A eae ON VIEW DAY AND EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK | FROM FRIDAY, JANUARY 12rn, 1906 UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE THE ART COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE HEBER R. BISHOP EXECUTORS’ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF JANUARY 177TH 18TH, 19TH, 20TH, 22ND, 28RD, 24TH, 25TH, 26TH, AND 27TH, AND EVENINGS OF JANUARY ; 22ND AND 28RD AND AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON. THE EVENING OF FRIDAY, JANUARY 19TH CATALOGUE OF THE ART COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE HEBER R. BISHOP NEW YORK EDITED. BY THOMAS E. KIRBY THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS, BEGINNING JANUARY 17TH, 1906 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION NEW YORK 1906 rere ORDER OF SALE EVENING SESSIONS ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19rx, 1906 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL, Fortieth Street, East of Broadway, beginning promptly at 8.15 o’clock. THE VALUABLE PAINTINGS, Catalogue Nos. 1 to 86 inclusive. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22np AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Madison Square South, promptly at 8 o’clock, ANTIQUE JAPANESE AND CHINESE KAKEMONOS AND PANELS. Catalogue Nos. 2725 to 2879 inclusive. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23rp AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Madison Square South, promptly at 8 o'clock, ANTIQUE JAPANESE AND CHINESE BOOKS AND EUROPEAN ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. Catalogue Nos. 2880 to 3007 inclusive. AFTERNOON SESSIONS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 171TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, promptly at 2.30 o’clock. JAP- ANESE SWORD GUARDS (TSUBA), KNIFE HANDLES, SWORD MOUNTS AND CABINET COLLECTIONS OF EXTRAORDINARY EX- AMPLES OF METAL WORK. Catalogue Nos. 1 to 274 inclusive. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 18rx AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, at 2.30 o’clock. IMPORTANT JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN IVORY CARVINGS, IVORY AND WOOD NETSUKES. Catalogue Nos. 275 to 550 inclusive. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 197TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at 2.30 o'clock. CHINESE JADE, GLASS, ANTIQUE JAPANESE TOBACCO POUCHES, PIPES AND PIPE CASES AND MISCELLANEOUS CABI- NET OBJECTS. Catalogue Nos. 551 to 831 inclusive. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 20rH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Madison Square South, begin- ning promptly at 2.30 o’clock, BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE CHINESE POR- CELAINS, DECORATED BLUE AND WHITE SOFT PASTH AND CELADON SPECIMENS. Catalogue Nos. 832 to 1111 inclusive. MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 22np AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at 2.30 o'clock, SUPERB JAPANESE LACQUERS AND INROS. Catalogue Nos. 1112 to 1408 inclusive. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 23rp AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at 2.30 o'clock, BOWLS, ANTIQUE SUPERB JAPANESE 1 AND INROS. Catalogue Nos. 1409 to 1664 inclusive. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 247H AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at 2.30 o'clock... VERY FINE ANTIQUE CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES. Catalogue Nos. 1665 to 1935 inclusive. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 257H AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at_ 2.30 o'clock, REMARKABLE ANTIQUE CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES and ARTICULATED IRON WORK, ANTIQUE CLOISONNE ENAMELS AND CHAMPLEVE. Catalogue Nos. 1936 to 2195 inclusive. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 267TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at 2.30 o'clock. ANTIQUE JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN ARMS AND AR- MOR. Catalogue Nos. 2196 to 2490 inclusive. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27ru AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, beginning promptly at 2,30 o'clock, SUMPTUOUS ANTIQUE CHINESE AND JAPANESE COS- TUMES AND PALACE HANGINGS, ANTIQUE CHINESE CARPETS, ART FURNITURE AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. Catalogue Nos. 2492 to 2724 inclusive. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judg- ment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk: within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or othernise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned mill not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they mill be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7%. Upon failure to comply mith the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale. without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected mith the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tun AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacezs THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcrioneEr. A AKE, eee Game Game - BOUGHTON, Grorce Henry, R. AS — FS Si A Bit of Blue and White BOUGUEREAU, Wiitam Avo.pne, The Pet Bird BRETON, Emme ADELARD, Landscape Chace oe ore Meat _ CATALOGUE NUMBERS ~ 59 64 80 33 43 42 69 45 BROZIK, VacsLAV VON, The Uncle’s Visit BRUCK-LAJOS, Louts, The Young Savoyard CAFFERTY, James H., N.A., A Roundhead CASANOVA y ESTORACH, Antonio, The Connoisseur CHARLEMONT, Evovarp, Out for a Walk CHURCH, Frepericx E., N.A., Morning in the Tropics CLAYS, Pavut JEan, On the Zuyder Zee COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE, Ville d@ Avray—Morning DEFREGGER, Franz von, A Bavarian Pedagogue A Bavarian Peasant DEGAS, Himarre Germain Enpecarp, The Dancers. DE NEUVILLE, ALPHONSE M., A Soldier A Corporal of Infantry A French Soldier The Sergeant Major The Attack Officers Reconnoitring DE PENNE, Cuarues O1ivier, A Group of Dogs Black and Tan Hounds are _ CATALOGUE NUMBERS DETAILLE, J. B. Epovarp, The General Guide 19 Camp Scene 25 ‘ DIAZ, Narcisse Vircitez, Flora, . 84 DOMINGO, José, The Reconnoissance 5 DUPRAY, Henn Louis, Grand Mancuvres 22 An Accident at the Manceuvres 29 DUPRE, Juries. Landscape 28 GAUBAULT, A., Plans 56 Despatches 57 GELIBERT, JuLES BERTRAND, At the Rendezvous 19 GIFFORD, Sanrorp R., N.A., Italian Landscape 3 GRUTZNER, Epvano, Trio in the Monastery 83 HAGELSTEIN, Paut, The Little Flower Girl 65 HAMMAN, Enovanp, Hesitation 39 HEILBUTH, F ERDINAND, Contemplation. 70 HERZOG, Hermany, A Mountain Stream and Mill 82 ISRAELS, Joszr, The eFSIDR Tide JOHN STONE, H. J., On the River Goulborn, Victoria, Australia A Backwater of the River Murray, South Australia 52 A Backwater of the River Murray, South shew . a Australia OR se KNAUS, Lupwic, aes Child’s Head . a Te Girl’s Head 14 b8as: The Chimney Sweep 26 KNIGHT, Danrex Ripeway, Haying Time—Scene near Poissy: the country ‘ seat of Meissonier 60. : KOWALSKI, Atrrep von Wienrvsz, é On the Road to the Hunt. 3 5 62 'LAGYE, Vicror, The Historiographer . 48 LAMBINET, Emre, Landscape ) 63 LEYENDECKER, Pavt, An Old Roman ; 20 MAX, Gasriet, Raising of Jairus’ Daughter 58 MERLE, Hvucvues, Mother and Child fe The First Lesson 10 MICAS, Mute. Jeanne, Sheep in the Highlands 35 CATALOGUE SERRE 78 61 17 55 47 16 Divers a1 . ¥ 44 5 RO he EAU, Parecrer Ty. - Ca : ‘The Heron and the Snail : 13 :; -The Cock and the Je 74 7 eet. FERDINAND, ef cae The Standard Bearer 67 _ SCHREYER, Avot, 7 ra ; Bulgarian Smugglers — : 75 TROYON, ConsTANT, 7 | Sheep at Pasture 30 Jae Oak and Cattle aires aU) UNKNOWN, . Dogs and Game fide VERNET, ANTOINE Cuartes Horace (called Carte), A Roman Triumph | 86 VOLTZ, rane Boree Time. © | WAHLBERG, eMee eMai an: on the Fiord “WALKER, J. Nee Me es eee The Outposts ; a ae 7 dee WEEKS, Epwin Lorp, ie 5 A Halt at the Foti - ip ‘¥ ao JANUARY 19rx, 1906 No. 1 = BENJAMIN BLAKE Qi a ¥ - a oy ENGLISH —1830 aL Pac is BRACE of ducks, a string of onions and ' large hare oe hang from a beam in a larder or kitchen just above a = heavy wooden table, on which stands an earthen jug and a drinking cup. The group is in a strong light, relieved against the sober gray tones of the interior. On the left is a latticed window showing foliage through the leaded ieegiass, y Shea at the lower right, B. Buiaxr, 1829. Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. >" BENJAMIN BLAKE ENGLISH —1830 GAME ff £3 A LARGE gray heron, a brace of quail and a wood duck are arranged together with two bottles on a carved oak table. In the background under a stone arch. is a niche with flasks and various other objects. Signed at the lower right, B. Buaxe, 1829. Height, 7% inches; length, 10 inches. No. 3 SANFORD R. GIFFORD, N.A. AMERICAN ~* ae Q. ‘ 7 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Tus is a wide view over the Roman Campagna, with a lofty, rugged elevation on the left crowned with the towers and roofs of a large town. On the right in the immediate foreground is a sunlit path, winding between two rows of trees, with a group of peasant women in gay costumes. The sun, near the horizon, shines full upon the landseape, © the strong light reflected in a. sinuous stream in the fore- ground and veiling the distance in a soft, warm haze. Signed at the lower right, S. R. Grrrorp, ’69. Height, 7 inches; length, 13 inches. OUT FOR A WALK - L C3 No. 4 EDOUARD CHARLEMONT FRENCH 1848— A DoutcH gentleman dressed in full black costume of the early seventeenth century, with short ample cloak and broad-brimmed hat, black silk breeches and stockings, is just about to leave his residence for his daily promenade. Behind him is a red-painted wooden staircase, winding up to the left, and on the right the panels of a partly opened door. Signed at the lower right, E. CuHartemont, 1881. Height, 7% inches; width, 4% inches. No. 5 6 ¢ JOSE DOMINGO SPANISH 1843— THE RECONNOISSANCE of, Ie Yale A LITTLE incident of one of the Napoleonic canfpaigns. A general mounted on a sturdy white horse, and followed by two officers of his staff, is riding over a rough rolling coun- try. Beyond the group is a line of grass-covered hills, with a suggestion here and there of a battle in progress. 'The sky is covered with white clouds, mingling with the smoke from the guns. Signed at the lower right, Domrnco, Paris, 1880. Height, 4% inches; length, 10 inches. From Durann-Rvtt, Paris, 1881. | i ia anaIN a oe Ae Carer ahaa (Fg ty 1M pcre RS A, oe Se A Ci WED) ge Cle aay Amr ee ae ere ee a No. 6 ce ‘ JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH 1840—1904 9 Pe tharin \ “THE VALET DE CHAMBRE .A SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY house-servant in a rich livery of — velvet, with a leather jerkin and broad ruff, stands at the foot of a staircase holding an earthen ewer and basin. On the right is a pilaster with painted decorations, and on the left a group of still life arranged on a tabouret under a striped curtain. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Vinert, 1870. Height, 5 inches; width, 3% inches. NOs: 6 « HUGUES MERLE FRENCH ee Deena td MOTHER=AND CHILD A youne mother, suckling an infant a few months old, is seated facing the spectator. She clasps, in both arms, the naked child, and gazes at it with a rapt expression of moth- erly love. Her white chemise has partly fallen from her shoulders, disclosing a shapely neck and bust. The lower part of her figure is draped in a blue petticoat and yellow overskirt. The little group is relieved against a warm gray background. ue Nee Signed at the left, HMrrte, 1865. Height, 9% inches; width, 74% inches. No. 8 a —— ———— —— — . RAMS WEY pees entaetaee aR ere Tae oie P ave 1 = Ni ns it a p- 5 ee we CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE I D- FRENCH | 1831—1897 A | . +°* A GROUP OF DOGS dw eal to. Four sporting dogs, three of them spotted black, white and gray, are grouped together on a bit of rough ground in an open landscape, all intent on some interesting action or watching an object near at hand. The group is in full sunlight and in strong contrast of light and shade. In the distance on the right is a line of arid hills which form the horizon, and on the left behind the dogs is a straggling clump of bushes. Signed at the lower right, Dz PENNE. Height, 9 inches; length, 13 inches. From M. Bernuetm, Paris, 1881. | Fai No. 9 p ft JOSE BENLLIURE 3+ - SPANISH 1858— *s.*THE SWASHBUCKLER x 4 ls : _A ROYSTERING man-at-arms in a seventeenth-century cos- tume, with buff coat, riding boots and broad gray hat, | stands with legs wide apart, as if he might possibly have H dined too well, holding a pipe in his left hand and support- | ing his right hand on his hip. A blue silk sash is knotted around his chest, and a bandolier hangs under the right arm. Behind him is the arched entrance to a courtyard, and, on the right, a carved stone doorway with an iron-studded door. Signed at the lower left, J. Benuirore. Height, 8 inches; width, 5 inches. From Martrx Cotnacui, London, 1881. >’ No. 10 HUGUES MERLE FRENCH 1823—1881 THE frst ‘LESSON kK). O Mlle A youne girl, in peasant dress of blue bodice over a white chemise and wine-colored petticoat, holds in her lap her little baby brother, to whom she is endeavoring to teach his letters from a crumpled book. The child evidently resents serious study, and is on the point of bursting into tears. In the background is a window opening, with a pot of red carnations. . Signed at the lower right, Hucurs Mere. Height, 9% inches; width, 7% inches. No. 11 LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN 1829— CHILD’S HEAD Thue : ~~ A HALF life-size study of the head of a child of five or six years of age. The face is framed by a mass of curly brown hair. Around the neck is a full linen ruffle, contrasting with the tones of the flesh and the green of a silk frock. The head is seen in three-quarters view, slightly inclined to the left, and the brown eyes look straight out of the picture. The background is a simple tone of warm brown. Signed at the upper right, L. Knaus. Height, 10% inches; width, 8 inches. From Honratu & Von Barrie, Berlin, 1881. No. 12 F 00> ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH { ; ee. ee Cont S* a? ois] Cotte & eal . 8 baat’ : . jut THE CONNOISSEUR 4.8 ; 6 bu AN old Capuchin monk, in ragged Pe tnente: is eG. on a sherry cask in a wine cellar in a very jolly frame of mind. He holds a quaint decanter with a long spout, from which he skilfully directs a thin stream of wine into his open mouth. Hngaged in this pleasant diversion he has quite forgotten that the open spigot is filling to overflowing a second decanter beneath the wine cask. Signed at the lower left, Awro Casanova y Estoracu, Paris, 1881. Height, 10% inches; width, 81% inches. From M. Kwnorepter & Co., New York, 1881. UK. 358t No. 138 HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGARD DEGAS 5 FRENCH 1834— THE DANCERS | oS , Pastel 1 oon (Sa Ture ballet girls, in richly colored dresses, and with their hair hanging down their backs, stand in the wings of a theatre preparatory to making their entrance. The back- ground represents the twisted forms of trees and moun- tain scenery. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. Height, 11 inches; width, 10 inches. - From Arnot & Tripp, Paris, 1881. No. 14 LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN . = BS e 1829— ve ap i GIRL’S HEAD © aie ] | i . " . Tuts is a*Study of a vivacious young girl in the costume of the eighteenth century. The head is in three-quarters view, ; and turned over the left shoulder, which is seen in profile She wears a striped brocade Watteau gown, with a narrow ruff around the throat and a wine-colored ribbon in her wavy brown hair. The background is a graded tone of gray. Signed at the lower left, L. Knaus, 1881, Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches. From S. P. Avery, New York, 1881. go0° : No. 15 eg - ALPHONSE M. DE NEUVIT;L “4 FRENCH Bi: a 85 mn eal A SOLDIER aw tnd Pot, VE A srupy of a young inf ae yman Ae on his rifle and L holding a cigarette in his left hand. He is seen in three- quarters view, his back turned toward the spectator, dis- playing his miscellaneous burden of a blanket roll, cooking kettle, water bottle, haversack and ammunition pouch. Signed at the lower left, A. pe Neuvitte, 1878. eee iil Height, 11% inches; width, 6% inches. From M. Bernuetm, Paris, 1881. No. 16 BNI LEON RICHET | 5 Pet non FRENCH 4) a NEAR FONTAINEBLEAU di UC 2. A Group of trees in the middle distance, surrounding ar roofed cottage, is the chief feature of the composition. On “the left is seen in the distance a village and a line of low hills beyond. A country road winds out of the flat meadow in the foreground, which is entirely in shadow. A strong gleam of sunlight touches the cottage, the meadow and a pool in the middle distance, near which is seated the figure of a peasant woman. Signed at the lower left, L. Ricuer, °72. Height, 12% inches; length, 18 inches. From M. Knorpter & Co., New York, 1881. MK. 3531 No. 17 | io | f LO CARL THEODOR VON PILOTY i. GERMAN 1826—1886 AAD Y READING 7 PLEe’ a (2, A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young patrician lady, in six- teenth-century costume of white, embroidered in gold. She has sought the seclusion of a shady nook in the garden to read a favorite book of poems, which she holds in her right hand. Her long fair hair, brushed back over the ears, falls loosely over her shoulders, and in her extended left hand _ she holds a crimson carnation. Signed at the lower left, C. Pizory. a Height, 11% inches; width, 6% inches. 183 * 1885 A* oF INFANTRY No. 18 : ALPHONSE M. DE NEUVILLE FRENCH © “on A FULL-LENGTH figure of a hirsute soldier, who, judging from his two medals and the service stripes on his arm, has experienced at least two campaigns. He is dressed in © a shako with red, white and blue pompon, a blue double- breasted greatcoat with red epaulettes, loose red trousers and linen gaiters. He carries his chassepot at right shoul- der shift, and stands at ease, resting his weight on his right leg. Signed at the lower left, A. p—E Neruvitie, 1877. _ Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. From Arnow & Tripp, Paris, 1881. es Pete No. 19 JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE i se FRENCH Nw Cadet dye ~ THE GENERAL GUIDE sist ye AA RED-BEARDED sapper in dark blue and black uniform, with clumsy knapsack piled high with kettle and tent poles, stands in profile, holding his musket upside down in the attitude of present arms. He is evidently acting as guide for the manceuvres of a large detachment of infantry which is seen approaching from a distance. Signed at the lower left, E. Drevattix, 1875. Height, 10% inches; width, 5% inches. From M. Knoepter & Co., New York, 1881. No. 20 GERMAN a Contemporary PAUL LEYENDECKER | YO oe “535-.8'\ * AN OLD ROMAN Vie je Ce A PATRICIAN gentleman of ancient Ronie, dressed in a ric tunic of soft gray material and an ample blue toga with ii colored border, stands in an attitude of contemplation on fi the Street of Tombs, apparently in mournful meditation suggested by a funereal urn standing on a tomb near by. i In the distance are various mausoleums under a rank of tall ii cypresses, and the figure of a mourning woman in purple i mantle is seen leaning on a marble sarcophagus, on which she has placed an earthen jar with the ashes of the one she ; mourns. The sky, against which the figure of the man, is in strong relief, is covered with a luminous haze which casts i shadows towards the foreground. Signed at the lower left, Pavut Leyenpvecxen, 1879. Height, 131% inches; width, 10 inches. \ | te | No. 21 a2 JAMES H. CAFFERTY, N.A. : * AMERICAN v3 1819—1869 A ROUNDHEAD ne ah) Ons of Cromwell’s devout followers is seated, apparentfy in a church, with head uncovered, holding a Bible in both hands, which he is engaged in reading with close attention. He wears a leather-colored jerkin and a polished steel breastplate. His gray hair is closely cut, and his mustache and beard are trimmed a la Van Dyke. Signed at the lower right, JACAFFERTY, 1868. Height, 12 inches; width, 9% imches. aw No. 22 HENRI LOUIS DUPRAY FRENCH 1841— | < : » GRAND MANG:UVRES Waly Phaeee if: THE commanding general of the French army, accom- panied by his staff and the various military attachés from ae other countries, is standing in an open field by a country = roadside, conversing with the officers. On the right an aide gallops up with a report on the movements of the troops. On the left a few persons are assembled in the roadway, ‘and in the distance, among the trees and wooded hills, are seen here and there puffs of smoke, showing that a mock battle is in progress. The Oe. is nearly covered with soft gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, H. Dupray, 1881. oa Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches. From Arnotp & Tripp, Paris, 1881. No. 238 C. WALTER VERSCHUUR DUTCH 1812—A874 A. STABLE INTERIOW Cr: : A DRIVER has brought in a pair of horses for rest and fod- der. One of them, a sturdy black animal, quietly stands at the rack, but the other one, white with black legs, tail and mane, has not lost its high spirits, and is rearing and pran- cing in spite of the efforts of the driver. On the right is a boy with a donkey. A few hens seek their food here and there on the stable floor, and on the upper left is a window opening in the wall, through which is seen a small area of sunlit sky and branches of trees. Signed at the lower right, C. W. Verscuuur, Ft. Height, 13% inches; length, 18% inches. ar |" uso 4 ma yh. FY 5 ’ 7 itp fn pas FRENCH ‘A FRENCH SOLDIER A FULL-LENGTH study of a Frenc AA Letne in full _ face, holding his musket with its long sabre bayonet in the No. 24 ALPHONSE M. DE NEUVILLE Ss al FRENCH 1836—1885 DD he es ee crook of his left arm while he is engaged in lighting his short clay pipe. He is dressed in a loose blue greatcoat with red epaulettes, full red trousers, linen gaiters, and wears © _ his somewhat battered kepi jauntily on the back of his head. On the ground beside him is his knapsack and his haversack partly open, oe a cut loaf of coarse brown bread. . Signed at the lower left, A. pp Nevuvii1e, 1876. Height, 12 inches; width, 8% inches. From M. Bernuetm, Paris, 1881. JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE 1848— GAMP SCENE )\\ Anny I Tuis illustrates a little instance of camp life oftén seen in any army in the field. A camp barber is engaged in remov- ing the stubble from the chin of a young subaltern, while his companion, half seated on a military chest close by, en- livens the tedium of the operation by his conversation. In the foreground are various metal utensils and a cartridge box. In the distance is a mass of men engaged in various occupations of camp life. Signed at the lower left, Epovarp DetaiL1E, 8bre, 1876. Height, 13% inches; width, 10% inches. From M. Knoentrr & Co., New York, 1881. 300 oe oe, - (en 3 q ou “ya 1829— 2 z Q va a 4 ee ee No. 26 oe _. ~LUDWIG KNAUS © me GERMAN THE CHIMNEY SWEEP A YOUNG chimney sweep, evidently elated a nace fin- ished a difficult job, is hurrying along the street bearing the various implements of his calling, brushes, rods, rough | branches and the like. His head is swathed with black cloths, and his ragged costume is, naturally, the color of soot. The background is a rough plaster wall, and on the left is an overturned basket filled with straw and chaff. Signed at the lower right, L. Kwaus, 1880. Height, 164% inches; width, 12 inches. — From M. Knorvurr & Co., New York, 1882. © MK AGS No. 27 CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE | FRENCH 1831—1897 th. (pe. a BLACK AND TAN HOUNDS In the foreground is a group of four bloodhounds, three standing up and one lying down. In the full sunlight be- hind them is a group of trees and bushes with dense foli- age, growing out of a low bank covered with weeds and flowers, and on the right beyond, in the distance, is a sunlit meadow bounded by irregular clusters of trees. Signed at the lower left, Dr Penne. ) Height, 16 inches; width, 11% inches. No. 28 VASULES DUPRE FRENCH * { ey ¥) U * 1812—1889 LANDSCAPE St On the left is a group of stately trees rising out of the sedgy low shore of a large pool of water, which extends across the foreground to the right. A few cattle are drink- ing in the middle distance, and beyond them is a level sun- lit meadow with a hillside and clumps of trees beyond. The sky is filled with turbulent rolling clouds, strongly illumi- - nated by sunlight. . Signed at the lower left, Jures Durrk. Height, 13 pe cl length, 19% inches. From Arvotp & Ria tex: Pari 18, 1881. No. 29 HENRI LOUIS DUPRAY: FRENCH “Praa Prveee'V/ enter AN ACCIDENT AT THE Pngeee Vag _ Iw the foreground is a group of officers and cavalrymen alted for a moment on account of a loose shoe on the hind foot of pe, of the horses: The farrier and an orderly are engaged in this operation, havi ing deposited their helmets and accoutrements on the grass, and one of them holds the horse’s foot in his hand while the other stands ready to f fasten the nails. On the left of the group is a stream bor- dered with pollard willows, and on the right, extending f even to the extreme distance where all forms are lost in the | summer haze, are large masses of cavalrymen apparently executing field manoeuvres. The sky is partly covered with eumuli. Signed at the lower left, H. Durray, 1881. Height, 12% inches; length, 18 inches. From Arnot & Tripp, Paris, 1881. “ * > de yale Pr CONSTANT TROYON qr 7 FRENCH oo 1810-—$865 a | ak SSM , eae J SHEEP AT PASTURE 7 er 4 In the foreground is a ewe and a half-grown lamb stand- ing in full sunlight in a pasture. Beyond, in the middle dis- tance, are seen other sheep resting in the pasture. Signed at the lower left, C. Troyon. Height, 134% inches; length, 18 inches. From M. Knoeprrer & Co., New York, 1882. MEH OW am | e _ No. 31 a Me, ile ot Wile be cE ites FRANZ VON DEFREGGER er GERMAN 4 STE Pee V2 fe A BAVARIAN PEDAGOGUE A LIFE-SIZE study of a Bavarian type of pedagogue. Ba face is in three-quarters view, the eyes wide open and turned to the left. He wears a black silk smoking cap and high stock, and holds in the corner of his mouth the orna- mented stem of a long pipe. The face, with the exception of a gray mustache, is clean shaven, and from beneath the closely fitting cap are straggling locks of gray hair. Signed at the upper left, F. Drrreccrr, 81. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. © No. 82 si a aie ia a *® JOSEF ISRAELS od of Ee a\al Bx DUTCH | in a. 1824— | : a oN ) id THE RISING -TIDE™ boy rw A YOUNG peasant boy, carrying his little sister pick/- back, is wading in the shallow water along a flat be his trousers are rolled up high on his thighs, and the water reaches almost to his knees. The light falls strongly upon the figures from the zenith, diffused somewhat by thin clouds which cover the sky, and the shadows are full of warm reflections. Beyond the group is seen a wide expanse of the North Sea, with a suggestion of lazily tumbling waves, and in the far distance on the left is a single fishing- boat, half lost in the summer mist which hangs over the water. Signed at the lower left, Joser Israrts. Height, 16% inches; width, 11% inches. - From M. Kwnoepirr & Co., New York, 1882. j | } y.K 4038 No. 33 ; & Q. BECKER {| \ ; GERMAN : ¢- SORT ONS: _ €ontem “e A | a") S39 . a OLD WOMAN’S HE A srupy, nearly life-size, of an old woman's head, in three- quarters view to the left. The face is framed by the soft fur trimming of a black cap and a green mantle, which is | thrown around her shoulders. She has an earring in the lobe of her ear, and wears a tightly buttoned black jacket, with a standing white collar. Signed at the middle right, (Becker. Height, 15 inches; width, 1114 inches. From S. P. Avery, New York, 1882. fae a ere yt Q: % oe } Y: 4 \« No. 34 a a wv NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ ae Bic. PENA aM J 4 FRENCH 1807—1876 Y a q | SHEEP IN THEY HIGHLANDS On a high gr assy plateau, where here and there flat ledges of rock appear among the verdure, a flock of black and white sheep, with half-grown lambs, is drowsily resting in the sunlight. In the middle distance the plateau abruptly terminates in a horizontal line, and beyond is seen a rank of distant hills, with a sky nearly covered by gray clouds. Signed at the lower left, JEANNE Micas, 1880. Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches. From M. Kwnorprer & Co., New York, 1882. MK Hed aes Cet No. 36 a . w co \s J. A. WALKER r | 7 Ov FRENCH _ Contemporary THE OUTPOSTS vA Ly ipa PH a y Two videttes are stationed at the extrerfyfe edge’of a wood, where they have tethered their two horses to a stake. Both . soldiers are dismounted, and one is seated on a low bank, | near a small fire, in the immediate foreground, a picture : of patient misery. Beyond the horses stands the second sol- dier, attentively watching the murky distance. The ground , is covered with snow, and the cloudy sky threatens a snow- | storm. | Signed at the lower left, J. A. WALKER. | Height, 19 inches; length, 25% inches. From M. Knoeprer & Co., New York, 1881. mek 26ées a. : No. 37 id 0 0° | JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT | { Me FRENCH | 1796—1874 ne tl, VILLE .D’AVRAY—MORNING ‘On the left, growing from the low bank of a broad sheet ‘of water, is a large clump of willows and birches, and nearby a man is poling his skiff into deep water. In the dis- tance is seen a level tract of country, with here and there houses and trees which form the low horizon. The broad expanse of sky is covered with soft thin clouds, diffusing the strong sunlight over the whole landscape. Signed at the lower left, Coror. Height, 161% inches; length, 20% inches. From the Jonn Wotre Correction, New York, April 6, 1882. ees FU KS ~ ee * yale : No. 38 EO ‘ 7 <2 a oor ALPHONSE M. DE NEUVILLE FRENCH | yo, 7 * 1836—1885 | bet Ae a Ti STE MAJOR Sia ae A DETACHMENT of infantry has halted on a turn in a rough road near low hills, apparently waiting for orders. In the foreground stands a sturdy young sergeant major, lean-. ing on a stick, and nervously playing with the tassel of his sword hilt. Beyond, and along the roadside, the men lounge and sit, and two officers on horseback talk earnestly of the situation. In the distance is a row of low hills cov- © ered with cultivated fields, and above a soft-toned sky ae gesting early autumn. Signed at the lower right, A. pe Nevvii1e, 1882. . Re Heighf, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. From M. Knorprer & Co., New York, 1882. MK 28of | No. 39 EDOUARD HAMMAN BELGIAN ; — é (> HESITATION : f A young lady in early eighteenth-century costume of blue — shot silk bodice and overskirt, pale satin petticoat and full - loose sleeves, and a short black silk cape with hood over her shoulders, stands with her hand on the knob of a door, hesi- tating whether she shall enter or not. The figure is relieved against a tapestry background. Signed at the lower right, Ep. Hamman. Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. - FR Shh CONSTANT TROYON — — FRENCH 1810—1865 LANDSCAPE AND curr Werredler THIs is a view across a broad, shallow stream in a pleasant farming country. On either side of the foreground are clumps of bushes growing on steep sandy banks, and be- tween them is a rippling stream, in which two cows are drinking. A short distance beyond a peasant walks along the shore, apparently to join two companions still farther away. A line of moderate-sized hills forms the horizon, and above is a summer sky with the light concentrated on a low line of cumuli. Signed at the lower left, C. Troyon. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. From H. Brame, Paris, 1881. : ef MTA 5 No. 41 . = ‘ « ¥ , Ags ERANZ-VON DEFREGGER "> “GERMAN i 1835— A BAVARIAN PEASANT A LIFE-SIZE study of the head of an old Bavarian farmer, wearing a broad felt hat turned up at the side, a collarless black coat, scarlet waistcoat and black silk stock around a narrow white collar. The face is in three-quarters view to the right, with the eyes turned slightly to the left. A mass of iron-gray hair falls nearly to his shoulders, and a sparse mustache and beard partly cover the lower part of the face. Signed at the upper left, F. Derreccrr, ’81. Height, 21% inches; width, 15% inches. > No. 40 A Waa, saab “to yt f * A HALE-LENGTH figure of a comely Dutch maiden, seated - covered with a gray haze, and in the horizon are seen the a | , jeu? "2 fn eee Hor oe No. 42 GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, RA. AMERICAN 7am N eee f 1834—1905 pac BELO BLUE AND WHITE in the stern of a market boat. She wears an elaborate lace cap fastened with gold pins, a blue and white figured jacket, a deep blue kerchief and an olive-green apron with bib. Her left hand is supported on a huge umbrella with malacea stick and ivory head. A few cabbages lie on the thwart beside her, and other market boats are seen in the distance, each with its load of vegetables. The sky is scattered houses of a village, a line of beach and distant meadows. Signed at the lower left, G. H. Boucuton. Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches. From M. Knorptrer & Co., New York, 1882. No. 43 xX C. BISSCHOP GRACE BEFORE MEAT AN old Dutch peasant woman and her daughter, about to share their frugal evening meal, are seated at a table coy- ered with a white cloth. The old lady clasps her hands and bows her head, while the young woman, who has appar- ently just finished reading from the Bible, is engaged in cutting the bread in a pewter dish. In the foreground on the right is an elaborately painted cradle. The effect of the light is strong and concentrated, accentuating the head and shoulders of the girl and bringing into high relief the head and hands of the mother, and sharply touching here and there the various objects in the picture. Signed at the lower right, Bisscnop. Height, 21 inches; length, 264 inches. From M. Kwnoeprer & Co., New York, 1882. NM. K Zoe S. : “ fe 44 MARTIN RICO SPANISH CAP. MARTIN, MENTONE ~~ A priEasant beach partly covered with verdure sweeps around from the foreground to the left in the middle dis- tance at the foot of a wooded hillside, dotted with villas and pleasant gardens. On the right in the foreground is _a trestle work supporting a pathway and a rustic shelter under a group of trees. A few washerwomen are engaged in their task near a sandy bank, a donkey feeds nearby, and the landscape is enlivened here and there by figures of women and children. The wide expanse of sky is cloudless. Signed at the lower right, Rico. Height, 161% inches; length, 28 inches. From M. Knoeptrer & Co., New York, 1881. M. k 3550- No. 45 FRENCH 5 tepaporay LANDSCAPE ; ic ip THE motive is taken from one of the picturefque valleys in the Ardennes. From under a lofty and steep hill in the dis- tance a small, shallow stream flows down to the left fore- ground. In the middle distance a rough country road crosses the stream over a stone-arched bridge, where a flock of sheep is gathered on their way to the fold. On the left, in the foreground, a rough, wooded hillside rises out of the picture, and on the right, across the valley, a few slender trees with sparse foliage rise against a distant hill and the sky. The time is early evening, and the sky is flooded with warm light from the sun, which is apparently below the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Eure Breron. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. GO thas Fa EMILE ADELARD BRETON | 47 () 6 kt \ PRS QY 4 '1836—1885 .¥ Sa ® Pus \ al \s* . a ALPHONSE M. DE NEUVILLE ; FRENCH No. 46 THE cece ye di Kartell y A TRUMPETER of hussars, blowing a call, is dashing along at a gallop on a spirited black horse, his sabre and water bottle tossing in the air. Behind him rides a young officer with upraised sword, evidently having just given the order — for the bugle call. On the left are the figures of cavalrymen engaged in close conflict with the enemy. The group is strongly relieved against a sky covered with gray clouds, with the smoke of battle driving along the horizon. Signed at the lower right, A. p—E NEvvitix, 1880. an the 1S “By pe FF: Height, 2% inches ;-dengbhedd2 inches. From M. Kworptrr & Co., New York, 1882. ; ott hae se 1K 3691, HM No. 47 4 WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS AMERICAN 1833—1905 | A BIT OF JERSEY COAST’ d.- y ae Water Color A BROAD expanse of the ocean covered with long lines of waves, which, as they reach the shallow beach, break into masses of foam. On the left the water laps the flat beach in long wavy lines, and shore birds hover about in search of food. On the right, in a passage of light along the horizon, are two or three sailing-vessels. The broad expanse of sky is completely covered with masses of summer clouds. Signed at the lower right, Wm. T. Ricwarps, 1881. Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches. From S. P. Avery, New York, 1881. ; No. 48 te 32> Contemporary (P é THE HISTORIOGRAPHER ae SEATED at a large Gothic desk in a room of the sam§ pe- riod is a young woman in the quaint costume of the time, with laced sleeves and bodice, and a tulle headdress. She _is engaged in attentively examining manuscripts which are scattered over the desk and on the floor. In the background is a hooded fireplace, various shelves with books, a tall buf- fet with cupboard doors, and pewter platters. Signed in the lower middle; V. Lacyx, YX 1870. Height, 22 inches; width, 21 inches. No. 49 I‘RIEDRICH VOLTZ GERMAN 1817—1886 . - HARVEST. TIME 5 4 uaterh THE evening of a pleasant day in harvest time, find the farmers are driving their cattle home and carrying to their barns great loads of grain. In the foreground a large herd of cattle stops to drink at a shallow brook, crossed by a footbridge, on which stands a peasant woman carrying a basket on her head, with a small child by her side. On the left a clump of oak trees rises out of the picture, and on the right is an extent of sunlit country with a busy harvest scene and a roadside shrine. — Signed at the lower right, Friepr. Vourz, 1881. Height, 18 inches; length, 44 inches. From Wimmer & Co., Munich, 1881. | 4 § 0 VICTOR LAGYE ? : BELGIAN a H. J. JOHNSTONE ENGLISH Paiain ” fie % Contemporary ON ‘THE: RIVER GOULBORN, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Own the left of the composition a wide and quiet river sweeps around a point, and is lost in the extreme distance. In the foreground on the right is a tangled mass of trees rising from a low, stony shore, where a few naked natives bathe in the tepid water. The dense jungle which covers the river banks and the atmospheric effect suggest a moist, hot climate. Signed at the lower right, H. J. JoHnsrone. From the Artist. Height, 23% inches; length, 36 inches. No. 51 LEON RICHET FRENCH Contemporary Yr. tL . LANDSCAPE q A sanpy path leads from the distance past a small pool in an open glade, to the foreground, under scattered clumps of sturdy trees. The strong sunlight from the right flecks the rough trunks here and there, illuminates the figure of a peasant woman on the path, touches the autumn foliage in the middle distance and accentuates the grass and trees beyond. The foreground is in shadow, as well as the upper parts of the trees which rise on the right and left of the foreground. Signed at the lower left, Lton Ricuet, 1881. Height, 23 inches; length, 311% inches. No. 52 ff s H. J. JOHNSTONE ye d 0 ENGLISH - we Contemporary yy BACKWATER OF THE ne MURRAY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA ON the left is an irregular river bank, covered with a dense . -and tangled jungle, never disturbed by the touch of civil- ized man. In the foreground on the right, and extending partly across the foreground, is a shallow, quiet river, _ which extends to the extreme distance, where it curves around between two tree-covered points. Water lilies, weeds and fallen branches break the surface of the water in the foreground, and the tree forms along the bank, to- gether with the warm-tinted clouds of a sunset sky, are reflected in innumerable ripples. Signed at the lower left, H. J. Jounstrone. Height, 23% inches; length, 36 inches. From the Artist. rrr No. 53 Rel ALPHONSE M. DE NEUVILL We é | 8 win FRENCH | Vs 4 | 1836—1885 ', i a Ay iy OFFICERS. RECONNOITRING (“ x *.. .« Two officers of Hussars, with their orderlies, have r ae to an advanced position to observe the movements of the enemy, and, leaving their horses in charge of the men, are earnestly studying the distance from the summit of a small knoll. In the immediate foreground a young orderly stands, with sabre in his left hand, holding in his right the bridles of a mottled gray horse and a brown one, the latter only partly visible behind the first. On the right a second soldier, still mounted, holds his companion’s animal. The horizon is formed by a line of low, broken hills, and the bare trunks of slender trees rise against a sky which is accentuated by flecks of light from the setting sun. Signed at the lower left, A. bE Nevuvitte, 1882. Height, 18 inches; length, 24% inches. From M. Kwnoepter & Co., New York, 1882. MK 3¢04. 2) o/ Ne _ ALFRED WAHLBERG No. 54 une SWEDISH KO 1834— 4 MOONLIGHT ON THE FIORD From the left foreground a picturesque water front ex- tends in perspective to the distance on the right. Fisher- men’s cottages, a rude plank walk, fish houses and similar structures occupy every yard of the shore. The moon breaks through the clouds near the zenith, and is reflected in the rippling waters of the harbor in a broad band of light, which extends out of the picture in the foreground. The sky is partly covered with large masses of vapor. Signed at the lower right, Arr. Wan perc, 1882. Height, 25% inches; length, 39. inches. From M. Knoepter & Co., New York, 1882. Rt No. 55 of 9 9 my é A: THEODULE RIBOT FRENCH Uy) 4y 1823—1891 : =e THE GUNMAKER’S APPRENTICE A WORKMAN in his shirt sleeves, with bare arms, holds to his mouth an old muzzle-loading flintlock pistol, appar- ently blowing down it to see if the vent is clear. The light falls upon the figure strongly from the upper left, throw- ing into prominence the head, the right arm and the shoul- der. The background is a deep tone of brown. Signed at the lower right, Riot. Height, 28% inches; width, 23 inches. From Duranv-Rvet, Paris, 1881. ~oo ia Lal - No. 56 A. GAUBAULT ‘ FRENCH % ‘ a «» . * Contemporary fe Plans’ — Fae: ; In the foreground, on a rough field covered with stones and stubble, are two officers engaged in examining a large _plan or a map of the country. They have dismounted from their horses, which are held by orderlies, and behind them, _ Just mounting the hill, is a small escort with an officer. On the left there is a wide view over a valley where a large encampment is seen on a low elevation, partly surrounded by irregular sheets of water. The lower part of the sky is entirely covered by clouds, and a few spots of blue show towards the zenith. | ' Signed on the lower right, A. GAUBAULT. Height, 25% inches; length, 32 inches. From M. Bernueim, Paris, 1881. No. -57 | A. GAUBAULT 4 a FRENCH l 4. S \ Contemporary hi DESPATCHES Panne’ Trnvete % | he hy . d&. MOUNTED offer has just received at the hands of Chasseur d’ Afrique, who has dismounted from his tired steed, a despatch of some importance, and is earnestly con- versing with the messenger. Behind the group stands a de- tachment of infantry, dusty from a long march, and in the extreme distance on the lef't, under a cloudless sky, is a rough hillside, crowned with a fortress around which a battle is raging. The motive is apparently taken from the Algerian campaign. Signed on the lower left, A. GAUBAULT. Height, 25% inches; length, 32 inches. From M. Bernueim, Paris, 1881. Gontens ‘ a STILL LIFE es VE Lnrnw-an— GABRIEL MAX AUSTRIAN 2 i = ~ _ 1840— c RAISING OF JAIRUS’ DAUGHT¢R — “-| In the foreground, swathed in her grave-clothes, is the figure of the young girl extended on a rude couch. She is partly raised to a seated position by the Saviour, who, bending over her, clasps both her extended hands in his. The foreground, with the figure and its accessories, is in a strong effect of light, and in vivid contrast with the gloom of the background, in which the figure of the Saviour is dimly but suggestively visible. High on the wall to the right, over the bier, three flickering lamps send their faint glow upon an archway and a few simple objects. Signed at the lower right, Gas. Max, 1881. Height, 27% inches; length, 34 inches. From Wimmer & Co., Munich, 1881. No. 59 L. ADAM-KUNZ ‘5 GERMAN ‘ A cut watermelon, a pomegranate, walnuts and flowers, a half-opened basket filled with grapes, a silver ewer, a branch of grapevine with leaves and fruit, are arranged _ on a marble table in a strong effect of ight. On the left a piece of purple drapery, on which are a few walnuts, falls 5 over the moulded edge of the marble slab. The background } is a rough wall, with a projecting cornice. 4 Signed at the left, L. Apam-Kunz. - Height, 26% inches; length, 40% inches. From Wimmer & Co., Munich, 1881. le v . : yet ; : | ' : . < No. 60 ft Q_008 DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT sot. AMERICAN 1€ al 1850— ) be. Lao HAYING TIME — SCEN NEAR POISSY: THE COUNTRY SEAT OF MEISSONIER _ Four sturdy peasant girls, dressed in coarse garments, have been cutting with sickles the rank herbage in a field, and are resting from their labors before carrying their burdens to the distant village. The freshly cut grass is gathered in large bundles for convenient handling. A ploughman, seated on his horse, pauses in the road, beyond the group, to talk with one of the girls. On the right, in the distance, is a view over a wide expanse of flat country. _ The sky is filled with soft summer clouds. Signed at the lower right, D. Rweway Kynicut, Paris, 1881. Height, 27% inches; length, 36 inches. From M. Kwnorprer & Co., New York, 1881. i4 3649 No. 61 4 4 JOHN E. C. PETERSON \"| AMERICAN é . Bia hes ay . ; r a ” 5 we 1839—1874 U. S. FRIGATE MONONGAHELA 7 6 On the left, near the foreground, the well-known frigate, under topsails and spanker and jib, is steaming along in a light air through a summer sea. She is apparently about to take a pilot aboard, for a small boat, filled with dark- skinned natives, is just crossing her bow with the intention of boarding her. On the horizon are seen the lofty pinnacles of an immense crag in the warm haze of the southern sky, and on the left is a second frigate, with sails clewed up, steaming along quietly in the wake of the first one. Signed at the lower right, Joun E. C. Pererson, 1869. Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches. waa Pa il > aA a ia eho a ee ee ee i is : ; : oe ae \ a | | | (24 (# age “No. 62 Pops | amr? ALFRED VON WIERUSZ KOWALSKI tee POLIS Xs 1849 ON THE ROAD TO THE HUNT In the foreground, at the fork of a very muddy road, stands a rude wagon drawn by three horses, and sur- rounded by sporting dogs coupled together and attached to the vehicle. A stolid old gentleman, with gun and pipe, and his favorite dog beside him, sits snugly in the straw and hay with which the wagon is filled. Beyond, on the right, his companion is seeking refreshment at a roadside — inn. In the distance are several thatched cottages and a line of low trees beyond a rough, rolling country. The sky is covered with dark gray clouds, with here and -there a reflection from the morning sun. Signed at the lower right, Atrrep v. WieRusz Kowatsk1. Height, 281% inches; length, 47 inches. From M. Knoepier & Co., New York, 1881. Ca a A7-K 39h, No. 63 EMILE LAMBINET FRENCH re 1815—1878 Srrthe. LANDSCAPE . A TYPICAL view of a pleasant French river. On the right is a steep, verdure-covered bank, sloping to a muddy shore, where is moored a rough fishing-boat near a rude pier, on which are seen three peasants, one with a fishing pole. Across the river a rank of poplars.and other trees sur- rounds and shades large farm buildings, and to the right, rising high against a luminous sky, is a densely wooded hill. The sun is high in the heavens, and the light is con- centrated on a brilliant cloud at the top of the picture to the right. Signed at the lower left, Eire LamBINeET, 1875. Height, 29 inches; length, 51 inches. ——— Die sen ate ane ae. oe ead Pte OTe ea x wy ih " Ae > 2 | 14/8 4 penne . : i No. 64 "ys ; Ad a PROFESSOR ALBERT BAUR | (6 AX GERMAN NN ae ee a ia & ‘ A ROMAN BANQUET Tux festival of Bacchus is being celebrated in a Roman house, and grouped around the master, who is crowned with vine leaves, are musicians and attendants. The lord of the feast holds in his lap a golden bowl, into which an African slave is pouring wine from a slender amphora. Nearby are a youth and maiden decked with the emblems of Bacchus, and on the left attendants are bringing viands for the feast. On the right through an opening, where a slave draws aside the curtain, is seen the triclinium, where various revellers are feasting and drinking. Signed at the lower right, Ars. Baur. Height, 29, inches; length, 47 inches. From M. Knoreptrr & Co., New York, 1882. } 7h SESS No. 65 -¥* _ PAUL HAGELSTEIN OY ae! ! | GERMAN pore Contemporary 7) é S Moori- THE LITTLE FLOWER GIRL Near the entrance of a theatre, presumably in Paris, stands a barefooted little girl in a ragged dress, her shoul- ders enveloped in a shawl and her head in a white kerchief. She holds on her left hip a basket of flowers, partly cov- ered by a towel, and in her extended right hand a small bouquet, which she offers to the passer-by. A strong flood of sunlight brings the figure into contrast against the rough wall. Behind her are seen various playbills pasted one above the other. Signed at the lower left, Paut HaGEtste£in. Height, 29% inches; width, 22 inches. ae i ee Ml ne cl nals Won eS oe ee oe ee ee - St By oS gh , a No. 66 AME t- ee | | g LOUIS BRUCK-LAJOS HUNGARIA THE YOUNG SAVOYARD A srupy, nearly life-size, of a roguish-looking young Savoyard in well-worn costume consisting of a sheepskin jacket over velveteen coat and breeches, and a black — steeple-crowned, feather-trimmed hat, which partly shades — his roguish face. In his left hand he holds a half-eaten apple, and his right arm rests upon a basket of the same fruit. In the background is a clump of trees against the summer sky. Signed at the lower left, Briicx-Lagos. Height, 30 inches; width, 23 inches. From M. Kwnoepter & Co., New York, 1882. M.K 7G - No. 67 ey FERDINAND ROYBET FRENCH 1840— NA: 66 3 THE STANDARD BEARER _ A RICHLY dressed standard bearer, of the time of Louis Quatorze, stands holding in his right hand his broad felt hat, and in his left a richly embroidered standard. He is dressed in a white brocaded doublet, girdled with a yellow sash, striped blue breeches, jack boots. Around his neck is a deep ruff, and across his shoulders a broad embroidered band. In the background are various characteristic objects of the time, and in the immediate foreground a few play- ing cards are strewn upon the stone floor. Signed at the lower left, F. Royser. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. From Arnorp & Trirp, Paris, 1881. No. 68 FREDERICK E. CHURCH, N.A. | 5 he AMERICAN Bae 1900 SS pix ™~ a V4 Z rl . MORNING IN THE TROPICS _ EXTENDING across the foreground and sloping up to the left is a grassy bank covered with rich vegetation and crowned by a dense mass of tropical trees. Beyond, and ex- _ tending across the picture to the right, is a placid sheet of _ water with a pleasant wooded island. The lake is bounded on the farther shore by a series of terraced, irregular hills extending to a mountain range in the far distance. The sun has just risen above a bank of thin clouds, and is brilliantly reflected on the waves of the lake, sending a warm glow over the entire landscape. Signed at the lower middle, F. E. Cuprcu, 1872. Height, 30 inches; length, 38% inches. a WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU FRENCH wt 1825—1905 THE PET BIRD (4.42 2 U3 ek, A HALF-LENGTH figure of a fair-haired young girl, who leans on a table, holding her pet bullfinch perched on the forefinger of her left hand. She is dressed in a blue silk gown with low bodice and a diaphanous muslin blouse, tied at the wrists with black ribbons. The background is the wall of a decorated room. No. 69 " : 5 50 Signed at the left, W. Bovucurrrau, 1867. Tleight, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. ‘ 4 ve = a B ~ + ~- = 4 ‘CONTEMPLATION Ea ee A eee Pe Pe eee Pee ee No. 70 FERDINAND. HEILBUTH GERMAN REcuINineG on the bank of a placid stream a fashionably dressed young lady contemplatively gazes at the water. The figure is foreshortened and mostly hidden behind the declivity of the bank, so that only the upper part shows. On the left a stately clump of trees forms a prominent feature in the composition, and beyond, in the extreme dis- tance, a wooded hill suggests a pleasant farming country. The scene is lighted by a soft diffused light from the sky, covered with thin soft summer clouds. Signed at the lower left, f e1LBurE. Height, 361% inches; width, 22 inches. From Arnow & Tripp, Paris, 1881. erkks No. 71 3 ; &@ ¥ LEON RICHET q Bits é FRENCH Contem > | A GN AT: THE WELL ¥ Two young peasant women, in coarse garments and wooden shoes, are drawing water at a well. One of them is pouring water from a metal bucket into an earthen jar; the other, seated on the stone curb, is waiting her turn, Behind the figures is part of a masonry structure protecting the well, and trees and foliage. On the right is a glimpse of a sunlit wheat-field. | Signed at the lower right, Lton Ricuet, 1881. Height, 35 inches; width, 26 inches. From M. Knorptrr & Co., New York, 1882. AQK 3442. 1826 ie 2 hr EDWIN LORD WEEKS ® : Siar AMERICAN RR a Ad, _ A HALT AT THE FOUNTAIN In the foreground near a street fountain are two camels, one with a rider who raises a glazed earthen jar of water to his lips. Standing near are two richly dressed natives, and beyond them a third stoops over to draw water from a fountain. An elaborately carved wooden arch and cor- nice, in Moorish style, dominates the group and casts a deep shadow over the location where the fountain stands. Two storks, with their nest, are seen on the coping of a rough wall which extends across the picture to the right. NGA ke Signed at the lower right, KE. L. Wrrxs, 1881. Height, 39% inches; width, 25 inches, re ee 4 . : P 7 eal a , _ From Duranv-RveEt, Paris, 1881. No. 73 ae * PHILIPPE ROUSSEAU £ d. i FRENCH f C 1816—1887 THE HERON ANIV THE SNAIL A LARGE gray heron, painted the size of life, stands on a muddy shore, holding with one foot a snail shell, which the immense bird is about to attack with its long, pointed beak, illustrating the well-known fable. The background is a broad extent of marshy country, with a sombre sunset sky. Signed at the lower right, Pu. Rousseau. Height, 38 inches; width, 30 inches, From Arnotp & Tripp, Paris, 1851. se ys oie al Pee Pee ) be Fr a 2 RTiewe a ae ee te) eee ren oe oS a Pe en gt cn) ae - ie - 2 . 5 ‘ A MAGNIFICENT specimen of a game-cock, with brilliant No. 74 PHILIPPE ROUSSEAU FRENCH e/!, 1816-1667 ae THE COCK *AND THE EARL plumage, ruddy comb and wattles and iridescent tail feathers, holds in his beak a pearl which he has just taken from an oyster shell, which is half concealed in a pile of straw at the foot of a rough wooden fence. The bird is lighted by a flash of sunlight, which brings the rich colors of his plumage into strong contrast against the gray of the earth, the deep tones of the fence and the cloudy sky beyond. e, Signed at the lower left, Px. RoussEav. Ieight, 374% inches; width, 30 Ke ‘From Arnow & peor Paris, 1881. No. 75 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMA vated ley an BULGARIAN SMUGGLERS On a rough rocky eminence .a*band of Bulgarian smug- glers, with their shaggy, unkempt horses, have halted on one of their unlawful excursions. A strong gale is blow- ing, and the horses are huddled together for shelter, while two of the smugglers are seated on the rocks nearby, in attitudes of patient expectation. On the right of the scene, beyond a pony scrambling breathlessly to the summit, is a- view over a sunlit plain, with a dimly seen collection of buildings, evidently the first frontier town. | Signed at the lower right, Ap. Scureyer. Height, 33% inches; length, 55 inches. From Wititam Scruraus, New York, 1681. ALBERT BIERSTADT AMERI ae \ CAN —areN re =. | _ 1830—1902 O . _ SIERRA NEVADA a b. reba. THE motive of this picture is taken from the range of mountains, near the Pacific Slope, which was the artist’s favorite field of study. In the foreground is a sloping bank with wigwams and Indians, and beyond, a placid sheet of water, surrounded by lofty cliffs. Still farther away im- _ mense crags, with snow-fields and glaciers, rise high among _ the clouds. ea en Signed at the lower right, ABrerstapt, *7}. en hp a pent " , i , ; = Height, 36 inches; length, 54 inches. po No. 77 UNKNOWN = ) A* pocs. AND GAME Ta: A serrer and a pointer are keeping guard over a pile dead game at the foot of a boulder on a rough hillside. Pheasants, partridges, a hare, and a game bag filled with other birds, are piled together in ‘confusion in the fore- ground, and close at hand and behind them sit the two dogs, apparently watching the approaching of their mas- ter. The dogs and birds are natural size. In the upper left- hand corner is a glimpse of landscape with trees in full autumn foliage. Height, 35 inches; length, 59 inches. PO Oe ee Oe ee ee beet ee ae > 2 Bee ir . 4 ih ame . Pt a > * 50 No. 78 . no MIHALY oa ; HUNGARIAN 1846—1903 pelown THE LAST HOURS OF CONDEMNED MAN SEATED at a rude table in a strong dungeon is a Hun- garian peasant, his legs shackled together with a heavy chain, with clenched hands and lowered head, contemplat- “Sa ing his fate. The table, on which two lighted candles are placed, is spread with a white cloth, and beyond, in the gloom of the interior, stands a soldier with musket and — bayonet. In the foreground on the right is a torn book, carelessly thrown upon the floor, and on the left a rough copper dish partly filled with food. . Signed at the lower left, Munxacsy, M. ; Height, 31 inches; length, 39% inches. From S. P. Avery, New York, 1881. nas ‘ No. 79 JULES BERTRAND GELIBERT O U f FRENCH ae ac pM bs od RENDEZVOUS Four couple of hunting dogs are tethered to a tree near the guns and game bags of a hunting party, which have been deposited on a rock by a woodland path. In the back- ground is a tangle of tree trunks and bushes, and a nar- raw strip of sky, broken by branches and foliage, extends across the top of the picture. The foreground is in shade and the dogs in a strong effect of sunlight. Signed at the lower left, Jutrs Gévisert, 1881. Height, 3714, inches; length, 49 inches. From Messrs. Gouri, Paris, 1881. n No. 80 KARL LUDWIG FRIEDRICH BECKER GERMAN 7 1820— / ye ee A HALF-LENGTH, life-sized figure ¢ a dark-haired, blue- eyed maiden, holding with her left hand an inlaid and or- namented Greek harp, the strings of which she touches with the fingers of her right hand. A gold-bordered tunic. is girdled to her waist by a golden strophion, and an em- broidered blue mantle is draped over her left shoulder and arm. A wreath of laurel leaves crowns her mass of rich - brown hair. A double necklace of gold coins and a large ° brooch on either shoulder are the only ornaments she wears. The background is a graded tone of warm brown, and on . the right side is a variegated marble column on a white marble base. Signed at the lower left, K. Becker, 1881. Height, 43% inches; width, 301% inches. / |e | ? & e 1g ! No. 81 BELGIAN S035 DD - ON THE ZUYDER he On the left is a group of three bluff-bowed Dutch freigh boats, and on the right, near a low shore, are similar craft in the middle distance. In the near foreground fishermen in a clumsy boat are casting a seine. It is a calm summer day, and the tones of the sky, the brilliant hues of the sails and the dark masses of the boat hulls are accurately re- | flected in the smooth waters. The horizon is a low strip of land, broken here and there by a distant sail, and a lofty sky full of soft clouds overhangs the landscape. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crays. Height, 30 inches; length, 53 inches. From Arnot & Trip, Paris, 1881. * PAUL JEAN CLAYS : 7 is 0 0 No. 82 HERMANN HERZOG GERM io 1832 /) ae & MOUNTAIN STREAM “AND MILL A NARROW, winding mountain torrent dashes down to the right foreground through rocky banks. On the left is a rude mill, with overshot wheel, and beyond it, among the trees, are cottages standing on the river bank. In the im- mediate foreground is a fisherman and a peasant woman with a child. A lofty sky is partly covered by immense masses of cumuli. | Signed at the lower left, H. Herzoc, 1866. Height, 43 inches; width, 37 inches. No. 83 & EDUARD GRUTZNER GERMAN : 1846— - , TRIO IN THE MONASTERY A rIcH interior of @Dominican monastery, in which are assembled several monks in their characteristic robes. Three of them are engaged in playing from a musical score, sup- ported on a carved lectern, while the others listen with absorbed interest. The group is strongly lighted from a leaded window on the left. The background is a panelled wall, with a carved frieze, two cupboard doors with orna- mental iron work, a shelf with books and other objects, a map and a painted decoration. . Signed at the lower right, Enuarp Grutzner, 1881. Height, 40 inches; width, 364 inches. From K. A. Furriscomann, Munich, 1881. ' ( age No. 84 (ee VACSLAV VON BROZIK 4% 00 AUSTRIAN ; 1852—1901 ; In the rich interior of a seventeenth-century pansion is assembled a family to welcome the visit of a favored and _ apparently wealthy relative. The visitor, in a complete suit of red velvet, sits near a table in earnest conversation with the mother, while the father and the children listen atten- tively. A maiden in a white satin gown brings in a salver with a rich flask of wine and a silver cup. In the back- ground are richly carved cabinets and a tapestry-draped canopy bed. THE UNCLE’S VISIT (RC a Signed at the lower right, \Brozix. Height, 37 inches; length, 55 inches. From M. Kwnorepiter & Co., New York, 1882. c A {) # RIK ae3te No. 85 H. J. JOHNSTONE ENGLISH Contemporary SP . A BACKWATER OF THE RIVER MURRAY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA PaRTLy covering the foreground and extending to the ex- treme distance is a quiet strip of water reflecting a trop- ical, cloudless sky and the trunks and foliage of the trees along its low banks. In the foreground immense trees, showing great age, extend out of the top of the picture, and on the right bushmen are engaged in preparing a meal in the shelter of a rude hut. Signed at the lower right, H. J. Jounsrone, 1881. Height, 48 inches; length, 72 inches. From the Artisv. all ; Ei 7, Hes is ed No. 86 ea 4 ad e- . Be be ut ANTOINE CHARLES HORACE VERNET | : (Called CARLE) ef FRENCH ae) 0. > ZA A ROMAN TRIUMPH THE composition represents the triumph decreed to the Roman General Paulus Aemilius after his successful cam- paign in Macedonia. A long procession, headed by the victorious legionaries guarding the spoils taken from the — conquered and bearing the military insignia of the Mace- donian leaders, is passing along the Via Sacra through monumental arches to the broad approach to the Capitol. On the extreme right of the picture, which contains hun- dreds of figures, is the General himself, in gorgeous robes, seated on a throne on the platform of a golden chariot, — decked in the insignia of Jupiter CApitolinus, and with the figure of a winged Victory holding a wreath of laurel above his head. The chariot is drawn by four prancing white horses, and followed by a crowd of the vanquished, — among them Perseus in mourning robes, who is preceded by his daughter and two sons. Dancing girls, musicians, horsemen and foot soldiers complete the procession. In the background is a range of hills crowned with stately edi- fices, chief among them the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, with its grand approach of a hundred steps. This important picture was found in Kurope by Mr. Bishop some fifteen years ago. Although it was in bad > condition, the subject unrecognizable and the painter un- known, he purchased it and brought it to this country. The remarkable qualities of the painting were disclosed after the canvas was restretched and cleaned, and the discovery of the artist’s signature established its identity as the chef- d’ceuvre of Antoine Charles Horace Vernet, commonly hh a lai 3 , ae ae f ‘ = are ~ x , > F iv ~ sagt tt it aces a or © ee een Sh r 7 . Pia 9 ¢ a ; tee oy ees “ A ual is ne i ia alc nt Jace salen a Sn A i A PI Ea i LI A PO IE BOE ILL. LH _ ¢alled Carle Vernet, the son and pupil of Joseph Vernet. The picture is dated 1789, which is the date of Carle Ver- net’s election to the French Academy in recognition of the superior merits shown in his painting of “The Triumph of Paulus Aemilius.” A study of the composition shows that the artist endeavored to epitomize the events of the =a three days of triumph, one of the most notable events of ___ the kind in the history of Rome, and the only triumph in which its dignity was not marred by the display of booty _ which the soldiers had been permitted to loot from the enemy without restriction or hindrance. The works of art, weapons and insignia brought to Rome by Paulus __ Aemilius were appropriated for the use of the nation and not for private aggrandizement. It will be observed in the picture that the army is represented only by a sufficient - number of soldiers to guard the rich works of art and to carry the captured armor and standards. The hero of the triumph himself bears the eagle-crowned sceptre and “wears the laurel wreath which are the recognized insignia of Jupiter Capitolinus. Immediately behind the chariot are the two sons and the daughter of Perseus, escorted by various chiefs and attendants, and followed closely by the conquered king himself in mourning robes, herded in the crowd like a common captive. The character of the com- position, briefly suggested above, no less than the unusual importance of the picture and the extraordinary qualities of execution, establishes its identity beyond reasonable doubt. Further, no other painting by the artist, illustrat- ing this or a similar subject, is known to exist. Signed at the lower left, Carte Verner, 1789, Height, 50 inches; length, 171 inches. Se ey GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE | fils MGRaS Gey sind a We Naa } ‘ FE i ‘ } r sy + NO f ’ Lies 7 $ 5 f \ : Z ey. q' i hy J sae Nee bic ? y es zs 7 >» i . 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