ry yan 9 YIN) eh, Si THE GETTY CENT ER LIBRARY “No. Le ARCHITECTURE. THE ARCHITECT and BUILDER’s LIBRARY. BY CHARLES MIDDLETON, Architect. PART THE FIRST. TEN SHILLINGS anv. SIX PENCE. Prick, TO SUBSCRIBERS, eee aaa LoN DON: Printed for the AUTHOR, Cutprey Court, Pall Mall: and fold by B. Waite and Son, Fleet Street; J. Desrett, Piccadilly; R. Fauiper, Bond Street; J. and 1. Tayvor, No. 56, High Holbom; and E. Jerrery, Pall Mall; by whom, Subfcriptions will be received. ik a ae % ean a en all a ee ¢ COD le: * Gaia ARE inhabited by the poorer fort of country people, and are chiefly built of flight materials, and frequently by their own fkill and labour: —they are the work of neceflity, for which no rules can be given: —I fhall therefore proceed to that defcription of Cottages which are built at the entrance, or in different parts of parks or pleafure grounds, and may ferve the twofold purpofes of ufe and ornament. They are generally inhabited by perfons in the fervice of the family on whofe eftate they are erected; and fituated near or at a diftance from the man- fion, according to the employments they hold, and fhould be fo planned and diftributed as to allow the admiffion of a family. The cottage built at the entrance of a park will form a convenient lodge. At a fmall diftance from the manfion, the dairy, larder, bath, &c., may affume the charaCteriftic form of a Cottage. Cottages in a more diftant fituation, are frequently fitted up for the reception of parties engaged in rural amufements; in which, one room muft be particularly appropriated to that purpofe, finifhed on a more expenfive plan, and of fuch dimenfions as will be capable of containing a large company ; with neceflary adjoining apartments and lodging rooms for the perfon who has the care of the building. The Bailiff, Gardener, Park and Gamekeepers, &c., are com- monly lodged in fuch habitations. Such buildings are compofed of ftone, brick, or timber, ftuccoed or rough caft, and covered with thatch; which, however, muft be determined by the materials of the country where they are to be ereGted. As the feveral defigns are defcribed, with their finifhing and ufes, it will be neceflary only to obferve in general, that a parlour, kitchen, pantry, and fcullery, are the rooms required to compofe fuch buildings, on the ground plan, with lodging rooms over them ; which muft, of courfe, be proportionably arranged to accommodate the kind of family intended to in- habit them. [Dobe eI 1B). uills CONTAINS FOUR DESIGNS. Noumoer I. Is propofed to be built of quartering, lath and plafter, on a brick foundation, and covered with thatch; the fides of the kitchen and parlour plaftered down to the fkirting; Portland chimneypiece ; the floors paved with flat tile or brick ; common four-pannel doors, and the windows glazed with fecond-beft crown glafs in quarries; the fides of the clofet and ftaircafe finifhed in the fame manner as the kitchen and parlour; the ftairs, common yellow deal, with fquare ballufters. The height of this ftory is intended to be 9g feet 6 inches ; above which are two good lodging rooms plaftered to a fkirting, with common ftraight-joint yellow deal floor; Portland mantle and jamb chimneypiece, four-pannel doors, and the windows with common quarries. The height of thefe rooms 8 feet 6 inches, part of which will be taken from the roof. I Numser Noumoser II. Contains a kitchen, bedroom, and fhed: this and the former defign may be appropriated as a lodge to a gate, and finifhed in all refpeéts in the fame manner. Nomerr III. Has a parlour, kitchen, and fhed on the ground floor, with three lodging rooms over them: the front is intended to be ftuccoed, and the roof covered with thatch: trelliage, or plaited ozier, painted green, is intended to be affixed againft the porch, or entrance, as well as to encircle the windows: the parlour to be plaftered to a plain furbafe with ftucco, dado, and plain bafe moulding; common ftraight-joint yellow deal floor; veined marble mantle and jamb chimney- piece, with wood dreffing ; four-pannel doors ; windows glazed with fecond-beft crown glafs in quarries, with fliding fhutters; the kitchen and ftaircafe may be finifhed in fame manner as in the former defigns. The height of thefe rooms is ro feet. The bedchamber floor contains three fleeping rooms; the beft of which may be papered to the fkirting, with common floors and Portland chimneypiece, with deal mouldings ; common four-pannel doors, and windows in quarries. Nomser IV. Contains a parlour, kitchen, and fcullery on the ground floor, with three fleeping rooms over them, which may be finifhed as has been already defcribed — The front to be ftuccoed, and the rufticks formed by jointing: the ends of the rafters forming the roof to be fupported by rude trunks of trees, as coLumNs, and painted green: the roof to be thatched. Ree AL sieve eel: CONTAINS FOUR DESIGNS. Numeer V. Has a parlour and kitchen the height of g feet, with two fleeping rooms, part of which are taken from the roof, in which the fame finifhing may be employed as in the former defigns. The front may be ftuccoed or rough caft, and the plaited ozier painted green and placed againft it. Noumerr VI. Is a defign fomewhat more elegant than the former, as a hall or logia is admitted, which might be fitted up as a library. The parlour and kitchen are 10 feet 6 inches high, with three fleeping rooms over them, and would make a comfortable dwelling for a fmall family. The finifhing of the rooms may be the fame as in the former defigns. In the center of the elevation (which is intended to be ftuccoed) is a porch, with common block cornice, ornamented with trelliage, and the whole fupported by rude trunks of trees painted green. Numsber [ Noumerr VII. Is a defign for a dairy in the ftyle of a cottage: the dairy is fituated in the center: it is intended to rife the whole height of the building, which is 22 feet, and to receive the light from each end. On one fide the dairy is a tea or fruit room, and, on the other, a fealding room. The flue from the chimney is intended to be carried under ground, to prevent the heat communicating to the dairy. Between the two rooms is a veftibule, which ferves as an entrance. The walls of the dairy are intended to be of ftone or brick, and the infide to be lined with white tiles, with plaftered ceiling: the dreffers on which the milk difhes, &c., are to be placed, as well as the table in the center, may be of veined marble, fupported by a frame of wood, and legs of the rude branches of trees, placed at equal diftances, and painted green: the floor, which is intended to be 2 feet lower than the rooms adjoining, to be laid with veined marble fquares and black dots; the windows glazed with fecond-beft glafs, and to open on pivots: the fruit room, which is 10 feet high, is intended to be formed of quartering, the fides papered to a furbafe, with a plain bafe and furbafe mouldings, and dado of ftucco; the windows glazed in quarries, {mall architraves with fliding fhut- ters; fix-pannel door; the veftibule plaftered to a toras fkirting, and the floor laid with red tiles; the door of the dairy to be formed of lattice work : the fealding room to be compofed of quartering, of the fame height as the tea room, and to be plaftered to a fkirting, with Portland chimneypiece; the floor paved with brick, and the windows to be glazed with common glafs, in quarries, with infide fhut- ters, and common door; the front is to be ftuccoed, and the rufticks formed by jointing: the center has a portico formed of rude trunks of trees, fupporting a block cornice, over which is trelliage, or lattice work, painted green; the roof to be covered with thatch, and fupported by rude columns. Noumeer VIII. Contains a parlour, kitchen, bed room, and wafh room, on the ground floor, with three fleeping rooms above, the whole finifhed as deferibed in the foregoing defigns. The front may be treated as that of the dairy, and the roof thatched. Rab SA YEE} obi: CONTAINS THREE DESIGNS. Noumper [X, Confifts of a parlour, hall, and kitchen, on the ground plan, with three fleeping rooms over them: the parlour to be plaftered to the furbafe, with plain bafe and furbafe mouldings ; veined marble mantle and jamb chimneypiece, with wood dreffings; common ftraight-joint yellow deal floor, and fix-pannel doors : the hall plaftered to a toras {kirting, and the floor paved with red tiles: the kitchen plaftered to a dwarf waiftcoating, with Portland chimneypiece and wood cornice ; the floor paved with brick ; the windows fecond-beft glafs in quarries ; the ftair- cafe ee cafe and fleeping rooms to be finifhed as in No. III., Plate I.—the front rough caft, the roof covered with thatch, and fupported by rude columns painted green. Numper X. Is a circular building, propofed to be ereéted on an eminence, the upper part of which may form an obfervatory, as the gallery, encircling the roof, affords an op- portunity of gaining an extenfive view of the furrounding country. The ground plan confifts of a dining room, parlour, and kitchen: the principal room, which is 14 feet high, may ferve as a rural banqueting room ; the fides are intended to be ftuccoed with bafe and furbafe mouldings, {mall architraves to the windows, folding wainfcot fathes, with beft crown glafs; plain ftatuary marble chimneypiece; common ftraight-joint yellow deal floor; jib door to the clofet, and fix-pannel door to entrance from the parlour. On the angles of the recefs in which the center window is placed, are columns which will form an alcove, and give an agreeable finifh to that part of the room. The parlour, kitchen, and rooms above may be finifhed in the ftyle already mentioned for rooms of this defcription : the front ftuccoed, the roof to be thatched, and the ends of the rafters fupported by rude columns: the gallery round the roof may be made to have a pleafing effect, and is intended to be above the fleeping-room floor, and formed of lattice work, fupported by canterlevers under the floor of the gallery, and framed to the rafters. Noumeer XI. Is a cottage on a more extenfive plan, and may anfwer the fame purpofe as the laft defign. “The dining parlour is a large circular room, covered with a dome, the center of which is intended to be enriched with a large flower, furrounded with fwags of fruit and leafage: a Corinthian entablature to the room fully enriched, under which are pannels, intended to be painted in chiaro ofcuro, of dancing boys, &c. The fides of the room are propofed to be ftuccoed ; the windows with folding wainfcot fafhes, brought down to a toras {kirting; enriched architraves, with infide fhutters; common ftraight-joint yellow deal floor: on each fide a fix-pannel door, is a recefs, one to hold a table for a fideboard, the other, bearing the fame appearance, to contain a ftove for warming the room ; the parlour plaftered to the fkirting, with Portland chimney piece and wood dreffings; common four-pannel doors; the floor paved with tiles, and windows in quarries ; the fides of the kitchen to be plaftered to toras fkirting; the floor paved with brick; plain Portland chimneypiece, and windows in quarries. Above may be three good fleeping rooms, the front to be ftuccoed, and the roof covered with thatch; the ruftick to be formed by jointing the center of the building, forming a colo- nade of rude columns; between which may be placed oziers plaited and painted green, forming circular heads, with a fence of lattice work at the bottom. The flues from the chimnies are intended to be carried up on timbers under the rafters to the center of the building, which affords an opportunity of placing the fhaft of the chimney in the center of the roof. FARM TRL RET sr eal a oo ah DESIGNS vor COTTAGES, BED ROOM __8. oy woyer a xiereney ag3o is PARLOUR aie Nol. xreuny 2550 PaRiore ato PARLOUR KirenEy sgh No4. NOS cr} e sae Cha? Middleton Arch bet scudpt Pibljhid according to ter uf Lartrament Aug £xa1go. pear mer es we 1 as X rx q aw a ed . Mitdteton Arch fer weulp £ Published according to Act of Parliament August 23790. _—— errr al te Ree) A DESIGN S vor COTTAGES. Che! Middleton Arch Let seulp! ws fe Sa] FARM-HOUSES M UST neceffarily vary, in fome degree, according to the nature of the farm to which they belong, whether grazing, arable, &c., &c.; but as the variation principally relates to out-houfes, one general plan of a dwelling houfe may be, in a great meafure, applicable to them all.—’The rooms ufually required in 4 farm- houfe are, a beft and common parlour, kitchen, pantry, fcullery, and {tore room, with the neceffary lodging rooms ; all of which fhould be finifhed in a plain and fimple manner. The dairy, fealding-room, brew-houfe, bake-houfe, and wafh- houfe, are generally confidered as offices. Pele Aye bia als Contains the defigns for the plans and elevations of a fmall farm -houfe intended to be ereéted of brick and covered with flate. The ground plan contains a beft and common parlour, kitchen, pantry, ftore-room, dairy, and {calding- room. The fides of the beft parlour to be plaftered to furbafe, with {mall architrave cornice, and plain bafe and furbafe moulding ; veined marble chimney- piece; fix-pannel doors; deal fafhes, glazed with fecond-beft crown glafs and plain architrave to windows, with fhutters to ditto; common ftraight-joint yellow deal floors. The fides of the common parlour to be plaftered down to the fkirting; Portland chimneypiece ; the doors and windows finifhed as the beft parlour, with common floor, &c. The kitchen to be plaftered to the fkirting ; Portland chimneypiece ; common four-pannel doors and windows in quarries ; the floor, with the pantry, ftore room, dairy, fcalding room, and the paflages, to be paved with brick, and finifhed in the fame manner as the kitchen: the height of this ftory is 12 feet; the ftairs common yellow deal, with {quare balufters ; the fides of the ftaircafe to be plaftered to a toras fkirting. The upper floor contains four bed rooms and a clofet: the rooms on this floor to be plaftered down to a fkirting; common floors; fix-pannel doors; the fafhes in front of the building common glafs, and in the back front glazed with quarries: the height of thefe rooms is ro feet. IPE ee Ih Nc Contains the plans and elevation of a farm-houfe and offices : the ground plan contains a beft and common parlour, with ftore-room and clofet; in the wings are the wafh-houfe and laundry; ftore-room, dairy, and {calding-room, {cullery, 2 pantry, Prerl pantry, bake-houfe, and brew-houfe. The rooms in the houfe are intended to be finifhed in the fame manner as in the defign, Plate IV. The fides of the feveral rooms in the wings are intended to be plaftered down to a fkirting, the floors paved with brick, and windows in quarries: on the bed-chamber and attic ftories are twelve fleeping rooms, which are intended to be finifhed in the fame manner as defcribed in plate TV. This building is intended to be ereéted of brick and ftone, and the roof covered with flate. PLATE VI. Is the feGtion taken from A to B on the ground plan, and difplays the manner in which it is propofed to finifh the feveral rooms. POE Awana Val Offers a general plan of a farm-houfe and yard, drawn on a fmaller fcale than the former defigns; the whole is fo formed as to anfwer the feveral purpofes required in a building of this defcription, bemg intended as a general farm, and the feveral parts fo conneéted and difpofed as to anfwer every neceffary purpofe. The houfe contains a beft and common parlour, with ftore-room, two kitchens, pantry, and fcullery, dairy and fcalding-room; the houfe and offices are propofed to be finifhed in the manner intended for the defign, Plate [V.— The farm-yard is divided into three diftin&t buildings: that to the left of the entrance, A, contains the ftables, cart-houfe, and fhed for farming implements. ‘The building, forming a wing, and adjacent to the houfe, is intended for a brew-houfe ; the one anfwering to this, at the other end of the ftables, is a ftraw and harnefs room: over the cart-houfe, &c., is an extenfive ftore-room for ftraw, chaff, &c.; and in the roof, over the ftables, are the hay-lofts. The building on the oppofite fide of the yard, at B, is the principal barn, on each fide of which are the cow-houfes and weaning-fheds: at the end of the yard, and fronting the houfe, at C, is a fecond barn, on each fide of which are the hogfties, which are intended to be conneéted with the other buildings by a clofe paleing, with common five-barred gates in the center: adjoining to them are two dung-pits, fo fituated as to be emptied without interfering with the bufinefs of the farm. In the center of the farm-yard is the poultry-houfe and yard, with fealding and ftore room; over which is the granary, that occupies the center building ; and over the ftore and {caldng room there may be feparate granaries, to be conneéted by a gallery: they are defigned to be partly enclofed with windows of lattice work, which will allow a free circulation of air, with infide fhutters. In the center, and over the granary, is a dove-cot, an accefs to which may be obtained by a ladder from the former. PLATE [a7 8 Be AY ae Re Valk Contains the elevation of the farm-houfe and the feveral buildings in the farm-yard. Noumeer I. Is the front of the houfe and offices, with the brew-houfe and ftore-fhed; between which are gates, forming an entrance to the farm-yard: the buildings are intended to be of brick, covered with flate and thatch: the rooms are intended to be finifhed as propofed in the former plans of this defeription. Noumeer II. Is the elevation of a barn and cow-houfes, on each end of which are weaning- theds for calves: in the roof of the cow-houfes are hay-lofts, which are intended to be flated; the reft to be covered with thatch. Noumeser II. Is the front of a cart-houfe and ftables; at the end is the brew-houfe, fhed, and {tore-houfe; thefe are intended to be built of the fame materials as before defcribed. Numeper IV. Is the elevation of the granary, fcalding-fhed, and ftore-room, the whole of which are intended to be built of quartering and brick noged; the roof to be covered with flate. PeLvwAV EE aakx. A perfpe€tive elevation of the farm-houfe and yard, which offers a command- ing view of the entire arrangement of the feveral buildings compofing this defign. PLATE -X. Contains two defigns for the plans and fronts of fmall thatched dwellings, drawn on a fcale, to accompany the general gradation to be obferved in the country houfes. NuMBER Et ee Noumser I. Is a houfe, containing, on the ground plan, a parlour and kitchen; the entrance’ to the houfe being from the fide, admits the room in the front to occupy the whole extent. Nomeer II. Is a plan on a larger feale; the ground floor confifts of a parlour, ftore-room, and kitchen, with fuitable chambers over them: the fame mode of finifhing my be employed as has been propofed for the farm-houfes. FRONT | 7a fl | | aI E-# i | i | BED CHAMBER PLAN | | | | r I | ( | \ i | | BEST PaRLoun common panroun GROUND PLAN | ha! Middleton Arch bet scuip Publypit according tw Act yf Parliament.dug!r0,1790. Perr orry exoser = y ss — BED CHAMBER PLAN x rit Bef pi a i = * gy o r pea nous |. (S) ececeane |] manner [lero] nace nocen 6 i parry a] ; ‘i : sc GROUND PLAN that Middleton Arch fet eculp ! Publifiid according to tet of Parliament dig 20,7796 — arr rr Rt oes — ‘5 a S 55 0bLr 0x, bingy puauenpers,fo pip oy bitipeors puljyndy panos p9j yady ueor "NV Td ANOIOUD YO Gory wory NOLLIMS § vn. FARM YARD Chat Middleton Arch let seuto! Plyin. a oa ELevArron of the STABLES anacanTHousE 3 D.on kERVATION of thePARM HOUSE kOKETCES T From AtoB.on Pray, iat + es 4 aN mi 2 oo ye oe os a vo wef Chat Middleton Arch! et seulp! . Publichd according to Act of Tartiament Aug '20.47.9 0 A ee 4 Sd od w - i=) Es oS Ae bat 4 Fy