CATALOGUE ss OR EXECUTRICES’ SALE ENTIRE ELEGANT EFFECTS OF THE LATE _ MRS. MATTHEW ADDY’S _ PRIVATE RESIDENCE No. 2422 Auburn Ave. _ MOUNT AUBURN AT AUCTION _ Monday, June 16th, 1913 - Commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. precisely and continuing until all is sold ON THE PREMISES By Order of L. A. Kinney and R. A. Nave, Executrices Maxwell & Maxwell, Attorneys 8G@"The House will be Open for Inspection Saturday, June 14, from 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Ra Please Preserve this Catalogue for the Inspection and Sale The Ezekiel & Bernheim Co AUCTIONEERS No. 334 Main Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. (No. 1028) TisHAnY i M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK Ny LiKMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE, 1. The highest bidders to be the buyers, and every lot embraced in this Catalogue is to be sold absolutely to the highest bidders without limit or reserve, excepting the Oil Paintings in the Picture Gallery, Lots 131 to 150, which will not be sold below the upset prices placed on them by the Executrices. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid of a nominal or fractional advance which in his judgment would in- juriously affect the sale of any lot. 3. The purchasers are to give their correct names and ad- dresses at time of sale, and to pay a cash deposit of not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) or the whole purchase money, in de- fault of which the lots will be immediately resold. 4. All bills payable in cash immediately after the conclusion of the sale. 5. If any dispute arises between two or more bidders as to the highest or same bid, the lot so in dispute shall immediately be put up again and resold. : 6. The sale of any lot will not be set aside on account of any error in description or imperfection whatever, as the various iots will be exhibited prior to and at time of sale, and will be sold without any allowance, excepting for deficiency in quantity. ?. Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson, wink Portraits: an Plates; Pope’s, Milton’s, Young’s and Longfellow’s Work Hood’s Anecdotes and ne Assorted, 15 Volumes, 12mo. and 8vo. Bric-a-Brac in the Library. Description. Blue and White Tokio Japanese Foray Vase, re inches. high. < Antique Japanese Makuto Pottery Vase, inlaid with gold, and bronze insects, etc., 914 inches high. _ | ¥ mt Austrian Porcelain Tea Pot, Royal Worcester Style. © — Japanese Kioto Koro, richly decorated 1 in gold and colored — , dragons, 14 inches high. | i Royal Worcester Pitcher Vase, yellow ground, incised) decoration in color with gold bronze dragon handle; very it rare piece, 11 inches high, % Austrian Pitcher Vase; Bohemian Glass Medallion Vase; Small Delft Plaque, and Billiken. Some damaged—4 pieces. — Matt Green Pottery Wall Pocket, and Brass Five O” Clock Tea Pot—2 pieces. Gold Bronze Cigar Lighter. Hammered Gold Bronze Card Tray, with bird ortainenen tion. 6 Bk: on 65 Descripticn. Japanese Antique Carved Snuff Box; Japanese ses and Ivory Pipe, and Oriental Ladle—3 pieces. Gold Bronze Table Book Rack, and 4 Books. Small Brass India Ash Trays, and Mother-of-Pearl Paper Cutter—4 pieces. Doulton and Limoges Porcelain Cuspidor—?2 pieces. _ Brush Brass” ee Library Lamp, with Electric Connec- tion, Italian Fayence Pitcher and Brown Porcelain Ash Bowl— 2 pieces. Japanese Satsuma Style, low squat Vase, 8 inches high. Japanese Silvered Dragon Box. Matt Green Tall Pottery Vase, 11 inches high. Silver Bronze Basket and Grape Jardiniere or Flower Vase, 10 inches high, Turkish Inlaid and Mother-of-Pearl Tabourette. Golden Yellow and Bronze Lamp, with Electric Connection. Tiffany Green Bronze Electric Lamp, with Tiffany Glass Dome. : Large Hammered Brass Jardiniere, with Lion’s Head and Ring Handles. “Mahogany Tripod Tabourette, with claw feet. Pair richly incised Turkish design Andirons, 22 inches high. Handsome twisted rail Brass Fender, 4 feet 10 inches long. -Fire Gilt and Crystal French Mantel Clock, by Duhme & Co., of Cincinnati. Tiffany Bronze and Glass Desk Set; Blotting Pad, Pen Tray, Box and Ink Stand—4 Pieces. Artist’s signed Proof Etching, “The Rendezvous,” by Jules Jacquet, after J. L. E. Meissonier. Water Color, “Lady in Waiting,” by Kuma, 1896. Artist’s Remarque signed Proof Etching, Two Female Figures on a Beach, by Tey Fonnieres, after A. Delobbe. Artist’s signed Proof Etching, ‘“‘The Harvesters,”’ by Robert Maclise. Artist’s signed Proof Etching, “Woodland Scene,” by M. Nimmo Moran. Artist’s signed Proof Etching, “Interior of Cathedral.” Lot. 79 99 100 101 102 Description. Artist’s signed Proof Etching of “The Choir Boys,” by James S. King, after Jennie Brownscombe. Remarque Artist’s signed Proof Etching of Landscape and . Cattle, by James S. King, after William Hart, R. A. Artist’s signed Proof Etching, Landscape and Water Seed by A. J. Bicknell. Photogravure of a ante Holding a Rose. Photogravure of a Lady Sees in Front of a Ruined | Church. Oil Painting, A Harmony in Gray and White, in dark green frame. Hanging Bronze Japanese Corner Lantern. Six Net and Real Lace Curtains, Antique Mahogany Pedestal Round Table, with carved base and feet. Cherry Library Table, Turkish Style, 48x32 inches. French Bronzed Bust of “Ceres,” 29 inches high. Mahogany Turkish Style Pedestal, 40 inches high. Beautiful Sheraton Style Mahogany Writing Desk, with 4 Drawers and 4 Closets, all inlaid with White Holly. Inlaid Mahogany Desk Chair. Natural Mahogany Rocker, with green cushions and brass knobs. ! Antique American Colonial Mahogany Scroll Arm Rocker, upholstered in green haircloth. Elegant Baronial Flemish Oak Large Arm Chair, uphols- tered in red ground floriated tapestry. Large Mahogany Heraldic Upholstered Morris Chair, with claw feet. Large all-over upholstered Turkish Arm Chairs, in green mohair plush, with small Ottoman to match—3 pieces. Massive all-over upholstered Corner Turkish Ottoman, in green worsted velour. Fourteen Assorted Cushions, various kinds. Antique Chinese Hand-made Rug, red ground and blue figures, 8-10 x 5-0. Antique Royal Sennah Rug, odd panel design, with rich border; very rare and valuable, 6-6 x 4-6. Small Fur Rug. Description. Extra heavy Genuine Shirvan Rug, in light blue and varied colors, with fringe at both ends; a very unusual piece, 5-0 x 3-5. Antique Daghestan Shawl Pattern Rug, in various colors, 4-2 x 2-10. Brass Hanging Wall Thermometer. English Velvet Carpet, sage green ground, 56 yards. Pair Tapestry double-door Portieres, in red and gold. The Music Room. Water Color Painting, “The Sailor Boy,” by E. Drummond, — _ London, England, 1881, from the Fanning collection. Water Color Painting, “The Home of the Brownings,” by E. Kilbourne Foote, Venice, Italy, 1889. Water Color Painting, “Head of an Italian Woman,” by V. Fassari, Florence, Italy. Water Color Painting, Man and Horse in the Bad Land Region, by Lungren. Water Color Painting, “Entrance to a Turkish Mosque,” by E. Kilbourne Foote, Venice, Italy. Water Color Painting of Landscape. Tall Chinese Style Cracquelle Pottery Covered Vase, 18 inches high. Cut Glass Flower Vase, 14 inches high. Royal Dresden Lamp, richly ornamented in flowers and angels’ heads in relief. Small Green Bronze Lily Vase, 8 inches high, and two Small Vases on Music Cabinet. French Marquetry Inlaid Pearwood and Ebony Music Cabi- net, with Ormolu mountings. Tall Black Hand-Wrought Iron Piano Lamp, with Electric Connection. , ‘White Enameled Music Cabinet, 8 drawers. Lot of Music Books and Sheet Music. “Steinway & Sons” Parlor Grand Piano and Bench, in natural golden oak. Pair Tapestry Portieres, at Library Door. Pair Tapestry Portieres, at Picture Gallery Door. 9 Lot. 125 126 127 128 129 130 Description. Turkish Smyrna hand-made Rug, cream ground, with blue ~ and brown figures, and Turkish inscription from Koran in center, 10-10 x 7-4. Antique Cabistan Rug, blue ground with palm-leaf center and variegated borders, 5-0 x 3-6, Antique Shirvan Rug, with fringe at both ends in blue, brown and cream, 5-2 x 3-5. Silk Brocade and White Maple Upholstered Arm Chair. Pair White Mahogany or Prima Vera Inlaid Turkish Chairs, in silk brocade. Pair San Domingo Mahogany Inlaid Turkish Chairs, up- holstered in hand-made tapestry. } E PICTURES, Lots 131 to ae inclusive, are the 5 Pacnted: and were so ee eh when purchased by > ‘Mr. et. Addy. — THE PAINTINGS will be offered on Monday Afternoon, “June 16, 1913, commencing at 3 o'clock precisely. The Sizes of the Canvases of the Pictures are designated by inches in parenthesis. LOT 181. SPeRNY (H. F)........-. ee ee Oineinnat, INDIAN ENCAMPMENT. (40 x 22) Cc onsidered by the Artist as his masterpiece and painted to order of Mr. Matthew Addy. tars Mr. Farny was born at Ribeauville, Alsace, in 1847. He ge came to America in his seventh year. Pupil of Munkacsy and < re Diez. Has made of late years a specialty of painting Indian | scenes, in which particular field he is considered without a peer. His works are in the principal art collections of this country. 11 LOT 132. ROESTED (A)occcs sect ee ee Munich. THE YOUNG DIOGENES. (40 x 28) This Painting obtained a Gold Medal at Munich in 1887. He was also awarded Medals at Antwerp and Dusseldorf. The work here represented is one of the most charming and beautiful examples that ever came from this famous artist’s studio. LOT 133. WANKIE (A). 2.00. eo ee eR Munich. HUNTING ON THE STEPPES; POL (20 x 16) Pupil of Kowalski. Exhibits in Munich, Dusseldorf, and Antwerp. LOT 134. ZIEM (FELIX) oo... oes ties coe ee Paris. BRAGOSI AU SEC. SAUMON. (32 x 26) Painted in 1894. This Picture came direct from the Artist's Studio to Mr. Matthew Addy. Born at Beaune, February 25, 1821. Salon Medals at Paris, 1851, 1852, 1855. Created Chevalier of Legion of Honor 1857, and Officer of the Legion in 1878. Hors Concours. 12 Bo LOT 135, Se ee EAU Te es ADOLPHE)..........Paris. =e @APLER THE BATH. | (50 x 30) (ay 1825. Prix de Rome, 1850. Medal, 1855, eated Chevalier of the Legion, 1859. Medal, 1867. d Member of the Institute, 1876. Officer of the Legion if mor, 1876. Member of the Institute of France in 1876, 7 President afterwards. Medal of Honor, 1878. Medal of eee Jeg eae! of the Order of the Legion of Honor, LOT 136. Peer bIRD (48 x 34) Painted to order for Mr. Matthew Addy. Born at Exeter, New Hampshire. Pupil of H. Merle Lefebre and Bouguereau. Studio in Paris. Miss Gardner took the Hon- orable Mention in 1879; Medal of 3d Class, 1887, and the Bronze | Medal in the Exposition of 1889. She has also the distinction of eng Hors Concours. LOT 137. SCHREYER (ADOLPHE) oi... SGA? CRN ee Olen Paris. ARAB CAVALIERS. (32 x 26) Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828. Medals at Paris, 1864, 1865 and 1867; at Vienna in 1873; at Brussels in 1863 ; at Munich hei; in 18%6; and the Cross of the Order of Leopold in 1864. In a 1862 was made Court Painter to the Duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin, Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Hors Concour. 13 LOT 138. DE=HAAS -C. HAL.) oss vey oo eens ee Brussels. THE COMBAT, (20 x 14) Purchased from the Artist's Executors by Mr. Matthew Addy. Born at Hedel, North Brabant, March 25, 1832. Died in Brussels, August 16, 1880. Pupil of Van Oos. Gold Medal in Munich, 1869. His principal works are in the National Gallery, Berlin, Brussels Museum, and the Hamburg Gallery. LOT 139. JACQUE (CHARLES EMILE):<.......1;....0 ee Paris. AT HOME. (16 x 12) It 1s rarely that an Example of this Period (1862) of the Artist’s Work can be obtained. (From the Faure Collection.) Born, 1813. Died 1894. Medals, 1851, 1861, 1863, 1864. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Gold Medal, 1889, at the Universal Exhibition. Hors Concours. LOT 140. CASANOVA (ANT. Y. ESTORACH)............... Paris. EATING OY ORERS: (18 x 16) A truly marvelous Example of the Artist's Work. Born at Tortosa, Spain, 1849. Prix de Rome, 1871. Medal, 1855. He has not exhibited since that date. 14 LOT 141. BOUGHTON (GEORGE H.)............. Ae Pa England. PRISCILLA. (24 x 16) Paiva in 1888. From the famous Murietta Collection, London, and is the Original of the well-known Engraving. Born 1834. Elected National Academician 1871, and Asso- | ciate of Royal Academy 1879. LOT 142. -VERBOECKHOVEN (EUGENE JOSEPH).....Brussels. [DECEASED. ] MATERNAL LOVE. (32 x 24) Purchased from the Executors of his Estate by M. Schulte, of Vienna. Born 1799. Died 1881. Medals at Paris 1824, 1841, 1855. Created Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Received the Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. His works grace the walls of the most important public and private collections in the world. LOT 143. SANCHEZ-PERRIER (EMILIO)................-+. Paris. ONDE ALCALAY SPAIN. (12 x8) This Arttst is well called the Meissomer of Landscape. Born at Seville, and a pupil of the School of Fine Arts of that city, and of Cano. Medal, 1886. Silver Medal, 1889, at the Universal Exhibition. Hors Concours. 15 LOT 144, WAGNER ((P.) ooo. oe Seis Bs Sonne eee ee Munich. THE YOUNG GENERAL. (32 x 20) Medals at Munich, Dusseldorf, and Vienna. LOT 145. MORAN (EDWARD) A.N. A..... sake see fans een New York. MONT ST. MICHEL. (30 x 24) Probably the greatest work of this well-known Painter. From the T. T. Kinney Collection, of Newark, N. J., who purchased it from. the Artist and in turn sold to Mr. Matthew Addy. Born in Bolton, England, 1829. Pupil of De Paris, James Hamilton, and Paul Weber. Associate of Royal Academy, 1862. National Academician, 1873. Member of Pennsylvania Academy. LOT 146. INNESS. (GEORGE)-NoAS. eae ee New York. MILKING TIME, (46 x 30) From the H. E. Maynard Collection, Boston. The Picture was Painted to order for Mr. Maynard, from whom it was bought by Mr. Matthew Addy. National Academician, 1868. 16 et ae 1808. Died November 18, 1876. Ne = 848. Chevalier of Legion of Honor, 1851. ; LOT 148. — lees ie A CANDLELIGHT EFFECT. (14 x 10) 2 if Pept of P. ‘Van Schandel. Medals in Amsterdam. and A LOT 149. _ SANTORA hep -Wence A CORNER OF GRAND CANAL, VENICE. ‘ (24x14) aie Pupil of Rico. LOT 150. _ SHARPLESS ee es ys ee Cincinnati. SCENE IN ALPS. Ai LOT 150A. ee CREAN (MISS LOUISE)..............Cincinnati. ON THE COAST OF MAINE. 17 171 172 173 174 7 “Thackeray s Works, 12mo., a Calf, 10 Volumes. oe See . _ Shakespeare’s Works, 12mo., /2 Cait. Volumes. Crosby, & Son, New York. - Barnes’ Notes, 11 Volumes, 16mo., %4 Calf. 10 others, 14 Volumes. 812; proofs on Japan Paper, 10 Large Porfohon Cloth Gilt. _ Limited to 400 Copies. This No. 118. 11 Portfolios, Cloth, ae Seats Nichols & Co., Boston. Poe’s Works, 6 Volumes, 12mo., Ya Morocco. Shelf of Assorted Books, 35 Volumes. Shelf of Assorted Books, 30 Volumes. Shelf of Assorted Books, 42 Volumes. Shelf of Assorted Books, 23 Volumes. | Shelf of Assorted Books, 37 Volumes. Shelf of. Assorted Books, 36 Volumes. Shelf of Assorted Books, 17 Volumes. Shelf of Assorted Books, 16 Volumes. = Se Kitto’s Pictorial Bible, Illustrated, 4 V olumes,. £7 Call band Shelf of Theological Works, 15 Volumes. | : Shelf of Theological Works, 16 Volumes. ee Shelf of Assorted Books, 24 Volumes. ee. Shelf of Assorted Books, 19 Volumes. Diamond Cut Glass Handled Jug. eS Se Cut Glass Liquor Bottle. , Eleven Cut Glass Ice Cream or Fruit Sauces See Three Diamond Cut Glass Almondettes. Oblong Star Cut Glass Dish. Diamond Shaped Cut Glass eae Dish. Square Cut Glass Dish. Cut Glass Deep Bowl. Diamond Cut Glass Bowl—damaged. Ten Diamond and Fan Cut Glass Wine. Fourteen Diamond and Fan Cut Glass Cocktail. Four Large Cut Glass Goblets, and Three Water-Glasses— ? pieces. : aa Sa Fourteen Crystal Cut Glass Cocktails. _ cael oe Ets Two Cut Glass Sauce Bottles. x eee Ten Cut Glass Finger Bowls. Twelve All Cut Sherry Glasses. Tall Flower Vase. Four Cut Glass Water Bottles. Two Liquor Bottles. | | Small Creamer and Vinegarette—2 pieces. sues Fourteen Champagne Glasses. ; Sixteen Assorted Wine Glasses. Ten Custards. Nine Sherry Glasses. Eleven Gold Bordered Champagne Glasses. Twenty Assorted Glasses. i Large China Platter and Two Compotes, Japanese decora- , tion—3 pieces. nae Twenty-five Pieces French Limoges China, assorted, with green band. : Large Dresden China floral decorated Platter. French Limoges gold decorated Fish Set—14 pieces. Twelve white and gold decorated open work China Plates. 26 Lot. 386 387 3888 389 - 890 “391 392 (3893 B94 395 396 397 ~ 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 4()8 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 Description. Fifteen French Limoges and gold decorated China Soup Plates Twelve Haviland China Oyster Plates. Fourteen China Bouillon Cups and Saucers, assorted. Nine Haviland & Co. French China octagon-shaped gold decorated Plates. Twelve French Limoges China gold edge Plates. Ten Haviland China blue and gold Plates. Ten Dresden Style Assorted Plates. Eleven Haviland & Co. French China canary and gold Plates. Twenty-two French Limoges China green and gold Plates. Ten Assorted Limoges Hand-painted China Plates and Platters. Six French Limoges China floral and gold decorated Plates. Eleven Theodore Haviland French China gold and floral decorated small Plates. Fourteen Assorted Cups and Saucers. Fourteen Assorted Bread and Butter Plates. Fifteen Assorted After Dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers. One Cylinder Vase, 2 Small Pitchers—3 pieces. Jardiniere and Majolica Platters—2 pieces. Ten Pieces Assorted Chinaware. Ten Pieces Assorted Glassware. Oak Marble Top Table. Golden Oak Hand-carved Combination Sideboard and China Closet, with beveled-edge French Plate Mirrors and French Plate beveled-edge Doors and Shelves, four Cupboards and three Drawers. Golden Oak Brass Foot Extension Table, with six leaves. Nine Golden Oak Hand-carved Dining Room Chairs and one Arm chair, blue leather upholstered—10 pieces. Golden Oak Drop Leaf Table. Blue Leather Upholstered Ottoman. Antique Babistan Persian Rug, blue ground, 6-2 x 3-0. Antique Beloochistan Rug, 4-0 x 2-10. Antique Kazak Prayer Rug, 4-6 x 2-10. Ispahan Carpet blue ground medallion center, old rose and blue border, 12-6 x 11-5. Antique Shiraz Rug, blue ereuuid, 3-8 x 2-10. 27 Lot. 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 A1? 4.28 429 430 431 Lot. 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 44] 442 443 4.44 445 446 4ay 448 Description. Small Refrigerator. Wilcox Silver Plate Water Pitcher. Large Silver Plated Double Handled Tureen. Meriden Silver Plate Handle Cake or Fruit Basket. Meriden Silver Plate Chafing Dish, Large. Meriden Silver Plate Chafing Dish, Small. Large Round Tray, Silver Plated. Large Silver Plated Round Tray, with French Plate Mirror. Two Five-Light Silver Plated Candelabra. Meriden Silver Plate Champagne Cooler. Adjustable Cheese Holder, Silver Plated. Stockholm Metal Covered Mug. Four Plated Crumb Scoops and Trays. Stamp Box and five other pieces, assorted—6 pieces. Cut Glass Silver Mounted Cruet. Two Bottles and Lot Lamp Shades. The Front Porch. Description. Oak Table. Blue and White Japanese Jardiniere. Willow and Reed Couch. Two Large Green Arm Rockers. Three Cane-Seat White Enameled Arm Chairs. Rocker and Small White Enameled Chair. Sea Grass Rug, 12 x 9. Five Couch Cushions. Three Hanging Baskets with Ferns. The Kitchen. Eight Kitchen Chairs. Extension Table, three leaves. Kitchen Table. Large Porcelain Lined Monroe Refrigerator. Large Monitor Gas Range, with Ovens, Broiler, and Hot Water attachment. Lot Cooking Utensils. Lot Enameled Ware. Inlaid Linoleum, 30 square yards. 28 Lot. 449 450 451 452 453 — 454 A55- 456 457 458 «45S 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 Av0 471 472 The Laundry. Description. Two Laundry Tables. Laundry Stove and Boiler. Two-Hole Gas Stove. Wringer, Washboard and Clothes Horse. Lot Rubber Hose. The Garage. “Monitor” Coal Range. Lot Garden Tools. The Butler’s Room. Iron Bed, Spring, Mattress and Bedding. Oak Dresser and Washstand. Rocker and Cane-Seat Chair. Two Stands. Lot Brussels Carpet, on floor. The Main Staircase. Artist’s Remarque, Signed Proof Etching, “Woman and Sheep,” by Achille Gilbert after Ch. Jacque. Large Photograph, Framed, The Admiral Dewey Sailor’s Arch, New York City. Artists’ Proof Etching, Interior of Cathedral, signed by A. Pe Plaic: Kazak Rug, medallion center and blue border, 4-1 x 3-2. Two Axminster Mats, 3-0 x 3-0. Hammered Brass and Copper Stand. The Second Floor Hall. Tall Hammered Brass Candlestick. German Fayence Green and Gold Decorated Handled Jug. Large Quartered Oak Chiffonier, with four large and two small drawers. Japanese Bronze Jardiniere, inlaid with brass. Gold Bronzed Paper and Envelope Holder. : Mahogany Finished Table, rope edge French legs, with claw and ball feet. 29 Description. Antique Black and Gold Reception Chair, arce ap up: holstered. Small Mahogany finished Cretonne upholstered Chair. Steel Engraving, “Preparing For The Hunt.” Artist’s Proof Steel Engraving, “Cupids,” signed Joannes Volpato, D. D. D. Steel Engraving, “Hamlet,” by C. W. Sharp. Steel Engraving, “The First Readme of The Emancipation Proclamation before The Cabinet.” | Remarque signed Artist’s Proof Etching, ‘Waiting,’ by Alice Hirschberg, after W. L. Lathrop. Two Colored Engravings, Sporting Scenes, “The Last Change In” and “A Breast High Scent.” Bronze and Fire Gilt Table Lamp. Pewter Flower Vase; German Stein; Glass Flower Holder ; and Royal Bonn Envelope Holder, damaged—4 pieces. French Bronze Clock. Hammered Brass Lamp, Cream and Sugar—3 pieces. Cherry Chiffonier, with four drawers and two cupboards. Seven Ivory and Mother-of-Pearl Lace Fans, assorted. Seventeen assorted Fans. Antique Kazak Rug, dark blue ground, camel’s hair border, 5-10 x 3-6. Antique Mecca Rug, cream ground, 6-10 x 3-5. Green Rep Covered Clothes Chest. | Royal Wilton Hall Carpet, 48 yards. The Brown Bed Room. Photogravure in Bronze, Oak Frame, “Head of a Woman.” Engraving, “Madonna and Child,” in Oak frame. Proof Etching, signed Breton. Twenty-five Volumes Assorted Books. Mahogany and Inlaid Bookshelf. Mahogany and Inlaid Tilting Table. Mahogany and Inlaid Sewing Stand, with two side pockets and three drawers. Eight Brown Silk Curtains. Mahogany Bed and Dresser, with beveled-edge French plate mirror and glass top on dresser. 30 Lot. 501 502 503 504. 506 O07 508 509 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 o28 Description. Bellow’s Edge Spring Mattress; Solid Hair Mattress, and two Feather Pillows. Cherry Writing Desk, French oe and claw feet. Three Mahogany Chairs, Ormolu trimmed. Mahogany Center Table, with drawer and French plate glass top. Tapestry Upholstered Sofa. Mahogany Finished Tapestry Upholstered Arm Rocker. Tapestry Upholstered Mahogany Finished Small Rocker. Water Color Painting, “Camping,” signed E. Kilbourne Foote. Hamper and Waste Basket. Small Picture, Mirror, Hanging Vase, and Thermometer— 4 pieces. Brushed Brass. Adjustable Electric Reading Lamp. Large Combination Cherry Wardrobe and Chiffonier, with beveled-edge French Plate Mirror, two cupboards and seven drawers. Antique Shirvan Rug, medallion center, 3-10 x 3-4. Kazak Rug, blue ground and ivory border, 5-10 x 3-4. Hamadan Rug, 4-0 x 3-2. Camel’s Hair Mat, 12-6 x 2-4. English Velvet Carpet, plain light brown, 60 yards. The Rear Southeast Bed Room. Photogravure, in Oak Frame. Panel Picture of Indians. German Candlestick; Vase; and Four Small Ornaments, on Mantel—6 pieces. Mahogany Round Stand, with shelf below, and Mahogany Inlaid Chair—?2 pieces. Mahogany Hand-carved Marble Top Bed Room Set, with beveled-edge French plate mirror—3 pieces. Spring Mattress, solid Haid Pad, and two Feather Pillows. Cane Skirt Box. White and Gold Decorated Toilet Set—10 pieces. Six Brown Silk Curtains. Six Scrim Sash Curtains. 31 Lot. 529 530 531 532 533 534 539 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 Description. Old Gold Ground Axminster Rug, 6-0 x 3-0. Two Artroom Rugs, 5-4 x 3-0. Fur Mat. Pro-Brussels Carpet, 12-0 x 10-6. Plain Linoleum, 26 yards. Dresser Mirror, with silver-plated Frame. Two Small Silver Plated Candlesticks. The Green Bed Room. | Four Green Striped Corded Linen Curtains. Four Lace Curtains. Ivory Finished Bed Room Suit, Bed, Chiffonier, Dressing Stand, Desk, Table and three Chairs—S pieces. Ivory Finished Chiffonier. Spring Mattress, Solid Hair Pad, and two Feather Pillows. White Enameled Reed Reclining Chair, with Pad and Cushions. Green Rep Covered Skirt Box. Green Rep Covered Shirt Waist Box. Small Mahogany Finished Rocker, with cover. French Bronze Electric Lamp, with green shade. Plain Green English Velvet Carpet, 54 yards. Bronze Electric Table Lamp. Antique Shirvan Rug, 4-6 x 3-3. Antique Shirvan Rug, tvory ground, 5-2 x 3-10. Two Irish Point Lace Curtains. Plush Bath Room Rug. Green Rep Covered Box, Hamper and Basket—3 pieces. Northwest Corner Bed Room. Etching, “The Docks,” in Mahogany Frame, signed Steven Barnes. Panel Photogravure, in Oak Frame. Brass Bed Spring, Solid Hair Mattress, and two Feather Pillows. . Two Mahogany Finished Stands. Lot of 114 Assorted Books in Case. Quartered Oak Open Bookcase. 32 ie nce dtietial ty |! bs. > hs 5 Description. Lot of 95 Assorted Books, in Mahogany Case. _ Mahogany Finished Small Glass Door Bookcase. Mahogany Finished Upholstered Arm Rocker. Floral Decorated Toilet Set—10 pieces. Quartered Oak Morris Chair, claw feet and hair cushions. Brushed Brass Electric Table Lamp, with green shade. Four Renaissance Lace Curtains. Four Cretonne Curtains and One Portiere, to match. Blue Delft Vase, and Four Ornaments—5 pieces. Oak Chiffonier, 6 Drawers. Gold Bronze Basket, raised decoration. Reed Arm Chair, with Cushion. Small Mahogany Finished Green Rep Upholstered Chair and Rocker. _ Antique Cabistan Rug, ivory border, 4-10 x 4-0. Antique Kurdistan Rug, old rose center and blue border, 5-4 x 2-10. . | Antique Cabistan Rug, 4-6 x 3-4. English Velvet Carpet, Mosaic pattern, 37 yards. Northeast Corner Bed Room. Four Scrim Curtains. Four Green Silk Curtains. Bamboo Tabourette. Lot of Assorted Books—58 Volumes. White and Gold Reed Bookshelf. Tiffany Bronze Electric Table Lamp. White Enameled Reed Arm Chair, with Cushion. White Enameled Reed Couch, with Cushion. White Enameled Reed Chair, with Cushion. Bird’s-eye Maple Bed Room Set, Chiffonier, Cheval Glass, and Dressing Stand Table, 2 Chairs and Rocker to match —7 pieces. Bird’s-eye Maple Writing Desk. Pair Brass Andirons, 24 inches high. Two Colored Autotype Pictures, in white enameled frames. Green Bath Rug, and Stool. Karabagh Rug, green and ivory border, blue center, 5-6 x 2-1. 33 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 tat Re “old rose ee ce 0x 3-4 - Beloochistan Rug, 4-10 x 2-10. <= Se ~ Hamadan Rug, red center, Nery border, 3. 6: , ~ Electric Buzz Fan. , 2 Tall Venetian Glass Flower Vase. English Velvet Carpet, plain green, 38 yards. Two Rockers, One Chair, and Tot Toilet Ware. a iepehin =, The Sewing Room. Two Folding Tables and Mirror. “oe ae Mahogany Chair and Small Walnut Sewing Stand, : = Gas Heater and Oak Chair. = & The Third Floor Hall. Lot Assorted Books, 175 Volumes. Double Door Oak Bookcase, with 2 Drawers. Iron Bed, Spring Mattress and Bedding. Dresser, Washstand and Lot Toiletware. Mahogany Desk and Chair. Velvet Carpet, 25 yards. ; Lot Matting. 3 : Large. Cedar Chest, Walnut Marquetry Inlaid Library Table mas Large Dome Electric Chandelier, fire gilt, 25 lights. Oak Bed Room Set, and Spring Mattress. sane Black Walnut Double- Bg: Nat dbode oa Quartered Oak Swell-front Dresser, with beveled eteas ee French plate mirror, Se Brussels Carpet, 25 yards. 34 The Southwest Bed Room—Third Floor. Lot. 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 Description. Oak Bedroom Set, Spring, Mattress and Bedding. Oak Bed, Spring, Mattress and Bedding. Sycamore Inlaid Dresser, with beveled-edge French plate mirror. Three Chairs and Rockers. Wilton Velvet Carpet, 40 yards. Stereoscope and Views. Music Box and Music. Two Brass Vase Holders. Lot Toilet Ware. Brass and Jeweled Hanging Lamp. Toy Kitchen Range. Twelve Assorted Coal Oil Lamps. Wrought Iron Electric Piano Lamp. Encyclopedia Britannica, 28 Volumes, %4 Russia, 4to. Queens of England, by Strickland, 8 Volumes, % Calf. Stanley’s “Darkest Africa,’ Full Morocco, and others— 3 volumes. International Gallery, Longfellow’s Evangeline; and Orig- inal Etchings, by Bicknell—3 volumes. Pair Antique Brass Andirons. Six Tapestry green and gold silk fringed Portieres, and 5 pieces Drapery, to match. Four cream-colored Chenile Portieres. Blue Velour Table Cover. Three blue and gold embroidered Portieres and Draperies. Two Portieres and Three Draperies, assorted—5 pieces. Two blue plush and gold embroidered Lambrequins. Vapor Bath Cabinet and Lamp. Box Silver-plated Toilet Articles. Two Hanging Vases. Four Hanging China Plaques, assorted. Two Tall Blue Delft Vases. Five pieces assorted Bric-a-brac. English Fayence Double-handled Vase. Gold Bronze Combination Ink Stand and Candlestick. Silver-plated Box and Ink Stand. Eight Pieces Assorted Glassware. 35 Lot. Description. 650 Eight Copper and Terra Cotta Small Boxes. ° 651 Box of Frames, etc. 652 Silk Lace and Beaded Shawl. 653 Fourteen Pieces Japanese Cups, Saucers, etc. 654 Lot Empty Photo Frames. 655 Lot Tennis Sets and Fancy Boxes. 656 Lot Assorted Photo Frames—44 pieces. 65% Lot Small Assorted Pictures—14 pieces. 658 Six Pictures and Plaques, assorted. 659 Covered Jar and Two Pieces Marble. 660 Six Ladies’ Handbags, assorted. 661 Six Assorted Pictures. 662 Ten Assorted Pictures. 663 Mirror and Three Pictures, assorted. THE EZEKIEL & BERNHEIM CO., Auctioneers. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Ezekiel & Bernheim Co. take pleasure in referring to their past experience in the sale of Household Effects, Private Collections of Fine Art Works, Books and other Personal Property, and respect- fully solicit business of this character, for which they are eminently fitted and prepared to catalogue in an expert manner and to sell with unusual skill and good judgment. They note with pride the conduct- ing of many well-known and often-quoted sales which were placed in their hands, and which at the various times commanded the attention of the elite auction buying public of this city and vicinity, viz.: Executor’s Sale of Elegant Household Effects from residence of the late Mrs. Louisa Skinner, Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. The John Dickson Furniture, Rugs, Pictures, Etc., Avondale. The late Henry Probasco’s Furniture, Carriages, Etc., Clifton. Household Effects of Mr. Abraham Segal, East Walnut Hills. The Furniture, Pictures, Rugs, Silver, Etc., of Mr. Henry Geiershofer, Walnut Hills. _ The Albert Netter Collection of Furniture, Pictures, Statuary, Silver, Bric-a-Brac, Books, Etc., Mount Auburn. The Jacob Hoffner Collection of Antiquities, Furniture, Pictures, Statuary, etc., Cumminsville, by Order of Victor Abraham, Esq. _ Executor’s Sale of the Leon Van Loo Collection of Antique Furniture, Pictures, Statuary, Curios, Etc., by Order of the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company and Russell Wilson, Esq. Mr. A. J. Seasongood’s Entire Elegant Household Effects, Walnut Hills. The Sol. P. Kineon Personal Property of Residence at Clifton. Entire Elegant Furniture and House Furnishing Goods of the late W. P. Murphy’s Residence, Rose Hill, Avondale. Executor’s Sale of the H. A. W. Mills Collection, by Order of Charles Lee Mills, Esa. Executor’s and Trustee’s Sale of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Goodin Zinn’s Diamonds and other Precious Stones, Jewelry, Watches, Etc. The Executor’s Sale of the Household Effects, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver, Etc., of the late Mary A. Britt. Executor’s Sale of the late Christian Boss’ Household Effects by Order of the Union Savings Bank and Trust Co. Household Furnishings of the late Mrs. John E. Bell. Mr. R. H. Galbreath’s Private Collection of Antique Furniture, Pic- tures, Books, Bric-a-Brac, Etc. And hundreds of other collections of Furniture, Pictures, Bric-a-Brac, Statuary, Oriental Rugs, Wines, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, ‘Books, Etc., sold at Residences and at their Salesrooms. THE EZEKIEL & BERNHEIM CO., Auctioneers. THE EZEKIEL & BERNHEIM 0 AUCTIONEERS 334 MAIN STREET CINCINNATI, OHIO SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN ARRANGING, INVOICING, APPRAISINC CATALOCUING and SELLING Entire Outfits or Private Collections MESAE Ty | Re EAS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Pictures, Statuary, Antiquities, Oriental Rugs, Clocks, Bronzes, Books, Autographs, Coins, Silverware, Bric-a-Brac, Horses, Carriages, Automobiles, Etc. At Residences or at Our Salesrooms ESTIMATES MADE WHEN DESIRED EXPERTS EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Parties desiring us to make sales in the near future will please arrange for dates as soon as possible. 38 The Largest, Lightest, Cleanest ——and—— Best Ventilated STORACE WAREHOUSE In The City For Safe-Keeping Of Household Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Bric-a-Brac, China, Glassware, Statuary, Pianos, Etc. Liberal Cash Advances Made at the Rate of Six Per Cent. (6%) Per Annum on Goods Stored With Us, when Required. THE EZEKIEL & BERNHEIM CO STORAGE WAREHOUSEMEN No. 334 Main Street, CINCINNATI. 39