Sete é a 7 ie ¢, J + hd 2 v % 7 ~ - : bs ‘ é /} as . 7, ; . ‘sg : v ie la . | ‘ Wh ea JOLY | eae US ff ( SED a) ah tg eee, SALE NUMBER Hu Ys Hd / f a ) x ‘ ee ntl Ne ] REE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY GH eee 4 Pie A 3 a | eo ‘ 3 1 2 ‘ Hi s * ee TE ee, pep” a ee ee, er . = ~ ae 272 273 274 275 bo ~ or) 277 278 ENGLISH COLORED PRINT LONDON, 1802 The Little Domestic. Drawn by R. Westall, R.A. Engraved by Hollyer and Gaugain. Published by J. & J. Boydell, London, 1802. In old gilt carved frame. | Height, 16 inches; length, 18 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT 18TH CENTURY The Loyal Associated Ward and Volunteer Corps of the City of London. Painted by R. K. Porter. Engraved by M. Place. Published, London, March 20, 1799, by Messrs. Schiavonetti. Framed. Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT 18TH CENTURY The Loyal Associated and Volunteer Corps of the City of West- minster. Painted by R. K. Porter. Engraved by M. Place. Published, London, May 30, 1799, by Messrs. Schiavonetti. Framed. Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT 18TH CENTURY The Departure of the Sons of Tippoo. Mather Brown, Pinx. Daniel Orme, Sculpt. Published, London, December 21, 1793. Framed. Height, 21 inches; length, 26 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT 18TH CENTURY Definitive Treaty by the Hostage Princes. Mather Brown, Pinx. Daniel Orme, Sculpt. Published, London, December 21, 1793. Framed. Height, 21 inches; length, 26 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT LONDON, 1806 Horatio, Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, K.B. Painted by Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Engraved by Edward Bell. Pub- lished, London, 1806. ‘Top and side margins cut. Framed. Height, 26 inches; length, 16 inches OLD ENGLISH COLORED PRINT “The Death of Sylvia’s Stag.” Painted by Angelica Kauffmann. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi. Published, London, 1796. Stipple printed in color. Folio. Framed. mays) 279 280 281 283 TWO NAVAL PRINTS The Action under Admiral Rodney, Jamaica, April 12, 1782, in which the French were defeated, and the Comte de Grasse was captured and sent to England as a prisoner of war. From the original drawing by Capt. Miller. Colored aquatints by Goldar and Rosenberg. Published, London, 1795. Large folios. Framed. (2) Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches DEPTFORD A view taken from the shore of the River Thames. Aquatint, painted and engraved by R. Dodd. Published, London, 1789. Large folio. Framed. It was at this dock yard that many of England’s famous old frigates were built. PORTSMOUTH (ENGLAND) Painted by W. J. Huggins. Colored aquatint. Engraved by E. Duncan. Oblong folio. Framed. NAVAL PRINT His Majesty’s ship “Crescent” attacking the French Frigate “Ta Réunion.” Aquatint by R. Dodd. Published, London, 1794. Folio. Framed. THREE NAVAL PRINTS “Tye BurNING OF THE ‘PRUDENT’ AND CapTuRE OF “BIENFAIS- anv’ Ix Lovissoure Harsor, Jury 1758.” After the painting by R. Payton. Stipple engraving by Canot. Published, London, 1771. “Compat NavaL, Juuy 21 1781.” Painted by Rossel, engraved by Dequevaiviller. Published, Paris, 1790. “Giorious Vicrory Over THE Frencu Fixer, June 1, 1794.” Painted by P. J. deLoutherbourg, N.A. Line engraving by James Fittler. Large folios. Framed. (3) 56 284 285 286 288 289 290 291 AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHS BY CURRIER AND OTHER CONTEMPORARY LITHOGRAPHERS NUMBERS 284-405 AMERICAN FARM SCENE The Grazing Farm. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Pub- lished, New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. AMERICAN FARMYARD: MORNING Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1857. Large folio. Framed. Very pleasing farmyard scene in fine blending colors. THE AMERICAN FIREMAN Painted by L. Maurer. Two colored lithographs by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1858. Upright folios. Framed. (2) AMERICAN HOMESTEAD Of S. W. Thompson, Esq. Colored lithograph. Lithographer unknown. Small oblong folio. Framed. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD: SPRING Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives, New York, 1869. Small oblong folio. Framed. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD: SUMMER Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives, New York, 1868. Small oblong folio. Framed. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD: WINTER Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1868. Small oblong folio. Framed. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES. No. 1 Colored lithograph by Max Jacoby & Zeller. Published, New York, [1845]. Large folio. Framed. This print and the three following constitute one of the rarest of the Early American Sporting series, and research discloses that no set has previously been offered at public sale. 57 292 293 294 295 296 297 AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES. No. 2 Colored lithograph by Edmund Ferster & Co. Published, New York, [1845]. Large folio. Framed. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES. No. 3 Colored lithograph by Max Jacoby & Zeller. Published, New York, [1845]. Large folio. Framed. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENES. No. 4 Colored lithograph by Max Jacoby & Zeller. Published, New York, [1845]. Large folio. Framed. AMERICAN LANDSCAPES “Bonnington Linn” and “Sacandaga Creek.” Colored litho- graphs by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Oval medal- lions in small folio. (2) This and the next number were evidently published by Currier following the fashion of the Baxter prints. AMERICAN LANDSCAPES “Buttermilk Falls” and “The Po-can-teco from Irving Park.” Colored lithographs by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Oval medallions in small folio. (2) AMERICAN RURAL SCENE The Mill Stream. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Folio. Framed. A small bridge crossing a tributary of the Connecticut River, with the miller’s cottage and distant landscape. AMERICANA Peter Francisco’s gallant action with nine of Tarleton’s Cavalry in Amelia County, Va., 1781. Designed by Warrell, drawn by Barralett, stipple engraving by D. Edwin. Colored. Published, Philadelphia, 1814. Large folio. Framed. 58 299 APPOMATTOX: COURT HOUSE, VA. Place where General R. E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virgima to Licut.-Gen. U. 8S. Grant, April 9, 1865. Drawn by W. Weber. Coloréd lithograph by J. H:-Bufford and Sons. Published, Boston, 1865. Large folio. Framed. PAINTED BY G. B. DURRIE. COLORED LITHOGRAPH BY CURRIER & IVES, 300 301 302 NEW yvork, 1866 [300] AUTUMN IN NEW ENGLAND Cider making. Painted by G. B. Durrie. Colored hthograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1866.: Charming autumn landscape with ox-drawn cart bringing the apples to the cider press. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BALTIMORE Hospital; Green Mount Cemetery. Painted by August Kollner; tinted lithograph by Deroy. Pub- lished, New York, 1848. Small folios. Framed. (2) BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA Drawn by Geo. Lehman. Colored lithograph by C. G. Childs. Published, Philadelphia, 1830. Small folio. Framed. D9 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER, CHARLESTON HARBOR April 12th and 13th, 1861. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. VIEW OF THE PORT OF BOSTON After the painting by Garneray. Aquatint in colors by Himely. Published, New York, by Bailly. Folio. Framed. CHILDHOOD’S HAPPY DAYS Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1863. Oblong folio. Framed. CLIPPER SHIPS—-NAVAL AND MARINE PRINTS numMBERS 306-321 CLIPPER SHIP “GOLDEN LIGHT” Burning of the Clipper Ship “Golden Light,” which sailed from Boston for San Francisco, February 12, 1853, and was struck by lightning and set afire on February 23rd. Colored litho- graph by N. Currier. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. CLIPPER SHIP “GREAT REPUBLIC” Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small folio. Framed. COD FISHING—OFF NEWFOUNDLAND Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1872. Small oblong folio. Framed. “CONSTITUTION” AND “JAVA” Action fought December 29, 1812. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published, New York, 1846. Small oblong folio. Framed. Fine impression of this rare print. NORTH SEA WHALE FISHERY Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published, New York. Small folio. Framed. Very rare. 60 311 313 314 315 316 317 318 PILOT BOAT IN A STORM Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. (‘Top and sides cut.) Framed. STEAMSHIP “CITY OF MONTREAL” Of the Inman Line. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Pub- lhshed, New York. Small folio. Framed. STEAMSHIP “SWALLOW” Loss of the Steamboat “Swallow” while on her trip from Albany to New York 1845. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Pub- lished, New York, 1845. Small oblong folio. Framed. UNITED STATES FRIGATE “CONSTITUTION” Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published, New York. Small folio. Framed. UNITED STATES STEAM FRIGATE “PRINCETON” Painted by N. Farony. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Pub- lished, New York, 1844. Small folio. Framed. UNITED STATES SHIP OF THE LINE IN A GALE Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Published, New York, 1847. Small folio. Framed. U. 8. SHIP “NORTH CAROLINA,” 102 GUNS Colored lithograph by Kellogg & Comstock. Published, Hart- ford. Oblong folio. Framed. Rare naval print with no previous sales record. YACHTS The Yacht “Henrietta” of New York, 205 tons. Owned by Mr. James Gordon Bennett. Full description under title. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. The Yacht “Countess of Dufferin” of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) 61 319 YACHTS ae = The Yacht “Vesta” of New York, 201 tons, owned by Mr. Loril- lard. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. The Yacht “Madeleine,” New York Yacht Club. Owned and commanded by Commodore John §. Dickerson. With full de- scription under title. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) , | YACHTS Schooner Yacht “Sappho,” 281 tons, New York Yacht Club. Drawn by T. J. Dutton. Colored lithograph. Pubhshed, Lon- don, 1870. Large folio. Framed. YACHTS Cutter Yacht “Thistle.” Sloop Yacht ‘‘Volunteer.” Titles with full descriptive matter. Colored lithographs by Cur- rier & Ives. Published, New York, 1887. Small oblong folios. Framed. (2) EARLY WEST The Trapper’s last shot. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Oblong folio. Framed. . ENGLISH SNIPE | Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1871. Small oblong folio. Framed. NOCH ARDEN—THE LONELY ISLE Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1869. Large folio. Framed. 62 325 326 [325] EVENTIDE—OCTOBER The Village Inn. Painted by B. Hess. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. Exceptionally fine coloring, with twilight shades, picturing the farmer herding home the cows, with the distant Inn illuminated. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FASHION COURSE, LONG ISLAND: LADY THORN AND AMERICAN GIRL In their great Match for $2500, mile heats, best 8 to 5 to wagons. Over the Fashion Course, Long Island, July 12th, 1869. Colored lithograph by George Kelly. Published, Philadelphia, 1869. Large folio. Framed. Rare print of the famous old trotting match on the old Long Island Track. 328 329 330 351 399 FISHING “Hush! Dve a Nibble.” Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. FISHING Home from the Brook, the Lucky Fisherman. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE—OLD AGE The Season of Rest. Painted by J. M. Ives. Drawn by Parsons and Atwater. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1868. Large folio. Framed. Interior view with aged couple sitting before the open fireplace. FRUIT AND FLOWERS Fruit Piece. Colored lithograph by E. C. Kellogg. Published, Hartford. Fruit and Flowers. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Pub- lished, New York, 1848. Small upright folios. Framed. (2) ROBERT FULTON A view of the birthplace of Robert Fulton, Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania. Drawn by John H. Sherwin. Col- ored lithograph by L. N. Rosenthal. Published, Philadelphia, 1856. Folio. Framed. GENERAL MEAGHER AT THE BATTLE OF FAIROAKS, VA., JUNE I, 1862 Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1862. Small oblong folio. Framed. It was General Meagher who led the Irish Brigade in this action. GRAY’S ELEGY In a Country Churchyard. Two stanzas of verse on either side of title. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Published, New York, 1864. Large folio. Framed. 64 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 HARVEST Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. THE “HERALD” IN THE COUNTRY Painted by W. S. Mount. Lithograph by Thielley. Published by M. Knoedler, 1854. Upright folio. Framed. HIAWATHA’S WOOING Two stanzas of verse beneath title. Colored lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. HUDSON RIVER Under Clhiff—on the Hudson. Colored lhthograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. HUDSON RIVER View on the Hudson—Crows Nest. Colored lithograph by Cur- rier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. HUDSON RIVER View from Fort Putnam—West Point. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. HUDSON RIVER View of the Hudson River. From Ruggle’s House, Newburg. Colored lithograph by N. Currier. Small oblong folio. Framed. HUDSON RIVER—CROWS NEST Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. HUNTING Home from the Woods. The Successful Sportsman. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. Companion to the preceding number. 65 343 344 346 347 “348 349 INDIANS Indian Ball Players. Catlin, del. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Folio. Framed. : THE KATZ-KILLS IN WINTER: BASTION FALLS Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Small oblong folio. Framed. LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Colored lithograph by Kellogg. Published, Hartford. Small ob- long folio, Framed. LIFE IN THE WOODS “Starting Out.” Painted by L. Maurer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Large folio. Framed. Fine clear impression. LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY Sea Bathing, Metropolitan Hotel, Long Branch, New Jersey. Colored lithograph by Sarony and Company. Published, New York. Four lines of description following title. Large folio. Framed. THE MEADOW IN SPRING TIME Twin Lambs. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1867. Large folio. Framed. MELROSE ABBEY Two verses of Scott on either side of title. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York, 1862. Folio. Framed. A MILL IN THE HIGHLANDS Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives. Published, New York. Oblong foho. Framed. | 66 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 MILL RIVER SCENERY Painted by F. F. Palmer. Colored hthograph by Currier & Ives, New York. Upright folio. Framed. Very pleasing subject of the old mill and large water wheel. In charming colors. ( 506 507 508 OAK CHEST ON STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Moulded oblong top, front with two long drawers enriched with original brass escutcheons and brass knobbed handles. Set on stand with moulded frieze and balustered legs with rail stretcher Height, 33 inches; length, 40 inches OLD OAK GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top with moulded frieze on spiral legs. Stretcher rail and double gated legs at each end. Height, 30 inches; width, 53 inches TWO HICKORY WINDSOR ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Rounded back with spindles and fretwork centre splat. Shaped saddle seat on turned legs with arched stretcher. (2) OLD ENGLISH OAK BENCH Deep moulded oblong top with carved and fluted frieze and spool turned legs. Heavy rail stretcher. Height, 19 inches; length, 36 inches OLD ENGLISH OAK REFECTORY TABLE Heavy oblong top with carved under frieze set on carved bulbous legs with floor rail stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 60 inches OLD ENGLISH OAK BENCH Oblong moulded top with panelled frieze, set on turned balustered legs with rail stretchers. Height, 19 inches; length, 36 inches OLD ENGLISH OAK TANKARD TABLE Clustered three round plate top with raised rim. On triangular base of turned legs with undershelf and rail stretchers. Height, 23 inches; width, 20 inches MASSIVE OLD ENGLISH OAK REFECTORY TABLE Heavy slab oak oblong top with finely carved frieze in leaf charac- ters and bracketed insets. On six turned balustered legs with floor rail stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 10 feet 100 d11 512 513 514 515 516 518 OLD ENGLISH SIX FOOT OAK BENCH Long oblong moulded top with panelled frieze, turned elongated columnar legs on square feet with rail stretchers. Length, 6 feet OLD ENGLISH SIX FOOT OAK BENCH Oblong top on six turned legs with lower stretchers. Height, 20 inches: length, 6 feet OAK CORNER DRESSER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep moulded crown with three open shelves on lower section of three drawers trimmed with original brasses, supported by plain upright resting on platform base with bracketed feet. The two drawer section at right angles with the one drawer section. Height, 88 inches; width, 51 inches A unique specimen, no other corner dresser ever having been of- fered at public sale. OLD ENGLISH OAK SIDE TABLE Oblong top with moulded edge. Finely inlaid frieze containing two drawers enriched with brass drop handles. Set on square legs with fluted panels and tabernacle feet. Rail stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 57 inches SIX SPINDLE-BACK YORKSHIRE CHAIRS 18TH CENTURY Shaped top rail with tiers of spindle baluster supports. Rush seats. (6) SIX SPINDLE-BACK YORKSHIRE CHAIRS 181ry CENTURY Similar to the preceding. (6) OLD ENGLISH OAK SIDE TABLE Oblong moulded top with frieze containing drawer enriched with panels and brass drop handle. Set on spiral-shaped legs and ball feet. Spiral stretchers. Height, 30 inches; length, 26 inches OLD ENGLISH OAK BOOT STOOL Deep moulded oblong hinged cover with carved panelled sides of tall arch motive. Turned columnar legs with square legs and rail stretcher. Height, 24 inches; length, 19 inches 101 519 520 521 523 524 OLD ENGLISH OAK FIRESIDE WOOD CHEST Large oblong moulded cover with three carved inset panels in conventional design with top rail in sunburst arch carving. On straight moulding supports with bracketed sides. Height, 28 inches; length, 49 inches SMALL OAK GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top with two drop leaves; on dainty turned legs with square stretchers and spool feet. Height, 27 inches; width, 27 inches HICKORY WINDSOR ROCKER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Comb back with six spindle and centre fretted shaped splats ; deep saddle seat on turned legs and H stretcher. HICKORY WINDSOR ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Comb top with spindle back. Rounded arms and saddle seat. Turned legs with H stretcher. INLAID OAK SECRETARY DESK ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Architectural moulded overhang top; upper section with two panelled doors inlaid with circular fan and outline in satinwood. The corner with inset Corinthian column. Slant writing fall en- riched with satinwood inlay disclosing finely fitted interior. Front with narrow top drawer and three long drawers all neatly inlaid in satinwood and tulipwood. The corners inset with columns. On moulded base and square stock feet. Height, 88 inches; length, 47 inches The piece has recently been entirely reconditioned by the present owner. OLD ENGLISH SIX FOOT OAK BENCH Long oblong moulded top with panelled frieze ; turned elongated columnar legs on square feet with rail stretchers. Length, 6 feet 102 526 527 528 529 EARLY ENGLISH FURNITURE IN WALNUT WITH RARE EXAMPLES IN NEEDLEWORK COVERING NUMBERS 525-562 MINIATURE WALNUT HIGH CHEST ON STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong cupboard top, enclosed by two panelled and inlaid doors enclosing compartmented interior set on spool turned legs with inlaid undershelf stretcher. Height, 18 inches; length, 12 inches OLD WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT SIDE TABLE Inlaid moulded top with shaped frieze containing one long drawer enriched with brass drop handle. Front inlaid with scrolled floral motives; on spiral legs and shaped stretcher. Height, 28 inches; length, 28 inches MINIATURE WALNUT DOUBLE SERPENTINE BUREAU ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped moulded top with inset corners. Front with three finely serpentined drawers enriched with brass bail handles and es- cutcheon; on bracketed apron and feet. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches WALNUT QUEEN ANNE CHAIRBACK SETTEE Open back, with scrolled outer rail enriched with surmounted comb top with carved shell and floral motives. Two urn-shaped centre splats with finely inlaid motives of bouquets of flowers set in vase, worked in satinwood, mahogany and fruitwoods. Shaped scroll arms and set on carved cabriole legs with shell motive en- riched knees, and claw and ball fect. Length, 50 inches CURIOUS FRUITWOOD GATED TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top, with two drop leaves. On centre end splatted standard with trestled platform base. Gated with curiously shaped human leg with booted foot. Height, 29 inches; length, 42 inches 103 530 531 532 533 534 535 TWO OLD ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK HALL CHAIRS High back with arched top on straight turned spool legs. Finely stretchered at ends and with carved sunburst leaf panel and scroll as frontal stretcher. Back and seat covered in old needlework enriched with conventional design. (2) TWO OLD WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT TORCHERES Deep moulded hexagonal inlaid top with carved balustered pedes- tal; on scrolled tripod stand of double S-shaped legs. (2) Height, 42 inches INLAID WALNUT QUEEN ANNE SIDE TABLE Oblong deep moulded top richly inlaid. Shaped frieze containing two end drawers enriched with double block flanking centre double-arched drawer. Trimmed with original drop brass han- dies. On cabriole fluted legs and shaped spade feet. Height, 36 inches; length, 56 inches GILDED OVERMANTEL MIRROR eneutsu, 18TH CENTURY Deep frame with panel of decorated glass with conventional de- sign in gilt and crimson, and medallions of dancing figures. Height, 26 inches; length, 58 inches THREE-PIECE CRYSTAL LUSTRED CANDELABRA SET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Two-light candelabra with central bulbous erystal shaft enriched with floral cutting and terminating in fine large acorn finial. Two scroll metal arms supporting richly cut bobéches hung with crystal prisms and drops. Set on circular base. T'wo single-light candlesticks to match. (3) TWO WALNUT BANQUETTES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong seats with rounded corners; on cabriole legs with turned H stretcher. Seats covered in gros point needlework panel of a later period. (2) Length, 25 inches 104 536 537 538 539 540 541 OLD ENGLISH WALNUT LADY’S DESK Slant front writing fall, enriched with brass escutcheon, enclos- ing compartmented interior. Deep moulded frieze with deep drawer reached by side in interior. Shaped cabriole legs with carved shell at knee, and leaf scrolled feet. Height, 37 inches; length, 27 inches WALNUT DOUBLE SERPENTINE BUREAU ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped moulded top with banded inlay. Front fitted with four double serpentine drawers enriched with brass bail handles and escutcheons. Shaped apron with bracketed feet. Height, 31 wmches; length, 33 inches OLD ENGLISH PASTEL PORTRAIT BY SAMUEL DRUM- MOND 1765-1844 Lady Sirena Drummond. Three-quarter length portrait, facing slightly to the left. The subject in flimsy white gown with heavy overmantle in rose-orange color. Framed. Height, 44 inches; length, 33 inches OLD CHARLES IT NEEDLEWORK OTTOMAN Circular padded seat on four curicusly scrolled legs with balus- tered cross stretchers. Seat covered in gros point needlework in conventional design. Height, 22 inches OLD WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT SIDE TABLE Rectangular moulded top with arched frieze, terminating in acorn finials. One long drawer enriched with brass drop handles; on turned balustered legs with shaped X stretcher. Height, 28 inches; length, 28 inches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR EnGuisH, 18TH CENTURY Tall upright oblong frame, enriched with bead motives, and upper panel in blue coloring with classic draped figure and festooned motives. Carved jardiniére pediment with festooned leaf design. Height, 53 inches; width, 18 inches 105 542 OLD ENGLISH WILLIAM AND MARY NEEDLEWORK DAY BED [542 OLD ENGLISH WILLIAM AND MARY NEEDLEWORK DAY BED Slanting arched head rest, enriched with scrolled carvings and cane inset. Long oblong moulded frame on eight bulbous legs, with curiously scrolled stretcher. Seat and back with needlework cushions in cream ground with petit point medallions of male and female figures attired in crimson and blue, old castles, deer, floral and leaf motifs. Length, 69 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 106 543 544 546 548 SEAWEED INLAID WALNUT TALL CLOCK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep moulded cornice hooded top supported on turned columns. Tall case with long panelled door finely inlaid with seaweed mar- quetry scroll and leaf design and enriched with round bull’s-eye glass. Metal dial with scroll bracketed corners. Set on square inlaid base on bun feet. Height, 80 inches OLD FRUITWOOD GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top with moulded frieze containing drawer at end. Spiral legs and stretchers. Gated at cither end with single gate. Height, 30 inches; width, 50 inches TWO WALNUT OTTOMANS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong overstuffed seat on cabriole legs with scrolled knees and terminating in oval pad feet. Covered in old tan flowered silk. (2) Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches OLD QUEEN ANNE LOVE SEAT IN NEEDLEPOINT Straight rectangular back with roll-over arm. Walnut frame with square cabriole legs terminating in shaped spade feet ; finely stretchered in double H turned stretcher. Covered in petit_and gros point needlework of deep blue ground enriched with medal- lions, representing a seated Queen and serving maids. Length, 60 inches PIERRE NEEFS 1570-1651 A GROUP OF VENETIAN BUILDINGS An architectural group of great decorative value. Oak panel. Framed. Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches H. RAVENSTEYN INTERIOR OF A DUTCH BARN Depicting sheep in stall with cows and barnyard fowl. The “Frau” is cleaning the milk pots while the master is bedding the stalls. Oblong panel, signed lower left. Framed. Height, 25 inches; length, 35 inches 107 49 QUEEN ANNE WALNUT DRESSER Upper portion has moulded top rail with carved under frieze. Central cupboard of two drawers enclosed by panelled door hav- ing arched motive. ‘Two open shelves at either side. Set on oblong base of deeply moulded top containing a long centre drawer and two smaller ones at each end. Beautifully carved shell and leaf motive on shaped cut-out apron and elaborately scrolled bracket to slender cabriole leg with shell carved knees and cartouche feet. Original brasses and escutcheon. Height, 80 inches; length, 76 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 108 QUEEN ANNE WALNUT [549] DRESSE]1 > \v Or Or S 551 552 5538 554 CARVED MAHOGANY AND WALNUT WRITING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Moulded shaped top with frieze following contour of top contain- ing one drawer. Fretted scrolled apron, cabriole legs with carved wing and shield motive at knees, and claw and ball feet. Height, 31 inches; length, 46 inches OLD QUEEN ANNE BURL WALNUT AND NEEDLE- POINT COMMODE Moulded bow inlaid top with arched centre. Rounded end panels finely inlaid, and front fitted with arched door enclosing shelved cupboard. On short balustered legs with scrolled stretcher and ball feet. Front fitted with petit point needlework panel of ecrim- son flower motive enriched with deep green leaves, on black ground. Height, 40 inches; length, 49 inches OLD QUEEN ANNE BURL WALNUT AND NEEDLE- POINT COMMODE Matching the preceding. TWO CARVED FRUITWOOD SIDE MIRRORS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded frame heightened with carved beading in gilt. Fine free scrolling at pediment with leaf motive and shell finial. (2) Height, 31 inches; width, 18 inches RARE QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK SOFA High oblong back with rounded corner. Roll arms and deep seat. On walnut frame with cabriole legs terminating in pad feet. Turned double H stretcher. Seat, back and arms covered in gros point needlework in cream ground with petit point figures of stag and doe in chase and in repose; enriched with roses and carnations and many other motives of flowers and leaves. Length, 59 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BEG RARE QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK SOFA [554] CHARLES IIT CARVED WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR Elaborately carved and pierced top rail with cupidons holding large rose placed on dolphin heads. Stiles carved with spiral turnings. The arms in graceful form on shaped supports termi- nating with acanthus-leaf handle. Frontal rail with leaf and bold scroll motive. On scroll flattened feet with spiral H_ stretcher. Back panel covered in needlepoint with gros point ground with petit point figure representing the “Young Archer.” Seat coy- ered in gros and petit point enriched with motives of bird of paradise and leaf design. 556 CHARLES II CARVED WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR Matching the preceding, with panel of ‘Flower Girl” in back. 557 OLD WILLIAM AND MARY BURL WALNUT CABINET Top in deep moulded triple arch pediment enriched with urn finials. Three latticed arched glazed doors with inset and shaped tops enclosing upper shelved portions. On base with finely shaped frieze containing six short drawers fitted with original brass bail handles and escutcheons. On bulbous turned legs, scrolled stretcher and bun feet. Height, 90 inches; length, 65 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 112 Wd he 1 4 C TALNUT W BURL ARY M AND AM ILLI DW OL 558 OLD WILLIAM AND MARY MARQUETRIED INLAID 5909 560 561 WALNUT TABLE Oblong moulded top inlaid in satinwood and kingwood, designed with jardiniére of flowers in centre medallions, and with broad banded motives; the frieze enclosing long drawer enriched with inlay and drop handle brasses, set on spiral carved legs and curiously scrolled under stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 88 inches CARVED WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK BANQUETTE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong seat with rounded corners supported on six finely carved cabriole legs with shell motive at knee and claw and ball feet. Top fitted with gros and petit point needlework seat in cream and light green ground enriched with classic priestess before the altar fire, surrounded by floral landscape. Height, 17 inches; length, 48 inches CARVED WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK BANQUETTE Be ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. : . QUEEN ANNE BURL WALNUT SIDE TABLE Moulded oblong top finely inlaid with kingwood. Concave frieze and deep moulded apron containing two drawers with arch flanked by heavy block motive. On cabriole legs with scrolled spade feet. | Height, 35 inches; length, 57 inches IMPORTANT OLD QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK WING CHAIR Straight oblong back with scroll wing and arms on walnut frame. Stub cabriole legs with carved enriched knees and claw and ball feet. Entirely covered in petit point needlework with large stem floral motives en rose ground. 114 563 564 565 566 567 TAPESTRIES NUMBERS 563-570 LARGE ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK PANEL EARLY 19TH CENTURY Long oblong panel of gros point and_ petit point displaying vigorously drawn mythological subjects. Complete border on black ground in gros point, with classical scroll design with the figures worked in fine petit point. Height, 5 feet; width, 8 feet OLD FLEMISH TAPESTRY PANEL Biblical sacrificial subject, with complete border in ribboned and floral motives. Height, 11 feet; width, 8 feet 6 inches OUDENARDE TAPESTRY PANEL LATE 17TH CENTURY The Villagers’ Repast. A group of peasant figures in the foreground beneath the shade of a large tree. To the left are more trees with luxuriant foliage, with pavilion and garden in the background. The complete bor- der. From the Teniers cartoon. Height, 10 feet; width, 18 feet OUDENARDE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY The Villagers’ Game. In the centre and right foreground are a group of male villagers playing at cards, with a woman attending them, under luxuriant foliage, with castle and gardens in the background. Complete border. Height, 10 feet; width, 11 feet 6 inches IMPORTANT FLEMISH RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL EARLY 17TH CENTURY Sancho Panza and the Duchess. The Duchess is seated before a balcony of an ornate Palladian building ; near the kneeling Sancho are two knights in classic attire, on the left richly foliaged trees, garden and playing fountains. Complete border and swags of fruits and flowers, rich coloring. From the cartoon by Guidi Romano. Height, 12 feet; width, 16 feet 115 568 569 FLEMISH RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL EARLY 17TH CENTURY Adonis starting for the Hunt. In the foreground a figure of Adonis mounting a horse. Venus is seated, with two cupids at right, and luxuriant trees, foliage and garden in the vista. With complete border of swags of fruits and flowers, brilliant coloring. From the cartoon by Guidi Romano. Height, 12 feet; width, 16 feet FLEMISH RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL EARLY 17TH CENTURY Venus and Adonis before Jove. The background shows an archi- tectural balcony and luxuriant trees, with complete border of swags of fruits and flowers. From the cartoon by Guidi Romano. Height, 12 feet; width, 8 feet OUDENARDE TAPESTRY PANEL F.emisH, 17TH CENTURY Two exotic birds in the foreground, luxuriant trees and foliage at the sides. The centre is finished with background of a castle and river. Height, 9 feet; width, 8 feet 6 inches 116 THE GETTY CENTER LISRARY 1923 Feb.15 NeAnW c.1 Anderson /Collection of Adrien F. 87-P19300 IIIA 3 3125 01163 9892 —— . = n ren see _—_——— i ee eee Bo eee Oy ee ne ye te