OIL PAINTINGS 61. ASSEMBLED BY GEN. STILLMAN F. KNEELAND : AND OTHERS ALSO BY ORDER OF THE ARTISTS PACKING AND SHIPPING CO. SALE No. 3709 SILO’S FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 FIFTH AVENUE 1, 3 AND 5 WEST 45TH STREET JAMES P. SILQ, AUCTIONEER. NO. LIBRARY 10.99 |M.KNOEDLER & co, 556-8 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK bow prices were the rule at the sale of the pictnres of Gen. Stillman F. Kneeland and others at the Fifth “Ave- nue Art Galleries last evening, and Silo, the auctioneer, asked if he might pre- sent a few pictures as souvenirs. One picture without a frame, (‘A Back Yard,’’) by 6. P. Sullivan, went for 25 cents, A few pictures brought as low as $1 and others $2 and $3. Other. pic- tures went up into the hundreds and the pe for the 135 numbers sold was $4,263. W. C. Filter paid $430, one of the high- est prices of the evening, for an_attrac- tive painting, ‘‘ Les Amours de Don Juan,” by Fragonard, and $115 for a “ Marine,”? by A. Musin. He also paid $73 for G. Calderon’s ‘On the Grand Canal.’? An ‘‘Interior,’’ by Caballero, went to Wiliam Everett for $185, and Lackman paid 850 for aelindscape by Lommen. A 9 by 14 landscape by Sontag brought $104 and Charles Price paid $180 for a marine by Theodore Weber. A ** Portrait of Mme. de’ Graffigny,’’: by Louis. Toeque, brought $297, and Louis XV., by the same artist, $600, A large ‘Portrait of the Duchess of Glouces- ter,” by Gainsborough, was passed, An attractive landscape by Arthur Parton went to H. Howard for $165, and a\portrait of a black-haired lady wear- ing a blue gown, by an unknown artist, went to Morton W. Smith, who made a number of purchases, for $5. “An Incident of the Franco-Prussian War ’”’ went to Prinz Brothers, Brooklyn, for $100, and a large picture, 40 by 32, “A Soldier of the Pretender,’ by Robert Le- fevre, to BF. K. Seagrist, for $75. . Mrs. J. Dood paid $95 for ‘Mary Queen of Scots,” by P. Rubin. The sale will be concluded th ing. 4. ¥. fo ks 9-29-75 even ‘GETS GAINSBOROUGH PORTRAIT FOR $1,700 'H. ¥. Rosenberg Pays That Sum W-bp-73 for ‘“‘Squire Hallett” at the Kneeland Sale. REMBRANDT GOES FOR $650, A Total of $12,447 Realized at Two Days’ Sale of Old and New Masters. The concluding sale of the pictures of Gen. Stillman F, Kneeland and other } collectors at the Fifth Avenue Art ia leries last evening brought $8,184, mak- ing a total for the two evenings of $12,- 447, A large buyer was H. Y. Rosen- | berg, who paid $1,700 for the beautiful Gainsborough portrait of “ Squire Hal. | lett,’? $300 for ‘‘ Lady Hallett,” by the same artist; $340 for the Harlow “‘ Lady Huston,” $200 for the portrait of the “Comtesse d’Arches,”’ by Robert Four- nieres; $150 for the pretty little Wyant, “Morning Lanscape,”’ $100 for an In- ness. landscape, and $310 for pin | 'Gerard’s ‘‘ Louis Philippe.” The small Rembrandt ‘‘ Portrait of a Man,’ which had attracted much atten- tion, went to G. A. Gage for $650. A ‘View of Hampton Court Bridge,” by S. Scott, was withdrawn for want of a satisfactory bid. A woman buyer, whose name was not given, paid $350 for Sir; Joshua Reynolds’s ‘“‘ Lady Donough- more,’’. and the same buyer paid $300 | for Frederic Nde’s ‘‘ The River Loise,”’ | A marine, ‘‘ Coast of Wales,’ went to; Arnold for $280; Prinz Bros., Brooklyn, | paid $110 for ‘* After the Hunt,’? by Lesrel, and the Whistler ‘‘ Venice at; Night ”? sold for $210, going to Wilkins A. nice little interior by Portielje brought $105; ‘.On Guard,’ by Delort, $100, snd! two pictures by Berne Bellecour, ‘A | Marine Guard’’ and ‘‘ Staff Officer,” went to Powers for $110 each. ‘' The Violinist,’ by Lesrel, brought $180, ard two exquisitely painted little pictures ‘« Jealousy ’? and ‘‘ Caught,”’ artist ur- known, brought $150 zor the pair. ‘* The Wounded Ofticer,’ by Beauquesne, went to Dr. Givens for $100, and a small Daubigny laudscape brought $100. The three big pictures, 314 by. 182, ‘‘ The Maine in Havana Harbor,’ ‘‘ The Blow- ing Up of the Maine,’’ and a ** Subma-) rine View of the Wreck,’’? went to J. Facker for $50 each. | | SILO’S FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES SILO BUILDING 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 1,3 AND 5 WEST 45th STREET CATALOGUE OF OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF OLD and NEW OIL PAINTINGS AND ACQUARELLES ASSEMBLED BY GEN. STILLMAN F. KNEELAND “ND OTHER WELL-KNOWN ART LOVERS ALSO BY ORDER OF THE ARTISTS PACKING AND SHIPPING CO. TWO SESSIONS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS November 28th and 29th, 1913 Each evening at 8.15 o'clock MR. JAMES P. SILO WILL CONDUCT THE SALE CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; THe Firra Avenue Arr GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuiness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. - 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliy- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. THE HIPTH AVENUE-ART GARLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 W. 27th St, N. Y. CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1913 At 8.15 o'clock: SMITH (R.E.) The Old Mill ED) 38 NG UNKNOWN Cupid and Psyche SOmxee2 2 re) Crayon Sketch TOMMER (C. A.) The Old Bridge 27 x 45 RUDEELS Gears) On the River Huron Dose dks) HASKELL (W. H.) The Story 34 x 50 LEIGH (W. R.) The Rescue 20x32 INLD NC (UR; 1D)3)) The Witching Hour Water Color g) O’SULLIVAN (E. P.) Landscape 16 x 20 10 SIMDMESE (AX. 125) Mill Scene 222x230 11 UNKNOWN Ideal Head U2 se 0 12 @SULEIVANG Gee) Sketch LGmexe 20 ee 13 SLOMAN (Jos.) Values at Twilight 40 x 64 14 ROZZAINCES) Portrait 34 x 44 15 LEIGH (W. R.) Black and White 16 MILLER (M.) Landscape UG) sx ZO NICHOLS (Hobart) A Mountain Stream Water Color 18 Two Copper Plate Engravings 19 ILIBIBDS; CL.) Marine 5% x 10 MOERMANS (F.) The Explanation 9% x 9% 21 HOEBER (Arthur) The Young Fisherman IZ 3 IG De; SCISIOILIL, CML.) Appreciation US se ILS 23 SAFIANY (S.) On the River Bank 17 52 BO 24 FARVIER (R.) Resting ifs xe 14: 25 DONNETA (San) Ancient Shipyard 22 x 29 26 MUNIER (B.) Cattle in a Pool 27 x 41% 20 SPENCER (Lawrence) Cliffs Off Cornwall 30 x 48 28 UNKNOWN An Arm of the Lake 7 x 10 29 DUPRE (Victor) Evening Landscape 30 LEIGH (W. R.) Raiding Moonshiners AO) 3S 84 31 BERRY (P. V.) Genosee Valley ex 22 3 GUNDER (-fe-) The Dancer 16% x 13% 33 ROSENTHAL (T. E.) The Singing Lesson 36 x 52 34 LOMMEN (W.) Landscape 33 x 47 35 PALEY (R. D.) Mystic Night Water Color 36 CABALLERO (M.) Interior 37 OSUELIVAN (CE. P:) Mother and Child IS x ZO 38 WOZAI CP.) Portrait 30 x 38 39 WHIELTS (Ay V.) Landscape and Cattle 18 x 26 40 DOBSON. (William) Charles I. 41 CALDERON (G.) Paris On the Grand Canal 42 BONDOUX (Georges) The Rendezvous 43 UNKNOWN Ladscape and Cattle 14 x 24 44 JOHNSON (David) Near Warwick 14 x 21 45 WATERS (T. W.) Landscape 20 x 16 ANDREWES VON SEBEN SONTAG (W (A =) Landscape eyes 47 (Giclee) Home from Market 2) ) 1625241< 48 feelers) OS UEEIVAIN =(CE PR) River and Falls 20 x 30 Moorland Water Color Marine 52 Italian Peasants Koy se 18} JU ies) REAM (C. P.) 54 RICHARDS (T. Addison) Arbor in the Park 7x9 UNKNOWN Marine 6x9 56 ©'SULLIVAN (CE. P.) A Back Yard 15%x17y% 57 HASKELL (W. H.) Captain 31 x 43 58 BURK (Claud) Evening 16 sz AC BURK (Claud) Moonrise 16 x 20 (CANIRCITIBIR, (Us JAN.) A Foggy Day 18 x 24 ol RICHARDS (W. T.) Marine 62 O'SULLIVAN (EB. P.) Figure Study I ae iS 63 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) Duchess of Gloucester 66 x 37 64 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) Landscape 65 MUSIN (A.) Marine 66 CARTER (R. A.) The Barnyard 30 x 40 67 (eG COWaR2) Hunting Wild Turkey 22 x 34 68 OF SIDILIAINGAINE (Ua, 15) The Porch 20 x 20% 69 3ENJAMIN (S. G. W.) Returning in a Sou’-wester 36 x 60 70 TOEQUE (Louis) Madame de Graffigny 5 32) Be ZA PALEY (R&. D.) he Lonesome Pine Water Color 1 COOMANS (Diana) Head of a Child ise @ 73 CLAYS (P. J.) Marine PARTON (Arthur) Landscape UNKNOWN Portrait D5 Kaeo 76 BEARD (W. HL) The Fairy Chariot 49 x 8&4 Ve NEWTON, Jr. (Richard) A Lane Near Tangier AAS) 52 1G) 78 O’SULLIVAN (E. P.) Chalk Drawing 79 FRAGONARD (Hippolyte E.) Les Amours de Don Juan 46 x 36 80 DE BEUL (Franz) Shepherdess and Sheep 81 IDIBILIP Wal. J.) Banks of the Oise jal 32-2 82 OY SIUILILGIDVAINE. (iz, IE.) Marine 14 17 83 WYIEICID (ifs Vals) A Village Belle 24 x 18 84 CHAPMAN (Carleton T.) The Night Manoeuvres 14 x 20 UNKNOWN Madonna and Child 22.x 15 86 BAKER (E.) On the Incoming Tide 27 x 41 87 HAMMERSTAD (jJ.) Evening Off the Keys 31 x 47 88 JACQUE (C.) Sheep in Stable 12 x 19 89 UNKNOWN Mother of Sorrows Eek 32/383 90 WITKOWSKI (K.) Hello! 24 x 20 91 ANGE (F.) Comig Into Port 15% x 25% 92 BODDINGTON (E. H.) The Mill Pond IG) sz Bil 8 INIBILILME? (Cak,)) The Tete-a-Tete 144% x 18% 94 © SUPMINENN= (Eee) Composition Steel 95 TOCQUE (Louis) Louis XV. HENNER (J. J.) Ideal 97 ILAVADING SS (2). 18l,) A Merchatn of Bagdad 98 TYLER (James G.) In the Trade Winds 24 x 20 99 TIGR (Et, WW) View in Orange County 14 x 22 100 (CIBUAPIUN| ((C, 181.) Southern Scene We x 20 101 SIMU WUCIst (Ge. Wa) Water Color 102 ILS SIP (s,)) The Reception Za 3 hh 103 UNKNOWN Florentine Bambino 24 x 29 104 BELLINI (C.) Near Geneva 20 x 39 105 EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL Portrait 106 LEFEBRE (Robert) A Soldier of the Pretender 40 x 32 107 HASBROUCH (D. F.) Autumn Woods 29x36 108 RUBIN (P.) Mary, Queen of Scots Wee 3 Shik 109 ITALIAN SCHOOL 16th Century Madonna and Child 64 x 48 110 BEAUQUESNE (W. C.) An Incident of the Franco-Prussian War 46 x 36 111 CAPONE, Jr. (G.) Water Color 112 DE CAMPI (Eugene) Landscape and Cattle 16 x 20 113 IBIDIRIRAL (25 AW.) October in the Berkshires 14 x 22 114 DE VOS (M.) Biblical Subject 3x. 25 115 HAMMERSTAD (J.) Approachig Storm 41 x 60 134 Stone post Gold frame, 32 x 38 Three black oak frames Two gold frames Bronze frame, 22 x 28 Gold frame, 20 x 30 Gold frame, 14 x 22 Gold frame, 12 x 16 Gold frame, 13 x 18 Gold frame, 8 x 10 Gold frame, 52 x 68 Gold frame, 20 x 30 Bronze frame, 22 x 27 Black frame, 14 x 17 Bronze frame, 18 x 26 Bronze frame, 16 x 18 Lot of golf sticks and bag Roll of canvass, easel and lot of colors Frame, 47 x 55 Box of books and two hat boxes MN ECOND EVENING’S SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1913 At 8.15 o’clock 136 OSU IIEIN AN Saar.) Chalk Drawing LO 5 CONTORT (Louis) A Dainty Meal 16 x 20 138 BREYFOGLE (John) Pastel 14 x 29 139 IBsMRIL, (iL; ©),)) Still Life 18 x 30 140 CARR (Lyell) Expectation 18 x 20 141 SE WIE -(CA.-B:) Twilight in the Dunes 26 x 44 142 FRANZEN (August) The Day’s End WEBBER (Wesley) Homeward Bound 36 x 26 144 NOWEY (A.) Sheep in Stable 145 BRISCH “G.-C The Road ‘Through the Village 20x16 146 MUNTHE (E.) Winter Scene Gs 3x 20, 147 FERNETTO A Street Scene in Italy 26 x 40 148 DE HAAS (ir tein) Landscape and Cattle 149 RICO (M.) Scene in Venice 150 CHELMINSKI (lan) A Royal Sleighing Party 28 x 41 151 BEARD (W. H.) The Witchs’ Dance Zia 28 152 ZIEM (F.) Venice AQ) xe ZY) 158 VAN ELTEN (Kruseman) Landscape 27 x 41 154 UNKNOWN Winter Landscape 26 x 36 155 UNKNOWN Twilight oma ol) 156 DAMSCHRODER Sanctuary LS) oe 118} 57 GERARD (Baron) Louis Philippe 58 x 45 158 BOUILLIER (A.) Landscape and Cattle 159 IBIRITINCIGUBIN (AN, I) Water Color 160 SPUHLER Winter Landscape DEN Sy 161 FERRATA (Sasso), Attributed to Madonna 24 x 19 162 PABRIETUS: GB?) Head of a Man 24 x 19 163 INIDIDIDI REIL, (es) In Normandy 14% x 18% 164 InVASEIROUUICISE (DE 1.) Harvest Sunset 14 x 20 165 ASTI (Angelo) Ideal 166 BEAUQUESNE (W. C.) Attack on the Hospital Train 2534 x 31% 167 ATISON (R.) The Little Beggar 43 x 26 168 FOURNIERES (Robert) Comtesse d’Arches 3) Se AS 169 UNKNOWN Magdalen 23 x 20 170 CORREGGIO (Attributed to) Holy Family 46 x 36 171 WYANT (A. EH.) Morning Landscape 12 INIDIDISILIL, (es, 18,)) Landscape 12 x 16% 173 HARDWICK (M.) Water Color 174 (GUI TUN, (IPS 185, ) The Marsh By) 3S SAO) WS UNKNOWN Shepherd and Sheep 49 x 40 176 RICHARDS (W. T.) Marine, Coast of Wales RIX (Julien) Landscape 178 CAT ONE slits (G2) Bay of Naples I oe SY 179 ZANAZIO (G.) Ideal Head 2S) x2 BY) 180 SAC EULAUINIZ Sy) 4 A Town in Normandy 26 x 36 181 UNE DIRICIaL Cal.) The Critic | 3h) 55 8: IBA IPIESIOUN (GR Jo) Newark Bay 24 x 45 UNKNOWN SS eee Ideal Head 23% x 19% 184 LESREL (A. A.) After the Hunt 14 x 10 185 WHISTLER (J. MacN.) Venice at Night SH) 38 22 186 GIMENEZ Shrimp Gatherers Pie? CAPONE, Jr. (G.) The Tourist 46 x 35 188 BUTLER (Howard R.) A Corner Drinking Stand SES el 189 SILVA (Francis A.) Autumn Afternoon, New England Coast 43 x 59 190 UNKNOWN Firelight HO) 35 3Y/ nt IDIFILOIRW (Cs) On Guard 192 PORTIELJE (Edward) Interior 193 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) Lady Hallet 194 O’SULLIVAN (E. P.) Girl in Green US sx 7411 JLJEGIaL (We IRS) End of the Play 38 x 50 196 SIMUBIPWIKClal (GW) Woman with Harp 18 x 24 197 CARBONE wi (Gs) Wash Day 14 x 24 198 WADSWORTH (Wedworth) Water Color 199 SCHOLTZ-PLAGEMANN The Toast 28 x 22Y4 200 BELLECOUR (E. Berne) Staff Officer 14 x 11 201 BELLECOUR (E. Berne) A Marine Guard 14 x 11 202 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) Lady Donoughmore 48 x 35 204 MIGNARD (Pierre) L’Inconnu 28 x 24 205 WATE (ice la.) A Parisian Beauty 24 x 18 206 BERLINGIERI (A. C.) The Young Musician 16 x 20 207 CHAPMAN (Carleton T.) Evening at St. Malo BO 33 SO 208 INNESS? (G:) Landscape 24 x 32 209 TRYON (Constant) Landscape and Cattle 24 x 19 | ee 210 McENTEE (Jervis) Close of Day 14 x 10 Aslil PINCHART (Emile A.) At the Fountain US; Se IU AZ O@/SUEEIVA NS (Ea) Figure 15 x 2134 BIROW INE (Cia Gs) Portrait of Mabel SA xo bo = dss ILJSSVRUENIL, (CAN, ZN) The Violinist 14 x 10 UNKNOWN Jealousy 7x6 216 UNKNOWN Caught URE AMG THOM (J. C.) Children at Play 218 HENNER (J. J.) Ideal 219 O’SULLIVAN (E. P.) Marine ls) 5 Al 220 THOMPSON =Cet€n) Heading In 2414 x 36% CARR (Lyall) Hunting on Horseback 24 x 31 222 WADSWORTH (Wedworth) Water Color 228 CAPONE, Jr. (G.) Housetop of Naples 224 PHELAN (Charles T.) Landscape and Sheep 24 x 30 225 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) Squire Hallett 226 RICO (M.) The Rendezvous Jy, SM 227 FREY (W.) Landscape and Cattle 29 x 40 228 EDE (Frederic) The River Loise Tes 32 As. 229 UNKNOWN Virginia and Virginius Sf x58 230 Portrait—Madam Vigee Lebrun 40 x 32 Passi SIMVILIL, (algae) Helen Nichols 16 x ,20 232 JACQUE (Charles Emil) Sheep 10% x 8 239 WYETIEIC (Clie 1aL)), ZAIN AN. A Society Bud 24 x 18 234 BEAUQUESNE (W. C.) The Wounded Officer All se 25 235 COYSIUILILIN NIN) (08, 1%) Drawing 236 HASBROUCH (D. F.) A Cloudy Morning WZ 5% I 237 DUPRE (Jules) Landscape and Cattle 8 x 14 238 BROWN (William M.) A Fishing Village—Maine 12esc. 20 239 IDIBILIES! (al, (C,)) On the River Oise 13 x 24 240 RAMSAY (Alan) Portrait of William Poultney Earl of Bath 40 x 34 241 HALE (Charles) Sunset on the Wabash 242 PERKINS (Granville) Approaching Storm, Barnegat 22 x 360 243 SOTT (S.) View of Hampton Court Bridge 244. REMBRANDT Portrait 13 x 10 245 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) Landscape 4x9 246 O’SULLIVAN (E. P.) Painting 1014 x 14% 247 HARLOW (Georges Henry) Lady Euston 45 x 35 248 BRISTOL (J. B.) Springtime in the Berkshires 249 LEIGH (W. R.) and CHAPMAN (L.) U. S. S. Maine, Havana Harbor 114 x 182 250 LEIGH (W. R.) and CHAPMAN (L.) The Blowing Up of the Maine 114 x 182 i | 251 LEIGH (W. R>) and CHAPMAN (:) Submarine View, Wreck of the Maine 114 x 182 JAMES! Po SLO; Auctioneer.