered. Low Depreciation Is Important Most distressing to the home owner is the knowledge that his house is depreciating. The fall of a step, the decadence of the exterior, the general loosening of the frame and the interior walls and fixtures bring to mind the fact that the house is growing old. To build against this is the aim of every owner. With the use of concrete masonry, whether block, brick or tile depreciation is eliminated for this type of house never grows old. Years of usage, years of action by the elements, only serve to mellow and make the concrete house stronger, for this material is permanent. This permanence makes the resale value of the house high. Permanence insures that the house will never pre- sent the run-down at the heel appearance so detrimental to a sale. And high resale value makes home satisfaction more assured. Stucco Adds to the Beauty of Concrete Masonry Side by side with the growing use of concrete masonry has marched the advance of portland cement stucco. With this material which forms itself as a part of the masonry wall, the individual owner can express his own personality through the use of one of the many varied textures or Anchor Concrete Machinery Co., Adrian, Mich. Ideal Concrete Machinery Co., Cincinnati, Ohio colors. There are no limitations to the variety of texture or color other than the dictates of the architect and the owner. Whatever the type or style of house built there is a tex- ture and color which will enhance that beauty in line and design. Stucco is a new art, it is typically American in its adaptations and its beauties. Combining portland ce- ment stucco with concrete masonry insures a house which is out of the ordinary in appearance, permanent, fire safe, and always beautiful. Concrete Throughout For the builder who seeks the ultimate in home construc- tion the all-concrete house provides the maximum of com- fort, permanence and safety. Concrete floors are noiseless, everlasting, and are adaptable to nearly any sort of decora- tive treatment. They can be covered with hard wood just as an ordinary type of floor. Conerete tile roofs are beautiful, permanent, and aside from breakage through some exterior blow will last for ever. Their color is manufactured in and never fades. They are proof against the weather, safe from fire and economical. Essentially Modern The concrete masonry house is essentially modern. For congested urban districts it provides fire safety, beauty com- parable with the very highest building practices, economy and resale value. For the builder in less closely settled areas the con- crete masonry house provides safety against fire, is adapt- able to all locations or settings, cool and warm and per- manent. Combined with portland cement stucco the concrete ma- sonry house whether block, brick or tile represents a type of house especially adopted to American standards of living and expressing the best in home building thought. Miles Manufacturing Co., Jackson, Mich. Thomas W. Noble & Co., 435 N. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO ee For further details and literature, write to: = Any of the companies listed above ee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Anchor Concrete Block, Brick and Tile Machinery Made By ANCHOR CONCRETE MACHINERY CO. Columbus, Ohio The Hoover ‘‘Home Sweet Home” built last year in Washington, D. C., according to the Hoover Code. Anchor Stripper Blocks used exclusively. Products A complete line of equipment for the manufacture of concrete block, brick and tile. This equipment, although perfectly adapted to the small plant is used in three of the largest cement products plants in the world, each of which operate batteries of Anchor machines. Increasing Use of Concrete Blocks, Brick and Tile Concrete blocks, brick and tile have lived down the un- favorable reputation acquired in the early days of the in- dustry when inferior products were all too common. Architects and builders everywhere today recognize the great merit of these units as now made. The two model homes illustrated above are evidence of this. Concrete products lend themselves to all types of con- struction. They are a perfect base for stucco. Their cost is less than any other type of masonry, and but little more than that of wood. machine, ANCHOR BRICK MACHINE Made in two types=— For the face up and face down Trade Mark THE HOB The great general purpose used everywhere for faced blocks. ANCHOR HIGH TEST TILE MACHINE manufacture of standard building tile. Adrian, Mich. Another model home erected in Cleveland. Pro- moted by the Cleveland Concrete Products Asso- ciation. Anchor Blocks used exclusively. Every week increasing numbers of Build- ing Supply Dealers and Contractors are equipping to make their own concrete units. They have the materials, the labor and the right connections for marketing. The Anchor Line Years of experience in the manufacture of Concrete Products Machinery has enabled us : to produce a line that is practical, efficient, BS economical and complete. These features have won the approval and endorsement of the leading Concrete Products Manufacturers everywhere. The Anchor System The Anchor System of Independent Units is recognized as the solution to profitable production. The Anchor System allows for expansion without depre- ciation of your present machinery. It assures flexible con- tinuous output on a small investment. Let us know your requirements. Hundreds of Concrete Products Plants, large and small, have installed the Anchor System. It’s the best system for you. Write for Catalogue. ANCHOR STRIPPER BLOCK MACHINE, For the manufacture of plain blocks. For further details and literature, write to: = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ANCHOR CONCRETE MACHINERY CO., Adrian, Mich. CINCRETE TRADE MARK (Reg. U.S, Pat. Off.) ALBANY, N. Y., Finch & Ostrander, Inc. BINGHAMPTON, N. Y., Straub Building Units, Ine. BROOKLYN, N. Y., Cinder ile Company, Ine. ELMIRA, N. Y., Elmira Building Units, Inc. JAMESTOWN, N. Y., Jamestown Block & Tile Co. NEW YORK, N. Y., Cinder Tile Company, Inc., 250 Park Avenue ROCHESTER, N. Y., Rochester Cinder Block Corp. CAMDEN, N. J., Concrete Specialties Co. E HOMESTEAD, N. J., Hudson Fireproof Block Co., North Bergen 2 ; JERSEY CITY, N. J., Cinder Brick and ‘Tile Co., Adjoining Public Service Station, Marion Plant RIDGEFIELD PARK, N. J., Bergen Building Block Co. TRENTON, N. J., Concrete Specialties Co. WESTFIELD, N. J., Hudson Fireproof Block Co, ALLENTOWN, PA., Hollywood Building Block Co. : ALTOONA, PA., Juniata Reconstruction Stone Co., Juniata, Pa. APOLLO, PA., Apollo Steel Co. . BRAEBURN, PA., Apollo Steel Co. BUTLER, PA., Shufflin & Green ERI", PA., Erie Patent Block Co., Ine. GREENBURG, PA., Building Materials Co. GREENVILLE, PA., A. Dambacker & Sons HARRISBURG, PA., Harrisburg Building Block Co. HOUSTON, PA., Huston-Canonsburg Cinder Block Co, JOHNSTOWN, PA., Art Stone Block Co. LANCASTER, PA., Lancaster Concrete Tile Co. LEWISTOWN, PA., James L. Shreffler MT. POCONO, PA., L. T. Smith NEWCASTLE, PA., Straub Cincrete Co. NEW KENSINGTON, PA., Straub Cincrete Co. pach PHILADELPHIA, PA., Philadelphia Partition & Building Block Co. PITTSBURGH, PA., Straub Cincrete Co., 908 Park Building POTTSVILLE, PA., Pottsville Building Block Co. READING, PA., Berks Building Block Co. SPRINGDALE, PA., Berks Building Block Co. Products FounpaTioN and WALL BEARING Biocks; Partition Tite; Brick; Re- INFORCED LINTELS; SILLS; CHIMNEY Buiocks, and Fioors Arcu BLocks. Patents and License The manufacture, use and sale of Straub “Cincrete’ Cinder Concrete Building Units is lcensed under the Francis J. Straub U. 8S. Patents 1,212,840 and 1,399,325 on Process and Products. Other patents pending. Patent No. 1,212,840 has been broadly sustained by unanimous decision of U. 8. Court of Appeals. Respon- sible parties will be licensed in open territories. Advantages Costs—These will vary according to local conditions, dimensions of common brick, and 5 to 15% compared but normally a saving in finished wall construction can be figured from 25 to 40% compared to same wall with clay tile. One 8x8x16-in. block displaces 12 bricks and requires about one-quarter the mortar. Plastering direct is recoramended. Other economies will be dis- : covered under other subheadings. Strength—Our licenses are required to manufac- ture blocks having an average crushing strength of 800 Ibs. per sq. in. gross area, which is equivalent to approxi- mately 1,200 lbs. per sq. net area. The ratio of unit strength to wall strength of Cincrete blocks is from 57 to 76%. This is the highest of any known masonry and in consequence carries a cor- responding safety factor. Fests—Tests made by Underwrit- ers’ Laboratories, Inc. (page 41 of report of tests on Straub Blocks), Bureau of Standards (U.S. Government), Columbia University, Yale University, Rutgers Col- lege, Johns Hopkins University, Lewis Institute, Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, EK. L. Conwell & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Detroit Testing: Laboratory Ohio State Patents Owned by STRAUB CINCRETE CORPORATION, 120 West 42nd Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. MANUFACTURED BY THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES A PATENTED COMPOSITION OF CINDERS AND CEMENT, COM- PRESSED AND MOULDED INTO STANDARD SHAPES, IN STAND- ARD SIZES. Dampproof Illustrates absorption after hours— no further absorption. TARENTUM, PA., Frank H. Thompson UNIONTOWN, PA., Hawkins-Paulson Co. WARREN, PA., Wilson-Wetmore Lumber Co. WAYNESBURG, PA., McCormick & Drury WILKESBARRE, PA., Nepenna Building Materials Co., Kingston, Pa. WILLIAMSPORT, PA., Delvan Block Co., So. Williamsport, Pa. YORK, PA., York Patented Building Block Co. WILMINGTON, DEL., Cinder Block Corp. BALTIMORE, MD., Cinder Block Corp. WASHNGTON, D. C., Washington Concrete Products Corp. NORFOLK, VA., Norfolk Building Block Corp., Fairmont Park RICHMOND, VA., Richmond Patent Building Block Corp. CLARKSBURG, W. VA., Cincrete, Inc. FAIRMONT, W. VA., Fairmont Wall Plaster Co. (Fourteen sub-licenses and distributors in West Virginia) HARTFORD, W. VA., Hartford Cinder Block Co. PALMETTO, FLA., Tinkham & Kilburn POMEROY, OHIO, Hartford Cinder Block Co. SPRINGFIELD; OHIO, Springfield Cinder Block Co. WARREN, OHIO, Straub Cincrete Co. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, Peter Klug; Garland Block & &Sand Co, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Straub Cinder Block Co. DETROIT, MICH., Detroit Cinder Biock & Tile Co. FLINT, MICH., Flint Cinder Block & Products Co. BAST ST. LOUIS, ILL., Atlas Cinder Block Corp. FOREST PARK, ILL., Illinois Cinder Block Co. MOLINE, ILL., Moline Cast Stone Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS., Cincrete Products Corp. KANSAS CITY, MO., Cinder Block Co. ST. JOSEPH, MO., Cinder Block Co. ST. LOUIS, MO., Cinder Block Co., Clayton, Mo. OMAHA, NEB., Ideal Cement Stone Co. DENVER, COL., Cinder Block Co. SEATTLY, WASH., Concrete Structural Units, Inc. University, University of Illinois, Washington University, Kansas City Testing Laboratory. On. request, the New York City office will gladly send copies of above mentioned tests and numerous other tests and pertinent As good as wood for nailing, and data. can be cut to size. channeled for pipe and conduits without fracture. Chased and Breakage—Breakage is negligible and dumping from trucks is practiced by some plants. Fireproof—The official tests, made for the National Board of Fire Underwriters’ Laboratories, confirm the many private tests and results of actual fires. We claim there is no masonry material possessing equal fire resisting and fire retardant properties. There is no cracking or spalling under the most violent changes of temperature as when water is turned on to a white hot wall. See page 20 Underwriters’ Laboratories re- port, Conwell Laboratory report on Reading fire test and other data, for comparison with various types of masonry. Cincrete units always re-usable after a fire. Their loss of strength is negligible. They have the lowest rate of heat conductivity of any masonry, Dampproof—The illustration below shows the slight absorption and lack of capillarity after 48 hours’ immersion. This unique quality is also of importance in producing a stronger mortar joint, the moisture is not drawn out of the mortar as with brick or sand _ blocks. For the same reason, stucco and plaster retain full strength on Cin- crete units and require no application of water before mortar, plaster and ‘ stucco is applhed. The initial suction or absorption is rapid, but after a short time ceases. This favorably affects win- ter laying of Cincrete units. a= For further details and J literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG STRAUB CINCRETE CORPORATION, 120 West 42nd St. NEW YORK CITY See Next Page “‘Cincrete’’ Cinder Concrete Building Units (Continued) Non-conductor of Heat and Cold—Cincrete unit walls never “sweat”; are rotproof and verminproof; no mold forms, and decorations are never injured where plaster has been applied direct to exterior walls in the severest climate. Less fuel required to heat; cooler in sum- mer. Ideal for icehouses, large refrigerators, refrigera- tion plants, heating ovens, dry kilns, etc. Stucco—the rough texture affords a perfect key for plaster and stucco. The same coefficient of expan- sion in base and stucco explains why stucco does not erack and spall on Cincrete units. Ideal suction and mechanical bond. No Through Mortar Joints—A common fault of other types of masonry is the through mortar joint, which readily conducts moisture, heat and cold through the wall. The cinder unit itself is a non-conductor, not depending on the large air spaces as do other forms of hollow masonry. No Furring Required—Having the lowest capil- larity and conductivity of any masonry, furring and lathing are not required. Stucco and plaster are applied direct; one-third less plaster required on account of omission of scratch coat and more uniform surface. Weight of Wall—A cubic foot of completed wall weighs less than any known masonry of equal strength. Weight—Forty per cent lighter than standard hol- low cement blocks; 60% lighter than brick, and 5 to 10% lighter than hollow clay tile. Rapid Laying—Light weight, ‘uniformity, convenient and small buttering surfaces compared to solid units, contribute to easy, rapid and economical wall erection. Buttering surfaces larger than clay tile, therefore, stronger and more substantial ; less waste of mortar and time in laying. _ Nailing—As good as wood for nailing; holding power is equal to yellow pine. Nails never rust. See Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory report No. 48544. Wood grounds and trim can be thoroughly secured by toenailing. Pipe hangers and other supporting members can be readily secured by means of lag screws, expansion bolts, ete. MODEL HOUSE of the DETROIT NEWS The exterior walls, constructed entirely of Cincrete Units from foundation to roof cost only 5% more than frame construction. 400 dupli- cates of this Model House have been built! The house shown above was designed by a committee of Detroit architects appointed by the Michigan Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. It was erected under the auspices of the Detroit News, as the central factor in their “Better Homes Campaign,” organized by Major Charles D. Kelley, of the News’ Homebuilding Department. The successful bidder for the construction of the model house was required to erect at least twenty replicas for private ownership, should that many be required, at the same price as the original. Instead of the twenty houses hoped for, the Model House inspired orders for nearly four hundred houses from the public. The half timbering and interior trim are nailed directly to the Cincrete Block Walls, sav- ing considerably in cost of construction. The exterior walls, constructed entirely of Cincrete Blocks from foundation to roof, cost only 5% more than if built of frame. This house is now the residence of Bert Thomas, creator of “Mr. Straphanger” and cartoonist of the Detroit News. Cutting—Cincrete units can be cut to size, chased and channeled for pipe and conduits without fracture. Corners—Details on this and previous page show several methods, all retaining full insulating value. Steel Sash Installation—Grooves are moulded into jamb blocks to admit steel window frames. Two lintels to an opening provide this advantage without cutting or chan- neling. Lintels—Reinforced lintels of cinder concrete proviae all the advantages of strength, lightness, nail-ability and damp- proofness. For standard sizes see Drawing No. 1. Specials on order. Sills—Precast cinder concrete sills have the advantages of lightness, toughness and dampproofness. For standard section see Drawing No. 1. Specials on order. Details, Catalogues and Data—Each plant is in position to submit details and give required information to architect or engineer. Address the nearest plant or New York office. ea aes WALL BLOCKS FULL JAMB DETAILS OF STRAUB PATENTED CINCRETE” LIGHT WEIGHT WALL BLOCKS - Using 5x12x%8 and 5x10%8" oTE-Using 5x12%12) 5x$Ox12 6 5xGxi 8 Geetizna) all ¥ 8 wall blocks ocks ; DETAIL OF BONDING AT CORNER OF 8" WALL DETAIL OF BONDING AY CORNER AND WINDOW JAMB OF 12 "WALL Nore, Using 5x12x8 and 5x12x%4° back up blocks * with bonded face brick ISOMETRIC SHOWING BONDING AT CORNER OF 12"BRICK VENEERED WALL For further details and literature, write to: = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG STRAUB CINCRETE CORPORATION, 120 West 42nd St. NEW YORK CITY See Next Page “‘Cincrete”’ Cinder Concrete Building Units Sn) al 2a esas: in topper ao * Seen to 1 ee Sees Se x eo noe se eo 3 eh sal REINFORCED LINTEL }+-36,4" SOLID 02 HOLLOW PARTITION BLock 5+ (eee WALL Focus | WIENGTHS UP TO gunn “See halflones of Hollow Blocks al bottom oe 12 FEET Made to a lengih > ee g OES re Att 7H o Se a ee one sf f d is Se for ny Pea PIER OR DOUBLE. HEADER as STRETCHER aha sere JAMB ee CORNER BLOCK ° UP BLOCK &“ WALL BLOCKS : ; #7 es ome Bo sigh Set BO St |}_______¢o RNERS &" WALL BLOCKS = LB . s 2 12" WALL eo BLOCKS DETAILS OF Ee PATENTED CINDER CONCRETE BUILDING UNITS NOTE-Mctat ties may be used instead of brick. header cae and header back, up block, ISOMETRIC | SHOWING REINFORCED LIN TEL Thing s x8"x 12" iseli Pas sbigh METRIC OF 8 ets Cai Si al aes \ (tL [eat : a DETAILS OF BONDING AX? COURSE AT CORNERS SETAICS OF Pe MRI WALL SECT ONS SHOWING WINDOW DETAILS| BONDING AT’ CORNERS. entirely through . ock Tae a Sot A" wide -8"or 9" high -16"or 18" | ot 4" wide -8"0 ig ° long. ‘Block is buttered on eidaite. Ils entirely th h tilé ov top el t! 3 ; oe " i eee oli SS aoe ve otdere sae e 1e" WALL 16" WALL side edges -ribs ate left free of morlat HOLLOW PARTITION TILE | METHOD OF BACKING FACE. BRICK. MORTAR JOINTS ‘SIZES AND USES OF “CINCRETE’ CINDER. BUILDING UNITS Qa For furter details nd =~ STRAUB CINCRETE CORPORATION ¥2w"(dac™trt¥ literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 79 BERLOY METAL LUMBER Manufactured by THE BERGER MFG. CO., CANTON, OHIO Branches: New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis. St. Louis, Kansas City, Dallas, San Francisco, (8) BERLOY Eliminating Dwelling Fires 96% of all dwelling fires originate on the interior. More than 90% of these are traceable to the heating plant or wiring in the basement. One home burns for every four built in this country. Berloy Metal Lumber in the first floor construction of dwellings eliminates all possibility of loss from fire originating. in the basement. Easily Erected © In simplicity of design and ease of erection, Metal Lumber rivals wood. ‘The construction consists of pressed steel joists and studs used as load carrying members, installed in conjunction with cement, con- crete and plaster. A light 2 inch concrete fill used over the joists and between nailing strips makes a fire-proof floor without excess weight or waste of space. A %” plaster ceiling may be applied on Berloy Metal Lath attached directly to the bottoms of the joists by prongs on the joists provided for this purpose. Metal Lumber is light and easily handled, involving no high labor costs. Erecting Procedure Metal Lumber joists are easily handled by two men. No contractor will have the slightest difficulty with the construction. The eight simple operations are as follows: 1. Installing light weight, easily handled joists at from 16 to 24 inches on centers, supported by wall or beam bearings. 2. Lacing and nailing 1 inch 20 gauge galvanized steel bridging to hold joists in position. (See picture below). 3. Nailing sheets of metal lath to tops of joists. 4. Nailing 2”x2” wood nailing strips to the tops of the joists. 5. Pouring a 2 inch concrete fill between sleepers. 6. Installing the floor finish. Applying sheets of Berloy Ribplex to Metal Lumber floor joists. No form work is necessary for concrete floor. Note bridging which holds joists in position. Los Angeles, Roanoke, Jacksonville Berloy Metal Lumber Joist For light, strong, fire-proof floor construc- tion in homes _ where fire-risk is to be elimi- nated. 7. Securing the ceiling lath to the bottom of the joists by means of prongs. 8. Plastering the ceiling on the metal lath base. No form work is required with Metal Lumber and Metal Lath. No special equipment is needed for handling. The resulting floor and ceiling are fire-proof, sound- proof, crack-proof and permanent, and the cost is very reasonable. No Difficulties for the Contractor The erection of Berloy Metal Lumber involves no problem for the contractor. Every piece comes cut to fit and plainly marked to correspond with the working drawings. It is merely necessary to place the joists, a quick and easy operation, and proceed with the work. — For Partitions H-studs or channel studs of various gauges and shapes are furnished for practically any carrying parti- tion requirement. For non-supporting partitions, a fire-proof, sound- proof partition only 2 inches thick can be made by applying Berloy Metal Lath to Berloy Cold-Rolled Channels. A great saving in space is thus effected at no sacrifice in strength. Metal Lumber studs are supported and held in place top at bottom by channel track to which they are secured. Pouring light concrete slab between nailing strips to which _wood finish will be applied. Thesa pictures give a geod dee of the simplicity of Metal Lumber Floor Con- struction. oe For further details and literature, write to: THE BERGER MFG. CO. CANTON, OHIO or branches HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page BERLOY METAL LUMBER (Continued) Manufactured by THE BERGER MFG. CO., CANTON, OHIO . Application of Metal Lumber and Metal Lath to Floors and Partitions. Specification for Metal Lumber Construction Thickness of steel used in joists and studs in sup- porting partitions, shall in no case be less than .072 inches and the lath not less than No. 28 U. 8. Standard Gauge. All pressed steel furnished for floors and supporting partitions must be accompanied by erection drawings showing the location, size and character of the members to be used. All Metal Lumber pressed steel sections to be hand dipped in a special rust-resisting paint after forming and before shipment. All expanded metal lath to be given one coat of hand dipped paint. Floors Floors to be constructed of size and thickness of pressed steel I-joists as shown on drawings, spaced as indicated, and bridged laterally every one-third length of span with 1-inch No. 20 gauge galvanized bridging. This bridging to be secured by 3d nails driven into the webs of the joists. On top of the joists, after bridging has been applied, attach Berloy Ribplex or Berloy Diamond Mesh Metal Lath, securing it by large head nails driven into web of joists. Ceiling lath to be applied to the bottom flange by means of prongs pro- vided for the purposes, or wired through holes punched in the flanges of the joists. Directly on top of the joists and parallel thereto apply 134x134 inch wood nailing strips, attaching them to joists by nailing. Concrete Top layer of lath to be covered with 134 inches of concrete, consisting of 1 part Portland cement, 214 parts sand and 5 parts broken stone, slag or clean gravel—the maximum size of which will pass through a 34 inch ring. This concrete to be applied compara- tively dry and directly on top of the lath, without forms, being floated to an even surface. KEY (1) Berloy Metal Lumber—I—Joists (2) Metal Cross Bridging (3) %”—Berloy Ribplex Metal Lath (4) Electric Conduits (5) Wood Nailing Strips (6) Concrete Fill (7) Finished Wood Floor (8). Plaster (9) Berloy—‘B” Channel Socket Strip (10) Berloy—‘B” Channel Studs (11) Wood Nailing Block. For Use With Metal Lumber The use of metal lath is essential with metal lumber construction, to obtain in full measure the fire-safety, economy and low dead-load of this construction. The various types of Berloy Metal Lath have been designed specifically to meet all requirements of load and joist spacing where Berloy Metal Lumber is used. The application of the lath is a rapid and easy pro- cess. The stiffness of Ribplex sheets eliminates sagging when the concrete is placed, and does away with the necessity for form work of any kind, providing all the centering necessary without additional support. Berloy %% inch Ribplex Designed for use where Metal Lumber joists are spaced from 19” to 24”. The ribs are 84 inches high, spaced 8 inches on centers. The ribs give great stiffness to the sheets. 34 inch Ribplex meets all ordinary requirements for floor and partition construction. Berloy 34 inch Ribplex A heavy, stiff lath of great strength for use with ex- ceptionally wide spacing of Metal Lumber joists. It is also used in one method of solid partition construction and for other purposes where great strength is required. Berloy Diamond Mesh Metal Lath Can be used satisfactorily where Metal Lumber joists are spaced from 12 to 16 inches on centers, but its principal function is in ceiling construction, whether the ceiling is applied on pencil rods attached to the joists or suspended on Berloy Cold Rolled Channels.. Diamond Mesh Lath is easily formed and bent, and works out to excellent advant- age in covering beams and other projections, below the ceiling level. a= For farther details and literature, write to: THE BERGER MFG. CO. CANTON, OHIO or branches HOME BUILDERS CATALOG MAGNESTONE STUCCO Made by AMERICAN MAGNESTONE CORPORATION SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS Other Plants and Sales Offices at BROOKLYN, N. Y.; KANSAS CITY, MO. and OTTAWA, ILL. For stucco work use Magnestone Stucco and you will never be disappointed with the result. This superior product comes in 100 Ib. bags, ready to mix on the job, and may be had in the following colors: White, Cream, Buff, Grey, Shell Pink and Light Green. For beauty, durability, easy working qualities and coverage you find Magnestone Stucco unsurpassed. Write today for descriptive literature and get the facts about the stucco that is famous for QUALITY, ECONOMY and SERVICE. TROWEL FINISH This finish is obtained by using a light sweep of the front end of an ordinary steel trowel. pFs ae si ee ee ES QP SS i Ge 4 : =e Z ‘ 5 DRAG SPONG STIPPLE FINISH : This effect can be obtained by dragging a clean sponge This is produced by touching the mortar lightly with lightly over the surface of Roman Finish using a a whisk broom or a piece of board in which small circular motion. finishing nails have been driven. Pe ae PULL SPONGE FLOAT F 3 : : Touching a sloppy mortar with a clean sponge and A wood or carpet float on a mortar which is partially pulling sponge away will give this texture. set using a circular motion will provide this effect. "a Fey, ferther details aA MERICAN MAGNESTONE CORPORATION, Springfield, Ill. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 82 FLINT ROCK All Mineral STUCCO—ARCHITEX Manufactured By THE FLINT ROCK STUCCO COMPANY, INC. Manufacturers of Stucco and Granite Boulders, Dashes and Aggregates GENERAL OFFICES 260-264 Fourth Street, Arcade Building DAYTON, OHIO Products AncHITEX FINISH in colors (Stucco). Fuint-Rock ALL-MINERAL STUCCO. GRANITE DAsHES, AGGREGATES and BOULDERS. For Krytock Base for stucco and plaster, see page 98. Architex Finish (Stucco) Flint-Rock’s Architex Finish, best physically and architecturally, satisfies the demand for color planning of stucco in home construction. It has been created because of the influx of Italian and Spanish architec- tural design. It enables every architect and home builder to fulfill his own individual taste. ARCHITEX is a stucco finish coat in many beau- tiful shades of color. It is accurately proportioned, factory mixed and carefully tested. It will not crack, craze, fade, discolor or mottle. It is waterproof. ARCHITEX is readily worked in any desirable finish or texture. Reeommended Use—The recommended construction for a new home lis: First, KEYLOCK stucco base applied direct to studding or over sheathing. Second, FLINT-ROCK magnesite stucco in two coats 14 in. thick. Third, ARCHITEX FINISH in texture desired. ARCHITEX can be used successfully over other types of backing, brick, tile, block, etc. It is especially recom- mended as a color coat over old brick or stucco which has become dirty and weather beaten. How to Apply Architex— (1) Do not apply ARCHITEX when temperature is below 32° or above 95° F. Work on shady side of house as much as possible. (2) Clean mortar box, tools, ete., carefully. (3) Mix each 100 lbs. of ARCHITEX with 11 to 12 qts. of water. Allow mortar to approach initial set or to toughen. Time will vary with temper- ature. (4) Wet down brown coat with mortar. (5) Trowel on ARCHITEX not over 3/16 in. thick. As it sets, float with addition of a little water, using wooden float. This prevents cracks caused by premature drying while setting. (6) If other than float is desired, such as stipple, sponge, etc., go over the surface after floating and use enough material to obtain the desired texture. (7) Splatter dashing with willows can be done directly to brown coat. In this case, mix ARCHITEX to a creamy consistency varying according to roughness of effect desired. (8) In hot weather ARCHITEX should be sprayed lightly for several days after application. For further details and literature, write to: = Flint-Rock All-Mineral Stucco FLINT-ROCK stucco is an all-mineral oxy- chloride cement of remarkable strength and dur- ability. It is flexible and resilient, water and fire resistant, and an excellent non-conductor of heat. It creates an absolutely tight joint against g, etc. A FLINT-ROCK home minimizes cost of construction, heating and mainte- nance. the frames, trim, copin Its formula being confined to only the very best ma- terials of all-mineral nature, FLIN'T-ROCK is noted for its durability. Crushed granite, very hard, gritty and tenacious, is exclusively used as the filler in the first coat of FLINT-ROCK. Its Use—FLINT-ROCK is always applied in two coats 14 in. thick. When it is used as a base for ARCHITEX, the second coat is roughed or broomed to give a better bonding surface. It is then allowed to weather about 2 weeks before ARCHITEX is applied. FLINT-ROCK granite dashes, all crushed at our Ingomar plant, offer a wide range of very beautiful dashed finishes. Our granite deposit and- crushing facilities insure uniform color and size of our dashes at all times. Applications of Flint-Rock—Complete instructions and specifications for preparation, mixing and applica- tion will be furnished immediately on request. . FLINT-ROCK is packed in heavy, waterproofed, 100-lb. bags. Sufficient magnesium chloride to mix is furnished with each order. Its application is simple and we will be glad to co-operate in drafting specific specifications or instructions for application. Granite Boulders, Dashes and Aggregates We operate a large glacier granite boulder deposit. Granites of every color imaginable are found here. These are crushed in a wide range for stucco dashes, and, being free from lime, very hard and lustrous in color, are especially suited for this purpose. Aggregates are used extensively for facing blocks and cement products, for exposed surfacing of walks and drives and as integral aggregates in concrete construc- tion when subjected to heavy usage. Granite boulders, when laid in walls, give excellent strength of construction. Such homes are very beau- tiful and distinctive, and the demand for these boulders is steadily increasing. Catalogue Complete descriptive literature covering construction and application of our products awaits your request. THE FLINT ROCK STUCCO CO., Dayton, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG KRAGSTONE — The Stucco Beautiful Made by MAGNESITE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2756 South Albany Ave., Chicago MANUFACTURERS OF KRAGSTONE STUCCO, VELVETILE FLOORING FACTORIES AT CHICAGO, ILL.—FLUSHING, N. Y.—OMAHA, NEB. Theodore Roosevelt Apartments, 171st and Grand Concourse, New York City. Products The products of this company are KRAGSTONE, a mag- nesite stucco for exterior finish; and VELVETILHE, a mag- nesite composition flooring, both of which have been very widely used for residences, stores and offices, apartment buildings, and institutions such as hospitals, ete. Descrip- tive literature on use and application will be gladly furnished to building contractors on request. Kragstone—The Stucco Beautiful Kragstone exterior stucco is a compound of various minerals, such as pure -white sand, silica, long fibre asbestos and pure calcined magnesite. The formulas upon which KRAGSTONE has been manufactured for the last 15 years have been developed in our own laboratory and are the culmination of years of experimentation. Every lot of material purchased is tested by our own chemist to maintain these high standards. No lime, gypsum or Portland Cement is used in KRAGSTONE. Characteristics of Kragstone The outstanding characteristics of Kragstone are its extraordinary strength, elasticity and adhesiveness. When applied % inch thick over wood lath, metal lath, brick, tile or other stucco base, it hardens into a very dense, durable as well as a very beautiful finish. When correctly applied it will not check or crack, bonding so closely to the material over which it is applied that it becomes an integral part of the stucco base itself. Advantages Derived from Its Use Among the advantages that result from the use of KRAGSTONE in building construction, are lower cost than any other type of construction except frame, and it com- pares very favorably even with this. The up-keep of a frame building, painting and repairs, more than offsets the small additional cost for stucco. A KRAGSTONE home is also much warmer in winter and cooler in summer, owing to the high insulating qualities of the material and is also a protection against fire, effecting a saving in insurance rates. KRAGSTONE being a plaster practically seals all cracks in a building and being water and frost-proof, provides the qualities most desired in modern construction. It can be applied at any time of the year in any climate, but with magnesium chloride, which is a non-freezing and fire-resisting chemical solution. This provides an all-year- round building season for the contractor and offers great possibilities for remodeling old buildings, as well as new construction. Practically any finish may be secured from the fancy trowel and float effect to the various dash combinations, using colored stone in solid or mixed colors. These dashes are thrown into the plastic stucco, which upon setting holds them securely offering a very pleasing effect. A Better Stucco KRAGSTONE has been specified in many large building projects, among which is the Theodore Roosevelt Apart- ments, New York City, the largest building in the world of stucco. KRAGSTONE was specified only after exacting competitive tests with all leading brands. Covering Capacity The covering capacity of KRAGSTONE Stucco will vary according to the material over which it is applied. Over wood lath spaced 4% inch, one ton of KRAGSTONE applied in two coats, each one % inch thick, (the proper thickness), will cover. approximately 65 square yards. Over metal lath 50 to 60 square yards; over brick or hollow tile 75 square yards per ton. Stone dashes cover approximately 200 square yards per ton. All materials are sold by the ton, shipped in 100-pound bags and can be readily mixed on the job. The Instruction Book Our instruction book covering the mixing and application of KRAGSTONE will be gladly mailed to any building contractor or dealer upon request. It contains some in- teresting subjects concerning good stucco construction. Velvetile Flooring VELVETILE composition flooring, also a magnesite product, manufactured under the same high standards as KRAGSTONE, offers some very interesting possibilities as a floor for restaurants, schools, various public institutions, also bathrooms kitchen floors and residences. It is a very hard, dense material, resisting wear and abrasion, where no other flooring would stand up. This is manufactured in several colors, with which some very interesting com- binations can be secured. Complete instructions for laying this material will be gladly furnished upon request. because of the fact that the plaster is not mixed with water, —_ For further details and \g literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG MAGNESITE PRODUCTS CoO., 2756 South Albany Ave., Chicago, IIl. Asbestone — The Everlasting Magnesia Stucco. Made by FRANKLYN R. MULLER, Inc. 113 Madison St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR USE Products Asbestone Stucco, a highly standardized and uniform magnesia product for exterior and in terior walls. Asbestone Hygenie Fireproof Flooring. Sana-bestos Floor Tiles. Stone and Pebble Dashes in a great variety of attractive shades. Illustrated descriptive literature on any, or all of our products will be mailed promptly on request. An example of the possibilities of Asbestone Stucco in remodeling old houses. At comparatively small expense the dilapidated old frame house shown in upper of the two illustrations was converted into the modern and attractive residence shown in second illustration. . The remodeling and stuccoing of old houses offers a wide and profitable field to the building contractor. For further details and — =~ literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG FRANKLYN R. MULLER, Inc. FIREPROOF WEATHERPROOF . ENDURING : ARTISTIC TRADE MARK This house was jacked up, moved more than a mile, and lowered on to its new foundations without a single crack appearing on its Asbestone Stucco surface. Convincing evidence of the fact that Asbestone is an ELASTIC stucco, that will not crack even when subjected to unusual strains. Asbestone Everlasting Stucco This is a superior grade of Magnesia Stucco containing no lime, Portland cement or gypsum. It is characterized by great strength, durability, adhesiveness and elasticity. Will not expand or contract and is impervious to weather changes. Its unusual resiliency enables it to withstand settling strains without damage to a far greater degree than any other materials used in the manufacture of Stucco, or plaster. Fireproof and Insulating Qualities Asbestone being a compound of Magnesia and Asbestos is fire- proof and possesses a high degree of insulating qualities—making the house stuccoed with Asbestone easy to heat in winter and cocl in summer. It can be successfully used over frame, brick, hollow tile or any other kind of stucco base, and being non-freez- ing can be applied in winter as well as in summer. Beautiful in Appearance In its natural finish Asbestone produces a wall of a soft, creamy white. It can, however, be colored if desired, and many beautiful effects of texture and tone can be produced by the use of the trowel or sponge on its plastic surface, or by using one or more of our colored dashes, of stone, marble, granite, ete. How Shipped Asbestone is shipped in bags, in dry powder form, with the mixing compound in flakes in iron containers. The addition of water is all that is necessary to make it ready for use. This method of shipping the mixing compound in flake form instead of as a liquid results in considerable saving in freight charges. Full Particulars on Request You naturally wish to be familiar with the best types of ma- terials used in building construction. Let us-send you some in- teresting and helpful printed matter we have prepared giving the full story of Asbestone for exterior and interior use, with numerous illustrations in color. You will find much useful information in it. 113 Madison St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 85 PYRAMID (all mineral) STUCCO Made By PYRAMID COMPANY Established 1912 231 So. Wells St., Chicago, IIl. Sales Offices and Warehouses Chicago—St. Louis Kansas City—Milwaukee All Mineral Pyramid Stucco is an all mineral stucco containing no cork or sawdust. Packed and shipped in 100 pound bags. Special Features Pyramid Stucco is a finely graded magnesite stucco con- taining a large percentage of Magnesite, mixed with Silica and carefully selected, Asbestos fibre. It has remarkable tensile strength, and wonderful elasticity. It is very adhesive. It can be applied over good grade of wood, metal or patent lath, brick, hollow tile or concrete. It fills every crevice, joins snugly and does not pull away around window frames or door casings. Pyramid Stucco sets quickly and thoroughly—hard and dense—and can be used in zero weather without freezing. It is maufactured by pioneer producers in a modern fac- tory especially designed and equipped for scientific stucco manufacture. Advantages Pyramid Stucco is easier to apply and spreads easily over a large surface. It withstands expansion and contraction and will not erack or check when applied to good construction. Strains that cause ordinary stucco to crack do not develop a hair line in Pyramid Stucco. 300% to 400% stronger. Makes an enduring, beautiful exterior finish that does not discolor in damp weather. Always insures a successful job and costs no more than other Stucco. Permanently-Colored Dashes We sell, in 100 pound bags, the following all natural color dashes, which will retain their natural colors permanently: Pyramid Green; Carthage Gray; White Quartz; White Quartz (small size); Pink Quartz; Red Granite; Ohio Peb- ble; Pearl Shell; Green Marble; Buff Marble (small size); Mica Spar; Jet Black; Black and White Speckled; Brown Granite; Light Green; Rainbow Glass; Polished Shell. Many beautiful combinations can be worked out from the above colors. One ton of Dash will cover 200 to 225 yards depend- ing upon the size of Dash used. Unusual and Lasting Beauty The remarkable beauty of Pyramid Stucco is due to its clean cut, permanently white appearance. This white back- ground affords an attractive surface for the imbedding of Factory DOWNERS GROVE, ILL. (Chicago Suburb) Pyramid Period Finish Pyramid Period Finish is used when a dashed surfacing is not desired. Pyramid Period Finish can be obtained in a variety of colors, and may be stippled, floated or troweled to represent any of the different periods of architecture, with- out any discoloration or un- evenness of color. Pyramid Period Finish is applied in three coats, each one quarter (%4) inch in thick- ness. The two base coats, are of magnesite composition, and the third coat is of portland composition. A mechanical bond is obtained between the second and third coat by brooming or roughing the second coat, and allowing it to set for two days before applying the third coat. Easy to Apply Pyramid Stucco is easy to apply as it is very plastic and buttery. It spreads easily over a wide surface and bonds perfectly. A mechanic and laborer under ordinary conditions, can apply from 50 to 60 yards of scratch, finish and dash per day. Insulates, Weather & Fire Proofs Pyramid Stucco is a perfect insulator. Keeps the house warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It waterproofs the wall to which it is applied. Through a special process known as “supergrading” Pyramid Stucco is made permanently impervious to any detrimental effects from rain, snow or other moisture. No harmful or tem- porarily effective chemicals are used to obtain these water- proofing qualities that have been so heartily endorsed by stucco specialists throughout the country. Literature and Prices We suggest that Dealers send for our new quotations. With quotations wé will send complete information regard- ing Special Plan for Promoting the Remodeling of Old Homes, also samples for your display windows. erushed marble or other surfacing or dashes. For further details and = literature, write to: PYRAMID COMPANY, 231 So. Wells St., Chicago, II. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Oriental Stucco Manufactured by the UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois BRANCH OFFICES New York, N. Y., 17 State St. Buffalo, N. Y., Ellicott Square Bldg. Boston, Mass., 100 Bolyston St. Washington, D. C., 605 Lenox Bldg. Paltimore, Md., 1008 American Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa., 415 Otis Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa., 917 Wis., Milwaukee, Minneapolis, For other products see pages as follows: Plasters and Finishes, 97; Insulation, Textone Wall Decoration, 456. Oriental Stucco: New Beauty and Permanence in Stucco: Oriental Stucco successfully meets the mod- ern demand for stucco that will harmonize in texture and color with the architectural style of the building upon which it is used. It is a scientifically compounded stucco fur- nished as Base and Finish coats, each ready mixed, waterproof, non-staining, plastic, easy to apply, and durable. Factory Mixed: Oriental Stucco Base Coat is mixed by machine at the mill with the correct pro- portion of sharp, graded sand and ingredients to make it waterproof and plastic. As this coat (as well as the Finish Coat) is ready for use with the addition of water, possibility of improper mixing or the use of poor sand is eliminated and uniform re- sults are assured on every job. Color and Texture: Oriental Stucco Finish Coat is made in white and nine standard colors and every job is, therefore, of a uniform shade regardless of the number of mixes required. Because of the remarkable plasticity of the Finish Coat, the ordinary mechanic with common tools can accurately reproduce English, Spanish, Colonial, and other period textures to correctly interpret and har- monize with the architectural style of the building. Oriental Stucco Handbook: To assist home owners and builders in securing accurate reproduc- tions of period textures, the United States Gypsum Typical English Architecture Ke = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Bessemer Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, 625 Hanna Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio, 704 Atlas Bank Bldg. Detroit, Mich., 1462 Penobscot Bldg. Grove and Minn., 634 McKnight Bldg. U;S 87 St. Louis, Mo., 1339 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Kansas City, Mo., 420 Lathrop Bldg. Omaha, Neb., 705 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Denver, Colo., 603 Denham Bldg. Oregon Sts. Los rane ee: Cal., 1105 Edwards & Wildey dg. 117; Wallboard, 125; Sheathing, 127; Interpretation of English Texture in Oriental Stucco Company has prepared a Handbook which describes the characteristic features of several popular styles and illustrates ten stucco textures in colors, by em- bossed panels. A copy of the Oriental Stueco Hand- book will be sent free upon request,. Bases Upon Which Applied: Oriental Stucco may be applied over metal lath, wire lath, tile, brick, conerete, and over Gyp-Lap wall con- struction. It is also especially adaptable for overcoating old cement stucco walls, masonry surfaces, and the walls of frame buildings. Application of Base Coat: The Base Coat is ap- plied in the same fashion as Portland Cement stucco, in two coats. The first coat should be scratched and allowed to dry thoroughly and should then be fol- lowed with the brown coat, properly floated to straighten the work. The brown coat must be allowed to dry completely to permit shrinkage to take place and then wet down before applying the Oriental Stucco Finish Coat. Finish Coat ts Easily Textured: Oriental Stucco Finish Coat can be surfaced with ordinary tools to accurately reproduce any period texture. In addi- tion, it is adaptable to the entire range of stucco treatment known to architects and builders. It is equally easy to achieve in Oriental Stucco Finish, the smooth trowel, stipple, sand sprayed, rough cast, or spatterdash finishes, according to individual taste or requirements. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO., CHICAGO, ILL. Better Plastering for the Home NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR BETTER PLASTERING Madison Square Building Nothing equals the beauty of good plastering. No other wall finish is so perfectly adapted to useful and decorative effects. Remember that plastering rep- resents 80% of the visible in- terior of the home and. prac- tically all of the finish in it. The initial cost of Better Plas- tering is so modest in compari- son with many other features that go to make the home, that you can’t afford to overlook con- sideration of a steel base—for no equal amount can so much protection from fire, freedom from repair, and permanent sat- isfaction be bought. Safety from Fire. An unburnable barrier is formed by plastering on its base of steel. So effectively does this protect the wood studs and joists from fire that the Underwriters’ Laboratories have officially given it a one-hour rating. This, to all intents and purposes, means complete protection from fire. Over 7,500 lives and $88,000,- 000 are our annual loss from fire in dwellings. Most of these trag- edies are said to be due to in- terior defects. When walls and ceilings are Better Plastering on METAL Lath, the fire hazard has been reduced to the minimum. Every home should be a safe place to live in. There are parts of the home where cost is secondary to safety, yet the added cost for plastering on a steel base is very moderate. Minimum Cost for Upkeep. Repair and replacement of plastering and the cost involved are held to the minimum when steel is used for the plastering base. Dust streaks are absent, as are stains. Steel gives plastering the strength to resist vibra- tion, moisture and temperature changes without cracking. It will not shrink, swell, warp or burn. For further details and literature, write to: Chicago, Ill. Don’t blame the plasterer. ) staining caused by moisture, and streaking due to dust absorbed by ordinary plastering. The fire had its own way. to stop it. A steel plastering base holds the las- tering in place and protects lumber for one hour. Makes buildings fire-safe. Sound Absorbent and Sanitary Because it is thicker and denser than ordinary plaster, Better Plastering is more sound- proof. Quiet, of course, is desir- able in the home. Plastering on steel prevents the passage of vermin and rodents. There are no cracks for cockroaches to come through. A plastered sur- face permits effective disinfec- tion in the event of sickness in the home. Slight Difference in Cost Compare the slight difference in cost between Better Plaster- ing on METAL lath and ordin- ary plastering, with any other contract. Actually, this differ- ence is probably the smallest that will have to be considered. Yet the decision as to the plas- tering base is the most impor- tant one made by the home- owner. In a few years the slight added investment for Better Plastering on its steel base will have been repaid in freedom ee a from upkeep cost. There was nothing In apartment buildings the use of Better Plastering with METAL lath to reinforce and preserve, benefits the owner as well as those who make their homes there. Plastering Contractors’ Estimates Plastering Contractors will be glad to submit alter- nate bids as follows: For furnishing three coat plaster reinforced by three pound metal lath: (1) Throughout the plastered parts of the building, He can’t prevent the (2). On all ceilings, add $0222) eee (3) On the ceilings and in the corners of the entry hall, living room, and dining room, on soffit of main stairway, bath room wainscot, and for fire protection over pile plant and underside of main stairway BOL LBs sa seenee eae ame Send for Booklet An interesting booklet on Better Plastering sent free on request. Building, Chicago NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR BETTER PLASTERING. Madison Square HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Metal Lath—For Better Plastering ASSOCIATED METAL LATH MANUFACTURERS 123 W. Madison Street Chicago, IIl. CONTRIBUTORS Berger Manufacturing Company, Canton, Ohio. Bostwick Steel Lath Company, Niles, Ohio. Consolidated Expanded Metal Companies, Brad- dock, Penna. General Fireproofing Building Products, Youngs- Milwaukee Corrugating Company, Milwaukee, isc. Northwestern Expanded Metal Company, Chi- cago, Illinois. Penn Metal Company, Boston, Mass. Truscon Steel Company, Youngstown, Ohio. The use of corner beads provides needed protection for projecting corners of plas- tered walls, preventing them from chipping town, Ohio. Youngstown Pressed Steel Company, Warren, Ohio. Product: Metal Lath and Accessories. Uses: As a plastering reinforcement and base for stucco. Kinds of Metal Lath: Individual types and forms of metal lath, corner beads, metal moulding, base board, base screeds, picture mouldings, and door and window trim will be found in the cata- logs of the various companies listed above. Metal lath is furnished painted or cut from galvanized sheets. Painted lath is suitable for all practical purposes; gypsum plaster should not be used in places subject to continuous moisture such as shower stalls, partitions resting on the ground— portland cement should be used. Function of Metal Lath: Metal lath acts as a base and reinforce- ment for interior plaster and braces the lum- ber frame of buildings, making them rigid. It is also widely used as a reinforcement for exterior stucco. It does not expand, con- tract, or warp nor does it permit dust streaks to appear on the wall, as with or- dinary lath. Uses of Metal Lath: Ordinary lumber construction — wood stud partitions and wood joisted floors, can be made erackproof and firesafe to a su- perior degree by using metal lath as the plastering reinforcement. It keeps the plaster in position long after it has been disintegrated by fire and would otherwise have fallen off and become useless as a protection. As a reinforcement for ex- terior stucco, it has the endorsement of stucco experts. and cracking. Inside corners, where wood lath, celotex or plasterboard are used, should also be reinforced by metal lath cornerite to prevent corner cracks at joining of parti- tions, walls, and ceilings. The use of steel window casings, door casings, and of steel for other interior trim eliminates much inflammable material, makes for more permanent construction and is much used in office and other public buildings of the better type. Small Cost of Using Metal Lath: Plastering on metal lath has decreased, relatively, in cost. It is frequently only 35 to 50 cents per yard more than plastering on ordinary lath. For this reason discern- ing builders are recommending to their cus- tomers that they adopt it in their homes in a few of the places most vulnerable to fire or im prominent rooms only, when strict economy is essential. For $35.00, 100 yards of plaster on metal lath can be used in such parts of a home, adding a large measure of fire protection, preventing plaster cracks in prominent rooms, and adding to the resale value of the home. Literature Available: The Associated Metal Lath Manufac- turers have prepared complete specifica- tions and construction details for contrac- tors, builders and those intending to build, which will be sent free on request to any address. Also details of correct stucco design, method of erection, strength tests, heat conduction tests, ete., which contain information every builder should know. For further details and literature, write to: ASSOCIATED METAL LATH MANUFACTURERS 123 W. Madison St. Chicago. OR TO ANY COMPANY LISTED ABOVE. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page “METAL LATH STOPS FIRE AND PREVENTS CRACKS” Oe 14 YE Cf, H VJ ——S = ——— = = a iil =a ! “Sw oo aie ssn ten — Ty a lt i Hl | Tl] = of inne | ys | he Yo re Za CRACK. PREVENTION” Bag Uf aa i “FIRE Stops?” (1) All bearing partitions.and studs oF in exterior walls includin hie Ala , a basket to-hold incombustible (b) Lap 6’oncither side of material as a fire stop wall and ata eae Ce af : and around door DUCKS. (2) Ceilings under inhabited floors, especially sen over eee plants and coal bins. © Back of wamsce!) oes (3) Atchimney breasts ,around flues and, @) Across plumbing-pipes and back of Kiichen ranges. eat-ducts. ed : Sree Showing proper construction @) Stair-wells and under stairs. of cattevior sfudiwel eee G) Asa base and feinforeement for exterior stucco. successful stucco. MOST ADVANTAGEOUS POSITIONS FOR METAL LATH TO STOP FIRE AND PREVENT CRACKS aS Feyfoyther detailed ASSOCIATED METAL LATH MANUFACTURERS — 333.W, Madison St OR TO ANY COMPANY LISTED ON PAGE 89 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 90 : METAL LATH STOPS FIRE, PREVENTS CRACKS CROSS- BRIDGING AT: FlooR LOAD ABovE , 50LBS PER SQ.FT. INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING Cos = ¢ XY Wy \ x \\ ) \ . RY ) A (X) AX ‘) () \) ‘) ) \) x) \\ ee vii A 5 WN \ %, « xX %, \) \’ XY x ’ XY ) X\ %, \) x ‘\ %, \ A 44 (} \) WY 0 ) 4, TRUSS OVER ALL OPENINGS: IP oT oni20NTAL WIDER THAN 4FT. DOUBLE STUDS WF BRIDGING HORIZONTAL BRIDGING AT SIDES OF. A MID-WAY BETWEEN OPENINGS FLOOR AND CEILING (not Requerp roa HOM- BEARING PARTITIONS) 4, ‘- 4) %, XY 4, 0 0 9, % 0, 0 4 . YY 0 Y v's *. ‘ ., YY (x Vj Y) ‘ A) o 8, ) /\ URN Mo WY °, ‘ WK ¢ AY OX OOK 4, Y 0) 4 x 0, >» A little extra bracing around windows and in the bathroom will : The strands of steel lath rein- prevent sagging. Proper bracing of frame work of the building is the first essen- tial of good plastering. force the entire building to make it like a bridge, preventing cracks due to unusual floor loads, un- equal settlement, and_ racking caused by wind. This close-up shows order of application of sheets and correct method of lapping ends of adjoin- The large sheets of METAL lath I ing sheets. go up quickly. Corner beads reinforce and pro- tect projecting corners. A 12-inch strip of METAL lath (Cornerite) bent into the inside corners of walls and ceilings rein- forces the plastering even when applied over an ordinary base. Plaster is applied over the steel mesh of METAL lath in the same manner as over ordinary lath, and the entire wall and ceiling are re- inforced, The plaster sets like a vise on a mesh of steel which does not sag, warp, swell, shrink or burn. For further details and literature, write to: = ASSOCIATED METAL LATH MANUFACTURERS OR TO ANY COMPANY LISTED ON PAGE 89 123 W. Madison St., Chicago HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 91 Sykes Metal Lath and Building Specialties Manufactured by THE SYKES METAL LATH CO. NILES, OHIO Sykes Expanded Cup Metal Lath . Products ] Wy mi St. Louis Richmond VV : ice In p Kansas City Chattenoogn CORRUGATING COMPANY “J Minnenpalis Products: There is a complete line of Wheeling building materials, manufactured to strict standards which insure better built homes. From ¢ellar to roof you can standardize on Wheeling products that reduce labor costs, save material and insure lasting service. Metal Lath Corner Bead Metal Shingles Metal Ceilings For information concerning Wheeling Ha Wheeling Manufacture Insures Straight Edges and Square Corners, Which Eliminate Waste Wheeling Metal Lath: A standard, expanded metal diamond mesh lath for all classes of work. All sheets have square corners and straight edges and are 28 inches wide. Easier and More Economical to Use: Builders prefer Wheeling Metal Lath because of the straight edges and square corners, which permit easy, quick handling. Moreover there is less waste in lapping. All sheets of standard lath being 28 inches wide permit saving of lath by use of fewer sheets. Quality and Construction: The base metal of all standard Lath consists of open hearth steel sheets of uniform high quality. By a special process these sheets are turned into lath without reheating. All of the original stiffness in each sheet remains in the finished lath, affording a perfectly flat support for plaster, cement or stucco. Wheeling Metal Lath can be furnished (1) made from open hearth steel sheets, painted black, (2) cut from galvanized (zinc-coated) sheets, or (3) Ohio Metal Copper-Bearing Steel, painted red. Wheeling Rid-Gid Metal Lath: A self-furring lath for stucco work. This lath in mesh and size is the same as Wheeling Standard Diamond Lath, except that it has formed ridges added There is no substitute for Sheet Steel. Metal Roofings Roofing Ternes Wall Ties Wire and Cut Nails Eavestrough Mortar and Brick Hods Conductor Pipe nd-Dipped Conductor Pipe, see page 163. Wheeling %% in. Rib Lath at left shows solid ribs that give maximum rigidity. Wheeling Rid-Gid Metal Lath at right with formed ridges for stucco work. >S? which eliminate the need for furring strips, stiffen the sheet and add fully 30% greater strength, without extra weight. On interior plastering work the extra rigidity and stiffness permit much wider spacing of studding with resulting economy in time and material. Wheeling 34 in. Rib Lath: Where exceptional strength is needed this diamond mesh lath with its solid ribs, spaced 4.8 inches apart, provides maximum rigidity. On suspended ceilings and ceilings be- neath floors, Rib Lath, due to its rigidity, permits wider spac- ing of cross channels, with saving of material and labor. On partitions built with wood or metal studs, Rib Lath saves studs and erection cost. Absence of spring in Lath between studs permits uniform thickness of plaster at considerable economy. Ask your building supply dealer for Wheeling products. Wheeling Metal Corner Bead Wheeling Zinc Coated Wall Ties = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 03 WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY, WHEELING, W. VA. CLINTON Wire Lath Manufactured by WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL COMPANY New York Chicago Worcester San Francisco Los Angeles Buffalo Cleveland Seattle Detroit For Wire Fences and Screen Wire Cloth, see page 295. Clinton Wire Lath Clinton Wire Lath has been the recog- nized standard of quality for over half a century and is the most efficient and trust- worthy lathing material in use at the present time. : The Clinton Wire Cloth Company (Wickwire Spencer Steel Company, successor) was the first concern to engage in the manufacture of fireproof lath. It was used for fireproofing purposes as early as 1856, and many buildings are now standing which were fireproofed with this material at that time. Wire Versus Sheet Metal A drawn steel wire when compared with a sheet of metal is, in the matter of strength and general quality of material, a superior product. The wire, which is made by being drawn through a die, is, during its manufacture, subjected to a high tensile stress. This drawing and working of the material renders the wire a fibrous material of uniform quality and for this reason it is stronger and more reliable than sheet metal, which is necessarily of an inferior grade and which suffers more or less injury through the process of cold cutting and expansion. Perfect Key The primary function of any lathing material is to serve as a foundation to grip and hold mortar. “It is the key or the clinch of the backplaster which actu- ally determines the efficiency of the plastered surface. To obtain the best results it is not sufficient to have WICKWIRE SPENCER isolated portions of mortar here and there pushed through and turned on the reverse side of the lath, as with a great many types of metal lath. In order to insure sub- stantial and permanent construction, it is abso- lutely essential that the lath be actually em- bedded in the body of the plaster. Without a thorough covering of backplaster, air and moisture will in time attack the metal and slow but sure dis- integration will result. Because of the ease with which mortar will pass over and around the small circular strands of a wire mesh with no flat or inclined surfaces to deflect or obstruct its passages, Clinton lath enables plaster to form a more perfect key than can be obtained with any other type of lath. Quantity of Plaster This perfect key does not by any means indicate that wire lath will waste plaster. All metal which enters into the structural elements of a building must be protected against rust and corrosion. Jn the case of a metal lath it is this backplaster, this key, this rear side covering, which must be relied upon to offer the necessary protection to the lath. The claim made by some manufacturers that their lath saves mortar is in itself an admission of the fact that a thorough and satisfactory key is not obtained. Naturally, any type of lath which permits plaster to pass through and be turned here and there at isolated spots on the reverse side of the lath will use less plaster than one which permits the plaster to cover the metal thoroughly. Write for full information about the different grades of Clinton Wire Lath, with specifications and recommendations as to kind best adapted to various jobs. This Illustration Shows the Key of Clinton Wire Lath SES herate soitls.a7¢ WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL COMPANY, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 94 41 East Forty-second St. New York , Ebsary Gypsum Company, Inc. Scottsville, N. Y. General Sales Offices: 103 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. SALES OFFICES Boston, Mass. Newark, N. J. Products Exspsary GypsuM CEMENT PLASTER. Essary Gypsum Woop Fisprep PLASTER. Espsary Gypsum SANDED PLASTER. Exssary Gypsum CoNncreTE PLASTER. Exssary Gypsum Partition Buock. Espsary Gypsum Roor Buock. Ebsary Gypsum Plaster Gypsum Plaster is shipped in 100-lb. jute bags and 80-lb. paper bags. Careful attention is given to the manufacture of this plaster so that it will work perfectly under varying climatic conditions, and each individual market is supphed with a plaster that will work best under the particular conditions prevailing. Cement Puaster—Is prepared for use in the larger cities and where the sand conditions are good. This is the material that is distinguished by the well- -known Ebsary Blue Tag and is well and favorably known throughout the East. Woop Fisrep PLAster—Is intended for those sec- tions of the country where the sand obtainable is net of as good quality as would be required for use with Cement Plaster, and also where a particularly smooth and easy working plaster is desired. dish Philadelphia, Pa, Washington, D. C. SANDED PLASTER—Is a prepared plaster requiring only the addition of water when it is used and it is used where sand is not obtainable locally, and also it is a fine material to use where skilled labor can not be secured. ConcrETE PLAsTER—Is especially prepared to be used directly upon smooth concrete walls and ceilings and requires only the addition of water when being mixed. When you use Ebsary Cement Plaster you will get a dependable uniform plaster, made from the purest of gypsum rock—every mix is laboratory tested. When applied, Ebsary Plaster sets or hard- ens in from three to six hours. Gypsum will not expand or contract so there is no shrinkage as in lime and the cost is no greater than three coat lme mortar. Ebsary Gypsum Blocks Lowest in cost of all fireproof partitions. Saves from 10 per cent to 20 per cent in plaster. Best for sound proofing purposes. Garden Homes are attractively rouped in Van Nostrand Court, Little Ne. ee Part of a group of twenty-nine houses constructed by McBride Ogden Construction Corporation. Ebsary Cement Plaster Used. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG EBSARY GYPSUM COMPANY, INC., 95 103 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. Rock Plaster Corporation Products Riverside Plaster of Paris Blue Seal Rockwall Rock Board A Plaster Board Products The principal products of this cor- poration are listed above. They consist of different varieties of plastering ma- terials made from the finest quality of gypsum rock, of which our quarries at Walton, Nova Scotia, contain practically an unlimited quantity. From these quarries the raw material is transported by sea to our mill in New York City, conveniently located on the water front, from which the manufactured products are shipped by boat and rail. Our shipping facilities, consisting of railroad sidings connecting with the Harlem River Terminal of the N. Y. & N. H. & H. R. Rd., and of adequate steam lghter equipment for shipment at other rail- road terminals in New York Harbor. Our 35 years of experience backed by a well co-ordinated manu- facturing and selling organization—large enough to be dependable, yet small enough for friendly deal- ing—is your guarantee of an uninterrupted supply of the best plastering materials and REAL SERYV- ICE, Riverside Plaster of Paris This is the ideal material for finishing walls and ceilings and for all kinds of ornamental work. If you want an easy-working, reliable plaster that is truly WHITH, use Riverside. This finishing plaster is made from the finest grade of imported Gypsum Rock, and for the past thirty- five years has been extensively used throughout this country and abroad. Many of the more prominent buildings in New York City have been plastered with it. It is calcined by the slow process, and great care is taken throughout its manufacture, insuring absolute uniformity of set, high tensile strength, and purity. “RIVERSIDE” Fimshing Plaster is _ white, cool working, finely ground, and light in weight. It is used for the smooth finish on walls and ceilings, for setting marble, and all purposes that a Mason’s Plas- ter is adapted to. “RIVERSIDE” Casting Plaster is made from se- lected rock, insuring the whitest color and coolest working plaster. It will not burn the gelatine moulds, forms sharp, true edges, and will be found to be unexcelled for all shop purposes. Shipped in 250-lb, barrels and in 100-Ib. bags. Rock Wall Ready Mixed Plaster This is a hard Wall Plaster, supplied to the building in a dry state ready for use by simply adding water. Rock Wall Ready Mixed Plaster is a combination of River- side Plaster of Paris, Cow Bay Sand, Fiber and other ingredi- ents, all carefully weighed and thoroughly mixed by machinery in the proper proportions—thus insuring an absolutely uniform product. Made by ROCK PLASTER CORPORATION 40 Rector St., New York City Quarries at Walton, Nova Scotia Rock Wall Ready Mixed Plaster Rock Wall Walton Wood Fiber Rock Block A Partition Block It will give to Wood Lath substantial fire protection, and on Rock Wall Plas- ter Board, wire or metal lath, creates a wall of great fire resistance. Rock Wall Ready Mixed Plaster is shipped in 100-lb. bags. Three Varieties of Rock Wall Ready Mixed Plaster The above material should be ordered according to the purpose for which it is required, namely. Lath Mortar, or Scratch, Rock Wall—for use on Rock Plaster Board or wood lath; Special or Wire Liath Scratch, Rock Wall—for use on metal or» wire lath; Browning Rock Wall—for use on terra cotta or brick walls, or as a second coat on scratch. All three kinds of Rock Wall come ready mixed and require only the addition of water on the job. Covering Capacity of Rock Wall Ready Mixed Plaster On Rock Plaster’ Board with grounds set one-half inch in thickness one ton of Lath Mortar, or Scratch, Rock Wall will cover’80 to 90 square yards—on wood lath, with grounds set 34-inch thick, from 60 to 70 yards. On metal or wire lath one ton of special, or Wire Lath Scratch, Rock Wall will cover 40 to 45 square yards, with grounds set one-half inch in thick- ness. On brick or terra cotta one ton of Browning Rock Wall will cover 35 to 40 square yards with grounds set one-half inch in thickness. Blue Seal Rock Wall (Neat) This is a neat cement plaster, extra fibered and a great sand carrier. As a practical working plaster- ing material it has no equal in sand carrying capac- ity, easy working and spreading under the trowel, freedom from cracking and buckling lath, in cover- ing capacity and in permanence and durability. It comes packed in 80-lb. paper bags and in 100-lb. jute bags. Directions for Using Blue Seal Use only clean, sharp sand free from loam. The best results are obtained by mixing sand and Blue Seal in the following proportions: For Scratch, or Lath, Mortar: One part by weight of Blue Seal to 2144 parts by weight of clean, sharp sand. For Browning on Brick or Terra Cotta Walls: One part by weight of Blue Seal to 31% parts by weight of clean, sharp sand, Write for Full Information We have printed matter containing much information of interest to the builder that we will be glad to mail on request. Also literature describing our other produects—Rock Board (a plaster board); Rock Block (a partition block); Rock Wall Walton Concrete and Rock Wall Walton Wood Fiber—both plaster products. Drop us a line and get acquainted with the merits of these high-grade gypsum products. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ROCK PLASTER CORPORATION 40 Rector Street New York City 5 Plasters and Finishes Manufactured by the UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois BRANCH OFFICES New York, N. Y., 17 State St. Buffalo, N. Y., Ellicott Square Bldg. Boston, Mass., 100 Bolyston St. Washington, D. C., 605 Lenox Bldg. Baltimore, Md., 1008 American Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa., 415 Otis Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa., 917 For Other Products see pages as follows: Decoration, 456. U S G Red Top Gypsum Wall Plaster: Red Top Plaster: US G Wall Plas- ter is manufactured from the finest obtainable gypsum deposits at twenty- two producing mills located at strategic points throughout the country. These plasters are packed in distinctive Red Top jute and paper bags which serve as a reliable and easily recognized guide to contractors and building owners who demand the hardest, densest walls that can be produced. Because of the quality of the rock used and the highly developed and specialized process of manufacture, Red Top plasters are characterized by absolute uniformity and exceptional plasticity. These qualities assure economy in application and upkeep. U S G Finishes: A complete line of pre- pared finishes, gauging plasters, moulding and casting plasters, and hydrated lme is manu- factured by the United States Gypsum Com- pany. Hach of these materials is produced under the same rigid standards that govern the manufacture of Red Top plaster and each is as dependable in quality and results. These materials are briefly described below. Speci- fications and complete information on all United States Gypsum Company products will be sent upon request. Red Top Cement Plaster: This plaster is supplied fibred or unfibred to meet the requirements of the base over which it is applied. It is made for use where good sand is available and where the purchaser prefers to sand his own mortar. Red Top Wood Fibre Plaster: Wood Fibre plaster contains finely shredded wood fibres and requires only the addition of water to make it ready for use. No sand is necessary with this material. It makes a dense, durable wall with superior fire resisting, insu- lating and sound retarding qualities. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Bessemer Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, 625 Hanna Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio, 704 Atlas Bank Bldg. Detroit, Mich., 1462 Penobscot Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis., Grove and Oregon Sts. Minneapolis, Minn., 634 McKnight Bldg. Bldg Stucco, 87; Insulation, (17; Wallboard, 125; Sheathing, 127; Textone Wall US a St. Louis, Mo., 1339 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Kansas City, Mo., 420 Lathrop Bldg. Omaha, Neb., 705 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Denver, Colo., 603 Denham Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal., 1105 Edwards & Wildey Red Top Sanded Plaster: This material consists of Red Top | cement plaster machine mixed in cor- | rect proportions with clean, sharp sand. It is ready for use with the addition of water and may be mixed inside the building. Saves time and labor. Bondcrete for Concrete: This is a spe- cially prepared plaster for use on concrete surfaces. It adheres strongly to the con- crete because of its unusual cementitious qualities and because it maintains a prac- tically unchanging volume during the pro- cess of setting and hardening. It is ready for use with the addition of water. Ivory Keene’s Cement: This is the hardest, densest gypsum material that is applied with a trowel. It is used as a finish coat over gypsum or lime bases. Ivory Keene’s Cement is pure white in color, takes a high polish, resists fire, and is impenetrable to rodents and vermin. Gauging Plasters: A patented manufacturing process, uniform calcination (burning), and exactly the correct fineness of grind insure the rapid absorp- tion and superior spreading qualities of U S G gauging plasters. These materials are made in both “slow set’’ and ‘‘quick set’’ and are to be gauged with lime putty in the usual manner. Ivory and Grand Prize Iime: U S G Finishing Lime is made at Genoa, Ohio, from pure limestone which contains the highest percentage of magnesium —the component which gives to lime its smooth and easy spreading qualities. Ivory and Grand Prize Lime are characterized by uniform whiteness; free- dom from foreign matter; easy working qualities; and exceptional covering capacity. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO., CHICAGO, ILL. KEYLOCK BASE for Stucco and Plaster Patented and Manufactured by THE FLINT ROCK STUCCO COMPANY, INC. DAYTON, OHIO Products KEYLOCK Interlocking base for stucco and plaster. FLINT-ROCK ALL-MINERAL STUCCO, ARCHI- TEX FINISH “Stueco, Granite Products,” see page 838. Keylock Base A standard building material of strength and quality, representing in its patented features, many new improvements. These effect economy in its cost of application, insuring proper struc- tural strength. It is recommended by competent testing engineers, research laboratories, stucco manufacturers and leading contractors. KEYLOCK consists of a heavy chipboard backing, upon which is spread a special quality asphalt mastic. In this mastic, carefully selected wood strips, chemically treated, with a patented cut on their edges, are embedded, stapled on and clinched with wire of heavy gauge. These wood strips are offset every eighth lath to automatically break joints. KEYLOCK BASH is furnished in rolls of 100 sq. ft. Nails for application are included in each package. THasily ware- housed, it comes on the job in perfect condition, and, be- cause of its patented features, a saving in application costs is assured. Nature of Keylock Base (1)—KEYLOCK takes the place of sheathing, building paper, furring strips, lathing and nails. (2)—KEYLOCK automatically breaks joints for studding, thus conforming to standard lathing practice. It is unnecessary to cut the backing. Just roll it down it will interlock and fit. (3)—Cuts 4% in. deep are made into the edge of the wood strips. These cuts are 1% in. long on the top side of the strips and 1%4 in. on bottom strip of each side of the wood strips. A longitudinal bevel cut along the edge of the lath is also furnished. The effect and the advantage of these cuts, is to effect a clinch at the widest part of the material, thus creating maximum strength with minimum material. (4)—Wood Strips are chemically treated by im- pregnation with water-proofing chemicals, thus eliminating absorption that results in warping and distortion with ultimate failure of the mortar. (5)—These woods strips, in addition to being em- bedded in the asphalt mastic, are stapled on and clinched, insuring absolute accuracy in spacing and making safe for practical ware- housing and handling. (6)—The heavy chipboard backing and asphalt mastie lend insulating and sound deadening qualities. (7)—Water-proofing and vermin-proofing of the structure are insured by the heavy coat of asphalt. BUILDER WHO CARES A Complete (8)—Cost of proper application is minimized. Joints are easily broken and openings easily sawed out. (9)—Comparative tests made by reputable laboratories have clearly shown the use of KEYLOCK to be superior to ordinary methods of construction. Instructions for Keylock Application: NAILING—Start the roll at the top of the stud- ding with protruding strips extending over the edge. Use nails included in the roll. Nail each strip at different bearing point when used over studding, or furring, and not less than four nails to each strip over sheathing. The adjoin- ing roll interlaces with the previous one, thus automatically breaking joints. CUTTING—Saw across the strips in the same manner as when sawing lumber. Application is simplified by cutting out window openings, ete., after application. Standard Specifications for Users of Keylock: All exterior surfaces of frame wall having stucco finish, as indicated on drawings, shall be covered with KEYLOCK STUCCO BASH. KEYLOCK BASE shall be applied according to the manu- facturer’s specifications, automatically breaking joints every eighth strip and securely nailing every strip with at least four nails. Grounds or blocks shall be provided to secure all trim, brackets, pipe supports, etc. They shall be %4 x 2 in. as shown or necessary, and shall be secured safely, true and plumb. Ceilings and soffits throughout all floors shall be furred with % x 2-in. furring strips set 16 in. on center. All interior walls and partitions, including ceil- ings and soffits throughout, shall be covered with standard, chemically treated offset joint KEYLOCK BASE applied as above indicated. Important Information: ; KEYLOCK is made to suit every individual de- mand, furnished in either straight or offset rolls, with KEYLOCK’S patented cut, or lath beveled in longitudinal direction, as ordered. Descriptive literature is available to all architects, dealers, contractors and users and the manufac- turers will be pleased to co-operate in specifications or proposed construction by submission of samples and specifications. We are represented by dealers in all parts of the country. If your dealer does not handle our prod- Unit ucts, write us direct, giving us your dealer’s name. a= Foliteratur, wate tee’ LHE FLINT ROCK STUCCO CO., Dayton, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CRYSTAL SPAR for Walks and Driveways Crystal Dash For Stucco Made By LIMESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION OF AMERICA NEWTON, NEW JERSEY PLANT: LIME CREST, SUSSEX CO., N. J. LEHIGH & HUDSON R. R. PARTIAL VIEW OF PLANT Annual Capacity: 600,000 Tons Products The products of this company are Crushed Limestone and Pulverized Limestone, the raw material for both products being quarried from what is probably the finest deposit of limestone in the United States. We are also producers and shippers of an exceptionally beautiful grade of Crystalline Stucco Dash. The Lime Crest Quarry The stone in this exceptional quarry analyzes about 97 to 98% in Calcium Carbonate, 1 to 14% Magnesia and about 1% Silica. There is little stripping required as the stone to a large extent crops out on the surface, as the stone for- mation lies horizontally there are no dirt pockets or dirt seams to contend with. The face of the quarry is 80 ft. high and being an open cut is perfectly dry and susceptible of being worked practically in all weather. The stone is a calcite and white. Crystal Spar We are large shippers of Crushed Limestone which is marketed under the name of “Crystal Spar.” This is a beautiful white stone which makes the finest kind of walks and driveways—suggesting the coolness of snow in appear- ance and giving forth a delightful crunch as you walk on it. Being pure white in color, walks and drives made of Crystal Spar contrast charmingly with the green of lawns and shrubbery and are easily distinguished at night. Such walks and drives retain their original beauty, for rain merely makes them whiter. The absorbent qualities of walks and drives made of Crystal Spar are very good so that a few minutes after a heavy shower one can walk dry-shod on them. Crystal Spar is sufficiently heavy to be uneffected by rain, and is not washed away like tanbark, or similar light material, sometimes used for constructing walks. Covering Capacity Crystal Spar is not expensive and one ton will cover 120 square feet 2 inches deep. On receipt of rough sketch of grounds surrounding house we will be glad to suggest best arrangement of walks and driveways and to quote price on necessary amount of Crystal Spar to properly construct them. For Borders Pieces of uncrushed limestone can be furnished for bordering the walks and drives and for constructing rock- eries or decorative designs around flower beds. As lime is the most important element of plant food such borders serve a double purpose—nourishing the plants as well as providing a charming decoration to the grounds. Trade Mark Pulverized Limestone As noted above lime is an important element of plant food. Our Lime Crest Brand of Pulverized he < Lime is used for fertilizing lawns, flower beds and rest farms. It is ground extremely fine in order that it may be readily absorbed by the soil. Unlike manure, and other animal fertilizers, it has no unpleasant odor, but is a clean, sweet plant food that is applied merely by sprinkling it on top of the soil and leaving it for the rain to wash in, or it may be washed in immediately after application by spraying with a hose. Three hundred pounds of Lime Crest Pulverized Limestone is the proper amount to use on 1000 square feet of lawn. Crystal Dash This Dash for stucco makes the most beautiful finish imaginable. It has a high lustre, due to its Crystalline character, and is white in color with a slight bluish tinge— the tones and sparkle one sees in new-fallen snow under moonlight. You must see this Dash in order to appreciate its exceptional beauty. Samples We are always glad to send samples of our product to anyone interested. Beautiful Walks and Drives Add Greatly to the Charm of the Home For further details and literature, write to: =~ Limestone Products Corporation of America Newton, New Jersey HOME BUILDERS CATALOG OHIO WHITE FINISHING LIME Manufactured By THE OHIO HYDRATE & SUPPLY CO. WOODVILLE, OHIO “The Lime Center of the World” Made in Four Brands Ohio White Finishing Lime is made in four brands: Ohio, Wood- ville, Buckeye and Hawk Spread White Finishes, distinguished by the four trademarks at the right. Each brand is of the same high quality, will produce the same re- sult, and is guaranteed to meet the standard specifications of the Amer- ican Society for Testing materials. Easily Obtained Ohio White Finishing Lime in one or more of its brands may be obtained practically anywhere in the United States. A daily plant capacity of six hundred tons and excellent shipping facilities assure our ability to supply our product in any quantity. Provides Better Walls for Better Homes Nothing adds more charm to the modern home than beautiful walls. Nor is anything more unsightly than chipped, cracked or blistered walls. Permanently beau- tiful, snowy white walls are easily obtained through the use of Ohio White Finishing Lime. It not only gives a lasting finish, but also produces a fire-resisting, metal- preserving, acoustics-improving wall. No matter whether walls be tinted, painted or papered, there is no chip- ping, cracking or blistering. These results are due to the unusual purity and peculiar natural composition of the dolomitic limestone from which it is made. Being exceedingly “fat” or plastic it provides maximum coverage with min- imum of labor and material. In humble cottage or luxurious man- sion, Ohio White Finishing Lime ac- complishes the ex- traordinary because it is a better-than- ordinary lime. TRADEMARKS Where It Should Be Used The following list is given as repre- senting the general classifications of work where Ohio White Finishing Lime can and should be used. For White Coating If closely examined with a micro- scope, the white coating in which any Ohio White Finish product has been used would be found to be filled with minute pores. Peculiarly enough, these pores play a very important part in the successful acoustics of a room. Although too small for the naked eye to see, yet they break up and absorb the sound waves, preventing any rebound which is the reason for the echo nuisance where this porosity does not exist. Another distinct advantage realized is the permanency of the walls which affords a like degree of permanency in the decorations. If white coated walls are allowed to stand undecorated for at least one year, this permits the build- ing to settle so that any cracks which may result from the settling, can be properly filled and allowed to harden. The result is a perfectly smooth, white wall, capable of being made permanently beautiful because of the corre- sponding permanency of Ohio White Finish Lime. Scratch and Brown Coats The uniform quality and unusual plasticity of Ohio White Lime have made it an important factor in high grade inter- ior plaster work in- cluding scratch and brown coats. As a matter of fact, there is no kind of plaster work where Ohio White Lime plaster does not excel. It can be used on all kinds and grades of ma- terial with better re- sults in acoustics, light, sanitation, ap- pearance and life of the wall. Exterior Stucco Work The use of Ohio White Lime as an admixture to cement greatly improves exterior stucco work because of its unusual plasticity and “fatness.” This characteristic makes it possible to cover the metal lath with less pressure than is required for ordinary stucco mixtures, In like manner is the efficiency of the mixture in- creased for use on wood lath because of the liberal “key” produced. Then too, the plasticity or work- ability of the mass aids in effecting a complete “fill” in every crack and crevice. The monolithic surface thus produced prevents any absorption of outside moisture. Naturally this adds greatly to the lasting qualities of the stucco work. ; For further details and Pe literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE OHIO HYDRATE & SUPPLY CO., Woodville, Ohio See Next Page OHIO WHITE FINISHING LIME (Continued) Water-tight Concrete Work The addition of Ohio White Lime to any concrete mixture in the proportion of 5% to 10% of the weight of the cement used, renders the mixture much easier to handle. The plasticity of the lime lubricates the mixture, making it mix better, pour easier, and run into the forms and around the reinforcing much more evenly and uniformly, making it possible to attain a clean, smooth finish. The increased density of the mass, resulting from the use of Ohio White Lime, renders the concrete work practically water-tight, hence far more permanent. Lime-Cement Mixtures Portland cement mixtures are greatly improved through the use of Ohio White lime. It possesses cer- tain lubricating properties which facilitate the move- ment of the mixture through the chutes as well as aiding in its handling. It also acts adhesively, holding the mass together, thereby preventing a separation of the sand and stone from the cement. In other words, the addition of Ohio White Lime renders the mixture more plastic, easier to handle and easier to spread, which alone effects a saving in labor. Then too, the same qualities which cause the greater plasticity, tend toward a closer contact in the mass with the result that the density of the mixture is in- creased and its resistive powers greatly multiplied. It is because of this peculiar characteristic that cement mixtures in which Ohio White Lime is used, are much denser and far less liable to crack. Mortar Portland cement mortars can be produced much easier and cheaper through the use of Ohio White Lime. Not only does it make the mixture easier to handle, but also does away with the labor ordinarily required to slake the lump lime. It can readily be realized that the use of mortar of such plasticity will naturally allow the brick, stone, tile or other material, to become more firmly embedded. This, of course, produces a compactness which obviously must add strength to the entire work. Likewise does this same characteristic tend to make the work more water-tight, while also making it possible to work the material in low temperature when ordinary cement mortar could not be safely handled. SPECIFICATIONS: Materials The building is to be plastered throughout with lime plaster made with one of the four brands of Ohio White Lime and sand of the quality mentioned below. All materials are to be applied in thorough and workmanlike manner. Specifications must be followed in detail and contractor must remove all his unused material, scaffolding, rubbish, ete., from the premises. Where lime is mentioned in these specifications, it shall mean Ohio White Lime, which has been slaked at the mill by the manufacturer, each sack bearing the name of the manufacturer, THE OHIO HY- DRATE & SUPPLY CO. = For further details and literature, write to: When material is delivered sanded on the job, the sacks must bear the name of mixing plant where same was mixed. Where sand is mentioned, it shall mean a clean, sharp sand such as will pass through a No. 8 screen (64 meshes to the square inch) and to contain not over 5% loam. Where wood lath is mentioned, it shall mean % x 1% in. No. 1 spruce, hemlock, white or Norway pine lath, free from knots, sap, bark or other imperfections. Where calcined plaster (plaster of paris) is mentioned it shall mean a standard grade of finely pulverized calcined plaster, free from lumps and suit- able for gauging finishing lime putty. Finish Coat The finish coat is to be applied when the second coat is dry. The second coat is to be sprinkled generously with clean water before applying the finish coat. Soak Ohio White Finishing Lime overnight (24 hours is better) before using. Form the putty into a ring on the mortar board and add about 20 lbs. of calcined plaster to each 100 lbs. of Ohio White Finishing Lime, working it thoroughly. Finish coat is to be applied in a first class, workmanlike manner and troweled to a smoothly polished surface free from brush marks, Wood Lath (Three-coat Work) Scratch coat: 1500 lbs. sand, 450 Ibs. Ohio White Lime, 3% Ibs. hair. Brown coat: 1600 Ibs. sand, 400 Ibs. Ohio White Lime, 1% Ibs. hair. Finish coat: Ohio White Lime putty, to be gauged as indicated above. Wood Lath (Two-coat Work) First coat: 1550 lbs. sand, 450 Ibs. Ohio White Lime, 3% Ibs. hair. Finish coat: Ohio White Lime putty, to be gauged as previously indicated. Brick or Tile (Three-coat Work) Scratch coat: 1600 lbs. sand, 400 Ibs. Ohio White Lime, 11% lbs. hair. Brown coat: 1600 lbs. sand, 400 Ibs. Ohio White Lime. Finish coat: Ohio White Lime putty, to be gauged as previously indicated. Metal Lath (Three-coat Work) Scratch coat: 1500 lbs. sand, 450 lbs. Ohio White Lime, 4% lbs. hair. Brown coat: 1600 Ibs. sand, 400 lbs. Ohio White Lime, 11% Ibs. hair. 15% to 20% cement by weight of lime is recommended for gauging scratch or brown coat plas- ter to accelerate setting. Finish coat: Ohio White Lime putty, to be gauged as previously indicated. Sand Float Finish 475 lbs. Ohio White Lime, 1525 lbs. sand. Portland Cement Concrete—Add 10% Ohio White Lime by weight of Portland Cement to secure a plastic, dense and reliable concrete. Portland Cement mortar: Add 40 lbs. of Ohio White Lime to every 100 lbs. of cement for economical mortar of required strength for producing a tight, water- proof joint and a plastic consistency requiring less effort to apply. This mixture will produce a stronger joint than straight cement mortar. So Write for Booklet Every Contractor and Home Builder should read this inter- esting booklet entitled “A Job That Took a Million Years, or The Tale of the Clam”. It tells the story of lime as never told before. A copy will be mailed you postpaid upon re- quest. Write for it today. THE OHIO HYDRATE & SUPPLY CO., Woodville, Ohio ——— HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Finishing and All-Around Building Hydrated Lime Manufactured by General Offices Toledo, Ohio THE WOODVILLE LIME PRODUCTS COMPANY TOLEDO, OHIO Quarry and Plant Woodville, Ohio View of plant and quarry of The Woodville Lime Products Company at Woodville, Ohio. With the addition of a new battery of twelve kilns, shown in the foreground, this company now has three batteries or a total of fifty-three kilns in operation. Nature at Her Best Digging into the earth we find nature’s handiwork in various stages of perfection. Somewhere we find the best coal, the finest ore or the greatest deposit of petroleum. So it is with limestone. The country is dotted with tracts of limestone. Somewhere nature had to excel herself, and she did! Our quarry, according to experts, is the finest deposit of limestone for making finishing and building hydrated lime, to be found anywhere. Nature .in her most gracious mood left millions of tons of clean, pure, solid rock composed of correctly balanced proportions of magnesium carbonate and calsium carbonate which produces lime of superlative quality. A Remarkable Quarry It takes no chemist to discover the wonderful quality of our limestone. A view of our quarry is sufficient to impress anyone that it contains limestone of unusual properties. As one stands on the edge of our quarry, an amazing sight greets the eye. On a floor as firm and as level as a city pavement, three large steam shovels and six busy little engines puff and steam day in and day out loading stone and hauling it to a mammoth crusher. Surrounding this busy scene is a solid, perpendicular wall of clean, solid rock which rises above the floor of the quarry to a height of sixty-five feet. As far as the eye can carry, not a seam, fissure, break or patch of dirt, stripping or unworkable stone may be seen. This quarry, gradually enlarging each year, and despite continual additions and enlargements to our plant, promises to supply limestone in adequate quantities for a hundred years to come. Located on the edge of this magnificent quarry is a gigantic stone crusher which takes great chunks of solid rock and crunches them into thousand of pieces. The crushed rock is conveyed to graduated screens where kiln stone of a uniform size is obtained. The uniformity of our kiln stone is worthy of note, as it standardizes burn- ing which has an important bearing on the high grade lime we produce. With this marvelous limestone available, it is only natural that we preserve and develop this quality by modern lime- making methods. Our manufacturing experience extends over a period of twenty-five years. We began over a quarter of a century ago as pioneers in the hydration of lime. During this time our lime has gained a country-wide reputation among architects, contractors, plasterers and owners as being the finest finishing hydrated lime it is possible to obtain. A Marvelous Finishing Lime Our product is distributed under three brand names, namely White Enamel, Gold Medal and White Lily Finish- ing Hydrated Lime. : As a finish, these brands produce snow-white walls which set with a stone-like hardness. Due to the purity of our lime, walls finished with our brands are free of ‘core’ and other foreign substances which tend to streak, strain, mar, pit, pop or blister. ; White Enamel Gold Metal and White Lily are favorites with plasterers owing to easy spreading properties, and to the fact that our lime does not roll up or work short under the trowel. A workman may do more work with our finish, and produce better results. An All-Around Building Lime White Enamel, Gold Medal and White Lily brands are an ideal lime for all building purposes where a high-grade, uniform and dependable lime is required. Where lime is specified to be used in mortar, stucco, concrete, brown or scratch coat plaster; White Enamel, ‘ Que Foy,ferther details 2-4 THE WOODVILLE LIME PRODUCTS COMPANY, Toledo, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page The Woodville Lime Products Company (Continued) Gold Medal or White Lily brands may be used with greater economy and better results for the reason that less of our lime is required to obtain the desired results as compared to mason’s lump or gray lime. White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily Hydrated Lime in Mortar Contractors and masons have found by experience that they can make a mortar with less quantities of White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily brands with ordinary lime, and still produce better results. It is therefore just as economical to use White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily brands in mortar as it is to use ordinary mason’s lime, and the results are decidedly better. By reason of the wonderful plasticity and coalescent qualities of these brands of lime, mortar mixed with White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily has greater sand carry- ing capacity, will work easier, adhere better and get stronger. The resultant masonry is more impervious to water, moisture and winds. The structural units are better im- bedded, and masons are able to do more and better work with less effort. White Enamel, Gold Medal and White Lily Brands in Concrete The functions of concrete in construction are so important that high grade lime, such as we produce, is practically essential for the best results when lime is specified to be used with concrete. White Inamel, Gold Medal and White Lily brands of hydrated lime are the most efficient integral water-tighten- ing mediums available today. This lime imparts plasticity to concrete and makes it more workable, reduces finishing and placing costs, and gives concrete mixtures easier work- ing qualities and greater molding properties with a minimum amount of water. The smooth, uniform texture of our lime adds a slippery quality to concrete which makes it travel through chutes with greater ease and rapidity. For the same reason, con- erete containing a mix of White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily prevents segregation of aggregate, honeycoming, stone pockets and makes it water-proof. Thus the advantages of using a high grade lime more than offsets the use of ordinary lime, and adds nothing to the cost as White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily brands may be used in less quantities to obtain the desired results. A Trial Will Convince Regardless of what we say regarding White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily brands of Finishing Hydrated Lime, the fact remains that nothing is quite so convincing as an actual trial of any one of these brands under actual working conditions. You are doubtless persuaded that these brands are all we claim for them, yet are of the opinion there are other brands on the market of equal excellence. Only a trial will convince you of the difference in quality, in uniformity, in purity, in whiteness and in results. We freely admit that we have no secret or unusual methods of manufacture. We claim, however, that limestone cannot be manufactured. It is a product of nature, and if the natural ingredients of limestone are not fundamentally right or correctly balanced to produce a high grade lime, modern processes of manufacture cannot overcome this handicap. We not only have limestone that is fundamentally right, but we know how to make good lime. A trial of White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily will convince you that it is good lime. : Specifications for White Coat Finish Use White Enamel, Gold Medal or White Lily Hydrated Lime and the best grade of finely ground calcined plaster. Guage about 10 to 20 pounds of calcined plaster to each 100 lbs. of Hydrated Lime, dry finish. If sand (or marble dust) is to be used in putty coat, add the specified amount. Directions for Preparation—F ill Lime box with necessary amount of water (four or five inches) then pour in hydrated lime direct from sacks and distribute it evenly in the box. If water is drawn from a hose, sprinkle the lime as it is spread in. There should be enough water used so that when lime is left to soak, it is a wet, soft mass. Sixteen to eighteen gallons of water to every one hundred pounds of Hydrated Lime will give batch the right consistency. It should then be left to soak from ten to fifteen hours as it works better when well soaked. During this time do not stir. Application—The brown coats in connection with gypsum (hard wall) plaster shall have become dry before the finish coat is applied. The brown coat in connection with lime plaster shall have become firmly: set, but not dry, before the finish coat is applied. Trowel white finish down with water, same as with lump lime putty, to a smooth perfect surface. Covering Capacity—Eight hundred to one thousand square yards to the ton of finish for the average white coat job. For extra good work, or if base coat is rough, it will run somewhat less, White Enamel, Gold Medal and White Lily brands of Fin- ishing Hydrated Lime are sacked in 50-pound heavy Air-tight storage is not necessary for paper valve bags. these brands as this lime has been scientifically slacked and all excess moisture expelled before shipping. Each one of these brands is of equal qual- ity—the highest. Sold prac- tically everywhere by build- ing supply dealers. gyms Fer carter details and THE WOODVILLE LIME PRODUCTS COMPANY, Toledo, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG TIGER LIMES Manufactured By THE KELLEY ISLAND LIME AND TRANSPORT CO. World’s Largest Producer of Lime Leader News Building, Cleveland Products Tiger White Rock Finish Hydrated [ime, ordinarily known as Tiger Finish; Tiger Mason's Hydrated Lime, generally known as Tiger Mason’s. Also lime products for agricultural and chemical purposes. Slogan Because it spreads so easily and covers so many yards per sack, the phrase “Spreads like warm butter” has long been associated with Tiger Finish. Facilities and Distribution The Kelley Island Lime & Transport Co. is the world’s largest equalled. Nature has provided there a rock that is acknowledged to be the best for producing finishing lime. The snowy whiteness of Tiger Finish is due to this natural advantage plus a scientific process of re- fining. The result is a lime which makes a putty that spreads like warm butter and covers more yards of wall surface. (Covers about 800 sq. yds. per ton). Uniform high quality maintained for more than a quarter century has made Tiger Finish first choice of archi- tect, builder, plasterer and owner. Tiger Mason’s, prop- erly proportioned with sand and hair, is ap- plied as scratch or producer of lime and limestone —_— products. This company has eleven plants con- veniently located. All correspondence should be addressed to the General Offices at Cleveland. Tiger Finish and Tiger Mason’s are packed in 50 lb. valve paper sacks, which always bear the Tiger trademark. They are handled by over four thousand builders’ supply dealers in all parts of the United States. Lump Lime and Hydrated Lime Builders, architects and contractors realize a great saving of time, space and expense in using Tiger Hydrated Lime. The value of hydrated lime is an as- surance of perfect slaking in the hydrated product, and its ability to keep in good condition when stored in a dry place. Lump lime furnished when desired. Tiger White Rock Finish Hydrated Lime—Tiger Finish Nowhere else in all the world have the magnesium limestone deposits in White Rock, Ohio, ever been in Wall surfaces that call forth warm words of praise need not be costly. And the absence of maintenance is welcomed by all. Beautiful walls and Tiger Finish go hand hand. Tiger sets slowly, giving the craftsman ample time to do his best. Greater strength results—as well as a more perfect texture. Most architects and builders insist on Tiger Finish. So should you. f you are dmorrested a peimanen wall lecoration and admire beautiful interiors ‘oPY of “Studies in Lime”. No forms a good sand send for a c obligation, TIGER Fuayst Lime plastering is without equal for interior finish. It is sound absorbent, sanitary, and fire resisting. secure distinctive effects in texture finish, curved surfaces, and dec- orative panels or cornices. brown coat to wood or metal lath, hollow tile, brick or gypsum block. Tiger EFinsh pro- duces a perfect white finish when mixed with a fine sand, it course. fi ni sh The Kelley Island Lime & Transport Co, World’s Largest Producer of Lime Leader-News Building In Interior Plaster- ing—(1) Hydrated lime has long been considered a valuable constituent of plaster and is regularly used for one, two, or three- coat work. CLEVELAND HI WAXILILS Only with plaster can you (2) Hydrated lime plaster is an excellent sound absorbing material. The reason for this is due to its porous nature in the hardened state and its great sand carrying capacity. (3) It is the most sanitary of plasters. (4) It is fire resisting. (5) Its covering capacities are extremely large. (6) Its easy working qualities make the highest class workmanship possible and encourage faster work. (7) It has great tensile strength. For further details and Se literature, write to: The Kelley Island Lime and Transport Co. *°*@,Ne"3 One” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Tiger Mason’s Hydrated Lime (1) Tiger Mason’s improves the spreading quality of cement mortar, making an easy working mortar of high compressive strength that forms a better bond. It eliminates the labor required to slake lump lime. (2) It helps to retain sufficient moisture, thereby allowing a good bonding surface of the masonry unit. (3) Tiger Mason’s contains all the ingredients necessary for an easy working lime mortar and for Portland cement mixtures. In Concrete Mixtures—(1) Hydrated lime lubricates the mix so that it flows freely through the chutes. (2) It positively aids in preventing segregation of aggregates. (3) It produces smooth exterior surfaces, and mini- mizes honey-combing and hair cracking. . (4) It increases the density and water tightness of the concrete by virtue of remarkable void filling properties. Amounts to Use For all concrete work and stucco—10% of hydrated lime by weight of Portland cement used. For general brickwork, stone, marble, granite and tile setting—25, 50 or 100% of Tiger hydrated lime by weight of Portland cement to 3 to 4 parts sand makes a good mortar. The 100%, or what is known as 50-50 mortar, is highly recommended. General Directions for Interior Plastering (1) All materials to be delivered on the job in the manufacturers’ packages and kept dry. (2) All plastering for the interior of the building iy be Tiger Finish mixed on the job in correct propor- ions. (3) (a) Scratch coating on wood lath to be mixed in proportions of 1550 lbs. of sand to 450 lbs. hydrated lime and 4 lbs. hair. (b) Scratch coating on metal lath to be mixed in proportions of 1550 lbs. of sand to 450 lbs. hydrated Many texture finishes are secured by varying the amount and size of sand and using cork, wood, or carpet floats. For all surfaces Tiger Finish is without equal. (c) Scratch coating on brick or tile to be mixed in proportions of 1600 lbs. of sand to 400 Ibs. hydrated lime and 1% lbs. hair. Apply the scratch coat lightly, but with sufficient pressure to obtain a good clinch. Scratch the face to strengthen bond for brown coat. Allow scratch coat to dry before applying brown coat. (4) (a) Brown coating on wood or metal lath to be mixed in propor- tion of 1600 lbs. of sand to 400 lbs. hydrated lime and 11% lbs. of hair. (b) Brown coating on brick or tile to be mixed in proportions of 1600 lbs. of sand to 400 lbs. hydrated lime. Apply enough material to bring out the grounds, using rod and darby to form an even surface and straight angles. When surface is firm but not thoroughly dry handfloat to prevent shrinkage cracks in both brown and finish coats. Finish Coat (White)—Soak Tiger Finish lime 24 hours if possible to form a plastic putty. Thoroughly mix putty with 20 to 30% of high grade plaster to a working consistency. Apply with trowel and bring to a smooth surface, keeping same moist during operation. Trowel surface to the desired effect. Sand Finish—Mix a good plastering sand with Tiger Finish hydrated lime in proportions 3 parts sand to 1 part of lime. While in a dry state screen through a No. 10 to 15 mesh screen, then add water, to bring to a plastic consistency. If possible, allow finish to stand over night before applying, forming an easy spreading material. Apply with trowel to an even surface, then scour with water brush and float to desired effect. Service Department This company will be glad to discuss any problem in connection with the use of hydrated lime. “Studies in Lime” is an attractive book in colors, illustrating many interior designs and texture finishes and giving working details for plastering decoration. Free on request. lime and 4 lbs, hair. For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG The Kelley Island Lime and Transport Co. 105 Leader News Building, Cleveland, Ohio ARMSTRONG’S CORKBOARD INSULATION FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Made By ARMSTRONG CORK & INSULATION COMPANY 210 Twenty-Fourth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. BRANCHES IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES A generation ago, home builders paid little attention to the insulation of their walls and roofs. Fuel was cheap and the principles of insulation and its relation to comfort and economy in the home were not generally understood. But the situation is very different today. Fuel is expensive and fuel economy a very important consideration with most people. Moreover, it is now recognized that only by means of insulation can the house be adequately protected against summer’s heat and winter’s cold. The use of insulation of ‘the proper kind and in sufficient thickness insures a house that is cooler in summer and warmer in winter; one that is freer from drafts, and more easily and uniformly heated with a smaller plant and less fuel. There is nothing new or experimental about Armstrong’s Corkboard. On the contrary, corkboard has for many years been the one insulation generally recognized in the industries as being the most efficient practical and structurally service- able insulation known. Tor 30 years Armstrong’s Cork- board has been used, for example, in cold storage construc- tion in exactly the same way, except for thickness, as it is now used in houses. In efficiency, durability, and structural adaptability, corkboard is today the established standard, proved by years of service superior to every other type of insulation. Nailing Armstrong’s Corkboard to the roof rafters. Residence of Mr. G. Jungling, Cincinnati, O. Armstrong’s Corkboard is made of granules of pure cork compressed in sheets. It is nonabsorbent of moisture and not subject to deterioration through mold, decay or any other form of disintegration. It is a fire retardant, vermin proof, and will not shrink, swell, or buckle. Armstrong’s Corkboard once installed is as permanent as the house itself. Armstrong's Corkboard is made in boards 12x32 and 36 inches and 1, 144, 2, and 3 inches thick. It is more easily cut and sawed than lumber and is readily erected by nailing in frame construction or in cement mortar against brick, Armstrong’s Corkboard erected in cement on tile walls and nailed to second floor ceiling, ready for plastering. Residence of Mr. H, W. Prentis, Jr., Lancaster, Pa. tile, conerete, and stone. It is generally applied on the inside surfaces of walls and plaster applied directly on the corkboard without the use of lath. For stucco finished houses Armstrong’s Corkboard may be used on the exterior of the walls. Roofs are usually insulated by nailing the corkboard to the underside of the rafters and plastering, if the attic is finished; by laying over the top floor joists in an unfinished attic; or as a ceiling on the underside of the top-floor joists, finished with plaster. Armstrong’s Corkboard is not expensive. On the con- trary its first cost is very moderate and its use makes possible economies that easily repay the entire investment in a very short time. For example, a house insulated with Armstrong’s Corkboard can be comfortably heated with a much smaller plant than would otherwise be required. This saving alone reduces the net cost of the insulation to a very small percentage of the cost of the house. Another saving is the omission of lath from the insulated walls and ceilings. Then there is that very important economy, the year-after-year saving in fuel amounting to a third or more, which makes Armstrong’s Corkboard insulation one of the best paying investments you can build into your house. That is the financial side of insulation which takes no account of comfort and health factors that cannot be valued in money and yet are so indispensable as to make cork insulation worth many times its cost. In the light of all that is known about insulation and what it means in comfort, health, and economy, you cannot afford to build without it. Full particulars about Arm- strong’s Corkboard with a sample of the material will be supplied on request and without obligation. a For further details and literature, write to: ARMSTRONG CORK & INSULATION CO. 210 Twenty-fourth St., PITTSBURGH, PA. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Cabot’s Heat-Insulating and Sound Deadening ‘‘Quilt’’ Manufactured by SAMUEL CABOT, INC. NEW YORK 342 Madison Ave. BOSTON, 141 Milk St. tne Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia; 2035 E. {9th St., Kansas City; Builders’ Exchange, Minneapolis; Hibernian Bldg., Los Angeles; 444 Market St., San Franciseo: 96 Front St., Portland Oregon. Agents all aver the Country. CHICAGO 5000 Bloomingdale Ave. Other Products Cabot’s Creosote Shingle Stains, Stained Shingles, Old Vir- ginia White, Double-White, Stucco and Brick Stains, Mortar Colors, Waterproofings, Wood Preservatives, etc. See Page 157%. Cabot’s “Quilt” Purposes: For Heat-Insulation in roofs and walls of houses, in roofs of factories mercantile buildings and hotels, in walls, ceilings and partitions of cold storage warehouses and refrigerators, ete. For Sound-deadening in floors and partitions of apartments, hotels, schools, musical studios, offices, gymnasiums, etc. Old Pierce House, Dorchester, Mass. Built about 1635 The walls of this house were stuffed with eel-grass when the house was built, about 1635, and the grass Heat-Insulation: “Quilt” is a flexible, resilient cushion of “dead” air-spaces. Dead air—which cannot circulate and conduct heat—is the best insulator known. One layer of double-ply “Quilt” holds heat better than 40 layers of common building paper, or 3” is still in a perfect state of preservation. We have a sample of this 290-year-old eel-grass in our office, and this rot-proof grass which grows in the ocean is the material used in making Cabot’s Quilt. The Babcock House, Milton, Mass., built 1723, and other old houses in Connecticut, Nova Scotia, etc., are insulated in the same way. ‘plaster cracks. of board or 9” of brickwork. Sound-Deadening: “Quilt” breaks up and absorbs sound- waves. Can be applied in any kind of floor, ceiling or parti- tion—frame, metal or plaster block. Over thirty years of successful deadening. Details for Heat Insulation in Houses Flerible: “Quilt” is flexible and will fit any surface, turn any corners or .cover any jogs or projections. Derair- Fire-Resistant: Will not burn. Makes an efficient fire- protection in walls or floors. Decay-Proof, Permanent: Will not rot or get foul. Re- pels insects and vermin. Cannot swell or warp or cause Catalogs on Heat-Insulation and Sound- Deadening, giving full detailed drawings and specifications, sent free on request. Narrow Stitching for dividing Roll into two 18” widths, to lay between studs. Quilt is sold in rolls of 250 square feet each. It is one yard wide, very strong and entirely flexible, fitting into or around any jogs or projections. It is made of cured eel-grass, stiched in three- inch widths between kraft paper. Eel-grass (1) will not rot; (2) will not burn; (3) will not harbor insects or vermin. It has a flat, crinkly fibre that forms an elastic cushion of dead-air spaces. ‘‘Dead” air is the most efficient non- conductor of heat. Quik Laid across Timbers and Finished with Plaster er Wall-board Qush Laid between Timbers For further details and Z_ literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG SAMUEL CABOT, INC., Boston, Mass. 107 Celotex Insulating Lumber BRANCH SALES OFFICES: (See Telephone Books for Addresses) Manufactured by THE CELOTEX COMPANY BRANCH SALES OFFICES: (See Telephone Books for Addresses) Bost oreaike . Minneapolis Cleveland 645 North Michigan Ave., Chicago New ‘Orleans Dallas ew Yor Denver Mills: New Orleans, La. Philadelphia Detroit Kansas City London (Eng.) Los Angeles CANADIAN REPRESENTATIVES: Alexander Murray & Company, Limited, Montreal, Toronto Portland, Ore. Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle Miami Halifax, Winnipeg, Vancouver. St. Louis Milwaukee St. Paul Products: frame construction, taking precaution, how- Celotex Insulating Lumber is a felted and waterproofed cane fibre board with heat insulating value of 0.33 B. T. U. per hour per inch thickness and strength in wall sections greater than horizontal pine sheathing. It has a higher sound insulation value than standard deadening felts. It is manufactured in several different grades and qualities. A board is made for home construction known as Celotex Standard Building Board: When insulated by the use of Celotex Standard Building Board as a part of the structure, a home or other building is stronger, warmer, quieter and more healthful. It is free from drafts and dampness and a saving of approximately 1-3 of each year’s fuel expense is effected. This is accomplished with no extra expense to the builder in his original construction costs as Celotex replaces other materials and reduces the size of the heating plant. For information regarding other kinds of Celotex Insulating Lumber, address company’s general offices. Sizes: Thickness approximately 7/16 inch; average weight, 60 lbs. per 100 square feet; width, 4 feet; length. 8 to 12 feet. Principal Uses: buildings, replacing wood sheathing. With plaster applied directly to its surface (and insu- lation) replacing lath or plaster board. Roof Insulation. Floor and wall sound deadener. Interior and exterior wall finish. stained or left natural.) ee ee (Can be painted or Standard Specifications for the Application of Standard Building Board to Open Framing Framing: The sills, studs, plates, joists, rafters and fur- ring strips on masonry walls, shall be framed as in ordinary On exterior walls Celotex serves as sheathing and insulation—re- directly placing lumber. to For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CELOTEX [INSULATING LUMBER | Trade Mark Sheathing (and insulation) for frame and brick veneer . On interior walls plaster is applied , Celotex. eliminates the lath ordinarily used. 108 ever, to space the studs, joists and rafters 16 in. on center. Wherever it is necessary to have a horizontal joint in the Celotex, a 2 in. x 4 in. header shall be cut in between the framing. No bracing is necessary other than is usual in frame construction. Note: Where Celotex is used on ceilings with plaster applied directly to its surface or over stripping on masonry walls, a 2x4 header or a furring strip sHall be cut in every 4 feet for nailing. Preparation of Celotex (Wetting) Important: Celotex boards shall be moistened on both sides by sprinkling or spraying and piled, not less than one day before application of boards to walls, except where applied as interior finish to other flat wall surfaces. Application: The Celotex boards shall be applied length- wise of studs, joists and rafters, directly to the wood frame work, and set in place so as to have a bearing for nailing along all edges. Leave 3/16 in. space between adjoining boards, also at top and bottom of boards. The board is cut a scant 4 ft. to allow for this space. Around window and door frames, or where a snug point is desired, the Celotex shall be brought to moderate contact. DO NOT force into place. Where rafters project beyond face of studding, Celotex shall be cut to fit snugly around rafters, and to form close joint with the roof insulation. Nailing: Nail the Celotex to intermediate studs, begin- ning at top, then entirely around all edges of each board. Nail in like manner to joists, rafters, sills, plates and headers. Use standard 11% in. galvanized roofing nails with % in. heads. Space nails 3 in. apart along edges for sheathing, and 2 in. apart for plaster and wallpaper base, and 6 in. apart along intermediate rows, driving nails until the heads are 1/16 in. to \% in. below the surface of the Celotex. Nails shall be placed approximately 36 in. from the edge of the boards. Note: Where Celotex is to be used as an interior finish, all exposed surfaces shall be nailed with 1% in. finishing nails spaced 3 in. on centers. They shall be driven at an angle of 30 degrees, staggering the angles, and set in with a nail-set so that the heads will lie slightly below the surface of the Celotex. Notre: Where Celotex is applied to wood strips on masonry walls use 1% in. nails with % in. heads. is use Celotex sound deadens interior walls and floors. THE CELOTEX COMPANY, CHICAGO See Next Page *. THE “ CBRLOTEX COMPANY CELOTEX INSULATING LUMBER— (Continued) Labbit frame Yo"x¥2" t a Calotey receive strip of Calotex e D.H. Wikbows > HEAD Head HEAD ern construction on side jambs similar) al San : \ ised ~ TYPICAL MULLIOW Fok ALL TYPES OF USS A Lom rarer. SSS) \ II SSS SSS SEALE. Ya’ Io" ELEVATION Showing Corzecy MeTHoo oF AppLYilg CeLorex FOR. SHEATHING q PLASTER DASE [i4ers.ct | Psp Pr 7g J a. SSS SSS Calotex beloes wood Sloor of the attic Alternate-Calotex Z 1 ! con be ee a “gg —y asement Wal y rh Teh Stveco oll Suingles of Dricw Veleer o SVUce aaron eee Wooo Feaming Woop Framing Woop Framing yee LK" set in bleon. jo Ss Plaster on Calotax THis DETAIL, SHOWS TYPICAL. FLAMING FOR ALL TYPES 7 ig h 3 | si 3 im i See alternda As NE We Hy Oo | for sound deadening N ay hy | A ee Mi SSS \ y Vaed ie ELLIO LO ALE LI LCL LOL. SIO. Si oo iN SS ra aa iM clotexyh\/ Ss 22 2 eR ag IOI Attic Jorsts ara bP) > = Exterior Walls ss SpE ag Se zx4studs \coc a a, SSS cacawr, = First Floor. OIsts SSS STs Ss : i intshed faper. Iz FS Section Tarv CELOTEX SHowig Joy * CELOTEX CoTTAGE Home Colsqeuctiow’ PeTAILy- _ DETAILS SHOWING APPLICATION OF CELOTEX Care vt TO SEVERAL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION “Woop Siping oll Woon Fram, - BLN. EG@UALS 4-0 iterator, writer’ THE CELOTEX COMPANY, CHICAGO. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 109 CELOTEX INSULATING LUMBER— (Continued) Application of Plaster: Do not moisten Celotex after application before applying plaster. Prepared wood fibre or Gypsum plaster containing not more than 10% of lime content shall be used. If neat gypsum plaster is used, mix one part with not more than two parts of clean coarse, sharp sand, free from loam or other foreign matter. If sanded gypsum plaster or gypsum wood fibre plaster are used, mix according to manufacturers’ directions. Plaster that will ‘set’ in 1% to 2 hours should be used. Apply plaster directly to Celotex, in the same manner as applied to lath, pressing the plaster thoroughly into the joints between sheets of Celotex, completely filling joint to the lumber base. This forms a full key reinforcing the joint. The first coat must have a thickness of not less than % in. In all plaster work the finished plaster thickness shall be not less than ¥% in. Any type of finish coat may be used, provided its thickness is not more than 4% in. The use of lime plaster, or lime mixed with gypsum plaster is not recommended, except for finish coat. Celotex provides for the plasterer a wide flat area and some- times the temptation is to skimp the plaster. The thickness of plaster over Celotex must be equal to that over lath. Ventilation: (Important). Moisture will not pass through Celotex as through lath. The plaster must dry by giving up its moisture to the air in the room. It is absolutely necessary, especially in winter, to give proper attention to heat and ventilation while plaster is drying. Failure to ventilate will cause trouble. Sizing, Painting, Staining or Tinting Celotex: Sizing: To secure maximum coverage, when oil paints are used, the surface of Celotex must be sized or primed. : When water paints or stains are used, no sizing or priming is necessary. “A” Glue Sizing: Dissolve two pound of shell or chip glue in three gallons of boiling water and apply warm. Use no size that has been mixed over eight hours. Apply swiftly and evenly. Coverage, approximately 250 square feet to the gallon of this mixture. When glue size is dry any oil paint or stain may be applied, or the board may first be tinted with a water stain (see specification below) then sized and oil paint applied with stencils. “B” Oil and Silax Size: Dissolve 8 pound of silax in one gallon of boiled linseed oil (cheaper oils may be used but results are not as good). Mix thoroughly and apply; coverage, approximately 225 square feet to the gallon of this mixture. This size is more expensive but produces a very satisfactory surface and takes the place of one coat of oil paint. “C” Casein Size: All casein sizes are produced with manu- factures specifications for mixing and applying. The average coverage is approximately 275 square feet per gallon of mixture. They are mixed with water. No casein size should be used that contains free lime. In markets where these sizes are not available The Celotex Company will recommend an appropriate brand. Oil Paints: Priming : Instead of sizing, a priming coat containing ¥% turpentine, % boiled linseed oil and % paint may be used. This should be brushed on swiftly and evenly. Painting: Over a sized or primed surface, any paint may be used or painting effect produced. Note: The above specifications apply equally to interior or exterior painting so far as the preparation of the walls are concerned. Oil Stains: Oil, benzol, alcohol, acid or any other penetrating stains may be applied over glue or casein sizes in the usual manner. Oil and silax size produces a built up white surface similar to one coat of white oil primer. Water Paints and Stains: Wood Stains: All commercial stains used for dyeing wood may be used over Celotex without sizing. These are mixed in hot water and applied cold in accordance with -manufacturer’s specifications. The coverage is large, approximately 500 square feet to the gallon but the quantity of dye depends upon the strength of tint desired. These tints should be applied swiftly and evenly with a large brush. Paste Water Stains: Paste water stains are dry colors which are mixed with paste specially prepared by manufacturers and may be applied without the use of sizes, as the paste contains the necessary glue. They are mixed in accordance with manu- facturer’s specifications. Any color or tint may be produced. Due to the slow drying qualities of this material, other color tints may be mottled into them, producing tiffany or antique effects in one painting operation. Any stencil effect can be applied on this background in Fresco or Japan colors. Kalsomine Tints: Kalsomine tints may be applied over either sized or unsized surfaces. When sizing is not used, add small amount of glue to mixture. Mix and apply in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. Any kalsomine surface maybe stenciled in Fresco or Japan colors. Celotex as Interior Wall Finish for Application of Wall- paper, Sanitas or Canvas. For Use In Dwellings of Moderate Cost. Material: Celotex Standard Building Board shall be used as a base for this application, applied in accordance with standard specifications, with the following additions and pre- cautions which govern this application: Framing: Before applying Celotex, the framing must be carefully checked. If studs require straightening, saw the concave side of the bowed studs about two inches, and drive in a wooden wedge until stud straightens. Nailing: Nail all surfaces of the board except the edges, in accordance with standard specifications. On all outside edges space nails 2 in. on centers and drive in until the heads are 1/16 in. to \% in. below the surface of the board. Sandpapering: Because of the close nailing and the fact that nails are driven in so far, there is a depression and roughness at joint. Wrap a piece of coarse sand paper around a piece of 2 in. x 4 in., about 12 in. long, and sand with a circular motion, across the joint. Do not sand the depression out, or to the nail heads, but just enough to smooth off rough or raised surface, caused by nailing. Bring the surface of the two Celotex boards, except for depression at nails, to an even plane. Check surface of Celotex boards at intermediate nailing ; if raised, sand slightly in same way. Also sand well in joints between nails to keep edges from rising. Sizing: Celotex must be sized before applying paper. Dis- solve one pound of shell or chip glue in three gallons of boiling water and apply warm. Apply within eight hours of time of mixing. Apply in a heavy, uniform coat, Muslin Joints: On all joints and angles (external and in_ ternal) paste on with wallpaper paste, a cheese cloth or thin muslin strip 5 in. wide. Paste the strip well before applying, and brush away from joint until it is stretched tight. This will bridge the depression made by nailing. Strip should not touch nail heads, _ Lining Paper: Apply lining paper. Any smooth paper will do for this operation, but on ceilings, where light colored, un- figured paper is to be used, the lining paper should be of sufficient weight to obscure muslin strips. Old patterns or discolored stock may be used just to give smooth, easy work- ing surface for finish paper. Apply lining paper with a thick coat of regular wallpaper paste. It is suggested the lining paper be run opposite to finish paper to avoid getting two joints at the same place. This, however, is not absolutely necessary. The same care in hanging is not needed as in finish paper, the important thing being not to use lap joints. This lining paper when dry bridges over depressions made by nail heads not touching them. It also strengthens muslin joints. ; Finish Paper: Any desired paper, Sanitas or canvas is then applied the same as over any wall surface. Decorative Celotex. Selected Standard Building Board used for interior wall finish and decorated with stains, paints and other forms of interior wall treatment. Address company for literature and information. See Speci- fications and Details for Celotex Standard Building Board for methods of erecting decorative Celotex. Celotex As Roof Insulation. Material: The top of the house shall be instlated with Celotex Standard Building Board applied to the wcod fram- ing in accordance with standard specifications (except where applied to wood deck, specification for which appears in this Section). The place of application and the number of thick- nesses shall be as directed for the particular case. Applied Over Roof Rafters: Furring and Roofing: For wood shingles, slate, tile or any other brand of rigid roofing, apply 2 in. shingle lath directly over the Celotex, nailing through into the rafters; shingle lath shall be spaced to fit the particular roofing specified. For shingles too flexible to bridge the lath, or for roll or sheet roofing first apply wood sheathing board. ‘Then apply Celotex, butting the joints. Over this apply roofing, nailing through to the sheathing. i For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE CELOTEX COMPANY, CHICAGO. See Next Page i" { CELOTEX INSULATING LUMBER— (Continued) In summer cottages where Celotex is used as interior finish in connection with open rafters, Celotex may first be applied to rafters, and sheathing, shingle strips or spaced sheathing applied over it to receive various types of roofing. As Attic Lining and Insulation. Applied to the Under Side of Roof Rafters: Apply Celotex Standard Building Board to the underside of roof rafters, extended to a tight joining with the wall insulation on all sides. In houses already constructed where there is no side wall insulation, bring Celotex in close contact with side wall sheathing, carefully filling all spaces where air leakage may occur around cornices. If frame is not spaced properly it shall be furred with 1 in. x 2 in. strips spaced 16 in. on centers. Applied to the Upper Side of Attic Joists: Apply Celotex Standard Building Board on top of attic frour joists, extending it to a tight joining with side wall insulation. In old houses where there is no side wall insulation, use method specified in previous paragraph. Lay wood floor over the Celotex in such portions of attic as are to be used for storage or living rooms. Note: Celotex used with plaster applied direct on second floor ceiling, also operates as roof insulation. Note: If attic is to be used as a bedroom or other living room—see specifications for Celotex with plaster applied direct and Interior Finish. Applied Over Wood Deck: (For Commercial and Industrial ead See also our Specifications for Celotex Industrial oard. Preparation of Deck: Roof deck shall be made of seasoned dressed and matched lumbery, properly nailed, all nails driven flush with boards. The deck shall be laid to slope and pitched to drain, as shown on plans and specifications. Deck shall be swept clean before laying Celotex insulation. Nail cant strips around walls and where required after Celotex is in place. Application: The Celotex shall be nailed to the wood deck, using 1% in. standard roofing nails with % in. head, and spacing nails 1 ft. on centers. Nails in the body of the board shall be staggered. Nails shall be driven until the nail heads are 14 in. to 1/16 in. below the surface of the Celotex. Where more than one layer of Celotex is applied use nails of sufficient length to penetrate wood deck. Transverse joints and joints of successive layers shall be broken, Be careful to fit tight joints with walls and around all roof projections, but DO NOT force into place. _ Apply tin or other form of flat roof in accordance with Roof- ing Specifications. Additional layers of Celotex used for roof insulation shall be applied in the manner above specified. game jens! SPHALT CEMENT M ficsy flayver oF CELOT | CONCRETE LoF-DECRK, ( PRIMED) THE CELOTEX INDUSTRIAL BOARD DANY ROOF INSULATION DETAILS For further details and THE CELOTEX COMPANY, CHICAGO literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 111 BalsamWool Heat Insulation and Sound Deadener Made by WOOD CONVERSION COMPANY Cloquet, Minnesota DISTRICT OFFICES St. Paul, Minn., 1955 University Avenue Chicago, Ill., 310 South Michigan Avenue Distributed Through Retail Lumber Dealers Exclusively Products Balsam-Wool Standard Building Insulation for preventing heat losses through walls, roofs, floors and ceilings; for insulating refrigerator rooms, cars and boxes; and for the sound dead- ening of floors and walls. Balsam-Wool Sound Absor- bent for acoustical treatments. Balsam-Wool Standard Building Insulation A Wood Product — Balsam- Wool is made from pure wood fibers in fleecy wool form, per- manently matted together and treated chemically to resist fire. For building purposes it is fur- nished 14 in. thick, between two sheets of asphalt-coated tough kraft paper. Highly Efficient as a Heat Insulator—In Balsam- Wool the natural heat resistance of the wood is multi- plied many times by a rearrangement of the cellular wood fibers into a ‘‘wool’’ form which retards the circulation of air. The still air space in Balsam-Wool is approximately 95%, while its density in pounds per cubic foot is only 3.80. The fact that the paper covers of Balsam - Wool are not stitched or punc- tured in any way adds further to its heat, mois- ture and wind resisting qualities. Standard spec- ifications, and test results showing the efficiency of Balsam - Wool compared with other building insu- lations are given in this article. An Effective Sound Deadener—The ability of the wool to absorb sound, and the tendency of the paper covering to reflect sound waves, account for the remarkable efficiency Standard Package Contains 250 Sq. Ft. Weight, 50 Lbs. Waterproof—The film of asphalt which lines the paper coverings protects the wool from moisture, and at the same time keeps dampness out of the building. Fire Resistant — The wool is chemically treated against fire. It will char while exposed to flame, but will not smolder or burn after the flame is removed. Balsam-Wool in itself will not support combustion. Verminproof and Sanitary— Balsam-Wool contains no ani- mal matter. It does not attract or harbor rats, mice or vermin. It is clean, odorless and sani- tary. Permanent—The wool cannot sift or settle because each fiber is coated with an ad- hesive which cements it to adjoining fibers. The asphalt coating provides a permanent bond between wool and paper. Balsam-Wool is as permanent as the walls which hold it. Uniform in Quality—During the process of manu- facture Balsam-Wool is under constant laboratory supervision for uniformity and thermal conductivity. Low Cost of Installa- tion — Three standard , widths meet all average construction require- ments. Thus, the ear- penter cuts on lym length. Being flexible, Balsam - Wool can be fitted easily into corners and around projections without waste of mate- rial. Being light and easily installed, it speeds up the work and keeps down installation costs. Widihs and Thickness —The standard widths are 17, 25 and 32 in. The standard thickness is 14 Balsam-Wool of Balsam- Wool as a sound deadener. Speci- fications and test results will be furnished on re- quest. A piece of Balsam-Wool with the paper removed from one side. Note the resemblance in appearance to sheep’s wool. Actual tests on the two materials show an equally striking similarity in insulat- ing efficiency. In Balsam-Wool you have practically the equivalent of sheep’s wool in insulating efficiency at about one-fifth the cost. Balsam-Wool is so efficient because it is 95% still air space—that accounts, too, for its light weight. in., although. 1-in. thick- ness can be furnished on special order. Balsam- Wool is rolled, wrapped, and sealed in standard ee SS SSS = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 112 WOOD CONVERSION COMPANY, CLOQUET, MINN. See Next Page ee ae a a BALSAM-WOOL HEAT INSULATION AND SOUND DEADENER— (Continued) packages containing 250 sq. ft. and weighing 50 lbs. How Distributed—Balsam-Wool Standard Build- ing Insulation is distributed through retail lumber dealers. Stocks are carried by dealers in all sections, and any retail lumber dealer can promptly obtain a supply. Balsam-Wool Sound Absorbent For use in acoustical treatments, where sound ab- sorption rather than sound insulation is the impor- tant factor, Balsam-Wool is furnished in a special form. Complete information on Balsam-Wool Sound Absorbent will be furnished on request. A Weyerhaeuser Product Balsam-Wool bears the name of an organization which for more than 65 years has been known for the high standard of quality maintained in all its prod- ucts. On every roll of genuine Balsam-Wool will be found the Weyerhaeuser Forest Products trade-mark, the maker’s pledge of personal responsibility. Heat Insulation for Buildings Practical Insulation Tests—In the effort to obtain practical insulating data for architects, a series of tests was recently conducted for Woop CONVERSION Company by the C. F. Burgess Laboratories of Madi- son, Wisconsin. Made on Actual Wall and Roof Sections—The roof and wall sections tested were of standard construc- tion, and included types most commonly encountered in residential work. First, each section was tested for its thermal con- ductivity without insulation. Commercial insulating materials, purchased from dealers’ stocks, were then applied in turn, so that the series of tests would show (1) the absolute heat loss through each type of wall or roof, insulated and uninsulated, and (2) the rela- tive efficiency of the different insulators wnder actual service conditions. Standard heat transmission test methods were em- ployed. Details of these will be furnished on re- quest. Balsam-Wool the Most Efficient—Results of these tests show a wide difference in the efficiency of the eight insulators under trial. As might be expected, their relative standing varies somewhat in the case of the different wall and roof constructions to which they were applied, but in every case the heat loss through Balsam-Wool was shown to be the lowest. General Conclusions—Test results show that the heat loss through the roof is relatively greater than through the walls. They also show that the amount of heat loss in either case is largely dependent on the building materials employed. The percentage of saving due to insulation is high- est in the case of those walls and roofs which showed the greatest amount of heat loss when uninsulated. However, the results show that there is a large pre- ventable waste of heat through uninsulated walls and roofs of every type. The Economies of Insulation—In the light of these tests and the actual results obtained in insulated buildings, insulation must be recognized as an im- portant measure of fuel conservation. Thousands of insulated houses throughout the This photograph illustrates vividly the heat loss through the roof of the un- insulated house and suggests the need for insulation. It was too cold out- doors when this photograph was taken for the snow to melt off the roof of the garage which is not heated. The heat loss from the house, however, is sufficient to melt all the snow off the roof with the ex- ception of a strip over the eaves where the heat com- ing through the roof cannot reach it. country are burning from one-fourth to one-third less coal than uninsulated houses of the same size. More- over, heating engineers are suggesting a reduction of as much as 20% in boiler capacity and radiation when proper insulation is specified. These economic considerations, together with sum- mer and winter comfort and the protection against sudden temperature changes, explain the popularity and greater resale value of the insulated house. Thermal Conductivities of Heat Insulators Based on Tests Made by the C. F. Burgess Laboratories in 1924 Thermal Thermal Thickness Conductivity | Conductivity Insulating of sample BT U per T U per Density in Material tested square ft. per | square ft. per lbs. per Used (in.) 1°F. temp. drop|1°F. temp. drop Gu. t, per l-in. thick-jper 1-in. thick- ness per hr. |ness per 24 hrs. Balsam- Wool -60 249 5.976 3.80 *A 130 »255 6.120 5.45 *B .38 .270 6.480 14.00 8 .50 .279 6.696 15.90 AD) .40 .309 7.416 (07 *E .43 JOLT 7.608 15.80 =H 67 .318 7.632 15.90 *Tnsulating materials in competition with Balsam-Wool. Efficiency of Various Sound ineclators in Floated Floor Type of Construction Percent of Sound Percent Insulation Thickness Stopped Due to of Sound Insulation Transmitted Balsam-Wool Ye" 38 62 AG Yo" 36.5 63.5 =H Yo" 34.4 65.6 *B Ye” 26. 74 26 1" PEAT (ec) *A 3 pl 20.4 79.6 “AB, Vy" 18.1 81.9 *F Yo" 4.4 95.6 *Tnsulating materials in competition with Balsam-Wool. gee For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG WOOD CONVERSION COMPANY, CLOQUET, MINN. See Next Page BALSAM-WOOL HEAT INSULATION AND SOUND DEADENER— (Continued) Standard Specifications for Heat Insulation of Buildings with Balsam-Wool Materials Heat insulation shall be standard 14-in. thick Balsam-Wool, manufactured by the Woop CONVERSION CoMPANY, Cloquet, Minnesota. Widths shall be as specified hereinafter. (Stock widths are 17, 25, and 32 in.) General Continuity of insulation shall be maintained. Where floors, ceilings or roofs are insulated, as well as outside walls, insu- late walls thoroughly between joists and rafter ends. Throughout, all joints shall be made airtight, especially at door and window openings. Use full length strips of insulation. End joints, where necessary, shall be butted and covered with lath, nailed through insulation to boarding or header. Insulation strips shall in all cases run in the same direction as studding, joists and rafters. This photograph shows Balsam-Wool being applied in the walls of a house. The 17-in. width fits snugly between the studding. The ma- terial flanges auto- matically as it is applied and _ these flanges are held tight against the studding and plates by means of lath or nailing strips. Every crack and crevice is thus tightly sealed. Frame Outside Wall Insulation (Wood siding, stucco or brick veneer finish. Studs set on 16-in. centers.) Method No. 1 (17-in. Width)—Insulate with 17-in. width Balsam-Wool applied vertically between studding with back of insulation against face of sheathing. The flanges or turnouts shall be continuously fastened by means of laths or strips nailed securely through insulation to the studding on the sides and to soles, plates or headers at the top and bottom. Note: Where studding is set on 24-in. centers use 25-in. width Balsam-Wool. Method No. 2 (82-in. width)—Insulate with 32-in. width Balsam-Wool applied vertically on inside face of studding, edges butted together on every other stud. Fur over insula- tion with 1x 2-in. furring strips on each stud to receive lath and plaster. Note: This method requires special width door and window frames. Where heating or plumbing pipes are installed in space between studs of outside walls, insulate between studs as in Method No. 1, in addition to insulation as above. Masonry Outside Wall Insulation (Stone, brick, hollow tile or concrete block) Method No. 1 (32-in. Width)—Fur the wall with 1x 2-in. furring strips on 16-in. centers, shimmed plumb and true. Insu- late with 32-in. width Balsam-Wool applied vertically on inside of furring, edges butted together on every other strip. Fur over insulation with 1x 2-in. furring strips on each wall-fur- ring strip to receive lath and plaster. Method No. 2—(17-in. Width)—Fur the wall with 2 x 2-in. furring strips, on 16-in. centers, shimmed plumb and true. Insulate with 17-in. width Balsam-Wool, applied vertically be- tween furring strips with back of insulation against inside face of wall. The flanges or turnouts shall be continuously fastened by means of laths or strips nailed securely to the fur- ring on the sides and to soles, plates or headers at the top and bottom. Roof Insulation (Rafters set on 16-in. centers) Method No. 1 (17-in. Width) —Insulate with 17-in. Balsam-Wool applied between the rafters with back of insula- tion against inside face of roof boarding. The flanges or turn- outs shall be continuously fastened by means of laths or strips nailed securely through insulation to the sides of rafters, plates, ridges, ete. Note: Where rafters are set on 24-in, centers use 25-in. width Balsam-Wool. Method No. 2 (82-in. Width)—Insulate with 32-in. width Balsam-Wool applied on the inside face of rafters, edges butted together on every other rafter. Fur over insulation with 1x 2-in, furring strips on each rafter to receive lath and plaster. (Use laths or strips if space under rafters is un- plastered.) Ceiling Insulation (Joists set on 16-in. centers) (Use instead of roof insulation for second floor ceilings where attic above is not to be used for living quarters; also for basement ceilings where space is unheated; and for porch ceilings where space above is used for living quarters, as in second floor extensions, etc. Insulation is also recommended for first floor ceilings under bedrooms that will be cold at night, and for ceilings of first floor bedrooms where space above is heated at night.) Method No. 1 (17-in. Width)—Insulate with 17-in. width Balsam-Wool applied between joists with back of insulation against underside of rough flooring. The flanges or turnouts shall be continuously fastened by means of laths or strips nailed securely through insulation to the sides of joists, plates, headers, ete. Note: Where joists are set on 24-in. centers use 25-in. width Balsam-Wool. Method No. 2 (32-in. Width)—Insulate with 32-in. width Balsam-Wool applied on the bottom of joists, edges butted together on every other joist. Fur over insulation with 1 x2-in. furring strips on each joist to receive lath and plaster or ceiling. No matter how hot the sun, this room will always be comfortable. In this story - and-a - half house Balsam- Wool is applied not only between the studs but also between the rafters and under the ceiling joists. As a rule it is impossi- ble to live comfort- ably in such rooms in an_ uninsulated house in the sum- mertime. Balsam - Wool makes them as cool as the rooms below. Floor Insulation (Over partially excavated or cold basement areas. Joists set on 16-in. centers.) Method No. 1 (32-in. Width)—Insulate with 32-in. width Balsam-Wool applied over subfloor, edges butted together over every other joist. Fur over insulation with 1x 2-in. furring strips secured over each joist to receive finish floor. Note: Where entire building floor area is not insulated as above, set floor joists of insulated area sufficiently below normal joist level to compensate for thickness of insulation and stripping. Method No. 2 (17-in. Width)—(Use where headroom below joists is sufficient for working space and is accessible.) Insulate with 17-in. width Balsam-Wool applied between joists as specified in Method No. 1 for Ceiling Insulation. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG WOOD CONVERSION COMPANY, Cloquet, Minnesota Insulex—The Gypsum Insulation eoeoe* eee ee ee OM OE RS Ce ied Manufactured and exclusively controlled by UNIVERSAL GYPSUM COMPANY Or Its Licensee Conway Building, Chicago GYPSUM INSULATION TRADE MARK ik (See page 126 for Gypsolite Wallboard.) Insulex Insulex is cellular gypsum, a fire, vermin and decay-proof in- sulation and sound deadener, em- ployed on roofs, floors, sidewalls and ceilings of residences, com- mercial and industrial buildings TIC SPACE (NOT OCCUPIED ) fee BEING ~ WASTED BIS e) Sree © 0 0 «6 @ & * Pee el ole 8 0 O90 «6 ° Ae ®enrteeteteeesece ® Sh ade tl hats | . Housz InsutaTep Wira INsuLEx Reduces heat losses 52% to 77% by actual tests Main Uses Insulation against heat. and cold. Sound deadener. Light weight fill for floors and roofs. Fireproofing. Industrial uses such as insulating coke ovens, bake ovens, enameling ovens, dryers, roofs of clay plants, lum- ber kilns, boilers, hot water tanks, high pressure steam pipes, pipe chases, outside water towers, underground heating mains, refrigerators, cold storage and ice plants, fur storage vaults, cigar humidors, cooling rooms for vegetables, bakeries, ‘constant temperature rooms, etc., fire- proofing built in vaults, light structural steel and other uses suggested by those enumerated above, Description Insulex is cellular gypsum and is used for sound deaden- ing and insulation against heat and cold. It is ight in weight and its structure con- sists of millions of tiny dead air cells, each encased in a min- eral wall of gypsum, which in itself, is of low conductivity. It comes in powdered form, put up in 80 lb.sacks. Each sack is marked with the trade-name “Insulex the Gypsum in- sulation” and full directions are given on each sack for mixing and application. Insulex, when mixed with water, expands 3 to 7 times, depending on kind and for purpose used. It sets in 20 to 30 minutes. Tiny confined dead air cells are formed by millions, creating a remarkable resistance to heat, cold and sound. Any desired thickness or shape can be installed. Insulex is supplied to make different finished weights per cubic foot—12, 18, 24 and 30 lb. per cu. ft. being the usual standards. The numbers on the sack indicate the number of pounds of that kind of Insulex powder required to make 1 cu. ft. of Insulex in place. | y and for industrial uses such as asd pipe and boiler covering, cold storage work, etc. Insulex is used as a lightweight fill for reducing dead load in structures. Note the millions of tiny air-cells visible to the eye, making the ideal insulation condition. COLD FLOORS “re... Bee Uninsutatep Hovssz: The heat passes through the ceilings, into the attic, and out through the roof. Advantages Insulex is fire-, vermin- and decay-proof and does not dis- integrate in any way with time or moisture. Composed entire- ly of mineral matter, it cannot decay; being of a refractory nature it cannot burn. Insulex is not of vegetable or animal] origin, consequently will not harbor or attract vermin or ro- dents. These advantages, together with its ease and low cost of application, make Insulex attractive. Insulex does not require any skilled labor or expensive equipment to apply. It bonds perfectly with concrete and other structural mate- rials. It can be installed in old as well as new buildings. When poured in place, Insulex expands and flows easily into the smallest crevices and _ cracks and it clings tightly to all joists and studdings, thus effec- tively sealing the structure from heat losses through uninsulated cracks, Summer Comfort and Winter Savings These two desirable qualities in any home can best be had by Insulex. Homes insulated with Insulex are warmest in winter because there is a more uniform heating of rooms. Rooms heat quicker and retain the heat long- er. Drafts are eliminated and floors made warmer. In homes insulated with Insulex, hard to heat rooms are not known. In summer Insulex makes your home more comfortable because it excludes out- side summer heat, thus improving health and living condi- tions. Insulex can be easily and economically applied to old houses. The cost of its application in an old house will be saved in fuel within two years. In new houses, the saving it effects in cost of construction and saving in reduced boiler capacity and radiation, will frequently offset the original cost of installing Insulex. Further Information We have standard drawings and specifications for the use of Insulex printed in loose-leaf pamphlet form suitable for filing or reference. We will gladly furnish these upon appli- cation. We also have well equipped engineering staffs who will be glad to go into the solution of your problem if it involves insulation or sound deadening. For further details and UNIVERSAL GYPSUM COMPANY \ literature, write to: Conway Building, CHICAGO HOME BUILDERS CATALOG UNITED STATES MINERAL WOOL — ineteter anasound Deadenes Manufactured by UNITED STATES MINERAL WOOL COMPANY 280 Madison Ave., New York—Factory: Stanhope, N. J. Products The United States Mineral Wool Company is the pioneer manufacturer of — MINERAL WOOL. This is made by con- verting melted scoria into a fibrous state which holds in suspension from 92 to 96 per- cent of air—more than any other non-combustible material, Principal Uses Mineral Wool is used for lining roofs, walls, ceilings, floors, ete. It is low in price and will repay its original cost the first few winters through the saving it effects in fuel consumption. And there is a perpetual saving in heating expense through being able to maintain an even room temperature while using less fuel. It is easily and quickly applied by common labor. Illustration Cut showing Mineral Wool in Walls for insulation and in floors for deadening. Damp-proof—Sound-proof How to Estimate Requirements Vermin-proof—Fire-resisting The grade of Mineral Wool invariably used in building construc- Mineral Wool keeps the house warm in tion weighs approximately one pound per square foot, for each inch of thickness; or twelve pounds per cubic foot, when ; ; rae winter and cool in summer because it 1 packed under ordinary hand pressure. a non-conductor. It thoroughly deadens Fo ae ey ere rae at 5 o find quantity of Mineral Wool necessary to line Pua ee cps Oe Capa ag oa outside walle the full thickness of studding: Take J entire distance around building on a horizontal Ho to Install line and multiply by height of studding. 'This will give the square feet of outside surface. Deduct, ordinarily from one-third to one- half for doors, windows, chimneys, stud- ding, bracing, ete. Multiply the re- mainder by thickness of studding; the result will be number of pounds , absolute resistant of fire. To properly insulate a house, the space between studding from sill to plate, and also rafters from plate to ridge of house should be filled with a non-conducting material— Mineral Wool being unsurpassed for this pur- ese of Mineral Wool required. For filling walls between studding the lathin : Mineral Wool should be packed in by hand oro nn at the time the lathing is being done. First lath one side of any given space completely. Then begin lathing the other side, working ; , ral cline from the floor up. When lathing has Tenchod Section tah awind tet aoceed weertien height of two or three feet fill in with for sound proofing Mineral Wool to top of lathing, then a few feet more of lath, then more Mineral Wool ELE until the top is reached. WA aanh Pack the Wool in closely to fill «ll space ZAS yee Diy heya: Liz EEE EEE GEES SS compactly. The pressure of the Mineral Wool SSS behind the lath does not prevent the plaster Siding Section showing Wool in out- side Walls and between rafters, also placed above Section of Outside Wall showing A) or between beapiatorideaaa keying. Wool between studding. §§5- Samples and Descriptive Literature on Request. For farther details nd UNITED STATES MINERAL WOOL COMPANY 22¥¥oa HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 116 Pyrocell—the Fireproof Insulation Manufactured by the UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois BRANCH OFFICES New York, N. Y.. 17 State St. Buffalo, N. Y., Ellicott Square Bldg. Boston, Mass., 100 Bolyston St. Washington, D. C., 605 Lenox Bldg. Baltimore, Md., 1008 American Bldg. Wis., Philadelphia, Pa., 415 Otis Bldg. Milwaukee, Minneapolis, For Other Products see pages as follows: tone Wall Decoration, 456. PYROCELL, The Fireproof Insulation: New Insulating Efficiency: Pyrocell sets a new standard in building insulation because it combines unequalled heat, cold, and sound in- sulation and fire protection in one material at a cost no greater than that of ordinary insu- lation. What Pyrocell Is: Pyrocell is a gypsum material ground to an extremely fine powder. When water is added a gas is formed which expands the mixture to three or four times its original bulk and produces myriads of tiny air cells, each surrounded by a wall of gypsum. As the formula used in the manufacture of Pyrocell assures a uniform release of gas, the air cells are uniform in size and the cell walls are thick and strong. The Ideal Insulator: Pyrocell offers the highest obtainable insulating efficiency because it combines both of the requirements of the ideal insulating ma- terial—dead air cells confined in a material which will not itself readily transmit heat. Gypsum is one of the best natural insulators. Where To Use Pyrocell: Pyrocell should be used wherever insulation against heat, cold, or sound is desired. Among its many uses the following are im- portant. (1) As insulation and fire protection be- tween wooden studs or joists. (2) As a sound dead- ener, insulator, and fire protection in floors and partitions. (8) In fireproof construction, as a fill between screeds in floors instead of cinder fill. (4) FINISHED FLOOR STRIPS Pyrocell as Floor Fill and Sound Deadener on Concrete Floor Construction Pittsburgh, Pa., 917 Bessemer Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, 625 Hanna Bldg Cincinnati, Ohio. 704 Atlas Bank Detroit, Mich., 1462 Penobscot Bldg. Grove and Minn., 634 McKnight Bldg. St. Louis, Mo., 1339 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Kansas City, Mo., 420 Lathrop Bldg. Omaha, Neb., 705 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Denver, Colo., 603 Denham Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal., 1105 Edwards & Wildey Idz. ‘Bldg. Oregon Sts. Stucco, 87; Plasters and Finishes, 97; Wallboard, 125; Sheathing, 127; Tex- U;S As a base for Terrazo or tile floormg. (5) Asa fill on conerete roof decks. (6) For insulation and fire protection on roofs. How to Use Pyrocell: Pyrocell is easy and economical to use. It can be mixed and ap- plied by unskilled labor and requires no spec- ial equipment. The material is packed in 80-pound paper bags and is ready for use with the addition of water in the approximate proportion of two parts of Pyrocell to one part of water, by bulk. Just sufficient water should be used to give the material an easy flow. The Pyrocell should be added to the water at a single operation and must never be poured into the water slowly. Mix thoroughly and quickly until all lumps disappear and pour the mixture at once. Specifications and directions are printed on each bag. When properly mixed, Pyrocell can be poured between floor, ceiling, or roof joists; between studs or into insulation spaces in stone, brick, or tile walls. It may also be poured into moulds and laid up like tile between wall studs. Joints can be permanently sealed by wiping with the wet mixture. Pyrocell adheres to any surface, makes tight joints, and offers no opportunity for heat leakage or sound transmission. It can be poured into cor- ners that cannot be protected with other types of insulation. Enlarged Section of Pyrocell Show- ing Air Cells Surrounded by Gypsum Fireproof, Sound Resisting, and Light in Weight: Pyrocell cannot burn and it acts as an effective fire stop. It reduces sound transmission to a minimum because it combines the natural sound deadening qualities of gypsum with the added effectiveness of dead air cells. As (No. 24) Terra Cotta Pyrocell weighs only about one- sixth as much as concrete, structural loads can be reduced by using Pyrocell as a fill instead of cinder concrete. Pyrocell is preferable, also, because it can be more easily handled and more quickly applied. A Weight for Every Purpose: Pyrocell is furnished in four weights to meet the varying requirements of its different uses. For the convenience and protection of users each weight is colored differently. Write for Specifications: Complete information and speci- fications for the use of Pyrocell will be sent upon request. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 117 UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO., CHICAGO, ILL. White Rock Fireproof Plaster Wall Board Made by oy 7 ck ise fireproof ACA (WALL BOAR a FOUR-PLY NAIL- ING EDGE: This provides an ex- ceptionally strong BOTH SIDES reinforcement for ALIKE: nails and_ insures smooth, even joints. Saves time in apply- ing (no time lost in turning boards “right” side). Should one side become damaged in handling the other side can be used. White Rock Wall Board works up easily into attractive treatments. For any room in the house White Rock makes substantial fire-safe walls and ceil- ings. THE AMERICAN GYPSUM COMPANY Plant and General Offices: Port Clinton, Ohio Product: WHITE ROCK is a fireproof wall board offering numerous possibilities for economical wall and eeil- ing construction. It is made of white gypsum rock, hence the name White Rock. Advantages: Fireproof—Since this wall board is really rock it cannot burn —not only is it non-burnable itself but it prevents the spread of fire. Consequently, White Rock means a real protection for the home or any structure where it is used. Even under severe heat it does not warp or spoil. Non-Shrinking—Just as rock does not shrink so White Rock cannot shrink because it is rock. Joints (spaces between boards where they join) will never ‘‘open up’’ by the boards pulling apart. These joints are filled with a joint filler—a supply of which accompanies each order for White Rock—and nailing strips are not required. Non-Warping—The use of White Rock assures walls and ceil- ings remaining true and even. This wall board cannot warp or ‘‘buckle’’. It retains its original size and shape under even the most adverse conditions encountered in building. It will pay you to insist upon White Rock Wall Board for your job. It can be easily and quickly applied to brick, plaster, studding or matched lumber and decorated by painting, cal- cimining, papering or panelling or a combination of these. Uses: Covering Walls and Ceilings Clothes Closets Finishing Attic Rooms Fruit Cellars Furnace Rooms Sleeping Porches Farm Buildings Garages Insulation Between Floors Partitions—Permanent or Temporary Store, Office and Factory Partitions Sun Parlors Outside Sheathing under Clapboards Underneath Stairs The building of walls and ceiling is a quick, clean and comparatively, simple operation with White Rock. For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 118 THE AMERICAN GYPSUM CO., PORT CLINTON, OHIO See Next Page WHITE ROCK—FIREPROOF—PLASTER WALL BOARD— (Continued) How to Apply White Rock Wall Board: Stack—flat on floor in center of rooms, protecting surfaces. Doors and windows should be in before board is delivered. MES Gz i i _ \\ hite Ra ck fireproof -e WALL BOAR L@ Framework—Be sure to space studs 16 inches on centers. See that they are straight and level. Place ma headers so that all sides and ends of boards can be Strong—Durable Economical nailed. Sawing—Use a common hand saw. Support board close to sawing edge. Nailing—Use 3-penny countersunk or fine flathead nails, preferably coated or galvanized, driven straight in, heads flush with surface. Be sure to space nails on intermediate supports 6 inches apart on ceilings, 9 inches apart on walls, then at all sides and ends, space nails 3 inches apart and % inch from edge. Edges—of White Rock should be 14 inch apart. First nail side at joining, then nail to first intermediate stud or joist, then to second intermediate stud or joist, then nail side away from joining, then nail ends. Ceilings—Erect ceilings first. Tack a strip of wood along the top of studs, 14 inch from ceilings, to hold edge of board. A ‘‘T’’ made of 2x8’s will help hold White Rock in place on ceiling while nailing. If eross joints are necessary see that they are broken. Walls—Apply White Rock full length up and down. Begin at the corners and work to openings. Use a pry to lift the Board flush with the ceilings. Fill spaces above and below windows last, using cut pieces. Fill—F ill space between edges with the specially pre- pared White Rock joint filler—this will form a smooth, unbroken surface. No nailing strips re- quired. Decorating—Rough Finish, Paint, Calcimine or Wallpaper can be used. With White Rock as a base decorative effects of rare beauty (rough texture finish) can be had For painting and caleimining, White Rock forms a perfectly smooth sur- face. The contraction of wall paper when drying will not warp this Plaster Wall Board. Your Lumber and Building Supply Dealer: Will furnish you with amount of White Rock needed and tell you how to use it for best results. He can also tell you about special lengths of White Rock made up on request. You can cut out the fire hazard by lining your furnace room with White Rock. For clean, sanitary, protected fruit rooms A warm, dry, fireproof garage results —White Rock Wall Board. from simply lining with White Rock. QE For further details and = THE AMERICAN GYPSUM CO., PORT CLINTON, OHIO HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Tig WWW VDWV ADV VW WVH FV VW VW FVD RWVWWVNWWH DH VAWE THOROLD, ONT Atlanta New York Buffalo, N. Y. Thorold, Ont. PRODUCTS—for WALLS Beaver Fibre Wall Board, Beaver Fibre Tile Board, Bestwall Plaster Wall Board, Beaver Gypsum Lath, Beaver American Plas- ters, Beaver Gypsum Block, Architectural and Industrial Paints and Varnishes. Gypsum, Ohio For Beaver Vulcanite Roofing products see pages 142-43. BESTWALL Beaver ‘Bestwall the superior plaster wall board, is easily and quickly applied and permanent. It is used in frame buildings where an absolutely rigid, fireproof material is required; where economy of time and labor is essential and at the same time, a dur- able, perfectly decorated result must be secured. Bestwall is made from super-strength, WALL MATERIALS MANUFACTUED BY The Beaver Products Company, Inc. BUFFALO, N. Y. SALES OFFICES Chicago MILLS Grand Rapids, Mich. LONDON, ENG. Minneapolis Buffalo Fort Dodge, Ia. Agatite, Tex. Blue Rapids, Kan. Akron, N. Y. Its Application. Beaver ‘“Bestwall” is merely nailed to studs and joists, the joints filled with plaster and painted or papered. It can easily be cut by scoring and breaking, or by sawing. It is nailed on all edges, headers being provided in the framing for the ends, with 3rd flat head nails placed at intervals of about 6 in. It is nailed to the center supports about every 12 inches. Plaster for filling is furnished and this is quickly used to fill joints and holes over countersunk center nails. Painting or papering is next and then the job is done, without fear of failure and with no muss or litter. Superior Advantages. Beaver “Bestwall”’ gives a plaster wall of pre-set rock like gypsum, always mixed right under proper con- ditions and supervision; saves time in delay ; will not crack or fall and once up it is a durable and permanent con- correctly set and rightly mixed, high struction. quality gypsum rock plaster impreg- a . : : B v 9 nated with a small amount of wood Fireproof estwall” eant burn aud fibre for binding purposes. Its surfac- ing, a tough durable fibre casing gives added strength and allows of finest decoration—an exclusive advantage of Beaver ‘“Bestwall.” Its manufacture under uniformly and ideal conditions and by processes perfected through careful experimentation and long ex- perience, makes Beaver “Bestwall” the quality plaster wall board of today. Convenient Size Panels: Bestwall comes in panels ready for immediate use, slightly less than 4 feet wide and in stock lengths of 6, 7, 81%, 9 and 10 feet. It is a full % of an inch thick and supplied in either beveled or square edge. BEST WALL THE SUPERIOR IPLASTER WALL BOARD provides excellent fire protection to the rest of the house. It has withstood the most severe tests of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and it is approved for use within the fire limits of the larger cities. Sound Retarder and Heat Insulator: It is an exceptional retarder of sound, a very good insulator against heat or cold, and is also proof against moisture and dampness. Permanency: Severe blows will not break it—jars will not loosen it. It will never warp, chip, crack or crumble and once up—its up to stay. Decorative Surface: Smoothness, evenness and tex- ture of the special fibre surfacing influences the degree of beauty possible and the types of decora- tion adaptable. Cerrr |! DD 04 OF 0D 64 4 20 24 44 44 44 44 66 OD 0D O04 44 CREA GB 446 46 L444 44 C464 24 G44 CB 64 64 44 EB 4444 44 £4.46 446 64 == For further details and Buffalo, New York, or THE BEAVER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC., literature, write to: Nearest Branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 120 WNHNNNHWWNAWFH DVN PAHFRDFH PPD PPFADPHVQFPFWVVNVWTwwnynvwywvnwwe BEAVER PRODUCTS — for WALLS BESTWALL—Continued. Test and Compare. Get a piece of “Bestwall’ from your dealer. Dig into its gypsum plaster core with a knife and see how rock-like it is. Break it if you can and note its great strength. ‘Try to tear off its fibre sur- facing. Soak it in water and note the freedom from swelling or other distortion. See how nicely it takes paint or paper. Turn a blow torch on it— it will not burn. Nail it down and test its nailing strength. Bestwall is sold on its merit—its su- perior quality—and it costs no more—give it every test—and compare. Beaver Fibre Wall Board. The first and original wall board, the longest and most extensively used and accepted for the last seventeen years as the quality fibre wall board. Built from long tough fibres into large, light, dur- able panels that are easy to work. For walls and ceilings in new frame construction or for the many kinds of remodeling in office, store or factory, Beaver Wall Board is the economical material to use. It makes a good sheathing, an efficient sound deadener and a handy form of lumber for the manu- facture of many hundreds of articles. Application. Convenient size panels, 32 or 48 inches wide and in length of from 6 to 16 feet, in two weights. Standard (% in. thick), Jumbo (% in. thick), applied directly to studs and joists, to furring over masonry or over old wall materials. All edges are nailed, by providing headers, with 3d flat head nails at intervals of 6 in., and centers with finish- ing nails at intervals of 12 in. Center nails are eountersunk and filled. After painting, the panel intersections are covered with decorative moulding and strips. Great variety of panel design is pos- sible through planning. ON EVERY PANEL OF THE GENUINE LOOK FOR THE RED BEAVER BORDER Beaver Fibre Tile Board. — A durable inex- CO a8 pensive tiling for bathrooms, kitch- ens, restaurants, restrooms and other places where a glistening tile wainscot is de- sired. Comes in panels 48 inches wide and standard ‘ s wall board lengths. EASILY APPLIED Nailed horizon- tally across the studs or over old wall materials, painted and enam- eled, it is equal in appearance to the most expen- sive tile, and it will never crack or fall. The finish mouldings, along the top and at the corners com- plete the job and it is quickly done. Beaver American Gypsum Products Plasters Yor any type of building ; for plas- tering over any approved plaster backing; for pra- curing any effect of finish; for all climatic condi- tions: for any local preference as to working characteristics; there’s a Beaver American Plaster whose superior fit- ness has been proved by long ex- perience. Every brand is a brand of established re- putation — for twenty - five years the confidence of careful builders has been enjoyed. Beaver American Plasters may be broadly divided into two classifications: (1) Plaster for Base Coats; (2) Plasters for Finish Coats. SOLES NET WEIGHT. § DISTINCTIVE PLASTER IN DISTINCTIVE BAGS Beaver American base coat plasters are provided, hair fibred, unfibred, and wood fibred, unsanded or sanded ready for mixing. Beaver American Plasters for finish coats are provided in Finishing and Guaging plasters and Moulding and Casting plasters. Beaver Gypsum Lath Beaver Gypsum Lath (QP iay eS tee) ie Board) is composed of gypsum rock plaster, reinforced with shredded woodfibre binder and by tough fibre surfacinugs front and back. It is applied much faster than other forms of lath. It braces the fram- ing better, bonds with gypsum plaster more se- curely, saves time and material in plastering and will not swell, buckle, rust or burn. The finished wall is better insulator against heat, cold and sound and has twice the thickness of durable, rock- like material usually secured with other lathing. It is made in slabs 24 in. x 32 in., 32 in. x 36 in., 32 in. x 48 in.; either 14 in. or %& in. thick. FOR BETTER PLASTERING Beaver Gypsum Block This gypsum product has established a high reputation in the building world as a modern non- bearing partition and furring material for fire- proof buildings. It is a non-conductor of heat. cold and sound, is light in weight, strong and tough, and erects economically without waste. Made in four sizes and weights; 2 in. solid weighing 24 lbs. ; 8 in. hollow weight 23 Ibs.; 4 in. hollow, weight 30 lbs.; 6 in. hollow, weight 47 Ibs. 44 64 £4 £8, 24 44 q q 4 q q q | q q q q q q q q 4 q q g q q q q q q q 4 q q 4 For further details and Buffalo, New York, or _ literature, write to: THE BEAVER PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC., Nearest Branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 121 ‘“HOMASOTE” — An Interwoven Fibre Board Sold By THE PANTASOTE COMPANY, Inc. 250 Park Avenue, New York City TRADE MARK HOMASOT What Homasote is: HOMASOTE is not a substitute for wood but a scientific improvement over wood. It is not a “built up” wallboard composed of layers but a homogeneous mass of interwoven fibre that presents a solid lasting weather-proof material for exterior and interior con- struction purposes. Advantages HOMASOTE is substantial permanent labor-saving, economical in cost and weather proof. PAT AVRO es The House Illustrated Above Was covered on the outside with genuine STANDARD HOMASOTE SIDING (clapboard) 12” wide 10” to the weather: Ceiling and upper walls were of HOMA- SOTE PANELS painted. No plaster whatever was used. Panels and Sidings Thoroughly Tested Products HOMASOTE is not a new and untried product. It has been manufactured and sold in steadily increasing quantities for a number of years. The growing demand has increased the original plant production 1000 per cent HOMASOTE is 3)” in thickness; this insures a most substantial product in every way. Its weather proof quality, insuring its great success for outside use, recommends it also for the interior of the home. For it will not spht nor crack through either the vibration or settling of the structure, nor will it dis- integrate through dampness, or by water from faulty plumbing. tal AANA a Sizes 7,” thick and from four feet by eight feet up to eight feet by fourteen feet. One Quality— The best; insures against substitution. For further details and literature, write to: THE PANTASOTE COMPANY, Inc., New York City HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page i VEHISOTE—An Interwoven Fibre Board Made by THE PANTASOTE COMPANY, Inc. 249 Vanderbilt Ave., New York City TRADE MARK VEHISOTE. Different Forms of Vehisote Vehisote is a wood pulp material formed into a panel without layers or laminations, the fibres being run together, interlocking and interlacing making one solid mass without grain. It cannot split nor crack with the settling of a structure in which it is used and is not affected by vibration. Uses Vehisote panels for high class walls and ceilings, readily lend themselves to any paint finish and deco- ration. Vehisote Grainboards in mahogany and oak for high class panel effects, need only a coat of fin- ishing varnish after installation. WVehisote Tileboard for bathroom and kitchen walls, hospitals, laundries, ete., can be finished with high gloss enamel in any color desired on the job. Advantages Vehisote panels are in a class by themselves. The board has great resistance to moisture and usage and is remarkably permanent. The surface is of fine smooth texture and when painted is readily kept clean. Hundreds of thousands of delivery wagons in the highest type of delivery service are equipped with Vehisote side panels; for the years have proved that it can successfully stand the vibration and weaving of the vehicle, cold, heat, rain and sleet; maintain- ing that lasting finish demanded to show to full ad- vantage the rich art work with which such ears are Thirty Days Under Water and Still in Perfect Con- dition In 1911 the steamship ‘‘Madison’’ of the Old Do- minion Line sank off Newport News, and was sub- merged for thirty days. When raised and towed to dry dock, the joiner work was no longer serviceable but the panels of Vehisote, used throughout the passenger quarters were in such excellent condition that they were at once reinstalled in the vessel, and are still gwing *¢€ most useful kind of service. Vehisote Grainboard Vehisote carries with it all the unexcelled qualities men- tioned above. This board is the most perfect imitation of fine mahogany and oak finish and is obtainable in the uniform width of 4 feet and heights up to 14 feet, 5/16 inch thick. The product as it comes from the mill is grained and already has a color coat, requiring only a finishing coat of varnish after installation. Its appearance is vastly superior to any but the most expensive class of veneer and it has no layers which ean separate under the changing conditions of summer dampness or winter heating plants. Vehisote Tileboard Simulating in appearance the finest tiling job, this board will not crack with the settling of a structure nor will it chip. It is the most sanitary type of wall covering for bathrooms, doctors’ quarters, etce., and its imperviousness to steam and water in all forms makes it the leading product for this use. Sizes 4 feet in height up to 14 feet in length, 5/16 in. thick. decorated. Sizes 4 ft. by 8 ft. up to 8 ft. by 14 ft. For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE PANTASOTE COMPANY, Inc., New York City Plastergon Wood Fiber Wall Board Made by THE PLASTERGON WALL BOARD COMPANY Philadelphia Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Products This company makes a superior grade of Wall Board known as PLASTERGON. This is made in two styles—plain surfaced for use in living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and for all general purposes; and embossed with a tile pattern for use in bathrooms, kitchens, laundries, or wherever tile is appropriate. A High Grade Wood Fiber Board Plastergon is a high grade man-made lumber, made from virgin spruce fiber by first shredding the logs, then strengthening the fibers in a chemical bath and finally matting the fibers, under pressure, into com- pact sheets or ‘‘plis.’’ Four of these plies are cemented together to form a rigid, flawless board, smooth and even, and free from knots, cracks, seams or other blemishes found in natural lumber. This laminated construction results in a board of great strength and rigidity—a board that resists warping and twisting yet is light in weight and easy to handle. Made Moisture Resisting at the Factory Plastergon is not only well made but is finished well. Both sides of every panel are surface sized and sealed at the factory by a protective varnish coating that holds the board to a definite moisture content prevents absorption of moisture from the air, and eliminates the priming coat so that board is ready for the finish coat of paint as soon as it is nailed to the wall. A Beautiful and Enduring Wall Finish Plastergon is nailed to the studding in new build- ings and can be applied over old plaster walls in A Living Room Finished with Plastergon Wood Wall Board buildings that are being remodeled or redecorated. It is used for covering both walls and ceilings and when finished in soft tones to harmonize with the decorations it makes a charming room. Its smooth mat surface cannot chip or crack and a wall or ceiling of Plastergon will last as long as the building itself. It has been called ‘‘the Board for better results’’— cheap enough to be used in attic, basement or garage ana beautiful enough to be used in the finest room in the house. Easy and Inexpensive to Install Labor costs for finishing walls and ceilings are reduced to the minimum when Plastergon is used. A saw and hammer are the only tools required and a workman can cut the big panels to measure and nail them in place very quickly. Lengths and Widths Plastergon Wall Board comes in 32-inch and 48-inch widths and in even foot lengths from 6 to 16 feet. Plastergon Tile Board comes in strips 4 feet high and 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 feet long. Descriptive Literature on Request We will be glad to send any building contractor complete information on Plastergon Wall Board and Plastergon Tile Board. Write also for ‘‘The Plaster- gon Planner,’’ a vest-pocket calculator that enables you to figure quickly and accurately the exact amount of Plastergon, trim and nails necessary to finish the walls and ceiling of any room from 8 ft. by 8 ft. to LS ft bycloctts A Bath Room Finished with Plastergon Tile Board = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE PLASTERGON WALL BOARD CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. ae f Re Sheetrock—the Fireproof Wallboard Manufactured by the UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois BRANCH OFFICES New York, Y., 17 State St. Buffalo, N. ¥. Ellicott Square Bldg. Boston, Mass., 100 Bolyston St. Washington, D. C., 605 Lenox Bldg. Baltimore, Md., 1008 American Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. 415 Otis Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa., Cincinnati, Detroit, Mich., Milwaukee, Wis., Minneapolis, For Other Products see pages as follows: tone Wall Decoration, 456. SHEETROCK, The Fireproof Wallboard A Rugged Construction: Sheet- rock is a gypsum wall and ceiling material in unit form, designed to be used in new construction and for remodeling and repairing. It is manufactured in sheets 32 or 48 inches wide and 6 to 10 feet long, and consists of a %-inch gypsum core protected by a specially pre- pared fibre covering which is folded to form square, reinforced edges. This edge is patented and assures greater nailing strength and _ per- fectly fitting joints. Sheetrock is extremely strong and, when prop- 917 Bessemer Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, 625 Hanna Bldg Ohio, 704 Atlas Banke ‘Bldg. 1462 Penobscot Bldg. Grove and Oregon Sts. Plasters and Finishes, 97; erly applied, adds definite bracing strength to the building, Many Reasons for Using Sheetrock Fireproof: Sheetrock makes fire resistive walls and ceilings. It cannot burn, will not add fuel to fire, and, by confining flames to the space in which they originate, actually reduces the fire hazard. Each sheet bears the label of the Underwriters’ Labora- tories, Incorporated, who have tested Sheetrock for fire resistance and structural strength. Cannot Warp or Buckle: Because it is made of gypsum, Sheetrock cannot warp or buckle and is not affected by moisture or climatic con- ditions. For this reason the material is adapted to use in moist climates and in locations (cel- lars, creameries, etc.) where exposure to mois- ture is common. Takes Any Decoration: When joints and nailheads are concealed with Sheetrock Finisher, the Sheetrock wall offers a permanently smooth base suitable for any type of decoration—Textone, wallpaper, or paint. Panels are unnecessary but, if desired, may be used in any preferred design. Insulates: By a special manufacturing process the gypsum core of Sheetrock is composed of millions of tiny air cells. As dead air Bes Eh is one of the most effective {7 GIVES A STRONG “~N insulators known to science and as gypsum itself is an effective heat insulator, Sheetrock walls and ceilings keep objectionable heat out in summer and keeps build- ings comfortably warm in winter with less fuel con- sumption. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG US 125 St. Louis, Mo., 1339 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Kansas City, Mo., 420 Lathrop Bldg. Omaha, Neb., 705 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Denver, Colo., 603 Denham Bldg Los. Angeles, Cal., 1105 Edwards & Wildey Minn., 634 McKnight Bldg. Bldg. Stucco, 87; Insulation, 117; Sheathing, 127; Tex- Sanitary: Sheetrock makes san- itary walls and ceilings because it will not harbor germs and vermin and its tight joints offer no lodging place for dirt. Easy to Erect: Sheetrock saws and nails lke lumber and can be applied directly to studs and joists or right over old construction. Be- cause of its ease of handling and the large size of the sheets, Sheet- rock can be rapidly erected. Its use, therefore, reduces construction time. Installation Is Simple: Sang and Cutting: Use a sharp hand saw. When sawing, place the board on a bench, trade mark side downward, and firmly support it close to the saw- ing edge. Cuts that are to be covered with trim can be made by scoring with a knife or chisel and break- ing over a straight edge. Bevel the cut edge on the face side with coarse sandpaper. Also bevel the mill cut ends before the board is nailed in place. Nailing: Use 3d cement coated common nails (flat heads). On old plastered walls that are not furred use 6d cement coated nails. Drive the nails home with the heads slightly below the surface. Do not use a nail set. Draw all edges of Sheetrock firmly and evenly against sup- ports. On all intermediate supports space nails 6 inches apart on ceilings and 9 inches apart on walls. On all sides and ends of boards space nails 3 inches apart and 84 of an inch from the edge—poth walls and ceil- ings. Do not stagger nails on joining edges. All four edges of Sheetrock must be nailed. First drive a few nails at the edge of the Sheetrock where it joins the board last applied; nail the first intermediate stud or joist; then nail the second intermediate stud or joist; then nail the edges and, finally, the ends. NAIL FROM THE CEN- TRE OF THE BOARD TO- WARD EACH END. Sheetrock Finisher: Sheet- rock Finisher is a specially pre- pared material to be used in fill- ing the joints and nailheads in Sheetrock walls. It is ready for use with the addition of water and may be applied with the special Finisher Knife or with an ordinary putty knife. Sheetrock Finisher will not erack or pull away at the edges when it hardens, and assures smooth, permanent walls suitable for any type of decoration. Nailed to Studding or Joists UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO., CHICAGO, ILL. GYPSOLITE WALLBOARD Manufactured By UNIVERSAL GYPSUM COMPANY NEW YORK KANSAS CITY FT. DODGE CHICAGO ATLANTA Products: Handles Easily This Company manufactures Gypsolite GYPSCLITE The unusual light weight and greater WALLBOARD Wallboard for interior walls, ceilings and partitions. Gypsolite Finisher, for filling joints and covering nailheads. Also Gypsum Plasters, Plaster Board, Tile, Stucco and Insulex, a Gypsum Insulation. (See page 115). Gypsolite A finished wall material, is a patented gypsum wall- board, machine built into large sturdy boards, predried and ready to nail to studding and joists. Construction The Gypsolite process produces a wallboard with uniform thickness that is 20% lighter in weight than all other gypsum boards, yet possesses greater strength and rigidity. Being of pure rock formation without saw dust or other substitutes, Gypsolite forms a solid continuous wall of rock that cannot warp, crack or bulge. Sizes Gypsolite is made in lengths of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet; width, 48 inches, thickness 3g inch. Samples will be sent on request. TRADE MARK inherent strength of Gypsolite facilitates its ease in handling as well as application. It saws and nails as easily as lumber with a minimum breakage and no crumbling of the edges. Highly Fire Resisting Gypsolite is fire-proof, vermin-proof, and highly heat, cold and sound resisting. Rooms built with Gypsolite walls and ceilings are cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Decorating With its smooth, hard surface, Gypsolite lends itself readily to all types of interior decoration, such as wall paper, canvas, paint calcimine, ete. For Construction or Improvements Gypsolite is equally useful for new construction or improvements. A few uses are: attics, partitions, sun parlors, dairies, summer cottages, etc. Gypsolite Finisher This is a special preparation for filling joints and covering nailheads when Gypsolite is to be finished without paneling. Comes in powdered form and when mixed with water forms a putty cement which is easily and quickly applied. Put up in 5 pound containers. Gypsolite Application : (1) Walls ready for applying Gypsolite on studding and headers. (2) Ceilings ready for application of Gypsolite on joists and headers. (3) Gypsolite applied to wall. (5) Gypsolite on wall with filler in joints and nailheads. (6) Gypsolite cn ceiling with filler in joints and nailheads. (7) Brick Wall ready for Gypsolite with furring in place. (8) Gypsolite result with wallpaper decoration. (4) Gypsolite applied to ceiling. For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 126 UNIVERSAL GYPSUM CO., Chicago j 3 Pl a A ls ated be | el eee EO Sa Gyp-Lap—the Fireproof Sheathing Manufactured by the UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe St., Chicago, Illinois BRANCH OFFICES New York, N. Y., 17 State St. Pittsburgh, Pa., 917 Bessemer Bldg. St. Louis, Mo., 1339 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Buffalo, N. Y., Ellicott Square Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, 625 Hanna Bldg. Kansas City, Mo., 420 Lathrop Bldg. Boston, Mass., 100 Bolyston St. Cincinnati, Ohio, 704 Atlas Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb., 705 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Washington, D. C., 605 Lenox Bldg. Detroit, Mich., 1462 Penobscot Bldg. Denver, Colo., 603 Denham Bldg. Baltimore, Md., 1008 American Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis., Grove and Oregon Sts. Los Angeles, Cal., 1105 Edwards & Wildey Philadelphia, Pa., 415 Otis Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn., 634 McKnight Bldg. Bldg. For Other Products see pages as follows: Stucco, 87; Plasters and Finishes, 97; Insulation, 117; Wallboard, 125; Tex- tone Wall Decoration, 456. GYP-LAP, The Fireproof Sheathing Four Materials in One: Gyp- Lap is a gypsum sheathing ma- terial with exclusive advantages which recommend its use to con- tractors and home owners. In addition to providing unequalled sheathing efficiency, Gyp-Lap acts aS a fire stop, insulates against heat and cold, adds strength to the building and eliminates the use of building paper. It is used as a backing for siding, brick or stone veneer and stucco. entire building and gives greater resis- tance to racking and wind stresses. Interlocking Edges: Each section of Gyp-Lap has patented edges which interlock perfectly with the adjoining sheets and make wind tight, vermin- proof joints. The use of building paper is unnecessary with Gyp-Lap. Fireproof, Insulating, Water Resis- tive: Gyp-Lap cannot burn and it acts as an effective fire-stop. Because it is made of gypsum rock, one of the best natural insulators, Gyp-Lap re- sists the passage of heat—keeps build- ings cool in summer and reduces fuel consumption in winter. It also resists sound transmission and should be used between floors as well as in walls and under roofs. Large Sections Quickly Applied: Gyp-Lap is manufactured in wide sheets one-half inch thick and eight GyP-Lap,Applied to Studding, Notice = ‘The covering of Gyp-Lap is specially feet long. Because each section covers treated to resist water and, because many square feet of wall at one operation, a U S of its non-absorbent quality, the board provides building can be sheathed with Gyp-Lap in a sur- D an ideal stucco backing. Pee ly short time. Directions Are Simple: Gyp-Lap can be sawed to fit snugly around ~ Apply Gyp-Lap directly to framework with openings and it nails as easily as lumber. Because length crosswise of studs) ALWAYS PLACE of its thickness and ruggedness, Gyp-Lap braces the GROOVED SIDE DOWN. Place trade mark side in. Fasten securely with 6d cement coated or galvanized common nails, 4” apart on each stud and 3%” from edge of boards. Butt the ends tightly and interlock the side edges. Stagger vertical joints. Fit tightly around all door and window frames. When Gyp-Lap is used as the base for Oriental Stucco exteriors, a No. 14 gauge galvanized wire re- inforcement, with mesh not over 2” square, and crimped so that it is self furring, should be applied ~ over the entire wall. (See Gyp-Lap and Oriental Frame House Sheathed with Gyp-Lap Stucco Folder OS 1 for complete specifications.) Qae~ For further details and ~=UJNITED STATES GYPSUM CO., CHICAGO, ILL. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 127 PROCESSED >, THE UPSON COMPANY, rf . oe “Ss The Fibre Board with the Famous Blue Center UPSON (Processed) BOARD Made by THE UPSON COMPANY Lockport, New York ag The Nearest-Perfect Wall “4 and Ceiling Material UPSON BOARD IS DIFFERENT No matter what your past experience with wallboards, this dependable material will win your approval in scores of ways. Harder, Stiffer, Stronger! ‘You never realize the real possibilities of a good fibre wallboard until you try dependable Upson Board.’’ Dozens of letter in Upson Files—from builder, architects, home owners—bear out this statement. Upson Board is different. As an illustration, seven men weighing over 1,000 pounds can be supported on a single panel of Upson Board, whereas under the same test, a panel of gypsum-filled board breaks with less than one-third the weight. Resists Moisture In another conclusive test, Upson Board immersed in water for a given length of time gained only one-fourth as much weight as a sample of gyp- sum-filled board exposed to the same test. Other fibre wallboards tested in the same way were found to absorb nearly twice as much water as Upson Board. Resists Fire Dozens of letters in Upson files prove that Upson Board walls and ceilings retard the progress of fire. Upson Board chars rather than burns. Resists Heat and Cold Other certified tests proved Upson Board a better non-con- ductor of heat and cold—cooler in summer and warmer in win- ter. The closely meshed wood fibres of Upson Board form mil- lions of dead air pockets, the most efficient insulation against any type of climatic condition. Resists Jars and Blows In another certified test by an impartial laboratory, weights were dropped from several heights upon specimens of different wall materials. Upson Board withstood an impact of 40% to 70% more than the other fibre wallboards tested, and nearly 150% more than plaster-filled boards twice as thick. Jars and blows that would ruin ordinary plas- ter walls have little or no effect on Upson Boards. Resists Time Experience proves the long life of Upson Board. Properly applied, it should never warp or bulge and should lie flat on the wall as long as the build- ing stands. Its adaptability to every condition recommends it for constant considera- tion by builder or architect. SPECIFICATIONS Upson Processed Board. % in., 3/16 in., 4 in., % in., in thickness Gmtie ms hte nou tuenso etter | Omi be pele t emeleemet mec. 16 ft. in length. 32 in., 48 in., and 64 in. in width. Packed 10 to 15 panels to the bundle. Made of selected wood fibres—mostly spruce. Has the distinetive Upson Super or ‘‘pebbled’’ surface—ideal for painting. Hither side of the board can be used. Upson Board is pre-sized at the factory. One or two coats of paint are sufficient. It is kiln-dried, waterproof. Upson Board will not crack, chip or fall. Properly applied, it should not uarp or bulge—should lie flat on the wall as long as the building stands. Upson Fibre-Tile. A special Upson Processed Board with tile indentation. 3/16 in. in thickness. 6 ft., 7 ft., 8 ft., 9 ft., For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 10 ft., 12 ft., 14 ft. and 16 ft. in length. 48 in. in width. Two patterns: square and oblong. Its hard, smooth surface is ideally adapted for enameling. It does not crack along the tile indentation like ordinary tile boards. Possesses all the qualities of Upson Processed Board. Upson Self-Clinching Fasteners. Apply the exposed sur- faces of Upson Board and Upson Fibre-Tile with Upson Fast- eners (Patented). It is the only device which successfully eliminate unsightly nailheads, a big objection to all other wall- boards. Upson Fasteners anchor the panels invisibly, from the back. Special Advisory and Cutting Service. The Upson Company maintains consulting experts and special cutting equipment for your convenience on individual ‘‘cutout’’ problems. We urge you to take advantage of this unusual free service. THE UPSON COMPANY, LOCKPORT, N. Y. See Next Page UPSON (Processed) BOARD (Continued) UPSON BOARD is quickly and EASILY APPLIED A few simple pre- cautions that insure a permanently beau- tiful job. The big panels of Upson Board are so light in weight that one man can apply them. In remodeling, they are nailed right over the old plaster and furring strips. In new construction, they are applied direct to studs and joists. First Preparation Plan your panel arrangement first. Write The Upson Company for helpful blue print and suggestions. Then level up all joints and studs to form a perfectly flat and smooth nailing surface. Be sure to place headers or nailing pieces at top of baseboard flush with studs, back of plate rail or picture mouldings, and at angle of ceiling. In applying the Upson Board panels, apply the ceilings first. Do not butt the panel edges. Leave 3/16 inch space between. Upson Self-Clinching Fasteners on intermediate studs eliminate disfiguring nail marks. Nail panel edges as per Upson direction sheets. Paint Before Applying Strips Upson Board should be painted before the decora- tive strips are applied. Otherwise, if the trim shrinks slightly, it may leave a white edge where the wall- board has not been painted. Do not cover Upson Board with wallpaper. Finish it with an attractive shade of any good flat wall paint. Apply Strips to Suit Plan Many otherwise beautiful Upson Board jobs have been ruined by unsuitable wood trim. Apply beams and mouldings to harmonize with the character of the job. The Upson Design Department will gladly give you helpful practical suggestions. Furring Strips Over Old Walls When Upson Board is applied to brick, stone or other walls which may contain moisture, furring should be nailed so that each panel can be securely fastened to it. Uneven plastered ceilings should also be furred. Upson Self-Clinching Fasteners, patented, invisibly and securely anchor the center of Upson Board panels Note the beautiful pan- eled ceiling and walls of this bedroom. These beautiful interiors are fitting evidence that well- designed paneling is deservedly popular. No scheme of dec- oration is more pleasing. One good job gen- erally sells half a dozen more. That’s why the Blue Book will increase your profits. A Bathroom pan- eled with Upson (Processed) Fibre Tile. UPSON Patented FASTENERS Eliminate Nail Marks from the back, and so eliminate the ugly nail marks that show in the exposed surfaces of all other wall- boards. Ask the Upson lumber or building material dealer for them—if he hasn’t them in stock, write The Upson Company, Lockport, New Yerk. [= For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE UPSON COMPANY, LOCKPORT, N. Y. See Next Page UPSON (Processed) BOARD— (Continued) Let us send you plan for Upsonizing any room in your house. C The bandwriting on the wall says “UPSONIZE | Renew, restore, reclaim, this quick and modern way! Upson Board Is Different! Laboratory tests prove an impact of from 40% to Upson Board a_ splendid nonconductor of heat and cold. HZERE is a quick and easy way to build permanent beauty into walls and ceilings anywhere. Upsonize! Upson Board is fittingly adapted for every type of home—the fine mansion —the modest cottage. For the builder or architect who is searching for distinctive interiors in good taste, period designs in Upson- 70% more than other wall- ; ized rooms offer unlimited possibili- boards and nearly 150% You apply the sturdy, room-high ties. more’ than plaster-filled panels of Upson Board right over the boards twice as thick. old plaster—write us for a plan. mae 1 o Rewnt b Then, paint—apply wood mouldings SuSE ORO eee Deer Cee ee ee Board gains only 6 2/3% d ae Pply 8; done. Write for detailed service. as much in weight as gyp- and— sum-filled board and little The room is finished! Little dust more than half_as muchas The goblins of wear and decay have little effect on Upson Board. For Upson Board is really refined lumber. Upson Board withstands an impact of from 40% to This Colonial living room above is Immersed in water, Upson er ae A Snow-White Bathroom or Kitchen other fibre wall-boards or muss, no irritating delay! Upson Fasteners, patented, eliminate dis- figuring nail-marks. And properly applied, Upson Board walls and ceilings should never warp or buckle—they should last as long as the building stands, Upson Fibre-Tile, when enameled, looks and wears like expensive ceramic tile; yet costs but about one-tenth as much. The big corner-to-corner panels are easily applied. They suc- cessfully withstand moisture and steam, even ordinary leaks. tested. Dozens of letters in our files prove that Upson Board offers an_ effective barrier against fire. It chars rather than burns. . You can always identify genuine 3 Upson Board by the famous Blue- P Center running through the edge of every panel. ; Qpes~ For further details and THE UPSON COMPANY, LOCKPORT, N.Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG - See Next Page 130 UPSON (Processed) BOARD— (Continued) THE NEW UPSON BLUE BOOK “‘Every builder in America should see this wonder- ful new book.’’ So said Mr. F. D. Trankle of John Feist & Sons Company, contractors and builders of Buffalo, N. Y. The new Upson Blue Book—already in the hands of most Upson dealers—is the most complete plan service ever offered for beautifying walls and ceilings. It is the product of three years work by famous archi- tects, supervised and aided by Upson executives. Any good carpenter, by following these Upson Blue Prints, can build Upsonized rooms unsurpassed in beauty by the finest of interiors to be found anywhere. Answers Every Wallboard Question Every builder knows the perplexing problems that come up constantly in the good application of wall- board. ‘“Hfow shall I treat the trim around doors and win- dows, when Upson Board is applied direct to the studs and window and door casings are made to be used with plaster?’’ ‘How shall I treat the baseboard when Upson Board is applied direct over old plaster and the old base is not removed?’’ ‘‘What is the proper method to use when Upson Board is applied direct over old lath from which the plaster has been removed ?’’ An Amazing New Plan Service for Architect, Builder and Home Owner These and scores of other questions are answered completely in this amazing new book. Forty Full-size Blue Prints Forty detail blue prints—drawn by several of America’s leading architects—show every type of wallboard construction. Full color illustrations show Upson Board possi- bilities in many settings and offer suggestions for harmonious trim and decorations. Write for Plan to Fit Any Work Write the Upson Company, Lockport, New York, on your business letterhead and enclosing ten cents for full size blue print covering any particular type of work which interests you. Ask your lumber dealer to show you the blue book it- self. Many lumber dealers already have it in their offices—others are getting it. Ask your dealer to see it—today. a= For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE UPSON COMPANY, LOCKPORT, N. Y. THATCHSLATE ROOFS THE JOHN D. EMACK CO., Chicago Office Burt T. Wheeler Brick Co., Le 2 aor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Detroit Office Thomas Bros. & Co., Ltd., 415 Brainard Street This charming home, at Douglaston, L. I., designed by Frank Forster, is an interesting Thatchslate Roof subject. Note that scarce any two slates are of the same shape. Still, when you study them carefully, you see there is, nevertheless, a very definite design throughout. It’s this that makes slate-thatched roofs so entirely different from any other slate roof. Thatchslate subject erected in Merion, Pa, After private plans. Home Office 16th Street, 17 E. 49th Street Philadelphia New York Office Cincinnati Office The Baldwin-Tarvin Co., Sixth and Carr Streets Products HATCHSLATE Roofs, Colonial Green, Colonial Gray, Olde Stones- field Roofs, Olde Stonesfield Flagging and Stepping Stones. Thatchslate HATCHSLATE is neither the or- dinary, even thickness, so-called commercial square cut slates;@ocm1 1. heavily graduated kind. It is midway, between the two. It makes a roof of distinctly different effect, in its varying shapes, thicknesses and colors. A roof especially adaptable for houses of moderate cost, where exceptional charm and uniqueness is desired. The bottom or butt of each slate is cut to a different shape, made possible only by the Thatchslate patented meth- od of cutting and shaping the butts. The effect is entirely ditterente tom the crude method of clipping off the cor- ners, and cutting on varying slats. Thatchslate is exclusively a John D. Emack product. In cost it stands about half way be- tween square cut commercial slate and the heavily graduated Olde Stonesfield. | ow “y,tuae sits"! THE JOHN D, EMACK CO. jgeAiatuas HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page OF eS @ . =. THATCHSLATE ROOFS (Cont’d) O'de English Roofs OR use on the more costly houses where re- production of Old English stone roofs are desirable. Its particular advantage for such, lies in its wide range of colorings and natural cleft surfaces ; combined with the extended variation in thick- ness and length. It at once gives an age toned effect to a build- ing, of never tiring interest. Olde Stonesfield Roofs are the finest of the kind, ° that money can buy. Olde Stonesfield Flagging and Stepping Stones OTH are made of natural cleavage slate in various colors. The flagging is cut in ran- dom rectanoular sha es. or made to {ins a definite Olde Stonesfield Flagging cut in random rectangular shapes. Even oS ? 0 A : 3 ; tt l = ieee 1 ‘ 1] 1 in this black and white illustration you ean get a fairly good idea pa (Sima A so 1n irregu ar or natura shapes. of the charm of color variations. It is being used extensively for walks, terraces, stoops, entrances and for floors of rooms. Jide Stonesfield Stepping Stones for garden walks, give a delightful old-fashioned effect, so much in demand these days. Service Send us blue prints of your buildings and we will without cost to you furnish an estimate for a treat- ment best fitting your building. If there are no roofers in your vicinity, we will gladly put you in touch with some. Shipments are made direct from our collecting yards, in the Vermont region. Printed Mattcr To printed matter about both the roofs and the flag- ging and stepping stones, you are most welcome. Send for circulars: Of late, Olde Stonesfield Flagging has found a very definite use 42) “Graduated Olde Stonesfield Roofs.” for floors, as it has many aaa been so successfully employed in : 7 urope, 42B—“Thatchslate Roofs.” 42C—“Olde Stonesfield Flagging.” An Olde Stonesfield roof. Note how unlike the Thatchslate. It is Here we have still another treatment of Old Stonesfield Wlagging patterned entirely after the designs and laying methods of England’s used to make a charming terrace. The grass is left to grow up ancient stone roofs of the famous Cotswold district. Olde Stonesfield in between the flagging, lending a charm and softness to the is the last word in heavy graduated slate roofs. irregular shapes, as well as another touch of color. = For further details and THE JOHN D. EMACK CO. Loo eter tai literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 133 Imperial Vitreous Shale Roofing Tiles SALES OFFICES: Made by SALES OFFICES: NEW YORK— ee CLEVELAND— 565 Fifth Ave. Ludowici-Celadon Company 1836 Euclid Ave. W ASHINGTON— A CINCINNATI— 738 15th St. N. W. GENER OL OREICES: Schmidt Bldg. PHILADELPHIA— 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IIl. ST. LOUIS— 1315 Walnut St. Factories: New Lexington, Ohio; Peru, Kansas; 700 Chestnut St. PITTSBURGH— Coffeyville, Kansas. KANSAS CITY— 355 Fifth Ave. 214-A East 10th St, Product: This company manufactures ‘‘Tmperial’’ Shale Roofing Tiles —a very high grade _ product made from the best of raw ma- terial and with the most modern machinery, every detail being carefully supervised by skilled artisans, Attractiveness: A roof of Imperial Shale Tiles can be constructed to harmonize with any type of dwelling. Their rich, warm colorings and_ pleas- ing play of lights and shadows add to the beauty of any home. No other type of roofing can truthfully imitate the variegated color effects that hard-burned No Heavier Under-Construction Necessary: Tile roofing does not require much heavier underconstruction than other roofing materials— 2x6-inch wood rafters, such as are used for ordinary residence construction, have _ sufficient strength to support tile roofing when spaced not more than 16 inches on centers. Advantages of Imperial Tile Roofing: The first cost is its only cost. No paint or stain is needed to retain its original beauty. Ex- amples of their everlasting quality is seen on every hand. European cities abound with structures protected for centuries tiles alone yield permanently. Many Shapes, Shades and Textures: In addition to the four standard shapes shown below, there is an almost unlimited variety of shapes, shades and textures that readily lend themselves to distinctive roofing effects. Imperial Spanish Tiles: Are particularly adapted to those styles of architecture that add so much to the picturesqueness of Southern Europe, from the massive buildings of classical form to the small bungalows where romatic or unusual effects are sought. Tiles are formed with a lip-and-lap lock that provides positive potection from the wheather. Length 1314 inches; Width 9%4 inches; average exposure 814x101 inches; average pieces per square 171; actual weight per square 950 pounds; shipping weight per square, with fittings, 1050 pounds. Imperial Closed Shingle Tiles: A pattern widely used to carry out the idea of Colonial or Early English architecture. Has a tongue-and-groove lock and is far superior in actual strength to the ordinary flat shingle. In depth of reveal it aecentuates the horizontal line, avoiding the monotonous effect of other flat roofing material. Length 11 inches; width 8% inches; average exposure 8x8 inches; average pieces per square 225; actual weight per square 900 pounds; shipping weight per square, with fittings, 1000 pounds. by their roofs of ancient tiles, Sun, wind, rain or climatic changes have no effect on their wearing qualities or coloring. If properly applied they never require replacement or repairs. proof and non-conductive—making the house warmer in winter, They are absolutely weather- cooler in summer and go strictly fireproof that insurance com- Paes allow a reduction in rates on structures covered by em, Imperial Straight Barrel Mission Tiles: Are recommended for use where a rough and polychromatie effect is desired. Obtainable in an almost unlimited range of colors and shades, it is possible to tone a roof to harmonize ideally with the building it covers and the surroundings. Can be laid either random or regular exposure. Average exposure in length, 114 inches; width, center to center of covers, 1114 inches; average pieces per square 224; actual weight per square 1200 pounds; shipping weight per square, with fittings, 1300 pounds. Imperial French Tiles: An ‘‘all-around’’ tile that may be used with almost any type of house. Has a tongue-and-groove lock. While the general effect is flat, the convolutions in the surface afford considerable play of light and shadow. Length 16% inches; width 9 inches; average exposure 814x13% inches; average pieces per square 133; actual weight per square 925 pounds; shipping weight per square with fittings, 1025 pounds. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 134 LUDOWICI-CELADON COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Rex Filintkote Shingles, Roofings and Building Paper Manufactured by THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY NEW YORK 2319 Pershing Sq. Bldg. BOSTON 809 Park Sq. Bldg. CHICAGO 521 Peoples Gas Bldg. DISTRIBUTED BY LEADING LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLY DEALERS EVERYWHERE Anaconda-Flintkote COPPERCLAD Strip Shingles They Are Enduring in Quality Copperclad is an extra heavy weight asphalt shingle with a wearing surface of copper 99.99% pure. Copper is recognized as the finest roofing material known. It is the long lived roofing material—time and weather have no deteriorating effect upon it. The copper covering strengthens and stiffens the shingle so that the possibilities of curling or of blowing up in heavy winds are eliminated. The result is a shingle of long life and adequate rigidity. They Are Fire Resisting Copperclad has been awarded the highest rating, Class A, by the Fire Underwriters Laboratories. It has successfully withstood the most rigid tests under all conditions of heat and cold. They Are Beautiful Copperclad is noted for its beauty as well as its enduring qualities. The color effect is ever changing—no two roofs are alike. The soft blending tones of jade and blue give eolor combinations much sought by the architect and con- tractor. They Are Easy to Apply Made in the popular strip shingle form they are easily and quickly applied, and the cost of application is cor- respondingly low. No special roof construction or supports are necessary, for Copperclad are light in weight (average weight 250 lbs. per square) as compared to other roofings as permanent and enduring in character and quality. Apply only with copper nails. REX FLINTKOTE Gra STRIP SHINGLES Only in the making of strip shingles, because of their width, has it been found possible to so blend and diffuse a variety of colors, that when once applied on the roof there is a complete avoidance of sharp color contrasts, of color pattern, splotches of color or ziz-zag streaks of color. Colordrift, although widely copied, have not yet been equalled in color warmth, their beauty is unrivalled. The perfect blending of a variety of harmonious colors in a Colordrift roof, adds a wealth of charm and beauty to any well designed home. All types of Rex Flintkote Strip Shingles are available in the Colordrift finish. They are applied just as they come in the package, there are no color charts to fol- low there is no sorting or mixing on the job. Ges For, farther details ond THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Boston, Mass., or Nearest Branch. See Next Page Rex Flintkote aires Roofing and Building Paper (cont.) THE PROOF OF THE SHINGLE IS IN ITS APPLICATION A shingle may be perfect from the standpoint of its waterproofing qualities and beautiful appearance, but unless it can be laid easily, quickly, safely, and economically, its sale will not survive. It is the ap- plication of the shingle that is the test of its prac- ticability. Strip Shingles have met the test—and not only sur- vived, but flourished. Each year their sale has in- creased, and today they are easily outselling any other type of shingle. As many are now sold in one month, as were formerly sold in a whole year. : Their popularity with all classes of builders has been well deserved for they are easily and quickly applied; to apply them right is easier than to apply them wrong; they are cheaper to apply than any other type of shingle, and they are applied in overlapping units, the only dependable and absolutely safe way. Rex Flintlote GIANT Strip Shingles The biggest, thickest, stiffest asphalt strip shingle ever made. Once applied they lay like slate or tile—they are so heavy and stiff that they will not blow up in the mind. Compare them with any standard weight asphalt shingle; the comparison will prove they are truly Giants in every respect—Giants in quality, value, and durability, as well as weight, thickness, and size. Colors: Red, Green, Blue-Black, and beautiful Colordrift, Ale Ma oti. come 9 pe esercripometante Bl so enna eS Rex Flintkote 1214” Strip Shingles A super-safe roof. These shingles are 1214” deep, and are laid with 4” exposure to the weather. Every contractor knows the advantage of such a shingle over Individuals. They are really four Individual Shingles combined into one strip—and as a result they are easier and cheaper to apply—they are safer too. Colors—red, green, blue-black and beautiful Colordritt. Rex Flintkote 10” Strip Shingles Tested by years of splendid service they have proved to be absolutely reliable, dependable, and economical. They are the most widely used and popular of all asphalt shingles. Colors: Red, Green, Blue-Black, and beautiful Colordrift. Rex Flintkote Hextab Strip Shingles A distinct improvement over other types of hexagonal asphalt shingles. They have been designed to meet the demand for an economically priced shingle of most attrac- tive pattern. The cut-outs in the shingle form deep shadow lines up and down the roof, breaking up the diagonal lines— the result is a most pleasing effect. The tab centers right over the top of the cut-out providing a self-aligning feature which makes it the fastest laying strip shingle. Colors— red, green, blue-black and beautiful Colordrift. Boston, Mass., or Nearest Branch. (jgs~ For further details and THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 136 Rex Flintkote Shingles, Roll Roofing and Building Papers (cont.) Rex Flintkote Roll Roofing The only true measures of quality and worth of a roofing material are the raw materials and the propor- tions in which they are used. Rex Flintkote Roll Roof- ing is the only Smooth Roll Roofing sold under a Certificate of Quality We Hereby Certify: That in the manufacture of 65 pound REX FLINTKOTE ROOFING, only the very best materials are used, in those proportions shown below, which produce the highest quality roofing: a a ae A FELT (UNSATURATED) . . about 14.5 pounds Certificate of Quality. This is your best assurance that ASPHALT SATURATION . - 247. aa + ra Ps TALC SURFACING. .... he! 6.0" os you are going to get your money’s worth when you buy NAILS. CEMENT and PACKAGE“ 25“ Shipping Weight, Average . . . « «© « 65 pounds this product. Just enough asphalt is used to saturate the felt completely—there is no over-loading on the surface of the sheet to make up the weight—it is a The base or fabric of this roofing consists of Felt, having an average weight, unsaturated, of 68 pounds to 480 square feet. The asphalt saturation absorbed by this felt is equal to approximately 170% of its weight. THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY. | geenuine quality product aa through and through. i frutxore ius Every roll invites com- Rereeent parison. Made in four a weights—35, 45, 55 and 65 lbs.—108 square feet to the roll. When you buy Roll Roofing de- mand to know just what you are buying. Look fore themhec Hiintkote Certificate of Quality which appears on every roll hese en lane ed cross sections show the proportions of felts, STAND ON EN STAND ON END. Cttiticate of Qualit) “ititicate of Quali’ ee OF INSPECTION 1SIDE Sanne y 5 q 4 lbs. AVERAGE WEIGHT 14S/5s, ee ee asphalt saturation and ee oa We y i IY) tan ene aeons wee in Pose cian o5/ aT j making the four weights LEE SILL eee = LEE TILA 8.\ 155. Mies MU 11.3 /bs, of Rex Flintkote Roll Roofing, Rex Flintkote K-B Sheathing We conscientiously state that K-B Sheathing is the best Sheathing Paper on the market today. It is a single sheet of paper with a continuous sheet of asphalt laid between the liners of the paper when it is made. This sheet of pure asphalt naturally forms a barrier against the passage of water. It repels vermin and resists heat and cold. These insulating qualities are found only in their maximum degree in K-B Sheathing, and K-B Sheathing retains these much desired insulating qualities. It is also odorless, sanitary, durable and economical. It has unusual tensile strength. Because it costs so very little, it is the most profit- able investment for long time protection. To sheathe and insulate the average home with K-B will not add materially to the original cost of the home—an investment that will pay dividends during the life of the house. Use K-B Sheathing all over the house. It is light red in color—flexible to handle. Made in four weights— 20, 25, 30 and 40 lbs. per roll of approximately 500 square feet. Width 36”. a Tce wae et THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY fatten But” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 137 NU-TILE ASPHALT SHINGLES tii never cris Made by AMALGAMATED ROOFING CO. Executive Offices: 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago Factories at Clearing, Illinois Why NU-TILE Never Curls All asphalt shingles le flat on the roof—at first. But when the heat of summer evaporates the com- pound with which they are saturated, a poorly made shingle begins to curl. Qjge~ For further details and = HY M. REYNOLDS SHINGLE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 154 Safekote Slate-surfaced Asphalt Shingles SAFEPACK MILLS 778 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts Products Safekote Slate-surfaced Asphalt Shingles in red, green, blue-black and the new com- bination of colors called COLORMIXT. Known (according to type) as Safekote “300 to 1” Individual Shingles. Standard. In- dividuals. “4 in 1” Standard Strips: “3 in 1” Giant Strips. Safekote Roll Roofing. Plain surface. Safekote Triple Sheath and Building Papers. Safekote Roof Paints and Cements. Two kinds. Slate surface. Uses To provide the most dependable and at the same time economical roofing for homes, garages, barns, com- mercial structures, manufacturing establishments. Also to bring to them the finish, attractiveness, and beauty which they deserve. Safekote Shingles are especially handsome. Hand- some in colors as well as in effect. The green, red and blue-black shades are appropriate to any building which has a sloping roof. All types are made in the three colors. COLORMIXT, a new Safekote Shingle, is a favorite with home builders. It is unusually beautiful. These shingles meet every need for color in the roof. They offer new beauty, originality in roof effect, and guaranteed protection. At present they are made only in the “300 to 1” Individuals and 12144” Standard “4 in 1” Strips. Construction SAFEKOTE materials are the best of their kind the world affords. Manufacturing processes are the finest yet developed. All-rag felt is used as the base of Safe- kote Shingles and roll roofing. It is remarkably strong and durable. This is completely saturated with finest quality asphalt and then lastingly surfaced with crushed slate in permanent colors. ‘The finished products are fire-resistant, proof against years of hardest weather, and fully guaranteed. . SAFEKOTE Shingles are heavier than ordinary kinds. The increased dimensions of the “300 to 1” Individuals and the “3 in 1” Giants cut down the time and labor of laying. ~ OPK OK) THREE_ Sn THICKNESSES best grades of felt and asphalt. ; Me Seae,: Approved by Fire Under- iia swt writers. Cost no more than SOO old fashioned full slotted strip sages’, shingles. ¥ Big Coverage 100 Sal-Mo-Link Shingles, laid 4 inches to the weather, completely cover one square (100 square feet). 121%4”x36” (Standard) 3 Bundles per square. Approximate Weight 240 lbs. 12144”x36” (Giant) 3 Bundles per square. Approximate Weight 300 lbs. 10”x36” (Standard) 2 Bundles per square. Approximate Weight 190 lbs. Colors Green, Red, Blue-Black and Melo-Tone. AIRCELL CORRUGATED ASBESTOS PAPER—Put up in rolls containing 250 square feet. Approximate weight 60 lbs. per roll. Packed 4 rolls to the crate. Crate weighs approximately 22 lbs. (TRADE MARK) ASBESTOS AIRCELL PIPE COVERING— Made in 3 ft. sections fit all standard pipe sizes. Giant Individual Shingles Made of high-grade, extra heavy, tough fibrous felt, carrying a maximum of Asphalt Saturant, and a heavy layer of pure Asphalt coating into which is imbedded natuial, finely crushed minerals under high pressure. Makes a_ beautiful and economical roof. Choice colors—Red, Real Green, and warm colored Blue-Black also Melo-Tone shades. Size: 12x15 inches. Four bundles to the square. Approximate weight 300 lbs. per square. Aircell Corrugated Asbestos Paper The best fire-proof material for covering heaters and hot-air pipes. Made of a 4-inch and %-inch corrugated asbestos sheet with backing of flat asbestos paper. Asbestos Aircell Pipe Covering Made up of alternate layers of plain and corrugated asbestos paper, finished with canvas jacket and lacquered metal bands. Light, fire-proof and durable, and has high insulating efficiency. Asbestss Paper Made by modern methods by a company that has had long experience in the manufacture of asbestos products. A fire-proof paper of the highest quality. Asbestos Millboard For protecting ceilings and walls exposed to heat. Made of pure asbestos fiber. Standard size sheet 42” x 48”— to %-inch thick. Put up in crates weighing approximately 450 lbs. each. Sal-Mo Asbestos Cements For covering Boilers and Fittings. Readily applied over irregular surfaces. Comes dry in 100 lb. bags and needs only the addition of water to be ready to use. Sal-Mo Asbestos Furnace Cement Adheres firmly to all metals, firebrick and stone; and does not crack, shrink or disintegrate when subjected to heat. Used for setting up furnaces, stoves and ranges and for repairing broken joints. Sets as soon as applied. ASBESTOS PAPER—Put up in rolls 36” wide, weighing approximately 100 Ibs. each. s_a firestop protecting floors, walls and ceilings—there is no better material than Sal-Mo-Asbestos Paper. Y% to 1” thick, to For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG SALL MOUNTAIN COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL. or SCRANTON, PA. ‘ Z : er 3 Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles Made by CREO-DIPT COMPANY, Inc. General Offices: North Tonawanda, N. Y. FOR RE-BEAUTIFYING OLD HOMES Close-up of home of Mr. Wm. Zimmerman, Buffalo, N. Y., showing how easily any type of home may be re-beautified with Creo-Dipts. FOR NEW ROOFS AND SIDE WALLS ON THE OLD HOME Creo-Dipts Mean Year ’Round Work In your town there are dozens of old clapboard houses that can be completely modernized by re-roofing and by laying Creo-Dipt Shingles right over the old sid- ing—work that can be done in your usual slack seasons. Laid Right Over Old Siding For the builder, this Creo-Dipt method of re- beautifying is particu- larly profitable. The Creo-Dipt Shingles are laid right over the old siding. ‘There is no ex- pensive preparation ; lit- tle more cost than one thorough painting. Once the Creo-Dipts are ap- plied, the job is finished, because Creo-Dipt Shingles come already stained and require no painting. Creo-Dipts Save Their Cost Where ordinary clapboards usually re- quire seven thorough paintings in twenty years to preserve the wood from rot, Creo- The Townsend home in Leroy, N. Y., re-beautified with 24-inch gray Creo- Dipt’ Shingles laid right over old siding. Dipts require only one brushecoat every ten years; in fact, many owners never re-stain them at all. In painting expense alone, over a twenty year period, Creo-Dipts save their cost in reduced upkeep. And in addition, Creo- Dipt outside walls and roof save fuel. One home owner figures he saved three tons of coal the first winter, while in summer the house was cooler. Many Colors—Many Possibilities Creo-Dipt Shingles come in a wide variety of colors and sizes suit- able for every type of house. They are stocked by representative lum- ber dealers everywhere. Ask your dealer to show you samples and color pad. Or, write for portfolio of large photographs of old homes re-beautified with Creo-Dipts and new homes designed by prominent archi- tects and for booklet of color suggestions. This is free to builders. CREO-DIPT COMPANY, INC., 1175 Oliver Street, North Tonawanda, N. Y. In Canada: Creo-Dipt Company, Ltd., 1610 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto. Sales Offices in Principal Cities. Plants located for easy shipping at North Tonawanda, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Mo., Vancouver, gee Fej,certer 4ral*,21 CREO-DIPT COMPANY, INC., "".2°ysrp" HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 156-A Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles Made by CREO-DIPT COMPANY, INC. General Offices: North Tonawanda, N. Y. FOR NEW HOMES OF DISTINCTIVE CHARM Dixie White Creo-Dipt side-walls and weathered gray roof on Gillies residence, Flushing, L. I. Architects; Treanor Fatio, New York City. Home of Architect W. A. Cannon, Ni- agara Falls, N. Y. 18” Weathered Gray Creo-Dipt Shingles on roof; 24” Weath- ered Gray wide exposure on side walls. FOR ROOFS AND SIDE-WALLS ON THE NEW HOME— Creo-Dipt Beauty Pays Its Own Way For the new home, even the first cost of Creo-Dipt side-walls and roofs is less than that of ordinary ma- terials. And over a period of years, Creo-Dipt beauty pays its own way—for on new homes as on old—Creo- Dipts mean astonishing sav- ings in upkeep. How Creo-Dipts Save Paint Bills Creo-Dipt Shingles are se- lected red cedar, thoroughly stained and preserved by our own process. Architects and builders have learned that Creo-Dipt colors are durable eolors—that the individual method of staining makes col- ors uniform from one end of a shingle to the other. The fact that Creo-Dipts come already stained saves painting when they are put on the job. In twenty years, Creo-Dipt side-walls and roofs eliminate enough repainting to save every penny of their cost. Mich. Architect: Many Colors—Many Possibilities Would you like to have large photographs of actual Creo-Dipt green thatched roof and silver gray side- walls on residence of Mr. S Geo. B. Rheinfrank, Toledo, O. Creo-Dipt homes designed by prominent architects? Write for a portfolio of these photographs and a book- let of color suggestions. Or ask your lumber dealer— (Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles are stocked by leading lumber dealers everywhere) —to show you a Creo-Dipt color pad. Creo-Dipt Thatched Effects If you are interested in Creo-Dipts for thatched ef- fects, write for portfolie of photographs of actual Creo- Dipt thatched roofs and in- struction book giving details for design and construction. This is free to builders. Creo-Dipts Mean Salability Builders everywhere like Creo-Dipts because they add to the salability of a home. To the prospective buyer, they mean lowered upkeep in the years to come; and Creo-Dipts have been so strongly adver- tised, home owners everywhere recognize their known value. J. Eckenrode, Jackson, CREO-DIPT COMPANY, INC., 1175 Oliver Street, North Tonawanda, N. Y. {In Canada: Creo-Dipt Company, Ltd., 1610 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto. Sales Offices in Principal Cities. Plants located for easy shipping at North Tonawanda, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Mo., Vancouver, B. C. North Tonawanda, = For further details and New York literature, write to: CREO-DIPT COMPANY, INC., HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 156-B Cabot’s Creosote-Stained Shingles, Stained with Cabot’s Creosote Shingle Stain Manufactured b SAMUEL CABOT, INC. BOSTON 141 Milk St. Real Estate Trust Bldg., Builders’ Exchange, Minneapolis; NEW YORK 342 Madison Ave. Philadelphia; Hibernian CHICAGO 5000 Bloomingdale Ave. {9th St., Kansas City; Bldg., Los Angeles; 2035 E. 444 Market St., San Francisco; 96 Front St., Portland Oregon. Agents all over the Country. Other Products: Cabot’s Waterproof Stucco and Brick Stains; Old Virginia White; Double-White; Mortar Colors; Con- servo Wood Preservative; etc. For Heat-Insulating and Sound-Deadening “Quilt” see page 107. Cabot’s Creosote Shingle Stains For staining and preserving shingles, siding, and other exterior woodwork. ‘The original and standard exterior stains, in use over forty years. Made of the strongest and purest pigments, colloidally ground to impalpable fineness and suspended in Cabot’s Pure Creosote. “Creosote is the best wood preservative known.” Rich, velvety, unfading colors, proved and guaranteed. No one even claims to make better stains. Cabot’s Creosote-Stained Shingles Standard red cedar shingles—meeting the most ex- acting requirements of the Shingle Associations—ready- stained with Cabot’s Creosote Stains. Sound, live lum- ber, straight grain, uniform, non-warping. Last a lifetime. All Sizes 16”, 18” and 24” shingles for roofs and walls. The Warmest House Finish Warmer than clapboards, siding or stucco. Will save their cost over and over again in reducing fuel bills. Make houses warmer in Winter and cooler in Summer. Cheaper Than Painted Siding 24” wall shingles are cheaper than siding, and much more picturesque and distinctive. Much Handsomer The deep, rich coloroings of stained shingles are much handsomer than painted wood. ‘The transparent stains sink into the wood and color it without covering it, bringing out the beauty of the grain. Colors All shades of moss-green, silver and weathered gray, tile red, bungalow, bark and tile brown and yellow, besides numerous special tones in great variety. Blended Roofs Shingles ready- bundled for laying blended-roofs in tile—reds, greens, erays and _varie- gated effects of all kinds; or with in- structions for mix- ing. For further details -and literature, write to: SAMUEL Cabot’s Old Virginia White The original white stain. As bright and cool as fresh whitewash and as clean and durable as paint, but with no “painty” effect. The ideal white for shingles and other rough wood. Cabot’s Double-White Much whiter than white lead paint and has 50% greater hiding power. ‘Two coats will cover better than three coats of lead and oil. A flat brilliant white for all kinds of wood, cement, brick and metal work, out- side or inside. Cabot’s Waterproof Stucco and Brick Stains For waterproofing and staining stucco, concrete and brickwork in soft, rich, flat tones, without coating or spoiling the texture. Cannot crack or peel. Easy to apply, spreads freely, reduces labor cost, and outwears heavy coatings. Cabot’s Mortar Colors Ready-mixed colors for mortar and concrete. Great coloring strength and labor-saving mixing qualities make them the cheapest colors to use. Uniform and lasting. Cabot’s Conservo Wocd Preservative A special creosote compound of greatest penetrating and preserving power. Protects piles, planking, screens, sills and all other lumber from decay or injury by Termites or other insects. Cabot’s Clear Waterproofings For cement and brickwork. Colorless water-proofings that penetrate the pores of cement or brick and seal them against rain, preventing dampness and injury to surfaces and interior finish and decorations. Cabot’s Damp-Proofing A black bonding damp-course for direct plastering on brick and concrete. Saves lath and plaster, ex- cludes moisture. Cabot’s Flexiblac A flexible black bitumen protective coating for iron and steel timbers girders, tanks, ete. This artistic and cozy little house in Portland, Oregon, has a roof of Cabot’s Creosite Stained Shingles, and wall shingles finished in Cabot’s Old Virginia White Heat-Insulated with Cabot’s “Quilt.” Harold Doty, architect, Portland. CABOT, INC., Boston, Mass. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 157 STAINED OR PLAIN Bear Brand Red Cedar Shingles “THE SHINGLE BEAUTIFUL” Made by PACIFIC TIMBER COMPANY EVERETT, WASHINGTON Products This Company manufactures “The Shingle Beautiful’—a Red Cedar Shingle, stained or plain, marketed un- der the trade name, “Bear Brand.” If your jocal lumber dealer does not have this superior shingle in stock write to us for samples and name of nearest dealer who can supply you. Uses Bear Brand Red Cedar Shingles are suitable for both roofing and siding and the range of colors and sizes makes it possible to obtain strikingly beautiful effects. Their use adds to the attractiveness of the home and to its actual sales value. Grades Bear Brand Red Cedar Shingles are made in the fol- lowing grades: Extra Clears Dimension Clears XXXXX XXX Perfection Royals Double Royals For definitions on these various grades, see “Grading Rules” on next page. Sizes Three sizes of shingles are made—16 inch, 18 inch and 24 inch. All sizes are sold on a square basis. A square of 16 inch shingles will cover 16 square feet when laid with 5 inches exposed to the weather. A square of 18 inch shingles will cover 100 square feet with 51% inches exposed, and a square cf 24 inch shingles will cover 100 square feet with a 10 inch exposure. Colors Bear Brand Red Cedar Shingles can be furnished either plain or stained in any of the following colors: Red, Green, Brown, Blue, Purple, Straw, Gray and White. The white shingle is not stained but is colored by a different method which produces the true Colonial White effect. When a mixed color effect is desired on roof or siding, shingles in “Varie- gated Shades” should be ordered. Bundles will then be furnished con- taining shingles in two or more shades. Trade Mark Registered Machine Staining Insures Thorough Penetration and Uniform Shades All Bear Brand Shingles—“The Shingle Beautiful”—are stained by a patented mechanical process that in- sures thorough penetration of the stain and uniform shades. Nothing is left to chance or to the skill of the operator, as in the hand-dip method of staining. The machine tender merely feeds the bundles of shingles to the machine and removes them when the staining operation is completed, the operation of the machine itself being automatic and pre-determined so that each shingle received exactly the same treatment. The shingles are completely immersed in the stain for a much longer period than is practicable by the hand dipping method, and all excess stain is removed by centrifugal force, resulting in a uniformity of shade unattainable by any other method. Shingles Thoroughly Dried Before Staining Bear Brand Shingles are immersed in the stain while they are still warm from the kilns, absolutely free from moisture and with the pores of the wood open—in other words in the best possible condition to absorb the stain. This fact, coupled with the long immersion under pressure results in the thorough penetration which is necessary to insure durability of the shingle and per- manence of color. Quality of Stain Only the highest grade pigments and preservatives are used in the manufacture of “The Shingle Beauti- ful.’ The cresote used is refined until all traces of tar acids and sulphur are removed, and is then mixed with high grade boiled linseed oil and China wood oil. The colors used are the best ob- tainable, free from adulteration of any kind. By our patented process of mechanical staining the pigments used are kept constantly in suspension in the staining fluid without requiring the addition of any filler or fluffy material for this purpose. Write for Booklet The story of “The Shingle Beauti- ful” is completely and interestingly told in a booklet printed in three colors, which will give you some idea of the beauty of Bear Brand Stained Shingles as well as illustrating how to use them most effectively. We shall be glad to mail you a copy ef this booklet on request. For further details and = literature, write to: PACIFIC TIMBER COMPANY, Everett, Wash. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page BEAR BRAND — “The Shingle Beautiful’’ (Continued) GRADING RULES EXTRA CLEARS, 5/2-16”—5 butts to measure not less than 2” when green. Random widths, but no shingle narrower than 214%4”. Strictly clear but admits slight defects in 10% 12” and over from the butt. DIMENSION CLEARS, 16”-5/2-5”—5 butts to measure not less than 2” when green. All shingles strictly clear and 5” in width. XXXXX, 5/2-16”—5 butts to measure not less than 2” when green. Random widths, but no shingle narrower than 3”. 100% clear, 100% edge grain, free from sap. XXX, 6/2-16”’—6 butts to measure not less than 2” when green. Random widths, but no shingle narrower than 3”. 100% clear, 100% edge grain, free from sap. PERFECTION, 5/214-18”—5 butts to measure not less than 2144” when green. Random widths but no shingle nar- rower than 3”. 100% clear, 100% edge grain, free from sap. ROYALS, 4/2-24”—4 butts to measure not less than 2” when green. Random widths, but no shingle narrower than 4”. 100% clear, 100% edge grain, free from sap. DOUBLE ROYALS, 2/2-24”—2 butts to measure not less than 2” when green. Random widths, but no shingle nar- rower than 4”. 100% clear, 100% edge grain, free from sap. All shingles to be smoothly sawn and otherwise well manufactured. PACKING RULES 16” SHINGLES—4 bunches packed 20/20 courses to the bunch constitute one square based on laying the shingle 5” to the weather. 18” SHINGLES—4 bunches packed 18/18 courses to the bunch constitute one square based on laying the shingles 5144” to the weather. 24” SHINGLES—3 bunches packed 13/14 courses to the bunch constitute one square based on laying the shingle 10” to the weather. For further details and = literature, write to: PACIFIC TIMBER COMPANY, Everett, Wash. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Weatherbest Creosoted Stained Shingles Manufactured By WEATHERBEST STAINED SHINGLE CO., Inc. GENERAL OFFICES: NORTH TONAWANDA, N: Y. Plants at North Tonawanda, N. Y., and Minnesota Transfer, Minn. Products WEATHERBEST Creosoted Edge Grain Red Cedar Stained Shingles for roofs and sidewalls; WEATHERBEST 24 inch Co- lonial White Stained Shingles; WEATHERBEST Thatched Etf- fet Stained _ Shingles; WEHATHERBEST Creosote Shingle Stain. For Life-Long Roofs and Sidewalls WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles are used on sidewalls as well as roofs and when applied with zinc- coated nails that do not rust will give 50 years of service on roofs and last as long as the building on sidewalls. The soft, semi-transparent colors add much to the at- tractiveness of a home as WEATHERBEST stain emphasizes the grain of the shingles just enough so that the flat tone of a painted surface is absent. Reliability and Quality WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles and stain have been on the market for the past fifteen years and can be thoroughly relied upon to give entire satisfaction. Each bundle carries the WHATHERBEST label and is our guarantee of perfect material and lasting colors. Only the finest 100% Edge Grain British Columbia Red Cedar is used in the manufacture of WHATHER- BEST Stained Shingles. Every shingle is perfect from tip to butt. WEATHERBEST Stain consists of the strongest color pigments obtainable, high grade wood creosote and linseed oils—all properly mixed in our factories in the correct proportion to insure lasting, uniform colors. All shingles are unbundled at our factories and treated separately—not bundle dipt as is the case with many other stained shingles. After treatment, the shingles are rebundled and come ready to lay. No brush coat is required after shingles are laid. Variety of Weather-Tested Colors Twenty standard WEATHERBEST colors, any number of color schemes for beautiful variegated color roofs, and the fact that we match special colors with- out extra charge allows an almost unlimited means of carrying out any color idea desired when WHEATHER- BEST Stained Shingles are used. A postal will bring this set of color samples which show WEATHERBEST colors on Red Cedar. Also ask for literature suggestive of the many color schemes available with WEATHERBEST. Wealhierbest STAINED-SHINGLES FoR ROors ANDSIDEWALLS Sizes and Service WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles are furnished in 12”, 16” (regular and “Doubl-Thik”), 18” and 24” (regular and “Doubl- Thik”) sizes. Lumber dealers everywhere carry popular colors in stock and quick shipping serv- ice is maintained from our fac- tories for all special orders. Why Weatherbest Always Lie Flat The prime essentials in stained shingle effects which give permanent satisfaction are (1) even, durable color and (2) freedom from curling and warping. WEATHERBEST Edge-Grain shingles can be counted on for these essentials. The two pictures below ex- plain why WEATHERBEST colors last and the shingles do not curl. A photographic reproduction of 100% Edge-Grain Red Cedar Shingles used exclusively in the manufacture of WHATHERBEST Stained Shingles. These Edge-Grain shingles readily absorb and retain the maximum amount of color. Edge-Grain and the creosote preservative is the reason why WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles lie perfectly flat during their many years of service. The picture above shows poorly manufactured, flat or “Slash” grain Red Cedar Shingles. The hard, flint-like surface of the flat grain cannot absorb and hold color. These are the kind of shingles that curl, warp and split after a few years of service. ee For further details and ‘oes literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Weatherbest Stained Shingle Co., Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y. See Next Page Weatherbest Stained Shingles (Continued) Residence of Mr. J. R. Randall, Minneapolis, Minn. Architects, Maine © Brown. Ges WEATHERBEST Moss Green Stained Shingles on roof and 24” Gray WWEATHERBEST Stained Shingles on sidewalls. Adaptability of Weatherbest WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles are adaptable to nearly every style of building-—from the small cottage or bungalow to the stately. country home. A wide range of colors, variegated color schemes, various sizes and many wnique ways in which WEATHER- BEST Stained Shingles can be laid make it possible to give real individuality to a home. Weatherbest Variegated Color Roofs For WEATHERBEST Variegated Color Roofs usu- ally several shades of one color are used. We properly proportion and mix the various colors selected in the bundle so that the carpenter lays a WEATHERBEST Variegated Color Roof in just the same manner as an ordinary one color roof and without any extra labor. WEATHERBEST Variegated Color Roofs are shown in color in our booklet, “Beautiful Roofs” which will be sent free on request. For Remodeling Old Homes If you own a home that is “growing old”—that is in need of “fixing up’—WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles right over the old clapboards will work wonders in transforming the old house into one of more modern day earens his method of adding many dollars in re- sale values to old homes is being done all over the country and when a porch is added or enclosed, and perhaps other minor _ exterior changes also made the results are in- deed surprising. You can re-cover old Plaphoard siding with WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles at only a very little more than the cost of repainting and because WEATHERBEST Stained Shingles require only a brush coat of stain once every five or six years to renew their original freshness the color upkeep of WEATHERBEST is much less than a .c For further details and ne literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 66 “Brookwood,” the attractive home of Mr. J. U. Riley, Treas., South Bend Lumber Co., South Bend, Ind. The 24 WEATHERBEST Silver Gray Stained Shingles used give added attractiveness to the sidewalls, painted sidewall. Send for the WHEATHERBEST booklet, “Making Old Houses into Charming Homes.” It shows many fine examples of old homes made new and gives full ‘details for carrying out the work. Low Cost of Weatherbest Sidewalls WEATHERBEST Stained Shingle sidewalls when properly laid will lower the initial cost of construction from $100 to $200 on a house of average size. ‘This saving is possible because every WEATHERBEST Stained Shingle is 100% perfect and Edge Grain and can be laid so as to give two full laps on sidewalls— equal to the thickness of bevel siding. Weatherbest Thatch Roofs The quaint thatched straw roofs of Old England always possessed a subtle charm but were two short lived for present day demands. WEATHERBEST Thatch Roofs have the soft, rounding curves and charm of those old straw roofs and provide a roof that will last for more than a life time. Full instructions for CsON Sue Caled line, a WEHATHERBEST Thatch Roof, color sug- gestions and full page illustrations are given in the booklet pictured here and sent free on request. poset Weatherbest Stained Shingle Co., Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y. EDHAM KOLORED SHINGLES Made by EDGECUMBE-NEWHAM CO., LIMITED VANCOUVER, B. C. From the log to a linseed oil non-fading Kolored Shingle, all under the same roof Timber Used All EDHAM KOLORED SHINGLES are manu- factured from British Columbia Upland Red Cedar, acknowledged by experts as the best wood for shingles. Manufacture After the logs are cut to length required, the bolts are then quartered to make strictly edge-grain shin- eles. The material during each operation is inspected by workmen and inspectors until each shingle is 100% edge-grain, 100% clear, 100% heart, smoothly sawn and otherwise well manufactured. These shingles have the British Columbia ‘‘ Edg- erain’’ inspection brand. Kiln Drying These shingles are carefully dried in improved dry kilns and are not over dried. Edham Kolors Strictly pure colors are used in the manufacture of our ‘‘kolor’’, ground in our own plant. After thoroughly grinding the colors in linseed oil, the ‘‘kolor’’ is made by thoroughly mixing the ground colors in correct proportions with pure linseed oil, pure creosote oil, lighter oils and binders. The result is a linseed oil ‘‘kolor’’ of the highest quality. Our chemist constantly analyzes all oils and colors for purity. How Colors Are Applied The edge-grain shingles are completely and indi- vidually dipped by hand (not in bundles), while warm from the dry-kilns, and before any moisture is absorbed—insuring penetration and complete coy- ering. Then, are allowed to drain off before re- bundling. Reinspection Before repacking, the shingles are reinspected, and any shingles defective in any way are discarded. How to Identify EDHAM KOLORED SHINGLES is_ plainly stamped in red letters on the band-stick on each bun- dle, and, in addition, a tag showing the grade and color number is inserted between the band-stick and the shingles. Easy to Obtain There is a dealer near you with EDHAM KOL- ORED SHINGLES in stock. Please write us for the name of your nearest dealer or other information. Residence of Mr. James Benzie, Architect, Vancouver, B. C., showing Scotch Thatch Roof of Edham Kolored Shingles (Specify or Order by Full Name) Standard Colors: BUNGALOW BROWN MOSS GREEN TILE RED SILVER GREY Special colors supplied promptly Gye For further details and literature, a write to Mill, or: ARTHUR E. LANE LUMBER CORP., Eastern Sales & Service Office, New York City, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG a a ae Permanence of color is all-important in stained shingles. Mauk Double-Dipped Stained Shingles retain their rich, vivid color permanently. The Mauk~double-dipping process se- cures results which are impossible in single-dipped shingles. ln painting a house at least two coats of heavy paint are applied on the side wall. Why not use shingles With two coats of stain om the roof, where the exposure is so severe? a oo i hee 4h} ae in . yay Rip BN k ERC ieee? . ANY TO LED GmnOrioc: Ot aa a ME ak 5 Bet GO aie Made of pure virgin red cedar Mauk Double-Dipped Stained Shingles are made of pure virgin red cedar, 100% clear, 100% vertical grain and 100% heart—no sap. The shingles are the highest grade produced. All cheap grades are rigidly excluded. All Mauk Shingles are Double-Dipped Stain, like paint, is judged by its ability to stand up under exposure to the weather. Mauk Double-Dipped Stained Shingles give extra service because they are made of the finest quality wood, and given extra wear-resisting quali- ties through the double-dipping process. Naturally, no single-dipped shingles can retain their color as long as shingles which are double-dipped, for the same reason that no single coat of paint on a house will wear as long as two coats. MALEK SD © UNBILE 3D: 1: PoP Doi AR Nes) asa olan glen ee In the illustration at right, the upper part shows results secured with single dipping, and the lower part with the Mauk Double-Dipping pro- cess. Note the extra heavy coating on the double-dip- ped shingle, which requires no further brush coat, and retains the color perman- ently. Pure stains which retain their true color The stains used in Mauk Double-Dipped Shingles are pure colors. For instance the green is not a chrome green built up of a blue and yellow base—but a pure natural mineral color, and for this reason does not fade to blue or yellow on exposure. The grays and other colors are equally reliable and true, even after long exposure, Mechanical application of stain insures evenness and per- manence of color By the Mauk process the stain is forced into the wood under pressure. This process assures an even and thorough diffusion. After the first dipping the shingles are dried and again stained under pressure. Mauk Double-Dipped Shingles are free from streakiness and unevenness of color. Every shingle receives two complete coats of stain; no later brush-coat on the job is necessary. Many beautiful and unusual effects can be obtained by the use of Mauk Double-Dipped Specialties in various com- binations, for instance the “Monarch” and “Colonial Shake” - illustrated below. “MONARCH” This illustration shows the Monarch shape, 24” long and 1” thick at butt. “COLONIAL SHAKE’ Corrugated to give effect of old fashion- ed hand-split shingle. THE C. A. MAUK LUMBER COMPANY) [OLED Wheeling Hand-Dipped Conductor Pipe (Galvanized After Forming) Manufactured by WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY Wheeling, W. Va. BRANCHES: \ BRANCHES: New York => Chicago Philadelphia Wheelin St. Louis Richmond V CRIES Kansas City Chattanooga CORRUGATING COMPANY Minneapolis Products In addition to Wheeling Hand Dipped Conductor Pipe, described on this page there is a complete line of Wheeling Building Materials, manufactured to stan- dards which insure better built homes. From cellar to roof, you can standardize on Wheeling products that reduce labor costs, save materials and insure lasting service. Metal Lath Roofing Ternes Mortar and Es ry Wall Ties Brick Hods fe eo tats Wire and Cut Nails Conductor Pipe Metal Ceilings vie Metal Roofings Eavestrough and Fittings One piece Corruga- ors 5 “ aor or 5 : ted Conductor Pipe For information concerning Wheeling Metal Lath, see page 93. PAL nccea en AeGh ces Base of Ohio Metal Copper Bearing Steel Hundreds of tests in all parts of the country under varying atmospheric conditions have shown steel alloyed with copper to be highly rust resisting in an uncoated state. Naturally, there- fore, in developing conductor pipe to outwear all other pipe, Wheeling engineers employ a copper bearing steel as the basis of Wheeling pipe manufacture. Terne Coated Terne coating, employing a combination of lead and tin is the first process Wheeling uses in preparing the Ohio Metal Copper- Bearing Steel sheets before forming into pipe. The lead coating is sweated into the seam when the pipe is formed and dipped : EN SES posts ae in zine—thus securely soldering the seam. mal hetchien acces Terne coating dispenses with acid pickling (the method usually used for galvanizing), and thereby eliminates all possibility of acid remaining in the pockets of the seams. Zinc Coated (Galvanized After Forming) After the Terne coated Ohio Metal Conductor Pipe is completely formed, it is immersed in pure molten zine by the hand-dipping process. A heavy coating of uniform density and thickness is given to the pipe on inside and outside surfaces, including edges, while the seam is also permanently sealed both inside and out. The heavy coating remains an unbroken protective shell that renders the pipe as immune to rust as could possibly be conceived. Sea OBIT al Beatie 2 Sizes and Styles This pipe is made in three styles—Plain Round, Round Cor- rugated and Square Corrugated. It is available in ten foot lengths. Plain round is made in 2 in. to 8 in. sizes, Round Corrugated in 2 in. to 7 in. sizes and Square Corrugated in 2 in. to 5 in. sizes. Fittings and Heavy Extra Coated Eavestrough eae ! A complete line of Wheeling fittings for conductor pipe is also Ask Your Building Material manufactured. Quality materials and simplified design insure the Dealer for Wheeling Products most substantial construction at the lowest cost. Wheeling Heavy Extra Coated Eavestrough is manufactured for use with Wheel- A ing Conductor Pipe and is made of the same fine Ohio Metal sa (copper-bearing) steel. It is supplied in lap and slip joint, single Galvanized Steel and double bead, made in one-piece without cross seams in sizes Wire Eavestrough 3% in., 4 in., 5 in., 6 in., 7 in. and 8 in. Hangers Qae~ For further details and ~WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY, WHEELING, W. VA. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 163 CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 600 Call Building SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Association Membership and Organization: The pine lumber manufacturers of California and the Klamath Falls, Oregon, district form our membership. This Association is not a sales organization. The mills have associated themselves together to promote efficiency in manufacturing, uniform grading, and the dissemina- tion of information pertaining to the proper uses of their product. Services: A trade extension department is maintained to assist architects, builders, manufacturers, dealers, and con- sumers in all matters relating to the proper use of these woods. Architects and builders are requested to write us for information relative to their uses for lumber or its reworked products. We will advise the kinds, grades, and sizes of lumber we recommend for specific uses. Forest Resources and Production: The forests in which these mills operate contain approximately 250 billion feet of timber, as follows: California white spine...2<. 82.2 fe 105 billion Calitornla sugars piles. ar see 32 billion Calitormia white sir tiene niet: 33 billion Caltornia Dowolas fires svete so 50 billion California incense cedar......... 9 billion Other tencties S72 eye canee beac 24 billion The annual production of this region is approximately 11% billion board feet, divided about as follows: Californiaewhite piness vss. a... « 855 million VJalifornigesicar pine t iosat. «=, 270 million Californiaewhite rigs... se 225 millon California Douglas fir... 2... 9. 90 milhon California incense cedar........ 30 million Other species sia ker et. ee eee 30 million At the present rate of cutting, the available supply should last for nearly two centuries. However, new growth is now adding a quarter-billion feet annually to the supply, thus insuring a continuous production of luinber. Sizes: These woods are manufactured in sizes that conform with AMERICAN LUMBER STANDARDS. Grading and Inspection: California white and sugar pine lumber is uniformly graded at Association mills under the standard rules of the CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, which are in close conformity to AMERICAN LUMBER STANDARDS. The Association maintains an efficient corps of in- spectors continually supervising and checking the work of the mill graders, thus insuring to purchasers of California pine products, lumber of uniform manu- facture and quality. Where White and Sugar Pine May Be Purchased: California white and sugar pine are available in the forms of yard lumber, and as doors, sash, ready-cut frames, trim and mill work, and can be procured from retail lumbermen, jobbers, planing mills, and sash and door manufacturers. Characteristics: Following are the characteristics of California white pine and California sugar pine. Typical Characteristics: Texture—Soft and workable. Grain——Close, even and uniform. Weight—Light. Color—Pale, light tones. Surface—Smooth and satiny. Structure—Minute cells, regularly formed, evenly spaced, and with httle pitch or resin. Service Characteristics: Ample strength and durability beyond requirements of use. Non-warping, non-swelling, non-shrinking. Non-checking. Non-splitting. Non-grain-raising. Takes enamel and paint perfectly. Requires fewer coats of enamel or paint. Does not discolor enamel and paint. Cuts easily and smoothly, with or across the grain— easy to fit hardware. Holds nails and screws firmly. Paint does not peel off. Uses: Both California white and sugar pine are used exten- sively in building construction and finish for the following purposes: Doors, interior and exterior. Window sash. Window and door frames. Interior finish and trim. Interior panels. Mouldings. Ceilings and partitions. Built-in cabinets, book-cases, tables, seats, shelving, ete. Exterior siding. Exterior trim. Porch columns. Sheathing. Subflooring. Framing. Lath. Farm buildings. Concrete forms. Boxes. Crates. For further details and literature, write to: =e California White & Sugar Pine Mfrs. Ass’n 600 Call Building SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page a California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association—Continued The Species “Pinus Ponderosa” (California White Pine) Attains Its Largest and Finest Growth in the California District. CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE Why CALLED “CaLirorntA WHITE Pinr’—The botanical name of this wood is Pinus Ponderosa. The name of “California White Pine” was given to it because of its color and softness, long before it was shipped East and became a general commercial wood. The physical properties of California white pine, as demonstrated in tests made at the United States govern- ment Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, and its uses, align it with eastern white pine. Characteristics of Growth in California: The species of soft pine from which California lumber is obtained grows over the entire western mountain section of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, from California south to Mexico, and north into British Columbia. However, a species of tree growing over so wide a range often attains its most perfect growth in one particular region. This region, for Pinus Ponderosa, is California and the Klamath Falls, Oregon, district, including both the eastern and western slopes of the Sierra Nevadas and the Siskiyou Mountains. Here the winter snows deeply cover the tree’s roots, and the summer sun bathes the trees in a flood of warmth, causing the trees to attain their largest size and finest quality. California white pine reaches its most perfect growth at altitudes of 3500 to 6000 ft. The California white pine trees grow tall and straight to a height of 125 to 175 ft. with an average diameter from 3 to 4 ft., though individual trees reach a height of 200 ft., and a diameter of 8 ft. A CALIFORNIA SUGAR PINE MONARCH OF THE FOREST This tree was 9 ft. 2 in. in diameter above the swell of the butt. The first 16-ft. log scaled 6200 board ft.; the second scaled 5280 board ft. The whole tree produced 32,340 board ft. of lumber, enough to build two good-sized houses, CALIFORNIA SUGAR PINE A True White Pine—Sugar pine is, botanically and phys- ically, a true white pine. [{t has five slender needles in each cluster, and the clusters occur in feathery tufts at the ends of graceful branches, as do those of its eastern relative, the white pine of New England and the Lake States. In cell structure sugar pine is also a white pine. The longitudinal cells are uniform in size and regularly spaced. The radial cells have smooth walls. There are no alter- nately hard and soft rings in the wood. Tests on sugar pine made at the Forest Products Laboratory, at Madison, Wisconsin, speak volubly of its excellence, and show it to be almost identical in many of its most important qualities with the white pine of the Hast. Characteristics of Growth: Sugar pine grows chiefly in California at elevations of from 3000 to 9000 ft. The largest trees and heaviest stands are found on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Sugar pine is the largest of the numerous pine family. It has a tall, straight trunk with a rich purple-brown or cinnamon-red bark. It grows, ordinarily, from 150 to 175 ft. high and from 4 to 5 ft. in diameter, though occasional specimens 230 ft. high and 12 ft. in diameter are seen. The tree is exceptionally free from disease, and this, as well as its large size, makes possible the production of large quantities of lumber of high quality which can be seasoned without checking or warping. Special Uses for Sugar Pine: California sugar pine is especially valuable in those parts of the building that are exposed to extreme weather condi- tions, aS well as for certain industrial purposes where the wood requirements are most rigid. The extremely fine characteristics of sugar pine make it unsurpassed and most desirable for the following special uses: Patterns, foundry flasks Drafting tables Organ pipes Piano keys Textile machinery Tanks and silos Boat decking For further details and literature, write to: = California White & Sugar Pine Mfrs. Ass’n 600 Call Building SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association—Continued A TYPICAL STAND OF CALIFORNIA WHITE FIR CALIFORNIA WHITE FIR Uses: Following are the more important uses of California White Fir: Common Boards Dimension Concrete Forms Conerete Forms ies Girders BHeAtnIDe Joists Subflooring Studs Roof Boards Rafters Plates Barn Boards Scaffolding Heavy Timbers Finishing Boxes Characteristics: Color: Grayish white. Weight: Light. Odor and Taste: None wnen dry. Physical Properties: Does not stain. Texture: Moderately soft and uniform. Durability: Good when kept dry. Shrinkage: Very moderate. Mechanical Properties: In its mechanical properties, California White Fir compares closely with Sitka Spruce and Eastern Hem- lock. In strength as a beam or post, in hardness and in stiffness, white fir is placed in the same class with spruce and hemlock. It is considered to have much the same shrinkage as hemlock, and a little less than spruce. The value of this species is proven by its similarity to the Eastern hemlock, which, for many years, has been the principal framing lumber in many sections of the East. Advantages in Use: California White Fir has many advantages for its more important uses. Light Weight and Easy Cutting: The light weight and the ease with which White Fir may be cut and handled are important for rapid, efficient construction. A carpenter working with this wood will do more and better work than when using a heavier, harder wood. Seasoning: The fact that this lumber is seasoned at the sawmill is of importance to the retail lumber dealer and to the ultimate consumer. It reduces the cost of transporta- tion and saves space in the retailer’s yard. Seasone | lumber can be piled in from one-third to one-fifth the space required for green lumber. Furthermore, loss from defects which develop during seasoning need not be borne by the dealer. There is no danger that this lumber will be put into a home while still green—a fact which means less settling and distortion of the frame- work, gives greater holding power to the nails, and constitutes a protection against decay. Dressing: Dressing !umber at the sawmill after it has been seasoned is also important to dealer and user. Wood, even of the saine species, does not shrink uniformly, and lumber which has been dressed while green will be found of varying thickness and widths after it dries. This is especially important with lumber dressed to a tongue and groove, or shiplap pattern, and with dimen- sion lumber. Framing lumber that has been dressed green requires more work on the part of the carpenter to secure level floors and walls of uniform thickness. Floor joists that have been dressed while green and seasoned afterwards are often found to vary from 14 to 1% inch in width. Another important factor in dry dressing is that lumber dresses much more smoothly than when run green. It is also free from the dust and dirt which is apt to collect during the seasoning process, and presents a clean, smooth appearance to the buyer and user. Knots Are Tight: Generally speaking, the knots in White Fir are com- paratively tight. This is of particular importance in the use of this wood for concrete forms, sheathing, sub-flooring, barn boards and many other uses. Many of the knots are encased, but fixed in position. Zz F h i © e e e ' . e Ytersture, writs tc: California White & Sugar Pine Mfrs. Ass’n SAN FRANCISCOL CALIF. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Beautiful Birch—for Beautiful Interior Woodwork Manufactured by Members of NORTHERN HEMLOCK & HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION AND ROTARY BIRCH CLUB 231 F. R. A. Building, Oshkosh, Wis. Products: Interior Trim: Birch Lumber and Birch Rotary Cut Veneer made from unequalled stands of Yellow Birch (Betula Lutea), in the great hardwood forests of Michigan and Wisconsin, also known as gray birch; and from Sweet or Cherry Birch (Betula Lenta). Description: No distinction is made between these closely similar species, as a rule. Both species pro- duce lumber sold commercially as unselected or mixed color birch, selected red birch and selected white birch. Red and white birch are not different species as the red birch is the slightly reddish heartwood, and white bireh the outer part of the same tree. Unselected or mixed color birch is the run of the lumber from the log containing both the white and red. The sapwood takes stains as readily as the heartwood—in this respect differing markedly from other important finishing woods. It is not necessary to specify “selected” birch to obtain very satisfactory results in mahogany, walnut, or similar stains. The mixed colors in the unselected birch blend per- fectly after the stain is applied, producing a uniform even color effect as required. Tnselected birch can be obtained for considerably less in price than strictly selected red or white, as the quantity of red or white birch obtained from the log is comparatively small. However, in rotary cut birch veneers, it is possible to obtain a larger proportion of red or white veneer than in sawn lumber. A beautiful variation, especially in veneers, called Curly Birch comes from selected logs, either in red or white or unselected. It commands a premium and “unselected” should usualiy be used. Birch being an extremely close grained wood produces rotary cut veneer not subject to checking. It is not neces- sary to specify sawn veneers on doors or other cabinet work to assure against the objectionable checks which later de- velop in many other cabinet woods or so-called cabinet woods. Birch reaches its best development as a tree in the hard- wood forests of Wisconsin and Michigan. Conditions there produce a very hard, smooth grained wood. Specify “Grown in Wisconsin or Michigan.’ The great bulk of birch lumber originates in these two states. Hardness: Birch is one of the hardest of the hardwoods. Under tests in the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, it required a pressure of 1320 pounds to embed an 0.444 inch steel ball one-fifth of an inch into the side grain of air- dried birch. This test is most important, as the forces of wear and indentation ordinarily come against the side grain of a wood used for interior trim, doors and furniture. The hardest of hardwoods is most economical in the long run, both in public buildings and private homes, because the fine finished appearance of the surface can be retained only by this quality of extreme hardness. Birch has it as shown above in high degree. Strength: In all these tests for strength at the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory—static. bending, impact bending, compression parallel to grain and tension perpendicular to grain—birch ranks first among commercial hardwoods. In the tests for compression perpendicular to grain and shearing strength parallel to grain, birch compares favorably with other quality hardwoods. Beauty: Vith the qualities of hardness and strength, birch com. bines that of beauty. It has a very handsome figured grain, is capable of taking a high finish and retaining it. Birch looks equally well, whether plain, or quarter sawed. Rotary eut birch veneer usually serves all purposes which demand highly figured wood in broad surfaces, such as panels, etc. Beautiful birch TRADE MARK Birch has won recognition in trim as being a fine hardwood, of very handsome figured grain, and capable of high finish. It is in use not only in a multitude of residences and apartments, but also in very many hotels, office buildings, etc., of the highest class, for both trim and doors. Birch Rotary Cut Veneers: Birch rotary cut veneer is. especially : adaptable to deors and panel work of all kinds and is widely used in wainscoting and for fixtures, store window backing, ete. It is not subject to checking because of the extremely close grain of the wood and in this respect is superior to most other cabinet woods from Which only sawn veneers can be safely utilized. ‘ Doors: _: Birch veneered doors are usually specified with a standard ¥3-inch veneer on the frame of the door applied to a softwood core. Panels can be 3 or 5-ply in thickness. Names of manufacturers specializing in birch doors sent on request. Birch Flooring: Birch flooring is comparable in service valu i flooring, having nearly the same physical neonerrene te cluding hardness. It comes either in red or unselected. Selected red birch floors are very desirable in most schemes of interior decoration, especially with trim of birch or ma- te apes are piaee and specifications, see listing in ogue under ial é é ee etines Panes ee Maple Flooring Manufacturers Finishing: : Birch lends itself perfectly to the production of any effect in finish which can be applied to a first class hardwood. To several beautiful finishes it is better adapted than any other wood—notably to gray and brown acid staining. It is also frequently and successfully used in place of red or brown stained mahogany. Birch in a natural finish is also much admired. Because of the small size of the pores, a filler is usually not employed. If a dark filler is used, the pores can be made conspicuous, giving the wood additional figure. Rubbed, or rubbed and polished finishes, give fine results with birch. The user of birch should always remember that he is hand- ling a high class hardwood, whose peculiar richness of tone and figure is worthy of painstaking treatment. It is of just the right density and texture to form a superior base for white enamel, for which unselected grade is recommended. Information: A handsome book on Birch and Its Uses, and any specific information or assistance required will be gladly supplied on application. The new 60-page “Where and Why” book is a reference work for every builder. Though primarily devoted to hard maple, it contains comparative statistics and tables of of- ficial strength and other tests of birch, maple and other hardwoods. Concise and authentic. Sent promptly on request. Co-operation: The Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers’ Association and The Rotary Birch Club will be glad to put inquirers in touch with our members, and with manufacturers of birch doors, trim, veneer, etc. As hard maple, soft maple, birch, beech, hard and soft elm, basswood, ash, white cedar, white pine, Norway pine, balsam hemlock and tamarack all grow in the great Novia forests of Wisconsin and Michigan, manvufacturers of “Beautiful Birch” also produce many or all of these woods. Complete data and detailed information about any of these species is gladly furnished on request. For further details and _ literature, write to: NORTHERN HEMLOCK & HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION AND ROTARY BIRCH CLUB 231 F. R. A. Building, OSHKOSH, WIS. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG WESTERN RED CEDAR Made by Members of RED CEDAR LUMBER MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION 4449 White-Henry-Stuart Bldg. Seattle, Washington Products Rep Cepar LuMBER for Sid- ing, Flooring or Poreh Deck- adaptable to the modern trend e © ar towards mitered corners be- me CSC It stays put. “The Wood That Nature Armed Against ing, Lath, Lattice, Mouldings, Decay Western Red Cedar Siding’s Sereen-stock, Porch Columns, Newels, great dependability stands out sharply at Finish and Common Timbers. the danger points—the joints, mitered cor- Qualities BOs US and where boards lap. Western Red Cedar possesses several Sizes of Siding Western Red Cedar siding is made in the following sizes: 1x4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 inches and 34x8, 10 and z 12 inches. ‘These are bevel sidings valuable properties. Perhaps its marked re- sistance to decay and insect attack are the most noteworthy. The wood contains a natural preservative oil and is entirely free from resin or pitch. It is much used in parts of the Orient where proof against in which the 4 insect attack is a primary consideration. inch stock is Y% Because of its soft texture, Western Red inch on thi ck Cedar is very easily worked. Compared edge and 5/32 with many other woods it admits of definite inch se thin edge. savings in the cost of handling. It admits The ¥4-inch Ma- ee of nailing without splitting, especially when terial is ¥4 inch Pr irim square-cut or triangular pointed nails are on thick edge and 3/16 inch on thin edge. Finished widths are 344, 414, 514, 714, 914 used. Another important property of Western and 11% inches. Standard lengths are Red Cedar is its ability, when properly multiples of one foot. dried, to stay in place. In common use it While the use of all sizes 1s quite com- has been tested under the most adverse con- mon, of recent years there is a marked ten- ditions of climate and exposure and has dency toward the use of special combina- never yet failed to hold its place. tions and some very fine treatments are : : being worked out with combinations of 4 etl oper: et see re et and 6-inch widths with the other sizes. pestern Te edar takes Onisn. wel’ There is still room for further treatment Where it is used with an oil or any aes along these lines, and, within reasonable ie Oe a ie sees ee ed 2 ee there is hardly any limit to the pos- a very } g . ibilities. Paint spreads well on Western Red pone cree Cedar, the silky The qualities which make Western Red Cedar finish of which highly suitable for siding also render it of value for affords an almost other exterior work in building. For all outside trim ideal surface, yet Western Red Cedar has no superior and few, if any, equals. barat i Other Exterior Uses For all outside work incidental to the building of crawling. a home, such as pergolas, arbors, summerhouses, Siding garages, fences, lattice, window boxes, shutters, cold Western Red frames, greenhouses, ete., Western Red Cedar is sec- Cedar siding is Sug ee DONS. rapidly becoming known as the outstanding Interior Uses material in this class Western Red Cedar has also many uses in the ree ian. : ‘. interior of a home. For any interior finish not sub- a ene i eee Red Cedar does ject to knocks or hard usage, it is excellent, but its not ena shrink Makes it the most desirable soft wood is easily indented so it should not be used of all woods for siding. It is particularly where likely to be marred. GMS~ Fictrature, wniteta’ RED CEDAR LUMBER MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION 4449 White-Henry-Stuart Bldg. Seattle, Washington Ee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 168 Si | ae — RITE-GRADE SHINGLES Made by Members of the RITE-GRADE SHINGLE ASSOCIATION 4449 Stuart Building Seattle, Washington Rite-Grade Inspected Red Cedar Shingles, manufactured a big part in the manufactured shingle just as it does in any by a large number of the lead- other manufacturing process, ing mills of the Pacific North- so that no matter how high west, are packed in various grades, according to strict rules and rigid grading stand- ards enforced by frequent inspection. Grade for grade Rite-Grade adheres to Specifications much superior to those fol- lowed in ordinary practice; and it insures that the specifications are lived up to by its system of careful inspection. All the standard sizes of red cedar shin- gles are manufactured and packed under the Rite-Grade brand, and its stencil on a bundle is an evidence that it meets the re- quirements of the strictest grading rules. Grade Guaranteed When you buy Red Cedar Shingles under the Rite-Grade Inspection mark, you are not simply buying shingles and taking the word of the individual manufacturer for the count and grade. The best Red Cedar Shingles made— gerade for grade—you are buying under the guarantee of an association of leading man- ufacturers. This trade mark—shown above—is your guarantee. It means that’ the shingles manufactured at the mills privileged to use this mark are constantly being inspected by Association inspectors, and that the shingles fully conform to the grading speci- = fications for the grade = ——————_ stenciled upon the «7 | mel ee) | bundle, and that when RES ADE i G laid according to di- a nee rections will, cover the amount of roof space indicated. on High Quality Timber : RE Pik . YWestern Red Cedar j hit a i | is generally recog- AM ia wali nized as the best ma- UNG ||| terial for shingles, be- cause of its natural resistance to rot and non-warping qualities. But shingles must be sawed out of Red Cedar logs, and the human element plays SSS = i = ———— — ——== SS Sa INSPECTED ideals a manufacturer may have, some employee can offset that by carelessness. To overcome this, and to insure the trade and home builder with an absolutely re- liable Red Cedar Shingle of the finest qual- ity, the Rite-Grade Shingle Association has established a rigid set of grading rules and as the shingles Ole omer l Hemet its association are cut, they are _ graded carefully according to these rules, and the grade and cov- ering capacity is steneciled upon every bundle. The Rite-Grade Inspector Most Careful Inspection Association inspectors visit every Rite-Grade mill and check this grading accurately so that there can be no carelessness or ‘‘let down’’ in the uniformity of the grade. The result is that in Rite-Grade Inspected shingles you get, grade for grade, the very finest Red Cedar Shingles it is possible to produce, manufactured with special care by well equipped modern mills and you know exactly the kind of shingles you are getting in each grade. Choose Right Shingle for Right Place Of course, if you want a roof to last the longest possible time you must select the highest grade of shingles. For some other purposes, such as side walls and less particular uses where it is desired to hold down the first cost, a lower grade of shingles can be used. The important thing about the Rite-Grade stamp is that it insures your getting exactly what you buy. Be sure that the Rite-Grade mark is on every bundle of shingles you order. It is your guarantee of quality. This mark is the property of the Rite-Grade Shingle Association and can be used only by members whose products comply strictly with the Association rules. It is used in addition to the manufacturer’s individ- ual brand, which is his mark of identification. The mark of Rite-Grade inspection is your protec- tion. It absolutely assures you of satisfaction in the selection and purchase of Red Cedar Shingles. [as~ For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG RITE-GRADE SHINGLE ASSOCIATION Seattle, Washington 4449 Stuart Bldg. ‘Tidewater’ Cypress, “the Wood Eternal” Manufactured by Members of THE SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION 1348 Poydras Building, a NEW ORLEANS, LA. M Cc 1348 Graham Building, A JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ee ee te me Products “Tidewater” Cypress Lumber. “Tidewater” Cypress Shingles. “Tidewater” Cypress Lath. Tupelo Mouldings and Trim. Tupelo Flooring. ““Tidewater’’ Cypress Trade-mark Guarantee— AS a guarantee of quality, ac- curate grading and responsible methods of manufacture, builders should specify ‘‘Tidewater” Cypress, the true ‘““Wood Eternal,” identified by the Arrow trade-mark above. Where It Grows—The species of Cypress commercially known as “Tidewater” Cypress, also Red Cypress, is the most valuable. It is distinctly a swamp tree and grows along the coasts, and in the lowlands within 200 miles from the seaboard, of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, from Virginia to Texas. “Inland” or “‘Upland’’ Cypress does not possess the characteristic qualities of “Tidewater” Cy- press in any desirable degree. Durability—“Tidewater” Cypress possessing a natural preservative, is one of the most durable of American woods. This statement applies specifically to the heart wood. ‘‘All- heart” grades should be specified where high resistance to decay-producing agencies is required—such as contact with the soil and when used in moist or humid conditions. It also “weathers well.” Color—The color of “Tidewater” Cypress varies from slightly reddish to a deeper red and from this, all the way to almost black, giving rise to such names as Red and Black Cypress. The color of the sapwood is usually much lighter than the heartwood. Much ‘Tidewater’ Cypress is vari-colored—frequently marked by various color zones from slightly red to almost black. The safest specification is “Tidewater” Cypress, identified by the Arrow trade-mark. Strength—In strength, like in weight, “Tidewater” Cy- press is intermediate between heavy and light pines, indi- cating a good average strength. Other Physical Properties—From the builder’s standpoint, other characteristics of “Tidewater” Cypress worthy of men- tion are, ease of working, freedom from splitting, checking and warping when properly dried, and good nail-holding power. “Tidewater” Cypress, other than “Pecky,”’ has very few defects except knots and occasional wormholes, and can be counted upon to have a very high percentage of flawless boards or timbers. “Pecky” Cypress—It is the term applied to boards or timbers having the peculiar disease common to the heart- wood of many Cypress trees. On the cross section, the board appears to be full of holes and on the surface, looks as if it had been gouged. This is a defect only in the sense of appearance and strength and its durability is practically as great as that of sound wood. The Pecky disease in no way detracts from the usefulness of “Tidewater’’ Cypress where exposure and not strength is the prime requirement, as in foundations and sills. At the present time, “Pecky” Cypress is in great demand for interior trim because of its antique appearance and the picturesque effects to be secured from such use. Varied Utility—'*Tidewater” Cypress having been used for many years, evidence of its fitness for humerous purposes is overwhelmingly large. A few of the more general uses are given in following paragraphs: Interior Uses—For interior finish, its ease of working, straightness of grain, non-resinous nature and the fine, wide, clear sizes obtainable, make the higher grades of “Tidewater” Cypress one of the best woods for mouldings, doors, sills, panels, sash, casings, ete. As it shrinks or swells imperceptibly when properly dried, “Tidewater” Cypress is especially desirable for doors where its fine- figured grain contributes to beautiful and artistic effects. The “Clear Heart” grade is recommended for best quality stain or natural finish and the “A” grade for ordinary stain finish or best enameled work. “Tidewater” Cypress used for the siding, porches, shutters, cornices and all exterior trim for this dis- tinctive suburban home. Designed by Messrs. Granger and Bollenbacher, Chicago. Exterior Work—On account of its great durability and weather resisting qualities, Cypress excells for all exterior work and for uses in contact with soil, such as foundation timbers, sills, girders, siding, doors, jambs, facings, window shutters, cornices and for porch construction—flooring, columns, railings, steps and foundation supports. For painting, the “B” grade of Cypress is suitable for the usual run of exterior millwork and finish, and the “A” or “Clear Heart’ grade for best quality work. Shingles—‘“‘Tidewater” Cypress is especially adapted to shingles. They have extraordinary durability and possess the added virtues of having more wood in them and of weighing more than any other shingle now on the market. They are sold-as dimension shingles, as well as in random widths, and always full count, 4000 lineal inches to con- stitute 1000 shingles. Lath—In addition to the characteristic qualities of non- shrinking and non-warping when properly dried, and ease of working with good nail holding power, “Tidewater” Cypress lath has the further advantage of not showing through plaster, a particularly valuable quality where light tints are to be employed. For further details and literature, write to: oz THE SOUTHERN CYPRESS MNER’S. ASSN. YEW,QRLEANS.LA, oF JACKSONVILLE, FLA. — HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page ‘Tidewater’ Cypress, “‘the Wood Eternal’ (continued) Farm Uses—Because of its wearing and lasting qualities, “Tidewater” Cypress is the most economical lumber to be used, figured over the years, for fencings, posts, water troughs, well curbing, silos, incubators, barns, hog houses, poultry houses and sheds. Imparting no odor, taste or color, and being almost non- porous, it is unexcelled for water tanks and for use in dairies. Greenhouse Construction—In greenhouses, ‘Tidewater” Cypress is an invaluable wood because of its resistance to decay. The entire woodwork of some of the best green- houses—ridge poles, supports, sash, siding, benches (the latter of ‘“Pecky’’)—is of “Tidewater” Cypress. It is equally adapted for all forms of cold frames and is much used for flats and flower boxes. Miscellaneous Uses—‘“‘Tidewater’ Cypress has also come much into use as a Seating material for public and university stadiums, and for the construction of grandstands and bleachers for baseball parks and fair grounds and the like. “Pecky” Cypress is suitable where rustic effects are desired, such as seating for parks; pergolas, ete. It is also adapt- able for culverts, underground work or work in damp places, planking for small bridges, barn floors and foundation timbers. Fine Pergola Entrance to Estate of J. Wade Tucker, Esq., Kissimmee, Florida. Constructed entirely of “Tidewater” Cypress as is the adjoining fencing and the magnificent home in the background. Painting—Ior both exterior and interior work, ‘“Tide- water” Cypress can be painted without special preparation and with complete satisfaction. Natural Finish—But as the charm of modern construction is in the use of the natural wood, “Tidewater” Cypress, on account of the beauty of its grain and variety of its rich shadings, should be varnished and finished in the natural. Staining—‘Tidewater’ Cypress can also be stained with great success. In imitation of mahogany—becoming even more beautiful than mahogany itself—or cherry, black walnut, the different oaks; or tinted any desired shade the most fastidious fancy may suggest. Tupelo Origin and Characteristics—Tupelo grows in proximity to and is often interspersed with Cypress. Untreated Tupelo, however, does not have the same decay resisting qualities of “Tidewater” Cypress when exposed to moisture and the elements, but is well suited for interior uses. Tupelo has a closely interwoven, or involved grain, is uniformly white in color, does not sliver or splinter and is peculiarly adapted to uses where resistance to hard wear is the prime requirement. It is practically free from de- fects of any character. Industrial Floors—Tupelo, because of its closely involved grain, which does not splinter or sliver, is much used for interior floors of industrial plants, warehouses, freight houses, for covered platforms, ete. Heavy trucking and traific only tends to pack its fiber and to make it more solid and smoother as time goes on. It should not be used for exterior platforms and the like without being treated with a preservative. Residential Floors—The same characteristics which recom- mend Tupelo for industrial flooring, plus its clear white uniform color, make it a very desirable flooring material for residences. Perfected methods of manufacture and kiln drying have made Tupelo a superior product. For appear- ance and cost it is probably the best flooring for the mod- erate priced home on the market today. Mouldings and Trim—Tupelo is extensively manufactured into mouldings and other interior trim. Its uniform white eolor, close grain, freedom from defects and tendency to splitting, and ability to hold nails tenaciously, make it a desirable wood for this purpose. Tupelo does not raise its grain in the process of finishing and, therefore, provides an exceptionally smooth surface that takes and holds enamels nicely and can be stained ef- fectively. It is especially adapted where a highly glossed finish is desired. And, its very moderate cost likewise recommends it where price must be taken into consideration. Literature and Information To meet the constantly growing demand from architects and builders for detailed information, we have compiled a concise, authoritative, technical treatise on ‘Tidewater’ Cypress, covering its qualities, grades, uses and relation of grades to uses, painting and finishing, together with sug- gested specifications for standard uses. Architects and builders, who have not received a copy of this data for their files, are invited to write for it. Our booklet on Tupelo—its characteristics and uses, also merits a place in your files for reference. Architects and builders are invited to write freely as to any special requirements, references to highly satisfied users for specific purposes, or for any other assistance that we can give on special problems. “‘Tidewater’? Cypress Shingles were used as siding with fine effect, and the usual superior economic results, on all buildings of the late Senator Medill McCormick’s farm estate, Byron, Ill. Mr. Alfred Hopkins, New York, architect. == For further details and literature, write to: THE SOUTHERN CYPRESS MNFR’S. ASSN. Nac.S6nvincg, FLAD HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Tidewater Cypress Annual Production 200 Million Feet The following is quoted from a Govern- ment Report on Cypress—see U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service Bulletin No. 95. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR FINISH “Cypress is put to almost every use as an interior trim for houses. It may be finished in natural color or stained. The wood con- tains little resin and thus affords a_ good surface for paint, which it holds well. It is much used for door frames, window frames, transoms, ceiling, wainscoting, panels, doors, sash, balusters, inside blinds, brackets, newel posts, grilles, mantels, and | either to some extent for flooring. It is a popular 4 wood for kitchens, where it is subjected dresse ° to dampness and heat. It shrinks, swells, or warps but little, and is used for drainboards, sinks, kitchen and pantry tables, cupboards, and kitchen cabinets. For the same reason it is used for breadboards asd wooden imple- ments about the pantry, ironing boards and clothes driers. “For the parts of houses exposed to the weather it serves equally well. As siding it practically wears out before it decays. When made into porch and portico columns it retains its shape, holds paint, and has sufficient strength to sustain necessary loads. It is placed as cornice, gutter, outside blinds, pilasters, and railing, and is much used for porch floors and steps. Southern Hardwoods Produced By GULF RED CYPRESS COMPANY ne SAVANNAH, GEORGIA We solicit your orders for straight or mixed cars of Cypress, Southern Hardwocds and Short Leaf Pine, rough or Short Leaf Pine Planing Mill Capacity Million Feet FARM LUMBER ‘Much cypress lumber is employed in the construction of silos for strong green feed. The farmer puts the wood to many uses, in all of which it gives good service. Its last- ing properties fit it well for curbs, when material is needed that resists decay. Water- ing troughs for farm stock and feed troughs for sheds and barns are made of it; likewise troughs or flumes for conveying water from wells or springs. Resistance to decay fits it for stable floors and timbers near the ground, as well as for fences, gates, and especially for fence posts and telephone poles. It is one of the best available woods for picket fences, because it shows paint well and holds it for many years, but lasts a long time without it. It has been widely used for this purpose not only in the South, where cypress grows, but in regions remote from its range. USE IN GREENHOUSES “One of the widest uses of cypress is in greenhouse con- struction. It is pre-eminently fitted for that trying place, where it is called upon to resist dampness, excessive heat, and all the elements that hasten decay. It is said that no other lumber approaches cypress in the quantity used for green and hot houses. It is manufactured into sash, frames, benches, boxes, and practically ali else that the builder needs. It has replaced white pine to a large degree, because it is cheaper and in some ways better.” CORNELL UNIVERSITY STADIUM, ITHACA, NEW YORK—SEATS OF TIDEWATER CYPRESS The resistance of Cypress to decay, particularly when exposed to dampness, has led to its being used for seats in the Stadium pictured above and in Stadiums at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia; University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois; and U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New York. For further details and =~ literature, write to: GULF RED CYPRESS COMPANY, Savannah, Georgia HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Grade-Marked Northern Hemlock for Strength and Stability Manufactured by Members of THE NORTHERN HEMLOCK MANUFACTURERS of Michigan and Wisconsin 341 F. R. A. Building, Oshkosh, Wis. of @ Grade-Mark NI < & ee Trade-Mark >H @ of Look for it at the end of every board or piece Products Michigan and Wisconsin Hemlock lumber, dimension, lath, drop siding and ship lap. Grade-Mark, Trade-Mark Guarantee Responsible manufacture and rigid grading under the strict grading rules of this Association, with every piece plainly marked by the expert grader at the mill. All lumber guaranteed to conform with the American Lumber Standards. All load-bearing dimension (studding, rafters and joists) extra standard size—more wood and strength to the piece, in- suring greater strength and rigidity when used for framing. The principle of grade-marking lumber has been acclaimed by Secretary Hoover as the most advanced step taken by the lumber industry in the public interests and has been endorsed by competent architects and builders; also, by progressive retail lumbermen. It will develop scientific lumber utilization —the use of the right grade for each purpose; practical forest conservation. Northern Hemlock Grade-Marks— What They Mean The initials N and H of the design signify that the lumber, to which the mark is applied (on the face of each piece near the end), is Northern Hemlock—your native building lumber. The numeral within the diamond indicates the grade of the piece on which it is stamped by the expert grader at the mill. Okey ca «e “e N<-_ 1 2: H zy é@ Ye of No. 1 Northern Hemlock is marked as above. of of "ea wee we eo” Look for the mark above on No. 3 Northern Hemlock o*~e of ve N <4 “ey e Vay of - & eo ty @ and this mark appears on No. 4 Northern Hemlock Northern Hemiock Grades are based upon the broad eco- nomic ground of their relative usefulness to vou. The Grade- mark takes all the guesswork out of the selection of Hemlock grades for their proper uses. Save money! Use the grade that fits’ the job. Buy by the orade-mark. pees Ask your lumber dealer. Physical Properties eh Wood is light, of good average strength for its weight, nail holding power. Grade for grade, Northern Hemlock has fewer large, strength reducing knots than other structural woods. It is non-resinous and so takes and holds both paints and stains perfectly and without discoloration. Freedom of resin likewise makes it slow-burning. Immunity to dry-rot is an important factor in the service life of buildings. In color, the heartwood is light brown tinged with red, often nearly white, and the sapwood of darker color. Principal Structural Uses While the best grades of Northern Hemlock are manufac- tured into drop siding, ship lap and other items of exterior trim, its principal employment in residential construction is HEMLOCK __ RAFTERS < for the so-called ‘‘7 fe vital factors in build- | HEMLOCK ROOF =: ing construction.’’ <— BOARDS = | ies Here the Extra "HEMLOCK. = Standard Size stud- ‘STUDDING = ding, rafters, and AIS IKSs ISS joists (guaranteed by the grade mark) — con- HEMLOC taining more wood and LATH ase strength to the piece; and SES without large, loose knots ||| —insure great strength aaa and rigidity to the fram- _— ing. Immunity to dry-rot | fa commends Northern Hem- HEMLOCK lock for those hidden JOISTS structural parts — roof HI boards, lath, sheathing and ie underflooring —and upon i the continuous good con- LH | dition of which the serv- ice life of the building depends. This freedom Ir / EB | from dry-rot and its fire Wt |Z iL MN retardent qualities, also | 4 y gy “yp recommend Northern eae ZL E ae Sf Wye Hemlock for furring TB N ; A wean ; Y, strips in fireproof struc- LR SS tures puibd \ = Ni ao HEMLOCK UNDERFLOGRING Though rarely used for inside finishing, clear ; Northern Hemlock boards * made into panels, or similar work, and fin- —_ Wy ished natural color, often present a very ae Of handsome appearance owing to the peculiar (aaa et W/ pinkish tint of the wood which ripens and improves with age. Farm Uses As a general farm purpose lumber, Northern Hemlock meets nearly every requirement and has been extensively used for barns, sheds, silos, milkhouses, hog and poultry houses, out- buildings of all character, plank walks, well curbing, fencing, etc., in the regions of its growth. Co-operation Tt is the aim of this Association to be of all possible help to builders and distributors. To this end, we have published a very complete set of praetical building plans ranging all the way from a chicken house to a large cow barn (including a silo to be constructed from yard stock), and from a small Ford garage to a fine city residence. How can we help you? No obligation. easy to work, does not split readily and possesses remarkable For further details and =~ literature, write to: The Northern Hemlock Manufacturers of Michigan and Wisconsin *" Scnioch. Wien” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Western Pine Manufacturers Association Dept. 29, 510 Yeon Building PORTLAND, OREGON Product Pondosa Pine. For- merly marketed as “Western White Pine.” Trade-mark on end grain. Pondosa Pine The finest lumber for all-around use. It is light, yet strong. It is easily worked. Takes nails without splitting. Pondosa Beveled Siding, with its very thin edge, illustrates just how unusual it is in this respect. Pon- dosa is beautiful lumber, yet most economi- cal. Every trade-marked stick is rigidly graded, thoroughly seasoned and carefully milled. The fine grain and smooth surface are notable. Pondosa Pine takes a beautiful natural finish where desired. Paint pene- trates its absorbent texture deeply and evenly, so that repainting is seldom neces- sary. Source Pondosa Pine, often called the ‘Sovereign of Softwoods,”’ comes from the Inland Em- pire of the Great Northwest. In area the Inland Empire equals all New England, the Middle Atlantic States and Virginia—almost as much territory as the United States com- prised at the end of the Revolutionary War. Pondosa Pine The Pick o'the Pines TRADE-MARK THE INLAND EMPIRE Over fifty million acres of it are in forests —capable of producing from the present stand of timber over 300,000,000,000 board feet of lumber. This does not reckon with new growth added each year. aE For one er and HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Western Pine Manufacturers Association 174 Resources The Western Pine Manufacturers Associa- tion comprises fifty great modern mills. Its closely supervised lum- ber grades have been standard in the territory for fifteen years. A uni- formity of quality and service is always noted in Pondosa Pine, no matter which mill has produced the lumber. The Pondosa Pine country is served by five transconti- nental railroads—the Great Northern, Northern Pacific, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Canadian Pacific and the Union Pacific, providing ready, economical outlets for Pondosa Pine. Grade Classification Pondosa Pine, like all other woods, has its upper and lower grades. Some pieces are entirely clear and free from blemishes. Others contain knots and similar defects in- herent in the tree itself. Classified accord- ing to use, it is divided into Yard Lumber, the kind used for general building purposes— Structural Timbers—and Factory or Shop Lumber, which lumbermen call a “cutting type” and which is used for sash, doors, ete. One of the chief aims of the Western Pine Manufacturers Association is to avert economic waste by effecting the use of the right grade of lumber in the right place. Use Doors, windows, frames, stairs, sash, moulding, interior and exterior trim, porch work, sheathing, siding, indeed any place where the specifications call for good, de- pendable lumber which is light, yet strong, is the place for Pondosa Pine. It is for sale at all good lumber yards. Complete Information Write for “Bingo of Flathead,” a very in- teresting and instructive story of Pondosa Pine. Address Department 29, Western Pine Manufacturers Association of Portland, Oregon. Department 29 Portland, Oregon California Redwood Lumber, Siding, Finish, Millwork, Etc. Produced by THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY San Francisco Robert Dollar Building 311 California Street Mills at Scotia, California Los Angeles Standard Oil Building 10th and Hope Streets Eastern Distributors The Pacific Lumber Company of Illinois Chicago McCormick Building PY 332 South Michigan Avenue TRACE maR REGISTERCO moisture, and insect and worm activities, reduces the item of repair and maintenance to a minimum. Its rot and fire-resist- Products Redwood lumber, siding, finish, and millwork. Distinctive Characteristics of Redwood Redwood has many distinctive characteristics which highly recommend it for building purposes and particularly exteriors. Texture Redwood is light and soft, yet firm. Dry weight of wood surfaced is only 24 pounds per cubic foot. Has a close, even i Oe grain and is unusually free from knots and other defects. It works easily and holds nails well. Resists Decay On account of a nat- wral, odorless preservative which permeates the tree ; zis during growth, Redwood Residence at Plainfield, N. J. is highly resistant to all Redwood siding painted white forms of rot and decay. A Redwood log buried in the ground for 600 years was found to be perfectly sound and was cut into first class lumber. It is unnecessary to treat Redwood with artificial preservatives. Fire-Resisting Owing to the absence of pitch and other resinous substances, Redwood is slow to ignite and offers unusual resistance to fire. There was conclusive proof of this in many instances during the great San Francisco fire in 1906 and in the fact that forest fires sweeping through the underbrush leave Redwood trees unharmed. Non-Conductivity On account of its peculiar cellular strueture—layer upon and is one of the best nat- ural insulators known. (See illustration at bottom of column.) Color The heart wood ranges from a light cherry color to mahogany—generally an old rose shade. The small Residence at Des Moines, Ia. amount of sap wood is a Redwood Colonial siding painted white cream color. Will Not Warp, Swell or Shrink Properly seasoned, Redwood will not warp, swell or shrink, making if extremely valuable for many particular and exact- ing uses. Excellent Painting Surface It is not necessary to paint or stain Redwood to make it durable, but where the preference is for a painted or stained effect it will be found that Redwood will readily take any finish that any other wood will take, and some finishes that no other wood will take. The fine grain, smooth surface, absence of resin or pitch, and the walls of the minute air cells forming tiny anchorages, allow paint or varnish to penetrate thoroughly and to hold. The freedom of Redwood from swell- ing or shrinking tends to insure against unsightly cracks in enamel work. Uses for Redwood Exterior: Redwood used for exterior finish and siding, par- ticularly in places exposed to the weather, action of soil Que For further details and THE PACIFIC LUMBER COMPAN literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG W New York City Pershing Square Bldg. 100 East 42nd Street ing properties, uni- formly even texture, non-warping qualities, ability to take and hold paint, make Red- wood particularly adaptable for all out- side construction where beauty, wear- ing qualities and long life are desired. It is particularly recom- mended for: Siding Newels OTS. te Clapboards Lattice Shingles Greenhouse The Redwood log shown imbedded in Picket Wea this stump lay buried in the soil for over ckets encing six hundred years as indicated by the Mudsills Garages annular rings of the tree that grew over Eaves Buttresses it. When dug up this buried log was Gutters Mouldings found to be absolutely sound and free Pergolas Porch Rail PSE Window and Door Frames Balusters and Porch Work Poreh Finishing Lumber Cornice Lumber Porch Ceilings Porch Columns Sleeping Porches Interior: On account of its natural beauty, absence of pitch, and high proportion of clear lumber, Redwood is adapted for many kinds of interior work. Clear Redwood, having an unusually even grain and being free from knots, can be used to create beautiful effects with- out the necessity of selecting special pieces. Redwood can be obtained in extra-wide, clear boards, making it unnecessary to use veneered or built-up panels. It takes stains and other fin- ishes readily and may be waxed, or left in its natural finish. High class enamel jobs, with hand rubbed finish, have lasted as long as twenty years without repainting. Redwood Not High Priced The price of Redwood compares very favorably with that of other woods used for similar purposes, for most of which uses Redwood’s unusual adaptability and long life makes it really more economical. Being lighter than other woods, the item of freight is consequently reduced. Trademark Wherever practical our trademark is placed directly upon the product. In cases where shipping tags are used the trademark appears upon the tag. All Redwood siding is plainly marked with the trademark, surface measure, grade and size. Door and window frames are stamped with trademark. Moulding bundles are tagged with trademark, total number of pieces, lineal measurements and pattern. Shingles in bundles are marked with trademark and grade. Information and Service All of our offices will be glad to consult with any builder concerning his needs and advise as to the suitability of Redwood and its economical use. Inquiries will receive prompt attention. Interesting Literature on T. P. L. Co. Redwood Contractors and builders are invited to send for any or all of the following literature: Construction Digest; Redwood Homes Plan Book; Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cali- “© fornia Redwood in Comparison with Other Woods, Finishing Lumber—Inside and Outside Microscopic view of cross section of Red- wood, showing the hexagonal- shaped cells, in “honey - combed” formation, which become dead air spaces when the natural moisture is removed by seasoning, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City “Super-Standard’ North Carolina Pine Lumber THE WOOD UNIVERSAL SOUTHERN PINE SALES CORPORATION CHARLES HILL, General Sales Manager Suite 1236 Woolworth Building, New York City The day has passed when it will do simply to specify a ‘‘one-inch thick’’ board. A one-inch rough green board and a one-inch rough dry board, both dressed alike (and allowing for similar shrinkage) result in decidedly different thicknesses of finished lumber. Super-Standara. Iie omens anveh emer aha ec ee \Saaneanamas | Ys rf / Du, hey / fs /; Tafel ae later st ty ffy Toh Lh yey rb by tly li / Tf PALE {/ / Poh de tates tif] fy i / Nh Standard” The dark portions represent the excess of Super-Standard Lumber over standard— 9.5%-on a 1x3 board. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 6 When is aninch | NOT an inch? XN Only one inch of ROUGH DRY LUMBER will give you the SUPER-STANDARD Super-standard lumber has 5.26% more covering capacity than standard and sub- standard. It has 8.3% more thickness than sub-standard and 4% more thickness than standard. Super-standard certainly deserves your consideration in buying your next bill of lumber. Write for literature and lumber charts. SOUTHERN PINE SALES CORPORATION, “eolvgrth. Bids. See Next Page SPECIFY “SUPER-STANDARD” N. C. PINE LUMBER Southern Pine Sales Corporation Suite 1236 Woolworth Building New York City CHARLES HILL, General Sales Manager NORTH CAROLINA PINE Approved by the Department of Commerce. Preferred in questionnaire ad- dressed to retailers of forty-eight states. Recommended by the Forest Products Laboratory. w Admitted by manufacturers to be the product of an inch board, commercially dry. The Wood Universal For further details and SOUTHERN PINE SALES CORPORATION, Woi"ych. Gee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG (77 Wright Rubber Floor Tile and Stair Tread Manufactured by WRIGHT RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY RACINE, WISCONSIN Products: Wright Rubber Tile Stair Treads and Cove Bases are made of a composition of wear-re- rubber and other sisting materials, prepared by an exclusive process to give long and _ satisfactory service. The tile is made both with and without In- ter-lapping Flaps. These Flaps lock the Tile to the floor. Wright Tile Lays Flat and Stays Flat. Cor- ners can’t come up. The interlapping flaps of Wright Rubber Tile squares locks the Tile to the floor underneath the surface so corners can’t come up. Wright Rubber Tile may be used over either wood or concrete floors. Ex- clusive interlapping flaps insure flat, permanent floor. Trade Mark Principal Uses For covering the floors of sun parlors, kitchens, bath- rooms, pantries, entrance and other halls, billiard and recreation rooms, or any room where a durable, clean, noiseless floor covering of fine appearance is desired. Because of its resiliency it is easy on the feet and greatly reduces breakage,—an important feature in kitchens. Being water proof it makes ideal floor for bathrooms and entrance halls. Sizes and Patterns: Wright Rubber Tile comes in standard sizes 4 inches square and 6 inches square, and in 44 inch and 3/16 inch thicknesses. Borders come in strips 18 inches wide, cut to lengths 18 inches and 36 inches. It is not necessary to cut diagonal tile (used on floors layed diagonally) on the job because Wright Rubber Tile can be furnished in half tile sections. Both tile and borders may be had in a wide range of flat tone colors and mottled effects to harmonize with any surround- ings. Many pleasing and novel effects can be had with Wright Rubber Tile. The floor of this beautiful kitchen is laid with Wright Tile. Note the white strip between each tile. Easily cleaned and sanitary too. Because Wright Rubber Tile is waterproof and non- staining, it makes ideal floor for bath rooms. For further details and = literature, write to: WRIGHT RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., Racine, Wis. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 178 See Next Page 2 Wright Rubber Floor Tile and Stair Tread (Cont’d) Easily Laid: Builders and contractors find Wright Rubber Floors, Cove Bases and Stair Treads ex- tremely easy to lay. No specialized, experienced labor is required. No special tools are necessary. Floors of Wright Rubber Tile can be easily and quickly laid and once laid, according to direc- tions, they form a permanent, beautiful floor. Wearing Quality The toughness of the ma- terials from which Wright Rubber Tiles are made them remarkable wearing quali- ty. Pavements layed several years ago show no appreciable wear today. No Wright Tile give Floor has ever worn out. They cannot splinter, crumble or dust. Will not warp or curl. Not affected by temperature changes or contraction or ex- pansion because tile is cured under 2500 lb. pressure at 330 degrees temperature. Cove Bases Cove Bases of Wright Rub- ber Tile come in sizes and colors to harmonize with walls and floors. Easily cleaned, re- markable durability, non stain- ing. = ee Wright Rubber Tile is adaptable for use with all styles of fire-proof and sanitary bases, and with concrete, marble and ter- razza borders. —_ For further details and literature, write to: Permanent Beauty—colors that harmonize with finest surroundings are qualities demanded of Wright Tile floors in this sun room, Attractive Harmonizing Colors: Wright Rubber Tile can be had in a variety of attractive colors that will harmonize with and improve the most artistic surroundings. and grained effects ¢ in eidien to woods. solid colors. like wood floors too. Wright Rubber monize with rubber tile floor. and long wearing. Stair Treads laid over old stairs har- Easily cleaned Service Department We will gladly furnish literature, layouts, and color-schemes and co-operate in every way, with Send us plans of your next building and let us show you where rubber tile building contractors. can be used to advantage. Mottled can be had in wide variety, All colors are per- manent as the color permeates the entire thick- ness of the tile leaving the coloring distinct and fresh after years of service, lustre often seen in some of the fine grained hard These floors may be waxed and polished with the beautiful Easily Cleaned Wright Rubber Tile is easy to clean. Cleansing powders and scrubbing brushes may be used freely without injury to the tile. Or they can be wiped clean with a wet mop or cloth. As there are no pores, and all joints are closed and positively sealed with insoluble cement, there is no tendency to absorb water or harbor dust or germs. Will Not Stain Ink, grease, antiseptic solu- tions, and practically every other commonly known soiling or staining agent have no effect on Wright Rubber Tile which is non-porus. Wright Rubber Stair Tread This is a long wearing, sani- tary, noiseless, non-slip, attrac- tive covering for either new or old stairs. Furnished in either corrugated or smooth surface. Can be both cemented and nailed and used with or with- out brass nosing. Comes in 18 inch and 42 inch lengths, 12 inches wide. Molded to fit the contour of the stair, and can be had in plain, mottled or grained effects, in a wide range of colors. cane ll -— iw POOUTA OO COLLOOSRR 00011 COO TT For stairs, halls and en- trances, Wright Rubber Tile is an ideal covering. Durable, noiseless and sanitary, it is restful to walk on, WRIGHT RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., Racine, Wis. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 179 MAPLE, BEECH and BIRCH FLOORINGS MAPLE FLOORING MANUFACTURERS ASSN. 1067 Stock Exchange Building Chicago, Il. Characteristics Although Maple, Beech and Birch repre- sent a versatile range as far as color possi- bilities and uses are concerned, the three woods are closely related in general charac- teristics. Long Wear. All these woods are close- grained, hard-fibred, free from slivers and splinters. Friction merely polishes them, even increasing their wearing qualities. Test after test shows that Beech and Birch wear like Maple—and Maple outwears stone. Cieanliness. Maple, Beech and Birch are exceptionally clean and sanitary, since the closeness of their grain and smoothness of their surface afford no lodging space for dirt or germs. They can be wiped smooth and clean easily and quickly with a cloth or an oil mop. Natural Beauty. Due to their leadership in wearing qualities, these woods have some- times been stressed for service uses, to the exclusion of any consideration of their beauty. Yet their rich beauty has been an important factor in making them the choice for fine homes, apartments, hotels and clubs everywhere. Color Possibilities Maple shows an attractive golden hue when waxed or varnished—it is literally a ‘‘floor of captive sunlight’’ which mellows and ripens with passing years. The rare beauty of Maple Flooring is apparent to everyone in ballrooms, where Maple is al- most universally chosen for its beauty as well as for its cushioning comfort beneath eliding feet. While Maple does not lend itself to stain- ing, Beech and Birch, supplying qualities oas~ For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG MAPLE FLOORING MANUFACTURERS ASSN. 180 of endurance closest to those of Maple, will take a variety of stains which open oppor- tunities for rich and distinctive color har- monies in flooring. Staining Beech and Birch It is important, in choosing a flooring wood for staining, to avoid any wood which has such a fibrous structure that prevents the even penetration of the stain. The grain pattern of both Beech and Birch is a delicate tracery, without fibrous ridges. Stains penetrate Beech and Birch evenly. Either wood makes an attractive floor and possesses a wearing quality which will make the attractiveness last. The preference for dark floors in many residential buildings has therefore brought a rapidly growing use of Beech and Birch. Their hardness—plus their susceptibility to staining—sets them in a class by them- selves for these particular purposes. Individual Features Maple. This flooring is dense, strong, heavy, very hard, and is supremely durable. The color of the heartwood is brownish and the sapwood is much lighter. The erain is close—sometimes curly or birdseye. Maple has unusual ability to resist pointed pressure without abrasion. It takes a high polish but is too tight-grained for extensive staining. Beech. This wood shows slightly more grain pattern than Maple and has slightly more color when varnished or waxed. In physical properties it is so like Maple that it is frequently used in Maple’s stead. Beech takes a beautiful stain. Birch. The ability of Birch to take color stain is well known. The fact that is ordinarily not known about both Beech and 1067 Stock Exchange Bldg, Chicago, Ill. See Next Page MAPLE, BEECH AND BIRCH FLOORINGS— (Continued) Birch is that the natural wood takes a ecol- orful finish and makes a beautiful and serv- iceable floor. Faces for Various Uses Maple, Beech and Birch are made in a variety of faces (widths) to fit each type of use. Those most commonly used in homes and apartments are the 2” and 214” faces. There is a growing tendency among home- builders, however, to use the wider (314”) or narrower (114”) face, where certain special effects are desired. For Colomal Homes-—a wider face. The use of 314,” face flooring is particularly de- sirable in the Colonial home since this face reproduces accurately the wide flooring of the quaint old dwellings of a century past. 344” face floorings, moreover, can be laid more rapidly and with less labor than the narrower faces. For Dainty Effects—a narrower face. For rooms where an effect of daintiness is desired, 144” face is gaining wide favor. The narrowness of this face brings the sort of individual beauty so often found in ob- jects finely made. A New Floor over an Old. The most gen- erally used thickness for Maple, Beech or Birch floorings in dwellings is 25/32”. However, there is a special ‘‘thin’’ flooring which ean be laid right over an old floor, bringing new beauty as well as added value to the home. This is a 34” thickness. Such a floor can be laid without disturbing doors or wood- work. It is matched on sides and ends and all nailing is concealed. Its surface can be waxed or varnished. And the three woods offer every possibility of ‘‘color harmony.”’ Guarantee MFMA Flooring is guaranteed by the Association to be properly graded and manufactured. Provision is made for in- spection by an official inspector of the Association, should doubt arise regarding flooring manufactured under the MFMA trademark. Proper adjustment will be made in the event that the flooring does not conform to MF MA standards. Free Literature The following booklets are _ offered through the offices of the Association and will gladly be mailed free upon request: ‘‘Color Harmony in Floors’’ “The Floors for Your Home”’ ‘‘How to Lay and Finish Maple, Beech or Birch Floors”’ ‘“What You Can Do with Wide Face Flooring’’ ‘*New Floors for Old’’ ‘Three Native Hardwoods of Sterling Worth”’ ‘The Floor which the Years will make Precious’’ ‘*Floors for Educational Buildings’”’ =" Floor with Maple Beech or Birch Softwood Maple A Contrast in Cleanliness and Comfort A comparative illustration, showing how a softwood has worn alongside Maple, where both have been subject to the same traffic conditions for 18 years. Maple Outwears Stone A Maple flooy and a stone sill—a familiar sight in older dwellings and store buildings. The step has worn away while the Maple flooring remains. SMS Pthersture Soe a2? MAPLE FLOORING MANUFACTURERS ASSN. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 1067 Stock Exchange Bldg. Chicago, Ill. Oak Flooring Bureau 889 HEARST BLDG., CHICAGO The Charm of Oak Floors There is nothing more attractive in a home than a earefully laid and properly finished floor of Oak. The lustrous finish reflects the forms of furniture, and serves as a decorative background for rugs and hang- ings. Oak is the floor without a peer, the floor that needs no apology, but is universally accepted as the highest possible type of flooring. Oak Flooring has many outstanding advantages, not the least of which is the fact that the cost of Oak Flooring is within the reach of everyone who wants a floor of permanence, a floor of lasting beauty and distinction. Oak floors do not deteriorate with age, Sizes of Oak Flooring—Actual Size but become more mel- low and beautiful as years go Dy eanl hice natural grain and figure in oak is dis- tinctive, and x <9 eannot be sue- _ cessfully imi- tated. 7 Either in natural warm tones, or in modern color finishes, oak flooring _har- monizes __per- fectly with the scheme of room = decora- tion desired. Durability Oak Floor- ing once laid solves the floor problem for - ever. An Oak floor will out- te’ x 214” Face last the house itself and remain always the beautiful foundation of the room, its beauty lasting through the years to become a treasured heirloom from genera- tion to generation. Flooring strips are made to fit accurately, with tongue and groove manufactured according to stand- ard measurements, making a tight continuous floor of unbroken surface. Strips are end-matched provid- ing additional firmness in the floor. Cleanliness Oak floors are clean and sanitary and require very little effort to keep them in that condition—just a little freshening up at frequent intervals. There are no erevices to accumulate dirt or dust. Economy The first cost of an oak floor is practically the last. By selecting different grades for bedrooms and hallways than for principal rooms, the cost may be kept down to a very reasonable figure. With a little thought, combinations can be worked out that will keep the total flooring cost within a set limit of expenditure and avoid the substitution of flooring that lacks the beauty, durability and other advantages of oak flooring. The lower grades of oak flooring, so called, are just as durable as the higher grades. For Remodeling Jobs Lay Oak flooring over old worn ordinary floors. No woodwork need be torn up; the old floor be- comes a useful sub- floor. The cost for each room will be considerably less than that of many articles of furniture, and the result will be a per- manent beautiful floor that will never need replacement. Adding a Room Turn the attic into a clean, attractive place for children to play, where they can romp to their heart’s content, by laying Oak flooring over the rough boards. Increased Value An Oak floored home is always worth more, whether for rental or sale, as oak flooring is recognized as a standard appointment in a modern home. Write for Free Literature ‘‘The Story of Oak Floors’’ is a 24-page book, illustrated in color, suggesting the proper use of different grades and finishes, and containing practical informa- tion invaluable to builders and their customers. Other literature, covering all technical matters is available for your files; also sell- ing literature for you to mail to prospects. Put your flooring problems up to our experts. We will gladly help you without obligation. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 182 OAK FLOORING BUREAU, 889 Hearst Bldg., CHICAGO BRUCE OAK FLOORING Manufactured By E. L. BRUCE ‘€O. Executive Offices, Memphis, Tenn. Mile: Memphis, Tenn., Little Rock and Prescott, Ark. Within Reach of Every Purse For both the modest cottage and more pre- tentious home, there is a grade of Bruce oak flooring that will come within the cost esti- mated. The quality will be the highest, regard- less of grade, as there is but one standard. Bruce oak flooring combines the natural beauty and durability of oak with accuracy of manufacture, and affords the careful builder with a room foundation that lays easily, fits snugly, and lasts indefinitely. Nature’s Gift of Beauty Variety in different rooms By selecting dif- ferent grades for different rooms, using both red and white, plain and quarter-sawn, the entire house may be floored attractively, at moderate cost. Further individ- uality is gained by laying Design Patterns in one or more principal rooms. Well-planned quantity production brings these distinctive designs within a figure only slightly greater than strip flooring. Pleasing variation may be obtained by combining design borders with strip centers. Write our technical department, without obligation, as to suitable grades, designs, and color finishes. Richness and Dignity in Design Flooring Remodeling 34” Bruce oak flooring will modernize an old home; lay it over the old ordinary floor, which becomes a serviceable sub-floor. No woodwork need be disturbed, except the quarter-round at the baseboard. Quality Guaranteed Bruce oak flooring is made from most carefully seasoned lumber, in mills built expressly for its manufacture,equipped with the most modern ma- chinery. Milling is uni- form, and a minimum of sanding and scraping is required to obtain a well finished floor. With no eracks to hold dirt, a Chateau and mansion of olden Trade Mark days bear testimony to the supreme elegance of design pattern oak floors, now sup- plied by Bruce within reach of the most modest purse. The above is Herringbone, one of many handsome varieties. = For further details and literature, write to: Bruce floor is sanitary and easy to keep clean, advantages which add much to the rental or sell- ing value of homes. E. L. BRUCE CO., Memphis, Tenn. Standard Grades and Sizes—Identification Grades and specifications of the Oak Floor- ing Mfgr’s Ass’n are strictly adhered to. (See preceding pages.) Flooring is packed in bun- dles, bound by wires, labeled, and marked for grade. Every strip is branded “BRUCE- MEMPHIS-LITTLE ROCK”. ““Ceda’line”—to Keep Moths Away May readily be installed in closets of old or new homes. Makes a handsome compartment, with or with- out cedar shelving, and is a practical moth-deterrent lining. Made from aro- matic Tennessee red cedar. A “Ceda’lined” closet allows ready accessibility to every garment, and affords convenient and space saving, all-year round fur and woolen storage. Strips are side and end matched, making a tight dust proof fit. The pleas- ing fragrance of cedar wood appeals to women. Send for sample, and lit- erature, Nailed to studding in new homes, and right over the plaster in old closets. Registered U. S. Patent Office Literature “Just Inside Your Threshold,” an illustrated 24 page book, free on request, is a brief history of oak floors, and contains valuable information on: Why Wood Floors—Red or White, Plain or Quartered — Narrow or Wide— Square-edged—Design Patterns— Color Finishes—Appropriate Uses of Grades and Widths—%s” for remodeling. Other literature with space for your imprint, to enclose with your regular mail will be sent on request. Other Bruce Products Oak, gum, beech, and Arkansas short-leaf pine (Rosemary Species) mouldings, finish, and boards; beech and gum floor- ing; Southern hardwoods, air or kiln dried. Mixed Car Shipments Freight costs less than L. C. L. Dealers’ stocks are turned often with less capital investment. Order Bruce products in ear-lots or mixed-car shipments. Write for delivered price book. Largest Makers of Oak Flooring in the World. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 183 CROMAR Ready Finished OAK FLOORING Laid and Used the Same Day Manufactured only by The CROOKS-DITTMAR COMPANY, Williamsport, Pennsylvania Product CROMAR, an oak flooring milled from the finest oak grown, completely scraped, sanded, filled, varnished and = waxed at the CROMAR Plant, by : patented machines. |__g Saves Time and Labor Because CROMAR is completely finished at the factory, like furniture, all there is left to do is to nail it down. This results in great saving of time and labor, and enables the contractor and builder to handle the floor-laying job himself instead of subletting it. He can therefore bid lower, make a quicker sale or rental with quicker money return, and still give the home- owner the best oak flooring he can buy, and at no more than the price of a good rug. Laid and Used the Same Day CROMAR is also ideally suited for re-laying jobs. Because of the speed Finished at the Factory by Patented Machines Finishing CROMAR completely at the factory (be- fore shipping instead of after laying) means cutting the usual 7 operations down to only 1 operation:— The Old Way The CROMAR Way—Nailing Only 1.—Nailing et aa 4 2.—Scraping ag | _ 3.—Sanding = 4,—Filling 5.—First Coat 6.—F ine Sand- ing | 7.—Finishing All other operations are done by patented Coat machines at the CROMAR Plant The Cleanable Groove Appeals to the Experienced Housekeeper The shallow, rounded groove of CROMAR is so important a feature that it has been patented. It eliminates a fault very common. to ordinary hardwood floors. Shrinkage of the boards or settling of the house opens up square cracks between the strips. Square cracks pack with dirt, making unsightly dark streaks that cannot be re- moved. Not so with CROMAR. There is the neatly rounded groove, only 1 /40th of an inch deep, from which the dust is easily Sr eeeninncee ore _ brushed with a cloth or dry mop. The contractor will find this sanitary feature, this con- venience in clean- ing, one of the strongest reasons why CROMAR ap- peals to the woman rs SHOWING HOW OLD STYLE A JOINT DEVELOPS SQUARE CRACKS. ; of the home. ex LY Bia SUB.“ FLOOR nT ] with which CROMAR can be laid right over the floors of an old home, contractors can handle a _ greater number of jobs with the same number of men. Such inside contracts turn a dull winter into a profitable one. And home-owners naturally appreciate the fact that two carpenters can lay CROMAR at the rate of a room a day —climinating all the dreaded con- fusion and dirt of a week or two, in- volved in the use of unfinished flooring. Colors CROMAR is furnished in either light or dark finish. See illustration and description on the opposite page. Distribution CROMAR is sold through Retail Lumber Dealers. Write for free sample, full details, and the name of the CROMAR Dealer nearest to you prices. CROMAR Machines Produce Mere Beautiful Lustre Machine finishing produces a more uniformly lustrous surface which is comparable only to that of fine furniture. There are no scraper marks or uneven brush strokes on a CROMAR Floor. Ma- chines work more evenly than the best skilled hand. CROMAR Will Stand the Hardest Wear CROMAR’S matchless finish is hard! No handwork can dupli- cate the power of patented machines as they apply filler, varnish and wax at the CROMAR Plant. Not only is every pore of the wood filled, but the filler is driven deep into the oak. Thus the oil from the varnish is not absorbed. The, varnish retains its elasticity and does not flake or scratch white. This is one of the ways in which CROMAR saves a contractor much trouble from causes beyond his control. Let your customers make the famous CROMAR Hammer Test— you can dent the wood of course, but you cannot flake off the varnish. Back and Edges are also Protected against Moisture Often the most perfectly seasoned flooring will warp or shrink because the under-side of ordinary flooring has no protection from moisture. CROMAR is the only flooring we know of that is treated on all surfaces. Jn addition to all of its other patented advantages, CROMAR receives a supplementary treatment with a moisture- resisting compound that completely covers backandedges. CROMAR is thus protected from dampness coming up from below, so common on ground floors an 8 and FILLED VARNISHED WAXED RUBBED throughout new build- ings. The contractor’s cus- tomers will get continu- ous satisfaction from the CROMAR floors he lays. There is no surer way of building business than through the good will of FILLED COATED WITH A satisfied customers. VARNISHED:: coMpOuNE mae .PREVENT WARPING For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 184 The CROOKS-DITTMAR COMPANY, Williamsport, Pa. See Next Page who will show sample floors and quote. | a. oe oe re. Improved V-Joint Type of Tongue and Groove is Quicker and Cheaper to Lay The laying of CROMAR Flooring is one of the simplest and easiest jobs in the construction of a building. It is no more difficult when re-laying in an old house. Each CROMAR strip is perfect. The improved V-joint type of CROMAR tongue and groove fits closely and evenly, without “‘blocking.” Each nail hole is punched. The flat, beveled edge of the tongue permits quick, accurate %" x14" 2 ie nailing without any necessity ra = <> whatever of “‘setting”’ the heads. SUB-FLOOR. Soe trained, highly paid floor-layers are not needed. CROMAR is Available in Two Beautiful Finishes Light finished CROMAR shows the lustrous, brilliant color which has been identified with the finest hardwood flooring for so many, many years. Lately however, there has sprung up a demand for a Dark finished flooring. To meet this demand, CROMAR Weathered Oak Flooring was developed. Its beauty is more restrained, and its more neutral tone harmonizes well with any decorative scheme. For these reasons, Weathered Oak CROMAR appeals to the artistic sense of many home-owners, and is often preferred by archi- tects and interior decorators. The finish of Weathered Oak CROMAR consists of a deeply penetrating stain and two coats of a very hard-drying wax. This waxed finish is more easily kept up than a varnish or shellac finish, since worn spots can be quickly renewed by simply rubbing a little wax on the surface. And, though the dark finish will show dust a little more plainly, it does not show dirt and black marks which become so conspicuous on the light-finished floor. Perfectly Packed; Dimage and Soiling The strips are packed face to face, 18 or 24 pieces to a bundle. Bundles are clamped in a press, edges pro- tected with crating, and bound with strap iron to prevent rubbing. Fastened so tightly together, it is impossible for strips to work loose. ‘Thus they are made light- proof, dirt- and dust-proof. Each bundle is stenciled with grade and quantity, so the material can be stored, without un- crating, until ready for use. Loss from broken tongues and grooves, split ends and damaged faces is completely eliminated. Dark Finished CROMAR (Weathered Oak Finish) Both finishes are beautiful, and the choice remains one of ght personal preference. (Standard Finish) ; Letters Expressing Satisfaction with the Beauty and Wear of CROMAR —and the ease and speed with which CROMAR is laid—received from Contractors, Architects, Dealers and Home-Owners—are kept on file for reference by anyone interested. Here are a few merely to indicate the general tone of this gratifying correspondence from every section of the country :— From a Contractor From a Dealer “How soon could you duplicate our last carload order? We just landed a large order for an apartment house . . . and fully expect to sell two other apartment houses now under construction. We are very much pleased with your flooring and feel that it is far ahead of ordinary oak flooring due to its fine finish, better grades, the moisture- proofing, and the fact that it is inexpensive to lay.” SOMERS LUMBER CO., Atlantic City, N. J. From a Home Owner “We are very enthusiastic about your product and we think it will take the place of all other hardwood floors, at least in this vicinity. We have at present orders for houses being built for better than 10,000 feet of CROMAR.” EDWARDS CONSTRUCTION CO., Edwardsville, Il. From an Architect “The writer has in the past six months specified CROMAR Flooring in connection with the erection of a number of residences. I feel that if you would be good enough to send me the convincing sample of CROMAR, I could close with one or two more clients at this time.”’ F. McC. CROOKS, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Needless to say, the samples were sent, as they will be sent to anyone interested.) “About a year ago I installed your finished hardwood flooring in one room of my house to ascertain whether it would be suitable over an old floor in rather poor condition. This floor has proven so satisfactory that I have ordered enough from my lumber dealer to complete the remaining rooms. Kindly send me a can each of CROMAR Liquid Cleaner and CROMAR Body Wax.” W. L. DURAND, New York, N. Y. From a Builder “Tt is little more than a year since [ laid the first CROMAR floor in St. Petersburg. Today it is being specified for the finest new homes, not to speak of occupied dwellings. For example, the last lot I used went into a new residence costing $80,000.” CHAS. M. KNAPP, St. Petersburg, Fla. These Photographs Show Buildings with CROMAR Floors —and are intended only to picture the fact that CROMAR is the ideal hardwood flooring for every type of building. CROMAR is beautiful enough for the most pretentious residence yet economical enough for the most modest. And it is the only logical oak flooring for the re-laying of old floors. Magee gence of NT: Hag omsbures Rest em facture’? anu Gary Trust and Savings Bank Gary, Ind. carpet For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG The CROOKS-DITTMAR COMPANY, Williamsport, Pa. RITTER APPALACHIAN OAK FLOORING Manufactured By W. M. RITTER LUMBER COMPANY America’s Largest Producer of Hardwood Lumber General Offices: 115 E. Rich Street, Columbus, Ohio Be careful in the selection of the flooring for your new home if you would avoid disappointment after its completion. The sharp differences in the character of the grain, texture and color of the various brands of flooring make discrimination imperative—for the floors of the home can add to or detract from the harmony of the en- tire interior decorative scheme. Quality The fewer the number of species of oak involved, the better the kiln dry- ing and the greater the uniformity of color obtained. RITTER Appalachian White Oak is produced from but two species. RITTER Appalachian Red Oak is produced from but three species. Oak flooring, if it is to give the maximum of beauty and satisfaction, must be made from Oak of fine grain, even texture and more uniform color, enabling the workmen to lay and scrape with ease and economy in such a way as to give, when finished, a smooth,uniform appearance, free from irregularities, and pleasing to the eye. All RITTER Appalachian Oak Flooring is made of oak grown in the Appalachian mountains which em- bodies these essential qualities. For these reasons, floors laid with RITTER Flooring are unusually beautiful, fine in grain, even in texture, uniform in color and economical to lay and finish. Reasons for the Greater Beauty of Ritter Flooring Floor beauty is largely a matter of timber growth. Granted that the flooring is well manufactured, prop- erly handled, and well laid, the charm of the completed floor goes back to the forests in which the timber originates. How appropriate the timber is de- pends principally on where it was grown. Oak grown in low, swampy areas, although suitable for many purposes, is usually of coarse, flashy grain and uneven texture, due to fast growth and the resultant wide growth rings. Such oak is. not adapted to the production of floor- ing of the same character of beauty as highland oak of fine, subdued grain and uniform texture. Highland oak, particularly that from the Appalachian Region, on the other hand. possesses fine grain, close, even texture and more uni- form color—qualities so essential to the truly beautiful floor. These char- acteristics are due to slow growth in the elevated and well drained areas of the Appalachian mountains, where there is an abundance of oxygen and nitrogen, where the tree roots are well aerated, all re- sulting in the comparatively thin cell wall found in oak of desirable texture. Beauty RITTER Appalachian Oak Floor- ing, embodying all the qualities de- sired in Oak flooring, gives charm and elegance to the home. Many archi- tects and builders have discovered the fact that the results desired in treat- ment, finish and resultant beauty in final appearance, can be more success- fully obtained by using RITTER Appalachian Oak than in any other way. RITTER Appalachian Oak floor- ing is not only made from the finest of timber, properly seasoned and manufactured, but in addition it is stored in warm rooms from the time it is manufactured until it is shipped to its final destination, thus assuring to its users, the maximum of satis- faction. Cost The slight additional cost for this material is far more than made up through the economy in laying, scrap- ing and finishing, and in the satisfac- tion of having the dignity, tone and beauty characteristic of floors made of RITTER Appalachian Oak, and in increased resale value. For Every Requirement RITTER Flooring is made in standard grades and sizes. No matter what the requirement, there is a grade of RITTER Flooring to care for it. Each possesses the same fundamental qualities that have made “Ritter Brand” the acknowledged superior in the oak flooring field. Remember The standard rules for grading Oak Floor- ing give consideration to such imperfections as knots, worm holes, sap, splits, and similar defects, but they do not give consideration to grain, texture or color; therefore, to be assured of beautiful Oak floors, it is neces- sary, in addition to specifying the grade de- sired, to specify also that the flooring ordered must be manufactured from Appalachian Oak. The easiest and surest way of securing a satisfactorily finished floor is to insist on > yw Se et a ee a a ee ee LS ee a RITTER Appalachian Oak Flooring. Ce Ne ee ey ea ae In order to enable the pur- chaser to know he is getting Ritter Flooring, every piece is branded on the back: OW, M. Ritter Lbr. Co.” W. M. RITTER LUMBER COMPANY For further details and literature, write to: 115 E. Rich Street Columbus, Ohio = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 186 “IMPROVED” O. G. FIR GUTTERS A PRODUCT OF E. M. LONG & SONS CADIZ, OHIO They add to the attractiveness of a house and have architectural merit on account of their form and design. Purpose: This company markets “Improved” O. G. Fir Gutters for use on all types TRADE MARK “Improved” O.G. Fir Gutters can be of buildings where exposed or hang- included as a part of the cornice ing gutters are contemplated. Silo ye mes rary Se profile — eliminating the unsightly 4 appearance of the ordinary hanging Material: metal gutter. Improved O. G. Fir Gutters are manufactured from No. 2 The ultimate cost is less than gutters of copper, galvanized Clear and better soft old growth yellow fir and are very iron, or best tin, and they are adapted for both new con- strong and durable. struction and replacement work. Primed or Untreated: Gutters can be furnished either un- primed or treated with a creosote wood preservative. How to Install: It is recommended setting all gutters level for architectural and practical rea- sons. Architecturally —so that straight, horizontal lines will be re- tained. Practically—because water, always seeking its own level will find its out- let at the leader spouts. One leader is sufficient for short gutters, but long lengths require two or more depending upon roof area to be drained. Stock Sizes and Weights: They can be furnished in the follow- ing stock sizes: 3 x 5 inches, 4x 6 inches and 5x7 inches, and in lengths from 10 to 40 feet. The 3x5 inches weighs 1% pounds, the 4x6 inches, two pounds, and the 5x7 inches, three pounds, per lineal foot. NOTE: Lengths 22 ft. and under can be shipped locally in any quantity; for lengths longer than 22 ft. order should call for not less than 1,500 pounds. Advantages: “Improved” O. G. Fir Gutters are ra- pidly replacing me- Gutters can be set with a slight pitch towards the leader end, or in long lengths, each end near a tallie gutters on all leader can be sprung down- types of buildings, Note the Neat Appearance and Alignment of Improved ee ee ane fastened because they look O. G. Fir Gutters on This Residence ue oxic we bie newonas better, last longer and are less expensive; they do not cor- should be cut bevel to fit closely, the joint white-leaded and rode or disintegrate when exposed to the elements, smoke, elon’ ooo EN Paci 38-inch brass acres through or acid fumes. There is no expansion or contraction. ey PEAR Habecounbecsune aaa cuchioas Thevenda: of In New England, wooden gutters have been and are in gutters may be rebated for a distance of 1% inches on general use, and have proved very satisfactory and durable. each side of the joint deep enough to hold sheet-lead flash- There are numerous instances where Old Growth Fir Gut- she AA Gee bared eee with '% nen Sooner ters haye lasted 25 years and more without any attention tacks. Ask for booklet showing photographs, details, draw- or repairs. ings for downspout connections, etc. Large Stock Always Available: A large stock of “Improved” O. G. Fir Gutters is always avail- able for quick shipments—half a million feet is carried in stock. Sold Through Retail Lumber Dealers: “Improved” O.G. Fir Gutters are sold through retail lumber dealers. We will gladly give you the name and address of dealer nearest to you. three 3 DTASS SCTEWS coarse thread¢ed secure gub \/ ge building | - WIZIZAZIT ZZ | ‘< | Lead goose neck to ieader = v NY y NOTE—For your protection every y piece is Trade-Marked. AN - Detail of “Improved” O. G. Fir Gutter Ask for Literature Detail of “Improved” O. G. Fir Gutter with Boxed Corice with Oven Rafters GE “erature, write to: E. M. LONG & SONS, CADIZ, OHIO pris 0.°S." Fie Surtees) HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 187 Andersen Standard White Pine Window Frames Manufactured by ANDERSEN LUMBER COMPANY Bayport, Minnesota Products: Andersen Standard White Pine Window Frames, White Pine Door Frames, Cellar Sash Frames and Barn Sash Frames. Over Twenty Years’ Experience: Since 1904 this company has specialized in the manufacture of standard window frames and in that time over 5,000,000 Andersen Frames have been installed in homes throughout the nation. Genuine White Pine for All Exposed Parts: All exposed parts of Andersen Frames—the outside casing, drip cap, mouldings and sills—are made of Genuine White Pine. This wood is recognized as the best wood for out-of-door use because it withstands the effects of the elements without shrinking, warping, rotting, swelling or creeping. It requires less paint and holds it longer than other woods and the texture is such that good machine work gives perfect results. This is the same wood as was used in the nation’s oldest standing homes—not West- Trade Mark Registered Was. Pat Of: Only Seven Units that Come in Two Compact Bundles: The average window frame is made up ot 57 different parts, the ordinary knock-down frame has 18 parts, but the Andersen Frame comes complete in only seven units. Com- plete plain cap head casings or moulded cap head casings with drip cap and moulding nailed in place are furnished as one member. A mitred piece of moulding for making the returns is fastened where it will remain until the building is sided. The sills are horned and cut exact. The side jambs are dadoed to fit the sill and have the pulleys screwed in place; the pockets cut, broken out and refastened with screws; and the blind and varting stops nailed ac- curately in place. Side casings are beveled to fit the sill and cut square on the upper end to the exact length. Blind and part- ing stops are cut exact, fitted for the sill and fastened in place. The head jamb comes complete with blind and parting stops cut exact and nailed in place. These seven units come packed ern, Oregon or California white pine, but the genuine old-fash- woned white pine and it gives long hfe and permanent accuracy to Andersen Frames. Adaptable for Any Type cf House: In construction and in beauty of design Andersen Frames blend into almost any architectural style that the builder desires. Whether | the structure is of frame, brick or | stucco there is a style of Andersen Frame to meet the need. They offer the builder unlimited oppor- tunity for putting his individ- uality and personality into the | building. From the millionaire’s | mansion to the small bungalow | | | | they carry out the appearance de- sired. Even in period houses or in old colonial dwellings they impart a pleasing and artistic effect. In Andersen Frames ap- pearance has been combined with superior quality, ingenious con- struction and adaptability to a variety of building purposes. Andersen Standard Frame with Moulded Cap Head Casing in two compact bundles. The sill, head casing and head jamb com- plete are in the “Head and Sill Bundle.” The side casings, and side jambs complete come in the “Side Bundle.” Each bundle weighs less than twenty pounds, is plainly marked for size and bound with strip iron. There are no loose or frail parts to become lost or broken in transit or on the job. 121 Different Sizes from 11 Standard Sizes: Out of a stock of 11 sizes of | standard frames your Andersen dealer can supply you with 121 | sizes of two light window frames. ! That is possible because the | heights and widths are inter- | changeable. Because of this fea- ture you can get immediate de- livery of the size frame you wish. The dealer can load your order 7 while you wait and the frames will be on the job when you want them, thus eliminating expensive delays. IS qe For, farther details 2>¢ ANDERSEN LUMBER COMPANY, Bayport, Minn. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Andersen Standard White Pine Window Frames (Continued) Head and Sill Bundle Andersen Frames Can be Put Up in Ten Minutes: So accurately are Andersen Frames constructed that no trimming or fitting is required on the job. Any carpenter with a hammer and nineteen nails ean put up an Andersen Frame in ten minutes. Compare the labor cost on the Andersen with the cost of assembling the eighteen parts of the or- dinary knock-down frame or the 57 parts of the average window frame. Keeps Out Wind and Water: Andersen Frames are built to give comfort and service and embody features that keep out wind Double Shoulder on Sill and water. he sills have double shoulders, the bottom sash rests against one and the storm sash or screen against the other, making it impossible for wind or water to enter. The groove under the front edge of the water drip prevents water from running back. On plain cap head casings, the water drip is rabbetted where it fits onto the casing insuring Plain Cap Head Casing tight fit and keeping water from running back. The parting stop groove is made shallower than the sill dado Moulded Cap Head Casing so that the water hitting the parting stop groove drops onto the sill and follows the slope out of the building. Side Bundle Construction of Subsill Frame Subsill frames can also be furnished. On these a shoulder on the sill fits into a subsill groove— another waterproof feature. High Grade Pulleys: The cast iron pulleys have polished and lacquered faces and wheels. The face is 1x4% inches; the wheel is 2 inches in diameter with a 4 inch steel axle. They are heavier and of better quality than most stock frame pulleys. In a recent test with a ball bearing pulley the ball bearing pulley was off its bearings after ten years use but the Andersen pulley was still running strong and true, ready for many more years. The pulleys are screwed in place and fit the mortise perfectly. The bundling method prevents breakage in transit. Saves Time on the Job: Everything possible is done at the factory to save time on the job. Every part that can be, is nailed in place and by combining the many parts saves the carpenter work. The pockets can be opened before or after casing up the window without injuring the pulley stile face. The blind stops are marked to show where the casing should be set. Specialization, modern factory methods and automatic machinery makes it possible to manufacture and assemble the many parts at less expense than the builder can: Frames made on the job can’t compete with machinery made frames either in accuracy or price. Special built frames can’t compete with the product of the large factory. When you consider that an Andersen Frame can be put up complete in ten minutes you can see their economy. The Genuine White Pine maintains the accurate construc- tion as long as the house lasts. Box Window Frames for Solid Walls: Andersen Box Window Frames for brick, tile, concrete and other solid walled buildings, embody the same high quality, accurate construction and Genuine White Pine as the standard window frames. Where possible they have the same time saving features and also special features that make them invaluable for their purpose. Have Your Dealer Show You: For further information about these frames see your Andersen dealer. If you don’t know his name write direct to the Andersen Lumber Company. For further details and literature, write to: = ANDERSEN LUMBER COMPANY, Bayport, Minn. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CURTIS WOODWORK THE CURTIS COMPANIES SERVICE BUREAU 395 Curtis Building, Clinton, Iowa Curtis Sash & Door Co........... Sioux City, Iowa Curtis & Yale Co................--- Wausau, Wisconsin Curtis, Towle & Paine Co.....Lincoln, Nebraska Curtis Bros. & Co.......-2-.2.--.-2---s00+-+-+ Clinton, lowa Curtis-Yale-Holland Co......... Minneapolis, Minn. Curtis Door & Sash Co............--- Chicago, Illinois Curtis, Towle & Paine Co......... Topeka, Kansas Curtis Detroit Co..................... Detroit, Michigan Curtis Companies Incorporated. Sales Offices: Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore Manufacturers of Trademarked Architectural Interior and Exterior Woodwork, Standardized Products Standardized Architectural Woodwork: Complete Entrances IssEeés Built-in Woodwork: Exterior Doors Bookcases Interior Doors Corner Cases Frames China Closets Mantels Sideboards Panel Work Buffets Dining Alcoves Kitchen Dressers Stairways f Ironing Boards Stair Material This trademark appears only on Cur- Dressing Tables and Windows and Sash tis Woodwork. guarantees the Cases Louvres choicest woods, standards of Medicine Cabinets Blinds workmanship and authentic designs. Exterior Moldings Porch Work Design Woodwork has two-fold importance in the home beautiful. {t is architecturally and structurally a part of the house itself, At the same time it strikes the keynote of the interior decora- tive scheme. Beauty in the home must begin with the wood- work. Realizing this two-fold importance, the makers of Curtis Woodwork have made available to contractors and home builders everywhere east of the Rockies, woodwork designs that conform to the most rigid requirements of the architect and interior decorator. Curtis designs were created especially for the Curtis Companies by Trowbridge & Ackerman, of New York City, architects who have designed some of the most expensive houses in America and done work that authorities say is “worthy to stand with the best work of all time.’’ The best houses in America and England have served as prototypes for Curtis designs; and the result is woodwork beautiful enough for the mansion but within the buying power of the builder of the most modest cottage. Construction These authentic designs are produced by Curtis according to very rigid specifications as regards materials, methods and workmanship. It is impossible to describe here all Curtis construction details in full. The examples of the rabbeted check rail used in Curtis double-hung windows; the panel Curtis Door Moldings—The cross-sec- tions on the left show the two types of moldings—ovolo and flush—used on all Curtis doors, and the construction of solid ‘‘raised’’ panels in softwood doors. In doors 1%4-inch thick these panels are 1ys-inch thick; in 1%-inch doors, they are -inch thick. Thus they have greater strength and a heavier ‘‘raise’’ that gives the door beauty and interest not found in flatter panels. Note that the ovolo molding is one with the stile or rail, while the flush molding is ‘‘applied’’ to a spline set in a groove in the stile or rail so that as the panel expands and contracts the molding will not pull away from the frame of the door. Ovolo Flush Molding Molding Curtis Rabbeted Check-Rail —The drawing at the right shows a section through the check-rails on a Curtis double- hung window. Note the off- set or ‘‘rabbet’’’ in the bev- eled joint between these rails. Seven times as much wind pressure is required to get through this kind of a joint as an ordinary beveled check- rail, Curtis Rabbeted Check-Rail Interior Trim thicknesses in Curtis softwood doors; and the lock-mitre joint in Curtis cabinetwork, must suffice. Study these carefully, for they are typical of the through-and-through goodness that only the Curtis trade-mark stands for. Price In spite of authentic design and superior materials and con- struction, Curtis Woodwork costs little or no more than ordinary millwork. When such expense items as cutting and fitting and sanding on the job are taken into account, Curtis Woodwork often costs less. Low cost has been made possible by large scale production and wide distribution. Deliveries Curtis Woodwork is instantly available, either from the Curtis Dealer, who usually stocks a large line, or through him from the nearest Curtis plant. There are no chances for delays, mistakes or expense, aS with made-to-order millwork. Your house is not held up waiting for the frames, trim, stairwork or cabinetwork, when you use Curtis Woodwork. Curtis Woodwork is sold everywhere east of the Rockies through lumber dealers who handle the line. The Curtis dealer nearest you will be glad to give you full information about the items he carries in stock and to show you his Curtis Catalog, which offers you a complete selection of Curtis designs, of which those shown here are merely examples. Or a letter to the Curtis Companies Service Bureau, 395 Curtis Building, Clinton, Iowa, describing your requirements, will bring complete information and recommendations. Curtis Lock-Mitre Joint and Ordinary Nailed Butt Joint—In Curtis cabinetwork corners are made by the Curtis lock-mitre or tongue- and-groove joint. The pieces are glued, not nailed together. Result: No edge grain wood at the corner to mar the finished surface; no nail head holes; no open cracks; and a stronger joint. This same construction is used in making square newels. Curtis Lock-Mitre Joint Ordinary Nailed Butt Joint In Curtis cabinets with drawers, the drawer sides and ends are put together with dove-tailed corners; they cannot pull apart. The drawers ate slightly narrower in the back than in the front and they operate on center guides. These details prevent binding and jamming. The drawer bottoms are three-ply boards set in grooves in the sidés and ends all around; they cannot come loose and slip out at any point. Face stock in Curtis cabinets is 1¥%-inch thick; the wood is all carefully matched in both color and grain; and Gurtis construction is better than that found in much of the fine furniture on the market. For further detaisc? THE CURTIS COMPANIES SERVICE BUREAU HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 395 Curtis Bldg. Clinton, Iowa See Next Page CURTIS WOODWORK—(Continued) Entrance C-100—True to every tradition of the Colonial style. The relations between the columns, entablature, cornice and pediment show how this type of entrance ought to be designed. Curtis makes this entrance complete, including the door, frame, sidelight sash, transom sash, columns, moldings for cornice, plate boxes and hood, half-circle facia, half- circle spandrel and sidelight panels. Door varies from 2’8”x6’8” to 3’0”’x7’0” and rough opening from 4'1156""x8’5” to 6’4”x9’0”, according to construc- tion of the wall. Height from porch floor to top of pediment, 10’5%4”; distance between columns from center to center for 2’8” door, 5’3144”; for 3’0” door, 5/7%"; Porch floor for 2’8” door is 6/’214"x4’9"; for 3’0” door, 6’644”x4’9”. Door furrished in white pine; frame in white pine with oak sill. Doors of other designs can be used if desired. Interior Door C-302—A true-to-type Colonial door, with proper proportions between parts. Made inp white pine in all necessary sizes between 2’0”x6’0” apd 3/0”x7'0” in 1%” thickness, and between 2’6”x 6’6" and 3/0”x7’0” in 154” thickness. The panels are solid white pine, with heavy raise (see detail on preceding page). This door is also available under Design C-303 in white pine and unselected birch with flat hardwood panels. Windows — Double-Hung and makes windows of all types in all necessary sizes. See detail on preceding page for construction of Curtis rabbeted check-rail. Casement.—Curtis Mantel C-617—The splendid proportions of this mantel and the beautifully fluted pilasters make it worthy of the finest Colon- ial house. It is furnished in unselected birch. Height to top of shelf, 4’454”; width overall of shelf, 5'93,”; width of shelf, 6%"; height of brick opening, 3’'314%4”; width of brick opening, 3’11”. China Closet C-700—Use two of these in your dining room, in the corners of one end or side of the room. They are permanent furniture of unusual beauty, and because of their size are important in mass and color in your decorative scheme. Made in un- selected birch with triangular back. Overall size of case, 8’1” high, 3'’81%” wide; counter line 2’4” high. Rough opening, 7’6” high; to be set in a corner measuring not less than 2’8” each way along the wall. The case can be made with a square back to set in a recess. Dining Alcove C-742—Just the thing for hurry-up meals in the large home, or to replace the dining room in the small house. The set consists of a table whose top is 2’6x4’6” and is 2’6” high, and two movable benches with wainscote-high backs, and 1’6” wide, 4’6” long and 38’6” high overall. Space re- quired, about 5’6” wide. Made in both white and yellow pine, Kitchen Dresser C-750 and Ironing Board C-770—Curtis kitchen dressers are built with interchangeable parts so as to allow any combination of drawers, cabinets and bins desired, and in two sizes, The illus- tration shows a complete dresser 4’6” wide, with top section, which brings the overall height to 8’44%,”. The top section can be omitted if desired. Other dressers 2’111%” wide are also made. You can have either glazed or panel doors. All dressers made in yellow pine. Have your ironing board fixed to a built- in case. This case can be built-in between studs in a frame wall. Overall size, in- cluding’ trim, 17113," x5’7"x43,". Rough opening required, 1/7144,"x5’2%"x4%", cut 2’4” from the floor. The board itself is 14%,” wide, 4’6” long and 1%” thick. At the lower adjustment it is 2’9” from floor and at the higher adjustment 3/2”. Medicine Cabinet C-817—A neat design for the well appointed bathroom. Furnished in white pine, for rough opening 1/916x2'114%"”x41%", Three adjust- able shelves inside; plate glass door of highest quality; mirror 16x24”, French Doors C-321—To shut off noise and drafts and odors of one room from another and still allow light to pass between the rooms, use French Doors. They are the windows of the interior and when weil proportioned and tastefully divided into small panes, as in this design, they have great decorative value. These doors are furnished in white pine, plain oak and unselected birch for both 4/0” and 5/0” open- ings of either 6’8” or 7/0” heights. Both 1%¢-inch and 1%4-inch thick doors are available. = For further details and literature, write to: THE CURTIS COMPANIES SERVICE BUREAU 395 Curtis Bldg. Clinton, Iowa HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 19] QUALITYBILT WOODWORK Manufactured By garSee page 218 for FARLEY & LOETSCHER MFG. CO. Presto Disappearinz Stairs. DUBUQUE, IOWA ua sey eraer ssn i : } 3 : ee mood a Inador Closed Quickly Accessible Easily Operated A Rigid Ironing Board Neat Back No Projections ‘ “INADOR” IRONING BOARD (Pat. Applied For) 3 An ironing board in a 1% inch door and no unsightly cabinet on back! Quickly installed as it takes the place of a standard door. Ideal for apartments and small homes where compactness is desired. Ironing board can be used in more than a dozen positions by simply swinging the door and locking it rigidly in place with a simple device. Simple in operation, cannot get “ out of order. Costs very little more than an ordinary door. Made in different woods, either solid or veneered. The most 7 simple and compact ironing board made which is always ready to use, yet never in the way. Write for prices and circular describing its many advantages. STAIRWAYS One of the most intricate parts of a building is the stairway. We have de- veloped our stair dept. to the best in the country. Our system of measurement sheets and the accurate work of our skilled stair builders results in a stair- way. that fits perfectly without extra work by the carpenters on the job. Have your stairs “Qualitybilt” and be assured of lasting satisfaction. These two designs are typical of the many stairs we manufac- ture. U1734 U1746 SPECIAL INTERIOR WOODWORK To achieve distinctiveness and character in the Home materially lower the price without impairi i c 7 Fs a a is the desire of every builder. To this end the best talent For better homes, however, the st a are rhe quest of architects and designers is employed, and the creations 1 : ; standard designs do not are aS many and varied as there are builders. always suffice and we are called upon to manufacture many To help reduce costs, we always advocate the use of our special detailed designs to meet the individual demands of standardized woodwork, wherever possible, as these stand- the builders. And in this we excel—Distinctive woodwork ard or stock designs are produced in quantities which ot this character is our specialty. OUR MAIN PLANT AT DUBUQUE, IOWA. OVER 16 ACRES OF FLOOR SPACE Pe For further details and FARLEY & LOETSCHER MFG. CO., Dubuque. Iowa. literature, write to: ISTERED, WEARS ROE SEN ope a apa ee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 192 QUALITYBILT WOODWORK— (Continued) Exterior U106 U130 U408 Equipment Our equipment is complete and up-to-date, our workmen are skilled artisans, and the materials are the best obtainable. The machinery throughout is the very finest that can be had and every modern invention designed to reduce manufacturing costs has been installed. Development This business was established in 1876 and the constantly increasing demand for our products has compelled many large additions to our plant, until today we have a total floorspace of over 16 acres under roof, with a total frontage along railroad tracks of 896 feet. The Warehouse We have a huge warehouse filled with tremendous stocks of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Screens, Cabinet Work, etc., all erated ready for shipment insuring you the very best of service. A Few Popular Designs of and _ Interior Qualitybilt Doors Entrance U45 attractive entrances. Many other designs equally attractive can be arranged from our wide variety of Qualitybilt Entrance Doors. One of our many Is Our Exclusive Product U432 U148 Repeat Orders Repeat order after repeat order is proof that our cus- tomers are well satisfied—that they appreciate Qualitybilt Woodwork and prompt service. What we have done for them we can do for you. Delays from Fire Delays from fire are reduced to a minimum. Our main factory building and eight-story warehouse are of reinforced concrete fireproof construction and all buildings are equipped throughout with sprinklers. Every precaution possible has been taken to avoid fire. Quick Deliveries We make quick deliveries—Stock items can be shipped the same day the order is received. Due to our exceptional facilities we can give very prompt service on special detail work, according to architect’s plans and details. OUR PRODUCTS Blinds Combination Doors Interior Trim Sash Blocks Doors (All Kinds—VeneeredIroning Board Closets Screens Breakfast Nooks and White Pine) Kitchen Cupboards Sliding Stairs (Presto) Buffets Dumb Waiters Linen Closets Stairwork Cedar Chests Fireplaces Mantels Storm Sash & Doors Closets Frames Medicine Cabinets Telephone Niches Coal Chutes Garage Doors © Mouldings Wainscoting Colonnades Glass Pergolas Window Seats Columns Interior Columns Porch Work Windows & Sash For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG FARLEY & LOETSCHER MFG. CO., DUBUQUE, IOWA. Hurd Woodwork Manufactured by THE HURD LUMBER & WOODWORK CO. 171 S. Campbell Ave. Detroit, Mich. Products Special and standard woodwork. Entrances, stairways and mantel work: bent window frames and sash, soft and hardwood doors, storm sash and doors, wood cornice and mouldings, hardwood and pine flooring, porch enclosures, store and bank fix: tures, church windows and pews, interior panel and cabinet work. Also stock a comprehensive line of well known building specialties such as: Ritter Oak Flooring, Miracle Doors, Celotex and Tennessee Aromatic Red Cedar lumber, flooring and ceiling. Woodwork for Every Type of Building Following a natural demand for better building materials, the Hurd Lumber and Woodwork Co. offers home builders a service which is remarked for its uniform dependability. Produced by a skilled organization, in an up-to-date plant where the most modern methods of manufacture are employed, Hurd Woodwork will be found to meet the most exacting require- ments for the modest cottage or the more pretentious home. Their years of experience in the production of fine woodwork For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG HURD WOOD WORK for homes, churches and public buildings is espe- cially valuable to the builder whese requirements are for woodwork of a special nature because of their ability to interpret plans and detail and to create woodwork adapted to the individual need. Permanence, Economy, Beauty The use of Hurd Woodwork throughout the build- ing will add much to its comfort, durability and low upkeep—fer, regardless of careful design and proper construction, a house can be no better than the material whicn goes into it. Hurd Woodwork is manufactured from only first quality lumber, properly seasoned and worked up under ideal conditions. Its use prevents sagging doors, jammed windows, warped panels, twisted mouldings and open cracks in interior woodwork. Because it is so well finished at the factory there is little or no additional work for the carpenter to do. Hurd Wood- work comes to the job full length, uniform in width and thick- ness and surfaced on all four sides. It is as nearly straight and true as good milling can make it and tongue and groove stock fit perfectly. THE HURD LUMBER & WOODWORK CO. 171,8;,,C2mPbell, Ave: See Next Page 194 a ee ee ee CC ee a HURD WOODWORK— (Continued) Ritter Oak Flooring Elegance and dignity always make a strong appeal to those of discriminating judgment, particularly when these elements may be combined with utility. The use of hardwood flooring presents a striking example of such a combination. An oak floor, even in a modest home, adds _ so much to its attrac- tiveness and value that, from a mone- tary standpoint alone, it is a mis- take to use any other kind of floor- ing. Oak floors are practically in- destructible and under ordinary conditions will last a life time. Each species of dak possesses its in- dividual color and texture, the low- land oak being much coarser than oak grown in the Appalachian area where are found the finest hard- wood trees in the world. Chief among the factors contributing to the super- lority of Ritter Appalachian Oak Flooring is the re- markable quality of timber from which these woods are cut. Mild texture, uniformly fine, subdued grain and excellent color are characteristics of this flooring. Such qualities assure economy in working and finish- ing and afford unusual beauty in the finished product. Because of the extreme care used in the manufactur- ing, storing and shipping Ritter Oak Flooring will be found to lay easily and evenly with a minimum of effort and cost. Oak flooring is shipped from the nearest storage point. Write for prices and literature describing the uses for which various grades of oak flooring are adapted and methods of laying, scraping and finish- ing. A unique and pleasing effect is ob- tained with parquetry flooring laid in herringbone style. Aromatic Tennessee Red Cedar Red cedar lined closets offer practical and conven- ient year round storage for furs and woolens. The aromatic fragrance of Tennessee Red Cedar is very pleasant and acts as an efficient moth deterrent. keeping. Detroit. For further details and literature, write to: Breakfast Nooks Breakfast nooks space and time savers. breakfast nook of attractive design which sells for a very moderate price. The table is made from selected pine measuring 26x48 Seats are unusually comfortable and the round corners on both table and seats permit easy access. This is a combination which will do much to lighten the duties of house- Shipped knock-down and crated from THE HURD LUMBER & WOODWORK CO. Miracle Doors The Miracle Door has been endorsed by architects and received enthusiastically by the entire building industry. The Miracle Door combines the simplicity of the one panel door with the richness of a moulded design. Because of its appearance of weight the 18%” thick- ness fills requirements which ordinarily demand an inch and three-quarters door. The smooth, sanitary surface adapts it for use in place of a flush door at a great saving in cost. Made in a variety of both hard and soft woods, the possi- bilities of staining Miracle Doors and using them in connection with varied wall treatments is unlimited. They adapt them- selves to the many styles of architecture and are suitable for buildings of practically every type. A complete assortment of Miracle Doors are carried in stock and prompt delivery may be had on standard dimensions. Other sizes made to order. Panel doors can be readily changed to mirror doors by applying the mirror mould. The Handy Ironing Board Cabinet = A cabinet designed for convenience and utility at a very moderate price. Manufactured from clear white pine with braces and all wearing parts of hardwood, it will not shift or wobble, rigidity being secured by using a laminated hardwood panel in the back. Both boards are shaped so that pad or clothes may be worked without difficulty. The doors in two sections, the lower section serving as a‘sup- port for the board,;and being so arranged that skirts and dresses can be ironed full length. Sock- ets may be wired at side or bottom. The cabinet is made to line up with 6-8 doors; has outside measurements 14” x 6614” x414”. Comes to you in an individual erate with easings and all hardware attached ready to in- stall. great work, Here is a are inches across top. 171 S. Campbell Ave. Detroit, Mich. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 195 Bertelsen Built-In Furniture and Grille Work Made By BERTELSEN ADJUSTABLE GRILLE CO. 2117-27 South Troy St., Chicago Products Drawer or Pantry Case Side- This handy chest of drawers This company manufactures Built-In Colonnades, will be found very convenient for boards, Buffets, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets, Pantry tae dav bcliliar hoeneneane clouaes Cases, In-a-Door Ironing Boards, Medicine and Bathroom Aire. ieee suiee enough to be Cabinets, Linen Cabinets, Grilles, etc.. All illustrated and useful but not so big as to be in described in catalog No. 46—sent on request. the way. Attractive and well built of yellow pine. Back and sides are not sealed. Dimensions: 2 Manufacture feet, 8 inches high, 3 feet wide, 16 inches deep. Weight 75 pounds. All Bertelsen products are made of carefully selected high Prompt shipment can be made from grade lumber dried in their own kilns and made by expert stock. cabinet makers. Doors are tongued and grooved. All _ ; : ‘ ; No. 155 (illustrated above veneers are three ply and every piece of furniture is hand VallowsPine $10.50 smoothed, ready for finishing after being installed. There Fuad? ontvas ck wee are no open corners or rough spots. Every article is care- fully packed for shipment insuring arrival in first class e 5 condition. Castleton Combination Colonnade No. 657 This is an unusually attractive Combination Bookcase and Writing Desk Colonnade with a double. door effect in pedestals that must be seen to be fully appreciated. Suitable for openings 8 to 14 feet wide. Columns are 7 inches square, tapered, 3 feet, 10 inches long and can be cut down to suit a Bt fl nl 3 height of opening. Pedestals are 2 feet, 6 inches wide, 4 feet, 2 inches high, inside depth 10 inehes. Shelves are movable. Doors are glazed diamond lights = —double strength glass — set in best glazier’s metal. Panels on pedestals are Baronial Bookcase Colonnade No. 644 three ply built-up veneer, and face reverse and inside panels are alike. Stock is perfectly fitted to stiles on inside, same as face. Furnished in White, without stain or varnish, all hand smoothed and sanded, This is an exceptionally beautif a is i g : : A ; ; 5 : z 2 helen aD Ns go eto ateiais Na aSigen 2 ready for your finisher. No casing, jambs, head trim or hardware included. from 6 to 12 feet wide, up to 8 feet high. Doors are of the finest clear Prompt shipment from stock. Weight about 250 pounds. Can be furnished leaded glass set permanently into the best glazier’s metal. Sides and back with full length doors in pug he ee: if oes ee ay prices. Pi f race : are nicely paneled. Panels are three ply veneer built-up stock with a finely apt iat Neier Ue tea g (h frerdware (Lamow ge setae figured grain. All panel settings come flush with stiles both inside and out. Shelves are adjustable. Doors carefully fitted. No casing, eap trim or hard- Yorktown China ware included. Finished in White, hand-smoothed and sanded without stain or varnish. Closet Nos. Prompt shipments from stock. Weight about 200 pounds. 130 131 No. 644 Yellow Pine ..........$48.00 Noi647) Binch? -.0%c¢cls sss cance (OO.00 All lumber dried in our own kilns—perfect season- ing assured. Expert cabi- net makers handle every operation. Upper section has four tongued and grooved doors that cannot come apart. Doors glazed with art glass set in_ best glazier’s metal. Three shelves in upper section and back closed with beaded ceiling. Bevel plate mirror is 54x12”. Fits recess opening 5’ wide, 7’ high, 14”. deep. Made in top and bottom sections. Furnished in white, without filler, stain or varnish, hand-smoothed ready for finishing. Prompt 5 shipments from stock. Weight about 275 pounds, Built-In Medicine Cabinets No bathroom is complete with- out a Bertelsen Built-In Medicine Cabinet, shipped promptly from stock and carefully crated. Cabi- net shown sets in wall opening 19 inches wide, 28 inches high, 4 inches deep. Fine plate mirror is 14 inches wide and 18 inches high. Made of clear yellow pine. Shelves are adjustable. Has drawer at bottom. No. 180 Yellow Pine - No. 22 Yellow Pine, Plain Plate Mirror....$ 9.50 2 22... tre veseeeeee § 84.00 No. 22A Yellow Pine, Bevel Plate Mirror.... 10.00 Ro. sagt Dal. <7 cng oun _ Tlardware, Brass Finish NEOR regen ae) cerca nc ne utente UN AIO RRORT OIG ES MG 6 uaa 60 with Glass Knob. 5.00 QWE- *ecrature, write toss = BERTELSEN ADJUSTABLE GRILLE CO., Chicago HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 196 ' q . ’ { JONES High-Quality MILLWORK Manufactured by FRED G. JONES & CO., Incorporated. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Products—Everything in high quality sash, doors, columns, a ie emma moulding, cabinet work and wood work. UU a ee oe Ue Flr A few of Jones’ Popular Styles of Windows. &4 (See our catalog for complete line) 66 9 Jones Breakfast Nook One Panel Jones” Door Beautiful in design and unexcelled workmanship. 5 4 : . (Send for sizes and details) White pine stiles and rails, unselected red gum _ inner frame and panels. Made in 13%” thick and 134.” thick in all standard sizes from 1-6 x 6-6 to 3-0 x 1-0. fa (See our catalog for our complete line of Doors) Jones Medicine Cabinet J z Made to order in any Ses size or any kind of wood. ecessed Phone Cabinet Popular and practical. (Write for sizes and full details) Mother Jones’ Ironing Board Cabinets Outside dimen- sions, 14 inches wide by 80 inches high. Ironing Board is Il inches wide by 48 inches long. Built of white pine. il a es ETA is acon Jones No. 818 French Doors Made of No. | Quality White Pine. 3 hay (See Jones Catalog for sizes, etc.) & i For further details and FRED G: JONES & CO., INC. piear CLAS ee literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 197 “MO “Home Keeping Hearts are Happiest-MORGAN Distributing Warehouses Morgan Sash and Door Company Chicago—Detroit—Cleveland dependable every MORGAN product MORGAN PRODUCTS—Manufactured by us from our own lumber grown in our own. forests, have our personal supervision from before the time the trees are cut until the finished product leaves our warehouse to be distributed throughout the country. The trees used are Our factories where the lumber is converted into Doors, Sash, Frames, Mouldings, Cabinetwork, Stairways, etc., are superin- tended by men of experience and only expert craftsmen are employed. Before any lumber can be used for the manufacture of our products, it goes through a drying process, first being air seasoned and later kiln dried until it has the exact moisture content as shown by ther- Only the best of materials are used, which, with the expert felled by experienced woodsmen; our sawmills are the best.. mostats made for that purpose. workmanship insures a finished product, rarely, if ever, equalled. best glue is used, the selection of which is made only after careful experiments. After the glue is applied, great hydraulic presses are used to securely hold the articles together until the Mouldings are architecturally correct, and are glue has become thoroughly hardened or set. made to fit exactly into their respective places. MORGAN Products consist of: ete., Suitable for both interior and exterior use. and Garage Doors, Door and Window Frames, Pergolas, nets, Casework including Buffets, Breakfast Nooks, Mantle Shelves, Colannades, Kitchen Cases, Linen Cases, Ironing Boards, Panelwork, Complete Stairways and Stair Parts, Exterior and Interior Mouldings and Interior Trim such as Casing, Base, Picture Moulding, ete. All of our products are shown in the Master MORGAN HOME Book—‘BUILDING (shown to the right) and in our Price Supplement which can be obtained from lumber dealers and planing mills or from any of our Offices or Warehouses WITH ASSURANCE” mentioned above. Frames for exterior doors and win- dows are made from White Pine accur- ately machined, and are packed for shipment in two bundles for each frame, the side members in one bundle and the head and sill members in another. < M-1800 Window Frame —cearried in stock in all standard sizes. M-1801 Door Frame—> —earried in stock in all standard size doors. M 1800 Window Frame M 1801 Door Frame <-Exterior Columns, Newels and Porch Rail, made from No. 1 Fir earried in stock in standard sizes. i ¥ ; 4 M 2029 ea eg M 2030 Porch Rails Ready for Shipment M 2033 M 2035 §a@8~ For Further Details and Literature Write Nearest Office Shown Above HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Woodwork Organization Manufacturers and Distributors STANDARDIZED WOODWORK, Factory Morgan Company Oshkosh, Wis. Sawmill Operations Orin, Wash.—Forrest City, Ark. Sales Office New York City Look for this mark of quality on Softwood Doors for exterior and interior use, Doors veneered with hardwood such as Oak, Birch, Gumwood, Mahogany, Walnut, Windows and Sash, Garage Sash of - Distributing Warehouses Morgan Millwork Company Baltimore—Jersey City Greensboro, N. C. ORGA In all our work only the Shutters, Blinds, Cabi- “Building with Assurence” Write nearest Morgan office for the beautiful prospectus No. 81 illustrat- ing and describing ‘Build- ing With Assurance.” ———————————————————————————————————— GARAGE DOORS Garage doors made from Fir—carried in stoek for door openings 8’0” x 8’0” and 8’0” x 7’6”. Not anly are extra heavy dowels used in the construction of these doors but corrugated metal reenforcing pieces are driven Joints cannot open thru the ends of the wood dowels. or pull apart; the door cannot sag. M 2159 M 2158, M 21601 z See Next Page 4 198 4 MORGAN WOODWORK ORGANIZATION (Continued) Morgan Standardized Stock Doors First Impression It is the entrance that gives the first im- pression of the home. 2 PaDLOSN ABP i= etna eeagy if ee GaRAge LATCH 2 PAI He ca67~ 2a" BAUL GEARING HINGES ites ROL MEANING NINGER + Stanley Garage Hard- ware Set No. 1777 Two pairs of 16 inch and one pair of 12 inch extra heavy hinges make this a very satis- factory set. The door holders add to its con- venience. Bain Ke BETH ID EXTRA NEA. THING ES Leone ne 1nee wel THe CATH NTAA HEA Y Pe : Be NE IAST Mes saevtnsro ke DOOR HaNcie Stanley Wrought Steel Garage Door Holders No. 1774 Stanley Garage Hardware Set No. 1776 For use on light or medi- um weight Garage Doors. This set does not include the door holders No. 177 1ONLY Me IRED Noe Tome paTeH Ne ies7 W COGS HAN OLE Stanley Garage Hardware Set for Rolling Doors No. 2505. The hardware in the set can be ar- ranged to make three combinations of doors. Articles comprising Set No. 2505. Very little floor space is necessary. In all combinations the doors roll along the side wall. One combination only is shown. A necessity for every garage. Prevent doors from slamming and damaging the car when entering or leaving the garage. Can be used on doors with straight or curved tops. Easy to apply. A slight pull on the chain disengages the holder allowing the door to close. Bar is 30 inches long. Packed one pair in a package, ready to apply. A Sa literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 269 For further details and THE STANLEY WORKS encase ier ce Automatic Electric Doors for the Private Residence Garage Manufactured by ELECTRIC DOOR CORPORATION ITHACA, N. Y. Product Electric Mechanism for Opening and Closing Garage Doors without getting out of the car. Special Utility to Builders Builders find that new homes equipped with Electric Doors quickly attract pros- pective buyers. They drive up, the farage doors swing open, and they are immediately impressed with the fact that here is a really modern home. They are delighted to find this electric servant will work for them for life at wages of 2 cents per month. As day after day the Electric Door per- forms its service it soon becomes one of the most appreciated features in a modern residence. Men like the promptness and efficiency of its service. Women save their clothes in bad weather, never have to struggle with the doors, and particu- larly enjoy it when they have a guest. The garage looks better when its doors are not left gaping open. It permits adequate heating in winter. The Electric Door marks a modern home, What It Is, and Does The Electric Door opens or closes by the pressure of a car wheel on a ground plate switch in the driveway, or by a hand. push button, if desired, mounted on a post at the side of the drive. A push button switch is also located in the garage to open or close the doors when the car is inside. If there is no side door for entrance and exit this Switch is located outside on the wall of the garage. The Electric Door is particularly designed for the residence garage, but can be applied to the public garage or to industrial doors. It is extremely simple, rugged, and foolproof, and is powerful enough to hold swinging doors in any wind or sweep back any ordinary snowfall. It operates in any weather, permits adequate heating of the garage, and can be operated from inside a closed car without opening the window. It never requires any lubrication, in fact it must not be oiled. The ground plate is not affected by rain, mud, ice, or snow; is self-draining and self-cleaning. The switch mechanism is rustproof and waterproof. Standard Type The standard installation is for outwardly swinging doors, as this type, being the simplest mechanically, has been found to be the most reliable. The ordinary disad- vantages of the swinging door are overcome by the electric mechanism which holds them positively, and this type of door has no track wheels to bind and gives more room in the garage. It can also be used on doors swinging inward by being placed outside on projecting timbers under a small roof. An are of 105° to 110° should be allowed for the Swing of the doors as it is best to have them go beyond the perpendicular when fully opened. Locking No locks, bolts, or similar hardware of any kind should be placed on the doors. If a positive lock is desired an ordinary push button switch may be placed conveniently in any part of the house, which will cut off the garage circuit and leave the mechanism dead. If it is especially desired to lock the doors while the owner is out with the car, the hand push button on a post or wall should be installed instead of the ground plate type, and a key lock switch used. The ground plate type with inside lock- ing is generally preferred. Installation Installation is simple and the average should not cost more than $15.00 to $25.00. Where a concrete drive is to be laid a hole should be left for the ground plate, the dimensions of which are 18%x16 in. The long dimension should be across the driveway. It is generally more con- venient to place the ground plate on the left-hand side of the driveway looking toward the garage so that the driver can see it as he drives in. It should be at least 20 ft., preferably 30 ft., from the doors. If the length of the drive-way will not permit this, the hand push button switches should be located so that the driver can see the doors while operating them. The weight of the doors does not matter as the mechanism will operate anything that can be swung by hand, but they should be properly hung so that they will swing and close easily. Doors should be cut off 1 in. clear at bottom to allow for our special copper weatherstrip. This takes care of any sagging of the doors and jamming because of ice, frozen mud, or stones. Door jamb strips back of the doors should be omitted as they serve no purpose and tend to chew the doors when the doors warp. On new construc- tion it is desirable to have a short concrete ramp from sill to driveway about 18 in. to 2 ft. in length with a slope of 201n. ecOmelad t. E . The mechanism itself, including a % hp. motor, is all assembled before being shipped and should be placed and supported as shown in diagram, between two 2x4’s 20 in. apart. Weight of mechanism inside garage is about 70 Ibs. Hinges used as sockets for the arms permit attaching the arms at various levels and should be bolted through the doors, not just put on with screws. The mechanism can be disconnected from the doors by merely lifting the arms from the sockets. _ No special power circuit required; operates from any lighting circuit, 110 volts a-c. or d-c., any cycle. Other voltage $10.00 extra. Full directions for installing sent with each shipment. Prices Electric Door operating mechanism complete, including switches, fuse box, weatherstrips, all hardware, with 40 ft. of lead armored cable and ground plate control, $125.00; same, but with hand button in place of ground plate, $120.00; same, but with both hand button and ground plate control and duplicate cables, $135.00. All prices f. 0. b. Ithaca, N. Y. Bey WHEN we ; “ DOOR | Aeior Bat ON, Y v\ ‘ vA | 1+ COPPER WEATHER \, Saas B12 \ eas ee eens \ | 9% ‘ | if ‘ \ AS \ / DETAIL OF BOTTOM yi why x | OF DOOR. NOILITS ATINTD NOLIWAATA 8) TO FLOOR DETAILS OF MECHANISM Qpes~ For further details and ET ECTRIC DOOR CORPORATION, Ithaca, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 270 QUICKLOCK—The Simple, Safe, Satisfactory Garage Lock Made By CLOSES LURIE PRODUCTS OPENS AUTOMATICALLY 3218 Montrose Ave., Chicago WITH A KEY Product A new type of Garage Lock, particularly adapted for swinging doors, that can be in- stalled in a few minutes, and that opens with a key from the outside, and locks automatic- ally by simply closing doors from outside. Construction Quicklock is sturdily built of the best ma- terials and is mechanically perfect. There are only a few, simple parts and nothing complicated to get out of order. It always works, Operation When key is inserted in lock from outside and given a right turn there is an upward movement of the entire assembly of tie rods and connecting plate which releases the pawls or gripper teeth at top and bottom and the doors are unlocked. When doors are closed tightly the zripper teeth, coming in contact with U-bracket at top and floor plate at bottom, raise just enough to ride over them and fall by gravity into locked position. Advantages Locks doors automatically top and bottom by simply pushing doors shut from outside. Unlocks doors instantly from outside by a simple turn of the key. Maintains its lock- ing position by gravity—cannot be opened from outside except with proper key. Eliminates chain or rod pull bolts at top $ ( and foot push bolts at bottom of doors. Baty the y : : Draws doors tightly together when locked PATD APR. 211925 : - and makes them close snugly. The flexible floor plate permits of closing and locking doors even when jammed with snow. ice or mud. Eliminates the small side entrance door in garages, thus allowing more inside wall or window space, or storage space. and saving on cost of construction. Permits taking car out of garage or lock- ing it up in one-third the usual time when in a hurry, because one simple turn of Key unlocks door and pushing them closed auto- matically locks them. Discourages the practice of leaving ga- rage doors open, or closing them without locking securely, when in a hurry, and per- haps suffering a loss of tools. tires, or other accessories kept in the garare Easily and quickly installed hv anyone— does not require locksmith or mechanic to put together, The Useless Side Door Most garage are built with a small en- trance door in the side wall or in front along- side the car entrance doors, and sometimes placed in the large door itself, the principal use of this door being to afford an entrance so that the big door can be opened or closed from the inside. This is usually accomplished through the use of bolts at the top and bottom of doors, or a crossbar or rod across the inside of the big doors. Where QUICKLOCK is used the small door is no longer necessary and is becoming obso- lete because the only real reason for its existence has gone, Where to Buy Quicklock is patented and is on sale in hardware stores. Price Complete, with full instructions telling how to install, $6.75. Qyas~ «For further details and = URIE PRODUCTS, 3218 Montrose Ave., Chicago literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 271 STAR LITTER and FEED CARRIERS ALBANY, N. Y. Industrial Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, 383 Brannan St, No. 3833 Star Litter Carrier No. 333 Star Litter Carrier runs on a rigid rail hung overhead in the barn. Outside, the track is hung from a Swinging boom often as long as 40 feet. That gives a wide dumping radius. There is a raising and lower- ing device on the carrier so the tub can be lowered for filling. It is dumped by pulling a trip chain. Roller bear- ings throughout. No. 405 Star Litter Carrier runs on a rod or steel cable track both inside and outside the barn. It dumps auto- matically outside wherever the trip _block is set on the track, and a spring bumper chain automatically returns the empty carrier to the barn. This earrier has no hoisting attachment. Equipped with roller bearings. No. 592 Star Litter Carrier is a com- bination of the first two in that it runs on a rod track outside giving it the automatic dump and return feature, and on azrigid track inside the barn. With this arrangement the. carrier always remains stationary while being loaded. It’ has a hoisting device so that the tub can be lowered while being filled. Equipped with roller bearings. SPECIFICATIONS—STAR LITTER CARRIERS ALL STAR LITTER CARRIERS HAVE ROLLER BEARINGS FINISH—AIl sizes (except No. 693) are furnished in Gray Enamel No. Track Dim of Tub Capacity Wt. Complete 333 Rigid 26” Wx41”"Lx19”D No. 6--10 bu. 145 lbs. Double Angle 384” Wx41"Lx24"D No. 8--12 bu. 180 lbs. 405 Rod or Cable 26". Wx Lx147) 6 bu. 110 Ibs. 592 Rod outside, 26” Wx41"Lxl4”D 6 bu. 160 lbs. Rigid inside 930 Rigid 26” Wx41"Lx19”D No. 6--10 bu. 195 lbs. Double Angle 34” Wx4l1"Lx24"D No. 8--12 bu. 230 lbs. 693 Rod outside, 26” Wx41"Lx14’”D 6 bu. 110 lbs. Rigid inside NOTE: Three kinds of track mentioned consist of rigid double angle track made of two angle irons riveted together, rod track of round steel rod stretched taut; double oval track made from flat steel bar with both HUNT-HELM-FERRIS & CO., Inc. Made B y LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 1811 East 7th St. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. HARVARD, ILLINOIS 422 Stinson Blvd. PHILADELPHIA, PA., 22nd and Arch Streets Products We manufacture a full line of litter and feed carriers along with all the attachments to make a complete job. Three of the most popular models are shown and described. Each has its place depending on the particular require- ments of each purchaser. For Garage Hardware see pages 264-65. Uses As the name indicates, STAR Litter Carriers are used to remove the daily accumulation of litter in the barn. They run on an overhead track so that the same load is propelled with much less effort than by any other means such as a wheelbarrow or truck. The track runs between the rows of stalls; the litter is loaded into the tub from either side and the carrier is pushed out to the dump pile. Some of the carriers dump and return to the barn automatically. The tubs can be detached and tubs to carry feed may be substituted; or carriers designed for feed only may be had. Advantages STAR Litter Carriers make easy the most tedious and unpleasant job around the barn. They help to keep the barn clean at much less cost for labor. They are inexpensive, easy to operate for they are equipped with roller bearings, and last a lifetime. Engineering Service : We have prepared a book of plans for barns of every description giving many detailed helps to the contractor and owner. This is free for the asking. Our Engineering Department is prepared to make special barn plans and to work out and furnish blue prints for any installation of litter or feed carriers that may be desired. These carriers can be installed in old barns as well as in new. We urge you to write us for a catalog describing this equipment, Guarantee We know our goods to be the best that money, brains and “know how” ean put together hence this iron-clad, binding guarantee: We absolutely and positively guarantee all goods manu- factured by us to give satisfaction to the user in every respect. This guar- antee applies not only to workmanship and material but to construction and operation as well. Should any article manufactured by us prove defective, notify us and we will replace same without one penny’s cost to you. No. 405 Star Litter Carrier edges rolled over to give rigidity and a smooth running surface for tracker wheels. No. 592 Star Litter Carrier = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG rovtcrtmee, Gaia? HUNT-HELM-FERRIS & CO. Harvard, IIl., or to nearest branch See Next Page 272 3 Star Stalls and Stanchions ALBANY, N. Y. Industrial Bldg. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 422 Stinson Blvd. STAR BARN EQUIPMENT Made by HUNT-HELM-FERRIS & CO., Inc. HARVARD, ILLINOIS PHILADELPHIA, PA., 22nd and Arch Sts. STAR STEEL STALL Unit System Is An Exclusive Feature STAR Stalls are built individually. Each stall is a separate unit and connects with the next on either side. You can install as many as you heed and you can always add more. This STAR feature saves much in installation expense. The Stalls go into the barn just as they leave the factory. Star Stall Arch Made of one continuous piece of steel pipe. Only the highest grade, full weight, butt welted steam pipe is used. Each piece tested. Star One-Hand Lock Four big advantages. The STAR Stanchion is easily opened with one hand. The fork or crotch device on the lock straddles the side of the stall arch holding the stanchion in place. The guide of the One-Hand Lock removes all strain on the hinge. The double latch makes it absolutely cowproof. Star Stanchion Adjustments You can adjust the width of a STAR Stanchion instantly from 5 to 9 inches. Products Co-operative Service We maintain an architec- tural and drafting department and are always glad to give advice on any problem of barn construction or on the installation of equipment. This service is free of charge. We have representatives in all parts of the country who will gladly help you measure up any barn and give you a complete estimate on the cost of equipment. Book of Barn Plans— Free We have prepared a book of plans for barns of every description, giving many de- tailed helps to the contractor and owner. Book sent free upon request. We also offer blue prints and special barn plans without charge. Make use of this free service. Stanchion can be adjusted to fit the neck of a bull or small calf. Star Wood Lining The STAR Stanchion has a wood lining which is imbedded—an exclusive feature. It is not merely hung on the stanchion but is forced into the U-bar and can not possibly be loosened by the cattle. Star Automatic Sure Stop This device keeps the cow from putting her head in space at side of stanchion. It is always in place but never in the way. Star Cement Anchors Used to secure stall partitions which other- wise would have to be permanently imbedded in concrete. Star Permanent Finish All Barn equipment finished in special gray enamel, thoroughly baked on. Most attrac- tive and lasting appearance. Star Steel Pens Bull, calf, cow and hog pens are all-steel pipe with all clamps and fittings of best malleable iron, shipped in panels. Star Litter Carriers SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 383 Brannan St. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 1811 East 7th St. Star Barn Equipment for all types of barns, which includes Steel Cow Stalls; Stanchions; Manger Divisions; Animal Pens; Automatic Water Bowls; Litter Carriers; Feed Carriers; Door Hangers and Tracks; Garage Door Sets; Hay Carriers, Forks and Slings; Hoists; Ventilators; Overhead Carrying Systems. For Garage Hardware see pages 264-265. STAR ALIGNMENT DEVICE. A clean stall, makes a clean cow. This exclusive STAR fea- ture keeps every cow in line to the gutter. The adjustment is made instantly after the cow is in the stall. No tools needed. Just raise the lever and move the stanchion forward or back- ward. Five different positions in 11% inches. STAR CURB CLAMP, This simple device simplifies installa- tion. Does away with anchors or templates. Enables you to go ahead with your concrete or cement work and finish the job before the equipment reaches you. Simply drop the curb clamps over the curb and tighten the bolts. Then bolt the stall arches together and the job is done, STAR WATER BOWLS. Au- tomatic in operation. Furnished to attach to steel or wood stalls. = For further details and literature, write to: HUNT-HELM-FERRIS & CO., Inc. Harvard, Illinois HOME BUILDERS CATALOG fal: SAMSON SPOT SASH CORD Made by SAMSON CORDAGE WORKS 88 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Products: The Samson Cordage Works manufactures Braided Cord in all sizes and colors, for all purposes, in- eluding Samson Spot Sash Cord and other Sash Cords, Clothes Line, Awning Line, Ventilator Cord, Curtain and Shade Cord, Mason’s Line, Dumbwaiter Rope, Etc., also Cotton Twines. Advantages: Samson Spot Cord is made of extra quality cot- ton yarn, smoothly and firmly braided, carefully inspected, and guaranteed free from imperfections of braid or finish. It will wear much longer than ordinary sash cord, made of inferior yarn, roughly braided, and poorly finished, which wears out by abrasion on the pulley. The cost of replacing a single broken window cord is often more than the difference in first cost between Samson Spot Sash Cord and the cheapest for an entire house. Samsoutlrade Mack Identifying Marks: In addition to the labels on each hank bearing the trademark of Samson and the Lion, Spot Cord is marked with colored spots, which are a means of identification after the label is removed, and prevent substitution of inferior cord. ‘The spots may be of any color and are used only with this quality of cord. Avoid Adulterated Cord: Much of the cheap cord offered for sale contains a large loaded center which is put in to increase the weight of the cord and the price per foot. This center stiffens the cord and makes it wear out quickly in running over the pulleys. The danger of getting such cord can be avoided by speci- fying Samson Spot Cord which can be easily distinguished by the trademark, Specifications: Specifications should read: “Windows to be hung with Samson Spot Cord; size of cord and size of pulleys to agree Ae be gsser on dex list.” (See illustrations at bottom of page). SAMSON SPOT CORD The number indicates the diameter in 32ds of an inch. Size No. 6 Diam. 3/16 in. About 18 lbs. per doz.; about 66 ft. per Ib. Suitable for weights of less than 5 lbs. Minimum diam. of pulley allowable 1% in. Size No. 7. Diam. 7/32 in. About 22 lbs. per doz.; about 55 ft. per Ib. Suitable for weights from 5 to 12 Ibs. Minimum diam. of pulley allowable 1% in. Size No. 8. Diam. 1/4 in. About 27 lbs. per doz.; about 44 ft. per Ib. Suitable for weights from 12 to 20 lbs. Minimum diam, of pulley allowable 2 in. SAMSON ff £ + Works. # Gorvas R ~ Size No. 9. Diam. 9/32 in. About 33 lbs. per doz.; about 36 ft. per Ib. Suitable for weights from 20 to 30 Ibs. Minimum diam. of pulley allowable 2% in. Size No. 10. Diam. 5/16 in. About 44 Ibs. per doz.; about 27 ft. per Ib. Suitable for weights from 380 to 40 Ibs. Minimum diam. of pulley allowable 2% in. Size No. 12. Diam. 3/8 in. About 60 lbs. per doz.; about 20 ft. per Ib. Suitable for weights from 40 to 50 Ibs. Minimum diam. of pulley allowable 3 in. ONE HANK SAMSON SPOT CORD For further details and literature, write to: = SAMSON CORDAGE WORKS, Boston, Mass. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG COLONIAL ; Materials and Construction: HEAD HROAT & “GLO-HOT” ELECTRIC GRATE and EVERYTHING FOR THE FIREPLACE: GRATES, ANDIRONS, FIRESETS, FENDERS, HOODS, SCREENS, ASH TRAPS, ASH PIT DOORS, ETC. Manufactured by COLONIAL FIREPLACE COMPANY 4652 Roosevelt Road, Chicago. The Colonial Head Throat and Damper is built of the best gray iron castings securely bolted together and reinforced with a steel angle bar. It is rigid, extra heavy, and able to sustain great weight, yet designed and constructed so as to allow for the movement of expansion without dis- turbing the outer work. fireplace from cracking. The steel reinforcing angle bar sets half way up the sloping front of the Damper. The ledge which it forms furnishes a foot- ing on which to build the com- mon brick backing and on which to anchor the facing. A. mason experienced in fire- place building will spend much more time in forming the Throat than the cost of the Colonial Head. With it an experienced workman cannot build wrong at the vital point. The Colonial Head sets above the bottom of the span over opening. This saves time because the fire brick need not come to exact levels. Allows for Expansion: This prevents the face of the NEW STYLE F Sets high or low in the fireplace. Operating lever which may be lengthened, swings in arc under fire- place opening. The only Damper made which provides for heat expansion. Embodies thirty years of practical experience in erecting fireplaces throughout the United States. We found that one- piece iron Dampers frequently cracked the facing of the Fireplace because of expansion, Colonial Damper in sections. Therefore, we made the Saves fuel, prevents smoky fireplaces and give more heat. Easy to Operate—Dependable: Damper door in Style A-B-C may be adjusted to a fraction ‘of an inch (Style E-F 4 positions) to meet any weather condition. smoke shelf prevents down drafts. The position of the Damper door in relation to Colonial Damper may be used in any style of fireplace —stone or marble, brick, tile or wood, arched or square opening. Styles and Sizes: The Colonial Damper comes in five styles of operation, twelve sizes each so as to meet every condition of con- struction, ““Glo-Hot’’ Electric Grate: DAMPER (Odorless and Clean) Gives real fire effect and heats at the same time. The New “Glo- Bar” heating element is the perfected economical way to use electric cur- rent for heat. The scien- tifically designed copper reflector throws all the heat rays straight into the room. The old Png- lish grate of polished steel and iron with solid brass ornaments and deep chested grate space for the colored glass coals is unusually at- tractive. Looks Like Live Coals and Really Heats: At the first snap of the switch, the grate is flooded with the life- like flicker of glowing coals. At the second snap of the switch, as if by magic, the heat flows out from the “Glo-Bar’ heat unit concealed under the hood of this beautiful old Eng- lish Grate. No Flues Necessary: While the genuine fireplace with its flue and enchanting play of flame holds full sway, there are, neverthe- less, many homes new and old, where no flues are allowed for in the plans. The “Glo-Hot” Electric Grate meets this need. It gives the fascinating flicker as of real fire in glowing coals and HEATS as well, without requiring any flue. It comes closer to the effect of a real fire- place than ever before attained. The cost of operation is low com- pared with any type of auxiliary heating where a flue is used for the escape of smoke or gases and con- sequently waste of heat that goes up the chimney. Styles and Sizes: Three Styles. Standard Size 1,000 Watt—110 Volt. Also 500 Watt—110 Volt—may be connected to ordinary house lighting circuit. ~ - = By) tye : Aglas Number G H 253, three finishes: Black and Polished Steel, Old Brass, and Statuary Bronze. Showing switch, plug and wiring connection. Circular door (on both sides) gives access to electric bulbs and fans. WH wl HOT AiR , COPPER ee Cross Section View showing details of con- struction and air space between copper re- flector and back. Steady _ circulation drives hot air into the room. es For further details and literature, write to: COLONIAL FIREPLACE COMPANY 4652 Roosevelt Road CHICAGO HOME BUILDERS CATALOG COVERT FIREPLACE SPECIALTIES Made By THE H. W. COVERT COMPANY 137 East 46th Street, New York | | Covert Specialities Assembled in Fireplace How to Build an Efficient Fireplace: There are three vital parts in fireplace construction—the Throat, Smoke Chamber and Flue. If these are properly constructed, the fireplace will function satisfactorily in every way, barring the influence that nearby high buildings or high walls may have upon it. Throat: The construction of this most important part of a fire- place is simplified through the use of a Covert Damper. In addition to acting as a support for the arch brick, Covert Dampers provide a properly designed, smooth and substantial Throat that will lead all smoke and gases up the flue. It is provided with a valve to control draft. Covert construction secures the ledge or windshelf at the back of the throat which is important in checking down drafts. Smoke Chamber: It is important that the side walls of the Smoke Chamber, which is above the throat, should be smooth and should aarrow from bottom to top where the flue proper begins, at the proper angle to afford a smooth chamber or com- partment through which all smoke and hot gases will travel into the flue without being retarded. This construction is best accomplished by using the Covert Smoke Chamber which is a steel form affording perfectly smooth side walls sloped at the proper angle, and with a collar at the top upon which the tile flue is started. The use of this form saves considerable in mason’s time in forming properly sloped walls in brick work, besides adding greatly to the efficiency of the fireplace. Flue: The flue should be properly proportioned to the size of the fireplace opening. ] heat up the chimney. Damper pro- oo) vides smooth, metal throat for the fireplace as well as perfect draft con- trol. Two types of control: Rotary, controlled by operating rod through metal front, or Poker control. Complete installation instructions accompany each Damper. For the following widths of Fireplace opening: 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 inches. The Donley Book of Fire- places containing many Fireplace designs, construction plans and installation photographs sent upon request. POKER CONTROL Diagram shows how this damper is controlled by hook- ~ ROTARY CONTROL To open or close this damper you rotate the 7 ; 4 knob that protrudes thru ing an ordinary poker into ring and pushing or pulling until desired position is reached, mantel front. Diagram shows mechanism. Coal Chutes Donley Coal Chutes protect build- ing against damage during coal de- livery. They are burglar-proof and have an automatic latch that is re- leased by chain from within, without entering coal bin. Frames are of cast-iron, doors of heavy gauge steel or heavy meshed glass with steel protecting shield. Made in several sizes. Also make Grade-line Chute with special drainage feature for low-set or terraced buildings, Garbage Receivers Located underground near kitchen entrance or beneath floor of rear -| porch, the Donley Garbage Receiver is inconspicuous, fly-proof, dog-proof and sanitary. Consists of inner con- tainer enclosed in outer water-tight cylinder, both of heavy gauge, galvan- ized metal. The service lid of Parkerized rust-proof steel is lifted by foot lever, leaving both hands free to carry dishes. Metal Clothes Posts These are made of 24-inch diam- eter reclaimed pipe, painted, with cross cleat inserted near top for attaching clothes line. Posts are 9% feet long and are usually placed in ground at depth of 2% feet with or without concrete filling. They cost less than wooden posts and have every advan- tage of strength, neatness, resistance a to weather, decay and rough usage. Ornamental wood top furnished when desired. i aaa ONLEY | EVICES Complete the Home Posts (Metal), Coal Chutes (Window and Grade Line), Dampers, Electric Meter Boxes, Fire Baskets, Garbage Receivers, and Package Receivers. Fire Baskets and Andirons Donley Fire Baskets combine beauty and utility. The simple, graceful lines P harmonize with any decorative scheme and its sturdy construction fits it for years of service. Ends are easily lifted out to permit burning of logs. Designed to fit properly shaped hearth. Supplied in 24, 28, 30, 34 and 40 inch lengths. Donley Andirons are made in five designs and three finishes with special attention to utility and sturdiness combined with grace, simplicity and the pleasing charm of modern decoration. Ash Dumps: Donley Ash Dumps provide a convenient and clean method of removing ashes. Automatic Dump closes itself after ashes have been pushed through. The common dump is opened and closed with poker. Package Receivers A wall safe for receiving milk, groceries, etc. Automatic lock pre- vents removal of parcels until inner door has been opened, when outside door is automatically prepared for next delivery. Made of heavy: gauge steel, fits between 16-inch center stud- ding, is 11 inches high, 1314 inches wide and 9 inches deep. Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. “Outside Reading”? Meter Box Donley Meter Box permits meter reading without entering basement, contains meter and safety switch and is installed in foundation wall. Meter [4 read through glass panel, is 13% inches high, 1614 inches wide, 8 inches wall depth, provided with all neces- sary knockout holes for wiring. Approved by Good House- keeping Institute, Central Stations and Electrical Contractors. Steel Basement Windows These steel Basement Windows ad- mit 75% more daylight and provide better ventilation than wooden win- dows. Frames (%;-inch steel) are narrower and more attractive, also much stronger than wood. Will not warp, shrink, swell or rot. Welded : and riveted’ at every possible point of strain. Strong hinges, easy action. Positive wedge-shaped lock draws frame and sash closely together when locked. Holes provided for screening. Made in four sizes for any type of construction. Sash easily removable for glazing. Basement Columns and Clean-out Doors Basement Columns are neat, fire- resisting, economical and easily in- ~pY/== stalled. Made of reclaimed pipe, [ily -: thoroughly painted and provided with & ne cap and base. Supplied in 4 and 5- NUT inch diameters and 6 feet, 6 feet 6- inches, 7 feet, and 7 feet 6-inch lengths. Clean-out Doors are strong and neat construction, and close fit. Large sizes for removing ashes from pit. Small size placed at base of chimney flue for soot removal. Metal Columns Ask for Complete Catalog The Donley Catalog illustrates and describes in detail, all Donley Devices, including many not shown here. This Catalog is sent upon request. A copy of The Donley Book of Fireplaces will also be sent if specially requested. For further details and Sl literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG red THE DONLEY BROS. CO., 13923 Miles Ave., Cleveland, Ohio JaXon Wood Mantels, Fire Place Specialties, etc. Made By EDWIN A. JACKSON & BRO., INC. 50 Beekman St., also 65th St., Cor. Lexington Ave., New York City Products This Company manufactures Wood Mantel Pieces, Fire Places, Portable Basket and Electric Grates for fire-places, Andirons, Spark Screens, Chimney Dampers, Ash Dumps, Coal, Windo-shutes,. Built-in and Underground Garbage Receivers, Package Receivers, some of which are illustrated and described on this page. No. 617, is a Colonial design with panelled pilasters. Finished in three coats of white paint, or Mahogany color. Mantel Pieces These are furnished from stock or made to order from special designs. Our catalog (sent on request) shows many beautiful designs. By building these mantels in quantity lots, very highly developed designs, excellent materials and master workmanship can be produced at a low cost. Majestic Package Receiver Package Receiver This is installed in the wall for receiving milk or other commodities from delivery people, and makes a convenient, safe place in which to leave miscellaneous packages until removed by the occupants of the house. They are safe from theft or damage by the elements, or molestation by animals or insects. The package receiver consists of two cast iron frames 1614 inches wide and 14 inches high, with inside and outside doors, connected by a steel body ad- justable to the thickness of the wall. A gravity catch, which can only be unlocked from the inside, secures the outside door. The inside door can only be opened from the inside. The outside door is left unlaftched when the receiver is empty. When a delivery is made and outside door closed it locks automatically until it is unlocked from inside the house and the package removed. Send for the Literature You are Interested in Catalog of Mantels and Fire Places. Catalog of Grates, Andirons, ete. Booklet of JaXon specialties. NN NS Ud Windo-Shutes These are made with iron panel as illustrated or with a wire glass panel. Can be furnished either with (as shown) or without hopper. They are made in the following sizes: 24” wide, 16” high, 12” deep, or 8” deep 24” wide, 17” high, 13” deep 82” wide, 22” high, 16” deep 33” wide, 22” high, 18” deep Also make a grade chute for use where building has no foundation above ground level, or very low one. JaXon Underground Garbage Receiver This receptacle is buried in the back yard convenient to the kitchen door. It may be set in concrete, if desired, to insure permanency. It is out of sight, perfectly sanitary and emits no odors. It is safe from molestation by dogs, cats and vermin. Made in six sizes from 5 to 25 gallon: capacities. Also. make two types of garbage receptacles for. in-- stallation in kitchen wall. ge Ty octet EDWIN A. JACKSON & BRO., INC, * Es'anties une HOME BUILDERS CATALOG PEERLESS Builders Specialties Manufactured by PEERLESS MANUFACTURING CO. Incorporated New York Los Angeles Louisville, Ky., U. S. A. f Products C Jive lace, Dome Dampers, Flat Dampers, Ash Pit Doors, Ash Traps, Coal Chutes and. ‘“In-The-Ground”’ Garbage Receivers are that doesn't made by the PEERLESS Co. of Louisville, Ky., the Largest Manufacturers of Fireplace Equipment in the World. Smoke ~ Dome Dampers Architects and Builders know that a_ satisfactory fire- place depends upon proper design and construction of the “throat”. A Peerless dome damper regulates the opening of the throat at the top of the fireplace, the height of the throat, the slant and the size of the opening into the chimney thus insuring a perfect draft. To obtain perfect results the damper should have a base opening the size Peerless Dome Damper No. 17 Made for Fire- of the fireplace. Peerless dampers are so constructed that Place Openings From : Z 5 A é 24 to 60 inches door automatically locks itself at any desired opening while operating the handle. Made in sizes from 24” to 60”. Where excessive economy is necessary the Peerless Flat Damper may be used. Sizes 24” to 60”. Ash Traps What pleasure an open fire would be without the dirt, dust and trouble of carrying out the ashes. Simply install a Peerless Ash Trap and enjoy the real pleasure of the ik Peerless Locked Door open fire. The Peerless Automatic Trap has two sloping tee ey ieee ee 8 shutters that close by gravity when relieved of weight of Sse es 9x11 ince Wek “5 Ibs. ashes. Top is smooth and easily cleaned. All traps should Small Size be placed flush with hearth just below fire basket. Peer- 7x10 in.—Wet, 3% Ibs. Stes less Ash Traps are made in five different styles. Ash Pit Doors Peerless Ash Pit doors are made in three styles and eight sizes. Should be used in ash pits under fireplaces and at bottom of chimney flues for removing ashes and soot. BN KON ie Ss REE ; SSN ee Peerless Ash Pit Door ° No. 3—Made in All In-the-Ground Garbage Receivers Standard Sizes Garbage deposited by simply stepping upon a lever arrangement Coal Chutes The coal chute supersedes the coal window in modern homes. It con- which raises the lid. Made in three sections, sists of heavy iron door frame and a copper steel outer ‘door, provided with either glass or q 5 steel panel as desired. Peerless casing, with its attacked coal chutes are designed for all cast iron lid and a large types of houses, apartments, stores — 10 gal. galvanized iron and Public buildings. And like all pail. A sanitary, con- Peerless Products, they are fully a : /) Pee Automatic Coal Stakes by the Peerless Guarantee. Bes sare : Chute No. 1 eerless Chutes are made in six Peerless In-The-Ground Garbage styles and three sizes. garbage. Receiver No. 2 Que For further details and PEERLESS MFG. CO., Inc., Louisville, Ky. venient and sightly LOL ae yiOnUt, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 279 Stover Fireplace Dampers and Coal Chutes Manufactured by STOVER MANUFACTURING & ENGINE CO. 749 East Street, Freeport, Ill. Products Fireplace Dome Dampers; Foundation Coal Chutes. Also Flat Ratchet Dampers, Ash Trap and Cleanout Doors, Chimney Thimbles, Andirons, Fire Sets, Fire Baskets and Sereen Door Hinges. Stover Fireplace Dampers ‘“Tmproved’’? Dome Dampers are made of, selected gray iron, the dome acting as a connection between fireplace. and flue. Cover is hinged in center and operated by a worm gear, allowing any draft desired. Control rod can be set either in center or right front end and easily ad- justed in length. Knob Stover - idized Tmnrored’? is oxidize copper Fireplace finish, shows direc- Datoper tions and has wide flange to cover wall opening. Damper has wide flanges on all sides. Front flange is wide and heavy enough to carry one row of brick and has a heavy rib on lower side to hold a steel angle securely in place. The use of an extra course on a steel angle is recom- mended as it forms an apron in front and enlarges the smoke chamber, (Wl, , ai Sy | worm’ | CHA A LL, “Improved” Damper Set on Steel Angle Dimensions of Fireplace Dampers Sryte No. Dimensions, INcHES Im-} Ratchet Styles prvd| (See side note) AD BeaCu) Di Ba eisG i Eat 15 39 39X |39Y 30 16 |40 |40X |40Y [34 25 |1334}2414|21 |10/614/214/414| Dampers designated 29 |1334]2814}25 = |10}614/214/41%4) “X” have long levers 1614/4014/4014X|40144Y|36 [381 {1834/80 |26 |10/614/21%4|414| for use with steel } 17 41 |41X |41Y = [3814/3314]1334/383 |2814]101614]214|414] angle. Those marked 1714/4114|4114X|4114Y|42 137 |1334/86 [82 |101614)214|414| “Y” have short lever 18 |42 |42X |42Y |4414/3914|1334|3814|385 |10/614/214/414] for thin tile fronts. 1814|4214/421oX |421eY|4714/4214)1334|/42 [88 |10/614/214/414| Dampers with no let- 19 |48 |43X |43Y |54 |49 |1334/49 145 |10/614/214/414| ter are standard for 20 |44 |44X /44Y {60 [55 |1834/55 |51 |10/614)2144/4% two course brick. *Select size nearest to width of fireplace opening, but long enough to span and give support’ Ratchet Dome Damper Ratchet Dome Damper has same frame, cover and dimensions as the ‘‘Improved’’?’ Damper shown in opposite column. Operated by gravity locking, ratchet lever accessible just under front row of brick. Where steel angle is used specify ‘‘X’’ series, indicating long lever. For thin facing tile specify ‘*Y’? series, indicating short lever. ENE ESS | RZ Ratchet Dome Damper Ratchet Damper Set on Steel Angle Stover Foundation Coal Chutes A new style coal chute of great convenience and strength. Gray iron frame and heavy wrought steel body. Two types: No. 100 has solid iron door; No. 105 has wire glass panel in door. Finished in black enamel. Absolutely weather tight with concealed hinges that cannot be tampered with from outside; locks automatically and can be opened only from inside. Operated by a chain outside bin which both opens and closes door quickly, easily and without jarring. Outside View of No. Inside View of No. 105 100 When Open When Open Stover Foundation Coal Chutes | On both types, door has steel side plates that form a hopper when door is open. A heavy steel shield is hinged to back of side plate and is thrown up to protect house from damage by coal. Shield easily holds its upright position. No. 105 has a heavy steel shield hinged to lower part of door which lays over and protects glass when door is open. When door is closed, shield drops back on bottom of steel frame and does not interfere with light entering bin. 15- FRONT VIEW OF DOOR& FRAME END V/EW Dimensions of Stover Foundation Coal Chute For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG STOVER MFG. & ENGINE CO., FREEPORT, ILL. MESKER DALITE COAL WINDO COMBINATION WINDOW AND COAL CHUTE Made by MESKER BROS. IRON CO., ST, LOUIS, MO. Products Steel sash and casements—fully described and priced in our catalog “Steel Windows’’—copy on request. Mesker Dalite Coal Window This is one of our most popular specialties—a combina- tion baement window and coal chute. Why close the out- side opening to your coal bin with solid iron doors and de- prive this part of the basement of light and air? The Mesker Dalite Coal Window, when used with Mesker Solid Section Steel Basement Windows, gave 100 per cent light and ventilation all round the basement, and the coal chute windows match perfectly with the other windows, giv- ing a uniform appearance to the outside of basement wall. Outstanding Advantages The sash of Mesker Dalite Coal Window is not hinged, but is pivoted to frame and is instantly removable without tools of any kind. The entire glass portion of window is removed when coal is being delivered, thus insuring glass against breakage. This removable feature also makes window ex- ceptionally easy to clean. Window is provided with heavy corrugated steel lintel, which assists in anchoring sash securely in position and gives adequate support to masonry above it. Practically the entire window opening is available for glass, admitting from 40 to 60 per cent more light than wooden windows to the darkest spot in the basement—the coal bin. See illustration above for unique structural details that make this Coal Window a feature of home eonstruction the people you build for will appreciate. Very Reasonably Priced In spite of its substantial construction, fine appearance and many superior features, the Mesker Dalite Coal Window is very reasonably priced. You can figure on using it in any type of house, no matter how low in price. Send for price list on various types and sizes. Sizes—Wall Opening 253%." wide, 17%” high, 9” deep 2534 wide, 17144” high, 12” deep 293,” wide, 21%” high, 12” deep 293," wide, 213,” high, 17” deep ts iss Types 90, 120L and 170 Door or ventilator on above types having been removed instantly, now ready to re- ceive coal. Outward appearance of Types 90, 120, 120L and 170. Exterior view of Types 90H, 120H and 170H. NOTE THESE FEATURES 1—Admits 100 per cent daylight to the darkest spot in the basement or 40 to 60 per cent greater light than any other glass panel door chute on the mar- ket and by far less expensive. 2—Made of extra heavy, open hearth plate steel to withstand any severe shocks. 8—Door or ‘ventilator can be removed or again placed in position instantly. No tools necessary. No attachments, no glass breakage, gives identical service for light and ventilation as any other window in the basement. 4—It is not an unsightly hinge but a Patented Pivot. Cannot rust tight or wear out by continued usage or break from rust, decay, or in cold and frosty weather. No attachments of any kind, no plates, bolts, nuts, pins or other loose parts. 5—Heavy, open hearth, plate steel used throughout, bent at right angles. No brittle castings to break. All parts securely held together by rivets, not by spot welds, which are not only cheaper but unreliable where parts are sub- “jected to severe shocks and _ vibration. 6—Outer frame of window or chute and sash or door, of solid rolled open hearth steel throughout, with one continuous piece construction giving maximum in rigidity and durability. 7—Has its own lintel, made of cold rolled steel and the heavy pressed corrugated ribs at proper intervals give maximum rigidity and ample support to the masonry above it. Extend full four inehes on each side. : 8—Automatic lock, positive closing, attractive; durable; af- fording protection from prowlers and rodents. Types 90H, 120H and 170H Showing exterior view of above types having hopper, preventing scattering of coal. For further details and = literature, write to: MESKER BROS. IRON CO., St. Louis, Mo. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 281 Gabriel Rolled Steel Products Manufactured by GABRIEL STEEL COMPANY 2441 Bellevue Avenue G j ROLLED AS PRODUCTS Detroit, Michigan L (Trade Mark) A G2412 Gabriel Coal Chute. Note the heavy wire guard for protection, and the chain. Glazed door elimi- nates a basement window. A 5”x7” Gabriel Ash Dump. A 30” Gabriel Dome Damper Hori- zontal flange type with handle control and damper leaf open. An 8”x8” Gabriel Ash Pit Door. A 3’6”’ Gabriel double leg Scaffold Bracket with studding attach- ment. Tension straps lock this bracket in closed position. A 24” Gabriel Carpenter Saw Horse. Products Coal Chutes—Dome Dampers—Ash Pit Doors—Ash Dumps— Scaffold Brackets—Scaffold Horse Legs—Steel Floor Joists. Quality and Price Gabriel Products are guaranteed by the manufacturer to be 100% satisfactory. You may or may not be interested in the material from which these products are made. Naturally, in order to protect an unconditional guarantee, nothing but the highest quality of material is used. They are manufactured on a production basis and are accordingly priced far below the usual quality product. Construction and Material Standard and Special Rolled Steel Sections are used in the manufacture of these products. Pressed metals and castings have been entirely eliminated. All joints are electrically are welded. Every product is rigidly inspected, and painted with a dip coat of lead and oil paint. The use of Creosote paint has been discontinued by us. Gabriel Quality can be known only by comparison. Gabriel Features Each product has been developed to perform its function more perfectly, more easily and more positively than any similar product. The Coal Chute door is automatically opened by release of the catch, and is positively locked when closed from the outside. All types are equipped with chain and roller. The Ash Pit Door is practically unbreakable. The Dome Damper leaf is opened wide by a quarter turn of the handle. Its position (either open, partly open, or closed) is always indicated by the handle—a great convenience of the fireplace. The Scaffold Bracket is capable of supporting more than a ton. Sizes, Kinds, Etc. Coal Chutes: Foundation Wall Chutes made for 16”x24” and 22”x32” masonry openings. Both sizes with solid steel or glazed door, and with bodies for 9”, 13” or 17” walls. Grade line Chute with 18”x24” door only. Hoppers for foundation chutes shipped detached. Dome Dampers: Made for 24”, 30”, 36”, 42”, 48”, 54” and 60” openings. Can be had with black enamel or brass plated handles for hand control, and with poker ring or chain for poker control. Manufactured with vertical front for use with extra lintel, and with horizontal front for use without extra lintel. Ash Pit Doors: Made in sizes 8”x8”, 8"x10%, 10x 20 adel cee Ash Dumps: Made in one size only— 5”x7” opening. Scaffold Brackets: Made in both sin- gle and double leg types. Lengths 3’6” and 4’0” for side wall. End connections for attaching to studding, sheeting or stucco are interchange- able with double leg type. Corner bracket made only in double leg type 4’6” long. Scaffold Horse Legs: Made in carpen- ter type 24” and 30” high. Mason type 5’0” high. This Home Used Every GABRIEL PRODUCT Shown on This Page. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GABRIEL STEEL COMPANY 2441, Bellewie Avenue See Next Page GABRIEL ROLLED STEEL PRODUCTS—Continued TYE IC Showing Simple Manner of Construction with Gabriel Steel Joists Gabriel Steel Joists Gabriel Rolled Steel Joists have been particularly designed to. increase fire- safety in light-occupancy buildings em- ploying wood floors. The building delays and inconveniences of concrete construc- tion can now be eliminated while practi- TrPE D ayreieicymuelrical!Abeut Centerline cal fire-proof construction is secured. Gabriel Joists are constructed from standard rolled steel sections rigidly connected at the joints by electric arc welding. They are really steel trusses in miniature. No diagonal bridging or bracing is necessary and as their weight is approximately only half that of wooden joists of equal strength they can be quickly and economically placed. Floor con- struction is more rapid with Gabriel Rolled Steel Joists. Table of Details for Series 10 Steel Joists Total Capacity in Lbs. per Dimensions Foot of Span Over- Weight | ———————— Type| Mark Top Bottom Diagonal all Total Per Unit Stress Chord Chord Member | | Depth |Weight| Foot |———————_ | 180007 |16000# R Ss 1k U Vv WwW x Y to an |to an | | Inch | Inch a A4-5 | 2’ C 1.78} xix’ L | xix’ L 5’-6"| 5’-0"| 4’-0"|2'-0"| ] l l 10” | 13.87 | 2.757 | 350 310 A5-6 | 2"C 1.78 1’x1’x%"L | 1’x1"x%" L___| 6’-6"| 6’-0"| 5’-0"|2’-6" l l 10” | 16.4# | 2.754 | 280 250 Be-7_ | 2’ C 1.784 1'xi'x%’L | 1'xl'x%’L | 7-6"| 7°-0"| 6 -0"|1'-6"|1-6"| l l 10” | 21.07 | 3.007 | 260 | 230 B B7-8 | 2"C1.78# | 1’x1’"xkk" L | 1’x1"xlg" L 8’-6"| 8’-0"| 7’-0"|1’-6"|2’-0" | | 10’ 23.54 | 2.944 | 220 195 B8-9 | 2” C 1.784 I’x1"x%"L | 1’x1"x%" L_ | 9’-6"| 9’-0"| 8’-0"|2’-0"|2'-0"| l | 10” | 26.94 | 2.997 | 190 | 169 C9-10 | 2” C 1.78 | 1’x1’xlg"” L | 1’x1"xk’ L 10’-6”|10’-0"| 9’-0"|1’-3"|1’-3" | 2’-0" | | |Re207 30.34 | 3.034 | 173 154 C10-11 | 2”C 1.784 | 1’x1"xly" L | 1’x1’xlg" L |11’-6”" |11’-0" | 10’-0” | 1’-6" | 1’-6" | 2’-0” Py 33.857| 3.084 | 150 133 Cc (C11-12 | 2” C 1.78# 14y"x1K "xk" L | 1 "x1"xkk" L |12’-6"|12’-0"|11’-0” |2’-0" | 1’-6” | 2’-0” | e110" 39.25#| 3.27# 135 120 C12-13 | 2”C 1.784 | 114%"’x1%"’xl" L | 114%’x1"x%" L |13’-6"|13/-0" | 12’-0” | 2’-0” | 2’-0” | 2’-0” | 10” 42.7# | 3.28% | 122 109 C13-14 | 2”C1.78# | 1144"x1\4"xk" L | 14%"x1\4'x" L |14’-6"|14’-0" |13’-0" | 2’-6” | 2’-0” | 2’-0” | 10” 48.87 | 3.497 T2100 ——|"Di4-15 | 2’ C1.78f | 14'x1% xm’ L | 1% 'x14'x%’ L |15-6"|15-0"|14'-0"|2-0"|1'-6"|1'-6"|2-0" [ 10” | 52.8f | 3.52f | 110. | 98 Di5-16 | 2” C1.78f | 14%'x1%"x’ L | 14"x1%4"x%" L |16’-6"|16'-0"|15’-0" |2’-0" |2’-0" | 1’-6" |2’-0" 10” | 56.654| 3.544 | 103.| 92 D |-pie-17 | 2” C 2.577 | 14"x1"x3%" L | 14"x1 "x" L_|17’-6"|17"-0"|16'-0" |2’-6" |2’-0"|1’-6" |2’-0" [| 10" | 82.2% | 4.807 | 130 | 116 Di7-18 | 2” C2.57f | 1%"x1 "xi" L | 114°x14"x%" L |18'-6"|18’-0"|17’-0" |2’-6" |2'-6" |1’-6" |2’-0" 10” | 86.97 | 4.80f | 121 | 108 E E18-19 | 2”C 2.57# | 144"x1\4’x34" L | 14%"x1\%’x\%" L |19’-6"|19’-0" | 18’-0" | 2’-0” | 2’-0” | 1’-6" | 1’-6” | 2’-0" 10” 95.07 5.007 | 114 | 101 E19-20 | 2”C 2.577 | 1%"x1\%"xim" L | 1%"x14"xl%" L |20’-6"|20’-0" |19’-0" |2’-0" |2’-0" |2’-0"|1’-6"|2’-0"| 10” [100.07 | 5.00f | 107 | 95 Capacities shown include no flexure stress in bottom chord. pe ee oe 2) GABRIEL STEED COMPANY mae ee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 283 Proof Majestic Coal Window Resisting Made By THE MAJESTIC COMPANY _ HUNTINGTON, INDIANA Other MAJESTIC Quality Products sUasersround MORE CREDIT TO YOU IF IT’S RIGHT AT FIRST After all, you are responsible for the kind of finished job the home-owner gets. And it’s to your lasting credit if everything is right at first. — ie But—if the coal window becomes a source of irritation, Miik and Package Receiver E : - nits 4 expense and depreciation for him, it’s a knock against you! Ordinary sash and “cheap” coal windows can’t long stand the gaff. The Majestic Coal Window says “good value” to every- one who sees it. And the little extra it may cost at first, is insignificant compared with the grief and expense it saves later. It protects the house against damage, and is guaranteed break- proof—made of Certified Malleable Iron and Keystone Copper Steel. And electric-galvanized pressed steel doors defy rust. It pays to install Majestic Coal Windows in homes you build. Majestic Coal Windows come in a variety of styles and sizes with or without hopper and with glass or pressed steel door. See opposite page for sizes and prices of Majestic Coal Windows and Building Specialties. For further information write us. 1b iat REL OO Steel Door Styles Closed Steel Door Styles Open Glass Panel Styles Closed Glass Panel Styles Open (pee For further details and ~=6 THE MAJESTIC COMPANY, Huntington, Ind. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page : 284 Majestic Coal Window (Continued) SIZES AND PRICES Majestic Coal Windows, Pressed Steel Doors Ship. | List High | Deep Wt. Price 17s 12” 52 | $12.00 ibe 125 41 10.50 22° wae 105 24.00 22" yi 84 21.30 hgh? 9” 35 9.00 oad 2s 70 18.00 (Style B is with Hopper—Style D without Hopper) Majestic Coal Windows, Glass Panel Doors Wall Opening No. Style |}————_,—_| Ship. List Wide | High | Deep Wt. Price M 10 A 24” ile ged 2h 63 $15.00 M 10 C 24" 17" 12 52 13.50 M 20 A pom 22" Wie 120 27.00 M 20 C 32” 22 lief 100 24.00 IMEGOG]'. cs cus 3-2 24” Lees 9” 45 12.45 IMIG 20) asia ss 32” 22" 2r, 88 22.80 (Style A is with Hopper—Style C without Hopper) Grade Line Coal Chutes Wall Opening No. Door ———_|——_| Ship. List Opening Wide | High Wt. Price M16 24” x 18” 25" 25" 145 | $33.00 M18 BOlo4e aie Sie 212 48.00 Store Coal Chutes List Price Wall Opening No.| Door Ship. With- Opening| Above Below Wt. With out Grade | Grade Hopper| Hopper M12} 21"x15” | 23”x17" | 23"x25" | 108 | $33.00 | $31.50 M151 29"x194"| 31’x214"l 31"x25" 150 | 48.00 | 45.30 Underground Garbage Receivers Shipping Weight List Price Can No. | Capacity Plain Witt Plain Witt Can Can Can Can $ 8.70 5 5 gal. 31 35 $ 7.80 8 8 gal. 48 53 9.90 11.10 12 12 gal. 52 58 10.80 12.60 15 15 gal. 60 66 11.40 15.90 20 20 gal. 80 87 14.70 19.90 Cellar Wall Grates Size Weight, Each List Price axe 2 $0.39 Caxe Se 3 .54 Gtx 12” 4 Atha) Bex Bt 4 .66 Sie om 5 .84 Soe LHe 5% .93 100x112" 6% 1.11 10” x 16” 104% 1.65 Grade Line Grade Line Chute Closed Chute Open Milk and Package Receivers No. For Wall Thickness Ship. Wt. Price 1 5in. to 8 in, 46 $9.75 2 8 in. to 14 in. 59 9.90 Fireplace Dampers Width Fireplace List No. Finished Opening Ship. Wt. Price 26 26 inches 45 $ 8.25 30 30 inches 52 9.00 34 34 inches 59 9.90 38 38 inches 66 11.10 42 42 inches 70 12.30 46 46 inches (h3) 13.50 50 50 inches 81 15.00 54 54 inches 89 16.50 Fireplace Ash Dumps Shipping No. Outside Inside Wt. Doz. | List Price 6 8” 8” Gexi6e 45 $0.99 8 LOvex 105 Sexism 60 1.20 9 Gx Oe PN a gee! 38 81 10 eee Ole bd bot 46 99 Cast Iron Flue Thimbles Size of Smoke Size Weight List Collars Overail Each Price om 5%" 3% $0.75 ay 6%" 434 81 fad 71 4" 5 ANG Sa 814” 54% 93 ‘é 914" 6% 1.29 10” 10%" 9 1.38 Shipping Weight Dezen 88 SxS. 85 $1.20 812 12" x8" 125 1.80 1012 127 x0" 180 2.40 Ash Pit Doors Shipping List Size Frame Door Weight Price PRES SY Cast Cast 23 $4.80 15e= Ube Cast Cast’ 35 6.00 Cistern Rings and Covers Inside Outside Weight List Diameter Diameter Each, lbs. Price 18” 24" 45 $ 7.20 20% 26 56 8.70 22m 29 70 10.80 24" al 88 12.90 Store Chute Closed Other MAJESTIC Quality Products Fireplace Damper Flue Cleanout Door Ash Pit Door Store Chute Open For further details and = literature, write to: THE MAJESTIC COMPANY, Huntington, Ind. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 285 STAR COAL CHUTE Made By STERLING FOUNDRY COMPANY STERLING, ILLINOIS PRODUCTS: A great variety of Cast Iron Specialties many of which are used in building con- struction, or in the grounds surrounding the home: Foot Scrapers Concrete Inserts Studding Sockets Hic., Hie., Etc., If the thing you want can be made of cast iron, write to us—the chances are we have already made something similar and have patterns available. Coal Chutes Cistern Covers Clean-out Doors Chimney Caps Foundation Gratings Chimney Coping Cesspools Ventilators Insert with Bolt in Place. Star Coal Chute When planning your foundation wall figure on one or two Star Coal Chutes, leaving an opening 22 inches Concrete Insert ‘‘BEST”’ livery building with concrete ceil- ings should _be liberally supplied with inserts for ceilings for suspending ee wide by 17 inches high in the masonry for each chute. The STAR is the sturdiest coal chute you ever saw—frame made of cast iron with lugs on all four sides for anchoring into the masonry. pipes, timbers, shafting track, shelv- ing, etc. The “BEST” insert is very simple and compact in design; strong and rigid in construction ; quick and se- cure in action. The bolt is held in a vertical position, with the threads down and with a sort of hook motion the head of the bolt is seated in a wrench shaped socket, instantly. Water tight housing at top, giving absolute protection against the weather. Door of 18 gauge stamped steel, embossed to give it greater rigidity. The best pratice calls for the nut of a bolt to be outside, where it can be seen. With this insert, there is no chance of a nut becoming rusted in, or the thread being ‘jimmed,”’ so that the bolt cannot be taken out of the insert. Hinges concealed and protected under housing. Door locks auto- matically in both the open and closed positions; and when closed shuts tight. It keeps out drafts, rain and vermin. Chute is finished with one coat of grey iron filler and comes carefully packed in fibre carton, protecting it until you are ready to install it. Can be shipped by parcel post— shipping weight 41 lbs. The insert is designed to take the full strength of the bolt. If desired, an eye bolt with standard head on the other end can be used for raising a load by means of a differential block. Made for 36”, 1%”, 54”, 4”, and %” bolts with standard square heads— Write for further information and Inquiries Invited prices. Building contractors are cordially invited to write us about any cast iron product they may require. Tell us the type of building you are erecting and we will send you illustrations, descrip- tions and prices of products that you are likely to want. Our prices are reasonable and our materials and workmanship are A-1 in every particular. Showing Section = of Wall Door Bolt Entering Socket Open Chamber. F f h d i Gap Fey, further details and STERLING FOUNDRY CO. — fiers. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 286 YPS Copper Steel Coal Doors and Basement Windows Y PS Steel Bridging and Joist Pin Anchors Manufactured by THE YOUNGSTOWN PRESSED STEEL COMPANY General Offices and Factories WARREN, OHIO DISTRICT OPP rcEs San Francisco, Cal., 180 Jessie Street Philadelphia, Pa., 917 Crozer Bldg. Products ¥PS Copper Steel Coal Doors YPS Copper Steel Basement Windows YPS Steel Bridging YPS Joist-Pin Anchors Sharon Channels, Youngstown Box Channel, Youngstown Pencil Channel; Crimped Furring. YPS Expanded Metal Protex, Parker and Youngstown Corner Beads and Sharon Base Bead. (For metal lath see pages of Associated Metal Lath Manufacturers.) YPS Copper Steel Coal Door General all-around sturdiness, combined with neat appearance are the particular advantages found in the YPS Coal Door. The frame is made of one solid piece of deep drawn, copper steel tank plate. This same unbreakable material is used throughout the door’s construction. Unbreakable offset hinges automatically hold the door, when open, agaist the foundation giving perfect protection to the wall when the coal is being put in. The easy, tight-closing locks are both burglar-proof and break-proof. If desired, they may be equipped with a chain in order to re- lease catch without climbing over the coal pile. Each door 1s fitted with special slots in the frames to which a coal hopper may be attached at any time, even after the door is installed. YPS Coal Door and Hopper ——— Style No. Wall Masonry Weight Thickness Opening | 801 Door and Frame 8” 213%” wide x 16” high| 46 lbs. (no Hopper) 802 Door and Frame 13” 21%” wide x 16” high| 50 lbs. (no Hopper) 810 Hopper only 14 Ibs. 811 Chain only YPS Steel Bridging YPS Steel Bridging takes the place of ordinary wooden cross bridging used to stiffen wood joists New York, N. Y., 347 Madison Avenue Los Angeles, Cal., 1736 East 15th Street TRADE-MARK Chicago, Ill., 927 Straus Bldg. Detroit, Mich., 901 Dime Bank Bldg. Boston, Mass., 258 Washington Street against lateral deflection. Goes up like wooden bridging with 4-penny nails. It comes ready to install and therefore gives faster, more economical erection. The real cost in preparing wooden bridg- ing on the job is the carpenter time necessary for cutting and fitting. The nail holes in YPS Steel Bridging are extruded, leaving small prongs on the side next to the joist. The carpenter simply taps the bridging into place, where it sticks until he drives the YPS Steel Bridging nails. Styles and Weights Net Diagonal Approximate Style Length Wood Joists | Centers Shipping Weight per 100 Pairs No. 1 1575” BETSY 16” 72 pounds No. 2 15%” ae 16” 75 pounds ( Wx ”) No. 4 12%” (27x10) 2 60 pounds (2”x12”) YPS Basement Window YPS Basement Windows are designed to meet every requirement for residences, apartments and store buildings. They can be installed, in any type of foundation wall and are indestructible, weatherproof, fireproof and _ rotproof. They never swell, shrink, warp, stick, ‘get out of square” or splinter. When closed they will ad- mit more light and when open give greater ventilation than wooden windows of the same size masonry opening. Four standard sizes. YPS Basement Window Masonry Style Type Glass Size Opening Overall Size Weight o. Inches Inches Inches Lbs 701 3-light 10x12 344% x14% | 2°14 ”xl’ 3%” 21 702 3-light 12x18 4014x20% | 3’ 54%”xl’ 94%” 27 703 3-light 10x20 344% x22% | 2 1UIU“xIIIK” 26 704 2-light 14x20 313%4x22% | 2’ BR"xIVIIK%” 23 YPS Joist-Pin Anchors Wood joists supported by brick walls should have a secure anchorage in the masonry. This will prevent collapse of walls during construction as well as after completion. YPS Joist-Pin Anchors embedded in the masonry walls anchor the joists in the wall. They are made from steel strips 3,”"x14”, 1446” long. One end is punched with two 44” holes for fastening to joists with spikes or lag screws. Inserted and firmly pinched in the other end, which is widened to 1%", is a steel pin 7%” in diameter and 5” long. This pin is excellent for use with hollow tile, brick or stone home construction. ae For further details and literature, write to: THE YOUNGSTOWN PRESSED STEEL COMPANY, Warren, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 286-A AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Made by AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS COMPANY PITTSBURGH, PA. District Sales Offices: Factories: BELLE VERNON, PA. NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON ARNOLD, PA. NEW ORLEANS ST. LOUIS AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS ( KANE Eee ATLANTA MEMPHIS SAN FRANCISCO Prrrseurcn.Pa.U-S HARTFORD CITY, IND. TRADE MARK Products This company is the world’s largest producer of window glass. Its products include Flat Glass for glazing purposes, Window Glass, Crystal Sheet Glass, Ground Glass, Chipped Glass, as well as Picture and Photo Glass. Process and Production All of the glass manufactured by this company is machine made, thus insuring greater uniformity of thickness than can be obtained by the hand-blown process. The annual production of. the American Window Glass Company is 300 million square feet—nearly a million feet a day. Chemical and Physical Properties Chemical analysis demonstrates that American Window Glass Company’s product is less susceptible to discolora- tion, fade or stain than any other window glass made, whether produced in this country or in Europe. Tests of the physical properties prove that it has greater tensile strength than plate glass, rolled glass, or any other window glass—and greater resistance to fracture. Flatness We have perfected a new process of flattening which en- ables us to produce window glass that is absolutely flat. This means that there is less distortion when looking through a window glazed with our glass. Our new-process- flattened glass may be glazed with either side out. Annealing The glass of this company is subjected to two annealing processes, instead of one; an important consideration when one remembers that the strength of window glass depends largely on the thoroughness with which it is annealed. Im- perfectly annealed glass is very brittle and breaks easily. “The BEST Glass” Grades and Qualities “AA” indicates the best quality of window glass. ‘A” indicates the next best grade and “B” the next quality. Grade “B” is suitable for basement and attic windows, but only grades “A” or “AA” should be used for glazing the windows of the principal rooms of a dwelling. Because the cost of window glass is trifling compared to the cost of other material is no reason to disregard the prominent part it plays in beautifying a house. This is especially true when you consider that you can buy “The BEST Glass’’—clear and flat, exception- ally strong—for the same low price as the ordinary kind. Thickness and Weight Single Strength window glass ranges from 10 to 12 lights to the inch and weighs 18144 ounces per square foot. Double | Strength glass ranges from 8 to 9 lights to the inch and weighs 24144 ounces per square foot. Glass thicker than Single Strength or Double Strength is known as “Heavy Sheet Glass” and is designated by weight in ounces per square foot. 26-0z. Glass Stacks 714 to 8 lights to the inch. 29-0z. Glass Stacks 6% to 7 lights to the inch. 34-0z. Glass Stacks 6 to 6% lights to the inch. 39-oz. Glass Stacks 5 to 5% lights to the inch. (A sheet of 39-0z. glass is about 3/16 of an inch thick.) Crystal Sheet Glass Made in the heavier weights only—26-oz. to 39 oz. This is the finest quality of window glass made—absolutely flat, of uniform thickness, and with a brilliant surface. Used for glazing windows in the better class of homes, also for glazing French doors, and for table or bureau tops and glass shelving. An acceptable substitute in many cases for the higher priced polished plate glass. Identification Label All our boxes are identified by the oval trade-mark shown above, and each contains a “quality” paper slip showing the grade and thickness. Complete Window Glass Specifications or any other in- formation you may desire will be gladly furnished on request. “The BEST Glass” is obtainable from any of the leading distributors throughout the United States. QE Seas, Stites AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS COMPANY Farmers Bank Bldg. PITTSBURGH, PA. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 286-B Diamond Metal Weather Strip and Calking and Glazing Compound Sales Agencies in all principal cities. Products: This company manufactures Diamond Metal Weather Strip, a scientifically designed and practical weatherstrip for installing on WEATHER doors and windows. Also manufacture Dia- mond Calking and Glazing Compound for calking around window and door frames, pointing-up stone and stucco work, setting tile, ete. PRACT Diamond Metal Weather Strip: Advantages: This is quickly applied to the doors and windows in either new or old buildings at a moderate cost. Lasts practically as long as the building itself. More than pays for its cost and installation in the saving it effects in fuel consumption and preventing dust and dirt damage to decorations and furnishings. Keeps cold air from entering the house around the edges of sash and under doors, thus keeping rooms at an evener temper- ature in winter and saving from 20 to 40 percent in heating expense, Keeps dust, dirt and storm from en- tering when windows and doors are closed. Prevents windows Proms Tattlines an a makes the house quieter by deadening outside noise. Weather strip is never in sight when door or window is closed. Types Made: There are six differ- ent types for double hung or sliding win- dows. Five different types for doors. Four different types for casement win- dows. Special type for hol- low metal sash and frames. Materials: Being made of zinc, spring bronze, brass and aluminum, they are rust-proof and long lived. Manufacturing Facilities: This company has been manufacturing and installing weath- erstrips for 15 years. Thousands of build- ings throughout the United States and Canada have been equipped. Special ma- chinery produces a large volume of ac- curately-made weath- erstrip. A high stand- ard of efficiency is maintained both in the manufacturing and installing of Dia- mond Metal Weather strip. Special Features: Durability: Dia- mond metal weather- strips are so designed and constructed that they overcome the cane ton ow bea ts cn sno wore X-Ray View of Window Showing Diamond Weather Strip Installed. Made by THE DIAMOND METAL WEATHER STRIP CO. 401 Spruce Street, Columbus, Ohio DIAMOND Established 1909 Paid in Capital $50,000. objections of sticking or binding, caused by the swelling, warping or shrinking of sash, and by the swelling of parting stops and dividing strips which are exposed to the weather. Windows equipped with Diamond Metal Weatherstrips always raise or lower easily. Removable: The runway or side strip for double hung sliding windows is made in two sections—a base with a fold-over under which the rib interlocks and is held in place by a screw and mitre at sill or top. When it is necessary to remove sash to re« place broken cord, take out screw, Only the stripping at one side need be removed. After rib is removed, if it is necessary to get inte weight pocket this can be done without kink- ing or damage. METALS > PPING Guarantee: All Diamond Weatherstrips are sold subject to a guarantee against imperfections in material and workmanship for a period of 10 years from date of installation. Service: A practical engineering department is at the service of contractors and builders for solving difficult or unusual prob- lems in weatherstrip- ping. All material is applied by skilled mechanics under personal super- vision of established company agencies. Blueprint details, specifications and de- secriptive literature fur- nished contractors and builders on request. A list of installations in any particular section of the country sent upon request, Estimates: Will be promptly and cheerfully furnished by our nearest agency. Write home office for name and address. “Flexible” Strip at the same time, Diamond Calking and Glazing Compound: Uses: For calking around frames of windows and doors in new or old buildings, for bedding and glazing skylights and conservatories, pointing-up stone and stucco work, set- ting tile, etc. It will adhere to iron, steel, wood, glass, concrete or stone. ; Advantages: Actually seals all openings permanently and lasts as long as the building. Does not break away or erack, dry or fall out of joints. Insures against dust, dirt or cold entering around window or door frames. Saves fuel by making tight joints wherever it is applied. Packing, Color (ets. It is gray in I WSS SSS VW color and of the -sia me consistency and general appearance as ordinary glaziers putty. Pack- eq in 12% and 25 pound pails, 50 and 100 pound kegs, half barrels (400 Lbiss) ss anced barrels (800 lbs.) Ask for literature and prices. ay Py ees i eh UN ak $8571 Aa OP f AN iy eee 9g ea ot bn inti | Le CALKING y ComPound Goes Foy farther seis? THE DIAMOND METAL WEATHER STRIP CO., Columbus, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Chamberlin Metal Weather Strips Manufactured by CHAMBERLIN METAL WEATHERSTRIP CO., INC. General Office: Detroit, Mich. Factories: Detroit, Mich., Peru, Il. DISTRICT BRANCHES Atlanta Buffalo Cleveland Kansas City New York St. Louis Baltimore Chicago Denver Los Angeles Philadelphia Washington, D. C. Boston Cincinnati Detroit Minneapolis Pittsburgh Wilkes-Barre BRANCHES IN 60 OTHER CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES Productions and Services: Chamberlin Metal Weather Strips and Door Bottoms for every type of wood, metal or metal covered window or door. Brass Thresholds and Pulley Hole Covers. Calking of and around window and door frames. All installations and services executed by the Company’s own mechanics, Distribution: Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Equipment is sold by the Company’s own Branches. Installations are supervised by them and executed by Chamberlin mechanics. Branch salesmen will submit estimates without obligation. Experience: Chamberlin, the metal weather strip pioneer, has been in- stalling weather strips successfully for 33 years. CHA Corrugated Equipment for Double Hung or Sliding Window ; MBERLIN METAL WEATHER STRIPS “SINCE 1893-THE STANDARD Guarantee Every Chamberlin installation is protected by our contract guarantee clause. ‘‘We agree to correct any defects due to imperfect material or workmanship, under normal usage, during the life of the building.’’ Chamberlin Metal Weather Strips: Chahmberlin is needed wherever there is a window or door for reasons of economy, health, cleanliness and comfort. It elim- inates air and dust circulation through window cracks, and rain leakage also. It insures a saving of 25% to 40% in fuel costs; far greater comfort and cleanliness. It lasts a life- time, but it’s cost is surprisingly low. Chamberlin can be furnished in any standard gauge. Made of either bronze, brass, copper or zinc. Specially designed equip- ment is available. In-Opening Casement Equipment Interlocking and Channel i & A Chamberlin’d Sliding Window This equipment is the development of thirty-three years of weatherstripping and represents time-tried designs. The Meeting Rails 1/3 Actual Sill : Size sie tongue of the side, sill and head strips is wider at the tip than at the base, allow- ing for expansion and con- traction. Side strips have raised bear- ing points (corrugations) to insure easy operation and perfect installation. Meeting rail strips are strongly made. All sheet zine is cut across the grain to avoid splitting and to obtain maximum strength. Sill Nos. 82-83 = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CHAMBERLIN METAL WEATHERSTRIP CO., INC. Petit, See Next Page CHAMBERLIN METAL WEATHERSTRIPS— (Continued) a Head and Latch Side Center iz, OE Chamberlin’d Hinge Side Sill <.” Sill In-opening Case- Outsid ere dow E Out-Opening Casement Equipment Toansom , mr IS vain E Interlocking Interlocking Every type of Chamberlin Casement Equipment 1s perfected to the highest degree. Chamberlin mechanics install it and thereby weather proof this type of window to the highest possible degree of efficiency. Automatic Inside Door Bottoms ) For— | Bedroom Doors + Bathroom Doors Casement Window Metal Astragal and AI- ternate Sill Equipments — Attic Doors Raised When > oor Opens | Lowered as | / Door Closes | ' | oe Bag Brass Thresholds for Outside Doors SIN S GE For further details and ~~ CHAMBERLIN METAL WEATHERSTRIP CO., INC. Petit. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 289 Higgin All Metal Weather Strips Manufactured and Installed by THE HIGGIN MANUFACTURING CO. Newport, Ky. Sales Agencies in the Larger Cities Throughout the Country. Look up our Local Office in Telephone Directory or write to Newport, Ky. Products: TRACK-UpperSash--f to order. INSERT-Upper Sash- or old buildings. MEETING RAIL=- Service: INSERT-LowerSash-- fam {TRACK-Lower Sash around windows and doors. Higgin All Metal Weather Strips, All Metal Window Screens, Wood Frame Door Screens, Metal Frame Door Screens and Wood Frame Window Screens made (For Sereens see page 293.) We will contract to furnish and install Higgin All-Metal Weatherstrips in new We bring to our task of serving you many years of manufacturing experi- ence in various lines. The HIGGIN ALL METAL WEATHER STRIP has been designed to complete and perfect the task of shutting out unbidden air currents We believe that nothing better exists in its line. But the installation of the strips is just as important as the construction of the strips themselves. It. is, therefore, well to remember that in addition to our sales organization located in principal cities of the country, we also have thoroughly com- petent skilled fitters operating from the same centers to look after the minutest de- The patent INSERT strip makes MHiggin Weatherstrips extra draft-tight. Double Hung Windows: The Higgin Two-Member Track and Insert Equipment for double hung windows consists of a rib track, fitted to the window frame. The rib or raised portion is 9s” high and ex- tends into a groove cut into the edge of sash at jambs, head and sill, This strip called the Track is usually made of zine. Insert: The other strip called the Insert fits into the groove in the sash and is so formed that the spring sides or flanges contact lightly with the raised tongue or rib of the track and effectu- ally seal the aperture. This strip is usually made of spring bronze of very thin gauge metal. The Insert resting on the slightly raised portion at base of rib on track insures easy sliding. Not Affected by Sash Shrinkage: The Higgin Weather Strip is all metal. There is nothing about it to wear out or get out of order. The method of construction is such that the two parts do not cut or damage each other. The sides only of the Insert come in contact with the tongue of the Track. The efficiency of the equip- ment is not affected by shrinkage of the sash. If the sash draws away from the frame the sides of the Insert contact with the tongue of the Track and effectually close the space. Note: The Higgin Track for single member strip may be used without the Insert and is as effective as any other single member strip. This single member strip can be furnished at less cost but it is not so effective as when the two-member track and insert equipment is used. Installation: Lower Sash—The rib track extends to top edge of meeting rail projecting slightly into the parting strip and also lapping under inside stop. Upper Sash—The rib track extends about one inch below meeting rail, projecting slightly into the out- side stop bead. Slot is cut into track to clear pulleys. Head and Sill—Track extends full width of opening. Insert con- cealed in sash groove, at sides, bottom and head, full length. tail of installation. When your contract is placed with the Higgin organization you may rest assured of its having the most painstaking consideration. The meeting rail is equipped with a flat zine or copper strip attached to top rail of lower sash which interlocks with a hook strip attached to the bottom rail of the upper sash. Casement Windows: The top and lock sides are equipped with a flat zine or copper strip attached to sash which interlocks with a hook strip of same metal, secured into the rabbet. The hinged side, a rib track is appled, the raised tongue extending into a groove in the sash. The bottom of out-opening sash are usually equipped the same as for top and lock sides. In- opening sash are equipped with an interlocking trough of either brass or zine. This equipment has proven very efficient in stopping air and water leakage. Doors: In the rabbet at sides and head are attached a compression spring bronze strip which contacts with door as it closes. For the bottom an extruded brass threshold with an interlocking brass hook and spring bronze contact strip makes a thoroughly air and water-tight equipment and provides a handsome and permanent threshold. A line to the Home Office will result in placing you in touch with our nearest sales agency. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE HIGGIN MANUFACTURING CO. 520 Washington Ave. Newport, Ky. Monarch Metal Weather Strips For Wood Windows, Doors & Steel Sash Manufactured by MONARCH METAL PRODUCTS CO. 5020 Penrose Street St. Louis, Mo. Direct Representatives in All Principal Cities of the United States and Canada. (See classified telephone directory) Products Adjustable Metal Weather Strips. For Casement Hardware (See page 246). Literature Write for our Manual on metal Weather Strips for wood windows and doors, and literature for steel sash. CONTRACTORS’, ARCHITECTS’, and ENGINEERS’ SERVICE A complete testing laboratory is maintained to investigate leakage through windows and doors, and an engineering department analyzes and prepares reports on these tests for contractors, architects and engineers. We have direct representatives who will be glad to demonstrate samples and quote prices. Monarch Metal Weather Strips For Double Hung (Sliding) Wood Windows. Monarch standard equipment consists of two member in- terlocking self-adjusting metal weather strips on the sides, with rib and liner at head and sills, and bronze and copper adjustable members at the meeting rail. Monarch Metal Weather Strips are the only self-adjust- ing strips on the market that will take care of the swelling and shrinking of the sash. See details above. For Casement and Doors. Monarch standard equip- ment consists of extra heavy extruded brass bottoms and heavy gauge hardened spring bronze members at top, hinge and lock sides. = For Steel Sash. Monarch Metal Weather Strips for this type of sash is a new development which greatly reduces the inleakage of air in building with steel sash Standard equipment consists of heavy hardened spring bronze securely installed in the sash and frame. Can be furnished for casements, projected type and factory side pivoted windows. In all tests made on the various types of steel sash, standard testing equipment as developed by the Re- ‘search Laboratory of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers at Pittsburgh, Pa., was used. Feaautet deiattant MONARCH METAL PRODUCTS CO., *¥? foucus HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Baker’s Rustless Metal Screens Made by W. J. BAKER COMPANY, Inc. NEWPORT, KENTUCKY NOTE THESE DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF BAKER’S SCREENS Flexible corners allow enough play to insure a perfect fit on sill Each opening is num- bered. Sill and screen numbers correspond. Heavy copper lifts for rais- ing and removing screen Products: This company specializes in the manufacture of Insect Screens—both wood and metal frame. We do not make stock screens but give you a “made-to-measure” screen of the highest quality, yet very reasonable in price. Metal Screens: Our Metal Screens are light and graceful in appear- ance and are recommended because with this form of construction it is possible to reduce the frame-work to a minimum, and to increase the area of screen cloth, admitting more light and air. All of our metal frames are so substantially made and so thoroughly protected against rust that they can be relied on to give years of satisfactory service. Screen Cloth Easily Renewed: A cross section of our metal molding is shown full size in this illustration. Note the round rod that adds strength to frame, clamps the screen cloth se- curely without injuring it, and can be easily removed when new cloth is in- serted in the screen. With this form of construction screen cloth can be stretched taut, preventing absolutely unsightly sagging or bulging. Note also how edge of molding laps over rod, sealing the interior of molding against the entrance of dirt or water. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 202 Stiffening rod — adds strength to frame, holds cloth in place and can be taken out when new cloth is to be replaced Heavy bronze spring holds screen tight in guides Dead soft galvanized iron can be bent back any number of times without breaking, for removal of stiffening rod Special Screens: For double hung windows, sliding sash, or inwardly opening casement windows, outside screens are usually preferred. We build them to cover one-half of the window, or entire opening. Screens slide easily in the guides and are prevented from rattling by a heavy bronze spring—see illustration above. For casement, or hinged windows, opening out, we recommend our inside, twin sliding screens. These screens do not interfere with curtains or draperies and need be opened only part way to operate sash or awnings. Made in Three Styles: B2__Galvanized Steel Frames, enameled. Galva- nized Steel Wire Cloth. Bi—Galvanized Steel Frames, enameled. Copper Wire Cloth. 01—Genuine Copper Frames, plain or oxidized. Cop- per Wire Cloth. No better screen made than this. We use 16-mesh Jersey Copper Screen Cloth—stiff, strong, durable and so closely woven as to keep out the cmallest insects. Screen Doors: We make to order Screen Doors from selected, thor- oughly seasoned wood, with a minimum thickness of 114 inches. When desired, special grille work can be used in lower portion of door to give additional strength and beauty. Estimates Promptly Furnished: Send us your specifications and we will quote prices promptly on Window Screens with rustless metal, or wood, frames; and on Screen Doors. W. J. BAKER Co., Inc., Newport, Ky. Higgin Window and Door Screens No. 1 Rewirable Manufactured and Installed by THE HIGGIN MANUFACTURING CO. Newport, Ky. Sales Agencies in the Larger Cities Throughout the Country. Look up our Local Office in Telephone Directory or write to Newport, Ky. Products: Higgin All-Metal Window Screens, Wood Frame Door Screens, Metal Frame Door Screens and Wood Frame Window Screens made to order. The Higgin Way is to build individual Screens and Doors with Higgin quality in each. Selected by home owners and builders who appreciate the economy of quality. Higgin All- Metal Weather Strips. (See page 290.) Service: This Company has been builders of Screens individually designed, measured, manufactured and installed for over 30 years. The selling organization is made up of men thoroughly trained in the business. Offices have been established in principal cities making every section of the country of easy access to one of these offices. Rep- resentatives of our organization will cheerfully confer with building contractors and home owners as to the best manner of meeting the conditions presented and sug- gest the most artistic as well as practical method of designing the work. Estimates Metal Frame Screen Installation: of cost furnished from any of these local offices or from the home office. Our fitters are experts employed the year around. We are happily placed in this particular as we manufacture and install Higgin All-Metal Weather Strips as well as Higgin Screens and ean, therefore, afford to carry a larger force of competent men than would otherwise be possible. Metal Frame Screens: Are of two types as illustrated numbers 1 and 2. Higgin Metal Frame Screens are made of galvanized steel, enameled both inside and outside so that all unsupported and exposed surfaces of the metal are protected. Frames are also made of solid rolled bronze or copper. Sereens illustrated as No. 1 have frames of hollow construction, so made that no solder is used, thus making it possible to thoroughly enamel the inside as well as the outside of the steel frame and bake it at the high temperatures necessary. The surfaces are plain and smooth. The corners have heavy con- cealed reinforcements, locked mechanically, the out- side moulding or frame being neatly mitered. This results in frames of extreme strength and rigidity. The wire cloth is held in the groove by means of a cam shaped non-resilient spline so formed as to roll into place and lock. This spline can be removed for the purpose of rewiring the screen without dam- age to either spline or frame. There are no sharp edges to cut the netting, which comes in contact with rounded surfaces only. Sereens illustrated as No. 2 are somewhat less in price than No. 1 and are made with an inside frame of 14” galvanized steel or copper clad rod. Around this rod the wire netting is drawn, stretched perfectly tight, and held securely there by the outside mouldings. The netting can not pull out or get loose, and there are no sharp edges bearing against it with a tendency to cut it as it expands or contracts with changes in the atmosphere. Wire Cloth: Is of genuine Anaconda Antique bronze wire, 16 meshes to the inch. Finer mesh cloth can also be furnished. This cloth does not require painting. Will not rust. Double Hung Window Screens: Screens for double hung windows may be single sliding, double sliding, or full length stationary or hinged. The slid- ing and full length stationary screens are fitted with com- pression side springs and seat in metal channels placed on outside stop bead and extend full height of window. Hinge screens seat in outside rabbet against stop bead. They may be either top or side hinged. Casement Window Screens: Screens for casements opening in may be full height sta- tionary set in guides, double sliding or hinged. If double siding, 114-in. space is required for double guides. Case- ments opening out may be screened with hinged screens opening in, or with vertical or horizontal double sliding screens. Hinged screens single or in pairs as conditions de- mand. With hinged screens a rabbet % in. deep and not less than 4% in. wide should be provided. Steel Casements in groups of two or more, windows of Hoffman, Whitney or similar types are conveniently screened with horizontal sliding screens. Screens may be divided into as many sections as necessary. Screens slide in a double groove extruded brass track secured to sill. Door Screens: Higgin doors are all built to order. In width of rails, finish and kind of wood used, they match the corresponding house doors. All joints are mortised and tenoned, glued and wedged. The wire cloth is rolled with a groove and held in place with a rattan spline covered with a flat moulding. The hardware used is of plain design finished to match the house hardware. Grilles and guards are fur- nished when specified and are ornamental as well as protec- tion. Porch Screening: Sereen Porch panels are built to conform to architectural lines of the house and offer an at- tractiveness as well as affording immense satisfaction and com- fort. No. 2 Metal Frame Standard Screen Wood Frame Screens: Are of the highest quality. Built to meet every requirement, as to type, kind of wood and finish. Generally made of White Pine %” thickness. A line to the Home Office will result in placing you in touch with our nearest sales agency. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE HIGGIN MANUFACTURING CO. 520 Washington Ave. Newport, Ky. Copper Roofing Accessories, Copper and Bronze Screen Cloth, Etc. Made by U. T. HUNGERFORD BRASS & COPPER CO. Main Office: 90 White Street, New York, N. Y. Boston 411-429 D Street Baltimore Lombard & South Sts. Pittsburgh 604 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Products Copper Leaders, Gutters, Mitres, Elbows, Shoes, Strainers, Gutter Hangers, Etc. Genuine Bronze and Pure Copper Insect Screen Cloths. Seamless Brass Plumbing Pipe, Brass Fittings and Copper Range Boilers. Copper Nails, Copper and Bronze Tacks. Round Corrugated Copper Leader Hungerford “Star Brand’ Copper Roofing Accessories are economical because they. cannot rust and will never require painting or replacement. The first cost is the last cost. For your protection and as our guarantee of full weight, 99.9% pure Copper, every length of genuine Hungerford “Star Brand’ Copper Leader and Gutter is indelibly embossed. Leader and Gutter in indelibly embossed ‘“‘Hung- erford ‘Star Brand’ 16 oz. Copper” _ Standard sizes and shapes available for immediate delivery from our warehouse stocks, comprise 75° No. 3 Copper Leader Elbow INS Copper Leader, 10 Ft. Exact Lengths lecovactele Iie bie, We, DAUR EYP cue woyel: 7 diameter. Rounds Corrugsateds 2 wore 4 emo aan. 6” diameter. *Square, Corrugated, 2”, 3”, 4” and 5” diameter. Copper Wire Leader Strainer *From long custom this type of Leader is termed ‘“‘Square’”’ whereas it is in reality Rectangular in shape. Actual measure- ments of 2-inch ‘‘Square” lLeader is Copper 19%4"x2%", 3-inch—234”x3144", 4-inch— 234,"x4Y4,", 5-inch—3%4"x5”. Copper Leader Elbows, Shoes, Straps, Strainers and Heads in types and sizes to correspond with Leaders as above. Copper Gutter, 10 Ft. Exact Lengths Half Round, Single Bead, 4”, 5” and 6” diameter. Copper Gutter Mitres, Ends and Caps 4”, 5” and 6” diameter. Copper Wire and Cut Roofing Nails *Copper Gutter Hangers “Monarch” Shank and Circle, 4”, 5” lav (a “Rex. thant .00 maudmor, “X-L” Strapless, 4”, 5” and 6”. *Galvanized or tinned iron hangers should never be used with Copper Gutter. Chemical action and ultimate destruction of the hanger will inevit- ably result. Always use Copper Hangers with Copper Gutter and fas- ten with Copper Nails. Monarch Shank and Circle Copper Gutter Hanger Copper Gutter Philadelphia 510 Arch Street St. Louis 18 Mesh Actual Size Hungerford Genuine Bronze and Pure Copper Screen Cloths for doors, windows and porches, are strong, durable materials that cannot rust and never need painting. Here again, the first cost will be the last cost. Tron or steel wire screening, even when gal- vanized, will inevitably rust. Moreover, it re- quires frequent painting, which means added expense. The difference in cost between either Hun- gerford Genuine Bronze or Pure Copper and Galvanized screening is negligible. Insist upon Hungerford Genuine Bronze and Pure Copper Sereen Cloths. Our label on an unopened roll is a guarantee of quality and dependability. Sizes available for immediate delivery from our warehouse stocks comprise 14, 16 and 18 Mesh, all even widths from 18 to 48 inches, in standard rolls of 100 Lineal Feet. Copper Nails and Tacks are also available for immediate delivery from our warehouse stocks in all standard types and sizes. The heads on Copper Shingle Nails will mever rust and snap off. Copper nails are now being used extensively for laying wood and composition shingles. Hungerford “Star Brand’? Seamless Brass Plumbing Pipe, Pipe Fittings and “B-90”’ Copper Range Boilers are permanent, non-rusting, economical acces- sories that should be installed in every house that is being built for comfort and long service. Catalog and full particulars free upon request. Consultation with our department managers and specialists in the foregoing materials, is freely invited and places you under no obligation whatever. 1224 Boatmen’s Bank Bldg. Cleveland 3035 St. Clair Ave. 16 Mesh Bronze Screen Cloth ‘Seamless Brass Plumbing Pipe GMEE~ For, further details and UT. HUNGERFORD BRASS & COPPER CO. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 90 White Street, New York, N. Y. Ornamental Wire Fences and Screen Wire Cloth Manufactured by WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL COMPANY And Its Subsidiary AMERICAN WIRE FABRICS CORPORATION New York Chicago f Worcester Buffalo Cleveland Detroit San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle For Wire Lath see page 94 Ornamental Wire Fences and Gates Excelsior ornamental wire fences \WICKWIRE SPENCER SALE CAN have no equal in strength, appear- AX aed AI / =a ance or durability, for in no other wire fence can all these three essential features be obtained. Durability is secured through our special process of galvanizing the fabric after assembling, which covers the fabric with a very thick ccating of pure zine, so that there cal wires are small is not even a tiny crevice or unprotected part of the and are wrapped fabric to collect moisture and destroy the usefulness or twisted around of the fence through corrosion. eee ls Excelsior ornamental wire fences because of their - scientific construction, give the maximum of strength Excelsior orna- with comparatively few wires. Every running wire mental iron fences is size No. 9, which has a breaking strain of over and entrance gates 1700 lbs. and every vertical wire is size No. 8, specially are made in a va- hard drawn to give the greatest stiffness. These wires riety of standard sizes and designs suitable for all pur- poses. We are also prepared to con- struct to archi- tects’ plans and specifications, or develop in our engi- style aie te Na Sue BA . ~1 o. 4 oO oO. No oO. 1 5 Mosk Mesh Mesh © Mesh Mesh, Mesh, neering Hoveeoeteny special designs to conform to 6”x6” 3”x6 2”x6 6”x6 24”x6 12”x6 customers’ suggestions and special requirements. are securely locked together at every intersection by Detailed specifications gladly furnished on request. a patented steel clamp, which holds them immovable. The upright No. 8 wire is continuous from top to bot- . ; : tom of the fence, and gives it unusual stiffness verti- American or Clinton Brand Window Screen Cloth eally, where most needed, for it serves to distribute Every variety of sereen cloth in common use— all downward strains equally through the fence. This bronze, copper and zinc-coated—is manufactured by rigidity can not be secured in a fence where the verti- the Wickwire Spencer Steel Co. and its subsidiary, the American Wire Fabrics Corporation. The line includes such famous brands as American Bronze, Clinton Bronze, Galvanoid, Galvex and Zinkaloid. All these screen cloths are distinguished by their perfect weaving, which produces a good strong sel- vage and an even mesh. The bronze cloths, which are recommended in preference to copper because they are more rigid and less likely to sag under tension, is made of an alloy of non-corrosive metals of which copper represents about 90 percent. The Galvanized cloth is made from wires drawn from selected steel and heavily coated with zine. Their beautiful soft gray color cannot be duplicated with other materials, and they possess long life as well as beauty. Write for a catalog describing Wick- £ wire Spencer and American Wire Fabries & screenings. T= For further details and WICKWIRE SPENCER STEEL COMPANY, 41 Epo orty eccoug St. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 995 9 Ornamental Wire and Iron Work Manufactured by STANDARD IRON & WIRE WORKS Chattanooga, Tenn. l) Products: pat als) gi : j : ; itt iin tell The ornamental iron and wire work usually required in the ‘iN g construction of residences consists of Iron Railings for Porches, TY ea j Maal Entrance Steps and Stairs, Areas and Balconies. Wrought =e : Mie FOO [eens Iron Entrance Gates and Fences, Cast Iron Coal Chutes, Clean- out Doors, Ash Dumps, Anchors and Window Lintels, Wire Guards, ete. We make a very complete line of these articles, and on this page give but a few suggestions for porch or balcony railings, gate entrances, ete. For Wrought Iron Lanterns, Door Hardware, etc. see page 467. Certain Types of Houses Need Ornamental Iron Work: Colonial, English, Spanish and Italian types of architecture require the use of ornamental iron work such as iron railings, iron balconies, iron window grilles, iron door hardware, iron lanterns, ete., to finish them off, make them more complete, add to their beauty. tn While these items do not add greatly to the building costs, < | they do add very materially to the attractiveness of houses tee i of the type mentioned, and should never be overlooked. MHP We issue a special folder on Wrought Iron Gates. Balcony and Porch Railings, Iron Balconies, ete., are described and illustrated in Catalog A-21, T DOOOOOOL OLX ees OOK r He Some Types { of Iron | Porch : = es Mreeeeeees: PS SUED FIG 269 FIG 243 ee 27 "Vtersteee, Sohe.a2? STANDARD IRON & WIRE WORKS, Chattanooga, Tenn. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 296 Goder Incinerators For The Home Manufactured By GODER INCINERATOR CORPORATION, 323 N. Michigan Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL. We manufacture Incinerators for every Meed, ranging in size from the smallest home incinerators to the largest city garbage disposal plants CHIMNEY FEED TYPE Solve the garbage and waste problem perfectly by in- stalling a GODER Incinerator. Reduces fire and disease hazards. Tenants willingly pay more rent with a GODER installation. Pays own cost in economy, convenience and safety. QSOS SWo_ ASS) IN AN SSS / 7 SS Y g g g y y ; ey eG iG : Model C-1 Chimney Feed Type Practical Design: The GODER Model C-1 (chimney feed type) is built of brick. Designed for maximum simplicity and efficiency. The intake doors, built of cast iron, are installed in kitch- ens or convenient points where garbage and waste is de- posited in the chimney, which is used both for feeding purposes and smoke outlet. This model is especially de- signed for homes and 2 and 3-flat buildings. _Economical Operation: Materials and waste are deposited in the intake doors and dropped into the Incinerator through the chimney. The waste matter is then burned quickly, completely and without odors. This is made possible by the— Goder Patented Step-Grate Design: All Chimney feed type GODER Incinerators are equipped with this special, exclusive feature. (Note illustration.) Allow perfect passage of drafts through fuel bed. Insures high temperature and complete consumption of waste mat- ter. Hliminates odors entirely. Our representatives are located in all of the principal cities to render competent and valuable engineering assistance to architects, contractors and home builders Low Cost: The GODER Model C-1 is low in first cost because 6f the step-grate, which affords greater burning capacity per square foot of grate area. Less brick work is required. Incinerator takes up less space—Model C-1 requiring a space only 3’5” wide by 4’ deep. Easy Installation: The contractor is furnished with an assembly blue print and, as he builds up the brick work, the intake castings are set into place. The blue print provides complete informa- tion so that the contractor can carry on the installation work simply and correctly. DIRECT FEED TYPE For Small Homes: The GODER Model H-1 has been developed to fill a rap- idly growing need for a small home incinerator at low cost. Positively the most economical incinerator made for the home. It is built as a com- plete unit at the factory and shipped ready for operation. Installed in the basement or any other convenient point. Direct Feed: Waste materials and garbage are carried to the incinerator and fed through the charging door. The principles of design closely follow those of the Chimney Feed Type Incinera- tors. All waste matter thor- oughly burned without odors. Model H-1 Direct Feed Hot Water Heater: If desired, hot water heater can be installed, thus fur- nishing a double efficiency and economy. Specifications for Model H-1: 40” high, 18” wide and 26” deep. Top feed—with 6” chimney flue for connection to furnace chimney. Equipped either for coal or for gas. Lined with refractory lining to give many years of uninterrupted service. DEE "Verature, wite to: GODER INCINERATOR CORPORATION, * dickcof inn.” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Kernerator— The Garbage and Refuse Burner Made By THE KERNER INCINERATOR CO. 702 E. Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. Branches or Agencies in all principal cities. See Telephone Book for Address. Product ator” a built-in-the-chimney flue-fed incin- erator for the prompt, safe and sanitary dis- posal of garbage and refuse of all kinds, by burning, with- out cost. It is made in various sizes to properly meet the requirements of the small bungalow, or the large residence, also for Apartment Buildings, Schools and Hospitals. Description: (Refer to illustration opposite) The Kernerator consists of a brick combustion chamber, with fire brick lining, located in the basement of the build- ing into which is built a special arrangement of grates with patented by pass flue to provide proper Draft control to insure complete successful and odorless combustion of Gar- bage and Waste. One or more receiving Hopper Doors (shown below) are located in the flue (Regular Chimney) on the floor or floors above. In homes the Hopper Door is located in or near the kitchen. The Flue serves as a fall-way for garbage and waste deposited in the Hopper Door; also as a chimney to carry off the products of combustion during burnings. The Incinerator is constructed in accordance with detailed working drawings which are furnished with the parts. The drawings are clear, and the construction simple—so that the mason has no difficulty in building it. No Smoke, Heat or Odor Escapes Into Room: There is always a draft into a chimney from the building. When the hopper door is open (when depositing refuse) air is drawn into the flue from the room—there is never any pos- sibility of smoke, heat or odor escaping into the room— the suction of the draft into and up the flue prevents that. Operation Into the hopper door is put all refuse of every kind— garbage, tin cans, broken bottles, sweepings, waste paper— everything that is no longer wanted. This falls down the flue into the incinerator in the basement where it distributes itself on the grates into a more or less separated and loose pile permitting draft, fire and heat to circulate through and around it. When the incinerating chamber is nearly full the waste is ignited and the whole mass burns without further atten- tion. Watermelon rinds and other large pieces of vegetable matter may not be entirely consumed in one burning, but they will be smoked, sterilized and dried and will form fuel for the next burning. The fire sterilizes the entire chimney flue, maintaining a Sanitary condition throughout. The smoke soots the chim- ney walls and prevents any garbage from adhering to them. The inside of the incinerator contains soot, gas and creosote —all preservatives created by the action of the flames—- which kill all odors and germs. Garbage cannot decay between burnings for the same reason that meats do not decay when stored in the old-fashioned smokehouse. Every few months, or as often as desired, the ashes, tin cans and other non-combustible material accumulated on the grates can be dumped into the ashpit and removed. The Handy Hopper Door Is conveniently lo- cated in the kitchen, where table refuse is immediately disposed or without leaving the room. No trips outside to a garbage receptable. No accu- mulation of rubbish in céllar) Vor) attic waiting for “Clean- up Week,” (SS ee eer RNERATOR The By-Pass Flue and This company manufactures the “Kerner- REG. U. & PAT. OFF. Vertical Grate At the side of the horizontal grate on which refuse falls is the by-pass or vertical grate. Behind this is the by-pass or secondary flue. During burnings air comes up this flue, passes through the vertical grate and feeds heated oxygen to the fire, which is always on top of the burning material. Gases liberated from the refuse by the heat pass up through the flames and are consumed. This is what enables the Kernerator to destroy all waste without the addition of commercial fuel, and it is an exclusive patented feature, RECEIVING HOPPER DOOR (OPEN) RoOATENT. BACK APRON CLOSES FLUEWHEN DOOR IS OPEN KITCHEN FIRE AN DRAFT DOOR BY PASS FLUE PATENTED 3BY PASS GRATE PATENTED ASH ANO DRAFT DOOR DUMPING Patented Aug. 25, 1914, ‘Macs 18, 1919. Notice the draft reaching point of burning through By- pass grate. The fire burns from top downward, consuming offensive odors. For further details and literature, write to: =~ THE KERNER INCINERATOR CO. 702 E. Water St. MILWAUKEE, WIS. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page a ee Kernerator—The Garbage and Refuse Burner (Continued) Three Distinguishing Points The Kernerator destroys all refuse on the premises where it originates—destroys it by burning—burns it without cost —in the most convenient, sanitary and economical way, with only one handling. Advantages Sanitary—All unsanitary garbage and refuse containers, pits and screened locations are done away with. Nothing to draw flies, or other disease-carrying insects or vermin. Authorities agree that the proper method of garbage and waste disposal is to burn it on premises under the proper conditions. Safety—Waste piles are a fertile breeding ground for disease germs. Accumulations of rubbish in the basement are an eyer present fire and health hazard. The Kernerator eliminates this nuisance and danger. Convenience—The safe disposal of all table, kitchen and household waste, is done immediately without effort. Seventy percent of the housewife’s time is spent in “cleaning-up.” Much of this time is saved by the handy Kernerator door, right there in the kitchen. Economy—The Kernerator costs nothing to operate. The waste itself is fuel for its own destruction. Money Back Guarantee Every Kernerator is sold with the understanding that the method of burning, storing and sterilizing kitchen waste and household refuse in the Kenerator is strictly sanitary and efficient. Any time within six months after installing, in accordance with plans and specifications, and after a reason- able and fair trial, should method not prove satisfactory, metal parts may be returned to the Company and within 15 days all money paid the Company for them will be refunded together with transportation charges. Note: With thousands of installations and years of service we have never had an Incinerator re- turned to us. Flue Areas The schedules below governs the minimum inside flue areas for chimneys to serve the Kernerator: Where one Hopper Door is installed on first floor 12”x12” flue; where Hopper Doors are installed on 2 to 6 floors 16”x16” flue; 7 to 10 Floors 20”x20” flue, or larger flues in each instance. Include Kernerator in Building Plans The best time to install a Kernerator is when the founda- tion of a home is built—include it in the general masonry bids. If added as an extra the masonry costs may be higher. If there is a 12”x12” flue in or near the kitchen, the in- stalling of a Kernerator in an existing home is a simple matter. Smoke or vent pipes from boilers, furnaces, ranges, water heaters, etc., may be connected to the same chimney as the Kernerator if desired without any interference with their operation or that of the Kernerator. The one exception is fireplace flues—which cannot be joined to same flue as Kernerator. Special Service We have sets of different basement layouts for incin- erators, one of which will undoubtedly fit into your plans without any changes. These suggested layouts will be gladly mailed on request. A general view of a Kernerator as installed in the average home with the conve- nient Hopper Door in the kit- chen —a feature highly prized by every housewife. BBA¥e RESENSCRRRET UE SSE AN For further details and = literature, write to: THE KERNER INCINERATOR CO. 702 E. Water St. MILWAUKEE, WIS. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Electric Wiring of Dependable Quality Guarantees the Comfort and Convenience of the Home What Is It People Look for Ina Home Today? they are missed. Certainly it is cheaper. For a long time builders pointed every Many home owners say, ‘‘If only I could effort at charm. Graceful lines, colorful plan the wiring of this house over again.”’ roofing and interesting arrangement of How much better to study the matter out rooms were the things considered and rec- carefully first. _. Wiring Is Just a Gi Ole n.dre ge Small Part of many times in || the planning of |] ; moe : the Cost a:home. Es i. || Wiring costs Today, one | - | little in pro- more topic has |} ‘| portion to the reached the [| total cost of conference — ff | | building. A e ke ction ce complete wir- ity. Wiring the }} “4 ' ing system of house to get |] g good quality is beautiful and |] if |.a well paying correct lighting || ? she a | investment. — wiring the fi, ZI Bs | With the new house to lighten | | 2 La eo oi | intelligence housekeeping ] ™ \ EZ =) See YY) concerning wit- duties — wiring |} = i= ius tan) © ‘ing, demand (| for the high- = quality system || has become in- | sistent. Today it to get com- # plete comfort— || these are the |] § << a acer ideals of. to- | Rae Oe Ha E day’s home- | aap | everyone re- planners. And | a || || Eee) LL | | = ii ho : alizes that ul- time spent over | ee —— i ee, || timate economy wiring plans is : : nee ae rts tS and safety de- well spent, in- | | pend on it and deed! Wiring | | that no home is no less im- | | is desirable un- portant than | | pe M ae Nee the heating | ma comfort an d plumbin g . peas itlan ee: Me ee ° layouts. And what conference between Complete Wirin Adds Value to the House Le Ge Le builder and would-be home owner is com- The installation of a complete system of plete without these matters being discussed wiring for electricity always puts into the in great detail? house a value far in excess of the small sum which the wiring actually costs. It repre- Planning Wiring from the Start sents value that will be returned in full Wiring is hidden in the walls. That is should the house be sold, or value that will why it pays to plan it very carefully before bring its own annual interest-—-will help pay for itself if the house should be rented. In other words, the value of a complete electrical wiring installation is not to be measured in terms of the walls are finished. After-jobs are al- ways costly. It is just as easy—in fact easier—to put all the lights and switches expense, but rather as an investment both for per- right in at the start instead of waiting until sonal convenience and real profit in the end. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 300 Electric Wiring of Dependable Quality Guarantees the Comfort and Convenience of the Home Complete Wiring for Complete Comfort Homebuilders today react very quickly to complete wiring in a finished house or merely in plan form. They know it means complete comfort. Just suppose you could go through such a house as this. Picture to yourself what your reaction would be. A Friendly Doorway The doorway is hospitable. Its bracket hghts, one on either side, guide guests to the door and gleam a welcome. oe i A Pleasant Hall At the first step indoors you come within reach of a tumbler switech—at once the whole hall is flooded with light. You no- tice a convenience outlet in the baseboard. It suggests the decorative lamp set on a table, or a cooling electric fan. You also see at a glance how easy it will be to keep the hall clean. Your vacuum cleaner will plug in conveniently. Another button at the foot of the stairs catches your eye. You press it curiously and the light in the hall upstairs gleams out, brightening the whole stair-way. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 301 'A Living Room that Gives Living-Ease Now turn into the living room. You cannot but approve of the way the fixtures are arranged. The centre fixture lights the whole room cheerfully. The wall brackets throw interesting spots of light into the corners. There are a number of convenience outlets. (The rule of the house is an outlet to every 50 square feet of floor space.) You can picture the glowing lamps—one near a big comfortable reading chair—one in the corner where you might stage a card game and one next to the piano. And then you can imagine a comforting electric fan in the room next summer, direct connected radio set, and of course the electric vacuum cleaner in cleaning hours. The whole room suggests ease, charm, and restfulness. A Dining Room With Extra Comforts Now for the dining room. Probably the first things that interest you are the extra number of convenience outlets—extra comforts. Immediately a picture flashes into your mind. You are seated at breakfast. The electric coffee percolator is bubbling in front of you. Easy to reach out and take a fresh cup without stirring from your seat. And fresh toast is crisping in the electric toaster. Everything within reach. Then you’ notice the lighting. The centre fixture throws a pleasant amount of light on the table, and the wall brackets add to the charm of the room. See Next Page Electric Wiring of Dependable Quality Guarantees the Comfort and Convenience of the Home Light Housekeeping in the Kitchen Through the swinging door and into the kitchen. ‘‘ Will housekeeping be a burden of long hours and tedious tasks?’’ That’s the question in your mind as you look about. But very soon all doubts are set at rest. You notice that the lighting is care- fully planned—no shadows to make kitchen jobs harder. There’s a center fixture on the ceiling for the main illumination. There’s a lamp over the sink and a lamp over the kitchen table. The electrical stove is a great convenience—no coal or ashes to eart—and no fuel odors. In a wall placed at arm’s height you notice a twin con- venience outlet. You won’t have to stoop to plug in electrical kitchen utensils—elec- tric egg beater, household motor for mix- ing bread, ice cream freezer, meat grinder. And then, too, this outlet is near the sink and it can be used for the electric dish- washer. A Sun Parlor Planned for Leisure HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 302 Before mounting the stairs you explore the sun parlor. You see at a glance that it is the sort of a place you will enjoy lounging in. The centre light, brightening the whole room, may be turned on from the dining room before you step out. There is a twin convenience outlet in the baseboard. A table lamp will fit in here, possibly for a desk; for the sun parlor is a pleasant spot to work in. Occasionally you may want to bring your coffee percolator out here, or have a chafing- dish party. The convenience outlet will come in very handy. There is also another one on the wall opposite—up high. An electric fan will be an added comfort here. And, of course, the sun parlor will be just as easy to keep clean as the other rooms. The vacuum cleaner will do the job quickly. Up a Well-Lighted Stairway Back to the hall where at the click of a switch a full ight is thrown on the stairway and the hall above is also lighted. Once up the stairs you can turn off the downstairs light with a switch at the top of the stairs. The upper hall has the same con- venience that the lower had. The convenience out- lets are for an extra lamp, an electric fan, or the vacuum cleaner. A Bedroom with all the Details of Comfort Then into a bedroom. At once you see that comfort has been planned and put right into its walls. The centre light switches on at the door. On the wall there are two sets of two brackets placed to accommo- date a dressing table and a desk between them. No shadows to disturb you when you are dressing or writing—the light on either side takes care of that. And then there is a convenience outlet at the base- board next to the dressing table. You can use this for hair curler, vibrator, immersion heater. The convenience outlet at the desk is for an extra lamp. See Next Page Electric Wiring of Dependable Quality Guarantees the Comfort and Convenience of the Home Looking over at the beds you see a convenience outlet between them, and if you like to read in bed, you mentally place a lamp and a table there. You also are pleased to see that there is a switch in the wall within your reach when in bed, by which you ean turn on and off the lights of the room, You then open the closet door—and find it lighted. No squinting about in the dark for clothes. When you shut the door the light goes off. No forgetting to turn off the hght when you’re in a hurry. It’s automatic, controlled by the opening and closing of the door. And the Bathroom Has Special Comforts The bathroom is the next room to inspect. It is just as complete. the center fixture. There are two brackets on either side of the mirror to throw even light without shadow. And a convenience outlet at arm’s height in the wall makes it possible for you to attach a heater or elec- trical toilet accessories. That completes the second floor, for the other bedrooms and bathrooms are equally pleasant and complete. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG A switch near the door lights up « 303 Even the Cellar Is Cheerful And so down you go two flights turning on and off lights as you go. The laundry is in the cellar—and here electricity is of the utmost importance. The place is well lit with one powerful centre lamp. A double convenience outlet in the wall at. arm’s height takes care of the electric washing machine, ironing machine, or electric iron. In another corner of the cellar are the vege- table and coal bins and the heater room. A lamp is centrally placed at each of these spots. And in the heater room you see the safety distribution panel and safety switch —safety-assurance for the whole wired house. With a final look at the cellar, your tour of inspection is over. You step back to the hall and announce —approval or disap- proval? Surely, approval! Today People Want to Buy COMFORT As Well As a Home Such a home as the one just described wins immediate approval. It brings up pictures of happy hours—of daily living without the usual worry and fuss—of ease at work and comfort during leisure. People are willing—more than that — anxious, to pay for this. The little differ- ence in the cost of a meagerly wired home and a home with complete wiring system does not count in the face of such comfort. And the finished or planned home that has comfort built right into its walls wins imme- diate favor with father, mother, children, everyone! See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by @wirinc SYSTEM — for lifetime service GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. The Importance of Quality Wiring With wires and wiring materials built into the walls and hidden under floorboards, the only safe and economical wiring is the » kind that will last as long as the building. That is why it is so important to use only G-E materials from start to finish. A Feature that Adds Value to a House If you can show a man or a woman how completely a house 18S = wired, for utmost com- fort and convenience, you have a valuable selling point for the house. If you can also say that the Wiring material is G-E throughout, you have a ready proof of quality construction in the hid- den points. For G-E are the initials of a friend not only to the archi- tectural profession and members of the electrical industry but are equally well and favorably known to the great army of American house-holders and owners. The house, with the G-E wiring sys- tem in it, commands a higher price—anda quicker sale. What Is a G-E Wiring System? The G-E Wiring Sys- tem is a system of house- wiring, embodying ade- quate outlets conveniently controlled, and using G-E materials throughout. It pro- vides a minimum of one lighting outlet and one convenience outlet for every fifty square feet of floor space and switch control at every doorway. It is a guaranteed wiring system, be- cause General Electric, with all its prestige and reputation, stands squarely behind the quality of every piece of G-E ma- terial. It is a G-E contribution to the well-being and prosperity of American home-owners. 7 G-E Wiring System Simplifies Bids and In- sures Quality Installation 4p Having specified the G-E Wiring System, the general contractor knows that all elec- trical contractors are basing their bids on identical material; and that variations in bids represent factors other than the quality of the materials used on the job. By specifying and installing the G-E wiring system, both building and electrical con- tractors may unreservedly guarantee satis- faction and trouble-free service for the life of the house itself. When the G-E Wir- ing System is speci- fied, the builder is assured of a complete service which relieves him of the trouble of examining, classifying : and specifying the diver- q sified products of a num- ber of manufacturers; and he retains authority over the wiring installation. This is a mighty important fact to remember, for this is a feature just as individual to the G-I Wiring System as is the excellence of the products — themselves. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Mgshandise Division, See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. The G-E Wiring System is Advertised It is always easier to sell a product that is made by a manufacturer whom every- body knows. The G-E Wiring System is advertised from coast to coast, in two- color pages in the Saturday Evening Post. This campaign is making the average man and woman acquainted with wiring systems —appreciate the importance of quality wiring—and willing to pay for the highest quality. Nationally Electrical Specification Data General Electric engineers, working with experienced architects throughout the country, have prepared a book of ‘‘speci- fication data’’ for architects, and a com- panion book for contractors. Any architect, or a builder who plans a house without the help of an architect, can list his wiring specifications in accurate detail, simply by copying from this book. It has specifica- tions for five different types of houses, ranging in value from $6,000 to $50,000. This book, ‘‘ Electrical Specification Data for Architects,’’ is now available, without charge. G-E Proposal Forms To help the electrical contractor—but just as much, to help the builder or architect to study his wiring bids quickly and simply —General Electric has prepared ‘‘proposal sheets’’ for the presentation of wiring bids. Every electrical contractor using G-E ma- terials can obtain a supply of these, and you will be making your own job easier if you insist on seeing the bid neatly outlined for quick reading on a G-E form. How the “Home of a Hundred Comforts’ Helps the Builder Any builder planning a home for a pros- pect will find this book one that his prospec- tive client can understand and enjoy—that will help him in his house planning—and sell him the idea of wanting a complete G-E Wiring System. This book will help the builder, too, when he talks plans andprices. Ask your electrical contrac- tor for a copy , of the ‘‘Home = ~ of a Hundred i ES ~Comforts’’. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 9erenger, “Conn” See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY — for lifetime service Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. S IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service GHTS, SWITCHES and CoNVENTENCE ed by GENERAL ELECTRIC in | COMFORTS IsOMETRIC DRAWING of FIRST FLOOR “Tae Home oF A HUNDRED Our1ets, as plann showing Li TLR L] yy } TRE De ee ey y dane Ce aS _ > a ——__—_—_——<<——— Ss NS = _ gE et a igre’ detiils ong GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division, Bridgeport, Conn. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 306 General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY pve SYSTEM Merchandise Division Gwinne SYSTEM Sor lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. First Floor Outlet Diagram To light outside of garage = 6"from floor n upper hall ea LIVING UP ‘to light i © =Ceiling Outlet for Extensions (Flexits)} 4©- = Wall Outlets fer Extensions (Elexits) 1O- = Wall Outlet Total Outlets—82 Type of Outlet Ast Floor | Cellar | Garage Wall Switch Outlets 20 6 Be =) = Single Convenience Outlet Wall Light Outlets 15 Sls ? . Ceiling Light Outlets 8 6 2 bom = Double Converience Outlet S = Double-pole Tumbler Switch Convenience Outlets 16 3 2 Range Outlet I Os = Floor Outlet SS = Three-way Tumbler Switch = O itl ze @ og nani S* =Four-way Tumbler Switch Bo = Single-pole Tumbler Switch Note——wWhere Elexits are indicated other types of outlets may be substituted. * Vestibule * Hall 42—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 44 Ceiling ache hirise ne patie cee Augy tame eo bee a s Elexit. 39—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 38 Ceiling 43—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls Nos. 45 and 46 Blexit. Entrance Lights. 40—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 44 Vesti- 44Ceiling Elexit LX200. 25-watt lamp is recommended. bule Elexit. *The numbers in this column identify the outlets shown on floor plan. GoM Foy further detascnt GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY $ritzeport, Conn.” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 307 | General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY IRING SYSTEM. feet IRING SYSTEM. — for lifetime service Merchandise Division ~ for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Hall— (Continued ) y * Notse.—Where Elexits are indicated other types of outlets may be substituted. 41—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls Nos. 45 and 46 Entrance Lights. 47—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 101 Upper Hall Ceiling Elexit. 36—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for table lamp, vacuum cleaner, ete. 38—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 50-watt lamp is recommended. Living Room 25—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 29 Ceiling Elexit. 19—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 29 Ceiling Elexit. 26—S-P. Tumbler. Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 20, 21, 23, 27, 32 and 34 Wall Elexits. 18—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 16 Ceiling Elexit. 24—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 22—Sinegle Convenience Outlet GE658 31—-Single Convenience Outlet GE658 33—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 35—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 28—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | 30—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 ) pipe 20—Wall Elexit LX111. 15-watt lamp is recommended. 21—Wall Elexit LX111. 15-watt lamp is recommended. 23—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 27—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 32—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 34—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 29—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 200-watt lamp is recommended. Sun Porch 17—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for portable lamps, fan, cooking appliances, vacuum cleaner, furnishes power for portable lamps, elec- trically operated mu- sical instruments, vac- uum cleaners, fans, etc. 16—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 75 watts if lamp is of diffusing quality, otherwise only 50, is recommended. Dining Room 48—3-Way Tumbler Switch GEH1690, controls No. 54 Ceiling Elexit. 60—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 54 Ceiling Elexit. 49—8-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 50, 52, 56, 59, 62, Wall Elexits. 51—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | 55—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 57—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 58—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 { 61—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | : 53—Sinele Convenience Outlet GE658 } PEON sue. 50—Wall Elexit LX111. Two 15-watt lamps are recommended. 52—Wall Elexit LX111. Two 15-watt lamps are recommended. 56—Wall Elexit LX111. Two 15-watt lamps are recommended. 59—Wall Elexit LX111. Two 15-watt lamps are recommended. 62—Wall Elexit LXIII. Two 15-watt lamps are recommended. 54—Ceiling Elexit LX200. Two 100-watt lamps in dome fix- ture are recommended. Kitchen 69—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 64 Ceiling Elexit. furnishes power for cooking applances, electric candlesticks, glow heater, fan, vacu- *The numbers in this column identify the outlets shown on floor plan. 68—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 64 Ceiling Elexit. 66—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for fan, utility motor, beaters, iron, ete. 63—Special Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for electric range. 65—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 67—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 64—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 100-watt lamp is recommended. Back Hall and Porch 75—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 12 Main Cellar Light. 71—Single-pole Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 70 Hall Center Elexit. 72—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 73 Back Poreh Light. 74—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 132 Light Outside Garage. 70—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 73—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. Cellar 11—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 12 Main Cellar Light. 1—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 2 Heater Room Light. 5—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 4 Fuel Room Light. 7—S8-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 6 Storage Room Light. 8—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 9 Laundry Light. 14—-S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 15 Vegetable Room Light. 3—Single Convenience GE658, furnishes power for trouble light, fan, ete. ; 10—Twin Convenience Outlet GEeo4 | furnishes [eat for potentiate tools, washing 13—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 : : jmachine, ironer, ete. 2—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 4—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 6—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 9—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 12—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 15—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Garage 132—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 132 Light Outside Garage. 133—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 173 Back Porch Light. 134—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 137 Center Light. 135—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for Tungar battery chargers, electric tools and appliances. 137—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 138—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. Eee o—_ For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Mgchandise Division, See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by wine SYSTEM GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY @winwnc SYSTEM — for lifetime service Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. — for lifetime service DoE Dew, Isometric DrawiNG of SECOND FLOOR showing Licuts, SwrtcHes and CONVENIENCE LETS as planned by GENERAL ELECTRIC in THE Home or A HuNnpRED ComFrorts Oor ro = For further details and GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY orenenes Pee literature, write to: oa a I ac Sa et ak uc ak RE eet tae SL HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 309 See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ee SYSTEM Merchandise Division €wirinc SYSTEM — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. — for lifetime service Ss To Tight in “7 ss lower hall plait airs ot of st 2 ~~ i 0 WY \|To Second Floor Outlet Diagram KEY C} = Ceiling Outlet S? = Single-pole Tumbler Switch -@- = Ceiling Outlet for Extensions (Elexits) S? = Double-pole Tumbler Switch H@- = Wall Outlets for Extensions (Elexits) G? = Three-way Tumbler Switch =) = Single Convenience Outlet : Ge = Four-way Tumbler Switch {2 = Double Convenience Outlet GP? = Door Switch Note.—Where Elexits are indicated other types of outlets may be substituted. Total Outlets—56 Type of Outlet 2nd Floor | Atvic Wall Switch Outlets 10 2 Door Switch Outlets ys die Wall Light Outlets 17 Ceiling Light Outlets 9 I Convenience Outlets 13 a pete Soleil Tend GENERAL ELECTRIC COMP ANY Merchandise Division, Bridgeport, Conn. SOE eee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 310 General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM. — for lifetime service GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service Specifications for Second Floor * Upper Hall 103—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1680, controls No. 38 Lower Hall Light. 129—4-Way Tumbler Switch GE1691, controls No. 101 Upper Hall Light. 127—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 101 Upper Hall Light. 102—Single Convenience Outlet GE658, furnishes power for lamp, fan, vacuum cleaner, ete. 101—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 50-watt lamp is recommended. Linen Closet 105—Door Switch GE273, controls No. 104 Drop Light. 104—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264, 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Bath Room 109—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 110 Ceiling Elexit. : “s 106—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for immersion heater, glow heater, ete. 107—Wall Elexit LX111, 25-watt (brackets alone 50-watt) lamp is recommended. 108—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt (brackets alone 50-watt) lamp is recommended. 110—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 75-watt lamp is recommended. Bed Room No. 1 128—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 116 Ceiling Elexit. 115—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 116 Ceiling Elexit. 112—Door Switch GE273, controls No. 111 Closet Drop Light. 118—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 aaee rae Lat for 123—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 pees cue pe 114—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 ee ech a See at, 124—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for lamps, toilet accessories, ete. 113—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 117—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 122—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 125—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 126—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 116—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 100-watt lamp is recommended. 111—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 2 Bed Room No. 2 100—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 80 Ceiling Hlexit. 85—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 80 Ceiling Hlexit. 120—Door Switch GE273, controls No. 121 Closet Drop Light. eee power for 86—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 lamps, vacuum clean- 88—Sinegle Convenience Outlet GE658 los 79—Single Convenience Outlet ey ake 77—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for lamps, toilet accessories, ete. 81—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 76—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 82—Wall Hlexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 78—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 87—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 80—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 100-watt lamp is recommended. 121—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. sewing machines, Bed Room No. 3 96—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 89 Ceiling Elexit. 83—3-Way Tumbler Switch GEH1690, controls No. 89 Ceiling Elexit. 98—Door Switch GE273, controls No. 97 Closet Drop Light. furnishes power for 84—-Single Convenience Outlet GE658 |lamps, electric toys, 91—Single Convenience Outlet GH658 {milk warmer, vacuum ) cleaner, ete. 94—Twin Convenience Outlet GEH694, furnishes power for candlesticks, vibrator, glow heater, ete. 95—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 99—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 90—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 92—Wall Hlexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 93—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 89—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 75-watt lamp is recommended. 97—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Attic 119—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls Center Drop Light. 130—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls Center Drop Light. 131—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 75-watt lamp is reecom- mended. *The numbers in this column identify the outlets shown on floor plan. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY gshandise Rivision, See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by @wininc SYSTEM — for lifetime service GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. to Sat ops BEER SY LIVING IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service To light outside of garage 4'-6"from floor KITCHEN gd Alternative Outlet Diagram No. 1—First Floor Toral Outlets —66 > = Ceiling Outlet +O = Wal Outlet 49 = Single Convenience Outlet tst Floor Type of Outlet Cellar | Garage Wall Switch Outlets 3 TOaem pay Pa iS Wall Light Outlets LON | ‘C Ceiling Light Outlets PPR oa test Convenience Outlets eae aaa | 1 KEY 12, = Double Convenience Outlet S = O- = Floor Outlet GS = Sie Single-pole Tumbler Switch ie Double-pole Tumbler Switch Three-way Tumbler Switch Four-way Tumbler Switch For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY SaleZ Merchandise Division, Bridgeport, Conn. See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ans SYSTEM Merchandise Division pat SYSTEM ~ etime service = — jor lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Specifications for Alternative Diagram No. 1 First Floor # Vestibule i 42—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 44 Ceiling 66—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for Light. fan, utility motor, beaters, iron, ete. 43—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 45 and 46 Entrance Lights. 44—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264, 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Hall 39—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 38 Ceiling Light. 40—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 44 Vesti- bule Light. 47—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 101 Upper Hall Ceiling Light. 36—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for table lamp, vacuum cleaner, ete. Living Room 25—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 29 Ceiling Light. 19—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 29 Ceiling Light. 18—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 16 Ceiling Light. 22—Twin Convenience Outlet GH694 portable lamps, 33—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 electrically ope-ry- 28—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 ( ated musical in- 380—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 struments, vacuum cleaners, fans, ete. 20—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 21—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 34—Wall Fixture Outlet. 50-watt lamp is recommended. 29—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 200-watt lamp is rec- ommended. | “tera power for Sun Porch 17—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for portable lamps, fan, cooking appliances, vacuum cleaner, ete. 16—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GH264. 75-watt lamp is ree- ommended. Dining Room 48—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 54 Ceiling Light. 60—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 54 Ceiling Light. 55—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 es ne for 57—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 ae pow 2 are 58—Sinele Convenience Outlet GH658 ge tes te lor ie oD 61—Twin Convenience Outlet GH694 Se eens 53—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | pipe er ee Stead: ; : 50—Wall Fixture Outlet. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 56—Wall Fixture Outlet. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 59—Wall Fixture Outlet. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 54—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 100-watt lamp is rec- ommended. Kitchen 69—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 64 Ceiling Light. 68—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 64 Ceiling Light. 65—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 67—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 64—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GH264. 100-watt lamp is rec- ommended. Back Hall and Porch 75—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 12 Main Cellar Light. 71—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 70 Hall Cen- ter Light. 72—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 73 Back Porch Light. 74—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No, 132 Light Outside Garage. 70—Ceiling Fixture Outlet GE264. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 73—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. Cellar 11—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 12 Main Cellar Light. 1—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 2 Heater Room Light. 5—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 4 Fuel Room Light. 7—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 6 Storage Room Light. 8—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 9 Laundry Light. 14—S8-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE970, controls No. 15 Vegetable Room Light. 3—Single Convenience Outlet GE658, furnishes power for trouble light, fan, ete. 10—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 electric tools, wash- 13—Twin Convenience Outlet GH694 furnishes power for ing machine, ironer, Te eke: 2—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEO088, 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. ; 4—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEO88. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 6—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 9—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 12—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEO88. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 15—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEO088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Garage 132—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 132 Light Outside Garage. 133—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 73 Back Poreh Light. 134—8-P. Switch GE1688, controls No. 137 Center Light. 135—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for Tungar battery chargers, electric tools and appliances. 137—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 138—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. *The numbers in this column identify the outlets shown on floor plan. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY gizzets, “Comm.” See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by wi GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY aw Sy We eat Merchandise Division cpa Ate BRIDGEPORT, CONN. To light in lower hall irs atticDOWN ight in _” Ge Oo 3 Qe 0 Dt) Nn 12 \ UP) To S8and | BED ROOM (NO.2) 78 79 (E) A) Alternative Outlet Diagram No. 1 Second Floor Total Outlets—,4o Type of Outlet 2nd Floor | Attic” Wall Switch Outlets 6 2 Door Switch Outlets 2 ; Wall Light Outlets 13 Ceiling Light Outlets 5 I Convenience Outlets II - Key 2@. = Ceiling Outlet fe. = Double Convenience Outlet S° = Three-way Tumbler Switch : ion . 16. = Wall Outlet Ss = Single-pole Tumbler Switch G* = Four-way Tumbler Switch 2 é p= i i) = Single Convenience Outlet S? = Double-pole Tumbler Switch S Dees babi etree ee GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division, Bridgeport, Conn, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 314 General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM —JSor lifetime service GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Specifications for Alternative Diagram No. 1 Second Floor * Upper Hall 103—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 38 Lower Hall Light. 127—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 101 Upper Hall Light. 102—Single Convenience Outlet GE658, furnishes power for lamp, fan, vacuum cleaner, ete. 101—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 50-watt lamp is recom- mended. Linen Closet 105—Door Switch GE273, controls No. 104 Drop Light. 104—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEH264. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Bath Room 109—S-P, Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 110 Ceiling Light, 106—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for immersion heater, glow heater, ete. 107—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 108—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 110—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. Bed Room No. 1 128—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 116 Ceiling Light. 112—Door Switch GE273, controls No. 111 Closet Drop Light. furnishes power for 118—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 114—-Single Convenience Outlet GE658 lamps, vacuum cleaner, sewing ma- chine, ete. 124—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for lamps, toilet accessories, ete. 125—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 126—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. * 116—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 100-watt lamp is rec- ommended. 111—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE264. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Bed Room No. 2 100—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 87, 78, 82, 76 and 81 Wall Lights. 86—Single Convenience Outlet GE658, furnishes power for lamps, vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, etc. furnishes power for lamps, toilet acces- sories, etc. 79—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | 77—Twin Convenience Outlet GEH694 J 81—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 76—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 82—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 78—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 87—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. Bed Room No. 3 96—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 93, 92, 90, 95 Wall Lights. 84—-Single Convenience Outlet GH658 91—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 lamps, electric toys, milk warmer, vac- uum cleaner, ete. | “limps, power for 94—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for candlesticks, vibrator, glow heater, ete. 95—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 90—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 92—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 93—Wall Fixture Outlet. 25-watt lamp is recommended. Attic 119—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690 \ controls Center Drop 130—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690 { Light. 131—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GH264. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. *The numbers in this column identify the outlets shown on floor plan. WIRING SYSTEM —for lifetime service For further details and literature, write to: Bridgeport, Conn. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by 2 Bw: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ew PONG Sta Merchandise Division TING ae BRIDGEPORT, CONN. to light outside of garage 4'-6" from floor LIVING Alternative Outlet Diagram No. 2 First Floor Total Outle ts—74 Type of Outlet 1st Floor | Cellar | Garage Wall Switch Outlets 16 6 3 Wall Light Outlets 13 Ceiling Light Outlets 8 PAG 2 Convenience Outlets 14 3 2 Range Outlet I KEY -- = Ceiling Outlet for Extensions (Elexits) 2, = Double Convenience Outlet Ss = Double-pole Tumbler Switch 4@> = Floor Outlet iO- = Wall Outlet we S = Three-way Tumbler Switch 46 = Wall Outlets for Extensions (Elexits) © = Range Outlet S = Four-way Tumbler Switch 19 = Single Convenience Outlet S* = Single-pole Tumbler Switch Nore.— Where Elexits are indicated other types of outlets may be substituted. Gp For, further details 22d GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY “$siiztson, Comm.” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 316 General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division €Bwininc SYSTEM — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Specifications for Alternative Diagram No. 2 First Floor IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service i Vestibule 42—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 44 Ceiling Elexit. 44—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 25-watt lamp is recommended. Hall 39—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 38 Ceiling Elexit. 40—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 44 Vestibule Elexit. 41—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 45 and 46 Entrance Lights. 47—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 101 Upper Hall Ceiling Elexit. 36—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for table lamps, vacuum cleaner, etc. 38—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 50-watt lamp is recommended. Living Room 25—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 29 Ceiling Elexit. 19—§8-P. Tumbler Switch GEH1688, controls Nos. 21, 20, 23, 34 and 32 Wall Elexits. 18—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 16 Ceiling Elexit. 24—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 acta f 22—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 et ae oe 31—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 oe ii e aes ae 33—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 (* 8 ¥ Operated musi- Bebe tia) Convenience Outlet. GE658 eal instruments, vacu- Se E ecaa m cleaner, fans, ete 28—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | " : d ; 20—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 21—Wall Hlexit LXIII. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 23—Wall Elexit LX111. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 32—Wall Hlexit LX111. 380-watt lamp is recommended. 34—Wall Elexit LX111. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 29—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 150-watt lamp is recommended. Sun Porch 17—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for portable lamps, fan, cooking appliances, vacuum cleaner, ete. 16—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 75-watt lamp is recommended. Dining Room 48—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 54 Ceiling Elexit. 60—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls Nos. 62, 52, 56, and 59 Wall Elexits. 55—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 \furnishes power for 57—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 |cooking appliances, 58—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 }electrie candlesticks, 53—Single Convenience Outlet GE658 | glow heaters, fan, vac- 61—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 )uum cleaners, ete. 52—Wall Elexit LX111. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 56—Wall Hlexit LX111. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 59—Wall Elexit LX111. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 62—Wall Elexit LX111. 30-watt lamp is recommended. 54—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 150-watt lamp is recommended. Kitchen 69—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 64 Ceiling Elexit. 68—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 64 Ceiling Elexit. * 66—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for fan, utility motor, beaters, iron, ete. 63—Special Convenience Outlet GE694, furnishes power for electric range. 65—Wall Elexit LXIII. 40-watt lamp is recommended. 67—Wall Elexit LX111. 40-watt lamp is recommended. 64—Ceiling Hlexit LX200. 75-watt lamp is recommended. Back Hall and Porch 75—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 12 Main Cellar Light. 71—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 70 Hall Center Elexit. 72—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 73 Back Porch Light. 74—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 132 Light Outside Garage. 70—Ceiling Elexit LX200. 25-watt lamp is recommended. 73—Wall Elexit LX111. 25-watt lamp is recommended. Cellar 11—3-Way Tumbler Switch GH1690, controls No. 12 Main Cellar Light. 1—S-P Surface Tumbler Switch GH920, controls No. 2 Heater Room Light. 5—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE920, controls No. 4 Fuel Room Light. 7—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GH920, controls No. 6 Storage Room Light. 8—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE920, controls No. 9 Laundry Room Light. 14—S-P. Surface Tumbler Switch GE920, controls No. 15 Vegetable Room Light. 3—Single Convenience Outlet GE658; furnishes power for trouble light, fan, ete. 10—Twin Convenience Outlet GH604 oe ee power for gb orp F zrelectrie tools, washing 13—Twin Convenience Outlet Oe | tachi. eonpesete: 2—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEH088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 4—Ceiling Lamp. Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. 6—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. : 9—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 12—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 4 15—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GE088. 25-watt lamp is recom- mended. Garage 132—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 132 Light Outside Garage. 133—3-Way Tumbler Switch GE1690, controls No. 73 Back Poreh Light. 134—S-P. Tumbler Switch GE1688, controls No. 137 Center Light. eee power for 135—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 |Tungar battery charg- 136—Twin Convenience Outlet GE694 fers, electric tools and J appliances. 137—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GH088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. 138—Ceiling Lamp Receptacle GEH088. 75-watt lamp is recom- mended. *The numbers in this column identify the outlets shown on floor plan. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ™gchortiss Conn” See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY IRING SYSTEM ~ for lifetime servi, Merchandise Division —~ for Iietimelgen vie pegs: ae BRIDGEPORT, CONN. a, The G-E Wiring System is designed for the type of home covered by the floor plans in this book. Tlus- trations of the materials comprising the G-E Wiring System (Group 1—1926) are as follows: ENTRANCE PANELBOARD The location of the panelboard on the main floor grAPC¥EDUC, is recommended. (% actual size) %4-in. Spragueduct Rigid Conduit with suitable Weatherdrip Fittings Black Enamel Finish (From lighting companies’ lines to panelboard) (Actual size) No. 10 Code Wire ‘(From lighting companies’ lines to panelboard) (Actual size) No. 8 Code Wire with Suitable Clamps, ete. (For all grounding) METER SERVICE SWITCH (% actual size) Cat. No. GE2363 Safety Panelboard Complete with Fuses (For two-wire service Cat. No. GE2368 is used) BELL RINGER (44 actual size) Cat. No. GH2351 Safety Meter Service Switch Complete with Fuses (For two-wire service Cat. No. GE2354 is used) (% actual size) Note.—In Communities where the local lighting company Cat. No. 179541 has standardized on a meter service switch of a type other Bell-ringing Transformer than that illustrated above, the contractor will substitute an : nN approved switch. (Opérated from a separate circuit on the panelboard) 2 : s os: Bg Fey, forther details and GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY gshzdis, Mécino ee A HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Ap See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by €3wininc SYSTEM — for lifetime service = GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. €ewininc SYSTEM — for lifetime service The G-E Wiring System is designed for the type of home covered by the floor plans in this book. TIllus- trations of the materials comprising the G-E Wiring System (Group 1—1926) are as follows: BRANCH CONDUCTORS (% actual size) Cat. No. 14BXSS *¢ BX’? Armored Conductors Galvanized Finish—Two Conductors (% actual size) Cat. No. 14BX3SS ‘*BX’? Armored Conductors, Galvanized Finish Three Conductors (For three-way switches) (Actual size) No. 18 Code Wire (For bell wiring) ee a eee (Actual size) No. 14 Code Wire (For overhead wiring to detached garage) Where economy is the prime requirement and where local conditions permit, No. 14 Code Wire with suitable knobs, tubes and cleats may be used for branch conductors in what is eommonly known as knob and tube work. This method of wiring may be used only in word frame construction. Since armored conductors are vermin-proof and minimize the fire hazard which may result from short circuits, overheated WI1LeS, etc., an armored conductor installation is always preferable to a knob and tube installation. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG SWITCH AND OUTLET BOXES A minimum of one lighting outlet to every fifty square feet of floor space is recommended. (1% actual size) Cat. No. SP6972 Sectional Switch Box, Black Enamel Finish (For switches and convenience outlets) (% actual size) Cat. No. SP24151 3%4-in. Octagon Outlet Box with Fixture Stud, Black Enamel Finish (For wall light outlets) (% actual size) Cat. No. SP26626 Ceiling Outlet Box with Fixture Stud Black Enamel Finish (For ceiling light outlets) GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Mghandise Division, See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by @wirinc SYSTEM — for lifetime service GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service The G-E Wiring System is designed for the type of home covered by the floor plans in this book. ITlus- trations of the materials comprising the G-E Wiring System (Group 1—1926) are as follows: CONVENIENCE OUTLETS A minimum of one twin convenience outlet to every fifty square feet of floor space is recommended. (1% actual size) Cat. No. GE2258 Twin Convenience Outlet (For baseboard mounting) b (% actual size) Cat. No. GE2257 Single Convenience Outlet (For combination mounting) PILOT LAMP RECEPTACLE (% actual size) Cat. No. GE853 Pilot Lamp Receptacle FLUSH SWITCHES Switch control at every doorway is recommended with switches located on the knob side of doorway. (% actual size) Cat. No. GE1688 Single-Pole Tumbler Switch Porcelain Box (1% actual size) Cat. No. GE1690 Three-way Tumbler Switch Porcelain Box For furth i 6 oveete ‘literature, write tor ~© GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ™aiianges, “sim” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page. General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY — for lifetime service Merchandise Division BRIDGEPORT, CONN. IRING SYSTEM — for lifetime service The G-E Wiring System is designed for the type of home covered by the floor plans in this book. Illus- trations of the materials comprising the G-E Wiring System (Group 1—1926) are as follows: CONVENIENCE OUTLET PLATE COMBINATION PLATES The combination of switch and pilot lamp recep- tacle is recommended for the control of all remotely located lights (garage, cellar and attic lghts prin- cipally). (% actual size) Cat. No. GE695 Twin Convenience Outlet Plate 0.040-in. Metal FLUSH SWITCH PLATES coor onscounsesanem ¢ (14 actual size) Cat. No. GH2069 Combination Plate for Switch and Pilot Lamp Receptacle 0.040-in. Metal The combination of switch, pilot lamp and con- venience outlet is recommended for the connection and control of heating appliances (for the kitchen principally). (1% actual size) Cat. No. GE1701 Single Flush Switch Plate 0.040-in. Metal (1%4 actual size) Cat. No. GE2151 Combination Plate for Switch, (% actual size) Cat. No. GE1702 Pilot Lamp Receptacle and Single Two-gang Flush Switch Plate Convenience Outlet 0.040-in. Metal 0.040-in. Metal For further details and GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Mgshansise, Rivision. Bridgeport, Conn. ae wb nk an ES 5 Dna ain da per eM ee oe TR en Sa aka al ee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 321 General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by IRING SYSTEM GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY IRING SYSTEM ~ for lifetime service Merchandise Division — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. The G-E Wiring System is designed for the type of home covered by the floor plans in this book. Illus- trations of the materials comprising the G-E Wiring System (Group 1—1926) are as follows: CEILING LAMP RECEPTACLES LIGHTING EQUIPMENT An allowance of approximately 2 per cent of the cost of the house is recommended to cover the lighting equipment. The use of lghting fixtures equipped with G-E sockets is recommended. OUTLET LOCATIONS Outlets shall be located as follows: Wall light outlets: 5 feet 6 inches above finished floor to center of outlet. % actual size) . : Se No. GE721 Wall switches: 4 feet above finished floor to center Pull Socket Receptacle of outle (For closets, pantry, ete.) t. Convenience outlets in kitchen, laundry, basement and garage, and in combinations: 4 feet above fin- ished floor to center of outlet. Convenience outlets in all other locations: In base- board, mounted horizontally. (ORIGINAL i sais ert : shall BE peat ae (% actual size) cried Peet Cat. No. GE1245 ee Porcelain Pull Socket Receptacle (For independently controlled ceiling lights in cellar, garage, etc.) (% actual size) Cat. No. GE088 Porcelain Keyless Socket Receptacle (For switch controlled ceiling lights in cellar, attic, garage, etc.) GS Fei ectture, write to: ~~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Noviizeport, Comm.” ee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Mo See Next Page General Electric Wiring System Consisting Entirely of Wiring Materials Manufactured by GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY IRING SYSTEM IRING SYSTEM. Merchandise Division —for lifetime service — for lifetime service BRIDGEPORT, CONN. She Standard Symbols for Gwinne SYSTEM —Jor lifetime service Junction Box Kl Telephone Outlet ®) Ceiling Lamp Receptacle Meter Single Convenience Outlet Bi Y 2, Convenience Outlet X ? ‘Transformer 8 Lighting Panel (Panelboard) 1 Wall Bracket -©- @ Special Purpose Outlet : Ceiling Outlet Floor Outlet Elexit Wall Fan Outlet Local Switch—Single-pole Local Switch—Three-way Local Switch—Four-way Switch and Pilot Buzzer Push Button Pull Box The Guarantee of Excellence on Goods Electrical Dar fete, Siuhcnt GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY "sti, Zi a a Sa a cs Ri em ne a TE hn a sd HOME BUILDERS CATALOG oF See Next Page Crane-Warlo Water Softeners, Water Systems, Deep and Shallow Well Pumps CRANE CO. General Offices: Crane Bldg., 836 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago FOR LIST OF BRANCHES AND SALES OFFICES SEE PAGE 338 For Other Products See Pages as Follows. Crane-Warlo Water Softeners: Crane-Warlo Water Softeners have many structural and operating features which enable them to soften water the easiest, surest and cheapest way. Special Filter Screen: Replacing the bulky layer of sand and gravel used in other water softeners, the Crane-Warlo uses a special woven filter screen on which a patent has been applied for. This is of rust-proof Monel Metal, so finely woven that in the Size C-2 Softener there are approximately 12,000,000 tiny holes for water to pass through. This filter screen not only distributes the water but also eliminates all foreign particles. Because of its high filtering capacity it will soften muddy or cloudy water which would soon clog other softeners. When the flow of water is reversed in order to renew the water- softening mineral, all dirt is washed away. Only 1/37 of an inch thick, this filter screen saves hundreds of cubic inches of space, and this allows more room for the softening material. It gives the Crane-Warlo greater softening ca- pacity, size for size, than other soft- eners. Sectional View of Crane - Warlo Water Softener. Upward Flow of Water: Crane-Warlo softening capacity is increased from 7% to 11% by the upward flow, which keeps every grain of mineral in suspension with all of its sides exposed to the water. Chemical Mineral: Instead of the ‘‘natural clay” or “green- sand” used in some softeners, the Crane-Warlo employs Silox, a manufactured mineral which is the most perfect water softening agent known. Silox has a_ softening capacity four times greater, for instance, than “greensand.” Requiring fewer renewals, it saves the owner time, bother and salt consumed in each renewal. Silox will not disintegrate. Iron does not harm it. Improved Salt Cap: The special gasket of the Crane-Warlo salt cap lasts for years with- out leakage. The jack screw operating principle of the salt cap positively prevents jamming. Glass Lined Tank: The Crane-Warlo is the only water softener supplied with a glass lined tank. Fused to the inner side of the tank, the glass forms a permanent protec- ae fon) tion against rust or corrosion. On renewals, it withstands the action of the salt wash which soon eats away even the heaviest galvanized coating. Measure and Funnel: Crane - Warlo renewals are made easy and effective. A copper salt receiver measures the exact amount of salt needed. A timing funnel measures. the proper flow of water regardless of what the city pressure may be. Construction: Simple and sturdy construction in every part distinguishes the Crane-Warlo water softener. Only Crane valves and fit- tings are used. All materials are of highest grade. The handsome blue tank is bolted to a heavy cast iron base. It is the only softener which if necessary, could be taken apart and re-assembled without damage. a For further details and literature, write to: CRANE DEEP WELL PUMP Bathroon Fixtures 338-39; Water Heaters 417 Crane-Warlo Deep Well and Shallow Well Water Systems: For suburbs and country homes, farms, etc., Crane-Warlo Water Systems meet every re- quirement. Capacities from 200 to 6,000 gallons an hour for deep or shallow wells. Electric or fasoline power. Quality Materials: Crank Shafts have double-bearings of highest quality carbon steel, forged and specially heat-treated. HEvery bronze part is forged, not merely east. Perfected Design: Simple. No delicate or complicated parts to get out of order. Flood lubrica- tion saves wear. Even in a dimly lighted basement, the pat- ented visible oil guage tells when more oil is needed. The special device which prevents the oil from mixing with the water ha‘% no packing to wear, leak and need replacing. No. 215-A Shallow Well pump, 42-gallon tank, 1/6 h. p. electric motor, com- plete F. O. B. factory $120.00. Completely Accessible: In no other pump, are parts so easy to get at. For example, the suction valve can be reached by merely removing one nut. Parts Interchangeable: Bearings are machined to .0005 of an inch. So exact is the precision that parts are interchange- able without fitting. Thoroughly Tested: Every Crane-Warlo system is tested for five hours at the factory under full working load. It must prove its ability to pump its full capacity with stan- dard current consumption before it is shipped. Crane-Warlo Automatic Shallow Well Units: Crane-Warlo Shallow’ Well systems are furnished in various capacities, with electric or gasoline. motor pump and storage tank, ready for all plumbing and electrical con- nections, Size 215-A, shown above, has a 42-gallon storage tank, galvanized inside and out, with electrically welded seams. Its pumping ca- pacity is 200 gallons per hour, ample for families of three to five persons. Systems No. 215-B and 215-C use the same pump and motor, with tanks of 53 and 82 gallons ca- pacity for families of six and eight people. Where larger capacity is needed, we recom- eta mend the use of Crane-Warlo No. 400 outfit. NTS Automatte by, ane TER cyst Shallow well pumps have maximum lift ca- pacity of 22 feet. : Crane-Warlo Automatic Deep Well Unit: The Crane-Warlo Deep Well Pump has a capacity of 150 to 250 gallons per hour, It is ideally suited for use with wells that range from 35 to 200 ft. in depth. All working parts are enclosed from dust and grit in a permanent housing. Pistons, gears, plunger rods, etc., are balanced to give efficient service. Every moving part operates in a flood of oil from a small rotary pump, yet no water can reach the oil side of the pump. Plungers are easily renewed, without dis- turbing the pump head itself. Motor, of % to 1 H. P., depending on size and depth of well, is of latest and most economical type, with two pole automatic control switch. An exclusive feature is the air pump, operated or disengaged by a simple lever. CRANE CO. Chicago nS HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Hoosier Water Service Equipment (Running Water—Under Pressure for Suburban and Isolated Homes) Manufactured by FLINT & WALLING MFG. CO. 28 Oak St., Productions A complete line of pumping equip- ment, including Hoosier Water Servy- ice, Hoosier Hand Pumps, Windinill and Power Pumps, and Star Wind- mills. The Convenience of Running Water Every home owner appreciates the convenience of an adequate supply of running water, under pressure. This is a convenience which may now be had in any home, even though you may decide to build your home many miles from city water mains. Hoosier Water Service equipment offers to subur- ban and isolated home owners a water service equal in every respect to that provided by city water mains. With this equipment any form of power, including elec- tricity, gasoline engine, or windmill, may be used, Motors suitable for current supplied from farm lighting plants are also furnished with these installations. The electric and windmill installations are auto- matically controlled, need no personal supervision other than an occasional oiling, and provide ample pressure at all times. Soft Water from Your Cistern Soft water, pumped from your cistern, and under pressure, is a thing found desirable in many localities, even though you may have city water in your home. Oftentimes the city water is too hard for many house- hold uses, and an ample supply of soft water for use in kitchen, aundry and bath proves a blessing. The installation shown to the right, in capacities of 120 and 240 gallons an hour, are ideal ones for soft water pumping. Figure 1380—A to D. TRADE MARK Kendallville, Ind. All Pump Surfaces . Inside Galvanized ae Hoosier Pumps, and the smaller sizes of pressure tanks, have an all- galvanized surface, inside and out. This is a heavy coating of pure zinc, apphed by the hot-dipping process, and provides a serviceable protection against rust and corrosion. Water as supplied through one of these installa- tions is delivered for use as pure as it comes from the well. This GALVAZINK surface is superior in every respect to paint, is easily cleaned, and will last as long as the metal to which it is applied. Hoosier Pumps, for either shallow or deep wells, are self-lubricating. One filling of crank case with oil provides lubrication for many months. Capacity, 249 Gallons an Hour. Tank Sizes: 33, 66 and 100 gallons. Equipment for Wells of Any Depth Hoosier Water Service equipment may be had for pumping from wells of any depth. Each installation is provided with air pumping attachment, so that air and water, or water only, may be pumped into the pressure tank. Catalog No. 115 Catalog No. 115, describing our complete line of Hoosier Water Service, and Handbook of Modern Wa- ter Supply, containing useful information for anyone interested in a better water supply, will be sent, free of charge, upon request. Spm Fer arather details and FLINT & WALLING MFG. CO., 28 Oak St., Kendallville, Indiana HOME BUILDERS CATALOG “Paul” Soft Water Generators SOFT Dd. GENERATOR Productions A complete line of water softeners for the home. Unusually large capacity with small tanks. Long life and high efficiency. Soft Water in Abundance 3 The Paul Soft Water Generator provides soft water at full city pressure at every faucet in the house where needed. It is just as pure as your water supply. Paul Type “‘A” is of the Zeolite type with up- ward flow. Does not affect pressure so may be used with a private water supply system with perfect success. Monel metal filter mat (Patent applied for) provides perfect distribution without sand or grav- el and filters suspend- ed matter from water before it reaches the mineral bed. Easy to Regenerate Because of high ¢a- pacity and conserva- tive ratings regenera- tion is required only at long intervals and is a simple process any woman can per- forme = On ly £0 Ue valves. All Sizes Panl Type “A Sort Water Generators are made in four sizes with capacities rang- ing from 24,000 grains hardness to » 60,000. Send for Bulletin No. 5035 “Paul” Water Systems Manufactured by THE FORT WAYNE ENGINEERING & MFG. CO. Fort Wayne, Indiana WATER syStEMS For Home and Farm Productions A complete line of pumping equipment, Paul Water Systems for shallow wells and cisterns, Paul Cushion Stroke Deep Well Pumps and Storage Systems. Private Water Systems Paul Systems provide running water un- ler pressure for suburban homes and farms. They are entirely automatic, self-priming and fully guaranteed. Thoroughly depend- able and fool proof. Type ‘‘US” Systems Capacities 100, 120 180, 210 and 360 gallons per hour for deep or shallow wells come assembled as complete units ready to start working when uncrated. For Deep or Shallow Wells There is a Paul Water System for every need. Water may be drawn from any source—deep or shallow well, spring, lake or cistern. Paul Systems are made in all sizes with capacities ranging from 100 gallons per hour to 1950 gallons per hour. Write for Bulletin No. 5033 Paul Systems for Shallow Wells No. 5034 Paul Systems for Deep Wells or General Catalog, No. 5023. —— — = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG FORT WAYNE ENGINEERING & MFG. CO., Fort Wayne, Ind. Gurley Automatic Water Systems Manufactured by GURLEY PUMP & MANUFACTURING CO. 814, Merchants Bank Bldg., Indianapolis The MURDOCK Jr., $85.00 List, F. O. B. Indianapolis Meeting a great demand for a reliable, compact, econonuical automatic water sys- tem priced within the reach of all—the Gur- ley Pump & Manufacturing Company offers the MURDOCK, Jr. Great simplicity, efficiency and durability make the MURDOCK, Jr., a highly satis- factory home water system in locations not requiring more than 150 gallons an hour eapacity. This compact economical system is equipped with the Gurley Rotary Seal Pump, which can lift water 28 to 30 feet without annoying vibration or noise. This extraordinary efficiency for a shallow-well system is maintained in operation for long periods without excessive service troubles and cost. You Can Sprinkle with a MURDOCK, Jr. You ean sprinkle with the MURDOCK, Jr., because the Gurley Pump delivers a steady non-pulsing stream at 40 pounds pressure and in average installations con- siderably exceeds its rated capacity of 150 gallons per hour. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GURLEY PUMP & MFG. CO., Dad THE MURDOCK, JR. 150 gallons an hour capacity. Supplied with 60 cycle AC motor, 110 or 220 volt. Other Gurley Automatic Water Systems The Gurley Rotary Seal Pump is so sim- ple and strong in design that it operates with little service attention. Replacement of worn parts after long service 1s easy, quick, and economical. . Gurley Automatic Water Systems include other sizes of greater pumping capacities than the MURDOCK, Jr., all using this superior Gurley Rotary Seal Pump. You can select any of these Gurley Automatic Water Systems with the assurance of hav- ing a dependable water supply with great economy. Capacity in Model gallons per hour Price MURDOCK ripe. pU ae ... $85.00 Moclel seem tees LO oe ... 99.50 Niodel. tea eee 220 400s .. 141.50 Model: Gieenceee e000 e ...169.50 Models a0 Bay 00s _..205.00 All above prices are list, f. 0. b. Indianapolis and subject to change without notice. 814 Merchants Bank Bldg. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. KEWANEE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANTS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS For thirty years the name Kewanee on private water supply, electric lighting and sewage disposal systems has been a guar- antee of. performance to contractors. In thousands of homes from the smallest bun- galow or cottage to the most magnificent estate, buildings, institutions, country clubs, schools, churches, ete., they are giving daily service and satisfaction. Water Supply Kewanee Water Supply Systems are built in over 200 sizes and types to meet the requirements of any job—for suction on deep well—for cistern well or any source of supply—for electric or gasoline power. No. 110, shown herewith, is especially designed for small home use — priced within reach of most mod- est home. Kewanee mod- els vary in capacity from 200 gallons to 10,000 gal- lons per hour. Sewage Disposal Kewanee Sewage Disposal Systems are so designed that the sewage is automatically reduced to a liquid form and automatically delivered to a tile disposal field where aerobic bacteria ever present in surround- ing earth reduce it to a harmless state. Any con- tractor with a set of Kewanee Sewage Disposal Sys- Made by KEWANEE PRIVATE UTILITIES CO. 461 South Franklin St., Kewanee, IIl. tem castings and Kewanee blue prints can install one of these plants as successfully as the thousands of others that have been in operation for years. Electric Light Kewanee Electric Lighting Plants are built in over 50 sizes and types with either one, two or four cylinder engines—with or without storage batteries, depending upon the daily period of time the plant is required to serve. Furnished in 82, 60 and 110 volt according to distance required for distribution of eurrent. Like Kewanee Water Systems these plants are sturdy in construction and machined with the precision of the finest automobile. Kewanee Water Supply and Electric Lighting Plants can be had either singly or in combination. Proce otnnon Special Service to Contractors and Architects We have prepared for the contractor and architect a complete Specification Bulletin which enables you to select the proper size of systems for your clients no matter what the requirements. Our engineering department is at all times glad to consult with con- tractors and architects on the requirements of any special job and to furnish individual blue prints and specifications without charge. We will gladly send you further descriptive literature. Write today. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 328 KEWANEE PRIVATE UTILITIES CO. 461 South Franklin St. Kewanee, Illinois Electric Pumps—Single Valve Water Softeners Manufactured by THE MONARCH ENGINEERING CO., Dayton, Ohio Products Monarch Double-Acting Shallow Well Pumps and Systems Monarch Deep Well Pumps and Systems Monarch Single-Valve Water Softeners The Monarch Automatic Double-Acting Shallow Well Pump Is the basis of all Monareh shal- low well systems. Built in four sizes with pumping capacities of 120, 200, 400 and 550 gal. per hour. Regularly equipped with re- pulsion-induction motor, two-pole automatic control switch, piston rod sleeve guard, improved valve seats, doubly packed stuffing box, safety relief valve, adjustable crank shaft bearings, cup leather expanders, ete. Equipped for electrical or gas engine drive. Monarch Automatic Shallow Well Systems _ Made up of regular Monarch shallow well pumps in four Sizes combined with various tanks, cast iron base, water and pressure gauges, connection between pump and tank, all ready to install. A variety of systems with capacities suit- able for all ordinary installations from small cottage to country estates, or small hotel. Specifications of Shallow Well Pumps and Water Systems Maximum Suction Lift 22 ft. Maximum Pressure 50 lbs. SS EE ee Pipe Connec- Sys- Cap : T Oe ee 1 | rotor | Ca | ran No. | No. | Per | Suc- Dis- ICP. Gal. sions Hr. | tion charge 102 | 100 120 34 34 iy ate 18x30 204 | 200] 200] % 34 ea 70 | 18x60 406 | 400 400 1 34 Yy 120 24 x 60 456 | 450 550 1 34 Vw 120 24x 60 Galvanized tanks standard. Black iron tanks, if desired. Systems Suggested for Various Size Houses For 5 to 7 room house specify No. 102 or 204. For 8 to 10 room house specify No. 204 or 406. For 12 to 14 room house specify No. 406 or 456. For larger buildings write for specifications on larger Monareh units. Monarch Automatic Wall Units Offer a complete water supply system for direct service from cistern or well, ete. Designed for domestic use where cellar space is limited. Three sizes, Nos. 1000, 2000, 4000. SS Monarch Automatic Deep Well Pumps Full range of sizes for use where the vertical lift runs from 22 ft. up to 650 ft. Series No. 600 has fully en- closed working parts running in an oil bath. Is motor driven, chain drive, or pulley equipped for power drive. Series No. 700 is for still heavier duty and still larger capacities. All working parts, and noiseless chain drive, run- z ning in oil bath. a For Complete Information and Specifications on the Entire Line of Pumps, Write Us Direct Selecting Proper Size Water Softeners All Monarch Softeners Single Control Valve Type For ordinary household purposes a Softener should be of sufficient size so that it will not have to be reconditioned more than once every three or four weeks, while a longer period is even better. The table below shows the approxi- mate usage of soft water per week for a family ranging from two to ten persons | per family. By referring to this table showing capacities of Monarch Soft- hi! | eners, the correct size can be readily de- , termined; i. e., if you reside in a city pe having water of 20-grain hardness per U.S. gallon and there are four persons in the family, you will use approximately 490 gallons of soft water per week, or approximately 2,000 gallons per month. By referring to the table below you will find that for 20-grain water, our size MD-33 will soften 2,500 gallons of water before recondition- ing is necessary. This size Softener would, therefore, provide a sufficient supply of soft water for one month, while if size MD-32 were used, the Softener would have to be recondi- tioned once every three weeks. Approximate Usage of Soft Water Per Week Persons ine KMamily-3- 2) 4 6°98 10 Usage, in gallons....280 490 640 790 940 Dimensions and Weights Height over all ranges from 44 in, in small size up to 62 in. in largest. Floor space required ranges from Lpsinexdotn..up 40,22 in. x" 30 an: Shipping weight ranges from 200 lbs. up to 810 Ibs. Softeners for Use in Localities Where Water Is Clear Gallons Soft Water Available a 3 « = = = = HARD WATER INLET WASTE OUTLET = fs a i Ns PRES: RE REGULATOR M8 PLUG UL HARO WATER INLET Total Between Re-conditioning Periods Type Grain Hardness is Specified in Grains per U. S. Gallon Capacity 10-gr. | 16-gr. | 20-gr. | 24-gr. | 30-er. | 36-gr. MD-20 10000 | 1000 625 500 415 335 PAGS MD-21 20000 | 2000 | 1250 | 1000 835 670 555 The MD-20 and 21 are arranged for Internal Salting MD-31 20000 | 2000 | 1250 | 1000 835 670 555 MD-32 30000 | 3000 | 1875 | 1500 | 1245 | 1000 830 MD-33 50000 | 5000 | 3125 | 2500 | 2085 | 1670 | 1385 The MD-31, 32 and 33 are provided with External Salt Pot Softeners for Localities where Water requires Filtering to Clear It Gallons Soft Water Available Between Total Re-conditioning Periods Type Grain Hardness is Specified in Grains per U. S. Gallon Capacity! 10-gr. | 16-gr. | 20-gr. | 24-gr. | 30-gr. | 36-gr. M-11 8800 880 550 440 366 293 245 M-12 13200 | 1320 825 660 549 440 364 M-13 24200 | 2420 | 1512 | 1210 | 1005 805 672 The M-11, 12 and 13 are provided with External Salt Pot Larger Sizes for Hotels, Apartment Houses and Industrial Use Specifications and Prices Upon Request SSS pees = For further details and literature, write to: THE MONARCH ENGINEERING CO., DAYTON, OHIO HOME BUILDERS CATALOG MYERS WATER SYSTEMS Made By Established 1287/50 THE F. E.MYERS & BRO. CO. Branches and Distributing Houses in Principal Cities Ashland, Ohio Products Well, House and Cistern Pumps, Water System, Self-Oiling Power Pumps, Cylinders, Spray Pumps, Hay Unloading ‘Tools, Door Hangers, Store —for inside or outside installation—for open or pressure tanks—you will find them in the Myers Line which has over fifty years of pump building experience aS well as a modern factory behind it to guarantee economical and efficient water facili- Ladders, Etc. a ties. Description PUMPS ese = Myers Water Systems have many places of serv- Nee cane ice other than in homes. There are styles for Recognizing the wide-spread demand for modern water facilities among all classes of people. Myers Water Systems have been developed and perfected to give every home, regardless of its size or location, economical and reliable water service. Not merely one or two types but a complete line to take care of every requirement from the smallest home to the most costly one where the volume TRADE MARK summer resorts, hotels, laundries, hospitals and sanitariums—for creameries and dairies—for cen- tralized schools and colleges—for country estates and golf courses—for mills, mines and factories. For household, for farms, for industry, for pleasure Myers Water Systems are serving everywhere. Catalog and Information We will be glad to have carpenters, contractors and others allied with the building industry write us for catalog and information, and will be pleased to quote direct to those who sell and distribute builders’ supplies. | of water used daily amounts to thousand of gallons. Water systems for hand operation, for windmill, for gas engine, for electric motor—for deep or shallow service RELIEF fa wu ff oF S a > o & < for Shallow Wells ON OTHNEFEMYER es) Fig. 2181 Illustrates the Myers Self-Oiling Home Water System for shallow wells and cisterns. It is de- signed for operation from any kind of city current or from farm lighting and power systems. This System comes in two sizes with capacities of 200 and 300 gallons per hour is automatically controlled and is complete in every respect ready for installa- tion. Fig. 2253 The Myers Self-Oiling Direct Water System for deep wells, does not require a pressure tank. It pumps the water fresh and cold from its source of supply direct to the water taps. As indicated by the illustration, it is a complete unit ready for in- stallation. It has a capacity up to 450 gallons per hour according to size of lower cylinder. Self-oil- ing, self-starting, self-stopping it overcomes numerous problems so frequently encountered in deep well service. Fig. 2253—Myers Self-Oiling Direct Water System for Deep Wells. Fig. 2211—Myers Self-Oiling Junior Direct Water System for Shallow Wells Fig. 1980 The Myers Self-Oiling Direct. Water System for shallow wells, is a compact unit, fully equipped and) occupies small space. It pumps the water direct from the well or cistern to the faucets (storage tank not required), is automatically controlled and will pro- vide up to 450 gallons of water per hour on a high- ly economical basis. FPasily and quickly installed, low cost to maintain, dependable service, long life, are a few of its desirable features. Fig. 2211 Illustrates the Myers. Self-Oiling Junior Direct Water System. Here is another complete Myers Unit, with capacities of 200 and 300 gallons per hour, which pumps the water direct to the water taps. It is motor driven, automatically controlled, economical and efficient. It is designed for shallow well ser- vice only and can be operated by any current. A wouge outfit for homes, farms, country estates, ete. WO Aachen (\ leo Wes Fig. 2252 Shows one of the Myers Deep Well Water Sys- tems completely equipped with pump, motor, tank, Switch, guage. air cylinder, ete., (everything except the lower cylinder) ready for installation. This outfit will supply an abundance of water for large homes, estates, etc., where the daily water require- ments are greater than ordinary. It is self- Fig. 2181—Myers Self-Oiling Home oiling, automatically controlled, easily installed Water System for Shallow Wells and operated, and is furnished with or without and Cisterns. Four Foot Anti-Freezing Set Length. Fig.2252—Myers Self-Oiling Deep Well Water System GMS Fouture, write tor ~THE F. E. MYERS & BRO. CO., Ashland, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 330 Myers Water Pumps, Power Pumps and Door Hangers (Continued) = eT WATER WAYS. Fig. (866 Myers Self-Oiling Power Pump for Shallow Wells, Cisterns, Etc. Myers Self-Oiling Bulldozer Power Pumps for Shallow and Deep Well Service Myers Self-Oiling Bulldozer Power Pumps with their numerous patented features have created a new' standard of power water service which cannot be compared with water facilities of but a few years ago. When compared with older types they have larger valves, more liberal and direct waterways, a positive Fig. 1819 Sectional View Myers Self-Oiling Power Pump self-lubricating system, improved method of power applica- tion, housed working parts and other features which permit operation against heavy pressure or at high speed securing large volume and high efficiency at a minimum of cost and without the fear of accidents or breakage through care- lessness, poor lubrication or exposed working parts. Myers Self-Oiling Power Pumps are designed for general service in agricultural, commercial and industrial fields. Twelve sizes for shallow wells or cisterns and five sizes for deep operation compose the line. Capacities 250 to 10,000 gallons per hour. Operation any power. Inside or outside installation. Rightly named general service pumps, whether it be in the home, on the farm or country estate where pumping duties are comparatively light; in the creamery or dairy where it is always necessary to have plenty of* fresh water; at the park, summer resort or golf course where sprinkling and sanitary conditions depend on an ample supply of pure water; in the mill, mine or factory where plenty of water is absolutely essential in the daily activities of the operatives; in the public school or college, in the hospital or sanitarium where pure water is of vital importance and is given every consideration; in road build- ing and similar work where water is now used in large volume and must be near at hand keep down construction costs; in fact, wherever water is used in sufficient quantity to justify the installation of a power pump, there is a Myers Self-Oiling Power Pump, waiting, willing and ready to give twenty-four hour water service without care or attention, and at a minimum of ccst that cannot be approached by old style pumps, MYERS Door Hangers Myers Stayon and Tubular Door Hangers fulfill the de- mand for hangers that are storm, dirt and bird proof, stay on the track, and which are durable and easy to push or pull. They are manufactured in numerous styles and sizes and offer many practical features not to be found on other hangers. Special improvements include adjustable, flexible and stayon features, roller bearings, heavy steel axles, etc. Some styles are adapted for either light or heavy sliding Fig. 2156 doors on all kinds of buildings while other types are designed for hinged sliding or folding doors on garages and similar buildings. Several of the most popular styles are illustrated herewith, but for the complete line it requires a special eatalog to fully illustrate, describe and list it. A copy of this catalog with information and prices will be sent promptly to anyone allied with the building industry. Dealers prices to builders’ supply houses, lumber merchants, dealers, etc. Fig. 2159 itt literature, write to: = For further details and Fig. 1996 Myers Self-Oiling Deep Well Power Pump or Working Head Catalog and \ Information Limited space prevents detailed description and full sized illustrations but to those who are interested in modern power water facilities, either for sale and installation or for per- sonal use, we will be pleased to send catalog and information. Fig. 1302 ADJUSTABLE 0) re | AIR CYLINDER Fig. 2049 Sectional View Myers Self-Oil- ing Deep Well Power Pump or Working Head Fig. 1154 THE F. E. MYERS & BRO. CO., Ashland, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG V-K Water Systems and Water Softeners Manufactured by Eastern Offices: 130 Claremount Ave. New York City 310 Congress St. Boston, Mass. V K AUTOMATIC =IX. WATER SYSTEMS “Kompleat’”? Home Water System The V-K ‘‘Kompleat’’ automatic water system is an electric driven shallow well unit suitable for de- livering water from well, spring or any other source of supply where the vertical lift is not more than 22 feet. This unit is especially adapted to suburban homes, country estates, farms or wherever water under pressure is desired. It is also used for deliver- ing rain water from cisterns for soft water supply. It is entirely automatic in operation. V-K water systems are made in a wide range of sizes, pump capacity ranging from 150 to 1000 gal- lons per hour and horizontal or vertical tank ranging from 20 to 1500 gallons. The outstanding feature of V-K pumps is the slow speed at which they operate to deliver their rated capacity. V-K slow speed pumps last a life-time. V K DEEP WELL = WATER SYSTEMS Style ‘‘G’’ is an electric driven deep well automatic water supply sys- tem suitable for delivering water from drilled wells. V-K deep well pumps are made in a large number of sizes —their capacity ranges from 120 to 1000 gallons per hour and they are used in connection with the wells where the water level exceeds 22 ft. but is not more than 325 feet from the surface. V-K deep well systems are entirely automatic in operation, automatically maintaining a pressure of 50 lbs. in the pneumatic tank, or proper water level in the open elevated tank with which they are used. They are belt Style “G” Deep Well Automatic Water : s , System driven and equipped with open type well cylinders. The systems are fur- nished with vertical or horizontal tanks ranging in capacity from 40 to 1500 gallons. THE VAILE-KIMES COMPANY Dayton, Ohio Western Offices: 210 N. Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, Cal. V K AUTOMATIC ve WATER SOFTENERS V-K automatic water softeners are made in a number of different types and sizes suitable for any household requirements. The principle of the V-K softener is very sim- ple—the softener con- tains a sufficient quantity * of special treated natural mineral to last indefinite- ly. City water is passed thru this mineral which removes absolutely all the hardness and leaves the water pure, clean and velvety soft. This softener automatically reconditions itself— that is, when the mineral tends to become inactive, a solution of brine is passed thru it, bringing the mineral back to its original state. V-K softeners do not allow hard water to enter the soft water service lines. There is absolutely no chance for a mixture of hard and soft water. V-K automatic softeners are also furnished with a reserve soft water storage tank which insures an ample supply of zero soft water all the time, even during the reconditioning period. When desired, V-K automatic softeners are enclosed in an attractive cabinet which conceals the mechanisms and make a very neat appearing unit. V K SEMI-AUTOMATIC r WATER SOFTENERS Type ‘“‘A” Automatic Water Softener Type “SSA” Semi-Automatic Water Softener V-K softeners are also made in the semi-automatic and hand-operated type. Type ‘‘SA’’ semi-automatie softener illustrated is the nearest approach to the automatic softener ever built, the only difference being that in the automatic softener the brine is automatically injected into the mineral bed thru valves controlled by a meter, while in the semi-auto- matic it is admitted thru hand-controlled valves. The time required to recondition this softener is practically negligible as it takes just a minute to operate the two handy valves which are so conveniently arranged that even a child ean easily operate them. V-K softeners are made in two hand-operated types, known as type ‘‘M’’ and.‘‘V’’ type in addition to the semi-auto- matic type ‘‘SA’’ illustrated. Qe For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE VAILE-KIMES COMPANY, DAYTON, OHIO Penberthy Automatic Cellar Drainer Made by PENBERTHY INJECTOR COMPANY 1242 HOLDEN AVE., Products On this page is illustrated and described but one of many products made by this company—the Penberthy Auto- matie Cellar Drainer—a device that for years has proved its usefulness and efficiency, when installed in the base- ment of buildings, in removing seepage, flood or back water from points below the natural drainage level of sewer, Other Penberthy products are: Automatic and Auto- Positive Injectors, ‘‘XL-96,’’ Swimming Pool Heater, ‘‘XL- 96’’ Ejector, Water Gages, Water Heaters, Oil and Grease Cups, Air Cocks, Priming Cups, Carburetors, Reatomizers, Radio Products, Oil Burners, etc. Advantages The Penberthy Automatic Cellar Drainer operates by city water pressure and is compactly constructed to occupy the least possible space. It is entirely automatic and requires no attention after installation. All working parts are above water—no slime or corrosion to in- terfere with operation. A foot valye in the strainer seals suction pipe when the drainer stops working, holding all water in the pipe, so that it is always primed ready to start instantly. Also prevents flooding of cellars if for any reason the water pressure is insufficient to operate the ejector. Operating valve opens and closs instantly by action of water pressure. No leather washers are used as leather dries and warps, causing serious leaks. With exception of copper float, it is mad entirely of brass. The combination pressure water strainer and union furnished with every drainer (See letter A, cut No. 383) obviates the necessity of purchasing a union and makes it possible to clean strainer thus preventing the drainer from becoming clogged with dirt and refuse, Special Features A I—Patented lever and link action ad- justable to different water pressures, shows float to be nearly submerged before valve opens, and gives a pop to the opening avoiding any dead center trouble. F—Long lever increases operating range to 100 pounds. G—Rubber shock absorbers to project lever and stem sasembly from float impact. H—Float operates drainer automatically. J—Hjector below water level eliminates all suction and priming trouble. K—Small throat protectd against dirt by strainer, L—Improved and patented ejector of high efficiency using minimum water pressure. M—Emergency foot valve to prevent water from coming into cellar, also holds delivery pipe full of water when ejector shuts off, N—A pressure gage can be esaily at- tached by removing valve body plug which is provided with a % pipe thread, O—Pipe thread used, making it con- venient for attaching air chamber if necessary. P—Improved bevel seat, bronze valves, interchangeable without being ground into a special body. Q—Patented packing box gives large Rody of packing but eliminates fric- ion. It—Rotary Valve reduces all stem pack- ing friction and trouble. S—The movement has only one point of friction, Rotary packing movement is based upon natural unchanging laws. No springs. - Movement simple and unaffected by dirt. U—Reguires least floor or sump space —patented ffoat ‘‘built around suc- tion tube’’ construction. V—Both ends of brass tube. threaded outside—no possibility of eracking or plitting. X—Legs holding strainer about dirt Which may accumulate in bottom of sump. Y—Both ejector jets removable for re- placing or changing. Z—Strainer of large surplus area. M ty ¥ x z A—Strainer cutches all dirt and elimi- nates valve seat leaks and choked ejectors jets, also serves as pipe union. B—Valve Seats protected against dirt by strainer in water supply pipe. C—Bronze Valves give long service. D—Closing valve is positive, avoids waste of pressure water but not sud- den enough to cause water-hammer, Installation and Operation The sump or pit may be constructed of cement, : brick, sewer ¢ i pipe, or any other suitable material, eek. arom The compactness of the drainer requir only a very small sump, although it is good to have it a little fapeer tinal is actually necessary, especially in depth to allow dirt to settle below strainer. The pit should be placed so that all surplus water will Bae os a pha “ re not ae ane Fie ae pao in two sections to fit around pipes a see cut 382). nm next column are shown all n sa i ions the letters at top referring to cut No. 382. niet pes The drainer Valve (C) is normally im a closed position, in the sump it lifts the float as the water rises (L) until sufficient water has accumulat cause the buoyancy of the float to open the valve (c) thus starting the sone (F). The ejector pumps rapidly until the level of water in the sump is iowered to a point where the float (L) descending with the water, automatically closes the valve (ce). The cellar Drainer now remains inactive, using no pressure water until the sump has again filled with seepage water. The complete Cellar Drainer is below the floar level yet all parts are easily and instantly accessible without disconnecting pipes or removing drainer, All working parts are located at the top within easy reach. Established 1886 Cut No. 381 Automatic Cellar Drainer Model R DETROIT, MICH. Minimum E D K J G Size Sump ~ : Cit Dis- | Extreme] Height | Approx i Size Piecare charge] Diam. of Centers} Mini- Mini- No (or Line of Drainer | of Cut- | mum mum Steam) | I P | Drainer]} Inches | outsin | Diam. | Depth Line Size | Inches | Valve |Pit cover] Inches Inches I P Size Open Inches oi 10% | 21% 6 2 VW, 1% 127/, 21'4 7\/3 List Price—Model “R” Size No Model “‘R" 1 List Price $25.00 | $40.00 Prices for Larger Sizes Quoted on Request METHOD OF INSTALLING CELLAR DRAINER Cut No. 382 = Table of Capacities at Different Pressures and Elevations, Pipe Sizes, etc., Model ‘‘R’”’ _—50301RDUDuk—RRNN000. 0 SSS SSS ees Work- Maximum Net Capacities from ins ump in Gallons Per Hour at Head 10 to 100 Pounds Water Pressure and is- in Model | Supply | charge] Ft. | 10,| 15 | 20 25 | 30| 40 Pipe Sizes Size 80/210/300/349|400/510 90} 140/240/300/390 90}450/ 210/330 100} 150220 90}190) 200 ZO 3 |190}390/550/620/750/910}1180/1240/1220 210|340/420|600/750/1020]1140/1200 210/300|380|540} 900/1090/1150 210}300/420| 780)1020}1110 210/370) 570} 940/1050 300} 510) 850} 970 Unless otherwise specified, the model ‘‘R” drainer (see cut No. 38]) is supplied and used for all conditions as printed in bold face type as shown in the table of capacities. (See table above ) t For conditions below bold face type we furnish a low pressure drainer. The model “‘R” drainer requires 5-pound water pressure or more for each one foot of elevation, while the low pressure drainer will work on 2-pound to 4-pound per foot of elevation, which we can supply from factory. : 7 9 (2 15 18 Approximate Gals. or Fractional Gals. of Pressure Work- Water Required to Pump One Gal. from es Sump with a Model “‘R”’ Drainer US epee | eh AN in 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 Feet Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. lbs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. 3 .80 50 40 38 35 .30 30 35 6 .90 75 .50 42 38 38 40 9 10 65 5) 45 40 41 (2 aetna Gataetain, Peau ed | Bee O) 65 52 45 42 15 For conditions below 1.2 BS “60 50 “43 1g |bold face type we (0. Wv0Ck ise 1 45 can furnish a special -Drainer a SE a ST EE AE LEI LITE DAE RAL LAD DOLLA For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO., 333 DETROIT, MICH. Established 1886 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM San- Equip Septic Tanks +: San-Equip Chemical Toilets CHEMICAL TOILET CORPORATION SYRACUSE, N. Y. The SAN-EQUIP Septic Tank The SAN-EQUIP Chemical Toilet Sanitary Indoor Toilet Without Water Plumbing Ae Ee = i: Especially adapted for ue Re All or t| sae omes, camps, schools, mi s, ; “ NE a vib For the roadside inns, tourist camps, gas Moraine ; stations, parks, etc. Jas line ie suburban This simplified and improved atlles V3 system now makes possible bet- 8'Air Chamber II Home, ter. toilets and better health 4 {| conditions for buildings without Sludge Chamber ~it Camp water supply. P u ’ The progressive builder will aSSILCS School incorporate this toilet in his El Muent Chamber plans, thus doing away with the unsightly disease breeding out-, house. The small added invest-§ Flan ie ed ase ment in this sanitary toilet con- venience is amply repaid in in- ; , 2 2 : 0 Rust-Proof creased attractiveness and sala- Bee aiean 12 and 14 ga. Copperoid Iron ( bility of Bas oe er “ My ‘ 7 : IFICATIONS—China bowl DESIGN—Follows specifications of U. S. Public Health of special design fitted with oak Service. : finish, non-split seat. Vent line DURABILITY—Mineral enamel process unaffected by mois- from bowl to proper outlet. Stor- ture. age tank of heavy gauge cop- CAPACITY—Single home to large schools, mills or com- peroid iron and all necessary nnities: See ae Tene, Bre emt ake on i ' ‘ : ‘ enamele y mineral ename The Septic process simply stated is a digestion of sew- ] : : age by which solids are eliminated and final disposal sim- melted on. No moving parts or attachments inside the tank,— simple and trouble-proof. THE NEW SELF-DRAIN 2 T mi AGE TANK eliminates FE A andling of sewage or apparatus. Advantages of the San-Equip Septics Only care needed is to add a lit- tle chemical monthly according to service required. Simplest of plified. The treated sewage is to be disposed of by soil filter as shown below or by dry well or streams when permissible. 1. Unbreakable—Made of iron—strongest known material. 2. Indestructible—Rust-proofed by mineral enamel melted all methods. on inside and outside. Tests and chemist’s analysis FORMER DRAIN VALVE show it is unaffected by moisture, acids or soil. potas OR TIGHT TANKS can 3. Lightest Weight—Home size 290 lbs. Saves handling Drain banks Sie ee me expense, : ; quire. Ask for plan sheets and 4. Ready to Use—One unit, no assembling of parts or description. material. . 5. Saves Time and Supervision—Speeds up the finished job IGALM ie eanteagee and thus saves money. cially for use in San- Equip Systems extra Modern Sewage Disposal Increases strength, white flake, Property Values packed in 5 lb., 10 Ib., Ub) (b., e2ibe5 lbs 0 dibs packages—specify ca- pacity of tank when Let your customers know that your homes are protected by San- Equip Septics. Such careful provi- ordering. sion for underground sew- : age disposal inspires confi- Siz d Rati 53 J A es an atings 5 A || A Ss. ; a SVU pence pug rogiecage rae Rating, People Size of Tank Weight 5 tal pee ee ee a8 No. - Gal. Home Camp School Diam. Length Pounds Price | falls , ering i yu" ” 64.00 Fu Ha abel Mme tie a HN: 380A 8007} iB” =~ de” 378 6.00 ‘ delivery from our nearby Eee 2 : warehouse stocks.—return- 3128A 128 12 12 25 28” 48° oot sae able at our expense. D Multiple bowl tanks are made in size from 2 to 6 Sizes and Ratings bowlsati26 teats Net Rating People Size—th. Weight tank capacity for No. Gal. Home School Diam. Length Lbs. Price each bowl. Full 402 200 6 12 38 48 295 $ 48.00 vent is included if 403 300 10 20 47 48 325 64.00 plan: is sent. 405 500 20 35 48 72 420 96.00 410 1000 50 65 60 96 950 192.00 352A—2 bowl, 29x 88 inches .......... oig.8 ecutans oh egeuien ans $176.00 _Ask for plan sheets showing details of above, also larger = E44 howl, axi44 inches Ceccccecllliccleclli1) 352000 sda ed 355A—5 bowl, 32x180 inches” 4... -- 0) ses een 440.00 Ground View of Filter Bed 356A—6 bowl, 32216 inches (5... a. einen eee . 528.00 A Methods of Ventilation 120 to 150 of 4” tile cares for the ordinary home. 4 Ask about other plans Tank and fil- Petts Branches of disposal. ter bed 12” to Top of Joints YX 18” under the ) Rxtre. Seepage Pools Wil surface. Provide for Overloads A 4° Hub Tile S Flat Stone & poven so f & forMainLine ; Under Joint ‘ }—— Bafties +={ S ¢ i] ty ‘ Partition —| | Ge To ttue, write tor ~=CHEMICAL TOILET CORPORATION, Syracuse, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 334 Wolverine Chemical Toilets and Septic Tanks Manufactured By DAIL STEEL PRODUCTS COMPANY LANSING, MICHIGAN Use Wolverine Chemical toilets are for use in all unsewered districts. Elimi- nates the outside privy—affords the same comfort and convenience as a water flush toilet at a lower cost per unit. Approved by leading Sanitarians and thousands of users. Established and used for twelve years. Attractiveness Every Wolverine Toilet is an attractive addition to any home. Equally as attractive as any water toilet. Service Our complete engineering force are at your command at any time to help you solve your problems. We specialize in fitting the piping to the building. Equipment The Wolverine home unit shown in the accompanying cut is designed to ac- commodate a family of from four to five for five to six months without draining and recharging. Consists of large tank with drain valve and agitator. Vitreous china bowl, fine seat and proper ventilating pipe. Special small home or cottage units are built on the same principal as larger units only smaller tanks to accommodate less people or for only intermittant use. Also furnished with either steel or china bowls as desired. Home Unit 1 Multiple Units Wolverine Chemical Toilets are furnished in larger units up to five bowls on one tank for large public installations, with ventilating pipe built to fit its respec- tive job. Guarantee Each Wolverine is fully guaranteed and have been used extensively for 12 years. §< 3, Prices Our prices are very reasonable. Sent on application. Write us for complete catalog and details. Special Cottage Type : Septic Tank The Wolverine Septic Tank is designed for use in connection with a water flush toilet system and forms a modern method of sewer- age disposal at a very nominal cost. Made of Keystone Copper Bearing Steel and painted inside and out with a corrosion re- sisting enamel. Quickly and easily installed. Capacity Size S. T 5 Tank.....202 Gallons 24x54x42 Will accommodate 5 to 8 people using a bath, toilet and kitchen sink. Complete data on seepage area sent on re- quest. Cross Section of Septic Tank (pgs “Fer further details and =P)ATI, STEEL PRODUCTS CO., Lansing, Mich. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 335 Kaustine Septic Tanks and Chemical Toilets Manufactured by KAUSTINE COMPANY, Inc. 200 Van Rensselaer St., Buffalo, N. Y. Products Chief products are: (1) Kaustine Super-Septic Tanks (2) Kaustine Chemical Toilets Principal Uses Where running water is available the Kaus- tine Super-Septic Tank provides a complete sewage disposal system, receiving the wastes from the home and disposing of them with little or no attention or upkeep. The sewage disposal of the modest cottage, large country F club, factory or entire community can be caredmcer Ff for by this system. mI The Kaustine Chemical Toilet provides a sanitary, convenient and comfortable indoor toilet for home, camp, school or factory, A water system is not required, Description of Products Due to the peculiar design embodied in this sewage disposal tank, the sewage undergoes a process of bacterial (anaerobic) decomposi- tion and gasification which breaks down the solids and leaves a liquid for final disposal. The bacterial action in this sewage disposal system is completely due to the positive but slow movement of the sewage through it. More complete liquefaction, less scum and sludge and a clearer and more easily-assimi- lated effluent are the results of these superior features of design. The danger of contami- nation of underground sources of water sup- ply is reduced to such a degree that health authorities throughout the country endorse the Kaustine method of sewage disposal. The Kaustine Standard Toilet is a com- plete sewage disposal system. It consists of an IRON Tank equipped with ‘Agitator’? (sew- Plan View of Neate ale ate o aeerene a = : 3 Tun- guarding sources nel; vitreous china of water supply bowl; venti- SAT APELID, FOR i i aie e against pollution ation sys- tem a n d (Cut-away View) Kaustine Illustrating the patented in- Cl 7 terior arrangement of Kaus- hemical. tine Super-Septic Tank. Kaustine Standard Toilet System Installed Com- ten es pletely. U] Installation CG Sag ) f l J Se IPSs Typical of Kaustine Super-Septic I 1 Tank, showing tile absorp- l j ? tion bed. l 1 Types and Sizes For installations where economy is necessary we manufac- ture a steel Septic Tank. This is made only in the smaller domestic sizes. The Super-Septic is recommended and made in all sizes to meet the needs of the home, club, factory or community. The Kaustine Super-Septic Tank is easy and inexpensive to install—no operating expense—it rarely requires Kaustine SUPER-SEPTIC attention. First Cost—Last Cost—Risk of Faulty Design and Construction eliminated. There are three distinet Kaustine Toilet types. We have the Standard, the Jerry, and the Hygeo. Each type is made in sizes to meet any requirement. Construction Kaustine Super-Septic Tanks are made from heavy gauge Armco ‘‘Ingot’’ Iron. electrically welded and double seamed, coated inside and out with Hermastic Enamel. Inlet and outlet connections are designed to receive curcer either four-inch or six-inch pipe. A fourteen- - ‘inch manhole is provided in the cover above the inlet connection. To provide a water tight arrangement the tank cover is flanged. Baffles and interior equipment are made from heavy gauge Armco Iron, welded in place and securely braced. The overflow pipe is made from heavy gauge pipe casing. An essential gas area equal to one-fifth of the capacity of the tank is provided above the water line. Write Kaustine Company, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. for catalog and other special informa- tion about the Toilet construction. Special processes are used in the manufac- ture of Kaustine Toilets and these processes have been worked out by a Kaustine Company mechanical engineer. The Kaustine Toilet has distinct and exclusive features. Interior Service The Kaustine Company, Inc., maintain for the benefit of their customers a Service and Engineering Department which may be con- sulted freely on any problem $ relating to the sanitary dis- posal of sewage. This depart- ment is composed of men who have had years of ex- by the installation of devices for the sanitary disposal of wastes, both industrial and domestic. Any difficult or unusual problem will have careful attention from this department. Knowledge and years of experience have enabled this Com- pany to produce the finest and safest disposal system to be had, from the standpoint of scientific design, materials and workmanship. Catalogs and Booklets Send for complete information on either Tanks or Toilets or both. Study Kaustine advantages and prices. Let our En- gineering Department save you trouble and money. Thousands of satisfied users throughout the United States and Canada. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 336 KAUSTINE COMPANY, Inc., 200 Van Rensselaer St. Buffalo, N. Y a Chem-o-let Self-Draining Chemical Indoor Toilets Made by WESTERN METAL SPECIALTY CO. 3020 Calhoun Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Product: This company manufactures the Chem-o-let Self-Draining Chemical Indoor Toilet—a convenient, sanitary; indoor toilet that displaces the inconvenient, unsanitary outhouse used in those districts where there are no sewers. Chem-o-let is particu- larly adapted for farm and suburban homes, summer cottages, auto tourist camps, golf courses, ete. Convenient and Sanitary NO EMPTYING BY HAND—Perfectly Sanitary: The Chem-o-let is self-draining and is thoroughly sanitary. There is no disagreeable emptying by hand. The principle of sewage disposal is very simple and effective. The Lav-o- let chemical, mixed with water, dissolves and liquefies solids, at the same time sterilizing and deodorizing contents. When the large-capacity steel tank is full, it is automatically emptied by means of a valve at the bottom of the tank, operated by a key and control rod. Contents drain out into an old bottomless barrel, buried outside, and the effluent is absorbed by. the soil, Advantages: Chem-o-let adds to the appearance, comfort and living con- ditions of any home or other place in which it is used. It prevents many sicknesses and disagreeable features now asso- ciated with houses having no sewage facilities. It is valuable enough to be installed as a permanent fixture and low enough in cost to install temporarily in districts where sewers will eventually be built. Operation: Two cupfuls of Lav-o-let chemical are mixed with two gallons of clean water and the solution is emptied into the tank. One half gallon of Lav-o-let with ordinary use, will last six months in a home of four to six persons at a cost of $2.50 per year, or about 21 cents per month, as one treatment of solu- tion lasts for four or five weeks at which time the tank is automatically drained, as already described. After each drain- ing (every four or five weeks) fresh chemical solution is placed in the tank. Agitator Assures Thorough Chemical Treatment Complete chemical treatment of all deposits is assured by a special automatic agitator, which is an exclusive Chem-o-let feature. This agitator is in the bottom of the tank and is connected to the lower side of the seat cover by means of a lorg rod and swivel. As the seat cover is lifted preparatory to using the Chem-o-let each time, the agitator is automatically put into operation, and stirs up the contents of the tank. resulting in complete and thorough chemical treatment. a For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Costs Less Than Ordinary Outhouse The total cost of a Chem-o-let installation including all materials, fixtures and labor is less than the cost of an ordi- nary outhouse. The cost of maintenance is only about $2.50 a year (for chemical), Two Styles Chem-o-let is furnished in two styles—the only difference being in the bowl. Type ‘‘A’’ has a glazed, white, vitreous china bowl, and type ‘‘F’’ a steel enameled bowl. Type ‘‘A” Chem-o-let: Highly glazed white vitreous china bowl. 25-Gallon rust-resisting steel tank. Oak finished seat and cover. Galvanized steel adjustable roof safe. Galvanized steel ventilator cap. 2-foot galvanized steel skirt pipe. 8 feet of 4-inch gray enameled vent piping. 3-inch iron elbow. Valve wrench. % gallon Lav-o-let chemical fluid. Roll toilet paper and holder. Tank dimensions from floor line (oval tank) 13 inches x 15 inches x 35 inches long. Diameter of valve opening 3 inches. Type “A” Chem-o-let Type “‘F’? Chem-o-let: 25-gallon rust resisting steel tank and steel enameled bowl combined. Oak finished seat and cover. Galvanized steel adjustable roof safe. Galvanized steel ventilator cap. 2-foot galvanized steel skirt pipe. 8 feet of 4-inch gray enameled soma Vent piping. Al ll 83-inch iron elbow. A Valve wrench. ¥% gallon can of Lav-o-let Chemi- eal fluid. Roll of toilet paper and holder. Tank dimensions from floor line 14 inches diameter and 34 inches Type “F” Chem-o-let long. Showing method of install- : - ing and barrel buried in Pe eee of valve opening 3 ground outside. Easily Installed: Anyone can install a Chem-o-let, as it requires no skilled labor, and full directions come with each toilet. Simply saw a hole in the floor for the tank. Cut a small hole through ceiling and roof for ventilating pipe. Run a pipe from bot- tom of tank to a barrel buried under the ground outside. Ask your dealer first—or write us for booklet ‘‘B’’ giving complete information. WESTERN METAL SPECIALTY CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Plumbing and Heating Fixtures and Materials for Every Purpose CRANE CO. Crane Co. General Offices, CRANE BUILDING, 836 So. Michigan Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. National Exhibit Rooms: Chicago, New York, Atlantic City, San Francisco, Works: Chicago, Bridgeport, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Trenton and Montreal. Aberdeen, S. D. Albany, N. Y. Asheville, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Billings, Mont. Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Buffalo, N, Y. Camden, N. J. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Charleston, W. Va. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chicago, Ill. Cincinnati, Ohio Davenport, Ia. Des Moines, Ia. Detroit, Mich, Duluth, Minn. East Chicago, Ind. Evanston, Ill. Evansville, Ind. Fargo, N. D. Ft. Smith, Ark. Grand Rapids, Mich. Great Falls, Mont. Greenville, S. C. Hartford, Conn. Hibbing, Minn. Hollywood, Calif. Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind. Branch Houses: Jacksonville, Fla. Jersey City, N. J. Kansas City, Mo. Knoxville, Tenn. Lexington, Ky. Lima, Ohio Little Rock, Ark. Long Beach, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Madison, Wis, Mankato, Minn. Memphis, Tenn. Miami, Fla. Minneapolis, Minn, Mobile, Ala. Muskogee, Okla. New Orleans, La. New Haven, Conn. Newark, N. J. New York, N. Y. Norfolk, Va. Oakland, Calif. Ogden, Utah Oklahoma City, Okla. Omaha, Neb. Oshkosh, Wis. Pasadena, Calif. Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenix, Ariz. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pocatello, Idaho. Portand, Me. Portland, Ore. Providence, R. I. Reading, Pa. Reno, Ney, Richmond, Va. Rochester, N. Y. Rockford, Tl. Sacramento, Calif. San Bernardino, Calif. Salt Lake City, Utah. San Diego, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Santa Ana, Calif. Savannah, Ga. Seattle, Wash. Shreveport, La. Sioux City, Ia. Sioux Falls. &§. D. South Bend, Ind. Spokane, Wash, Springfield, Tl. Springfield, Mass. Springfield, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn. Syracuse, N. Y. Tacoma, Wash. Tampa, Fla. Terre Haute, Ind. Trenton, N. J. Tucson, Ariz. Tulsa, Okla. Washington, D. C. Wichita. ‘ans. Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Winona, Minn, For Other Products See Pages as Follows: Water Heaters 417, Water Supply and Water Softeners 324 Crane Mauretania Reverse-Trap Closet Crane Mauretania Closet C-11010 has reverse trap syphon washdown action, made of twice-fired vitreous china. Crane One-Piece Kitchen Sinks These Crane One-Piece Kitchen Sinks are of porcelain enamel’ on iron. They have 12-inch integral backs, wide drainboards and waste strainers, 1% in. ‘‘p’’ trap with clean- out, and well escutcheon. All exposed metal parts are nickel- plated brass. Crane Sink C-19250 is supported on legs adjustable for height and concealed hangers. Agilis quick compression faucets with adjustable flanges. In sizes 20 x 30, 22x 32, and 22 x 36 inches. Crane Sink C-19180 has double drainboards. Supported by enameled iron adjustable legs and concealed hangers. Agilis combination quick compression double faucet with swinging spout and indexed all-china handles. Sizes 22 x 36, 20 x 30, 22x 30, and 22 x 32 inches. Low tank with sup- ports. High pres- sure, bottom - supply, ball cock with in- tegral stop. Flush valve. Double acting china operating lever. 36 inch iron pipe sup- ply to floor, with floor escutcheon. 2 inch flush connection. Birch mahogany fin- ish seat and cover with bar hinge and rubber bumpers. Brass floor screws with cap nuts and washers. All exposed metal parts are nick- el-plated brass. Crane Purus Syphon Jet Closet Crane Purus Syphon Jet Closet, C-10502, of twice-fired vitre- ous china. Extended lip. Crane water- controlled flushing valve. Ebony finish, open - front serpen- tine “ whalebonite ” seat. Rubber seat bumper. Floor flange gasket, bolts have enameled bolt caps. QE For, further details and CRANE CO, 836 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IIl. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 338 See Next Page : CRAN E Plumbing and Heating Fixtures and Material for Every Crane Nova Lavatory C 402-C1 Crane Nova Lavatory: C 402 - C1 — Of twice fired vitreous china with in- tegral spout, overflow and splash lip. Has a Securo quick-draining, di- rect-lift waste with china knob and china escutcheon. Supply valves are compression with renewable seats, four-arm indexed all-china handles and china escutcheons. Equipped with 1% inch “p” trap with cleanout and china escutcheons. All exposed metal parts are nickel plated brass. Dimensions: Slab, 24x30 inches. Basin, 13x18x6% inches. Slab may be 21x24 or 22x27 inches. Crane Corwith Bath: hand corner. waste fixture at right hand end. china escutcheons. Crane Corwith Bath: is given added lustrous surfaces. Waste barrel is 2 inches. C 3284-RA—For right Concealed combination com- pression top nozzle supply and eee on- cealed stops with screw driver slots and Of uniform cream-white enamel on iron interest by the graceful modeling of its Instead of the usual flat apron on the exposed front or front and end, the Corwith’s side and end are moulded in four planes, each plane receding slightly from the one beneath. The play of light on these surfaces gives the Corwith a character lacking in plainer fixtures. Renewable-seat valves are % inch, four-arm indexed all-china handles with china escutcheons. The shower equipment consists of a Crane Tarnia Recess Bath C 3336-A Crane Tarnia Recess Bath: C 3336-A—Of porcelain enamel on iron. Built in one piece. Has slope end. Is reversible. Equipped with legs and an outlet. Arranged for tiled front panel. Has concealed combination compression overrim spout supply and standing waste fixture at end; With renewable seats, four-arm, indexed, all- china handles and china escutcheons, % inch Crane concealed mixing valve shower with re- newable seats, china lever handle and china escutcheon, 5 inch cast brass shower head with removable face, adjustable ball joint. All valves may be rewashered from face of wall. Nominal sizes 5, 54% and 6 feet. Crane Shower: C4400 B—With cone cealed compression. operating valves which may be re-washered from the face of wall. All exposed metal parts are nickel plated brass. handle, pipe size and flange. %-inch Crane con- 51% and 6 feet. Crone Corwith Recess Bath: 5 3308-RA—With outlet in right hand end. combination compression overrim spout supply and standing waste fixture at right hand end. cealed mixing valve with renewable seats, china escutcheon, | with removable face, adjustable ball joint and % inch iron weight bent arm to wall with metal wall Adjustable curtain rod is 1% inch outside diameter with snap hooks and 10% ounce white duck triple tuck curtain with grommets and hold back hook. metal parts are nickel plated brass. washered from-face of wall. Purpose Crane Majestic Pedestal Lavatory C 2992-M1 Pedestal C' 2992-M1—Of porcelain enamel on Crane Majestic Lavatory: iron. Has a Securo combination compression supply and quick-drain- ing, direct lift waste with shampoo connection, renewable seats, four arm indexed all-china handles and china escutcheon. Supplies to wall have compression stops with wheel handles. Equipped with 1% inch cast brass “P” trap with cleanout and wall escutcheon. All exposed metal parts are nickel plated brass. Dimensions: Slab, 20x24 inches. Basin 12x16% inches. Slab may be 22x27 inches. Has concealed china lever 5-inch cast brass shower head All exposed All valves may be re- Nominal sizes are 4%, 5, oe For further details and literature, write to: CRANE CO. Chicago HOME BUILDERS CATALOG B39 Te-Pe-Co All-Clay Plumbing Fixtures For Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry Manufactured by THE TRENTON POTTERIES CC. Trenton, N. J. Complete Line The Te-pe-co line does not only consist of a few baths, lavatories, closet combinations, sinks and laundry trays, but also includes every type of fixture required in apartments, hotels, schools, office buildings, factories and hospitals. Vitreous China and Porcelain Te-pe-co fixtures are made of vitreous china and porcelain, which are the only materials that will withstand every test required of a truly sanitary fixture. They are clay through and through. No iron or other metal is used. Therefore, there can be no rust, corrosion or peeling. They have the same hard, glassy, white surface as the finest table china. No acids, medicines or anything used in the bathroom, kitchen or laundry can penetrate or stain their beautiful lustrous surface. Superior Quality Substantiating every possible laboratory test, years of actual service has proven that Te-pe-co fixtures are of superior quality. The fact that many leading architects continue to specify them for the finest buildings in the country as they have for years past, is evidence of their durability. Improved Design In keeping with their superior quality Te-pe-co fixtures em- body every refinement and improvement in design known to modern day sanitation and possess many exclusive features that afford greater convenience than those of the ordinary kind. While void of ornamentation, they are, neverthe- less, beautiful in their very simplicity and clean-cutness of line. They combine beauty, utility and durability. Choice of Size and Design Te-pe-co baths, lavatories, water closets, sinks, etc., are made in various patterns and sizes and offer the widest latitude in choice of fixtures to meet the different building re- quirements. Trade Mark Guarantee Te-pe-co fixtures may be identified by the makers trade mark, which is indelibly stamped on every piece. It is your guarantee of the highest quality backed by a manufacturer who assumes all responsibility for their product and values their reputation of quality for which they are renowned. Method of Marketing Owing to the nature of our product and the necessity of careful installation by experienced men, we have found that we can serve the consumer or builder best by marketing through a well informed local distributor and dependable plumbers. To secure Te-pe-co fixtures it is only necessary to inquire of your plumber or write us direct. Bathroom Plan Book To assist the home builder in planning their bathroom and selecting such fixtures as will meet their requirements to the best advantage, we have prepared a bathroom plan book which contains considerable information pertaining to plumb- ing fixtures that is of value to anyone who is interested in the same. We shall be glad to forward a copy on request. PLATE NO. 2605-R PLATE Quiet ‘‘Siwelclo’’ Vitreous china closet combination, complete with Te- He-co Tank fittings, china flush con- nection, and all white seat. “‘Ambassador’’ porcelain PLATE NO. 3567-R J ‘‘Te-pe-co’’ porcelain combination sink and laundry tray with N. P. brass compression cocks and tray bibbs, N. P. brass sink strainer, tray plug and coupling, [/2” N. P. brass traps to wall, and ash drainboard. Also made with’ tray and drain on right hand end. Sizes 50 x 23—42 x 23 drain mat. NO. 2023-R recess bath complete with con- cealed combination supply and waste fitting at left hand end. Also made with fittings at right hand end. Sizes 5/0”—5’6”—6’/0” x 29” wide “Te-pe-co’’ porcelain kitchen i drainboard, with N. P. Brass combination supply fitting with swinging gooseneck nozzle, N. P. hrass strainer and 1/2” N. P. brass trap to wall. Rubber Size 62 x 26—52 x 26 PLATE NO. 2110-R “Tuxedo” vitreous china lavatory with integral china nozzle and china pedestal, complete with all white combination supply and pop-up waste fittings, N. P. brass supply pipes and trap to wall. Sizes 30 x 24—27 x 22—24 x 20 PLATE NO. 3402-R PLATE NO. 3571-R “Te-pe-co’’ porcelain two-part laundry tray with N. P. brass tray bibbs, N. P. brass twin waste connection and {'/2” N. P. brass trap to wall. Sizes 46/2 x 25 sink with integral GM FSiecrature, write) | THE TRENTON POTTERIES CO., TRENTON, N. J. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CHURCH SANI-WHITE TOILET SEATS Manufactured by C. F. CHURCH MFG. CO. Holyoke, Mass. SERVICE SERVICE New York ; Bayonne, N. J. Minneapolis ae Miami, Florida Philadelphia Tampa, Florida Kansas City, Mo. Chicago Detroit ip Pittsburgh Montreal ; , Cd, S Oklahoma City Boston sanixwhite Stamford, Conn. St. Louis LOOK FOR THIS NAME ON UNDER-SIDE OF SEAT Atlanta, Ga. San Francisco Los Angeles No. 162 Open Front Full Saddle Pattern for regular bowl. No ex- White cushion bar bumpers. No. 142 Plain pattern for regular bowl. All white. No screws, no nuts, no bolts appearing anywhere above the surface of the bowl. White cushion bar bumpers. No. 150 All White Church Sani- No. 425 Church Sani-white seat white seat with white cushion bar bumpers. Same as No. 142 but without cover. No exposed metal. posed metal. and cover; plain pattern for regu- lar bowl, nickel plated brass hinge and white cushion bar bumpers. New Orleans Vancouver, B. C. No. 102 Full saddle pattern with sanitary lip. No exposed metal. White cushion bar bumpers. Dimensions of Model 142 A Bathroom Luxury Everyone Can Afford [é YOU lived in one of those palatial apartments on Park Avenue, in New York City, where you have to pay $5,000 to $12,000 a year rent, you still couldn’t have a better toilet seat in your bathroom than the Church Sani-white Toilet Seat which you can afford to have right now. Adds New Beauty The improvement in appearance made by a spot- lessly clean, all white toilet seat is certainly sur- prising. Its beauty and refinement are qualities every woman wants in her bathroom—a room she can be proud to have guests use. The Church Toilet Seat is all-white and stays white permanently—a sanitary seat that washes as easily as porcelain. Its white surface is neither varnish, paint nor enamel, but a durable sheathing as handsome as ivory. It won’t crack, splinter, chip, wear off or stain. Can be installed on your toilet in a few minutes and easily taken off and reinstalled if you move to another house or apartment. Send for “An Easy Way to Make a Bathroom More Attractive” This is the title of an attractively illustrated little book of sixteen pages, just off the press, that tells the story of the interesting way in which one woman discovered how to make her bathroom more attrac- tive. If you have sometimes wished that your own bathroom looked a little more attractive, this book will certainly be of value to you, and it is FREE. Send for a copy, together with a free sample of Sani- white Sheathing. C. F. Church Mfg. Co., Dept. M-1, Holyoke, Mass. For further details and literature, write to: C. F. CHURCH MFG. CO., Dept. M-1, Holyoke, Mass. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG C. F. CHURCH MFG. CO., Dept. M-1, Holyoke, Mass. Standardized Unit NEW YORK CHICAGOG Renewable Wearing FAUCETS Parts STAMFORD, CONN. Made By MINNEAPOLIS PHILADELPHIA LOS ANGELES PITTSBURGH THE CHICAGO FAUCET COMPANY DES MOINES skeet 2700-2722 North Crawford Ave., Chicago KANSAS CITY, MO. Products: This company manufactures Faucets for every service, sold under the trade-names of QUATURN, a quick- compression faucet; and SEL-KLO, a self-closing faucet. Either of them is readily convertible to the opposite type without disturbing the faucet body. Also manufactures Drinking Fountains and Bubblers. Advantages: In compression type faucets the Seat Washer is usually the first part to wear out, then the Seat, next the Compression Thread on stem and in body. In ordinary faucets, the Seat is usually a little ridge of metal machined on body casting of faucet. When this is worn the faucet must be scrapped. In Chicago Faucets—Quaturn and Sel-Klo —the seat is not a part of the body—it is not even fastened to the body, but is a stamping from sheet phosphor bronze which slips into its place on the end of the sleeve just as easily as the seat washer goes on the end of the stem. The Thread is inside a sleeve which is economically and easily replaced when worn out. All wearing parts are renewable, and form a standardized unit easily and economically obtained from the plumber or supply house. Faucet Body: The faucet body is merely a rugged shell or container for the reception of the work- ing unit and is made in many attractive designs and- finishes to meet every faucet need. There is no wear of any kind on the body; consequently it will never have to be replaced. It is good for the life of the house. Handles: Handles are furnished in various designs and materials individual tastes. to meet all requirements and Close with the Pressure: Quaturn Faucets close with the pressure—not against People who live in high-pressure territories, or where an occasional high fire pressure is applied, say that they will not use a quick compression faucet that As closes against the pressure. Protected by United States and Canadian patents, issued & pending. as I \ \ | peg ETDS. i pr Peery (seal talc ' | r] | § | ' | ! {eae | ea Pa oe 1 be Natasa, | t] ly Le Illustration shows a Quaturn Unit in place in a kitchen faucet. This is the standardized working unit of Quaturn and “Sel-Klo faucets. Bodies vary according to use. Handles vary according to taste. The unit is always the same. Easily Convertible: As one working unit fits both it is a simple matter to convert the Quaturn (quick com- pression faucet) into the Sel-Klo (self-clos- ing faucet) and experienced contractors and builders will quickly recognize this advantage. Standardized Unit Construction: Chicago faucets—Quaturn and Sel-Klo— are standardized—one working unit fits them all. In large buildings reserve units are earried in stock (like electric light bulbs) and when a faucet leaks a reserve unit is put in place and the leaky unit held until convenient to replace it. Catalog: Our profusely illustrated catalog will be sent to any contractor or builder who wants to know more about Chicago Faucets and their adaptability for use in the modern home. THESE PARTS ASSEMBLED MAKE THE COMPLETE WORKING UNIT Conical Pack- \ Seat Washer ILLUSTRATED ABOVE. Handle Screw Cap ing Washer Brass Pack- ing Washer Cap Thread Gasket Left or Right Hand Stem Left or Right Hand Sleeve L. or R. Hand Unit (without cap) Seat Washer Retainer Stem ut Stem Nut Washer For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 342 THE CHICAGO FAUCET COMPANY, Chicago. Mueller Faucets and Plumbing Goods Manufactured by MUELLER CO. DECATUR, ILLINOIS Branches: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles. MUELLER Combination Sink Faucet Mueller Complete Trimmings for Roll Rim Tubs—Fitsemall Supplies G-2081—is an attractive popular combination \ faucet, with swinging spout, pedestal china soap dish and indexed china handles. Finished in_ brilliant, heavy nickel plate. Corrugated stem provides for keep- ing handles in proper position. Soap dish has drain opening and can be removed for cleaning. : Combination G-5710 consists of bath MUELLER Compression Lavatory Faucet faucet (G-5500), drain and _ overflow eh Van (G-5810), and Fitsemall Supplies : EM (G-6760). Finished nickel plated. Has china indexed side lever handles. Fitsem- all supplies are 3% inches O. D. Inlet slip joint nuts for 4% inch I. P. Center measurement of bath faucet inlets is 33¢ inches. Complete trimming packed in one carton. MUELLER Compression Fixture Supply Stops G-8010 is a compres- sion fixture supply stop suitable for use In connec- tion with every type of fixture sup- plied. Permits shutting off the water to any individu- al fixture. Finished nickel plated. Has angle G-3120 is a handsome compression lavatory faucet, heavy nickel plated, with pleasing lines that harmonize with every fixture. Has china indexed top lever handle, and is furnished complete with nut and tailpiece. The corrugated steel washer grips the under side of the Aa ty wheel handle. lavatory and holds the faucet rigidly in place. Made in sizes 8% inch and 1 inch. yom Foe further oes"? MUELLER CO., Decatur, Illinois HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 343 ALBERENE STONE LAUNDRY and KITCHEN FIXTURES ALBERENE STONE COMPANY Main Office 153 W. 23rd Street, New York Quarries and Mills Schuyler, Va. BRANCHES Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. What Alberene Stone Is: Alberene Stone is a natural quarried stone— not a composition or an imitation—with the time-proof permanence of the hills from which it comes. It is a pleasing light gray in color, blending harmoniously with any surroundings. It is quarried in large blocks, sawed into slabs, rubbed to a satin-like finish, and fabricated and assembled in many forms for many purposes. It is hard and dense—it is non-absorbent to moisture, non- staining, resistant to all chemical action—it is non-chipping, non-flaking, non-sealing. Alberene Stone Laundry Trays and Sinks: These fixtures are made up from selected slabs of Alberene Stone, with tongue-and-groove joints held by con- cealed bolts and water-proof. cement, in units having the solidity and permanence of one-piece eonstruction. There are absolutely no cracks or crevices in which dirt or germs might lodge. Being absolutely non-absorbent and having a smooth surface easily kept clean, they are always dry, odorless and absolutely sanitary. Simplicity of line and correct proportions make them attractive and equally adapted to bungalow, apartment or mansion. Fittings, Heights, Etc.: Alberene Stone Trays and Sinks can be had with several different styles of legs or standards. Standard heights 16” and 24”; special adjustable legs can be furnished if specified. Faucets and fittings are not supplied with the tubs, but any of the standard styles in these can be provided by the in- stalling plumber. Sizes and Styles: There are 12 standard styles in Alberene Stone Laundry Trays—I18 standard styles in sinks—and 15 standard styles in combination Tray and Sink Fixtures. The range of a STYLE 101A Single-compartment Laundry Tray, with cover; supplied also without cover as Style 101: 3 sizes—24”, 30”, 36” x 24”, 16” deep. Chicago, III. Pittsburgh, Pa. TRADE MARK STYLE 104 Two-compartment Laundry Tray, with- out cover; supplied also with galvanized covers; 6 sizes — 42”, 44”, 46”, 48”, 54”, 60” x 24”, 16” deep. Cleveland, Ohio Newark, N. J. Richmond, Va. sizes in each of these 45 styles covers every requirement of taste or convenience. Options in most of the standard styles afford a still greater range of choice. Only a few of the more popular styles are here illustrated. The dimensions given are the outside measurements, in all cases. A complete Style Book giving illustrations, sizes and options in all styles, will be sent on request. Distribution and Delivery: Plumbing jobbers everywhere carry Alberene Stone Trays and Sinks in stock, in the styles and sizes for which the greatest demand exists. These jobber stocks are sup- plemented by larger and more diversified stocks at factory and branch warehouses. Prompt delivery can usually be made in the most sizes and styles. Responsibility : Alberene Stone has been quarried and fabricated for over 40 years. The company is the oldest and largest producer of these natural stone specialties in the world, and owns the only known deposit of stone of the physical and chemical and structural characteristics of -Alberene Stone. Millions of Alberene Stone Trays and Sinks are in use today. The trademark placed on every genuine Alberene Stone fixture is a guarantee of perfect material and workmanship. Other Alberene Stone Products: The unique physical properties of Alberene Stone give it distinct value in the home for range hearths and backs, fire-place hearths and linings, radiator slabs and drips, © garden furniture, garden flagging. In schools, hospitals and business buildings it is widely used for stair treads and landings. While as a material for laboratory equipment in schools, colleges, hospitals, etc. Alberene Stone is gen- erally recognized as the material without a peer. STYLE 108 Three-compartment Laundry Tray, with- out covers; supplied also with galvanized covers; 5 sizes—72”, 78”, 84”, 90”, 96” x 24”, 16” deep. For further details and literature, write to: a ALBERENE STONE COMPANY 153 W. 23rd St., New York or nearest branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page ALBERENE STONE LAUNDRY AND KITCHEN FIXTURES (Continued) athe : Style 102—Single-compartment Laundry Tray, | with integral high back, 3 sizes—24”, 30”, 36” x 24”, 16 Style 105—Two-compartment Laundry Tray, with in- deep. tegral high back; 3 sizes—48”, 54”, 60” x 24”, 16” deep. Style {36B—Combination Laundry Tray and Sink, right or left hand as ordered, with wood drainboard; sink with high back, shelf and return ends; 3. sizes, 48”, 54”, 60” x 24”. Style 110—Three-compartment Laundry Tray with_in- tegral high back, shelf and return ends; 5 sizes, 72”, 78”, 84”, 90”, 96% x 24”, 16” deep. weet os Style 138—Single Tray and Sink in combination, made up cf standard single units; right or left hand as ordered; sink with integral high back, tray with wood drainboard; 4 sizes, 48” to 54” x 24”, eee Me SOT OOO Rn Style 13!1B—Two-compartment Tray and Sink in com- bination; integral high backs; trays with wood drain- boards; right or left hand as ordered; 5 sizes, 72”, to 90” x 24”, i # oe Style 146—Kitchen Sink, sizes, 8” deep, width furnished als: Style 147. Straight front, no back; 9 18” to 24”, length 24” to 48”; Style 147B—Kitchen Sink, bevel front, integral high 0 with integral high back, same sizes, as back; 9 sizes, 8” deep, width, 18” to 24”, length 24” to 48” furnished also without high back, same sizes, as Style 146E. Style 150Q@C—Kitchen Sink with Stone Drainboard, corner mounting, integral high back and end; 9 sizes, width 18” to 24”, length 48” to 72”, 8 deep; right or left hand as ordered. For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Style {50Q@—Kitchen Sink with Stone Drainboard, open mounting; integral high back; right or left hand; 9 sizes, width 18” to 24”, length 48” to 72”, 8” deep. 345 ALBERENE STONE COMPANY | x u Style ‘ 116BB—Three-Tray Combination Fixture, with integral high back; 9 sizes, made up of Various combinations of standard style 102 Trays. ee Style 137B—Combination Laundry Trays and Sink; right hand, left hand, or center sink, with wood drainboards; sink with high back, shelf and return ends; 3 sizes, 60”, 66”, 72” x 24 ees Style 138'/2A—Two Single-compartment Trays and Sink in combinatio right hand, left hand or center sink, with wood drdinboards; sink with integral back, shelf and return ends; 4 sizes, 72” to 90” x 24”. .. Style 148—Kitchen Sink, straight front, integral high back with shelf and return ends; 9 sizes, 8” deep, width 18” to 24”, length 24” to 48”. Style 160—Kitchen Sink with Double Stone Drainboard; high back with shelf and return ends; 9 sizes, width 18” to 24”, length 60” to 84”, depth 8’, brass rims illustrated furnished only on order, at extra cost; sup- plied in same sizes with plain high back. 153 W. 23rd St., New York ~ or nearest branch Columbia WhiteEnameled Steel MedicineCabinets Manufactured by COLUMBIA METAL BOX COMPANY 226 EAST 144th STREET, NEW YORK No. 1902 Recess Cabinet This is the same type of cabinet as No. 1900 and 1901. No. 1912 Recess Cabinet This is the same type as No. 1910, 1911, 1912, with the exception of towel bar on 1910. No. 1804 Wall Cabinet This is the same type of cabinet as No. 1801 and 1803. Products White Enameled Steel Medicine Cabinets, Recess and Wall Types. Also Sanitary Sink Cabinets, Garbage Can Receptacles, and Radiator Enclosure Cabinets. Reasonably Priced The Columbia Metal Box Company has standard- ized on a few sizes and styles which they produce in large quantities thereby enabling them to sell these cabinets at a price very close to that of the wood cabinet. Advantages Unlike the wooden cabinet, there are no glued joints to warp and crack open. It is sanitary in every respect. The baked on white enamel finish will retain its lustrous whiteness for years undimmed and unmarred by moisture attacks or frequent clean- ing with soap and water. Construction These cabinets should not be confused with light gauge steel cabinets. The cabinet proper is stamped of heavy No. 20 U. 8S. Gauge Furniture Steel; the door is stamped of No. 16 U. S. Gauge Furniture Steel. There are no seams or cracks. All joints are electrically welded. Recess. ype Cabinets There is a growing demand for the flush type cab- inet as it presents a really beautiful appearance in the bathroom. This type is made in two styles with and without the open shelf at the bottom. The various sizes with equipment follow: No. 1!900—Overall dimensions are 174%” wide; 214%” high: 4%” deep. Plain or beveled plate glass mirror 10” by 14”. Two plate glass shelves. Net weight 20 lbs. Size of hole in wall 144%4” wide by 18144” high by 23%” deep. No. 1{90!—Overall dimensions are 19144” wide; 23144” high; 4%4” deep. Beveled plate glass mirror 12” by 16”. Two plate glass shelves. Net Weight 22 Ibs. Size of hole in wall 16%” wide by 20%” high by 2%” deep. No. 1902—Overall dimensions are 214%” wide 27%” high; 4%4” deep. Beveled plate glass mirror 14” by 20”. Three plate glass shelves. Net weight 30 lbs. Size of hole in wall is 18144” wide by 2414” high by 2%” deep. With open shelf at bottom This style of cabinet makes a splendid installation for the guest bathroom. 'The open shely is very con- venient for the guest’s toilet necessities. The No. 1910 model is the only model furnished with a towel bar at the bottom in addition to the open shelf. No. (910—(with towel bar) Overall dimensions are 17144” wide; 2314” high; 44%” deep. Beveled plate glass mirror is 12” by 12”. Two plate glass shelves. Net weight 23 lbs. Size of hole in wall 14%” wide by 20%" high by 2%” deep. No. {91!—Overall dimensions are 194%” wide; 251%” high; 41%4” deep. Beveled plate glass mirror 14” by 14”. Two plate glass shelves. Net weight 25 lbs. Size of hole in wall 164%” wide by 22%” high by 2%” deep. No. 1912—Overall dimensions are 21144” wide; 27144” high; 41%” deep. Bexeled plate glass mirror 16” by 16. Three plate glass shelves. Net weight 29 lbs. Size of hole in wall 84%” wide ky 24%” high by 234” deep, Wall Type Cabinets These cabinets are made for aieic mounting upon the wall where it is not possible or desirable to use a Recess Type Cabinet. ee No. 180!—Overall dimensions are 16” wide; “20” high; ayn deep. Plain plate glass mirror 10” by 14”. Two plate glass shelves. Net weight 21 Ibs. No. 1803—Overall dimensions are 18” wide; 22’ high; 444” deep. Bey- eled plate glass mirror 12” by 16”. Two plate glass shelves. Net weight 23. Ibs. No. 1804—Overall dimensions are 20” wide; 26” high; 4%” deep. Bev- eled plate glass mirror 14” by 20. Three plate glass shelves. Net weight 82. Ibs. ; —_= For further details and ‘3 literature, write to: COLUMBIA METAL BOX COMPANY 226 East 144th St. NEW YORK CITY ene eee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 346 Steel Medicine Cabinets and Lavatory Mirrors Hess Snow White Manufactured by HESS WARMING & VENTILATING CO. 1207-1227 So. Western Ave., Chicago, Il. For Hess Welded Steel Furnaces see page 362 Materials and Construction Made of smooth, soft steel, enameled inside and out with best white varnish enamel baked in ovens. Binding Guarantee Our Guarantee specifies all cabinets to be made by Hess Warming & Ventilating Co. and to bear the trade-mark Hess. The mirror is of the best American plate glass, beveled or plain. The door closes flush with the front in a rabbeted opening. Furnished with brass nickelplated hinges and turn eateh. The enamel on such goods is- guaranteed not to crack, flake nor blister (external violence excepted). Our trade-mark is a promise to restore any enamel showing such defect or to replace with a new cabinet, without expense to the purchaser. Shelves adjustable, of white enameled steel or clear, polished plate glass. The recessed cabinet (styles E and F) recesses 414 in. back of finished face of plaster and projects 114 in. Special grounds and methods of attaching are described in free booklet. Another style, H, similar to F, does not recess, but attaches to face of wall. Lavatory Mirrors Similar in construction to mirror doors of the cabinets. Made with or without shelves and towel bars. Five sizes, Five sizes in each style. Illustrated booklet and price list on request. a STYLE ‘‘AA”’ STYLE or CABINET TO STYLE “F’” CABINET TO LAVATORY MIRROR ECESS RECESS STYLE “A” MIRROR With open pocket shelf below Hess STEEL MEDICINE CABINETS Hess STEEL LAVATORY Mirrors Extreme Wall Fi ae Outside het outside Inside opening Size of Shining dimensions Wall opening, | Size of mirror, | Shipping No dimensions, | dimensions, | required, mirror, Nid t No. (shelf and bar in. in. weight in. in. 4\y in. deep Ins ° not included), in. Ib. StytE E—To ReEctss, witH Pocket SHELF BELOW StyL—E A—MIrIRROR ONLY, WITH OR WITHOUT GLASS SHELF AND TOWEL BAR 19 16 x27% 1314 x16 1334 x244% 10x14 52 20 214x33% 184%x21 1834 x 2934 14x18 68 6 123% x 1634 : 10x 14 30 21 234% x35% 2014 x23 2034 x 313% 16x20 1M) 60 1734 x 21% No opening 14 xake 35 22 2544x37% 224% x25 2234 x 3334 18x22 85 61 1934 x 233% required 16 x 20 38 23 2744 x39% 2444 x27 2434 x 3534 20x24 100 62 213% x 25% 1Sixs 22 40 63 233% x 27% 20 x 24 43 StyLt—E F—To RECcEss SO GLe? «> ae atte oS sk a oe Sa Sak Per om TT yo Gearon Og 30. | atuexasy | iasetan | issex2is | taxis | 50 x x 4X ‘4, x 3 hs 31 2314x2714 | 2014x23 | 2034x2344 | 16x20 68 Shh DIMENSIONS Wall Shipping 32 25144 x29% 2214%x25 2234 x25%4 18x 22 75 N x F Opening weight 33 274% x31% 244% x27 2434x274 20 x 24 90 Ss Outside Mirror 414 in. Deep lbs. : 16 123% x 251% 10 x 14 614 x 934 25 Styte H—To Hanc on WALL 160 174% x 2914 14x18 614 x 1334 30 49 1634 x 20 {Seg x 1S eames oe 10 x 14 51 161 1914 x 3114 16 x 20 614 x 1534 35 50 | 2194x2434 | 2016 x22%|.. 0.02.02. 14x18 | 62 162 2114 x 331% 18 x 22 614 x 1734 40 51 Da 26 8g IN 22 AKIO ck ns 16 x 20 71 163 2314 x 35% 20 x 24 614 x 1934 45 For further details and literature, write to: HESS WARMING & VENTILATING CO. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 1207-1227 S. Western Ave. Chicago, III. 347 “" TAWCO BATHROOM CABINETS 2225. Manufactured by THE F. H. LAWSON COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO CHICAGO, ILL., 60 East Lake Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., 33 Bush Terminal Qutality Cabinets at Reasonable Prices DIMENSIONS (INCHES) OF LAWCO INSERT CABINETS Glare rah ileal arees iq hacke r ) vear Outside Ship’g Ev ery Cabinet turned out is backed by 110 years of acto Wall Flange Dosen Mee successful manufacturing. This experience is used to wallflange) Peng | Depth | Width Ib. pp the highest grade cabinets at a reasonable price. 100 17 $4x2284 13 44x19 14x3 34 114 134 14 x19 10x14 30 Py awe >< 100 ahi ‘a ar ‘ if AX. 8 4X19 AXS 2 4 4 x x The Lawco Bathroom Cabinets are beautiful and 200 |1734x225¢133¢x1934x355| 11¢ | 18 |i4 x19 | dixie] 38 lasting. Finished in a rich white lacquer enamel inside 25O |16 94x22 34/12 24x19 }4x324| 154 | 124 |1394x1334) 12x12] 45 d Tae ies ee eres te 300 |16 34x22 $4]1234x1914x334| 154 | 134 |133gx19%¢] 12x18 | 45 and out it has a permanent beauty. Constructed o 350 18 sexte $414 Ceadt 5x 1% 1% 15%6x15% 14xtd 1 50 ean ae . = Sa he leas ; aoe Se 18 34x 4 x 4x3 14 a 153gx % x 5 heavy sheet steel and welded and soldered in every joint 450 |3054x265;|16 54x234x3%4| 152 | 114 |t73¢x173¢| 1oxi6 | 55 it is practically indestructible. Write for further 500 120 24x26 94116 34x2330x374|_1%4 | 1% _|17%x23%%| 16x22 |_55_ information All above from 250 to 500, inclusive, can be furnished in the patented “Access” Type. Doli tkik cabin eh EiSda tate Shenae Lawco Combination Mirrer, Shelf and Towel Bar Best quality plain mirror 18%x15%, %4 in. thick; white opal glass shelf 5x18, 3/16 in. thick; mirror ~ = flange 1% in. wi % in, ; Ar i i No. 150. Lawco Insert Cabinet Nos. 100, 200. Lawco Insert Cabinet ange 1% a wide, % in gses; ArmS ingot iron Best quality plate mirror 4 in. thick; two adjust- No. 200—Best quality plain plate mirror ™%4 in. towel bar with three coats of white vitreous enamel, Oe Lae ied biaeon ue tae ee te thick; two adjustable glass shelves 13x14 in.; porce- burnt on, Over-all dimensions, 20 in, high, 18% adjustable spring ser sateh, 5 F aa - ase Sh Pa eS = a a . £ ; je ace or plung é iy eee tate Specht adjustable plunger catch; in. wide, G in. deep from front edge of shelf to a ges, a amel. in Rae No..100—Similar to No. 200, except 10x14 in. back of mirror fiange. mirror, stationary metal shelves and mirror not removable. PALE Nos. 250, 350, 450. Lawco Insert Cabinets with Nos. 300, 400, 500. Lawco Insert Cabinets with Short Door and Exposed net ; zs ; ; Long Door ’ ae Best quality bevel plate mirror % in. thick; three Best quality bevel plate mirror % in. thick; three A 7 F adjustable 14, in, plate glass shelves; white porcleain adjustable %4 in, plate glass shelves; white porcelain Lawco ‘‘Access insert Cabinet hexagon knob operating inside, adjustable spring hexagon knob, operating inside, adjustable brass The only practical access cabinet on the market. plunger catch; concealed pin hinges, spring plunger catch; concealed pin hinges. This type can be furnished in No. 250 to 500. Ge For, further details and = THE F, H. LAWSON COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 348 MAJESTIC STEEL MEDICINE CABINETS Manufactured by 4051 North Tripp Ave., Chicago MAJESTIC HI-GRADE CONSTRUCTION Attractive design with unusual refinements in details to Jarmonize with the finest bathroom equipment. No. 20 guage patent level furniture steel insures life-tima service. The workmanship is so accurate that the door is cushioned by the air in the ease, closing with a faint click. The rich appearance has won popular favor everywhere. No. 812 : ‘ ; S AheG - ana No. 812 Specifications: 167x20” polished plate glass mirror, outside 2214/x31%”, inside 17 34,.x26 7, depth over all plaster line to back of cabinet 4”, opening for shelf below door 5” high, fitted with three plate glass shelves and vitrolite plate in recess, solid brass nickel plated hinges and knob, 4 coat baked enamel finish. Requires wall opening 1847x2714”, i cifications: Same appointments as No. 812 except measurements of case. Outside 2216/x26%", See veaerentss depth over all 3” plaster line to back of cabinet 4”. Cabinet reversible for left or tight hand door swing. Requires wall opening 1814x224”, No. 805 MAJESTIC POPULAR CONSTRUCTION ‘Fi ‘ i i i a tremely low price. Costs Has many advantages of our ‘‘Hi-Grade’’ cabinet simplified to enable our extn } e ; fess than a good wood cabinet installed, lasts longer, looks better. Door photee nae ona Rig ees proof snugness. No. 22 guage patent level special furniture steel is used throughout. onfo: a high standard of workmanship. No. 807 . 4 3 Vi a” No. 807 Specifications: 14x18” polished plate glass mirror. Outside 20% ’x29%”, UT anh Waris depth over all 4%4”, plaster line to back of cabinet 3%”, opening for shelf below ea ia , i Sieible two plate glass shelves and vitrolite plate in recess, solid brass nickel plated knob, hae of ni I enameled hinges, welded in place, 4 coat baked enamel finish. Requires wall opening 4 X20 74". i i i tside 203¢”x24%”, in- No. 805 Specifications: Same appointments as No. 807 except measurements. Ou de 20 : ; side 1644 7x2014 depth over all 4%”, plaster line to back of cabinet 3%”, Cabinet reversible for left or right hand door swing. Requires wall opening 16%4/x20%”. MAJESTIC STEEL CABINET CO. Why You Should Specify Majestic Medicine Cabinets 1. One-piece die stamped door and cabinet frames. 2. Automatic door catch, nothing to turn or get out of order. 3. Doors open all the way without marring cabinet. Removable glass shelves are standard equipment. White Vitrolite plate furnished for open shelf in Nos. 807 and 812. 6. Solid brass nickeled knob, riveted in place. Will never work loose, Exceptionally easy to clean, both inside and outside. 8. No unsightly, hard to clean moldings on door to catch dirt and water. 9. Best quality plate glass mirrors. (No erystal (rolled glass) or shock mirrors). 10. Four coat baked enamel finish, with the Ma- jestic rust-proof bond coat as a base. The usual finishes, While they show a polish when new, soon loose their lustre. The depth of the Majes- tic finish provides a permanent lustre that im- proves with age. All joints are electrically or acetylene welded, then ground and polished. This is your assurance that eracked corners will never develop, The finish has twice the application most medicine cabinets have and we guarantee to exchange any cabinets should defects develop with proper care, When you consider the cost of wood cabinets with all_ their warping, shrinking, hard-to-clean doors and shelves, Majestic Steel Medicine cabinets will prove lasting satisfaction, economy and beauty. The outstanding quality of Majestic Medicine Cabinets is reflected in the reputation our metal craftsmen have earned. Their experience covers a wide range of household steel equipment as shown in part on pages 218-19. Specify Majestic, your satisfaction is guaranteed, guaranteed. A Fine Venetian Mirror with a Hidden Medicine Cabinet The Majestic DeLuxe Medicine Cabinet “Something finer’ for the unusual bathroom. The beautiful Venetian Mirror shows no evidenve of a cabinet. There are no hinges visible. A small glass knob opens the mirror door. The inside of the door is a steel mounting, hand- somely finished in, hand-rubbed walnut. The case has every Majestic refinement. The mirrors are engraved on the back, leaving a smooth, easy- to-polish surface. Three styles of mirrors—‘‘B’’ as shown, ‘‘A’”’ slightly more engraving than ‘‘A’’, “‘C’’ no en- graving. Size of mirrors 18”x30”. Requires wall opening 16%x26”, Ask for Bulletin No. 23 and prices, See Your Building Material Dealer or Write to: = MAJESTIC STEEL CABINET CO. 4051 N. Tripp Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 349 Cabinets Acme Sanitary Steel Medicine Made By MORTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY General Offices and Factory 5133-43 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois Cable Address “MORMANCO”, CHICAGO, Codes—A.B. C., 5th Edition, Bentley’s, Lieber’s. Products Acme Sanitary Steel Medicine Cabinets, Kass~ Safety Treads for Stairs and Floors, Acme Line of Steel Doors, Welded Tubing and Steel Products. Materials Acme Cabinets are made of heavy guage, rust- resisting steel, properly fabricated to insure rugged durability and permanently satisfactory operation without sagging or warping. This company has specialized for years in the fabrication of highly finished steel doors and interior trim for railway passenger cars, and consequently we have an un- usual equipment of machinery, sandblasters, sprayers and ovens for producing the highest grade enameled steel cabinets at attractive prices. Acme _ Cabinet without open shelf at bottom, to recess. Acme _ Cabinet with open shelf at bottom, to re- cess, Principal Excelling Features Clear crystal cut glass knob with rubber protect- ing cushion. Selected Mirror. Sanitary coved (rounded) corners in which dust can- not collect. Easy to clean. Sanitary white metal brack- ets to support shelves; Mirror easily replaced, if Edges and corners rounded. No cracks or joints to col- lect dust. Sanitary hinges, made of white metal—will not rust. Specially designed combi- nation ball and spring catch, Cabinet Without Open helf Mirror size 107x14"'12"x16” 14x18"? 167x207 Dimensions and Weights found necessary. Vastly stronger — made of heavier gauge metal. High quality baked enamel] finish. Our sandblasting, spraying and baking facili- ties are unsurpassed. Low Price—on either large or small quantities. Cabinet With Open Sheif Mirror size 10x14” 12/x16” 14x18” 16x20" Outside dimensions Outside dimensions 1516x2644" 171%6”x28y4,” 151%4/x19%"” 1714x2114” 194%6"x80%4" = 2146x3244” 91, 7y921,4 YVx95 VU? . a fy 19X23" 21X25 %% Inside dimensions Inside dimensions 12/x2234% 147x943,” 12x16” 147x18” 16x20” 18x22” 167x263%7% 18”x28%” Acme Mirror with glass Acme Open Shelf Cabinet Wall opening required Wall opening required shelf. with Attachment. 12UYU”x16U%"% 1447x184" 12Y4"x23" 14947x25”” 16x20," 1814x2214” 16% 75277 18%47x29” Approximate shipping weight Approximate shipping weight 30 Ibs. 35 Ibs, 401bs. 45 lbs. 35 Ibs. 40 Ibs. 45 lbs. 50 Ibs. Other types of Cabinets, special or otherwise, furnished where quantity warrants. Acme Cabinet without shelf with towel rack. Acme Wall Type Cabinet for use without recess. Acme Cabinet hinged in frame. For further details and § ; = literature, write to: MORTON MANUFACTURING CO., 5133-43 W. Lake St. CHICAGO HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 350 Silvers White Enamel Steel Medicine Cabinets Manufactured By SILVERS MANUFACTURING CO. WATERLOO, IOWA Seen iar America’s Most Beautiful Cabi- Retessedikype nets Have Made the Silvers Mfg. Steel Cabinets Styles: 0-22, 0-23, Co. One of the Largest Institu- 0-33, 0-43 tions of Its Kind In the Country— Why? SILVERS Cabinets are made of the very finest furniture steel, and are built to sustain a reputa- tion that defies competition. SILVERS Cabinets are made in large quantities with modern up-to-date machinery and _ skilled workmen, who keep quality up and prices down. SILVERS Cabinets are finished with the finest Snow-White baked Enamel, that is guaranteed not to crack nor peel, and if better Cabinets could be built, Silvers would build them. G It is impossible to manufacture finer cabinets than we are manufacturing as we use the very Recessed finest Furniture steel and the very finest White Steel Cabinets Enamels which are guaranteed. Styles: Yowll find SILVERS steel medicine cabinets in 92237 33.5 43 some of the largest apartments and hotels in the country—evidence that they are a quality product sold at the lowest possible price. We invite comparison and before entering your order with any concern, kindly write to us for samples and very lowest quantity prices and we will be pleased to send you samples for your in- spection and comparison of other makes, as Wwe pride ourselves on price, quality and service. Styles 0-22, 0-23, 0-33 and 0-43 Finish: Four Coats of Snow-White Baked Enamel. Mirror: Finest Beveled Edge Plate Glass. Nickel Plated Glass Door Knob. Furnished with Invisible Hinges. Two Adjustable Plate Glass Shelves. DIMENSIONS Outside Opening Inside Mirror Style Dimen- Required Depth Size sions in Wall 0-22 18 x27% 13 %x234%x2% 4 10x14 0-23 19144x29 % 154% x25%x3% 5 12x16 0-33 214%,x31% 17% x27T%x3% 5 14x18 0-43 23 x35% 194 x81%x3% 5 16x22 Style “AAA” Wall Type Recessed Steel Cabinets—Styles 22, 23, 33 and 43 Cabinet Finish: Four Coats of Snow-White Baked Enamel. Mirror: Finest Beveled Edge Plate Glass. Nickel Plated Glass Door Knob and Nickel Plated Hinges. Two Adjustable Plate Glass Shelves, In- visible Hinges. Write for prices. DIMENSIONS Outside Opening Inside Mirror Style Dimen- Required Depth Size sions in Wall 22 8 ox21t% 13%x17%x2% 4 10x14 23 1914x223 % 154%,x19%x3% 5 12x16 33 2114%4x25%4 17144x2144x3 % 5 14x18 43 238 x29% 194%4x254%x3% 5 16x22 Wall Type Cabinet—Style “AAA” Finish: Four Coats of Snow-White Baked Snamel. Mirror: Finest Beveled Edge Plate Glass TORS WN Nickel Plated Glass Door Knob. One Piece Solid Steel Front. Two Adjustable ‘Plate Glass Shelves. DIMENSIONS Heights. ao. 21” Wi G-Glntere. ee 0 87/4 Depth ey. a 5” (gag For further details and — SIT. VERS MANUFACTURING CO., Waterloo, lowa literature, write to: Oe ——— HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 35] “White-Steel” Medicine Cabinets Made by “WHITE-STEEL” SANITARY FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. The Original and Only The choice of medicine cabinets for the well ap- pointed modern home should be given the same con- sideration as the selection of fine plumbing fixtures. For medicine cabinets should be in perfect harmony with such equipment, embodying the same fine fea- tures of sanitation, lasting beauty, and great use- fulness. Choose them with equal discrimination. The Ultra Attractiveness and Construction of *‘White-Steel’’ Cabinets Is Everlasting The exceptional beauty, sound construction and exclusive sanitary features of ‘‘ White-Steel’’ Medi- cine Cabinets make them worthy of careful considera- tion. Add to this the fact that through a secret pro- cess their ultra attractiveness and construction is made practically ever-lasting;—then it is easy to understand why ‘‘White-Steel Cabinets are chosen by all who build for permanent beauty, convenience, sanitation and true economy. In the Bathroom, of course. But in the Lavatory and Over the Kitchen Sink as Well Many builders recommend the installation of ““White-Steel’’ Cabinets in Kitchens and lavatories and builders. Materials Used Mirrors fixtures. Ventilation an important factor. Other Products In addition to the ‘‘White-Steel’’? Medicine Cabinets illustrated and described on this and following page, this company manu- factures Mirrors; Shelves; Towel Baskets; Racks and Bars; Soap Dishes and Holders; Toothbrush Holders; Toilet Paper Holders and Cabinets; Grab Rails; Shower Curtain Rods; Hooks for various purposes; Door Stops; and every accessory to equip bathrooms of the most modern type. Structural Superiorities Seamless Construction The entire cabinet is of die made seamless construction, is electrically welded throughout, and is strong and firmly built. A Product of a Secret Process as well as bathrooms. They know from experience that the added convenience and the touch of beauti- ful lasting construction they impart, repays their cost many times over, both in satisfaction to the home owner and in the actual sales value of the house itself. Henzin Metal—The Base of All ‘‘White-Steel’’ Medicine Cabinets The dampness and moisture that occur with sud- den temperature changes, particularly in the bath- _ room, are elements that ordinary steel enamel work cannot successfully meet. They are bound to form rust on the metal base which causes the enamel to lose its grip, seale off, discolor, crack and peal. Henzin Metal, the base of all ‘‘ White-Steel’’ Cab- inets, completely overcomes the moisture problem. It is Rust Resisting, a product of a secret process that cannot be duplicated or successfully imitated. Six coats of ‘‘White-Steel’? Enamel, each baked sepa- rately on this wonderful base, provides a finish that is as permanent as it is beautiful. Expansion or contraction has no effect on the finish or construction of these cabinets. Standard and Special Types “¢White-Steel’’ Medicine Cabinets are built in three types—Inset, (to recess) Wall (to attach to face of wall) and Corner cabinets (to fit in corner)—and in styles and sizes to meet every architectural requirement. Standard styles and dimensions are shown on the following page. We maintain a very efficient consulting and designing service which is free to contractors The Henzin Metal used for ‘‘ White-+Steel’’ structures are .050 to .250 gauge (approxi- mately 1/16 to 4 inch) except for the backs which are .025. Our dies and shop practice require a certain gauge to be used for a specific purpose, not permitting the substitution of cheaper or lighter gauge sheets to lessen construction costs. Mirrors are of first quality, plain, or with a sharp, steep bevel. Backs are properly silvered and are not affected by varying temperatures or room moisture. Shelves are of polished plate glass, %4-inch thick. 1—Adjustable lock pivot hinge (patent applied for). Doors can always be properly centered thus eliminating wear. : 2—Mounted white ceramic demountable knob to match the white handles of plumbing 38—Shear clips provide easy installation in variable openings. 4—Heavily reinforced at anchorage. 5—No floating shelf supports. Supports are spot-welded—cannot become loose or lost. Step-in door and step-in door’ jamb providing sufficient, and invisible ventilation— Demoutable mirrors that can be easily installed by any competent workman. (Should replacement of accidental damage be necessary at any time). = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG “WHITE-STEEL” SANITARY FURNITURE CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Standard Code Regulating the Installation of Warm Air Heating Furnaces in Residences Approved and Issued by Authority of NATIONAL WARM AIR HEATING & VENTILATING ASSOCIATION 52 W. Gay St., Columbus, Ohio ARTICLE NO. | Meaning of the Term “‘Warm Air Furnace Heating Plant’ Warm air furnace heating plants, to which this code re- fers, shall consist of one or more warm air furnaces, en- closed within casings, together with necessary appurtenances thereto, consisting of warm air pipes and fittings, cold air or recirculating pipes, boxes and fittings, smoke pipes and fittings, registers, borders and face plates, the same being intended for heating buildings in which they may be in- stalled, ARTICEE NO, 2 Provisions to be made in Building under Construc- tion for Reception of Warm Air Furnace Heating Plant Section 1. (a) The following provisions shall be made by the owner or building contractor, in any building wherein a warm air heating plant is to be installed. (b) Where warm air register boxes, heads, pipes or stacks are to be installed, joists shall be set not less than sixteen inches (16”) on centers and shall be butted and not lapped. Studding shall set directly over and under joists, leaving a space of not less than fourteen inches (14”) be- tween studs and joists. Wherever joists are cut, headers must be put to support joists. (c) All first story single or sub-floors shall be continuous. In all houses having studded exterior walls, these floors shall be extended to the outside sheathing and all spaces between studding shall be closed at the attic line. Note 1. It is strongly recommended that the attic be tightly floored to reduce heat losses. (d) All partition walls (or sections of the walls) in which heat stacks to second floor rooms are to be installed, shall be built of six inch (6”) studding to second story floor joists. Chimneys Section 2. (a) The owner shall provide a chimney for the furnace constructed in a manner to comply with the following specifications. (b) The chimney must be absolutely smoke tight through- out its entire length, and must extend at least three feet (3') above a flat roof or two feet above the ridges of peak roofs. (ec) If built of a single thickness of brick or of cement blocks, it shall be lined throughout its entire length with fire clay flue lining, having not less than three-fourths inch (%4”) thickness. Flue lining to be laid in mortar and made air tight. (d) The furnace flue must have no other opening for at- faching any fireplace, furnace, stove, range, water heater, gas or ventilating connection. (e) If necessary to offset the flue, it must be done in such manner as not to reduce the cross sectional area nor create a ledge or obstruction, where loose material may lodge. (f) Its narrowest internal dimension shall not be less than eight (8”) inches and no flue smaller than 8” x 8” rectangular or eight (8”) inch diameter round will be con- sidered suitable when hard coal is to be burned, or 8” x 12” rectangular or ten (10”) inch round for soft coal or wood. (2) is strongly recommended that nothing less than 8” x 12” internal dimensions be used in any case. Note 2. It is recommended that the height above the furnace grate be not less than twenty-six (26’) feet. _Note 3. It is strongly recommended that all new chimneys be built in _ strict accordance with the ordinance recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. AIICLESNOA3 Method for Determining Size of Warm Air Pipes, Wall Stacks and Furnaces for Use in a Residence Method of Determining Size of Basement Warm Air Pipes (Read Explanatory Notes 4 to 11) Section 1. First Floor Rooms. Divide square feet of glass by 12, Divide square feet of net outside wall by 60, Divide cubic contents by 800, Add together the above and multiply by 9. The result is the area of the basement pipe. Net Wall (sq. ft.) (Note 5) + 60 Pipe (Noie 10) The sum of: Glass (sq. ft.) (Note 4) + 12 x9 Area of Basm’t. Cubic Contents += 800 Section 2. Second Floor Rooms. Divide square feet of glass by 12, Divide square feet of net outside wall by €0, Divide cubic contents by Ss00, Add together the above and multiply by 6. The result is the area of the basement pipe. Net Wall (sq. ft.) (Note 5) = 60 Pipe (Note 10) The sum of: Glass (sq. ft.) (Note 4) + 12 me of Basm’t. Cubie Contents <=—. 800 Section 3. Third Floor Rooms. Divide square feet of glass by 12, Divide square feet of net outside wall by €0, Divide cubic contents by 800, Add together the above and multiply by 5. The result is the area of the basement pipe. Net Wall (sq. ft.) (Note 5) = 60 Pipe (Note 10) The sum of: {aus (sq. ft). CNote 4) == 12 (x5 =—Area of Basm’t, Cubie Contents + 800 Method of Determining Size of Wall Stacks. Section 4. First Floor Rooms. Same as Section 1. Section 5. Second Floor Rooms. Deduct 80% from basement pipe area determined in Section 2. Section 6. Third Floor Rooms. Deduct 380% from basement pipe area determined in Section 3. Explanatory Notes Note 4. In obtaining glass surface use full casement opening. An outside door is figured as glass. Note 5. To obtain net outside wall multiply heighth by width and deduct the glass in all windows and outside doors. Note 6. For rooms having unusual exposure ordinary north, northeast and northwest, add 15% to pipe area. For east and west exposure, add 10%. Note 7. For cold ceilings, add one half net area of ceiling to net exposed wall cold ceilings are those next to unfloored attics.) HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Standard Code of Installation of Warm Air Furnaces (Cont’d) Note 8. Use no warm air pipe less than 8 inches in diameter. If a basement warm air pipe figures greater area than any stand- ard commercial size then the next larger size shall be used. Note 9. It is understood in using the above valves for deter- mining basement warm air pipe areas, that these pipes should run comparatively straight and that they should not be over 10 to 12 feet in length. Sharp turns and long pipes should have extra capacity. Note 10. These formulae are for 70° inside temperature with zero temperature outside. For a temperature of 10° below zero, add 10% to the capacity of each pipe. Note 11. The value of 800 (used in cubic contents) is for an estimated air change of one room volume per hour. If it is desired to provide for 14% room volume use the figure 600. If for 2 room volumes use the figure 400. “The factors 9, 6 and 5 in sections 1, 2 and 3, are calculated for a register air temperature of 175 degrees.” Transition Fittings and Stacks lod Section 7. Transition from warm air pipes to stacks shall be made with a well designed elbow or boot and no stack shall be less than 70% of the warm air pipe area. Method of Determining Size of Registers Section 8. All registers shall have a free area not less than the sum of all the warm air pipe areas. Method of Determining Size of Furnace Section 9. Add together the actual warm air pipe areas in sq. in. as obtained in See. 1, 2 and 3, and select a furnace having a free area not less than the sum of all the warm air pipe areas. ARTICLE NO. 4 INSTALLATION Location of Furnace Section 1. The location of the furnace shall equalize the length of warm air runs as far as possible, yet give neces- sary preference to pipes supplying living rooms, dining rooms and main halls. Foundation Section 2. Furnace foundation of brick, cement, or other incombustible material must be provided. Said foundation to extend at least fifteen (15”) inches at rear and sides of furnace casing and at least thirty-six (36”) inches in front of furnace casing. Foundation to be level. Setting or Assembling of Furnace 9 Section 38. (a) The base ring of the furnace shall be cemented to the foundation, making an air tight joint. The furnace parts shall be assembled plumb and level, and in a workmanlike manner. (b) All sections and points shall be properly fitted. Joints requiring cement shall be well filled and all holts shall be drawn up tightly. Casings Section 4. (a) Warm air Furnaces shall be enclosed in metal casings or walls of brick, tile or concrete. (b) Portable. Sheet metal casings including casing tops shall be made of galvanized sheets, not lighter than 26- U. S. Standard Gauge. They shall fit the castings and easing rings closely, so as to be dust tight, and shall be securely fastened to the front. The casing shall be lined from the upper casing ring down to a line on a level with the grate. (c) When side collars are used the casing top must be of sufficient height so that the largest warm air pipe can be taken from side without ovaling. In no case shall a distance less than eight (8”) inches be maintained be- tween the top of any furnace and the top of casing or bonnet. (d) Any furnace, the casing top of which shall come within sixteen (16”) inches of a combustible floor, ceiling or joist, shall be protected by a metal shield, extending not less than eighteen (18”) inches beyond the casing of said furnace. This shield shall be suspended at least two inches below wood work, allowing free air space between shield and woodwork. No furnace casing or top, coming nearer than six (6”) inches of ceiling or joists shall be allowed in any case. (e) Openings for side casing collars shall be cut into the casing top, so that the tops of all openings are on a level. Casing collars shall be fitted into place with a proper flange, or bead on the outside and drawn up on the inside, making a dust-tight joint. All collars shall be of same size as the warm air pipes to which they are to be connected. (f) Brick set, cement or hollow tile casings shall be constructed as follows: Walls shall be not less than eight (8”) inches in thickness, and shall be constructed air tight. Rectangular casing shall be, with least inside dimensions, the same as that of the portable casing of a corresponding size of furnace. Walls shall be carried to the same heighth as the portable walls, allowing not less than eight (8”) inches between the top of the furnace and the bottom of the top cover. After placing the collars for the warm air pipes, continue the masonry up even with the top of the collars, lay spacing rods of bar iron on edge or angle irons across the furnace top, cover these with sheet iron, cover the sheet iron with masonry and run the side walls four (4”) inches above the masonry bed. A gal- vanized iron casing bonnet may be used on brick set furnaces, Provision shall be made in the walls for a manhole to © give ingress to heater. Warm Air Pipes in Basement Section 5. (a) All warm air pipes shall be made of bright tin not lighter than IC, or galvanized iron. Side seams shall be locked seams. All joints shall be either double seamed or lapped not less than one and one-quarter (1144”) inehes and such joints shall be beaded and soldered or riveted. All pipes shall be properly secured to ceiling or joist. No solder or riveted joint is required where round pipe slips over the casing collar. Any pipe twelve (12”) inches or greater in diameter shall not be made of material lighter than IX tin or No. 26 U. 8. Standard Gauge gal- vanized iron. Note 12. It is recommended that all warm air pipes in the base- ment shall have an upward pitch of not less than one (1”) inch per running foot. (b) No warm air pipe shall run within one (1”) inch of any woodwork unless such woodwork is covered with asbestos paper and the paper covered with tin or iron. (c) All warm air pipes in the basement shall be pro- vided with dampers not more than two feet from the casing. (d) Where warm air pipes pass through a masonry wall, a metal thimble shall be provided, having a diameter at least 1” greater than the pipe, and pipe supported in such a manner that the air space is uniform on all sides. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Standard Code of Installation of Warm Air Furnaces (Cont’d) Wall Stacks Section 6. (a) Single Stacks. All single wall stacks or wall pipes, heads, boots, ells, tees, angles and other con- nections shall be made of bright tin or galvanized iron and shall be covered with not less than one thickness of 12 lbs. per one hundred (100) square feet of asbestos paper. All studding and other woodwork facing said pipe shall be lined with metal and metal lath used in place of wood lath. An air space of not less than three eights (%”) of an inch shall be allowed on the two sides nearest the vertical studs. All such pipes shall be braced in a proper manner so as not to obstruct the flow of air but to retain the full capacity throughout. All joints shall be locked and held in place by means wholly upon solder to make it tight. (b) Double Stacks. All double wall stacks or wall pipes, heads, boots, ells, tees, angles and other connections shall be made of bright tin, not lighter than IC or gal- vanized iron and shall be made double, from and including the boot or foot piece in basement to the top of each and every stack and register head on all space of not less than five-sixteenths (5-16”) of an inch, which must be maintained between the outer and inner walls of all such pipes and fittings of all kinds, styles and descriptions; such pipes, heads, boots and other fittings to be of the styles, or equal to those accepted by the National Board of Fire Under- writers. All pipes and fittings either single or double must be secured firmly in place by lugs or straps attached to the outer walls of stacks and fittings, and no nails shall be driven through these stacks or fittings at any point. No wall pipes or fittings shall be used which depend wholly on soldered joints. The various members shall be so made that all joints are locked and soldered and the several members shall be attached to each other with slip joints, which are, for the purpose intended, air tight. Registers Section 7. (a) When baseboard or wall registers are used, they shall be properly and permanently attached to the stack head in such a manner that will prevent any leak- age of air between the head and the register. (b) Floor registers shall be provided either with register borders, or double register boxes of tin or gavanized iron with an air space of not less than five-sixteenths (5-16”) of an inch between inner and outer boxes. (ec) Registers for warm air and warm air pipes shall not be located in outside walls. The warm air registers in the various rooms shall be located in or near the inside walls in all cases. Air Supply to Furnace Section 8. (a) The air supply to furnace for warm air heating plants may be taken from outside or from within the building or may be taken partially from outside and par- tially from within. In no case, however, shall air be supplied to any furnace from any basement or furnace room. (b) The cold air intake or return where air is taken from Within the building shall have a net area throughout its entire length of not less than the combined net area of all warm air pipes leading from the furnace. This may be maintained in one or more ducts. (ec) When the cold air supply is taken wholly from the outside of the building the supply duct at its most con- tracted area must equal o rexceed eighty (80%) per cent of the combined area of all warm air pipes leading from the furnace. (d) Cold air ducts shall be constructed of metal, tile or other incombustible material having smooti inner surface and shall maintain a constant net area throughout their length and shall be made air tight. Where a boot or shoe is connected to the casing at the base, the opening shall not extend higher than a line on the level of the grate of the furnace. The width of the shoe shall be of proper HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 355 measurement to make the area at least equal to that of the round or square pipe to which it is connected. (e) Wherever the space between joists is used to convey cold air over head, the joists and all wooden surfaces be- tween such joists shall be lined with metal and a sheet metal pan constructed to extend not less than six (6”) inches below said joists. The connection from this pan to the boot or shoe shall be made of galvanized iron not lighter than No. 26 U. S. Standard Gauge, and shall have a transition collar, the top area of which shall be at least 10% greater than the area of the connecting pipe. (d) The cold air face or faces shall be made of wood, or metal. When set in floors the top of same shall be flush with floor. Where cold air face is placed in a seat or side wall (whether furnished by owner, general con- tractor or furnace contractor) the open work of face must extend to within at least one (1”) inch of the floor line. The free area of cold air faces shall be at least 10% in excess of the free area of the duct or ducts to which they are connected. Note 13. The effective area of a vertical cold air face lies within twelve (12”) inches of the floor line, hence, the capacity of any ver- tical cold air face shall be determined by multiplying the base line in inches by not to exceed twelve (12”) inches in height and deduct- ing for the grills or cross bars. Smoke Pipes Section 9. (a) The smoke pipe shall be as short and direct as consistent with the location of the furnace. It shall be made of either black or galvanized iron not lighter than No. 24 U. S. Standard gauge, and of the full size of the collar on the furnace throughout its entire length. It must have no other opening for attaching any fire place, stove, range, water heater, gas or ventilating connection. It shall be lock seamed or riveted; all joints shall lap not less than one and one-half (114%4”) inches and it shall be rigidly secured. Cast iron smoke pipe may be used. (b) Where the smoke pipe enters the flue, a thimble shall be cemented into the flue and the connections thereto made air tight. Should any smoke pipe come within eighteen (18”) inches of any combustible material, such combustible material must be covered with asbestos paper and a metal shield so fastened that a two inch air space exists between this shield and the combustible material. This shield shall be no less in size than twice the diameter of the smoke pipe and of sufficient length to cover the wood at all points. (ec) No smoke pipe shall project through any external wall or window. Pipeless or One Pipe Furnaces Section 10. (a) When but one duplex grating is used for both warm air and cold air in a so-called pipeless furnace, the area of the cold air intake shall be at least equal to the area of the warm air outlet of the grating. Art. 4 See. 4, relative to casing shall not govern when this type of furnace is installed, but the following specification shall be followed: The inner and outer casing of this type of furnace may be made of either black or galvanized iron not lighter than No. 26 U. S. Standard Gauge. A uniform air space shall be maintained at all points between the inner and outer casing. In no case shall the top of the furnace be allowed closer than twelve (12”) inches to any ceiling or joists above the furnace. (b) Where joists are cut to accommodate this furnace, headers shall be put in and braced so as not to weaken the structure of the floor above the furnace. (¢) Article No. 3 for determining area of warm air pipe shall not govern in figuring a pipeless furnace. (d) Where one warm air register face is used and sepa- rate face or faces for cold air supply are used, then Article No. 4, Sections 5 and 8 shall apply. Andes Furnaces — ‘For Better Heating”’ Made by ANDES RANGE AND FURNACE CORP. GENEVA, NEW YORK Products The products of this company are Ranges and Warm Air Fur- naces. The latter are described and illustrated on this page and on opposite page. Information regarding Andes Ranges will be mailed on request. Look at the Pictures You have only to look at the illustrations on this page to realize that here is a furnace that is radically different from the usual type of warm (or hot) air furnace. You will learn pres- ently why the Andes Furnace is purposely designed so that its height is but a little more than half that of other furnaces; but first we want to say a few words about Humidity Most warm (or hot) air furnaces supply air that is lacking in humidity—that is to say the air is rela- tively dry. Dry air has a tremendous capacity for absorbing moisture, and if the air supplied by the furnace is low in humidity every breath we take results in a loss of moisture from the membranes of the nose and throat which becomes dry and irritable and less able to cope with the germs of disease. The skin of our bodies, also, is robbed of its moisture, and so rapidly that we feel cold even when the thermometer tells us that the room temperature is 75 degrees. The furniture dries out and falls apart and house plants wither and die. The few quarts of water you put in the water pan of the average furnace are not sufficient to humidify the air. Four to twelve gallons of water (depending on the size of the furnace) must be evaporated daily in order to give the air its proper percentage of humidity, and as you increase the humidity (within certain limits) you save fuel, for air at a temperature of 66 degrees with 70 percent humidity gives one the same feeling of warmth as air at 74 degrees with only 10 percent humidity. Andes Furnaces (Type BRN) are designed and, built to evaporate the quantity of water required to properly humidify the air—4 to 12 gallons daily. Warm Air Rises It does not move sideways nor downwards except under pressure. Hence the more nearly vertical you make a pipe carrying warm air the more rapid will be the circulation of the air and the greater the heat- ing capacity of the furnace. This is why we build a low furnace. Note the pictures at the top of this page. For further details and = literature, write to: Above (on the left) you see the ordi- nary type of furnace, its top nearly touching the basement ceiling. The air pipes must be run almost horizontal and as a result the warm air moves slug- gishly and loses much of its heat before it reaches the rooms above. On the right is the low Type BRN Andes Furnace with the air pipe at an angle of 45° They show you why Andes Type BRM Furnaces give greater warmth with a lower consumption of fuel than any furnace you can buy. Write for Booklet The whole story of the Andes Type BRN Furnace cannot be told here, but we shall be glad to send you on request a booklet that describes and illustrates all the unique features of this furnace which has revolu- tionized the art of warm air heating. Some of the things described in this booklet are the Dust Remover, which sucks the dust from the ash pit up the chimney when the grate is shaken, so that it will not blow into your face when you open the ash pit door; and the Tongue and Groove Joints, with asbestos fibre gaskets, hat make every joint absolutely gas tight. FEED “SECTION . aapiation® gHiELP Andes Type BRN Furnace (Casing Removed) ANDES RANGE AND FURNACE CORP. Geneva, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page ANDES FURNACES—“For Better Heating” (Continued) Three Pipe ANDES FURNACES—TYPE MDN The illustration at right shows an Andes Type MDN Furnace with casing removed. This furnace is made in three styles, as illustrated above, and each style is made in five sizes, insuring a size exactly suited to the requirements of any house, large or small. Note the 12 Points of Superiority enumerated under illustration at right. These structural features result in a furnace that is highly efficient and a wonderful economizer of fuel, justifying the Andes slogan: “Better Heating for Less Money.” Andes Furnaces are adapted for burning hard coal, soft coal, coke or wood. They are lower in height than most furnaces and hence, even when installed in low ceiling basements, it is possible to give a good pitch to the warm air pipes which results in the heated air rising more quickly and in greater volume. Complete data on sizes, dimensions and capacities will be gladly furnished on request. This is the furnace to use when cost of heating equipment must be HOT RAY FURNACE (MADE BY ANDES) This is the furnace to use when cost of heating equipment must be kept down to the minimum. A low priced furnace in which by skillful design the cost of manufacture has been reduced without sacrifice of quality or efficiency. A fine furnace for the bungalow or small house. Made in two types: One Pipe (sometimes called “Pipeless”) Type, and the regular Pipe Type; and each type made in two sizes. Sizes, Dimensions and Capacities on request. One Pipe Pipe Furnace Pipe Furnace a a) a as One Pipe ROE TRS SR 12 Points of Superiority 1—Standard humidifier which is furnished on pipe furnaces. Regular equipment on Pipeless models, consists of two large water pans, one on either side, supplying any amount of humidity needed up to 7% gal. daily. 2—The patented clean out that never wears out and is so easy to remove with the shaker. 83—The patented radiator lock that pre- vents an unsupported smoke pipe from tipping the radiator and allow- ing dust and gas to escape. 4—-The dust pipe and damper to carry ash dust directly into the flues and so keep the house clean. 5—The patented four bar, four shaker grate that is easy to operate and to remove. 6—Large, roomy, one piece ash pit. The depth prevents ashes piling up under the grates and makes ash removal easy. 7—Special cast sliding sleeve that ef- fectually closes the casing around the smoke pipe and yet allows free ex- pansion and contraction of the furnace. 8—Very heavy one piece jointless cast iron radiator with exceptionally long flue travel. 9—The double lock joint that combines with the radiator locks to keep this most important joint of the furnace gas tight. 10—Unusually heavy combustion dome of perfect design and large radiating surface. : 11—Heavy two piece fire pots with cor- rugated surfaces and straight sides. 12—Note large air space between casings and castings. Engineering Service Our long experience as heating en- gineers is freely at the service of build- ing contractors. Ask us any questions you like relating to heating and we will answer fully and frankly. Heating plans furnished free with any Andes furnace. Our bookiets describing the various types of Andes Furnaces are more than trade literature. They contain much use- ful data of a general nature on the art of heating. Write for them. You will find them interesting and helpful. For further details and o-_- literature, write to: ANDES RANGE AND FURNACE CORP. Geneva, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 357 Cole’s Oil-Craft Furnaces, Hot Blast Heaters and Ranges Made By COLE MANUFACTURING CO. 3250 South Western Ave., Chicago Products A complete line of fuel-saving Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces, embodying the famous “Hot Blast” originated by Cole, a device that saves 40 to 60 percent of your fuel by insuring the complete combustion of inflammable gases that 7d BL Rs are usually permitted to escape up the flue. Pay FURNACES au Here is something worth looking into. Full in- OI CRAFT formation on request. NES ORIGINgy» Cole’s Oil-Craft Furnaces Especially designed for home-heating Oil Burners. A coal-burning furnace that is converted into an oil burner is always a make-shift at best. But here is a furnace that is designed to burn oil—built to burn oil—and that burns it with a degree of efficiency and economy that is startling. High in Efficiency—Low in Price Cole’s Oil-Craft Furnace is endorsed and recommended by the Chicago Oil Burner Association. It gives better results with any type of oil burner than is possible with a hot air furnace not especially designed to use this labor- saving fuel. In the bitterest winter weather it sends up to the most distant rooms a steady volume of comforting heat, with just the right degree of humidity. Best of all its cost is low—low enough so that you can figure on in- stalling it in any house you build. Write today—now—for full particulars and prices. Cole’s Oil-Craft Furnace 128 Oil Burner Engineers Helped Make this Furnace Perfect 128 Oil Burner Engineers co-operated with us to make the Oil-Craft Furnace perfect. They named every pos- sible requirement. They suggested every improvement that would increase efficiency. And then, with all possible out- side data before us, we brought to bear on the problem our own long experience as manufacturers of heating equipment. The result is Cole’s Oil-Craft Furnace, the most perfect type of oil burner for home heating ever produced. It may be used with any type of oil burning equipment on the market. It has the powerful radiating surface required to give the best results when oil is used as fuel and it is absolutely gas-tight. Parts are so designed that the furnace can be quickly and easily converted into a coal burner if desired. Cole’s Gas and Coal Ranges Pictured at the right is Cole’s Full Enamel Gas Range, designed to burn either natural or artificial gas. Note particularly the little disk in the upper left-hand side of the oven. This is the thermostatic device—the Automatic Chef—which by a turn of the dial regulates the heat of the oven to the exact temperature desired. The enameled drip-pan forms a white table top over the burners when the stove is not in use. The oven linings are full enameled, washed as easily as a china dish. The sanitary manifold cover is a special feature. The leg bottoms are closed to protect floor coverings. Send for the catalog. You will COLE’S FULL ENAMEL CABINET GAS RANGE find in its pages information on other heating and cooking ’ 1 equipment that will be of interest to you—information, for Cole ey Full Enamel Gas Cabinet Range instance, on Coal Ranges, Combination (coal and gas) For Either Natural or Artificial Gas Ranges, Wood Burning Stoves for room heating, Combina- tion Wood and Coal Burners, and Furnaces equipped with Can be furnished with right hand oven, as illustrated, the patented Hot Blast Draft through the famous Red Tube. or with left hand oven, and either with or without the ° ° Automatic Chef—or temperature regulating device. Write Us When in Doubt We are always glad to answer questions regarding the DIMENSIONS best methods of heating any type of home. Whether you Top Oven Length eta hy SH at 4 eventually install a Cole’s Furnace or not we want you to Over All Less She eig feel free to call on us at any time for advice. 21x21” 16x20x14” 4314” 40” 247 lbs. feel free fo call on ue St any; Hine 105 ANU ee gae~ Fy oyther details and COLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY **? %uiciéo" “"* RR ioerstee rte tee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 358 RED CROSS EMPIRE FURNACES Manufactured By CO-OPERATIVE FOUNDRY COMPANY ROCHESTER, NEW YORK RED | CROSS Vas BEN FURNA FURNACES Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Red Cross Products Red Cross Empire Furnaces; Red Cross Ajax Furnaces and the Red Cross Furnola Heating Unit. Red Cross Gas Ranges; Red Cross Combination Ranges; Red Cross Coal Ranges and Oil Stoves. See Pages 384 and 428. A complete line of high grade cooking and _ heating equipment. The Red Cross Empire Furnace A Furnace which would give maximum heating efficiency at minimum ecost of installation and upkeep was the dominant idea,in designing and building the Red Cross Empire. The Red Cross Empire embodies in its construction ev ery feature essential to “Make Good Heating Certain,” but it is devoid of expensive frills and novelties. It is a distinct help in the rental or selling value of any home. The result is that it has established an enviable reputa- tion for genuine heating ef- ficiency, fuel economy and durability second to none. An abundant supply of warm air is delivered by the Red Cross Empire Furnace be- cause of its extra large radiat- ing surface. The size and weight of its various parts are carefully proportioned to give maximum radiation with a resulting fuel economy. Red Cross Empire with Steel Radiator-Castings only. Construction Only the highest grade of tested metals are used in Empire Furnace construction. Each section is carefuily fitted to insure quick and easy assembly. Deep cup joints where the fire pot, combustion dome and radiator join together allow for thorough and permanent cementing—the Empire is absolutely dust-proof and gas-tight. The ash pit, fire pot, grates and combustion dome in the Empire are all sturdily built ; extra heavy where needed and of the correct shape to insure utmost heating efficiency. The casings are eorrect in proportion to the size of furnace, neither too large nor too small, giving the correct free air passage. Sizes The Red Cross Wmpire is made in a complete range of sizes to fit all ordinary warm air heating requirements. It is made with fire pots from 18 to 26 inches in diameter ; with Steel or Cast Iron Radiator and in High or Low Con- struction Type. It is equipped to burn all fuels including wood for which a flat wood grate is furnished extra. Steel or Cast Radiator The selection of either a Steel or Cast Radiator is largely a matter of pref- erence and buying habits. The Empire is furnished with either type and both styles are famous for their large radiating capacity and the _ efficiency with which they deliver heat. All possible heat units are extracted from the pro- ducts of combustion in the Empire radiator — this means fuel economy. High Construction Style Red Cross Empire Cased View Pictured to the right, this is the regular type of furnace and for use in all cellars of regulation height. Low Construction Style Pictured below, this type Empire is for use in low and shallow cellars. It may be installed in a cellar as low as 4 feet 9 inches and still give good pitch to the warm air pipes. Guarantee When installed in ac- cordance with the Standard Code of Installation recom- mended by the National Warm Air Heating and Ventilating Association, the Red Cross Empire Furnace is unconditionally guar- anteed to give satisfaction. This is covered by a double guarantee bond, signed by the deaier installer and the manufacturers. Red Cross Empire Cased View Low Construction Style Engineering Dept. Service Catalogs This company is at all times ready and willing to co- operate in solving heating problems. The service is free— just send for a Sketch Blank and Plan Sheet or send your blue prints! Send them insured parcel post! Complete eatalogs on Red Cross Furnaces sent to any recognized builder upon request. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO-OPERATIVE FOUNDRY COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y. The NEW VICTOR Boiler Plate Furnace With Intercepting Heat Conveyors—A Greatly Improved Type of Radiator Manufactured By HALL-NEAL FURNACE COMPANY 1322-26 N. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis 20 greater Victor Boiler Plate Furnaces with Intercepting Heat Con- veyors—a new and improved type of radiator—have much greater heating efficiency than furnaces of conventional design, making savings in fuel consumption which will pay the cost of the furnace over and over during its lifetime. This increased heating efficiency also causes much more rapid air movement, greatly improving ventilation. The very great fuel saving obtained means less firing and very littie attention to regulation, and less ashes to be removed. Greatly Improved Radiator The greatly improved radiator design of the new Victor Furnace—called Intercepting Heat Conveyors (patented January 2, 1923)—has three times the radiating surface obtained by conventional designs. It eliminates obstruction to air movement, and it does away with soot-clogged radia- tion, because the smoke does not pass through this new type radiator. You will find the New Victor Boiler Plate Furnace the most satisfactory equipment you can put into your new home. We feel the utmost confidence in making this asser- tion because of the great praise for the performance of this furnace that has come to us from hundreds of home owners now using it. The New Victor Boiler Plate Furnace is well built in every detail, and it will last the lifetime of a home. Many of our furnaces of similar materials and workman- ship are in service now after more than 20 years of con- stant use, and this new and improved design will prove more durable than the old type, because of the improved radiator. For the investor building to sell, the New Victor Boiler Plate Furnace will be a great asset. This efficient heating plant will help make a property sell promptly, and the New Victor Boiler Plate Furnace costs no more than any other good furnace. Easy to Install The design of the Victor Furnace makes it easy to in- stall. The two section dome can be moved through any stairway into a basement. Other parts, too, are easy to handle. The Neal sectional casing goes together quickly, and its patented joints make the casing smoke tight and dust tight. See your Victor dealer—or write to us for the name of the one located nearest to you. percent. ef - fictency—1/5 less fuel. Victor Boiler Plate Furnaces are built of the best mate- rials, and fine workmanship in every detail make them give the longest service, with the greatest freedom from trouble of any kind. 1. Intercepting Heat Conveyors (Pat. Jan. 2, 1923) are an advanced radiator design giving remarkable increases in furnace efficiency. This new type radiator cannot clog up with soot. 2. The Intercepting Heat Conveyors are mounted on each side of the furnace simply by hanging them on welded hooks. 3. The strongly reinforced flanges holding the flue sec- tion to the furnace are air-tight, smoke-tight and gas-tight. 4. A heavy plate at the point of greatest fire strike protects the furnace against all possibility of damage. 5. Where the flue connections pass through the furnace casings, gas-tight, smoke-tight and dust-tight flanges are used. 6. The flue connection provides a direct draft to start a fire quickly and diving draft for greatest heating efficiency when the fire is well developed. 7. A 2 inch lap joint between the two sections, 7 inches below top of fire brick, insures against smoke or gas enter- ing the circulating air. ‘ 8. The base ring of the NEW VICTOR Furnace is one piece casting of such great strength that the furnace may be mounted over a pit if desired without using a supporting pillar in the pit. 9. The water pan is conveniently placed and of large size. 10. The flue damper is controlled from the front of the furnace, by a simple and positive device which is easily and quickly adjusted as required. 11. Lower smoke damper is to be adjusted according to strength of draft and fuel used, and does not require further attention. The fire bowl is linéd with heavy fire brick, closely fitted, giving an average length of service of 15 to 18 years with- out replacement. See one Victor Furnace in operation and you will be convinced. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG HALL-NEAL FURNACE COMPANY 360 1322-26 N. Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Ind. MONCRIEF FURNACES Manufactured by THE HENRY FURNACE & FOUNDRY CO. Atlanta, Ga., Moncrief Furnace Co, Alliance, O., Peoples Bank Bldg. Ashtabula, O., 52 Center St. F Battle Creek, Mich., 3744 So. Madison St. Canton, O,, 915 Third Ave. N. E. Fort Wayne, Ind., 2102 So. Calhoun St. Freeport, L. I, N. Y., 49 W. Merrick Rd. Batavia, N. Y., F. H. Hanlon New York City, E. L. Garner, 177 23rd St., Jackson Hts., Long Island Muskegon, Mich., H. D, Crandall, 2024 Estes St. CLEVELAND, O. BRANCH SALES OFFICES THE HENRY FURNACE & FOUNDRY CO. Indianapolis, Ind,, 947 Massachusetts Ave. Lansing, Mich., 532 E, Michigan Ave. Lima, O., 732 So. Main St. Lorain, O., 243 E. Erie Ave. Louisville, Ky., 113 No. 5th St. Muncie, Ind. 837 So. Walnut St. THE ADVANTAGES OF WARM AIR HEATING The warm air furnace is the most popular heating plant for homes be- cause it is less expensive to install— and is more economical, convenient and healthful than any other system. Low first cost and economy are not the most important advantages. The cold air return system, an essential part of every correctly. installed warm air plant, maintains a gentle circulation of warmed air that makes for uni- formity of temperature everywhere throughout the house. The floors are always warm and there are no cold spots near windows or in remote cor- ners, Eivery Moncrief Furnace has a large water pan for humidifying, or moisten- ing the air automatically as it is warmed. Properly humidified air of 65° is more comfortable than dried out air of 75°. Heating engineers estimate A MONCRIEF FURNACE FOR EVERY HEATING NEED Moncrief Furnaces are made in all sizes and of all types— Pipe, Pipeless and Three-pipe. The most popular Pipe Furnace is that shown in illustra- tion—called the ‘500-A” series. It includes all the Mon- crief features and is distinguished by the extra large feed door to admit any kind of fuel—and the Moncrief burns all kinds of fuel to equal advantage. MONCRIEF Warm Air Heating Pipe and Fittings We also sell practically everything needed for a warm air heating installa- tion. Our pipe and fittings factory is one of the largest in the country for the manufacture of single and double wall pipe, elbows, angles, boots, boxes, and specialties. All materials used are of first quality, and our products are distinguished by remarkable unifor- mity and accuracy. Large stocks enable us to make prompt shipment of all items that 25% of the fuel is burned in add- ing these last ten degrees. In flexibility, or responsiveness, a warm air heating plant is unequalled It will give additional heat quickly after opening the drafts, or subside just as quickly on closing them. A warm air heating plant is so sim- ple that there is practically nothing to get out of order. The registers in the living rooms are much less noticeable Ger radiators and take up no space at all. A warm air furnace should be larger than required for ordinary temper- atures so that it will not have to be forced to provide heat in very cold weather. The warm air pipes should be of ample size, likewise the cold air returns. A furnace system of ample specifications will prove more durable than any other kind of heating system. Dallas, Tex., Moncrief Furnace & Mfg. Co. Wichita, Kansas City, Mo., Johnson Furnace Co, KXans., Moncrief Furnace & Sheet Metal Co. Nashville, Tenn., 145 2nd St., North Pittsburgh, Pa., 105 Federal St., N.S. South Bend, Ind., 416 So. William St. Toledo, O., 1818 Adams St, Zanesville, O., 551 Market St. a For thirty years this company has been making furnaces. This is an assurance that the Moncrieff is a tried and proved furnace, of balanced design and correctly proportioned. The eastings are of fine grey iron, well finished and smooth. The sections are individually ground and fitted, so that each furnace is assembled as a unit before shipment. In every way the Moncrief is a superior furnace. BUILDERS—Our Engineering Department Moncrief Furnace Specifications. Fire pot cast in two long fire-travel, delivers Will Help You, Without Charge Send in your plans for any job. Our Engineers will be glad to lay out a complete warm air heating system, according to standard code, specify all materials, and quote you detailed costs complete. This eliminates all guess work and enables you to guarantee the heating plant. We make no charge for this service. pieces to allow expansion and contraction. Straight sides prevent ashes clog- ging, and allow fire to burn. freely. Ash pit, roomy with sloping bottom, easy to clean out, Grate bars, triangular with three service sides, Kasily replaceable, Feed Section—one piece, extra heavy; no danger of burning out. Corrugated sides present extra radi- ating surface. Large radiator with all the available heat. Clean out and smoke outlet are cast as part of radiator, extend beyond casing — smoke and gas tight. Double casing—dead air space, best kind of insu- lation. All doors have beaded edges and are ground straight and smooth for tight fit. All joints are carefully ground and fitted. No danger of smoke and gas escaping into air chamber. MONCRIEF TUBULAR FURNACES For Large Residences, Churches, Schools, Stores, Garages, Etc. The Moncrief Tubular competes most favorably for heating buildings hither- to deemed necessary to be heated by steam. The first cost is much less than that of a steam plant, in many cases almost half. The fuel consump- tion is lower. A low grade of fuel can be burned to advantage. Air is humidified automatically, re- sulting in more healthful heating. Humidified air is more comfortable at lower temperatures. This means econ- omy. One of the greatest advantages, especially for churches and schools, is the quickness of heating. winter weather it In ordinary is common to heat the auditorium comfortably in from 1% to 2 hours after starting the fire. Garagemen appreciate the fact that the floors are warmed from the very first and the whole interior is kept uniformly warm. Air circulation is positive and is con- trolled by electric fan. Our Moncrief Tubular unit has the capacity of three standard 30 inch fur- naces. Two or more tubular units may form a battery for the large in- stallations. = For further details and THE HENRY FURNACE & FOUNDRY CO., Cleveland, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 361 HESS WELDED STEEL FURNACES Manufactured by HESS WARMING AND VENTILATING COMPANY 1207-1227 South Western Ave., Chicago Products: This company manufactures the Hess Welded Steel Furnaces for hot air heating in both pipe and pipeless types. Hess Snow White Steel Medicine Cabinets and Mir- rors are described on page 347. (Trade Mark) Description: Hess furnaces operate efficiently on any kind or grade of fuel, their construction making them proof against any leakage of smoke, gas, dust, odors, etc. They can be easily arranged for utilizing natural or artificial gas as fuel, and any of the numerous oil burners can be used with the greatest efficiency. Construction: The Hess Welded Steel Furnace is not a sectional furnace. There are no cemented or bolted seams to become leaky. The entire inner body, or radiator, is made of heavy annealed steel sheets—No. 12 gauge—which is about %-inch thick. These steel sheets are firmly clamped together and riveted at intervals. An intense heat is applied with an acetylene-oxygen torch, or an electric arc is applied where the plates meet, until the metal softens and the plates fuse together in one continuous body of steel without a joint of any kind, making an absolutely and permanently tight construction that cannot leak gas, smoke or dust, regardless of the kind of fuel used. Fire Box: The fire-box iS square with vertical sides, Which permits a deep, even fire and perfect combustion of fuel. It is set close to the front of the furnace making the work of caring for the fire easy and convenient. The grate surface extends under the entire fire which prevents fire going dead around the edges or in spots. It is lined with heavy fire- brick slabs about 2% inches thick, similar to the slabs used to line cupolas and blast furnaces for the melting of iron and steel. These slabs rest upon steel brackets and clamps hold them in position at the top so they cannot fall out of place, but they can easily be removed and replaced when necessary as they readily pass through the firedoor and drop into position without the use of tools. Firebrick will withstand ten times the heat that will melt cast iron so it readily resists any heat produced in a furnace. Hess Pipeless Furnace: In this type of furnace, the interior arrange- Grate: The grate is made up of a series of parallel rocking bars with square ends projecting through the front of the furnace. Each bar may be agitated or turned over completely, independently of any other bar, permitting the cleaning of any part of the fire without disturbing any other part. For burning lignite or soft coal slack, special grates with fine mesh openings are furnished. An efficient burner for natural or artificial gas can be supplied at a small additional cost. Water Pan: The water pan is placed just above the fire- door where it heats quickly and in ordinary winter weather will evaporate four to eight gallons of water daily—suf- ficient to properly humidify the atmosphere and render healthful heat and reduced fuel bills. Double Casings Prevent Heat Loss: To prevent loss of heat in the cellar, Hess furnaces are built with a double casing, one within the other, making a double air chamber. The inner casing or lining is of black steel and a current of cool air is continually passing through the space between it and the outer galvanized steel casing and conveying the heat to the rooms above instead of radiating it into the eellar through the sides of the furnace. The two largest Hess models—Nos. 58 and 60—are provided with two im- mense air flues, passing vertically through the radiator, back of the firebox. These flues increase the radiating sur- face very materially and their vertical position increases the velocity of the air passing through, materially increas- ing the heating efficiency of these larger furnaces. Cleanout Door: The cleanout door is located at the base of the smoke pipe, and as the only place where soot can ac- cumulate is in the settling chamber back of the firebox—an open square space just like the ashpit—every particle of soot, ashes and dust are quickly and easily removed through the cleanout door. Water Coil: A water coil for heating the hot water tank can be supplied at an additional charge. Special water coils for heating hot water radiators located in distant or much exposed rooms difficult to reach with the usual tin hot air pipes can be furnished. Hess Pipe Furnace ment of radiator, fire-box, grates, smoke outlet and doors is exactly the same as in the Hess Pipe Furnace. The difference lies in the ar- rangement of the outer casings and its con- nection with the heat and air supply register. The furnace is set directly under a large register face or grating, divided into two sections—a central heat outlet entirely surrounded by a return air inlet. The pipeless method of heating while ex- ceptionally economical in fuel consumption, is not adapted to all types of homes. Best results are obtained in houses wnere the rooms are ¢on- nected by liberal sized open:inzs instead of or- dinary doorways. We will gladly check over any layout sketch of rooms and frankly state whether or not a pipeless furnace will heat satisfactorily. Sizes: Hess Welded Steel Furnaces are made in a variety of sizes for the heating of homes up to twenty rooms. Service Department: Our Service Department is available, without charge, to assist contractors and builders in laying out efficient and economical heating systems. Send for our booklet “Modern Furnace Heating” an unusually exhaustive treatise on the subject of hot air heating and containing complete details of Hess Welded Steel Furnaces. Hess Pipeless Furnace cpu Fey, fartmer detsile =>¢ HESS WARMING AND VENTILATING CO. Gickcos tit 4” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG cw HOLLAND FURNACES Our Product He of 4 é ice Made By HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY HOLLAND, MICHIGAN WORLD’S LARGEST INSTALLER F O FURNACES TRUE HOME COMFORT POSITIVELY GUARANTEED BY THE HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY Every user of a Holland Heating System knows exactly where to place all of the responsibility. The World’s Largest Installers of Fur- naces are directly and solely responsible. And this includes the installation. Holland Men—Holland trained—do the installing. They do nothing else. Compare this plan with the loose, irre- sponsible plan of the manufacturer who per- mits any plumber, tinsmith, or side-line man to perform the most important part of a heating service. If you consider Heating the most vital element in home-comfort, which you un- doubtedly do, why not put the responsibility where it belongs? All of the responsibility! The Holland Humidifier Helps Keep You Healthy With the Holland Warm-Air Circulating System you have all the heat you want and all the humidity you want. And best of all, the air in the house: clean air, moistened—is kept in constant circulation! The house is delightfully ventilated. Steam, Hot-Water and Vapor can provide heat—at a price. That is all they provide. For further details and literature, write to: = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG And old-fashioned “Hot-Air” provides still less. It is the difference in heating-service that has made the difference in heating concerns. There is no mystery about the growth of this organization, which began only nine- teen years ago, and is now much the largest concern of its kind in the world. HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY, Holland, Mich. MUELLER WARM AIR FURNACES MUELLER GARBAGE BURNERS Manufactured By L. J. MUELLER FURNACE CO. GENERAL OFFICES 297 Reed Street, Milwaukee, Wis. BRANCH OFFICES ST. PAUL, MINN., 158 E. Fifth St. SEATTLE, WASH., 1929 Second Ave. Established 1857 ST. LOUIS, MO., 1409-11 Olive St. DETROIT, MICH., 426 Jefferson Ave. E. CHICAGO, ILL., 60 E. Lake St. PORTLAND, ORE., 53 Fourth St. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 631 Third Ave. S. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 331 So. Rio Grande St. FORT COLLINS, COLO. Products All-Cast Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe and Pipeless types; Horizontal Tubular Heaters for large schools and Churches; Hot Water Supply Boilers and Garbage Burners; Steam and Hot Water Boilers. For Registers, Grilles and Mushroom Ventilators see page 380. For the Mueller Furnacette (Cabinet Heater) see page 386. Mueller Warm Air Double Radiator Furnace We guarantee this all-cast furnace to contain more direct heating surface than any other heater of equal grate area. Made with single door in seven sizes, portable and brick set; and with double fire door (for firing large blocks of wood) in six sizes portable and brick set. Inside diameter of firepot ranges from 20 to 33 inches inclusive; casing diameter from 40 to 66 inches. Castings fit together with cup joints; no bolts, nuts or screws. Construction is proof against gas or soot leaks. Vertical pipe construction of double radiator makes heater self-cleaning. Every inch of combustion chamber, dome and double radiator is ab- solutely fire surface. Burns any kind of fuel economically. Espec- ially adapted for oil burning installation. Double Radiator Furnace Sectional view. Properly placed moisture pan humidifies warm air adequately. Free Engineering Service Mueller Furnace installations are planned by skilled, competent heating Engineers. A careful study of the heating requirements for each individual installation is made, and recommendation given for a heater that will do the work efficiently and economically. This service is free to purchasers of all types of Mueller Heating Systems. Mueller Combination Hot Water Supply Boiler and Garbage Burner Designed to dispose of house- hold garbage with the same fire that furnishes an abundance of hot water quickly and eco- nomically for domestic use. Simple in operation, has but few parts and is quickly and easily erected. Draw-center shaking and dumping grate with ample air space. Pea or slack coal can be used. Regu- lar hot water supply boiler with addition of heavy cast iron garbage chamber. Garbarge Burning Hot Water Supply Boiler Special flue construction carries smoke and gas to the rear and over top of garbage chamber until garbage is dried. The garbage is then burned by flame passing through the water-filled garbage grate below and up through the garbage. Superior to the ordinary incinerator because of ability to supply hot water for domestic requirements. Erected and tested at factory before shipment; cored castings tested under 250 lbs. pressure. Mueller Convector (Pipeless Furnace) Ideal for use in homes adapted to pipeless method of heating. Usuallyinstalled in a day, without tearing up the house. The prop- erly proportioned register face, centrally located in the home, introduces a_ great volume of moderately warmed moist air into the rooms and draws the cooled air from the floors back to the heater main- taining a constant circulation throughout the rooms to be heated. Burns any fuel. Made in four sizes each of single and double door types. Mueller Convector (Pipeless Furnace) Qe For further details and J | J. MUELLER FURNACE CO. 297 Reed Street MILWAUKEE, WIS. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG NUGENT’S WARM AIR FURNACES REGISTER Made By RELNSLE TYPE Ls eres ace THOS. NUGENT SONS, Inc. Established 223 East 80th St., New York City 1878 Products For nearly half a century Thomas Nugent (the founder of the company) and Thomas Nugent’s Sons (his successors) have concentrated on one subject —the possibilites cf warm air heating. As a result of this intensive study the furnaces designed by this company possess distinctive and advantageous features not found in any other makes of furnaces. Two types of warm air furnaces are made—the multiple register type in which a separate register is used in each of the rooms to be heated: and the single register (or pipeless) type in which one large register installed in the floor directly over the furnace heats the whole house. Multiple Register Furnace The illustration at right shows a Nugent Furnace of the Multiple Register Type, with galvanized iron jacket removed. This furnace is very substantial in. construction and all parts as far as practicable are made of refined wrought iron, or steel, whieh are far superior to cast iron as heat radiating surfaces. An indirect as well as direct draught is provided which results in better regulation of the fire in moderate weather, as well as in fuel economy. Provision is made for humidifying the warm air, while radiating pipes and a radiator damper of unique design greately increase the efficiency of the furnace. These furnaces are made in four sizes, designated by the numbers 9—3—10 and 25, the specifications of which are as follows: Size 9 3 10 25 Diamever Lire Obs sce. sos ons ay 20” 26” 29” Diameter Caping ....6-%.00.. 30” 40” 48” 53” Height Of -UIMACE .c5.0<.00- 5/-6/” 5/-6” 5/-6” Seeds Yee DIZEe SMOKES PINE: \oiecreic cic e'e acs (ie vada 8” 8” Heat Pipe Capacity, Sauarc EVICHES IE terete sic'e'sisiginvs a \sleose's's 312 418 600 835 MULTIPLE REGISTER FURNACE (Galvanized Iron Jacket Removed) Single Register (or Pipeless) Furnace For the small home (and for the small church, store, public garage, theater, etc.) the Pipeless Furnace affords the best method of heating, being much lower in first cost and in eost of installations and equally efficient as furnaces requiring numerous warm air pipes and registers, provided the building to be heated is one that permits of free circulation of air throughout its interuor. This is the important consideration in determining whether a _Pipeless Furnace can be used to advantage, for in this type of installation the whole volume of heated air is delivered to one centrally located room, or hall, and quickly spreads throughout the house if free passage is provided from room to room. Only one large register is required in this type of installation and this is divided into two parts—a central portion through which the warm air rises to the room above the furnace and an outer section down which the cooler air is drawn to the furnace to be released and again delivered to the room above. There is, therefore, a constant circulation of air throughout the house, due solely to convection currents arising from the relative temperature of the freshly heated air and the cooler air that is displaced by it. Nugent’s Pipeless Furnaces are made in four sizes as follows: Size 9 3 10 25 re Diameter Fire Pot............: 16” 2077 PA Nd 29" Size Smoke) Pines: sevice secs ee [gas 8” 8” Diameter Casing’ isc. scc'ewe 30” 40” 48” 53” Outside Diameter Circulating CHa ba yaticinn s aed eeisin ole Ris sls ge Sh reich wert aix ere sragerete' | mesiecsieibse' viol ¢.anelllieelsves sfelerataterevs size Floor Grating victwsccsess-| 22x24” 24x27” 30%x30” 30x36” Size Warm Air Pipe.......... 16” Tee 22” 24” Capacity Cubic Feet MDividec SD&COMrsicters ccrateislsisintatavehereete «etd 9,000 11,000 16,000 29,000 Capacity Cubie Feet Undividec SDAGOM ele ciate clarerers sve siete ates 11,000 14,000 22,000 40,000 They are easy to install and give perfect satisfaction when used in a building suitable to this system of heating. Advice Cheerfully Furnished Building contractors are cordially invited to avail themselves of our many years of experience in warm air heating. Send us rough sketch of house to be heated (with dimensions of each room, including ceiling height) and we will gladly indicate size and type of furnace that will give the best results and furnish you with all other information necessary to make a _ satisfactory SINGLE REGISTER (or PIPELESS) FURNACE installation. ww Tytudie Gntwant THOMAS NUGENT’S SONS *#.555.4°8,5" HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 365 OAKLAND FURNACES—“For Home Folks” Made by OAKLAND FOUNDRY COMPANY Belleville, Illinois Products This company manufactures Warm Air Fur- i b naces, Stoves and Ranges, and Laundry Tank FURNACES Heaters. Full information and prices on any EERO” of these products will be mailed promptly on iss request. (Trade Mark) Oakland Furnaces Here is a real furnace at a price folks can afford to pay. Compare it, point by point, with any warm air furnace you are familiar with and you will find it thoroughly modern in design and construction and with some distinctive features of its own that appeal strongly to people who want a reliable and economical heating plant. Sizes and Capacities Made in various sizes and capacities so that a fur. nace exactly suited to the house to be heated can be selected. Send for catalog. Laundry Tank Heater The King Laundry Tank Heater, illustrated below, furnishes an abundant supply of hot water at the cheapest known cost for fuel. Write for prices and particulars. Fewer Joints Two objectionable joints usually found in furnaces have been eliminated in the Oakland by fitting the fire doors directly on to the edge of the feed throat, which is extended through the upper front, and the ash pit door onto the edge of the main ash pit which is extended through the lower front. All doors are ground to a true fit on a surfacing machine insuring tight-fitting, dust-proof doors. Roller Bearing Grates The Oakland Furnace has roller-bearing grates making it the easiest shaking furnace on the market. King TLavnaiy Tonio ienee *Sherature, write te, OAKLAND FOUNDRY COMPANY, BELLEVILLE, ILL. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG | 366 ‘Richardson’ “Perfect”’ Heating and Cooking Apparatus Manufactured by 1a3r RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO. Factory Dover, N. J. Executive Offices: 260 Fifth Ave., New York City : Boston—94 Fed - Y— Chicago—3639-45 S. Ashland Ave. Hockenee eG Eee St. reread aie bt pe St Springfield, Mass., 194 Chestnut St, Philadelphia—1308 Arch St. Buffalo—220 Delaware Ave. Minneapolis—100 North 7th St, Pittsburgh—1205 House Building Providence—58 Exchange St. Cleveland—2032 East 22nd St. St Louis—705 Olive St. Newark, N. J.—585 S. 21st Street Products Grate Bars: ‘‘ Perfect’? Triangular This Company, established in 1837, makes \ i | ! " ) lV Clinker Cutting Grate Bars are used. an exceptionally complete line of heating and "MI ity ) sil cooking apparatus, including ‘‘ Perfect’? Warm i ( I! ae aa i tae re eae slight a otl a Air Heaters in both fully piped and _pipeless th, wl ‘an clears the fire. aree Straight, reintorcing types; ‘‘Richardson’’ round and end feed boilers Il i edges extend the whole length of the bar and for steam, hot water and vapor systems; ‘‘Perfect’’ ss dn gives it added strength to prevent warping cooking ranges for coal, gas or a combination of both; if Mul" or breaking. These edges are clinker cutting tell ih o~* : Es ‘*Richardson’’ Hot Water Laundry and Tank Heaters; i a - : ‘‘Richardson’? Automatic Garage Heating Systems, all | Shaking end of bars is strengthened by a steel of which are fully illustrated and described in literature : ring and the shaker fits into the end of the bars gladly sent on request. instead of over it. Some types of Warm Air Heaters and Boilers are illustrated on this and following pages. For Gas, Coal and Combination Ranges, see pages 430-433. For Hot Water, Laundry and Tank Heaters, see page 400. For Round and Sectional Boilers, see pages 390-393. Richardson ‘‘Perfect’”? Warm Air Heaters These are made in two types—the multi-pipe and pipeless. Cup Joint: There are only three of these full 144-inch cup joints in a Advantages of a Warm Air Heating System ‘Perfect?’ cl ike Fens The first cost of installing a warm air heating system is tween base and firepot, between firepot considerably lower than steam, hot water or vapor vacuum and body, between body and radiator. pressure systems. There are fewer parts which may have to be Ample space is allowed for expansion replaced over a period of years and the life of the equipment and for generous cementing. The is as long as that of any other system. illustration plainly shows why ‘‘Per- Tests have proved that warm air heating uses less coal be- fect’’ Heaters are proof against the cause heat is more quickly transferred to air than to water, escape of gas or dust. and ‘‘Perfect’’ Warm Air Heaters are particularly economical because of the correct relation of grate area to heating surface. Warm air heating more nearly approaches the atmospheric conditions of a bright, sunny day than any other form of artificial heat. In the late spring and early fall a small fire will quickly take the chill from the house. Warm air heaters as scientifically and carefully constructed as are ‘‘Perfect’’ Heaters are dust proof as there are only three joints and these are deep cup joints so perfectly fitted and cemented that dust and gas cannot escape. When a warm air heater is properly located, when the arrangement for fresh air supply and risers are carefully worked out uniform temperature can be maintained throughout a house. We are glad to co-operate with contractors and pros- pective builders to help them install an efficient warm air : Base heating system. Base and Firepot Construction Base: The straight side base, 14 inches high, provides a There are many valuable features which are incorporated substantial foundation for a heavy heater and allows the easy in every ‘‘ Perfect’? Warm Air Heater which are closely identi- removal of ashes. fied with the name of Richardson & Boynton Company and which make for efficient, satisfactory and economical heating. Firepots: All ‘‘Perfect’’ Warm Air Heaters have straight- side firepots, and a correspondingly larger grate area—this means less coal burned and less attention to the fire. There are no dead spaces in the fire which insures more heat and no waste of fuel. Body: Heavy ribbed, of un- usual strength and with proper allowance for complete com- bustion of fuel. Body with Flanges The body of ‘‘Perfect’’ Positive Heaters are fitted with flanges which increase the heating surface and fit directly over flanges of fire- pot. Openings are provided for pipe connections when “Perfect” Straight Side Fire- Sloping Side Firepot with pot. No dead spaces and larger ae cee SP wate: alain Ce Natt BM Fer further details and RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO., NEW YORK CITY HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 367 RICHARDSON “PERFECT” WARM AIR HEATERS (Continued) Steel Radiator SMOKE PIPE Steel Radiator FRONT OF HEATER Water Pan Water Pan Is located in side of casings where it properly humidifies the air as air circulates more freely here than in front of heater, and carries more moisture to the rooms. An automatic valve that keeps water pan full can be had at a slight ad- ditional cost. Made of 14-gauge steel, 17 inches high and will last for years. Cup joints in top and bot- tom plates are gas tight. The ‘‘Perfect’’ Posi- tive Heater has flanges in air channel which fit directly over body flanges and form a complete air column of peculiar shape extending from ashpit to top of heater. These air columns drive air with great force by rapid heating. Flue travel of from 8 to 13 feet is divided by a horizontal diaphragm which forces the hot gases to pass twice through the radiator before escaping through chimney. Radiator is easily cleaned by entrance from front. Flue passages are large for complete combustion to prevent backfiring or explosions. Cast Iron Radiator A heavy one-piece radiator, 15 inches high. No possibility of gas leakage, or break- Cast-Iron Radiator &y we Sp Fly 7 View from top of heater to show radiating surfaces age through unequal expansion. It is impossible to equal the advantages of this one-piece radi- ator by two-piece radiator construction. internal construction gives unusually long flue travel and convenience in cleaning. The Dimensions: Ship- Ship- Steel Cal: ping ping Diam Diam. | Diam. Hght. of| Size Pipe | Weight | Weight No. Fire Grate | Radi- | Radi- | Diam. | Panel | Smoke | Capac-| Less Less Pot Area ator ator Cases | Front Pipe ity Cases | Cases In. In. In. In. In. In. In, Sq.In. Lbs. Lbs. Steel C.L is 901 21 |283.53] 35% | 35 4634 | 55144 484 | 1245 | 1365 2902 24 |346.36] 40 39 5234 | 56% 626 | 1475 | 1625 2904 26 (415.48) 451% | 48% | 58 57% 812 | 1710 | 1955 2906 29 1572.56) 491% | 48 6154 | 5934 10 1024 | 2020 | 2240 1 2908 | 33 [804.25] 5614 | 54 6834 | 62 10 | 1369 | 2640 | 2865 Blanges of Breact; Note—The above ratings are based on a sufficient supply of air to the heater. For indoor air supply, figure 100 per cent, and for outside air supply, 80 per cent of the total capacity of the warm air pipes attached to the heater. 2900 Series with Steel Radiator Panel Front Is large and heavy enough for work required but no wider than necessary for feed door opening. This feature means additional fuel economy. Casings 26-inch gauge galvanized iron is used for casings which are lined with best quality bright corrugated tin for heat deflection. Air chamber between heater and casings is correctly propor- tioned and diameter of cas- ings determined on _ that basis. Cast iron sectional rings offer sturdy support for casings and are easy to erect. Dust Damper and Pipe This connects the base and body and allows escape of dust when grates are shaken. Is operated by a damper handle extending through panel front just below feed door and prevents any dust going into rooms. Fuel “Perfect” Heaters can be equipped to burn gas, soft coal or wood, and are adapt- able for installation of oil burners. Accessories Regular equipment in- cludes No. 2 damper, poker and shaker. The “Thatcher Meteor” furnace with hot blast attach- ment is guaranteed to burn any grade of soft coal. such as slack, screening, or lignite from the fact that the ad- mission of air into and above the fuel at the point of combustion cokes this fuel and in a short time after the fire is replenished, a. clean fire like that of hard coal or coke can be had. The construction is such that it is exceedingly economical in the point of fuel consumption as all the particles of coal are thoroughly consumed. THE THATCHER COMPANY, Newark, N. J. OO aaa aa eee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Bie Utica SUPER-SMOKELESS Furnace Manufactured by the UTICA HEATER COMPANY UTICA, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. Barns Smoke as Fuel! Smokeless even with cheap soft coal! Startling in its complete efficiency! Truly remarkable in its economy of fuel! That is the fact-story of the Utica SUPHR-SMOKE- LESS furnace—the furnace which burns smoke as fuel, and makes smoking chimneys and high, coal bills a thing of the past. The -principle of the SUPER-SMOKELESS Furnace is similar to that of the Bunsen Burner and Automobile Car- buretor. Both of these devices use a small quantity of fuel and a great quantity of air, mix them together, and pro- duce the most efficient combustion known. The same result is obtained in the SUPER-SMOKELESS Furnace. The SUPER-SMOKELESS Device, illustrated below, injects warm air into the furnace at the point where it strikes the rising smoke and gases. These are ignited and converted into a Cutaway View of Super-Smokeless Furnace Showing Flame Travel. NEWIDEA SUPER-SMOKELESS PIPELESS FURNACES Thousands of NEW IDEA Pipeless Furnaces are now giving wonderful satisfaction. Addition of. the SUPER- SMOKELESS Device assures smoke- less operation as well as unusually economical service. | Casing Smoke Feed Door Capacity Number Tirepot Diam. Collar Opening Cu. Ft. SS-180 18” Ba” 8” 10” x12%” 6 to 10000 SS-200 20" 42” Sa NO ssaley 10 to 14000 SS-220 2 46” 8” 11” x1814” | 14 to 21000 SS-240 24” 52” oye 114%4”"x14%” | 21 to 30000 SS-260 PRE 56” 9” 1214%)"x14%” | 30 to 40000 SS-280 28” G27 9” 1214”"x1414” | 40 to 50000 SS-300 oat Oe 9” | 18” x1514” | 50 to 65000 secondary flame of great intensity. Not only is all smoke consumed within the furnace, but every heat unit in the fuel is utilized. This means a great saving of good coal and the good dollars which pay for it. Careful experiments and tests show that the Utica SUPER-SMOKELESS Furnace saves about thirty per cent of the fuel, by utilizing as fuel the smoke and soot ordi- narily wasted up the chimney in costly clouds. It furnishes an abundance of healthful heat that will make your home warm and comfortable in the coldest mid-winter weather. It entirely eliminates the dirt and grime of black, smoky chimneys and is practically self-cleaning. It burns hard coal, soft coal or coke equally well, having a fine clean ash with no clinkers. It means economy, convenience and com- plete heating satisfactory to every householder. The SUPER-SMOKE- LESS Device that trans- forms heavy smoke into intensely hot, clean flames. An exclusive feature of SUPERIOR Pipe and NEW IDEA Pipeless SUPER - SMOKELESS Furnaces. SUPER-SMOKELESS Furnaces are made in both pipe and pipeless models and combine all the fine features of the regular Type “A” Furnace. Other smokeless furnaces have been devised but only the SUPER-SMOKELESS has proven successful and permanently durable in practical operation. The Utica Heater Company are also makers of SUPER- IOR Pipe, NEW IDEA Pipeless, ESSEX Pipe and Pipeless and RECIRCULATOR Furnaces, in addition to Lincoln Radi- ators and UTICA-IMPERIAL Steam and Hot Water Boilers, suitable for the larger homes. SUPERIOR SUPER-SMOKELESS PIPE FURNACES SUPERIOR Warm Air Furnaces have been standard heating equip- ment for more than forty years. The SUPER-SMOKELESS Feature makes them the most desirable pipe furnace made. Casing Smoke Feed Door Capacity Number TFirepot Diam. Collar Opening Sq. In. SS-18 18” 10” x24” 300 SS-20 QO AKO! BBN 400 SS-22 22” oT Ie pexale 3a 525 SS-24 24” 111%44"x1444" 625 SS-26 26” 121%"x1414"” 725 SS-28 28” 1244"x1414”" 875 SS-30 80” Seeley o 1025 For further details and I literature, write to: UTICA HEATER COMPANY, Utica, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG WROUGHT STEEL WARM AIR REGISTERS Manufactured By New York Chi nda == LHe Hart & Cooley Company wens INCORPORATED NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Products: H & C Wrought Steel Floor Registers Floor, Baseboard and Side Wall Warm Air Registers; Cold Air Faces and Intakes; Ventilators; Gratings and Furnace Regula- tors. Advantages of the H & C Line: The warm air heating system, when prop- erly installed, is superior to any other method of heating—lower in first cost and more efficient in operation. Proper installation among other things, calls for the free circulation of air both to and from the furnace. H & C Registers are designed to circulate air more freely than any others on the market. The fretwork obstruction has been reduced to a minimum and with no sacrifice of strength. The free air capacity (meaning the total area of holes in register faces) is printed in the following pages, and the proper size register can be selected for each size of pipe. Coupled with the marvelous efficiency of H & C Registers, is a construction that will not break during installation or use, finishes that will last, and designs that appeal to the demand for simple harmony. Standard Finishes: This Company is equipped to furnish any electroplated finish desired to match hard- ware. The following finishes are standard: Electroplated-light bronze, statuary bronze, polished brass, copper (not shaded), oxidized copper, dull brass (brushed), dead black, nickel. Black japanned, white japanned, white porcelain enamel, gold bronze paint, silver bronze paint, copper bronze paint. Class No. 200 No. 200 Patented H & C Floor Registers are correctly designed to provide a strong, unbreakable protection for openings through the floor to furnace pipe. The faces are reinforced by supporting bars of heavy gauge steel. The steel used in H & C Register bodies is also of heavy gauge to make them rigid and durable. The louvres or valves have solid trunnions securely riveted to each end, insuring free and easy operation. The*square hole design is furnished in all sizes up to and including 14-inch widths. Larger sizes have oblong holes. —_ For further details and \3 literature, write to: THE HART & COOLEY COMPANY, INC. New Britian, Conn. or nearest branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 374 Hart & Cooley Floor Registers and Cold Air Faces Dimensions of Leading Sizes Floor Registers AND LIST PRICES Sizes 4 x 6 to 14 x 22 inclusive have a uniform depth open of 2 #5 in., closed 14% in. Sizes 16 x 16 to 80 x 42 inclusive have a uniform depth open of 5 in., closed 3 in. Air Ca- Air Cae Size of pacity Black Ox’d Size of pacity Black Ox’d Body Sq. In. Jap’d Copper Body Sq. In. Jap’d Copper 6x 8 33 Peleos |g 2,00 18 x 20 267 $19.50 | $24.75 6x10 41 1.60 3.00 18 x 21 279 20.50 26.00 8x 8 45 1.60 3.00 18 x 24 319 21.50 PRS) 8x10 56 1.65 S215 18 x 30 400 S125 38 .00 8x12 67 1.90 3.65 20 x 20 296 19.75 24.75 8 x 16 90 4.50 6.75 20 x 24 355 22.00 28.20 9x12 75 ZeL0) 4.00 20 x 30 445 33.50 43 .00 9x14 88 3.10 5.20 22 x 22 358 28.50 36.50 10x 10 70 Dio 4.35 22 x 24 390 29.50 37.90 10 x 12 84 2.40 4.40 22 x 30 489 36.00 46.50 10x 14 98 S15 5225 24 x 24 426 30.00 40.00 10x 15 105 4,40 6.50 24 x 26 461 32.00. 44 .00 10 x 20 140 8.90 12.00 24 x 27 479 33.95 45 .00 10 x 24 168 T2215 16.25 24x 30 532 38.00 50.00 12x12 101 4.00 6.35 24 x 36 640 50.00 65.50 12x14 118 4.35 6.85 26 x 26 500 37 .00 48 .00 12x15 126 4.50 7.00 26 x 30 578 43.00 56.09 12x 16 134 5.60 8.25 28 x 28 589 44.00 57250 12 x 24 202 12.25 16.30 28 x 30 630 48 .50 61.50 14x 14 137 7.90 11.00 28 x 36 756 64.00 86.00 14x 16 157 8.50 1150 30 x 30 674 49 .00 65 .00 14x 18 176 9.00 12.00 30 x 36 809 67.50 90 .00 14 x 20 196 9.50 13.00 30 x 40 898 72.50 | 100.00 14x 24 235 14.90 19.50 30 x 48 1080 95.00 | 124.00 14x 30 294 27.50 33.00 36 x 36 970 80.00 | 104.00 16 x 16 190 11.00 15.00 36 x 40 1080 105.00 | 135.00 16 x 18 213 12.00 16.20 36 x 42 1135 112.00 | 143.00 16 x 20 237 12.35 16255 36 x 48 1295 132.00 | 168.00 16 x 24 284 15.00 20.00 38 x 42 1200 120.00 | 155.00 18 x 18 240 18.50 23.275 3 NOTE—For other sizes, prices and finishes see Hart & Cooley Catalog No. 24. H & C Wrought Steel Cold Air Faces: For the removal of cold air from certain rooms, to improve the circulation, H & C Cold Air Faces No. 250 and No. 255 as well as Cold Air Intakes No. 605, No. 607, No. 655 and No. 657, are of largest possible free air capacity and properly designed for this work. Cold Air Faces Class No. 250 PM Pe pe erg ping a pete py UF ey a008 Patented No. 250 This Cold Air Face can be supplied in H & C Oak Finish designed to match all oak floors. The H & C No. 250 Cold Air Face has the same superior fretwork braced underneath with steel bars which in turn are supported by a heavy angle frame that is removable. The overlap of the face on the floor provides ample support and in this way eliminates the necessity of accurate fitting in the floor. Smaller faces than in the case of wood may be used with equal efficiency. AIR CAPACITIES AND LIST PRICES CLASS No. 250 IPIQENS. H. & C. No. 250 ; Air Capacity : Free Area Black Ox’d ee Sq. Ins, Size Sq. Ins. Japan Copper 12 114 12x14 118 $ 2.80 $ 5.35 14 154 14x 16 157 4.30 7.30 16 201 14 x 20 196 4.80 8.50 18 254 18 x 20 267 7.60 12.85 20 314 18x 24 319 8.35 14.60 DED 380 20 x 26 385 9.50 17.50 24 452 20 x 30 445 11.60 23.50 26 530 24 x 30 532 ti25 29.25 28 615 28 x 30 630 21.00 35)..50 NOTE—For other sizes, prices and finishes see Hart & Cooley Catalog No. 24. Cold Air Face Class No. 255 The “H & C” Class 255 face is somewhat lighter than Class 250, yet of ample strength in the sizes made. The braces are riveted to heavy angle plates, which are welded to the face and are not detachable. This face has the same economical features as the Class 250. The “HT & C” oak finish is a good match in color to the average oak floor. AIR CAPACITIES AND LIST PRICES CLASS No. 255 Size “Air Capacity Oak Size Air Capacity Oak ihe Sains Finish In. Sq. In. Finish 10 x 24 180 $3.75 12 x 30 270 $4.50 10 x 30 225 4.25 14 x 30 313 5.00 12x14 126 3.00 18 x 30 405 6.50 12 x 24 216 4.00 20 x 30 450 7.00 NOTE—For other sizes, prices and finishes see Hart & Cooley Catalog No. 24. H & C Wrought Steel Cold Air Intakes Classes No. 607 and No. 605 For further details and = literature, write to: THE HART & COOLEY COMPANY, INC. New Britian, Conn. or nearest branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page HART & COOLEY REGISTERS, INTAKES & VENTILATORS Classes No. 607 and 605 (Continued) The H & C No. 607 is made with projections from wall varying from 514 to 71% inches and has the vertical bar face affording greater air capacity. The H & C No. 605 is identical with No. 607 except that it is made with the oblong hole fretwork. SIZES AND LIST PRICES CLASS No. 607 Electro Plated Rize _ Air, Proj. | Black | White Brass, Capacity} from | Japan | Japan | Ox. | Nickel, Opening Over All Sq. In. Wall Copper] Bronze 10x14 ieee 115 54%" $2.50 | $3.00 | $4.50 | $4.80 12x14 13% x 16 138 7%" 3.00 3.60 5.00 5.50 10 x 30 Dl exo 2 245 6” 5.50 6.50 9.50 | 10.50 12x31 133% x 32 305 74%” 7.50 8.50 | 12.00 | 13.50 SIZES AND LIST PRICES CLASS No. 605 12x14] 13% x 16% 110 She $3.00 | $3.60 | $5.00 | $5.50 .00 6.25 9.00 | 10.00 .50 6.50 9.50 | 10.50 .50 8.50 | 12.00 | 13.50 .50 | 10.00 | 14.00 | 15.00 10 x 30] 114% x 32 197 3” 12 x 30 | 13% x 311% 236 44%" 14 x 30 | 15!4x 311% 274 5%" 16 x 30 | 173% x 311% 314 61%" CONT Croce Classes No. 657 and No. 655 No. 657 H & C No. 657 Baseboard Ventilating Plate has openings close to the floor, making it very efficient in removing cold air. The edges fit tight to the baseboard. H & C No. 655 Baseboard Ventilating Plate is identical with No. 657 except that face is of the oblong hole type for use with H & C No. 150 Registers. LIST PRICES No. 657 and 655 Electro Plated Air Size Capacity, Black White Brass, Sq. In. Japan Japan Ox. Bronze, Copper Nickel 5x 14 657-46 $1.00 $1.40 $2.00 $2.40 655-35 5 x 30 657-98 2.15 3.00 4 60 5.00 655-75 Adjustable Ventilators Class No. 2250 No. 2250 H & C No. 2250 Adjustable Ventilators are made to carry surplus heat from a lower to an upper room. Each consists of one H & C black floor register and one white face, attached to a tin box which is adjust- able from five to twelve inches in depth. SIZES AND LIST PRICES CLASS No. 2250 Size Price Size Price 8 x 10 $4.40 10 x 12 $ 6.40 Ox? 5.40 12x14 10.00 H & C Wrought Steel Base Board Registers Class No. 170 Series With Quick Detachable Face (Patent Applied For) No. 172%, This register, fitted with quick detachable face of vertical bar design, has extraordinary Free Air Capacity and permits the use of smaller sizes of registers than heretofore, with greater efficiency. The frame is pressed from a single piece of steel. The vertical bars, integral with margin of face, present rounded surfaces and are very strong and rigid. Construction is sufficiently rigid to withstand very hard use. Any standard finish used in builders’ hard- ware can be furnished. The valve is held in any desired position by means of a friction hinge and increased friction can be secured by a slight turn of tension screw which secures operating handle. Consult table for Air Capacities. (The last figure and fraction indicate projection from wall. For instance 172% indicates 24%" projection.) SIZES AND AIR CAPACITIES CLASS 170 Siva Air Projection Sra Air Projection Tia Capacity, | from Wall Tae Capacity, | from Wall . Sq. In. Jat Base, In. Sq. In. at Base, In. 8x 10 66 14% 10 x 12 102 314 8x12 81 1% 10x 13 110 314 9x12 92 14 1ixds 127 314 8x 10 66 214 10 x 13 110 434 8x12 81 2144 1x3 127 5% 9x12 92 21% 12x14 149 55% 8x12 81 34 12x 14 149 7% Size No Black Jap’d Size No. Black Jap’d 8x 10 1714 $2.00 10x 12 17314 $4.00 8x 12 171% 2.40 10x 13 173% 4.20 9x12 1714 2.50 1 scat) 17344 4.50 8x 10 172% 2.00 10 x 13 17434 4.85 8x12 17244 2.40 Pix Ls 17554 See 9x12 17214 3.00 12x14 1755% 6.50 8x12 173144 3.00 12x14 177% 9.00 Be sure to specify projection from wall desired. eS Pejacct, ante st? THE HART & COOLEY COMPANY, INC. "s*,2:%,coxr HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page HART & COOLEY REGISTERS, INTAKES & VENTILATORS ee Baseboard Registers (Continued ) Class No. 190 Series (Patent Applied For) No. 1921 This register follows the general detail construction of the 170 except that it is a one-piece register—face is not detachable. The flanges are adapted for use with the same stackheads as used with the No. 170. This class provides an inexpensive register that affords real economy. No. 190 is made in same sizes as class No. 170 and lists at same prices but with a greater discount. Be sure to specify projection from wall desired. Class No. 150 Series With Quick Detachable Face No. 1 521, This is a two-piece register with face that is detach- able. The frame is provided with integral flanges having holes for tin loops. The face with valve attached is fastened by means of lugs at bottom and two locking clips at top, a quarter turn of which releases face from frame. SIZES AND AIR CAPACITIES CLASS 150 cine Air Projection Sine Air Projection The Capacity, | from Wall tea Cee from Wall ‘ Sq. In. at Base, In. 5 laa at Base, In. 8x10 50 14% 10 x 12 1 34 8x12 60 1% 11x 13 96 34 9x12 71 1% 11x13 96 55% 8x 10 50 24% 12x14 106 5% Ox 12 TA 214 Size No. Black Jap’d Size No. Black Jap’d 8x10 15114 $2.00 LORE 2 15314 $4.00 Bix12 15114 2.40 di a3 15314 4.50 Ox 12 15144 Zo) Tig Se 155% 5.20 8x 10 15214 2.00 12x14 15554 6.50 9x12 15214 3.00 Be sure to specify projection from wall desired. H & C Wrought Steel Side Wall Registers Classes No. 370, No. 340 and No. 350 No. 370 The No. 370, because of its large air capacity, made for horizontal setting. In design, being of the vertical bar type, it matches the H & C Nos. 170 and 190 Series Baseboard Registers. The single valve is operated in the same manner as all H & C Baseboard Registers and is positive in action. No. 340 H & C Side Wall Register is the same as No. 370 except that the face has the square hole with rounded fretwork. No. 350 is the same as No. 340 except that it is set vertical. SIZES AND LIST PRICES CLASS No. 370 Air Electro Plated Siva Capacity, Black White Sa. In. Japan Japan Ox. ue t Copper Bronze 8x10 64. $1.65 $2.00 $3.15 $3.85 8x12 79 1.90 2.30 3.65 4.40 SIZES and LIST PRICHS CLASS No. 340 and CLASS No. 350 8x10 44 $1.65 $2.00 $3.15 $3.85 8x 12 53 1.90 2.30 3.65 4.40 9 x 12 60 2.10 2.55 4.00 5.10 Class No. 377 No. 377 No. 377 Side Wall Register of vertical bar type and with convexed face and curved back plate, matches in design our No. 170 and 190 Baseboard Registers. Because: of large free air capacity these smaller and less costly sizes are ample for second floor registers. They will admit into the room all the warm air that can be delivered through 10 inch or 12 inch wall stacks. SIZES, AIR- CAPACITIES AND LIST PRICE'S CLASS No. 377 Size Air Capacity. Sq. In Black Japanned 6x10 50 $1.50 6x 12 58 1.70 For further details and = literature, write to: THE HART & COOLEY COMPANY, INC. New Britian, Conn. or nearest branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ‘“No-Streak,” ‘‘Out-O-Wall”’ and ‘‘Vol-Yum”’ Registers, R. I. Cold Air Faces Made by ROCK ISLAND REGISTER COMPANY Rock Island, Illinois Products: This company makes Wall Registers for Hot Air Furnaces, with patented con- struction features. One of the types— “No-Streak” prevents streaking of the wall. Also makes Cold Air Faces for in- stallation in baseboards. “‘No-Streak” Register: This is the only warm air register guaranteed to pre- vent streaking of the walls—a feature especially valu- able because it saves the house owner from $20 to $27 annually on decorating expense. Construction: The register boxes are made of double galvanized iron with tin linings, making a dead air space for insu- lation, which adds to the durability of the register as well as increasing fire protection. Finishes : Rock Island registers are finished in the most modern and durable manner known to the electro-platers’ art to match all prevailing hardware finishes. Standard finishes are electro-plated Oxidized Copper, Brush Brass and Nickle. All special sanded finishes will be made to match hardware upon request. The enamel finishes are high-gloss, baked-in Black, and a durable, non-changing White. A very attractive and moderate priced finish is avail- able in our Lacquered Bronze paint finish to corre- spond in color to the standard electro-plated finishes. This Guarantee Tag is Attached to Every “NO-STREAK” Register: The “No-Streak” Guarantee is based on the patented interlapping joint of the register to the double metal register box which is an integral part of the complete register. Sectional View Showing Individ- ual Features of No-Streak Regis- ters. Individual Features: 1—Expanding interlapping slip-joint connection which prevents the air from streaking the walls. 2—Steel Frame and Removable Grille, having over- capacity Free Air opening. 3—Malleable Lever easily operated by Hand or Foot. Absolutely trouble-proof. 4—Galvanized, tin lined box having Floor line, Wall line and Recessed top collar. Note 2-inch trimming space around box. 5—Easy fastening by two large oval head bolts. Efficiency: “No-Streak” registers are the most efficient register on the market because register grilles and register boxes have equal free area through the grille and through the boot opening in bottom of register box to equal area of round warm air pipe specified. (See list of pipe sizes and measurements at bottom of page). Pipe Sizes and Boot Measurements: No. of | Free Area | Square and ea Extension Reg. in Grille Round Pipe Size Pipe Collar Inches Size In. Inches Size 8% 55 in. 352x105 3582x10% None 9% 70 in. 354x125% 354x12% None 161% 110 in. 354x10% 356x105 None 18% 140 in. 352x12% 352x125% None 8 55 in. § in. 5144x10% None 9 63 in. 9 in. 516x12% None 10 85 in. 10 in. 634x125% 352x12% 12 115 in. 12 in. 8Y44x138% 352x12% ata. 154 in. 14 in. 9 x165, 352x183 5% 16 110 in. 9 in; 7T144x10% None 18 140 in. 10 in. TY4x12% None 20 170 in. 12 in. N7%GxX12% 352x125 24. 230 in. 14 or 16 in. 12% x13% 352x12% 2§ ees COs 16 or 18 in. 1436x165 354X18% For further details and = literature, write to: ROCK ISLAND REGISTER COMPANY, Rock Island, Ill. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 378 “No-Streak, “Out-0-Wall” and “Vol-Yum’” Registers,R.I.Cold Air Faces (continued) “Vol-Yum”’ Sizes and Opening Dimensions: Patent Pending “Out-O-Wall’”’ Register: The most satisfactory and efficient wall register for in- stallation in houses already built or those where the con- struction will not permit of the usual type of wall register. The register’and double wall box are a unit that is in- stalled by simply cutting the baseboard and a hole in the floor against the wall. ‘This installation saves approxi- mately 90% of the usual labor necessary to cut and install ordinary wall registers, and makes an attractive and efficient job. The measurements and openings for “Out-O-Wall” registers correspond with those of “No-Streak’ registers (see oppo- site page) making pipe fittings interchangeable. “Vol-Yum”’ Register: This is the last word in warm air register design for a moderate priced and attractive register for group construc- tion of bungalows and one or two story cottages. It has beauty of design and a pleasing appearance that is charm- ing and artistic in its decorative effect. The grille is particularly novel in the new treatment of the perpendicular bar by combining a margin in the lattice effect that is both practical and beautiful. One hundred percent capacity of free area is secured, insuring a more efficient heating plant. A comparison between “Vol-Yum” and other registers is invited because ‘‘Vol-Yum” registers are of such merit and value that they will save many dollars when specified in construction work. For further details and = literature, write to: Rnd. A B (S ; Boot Pipe} Wall] Base Wall D H Air | Opening | Size|Width] Board |Height|Floor 50 | 52” | 6%x10% | 8” | 10% | 13%” | 10%” | 6%” | 214” 63 | 65” | 64%4x1254 | 9” | 12% | 15%” | 1114" | 64” | 21K” 78-| 80” | 7144x12% | 10” | 12% | 15%” | 11%" | 74” | B14” 113 1115”! 914x13% | 12” 1.13% | 16” 12%" | 94” | gig” Core SGGRGRRRREE | seaets 3 naGGe Rock Island Cold Air Faces: These baseboard Cold Air Faces are designed to match “NO-STRHAK” and pleasing and attractive when No. or Size 11x16 11 x 32 16x16 16x 32 “OUT-O-WALL” registers, They are installed, furnishing that finishing touch that makes the ideal job. Rock Island Faces installed in the baseboard of rooms are more sanitary and satisfactory than the oid style faces. Round Pipe Size 2% 16” 44 18” or 20” Net Wall Opening Height-Width LOZ GE 10”x381” 13’x15% ” 13”x31” Convex Cold Air pesca na a Plates: Net Area Sq. Inches 112” Doan 162” 324” Round Pipe Size Cavite a (Pe Net Wall Opening Height-Width 434 Mx15” 434,"x30" Net Area Sq. Inches 60” 120” ROCK ISLAND REGISTER COMPANY, Rock Island, III. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Mueller Registers, Grilles and Ventilators L. J. MUELLER FURNACE CO. GENERAL OFFICES 297 Reed Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. For Branch Offices See Page 364 Products REGISTERS; GRILLES; MUSHROOM VENTI- LATORS. For Cabinet Heaters (The FURNACETTE) see page 386. For Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe and Pipeless, and Garbage Burning Tank Heaters, see page 364. Wrought Steel Base- Board Registers The distinctive fea- tures of Mueller Base- board Registers are: neat appearance, dur- able _ construction, Pil N@eaqeaee: maximum free air | JOCRaSAeeaeG area, simple and posi- tive operation. Both the square and round corner registers are made with a solid one-piece frame, with a removable grille. These are carried in stock in 6 standard sizes and in a large variety of finishes. Descriptive folder on request, showing the popular new “Colonial” finish. 2288808088 Baseboard Register with Square Corners Floor Register Floor Registers Plain lattice design—semi-steel construction—boxes and valves of sheet steel, faces cast of semi-steel. These registers have great strength and are unusually neat in appearance. Carried in stock in all standard sizes and finishes. Can be made to special order in any size. Prices will be quoted on application. Cast Iron and Steel Grilles Can be made in any size and finish. Some sizes carried in stock. Any size can be made to order. When ordering, specify whether dimensions are size of open- ing or extreme size of grille. Can be furnished curved if desired. Cast Iron or Stee} Grille Special Design Grilles Below is shown one of the many special design grilles that we manufacture, in cast iron, brass or bronze. Send specifications for prices. Special Grille Mushroom Ventilators For use in schools, theaters, churches, and public buildings. Easily adjusted to distribute an equal volume of air. Perspective of Mushroom Ventilator ADVANTAGES—The Mueller Mushroom Ventilator has the following advantages: positive locking feature, no de- pression in cap to collect dirt, no setscrew projecting ; easy, quick and permanent adjustment. Carried in five sizes: 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 inch diameter. Catalog and Prices Upon request we will furnish illustrated catalog of our complete line of registers, ventilators and grilles. Prices on odd sizes of registers and grilles, also special design grilles, will be submitted on application. GF ierctess, writete =L. J. MUELLER FURNACE CO. faLwstxii?ws. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 380 Registers, Grilles and Radiator Enclosures Made by TUTTLE & BAILEY MFG. CO. 441 Lexington Avenue, New York CHICAGO 1123-29 W. 37th St. Products Registers and Grilles in both Cast and Stamped Metals for heating and ventilating ducts. Radiator Enclosures, both all steel and those with wood frames and metal grilles. Floor Registers Cobble Face Registers—Style No. 80. Cobble Face Register Cobble Face Registers are a new and exclusive product of our factory. The miniature cobbles prevent the foot from slipping and give an extra radiating surface which keeps the register from becoming overheated. As the wear comes only on the ‘‘tips’’ of the cobbles, any finish applied is untouched in the ‘‘valleys’’ so that a cobble face finish lasts indefinitely. The rolled edge makes a snug and even fit with the floor, without recessing. The design furnishes the largest free air openings, consist- ent with strength, safety and appearance. The finish, Tanbo Antique only, is distinctive and pleasing and matches the prevailing mode in Builders Hardware. Tanbo Antique harmonizes well with all color schemes, therefore the one finish is suitable for every room. The bottom is made of heavy gauge steel, with beveled sides to insure easy fitting, and the Patent Roller Movement opens and closes the valves positively but smoothly, and locks them automatically when closed. Made in all the used sizes. Cobble Cold Air Face Style C Matches cobble register in design and Tanbo finish. A Face which provides ample Air-Flow, Strength and Dura- bility with low cost. Style C Cobble is Cast Iron and its oblong mesh means No Obstruction to circulation. The finish will suit any surroundings. The Rolled Edge and Narrow Rim insure close fit with easy setting—the minimum of labor charge; and the Face can come close to the partition. No staining, varnishing or painting is necessary as Cobble Cold Air Faces are finished in Tanbo Antique to match the Cobble Registers. BOSTON 36 Portland St. KANSAS CITY 704 E. 18th St. Wall and Baseboard Registers Wall Register Style 40. All steel. Thin as a wafer—beveled edge makes perfect fit from one piece of against plaster. Re- steel, with no joints versible face can set or rivets. Face has either vertically or Ys" square mesh. All horizontally. standard finishes. Baseboard Style 900. All steel. Made with all steel frame stamped | POO) Baseboard register of popular fish scale de- Colonial design. Style sign. Style 100. Cast 44. Cast face; steel face; steel body. body. Baseboard register in Radiator Enclosures Radiator Enclosure with wood frame and square mesh steel grilles. The best design for all around uses. Made also with woven steel grilles, cane design. Made in two forms; the all steel and combination of steel and wood. Made to set over radiators, converting objectionable rows of iron into attractive piece of furniture. Standard finishes—White, Cream, Mahogany and Walnut. Grilles sold separately, for those who want to build and finish their own frames. Sold also in unfinished wood and grilles, to finish to suit. Equipped, if desired, with humidifier and patented Summer and Winter top. Send for circular for full particulars and prices. Prices and Particulars Send for circulars and printed matter giving full information and prices on registers, cold air faces and enclosures. Advise us in your letter as near as possible what your needs are, so our reply will surely cover the information you want. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG TUTTLE & BAILEY MFG. CO. #2\/9ére°n = DOYLE’S MINERAL WOOL Made by J. W. DOYLE COMPANY (Engineers, Contractors, Chemists) General Motors Building, Detroit, Mich. J. W. Doyle Company This company specializes in heat insulation. Through their authorized representatives in all parts of the country they contract to thoroughly insulate the heat- ing plant (boiler or furnace) and the water heating and hot water storage system, so that the heat losses will be reduced to a minimum, resulting in a great saving in fuel. Agents Wanted Doyle’s Mineral Wool, the material used for insulat- ing boilers, furnaces, water heaters, hot water tanks, etc., is not sold in bulk, but is furnished only through authorized representatives who apply it themselves, thus insuring a perfect job. Building contractors are in- vited to write to J. W. Doyle Company, General Motors Building, Detroit, Michigan, regarding terms to agents. This is a profitable side line and some desirable territory is still open. Heat Losses in Homes The amount of money wasted by the people of this country in fuel burned to no purpose is appalling. Twenty-five to fifty percent of the neat from the coal, gas, or oil consumed in uninsulated heating equipment is a dead loss, due to the fact that much of the heat generated is radiated from the surface of the boiler, furnace, or pipes, and never reaches the rooms it is desired to heat. Converted into terms of coal this means that from 500 to 1000 pounds of each ton of coal purchased is a dead loss. Yet this tremendous waste can be pre- vented at comparatively small expense by the Doyle method of insulation. Pays for Itself The saving of fuel is so great in homes in which the heating equipment is insulated with Doyle’s Mineral Wool that the cost of insulation is quickly paid for by the saving effected in the amount of fuel used. So generally satisfactory has the Doyle method of insula- tion proven to be that no one has ever called on us to refund their money although every job is covered by our guarantee, one clause of which states that money will be refunded to any customer who is dissatisfied after one year’s experience with the Doyle Method of in- sulation. For further details and =~ literature, write to: J. W. DOYLE COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 382 IDEAL BOILERS and AMERICAN RADIATORS Manufactured by AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY General Sales Office, 1807 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. For “Arcola” Hot Water Radiator Heating, see page 388. O THE SMALL HOME and other buildings that have had to depend, in the past, upon old- fashioned heating methods, the Ideal Vecto Heater brings solid comfort, warmth and coziness without any expensive installation. It is a compact, self-contained, beautiful heating unit which warms, not one room, but a whole home, and yet consumes only as much coal, or less, than ‘is Scientifically Designed In principle and in construction, the Ideal Vecto Heater is altogether different from old- fashioned heating devices. It is a scientific § application of nature’s way of spreading | warmth. That is why it is so almost un- believably efficient as to warm an entire small home while consuming only the same amount of fuel, or less, than is ordinarily used to heat one room. In old-fashioned heaters the fire sends out its heat by radiation. Around the fire it is intensely hot; but near the walls and in the other rooms it may be cold and draughty. The heat is un- controlled. Coal is wasted, comfort sacrificed and health endangered. The operation of the Ideal # Vecto Heater is based on & the natural law of gravita- tion. Air is drawn in at the base, and brought into contact with a very extensive, scientifically designed heating sur- face; being warmed, it flows upward and out- ward, carrying its warmth to every corner of the home. The process is continuous. A gentle suffusion of even, comfort- able warmth fills every room. Warms the Whole House The Ideal Vecto Heater warms large volumes of air at moderate, controlled temperatures, preserving its healthful qualities. It circulates the warmed air through the home six to ten times an hour, thus ventilating as it warms. Easily and Quickly Installed To install the Vecto Heater requires no ripping up of flooring, no special piping whatever. It is a self-contained unit. The rear smokehood with damper control is provided as a regular part of the equipment, and needs only to be connected to a chimney. This is accomplished in a few minutes. The fire may then be lighted. It can be moved like furniture. No matter where you go, you can always be sure of having warmth and comfort in your home. IDEAL VECTO HEATER For Smaller Homes, Stores, Offices, Garages and Other Buildings Us to 8,000 Cubic Feet Capacity For Ideal “Arco” Round Boiler, see page 389. now used by old-fashioned methods to heat one room. Its warmth is clean and healthful. It requires no basement for installation; it is an ornament in any room. For more or less heat, you need but turn a handle. Compact and self-contained, it maybe moved like furniture. It burns either coal or wood, and will serve you faithfully and efficiently during your lifetime. How It Works The great secret of the Ideal Vecto Heater lies in its extraordinarily large and _ scien- tifically designed heating surface, the tem- || perature of which is controlled by the simple || turning of a handle conveniently placed in | the front of the Heater. The diagram shows how Jarge volumes of air are continuously warmed and circulated , | at moderate temperatures. The vital qualities 4H | of the air in the home are not burned out, .| but are pre- | served. Ideal f= Vere .c, -th10 i warmth is not | only more economical, but is far more com- fortable and | healthful. A Handsome Piece of Furniture The Ideal Vecto Heater is as beautiful to look upon as it is efficient in operation. It brings the cheer of an open fire, for its fire-lights shine clearly through the window glow-panels in front. These glow-panels are made of a chemically prepared glass mix- ture that resists high fire temperatures. The cover of the Vecto Heater is sheet steel, finished with a highly lustrous gray enamel—as bright as the glow of china. This finish is vitreous enamel, baked on at a very high temperature, so that it will not be affected by heat. The beauty of the Ideal Vecto Heater is practically ever- lasting; and it harmonizes perfectly with any interior. This Ideal Vecto Heater does not take up much space. It is 22 inches wide, 21 inches deep and 48 inches high. Low in Price The Ideal Vecto Heater is not expensive. $99 f. o. b. Buffalo. This makes it an ideal heater for the inexpensive small home from three to five rooms, the small shop, office, private garage, oil filling station or other small building up to 8,000 cubic feet of space. It comes all ready to be put into use for there is no in- stallation required except connection of the smokehood. Its price is = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY 1807 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo, N. Y. 383 THE RED CROSS FURNOLA Manufactured By CO-OPERATIVE FOUNDRY COMPANY ROCHESTER, NEW YORK RED CROSS R 4 OMe gnACeS RANGES & FURNACES Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Red Cross Products Red Cross Furnola Heating Unit; Red Cross Empire Furnaces; Red Cross Ajax Furnaces. Red Cross Gas Ranges; Red Cross Combination Ranges; Red Cross Coal Ranges and Oil Stoves. See Pages 359 and 428. A complete line of high grade cooking and heating equipment. The Red Cross Furnola Drawing cold air from the floor level, warming it to a com- fortable temperature, then circulating it to every nook and corner of the house— the Red Cross Iurno- la circulates heat like a warm air furnace! In construction, this type of heating unit is similar to a pipeless furnace—it has a double casing; depends on circula- tion for its great heating power and is adaptable to practi- cally the same types of buildings. Located on the ground floor it elimi- nates the necessity of a cellar or basement, When to Install It The improved principles of construction; the method of circulating the heat instead of radiating and its low cost make the Red Cross Furnola an ideal heating system for old homes without a furnace, new homes without a base- ment, for offices, shops, stores, public buildings, rural schools, ete. Specifications SPECIFICATIONS—RED CROSS FURNOLA No. 16-W Grained Walnut Finish, porcelain enameled. No. 16-B Blue Steel Finish with nickel trim. Heiehth cocdactsstete seen 52” Size Ash Pit Door Width s(square) es: ae 24” Opening wn. o,2- 5144x1384" Diameter Fire Pot (top) 16” Diameter Smoke Depthsihiresr Ot sewe sete ie PING. eueeet este fie Weight Crated (shipping) 500 Ibs. Capacity 5 to 7 rooms. Diameter Eclipse Grate_.12” Size Feed Door Opening aie ice 8164x1144” Design and Construction In appearance the Red Cross Furnola is at once strikingly attractive. Toned in a lasting finish of grained walnut in porcelain enamel, it looks like a piece of fine furniture, or finished in blue steel with sparkling nickel trim and black porcelain enameled top and doors it is a handsome heating unit. The cast iron construction of the Furnola is heavy and durable. All joints are deep cup, thoroughly cemented and bolted—it is dust-proof and gas-tight! See chart below for full specifications and weight. Heating Capacity—Fuel Economy The Red Cross Furnola will comfortably heat from five to seven rooms of a cottage type home or one ailowing for free circulation of air. It will do the work of approxi- mately three of the ordinary type of parlor stoves with the fuel of one. This fuel economy and unusual heating capacity is due to the method of circulation and the large radiating surface. Shipped Complete The Red Cross Furnola is shipped complete ready to install the minute it is received. It is mounted and assem- bled right in the crate and due to the extreme care used in packing and crating it seldom, if ever, arrives in a damaged condition. How It Circulates Heat The picture to the left shows the interior construction of the Furnola with its cast iron ash pit, fire pot and dome. White arrows indicate the passage of air circulating through the Furnola. When entering at bottom it is cold, then gradually be- coming warmed, it ascends and finally passes out through the top grating to circulate itself to every nook and corner of the home, Catalogs and Prices Complete details and catalogs on the Red Cross Furnola will be furnished upon re- quest. To builders of cellarless houses ‘we will quote at- tractive prices and ship direct on big operations. oe For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO-OPERATIVE FOUNDRY COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y. ESTATE HEATROLA Made By THE ESTATE STOVE COMPANY Hamilton, Ohio Heatrola Makes the Cellarless Heatrola Circulates Heat House Practical : “THE HEAT- Heatrola’s ability to provide fur- After all is said and done, the ING PLANT nace comfort, even in the coldest only real excuse for the basement THAT SAVES 15 weather, is due to the fact that it of a small house is to provide a PER CENT OR circulates heat, instead of radiating place for the heating plant. But a MORE ON it as a stove does. Great volumes basement costs money—at least 15% SMALL HOME of warm, moist air keep circulating of the total cost of the house. That CONSTRUC- through the house, heating distant means $700 on a $4500 house. TION.” corners to the same comfortable tem- Now, with the Estate Heatrola, perature as that of the downstairs room in which the Heatrola stands. Heatrola Is Handsome Heatrola, finished in vitreous enamel, looks like a fine mahogany cabinet. It harmonizes with modern living room furniture. Heatrola can be installed in less than an hour, and be ready for firing. All that is needed is a flue con- nection. No pipes—no registers. And it is so easy to control that a child can set its simple drafts, or shake down the ashes. a Tal Te ja . loll ce nnmeon- ‘ t 6 5 ’ , e lt a a * Ae Cellarless House Plans for Building Contractors The Estate Stove Company, manufac- turers of Heatrola, will gladly send you a free copy of “Eighteen prize-Winning Cellar- the cost of the basement can be saved. For Heatrola requires no basement, yet it provides furnace comfort for every room in the house —upstairs and down. It has fre- quently happened that by saving the cost of the basement, the home builder was relieved of the burden of a second mortgage—or was able to select a better building lot—or could build a better house than was planned originally. Cellarless House Approved By Leading Architects The cellarless house idea has the approval of leading less House Plans”—a architects everywhere. The plan has been followed booklet containing extensively by Ernest Flagg—famous designer of the plans submitted by Singer Building, the United States Naval Academy and the Corcoran Art Gallery—always at a saving of 15% or more. The Architects’ Small House Service architects and build- ing contractors in a Bureau not only approves the cellarless house, but has recent cellarless house prepared a number of plans that are at the disposal contest. We will also of any builders. During the last few years thousands send you our booklet of cellarless houses have been built in all parts of the of cellarless house country. plans prepared by The Heatrola Is Economical Architect’ Small Heatrola burns any kind of coal, also wood—and Ponsee Service Rated uses no more fuel than a stove. It is cleanly, too, for : ; its patented construction prevents the escape of dust Soc mesg ons or smoke into the house. It can be wiped clean with a plete details about the : cloth—no polishing is necessary. Heatrola. Sue Batata: watida it cancel For futher details and THE ESTATE STOVE CO., Hamilton, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 385 MUELLER FURNACETTE “HEATS THE WHOLE HOUSE” Manufactured By L. J. MUELLER FURNACE CO. GENERAL OFFICES MILWAUKEE, WIS. 297 Reed Street, For Branch Offices See Page 364 Products THE MUELLER FURNAC- ETTE, (CABINET HEATER) ; For Warm Air Furnaces and Tank Heaters see Page 364. For Registers, Grilles Mushroom Ventilators, see Page 380. and Its Place in the Home The Furnacette is placed cen- trally wherever there is a flue connection, in one of the living rooms of the home. It heats the whole house by con- stantly circulating warm, moist air as does a high grade furnace. It does the work of 2 and 3 good stoves requiring the floor space, (26”x26”) fuel and attention of only one. No nickel to polish, no blacking. Harmonizes with the most attractive interior schemes. In no sense a stove! Construction 3 i 3 Fi ; % u ; 3 Hy y ; | : i Louis XVI Cabinet, Natural Walnut Grain in Vitreous Enamel Embodies construction prin- ciples of Mueller furnaces and boilers developed through 69 years. Ventilates as it circulates warmth to every corner of every room. The beauty of the Furnacette is unsurpassed. It is easily kept clean with warm soap suds and a soft cloth. CAPACITY: Will heat aver- age 5 to 7 room house. Ideal for cellarless homes or those form- erly stove heated. FUEL: Burns any kind of fuel. Made in 3 types; for hard or soft coal, wood, coke or lignite ; for natural or artificial gas; and combination coal or gas burning type. ADDITIONAL USES: Be- sides uses listed, the Furnacette is ideal for stores, schools, churches, offices, lodge halls, garages, summer cottages, etc. All-Cast iron one-piece heating unit proof against gas or smoke leakage. Inner Cas- ing intercepts direct radia- tion from heater and gives it off to air passing over it. Protects outer cabinet from overheating. No radiated heat from cabinet to en- danger nearby furniture. Automatic Regulator, con- trolled by temperature of heater, opens and _ closes draft damper, maintaining an even temperature throughout your home. Con- trols the fire without atten- tion. Firepot Liners act as hot blast, injecting air over fire bed to increase com- bustion. Additional protec- tion to sides of heater body. Assures full heat value from fuel burned. Air-Cooled Rug and Floor Protector No unsightly zine floor board required with the Furnancette because of the air-cooled rug and floor protector. It is located immediately beneath the ash pit; it intercepts downward radiation and gives off this heat to the air circulating through it. The finest floor or rug is thoroughly protected and in no danger from reflected heat. GLASS CASTER CUPS set off the period design furni- ture legs of the Furnacette, and pro- tect rugs against in- dentation. CATA- LOG ON REQUEST. MUELLER. Jurnacette L. J. MUELLER FURNACE CO. Double Casing, Thermostatic Regulator, Leak- Proof Casting, Hot Blast Fire-Pot Liners. View of Patented Air-Cooled Rug-Protector. No Unsightly Zinc Floor Board Needed. 297 Reed Street For further details and GR iterature. write tor MILWAUKEE, WIS. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 386 Burnham Boilers for General Heating BURNHAM BOILER CORPORATION IRVINGTON, NEW YORK Boston Chicago 80 Boylston St. OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES 220 South State St. Products Round and square sectional cast iron boilers for all kinds of low pressure heat- ing for water, steam, vapor and vacuum systems. Tank heaters for both low and high pressure. Square Sectional Water or Steam This is the Burnham Boiler you have heard the most about, because it was the first of the family that Mr. Burnham designed. He had an almost uncanny sense that told him exactly how to proportion heat absorb- ing surface, to the size and number of flues. Laundry Stove and Water Heater That, and how long to make the fire travel. There are other boilers that seemingly are quite the same as a Burnham. But when it comes to cost of installing and cost of coal used, the Burnham has a way of opening your eyes. It’s designed right, and made right, that’s why it works right. Made for either water or steam in 19 sizes. eer? Will heat from 750 to 6,000 feet for steam For hot water supplies. and 1,250 to 10,075 feet for water. Being a boiler designed distinctly for it 6 Ee + Ne ose ee Burn All Fuels single purpose. Its ease of running, quick heating and economy in fuel are its out- Right next door from each other, Burn- standing features. hams are economically burning soft coal, Made in sizes, to supply from 175 to 700 hard coal, coke and oil. Burning all sizes from egg down to pea. gallons. It’s another thing in which Mr. Burnham’s uncanny sense sensed so well. A combination Laundry Stove and hot water supply heater of exceptional efficiency. Has goodly sized fire pot. Very economical. Made to heat up to 80 gallons. High Pressure Water Supply Boiler Made strictly for high pressure work in apartment houses, public buildings, ete. For Oil Burning 2 a : , High Pressure r : Tested at 214 times its ratio working Water Supply The fact that so many of the oil burner pressure. iiesten concerns are urging the use of Burnhams, shows how closely linked with the right Guaranteed for 80 pounds. boiler, they feel the success of their burner is. Made in 7 sizes, to heat from 865 to 1757 gallons. Has won a reputation for easy firing and uniformly dependable heating. General Economy Points Everybody claims their boiler has all the rest. backed off the boards. All of them can’t be “the best made.” ae But none of them have actually met and 2 U_fi: won in the seven tests given the Burnhams. For homes and other buildings where the mina 5 : radiation needed does not exceed 2,560 feet Witenes liar Burnhams won their first spurs heating for water and 1,550 feet for steam, this Saas tage oe greenhouses. : boiler has many outstanding features. ; Next to heating all outdoors, a green- d : é ; : house is the most difficult. Being made in sections it’s easy to install : § - repair. If they can economically heat houses : having only 4% of an inch of glass between The castings are heavy—but not so heavy frost and flowers, it is self-evident what tley as to impede economical heating. | will do under less exacting conditions. Grates are revolving, operating in pairs. Fire pot is deep, and combustion chamber ample size. Crown sheet corrugated, a distinct Round Steam or Water Boilers Send for Printed Matter Exact information for yourself is in our Hand Book. economy advantage. Square Sectional Just the untechnical, easy to understand Made for either steam or hot water in Wee en kind home owners want is in “Uetters To 18 sizes, to heat from 550 to 2,560 feet for steam. and Fro.” water, and 330 to 1,550 feet for steam. Send for both. Bee For Carsher details and ~~ Burnham Boiler Corporation, Irvington, N. Y. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 387 IDEAL BOILERS and AMERICAN RADIATORS Manufactured by AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY General Sales Office; 1807 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. BRANCH SALES OFFICES Atlanta, Ga.—232 Peachtree St. Detroit, Mich.—400 Barlum Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa.—25th & Reed Sts. Baltimore, Md.—1308 Lexington Bldg. Broadway and Grand River Aves. Pittsburgh, Pa.—502 Maloney Bldg. Boston, Mass.—129-131 Federal St. ae : Lary: pe e S ANAS Cal.—2d & Townsend Sts, Buffalo, N. Y.—220 Delaware Ave. Indianapolis, Ind.—401 Penway Bldg. San Francisco, & ‘ ‘ ay Ne ae x Kansas City, Mo.—906 Davidson Bldg. Seattle, Wash.—Holgate & Utah Sts. a Ill.— 816 S. Michigan Ave. ; merle y < Recah, O.—710 (eevee Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis.—1801 St. Paul Ave. St. Louis, Mo,.—4201 Duncan Ave. Cleveland, O.—509 Hanna Bldg. New York City, N. Y.—40 W. 40th St. St. Paul, Minn.—Minnehaha & Prior AV. Denver, Colo.—24th & Blake Sts. Omaha, Nebr.—413 S. 10th St. Washington, D. C.—1308 “H” St., N. W. ARCOLA Reg, U. S. Pat, Off. Hot-water Radiator Heating Outfit For Ideal Vecto Heater See Page 383 for small homes---stores---offices---garages---and other buildings A Radiator-Boiler in One Easy to Install Adds to Sale or Rental Value , i -w 7 7 The ARCOLA warme home rents ARCOLA is a complete hot-water ARCOLA can be installed quickly and for more OF selis toromoreentea ete heating plant, designed for small easily in either new houses or old. fore a wise investment especially for homes and _ buildings. Set in the Pipes can be either hidden or exposed. the builder who builds to sell. living room, dining room or kitchen, In any small home up to seven rooms Low-Priced—Saves Fuel it warms the room in which it stands, ARCOLA will furnish the same perfect ere is eb: Bee It eee ao ee : ; a2 r 2 ‘ surprisingly little and saves so muc and is connected by pipes with Ameri warmth that our, lave er Ideal Boilers fuel compared with other types of can Radiators in the other rooms. give to larger buildings. heating that it soon pays back its cost. Designed in t del The New So beautiful it is an or- Non-jacketed—low priced, nament in any room, Its adapted for the attachment gray porcelain enamel of automatic regulation; jacket keeps permanently otherwise the same efficient clean. Glow panels give boiler as ARCOLA PAR- the effect of an open fire. LOR. Installed in over Automatic control; it al- 100,000 homes, offices, most runs itself. shops, garages. Dimensions and Ratings Dimensions and Ratings Outfit consists of IDEAL ARCOLA Parlor Heater com- See Current Trade Discount Sheets for prices and shipping pletely equipped, regular 38-inch high American Peerless weights. IDEAL ARCOLA Heaters are shipped complete 3-column Radiators in quantities as listed below, assembled in crate. Oval smoke pipe connection will take 6 in. di- into as many individual radiator units as desired. Ex- ameter smoke pipe. Flow pipe tapping, 2-2 in. Return pansion Tank, Drain Valve and Vent Fitting. pipe tapping, 2 in. No. of | No. of | Water | Grate | ‘Com | Length | Ooticrs [Chimney [Chimney Number | Number Rating Fuel Length | OF Arcola Boiler |Sections Rating Area Fuel and Size Height of of Square Capacity L % exp. tank Sq. Ft. | Sq. Ft. Can lve Inches Talete Inches Feet Boiler Sections Feet Pounds Inches ae | i eS ee ee 40 4 BD OIE 66 17 2% 8x8 25 No. 4H 4 200 60 12 45 50 5 DO OMmI EOS 88 | 20% 2% 8x8 25 No. 5H 5 300 80 15 50 60 Se 1625 = SVSTS5 AS EZ 2% | 8x8| 30 No. 6H 6 400 100 7s [=e Spiers 70 7 750 62 132601 27% |e 246 8x8 30 No. 7H 7 500 120.; cle eee 60 T. M’s IDEAL and ARCOLA Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. No, 6H i ae 600 140.2 aes 65 OW Fiketanve ster’ AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY — "Sireaionx. 4 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 388 IDEAL BOILERS and AMERICAN RADIATORS Manufactured by AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY General Sales Offices, 1807 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. IDEAL ARCO ROUND BOILER for homes and other buildings—burns all kinds of fuel OR HOMES and all other buildings within the limits of its rated capacities, the IDEAL ARCO Round Boiler may be offered with one of the greatest recommendations that any boiler can command—years of distinguished service. Today it is undoubtedly the most popular boiler of its kind in America. O THE DESIGN and construc- tion which have made the repu- tation of the Ideal Arco Round Boiler, there have been added sev- eral improvements. Outstanding among these is the increase in the boiler’s direct, fire-contact heating surface, fuel capacity and heategen- erating capacity. x > We Steam Boiler Ratings and Data The quick heating response and economy of operation are due in large measure to its exclusive Third Nipple construction. This construc- tion effects a continuous, rapid, un- impeded circulation of the water within the boiler—giving to it an exceptional ‘‘pick-up”’ capacity. In the case of the water boiler, hot water begins to rise out of the boiler and flow through the heating system almost immediately after the fire is lighted; while in the steam boiler, the quickest possible steam generation after firing is in- sured. Balancing the Third Nipple con- struction is the large, well designed fire pot, the carefully proportioned flue areas and gas travel. The entire design is calculated to give the best performance under chimney conditions as they are ac- tually found in practice, and at the same time maintain the greatest economy of fuel consumption. Hard Num- | Steam |Water| Grate Coal ber of | Rating | Line Area Fuel Boiler | Sq. Ft. | Ins. | Sq. Ft. Capac- ity Lbs S-1704 350 47 1.40 140 S-1904 500 45 1.88 184 S-—2004 625 46 OX, Bs Dds S-—2204 775 47 2.62 268 S-—2504 950 48 5) fae 355 S-2804| 1200 49 4.36 476 S-3104} 1500 51 5.30 608 S-1705 400 51 1.40 140 S-1905 550 50 1.88 184 S-—2005 675 a1 2).23 217 S-2205 825 a2 2.62 268 S-2505| 1025 53 Sighs) 355 S-2805 1300 54 4.36 476 S-3105] 1600 56 5.30 608 S-1706 450 56 1.40 140 S-1906 600 55 1.88 184 S-2006 725 55 223 217 S-2206 875 56 amon, 268 S-2506} 1100 58 3553 355 S-2806| 1400 59 4.36 476 S-3106 1700 62 5.30 608 *Steam boilers have one outlet and two inlets. Safety Valve sizes accord with A.S.M.E. boiler code. he x: au | | fee, Ss I ‘ I ' I | , [ees | din Tes Water Boiler Ratings and Data Size of Chim- | Chim- i ener nee nett Number| Water | Grate Taka cabene Chimney |Chimney duit Size |Height ofr |pmetng 7 Arca © |) Capacity a) Gand in-w|. o> eer (Height Ins * Tae Ft. Boiler | Sq. Ft. | Sq. Ft. Iba: let Ins.* Ins. Ft. 2% 8x8 30 W-1704| 600 1 140 2% 8x8 . 2 x 30 2% 8x8 30 W-1904| 850 1. 184 2% 8x8 30 3 aeee 30 W-2004} 1050 Oe 217 3 8x8 30 : " ae 35 W-2204] 1300 2 268 3 10x10 35 374 ae 35 W-2504| 1575 3; 355 3% 10x10 35 : eee 35 W-2804] 1975 4. 476 4 10x10 35 x 40 W-3104| 2475 5. 608 4 12x12 40 2% 8x8 30 W-1705| 675 1 140 2% 8x8 “ 2 x 30 2% 8x8 35 W-1905]} 925 1.88 184 2% 8x8 35 3 8x8 35 W-2005} 1125 2, 217 3 8x8 35 20 ees 35 W-2205| 1375 on 268 3 10x10 35 3% 0x10 | 40 W-2505| 1700 ag 355 3% 10x10 40 2 12x12 | 40 W-2805| 2150 4. 476 4 12x12 40 12x12 | 40 W-3105| 2650 5. 608 4 12x12 40 2% 8x8 35 W-1706} 750 1. 140 2% 8x8 35 2% 8x8 35 W-1906] 1000 i. 184 2% 8x8 35 3 10x10 | 35 W-2006| 1200 2. 217 3 10x10 35 = 10x10 | 40 W-2206| 1450 2 268 3 10x10 40 3% 10x10 | 40 W-2506| 1825 3. 355 3% 10x10 40 : 12x12 45 W-2806| 2325 4. 476 4 12x12 45 12x12 |_45 W-3106| 2825 5: 608 4 12x12 45 *Water boilers have two outlets and two inlets. For further details and literature, write to: AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY 1807 Elmwood Ave. BUFFALO, N. Y. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 389 Richardson Boilers for Steam and Hot Water Heating Manufactured by RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO. Factory Dover, N. J. Since geet Executive Offices 260 Fifth Ave., New York City For Branch Offices See Page 367 Other Products Warm Air Heaters, Pipeless Furnaces, pages 367-369, Gas, Coal and Combination Ranges, pages 430-433, Hot Water, Laundry and Tank Heaters, page 400. Richardson Round Sectional Boilers for Steam, Vapor and Hot Water These boilers are particularly adapted for private resi- dences as they are simple and easy to operate, powerful and economical. They have large feed doors for firing and ample cleanout and ashpit doors and will carry sufficient fire over night so that the house is warm in morning. Water boilers have a special dome section for water heating and wall waterways through boiler are small producing a rapid cireu- lation of water over heating surfaces and absorbing the heat units as they are given off from the fire and heated gases. All heating surfaces are within boiler and surrounded by water passages, Construction Round boilers for steam and hot water are made up of several sections. The base section is fitted with ‘“Per- fect” revolving tri- angular grate bars which are durable and very effective in keeping the fire clear and free from elinkers. Ash pits have large doors, fitted with an air Baseband ane! Daten Crate . oor for supplying Bratemseceen : oxygen to fuel. This draft door is operated from the automatic damper regulator of steam boilers, and with a ratchet on water boilers. The fire pot section is above the ash pit, is heavily corru- gated on the inside. Fire pot is deep so that fire can be run at low rate of combustion and only require attention at long intervals. These sections are fitted with two openings in the i i i } H i 2 { ' H i 2 ; 2 nic ght FREE Steam—Front View No. 19 Series. Water—Front View No. 22 and 25 Series rear so water for domestic purposes ean be heated from a coil in fire box. Flue open- ings are arranged so that fire travel is staggered—the opening in one section going be- low the heating surfaces in the section above—so there is no waste of heat. Connections be- tween all sections are made with extra heavy ma- chine cut tapered cast iron nipples fitted into tapered openings in the section, thus making a perfect: ly tight iron to iron joint, with- out the use of any lead or packing. Fire Pot Section The top or dome section offers a large amount of heating surface which produces ample heat with an economical consump- #9 tion of fuel. Every Richardson Boiler has a deep fire chamber with corrugated sides and over the fire a _ large amount of active heating Grorovenvoresees reereerere eeee-s > surface, properly propor- A tioned for the rating of Dome Section boilers. All boilers have cored openings in fire pot for coil; and steam boilers have tapping in dome section, right side, for indirect water heater. Steam Boilers can be fitted with fusible plugs. All boilers can be arranged with grates fer burning the smaller sizes of coal. Steam—Sectional View No. 28 Series, For dimensions see next page QS~ For further details and RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO., NEW YORK CITY literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 390 with a RICHARDSON BOILERS FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING (Continued) Rating of Richardson Boilers = dah Richardson Boilers are rated accord- eG ing to accurate standards and upon the aoe assumption that sufficient radiation will | be used, the piping system properly ar- ranged and the boiler connected to a flue of ample capacity and good draft, ‘* with steam at 2 lbs. boiler pressure and with hot water at a temperature of 180 fa) & degrees Fahrenheit. It is good practice { to order a one size larger boiler than | measurements call for. When a pipe ——-¥- coil or cast iron section is placed. in | boiler for heating water for domestic { uses, additional capacity must be figured. _¥ To secure best heating results boilers should be covered with asbestos cement. ~ = Round Boiler Measurements Table of distances between points as indicated on line drawings above. All measurements are given in inches. For Steam and Water Hoe Steam For Water nly Only Size A B D E F H J K M N C G o 190 | 30% | 28% | 4534 | 10 174% | 10 x12} 143% 8 2011 ROR aes a7 Gores eas 1 191 30144 2814 4954 10 17% 10 xl2% 143% & 20% 251% 51% 461% 4914 1927) 93014 | 2817 | 5354 | 10 1714. 5\ 10 x1214 | 1434 8 2014 | 2514 | 5544. | 5016 | 5314 221 3344 32 505% 10% 18 10 x1334 15% 9 22 28 53 4814 501% Doan esi | ~ 32 B5ige i 1084. | 8 10 x1334 | 1514 9 22 28 57 524, | 54% 223 3314 32 5914 10% 18 10 x13% 15% 9 22 28 61 5614 58% 251 36 341% 52% 114% 18 10 xl5% 164% 10 247% 3134 5414 4916 52 252 | 36 Bila. |) belg «| 114% |. -18 10 x1544| 16% 10 DA Vee bi 31440) 58 ee bo oe [a5 253 | 36 344% | 603¢ 111% 18 10 x15%| 16% 10 DA1c5 \ieB182 162170 We ble | 60 281 | 40 Beige 58 Nig) 18 1014x16 161% 10 28 3434 | 5534 | 51 534 282 40 3814 5734 114% 18 1014x16 16% 10 28 3434 5934 55 5714 283 | 40 Baiz | 62 ioral S 1014x16 167% 10 28 3434 | 6334 | 59 6114 19 Series Round Sectional 22 and 25 Series Round Sectional Steam Steam Height Nom. Height | Outlets | Inlets 8 Height Nom. Heicht | Outlet Inlet; 8 ge ee | Grote. | Water |» No, NG hoe No. | toTop | Diam. | Grate | Water| No. | No. | Hour ; Inches Ins. Sq. Ft. Inches Size Size Sq.Ft. ros Sr ae ane See oo ae gene: 190 | 471% 19 1.97 | 421% | 2-24 | 2-24 | 300 221 | 53 22 2.64 | 4814 | 2-214 | 2-214) 450 191 | 51% 19 1.97 | 464% | 2-24 | 2-24 | 350 222; | 57 ae 2.64 | 5214 | 2-214 | 2-214 | 500 192 | 55! 19 1.97 | 504% | 2-2% | 2-2% | _ 375 22306! 22 2.64 | 5614 | 2-214 | 2-214 | 550 251 | 5414 O50 3 41s) 4014 2230 Bieo-3 625 Water 252 584 25 3.41 | 538% | 2-3 2-3 675 190) 451; 197 1097 7 3-215 1 2-215 | 500 253 | 6214 25 | 3.411 574.1 2-3 | 2-3 725 191 4914 19 TET, . | 2214 | 22% 575 192 53% 19 197 2-214 | 2-2% 625 Water Size of smoke-pipe 19 in. Series, 8 in. 221 501% 29 2 64 2-214 | 2-2% 750 ° ° 222 541% 22 2.64 2-21 | 2-21 $25 28 Series Round Sectional 223 | 58 iy 29 2 64 2-9 14 oe 900 Stear, 251 | 52 OF al 3.41 2-8 P98 1025 252 56 25 3.41 2-3 2-3 1100 Height Nom. Height | Outlets Inlets 8 253 60 25 3.41 2-3 2-3 1200 No. to Top Diam. Grate | Water No. oO. Hour Size of smoke-pipe 22 in. Series, 9 in.; 25 in. Series, 10 in. Outlet Grate Area Line and and Ratg. Inches Inches Sq.Ft. | Inches Size Size Sq. Ft. ss pS | eS ee ee ae eee SS eee Daveimmsst,) |= 98 914.08 | 61 | 2-334 | 2-314 | 875 Guarantee: a ey ae ase a Sea? see iene Every Richardson Boiler is sold under a guarantee at : é 2 as to its perfection in manufacture and its ability to Water carry the rating shown in our printed matter, pro- 281 | 531 38 198 3-315 | 2-314 | 1350 viding that a sufficient amount of radiation is In- 282 | 5714 28 4.28 2-314 | 2-314 | 1550 stalled, the piping system properly run, and the boiler 283 | 614% 28 4,28 2-314 | 2-31% | 1675 connected to a flue of sufficient size and draft for the Size of smoke-pipe 10 in. size of the fire box. i= For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO., NEW YORK CITY See Next Page 391 RICHARDSON BOILERS FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING— (Continued) End Feed Square Sectional Boilers for Steam, Vapor and Water: These boilers are made in sizes to meet any steam, hot water or vapor heating requirement. Their principal features are the ease with which they are operated, their ability to carry their ratings for long periods, and economical operating expense. This means securing the proper proportion and arrangement of the heating surface to the grate area with large flues, admitting of a low rate of combustion. Richardson boilers present a large amount of correctly pro- portioned direct heating to the fire, yet with a long fire travel to hold back gases and prevent their too rapid escape to the smoke outlet. Equipped with deep fire pots and high com- bustion chambers. Ample provision has been made for easy firing and cleaning. Two large upper doors give access to flue surface for cleaning. Fire door is high and wide and through slicer door all parts of grate can be thoroughly cleaned. Ash pit is high and large permitting easy removal of ashes. All boilers have cored openings in back section for coil; and steam boilers are tapped on third section from front (right side) for indirect water heat. Steam boilers can be fitted with fusi- ble plugs. : Grate bars are extra heavy sectional shaking and dumping pattern, operated in sections from the front of the boiler and controlled by a lock plate permitting the bars to be shaken, dumped or locked in position, as desired. Grates can be fur- nished for burning either large or small size coal. Any connections between the sections are made with extra heavy cast iron machine cut tapered slip nipples fitted into tapered openings in the section and making the boiler abso- lutely tight. 21 Series End Feed Sectional Steam Total | Grate | Wat Ashpi No. Lene ave jones *Outlets (inside) Rating Inches Sq. Ft. | Inches | Inches Inches Sq. Ft. 214 36 Sd Pa 43 1-3 22x24% 500 215 424 3.01 43 1-3 22x3034 650 216 48% 3h, 5 43 2-3 22x37 800 PANTS 5434 4.49 43 2-3 22x43 14 925 Castings only, Height, 49144 in. Width, 32 in. Water ~ 214 36 Dee Dott 2-38 22x24 800 215 4214 3.01 2-3 22x3034 1050 216 48% Bie Ts) 3-0 DASE 1300 217 5434 4.49 3-3 22x4314 1500 *For each outlet there are two inlets of the same size—one on each side. Size of smoke-pipe, 9 in. For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 25 Series End Feed Sectional Steam Total G Wat Noo Geneth le ares |< Line 11 *Oucste Inches Sq. Ft. | Inches Inches 255 4834 4.57 4A8l4 | 2-3% 256 56 bat 4814 | 2-344 257 6314 6.83 4814 | 2-34 258 | 70144 | 7.97 | 4814 | 2°34 Castings only, Height, 55in. Width, 39 in. Water 255 4834 256 56 257 63144 258 70% 4.57 5.70 6.83 U.97 Size of smoke-pipe, 12 in. 2-314 2714x354 3-314 |2714x4234 3-3 |2716x50 3-31 [2714x574 *For each outlet there are two inlets of the same size, one on each side oe iCHARDSON Ashpit (Inside) Rating 2714x3514] 1000 2716x4234) 1250 27146x50 1500 2714x57%4| 1700 1600 2000 2400 2800 } BORER 35 Series End Feed Sectional Total No. Lengt Inches 355 | 47 356 | 5514 357 64 358 | 7214 359 | 8014 355 | 47% 356 | 5514 357. | 64 358 | 7214 359 | 8014 *For each outlet there are two inlets of the same size, one on each side. Grate Area Sq. Ft. 7.85 9.81 lite 13.70 15.65 Size of smoke-pipe, 14 in. 309 Steam ae *Outlets Tnches: | /2nches' 56 2-4 56 2-4 56 3-4 56 3-4 56 3-4 Width, 48 in. Water 3-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 5-4 eC eter eee ee oe Be aw Ribbed Grate Bar Ashpit (Inside) Inches 39x3314 39x41 39x50 39x5814 39x66% 39x3314 39x41 14 39x50 39x5814 39x66 ; > 2 > se af a eB ay Jae ee ee ee MCieeeeeeeserrercerts es 8 Hour End Feed Sectional RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO., NEW YORK CITY See Next Page Copy RICHARDSON BOILERS FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING (Continued) 53 Series End Feed Sectional Boiler Sectional view of End Feed Steam and Hot Water Boiler 42 Series End Feed Sectional Steam Total Grate Water Ashpit 8 Hour Length Area Line *Outlets Anside) Rating S No. Inches Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches Sq. Ft. —— Fe ea SR eae, Total Grate Water Ashpit 427 64 13.82 59 2-5 45x50 3500 Length Area Line *Outlets | (Inside) Rating 428 72% 16.11 59 2-5 45x58 14 4050 No. Inches Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches Sq. Ft. 429 801% 18.40 59 2-5 45x66 14 4600 iat = eT 4210 8834 | 20.69 59 Boh | 4Be74 52 5150 536 78% 18.94 70% = 55x55 6300 4211 97 22.98 59 3-5 | 45x83 5700 537 89 22.68 70% 2-6 | 55x65%4 | 7300 538 99 34 26.40 70% 3-6 55x76 1% 8300 a ah... 539 110% 30.12 70% 3-6 55x87 14 9300 Casings only. Height, 68 in. Depth, 54 in. 5310 12144 33.88 70% 3-6 55x98 10300 Water Castings only, Height, 82 in. Width, 69 4 in. Water 536 78% 18.94 nee 2-6 55x55 10000 427 64 13.82. ee 3-5 45x50 5600 537 89 22.68 ee 2-6 55x65 34 | 11600 428 724 16:11: a. 3-5 | 45x5814 6500 538 99 34 26.40 Mai: 3-6 55x76 14 | 13200 429 80 14 1840. a, 3-5 | 45x6644 | 7400 539 11014 | 30.12 3-6 | 55x8714 | 14800 aE = 34 20. 69° 4-5 45x74 34 8300 5310 121% 33.88 3-6 55x98 16400 -98 4-5 45x83 9200 *For each outlet there are two 4-inch inlets on steam boilers—one on each side, and two 6-inch inlets on water boilers—one on each side; also two 4-inch *For each outlet there are two inlets of : - returns in back section of each boiler. Size of smoke-pipe, 6 and 7 section, Size of smoke pipe, 16 in. # ot the same size, one on each side. 17 in.; 8 section, 19 in.; 9 and 10 section, 21 in. Free Heating Engineering Service THE GROUND FLOOR Efficient and economical heating is a science—not guess Even temperatures up- stairs and down is the work. Richardson & Boynton Company maintains a very effi- end to which the engi- cient engineering staff whose business is to solve heating prob- neers work. The _ living lems. room you will notice has three registers. It weule i i 7 i not be a living room if i This service is free to anyone. It is free because the great were cold in winter. The business of Richardson & Boynton Company is built upon the family would live upstairs. i f 4 in en s 5 The engineers now on satisfactory performance of their heating equipment. Winter which side of the house comfort is certain if you have a heating plant of the proper the winter winds blow and i a talled dings’ Pp I have made provision ac- size installed according to plans approved by our engineers. : ] 3 cordingly. Avail yourself of this free service. THE CELLAR ae pe ) Paiere PLAN . Good engineer- LMS requires’ 93: plan that will give the neces- Sary rise to the long pipes. It calls for suitable chim- ney connections. It calls for pipe arrangement to deliver full vol- ume of properly warmed air to each register, con- tinuously. THE SECOND FLOOR PLAN Cold bedrooms mean in- correct engineering. An ade- quate heating system and good engineering insures a comfortable temperature in every room. People used to think that it was impossible to have comfortable rooms on the ‘‘cold’’ side of the house if a warm air heating sys- tem were used. The Per- fect Positive and Richard- son & Boynton’ engineers have proved not only that it is possible, but certain. The Company guarantees perform- SS ance under bond. EP icrature, watlsc™? RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO., NEW YORK CITY Se emer re a i i a a HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 393 FOR STEAM HEATING SEMCO HEATING SYSTEMS FOR HOT WATER HEATING Made by STANDARD ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. Products The products of this company are Boilers for Steam, Hot Water and Vapor Heating together with all necessary accessories for making a complete installation. As all Boilers, ete., used in Semco Heating Systems are made in our own plant, we know that the quality of all materials is the best obtainable, and the workman- ship that of skilled artisans experienced in the manu- facture of heating equipment. Materials and workman- ship are covered by our guarantee. Engineering Service Building contractors are invited to write to our Engineering Department for Heating Plans and Speci- fications which may be submitted for estimate. Regard- less of the design of the building, our Engineering Department will work out the heating details complete | | di ie foam For further details and = literature, write to: STANDARD ENGINEERING & MFG. CO., and without obligation. Furthermore, where the Semco System is installed we will co-operate with the con- tractor in order to obtain the best possible results, When writing for this service, send the plans or a sketch of the building to be heated. State the dimen- sions of each room, size and location of windows and outside doors, depth of basement, and size and height of flue. State, also, the temperature you wish to pre- serve in the building, the maximum winter temperature of your locality, the direction in which building faces, and whether it stands in an exposed position or is sheltered by adjacent buildings, Catalog on Request On opposite page are shown some of#our Boilers, Radiators and Accessories. Write for catalog which contains complete information on everything required for installing a Semco Heating System. EXPANSION TANK This illustrates a typi- cal Semco System Instal- lation for Hot Water Heating. The installa- tion for steam heating is similar except that only one line of pipe is re- quired, Farmers Bank Bldg., PITTSBURGH, PA. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 394 See Next Page SEMCO HEATING SYSTEMS (Continued) Semeo Vapor Heating tn The diagram at right shows a typical installation of a Semco Vapor Heating System. This system is ap- (aamnaten = “a, plicable to all types of buildings heating with low Se ec pressure boilers and never fails to give splendid satis- faction. It requires little attention and is free from the frequent adjustments and repairs required by more complicated heating systems. req Many hundreds of installations in all parts of the country, under the supervision of our experienced en- gineers, have demonstrated the correctness of this — system and the efficiency of our Boilers, Radiators, Lui Valves and Traps. We are always glad to co-operate with building con- tractors and invite you to write for copy of our cata- logs on Steam, Vapor and Hot Water Heaters, or to submit blue-print plans of building for definite heat- ing recommendations. | wee aa SEMCO ONG VAPOR YSTEM The Ideal erie of Home Heating. Easily Controlled and Regulated. The Valves and Traps used in Semco Vapor Heating are of the simplest imaginable design. All mechanical complications likely to cause trouble have been eliminated. The Semco Sys- tem can be operated by a child with just as good results as by an expert. 4 "| SEMCO RADIATORS aces eos a ie H } 4 § i i i ? Mirae ingl Three Four Five 2 : yall Column Column Column Column Upright Boiler Beste Colamn 8 Gotan, SE Colon avd Colin ee Wem se es eee Ges For further details and STANDARD ENGINEERING & MFG. CO., Wiigsueet," literature, write to: HOME. BUILDERS. CATALOG Aas SPENCER MAGAZINE FEED HEATER Manufactured by STANDARD HEATER COMPANY Plant and General Offices—Williamsport, Pa. Sales Representatives in Principal Cities Saves by Burning No. 1 Buckwheat Spencer Heaters are built to burn No. 1 Buckwheat Coal. Approximately one-seventh of the total produc- tion of Anthracite is No. 1 Buckwheat, the supply of which is greatly in excess of the demand for heating purposes, and as a consequence, the delivered price is from $4 to $7 per ton less than the larger sizes. When burned in a Spencer Heater, No. 1 Buckwheat has as much heat value as the so-called domestic sizes—and no more tons are required. Attention to the heater is necessary but once or twice a day, depending upon weather conditions. thermometer Size of Length | Outlets Inches | Inlets Chimney| Chimney Size Height Inches Feet No. 1 Buck. No. of |*Net Rad.| Coal Cap. Boiler | Sq. Ft. Lbs. Width Inches figures for steam and water shown in tables are not the usual ‘ ‘commercial” ratings, but are conservative figures of the actual amount of radiation recommended for the boiler to carry in order to assure heat satisfaction. *“Net radiation” For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG SPENCER JUNIOR Series B Hot Water Heater This heater is designed for heating small buildings by hot water circulation. equipped with combination gauge and automatic regulator for heat control. Magazine Feed Makes Steady Heat The coal feeds by gravity from the magazine as needed for the fire, insuring a uniform, steady heat. No blowers or other mechanical contrivances—simple to install and operate. Nothing to get out of order. Spencer Heated Buildings sell better and rent more readily because of greater economy, convenience and comfort features. Write for descriptive literature. iTtsis and__ altitude Typical residence for which Spencer Junior is ideally adapted STANDARD HEATING COMPANY, Williamsport, Pa. See Next Page 396 SPENCER MAGAZINE FEED HEATERS STEAM —VAPOR— HOT WATER Size and Type for Every Heating Job Two Views of No. 1 Spencer Heater Specially designed for build- ings of medium size. Cut- away view at right shows magazine feed that saves labor of frequent stoking, and saves coal by feeding it to the fire only as needed. Dimensions and Capacities *Net Rad. | No. 1 Buck. Size of | Chimney|Chimney No. of Sq. Ft. Coal Cap. | Width | Length | Outlets Size Height Boiler |Steam Water Lbs. Inches | Inches | Inlets Inches Feet 1-5 500 800 164 4634 497% 4 10x 10 30 1-6 600 950 = Pe 4634 56% 4 10x 10 3) 1-7 700 1100 261 4634 6234 4 10x 10 35 1-8 800 1300 309 4634 6854 4 WS iV) 35 1-9 900 1450 358 4634 74% 4 12 x2 35 No. 2 Spencer Heater A double grate heater for larger buildings. In mild weather, fire can be carried on one grate only. These and other types, including steel tubular Spencers for quite large buildings, described in special literature sent on request. *Net Rad. | No. 1 Buck. Siz Chimney | Chimney No. of Sq. Ft. Coal Cap. | Width | Length Size Height Boiler |Steam Water Lbs. Inches | Inches Inches Feet 1100 1750 348 1300 2100 435 1500 2400 522 *Net radiation” figures for steam and water shown in tables 1800 2900 609 3 are not the usual “commercial” ratings, but are conservative 2100 3400 696 figures of the actual amount of radiation recommended for the boiler to carry in order to assure heat satisfaction. Spencer — a Successful Heater for more than Thirty Year# OS a cared a em Oa reiki arc Sear tre el ae a, ae eee baie ata A SS QE For further details and STANDARD HEATING COMPANY, Williamsport, Pa. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 397 “wate = LT HATCHER ROUND BOILER “textxe™ Made by EASTERN THE THATCHER COMPANY WESTERN 21 West 44th St. General Offices: THATCHER BUILDING 341 N. Clark St. New York Chicago 39-41 Francis St., Newark, N. J. Thatcher Products Include Boilers Furnaces Ranges “Mak Round Boilers Celebrated Thatcher ae Ane Com esas Thatcher Sectional Tubular Single ea Deable of GOOD Thatcher Progress Meteor Furnaces Tare “Ranges Hot Water Supply Pipeless Furnaces Laundry Stoves HEATERS Heaters School Room Heaters Ship Ranges . Garage Heaters Smokeless Furnaces Gas Ranges Since 1850” See page 372 for Thatcher Warm Air Furnaces, and page 438 for Thatcher Ranges and Tank Heaters. —— Thatcher Round Boilers The Thatcher line of Round Boilers is made in five series with rated capacities of from 235 to 1650 square feet. There is, therefore, a Thatcher Round Boiler, Steam or Hot Water, exactly suited to any size house for which a boiler of this type is desired. Thatcher Hot Water Boilers Actual Grate Height Flow and Rating, Diameter, Area, to Top Return No. Square Grate, Square Outlet, Openings, Feet Inches__|___-Feet__—|_Inches__|_—sInches__ 17-0-W 400 iby 1.58 387% 2-2% 17-1-W 450 17 1.58 42% 2-2% 19-0-W 500 8) 2.04 4216 2-3 19-1-W 575 19 2.04 47 2-3 19-2-W 650 19 2.04 511% 2-3 22-0-W 750 22 2.64 4434, 2-3 22-1-W 875 22 2.64 49% 2-3 22-2-W 950 22 2.64 54 2-3 25-0-W 1000 20. 3.41 441% 2-4 25-1-W | 1150 25 3.41 49% 2-4 25-2-W 1225 25 3.41 5413 2-4 28-0-W | 1325 28 4.28 4546 2-4 28-1-W | 1500 28 4.28 50% 2-4 28-2-wWw | 1650 28 4.28 55 2-4 Most Powerful House Heater Made In competitive tests with other heaters, under identical — working conditions, the Thatcher Round Boiler has proven Thatcher Steam Boiler cut open to show itself to be the most powerful house heater for rated fire travel and circulation of water. capacity, not only in the number of thermal units trans- mitted to the water, but in the length of time between . firing periods. Thatcher Steam Boilers Grate surface, flue area and circulation of water are most sii efficiently equalized. All ratings on Thatcher Boilers have Rating Dae yey cs Height Fe id been proven by exhaustive tests under actual firing condi- No. Square Grate, | Square | Outlet. Line, Openings, tions and show great efficiency of operation and economy a eee EES | ess Inches__| Inches __ of fuel. These ratings have never been changed or 17-0-S 235 aN 1.58 4116 38 2-2% inflated. 1721-3 275 17 1.58 461% 421% 2-216 19-0-S 300 19 2.04 46% 40 2-3 eae Pett 1 2 og 44% 2-3 Increased Heating Surface 22-0-S 450 22 2.64 49% 423% 33 Three lobes or bulges extending down inside the combus- 22-1-S | 525 22 2.64 54% 47 2-3 tion chamber greatly increase the direct heating surface. le Ae ae ae oy ea cae This feature, with an extra large space in the steam dome, 25-1-S | 675 25 3.41 | 5514 4734 2-4 means quick, dry steam, and rapid travel through radiators. 25-2-S 750 25 3.41 60% 5234 2-4 Deep corrugations on the bottom of the dome double the aera tt 3 re aa, fae a heating surface and result in getting up steam quickly 98-2-S | 1000 28 4.28 6155 ae 9-4 with a smaller volume of water and with less fuel than the ordinary boiler. Qype For: farther details and = THE THATCHER COMPANY, Newark, N. J. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 398 Thatcher Boilers for Steam and Hot Water (Continued) Automatic Control Automatic and absolute control of the drafts is assured by a butterfly door in the ashpit and a sensitive diaphragm attached to the large damper in the smoke hood. Every point can be reached through the large cleanout door. All boilers are tapped so that hot water supply heaters can be easily attached. Note these Structural Features Thatcher Boiler Base with Revolving Triangular Grates The triangular revolving grates crush and dispose of clinkers. The ashpit is unusually high, giving lots of space for removing ashes, and lessening the possibility of burning out grates. Wheel Sections Staggered fire travel between and over every part of each section produces far more thermal heating units than any other design. NS Set, ih is | DI ps ees, BS haat 23 “Progress” Sectional Steam Boiler “Thatcher” Sectional Hot Water Boiler Thatcher Sectional Boilers for Steam and Hot Water Heating These sectional boilers are recommended where greater heating capacity is required than is afforded by boilers of the round type. The Thatcher Sectional Boiler is an end feed boiler of square cross sections with an unusual amount of prime heating surface. The smoke and gases are made to pass three times the length of the boiler (see illustration above) coming in contact with the heating surface at every point. Careful attention has been given to eliminating all pockets or corners where soot might collect and diminish the efficiency of the heating surface. Waterways and flues have been carefully proportioned to secure the best possible results. In short, nothing that 7) years’ experience could suggest has been left undone to make these boilers as efficient and trouble-proof as it is possible for a heating device to be made, The ‘‘Progress”’ Boiler The “Progress” Sectional Steam Boiler (illustrated at left) is a distinctly individual type, possessing more points of merit than any other boiler on the market. The feed doors being pl.ced in the side of the boiler, make it very easy to fire and clean the grates, owing to the short depth of the fire chamber. The wonderful success of the ‘Progress’ is due to thorough combustion of fuel, and the perfect circulation of the water in each section, caused by the unique triangular construction of the sections coupled with the triple fire travel—advantages which are only found in the “Progress.” Twin Series—2 units installed as one and operated sep- arately in mild weather cutting cost of installation and fuel. Our booklet, “Thatcher Boilers’ will tell you more about the “Progress” Boiler and other steam and hot water boilers of our manufacture. May we mail you a copy? Side Feed—Low Water Line For further details and = literature, write to: THE THATCHER COMPANY, Newark, N. J. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Richardson Hot Water Laundry and Tank Heaters Manufactured by ae RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO. Daven Nal Executive Offices: 260 Fifth Ave., New York City For Branch Offices See Page 367 Other Products: Hot Water Laundry Heaters Warm Air and Pipeless Heaters, see pages 367-69. No. 4 Union Heater: Round and Sectional Boilers, see pages 390-93. Coal, Gas and Combination Ranges, see pages 430-33. Richardson Galvoxide Process Guarantees Clean Height, 27" inches. Hot Water: Top, 21x14%4 inches. : ‘i Capacity, 50 gallons. p No 4 In many sections of the country the chemical composition of Smoke-pipe, 6 inches. oe the water makes it impossible to obtain clean hot water, free ¥ from rust or discoloration, except by using brass sections in _1-inch flow and return tap- tank and laundry heaters. pings. Fitted with high ash pit and ‘‘Perfect’’ revolving grate bars. Can be furnished with Cast Iron or Galvoxide a special process so that it is not affected by the chemical prop- Water Section. The No Richardson & Boynton Company five years ago perfected a new type of heater with a galvoxide water section, treated by ; 4 erties in the water in any way. Clean hot water is available at Heater has a course of fire all times. brick under water section | | eeeibeer ane Thousands of successful installations during the past five years which prevents ashes and dead _.* have so established the Richardson Galvoxide Heater as a solu- coal from coming in contact tion for the clean water problem that it is guaranteed to keep with heating surface, insuring the water free from rust or discoloration. maximum efficiency, Builders, architects and plumbers everywhere have found the guaranteed Galvoxide Water Section so thoroughly satisfactory in every way that they unreservedly recommend it to their clients. No. 123-T Heater: Height, 23 inches. Top, 24x16 inches. Capacity, 80 gallons. _ a8 : Grate, 101% inches. canRos0N Smoke-pipe, 414 inches. 1 inch flow and return tap- pings. Fitted with high ash pit and ‘¢Perfect’’? revolving grate bars. Can be furnished with Cast Iron or Galvoxide Water Sece- tion. A larger size—No. 124-T has a capacity of 150 gallons and is 26 inches high. Nos. 110T-112T-114T Nos. 170-200-300 No. 411 Heater: Domestic Hot Water Supply and Tank Heaters, Fitted with we x é Triangular Grates. Can be furnished with grates for pea coal. This 18 pr imarily a soft Furnished with cast iron or galvoxide water section. coal heater, with a capacity of 100 gallons. bed a Tap- Radiation, 50 feet. ; Capacity in Capacity in ia. oO pings, eae Heicht Height over all. 27 inches. pes? RSet cs Rese SP | TL rate 10 inch Inches Depth of fire, 10 inches. a a | |e Smoke Pipe, 5 inches. 110T 150 115 10 14% 6 34 Tappings, 1% inches. 112T 250 200 12 2 6 3636 Floor space, 18 in. x 18 in. | 114T 350 280 14 2% 6 37% Fire door, 6 in. x 4% in. 170 475 380 17 2-21% a 42 200 600 480 20 2-3 8 421% 230 800 600 23 2-3 9 46 OS Fontaine Scis.22¢ ~RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO., NEW YORK CITY HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ; 400 Gas Saving TACO Water Heaters Made by THERMAL APPLIANCE COMPANY 342 Madison Ave., New York City Products The products of this company con- sist of a line of Water Heaters rang- ing in capacity from 30 to 160 gal- HOT WATER lons. Two types are made, the Do- FROM THE mestic and the Universal, both of HEATING which utilize the heat of the boiler BOILER that supplies hot water or steam heat to the house for heating, also the water required for kitchen, laundry a and bath. L Domestic ‘‘Taco’’ HATER con- DWE GS acon ns nee ae nected below water line of steam : heating boiler insures abundant hot water for all domestic purposes throughout the heating season. Re- movable cover permits easy cleaning without breaking any pipe connec- tions. ne Domestic ‘“‘Taco’”’ Water Heaters for Use WS with Steam Heating Plants (Sj iF 2 é Gal. : Diam- Bes Cone Ship- No Below | Height] eter, nec- nec- ping List Water : In tions, | tions, | Wst., Price Line n. n bs. 0 30 84%| 4% 34 1 9 | $10.00 30 30 YE 5% 34 1 11 15.00 {| 40-52] 11g) obtain s7e 11 14 | 20.00 2 80 | 184%] 6% 1 14% 24 30.00 3 160 | 19%] 8%} 1% 2 52 50.00 Norr—-Information concerning larger sizes upon request. cj 66 99 : Universal “Taco” Water Heaters for Use UeiracaieTa cle Heverernals with Hot Water or Hot Air water for domestic use from the Heating Plants fire pot of the hot water heating boiler. They are better and more Shane efficient than a pipe coil. Universal No Sem Height | Width} ping | List Taco Water Heaters are so de- : Geis, | 12 In. puges) Price signed as to set flush against the epee || eres 6 | a a | ee eS fire pot wall and leave no air 6—9-30 Tron 30 | 10%] 6 10 |$ 8.00 space to cause the fire to burn 6-9-60 Iron 60 | 104%) 11%} 17 | 14.00 out around the heater. They have 6—9-30 Brass 30 | 10144] 6 10 | 20.00 no fins or projections to catch 6-9-60 Brass 60 | 104%] 11%] 17 | 35.00 ashes or to clinker up. They do not interfere with efficient firing. Universal Taco For further details and THERMAL APPLIANCE COMPANY, rs Probe cates cues literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 401 Thrush System of Hot Water Heating Made By H. A. THRUSH & CO. PERU, INDIANA What Is It? Thrush System of Hot Water Heat- ing comprises added equipment to be placed on any hot water heating boiler to provide automatic control of dampers and to make the system a “closed system” under pressure. Thrush equipment consists of the Thrush Automatic Damper Regulator. The Thrush Differential Pressure Relief, the Air Tight Pressure Tank, the Thrush Bell Cranks, Thermostat and Gauge. Figure I shows installation. and A “Closed System’’ A closed or controlled hot water heating system operates under pressure and is sealed whereas the ordinary gravity hot water heating job has an expan- sion tank in the attic or up-stairs room and the only pressure on _ the system is_ the weight of the water from the highest radiator to the water level in the expansion tank. A closed system, on the other hand, operates under about ten pounds pressure and therefore circulation is speeded up, hotter radiators and increased heat radiation are assured. The pressure tank is placed in the basement close to the boiler where it cannot freeze and where overflow will not damage anything. THRUSH Fig. I Safe Control Thrush System is sealed against the air and no water can escape from the system when boiler is fired (and the water expands), except through the Thrush Differential Pressure Relief Valve. This valve does not operate until the pressure reaches the point at which it is set to operate. A safety factor of ten to one eliminates all possibility of broken boilers and keeps the water in the system harnessed and under positive control. See figure II. Providing Auto- matic Regulation increased heating efficiency for any hot-water heating plant—old or new. Automatic Regulation of Dampers The Thrush Regulator (see figure III) keeps fires under control at all times, thereby securing greatest fuel economy, uniform room temperatures and the maximum of personal comfort in the home or building. For maintain- ing different water temperatures only a Simple adjustment of the weights on the lever is necessary. There are no electrical connections to get out of order, no winding of motor or clock. The Thrush method of piping makes it pos- sible to place this Regulator in any posi- tion giving the maximum of lever efficiency for operating the dampers. Comfortably Heated Homes Easier to Sell! The building contractor and home builder who installs a Thrush System of Hot Water Heating will find increased value immediate. Home owners are look- ing for efficient heating and they want to get away from constant attention to ‘Thrush Differential boilers. Thrush System provides that Pressure Relief fuel economy, assurance of comfortable temperatures, and freedom from constant attention which they most desire. This appeals to both women and men— the Thrush equipt home is easy to sell because of this big feature, Thrush System is not expensive. Owing to re- duced sizes of piping re- quired a Thrush Regu- lated plant containing 750 or more square feet of radiation can be furnished at the same cost aS an ordinary un- regulated gravity job. Fig. III Thrush Regulator Piping Plans and Specifications Free To building contractors and architects and _ others interested we will gladly furnish piping plans and specifica- tions carefully and completely worked out by our. engineers without cost. Take advantage of this service and insist on Thrush Regulated Hot Water Heating jobs in the homes you build. Write for illustrated Catalog and price list. For further details and ‘literature, write to: = H. A. THRUSH & CO., Peru, Indiana eee TE EERE EE EE Eee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Oliver Oil Burners OLIVER OIL BURNER CORPORATION Room 206 Oliver Building St. Louis, Mo. Products Oliver No. 30-A Oil Burner, LISTED AS STANDARD BY UNDERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES, INC. Four sizes for homes of from three to fifteen rooms. Can be operated on either Manual or Thermostatic control. All Models burn dis- tillate oil of 38-40 degrees Baume, commonly known as light furnace oil. Also four sizes of the OLCO OIL HEATER, an Oil Burner and Heating Stove in one complete unit. Burns distillate oil as specified for Furnace Burners. Will heat floor area of from 400 to 1000 square feet. Equipped with Automatic Oil Shut Off Valve. Installation These burners can easily be installed in practically all types of heating plants; hot air furnaces, steam and hot water boilers. They prove very successful in both pipe and pipeless furnaces, because of their quiet operation. Burners simply rest on grates of furnace with no radical changes required in the furnace. Can be installed with tanks of from 50 to 250 gallon capacity in accordance with local fire ordinances. NO. 30-A LISTED AS STANDARD BY UNDER- WRITERS’ LABORATORIES, INC. Exhaustive tests by our engineering staff as well as outside engineers, whose interest in the burners is entirely neutral, have proved that these burners are aS nearly perfect as modern laboratory de- vices and engineering skill can make them. Over fourteen years of experience are back of these burners and more than $100,000.00 have been spent in field and laboratory research work. Actual tests with standard testing equipment, as used in all Thermal Research Laboratories, show an operating efficiency of 70% and greater. This means that the Oliver Burner is actually liberat- ing, and delivering to the rooms heated, 70% or more of the heat contained in the oil. This shows the high operating efficiency which is obtained with an Oliver Oil Burner. MODERATELY PRICED FOR THE AVERAGE HOME Oliver Burners can be installed in any home for which they are suited without a price penalty. Under our special offer to Contractors, the total cost, including all equipment and labor, will average from one-half percent to one and one-half pereent of the value of the home. Complete specifications, showing installation, will be furnished on request. Our engineering department will be glad to co-operate, specifying the correct model for any installation and furnishing special plans where required. Some of our most successful distributors are Contractors and Builders. A few choice territories are still available. If interested, write for details of our liberal EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT and Sales Promotion Plans. Guarantee Oliver Burners are guaranteed to give heating satisfaction up to rated capacities. All parts found defective within one year, will be replaced without charge. For further details and literature, write te,» OLIVER OIL BURNER CORPORATION HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Room 206 Oliver Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 403 The Minneapolis Heat Regulator New York City MADE BY Philadelphia Cleveland MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR CO. Chicago Milwaukee Boston St. Louis Executive Offices and Factory St. Paul 2747-53 Fourth Ave. South, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. SLIGHT additional expense in the initial cost of build- ing a home often results in economy in maintenance. A well appointed home, built at a given cost always has a higher investment value than an ill-planned house built at an equal cost. Heat Regulation in the Home A very important part of a well planned home is the heating plant. The question of heating is often given little thought, yet it is entitled to the most consideration. Neither a warm air furnace or a hot water or steam boiler will be entirely satisfactory unless it can be properly regulated to distribute an even, healthful heat. Proper heat insures fuel economy, economy in repairs and upkeep, uniform temperature, comfort, convenience, health and safety. One Product For Over 40 Years Minneapolis Heat Regulators are the original automatic controlling devices. They have been manufactured and in use for over 40 years and may be applied to correctly regulate all types of heating plants, new or old, using coal, coke, oil, gas, electricity, or combinations of these, as fuel. They may be installed on steam, vacuum, or vapor heating systems, on hot water boilers or warm air furnaces. Concentration on the science of heat regulation has resulted in the accumulation of valuable data as well as in the constant improvement of “Minneapolis” regulators and service. The Company’s acquired knowledge of heat regulation is freely at the disposal of contractors and builders. Operation The Minneapolis Heat Regulator consists of an attractively designed thermostat placed conveniently on the wall of the living room and connected by a small concealed electric cable to a motor in the basement,—and a furnace or boiler controlling device mounted on the heating plant. The Motor, actuated by the room thermostat or the boiler control device, performs the work of operating drafts, dampers, or steam, oil or gas valves, of the heating plant. Wxperience and research have proved that perfect regula- tion of hot water, steam or vapor boilers, or warm air furnaces requires more than automatic control by the room thermostat, which is actuated only by atmospheric tem- perature. Often the forcing of a fire to bring room tem- perature to a given point causes excessive heating of the boiler or furnace, due to the fact that water temperature or steam pressure in the boiler, or heat generated in the furnace, accumulates faster than radiators or registers can transmit it to warm the rooms. The problem of eliminating these periods of fuel waste and possible danger is solved by the use of the limiting boiler or furnace control device in connection with a “Minneapolis” room thermostat and the motor. ‘‘Minneapolis’”’ Room Thermostats “Minneapolis” Room Thermostats are of three different types: first, without clock attachment; second, with one day clock; third, with eight day clock attachment. These various thermostats are illustrated and described below. With thermostat control, the house will never be over- heated or underheated. The thermostat never tires, never sleeps, never forgets, never loafs on the job, works 24 hours a day, starts up the fire on zero mornings—all this with never a care on the part of the home owner. The heat regulator is a valuable little servant, strictly attentive to business, always watchful over the comfort of the house. When the affairs of the day claim attention or during the sleeping hours, this attendant upon your convenience is always present and alert—a constant conserver of time during the day by eliminating the drudgery of operating heating plant drafts and dampers, and a zealous guardian of comfort by night. Whether it is a March blizzard or autumn frost, a spring thaw or an Arctic record-breaker on the outside, the thermostat sees to it that nothing harsher than a day in June breaks in upon the family circle. Model 40 Thermostat All “Minneapolis” thermostats are of the same basic con- struction. No matter which model of thermostat is used, it is certain to be accurate and all “Minneapolis” thermostat models work on the same unfailing, natural principle. The design of the thermostat is a marvel of simplicity and ingenuity. Model 40 room thermostat is built with the same care and precision as the clock type instruments illustrated below and is designed for operation where the clock is not neces- sary or desired, as in school-houses, factories, churches, ete., where a certain degree of heat is to be maintained at all times. Model 47 One Day Thermostat This themostat is furnished with a one- day clock, which, when wound at night, and the thermostat indicator lowered to the night temperature desired, will automatically raise the temperature to day time level at any given morning hour, by means of the alarm mechanism of the clock. This assures a cool dwelling during sleeping hours and warm rooms to dress in. This thermostat as well as the Model 40 previously described, is finished in sand-blast bronze, which blends nicely with almost any color scheme of room decoration. Model 77 Eight Day Thermostat With Seven Jeweled Clock This thermostat marks the latest development in automatic temperature controlling devices. This is the most auto- matic of the “Minneapolis” thermostats and has an 8-day clock attachment manufactured by the Min- neapolis Heat Regulator Company. The clock used with this thermostat is equal, if not su- perior to any clock of its type manufactured ‘here or abroad. The movement is jeweled, with seven rubies and sapphires, with genuine ~bi-metallic expansion balance. Every clock part is extra heavy, insuring rigidity to the movement and a durable time-piece with ex- cellent time keeping qualities. This high-grade clock—an integral part of the thermostat, will automatically lower house temperature to any desired night time level at the retiring hour, and again auto- matically raise the temperature at any speci- fied hour in the morning, to the normal day degree. This automatic action is repeated daily, morning and night, for eight days with one winding. In keeping with the surrounding of the finest homes, tne Model 77 thermostat is finished in a dull brushed silver. a oa Fy.fuu aisart, MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR CO. 2%733,Fourth Ave. South HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Minneapolis, Minn. See Next Page The Minneapolis Heat Regulator (Continued) “Minneapolis”? Motors The three types of motors illustrated and described in the following paragraphs are all made with the utmost care and precision. Non-corroding brass gears are used and strong dust-proof outer casings fully protect each motor and keep it in exact alignment. Electric Motor This new motor is furnished for use with either alter- nating or direct current and is built on basic principles that have proven their re- liability in previous mecdels thru years of actual use and experience. The A. C. Motor is complete in one unit, in- eluding transformer, connects direct to the house lighting circuit and never requires winding. It is completely en- closed in a die-cast aluminum housing with sleeving at shaft openings to exclude dust and moisture. The lifting ability of this motor far exceeds any demands which drafts or valves would put upon it. The electric motor has been tested and approved by the National Board of Fire Under- writers and is particularly recommended for use with gas or oil fired heating systems, or with central station heating. Spring Type Motor The power for this motor is furnished by a heavy spring, which gives the motor ample power to handle the heaviest drafts or valves. One winding of the motor every week or ten days is all that is neces- sary, and the wind indicator shows when re-winding is necessary. This motor is pro- vided with an _ automatic safety switch, so that if the motor is allowed to run down the heating plant will always be shut off on the motor’s last operation. This feature is of extreme importance as it practically eliminates fire hazard. Gravity Motor This type motor is designed for attachment to the basement ceiling and motive power is furnished by an iron weight sufficiently heavy to operate dampers and drafts of the average heating plant. The principle of operation is similar to that of the old-fashioned grandfather’s clock and motor is wound by pulling up the weight once each day. This Bl motor also has the ‘Minneapolis’ L ie safety switch feature. Economy and Safety The Minneapolis Heat Regulator saves, on the average, from 1/5 to 1/38 on fuel costs—on any type of fuel. Elimi- nating the added comfort, convenience, and even, healthful temperature which results, economy alone justifies the installation of a Minneapolis Heat Regulator. However, the presence or absence of comfort and convenience makes the difference between a home and a house. Th regulator will not only pay for itself in fuel saving, but when paid for, will continue to produce dividends in fuel saving for many years. The safety feature of this installation should also be con- sidered. There is no need to worry about drafts or dampers whenaway from home. The furnace or boiler cannot become overheated,—the room will always be temperate—never torrid or frigid, and there’s no danger of drafts being kept opened or closed until the fire’s out. The installation of a Minneapolis Heat Regulator insures effective, dependable and proper temperature control. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGUEATOR [ee THERMOSTAT CABLE TO THERMOSTAT Installation Diagram This diagram illustrates a typical ‘“Minneapolis” installa- tion, showing the convenient means of controlling the heating system, both by room temperature, and boiler pressure or temperature or furnace temperature. In this case the double check on a steam boiler is shown. The thermostat controls room temperature. The clock auto- matically lowers temperature at night and raises it in the morning. The motor, actuated by the thermostat operates heating plant drafts and dampers and the pressurestat limits the amount of heat to be generated. Boiler Control Devices These devices, the hydrostat for control of hot water boilers or warm air furnaces, and the pressurestat for controlling steam, vapor or vacuum systems, are used in connection with the room thermostat and motor to effect a double check on the heating plant, and may also be used alone to keep hot water supply systems, boilers or furnaces at a constant temperature, Model 65 Hydrostat The hydrostat principle of operation is the same as that of the room thermostat. These instruments operate in accordance with a simple, natural, law and have no in- tricate mechanism that is easily put out of adjustment. The Model 65 Hydrostat when used on hot water heating systems, is mounted on the boiler. It may also be used in control of warm air heating plants and in such case is mounted on one of the main ducts near the furnace casing. In either case, the hydrostat will co-ordinate perfectly with the room thermostat in causing the motor to operate drafts, dampers or valves. Model 70 Pressurestat The pressurestat gives perfect control at all times when used in dual control with the room thermostat, because through a patented arrangement of contacts and wiring on the pressurestat, the room thermostat is at all times in control to limit the amount of heat. The pressurestat is used only on steam, vapor or vacuum heating systems, and is a very reliable, sturdy instrument. Ds HOME BUILDERS CATALOG literature, write to: For further details and MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR CO. 2747-53 Fourth Ave. South Minneapolis, Minn. The enenicna Blower Reversible Ventura Home Ventilating Fan Made by AMERICAN BLOWER CO. DETROIT, MICH The Product: The Ventura Fan is a practically noiseless, highly efficient ventilating unit that can be used in any part of the home. It can be used either as a built-in unit with the Permanent Wall Fixture or installed in a window with supporting adjustable frame. It will either whisk out the stale air, odors and fumes or bring in the pure, fresh atmosphere of outdoors. It requires no attention whatsoever aside from an oc- casional oiling now and then, and it operates from a regular electric lght socket, using no more power than an ordinary 40-watt electric lamp. Photo Shows the Reversible Ventura Ventilating Fan. Built-in Ventilation With the New Permanent Wall Fixture Interior Showing Fan in Kitchen. Interior Showing Sleeve or Box in Position. Box Requires Opening Exterior View of Permanent Wall Fixture With Louvers Open. 1434” Wide, 1734" High. The Permanent Wall Fixture adds materially to the looks of the home, does not shut out any light or otherwise occupy window space. It adds many times its cost to the selling price of the home. It enables the kitchen to be placed in any position regardless of the layout of the home because it eliminates the un- pleasant odors of cooking as fast as they originate. The new Permanent Wall Fixture, if installed when the home is under construction, costs no more to install than an ordinary window. It is the last word in com- fort and convenience and can be used to advantage in any room in the house. For Clean, Cool and Fresh Kitchens and New Homes That Stay New Longer AS A BUILT-IN UNIT. AS A TEMPORARY UNIT. The Permanent Wall Fixture Adds the Finishing Touch to the Modern Home. Thousands of Ventura Ventilating fans are already in use in the kitchens of America whisking out the stale air, fumes and odors and bringing in the pure The supporting frame used with this installation comes in two sizes—adjustable to fit windows 24” to 34” wide, and 32” to 50” wide. Thousands of owners are realizing the benefits of cool and fresh kitchens plus this financial advantage— that their homes are kept new-looking long after homes not so equipped are showing the costly effects of dirt and grease from the kitchen. fresh atmosphere of outdoors. For further details and ee literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG AMERICAN BLOWER CO., Detroit, Mich. “BUFFALO BREEZO” FOR HOME VENTILATION Manufactured by BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY 443 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. Need for Home Ventilation Ventilation for the home kitchen has been very much neglected in the past, and the interest which is now being shown is due to the success of the ‘Buffalo Breezo” for home ventilation. When you place a “Breezo”’ in a kitchen window you are installing “health insurance.” This quiet little fan takes kitchen odors,—grease, smoke and “headachy”’ fumes out of the kitchen, and draws the stale air out of the entire house. Think what this means to the one who does the cooking! Imagine a house always free from annoying and embarrass- ing odors! When cool air is wanted in the kitchen, a pull at the cord attached to the Breezo switch reverses the fan and draws the tresh out-door air into the house. This shows the fan, switch and adjustable panel. Fan can also be furnished without panel and without switch for wall installation. Simple to Install—Costs Little to Operate When the fan is equipped with the pull switch, the switch is always attached to the fan completely wired up ready for use. If the adjustable panel is furnished, it will be found in a separate crate, equipped with necessary bolts for at- taching same to the fan and ring. The adjustable end pieces for the panel are enclosed in the box with) the = fan? proper. These should be put into the grooves on the panel and after adjusted to the proper length to corre- spond to the width of the window should be clamped down by tightening up the four brass screws in the panel. With each panel is furnished two brass. templates. One should be placed on each side of the window on the strip as high up as they will go, and the four special screws should be used for holding the tem- plate in place. The screws are usually located back about 2 to 2%” from the -window sash and when the screws are driven home they are exactly the right distance apart to allow the panel and fan to be slipped in position through the notched slot in the panel. The panel should be set in the ; , notches which will just permit the upper window to be raised and lowered without striking the fan. Two lengths of chain with eyelets are furnished. If the upper window consists of one large pane of glass, these chains should be used to enable the window to be readily raised and lowered. The two eyelets which are attached to the chain should be screwed in to the window sash as near the glass as possible, and about 3” from the top. The other two eyelets should be screwed in 16” lower down. The chain should then be slipped through the two lower eyelets and the eyelets closed. This permits you to readily raise and lower the window. If, however, the window has two or more panes, the chains are not required, as the cross strips readily permit raising and lowering of the window. Well Made The BREEZO fan has 20% MORE! CAPACITY than other fans of the same size and power consumption. The im- proved, modern multiblade wheel delivers the air directly forward and away from the side of the house. Light, strong all-steel construction; large bronzebushed bearings; a motor large enough not to require artificial ventilation, totaliy enclosed and lubricated by large bear- ings which require re-oiling only once every 1,000 hours; this fan is truly the greatest VALUE obtainable! The adjustable steel panel fits the kitchen windows snugly. Fan may be left in place permanently or taken down if desired in a jiffy. Whether in place or not, the fan does not interfere with opening and closing of the window. maximum { LONE PANEL ZB, | forme ater Ba Specifications and Prices Tho panel dimensions which are shown above are known as the short and the long panel. The snort panel is adjustable for all windows from 26” to 36” in width measuring from one window strip to the other, and the long panel is suit- able for any window measuring 36” to 46” between the strips. In addition to the two standard panels we also make one known as the special, which is used for any window between 22” and 26” in width. Price of all panels is the same, Be sure to specify which is desired, In addition always state the characteristics of the electric current available. The motors are carried in stock for 110 volts direct current, 60 cycle, and 25 cyele single phase alternating cur- rent. The following are the list prices of the 12” BUFFALO “‘BREEZO’”’ with and without panels and reversing switches. Arrangement List Price Shipping Wet. Complete with Panel and Switch..........escceess $66.00 35 Ibs. With Switch without Panel..........sece Raigiieaieiie Os 00 28 Ibs. Without ‘Syitchivors Paneli.c,.scvecisim cm cre sie > 2'e Ahh 58.00 25 Ibs. The standard 12” BUFFALO ‘‘BREEZO” for home ventilation is equipped with a 750 R.P.M. motor, which is reversible, and it is very quiet in operation. If the fan is to be installed in some place other than the home, where a slight humming noise is not objectionakle. a higher speed motor, running at about 1150 R.P.M., can be furnished at the same price. The motor is built on the same frame, but it is not reversible. It can, however, be furnished with the adjustable panel and with a start and stop switch, the only difference is that the higher speed motor does not have the reversible feature. We also make: Builders can _ profitably install the Buffalo Coal Burner in houses they have for sale, as with this fan they can guarantee to re- duce coal bills from $40 to $70 per year, in addition to heating the house more quickly and maintaining a more even temperature. This is possible because the Buffalo Coal Burner makes all furnaces suitable for burning Buckwheat coal, which is from $5.00 to $7.00. per ston Jess, *than other hard coal. Write to us now’ for full particulars about this fan. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY 443 Broadway Buffalo, N. Y. E-Z RADIATOR HANGERS Manufactured By ed eg HEALY-RUFF CO Contractors throughout =) e the United States and Canada 779 Hampden Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota RADIATOR HANGER == Product E-Z ONE BOLT RADIATOR HANGER OR BRACKET, both styles adapted for hanging all makes and sizes of radiators, in- cluding Corto and Aero, on any wall. Advantages The wall is the logical place for radiation. When a radiator is hung on the wall it offers no obstruction when cleaning floors, carpets or rugs. No heated legs to soften floor varnish or warp the flooring. Appearance, convenience, floor cleaning, ease and economy and decreased installation cost all result from the use of -Z Radiator Hangers. These hangers are adapted to ANY type of construction, whether concrete, brick, hollow tile, gypsum block or frame wall. Each hanger requires but one anchor bolt which may be set during construction. No accurate measurements needed, since hangers can be ad- justed both vertically and horizontally. Radiators can be hung, all connections made, system tested and bronzed before floors are laid, thus effecting considerable saving in installation cost, and preventing any possible marring of floors. E-Z Radiator Hangers are designed for all wall and column radiation and are self-adjusting to ex- pansion. Temperature control valves can be used. Entire hanger in- visible, including upper The Easy Way support washer. Styles Style “H” places Radiator 214” from wall and provides for base- board adjustment. Style “R” places Radiator 114” from wall, but is not adjustable for baseboard. Style “H” is the most desirable for residential work. Baseboard Floor fine Both styles are made for wall and all makes of Column Radiator Y including Corto and Aero. All parts made of pressed steel except bottom Ki hook support, which is cast iron. All column radiation is held in at the NY top with an invisible washer. ne Typical Specifications Where Baseboards Are Used—All radiation, unless otherwise noted, shall be supported on wall by means of E-Z Radiator Hangers, Style “H” or equal, and approved in writing by the architect; arranged to support the radiator 21% in. from the wall and with baseboard adjustment. Where Baseboard Adjustment Is Not Desired—AIl radiation, unless otherwise noted, shall be supported on wall by means of E-Z Radiator Hangers, Style “R” or equal, and approved in writing by the architect, arranged to support the radiator 114 in. from the wall. Style “R” oe "yoniy inn HEALY-RUFF COMPANY 3eyneee HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 408 CLARK GAS PRODUCER Made By AMERICAN HEATING & LIGHTING CO. MORENCI, MICHIGAN ILLUSTRATION SHOWS PRODUCER PLANT AND ITS APPLICATIONS Products This company manufactures the Clark Gas Producer—a complete plant for furnishing the gas supply for cooking and room heating purposes (when the regular heating plant is not being used) in suburban and other homes where no city gas supply is available. Also make the Clark High Speed Water Heater described on page 416. Advantages A Clark installation provides the home with an abundant supply of the finest gas that can be produced for furnishing fuel to the gas range, hot water heater, laundry stove, Pilot-lite for oil burning furnace, laundry mangle and Humphrey Radiant-fire for room heating in spring and fall. It is the only Gas Producer guaranteed to operate the Humphrey Radiant-fire. Safe, Clean, Rapid, Economical The Clark Gas Producer is buried in the ground outside of building. Filler pipes leading to the surface offer a con- venient method of furnishing the gasoline supply as needed. Quick evaporation off gasoline from this submerged storage tank or carburetor furnishes an adequate supply of gas under all conditions. There are no explosion chambers and no high pressure air feed. Automatic mixers so often featured in gas in- stallations and which often do not operate properly, are not used in Clark Gas Producers. Clark Gas is developed in a more efficient and more natural way. There are no objectionable generating noises. Superheating of gasoline —a common practice in producing gas, and one that causes carbon to accumulate—is not used in the Clark process. The Clark Gas Producer is purely automatic, no valves of any kind on it. Oil it once every ten years. Light it and use it just as you would city gas. It is so safe a child ean handle it without the slightest danger of any kind. Two Types of Air Blowers Used Where electricity is not available, a wright device is used to operate the air blower in place of the electric air blower. In other respects both installations are identical and equally efficient. Construction Clark Gas Producers are built to last a lifetime. The combination carburetor and storage tank, buried in the ground outside is made of heavy Armco Galvanized Iron—with a world-wide reputation for its rust-resisting and lasting qualities—regular boiler construction—closely riveted and securely soldered inside and out. Outside cast- ings are made of solid brass. Every carburetor is thoroughly inspected and air tested. Then treated with three coats of special mineral paint to resist rust. A Permanent Investment A Clark Gas Producer means no great expense for install- ing and over a period of years satisfactory service will prove a great economy. There is nothing exposed to the weather and nothing to wear out. Many carburetors buried in the ground thirty years ago are giving satisfactory service today, proving conclusively the durability of Clark construction and materials. What Are Your Requirements Write us just what your requirements are and complete information will be promptly furnished without any obligation. For further details and literature, write to: AMERICAN HEATING & LIGHTING CO., Morenci, Michigan HOME BUILDERS CATALOG GAS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT Recommended by ARCHITECTS’ AND BUILDERS’ SERVICE COMMITTEE AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION 342 Madison Avenue The Service of Gas Gas is the cleanest, most reliable and most con- venient household fuel for cooking, water heating and room heating as well as for other domestic uses. In nearly every case it is also the most eco- nomical fuel for these purposes. Among its chief advantages over other fuels are: freedom from smoke and soot, constant supply ready for any demand, simple control and ease of heat regulation, efficiency per dollar cost, and no investment in fuel required previous to use. Economy in Gas Service Gas should never be wasted, but neither should the cost of gas for domestic use be reckoned solely by the monthly bill. Real economy in home planning and budgetting for household-management should be reckoned along the lines of the needs and requirements of the household, both present ‘and future. Check off the items chargeable to other fuels, and credit to gas service,—the satisfaction of a constant supply of fuel that requires no money in advance, no storage space, no labor, no dirt dust or ashes. A service that carries the assurance of entire freedom from costly annoyance. In short, efficiency, which is after all, only another word for economy. In figuring building costs, do not lmit on necessary gas piping, flues and appliances. The time is not far distant when gas will be the universal fuel for all household heating processes. Original Installation In designing and building a home, builders (in an effort to keep down the initial cost) often provide the very minimum gas service and appliances—sometimes only a range, seldom more than a range and water heater. Even in selecting the types of ranges and heaters, the low price factor has been used as a guide. This effort to maintain a low initial cost of construction is a penny-wide-pound- foolish policy as it penalizes the housekeeper by depriving her of economical and labor saving gas appliances which she needs and desires or else makes their later installation cost more than necessary. On the other hand, the installation of a modern cabinet range, good water heater, space heaters and other efficient devices adds greatly to the value—and salability—of the house. Providing Adequate Piping and Flues Each year sees an increase in gas consumption per home, and that this rate of increase is growing faster every year, is definite evidence that gas will eventually replace other fuels in the home, and undoubtedly this will include house heating as well as cooking, water heating and other more usual domestic uses of gas. As home builders and homekeepers come more and more to depend on gas service they will require more and better gas appliances. The wise builder will therefore look to the future by providing in advance for the service and appli- ances which even in a few short years will be introduced into the homes. The two essential items under this head are proper piping and adequate ventilation. With these suitably provided, it will not require ripping up walls or floors Cost of Piping The cost of piping installed at time of erection is relatively small, compared with the total cost of the building and the increased value of the premises so equipped. This cost varies in different localities, but is approximately 1 per cent of the total cost of the building; this figure covers the most elaborate piping layout required to cover every normal situation. If, however, the demands of the tenant or purchaser require pipe installation after the building is completed the cost will be greatly increased. In addition, the installation is liable to be unsightly, and the necessary work a source of annoyance to the occupant of the building. Preventing Service Troubles Builders should be sure the piping not only complies with local building requirements but is of adequate size to ensure an ample supply of gas for all purposes. Gas Company records indicate that many consumers experi- ence service trouble due solely to piping which is too small or which has been improperly installed. The following general principles and practices are offered by the American Gas Association as a help to architects, contractors, plumbers and home builders so that by cooperation in the interests of better gas service, house owners may get the utmost value, comfort and convenience from this part of their home equipment. General Principles As local conditions govern, to a great extent, the practice and installation of gas piping, it is requested, that before you let your contract for this important part of your building, your local Gas Company be consulted. 1. The piping shall be constructed so as to be durable, substantial and gas tight, and shall be of ample size for the purposes intended. 2. Piping shall be installed with the best materials and workmanship. 3. Pipe and fittings shall be carefully examined before using, and defective pieces rejected. 4, Piping should not be laid under tile, parquet, or mosaic floors, where it is at all possible to avoid it. 5. Piping should not be run to bottom of beams that are to be covered with lath and plaster, but should be run along top of beams or joist where it is possible, so that it will be accessible by raising the floor boards, which, when covering such piping, should be fastened with brass screws. 6. Gas burning appliances shall be adequately supported and installed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the local gas company. 7. Automatically controlled large volume appliances with pilot ignition should be flue connected. 8. No device or attachment shall be installed on any apphance that will in any way impair the combustions of the gas. 9. All gas appliances shall, wherever practical, be con- nected solid with iron connections. Plain rubber hose shall in no case, be permitted. Flexible hose, properly designed and approved by the proper authorities may, in certain cases, be permitted; but where so used, a stop cock should be placed near the supply pipe. Such hose conform to A. G. A. Specifications. 10. Water Heaters should not be installed in bathrooms without flue connections. Further Information Available The Architects’ and Builders’ Service Committee of the American Gas Association will be glad to furnish specific answers to questions and furnish design and _ installation data upon request and without charge. Your local gas company will also assist you, without obligation or cost to you, in proper provision for gas service in the houses you are planning or building. to install the necessary piping for additional appliances. For further details and =~ literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION 342 Madison Ave. NEW YORK See Next Page AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION (Continued) STORE RCOM CLOSET ci | a DRY R fess UIP WASHING ! MACHIN A ri Billiards in the Basement The Laundry ae rah LAVINDRY [] 1d KX JHEN you heat with gas the basement becomes one of the most attractive parts of your home. Here you can have a Music Room, Billiard Room, Gym- sfela|a nasium, Play Room, or, what you please—as well as Heating Plant, Laundry, Stove Room, etc. AM] HEA ie A M IE RCGOM =~ Bir MOON rameter CEOS E Ti ws WP STOWE REFRIG ee EAWATAR MACHINE) BU ATER f= a \ MVS1C ROOM SS ——sS = PERSPECTIVE MVSIC RODM . ee For forther details ond AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION “3iy*sonk"* literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ne See Next Page American Gas Association (Continued) STUDY THESE GAS PIPE PLANS. You may find in them suggestions that you can profit by. Building Contractors are cordially invited to consult the American Gas Association on any problem involving the use of gas in the home. We maintain a corps of experts for the purpose of rendering free advice to Building Contractors. Send blue-print or rough sketch when writing. TANK WATER HEATER LAUNDRY STOVE y di D LAUNDRY STOVE YI STREET SERVICE BOILER GAS FIRED No. 1 No. 2 A SIMPLE PIPING PLAN FOR A ONE FAMILY HOME, A PIPING PLAN FOR A HOME, SHOWING IN SHOWING (No. 1) OPENING IN FIREPLACE, ADDITION TO THE DOMESTIC EQUIPMENT, A (No. 2) RANGE, (No. 3) TANK WATER SEPARATE METER AND FUEL RUN FOR A HEATER, (No. 4) LAUNDRY STOVE. GAS FIRED CENTRAL HEATING PLANT. NOTE. FIREPLACE OPENING TAKEN OFF OF THE HEATING LINE. WATER HEATER FIRE PLACE SECOND FLOOR () WATER HEATER aiy* 3/4" Poet we Ect RS Tar OOk LOCK COCKS ¢ LAUNDRY STOVE BASEMENT No. 3 A TWO FAMILY HOME, SHOWING FIREPLACE CONNECTION, ALSO RANGE AND TANK WATER HEATER CONNECTION IN THE KITCHEN OF EACH FLAT DE Sheraune, write to” AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION ™“3Mi*%3at"" HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 412 American Gas Association (Continued) CONSIDER ALL OF THESE GAS APPLIANCES when planning a home and provide convenient connections for them in your gas piping so that those not installed when the house is built can be installed later on, if desired, without altering the original piping. A little foresight when the house is being bwilt will save many dollars of expense later on. Gas Fired Boiler for Steam, Vapor or Hot Water Heating Gas Fired Furnace for Warm Air Heating No fuel bins needed when you use gas for heating—no coal—no ashes. A clean basement that can be used as a playroom, billiard room, or what you please. Temperature regulator turns gas on and ~off automatically—no dampers to bother with. These boilers ean be had in any size for residential use. Like all gas appliances this operates on either natural or artifical gas. Gas heating costs less than you imagine— consult your local gas com- pany. Automatic regulation Space required for medium sized gas- keeps temperature uniform. fired boiler, 2 feet 6 inches long 4 feet wide; 45 inches high. A separate flue Space reqitired for medium sized furnace, 48 inches in the chimney should be provided for long; 48 inches iwide; 66 inches high. A separate flue these heating boilers. in the chimney should be provided. Radiant Firepiace Heater Used for auxiliary heating it eliminates necessity of starting furnace driving early fall and late spring. Provides instant heat for early morning and late evening use. Made in a variety of designs to harmonize with interior decorations. Requires fire place opening 24 to 386 inches wide; 12 inches deep; 28 inches high. Provide fireplace with suitable vent. Automatic Storage Gas Water Heater _Made in many styles and sizes to meet all requirements of hot water supply for the home. Thermostatic control insures ample supply of hot water at the temperature desired. Gas supply to burners automatically shuts off when water is heated. Thorough in- sulation of tank reduces heat loss to minimum. Space required for type il- lustrated 28% inches by 28% inches ; 68°4 inches high. Made in larger and smaller sizes. Provide suitable chimney con- nection. IF IT IS DONE WITH HEAT YOU CAN DO IT BETTER WITH GAS. Gas Fired Garbage Burner The destruction of garbage can now be ac- complished by the use of a gas-fired appliance. Gas Range The most gen- ; erally used gas appliance in the home. eet Space required, 2 feet, 6 inches square; 44 inches high. Can be installed in either kitchen Gas Fired Laundry Dryer d Be ae ay oes al eae Ws or basement. Provide suitable chimney con- oor rying. Oo elay on a 3 count of rainy days. nection. When closed, 6 feet 11 inches : long; space required when open, Gas Fired Laundry Stove got — ir 12 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet Illustration shows Laundry Stove ES eer 2 inches; height 6 feet 6 inches. of angle iron construction. Made “ia Flue connections should be pro- many other forms and sizes. wo burners, or three. Every laundry needs one. vided. Space required, 26% inches wide ; 16% inches deep. Gas Fired Washing Machine Enables you to boil your clothes while they are being washed. Keeps water hot. Many washing machine manufacturers now equip their ma- chines with this added convenience. Gas Fired Ironing Machine Much more rapid than hand ironing and one can work sitting down. Made in various styles and sizes. €\ 3 = C7 IS 2 Space required, for style illustrated, 56 inches wide; 26 inches deep. Convenient gas outlet should be provided. QM Gertane, write'te:|§ AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION *hew" York” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG all Space required, 38 by 25 inches. Convenient gas outlet should be pro- vided. 413 BARBER Patented GAS BURNERS For Residential Heating in Natural Gas Districts Manufactured by The GLEVELAND GAS BURNER @APPLIANGE GO, Burner Specialists 3102-04 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Product Barber Patented Gas Burn- ers of the types listed on this page, are made in a va- riety of styles and capacities principally for residential heating, in furnaces, steam and hot water boilers, in Natural gas districts. Our Jet Burners shown on the next page are used in Arti- ficial and Mixed gas districts, also in smaller appliances upon Natural gas. Design and Principle Barber Patented Gas Burners are designed and constructed by Gas Burner Specialists, on scientific principles, there being no mechanical air-mixer to retard the flow of gas, or to cause back-firimg under low or fluctuating gas pressure. The air and gas are mixed by confluence, after the gas has left the burner orifices, creating a vacuum which draws into the flame, the necessary amount of air to cause a perfect mixture The necessary volume of air, being in proper proportion to the gas pres- sure, and passing within the body of the flame, be- comes superheated, thereby causing perfect combus- tion in a blast flame from eight to ten inches high, according to the gas pressure. Efficiency and Economy Barber Burners develop 25 to 40 per cent more heat upon varying gas pres- sures than is developed by mixer type burners, and will develop efficiently and _ eco- nomically the required heat on one ounce of gas pressure. They will burn on atmospheric pressure—will not back-fire or deposit carbon—will operate with any good thermostat—and can be quickly removed or re- placed, as desired. Their unit form of construction provides wide flexibility of gas control, permitting the use of only such units as are actually required in mild weather, or the use of all units in cold weather. A Few Standard Types of Barber Burners in Use in Over 125,000 Residences in the United States and Canada—Installed Within the Past Eight Years 4 Unit, Type “A” Burner (Straight) — $22.50 For round Hot Air Furnaces with fire pot diameters of from 22” to 26” inclusive, heat- ing from 5 to 8 average size rooms. 4 Unit, Type “A” Burner with 4” or 6” Drop—$25.00 For round Steam Boilers, rated at from 300 to 500 sq. ft., and round Hot Water Boil- ers, rated at from 500 to 800 sq. ft. 6 Unit, Type “A” Burner (Straight) — $27.50 For round Hot Air Furnaces having fire pot diameters of from 26” to 30” heating from 8 to 14 average size rooms. 6 Unit, Type “A” Burner with 4” or 6” Drop—$30.00 For round Steam Boilers, rated from 500 to 600 sa. ft., and round Hot Water Boilers rated from 800 to 1200 sq. ft. 8 Unit, Type “A” Burner (Straight)— $36.00 For round Hot Air Furnaces having fire pot diameters from 30” to 34” heating from 14 to 20 average size rooms. 8 Unit, Type “A” Burner with 4” or 6” Drop—$40.00 For round Steam Boilers rated from 700 to 900 sq. ft., and round Hot Water Boil- ers rated from 1200 to 1500 sa. ft. The two Special Burners illustrated show construction of several Twin Unit, Type ‘D” Burner Units; the first being for a boiler with an oblong fire-box, while the latter is for a 10 H. P. Upright Tubular Boiler. Write for Catalog Containing Full Information If you will give us the Manufacturer’s name, the Trade Name and the number of your appliance, we will gladly specify proper Barber Burner Equipment for same, without obligation to you. = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 414 The GLEVELAND GAS BURNER @APPLIANGE GO, See Next Page BARBER Pateated JET GAS BURNERS No. S-50 No. Z-10 No heater is better than its burner and without an eff- cient burner no appliance stands the test—that’s why the leading Manufacturers of Hot Water Heaters, Gas Furnaces, Boilers and Heating Appliances are adopting as Standard BARBER Pateated JET GAS BURNERS For Artificial, Natural and Mixed Gas Illustrated on this page are only a few of over 60 types of Barber Patented Jct =urners, which are highly adaptable to Hot Water Heaters—Steam and Hot Water Boilers—Furnaces —Garage Heaters and hundreds of various appliances. Be sure your Hot Water Heater is equipped with a Barber Jet Burner and you will be insured against high gas bills—back- firing and expensive service charges. Note these advantages. 1. Reduce gas bills 25 to 40 per cent. Act as their own pilot light: Can be controlled with any good thermostat. Develop 1960 degrees Fahr. with 500 B.t.u. gas. Cannot be affected by corrosion or condensation. Will not back-fire, or deposit carbon—on any pressure. Require no adjustment, or service, regardless of pres- sures, or quality of the gas. 8. Will produce a perfect orange-green flame with artificial, natural, or mixed gases. Write us today for our newest catalog, prices and full infor- mation. You will not be in the least obligated. The CLEVELAND GAS BURNER G@APPLIANGE GO. Burner Specialists 3102-04 Superior Avenue, Cleveland,. Ohio TS Om op HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Ais CLARK HIGH SPEED WATER HEATER "Se? Made By AMERICAN HEATING & LIGHTING CO. MORENCI, MICHIGAN A Stream of Hot Water in every pipe in the house shortly after lighting Product Clark’s High Speed Water Heater is a highly perfected product embodying unusual construction features not found in ordinary heaters but which have proven their value during manv years of actual service. The Clark Gas Producer is illustrated and described on page 409. Extra Large Heating Surfaces In place of the usual copper coils, five large, gray iron discs, connected by wrought iron nipples, provide extra a large heating surfaces and withstand heat better than any other material. The water travels through the discs rapidly and no heat is wasted. Construction Clark High Speed Water Heaters are carefully constructed from the best materials and are built to give constant and efficient service. They will outwear several ordinary heaters. They can be used in conjunction with the Clark Gas Pro- ducers (described on page 409) or can be connected to the city gas supply and will give exceptional service under either condition. rr For further details and Ri = literature, write to: AMERICAN HEATING & LIGHTING CO., Morenci, Michigan HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CRANE GAS WATER HEATERS CRANE CoO. General Offices: Crane Bldg., 836 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago FOR LIST OF BRANCHES AND SALES OFFICES SEE PAGE 338 For other products see pages as follows: Bathroom Fixtures, 338-39; Water Supply and Water Softeners, 324. Premier, Keystone and Marvel Storage Gas Water Heaters illustrated and described on this page. Premier Insulated Automatic Storage Gas Water Heater: The Premier is an insulated storage water heater which pro- vides a constant supply of piping hot water at minimum cost. Its operation is entirely automatic. It is built to give positive satis- faction and enduring service. The Premier has a heating ele- ment of scientific design, without coils and is practically lim e- proof. It is silent, odorless and safe. Operation—The Premier is auto- matic in action. It is a self-con- tained unit: heater and storage :ank are within the same insulated jacket. Itruns itself. A thermo- static device controls the lighting and extinguishing of the big blue- flame burner. A tankful of water is held at any desired tempera- ture between 80° and 190° F. When the Premier is first lighted, the tank-full of water is quickly heated to the tempera- ture for which the theomostat is set. The instant this tempera- ture is reached, the thermostat shuts off the gas supply to the main burner—and an abundance of instant hot water is always ready at the turn of a faucet. When the withdrawal of hot wa- Automatic Insulated ter lowers the temperature in Storage Gas Water the tank only 14° to 18° the Heater thermostat instantly starts the burner heating more. PREMIER The Heating Element—The cold water enters the heating ele- ment through the large opening at the top. Then it passes down through the channels, or arms, to the lower compart- ment, where it is spread in a thin flowing sheet. As the hottest part of the burner flame plays on this portion of the “spreader,” the water absorbs the heat from the gas without waste. Immediately upon being heated, it rises through the central pipe, and is discharged at the top of the tank. The water thus heated is replaced by cold water from the bottom of the tank, creating a constant and rapid cir- culation and heating the entire tank quickly and efficiently. In addition to its great efficiency, the spreader cannot burn out. Having no flat surfaces, pockets or dead ends, ‘‘lime- up” troubles are also practically eliminated. Burner—The Premier Bunsen burner is made in one piece and is designed to give a blue flame of maximum efficiency. No gauze is used and trouble from back firing is eliminated. The burner is fitted with a specially designed mixer, assur- ing a correct proportion of gas and air. It has a special gas cock designed to give a high nozzle velocity on low gas pressure. It operates with either natural or artificial gas. Insulation—Premier economy is further increased by the fact that when water is once heated it stays hot for many hours. The heavily insulated storage tank allows only a slight radiation loss. A thick jacket of asbestos completely sur- rounds the storage tank and heating chamber. With its protective outer sheath of steel, this insulation conserves heat like a giant ‘‘Thermos” bottle. Storage Tank—The Premier tank is constructed of double extra-heavy sheets, heavily galvanized both inside and out. Or the tank may be of double-weight copper, if desired. Hot and cold water connections and fittings are of brass. Finish—The steel jacket which covers and protects the insula- tion is finished in smart Premier gray enamel. The top, base, door and fittings are first copper-plated and then heavily nickeled. Sizes—The Premier is built in three sizes for domestic and business use. Size No. 2—For homes with one bath, kitchen sink, usual number of lavatories and laundry trays. $125. Size No. 3—For homes with two baths, kitchen sink, usual number of lavatories and laundry trays. $160. Size No. 4—For homes and apartments with three or four baths, larger barber shops, restaurants, clubs, etc. Double burner equipment—double quick heating. $250. All prices F. O. B. at factory. On display and ready for’ delivery at all Crane Exhibit Rooms. The Keystone Automatic Storage Gas Water Heater: The Keystone is very much like the Premier in appearance and construction. The tank is extra heavy, inclosed in a thick asbestos insulating jacket, with outer sheath of steel. All circulating pipes and fittings are galvanized. The Keystone is a durable and handsome gas water heater at a moderate price. It has the same sturdy thermostat, burner and heating element of the Premier and the operating cost is only a few cents a day. The Keystone is made in two sizes: No. 2-20 at factory, $70; and No. 3-35 at factory, $97.50. Specifications and recommenda- tions are the same as correspond- ing sizes of the Premier. KEYSTONE Automatic, Insulated Storage Water Heater No. 2 Marvel Non-Automatic Storage Heater: The Marvel has the same heating element and storage capacity as the Premier but is not automatic and is not insulated. When hot water is wanted, the burner is lighted by hand. In a very short time the entire con- tent of the tank is heated. The burner may then be turned low or out as desired. The Marvel is more efficient than side-arm combination heaters and tanks, as it is built all in one piece and uses the rising heat to better ad- vantage, recovering a much greater percentage of the heat units. Tank is extra heavy, galvanized in- side and out. Furnished with heat-re- taining pan stand. The Marvel heater is made in four sizes. No. 18, 12 gallons capacity, $30; No. 24, 17 gallons capacity, $31; No. 32, 23 gallons capacity, $32; No. 42, 31 gallons capacity, $48.50. All prices f.o.b. at factory. MARVEL Storage Gas Water Heater = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CRANE CO. Chicago Dahlquist Aquatherm Combination DAHLQUIST MFG. CO. 30 W. Third St. South Boston, 27, Mass. Products Copper tanks of various capacities and for every purpose. Hot Water heaters and the Dahlquist Aquatherm com- bination. Hot Water Tanks Copper tanks for hot water supply. For the home, factory, store, apartment or hotel. Last a life time. Prevent rust in water. Hot Water Heaters There is a Dahlquist Hot Water Heater to meet every condition. Gas, kerosene, electric and an automatic for a continuous supply of hot water at an even temperature. Dahlquist Aquatherm The patented Dahlquist Aquatherm conveys hot water direct into the circulating system. It consists of two tubes, one within the other and an air space between them. It extends from the hot water connection nearest the heater, up through the cold water on the inside of the tank and connects direct to the circulating system. Thus the hot water is not easily cooled by the cold water. Small holes at the top of the Aquatherm permit the surplus hot water to be stored at the top of the tank. Hot water is produced in one and one half minutes. The Aquatherm is sold in connection with the Dahlquist copper tank or by itself. Any plumber can install the Aquatherm in your own hot water tank. Cross section of Saves Material and Labor ahblquist Aquatherm : : 3 p Copper Range Boiler The installation of the Dahlquist Aquatherm Combina- Aelita Pablanist —_ tion consisting of Aquatherm Copper Boiler Water Heater and connections, saves the following: ? feet of pipe 1 non by pass tee 3 ells 2 unions 1 tee 4 hours labor. Dahlquist Method The Dahlquist Aquatherm Combination will do away with water hammering. Will prevent sediment from clogging circulation. It will prevent hot water circulation from reversing itself, It will also prevent steam from forming in the return pipe from the Gas Heater. onnect 1 On: if selected, Old Method Write for Prices Detailed information and prices will be sent to you on request. DM erature, write tor) =~ DAHLQUIST MFG. CO. s.°heston, 27, Ma So. Boston, 27, Mass. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 418 “EVER HOT” Automatic Water Heater The JUNIOR Showing Interior Construction. All nipples are sherardized and sweated into drain cock and thermostat, insuring ease of removal. Simple, positive acting, all metal thermostat, successfully used for nearly a quarter of a century. Advantages Only one simple control for temperature setting. Temperature range from cold to 180 degrees. Perfect temperature control. perature between the water at the top and the water at bottom of boiler. No overbuilding of temperature—liming prevented. The only heater that keeps a tank full of water Ever Hot on a tiny pilot light. Guarantee Only the highest grade materials and the finest workmanship are used in EVERHOT Water Heaters. They are guaranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a the Department of Household Engineering, Good Housekeeping Institute. More than 9,000 sold in one city alone in less than five years. Baby Grand.... ASisaete: came een Selly saree ere Ae Sales Offices carrying stock are located in principal cities. Write for address of nearest office. Sie gia leit dasa hs Ree eee OLE Pye et Re ME CE On 88.00 RD OD ace CaS oe OF 139.00 Manufactured by EVERHOT HEATER COMPANY 5239 Wesson Ave., Detroit, Michigan Capacities BABY GRAND—Burner capacity 45 to 68 cubic feet of gas per hour. Pilot light burns 34 of cubic foot of gas per hour. Starting hot, delivers from 37 to 49 gallons of water within one hour at a temperature, at faucet, of 100 degrees above that of incoming cold water. J UNIOR—Burner capacity 60 to 90 cubic feet of gas per hour. Pilot light burns 114 cubic feet of gas per hour. Starting hot, delivers from 50 to 65 gallons of water within one hour at a temperature, at faucet, of 100 degrees above that of incoming cold water. SENIOR—Burner capacity 120 to 180 cubic feet of gas per hour. Pilot light burns 134 cubic feet of gas per hour. Starting hot, delivers from 90 to 120: gallons of water within one hour, at a temperature, at faucet, of 100 degrees above that of incoming cold water. Construction Copperoid steel boiler, heavily galvanized with pure virgin spelter inside and out, and reinforced at openings. Handsome satin silver finish which is very durable and radiates a minimum of heat. Heavy terne plate inner and outer shells. Rock Wool insulation—one of the best known insulators—has a very high refractory value, prevents heat loss. Flue way is stepped, which increases efficiency and permits larger burner capacity. Burner 1s gauzeless, non-flash back, non-carbonizing, noiseless, semi-bunsen. The draft hood is conical in shape, and so constructed as to enable the heater to operate successfully regardless of flue conditions. Not more than five degrees difference in tem- period of one year. Tested and approved by and rendering sales and engineering services The JUNIOR Showing Exterior Construction. QM For farther details nd =~ EVERHOT HEATER COMPANY 38, Siu literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 419 Gas Water Heaters Manufactured by HOLYOKE HEATER COMPANY Holyoke, Mass. “Holyoke” Kerosene and Product Tank Water Heaters (Kerosene and Gas Fired) “Holyoke” Kerosene Water Heaters Hot Water is no longer regarded a city convenience alone—the suburban and country homes may also enjoy one of the greatest household necessities— hot water and plenty of it, through the installation of a ‘“Holyoke’’ Kerosene Water Heater. The ‘‘Holyoke’’ Kerosene Heater is unique, in that it may be used in any place where there is a water supply. An Unusually Rapid and “Holyoke” No. 4-30 (Kerosene) Economical Water Heater In appearance, design, performance and efficiency, ‘‘Holyoke’’ Tank Water Heaters are unsurpassed. The arrangement of the ‘‘Holyoke’’ quadruple patented seamless copper coil makes it an unusually rapid heater. The half turn of the coil baffles the rising heated gases, thus utilizing much heat that is wasted in other types of coil construction. The tubes are of such size that, in the aggregate, the coils present the greatest amount of heating surface to a given volume of water pass- ing through them. Each of the 4 tubes is 7% in. in diameter, with a total of 30 ft. of tubing per coil. HOT WATER COLD WATER Ss ‘‘Holyoke’’ Heaters provide an ample amount of hot water quickly, with a mini- mum consumption of fuel. Every heater is thoroughly tested under 250 lb. water pressure before leaving our factory. ‘‘Holyoke’’ Heaters are intended for attachment to any type of range boiler or tank and are non-automatie in operation, i. e., they are manually lighted and extinguished. The burner is our New Improved blue flame wick type. It is instantly and positively regulated and combustion is practically odorless. Burner 1s attached to a removable cast iron plate supported by the heater back and held in place by a small screw, permitting easy removal for cleaning purposes. Shell is of cast iron, attractively finished in durable black enamel. A 9-pint kerosene reservoir is furnished as a part of each heater. Holyoke Gas Water Heater —+— INLET — a. OUTLET paper teste 3 We “Holyoke” No. 5-60 (Kerosene) Specifications An efficient heater using natural or manufactured gas for fuel. Kerosene Shell is of cast iron, the lower Foster No: 4-30 5-60 Gas part of which has an air jacket or (Single) (Twin) 6-32 double wall surrounding the heat ; zone. This air Jacket serves as an Water Connections, inches. “A “A “4 insulator and minimizes the Gas Connections inchesen ls aso. .se1- 6] nde ie ier % 5 Height; inches.;. /i5aia,0.. 284% 28% 2414 amount of heat radiated from the Net Weight, pounds....... 40 75 41 shell. Shipping Weight, pounds. . 55 90 48 The ‘‘ Holyoke”’ coil is reversible, Size of Shell, inches....... 6 diam 6x 12 8 that is, it may be removed and re- Size of Base, inches....... 8 diam Rexel So eta ae rors ; t rah Floor Space Required when placed in an inver ed position Assembled, inches....... 17 x9 99 9 lel She. er eae after long use, thus doubling its Capacities, gallons........ 20 to 40 | 30 to 60 | 30 to 60 life. The burner is of the simple and Guarantee efficient horse-shoe type. Its ad- The Holyoke Heater Company guarantees that the ‘‘ Holyoke ee when installed and used in accordance with the Company’s printed instructions, will perform the work for which it is intended, and if any part or parts should prove defective within one year from date of installation the Holyoke Heater Company will repair or replace such parts free of charge. T= For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG justable air shutter insures perfect combustion. Burner is readily re- movable for cleaning without dis- mantling the heater. Finished in durable black enamel, No. 6-32 (Gas) “Holyoke” HOLYOKE HEATER COMPANY, HOLYOKE, MASS. HOTSTREAM WATER HEATERS Made by THE HOTSTREAM HEATER CO. 9502 Richmond Ave., S. E., Cleveland, O. As only the vapor from the burner is consumed the wick will give lasting service with no fur- Products: This company manufactures a complete line The of Cast Iron Jacketed Copper Coil Heaters, in- A EL ERAS SSS f g a CS ther attention than an occasional cluding an Automatic Storage Set. All attach waren neni Sy Sater een eee itt ae directly to standard hot water tank or boiler. Some models are designed to use kerosene as fuel and are readily convertible into gas heaters. All Hot- stream Heaters have large combustion chambers and are equipped with a patented burner and mixer that insure perfect combustion and absence of Carbon Monoxide. Hotstream Triple Copper Coil Tank Water Heater No. 80: This heater is designed for use in apartment buildings, hotels, garages, restaurants, or wherever a large sup- ply of hot water is needed. Also being used to advantage for small hot water heating jobs. There is enough reserve capacity to add an extra radiator on the regular storage system. Has Japan finish with attractive bronze trim- mings. Can be made automatic by the in- stalling of a Hotstream Regulator. Specifications Diam. Height, Crated, Capacity, Feet No. Inches Inches weight, Ib. Gallons Radiation 80 10 24 65 100 250 Gas connection, '% inch; water connection, 34 inch; flue, 3 inches. Hotstream Double Copper Coil Tank Water Heater: Styles Nos. 20, 25, 30: A powerful tip type burner with bottom feed mixer. Coils are solidly brazed and thoroughly tested. Fitted snugly in the jacket. Suitable baffle plates are used. The door forms one-half of the jacket. Inside is easily accessible. Standard finish is black japan with bronzed trimmings. Style 20, 25U and 30U is also furnished special with side feed mixer. Styles 20U, 25U, 30U are the same as Nos. 20, 25, 30 but are furnished with union connections, drip pan base, and lift off burner. : No. 25U Specifications 5 . Crated, Capacity, No Diam. In Hetghey (|) Weight, Lb. Gallons 20 7 18 30 30-40 25 7 23 40 40-52 30 7 23 42 40-66 Gas connection, '/2 inch; water connection, 34 inch; flue, 3 inches. Hotstream Kerosene Water Heater No. 20 K. W.: This burner is particularly adopted for use in country and suburban homes where there is no gas supply, but it can be easily and quickly converted to use gas. It operates in the same general manner as gas heaters and will give satisfactory service in every way. Instantly lighted at the touch of a match. No generation required. Burns with a steady blue flame without noise, soot, smoke or odor. Flame can be regulated high or low as desired. Heater can be kept going constantly with a low flame, which insures a plentiful supply of hot water at all times. perfect combustion of this burner means a substantial saving of fuel. It consumes 90 gallons of tee air to one gallon of kerosene— = | burning 19% hours on a full fire and 30 hours on a low fire. A special feature of this heater is the Coil Assembly consisting of four % inch copper coils con- nected to brass manifolds with union connectors. Their compact- ness brings the entire surface of the coils in close contact with the flame. This, together with the small diameter of the coils, insures quick heating of water at low fuel con- sumption—furnishing hot water at a usable temperature on the first circulation. The No. 20 GK is a larger heater recommended for greater hot water demand. Crated Weight: 20 KW—Burner and Heater Complete in one crate, 50 Ibs. 20 GK —Burner and Heater Complete in one crate, 52 Ibs. No. 20 KW Hotstream Indirect Tank Water Heater No. 606: For use with vapor and steam boilers— connected on the outside. Furnishes a con- stant supply of hot water at a temperature of about 160 degrees, at practically no cost. Eliminates the firepot coil in the furnace. Consists of a cast iron shell 17 inches long and 5 inch diameter housing a No. 20 copper coil, fitted with complete unions and attached with our special connectors (1” Boiler and ¥%"” Tank connection). Lead gaskets but no packing nuts are used. Capacity when connected below water line of boilers is 30 to 50 gallons. With live steam at 5 pound pressure—50 to 100 gallons. All parts are easily accessible and every coil is thoroughly tested before assembling; ship- ping weight 23 pounds. No. 606 Hotstream Automatic Storage System: Supplies “Hot Water Service 24 Hours a Day,” year in and year out. Requires no attention or servicing. Easily installed, low in first cost and economical in gas consump)p- tion. CAPACITIES: No. 20 U.B. 30-40 Gal. No. 70 B. 60-80 Gal. No. 25 U.B. 40-60 Gal. No. 80 B. 80-120 Gal. Consists of Hotstream Copper Coil Heater, equipped with Barber Burner, Throttling Type Thermostat, and Automatic Draft Regu- lator. Standard tank (and cover if desired) obtainable anywhere used. This gives an ideal automatic storage job with circulating heater at a considerable saving in cost over any assemble system. The Barber burner, which can be turned down without backfiring, eliminates pilot light, and makes possible use of Hotstream Throttling Thermostat, the simplest, most practical made. This Thermostat has no stuffing box, no complicated adjustments, or anything to easily get out of order. Regu- lates flame according to hot water demand. Literature: Illustrating and describing all Hotstream products will be sent upon request, together with prices and any specific information desired. For further details and = literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE HOTSTREAM HEATER CO., Cleveland, O. “Pittsburg” Automatic Gas Fired Water Heaters Manufactured by PITTSBURG WATER HEATER COMPANY Pittsburgh, Pa. Sales Offices in All Principal Cities “PITTSBURG” and “PITTSBURG BUNGALOW” Copper Coil Automatic Water Heaters ‘Made in six sizes: No. 2, capacity 2 gallons hot water per minute. In Southern States it is suitable for heating water for small homes. No. 55, capacity 244 gallons hot water per minute. Suitable for the small bungalow having but two hot water outlets. No. 65, capacity 3 gallons hot water per minute. This heater is used in the small home with kitchen, bathroom and laundry. No. 4, capacity 4 gallons hot water per minute. This is the stand- ard size and is the heater we recommend for the modern home having bathroom, kitchen and laundry. This size will supply the average household with all the hot water needed. No. 6, capacity 6 gallons hot water per minute. This size is adapted for dwellings hay- ing two or three bathrooms, butler’s pantry, and one or more hall or bedroom lavatories and one shower. No. 8, capacity 8 gallons hot water per minute. This size is suitable for large dwellings having three to six bathrooms, butler’s pantry, several hall or bedroom lavatories, two showers—besides kitchen and laundry fixtures. It is also well adapted for small hotels, restaurants, and small apartment houses, etc. * * * * * * “PITTSBURG” LION AUTOMATIC STORAGE SYSTEM A Unit Storage System for Residences Made in Two Sizes No, 20—20-gallon tank capacity for the home having bathroom, kitchen and laundry. No. 30—30-gallon tank capacity for residences where the hot water de- mands exceed those of the average home. Tank is made of Armco rust-resisting Ingot Iron—also furnished with Copper Tank. Catalogue furnished on application covering Water Heaters for all types i large and small homes, office buildings, apartments, garages and fac- ories. 27 sizes and types—one for each hot water need. ——— 7 qested and Approved ; Loaig) 1132 If it’s done with heat, you (oocaHousereeping) can do it BETTER with Gas. ‘ acy HOUSEKEEPING MACE QMES~ For further details and PITTSBURG WATER HEATER CO. 2®;,2;,22% 1129 Pittsburgh, Pa. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 422 Automatic Storage Gas Water Heaters Made by WELSBACH COMPANY Gloucester City, N. J. BRANCHES: New York Cleveland Providence Chicago Columbus Washington, D. C, Boston Pittsburgh San Francisco St. Paul Cincinnati Philadelphia ig No. 50 J Capacity 50 Gallons Product: On this page is illustrated and de- scribed but one product made by this company—the Welsbach Automatic Stor- age Gas Water Heater—which is made in three sizes, all illustrated and de- scribed in attractive literature gladly sent upon request. For other products, see page 468 for Electric Lighting Fixtures, and page 439 for Welsbach Radiant Gas Heaters. Tanks: The tanks are made in 20, 30 and 50 gallon capacities. The 20 and 30 gallon tanks have a shell of No. 11 gauge steel, head of No. 8 gauge steel, and bottom is 7 of an inch thick. They are hot dipped galvanized inside and out and tested to 200 pounds water pres- sure, All seams are riveted and welded. The 50 gallon tank has a quarter inch shell and ¥ inch top and bottom heads, with riveted and copper bronzed seams, tested to 250 pounds water pressure. _ No. 30 Capacity 30 Gallons Copper boilers can be furnished when desired. Tanks are firmly supported on three heavy cast iron legs, bolted to a east iron ring to which the tank is fastened. Heater: The heater shell is of cast iron, heavily enameled in black. Coils, jacket and burner are arranged to transfer maxi- mum heat from the gas to the water in the coils. Circulating connections are oversized—one inch pipe in the 20 and 30 gallon capacity, and 14 inch pipe in the 50 gallon. Water entering the heater coil is taken from a point in the tank two inches above the bottom, avoiding the disturbing of any sediment that may have collected. The heater sets low on the tank which reduces back circulation and cuts down standby losses. Insulation: The extra thick hair felt, degreased and sterilized, is the best insulator known, It is wrapped around the tank of the Welsbach and protected by a sheet steel casing. It keeps the water hot for hours and hours without any burning of gas. Water Coil: The double copper coil is of No. 18 gauge, which insures long life. It al- lows a full, free flow of water and pro- No. 20 Capacity 20 Gallons vides for rapid heating and economical operation. Thermostat: A thermostat of the magnetic snap action type is used. Temperature of water in the tank is maintained between 145 and 160 degrees. Whenever, through withdrawal of hot water or from gradual cooling, temperature falls ‘below 145 de- grees, the thermostat automatically turns on the gas to heat it up again. Burner: The burner is of gauzeless, single piece, cast iron construction, readily removable from Bunsen tube for cleaning. It con- forms with the recommendations of the Bureau of Standards. Under test, this burner and heater shows no _ carbon monoxide, Fittings and Pipe Sizes: All pipes and fittings that come in con- tact with water are of copper or brass to avoid rust contamination. One inch water inlet and outlet pipes, terminating in full brass unions are used. Gas sup- ply pipes are half inch. Catalog: Send for illustrated catalog and price list describing the Welsbach line of Storage Gas Water Heaters. For further details and literature, write to: WELSBACH COMPANY, Gloucester City, N. J. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 423 or to nearest branch JOHN WOOD MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of Gas Fired Storage Water Heaters Conshohocken, Pa. Los Angeles, Calif. THE MERION:—A High Quality Automatic Storage Heater Built in Large Volume at a Price and Operating Cost, So Low, That Every Home Can Afford One Hot Water at Low Cost—The low price of the family size Merion Automatic Storage Gas Fired Water Heater, $70.00, permits you to place this modern convenience in every home, regardless of price. In addition, its economy of operation results in low gas bill for the user. On request we -will be glad to furnish records or copies of gas bills proving this claim. Features of the Merion Automatic Storage Gas Fired Water Heater— The Merion Automatic is a highly developed and efficient storage water heater that heats the entire eontents of the tank to 160° F., and, like a giant thermos bottle, keeps the water at this temperature for immediate use at all hot water faucets. The construction and operation of this high efficiency, silent, safe and economical heater are fullv explained in the illustration below. Draft Hood—Burned gases pass out here ee and into the flue. Hot Water Outlet—A sunply of hot water at 160° F., is always available. Hot Water Riser—Through this tube the hot water rises directly to the top of the tank. No coils are used in the Merion. Storage Tank—Extra_ heavy “electric weld” boiler. No solder, no rivets, no leaks. Casing—Heavy steel. Finished in robin’s egg blue enamel (Automobile Lacquer) which is practically indestructible. Heating Element—Cold water descends into the heating element, spreads over the hot inner surface of the element in a thin sheet, and rises through the tube in the center to the top of the tank. ‘ Combustion Chamber—Enclosed and _ well insulated. Never gets hot on outside, Takes care of condensation and draft interference. Self-closing Lighting Hole—Used only when lighting the heater. The Merion has no door or other openings that would allow drafts to affect the burner. This also means safety, as no explosion caused by careless lighting can burn the user. Drain Cock—Periodical drainage carries off sediment and keeps bottom of tank clean. Removable Bottom Cover—Allows easy access to heating parts. One-third of its area is asbestos made to push out and re- lease pressure downward if exploded by care- less lighting. Fully Automatic in Operation—When water in the tank is heated to 160° F., the thermostatic valve automatically reduces the gas supply and lowers the flame. When hot water is drawn from the top of the tank, cold water re- places it at the bottom. This causes: the thermostatic valve to increase the size of the flame until the hot water is replenished, when the flame is again automatically lowered. Triple Heating Method Utilizes Heat Units to Fullest Extent Possible—In addition to the heating element (which has a swift thermo-siphon action), the heat units from the gas flame in the Merion are also absorbed through the tank bottom and the internal flue. In this manner, maximum heat transmission is established and the heat losses at the vent are negligible. Cold Water Inlet—Cold water is imme- diately carried to the bottom of the tank through the cold water pipe. Flue—After the hot gases have heated the element and bottom of the tank, they pass up this flue, helping to further heat the water and balancing temperature top and bottom. Asbestos Insulation—Heater is com- pletely surrounded by cellular asbestos 1%4 in. thick. Radiation losses are very low. Graduated Thermostatic Valve—Controls the burner. Needs no adjustment, as it is permanently set at the factory. It is full automatic and will adjust itself to different qualities of gas and to varying gas pressures. This feature means low gas bills. Tank Bottom—Heated over its entire area by the gas flame which is deflected by the heating element, thus heat which is or- dinarily wasted is utilized to advantage in the Merion. Burner—Has no pilot light. When tank is full of hot water, thermostatic valve re- duces the gas flow so that the burner acts as its own pilot. Has no gauze and will not clog nor backfire. as a perfect range of adjustment from 1 to 30 ft. of gas per hour. Needle Valve Gas Mixer—Set for arti- ficial gas. Adjustable for natural gas. Has high nozzle velocity. Gas Cock—Can be shut off with one- quarter turn. Merion Automatic Storage Gas Fired Water Heater For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 424 JOHN WOOD MANUFACTURING CO., Conshohocken, Pa. See Next Page Merion Automatic Storage Gas Fired Water Heater (Cont'd) Merion Dual Action Thermostatic Valve—The thermostatic valve in the Merion controls both the “pilot feature” (low flame) of the burner, also the main heat (high flame)—fluctuating gas pressures or varying qualities of gas can not cause trouble as in cases where separate pilot lights are used. The one action of this valve provides a small gas flow for the low flame (pilot feature) or for small demands, and passes from 1 to 8 cu. ft. of gas an hour. The other action provides a larger gas flow for a high flame (operating only when the demand for hot water is great) and passes up to 30 cu. ft. of gas an hour. Both actions are of the graduated type. The temperature of the water is held practically con- stant (160° F.) due to the perfect control of all gas flows by this dual action valve. No Separate Pilot Light—No separate pilot light is used in the Merion, but instead, a low flame is main- tained by the burner through the action of the thermo- static valve, and thus, while serving as its own pilot, the burner keeps the water in the tank at the predeter- mined temperature until heavy demands require a larger flame. Economical Operation—The Merion principle of dual action thermostat valve and continuously maintained water temperature works a real saving in cost of operation. In- stead of using small storage, low temperature, and extrava- gant burners that burn intermittently, and create hot water by short, fierce, wasteful blasts of gas, we have taken full advantage of the possibilities of storage and temperature. The Merion can be operated at lower cost than any auto- matic gas water heater on the market. Easily Installed— The Merion is a self-contained unit ready for installation. Only two water connections and one gas connection are necessary. Rapid and inexpensive in- stallation is therefore assured. “Electric Weld’? Tank—vThe storage tank is extra heavy “Hlectric Weld” construction—there are no rivets nor seams that can leak. Thoroughly inspected and tested before shipment. Stocked Everywhere and Serviced—Merion heaters are earried in stock by leading plumbing supply jobbers and sold by plumbers everywhere. Suggestions and sketches for installing Merion heaters in tandem, or battery formation, or in connection with furnacé coil, for winter service, will be supplied by us on request. They are serviced by JoHN Woop MANUFACTURING CoMPANY, which has trained service men available in every section. MERION AUTOMATIC STORAGE GAS FIRED WATER HEATERS Size,|Cap.,] *Diam.,| *Height | No. | gal. in. in. peices Service 14 | 38 $60 ene eee homes, bungalows and apart- 2 20 14 | 50 | $70 er ee aes 1 bath, laundry and 4 36 18 | 50 $90 oe pret got cuss or large homes *Dimensions given are those of the body of the heater. Legs raise the heater 10 in. On the right side, the thermo valve and gas cock project 2 in. Drain cock is below heater, The following dimensions apply to ail heaters: vent connection, 3 in.; gas connection, % in.; water connection, %4 in, Standard Combination Range Boiler and Gas Fired Water Heater This combination range boiler and heater is without thermostatic control and is intended for intermittent service. It must be lighted manually when hot water is required and the gas shut off manually when the demand for hot water has been met. Economical in Fuel Consumption—The Standard has the same principle of internal heater, special design burner, heating element and heating flue that is in- corporated in the Merion heater described on the pre- ceding page. This principle means fullest possible utilization of the heat units from the gas, minimum gas consumption and hot water at the faucet in five minutes. The Standard, with its built-in heater, is much more economical in the consumption of gas than an inde- pendent gas heater connected to the boiler. Independent heaters have extremely large radiation losses, and it is this lost heat that is used in the Standard for practical heating service. NON-AUTOMATIC STANDARD COMBINATION RANGE BOILERS AND GAS FIRED WATER HEATERS (Hot Water in 5 Minutes) *Heigl a ya ee a Service For small homes, barber’ shops, beauty ilk, parlors, etc., where only a moderate supply of hot water is required. For average size homes with 1 bath, kitchen 17 3 sink and lavatory. For large homes, etc., with more than the 24 ordinary number of fixtures and where an unusual supply of hot water is required. *Dimensions listed are those of the tank only. : The following dimensions apply to all sizes; vent connection, 3 in.; water connection, %4 in.; gas connection, % in. ‘Hot Water in Five Minutes—The incoming cold water descends to the bottom of the boiler and enters the heating element. When the burner is lighted, hot water immediately starts flowing from the heating element up through the hot water riser to the top of the boiler. This quick action gives hot water in five minutes and a tank full of hot water in a very short time. No Condensation— Condensation troubles have been prevented in the Standard by the use of a special design spreader and a pan stand that closes the combustion chamber. All moisture is quickly evaporated— there is no moisture dripping on the floor. Easily Connected—There are only two water connections and one gas connection to be made, therefore in- stallation is rapid and inexpensive. The Standard can be connected to the heating boiler or to the kitchen range for winter service, but it is more economical to use gas, the “Standard” way. “Flectric Weld’? Construction— The boiler is electrically welded. There are no rivets, solder or seams to leak. Each boiler is fully tested } and inspected before shipment, and Rana Poller ad bears the tester’s stamp. Heater Standard Combination = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG JOHN WOOD MANUFACTURING CO., Conshohocken, Pa. A-B GAS RANGES Manufactured by A-B STOVE COMPANY Battle Creek, Mich. Literature The following literature is available and will be sent on request: (1) Copy of A.G.A. Specifications. (2) Booklet, “Modern Apartments,” showing photo- graphs of apartments, installations in kitchens, cuts of ranges and detail dimensions. (8) Descriptive booklet showing styles and sizes adapted to apartment house use. Product A-B GAS RANGES. A-B Gas Ranges All A-B Gas Ranges have ovens lined with Wilder metal, guaranteed rustproof. Ovens are extra heavy gauge and in addition are heavily insulated with asbestos. All A-B Gas Ranges are built to A.G.A. Standard Specifica- tions, which are the only standard specifications for gas ranges. No. 503 A-B Gas Range No. 505 A-B Gas Range No. 506 A-B Gas Range Semi-white White with gray trimmings Snow white No. 18-29E A-B Compartment Range No. 310 A-B Compartment Range No. 30! A-B Compartment Range A Few Styles from the Famous A-B Aristocrat Line Detail dimensions of the aboye stoves appear on the following page. For further details and A-B STOVE COMPANY Battle Creek, Mich. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 426 | A-B GAS RANGES (Cont'd) Styles and Finishes A-B Gas Ranges are made in a wide range of styles, sizes and finishes, but each range is built to conform to the basic specifications of the American Gas Association. These specifications deal only with the important essen- tials of construction and should be required when asking for bids on gas ranges. In no other way is it possible to arrive at a correct understanding of value. Space prevents our making a complete showing of all styles and sizes suit- able for apartments. Buyers who desire to provide assur- ance of full utility of space as well as safety, efficiency and beauty in the applianees should request company literature. Specifications The specifications given below deal chiefly with size, capacity and appearance. Since the basic specifications for construction are quite important, we wish to emphasize that every A-B Gas Range conforms to the specifications of the American Gas Association. A copy of these specifications will be sent on request. foam us) No. 200 A-B Gas Range No. 300 A-B-Gas Range No. 52 A-B Gas Range DETAIL DIMENSIONS OF A-B GAS RANGES—INCHES Range No. Width Depth Height Cooking top* Oven sizey Finish 503 47 28 53% 21x24 20x16x12 Semi-white—black vitreous 505 47 28 53% 21x24 21x16x14 White with grey doors and top 506 47 28 53% 21x24 21x16x14 All-white—no nickel 200 39 26 48 21x19 21x16x14 White enamel—nickel trim 201 39 26 48 21x19 20x13x12 Black enamel—white splashers, nickel, 4 burners 208 39 26 48 21x19 20x13x12 Semi-white—nickel trim 300 42 26 48 21x19 20x13x12 White enamel—nickel trim 301 Comp. 42 26 50 21x19 20x16x12 Black enamel—white splasher, nicke\ 808 42 26 48 21x19 20x16x12 Semi-white—nickel trim 18-29 Comp. 45 26 50 21x20 20x18x12 Semi-white—low compartments 310 Comp. 42 26 50 21x19 20x16x12 52 40 28 57 22x22 18x15x11 Black enamel—white splashers—low compartments 22 31 25 55 16x24 18x16x12 Black—white splashers, 4 burners *Depth by width, Depth by width by height. A Few Notable A-B Installations BUILDING AND LOCATION NUMBER RANGES The Villa Norma, New York, N. Y...... eaaRee eae? 50 Congress Apartments, New York, N. Y............. 60 Northland Apartments, New York, N. Y........... 185 Pickwick Arms Apartments, New York, N. Y...... 150 Brainard Road Apartments, Boston, Mass......... 5 New Kilsyth Apartments, Boston, Mass............ 114 Summit Realty Trust Apartments, Boston, Mass... 108 Parkway Sections Apartments, Boston, Mass....... 100 Gaston Circle Apartments, Boston, Mass.......... 100 Pilgrim Court Apartments, Boston, Mass........ = ails Modern Realty Trust Co. Apartments, Boston Mas. 170 Birch & Cadigan Apartments, Boston Mass........ 97 Bradford Terrace Apartments, Brookline, Mass.... 26 Bedford Hall Apartments, Brooklyn, N. Y.......... 3D George Washington Apartments, Brooklyn, N. Y... 98 BUILDING AND LOCATION NUMBER RANGES Buckingham Apartments, Detroit, Mich........... 32 Gladstone Apartments, Detroit, Mich............. Se Clifford Manor Apartments, Detroit, Mich........ . 128 Grace Harper Apartments, Detroit, Mich....... tae oY? Brown Apartments, Detroit, Mich................ 7 4 Adair Apartments, Atlanta, Ga............... Acree 4b HarleAparntments. Atlanta, Gases cemteresteteee Fie ae TKO) Bullards Apartments, Atlanta, Ga...............<- 12 Walker Apartments, Atlanta, Ga.............. Serer 10 Pershing Point Apartments, Atlanta, Ga........... 30 Granger Court Apartments, Atlanta, Ga........... 10 Hotel Windermere East, Chicago, Ill............. 198 New Aldine Apartments, Milwaukee, Wis..... eA st) Peacock Apartments, Kansas City, Mo............. 110 For further details 274 A-B STOVE COMPANY Battle Creek, Mich. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 407 RED CROSS GAS RANGES CO-OPERATIVE FOUNDRY COMPANY Manufactured By ROCHESTER, NEW YORK RED CROSS Nr d ba FURNACES Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Red Cross Products Red Cross Gas Ranges; Red Cross Com- bination Ranges; Red Cross Coal Ranges and Oil Stoves. Red Cross Furnola Heating Unit; Red Cross Empire Furnaces; Red Cross Ajax Furnaces. See Pages 359 and 384. A complete line of high grade cooking and heating equipment. The Red Cross Gas Range The outstanding features of the Red Cross Gas Range are its sturdy construc- tion, compactness and good cooking and baking qualities. The Red Cross is speci- fied for use in many of the finest apart- ment homes in New York and the east— it is installed by hundreds of eastern builders in better class residential homes of the quality type. Construction Only the pick of quality materials enter into Red Cross construction—the finest steel and iron that can be obtained. The baking and broiling ovens are double walled and asbestos insulated to retain the heat and keep the kitchen cool. All parts are care- fully and accurately fitted—the Red Cross Gas Range is un- usually sturdy. Wilcolator Oven Heat Regulator As easy to read as The oven bottom the hands of a clock on all Cabinet Style —it tells the house- ranges is of cast iron wife how to regulate her oven for every —the linings are re- thing she bakes. movable. Attractiveness Toned in a lasting finish of all-white porcelain enamel; a pleasing combination of gray and white or in soft ebonite, the Red Cross Range is a thing of rare beauty. Harmonizing, not only with the color scheme, but with the general lay-out of most modern kitchens and kitchenettes, the Red Cross is a distinct aid in selling the housewife on a kitchen’s beauty and convenience. Labor-Saving Features One giant; one simmering and three regular cooking burners on the Red Cross Gas Range add to its convenience and economy. These burners are also in- stantly removable for cleansing—no bolts or pins are used. All ovens linings are instantly remov- able; the cooking top is of convenient working height and the ovens of easy ac- cess without stooping. Wilcolator Automatic Oven Heat Regu- lator can be furnished on all cabinet style ranges at small extra cost. Types and Sizes Made in a-complete range of sizes in- cluding the cabinet style with 14, 16 and 18 inch ovens, right or left hand. Three different finishes as listed on chart below. The Three Burner Range, especially suit- able for kitchenettes is also made in three finishes and with or without High Shelf as desired. Catalogs and Prices Retail dealers and jobbers sell the Red Cross Gas Range and in many cases it is sold direct to builders where the number ordered will so warrant. For the con- venience of builders, we issue a special Gas Range Catalog which will be sent upon request. Sizes and Specifications Red Cross Gas Ranges Red Cross Gas Range 400-W Series Full White Enamel with Cabinet Base Made in 14, 16 and 18 inch oven sizes, Red Cross Gas Range 300 Series Special Enamel Finish Made in 14, 16 and 18 inch oven sizes. Bbonite Minish ...0< i =e & full white and gray enamel ranges, together Fx Eee is oe 7 with regular finish ranges, will be forwarded : upon request. e Baking CV GYM ated ein 0) sme ereheu Scere tenants 14x18x12 in. Roberts & Mander Stove Co. er Olin ge OVE s.r .a sieves = nicl sete aes ieee 14x18x Qin. Bookie mL Opis cscs seis oisia-a,cvetene thee ene 18x 21 in. 11th and WASHINGTON AVE. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Mere Pie stereister sieves vis ce sre ave overare aor 37 in. Western Branch: LCL it wc ehers oc) eecereta coh oy abietescinae ahs lasagne 48 in. 324 No. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, Calif. (ae *ei eather Sstiewss «© ROBERTS & MANDER STOVE CO., Philadelphia, Pa. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 435 STERLING GAS RANGES oas dependable G\ as sterling silver Made by STERLING RANGE & FURNACE CORP. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Model X-4 This range supplies more capacity than the ordinary cabinet gas range and yet occupies only thirty-two inches (32”) of floor space, or can be put in an even smaller recess by removing the top shelf. Top cooking—oven cooking—broiling—these three cooking operations can be done on this range with maximum speed, and minimum fuel expense and labor. Cooking Top—the Sterling “Klean-top” with its drop fingers operates perfectly either as a close top or an open top. When only a small vessel is to be used the open top gives greatest speed and economy. For a large meal the closed top gives ample room and can be heated by using simply the two front burners. Oven—1914, inches deep, 14 inches high, and 16 inches wide—large enough to roast an eighteen or twenty pound turkey. Bakes evenly in all corners, top and bottom. 'The automatic oven control regulates it for any kind of baking. Broiler—No pan to scour and wash, guaranteed against catching fire, broils on both sides at the same time. It requires no pre-heating and broils in less than half the time and with less than half the fuel of the usual broiler. For further details and literature, write to: = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Model X-6 The Model X-6 differs from the X-4 in only two particulars It is 4 inches wider and it has added to it the fire-box of the Scientific Sterling, that for ten years has been giving satisfaction to thousands of users. Fire Box—this fire box serves three purposes. It warms the kitchen. It gives an economical and con- stant supply of hot water. It is a convenient method of disposing of much kitchen trash and waste virtually a handy incinerator. This fire box will burn equally well any fuel—coal, wood or coke, and has a gas kindler. The fire box is 15 inches deep and incorporates all the features that have made Sterling ranges famous, such as the rounded end and the well known Sterling grates. Both the X-4 and X-6 can be obtained in black or in beautiful and easy-to-clean enamel. The extra-size flue keeps the kitchen free from objectionable cooking odors. STERLING RANGE & FURNACE CORP., Rochester, N. Y. See Next Page STERLING PRODUCTS “as dependable i as sterling silver Made by STERLING RANGE & FURNACE CORP. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK SCIENTIFIC STERLING COMBINATION COAL & GAS RANGE This popular, efficient cooker gives the solid comfort of a coal range and the con- venience and speed of a gas range—all in one compact unit. One turn of a lever changes it from coal to gas. Or, if extra capacity is required, both may be used at the same time. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. The patented water heater, which is built right into the range, is equally iis the only successful combination heater made. satisfactory with either coal or gas. The Sterling Scientific saves time, trouble and fuel. Special features of the Scientific Sterling are: 1—Two complete ranges in 36 inches of floor space. ; 2—Deep, roomy ashpan or ash chute direct to cellar. 3—Large, square oven. Patented flues make it bake evenly, no cool spots. 4—Reliable oven heat indicator. 5—Double thick fire brick. 6—Sterling grates give combustion. 7—Gray Enamel or Satin Black finish. 8—Polished top requires no blacking. 9—Large door for feeding coal. 10—Large clean out. 11—Open grills or burners. 12—Gas broiler and coal broiler. 18—Especially durable gas cocks. L14—Extra heavy manifold. 15—High test silicon iron (no scrap used). 16—Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. 17—Double Guarantee Bond. highest type of closed top over gas THE STERLING MODEL 300W WARM FLOOR FURNACE Is the result of many years of scientific It has solved the heating problem in many homes. It can be supplied for either pipe or pipeless installa- tion. It cecupies but small space in the cellar, and keeps the home beautifully warm in the coldest weather with only half the fuel that the average furnace consumes. study and experimenting. Almost any furnace will fill a home with “just heat,” but to be healthful it must con- tain the proper proportion of freshness and moisture which makes it invigorating and health-giving. With Sterling furnaces, the cold air is drawn down to the furnace, passes over the hot castings, is moistened by the large humidifier, and passes up through the house. Thus, a continuous circulation of warm, moist air is created—the most healthful system of heating yet devised. Sterling Triplex Grates support the fire perfectly and yet have 70% of their space open to allow a free passage of air. The large combustion dome allows plenty of room for complete combustion. Every lump of coal is burned thoroughly. Heat is not wasted up the chimney. For homes that are not suitably designed for pipeless furnaces, there is a Sterling pipe furnace. Give us your specifications and we will be glad to send you full particulars of the Sterling furnace that will heat your home satisfactorily and economically. THE STERLING “CHEERY-GLOW” HEATER Gives furnace heat with less fuel con- sumption than the average stove. Unlike an ordinary stove which heats only one room, the “Cheery-Glow” circulates warm, moist, health giving air throughout the en- tire house. It is the ideal heating system for a small home of 3 to 5 rooms. The large illuminated feed door gives fireplace cheerfulness without the smoke and dirt of an open fire. The “Cheery-Glow” requires no cellar or expensive furnace installation. It can be easily and quickly set up in the fall and taken down in the spring. With its natural ‘For further details and literature, write to: = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG grain walnut finish and its attractive Queen Ann design, the “Cheery-Glow” adds to the appearance of any room. We haven’t space here to tell you of all the exclusive features of this efficient heater —such as the slotted firepot and the large combustion chamber which are two reasons why the “Cheery-Glow” burns less fuel—the reversible grates which give equal satisfac- tion with either coal or wood—and the smoke pipe connection, which can be made low down straight into the chimney or the usual style depending upon conditions. Write us for full particulars. STERLING RANGE & FURNACE CORP., Rochester, N. Y. 437 Thatcher Ranges and Tank Heaters Made by EASTERN DISPLAY ROOMS 21 West 44th St. New York THE THATCHER COMPANY Formerly THATCHER FURNACE CO. General Offices: THATCHER BUILDING WESTERN DISPLAY ROOMS 341 N. Clark St. Chicago 39-41 Francis St., Newark, N. J. Products The complete list of products of this company is given on page 398. Thatcher Warm ‘Air Furnaces are illustrated and described on page 372, and Thatcher Boilers for Steam and Hot Water Heating on pages 398-99. Thatcher Twin-Fire No. 100 Combination Coal and Gas Range Extremes widthge-.isene 40 in. Gas Oveneat. 05 os 19x16x11%4 in. sLotalohetghtaernse crete 67% in. Gas Broiler ...1614%4x12%x10 in. Height to Cooking Top. .33% in. Coal Oven ...... 1844x19x12 in. Extreme’ Wop) sins 40x27 % in. Four Top Gas Burners (Three Standard and One Giant) Thatcher Twin-Fire Ranges A range that burns both coal and gas is a great convenience in many homes. In the summer time one may use the gas section only and thus have a cool kitchen, while in cold weather a coal fire in the range is a great comfort to the housewife, providing genial warmth to the room in which she spends much of her time. A Compact Range In spite of the fact that the Thatcher Twin-Fire combines two complete ranges in one, its compact dimensions permit it to be used in the smallest kitchens. Its extreme width is only 40 inches—depth 2934 inches —and height 671% inches. A Beautiful Range The Twin-Fire is well proportioned and is beauti- fully finished in gray porcelain enamel with white porcelain enamel splasher and drip pan. An occasional rubbing with a damp cloth keeps it immaculately clean and as the enamel is in three coats, baked on at a high temperature, it preserves its original lustre for years. Note These Distinctive Features Two, large ovens—a gas oven and a coal oven. Patented Waterback requires no extra space and heated by either gas or coal in a remarkably short time. Patented Pull Down Broiler Rack brings roast to con- venient height. Foot Touch Oven Door Opener for lower oven—a great convenience when both hands are full. Automatic Lighter for gas burners. Closet for pots and pans under lower oven. Gas section and coal section entirely separate—two complete ranges in one— which may be used separately or at the same time as desired. Can be furnished on leg or cabinet base. Write for copy of our booklet “Thatcher Ranges.” Thatcher Single Oven Coal Range—No. 88 Thatcher Single and Double Oven Coal Ranges The ovens are unusually large, so that meats or fowl may be roasted and a large baking of bread handled at the same time—all the baking and roasting being done quickly to perfection. All Thatcher ranges are constructed to give the best and quickest results in cooking and even baking. The best grade of gray iron is used, and every con- venience, such as sanitary ash chutes, large and effec- tive waterbacks, triangular revolving grates, smooth and neat appearance, and many more are scientifically embodied in Thatcher Ranges. Thatcher “Geyser” Hot Water Supply Heater Single charge of coal | lasts. from) 112 — to 915 hours. Made in four sizes—150 to 550 gallons capacity. For further details and ae literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 438 rS THE THATCHER COMPANY, Newark, N. J. Welsbach Radiant Gas Heaters See Page 423 for Storage Gas Water Heaters New York Chicago Boston St. Paul HEAT without ashes or smoke. An open fire on the hearth without the trouble of lugging fuel up from the basement. Heat—radiant heat—in an instant, any season, any hour, by merely turning the Self Lighter Key. This is what a Welsbach Radiant Gas Heater in the home means. Hammered Brass. or and Self Lighter. Wrought Iron Finish. Gas consumption same as No. 37. Dimensions, as illustrated: Width a21,"; Height 23”; Depth 11%”. Price: With Andirons, as illustrated, Hammered Brass $63; Wrought Iron $57. Standard Model, Ham- mered Brass $50; Wrought Iron $45. No. 41—TEN GLOWERS. Finish Black Crystal. gas consumption and heat giving capacity as Heaters illus- trated above but simpler in design and lower in price—only $20. Dimensions: Height 21144”; Width 181,” Depth 9%”. Made by WELSBACH COMPANY Gloucester City, N. J. BRANCHES: Cleveland Columbus Pittsburgh Cincinnati No. 37—Ten Glowers With Andirons, Wings, and Self Lighter Finish— Oxidized Brass A beautiful model that either lighted or unlighted is an ornament to the hearth. A powerful heater that will quickly warm a room in zero weather. Gas consumption, about 35 cubic feet of arti- ficial gas per hour—%, to 22, a8 much on natural gas. Dimensions, as illustrated: Width 3214”; Height 23”; Depth 1144”. Price with Andiron and Wings, as illus- trated, $82.50. With And- irons only, $78.50. Standard Model, $65.00. See Page 468 for Electric Lighting Fixtures Providence Washington, D. C. San Francisco Philadelphia PRICES from $9.00 to $90.00, ac- cording to size, ornamentation and finish. Gas consumption remarkably low, owing to scientific design and construction. Nine exclusive features giving greater comfort, efficiency and economy. A Welsbach Radiant Gas Heater for every type of house from the modest cottage to the mansion. No. 45—TEN GLOWERS, with Andirons and Self Lighter. Distinctive in character and de sign. An old English Model with dull, Old Brass finish. Gas consumption same as for No. 37. Dimensions same as for No. 43. Price with Andirons, as illustrated, $69.50. Standard Model, $55.00. No. 27—TEN GLOWERS, with Self Lighter. as illustrated: Height, 1914”; Depth, 9”; Width, 21%”. Prices, as illustrated: Oxidized Brass, $30.00; With Andirons: Oxidized Brass, $38.50; Black and Verde, $31.00. Same $25.00. Dimensions, Black and Verde, For further details and literature, write to: WELSBACH COMPANY, Gloucester City, N. J. or to nearest branch HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 439 HOLMES concealed BEDS Made by Holmes Disappearing Bed Company, 117 Madison Street, Woodstock, IIl. Concealed Bed Corporation, 58 E. Washington Street, Dept. 602, Chicago, Ill. Distributors for Marshall & Steazns Co. and Holmes Disappearing Bed Co. Holmes Beds are the original concealed beds. But since the. first Holmes Concealed Bed was manufactured—over twenty years ago—we have made hundreds of improvements, ~ reflected in the various types shown on these pages. The line is very complete, in beautiful, practical designs. All Holmes beds are of heavy seamless steel tubing and furnished in full size 54 in.; %4 size, 48 in.; single or twins, 39 in. or 36 in. Holmes Beds are recognized as the most simple in con- struction, having fewer moving parts and being perfectly counter-balanced. When the bed is down in sleeping position it is just as solid and secure as any standard set-up bed. Holmes Concealed Beds are the only beds of this type designed to permit the use of full coil springs or box springs. Holmes Coii Springs extend the entire length and width of the bed. There are 120 full spiral coils made of retempered Premier wire—easy to keep clean—and vermin proof. The Holmes Roller Bed is the only one that must have coil springs. Any of the other beds may have either coil, box or fabric. Fabrice springs take one-piece foot ends. Coil or box springs take two-piece foot ends. Holmes Beds are regu- larly finished in American Wal- nut or Mahogany. The finish is applied by an exclusive proc- ess that leaves a glossy, smooth surface, easily kept in good condition, and above all clean and sanitary. Other finishes or designs can be supplied when specified. wavs ay. WSS wy Model No. 39-B HOLMES ROLLER BED Model 39 B. Sq. tubing, cane panels and requires less floor space in storing than any other make. This type of Holmes Concealed Bed not only saves floor space, but is rolled about so easily that it can be kept in any part of the home desired. It can be rolled into a closet, moved into a corner and concealed by a canopy or drapes, or it can just as easily be rolled into another room or into a hall where there is space for concealment. It is a full size 54-in. stand- ard bed, complete with head and automatic foot end, and equipped with special highly resilient full coil springs, sani- try, vermin-proof, easily cleaned. A specially designed safe- euard bumper prevents any possibility of damage to furniture, walls or woodwork. Specially designed patented double ball- bearing, highly polished, perfectly beveled 41%%4-in. hardwood [—_ For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG maple rollers, which operate easily and smoothly, are used to prevent floors from being marred or the carpets and rugs from being damaged. These rollers will never wear out. An ex- elusive feature is the Holmes automatic lock which prevents the bed from ‘‘jack-knifing’’ or folding over on top of the sleeping surface when the bed is down. This bed is handsome in design, a fine piece of furniture, with a beautiful, durable finish—sanitary, easy to operate, clean, convenient and com- fortable as any standard bed. Closet space required on straight run in: Depth 5 ft.—width 2 ft. 2 in. door minimum, height 6 ft. 8 in. or 7 ft. HOLMES “ROLL-OUT” RECESS BED (Model 19 S-B) This type of Holmes Concealed Bed is especially designed for installation in rooms where deep closet space is not avail- able. With the exclusive Holmes roll-out feature, which auto- matically causes the bed to advance 14 inches when lowered, the head of the sleepér in out in the room—not back in the closet. It is fastened directly to the floor, in a shoe on each side, and pulls straight down into the room, There is no revolv- ing mechanism of any kind. It will not damage floors, rugs or carpets by rolling in one place. Saves floor space—closet space required for full size 54-in. bed: .Depth, 18 in. inside of door to plaster (in clear), width, 5 ft. using 2 ft. 6 in. doors, height, 7 ft. If it is not possible to build even an 18-in. closet into the wall, the closet can be built out in the room, giving effective concealment. Canopies or drapes may also be used effectively with this type of bed. ; We also make a complete line of standard attached recess beds, without the new patented ‘‘Roll-Out’’ feature, which require the same closet space as above, except that they may also use 6-ft. 8-in. doors. Specifications and full dimensions sent on request. Holmes Disappearing Bed Company, 117 Madison Street, Woodstock, Ill. Concealed Bed Corporation, 58 E. Washington St., Dept. 602, Chicago, IIl. Distributors for Marshall & Stearns Co. and Holmes Disappearing Bed Co. See Next Page HOLMES concealed BEDS—(Continued) Model No. 45 Holmes Twin Pivot Center Door Bed — (Model No. 41-B) This twin bed installation is typical of the beautiful effects which can be.secured by using Holmes Beds. Note the one- piece foot ends and absence of operating mechanism on head ends. The standard two-piece foot end with full coil springs, using steel standard bar which carries combined weight of door and bed, may also be used in this installation. The mirrored door between allows access to closet, whether beds are up or down. Doors of various designs may be used for concealing the twins, or the walls may be paneled. The center door in this twin installation is pivoted off center and allows access to the closet at all times. When the closet is enlarged for use as a dressing room, with bathroom adjoining, the fact that the door can be opened and closed regardless of posi- tion of beds is especially important. Holmes twin bed in- stallations require less space than others and close the open- ing back of beds. Our Service Department will furnish full details—dimensions on request. Model No. 51 .set-up bed, and just as comfortable to sleep in. Holmes Two-Docr Pivot Bed (Model No. 45) This is an exceptionally good looking, comfortable bed. The spread hides what little mechanism there is. Closet door can be opened or closed when bed is in sleeping position, allow- ing access to closet and when closed prevents any draft on sleeper. It may be installed either with or without the steel standard bar, standard bar being used when 1%%-in. French or mirrored doors are used, thus eliminating all strain from door and insuring against warping or sagging of door. The standard bar carries the weight of bed and door and makes a perfect installation from an engineering standpoint. Doors of any thickness can be used. If no steel standard bar is used, a specially designed steel angle is fastened across the door where it cannot be seen. The bed is attached to this angle and the weight distributed over entire door. Doors 1%4-in. thickness are required. An exclusive feature on all Holmes pivot beds is that they are easily adjusted without removing bed from opening, thus avoiding extra expense if building settles. Closet space required on full size 54-in. bed; depth 24-in. inside of door to plaster (in clear); height 6-ft. 8-in. or 7-ft. doors. If pivot bed without standard is used 2 2-ft. 6-in. doors may be used for full size bed. Marshall & Stearns Oscillating Portal Bed Model No. 51 This type of concealed bed has given universal satisfaction for many years because it can be used to increase the room efficiency of any type of home, whether it be large or small. Concealment can be made so perfect that the most critical eye is deceived. A handsome buffet, book-case, desk or large mirror may be attached to the front of the bed panel. When the bed is in sleeping position, it is as refined in appearance and just as “good looking as the.most exclusively designed The bed can be pivoted into the room and lowered into place by a child, it works so easily.» It has no complicated head and foot operating mechanism. If the bed is used in connection with a dressing. room or storage closet, the bed may be turned slightly to allow access. This can be easily done when the bed is down—it does not have to be upended. Closet Space Required on full size 54 in. bed: Width 5 ft. 4 in., Height 6 ft. 8 in. or 7 ft. Depth 2 ft., For further details and r ; Concealed literature, write to: = HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Corporation, 58 44| Holmes Disappearing Bed Company, 117 Madison Street, Woodstock, III. E. Washington St., Distributors for Marshall & Stearns Co. and Holmes Disappearing Bed Co. Dept. 602, Chicago, Ill. MURPHY IN-A-DOR BEDS Manufactured By THE MURPHY DOOR BED CO. OFFICES AND DISPLAY ROOMS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 315 N. 10th St., St. Louis 714 Terminal Sales Bldg., Seattle 1140-42 Hanna Bldg., Cleveland 1534 Blake St., Denver 7th Floor, Kresge Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 205 O’Connor St., Ottawa, Can. Crocker Bldg., San Francisco 1807 S. Main St., Los Angeles 153 Peel St., Montreal, Can. 1919 Pacific Ave., Dallas, Tex Products The principal product of this Company is the famous MURPHY IN-A-DOR BED, which is made in various types and sizes to meet all installation conditions. In addition, this Company makes Steel Kitchen equipment —Cabinets, Refrigerators and Ironing Boards, Literature and Technical Service Literature explaining in detail each product can be had for the asking, from any of the offices listed above. A Technical Service Department is maintained to co- operate with you—you should take advantage of this service and get the most out of MURPHY Equipment. Why Every Home Should Have a Murphy Bed That every home has a need for a MURPHY BED has been proven by thousands of installations in homes of all sizes. These needs are many and varied—the sum total of all of them are, fundamentally, economic. The average home costs about one thousand dollars a room to build. The size of a home is determined by the number of sleeping rooms required by the family which is to occupy it—these with the kitchen, dining room and living room fixes the number of rooms. If it were not for this cost of a thousand or more dollars per room, every lover of a home would have some one room in addition to those actually required. This “other room” might be a Sun Parlor, Den, Chil- dren’s Room, Sewing Room, or a Sleeping Porch. TRADE MAR® This Trade Mark on All Murphy Beds. 19 W. 44th St., New York 1309 Keenan Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Neff-Stiles Bldg., El Paso, Tex. 234 Columbia Bldg., Miami, Fla. 2301 Main St., Houston, Tex. 1713 W. End Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 319 Dryades St., New Orleans, La. 225 2nd Av., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 1114 Grand Ave., Kansas City 204 Peach Tree Arc., Atlanta, Ga. New England Furn. & Carpet Co., Minneapolis A bed room equipped with the ordinary bed is used but eight hours of the twenty-four—the other sixteen hours it is unoccupied and serves only as a store room for the furniture. Properly equipped with a MURPHY IN-A-DOR BED, a bed room can be made available twenty-four hours of the day. In this way another room can be added to the home at no additional cost— no furnishing, decorating, or heating expenses and last, but not least, no additional household care. Here, then, is proof that you need not forego that other room. When you build, prepare for a MURPHY IN-A-DOR BED — it is concealed in an ordinary closet behind an ordinary door. The Murphy In-A-Door Bed The MURPHY IN-A-DOR BED differs from the ordinary bed only in that it is raised to a vertical position and pivots into a closet—it is made in the same standard sizes as the ordinary bed—is equipped with the same standard spring—therefore, furnishes the same sleeping comfort as a good ordinary bed. Its patented multiple spring balance and method of pivot- ing make its operation simple and easy—requires no more effort than moving a chair. Moving on its pivot clear of the floor, it requires no guiding—does not mar floors or woodwork. Murphy Beds are’ made in a variety of designs and finishes, “Another room” without the cost of building it. concealment behind an ordinary door. Perfect The housewife may use the same beautiful coverings on a MURPHY IN-A DOR BED as she does on the ordinary bed. For further details and h\ = jiterature, write to: THE MURPHY DOOR BED COMPANY, 22 W. Monroe St. Chicago HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 442 See Next Page MURPHY IN-A-DOR BEDS (Continued) Our Technical Service Department will help you add another room to your home at a saving of a thousand dollars, or more. This service for the asking—no obligation. Below are two practical applications of MURPHY BEDS in homes. a 2s Plan No. E24-37 Plan No. E28-40 A four room With the French doors 5 ae bungalow with to the living room closed, ieee 10-3 x)e0 sleeping accommo- the sun parlor in this five is ; dations equivalent room bungalow becomes to five rooms. Here a sleeping room with the DINING ROOM Fh, the MU-B-P HY same privacy as the bed an BED is used in the room. In the daytime living room—can this room is available for be used as a spare other purposes. Another Giving Room ) bed or for regular room without the cost of et use, if desired. Note building. By placing a privacy of bath— MURPHY in the closet plenty of closet off of the dining room, room. a spare bed is provided. SPT TTD) oad MURPHY IN-A-DOOR INSTALLATION NO. 1 MURPHY RECESS INSTALLATION No. 13 Showing position of door and the bed ready for use. Fastened to floor in shallow recess—lowers straight to floor, does not pivot. Standard stock door. Door and bed independent of each aban? floor, ready for use, bed is projected forward so head, end is in line with door opening. other. Note: When closet can not be provided, a canopy rod can be furnished which permits concealing bed behind draperies. A standard full size bed 4’6” wide, 6/4” long — inside head and foot ends. Accommodates standard mattress. Bed can be pivot- ed to either right or left jamb—pro- vided there is suffi- cient bed pocket. A—Door: width 3/0” height 7/0” See note below. C—Bed pocket 2/4” D—Depth of closet AYALA Sh Sony whol plaster line to outside plaster line. E—B ed clearance 7/6” wall to foot end of bed when lowered in room. D0 0 iy echo height 3/0”. Note: Beds un- Minimum closet dimensions for standard full size bed Ls der standard length 4’6/"x6’4/—inside head and foot ends. may be furnished For 4’ bed, doors 2/3” wide; 3’6” bed, doors 2’ wide; for doors under 7 3’ bed, doors 1/9” wide. high, not less than A-—Doors: width—two 2/6/7 D—Depth of closet alia =e 68” high. epee 7/07 usicie to outside plaster ae For 6/8” door see Note Spec. E—Bed clearance 7 BED AND DOOR ON OF POSITE) JAMES No.1; . back of closet to foot end of bed. Minimum closet dimensions for Murphy pivot bed. Qe For further details and ~THE MURPHY DOOR BED COMPANY, * “enicazo® ** su Sool seh eR IS HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 443 MURPHY IN-A-DOR BEDS (Continued) MURPHY ROLLER INSTALLATION NO. 12 Mounted on rubber casters, ball bearing. Can be in- stalled in long, narrow closet or shallow, wide closet. CNERALL DIMENSIONS: OF ‘BED: VP-ENDED-AND © LOWERED-IN-ROOM: © 2 (hs 3" g s'-1" 6-95" bi MURPHY ROLLER BED Minimum closet dimensions for Murphy roller bed Note: When necessary to install roller bed in recess closet specify —door opening of 5/4” and depth of closet 2’6”, inside plaster line to outside plaster line. A standard full size bed 4/6” wide A—Door: width 216% 6/4” long—inside head and foot height 6/8" ends. D—Depth of closet 5/4" Accommodating standard mattress. inside to outside plaster line, A DUPLEX RESIDENCE Wan eferF Ie x1e 4" f Dep Room ine wee Here is one of the many suggestions for a duplex ‘residence. The bed room and a MURPHY BED in each unit furnishes sleeping accommodations for four the other on the side—besides increasing the privacy of each unit this arrangement lends itself to a better treatment of the exterior than if both entrances were in front. Our Technical Service Department has thousands of floor plan suggestions for apartment build- ings on file—take advantage of this service. Murphy Steel Ironing Board and Broom Cabinet (All-Steel Except the Board) This all-steel In-A-Wal ironing board cabinet comes completely assembled with hardware and ready to set in place. The finish is of baked prime enamel, which allows the painter to finish to match woodwork or walls. By special request, the cabinet can be finished in high luster white or French gray enamel for a small additional cost. ‘A - IG CILSTWDS “B — 14° BETWEEN STDS “C — 3% DEPTH. “D - 65% HEIGHT "E~ 15° FLOM FLOOL awh Mey KON > LOUGHING » DIMENSIOW: Frist MULPHY IN- A’ WAL STEEL CABINET JRLONING BOARD MURPHY IN-A-WAL IRONING BOARD AND BROOM CABINET Six screws furnished fasten cabinet to studs DETAILS Details show standard partition construction and correct position of and method of fastening cabinet between 16-in. center studding. The Murphy In-A-Wal cabinet can be installed in either new or old buildings, because a beveled flange projecting 134 in. forms the trim around the cabinet The actual dimensions of the cabinet are 14 in. wide; 6514 in. high 434 in. deep. For roughing-in dimensions, see detail. Corner Installation—Because of the very limited wall space in the modern, efficient kitchen of today, it is often necessary to place the cabinet in the corner. Where this condition prevails, the Murphy IJn-A-Wal Ironing Board will swing away from the wall for either the right or Detail of Corner people. The front entrance of one unit is in front, left-handed person. See sketch. Installation GE tatu, Sree’? THE MURPHY DOOR BED COMPANY, 7 “autanye S* HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 444 The Out-O-Site-Bed for Apartments and Dwellings Te@=SITE Sor Apartments and Dwellings Built By THE AMERICAN BED COMPANY T-@=-SITE For Apartments and Dwellings 18th and Park Ave.—St. Louis, U. S. A. Representatives in All Principal Cities Meets with Approval of Architects, Contractors, Owners and Users Utility and Convenience The Out-O-Site Portable Disap- pearing Bed has great utility value as it can be moved to any part of the house with ease; through doors and between furniture. It can be used conveniently in case of emer- gency to accommodate overnight visitors. It offers a freer, more comfortable and healthful use for dwelling or apartment. Economical Out-O-Site Beds are economical in the use of valuable space; are reasonably priced. They require no special braced construction as with fixed pivot beds. The storage or closet space for the Out-O-Site Bed does not require a definite location with reference to the sleeping posi- tion of the bed. When folded it will fit any bed closet space designed for double bed. shown in the floor plans of all houses appear- ing in this catalog. Design and Construction The design is attractive, harmon- jous and simple; with variation to Bed in closed posi- suit any requirement for beauty tion—2 ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. and utility. Both design and finish 6 in. x 6 ft. 5 in. are standardized; the construction is of 14; inch continuous post with % inch fillers. 1% inch square post Bed in open position —4 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 5 in. Width of spring 4 ft. Out-O-Site Bed No. 26G Designed with same features to be found in all Out-O- Site Beds, but with thought given to low cost. Has adjust- able holders for mattress and bed covering. Posts are 1% inch square tubing (head and foot); top rail 1% inch square tubing; fillers, 1x% inch. Finished in grained walnut. Is handsome and durable. The Casters The All-Steel Tubing Posts, toprails and fillers are of stard- ard steel bedstead tubing which are dur- able and smooth of finish. i For further details and literature, write to: AMERICAN BED COMPANY, with 114%4x% inch rectangular fillers. Pillow rests are specially designed to permit free circulation of air when bed is closed. Comfortable and Attractive The Out-O-Site Bed unfolds large enough to accommodate two people. The heavy durable wire springs with steel bands on each side, are supported at the ends by resilient, helical steel springs—twenty-two at each end. The springs are respon- Sive, instantly, to the _ slightest movement of the body. Bed ac- commodates any mattress four feet by six feet, one inch. (Mattress is not included.) Hither the round post or square post model is cor- rect and harmonious in proportions. The truck and casters, so necessary to portability, are not clumsy or unsightly. When the bed is lowered in position for’ sleep, there is nothing to distinguish it from a stationary metal bed. Closet Measurements For a narrow type single door closet—height 6’ 8”, width 2’ 6”, depth 4’'10”. Broad deep closet— . c single door (or pocket closet) height _Bed_ in closed posi- 6’8”, door width 3’, closet width, tion—2 ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. 4/10”, depth 2’5”. Broad type closet, §& in. x 6 ft. 5 in, double door, height 6’ 8”, door width 410”, closet depth 2’ 6”. Bed in open posit’on —4 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 5 in. Width of spring 4 ft. \ Out-O-Site Bed No. 26E Rolls lightly and silently on swiveled rubber tired casters, raises and lowers easily with one hand, folding compactly for daytime storage. Head is 1; round tubing; fillers % and cross tubes % inch; foot 13; inch round tubing. Has adjustable holders to accommodate mattress and bed Son cries of any thickness. Standard finish is rich walnut enamel. Are three inch on which truck of bed is mounted. Are oversize for greater ease and protection to floors and rugs while bed is being moved. The Rubber i ) Bumper s Strip Of live cushioned rubber. encircling frame of truck affording protection to furniture and woodwork. 18th and Park Ave., St. Louis, U. S. A. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG “Roll-A-Way” Beds ™hiSsQsotne Manufactured by Roll-A-Way Beo Corrorarion 225 W. Ohio St., Chicago Guest Service “‘Get out the Roll-A-Way, I’m coming over.’’ This is a request by friend or absent member of the family with which it is a pleasure to comply. Like magic a bed of unequalled comfort and of striking design may be rolled from its point of convenient concealment, and any room in the house becomes, in a twinkling, a guest room for the night. Building Economy The Roll-A-Way has met the demand for building economy. The aim of today is to give greater living efficiency to smaller area, and at the same time to preserve comfort and conven- ience. This bed saves a room, or many rooms, if desired, by giving any room the qualities of a bed room at night without interfering with its normal utility. Moreover, space, doors, trim and materials may be saved in any home construction. Economy of Maintenance There is no object in maintaining needless extra rooms. A home with Roll-A-Way efficiency is a convenient easily kept living unit. Much household labor is eliminated. Greater Sleeping Comfort There are additional joys in Roll-A-Way slumber as it may be had at the window or even on the sleeping porch by merely roll- ing the bed to the desired spot and letting it down for use. Sunning and Airing The bed may also be rolled to the window where the sunshine can strike it, making it fresh and whole- some. Permanent Usage There is no furniture which makes our bed look out of place, and when down for use it presents an appearance which fits into the scheme of the best furnishings. It is not merely an ‘Coxtra’’ bed—members of the family may sleep continuously in the large airy living room. The ‘Home Bed’ This is truly ‘‘the bed for the modern home,’’ combining beauty, economy, convenience and profound comfort. D2. Quality at Moderate Price Our prices are direct-from-the-factory. Our values are unexcelled. For further details and il- Beo = 225 W. Ohio St. op tanther details and SOU -A-Way BED CORPORATION **ciick HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Newt Page 446 z ROLL-A-WAY BEDS— (Continued) Construction Material—Steel throughout. No breakable castings. Frame—Securely attached to springs comprising one secure and sub- - stantial unit. Bed Ends—Made of 114-in. square tubing with ornamented steel (imita- tion cane) panel in grained wood and enamel finishes. Truck—Special patented feature. Felt bound continuously around the truck, protecting bed, furniture and trim. The dimensions and design are such as to carry the bed safely and in perfect balance. Equipment—Helical tie open box coil springs superbly comfortable and giving the proper support to the body in the attitude of rest. They will last a lifetime. Operation Operates with the ease of gesture. sander waves, vibration marks and imperfections of any kind, for which the ‘‘American Universal?’ is so well-known, Not only will it surface new floors, but it will resurface old floors as well, removing varnish, paint, shellac, wax, etc., making them like new. It will level all warped and rough edges of the flooring and give any floor, no mat- ter what kind of material, a new, bright and smooth appearance. Silent High Speed Chain Surfacing Machines cannot be driven by a belt. The distance between the shaft of the motor and the sander drum is too short to make a_ satisfactory Is Accurately Machined I drive on account of the stretching and slipping of a The “American Universal’ is built of interchangeable parts, : A d each part being made and machined accurately to the thousandth ee pa we erartakec oe of an inch. It is an absolute certainty that repair parts will On cee aaa lite 89 aha re fit whenever they may be needed in future work. When you American niversa is % effi- buy an “American” you assure yourself of the benefit of the cient. In other words but 1%, or years of experience of an organization that has made a one cent, of every dollar you pay for specialty of floor surfacing machinery. electric power, is wasted. Low Operating Costs Big Feature * a i i isti és i i oes t of electric Low operating cost is another distinct feature of the ‘American Universa e cos power and garnet paper for a full day’s operation averages less than one dollar—less than the value of the time one floor mechanic wastes during the course of a day resting his weary arms, back and, in fact, entire body when surfacing a floor by hand. F : ey E “The upkeep cost of an “American Universal’ is proportionately low. In its making, the world’s largest exclusive manufacturer of surfacing machines has employed workmanship and materials that enable it to deliver years of low-cost efficiency. It is strong. simple and sturdy. It is easily looked after. The number of parts is surprisingly small. It has no mechanical intricacies. Give it the care and attention you give to your saws and it will prove its worth for years to come. No Expert Operator Needed A turn of the electric switch and it is ready to make contracting’s hardest task the easiest and most economical job. No expert operator needed! The most inexperienced workman can obtain first-class results. The machine does the work, not the man—he merely steers it. Think what this means when floor mechanics are scarce and wages are high! No worry! No loss of time! No sacrifice of profits! With an “American Universal’ at hand one phase of your labor problem is solved for all time to come. Five Day Trial The ‘American Universal’ is its own salesman. It sells itself by its rigid construction, simplicity, perfect workman- ship, and popular price. Every ‘American Universal’ shipped is sold on Five Days’ Trial. You thus have every opportunity to test it on your own work—to prove to your own satisfaction that the testimonials of enthusiastic owners are founded on actual time and money saving facts. Send today for descriptive folder telling you in detail just what the “American Universal” can do for you. You will be placing yourself under no obligation to buy. Do this today. F°fterature, write tor» THE AMERICAN FLOOR SURFACING CO. "6 $¢;, St: Slair St. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 488 Floor Surfacing and Polishing Machines Made by ELECTRIC ROTARY MACHINE CO. 3827-31 W. Lake Street, Chicago, U. S. A. Branch Sales Office: New York City The automatic opera- tion of the machine makes the work very easy and assures bet- ter and faster work. Within half an hour any one of your help- ers will be going along like the best of them. Eleciric Floor Surfacing Here is a machine that is an all-the-year-round money-maker. No building contractor can afford to surface and polish floors by hand when with a FREE. O-DUST Super Surfacer a week’s work can be done in a single day. Floor surfacing and refinishing old floors with one of these machines is a profitable busi- ness in itself—$25 to $40 a day is what other contrac- tors are making. Five Days Free Trial Write for particulars of our free trial offer. This machine is its own best salesman. Nothing that we could say would be half so convincing as standing behind the machine yourself and seeing with your own eyes what it will do. There are no strings to this offer. It will cost you not one cent to give the machine a thorough try-out. After you have seen how easy it is to operate, how fast it works and what beautiful work it does you can return it if you want to— but you won’t! A Week’s Work in One Day Electric Rotary Machine Sandpapering Disc The Electric Ro- tary Machine can be used not only for sanding wood floors when an exceptionally high fin- ish is desired, but also for surfacing and polishing Marble, Terrazzo, ete., waxing . and polishing, scrubbing as ™ ? well as for every other kind of F floor work by simply putting on a different attachment. Our special flexible shaft attach- ment for covebase, wainscoting, sidewalls, stairs, etc., is one of the exclusive features of this time and labor saving machine. 14 Inches in Diameter With the FREE-O-DUST Super Surfacer floor surfacing can easily be handled at the rate of ‘‘a week’s work in one day.’’ In other words, you save the wages of from six to eight men completing your job quicker and at the same time the machine will do much better work than could be done by hand. This machine has a number of exclusive features, among the most important being that every particle of dust is col- lected on the forward movement as well as on the backward movement, and that the machine can be operated right up to the baseboard. The no-dust-feature is of particular importance when resurfacing old floors in buildings that are occupied. Even when surfacing new floors it is, however, a great advantage because it protects the health of the operator by preventing him from inhaling the poisonous sub- stances that often accumulate in wood flooring. It does faster and better work. Easy to operate. Pressure on drum automatic and drum ean be locked to any pressure desired. It will pay for itself on the first few jobs, and is sold on an un- conditional five days free trial. Write for particulars. Gyms For further details ard ELECTRIC ROTARY MACHINE CO., HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 3827-31 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. 489 Improved Schlueter Surfacer and Lincoln Floor Waxer Made By Products: This company manufactures floor surfacing machinery made in various sizes and weights sold on a 5-day Free Trial Offer and under a 5-year guarantee against defect in material and workmanship. Also make electrically driven machines for waxing, clean- ing, scrubbing and polishing floors. The Improved Schlueter Surfacer: This machine is designed to surface any floor new or old of either hard or soft wood, rapidly and easily smoothing down all joints or warped edges. It will remove paint, varnish, shellac, wax, dirt or any substance from old floors and make them look like new. Working Capacity While capacity of machine’ depends largely upon its size and the condition of the floor, the medium size machine will surface—once over—from five to seven thousand square feet in eight hours. : Operation Simply connect to electric current, throw in switch, allow roller or sanding drum to come in contact with floor, hold back on handle allowing machine to travel forward 10 to 15 feet per minute. Operation so simple that any one with- out previous experience is able to turn out a perfect job. Flexible Automatic Roller Roller or sanding drum is a hollow steel cylinder with cast iron heads on both ends. Is mounted on self-aligning ball bearings at each end and has a special spring construction that causes the roller to accommodate itself automatically to the floor surface upon which it is working with exactly the proper amount of pressure, without vibration, thus eliminating waves and chatter marks. This construction is a patented feature and entirely does away with all levers leaving both hands of operator free, assuring perfect con- trol of machine at all times. A thumb screw adjustment is LINCOLN-SCHLUETER MCHY. CO. 224 West Illinois St., Chicago provided when a slightly deeper cut is. desired on one side or for levelling roller with floor. Surfaces Right Up to Quarter Round The Improved Schlueter surfaces up to within a quarter inch of wall or baseboard—if the quarter round is laid the machine will surface right up to it. Side Roller Attachment This roller which is furnished with each machine is handy for getting into hollows and low spots when resurfacing old floors, and may be used on new work in off corners, Vacuum Dust Collectors : All dirt and dust is carried back into a one-piece alumi- num dust pan mounted directly behind the sanding drum. Thig pan is light, yet strong, has no sharp edges and will not bend or clog. i From the pan the powerful suction blower picks up dirt and deposits it in a sack attached to upper end of blower pipe. Motors Special Service Ball Bearing Motors are used, noted for their simplicity of construction and economy in power con- sumption. Shaft is mounted on self-aligning S. K. F. ball bearings; commutator is totally enclosed to exclude all dust —adding to life of brushes and all internal parts. These motors are furnished for either Alternating or Direct current. Silent Chain Drive Genuine Link Belt Silent Chain Drive is used. This well- known chain is as flexible as a belt, cannot slip, its motion is positive under all conditions and action so smooth that there is no vibration. Carrying Handles A set of easily attached carrying handles made of strong tubing are furnished with each machine to permit two men to carry machine from floor to floor. No Extras to Buy With each machine are furnished 25 yards each of fine and coarse sand paper, side roller attachment, carrying handles, wrenches, paper cutting patterns, electric switch, 100 feet of extra heavy, flexible trailing wire, extra repair links for chain drive, bending board and dust sack. Sizes and Weights Size of Roller H. P. of Weight of or Sanding Drum MOTOR Machine S16 7x9" lone al H. P. Motor 185 lbs. 8144"x12” long 1% H. P. Motor 230 lbs. *814/x12” long 2 HH. BP. Motor 250 Ibs. ryote iWay a\tes 2% H. P. Motor 310 lbs. 8144”x18” long 3 H. P. Motor 360 Ibs. *Special for extra heavy duty or continuous service on large areas, Guarantee The Lincoln-Schlueter Machinery Co. guarantees every Improved Schlueter machine against defects in material and workmanship for five years from date of shipment and agrees to replace free of charge any part which may be- come unfit for service, provided the damaged parts are re- turned to the factory at Chicago, Illinois. Lincoln Twin Disc Whirlwind Floor Waxing Machines These motor-driven machines made in five sizes with ball and rolled bearing construction throughout, scrub, polish, clean and wax floors rapidly and well. They will do the work of ten to twenty men and do more uniform work. They use but little electric Cleans current and the small sizes may be WARE attached to any lamp socket. They Polishes are light in weight, compact and so easily operated, they do not require an experienced operator. Operation The two brush dises revolve in opposite directions eliminating the tendency to spin or pull away from operator making machine practically self controlled. All water is carried towards the center, when scrubbing, and there is no waste of wax in waxing floors. Ask Us About _Free trial offer and descriptive literature. Scrubs For further details and i literature, write to: LINCOLN-SCHLUETER MCHY. CO. 224 W. Illinois St. CHICAGO HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 490 Onan “Safty Saw’—Portable + Ee GUARANTEED TO SAVE ITS COST OVER OTHER METHODS Cutting Capacity 2x2 and ixi5”. Larger saws on special order. Extends Use of Power Driven Equipment ONAN “SAFETY SAW” extends the uses of the power driven equipment to even the smallest job where sometimes jobbing of two or three hours is done, and does away almost entirely with the use of the hand saw and its inadequate methods: s, Either Gasoline or Motor Driven made in several sizes. Fitted with either gasoline engine or electric motor. Special start- ing arrangement on gasoline equipment. The electric saw runs from the lighting socket. Cutting All Done by the Production Method No longer should each board be squared and marked by the old method. Set the stop, put the board or stud in place and cut ten where you mark one. No Lumber Dealer’s Special Carrying Lumber Ther oS Aku Yee a SAGs) Cals built in a size which is parti- cularly adapted for use in the lumber yard where the use of a power Saw Saves time. Re- claims lumber, adds to gcod service, a profitable invest- ment! Write for details on this saw. ONAN “SAFETY SAW” Light—Safe—Portable Power Driven Saw for Carpenter Contractors and Lumber Yards Manufactured By D. W. ONAN & SONS 46 Royalston Avenue, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Product The ONAN “SAFETY SAW” is a light, safe, portable and inexpensive saw, power driven, with the necessary capacity for cutting lumber of building dimensions. Namely; that used in construction of dwellings and buildings, on which a power saw was not practical heretofore because of its cost, weight and power disadvantages. Changes Long Established Practice ONAN “SAFETY SAW” changes the long established practice of sawing timber by hand. For construction work on even the smaller building or jobbing, the advantage of working with power equipment needs no com- ment. Your millwork ay pipe pede: it is possible to get high efficiency only ae eauee Machines. ONAN “SAFETY SAW” extends the use of power equip- ment to every cut. Cross Cut, Ripping and Mitering ONAN “SAFETY SAW” is of the bench swing type making it possible to eross cut, rip and miter on the same equipment, by conventional methods. CROSS GULERING. 1s done by swinging. the saw through the material; MITERING by the same plan; and for RIPPING the saw’ arbor is locked at the center of the table, the gauge changed to parallel the blade on the opposite side, and the material is fed to the saw by the regular method, Forming or Rafters, Studs, Etc. All material is cut and formed before being passed to the job. There is no extra handling of material—no waste because all shorts are at the saw—no squaring— your job is square and plumb. Made in Several Sizes ONAN “SAFETY SAW” is furnished in several sizes. Weight of regular “SAFHTY SAW,” for general carpentry work approximately 200 lbs. Can be handled by two men, in and out of trucks, or up and down stairs. For Bridge, Dock or Heavy Mill Work In writing for information, state sizes of lumber to be used. Will handle any size sawing up to 4”x8” or 37x14”. Of same design. Immediate deliveries from stock. For further details and = literature, write to: D. W. ONAN & SONS —ykoraiston Avenue HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 49] Jaeger Portable Woodworker Made by JAEGER PORTABLE MACHINERY COMPANY Woodbridge St. at Rivard, DETROIT, MICH. A Sturdy 15 H. P. Outfit at Lowest Cost Light, yet strongly constructed, it is so suspended from the car that it does not vibrate even at highest speeds —it is completely equipped with saw guard, splitter for ripping, gauge, belt, two high grade saws (10” Rip and 12” Cut-Off). . Length over all 72”; height 40”, length of sliding roller. bearing table, 42”; width, 22”. Weight 175 lbs. Use Your Ford for More than Transportation—Make it Work for You on the Job. It was a builder, facing the keenest kind of com- petition, who first conceived the Jaeger Portable Wood- worker, for he recognized that a Portable Power Saw would give him a big advantage, providing it didn’t represent too much of an investment. For power he used his Ford, eliminating an expensive electric motor or stationary gasoline engine. Then he made the saw rig as light as possible so that it could be easily put on or taken off by one man. As a matter of fact it is not necessary to detach the Woodworker to drive the Ford, so you can move around on the job with the Woodworker ready for instant use. When you quit at night the Woodworker can be detached in a moment and as readily attached Here’s “Ford accessory’ the contractor. another Votor Jaeger Power Take-Off Mixes concrete, operates hoists, or furnishes belt power where required. No alterations to car—no Power is derived direct from crank-shaft, without loss through trans- mission or rear wheels. again the next morning. bolts or screws to bother with. Saves 20% On Framing Costs No argument is needed to convince you that a Power Saw like that illustrated above will enable you to make big savings on any job—20% is a low estimate. One contractor, erecting 40 small frame houses, claims that the Jaeger Portable Woodworker saved him $50 a day. Another, on an apartment house job, did all of the sawing for 60 carpenters with a Jaeger. Does Every Kind of Work Cuts compound angles—rips quickly and easily—cuts studding, joists, rafters, ship-lap, bridging, cornices, ete. One man with a Jaeger Portable Woodworker, can cut enough lumber to keep a large crew of carpenters busy framing. ‘ With this machine you can underbid anyone who sticks to the old, expensive, time-wasting and costly hand methods, and still make bigger profits than you ever made before. . Write Today for Full Information and Name of Nearest Dealer DS ecrature, write to: ~SAEGER PORTABLE MACHINERY CO. “°DitRort, mich. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG STERLING WHEELBARROWS Made By STERLING WHEELBARROW COMPANY MILWAUKEE, WIS. SALES OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES Carried in Stock by Leading Hardware and Supply Companies No. 6A. A general purpose contractors barrow. Standard A. G. C. size for dry material or concrete. ‘Tray is 16 guage re- inforced at top edge with 7” rod. Channel steel legs equipped with shoes. Clear maple handles equipped with steel tips. No. 2 self-lubricating wheel. Width 29”; length 65”, height 25”; weight 72 pounds. Capacity 31% eu. ft. No. 15. Equipped with wheel guard instead of tips. Otherwise the same as 6A above described. No. 7 and 7B. This is the steel handle companion to the No. 6A barrow. It is made in two capacities 3144 and 4 cu.ft. Tray is 16 gauge " reinforced at top with 7” rod. Channel steel legs equipped with shoes. No. 2 self-lubricating wheel. Width Length Height Weight Capacity Ng Ce 20 oe. Gam 2314" ee Bie eu, LE. No. 7B 30” Oa” ae 76 4a cu ft: No. 10A. Mortar and concrete barrow built to A. G. C. standard size and construction. Tray is 16 gauge reinforced at top with =3;” rod. Channel steel legs equipped with steel shoes. Maple handles equipped with steel tips. No. 2 self-lubricating wheel. Width 29”; length 65”; height 27”; weight 76 pounds. Capacity 44% cu. ft. No. 16. Hquipped with wheel guard instead of tips. Otherwise the same as the No. 104 No. 6 Concrete Cart. Strongest construction. The entire tray is made of 12 gauge steel, reinforced at top edge with a continuous 14” rod. The tray steel is crimped over the rod. The handle extends full length of the tray, providing additional rein- forcement to the tray sides. The axle brackets are of malle- able and of extra large and heavy design. Wheels are 42” diameter, equipped with grease cups. Short sturdy legs. Width Length Height Weight Capacity 391%” its 42" 246 Ibs. GRCUIE tte Make Barrows Easier 10 Spoke Wheel Gives Added Strength Riveted Channel Leg Malleable Iron—Greater To Push Extra Rigidity And Service For Strength Protection eg Fer further details and = STERLING WHEELBARROW COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis. literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ee 9 Koehring Gasoline Shovels Manufactured by KOEHRING COMPANY Milwaukee, Wisconsin SALES OFFICES AND AGENCIES Atlanta, Ga........ eee+e Koehring Co. of Ga., N. A. Coulter, 24-26 Stewart Ave. Baltimore, Md........... Thos. M. Brown, 20 Knickerbocker Bldg. ~ Birmingham, Ala....... Herbert Gad, Martin Bldg. Boston, Mass.........+.. Koehring Company, C. R. Dodge, 141 Milk Street. Buffalo, N. Ya........ ..H. B. Trevor Company, 197 Rensselaer Street. Butte, Montana......... Northwest Equip. Co., 14 West Granite Street. Chicago, I|linois......... Koehring Company, G. E. Hillsman, 849 Peoples Gas Bldg. Columbus, Ohio......... W. W. Williams Company, 987 West Goodale Street. Dallas, Texas........... Geo. W. Smith Company, 52! South Akard Street. Des Moines, lowa....... Herman M. Brown Company, 212-216 (2th Street. Denver, Colo............ Wilson Machinery Company, 1936-38 Market Street. Detroit, Michigan....... Good Roads Supply Company, 1409 Ford Building. El Paso, Texas......... Steel Products Corporation. Indianapolis, Ind........ Koehring Co., H. W. Taylor, 1009 Fletcher Trust Bldg. Kansas City, Mo........ Koehring Company, W. E. Hughes, 2045 Main Street. Los Angeles, Cal........ Harron, Rickard & McCone Co., 225 So. San Pedro St. Louisville, Ky........... Roy C. Whayne Supply Company, 608 W. Jefferson St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin... Saglit Co., G. H. Mueller, 6090-92 Plankinton Arcade Minneapolis, Minn....... i herian W. Rosholt Co., 300 Tenth Avenue, South. Naciviile gt ounce, sete .Wilson-Weesner- Wilkinson Co., 108-112 Fatherland St. New Orleans, Koehring Co., Warren C. Shankle, 606 Godchaux Bldg. New Yerk, N. R. E. Brooks Company, W. W. Bucher, 50 Church St. Philadelphia, ...Lee T. Ward Company, 617 Filbert Street. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Geo. W. Ziegler Machinery Co., 528 First Avenue. Portland, Ore........... ““L. A Snow Company, 2! Union Ave., Cor, E. Ash Street, Salt Lake City, Utah....Lund & Company, Dooly Block. San Francisco, Cal....... Reren: Rickard & McCone Co., 139 Townsend Street. Seatle, Wash............ L. A. Snow Company, 1032 Sixth Avenue, South. St.) Louis; (MO.% j.0. 2: oie oe Koehring Co., C. F. Rabbeitt, E-20 Railway Exch. Bldg. Tampa; Plas ees ek eek Koehring Company of Florida, 215 So. Franklin St. Miamt,. Flaes «scree en Koehring Company of Florida, 2127 Northwest Ist Ave. Jacksonville, Fla........ Koehring Company of Florida, 808 West Bay Street. New York, N. Y........ Koehring Company Foreign Dept., 50 Church Street. Toronto, Ont., Canada...Koehring Co. of Canada, Limited, 105 Front St., East Pavers, Mixers, Subgrade Planers, Bar Benders, For Concrete Mixers See Page 485 Gasoline Cranes, Draglines, Shovels, Bar Cutters Koehring No. 1 Shovel 3%4 Yd. Dipper Koehring Heavy Duty Gasoline Shovels In excavation work, digging cellars and basements, the Koehring shovel has proved its profit-making value through better design and heavy duty construe- tion, providing greater adaptability, greater capacity, and longer service life. With short boom and long dipper sticks, it has the advantage of being able to work in close quarters with low head room, yet having long reach and high lift, as the operator can easily crowd the dipper out be- yond and above the end of the boom. In addition to its adaptability to excavation work, the Koehring shovel is powerful and moves easily. The self-cleaning type multiplanes have a large bear- ing surface which provides steady tractive power. Long-run economy results from strict adherence to the policy of building a better machine with the aid of the contractor. Such constant development has brought several distinctive features to the Koehring shovel. Finger-Tip Control Finger-tip control, made possible- by Koehring double equalizing outside band friction clutches, pro- vides operating ease, speed, and an accurate control for the operator, giving him the necessary ‘‘feel’’ of the work. Crowding Action Above and Beyond End of Boom For digging low and loading high, a smooth cable crowding. action enables the operator to crowd the dipper out beyond and above the end of the boom. This action is an entirely separate and independent function, operated at the touch of a lever. The dipper may also be racked in close to the multiplanes. Boom Hoist Frequently in excavation work it is necessary to change the angle of the boom. To accomplish this the operator merely shifts a lever and the boom is raised or lowered to the proper position. Capacities No. 1: %4-yd. dipper, struck measure. Boom length, 19/6”. Dipper sticks, 16’. Speeds: Rotating, 3.5 R. P. M. Traction: 54x1% miles per hour forward and reversee. Power: Four eylinder, 5”x6” Wisconsin gasoline engine, 1000 R. P. M. specially de- signed for gasoline shovel work. Capacities No. 2: 1\%-yd. dipper, struck measure. Boom length, 20’7”. Dipper sticks, 16’. Speeds: Rotating, 3 R. P. M. Traction: 1% and 1% miles per hour forward and reverse. Power: Four cylinder, 534”x7" Wisconsin gasoline engine, 1000 R. P. M. specially de- signed for gasoline shovel work. Crane and Draglines. The same Heavy Duty construction is found ‘in Koehring gasoline cranes and draglines, made in % and 1 yard bucket capacities. Send for specfications catalog. In Excavation Work For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG KOEHRING COMPANY 31st Street and Concordia Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Never before has there been a book for the building contractor like Home Builders Catalog to aid you in selecting the most suitable materials for the homes you build and equipping them with those modern refinements and conveniences that mean so much to your customers. The hundreds of beau- tiful illustrations are of homes actually bwilt. The floor plans are in many cases unique, striking exam- ples of combining the maximum of home comforts with minimum space requirements. The Manufac- turers’ Section is a never-failing source of imnforma- tion and inspiration, containing as it does authentic data on every conceivable kind of building material and home equipment. Hundreds of leading manufacturers have adopted HOME BUILDERS CATALOG as a means of pre- senting the merits of their products to prospective home owners through the building contractor. This great co-operative catalog takes the place of thousands of individual catalogs, giving you in one great refer- ence work every bit of information you need to show your customer each detail of the house you propose to build for him. Backed By Real Service The Plan Service suppled by the HOME BUILD- ERS CATALOG CO. (described on pages 518-520) is complete, comprising working blue-print plans of every house and garage illustrated, together with ma- terial listing guide, and complete specifications and legal contract forms. The use of this service insures accuracy and econ- omy in construction, estimates free from errors, and 2. thoroughly satisfied customer because nothing is left to the imagination. Every detail of his home as it will appear when finished can be shown him in ad- vance in HOME BUILDERS CATALOG. You will find yourself constantly referring to HOME BUILDERS CATALOG and never will you look to it for aid in vain. Homes for the Millions The homes illustrated in HOME BUILDERS CATALOG are the last word in up-to-date style and convenience, yet so perfectly are they designed that not an unnecessary dollar of expense is incurred. The price range is from $3,500 to $15,000, covering the needs of the great middle-class of home builders. Ninety per cent of all the homes built in this country fall within these price limits. Careful attention has been paid to those details of design and construction that give distinction, charm and convenience to the home—such things, for in- stance, as big, bright living rooms with open fire places; conveniently arranged kitchens with built-in features; breakfast nooks, sun parlors; sleeping porches, bed closets for concealed beds, ete. Hundreds of Ideas for Our Home Builders The Manufacturers’ Section of HOME BUILDERS CATALOG is the most comprehensive exhibit of building materials and home equipment ever pre- sented to the Building Contractor in a single volume. A eareful study of this Section will not only give you many new and helpful ideas but will enable you to demonstrate to your customers the advantages of the T gives you in one big volume everything you need HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 495 _ you this difficulty disappears. materials or equipment you propose to incorporate in the homes you build for them. Lend your copy of HOME BUILDERS CATALOG to your customers for an evening or two and they will discover for them- selves many things they will wish you to include in the homes you build for them. As a means of raising the standard of customer appreciation of better homes you can have no more potent aid than HOME BUILDERS CATALOG. A Style Show of Homes Many illustrations of houses in the ever-popular American Colonial and Dutch Colonial styles are in-’ cluded in HOME BUILDERS CATALOG — some strictly authentic, while others show modern modifi- cations of these styles. With this great reference book to aid you you can quickly determine the type of house that will most be satisfactory to your customer. Remember that each house shown has actually been built. All illustrations are from photographs of the completed house, a more convincing presentation than is possible when the customer must imagine how the house will look from the blue.print drawings. Creates Desire for Better Homes The live, wide-awake contractor who uses HOME BUILDERS CATALOG to illustrate to prospective home builders not only the various styles of houses but the particular types of materials he proposes to use in each part of the house will find it easier to arrive at a perfect understanding when his customer is able to visualize what he is going to get for his money. To the average man or woman the construction of a house is somewhat of a mystery, which is why they often buy an old house instead of building a new one for themselves. The old house may not be exactly what they want but, at any rate, it is something tan- gible—they know what they are getting—while they find it difficult to picture to themselves the home you propose to build for them, with nothing but the blue- print plans to illustrate it. But with HOME BUILDERS CATALOG to aid You can show your customer just how the house you propose to build for him will look when finished. You can show him, in the Manufacturers’ Section, every kind of material you propose to use in wall, partition and roof con- struction, flooring, exterior and interior trim, etc., together with the heating plant, hot water supply, bathroom and laundry fixtures, lighting equipment, and built-in conveniences. In short, you can show him, part by part, the house itself. With HOME BUILDERS CATALOG to aid you you ean build more and better homes because it instills confidence in your customers to have every detail of construction made clear to them in advance. How To Use This Book Suppose your customer expresses a preference for frame, brick, hollow tile, conerete block or stucco construction. You turn at once to the Plan Section and show him scores of dif- ferent designs in all of which the type of construction he prefers is used. Then you turn to the Manufacturers’ Section, and here under the proper classifications you find complete information on lumber, brick, hollow tile, concrete blocks, stueco, ete., together with hundreds of illustrations, many of them in color. See Next Page Description of Home Builders Catalog (Cont’d) Nothing short of actually building the house for him will give your customer so clear an idea of how his house will look when completed as a careful study of the Plan Section and Manufacturers’ Section of HOME BUILDERS CATALOG, Changes in Floor Plans The floor plans shown with each photographie illus- tration of the completed house are those that experi- ence has demonstrated to be best suited to that par- ticular type of home. Nevertheless it will sometimes happen that your customer will wish minor changes made. These you can promise him, as the Archi- tectural Department of HOME BUILDERS CATA- LOG is prepared to make such changes in the blue- print plans at nominal cost. Distinctive Designs Look at the illustration of ‘‘The Alta Vista’’ on page 782. Have you ever seen so much style and distinction in a house of plain gable roof construc- tion? You can see from the picture and the floor plans that this is not an expensive house to build but it has a charm and individuality all its own that will make it the most admired house in its neigh- borhood. This is only one of hundreds of similar designs that you will find in HOME BUILDERS CATALOG, each embodying features of designs, construction or interior arrangement that make them different from the ordinary run of houses. It costs no more to build a well designed house than one that is poorly designed, in fact it usually costs less, for in the well designed house every possible saving in labor costs and materials are provided for. Part of the money you save because of better design- ing can be used for the purchase of better materials and you are able to build a house in which first class materials only are used for the same cost, or less, than another contractor charges for a house constructed of inferior materials. Build Reputation Into Your Houses Nothing so increases the business of a building con- tractor as a reputation for building homes of char- acter—homes that are beautiful and distinctive in design and built of nationally known and approved materials. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG gives you in one great reference work the best designs and complete information concerning all classes of the best building materials. A Never-Failing Source of Inspiration ‘‘He builds wisely who builds well,’’ but the home that is suitable for one family is not suitable for an- other, therefore in HOME BUILDERS CATALOG you will find all sizes and types of homes, ranging in cost from $3,500 to $15,000. Each design has some- thing about it that distinguishes it from the ordinary stock-plan house and each has actually been built from the plans we furnish you, so there is no guess work about it. Here in one big volume—too big to be mislaid but not too big to be easily carried with you—you have 525 illustrations and floor plans of homes and garages, frame, brick, stucco, cement block and hollow tile, each designed by a master hand and each with a charm and character of its own. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG In other sections of HOME BUILDERS CATA- LOG are illustrations and descriptions of all the various materials used in the construction of a home, together with hundreds of suggestions for making ita more comfortable place to live in. More practical information and suggestions for the home builder have been packed into the 1,000 pages of HOME BUILDERS CATALOG than were ever be- fore included in a single volume. Just turning the pages at random will give you many an idea for im- proving the homes you build without adding to their cost. The contractor with ideas is the one the home builder likes to do business with and with HOME BUILDERS CATALOG beside you you will never lack for inspiration. A Co-operative Catalog of Building Materials Why burden yourself with a multitude of indi- vidual booklets and catalogs when in this one great reference work of home building construction—the HOME BUILDERS CATALOG—you have every- thing you can find elsewhere and in more convenient form for reference? The arrangement of HOME BUILDERS CATA- LOG in sections, and the complete index of contents enables you to turn instantly to the page containing the information you desire. A careful study of the pages of HOME BUILD ERS CATALOG will reveal many ideas of great prac- tical value—suggestions that you can pass on to your customers and that will result in better and more conveniently arranged homes. An Authoritative Reference Book In the preparation of HOME BUILDERS CATA- LOG we have not. relied upon our own large staff of building experts but have had the co-operation of the leading national associations affiliated with the build- ing industry as well as ‘the helpful assistance of hun- dreds of manufacturers of building materials. We believe, therefore, that HOME BUILDERS CATA- LOG is destined to become the recognized authority among Building Contractors on building construction and materials. To Be Published Annually In order that the latest information regarding con. struction materials and home equipment may be available to the Building Contractor, HOME BUILD- ERS CATALOG will be published annually. The present volume is for the year 1926. The 1927 edition will be larger and will contain many new features. We will appreciate comments on the present volume and suggestions for improvements. Tell us first what you think of the book now before you and how it will help you with your customers. Then, when you have studied each section carefully, tell us how we can make HOME BUILDERS CATA- LOG more helpful to Building Contractors. Every Building Contractor who writes us a letter of appreciation, or helpful suggestion, will receive a copy of the 1927 edition of HOME BUILDERS CATALOG. Home Builders Catalog Co. 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago BISHOPRIC INTER-LOCKING BASE FOR STUCCO OR PLASTER Made by THE BISHOPRIC MANUFACTURING CO CINCINNATI, OHIO Products Bishopric Stucco (described on next page), Bishopric Stucco Base and Plaster Base (described on this page) and Bishopric Sunfast Finish for stucco walls (described on next page). An Insulating Re-Inforcement, Especially Designed for Stucco Work Bishopric Base (or “Bishopric Board” as it is sometimes called) is designed especially for stucco work. It has been tested in thousands of buildings for a quarter of a century and is specified by leading architects and used by builders everywhere. Eminent Architect Uses Bishopric Base for his Own Buildings When an architect who stands at the top of his profession uses a building material in his own buildings you may safely follow his example. Ernest Flagg, architect of the Singer Building, New York ; the Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C.; and many other notable edifices, illustrates in his book “Small Houses,” a number of model homes he is erecting on his estate on Staten Island, New York. Among these are several half-timbered houses and on the plans “Bishopric” is indicated as a base for the stucco fill between the timbers. SVSHOPRIC WATER= PROOF FIBRE BOARD ASPHALT MASTIC DOVETAIL LOCK BISHOPRIC sTUCCO BISHOPRIC INTER-LOCKING BASE AS IT APPEARS ON THE WALL. Bishopric Stucco being applied over it. Bishopric Interlocking Base Bishopric Base is the ideal foundation or backing for stucco work. It is a combination of building paper, sheathing, and insulation, none of which is required when Bishopric Base is used. It is made by heavily coating a fibre board with asphalt mastic and then pressing into the asphalt while still hot, evenly spaced, beveled wood bars. When nailed to the stads it forms a strong, rigid support for the stucco which keys per- fectly between the wood bars. Economical to Use Both in first cost and in the cost of labor for apply- ing Bishopric Base is decidedly economical. As already pointed out it takes the place of building paper, insu- lating material and sheathing, or lath, and is easily and quickly nailed in place since it comes in long rolls, giving the maximum of coverage with a minimum amount of labor. ‘There is no waste. Stronger than Lumber Sheathing Bishopric Base has been frequently tested for strength in comparison with lumber sheathing—at Yale Uni- versity by Professor Shepard, at New York City, Chi- cago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Louisville, and Mem- phis, by municipal officials, and elsewhere—and always with the same result; it is stronger, from 2 to 4 times stronger, than well con- * structed lumber sheathing. We shall be glad to send you detailed reports of these tests on request. BISHOPRIC BASE \ Dhe insulating REINFORCEMENT FOR EVERY STUCCO OR PLASTER WALL Bishopric Interlocking Base Is Elastic Owing to the manner in which it is constructed Bishopric Base, while bracing the frame of the building to which it is applied is yet suf- ficiently elastic to take up founda- tion settlements and shrinkage of lumber in the frame of the building, thus relieving the stucco of these strains and preventing cracking. The spaces between the wood bars are accurately spaced to provide the proper key for the stucco and to insure a base coat of the right thick- ness. The fiber board and asphalt mastic provide insulation and damp- proofing and Bishopric Base possesses also sounding-deadening qualities to a high degree. BISHOPRIC IN - TER - LOCKING BASE is shipped in rolls like this 100 square feet to the roll. Bishopric Interlocking Plaster Base This is similar in construction to Bishopric Stucco Base but is designed for use on inside walls instead of exterior walls. It has all of the desirable qualities of Bishopric Stucco Base and effects a decided saving in the amount of plaster used as compared with wood lath, metal lath or hollow tile. The following figures, based on reports of leading plaster manufacturers tell the story: NUMBER OF POUNDS OF WooD FIBER PLASTER REQUIRED COVER 100 SQUARE YARDS OF WALL SURFACE On wood lath . . 1400 to 1700 lbs. On metal lath . . 1800 to 2000 lbs. On hollow tile . . 2200 to 2700 Ibs. On bishopric base.1050 to 1275 lbs. I | "fiterature, write tos) 1 HE BISHOPRIC MANUFACTURING CO., Cincinnati, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page Bishopric Stucco and Sunfast Finish Made by THE BISHOPRIC MANUFACTURING CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO The color diagram below shows the twelve Residence of John Christensen, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bishopric Stucco and Ivoril Cream attractive tints of Bishopric Sunfast Fin- Sunfast Finish over Bishopric Base. Richardson Roof of Opal Super-Giant Shingles, ish. One of pee page bse . ee tones can be selected to blend artistically with the general color design of any BISHOPRIC STUCCO building. = Bishopric Stucco is a super-stucco with surplus strength which provides durability and protection to every building—Fire-proof, Weather-proof, Insulat- ing—it is built to endure. Oldil vex eae SUNFAST FINISH A BISHOPRIC SUNFAST FINISH is the special, color stucco finish in a complete range of beautiful colors that transforms any house of stucco, stone, concrete or brick. It can be applied over Bishopric Stucco in any stipple, a et spatter-dash, rough-cast, hand palmed or special trowel finish. Spine: Dah se erces Sunfast Finish fulfills the dream of the house beautiful. It is weather- a fe , proof and permanent. Bishopric Stucco and Sunfast Finish save Time and Labor because there is nothing to add but water on the job. There is no special mixing required, and Sienna Buf = —«Granistone Gray the application is simple. = patter- Dash Maney Glos CONVENIENT PACKAGE Bishopric Stucco and Sunfast Finish DO NOT contain weaken- ing fillers and are GUARANTEED a pure super-stucco mix of Sn witracae maximum strength, density and water-resistance. Sa Se lost ee Bishopric Stucco and Bishopric Sunfast Finish are shipped in a nae : air-tight metal drums, keeping the product as fresh as the day it was made. This modern, up-to-date package eliminates loss from setting up, either in transit, warehouse or on the job. ‘Spanish Buff Float Circassian Brown Tron Coen Rough-Cast Spatter-Dash See Other Side For THE DRUM BISHOPRIC-BASE ==. ish packed in ee | Sh ‘he insulating REINFORCEMENT ees Deiat Rough-Cas FOR EVERY STUCCO OR PLASTER WALL pee Gm For futher details 274 6 THE BISHOPRIC MANUFACTURING CO., Cincinnati, Ohio HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 498 Richardson Multicrome Roofs Manufactured by THE RICHARDSON COMPANY Lockland, (Cincinnati) Ohio Chicago; New Orleans; Atlanta; Dallas; 250 W. 57th St., New York City; 63 Albany St., Cambridge (Boston) West Coast Distributor: Zellerbach Paper Company, San Francisco Products: Richardson Multicrome Roofs (built of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles); Lok-Top Asphalt Shingles; Viskalt Membrane Roofs; Rubbertex Roll Roofings; Flex-a-tile Style-4 Slab Shingles; Individual Shingles; Smooth and Slate-Surfaced Roll Roofing; and a com- plete line of Viskalt Paints, Cements and Coatings. The Roof In Color Harmony. Complete’ harmony of color, outside as well as in. the modern note in home decoration. True, the roof of a home must give protection against the elements. It must last. But as a prominent architectural feature of the house, it should also add to its beauty. Indeed, in a wise choice of roof, body and trim color lies your greatest opportunity to make beautiful the home you build. Realizing this, Richardson now offers you twelve distinctive roof colorings—many of them wholly new. In the slate surfacing of Richardson Multicrome Roofs, a rich variety of color has been created, hitherto approximated only in much more expensive types of roofs. In the panel below is given a complete list of the basic Richardson colors. Eight of them are shown on the other side of this page, together with a chart suggesting a few of the combinations in house trim, body and roof color which authorities especially recommend. That’s The Nine Basic Richardson Colors Weathered Brown Antique Brown Jade Green Gray Green Tile Red Dull Red Dusk Blue Heather Purple Black Pearl Three Exclusive Blends Opal—a beautiful ming- ling of weathered brown and gray green. Bronze Mosaic—an un- studied mixture of weathered brown and old red. Duotone Brown—a com- bination of two rich tones, antique brown and weathered brown. To Help You Choose. To help you choose the right roof for the right house, Richardson has prepared an authoritative booklet What Color tor the Roof? In it, there is page after page of beautiful homes in dif- ferent architectural styles, all in color to show the most tasteful effects in body, trim and roof combinations. Interestingly explained, too, are the principles of all good color schemes. And with the Richardson Harmonizer which it contains you can see the complete effect of 54 different roof and house combinations. The price of the book and harmonizer is 25ce. today, for your copy. 50% Thicker Than the Ordinary Roof. The Multicrome Roof is built of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles—extra large, extra heavy. Its 50% greater thickness adds years of endurance. Its base is sturdy, long-fibre Richard- son felt. Its waterproofing is Viskalt—99.8% pure bitumen, especially vacuum-processed. Its surface is slate in close, over- lapping flakes—further protection against weather and fire hazards. This roof gives the maximum value at a moderate price. It is’ economical to lay and equally good for new or over- the-old-roof jobs. The Multicrome Thatch. This new Richardson roof, with its blended tones of weath- ered brown and dull red suggests the mellow English downs in every curve. It is an easy roof to apply, too. No expensive cutting or trimming is necessary to secure the realistic thatch effect. It comes in convenient sections, ready to lay. Write us, A Richardson Multicrome Roof in Antique Brown shown on a house of cream Bishopric Stucco on Bishopric Base La eee ee ee ree eee eee ————e—__eeE,ee ee = For further details and literature, write to: HOME BUILDERS CATALOG THE RICHARDSON COMPANY Lockland, (Cincinnati) 10 See Next Page 499 ( Continued) " a te) Arn Jade Green Gray Green Is Also a Basic Richardson Color TRIM COLOR Weathered Brown 50% Opal * * oWVPp Pee * Duotone Brown * es e 50% Dusk Blue t oles re aoe ie 75% Dusk Bl Duotone Brown * SPREEST hee OD Jade Green ope t ue Bronze Mosaic * 25% Black Pearl Onyx * 25% Opal 50% Opal | 25% Heather Purple 50% Duotone Brown t 50% Bronze Mosaic Duotone Brown* 50% Heather Purple 50% Duotone ae 50% Ont Weathered Brown Opal * 50% Duotone Bronn Opal * Weathered Brown Onyx * Tapestry Tan * Jade Green 25% Opal 25% Opal Tapestry Tan * 25% Heather Purple 25% Heather Purple 50% Duotone Brown Duotone Brown * Tapestry Tan * 50% Heather Purple | 50% Opal | 50% Dull Reds 50% Duotone Brown) | 50% Opal | 50% Opal \ 50% Dusk Blue 50% Opal 25% Opal 50% Dusk Blue 50% Dusk Blue 75% Dusk Blue t 50% Duotone pee 25% Heather Purple ) | 50% Opal \ 75% Dusk Blue t 25% Black Pearl 50% Heather Purple Opal * 50% Heather Purples | 25% Black Pearl Tapestry Tan * 50% Dull Red & * 50% Antique Brown 25% Tile Red Onyx Onyx 25% Heather Purple Opal * Tapestry Tan * Bronze Mosaic * Tapestry Tan * Opal * 25% Dull Red 25% Heather Purple *These roofs are formed of the following shingle combinations: Opal Bronze Mosaic Duotone Brown Tapestry Tan Onyx 10% Weathered Brown 10% Weathered Brown 10% Weathered Brown 50% Weathered Brown 50% Jade Green 10% Gray Green 10% Dull Red 10% Antique Brown 25% Opal 25% Opal 80% Opal 80% Bronze Mosaic 80% Duotone Brown 25% Bronze Mosaic 25% Bronze Mosaic Opal, Bronze Mosaic and Duotone Brown roofs come mixed in the bundle— ready to lay. GF Sierature, wiite tc THE RICHARDSON COMPANY = °*?"5 6976772? HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 500 A PRACTICAL PLAN SERVICE ‘The Plan Service available in connection with Home Builders Catalog is the most comprehensive and prac- tical ever devised for the benefit of building contractors. Every one of the 696 plans of frame, brick, brick veneer, tile and stucco houses and garages illustrated in this great reference work of home building construction has actually been built. You can show your customer in Home Builders Catalog an illustration of his home as it will appear when finished—made from a photograph —the house, itself, surrounded by trees, lawn and flowers. This is what home builders want—photo- graphic illustrations, not imaginary drawings of what you propose to build for them. We maintain a large force of architectural designers, engineers and estimators, all men of long experience and proven ability. Our homes are thoroughly modern in every particular, yet designed with a practical knowledge of building materials and construction methods that enable the contractor to keep the price within limits that the average home builder can afford. Home Builders Catalog is published by the same men who for 12 years have conducted the Architectural & Publicity Bureau—the Bureau whose plan service is used by eleven of the leading Retail Lumber Associations of America. Because of our long experience in this line of work, our large and capable staff of building experts, and the great volume of business we do, we are able to produce and furnish blue-print plans, specifications, material lists, ete., of higher quality and at a lower price than any other concern. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG is our latest and most effective aid to building contractors—a book that will enable you to build more and better homes. This book illustrates the largest assortment of original and modern home designs yet published, and we believe will completely answer the individual needs of every enterprising and up-to-date builder. All plans were selected for their distinctive architectural merits and adaptability to the modern trend in home design and construction. The illustrations include about: 225 Homes of All Frame Construction. 125 Homes of Brick Construction. 125 Homes with Stucco Outside Walls. 51 Garages of Popular Type. together with additional plans of homes, illustrated with plans for designing with and without basements, totaling 696 different plans. Detailed Blue-Print Working Plans The blue-prints for each home or garage include all elevations, floor plans, sections and details necessary to enable the contractor to erect with a clear understanding and show all dimensions and notations, leaving nothing to guess work, thus saving much time and labor also insuring against errors. Classified Guide for Listing Quantity of Materials This includes 16 pages, made up in systematic form that enables the contractor to take off accurately and quickly, quantities of materials without danger of omitting important items. Specifications and Blank Contract Forms With each set of plans are also furnished, Specifications and Contract forms. The Specifications enable the contractor to erect building in a manner satisfactory to the owner and state clearly all essential terms of the agreement between owner and contractor, thus helping to prevent misunderstandings and disputes. The Contract Forms give legality to the agreement set forth in the Specifications. Plans Altered to Suit Home Owner We maintain a Service Department for the purpose of co-operating with the contractor in altering blue-print plans to conform to the wishes of his customers. Our charge for such alterations is very reasonable. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG ai le) See Next Page 2 Z. < —| oe e Z y, os O 5 = Z oe oo in 3s — ea Say O Z. ia 2 O ea) oe N ILLUSTRATION IS ABOUT ¥% ACTUAL SIZE Sorts 4 1S' Beret wae SSG SECTION AT ‘A-al |' Scare Co nau dlpcasrele 2¢@n3'\c" = 4 ja A 2 H f MMs Ie 9 4x8 pees ‘etna datas = —— CEnant STEP Sores dierent WALL SECTION FRONT ELEVATION axltigioc 2no Fioer Joists SecTION at ‘cc! \Scace. PS 7 Sulvet ns Slexposvee —— I \omg 2m ih Getheal| Nerd .- ancas roe Dt one dactae sash | =n + ea Vp pibaveeued RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION *THESSAPEYN Sz. | DRIVATE PLANS Orr SWEET £.-, TOTAL SWEETS: &:. TO FOOT. A STANDARD SCALE OF %-INCH 1 OF THE COMPLETE THREE-SHEET SET OF PLANS. LANS ARE MADE TO sar ABOVE IS SHEET NO. ALL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR P NOTE: SPECIMEN OF BLUE PRINT WORKING PLANS ILLUSTRATION IS ABOUT % ACTUAL SIZE SW ieee [Pseare * DETAIL OF FIREPLACE - a YM teuno SeerioW SECTION OF Boowcase "THE ALLYNS” ORIVATE PLANS “oe? Soper 2 ae PMT AL e SURE TS; eS NOOK DETAILS CE'LING IN NOOK —— Miwa Room 4 Noo FAUAT Hilo Moan Tole) f Boot case jae REAR ELEVATION CospretSee pipe LEFT SIDE ELEVATION pavornseel eazy fa ABOVE IS SHEET NO. 2 OF THE COMPLETE THREE-SHEET SET OF PLANS. NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS ARE M ADE TO A STANDARD SCALE OF %4-INCH TO FOOT. 515 € SLa9NS Wiol- ¢ 193N¢ sox SNVId J1VAIUd (UNAS oa re | F %,-INCH TO FOOT. -aqwog, Y : =siweg VY, , “aves Vf NV1d YOO1d GNODIS 4 NV1id Wools LSul4 _ NVid LNIWASVa MOTES 3NI7 — oniatng SWOSNYSL ZTIAG 7€ HLIM MO13Q _~ Pes Tel a1s'UL, 3'b 95 ,OIxz Serer “ONT oss ® -yoord = BlavdO7,<€ HCINId INaW3> -SHEET SET OF PLANS. N= a < Liana wv ch. ware Miivao novi] Lwonowm : ae ONIAF rwhiiee + Sap aby E + —Ia si, ¥ % Gy G Q 133 ZA WLAN PA RNS by 3 Wl TIN NI a nOGW 7 Wx Ox raeg tede a SAWUL BLBBINGD yOIx yOT AUAGWVHD © \ He th Te Hes : AYaNov aiavows L3anigvo-a ‘ 2 ‘ is : aye i = - 0. NIG@VD-‘d3 9 |L q =%\! Nee im a ra WSs St Ree a! 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ILLUSTRATION IS ABOUT % ACTUAL SIZE ianino BNonasta1 | by | | ka HOvae Taw [Oi] = WIwyosenvus | 2] Z, < — Pos og Z , 0s S 3 = Z. oe Ba eal = ml oe oe) ° Z. ia = So) rs a nN ka ABOVE IS SHEET NO. 3 OF THE COMPLETE THREE ALL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS ARE M ADE TO A STANDARD SCALE O NOTE: MATERIAL LISTING GUIDE Reduced Facsimile of Material Listing Guide Artal Size: 81x14 inches 16 Pages to Each Listing Guide MATERIAL One complete listing guide of materialsk—16 pages. This list is divided into sections covering foundation LISTING GUIDE material, lumber, millwork, roofing, flooring, plaster, paint, hardware, etc. Nothing omitted. If you use this list you will be sure that every essential item of material is included in your estimate. Saves hours of time and prevents costly omissions. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 517 SPECIFICATIONS REDUCED FACSIMILE of Specifications 8 8, eh went. Actual Sizes: 8!4x14 inches ee 24 pages to Each Specification EXACTING Nothing is so likely to prevent misunderstanding as a full and complete statement of what you propose to SPECIFICATIONS furnish. These specifications have been prepared by experienced architects and builders and cover each house illustrated in HOME BUILDERS CATALOG. Everything is set down in black and white—nothing is left to the imagination. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG See Next Page 518 BUILDING CONTRACTS REDUCED FACSIMILE OF BUILDING CONTRACT /// — ia Actual Size: 3 814x14 inches : oe ee Two of these a ee Sphinn PRO igs Onn ae ee = contract forms SAS Plan ve ang Oe fi i OLR eee : Pia ay ed) Pe ria Oly, co aan eae a with every two Pense 5, efor, Pecig Mt m es < : th rh - Cat; ate, la 6 t ial Oe ee ee ne sets of Blue- Print Working Plans. tee, ae oa oe Sic ae re, BUILDING Two blank, legal contract forms to be si ildi v t fe gned by building contractor and owner. Thi t t CONTRACT with the man you are building for on a sound, legal basis and saves lawyer’s fee for beeing ieee arn HOME BUILDERS CATALOG 519 Design Page | Design Page | Design Page | Design Page | Design Page| Design Page ABTONGs aio leeerel SS WA lbanyieae eke 605] Altapass ....... GaJeiPApalonaimes nei tierene 00 |p wrt e xammretetens ratenaiete 833)| Avera ...cre distye O90 Abanda® nin. Sank 771 | Albermarle ..... 63 2, VAltarionsen rie 82Z6'|Apolloy a.) Ce 2AM Arthyde’. sis. sere 738| Averett ........ 923 Abbey ger screens 804 | Alberhill ..... 7 SO AltalVistaaear sie. 782 | Apperson ...... S93NTArtlandiere sis oe 611°] Averill” 3 je 543 Abbottiern sneer DIZ) Abertay emits + 947] Altecrest ....... 895] Appleton ....... 53 OW WATtOIS Bete cle ieee 734 | Avers "sitsace nits EG Abel” Sih. Scurce sis 840] Alberton ....... 577] Altenwald ...... 899 | Appomattox .... 662|Arvada ........ 604| Avesta ......-- 916 Abercorna jan: D2 \WAI bia: mere ceaccte relate De OalLAltera erence: arts 820 Apponauge cies 002) |"Arvelscyeme ai tctate 533.) Avignon ieniweiiemeoes Aberdeen ...... TOBNAIbION owe see 680] Althorpe ....... 746 | Apsley ).\..5...+ 245 |/Arvonia ......s-) 976) |/ Avital 822 Aberdour ©. om sor 785) "Albrecht \.2e es. 0058) Altoga sec. + 963)| Aquadales.)... ee Od 7aleArundel ese. cre =» 612 | ‘Avoca seeeeE eee Aberfoyle ....-. 7 OAME A bumaee cette cies PIN INCI, Soin oO Oe Joa Aquasco man snil: 988] Asbury ..... soe 731 P Avoneeeeeiets soe D4 Abernathy, woos 648 | Alburgh ....... OSiWAltoonaleri erie. 907 | Aquetong ...... 986|Ashaway ....... 670] Avondale ...... 920 Abigail. cc sstrs 564] Alburnett ...... 674] Altro ......... . 992] Aragon ........ 659] Ashbourne ..... 938] Avonmore ...... 885 Abilat @esecne a 575 | Alby ...es000e06 910] Altura ........- 830] Arapahoe .....: 869] Ashby —....0..0- 623) Acjepe eeeeerenneZiOS Abilene ........ NOUN | cAteadewycrcccas a0 CHIN Ray od 5 Sateen cms 897 | Arbala ..00.+2- 610:] Ashcroft 2.45... 579 | oAsctell a neerenere rem aene: Abington 546] Alcester ....+-- 791] Alvadore ...... 844] Arbella .....2.. .694|)/Asherton <...... 520 || Ay denmeemmiereen ue A bine teee.cre ketene 942 Alcino ..... elaen 20s Alvaradomer. cari 797| Arboga ).¢...-- 994| Ashford ...30.. 5 917 | Avdlettmmeeernnn 1013 AGcomacmartic rit SWAN ION ere ns le Si eo C S828) Alvena -oecges ons 2e4 |; Arboles sem enirsten 20) AShtork mineercster 561] Ayers ..2...... 789 INAS CoS Byte Oc 781 | Alcomdale ...... 574] Alverda ....... 638| Arbor ......... 798|Ashippun ...... 982] Aylesbury ...... 523 Accotink ...... 9 Dia | PAI Conyaiteneelers oie COU Alvernom.imictersicle: 786] Arborg. .....5.- 593 | Ashkum 22.3... 697 |9Aviestord aero Achillesy sein oc 139 | Alcova, 2.2. wees 202)| Alyerton® ceases) 20 Arborhill » vaca 10090 Ash lancer reremtars 939 | Aylmer Ackley ~.....5.- A dids\ Aldeno ests sietrete G69) Alviral ei erecen 661 | Arbutus ......- 865\|Ashmont ....... 7/95 |S Avlorsaeeen erent Ackworth ,..... 934] Alderdale ...... 937) AlVisi . 6 spokes 724 | Arcadia ....... 647] Ashtabula ...... 843] Aynor ......--. 803 Acmar ........-1005]| Aldergrove ..... 834 | Alviston ....... 978] Arcanum ....... 996] Ashtola ........ 941] Ayrshire Reo Ye NairemeeniomOSNeAlderly apenas +02 Alvord’ acces 668 | Arch oo dsc cece 966 |Ashton™ 6.05 noe ee OZiAta ta ASE BOS A Comameertnerctsite 1001 | Alderson ..... ao Olli za dawn ern «eee 651-1 Archbold ......° 993.|] Ashuelot .....2. GO) | Avilda sees one S Acora eee ee se 683 | Aldersyde ...... 940] Amabile ....... 831] \Archcliff ...... 9041 Ashurst ......-. 666] Azteck ....... .. 896 AWcornucn detains O68 INP Aldinesmie eieeet: 909 Amadomen cet see 983 | Archer .....-..- 949| Ashville ....... 637] Azurea ee EB 2 Acquaviva ..... 866] Aldon ..... oy et OS) |Amadore ms antes 613] Archive ........ 965] Askew ......... 964] Chatauqua ..... 749 ACreS: cients male 52 5n Aldrich) = aeenerotoe 539 Ama consents 621] Archuleta ...... 714|Askin ........... 883]! Mankato ....... 747 Actone agierstas ss D5 2ilAlecdaueenestecrenenite 67:25\-Amaleamneer SORA, Sate ASOtIN seasizoun sees 655:|\ Miamimeue ee Adaburg) seed. LO2i Alembicue. scene) 9 40): Amalti spss on 5 Aspermont ..... 806] Mineola ........ 749 Adairs tte es fo, DAT | Alenases asses - 620] Amaranth Aspetuckoi-.. 690] Oconto. ....<.-- 148 Adakow ace. 730] Alert .......... 682 | Amaroda x Aspgrove ...... 878| Onondago .....- 750 Adalantom sone ecco ANlesiam sciatic erm OO cal sATn ber mrentnnnenns ees Aspinwall .:.%.. 692 |SOwascomeae a7. Adam ven cicnete ee otleA lex eee tte etree OF 2a) Amber sae are i Assumption .... 957] Pewaukee ...... 750 Adamant). ..2 02: 597 | Alexander ...... 633 | Amberley Assunta) i. setae 859 | Sarandcme eter Adamsburg =... 591 | Alford 2.2: sho SEIU aero, 5 yo Assyria. .......: 974i Saratoga. eee aae Addington ..... 903 | Algansee ....... ITI Amboyanee seine E Ast6r’ saeseee ee - 908] Shawano ....... 748 Addisons acerict. 626)\WAl Ser ean. fone see o a tAmmbridcemenn eres 540|Ardoch ....... . 951] Atchinson ..... . 956] Winnebago ..... 749 ‘Adela. aeecir S6SNieAlgeritam neon 827 | Ambrose ...... +» 998] Ardsley «a. ascend /O pAtCounee ne enienens 695 Adelaida ....... 719 WAlgernon ei oe 701 | Amedee ........ 838 | Argenta ..... ... 756|Athalmler ...... 700 Adelino mnt tits 673 l;Aleoaaeciee cs sussre 549] America ...... a OD 2 || Areommiie tesieees .1875))) Athens = eenieee . 808 GARAGES Adelphi es sere pte 133) \;Aleonquine.). sn 6 UsltAmesh apenas 132:) Argolis | fee~ o. «ont 44 |) Atherleyee joerc 935 Adena 4 onic si +, 999) Alhambra, ......)/616 (Amethyst 2.7.... 202 |/Aregonia | joec 39 ei; Atnertonien tnt 802°) Buick). a. ee Oe Adernaunt OLA PAliciaweerye dareteits 985 | Amherst ..-- 679] Argonne ....... 536| Athlone .......4. 242)| Cadillacmae ssemrOon Ad gerne sts )sioseae 710] Alinda ..... a ares) LON DI Amigomere ty eerie DLO \WAT Sosy. faeces stunt 220; Athol mcr « +o’ 0861) ‘Casen ta ctenestrereree shoe Adial Veit vate G2 7altAlita keen cuts one ee SLOitAmiotmaenraeiane BZ3eWArousmmeee te cre 761 | Atkins ......... 634] Chandler .......1021 Adirondack ..... 602.) Alkabo ........s TASS | FAmminetaaeeeeene: G29 WAreylem nic. Soo a JoAtlanta sects oa 229) "Chéevroletat. shies 1017 Adler Wei-renier ---. 396] Allaird ..... tel spe 2,0 Oi PANTIE Vamrereverel etoile BBS iAricttawee, somes niee 856| Atlanthus ...... 712] Chrysler .......1022 Admaston ...... 7.0 7a\ Allaire memset: 558: Ammirata 9...) ..6 821 |\"Ariolen a yeast Od 4a Atlantic mente cen SO2N Cleveland mean elo lo Admirals crete. ZOONWAT aismmiee ene ee Ose Ammon freee ee 6285|-Arion (eee oe 569 | Atlas... 02. 0 ose) UGS Cole merit rae Nee L025 Adolphus sci 886 | Allamoore ...... 813 | Amorosa ....... Columbia’ =neee el O27 Adona® saictors ace Allan ee ten ster erctecs 1/93" \"Amsdene neers Cunningham ....1025 Adoniram Allanwood ..... 925 | Amsterdam Dodge >... som 1016 Adstock Allbrookirs qe eeD 4 On Am ston ae eee ahaa Dort: Jeska 1028 Advance Alledonia ...... 724) | Amuletiere asec SL Arizona. 660 | -Atterclift (same 586 | Duesenberg ..... 1025 Aetna™ cx. awe Allegan 2o.. 50 = SO6n Arr ab eller meermeenete 740 |Arkalon 222)... - » 709.) Attica eo. cperren oo Fee bene Meeranenenn reieaene 1021 Afton. shes Alle canyaanene 945 | Anaconda ...... 663 | Arkansas ...... 656 | Attila. ...s..0. 5, 650) 'ssex een eee Agate ..... woe Allenburg ...... 891 | Anamosa ...... 635 hArikdell) bee . 122:| Attleboro §22 0.5) 225 |) Eline meee .1029 Agawam Allene.” fou. «\ Ancaster! .« sac. 948 | Arkinda .:..+0.. 739 | Atwell '...2-.005 970)|ebranklinwergerell0z> Agerton = .n-0e. 770)| Alliance =... 00020 | Anchor) a. .oe ee 1003 | Arkley ...,....+ 796 | Atwood >... 02... 57 2@Grayywen ees 1017 Agcincourte soo 767)| Allinton —-= .. 799 NeAncdinguen ne trier 8820 \"Arkomane fate 963 | Auberry ~..;0+.> 2020) sludsonwee ae a hOZS A SNOSe .oe cisieie sche go ALHSone ere aie DI 0pAndovers anette 902] Arkwright ..... 599|Aubigny ....... 960] Hupmobile ..... 1030 Agora (ics dweese 7 GieAllister meme seer 639) "Andrew eee eenr 64.0) Arleyarmeeet 36) Auburn nee -«« 566) Jewett Sern OS ANSOSt AMS cra ctetcien: 583 | Alloway ....... 737 WANG tiara 7ZOSUAring went eee 551] Auburndale 5.2. . /55)|) Jordanse. eter 1028 VERE mutta ool tS 855 | Allsboro -....... 589} Angerona ...... 864))(Arlington...eue 9222); Aucillawe a iesiear 812° |; Kissel escent 1026 PAEATIEL stig n Ao o O GOAT ys een ister 9007"Angiola i. creer 815'|Arlomont 2.2... 766)\"Audley ip. scence 585 | La Fayette .....1022 Aguinaldo ...... 890} Almagro .....-.. 595 Anelaizese sot nl O225|s Aria ae ere 618 | Auduboni veces 721 |) Gincoln a pean 1032 Ahearn) i605 8s. 991|Almena ..... de 2 Onl Ancora mea ieee 987 |Armadall. sccm 584 | Augusta ....... 867 | Locomobile .....1030 Aiken's... tian 652) |\"Alimeriageney eee 896) Anitam® pincer 1009 | Armadale ...... 846|Aulander ....... 570 | ‘(Marmon™ a4 snk 1027 ANI Stoneieieiecs cs ots 927 |'Almond fae -rece 124 An Onnmeeees sie we O22 Armand @,neemeran 644 | Aulich ......... 944] Maxwell ...... O20 Aimwelly “0.5.0 1008:| Almonte) ....... 926)|Ankerton))...... 527 Amica mercies 839 | Aultman .......1010)) MceParlan 9... ose Ainger? 32.46 33. 10139) Almora 25. 9... 0. 605 [Anna Leera-me 884] Armington ..... 887 >| Aurantia #52 oe . 871 | Mercers oe. ese les Ainsworth ...... 639 | Almota ........ 723 | Annandale <:.:.- 906) Armintomesnente 845] Aurélia ..... wee 228 | Moone eer oereo ca AITOnIG una. soci ae 698 sAlmy rae en Oo Sav A nnapolis a ieee 580)|/Armistad se. sani) O22 Aurelle = =sontae mee 980 | Nash, see Airmont 2 ones: 646 | Aloma ..... fae OF 18) "Anns Arbors, ae D3 |\Armitagel secs 892) Aurey” .....002. J4l | Oaklanditg ne 1023 Ajax Gt. vieacieris 685 | Alonsa ..... seo (Ou ATmawallt memmeuenen 684 | Armorel 552. 4-5 1007 | Aurich ......... 534| Oldsmobile =... 1028 Akely 0s vate 582) (Alpena sane 1014] Anniston ...... Chey Wewantebte Sa dcnnas 522 | Auricula. ....... 618)|"Overland= nee oeu A Krom sts. a ceemare B7ivVvAlphaa, «otc SS leit Annonags sees OA PArmisweareven: ters 836 | Aurilla .....).... 8073] Packard eos Akutan? hws aes 961 | Alphaba® 4e.u ne O2iIc\"Anoka wee oe a...» 553.| Armstead ...... 792:| Aurora, Si. ....0 794) |ebatge mieten Oe Alabama. «cee 720} Alpine ......... 894] Ansiosa ........ 870] Armstrong ..... 937 | Ausable ........ 810] Peerless .......1024 Aladdin aaeuc: 524 Alpoca «25.6 one O49 l:Ansleyiis ssc OD) WATNAUG Mearns: 631] Austin ......... 538] Pierce Arrow....1026 Alaga = oweie. eee 800:| Alport 2c. .cee O89 Anteloper cs. soe C4 ouATnold ate .. 531) Australia ....... 919 €0° Li ade ems . 1016 Alameda ....... 6765\vAlp same te cre Hottie e001 -Anthorn yarn (wP Weal MGab boced 953 |Auter .........- 879| Rickenbacker ...1029 Alamode ....... 829 Alsatia ai. 85 7 VAntigon rs mre 954 | Aromas .....2.. 858 |})Autney ©.3..2:... 220 1n Ota Tt eEpereeenS ss O20 Alamotatiencne caso4 | Alseamsemir orien: e044: tAntrochwerseminrs cs 862|Aroya ..... .... 989]/Autumn ........ 588] Stearns Knight. .1024 Alanreed ....... 83'7)|,Alsen Fences 853 | Antlers ........ 609 | Arrant ........- 816] Auvergne ...... 912 | Stephene. semeeoeo Alarkea 2 i..3 eas 726 |-Alsey o...s0h sree 706] Antoine ....... 811 |Arriba’....:.... 654] Avalon “%....... 743 | ,. ocswice 544] Antwerp ..... .. 776) Arrowood ...... G14 "Avena sn wuts 594.) -Velieat, ots aiuaere 1030 Alba eens tebe 873 (PAltat ee cietcaete CHAR ANAS hh BWA aca 1000 | Arstine ........ 532|Avenstoke ..... 688 | Westcott ....... 1022 Albanel'i..0s.ccun 23); Altalr ee. oe soe 8501 Apache o4.02. ~ 2 41006 |\Artemasueonan 955°] Aventia) Zac os 817 | Willys Knight. ..1024 Albano ........ 624| Altamont ...... 790| Apalachee ...... 809] Artesian ....... 914| Avenue ........ 587| Winton ....,...1021 520 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AGATE” KITCHEN, &. i'a"x10'o' 4G 25'0" J SUN PARLOR 1'@xI20" LIVING ROOM i38'\" x 12'o" AGATE 24 Ft. Wide x 25 Ft. Deep AREFUL designing of roof lines on the part of the architect accounts for the Deautyeol the. 7cate.”~ “The eolomalen- trance further enhances it. The built-in seat in the living room, and the outside opening for ice should be noticed. This plan is worthy of careful study. CHAMBER n'a"x1o'o' — CHAMBER '3"x 10'S" SIZES: Pek reenN ET 8, Bo aed 2 eet os ee ee Gen ae 6 Ser IO OEE Pate Fic ly a we a ody Oe Pireeringr: Coming: os kets valk in heme en oa BO! SecGen MOOR CUS tigi cick gs «seria Mae ae ee OOF Maneritents Going ct ot kg ae aa Ry ee TO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......... ......-----.-.-- Deceit Ines 0 $ 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items.......2.02..2.222.22.-2:-2:2esteeeee ee Pacts One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.......-...-...-2..------ee oe —— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. . | | 521 on Wee RRAIEC IOS 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The ARMOUR?” 34 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HERE is a certain richnesssinea shingled home. Stained dark with white trim and colored shutters gives the result of a delightful old home. The “Armour” has many special features such as toilet on the first floor, kitchen cabinets, and an excellent upstairs ar- rangement. LIVING FJ ROOM i I'S" ey HALL DINING ROOM 3" x 12/0" ARMOUR. CHAMBER '3" x | 9'0" Extreme {Width irc. ahet.o/f ene poids. a. Ce a re AS Ge Extreme:;Depth 22 O55 @ oie ton Re ares Be ee First Floor Ceiling i2.50...-cce ee ee ee eS Ge Second’Floor: Ceiling 4 2¥).. eee ee ee PO eee 8’ 0” Basement’ Ceiling’: 30% G0..05¢ G. ote inde OTe he ee ee ee Te ARMouR, One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Designt 2.222302 Sees $2.0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms f Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. sys — eS a ort 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AYLESBURY” 30 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep Vs earns merging roof angles account for the distinctive appearance of the “Aylesbury.” A Colonial entrance of this type fairly promises hospitality. One long continuous effect is achieved by opening the dining room off the living room. The chambers are large and are provided with plenty of closet space. ay CHAMBER PARLOR | ‘5 DINING ROOM 106x130 | LivING ROOM Gateriae IBO" x H'3" SIZES: Extreme Width ........0.¢0000cec0e0e0303 0” Extreme: Depth Was ic ae ue aires ba OO AO” First Floor Ceiling..................+.. 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling. ...........+...--. 8’ 0” Basement? Ceiling S36... 5 ae tae a he Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 523 sc | 7 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ALADDIN” 31 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep HE “ALADDIN” portrays modern- ized Colonial Architecture at its best. KITCHEN The large side porch and artistic entrance 9x90 ceive the proper relief to the square shape of the house. Built-in closets in the vesti- bule and the cozy dining nook are added conveniences. DINING ROOM I'S" i'o" ALADDIN CHAMBER '3"x7'9" = it — OTT M COT SIZES: Extreme. Width... ®.:u see. con OR ea is Extreme Depth ......... . it See Le ce OM ou ia LS nu oth ; = pizats Ws xlO3 Wa xlo3 First: Floor: Ceiling«:2 an 630 nh.4.2 2 ee es ee ee Second Floor Ceiling .............. Oe? Met ee Bie oes Br ALADDIN. Basement Ceiling: %5.60'50 6 hee ss ee ee bay Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design....---.-------.--:+1-csssseseennees $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... = eels One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. riba Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 524 & - : x y 4 . 4 6 Rooms and Bath “The ACRES” 41 ft, Wide x 20 ft. Deep MODERN Colonial home in every sense of the word. Large rooms conveniently arranged for easy housekeeping and congenial living. The entire dwelling including the basement is 32'°' equipped with those close fitting, well balanced ——— Rabel: steel sash so appropriate for well designed mae ene homes. If desired, the library can be used for a sleep- ing chamber or sun parlor. LIVING ROO 21" x19'O" DINING ROOM 31" x 10'S" SIZES: SUM ELT gus Foc\e 2 Rees yale see yee acd 0” CHAMBER Se IA AL V@ OTL FA ay. 35-6 aos ica ciads «i ool ser Ee 6 shel Wow ane 28’ 0” Tt IZ xI9O IEE NOT CLILT os rc s a ais eve tas ops wipes fae tae 8’ 6” Becond floor Ceiling... ee .gss ease . 80” REBMOREE IRC CLIN oteg als Anions" oho Mais & os Bsns Oe eo Or Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, : Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.——New York. 525 6 Rooms and Bath LIVING ROOM Iigo'« 1'3" . By Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. ME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. HO “The ALMENA” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep THE large porch with its massive pillars, the broad slope of the roof, and ample windows all stamp the “Al- mena’ a home of) * character. The Dutch Co- lonial style at iLSuayest omit central hall up- stairs make for conven - ience and steps saved. Extreme Width ..... Extreme Depth .... First Floor Ceiling . Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling ... 526 . | CHAMBER my CHAMBER NWS xi'3 a | 6 AN BREEDS CHAMBER 1010'xi'3" a eee BBR all | 6 Rooms and Bath “The ANKERTON” ' 25 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep PULFILLING all the wonderful possibilities of modernized colonial architec- ture. Entrance, chimney, shutters, siding and long sloping roof are all colon- ial in design and tradition. The result isa home of outward beauty, and inward comfort. ; CHAMBER 13'O'« NS" CHAMBER | CHAMBER LIVING ROOM We" xo" fl 130 xIl3 24'0"x 1'3" Extreme) Width 7,5. cee hes ches © 39’ 6” Extreme *Depthien ic. ok dmc ce see al) 6G. First Floor Ceiling ........... Ned. 8: 64 Second Floor Ceiling ............ 820%) Basement Ceiling ........... Boat eas 720. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 200020 $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... eee 2 One (I) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago. —Rochester.—Detroit.— New. York. 527 5 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ALBIA” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep TASTY home to grace any suburb or community. The porte cochere with its upper deck and railing appeals instantly. In the kitchen we find built-in | ae cupboards, and a cozy breakfast — | Boe) nook. The front entrance is original and appropriate. The “Albia “isa 90 modern example of the old Cape’ (@ Cod type. ; ma BRE. DINING ROOM 10'9"xI2'0" ERA TTT mnannneine CHAMBER 1'2"x17'6" CHAMBER 15'4" x B'9" SIZES: Extreme Width |. 2.0.0 cece else cee cee eee tO Be ipl Oe ieee Extremie: Depth..2 a Fa ks, Soe, ee ar es First Floor’ Ceiling si.c0 262 ee Aaa aoe Second Floor’ Ceiling = =)... 3 e210 eee ee ee ee ee Basement ‘Ceiling }5 2% Soe nS een oe ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..... $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_.. : Pt One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms : in ae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 528 6 Rooms and Bath “The AMSDEN” 32 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE combination of shingles, shutters and white trim goes very well in the Dutch Colo- nial style. The central halls, upstairs and down, gives a balanced distribution of the rooms. Full kitchen equipment and space saving closet devices are included. 1SCREEN PORCH 12'0'x 8.0" CHAMBER NG x 12'3) KITCH EN | sl 1@ x 93 CHAMBER No'x10'3" NC DINING ROOM | W@ x133° !'REC. HALL II SIZES: Extreme sWidth (455-0 hea Extreme Depthite.). pone. ee ees ee FirsteFloor Geiline Gj... .. 4s...» . Second Floor Ceiling ............ Basement Ceiling ........ Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 529 6 Rooms, Bath and Dent “The APPLETON” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep N the Modern Colonial Style. The front gable breaking the roof projection gives the “Appleton” an individual touch. The built-in telephone cabinets and dining cabinets are convenient, and attractive. The simplified stairway provides access from both living room and kitchen. DOO. KITCHEN 9'9"xl0'9 : CHAMBER LIVING ROOM |i IT'o"x12'S 15'3" x 15'3" 11 DINING ROOM| ns" x's" APPLETON, APPLETON. SIZES: Extreme Width .......0..2:05 0040 5 > enone) cen ne eEaee nnn Extreme Depth (003.5 2.0 3.046 3 ss oe First Floor Ceiling ................ , Second Floor Ceiling .......... Basement» Ceiling, 5 sions nta sone eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Qne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.......-.--.-..2----.--------1e--1ee-ee-senees Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.-—Detroit.— New York. 530 F 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARNOLD” 30 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE “Arnold” is strictly Co- olonial—entrance, shutters, PORCH shingles, and all. The comfort- Sy 10'0"x7'4" able screen porch is set back just the right distance from the front. Note the spaciousness of the up- stairs chambers and closets. LIVING ROO 11-0'X23-0 CHAMBER 'o"x 80° SVEN jsnnauaniit CHAMBER | Sart CHAMBER Rictvomay Width s,s sis ics scowls ce alps he tee A TLE iI'o" x 1:2'0" Perramec Depth...) os 25 ss oe ce pele os ee een 28' 9” Raretehioor: Ceiling). sir. ss. she tgs ets we sucaensiene the PES eo ae SG Second Floor Ceiling ..... be oaslal Rete oa oneie es Snatcher eran 8' 0” masement Ceiling is)... d 0 sos. fee cae ier aie ees 780% Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ....i.....c.....scesccseeceeseeceeeeessee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items aoe One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ......2............:ssccsecssssceeecceseeeeee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumker or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 531 Se ee Parlor, Den “The ARSTINE”’ ; 35 Ft. Ye x 24 Ft. Deep eee HE “Arstine” embodies the essence of Colonial beauty. Wide siding, col-_ ored shutters, overhanging roofs, numerous gables are among the pleasing features here shown. There is a certain rambling effect given by the great width of the “Arstine” that bespeaks peaceful and comfortable living. What — the outside suggests the inside fulfills as you will see in studying the floor plan. F L_1=l Eh Bea h il aw fi x UTS re 1 [= era e ane ia © 13'0'X23'0" CHAMBER ‘ BaTHL_lg 30x 11'3" Extreme Width ......... LAL ee es 69’ 0” Extreme Depth ........... CAE Ae .36’ 6” First Floor Ceiling .......... Daher tee 9’ 0” Second Floor Ceiling <2 5 eee 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ...... "5 bin ieee Breiner (0 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desigm.....-.------------sc1 ss $ 00 . ? One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ae Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 532 2a 6 Rooms, Bath and Dining Noor “The ARVEL”’ 28 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. 9 in. Deep HE American Colonial style adapted to suit modern tastes. Placed in the country-side, the “Arvel” makes a pleasing picture. The compact arrangement of the kitchen and the easy access between rooms are delights to the housekeeper. CHAMBER, sou! DINING ROOM | IZ x it's" ! CHAMBER Pole: 3" SS ae To ED Apel Extremes Widthee oa be a ees amie eee T3040" Extreme: Depthitie 5. yn ota oe ee ee ee O46" Eirst' FlooriCeilitig. 2c. e vein eager ee eo Second) Floor Ceiling) 92s an] ote eas Ao wale on 6. OF Basement (Ceilings. ac. oo esr, ou testes oh akaw ys ho Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design........ . $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... sees ae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 533 : 5 rae jiu po iw El 6 Rooms and Bath “The AURICH” ; 29 Ft. 3 In. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep EMBODYING all the beauty of Dutch Colonial architecture. A large porch, an expansive living room with a brick fireplace, lend to the homey atmosphere. . The “Aurich” is perfectly executed for | those whose taste leans to the Dutch Colonial. AURICH. CHAMBER 12'o"x 11'S" SIZES: nS CHAMBER Extreme -Width 2. 2. tee sortie cen oO 6" ion to Extreme, Depth 3 Pca ee ee eee eo I5S@x90 First: Floor, Ceiling! 253.8 ss ce ea ee : Second Floor Ceiling ........:.50..52:+:.+. 8 O Basement: Ceiling 97h M0 cde ns oe ee ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............22.....cccccceeceeeeeeeeeeeee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... = 2 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms = Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 934 5 Rooms and Bath “The AMBERLEY” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep FE Amberley mot only proves thes practical value of “own your home,” but gives the sheer joy of possession. The exterior is pleasing and ap- “KITCHEN” propriate while the interior is well arranged to meet '3"x9'6'/ \DINING ROOM | practical home comforts. And it is not expensive Si, ta oe 3" to build. ean: pown TP) | LIVING ROOM CHAMBER | cae | 9'9"" CHAMBER | 1I90'x13'3 Sogou MASS i ee tes Pratt Oe Natta oaN Care WP EAD Abe 1. ott 1 RPPEUNeE Gt coos. hha tact Pete Milled Bots ooo AMBERLEY PpIaE ae Cel tig ot Sir. scene oral he tes Le cin oe ete OO. wearatrioar, Ceiling? *.5.«ccn0 ben he Oe es cL as ee OO”, Samo Gelling i. eee Stel Oe Ne Me Aas tale Mon eee aio Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 535 6 Rooms, Bath and Den “The ARGONNE” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE “ARGONNE,” a pleasant, homey house in shingles. The large open porch adds to its outward attractiveness. Inside, the den with its fireplace, and tile hearth carries out the pleasantness and hominess which the exterior suggests. ahs, HEARTH CHAMBER. aaki's" CHAMBERL 1a x I's" LIVING ROO DORGH Iidoxi53) adxidd DINING ROOM id xiao! SIZES: Extreme Width 13... 2 004 = eee Extreme.Depth 0.5.0. 5:90 eee First Floor Ceiling 2235. .- eee Second Floor Ceiling .............. Basement Ceiling ................. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York 536 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALDERDALE” 29 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep HOME for the suburb or country- 4 side. The shutters give an adequate amount of color and decoration to the plain lines of the New England Colonial. The sun room is veritably flooded with light. LIVING ROO '3"x 21'O" ALDERDALE CHAMBER “i ia" x 21'0" MeRRPRCMVaclt De oo. eek Ose g ae teed sw eer sae hh Oe PETAR th ent otek tox PS ee ee ee: Oe eeereriadtes Ceiling: ota. Re ss Re ce SECO. Reemnatrioon. Ceiling <. 2. ico: 4! aes hades oie yee Ox Oe Oona A RE eee eircom ee inertness Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Porms ee; Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit-—New York. Doe 5 Rooms and Bath oy [| 0 Te 90x 33 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep GORGEOUS home, colorful and in- teresting. The entrance with its iron railing and shutters is superb. It is a home that satisfies the closest inspection, no detail being out of harmony with the whole. Inside you will be equally delighted. The floor plan gives the excellent arrange- é ment and if you will visualize you will see ‘ its great charm, . CHAMBER. 7 eclen 139 x2lo CHAMBER. SIZES: 13:9" 1 x1aC ExtremesWidth 145, 33. doin ee ie ian : 42’ 6” Extreme: Depth’) 2..-. 405 cc ie ee eee Be itor: oad 31’ 0” AUSTIN First: Floor* Ceiling ¥o.7. frchetens te eee cto eee Se ee 8’ 6” Second |Floor,); Ceiling qian es oe Bit ee en ee 8’ 0” Basement. Cefling ere We. 5 eal Ra eizash nk Seed ae Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... $ One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...0.20....oo ceccccceeccceccccecee een 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.................-.-....------ fae nceee eas Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 540 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALVENA” 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep A HOME of quiet beauty, provocative of the virtues of domestic life. White ~~ siding, green shutters and a red chimney never fails to please the eye. By placing the living room across the front, the architect has obtained a delightful sweep. Space saving closets with adjustable clothes hangers have been used. CHAMBER tae IZ0"x 16" ITCHEN 1 aha-4 '3'x12'3 CHAMBER CHAMBER ar in I10"x130' 156" x130" LIVING ROOM 1 neh DT Ox 25 ALVENA, Extremes Widthya-e. ct. ttn te hee ae eG Extreme! Deptha.n. pecan, ase oe oes occ ooo 1G” Firsts FloorsGCeilingyasr tere ie ae ee Ok Second Floor: Ceiling 2c02:. fun) phew os He 5 86.0" Basement. Ceiling’)... 25.0 tee ad. oc a0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 2-2 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. ‘ Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 54] 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ABERCORN’” 28 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling ... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling .... Two (2) One (1) One (1) LIVING ROOM 12' HE “ABERCORN” combines the charm of old colonial homes with modern comforts. The sun room, while a modern innovation fits into the architectural scheme perfectly. The kitchen with built-in cupboards lightens the daily” routine Ones 6x 21'0" housewife. CHAMBER oY ae hh” toa til Sig SL Og Oe ee oo iaes IS@ox99 teu Rall Ul wu" Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms............... BAD ERS Vee, ; Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... a $202 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Buiiding Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 542 = 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The AVERILL” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep IN Fea unique and attractive are the adjectives to describe the “Averill.” The broad front curve of the roof is car- ried out over a Porte-Cochere on the right, showing architectural ingenuity. Steel sash provide the finishing touch to a fetch- ing home. | i LIVING ROOM 230xII5 CHAMBER u AVERILL i ro r a a SIZES: tall tall Extreme Width: 4 .:...0.. 60208 24,4 we tl SP one a ae NS xll3 Extreme Depth .....:3:5.....;. Ss LY op Lene Reeth Said 26’ 0” Pirstrrioor Ceiling’... 6. 5. ec eee aia a eer 8' 6” second Floor Ceiling. . 2... et wee teens 8’ 0” DesementiCelings ch... tees a6 alee ieee sae a ae Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... $ 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_. oe One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... —— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 543 = 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALSUMA” 28. Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep SIZES: Extreme, Width’ 3.) sani. ae eee Pe et tai Same Whey Extreme: Depth hy 0 ch oS ae ed hk ees pa ORE yt si First: Floor: Ceiling sa@ (Ase) Sead ae eee ee ee whe Oe Second*+Floor? Ceiling .'s3, s.cdlate ook St eS ee oe ee Oe Basement*+Ceiling ai. 4 o.oo eo se eee veka See and open stairway. LIVING ROOM INS x 250" DINING ROOM i2'o'x12'3" ats CHAMBER IL'O" x io oO" ALS MA. ae ee] One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.._..-_......-......----—« re a ah $2.02 Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 544 ee oe for the needs of the small family. The taste evident on the outside is carried inside in the arrangement of the rooms. The . living room is expansive and fur- ther enhanced by the big fireplace CHAMBER 90" lo6 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Porch “The ANTRIM” 26 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep LIVING ROOM 17'9" x n'a" SIZES: EMT OTN tthe 6). abi Shae eine Le eee Oe DRPeTTORISO DUH ee 4 ere he ts bao aoe keke ae OO ROMER AOD COMIN gt 8 o's sie gta Bea we See ek Ree Pee OOF LC Cin. sr. mvs as os OTs Boe a ents Brome umerscute Ceuing yo ais «4 o3c/6 vic | op atiahete av tent Oe eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms i@) Ile wGoOlonial tlome desivied tosinect. the re- quirements of the average fam- ily. One cannot help but be 1m- pressed with the excellence of the interior arrangement. UU, pasta CHAMBER. ‘CHAMBER, | 13'3"x1'3" I's" x '3" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 945 | 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The ABINGTON” 33 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft, Deep ROM the moment you step in the recessed porch you are in an atmosphere of hospitality. The living room with its bay, its fireplace and plaster arch is a room of infinite delight. Then there is the unusually large sun room, and ample closet space which is always appreciated by good housekeepers. CHAMBER lao x 9'6" ABINGTON ue NG eer SIZES: * Extreme Width ......55..c0+++00040 s+) 9 OE Extreme. Depth +......05...%. MEER by cn ae! EO First (Floor) Ceiling . (4 eae ee ey Shc OY Second :Floor ‘Ceiling “2 1c s5.. e ia bone ee Basement; Ceiling #32)... 7 Sa ee : cus 9 ae a Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 546 7. ee nal : “The ADAIR” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep TAINED shingle sides set off with appropriate trim and second floor shutters make an irresistable picture. The colonial columns of the porch and high brick chimney are very effective. The kitchen is equipped with built-in utility cabinets to make easier work. The upstairs is worthy of careful consideration. LIVING ROOM 20'0'x 11'3" 14'3"x7'9 eR HIR ENVIS. sees occas coe oe Sn bh ak MM eon ees, oe Ore Oe erormenenth. So. . atest y Gc, oem ef Ae, a eRe ee PO 4 Oe Rireemr reste ealingy Seis hoc Ee b OF ee De a a eS Or BerU REE ooriCelling UXak. s,s seanghe oe ha aie > Ee ee SO Haserrene UC efling oh Os 3 os de hy Eee a ee RE Oy tetas Sey ek Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material ltems........ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 547 6 Rooms and Bath IVING ROOM 153x200" DINING ROOM '3'x120 ALLBROOK SIZES: Extremé: Widths. $2 02045 be i ea hie cS oe Extreme Depth’?s 6 cigars ee Le ee oe Aes Re So Lee First Floof Ceiling*.. 2S. ond Se. ee ee oe Second Floor. Ceiling. jac eo os ee eee Oe Basement: Ceiling ™. 34*j.0¢5 obese eee ee Tee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ALLBROCK” 28 Ft. Wide x 21 Ft. Deep IDE siding, open porch and shutters are pleasingly com- bined in the “Allbrook.” One en- ters directly into the spacious living room. An abundance of room is found in the chambers and closets. | CHAMBER CHAMBER. iat yal! sake ALLBROOK wae anne anne nnn een e anne nne- ee - ~~ enone enn e ee a Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 548 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALGOA” 36 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep Goer to look at and pleasant to live in are the outstanding qualities of the ‘“Algoa.” The effect of the living room, adjoining sun parlor and fireplace between is smart and satisfying. Many specialities, such as kitchen cabinets, a built-in mail box and space sav- ing fixtures are things to be con- sidered. KITCHEN is'9'x1)'3" 24' fos “DINING ROOM 13'o"x11'3" CHAMBER 13'9"x12'6" CHAMBER I3'9"x15'9" SIZES: CHAMBER Extreme Width ted Ro Ae. NES. Sey ot eae BOG 1i3'9"x100" Extremes Depth «ace o.s cis erals sje ties Be certaiekeh UPPER PART OF ! ul LIVING ROOM CHAMBER J SLEEPING PORCH | z= N's" (= 4 (a) SIZES: Extreme Width .......... atid oe eae eee 6 Extreme Depth ...... Ae. pale ckead tee ciate ame brete oar First Floor Ceiling, Living Room 15’6” Balance.... 8’ 6” Second: Floor: Ceiling. 2. (5 ge. ned cieisierd coe cee he 6 OO” Basement) Ceiling (i)... ae css es Rie Svseiecks: & On Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design........-----se-sesee sco $20 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items ae prdlecd One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 353 5 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The APOLLO” j 34 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. 6 In. Deep HE “APOLLO” demonstrates the fascinating possibilities of shingle exteriors. The two story living room with exposed beams in ceiling, fire- place, flanked with book-cases, and balcony with iron rail is the last word in living room luxurious- ness. Steel sash, and built-in fail box are among the other modern conveniences. LIVING ROOM 21'4"x15'0" DINING ROOM Me oy CHAMBER WO x1l43 W'o" APOLL Lo SIZES CHAMBER ; Ee: iu tu et Extreme: Width? oe ee ee eee ee 4 LO 14'6"xl0 G Extreme* Depth (323s Oe nn eo ee eee BOF First. Floor! Ceiling ak eee ae oe ee Ct Gs Second Floor ‘Ceiling 4. Ss:-n. age es ao ee BOs Basement: Ceiling f.0iteis os. cones he ei ee en Ee eda Od Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Deslep were a Seren $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... eae ete Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... ee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 554 eS es ee ee g: ud By “he! Dok oP, a a be 2 ; 3 S44), Fy = “The ALSTON” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep ASTY in every detail, the “Alston” is the periect suburban home. A convenient arrangement of rooms and careful attention to details make this home extremely livable. The front entrance opens directly into the grand living room. Attention should be called to the size of the upstairs closets. DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM tion 153x180 CHAMBER 130 xITS” SIZES: UN MEES CAEN MES eg ey Ge, we awe Gre sie un cideewree. Oe MMC aesthetic ans a ydhedte eta Fie. 212 theless Oe, O Oi ee te 2) oe i is eM te etl ho) st SOR. as a cis ge Pe we ee OF ener Rae Cetin ys. Sie oss Sets «2:3 6. oo, cave shelslales wo aes Gt 7 eEMmRtEC cliincw ae et Se Sk. bee cath ks auaed, Con Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms....... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 3 ; 335) 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ADLER” 22 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep sun PARLOR lm wio"*9'o" Extreme Width ... Extreme Depth First Floor Ceiling Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling 22'6' STRIKING in appearance, delight- — ful to live in are the impressions created by the “Adler.” The builder cannot help but retain the shutters and flower boxes. The large living room with fire place and the adjoining sun parlor is an ideal arrangement for home comfort and modern con- LIVING ROOM yp VE ec Ia x 3" SIZES Le eee eens 36/ 6” Ie" "3" AOR Deae ha ONO Ma Cure rh RNS eG 8° 6" SE oe haa Caen heath dat oka vens 8' 0” See ae ee ests, vaio Sr ignites ROS MO as AO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...-...-.-----------1----------- 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_.......-...----------------1-----------— Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......--.--.-.-.----.-:-------0- == > Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 556 ee oe ee “The AXTELL” 28 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep A FRAME home of unusual beauty. The en- ticing entrance opens into a small vestibule, thence into a magnificent hving room. A dis- appearing bed in the living room is featured, adding comfort and space economy. CHAMBER 12'e'x 12'9" MRPEPRER PMV TOLD Fut ey i3s8. Go oheer cs sett ake see ewe 2 Ae Pe ee On Cun NY See Sir abagrtae, Ben, eae ak Ail Seta Loner on ota ks bd 4 PUCMLIOOPRGOING co. Aas ck sir Ae Ca et cs Roce ae See 6 Second Floor Ceiling . ” Basement Ceiling .. . , Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 557 6 Rooms and Bath IVING ROOM 15'S" x1 h'0" Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling ... Second Floor Ceiling .. Basement Ceiling .... Two (2) . . 25 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep HE colonial entrance with balcony above and the shuttered windows all combine to give “THE ALLAIRE” a very attractive exterior. The large living room with fireplace, attractive well lighted dining nook and three chambers are the result of careful study to produce a small comfortable home at a moderate price. eo: ew Complete Sets Blue-Print Working One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Plans for above Design.... ned Og ol grGe . 8 y 6” 8 , 0” 7 , oO” CHAMBER. a't"x10'3" Secure above plans, etc., fram your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 558 @itecis and Bath | “The AZILDA” 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Net only does the “Azilda” please the eye, but it satisfies those seeking comfortable living at a mod- erate cost. The reception hall is a feature to be considered as is the big breezy porch on the side. The closets are equipped with space saving closet fixtures. An impressive plaster arch marks the opening between the dining and living rooms. 2O-0. DINING ROOM 15°3'X 11-3" CHAMBER CHAMBER LIVING ROOM 10-6K13"3" ff 12-6'X16-9" I7-3'K 13-3" SIZES: Extremes Width pcoesoby cf ers ereyeicis esa oceans .40’ 0” Extreme Depth ft) dees Cate oes ao O" First;Floor Ceilings aciects.. o «> 032 sk 9’ 0” Second Floor Ceiling ........... eta eee Go Basement: Ceilinoggr i a i ae eed 2 Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above DesigM.........-........----0000--2 $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items.... 2 ——— One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 559 5 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room 24'o" LIVING ROOM 17'o"* n'a" “The ALPS” NUSUALEY appealing in appearance, the aby Pow at. Once catches the eye. The sun room, living room with fire place and the kitchen with built in cabinets make avery compact interior arrange- ment which any housekeeper will appreciate. | Extreme Width .. ... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling ... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling .... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............. ----.--.--- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Qne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—_New York, 360 CHAMBER i5'o"'«.8'9" CHAMBER 14'o"x11'3" 20% Dealer. UT TT & i _ * ¥ € A fovmermncnnsnnh 26 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. Deep 5 Rooms and Bath “The ASHFORK” UST wherein the charm of the “Ashfork” exists is not hard to discover. One glance at the unique entrance, the cool receding porch and the long slope of the roof suffices to hold and please the eye. And as you wander from one room to another inside you find delight at every turn. CHAMBER | 49" XII-3 ae ies"au'3" CHAMBER LIVING ROOM 21'6'x13'3" 25'0'X i\" 3" SIZES: Extreme Width .......... PR Pe ee Oa: TNs es SON O. Extreme Depth ........... SEER SS tha gs Aen ae ne eo O First/Floor/Geilinec.4 2 vei ae ee oy Oe ee ee ge et OY Second: Floor: Collings. Soa eee ee ok NE dat aa eee Oo Os Basement Ceiling ti oc kre oe eae aoe ae eae Muses ee, OO, Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Designee: senate ee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... i One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 561 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Room and Alcove “The AUBERRY” 25 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. 6 In. Deep IVING ROOM DK isich DINING ROOM 'o*u's" SUN ROOM IWOxTo' EAT, compact and cozy are the attributes of the “Auberry.” The entrance with its iron railing is unique and the shingled walls give it a beautiful and rustic appearance. Three large chambers with ample closet space and the downstairs rooms with modern conveniences will make a comfortable home for a medium-sized family, CHAMBER Bexiz's SIZES: Extreme) Width), .33) a) stoe cee PE oe 9 eee Re eee fa (i en Extreme Depth? 22. 3 i5 bso ihe bas re ee eGo Oe On lOOxlOS Firet:Floor: Ceiling 7.0 cetera ee ee eee eon Second: Floor Ceiling 6.) ae Ce ee ote eee Oe AUBERRY Basement Ceiling 0 a. . cca ae serena a Dae ee aoe rade Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design .....-.--.-------------------eeseeeeoes $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Ss One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Ae ony hn Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 562 ee 5 Rooms, Bath and Storage “The ALTOGA” 26 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep A PLAIN home, but separated from the ordinary by artistic details; such as shutters, flower boxes and porch. Wide siding gives a uniform appearance. The space saving closet fixtures are a convenience to be appreciated. There is a large space for storage on the second LOOT, eae Hiptect tal, a 1,0 'S.t# 1n0derate price. CHAMBER 13' Ox 9'o" CHAMBER 14'9'x10'O" LIVING ROOM 18'0"x12'3" ALTOGA SIZES: Extremes idt ing a oct osc. pies hs ete oe epee Leal hore wae eaceteren se ae. On Extreme: Depthivci Agree ae cee ates os Sia van sla eee eae 6” Firstek loons Ceilings ste mio ee eis bos he wie ee ey 8 6" Second? Floor Ceiling a. egret cit iis iaitemi tie tattle aes 2 OO” Basement. Ceilings (sorts cee ae es = he le arabes ase cee a O ‘Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 563 6 Rooms, Bath and Den Extreme Width ....... Extreme Depth ....... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling .. Basement Ceiling ..... Two (2) One (1) One (1) ==: chute, kitchen cabinets, etc. 26 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep OLORED shutters and a tasty en- trance relieve the rather plain lines of the “Abigail.” It is very inexpensive to build. The interior is replete with con- veniences such as telephone stand, clothes Be sure and notice the cozy little den. DINING ROOM 1O3'xII'9" ABIGAIL CHAMBER 3'11" x 9'¢" HALLWAY SIZES: ae CHAMBER © USsle Tages, icapp sibel EMe, species Ie eleluesd ieitap sie lisi eae erais r] wi Fes on On Oe EDD AEG lo'lo"x9'o" SAR ope ete RD rn” nh Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.......... Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_ Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 564 a a ee DINING ROOM i's’ i'5" Extreme Width ..... Extreme Depth ..... First Floor Ceiling .. Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling ... 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. 6 In. Deep “The AMETHYST” 280 HEeclever-blendine {of stucco and shingles makes this home unique. A built-in mail box, a shower in KITQHEN | the bath, and a corner fireplace with IO asst an ample. hearth, are but a few of the improvements in this modern LIVING ROOM: and tasty home. 129x230) CHAMBER. 12'9%9'9" AMETHYST CHAMBER § CHAMBER SIZES: Mr iw is taal 1H RM hy gies SEP te SEA Rie ae OA NO I2Zex3s9 140xIZ29 Es oe eR ae Se Yee A OAR aot IAMS ones RC Tee hs ee By Or AMETHYST BN Oh ae et ia ee tug Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... = $ 00 Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items 5 Rett Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........-..-....--.-..----2-.22--2------------- 4 aoeaed Secure above plans, ctc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 565 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor and “The AUBURN” 35 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Sewing Room HE outward attractiveness of the “Au- burn” is quite obvious nor does one have to tax his imagination to see the inward excel- lence. The reception hall, the sun parlor, the sunny living room, the sewing room, all go to make the “Auburn” a joy to live in, ' LIVING ROOM |< | bs rH 1g'o" x 15'9" CHAMBER 133 «I 3" Av®uURN . CHAMBER | Ee ad | 3) 3" CHAMBER 133"x13'3" Extreme’ Width? 's..'0°s . 55.6 36 «aca foc oe va Mirae al Oe Extreme Depth (20). 3. ook disse esas oo on ot Bes eee First: Floor Ceiling 7.255.425 0 eon re nen ee oa Second. Floor: Ceiling @. 25 catch le Si. a ee ce ee, SLO Basement Ceiling “595.0 eo es foe ee ee ea Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.......000000000000. 00-0000 $2.02 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your Jocal Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 566 ae ns oe 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet The ALLAIS” 32 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep DISTINCT harmony in appearance is effected by shingling the porch sup- ports and entrance. The use of white trim with coloréd shingles is in- stantly appealing. A downstairs toilet is one of the additional features. Access to main stairway is from the rear as well as from the front peak I Pn eee ee DINING ROOMI!HALL | '2 ©*!70 IZ'0'x1o0'o" CHAMBER 10'9"x reteset a ot Fe aac 's tarde: oe oi ouaderacahaliet erect oe RA OS Rem irerer VADER or. ee Ale ce 6 cell ch @ uot clg ahd cue astinlne shed ho arabe i tir Cwlling fn. fs) nil costes ow obs Wows a Oa MaremHir ony Coiling 00 so ob cd ics ef ani eas a eat Raveaentt Coiling (2 5. Si ctenen saps iets ae eae * Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. .........----.--:1:ec- ee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items wf One (1) Set of Specificztions and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 56/7 erties Unc a 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AMSTERDAM” 32 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep Ale: HE Dutch Colonial style carried to perfection in the frame home. The broad, sloping roof has an appeal all its own. The living room is spacious and the sun parlor, flooded with sunlight—a room of perpetual joy. Space saving closets with adjustable coat hangers are employed. CHAMBER CHAMBER. I'9" x 15'3" 189" x 9'3" DINING ROOM Wg" x 13" AMSTERDAM. f ——_——— Extreme Width ............ ps OS eee Gon Extreme Depth .. 2.005): (;. 1). see . First: Floor Ceiling ... 3... 41, «see Second Floor Ceiling .................. 80” Basement Ceiling ....). 6 6. 2.14 «oes poe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 22-2220... ae $ 00 . One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. ae One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............-----..--------------- = Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 568 5 Rooms, Bath, Dining Alcove and Toilet CHAMBER 120"x9'3" SS LIVING ROOM | VE 2'3"x17'3" Petree BWV AGE oy. OS ae oe ke isle OW Lah PPMP MRINORLMEUI To oho e cue he oid ere REMI SOF Collings 8 6h. 2 oda ce a pin! sole wharoledols pecone riaor Ceiling’ 6 co 055.0 tone S/d Ae elle Sele ENSPIOENEL COMING) hele gure ks woe ie oh a wl Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... sal a neyel fe SEMEL fp 7 SS F Laie “The ARION” 30 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep HE passerby cannot help but be attracted by the front of the “Arion.” The use of large French doors downstairs and small shuttered windows upstairs is as unique as it is attractive. The recessed fireplace sets the living room off perfectly. The storage space upstairs will be of great use. STORAGE CHAMBER ou | No x IT3 Rr hiepeny cents Wa ie Sieg here SiS, Og SP ja eS. GF ees, oe 8-07, Pee Os Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 569 U 5 Rooms and Bath “The AULANDER” \\/ IDE siding is used to good advantage in the “Au- lander,” and with the round columns and decorative shutters, produces an harmonious whole. The exposed chimney also has a decorative value. Built in kitchen oie We) cabinets, and a built in medicine cabinet are included>.” Thevlarse living room with its big fire-place will be the source of many cheerful winter even- ings. 3\'e" LIVING ROOM 1B'0'X 166" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..............--......-....- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... CHAMBER SIZES: Extreme Width . . 6.0 ss cis ole st 00 0 sie ae sl oe 4 eile inne a anannEnann ae Geen Extreme: Depth: (% 27. 5 «fous ons Width 9 2.) ue cies cere ale aes On SOL Oy Extreme (Depth re) si? 20 ties eo PO ee oo Oe First’ Floor: Ceiling 3.0045) ses ce ee Oe ee Oe or Second :Floor-Geiling.".). 2).tsee..- ee eee ee ee Ou OF Basement: Ceiling 47/50. Gesu ci. oo ees eee eee LO One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design........0-02.200.02220 11 see ne ‘20! 0 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit——New York. Pe a . 34 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep ‘a A QUAINT home, pleasing in every de- KITCHEN suri tail, of form, color and construction. 12'S"x10'3" 4, == ; The sun room is fairly dazzling when the sun shines and is equipped with a fireplace for the drearier winter days. Each cham- ber provides many attractive possibilities for furnishing. Space saving closet fixtures are employed. SIZES: CHAMBER MEP TOMWIGEKD (oS, foe alae ee oid s Gah le ote ACO” 17'3"x 10'S" SIEM MMII ODE fe oP hk 5 ko hres ty hen ed ALON eM TMASEROS PANN ges St kA x Panta eaves dine Cee Cole Oe ABILA DPEMMMeIGOrs Celine: oa 0 Ss se otde oes book ee a oO" BRSERIBIE IOAN GJ) 54 he TR goo wie se Rio Ga de, wan Ce OF One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. 2-0 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design_____....W- wn ‘20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New Yor‘. 975 6 Rooms and Bath “The AUTNEY” 22 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep HE “Autney” is a very popular type of home, and justinaply ssome me harmonious exterior, and a convenient distribution of the rooms account for this. The trellised porch offers pleasant evenings, as well as adding beauty to 220; the nome.) ire lanee chamber with built in wardrobe speaks lo'3"e7'9" CHAMBER for itself. lo'3"x1I'3" A DISAPPEARING RED?’ CAN ORE ROLLED OUT OF CLOSET INTO LIV- ING ROOM THERE- BY ADDING AN- OTHER SLEEPING CHAMBER CHAMBER AT lat tal NIGHT IF SO 210 x5 DESIRED. | mn in qe A! ne LIVING ROOM 2I1\'o" x 3" Extreme Width ........... ico eee ee ws the Oa 1 eee Extreme Depth . 2. o. cae sue stele s ccs + = o'e on ete) oan nan oe First Floor Ceiling . 0.00. 00. eee es ns oe ot es Oo lee Second Floor Ceiling 2... 6. 6 slecce a Weve ale bos» a olen tone Basement Ceiling 2 ke dn ow 2 wae e 2 = mee oe a pen Two (2) Compiete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design. .................-------...- ees $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_....2.222.2222.20 eee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.......200.22222.2.2...-2.-.cseeee--ee0-o-- aan Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, ? 576 | ai DINING ROOM ll 130" iHt'o" AAS AI Wate aN LIVING ROOM O- x iZ'6" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. “The ALBERTON” SIV eee © Uist etovetel sspaheatonal chambers pro- vide room for every one. 577 CHAMBER [O0'x 100" Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ....... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling .. Basement Ceiling ..... 26 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep A CLEAN, prosperous looking home, that will grace any community. The vestibule and reception hall, each with closet, is impres- 6 Spat TT CHAMBER. \AG' x 100" ALBERTON 5 Rooms and Bath “The AVOCA”’ 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE “Avoca” is a superb dwelling offering all to be desired in a home of this size. Wide, comfortable rooms within easy access of one another, two porches, a roomy and handy kitchen are among the joys found in the “Avoca.” The hooded entrance is pleasant and hospitable. CHAMBER iq'e' x 1I'9" DINING ROOM Wee? IKITCHEN ] iva" xt L=-419'3" x13" CHAMBER ie. x i0'9" : PORCH 100 'x200' AVOCA LIVING ROOM 250'x'3 SIZES: Extreme Width. 5... 3 6. o« dss lassie eine ome Extreme Depth ... 2... 520+ + + + «cts os) gEntneinan eran First Floor Ceiling ............ 25 > «ee Second Floor Ceiling .... 2... 02+. .« eae Basement Ceiling «2: . 60 6/6 ¢:s50.0 sla Gene eee ae Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 978 6 Rooms and Bath “The ASHCROFT” KITCHEN \Wloy x 14'3" LIVING ROOM ul x 13'O" ASHCROFT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.......... be cee PERE se a ite Secure above plans, etc., frcm your local Lumber or Building Material HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 26 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. 6 In Deep PS BEEN DEN Maainsitsecie ane white beauty. The entrance with its neat iron railings is an (neteerGee rsa ti ieee i Ost Cette Ne sinise tO S little closets downstairs are GRE (echt ihe Bye preciated by the housewife. Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling .. Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling .... oY be ean DAR: WE CHAMBER_ 12'0" x 130" CHAMBER ‘i 12'e' x 9's" ASHCROFT. . $2.00 6 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ANNAPOLIS” 34 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep IGHT shingles with dark trim produces a delightful effect. In the Modern English Style. An entrance that is inviting and interesting. There is a breakfast nook off the well equipped kitchen. Notice that the large chamber is Me Ania 1 26 Ge DINING ROOM §2'0"x10'6" CHAMBER Fi TTT 9'6"«12'4" TT = c H AMBER LIVING ROOM (cto. I70x!I20 19'6"x12'0O" Extreme Width... . 2... «0 «+ «0 + Sle ainieEnrmean Extreme Depth... .... . ++ s«s +0 oa els sinneneneinees Ess First Floor Ceiling ..... 40:1 «+s sue Ee een Second Floor Ceiling «.... «2...» «ule ane Basement Ceiling ..... ss. 2's. + + 5/7 Sele eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ........---------.-:-:-1:1-1- ee- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your Jocal Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York. A 580 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALPHA” HOME is a permanent investment which saves rent and protects the family. Besides, it offers happi- ness at the present by producing comfort, congenial sur- roundings and the independent feeling of possessing one’s own home. The above substantial colonial dwelling is very pop- ular among the American pub- lic. The style of the struc- ture is up-to- date, and is al- ways in de- mand. CHAMBERT 14'3"x 1I'3" CHAMBER [i Ifo’ 11'3" ALPHA LIVING ROOM 18'e" I'S" SIZES: ; Extremes Width? .-o. srk: heat scent Die atols, ohecastoncteta.cioe .O-” Extremes Depth rete eee tee eae be wane ss ir sate LO”, First) Floor Ceiling) .7..7o eine sak need oreles slats eis gas een. OY Second -Ploor> Ceiling ieee erst sees eens cis ieee le lee OF Basement’. Ceiling sito eee Cea tie od ips intel clvisae: sheared, OF Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 581 co. 6 Rooms and Bath “The AKELY” 26 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep A FETCHING home of the square type, thereby affording plenty of room space for furniture. noticed. y il ' or lo xl30 | L_]| | IVING ROOM voit ISOxiN'S The fire-place with flanking book-cases should be The “Akely” is resplendent with many convenient devices, such as clothes. cite. kitchenec-asp te 116 -tose cote Pet Gloseteercswine C HAMDER large reception IS0x9G hall is at once impressive. WUT CHAMBER CHAMBER i) I ol I2'3 xliS I23xile __AKELY SIZES: Extreme Width ............ PH 5 ee REIS, PPP joa ell Oy" Extreme Depth) 2 .).24).:.66.c4 ss s.slels onlega soe ae ee er ee First Floor Geilingy7)) 2 oc). «cies ose cevenene cence SPM sore oc slernuece ete 8' 6” Second Floor Ceiling ............ evans: se ie so ly te tea 34 eva tahe nee ieee eae Basement Ceiling: 0) 22:3 |. fst aes, Ss Lee os 00 se sushi pie een Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design........22...-- :-.:::::c1:--seeeeeeeeeeees One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items....... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ......-2...22...-::c00:-10cees ee sceeeeeeene Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 582 PO es | Se acta eta Path, Sun Parlor “The AGOSTA”’ 26 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep PRACTICAL and economical, yet possessing a very definite beauty. A sun parlor beam- ing with light, opens off the long living room. In the dining room we find a built-in buffet. A toilet downstairs is one of the many con-. veniences. TILE HEARTH LIVING ROOM 25'0'x13'0" CHAMBER | 12'0"x 100" SMES oo cdc oie ee7 aos. URS oi naw pA eRe eke hee me OO CHAMBER Extreme Depth Bl ae eh 2 a oe ae heel a Ae sa eee tns eee 1z'o"x 9's" First Floor Ceiling .... Been E ont) Celine. co. so c.0 oye cele ole ania eheleln os ee a oS aueie ectie ae guns Siels Basement Ceiling ..........eeeseeees Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... im One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract FOrms.........-...---------sco-sssssesssonseenne Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, ‘ Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 583 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor and Dining Nook Extreme Width ......... Extreme Depth ......... First Floor Ceiling ..... ie Second Floor Ceiling .... Basement Ceiling ....... . eee DINING ROOM I2'O'« I'S LIVING ROOM 19'S'x 13'S" . ITCHEN 8 . . o'o'« 1113" ! oe 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep MODIFICATION of the Dutch Colonial Style. The pillared porch on one corner, and the sun parlor on another, give a rich rambling appearance to the “Armada.” The living room is entered from the recep- tion hall through a colonnaded opening, flanked with book cases. You are immedi- ately aware of the sweep of the room, and the big fire-place at the other end. CHAMBER i7’76x80" CHAMBER ” fi 1'6%&13'o" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......... iO Soa g Seales oes Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York. 584 6 Rooms and Bath “The AUDLEY” 34 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep A CAPE COD house and embodying all the advantages of the same. Onesierestinds- liyineycomiort ata moderate price. In studying the plans closely the excellence of the arrange- ment becomes impressed on one. CHAMBER loc" x 9'0" LIVING ROOM 12°3"x 24'0" AUDLEY at} Go «lOO CHAMBER 123'xIT'6" Extreme Width Da ge ITE MES PRET re RAE A al PR Pe iar LY OY MEMES ERIOIIEN Siar Go Sin see vlclice alan RAE oud weer eee tLoA Seer MER REA OTN OF oe 8) ec acy ci acejo a ialendte Hee ae ae wees LOS Reem IOCeA COMING. 0.04 is eas tO calor C Uae nek Oe LO, PrMPMaRERTE “AEN ecg Ss ase Ie vine oes gS eke lea 5 COs Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 985 Be Torment accent remscagg ee on: 3 6 Rooms, Bath, Toilet and “The ATTERCLIFF” 35 Ft. Wide x 23 Ft. Deep Dining Nook A NEW ENGLAND home of the old Cape Cod type. The wide shingles and shut- tered windows are typical features of this style of architecture. The large living room with fire place, the convenient breakfast nook and the large chambers make the Attercliff a most desirable home and one LIVING ROOM that will improve any locality. 11'3"x22'0" DINING ROOME 1'3"x1z'o" CHAMBER L 1'3"x10'9" CHAMBER 1'3"«22'o" SIZES Extremé* Width sc 27 ot Sf ohoreies ee Oe eee a ee RRO Don etenen ite 35’ 8” Extreme =Depth™aricsacaiale sooth ois cle case icone is) cm reeeaebe tate telienaits 280 Ue First" Floor: Ceiling 5.0) esti eterna eos ethane ene Raten np ees eh nal coer hele 8 6" Second: Floor: Ceiling 822% ao wioenceshe ce erie tomenciorc er oer eoene uemneenorons 8° 0 Basement. Ceiling. )23. jsp ice a: tenor tice oh eee cueke Suetenonea eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all’ Material. ‘Items iccccceces cc ncecae ee eeeeereraieaeee ere = $2022 Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms: nes ose ee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 586 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AVENUE.” 32 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE modern innovation of using several different kinds of building material in the same home is again demonstrated in the “Avenue.” Stucco and shingles blend here in perfect harmony. The suggestion of ample room given by the out side is fulfilled within. Especial attention should be called to the perfectly placed sun parlor. CHAMBER 143 xlo3" DINING ROO I2S'x103" CHAMBER LIVING ROOM 14! 3" 12! 3" 2\'ex 12'3" SIZES: Extrenie:, Width 4 see ces hier ee oe Oe ah chia ao eo Extreme Depth.oG.. - Aunt ci eat ais eroiie saicee hie oon Second Floors Ceiling meystetete chee elelene ob reanal ciele wliete) eel ene 5'0 30 First . Floor! Ceiling"3.3. ites... soya the ete uate SO Oe SO Basement Ceiling .........-6. 7'0 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design $ One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items............... fost One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......-.........---.-—- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 587 4 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AUTUMN” 26 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HE arched entrance sets the “AUTUMN” apart from its neighbors. ; Nine windows with divided lights produce a charming front. . The living room with the adjacent sun parlor is an ideal convenience creating sunlight and happiness. The long winter evenings will pass pleasantly around the cheerful fire-place. rSUN PARLOR I Blohitte" | LIVING ROOM 21'6"x i3'3" AUTUMN CHAMBER SIZES: 12'3"x13'3" Extreme oWidth etc. oe oc tena ee rn ee Ag a RR AS 36’ 6” Extreme. Depth’). 2..-3.75 sinew: Cee eae ches oe First Floor Ceiling ............... Bee BUA IA, ROA Oe: Se Gn Second Floor Ceiling ....... eae steak « eee Be ee 8-0" Basement Ceiling ....... BE aa ape a eae Rice fie Border (Ad UF. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. fe One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........-.-...--.2--------..-.-- i oa Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 588 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALLSBORO” 29 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep SIMPLE, yet appealing in its simplicity. The wide open, airy porch will be appreciated on warm moonlight nights. Then there is the big booming fire- place for the winter evenings. Large chambers are among the practical features. S 9" | loom BEby, LIVING ROOM™—"™ PORCH | i3'0'x19'O" 10'0'«19'0' 9 0 N CHAMBER SIZES: OPA ATL CHAMBER Extremed Widths of 6 4isssucs ise tee a ek a ee et tee een 4 Oe WOxtsd a tai RMP eREP REVO IED MSR. one ta. oie oy ter tigi Ny ad ues ese Cae eee Bee IGG6x95 Landa) TSatéip TECH CATER ee oe ae oo ee ge NG DAUR Dep. a Nem HA @ Peete el linl if 2H sta nk Asks «oyun sdee aabehe, Coe ahs ean ae OO ALLSBORO. MMEMCENIE GUNS. Soo yi as ee efor eee OE Pe kOe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design Re Pee we on eee teria tn ee eet oe 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. : $2.04 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc.. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit—New York. 589 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALLISON” 28 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep EAUTIFULLY~ done™ is sthe expression passers-by have for the “Allison.” Stained shingles with darker trim is unusual and effective. Inside we find a most livable home. 1 ele] DINING ROOM ioe xiI'3" Ss ALLISON . CHAMBER I's" xBO" SIZES: CHAMBER. tou tu Extreme. Width® (5 .2:4'.w 9g ae he eee eB Ge 3B xlOoG Extreme Depth? 2 iho Kaisha das Oe ere oh ere EO @ First.:Floor “Ceiling. x oo ero ee ene COA Second Floor Ceiling’ «3°. 09h. 8s ae AOR Basement Ceiling f°... coc arn ee ak ee a oe ee OM Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 590 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ADAMSBURG” 25 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep KITCHEN 39h" LIVING ROOW Waa bar 19'o" 1 DINING Room 11'S" 135" I { SIZES: EMRE SERCT Irae 0 tk. kha d omits ig Melee conkahs aay we eo ON a RManEIBeenL SIENELE TT) iene ore aie Chaka, Gece se FE ws pe ee Be OY Pireterioon. Gelling «222664 56 sels oss JR case Shee eek Bsn BERCEELOOTIC GING?) cisco ee eee cata e i 8 OF EHEC COLES S tee Woe dean hehe Sort ae hehe ee EOE Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... Ape passer-by is at once impressed with the spacious sun parlor. The use of shutters with wide shingles is always effective and pleasing. The large, comfortable living room ad- joining the sun parlor, fulfills the promises of the handsome exterior. CHAMBER 10'9"x 9'6" CHAMBER 938x143 Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..............-.-.------.---------------000" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. ag 6 Rooms and Bath “The ATLANTIC” 27 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft.-Deep SMALL, clean and neat dwelling, satisfying every desire for living comfort. Ward- robes in the chambers, a clothes chute, and a large porch off the dining room, are among the many devices for insuring domestic happiness. DINING ROOM. 12'6" x loS- CHAMBER. TL 14'S" x 12'O" CHAMBER. 10'9"x83" LIVING ROOM 22'6'x 12'0" SIZES: Extreme Width .....0300000c08 000 00 00 60 6 Miele eiNy atteinnincs Lam Extreme Depth . 2... 66 ceed eee 0 +e 6 5 =v a)e) Sneuet ate eee a First Floor Ceiling .. 2... ss. «+ 01s 00 «010m © 0)n Sisiene eta s eeeenE Second Flor Ceiling. ........... os «6 v0 « «ls a ots 5 etaieeeiai ane Basement Ceiling ©... 2.05006 00 00 + am «sna eiecentey gins nt mean Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items............2...------------+-+ * One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..............-..---------------------~ = Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit New York, Doz eh ne = 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARBORG” 24 Ft, Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HE architect showed excellent taste in placing the big chimney in front where it can be best contrasted to the siding and shutters. The living room is a room of delight, enhanced as it is by the booming fire place, and colonnaded opening to the dining room. Space saving closet fixtures gives added neatness and convenience. DINING ROOM 10°6'X 12-3" 26-0" LIVING ROOM 23-0 X12-3" CHAMBER 16-O'X12-3" SOOPER LERELLN ry os, 95) ae. wi eiarolia ie! heel PERS? SacI oc bee ee Ue ee OO TON EEE PIG O Epil es a. fire eR core he Wie ia ee ee ae moor Og RSME EPEC OU S, ooo ss, fab lns 535 1k Sec heceeRentee de ue Dove hea la eects el ke a ee Oe PMC eee ening re Fe ots Hie aoe ie bsiend emia che VT aa eRe stata Ow 6 = Petamtaterien Cellini doy ol (So, SN Me Lite Attar akt ite le hash cmrals mere Ok Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 593 DINING ROOM x aay x “The AVENA” 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HINGLES and stucco blend perfectly in the “Avena.” was designed for comfort at a moderate scost, DINING ROOM 12'0" x100" aaa Pe [ST [VF LIVING ROOM 200" wv 14'6" Basement Ceiling . Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms eeoeerereoer eee ee eee ee CHAMBER 't" x loo" GON GED G7 CHAMBER | 200° LO: ALLEGAN. Extreme Width eer RT iain goon sll OY" Extreme Depth 2.0... 60s 60.0 c/c 8 6 0.0.5 is one ie 61a) ene enenne team mee First Floor Ceiling -.....°. 02,0 s.0.00 0s 9 6p 0 -5)6 6lpetninel aiatnnate eianaennnea CEE Second Floor. Ceiling .. s 0b eiere ein anu enenn eS Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 596 6 Rooms and Bath aa KITCHEN I2o't'3" [94 eres ———— - DINING ROO ‘4o'e"x 11'S" aes Ti | mas Il ree cra LIVING ROOM 19'6" x n'3" ADAMANT. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. “The ADAMANT” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep N INVITING dwelling with shingled walls. The large porch with upper bal- cony aids in giv- ing the impres- sion of roomi- ness and com- Ort exci: pate rooms provide the homelike at- mosphere inside. Extreme Width ....... Extreme Depth ....... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling .. Basement Ceiling ..... DD], CHAMBER I'S" ¥12'9" AD nnstend ee RRO HEALS WIHT 5 Rooms and Bath — | “The AMBROSE” 26 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep A een Colonial home of the conventional ty pe. Two large chambers with wardrobes, and a bath, make up the second floor. The “Ambrose” is economical in cost and upkeep. REF. ! rica WM KITCHEN Ss, 9" CHAMBER 12'a"x 1's" I33"x18'6" ID I | | | I I'3"x SIZES: Extreme Width ......... Extreme Depth ........). auleueee ee OOG First Floor Ceiling ....... Second Floor Ceiling ............... 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ............+. 7 : ‘2.00 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 598 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARKWRIGHT” TUCCO, shingles, and brick are blended into one harmonious whole. 25 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep The chimney is an architectural gem. Spacious rooms make the “Arkwright” comfortable, as well as distinctive. 25'0" aoe KITCHEN--~ LIVING ROOM 24'0' . 13'0" ARKWRIGHT. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms CHAMBER "6 x80O' ea ral TT TT Extreme Width ..... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling ... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling .... CHAMBER Oo W'S" CHAMBER. Ne" - OW inal tad oel asl Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 6 Rooms and Bath “The ATOKA” 25 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep THE rustic shingled walls give this popu- lar design a restful home-like appear- ance. The massive, comfortable front porch should be noticed. The big living room with fire-place, the convenient kitchen and three chambers with ample closet space, shows the designers careful consideration for home comforts. LIVING ROOM 226: x IIS) CHAMBER i. init Bxtreme’ Width . . 0.0. s3 3 fuk coe 8 ee Ten eee OE I2Zaxi3 Extreme ’Depth ©. 3.0) Fosse i ee he ee ere een ne First Floor) Ceiling)... 3 ss. 0j6 caine wanes oh See, ate eee Second Floor -Ceiling “o.oo ws be ie eee ee ee eee ae Basement Ceiling |... 5 23.0.5 3.5 oatk Ls Oe eon Gee ee anna One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Meterial Items. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ....t.......cccccscscsceesceeseeseees $2.0! + One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......................... oben Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York, 600 iliaisppibanontnilawimniastosttinaa 5 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ASHUELOT” 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HE average man seeks in a home an attractive exterior and a comfortable inside. When you find these qualities and in addition an individuality, both in design and in arrange- ment, it is time to build. r~ TK\TCHEN : '8'x12'3" Loa WERE? CHAMBER ia! 9x 10:3" . ASHUELOT LIVING ROOM 31'0'x 12'3" SIZES: Extreme iW idthoe kitts oe tee oe eh Se oe 0 Extreme sDepthiiecic «cisseie cas aie ue esha.) cose loko! och te First Floor Ceiling (Sun Parlor 14’ 3”) Balance...... 9’ 0” Second Floor) Ceilimgiraterenetaiecstel eine) carl sts ecco») eloteiele) sie Basements Ceiling) « ote eset cnelsloianen ciel siee)e) vitals) ele vie 0.0 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ...-----.--------/---------- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 601 \ Fee Slee 5 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor “The ADIRONDACK” 34 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep and Sleeping Porch dack” costs very little to build. LIVING ROOM 16'o" x12'3" SLEEPING PORCH 96'«xl00' CHAMBER Extreme? Width {45.0.0 4 sea ee ee a Sot Ge ‘O" ‘ea Extreme: Depth, (65 sé-0 ae ee Tn EAU 230 x |0 First. Floor. Ceilingo2k 0 2 ch ee See ee ee LO Second.Floor Ceiling: >. iad. a ee ee ee oa On ADIRONDACK Basement Ceiling .......... Dh eM vata ra Ee ae Tie = Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above DeSign...................:::cscsssscenscsneeeenee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............2-2-.-.-:s--ses-:seeeeeseeeeee= eae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 602 Ape it is the old Dutch Colonial Type the “Adirondack” is individual in appearance. The sun parlor with the sleep- ing porch above have a decorative as well as practical value. Best of all the “Adiron- CHAMBER 10'9'x120 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The ARBORHILL” 26 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep A SHINGLED house with a particularly welcoming entrance. The position of the fireplace between the two doors leading to the sun room 1s effective. An abundance of windows provide the maximum sunlight and air. 26' o" [Sls] TO Aer fae CHAMBER. ic'O" my 10 o" LIVING ROOM 160" x 12'0' Extreme Width ..........2eeerecerceceres Extreme Depth . 25 wie bia cin creel i cteiee esis oe First. Floors Ceiling 0-54 mites cr eerste) cea tchel etolewerenenMorsucien. Second’ Floor, Ceiling je ne iemelole, sine ateuer on cnetioliol ciielent-nelicuiesuiel eat site Basement | Ceilimm isan cae viet tan han ttikens cere neh oie etter pe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. ........:..---------:--------------0e-- $ 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 603 6 Rooms and Bath ea iow LIVING ROOM IZ0 xI50" ARVADA, Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract, Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Buildiag “The ARVADA” EMONSTRATING still another possi- bility of the adaptable Dutch Colonial Style. The roof angles are ap- propriate, and interest- ing. The floor plan re- veals first a large recep- tion hall with two closets, and then the wide living and dining rooms. The rear porch is of both practical and pleasurable value. Extreme Width ........ Extreme Depth ........ First Floor Ceiling ...... Second Floor Ceiling ... Basement Ceiling ....... CHAMBER _ 15'0" * 8'o" ee TEE CHAMBER 89"xI26 CHAMBER 19'9"* 8&9" Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 604 { : d Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ....... - First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling .. Basement Ceiling Two (2) One (1) One (1) “The ALBANY” 30 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE “Albany” at once creates the de- sire to own it. Of simple lines en- hanced by white trim and shutters effuses an air of hominess. The square shape per- mits a practical distribution of rooms with no waste space. A home the occupants will become immensely attached to. CHAMBER 10'9"x io'3" SIZES: CHAMBER CHAMBER | Hig dé pat u Rh anaes eet py sr 10'9"« 10'3 | tow nh’ S36 Ob anh Did DOGS OO God > pee Ek ePpunitsinte teen ores Mle, wasNate tn 7a, ee oofels laste. een ae Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items. Pee at ee ee $2.0 Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 605 “The ATLAS” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE effective colonial entrance, and the sloping ter- race set the “Atlas” off to good advantage. The recessed fireplace with hearth in the living room gives an especial homey atmosphere. The stairway out of the living room is at once practical and effective. DINING ROOM W-O"AN- 6" CHAMBER 18-6 10-0" _ATLAS Extreme Width PPE ss Extreme Depth «2.4... ose 000m oa 0 a)s) 0 nanan an First Floor Ceiling ......... 0.20%. ce oe «0 eee eee Second Floor Ceiling”: 000.00 esis aa ws oe osteo eee Basement Ceiling .. 5. 656. 50's «s.e/es ve 2s 8 se Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Sccure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 606 6 Rooms and Bath “The AMALGA”’ 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep GEM of a Colonial home flanked by a wide lazy porch. The use of wide siding for the exterior is both prac- tical and pleasing. A convenient vesti- bule, a large bath, and ample closet space are among the many living advan- tages found inside. LIVING ROOM 12'3"x 190" PORCH \00'x220" ere ilthi on eo eh ales ok he Re ok oe ds Sol dis «tare eelge on OF CENTS oat lee es oo cia he eal de atr ine dee eee tee Om Mean riCoilingh 05.1. ee eae hes ie nO AG Been bars Ceiling a. cc fis. sio ks anae dlo eae + ola sree ereeiahe (0 4 Mmmentent eG citing 62 5. ria. 3 occ MY tins Oa ON Cae siete EU LOS Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 607 DINING ROOM | dexoo7 4 260) SIZES: Extreme ¢ Width sic fot ae ee ee Tolenote ioe Extremes Depth ac cease amelne etol eee nee tok ac te First: FloorsCeilinge a6 sc. reese eter eael cselek el ok looks Second -Floor (Celina. 6 > snemere reste ennerertenel > Basement Ceiling: se. 7. crcscae coer aoe keer Mouse Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms LIVING ROOM 236x130 29 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep eee and shingles set in perfect contrast. The tall stuccoed chimney gives further in- terest to the outside. The floor plans especially of the living rooms, speaks for itself. The second floor is convenient with large rooms and plenty of closet space. CHAMBER I2’ex9'9" CHAMBER Ip'o'=*K io! Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York. 608 ate in * 6 Rooms and Bath “The ANTLERS” 28 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep A MAJESTIC dwelling in frame. The unusual porch and entrance cannot fail to impress the guest. The long sweep of the living room carries out the majestic note created by the exterior. al CHAMBER funen] | CHAMBER ligxloe Extreme Width ............- Extreme Depth ...........-.-- First Floor Ceiling .........- Second Floor Ceiling ........ Basement Ceiling .......-.--- Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Dealen 29sec a. ee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... yeetee lea. x One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 609 CHAMBER ex ised 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor 66 99 House—26 Ft. Wide x 39 Ft. Deep Dressing Room and Garage The ARBALA Garage—11 Ft. Wide x 19 Ft. Deep HOME of the Dutch Colonial type challenging the eye with its many interesting roof lines. Further features, such as the entrance and adjoining garage arouse an intel- CHAMBER SF: S' o' ligent curiosity. Sun parlor with storage sr 0 oom deb. 0. Veemlanee FOOMS, “Sihaicie saving closets are other assets of the “Arbala”’ CHAMBER CHAMBER I3q@' x II'9" No'x14o" lOO0'«12'9" IDINING ROOM Wo" x 14'9" ARBALA. LIVING ROOM GARAGE. A AN 250 xil 9 1iOoo" x 180" Extreme Width- . 2... 6 ciss:0 oe os wee «01 2 eS ee Extreme Depth .............. MM rie corona nie ON First Floor Ceiling. 2)... 026s faa es oe oe Second Floor Ceiling .: .. 5%... 5s a «50 © eee ene Basement Ceiling |. 2... 0.6 5 %6 6 ss % cow atte oe, en ‘Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..........0000.0.02010-- eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 610 f j q q 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARTLAND” 26 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep A HOUSE of regular design and room distribution. The four large colonial columns and the expansive front porch set the house off perfectly. Com- fortable because simple. 9) S' Ou | CHAMBER 12'3" 12'S" LIVING ROOM ia'o" x Wa" nlp peat SIZES: Extreme Width }2 223s ce tas, os ie ee en Re Oe, acs amare a Oe Extreme Depth Dae Rec erole ea weed oinwicle use Aes ane oy Oe First tFloor! Ceiling sicrcoerret reine hei es one eee eka chet ache totes 8’6 Second: Floor: Ceiling (08 oe. ca.cloe Se unis Bare ede ia staan Oe Basement, Ceiling’... tus Sere ct eas Rea eee as cenee yeO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 611 Extreme Width .... Extreme Depth .... First Floor Ceiling Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling ... Two (2) DINING ROOM 12d x1oc! xe . . . Complete Sets Working Plians for above Designm..............-ccssscscsecssesesecssteaese $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... x One (!) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.-—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. . KITQHEN ia lo . Blue-Print esi; ! | 2! ARUNDEL CHAMBER on LIBRARY | xi2s" em ER 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Qs eye travels from the arbor gate, thence, to the massive bay and finally rests on the effective colonial entrance. The small wing on the right serves to complete the picture. The disappearing bed in the downstairs library is a feature to be appre- ciated. CHAMBER— ISdxi'e" toa 1IOSxi9o CHAMBER .39' 6” Io'xizo! .36’ 0” : 8’ 6” F 8’ 0” Bate fea 612 cseee Tied dabul Wi leader = 6 Rooms, Bath and Alcove “The AMADORE” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep DUTCH Colonial home of approved style. The large living room with a sun parlor effect at one end is unusually attractive. Three chambers upstairs with ready access to the bath make this home very livable for the medium sized family. LIVING ROOM 19'S" 15's" |DINING ROO tt Hah t | No’ x t's CHAMBER 'o'«9'S Bee IMOHEN MIEN 6200 ead froics 6 odo are oo Woe ue a pened Tame ere anthwe a a sie is Linn io ae ie Oe Pee omen eriling ss. o:sic's 6 o oieis 0 ook Ak verres # eur eR ONCOL Semend Fico Ceiling: .\. 2 2. ssa ssc bn eens oo Hate AOd eeIeReeC Plling =. fc 2s Seg os tech e one ee a ep ete BO! Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above | DYE Keo bee ted ore ene ere ray One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 3 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Fo rrinS shoo cece ecient Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 613 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARROWOOD” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep DINING ROOM, ~ 13'9"»% 11'3" LIVING ROOM 17'6" x 11'3" PORCH 26'0"x10' o" SSS Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. THOUGHTFUL blend of siding, shingles, and brick, topped by a tile roof. The “Arrow- wood” assures comfort and convenience, beauty and family happiness. One has only to look at the tile-hearthed fireplace to be convinced of this. CHAMBER 12'3'x1I'3" 12'3"xiI'3" OwooD Extreme Width . .... 5. 0.00 0s te cae 0 ye ou Geren een nr Extreme Depth? v0.00 0% os « » in walkie Ee First Floor Ceiling... ....40-05620 00 ae Second Floor Ceiling ... 2. i 5.54005 «ss 0's 5 one enn an Basement Ceiling” 05 i664 nn es eee 7’ 0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......-.4200..0.00.1...-sssc--eceeeeeeeeeeeeee 20 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 614 = ==" — ae aT deed, fae o_o ae | SRURRET! TSS 10'-6'X 11-9" LIVING ROOM 23-0 X 12-3" PORCH 20-0'% 6-0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. - One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material DINING ROOMS “The ALINDA” 24 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep ROM the moment you enter.the door you are cap- tivated with the “Alinda.” You step directly into the expansive living room cheerily relieved by the big fire- place = bNeum you notice the plaster arch with built- in china cases opening into While the dining room. the outside is attractive, it does not begin to convey the tidiness and comfort found within. Extreme Width .... Extreme Depth .... First Floor Ceiling .. Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling .. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, 615 Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. CHAMBER "3X13" Dealer. CHAMBER fies Wea ki3" ALINDA 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALHAMBRA” 24 Ft. Wide x 28 Feet Deep HE long curve of the roof, the position of the windows, and the harmonious exterior lend the “Al- hambra” charm and distinction. Inside, the well lighted sun parlor, the large living room and ample closet space are among the comfortable features. A convenient arrangement is the main stairway which is accessible from both kitchen and living room. CHAMBER 1io'e’«9'3" CHAMBER ' lo6xoa" LIVING ROOM | 2320 %*12'3" ALHAMBRA. Extreme Width .......44 0. » sa) Sees ee Extreme Depth \......% . 0.4/2 = 8 cinta eS oe First Floor Ceiling ...<...... see eee oe Second Floor. Ceiling .... ..; . «« 201s sne eee Basemént Ceiling ...........«- tj. on nee eee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_. Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Two (2) Complete Sets Bluc-Print Working Plans for above Design ..............-...20-.010----es $ 00 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, : Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York, 616 6 Rooms and Bath “The AGENDA” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep THE GREEN shutters lend the proper amount of color to make the “Agenda” a home of beauty. The entrance provides the classical touch. The fireplace in the up- stairs chamber sets the room off perfectly. CHAMBER i30"x9'0" LIVING ROOM 18'6"x ws" AGENDA a a] MOOITUUTLI.- IUNIDUNULI: SIZES: CHAMBER : 1" i] DxtwemerWicth’s .5 5.0.0). ewe ne ove es 28°0" IZ3xlOoo PaVRIpEientat. f oc. 7). sha eee ie ks OO. Piet ficor Ceiling ...0..60 664. seb ew on 8 6" Second Floor Ceiling ............ Send BE OF Revemient) Ceiling %,.(; -. 200s ds Sete s oe 7 OF Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. J One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........-2.-2-------2-------c----ece--eeeeee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 617 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARMA” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep ARTISTIC in every detail from the seats on stoop, to the big sloping roof. Flower boxes, trellises and shutters, complete the picture. From the moment you step inside, you are taken with the arrangement and airy freedom of the rooms. CHAMBER 14'S" x WO" CHAMBER 23'c'x!'6" ti [Ed LIVING ROOM 2ZTO xIlG Extreme Width .5....565..5.0000- 0 «0 0.0 os Gini ieee nnn aes Extreme Depth . 2.6... .20605. c0%es 0 ccs een een nn First Floor Ceiling )...5...5...50.5 +000 01s Se Second Floor Ceiling 2.2... 5.......... «slut ne Basement Ceiling 2.0... oa oe a eee os = ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......--..00000000ccceeeeeeeeeeeese- : $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........-0.000000000-0000000-0 eee a a Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 618 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARDEN” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep SMALL modern home recalling the early English type. Inside one finds the rooms ample, cozy, and easy to keep. Shutters were never used to a better advantage. The ex- posed chimney materially adds to its attrac- tiveness. aR Vani LIVING ROOM 13'3"xI'6" apes i SZ TT ae CHAMBER ' ion i Batecma With... cs. acs meweedelesec2tcO- 126 xllO REIMOELIODEN 1. SK kiiucias ce tne Ol oO Pereetrioor Ceiling .- oo) on) ds exe BLE. Sieconcthioor Ceiling’... . 06. .s sae on 80% Mesixtentit eling ic s02) cayeck enka crs i LO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_.. . One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ...----- 2-2-2000 Secure above plans,-etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. ee 6193 Be 6 Rooms and Bath LIVING ROOM —a3cdxile SIZES: Extreme Width ....... wis Pareles ee Cetus Shor Cre OO On Extreme Depth ..... HER ts ck. cy RH CuOR ES Eee arti ee 320m First Floor Ceiling ................ ae tr tee eee 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling ..... ST 7 EM Fn BL gee onan Basement ».Ceiling.”;...s)- gs. oh > i a hee EO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design...... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_ “The ALENA” 27 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HUTTERS on shingles make a uniquely pleasing combination here. The circu- lar tread stoop and iron railing make a charming entrance. Through the expansive living room, we pass on to the light airy dining room. There are no less than five clothes closets upstairs. CHAMBER Sx CHAMBER WOKING. CHAMBER Sue One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. _........-......-cs:-:sseese----- 2 Re Secure above plans, etc., fram your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—_ New York. 620 6 Reoms and Bath “The AMAGON” 22 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HPO sVir ol adazzling whiteness, with occa- CHAMBER sional shingle decoration Io" x 10'0" to give a touch of color. Very inexpensive to build, yet having all the advan- tages of the best homes. The kitchen with its cabi- LIVING ROOM . nets and closet, will be a 2I'o" x12'0" perpetual delight to the CHAMBER housewife. - SIZES: Extreme Width ie sic Oi5 ee es los oe ees Extreme Depth ............ Fea optician tee wads oaseok enanspataueaeee First;.Floort Celling\ote Are cre ch cee i eee ae Second 3 Floor # Ceiling a: 205 cs ssgen Reine Minas Pee eal een Basement Ceiling ...... EI ADT His ates CPE EOC SE Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... cc ceceeeeeeeeeee $ 0 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ..0..0.0.-.0..002-:::c0-sc0:eceeeoeees ss es Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 62] l03'x120" 7 103'x12'0' ly &. AMAGON. 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor “The ANGLAIZE” 30 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep and Boiler Room COAL BIN i = PLEASING study in roof angles. The recessed porch is unusual and very effec- tively designed. The boiler room in the rear supplants the basement and accomplishes all its functions, such as washing, heating and coal storage. LIVING ROOM. io'3x 12’ CHAMBER I20'x9'o ANGLAIZE CHAMBER Extreme#Width i3.,20205 ee ee eee eR ae ar aoe ee mec he Ie Tey Bd ANGLAIZE Extreme Depth ............. in Shel Aue UA Sasaotode ek LORE O34 OM * First Floor Ceiling ....... Sia Felt SN aes AER te a: a Od Second_Floor Ceiling +.j25 stato nude «ale ous ele ee On Basement Ceiling ..... GALS Uh be Rhode NES Ne COL ee RO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print -Working Plans for above Design..............---..----20------------ $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ty 20% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms............ eee Sher . Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. | Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 622 6 Rooms and Bath “The ASHBY” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep POPULAR home of the square type. The exposed sawed beams make the porch a dis- tinctive one. The seat in the nook of the living room commands the entire sweep of the room. Practical and economical. HAMBER. loe'x1'9" é CuamBen ff CHAMBER LIVING ROOM 12'O x N's" 1oG x 14'S 23'0" » 1I'3" ASHBY. PORCH SIZES: ton vee 200 x 8O Extreme Width (250078) Cn Oe oes otis Sete eee eee LO; Extreme. Depth oP 606 cw Wicket aes Bat eRe 2 SG On First ‘Floor, Ceiling 3.2 ck of ab ee sins Oe oe DR e ee Gs Second Floor Ceiling’ $633 oe eek oe ae Saree: OF Basement Ceiling ©). 2000 ee he Ao eed cote ta Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.......................... Secure above plans, etc., from your lecal Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 623 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The ALBANO” 26 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep HE exterior with all its charm fails to reveal the many advantages of the interior. First there is the living room with a built-in seat, fireplace, bookcase, and adjoining sun room, Then the _ per- fected i Nab ee, room with its big ba ya nid buffet. The sec- ond floor is all Da to «be “desired. re lhl x | And in all is re- = | j markably inex- pens ty -earto build. CHAMBER. 13.3" x 13" CHAMBER I33'x0" CHAMBER i1'3"x 10! 5 a 7 DINING ROOMI!# W'S" % 12'o' ee ee ALBANO. SIZES Extreme Width . ....5 2.500005 ss 04} 0/6 5 ois ee Og Pa Extreme Depth 2.000 56 5005 6 ye co tee le ol oleae First Floor Ceiling «00. 0's ice. 3 00+ a eis © © leet ey een Second Floor Ceiling ... 6. 3.52. 6 2. > «= sel os Basement Ceiling ©.) 558 6 63 ous ects = oo nes! se oven : Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design —.....2.......2.0---:2-0000-0--= One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............2.-2.-2-.:------0s-0e--- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicag».—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 624 cf 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARCUS” 22 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE “Arcus” is a plain home, yet obviously com- DINING ROOM fortable, and cheerful. The rooms are arranged Se 12'O"% 1'3" practically and particularly convenient. Many utili- ties have also been considered; such as kitchen cabi- nets, outside icing door, and medicine case, which all aid in making the ideal home. LIVING ROOM 73" es Wee CHAMBER bey x4 7'9" CHAMBER CHAMBER | CHAMBER, 103: '3" lO3xl3 Extreme Width ........ PI Oe Ag a ce eee, Or Nc Bare Poca oO x Extremes Depth |... i... 2650s: UE aot owiscoa Ree eee ee, Peed PUT REME NOON COUN SO. 55 oi5:Giw cuits ieee @ ab. 2'+ oe Sie MOR cee Per er RE Pacoucebloors Celine ote eis ie oe os heeds CBP ate eto Basement Ceiling: :))./5 ...,.)0. e's 2 see 2 peo ek Nec ae a Me ere tity ct Nedlrees See et ene ts Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design . One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items 2-2-2. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 625 6 Rooms and Bath “The ADDISON” 31 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep POPULAR because of proven com- housewife. LIVING ROOM 11'3"x21'0" i tou iW3 xlOG@ CHAMBER P| tu Ws xi56 SIZES: CHAMBER Extreme> Widthi 7.32. (2 Ae ae Det oe Om ii 1 i Extreme). Depth 2. 30.45 hin. Se ee ee Lae 16 3xloO First Floor Ceiling ........ RF eS, ieee ny htc Bae Gs Second Floor Ceiling ....... IEP Oe ee a Ae Basement: Ceiling 3%. seer ©. ee ie ee ee ee ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design .......-...-2.2..-2.02:-e S 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..........220.22..22.-22-22.-:--1-e--eeeee= One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............20..2.-.22-.--..-..-.000-------- ae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York. 626 fortand beauty. The trellised front porch lends distinction. Plenty of closet space is always pleasing to the 5 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The ADIAL” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep a preke Dutch Colonial style is advantage- ously adaptable to the small home. An expansive living room, and a generous sun room are features to be considered. Space saving closet fixtures are employed giving more space and neater closets. 6 12'0" xl LIVING LOOM ith etx tic. om HITE SIZES: ia i CUAMBER. Le || 1 it MUTE SLE aR Nica ke ee eS odio p ISH wee cid we acs eed ON ee te Me: CON mame CLO 200 x10 9 DRYER SCORE gn nS Sn eee is Saal ah Sd ee ee ee Le LL eg Pater pCa CNT OG. 8, oooh tho Ws Mace. Bac Se cee EE OED eMC MN OOte COINS yh osc: 8 eye hala ewe Beate cea oe eo ee eB Oe Pemmattrrat est OR OM cet ae Ge Ae Gel, Mae, le ee Re een gc ve een es anes OO ADIAL Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ..........0..2...0:2:.:c200s0ee eee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............20.0.0..0....2-200.002-e Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 627 5 Rooms and Bath “The AMMON” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep N enchanting little home with its broad white siding and ornamental shutters and en- trance. The inside is found to be equally fascinating as you wander from room to room. Built-in kitchen cabinets and space sav- ing closet fixtures are conveniences that will 1@ PORCH u | 120'xT'0 1] 060. KITCHEN 2 123" x IZA DINING ROOM 12 ax Nisan LIVING ROOM 25'0' x W'3" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... please the owner. CHAMBER 150" II'9" Extreme Width .... Extreme Depth .... First Floor Ceiling . Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling ... CHAM BER_ 7 ois 0 9" AMMON Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 628 6 Rooms and Bath “The AMIRET” 23 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep [Ve inviting entrance, and an open side porch make the “Amiret’’ distinctive. A graceful plaster arch over the opening be- tween the dining room, and living room adds to the beauty of both rooms. Bookcases are below the arch. DINING ROOM 109'xII'4" LIVING ROOM 1B0" “ iO: AMIRET . . SIZES: SPT TEIN SSS eo Sc di Pe cee ahs & BES ee! Ser eteET SeriE ls che ey ie ack tala cag in eae Oe OL reat rinard CoMing, .sh.5< aoe ee ee te kh ate BO Meena i ricor Coiling ©3605 ohne es rhe ee ae Mee ee BO” neaients Ceiling on ce ok ee ctor s aioe ovate aL LOw Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... snes Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 629 COS eT TEI] energy 5 Rooms and Bath “The AVERA” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE prevalence of homes of this type is due to the combination of attractiveness and_ servicability DINING ROom|| Se they afford. It is modes in price ag com- i2'o" x10'o" ortable to live in. Many modern features; such as built-in china cases, mail boxes and space saving closet fixtures will delight the housewife. Watt WT LIVING ROOM 23'0x11'3" PorRcH 2 4'o"x PY o" CHAMBER 23'0%«1!'3" Extreme Width’. j.cig ou ateia ntacm anevelev clas + Gettsaent Sunt hea ee eae oak Oa Extreme -Depth. Pi iiss. cts eters Se oe ee ee ee 3 6rGu First Floor Ceiling ....... Aen ctore Meee he: nilei S ajlneg ah ale hel hathaeae ene EO Og Second Floor Ceiling .......,.. ne Oe Basement Ceiling ....... oes hnece sak OE eee RTO Fy Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ee \0) 0) 0) 6a! ee) 04 6.10 50, (aie ue eh one, 6 10 oF iplie! ele 6: 20) Or 7S, (8 (0: Gh ie: ‘6, oi enw /s: ON a) (ew nt eorerie: Fe Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago. Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 630 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARNAUD” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep lee Dutch Colonial style again shows its adaptability to the small home. The finished effect of siding and shingles is pleasing and harmonious. There are porches both front and rear. Large rooms are offered by this plan. Space saving closet fixtures are used to add to the general convenience. PORCH 100%G0" CHAMBER. ‘9 CHAMBERY 25\o'%«i2o" LIVING ROOM ARNAUD 2s'o"%«11'" SIZES: Extreme; Width cnc ceo ne See Cs ae Aer ks BO Extreme? Depth itrti cst ra tay Rae er es a es wate ee ba Orn First: Floor. Ceiling suc waa on sop etna ea ac ohgrs o, AP Second: Floor; Ceiling +-4:.00@ 245 2 hoe Bee te Oe, ae a 80u Basement: Ceiling (2c 3 Avice cat eles Sasa es oa cee Mien CLUE Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...........--. 2 — One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 631 6 Rooms and Bath “The AMBOY” 24 Ft, Wide x 24 Ft. Deep CONVENTIONAL home of proven sat- isfaction. Moderate in cost, and appeal- ing to look at. The rooms are of ample size. A clothes chute is one of the @many amide conveniences. LIVING ROOM | 4-6'K1IF3" CHAMBER 13°3°x 7-9" Rees TOT TU Extreme Width (2 « ¢suwShc digit hore eit de chal he een ee cae ee tee l Extreme Depth.....'o 00 0s See. Ue a ee ee ea O First Floor Ceiling ............ Ge Dc en ee te heen Lhe Se a eee OEE Second Floor Ceiling is Och 36 os Oe ee ee ee ee ae ee hO Basement Ceiling 6.3, 3.002. Saha in ee ee ee ee eee eh en Od Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ......0 2 ---cene One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.......2...-0.---22-c:----c-ee-eeeeeoes Secure abeve plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. at 632 | Ce 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALEXANDER” 24 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep RIM in line and light in color, the “Alex- ander” belongs in “spotless town.” The large vestibule separates the living room and dining rooms making each room distinctive. Each chamber is spacious and airy and easily aceessible to the bath. There is an outside icing door. LIVING ROOM 15'8"x IS" CHAMBER 3 mit | ve eX op ee eee ool Sa Gee eee ee ee ae rere Git fC Rang Meath tks Patreme Depth ©), oad oiig oo tele ce Riches Wa ase Ble te Mees OE hn coh ES Hirst bloor «Ceiling? 2.50 che ce dislike cho ade) cusvonels. shaesio ens, ah Sesrete pel NepMaleiencsonemens Second Floor Ceiling cto ais coher flere ached naticens. oes e¥ onc) o) othe els esl ost haat ses cne cn Basement’ Ceiling = 605.2). 5 074.2 sgele ae ete ea chests ecg ete mw aha We les wrote Cote eaves Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above: Design=2.— 2 eee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_ ¥ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........ 3 Rime oa, Oak! Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York, 633 6 Rooms and Bath “The ATKINS” 26 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep EMONSTRATING the great heights to which the small home can rise. Yet it is inexpensive to build. The floor plan shows the excellence of the arrangement. Plenty of closets are found, one for each chamber and one off each the living room and the kitchen. LIVING ROOM 15'3"x 15" CHAMBER DINING ROOM IWexi2ic" 15'0"x12'o" lo'o"x1J0'o" ATKINS SIZES: Extreme) Width ©. ¢ ivi. «esc Pani des ee eee B04 On Extreme. Depth® 5).°.0 bcc :.00 oe eee eee ne ee ee au First*Floor: Ceiling... 2.20. AO ee ee ee Oe eee ee OO Second. Floor. Ceilings... 85 30 Polaen oh ee Basement® Ceiling’ \.o% «.. Wc, Ueto eee ee Oe ere ne [wo (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (!) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 634 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALLISTER” 26 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep A MODERATE priced home suggesting teats indasels E LIVING ROO ect’s mind erfect for the newly-weds. DINING ROOM 1 12.9 xITA '9"*12'o" i {| D| wa CHAMBER 10'0"x13'6' MAE TEESE NY TAEDA 2 ot fs) c ccd ie Ow aasewnsae # Soneatan a + ROD Metals Reet ate 28’ 6” Bistretre Depth oo iio mss e tp excel o> seshsle tebela siietta's Yape Seng, ot Reuaaag 30’ 6” Parsterloor Ceiling «i... 0 wis s+ sce 0m eece 25s nye as ova ee weer eee 8’ 6” RecondiFloor Ceiling :.5 cc ts ss [oe wie o> win p ae eshadane anole earns age OR ALLISTER Basement Ceiling .......----- SNe eR none mooseroeey Li MUN es Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Desion test cee. tee see $202 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for Nsting alle Materials Wterna sige eer pe eee ———s One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........--.----------:---.------s-se---s-1ee- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 635 neatness and compactness. ‘The pro- jecting entrance gives a definite beauty to the exterior. Maximum room space at the minimum cost was foremost in the archi- i GuRoons hand Bath “The AMBER” 22 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep A HOME of the popular conventional type.’ The. tile-hearthed fireplace, and the stair- way opening out of the living room make it a room of inter- est and charm DINING ROOM Kod he rooms pe CHAMBER lOG x iI 3 LYN Sldinsmahe ed 103" . a'\" posed of attrac- tively and con- Vieln iterate) rage Moderate cost. LIVING ROOM 23'0' fe '3" ~ CHAMBER | 1o'3"x 13" CHAMBER io3"x W'3" _AMBER. Extreme Width ........... Extreme Depth ............ First Floor Ceiling ......... Second Floor Ceiling ....... Basement Ceiling .......... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ..........-.......---.1:-c-000----eee---o One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 22-2 022---2.cee--eeceeeeeeeeeeee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............22.2...2-:c:c--scceeee-eneeeeoe Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detrvit.—New York. 636 Io te ik 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ASHVILLE”’ 22 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 35 Ft. 6 In. Deep 2'G" HE “Ashville” presents a very interesting exterior. The entrance, the tall chimney, the projecting sun room all make it unusual and at- tractive. All the rooms are large and comfort- able. Many thoughtful features are present; such as kitchen cabi- nets, a buffet in the dining room, and a linen closet. theta KITCHEN 10'013'9" LIVING ROOM 19'0"*13'0" Extreme Width »2)..01:12 ¢ -m ol- ee Extreme Depth ........ First. Floor: Ceiling (20.00. -tene oh >) cto hart ene poietic Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling ............ Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design etn eee eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..... any ae an One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. oor ce8 atee iece eenae ; a oe Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York. 637 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor “The ALVERDA”’ 24 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep and Sleeping Porch levee ee having a very pleasing exterior the “Al- verda” has many desirable features. It has a large living room with a cozy fire place at one end and a well lighted sun parlor at the other. The open porch off the dining room and sun parlor is a very noteworthy fea- ture. The second floor is directly accessable from the kitchen as well as from the living room. The well ven- tilated sleeping porch is accessable from two bedrooms. | SUN PARLOR “LIVING ROOM T-OXI3-0 23-0'X13-O° CHAMBER oe 10-9°X 11-0" SIZES: : Pipe Pin gh gree ee CHAMBER Extreme Width ..... Rees, 5 Aas See oe sae weastape leu smoke age rattar io OBL O: 10-9'*K ‘0" ; Extreme Depth Guin. Osan oenndarhCNol A Gd oO Spc: Cetnes ORF Geo aac. o gaseetn eae os OM 9 \\ 1I-9'X9°6" First’ Floor. Ceiling’ 020 Sen oe ee a ee ee 8’ 6” Second Floor#Ceiling *%. 3.2.50. eee en ok eee Oe eee Oa Oe ALVERDA Basement: Ceiling (70% ide, sah a es ee one Co eee Tne a Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design......i...-----cc-cecee cc eceececeeeeeees $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 4, 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Sr Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 638 6 Rooms and Bath “The AINSWORTH” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE effective hood in front, and the large side porch give the “Ainsworth” a particular appeal. Ac- cessibility of all chambers to the bath is noteworthy. The combination of shutters with the colonial siding ap- peals. LIVING ROOM 1g" x12'0" CHAMBER V I1'0" x i" 3" ma MT Winepaenn CHAMBER. ‘ SIZES: Pies Ret ot lail PIPE WMeL Wit li oe ooo cos ooo ans wos eS Meee aie Sea mee COND 29 x ll 3 Batremearepthh cc Ge chi ski eaten we a ee ee oo Birstrlioor Ceiling 2c vise one bo ae 42h ioke dies opwae Seatpeeeas 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling ah wpaiaiauy ¢teiea Oba. ake ag ag anne LO AINSWORTH. Pasertent Ceilitig oye iy 0 on sees wv ela econ y fein cyanea ae _—— Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 0200. $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... # 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forins 2.22 se eee ——— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 639 6 Rooms and Bath “The ANDREW” . 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep GOOD, stable home of frame, giving an unusually homey impression. The large porch is something to be appreciated. A good sized living room, a handy kitchen, and three large chambers make it as homey inside as out. The housewife is sure to be pleased with the many closets. CHAMBER oo'xiI'3" LIVING ROOM 7'3" x 11'3" ANDREW. eG SIZES: Extreme Width ©. 0... 0.00. cee 0 wine ee « 0 OLS eee Extreme Depth §) cs ss ss 00 aoe tie olan e) noe First Floor Ceiling ........ Wage ehoeetteree Man ih Second Floor Ceiling .... 2.0.5. 0 ss en nn 2 + oO Basement Ceiling ¢ ... 6. cs ee seen woe oe nob tae) Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Pians for above Design See SE an rat 8 BORE Yee SBP One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicage.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York. 640 Ca oe fet? oF aE eee? ete ye a \ H ; ' vy % G Rooms and Bath “The ADONA” 24 Ft. Wide x 23 Ft. 6 In. Deep Se yet inviting and pleasing by its very simplicity. The entrance catches the eye and holds it. The long, sweeping living room with its open fireplace is a room of happiness. Then there is the wide open porch for cool summer evenings. LIVING ROOMMpE PORCH | | tou ee | : i} lOINING Room! 120"«2'0" fk 80 xi36 | CHAMBER mm 96'x9'5" SIZES: CHAMBER. * PAPAL iu rs | | iu P| aaah oe) ee Re ie ad SER te Oe W3 xl03 lia xlO3 Parecar oor Ceiling... 6:0 3.i6.s)e Ss dda oe Ee a ee Gd panondelloors Ceiling 6. < se s0 5 ott Lee a. Ce LO ADONA Bercertent t Coiling oof. te, ow elses Coe tte nl ne Ce ee eee ca a Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.......0..0.00.00-.2.0--------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.......... ——— One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York, 641 “The ALATON” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft, Deep pre especially fetching home; one that would be acredit to any community. The spacious living room opens directly into the well lighted dining room. The kitchen is fully equipped with all modern conveniences. Space saving closet fixtures are found upstairs. LIVING ROOM 2s5'0'«12'3" aish CHAMBER IZES: 18 | Extreme Width’ .¢.. 12 con cob en oe ee ee ORO looxllO Extreme Depth ........ Jan heracidsl Ms Sista leben eat orens nies et Pes TAO First Floor Ceiling .......... chautoneees, (eile at Raver e OMe seme ens 719.04 Second Floor Ceiling ...... tS ee A Oa sets RS te See ed tA Basement.Ceiling ©... ju.n65 cua s + reraie et eee ee eee her GPA) Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design®< 532 ares See One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms)... eee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 642 LIVING ROOM 19'o' x 1'3" Extreme Width ..... Extreme Depth ..... First Floor Ceiling ... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling .... Two (2) One (1) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. . . . ADVANCE. eee . ee ee “The ADVANCE” . . . . Are ing 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep PULAR type of home, yet interest- details, such as broken roof lines, re- moves it from the ordinary. The interior is light, airy and commodious. The rooms were arranged with the idea of economy for the housewife. . . 36’ 0” 132 07 8’ 8” 8’ 6” 7h QO” CHAMBER 12'o" x 3" CHAMBER I9'o" x 11'3" ADVANCE... = $20" HOME BUILDERS -CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. 643 5 Rooms, Bath and Store Room “The ARMAND” 26 Ft. Wide x 31 Ft. 6 In. Deep POPULAR home, but the architect’s taste separates it from its neighbors. Two dormers, a high chim- ney, an artistic porch all go to show this. The arrangement of rooms is practical, comfportaiia. and ac- _260" cessible. "The store- be pointed out. 2 — Sore Rm. DINING ROOM \ 14'6" x10'9" CHAMBER I2’o"> 1'3" CHAMBER i in 1O3:x12)3 SIZES: Extreme Width ........... I ere si. ee oe Extreme’ Depth. .2 2.342055. eee «oes os feud aan eres On First; Floor Ceiling). 4 oe ee ere ye Second Floor Ceiling ............ I om tsa: fe) (8) Basement Ceiling ©. 2.0.8 600 oc oe es os oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... $202 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_. 22. — One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............---csess-scsceceeceoee anne ree: Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 644 6 Rooms and Bath “The ATMORE”’ 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE “Atmore” presents an attractive appearance rarely found in homes of its price. It ~ is inexpensive to build as the specifications show. ‘The living room is full size and is in- dividualized by the big fireplace and open stairway. Each chamber is large and comfortable. 26'o" =_- Spas CHAMBER IZo"%11'3" TTT | | td ist | CHAMBER Wa"xi's" SIZES: Extreme: Width $002 cee re eh a ir Oe ean | ee Oe Extreme: Depth qica cee ee ee ee cod OL First’ Floor’ Celling a5 suc ee ae ce ara whe OO,” Second Floor Ceiling ................4.. Pee 2 et ae eS, Oe Basement, Cetlinigh co oe oak a he es ott ae a. OL” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desigm.........02..000.---- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. ¥: 2022 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... sat Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 645 5 Rooms and Bath [heen KITCHEN! 1 i2aK1I04 LIVING ROOM | u 150" x1I'S AIRMONT SIZES: Extreme. Width 60.405) one. Soe eh ee Extreme ; Depth [eee ete Oe First) Floor) Ceilingtpo. a eee Oe Second Floor Ceiling ................. Basement Ceiling «.......6...00 2 0c 0e- Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... “The AIRMONT” space. 28/0" 30’ 0” 8’ 6" a BO” tee he ee padi Olle # We ie) 6 <6: Jomlenge, ii \e. 25 Ft. 9 in. Wide x 27 Ft. 6 in. Deep IDE shingles are very effective in this small home. bution of rooms has utilized every inch of A home of taste and convenience. The thoughtful distri- CHAMBER iloxne's* CHAMBER IS'O'x 12)" ___AIRMONT Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detrit——New York. 646 5 Rooms and Bath SIZES: Extreme Width ..:....... Extreme Depth ....... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling .. Basement Ceiling .... - Two (2) One (1) One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_. Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material “Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. . LIVING ROOM i9'e"xtt'o" _ ARCADIA. PE A .28' 6” Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desien<..2 2529S See $2.0! 24 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep fT HE IDEAL home for a small family. The trellised entrance and shutters are very effective features in the creation of this cozy, popular, medium priced home. Ease and comfort were carefully con- sidered when designing the large cham- bers and living room. CHAMBER 12'o«9'6" CHAMBER i9'o'x | 'o" ARCADIA 1647 5 Rooms, Bath and Sleeping Porch “The ABERNATHY” 30 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep SRN and stucco blend to make a very effective front on the “Abernathy.” An arched entrance is always impressive. Two large chambers and a sleeping porch provide ample room for all. The closets are equipped with space saving hangers, thereby adding neatness and efficiency. CLO: Clo. | CHAMBER CHAMBER I2-6"X1I-9" [2-6 X11-9" ABERNATHY LIVING ROOM 12-3X16-0" DINING ROOM 10-6 X 12°" Extreme Width? .. 0.0. cc s00'0 e100 + © « alee mee aueneiems Extreme Depth .......... 0. 0c cece eeecertcecs First Floor Ceiling ...........-¢+eeeeee ane. Season eee Second Floor Ceiling ....... ; Basement Ceiling ........--.:2eeeeeterectrees Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Designee cee ee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ......------------.-------- Material Dealer, ABERNATHY Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building HOME BUILDERS CATAL@GG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 648 KITCHEN /\, 23x99) DINING ROOM 139"x10'9" LIVING ROOM 250’ x II'3" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items “The ALPOCA”. 26 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft, Deep ONVENTIONAL in appearance, but pleasingly so. The fireplace in the living room, the bay in the dining room and the many windows in the library are all excellent features. Each chamber is in- dividual in size and arrangement, there- by aiding the deco- rator, Extreme Width ........... Extreme Depth .......... First Floor Ceiling ....... Second Floor Ceiling ...... Basement Ceiling ......... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........... Soaepacaneae saoeacbesicceeoavenceeets 20 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 649 6 Rooms and Bath “The ATTILA” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep Vile things—the flower boxes, the shutters, hood over entrance, long sloping roof— give the “Attila” outward charm. From the moment you step in the door, you are taken with the airiness, arrangement and spaciousness of the rooms. Space saving closets give added space and neatness. ~ 28-0" CHAMBER 10-3 XII-6 CHAMBER CHAMBER i2"6"X12°0" 14-O"X12-0" CLO. ATTILLA 24-0" LIVING ROOM 16-3 'XII-O" SIZES: Extreme. Width ae ee vss cas Wee a Extreme Depth?) y-425:. 6 oe eee + + ans ene) Coe ea 34’ 6” First Floor Ceiling ......... Lines soe Oe cao peeOe Second Floor Ceiling .. .........00:.+) ene is tor On Basement Ceiling ........ wee Scape ats o + « o:5aitals Ig sey oh DIM On Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design _.................. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 650 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALZADA”’ 24 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep he have seen many homes of the “Alzada” type and have been invariably pleased. There is a homi- ness about them that is unmistakable. Here you have a floor plan that is particularly satisfying. Space sav- ing closet fixtures, built-in mail boxes and attic for stor- age are among the special features. LIVING ROOM 23'0"x11'3" 00 Extreme Width 2.0.:5...52 02.005) Extreme Depth .............. First Floor Ceiling ............ Second Floor Ceiling .......... Basement Ceiling ............. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. | Secure above plans, etc. from your jocal Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—-Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 651 6 Rooms and Bath DINING ROOM. IN'0" x 1lOS LIVING ROOM 1I9'6"x12'0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The AIKEN” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep DOMESTIC comfort and happiness are the SIZES: Extreme Width ....31' 0” Extreme Depth ....35’' 6” Ist Floor Ceiling... 8' 6” 2nd Floor Ceiling... 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling... 7’ 0” gifts of the “Aiken.” ‘The rustic shingles with trellised porch make a very pleasing ex- terior. Clean, neat rooms, both upstairs and down. A fire-place enhances the living room. CHAMBER Secure above plans, etc., from your locat Lumber or Building Material Dealer. 652 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. — 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARISS” 22 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep SMALL home offering large rooms, an ideal combination for the small family. Its popular price is something to be considered. The upstairs is dis- tributed to utilize every inch of space. The construction is solid and substantial. CHAMBER DINING ROOM" KITCHE I4'OxD'0! re pe || IZO%KINO THE PLANS AND DETAILS OF HOMES AT MODERATE COST ARE AS CAREFULLY DESIGNED AS THE MOST PRETENTIOUS RESIDENCES. CHAMBER 14'0"x 10.On ARISS. SIZES: Extreme*-Width oie. s onscss caste asrsntieee aie ta ai eke @ Soca s ce ee” Extreme: Depths c2tgotaG eos erie Fete ee Mirae a the nee NaIeL lene tetas O40" First: Floor: Ceiling: Gh A ee ee i ee nds He Re 6! Second’ Floor’ Ceiling tein oc st haa io hn rola nets Pree nee oe oo 8 0 Basement? Ceiling % Stn Sra eee ea a oe wid terete wine, LO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 653 lf [ene Laie) DINING ROOM [4'3"x13'3" ‘S LIVING ROOM 23'0"x13'3" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_ New York. FAMILY is known by “the, home wan which it lives. The “Ar- riba” shows the char- acter and taste of its oc- cupants. Inside we find the same dignity pre- served in the imposing living room and large dining room. Space sav- ine closet fixtures give added room and tidiness. Extreme Width .............-- Extreme Depth .............+.. First Floor Ceiling ............ Second Floor Ceiling ........... Basement Ceiling .............- 654 24 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep uu alr . 29’ 6” .43’ 0” . 9’0” SEXO” ma ee oe 5 Rooms and Bath “The ASOTIN” 24 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep HE “Asotin” is in the conventional style, a style that has satisfied for years and con- tinues to satisfy. Certain features, as the trellised entrance and flower boxes give it in- dividuality. By placing the porch at the side privacy is obtained. Inside there is room and comiort for all. CHAMBER 13'6'x12'S" CHAMBER. IGOx 19° LIVING ROOM va init ASOTIN. 196 xIl3 —— ae SIZES: Extreme? Width #700 jan sens 40s ote Oe ee er Oe Extreme Depthd ee oun ee eee cae a 0 08 First; Floor-Ceiling inics. oe es Gas en 8 6! Second Floor Ceiling ... 25.465 shee ceeseeerss 80" Basements Ceiling ja so. 20 i ee ee ee ee TOL Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ney Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 655 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARKANSAS” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep A HOME of quality that is satistying to look at and restful to live in. The living and dining rooms and large chambers upstairs offer unlimited possibilities for attractive furnishing. Duties that were heretofore irksome will become pleasures in this sanitary and convenient kitchen. Bais CHAMBER \O9 Xl2 6 wan CHAMBER Pa rn 23 XIT6 Ne MSTLIVING ROOM DINING ROOM 14°3"x1'3" SIZES: Extreme Width ............. Pr ocr oer Extreme Depth’). .:.....00.8 00 420. sf ala oe ees eG First Floor Ceiling ...... Bs it. 14 os See Oe Second Floor Ceiling ............ + 3 ay 3 GRE, See aaa Basement Ceiling ............. + as all 6) eee eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 656 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALTAPASS” ; 24 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep eee exterior, and an excellently devised floor plan are here offered at a low cost. A linen closet, space saving closet fixtures, storage room, kit- chen conveniences are CHAMBER oes all found here. All to a BExI310 be desired in a home and at a very mod- DINING ROOM erate price. i2'o’x10'o" LIVING ROOM 23'o"x11'3" SIZES: Extreme” Widt hiv ee oe ee ee ee cea Mie chara a REE s wie eo HOw Extreme Depth 00%. vai. So cee oes Get ts Se Ape Sint crn 4016. First Floor Ceiling ................ Res bsuehe LON eee otc Rte ee me 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling ...............- Ey AB ODS ee, Hetast | seb et ap Meese 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ..........---- Ee, LO OR Rata al dee wer RL MAND 5 ora ise € oO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design tie. et er eee $ 9 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items aa ey One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. 657 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANTHONY” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep [bees yet pleasing by its very simplicity. This home is excellently placed onsa conned handy arrangement of the rooms cannot fail to be appreciated by the knowing housewife. This house will be appreciated by those desiring a home with modern conveniences at a moderate cost. , LIVING ROOM a tall I9N'6" x 1'3 ' CHAMBER SIZES: CHAMBER. Extreme Widths .i..c 3 ie bene. < eee Se aos aot ee tee Teo a) ‘all Extreme: Depth hig oo cice Ga Oe cn een 2 Ge NO x IS Fi¢st*Floor “Ceiling 325 5255 Soe cee Oe ee ae Co ee Se Second Floor: Ceiling *<:: Aue od ote Sede oo tes ee ee oe ON Basement. Ceiling © °2..0.hnjsk 28 ties Oe ie Se a Se ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design 00.0000 .2c2.cecceeeeeeeeee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... as One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. ¢ Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 658 | | ‘oe ‘The ARAGON” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep ape combination of shingles with siding is very striking in this inexpensive home. The chambers are extra size, a feature sure to be appreciated. DINING ROOM eee aiey LIVING ROOM I50'xII'3" eee CHAMBER . ‘ Hex tremem Adelie cote so5.-t o ciee rah ans nicae: ainjcte sou cheke ths. che 5’ 0” i96 x 11'3" Extremes Depth ac oie. 0s vedere sce egret ace 0'3 : irarmtoors Cejling =o). 3 occas vies En avandia See UR ae ee Ot Second Floor Ceiling ............. 8’ 0 dw I aeementerC etline wlth c sate ita akatn oleae GPO A crea ote pe Scclatrs Jemaurm ene Leas Mewes des . ———— Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design................ rn 5 1 as tee : $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_........ ees See Se ee cS 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ....0.202022222.22222ee-eeee ae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Ch:icago.—Rochester.— Detroit. New York. 659 SUN PARLOR 22 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep ARIZONA” AN inexpensive home attractively, done in shingles and siding. The living room is spacious and comfortable and contains a closet for wraps, etc. By careful arrange- ment the architect has achieved the maxi- mum space in the upstairs chambers. tal tou 120x716 7 CHAMBER CHAMBER ton toil {ou tou lo'3"x10'3" | 1o'3x10'3 SIZES: Extreme: Width. 7-2 a) cne t eehe Oiaeees LEC EL Sa ae eee a ee DO LEE ARIZONA Extreme Depth ......... 2 eyed apart ncn SOUL oe ae rs AR A eer PO PA Sea wtestat . 33’ 6” First Floor Ceiling ..... Ce ae cee Wee ete Sa RNC te ae ee eae Ache Np teas ae ee 6” Second Floor Ceiling ................. Se owen) Siem mae SOE MA Ahora” Bn toe oS 8’ 0 Basement’ Ceiling, Ae accin on ci tatters hee tae ene Bee rang TRO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......-..-.----....-:s:csscssssseeeeseeeoeee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 660 NE Se a ae ee KITCHEN i'oke re DINING ROOM 2a! xi’ LIVING ROOM 230 iz Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.......................... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...................... “The ALVIRA” A preea- Tad iG ee mel y chambers and am- ple closet space are the features of the upstairs. A pleas- ing dwellingin every particular. eo eCe Sma siaeee rooms and practi- cal convenience. Extreme Width ............ Extreme Depth ............ First Floor Ceiling ......... Second Floor Ceiling ........ Basement Ceiling .......... ee 24 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep POPULAR type of home, and justifiably so for it is reasonable to build, yet rich in ap- = ——— CHAMBER mone i" CHAMBER Wakiz2" CHAMBER Io'xs 9" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 661 KITCHEN 'o"«10'o"_- DINING ROOM iZ'o«12'e" Extreme Width .... Extreme Depth .... First Floor Ceiling . Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...._. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The APPOMATTOX” 27 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep N interesting combination of shingles and rire PS2.20 | RY UG 8' 6” RG 0” ma e0o Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. : Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 662 siding with an artistic asbestos roof. Big pillars give strength and stability to the pic- A well lighted dining room, and airy bedrooms are found inside together with other sanitary utility arrangements. ml CHAMBERFE NW'o"x10'2" FRI Pina CHAMBER u'o’x1ee" CHAMBER — 14'6k1O3" >I APPOMATTOX CHAMBER 10-9'K 13-6" Or: OT LIVING ROOM 22'6'% 12-3" N DS: ANACONDA VERA ae Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. “The ANACONDA” STATELINESS, seldom Poco nmaiity tiie i.e. dius priced home is achieved here, mainly through the three arched French doors and the imposing entrance. They all open directly into the spac- ious living room, The “Ana- conda” is replete with con- veniences, such as a tele- phone cabinet, a toilet on the first floor and a storage room upstairs. Extreme © Width) titi. oie aes anus Extreme Depth First Floor Ceiling Second Floor Ceiling ............. Basement) Ceiling ones aie wit) ole 663 << Reyes eos is) we nee eo) enol ae) na Le © © 0) ¢ Yee .e. ei, « 16) 16 6) 66) te Ieee HAMBER Wt9K12°9 Material Dealer. CHAMBER 10"3'X12-3" 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANATONE”’ 22 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep ie this day and age when everybody is building, peo- ple of taste want something a little different from the rest. For someone seeking this difference and at the same time not wanting to invest much the “Ana- tone,” pictured above, is the perfect home. L VING ROOM [DINING poom!| 103'xI5e AN EXTRA CHAMBER CAN BE HAD AT NIGHT ‘ BY USING A_ DISAP- PEARING BED IN THE | ! | | ! | LIVING ROOM. STORE BED IN THE CLOSET IN DAY TIME. SIZES Extréme: Width | :.503'a 5c cine O53 On oe Dee oe te ee een eRe Extreme Depth? 300i ck oe So he, eee ee a de te er Od First?Floor Ceiling). 2.0502. storia cas are a nee 0 Re Ba cee ar a ot Om Second, Floor. Ceiling gio eusee. cient eet a Sa Conk tees On oe eae Oe Basement Ceiling .......... hans fda ee Mey soho at cee eae ee eee Ok Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........................-...- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York, 664 i a 2 2 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep SNUG, cozy, gem-like in appearance. A per- fect choice for one desiring a small home. The tile hearth, and the open stairway set the living room off perfectly. All rooms are con- veniently arranged for easy housekeeping. ¢ i, CHAMBER 5 ea ee Extreme Width ......... TOT A) ae clouenernl Tear meats Peeper rs 26’ 0” NW3x99 Perrementleptla s,s eae ood ci hamdes 3 ae ek by oho ee a were the win Yo arp ages 28’ 6” Pirate bloornCeiling. 5 ifr al) teh es cones espe eed ee pee en ar seanes 8’ 6” Bergad Floor Ceming. .. eo. so ccs oe oe oe oe heen wien ays ones 8’ 0” Basement. Ceiling #2... ci0 s assess a ho Wer ane chars Af cer ten ae iota Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for abovie. Desi gris ee tccce teas Sots ene $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items............. =a ai one panei x 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Fofms i282 Se ere i —— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 665 6 Rooms and Bath “The ASHURST” 30 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep RIM and neat, bright and cheerful the “Ashurst” is a home of joy in every way. Inside we find light, airy rooms conveniently distributed. Glance for a moment at the efficient kitchen arrangement. DINING ROOM lo'e'x10'o" LIVING ROOM 1s'o"x12'O" ss et 1I0'e"*x |o'd ASHURST. Extreme Width «0.506 )6 00s heats 4 igs oe Extreme Depth ........ 0. 64-5 thse ss 5 ee senna First Floor Ceiling . 2... 6.0. «sis» «0+ 0 js) eee OOM Second Floor Ceiling —....5. 05.6.0.) © cao + essere Basement Ceiling ....0..6's ee0 oe + «2+ am sueigls nena a en One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, ctc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. 4 HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochesier.—Detroit.—New York. 666 | fess: Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design2:)4.-u2s see ee $ 00 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARROW” 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep B* using siding below and dark shingles above the designer has succeeded in getting con- trast in both color and texture. The front porch is breezy and sets the house off per- fectly. The small den off the living room may also be used as a chamber. Space saving closet fixtures permit larger chambers. RITCHEN I 0'x93" CHAMBER I2ZO0xI4O0 DINING ROOM | '3"*13'3" LIVING ROOM IG@9" x |53" SIZES: Extreme Widthw4.543- oe ee oe ek eae 0” Extreme} Depth gate eres ee aes eae ee he. 0" First? Floor? Ceiling ¥, accounted eae ant, stead da Oa ae 0” Second) Floor; Ceiling =<).-5 ait Peete ee re sre vee 83.0” Basement Ceiling cmt Space le awe wenn ee ais, COe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. ........-202...----2-----1- + $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items._.........000000. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........-20---- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. . Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 667 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALVORD” 24 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE pleasing contrast both in texture and color between the siding and shingled gables is instantly noticeable. The veranda lends the finishing touch. The living room with its fireplace and four front windows is a room of taste and comfort. : CHAMBER DINING ROOM 12'9"« S' II isoxi'a" a CHAMBER 9'9'x1'3 ALVORD: Extreme Width ........ Extreme Depth ........ First Floor Ceiling ..... Second Floor Ceiling .... Basement Ceiling ....... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 668. 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALDENO” 22 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep AN inexpensive home of charm and taste. The thoughtfulness of the designer is re- sponsible for the excellent arrangement of the rooms. The stairway opens attractively out ie of the living room. DINING ROOM 1'3"x13'3" CHAM BER | tOne 9'o" LIVING ROOM 21 0'«tt' 3 SIZES: Extreme Width ......26’ 0” Extreme Depth ......39' 0” First Floor Ceiling .... 9’ 0” Second Floor Ceiling .. 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ..... 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 669 20° 6 Rooms and Bath “The ASH AW AY” n't! wall AAR CHEN kitchen arrangement. LIVING ROOM 151 x i\'9" DINING ROOM 12'1"x1Ve CHAMBER. ASHAWAY ee aoa eae 1310 x17 3 Extreme Width... ..tcccsake gnie ctere ee centre Areca Extreme: Depths: 0.35) 2 First Floor Ceiling .............. Second Floor, Ceiling’ 7-472 coc) ce ee ees Basement» Ceiling og 24-88 tee ans Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber ocr Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.——Rochester.-—Detroit.—New York. 670 30 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep FRAME home of the popular type, attractive and inexpensive. The artistically sawed ends of the porch roof are particularly striking. cessibility between the rooms has been a considera- tion of the architect. Built-in cabinets perfect the ee 5 Rooms, Bath and Library “The ANNONA” 26 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep DISTINCTIVE Home in the conventional style. The arrangement is perfect, the library off the liv- ing room deserving particular notice. Space saving closet fixtures are employed. DINING ROOM CHAMBER 12'5"x13'4" | CHAMBER 12't"x9'o" io'o"x11'0" ANNONA Extreme: Widthice ch ee ee Ae ee. 2 30" OF Extreme, Depth eo. ia tier ee ae he voce 00" First; Floor Ceilnpeor-tr be As cnt ne eee 8 6" seconds? loor: Ceiling ac cain os eck as oe ae oie 8 0" Basementh Ceiling 2b. pte oi ine Tee eee ee een TO" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 20200000 ce eee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... se > One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. . HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 671 7 Rooms and Bath “The ALEDA”’ 24 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep HILE conventional in appearance, the “Aleda” is exceedingly liveable. The excel- lent room arrangement saves the housewife many steps. A large front porch is always ap- preciated. A very popular, pt che : moderate. priced home suitable to any community. LIVING ROOM Cle 230° 11'3" SIZES: Extreme Width .........27' 0” CHAMBER Extreme Depth .........45' 0” Alo’ 11'3" First Floor Ceiling...... 9’ 0” Second Floor Ceiling..... 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling........ 7'0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design........0...0..20022220.2111cecee- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...... 3 Qne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. | : Segue Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.——New York. 6 Rooms, Bath, Alcove and Sewing Room A HOME means very much. To the majority of people it means the realization of wordly ambitions. 24'0" CHAMBER 150 xIl'O" UP/| IIIT LITA || DINING Room, Pa '3" xo LIVING ROOM \A'e'x120" “The ADELINO” oO Nothing should be left to chance. Every detail of con- StLUGH Ol. atrancements etc. should be carefully con- sidered. Themoreonestudies the “Adelino” both within and without, the more he is taken by it. 230 «il 170 EFFECTIVE COLOR SCHEMES ARE OBTAINED BY USE OF STAINED SHINGLES, BESIDES THEY PROVIDE THE MAXIMUM WARMTH FOR THE HOME. Basement =Cellingi-.- rise en ee RAG et de ce Sporeia nei detent orate Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........-.-2.220...2-..12:::0sse0-0-0000-- HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 673 J CHAMBER x (16 ADELINO, Extreme >. Width 4) 0.4.) ). oh ane eh ane ee ee aia tene skate oreiere utah Extreme Depth ........0...005.000% BSH os SA aoe dss ct cae ate Tee First’, Floor) Ceiling Mc Aseno ee, ners Pia ic Oeeae Aa BS Shee Hoos Second Floor Ceiling ................ atta ee Sn oe Bune: Mas hates 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALBURNETT’” 30 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep RIM, neat, clear-cut the “Alburnett” is a model little home. It affords the best in com- DINING RGOM KITCHEN fort and convenience at a very low cost. The I5'o" xe" ise" t'els | upstairs arrangement deserves special notice. Large chambers, storage space and convenient closets are all carefully planned. LIVING ROOM 11'9" x 130" CHAMBER. lOS"xl66" CHAMBER. 15'3"x 1O'e" CHAMBER til ton SIZES: 90 xl66 Extreme Width ............. Re Accented Lt PL, Saag Extreme..Depth 227% Gr oe te ees Mubtobitee oo. On First): Floor-Ceilineay. eee ee Pear Oh ded Re ei 9’ 0” Seconda Hloors Ceiling saree eee Hehe aaaekt 2 Dee OA eye LBURNETT Basement Ceiline 7324 ses a ee oe ny aera 704 ‘ lal Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... ....---20...1c--eceeeeeeeeeeeeeee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... * 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms SS Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.-—Detroit.—New York. 674 rE mA hy DINING ROOM 12'0"xl00" LIVING ROOM 5'0"x io" “The ARIOSA” HE “Ariosa is an especially roomy and comfortable house. In studying the floor plan, you will find that all the rooms are of good size. Plenty of closets, and three large storage spaces will be noted. Then the com- bination of shingles and siding, makes the “Ariosa”’ most present- able. Extreme Width ........ Extreme Depth ......... First Floor Ceiling ...... Second Floor Ceiling .... Basement Ceiling ....... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design - One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 675 CHAMBER 8 9"xI aw Material Dealer. “The ALAMEDA” 28 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep A SUBSTANTIAL, moderate priced frame house, embodying all modern comforts. By entering the living room froma corner one gets the full effect of the sweep of the room. A sewing room up- stairs will please the housewife. CHAMBER iu ii N@xISO Fi-§ ayamMper tou i Extreme ‘Width — 0.0/5 5 sp i ean rE OO TTITTTT Noxil'S Extreme Depth~ 5.0 0. 6 coe oe Sa en ee en ek eee EOL First: Floor : Ceiling 2 cic ea on a ae ae | Oe Second :Floor® Ceiling * x 64s Gattis Sn CO ca Om Basement Ceiling; 5 oh vn ccs ee ce a ah ee Od One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design .....-.......-2..-...-sseceseeeeseeeceeees $2.0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........................ ce ea os Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 676 a 4 Rooms, Bath, Library and Dining Alcove KITCHE Ae x LIVING ROOM IZ0'xN'6" Extreme Width ........... Extreme Depth ........... First Floor Ceiling ........ Second Floor Ceiling ...... . . . . Basement Ceiling ............. ‘Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............... eee Te ee ere ee ee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. » Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. CO Maer mer Tat J eet aC nC Tee YC et a ee TOR Sm eet eC Se eC Me Ya Yue SR Set Ter unt a > . Ce ee et er Minimum cost. . . “The ALEX” 22 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep i arGhiteem areca plex: ahasmachieved = tic maximum in appearance and comfort, at the SIZES: i Dinan so leo, we es6) eC . . cree oie Lt ae ee ee ON sala ae e Oo ROR cae ra sel Pu hide: ote eee ee LO ey oe ae ee Oe te) xa) fate) (oh eC cw .0).\6) -6) tale) Chicago.-—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, e 677 And consider Ay dining alcove, a large closet, a library and a roomy kitchen are among the down- stairs features. the large storage space on the second floor. Ve eaiice 4 Rooms, Bath, Dining Nook and Dressing Room i2'6"x41'o" | | DINING ROOM: | “The ALTA” 32 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. 6 In, Deep N ideal home for the small family. Four rooms with five room efficiency. The living room becomes an airy bed room at night. Do not over- l look the convenience of the dressing room nor the practical efficiency of the kitchen. CHAMBER \2'e"« 14'0" KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 1—‘‘Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3—“Dressing Table” 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinets” 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” 7—‘“Medicine Cabinet” 8—‘“‘Adjustable Coat Hangers” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—“Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme Width 2... 50.55 2.45. 0s 0s 55 0 Extreme Depth ....... ts « VEG ee ou dne ecco oes Main Floor Ceiling ,................ +. sa) dee nee ee eee oe Basement Ceiling ...:.....:5.....+00.5% to see ee Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... Red One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms — Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer.” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 678 5 Rooms and Bath “The AMHERST” HOME like the Amherst leaves neither room for discontent nor lonesomeness. 45 Ft. Wide x 33 Ft. 6 in. Deep The housewife will appreciate the simple convenience and economy of all rooms on one floor. any location. [case 17 wo A fa eS KITCHEN Ean I3'O%K10'O"T Ns] ae LIVING ROOM IZO"y18'G" CHAMBER. 10'O%10'0" HALL CLO. CHUTE CHAMBERL a 11'6' 9'S" AMHERST. ) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items ) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms The rooms are large and well lighted. The exterior is attractive and suitable to CORRECT PLANS are used by the practical builder. These plans are guaranteed to be accurate. They include full details of construction. SIZES: Extreme Width. «s/<.) oie 6 lenge nae na Main Floor Ceiling. . ..... ss.) 6s «0» 66 gee etela nee Basement Ceiling oe © ee 0 6 0 00 6 © 6.6.0 £10 6 6 6s @ orale shelete ane. 7:0" Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 688 ; 5 Rooms, Bath and Dressing Room CHAMB oak 11" DRESSING | 2 iKITCHEN - HALLE 8'9'10'S et! ROOM | ve} Via 6 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design, One sth) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... aes Pea ome Liv slo! x 15'0" | “The ALPORT” 26 Ft. Wide x 37 Ft. 6 In. Deep HERE is very real charm about this design, for its proportion and general handling that is decidedly attractive. give it a character The “Alport” is an efficiency home in every sense of the disappearing bed. DINING § ' A'aVKio'6 Yi |—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinets” 3—“Dressing Table” 5—“China Cabinets” 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” 7—‘Medicine Cabinet” 8—‘Adjustable Clothes Hangers” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” ING ROOM ALPORT. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.........-..-.--...--------- 0-2 2 Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 689 Extreme Width 2.00.97 Me Sota eee Extreme “Depths: Sancta Uae renee IER ane Main” Floor: Ceiling a 4a0 5 4 ae eee Basement Ceilnes 4.04..25 sues ae Aare word. The floor plan shows five rooms but at night the library is converted into a bedroom by the use of a KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” x f Ha ad tl LH Hi] ily PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT “The ASPETUCK” 30 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER loe' x99 CHAMBER 104" 13 \ IVING & DINING Room, NS x ia SIZES: Extreme’ Width—Plan “A’™) 2.352 Sond hadnt on eee eee ATO Extreme Width—Plan “‘B” 5 oi 500 On oo rte oc oe ane 40767 Extreme Depth? 2 58 co 2 nse oe on Le ee eS OL Ge Main: Floor ‘Ceiling: 26°52 Sots ocr ee eo en ET EOE Ge Basement Ceiling—Plan “‘B” ......... od pete ee LOS PLAN “B”’—WITH BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design................2...:c-::ee0cs-ceeseeeoeeee= $: 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. -..2.....220022.2222.0222cccceeecee-neeneeeeee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ............-.22-.-...--0:---ssseseseseeees baa Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Euilding Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, : é Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 690 EE en ee ~¥ 34 sh Sew 5. Rooms and Bath “The ALOMA”’ 36 Ft. Wide x 31 Ft. 9 In. Deep f | ‘NHIS beautiful picture tells its own story. Modern in every respect. Careful study of the interior shows large rooms all laid out in a convenient manner. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER. W'3" x 12'3" DINING ROOM NOISE, CHAMBER I" aie 12° ie DINING ROOM FF 1 O'x Ino" \ LIVING ROOM 1]'3"12'0" CHAMBER 11'S" x 120" 3\'9" PORCH 1B'o" x Go" @ LIVING ROOM 13" x 120" CHAMBER a er '3"x12'0" PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: te s Extreme Width-@s0 oc tgs aay oincin.s Gein eels hI araliya se SOC OF Extreme Depth Plan “A” ....... ev ett EPO to Ge Extreme:Depth? Plan “BV ier ne ete a ce A eT 6" Main: Floor: Ceiling: Scr a ee ears = EN ee eo, OO” PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement :Geiling) PlanccB o-oo nee ate ere ine ate TO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 691 IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. 4 Rooms 1 ted “The ASPINWALL” 30 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep RG O i] o" TT SAH } RA FA | [2 @ rH oo | CHAMBER 10'0x12'9"" CHAMBER 10'0'xI2'9" LIVING ROOM iB'o'’K 1!'O" LIVING ROOM Iis'oxi'o" PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme Width ........... Re .. ate ee are Extreme Depth—Plan “fA” ....................-40' 0” Extreme Depth—Plan “B” ......... 2 ae “22 ae oS eBe imams : Main Floor Ceilmg ..... 403.005 .5)> » heen se ee PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “‘B” ............ Pa ee ey Par fe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.i........-..2--.cccc-cceeeceseeceeweeeeeeee $2.0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items......... Bsr Pea One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 692 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALMYRA” 32 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. Deep U makes the inside commodious and conveenient. the main structure. 32'o" 3 8' o" CHAMBER. CHAMBER . 10'4"x12'3 lo'4'x12'3" IMPORTANT ae When ordering plans ‘ CHAMBER of this design state CHAMBER 12'c"x10'o" | i whether wanted with or 126x100" ox l . rv: without basement. LIVING ROOM ;: DINING ROOM igo" x 11's" 1a'6" x I'3" LIVING ROOM 1G@o'x 11'3" Extreme Width ............ . .38' 6” Extreme, Depth (24440055) oo 48’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling ........... PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “B”’’... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...........0.0--2.2 2 -. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........--..--.-----------------:1e---s Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 693 NUSUAL and attractively so. The peaked entrance puts the “Almyra” in a class by itself. Five rooms, bath and dining nook, each in its proper place Insulating sheathing is used in SSERNnER\e (KITCHEN | IAG" x 9'9" DINING ROOM i4e'xi1'3" 5 Rooms and Bath 240" CHAMBER °3"x9"6" 40+0" LIVING ROOM 23-0 X\I"3" PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design “The ARBELLA” T is hard to discover just wherein the charm of the “Arbella” lies. Perhaps it is in the big chimney, perhaps in the dark shingles At any rate, one is charmed with its rustic beau- ty, outside and in. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state wheth- er wanted with or with- out baseemnt. SIZES: Extreme Width—Plan ‘‘A”’ . .30’ 0” Extreme Width—Plan “B’”’ . .28’ 6” Extreme Depth ............53' 6” Main Floor Ceiling ........ 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘“B’’. 7’ 0” One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms CHAMBER i's'kote" LIVING ROOM 2x0 kKie3" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 694 5 Rooms and Bath “The ATCO” CHAMBER ne" . 3'5" “O CN = ail peta pas SP = | LIVING ROOM tien Sods t CHAMBER | ig! iW'o" ee et I30"x 96 TE SS wannrnnn fet = ATCO . we ee or ee. =ared dob au SIZES: Beeman WV OE f05 irc ois chek a, fhe ee ee ee oe ee ee AGO! Pertrenier Dentist: \ cil stcod Bera. fe t-te tds ek ee Pe eat GE re ewe ee sae icgr, Calling: 522055.062 es, oh dae A eK Ree ee 6 Peeerirentn Ceilin gor 2. ein tik cake oaks ht ante chick, CAD he MnO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep WV HEN a man is looking for a new home he de- sires beauty, permanence and comfort above all. The “Atco” offers all these things. The porte cochere is a happy addi- tion. Be sure and take a look at the living room with its fire- place flanked by bookcases. There is an attic for storage also. Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 695 a ey NNN -5 Rooms, Bath and Den “The AGAWAM” SPECIALLY trim, and clean cut, the “Agawam” is in every detail attractive. The columned porch lends’ dignity, and the massive chimney, the feeling of stability. Inside we see a den that is unbeatable, with its fire- place, tile floor and built in seat. CHAMBER 12-6 X9*II" CHAMBER 2-6 X9-Il" DINING ROOM 12"0'* 13-6" CHAMBER 12"6'X 10-0" CHAMBER : IMPORTANT 12'6"K10-0" x When ordering plans of this es design state whether wanted with or without basement. LIVING ROOM G ROO! ~ | i] UVING ROOM IT-6'X 110 17-6 X1I-O" PORCH 10-0'X6-0" SIZES: eee Extreme: Width. 0) te ee ee OS Extreme: Depth (7 327. Gi. bee cre Oe Main Floor Ceiling ............... 9’ 0” PLAN “A”? WITHOUT BASEMENT _ Basement Ceiling—Plan “‘B” ........ 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Matcrial Items. : One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...u......0200..-.-.:ccecesesceeee-00ee-----+ Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 696 a DINING ROOM CHAMBER i'o"xi1'o! W'6'"x9'6" LIVING ROOM 22'0'x12'6" “The ASHKUM?’” 25 Ft. Wide x 43 Ft. 6 in. Deep HOME becoming in the best localities, the “Ashkum” possesses well defined refine- ment. Such features as the decorative en- trance and porch on side need only to be seen to be appreciated. A bungalow that is mod- erate in price yet eminently satisfying to live in. The fireplace in the corner of the living room sets the room off in perfect taste. HEAVY STAINED SHINGLES BLEND EFFECTIVELY WITH FOLIAGE AND LANDSCAPE, AND PRODUCE THEREBY A RUSTIC SIMPLICITY NOT OTHERWISE | OBTAINABLE SIZES: Extreme gWidth sane att Pr sin ee eee al 6! Extreme. Depth iicintec. seca ses be aieheneeoeks, Tike ake 4606" MainFloor, Ceiling U7" -remcneiecs thee mone en BG" ; Basement 4 Ceiling a: fac te Aone oe Nae eee a 7. OO" 2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... a ne Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ie $ 00 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 697 = | 4 Rooms, Bath and Dressing Room “The AIRDRIE” 24 Ft. Wide x 37 Ft. 6 In. Deep == OWN) HE tendency today among families of moderate incomes is toward homes with no more rooms than necessary, these - being planned as conveniently and as efficiently as possible. The “Airdrie” meets these requirements by offering four rooms with five room efficiency. Every bit of space is utilized thruout the entire home. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME |1—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3—“Dressing Table” —‘“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinets” 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” 3 —‘“Medicine Cabinet” j 9—“Telephone Cabinet” | 10—“Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme Width occ. 66 4000 9 bid + nis ate © el sat igpn! ote Sltael eet o Extreme Depth . 055. < . a)s sjae's's 8 5» ov lephs) hy Wn GS een Main Floor Ceiling ................-- MRL PEI er ths Sait on” Basement Ceiling ............ ae Paci: tote ake bis ote aie a eens tae a aan . Se roe oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all: Material’ Items 2252220 ee eects ye One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........---..----------..---------- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York, 698 ll i ets ie ee a nay 4 Rooms and Bath “The ALLENE.”’ 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Pie eeeneat and trim, the Allene “attracts the most fastidious. Study for a moment the floor plan, and see how the architect has achieved maximum space and comfort from the limited size of, the bunga- low. Very inexpen- t— sive to build. CHAMBER 9¢'xiI'3" y KITCHEN = y ' ae IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. LIVING ROOM bye x 13'3" CHAMBER N'o" * 9'Q" ALLENE. A’. Extreme Width ....... Main Floor Ceiling .... PLAN “A”? WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan [wo (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desig One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms | CHAMBER gic!" i, i" 3" LIVING ROOM CHAMBER 56! x 13'3" iO" x 9'9" Uo ALLENE. D. PLAN ‘B’” WITH BASEMENT SIZES: FTE ES VS TREN RAE ae Ra We FE Fd Extreme Depth—-Plan 4A") c dpe pn ee ane aoe ema te EE GC. Extreme Depth——Plan. “Bo Shae. oon dae vas Cas SO ee Oe Oo a Surbae Ces Mien par tes eehie as 6 SL ee ae wera mea eS Gk. SB ap ee ee ah AOE ch ee a 5 ae eee eis hee ey Gy: ‘oem $200 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 699 4 Rooms and Bath “The ATHALMLER” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep Te is unusual to find such a well planned and attractive bungalow at such a moderate cost. The architect has proven that a large expense is not a requisite of a beautiful home. The screened porch in back deserves special consideration. 26'o" | IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state. whether wanted with or without basement. | CHAMBER | loexiwoe" LIVING ¢ DINING r ROOM ! \ h'o"« i2'o" | LIVING & DINING} CHAMBER ROOM lO'6"x 14'0% 12'o” SIZES: Extreme Width ....29’ 0” PORCH u Extreme Depth ....37’ 6” IZOxGoO Main Floor Ceiling. . 9’ 0” | = ed Basement Ceiling Bese PLAN ‘‘A”) WITHOUT BASEMENT Plan “BU Oe PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... . Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............--..--..--------------------- ‘20! 0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two.(2) Blank Contract Forms.n. 2.0.0 se- cet eee ae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York. 700 IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. Loe ITCHEN "x 13" ul = ‘ rs LIVING ROOM 18'o"«11'3" LIVING ROOM iio’ 11's" PLAN ‘B”—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme ,Width’..% |. fs beecus Extreme Depth—Plan “A” . Extreme Depth —Plan® “Boon foe oe ee es : Main Flooring Ceiling ................. PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “‘B” ................. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... *One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Oi eé Sn GNeNGl Jee.» eh hee Riles rs le sce m PORCH 1G'G* 7'0" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 701 4 Revise Bath and Dining Nook “The ALGERNON” 32 Fi. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep C2 BSE pS “The ATLIN” 30 os Wide x 35 Ft. Deep Neh Eas of unique appearance and interestingly so. The “Atlin” is very reasonable to build mainly due to the architects’ in- genuity and econ- omy.’ = Ehesinterior, shows these quali- tHeSein Fhe isesoiea disappearing bed in the living room and thes ceneral? utiliza tion of all space. } DISAPPEARING BED mies LIVING ROGM \B-O"XUE BE ‘ IMPORTANT When ordering : ri Pp la ns of t h i $ ISAPPEARING ee design state LIVING ROOM CHAMBER L SUN PARLOR whether wanted ie-o'—Ke3"L___ | pote kit 3" | I20K6-6 I with or without SS basement. PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT - M SUN PARLOR SIZES: | '2°0 X6-6 Extreme; Width... 2 ios Coo ee eerste ct AOR LO Ee 3 hOn Extreme:Depth (7a. eee Seas eee eo a ee 4 EO Main- Floor: Ceiling to) Sage ince dene 6 ere an reuse ae Seen em OL. Oe Basement | Ceiling—Plan’ “B”) 22 SG cco a) ace oar ees see ee eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............. Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 702 . 5 Rooms and Bath “The AXIS” 35 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep [ J PON analyzing we discover that the varied front of the “Axis” gives it its charm. The entrance, shutters, roof angles are all interesting individually, but together they are superb. Either floor plan, with or without basement, is designed to give the maximum comfort and space. Space saving closet fixtures are used. CHAMBER CHAMBER. IMPORT- 11'3"x 120" he ANT 1|'3"x 120" “DINING ROOM i When order- A I'3x8 DINING ROO “0'e!x12'3" ! ing plans of [ lOG'x12'3" this design state whether wanted with or without basement. y a o' LIVING ROOM CHAMBER 223" x 13 3° SIZES: W'S" ug" Extreme Width Ree ASO (OU Extreme Depth : LIVING ROOM CHAMBER 22'3" x 133 3" x i" 3" AS coy Re Le Main Floor Ceil- ing ether etees 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Plan “B” ,, 7’0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........-.--- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 703 Two Family Home “The ALSEA” 34 Ft. Wide x 60 Ft. Deep EACH FAMILY HAS 5 ROOMS, BATH AND DINING NOOK Me WO-FAMILY bungalows are most desirable a aah for those who seek the constant companion- Bei! ship of congenial people, and for such this home erate’ ey rapa “oT” stands for all that could be sought in practical comforts and substantial construction. It is a departure from the usual two-family type and many will appreciate the houselike ap- pearance added by the single entrance. CHAMBER CHAMBER STOOP ITCHEN HALLBHALL/”. KITCHEN STOOP 1 ta Le 1. r= fey ra) 40x60] /D@xI3 6 19'6'13'6 \ 40x60 oO i! Fa Oo J be c NOOK NOOK xe i Pt, CORRECTLY DRAWN WORKING PLANS ARE DUNG ROSE AREAS Dunne ROO ESSENTIAL TO THE CAREFUL BUILDER WHO i2Txio'o" | 1 12'T'x10'°" DOES FIRST-CLASS CONSTRUCTION. FEL TEL. = es mC Ws) Cc L o SESS LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM 1e'1"k 12'0" 1e'1"x12'0" SIZES: ALSEA Fer Width 42’ 0” xtreme Wi bie cod a coe ea tive eve lola, a hum iteenege Ase/O olay: (senna otto! Extreme Width .......... Je iiss vine Sead amen wes.» Mapas 5 a gee ents Ge Main Floor Ceiling .............. Se nee ies re TS45 Ov eetbame avepeh ~5 hic a ese oe Soe We Shee Baa ROOT Cato BETS 4367 Mame rinor. Ceiling es a.5..256 As is Ee 2 ke FRE ane ety Ue col By 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling .............. Re WAST OE tex aoe ee Edicrs ater, TACs Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ADAM” 30 Ft. Wide x 37 Ft. Deep POssEssING the beauty of an expensive home, the “Adam”’ offers all to be desired in a bungalow. Furthermore, the cost is moderate. Roomy chambers, a_ handy kitchen, and com- fortable living and dining rooms prom- ise a life of ease and CHAMBER 109'x130" + LIVING ROO 1210" x IGO Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 713 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARCHULETA” 32 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. im [a Ch CHAMBER = = DINING ROOM im 1'3"x12'0 ITo"x120" N'6'x120" Wall Tal ARCHULETA B- LIVING ROOM 170 x1ZoO- PLAN ‘“B’——-WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme Width .... 05.50.6000 02 ts 00 bse be) ene Extreme Depth’ 20 .°s).35)0-5) 2 ee eee 2 eae SawennA tee id Main Floor, Ceiling 2,555.47 -cnoke see cook Sten ee ORO PLAN “A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan {'B” .............. 4. . | eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......000202002022-1 ns $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 2O@ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Sry Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York, 714 5 Rooms and Bath aL] CHAMBER de 3"x10'6" DINING RGOM iO'O'x IZOe LIVING ROOM IG0'x120" \Go"xI20 i iI '| | | II \! PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT IMPORTANT SIZES: When ordering plans of this design Mee teartiee MW ACED Bi cies sé .cce ns sys ysis, Hua sae aes HOO LO” state whether wanted with or without xtreme gDepthiar sic. sks otek of sees e410. basement. Maser ioge Ceiling 4/605). ee oe PD ale tn oO" Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ............... 7/0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... oe cee eee $202 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... y Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. LS) “The AGORA” 36 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER | lon'xt'3" 0'x10'9 D DISAPPEARING eho LIVING ROOM CHAMBER 236 xiI'3" 1ou'xi'3" DINING ROOM IW'o" x12'3" TERRACE 20'0" x 6'o" wan DISAPPEARING BED, AGORA.AL eth tai PLAN ‘A’? WITHOUT BASEMENT 236 xII3 SIZES: TERRAGE Extreme: Width <‘styes. ea we oer ei ie ee 39’ 6” ou von Extreme Depth—Plan “fA” .................-5- 35/ 0” 200xGO Extreme Depth Plan’ Be ecn eee eee ees 33’ 0” Main: .Floor’ Ceiling Vis itis ee oe oe et ee 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” .................. 708 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..........20.0.. ...222.22.c22:--200-2-- Onz2 (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..............-....20...22--22.22-.1-1---2----- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Mater‘al Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 716 “The ARDNESS” BUNGALOW for people who have but little money to invest, yet, desire the best. “che entrance and porch _ deserve special attention. Large handy rooms, and space saving closets, equipped with adjustable fixtures. Note the inside, IMPORTANT When ordering plans of design state whether CHAMBER De". 93" | this wanted with or without base- ment. LIVING ROOM [4'0"x13'3) \ E CHAMBER | ING" 9 3" ARDNESS. A’ _ SIZES: Extreme Width .............33’ 6” _ Extreme Depth .............48' 0” =| (a) PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Main Floor Ceiling .......... 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ... 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design................ One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ait AZ LE 7 CHAMBER, 126'x9'3) LIVING: ROOM 14.0" x 133" iWZe' x 9'3" Woa _Aponess. B. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 717 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALKABO” 30 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep PON closer analysis, we discover that it is the rooi slope, and architecture of the porch that gives the “Alkabo” its unusual attractiveness. The shutters add the finishing touch to the exterior. Inside we find everything to be desired in home, comfort and efficiency. IMPORTANT When ordering plans for CHAMBER CHAMBER | 9'3'x 130" this design state whether wanted with or without basement. Fa aa ae 7 a ADINING ROOMS io" x13'3" t LIVING ROOM Te" x W'3" DINING ROOM | WING ROOM vu vat | Wo xl33 i We" x H'3" SIZES: Extreme Width ...........35’ 0” Extreme Depth—Plan “A”. . .48’ 6” Extreme Depth—Plan “B”.. 47’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling........ 8’ 6” PLAN ‘‘A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “B’”. 7’ 0” PLAN “B’’ WITH BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. ee $ 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... = One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 7 are. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—-New York. 718 4 Rooms and Bath jy A DINING ALCOVE! 96 xli9° ' DISAPPEARING BED | ‘LIVING ROOM 920 19" KR oon i ADeELaiDa.A. PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: MRIERIIOMVVIGENS Gta Ste Earpiece cel dow tate cal, OF Extreme Depth—Plan ‘‘A”’ ............040050+++. 41’ 6” Extreme Depth—Plan “B” .......5...00cc0cceeeev dl 9" Mainprioor, Gelling scm 0.6 ss «00 6 cis shes ache isle a BLO. Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ............2000002+ 70" “The ADELAIDA” 33 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. 6 In. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. 1G @xl29 DISAPPEARING BED LIVING ROOM 29 One I'S" Hemel DINING ALCOVE! aie! 1I'9" | One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms............---.-0.:c::c::-ceceeeeseeee- Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Roches‘er.—Detroit.— New York. 119 CHAMBER 1I2'6"x 0" il DINING ROOM!! loo"xi6e PLAN ‘A’? WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design epee picture shows the “Ala- bama,” to be an appealing bunga- low, with a decorative and pleasing porch. The floor plan suggests the comfort and easy accessibility of the interior. The specifications will show that the “Alabama” can be built at moderate cost. Fibre board insulating sheathing is used for out- side walls, thereby insuring a warm, comfortable home. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. SIZES: Extreme Width—Plan ‘‘A” ..... ees Extreme Width—Plan “B” .......29’ 6” Extreme Depth ................46’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling ............. 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ..... 7’ 0” CHAMBER 126 xo" LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM!!! 12'o'xI2Z'o" _| loo" x 11'6" One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 200.0... .. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 720 Ee a CHAMBER 10'9"'xi2'0' ae KITCHE N'N'x8'9"4 DINING ROOM I5'3"xi'o" CHAMBER 13° 3" xi'o" LIVING ROOM 29'0'x13'0" AUDUBON. TA! _ I A | PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desig .............:.:.:.:sssseccsesscceseenecesees $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... s oat One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ...........-.......--:--:sscssecssseeeeenenes eal “The AUDUBON” INGULAR- tim ap- pearance, the “Au- dubon” possesses a beauty all its own. A certain classic dignity is obtained by the pil- lared front. Inside we find the same dignity preserved in the regu- lar distribution of the rooms. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. SIZES: Extreme Width....32’ 6” Extreme Depth Plan “A” ......49’ 6” Extreme Depth Plan{‘B"?.3).. 5+ 46,6" Main Floor Ceiling. . 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling Plan JB 30 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. Deep CHAMBER 10'9"x12'0" CHAMBER 13'3"x11'o" DINING ROOM 15'3"x t'o" LIVING ROOM 29'0"x13'0" UP BON B a) AUDU Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 72] gencomsand Back “The ARKDELL” 24 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep BUNGALOW that 24'o" immediately sug- gests the snugness and warmth found within. The porch is superb decoratively, andacon- # CHAMBER stant source of restful 4y'a"y10'6' > pleasure. Study the | KIT | floor plans and see for 7a yourself the excellent room arrangement. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this LIVING ROOM} CHAMBER J 11'3"x14'c" I'S"x10'o" design state CHAMBER whether wanted (W3axlOG with or without basement. SIZES: Extreme Width ....29’ 6” Extreme Depth ....42’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling. . 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling— PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Plan “B” ....... 7/0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc.; from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQ, Chicazo.—-Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, V22ce _——_ Waa h.4 : & DOTEDALATI LIVING ROG 12'0'* 19'0'! Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design “The ALMOTA” 24 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep A SMALL cozy home, simple and attractive, designed to make house work easy and practical. Four rooms with five room efficiency. Space saving devices are provided for each room. A disappearing attic stair is installed in ceiling of dressing room. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME |—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3—“Dressing Tables” 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinets” 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” 7—‘“‘Medicine Cabinet” 8—“Adjustable Clothes Hangers” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—‘Built-in Mail Box” 11—“Disappearing Attic Stairs” SIZES: Extreme: Widths -osiawe oe oe tes cat reat se ee meaihaa sh cee 2 FO Extreme, Depth vices rn cconaode cake er oleh ona scans oeeneenen amt Ad On Main: Floor: Ceilings cntiicc aot are ee oe ie ae ree leioter cree Rao OY Basements: Ceiling ¢ucok > oat erare nen wel ie sl cree os Bh Brey fh § i One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_................ F One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........-........-..-:-.-2--0------- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 123 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALVIS” BUNGALOW in periecttias tesenune straight roof lines are re- lieved by the curved roofs over, the porchiandecye brow sash in dormer. Beauty, convenience, and comfort are the gifts of the “Alvis,” and at a mod- erate price. Space saving closet fixtures are used to good advantage. RR isamp ye —— a) Eprarae jas Iotexon AN | CHAMBER 10-6 1|-0" DINING ROOM \7-6'X 10-3" IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design LIVING ROOM 16-0"x12-3" CHAMBER 10-6'"X |I-o" state whether wanted with or without base- ment. SIZES: PLAN “A”? WITHOUT BASEMENT Extreme Width ......32’ 6” Extreme Depth ......44’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling.... 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling Plans! BV oe, ence Og Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... z CHAMBER 10-6'X II" DINING ROOM 17-6" X10-3" LIVING ROOM ss neet Were CHAMBER 16-O'X12-3 1O“E'X11-0 ALVIS-B Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumbz2r or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York. 724 . i AA ee « os ee ae : Ka schgpntauarncaneenee =e 5 Aieorsenensresanns® & Rooms and Bath “The ALBUNA” 24: Ft. Wide x34 Ft. Deep Theos bungalow is not only eco- nomical but attractive and ex- tremely livable. Two floor plans zi are offered, one with basement and | aes one without. Each is practical and m= convenient. Space saving closets are shown. CHAMBER DINING ROOM 10 x00 12'0"x I0'o" SIZES: Extreme Width ........ SES ea Piece her Oe Extreme Depth—Plan “A” ...... Sso4 seo cle. i. Extreme Depth—Plan “‘B” ............ 50’ 6” CHAMBE poe eoun MainiFloor Ceilings)... S640" 'e'«128) Ib9 xIl9 Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” .......... 7’ 0” IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this de- sign state whether wanted with or without basement. PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items... x 5 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. -................022.-----.------- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber ur Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 725 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design .........-.-.2.---------1---- $20! 0 ma REF. | -—-l CHAMBER 13'6'x9'2" LIVING ROOM 14'3"x13'3" CHAMBER 10'3"x13'3" ALARMA "a"! PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ALARKA” ROM the standpoint of in- vestment, and for the joy of owning beautiful things, the “Alarka,” is a good buy. Com- fortable within, decorative with- out; it offers all to be desired in a bungalow. Space saving closets with adjustable clothes hangers complete the practical interior arrangements. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without base- ment. SIZES: Extreme Width ..............29' 3” Extreme Depth—Plan ‘‘A” ....50’ 6” Extreme Depth—Plan ‘‘B” ....47’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling .......... 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B”’ ... 7’ 0” 26 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep CHAMBER i3'6'x9'2" LIVING ROOM 14'3"x13'3" CHAMBER 10'3"x13'3" . ALARKA "8" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochesier.—-Detroit.—New York. 726 Se ee ee 4 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALMOND” 24 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep SHINGLED bungalow of a popular style embodying all the attractive features of its type. A large, breezy porch supported by artis- tic pillars sets off the front of the home. ‘The rooms are carefully arranged to utilize all space and save steps for the housewife. A cozy break- fast nook, medicine case and kitchen cabinets are among the features found. | WARMTH, DURABILITY AND ATTRACTIVE COLOR SCHEMES ARE ATTAINED BY USING STAINED SHINGLES FOR EXTERIOR WALLS. SIZES: Extreme. Width wicca tice osiaes shee Sante dee oe ele Mtoe oe 2750 Extreme Depth... cise oigeci sickens aig oad Bie erst Tee ie ee 49'0” Main Floor, Ceiling. 008 we a hdee cle ea tee des og fr eee ee 8’ 6” Basement: Ceiling .(0 se. ujsour oh dn oie Seabee hohe Aig wn e Giemnte aae ote 7.02 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ...........-.--...--.--------es $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_.-......-.----00-----..-- I One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......................... ei higey SS Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 727 CHAMBER 8 48 10'S x00 CHAMBER LIVING ROOM | !0'Sx9'9" 12'0'x14'0 SUN N PARLOR | 10'S" x BO AURELIA-A" PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... “The AURELIA” ee popularity of bungalows of this type is well founded ieee. they are attractive, quickly built and moderate in price. The sun parlor is a constant source of pleasure. The colonnaded opening between the living and dining rooms is artistic and affords one con- tinuous effect. There is a roominess in the “Aurelia” much appreciated by the Home Builder. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. SIZES: Extreme’ Width >: 3.0 oe 6c oor cats ee OOO Extreme Depth—Plan “‘A” ................55' 0” Extreme Depth—Plan “B” ................. 54’ 0” Main’ Floor‘ Ceiling). 5 ok atc eon ie a or Ow Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ............... 770” s20" 24 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep CHAMBER [| 10'S 'xi0o" CHAMBER 10'6"x9'9" SUN PARLOR|| 10'S'x 80" PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 728 ae oy * 5 Rooms, Bath and Den 2540" —\, CHAMBER t iT oe | Po-8ki\-0 CHAMBER We nN'x tO" 36:0" N*7'K10" LIVING ROOM 13°9'X 12-0" PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The AVAWAM” Ae artistic porch and entrance, and the decorative trellises distin- guish this home from its neighbors. The continuous effect of the living room and den is noteworihy. Space saving closet fixtures, neat and handy devices are used. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this _ design state whether wanted with or without basement. SIZES: Extreme Width .................-29' O” Extreme Depth—Plan “A” ......... 54’ 0” Extreme Depth—Plan “B” .........53’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling ............... 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B” ,....... 7'0” 25 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep 2510" CHAMBER Wen"x 10" LIVING ROOM 13-9"x12"O" |19°6'X9"-S | AVAWAM-"'B Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 729 Each Plan—5 Rooms and Bath “The ADAKO” 26 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep BUNGALOW of unusual beau- ty. The many roof angles somewhat account for its charm. Either floor plan with or without Bot | CHAMBER basement is excellent. The recessed Futears 1 toe'xi'6" fireplace, exceedingly attractive, is EA get x ie used in both plans. SIZES: Extreme: Width 3.0.2 ¢... cee oO Extreme Depth—Plan “A”. ...........55' 0” CHAMBER | Extreme Depth—Plan “B” ............55'9” lo6 x13 Main Floor Ceiling .................. 8 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B”’........... TAO" LIVING ROOM 120 xI30 IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design ZORCH , u 260 x8O state whether wanted with or with- out basement. PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items....... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ................:::::ccss+++ cesceseeseeeeo-o= $2.0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQ. Chicago,—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 730 5 Rooms, Bath and Nook KITCHEN n'a" 113" eH i el DINING ROO a iu 11 ww tr) WS xll6@ LIVING ROOM 20'3"x 11'3" aspury.' A’ | I ie 206" RRACE 5'O PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ASBURY” NATTY little bungalow pre- senting an exterior that is artistic. and tasty. ~Uhe anterior bears out the promises of the out- side and we find neat comfortabie rooms arranged in a convenient fashion. The kitchen with its cabinets, refrigerator and break- fast nook will be a perpetual de- light to the housewife. SIZES: Extreme Width ..............29' 0” Extreme Depth—Plan “A” ....53’ 0” Extreme Depth—Plan ‘‘B” ....48’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling ........... 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ... 7’ 0” 25 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. Deep CHAMBER 12'3" x 9'9" CHAMBER 12'3'x 9G LIVING ROOM 203" I1'3" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. /31 Qin $—— 3 TT | Dinine ROOM 13°3"x10'6" VING ROOM 33" x12'o" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The AMES” 24 Ft. oe x 36 Ft. Deep ONE of the best of the popular bungalows. A glance at the plan reveals its matchless arrangement. The accessibility from one room to another that is found here is unusual for the bungalow type. Happiness on one floor for the small family. IMPORTANT The blue print plans for these homes give full details of substantial construction. SIZES: Extreme Width 22.0... 0.665 2 #000 © 00.4 0 Sie ls 0 iule 68/6 aetna me enna Co Extreme Depth 1... 500 ccs vb ae eo ee ols 5 da 2 en Main Floor Ceiling .. 0... 0s see 00 sso bo win cee ee coe ae ene Basement Ceiling ©. 6.00004 cee ele se oo 4m elniid snc wipe ol 0 0) et A 7 —) Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. i32 = 4CLO/ HAMBER Bee o,f 1'3"x 1o'10" CHAMBER n'3"x Wo" 13'0"« 18'0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.....................-.-.-----------~ $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..........................--- oe ie 24 Ft. Wide x 45 Ft. Deep “The ADELPHI” ONE of the deservingly popular bungalows. Wide colored shingles with white trim makes an effective exterior. Ample closet space and accessible rooms are found inside. A home in which living will be a joy. THE PLANS OF THIS HOME WILL GIVE COMPLETE DETAILS, SO ESSENTIAL TO THE CAREFUL BUILDER. SIZES: Extreme: Widthoneceane ee eee RES ene a ae OMY re auc meh tc ss 2 Oe Ohi tate elete ns BO FOL Se Gi Tee Extreme, Depth) sincicns stele creda eee eiretiens is lalGaner oo san edo Main Floor:Ceiling ay erin oo cer nee cee Meera) smelt ie ete erie coe Basement). Ceiling csc onic. cuele oieie eter ool ca) wire elle cote lepel offal sie ela tenet One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..............0..2-.-....:------5-~ Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 733 4 Rooms and Bath “The ARTOIS” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep A NEAT bungalow of simple lines, that retains an in- dividual appearance. Artistic pergolas and trellises partly account for this. A disappearing bed in the living room in reality provides an extra bed room. 280" Important When order- ing plans of thisdesign BED | LIVING ROOM 17'O" x II'3) state whether wanted with or without ze BEO. 1\ LIVINGRODM I7'O"x I'S 24'0" basement. PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme), Width 9 20.00 ooo te cat ee el cee ao nO Extreme. Depth 9/3/5072). 04 os hehe oho ee Oe ese ES Tt eee Main Floor Ceiling .......... Re aay Pee mB PSRs LS oh OO, Basement :Ceiling—Plan “BY os, 5. pk Conia ice Gee a te Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...............2.00220..0c--ee-eeeeeeneee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... ore One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 734 3 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ATOLIA” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE requirements of comfort and outward attractiveness are satisfied at a very low price in the “Atolia.” The breakfast nook should afford many a cozy breakfast or dinner. SIZES: Extreme Width .......29’ 0” Extreme Depth—Plan Se et NOS CEO. Extreme Depth—Plan OF) he Le Ea ere cs S96" 0" loSxloG, tit Main Floor Ceiling.... 9’ 0” a Basement Ceiling—Plan A ye? . ad CF ONO 19 OSG 6 Lees S52 7 0” IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this de- sign state whether wanted with or without basement. PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT PLAN “A”? WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... * One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .......-.--.----.-.--2-1-----1-se--seeeeeeeeees a Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG COQ, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 735 s & CHAMBER ie! x 12'0" LIVING ROOM 2220.« 11 O: ARLEY.A. PLAN “A’‘ WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... “The ARLEY” 23 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep GEM of the whitest hue, trim of line, and decorative of detail. The interior is coziness incarnate from the breakfast nook to the handy kitchen. The “Arley” isthe F realization of the dreams of the newly weds. Where could they find a more blissful setting to begin life? Prize TT CALE RALRIIS # eet -— KITCHEN = CHAMBER tl'e' x 12'0" IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. LIVING ROOM 22'0'x lO" ARLEY. B" Extreme: Width ...\55-2..5e bic" een Extreme Depth ................ Main Floor Ceiling ............ Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B” .... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... nds Antes . Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 736 CHAMBER 12°0"X 11-0" 32°0° LIVING ROOM 16-6"X15-6" CHAMBER 12-O'%X 1-0" A fi ‘ALLOWAY- PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design....... 0.0... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items enon One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... “The ALLOWAY” A PLAIN bungalow yet of obviously good quality and taste, A cozy breakfast nook is found off the kitchen. There, a re tw o *ioor plans to choose from. SIZES: Extreme Width ....32’ 0” Extreme Depth— Plan ASA 47 On Extreme Depth— Plans: B23... ..45'.07 Main Floor Ceiling. . 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling— Plan “B”’ TG 0” Spleen .eie! arb. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this de- sign state whether wanted with or without basement. 30 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep KITCHEN __ 12"6K9"0" | | | eens CHAMBER, 12-O X1}-O s LIVING ROOM 16-6'X%}5-6" CHAMBER 12-0'X 1-0" LOWAY- B" AL =a PLAN “B’’ ‘WITH BASEMENT -- $2Qu Secure above pians, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York, 737 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARTHYDE” . 26 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep BUNGALOW deserving of its popularity. It is surprising to find out just how inexpen- ‘sively homes of this type can be built. Then there is the convenience of having all the rooms on one floor. The. Atthyde sf ismee strong argument for owning your home. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this de- sign state whether wanted with or without basement. LIVING RLOOM ‘ ul 150" x120 SIZES: Extreme Width .......33’ 6” Extreme Depth—Plan SS AUR a ee eee 1 Og Extreme Depth—Plan Se Na ee ee AD AOw Main Floor Ceiling.... 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling—Plan PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Pd Heer A soe VE RE Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plams for above DeSign......--...20.0.-2..--eeeeereeeee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items __ ae 2022 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......... 1 eeeeeeeeeeee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 738 5 Rooms and Bath L-—IO“6XT-II CHAMBER 10“0'X 10-0" | CHAMBER DINING ROOM 10-6 X1I-3" LIVING ROOM 21-0" x 11-3" AG ARKINDA~A PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Iwo (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. “The ARKINDA” ME. Arkinda?Joiterssan appealing exterior and comfortable living on one floor. A breeze-swept porch that is ornamental as well as restful is seen at the front. Furthermore, the “Arkinda” offers all these things at an exception- ally moderate cost. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. SIZES: Extreme > Width: 30°C 8Gcoithet mas baie eee Ou Oe Extreme Depth—Plan “A” ................58' 0” Extreme Depth—Plan “B” ................57' 6” Main Floor Ceiling ............. we ee ee Sao Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘“B” .............. 7/0” HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 739 22 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep CHAMBER 10-0'X 10-0" DINING ROOM 1), it 10-6'X 11-3" LIVING ROOM 2-o'K 1-3" ARKINDA"B 22-0X% 8-0" PLAN “B” WITH BASEMENT “The ANABEL” 24 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER CHAMBER. NG xi2" iv: x eel LIVING ROOM 23'o'» 11'S" LIVING ROOM 930 N'3" OU ANABEL .D. SIZES: Extreme Width ....27’ 0” Extreme Depth ....41’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling. . 9’ 0” ‘ Basement Ceiling PLAN “A”? WITHOUT BASEMENT Plan: “By eee Oe PLAN “B”’ WITH BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..........020220.2.21.2----- 520% Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........ Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 740 Each Plan—3 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The AUREY” 30 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep Important When order- ing plans of thisdesign state whether wanted with or without basement. LIVING ROOM CHAMBER. _— 16" 130" io" x 1310" LIVING ROOM CHAMBER tou x 130" 1 116 x13'0" Ike) SIZES: Extreme Width 32’ 6” Extreme Depth 40’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling ae eee Basement Ceiling PLAN “A’—WITHOUT BASEMENT Planss. Boge ree OF Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.....-.. eeee- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 74] 3 Rooms, Bath, Dressing Room and Screened Porch lL door ¢ er i'o'ke's! Sasol ATH EA Bo = ey 6 ) fe ATHLONE! “The ATHLONE” 25 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep N attractive three room bungalow with five room efficiency. Disappearing bed in living room and dining nook in kitchen give two extra rooms without the added building costs. This home is designed without a basement, —the screened porch to be used as laundry. The kitchen is fully equipped with practical efficiency devices. The outside walls of this home are insulated with cane fibre sheathing lumber. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME |—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“‘Dressing Cabinet” 3—“Dressing Table’ 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet, Sink, Gas or Electric Range and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinet” 6—“Built-in” Ironing Board” 7—“Medicine Cabinet” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—‘Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme? Width: iu... iccc,qcmm ie nla eee vs dusters Gib Sane Cam Extreme*Depth™ 33 7. an eee oe ies eee NPE Aa sg oh th lay” Main Floor Ceiling .......... acai peneies Me CU ae ale 03 alate ee ome Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ....-.0--0000- rs ea $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. be 2 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... en Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 742 —=— = 4 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The AVALON” 24 Ft. Wide x 40 Ft. Deep NUG and neat, a home that can suitably be placed in the open or tucked away in a clump, Olattrees, elt isereplete with conveniences such as a disappearing bed in the living room and space saving closet Hxtutes saw ibher “\valon aisaa pleasure to return to. ; | IDINING ROOM = | tad MBER I'3" x 10'S" SIZES: Extreme Width ............27' 0” Extreme Depth ............44' 0” Main Floor Ceiling ......... 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B’”’. 7’ 0” | LIVING ROOM. 15'9" x n'a" LIVING ROOM 15'S" xt"! IMPORTANT SUN ROOM || When ordering plans | | ' 0" x1 iS. AVALONA’ PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT SUN ROOM || of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. L Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.............-...2.....------------ ‘One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. ial One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........-.....-..-..2:--:11--1ee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 743 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARGOLIS” HIS small home offers pleasing and attractive. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of 36'0' this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER * loS'x126" SIZES: [a — 2 ‘ Main Floor Ceiling .......... : PLAN “A” WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘“‘B’’.... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms 26 Ou many modern conveni- oN ST Spee, ences. Two floor plans are —_— —_ re} shown with and without | meee basement. The exterior is Extreme Width .............. 29’ 6” Extreme Depth .............. 50’ CHAMBER lOoe x12'S" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 744 “The APSLEY” POPULAR bungalow at a low price. A disappearing bed in the living room is featured. DINING ROOM Wo xllo SIZES: Extreme, Width)... ..2é:¢.:o3.cnicheeee ne a ee Extreme, ‘Depth 25) i...5c7. 2s eae oes teeta cue eee eee ene eae Main .Floor Ceiling 2). 6.0). see. the cde ann s+) ootle (oo ee Basement. Ceiling 0.15. 0d feces Sf oues we oho 8 ol ogee) noone Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......-.....--...-.-----ee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 24. oo ee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 746 SUMMER CAMPS AND LODGES x z - se) - a uw 4 21 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep “The OWASCO” 2 Rooms, Toilet, Dressing Room and Porches An ideal arrangement in which unobstructed floor spaces during the day are converted into sleeping quar- ters at night, by using disappearing beds. SEPTIC TANK Ve! LOLS ra) oO LIVING ROOM 20'o"«11'9" SCREENED PORCH 20'o"x3'0" 66 99 z 3 Rooms, Toilet and Porches The MANKATO 20 Ft. Wide x 33 Ft. Deep “The Mankato” has qualities which make an instant appeal to those desiring a modest summer home of this size. SEPTIC TANK. fo) I iz'ots 10'O" f B'o'x10'0" LIVING ROOM ZO'O'< 112'0" 20 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep “The SARATOGA” 3 Rooms, Toilet and Porches A glazed-in porch is always desirable. Also, there are many other features which make this design very popular. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for any design on this page... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Fornis.. Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 747 SUMMER CAMPS AND LODGES 1B'o"'*~ 7! ENCLOSED 2 Rooms, Porch and Toilet “The SARANAC” 22 Ft. Wide x 18 Ft. Deep A little place away from the sweltering city—for recreation and play. 20 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. 6 In. Deep “The SHAWANO” = 2 Rooms, Toilet and Porches The small investment required to build “The Shawano” will be returned in payments of renewed vigor, health, happiness and satisfaction. 13'0'x . eee Pe i sete et ta age ae oh a Extreme. Depth (edie. Wee tet tae, Os eo ne OO ne First. Floor > Ceiling’) 32.0.4 os, i sands oe en ee OO Second Floor Ceiling ....... Da tenery hn Ceuta Le ee ee Ors Basement. Ceiling 0) o).8 (Yaron core rs ore cae ce ee ee Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............-..------:--:eeee--e-= : One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms................--.-—.-— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 759 CHAMBER loo'*x Hu" CHAMBER Ao" x Wi" 4 ‘ . scorraecancannnnnnd iin stbatir eaters 7 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ADMIRAL” 32 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. Deep TUCCO, brick chimney, shutters, and recessed entrance are but a few of the attractive features of the “Admiral.” The bay in front lends added charm. The arrangement of rooms offers many fascinating ways of furnishing. CHAM BER 130'%15'3" CHAMBER. 130" ~ (2a SIZES: Extreme Widthe-a ee ee Extreme Depth ............. First Floor Ceiling .............. Second Floor Ceiling ............ Basement Ceiling .............020008 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..............-2.-22..-------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..................-.-.2---2---.------------ —— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 760 lo'e" ] x230 a 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ARGUS” 22 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep INE AGS and attractively done in stuc- co. Of the English type, and justify- ing its popularity. The living room and adjacent sun par- lor promise pleasant days and evenings. The stucco is mounted on sheathing lath, The bath is easily accessible to all cham- bers. DINING ROOM | Wo" x 12'3" | ——— 260° ate | TT TT SIZES: Rererenen Width -fe, oe fics oben te oe ca ee C4 Metremme i Denth) Wr. ses eon sca es Rae eae OS SO" MiratelooraC ellings cy.c-..hexe sci -says coeksberedsca jake uence 9’ 0” Reenbart lool Ceilings <....:.surs aes = steels es ioe S(O Basements Ceiling si cick stereos ts eee «Ads ) Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 761 ELSE a 30 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep “The ASHTON” LARGE, pleasant and attractive are the impressions given by the “Ashton.” A welcoming reception hall opens into a spa- cious living room. Large chambers up- stairs, one increased in size by an oriel win- dow and one by a dormer, all make for com- fortable living. NOINING ROOM 1 I2'O'xi'6 ¥ LIVING ROOM 19'O"x 13'O". CHAMBER 9/0'x! Le: SIZES CHAMBER tau Pea Extreme, Width 2:35. (20 .cnccseficcaot tate seen a oe hic Sanna ce caoe oh ateaeremere 31305 WB «lle Extreme Depth) 2222.68 8555. ee ee epee en 35’ 0” | First Floori Ceiling #1). eee 8-6” ASHTON . Second: Floor :Ceilinig ih). Wie Pa nae aot oe ge ate ROS 8 EEStt) Basement. Ceiling 2(25-...3 daca). Aa a Where See eet ee one 7A0- 4 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ........-..--......---0------ mee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items........................---.- —— One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 762 | 6 Rooms and Bath “The ACME” 28 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep 4 Pae perfect home for the family desiring adequate luxury and comfort at a moderate price. The stucco is on metal lath. The “Acme” boasts of nothing elaborate, but perfect taste is evident, inside and out. The two flanking chimneys add dignity and distinction. CHAMBER |3' aie i039" CHAMBER. 13'3"«9'9" ACME. DINING ROOM "3" x W'9" SIZES: Extreme Width .......... Rees he ee a et nS Li. G Extremes Depthieeecyir ee en eke oo eke le oe oD O FirsteFloor: Ceilino ass sone. See eee ieee eae 8 BF Seconds loor: Ceiling * tosis oat OO! Basement Cetin os so ccs heen ieee a eens nltnas ate, 1 O” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Desionte cutter tant eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items........-..---2 0. 4 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit-—_New York. 763 6 Rooms and Bath “The ABERFOYLE” @ Ue OF the past decades of American archi- tecture comes the “Aberfoyle.” While it is in the style of our forefathers, it is strictly mod- ern in construction and equipment. Then there are many people who are quite imbued with our past and seriously wish to keep up traditions. The “Aberfoyle” is for them. TILE HEARTH Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items THE OUTSIDE WALLS OF THIS HOME ARE CONSTRUCTED OF CIN- DER CONCRETE BUILDING be ws AES CHAMBER — eto 13'8'% 8'5" TTT Th BOTT CHAMBER 13'8'x10'9"! Extreme Width ........... oe eed e, ea eee Extreme Depth :.......':4 ..40=3= eee 29’ 0” First Floor Ceiling .......... 5 Ad See 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling.................... 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ...... «<0 oss.08 oe anne One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........-.-.2--..---.:1c:--:-eceeceeeeeeeeeee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. - Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 764 35 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep ae weak 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The ANSLEY” 28 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep DINING ROOM Neko" ff LIVING ROOM iS'o"x17'S' aN ANSLEY. fo PORCH 1S'0'« 10'o" VERY pleasing example of the old English type. The exterior is constructed of r-stic half timbers and stucco on metal lath. The re- cessed entrance and oriel window above are very impressive. The interior is very well arranged with such features as a toilet on the first floor and stair- way to second floor accessable from living room and kitchen. CHAMBER 13'3'x 9'3" CHAMBER IS'O'«10'3" SIZES: : Brtratceeey atte oe eee Poss cle cle & ait 39. On PRET ete RODEN Oe es oes eee eta te ve Hdts weatate ae ah AO OF MRE TOT Celine cia cus) one eves a ixioetauh ob. shs ois kee oben 8’ 6” Second. Floor: Ceiling o..15 0 seb evs eas ee aes ieee 85.0% nsomente Ceiling hiro oo vtec arieie oe OT ee edie TOS "Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..:-...-200.---2..--scscessesceeenesseneese $2.0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items as aes peas One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Se Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG COQ. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 765 ‘f TMT 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARLOMONT” 35 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HE “Arlomont” is of tile construction with exterior stucco finish. The built-in cabinets in kitchen and upstairs hall are very IKITCHEN convenient. Large chambers with many saeee nooks and projecting windows contain num- erous possibilities for attractive furnishing. LIVING ROOM 14’ A" x24'4" CHAMBER. GLlipaty I'lo"x1I0'8" FE CHAMBER. pee x 18'o" SIZES: CHAMBER. ‘ r) t) ni Extreme Width =e toe a an WO’ xO Extreme, ‘Depth? 2.255 5 ScAiman SoGierde tile iter to bee Oe First“ Floor, Ceiling 2) yes eee ee eo on Ge Second “Floor~ Ceiling? (7.4 kate oh Eee Od Basement..Ceiling 2% 0c care, ee gine eet Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. Badass One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 766 5 Rooms and Bath “The AGINCOURT” 32 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep HERE is something very appealing about the “Agincourt.” Perhaps it is the big bay or perhaps it is the unique entrance or the artistic chimney: At any rate it possesses undeniable charm. And the floor plan is excellent. This pleasing home is of simple frame construction with outside walls of stucco applied to metal lath. ~CHAMBER 14'o"'x 10'3" CLO 130 X22'e" Extreme: Width 2:08 accor n ee ee tee Extreme Depth ........... First Floor Ceiling .. Second =Floor, ssc ee eee 8’ 6” Basement) Ceiling @ 5210 ocic oxctstercsie oho ite eee Pere) for fae Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items._...................... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ....................-:sscssseee-- eceeeeeeee eee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 767 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AMBERG” 30 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep LLUSTRATING the popular Dutch Colonial style. A pleasing contrast is obtained by the use of stucco in first story and siding for upper story. One of the sunniést of sun parlors. Then there is a large living room, large chambers, and a fire-place. The kitchen is equipped with cabinets and a convenient pantry. 1Iz6'xi!'O" CHAMBER | tou SIZES: CHAMBER 9'9"x14'6 Extreme: Width. i ch.cce 5.2 ate koh agen auntie a a a LO Ia9"xil'6" Extreme: Depth = /o 249d) a eee nt ake MO tee < First’ Floor’ Ceiling’. sds ot Dashes oe PO ee Os. Second Floor Ceiling -: 5 S70 heen eee oe ees Basement, Ceiling rs ce cies one alte ole olen olen tells eae el oh sins cs 7/0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material -Items... Gne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 768 ri Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling ..... Two (2) One (1) Qne (1) “The ARDARA” 32 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft, Deep SIZES: COE Se de EUs Apia ne SLOG Oe ee eo EOS eS eet bet ee DORE RG pa RA eee CR eRe eR Rte ee ae TE Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... shat and dignity mark the outward appear- alice ors tne A rdaras= sotlccomonmetal lath trimmed in stone with a stone chimney makes an irresistible combination. French doors opening onto iron-railed balconies in the living room and dining room add to the inside as well as the out- side, beauty, ouch features Jas-a toilet off the vestibule and pantry show careful planning of the interior, CHAMBER. Io" x1@Oo" CHAMBER 15'6'x!2'6" ARDARA . Gea Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 769 6 Rooms and Bath “The AGERTON” 25 Ft. Wide x 25 Ft. Deep GUGGESTIVE of the small, picturesque suburb. “Stucco on metal lath makes ior sound construction. Comfort is insured through the architects utilization of every inch of space.. Appealing and compact. ig: DF ai Ee 250" LIVING ROOM 17'O" x 12° a" OWN, ED CHAMBER SIZES: it toil Extreme Width >. 2 oe SiS ee ae Ce eae eo Oe I26xl23 Extreme’ Depth \)2 7.60000 Sonia tad Oe cenit oe See eee ea First:Floor Ceiling (coo ens oh he Sk ee ee a ee a Second Floor:Ceiling shine 2. ih ke att le ee oe AGERTON . Basement ‘Ceiling: 02.55 cele seus, ceil sistasa ite ca F's etek ae oe eh a 4 ——— Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York, 770 6 Rooms and Bath “The ABANDA” 22 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. Deep THE eye wanders back and forth between the shady porch and the unique entrance. The interior does not belie the charm of the outside. Large, airy rooms, and numer- ous handy closets make the “Abanda” most livable. Stucco on tile for outside walls. LIVING ROOM i2’0'xI58' core rm CHAMBER Pactremenwidthes cr cc cicievcie cue ere ole omcin rae este 6h + pte ee ms oa On 7 Ix it eo Prctvetive: DlDth 435 e 6 we wend e areas e on reed Osean 4 Legh he ee ae AO 2 WereEREIOOr CCUING he eusie shes girs: cn op teueele = Oe cage hd ‘Sen fone a eS Oo SecondsFioor Ceiling” 0-46.45 4454 00 0 a Be ae Sain a ae ee Le Basement Ceiling ........ his crrine & eaeiads eels oe EN erates TE ALY Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 77\ 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The AYRSHIRE” 25 Ft. Wide x 33 Ft. Deep HIS attractive home is really small yet it offers large well Y ISOxIoe@ SIZES: Extreme Width (i 3. ../i5-2# 0 cee eke a a ee ates 2 Oe Extreme: Depth 33.°79..1./. poe es tence ee eee First Floor Ceiling? 3.3.0/e'. ers Os cits Oe tien ee ee Od Second :Floor Ceiling *.25 seis an hte os eee ye OIE Oe Basement (Ceilinig (3.5 36.2 60st ee ete ore ed eee ea Ok 250) lighted rooms. The small oriel window over the entrance gives it a per- fect touch. Such conveniences as a down stairs toilet and spacious closets are found in the “AYRSHIRE.” Wood lath backs up the stucco. CHAMBER. 12'Ox 7'9" LIVING ROOM 1O'x 20 a! STORAGE CL. CHAMBER Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 772 6 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALLERTON” 30 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. 3 In. Deep N English type home with outside walls of tile and stueco. Substantial simplicity, pro- portion, large well lighted rooms and convenient household arrangements are all care- fully incorporated to make this perfect design. A home which blends with any landscape and suitable even to the most pretentious neighborhoods. 0:0" CHAMBER lo'6"x 9'6" CHAMBER 10'o"«13'o" TT CHAMBER \o'o"« 13'3" LIVING ROOM. eS t(fi.a i] at. IS'o"x 14'S TS Extreme Width SS grORORC hehe Bs SLO OPO ONO ROO ear Extreme Depth ayaacieta at helotene ote evel stele) crerececalenera ererses OL Ou First: Floor Ceiling exis csccclele teiciclc clekevsnehereielet susie cise LO, eoeeeeoee 8’ 6” eeaeeeeaee e104 Second Floor Ceiling......ccccccscee Basement Ceiling yc «se ele o/olelele chore ie oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans fonaheve Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material] Items... One (1!) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms................sssssssccssscssscesssssenseces Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 173 en ena 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The ALLEDONI A” 36 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 24 Ft. 3 in. Deep AGAIN the rich beauty of stucco comes to usin the “Alledonia.” It presentsa front that is at once artistic and satisfying as the picture shows. Insulation is used in the outside walls giving added practical value. As for the in- terior—well, from the moment you enter the reception hall you are con- tinually impressed with the pleasing arrangements for practical comfort. CHAMBER. 15'9"%100" SIZES: Extreme Width 250003 bis ne as hee eo aie & LO Extreme. Depth--. 30%; scs50 oo he ROG eee een First Floor, Ceiling “47.4 sas 2 eee tke Gade ee OG Second Floor: Ceiling <9 1 saiorisieeaies re eet eee Basement Ceiling—Plan “B’) 3.7.0 o3 ts Sulg ses tO! Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 774 DINING ROOM; i'e'xiI'6" |! Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor-Ceiling ... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling ..... Two (2) One (1) One (1) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items “The ARDSLEY” oeeeeee .40' 0” "3540" . 9 ’ 0” 8' 0” 7 t 0” 31 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 28 Ft. 6 In. Deep Elen D Sig Yevenitanceseallethe features of advanced architecture. The living room is two stories high, with exposed beams, and an interior balcony. A secluded breakfast nook and a stairway accessable from both the liv- ing room and kitchen are added attrac- tions. The exterior demonstrates the richness and architectural pliability of stucco. The stucco is mounted on wood lath. ie BALCONY f 12'6'x10'0"*| tt _] Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .....-.-......-----.------eee ee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 775 6 Rooms, Bath, Dining Nook and Sun Room KITCHEN W'l0'*9' 3" “The ANTWERP” 31 Ft. Wide x 26 Fi. Deep IVING in a comfortable well made home in a pleasant location is a blessing which all of us appreciate. The Antwerp with its pleasing ex- terior, its combination tile and stucco walls and brick trimmings will no doubt prove a blessing to many. It is modern, convenient, well lighted and entirely substantial in all respects. The stair- DINING ROOM : cae Ie x lat" way leads from kitchen as well as from the living I6 xl47 room. LIVING ROOM n 76 xi Extreme Width 2620. 99s Gattis oc a ae he ei ne Die inc OO Om CHAMBER | Extreme Depth. 22 [222M aos eee ee Aaa ok Ghee Om 76 xil 3 First Floor Ceiling ....... 6.6... ee eee eee ee ee ee eee eens 9’ 0” Second’ Floor Ceiling: .s S22 fe. aso ets Oe ae ee eae: oe Basement. Ceiling: a .)05 ster s eke crete ney ee ee EO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......--...----.:--:::---:-:-00 = 29” One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. ............--------1.--:eseceeeeeseeeee =—_ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........---.---------2.------<1:---sseeeeeeon Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 776 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The ACKLEY” 30 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep N irresistible front, culminating in the artistic brick entrance. Such features as a butler’s pantry and a toilet off the hall makes the downstairs arrangement perfect. The spaciousness of the chambers should be noticed. LIVING ROOM 18'9"x13'3" CHAMBER W'o"x 130" CHAMBER. I3'6'x 9! Mi-) | 40 | Pamala mira Py aa es Hl SIZES: ACKLEY PeMereaR Witthvt. 2 i Sek Puke cede eee ate Lee sono. Pere TARDE DED chs sah tt Soe ee, CW Fe a's, ween OO AO” iestet lear: Gelling’ 5 hoo) ie onan Ok Eten Ade es lea oak ee 6" Semendikicor Ceiling 0 oso ties oc ote mck ois OF Psemenite Gelling ts oe a nas ee hole ote ohare wn Tere ee 2d Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.................--------------------------- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 777 6 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ARDMORE” 34 Ft. Wide x 31 Ft. 6 In. Deep A STUCCO home of the English type that would add beauty to the choicest suburbs. Metal lath backs up the stucco. perb, the dining room and living room being two distinct units. dows on three sides permitting plenty of light and ventilation. 34'0" PKITCHEN | 13'0" x I'0 Se NEE TPDINING Room] ae jt'o'x 150" _ARD MORE. LIVING ROOM 130" x19'0" CHAMBER heer: 4 186" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms The room arrangement is su- Each has win- CHAMBER It'o" x 150" ARDMORE. ar = SIZES: Extreme Width .... 8’ 6” Extreme Depth ......34’ 0” First Floor Ceiling ... 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling... 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ..... 7’ 0” 520% Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit—New York. 778 7 Rooms, Bath, Library and “The ATLANTA” 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Breakfast Room A HOME for the larger family. By balancing the porches and the chimneys, the architect has obtained a stately dignity. Then there are seven rooms not counting the library and breakfast room. 3 2' fou LIBRARY KITCHEN AB [50 xlOG | 2'0'x 'o" LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM IB'e' 3 tho" Wide 136° FACIE haa Ml il Ex CHAMBER CHAMBER. Ree Crmete st WV ths 2,0 «a's: onela's a5 Stace Bees ovis s hee Ra eRe 496" 12'o" 'o" i Opx 2.0 oxtreies Lyemt hrs se is ea nies oe ne | ER ei ne SLB rs Wmstahioor: Coiling oi 6 on. ee net co doen + Weed «eee ony) 907 Eeomdtlloor, Ceilitg. ceo oe eRe eins Cae a8 Oo emernenta Coiling eee coer re aia ae aie hs ae acs ge a aT AO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 719 si vine ys na canny re — =| 6 Rooms and Bath : “The ALGONQUIN” 28 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep TUCCO on metal lath is an artistic as well as practical building medium as is demonstrated here. The iron railings and gratings and the tile roof are the finishing touches to this attractive exterior. Large restful rooms, well distributed, are found inside, 280° CHAMBER 13'3"xu'3" LIVING ROO 1, 0 i oe 13'3' A230 ieee WAMBER DINING ROOM i3' 3"x'3" 999X120 13'3"x12'0" __ALGONQUIT N Extreme Width 0530605 co #2 6 sie hd ae eee Extreme Depth. 2... 9.)5 Se 2% cleo sists ace Ge First Floor Ceiling .3.5 64.03... oo sue wet Second Floor Ceiling =~ 2. 2.052 (Su «0 on ee oe Basement Ceiling .. 2... 66.00 ssc ee os cet os eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. —= One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............--.-.---.-... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 780 “The ACCORD” 26 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep ATCHING the eye with its outside charm, the “Accord” is ideal for the discriminat- inoviamily. eA wlarve roomy bay, a, wide. fire- place, and an open stairway give the living room varied interest. Two large chambers LIVING ROOM | and a bath constitute the upstairs. DINING ROOM IS'S"xISS" ff 11'6' x i'o" 5 ACCORD CHAMBER SIZES: Wo" 12'3" Petrormmeyidth 53 34, «Ale bate ut Buea ard bee Mc reais bie OG 4 x Mere eites Depth co ok eer Gee an Cee hh ee ORO. Pirstil igor Ceilings 2% ... .22-c eee tc te ee D4 Ou Extreme Depth ............ 3. ie iia ee aOe Ge First) Floor ‘Ceiling “i. 3 eee - > cals po oeom Second Floor Ceiling:...5.......... ee . 80’ Basement Ceiling ............... oa eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for.above Design ...2 eee $2.02 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items ca pe One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Tam, Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.-—Detroit.—New York. 788 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The AYERS” 28 Ft. Wide x 20 Ft. Deep A WELL proportioned home that cannot fail to attract attention. The front entrance and sun room give ivaveLy alttactiveappearance.. [hedarge living room with fire place, the convenient kitchen and chambers make a well balanced interior for the medium sized family. ES gomnkS4 DINING ROOM! WS" x 3" tat ay u sine: O xl2O tu CHAMBER 100x!00 Extreme Width ............... Extreme Depth .............. Nee ane Hs AO EOn BrstePicors Ceiling weit ie its. bncibeae s Oude SA Oe Beeonderioor Ceiling 1.0 avis ces on cheese oe O° Maxemant Coiling \..)

. <....% 5. « ssc eke siete eneienet se iene Extreme Depth «. «0.52.0. a. «2 oo eee ee First Floor Ceiling... .. 5 0. cs... ce esse wien ie Second Floor Ceiling. ..............2+-2005- Basemeut Ceiling ...6......- s+ om aly ieee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_........ 2 Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........-..-..---1------ seen Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 796 6 Rooms and Bath cline ALVARADO” 28 Ft. Wide x 23 Ft. Deep ERE is an original design of pleasing exterior. The outside walls are constructed of tile with finish of trowelled stucco. It is a substantial home and simple in construction. LIVING ROOM 109"x2I'6" CHAM BER 109"x8 9" HALL I | L | I \ { | | LUlOWING ROOM 1o9'xII I" Extrvenio; Widths 2.5 saeco kt «ale ee ea eee 33’ 0” Extreme ‘Depth \.. 7.) 2a «acre aoe EA Heninki ele 1a ceshe oeeners 30’ 0” First iHloor: Ceiling: oe sianciienas 2 ree tore rales bee ates tee 9’ 0” Second) Floor (Ceiling eee eis cece it eka eee ee eae 8' 0” Basement; Cetin esa each tn vera enantio ee aie 7’ O” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print' Working Plans for above Design... $2.0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... pa One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms................--..-....-.00.-----00------- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. Thee! 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARBOR” 24 Ft. Wide x 33 Ft. Deep UCKED away in the trees or out in the open, the “Arbor” is equally attractive. The long open porch with its impressive columns and projecting beams is comfortable as well as decorative. Do not overlook the private chamber on the first floor nor the two large chambers upstairs. The house is of frame construction with stucco on metal lath. LIVING ROOM 23'0" x11'3" I7'o" x 14'S" SIZES: Extreme Width .......35 6” Extreme Depth .......44' 0” ARBOR. First Floor Ceiling .... 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling... 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ..... 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. ! 798 ‘dead 6 Rooms and Bath ii iW it | | | | | lta “The ALLINTON” 31 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Fe CONOMY of space and construction cost: has been the main consideration of the Architect here. Yet he has managed to achieve: a very real beauty. The stucco is on metal. DINING ROOM lath. Note that. the chambers are extra large, 100 IGOo' xi!0" x 1010" Extreme Width ....... Extreme Depth ....... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling .. www ates a feature to be appreciated by the family seek- LIVING ROOM ing comfort. [3'6"x!T/o" CHAMBER IG" 1010" Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design .............2..2..::::c-0:ceeeceoeeosenoee Z $ 00 Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items .....2.2.002--.-2---21--2-0---- Deel Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.................-......-.--....-.--.---------- ace Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit——New York. 799 BAe ey - 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALAGA” 26 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep ch HE long sloping roof, the interesting entrance, and the snug porch all tend to set the “Alaga”’ apart from its neighbors. One enters directly into KITCHE | the large reception hall, an indispensable feature to WOxt 3; the family that entertains. Large airy chambers , mark the upstairs. The stucco is on wood lath. LIVING ROOM 156" 1'3" CHAMBER | CHAMBER to’ e's" HWO'x* 11'S" ea ; CHAMBER. xtreme-Width sa Moi oc tn ol ces a OO Oe Ls 'o" Extreme’ Depth 2.002 x's3 oo oe ees a ee ee eee OO 1] O xQDI First Floor Ceiling’. 6.0... ie ee ec ene we bosses tec ownnt 9’ 0” Second Floor Ceiling %. .5 c2'ses Alcon i ee ee ee ALAGA. Basement Ceiling .......... 00 eee cere terre eee reece eeeeres T2107 —— ) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design...........--- Pe ee ie Sern se One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Iwo (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 800 ee: fi “The AFTON” 26 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep ANY interesting roof angles ac- Sat Onl Mietaleiath: count for the attractiveness of the Constructed in stucco upon A sun parlor for summer comfort, and a big fireplace for winter comfort. LIVING ROOM iu ini I]@ xi29 SIZES: Extreme Width ............... adele Novels Blois ries wale a eee OF PemEME TUS MES OREIR Lie. Se pole. siete Gash ver ehe oligos he Was ats EA Ow PENST ME AGON COMING 2 5 cc oss cts citys AK Le dis Sane enue Ge Gerondtrioor Ceiling. 530 5!s ft i sa nie aa re eon BMOENIONE COMUNE . «5 his ore a easier sie vision Sra kleble ue a eet ee ee Ow Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms CHAMBER 1Z'0"« 93" BA REE SVITER CHAMBER. 'o" x 133" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochestcr.—Detroit.—New York, 80] ‘ [ie eM 3 es 5 Roonisand|Bath “The ATHERTON” 26 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep A HOME of singular charm. The architect has achieved something different, without overstepping into the freakish. The interior is as neatly disposed as the outside is attractive. A perfect home for the KITCHEN vaistisict newlyweds to step into. The stucco is on wood lath. CHAMBER NWoxlood! DOWN LTT TTT UY UT Correctly drawn plans are essential for the erection of attractive CHAMBER. homes. WoxIso RTOX Extreme Width © ....0 6. ce seus te oe 0 +) oles coe Un iene ts tena Extreme Depth . 2.050.006 0c ce wot nn ooo 0 806 tie leis sense eee First Floor Ceiling 2 .....0.5 00082006 e 8 0 00 0s 0 0 cuehenne inne ere Second Floor Ceiling .......066:. 00088 ce ees oes + nee elena One Basement Ceiling’. . .’. 2.600 3.0 cs cee ceo cue = eels olen tena Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design..............-:::00--0-------- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 802 y Pra he = Bh 6 Rooms, Bath and Alcove “The AYNOR?” 24 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep COMPACT, trim dwelling that suggests the warmth and comfort found within. The rooms are exceedingly well arranged and within easy access of each other, * -Purn your attention for a mo- ment to the alcove upstairs and think of the many attractive possibilities it con- ing room, library, Sy : , , HONE etc. LIVING ROOM T he exterior Is'o' x12‘ ue Oi. home are built TILE HEARTH FM Seine ioe CHAMBER AYNOR.. | crete building I6'o"'x 93! _— blocks. Stucco . and plaster are AYNOR.. applied directly ace. to blocks. SIZES: Extreme Width «2 jn .0 5 uns Ga eet oe oes oie Sin eden eee ees 6-307 OF Extreme Depth ws shade ean © aan ates Lint ie fe ls tere Satay a iesrate iets) a ee First Floor’ Ceiling 25,85 sco ese he a on 8 een siea a) of oe arnat o ne af eyed) of oe 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling... 2. 222-0 c sere etter teen esac eesees 8’ 0" Basement; Ceiling (iG efi oes Se leva ee ache sells 2.8 O Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. . HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. ey - Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 803 5 Rooms and Bath “The ABBEY” 34 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep ‘THE “ABBEY” bespeaks taste and distinction. Stucco with half timbers, shutters and divided lights are well combined to produce a desirable effect. The stucco is backed up with metal lath. Main rooms open into the smail central hall. Steel sash are provided to make this a model home with the maximum light. a DINING ROOM Cuame I2'o"x1'S" FF i0'3"xtt' Cowal Et llit on .. The Blue Print Plans are YY [ Complete with Full Information and Construction Details. tLe 0 ay 9' 9" B SIZES: ABBEY Extreme Width .......... 5. meee 47' 0” Extreme Depth-.....3..524. =o ee 35’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling .......2..0.5.55 32 9220> 4 DRivEwAYT Basement Ceiling ................-. neat #4 8 I Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... $202 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items ..u...........----:c-se0seeceeeeee eee 53 fied One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........-..-.-------------+0-+eeee-eeee-- o-oo ane Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG Secure akove plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. 804 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALMORA” 25 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. 6 In. Deep 25-0' IMPORTANT CHAMBER 1o-9"X1I-0" When order- ing plans of this CHAMBER ar aan design state 10-9'K 11-0 whether wanted DINING ROOM 12-9'k10-6" with or without basement. CHAMBER 10"9"K 11-0" ALMORA~B" LIVING ROOM 16-9"x 10" CHAMBER 10-9" II-0" Extreme Width ............ ty, Extreme Depth ae Extreme Depth—Plan ‘B’’ Main Floor Ceiling SIZES: PORCH VERANDA os eee eee eee eee eee eo eee PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “B”’ ...............2-0.000% Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... cc cescccece osceeeeeeee- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items _.........0..0....0..--:cescecessoeees-o-s One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............--.-.-.---.c-:-sc-ccesseeeeeee-+ Soe Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 805 DINING ROOM 12*9"x 106" LIVING ROOM 16-9"x 11-0" PORCH VERANDA 12-0X8-0" Plan (5Ay o5 2 ce Re nee oh ks eee cy i 5 Rooms and Bath “The ASPERMONT” 30 Ft. Wide x 45 Ft. Deep Spite particular appeal of the “Aspermont” lies in a number of things. First of all it is stylish. Then the entrance is per- fect, monumental, yet inviting. The stucco is mounted on metal lath. Cane fibre sheathing is used. The rooms: are large and the arrange- ment is satisfying. ol DINING ROOM i'o"'”* 1z'o" LIVING ROOM 17'6""x 12’! Oo - SIZES: ore LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM in CLO Auuhauat\ 116X120 WOXIZO US| Extreme Width. ....34’9” Extreme Depth.....44’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling.. 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling— Plan “B”,...... 770" [| CHAMBER ] lo'o'x12'6 mt PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT IMPORTANT aie When ordering plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above D ‘sign. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber br Building Material Dealer. | HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CoO. pees Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 806 ee 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The AURILLA” 32 Ft. Wide x 43 Ft. Deep < 32' Ou HE “Aurilla” is a rich home, rich in detail and rich in general appearance. ‘The tile covered entrance is artistic and inviting. The iron rails, gate and window guards are right in the Spanish tradition. The outside 32'o" walls are built of stucco on hollow tile, giving permanency and beauty. The floor plan is excel- lent and deserves careful study. CHAMBER 12'0"9'10" CHAMBER 140" x]O0'o" IMPORTANT When ordering a. 7 CHAMBER, 14'0"x 100" plans of this design i I DINING ROOM state whether 1 12'4" 1210" cls StL. LIVING ROOM ' qanted” with or VERANDA W'l0"x 80 eS] ] PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT Austin: Be without basement. IDINING ROOM |! 12'4'x130" AuRILLA“A’. Se i'io"x g'o" | SIZES: acs | Extremes widths oes cet ee eae e a9 0" PLAN “A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT Extreme Depth | 0 i273) 44a) a ciecen Salas a ee Cee heer an S48. BF Mainz Floor::Ceiling) oo tr tae ne, oe ee eee eee ee . 8’ 6” Basement, Ceiling—Plan, “‘B’”.). 0... «aS okie oui ee Te ee ne TOL Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......2...00222..00000-000--ese00eeee= $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. wie 20% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............-.:-----scssssesssesesseseenees as as Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 807 CHARMING Spanish type with a pleasing tile roof. every comfort in a well built small house, with little housework. bedroom at night. Space saving devices in kitchen add greatly to its efficiency. Outside walls are of hollow tile with stucco exterior finish. I1—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3—*‘Dressing Table” Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinets” 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” 7—“Medicine Cabinet” 8—“Adjustable Clothes Hangers” 9—‘Telephone Cabinet” 10—“Built-in Mail Box” fmm THUUENNTUTT AH Ly Jl, Zi i aS Cay ld INING ROOM i] 130x130 VERANDA Bee WOox8o Extreme Width ........... + St a aoeeeaee at Extreme Depth... . 25.05 /...400. 400 Main Floor; Ceiling ™s05..0..5...0. hee Basement Ceiling ............... (Oe an Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..........-c::::0-ce-0---00ee0ee-- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items 20% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract FormsS.........0--.002---------- Se Secure above plans, etc. frem your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, YOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 808 4 Rooms, Bath and Dressing Room “The ATHENS” 34 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. 9 In. Deep Four rooms with five room efficiency offering The living room becomes an airy KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and RRA | 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Alcove “The APALACHEE” } 34 Ft. Wide x 41 Ft. Deep 19! CHAMBER [BATH] CHAMBER i2'olei to! ah si2!xat'o" to" LINEN§LINEN | 10'6'x10 i COOLER_L + | KITCHENS et | iZo'ko'et gop «LIVING ROOM es 19'9'xi2'o! i Crew. 1 Naas ROOM _| APALACHEE." Alt | : eg eee te this design state whether a Be beauty and artistry of Spain comes to us in the “Apalachee.” There is no need to enumerate the attractive features. The picture and floor plan are sugges- tive and should be sufficient to stimulate the imagination so as to see clearly the completed whole. L 34'o" | CHAMBER [paTH]] CHAMBER I2'9"ktt'o" rp iz2"xt'o" Important When order- ing plans of wok" i ae wanted with KITCHENT== Seay a iti's% ge" VERANDA or without Kx name! LIVING ROOM i3s'k9'4" ea (atts sist basement. nm iI99 xIZO I “TEL. PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT DINING ROOM. APALACHEE ! Bl 1 wo'xa'3" A PORCH!| VERANDA Perret idthg. 00.2 a2 iin Che ae dl ee eae toe 46" f- eg 7'3'k9' 4" 135k O'4 ERM RPRE CLO TIE ere tatc fo-c'c costs w= Wok east Sim RA eee ops Aidiolemete acus haste a Maina kl OorgG ceilings 10 sister re whee noe roele cen lave Cues te Oa Om Basement) Ceiling—-Plan 298 oo. occ dias eelehece a>. aa, slept salle ate cet) Eee PLAN “B’”—WITH BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......-..00---.000--..00000------ee es $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... : 2022 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.................2.2...:10:---1e0-0-eeeo--+ ——— Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 809 5 Rooms and Bath “The AUSABLE” 32. Ft. Wide x 35 Ft. Deev IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER, | CHAMBER 0"xlo'9 WA xt" ie Lu i,u TEROACE ems | aoa 200 xGO ausaaLe Af LIVI NG ROOM i! mm 19'6"x13'3" . PLAN ‘A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT | SIZES: SS 2 Extreme > Width 's 56.) 0. > pie easa Oar sae reteaas 3 oe Oe TERRACE Extreme Depth) 0.2005 ne eo ol On Pl tout Main Floor Ceiling (Living Room)..............10’ 3” 200 x GO Main Floor Ceiling (Balance) .................. 9% 0” Basement: Ceiling——Plan ‘“B’S. ae et ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 810 5 Rooms and Bath CHAMBER Nex t|'5" {DINING ROOM 3 4 «13'S'xil0" a9! o' LIVING ROOM 1e'A" xlelo" VERANDA eT" SIZES: Pxtremer Widths. ai -'s: a5 cteetne Gaceee castace ae Ns eee 39 +O. BR SeIe LG Dtlt FS ioe. 51k « 6d Siw aie wa bow suede Boek ap fA 0” MaingEloor: Cellingora.2)5 kone © aie dl eee em) onstrate 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ....... RCO ND a cas Ae Care. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design “The ANTOINE” 35 Ft. Wide x 39 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT ordering plans of this design state When whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER Wiest!” | DINING ROOM ; 13'6'xII'o" 29'o" LIVING ROOM Io'4" ne oo" One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.......... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.................--------------+---—-- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 811 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Alcove “The AUCILLA” 36 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. 10 in. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. y CHAMBER | CHAMBER Wo"*x 128" 130 ~106 / CHAMBER eine io" 128" 130x ITCHEN" Noga et DINING ROOM xia" PATIO 23'o" 1o'et PLAN “B’”—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme Width ........ 00.204 cee est ot eee nen antes aan Extreme Depth ..1... 005.000 Bo 0400s unten Main Floor Ceiling ........ 002.5... 0+.0 5 we PLAN “A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “BP: We se 47 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (I) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ‘20% Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 812 5 Rooms, Den and Bath “The ALLAMOORE” LIVING ROOM rahi x t2'n" CHAMBER ; 1o'4"xi'4" | VERANDA PORCH at t4'0"x7'O Extreme Width .... Extreme Depth ..... Main Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling ... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.................... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............---..---- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit——New York, 813 33 Ft. Wide x 41 Ft. Deep Dealer, Alpes individual beauty of Spanish archi- tecture is portrayed in the “Allamoore.” The tile roof, the tower, the arched windows ate decorative yet practical features. interior is all to be desired. rooms give airy freedom in summer and the big fireplace and snug den are fine for winter. The Good-sized HOLLOW TILE WALL CONSTRUCTION WITH STUCCO FOR OUTSIDE FINISH ASSURES A HOME OF STRENGTH AND DURABILITY 4 Rooms, Bath, Dining Alcove “The ADERNAUNT” 35 Ft. 6in. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep and Solarium | 31 Oo" l IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. The Closet in the Living Room offers ideal space for Disappearing Bed. CHAMBER “4 13'2"x 9'2" CHAMBER | 10'2'xI2'10" CHAMBER E i] 1 13'2"x 9'2 care LIVING ROOM x1Z10 | 1e'it'x 13'O" TILE HEARTH __ADERNAUNT' il LIVING ROOM 18x 13'o" TILE HEARTH PLAN “B’—WITH BASEMENT ADERNAUNT'A SIZES: Extreme Width ....... 2.6. sc. + «+ anaes een Extreme Depth .... 2 ..000246.05 1005 ys ee Main Floor Ceiling> 2: .........%%..5 ots eee Basement Ceiling—Plan “‘B” .................... 70” PLAN ‘A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 814 | 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANGIOLA” E ARE coming into an age of color and luxurious- ness. The “Angiola” is a hint of the future and heralds the coming artistry and taste. The richness and color of Moorish archi- tecture and modern con- structional efficiency are Com Dine Neremm lt 1s. 4 bungalow for the far- seeing home-seeker. CHAMBER DINING ROOM iz'exi'e" p IBENAIN 6" IMPORTANT LIVING ROOM iS.6-. 13'3" CHAMBER [_~\ ANGIOLA ‘a When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER i276 xII'6" PLAN ‘“B’— DINING ROOM i3'e'x 11'6"' LIVING ROOM 15'6"x13' a VERANDA 12'0' aie" WITH BASEMENT W'o''*x ns" VERANDA 12'0'*7.8'e" Extreme 5.W idth 9. 2Jonis ico site ee oe TA ee ee Re earn 34’ 6” Extreme: Depth #3) iic.c sso a ee RAO Ge ee ee 43’ 6” Main Floor Carling TNR TONn, eT. LON. IR a eb ee ee ne. AF 8’ 6” PLAN ‘A’—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan eRe Avs ahs gt AOR eene Rien oe Se ar A Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design................ One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 815 Fane 4 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ARRANT’” 43 Ft. 3 In. Wide x 29 Ft. 8 In. Deep HE “Arrant” radiates color and richness. The occasional brick trimming looks well against the creamy stucco. The entrance is at once imposing and inviting. From the moment you enter the vestibule you are captivated at every turn. All the coziness and comfort you could wish for. HOLLOW TILE WALLS WITH BRICK WINDOW TERRACE SILLS. ASBESTOS 7 O'*I2'4" SHINGLES ARE USED FOR ROOF. LIVING ROOM u 1 198 xl28 TILE HEARTH ARRANT. re oe RW. FF Extreme. Width ..-)....0.. .e2es seen Qe Extreme Depth .......7 v2sn eee neo aoe Main Floor Ceiling. 7. -... sas ee oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...... 4 $2.0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Sane Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York, 816 5 Rooms, Bath and Breakfast Alcove “The AVENTIA” 38 Ft. Wide x 35 Ft. Deep ale HE adaptability of Spanish architecture to modern taste and methods is quite remarkable. The style is preserved perfectly in the exterior, with its tile roof, patio and large windows. Inside you have an ar- rangement that for room and efficiency cannot be surpassed in our most modern architectural styles. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state , : C ‘whether wanted with or without basement. HAMBEL- Wo"x136" FE CHAMBER A, 120"x136" CHAMBER 12'o"'%13'6" tu x120 IN'10' ae BREAKFAST ALCOVE Wwo'x DINING ROOM’ 'lo"x12'0" | il I {! il tl il LI LIVING ROOM I 3'0"%200" BREAKFAST ALCOVE ors 8'o" Extreme Width—Plan ‘‘A’’....... Riot ak vere cee een R es oer .. .48’ 0” Extreme Width—Plan “‘B’.................. ie 46.08 Extreme Depth ...............-..- Satna Rider Mee ater nacee rs te Oi Main Floor Ceiling .................. ao twetclenuia chairs Le Ors t PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B’”’............ sla state Waateeaeveatashe ao Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..........0..---2....:c:::-1:c-:ce00ete-ee+ $2.02 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items — One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. , HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—-New York. 817 5 Rooms, Bath and Garage IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. DINING ROOM. IAG xIlG@ CHAMBER | log" xo" IVING ROOM 936" x12'4" GARAGE 104" x 180 CHAMBER “The AURICULA” 5x83" CHAMBER lo4"x 0 be s ENTRY ||! GARAGE 1o'4"x igi" CHAMBER lo'4"x130" 34 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 44 Ft. 10 In. Deep 10'4"x13'0" SIZES: Extreme’ Width (2°/%-..... 7. «. 0) ae 7 so eee Extreme Depth ............ Ras Gad c os eae G0" Main Floor Ceiling (Living Room) ........... .10' 0” Main Floor Ceiling (Balance) ............ owe tO" PLAN ‘“A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘“‘B” .............. rere a Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design 000.0000. 0.000. ceceeeeeeceeeeess $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items werd 202 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms on Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 4 Rooms, Bath and Dining Alcove “The AMULET” When ordering plans.of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. > ¢ LIVING ROOM ws 22'0o'x 15'o" fd — ae, agent a > =x = LIVING ROOM > 22'0'%15'0"' = o SIZES: 1 Be Extreme. Width, ¢0)0 oS5iae 1 gate aes ota ois a eee Extreme Depth ............. A lee Rem Eee rae - a Main: Floor: Ceiling aco seen le tae eee ae ee PLAN ‘A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘“‘B”’ ....... siesta Rauured tie IMPORTANT CHAMBER is'o'*hI'9" ‘One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items................... 20-0. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ...---.02.-2.2000.0.-2-2-020e--- $20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......-.-....00-.....2-.----------0-- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 819 CHAMBER IS'o'*kI'9" 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALTERA”’ 24 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. Deep A BUNGALOW.) of the Ttaltangty pees popular in California and the southern states. One glance at the floor plan reveals its practicality and convenience. Three high French doors open onto the front veranda. The stucco is backed with lath on wall board. DINING ROOM I20'x12'0" These Homes are Modern and Practical and Have Proven So in Actual Construction LIVING ROOM 15'6" < Gler TILE HEART VERANDA, SIZES: 1g6'o" x 6'O Extreme, Width” (304 ins oe etree PPE 55 partly Oy ALTERA Extreme Depth<:), i. .: Suess Shee ee a re LAr Gs jel i Main Floor: Ceiling 2.020% 45... ooo ne one ae ee a won esoste ee Basement Ceiling (2.03. .)- ajs)s-< «te aes as 3 ie oe ai sie" ehe eNO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design........00000000000. $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Patent One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 820 ~ —! 5 Rooms and Bath “The AMMIRATA”’ 32 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 35 Ft. 8 In. Deep CHAMBER S'0xI2iI" DINING ROO u's" 120" LIVING ROOM | 2I'SxIze CHAMBER 9'o'xi2 11" VERANDA AMMIRATA Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms A BUNGALOW display- ing all the charm of the Southern Italian style. The tile roof and iron railing complete the picture. The tile vestibule carries out the desired effect. Good- sized rooms assist in making tiem sath Mvikivad, a ce ein Ost fetching bungalow. SIZES: Extreme > Width hers cel ote aha ere ie hogs co On Extreme Depth > Piet aes ian, aN ee AEBS Main\ Floor: Ceiling © oceans 9 Oa Basement: Ceilings o.nin ec cee oiysrane Cues cei geiniss ae 7' 0” Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—-Detroit.—New York. 821 DINING ROOM jo'o'k13'o" LIVING ROOM! is'o'Ki7'6" “The AVILLA” 28 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep A BUNGALOW along the Spanish= Lines) yes “combination of stucco, tile and brick chimney DWV IN/ are effectively blended into a handsome monolithic. | . . ‘ atl structure. Four rooms with five room efficiency. aT} Here are features that would delight any prospec- tive builder, yet the home is most economical to build. A full size disappearing bed in the living room makes it possible to convert this into a bed- room at night, thus giving the conveniences of an additional room. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 1—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3—“Dressing Table” 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinets” 6—‘‘Built-in Ironing Board” 7—‘“Medicine Cabinet” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—“Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme ‘Width .....46.5.0 < ¢ 1-os:01s sone obele eee Extreme Depth -. .0.. 0.065 Sonn. ss ws aloe ee te eee oe Main Floor Ceiling «2... 2:0. 2 5.004051 5 4 sect one Basement. Ceiling «..........00.. + das «00s oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. 5 ee ee ee eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_. oe Wawa One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms =—s Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumbcr or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_ New York, 822 i ocr a | 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The AMIOT’”’ 30 Ft. Wide x 46 Ft. Deep ISPLAYING atrim and colorful beauty, thems Atnob sicsa ome stoupe desired. The architect’s excellent taste is apparent in all details, such as the arched casements and S'o'xi20"H | the iron railings. Study the floor plan and you will notice how the dining room and kitchen are in a way apart from the other rooms. A more admirable arrangement for a bungalow would be hard to find. CHAMBER '6"x10'6" a A PLEASING EFFECT IS GIVEN TO THE ROOF BY DOUBLING THE SHINGLES AT EVERY FOURTH ROW. OUTSIDE WALLS DINING ROOM E ARE FRAME WITH METAL LATH AND 13'6"x 10'6!! STUCCO EXTERIOR. LIVING ROOM ; 1 < I5O0 x1l86 SIZES Extreme Widths inthe eee ee eee ee 31’ 6” Extreme ‘Depth eV Aa ees es re oe eer ae ees 47’ 6” Main Floor Ceiling (Living Room) ...................0% 12’ 0” Main: Floor! Ceiling-o( Balance) cnorascake cicada icc ae el ones cen aie 9’ a’ Basement Ceiling. 772. $-5.5-otolnn ets hei: & akc arene oan ae A500 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ...........--2.----------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... eee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.........-.-.-....000.-..02-0--- Salas Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. , Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 823 4 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ARDITTA” 47 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep ROM the moment you enter the patio you are in a different world, a world of charm and peace. The aged, aristocratic atmosphere of Spanish architecture is retained: The arrangement is perfect, each room being a unit by itself, yet all within easy access of each other. Study it and appreciate its excellence. THE OUTSIDE WALLS OF THIS DESIGN ARE CONSTRUCTED OF HOL- LOW TILE TO WHICH CHAMBER lo2"x 110" 5 STUCCO IS DIRECTLY APPLIED ON EXTERIOR AND PLASTER ON IN- TERIOR. CHAMBER "Exe : SIZES: Extreme Width ...............49'6” Extreme Depth ...............34' 6” Main Floor Ceiling............. 9/0” Two (2) Complete Sets Biue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items....................... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—-New York. 824 ALIA L [INK es “The AZUREA” 24 Ft. Wide x 39 Ft. Deep 4 peske Italian type here manifests its modern adaptabil- ity. The stucco is mounted on frame. To get the fine beauty of the “Azurea,” you have to imagine it in colors, and see the brilliant tile roof against the more somber stucco background. The floor plan realizes all the ad- DINING ROOM vantages which a bungalow affords. I'3"x12'0" See plans with details showing method of sheathing and exterior lathing. SIZES: Exxtrenies Width 2. schtce ice sien are eee ERS Me eR. newee ol oman rate eaitel Bria: aise Extremes, Depth yates oe sine cree eee ne etre iatee rons «ie eee Mains Floor? Ceiling i ca seer oe ieee aya ote oe nae Bere ta etree Na Maes tM CoNS Basements. Ceilin o Miso k tno tie hie eats ke ena ote oa eu oe evene ews Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 825 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALTARIO” IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. 10'6'xIZ'0 CHAMBER Wo'x1t'e" LIVING ROOM A DINING ROOM I4'o" x 1S t1'o"x 1Z0" ALTARIO A PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit. New York. 826 VERANDA 7 Extreme Width Extreme Depth Main Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B”’ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............. CHAMBER: 106 x12’ CHAMBER W'Ox I'S LIVING ROOM 14'O'x 1 gic’ SIZES: {a Gtigtwy aes ; 6 ate ey eek wills the ce es OS on ee 63800. cin cose, Seo +3 be nope 8’ 6” oo seas oe Tak ae 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALGERIT A” brilliant colored tile pines CHAMBER | roof and you have the | eae whole story. The floor plan tells the story of the interior. Outside walls are hollow tile on which the stucco and plaster is directly applied. 3 al Sie PORCH MW paNDA ee a mse uae DINING ROOM}: LIVING ROOM iio" x14.4" 200'x14'4" IMPORTANT. When ordering plans of this de- bin weg wee NS a ee a eee ee ae 51’ 0” Living and Dining Room Ceiling ......... be AARON or rire ees Na cac tonsa ce 10’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling (Balance) .........-- ee eee eee treet ee eens 9’ 0’ Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” .............- ran ierhon Se arate ob Bea eocpeteteina toe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.............. ‘One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 34 Ft. Wide x 42 Ft. Deep CHAMBER n'e'x io" DINING ROOM Wo x44" VERANDA 120 x60 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 827 HE beauty of the “Algerita” is suggested by the pic- ture. Imagine it in a rich reamy stucco topped by a CHAMBER. 12'0"xI'10" LIVING ROOM 200" 14'4 \VERANDA \2'0"x Go" 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALCO” 32 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. |e LAUNDRY Ee | CHAMBER Wo'x106" CHAMBER WOx10'S" | LIVING ROOM | l'6ki33" | CHAMBER 11'0'k 10'S" | LIVING ROOM | ig'e'kizig!! | CHAMBER I i'o'xio'e" PLAN ‘A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme: Width’ 27,5 We x10 CHAMBER. Ou x2 Wallseot hollow tile and roof of LIVING ROOM Spanish tile. ID 10 xl20 : Plans give ! complete CHAMBER... . details, 20 «120. LIVING ROOM 19'10"x12'0' CHAMBER, : 12'0"x12'0) VERANDA ‘ | SIZES: 4S x16 Extreme Width ......... eee WO re Extreme Depth 2... .. 200000404. Us. ss we.» -40' 0” Main Floor Ceiling’... 1.23.25) 302-2 e9 ere re fi PLAN “A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “B”....... POPE e ke Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design $ 0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material] Items...... RS 202 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .....0.20.2020.000020020.20:ceeececeeeeeese oe Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 838 l 6 Rooms and Bath hloesae DINING ROOM I4o"x10'6" LIVING ROOM I4'o" l'S'x!0'0" | VERANDA , 14'0"% GO" ARMIDA . “The ARMIDA” 26 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. Deep Si Reee picture can but suggest the actual beauty of the “Armida.” One must see it in colors, framed by the landscape, before he can get the full affect. The big, roomy fireplace makes the “Armida” a win- ter home as well as a summer paradise. . The room arrangement insures comfort, and saves steps for the housewife. Wall board with lath fastened thereto is used for sheathing upon which the stucco is directly applied. Plans show details. SIZES: Extreme < Width 3. 2%: 3 e e a ae ri aera 30’ 0” Extreme: Depth? 0’. o2.. ¢. o:-arc be eieb ts horde cae ora ee Bee 46’ 6” Main® Floor Ceiling 0h. pct ee ee eee ees aes 9’ 0” Basements Ceiling fires vactote Chetan hutch ei ecee eens reece s 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design i... c:sscssssesecsceeeseeeeeeees One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ..................:scssssssssssecseesescseeee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit.—New York. 839 convenient interior. 5 Rooms and Bath ELECTING a home is an involved process. seeker wants an attractive exterior and a comfortable and He wants it at a reasonable price. above all, he desires a subtle something, something that will in- 36'0" 100x120" Ua I3S'xI5O' 1 TEL DINING ROOM 15'0"« 12'o" PLAN ‘‘A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1!) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ABEL” The home- But spire domestic happt- ness and bean un- failing source of joy. If you will study the pieture and, oor plan of the “Abel” you may find this “something.” IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. Extreme Width ............. Extreme Depth ............ Living Room Ceiling ........ Main Floor Ceiling (Balance) . Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B’’. . l0e xI2Z0" |OOx LIVING ROOM I3@'x150" DINING ROOM 150'x120" PLAN “B’”—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: ce yrs $ ele le lene 6) a lef ae ‘a ep ich @ eee 0.0 60 10 © 0 © 6) @ © 6 @ c 6 6 +) Se 6) pllelalibint alle inleme eee) © a6 © 0 6 6 6 @ 0) 0S » 6 (0 6 ow a sielst sllelieh ious, Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York, 840 oe 0 ‘e668. 0 ee .e @ 8/10) eo) 6, Sle) tw ee) 6 ern we ements - ‘ Ps : Z pose I 5 Rooms, Bath and Breakfast Room “The ALAMOTA” 37 Ft. Wide x 31 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT clo. When ordering plans of this design state CHAMBER at whether wanted with or without basement. 12'4'x13G cle. CHAMBER, DINING Roo 124x196 IVING ROOM), 120"x120" 130x160" 1 BREAKFAST olor es H t 'y IVING ROOM 130x160 i a BREAKFAST PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT | ; <—wel ALCOVE | lo'o"x7'S SIZES: Extreme) Width——Plan “‘A’” 355 5 nn sce te ce ss ee .. 45’ 4” Extreme Width—Plan “‘B” ..................... me lial Ow Re Pree LOCUS 8 ile ates ke. fs he OE PA eee en .38’ 4” Living Room Ceiling ...... ea ae ee he ee Main Floor Ceiling (Balance) ..................... 8 6” Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ..................... 770" PLAN “B’”—WITH BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design :seocs cicero $ 20 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items - —— One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure 2bove plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 841 Tee as or ne 5 Rooms and Bath AN effective design carefully created of stuccoed hollow tile walls and random laid shingles. The “Ardmagh” provides the conveniences of an apartment with the advantages of a country home. CHAMBER. 10e'xI2'\' CHAMBER 1I0'9"x14'S' LIVING ROOM aI'e" ts, 12'4" DINING ROOM © 12'4" x le PLAN “A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ARDMAGH” Important When ordering plans of this design Sit adel ae whether wanted with or without basement. Extreme Width CHAMBER. : 10'S'x12'|" CHAMBER 10'9"x14'6" LIVING ROOM 2I'o"x12'4" DINING ROOM 2A" x6" vol PLAN “B’—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: we ne be a eb odie 0)e lenenel lta ate eines Suan Extreme: Depth ...:.....6 6545 secs eee une s am) aps plele Signet eae Main Floor Ceiling . 2... 00660060 5 00 owe « oes alte te ein eee nena Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ...:..0:600+s cea du 5m 9 einen meee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. . 842 BistGutiacand Bath “The ASHTABULA” 31-Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. CHaMeEs,| 96x|23 CHAMBER | 12'o"x12'3" f cle. ni ai muugiatiit |S UTS TTT Lt # CHAMBER 96 x%123- CLOSET FoR ) DISAPPEARING BEC LIVING ROOMEH ---+50"'x ss DINING ROOM 12'0'xI10" AY) LIVING ROOM Jove igiolk | 5'o! HE LASHTABULA At SIZES: xtreme Width. ois. sveskol eg ws ae Semen ean ree eee 3 COs Extreme Depth | 2). 0k). 6 ee cee Mi St rome iets ors. Cee Oe OG Main Floor Ceiling ............. Red A er eae on Ox Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B” .,.......cceececveevvece 00” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 843 5 Rooms and Bath 36'0" whether wanted with or without basement. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design, state G HAM BER 12’S' xlO10" y LIVING RooM |} HALL 12;6'x1G0" PORCH 10x ]O VERANDA lO xl0O PLAN “A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... CHAMBER 12'6'x 1010 | CHAMBER 96 xI4e@ LIVING Room!) HALL } I26'x1GO" PORCH Gee Wa | Ne VERANDA Wo" x10." PLAN “B”’—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme Width _................ >i Ae Extreme Depth, (0.5. 0005 0c ue 2 le Main Floor ,Ceiling’...... 7)... 50) eee Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ...........__..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 2..00.00.000ccc0cscsssesseeeeee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 844 36 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep Gee Nite de i 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARMINTO” 36 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. 10 In. Deep JEWEL in the Spanish tte | | style. The combination TF | | of the tile roof, stucco, spiral | pilasters, and Gothic windows is captivating. Uhessmallshall between: the chambers and living room sets LIVING ROOM each: rogm- ot by itself. Out- 22! |xito® | ward beauty and inward com- TOmmenemile sell ts. Ole Glee ut minto.” These Homes are Modern and Practical and Have Proven So 4 5 at SIZES: Pope in Actual Construction. xtreme 1at Ohta CR OR ICP uOur OL OR DOr hr of a Soke Grom oO GQ olorONe BRIT ETA ODODE. «sciatic! oboe welens oa oer hah RTA et Od Mainehloor: Gelling 406 05s ecko ee Te eee ot LO ie Oe Basements Ceilings. ope icc cs ctor n ret ke Re aoe ae ce aioe Core ahi On Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.............. ae 2 ee 2 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........00. .00000000---000ceeeeee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 845 Laat 4 Rooms, Bath and Dressing Room “The ARMADALE” 33 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. 6 In. Deep OTTLED shingle thatched roof, stucco walls, and a few face brick around the entrance are carefully blended along simple lines to produce this effecttive and appealing bungalow. Only four rooms but equal to five. At night the living room is converted into a bed room. Built-in equipment as shown on this plan, means more available space at no additional cost and considerable labor saved for the house- keeper. 3 KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 1—‘“‘Disappearing Bed” 2—"‘Dressing Cabinet’”’ 3——‘Dressing Table’ 4—‘Combination Kitchen Cabinet”’ “and Refrigerator’ 5—*‘China Cabinet” 6— ‘Built-in Ironing Board” 7—‘‘Medicine Cabinet”’ 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—“Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme Width ......... BAS fans e MPT ee AG asset el” Extreme Depth ................. soe WaT eS Ga Main: Floor’ Ceiling. 3¢¢... See ee v3 Obl ete Aenea Basement Ceiling ............... rest RE ein eC be Two (2} Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design?) 36 eee eee ee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. F 2022 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms................. pear, Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 846 CHAMBER 16'4'"'x10'3" pS CLO ‘o| || CHAMBER + 12'10'K10'0" DINING ROOM ii) 3"x 110" So TILE RTH S55) HEARTH. LIVING ROOM le'4"X15 1" PLAN ‘A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme m Width yoo We. ce gS eign Baise eas er Taree Eetremiem Depth oo: fcc. rhe. oe a Albee rere snake Maint loon’ Celine | 2/2 i620 o cxtis se tebe rte neon en agile Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” .............+-- “The ALASKA” wate os 410" ead, OF St eon, Baer cites op atl foal OY 37 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 44 Ft. 6 In. Deep IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. 37'6'' CHAMBER 16'4"x io'3 CHAMBER 12'10'X10'0" LIVING ROOM 16'4"x15'i" PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......-....-----..2-..------------------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ~ 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...................--.--- sos 2 Ser Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. , AULESILAPELIRLE EET ED) 5 Rooms and Bath “The AMARODA”’ IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state Fe whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER 130x110" [Peay | ee KITCHEN t— — {| O"xI'O" O iwe CHAMBER A 130x110" Ae KITCHEN L u i) | eboney tS ean CHAMBER A I3'0'x11'0" epi 21 aes, gy Ee BN creas CHAMBER 13'0'x II'o" PLAN “B”’—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme Width |... i... cic 6 3% ces 2s » ore ates sine nano eae Extreme Depth ©. 000500655 «ew so 0 45 ohn one es Oe = _ “eat cel Main Floor ‘Ceiling... . 26°. 200 2 oe oe S207 PLAN ‘“A’”—WITHOUT BASEMENT Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” .......... «13 + «nee eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...........----.2000.00------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Ses One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms saa Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 848 4 Rooms, Bath and Dining Alcove CHAMBER | I2'2"% 9'9 ) ih )~6CHAMBER | Ae) ose 9' res 30'c¢' ba “The ANTELOPE” 30 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 37 Ft. 5 In. Deep ioe a finely cut gem the “Antelope” stands out in its dazzling beauty. The architect shows the rare qualities of taste and person- ality for the home is fairly alive with person- ality and every detail is in perfect taste. The living room is a masterpiece with its high ceil- ing and exposed ceiling beams. A.more model floor plan of a bungalow would be hard to find. This home is planned without a basement. STUCCO ON HOLLOW TILE WITH FACE BRICK TRIM AND ASBESTOS ROOFING. PLANS GIVE CORRECT CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. SIZES: Extreme=t Width). 270).tere ac scctona fase me ee 23800" Extreme*Depth:§ 200 3226, 5 08 hie ee et eee ae. 6. Main: Floor Ceiling ganueco one eee mons. £90" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...........-.2.......1::---:-2000-00------- 2 $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items.......-.0000222.200222.2---22-e.- One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......... etc ee eee Le ee ae Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 849 E 4 Rooms, Bath and Sewing Room ‘ he ALTAIR” 34 Ft. 4 In. Wide x 29 Ft. 9 In. Deep TUCCO, face brick, shingle thatched roof, and half timbered gables have all been carefully blended to produce this beautiful bungalow. Only five rooms yet it offers seven room efficiency. The use of a full size disappearing bed in the living room trans- forms this into another bed room at night. Like- wise the same arrangement is provided for the sewing room. Space saving devices in the kitchen make it a very efficient and compact work room. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 1—“Disappearing Beds” | _ 3—“Dressing Table” ; = A = : 4—“Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” LIVI NG ROOM_-— : zy = 5—‘China Cabinets” 1. it aL b> : 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” IGO xI5O y; 5) 7—“Medicine Cabinet” 8—‘‘Adjustable Clothes Hangers” : 9—*‘Telephone Cabinet” : 10—“Built-in Mail Box” | SIZES: Extreme Width ...... 2. su) oes © Monienee neat eo Extreme Depth © ...605. 0000 cs 7G : Main Floor Ceiling .. 2... 0.050... 4s sen tleeeeen aan : Basement Ceiling 3.00. scc.5 «sts colors nen eee j Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.....--...-.- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... a One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .......-.....-.2----------1-------ee--seeeess Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 850 CHAMBER NO" x8 DINING ROOM 2'0'x12'0" LIVING ROOM 156" x12'0" CHAMBER NO x93 VERANDA, IG'o"x8'0 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) clase Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... pecifications and [Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. One (1) Set of “The AMOROSA” 28 Ft. Wide x 41 Ft. Deep EVEALING all the charm of Spanish Architecture. The tile roof over the en- trance, the arched windows, the projecting beams are but a few of the details which go to make up this charm. ‘A concise, well dis- posed floor plan gives the desired living comfort. FULL DETAILS SHOWING CONSTRUCTION OF STUCCO AND METAL LATH FOR EX- TERIOR WALLS ARE SHOWN ON BLUE PRINT PLANS. SIZES: Extreme {Width os 2 0 tee cae cata eae eat cr cieie akbar nts akan Oe Extreme, Depth @.0£5:9. sai na tastirtots woe eto he ool aa te ea O Main: Floors: Ceiling ie peicce 5c a ae IO ee ae eS 0 Basement. Ceiling = tia: > o cunts Ok oe neo ins cae aT OG 00 Secure above plans. etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 851 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANJOU” 30 Ft. Wide x 45 Ft. Deep "THE new popularity of the Spanish style is not without cause. First, there is the rich outward beauty that can- not be denied. Second the style lends itself to convenient room arrangement. And ;last, but not least, the outside walls are covered with cane fbre sheathing on which the stucco is directly applied thereby re- ducing construction costs. LIVING ROOM is'o"x 12!" IMPORTANT When order- ing plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT LIVING ROOM i8'o'xi2'4"' BS ere 10'o'« t1'o" ' "4 CA) SIZES: ANJOUA = Extreme Width .:........% 4. sue PLAN “A”—_WIT Extreme Depth—Plan “A” .............47' 6” LET SES Extreme Depth—Plan “B” .............45'0” Main Floor ,Ceiling .......4%005 458 oun” Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B” ............7'0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. 33 eae tee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... 20000 eeeecceoeeeeeeeeeeneee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 852 5 Rooms and Bath : “The ALSEN” IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without basement. 'CIKITCHE CHAMBER i2'0'kIo's" The Disappearing ! Bed CHAMBER Converts i2'o'k10'3" arn the Living ‘CLOSET FOR! Room APPEARING into a Chamber at Night uy! Beyos ize —-—-—-—-— + LIVING ROOM So sio'x 14'4"' TEL. CHAMBER | vest. Iz'o'k10'6" Atsen |B"! CHAMBER i2'o'k1o'e" PLAN “B”—WITH BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme) Widths 2.0 3c sae So ed Ree ee eae eer O Extremes Depth 1,5 4 sara 8 Grd See Ok Ao a On es SOLOS Main Floor: Ceilingais eects aad OAs ee eee ee ae gen OOO! PLAN ‘‘A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT ~ Basement: Ceilitig——Plan sfBUp), sic a 5 een oe Raniah yes oe 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 853 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook ’ Eres = CHAMBER | 10'O'«10'4" | DINING ROOM 1IZ'o' xtt'o" LIVING ROO 13'6 xI3'0 PLAN “A”—-WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme; Widths 22.0.0 eG ath nah eetenens Extreme Depths 3 aii. eo-snsucne coe kote te Main Floor Ceiling ................. Basement Ceiling—Plan ‘‘B” ......... . O16 “The AMARANTH” P eee ee eee oer ee 28 Ft. Wide x 41 Ft. Deep RESENTING all the beauty of the Spanish style without any of its extravagances. The room arrangement shows the same taste and thoughtfulness. basement. 5 a eee a 0 ere . . . IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design state whether wanted with or without . Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for One (1). Claseihed Guide ([60P ages) for distin ell Material iemeae ee eee $2.02 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............--..--------------++ £ 7 ih Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 854 . 36’ 6” .43’ 0” " 9’ 0” Maree above Design KITCHEN I IFO x86" = ; CHAMBER] = : 10'0'*x10'4" | 4 4 DINING ROOM 13'o'x11'o" Be a 5 Rooms and Bath IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. CHAMBER i2i0"x1'5" DINING ROOM 10'6'"x13'10"! LIVING ROOM 20'10"x12'o"' CHAMBER W'o'™*xn1' S. PLAN “‘A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT 33'o" CHAMBER iZo"x W'S" DINING ROOM, 1o'e'x 13'10" (Seay i OX8'I n LIVING ROOM 20'10''x 12'o"" CHAMBER i2'o"'*x1'S" SIZES: Extreme © Width «3 2. c0- cut eke eta eo ee St aes 7.42, 0" Extreme Depth .............. hulu vteciaie aha To ae .40’ 0” Main “Floor< Ceiling?) 2... aso ae oo hie ae oe he ot Ow Basement Ceiling—Plan “B’ .......-.......... St Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms....................-.....-------.-----+--- es Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 855 a SG, “The ARIETTA” 35 Ft. Wide x 31 Ft. 6 In. Deep MOST prominent feature of this home is the porch with gate at the left. Then there is the handsome chimney. The interior is designed for practical efficiency. Note the disappearing bed, space saving closets, kitchen equipment and dressing closet. IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this SN G0. Reagent == === design state whether wanted with or without 3i'c' ——— ! basement. “| LIVING! ROOM PORCH MA-pgto i q'e" 12'0'x 7'6" PLAN “A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme sor eh eae toot sce artes in eo Oe ula Extreme? Depth i563c.5 eee PE, 00 | eee Main Floor Ceiling .......... nf flee oases Pere aie: Reet aNe el ON: lag keke tO 6 Om Baserment Ceiling—Plan “B”.............. api ch he ee Oa Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 856 5 Rooms and Bath . “The ALSATIA” HE “Alsatia” is a pleasing bungalow, with its rich stucco surface and interesting lines. The driveway and arched gate is an ingenuous and happy idea. The rooms are large, 280 compact and comfortable, mak- ing it a pleasant home to live in, as well. | ekio'e" KITCHEN 15'O'x 10" 7 BE baa IMPORTANT When ordering plans of this DINING ROOM is'iox'0" design state whether wanted with or without basement. l Pa xll 6 =< u's! LIVING ROOM 15'o'"*x 16'0" | CHAMBER | We'ku'e" One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.........00222.000020.00... * Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ...........2.2.000.:ec:e-eeee ee $2.02 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Borns ee ee ee Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 857 DINING ROOM IS Oxi O- LIVING ROOM CHAMBER I5'0'x1e'0"' 6 Rooms and Bath “The AROMAS” O see is to desire the “Aromas.’ 104 T b) 26 Ft. Wide x 42 Ft. 9 In. Deep All the art of the Spanish Style is embodied here. ft 4 CHAMBER Arched windows, tile roof, artistic use of stucco rooms are comfortably disposed. DINING ROOM 14'S" : Wer 14'S" x | 3,'0" TILE HEARTH Extreme, Depth ©. 6.0% P50 eos) arene ool eet cee eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 858 Extreme ‘Width « «2322 jscolne sep el ee ee ‘Main. Floor; Ceiling <0) auc. we. ce ce en See Basement "Ceiling | 60-3 Shino ee Uae ee eee are all present. Careful planning by the archi- tect has utilized every inch of space; andere All Dimensions Shown on the Plans of the Homes in this Book are to the Inside of the Plastered Wall. & 4 aw ee ea CHAMBER lO9'xlo6 CHAMBER l09 x10'9' Two : (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design........ One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... VERANDA. lo'o’* t) oO" 30 Ft. Wide x 43 Ft. 6 In. Deep HE graceful lines and the rich stucco body of the “Assunta” makes a perfect picture. Two verandas, front and back, three ample chambers, kit- chen conveniences and a large fireplace are among the luxuries found. Then the “Assunta,” as the plan shows, is exceedingly livable. The plans of this design show how wall board lath sheathing is used to great advantage in reducing the cost of this well constructed home. SIZES: Extreme: Widths ho oe es Rie hae Oe OA matdhientat aioe Us oe. 6” Extreme! Depth re ea tates: ShaTe eines We ERS etna FO EO | Main Floor: Ceiling: % 255.5. Sino 8 nets ss Sgaee nish A ys ese ss oO Basement’ Ceiling2)7 > iv... De so Wes romero ialaie uusnas ele aithescs 05 Oo Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 859 7 NW SCREEN , af ae, KITCHEN 3 I2'0"'X13'6 HAMBER AIVING ROOM iTW'e'x14'0" CHAMBER \ i2'o'KN\'o! VERANDA isio''x7'o" PLAN ‘A”—WITHOUT BASEMENT SIZES: Extreme! Width’) iv..25 23 ete ree oe ee Extreme Depth). 2iue:h.c eee ete eee Main> Floor: Ceilings .css5 hase nen eee Basement Ceiling—Plan “B” ............ Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items i2'o'x11'o" “The ADALANTO” ny 31 Ft. Wide x 43 Ft. Deep NUGLY within the bounds of good taste the “Adalanto” otfers something that is a little different. While it is in the reserved Spanish style it presents an appearance that is unusual and dis- tinctive. The floor plan also offers an unusual arrange- Met o> tied yet L closely and appre- ciate its excellence. Frame construction outside walls with stucco ‘On meal lath. IMPORTANT When order- ing plans of this design, state whether wanted with or without basement. MERE OOMOS, 3) hae 36’ 0” Pratt ale Pes Peay “es Tae ek oy 45’ 6” eee Sate Ee eO PT Be cts 9’ 0” etic ee Seas Ay Sees ? 0” One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 860 KITCHEN 120'X13'6" aL I2'o'"x15'6 CHAMBER 12'o'"x1'o" LIVING ROOM it'e'x14'0" VERANDA 18'0"x7'0" PLAN ‘“B’”—WITH BASEMENT Cae =F DINING ROOM i3'3' x 6" CHAMBER 39" x 9'0' LIVING ROOM 1@9" x 130" ° UN PARIOR NG x8O VERANDA | AMALTI. I10'x7'O = ——F ——F Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...- se 20" d Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.....-.-----------------~ = One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications an Secure above plans, etc. from your loca “The AMALTI” 32 Ft. Wide x 38 Ft. 6 in. Deep ORDERED by green trees and lawns, the “Amalti” is a picture indeed. The beauty of the Italian style was never shown to better advantage. Combination wall- board and lath is used for sheathing. Two verandas and a sun parlor are especially noteworthy. The rooms are distributed in the most up-to-date manner. SIZES: Extreme Width As, Sent Ale aN ae Eide 2 ee ann ea Al Extreme. Depth =ccp meek Pisin ads costing ieee «st ee ON Main Floor Ceiling “¢24enic ask testo. eee ae na. a Gon 0” Basement? Ceiling. oie sot Bie rele eta sete ene 1 Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 861 “The ANTIOCH” 22 Ft. Wide x 40 Ft. Deep 4 [HE EXTERIOR isan Res CHAMBER tractive combination of 1I03'x9'9" x wide shingles and_ stucco, 4 as producing a harmonious ef- fect. Folding French doors = between the living room and dining room can be opened to give the continuous effect of a long room when so de- sired. The bath is placed so that it is easily accessable to both chambers. ma MupTT it ey il) nes LIVING ROOM 150 x 12'3" SIZES: Extreme Width 22 i's. ccletarc. co eiels le bo ones olen b anes elena on ete Extreme Depth ........ ANTIOCH IBS) Main:-Fidor Ceiling tant ee fe ee Basement Ceiling .... Oe 6 0 ewe re ke 16 0: 4 S18) 0 e016) 678, © 6) Ye, Je! (ee: (a nelle: 0 :Onle: 9) 0) 1656 id fe me, Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.............. Whee Sater t ee o> $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. eae One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 862 5 Rooms and Bath 250% ll CHAMBER 10'5'x12'0"" DINING ROOM CHAMBER '0'x12'4"" 13'11'x B10" LIVING ROOM 23'4'%12'0"" 25 Ft. Wide x 39 Ft. Deep “The ADELA” SPECIFIC-reason for owning your home. ‘hies Adela “osmexpensiwve to putidcand: a joy to own. Its outward beauty is evident in the above photograph and the floor plan ade- quately suggests the many comforts and con- veniences. [here is a roomy attic for storage. All in all, the “Adela” is a practical and pleas- ing buy. THE OUTSIDE WALLS OF THIS HOME ARE BUILT OF HOLLOW CINDER CONCRETE BUILD.- ING BLOCKS ON WHICH THE STUCCO AND PLASTER IS DIRECTLY APPLIED. SIZES: Extreme: Widthiy.ia.oh a cit el er er ea ee hoe tee ol hice OOF Extreme*Deptleortic. 8 Ocieia re ecard ade eae a ee ad ee ee Ge Main: Floor; Ceiling (4.0). Cea Lie ee seis ease eee aoe oer an 950" Basement; Ceiling: h2)< cote cere oe ee OO TEEEI: wee asks cratinls oR EE OO” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above DeSign...........-.::s:cs:seeceeee ec eeeeeeeees One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 863 4 Rages and Bath “The ANGERONA” 29 Ft. Wide x 37 Ft. peas 29'0' HE “Angerona” has style and distinction DINING ROOM 13'0'*xI'0" riages. TEL DISAPPEARING BED LIVING ROOM 16'6'%& 120" | THE LIVING ROOM INTO AN EXTRA CHAMBER CHAMBER. PL Vt WOxI20 ANGERON eB ON: SIZES: Extreme Width: ©. j:.):5... 5. % oe Extreme Depth ..............2.- Peat 5 Main Floor Ceiling: 3.2... (24-26. eee Basement’ Ceiling). 0... ben sisten eo ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 0.000000 $2.0 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ; pode One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ' "x 10's" o HOLLOW TILE ARE USED FOR EXTERIOR WALLS. ROOFING TILE ARE FOR THE PORCH ROOFS. |] LIVING ROOMG LIVING ROOM | a 13'9" x11 '3" 13'9" x1 ‘ge A SIZES: Extreme Width noses seh eo ais nhithetane afoebinioatere ee Ae ee Tae OF Extreme, Depth (03.40. at tin. cmee ae AB Ackdein ingore outer ns sae Ge On Main Floor Ceiling ....... PER ed oe Wee Tepe kare RR ace te Bust the sath OOBe -Print Worki Plans forvabove Design. .2.2-. ee Tire (2) complete Sots Bit et Nore, Rie fy cee ae §20% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 871 “80 Ft. Wide x 52 Ft. Deep “The ARMISTAD” EACH FAMILY HAS 5 ROOMS, BATH AND DINING NOOK Two Family Home PTT ne gpenaure Zi ag ore || NOOK F perere | Apes expense of maintaining a two-apart- ment home is not greatly in excess of maintaining the single home, while the rent received is a great aid in paying for the cost of construction. A design like the above will enable two families to dwell in comfort and happiness. | A twin home of the above type will prove to be the most profitable investment for those who build either for sale or for rent. ii NR | CHAMBER CHAMBER 10'S'x 12'10" o'e 12'10"" | | DINING ROOM | CHAMBER [ff CHAMBER DINING ROOM [ n'a’ 'o" iW xite e 7 3 OUTSIDE WALLS ARE BUILT OF HOLLOW TILE WITH STUCCO AND LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM PLASTER APPLIED DIRECTLY ' i" 'o!! it'10'; 14'0"' 6 ITO x14 x THERETO. PORCH VERANDA \5'0'% a'o" it'e'x 8'o" SIZES: Extreme Width 7094.7. u1.0 eens + 00 slime ets gO ete re ee Extreme Depth 00... sn5.4u dine oo “cakes RO ANG Main? Floor. Ceiling: + 2.0.......0 eee eaaian ees, Basement Ceiling ........0...¢).4.5.) ora one nde Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......000000 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. ae ee ee = he One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.— Detroit—New York, 872 % ‘ “The ALBA”’ 26 Ft. Wide x 37 Ft. G In. Deep HE eminent practicability of the bungalow is here. CHAMBER. : coupled with the unusual beauty of the Italian style. '3'x9'6" satisfaction in every room. DINING ROOM 133" x t'e" CHAMBER '3"x9'6" Extreme Width iccicis cles « eicionsmeseteyets Soroile io) eden es aitacare Extreme “Depth 0.22 sie a ec bgie pags dinislivre Sacetn Main® Floor: Ceiling 2h.) .2s are re ene ete bodega Basement: Ceiling ine Oo iec ae too Ry oe 0 5 ois oe pee an F Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms................-.--. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 873 The cool, recessed porch will be appreciated in the summer time. One enters first into the large vestibule, and from thence wanders through the home, finding The moderate cost of this home is due to the use of prac- tical wall board sheathing lath. Blue prints give full details. 5 Rooms and Bath ER (o) LIVING ROOM 244 xllO “The ARIOLE” 26 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep BUNGALOW that is trim of line and ar- tistic in decoration. The layout of rooms permits a great freedom of action and at the same time suggests many attractive possibil- ities of furnishing. The fireplace is big and ~ booming and suffuses the room in its warm glow. It is a bungalow that is economical to build and it will be a constant sourcems@ domestic happiness. ot ll ieee STUCCO APPLIED DIRECTLY TO CINDER CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS WITH FACE BRICK TRIMMINGS FOR OUTSIDE WALLS DE. NOTES STRENGTH AND WARMTH ie a Py ly eae. ee ae Basement’ Width |. 5:.%.05> shop-ke Fe a ee ee Extreme Depth? .53...0 0s seine AA ee ey ra Main: Floor. Ceiling 3302.53 528: ee eee eee Basement: Ceiling’) 13.0.) 0.5 gm 3 ek oe ee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.........-00-.00 200-0 $2.02 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms 3 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 874 CHAMBER 8ul'x 2" Fa DINING ROOM || Pate lier Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... .. One (1) Classified Guide (16 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... “The ARGO” 24 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep A BUNGALOW in light col- ored stucco that fairly rad- iates sunshine. The stucco is mounted on hol- low tile, insuring safety, and per- manence. The projecting beams lend dis- tinction to its appearance. Large, airy rooms make the “Argo” the sunshiny home it ap- pears to be. SIZES: Extreme ‘Width n6eswlew, Se a eae Maa aes os eral. OF Extreme. Depth sc cee at ed ee ee ee eee Os OF Main ‘Floors: Ceiling 7.525 feet ee ee Wan 8 Basement>.Celling (etn: Ae eee ate ee a LO Pages) for listing all Material Items. $902 Secure above plans, etc., frem your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 875 | ; 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALIT AK” 24 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep STUCCO home in the popular style makes Sent AA a direct appeal to the home-seeker want- | ing simple beauty at a moderate price. The large airy porch is a pleasant rendezvous for summer evenings. Inside a definit efficiency is maintained both in equipment and in room arrangement. The “Alitak” is a practical © home appealing to every member of the family. CHAMBER * jolt! 1otio"|| iz'o"%K10'0"' CINDER CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS ARE LIVING ROOMY CHAMBER | olifaziet | roliteaiellll USED FOR THE OUTSIDE WALLS. STUCCO AND PLASTER ARE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO BLOCKS. | SIZES: Extreme Width «ca weed ote g ene ele ou p se 0g s-atele aint glststn it tii=a Extreme Depth I ro Main Floor Ceiling eco ee ee eee er eee eerersreeeersre eet eoesee eee 9’ 0” rer, ee eh a ee a . } Basement Ceiling we ee eee rere reer eeeeeser ress sees eee ee ere 7 oO > Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above DeSign.....-...sssscssssescnenscsseenerenencens $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .......------------+-eecssseeeseeenererseteees Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 876 cei tia esi 5 Rooms and Bath “The AKRON” 22 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep BUNGALOW of the popular type. An attrac- tive exterior, coupled with living comfort justifies its popularity. Being only 22 feet wide, the “Akron 1s suitable fora narrow lot... Yet the admirable distribution of the rooms gives all the roomy comfort of a wider home. DINING ROOM | 1z2'3x11'oO" CORRECTLY DRAWN PLANS SAVE TIME,MONEY ANDWORRY LIVING ROOM W'3"x | Sher SIZES: Extreme Width 220.0 37. Depth #3)40-02 oscars ones tel First Floor Ceiling ...........eceesseeees Second Floor Ceiling. ..........0.20e0- Basement Ceiling ..5....6-.+, Scot Gi ec bot Eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG@CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 89] 6 Rooms, Bath, Toilet, Sewing, Sun Room and Dressing Room | 7 \\SUN'IROOM otekelsD \ QO LIVING ROOM, ie's"xie'3" | 110 xktII's" SIZES: Extreme. Width7.4. 5.0% ee ee 34’ 0” Extreme: Depth... %..cecuc0 nce tear 38’ 0” First Floor Ceiling .................. 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling................ Sa0u Basement Ceiling ............... age Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. ‘DINING ROOMM “The ARMITAGE” COMBINATION brickewe ne ersand stucco home of six main rooms with eight room efirciencysfe Ln ered 1 room and sewing room are each equipped with a disappearing bed, thereby adding two extra chambers. Much is added to the con- venience of the kitchen by the use of space sav- ing devices. Steel sash are installed thruout the entire home. 1—‘Disappearing Beds” 2—‘‘Dressing Cabinets’ 3—‘Dressing Table” 4—‘‘Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator’ 5—“China Cabinets” 6—‘‘Built-in Ironing Board” 7—'‘‘Medicine Cabinet’”’ 9—‘'Telephone Cabinet” Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 892 CHAMBER 12'3"x1o'o" =I CHAMBER! Wf 10'G'«10'3"| KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME An ro itt 5 Rooms and Bath “The APPERSON” 29 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Extreme Width Extreme Depth cannot help but impress the passerby. TERRACE \ 70° % do SIZES: te Fo, Uae paces led APS) ae Gace cae OE . 28’ 6” Biee bloor, Ceiling 90.5 fo. fo ttnian wo Ree nee ee Second Floor. Ceiling. . scci)s ccsldue oles bis vensdere eit ace wleheek @. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. ....20000020.0.0c00 cee $2.0 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms is HOME of solid brick, English type construction, designed to shelter and protect the happy family for generations. An abundance of windows provide the health-giving genial sunshine. A home bright with the thousand joys of the year and the happy pleasures ‘round the glowing hearth. CHAMBER Secure above plans, etc., ‘rom your iocal Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 911 LIVING ROOM 7 Rooms and Bath “The AUVERGNE” 34 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep "THE beauty and taste of the French is perfectly expressed in this charming home. The Mansard rool, the entrance and balcony, the towering chimney all the features peculiar to the French are retained. MAIDS ROO Old world charm and 1i0'6 x80" j modern conveniences, an CHAMBER unsurpassable combina- 14'6'x8'3" tion are the gifts of the tl CLO. “Auvergne.” t,t ‘ u Sens ome now cite | cumot, HEARTH 136X124 AUVERGNE AUVERGNE Extreme Width i... 3.0. 22-3 ee eee t Gees popes Extreme Depth. «2 0952 6. 02 oe ee + Sie) suatte Cohen First Floor Ceiling... 5... =) =. ue Perigo: «tees a sake Second Floor Ceiling ......... ai asta, Sites a Oem sree Basement Ceiling .). 25). ss,00 «0.0 aes a a Luceo Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.........222.22.......22:c0--e seen $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... a Bods One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........-...-2..00-20200-20-22:2---- a Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. DAZ eee ed ne 7 Rooms and Bath “The ANN ARBOR” 24 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep LD English Homes with effective half timbered gables are always noticeable for their pleasing appearance of quiet dignity and seclusiveness. The first story outside walls are of solid brick while the second floor is built of frame construction with metal lath and stucco covering for the outside walls. On account of the rea- sonable cost of such aa homes, they deserve | CHAMBER | S2%iz'es LivinG Room [j 20'0" x 14' 4" | careful considera- tion by the builder. Ideal home for cor- ner lot. T8"x14'10 (al El IATA uuuanutit SIZES: ewe CIO NV AUIE asso 5 ca octa e as e Bae he he te. ops ie ih.e Ot ob ican ouclaheitemene a femmeney hg EN CRETE DO ODUR i acc wos chcixie nea eee clude cvae Muah stad Oe + sake ema Meee a inet bieor: Ceiling =: 8 wes bias ea > 0s le oie 2 euclle BOe ya unmnaee eeen ee On Second Floor -Oelling 244) 3- + og assis pein ie a ee aes OL ANN ARBOR PRmeIMEME® COMIN ors soe aieyrd ees creak oes 5. 5 ens! aoc eb tae eek at anaes Tee Can ner : | ecemeceat = Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desir ccnthe tees see ee eee $202 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... —— One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. i - HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 913 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARTESIAN” 30 Ft. Wide x 25 Ft. 5 In. Deep FETCHING in its picturesqueness the “Artesian” fends to the artistic, rather than the conventional. Face brick are laid in rustic manner for outside wall, ~~ while the roof is random laid slate. Such utilities as kitchen cabinets, telephone —_ cabinet and space saving closet fixtures are part of the equipment. ‘ DINING ROOM 141" x10'7" CHAMBER 12'7'x14 8" CHAMBER 14'7"% 12')" ARTESIAN LIVING ROOM 19'3"x 12'0" Extreme Width © 8 0 0 0 6 66 } 6.0 © 6 6-0.» 6 6 * a we O10 Orsay eielene Extreme Depth .. <0... 5 sss sot + ss » ehe bog ot eneen First Floor Ceiling .. 3.2... 00 « « «stele oem eee Second Floor Ceiling <. .../.s 2 +s « « «5 sheen Basement Ceiling Co eC i 2 i | One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—LDetroit.—New York. 914 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...........2.2.22:.-:--:000e- een $2.0 7 Rooms, Bath and Sewing Room “The ANNISTON” 40 Ft. Wide x 25 Ft. Deep ee and permanent the “Anniston” enjoys the qualities of face brick construction. The stone entrance is dignified and decorative. The square type of home is always popu- lar and economical for it affords the best opportunity for convenient room arrangement as 40'0" seen in this floor plan. Four chambers, bath and sewing room constitute the second | Bf LIVING ROOM nw 15'1"x22'6" DINING ROOM iS 0"x12' 7" floor. KITCHEN j 7"'x, 9'7" ivi CHAMBER n't"x of 7" CHAMBER CHAMBER 5‘i"x10'1" iSi"x10'1" SIZES: ANNISTON PetT PING AWAGEh O00: ih ccs a, od ek, Oe ake ee aL Oe Petremerlsapth) tea ls kane eee COORD Biratpe OOriG elling 9.2 seein wate tate eke ea ORO meconauhloor Ceiling 2. o.% ie neds ee OT O Basement Couimg Us. isc ta son kee bate ne ee ee OL Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ose ce ee eee 2. $ 00 -One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. A Joe One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms a Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 915 SE Reowerand Balk “The AVESTA” 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. 8 In. Deep HOME should be considered from the investing as well as artistic point of view. The permanence of the “Avesta” makes it a good investment and its simple beauty is one you will not tire of. This é is achieved chiefly by using well jointed face brick for exposed walls. x DINING ROOM * 13'T'x10'9" LIVING ROOM 258X131 AVESTA Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. CHAMBER 14'7"x10'9" CHAMBER 14'T"x10'1"' 10'7'x10 1" AVESTA Extreme Width ......... 0 a5 seinen Extreme Depth 24 -.'si.% 6 «15 sistarete eee First Floor Ceiling ..;... J. ane Second Floor Ceiling .....12.) ane Basement Ceiling . .%....). sr. 5 4 «ieee 6 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ASHFORD” 28 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep WYORDS fail to express the charm of the “Ashford.” Whitened face brick, shutters, many gables, lends a mature and rustic atmosphere. Inside everything is modern from the linen cabinets to the space saving closet fixtures. CHAMBER 129"x1I' 3" DINING ROOM 12' 3" x 1io'T" HAMBER LIVING ROOM Asari SIZES: Extreme (Widths rs goars ¢ dos stots wot he eee s eee ee SCOT Extreme Depthnc ge 0k scorn enieree eee ee ae E440” First; Floor Ceiling.) 32a hee con ho ee Oe Second Floor) Ceiling. V2 cisscye.0c es sie Has hee ee, OF Basement; Ceiling ry tcc) cits atte: i a eae Tae Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 207 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALBURGH” 30 Ft. 4 In. Wide x 24 Ft. 4 In. Deep THE Dutch Colonial style is well adapted to face brick as is shown above. The white trim, shutters and touch of siding complete the picture. Inside every- thing is homey and restful. The double firepace, one open- ing into the living room and the other into the sun parlor, deserves especial notice. LIVING ROOM 142" 220" CHAMBER 100" a 12'3" i00'x 10" CHAMBER 9'10'x220 SIZES: Extrema, Width o...1.7 cise eee Mh eT Re re tte: soe Extreme sDepth=)23 0) ate eee FiO. 2 Geen 3s TON, Fitst, Floor: Ceiling 40.4. on Epes ef PTS patter th 8’ 6” Second ;Floor: Ceiling U;254.. 7. ee tee PE KR SAS Lf ace er Oe Basement Ceiling .............. Fee aes (iets cree a Ree Ae {wo (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... a One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............-. : Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS .CATAHPOG?CO- Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit——New York. 918 6 Rooms, Bath, Nook and Toilet “The AUSTRALIA” 36 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep NY suburb or community would welcome the addition of the “Australia.”” Distinctive in style it verily fascinates the eye. Face brick gives-a permanent beauty to thishome. The entrance is one that would do credit to the best English Manor house. The floor plan deserves careful study. KITCHEN CHAMBER. N'9" x 12'S CAMBER. I4'7"x204" LIVING ROOM IA'T"x198 DINING ROOM 12'0' x120" I57'™ \|' \" A USTRALIA . fa - SIZES: ; Extreme. Width:2 (ic. goetinn.c eet be oie oe te oS Ol Extremes Depthin. et cea doe oats o Ot ate atin oe On First Floor Ceiling).= .. 7 enee ee eee ee oO ; Second ‘Bloor¢Celline {S45 oun: hen ae ee OF Basement+Ceilinge? 2254s, crete ie oe rice LO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design ‘One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ..........-.--------:----:01---1-10ee eee Secure’ above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. . 919 4 NS peed detbuaahind,5.-teodecdederteorbook 6 Rooms and Bath “The AVONDALE” 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep KITCHEN 12" x ios: LIVING ROOM fee 20'5"xi2'a" —HI AVONDALE. VERANDA 24'0° x 8&'0" One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms............... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.............-.-......:ecceeeeeeeeeeeee $2 00 TE “Avondale” is a monumental home. Placed any- where it would dominate its entire surroundings. A 7 harmony is achieved through balancing face brick, stucco, timbers and shingles in the construction. Further- more it is well within reach of the moderate purse. CHAMBE ; CHAMBER { 20'x! \'3" CHAMBER IBGE x99" AVONDALE Extreme’ Width °.). 2.60.55 6 4 om +0 sb ole Ss eee Extreme. Depth 2 2... 565.5 ccs oe ve mot bene ate First Floor Ceiling. .......00.0..4 sh. ae ae ee Second Floor Ceiling ......5.0...... a a 2 ea eee Basement Ceiling 2.5....05:0. » «defies de sei ae 920 PORCH, u 120 x66 KITCHEN “FDINING ROOM W'S xO" LIVING ROOM 18'8' x 12'2" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. “The ALPHABA” 24 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 30 Ft. 6 in. Deep FACE brick surface is very satisfying to the eye and when shaped in such attractive ways is pene cit, ~Cheen- trance is a master- piece, distinctive and imposing. The arrangement inside is comfortable and compact. Extreme Width ......... Extreme Depth ......... First Floor Ceiling ...... Second Floor Ceiling ..... Basement Ceiling ,....... 921 CHAMBER CHAMBER Ho'xt'o” 7 10'8"x ho" Dealer. ie" x 9'g)" ALPHABA . 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The ARLINGTON” 31 Ft. 8 in, Wide x 26 Ft. 8 in. Deep RICK Veneer below, and shingles above, accounts for the singular attractive- ness of the “Arlington.” One glance at the living room lined with windows, is enough to satisfy the most particular. CHAMBER. - To" x 1'3" \ Ss EEL DINING ROOM Ff KITCHEN Iso" '3" ff 1zo"x' 3" CHAMBER IG G"x 13'3" LIVING ROOM 29°0"«15'3" | Z SIZES: : Extreme Width ...........2<... 956 see Extreme Depth ........ .. ).¢ge ee First Floor Ceiling.’ ............ . sss ee Second Floor Ceiling................2+-++-8 BS Basement Ceiling ...........000+s08) 00s enue Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 2 0022-0. eee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items EP 20 E One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms aes Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 922 6 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The AVERETT” 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep ARs are so many pleasing details in the above home that your eye is content to wander here and there for some time. The little touch of stucco in the porch gable brightens the whole effect considerably. Steel sash are employed throughout. Picture for a CHAMBER. ; CHAMBER moment the stair landing with its arched window. Gy velit OL ile pce? Very attractive and pleasing is the rest of the-house. DINING ROOM, Iso'xI'2" LIVING ROOM Vou eat IGO x120 SIZES: Extremes Width 27.4, oe ekesioniarus neta oy nice teeny io sie AVERETT. ExtremeDepthr® « sigtcs ns aoatbonn vee ss ae tials othe oO TOs First:.4Floor= Ceiling giaesic eet als Gee) eae hae Oe OF Second Floors Ceiling’ aa:nuiu. cate ee ee, On Basement i Ceiling) Sek. cot auction eters ae aaa Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. Cne (ji) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... =. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms....._.............---.--...2:2-.::0-0---- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME .BUILDERS -CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 923 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The AVERS” 28 Ft. 4 In. Wide x 28 Ft. 8 In. Deep VERY detail being in perfect taste and in harmony with the whole makes the “Avers” a most magnificent residence. The arched entrance is balanced by the arched casement, the tile roof contrasts perfectly with the face brick. Inside we find the same luxuriousness prevailing. CHAMBER | CHAMBER lo'a'x 3" 1410"x 13 LIVING ROOM lao’ xt4'9" AVERS SIZES: 7 Extreme Width | .......4 00000000000 004 e» «aineleia an tnntne=nann Extreme Depth ...%......00055 005 uae eus te ofese ce nnete nnn ne naan First Floor Ceiling 0.0.6... 600000000 00s vos Sule ln one Second Floor Ceiling .............000ccce vee 0s cuss cls teenie Basement Ceiling .......5...-.000++0++0++05 5 00 esnuiels ai inenen an One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. — One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ........-.2---2.c--:ccccscscecseseeeoeeeeeee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 924 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design $202 7 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALLANWOOD” 29 ft. 8 in. wide x 26 ft. 8 in. deep lps Sas line in this design bespeaks good taste. The neat entrance, the shuttered windows, the pleasing bay, and the exposed chimney, all blend to make the perfect colonial home. AIL exposed masonry walls are laid up in face brick. 29'8" | CHAMBER ||KITCHEN| DINING ROOM 132x113 "10 N" “© ; 4 =a aa ee & TU CLD Cc HAMBER LIVING ROOM 17'0"x15'0" CHAMBER 17'4"x9'9" a | tal 102 x99 _ALLANWOOD SIZES: Extreme. .Width4 pcos to ach Steeles in wel ee, Extreme. Depthiticios a oo ct ae ate ok eisai OOF First .F dors Ceiling kt oe oo a. ans, on Sete Oe OO Second {Floor Ceiling cn. featial ¢te sta me ware, O Oe Basement “Ceilings rs 4 < sak een a ae rae ee ee” ‘20% Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. ; One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........-.-..-0-20---.-1c1--seeeeee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.-—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 925 6 Rooms, Bath, Dining Nook “The ALMONTE” 28 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 28 Ft. 8 In. Deep and Sun Room ERE is a well designed modern square type home with mansard roof. There is no denying the effectiveness of the alternated shingles. By using face brick for the first story the architect has achieved a handsome combination. The interior is all to be desired. CHAMBER J CHAMBER 13'3'x1'o" 4 looxi4e: SUN ROOM KITCHEN 90'x liew 96'x\I0' {| ¥ ees jitaniataaty UT CHAMBER. LIVING ROOM | ex ice! - 1Q'o" ol Wey og 2'o' _ ALMONTE. SIZES: Extreme Width 0.04 4 sels alee se Extreme Depth ..... 0.6.0. ec 55 00 08 30 First Floor Ceiling’ ..:..... 2.5.1... %0 sien ee Second Floor. Ceiling 25.0.4 74.-...4. ee «+ wale hey eeu Basement Ceiling ....... ile dads hake ae Re oir ac oo ten he Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design........002 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms............................... Cee se Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. bg 926 6 Rooms and Bath “The AILSTON” 29 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep ‘A PLEASING home, something different from the ordinary, yet handsome and effective in appearance. The face brick used for exterior walls insures strength and durability. The interior is designed to meet the demands of the most discriminating ~housekeeper: Convenience and comfort were carefully considered in planning this home. Space saving closets with adjustable coat hangers is an additional modern feature. DINING ROOM 13'7" x13'7" LIVING ROOM iT" o 13'7" 3 CHAMBER | CHAMBER | AILS TON j lO4 x12 10 120" x12'10" wa _ E24 SIZES: a CHAMBER tou 3 it Bearer WVAGED os re 5 sichpptnns Medirie ig Fao n hae ean aa OF Oe Hu 231xI010 SST A gue aaeees ee eRe eda reg neg t a a: iret icon Ceiling (so) ule. Oe foes CN oa Solin boot eee Second Floor Ceiling |. 0... ce oo ge pee nee cme eae Oy AILSTON iBasement--Ceiling. 7 5..2/--.5: sr Rate Ay tert Bey a rein Bore 7’0 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design Cne (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items................... ; One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.........---.---0-- se Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, G2 [= ea Doma shia Whaat ania sara anata ah, Ts saat Oa _ AVEC ee 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALLIANCE” 28 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. Deep | ZoL@s | a HE Alliance is truly a home of which its owner may be proud. It seems inbued with the very essence of hospitality and good cheer. DINING ROOM 13'8" x lO'lO" The construction is of brick, and steel case- ment sash are used. LiviNG ROOM CHAMBER 138" 15' 4" WG"x 74" CHAMBER SIZES: 13'B"x15' 4? Extreme Width ee oe ee ng oe as 370” Extreme Depth 3.) sek ee oc Oa Bea ane eee ee 31'6” First Floor Ceiling tin ee he es ee ree ee 86” Second’ Floor: Ceiling = 23.3 Sk ee eet ene 8/0” Basement Ceiling oa ee ee ee ee 7404 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 928 a 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALCADE” 26 Ft. 4 In. Wide x 28 Ft. 4 In. Deep iyiolievatraneed home with face brick veneer for exterior. The orderly treatment of the symetrically placed windows and shutters give this design individuality and style. The interior offers five immense rooms with all modern utility conveniences. CHAMBER, Ll DINING ROOM I4O x IG m Ifo" xil'S' TILE HEARTH LIVING ROOM CHAMBER DAGacael ele Extreme. Width’. scone ob i ec Oe eee 0. Extrente (Depth? soc snc ohn as Ge ea res oe Oa eG First*Floor’ Ceiling 5 om ack Aas Getta oe awe pa eno OOF Second }Floor: Ceiling: 3)... cles Se ee ee ane OG Basement Ceiling 5 -..)..5.0.. Gis «is tke Peers tee ein ic Ge Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 929 , 6 Rooms, Bath, Sun Room “The ALDERSON” 38 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 25 Ft. Deep Alcove and Nook ig is next to impossible to secure more appropriate contrast than Brick Veneer and siding. The color and texture of both vary, but there is no discord. Shut- ters provide the finishing touch to the exterior... The roomsiareas large, restful and pleasant. rae | KITCHEN ae 9101010 12'0'x1010" SUN ROOM 910x150 CHAMBER [4'3"x lo'o" LIVING ROOM 20'9'x12'0" ALDERSON || ALCove 88'xI010'T CHAMBER tall | Lo 143 x20 13"o! 62'S" ALDERSON Extreme» Width o.32.,.053 sigs so ie IR ee ee 40’ 3” ——— Extreme «Depth %5..;.. 2295s a ee er ae ie 32’ 6” First: Floor; Ceiling... eee oe Dpokac atthe sa stitaK 8’ 6” Second»Floor®: Ceilings 214 Boe oe ee eh ee 8’ 0” Basement’ Ceiling yi iawn, ite ose ee) Grr ee ee ie 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...... Secure above plans, etc. from your, local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 930 eet ec ham i nee’ et | ht 6 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The AYLMER” KINTLED face brick gives an air of rusticity that is charm- ing. Steel casement sash is employed throughout, a practical and attractive feature. There is a coziness and warmth inside DINING ROOM '6'x17'8" LIVING ROOM 17'8"xX13'6" ale" AYLMER Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms that is hard to beat. The gen- eral room ar- rangement makes it pos- sible and affords many attractive ways of decora- tion. CHAMBER lO6' X10'2" CHAMBER VERANDA 17'8'X13'6" 1'6'x12'o" SIZES: Extreme) Width 3.7.5.::a. ote Eek Ris SRC De ae as pee ENS SM ie Extreme Depth ...... ae aera Se ne ee ere ee ee SOG. First Floor Ceiling ............ Seah Th Oak zt ek SM ae ea Second Floors Ceiling 32.5. soe sass Seri We Ue ade ere wOL- Basement Ceiling ..... 2 SANE OMEN ooh Come REA wh sce hy nl Bp FAL 1G Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 93] 7 Rooms and Bath a PORCH Tow x 2I\'0" DINING ROOM 12'lo'«12 10" Extreme :Widthiicicc on cee ae eens eer ienen: “The AMERICA” EMRE pres Mee Extreme Depth. 5.0 uc hoc soe ht Dae ese oS ee ee BORO aM First Floor Ceiling +), 3. sa0osclS sia ele 5 gene ca ee Loe Second Floor: Ceiling (4.2. 225.0008 «soe aetine ue oe a OP eae Basement Ceiling n.4 0% 6 Sis Seon argh cache mae een Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Desig ........----.....:sscscsssssseseeeecreeens= $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material ItemS.........-....2.22------:-----ee ft A One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..................-----:ce--eeeee ars Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. a Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 932 31 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 25 Ft. Deep UILT of brick, stucco and tile, the “America” holds ever varying ap- peal. Picture for a moment the living room with its big booming fireplace flanked by French doors. There are four chambers which not only affords plenty of room for the family, but provides for guests. CHAMBER, 12 lati CHAM BER | 12'1"x H'9 5 Rooms and Bath “The ATWATER” 26 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep "THE rich appearance of the “Atwater” belies its moderate cost. The living room with its broad expanse and cheerful fire-place at once catches the eye. 260" einesechanibers aiee_Looniy a the front enesbein ge Sec. Cieat levee Jarceds2bi-e aire dressing alcove. CHAMBER DINING ROO 126 xll 3 iaiocio7" * CHAMBER. 12'0"'213'3" LIVING ROOM 23'8'x157" ATWATER, SIZES: Extreme: Width cise a cia sie We wees ee DR MIS Oe RE FONT hale eo Oe Extreme Depth so 2800 elie ak ease Wake Brera ane eked wets eS OM First Floor; Ceiling ce 3 itecniecs sche ie aoetadnien <8 eae es teeta Oey Second ::Floor® Ceilixig tit. iccsthanteed grep els oles crease et ake, eras pee OG Basements Ceiling oe ura. th, < nsec ede at nia re ae ee laid tees Che teeeiene eae Fi Ole Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ............2.....2.-s:12 cece ees One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. = One (1) Set of Specifications and {wo (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 932 5 Rooms, Bath and Alcove “The ACK WORTH” 28 Ft. Wide x 25 Ft. Deep HE “Ackworth” is simple to build because it is simple in design. Yet look at the beauty F _and monumentality achieved through this very simplicity. The kitchen is a model room with its built in conveniences and dining nook. The alcove off the largest upstairs chamber offers many possibilities for cozy furnishing. DINING ROOM I2'6'x 10'2 LIVING ROOM IS0"x120° ACKWORTH Extreme Width Extreme Depth Tw> (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME 2BULTL:DERS®) GA PALO GC OF Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 934 First Floor Ceiling .. Second Floor Ceiling .............. Basement Ceiling 2............¢. CHAMBER 155"xlo2" CHAMBER [5'5 x 1QO, ACKWoRTH SIZES: 0.60: © 0 «© 6 © 6 0 0» = © 0 6.6 © 6; %) 0) t) «16 slut is) iw usanm ole te 0 foe © & «© we) mm 40 (6) 6 i le: iw oti nial fo? Minis ie Rn OnnN ina 5 Rooms, Bath and Sleeping Room “The ATHERLEY” 28 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep IMPLEICITVY in brick, yet a definite beauty arises from its very simplicity. Two large chambers, and a smaller sleeping room, afford ample sleeping comfort. The walls being 13” thick, keep out the summer heat, and winter cold. LIVING ROOM WA’ x 198 DINING ROOM | CHAMBER CHAMBER 10'5'"x 9'6' Wg" x 9'¢' ATHERLEY, 105" x 1011" SIZES: Extreniec Width: 22959, Babe pie endo Gh ne an ie es Oe Oe Extreme! Depth “5 Se as oe Oe ON First Floor, Ceiling. i eee on Deep ana nas na Oe Second Floom Ceiling je.) toes sc ee oe ee ened Be OF, Basement/\Ceiling) 0. ten snares os A Me ean, Paw Eee Pr Oa Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.... : One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............---.-.-.--1-1-- ees Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 935 6 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALBERHILL” 30 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep SOrtpLeY and beautifully built by using face brick and steel casement sash. The plaster arch between the living and dining rooms enchances both rooms. A comfortable home and a sound investment. = es =e a) ~ * caawaen, bp il CHEER 10'10'X12.4 DINING ROOM 12'6'"'x 10' 8" Cr LIVING ROOM I9'I'x12'4" __ALBERHILL ALBERHILL SIZES: Extreme Width .«.. 03... 000++ +0000 be pee tte eine OMG Extreme Depth .....0.0.0655 sacles ote cn seen eo ome First Floor Ceiling. . 2.00.0 c..00 dss tis cen Second Floor Ceiling: .....5...520.4 2.060 eee ee ee Basement Ceiling 3.3.2. 5.65504 dea 0s & pe bale nee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... re One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ......--.-1-.-.-:o-s-ssesscteesscsseeeeeses Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. — HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 936 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARMSTRONG” HE “Armstrong” expresses strength and beauty in every line. 30 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep Solid 13” brick walls ; with face brick for exterior. ‘he convenience of a disappearing bed in the living room is a pleasing feature. The ample storage room upstairs should be particularly noted. KITCHEN Is" x 3'8) LivinG Fe Room Ng" x23) CHAMBER 4" x We" CHAMBER Ny" 3 ie" MUU STORAGE _ ARMSTRONG. SIZES: Extreme \Widthy 805 Ju cHes he SE ees Bae ae 32’ 0” Extremie’ Depth ya. oe sree ord he oh ies eile re sd dishel ates 38’ 6” First Floor.Ceiling )0ers hicks thine eae aes eae 8’ 6” Second: Floor, Ceilinge ee tecrere: seeterpeieianees Seale 8’ 0” Basemient:.Ceiling ic. f.8 te sisie oe apc ee is TRL Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design... pie Tee $ 2 9 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items......... a —— One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your Jocal Lumber or Build ing Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rachester.—Detroit.—New York. vey) “The ASHBOURNE,” 32 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. 4 In. Deep LIVING ROOM Wi" x27'3' DINING ROOM bite xd Doh: Extreme’ ‘Width © .7.10055.45. 5 Pa, eo nee Sane ene ee Oa Extreme: Depth =". 555 G0 ea ia AM ee eee ee 6 First Floor Ceiling = 222.502 C35 oe en a ee Bo EGe Second © Floor =Geiling as te std. te ease Sas oe eR Oe Basement? Ceiling) (Mos Foti e ee eine ne ee eeke net e O Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design. ..............:cc-:-esceccecceeeeeeteees One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .....................::0cs:s-eeeees-ee+e=" Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 938 FB NPURING pleasure is the gift of the “Ashbourne.” Simple limes anda sturdy construction insure this. Then 7 there is a living room lined with windows. Upstairs is a small dressing room to de- light the wife. ES=) LA CHAMBER [J 't"x 10'S" CHAMBER CHAMBER Ie oe 127" Wi xlo9 DRESSING DINING ROOM 12'1"x1o'T" A ar ae Sac ae cht waste Ed LIVING ROOM 2\ ' 0" 4 igo a Bs “The ASHLAND” 24 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep DECIDED stateliness is obtained from the square shape and projecting roof of the “Ashland.” The 13-inch brick wall with face brick outside give added comfort as well as durabilityay me elise square shape per- mits four ample chambers up- stairs. The down- CHAMBER stairs stOleitmana 9'6"x10'7" refrigerator com- partment should be pointed out. SIZES: CHAMBER : iu Vogl : © xl27 BXErE IG HW ICED, 6 sic’ oPsleoe rete. vuacake oro euatota ars aekee Oe Mee Te urpe Re EPR an eras VANS 9ox Peeererees Depth... 35.5 sae ee an et sw Ms rege auch oak eager ae eres ee Saas Firstubloor: Ceiling) 3). % 6 ac sale tee ol sani emote Ee as i Ra eee . 8' 6” tilt oors Cening -.! <2. cs ciocnto ic on Pneke sehen cro ne ts all ree ais Cee <25%,0" Basement Ceiling ............... ae Bee Me es iWeWe ch nce rage veers ah det O07 Two ( Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design ...020.00.000000.0 02021-eee $ 00 One ( Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items....... Pe Pest bar One ( Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms { Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 239 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The ALDERSYDE” 30 Ft. 8 In. Wide x 24 Ft. 8 In. Deep PACE Brick Veneer and light siding are used here to offset one another. The 3 result is a pleasing blend of color and @ texture. An unusually sunny sun room, and a-cozy breakfast nook are found downstairs. ; LIVING ROOM i 200" * oveh ALDERSYDE. CHAMBER roll voit 123 x120 L| | | nae ee) es oe ee ee ve, Sar tae atiirttad SIZES: : CHAMBER CHAMBER . , ” Extreme "Width. i007. i. Snare sour chee SIeeehe iar same a eee aire a tts LD tow ea I2’o'x 11'S" Extreme Depth. “382, 56° 03k nee ee a OG l66 x lO First Floor Ceiling ................-4.- PMC Alek iy teers Oe Second‘ Floor -Céiling 04.40. . Bia ee ee 8s Sa or Om ALDERSYDE. Basement Ceiling ............ OP NACEN, ee ee we et Lee ye hy Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.... ....0. 2 2.2. 2-2-2 $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...... = 2 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms err Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, i Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit._-New York. 940 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Room “The ASHTOLA”’ 32 Ft. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep 42° 0" HE whitened face brick recalls the simple beauty of the early American Colonial Homes. The colored brick trimming as well as the attached gate give the individual touch. The spacious living room with its adjoining sun room offer luxurious comfort. Large chambers upstairs make the “Ash- tola” most livable. Steel sash thruout give the de- sired combination of modern comfort, and old KITCHEN | | iS 1O x G7 paee ee | REF. | eer i a ey eS beauty. er DINING ROOM iw 1 jI27xlO7 mig «=F CHAMBER 7 1Oo2xIZ8 SIZES: CHAMBER Portree ae VW IGE «300 <5 ek hiaa hn ck Dee te baie 40 Oe 12's’ (3'5" Bixtremes Depth enig aan oleae votes cha oes ee ee ese eO First Floor Ceiling ........... his RAS eee eh Ou On Secondilloor Ceiling. is. dcis eeeee en 8 04 epCHIETEC CAINE of oh. AG sencetees uaa SEN eae Dia Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......-....----2.------c-:+-e-eeeeeeees $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) fér listing all Material Items A Bodoods Cne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ‘oar Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.--Detroit—New York. 941 “The ABNER” 5 Rooms, Bath and Dressing Closet 32 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep T is a wonderful feeling to find something you have been seeking for along time. Tomany the “Abner” is this find. A 13” face brick wall all around gives a sturdiness and beauty seldom found. Glance for a moment at the floor plan and picture the spaciousness of the rooms. k The durable tile roof and shutters are worthy features. CHAMBER. 27" = 21 First Floor Ceiling . Second Floor Ceiling Basement Ceiling .. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design. .......000--0--0-00-0----- One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..................0--.---0.----- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS, CATALOG) CO: Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 942 Te Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... SIZES: 34’ 6” Wn Se 9’ 0” i Star eae Pe AG St Rae ae eee Se eame . ee ee l2'7"x 15'o" DRESSING CLOSET ABNER. 7 Rooms and Bath “The AMBIA” 34 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HE exterior suggests the roominess found inside. Face brick veneered walls with shingles above and all trimmed in white makes the “Ambia” colorful as well as stately. Then there is the match- less upstairs arrangement with space say- ing closet fixtures. CE7CHAMBER I'5"x 101" | Extreme Width ... ..... fae OE ae tote ae eee SON CHAMBER | CHAMBER ReetrminesDenth) c.0 .2sh or hee tka ae i kt Ea TG O 4 125 xlOOo 15 xlOll Rurstetloor.Ceilme rm. occ. ute © oe ee = nie Sta eee, Rae ces Rn Oy Ge Second Floor Ceiling ...... UAE Seapreteis SON EY cuts aoe ee 78.07 BasementaCellines su. ae ics ie Nasty tho Sea etaes ace oe IO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...........--..-...:-:--::1::00-00eee--o $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. 2a One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms oa eta Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.— New York. 943 5 Rooms and Bath “The AULICH” . 22 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep DTURABLE, beautiful, practical, and economical, the “Aulich” has all to be desired in a medium priced home. The living room with its tile hearth and wide bay, contains infinite pleasure. There are many thoughtful features; such as a linen closet, and a built in mail box. 3 CHAMBER 137"x W'S" batt We Wa aia LIVING ROOM lever: ia' A" SIZES: Extreme Width ......... Extreme Depth ........ First Floor Ceiling....... Second Floor Ceiling ..... Basement Ceiling ....... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items 2 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............2..-.--::::-+-:seeeeeeeeeeee- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 944 — 5 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALLEGANY” 29 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep HERE is nothing new or unusual in the appearance of the “Allegany.” It is a typical American home and as such it offers quiet beauty and a commodious interior. By using face brick all around a continuous lustre and regular harmony is effected. DINING ROOM {UPI N'A" x120" CHAMBER "x 218" SIZES: Pieten Width =... tr he ht eee ete ee AO Be eerremerDepth << 2 sk ch aes eas cass denen ee eat bod Pimeter loon. Ceiling on occ cise Mog toe os abet etoile ke ee OO ; Peeedt Floor? Calling: fet ae a a ee ee BOs ss ALLEGANY Basentent.Cellingacse ne. 1 scree fc ba ic ite silo a eneeeRh aie cgeurer SeenON [wo (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 945 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALEMBIC’” 32 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 27 Ft. Deep Slee success of an investment depends upon quality and durability in the main. The use of face brick and asphalt roof provide both of these qualities. The “Alembic” has style and personality also. The rooms, and particularly the living room, are large and comfortable. 32'6" CHAMBER HU a'x 3'4"' 4 DINING ROOM|| loexiz2" CHAMBER i2'o"'x15'o! | LIVING ROOM 24'8"x12'0' 0/06 (e260. '@) suel@ erp) eum Extreme Width MMA Seay ion Serine) Extreme Depth .. ...... .)..: 5s <0 a0 ete ane ree First Floor Ceiling .....%.....).....9n oe Second Floor Ceiling ............. 105.082 Basement Ceiling RP wn a 0)” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 946 6 Rooms and Bath “The ALBERTA” 26 Ft. 9 In. Wide x 31 Ft. Deep O* singular beauty, showing the pleasing effect of face ‘brick laid in rustic manner and relieved by stone. AIl the casement sash are practical, easy working steel sash. LIVING ROOM |\HALL; 168" 17'3" | ee AA INA CHAMBER isa 14'8 Sey pe EE ee rs ree RRR AE RR eurncds Vea ke Par lrmiie Depth 0026 ovr th has ie chee en eh tye OO OU Hirst Floor; Ceiling’. 2%. once) oo hae ee ete ese a O Oe ALBERTA ‘ Seonund Floor: Ceiling .c<0 goals etre Het On ee a LO Haseinent y Ceiling) 22.554. on Bh ae Pa On Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materiai Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..............2..222...::::0+--+ ae - are Secure above pians, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 947 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANCASTER” T HE front is interesting and unusual. Combining face brick withrustic shingles makes a very attrac- tive contrast. The fire-place bay in the liv- bette mmme Meaney pleasing effect. Large rooms Ncss. LIVING ROOM I4'o" OV Eer Extreme Width ...... Extreme Depth ...... First Floor Ceiling .... Second Floor Ceiling . Basement Ceiling ..... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design.............0...20....--. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME .BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 948 faces the shies and many con- veniences make the “Ancaster” the home of do- mestic happi- CHAMBER lO A'x | aya CHAMBER iN'o"'x {A 2," ANCASTER ee Ree en ee ae ee 6 Rooms and Bath “The ARCHER” \\ \ DINING ROOM io" x lo 7" - LIVING ROOM 258x127" ARCHER. SIZES: Petree Width | <2 cctc nos oy sala OU Oo Oe Petree Depths ecu e eerste epee ee RirctikloorcCeiling !,) 3... so.s sas cpeakenaio eer aioe aa OO. Second ridce Ceiling \.icchaocd 06 contend ae sia Oe Basement Ceiling 26) .0 curve cect: «sites png Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. Qne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 949 28 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep HE “Archer” is in the strict New England Colonial style. The severity of its lines is re- lieved by shutters, iron rails and a tile roof. 13” brick walls insure permanence. The distribution of rooms is simple and compact, yet the very sim- plicity of the exterior and interior, bespeaks a quiet dignity. CHAMBER CHAMBER HO x 1210 HWo"x 121" ARCHER... ‘ ® er a 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ALFORD” 36 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep BEAUTY that has something of an old world flavor marks the “Alford.” Many inter- esting roof angles give the necessary distinction to this home. The entrance is archi- tecturally perfect. The floor plan deserves a thorough examination for there are many nooks and crannies and other attractive features that are not noticed at first glance. A home to be desired. TUM ruitteeti i DINING ROOM HRecHat —14'2"x12'o"" | i Extreme Width . .. 623. so. uy eee Extreme Depth |’. 000. 0)) S55 0 oe oe ee First Floor Ceiling... 5... .. +> eee Second Floor Ceiling... .. <<. 1... 7. eee Basement Ceiling’ . }.>.-.7... 5 ns os eee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............--.-::-:c-:-:eseceeseeeseeeeeeeee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. ; 950 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... 00--..0ccceceeeeeeeeee eee $2.02 6 Rooms, Bath and Sewing Room “The ARDOCH” 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep VARIETY of materials blend well in the “Ardoch” producing an effect that is original and harmonious. The trellis work is pleasing and fits into the general scheme. Inside we find Cveryiiines tombe. Gesifeduiiea home—space, comfort and con- KITCHEN | ms venience. And it all costs so SAtLS : / little to build. The outside walls of this home are veneered with face brick. 16'x18'4" CHAMBER ws" xan! CHAMBER | : \ SIZES: WS5xXIE | CHAMBER Bee tree a Width. 0.0, vol taw eel athqe's vale faa oe MO Sad toe eer 46.05 SEWINGE w's"x u's Extreme Depth ........ Rink Sin aaah ao to bw Te cd een ee cae St Om Firsterbloor Ceiling |. % i 0...6 sacks whe missense uattde Aten Suutaceeehe meee 4 Oe Second Floor: Ceiling’... 00.3 see Selb s We wale + ee Sri May ay een asds xe Olt Basement Ceiling ..... - th reenter Re ET ERNE ee, 8 ete d 2 Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items....... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 951 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ACTON” 28 Ft. Wide x 23 Ft. 4 In. Desk © outward beauty and inward comfort. The chimney is pleasingly unique. A perfect home for the family de- siring simplicity and quality. The massive living room and cozy fireplace are worthy of notice. Face brick covers the entire walls of building. LIVING ROOM 25:8 xi" CHAMBER CHAMBER SIZES: 5 xlo 5 5" D4 lo 5" Extreme (Width 64 ioe Eee ee eae en SUG 4 Extreme’ Depth <¢ 0.0 sek Vek oe ae Se ee ee 2 First. Fic¢or® Ceiling *<°s.2 5 oe aes ee ea ra ee ee S64 Second 4Floor / Ceiling 1°.) a. eran cae ee Oe SO Basement { Ceiling: (5.004 & doo hehe eke ES les ae omecien eens LO One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items....... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design...........ecceceeeeceesee ces ceceeeenes $2.0! One (1) Set of Specifications and Iwo (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 952 it Casi J 6 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ARNOT” 28 Ft. Wide x 23 Ft. Deep INEST and rich, but not gaudy. The smooth texture of the face brick is restful to look upon and forms an admirable background for the shutters and occasional brick trim. The living room with adjoining sun parlor will make staying home the rule rather than the exception. Upstairs you will find the rooms to be large and homey. The asbestos roof further adds to the durability of this home. ; CHAMBER CHAMBER o'a"x12'0" Ao x O:9" SIZES: Extreme Width Wo. 52% cases pate dt Che at emacs RO Ge & Extreme | Dépth’t; . Ae 2h Goes ee nea aoe Oe First Floor Ceiling ................. te eee as Mee 8’ 6” Second Bloor’ Ceiling: 705" c4 tess Sale om es ae, Arh ome 8’ 6” Basement 'Ceilingiie.c 3... 3% ee ae ee Sy fey oy 76 1 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items er ean A posed One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... ——— Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 953 6 Rooms and Bath CHAMBER || los'x12'10" eal LIVING ROOM 178" x ION" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ANTIGO” HOME designed for com- fort as well as beauty. The side entrance with deck above, trellises and flower box, relieve the plain lines of this home. The 13-inch brick walls with face brick outside insure dura- bility. Inside we find six large rooms wth many modern utili- ties such as space-saving closet fixtures, telephone cabinet, medicine case and kitchen cab- inets, all of which will be ap- preciated by the housekeeper. SIZES: Extreme Width ......... 29.65 Extreme Depth ............ 46’ 6” First Floor Ceiling ........ 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling ....... 8' 0” Basement Ceiling .......... 7 O° CHAMBER ISIO"x8'S" EF CHAMBER 120" xlOll’ ANTIGO Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 954 “The ARTEMAS” 28 Ft. Wide x 31 Ft. Deep BEAUTY, permanence and comfort at moderate cost, is the desired end. The “Artemus” with lista COeDEICK isi despand sstiicco, dormetanas allathese DINING RooM qualities. In addition, there is a built-in mail box, brates dining nook and bookcases flanking the fire-place. LIVING ROOM 189" x10" x tLemiewe WW 1d th. isicacecrol le ikon etakcce estas akeeane PARI at Rath nerd CAay EE hoe CE CUAMBER. Extreme (Deptlr (0... nc ee wee ee ne Cr fanee at'ojtauat shat a Runkel otek eeeMey ete noe Mal eee 14'3" 13" errata Ficor). Ceilin \oi.i2c, «tate satel th Bh ote esau p 08 ape Seat beta oye eae ake ea Becondtrioor. Ceiling. eee oka ohn le wk seg Fs Mpc am iets eel aden et atylehcRetaie any ae Paneement: Ceiling oc 1i:. - ce tuek nteenecn tensa eer Rees cotirtrit et oah Whaciite Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........---------0--- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. : Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 035 5 Rooms and Bath “The ATCHISON” 25 Ft. 4 In. Wide x 25 Ft. 4 In. Deep ACOMFORTABLE home with face brick for exterior. 13-inch brick walls iG@psam only insure permanence but all-year com- fort. The recessed entrance opens into a comfortable living room. ‘Then there are all sorts of closets. LIVING ROOM 150" x i ou CHAMBEQ | [4'3"xlO'T' ATCHISON CHAMBER te) Ln | L5.Onetiu Extreme? Width Seccisc) sone han oe nes Extreme) Depth? (-2),45'.. G8 Cog es Pee ca a eee oe On First Floor Ceiling ......... : Second Floor Ceiling ...... : Basement Ceiling .......... Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items......-.22222.222202eceeeeeeeeee eee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. : 956 6 Rooms and Bath “The ASSUMPTION” 26 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep VARIETY of materials give the above home a rich and interesting appearance. So carefully has the architect portioned his stone, face brick and stucco that no one mate- fial predominates leaving an harmonious ere The tile roof CHAMBER | Capseitealimmetand WO XS II Style; soOn the unside we find the same lux- Ur VOWS Wes Seine the broad sweep of the rooms and the abund- ance of sunlight. A built-in telephone cab- Sag inet is featured. LIVING ROOM 24'4"x 12)" CHAMBER 2'1'"x9'e" OUTSIDE WALLS ARE FRAME WITH BRICK VENEER BELOW AND STUC.- CO FOR DORMER AND GABLES. ASSUMPTION Extremes, Widith gis fc Suscaatee te ate cient obtener tke Ge OO” Extremé) Depth site dns + Wrench sip ceothets eee a all ene tek Ole First’ Floor} Cetline’ 07 20 5.0 5s oe eee ee eee Ae Oo Oe Second’ Floor) Ceiling 705 2. cots Cae ee ero oa eee an 6 Os Basement Ceiling) Bis, 20s oF os cen ea ee ee eee Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design..............20.222...02:.-0200002200000- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items_......-00.222.02220200000200. Poets One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............-.0..--.22---:01-2-------------- a Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 957 Fecclbelpleh ciple tpipor inne! ai EH OS HE SS aE Dt Ee Ae sue ema oman te te ore oa a 0 ae Ht cera 5 Rooms, Bath, Sun Parlor and Garage “The ARBOLES” 43 Ft. Wide x 24 Ft. Deep ATHOMING the particular beauty of the “Arboles” is hard to do. All we know is that it is | original and pleasing. Face brick DINING ROOM ff i is used all around except on the 120"x!0'1' dormer where siding and shutters give a distinctive touch. ~ Inside apm is. a model of comfort and cose GARAGE venience from the built in garage LIVING ROOM 95 xlIT6 | to the expansive sun parlor. DI Siselinte eee CHAMBER Extreme Width-% 0 3).).).0unee Soi peat me eer eer 1 oe 44! 6” IaG x 9" Extreme Depth 02% 22.5.0 Statuses he oe en ee eee 31’ 6” First~ Floor? Ceiling © inc. Gant Che aoe ee ae ee ee eee 9’ 0” second, Floor. Ceiling’ (i. cic sivece, tan See evel gh ed ice ei ae 8’ 0” Basement: Cellin'g ic: 3 foes ce cctcks een ee ee en ae 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items..... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........--.--------------0-2c00ceeeeeeee--s Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 958 % iY Aa wi GeRoometand Bath “The ACCOTINK” 24 Ft uwiderss7 Ft. 6 ine Deep HE beauty of the “Accotink” imprints itself on everyone who sees it. Simple in design it is neatly attractive in a way that is unusual. The floor plan is ad- mirable as you can see for your- self, CHAMBER, 5 xlOll CHAMBER loo" x loll" THIS PICTURE ILLUS- TRATES FACE BRICK OUTSIDE WALLS LAID | DINING Room lO5'*xiI'o- {UP 31'e' IN FLEMISH BOND. PLANS SHOW CON. STRUCTION. RAPS LIVING ROOM 1, lat Dike |?) | CHAMBER SIZES: ; iit Ini , loo xl22 Extreme Width ...............35'0” Extreme Depth ............. .. 41’ 6” First Floor Ceiling............. 8’ 6” Second Floor Ceiling............ 8’ 0” ACCOTINK Basement Ceiling ............. 5 ela}! Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Porvins sienna eee ne Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 959 a es a 6 Rooms and Bath “The AUBIGNY” 25 Ft. 2 In. Wide x 36 Ft. 8 In. Deep N artistic home such as is rarely seen in smali - house construction. At the same time there is nothing freakish about it. The slop- ing roof,the peaked entrances and ihe iron railing are de- tails that are com- mon enough but hve freamitinie waa iee blended perfectly, ence theeatitctiay. The rooms are dis- LIVING ROOM tributed inside so FPLSE SUBS) as to give the max- imum comfort and economy of space. VERANDA SIZES: 20'0'x aio" Extreme. Width. 2k. san tsn Uke ee ee Extreme Depth | .>.....ccc00 5 1 © ote © s)etsne be © os enelens 3)i= Telia Meneat iearaati First Floor Ceiling ..............-- aos ve 00 8. Wel eo 4 & Stee er Second Floor Ceiling 62°). $c. 5 «oe neus 5 ta eee ae oat = 9 ee Basement Ceiling... f. 6. cesar ces tae he 2 ee ln eee al Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Fotmé.c...oe 2a. See Sees F Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rechester.—Detroit.—New York, 960 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The AKUTAN” 25 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep SiiCliMati ca Gt uy emia iticom ated beauty and the floor plan reveals the ex- features embodied. Face brick blends with the stucco per- PeCt ly sesso t O01 working steel case- ment sash are pro- vided. 13! BEMEPeTihe WV IGELD 65 ca cto 's i010 site S¥0;0,0) Shanty hel Sw ake oe STEN iis viens Be AR ee ee aa bale Seas SONOS Bearer RD DODEE Sty tec os curt atlas cee AU hea arctan) Sieerenee ae seep hemes Bebe 36’ 0” First Floor Ceiling ............ SE Poa atte tee Cah nm ok SOR te oe BR es bs .8' 6” Seconds bloor= Ceiling ose ssa nee oe ee teed de cistede Lae doventate et tem CMs Rog tac gmat 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ........... Pee cee the Thee, Rice Meet rain Ae Se eee NCE EROS 7’ 0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design .........-.....0------------------ $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ; 20 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Formas 2..-0. 0.202222 - caate ae 974 5 Rooms and Bath a ae a CHAMBER io'n"x'o" EPA KITCHEN ‘at Lu 10'5'X 136! ml 276" CHAMBER faa) x 2" DINING ROOM LACTEK HZ LIVING ROOM 25'8'x12'0" Two (2) s : One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items2.....- One (1) “The ARGONIA” Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design 37 Ft. 8 in, Wide x 40 Ft. Deep PT HE broad sloping roof, the big chimney, the open porch, the clever entrance all individualize the “Argonia.” The floor plan is devised to offer every possible convenience and to utilize every inch of space. It satisfies the two requisites of the home-seeker of being good to look at and comfortable to live in. Steel sash further add to the durability and effectiveness of this home. BLUE PRINT PLANS OF THIS BRICK CONSTRUCTED HOME GIVE ALL CORRECT DETAILS WHICH ELIMINATES MISUNDER- STANDING. SIZES: Extreme * Width. scigcuns sols tae atl a meie tte 44’ 6” Extreme: Depth '2q0,.".a1tny- San aes ah sien 46’ 6” Main: Floor. Ceiling ie chi ee ee ee 9’ 0” Basement Ceiling ................ ere Os Set of Specifications and.Two (2) Blank Contract For mnsisiccc ens teecnees paenttaceneeieteaetaees Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. oho 5 Rooms and Bath “The ARVONIA” . 32 Ft. Wide x 53 Ft. 11 In. Deep A LOW rambling bungalow that promises $ comfort and cheerfulness. The distri- i | . bution of rooms merits especial considera- 4 KITCHEN (uuu) 8=CHAMBER ff tion. First of all the living room is off by 7— WoXx1o'3"--f_ B i4'e"x10'3" itself and has an adjoining private porch. : The dining room is easily accessible and the , kitchen is a model of convenience. In short | DINING ROOM : there is all the exclusiveness of a two story | 14e"xn'e! | ) | home on one floor. CHAMBER | 2°xi2 14 FACE BRICK EXTERIOR WITH STUCCO AND TIMBERED GABLES. STEEL CASEMENT SASH ARE INSTALLED THRUOUT THE EN.» TIRE HOME. 2 ols ioe : Extreme «Width = ..0 56's 6o0 000s scars a cise oso Seraigh nee Extreme. Depth’... . 0 ccc 6 tiene 0.0 01 0) « a0 ereiel a tenets ene ann an Main Floor Ceiling .....6.06 000000 00 de oes + pe aneiennen= nr Basement Ceiling ......00ce00 06 ees see sie o © ole on ii senna One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.............0220.22..2222-2-e-eseeeeeeeeee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above DeSign...............s.:se:s:ssscesseesesessesseeene $20) Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 976 CHAMBER [= n'i'xio'o" it CHAMBER N'I'xi0. 9" LIVING ROOM “The AQUADALE” 29 Ft. Wide x 49 Ft. 8 In. Deep HE “Aquadale” at once impresses you with its solidity and bealitys elicre 15a permanence in the style itself that will never grow tedious. The arched porch openings carry out the monumen- tality of the whole style. On the inside is found a living room that is spacious and interesting. You can see for yourself how the many windows will afford an abundance of air and sunlight. The other rooms are comfortable also. THE PLANS GIVE ALL DETAILS IN A CLEAR PRACTICAL MANNER TO ENABLE THE BUILDER TOC ERECT WITHOUT MIS. UNDERSTANDING AND DELAY. Pa} tal! 200 AI9 § } . SIZES: Extreme © Width * 2:0" " fonts oan she ieee ean ne eee Extreme: Depth. Oe cee s eee so rene Gah cee ere s Day Oe MainsFloorCeilinie™. 3..S42 oie aces ean eee eee OS Basement! Ceiling 75.5 eo ons oan eciepeusy< ta hod a Meee ie iad OF Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design...........----2.2-10-- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items.. : eee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. 2 = Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. ° Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 977 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALVISTON” 26 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. 10 In. Deep DINING ROOM 13'4'x15'6" 26'0" NUSUALLY fetching the “Alviston” reveals a charm all its own. ~ Pleasiio seer exterior is we must go inside to find the real beauty. First there is the living room with its enormous bay and adjoining porch. Then we go to the dining room also™ withs bay et chambers are segregated and the kitchen is com- plete. What more could be desiregmaiimes bungalow? CHAMBER Wo'x 13'0" STEEL SASH ARE PROVIDED FOR THIS EN- TIRE HOME. ASPHALT SHINGLES OF VARIOUS COLORS ARE USED FOR ROOF, EXTERIOR WALLS OF FACE BRICK. Extreme Width ©. 0... 5.0.6 000 sic a 0s 6 0 toot © eveue 0 cnelolensia ee otstn ieirtat ann Summa Extreme Depth wb ake 00 0 oe 0 0.0 8 0:6 6 00:0 66, 6: 6ite; 6 rare i hee oe ana aan sree Main Floor Ceiling ......:. 65004» 6 6s ~ + 0,06 a poe ie tenene stn een ALVISTON XQ J One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York, 978 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above DeSign.......-....-:cscsssccsceresecsseneseeeerens $20 Basement Ceiling .......... wed desadegeg tebe ewes + cm enn ini s aiea 7 CHAMBER [BATHE | 9'1'x120" Fee | + I7'2"x12'8" TILE HEARTH “The ALGANSEE” 28 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep HANDSOME home with face brick exterior. Four rooms with five room efficiency. The living room with the full size disappearing bed makes an ideal bed- room at night. Kitchen is fully equipped with space and labor saving devices. The maximum light is provided by the use of steel casement sash. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 1—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3—“Dressing Table” 4—“Combination Kitchen Cahinet and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinets” . 6—“Built-in Ironing Board” 7—‘“Medicine Cabinet” 8—“Adjustable Clothes Hangers” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—“Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme Width ..............00:: Md Pua ee oe Go Extreme (Depth .055d05 acc Se see fete Nk: oA Oba OF Main Floor Ceiling ...............-. SEGA B Se eae no Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... sce: One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...........--.----------1------eee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. F HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 979 5 Rooms and Bath CHAMBER i3'I"x9'5" CLo CHAMBER © [DINING ROOM 13'1"xi2'9" 't'x13'0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. “The AURELLE” 27 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 44 Ft. 6 In. Deep A BUNGALOW that is pleasing to the eye and comfortable to live in. The en- trance is artistic and inviting. The living room with its bay and seat is a constant source of pleasure. There are any number of attractive features that are easily seen in studying the picture and floor plan. The main thing to remember is that this attrac- tiveness can be had at a very nominal sum. THE EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION OF THIS HOME IS OF FACE BRICK, TILE, STUCCO AND CONCRETE, THEREFORE iI IS DURABLE AND SUBSTANTIAL. Extreme Width Cee eee errr een eres ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Extreme Depth 6 0 6 0 0 00 0 6 6 6 09 6 6 0 6b ehele 6 Ole)6lecehe OLeunianane Main’ Floor -Ceiling 6.0. 6056. 665 csle roles eee olin clenec een ee ee Basement. Ceiling ©. 216 66's e764. 0 0) stoi eieeco te al of ale) Onavete nena eae 980 5 Rooms and Bath “The ACORN” ar rt. 6 Be Wide x 40 Ft. 6 In. Deep HEN all is said and done a home should havea style of its own, some- thing to set it apart from its neighbors. The “Acorn” has this elusive quality. . It is a bungalow that will be remembered by those who see it. The interior arrange- ment is a happy one, each room being apart by itself. CHAMBER 100'xI2: 9! _ DINING ROOM i ; l 5 A'x Oo “STEEL SASH” AND “FACE BRICK WALLS” MAKE AN EFFECTIVE COM- 40'6" BINATION OF STRENGTH, COLOUR AND ATTRACTIVENESS. LIVING ROOM 11'8'xI9'6" CHAMBER \2'2"x1h'o" Extreme: Widths nk ot oe te oa os Daas aren wtig ee ALO" Extreme Depth ............0.cccccecceeeeeees 467 0” Main FlooriCelling @0ro as Betis vcore. owis et OO! Basements: Ceiling Suttons or ieee ee ete oe eee Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.. One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. : HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 981 en se t> ie 5 Rooms, Bath and Sun Parlor “The ASHIPPUN” 28 Ft. 10 In. Wide x 37 Ft. 2 In. Deep a a Te ee 28110" 1 Bae A CHARMING bungalow in Brick REF Nd Veneer tastily set off by the siding el in the gables. The entrance is dignified and imposing and backed up by a vesti- bule with closet. Space-saving closet fixtures, a clothes chute, kitchen cabi- nets, are the modern conveniences in- cluded. The rooms “are tarcemeaca pleasant. ie i . THE BLUE PRINT PLANS ARE COMPLETE, COMPREHENSIVE, AND GIVE CORRECT SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. . LIVING ROOM 169" x133" SUN PARIOR Tée'x133" CHAMBER lo3"x!oil" ASHIPPUN Extreme Width .............. + ite ‘as veleeiten Extreme Depth ................... Berard Soe c Main Floor Ceiling . ..:..2..7.. 7240.60 Basement Ceiling ................. oe ce 0d © eee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items...... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms......-..0-0----00-20-c0ceeeeeeeees Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 982 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook iO 23) 6" CHAMBER 9'a"xi' " DINING ROOM 'a'xt'o" “The AMADO” 23 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 47 Ft. Deep HE modern home seeker wants comfort and convenience at a nominal sum. To find all these requirements met by a beautifully appear- ing home at the same time is indeed lucky. The picture suggests the beautiful exterior. The floor plan reveals the comfort. And for conven- ience there are space-saving closet fixtures, a built-in telephone cabinet, an attic for storage aimd-a delivery receptacle insrear. i TILE-ROOF, FACE BRICK, FLAG STONE PIERS AND STUCCO GABLES—A COMBINATION OF STRENGTH, . DURABILITY AND ATTRAC. TIVENESS. LIVING ROOM | (,i! lel 64x15 8 SIZES: Extreme Width ............. MBE ine Rees pee oh a kens tO — aa Extrente (Depth 2.1: ak be patel ees tet eee tt Sina mel hemes Lae Main Floor Ceiling .......... i AD Rot Met Sitch as ute ane bone in at atime eae Dac Oe Basement * Ceiling 2925 sc tae, ai ee re aval tecet nin tawais ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......... Deets et eer re ea ee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items Ae 20% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms...............0.. Sri Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 983 4 Rooms, Bath and Nook “The ARKELL” . 32 Ft. Wide x 26 Ft. Deep N EFFECTIVE bungalow of the English style. The large terraced veranda j provides for many comfortable summer evenings. The cozy dining nook off the kitchen will be appreciated. Good sized chambers with the bath between is an added advantages] nesters placed so as to set each room off by itselive. CHAMBER 12'e'x8 3" BY BUILDING FROM PRACTICAL _ AND PROVEN PLANS MISTAKES AND COSTLY ERRORS ARE AVOIDED. LIVING ROOM 17'2"x 12'0" CHAMBER iz2'a"x9'n" Extreme Width ).0005. 5. 2 sis cd mts shel myeloma TERRACE Extreme Depth ......08:. 65.0% 52 > tena 2.8'o" x 7'o" Main Floor Ceiling ...........++++seeseeeee Basement Ceiling ...........+.-++seeeeeees Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.....-......2.2-..2..2:..scsceee-seeseeeses $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... =e Secure above plans, etc., from your loca! Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 984 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALICIA” 30 Ft. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep aaa WANT Heeteaeenrenne DININGROOM 12'7"x Io" HoIieccaatiia oNitne en Gesarticd splendor here that is rarely found inasmall home. Perhaps it lies in the decorative entrance or perhaps in the rich tile roof. At any rate the whole effect is charming and luxurious. In- side you will find the coziness and han- diness you have always wanted. On account of its simple, straight lines it is very reasonable to build. FACE BRICK AND TILE ROOF IS AN ATTRACTIVE AND DURABLE COM. BINATION. PLANS GIVE COMPLETE CHAMBER 4,u i] iT] Wt xs 1210 WORKING DETAILS. ALICIA i SIZES: Extreme’; Width’) 7o% cc) 2s ee een See ee 460% Extreme; Depth 7 o.s5, on 4ee od ateatiinie ee ee one 4 oe OL Main, Floor’ Ceiling ool cn oet ne hak eo eae OA Basement# Ceilings. 2.54 tae eer oe ee ete Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans: (or ABOVE, Designee oe eee $ 00 ‘One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. 20% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..............00....0-2-222.2..-.----- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 985 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The AQUETONG” 39 Ft. Wide x 32 Ft. Deep RIM, neat and stylish the “Acquetong” offers the best in bungalows. ‘rhe entrance with its corner seat on stoop immediately . charms..' Face brick enhances the beauty of ER this particular style. The arrangement is per- euiieal fect and provokes ideas for attractive furnish- ing. All in all a more livable bungalow would be hard to find. : PLANS GIVE ALL CONSTRUCTION NEE OOM CHAMBER DETAILS IN 4 MANNER EASY TO ea | Wn" x22" UNDERSTAND. AQUETON SIZES: Extreme Width ......0......s0+:ssssee ses Extreme Depth ........... /ss:5 «50 ie ene Main Floor Ceiling ............) 2.2. 0ue ge Basement Ceiling |.......5.: 00: «2 sensee eee 7.0% ; Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ee One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.._......-..-.-.----------.-----------2- Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 986 5 Rea Bath and Sun Parlor “The ANGORA” 51 Ft. 9 In. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep eee rustic stone chimney is the first thing that catches your attention. Then your eye turns to the arched entrance. You then carefully examine the exterior and are pleased with every detail. The floor plan deserves study. It is highly suggestive and by using your imagination you can catch some of the inside beauty and handiness of the “Angora.” Whererare taany efficiencies such as a disappearing bed, a delivery receptacle in door, a built-in phone cabinet and space saving closet fixtures. Bae PLANS Toeia CHAMBER | GIVE ALL Lex ei0e Rots ohe CONSTRUCTION DETAILS DINING ROOM NG ROO, LIVING ROOM 138 xllo I5'10'xII'o" SUN PARIOR 8i3"xilo" 'y 'y li 11 [| a ANGORA SIZES: Extreme Width .........56’ 9” Extreme Depth .........28'3” Main Floor Ceiling...... 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling ....... 7’ 0” Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above: Design...) ne $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items. Be pet het One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms marae Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CoO. Chicago.—Rochester.-—Detroit.—New York. 987 6 Rooms, Bath and Toilet “The AQUASCO” 34 Ft. Wide x 40 Ft. Deep PART in its picturesqueness the “Aquasco” grasps the attention of the passerby. Nor does he give it a mere passing glance for it fairly captivates with its quaintness. With all its rustic appearance it is strictly modern being fully equipped with space saving closet fixtures. a built- in telephone cabinet and steel sash throughout. THIS DESIGN IS A PLEASING EX- AMPLE OF RUSTIC FACE BRICK WORK WITH ROOF OF ALTER- NATELY COLORED ASBESTOS SHINGLES. LIVING ROOM I9'a"K12"10"! TILE HEARTH Extreme Width ............00. Extreme Depth’... 4... s..00c 0 Gee Main Floor Ceiling ........... Basement Ceiling = 3. Sou. oe ee eee eee eee 0s 9, OC Ne) (eRe i @e re Le Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) -for listing all Material Items.............W..... 4 ‘ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. ..............2..2...cssescssesseceseeeeeeeeenees . — Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 988 5 Rooms and Bath .- “The AROYA” 28 Ft. Wide x 42 Ft. 3 In. Deep CHAMBER fee! > /| ‘THE “AROYA” at once gives the impres- Wo"x toll" FF : sion of permanence. The stone-faced chimney and porch lend the necessary va- riety to the exterior. From the porch one steps directly into the expansive living room. The interior is further enhanced by a kitchen equipped with all the modern, handy con- CHAMBER | DINING ROOM veniences. This bungalow can be admirably placed in any suburb or small community. Is'i"x10'2" ff 12'9"xtt'o" LIVING ROOM rah an PORCH 12'o'« 140" SIZES: Extreme) WIdER jcc. sets Seva oto, Citas slatelaiete’e ately ies! a ateie tev Oouake Extreme; Deptlt 2254.0 tales wea Gia cele s ai ced. s via Wiaiiereeceln ie acho OL Main Floor’ Ceiling 22.<.., Sccscccciaie de Waele ataanele (etre erences OO. Basement> Ceiling 2c. c< penis oh pace cae ie aie oe ea ee ite nae Oe One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... Qne (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design Bae eres cree ene eh $20” Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 989 5 Rooms, Bath and Dining Nook “The ALCINO” CHAMBER I92"x10'2" 34'O" DINING ROO 12'o">x '2" | 12'0'x10'0" Hise: Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design......-..:.:::-:::cc:::s::sesseseseeeee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... Se One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.........- Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 990 closet fixtures replace clumsy closets. DRESSING CABINET} 38 Ft. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep FIRST there is the veranda and majestically arched entrance. Then there is the com- modious living room with its arched ceiling. From the living room you wander through the home at will, delighted at every turn. Neat dressing cabinets equipped with space saving A beautiful example of mingled shades of face brick carefully blended to produce an everlasting harmonious color scheme. SIZES: Extreme Width «.....53.5 0.50 « + sonnet eee Extreme Depth ........ ay Main Floor Ceiling (Living R Balance %i:305. so ee Basement Ceiling: «<6 \5:. ies «we 9s ont a eee oom 10’ 9”) . . ) 5 Rooms and Bath “The AHEARN” 37 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 34 Ft. Deep P Poi Eee and delightful, its very sim- plicity giving it an air of refine- ment. The architect has given all the space and conveniences of a large home LIVING ROOM . on one floor. There is a plaster arch be- 2.0'2"«14°8" tween the dining and living rooms, a handy telephone booth and space sav- 1A'3"« 12'2" at | ing closet fixtures, that modern manu- facturing has made possible. SEAT SP eTER IGE W FACE Ebi iad cks Sic 'e 8 clan ie Oe ae te ake te 40208 Extreme Depth rela Marah woh Oats meee ate COR OGm piving hoon Ceiling ©. .%.'.)sicin, wes « sp ais ol Races oem Matrerioor Ceiling... iis 641) cee te cee hea et aoa Oo Coe Metpcrent . Cesling so; 4.6 ssocad cas We Moen OMLEOE ir ek ce eas ane WO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above DeSignm ..........--.-.----.::-----1-eeee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items & One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms............-...-...---.----.--2-------- —— Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. Oo CHAMBER lolo'x 12'11" DINING ROOM IGO"xI46' CHAMBER. lOlo'x! 21" 26 Ft. Wide x 48 Ft. Deep WV over hanging eaves not only give style to the “Altro,” butenhaneestne beauty of the face casting varied shadows over the surface. z exterior. It is trim and *satisiying = \eeem peruse the floor plan your imagination is captured by the innumerable possibilities of attractive furnishing. -. ttiis @repletemen css modern conveniences; such as a built-in telephone cabinet, space-saving closet fixtures and modern kitchen equipment. : THIS DESIGN IS PROVIDED WITH SPACE SAVING CLOSETS IN WHICH ARE. , INSTALLED ADJUSTABLE CLOTHES — HANGERS. LIVING ROOM ‘ Unites 0 o. ZO x185 At in SIZES: Extreme Width 2.2. 2.2... 0000 0306+ 00 6001s sel eneenEn nnn Extreme. Depth? :i2 3,0. we eee MP RM Main Floor Ceiling |. 0.5. 600°5 00. ccs wot ele «ae ene ene Basement Ceiling .........2 0. sue. ss 0s © sc cleiele anette eta Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plams for above Design... 00-0 $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items UV One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 20-2: ee tens ar Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 997 So much for the: a CHAMBER 12'1" x13'4" KITCH a0 Ax DINING ROOM || 12'T"x12'8" LIVING ROOM 26'8"x 1010" “The ARCHBOLD” 29 Ft. Wide x 46 Ft. Deep RNAMENTATION can be either rich or gingerbready depending upon the taste of the user.. No one can deny the richness of the “Archbold” nor can anyone accuse it of garish- ness. ‘Mace bricks stone trimming, leaded DlAcS Ss tlleunOOl ad leat cmisedeni stnesconrect relation to produce a harmonious whole. The architect has exercised good taste on the inside as well. THE ILLUSTRATED PICTURES IN THIS BOOK ARE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ACTUAL HOME AFTER ERECTION. SIZES: Extreme. . Width 5-iaiis dies so ee teen een ear We ey pinnae epee eos G4 Extreme Depth ic. oe ies > aabioan ots & thio wees Rp ene eae kin cee oe Ge Main? Floor. Ceiling (3c 5.22505 sche estos es Sa eh eis eae 0” Basement «Ceiling 255. Bie yaie ais ues ane ip keene oa ieee Hees anatase eas nes Cl Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... $ 00 ‘One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material [terms sce eeeess oe. One (1) Set of Specifications and Depths oak.c00 te et ee ee ee 4a On Main' Floor, Ceiling hice: eee Rene ee ee ee ee aon Basement} Ceiling > ass Ga ASs cae kc ies RTC rae Tk Old Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 100] a 4 Rooms, Bath and Dressing Room 7377; Se Sa ; Ny 'S | © | F DINING BGO 12'0"'x10'O" i 6 Won it DRESSING, ROOM | “The AYDEN” 25 Ft. 2 In. Wide x 39 Ft. Deep HIS modern bungalow of face brick exterior offers four rooms with five room efficiency. All the comfort and convenience of an added chamber is embodied in this home by the use of a full size disappearing bed and concealed dressing room off the living room. Steel casement sash are installed thruout the entire dwelling. KEY TO MANUFACTURED SPACE SAVING EQUIPMENT USED IN THIS HOME 1—“Disappearing Bed” 2—“Dressing Cabinet” 3——“Dressing Tabie” 4—“‘Combination Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator” 5—“China Cabinet” 6—‘“Built-in Ironing Board” 7—“Medicine Cabinet” 8—“Adjustable Clothes Hangers” 9—“Telephone Cabinet” 10—“Built-in Mail Box” SIZES: Extreme /Width* 2.2.0. Bice te oo ee eee a cae vo Sbdtece ae eee pee Sa Extreme Depth . 2.5... c60 ss cole oe ae + 2 oa Ogee Main Floor Ceiling . .. 2. 66 ee ee oie iss = 0 0 oso) een Basement Ceiling oe elaha cele « eleve so 8 jefe ele sualjelly el onniane Corea gt ieee rr Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design —..-.-.--.-----.--0--- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items.. im One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms —— Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1002 CHAMBER. je | stability and comfort. 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANCHOR” 27 Ft. 6 in. Wide x 33 Ft. Deep A CONVENTIONAL bungalow of the popular type. 9inch brick walls make for | \'O'x ioe iTS : | = | Conveniently arranged rooms afford many | CHAMBER iI'o'k10'7" IVING ROOM DURING CONSTRUCTION 14! 3"xido! SIZES: possibilities for attractive decoration. The kitchen arrangement is particularly handy. The suitable home for a small family. PUANS CORRECTLY DRAW NePREVENT COSTING ERRORSHAN Ds DETEAYS Extreme Width wWi5 Se. 0 cee hE chaos shen sa he aie Dic ooo 0% Extreme: Depth ites boots ta haat cae teres teusraca sue aehetie Main:-Floor? Ceiling™ 3 Fav ROR Sclansks Si a ee ee ae ee Or Ge. Basement; Ceiling Meet ce ec Po ie ees Oe tees ates cetera ie, LT Oe Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......-....--.-.----.--1---------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ye tage Iheibedl One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.................... Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. 1003 5 Rooms and Bath “The ADONIRAM” 26 Ft. Wide x 46 Ft. Deep aplaibs particular type of bungalow is shown to eood advantage in face brick and stucco. A study of the floor plan will show five rooms KITCHEN | conveniently arranged, with bathroom acces- Lai Atal CHAMBER : : ; 120x100 'o'x12'4" sible from both chambers. A practical invest- ; ment and a satisfying one. — DINING ROOM I2'o"xII'10" ALL PLANS ARE CLEARLY DRAWN AND SUPPLEMENTED WITH VARIOUS DE- CHAMBER & TAILED DRAWINGS TO ENABLE THE- 'lo" x12'0" BUILDER TO FULLY UNDERSTAND ALL. WORK. | : SIZES: Extreme. Width 2i.08..07..2. «00s eee ao es 0 Wes ecelalle Quelle 2/8 nen Extreme ‘Depth .054.). 60. 230203 Pe MY 53’ 0” Main Floor Ceiling’ =. 5 aa ie, Oe ee ia coaiane Ooe 9’ 0” Basement. Ceiling. i.3..0...0 .. . (in a Banos ots ee eee eh omplete Sets Blue-Prin rkin lans for ab Désign 22:22. eee eee one ee Ged rte tae ets: Wee ait Material ftereas cetteese- So eager 4 : 520% One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms........................ Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York, 1004 4 ‘ * hr 2 > 5 7 . LIVING ROOM I'a" x pA Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for Above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. 31 Ft. Wide x 30 Ft. Deep FETCHING bungalow in Daickomerbnewdrchecs entrance is set off by the large square chim- ney. Such conveniences as a built- in telephone shelf, dining nook, bath opening into each chamber, and a tiled-hearth fire-place are found. One should study the ex- cellence of the floor plan, SIZES: Extreme -Widthit/ sis, sire cme OF cin slands BE RO” Extreme Depth ... SPiacd chat Rut eh arent nate xo OT Oe Main: Floor: Ceiling. aha toe eee ee. Gt Basement)Celling fischer ae ea aes a Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1005 = 5 Rooms and Bath Clo. CHAMBE Tx gg" DINING ROOM CHAMBER '7"x136" WT" x cle. LIVING ROOM ig'2" . 17'5" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design... One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... ‘ One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. “The APACHE” 26 Ft. Wide x 46 Ft. Deep BXPERIENCE has taught that this type of bungalow is eminently practical and inex- pensive to build. In appearance, however, the . ¥ “Apache” differs from other bungalows of this ‘ type mainly because of the attractive mixing of stucco with face brick. The arched effect of the i porch is carried into the reception hall openings 3 into dining and living rooms. Comfortable and handy to live in. ee 7 oi we awe THE WORKING PLANS GIVE FULL DATA AND DETAILS IN A CLEAR AND COMPRE- HENSIVE MANNER. SIZES: Extreme Widths 2. 5)o4p0).) 0 Acne eel eee Res ne RRS ob ate 5 ‘ Extreme™:Depth) 6 scene. 25 et a borate cane ee . ot Saba Main: Floor Ceiling oh i00005 6 ie Bees 8 ee lee Basement Ceiling =). 5.60.6. 62 Sea ee be weston eo er 1006 5 Rooms, Bath and Sleeping Porch ‘The ARMOREL” 27 Ft. 6 In. Wide x 50 Ft. 9 In. Deep BVIOUSLY the “Armorel” is in a DOpMlam stylew puis leiceone: tie less attractive because of it. Certain details, such as the stone trimming and big bays distinguish it from oth- WAMBER FEY | ers of this type. It is inside that you IBVx9o3" pales get the full effect of the bays and ap- preciate how they add to the rooms. \y There are far too many handy con- DINING ROOM | veniences to enumerate. Study the et ea UL floor plan carefully and see them all. CHAMBER esa’ 13'I'Xx10'3"" FACE BRICK, CUT STONE TRIMMINGS, ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES, STUCCO AND CONCRETE ARE ALL INCLUDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS HOME. LIVING ROOM 20'0'X 14'9' SIZES: Extreme. .Widthi jie oot eco alot aera keaton trot Me tek cM Be dea mic kesets 31’ 6" Extreme, Depth i2) aac os doadent gaan hepa os, aie rebemen epee Peete ie ae 55’ 0” Main | Floor’Ceiling 36. 23.0 vganeis ac 'a,) opoeolarar ohsivle alee Vi eon Ne adee see 9’ 0” Basement | Ceiling 250% piensa osetia See ee nen ee eee rere Gos Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 1007 5 Rooms, Bath and Sleeping Porch “The AIMWELL” 23 Ft. 4 In. Wide x 40 Ft. 9 In. Deep A BUNGALOW that can be readily sold be- cause the building costs are moderate, the construction is substantial and the exterior is pleasing. ‘The inside arrangement is carefully planned for efficiency and labor saving. Acon- ~ 7 venient sleeping porch is at rear, | : Bae ore | FACE BRICK AND COMMON BRICK ARE COMBINED TO PRODUCE THIS TASTY } HOME. PLANS WILL GIVE FULL DETAILS CHAMBER AND PARTICULARS. 3 96'xl06" Extreme Width: 1 o.a.5 ood ae eee Extreme "Depth ieitr.cac! one. eas oer nee ake Main Floor. Ceiling®, 2.5% 2.3.05 sme wees) c) cee eee ee Basement: Ceiling =o... 21s 2 8<, sae cata oe ee Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design::i2 ee eee One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items... | One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... -----s Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.— Rochester.—Detroit.—_ New York, 1008 se 5 Rooms and Bath “The ANITA” 22 Ft. Wide x 46 Ft. 5 In. Deep Biot oC"! Za & oe in line, possessing a warm and colorful surface the “Anita” presents a homelike appear- ance. It is of a popular style and justifiably so for CLO: Hyun PoRC 4 be ve it is a style that has been tried and proven. Inside ert Re the same hominess prevails. Spacious, well-ar- TCH ranged rooms insure living comfort. A sound buy Pa 10S 02K to bessiure ATi4 HALL | nga Sea ne FACE BRICK AND ASPHALT SHINGLES IS A eM feb CHAMBER}OINING ROO 9's". 19'o! 10's! 12'0' DURABLE COMBINATION FOR SMALL HOUSE Tet . : lat ae ha CONSTRUCTION. PLANS GIVE ALL DETAILS. = VEST LIVING ROOM 14'4"x ay"! SIZES: pice ANITA. Extreme Width-72 255 ites oe he Be PRR oe isles Sal Ok ee aro Extreme Depth 2.)2)..% 0.65.3 naNewae ete geese 204 Byles SP ees Pee DO LOS Main’ Floor: Ceiling Feiss ws ich Bah eee ee ame ene ree ey cee ee .9’ oO” Let Basement! Ceiling 805 ot dic bool ome eee Gee ee ee eran: Seas ee cite el OF 5 ay e Sets e-Print Worki Pla forlaboves Design i vie fe ee oe ne aie ae eae Page) oy listing? all Material fone ees Scene Se ee $2.04 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms... 000 Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CQO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 1009 , 6 Rooms and Bath “The AULTMAN” 28 Ft. Wide x 22 Ft. Deep HE most critical will have difficulty in find- ing anything wrong with the “Aultman.” Perfectly proportioned and artistically done it represents the better homes of today. The same excellence is found in the arrangement of rooms, each being well designed and quite accessible. CHAMBER 2's it'g!" it's kita" AULTMAN IVING ROOM aT et HOLLOW BRICK WITH FACE Iz6"x16'9! EXPOSURE OF 12x5 INCHES ARE USED TO CONSTRUCT THIS SUB- DINING ROOM IEE STANTIAL HOME OF DURABIL IZeq@ «Il 9 ITY AND WARMTH. ; SIZES: Extreme Width .................. i y4Ee OF Extreme Depth ........ .............. 32’ 0” First Floor Ceiling .... .. ....... anaes Second Floor Ceiling .................. 8’ 0” Basement Ceiling ................ < sige oO Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............---202.....----00002e ee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items .-......--....20-22.-e eee 2022 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms..........---.......2:.::---1-1-e0 = ee Secure above plans, efc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME. BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1010 DINING ROOM 14'0''*1I'o" LIVING ROOM —23'e'k12'0" Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms “The ABILENE” 25 Ft. Wide x 29 Ft. Deep F deserving popularity the “Abilene” is a pleasure to see. taste and restraint in the execution of this home. The in- terior is all to be desired, comfort- able .- and conve- nient. A PLEASING EX- AMPLE OF HOL- LOW BRICK WALLS COM- BINED WITH STAINED SHIN- GLES. THE FACE EXPOSURE OF THE BRICK IS 12x5 INCHES. Extreme Width .............. Extreme Depth ......... y inet First Floor Ceiling .......... : Second Floor Ceiling ....... aan Basement Ceiling ............ The architect has exercised CHAMBER 1I5'0x 810" CHAMBER iz'oki'o" “mu CHAMBER 5 ; is'o i's” ABILENE. SIZES: : Mig trene.: : fhe Mic ee ince ae ee Cee Bien OO age RRS ict Renae OCHS al Roe eee Se 9 Ms ce oye evs eG a SS rTP aah Toh An eRe coe ayS rR ee fat Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.——New York. 1011 6 Rooms and Bath “The ADABURG” FAIR example of the better home movement. Every- thing is neat, modern and tasty. Concrete blocks, hollow brick and shingles com- bine to give a charm- in? erelfect, =a weede= HOLLOW BRICK INCHES ARE USED FOR FIRST STORY livery receptacle “is CHAMBER featured. Isto!’ 163 OF FACE SIZE 12x5 ADABURG WALLS. ™ SIZES: Extreme Width ............. EN ie: oie beeen eet eee ete teense ese 277 OF Extreme Depth ...... sn ee WBE FEN eet rhs Jat Ok dart! waves ee aie Nahas 6" First Floor Ceiling ...............- eRe A oi ee tS Lee sats Page") or Second Floor Ceiling ..............-2 +0000 ce ae Basement Ceiling oo: 6: fon se cee co oe wees i. th ea ee ere Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design............. ee ee $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Porins s.r e Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit—New York. 1012 5 Rooms and Bath a 7 TTT Ht io'o'kizto" Ban ce] CUAMBER =f DINING ROOM || We kato! | g'3'kis'o “The AYDLETT” 24 Ft. 9 In. Wide x 36 Ft. Deep N the popular style, the “Aydlett” is a con- stant source of satisfaction to the owner. Study for a moment the clear-cut, thoughtful way in which the rooms are disposed. For in- stance, the bath is placed between the two chambers. It is a very inexpensive home to build and to keep up. THIS HOME IS BUILT OF HOLLOW BRICK OF FACE SIZE 12x5 INCHES. THE PLASTER ON INSIDE IS DIRECTLY APPLIED TO THE BRICK. SEE PLANS. Extreme Width ......... Extreme? Depth. As auctor 6 ie at ey vO ak eines Ws aagammlony< ee Main: Floor: Ceilizigs <6 60)... sin. tak eae olen) Salers es oe ae Basement = Ceiling: oo), vais cles aatne ce niode olga Hare Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans: forvabove: Desier ii cccccteetecckas trope acre aes One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms. .....---..-0-.:.2 cee Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit——New York. 1013 Bia Pidi ee AEE 5 Rooms and Bath “The ALPENA”’ 44 Ft. Wide x 28 Ft. Deep OU are at once aware of a certain spaciousness when viewing this bunga- low. Nor does the outside belie the interior for every room is airy and com- a modious. The placing of the chambers at one end and segregating them from the rest of the home is an excellent idea. A disappearing bed is shown in the living room plan. 3 | sehsteRbpean CONSTRUCTED OF HOL:- j CHAMBER EV ING ROOM LOW BRICK WITH FACE EX- 4 9'0"x IZ" fue PEE + 21" x 13'0" POSURE OF 12x5 INCHES. 4 THE WORKING PLANS GIVE . DETAILS AND COMPLETE DATA. nnn CHAMBER: yb DINING ROOM ea) Ered rt) 9'0'*13'O' FAI 12'@'x13'o" ieee) elas oO! Extreme Width ................ ee rar Extreme Depth ............... : cgttare ae Main Floor Ceiling ............. soe ee: Basement Ceiling ......... ......, Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......-.....--...2-:--:-:1---eeeeeeee> $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Material Items... (022 One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms ane Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1014 5 Rooms and Bath “The AINGER” 24 Ft. Wide x 42 Ft. Deep EAT and trim of design the “Ainger”’ im- presses with its clear-cutness. The same practicality exists on the inside in the tidy ar- rangement of the rooms. Such a bungalow inspires orderly living. That is probably why you see so many of them all over the country. 10'O'«1Z'O | A PRACTICAL MODERATE COST BUNGA- LOW OF SOLID, WARM CONSTRUCTION. CHAMBER | BUILT OF HOLLOW BRICK WITH FACE 10'0"%< 11'S! EXPOSURE OF 12x5 INCHES. | LIVING ROOM 1 ~ it PT 5 [Zz i Coxis © SIZES: Extreme Width oo ree te Re re ee Cae ee 28’ 0” Extreme * Deptho.2.5.3 ) 22d. Shae eh an Lee gia 47’ 0” Main: Floor: Ceiling) 2s cas as ae ates = sina spol tot aietcely tears oleae pes Orne 8’ 6” Basement Ceiling i. wacicc Heese as versus tee ts Sheer ee abo snbe Meni: ee 7 10'2 Two (2) Complete Sets Blue-Print Working Plans for above Design.......-..-----2-----..--------------- $ 00 One (1) Classified Guide (16 Pages) for listing all Materia] Items One (1) Set of Specifications and Two (2) Blank Contract Forms.........-.---.-.-----.-.---:-1---1-------- a Secure above plans, etc. from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1015 “The DODGE” - Garage TT’ HIS trim design will 4 accommodate one car and leave room to work around it. It will tone up and add value to the property. —— SIZES: Plan No, Iii. 4: ig keeled Plan No. 2......12 Ft..x 20 Ft. “The BUICK” Garage =O HIS handsome one- car design, in addi- tion to giving the car the shelter it needs, will no doubt match many homes of similar type. SIZES: f3 Plan No. 1......12 Ft. x 18 Ft. i Plan No. 2......12 Ft. x 20 Ft. a “The REO” Garage es eS HE value and prop- erty is greatly en- hanced by the addition of a neat * garage 0 match the architectural style of the home. pay «thee SIZES: Plan No. 1......12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue Print Working Plans With Material Bill $5 00 For One Size of Any. Above = Desiens =o eee eaeiis aie Eyaears Te uehed eas teed aoe ee ° Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, . Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1016 “The FORD” Garage a; jE dollar that goes into this ga- face serves. a purpose, yet it is attractive in ap- Bearances well con- structed and serviceable. a, SIZES: Plan No. 1......10 Ft. x 16 Ft. Plan No. 2......12 Ft, x 18 Ft. “The GRAY” Garage ag La - HE GRAY” shows > how every dollar is spent to the best advan- taser but you will be pleased and surprised when you learn the actual cost. The plan gives clear details of construction. —N)N— SIZES: - Plan No. 1......12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue Print Working Plans With Material Bill For Qne Size of Any Above Designs “The CHEVROLET” Garage Sat ya 2 HANDSOME one- car garage of ex- tremely economical con- Str uetiong= vers a ty ome enough to provide work space around the car. = PlaneNo. 122. 12 Ft. x 16 Ft. Plan No. 2......12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago,—Rochester.—Detroit—New York, 1017 “The JEWETT” Garage Se ie BRICK garage de- sioned. to «matchs 4 brick home of similar type. Substantial, at- tractive and providing plenty of work space around the car. Oa SIZES: Plan No. 1— 12 Ft. 6 In. x 19 Ft. 6 In. Plan No. 2..14 Ft. x 21 Ft. 6 In. “The ESSEX” Garage a Ce HE “Essex” =pro= vides a comfortable shelter for the car, be= sides, this design is very attractive and will add value to the property. == OH —— SIZES: Plan No. 1......12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. “The NASH” Garage ee Os ~~ NEAT, well con- structed brick ga- ‘rage of this type is not only the practical shel- ter for the car but also adds to the value of the property. Ages SIZES: Plan No. 1.....:14 Ft. x 20 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 22 Ft. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue Print Working Plans With Material Bill - $5 00 For One Size of Any Above Designs......... as \ivda, sr ates’ Best, 07 SRP acne MUARGks Reb -RP: Dera ie Oca oaeoaLe Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer. HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO. Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York. 1018 rhe CASE: Garage =O HIS neat one-car ga- rage will tone up and add value to any prop- erty. It will accommo- datemevens the. largest cars and leave plenty of work space. SIZES: Plan No. 1......12 Ft. x 20 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 22 Ft “The CLEVELAND” Garage —_O—— HE small invest- ment £60 1i1.e a.t0 build this one-car design will soon be returned in service, protection and satisfaction. ee SIZES: Plan No. 1......12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. Pre oLULZ”’ Garage sca 5 eat PerOUGEH the car may be the best in the world it cannot give its greatest service with- out receiving good care and protection in return. This garage meets the needs of the car. SET Gg te in SIZES: Plan No. 1......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. Plan No. 2......15 Ft. x 22 Ft. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue Pri i i i i Foc, Ona’ Sicetof “Ally. Ahoy on Destenn treat EL a ee DOL Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO; Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—_New York. “The STAR” Garage —— SHINGLE covered garage that will match many homes. Compact, but convent- Git cin-every cy ©S p ect. Plenty of light and work room. ey, te. SIZES: Plan No. 1...... 12 Ft. x 16 Ft. Plan Nos 2icce=- 14 Ft. x 18 Ft. “The OVERLAND” Garage bears com HE broken roof lines of the. “Overland” give it an individuality at once apparent, sits of splendid type, well constructed and appro- priate to any location. eel no SIZES: Plan No. 1...... 12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue Print Working Plans With. Material Bill For One Size of Any Above Designs................ a CC “The MAXWELL” Garage =O ISTINGTIV eae attractive. “Maxwell” provides ex- tra space for mechanical equipment and work shop. This garage de- serves practical consid- eration by those who delight in automobile mechanics. Plan No. 1......16 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......18 Ft. x 20 Ft. ..... $5.00 Secure above plans, etc., from your local Lumber or Building Material Dealer, HOME BUILDERS CATALOG CO, Chicago.—Rochester.—Detroit.—New York, 1020 “The CHANDLER” Garage aie = T is useless to spend more 10r ‘a odrape than the property or lo- Cation. -calls- for.-. Sub-= stantial construction and good hardware are essential for the protec- tion of the car. a, aan SIZES: Plan No. 1.. .12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. experienced =~ driver appreciates the convenience of hav- ing his car near at hand and well protected at all lreateyoul. car well and it will give you good service. Bae Ose SIZES: Plan No. 1. ..12 Ft. x 18 Ft. Plan No. 2......14 Ft. x 20 Ft. “The WINTON” Garage Ske ee TWO-CAR garage can be built for considerably less than twice the cost. of a one-car garage, and it is oiten real economy to do so, The extra space can be rented or can be used for storage, etc. oe SIZES: Plan No. 1......20 Ft. x 20 Ft. Plan No. 2......22 Ft. x 22 Ft. Two (2) Complete Sets Blue Print Working Plans With Material Bill $5 00 For\‘One Altenwald ...... 899 Altera Ce OL Althorpe ....... 746 Altogal. asec onsog Altonit.® cece ene Altoona) 2 .siesieaue Altrotswecsneee koe IANTtuva ce cis cree ne) OO Altus Becta s LOD 2 Alvadore ...... 844 Alvarado: saci: Won Alvena: Seoven.ecuo4 Alverdancccrs sae 638 Alv.erno sc eae 786 Alverton ....... 901 Alvirative.s = - 661 [Al vas fae cana 724 Alviston? sess ssi 978 Alvord ames 668 Alzada seen 651 Amabile Boa weoou Amador wae ius eu Oo Amadore: ..a0..5 Ole Mimagon an tom: 02 | Amalga ge Poe UW) Amalti hose. ; 861 Amaranth ...... 854 Amaroda )..s- . 848 Aim beresk ea cra 0o © Amberg 7s eteennaLoe Amberley .2.%.. 535 Armbia! sheng Goa) Amboy) socks 02 on.032 Ambridge ...... 540 Ambrose %... .s:. i598, Amedee ......- 37838 America «<2 -< = 93:2 AIMeS Une sarel cutie 732 Amethyst ...... 565 Amherst Scteteusiy OLD. Amigo. Ben chee eeediliD Amiot Bei te eelOw Amiretine aise O22, AMIty.Ueeies seer OOO Ammirata ...-.. 921 Aynmion) 324 scence. 628 Amorosa’ 2... 5.00 851 Amsdenj. sss lo Amsterdam .,.. 568 AMStony sineeers 971 Amulet aoe ey 819 Anabel 2.32%... = 740 Anaconda’ 3). 51,003 Anamosa Reig OSD Anatone ....... 664 Ancaster i..25.. 948 ANCHOLe eae aie 008 Andimg icy meus ane DO2 Andover. = 6 oweic 3 902 Andrew ........ 640 Andrianwisins sen U8 Angerona ...... 864 Anigiola ‘esis stes « epeiets te) Anglaize ....... 622 AN EOTA Si ache eer Amita ety oie., sole ee Anjouy ie encee sis 852 Ankerton 527 Anna: beese 0. 884 Annandale ..... a206 Annapolis ...... 580 Ann Arbor ..... 913 Annawalt ...... 684 Anniston 9.) es 915 Annona). ...4568 602! Anoka. o)..\ssasee 209 Ansiosa 24.32% 26.870 Ansley «:... yee LOD) Antelope ....... 849 Anthony ....... 658 Antigo Rehm OOF Antioch, on uss «5 . 862 Antlers- is: << 4/609 Antoimed) geese cen OW Antrim: 4.15.3 eke 545 Antwerp ....... 776 ATVI pislanotres 1000 Apache ......, 1006 Apalachee ...... 809 Design Page Apalonaw ss. «ss eo oo APGHG t eisieates oso Apperson Taeer oes Appleton Ge c.s.. 959 Appomattox .... 662 Apponaug ....- 905 Apsley arian 745 Aquadale’...... 977 PGUASCOM sis) .)e ie © 988 Aguetong ...... 986 ATAEOR | sels =e i OD? Arapahoe ee rOOS, Arbala We cee OO Arbella DES ee O94, Arboga Ree tren 994 Arboles Sve vole 958 Abb xt eels) eleiets 798 Arbofe? <2 ¢ sleeps) O22 Arborhill 2.2... 603 Arbutus ......- 565 Arcadia ....... 647 Areantmy. sets 996 Arch Uren cae 200 Archbold i... .

w.0a.2 872 Armitage aii: 3 892 Armorel Geta oni 1007 AALMOUL Weleaic whale 522 ATMS.\s Vis deus oh O30 Armstead ...... 792 Armstrong ..... 937 INTER Cerio Hew Bierce 8S Arnold) Aivsle ws oon Arnot ois sve ee OS Aromas Nace on. Aroya . ee ERS) ASTANA ce ence wee 816 Arriba oy euvotae - 654 ASP OW Reais nares 667 Arrowood ...... 614 Arsting ie) hax aes 532 Artemase <5 Sc.c% ss 955 Artesian, sis». < ae 914 Design Page Artexihi shales sliwee OSD Arthyde ....6... 738 Artland®eniycde soll ATEGIS oon oe cle eset Arvada Gace acces 2004 Arvel, Saasepi neo Aryonial fais rere gL Arundel ©.) sswisis OZ Asburyan we oouerol Ashaway ...-... 6/0 Ashbourne ..... 938 Ashbyeep oor eul O22 Wishcroftuan aeieaae Asherton ....... 590 Ashfordmaimens ents t 917 Ashtork Seeks 561 Ashippun ...... 982 Ashkum AH 697 AXShianG rain vtete se 939 Ashmont) oie suelo" Ashtabula ...... 843 Ashtola 2... de 3) 94) AGhton yoke sah tor Ashuclotin eases Ou) Ashaerst (os:s cies . 666 Ashville. 4)22,sfe Out Askew. sade aa oe A skin. toigiieie see OO e Asotin: fives eaere 655 Aspermont ..... 806 Aspetuck”,.....). 699 Aspgrove ...... 878 Aspinwall J..6.. O92 Assumption .... 957 Assunta en yee eoe Assyria 3 eae os Aston, 'cic6 is eee Oe Atchinson .....- 956 Ate? Saisie cee oe Athalmler ...... 700 Athens .......-. 808 Atherley Perce Ee) Atherton ..... 802 Athlone: .... -scesueae Athol (2 Oirsr. Se 3a LOGS Atkins cntete 21 OO Atlanta .4 die cvestegh Gee Atlanthus® s. os <0 212 Atlantic... u,seme Doe Atlaay + .:AaemneeOue Atliny’...#.s%cscheue Atmore, 5. Siaalaste O42 Atolia ves aise sao Atoka” 5 cles osemOuw Attercliff ...... 586 Aittical "J,.ic de area Attila ds cies eet een Attleboro ...... 753 Atwater sis cscs sooo Atwellc¢ See cher eLe Atwood). .s.«siesaote Auberry, tide cen nO Aubieny aot. 2 ens 9 eo Auburn cn oe OO Auburndale ..... 755 Aucilla) 1.) s2-cermen ome Audleyen oo seme t aon Audubon, .¢. 0.202! Augusta’ 2. oou Aulander ....... 570 Aulich Aultman Aurantia .....e. Aurélia Aurelle Aurey ASUEICH Ys ete clare! siete Auricula Aurilla, y's. se ote.o« Aurora coer esere il 9 Roan ih 8 Aono (fi BGG ons \c sosoaderno vi! 8 8 eereeeee Ausable ........ 810 Austin’ %...oeceem eo Australianth soon see Arter dic ar vetegeheree le Atitneyuln tence 2200 Autumn, 6 wows ee OS Auvergne ...... 912 Avalon ‘5 j.'s) a0 enero Avawamb giciciseesmtaos Avena, iixin stesso Avenstoke ..... 688 Aventia Gg. sjc/sa yi Dile Avene. scree Oe * Owasco Design Avera Averett Averill Avers Avesta Avignon Avilla’ & fc citiem ae AVOCA: “pc ealsciee AVOl vires Avondale eeoeeeeone eee ee eee eeoreeeeee eoeoeeesee eeeeeeee eccsecesr Avonmore .....- Axis Axtell Ayden Aydlett Ayers” Jak Aylesbury Aylesford eeeeeee oor eee eeee sisi tus ere «thats s.onereie Moo Anon oo ES 789 523 eeoeeee Azurea «x, sess e188 Chatauqua ..... Mankato .......- Miami i 2. Mineola ... Oconto rss site stata Onondago-y.c.4s = Pewaukee ...... Saranac = i:cik ei ae Saratoga’ ..6..s% Shawano ...cecee Winnebago .eeoe GARAGES Buick 4. ceeus. se. ane Cunningham .... Dodge sti o Gerster Dortss Prauceieases Duesenberg ..... Earljoe- Essex Flint Ford iss Carat Franklin eeeoeseecees eeeeeeecece ee oooooooocoo Ne NK—NNHK—HhYK WTO De UaAWsI eeveeeee Gray seeeoeeose Hudson... avian « Hupmobile ‘ Jewett)". caver cgecms Vordan tits srecesterar Kissel. Jc\teaaes La Fayette ..... Lincolniinesstean Locomobile ..... Marmon ee es oe oooooooooo NRWYWNKHH—WHhH— | NONNADDBOwWS eeeceeee Maxwell ......%:5 McFarlan Mercer’ si,s00 228 Moon: iia. sraatene Nash Oldsmobile ..... Overland Packard Paige . eoeoees ee ee cooccoocoecKe WONNDN—NN WD —NODWOI0NO Peerless ....... Pierce Arrow.... see ee ere Star occ socks wear Stearns Knight. . Stephen\j.. eae Studebaker ..... Stutz’\.a%. sien Velie a eas oa ek ac oooooesosocfo B=ONNNN—HN SO—K—DROOROS Westcott .......1022 Willys Knight. ..1024 Winton ... 021 eeeee For practically every risk a contractor takes there is a Hartford policy The Hartford Fire Insurance Company writes: Builders Risk Insurance Rain Insurance Automobile Insurance Rent Insurance Business Interruption Insurance Riot and Civil Commotion Insurance Earthquake Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Insurance Explosion Insurance Windstorm Insurance Flood Insurance Merchandise in ‘Transit Insurance The Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company writes: Accident and Health Insurance Workman’s Compensation Insurance Automobile Insurance Forgery & Check Alteration Insurance Burglary and Theft Insurance All Kinds of Liability Insurance (And Draft Horses and Mules may be Fidelity and Surety Bonds insured in the Hartford Live Stock Plate Glass Insurance Insurance Company) There is a Hartford agent near you. He will see that you are properly protected. Write us if you wish to know his name. The Hartford has insured the property owners of America since 1510. js HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, CONN. Write for our booklet “The Hartford’s Answer” It tells about our free engineering service ate oF ae sai i : 1 te . ) AS cies Serf. aly, Atele. LF pind an * alata Cais, “tols : s * a) My * ge aries eye i Oe, poe Res Settee y ie ins > 5 io ie ake 0 is iy sah nd eS OSH wens t} * ‘ as * eo cist Corey Eales leh as Ae . wfet Bibs ota ne be ry Sota prelate? a! vatene ter fe ot aes, Hee Sy aerate 4. eee