SALE NUMBER 2018 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM FRIDAY, DECEMBER ELEVENTH RENAISSANCE AVIITH & XVIITH CENTURY TAPESTRIES, VELVETS, DAMASKS BROCADES, EMBROIDERIES FURNITURE & OBJETS DART & A NUMBER OF CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES COLLECTED BY COMTE EMILE DE FRESSANGES « ee CHATEAU DE LA VILLE*DU-BOIS (CREUSE) rire» SOLD BY ORDER OF - MR. RICHARD SUSSMAN PARIS, FRANCE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER FIFTEENTH AT TWOcTHIRTY Ee THE ANDERSON GALLERIES ee [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent } 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 —_ - 7" Sa aay LIPO rs RI resin te Sree a's PAIR een ANE ibe neste te aast re apa Sry woes ERE SEE Ae Rie Ey Tere ays Phy Pe Waite, Oe ‘ . “2 SRR a) IMPORTANT RENAISSANCE HUNTING TAPESTRY FLEMISH, I6TH CENTURY [NUMBER 81] _ _ SALE NUMBER 2018 ‘PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM FRIDAY. DECEMBER ELEVENTH ~ RENAISSANCE © XVIITH & XVIIITH CENTURY TAPESTRIES. VELVETS, DAMASKS BROCADES, EMBROIDERIES FURNITURE & OBJETS DART & A NUMBER OF pp tt CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES GOLLECTED BY COMTE EMILE DE FRESSANGES CHATEAU DE LA VILLE-DU-BOIS (CREUSE) SOLD BY ORDER OF MR. RICHARD SUSSMAN PARIS, FRANCE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER FIFTEENTH AT TWO-rTHIRTY wae ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent} 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FIFTEENTH BROCADES, DAMASKS, VELVETS, EMBROIDERED HAND FANS, NEEDLEWORK AND OTHER FABRICS CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES, FABRICS, TRAYS, ETC. BRONZE, PEWTER AND STEEL OBJECTS FURNITURE CANDLE-HOLDERS, ANDIRONS, ETC. EMBROIDERED PICTURES, FATENCE, PORCELAINS AND ENAMELS FABRICS AND EMBROIDERIES FURNITURE, MIRRORS AND EMBROIDERIES TAPESTRIES LIGHTING, DEVICES AND FURNITURE FABRICS AND EMBROIDERIES NEEDLEWORK, TAPESTRY AND OTHER FURNITURE CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES AND TASSELS TAPESTRIES, NEEDLEWORK PANELS AND AUBUSSON CARPET FURNITURE FABRICS, NEEDLEWORK, ETC. IMPORTANT SET OF TAPESTRY CHAIRS TAPESTRIES FURNITURE PEWTER CANDLE-HOLDERS, LOG-RESTS, ETC. CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES, BOXES, EMBROIDERIES, FABRICS, ETC. 93-104 105-110 111-114 115-125 126-135 136-140 141 142-146 147-151 152-154 155-163 164-194 » - a as % Ss ig a a > es “4 ‘ * 5). Ss ‘ z F : je ote 2 3 : my vale iy Wien OE es orouee 1 5 oe a Se) face S eae GSES - wae re Fs Bye axa ae Se) Bare foe Pd 2 Pte F a eae Soe et ; . ; wes A se - A wd Shik H “ 55 ere ea woe . f ‘ ms . ene 2 of ROM oe eh ae ; = Y fine Bas : be gee BR eas, tk a ME As ae. EE aN ee (a Bt iss. WATS eter aye a ae 3 Se ae ea OP Ps ie Le ee ere ye # a ents gee B a ne a 2) Ce oso ape (Oh ae - Hi Pha fale nee Ae st re oo, Pa Coa i sntee Poe Cateye | b sh Fi ai Pa er a - o.s pe setirrs er 4 a eS Be RF « ca gs me AL if aes te a : ae 2 ‘ Te ae eg q Sh iehnn ene rey Sears Wwe ed wy § Bee. Surge gags fie ae at eae ? ae ae iy cer ge - tie Uapey ae Ais Pe RS Ret ae: Fed ey crs i “ Seah Wrst = : ere ei eek ae eS : ee me rae . aay SER ts ea Ee aus S hag ae es hi gS 2 tae 4 i ; es hk Pt mh ee ¥ ts < ans a z ~ Tete 7 “ i : eter hie car et j , 4 ‘ F ve me et ce y, 2 % er ei ref be ar \ i o , ‘ ‘ i SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FIFTEENTH: ! ‘Ar 2:30 pare NOMBERS 1-194. oie tpur? tap Tpep aber cpap, | BROCADES, DAMASKS, VELVETS, EMBROIDERED | - @-HBAND TMANSSS Se ee oe Pe ayer | NEEDLEWORK AND OTHER FABRICS, ) NUMBERS 12 cain | 7 coe BROCADE COVERS” a bee j rita piee at - Wea i i Oe ee Heer ote Shes ae ‘eek bo -HUNGARIAN,, POINT SILK CHASUBLE SPANISH, EARLY 18rH CENTURY Trimmed with ESS i ae galoon. 3 “THREE CRIMSON DAMASK COVERLETS | es — Two framed by galoon. (8) _ ‘dere 4 CUT AND UNCUT’ NA EAA OM bes BREY IARY COVER. ; SPANISH, 18rH CENTURY TWO PIECES OF ROSE-COLORED VELVET VENETIAN, 18TH CENTURY (a) Velvet stola. (b) Silk velvet pad trimmed with silver paloon. -(3)-. . . ;,; 3 ee see ee Te Or 6 THREE EARLY FABRICS =: (a) Italian, 18th century chasuble of embroidered and painted silk: (b) Needlework band with formal birds, scrolls, butter- flies in cream on a blue eons fee) Seen of 12th century silk-embroidered orphrey... (8) °° 1h Length of 2), 54 inches; length of ©. 39 inches ae : GERYL Og: “7 -VALANCE OF. CRIMSON AND CREAM TOILE DE: JOUY Representing Teniers subjects. ie Length, 53: inches 1 10 11 13 14 THREE HAND FANS FRENCH, 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES Composed of two oval fans with formal bouquets of flowers in the Italian taste, heightened with gold, and one shield-shaped fan with needlework inset. (3) TWO HAND FANS OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD | FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Oval floral embroideries mounted on walnut sticks. (2) THREE EARLY TEXTILES ~ (a) Persian, 17th century brocaded cover with floral decora- tion. (b) Embroidered coat-of-arms worked in bouillon stitches on a cream brocade ground. (c) Appliqué embroidered cushion top, Genoese, 16th century (worn). (3) Size, 26 x 24 inches; 11 inches square; 2214 x 16 inches TWO PIECES OF OLD DAMASK (a) Coat-of-arms of bouillon embroidery on cloth-of-gold ap- plied to red damask. (b) Rose-colored damask pad trimmed with gold galoon. (2) RENAISSANCE NEEDLE PAINTED MANIPLE The centre with the figure of St. Mark, flanked by arabesques, on crimson ground. Restored. CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES, FABRICS, TRAYS, ETC. NUMBERS 18-25 THREE CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, 18TH CENTURY With engraved and moulded silver tops and feet. (3) THREE OPALINE CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES _ BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With engraved and repoussé silver tops. (8)-: 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 FOUR FLAT CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES Composed of two with handsomely engraved mounts and _ stop- pers, one of amber glass, and one in the form of a tear-drop. (4) FIVE EARLY FABRICS (a) Rose-colored damask coverlet with gold fringe. (b) Cover of Louis XVI brocade trimmed with gold galoon. (c) Italian, 18th century gold brocade stola. (d) Cover of Pekined purple satin, Italian, 1820. (e) Two Italian, 17th century crimson damask .covers. (6) THREE PAINTED DECOUPAGE TRAYS VENETIAN, 18TH CENTURY The centres occupied by pastorales with gayly attired courtiers playing at bergeries. Floral reserve borders. (38) Width, 14 inches TWO *WROUGHT-IRON LOG-RESTS OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY With urn-shaped finials on square plinths. (2) TWO BLOWN GLASS FLOWER VASES | PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Interesting examples resembling bird bodies and necks, with tear- drop and gadroon ornaments; on wooden stands. Slightly im- perfect. (2) Height, 18 and 19 inches FOUR EARLY FABRICS (a) Brocade cover of the Empire period with floral decoration on a green satin ground. (b) Italian, 17th century olive-green brocaded cover. (c) Italian, 17th century Hungarian point cover. (d) Flower-embroidered silk band of the first half of the 19th century. (4) Size, 21 x 19 inches; 21 x 20 inches; 221% x 23 inches; : | 29 x 8 inches 5) “' LARGE PAINTED ‘FOLE“LRAY © © rrencu, 181 ceENTURY ‘Oval, eS Aah cos ae oe groups on a black Free Ee co ai | j he: WA REETE! ts inches Nh - 2 bbe. S eo, et bo Pee) EMBROIDERED | POCKETBOOK OF THE LOUIS. SEIZE PERIOD With delicate floral sprays on a ie sae ground. THREES EMBROIDERED FANGS an roece ; ay ae ij i i si PRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY One: oval, ‘embroidered. with’ Chinese’ flowers on a blue ‘ground. “with tooled boxwood handle; one shield shape, embroidered with colored silks and gold leaves on a damiask- ground; with hand- somely carved cherrywood handle; the third with on oval needle- work panel of naturalistically colored roses on a rose- ee er round, with turned walnut’ handle. (3) COSMETIC CASE Oe eee DIRECTOIRE PERIOD: FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY ~Four-sided’ tapering hae of mother of - pearl, mounted with en- graved ornaments of cuivre doré. yo EMBROIDERED HAND BAGS | LEVANTINE, 18TH CENTURY One a large noctketiéok richly embroidered in the Italian taste with silk flowers rising from bouillon scrolls, on the interior in- scribed “Constantinople, 1769”. The other a hand bag with Oriental ar abesques | in silver ant color on a jade-green ground. (2) BRONZE, PEWTER AND STEEL OBJECTS NUMBERS 26-29 TWO BRONZE ee POCKETS OF THE: DIRECTOIRE “PERIOD? = -# 2: “- FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY ~ An’ interesting pair inthe form: of sabots enriched with Neo- aor Seas ornaments at handles.” Bei Bey me CIRCULAR PEWTER DISH FLEMISH, 181TH CENTURY - ered 1778,. and engraved with pewterers’ .hall-marks. Diameter, 13 inches 28 99° PEWTER BASIN ‘AND PITCHER “op LEMISH, 18TH CENTURY The pitcher with bulbous body and scrolled handle. The deep bowl with broad flat rim: (2) 0" = TWO STEEL..ANDIRONS- “IN THE LOUIS UAT ORES ii “PASTE . pa Oe scroll: Beans oll Sond uprights Hse knobbed finials. ola "ES nas va Ris beads “Heights 19 inches FURNITURE co SiH 4a A 1, NUMBERS 30-35. 31 LOUIS SEIZE, MARQUETERIE GAME TABLE Meee _..» KRENCH, 18TH, CENTURY of Ptsod . and eee on, caabricle: supports; arched apron. _. Pivoting: double top enriched with chess board. Restored. Height, 2914 inches; width, 2714 inches LOUIS QUINZE TAPESTRY STOOL rrencu, 181TH cENTURY _ On cabriole supports, moulded and arched apron; covered with _.. seventeenth century floral eee on a dark. brown ground. ars f3 34 35 LOUIS ( QUINZE NEEDLEWORK STOOL. FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding, but covered with brightly colored gros- point needlework of the Restauration period. WALNUT:: BREAD TABLE OF THE..LOUIS TREIZE ‘PERIOD | =: - FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On four vase-shaped baluster supports: Apron with: one:drawer ; moulded top. Height, 27 inches; width, 29 inches SEMICIRCULAR CONSOLE OF PALISSANDRE AND TULIPWOOD IN THE TASTE OF LOUIS SEIZE Deep apron, with one drawer covered with floral marqueterie in island veneers. Top with fanlight -parqueterie. Square tapering supports with bronze sabots. Height, 2914 inches; width, 3514 inches VELVET COVERED FIRE SCREEN The centre with a floral motif in green, crimson and’ yellow - jardiniére velvet, trimmed with gold galoon. Height, 38 inches 5 36 37 38 538A S8B 39 CANDLE-HOLDERS, ANDIRONS, ETC. NUMBERS 86-39 TWO BELL METAL CANDLE-HOLDERS OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On three-sided moulded bases. Interestingly designed vase-shaped baluster shafts. Reeded bobéches. (2) Height, 20 inches TWO BRASS AND WROUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Composed of studded and tracery-enriched bulbous members connected by baluster supports. Brass finials with masks. Wrought-iron scrolled bases of later addition. (2) Height, 18 inches TWO BOXWOOD CANDLE-HOLDERS OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Interesting archaic models with curiously turned vase-shaped balusters on double ogee bases. (2) Height, 21 inches TWO BOXWOOD CANDLE-HOLDERS OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. (2) BOXWOOD CANDLESTICK Similar to the preceding. HANGING MARMITE OF COPPER WITH WROUGHT- IRON HANDLE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY EMBROIDERED PICTURES, FAIENCE, PORCELAINS a AND ENAMELS NUMBERS 40-46 40 EMBROIDERED PICTURE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Madonna and Child. Splendidly drawn composition; the Virgin in orange-colored robes. Background of drapery. Moulded black frame of a later date. Size, 16 x 14 inches 41 EMBROIDERED AND NEEDLE-PAINTED PICTURE FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY The centre depicting the Virgin and Child embroidered “au passe”, surrounded by gold bouillon scrolls and richly silk- embroidered flower and fruit motifs on a cream ground. Elab- orate carved and gilt sgraffito frame. Size, 12 x 914 inches 42 ENAMELLED PORCELAIN CUP (COUPE) OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD PARIS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Coupe of emerald-blue, enriched with a band of gold with ribands of green and white. Urn-shaped baluster, on ogee base fur- nished with fleuretted enamels on gold ground. Cuivre-doré mounts. Height, 7 inches 43° BROWN AND WHITE POTICHE INDO-CHINA, 18TH CENTURY Invested with a freehand decoration in outline of figures and floral arabesques in dark brown on a cream-colored ground. Height, 13 inches 44 ENAMEL BASKET OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD VENETIAN, 18TH CENTURY The exterior occupied by finely painted reserves of landscapes and figure vignettes on a jade-green ground heightend with gold. Interior with bouquets of flowers in the taste of the vieux Saxe. Width, 10 inches 45 TWO RHODIAN MAJOLICA PLATES, 15TH OR I6TH CENTURY AND TWO FRENCH RENAISSANCE ENAMEL CUPS [NUMBERS 45 AND 46] TWO MAJOLICA PLATES ruopian, 157TH or 16TH CENTURY Fine example of this rare type of ceramics, of siliceous glazed earthenware with stiff leaf flowers in blue, green and brown on cream ground. (2) Diameter, 10 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO FRENCH RENAISSANCE ENAMEL CUPS (COUPES) An uncommon pair with gadrooned bodies and enrichments of green, gold and white on a powder-blue ground. Interior sim- ilarly furnished. (2) Height, 6 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 8 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 FABRICS AND EMBROIDERIES. - | NUMBERS 47-64 CRIMSON DAMASK COVER OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD ITALIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Bold conventionalized floral pattern of a rich tone. Size, 7 2/3 yards TWO BANDS OF BROCADED SATIN ITALIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Worked in golden leafy scrolls with softly colored flowers on a rich apricot ground. (2) Length, 50 inches ; width, 14 inches Length, 62 inches; width, 14 inches HALF CHASUBLE SPANISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Embroidered on both sides with golden-yellow floral arabesques on a cream and crimson ground. DARK PURPLE AND SILVER BROCATELLE COVER SPANISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Very uncommon fabric occupied by flower vase and other con- ventionalized leaf and flower patterns on a dark purple ground. Size, 61 x 57 inches THREE PIECES OF CRIMSON SATIN BROCATELLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Stiff leaf pattern of two-tone crimson. Border of cut and uncut crimson velvet galoon on one and gold galoon on two others. (3) Length, 42/3 yards APRICOT AND WHITE BROCADE COVER OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Woven with floral and leaf composition. Length, 14 feet LARGE COVER OF GOLDEN-YELLOW DAMASK OF THE LOUIS XIV PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Woven with bold husk and trellis-leaf pattern in two tones of yellow. Total length, 8 2/3 yards 54 539) 56 57 58 59 BROCADED COPE SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Worked with colored flower and silver leaf composition in inter- laced pattern on brocaded cream ground. SILK BROCADED RUNNER OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Uncommon document woven with serpentine bands which are trellised and brocaded with floral loops in green, yellow and rose. Trellis ground of silver-gray. Size, 56 x 20 inches SILVER CLOTH AND BROCADE RUNNER SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Covered with soft Persian arabesques in silver on an amber- colored ground. Trimmed with silver lace at ends. Size, 9 feet 1 inch x 20 inches CRIMSON BROCATELLE RUNNER rain, 17TH CENTURY Flower-vase and bold leaf arabesques. Size, 8 feet 7 inches x 21 inches EMERALD-GREEN SATIN BROCATELLE RUNNER An unusual fabric of a rich deep tone occupied by finely traced arabesques. Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 21 inches AN IMPORTANT LOT OF APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED HANGINGS AND COVERS SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Worked with gold Persian flower arabesques and vases in multi- colored silks and velvets, cloth of gold and silver threads on a crimson damask ground. ‘The set is composed of (a) one pair of curtains; (b) one single curtain; (c) one single curtain; (d) two rectangular covers. (6) Total length, 15 yards; width, 23 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 10 60 ONE OF SIX SPANISH EMBROIDERIES, I77TH CENTURY [NUMBER 59 | FOUR BOUILLON EMBROIDERED VELVET OVER- DOORS SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY (a) A pair. (b) Single overdoor. (c) Another single over- door. Handsome Renaissance arabesques of silver bouillon de- signed to follow the outline of a door frame. In the centre in a cartouche silk-embroidered ducal arms. (4) 11 61 63 64 65 66 BLUE LAMPAS OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Woven with groups of carnations and leaves on trellis ground in soft nattier-blue. Size, 6 feet x 5 feet JADE-GREEN AND GOLDEN-YELLOW BROCATELLE COVER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY A very unusual fabric, with Persian arabesques and bands of floriated scrolls. Size, 6 feet 3 inches x 4& feet 11 inches CHASUBLE OF PLUM-COLORED BROCADE SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY An attractive fabric occupied by an all-over pattern of hearts and fleurettes. Attractive galoon of blue formal pattern on a white ground. BLUE AND WHITE BROCADED LAMPAS OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY A handsome cover worked with repeating stiff leaf arabesques in white on finely brocaded sapphire-blue ground. : Size, 7 feet x 5 feet 8 inches FURNITURE, MIRRORS AND EMBROIDERIES NUMBERS 65-78 TWO LOUIS QUINZE WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK BANQUETTES FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On moulded supports. Moulded aprons heightened with gold. Each covered with seventeenth century needlework of a formal vase and flower pattern in two-tone green. (2) LOUIS QUINZE TULIPWOOD COIFFEUSE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On cabriole supports. Three-part top. Panelled with diagonally laid veneers. Interior with mirror. Front with three drawers. Height, 28 inches; width, 29 inches; depth, 18 inches 12 67 68 69 70 al ~ bo CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Architecturally designed frame with meandered and festooned ear brackets; pine-cone finials. Chapiteau of urn, furnished with leafy compositions. Original gilding. Height, 40 inches; width, 23 inches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR OF THE REGENCE PERIOD ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Shaped mirror with rounded corners furnished by carved “S” scrolled ear brackets and by a chapiteau of an acanthus-carved cartouche with formal bouquet on dark blue ground. Height, 33 wmches; width, 21 inches TWO LOUIS TREIZE WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On twisted baluster supports. Square backs and seats covered with gros-point needlework. (2) TWO SIDE CHAIRS IN THE LOUIS TREIZE TASTE With turned underframing; rectangular backs and seats cov- ered with crimson and cream figured velvet. (2) OAK CHEST IN THE GOTHIC TASTE OF EASTERN FRANCE The front with two flamboyant Gothic panels and carved centre stile and applied half balusters. Returns with linenfold. Moulded top. Height, 23 inches; length, 32 inches TWO ROSEWOOD TABLES OF THE PERIOD OF LOUIS PHILIPPE FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY On cabriole supports; with arched aprons. Shaped tops, carved with guilloche, and with palisander veneer. (2) Width, 17 inches TWO LOUIS TREIZE TAPESTRY WALNUT ARM- CHAIRS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On turned baluster supports. Vase-shaped baluster arm-rests. Scrolled arms; arched seats and backs covered with sixteenth century Flemish tapestry, the backs with allegorical figures, the seats with flower vases. Chair frames restored. (2) 13 74 75 ‘a EMBROIDERED WALL POCKET OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of two panels with flamboyantly voluted fruit baskets of gold bouillon heightened with color, and one crested by bird with an eye of pearl; above, armorial ducal bearing, also em- broidered in gold. TWO EMBROIDERED HAND FANS OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Of varying forms, both embroidered in colored silks, wools; one with metal thread, in conventional floral patterns; one with wal- nut and one with carved gilded handle. (2) CARVED MIRROR OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Broad frame with acanthus corners inlaid with panels of mirrors with spandrels of carved gesso. Size, 19 x 17 inches WALNUT HIGH ARMCHAIR COVERED WITH SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY TAPESTRY With rope twisted supports, underframing and arm-rests. Carved arm crestings. Back and seat covered with seventeenth century Flemish tapestry, woven with a design of birds in ver- dure. ‘Trimmed with interesting cut and uncut velvet galoon with episcopal arms. RENAISSANCE WALNUT REFECTORY TABLE SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY On vase baluster turnings, moulded underframing. 'Two long drawers. Aprons on the four sides carved with uncommon over- lapping meanders of a wrought-iron pattern. Iron knobs. Height, 35 inches; width, '70 inches 14 rae 80 81 TAPESTRIES NUMBERS 79-85 RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Formal vase composition under brilliant crimson canopied arbor of elaborate architectural composition. Size, 33 x 24 inches TWO BANDS OF FLORAL TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Each composed of horizontally placed flowered stems flanking landscape vignettes in cartouches. One with original tapestry border; the other with added galoon. (2) Size, 9 feet 8 inches x 21 inches Size, 9 feet 5 inches x 20 inches RENAISSANCE HUNTING TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY An important tapestry, occupied with most imaginatively drawn hunting scene with delightful incidents through the picture, be- tween densely foliated trees and with a background of a medieval castle and a hunting lodge. In the foreground birds and animals of the chase. Size, 9 feet 7 mches x 7 feet 4 inches The hunting tapestry was one of the most favored of all hangings during the Renaissance. In the inventory of Henry VIII we find in each castle or lodge an unusual number of tapestries of hawking and hunting. At Hampton Court twenty-seven “pieces” ; at Windsor five ‘“‘pieces’; at Woodstock one “piece” ; at the More one “piece”; at Richmond thirty-one “‘pieces’’, with fourteen borders of a similar character. A great many hunting tapestries bear the Brussels mark, but the demand for these romantic weaves was apparently so great that Oudenarde, Ant- werp, Bruges and Arras vied in the production of “hunts’’. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | 15 83 84 85 86 GOBELINS TAPESTRY PANEL FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY A composition of fruit of uncommon boldness in rich tones of crimson, blue, green and cream. Size, 64 x 23 inches TAPESTRY BANDEAU FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Of fine quality and close weave, designed with a composition of clusters of fruit tied by ribbons with bouquets of garden flowers. In soft tones, on a sepia ground. Length, 6 feet 8 inches TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Representing Philip of Macedonia. Oblong panel with the figure of King Philip in the foreground, and behind him an attendant on horseback. ‘Top border with vignette. Size, '7 feet 5 inches x 27 inches RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Occupied by the seated allegorical figure of Temperance, and beneath richly composed fruit and flower vases and a sphinx caryatid supporting a floral composition among leafy volutes. | Size, 6 feet x 23 inches LIGHTING DEVICES AND FURNITURE NUMBERS 86-92 TWO CARVED AND GILDED VENETIAN STANDING LANTERNS IN THE TASTE OF THE RENAISSANCE On incurved, three-sided plinths carved with chimere and fes- toons. Circular columns richly carved with draped female figures and arabesques. Fluted shafts with acanthus-carved members and festooned amorini-head crestings. Ionic capitals. The lan- terns of gilded tole with gadrooned tops and finials representing ciboria. (2) SILVER-PLATED TOLE SUSPENSION OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Urn-shaped and enriched with repoussé ornaments, on moulded members. Suspended from three chains. 16 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 TWO WROUGHT-IRON TORCHERES OF THE RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Composed of strap cut “S” scrolls bound by bands. Tripod sup- ports. Original polychroming. Centre stems with ‘‘turned”’ members. (2) Height, 50 inches RENAISSANCE WALNUT TRESTLE TABLE WITH WROUGHT-IRON STRETCHER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY On two boldly scrolled and tracery carved trestles. Original top. Height, 31 wmches; length, 48 inches LOUIS TREIZE WALNUT TABLE Frencu, 17TH ceENTURY On four columnar moulded supports; angular stretcher ; battened top. Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches; depth, 23 inches TWO ARMCHAIRS IN THE LOUIS TREIZE TASTE Of walnut, on corkscrew twisted supports. High arms and arm- _ rests; knobbed finials. Backs and seats with brilliantly colored appliqué embroidery in the Renaissance taste of bold floral arabesques with green, gold and crimson predominating. (2) ARMCHAIR IN THE LOUIS TREIZE TASTE Similar to the preceding, but with animal mascarons as arm-rest crestings. FABRICS AND EMBROIDERIES NUMBERS 93-104 ANTEPENDIUM OF CRIMSON DAMASK AND SILK EMBROIDERY SPANISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Large panel enriched with gayly colored Renaissance arabesques interspersed with birds and heraldic animals perched on branches, worked ‘au passe” on a leaf, fruit and flower woven damask ground. Size, 9 feet 8 inches x 40 inches TWO FLORENTINE SILK BROCADE CURTAINS ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Woven in trellis Renaissance arabesques with crown motifs in golden-yellow on a rose-colored ground. (2) Size, 7 feet x 49 inches 17 95 96 O7 98 oy APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED RENAISSANCE RUNNER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Worked in bold multi-colored volutes on a crimson ground. BROCADED COVER OF EMERALD-GREEN AND WHITE SPANISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Worked with stiff leaf arabesques and trellis consoles on an emerald-green ground. Size, 7 feet 6 inches x 50 inches TWO RENAISSANCE NEEDLE-PAINTED AND CRIM- SON VELVET ORPHREYS | ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Parts of orphreys made into pads, each with a needle-painted medallion of a saint. In the original state, and enriched top and. bottom with Renaissance gold and silver arabesques heightened with colors and applied on.crimson velvet ground. (2) Size, 18 x 8 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO RENAISSANCE NEEDLE-PAINTED AND CRIM- SON VELVET ORPHREYS ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. (2) Size, 21 x 14 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | THREE TABLE PADS MADE FROM HOODS OF COPES In spirit of embroidery similar to the preceding. ‘Two rectangu- lar and one oblong. (3) Size, 24 x 9 inches and 15 x 20 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 18 NEEDLE-PAINTED AND CRIMSON VELVET EMBROIDERIES ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY [NUMBERS 97,98 AND 99] 100 101 102 103 104 COPE WITH NEEDLE-PAINTED HOOD AND OR- PHREYS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY The hood with a seated figure of St. Ambrose on a dais sur- rounded by arabesques; the pontifical robes are softly violet- colored velvets. The orphreys are designed with Renaissance ornaments in green, blue and amber, heightened by silver threads on a golden-yellow ground. The body of the cope is of blue moire of later addition. GARNITURE OF CUT AND UNCUT GENOESE VELVET ITALIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Fine examples of gold floral pattern in crimson and dark green on gold-colored ground. (2) ROSE-COLORED AND SILVER LACE EMBROIDERED COPE SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Covered with uncommon voluted leaf pattern on a warm rose- colored satin ground. Attractive silver galoon meanders serve as trimming. IMPORTANT LOT OF FOUR PIECES OF ROSE- COLORED BROCATELLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Occupied by voluted reserves and vase arabesques. Trimmed with gold galoon. (4) Total length, 914 yards FLORAL BROCATELLE COVER SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Woven with climbing floriated branches and detached arabesques in silver-gray on a dark mulberry faille ground. Size, 70 x 62 inches NEEDLEWORK, TAPESTRY AND OTHER FURNITURE 105 NUMBERS 105-110 WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK HIGH ARMCHAIR OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On turned and columnar balusters. Pierced and boldly meander- carved front rail. Uncommon turned supports. Graceful vase- shaped baluster arms. Back and seat covered with contempo- rary gros-point needlework of a floral pattern. 20 106 108 109 110 LOUIS TREIZE WALNUT AND TAPESTRY BAN- QUETTE FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY The top covered with sixteenth century Flemish tapestry. Spirally twisted supports and corkscrew turned stretcher. Height, 21 inches; width, 29 inches FRENCH RENAISSANCE WALNUT COFFRE Important high chest on moulded base flanked by fluted Ionic pilasters. The centre carved with winged chimere and fruit baskets and wreaths. Moulded top. Panelled returns flanked by acanthus-carved brackets. Hinged fall front. Height, 338 inches; width, 51 inches WALNUT FOLDING TABLE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY An uncommon model of a half gate-leg table on turned baluster supports with one pivoting leg; original circular top. Diameter, 80 inches CARVED LOUIS QUINZE TAPESTRY BANQUETTE On six moulded cabriole supports. Shaped apron, enriched with fleurettes. Top covered with seventeenth century Flemish tapes- try of a formal pattern on a black ground. Length, 30 inches WALNUT HUTCH OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD NORMAN, 17TH CENTURY Tall cupboard, the front with two upper and two lower doors and two centre drawers, each panelled and enriched with archaic marqueterie. The upper doors with conventionalized birds and arabesques, the lower with fleur-de-lis, and the drawers with flori- ated lozenges, in fruitwood on an ebonized pearwood ground. Original wrought-iron escutcheons and rosetted ring handles. The returns are harmoniously panelled. Height, '70 inches; width, 46 inches 21 1138 114 115 Lee CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES AND TASSELS NUMBERS 111-114 A COLLECTION - OF FIVE CUT CRYSTAi yeaa? MOULDED GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With silver or vermeil tops. (5) A COLLECTION OF FIVE COLORED AND WHITE CUT CRYSTAL AND MOULDED GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES With silver or vermeil tops. (5) A COLLECTION OF FOUR BLUE CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With engraved and repoussé vermeil tops; each of a different hue of blue. (4) A COLLECTION OF TWELVE SILK AND BOUILLON TASSELS FRENCH AND SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY (12) | TAPESTRIES, NEEDLEWORK PANELS AND AUBUSSON CARPET NUMBERS 115-125 FIVE BANDS OF RENAISSANCE BOUILLON EMBROID- ERY ON CRIMSON VELVET GROUND A rare and interesting lot. (5) Total length, 314 yards CRIMSON DAMASK COVER Occupied by gold leafy reserves and floral arabesques. Total length, 32/3 yards TAPESTRY PANEL IN THE RENAISSANCE TASTE Of a comparatively recent weave. Composed of seated amorini holding torches, and above, floral and fruit composition. Saze, 2% x 24 inches 22 TAPISSERIE D AUVERGNE REPRESENTING “LE DISEUR DE BONNE AVENTURE [NUMBER 118 | 118 TAPISSERIE D’AUVERGNE A PERSONNAGES FRENCH, ABOUT 1760 Le Diseur de Bonne Aventure (The Fortune Teller). Very finely woven tapestry panel, said to have been done at Bellegarde after the Boucher cartoon. In the left foreground a pensive young maiden in robes of yellow with a blue mantle draped over her knees, seated on a garden bench of stone, and beside her the soothsayer, strangely resembling Dante, wrapped in a yellow cloak. Background of verdure, a chateau with colon- nade, a formal garden with urns and clipped trees, and in the far distance palm trees. Worked in the most delicate blue tones and executed with great care. Width, 7 feet 7 inches; length, 9 feet 3 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 23 119 120 RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Important part of a hunting tapestry. The centre occupied by two handsomely garbed personages; the background with hunters among luxuriantly foliated trees. Rich golden-yellow, greens and blues. Size, 5 feet 9 inches x 40 inches GOBELINS TAPESTRY PANEL OF THE LOUIS XIV PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Superb composition of an eagle perched on a shell, and above, a cluster of fruit; the shell rests on a trellised console enriched by dolphins and winged amorino head. Rich soft tones on a coffee- colored ground. Size, 7 feet 4 wnches x 22 inches CHAIR SEAT OF TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY A virgin forest, with a wild boar in the verdure of the fore- ground. NEEDLEWORK BAND OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Delightful composition of figures in the Oriental taste, grouped amongst trees with a crane perched on one of the branches. Worked in multi-colored wools on a dark brown ground. Size, 6 feet 3 inches x 12 inches PERSONAGE TAPESTRY PANEL § Ftiemisu, 17TH CENTURY Representing Hercules and Hippolyta. Both in resplendent armor; to the right and left of the Amazon Queen are dogs; background of mille-fleurs verdure. Size, 6 feet 4 inches x 5 feet 1 inch VERDURE TAPESTRY WITH BROAD BORDER FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY The centre a landscape with trees in rows; in the background a bridge spanning a brook, and in the foreground a duck pond with dense vegetation, in soft blue-greens with strong accents of white. Exceedingly fine border of bold floral groups, with eight car- touches in corners and centres in soft blue-greens and tans on a dark brown ground. Size, 10 feet x 6 feet 5 inches AUBUSSON CARPET OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD Uncommon square carpet, enriched with gold thread and woven in Moresque patterns with multi-colored arabesques. Size, 5 feet 9 inches square 24 126 127 128 129 130 131 FURNITURE NUMBERS 126-135 LOUIS TREIZE WALNUT TAPESTRY ARMCHAIR FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Of a rich light-colored wood. Spirally twisted underframing and arm-rests. Acanthus-carved scroll arms. Back and seat cov- ered with seventeenth century Verdure tapestry. WALNUT LECTURN OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE ' PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Small cabinet with sloping top; the front with one drawer fur- nished with moulded “Flemish” panels. Steel hinges. Height, 38 inches OAK TABLE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On four vase-shaped balusters. Rectangular underframing. Moulded beam top. Height, 29 inches; width, 3614 inches FRUITWOOD WAINSCOT CHAIR IN THE LATE RENAISSANCE TASTE On turned supports. Vase-shaped arm-rests; scrolled arms. The square back carved in low relief with Romanesque ornaments. CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped frame, surrounded by bold leaf and husk carvings, crested by a bold composition of shells and fleuretted leaves. Height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches TRUMEAU MIRROR IN THE TASTE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD Tall panel, the centre with marine painting in the style of Carle Vernet. In carved be-ribboned baguette. A similar baguette surrounds the mirror. Recessed stiles with two double handled urns and festoons, carved and gilded. The ground color of the panel is of a soft blue-gray. Height, 66 inches; width, 41 inches 25 132 1383 134 135 LOUIS TREIZE TAPESTRY AND WALNUT BAN- QUETTE FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On corkscrew twisted supports. Top covered with floral tapestry on a brown ground. CARVED LOUIS XV TAPESTRY BANQUETTE On six moulded cabriole supports. Shaped apron enriched with fleurettes. ‘Top covered with seventeenth century Flemish tap- estry of a formal pattern on a black ground. Length, 30 inches EARLY LOUIS XVI ROSEWOOD AND TULIPWOOD BONHEUR-DE-JOUR ~ FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Serpentined front, the drop leaf adorned by an Eastern land- scape in marqueterie surrounded by diagonally laid veneers and broad bands of tulipwood. ‘The interior completely filled with serpentine front drawers. Beneath, a candle slide and a com- partment with two doors. The returns are slightly ogee. ‘The top is signed with an impressed mark, Mauer. [Francois Mail- hat (?), menuisier de la Reine, admitted to the corporation 1780, with an appointment of sixty livres. | Height, 41 inches; width, 28 inches LOUIS XVI WALNUT DAY-BED EASTERN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Two arched ends, with turned posts terminating in urn-shaped finials. Trimmed and upholstered with blue and white figured linen of a later date, Mattress, spring and two bolsters. 26 136 137 138 139 140 FABRICS, NEEDLEWORK, ETC. NUMBERS 136-140 NECESSAIRE OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD Mother-of-pearl case, enriched with silver gilt mosaics, inscribed “nécessaire” and “souvenir” on the cover; the interior fitted with the original needleworker’s utensils. Length, 344 inches SILK LAMPAS COVER OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Handsome fabric of chinoiserie arabesques in silver-gray with heightenings of green on a soft rose-colored ground. Size, 48 x 20 inches CRIMSON VELVET BROCATELLE RUNNER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Occupied by wavy “S” scroll pattern. Gold galoon. Size, 52 x 21 inches CRIMSON AND GOLD BROCATELLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Generously covered with gold-colored Persian arabesques on crimson’ ground. Size, 6 feet '7 inches x 5 feet 1 inch THREE RARE PIECES OF PETIT-POINT NEEDLE- WORK FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY One designed as a background for a watch, worked in the finest silks on a cloth-of-silver ground; the second, a rectangular panel with floral needlework on a gray ground; the third, a hand fan with archaic needlework in blue-greens, rose, blue and golden-tan. (3) 27 141 142 143 IMPORTANT SET OF TAPESTRY CHAIRS NUMBER 141 SIX TAPESTRY AND WALNUT DINING CHAIRS OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY An important set of six original frames designed with vase- shaped baluster turnings. Uncommonly moulded feet and vase- shaped baluster underframing. The backs with sixteenth cen- tury Flemish tapestry, with reserves of allegorical figures in medallions. ‘The seats with floral and fruit compositions in tones of blue-greens and golden-yellows. (6) [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | TAPESTRIES NUMBERS 142-146 RENAISSANCE HUNTING TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY The entire panel occupied by hunting scenes with a multitude of horsemen in armor, attendants and rustics among interlaced foliage; in the background a lodge; foreground with tropical verdure and a macaw perched upon a branch. Size, 7 feet 10 inches x 5 feet 8 inches The great popularity of these spirited tapestries in the days of Henry VIII was referred to in the description of tapestry No. 81. RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Merrymakers. ‘The youth holding a lute, the maiden appears to be dancing; above, putti supporting a fruit-laden vessel, and below, pages in similar posture. In brilliant tones of blue-green and orange on golden-yellow ground. : Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 21 inches 28 SIX TAPESTRY AND WALNUT CHAIRS OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD [NUMBER I4I | 144 145 146 147 148 149 RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY An uncommon hunting subject. In the foreground Diana, the huntress; at her feet a lion peacefully reposing on verdure. Back- ground of a hunting lodge and far-away hills. Size, 42 x 80 inches RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY An arbor framing an allegorical group, and beneath, a fruit and flower composition supported by putti. Green, blue and golden-tans. Size, 5 feet 11 inches x 20 inches OBLONG TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Verdure with crane in the foreground, and birds perched on a tree branch. A very usable size. Size, 6 feet 8 inches x 25 inches FURNITURE numBeRs 147-151 WALNUT LOUIS TREIZE REFECTORY TABLE FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On four columnar baluster supports simply moulded. Rectangu- lar underframing. Battened top. Height, 29 inches; width, 63 inches LOUIS TREIZE TAPESTRY OAK BANQUETTE On turned supports; straight underframing. ‘Top covered with seventeenth century Flemish tapestry occupied by a cartouche with landscape vignette in blue-green verdure, flanked by floral compositions on a dark ground. TWO NEEDLEWORK TABOURETS (FOOTSTOOLS) IN THE LOUIS SEIZE TASTE On turned supports. Carved apron and dies. Painted cream and blue. ‘Tops covered with arabesque needlework on a black ground. (2) 30 TULIPWOOD AND MARQUETERIE COMMODE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD [NUMBER I50 | 150 TULIPWOOD AND MARQUETERIE COMMODE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Handsome undulating body. The front with three drawers veneered with floral marqueterie and finely laid darked veneers. The returns similarly enriched. Cabriole supports with baroque bronze mounts. Marble top. ‘The piece is signed and dated with an impressed mark, “J. B. Saurin, 1762.” Height, 33 inches; width, 30 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 31 151 153 1584 1544 NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR IN THE LOUIS TREIZE TASTE On corkscrew twisted supports. Arm-rests enriched with animal mascarons. Back and seat covered with seventeenth century silk needlework of point d’Hongrie in two tones of green and rose. PEWTER NUMBERS 152-154 PEWTER TANKARD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped body, with heart-shaped cover; on the handle are two acorns. Cover inscribed “P. R.” Height, 1084 inches A PEWTER TANKARD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Height, 1114 inches PEWTER WINE JUG FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Handsome primitive form, with studded handle. Note the im- pressive weight of this piece. Height, 15 inches TUREEN AND COVER OF PEWTER FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Urn-shaped two-handled vessel, with moulded acorn-crested cover. Height, 1034 inches TUREEN AND COVER OF PEWTER FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Urn-shaped two-handled vessel, with moulded acorn-crested cover. Height, 9 inches TWO PEWTER COFFEE POTS FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY Bulbous bodies, with dome-shaped lids, one of which is moulded. Flatly moulded spouts of archaic form. (2) Height, 784 inches TWO PEWTER COFFEE POTS ‘FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 inches 32 TWO CUIVRE DORE AND PALISSANDRE CANDLE“HOLDERS OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD [NUMBER 155_] CANDLE-HOLDERS, LOG-RESTS, ETC. NUMBERS 155-163 155 TWO CUIVRE DORE AND PALISSANDRE WOOD CANDLE-HOLDERS OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY A handsome pair on gourd-shaped bases, bulbous centres; vase- shaped shafts, copiously mounted with mermaid body supports and with pierced amorini-head enriched ornaments. (2) Height, 30 inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 33 156 Lod 158 159 160 161 TWO CANDLESTICKS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY (a) Bronze pricket candlestick on three-sided eagle-claw foot base, enriched with amorini heads. (b) Carved and gilt candle- stick with three-sided moulded support. Both with urn-shaped centre members. (2) Height, 17 inches TWO BELL METAL CANDLESTICKS OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Three-sided bases on eagle-claw supports, with amorini-head en- richments. Urn-shaped and _ twisted stems enriched with acanthus. (2) Height, 19 inches TWO BELL METAL PRICKET CANDLE-HOLDERS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Handsome bulbous bodies, on moulded circular bases. (2) Height, 12 inches TWO BELL METAL CANDLE-HOLDERS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Urn and vase balusters; moulded circular bases; pricket tops. (2) Height, 16 inches TWO MINIATURE CANDLE-HOLDERS OF THE RE- NAISSANCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY An exceedingly interesting pair of torchére models of bronze, which, to judge from the remains of wax, have been in actual use. On tripod bases termmating in claw supports; urn-shaped, on columnar shafts. (2) Height, 6 inches TWO BRASS CANDLESTICKS OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Columnar, with boldly shaped bases on circular beaded rims. (2) Height, 1034 inches 34 162 163 164 165 166 167 TWO BRASS AND WROUGHT-IRON LOG-RESTS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On columnar plinths, with moulded urn-shaped finials. (2) Height, 9 inches BRONZE DOOR KNOCKER IN THE RENAISSANCE TASTE Composed of a back plate designed with heraldic birds and crown. Scrolled battant with mascaron. CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES, BOXES, EMBROIDERIES FABRICS, ETC. NUMBERS 164-194 A COLLECTION OF FOUR CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Of cut crystal, rose, crimson and amber; each fitted with silver or vermeil engraved tops. (4) A COLLECTION OF FOUR ROSE AND WHITE CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With silver and vermeil tops. (4) EMBROIDERED WALL POCKET OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Worked with Renaissance arabesques in silver galoon on a rose- colored ground. ‘Top with large fleur-de-lis of silver cloth. CHASUBLE AND COVER OF BROCADED MOIRE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of single rose pattern, connected by silver ribbons. 35 168 169 SEAL 173 174 LOUIS SEIZE SILK BROCADE OF JADE GREEN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Brocaded runner, worked with floral pattern on a fleuretted ground. Size, 69 x 21 inches TWO EMBROIDERY CUSHIONS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Each with panels of silk and gold embroidery, representing amorini with butterfly wings, mounted on red damask. (2) TWO POCKETBOOKS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY One a small card case embroidered with the greatest finesse in intricate ribbon-stitch, with sprays of roses and emblems of love on cream ground; the other with spangles and rhinestones sur- rounded by colored silk embroidery on an old-rose ground. The interior with its color unfaded, with delightful festoons and bands of floral sprays. (2) TRAVELLING OUTFIT OF SILVER AND IVORY IN TOOLED LEATHER CASE ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Fittings composed of hall-marked silver goblet, folding knife, fork and spoon, and other appliances. The case is tooled on brown calf in gold, and enriched with silver escutcheons. EMBROIDERED FRAME OF A BANNER FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Worked with gold and silver bouillon scrolls and colored flowers on cream ground. An attractive frame for a mirror in the Louis Seize taste. | GOLD THREAD BROCATELLE COVER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY | Woven with an all-over pattern of floral arabesques in emerald- green outlines on cloth-of-gold ground. Length, 6 feet BROCADED CHASUBLE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Worked with Persian arabesques in gold on a deep blue brocaded damask ground. Worn. 36 175 176 ukrere 178 ero 180 181 POCKETBOOK OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD With silver bouillon embroidery and monogram on a gray ground. ) COVER OF EMBROIDERED FAILLE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY An attractive fabric, worked with detached bouquets of field flowers in subtle tones of rose, blue, green and brown on cream ground. Length, 6 feet CHASUBLE OF BROCATELLE AND BROCADE SPANISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Composed of bands of gold and sapphire-blue brocatelle, and centre panels of dark brown brocade covered with an all-over pattern of floral arabesques in the Chinese style. Gold galoon. A COLLECTION OF FOUR COLORED CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES sponemian, EarLy 19TH CENTURY With silver stoppers. (4) A COLLECTION OF FOUR WHITE CUT CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With elaborate repoussé silver tops. (4) THREE EMBROIDERED HAND FANS OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY A very interesting collection, each with landscape motifs in softly colored silks. One oval, one shield shape and one octagonal. One with finely carved handle of ivory; one turned, of bone; the third of ebonized pearwood. (8) A COLLECTION OF FOUR CRYSTAL GLASS SCENT BOTTLES BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Of cut crystal, rose, crimson and amber; each fitted with en- graved silver or vermeil tops. (4) 37 CARVED BOXWOOD CASKET OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD [NUMBER 182] 182 CARVED BOXWOOD CASKET OF THE LOUIS QUA- TORZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Octagonal, with chamferred sides, the body shaped as a vasque and carved with acanthus and bird motifs; the top with a fable of La Fontaine in a reserve with volutes and eagles in spandrels. Height, 10 inches; width, 21 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 38 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 FRENCH RED LACQUER GLOVE BOX Oblong casket, covered with a brilliant scarlet lacquer enriched by Chinoiserie decoration in gold and colored relief, and fur- nished with engraved cuivre-doré mounts. Length, 10 inches TWO IVORY FANS One, Chinese, eighteenth century fan made for the European mar- ket; intricately fretted. The other French, eighteenth century, painted in distempers with brightly garbed youths and maidens; the mounts of ivory pierced with figure subjects and floral re- serves heightened by gold. (2) NEEDLE-PAINTED AND PAPER PICTURE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY The centre with two saints, a bishop in episcopal robes, and an abbess with ciborium. Frame of cut paper flowers in archaically designed arabesques. Fine carved contemporary gilded frame. Size, 12 x 10 inches TWO POCKETBOOKS ITALIAN, 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES One with archaic silk flowers and gold arabesques on a rose ground; the other of soft colored dark blue velvet, embroidered with initials and a running border of husks. (2) SILVER THREAD EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET PAD SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Size, 24 x 9 wmches SILK EMBROIDERY ON SATIN © spanisy, 18TH cENTURY Composed of two garden flower bouquets tied by ribbon. FLORENTINE SATIN BROCATELLE COVER OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD Woven with a bold leaf and fruit pattern in the Persian taste in brilliant crimson on silver-gray ground. Size, 44 x 21 inches 39 190 EOL 193 194 YELLOW DAMASK DALMATICA OF THE LOUIS QUA- TORZE PERIOD SPANISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Robe of golden-yellow damask, of a gold two-tone leaf pattern. EMBROIDERED WALL POCKET OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Covered with fleur-de-lis and gold bouillon floral borders on dark blue velvet ground. EMBROIDERED WALL POCKET NEAPOLITAN, 18TH CENTURY Worked with gold thread and rhinestone borders surrounding a monogram with coronet, and a reserve with flower basket of brilhantly colored silks on cream ground. GOLDEN-YELLOW DAMASK RUNNER SPANISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Leafy arabesque pattern. Size, 5 feet 7 inches x 19 inches SILK BROCATELLE COVER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Of a rich rouge-d’or arabesque pattern on a golden ground. Size, 55 x 20 inches 40 bie.» f - er 7 ae, “hy a ‘ ‘ ; : ae R iim , ia La 7 \ e A “ , 1. - ‘ qi 7 P js, < J % a pe S S \ bes ; i E 4 Composition and press-worl by Publishers Printing Company, New