ee xe BL El ON OF | : Pew ERTCAN SCULPTURE me ALO GUE TH STREET WEST OF BROADWAY NEW YORK _ APRIL FOURTEENTH TO AUGUST FIRST | FORO 4gE ee beta. J i 0 a4 . Foam) 3 ai *. Ps rl } 4 . 4 % . Z ‘ 5 +: : ‘ 7 uy . e ? eens Ty) x a CARES i " { ‘ i eS : v N " f . > F . 7 ’ « 4 . * * , x Ra a us 4 ’ : \ z : R Dey kK Rin ay 7 4 ; . TM: a (ae * ae * 7 ; rete ae by ig eee i & ee ° ’ ¥ 3 e e: f. , ; Y : ‘ 7 -. e 4 . ANT (UE AON Gel C8 By SO Sd Beds Bt Pe eo ON, OF AMERICAN peepee eieebe rt bln BY fee LONAL SCULPTURE SOCIETY MCMXXITI Pe ere lead le@sN Ori Peele N ero Lal Pr U RE C A TAIL @ GBs mor ol REET WEST OF BROAD WAYINEW oY ORK APRIUDSFOURT RENT MMC A CS SSE LR oi MCMXXIII « A COPYRIGHT, 1923, BY THE NATIONAL SCULPTURE SOCIETY PN Sie ade) IN presenting to the public this exhibition of American sculpture within these grounds and build- ings, the National Sculpture Society gratefully acknowl- edges its indebtedness to the generous offer of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, of the Ameri- can Geographical Society, of the American Numismatic Society, of the Hispanic Society of America, and of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. The aim has been to make the exhibition thoroughly national in scope. A special effort has therefore been put forth to bring together the best work from all parts of the country, as well as that of Americans now abroad. In the present installation, a considerable number of important monuments can be shown only by pho- tographs. However, since the sculptural exhibits range in size from the coin to the colossal, the recent progress of American sculpture in all its branches is well indicated. Such a comprehensive exhibition by our Society would hardly be possible without the sympathetic cooperation of our lay members, to whom, now as in the past, our cordial thanks are due: HERMON A. MACNEIL, President. NATH ONAL SC Ole Pal Uris) Gia li Or Delenies hes HONORARY PRESIDENT DeAaNTE CHES PE her Eine El PRESIDENT HERMON SAS ViAcNE Le FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT JOSEPH HOWLAND HUNT SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT JOHN GREGORY TREASURER I. WYMAN DRUMMOND SECRETARY GCHAR LESS ein GN GxOH EM ue TE CisGe susie Ieley iGo HERBERT ADAMS JOON, GREGORY GAIL SHERMAN CORBETT HENRY SEEDING I. WYMAN DRUMMOND JOSERHE TOW LAIN DEEN CHARLES. ED HilNeiee Jake Ae TARCOLO ERS LEO LEN TEs: BESS IB EO TT EREVONNOls MAHONRI YOUNG ROBERT AITKEN DPALVATORE BIEO TIE HARRIET Wer RISE MOT HERMON A. MacNEIL JOHN ve WITT WARNER ADOLPH A. WEINMAN Vil ole NORM ERICAN = sCULPTURE YO i EEC RION HERBERT ADAMS ROBERT AITKEN CHESTER BEACH JAMES E. FRASER DANIEL C. FRENCH CHARLES GRAFLY JOHN GREGORY ANNA V. HyaTT ISIDORE KonrTI Leo LENTELLI HERMON A. MACNEIL EDWARD McCCARTAN LoRADO TAFT BESSIE POTTER VONNOH A. A. WEINMAN Rie Ne cli VE salNe O REE Rei OI ES Baltimore . Boston . Chicago Cincinnati! we San Francisco and Los Angeles. Philadelphia >i Ouls Paris, France . Rome, Italy Hans SCHULER ALBERT HENRY ATKINS LorAbDOo TAFT CLEMENT J. BARNHORN EDGAR WALTER ALBERT LAESSLE VicTor S. HoLm JANET SCUDDER PauL MANSHIP EX OIBTELONGCOMAVET Ts esis ADOLPH A. WEINMAN, Chairman CHESTER BEACH DANIEL C. FRENCH EmiL_ Fucus Vil JOHN GREGORY ANNA V. Hyatt W. FRANK PurRDY ONE eis Nees PREFACE THE NATIONAL SCULPTURE SOCIETY Officers and Council Jury of Selection Representatives in Other Cities Exhibition Committee Sculptor Members Associate Sculptor Members Lay Members CATALOGUE Decale lama BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF EXHIBITS OTHER THAN MEDALS AND PLAQUES ILLUSTRATIONS OF MEDALS AND PLAQUES eRe dell List OF SCULPTORS AND THEIR EXHIBITS List oF MEDALISTS AND THEIR EXHIBITS INDEX 1X PAGE X11 X11 XV Bai 349 363 BP eee Mee 7% ates Ge a, ‘ Maen Ae ot ¥ % - ve ahs oe 42% - ra » a ae SOA Me © eae es ke Be = . @ - — i ey a 7 y LANDSCAPE DECORATIONS AND: CPi Neos BY VITALE, BRINCKERHOFF AND Greiner ras. a ee 7 i 2. } Sf h = 6 . 2? " - ® al ’ " Uy ‘ Mos om rome eN Atlee UE PW sO CLE TY, SHUACPIES TTC eo 9 See Sl pied Bid geeks) ADAMS, HERBERT AITKEN, Rosert I. AKELEY, CARL E. ATKINS, ALBERT HENRY BARNHORN, CLEMENT J]. BATEMAN, JOHN M. BEACH, CHESTER BERGE, EDWARD BILOTTI, SALVATORE BRENNER, VicToR D. BREWSTER, GEORGE IT. BusH-Brown, H. K. CATDER, A. STIRLING CLARK, ALLAN CorBetTt, Mrs. GAIL SHERMAN CRENIER, HENRI mein, |. E. DE FRANCISCI, ANTHONY DERUJINSKY, GLEB ITerscH, ©. PERCIVAL DONATO, GIUSEPPE EBERLE, ABASTENIA ST. L. ELLERHUSEN, ULrRiIc HENRY FRASER, JAMES E. FRASER, Mrs. LAURA GARDIN FRENCH, DANIEL C. FRISHMUTH, HARRIET W. Fry, SHERRY E. Fucus, EMIL GODDARD, RALPH GRAFLY, CHARLES GREGORY, JOHN GRIMES, FRANCES GUDEBROD, Louis A. Xl HAMANN, GC. F, HEBER, CARL A. HERING, HENRY HINTON, CHARLES L. Hom, Victor S. Humpnuriss, C. H. Hyatt, ANNA V. JAEGERS, ALBERT JAEGERS, AUGUSTUS JENKINS, F. Lynn JENNEWEIN, C. PAUL JOHNSON, Grace Mott KALDENBERG, F. R. KECK, CHARLES KEYSER, EPHRAIM KEYSER, E. W. KontTI, ISIDORE LAESSLE, ALBERT LAWRIE, LEE O. LENTELLI, LEO LoOBER, GEORG J. LONGMAN, E. B. LUKEMAN, AUGUSTUS IWEAGNE Tine tle. MacNeEIL, Mrs. Caror B. MALDARELLI, LAWRENCE MANSHIP, PAUL MATZEN, HERMAN McCartTAN, EDWARD MILLer, J. MAXWELL NADELMAN, ELIE NEWMAN, ALLEN G. INTE HAUS @ ers PACKER IE. ar. SiC UNsPalO Revie uVeB ER SG aN aaleN aaa PATIGIAN, SELATG PerrY, R. HINTON PoLASEK, ALBIN POTTER Ee PROCTOR. #2: PUTNAM, ARTHUR PUTNAM, BRENDA QuINN, EpMmonp T. RHIND, J. MASSEY Ricci, ULysseEs Rotu, FREDERICK G. R. RUGKSTULI Loewe SALEMME, ANTONIO SALVATORE, VICTOR D. SANFORD, EDWARD FIELD SCARPITTA, CARTAINO AS 30 CilAmM ewe Ostet dear ANGELA, EMILIO BRACKEN, Mrs. CLIio CADORIN, ETTORE DuFFy, RICHARD H. GRUPPE, KARL HAMMER, IT RYGVE HERZEL, PAUL HowLanp, EDITH ILLAVA, KARL Juszko, JEAN KILENYI, JULIO Lapp, Mrs. ANNA COLEMAN Lawson-PEAcEY, Mrs. Jess M. LENz, ALFRED DAVID Xll SCHAAF, ANTON SCHULER, HANS SCHWARZOTT, M. M. SCHWEIZER, J. OTTO SCUDDER, JANET SPICER-SIMSON, IHEODORE St. LANNE, LoulIs TAFT, LorRADO VONNOH, Mrs. BEssIE POTTER WALKER, NELLIE V. WALTER, EDGAR WEINERT, ALBERT WEINMAN, A. A. YANDELL, ENID Younc, MAHonrI M. ZIMM, BRUNO LOUIS MEM Bie McKenzig, Dr. R. Tair MOoRAHAN, EUGENE NEANDROSS, SIGURD NovELLI, JAMES Pappock, WILLARD D. Parsons, Mrs. EpitH BARETTO PouPELET, MLLE. JANE RENIER, JOSEPH RipLey, Mrs. Lucy PERKINS SHONNARD, EUGENIE F. STERLING, Mrs. Morris WHITNEY, Mrs. GERTRUDE V. WRIGHT, ALICE MORGAN LINDSEY . NAC O UNE ieee GC UeP EU RES © CLE T Y eam bee VIC Bakes ApAMs, Epwarp D. ADAMS, Mrs. HERBERT AGAR, JOHN G. ALMIRALL, RAYMOND F. ARMOUR, GEORGE A. Bacon, HENRY BARBER, DONN Beatty, W. GEDNEY BENNETT, Mrs. Louis Betts, SAMUEL R. Buiiss, WILLIAM H. BLUMENTHAL, GEORGE BRUNNER, ARNOLD W. BuTLER, MAXWELL E. CASEY, EDWARD P. CHADBOURNE, WILLIAM M. SrArke Ww. A. CLARKE, THOMAS B. mroucd, Virs. C. P. A. @ocHran, Dr. G. D. G@G6EFIN, C. A. CoLe, Epwarp F. COoLLINs, FRANK CorRBETT, HARVEY WILEY COTTRELL, W.. L. DE Forest, RoBert W. DE Kay, CHARLES DRUMMOND, I. W. DURKEE, EUGENE W. EBERLEIN, CHARLES Woop ELLSwortnH, J]. W. EMERSON, G. H. Forp, JAMES B. FRIEDLANDER, J. H. Xill ERISSEL Ao: GARRETT, ROBERT GELLATLY, JOHN GILBERT, Cass GREENOUGH, JOHN HARLAN, EpGAR R. HARRIMAN, Mrs. E. H. HARRIS, VICTOR Hart, WILLIAM Howarpb Hart, Mrs. Percy GRIER HaAsBROuUCK, ELSA HETZLER, THEODORE Ho_Lter, Mrs. SARAH HORNBOSTEL, H. F. HupNuT, ALEXANDER Hunt, JosEPH HOWLAND EG Nia eile HUNTINGTON, ARCHER M. AUELCHISON a Cemlae KeELLy, THOMAS H. KENNEDY, _E. G. Kinc, RALPH T. KOHLMAN, Mrs. Rena T. Kouns, LEE Kunz, GEORGE F. [EAN CHa Coa x LANDONE, BROWN LEHMAIER, L. MAGONIGLE, H. VAN BUREN MANSFIELD, HOwARD MARQUAND, ALLAN MITCHELL, JOSEPH Moore, JOHN CHANDLER Murray, Mrs. Huacu A. NC We ee eer SOR GON AP ORC. AD, NISBET. Rea nla OsBorRN, W. C. PARMELEE, JAMES PHILLIPS, WILLIAM H. Pre Pau Post, ABRAM S. Pratt, GEoRGE D. PRATT erlAROLD™ Ll. PRATIONVI RSS LLAROLD EL: Purpy, W. FRANK RENWICK, W. W. - RicH, CHARLES A. ROBINSON, EDWARD Ross, ALBERT R. RYAN, JOHN BARRY SCHILLINGER Are. SHAW, SAMUEL IT. SKOUGAARD, JENS SPENCER, NELSON E. XIV SOURED: STARR, LOUIS avi) STERNER, ALBERT STEWART, ALBERT |. STEWART, WILLIAM R. TAYLOR, WILLIAM N. TiBFANY a LeOUIseG: TUCKERMAN, ALFRED ‘TUCKERMAN, PAUL Ty_Ler, Mrs. ERNEsT F. WALTHAUSEN, HERMAN WARD SG WARD, JOHN GILBERT WARNER, JOHN DE WITT WATERBURY, JOHN I. WEIL, FELIX WEIL, HENRI WEITLING, WILLIAM W. WILLING, RICHARD CATALOGUE ve fy e* “7 Raw Ors -AIb. BATE PAOLO S. ABBATE was born in Villarosa, Italy, in 1884. He received his education in Italy and the United States. MemBeERSHIP: International Fine Arts Society, president; Dante League of America, director. Works: Dante monument, Newburgh, N. Y.; Fiat Voluntas Tua, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; People Without Vision Perish, terra cotta, Evangelical Church, Cliffside Park, N. J.; busts—, Pro- fessor L. Carnovale, Stilo, Italy; Hortense Husserl, Dr. Husserl Col- lection, Newark, N. J.; Enrico Caruso, New York City; Dante monu- ment, Providence, R. I.; Ruvolo memorial, Torrington, Conn.; David, monument to Joyce Kilmer, to be erected in France. HERBERT ADAMS HERBERT ADAMS was born in Concord, Vermont, in 1858. He was a pupil of the Massachusetts Normal Art School, and studied for five years in Paris under Mercié and others. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1883 ; gold medal, Philadel- phia Art Club, 1892; gold medals, Charleston Exposition, 1902, and Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; hors concours, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; medal of honor, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; gold medal, New York Architectural League, 1916; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, National Academy of Design, 1916. MeEmBERSHIP: American Academy of Arts and Letters; National Academy of Design, academician; New York Municipal Art Com- mission; Federal Commission of Fine Arts; National Sculpture Society, charter member and president, two terms. Works: Fountain, Fitchburg, Mass.; Pratt memorial, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Hoyt memorial, Judson Memorial Church, New York City; bronze doors, statue of Joseph Henry and other works, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; Joseph Smith, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.; W. E. Channing, Boston, Mass.; bronze doors and marble tympanum, St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York; Matthias Baldwin, Philadelphia, Pa.; Gen. Joseph Hawley me- morial, State Capitol, Hartford, Conn.; A. A. Humphreys, Fredericks- burg, Va.; Michigan State monument, Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg, Miss.; John Marshall, Rufus Ranney, Simon de Mont- fort and Stephen Langton, County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio; statues, Painting, Sculpture, Oratory, Philosophy, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn; MacMillan Fountain, Washington, D. C.; William Cul- len Bryant, Bryant Park, New York City; Welch memorial, Theo- logical Seminary, Auburn, N. Y.; portrait relief, Joseph Choate, Union League Club, New York; portrait bust, Julia Marlowe, Cleve- land Museum, Cleveland, O.; bust, Jeunesse, in pink Milanese mar- ble, Metropolitan Museum, New York, and other works. A NORDIC TYPE BY HERBERT ADAMS COMRADES IN ARMS BY ROBERT I. AITKEN ims Sse am eee ele KEEN Kio Bekele KE Newaseborn in San Francisco, Cal) in 1878. Hestudied at the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, San Francis- co, under Arthur Matthews and Douglas Tilden. He was professor’ of sculpture at the Mark Hopkins Institute, 1901-1904, and worked in Paris, 1904-1907. He was formerly instructor in sculpture at the Art Students League, and is at present instructor at the National Academy of Design. Honors: Phelan gold medal for sculpture; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1908, for the G. R. Clark monu- ment, University of Virginia, Richmond, Va.; gold medal of honor for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1915; silver medal for sculpture, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, National Academy of Design, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1902; National Acade- my of Design, academician, 1914; National Sculpture Society (ex- president); New York Architectural League; National Institute of Arts and Letters. Works: busts—, Mme. Modjeska, Douglas Tilden, Dr. J. L. York, C. J. Dickman, Charles Rollo Peters, Augustus Thomas, David Warfield, R. F. Outcault, George Bellows, ex-President Taft, Henry Arthur Jones ; monuments—, to William McKinley at St. Helena, Calif., 1902, Berkeley, Calif., 1902, and Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 1903; to Bret Harte, 1904, to Hall McAllister, 1904, and to the Ameri- can Navy, San Francisco, Calif.; Tired Mercury; Dancing Faun; Bur- rill memorial, New Britain, Conn.; George Rogers Clark monument, University of Virginia, Richmond, Va.; doors for Greenhut and John W. Gates Mausoleums, Woodlawn cemetery, New York; The Foun- tain of the Earth and The Four Elements, Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915. He designed the $50 gold piece for this exposition and the half-dollar for the Missouri Centennial, 1921. GATE ETEH ANS A are CARL ETHAN AKELEY was born in Claredon, N. Y., in 1864. He was associated with the Field Museum, Chicago, III., from 1895-1909, and has been with the American Museum of Natural History since 1909. MemMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architectur- al League; National Institute of Social Science; Franklin Institute; New York Zodlogical Society. Works: Two animal studies in the Brooklyn Institute; numerous groups in the American Museum of Natural History. THE WOUNDED COMRADE BY CARL E. AKELEY GOOSE BOY BY EMILIO ANGELA LAGE ede) a iabgea Lovurse ALLEN was born in Lowell, Mass. She studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and the school of the Boston Mu- seum of Fine Arts. MeEmBERSHIP: National Association of Women Painters and Sculp- tors; Copley Society, Boston, Mass.; Providence Art Club; North Shore Arts Association, Gloucester, Mass. Works: World War memorial, East Greenwich, R. I.; World War tablet, Gloucester, Mass.; memorial tablet, Bancroft Hall, Annapolis, Md.; also garden sculptures, ideal bronzes and portraits. EMILIO ANGELA EMILIO ANGELA was born in Italy, in 1889. He studied at Cooper Union, the Art Students League, and the National Academy of Design, and was a studio pupil of A. A. Weinman. Honors: first prize for composition, and second prize for sculpture, National Academy of Design. MemBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League; American Federation of Fine Arts. Works: The Goose Boy; The Goose Girl; Barking Seals; Baby Angela; Boxer; Mirthfulness. MARIE APEL MaRIE APEL was born in London, England, in 1888. She studied sculpture in London and Munich. MEMBERSHIP: Société Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Let- tres, Paris. Works: bronze portrait statue of Chin Gee Hee, Hong-Kong, China; stone spandrel figures, Bagshot Park, England; fountain group in stone, England; P. T. Morgan memorial, San Francisco, Calif.; Sleicher memorial, Troy, N. Y.; Langdon memorial, Augusta, Ga.; Gardner memorial, Easthampton, L. I.; Malo memorial, Denver, Col.; marble and bronze fountain, Pasadena, Calif.; Hodges memorial, St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore, Md. ALBEOR HE NsR YAS SiNes ALBERT HENRY ATKINS was born in Milwaukee, Wis. He received his early training in the Cowles Art School, Boston, 1896- 1898, and studied from 1893-1900 at the Julien and Colarossi Acadé- mies in Paris. Since 1909 he has been a member of the faculty of the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R. I. Honors: silver medal, Milwaukee Art Institute, 1917. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1911; Providence Art Club; New York Architectural League; Boston Architectural Club; Copley Society, Boston; American Art Association, Paris. Works: Copenhagen memorial fountain, Boston, Mass.; Lapham memorial, Milwaukee, Wis.; architectural sculptures, Christ Church, Ansonia, Conn., All Saints Church, Dorchester, Mass.; World War memorial, Roslindale, Mass. He has also done portraits and ideal sculptures, fountains and garden sculptures. TUSUS, GiRwiy Os ANSE Sl WNC PMEIRIIE Ish; ZVUGONS Cat aA NSB Ar ale LrLL1iAN BAER was born in New York City in 1887. She received her artistic training at the Art Students League, working under James Earle Fraser from 1908 to 1911, and under Kenneth | Hayes Miller from 1918 to 1920. Works: The Dance, shown at the International Exhibition at Rome, Italy, 1911. Her specialty is statuettes, book-ends, etc. NCO ee We ID AE) AeA Ine ROBERT P. BAKER was born in London, England, in 1886. He studied at the Lambeth School of Art, the City and Guild Technical Institute and the Royal Academy, London. He also studied in Paris and Rome. Honors: first medal for portraiture and first medal for sculpture, Royal Academy. MEMBERSHIP: Chelsea Arts Club, London. Works: Forty-two statuettes for the Fifteenth Century stalls, Beverly Minster, England; collaborated with Adrian Jones on the colossal Quadriga on the Inigo Jones Arch, Hyde Park, London; The Soul Struggle, Belgium, The Kiss, and others in the United States. Cr EO) Re Grits Gr Reyes ARE Ne AGE) GEORGE GREY BARNARD was born in Bellefonte, Pa., in 1863. He was a student at the Art Institute of Chicago, and was a pupil of Carlier at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. He exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1894. Honors: gold medal, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; gold medal, Louisiana-Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. MEMBERSHIP: Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, associate, Paris; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Associated Artists of France. Works: Iwo Natures, Metropolitan Museum, New York; The Great God Pan, Central Park, New York; group of thirty-one statues, heroic size, Burden of Life, Work and Brotherhood, etc., State Capi- tol, Harrisburg, Pa.; group, Brotherly Love, Norway, Sweden; heroic group, Adam and Eve; relief (twenty-two feet high), Labor and Rest; group of Baptism; Love and Labor; busts—, Abram S. Hewitt; Collis P. Huntington; Dr. Leeds, Stevens Institute Hoboken, N. J.; The Hewer; marble group, Adam and Eve, Boston Museum, Boston, Mass.; Father and Son, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; The Urn of Life, nineteen figures in marble, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Venus and Cupid, Paris, France; bronze statues—Abraham Lincoln, Lytle Park, Cincinnati, O., and Manchester, England; memorial fountain, Tampa, Fla.; Maidenhood; heroic head, Lincoln, bronze; Rising Woman; Brotherhood in Suffering; bronze statue, Lincoln, Louisville, Ky.; Adam and Eve, marble group, Tarrytown, N. Y.; bronze bas-relief, Conception. COLOSSAL HEAD OF LINCOLN BY GEORGE GREY BARNARD 15 MADONNA BY CLEMENT J. BARNHORN 16 GRE AMIGEN Ge] BARN HiO RN Ger MENT Bb “RIN HO RN Was born im Cincinnati, O., in 1857. He studied at the Académie Julien, Paris, under Bouguereau, Peuch, and Mercié. _Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895; bronze, and silver medal, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; honorable mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Cincinnati Art Club. Works: Theodore Thomas, Music Hall, Cincinnati, O.; fountain, Shortridge Hill School, Indianapolis, Ind.; fountain figure, Prince George Hotel, New York City; Magdalen, Cincinnati Art Museum; Portrait Bust, Public Library, Cincinnati, O.; Madonna and Child, Cathedral facade, Covington, Ky.; eleven panels, Court House, Cincinnati, O.; five panels—war memorials, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, O.; portrait, Maj. C. R. Holmes, Cincinnati General Hos- pital; bas-relief, Dr. P. S. Connor, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincin- nati, O.; Maenads, relief panel, Queen City Club, Cincinnati, O.; fountains, Hughes High School, and Conservatory of Music, Cincin- nati, O.; fountain figure, Hartford, Conn. Meas) PEL NB AGB ARSE Ee Toh MADELEINE A. BARTLETT was born in Woburn, Mass. She began the study of sculpture at Cowles Art School, Boston, re- maining there one year under the instruction of Henry H. Kitson. After leaving the school, she continued to study for ten years under the same instructor. MEMBERSHIP: Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts. Works: She has made a specialty of small bas-reliefs. PAUL WAYLAND BARTLETT PAUL WAYLAND BARTLETT was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1865. He began the study of sculpture as a boy under Frémiet, and exhibited a bust of his grandmother in the Paris Salon at the age of fourteen. In 1880, he was a pupil of Cavelier at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He studied animal forms at the Jardin des Plantes with Frémiet, and later worked with Rodin. He studied pottery sculpture with Carrier, and became interested in bronze cast- ing, and had a foundry of his own where he produced some small bronzes, fine alloys and patines. A collection of these bronzes is 1n the Luxembourg Museum. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1887, for the Bear Tamer, Metropolitan Museum, New York; hors concours, Paris Exposition, 1889, and member, International Jury of Awards; gold medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; grand prize, St. Louis Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; first medal, Liége Exposition, 1905; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1895 and Officer, 1908. MEMBERSHIP: American Academy of Arts and Letters; American Art Association of Paris, (acting president); Institute of France, cor- responding member; Royal Academy of Belgium, associate; National Academy of Design, academician, 1917. Works: statue, Gen. Joseph Warren, Boston, Mass.; Puritans, State Capitol, Hartford, Conn.; six decorative figures, New York Public Library; equestrian statue, Lafayette, Paris; Reading Figure and Erect Figure, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa.; plaster, Boy with Garlands, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; statues, Columbus and Michelangelo, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; pediment, House of Representatives, Washing- ton, D. C.; statues—, Patriotism, Duluth, Minn.; Benjamin Franklin, Waterbury, Conn.; Alexander Agassiz, Boston, Mass.; Robert Morris, Philadelphia, Pa.; door for tomb of Senator W. A. Clark, Woodlawn Cemetery, N. Y. ROBERT MORRIS BY PAUL BARTLETT 19 w a : ia can ci : x ot S THE GLINT OF THE SEA BY CHESTER] BEAGH 20 (abel he BEA GE CHESTER BEACH was born in San Francisco, Calif., in 1881. He studied for several years in Paris under Verlet and Roland and in Rome. | Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1909; silver medal, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; prize for the best work of art, National Arts Club, 1922. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League; National In- stitute of Arts and Letters; American Numismatic Society. Works: Sacred Fire, marble statue; Head in gray marble; Crying Baby, marble head; Wave Head; Baby Head, marble; Beyond, mar- ble figure; garden figures in bronze and marble; busts of children. He works in a great variety of materials, marble, bronze, terra-cotta and ivory, and has done a number of architectural works in bronze, marble, and cement. 21 BEA oD: baNINialer BELLE BENNETT was born in New York City in 1900. She studied two years under Solon Borglum and is now a student at the School of American Sculpture. EDD WAR DSB BRIG EDWARD BERGE was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1876. He studied at the Maryland Institute, the Rinehart School of Sculpture, Baltimore, Md.; the Académie Julien and under Verlet and Rodin, in Paris. Honors: bronze medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; bronze medal, and gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; bronze medal, Santiago Exposition, South America 1910; bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposi- tion, San Francisco, Cal., 1915; Clark prize, American Art Associa- tion, Paris. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Charcoal Club; Nation- al Arts Club. Works: Watson monument, and Tattersall monument, Baltimore, Md.; Pieta, St. Patrick’s Church, Washington, D. C.; The Scalp, Museum of Honolulu, H. I.; Gist memorial, Charleston, S. C.; Latrobe and Armistead monuments, Baltimore, Md.; On the Trail, an Indian memorial, Clifton Park, Baltimore, Md.; memorials—, Rev. Wynne Jones, Thomas Hayes, Baltimore, Md.; garden and fountain figures; garden figure, Wild Flower, Melbourne, Australia. 22 SEA URCHIN BY EDWARD BERGE 23 LORSOPBY SSALVA TORE Mas BILbO iil 24 ENEA BIAFORA ENEA BIAFORA was born in St.Giovanni in Fiore in Southern Italy, in 1892. He studied under his father, a sculptor and architect. In 1907 he went to Naples and studied at the Istituto di Belle Arti. ° He was professor of drawing in the technical and normal schools of Italy. In 1914 he came to New York and later worked in the studio of Paul Manship. Honors: a first prize and traveling scholarship at the Institute of Fine Arts, Naples. Works: The Little Centauress, National Academy of Design Exhi- bition, 1922. Seen Oot ere BLEOT Tl SALVATORE F. BILOTTI was born in Cosenza, Italy, in 1880. Hestudied in Philadelphia, Paris and Rome, being successively a pupil of Charles Grafly, Injalbert and Verlet. Honors: Cresson travelling scholarships, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa., 1906-1907; collaborative prize, New York Architectural League, 1914. MEMBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; National Sculp- ture Society. Works: marble statue, Our Lady of Lourdes, Chapel of the Little Sisters of the Poor, New York. The Art Museum of St. Louis, Mo., contains examples of his works. His specialty is portrait busts and statuettes. 25 CAO OUND sHOMREG SLICE | Gutzon BorGLuMwas born in Idaho, in 1867. Hestudied in San Francisco, and went to Paris in 1890 where he attended the Académie Julien and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He has exhibited as painter and sculptor in London and Paris where he resided for long periods. Honors: gold medal, Western Art Association; gold medal, Louis- lana-Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. MEMBERSHIP: Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, associate; New York Architectural League; Royal Society of British Artists. Works: Gen. Phil Sheridan monument, Washington, D. C.; twelve apostles, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; colossal head of Abraham Lincoln, rotunda of Capitol, Washington, D. C.; Mares of Diomedes, and Ruskin, Metropolitan Museum, New York; statue of Lincoln, Newark, N. J.; Henry Ward Beecher, Brooklyn, N. Y.; marble figures—, Conception; Babes in the Woods; The Centaurs; Wonderment of Motherhood; Orpheus and Eurydice; Lucretia; ‘I have piped unto you and you have not danced ’’; Prayer; Martyr; gargoyles, dormitory, class of ’79, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.; colossal bronze equestrian statue of Sheridan, Chi- cago, Ill.; colossal group, forty-two heroic figures in bronze, Newark, N. J.; now producing a colossal bas-relief of seven hundred feet by one hundred feet, on the face of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, Ga., in- volving several hundred figures. 26 THE POT OF BASIL BY GUTZON BORGLUM 27 ROUGH RIDER BY SOLON BORGLUM 28 SOLON HANNIBAL BORGLUM* SOLON HANNIBAL BORGLUM was born in Ogden, Utah, in 1868 and died in 1922. He studied at the Art Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio, and under Rebisso and Frémiet in Paris. He made a specialty of Western life, living among Indians and cowboys. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1899; silver medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; gold medal, Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910. MemMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1901; National Academy of Design, academician, 1911. Works: Equestrian statue of Gen. John B. Gordon, Atlanta, Ga.; equestrian statue of Capt. O’Neil, Prescott, Ariz.; Backus memorial, Packer Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.; portrait relief, Brig.-Gen. Joseph A. Mower, Vicksburg battlefield, Vicksburg, Miss.; Soldiers and Sail- ors monument, Danbury, Conn.; Hurley monument, Topeka, Kan.; Border of White Man’s Land, and Bulls Fighting, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; bust of C. A. Shieren, Brooklyn Institute Museum, Brooklyn, N. Y.; The Pioneer, Panama-Pacific Internation- al Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Inspiration, Aspiration, Little Lady of the Dews, Church of St. Marks in the Bouwerie, New York City; Indian Mourners; five colossal busts of generals of the Civil War, Vicksburg National Park, Vicksburg, Miss. * Deceased. footer nebORKOW SKE BROULTON Jos—EPH LORKOWSKI BOULTON (Joseph M. Lore), was born in Ft. Worth, Texas, in 1896. He studied at the National Aca- demy of Design, the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, and was for six years in the studio of Hermon A. MacNeil. Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design. MEMBERSHIP: League of American Artists. Works: The Devil Dog; Song of the Sea; The Prairie Fire; Faith, Hope and Charity. 29 Vl Gaie@). Ras sey sistoe BRS BONSN ete Victor DAviIpD BRENNER was born in Shavely, Russia, in 1871, and started as a die-cutter, 1893; he went to Paris in 1898, and became a pupil of Louis Oscar Roty, 1898-1901, and also of the Acad- émie Julien, under Peuch, Verlet and Dubois. Honors: bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1900; bronze medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; gold medal, Universal Exposition, Brussels, Belgium, 1910; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; J. Sanford Saltus silver medal of the American Numis- matic Society, for achievement in medallic art, 1922. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architec- tural League; National Arts Club; American Numismatic Society. Works: Schenley memorial fountain, Pittsburgh, Pa.; set of medals, Metropolitan Museum, N. Y.; plaques—, Carl Schurz; Collis P. Huntington; Fridtjof Nansen; J. Sanford Saltus; James McNeill Whistler; John Paul Jones; Abraham Lincoln Centennial; medals—, C. P. Daly prize medal for research, American Geographical Society, N. Y.; George William Curtis; J. Sanford Saltus award medal, Nation- al Academy of Design; Panama Canal; New York Historical Society Centennial; Abraham Lincoln; Samuel Putnam Avery; Theodore Roosevelt; Ambrose Swasey; John Hay; Twenty-fifth Anniversary Clark University; Wilbur and Orville Wright, Aero Club of America; and numerous other plaques and medals. He also designed the modelitor:thesU = scent e100; 30 UTS aie Oms RAN ES OLYMPIO BRINDESI!I was born in the Abruzzi, Italy, in 1897. He studied at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, and worked under Chester Beach and A. Phimister Proctor. : Works: marble figure, Desolation; he has done animal and human figures in marble. eM Ne, 16 MIDHOM RC By ETTORE CADORIN was born in Venice, Italy. He began his artistic education with his father, also a sculptor, at the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, where he received two first medals and a prize of money to be used for a voyage of instruction to the different capitals of Europe. His master was Dal Zotto, the celebrated sculptor and anatomist. Later on he resided in Paris and exhibited bronzes at the Salon of the Société des Beaux-Arts, and exhibited bas-reliefs in ivory at the Galerie Georges Petit. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Two large statues in Istrian marble for the celebrated Libreria di Sansovino, in Venice, to replace those which had been destroyed by the falling of the Campanile of St. Marks; a memorial in marble to Wagner for the Palace where Wagner died; a memorial to Benedetto Marcello for the Conservatorium of Music in Venice; several monuments for the cemeteries of Venice, Paris, Budapest, Bukarest, Holland, etc., and in this country for Woodlawn Cemetery, N.Y. One of his recent works is a War memorial for Edgewater, N. J. Ake Soles HEN Gre AC LE Oia ALEXANDER STIRLING CALDER, theson of Alexander Milne Calder, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1870. He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and under Chapu and Falguiére in Paris, France. He is instructor in the National Acad- emy of Design and the Art Students League of New York, and was Acting Chief, Department of Sculpture, at the Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition, in 1915. Honors: Gold medal of the Philadelphia Art Club, 1893; honor- able mention at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, 1901; a silver medal at the St. Louis Exposition, 1904; the Walter Lippincott prize, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1905; grand prize, Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1896; Philadelphia Art Club; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Fairmount Park Art Association, Philadelphia, Pa.; National Academy of Design, academi- cian, 1913; National Institute of Arts and Letters; New York Archi- tectural League, 1910; New York Municipal Art Society; National Arts Club; League of New York Artists. Works: statues of Witherspoon, Marcus Whitman and Davies, Presbyterian Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; marble sundial, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.; monumental archways, Throop Institute, Pasadena, Calif.; Lea Memorial, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.; Triumph of Energy, etc., Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Fran- cisco, 1915; The Star, John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis, Ind.; Washington Group, Washington Arch, New York City; Depew mem- orial fountain, Indianapolis, Ind.; The Island, Viscaya, Fla. 32 GIRL WITH BLACK SWAN BY A. STIRLING CALDER 33 MME. AMELITA GALLI-CURCI BY ALLAN CLARK 34 DUANE CHAMPLAIN DUANE CHAMPLAIN was born in Black Mountain, North Carolina, in 1889. He studied at the Art Students League, the National Academy of Design and the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York. ALLAN CLARK ALLAN CLARK was bornin Missoula, Montana, in 1896. He studied under Albin Polasek at the Art Institute of Chicago, and under Robert Aitken at the National Academy of Design, New York. He is instructor at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: bronze statue, Ted Shawn’s Antelope Dance; marble bust, Mme. Galli-Curci. MAC ae ON KOT EN.G MABEL CONKLING was born in Boothbay, Maine, in 1871. She studied drawing at the Académie Julien in Paris under Bouguereau in 1895, and at the Académie Vitti under Collin until 1899. In 1900 she studied sculpture under MacMonnies. MEMBERSHIP: National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors; American Federation of Arts; American Numismatic Society. Works: Vase of the Four Winds; The Lotus Girl; Song of the Sea; Temptation; Romance; In the Sun; Bacchante; Elf Dance; Nymph and Satyr (terminals); Nymph panels for swimming pool; portrait- reliefs—, Miss Springtime; Rev. Dr. George Alexander; William H. Wadhams, Jr.; Mrs. James A. Garland; Hope Garland; Pauline. 2 PAWS a OON aIatENEGs PAUL GONKLING was born in New York City in 1871. He studied at the Kensington School of Art, South Kensington, London, and in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and in the studios of Fal- guiére and MacMonnies. MEMBERSHIP: Society of American Artists; Society of Independent Artists. His specialty 1s portraiture. eB erase Eg PACHOROM: Ye da: ELIZABETH COOPER was born in Dayton, O.,in 1901. She studied under Sally James Farnham and at the American School of Sculpture. Works: relief, Hugh L. Cooper. She makes a specialty of animals. ELEPHANT CHILD BYSELIZAR E Tie GOoORilnk 36 GUANIUb, Sins ROWAN CKOM RU bile Jee GAIL SHERMAN CORBETT was born in Syracuse, N. Y. She began to study modeling with Caroline Peddle (Ball), and after- wards studied at the Art Students League as a pupil of Augustus’ Saint-Gaudens, H. Siddons Mowbray and George de Forest Brush. She taught drawing and modeling for two years at Syracuse Univer- sity. From 1898 to 1899 she was in Paris working under the guidance of Saint-Gaudens, and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Honors: honorable mention for sculpture, and bronze medal for medals, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., FO15: MemBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; American Numismatic Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: Hamilton S. White memorial, and Kirkpatrick memorial fountain, Syracuse, N. Y.; tablet to Dean Vernon, Syracuse Univer- sity, and bust of Dr. Calthrop, May Memorial Church, Syracuse, N. Y.; bronze doors for Auditorium, Municipal Building and Tower, and large bronze zodiac and compass in front of Tower, Springfield, Mass. ; garden fountains, sun-dials and low relief portraits. ai IDA COSTIGAN IpA COSTIGAN was born in Germany in 1894. She came to the United States at an early age. She is self taught. She showed a piece called Old Annie at the National Academy of Design in 1922, and has exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia, Pa. MARKETING BY IDA COSTIGAN 38 Le TODIN BM Ts BY {Cane asi de) LEONARD CRASKE was born in London, England, in 1882. He was educated at the City of London School and London Univer- sity. For three years he studied medicine, including anatomy, at' St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. Later he studied art with the Dick- sees, and served as assistant to Paul R. Montford. He came to Amer- ica In 1910 and has since made his home in Boston and Gloucester. He has exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, and elsewhere. Sil Oven © ES eae Baas le ie ON ARO RG RIAs Ke) 39 Pit Ral Rec Nea HENRI CRENIER was born in Paris, France, in 1873. He was a pupil of Falguiére at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Honors: Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1897, and Panama- Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architec- tural League. Works: Boy and Turtle, bronze, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; pediments and caryatids, City Hall, San Francisco, Calif.; Fenimore Cooper memorial, Scarsdale, N. Y.; Girl and Butter- flies, bronze sun-dial; fountains; caryatids; Spirit of the Garden, marble statue; Youth and Shepherd, stone; Source, marble,—all on private estate. MARGARET PRENCH GC Rin sas MARGARET FRENCH CRESSON Was born In Concord: Mass., in 1889. She studied sculpture with her father, Daniel Chester French, and with Miss Eberle; also at the New York School of Applied Design for Women. Works: portrait relief of Mr. Murdock to be erected at the Mas- sachusetts State Normal School, North Adams, Mass. 40 GIRL WITH THE CURLS BY MARGARET FRENCH CRESSON 41 IHE LAST ARROW BY GYRUS 42 Ee DO AELN nee GYRUS *ED WIN DALLEIN Cyrus Epwin DALLIN was born in Springville, Utah, in 1861. He was a pupil at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and the Académie Julien, Paris, and studied under Chapu and Dampt. Heis instructor « in sculpture at the Massachusetts State Normal Art School. Honors: gold medal, American Art Association, 1888; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1890; first-class medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, IIl., 1893; silver medal, International Exposition, Paris, 1900, and Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo. 1904, and Pan- ama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; gold medal, Paris Salon, 1900. MempsersuipP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, associate; National Institute of Arts and Letters. Works: Pioneer monument, Salt Lake City, Utah; Signal of Peace, Lincoln Park, Chicago; Sir Isaac Newton, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; Medicine Man, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.; Soldiers and Sailors monument, Syracuse, N. Y.; Appeal to the Great Spirit, and Julia Ward Howe, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.; The Scout, Kansas City, Mo.; Massasoit, Plymouth, Mass.; Signing the Compact, Provincetown, Mass.; Alma Mater, Washing- ton University, St. Louis, Mo. He has specialized in the American Indian. 43 JO DAVIDSON Jo DavipbSsoON was born in New York, in 1883. He was a pupil of George de Forest Brush and Hermon A. MacNeil. He studied at the Art Students League, New York, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Works: bust of Feodor Chaliapine; panel of dancing figures, Neigh- borhood Playhouse, New York City; busts—, Marshal Joffre, Cle- menceau, Gen. John J. Pershing, Anatole France, Emile Coué; figure, Gertrude Stein; bronze heads—, Joseph Conrad; Bernard Baruch; figure, Ida Rubenstein; bronze statuette, Japanese girl; marble head, The Artist’s Wife; bronze statuette, Supplication. 44 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST'S WIFE BY JO DAVIDSON 45 THE DAWNING HOUR BY ANTHONY DE FRANCISCI 40 ON Gle ONY DE ERAN GIS Gl ANTHONY DE FRANCISCI was born in Italy, in 1887. He started his early studies abroad and completed them in New York City. He was a pupil of George T. Brewster at Cooper Union and of | James Earle Fraser at the Art Students League. He was formerly assistant in the studios of G. T. Brewster, Philip Martiny, H. A. MacNeil, Charles Niehaus and A. A. Weinman. In the latter studio he had a very complete technical training for a period of six years. He is instructor in modelling at the school of architecture of Columbia University, and at the evening classes of the Beaux-Arts Institute. Honors: won the Mrs. H. P. Whitney “‘War”’ competition; honor- able mention for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1910. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League, American Numismatic Society. Works: garden sculpture, Short Hills, N. J.; life-size polychrome triptychs for the altar of All Souls Church, New York; life-size garden figures, Cleveland, Ohio; At Play; Faith; The Bayadére, a bronze, Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio. alee eel teal) | Ns Key GLEB DERUJINSKy was born in 1888 in the government of Smolensk, Central Russia. He began his studies at the age of sixteen at the School for the Encouragement of Art, Petrograd. Later, he went to Paris and studied with Injalbert and Verlet. In 1913 he entered the Imperial Academy which he finished in 1917. Although a candidate for the Prix de Rome of the American Academy, Rome, Italy, he was unable to complete his competitive work on ac- count of the Russian Bolshevik revolution, and went to the Crimea in southern Russia where he worked for Prince Felix Youssoupoff. After the collapse of Denikin in the spring of 1919, he enrolled as a sailor on a Russian cargo vessel and came to the United States in June, 1919. At the National Academy of Design he exhibited in the winter of 1922, the following works: Alexander Zilot, Leonardo da Vinci. 47 GCOS PP EAD ON AgE® GIUSEPPE DONATO was bornin Maida, Calabria, Italy, in 1881. He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts under Charles Grafly. He worked also in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and at the Académies Julien and Colarossi, and as a pupil of Auguste Rodin. Honors: Edmund Stewardson scholarship, 1900, and Cresson Euro- pean scholarship, 1903-1905, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League; American Art Association, Paris; Société Internationale des Beaux-Arts et des Lettres; American Federation of Fine Arts; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Works: The Quaker, City Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. 48 PENN eV O11 GE se OLesitr Ean l ORG See yeuG LCS Espa) @ NAS © 49 PENelesld Tiere Real Get Hunt DIEDERICH was born in Hungary in 1884. He studied sculpture in Philadelphia, Pa., Rome and Paris. Works: Three Horse fountain; Greyhounds. His specialty is animals and figures for monuments. GATS eB yeHUN TS DIE DER CH 50 Re@ Biase leer eb lihih Ah: » RoBERT G. EBERHARD was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1884. Hestudied at the Art Students League as a pupil of Hermon A. MacNeil, and at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, under Mercié, Tony Noel, E. Carlier, V. Peter and Rodin. Honors: Lissignol prize, Geneva, Switzerland; silver medal, Artists du Cher, Vierzon, France; honorable mention, Paris Salon. MEMBERSHIP: Société des Artistes Francgais; New Haven Paint and Clay Club. He does general and portrait sculpture. A BAS REN WWAR Ste sO EG Ee aeio.b aia ABASTENIA ST. LEGER EBERLE was born in Webster City, Iowa, in 1878. She received her sculptural training mainly at the Art Students League and under George Grey Barnard. She was greatly influenced by living when young in Porto Rico, where the native life gave the richest opportunity for studies of women and children at work and at play, a type of work which she has carried on in New York’s East Side. She made a specialty at one time of danc- ing figures and has done many portraits. Honors: bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1910; bronze medal, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; National Sculpture Society, 1906. Works: Girl on Roller Skates, Mowgli, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Little Mother, Art Institute of Chicago; Rag Time, Toledo Art Museum, Toledo, O.; The Windy Doorstep, copy in each of the following museums: Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Mass.; Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.; Newark Museum, New- ark, N. J.; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Salomé, Society for Encouragement of Art, Venice, Italy, and also, Twentieth Century Woman’s Club, Buffalo, N. Y.; Hurdy Gurdy, Detroit Museum, Detroit, Mich. ES ACY = CAT SBNGrA BASIE NARS eme BiB ILE 53 NUS KSVAWSRIEIITNSE MSI OlINTN Ad AVMALVD UMAAO AAITAU ‘SIWALUV 54 aera) Ome ae Neey eel Rabi WSN ULtric H. ELLERHUSEN was born in Waren, Mecklen- burg, Germany, in 1879. He was a student at the Art Institute of Chicago under Lorado Taft and of the Art Students League under Gutzon Borglum. He studied with Karl Bitter from 1906 to 1912. MeEmMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architec- tural League; Beaux-Arts Institute of Design; Allied Artists of America. Works: Ludeke memorial, Fairview Cemetery, N. J.; Contem- plation, Wonderment, Meditation and Frieze of Garland Bearers Fine Arts Building, San Francisco, Calif.; Artemis, relief over gateway Greystone, N. Y.; J. C. Schwab memorial fountain, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; Peace monument and allegorical portraits of Confucius, Columbus, Pocahontas and Douglass, Elmwood Park, Bast Orange, N. J. JOHN ETTL JoOuN ETTL was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1872. He studied at the Academy of Sculpture in Budapest, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, and also in Paris and Munich. Works: Abraham Lincoln, State Arsenal, N. Y.; War memorial, Pacpenutherord, N- |.: Soldiers monument, Haverstraw, N. Y. Orton memorial, Esteres Island, Peru, S. A.; sculpture, Palace of Justice, Berne, Switzerland. D9 BOYSAND PANTHERS BY SRU DU EPI ee VANS eel Oe SEV ANS RUDULPH EVANSs was born in Washington, D. C., in 1878. He was educated at the Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C., the Art Students League, New York, and the Académie Julien and Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Honors: bronze medal, Paris Salon, 1914; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, National Academy of Design, 1920. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate. Works: statue, The Golden Hour, purchased by the French Gov- ernment for the Luxemburg Museum, Paris; replica of same in the Metropolitan Museum, New York; J. Sterling Morton monument; Kiernan memorial; statue of James B. Pierce; bronze portraits—, Maude Adams; Dean Joseph French Johnson of New York University; Frank Vanderlip. LO als Agee Re Louisa EyYReE was born in Newport, R. I., in 1872. She studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts from 1888 to 1891, at the Art Students League from 1891 to 1894, and was a pupil of Augustus Saint-Gaudens from 1894 to 1895. MEMBERSHIP: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Art Alliance of Philadelphia; Guild of Arts and Crafts, Philadelphia. Works: bronze tablets—, Gen. George Sykes, Memorial Hall, West Point, N. Y.; Hon. John A. Kasson; marble shield decorations of Arts and Sciences for the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania; terra-cotta reliefs for a garden at Jenkintown, Pa.; relief of the children of Owen Wister; and various reliefs and figures of children, both portrait and ideal. Her specialty is portraits and ideal works of children. 58 SALLY JAMES FARNHAM SALLY JAMES FARNHAM was born in Ogdensburg, N. Y. Honors: Order of Bolivar, Venezuelan Government. Works: equestrian monument of Simon Bolivar, Central Park, New York City; Soldiers and Sailors monuments—, Ogdensburg, N. Y., Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N. Y., and elsewhere; Frieze of Discoverers, Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C.; marble por- traits of Marshall Sucre, and of Hipolito Unanue, Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C.; monument to Gen. Chaffee, Arlington, Washington, D. C.; portraits—, Marshall Sucre, and Hidalgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Vernon Castle memorial, Woodlawn Cemetery, New York City; portrait, Jascha Herfetz. BibyAsIE Ris sie Naja BEATRICE FENTON was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1887. She studied at the School of Industrial Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Honors: George B. McClellan Anatomy prize, 1907; Edmund Stewardson prize for sculpture, 1908, and Cresson European Scholar- ship, 1909 and 1910, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; honorable mention for Rodin medal, Plastic Club Exhi- bition of Sculpture by American Women, 1916; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1922; Fellowship prize, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1922; Georgine Shillard silver medal, Plastic Club, 1922. MEMBERSHIP: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Plastic Club of Philadelphia; Art Alliance of Philadelphia; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: bronze Sea-weed fountain, Fairmount Park, Philadel- phia; Peter Moran, Art Club of Philadelphia; Caroline; Marjorie D. Marenet; The Sea-shell; A Table-fountain. 60 SEASW EE DeLOUNTALINGBYS BEATRICE SE ENTON 61 PAUL FJELDE PauL FJELDEwas born in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1892. He studied at the Minneapolis School of Art, the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design and the Art Students League, New York, and under Lorado Taft in Chicago. Honors: honorable mention, St. Paul Institute, 1918. MEMBERSHIP: Society of Western Sculptors; Chicago Society of Artists. Works: Lincoln monument, Christiania, Norway; J. S. Bradstreet memorial, Minneapolis Art Institute; Irwin memorial, Auburn, Me.; Gjertsen memorial, Minneapolis, Minn.; Lincoln monument, Hillsboro, N. D.; Pioneers memorial, Council Bluffs, Ia.; Donners- berger memorial, McKinley Park, Chicago, II]. 62 JOHN FLANAGAN JOHN FLANAGAN was born in Newark, N. J. He studied with Augustus Saint-Gaudens in New York, and in Paris with Chapu at the Académie Julien and Falguiére at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Honors: silver medals—, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; medal of honor, section of medals, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; J. Sanford Saltus medal for medallic art, American Numismatic Society, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts; American Numismatic Society. Works: monumental clock, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; bronze relief, Antique Education, Free Public Library, Newark, N. J.; tinted marble relief, Aphrodite; bronze memorial portrait, Samuel P. Langley, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.; E. A. Bulkeley memorial, bronze and marble, Aetna Life, Hartford, Conn.; medals—, Verdun Medal, given by the United States to the City of Verdun, France; Visit of the Prince of Wales to the United States, American Numismatic Society; and many other bas-reliefs and medals. | ote 63 QUEENTOFSA TEANTIS] B Years oEVAIO KR SE a Le ORTO SAIL WS ITTOH MR: dem esa rane) Coded Ot OM yea BO) SALVATOR ERSENY FLORIO was born in Messina, Italy, in 1890. He studied at the National Academy of Design, and has as- sisted in the studios of Hermon A. MacNeil, A. Stirling Calder and ainesei, Fraser. Honors: silver medal for nude figure, National Academy of De- sign; bronze medal for service as sculptor, Panama-Pacific Interna- tional Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. Works: reliefs—, Springtime; Adam and Eve; The Tribute; head of Minerva, San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, Calif.; por- trait, Rear-Admiral C. J. Peoples. 65 ACME Ss Ack: RE Et RaAtS. Eels: JAMES EARLE FRASER was born in Winona, Minn., in 1876. He was a pupil of Falguiére in Paris. He was instructor at the Art Students League, 1906-1911. Honors: first prize, American Art Association, Paris, 1898; medal, Edison competition, 1906; gold medal for sculpture, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MemBersuIpP: National Institute of Arts and Letters; National Sculpture Society ; National Academy of Design, academician, 1917. Works: bust, ex-Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, Senate Chamber, Capitol, Washington, D. C.; statue of Bishop Potter, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; End of the Trail, San Francisco, Calif.; John Hay memorial, Cleveland, O.; Alexander Hamilton statue to be placed on the south plaza of the U. S. Treasury Building, Washington, D. C.; two monuments (war memorials) for the Bank of Montreal, Canada, to be placed in Montreal and Winnipeg (won In international competition); won competition for the John Ericsson statue to be placed in the Mall in Washington, D. C.; lately won a competition for the groups on the north pylons of the memorial bridge, Chicago, Ill. He designed the nickel five-cent piece (Indian head and buffalo) for the U. S. Government, 1913; the Victory medal, 1910; the American Academy of Arts and Letters medal; the Williams medal; award medal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1920. 66 ALEXANDER HAMILTON BY JAMES EARLE FRASER 67 BABY GOAT BY LAURA GARDIN FRASER 68 LAURA GARDIN FRASER PeGU RAG AR DUNG! RAS ER Was born in Chicago, IIl., in 1889. She studied sculpture at the Art Students League under James Earle Fraser, 1907-1910. Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, for group, Nymph and Satyr, 1916; Julia Shaw prize, National Acade- my of Design for Baby Goat, 1920. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Nymph and Satyr; Baby Goat; Grape Baby fountain, purchased by City of Buffalo and placed in Delaware Park, Buffalo, N. Y.; Golf Player Sun-dial, Lochmoor Country Club, Detroit, Mich.; Bide-A-Wee relief, placed over door of Bide-A-Wee Home for Animals, New York City; bust of Gilbert Stuart, Hall of Fame, New York University, New York; at present erecting large group memorial for Mrs. Russell in Newport, R. I.; numerous other groups of animals and statues; medals—, Irish Setter Club of America; National In- stitute of Social Science; Woman’s Home Companion, Better Babies. 69 DAWA IRE C Eibss TE Re be haleNiGaa DANIEL CHESTER FRENCH was born in Exeter, N. H., in 1850. He studied sculpture under Dr. William Rimmer in Boston, 1870-1871, and with Thomas Ball in Florence, Italy, 1874-1876. His first public statue, The Minute Man, was erected in Concord, Mass., April 19, 1875. Honors: medal, Paris Salon, 1892; medal of honor, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; medal of honor for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1912; medal of honor, Panama-Pacific Exposi- tion, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; gold medal of honor, National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1918. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate, 1900, academician, 1901; National Sculpture Society, honorary-president, 1893; New York Architectural League, 1890; American Institute of Architects, 1896; Accademia San Luca, Rome; National Arts Club; American Academy of Arts and Letters. Works: John Harvard, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Dr. Gallaudet and his first Deaf Mute Pupil, Washington, D. C.; The Minute Man, Concord, Mass.; Death and the Sculptor, memorial to Martin Milmore, Boston, Mass.; Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln, Neb.; Four Continents, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Custom House, N. Y. City; Alma Mater, Columbia University, N. Y. City; Quadriga, in collaboration with E. C. Potter, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minn.; equestrian statue of Washington, in collaboration with E. C. Potter, Paris, France,; Gen. Devens, equestrian statue, in collaboration with E. C. Potter, Worcester, Mass.; Lincoln statue, Lincoln memorial, Washington, D. C.; Parkman memorial, Boston, Mass.; Mourning Victory, memorial to Melvin brothers, Concord, Mass.; bust of Emerson, Memorial Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Spirit of Life, Trask memorial, Saratoga, N. Y.; Du Pont fountain, Washington, D. C.; statue of Emerson, Concord, Mass.; Lafayette monument, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Memory, Metropolitan Museum, N. Y. 70 TLE SoPiRIg OR. LIFE, SI RASKeMEMORIA LE BY {DANIELS CaP RENGEH MOTHER AND INFANT HERCULES BY LEO FRIEDLANDER 72 Oa hele AON WE R LEO FRIEDLANDER was born in New York City, in 1889. He was a pupil of the Art Students League, New York, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and also in Brussels. _ Honors: fellowship, American Academy in Rome, Italy, 1913- 1916; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1918; honorable mention, Art Institute of Chicago, 1920. Works: sculptures on Washington Memorial Arch, Valley Forge, Poel eigures on altar ol ot- Thomas Church, Frankfort, Pa., 1913; Bacchante friezes in private home, Hillcrest, L. |.; figures over main entrance of Masonic Temple, Detroit, Mich.; bronze eques- trian group, Potential America; garden figure, Belvedere, N. J.; From the Land of the Hyperboreans, equestrian statue (sketch). 73 EATR REP Es ls WV Te NSE aye Past avila HARRIET WHITNEY FRISHMUTH was born in Phila- delphia, Pa., 1880. She studied in Paris under Rodin and Injalbert, in Berlin under Cuno von Euchtritz, and also in New York under Hermon A. MacNeil and Gutzon Borglum. She exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1903. Honors: Augustus Saint-Gaudens prize, Art Students League; Helen Foster Barnett prize, for Girl and Dolphin fountain, National Academy of Design; McMillin prize for sculpture, National Associa- tion of Women Painters and Sculptors; honorable mention, for the Saki Sun-dial, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francis- co, 1915; National Arts Club prize, for Extase, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1921; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, for Fantasie, National Academy of Design, 1922. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1914; Art Alliance of America; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors; League of American Artists; Allied Artists of America. Works: Joy of the Waters, Museum of Fine Arts, Dayton, Ohio; The Star; Globe Sun-dial; Saki Sun-dial; Girl and Dolphin Fountain; Fantasie; Slavonic Dancer; Extase. 74 THE VINE BY HARRIET W. FRISHMUTH 75 AGNES VALBORG FROMEN AGNES VALBORG FROMEN was born in Valdemarsvik, Sweden, in 1868. She was a pupil of Lorado Taft and Charles Mulligan at the Art Institute of Chicago. Honors: Municipal Art League prize of Chicago, 1912; second and third prizes for frieze of Illinois State Fair Building, 1914; prizes at Swedish-American Exhibitions, 1917 and 1919; Chicago Women’s Aid prize, 1921; honorable mention, Alumni Exhibition, Art Institute of hicago, 1022. Works: Spring, Art Institute of Chicago; bust of Washington Irv- ing, Washington Irving School, Bloomington, III.; memorial fountain, Englewood High School; memorial tablet, Hyde Park Church of Christ, Chicago. 77 > EER Ray SE DaVCWEN Des NStaia ys SHERRY EDMUNDSON Fry was born in Creston, Iowa, in 1879. He studied sculpture at the Chicago Art Institute under Lorado Taft, and at the Académie Julien and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Heis a pupil of Verlet and Frederick MacMonnies. Honors: honorable mention at the Paris Salon, 1906, and medal, 1908; Prix de Rome, American Academy in Rome, 1908-1911; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, National Academy of Design, 1917. MemBErsHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architectur- al League; National Academy of Design, associate. Works: statue, Mahaska, Indian Chief, Oskaloosa, Iowa; fountains —, Au Soleil, Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, O.; The Dolphin, Mt. Kisco, N. Y.; The Turtle, Worcester, Mass.; pediments—, Henry C. Frick house, New York City, and Clark Mausoleum, Los Angeles, Cal.; statue, Ira Allen, University of Vermont; Major C. Burret memorial fountain, St. George, Staten Island, N. Y.; Modesty, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City; Captain Abbey, Tompkinsville, Conn. 78 FORSUN ASE OUNTATIN SE LGU RIE Yyaro Hi rURS as beet ROY 79 MAIDEN MEDITATION BY EMIL FUCHS 80 evita UG ES EMIL FUCHS was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1866. He studied under Victor Tilguer and later at the Royal Academies in Vienna and Berlin, winning a travelling scholarship in 1890 which enabled him to study in Italy where he remained until 1899. During his stay in Rome, he executed his group, Mother Love. From 1897 he made his residence in London, but has more recently been established in New York, where his paintings and sculpture have been frequently shown. Honors: gold medal, Munich Exposition, 1896, for Mother Love. MemBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League. WorRKS: monument to Prince Christian Victor, St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, England; monuments to Queen Victoria at Balmoral and Sandringham, England; The Sisters, memorial in marble, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, England; bronze statue, La Pensierosa, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; marble busts, Lady Alice Montague, Ignace Paderewski, Sir Arthur Pinero; marble bas-relief, Sancta Cecilia, in a private collection, New York; bronze busts, Gari Melchers, Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, Sir David Murray; marble bas-relief, Mother and Child; Ashley Memorial, Ramsey Cathedral, England. 81 GEORGE ETIENNE GANIERE GEORGE ETIENNE GANIERE was born in Chicago, Ill. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, and in Europe. He 1s head of the department of sculpture in the Art Institute, Chicago. Honors: Shaffer prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1919. MEMBERSHIP: Chicago Society of Artists; Society of Western Artists. Works: Baby Head, J. Vanderpoel collection; Lincoln, Lincoln memorial school, Webster City, la., and Burlington, Wis.; Lincoln fountain, Lincoln Highway, Chicago, Ill.; equestrian statue, Gen. Anthony Wayne, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Lincoln, and Douglas, Chicago Historical Society; Hately memorial, Highland Park, Ill.; Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus memorial, Chicago, Ill.; Awakening Soul; The Toilers; Innocence; Bather; Maternity; marble bust, Layton; many Lincoln memorials in which subject he has specialized. 83 CHARLES GRAFLY CHARLES GRAFLY was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1862. He was a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia and of Chapu and Dampt in Paris. He has been instruc- tor in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts since 1892 and in- structor in sculpture in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts since 1917. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1891; honorable mention, Temple Trust Fund, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1892; medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; silver medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Converse gold medal of honor, Pennsy]- vania Academy of Fine Arts, 1899; gold medal, International Exposi- tion, Paris, 1900; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; gold medal, South Carolina Interstate Exposition, Charleston, S. C., 1902; grand prize, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1913; Lea prize, Philadelphia Water Color Club, 1916; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, National Academy of Design, 1918; Walter Palmer gold medal, Art Institute of Chicago, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, academician; New York Architectural League; Art Club of Philadelphia; National Institute of Arts and Letters; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; member, Municipal Art Jury, Philadelphia, Pa., and International Jury of Awards, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. Works: Mauvais Presage, Detroit Institute, Detroit, Mich.; Vulture of War, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.; Gen. Rey- nolds, Smith memorial, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.; England, and France, Custom House, New York City; busts—, Dr. Joseph Price; Thomas P. Anshutz; Hermann Kotzschmar; William Paxton; George C. Thomas; Paul W. Bartlett; Pioneer Mother monument, San Francisco, Calif.; bust of Frank Duveneck, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. 84 STUDY FOR HEAD OF WAR, MEADE MEMORIAL BY CHARLES GRAFLY 85 TOY VENUS, FOUNTAIN FIGURE, BY JOHN GREGORY 86 JOHN GREGORY JOHN GREGORY was born in London, England, in 1870. He studied with J. Massey Rhind for three years and at the Art Stu- dents League of New York under George Grey Barnard and Hermon A. MacNeil. He then spent three years at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Paris in the atelier Mercié. Returning to New York in 1906 he worked as assistant in the studios of H. A. MacNeil, Gutzon Borg- lum and Herbert Adams. He has been director of the sculpture de- partment in the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, and associate in modelling at Columbia University, New York. Honors: fellowship of the American Academy in Rome, 1912-1915; medal for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architect- ural League. Works: Venus, a marble panel, half life-size, for an overmantel; Woodnymph and Bacchante, life-size marble statues for a garden at Roslyn, L. I.; Orpheus and Dancing Panther, heroic-size bronze group for a garden at Loretta, Pa.; Philomela, life-size bronze figure for bird-garden at Manhasset, L. I.; The Voyage, decorative floor- relief for main office of the Cunard Building, New York; Toy Venus, three-quarter life-size marble statue for fountain at Syosset, L. I. 87 TRAN Gr omer Ray Ise FRANCES GRIMES was born in Braceville, Ohio, in 1869. After graduating from Pratt Institute, she was assistant to Herbert Adams from 1894-1900, and to Augustus Saint-Gaudens from 1900- 1907. Honors: silver medal for medals, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; McMillan prize for sculpture, Na- tional Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1916; Associa- tion medal, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1920. MemBeERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1912; National Associa- tion of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: bas-relief overmantel, Washington Irving High School, New York City; Girl by Pool, and Boy with Duck, fountain figures, Toledo Art Museum, Toledo, Ohio; bust of Bishop Potter, Grace Church, New York City; marble panels, Girls Singing; fountain figures, decorative panels, portrait bas-reliefs and portrait heads. 88 ie Pe lien caves He LOUIS HENRY DOW BY FRANCES GRIMES 89 GRUPPE GOOSE GIREY BY KARTS H: QO Keates sies Nets Gat Gr RaW 2: PE KARL HEINRICH GRUPPE was born in Rochester, N. Y.., in 1893.' He studied at the Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium, and the Art Students League, New York, and was a pupil of Karl Bitter. Honors: Saint-Gaudens prize, 1912, Art Students League; and Avery prize, 1920, New York Architectural League. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League. Works: Final figure, Italian towers, Panama-Pacific Exposition; San Francisco, Calif., 1915; memorial tablets—, City Club, New York, and Princeton Charter Club, Princeton, N. J. con PRE te Rel Vato @ Rete: Bae tae FREDERIC V. GUINZBURG. was. born in New ayork City, in 1897. He studied at the Art Students League and under Victor D. Brenner, 1915-1917; also drawing with Jerome Myers, 1914-1917. He also studied in France and Italy after the War, and is now at the School of American Sculpture. Works: Bobby; The Widower; Student of the Talmud; Madonna of the Streets; Contamination; The Bride of the Man Horse, inspired by a story of Lord Dunsany; portrait of Margaret Wycherley; The Destitute; A Peasant of Northern France; Homeless. TRYGVE HAMMER TRYGVE HAMMER was born in Norway, in 1878. He came to the United States in 1904 and studied sculpture at the Art Students League, the National Academy of Design, and at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. WALKER HANCOCK WALKER HANCOCK was born in St. Louis, Mo., in 1901. He studied at the School of Fine Arts, St. Louis, Mo., under Victor Holm, and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Honors: Edmund Stewardson prize, 1921, and Cresson traveling scholarship, 1922, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Works: portrait, Janet Shields; Sea Weed, fountain figure; James W. Walker. His specialty is garden sculpture. Q2 BUST OF A WOMAN BY TRYGVE HAMMER 93 ide vy Eri Harvey YOUNG GORILLA BY ELI HARVEY 94 fee erie Ae ay aay: ELI HARVEY was born in Ogden, Ohio, in 1860. He studied drawing, painting and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Cincin- nati, Ohio, under Noble, Lentz and Rebisso; in 1889 he entered the Académie Julien, Paris, studying drawing and painting under Con- stant, Lefebvre and Doucet, and animal sculpture under Emmanuel Frémiet at the Jardin des Plantes. Honors: John Wanamaker prize for sculpture, American Art Association, Paris, 1900; bronze medal for sculpture, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; bronze medal, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. MemBeErSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League; New York Zodlogical Society; American Art Association, Paris; American Federation of Arts; League of American Artists. Works: sculpture for Lion House, N. Y. Zodlogical Park; life-size gorilla, N. Y. Zodlogical Society; recumbent lions for Eaton Mau- soleum, Toronto, Canada; sculptural feature for the Evangeline Blashfield memorial fountain; Brown Bear Mascot, Brown Univer- sity, Providence, R. I.; portraits—-, Senator Savage, Ohio; Gov. Anderson, Ky.; ex-Pres. Camp, New York Clearing House; Judge Doan, Ohio; U. S. Circuit Judge Cox, Ohio; two figures for Youngs- town Court House, Ohio. 95 ESE ES el ae Dee Gete ile TAGS A VV elnlens ERNEST BRUCE HASWELL was born in Kentucky, in 1887. He studied at the Cincinnati Art Academy under Clement Barnhorn, and at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, under Paul Dubois and Victor Rousseau. MEMBERSHIP: Cincinnati Art Club; Crafters Guild. Works: bas-relief, Spinoza, Hebrew Union College; replica of same at Spinoza House, The Hague, Holland; Northcott memorial, Spring- field, I1l.; Soldiers memorial, Bond Hill, O.; Rowe memorial, Avondale School, Cincinnati, O.; Kuhn memorial, University School, Cincin- nati, O.; portraits of Gen. Green, Gen. St. Clair, Gen. Wayne; Little Turtle, Greenville, O.; fountains, sun-dials and bird baths in private gardens; four symbols of the Evangelists, St. Calman’s Church, Cleveland, O. 96 ease lee eaView Tl AW KS RACHEL M. Hawks was born in Port Deposit, Maryland, in 1879. She was a pupil of the Rinehart School of Sculpture under Ephraim Keyser and Charles Pike. Works: bust of Dr. Basil Gildersleeve, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.; bronze fountain figures—, Sixteen, The Secret, The Gold Fish Girl; portrait bust, Wm. A. Fisher, Jr.; small bronze, Bobbie’s Smile. Petia ANU Cr WeseleW oe iE UBER CarRL AuGusTuS HEBER was born in Stuttgart, Ger- many, in 1874. He was a pupil of Lorado Taft in Chicago. Honors: bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904, and Panama- Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League. Works: Pastoral, Art Institute, Chicago, Ill.; Champlain memorial, Crown Point, N. Y.; statue, Champlain, Plattsburgh, N. Y.; Schiller monument, Rochester, N. Y.; Benjamin Franklin, Princeton Univer- sity, Princeton, N. J. o7 Plea EASEL) SET Tea ain ir ELst1—E WARD HERING was born in Howard County, Mo., in 1871, and died on January 12th, 1923. She began the study of sculpture in Denver, Colo., and in 1894 entered the studio of Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Cornish, N. H. Honors: silver medal, South Carolina Interstate Exposition, Charleston, S. C., 1902; bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. MeMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Schermerhorn memorial font, chapel of Our Saviour, Denver, Colo.; portrait reliefs of her Mother and Mrs. Evans; foun- tain, Boy Teasing a Frog. Her specialty was portraits, busts and reliefs. * Deceased. 98 “> BAPTISMAL FONT BY ELSIE WARD HERING 99 ROGERS PEATT SBY SU ENR YS HERING 100 ile Nike yet ERE LN G HENRY HERING was born in New York City in 1874. He studied at Cooper Union, 1888-1891, and with Philip Martiny, 1891-1897; also at the Art Students League, New York, from 1894 to 1898, and from 1900-1901, at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and the Colarossi Academy, Paris. In 1900 he entered the studio of Augustus Saint-Gaudens where he remained until the latter’s death in 1907. Honors: silver medal for medals and bronze medal for sculpture, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. MemBERSHIP: New York Architectural League, 1910; National Sculpture Society, 1913. Works: Civil War memorial, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; Robert Collyer memorial, Church of the Messiah, New York; sculpture on the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IIl.; on the Federal Reserve Banks at Dallas, Texas; Kansas City, Mo.; and Cleveland, Ohio; seal of the Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago, III.; official seal for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; Huntington Wolcott Jackson memorial, Crerar Li- brary, Chicago, and Princeton University; portrait busts—, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Bishop Ethelbert Talbott; also fountains, statuettes and portrait reliefs. He is at present engaged on sculptural groups for the Memorial Bridge pylons on Michigan Avenue, Chicago, III. 10! Pee ba eles Cn ata Vel UA ND st |B BARD Perse eR CG Keri) aay Et AND) FLL BBA. RD Was born in Can- ton, Mo., in 1881. He studied at the Chicago Art Institute under orado: [aft. Honors: honorable mention, Art Institute of Chicago, 1913; Shaffer prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1914. MEMBERSHIP: Chicago Society of Artists; Cliff Dwellers. Works: Mark Twain, Hannibal, Mo.; Gen. James Shields, Car- rollton, Mo.; Col. Alexander Doniphan, Richmond, Mo.; Dr. G. V. Black, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Ill.; Volney Rogers, Youngstown, Ohio; Gen. H. W. Lawton, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Gen. Grant, Vicksburg, Miss.; Soldier monuments, Winchester, Va., also at Jackson, Mich., Princeton, Ill., and Great Bend, Kan.; Soldier and Sailor monument, Pico. Pa,, Col, David N. Foster, Ft. Wayne, Ind:; United Daughters of Confederacy monument, Shiloh National Park, Tenn.; Dr. Miller, Columbus, Ohio; all of the former are heroic-size portrait statues mounted on architectural settings; bust of Dr. Callahan, Columbus, Ohio; also portrait busts and small ideal heads. 103 CGHFAGRSEES © OSs EN aus GHARLES Lovuds JHA TON -was- Dorn ial thaca. Ne eee 1869. He was a pupil of Will Low at the National Academy of Design and of Gérome and Bouguereau in Paris, and studied also at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Gumer. Honors: traveling scholarship, National Academy of Design, 1893; prize for garden sculpture, Hartsdale, N. Y.; prizes for painting and numerous mentions; honorable mention, Pan-American Expo- sition, Buffalo, 1901. MeEmBERSHIP: Mural Painters; National Sculpture Society, secre- tary; New York Architectural League; Artists Aid Society; National Academy of Design, academician, 1916. Works: mural decorations, Orphans Court, Wilkes-barre, Pa.; illustrated books for a number of years, ““Emmy Lou,” “Under the Trees,’’ etc.; painted portraits in oil and pictures in water colors; numerous small pieces of sculpture and some in life-size; Henry Hud- son, heroic-size statue; Diana with her Dogs, small bronze, private collection, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Atalanta, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, O.; Call to Arms, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.; Vanity, in a private collection, St. Louis, Mo. 104 FOUNTAIN .FIGURE BY CHARLES L. HINTON OFFRANDE BY MALVINA HOFFMAN 106 MALVINA HOFFMAN MALVINA HOFFMAN was born in New York City, in 1887. She was a pupil of Gutzon Borglum and of Rodin. Honors: honorable mention for sculpture, Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Shaw memorial prize, National Academy of Design, 1917; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1920; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: Three Arts Club; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: Russian Bacchanale, Luxembourg Museum, Paris; bronze head, The Modern Crusader, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; statuette, Pavlowa Gavotte, Detroit Institute, Detroit, Mich.; bust, Gervais Elwes, Queens Hall, London; memorial group in Caen stone, The Sacrifice, presented to Harvard University by Mrs. Robert Bacon, 1922, and temporarily placed in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City; La Peri (Pavlowa). 107 VAG TO Resee LG eM Victor S. HoOLm was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1876. He was educated at the Art Institute, Chicago, studying under Lorado Taft. He studied at the Art Students League, New York, and in the studio of Philip Martiny. Honors: Carleton prize, St. Louis Art Guild, 1914, 1916, 1917; honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; prize for best work of art of the year, Art League, ot, louis, Vio, 1022; MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Municipal Art Com- mission, president, 1917; Art League, St. Louis, Mo.; Artists Guild, St. Louis, Mo. Works: Luman Parker monument, Rolla, Mo.; Ives memorial, City Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.; Missouri State monument, Vicksburg, Miss.; Gov. Thomas Carlin monument, Carrollton, Ill.; sculptural decorations, St. Pius’s Church, St Louis, Mo.; Barnes memorial, Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.; sculptural frieze, Fort Dodge High School, Ft. Dodge, Ia.; Washington University War memorial, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; decorations, New Grand Central Theatre, St. Louis, Mo.; numerous public and private portraits, tablets, etc.; ideal works—, Boy with Father’s Sword, St. Louis Public Library; The Spirit of France; Job. 108 TOES PERI TO Re CAN CED Yany LG ORS ae tL© IE 109 DAN CER Bx CECI LED ES De tlOWesRD 110 rl tiem eae FOV ATRL) Ghee oie Ou le h eeitlO WARD was born in Chiton, Canada, in 1888. At the age of thirteen he started working at the Art School, Buffalo, N. Y., where he studied under James E. Fraser. In 1905 he entered the Académie Julien, Paris, and exhibited at the Salon the following year. MEMBERSHIP: Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, associé, 1912. Works: two war monuments in France, one at Hautot-sur-Mer and one at Ouville-la-Riviére, both towns on the Normandy coast; most of his work consists of nude figures of various sizes, but he has also done many portrait busts and animal studies. He 1s fond of working directly in stone and marble, and the marble figure in the present exhibition is an example of this method. II! ROBERT B. HOWARD ROBERT B. HOWARD was born in New York in 1896. He attended the California School of Arts and Crafts, studying drawing under P. W. Wahl and painting under X. Martinez. In 1916 he entered the Art Students League, studying under Kenneth Hayes Miller. In 1918 he went to France, and after the War studied alone in Paris for two years and elsewhere in Europe. EDITH HOWLAND Ep1itH HOWLAND was born in Auburn, N. Y. She studied in New York at the Art Students League under Daniel C. French and Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and in Paris under Gustave Michel. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1913. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: marble group, Between Yesterday and Tomorrow, Met- ropolitan Museum of Art, New York; small bronzes, marble busts. COLYADHe MBMER WOehen ie IF iB ana CrypeE Du VERNET Hunt was born in the United States. He belongs to the well-known Hunt family of architects. He has lived in Paris for ten years and exhibited at the Salon there. Works: Bronze Boy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Nirvana, marble group. 113 ANNA VAUGHN HYATT ANNA VAUGHN HyYATT was born in Cambridge, Mass., in 1876. She was the pupil of Henry H. Kitson in Boston, and of Hermon A. MacNeil and Gutzon Borglum in New York. She is the Curator of sculpture at the French Museum, New York. Honors: bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1910; silver medal, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; gold medal, Plastic Club, Philadelphia, 1916; John Sanford Saltus medal, National Academy of Design, 1920; and 1922, for statue, Diana; awarded the purple rosette by the French government, 1915, and made Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1922. MemBeErsHIP: National Sculpture Society; American Numismatic Society; National Academy, academician; Federation of Arts; North Shore Art Association; Art Alliance of America. Works: Lion, Dayton, O., 1909; Diana; Jaguar, and Reaching Panther, bronze figures on gate-posts; bronze Fighting Elephants, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; memorial at Lancaster, N. H.; equestrian statue, Joan of Arc, Riverside Drive, New York City; replicas in Blois, France, and Gloucester, Mass.; full relief, Joan of Arc, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City, 1922. She has made a great specialty of animal sculpture and also of garden sculp- tures and fountains. 114 - WrNS JOAN] OFVARC BY ANNA” Ve HYATTL MICHEL JACOBS NEUGtE ioe C.O.BiSewass born. in “\lontreal, Can.; in. 1877. He studied at the National Academy of Design, New York, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and the Académie Julien, Paris. He was a pupil of J. P. Laurens in Paris and of E. M. Ward in New York. Works: bronze bust, Admiral Peary; bronze statue, Rock of All Nations; bronze statue, In Flanders Field; bas-relief, W. J. Bryan, National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D. C.; bronze head, Fritz Kreisler; bas-relief, Susan B. Anthony; medal, Military Order of the World War. 7, AUB E Role WAAC Ee RSs ALBERT JAEGERS was born in Elberfeld, Germany, in 1868. He came to Cincinnati, Ohio, while a boy and was apprenticed to his father, a wood-carver, who was engaged in ecclesiastical work. He studied sculpture at the Cincinnati Art Academy under Louis J. Rebisso, and architecture in the office of Lucien Plymton. He studied subsequently in the art centers of Europe. MemBeErsuHIP: New York Architectural League; National Institute of Arts and Letters; National Sculpture Society. Works: statues, New York Custom House, and Fine Arts Building, St. Louis, Mo.; commissions for Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., and Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo.; monument to General von Steuben, Washington, D. C., 1910, (won in a limited competition with a number of sculptors under an Act of U. S. Govern- ment, 1906, and awarded through recommendation of Augustus Saint-Gaudens) replica presented by U. S. Government to Germany, 1911; marble monument to the Founders of Germantown, Pa., 1920. 118 SUN-=DIAL BY ALBERT JAEGERS 119 DD CAINS 1B: YOR Eres EYGIN NG EI NUSDNES 120 F. LYNN JENKINS F. LYNN JENKINS was born in Devonshire, England. He studied in the Royal Academy Schools in London, and in Paris and Rome. MEMBERSHIP: Royal Society of British Sculptors; National Sculp- ture Society; New York Architectural League. Works: portrait busts—, King Edward VIJ.; Sec’y Mellon; John McFadden; George J]. Gould, and many others; decorative sculptures, —, Lloyd’s Registry of British Shipping; United Kingdom Provident Institute; public libraries, Town Halls and other public and private buildings in London and elsewhere; garden decorations and fountains, Luton Hoo and Knowsley, England; fountains and pedestal sculp- ture, Chestnut Hill, Pa.; statuette, Diana, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and numerous others. 121 CARL PAUL JENNEWEIN CARL PAUL JENNEWEIN was born in Stuttgart, Ger- many, in 1890. He studied sculpture at the Art Students League, New York. Honors: collaborative prize for sculpture and Avery prize, New York Architectural League, 1912; honorable mention, collaborative competition, New York Architectural League, 1915; fellowship in sculpture, American Academy in Rome, Italy, 1916-19109. MeEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League. Works: Dudley memorial gate, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Darlington memorial fountain, Washington, D. C.; Caruso tablet, Metropolitan Opera House, New York; sculptural decorations —, on the Cunard Building, New York; the Eastmann School of Music, Rochester, N. Y.; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa.; Cupid and Gazelle, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Portrait of a Child, Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D.C. 122 CUPID AND GAZELLE BY C. PAUL JENNEWEIN 123 WOA BED Ue Sebo Wi aOKONDy eve gh Ah MavuDE S. JEWETT was born in Englewood, N. J., in 1873. She studied at the Art Students League, and then in private studios for six years. MEMBERSHIP: National Association of Women Painters and Sculp- tors. Works: fountain, Cleveland Museum of Fine Art, Cleveland, O.; Reflections; Frog and Heron Bird Bath. She has done many portrait statuettes. JEAN JUSZKO JEAN JUSZKO was born in Ungvar, Hungary, in 1880. He was a pupil of the National School of Ceramics in Hungary and of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League; American Numismatic Society. Works: monument, Archbishop Samy, Santa Fé, N. M.; Group of Dancers; Dancing Figure; portraits, fountain figures, etc. 124 GRACE MOTT JOHNSON GracE Mott JOHNSON was born in New York City, in 1882. She studied at the Art Students League under Hermon A. MacNeil and Gutzon Borglum and also in Paris. She exhibited at the Salon in 1910. Honors: McMillin sculpture prize, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1917. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors; Society of Independent Artists; Society of Animal Painters and Sculptors. Works: bronze bas-relief, Chimpanzees; White-tailed Deer Walk- ing; Gunda; carved bas-reliefs—, Horses Grazing; Bull and Oxen; Elephants; Florida Cattle; bronzes in the round—, Calf Stretching; Mare’ and Foal; Old Lion; Zebra Bull; Greyhound Pup; Goat; Colt Walking; Mongolian Wild Horse, and many others. ELEPHANT BY GRACE M. JOHNSON 125 GOZO KAWAMURA Gozo KAWAMURA was born in Japan in 1886. He studied in the studios of Henry H. Kitson, Boston, of Frederic Remington, New York, and also of A. A. Weinman, J. E. Fraser and others. He was éléve définitif de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. He was a pu- pil of MacMonnies in 1909 and assistant, 1906-1920. MEMBERSHIP: American Numismatic Society. Works: portrait bust, Prince Katcho; Ideal Holstein cattle, cow and bull. E RENE SsT) VV lesa Ke ey setae ke ERNEST WISE KEYSER was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1876. He was astudent at the Art Students League and Académie Julien, Paris. He won in competition the commissions for numerous portraits and mortuary and public memorials. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League; American Art Association, Paris. Works: Enoch Pratt memorial, Baltimore, Md.; statue of Barry, Frederick, Md.; bronze figure, Sir Galahad, Harper memorial, Ot- tawa, Can.; Admiral W. S. Schley, State House, Annapolis, Md.; Peter Fenelon Collier memorial, New York; Leith memorial, Deal, N. J.; bronze and marble memorial, Twelfth Infantry, New York Guard; heroic group, Mother and Child, Isaac L. Rice memorial, Pelham Bay Park, New York. 126 ORIENTA, FOUNTAIN FIGURE BY ERNEST W. KEYSER 127 JULIO KILENYI JuLtio KILENyI was born in Arad, Hungary, in 1885. He studied in Hungary, Germany and France. MemBerSHIP: New York Architectural League; National Sculp- ture Society ; American Numismatic Society;Allied Artists of America; League of New York Artists. Works: medals—, Distinguished Service, U.S. Navy; War Service, American Car and Foundry Co.; U. S. Navy-Curtiss, First Trans- atlantic Flight ;Centenary of Independence of Peru; Plymouth Tercen- tenary, Boston Numismatic Society; Athletic medal, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Rolando Ricci; Inauguration of Archbishop Curley of Balti- more; Mark Twain; Lord Northcliffe; Charles W. Eliot. 129 ISADORE KONTI ISADORE KONTI was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1862. At the age of sixteen he entered the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, won several scholarships, and after concluding his studies in the Meisterschule of Prof. Kundmann, received a scholarship which en- abled him to study for two years in Rome, Italy. He came to the United States in 1890 and worked for two years on the decorations for the buildings of the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1892. In 1893 he became associated with the late Karl Bitter in New York, executing numerous decorative works. In 1900 he established a studio in New York and executed work for the Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Honors: gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; first prize, Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, academician, 1900; National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League; National Arts Club. Works: Festival Procession, frieze, Gainsborough Studio Building, New York; The Brooks, marble fountain, Greystone, Yonkers, N. Y.; The Despotic Age and Immortality, Metropolitan Museum, New York; memorial to “‘ Kit’’ Carson and Lt. Beale, National Museum of Art, Washington, D. C.; statues of Justinian and Alfred the Great, Court House, Cleveland, O.; McKinley monument, Philadelphia, from the sketch model of the late Charles A. Lopez; figure, Plaza Fountain, New York, from the sketch of the late Karl Bitter; re- cumbent figure in marble of Dr. Morgan Dix, Trinity Church, N. Y.; memorial to Bishop Horatio Potter, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; memorial to Soldiers of the World War, Yonkers, N. Y.; fountain, Mother and Child. 130 ILNOM AuNOdVSI Ad NIVLINNOA AO LuUVd 131 ADOLESCENCE: BY MARIO J. KORBEL 132 MARIO J. KORBEL MARIO J. KORBEL was born in Osik, Czechoslovakia, in 1882. He studied in Munich and Paris. Honors: Shaffer prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1910. MEMBERSHIP: Chicago Society of Artists. Works: Dancing group, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio; Andante, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Minerva, University of Havana, Cuba; marble bust, Chicago Art Institute, Chicago, IIl.; McPhee memorial monument, Denver, Col. ANNA COLEMAN LADD ANNA COLEMAN LADD was born in Philadelphia in 1878. She studied drawing and sculpture for ten years in Paris and Rome, and lately in Boston, with criticisms from Gallori, Rodin, Grafly and others. She organized the first open-air sculpture exhibitions in the Public Gardens, Boston, Mass., and in Rittenhouse Square, Phila- delphia, Pa. In 1917 she founded the American Red Cross Studio of portrait masks for disfigured soldiers in Paris, and worked there until after the Armistice. Honors: honorable mention, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, Calif.; 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1915; National Academy of Design; Art Institute of Chicago; Guild of Boston Artists. Works: Bronze Lady, Gardner Collection, Boston, Mass.; Wind and Spray, Borghese Collection, Rome, Italy; Fountain of Youth, Torresdale, Pa.; marble Faith, Deaconess School, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; bronze soldier memorials for the Ameri- can Legion at Manchester and Hamilton, Mass. 133 AUER Relea lA Ess a ALBERT LAESSLE was born in Philadelphia in 1877. He studied in the Spring Garden Institute, the Drexel Institute Penn- sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and with Charles Grafly; also in Paris, 1904-1907. He is instructor in sculpture at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Honors: Edmund Stewardson prize, 1902, and Cresson travelling scholarship, 1904-1907, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; bronze medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, 1910; Fellowship prize, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1915; gold medal, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; first sculpture prize, Americanization through Art Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1916; George D. Widener gold med- al, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1918; honorable mention for sculpture, Art Institute of Chicago, 1920. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Philadelphia Art Alliance; Société des Amis de la Médaille d’Art, Brussels, Belgium; Society of Painters and Sculptors of Animal Life, New York; New York Society of Artists. Works: Turtle and Lizards, Blue-Eyed Lizard, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Heron and Fish, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Billy, and bronze Penguins, in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia; small bronze, Turning Turtle, and Victory—a bronze Eagle, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 134 PENGUINS BY ALBERT LAESSLE 135 oye mee NG TAME RIGAs| BERENICE LANGTON was born in Erie County, Pa. She first studied sculpture under Augustus Saint-Gaudens in 1891, and began also at the same time the study of drawing and architecture. Later she worked for two years in Paris, having criticisms from Rodin. Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize for sculpture, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: Lawrence memorial, New London, Conn.; Rathborne tablet, New York Athletic Association, Travers Island, N. Y.; Triton fountain, Oakdene, Bernardsville, N. J.; vari-colored marble fountain, Cleveland, O.; Swan fountain, Hempstead, L. I.; marble Sun-dial, Morristown, N. J.; Booth memorial, Lincoln Hospital, to be placed in the near future. She has done numerous small marbles and bronzes and portrait medals. GER TR UDB Kae eae GERTRUDE K. LATHROP was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1896. She studied sculpture under Solon H. Borglum, 1918, 1920- 1021, Works: Nancy Lee; New Born; Found; Playthings. 130 NAN GY E abe G ERoLR UD Pap kemr Asi O 137 SIMNVI AAT Ad ‘NOLONIHSVM ‘SHONAIOS JO AWACVOV TVNOILVN UOA TANVd % med ~ - ese” sear a eae = v = ‘i : aay Ger. aS pa eae Sr ge ae Ne ee nore Bali adh 38 I ale ieee AGW RSE LEE LAURIE was born in Germany in 1877. He worked in the studios of many sculptors until 1904. He was instructor in sculpture at Yale University, 1908-1919, and instructor in Harvard Architectural School, 1910-1912. Honors: gold medal, American Institute of Architects. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: two groups and a figure, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; sculptural ornament, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.; statues for large reredos, St. Thomas’ Church, New York City; all the statues and most of the ornament for Hark- ness memorial quadrangle, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; he has done the sculpture for buildings of Bertram G. Goodhue, archi- tect, for many years, and is now engaged upon his buildings for the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., and for the new State Capitol building, Lincoln, Neb. He has done much Gothic ecclesiastical sculpture. 139 UES STRAW ss ONS Eaters, Jess LAWSON-PEACEY was born in Edinburgh, Scot- land, in 1885. She studied at the College of Art, Edinburgh, and the Royal College of Art, South Kensington, London. Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1918; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. MEMBERSHIP: British Institute; Royal College of Art, London; Alliance; National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: Daphne, 1905; Belgium in 1914-1916; The Roman Race, 1918; Galatea, 1919; Play, 1920. ACR TL WGRee cles ARTHUR LEE was born in Trondhjem, Norway, in 1881. He studied in Paris, Rome and London. Honors: honorable mention for sculpture, Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. Works: Eureka; Volupté; Great Fortune; Dawn; Vase Sacré; Ethiopian. 140 TORSO BY ARTHUR LEE 141 THESBATHERS BY SeEO SVEN TE IEE 142 LALO) bie Seb Saba Leo LENTELLI was born in Bologna, Italy, in 1879. He was formerly instructor in the California School of Fine Arts and is at present instructor of modeling in the Art Students League of New York. Honors: Avery prize, New York Architectural League, 1911, and 1921; collaborative prize and Avery prize, New York Architectural League, 1913; purchase prize, San Francisco Art Association, 1916; gold medal for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1922. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society, 1907; New York Archi- tectural League, 1900. Works: Figure of the Saviour and sixteen angels for the reredos, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; group over entrance of Mission Branch Library, San Francisco, Calif.; five figures for facade, San Francisco Public Library; decorations for Orpheum Theatre, St. Louis, Mo.; decoration for the Sixteenth Street Bridge, Pitts- burgh, Pa.; panel for the Corning Free Academy, Corning, N. Y.; Flagpole, Rice Memorial Playfield, Pelham, N. Y.; panels, Straus Bank Building, New York. 143 APE Reb me cara arlene: /: ALFRED D. LEwNz was born in Fond du Lac, Wis., in 1872. He began as a jeweler’s apprentice, and then studied the arts of en- graving, chasing, metal founding, etc. He has studied the whole series of operations required to produce an object of art in metal. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Desha, bronze statuette; The Flight of Time, in colored wax; The Orchid Pearl, cast in five metals; Aphrodite, cast in six metals; The Elusive Witch, Pavlowa, in bronze; The Spirit of the Dance, in silver; Sefiorita Hootch, and Susette, in bronze. 144 DESHAS BEY ALEREDSEENZ 145 EVE BY GEORG J; LOBER 140 GEORG JOHN LOBER GOR Ge ele 6 eke was bom in Chicago, Ill; in 1802, He studied at the National Academy of Design under A. S. Calder and Hermon A. MacNeil at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York. Honors: Avery collaborative prize, New York Architectural League, 1911; honorable mention, Chicago Art Institute, 1918 and loz; MEMBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; National Sculpture Society; Allied Artists of America; American Numismatic Society. Works: Eleanor T. Woods Peace memorial, Norfolk, Va.; Boy Fountain Figure, Cohn estate, Cape Cod, Mass.; Lincoln Circuit Markers commission for the State of Illinois. 147 BaViEe YoN@ Bele ONG Aan EVELYN B. LONGMAN was born in Winchester, O., in 1874. She studied at the Art Institute of Chicago under Lorado Taft, 1898-1900, and was assistant in the studio of Daniel Chester French, 1901-1904. Honors: silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Shaw memorial prize, National Academy of Design, 1918; W. M. R. French gold medal, Art Institute, Chicago, 1920; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine MER VOW MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, 1919; Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts; American Numis- matic Society; American Federation of Arts; Municipal Art Society of New York. Works: Colossal Victory on dome of Festival Hall, St. Louis Exposition, St. Louis, Mo.; bronze doors of chapel, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.; bronze doors of Library, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.; Ryle memorial, Public Library, Paterson, N. J.; fountain of Ceres, Court of Four Seasons, Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition; colossal figure of Electricity on tower of American Telephone and Telegraph Building, New York City; Allison monu- ment, Capitol grounds, Des Moines, la.; sculpture on Centennial Monument, Chicago, IIl.; sculpture on war memorial, Naugatuck, Conn.; Torso, and Victory, Metropolitan Museum, New York; Victory, and Electricity, Toledo Museum, Toledo, O.; portraits of John Stewart Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. deForest, Henry Bacon, J. G. Schmidlapp and others; bronze statue, The Future, and bust, Louise, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 148 BLIZA BEM BY EVE IE YNS Bs LONGMAN 149 THE GOLDEN AGE, FOUNTAIN FIGURE BY ARTHUR E. LORENZANI 150 yee ee LORENZ ASN Poe tO Re sO REN ZA NT Was born im Carrara, Italy, in 1885. He studied sculpture at the Reale Accademia di Belle Arti of Carrara and the Istituto di Belle Arti of Rome. Honors: Prix de Rome, Reale Accademia of Carrara, 1905; prize for The Slinger, International Exposition, Parma, Italy, 1907; Mrs. H. P. Whitney prize for War Competition. MEMBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; National Sculpture Society; Circolo Artistico Internazionale di Roma. Works: portrait of Master Norman Lane; The Slinger, life-size statue, Gallery of Modern Art, Carrara, Italy; children of Mrs. Fairbanks, bronze bas-relief; Head of a Youth; Young Mother, bronze group; Female Torso; Fountain of the Golden Age. His spe- cialty is portraits, and home and garden fountains. 151 ELEN RY AG STE See ae Bava HENRY AUGUSTUS LUKEMAN was born in Richmond, Va., in 1872. He was a pupil of Launt Thompson and Daniel C. French in New York, and worked under Falguiére at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Honors: bronze medal, Louisiana-Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, associate. Works: William McKinley, Adams, Mass., and Dayton, O.; Manu, Appellate Court, New York City; four figures, Royal Bank building, Montreal, Can.; four figures, Brooklyn Institute Museum, and Custom House, Columbus, O.; Prof. Joseph Henry, Princeton, N. J; “Kit” Carson, Trinidad, Colo.; Straus memorial, New York City, 1915; U.S. Grant memorial, San Diego, Cal.; Soldiers monument, Somerville, Mass.; statue, Franklin Pierce, Concord, N. H.; monument, Women of the Confederacy, Raleigh, N. C.; Gen. Wm. Shepard, Westfield, Mass.; Soldiers memorial, Red Hook Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.; War memorial, Central High School, Springfield, Mass.; equestrian statues—, Gen. D. McM. Gregg, Reading, Pa., 1922; Francis Asbury, Washington, D. C., to be erected early in 1923. 152 FRANCIS ASBURY. BY He AUGUST USHEUKEMAN 153 VENUS AND ADONIS BY FREDERICK W. MACMONNIES 154 eel baha@onvy pelvic M ON NILES FREDERICK W. MacMoONNIES was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1863. He entered the studio of Augustus Saint-Gaudens in 1880, and was a pupil of the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League. He also worked in Munich, and under Falguiére at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and in the latter’s private studio. Honors: honorable mention for his Diana, Paris Salon, 1899; second medal (highest medal given to foreigners), Paris Salon, 1891, for the statues, Nathan Hale, New York, and J. S. T. Stranahan, Brooklyn; medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, III., 1893; first class gold medal, Antwerp, 1894; grand prize of honor, In- ternational Exposition, Paris, 1900; honorable mention for painting, Paris Salon, 1901 and 1902; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 18096. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, academician; New York Architectural League; American Academy of Arts and Letters. Works: Nathan Hale, City Hall Park, New York City ; three life-size Bronze angels, ot. Paul’s Church, New-York; James S. T. Stranahan, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Pan of Rohallion, Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo, N. Y.; Faun with Heron; Sir Henry Vane, Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.; colossal fountain, World’s Columbian Ex- position, Chicago, Ill.; Bacchante with Infant Faun, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and Luxembourg Museum, Paris; two pediments, Bowery Bank, New York; four spandrils, Washington Arch, New York; Venus and Adonis; Cupid; Victory, West Point, N. Y.; central bronze door and statue of Shakespeare, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; Pioneer monument, Denver, Colo.; bronze group, Pax Victrix, 1905; Army and Navy, group for Soldiers and Sailors Arch, and Quadriga, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, 1900; equestrian statues—, Gen. Slocum, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Gen. G. B. McClellan, Washington, D. C.; Inspiration and Truth, two statues, N. Y. Public Library; portrait statue of a Young Girl, 1911; Princeton Battle Monument, Princeton, N. J., 1922; fountain, Civic Virtue, City Hall, New York, 1922. 155 WATER BABY BY CAROL BROOKS MACNEIL COANAOML DEI NMOMOH AGS TUE Wenn taid ab GAR OU BROOKS VUAGNELTL was born in Chicago, IIl., in 1871. She was a pupil of the Art Institute of Chicago and of Lorado Taft; also of MacMonnies and Injalbert in Paris. Honors: honorable mention, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. MemsersuiP: National Sculpture Society; National Society of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: busts—, Madame X, Paris; Constance; Betty; Father Maher; Father Brooks; Elizabeth Gibson; Brothers; Marcel; Bueno Norte; Thad Dean; statuettes—, Giotta Giovane; Vasoviana; Cloudy Day; Foolish Virgin; Springsong; First Lesson; Moth; Farewell to the Fairies; Water Baby; Two Larks; Snowflakes; Mermaid; Windy Day; fountain, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. 157 HERMON A. MacNEIL HERMON A. MACNEIL was born in Everett, Mass., in 1806. He was a pupil of Chapu at the Académie Julien, and of Falgu- iére at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. He taught modeling and drawing for three years at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and was instructor at the Art Institute of Chicago, at Pratt Institute, Brook- lyn, and elsewhere, as well as at the American Academy in Rome. Honors: Roman Rinehart scholarship, 1896-1900; designers’ medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; silver medal, Interna- tional Exposition, Paris, 1900; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; commemora- tive medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; gold medal, Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915; medal of honor for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1917. MemBersuHIP: National Institute of Arts and Letters; National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League; National Acad- emy of Design, academician, 1900. Works: Sun Vow and Primitive Chant, Metropolitan Museum, New York; Coming of the White Man, City Park, Portland, Ore.; McKinley memorial, Columbus, O.; Soldiers and Sailors monument, Whitinsville, Mass.; Soldier and Sailors memorial, Washington Park, Albany, N. Y.; Gen. Washington, Washington Arch, New York; Moqui Prayer for Rain, Art Institute, Chicago; four historical figures for State Capitol, Hartford, Conn.; Ezra Cornell monument, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; busts,—Samuel Parris; John S. Kennedy, New York Public Library; Lincoln; John Burroughs, etc. In former years he has made a specialty of Indian subjects, but more recently of large monumental works. 158 INTO THE UNKNOWN, FIGURE FOR SEAL OF NATIONAL SCULPTURE SOCIETY, BY HERMON A. MACNEIL 159 DIANA BY PAUL MANSHIP 160 PAUL MANSHIP PAUL MANSHIP was born in St. Paul, Minn., in 1885. He studied at the St. Paul Institute of Art, and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; he won the Prix de Rome, American Academy in Rome, 1909-1912. Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, foieerand) 1017; George I). Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1914; gold medal, Panama-Pacific Internation- al Exposition, San Francisco, Cal., 1915; medal, American Institute GteArchitects, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, academician; Nation- al Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League. Works: Centaur and Nymph, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; bronze fountain, The Duck Girl, Fairmount Park, Philadel- phia, Pa.; Centaur and Dryad, and Flight of Night, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Mich.; Indian and Pronghorn Antelope, and Dancing Girl and Fawns, Art Institute of Chicago; Playfulness, Minneapolis Institute of Art; Dancer and Gazelles, Cleveland Museum, also, Luxembourg, Paris, and Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C.; J. P. Morgan memorial, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Revolutionary Soldier, Dansville, Il.; Pauline; The Little Brother, relief; Air. 161 AO WTS a ViEAg Yc EAR: Louris MAYER was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1869. He was a pupil of Benjamin Constant and Laurens in Paris, and stud- ied in Weimar and Munich. Honors: bronze medal for sculpture, Art Institute, St. Paul, Minn.; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calitsa1ors. MEMBERSHIP: International Society of Arts and Letters. Works: portrait busts—, Henry B. Snell; Dr. Gilbert Reid. 162 esehelue Weer Atel MiAny @ KR FA RIRIDe telly Ail Ienvl A YOR Was bom in salem, Mass., in 1868. She studied at the Cowles Art School in Boston under Dennis Bunker and Henry H. Kitson. She is now instructor in modeling, Miss Fine’s School, Princeton, N. J. Honors: silver medal, Exposition, Atlanta, Ga., 1895. Works: portrait busts and reliefs; she is now engaged on two tablets in memory of her husband, Dr. Alfred G. Mayor, one to be placed on the grounds of Carnegie Institute Laboratory, Florida, the other in Guyot Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. MINNA McCANN MinNA McCann was born in London, England. She studied at the Municipal School of Art, Manchester, and the Royal College of Art, London. Honors: two National medals. MEMBERSHIP: Associate Royal College of Art, London. Works: statuette, Echo; Fate. Her specialty is portrait busts, statuettes, garden fountains and decorative figures. 163 EDWARD McCARTAN EpwARD McCARTAN was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1878. He studied at the Art Students League, New York, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Honors: Helen Foster Barnett prize for sculpture, National Academy of Design, 1912; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsyl- vania Academy of Fine Arts, 1916; medal of honor, New York Archi- tectural League, 1923. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society Allied Artists of Ameri- ca; New York Architectural League; National Academy of Design, associate. Works: Girl Drinking from a Shell; Youth; Pan, bronze fountain figure, Albright Gallery, Buffalo, N. Y.; Eugene Field memorial, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Ill.; garden figure, Spirit of the Woods, Glen Cove, L. |. He has made numerous small bronzes. 164 DIANA BY EDWARD MCCARTAN 105 BOY ~SCOUT BY SRV TAIT MCKENZIE 166 RemiPAdeeM Ck EN 2, PE Ree leat Do aVcekKse Nate. was born in Almonte, Canada, in 1867. He began his work in sculpture in 1902 with four masks, illustrating the progress of fatigue, and a statuette, The Sprinter, done to certain measurements. He lectured on artistic anatomy at the Montreal Art School, Harvard University and during the Olympic Lecture course, at the St. Louis Exposition, 1904. He is Professor of Physical Education at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Honors: honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Ex- position, 1915; Olympic medal, a special medal from the King of Sweden, for his medal, Joy of Effort, on the wall of the stadium at Stockholm, Sweden. Works: The Sprinter, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England; The College Athlete; The Competitor, The Supple Juggler, Metropoli- tan Museum of Art, New York; The Boxer; The Relay; The On- slaught, a football group; Youthful Franklin, and heroic statue, Rev. George Whitfield, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; Fountain of the Laughing Children; war memorials and statues —, Blighty; Capt. Guy Drummond, Canadian War Museum; Col. George H. Baker, Dominion House of Parliament, Ottawa, Can.; Rad- nor Township memorial, St. Davids, Pa.; Volunteer, Almonte, Canada; Homecoming, victory memorial to men of Cambridgeshire, 1922, Cambridge, Eng.; also many portraits in low relief, and medals. 107 Bei AGN OeR eM ge Vieiala PAN ELEANOR M. MELLON was born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1894. She studied sculpture under Victor Salvatore and A. A. Weinman and also at the Art Students League under Robert Aitken. She has since studied with Edward McCartan. JOH NE GAR EDS Eee VGE GEN Daa Joun C. MEYENBERG was born in’ Tell’ City, giao 1860. He studied Swiss wood-carving under his father, drawing and sculpture under Thomas S. Noble and L. F. Rebisso in the Cin- cinnati Art Academy, and sculpture under Jules Thomas, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Works: Col. H. Clay Egbert memorial, Ft. Thomas, Ky.;pediment, Carnegie Library, Covington, Ky.; busts—, Benn Pitman; Theodore F. Hallam, City Hall, Covington, Ky.; monument to Christopher Latham Sholes, Milwaukee, Wis. 168 HELEN BY ELEANOR M. MELLON 169 _ ALVIN WILLIAM MEYER ALVIN W. MEYER was born in Bartlett, Ill., in 1892. He studied at the Maryland Institute, and the Rinehart School of Sculp- ture, Baltimore, Md., and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. He was visiting student at the American Academy in Rome, Italy, for one year. Honors: Cresson travelling scholarship, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. MEMBERSHIP: Charcoal Club. LAGE UES UE ODN Oe Pours MiLiONE was born in Padua, Italy, in 1884. He studied in Philadelphia at the School of Industrial Art, 1900-1904, and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1904-1908. Honors: Edmund Stewardson prize for sculpture, 1904, and Cresson travelling scholarship, 1907, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. He is instructor in modeling at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art. MEMBERSHIP: American Federation of Arts; Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Arts; Art Alliance of America. Works: memorial panel, William Wallace Gilchrist, Academy of Music; memorial, Joseph Smith, Eden Hall, Torresdale, Pa.; panel, Daniel M. Stern; war memorial, Laramie, Wyo.; pediment, Germantown High School, Philadelphia, Pa.; Wayside Shrine mem- orial, Wissahickon, Pa. He specializes in sculpture in stone. vA JOSEP El eIVEASS VV Dee iets: Jo MAXWELL MTLUER was. born in’ Baltimore inviog: He was a pupil of the Maryland Institute, the Rinehart School of Sculpture, and the Charcoal Club, Baltimore, Md. He studied also at the Académie Julien under Verlet. Honors: gold medal of honor, Maryland Institute School of Art and Design, 1897; Rinehart travelling scholarship, 1900-1905; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1902; silver medal, Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Charcoal Club. Works: Cardinal Gibbons, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa., and Metropolitan Museum, New York; Ishmael, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.; Parting of Orpheus and Eury- dice, Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.; bust of a Lady, Walters Gallery, Baltimore, Md.; monument to French Soldiers, Annapolis, Md.; School Children, Baltimore, Md.; monument to the Confederate Women of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.; Daniel C. Gilman memorial, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.; World War monument, Wilmington, N. C. ig MAXWELL MILLER 173 DIAVNGE COT tes GLEN AINE Bau |i ade din GME ID) INiednsiedt, BERTHOLD NEBEL was born in Switzerland in 1889. He studied sculpture at the Mechanics Institute, and the Art Students League, New York. He won the Prix de Rome of the American Academy in Rome and studied abroad from 1914-1917. THE WRESTLERS’ BY BERTHOLD NEBEL 174 SS ECGUERS De NE AN DROSS S1GURD NEANDROSS was born in Stavanger, Norway, in 1871. He was a pupil of Cooper Union, New York, and P. S. Kroyer and Stefan Sinding in Copenhagen. Honors: honorable mention, collaborative competition, New York Architectural League, 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: statues—, Gen. George Washington Gowan, Pottsville, Pa.; Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, Peekskill, N. Y. ALLEN G. NEWMAN ALLEN G. NEWMAN was born in New York City, in 1875. He worked in J. Q. A. Ward’s studio, 1897-1901, and studied at the National Academy of Design. Honors: National Arts Club prize for Valor medal. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; American Numismatic Society; Beaux-Arts Institute of Design; National Arts Club. Rvs ieniiiker, otaten Island, N: Y., and Buffalo; N. Y.: Peace monument, Atlanta, Ga.; Day and Night, statues, Harriman Bank, New York City; Immaculate Conception, Church, New York City; The Pioneer, Salem, Oregon; monument, Women of the South, Jacksonville, Fla.; Doughboy monument, Pittsburgh, Pa.; fountain, Cornwall, N. Y.; Henry Hudson monument, Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y.; statues—, Gen. Oates, Montgomery, Ala.; |. Marks, Meridian, Miss. ; Grier monument, Lead, So. Dakota; Lord Harris, Caracas, Venezuela; bas-reliefs—, Joel Chandler Harris, Uncle Remus monument, Atlanta, Ga.; heroic bust, Cardinal O’Connell, Lowell, Mass. 175 CG HPAshala omit le Nae om Negi cles CHARLES Hy Nie Us qwass born in. Cincinnati ©) ae 1855. He studied at the McMichen school, Cincinnati, and in the Royal Academy, Munich and Rome. Honors: gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; gold medal, South Carolina Interstate Exposition, Charleston, S. C., 1902; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. . MEMBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; National Academy of Design, academician; National Institute of Arts and Letters. Works: statues—, Pres. Harrison, Indianapolis, Ind.; Dr. Hahne- mann, Washington, D. C.; Garfield, Cincinnati, O.; Wm. McKinley, Canton, O.; John Paul Jones, Washington, D> G@s2@onieere Buffalo, N. Y.: Caestus, and Athlete with Strigil or Phesscraper Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Astor memorial doors, Trinity Church, New York City; Embarkation and Debarkation, Hoboken, N. J.; Planting the Standard of Democracy, Newark, N. J.; statue of Abraham Lincoln, Buffalo, N. Y. 176 PRAN CIS SCOT KE YSMONUMENTBYSCHAK VES ee N LEE AUS GIULIO NOVANI GiuL1o NovaAN! was born in Massa, Italy, in 1889. He studied at the Royal Academy of Massa, Carrara; Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York. Works: bust of My Father; portrait of Myself; bust of a Negro; The Shipwrecked, Stimson memorial; marble medallions—, Rev. Tal- bot; M. Ammerman; and many others. JAMES NOVELLI JAMES NOVELLI was born in Sulmona, province of Aquila, Italy, in 1885. In 1890 he came to New York. He returned to Italy in 1903 and studied under Julio Monteverde, Ettore Ferrari, and Silvio Sbricoli. He graduated at the Royal Academy of Rome in 1908. Honors: honorable mention, International Exposition, Paris, 1906. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Motherhood group, and Rock of Ages, Durham, N. C.; bronze crucifix, Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, N. J.; bronze doors, Sigman mausoleum, and Schmuck mausoleum, Woodlawn Cemetery, New York; bronze door, Bigham mausoleum, Hawthorne, New York; bronze door, La Gioia mausoleum, Calvary Cemetery, New York; war memorials, Saratoga Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Persh- ing Field, Jersey City, N. J.; Rowan panel, bronze, Woodlawn Cem- etery, New York; Lamattina Guerriero memorial, of bronze and gran- ite, Calvary Cemetery, New York; bronze busts—, Thomas ].Stewart, Julius Berger, Irving Green, Margaret Lawson, Annita Novarra; por- trait reliefs—, Charlotte Brainard, Charles G. Brainard, Dorothy Langley, bronze; portrait of my grandmother, terra cotta; portrait of my father, terra cotta; portrait bust, P. Anderson. 179 ANDREW O’CONNOR 8r. ANDREW O’CONNOR Sr.was born in Lanark, Scotland, in 1846. He studied in Europe. Works: His works include a few statues, a large number of por- trait busts and medallions in marble and bronze, and some monu- ments. AN DR EW ii @.OuNGN Gk Solin: ANDREW O’ CONNOR JR. was born in Worcester, Mass., in 1874. He was a pupil of his father, Andrew O’Connor, the sculptor. Honors: second medal, Paris Salon, 1906 (highest medal given to foreigners at the Salon). Works: eleven marble statues, Essex County Court House, New- ark, N. J.; central bronze doors and tympanum, St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York; marble portrait, Edward Tuck, Luxembourg Museum, Paris; statue of Lincoln, Springfield, IIl.; bas-relief, Library of J. P. Morgan, New York; soldier, Worcester, Mass., 1898; Gen. Tiscum monument, Arlington Cemetery, Washington, D. C.; Gen. Thomas monument, Tarrytown, N. Y.; bronze statue, Gen. Lawton, Indianapolis, Ind.; marble statue, Gen. Lew Wallace, Capitol, Washington, D. C.; monument to Gov. John A. Johnson, St. Paul, Minn.; Roosevelt memorial, Glenview, IIl.; bronze head, The Virgin; statuette, Justice; Abraham Lincoln, bust, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 180 fg COMMODORE JOHN BARRY BY ANDREW O’CONNOR Lie 181 : lH) PAE OP n OF agg “ EDWARD C:MERSHON | wos ye EVE FOP. ey CHULDPE h. SAPATHY WITH SLEFERID IG APD ZEAL FOP _FudAN WELFARE FOUND C ON STANT FX PRESSION IM © WAYS OF PPAC ae FLPFULMESS AMD WHOSE |. it PAOUCHT PEP Pe fUATED SUCE SERVICE 4 (A LIBERAL REOUEST FO: THIS HOSPITARS 3 IPL WHICH iS. IMD AND GENEROUS: 5 of HyE © 5 LIVES APLD MOVES AMD MIMISTERS AMOiIC AN I sc iota anionic Slits tetas pnatoeoi it EDWARD C. MERSHON MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN BY WILLARD D. PADDOCK 182 VV ae ee ee Wm hay EB Ne RAD) O.C K Vina Rie emery OC K was) born ins Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1873. He was a pupil of Herbert Adams in New York, Pratt In- stitute in Brooklyn, and of Courtois and Girardot in Paris. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Allied Artists of Ameri- ca; Guild of New York Artists; New York Architectural League. Works: Orr and Jessup relief, New York Chamber of Commerce; The Whittier, and Grant memorials, Saginaw, Mich.; George Seward memorial; Noah Webster memorial, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.; Alfred Noble memorial, Engineering Societies Building, New York City; Edward C. Mershon memorial fountain; numerous busts, figures, fountains, sun-dials and statuettes. 183 BAGS eK GAMe Ate eat BASHKA PAEFF was born in Minsk, Russia, in 1893. She was a student at the Massachusetts Normal Art School, and the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. MEMBERSHIP: Guild of Boston Artists; Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts; Boston Society of Architects; Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston. Works: portrait bas-reliefs, bronze, William Dixon Weaver; Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago, IIl.; James Barr Ames, Law Building, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Justice Oliver Wendell Hol- mes; Justice Louis D. Brandeis; Sherman L. Whipple; Ames Hersey Whipple, Town Hall, New London, Conn.; Arthur Foote; fountains—, Mother and Child; John E. Warren memorial fountain; Child and Dolphin, wall fountain; portrait busts—, Nancy Cox; J. Macy Willets, Jr.; Julius Rosenwald, Jr.; Marmaduke Warren, Jr.; Baby Francis; Roland D. Sawyer; Anthony John Philpott; Chaplains’ memorial tablet, State House, Boston, Mass.; also sun-dials, statuettes and bas-relief portraits of animals. 184 Eyl peor Om ARES ONS Poprru BARR PTTO PARSONS was born in Houston, Va. She was a pupil of the Art Students League, New York, under Daniel C. French and George Grey Barnard. - MeEmBErRsuIP: National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: fountains—, Turtle Baby, Duck Baby, Duck Girl; figure, Liberal Arts Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; memorial monument, Cemetery, St. Paul, Minn.; memorial fountain for John Galloway, Public Park, Memphis, Tenn.; Big Duck. 185 RIO TSASNGD se iiLN sl) N Seeiee sae R. Hi1NTON PERRy was born in New York City in 1870. He studied at the Art Students League, New York, 1885-1888; at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and Académies Julien, and Delacleuse, Paris, working under Gérome, Chapu and Puech. He specialized in the study of portrait painting in Paris and has followed it as a profession in conjunction with sculpture. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: bas-relief, Sibyls, and fountain of Neptune, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; statues—, Gen. George S. Greene and Gen. Wadsworth, battlefield of Gettysburg, Pa.; New York State monument for Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Dr. Ben- jamin Rush monument, Washington, D. C.; frieze, New Amster- dam Theatre, New York City; New York State memorial, Ander- sonville, Ga.; Langdon doors, Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y.; statue, Gen. Curtis, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; equestrian statue; Gen. John B. Castleman, Louisville, Ky.; statue, Pennsylvania, dome of Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa.; statue, Circe; lions, Connecticut Avenue Bridge, Washington, D. C.; soldier monument, 38th Inf., The Rock of the Marne, Syracuse, N. Y. 186 BOYRW ihe ELST OWN TAN we Biy same bul Nel. © INGE RuROYs 187 BOY OF TRE, PiAV 2. BY ATLL lOm et GG) Imer 188 elehintOer eG t RL II Pa Oma Gc keris was pornin Massa, Italy, in 1866. He studied at the Accademia San Luca, Rome, Italy. Honors: bronze medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; silver medal, South Carolina Interstate Exposition, Charleston, Se 1002; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1912; gold medal, Panama- Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1917. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; New York Architectural League; Italian American Art Association, (president) ; Accademia dei Virtuosi del Pantheon, Rome. WorKS: monuments—, Maine memorial, Central Park, New York City; Mac Donoyh, New Orleans, La.; Firemen’s memorial, River- side Drive, New York City; Dancing Faun, and Head of Boy, Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo,.N. Y.; Apgar memorial; The Pariah; A Soul; Flower of the Alps; Portrait of an Artist; pediment, Frick house, New York City; Mater Consolatrix; An Outcast. 189 Bah Oei ee; Glieiialed FuRIO,PICCIRILED was born vine Massa; Jtalyaun steer He studied at the Accademia San Luca, Rome, Italy. Honors: honorable mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MemBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; New York Architectural League; Italian American Art Association. Works: portrait of his Sister; Madonna and Child; Narciso; four groups for the Court of the Seasons, Panama-Pacific Exposition; Eurydice; statue, Pierre Gautier de la Varenne, Winnipeg, Canada; and also many minor works. MADONNA BY FURIO PICCIRILLI 19] BRONZE, COCKS BY HORACE RICCI Det 192 BON ANC Ie) TCE Aa baBy bio Re Gem eG Riise Was) DOriine WVlassa, italy, 111.1972; He studied in New York City under Roiné. Works: interior decorations on the Frick house, New York City; decorations in marble, stone, and majolica on the Clark house, New York City. He is now working on the models for the exterior decora- tions of the New Court House, N. Y. City. 193 ALBIN POLASEK ALBIN-POLASEK was born-in Frenstat, Czechoslovakia. He was a pupil of the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts and of the American Academy in Rome. He is head of the department of sculpture, Art Institute, Chicago. Honors: Cresson travelling scholarship, 1907-1909; Prix de Rome, American Academy in Rome, 1910-1913; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1913; George D. Widener gold medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1914; silver medal, Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Logan medal and Shaffer prize, Art Institute, Chicago, 1917; medal, Milwaukee Insti- tute, 1917. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Society of Western Sculptors; New York Architectural League; Chicago Society of Artists. Works: Fantasy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; bust of Frank D. Millet, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa.; Sower, Art Institute, Chicago, Ill., and Institute of Arts, Detroit, Mich. 194 MAN CHISELING HIS OWN DESTINY BY ALBIN POLASEK 195 ~~ TS Af PIL Le ON INMBA EAR TOM TINO Od ALEXANDER PORTNOFF was born in Russia, in 1887. He was a pupil of Charles Grafly at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. He is instructor in the Graphic Sketch Club, Philadel- Dita. Pa. Honors: Cresson European scholarship, 1912, 1913, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; honorable mention, Panama-Pacific Inter- national Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; American Federation of Arts. Works: Prof. Alonzo Brown; Prof.Charles H. La Wall; J. D. Toloff. RENEE PRAHAR RENEE PRAHAR was born in New York City in 1880 of Bohemian antecedents. She studied in Paris with Bourdelle and exhibited at the Salon. Honors: prize for sculpture, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1922. Works: Impression; Jaguars (unfinished); bronze, A Russian Dancer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. 197 ALL EX AGNIID Ee Ree Pell VGLES ale he eae Cai A. PHIMISTER PROCTOR was born in Bozanquit, Can- ada, in 1862. Hestudied at the National Academy of Design and Art Students League, New York, and under Puech and Inyjalbert in Paris. Honors: medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, III., 1893; Rinehart travelling scholarship, 1895-1900; gold medal, Inter- national Exposition, Paris, 1900; gold medal for sculpture, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; gold medal of honor, New York Architectural League; 1911; gold medal, Panama-Pacific In- ternational Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, academician; National Sculpture Society; National Institute of Arts and Letters; New York Architectural League. Works: Panthers, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Puma, Faun, Dog with Bone, and Fate, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Indian Warrior, Brooklyn Institute Museum; Tigers, Princeton Uni- versity; Buffaloes and Tigers on bridges, Washington, D. C.; Morse, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lions, McKinley monument, Buffalo, N. Y.; Pioneer monument, Campus of University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.; equestrian statue, Col. Roosevelt as Rough Rider, Port- land, Ore. 198 INDIAN WAKRIOR® BY VA] PHIMIST ER] PROCTOR 199 BRENDA PUTNAM BRENDA PUTNAM was born in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1890. She began studying sculpture at the age of twelve. In 1907 she studied drawing under Paxton and Hale at the Boston Art Museum School. As pupil of Bela Pratt, she studied modeling and anatomy, and worked for two years under James E. Fraser at the Art Students League, New York. At the Corcoran Art School, Washing- ton, D. C., she studied drawing from life under E. C. Messer. Honors: honorable mention for Water Lily Baby, Art Institute, Chicago; Helen Foster Barnett prize for Sun-dial, National Academy of Design, 1922. Memser: National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: Sun-dial; Water Lily Baby; marble figure, memorial to Anne Simon, Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, D. C.; fountain group of two life-size children, private estate, Cleveland, O.; life- size bronze, Pigeon Girl; marble bust of boy and relief in stone, in private possession, Washington, D. C.; portrait bust, Pablo Casals, Hispanic Museum, New York; also many portrait reliefs of children. 201 MOEN 1D esas NEN EDMOND Te OUINN wass borne im Philadelphia, Pages was a pupil of Thomas Eakins in Philadelphia, and of Injalbert in lea bias Honors: silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, associate; New York Architectural League; National In- stitute of Arts and Letters. Works: statues—, John Howard, Williamsport, Pa.; Zoroaster, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; reliefs on Battle monument, King’s Mountain, S. C.; bust, Edgar Allan Poe, Fordham, New York; figures on Athletic Club, Pittsburgh, Pa.; statuette, Nymph, Met- ropolitan Museum of Art, New York; statue, Maj.-Gen. John E. Pemberton, Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg, Miss.; statue of Edwin Booth as Hamlet, Gramercy Park, New York; bust, Prof. Hooper, Brooklyn Institute Museum; War memorial, New Rochelle; Ni Yoo 1o215sbust) 2) athens alone Brooklyn Institute Museum; panels, rotunda, Hartford Fire Insurance Building, Hart- ford, Conn.; bust, Edwin Markham; portraits—, Albert Sterner, Mrs. Albert Sterner; bronze bust, Capt. Allan Pollock. VICTORY, Ch | gueeer & WORLD WAR MEMORIAL, BY EDMOND T. QUINN 203 i AMIRCIN Ye IESE AIS) Ieee RaeRRey lene ArUilewas Dorin Easton, Pa., in 1883. He studied under F. E. Elwell and at the Art Students League under F. V. DuMond, and at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts under Charles Grafly. -Mempersuip: American Federation of Arts. Works: Green memorial statue, Easton, Pa.; monument to Martyrs of the Maine (Hail, Martyrs’ statue), Northampton Co., Pa.; Soldiers monument (Old Glory statue), West Chester, Pa.; The Face of Lin- coln; heroic bust of Beethoven; The Vision; statuette of Lafayette; military panel, Valor-Defensive; Venture; Sunlight on the Wave; Mermaid Playing; The Hour of Twilight; portrait of Rudolph Black- burg. SPE WORSE Wel ea eM Ba Oa 6 STEVEN REBECK was born in Cleveland, O., in 1891. He studied at the Cleveland School of Art under Karl Bitter and Carl A. Heber; and at the National Academy of Design and the Beaux- Arts Institute of Design, New York. Honors: Penton medal, Cleveland Museum of Art, for portrait bust. MemBeErRSHIP: Cleveland Sculpture Society. Works: worked on group for Manhattan Bridge, New York; statue, Shakespeare, Cleveland, O. His specialty is portraits. 205 Re Gras) ebay ile, RIcHARD H. RECCHIA was born in Quincy, Mass., in 1885. Hestudied at the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, at the Académie Julien in Paris, and in Italy. Honors: bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San) Erancisco, Galif.e1 015. MEMBERSHIP: Guild of Boston Artists; Copley Society. Works: bas-relief portrait of Gov. Curtis Guild, State House, Boston, Mass.; Architecture, panel figure, Boston Museum of Fine Arts; Red Cross panel, Musée de l’Armée, Gallery Foch, Paris; bas- relief portraits—, Bela L. Pratt, H. E. Smith, F. C. Recchia, George Guest. UG Ce Yes Pa RELI ENG See alice rg Lucy PERKINS RIPLEY was born in Minnesota. She studied under Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Daniel C. French and Rodin. Honors: bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; Helen Foster Barnett prize, for statue, The Inner Voice, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 19109. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Association , of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: bronze statue, The Inner Voice; Revelation; Dawn, reclining figure cast 1n lead; Seated Woman; Boy with Fish, fountain; Study, a group; Wall Niche; Contemplation. 206 CBUSOMESUSMe! de Weak Ted ed be Ixc ist OI GI4 GEA TCONSION S UAV a talk 1 SO. Ue was. born ini St. Louis, Mo., in 1886. She was a pupil of the St. Louis School of Fine Arts under George J. Zolnay, and studied in Paris at the Académie Colarossi, and with Paul Bartlett and Injalbert. She exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1912. Honors: Meston prize, St. Louis Artists Guild, 1914, 1915; Halsey C. Ives prize, St. Louis Artists Guild, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: St. Louis Artists Guild; St. Louis Art League. Works: fountain for Wednesday Club, St. Louis, Mo.; fountains for G.S. Johns, and Mrs. C. L. Kennerly, St. Louis, Mo. Her specialty is decorative work and small bronzes. HibaaurigeNen vay) ene yerksC)'B NS ON HELEN AVERY ROBINSON was born in Louisville, Ken- tucky. She studied sculpture under Solon H. Borglum. 207; ede de OMI NG He 1G He KO} IT Is! FREDERICK G? R. RovuH was born in’ Brooklyn Nay in 1872. He was a pupil at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, 1892, and Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin. He was instructor in modeling at the National Academy of Design, 1915-1918. Honors: silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; silver medal, Buenos Aires Exposition, Argentina, 1910; gold medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calihentoise MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, academician; New York Architectural League; National Institute of Arts and Letters; New Society of Artists. Works: Polar Bear group; Princeton Tigers; head of a Morgan Horse; Troubadour: Cat: Meditation; In Central Parks) Porc Thus, a Study of Movement. 208 ISUUEISULANINIDY THULE, WSC TEIRIENDISIRIUCIS (Gr, 1 ICONS! 200 VICTORY, WARK MEMORIALS BY (CHARLES CARY VRUMS EN 210 (iene bom Ray RIUM Ss Bey * Asse Gun ver reuen S bay, was) born in? Bufialo, N, Y., in 1879, and died in August, 1922. He studied sculpture in Bos- ton and in Paris, 1902-1906. Honors: first prize for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1908; bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Baancisco, Calil., 1915, MEMBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; New Society of Artists; National Sculpture Society; Society of Animal Painters and Sculptors. Works: frieze, Indian Buffalo Hunt, on arch, Manhattan bridge, New York City; statue, The Pagan; Soldiers and Sailors memorial, Brownsville (Brooklyn), N. Y.; statue, Pizarro, Panama-Pacific In- ternational Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; The Centaur; The Old Virginian; White Bull; colored cement frieze of Athletes, Pelham Bay Park, N. Y. C.; series of sketches for frieze in colored cement, private estate, Long Island. * Deceased. ANTONIO SALEMME ANTONIO SALEMME was born in Gaeta, Italy, in 1892. He was first a pupil of the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, studying drawing and painting. He then took up sculpture and went to Rome, studying under Angelo Zanelli for seven years. MEMBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; National Sculpture Society. Works: bronze statuette, Prayer, Newark Free Public Library, Newark, N. J.; portrait, Mrs. W. A. Read; Old Scotch Woman; Robert Stein; Stanley Kimmel; statuette, A Florentine Lady; Study of an Old Scotch Lady. 212 We Neto AL Ee RaN ©) VON Cie Net AINE: RIN O was bornein Sicily, Italy, in’ 1893. He studied at the National Academy of Design under A. Sterling Calder and Hermon A. MacNeil, and at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York City. Honors: bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, eaneurancisco, Calif:, {915. Works: portraits—, Justice Hendrick, Supreme Court, New York City; John B. Stanchfield, New York City; H. J. Barrett; Head of an Old Man; Jeannette. His specialty is portraiture. 25 NA TGOM MDE SN EA enacts Victor’ D, SALVATORE was 2born) I ltaly arises He was a pupil of Charles Niehaus, Hermon A. MacNeil, and A. Phimister Proctor. Honors: bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 19109. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Head of an Old Lady; Study of a Young Girl; Study of an Old Man; Seeking; Youth; The Débutante. 214 MRS. CHAPMAN BY VICTOR D. SALVATORE ED WrAkeDeh EI eS AN Guia) EDWARD FIELD SANFORD was born in New York, in 1886. He was a pupil at the Art Students League, the National Academy of Design, New York, and at the Académie Julien, Paris, and the Royal Academy, Munich. MemBERSHIP: New York Architectural League; Beaux-Arts In- stitute; National Arts Club. Works: Pegasus, bronze statuette, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R. I.; Charles Francis Adams memorial, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.; Commemorative tablet, Columbia University, New York; Core memorial, Norfolk, Va.; two pediments, four heroic allegorical figures, and twenty bas-relief panels, Library and Office Building, California State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif. DialGr rave DE Rees AV LLL BRUCE WILDER SAVILLE was born in Quincy, Mass., in 1893. He studied at the Boston Normal Art School under Cyrus Dallin, and for a short time at the Boston Museum School of Art. He then entered the studio of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kitson with whom he studied for four years. He is now instructor in modeling at the Ohio State University, and at the Columbus Art School, Columbus, O. MEMBERSHIP: Boston Art Club; Boston Architectural Club. WorkKS: portrait busts,—Nathan Haskell Dole; Com. Evans, U.S. N.; Larz Anderson; Dr. William O. Thompson; three memorials to Civil War heroes, Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg, Miss.; statue, John Hancock, Quincy, Mass.; memorial reliefs of Father Scanlon and Mgr. Curley, New York; Canadian Infantryman, St. John’s, N. F.; Forrester memorial relief, Worcester, Mass.; memo- rial to all our Wars, Palmyra, Maine; memorial to 1oist Infantry, 26th Div., Westfield, Mass.; Civil War peace memorial, State House grounds, Columbus, O.; Victory, heroic figure in collaboration with Mossman, Chicopee, Mass.; World War memorial tablets, Upton and Quincy, Mass. EDWARD WARREN SAWYER EDWARD W. SAWYER was born in Chicago, IIl., in 1876. He studied at the Art Institute, Chicago, and also under Verlet at the Académie Julien, and Injalbert, Frémiet and Rodin, Paris. Honors: bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, International Exposition, Ghent, 1913; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1914; bronze medal for medals, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. Works: medals—, in the Luxembourg Museum, Paris; Art In- stitute, Chicago; and the United States Mint. 218 ANTON SCHAAF ANTON SCHAAF was born in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1869. He was a pupil of Shirlaw, Cox, Beckwith and Saint-Gaudens. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architectu- ral League. Works: statue, Gen. Ord, Vicksburg Military Park, Vicksburg, Miss.; Glendale, and Ridgewood monuments, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Fourteenth Regiment monument, Brooklyn, N. Y.; World War memorials—, Prudential Insurance Co., Newark, N. J., and Central Congregational Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; portrait relief, Robert Meredith, Tompkins Avenue Congregational Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. Eat oer We NB REG Pape CU 1eN BURG. Was born in St. Louis, “Mo., in 1883. She studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, under George J. Zolnay, with Charles Grafly of Philadelphia and Lewin Funcke at the Secessionist School, Berlin. Honors: bronze medal, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, Wash., 1900. MEMBERSHIP: St. Louis Artists Guild. Works: group, The Fugitives; The Idealists; Turtle fountain; also reliefs, busts and sketches from Mexican life. 219 EAN oooh UO) ley HANS SCHULER was born in Morange, Alsace-Lorraine, in 1874. He studied at the Maryland Institute, the Charcoal Club and Rinehart School of Sculpture, Baltimore, Md.; also in the Académie Julien and atelier Verlet, Paris. Honors: gold medal, Maryland Institute, 1894; Charcoal Club scholarships; Rinehart scholarship for four years’ study in Paris, 1900; gold medal, third class, Paris Salon, 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; Avery prize, National Academy of Design, New York. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Maryland Institute; Charcoal Club; Municipal Art Society; School Arts League; Academy of Sciences, Baltimore, Md. Works: Ariadne, Walters Gallery, Baltimore, Md.; Paradise Lost; Pheidippides; Narcissus; portrait statues—, Gen. Samuel Smith, Hon. Pinckney White; busts—, Maj. Walter Reed, Sir Wm. Osler, Dr. J. F. Goucher, F. Mergenthaler, etc.; Buchanan memorial, Wash- ington, D. C.; Johns Hopkins monument, Baltimore, Md.; reliefs—, Dr. Daniel C. Gilman, Dr. Eccleston, etc. 220 DRa Ja Fe GOUCHERSBY HANS SCHULER 22) hs (OE TMGY SC de Wa ea lyse aie J. OrtTo SCHWEIZER was born in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1863. He was a pupil of Tuiller, Paris, of the Art School in Zurich, and studied under Schilling at the Art School, Zurich. He was in Florence and Rome, 1889-1894. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Gen. Muhlenberg, and James B. Nicholson, Philadelphia, Pa.; Senator Clay, Marietta, Ga.; equestrian statue, Gen. Steuben, Milwaukee, Wis.; Gen. Mills monument, Gettysburg, Pa.; statue of Lincoln with four symbolical reliefs and the portrait medallions of Grant, Meade, Sherman, etc., Union League, Philadelphia, Pa.; Melchior Muhlenberg, with relief group, Germantown, Pa.; Joseph Johns fountain, Johnstown, Pa.; Adj.-Gen. T. J. Stewart, and Senator George T. Oliver, State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa.; Abraham Lincoln, Generals Gregg and Pleaston, Pennsylvania State memorial, Gettys- burg, Pa.; Robert Schumann, Jersey City, N. J. 223 JANET SCUDDER JANET SCUDDER was born in Terre Haute, Ind., in 1873. She studied at the Cincinnati Art Academy under Louis J. Rebisso, and continued under Lorado Taft at the Art Institute, Chicago, and later at the Académies Vitti and Colarossi in Paris, finally becoming the pupil of Frederick MacMonnies. She is the first American woman to have her work purchased for the Luxembourg Museum, Paris. Honors: medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, IIIL., 1893; bronze medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1911; prize for sculpture, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1914; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Arts Club; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Works: statue, Japanese Art, facade of Brooklyn Institute Muse- um; bronze, Frog Fountain, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; fountain, Young Diana; fountain, Fighting Boy, Art Institute, Chicago, IIl.; Tortoise Fountain, Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.; numerous fountains for private residences; many relief portraits and medals. 224 VICTORY BY JANET SCUDDER 225 [eC STNSIA@ENvES Elite sbl bse J. CLINTON SHEPHERD was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1888. Hestudied at the Chicago Art Institute and the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. Works: The Broncho Twister; The Cayuse; The Maverick; The Night Herd. His specialty is Western life and animals. 226 ILI IE lel Syietdeid ye Way (OOM B: RUTH SHERWOOD was born in Chicago in 1889. She was a pupil of Albin Poldsek at the Art Institute of Chicago. Honors: Chicago Woman’s Aid prize, 1920, 1921; Robert Allerton prize; John Quincy Adams and Bryant Lathrop foreign travelling scholarships, 1921; honorable mention, Annual Exhibition of American Painters and Sculptors, 1922. EUGENIE F. SHONNARD EUGENIE F. SHONNARD was born in Yonkers in 1886. She started her artistic career at the New York School of Applied Design for Women, where she studied under M. Alphonse M. Mucha. In 1911 she went to Paris and studied sculpture under Rodin and Bourdelle, and exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1912 and 1913. Honors: second prize, Hartsdale Exhibition, 1910. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: His Majesty the Heron, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Two Geese, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, O.; portrait bust, Alphonse Mucha; Marabou; groups of decorative herons for a garden; A Heron, exhibited at Paris Salon, 1922; Le Chat, Paris Salon, 1922; figures of Brittany peasants. 227) BUG NIRGY SM EeRSVVeleN => lth clo ayes Henry M. SHRADy was born in New York City in 1871, and died in April, 1922. He was self-taught in sculpture. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League; National Academy of Design, associate; National Institute of Arts and Letters. Works: Grant memorial, Washington, D. C.; equestrian statues—, Gen. Washington at Valley Forge, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Gen. Williams, Detroit, Mich.; Gen. Robt. Lee, Charlottesville, Va.; William the Silent, Holland Society; Jay Cooke, Duluth, Minn.; life-size bas- relief portrait, Dr. St. John Roosa; portrait bust, Gen. Grant; numer- ous statuettes and bas-relief portraits. * Deceased. 228 AGVUYHS “W AUNAH Ad “TVIMOWAW LNVUD ‘dNOUD Ecclctaligl Weclivi 220 RA ap Sa Singh PBC eset THE SSLORM aN E Wey ORT POLICE, 230 ee 4 J BY AMORY C. SIMONS- OURO SCHON TENE SE OMNIS POMC RS" (© ee O Nis swas) Dorm ein’ Charleston, S.C... in 1869. He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and with Dampt, Puech and Rodin in Paris. _ Honors: honorable mention, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; honorable mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; honor- able mention, Paris Salon, 1906; first prize for sculpture, American Art Association, Paris, 1907; honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; Ellen P. Speyer memorial prize, National Academy of Design, 1922. MemBERsSuHIP: American Art Association, Paris. Works: Col. Cody; New York Fire Engine Horses. PP SaLAe I Seg hee ISMAEL SMITH was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1886. He studied at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Healso studied in the schools of Rafael Atche, Baixas, Querol, Benlliure, and others. | Honors: third class medal, International Exposition, Brussels, Belgium, 1910; three medals, International Expositions, Barcelona. MEMBERSHIP: American Federation of Arts; Art Alliance of America; American Numismatic Society. Works: monument, Pablo Tirull, Caja de Ahorros de Sabadell, Catalufia; portrait, Mila Y. Fontanals, Instituto des estudis Catalans; portrait, Alphonse Maseras, and sculptural group, Museum of Bar- celona, Spain; Salombo; Spanish Dancer. 231 TOO OR Res PGE hee Saves aN THEODORE SPICER-SIMSON was born in Havre, France, in 1871. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and under Jean Dampt. Honors: highest award for medals, Brussels Exposition, 1915; bronze medal for medals, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, associate, Paris, 1901; National Sculpture Society; American Numismatic Society. Works: marble portrait busts, Lord Selborne, Museum of Art, Johannesburg Art Museum, S. Africa; Henri Monad, Académie de Médicine, Paris; Durga Chura Law, Maharajah, Town Hall, Cal- cutta, India; bronze, Charles Francis Adams, Massachusetts Histori- cal Society, Boston, Mass.; bust of Dr. Moncure D. Conway, Dicker- son College, Pa., and the Author’s Club, New York. He has made numerous medals and portrait plaques—, George F. Watts; Sir Walter Lawrence; the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha; George Meredith; Barrett Wendell; Admiral Sir Wilmot Fawkes. GALES Al Ries aE sA CAESAR STEA was born in Bari, Italy, in 1893. He studied at the National Academy of Design, Cooper Union, and the Beaux- Arts Institute of Design, New York.: He is a pupil of A. Stirling Calder, Hermon A. MacNeil, Carl A. Heber and Victor D. Salvatore. Honors: Beaux-Arts prize for panel for Educational Building, Pan- ama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. 232 EAOSADISSE VCO WWRORR INES, IN Ba KE LINDSEY MorRRIS STERLING was born in Mauch-Chunk, Pa., in 1876. She was a pupil at Cooper Union, New York, under George T. Brewster; at the Art Students League, New York, under James Earle Fraser; also of Bourdelle and Bartlett, in Paris. Honors: bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915; prize, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1916. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors; Allied Artists of America; New Haven Paint and Clay Club. Works: Blown by the Winds of Destiny; The Afternoon of a Faun. PAUL SWAN PAUL SWAN was born in Illinois. He attended the Art In- stitute of Chicago, studying drawing under John H. Vanderpoel and _ sculpture under Lorado Taft. Later he went to New York, and then to Paris. He exhibited two paintings at the Paris Salon, 1922, and a piece of sculpture called Douleur was accepted by the National Academy of Design, 1922. He has exhibited paintings at the Nation- al Academy. JONATHAN M. SWANSON JoNATHAN M. Swanson was born in Chicago, Ill., in 1888. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. MemBERSHIP: American Numismatic Society. Works: medals—, Quadricentennial of the Reformation, Luther medal; American Museum of Safety Award; portrait medals, pres- idents of the New York Numismatic Club; many portraits in low relief. 233 POR ATL Oe eA LorADO TAFT was born in Elmwood, Ill., in 1860. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Dumont, Bon- naissieux and Jules Thomas. Honors: designer’s medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill., 1893; silver medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; Montgomery Ward prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1906; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. He is Illinois State Art Commissioner; has been in- structor and lecturer, Chicago Art Institute since 1886; lecturer on art, University of Chicago. Heis the author of History of American Sculpture, 1903, and Modern Tendencies in Sculpture, 1921. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, academician; American Academy of Arts and Letters. Works: marble group, Solitude of the Soul, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Washington monument, Seattle, Wash.; Fountain, Paducah, Ky.; Trotter fountain, Bloomington, I]].; Columbus memor- lal fountain, Washington, D. C.; Ferguson Fountain of the Great Lakes, Chicago, Ill.; Blackhawk, Oregon, II].; Thatcher memorial fountain, Denver, Colo.; Ogle Co. Soldiers memorial, Denver, Colo. ; Fountain of Time, Chicago, III. 234 FRAGMENT FROM FOUNTAIN OF TIME BY LORADO TAFT 235 Cr AC BCE ale Nees se) a GRACE HELEN TALBOT was born in North Billerica, Mass., in 1901. She studied under Harriet W. Frishmuth for three years. Honors: Avery prize, New York Architectural League, 1922. MEMBERSHIP: National Association of Women Painters and Sculp- tors. Works: Venice Invincible; Leda; The Novice; The Oracle. 236 Pele (De HC dee IPI De tee de FREDERIC E. TRIEBEL was born in Peoria, Ill., in 1865. He studied at the Royal Academy, Florence, Italy. Works: Peoria Soldiers monument, Peoria, I]].; lowa State monu- ment, Shiloh Battlefield, Tenn.; Mississippi State monument, Vicks- burg National Military Park, Vicksburg, Miss.; Mysterious Music, Imperial Museum, Tokio, Japan; statues, Gen. George L. Shoup, and Gen. Henry Rice, Statuary Hall, Washington, D. C.; marble group, Pidowelleawn, N. |:;-busts, Gen, John Logan, and G. A. R. Hall, Peoria, IIl.; bust, Lydia Bradley, Peoria, Il.; grave monument, Edwin B. Sheldon, Delphi, N. Y.; portrait bas-reliefs—, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Sheldon; Roosevelt, Dante, and others. He specializes in carving bas-reliefs direct from the marble. meee O POs GhOoRGE VAGIS PoOLYGNOTOS G. VAGIS was born on the Island of Thasos, Greece, in 1894. He studied at the Beaux-Arts Institute, Greece, and has been a pupil of Gutzon Borglum, Leo Lentelli and John Gregory in America. He has exhibited at the National Academy of Design, 1920-22, and at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Works: Greek Soldier; Universe; The Deliverer; The Defender; The Dreamer. 237 ede Hele ae BAB Ned e ELIHU VEDDER was born in New York in 1836, and died in 1922. He studied in Paris with Picot, also in Italy and New York. From 1867 on he resided in Capri, Italy. His work was largely the painting of imaginative and decorative subjects. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Exposition, 1889; gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. MEMBERSHIP: American Academy of Arts and Letters; National Academy of Design, academician, 1865. Works: The Pleiades, African Sentinel, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Minerva, mosaic and five decorative panels, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.; Keeper of the Threshold, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; The Lair of the Sea Serpent, Lazarus; The Sphinx, and Fisherman and Djinn, Boston Museum of Fine Arts; Storm in Umbria, and the Fates Gathering in the Stars, Art In- stitute of Chicago, Chicago, II].; Fisherman and the Mermaid, Brook- lyn Institute Museum, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sicilian Girl, and Landscape, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R. I. * Deceased. 238 VASE BY ELIHU VEDDER 239 LA PETITE BY BESSIE® POTTER, VONNOH 240 Bio hie hi Ray ONN OH BESSIE POTTER VONNOH was born in St. Louis, Mo., in 1872. She was a student at the Art Institute of Chicago under Lorado Taft. Honors: second prize, Nashville Exposition, 1897; bronze medal, International Exposition, Paris, 1900; honorable mention, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; silver medal, Panama- Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif.,1915; Elizabeth N. Watrous gold medal, for Allégresse, National Academy of Design, OKs MemBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Academy of Design, academician, 1921. Works: The Young Mother, and eleven statuettes, Metropolitan Museum, New York; Chrysanthemum Girl Reading, The Dancing Girl, Portrait of a Lady, An American Girl, and Girl Standing, Art Institute of Chicago, IIl.; Allégresse, three figures dancing, bronze, Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, Mich.; Girl Dancing, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Will-o’-the-Wisp; Baby’s head; Adolescence. Her specialty is small groups, and she has been especially alive to the charms of childhood and youth and the dignity of motherhood for sculptural expression. She has made numerous small statuettes and groups expressing these ideas. 241 NELLIE VERNE WALKER NELLIE Ve WALKER was bornsin Keds@Oakslaeamarogae She was a pupil of Lorado Taft at the Art Institute of Chicago. Honors: second Grover prize, Art Institute, Chicago, 1908; Shaffer prize, Art Institute, Chicago, 1911. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; Chicago Society of Artists; Society of Western Artists; Society of Western Sculptors. Works: W. S. Stratton memorial, Colorado Springs, Colo.; portrait statue, Senator Harlan, Washington, D. C.; Her Son, ideal group, Art Institute, Chicago; Chief Keokuk, Keokuk, la., 1913; Decker Family, Battle Creek, Mich.; D. F. Diggins, Cadillac, Mich.; Senator Stephen, Marinette, Wis.; also portrait busts and several large ideal groups. 242 BENEDICTION, MITCHELL MEMORIAL, BY NELLIE V. WALKER 243 SCIENCE, LELAND STANFORD UNIVERSITY, BY EDGAR WALTER 244 BDGAR WALTER EDGAR WALTER was born in San Francisco, Calif., in 1877. He studied at the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, San Francisco, Calif., and later studied in Paris. He was a pupil of Cormon and Perrin. He exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1899, and subsequently. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1901; honorable mention, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. Works: Nymph and Bears; Primitive Man. WRU AE! RRME IB AY AM ed load ke WeambeRiIE WALTER was born in Baltimore, Md. She studied at the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, Md., and in Paris, France. Works: portrait busts—, Dr. Nicholas Sbarounis Tricorphos; Riccardo Bertelli; Marie Blandin; bas-reliefs—, Genevieve Lymans; Walter Walkinshaw; Jim the Master; statues—, Youth; Madonna and Child; Struggle; The Dip; Law. 245 ADOLPH ALEXANDER WEINMAN ADOLPH A. WEINMAN was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1870. Hecame to America at the age of ten years and was later apprenticed to Kaldenberg, a carver in ivory and wood. During his apprenticeship he attended evening classes in drawing and modeling at Cooper Union, New York. At the age of nineteen he became the pupil of Philip Martiny and later studied under Saint-Gaudens at the Art Students League. He became assistant to Saint-Gaudens and later to Olin Warner, C. H. Niehaus and D. C. French. Honors: honorable mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; silver medal, International Exposition, Brussels, 1910; gold medal of honor for sculpture, New York Architectural League, 1913; J. San- ford Saltus Award medal for medals, American Numismatic Society, 1920. MemBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, academician, 1911; National Institute of Arts and Letters; National Sculpture Society; New York Architectural League. WorKS: monument to Gen. Alexander Macomb, Detroit, Mich.; Maryland Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Baltimore, Md.; Lincoln Statue, Hodgenville, Ky.: Alexander J. Cassatt, Pennsyl- vania Station, New York; Lt.-Col. William F. Vilas, National Military Park, Vicksburg, Miss.; Lincoln statue in rotunda of State Capitol, Frankfort, Ky.; War Memorial, Forest Hills, N. Y.; War Memorial, Clark Memorial Chapel, Pomfret, Conn.; decorative sculpture, facade and interior, Pennsylvania Station, and on facade and top of tower, Municipal Building, New York; pediment sculpture for Senate wing, Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison, Wis.; The Rising Sun, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Descending Night, Kansas City Museum. He designed the U.S. half dollar and dime, and the | victory button for the U. S. Army and Navy. 246 NARCISSUS BY ADOLPH A. WEINMAN 247 JU OGAS BIR ACE Ko BeNes VV Genes) JuLtia BRACKEN WENDT was born at Apple River, IIl., in 1871. She began her art studies at the Art Institute of Chicago, 1887, and assisted Lorado Taft in his studio, 1887-1892. She was a member of the Municipal Art Commission in Los Angeles, Calif., for three years. She is a teacher of sculpture, Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles. Honors: medal, Southern California-Panama Exposition, San Diego, Calif. 1015. MEMBERSHIP: Chicago Society of Artists; California Art Club; American Federation of Arts; National Arts Club, N. Y.; Three Arts Club, Los Angeles.§ Works: statue, Faith; Illinois Welcoming the Nations, State Capitol, Springfield, Ill.; statue, James Monroe; a series of Prophets of the Nineteenth Century, Morris, Emerson, Tolstoi, Lincoln, and others; battle monument, Missionary Ridge, Tenn.; altar-piece, The Tree of Life; fountain, Pan Piper; portrait busts, Mr. and Mrs. Leander McCormack; colossal group, Art, Science, and History, Museum of Exposition Park, Los Angeles; also many portrait reliefs. 248 MARIA P. WENIGER MARIA P. WENIGER was born in Bevensen, Germany, in 1880. She studied in Munich under von Debschitz and Vierthaler and with Mania Cacer. MEMBERSHIP: Art Alliance of America. WoRKS: six miniature bronzes —, Dancers. Lee eee ace Nee VVetir ELE Re E. KATHLEEN WHEELER was born in Reading, Eng- land, in 1884. Shestudied under Esther M. Moore and Frank Calde- ron, and also at the Slade School in London. She exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1906, and at the Royal Academy in 1910. She came to America in 1914. Works: Death and Sleep; Grief; Out West. She has always specialized in animals, and is now engaged in making portraits in bronze of the leading horses of America. 249 GERD RED BaveAaN De eB yay cclealeINstee GERTRUDE VANDERBILT WHITNEY was born in New York City. She studied sculpture under Henry Anderson and James E. Fraser, and at the Art Students League, New York; she also was a pupil of Andrew O’Connor in Paris. Honors: honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1913; National Arts Club prize, National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 1914; bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco,. Calif,, 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors; American Federation of Arts; National Arts Club. Works: Aztec fountain, Pan-American building, Washington, D. C.; El Dorado fountain, San Francisco Exposition; two panels for Triumphal Arch, New York City; portrait, Jo Davidson; Honorably Discharged; Soldiers memorial, Washington Heights, New York City. ALICE MORGAN WRIGHT ALICE MORGAN WRIGHT was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1881. She studied at the Art Students League, New York, and under Gutzon Borglum and James Earle Fraser, also at the Académie @olarossimiaris: Honors: Saint-Gaudens prize, Art Students League, 1900. MEMBERSHIP: Society of Independent Artists; National Associa- tion of Women Painters and Sculptors; National Sculpture Society. Works: portrait, Pres. Seelye; Wood Nymph; Wind Figure; Lady Macbeth; portrait, Mrs. B. E. Lewis; Unto the Least of These my Brethren; bas-relief, Dance. 250 FOURTH DIVISION MEMORIAL BY GERTRUDE V. WHITNEY 251 STEVEDORE BY MAHONRI M. YOUNG 252 MAHONRI M. YOUNG MAHONRI M. YouwNnG was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1877. He was a pupil of the Art Students League in New York, and studied at the Académies Julien, Colarossi and Delacluse, Paris. He is instructor at the Art Students League. Honors: State prizes for painting and sculpture, Utah Arts Institute, 1900; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1911; honorable mention for etching, American Art Association, Paris; silver medal for sculpture, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MeEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; National Sculpture Society ; New York Architectural League; New York Water Color Club. Works: Man with Pick, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Hopi and Apache group, American Museum of Natural History, New York; bronzes, A Laborer; The Rigger, Free Public Library, Newark, N. J.; Sea Gull monument, Salt Lake City, Utah; Carrying Coal; portrait, Alfred H. Maurer. 253 BRIGNOFTO Waser Mav BRUNO LouUIs Z1MM was born in New York in 1876. He studied under J. QO. A. Ward, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and Karl Bitter. Honors: first mention, collaborative competition, New York Architectural League, 1913; silver medal, International Exposition, Paris, 1900. | MemBErsHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Slocum memorial, and a memorial fountain, New York; Finnegan memorial, Houston, Texas; panels, Sergt. York and Paul Revere, Seaboard National Bank, New York; bust, Robert E. Lee, Baylor College, Belton, Texas; statue, Bird Woman, St. Louis, Mo.; Young memorial tablet, First National Bank, Jersey City, N. J.; Murdoch memorial, Wichita, Kan. 254 BoNeisioltk ss Ree iP JeaBy WOR) aby seT ble Olas Ne Paka hOuN PN, Wisbe I IEIGA OIL AI (OND Ua an SONTA BROWN SONIA BROWN was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1890. She studied in Moscow under N. Andrieff and in Paris under Emile Bourdelle. MATILDA BROWNE MATILDA BROWNE was born in Newark, N. J. She ex- hibited a painting at the National Academy of Design at the age of twelve. She went to Europe in 1889 and studied painting at the Académie Julien and with Julien Dupré and H. C. Bisbing. She exhibited some small sculptures of fowls and animals in 1921. Honors: honorable mention and prizes for painting. MemBeErRSHIP: American Federation of Arts; American Water Color Society; National Association of Women Painters and Sculp- tors; New York Society of Painters; Society of Animal Painters and Sculptors; Lyme Art Association. 257 PEN Roy sKReh Bill Stl 3B Re VVveN HENRY KIRKE BUSH-BROWN was born in Ogdensburg, New York, in 1857. He studied with Henry K. Brown, his uncle, at the National Academy of Design and with A. Mercié at the Académie Julien. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society; New York Architec- tural League; National Arts Club; Art Alliance of Philadelphia. WorKS: equestrian statues, Gen. G. G. Meade, Gen. Johney: Reynolds, Gen. John Sedgwick,—at Gettysburg, Pa.; Gen. Anthony Wayne at Valley Forge, Pa.; statue, Justinian, Appellate Court, New York; First Regiment Soldier, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mountaineer Soldier, Charleston, W. Va.; Lincoln memorial, Gettysburg; Chauve- net memorial, Annapolis, Md.; Cyrus Clark memorial, Riverside Drive, New York City; bust of Henry K. Brown, Hall of Fame, New York University, Fordham, New York. NESS AP @ OUF EEN NeEssA COHEN was born in New York City. She was a pupil of James Earle Fraser, and studied at Cooper Union and the Art Students League. MempBersuIP: National Association of Women Painters and Sculp- tors; New York Architectural League; Society of Independent Artists. Works: Sunrise, Havana, Cuba; Navajo Watching Women at Work; group of Indians of Southwestern United States, American Museum of Natural History. 258 BOR CONNMMO® tome Teme eae @. Pee ONTO Dat lit ep Oe was. born in) Bivona, |taly,: in 1900. He studied at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York. MEMBERSHIP: Italian American Art Association. Works: bronze head, Dr. J. H. Goldberger; bronze bust, Italian Boy; Portrait of an Old Man; Portrait of Mrs. Hister; bronze bust, Abraham Lincoln. PAIGE debe eyAlna PAUL HERZEL was born in Tillowitz, Silesia, Germany, in 1876. He was a pupil of the St. Louis School of Fine Arts and the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York. Honors: Mrs. H. P. Whitney prize, 1915; Helen Foster Barnett prize, National Academy of Design, 1915. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Py or«s, | he Struggle; The Chant. PTAA TIPE Stale TAPS ye PHILIP MARTINY was born in Alsace in 1858. He was a pupil of Eugéne Dock in France and of Augustus Saint-Gaudens in the United States. MEMBERSHIP: National Academy of Design, associate; New York Architectural League; National Arts Club. Works: doors for St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York; Mc- Kinley monument, Springfield, Mass.; Soldiers and Sailors monument, Jersey City, N. J.; statue, ex-Vice-Pres. Garret A. Hobart, Paterson, N. J.; sculpture in Hall of Records, New York City; two groups, Chamber of Commerce, New York City; group of Allies, Flatiron Building, New York City. 259 PIETRO MONTANA PrETRO MONTANA was born in Italy in 1890. He studied at Cooper Union and the Mechanics Institute. MEMBERSHIP: Italian American Art Association. Works: War memorial, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Ridgewood War mem- orial, Brooklyn, N. Y.; East New York War memorial, Brooklyn, N. Y.; monument to B. T. Weylnecht, City Cemetery, Alliance, Ohio. EUGENE MORAHAN EUGENE MORAHAN was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1869. He studied under Augustus Saint-Gaudens and at the Art Students League, New York. MEMBERSHIP: National Sculpture Society. Works: Alfred G. Vanderbilt memorial fountain, Newport, R. I.; Elks memorial, Buffalo, N. Y.; Soldiers and Sailors memorial, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; Cuddy memorial, St. Barnabas Church, Buxhill, Sussex, England. 260 Vesey Os lelves Mil TE May Mortt-SMITH was born in Honolulu, T. H., in 1879. She was a pupil of the Académie Colarossi, of Van der Weyden, T. Spicer-Simson and Robert I. Aitken. Honors: bronze medal, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, Calif., 1915; silver medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915. MEMBERSHIP: Sculptors Guild of California; California Art Club. Works: portrait medals of Galli-Curci, Isadora Duncan, Blasco Ibanez, etc.; Charles H. Barker award medal. SAMUEL MURRAY SAMUEL MURRAY was born in Philadelphia, in 1870. He was a pupil of Thomas Eakins. He exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1900. Honors: gold medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1894; honorable mention, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1897; honorable mention, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. Works: Prophets, Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; statues,—Commodore Barry, and Dr. Joseph Leidy, Philadelphia, Pa.; busts,—Admiral George V. Melville, and Archbishop Ryan; Penn- sylvania State battlefield monument, Gettysburg, Pa.; statue, Father Corby, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Ind.; J. H. Windrin portrait, Smith memorial, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa. POSE Ril aN Gays JoseEPpH NICOLOSI! was born in Italy in 1893. He studied at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, 1915-1919, and with the late Solon H. Borglum, 1916-1918. He was admitted to the preliminary competition for the Prix de Rome in 1920. Honors: many medals and honorable mentions. Works: Frederick Thompson memorial, 1921. ADAM PIETZ ADAM P1£Tz was born in Offenbach, Germany, in 1873. He studied in Germany and at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and the Chicago Art Institute. MEMBERSHIP: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; American Numismatic Society. Works: Stephen Decatur, Philadelphia Navy Yard; Thomas P. Anshutz, Philadelphia Sketch Club; portraits and medals, Vander- pool Art Association, Chicago, IIl.; Smithsonian Institution, Washing- ton, D. C.; British Museum; Chicago Art Institute. 262 OSPINDE TE TEie) INGA CMe IEG Sy SER ORG IOI ANNETTE MARCELLUS SLOCUM was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and with Edward Lanteri, and also at the Royal College of Arts, London, England. Her specialty is portraiture. Rey Baal Gee Kol AUN Moree RT GC. WAKEMAN was born in Norwalk, Conn., in 1889. He studied at the Yale School of Fine Arts. Works: Portrait of Dr. Lively. 263 WIRES DAA Leek ING) PLAQUES CHOATE BY HERBERT ADAMS JOSEPH H 266 venepterene . Tait, eae aco PEGGY GANTT BY HERBERT ADAMS 267 VISIT OF MARSHAL FOCH TO THE UNITED STATES BY ROBERT I. AITKEN 268 WATROUS MEDAL FOR SCULPTURE BY ROBERT I. AITKEN CHILDREN’S YEAR BY CHESTER BEACH SGHOOL/ ART LEAGUE BY CHESTER] BEACH 270 PEACE OF VERSAILLES BY CHESTER BEACH 271 JACK LAMBDIN BY EDWARD 2 BERGE WILLIAM B. GRAVES BY EDWARD BERGE 273 BRENNER ICTOR D. , ] PBACE BY \ I | BRENNER JOHN HAY BY VICTOR D 275 FREDERICK W. MACMONNIES BY MABEL CONKLING DALLIN HOMAGE TO MARSHAL FOCH BY CYRUS E 277 U. S. ARMY INSIGNIA U. S. ARMY INSIGNIA BY A. DEFRANCISCI BY A. DEFRANCISCI YACHT CLUB, BRITISH-AMERICAN CUP BY ANTHONY DEFRANCISCI 278 U. S. SILVER DOLLAR BY ANTHONY DEFRANCISCI AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS BY ANTHONY DE FRANCISCI 279 Si? LOUIS ART LEAGUESBY WLRIG LH) ELEBREUSEN WAR SERVICE RG PENNSYLVANIA R. BY ULRIG HH: BLLERHUSEN 280 MEDAL WITH ENAMELED WINGS BY ULRIC H. ELLERHUSEN 281 PEORIA SOCIETY OF ALLIED ARTS BY SPAULS EJ ELDE 282 SERVICE MEN OF GLENCOE, ILL. 3 BY PAUL FJELDE 28 TO THE CITY OF VERDUN FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES BY JOHN FLANAGAN 284 CARTE YAR DES DINE bola B Ye [OLN SEL ANAGAN MASS. , WAR SERVICE MEDAL OF MARION 5 28 WILLIAMS COLLEGE WAR SERVICE, OBV. BY? JAMESS EB. ERASER: U. S. NAVY DISTINGUISHED SERVICE BY JAMES E. PRASER 226 MR. AND MRS. ALBRIGHT BY JAMES E. FRASER AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR THE DEVASTATED REGIONS OF FRANCE BY JAMES E. FRASER 287 ROSEMARY HALL BY LAURA G. FRASER 288 3 BETTER BABIES BY LAURA G. FRASER IRISH SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA BY EPAURA G, FRASER 289 VISIT TO NEW YORK OF FRENCH AND BRITISH WAR COMMISSIONS BY DANIEL C. FRENCH COMPLETION OF THE CATSKILL AQUEDUCT BY DANIEL €. FRENCH 2090 ee ARCHITECTURAL LEAGUE OF NEW YORK BY DANIEL C. FRENCH THE AMERICAN RED CROSS BY DANIEL C. FRENCH 291 ROBERT WOOLSTON HUNT—OBV. BY EMIL FUCHS 202 a oe eT ee Se oe eh | at 7 * REV. BY EMIL FUCHS HUNT ROBERT WOOLSTON 293 ‘ F CAROLYN AND PATRICIA CLEMENT | BY FRANCES GRIMES 204 ; HAROLD TRIPP CLEMENT BY FRANCES GRIMES 295 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON BY CHARLES L. HINTON 296 JOAN OF ARC BY ANNA VY. HYATT 297 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT W. DE FOREST BY EVELYN B. LONGMAN LOOMIS MEDAL FOR ATHLETICS BY EVELYN B. LONGMAN 298 HAROLD VAN BUREN MAGONIGLE BY EDWARD MCCARTAN 299 NEW YORK ARCHITECTURAL LEAGUE BY HERMON A. MACNEIL 300 PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, BUFFALO BY HERMON A. MACNEIL U.S. QUARTER DOL- U.S. QUARTER DOL= LAR BY HERMON LAR BY HERMON A. MACNEIL A. MACNEIL PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, BUFFALO BY HERMON A. MACNEIL 301 LORD SEAFORTH BY R. TAIT MCKENZIE 302 THES JOY SOPs EFFORT BY Ro TATE MGKENZIE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE AWARD FOR SCIENCE BY R. TAIT MCKENZIE 303 JOAN OF ARC BY PAUL MANSHIP 304 ST. PAUL INSTITUTE BY PAUL MANSHIP ART WAR RELIEF BY PAUL MANSHIP 305 ISAAC RIDGEWAY TRIMBLE BY J. MAXWELL MILLER 306 CARDINAL GIBBONS BY J. MAXWELL MILLER 307 JOAN OF ARC BY ALLEN G. NEWMAN VALOR MEDAL, U. S. A. BY ALLEN G. NEWMAN 308 MR. AND MRS. JAMES BRITE BY CHARLES H. NIEHAUS 309 PENTON MEDAL, CLEVELAND ART ASSOCIATION BY STEVEN A. REBECK 310 . zs PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN INDIANS are BY EDWARD W. SAWYER Zi 311 PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL GUARD BY J. OTTO SCHWEIZER x12 sy et ERO re ee A A BY: See Se ee 3 Y Ls a hat ee ; : 32 me ys A» , a . ww iX te SOO tee LN 2s J. OTTO SCHWEIZER, SCULPTOR PHILA. : COPYRIGHT 1914 SWISS RELIEF FUND MEMORIAL BY J. OTTO, SCHWEIZER 313 KATHERINE GABAUDAN BY T. SPICER-SIMSON 314 7 CENTENARY OF THE BATTLE OF PLATTSBURGH BY JONATHAN M. SWANSON \ 315 ORDER OF THE SONS») OF ITALY BY) bh. .beel RL EB Eile - 316 JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY BY LORADO TAFT 317 MT. SINAI COMMEMORATIVE WAR MEDAL BY A. A. WEINMAN U. S. HONORABLE DISCHARGE BY A. A. WEINMAN THEODORE N. VAIL AWARD BY A. A. WEINMAN 318 J. SANFORD SALTUS AWARD FOR MEDALLIC ART, AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, BY A. A. WEINMAN 319 u r ; ‘ bat tall wa : eae ana ¢ e 3 ‘ se eee CL) RS AND APY BEE TRS oT el PAE Ts) oa 4 ore hae a Au ® GC Pay 7 ys a : oa “ ~ , 4 ad i > 4 i eu" > ’ ; wa =): ; ; r > s \ ’ ‘ ; ’ * es Oe Cagle ianleG@) eon AUN Daa HE R: ear elas Be ONAC ges ane Bea ler LOUISSBOURGEOIS MARBLE BUST app eb cata CARVES PRIMAVERA TREE DAINCT: BUST IN COLORED MARBLE BRONZE GROUP MARIANNINA me NORD IG EyY PE* BUST COLORED GILDED BRONZE HEAD MRS. BILLINGS BEGG Ye GANTT PLASTER BAS-RELIEF COLORED PLASTER BAS-RELIEF WILSON MEMORIAL, FRAGMENT JOSEPH H. CHOATE COLORED PLASTER BAS-RELIEF UNION LEAGUE CLUB PLASTER BAS-RELIEF NYMPH FOUNTAIN FIGURE, COLORED PLASTER PoC) Delehel mle Aol ph rON GEN. JOHN J. PERSHING JOAN OF ARC PLASTER BUST EQUESTRIAN STATUETTE PLASTER COMRADES IN ARMS* DOUGHBOY WAR MEMORIAL, ALPHA DELTA PHI QUARTER SIZE MODEL FOR SOLDIERS BRONZE STATUETTE GROUP MEMORIAL, BRONZED PLASTER FIGURE OUTEKSDARKNESS THE FIND, FOUNTAIN GROUP PLASTER BAS-RELIEF FOUNTAIN GROUP, COLORED PLASTER Bes bee DETAIL LIGHT CAMP MERRITT MEMORIAL, GRANITE PLASTER MODEL FOR GENERAL ELEC- RELIEF TRIC COMPANY (HRB EsPORTRAME BUSS COLORED PLASTER SIM be deny Neh dN THE CHARGING HERD THE WOUNDED COMRADE* SMALL BRONZE GROUP OF ELEPHANTS SMALL BRONZE GROUP OF ELEPHANTS JECOMBM Poirier au ile TIN) MASK PAUL ‘CHILD COLORED PLASTER BRONZE HEAD *THE ASTERISK FOLLOWING THE NAME OF A SUBJECT INDICATES THAT SUCH SUBJECT IS ILLUSTRATED 323 DIS TOF SCAU PY ORS (AN DHE Ree, Xt Bats EaVin el OarA SN iG Es took, GOOSE, BOY* GOOSE GIRL BRONZE GARDEN GROUP BRONZE GARDEN GROUP BARKING SEAL PLASTER VS ARIS sD certs La MOTHER AND «GHD YOUNG SATYR PLASTER GROUP BRONZE HEAD ASTE BSE ltehicee a Dea lent Die a rls AG BEAGE BRONZE FIGURE BRONZE STATUETTE FIFTH STATION OF THE CROSS — TENTH STATION OF Tiers BRONZE ON WOOD BRONZE ON WOOD PORTRAIT -RELIEF BRONZE SIS eAgN Be bake PORPRALTCORSAg NE GRO BRONZE BUST ROB Beale: eb oe eralG PEAGE PLASTER STATUE GEORG EAGER Eo BARING ta LINCOLN THE MARTYR LINCOEN HEADS MARBLE HEAD MARBLE GINCOENSETEAEROD ied RISING WOMAN PLASTER HEAD PLASTER STATUE PRODIGAL SON MARBLE GROUP CWE MSE N <3] 2B Asa sra MADONNA* PORTRAIT PLASTER REPLICA OF ORIGINAL IN ST. BRONZE MEDALLION MARY'S CATHEDRAL, COVINGTON, KEN- TUCKY. BOY AND DOLPHIN COLORED PLASTER 324 Moen Oo Gila PslOUR-o fA N De DHE DLR ( XSHLBITS ee etemnVome oe Wee flees [le RODER PeMGR hiss PLASTER STATUE maArAY ETTE BRONZE BUST LOUIS AGASSIZ PEI LOSOP TY PLASTER STATUE BRONZE BUST DECORATIVE HORSES BRAZILIAN FROG BRONZE BRONZE ADAM SCULPIN BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE FISH MICHELANGELO BRONZED PLASTER HEAD Cishe i (Weak Te wes! ies LEAPING SPRAY COLORED PLASTER GROUP POI KAT BUST PLASTER DHE iNG ORs HE SEA* COLORED PLASTER FIGURE NANETTE TERRA-COTTA BUST THREESIVORLES A WHITE PIGEON AN ECHO OF GREECE Bie ee BES INEN Ele) PAIR OF SEA-HORSE ANDIRONS BRONZE DBO ID stn let Ga o WOODWIND BRONZE STATUE IN eee oatene KEAN ANTIQUE DANCE BRONZE GROUP Save we) Rees Dbaleare lal NUDE FIGURE Same RCL LN* BRONZE STATUETTE PROKSO* DECORATIVE HEAD COLORED PLASTER FIGURINE PLASTER VIOLET MAIDENHOOD SMALL BRONZE BIRD FOUNTAIN PLASTER MRS. S. MARBLE BAS-RELIEF MARBLE STATUETTE GARDEN FIGURE COLORED PLASTER TWO BRONZE FIGURINES 325 EU Sihe O'FatS CeUnis PaO LR. Se eAGN: Diet ei Been bec hieig bela les GUE ZONA OR GIA THEODORE ROOSEVELT EARTH BRONZED PLASTER HEAD BRONZE STATUETTE SOB OIN Tee Ouray ay iy: NAPOLEON ROUGH RIDEK* MARBLE EQUESTRIAN GROUP BRONZE EQUESTRIAN GROUP ONE IN A THOUSAND WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE BRONZE EQUESTRIAN GROUP PLASTER GROUP JiOrs Hable sO) Wee AN EARLY BREAKFAST THE PRAIRIE GEIRE ANIMAL GROUP, COLORED PLASTER ANIMAL GROUP, BRONZE Vel Cel ORS Bs he Pees Ee. ELIZABETH BRONZE BUST Ol eye Vie Rel OO aeB haliNGE) aoa RABBIT KER S PAS TINE COLORED PLASTER MARBLE CAT MACDOUGAL DOG'S HEAD IN MARBLE SONIA BROWN BAS-RELIEF STONE M Asis .D ANDi Oi Nee ABahe Ter Uke SMALL BRONZE HENRY KIRKE. BUSH=B KGiwey WASHINGTON AT NEWBURGH INFANT CONVERSATION HEROIC BUST, PATINED PLASTER MARBLE BUST HENRY K. BROWN VISCOUNT JAMES BRYCE COLORED PLASTER BUST BRONZE BUST Eos O'ReES GAD IOs THE DANCE WITH TAMBOURINE RESIGNATION BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE STATUETTE {DECEASED 326 Paoteo een ret Oo ANN De lio LR EXHIBITS RemeooimerelebiIN Ga Gael) ER Rabe LAST DRYAD Peo cA MOTTE COLORED PLASTER STATUE PLASTER GROUP DANCING NAIAD SCRA INGER eH PEL COLORED PLASTER STATUE BRONZE STATUETTE TES CELE DEARSW ELH STHE =PINY BLACK SWAN* COLORED PLASTER FIGURE Deer N ee Crear Vier aAG iN HOOP BOWLER JEANNE COLORED PLASTER STATUETTE COLORED PLASTER BAS-RELIEF BLUE DANCER COLORED PLASTER STATUETTE BUESE YNING KOE TRS MME. AMELITA GALLI-CURCI* ITALIAN TONES MARBLE BUST PLASTER MASQUE IN POLYCHROME NYMPH SAC Fe BRONZE STATUE BRONZE STATUE NESSA COHEN MOMENT MUSICALE SMALL BRONZE VMEATB Eile © ON: KIS INIG TEMPTATION THEE LO LES GI RE BRONZE FIGURE BRONZED PLASTER STATUE BeAr © INKS ING: NATHANIEL W. CONKLING, D. D. BRONZE BUST BIE Use Clee ibyel CON OM er ledie THE ELEPHANT GCHIEDS SMALL BRONZE GAs 3 EP aR aViE Ns Nee One Eee lait FOUNTAIN FIGURE SMALL BRONZE 327 EIST ORS GUL PL ORS CAND ab FE Ree or tte be EDAD OS oT TGrAN MARKETING* BRONZE STATUETTE LATOR Weed DS 101 Coe sy ke He THE SO One Ei EE- BRONZE AND GRANITE FOUNTAIN FIGURE Ht HeN RA GRA BNL he BOY AND TURTLE GIRL AND BUTTERFLY BRONZE FOUNTAIN FIGURE BRONZE FIGURE MUA-R,G- AK Evin EoRe EN Gell aGe es GIRE WIE THE CURDS: MARBLE HEAD CGAY KAU Sav ark) soley sala THE EAST ARKOW= BRONZE STATUETTE JO DAVIDSON “UNCLE JOE-CANNON JACQUES, THE ARTISi Ses BRONZE HEAD MARBLE HEAD JAPANESE, GIRL PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST'S WIFE BRONZE FIGURE MARBLE HEAD RUSSIAN DANCE SMALL BRONZE AN THON Ye DIERKS AgN Gees AN ITALIAN FRAGMENT THE DAWNING HOUR* MARBLE HEAD GILDED PLASTER STATUE HENRY HULL IN. “THE MAN THERESA WHO CAME BACK” PLASTER PORTRAIT-RELIEF BRONZE STATUETTE, LOANED BY MR. AROS & CARMELA CHIOSTERGICAFAT Tigi PLASTER MEDALLION G i EBD ER CalsleNiSaiey ICARUS COLORED PLASTER FIGURE 328 Posie) tess Celie rale io AON De hVHETR? EXHIBITS BMG ST TE BOTT S TD Sa Ccg Ge a SPANISH HORSEMAN HORSE GROUP, FOUNTAIN BRONZE SKETCH SMALL BRONZE MIGHT AND RIGHT SMALL BRONZE GAT Ss SMALL BRONZE GROUP POLO BRONZE GROUP BUELL FIGHTERS 1 SMALL BRONZE BDULESFIGHTER, 2 SMALL BRONZE Oa eOaNet Oso by IAP P.O ITALIAN BOY BRONZE BUST Gres ee Pe ON ACT O Paw Orr. OF THE FORESI* DANGELOF ETERNAL SPRING PLASTER REPLICA OF MARBLE FIGURE, PLASTER REPLICA OF GROUP, CITY CITY PARK, HARRISBURG, PA. PARK, HARRISBURG, PA. (Ot Neri e CON VERSE BRONZE HEAD OD hue G EB roR BARD SOV BRE BRONZED PLASTER STATUETTE ee som aba Nelvana les Hob. Rael b tHe PERMAGANT LA ESSEAV E BRONZE STATUETTE MARBLE STATUETTE BeaNG DOLLS RAG TIME SMALL BRONZE BRONZE STATUETTE Pie LORENCE 5S. WYETH AW ETS MOG LieaM COM ebiite MARBLE RELIEF BRONZE STATUETTE TEs hh wel. BRONZE STATUETTE CET Ral Gaile bel aerl ESS bay ARTEMIS* CONFUCIUS PLASTER PANEL FOR GATEWAY PLASTER BUST “ VTHESNANGY = Oi vitee GROS5 BRONZED PLASTER FIGURE 329 LIS O28 se CU Pry On SSA N Data he Bere Db letes POUUNe bale als CHIEF ORATAM BRONZED PLASTER BUST ROMO EL itaele de MOINES) BOY ANDEPAN THER® THE KIERNAN MEMORIAL BRONZE GROUP LOANED BY MR. FRANK PLASTER REPLICA OF BRONZE ORIGINAL VANDERLIP Le OrW eS aay aes be MARY BALLARD ITALIAN BOY BRONZE BAS-RELIEF BRONZE HEAD DU DLEX]EERKINS MORNING BRONZE STATUETTE PLASTER BAS-RELIEF SALLY AEE SEAL KEN ERAS) THE ENDOFSTHESDAY COLORED PLASTER STATUETTE BE Ale Rel Gobet be EyNe ll OaN A SEA-WEED FOUNTAIN* PLASTER REPLICA OF FOUNTAIN, FAIRMOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PAUL FJELDE MRS. OLIVE JOHNSON VEA FIGHTER PLASTER REPLICA OF BRONZE RELIEF COLORED PLASTER HEAD SALVA TORUE Seine QUEEN OF ATLANTIS* THE TRIBUTE BRONZE STATUETTE POLYCHROME BRONZE RELIEF JAMES E. FRASER ALEXANDER HAMILTON* HEROIC FIGURE, PLASTER ERICSSON JUNE EVANS HEROIC HEAD, PLASTER MARBLE BUST MR. FORD CHARLES DANA GIBSON TERRA-COTTA HEAD COLORED PLASTER BUST MR. CHASE ROBERT BACON TERRA-COTTA HEAD MARBLE HEAD HEAD? OF TAY PAUN BRONZE 330 uci tO) Pee GUase hes FAWN DOT HE TR EXHIBITS Loe Rese aCe SI IB ON TE ea We mins BABY GOAT* GILBERT STUART BRONZE PLASTER BUST, REPLICA OF ORIGINAL HALL OF FAME, N. Y. UNIVERSITY. SNUFF BRONZE PUP YOUNG PORKER BRONZE NYMPH AND SATYR COLORED PLASTER GROUP DP NICE ICE REN C.H LINCOLN MEMORIAL Sel eOrs LIE ES PLASTER REPLICA OF STATUE, LIN- BRONZE STATUE, SPENCER TRASK ME- COLN, NEBRASKA. MORIAL, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. DU PONT FOUNTAIN, WASHING- LON D7 GC. MEMORY SCALE MODEL PLASTER STATUE, REPLICA OF MARBLE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, N. Y. THE MARSEILLAISE PLASTER BAS-RELIEF BE Ose AN DE R MOTHER AND INFANT HER- POTENTIAL AMERICA CULnES* EQUESTRIAN FIGURE SMALL BRONZE GROUP DKhEI CH, FROM THE LAND OF iEaEny GER BORBANS PLASTER EQUESTRIAN FIGURE Piece eV etoile evint: [rl PHE HUNT Lib oVINE= BRONZE GROUP PLASTER FIGURE GLOBE SUN-DIAL PANTASIE BRONZE FIGURE SMALL BRONZE NYMPH AND SATYR VE Peb UB Bers SMALL BRONZE PLASTER STATUETTE AGNES V. FROMEN THE ARROWS FLIGHT BRONZED PLASTER STATUE 331 LS pO? -S CUe Prl.O RiS 9A N) DoE Pk BAX obra ete Sublease hoy eeteahs oi. FORTUNA* COLORED PLASTER FOUNTAIN FIGURE MOR be PERC leks PORTRALT BUST OF ASLADY MAIDEN MEDITATION* COLORED PLASTER MARBLE FIGURE PORTRAIT HALF-FIGURE OF AN MOTHER AND CHILD ARTIST MARBLE BAS-RELIEF PATINED BRONZE THE CALCLIFROMs THE SBEYOND COLORED PLASTER FIGURE GEORGE E. GANIERE INNOCENCE PLASTER STATUE TOFEAVNGN Eee Cra bal esha UE Cis Pee ARGH EG PLASTER GROUP CEL CARRE? Fame Cralne x eel ey, CHILDE HASSAM PAUL W. BARTLETT BRONZE BUST BRONZE HEAD STUDY OF HEAD FOR FIGURE OF WAKS GEN. MEADE MEMORIAL, WASHINGTON, D. C., PLASTER ‘| COPPUING GiRSEEG Oia TOY VENUS* PHILOMELA PLASTER STATUE FOR FOUNTAIN-POOL PLASTER FRA NG E Se G RegVisEeS LOUIS HENRY DOW* WILLIAM BARNES, M. D. PLASTER BAS-RELIEF PLASTER BAS-RELIEF MASTER HAROLD CLEMENT PLASTER BAS-RELIEF KARE eH e) GiRsUieiia GOOSEGIKE PLASTER STATUETTE 332 Pics l Aha iC UP LOmise AN DeTHETREX HIB ES Paras ay ee CU INEZeB LRG THE BRIDE OF THE MAN-HORSE BRONZE GROUP Ree rave bmeLien Vin Vie ke BUST OF A WOMAN* HAWK LIMESTONE BLUESTONE HEAD OF AN OLD MAN PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN COLORED PLASTER MARBLE BUST WEARER EARN OVC SEA-WEED, FOUNTAIN BRONZE STATUETTE LIL Veh awin Wy le Ve YOUNG GORILLA, DINAH* GREYHOUND—STUDY BRONZED PLASTER BRONZE EIONSENTERING THESARENA PLASTER Peeinepv pe eeu UG Pee AS Web LS SUN-DIAL DUCK BABY, FOUNTAIN SKETCH UNGLAZED ROCKWOOD BRONZED PLASTER Rese Eee vi bea Wak S SU ee BRONZE STATUETTE Gy Nal ileee se Lieb aR PASTORAL BONDAGE PLASTER STATUE PLASTER GROUP Eee ole wa aoe EER elaN G MARGARET GRAY EVANS BAPTISMAL FONT* PLASTER BAS-RELIEF COLORED PLASTER THE PARIS ti Sa VO Leh CHS PAUBOTeWARD PLASTER BAS-RELIEF IDI URC VO Dah aided e IN: ROGERePLAT I* STARR FOUNTAIN COLORED PLASTER BUST COLORED PLASTER 933 Liborl OH 7S: C USL PrrnORiSs ACN Did PR ie serial leas HENRY SHER UN-GeConTINUED RU SSaWEy TEE ENERGY IN REPOSE COLORED PLASTER HEAD PLASTER GROUP JAMES McINTOSH CRAIG DIANA PLASTER BAS-RELIEF HEROIC MARBLE HEAD FOUR PANELS, CIVIL WAR MEMORIAL, YALE UNIVERSITY COLORED PLASTER Pop Cpe aba’ THE TOAD—LIONESS AND CUBS BRONZED PLASTER GROUP PRED ERICK CH bhiB ARES THE MOULDER BRONZE STATUETTE GI AG EES Se seiisleN Gd aN ATLANTA DECORATIVE FIGURE, FOR BRONZE FIGURE FOUNTAIN* DECORATIVE FIGURE rns TINTED PLASTER THE SKYLARK VENUS ON SHELL PLASTER STATUETTE BRONZE STATUETTE PSYCHE VANITY PLASTER FIGURE BRONZE STATUETTE PANDORA PLASTER JEWEL-CASE TYING THE SANDAL BRONZE FIGURE MALVINA HOFFMAN OFFRANDE* GEN. SIR DAVID HENDERSON BRONZE GROUP PLASTER BUST RICHARD HOFFMAN BACCHANALE RUSSE MARBLE BUST BRONZE GROUP BOY AND PANTHER CUB BRONZE GROUP FOR FOUNTAIN WRG TES si Ve ON Sil LEIF ERICSSON—SKETCH HARLAN FRAZER BRONZED PLASTER STATUETTE BRONZED PLASTER BUST THESSPIRUIAOFSLRANGES BRONZED PLASTER STATUE 334 ToltopUeO ero laren om AN Deel i PR EXHIBITS pr eee) Pee Be LOW ATK) THE BATHER DANCES MARBLE FULL-RELIEF BRONZE FIGURE MOTHER AND CHILD GROUP IN STONE, LOANED BY MRS. H. P. WHITNEY rele OO Wve AON E> DAMEDZPEGASUS# BRONZE FOUNTAIN GROUP CALA ENE: JBME SAIS ONDE, Ihde CON Es & itt KONZE BOY NIRVANA BRONZE STATUE MARBLE FIGURE eoiNo Ne Vee ley Aa, JOAN OF ARC* PLASTER REPLICA OF FULL~RELIEF, CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, NEW YORK SIX BRONZES MICHEL M. JACOBS ROGK OF ALE NATIONS BRONZE BABY HEAD bie I IE ee Gal IES AMERICA UNFURLING THE FLAG SUN-DIAL* PLASTER EQUESTRIAN FIGURE BRONZE F. LYNN JENKINS DIANA* DAPHNE BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE STATUETTE CrOonRGE }. GOULD PEACESIN EXILE BRONZE BUST, LOANED BY MR. KING- BRONZE HEAD DON GOULD (eet eee) SE Ve TaN er eAN 1D GAZELLE* COMEDY BRONZE GROUP BRONZE STATUETTE NYMPH AND FAWN BRONZE GROUP FROM DARLINGTON MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN VISAS Uae ome severely 1: THE YOUNG SUN-WORSHIPPER GARDEN OR FOUNTAIN FIGURE, COLORED PLASTER 335 Lis sf - OFS: CiUcL3P 120 Rasa AND eels Eee eA re see Cee Views | Out sao CaN BISON BULLABOUT TOLIE DOWN ELEPHANT* PLASTER FIGURE PLASTER CARVING MIGHTY = OFFRINGLINGS BROS eZ BU RCI: PLASTER ELEPHANT PLASTER CARVING TAEZAWN EUS Zak © DANCERS BOY WITH GOAT BRONZE GROUP COLORED PLASTER GROUP ESR INGE Sela elssteae ig) portale ORIENTA, FOUNTAIN FIGURE* COLORED PLASTER LS sO aE Kee Nala PART OF FOUNTAIN* SKETCH FOR CROSS, WOODLAWN HIGH RELIEF, PLASTER CEMEVERY sNeaye PLASTER REPLICA OF MARBLE ORIGI- WILL-O-THE-WISP NAL SMALL BRONZE DYING MELODIES FIGURE FOR MEMORIAL BRONZE GROUP PLASTER MODEL FOUNTAIN FIGURE THREE FIGURES, MODEL FOR COLORED PLASTER FOUNTAIN AUDUBON PARK, NEW ORLEANS, COL- ORED WAX MACRO 852k © Ribs ADOLESCENCE* -« NIGHT PLASTER STATUE BRONZE SEATED FIGURE ANNA? COJISE M AWwWNG ISAs 7D A ROMAN LADY BRONZE HEAD PSYCHE BRONZE FOUNTAIN FIGURE AUG BIE Ral SIA ASE sso Billley FIRST (EEFOR I BRONZE GOAT SMALL BRONZE PENGUINS* FROG AND KATYDID BRONZE GROUP SMALL BRONZE CHANTICLEER BRONZE COCK 336 louie > CUNT Pal OR SseA ND ELH ETRE XHUBITS Cale ae) Lee ere AY ELL KI OUP pie GH OF A KID NANGY LEE* PLASTER PLASTER CALF eae le Waele ee BRONZE ORAN TIE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D. C. |tel Shey Tyee HOP a EE Oye DAPHNE BELGIUM, 1914 SMALL BRONZE BRONZED PLASTER GROUP GALATEA SMALL BRONZE AUC TUS AIU I tea e DAWN GREAT FORTUNE BRONZE STATUE PLASTER STATUE TORSO PARISIENNE* CEMENT IRE O@IereNel shes le] FRAG POLE BASE TorepATHERS FOUR PLASTER PANELS COLORED PLASTER FIGURE TWO DECORATIVE PANELS WATER SPRITE PLASTER PLASTER AGE ae Eh) ee lea IN YZ, hit ELUSIVE WITCH DESHA* BRONZE FIGURINE SMALL BRONZE LAWN TENNIS TROPHY SMALL BRONZE GeO R Gi | eer rea. FRANK BACON SNAKE CHARMER BRONZED PLASTER BUST BRONZE STATUETTE AMO EVE? PLASTER SEATED FIGURE COLORED PLASTER STATUETTE “MATCHESEN” FRANK BACON COLORED PLASTER BUST | PLASTER. BAS-RELIEF 2H) Lu Sor O Bais Cull: PAO RIS) AUNAD eerie) Ke eel Dae a FeVe Te YSN al ON aig AGN PORTRAIT OF Na HBA TLCHEED ERB ELIZABE TH BRONZE HEAD MARBLE BUST PORTRAIT OF HORTON JUNIOR BEYOND MARBLE MEDALLION BRONZE STATUE NATURES GON FEMPEATING THE SOURCE OR Iihe HEROIC PLASTER FIGURE ACR Us Rae el OLR EB INEZ Aa Nal FOUNTAINS OR THEsGCOLDENZAGE= COLORED PLASTER AUC Ter Seni US EaViaN FRANCIS ASBURY= ISABEL HAUSER PLASTER REPLICA OF EQUESTRIAN PLASTER BAS-RELIEF STATUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. GEN. DAVID McM. GREGG PLASTER EQUESTRIAN FIGURE F RE D BRL G Ke Woevies covyiOuNeN TEE VENUS AND ADONIS* GROUP IN COLORED MARBLE CUATRO aD mV race NSE sleLe SPRING SONG WATER BABY* BRONZE STATUETTE ; PLASTER FIGURE Bis lara ANTERA SaDANGE BRONZE HEAD BRONZE STATUETTE ELIZABETH BRONZE BUST Pl MSO) NSA Vi Acca ate ies INTO THE UNKNOWN* FIGURE FOR SEAL OF NATIONAL SCULPTURE SOCIETY, COLORED PLASTER SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MEMORIAL PYLONS (LORD AND HEWLETT—ARCH.) PHILADELPHIA, PA. PAs ease eee lets DIANA* BRONZE STATUETTE 338 Pie er Oa Ctl Lara leOthvoncASNG Daler Bs UR? EX HT BAST. S POW Vita Bik ELIOT NORTON LINCOLN BRONZE HEAD BRONZE BUST JULIA LINDEMANN BRONZE BAS-RELIEF ated ie Wh tet, NUBReC Ne TOM ee REAR-ADMIRAL GOLDSBOROUGH BRONZE BUST MINNA McCANN PARTING DAY UNDINE SILVERED BAS-RELIEF COLORED PLASTER STATUETTE IS IDI WRI EKG ANRC AL DIANA* NYMPH AND SATYR SMALL BRONZE GROUP BRONZE GROUP EUGENE FIELD MEMORIAL COLORED PLASTER REPLICA OF MONUMENT, LINCOLN PARK, CHICAGO, ILL. eee sical eal enVC Kran) 7 hy PERION, THE PLUNGER BONeS COUT BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE STATUETTE PeigeeAN © Re MieM E tnt OuN BELEN* Gad as: MARBLE BUST BRONZE STATUETTE OT IN eC rey ey cE NCB Fa RaG BeEE NSS erOk KA liZORsAS GIL D PLASTER BUST plea se eG ny Le FOUNTAIN FIGURE PLASTER MONE IP Sy WUE EGE Ny ss THE ARTISTS MOTHER MARBLE BUST VISA eX eWeek le eeelVinte tele he DANIEL COIT GILMAN* PLASTER BAS-RELIEF 329 PS: Ore 9S Cour PaO RES) VAIN. Dai Roe Eexaiiat ee ee PIETRO MONTANA PORTRAIT OF A YOUTH MY PARENTS BRONZED PLASTER BUST BRONZE BAS-RELIEF SAV UTE ESM RIB ay: THOMAS EAKINS THE BOXER BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE FIGURE Sil GU URSID IN BeAr O05 GEN. GEORGE W. GOETHALS HON. CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW BRONZED PLASTER HEAD BRONZE HEAD Bee Ral rhOdle DaNi Bille THEAW REST PEK Ss: MATERNITY PLASTER GROUP PLASTER PORTRAIT BUST BRONZE TOS: Ping NG OFF Gs THE SORROW PLASTER STALUE "CHA RIGESOHGENIDE Hes CAESTUS FRANCIS SCOTT KEY MEMORIAL* BRONZE STATUE PLASTER REPLICA OF MONUMENT, BALTI- MORE, MD. JOSEPH JEFFERSON COLORED PLASTER BUST GOOSE BOY SMALL BRONZE JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WARD BRONZE HALF-FIGURE, LOANED BY THE NATIONAL SCULPTURE SOCIETY GPU Tt OFINION AINA MYSPFA DHE PORTRAIT OF A NEGRO BRONZE BUST BRONZED PLASTER BUST ALN DIR ESWe ©. © MENTO es ote MA].-GEN. RUFUS PUTNAM PLASTER MEDALLION ALN D RE WO; GOUNEN Olea ie THE MASK LINCOLN HEAD PLASTER HEAD BRONZE COMMODORE JOHN BARRY* BRONZE STATUETTE 340 PoaGSri OC) Beas (Ula ORS eA N Del HE URS Ex HT BATS Wellin Astal) ele beal DO ak YOUNG GIRL EDWARD C. MERSHON MEMO- BRONZED PLASTER, REPLICA OF BUST RIAL FOUNTAIN* IN BROOKLYN MUSEUM COLORED PLASTER J) JST ETRC IS VO ZEN I ee de escomhy, WHIPPET DOG JULIUS ROSENWALD, JR. BRONZE STATUETTE COLORED PLASTER HEAD Peale lies a BeAG Kes Os THE BABY GOAT BABY PAN BRONZE FIGURINE BRONZE SEATED FIGURE Nites BiG DUCK BRONZE STATUETTE Rem eNO Nee b Rs RY. BO Vow) Leb ISE EP OUN TAIN: FIGOURE* BRONZE STATUE Palme lmigien Ome Gl Kelis FRAGMENT HEAD OF BOY WITH SILVER BUST IN SIENNA MARBLE COLLAR MARBLE GIULIANELLO, FLORENTINE BOY BOY OF THE PIAVE* BUST IN MARBLE AND WOOD PLASTER STATUE FRAGILINA MARBLE STATUE Peo Mm alee hell a HURY DICE MOTHER AND CHILD MARBLE FULL-RELIEF MARBLE STATUE MADONNA* NARCISSUS OVAL BAS-RELIEF, MARBLE BRONZE STATUETTE OM RerMGas Vee eC WiRca iE Ie COCK* BRONZED PLASTER TABU See tat UZ JOSEPHEPENNELL BRONZE BAS-RELIEF 341 DESO gs GUS PO RS ALN DeeieH bha box riiebasier AL BENCPOLAGEAK HOWARD V. SHAW THE MAIDEN BRONZE BUST BRONZED PLASTER STATUE MAN CHISELING HIS OWN DESTINY* BRONZE PAN BRONZE STATUE ACIZE Oe SONS) Ee Rea Keele Oral PROF. ALONZO BROWN FREDERIC VAUX WISTAR BRONZE BUST BRONZE BUST PROP "GHAR ES VHA WALIs BRONZE HEAD RENEE PRAHAR GROUP, OF JAGUARS EEDESTAL BLACK MARBLE Ae Peres: Eee PO Gre is INDIAN WARRIOR* % ON THE WAR PATH SMALL BRONZE COLORED PLASTER EQUESTRIAN GROUP TIGERANOS TIGER NO{2 PLASTER PLASTER PANEL, LIONS COLORED PLASTER BRENDA PUTNAM MISCHIEVOUS FAUN PABLO CASALS PLASTER FIGURE BRONZE BUST, LOANED BY THE HIS- PANIC MUSEUM, N. Y. EDM OWN Ds) O Ong VICENTE BLASCO-IBANEZ ViGTORY2 BRONZE BUST REPLICA IN COLORED PLASTER OF MONUMENT, NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. FRED DANA MARSH YOUTH BRONZE HEAD BRONZE STATUETTE HA RERSY 7 Be Wile Sas eee LAUGHING MERMAIDS SMALL BRONZE GROUP 342 poe eo tee CU Laka ORs AYN De HAIR bX HI BEES GICs NCI) Jel Jeet ew LOK Ga ir SIREN BRONZE STATUETTE DREAMER BRONZE STATUETTE [ay mele P oe Kaleo shal aay, peat ED FIGURE SMALL BRONZE HEAD PLASTER PROGESSIONAL PLASTER FLOWER BOX er RO) lee hele ©.C FOUNTAIN FIGURE NO. 1 STONE FOUNTAIN FIGURE NO. 2 PLASTER Pipe be Nee ay Be Raye hi BINS ON ANN MARBLE HEAD IBIS, FOUNTAIN MODEL COLORED PLASTER Pepe Oh he GR ek OnE IN CENTRAL PARK SMALL BRONZE HEAD OF A MORGAN HORSE SMALL BRONZE RABBIT FOR BIRD FOUNTAIN PLASTER GROUP JOCK BRONZE DOG, LOANED BY MR. W.C. TEAGLE HIGHLAND BULL* COLORED PLASTER PUMA SMALL BRONZE POLAR BEARS COLORED PLASTER GROUP AKELA BRONZE DOG, SUMNER LOANED BY MRS. Bearer ere MB Ol Dok GiliN TWO FIGURES CARVED, IN; WALNUT COUAUIIE AD sy TO Vo shel Ohi Poy rea ¢ DANCING FIGURE SMALL BRONZE THE PAGAN BRONZE STATUETTE FIGHTING HORSES SMALL BRONZE LEAPING DEER SMALL BRONZE DRESBUBL SMALL BRONZE BUFFALO COW AND CALF BRONZE GROUP SP GEORGE SMALL BRONZE THE CENTAUR BRONZE STATUETTE 343 DYES TOF (SG UdIZP AT ORANG CTAB Ree Xe eS GARI ES | GACRSYe eas Vito ay = Gon TINGED VICTORY* SOLDIERS AND: SAIL- COLORED CEMENT FRIEZE DE ORS MEMORIAL PICTING SPORTS, PELHAM BAY PLASTER REPLICA OF MONUMENT, PARK BROWNSVILLE, N. Y. PLASTER REPLICA ANTONIO SAIS E Mave OLD SCOTCH WOMAN MASTER LEIGHTON ROPER BRONZE BUST COLORED PLASTER HEAD VEN? @AEAN orn 1 eNO NYMPH BRONZED PLASTER FIGURE WARC ALON ee OE NA IOs. TOP KNOT—BABY HEAD MEMORY MARBLE MARBLE STATUETTE MRS. CHAPMAN* MARBLE BUST, LOANED BY MRS. RICHARD MORTIMER ESD WAR DEE. SAIN Oe GREAT DANE* MARBLE DOG Becks UG. Bas W eS AO Vel lar DR. WILLIAM OXLEY THOMPSON BRONZE BUST ANTON SCHAAF DR. ROBERT R. MEREDITH MEMORIAL PLASTER BAS-RELIEF EUACNES, SiC Eis Paras DRA GOUCHERS PARADISE LOST. HEROIC BRONZE BUST PLASTER GROUP [Ose TRO as: Gia rial e/eras GEORGE P. MORGAN H. MELCHIOR MUHLENBERG PLASTER BUST HEAD 344 Pes bees CAUb ePrice) Rio AON De Lite T Roe xX: A 1B ITS EAE Eas Clr) iE: BIRD BATH VICTORY* BRONZE SEATED FIGURE BRONZE STATUETTE YOUNG DIANA CHARLES P. HUNTINGTON ME- ' BRONZE FIGURE MORIAL BRONZE BAS-RELIEF eee bei RED) THE BRONCO TWISTER THE MAVERICK BRONZE EQUESTRIAN STATUETTE BRONZE EQUESTRIAN STATUETTE RUS SERE KW O OD ST. FRANCIS AND THE WOLF OF GUBBIO PLASTER GROUP Disease eVie eorheA Day. MRS. A. M. S. FRAGMENT, J. COOK MEMORIAL BRONZE STATUETTE PLASTER SAVING THE COLORS CAVALRY GROUP, GRANT MON- BRONZE GROUP, LOANED BY MRS. E. UMENT GOULD PLASTER MODEL PORTRAIT BUST OF A CHILD,G.B. ARTILLERY GROUP, GRANT MON- BRONZED PLASTER UMENT* ite Everly SADDLE WASHINGTON AT VALLEY FORGE SMALL BRONZE, LOANED BY MRS. E. BRONZE EQUESTRIAN GROUP LOANED BY GOULD MRS. E. GOULD eV eye etl eV OUNES HORSE SCRATCHING THOROUGHBRED MARE BRONZE BRONZE SURPRISE THE BELL-MARE SMALL BRONZE BRONZE HE STORMENEW SY ORK POLICES SMALL BRONZE Pe NTE ee EV Gas ale eae Oia J. E. NASH COLORED PLASTER BUST 345 ISDS POR ss GG Pst Reseed, NDP ror hae ii ae) GX eae Rio tae MEDITATION EDUCATION COLORED PLASTER HEAD PLASTER BAS-RELIEF EAE NO DUS eye ORC bey Syibic RL EIN YOUNG KID AFRAID PLASTER PLASTER GROUP DECORATIVE PANEL, CHARAC- PASTOROL TER STUDIES OF A GOAT COLORED PLASTER PANEL COLORED PLASTER PAL eo Wen DOULEUR EESTI WESECK GET: PLASTER MASQUE PLASTER HEAD LE OUR) OAs all DETAIL FROM FOUNTAIN OF MASK, FROM FOUNTAIN OF TIME TIME* CEMENT, TO SHOW MATERIAL COLORED PLASTER GRA CEST tie res Om VENICE INVINCIBLE 4 MDI EID) PLASTER FIGURE BRONZE GROUP POLY GN OFGO Se AR Ryser REPENTANCE MRR. BOULES BRONZED PLASTER FIGURE PLASTER HEAD YOUNG BOULES PLASTER HEAD Soe Ge ea de eB) Ishin ViAore BRONZE 340 ote a a be O Rigg ANID) sl ECE Rive XsH TB LTS Diet ie ell Eo Rsv ON INO H oN et 8 Ut Od Sie MOTHERHOOD SMALL BRONZE BRONZE GROUP WILL-O-THE-WISP ADOLESCENCE BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE FIGURE PIGeke- FOR BIRD BATH YOUNG MOTHER BRONZE BRONZE GROUP ALLEGRESSE BRONZE GROUP ROE hele Ge Weak MAN PORSURA TI OF @MISS = MM: MARBLE MEDALLION Dei etepte ey ee WV crab Kak BENEDICTION, MITCHELL MEMORIAL* PLASTER REPLICA OF MONUMENT, CADILLAC, MICH. OMG sand GS ell, JIE gS Se LeNGE* PHILOSOPELY MODEL FOR FAGADE, LELAND STAN- MODEL FOR FACADE, LELAND! STAN- FORD UNIVERSITY FORD UNIVERSITY WOU EASA (ey Gel NEN aR en Ike ia iP CONSOLATION SMALL BRONZE COLORED PLASTER STATUETTE io) Ole PatigeAce \WiEsiIN Vi ASIN GEN. MACOMB MEMORIAL—MRS. JAMESSPEYER HEROIC BRONZE BUST PLASTER REPLICA OF MONUMENT IN SLEEPY HOLLOW CEMETERY, TARRY- DUET TOWN BRONZE GROUP NARCISSUS* MRS. QUINTON MASON are SILVERED BRONZE BUST ON NIMBLE TOE LINCOLN BRONZE STATUETTE HEROIC BRONZE HEAD MRS SAY DIRDSCH Ess |e PLASTER BAS-RELIEF 347 Labs. SOIr SG UMrP TO. Res AGN.D hE Re ore ales MAK TEA) RoW. NY OGErR GROUP OF SIX MINIATURE BRONZE DANCERS IN GLASS CASE KAS IAP aN Ee Walters tele DEATH SAND SLEEP BRONZE ANIMAL GROUP GEERSLER UD a ACN DI EeREB TEL Var ean See HEAD, TITANIC MEMORIAL THE NUN BELGIAN MARBLE BELGIAN MARBLE STATUETTE FOURTH DIVISION MEMORIAL* PLASTER REPLICA OF MONUMENT, ARLINGTON CEMETERY, WASHINGTON, D. C. AD T@ESM Or: GaN Ww Ro Galiels WIND FIGURE YOUNG FAUN STONE BRONZE STATUETTE WA HONS YO WING THESRIGGER THE PIPERCAT THE GA BRONZE STATUETTE BRONZE Tit G@hl Stir FRENCH IRON WORKER BRONZE STATUETTE SMALL BRONZE THES EV EDORE. THE SHOVELER BRONZE STATUETTE SMALL BRONZE BOVE T ARTHUR Ay EABORER SMALL BRONZE BR CUN OB ©. Sm 7a evi’ KARTS PETER PLASTER BAS-RELIEF 348 epee Vig DPA WaleS tS AND JO TAME: se Je sels h hos) ee GeO ee Vir DA aS les AND IP ables Hit Tete seb TES HERBERT ADAMS jesePiet. GHOATE, 1632=1917* STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. SILVER, REV. BRONZE Die WI. CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE MRS. BILLINGS GALVANO BRONZED PLAQUE IN MEMORIAM CAST BRONZE, PLAQUE ROBERT: ELIZABETH N. WATROUS AWARD, N. 2 Di STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. DESIGN FOR VERDUN MEDAL DESIGN FOR MARKSMAN MEDAL MISSOURI CENTENNIAL HALF-DOL- LAR 1821-1921 DESIGN NEW YORK CHAPTER AMERICAN INSTEIUTEOF ARCHITECTS GALVANO BRONZED, MODEL FOR MEDAL PEGGY GANT I? GALVANO BRONZED PLAQUE EVAN, ARNOLD, AND WILLIAM FRASER CAMPBELL CAST BRONZE PLAQUE AITKEN VISTI Ore ARSHALSFOCHs TOsTHE UNITEDSSTA TES) 1921" STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. SILVER, REV. BRONZE SAME] LAKGE MODEL PLASTER Desa EVES DOLEARSDESIGN—SEE NOSEV Pore AK NO EVI bP ib AR NO EVI CAST MEDALLION, LEAD PIED Eh ATKINS Meee wower ART INSTITUTE AWARD SFRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE (GALVANO, MOUNT- ED ON WOOD) PORTRAIT REEIEF, 19to CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE MOUNTED ON WOOD NADELE UNE Ay BAR TICE Ty) MARY LODER, 1921 CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, UNIFACE CHES PPRSBEACH GE BOREN'S: YEAR* CHILDREN’S BUREAU, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE SAME. LARGE MODEL GALVANO BRONZED SCHOOLTART LEAGUE* ST. GAUDENS MEDAL FOR DRAUGHTSMANSHIP, I1Q17, STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE SAMES VAKRGE-MODEE GALVANO BRONZED PEACE OPSVERSAICLEES® STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. SILVER, REV. BRONZE *THE ASTERISK FOLLOWING THE NAME OF A SUBJECT INDICATES THAT SUCH SUBJECT IS ILLUSTRATED 351 LYS TO ME DAIS TS TAIN DO) Hi Pet Rear Ash lara EDWARD BERGE JACK LAMBDIN* PLAQUETTE, GALVANO GILT WILLIAM B. GRAVES* CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD HELENE PLAQUETTE, GALVANO GILT, MOUNTED ON WooD HOCHSCHILD, KOHN & CO., SILVER ANNIVERSARY, 1922 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, WITH RING CAROLYN DANIELS PLAQUETTE, GALVANO GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD VICTORS D BRENNER SAMUEBLOPTAV ER mot? STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. SILVER, REV. BRONZE ABRAHAM WALKOWITZ, 1922 CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE GILT AMBROSE SWASEY, 1915 STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE UNIFACE THE WARNER AND SWASEY CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO, 1880-1920 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE OBV. GEORGE BAILEY HOPSON, D. D., 1863- 1913 STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE OBV. JOHN HAY, THE ROWFANTSCEUOB CLEVELAND; OHIO isi2= STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE OBV. G. STANLEY HALL, TWENTDY-rini ANNIVERSARY OF CLARK UNIVER- Slay STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. PEACE, 1919* LARGE PLAQUE, GALVANO GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD Ee LOREAGA DORN FOUR SMALL IVORY PLAQUETTES TRAGEDYS ss LHEGAR US pba ed’ TULLIA MISS DOROTHY WARNER MABEL CONKLING REV. NATHANIEL W. CONKLING - CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, UNIFACE MRS. JOHN SARGENT CAST, MEDALLION, BRONZE FRANCIS WILSON, 1907 COLORED PLASTER MEDALLION GEN. JOHN TUDOR RICHARDS, 1916 CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE MY BABY GILT PLASTER MEDALLION PAUL CONKLING COLORED PLASTER PLAQUE FREDERICK W. MAC MONNIES* COLORED PLASTER PLAQUE, OVAL PAUL CONKLING BARONESS DE KNOOP PLAQUETTE, GALVANO GILT, UNIFACE GAIL SHERMAN CORBET MARY HONE, 1919 CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE UNIFACE JEAN, 1908 CAST PLAQUETTE, GALVANO GILT, UNIFACE 352 Toei Or evi ey leo leo AON D vist ERE EXOH TB ITS GAIL SHERMAN CORBETT—Conrtinugeb. FREDERICK COE SHERMAN, 1908 CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, UNIFACE JOHN, 1916 CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE UNIFACE MARY ROWENA AND KATHERINE NASH CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE Cy RU Sars HOMAGE TO MARSHAL FOCH* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. EMMA J. O. SHERMAN, 1908 CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE UNIFACE DEDICATIONVOF THE MUNICIPAL BUIMDINGS,” “SPRINGFIELD, -MASS., 1913. STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. JOHN NEWBOLD HAZARD CAST MEDAL, GALVANO, UNIFACE DALLIN PILGRIM TERCENTENARY, 1620-1920 SILVER HALF DOLLAR, OBV. AND REV. MERION CRICKET CLUB, NATIONAL ARCHERY ASSOCIATION OF PHESUNITED STATES STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE APRON Y sDEerRANCISC] THERESA CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE PATINED JAMES DOUGLAS, AMERICAN INSTI- TUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGI- GAL ENGINEERS* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SANiE-—-LAKRGE MODEL CAST MEDALLION SEWANAKA-CORINTHIAN YACHT CLuuB* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. AND REV. HENRY DOHERTY MORREX CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE GILT, OBV. JAMES MORRIS CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE GILT ADOLPH A. WEINMAN CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE SILVERED ALESSANDRO L. CHIOSTERGI CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE JAMES VAN DE WYNGAARD CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE GILT DAMIANO GIUSEPPE VULETICH CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE EMILIO ANGELA CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. URS TSI LY ERS DOLLA RS OBV. AND REV. PRESIDENT WILSON STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. SAME PLASTER MODEL THERESA PLASTER PLAQUE tH Ege PEOPEE SM Obese. NLLED STATES OFF HEZCIA YORE DUN CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE GILT, OBV. AND TWO REVERSES BENEDETTO:DE PRANCISCI CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE PAUL N. RADULICH CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE GILT FIVE U.S. ARMY INSIGNIA BRONZE OHIOSTATE UNIVERSITY, JOURNAL- ISM STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. MAINE CENTENNIAL HALF-DOLLAR SILVER, OBV. AND REV. 1820-1920, 353 LAS WO Rave Ee DvAr PS TS eeASN ED lob iki ele UERI@sH EE LEREPUSEN SeeLOuUIS ARI EEAGUESMEDAIES STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. MEDAL WITH ENAMELED WINGS* DESIGN PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WAR- SERVICE MEDAL* STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE FREDERICK DOUGLAS “MEMORIA TABLET, DETAIL SKETCHES LOUTSAZ EY RE CHARLES E. DANA WATER COLOR MEDAL, PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 3a0r, FINE ARTS AWARD STRUCK MEDAL (GALVANO, MOUNTED IN FRAME) SALLY JAMES FARNHAM NATIONAL NAVY CLUB STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE COMMEMORATION OF THE EREC- TION OF THE EQUESTRAN ST UE OF BOLIVAR CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK, 1921 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. PAUESE} @ieD i PEORIA’ SOCIETY, OF FALLIED AKAs; AWARD, 1920* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE (GALVANO GILT, OBV. AND REV. MOUNTED ON WOOD) WAR SERVICE AWARD TO THE MEN OF GLENCOE, ILL.. 1919* STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE GALVANO GILT, OBV. AND REV. MOUNTED ON WOOD JOHN FLANAGAN DANIEL CHESTER FRENCH CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE ALLAN MARQUAND CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE PAUP WW. BARTEEL DT CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE JOSEPHePENNELL CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE WALTER GRIFFIN CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE J. ALDEN WEIR CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE GARDEN CLUB OF AMERICA STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SCHOOL ART LEAGUE OF NEW YORK, 1915 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY AWARD STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE OBV. AND REV. FREDERICK JAMES GREGG CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE ANDRE SAGLIO CAST MEDAL, BRONZE H. R. H. THE PRINCE OR WARES AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, 1919 STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. SILVER, REV. BRONZE H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES; 1oig CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE WAR MASS.* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SERVICE-“MEDAL, MAKIGn: CAPT. ED YARDE SB REPSi CAST MEDAL, BRONZE 354 Siem ey EDA Mo lSe AND Sr HETR EX APBITS JOHN FLANAGAN—ContINueb. LO THE CITY OF VERDUN FROM THE BeOELE OF THE UNITED STATES* CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. CAPT. H. ROSTRON, TITANIC MEMO- RIAL STRUCK MEDAL BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. BARK FERREE CAST MEDAL, BRONZE nemlecuULITURAL SOCIETY, ESSEX CO., MASS. STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. PORTRAIT CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE Pe CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE DEDICATION OF STATUE OF LAFAY- BULA METZ, 10920 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. WALT WHITMAN CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE CAPT. JOHN OAKMAN CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE JANE Sse AREER FRASER FLORA AND SONNY BOY WHITNEY CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE MR. COLE CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE A. QUIMBY CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE STEPHANY RASMUS CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE Py Or st UDIES FOR DISTINGUISHED pakVv ICE GROSS* MODEL FOR EDISON MEDAL CAST BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. HOWLAND MEMORIAL, YALE UNI- VERSITY STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND EE PrERS STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SlUDY FOR AN EAGLE CAST BRONZE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR THE DEVASTATED REGIONS OF FRANCE* CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. SAME SMALL STRUCK MEDAL, SILVER DAVID BARNARD ERICSON CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE BREWSTER BABY CAST MEDAL, BRONZE JOR DES KE LCHES FOR MEDALS MRa FISHER CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE Ose ely be CENT PI RG NICKEL, OBV. AND REV. MODEL FOR NAVAL CONGRESSION- AL MEDAL OF HONOR ENAMELED BRONZE WILLIAMS COLLEGE WAR SERVICE MEDAL* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SAINT GAUDENS MEDAL, PAN- AMERICAN EXPOSITION CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SAME—LARGE MODEL CAST BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. E. H. HARRIMAN MUSEUM OF Sy Vedi ye STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS AWARD, 1920 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. HENRY SCHOELKOPF CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE MR. AND MRS. ALBRIGHT* CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE 355 LS OFM ED AGE SillSe A N Der ES Re ee Pelee tes LAURA GARDIN FRASER BETTER BABIES* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. IRISH SETEER CLUBOF AMERICA™ STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. SAME—LARGE MODEL CAST ANTHONY N. BRADY SAFETY MEDAL PLASTER MODEL ARMY AND NAVY CHAPLAINS STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, UNIFACE THE LONG, LONG TRAIL CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE JOHN, CARDINAL FARLEY CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. ALABAMA CENTENNIAL HALF-DOLLAR 1819-1910, SILVER, OBV. AND REV. ROSEMARY HALL, 1915* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. AND REV. DANIEL“C. VISIT TO NEW YORK OF FRENCH AND BRITISH WAR COMMISSIONS, 1917 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. COMPUETION® | OFoe THEM GAT SKI AQUEDUCT, tor7* CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. (REV. BY A. LUKEMAN) MEMORIAL TO LAFAYETTE, BROOK- LYN, 1917 (A. LUKEMAN AFTER D. C. FRENCH) STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. MRS. E. H. HARRIMAN PLASTER PLAQUE BIDE-A-WEE HOME FOR DOGS BRONZE GILT, UNIFACE SAME--LARGE-MODEL CAST NATIONAL SCIENGES STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE MORGAN HORSE CLUB . CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. GIRL SCOUT GOLDEN EAGLE BRONZE GILT GRANT MEMORIAL HALF-DOLLAR, 1822-1922 SILVER INSTITUTE OF SS0iera GRANT 1922 GOLD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, REV. PRENCH ARCHITECTURAL LEAGUESORSNEW YORK, PRESIDENT 3S) PRIZEs CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, OBV. MEMORIAL, DOLLAR, 1822- COMPLETION OF THE SCATSi AQUEDUCT Vigor SMALL STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. THE AMERICAN RED? CROSS; 1919* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. IQ17— JOSEPH PULITZER MEDAL AWARDED BY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY TO “THE WORLD? jro21 (D. C. FRENCH AND A. LUKEMAN) STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. PVIESEUGTIS PEACE AND WAR STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SAME—LARGE MODEL CAST ROBERT W. HUNT* STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, OBV. SILVER, AND REV. BRONZE SAME—LARGE MODEL PLASTER 356 Dal Sele Fee e DeAisd SoenN DF Li BR LE XH 1B 1S EMIL FUCHS—ContTINUED. Eee tlEINZ COOLIDGE MEMORIAL TABLET STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE HOWARD HEINZ SAME—LARGE MODEL STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. PLASTER eae HEINZ RUST HEINZ STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. STRUCK MEDALLION, BRONZE, OBV. MME. PIERRE CARTIER MARION CARTIER CAST MEDAL, BRONZE CAST MEDAL, BRONZE AUDREY NOEL STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. SKETCHES FOR H. J]. HEINZ MEMO- lO NG ee Wal RIAL PLAQUETTE, CAST BRONZE BRONZE BAS-RELIEFS DRAWINGS AND STUDIES FOR Sit | CHES MEDALS IN PLASTER, BRONZE AND TERRA-COTTA FRANCES GRIMES LOUIS HENRY DOW CAROLYN AND PATRICIA CLE- PLAQUETTE, GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD MENT* PLAQUETTE, GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD HAROLD TRIPP» CLEMENI* PLAQUETTE, GALVANO GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD ERNEST SB ASW ELE EV iEEY Ny 1622 MEDALLION, GALVANO GILT, ON WOOD GE ME Sele UNCON ROBERTS LOUISes 1 EV ENSON? 10237 PLASTER MEDALLION, OBV. AND REV. ANNASV ELLY ALT JOAN OF ARC, 16107 STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. SILVER, REV. BRONZE JEAN JUSZKO LIEDERKRANZ BIEEIARD CLUB STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE OBY. GOZO KAWAMURA AMERICAN JEKSEY CATTLE CLUB AWARD STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. AND REV. 3271, LUST 0.8 eM EDA iS 1S “SAWN De Tir Ik Raabe ht ere LORIOSK TERN ALBERT. A. STANLEY, UNIVERSITY GENERAL WILLIAM A. KETCHAM OF MICHIGAN AWARD STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. MOLIERE TERCENTENARY, 1622-1922 S. L. ROTHAFEL STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, UNIFACE GRAND CONCLAVE OF THE ACACIA “RICHARD BARTHELMESS FRATERNITY STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, UNIFACE STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, UNIFACE NATIONAL SILK WEEK, SILK ASSO- CRANFORD CIVIC AWARD CIATION OF AMERICA, 1921 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE ANNA COLEMAN LADD AMERICAN WOMEN’S OVERSEAS CONSCIENCE SERVICE LEAGUE PATINED BRONZE PLAQUE PATINED BRONZE MEDAL, OBV. SERBIAN RELIEF NEW ENGLAND-ITALIAN WAR RE- STRUCK MEDAL, SILVER, OBV.—WITH RING LIEF FUND STRUCK MEDAL, SILVER, WITH RING SAINT—GEORGE FOR VICTORY STRUCK MEDAL, SILVER, OBV.—WITH RING BERENICE* LANGTON TAURUS MRS. W. G. SOMERVILLE AND CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, PATINED, UNIFACE MASTER SOMERVILLE GALVANO SILVERED PLAQUE DEATH SHOWED HIM LOVELY IN AQUARIUS THIS LOVELY FACE CAST MEDAL, BRONZE CAST BRONZE PLAQUETTE, UNIFACE GEMINI AMY MALI HICKS, to11 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE MRS. FRANCES G. LLOYD, 1915 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, UNIFACE GEORGs slo bik FRANK BACON STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, MOUNTED ON WOOD EVELYN B. LONGMAN MR. AND MRS. ROBERT DE FOREST LOOMIS MEDAL FOR ATHEE TG. 1972-1922" (OBV. GALVANO GILT, MOUNTED ON WOOD) STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT (OBV. AND REV. GALVANOS, MOUNTED ON WOOD) SAME—LARGE MODEL PLASTER GILT SAME—LARGE MODEL (OBV.—GALVANO GILT ON WOOD) GWENDOLEN SEDGWICK BATCH- ELDER SAME—LARGE MODEL STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. PLASTER GILT——OBV. 358 nos ROtevie Alla icoolss eA N Del HE bREvE xXoH TT BIT T.S HERMON A. MacNEIL Pow keer PASTER eS MODELS, Us °S. QUARTER-DOLLAR OBV. AND REV. Poker eLASTER MODELS, U.S. DIME REV. TWO PLASTER MODELS, ARCHITEC- AURAL LEAGUE OBY. AND REV. muccH! LECTURAL LEAGUE* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. MO-LI CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE POPPENHUSEN INSTITUTE MEDAL STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBY. TWO PLASTER MODELS, PAN-AMERI- CAN EXPOSITION OBV. AND REV. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION, BUFEFALO* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. 1901 Woo, QUARTER, DOLLAR* SILVER, OBV. AND REV. E-WE CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE PAUL MANSHIP Sleenul INSTITUTE* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. MAXFIELD PARRISH, 1915 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. BARRY FAULKNER, PAINTER, 1915 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. WELLS BOSWORTH, ARCHITECT, 1920 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. WAR SERVICE DETROIT, 1919 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. Pacha wAR RELIEF* CAST PIECE, BRONZE, MOUNTED MEDAL CITY VOr JOAN OF ARC* CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. ROBERT P. PERKINS, AMERICAN RED CROSS UN TFALY, 1918 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. Vist 2ORm Lib PRESIDENT-ELECT PESSOA OF BRAZIL LO THE UNITED SN DE ear OIG CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. THECCIVICw FORUMS TOs COLR.G WwW. GOETHALS, 1914 CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. SATIRICAL WAR MEDAL, KULTUR IN BELGIUM CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. EDWARD McCARTAN HAROLD VAN 1919* CAST PLAQUETTE, WOOD BUREN MAGONIGLE, BRONZE, MOUNTED ON ADRIAN, 1920: CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE, MOUNTED ON WOOD Ree AL eV ChKENZ ITE EDWARD LONGSTRETH, MEDAL OF MERIT, FRANKLIN INSTITUTE FOR SCIENCE, 1919* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. Memeo CLUB, 1921 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. JOHN McCLURE HAMILTON CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC sAS- SOCIATION, 1917 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. LORD SEAFORTH* PLASTER PLAQUE MARQUIS OF ABERDEEN AND TEM- AIR PLASTER PLAQUE 359 Lei Sor OF MED A LAlitSs AGN Dest Hii Rea Sete lel R. TAIT McKENZIE—ContTINUED. ROBERT JONES PHILADELPHIASKET CH CLES CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE JOYSOPTEPEORTS S. WEIR MITCHELL CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE VISCOUNTESS FOLKESTONE CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE MAX WE CIM NEE R: DEBATING PRIZE IN MEMORY OF JAMES, CARDINAL GIBBONS, 1861- GEORGE CAMERON, JR[-AND, MAY “a911- BRODNAX CAMERON STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, MOUNTED ON GALVANOS MOUNTED ON WOOD WOOD DR. WILLIAM SYDNEY THAYER, BAL- JAMES, CARDINAL GIBBONS, 1861- TIMORE, 1912 1QII STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE (OBV. GALVANO LARGE MODEL, GALVANO OBV., MOUNTED ON WOOD) ON WOOD DR. WILLIAM SYDNEY THAYER, BAL- DR. ISAAC RIDGEWAY ‘TRIMBLE, TIMORE, 1912 1861—1908* LARGE MODEL PLAQUE, GALVANO, MOUNTED STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, OBV. AND ON WOOD REV. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL JENKINS MICHAEL JENKINS, 1914 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE (OBV. AND REV. STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. GALVANOS) EUGENE H. MORAHAN MARLBORO CHALLENGE CUP FOR GIG HORSES STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE (GALVANO, MOUNTED ON WOOD) MAY MOTT-SMITH GENRE MEDAL—THE WIDOW . KATHERINE MACDONALD CAST MEDAL BRONZE, UNIFACE CAST MEDAL, BRONZE—UNIFACE MR. AND MRS. JOHN MOTT-SMITH THEODORE SPICER-SIMSON CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. MOUNTED ON CAST MEDAL, OBV. MOUNTED ON WOOD WOOD EARL HODGE CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. ALLEN G. NEWMAN JOAN OF ARC* INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION OF STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. INDEPENDENCE DAY, JUL Ysiiors STRUCK MEDAL, OBV. BRONZE, REV. SIL- VER U.S. VALOR MEDAL, NATIONAL ARTS DEAN JOSEPH FRENCH JOHNSON, CLUB COMPETITION* N. Y¥. UNIVERSITY figz2 BRONZE, STRUCK PIECE STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. HAMPDEN COUNTY MEMORIAL BRIDGE, 1922 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. 360 Ss le Oir enue DA IALSei os AN Dae DH BL RYE XH BITS CHARLES H. NIEHAUS MR. AND MRS. JAMES BRITE* MODEL FOR ATHENAEUM CLUB, PLASTER PLAQUE BALTIMORE, MD. PLASTER MEDALLION JAMES NOVELLI CHARLOTTE BRAINARD CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE, UNIFACE ANDREW O’CONNOR, SR. REV. J. J. POWERS PLASTER MEDALLION ADAMERTE TZ JOHN MARSHALL, 1755-1835 DOROTHY, 1908 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. MEDAL, GALVANO GILT HELEN, 1908 HENRY N. MUDGE, 1911, AMERICAN MEDAL, GALVANO GILT PRICATERIC SOCIETY STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. MY MOTHER STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. 400TH TELEPHONE BATTALION, U. S..A. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY GOOD LUCK AND VICTORY FORCES, FRANCE, 1919 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT OBV. STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. SEV PE NOKRE BECK PENTONSAWAKD, CLEVELAND ART SAME ASSOCIATION* STRUCK PLAQUETTE, BRONZE, OBV. AND STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. REV. BUC YEE RKINSeRIPLEY WAR CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, UNIFACE EDWARD SAWYER CHIEF SOTA COLALA, SIOUX INDIAN BE-SHA-E-CHI-E-DI-ESHA, CROW IN- BRONZE MEDALLION* DIAN* BRONZE MEDALLION FORTY ASSORTED BRONZE MEDALS OF VARIOUS INDIAN TRIBES ee ORT OsSCUW EZR REN GHORGE TAYLOR CHARLES E. DANA PLAQUE STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE GILT, OBV. ries LISTS MOTHER MORRISON CAST PLAQUE, GALVANO GILT PLAQUE SWISS RELIEF FUND MEMORIAL FIRST PRIZE SINGING CONTEST, TABLET* PHILADELPHIA, 1919 CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE PLAQUETTE 361 Crs fOr WE DAL TSS) AN Dist TH EER extra Balales J. OTTO SCHWEIZER—ConrTINuED. S. WEIR MITGHELL CAST PLAQUE, BRONZE GILT GOV. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH STUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL GUARD* CAST MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. SAME. SMALL STRUCK MEDAL PRIEDRICH SILCHER CAST PLAQUETTE, BRONZE GILT THEODORE SPICER-SIMSON KATHERINE GABAUDAN* CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, OBV. WILLIAM H. SCHUCHARDT, 1919 CAST MEDALLION, BRONZE, OBV. PORTRAIT GALVANO GILT, OBV. JONATHAN M. SWANSON H. M. KING VICTOR EMMANUEL III OF ITALY, NEW YORK NUMISMATIC CLUB STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. CENTENAK YS OF ViHEe DA la Egor PLATTSBURGH, 1814-1914* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. D. W. VALENTINE, PRESIDENTS s THE NEW YORK NUMISMATIC CLUB, 1918 AND 1920 STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. JOHN SANFORD SALTUS, 1923 COLORED PLASTER MEDALLION LORADO TAFT JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY, 1849-1916* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. FREDERICKSPasU RTE Bis EDUCATIONAL AWARD, ORDER OF THE SONS OF ITALY? THESSt Ape NEW YORK* STRUCK MEDAL, BRONZE, OBV. AND REV. ADOLPH A. WEINMAN J. SANFORD SALTUS AWARD, AMER- ICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY* STRUCK MEDAL (GALVANOS, MOUNTED ON WOOD) Mi SI NAISHOSPITAR WA Rear hye MEDAL* STRUCK MEDAL (GALVANOS, MOUNTED ON Woop) BOBBIE PLAQUE, MOUNTED MILDRED W. THOMPSON MEDALLION, SKETCH INEES@ ESO. PLAQUE THEODORE N. VAIL MEMORIAL, AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH: GO# STRUCK MEDAL (GALVANOS, MOUNTED ON Woop) LOUISE HETTINGER PLAQUE, MOUNTED ON WOOD KATHERINE JANE WEINMAN MEDALLION, MOUNTED ON WOOD ROBERT, HIS WORLD MEDALLION HOWARD R. WEINMAN MEDALLION 362 Peon Oran Peas elon ipo een ND et Hr Re ob Xin BITS ADOLPH A. WEINMAN—ContTINuED. ADELAIDE Ue DISCHARGE BUTTON* PORTRAIT RELIEF, MOUNTED ON WOOD SEX TYSePEAS TER MODELS FORGMEDALS I J. SANFORD SALTUS AWARD, AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY I] THE CIVIC FORUM, NEW YORK, IQI7 III] U.S. MEDAL FOR LIFE-SAVING ON RAILROADS IV THEODORE N. VAIL MEMORIAL MEDAL V_ UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS, MO., 1904 VI THE EDISON MEDAL VII MT. SINAI HOSPITAL WAR SERVICE MEDAL, 1907-1919 VIII vu. s. SILVER DOLLAR, HALF-DOLLAR, QUARTER AND DIME JULIA BRACKEN WENDT JOHN MUIR MARIANA COLORED PLASTER PLAQUE COLORED PLASTER PLAQUE 303 " a “= 7 ar 2 oy ae ; Bae J ) * 4 i : ' } A, \ . . = ee LON UDMEL DS IRGC) SCORE ah COR Se AON GOe aiids IDE IB IES bos: ONHTE OS TAO) SCAU B ETP OS DENTE eaeleles os i PAGE ABBATE, PAOLES eee} 1931 Broadway, New York City ADAMS, HERBERT . . 2, 266-7,323,351 ie est 11th Street, N.Y. C. AITKEN, ROBERT 1. . 5, 268-9,323,351 G30, West 25th Street, N. Y. C. AKELEY, Car E. American Museum re Nat. ‘ Hist., New York City ALLEN, Louise (Mrs.L.A.Hobbs) 9, 323 45 Charles Street, Boston, Mass. ees Pere MILIO « . «. . « . Q, 324 oroullivyan Street; N:. Y.-C. APEL, MARIE. . 110,324 3 Washington Square, Noy: ATKINS, ALBERT HENRY . 10, 324, 351 45 Charles Street, Boston, Mass. BAER,LILLIAN(Mrs.Herbert M. & 3, 324 601 Madison Avenue, N. Y. BAKER, ROBERT P. . a fe Ser 602 Madison Avenue, N. Y. C. BARNARD, GEORGE GREY. . 324 454 Fort Washington Avenue, New York City. BARNHORN, CLEMENT J]. . - 17, 324 Art Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio BARTLETT, MADELEINEA. . . 755 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Wy aiea BARTLETT, PAUL W. 14 Rue du Commandeur, Paris, France. 18, 325 BATCHELDER, Mrs. N. H., Longman, Evelyn B. SEC BEACH, CHESTER . 21, 270-1 Boveeast 17th street, N.Y. BENNETT, BELLE . . 152)t.ast 63rd Street, ROG D293 34 on 22,325 BERGE, EDWARD . 22, 272-3, 325, 352 1335 Greenmeunt Avenue, Baltimore; Md. PAGE BIAFORA, ENEA . . 255325 15 East 14th Street, IN| NEE BILOTTI, SALVATORE . . 5, 325 19 MacDougal Alley, Nove cC BORGLUM, (JOHN) GUTZON . . 26, 326 Stamford, Conn. BorGLumM*, SoLon H. 29, 320 BouLton, JosEPH LORKOWSKI . 20, 326 424 West 20th Sirectia Newer G BRENNER, VICTOR D.., 30, 274-5, 326, 352 119 East 1oth Street, ING ee BRINDESI, OLYMPIO . . le SENS wl Thompson Street, N. Y. es Brown, Sonia (Mrs. W. Gordon Brown) we E25 726 6 MacDougal Alley, N. ve BROWNE, Matitpa (Mrs. Fred. Van Wyck) . 5 Oy Sore 142 East 18th Street, IN ane BusH-Brown, H. K. . . « 258, 326 720 mcrae (leet, Washington, Da CADORIN, ETTORE. . . 320,95 52 440 Riverside Drive, N. Y. c CALDER, A. STIRLING Vee) Seek, Dipeastai4tipotrect mY 3s CHAMPLAIN, DUANE . . 355 327 509 West 161st Street, Ney. C, GUARKSALUAN: << eye ey: 2a asteieth Street, Nieves COHEN, NESSA . e255) B27 1143 ‘Lexington Ave., TNE Re CONKLING, MasBeEt (Mrs. Paul Conmkiine) ees 5482 70, 2 740350 26, West 6th Street, N.Y ..C. CONKLING, PAUL . ee SON ee Aare 5 MacDougal Alley, N eae, ee Cooper, ELIZABETH . . Stamford, Conn. 36, 327 CorBETT, GAIL SHERMAN (Mrs. Harvey We Corbett), 37-327; 352-3 44s West 2ist