we dng? : Seana n ser! be aay rere ied ee wy osee ‘ Lhe peed ga entOed LA OLPOR pad pnean inp ed ved Df eda as ee OAR IS MrT Erin tt bt Lien. and decane S dnaeian vinwade bene ys we a2 ae Lal eae he bass tgs plan gey sa arma nreede a iapiarQaws se pert i he ete DW ot it oe he hk a oe aicrchenigr Moa 14 eee Darpers getere yen deat ae 6eds ee Ga vbw soars enghemena ee oss: O86 E: ROIS Ser US koala banat rae ari WE a Oe ad as Hy yd ins tases gale aes Cat Ie th de) ye saa Woy, PUTO ae Ue Tac th th carpeiyenete ts ls seer ee Fea ayniueedsont emma soarynas seus’ pith ohh eo" Fepeererir ne Sauna gud hd y pegavaeo sane WAS Oe! iret eee popadtee a gage get sdanes rigs ahh fe dotr nn or ieua yeas as 809 rhaee pipeeed Sy bebe Wad fovea Hamed Ue eet ag A YR OF dase ace nMbAies beara COVESCS F aia cee aed’ seu tied pees reas be bie oie OPERA Pret ie bees Gace hd ves aa tee cop ene gee eyes tian gegen nal a® can wee atta A pene wee ay ely dwar yrs wt ebca deed a Satin zag TY AMEN yun des PUEY POP n YU ir Le ok ae a Ae 5 tae mente sce mp Ng asp dp we DOs Tees BSCE SD Ivo ee Pr nectar hl tht ae Bend wera pe tapes Peevey Wr ee Pa tatnert ae Dae yous areal es ee aoe e IPSs geese See piaee waewy12® Per Er ily Raat eked 4 ORT ERP Ey. Ned wee Whee gs wenger Pea ad haba oy we beater’ apy : bor} she ’ “vag orgs daaceee - re a VRE RA De ot tL) aie i i r eas ihy all erie tur tieke dy Senter sey eaves peurdt dy byeare spay Dh ek Hades RPE SI ToT ed pr Lan Aa ik oh Meberemren Ty Mak) 74 Sas Behe ad VA NEMEE eyis eons vee pep essere setae sta a mage errr ate PER CEE DISS Mohd Peer rt ie ete tn La ty ae Gad epee erage ager veer pipes se aay evar anton tame” Sette, Sere rome pews 7a8 (ope paat a tae dere wus gegevens vy at fas Sek T.atthS4e ee NPA LSE A) i ad » gat le Artist’s CS sasha Is Sold to the McDonough | Galleries. 3 an “Meditation,” ee by a ‘ee. statuesque maiden, and painted by the late W. A.. Bouguereau, led all the prices, at last night’s sale of modern paintings in the galleries of lehe American Art ‘Association. - ht went to the McDonough Galleries for $1,075. The same buyer gave $675 for No. 158; ‘‘Tamailpais,” a landscape by William Keith, and $400 for No. 161, “The Terrace,” by F. B. Williams. | Mr. “Lenox” paid $345 for No. 136,. i “Sheep,” by Jacques; Henry Williams bought No. 146, Robie’s “Silver, Gold and Roses,” for $300, and WwW, Wy. Sea-. panei, agent, gots Nor 170, HOW, Ranger's “Nor ‘cast Weather,” for $230. be, Ee Leroy paid $240 for No. 153, IA Visit Tit Timed,” and $300 for No. 179, “Spearing Fish by Moonlight,” by Albert . Bierstadt. Cc; Be. Stevens gave $3875 for No. 173, George H. Bogert’s “Moonrise,” |and $475 for No. 177, Comerre’s “Odal-. i , isaue, ? Duncan Philips got No. 180, W. M. Chase's “Outskirts of Madrid,” for | 3425; Augustus Clarke paid 3875) for! ! No. 183, George H. Bogert’s “Sunset”; and W. H. Hughes gave $500 for No. 184, Braith’s “Driving Cattle.” The total for the evening was $11,810 and for the whole collection, $15,124. At .the afternoon sale from. thé | Filippo collection of Persian art H, EH. Moniss was the principal buyer. He) gave $77.50 for No. 669, an Ispahan| ‘silk’ brocade; $42.80 for No, 58%. a ' Persian miniature, and $42. 50 for No.) ' 571, a@ sixteenth century miniature. | The total for the session was $3,924, | making the Filippo sale total to date: | $22,824.50. | Se ae lal a ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW : AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 297u, 1918 UNTIL DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A. M, UNTIL 6 P. M. MODERN PAINTINGS BY PROMINENT ARTISTS OF THE FOREIGN AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS DECEMBER 41TH AND STH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK ee et hen ty he es n ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS BY PROMINENT ARTISTS OF THE FOREIGN AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS BELONGING TO SEVERAL ESTATES AND TO PRIVATE OWNERS Gordasaaed Wary ; Wleteudar Vouk, ; thy. b. Grea TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. S. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK acninan Ay Sit fares ARES LENS | THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY w Buyers eee A. Reimann 180 W.S. Russell 181 H. Williams 182 F.K.M. Rehn 183 Mor. Leon 184 % bd 185° H. Williams 186 E.T. Chester 187 Mr. Leon 188 G.L. Rosenberg JeC. Willever Le“, Biddle C.B. Stevens Mr. Leon Henry Widemeyer C.B. Stevens GeL. Rosenberg H. Williams Mr. Leon Frank Baronchiére Henry Widemeyer H. Williams iid ww W. As Fraser T.H. LeRoy D. Calo & Sons. A. Reimann W.W. Seaman, Agt. Otto Bernet, Agt. McDonough Galleries 5, Voss TeH. LeRoy McDonough Galleries Henry Widemeyer Arlington Galleries R. Ederheimer TH. LeRoy R. Ederheimer Henry Widemeyer R. Ederheimer ReAe Gushee WW. Seaman, Act, K. Ellis Mr.Leon C.B. Stevens McDonough Galleries H. Williams bi " C.B. Stevens D. Calo & Son He LeRoy TH. Le Roy John L.Wilkin Sede Frank A.W. Clarke Wm.S. Hughes WW. Seaman, Agt. D. Calo & Son G.E. Rosenberg H. Williams SST ays } ey > “ET oa er $ or e- ‘7? > + ‘ sts f ' oy c™ 32 *t i +, tas soe) fl ee a) a ce” hel * « ‘s ’ ” ¥ f +e" mY wi a ; 4 7 iy Se sf We é pr. ee ¢ ; - met t & Ce rmS a ~ By fie iy 4 - a hk | Ee abe ‘ _- > a wy “ay Buyers ReEderheimer | H.H. Parke, Agent tt ane " George Leary \--------Avds-Pleteau-- W.W. Seaman, Agent C.H. Bull W.H. Peck McDonough Galleries _ Arlington Hed. Smith TC. Schnitzler W. Saunders W.H. Peck John H. Allen S.De Schwarzenberg McDonough Galleries H.H. Parke, Agent McDonough Galleries B. Voss John H. Allen McDonough Galleries W. Saunders McDonough Galleries J. Wasserman HH. Parke, Agent McDonough Galleries WeR. Strobel McDonough Galleries Weston a H.H. Parke, Agent Thomas Hatfield L. Hustis WMH. Olcott B. Voss HH. Parke, Agent J. Wasserman HH. Parke, Agent McDonough Galleries Buyers _ T. Hester | WeW. Seaman, Agt. T. Hester Li ” McDonough Galleries T. Schall | de Wasserman H.C. Lowenstein W. Saunders HH. Parke 9 Agt. K.E. Becker JeSe Berliner R. Ederheimor Ad " Kennedy & Co. w hd J.C. Willever Otto Bernet, Agt. w Ww ” Ruth Teschner a fe Lid w w w Mr.Leon Otto Bernet, Agt. HeWidemeyer My, Leon M, Muller ToHe LeRoy JeSe Berliner Otto Bernet, Agt. WeWe Seaman, Agt. Mr.Leon th] ” WeW.e Seaman, Act. Dr.G.F. Sullivan WH. Peck H. Widemeyer Re Ederheimor we * Ey 2." > >, * OSS oa he Sh. 335 JF Ss eeeinennemesinaaiencatoal : dpi htaat tape eterepncieonoieg ” asc “* A % Ho E “ST Fy? £4 oe OUP} T er a) «TF ole F Sig a& cid ab Vis * : at ‘ ~ y 5 a 1 ‘* ui <3 2 5 Léa Sa a j ’ eal © cad € Vay es & Gin & Lets « a fc a ews LLG 7? feet py a} pn Tae oe T= ) ee gs ee i, Witag Be nf Oe a Lew : ee ste “ P ce — hoe : whe yn - NOT See Ce Rn en ten Bir ie bee oe ae me ee ee oe ~ pik - oe one rin) regs or "> ‘ t> 1 Pe ae ty fT Nie SD ry ete ek Set Mie ae ae e*,.% be ol ‘* * * FF epg Fe By oe st. & PF te i. ese 4 - + : te ot ra ean bi Part rys ~~ ~ Si. ® FF @ ws rp nm TS me pre nm 7* Sng ee GOLT 96680 DATONOG Iie 2 Oe NG é die wo eo t , - -« * ' Pad | | CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 8. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part. for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in. caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “‘as is”? and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration. to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. a eee ee a ee |, a NS i ia Nil FIRST EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK CARL L. ee N.A. AMERICAN: Bee oi _1—YOUNG WOMAN 4 eee gv bee Y od ie Height, 334 mches; width, 3 mches Heap of a young woman with black hair, in full face; a blue ribbon tied under her chin. Signed at the lower left: Cart Branvt. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN FRENCH SCHOOL 2—ON THE es ce 2 he 3 Vaca Colored lithograph: Height, 7 inches; width, 5 mches A pARTy of young men and women on the terrace of a_ French garden; one young man playing the flute, an- other in Pierrot costume standing in background. Property of the Estate of the late FerpINAND HERMANN. ROBERT SCHLEICH GERMAN: 1845— 3 FAGGOT GATHERERS / jf Care. by yY Height, 414, inches; length, 51% inches —_—_" A cart, drawn by an ox and a horse, in right center, on a road; peasant woman bringing faggots from a wood, at left; a plain and a town, in the distance, at right; gray sky. | a Signed at the lower left: Ros. Scuieicn, 1898. Property of the Estate of the late FrerpiInanp HERMANN. KUGENE BUCHIER FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 4—HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRE Be Height, 8 i : wi gr 4 aa / ee eight, 8 inches; width, 54% inches (/ Heap of a girl with auburn hair, red bodice, in three- quarters view to-left. Painted in the style of Henner. Signed at-the upper left: Eve. Bucuter. — | Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp Hermann. WILHELM BROKER 18-4 § — GERMAN: GexntEMPORARY 5—LANDSCAPE Kk. 16, (P rh % Height, 51/4, inches; length, 7Y% inches A mountTAIN brook, a footbridge and a thatched cottage with white walls in a setting of green trees. Signed at the lower right: WitH. Broxer, 1896. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvtTscH. / CARL L. BRANDT, N.A. v3 / AMERICAN :(—1905 6 LANDSCAPE Js Millboard: Height, 54% inches; length, 954 mches LarcE trees in left foreground; meadow and woods in sunlight beyond; a shower passing over sky, at right. Inscription on back: “Oil Sketch by Carl Brandt. Re- ceived from his son, Dr. E. N. Brandt, Tarrytown, Oct. 1909.” Property of the Estate of the late FerpInAND HERMANN. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 7—-SHEEP eee wh oe D4 Geo Millboard: 8 inches square ( ‘Turee Shropshire sheep in a pasture, in foreground; autumnal landscape setting with gray sky. Signed at the lower left: CARLETON WiccINs. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN. EMILIE PREYER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY ee eT Gowrge Mean | > > 4 Height, 7 inches; length, 914 inches GRAPES, a peach, two plums and two acorns, on a table covered with a white cloth. Signed at the lower right: Emitizn Preyer. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTscH. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH ARTIST §—4d GENERAL AND STAFF). pny OLer hr > eae Panel: Height, 8% inches; length, 1014 imches A Frencu general of cavalry with a cuirassier beside him and several troopers back of them, all mounted, on a snow-covered road, just outside of a town. Sky of gray clouds. | Signed with initials at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Drvtscu. FELIX SCHLESINGER GERMAN: 1833— | 10—OV ERCOME ey Card —y ob - Panel: Height, 7 inches; length, a2 inches | ( oo A HALF-LENGTH, seated figure of a peasant with iron gray hair and moustache, with dark blue coat thrown over his shoulders and a walking stick in his left hand, leaning on a table and asleep; a bottle and glass beside him. | Signed at the lower left: F. ScHLEsINGER. Exhibited at Unon League Club, New York, 1892. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1915. Catalogue No. 188. Property of the Estate of the late ALExANDER DEUTSCH. CONTEMPORARY FRENCH ARTIST 11—A CAVALIER y L. Q. fae - Os: Water Color: Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches, oval Har-Leneru sketch of a man in Louis Treize costume with wide pink sash and wide-brimmed hat. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvtTscH. LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— i | [\ f 12—AFTER THE BALL Eee 6. Ve thever, 2 f ee Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches Two elderly men, in evening dress and black overcoats, advancing together, with hats tipped back and their ‘canes held high in the air; back of them an awning over the sidewalk and in the street, at left, a hansom cab. Signed at the lower right: Louis MorE.ier. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1915. Catalogue No, 195. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. CHARLES AUSTIN NEEDHAM AMERICAN: 1844— ys 13—FORGOTTEN POOLS eas. IDES 40a “hi Water Color: Height, 61 inches; length, 11 diches A woop interior with a pool in the left foreground and a figure in black near the trunk of a tree. Signed at the lower right: C. A. NEEpHAM, 1901. Property of the Estate of the late Atexanver Devtscu. CONTEMPORARY DUTCH ARTIST 14—RETURNING H OMA de (3 Wee Pt v6 Millboard: Height, 8 wh, length, 11 wmches. Two elderly peasants, a man and a woman, with tools and a basket of greens, walking, to the left, across a field. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DrEutTscH. JULES LE ROY Frencu: 18383—1865 15—CAT AND KITTENS \Jf Ad ng: (LASTLY Pa) We Panel: Height, 1014 inches; width, 84 inches” — A cart sits on a chair, upholstered with yellow silk, while two kittens are playing with some roses on the floor that have fallen out of a broken vase. Signed at the lower right: J. Le Roy. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTscH. GERARD DOU (ATTRIBUTED) Dutcu: 16138—1675 16—THH HOUSEWIFE ! j —vv Panel: Height, 11 ches; width, 9 inches A woman, with white hood and brown dress, back of a table, which appears in the foreground, cleaning a cop- per-lined pot; in the background, a pump and a shelf, on which stands a candle in a rude candlestick. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. M. BERTIN CoNTEMPORARY 17—COPY OF WILLIAM KRAY'S PSYCHE AT RES e: ee Ce ; ox le Panel: Height, 1214 inches; width, 8 inches A sEATED figure of a young woman, shoulders, breast and arms bare and white drapery covering the lower part of her body. Property of a Private Collector. JOHANN WILHELM PREYER GerMAN: 1803—1889 18—FRUIT 4. - Gree : 3 f 06 Height, 91% inches; length, 12 mches Two peaches, a bunch of grapes and some nuts and acorns, on a marble-top table. Signed at the lower right: J. W. Preyer, 1871. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 14. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutscH. A. CARLL GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 19—AN ARDENT LOVER. oe ast Panel: Height, 1234 inches; width, 9 inches In a wine cellar where, in the background, are several men in gay costumes of the Louis Treize period, seated at a table, a soldier has seized the serving maid and is trying to kiss her though she averts her face with laugh- ing expression. Signed at the lower left: A. Caruy, 1891. Property of a Private Collector. CONTEMPORARY DUTCH ARTIST 20—IN THE WOODS gy Be. Millboard: Height, 9 inches; length, 124% inches A Dvutcu peasant woman and two little children sitting in a wood, with autumn leaves on the ground; sunlight effect. : Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DrEuTscH. WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT American: 1824—1879 VW. A. Bante _ Height, 12 inches; width, 8 mches 21_-MOONLIGHT 1 ad TREES, on either side of the picture, frame in a bit of country with a pond, reflecting the light of the moon, which appears rising over a hillside. On back, “Hunt Sale.” Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1915. Catalogue No. 11. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutTscH. EISMAR-SEMENOWSKY Russian: CoNTEMPORARY 22-AN ODALISQUE “UY: Ce Pane: Hew. 13 inches; width, 914 inches = amt A HEAD and bust picture, in full face, of a young woman with long black tresses, wearing a cap adorned with gold sequins and a red bodice with pink sleeves. Signed at the upper right: E1ismar-SEMENOWSKY, Paris. On back of panel an inscription: “I declare that this pic- ture was painted to the order of Craig and Evans.” Signed, EIsMAR-SEMENOwSskY, Paris, 1891. Property of a Private Collector. MARY SMITH AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY yp 23—TAKING THE HI ne Carry / oe ot Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches ( pe A group of four little downy chickens, with a black one much larger than the other three. The black one is scudding away before the belligerent attack of a small white one. _ Signed at the lower left: Mary Smirn. Signed, also, on back of canvas, and dated 1867. Biers of a Private Collector. CONTEMPORARY DUTCH ARTIST 24—IN THE GARDEN yy. YG, [© 15 — Millboard: Height, 9 inches; length, 121% eh ro te _ A FARMER'S garden with a well and a little boy in blue beside it, a cottage, at left, and another building beyond, green vegetables growing, at right, and gray sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late ALexanpER DeEvTSCH. EK. ROSIO y 6 ConTEMPORARY Oe oe = —— 4 NDSCAPE Millboard: Height, 9 inches; length, 1494 inches A ponp in the foreground, trees on the right, saplings and a building, at left, and blue morning sky. Signed at the lower right: E. Rosto. Property of the Estate of the late ALexanpEeR Devrtscu, XAVIER WAEFLER Dutcu: ConTEMPORARY 26—SKATING IN HOLA / : ¢’ Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches Numerous men and women skating and pushing sledges on a frozen river which extends to the distance where a town is dimly seen; houses on the shore, at right, sky of clouds and blue. Signed at the lower right: X. WAEFLER. Property of a Private Collector. ANGELO ASTI Irauian: 1847—1908 Me Wirrrgh 3 gee Height, 1834 inches; width, 101% inches ( | 27—-HE AD A. HEAD of a young woman with dark hair, the profile to left; blue-gray drapery ne the shoulders and dull crimson background. Signed at the lower left: A. Astt. Property of the Estate of the late ALExaANDER Derutscu. CHARLES LINFORD AMERICAN: 1846—1897 / 28—-FOREST INTERIORL Lio lpe Lp Mori, go Met Lg . Panel: Height, 138%4 inches; width, 10. inches Bircu trees in the foreground, with the sun gilding their trunks, a clearing and a mass of woods beyond and a bit of blue sky. } 3 Signed at the lower left: C. Liyrorp. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES LINFORD AMERICAN! 1846—1897 29—_THE BROOK IN THE WO S Be Cece f —y vu Panel: Height, 18%4 mches; width, (10 inches oS A .1TT1E brook, in the foreground, with gray bowlders on its banks; at right, a birch tree in sunlight, and, be- yond, a forest and clearing. Signed at the lower left: C. Lixrorp. Property of a Private Collector. TRASK Ait eTCAN Cos TEMPORARY ; 304 NEW YORK STREET SCENE, Ve See Water Color: Height, 14 inches; Deere inches eee A STREET scene in one of the crowded quarters of New York, with market women and pushcarts and a eee ing of people, up the street, on the rghb Signed at the lower ee ‘ase Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvTscH. XAVIER WAEFLER Dutcu: ConTEMPORARY 31—WINTER IN HOLLAND Panel: Height, 91% inches; length, 15 inches ROS Wey In the foreground, on a frozen river, are men playing hockey, market women pushing a sledge and, in the distance, other skaters; a house and a windmill, on the right; evening sky of gray with pink at the horizon. Signed at the lower right: WAEFLER. Property of a Private Collector. A. KNOOP GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 382—THE CONNOISSEURS C7 ¢* Panel: Height, 13°, inches; aiaihs Pn inches Jpn: . THREE gentlemen, with white perruques, wearing cos- tumes of the Louis Seize period, two seated and one standing back of them, looking at a picture on an easel, while the artist stands in the background awaiting their : comments on his work. Signed at the lower left: A. KNoop, MtncHeEn, 1892. Property of a Private Collector. J. ALFRED MOHLTE ConTEMPORARY | 23—ARMISTICE 3 4 ) 3 COs aa ye bh ace Height, 101% inches; length, 14 inches Two cupids, who have tired of activities , reclining, asleep, on a marble bench; bows and quiver have dropped from their hands. Signed at the lower left: J. ALFrepD Mouurs, Paris, 1897. Accompanied by a letter from the artist affirming that he painted the picture. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvtTscH. LUIGI ROSSI IraLtIAN: CONTEMPORARY 341—A LADY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY El pee _ Panel: Height, 181% inches; width, 10 A HALF-LENGTH picture of a lady, the head in three- quarters to left; powdered hair, wide brim hat, with white plume; white neck drapery, red ribbon bow and black tulle wrap about the shoulders. b Signed at the lower right: L. Rossi. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Derurtscu. RHODA HOLMES NICHOLLS = Be AMERICAN: ae a 0 2 35—THE RED HOUSE AGF Kerth, Water Color: Height, 141% wmches; width, 10 mches A STREET scene with a dark red frame building occupy- ing the middle of the picture; a little girl, two donkeys and some chickens, near a doorway; a glimpse of gray and blue sky above the roofs. Signed at the lower left: Roopa Hoimes NIcHoLts. Property of the Estate of the late ALexaNvEr Devrtscu. EDWARD MORAN AMERICAN: 1829—1901 ase Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches 36—FISHING BOATS A FISHING smack with brown sails, towing a small boat in which are two men, is riding the waves, near the mid- dle of the picture; at right, a headland with buildings; at left, sailboats on the horizon; stormy sky with bits of blue. Signed at the lower left: E. Moran. Property of a Private Collector. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ARTIST 37—AUTUMN IN THE BERKSHIRE HILLS an CaaS Height, 14 inches; ae In the foreground, a brook and figures; at left, a tree in red-brown foliage and a red mill with a wagon at the © door; on the right, a valley and hills; sky of gray and white clouds with a space of blue. No signature: Title on back but no name of artist. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DruTscH. CONTEMPORARY ARTIST 38—DOCKS AND SHIPPING mS y a Ve ‘4 ekh_ moe a Pastel: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches ‘A srrEet, on the right, with sheds, docks and shipping extending from the left foreground into the distance; eray-blue sky. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEuTSCH. F. VISCONTI FrencH: CONTEMPORARY 39—FOREST OF ES ae ain va (Oo ee 9 xe » Panel: Height, 11 inches; length, 1434 inches A LANDSCAPE recalling in color and treatment the work | ofeDiaz but possessing merits of its own. A pool is seen in the foreground beyond which is a clearing, in sunlight, and on either side are trees with foliage of brown and green. Sky of warm tinted white clouds and a space of blue. Signed at the lower left: F. Visconti, 75. Property of the Estate of the late FrErpiInanp HERMANN. WILLIAM MASON BROWN AMERICAN: 1830—1898 40—A BASKET OF PEACHES | | : Via 6 OLb Ue ake Height, 14 inches; width, 12 yghes A wicker basket, lving on its side, and its contents, eight or nine large peaches, rolling out on the grass. Signed at the lower left: Wm. M. Brown. Property of a Private Collector. JULES LE ROY Frencu: 18383—1865 41—CAT AND KITTENS ee Height, 16 inches; w age a A wuite cat, with brown and black markings, ner on a blue- -upholstered stool, with a kitten beside hei looking down at another kitten, lapping milk from a> saucer on the floor; crimson curtain in background. Signed at the lower left: J. Lu Roy. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvutTscH. WILLIAM M. HARNETT AMERICAN: 1851— 42 THE MEERSCHAUM PIPE 7, gees Height, 17 inches; rae Oe AL MEERSCHAUM pipe, with cherrywood stem and Amber mouthpiece, suspended by a cord on a dark green wood panel; a newspaper clipping pasted on the panel below. Signed at the lower left: W. M. Harnert, 1886. Property of a Private Collector. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 43—LANDSCAPE AND Tae im rc A0 anverigh Lakloreg oS ie ee Miboard: Height, 114% inches; length, AD inches C A numper of sheep grazing in foreground; trees \ right and at left; twilight sky of gray clouds with spaces of blue. Signed at the lower left: CarntETON WiccINs. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTSCH. EMIL LUND GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 44—IN HARVEST TIME aA (> ee Mert eo Height, 12 inches; length, 1614 inches In a harvest field, in the foreground, where grain has been cut and shocked up, peasant men and women are busy loading a wagon with the sheaves. In the middle distance the field is bordered with trees, and a river and hills appear beyond; sky of pale blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower right: Emin Lunp. Property of the Estate of the late ALExANDER DeEuTScH. EUGEN VON BLAAS AUSTRIAN: 1843-— 45—PEAS ANT BOY ho oh 4) V2 ___ Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1334 inche A weap and shoulders picture of a boy with dark hair, a roughly plaited straw hat on his head, and wearing a white shirt and gray waistcoat. ! Signed at the right, and dated 1884. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvuTSCH. ERNEST ZIMMERMAN GERMAN: 1852— 46—IN THE TAVERN O74 15a Height, 18% inches; AG: 171 tng fes x Two peasants who have been throwing dice are se at a table and have stopped their game to discuss some disputed point. An old man, who may be the innkeeper, is back of them, placing a jug on the table. In the background, at left, a man is courting the serving maid. Signed at the lower left: ERNEST ZIMMERMAN, MUNCHEN. Property of the Estate of the late FrErpInanp HERMANN, LOUIS KLEIN GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 47—IN THE WINE CELLAR [3A ee a pe Panel: Height, 1414 inches; length, 1734 inches Two well-fed monks, one in brown, the other in white and black, seated on either side of a barrel and dis- cussing the wine which the monk in brown, who holds the bottle, has offered in a glass to his companion. Signed at the lower right: L. Kiet. Property of a Private Collector. aura) fl s ff 48—IN THE BOUDOIR |, %. On AG Pastel: Height, 12 inches; length, 181% inches A FULL-LENGTH figure, in profile to left, of a young woman with pink drapery, seated on a couch and read- ing. Signed at the lower right: G. Boity. Property of the Estate of the late ALexanpER DevTscu. GEORGES CHICOTOT FreENcH: CONTEMPORARY | becteeeae 49—LE BILLET DE LOGEMENT | / 5 ne Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. A young officer of the Chasseurs Alpins, in uniform worn before the present war, saluting a lady in pink gown as he presents his billet for the night. The setting for the figures consists of the garden of a country house with wide-spreading trees, lawn and pillared gateway. Signed at the lower right: Cuicoror, GEorGEs. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. A. VON HUSENETH GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY ~ 50—YOUNG FOXES QQ. F Rakaarr_, / Qt | Pastel: Height, 1914 inches; width, 1834 inches Two young foxes peering out from a hole in the trunk of a hollow tree; at right, a bit of field and sky. Signed at the lower right: A. von Husenertu. Property of the Estate of the late ALexaANpDER Derutscu. ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY {) ¢€ ; A si-ROSES PINK Wiel) prproh Lalhrug o| 0 Ne Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches (7 A HEAD and bust picture, in full face, of a young woman with blond hair, a white fichu about the shoul- ders, and holding at her breast a bunch of pink roses; crimson curtain background. Signed at the left, above the shoulder: A. Prior. James B. Brady Sale, American Art Association, 1918. Cata- logue No. 14. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeutTscu. A. VON HUSENETH GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 52--THE PICK OF A vk /# Pastel: Height, 14 inches; length, 22 mches Tue heads of two foxhounds, brown faces and white necks, coupled with a link chain attached to their col- lars. Signed at the lower left: A. von HusENETH. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTSCH. FRENCH SCHOOL 58—YOUNG LADY AND DOG, Wa oe ot : : : Per an oi Mezzotint: Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches A HALF-LENGTH of a young lady seated, to left, the face turned to full view, with a little dog held on her lap. | ith Property of the Estate of the late AtexanpER Devutscu. JAMES GALE TYLER AMERICAN: 1855— 54—SAILING IN LIGHT AIRS 3 0 ve Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches A. TWO-MASTED Vessel, with patched sails, moving slowly over blue waters; in right foreground, some rocks and two dories; sky of white clouds and blue. Signed at the lower right: James G. Tyrer. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEutscH. FRANK RUSSELL GREEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— bo THE MARKET PLACE (\ jf ae eae atte eye A "4 a Height, 16 inches; length, 20 tnches A GATHERING of market women, peasants and one or two bourgeoises of the pleasant town of Nemours, in a square lined by a church and other buildings. Baskets of fruit and vegetables are set out on the pavement for the inspection of the buyers and a cat is passing behind the crowd. Signed at the lower right: Frank Russert Green, A.N.A., Nemours, FRANCE. Property of the Estate of the late ALrxaANpER DEuTSCH. G. BONFILS CoNTEMPORARY 56—A MOONLIGHT Ws S, | a y (SU Height, 2114 inches; width, 18 inches A FULL-LENGTH nude, female figure, in back view, in a landscape setting, in a moonlight effect. Signed at the lower left: G. BonFits. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. LUDWIG MUNTHE Norwecian: 1841—1896 51—WINTER EVENING ON THE BALIC ah § —— ~ Panel: Height, 14 inches; length, 2144 inches AL WINTER landscape with late sunset effect. On a snow- covered beach, in the foreground, are boats drawn up and two figures; on the right, a fishing village; at left, a frozen harbor; sky of clouds with ruddy light at horizon. Signed at the lower right: L. MuntuHe. Combination Sale, American Art Association, February, 1918. Catalogue No. 39. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvuTscH. A. VON HUSENETH GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 58—HORSES PAs Voth (7) $v . Pastel: Height, 22 inches; width, 14 inches Tue heads of two horses, one dark chestnut, the other dun color with white face, close together, over a manger in which there is some grass. Signed at the lower left: A. v. HusEnetu. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEurTscH. VWs MARTENS DutcH: ConceMPoRary. 183 3 - 1890. 59 —DEV OTION Cea ko Pa i LLY VL & Bey ‘“_ Panel: Height, 211% inches; width, 1514 inches A young lady, in rich brown robe, stands on a stool, in a church and leans forward as she kisses a low relief of The Virgin and Child, which is illuminated by a single candle. Kneeling on the floor, at left, is a woman praying. Signed at the lower left: W. J. Martens, Fc. Roma. Property of a Private Collector. 35 30 A. VON HUSENETH GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY { han ; 60—READY VAR —+ Pastel: Height, 214% inches; width, 181% inches TE head of a black horse, with white star on forehead; light yellow leather bridle and snaffle bit; background of wall and window. Signed at the lower left: A. v. HusENETH. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEuTSCH. CHARLES LEICKERT Beueian: 1817— 61—_WINTER IN maf Ae Ue Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Te AL FROZEN river on which people are skating fills the foreground and left middle distance; on the shore, at right, a house and pillared gateway with figures, on a road; near the middle of the picture a skaters’ hut sur- mounted with the Dutch flag; sky of warm, gray clouds. Signed at the lower left: Cu. LeicKert, F. 759. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825—1905 62—W AITING are Latlerety rig Oy. Height, 24 inches; width, 114% inches Aw Italian young woman, with pink gown and white headdress, depicted leaning forward, in profile to left, beside a wall in a park, her right hand upraised as she listens for approaching footsteps; background of green foliage. Signed at the lower right: W. A. BoucuEREAv. Property of a Private Collector. GORDON ERTZ American: 1891— 683—_THE DANCE i Yirve. eats O-d- SZ Water Color: Height, 16 inches; PG 2014 inches On a white throne, at right, an Oriental potentate is seated in a carved and inlaid armchair. His gaze is fixed on a young woman, at left, who is posturing before him, on a blue rug spread on the flower studded grass. In the distance a line of tree trunks, a piece of blue water, temples, a full moon rising and scattered stars. Signed at the lower left: Gorpon Errz. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutscHu. WILLEM RJIS (?) DutrcH: CONTEMPORARY 64—SCENE IN HOLLAND he tebe a J Water Color: Height, 15 Ages length, 22 mches A roap leads from the right foreground to a town, in the middle distance, showing the red roofs of houses, a church tower and a windmill, under a sky of gray clouds. On the left, an estuary of the sea with some boats at shore. On the road a peasant with blue blouse is riding to town on a white horse. Signed at the lower right: W1tLEM Rots. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN. DUTCH SCHOOL 65—LANDSCAPE ee CATTLE Glin, ed tah Pe Height, 16 riches ap Micke In the foreground are cattle, sheep and goats and a donkey pannier-laden. On the left, rugged trees. In the middle distance, a pink-walled house and farther away, green-topped hills. On the right, beyond a small water-way, are buildings and church spires partly hid- den in the mist. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HerMann. GORDON ERTZ American: 1891— 66-—THE SERENADE ae LEG Taney, 4 ve Water Color: Height, 16 inches; length, 234 inches In the immediate foreground an Oriental pleasure boat with high, crested prow, filled with cushions; amid them a young woman, reclining, and a man playing a lute; on the left a flowery bank and, beyond, a calm sea with the waters reflecting a crescent moon which shines in a blue sky. Signed at the lower left: Gorpon Ertrz, 1915. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTSCH. HARRY CHASE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 67—_STILL LIFE w fs Height, 24 inches; width, 14 We e. f ( A TALL, slender urn of green and copper bronze with a bunch of red, white and yellow roses and other blossoms. Signed at the lower right: H. Cuass, °71. Property of the Estate of the late Frrpinanp Hermann. K. TERMUHLEN AUSTRIAN : CONTEMPORARY 68—AFTERGLOW CT HH / Be bu Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Meapows and a pool, in the foreground, and a hillside 4 at right; sky of clouds tinged with red light and a streak of bright orange at the horizon. Signed at the lower right: K. TERMUHLEN. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. LOUIS EMILE ADAN Frencu: 1839— : oo THE FISHERUAN |p ey, | 33% Height, 141% inches; length, 24 inches (| STANDING at the edge of a deep, green pool formed by a stream that rushes swiftly down a slope at left, is a bare- legged fisherman with brown beret and corduroys who is about to sling a net into the water; on the farther shore of the pool, a hillside with grass and rocks. Signed at the lower left: L. Emre ApAN. Property of a Private Collector. GUSTAVE ADOLPHE WIEGAND AMERICAN: 1870— 70—SPRING BLOSSOMS Wy | i Height, 16 inches; length, 2 A FARMHOUSE with high, hipped roof, on the right, in a grassy yard where there are apple trees in blossom; in the left foreground, a pond; a stretch of country in the distance, and a late afternoon sky of pale blue with clouds. 4 wnches Signed at the lower right: Gustave WIEGAND. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Devtscu. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE LOW-RELIEF 7I—_MADONNA AND CHILD St Composition, Colored f— C Lo Ucco OmMmpost ton O i- eee, : | ly. dV e! 4 _ Height, 25 inches; width, 1514 wmches Tuer Madonna in red, gold embroidered gown, with white headdress striped with red, holding the nude In- fant to her breast; gold halos and copper-gold back- ground. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Drvrscu. GUSTAVE ADOLPHE WIEGAND AmERIcAN: 1870— 72—LANDSCAPE — of. (O an he Gout ie M as H aoe 16 inches; length, 24 inches Aw oak tree on a hillock, at the right; a road with a flock of sheep, in the center foreground; rolling country be- yond, and a blue sky, with a few white clouds. Signed at the lower left: G. WrrcAnp. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 73—A FRIENDLY Oe oh / es Lal foe Height, 18 Fee ari length, 24 inches Two old men sitting beside a table, on which is a See of wine, touching their glasses as they are about to drink; carefully painted furniture and bric-a-brac in the room in which they are sitting. Stgned at the lower right: Louis Moriuer, N.A. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Devutscu. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 74_LANDSCAPE Y, iO : ne 2), vy’ —= Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches A ponD, in the right foreground; low hills in the middle distance, with clumps of trees; sky of purple-gray clouds with touches of orange at the horizon. Signed at the lower left: JosepuH H. Boston. Property of the Estate of the late ALExANDER DevtTscu. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, AN.A. AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY 75—LANDSCAPE /) Yr. 1K ae Qa hr F ie 4) gé Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches A pLatn, in the foreground, with a pond, red-roofed houses and a belt of trees; beyond, a range of blue moun- tains: sky of blue-gray, with orange-tinted clouds; the full moon in the upper left. Signed at the lower left: JosepH H. Boston. Property of the Estate of the late ALExaNDER DEUTSCH. L. GRANER CoNTEMPORARY 76—SUNSET Ny Fc :nn tee o> + SY = Height, 1924 inches; length, 2734 inches Tue lower half of the canvas is filled with the waters of a harbor, reflecting a sunset sky with orange light at the horizon; steamers in docks, on the left. Signed at the lower left: L. Graner, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. L. GRANER CoNTEMPORARY 77_SHIPPING he pele Height, 191% inches; length, 271 inches pA Lae 2 A. NUMBER Of sailing vessels, all with bare poles, on the left, in a harbor; buildings on shore indicated beyond, and sky of white and blue. Signed at the lower right: L. Graner, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutTscnH. LEON FRANCOIS COMERRE Frencu: 1850— 784 FLORENTINE MAIDEN (3 \/ Oe Sas Height, 271% inches; width, 191% inches A youNnG woman, with long blond hair falling over her bare shoulders, depicted in half-length, full face, before a background of gilt mosaic; pink low bodice with a girdle above the breasts; gold crown of bay leaves, such as were worn in Florence during the Renaissance, and a red-covered book in her hands. Signed at the lower right: Léon CoMeERRe. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvTSCH. KAPPIS GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY : a 79—LANDSCAPE -%. ( > ae gene p— OO . s . . * 33 — Height, 271% inches; width, 201% inches \ A HARVEST scene with a wheat field, on a foreground slope, where peasants are loading a wagon with the yellow sheaves; a lake on the right, and hills on the farther shore. Sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right: Karris, 1884. Property of the Estate of the late FErprInaNnp HERMANN. L. GRANER CONTEMPORARY PY 80—STREET SCENE AT ae Lee $1 Bee: Height, 211% inches; length, 271% inches A nicut effect, with an open space and a figure in the foreground; buildings, lighted lamps and two windows showing light within, in middle distance; dark gray- blue sky. Signed at the lower right: L. GRraner. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DrutscH. {3 Yi dan~ CHMIELOWSKI PorisH: ContEMPORARY 18 YO — 81-THE GUARD \V YY arden 4 — S Y Height, 21 inches; length 4 271 inches In a snow-covered ravine where, on ite left, a wayside lantern with red glass sheds its rays on the bushes beside it, a party of three men with their horses are slowly advancing. The foremost is on foot, leading his horse, while the other two behind him are riding. Nightfall sky of blue and white. Signed at the lower right: CHMIELOWSKI. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeutTscu. CONTEMPORARY ARTIST 82—C AV ALIER es Liman 29 ches; width, 16 inches Copy of a portion of a museum picture depicting a man with gray felt hat and white plume, before a background of a flag. Property of a Private Owner. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 88—THEH VALLEY ff» | y 6 w Vig Of L Y C — Height, 18 inches; length, 32 inches From foreground heights with a tree, at left, grass and herbage, the picture presents a view of a wide level val- ley extending to distant hills. In the gray hazy sky the sun appears somewhat dimly shining and its light is reflected in a river which flows through the fields. Signed at the lower right: R. A. BuaKEeLock. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutscH. LEON FRANCOIS COMERRE Frencu: 1850— 84—M ORNING aces 19 gue Height, 34 inches; width, 29 inches = = A youne woman, with curling blond locks and wear- ing a pink and white striped low bodice, is depicted in full face, looking out of a circular window, a red cur- tain pushed away behind her. The window is encircled by morning glory vines in blue and, above, at the right, hangs a cage with two canaries. Signed at the lower right: Lton ComeErre. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEuTscH. FRANKLIN D. BRISCOE AMERICAN: 1844—19038 85—LANDSCAPE ‘is , teh ie mee oC ct Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Iorrst trees, including birches, with autumn foliage, stand in the foreground, their branches reaching to the top of the canvas. Ina clearing beyond are two cows, and the composition is completed by a glimpse of sky. Signed at the lower right: F. D. Briscor, °71. Property of a Private Collector. << ALBERT PIKE LUCAS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 86-—NOCTURNE eg os ee | | Yr. | sy = Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Iw the foreground, dimly seen at night, are a roadway, fields and trees. Above rises a sky of warm blue inter- mingled with orange with patches of dark cloud amid which shines the light of the moon. A few stars twinkle in the open spaces. Signed at the lower right: ALBERT P. Lucas. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 63. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEuTScH. K. TERMUHLEN AUSTRIAN: CONTEMPORARY 87 LANDSCAPE WV -W. GPrarnvaer — ve ; 4 J § — Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches TreEs, in green foliage, on the left and at the right, framing a vista of plain, and summer sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower left: K. TeERMUHLEN. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp Hermann. SO EMILE CHARLES DAMERON Frencu: 1848—1908 88—ARRIV AL IN PORE : WA ee v erie Height, 26 inches; length, 361 inches A Frencu warship of a generation ago has arrived at a Mediterranean port from some distant land, loaded with troops and civilians. Gathered about the great vessel are numerous boats with single masts and lateen sails, all crowded with welcoming friends of all classes of the population. Sunlight effect and blue sky. Signed at the lower right: EK. DAMERoN. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE, R.A. Bririsu: 1794—1859 89 CONSTANCY CC See Ld Mets Height, 28 inches; length, 34 mches In a richly furnished apartment in an English country house a blond-haired young woman, in pink gown with train, is seen kneeling, in profile to left, before a table, and holding up before her a miniature. The room is but dimly lighted by a window, at left, and a portrait of a gentleman of the time of Charles the Second hangs over a doorway. | Signed at the lower right: C. R. Lesuie. Property of a Private Collector. ) matey & » 8 tao” re ae, i AsO r 1 ‘ See ne | aS ‘e * ae i - Los } “ cee M } Botan oer RUDOLPH ERNST GERMAN: 1854— ya) /) / / 1) ‘ | 90—IN THE HAREM Tye “ug mpeg abn, Ye 7 —— Panel: Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Ow a low seat which lines the marble walls of a luxuri- ous Oriental apartment with a circular marble plunge ‘in the left foreground, a richly garbed young woman lies at ease while another, seated on the floor before her, is painting and polishing her nails. Signed at the lower right: R. Ernsv. James B. Brady Sale, American Art Association, 1918. Cata- logue No. 54. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvurTscH. L. GRANER CONTEMPORARY 91—_CENTRAL PARK, aie mmere | ees yas a of Height, 36 inches; Length, 48 inches A view in Central Park at early evening, from inside the Fifth Avenue entrance, with the lights lits and auto- mobiles passing on the driveway; in the left foreground, © trees with branches reaching to the top of the canvas; on the right, in the middle distance, the Plaza Hotel. Signed at the lower left: L. Graner. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeuTscH. L. GRANER CoNTEMPORARY SUNSET OVLE ae V —py b , ae Height, 37 inches; length, 47 inches THE wide expanse of a river, with vessels, a tug and a motor boat, fills the lower half of the picture; at the left, a strip of distant shore with buildings; on the right, the sun is sinking below a cloud bank of warm dark gray and orange-tinted clouds float above in the blue. Signed at the lower right: L. GRraner. i Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvutTscH. BERTHOLD GENZMER GERMAN: CoNTEMPORARY 93—CATTLE COMING HOM, » | » OS COILIOU PE OF A BLACK and white cow, in left foreground, is at the head of a group coming forward through a lane bordered with trees in green foliage. The last rays of the sun trickle through the leaves and make spots of light on the road, in the middle distance; on the left, a barn. Ge : P a d Height, 314% inches; length, 431% inches Signed at the lower right: B. GENzMER. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTSCH. L. GRANER CoNTEMPORARY 94_AGUADORES VV. TOE ELI 3 ji Height, 2714 inches; length, 55 inches A croup of four men, in half length, across the canvas, with the second from the left wearing a white shirt and crowned with vine leaves as a modern Bacchus. Signed at the lower right: L. GRANER. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUuTSCH. BERTHOLD GENZMER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 95—CHILDREN AT PLAY io (> whl 3 A _ Height, 38514 mches; ay 5314 inches A pevy of little girls and boys playing at a-Rosy on the village green; in the right foreground, a “little mother” and a crying child; in the background the houses of the little town. Signed at the lower left: B. GzENzMER. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEutscH. L. GRANER CoNTEMPORARY 96—PRYING EYES AA», { — Height, 57 inches; width, 37 inches all Two full-length figures of men, in the everyday clothes of “the lower ten,” peering through a crack between a pair of doors through which, and at the floor line, streams the light of a room within. a hee Signed at the lower right: L. GRANER. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvutTscH. LEON HERBO BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY 97—TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHON fe G Height, 564 inches; width, 40 Lye, ‘o A croup of four figures with the monk in brown habit, seated, two young women, partly draped, in close prox- imity, and an emissary of the lower regions, with spread- ing wings, as the dominating figure; background of blue sky. Signed at the lower left: Lton Herso, 1888. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DrutTscH. SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK M. LAMBRON FRENCH: ConNTEMPORARY 98—A BOTANIST mea S wr MAAR Z, Pak Ko ot eae Panel: Height, 534 inches¥ width, 4 inches A GENTLEMAN in Directoire costume, red coat, pink breeches, white waistcoat, black hat, seated on a bench in a park, his legs stretched out and reading a book. His butterfly net, tin specimen case and other para- phernalia are laid aside as he cools himself with a fan held in his right hand. Signed at the lower left: LAmBron, 773. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInaNnD HERMANN. JEAN BAPTISTE HUET Frencu: 1745—1811 99—PASTORAL FIGURE ip C J Vi 7, eae ‘(Companion to No. 100) Water Color: Height, 534 inches; width, 414, inches A SHEPHERDESS, seated, in a landscape setting, with her dog lying beside her and sheep in the background. Signed at the upper right: J. B. Huet, 1775. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. JEAN BAPTISTE HUET Frencu: 1745—1811 100-—-PASTORAL FIGURE Le & i (Companion to No. 99) 7 es Water Color: Height, 584 inches; width, 444 mches. A. YOUNG woman, seated, in a landscape setting with two sheep beside her. Signed at the upper right: J. B. Hurt, 1775. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. GIACOMO DE GUARDI Iraian: 101-VENETIAN SCENE Mead F? a. (Companion to No. 102) fe” Water Color: Height, 414 inches; length, 634 inches A view of the Plaza of Saint Mark with the Campanile at the left, and numerous figures. Property of the Estate of the late FerpInanp HERMANN. GIACOMO DE GUARDI ITALIAN: ‘) 102-VENETIAN SCENE TA Ate FO "ecole (Companion to No. 101) Lin thy Vv" Water Color: Height, 41/4, inches; length, 6°4 inches \ A view in Venice with boats in foreground waters, churches and other buildings along the quays, at right. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN. WILHELM LOWITH Ro 186i 103--THE PROCLAMATION (\ 7) of. XK Aloe Height, 6 inches; ges V inches A soLpIeR in cocked hat is jane against the wall, reading from a leaflet held in his right hand. At his back is a large stove and in front of him and against the wall is a bench on which lie his dagger and belt. Signed at the upper left: W. Lowrru, and dated 1888. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. CHARLES BARGUE FrencH: —1883 104A—IN THE STUDIO UG Barat Cg /6C°= Water Color: Height, 634 inches; width, 3°4 inches AwN artist, in wine-colored, long coat, with white per- ruque, seated on a stool, in back view to the spectator, engaged in making a drawing. Stamped: “Vente Bargue, 1883,” at lower right. Property of the Estate of the late FrErpDINAND Hermann. LORD FREDERICK LEIGHTON, P.R.A. Qc BritisH: OPS onc haa eae | 105 PORTRAIT OF RAPHAEL Water Color: Height, 51/4 inches; width, 4 inches A. very carefully painted head and bust portrait of Raphael, after a well-known portrait painted by the great artist himself. Signed at the lower left: Frep. Letcuron. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Britiso: 1727—1788 : ty Siew A ceed Fee : 3 oo : : ae ae ee Cor OZe . A AMAMGNE Je Pencil drawing: Height, 5°/, inches; length, 7°4 inches Ciumps of trees, along a roadside, and the roof of a house appearing above the foliage. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp Hermann. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Britisu: 1727—1788 107—LANDSCAPE yi tte | ett BL fel < J Pencil drawing: Height, 6 inches; length, 7% inches A LARGE tree in left foreground and a castle in the mid- dle distance. | Property of the Estate of the late Frerpinanpd HERMANN. VASSILI VERESTCHAGIN Russian: 1842—1904 108-WALL AND sTREAM ‘), \/ pee i Od =< Panel: Height, 6 inches; length, 914 inches A CRUMBLING stone wall, some green herbage and a brook. Apparently a study of a bit of Oriental scenery. Property of a Private Collector. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Britiso: 1727—1788 109--LANDSCAPE Se ovce 4p / ALEVE ra) ¢c be U/ “Pencil Drawing: Height, 524, inches; length, 73/4, inches A BELT of trees across the picture, a farm gate at left and a pond in right foreground. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Britisu : 1727—1788 110—LANDSCAPE ee en Cae : \ LALA 4A LS — Pencil Drawing: Height, 5°4 inches; length, 73/4 inches A Road in middle of the picture with a cottage em- bowered amid trees. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp Hermann. o at toe Panel: Height, 101% inches; width, 844 inches 37d CHARLES SCHREIBER Frency: ConTEMPORARY LU—THE CURE’S VISE A A croup of two figures in a French cottage, depicting the visit of a parish priest, in black soutane and wearing a black hat, to an elderly peasant woman, seated by her fireplace, to whom the curé, standing before her, is offer- ing a pinch of snuff. Signed at the lower right: Cu. SCHREIBER, 795. Property of a Private Collector. LORD FREDERICK LEIGHTON, P.R.A. Rairisn 18302 toon . 112—THE SAVIOR, THE VIRGIN AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST oo (After Raphael) yy cS oe gn Water Color: Height, 914 imches; length, 11% inches Tue figure of Christ, with white robe, enthroned in the center; the Virgin, in blue, at left, and Saint John, in crimson and brown, at right. Signed at the lower right: Frep. LercHrTon. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE a FRENCH: 1813184 w, 1183—_CHICKENS AND DUCKS — | Panel: Height, 91% wmches; length, 12% inches A Fiock of hens, with a gaily feathered rooster, scratch- ing on a straw stack and a white duck with her family of ducklings near a little pool, on the left; sky of warm, pale grays. Signed at the lower right: Cu. Jacque. Property of a Private Collector. LUIS JIMENEZ SpanisH: 1845— 14—_-LADY HMBROIDERING y ie 0 “Panel: Height, 1834 inches; width, 10V/ inches In a pleasantly furnished French interior, with red car- pet and a red curtain at the window, on the left, a young woman wearing a flowered gown is seated with an em- broidery frame on her lap and a work table beside her. Signed at the lower right: Luis JimENEz, Paris, 1891. Property of a Private Collector. JOHN LA FARGE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1835—1910 11I5s—THE LADY OF mae a an r WYAnvo_ | of Panel: H eight, 9 inches; length, 1434 inches Tue recumbent figure of the Lady of Shalott is here depicted in a gown of pale lilac-gray, her head resting on a pillow in the bow of a boat and her hands clasped on her breast. On the farther shore of the river are a hillside and a clump of trees, and in the sky there is a gleam of light at the horizon. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 138. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Drutscnu. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1905 116é—THE MINIATURE (_ Ke xe (, £6 cp { wes C Ay ‘ : Panel: Height, 13%4 inches; width, 101% inches A younG woman of the brunette type, in Louis Quinze costume of green flowered bodice, white satin skirt and dull orange and white overskirt, seated before a dress- ing table and looking at a miniature held in her left hand. Signed at the right: G. Jacquet. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Deurscn. a / ier FREDERICUS JACOBUS DU CHATTEL Beuaian: 1856— _ Ay T 4 y 7 117—EV ENING as Le : Panel: Height, 9 Thee ength, 13 inches | A PLacip river occupies the foreground and the right middle distance; on the shore at left, clumps of trees; the yellow sunset sky is partly filled with gray clouds. Signed at the lower right: Frep. J. pu CHaTrTet. Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS DESCHAMPS Frencu: 1846— = R : 118—MAGDALEN \ fe cnn KES “©! Panel: H eight, 1814 inches; width, 1014 inches ’ A. YOUNG woman, with dark red drapery, leaning for- ward over a table, with her right hand supporting her head; an open book before her. Signed at the lower right: Louts DescHamps. Property of the Estate of the late AuexanpEr Devutscu. CHARLES THEODORE FRERE Frencu: 1815— 11I9—H ALT OF THE CARAVAN (a) , OLS Serine Oger ~—~y¢e +L § = Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches On the level sands of the desert, in the foreground, some Arabs are preparing the evening meal. In the middle distance are tents, camels, some palm trees and many figures; in the clear, brilliant sunset sky, a flock of birds flying in long formation. Signed at the lower right: TH. Frere. Property of the Estate of the late Frerpinanp Hermann. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON AMERICAN: 18384—1905 1200—YOUTH AND OLD AGE 3 4 i Height, ey longs ancl ae Agannr SEATED on a beach is an old man with stove-pipe a holding in his lap an infant who is playing with’ his bull’s-eye watch. At the right, two other children are seated on a large cannon. Farther away are red-roofed houses, white cliffs and shipping in the harbor. Signed at the lower right: G. H. Boucuton, and dated ’74. Property of the Estate of the late FerpiInanp HERMANN. JULIUS SCHEURER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 121-LANDSCAPE AND CHICKENS (Companion picturetg No. 122). 7 4) — Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 104% inches A GAy plumaged cock stands on a grassy slope sur- rounded by a flock of hens, one of which is followed by three chicks; landscape setting with trees, a church and a stream, and sky of white and blue. Signed at the lower left: Juu. SCHEURER. Property of a Private Collector. JULIUS SCHEURER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 122—WATER FOWL AND PEACOCK (Companion picture to an. / yl "4 ve Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 1014 inches Own a fence post, with his hen companion on the rail be- side him, stands a peacock while below, on the edge of a stream, is a flock of ducks. A heron is seen in the dis- tance. Signed at the lower left: Jutius SCHEURER. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES SPRAGUE PEARCE, A.N.A. American: 1851—1914 YEYe. Lean Fe 3 J — Height, 15 inches; width, 1014 inches 123_THE PRAYER A youne French peasant girl, with blue skirt, brown bodice and white cap, kneeling, in profile to left, on the floor, her head bowed and her hands clasped before her. Signed at the lower right: CHarLes Spracue PEarce. Property of a Private Collector. ft Ce GUY C. WIGGINS, A.N.A. ' American: 1883— | msewser 0, Gy, fe Ula l - S- af A Millboard: Height, 111% inches; length, 15% inches | A piece of rugged country with bowlders and, on the right, a tree; sky of yellow, orange and gray. Signed at the lower left: Guy C. Wicerns. Property of the Estate of the late AteExanpER DEuTsScH. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 125—LANDSCAPE AND ene 4 cs an we 7 — Millboard: H eight, 12 imches; ae 1514 inches 4 SoME sheep, grazing in an orchard, in foreground, with a white house among the trees; beyond, a stretch of coun- try, illumined by sunlight, and distant hills; sky of gray and white clouds with glimpses of blue. Signed at the lower left: CartETON Wicerns. Property of the Estate of the late ALExanpER Deutscu. EDWARD MORAN AmERIcAN: 1829—1901 126—PIER AT BUFFALO, LAKE ERIE Aff~Iw Lh ¢y 4 o_ — Panel: Height, 101% mches; length, 16 inches —— \ A MARINE depicting stormy weather on Lake Erie with a pier, at the left, jutting out into the water. A vessel is beating its way into the harbor and gulls are flying over the white-crested waves. Sky of black and gray clouds. Signed-at the lower left: E. Moran. Property of a Private Collector. JOSEPH DE HEEM Dutcu: XVIII Century Gees oe Ke G Kor AAU L_L# ye Panel: Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches 127—STILL LIFE Pracues, grapes, plums, a cherry and a partly peeled lemon, on a platter, on a table with red cloth; vine leaves, a glass of cider and a butterfly forming accessories. Signed at the lower right: Js. pe HEEm F. From the Galerie Sedelmeyer, Paris. Property of the Estate of the late FrerpDINAND HERMANN. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1858—1916 1283—HOLLAND LANDSCA ct / ye j ‘ita Panel: Height, 14 ake width, 12 inches In the middle of the composition is a group of trees, bent to the right by the wind, with a peasant woman picking up taggoN, sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower gage H. W. Raneer, 790. George A. Hearn he American Art Association, 1918. LOO 2 Catalogue No. 17 Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Devutscu. EDOUARD PORTIELJE BELGIAN: 1859— 0—THE ANSWER 7% ot eee JC 6 Panel: Height, 1534 wmches; width, 121% inches. A. COMELY maiden, dressed in working clothes of blue and with a white cap, is depicted sitting on a bench in a kitchen, holding up a letter before her in her left hand and with her right resting on a sheet of paper on a table beside her and grasping a quill pen. Signed at the lower left: Epovarp Porriense. Property of a Private Collector. CESARE DETTI Irarman: 1847—1915 Peeve Lay Height, 13 inches; length, 1614 inches 130-——-THE PRESENTATION 90 A croup of four figures in Louis Seize costume. A little boy, with red coat and green breeches, is seen presenting an address and a bouquet to a gentleman in pink, seated beside a table. His mother, in blue, is seated on the right and another gentleman is on the farther side of the table. Signed at the lower left: C. Deri. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 22. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER Deutscu. EDWARD AUGUST BELL AMERICAN: 1862— 131—LADY IN YELLOW 7’ cas fp HF - 19a ] (Gg Panel: Height, 1734 inches; width, 12 elt ¢ Z . e A FULL-LENGTH, seated figure, in back view, with head in profile to left, wearing a low gown of yellow; a Japan- ese screen in background. Signed at the lower left: E. A, Bett, 1912. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. CHARLES LINFORD AMERICAN: 1846—1897 132--LANDSCAPE Tne V ae Cece Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches In the foreground, a stream passes between green banks, with a group of trees at left, and on the meadows, at right, a cottage; sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower left: C. Lryrorp. Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS NEUBERT GERMAN: 1846— ere 1383 SUNSET Shi. wie a, (ee Height, 91% inches; length, 1814 inches SaLT meadows and sandy beach, in left foreground; a strip of shore beyond with trees and houses, and at right a view of the sea with gulls flying over the water: evening sky with gray clouds at the horizon accented with orange tints. Signed at the lower right: L. Nrusert. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES HOGUET German + 1821—1870 134—A DUTCH eee et ae: Ve LKganng, Mg Cd) ye Height, 18 inches; width, 1444 inches In a little square, surrounded by quaintly gabled build- ings, in a Holland town, are groups of peasant women, gathered about a fountain basin and in front of a butcher’s stall, which is seen at the right. Overhead, a sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left: C. Hocuerr, ’65. Property of a Private Collector. JEAN JACQUES HENNER Frencu: 1829—1905 135—HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN / i eee og", 18 inches; width, 15 Ae 4A CALA. A LIFE-SIZE head, in profile to right, of a young woman with auburn hair falling over her shoulders; red, low bodice; dark brown background. Signed at the left: J. J. HENNER. Property of the Estate of the late AtExanpER DeEurTscH. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 pf 136—SHEEP Chane Sas — Height, 181 inches; width, 1514 wmches THREE ewes and a lamb in a comfortable stable, and a hen, at the left, pecking in the straw. Signed at the lower left: Cu. JAcQuE. Property of a Private Collector. vi f SALVADOR BARBUDO-SANCHEZ SPANIsH: 1858— 1387—_THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT vf x | NS ACK ope lle Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 2114 inches = A sumptuous interior with some twenty figures in cos- tume of the Henri Deux period. At the right, a gen- tleman, in blue and white, is signing a document, on a table; opposite him, a lady in dark crimson and gold, with a page holding her train; grouped about these two personages are ladies and gentlemen. Signed at the lower right: Barsupo. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 96. Property of the Estate of the late ALExanpER Devrscu. K. TERMUHLEN AUSTRIAN: CONTEMPORARY - { CASv 9 en A Height, 15°4, inches; length, 20 inches Across a sloping meadow, between groups of trees on either side of the picture, appear the golden hues of a sunset sky, the light enveloping the landscape in a ruddy haze. In the upper part of the sky, at left, 1s the cres- cent moon. Signed at the lower left: K. 'TERMUHLEN. Property of the Estate of the late Frrprnanp HERMANN. LEON GERMAIN PELOUSE Frencu: 1838—1891 CIP | / 211, inches 1389—A FARM IN FRANCE 3 ”s 0’ Height, 141% imches; lengt A LANDSCAPE In gray weather showing high-gabled stone buildings, at left, with a woman feeding chickens in the dooryard; a group of willows in the center, and fields at right; luminous, clouded sky. Signed at the lower right: L. G. PELousE. Combination Sale, American Art Association, February, 1918. Catalogue No. 34. Property of the Estate of the late AtrxanpEr Deutscu. } ~~. k rf qe p dats ete eee ba I eke EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL 140--LANDSCAPE 4 at 3. dhe GS ‘S = Panel: Height, 161% inches; length, 21 inches A LANDSCAPE by a painter of the Norwich School, de- picting a mill and pond, a group of trees, on a slope, and a stretch of country, at the right; sky of gray and white clouds with a space of blue at upper right. Property of a Private Collector. H. RUDISUHLI GERMAN (?): CoNTEMPORARY 141—LANDSCAPE ff ri) a eS — vinnoara: Height, 16 inches; length, 21°34 LO ’ (S CAL A sovauet of oaks in rich autumn foliage, growing on the shore of a stream and illuminated by sunlight. The blue waters of the stream and strong blue notes in the sky enhance the effect of the tawny tints of the foliage. Signed at the lower left: H. Rupistw1t. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN. LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT Frencu: 1825—1900 142—HIGHJINKS IN WV ee oy, px Height, 1414 inches; length, ce inches A. TORTOISE-SHELL cat, with three kittens, has found the doors of a large dresser open and has dragged out on the floor a plate of ham and has broken dishes in doing so. Another cat is sitting under a chair on which a little brown dog is perched as he looks at the play. A repre- sentative example of a famous painter of the feline family. Signed at the lower left: L. Eve. Lampert. Property of a Private Collector. HUGO BALLIN, A.N.A. AmERIcAN: 1879— 1483—THE DOVE >, ( vies L Panel: Height, 21 inches; widthfT7 inches | ( ( A HALF-LENGTH figure of a young woman, the head in- clined forward, with a white dove, its wings extended in the act of alighting on her hand; landscape setting with trees and a glimpse of blue sea. i NS Signed at the lower left: Hueco Batty, 708. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 38. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutscuH. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1900 144—SUNSET ON THE ae e tae a AS: dtr 3 BS. Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches a | A sit of shore and tree tops, in the foreground; the river occupying the middle portion of the landscape and the high, opposite shores beyond; over all, a sunset sky with red-brown clouds accented with yellow and pink. Signed at the lower right: J. ¥. Cropsry, 1892. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1915. Catalogue No. 126. Property of the Estate of the late Avexanver Devtscu. K. TERMUHLEN AUSTRIAN: CONTEMPORARY 145—AN AUTUMN SYMPHONY. £, Y (Ne) fe | - Utne 2 he Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches : am «23 : t In the middle of the composition the sinking sun 1s discerned radiating ruddy light over a tangled growth of plants with red flowers, in the foreground; some trees are indicated at the right and in the upper part of the sky are tints of blue and tawny yellow. Signed at the lower right: K. "TERMUHLEN. Property of the Estate of the late Ferpinanp HERMANN, JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE Beucian: 1821—1910 146--SILVER, GOLD AND POSyS ; Id 0 — Panel: Height, 241% inches; width, 1824 imches A STILL-LIFE subject depicting a tall, ornamented silver pitcher and a chalice of gold and pearl, on a table, with white and pink roses. Signed at the lower left: J. Roster. Property of the Estate of the late FErpINAND HERMANN. oP LOUIS ROBBE Beucian: 1806—1887 147—_CATTLE AND LANDSCAP. Y YU- WA Saga ~ y Po Height, 161% inches; length, 231% inches —=—— A FINELY toned picture of three cows in pasture, in the foreground, and some others lying down, farther away, at right; sky of gray clouds with spaces of blue. Signed at the lower left: Rosner. Property of a Private Collector. UNKNOWN ARTIST 148—NYMPH AND SATYR ey, por a (3 a uneetd 3 Jf © Height, 19 inches; length, 24 inches Aw agreeably toned composition depicting a recumbent nude figure of a young woman, quietly sleeping in a forest, and a satyr, who has discovered her, kneeling beside her and gently withdrawing the draperies which had covered the nymph. Property of a Private Owner. JAMES CARROLL BECKWITH, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1852—1917 149—A PPLE BLOSSOMS oF 1st _ Height, 26 ne width, et a. ! | ~—KVS 44 A BLOND young womah, with s sgdrron- pink drape, y; seated in the crotch of an apple tree, surrounded by pink blossoms and holding on her knees a large, flat open book. Signed at the lower left: Carrott BECKWITH. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1917. Catalogue No. 438. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DerutscuH. wt “~ f a o JL OWCH £0 FRANCOIS BRUNERY bat aw Frexcr: CoNTEMPORARY 150—A SUCCULENT pay Vig oe Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 191% inches A. CARDINAL, In red robes, who has been writing in his library, has stopped his work and listens to his chef, dressed in white and blue, who stands before him as he reads from his book what he means to prepare for dinner. Signed at the lower right: F. Brunery. Property of a Private Collector. EDOUARD BISSON FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 151—A DREAM OF LOVE WA VL jo EOE, pe eG ee. Height, 24 mches; width, 18 mches A THREE-QUARTERS length figure of a beautiful young woman who is portrayed in profile with her head turned to face the spectator, accompanied by three Cupids, who follow her in her walk. The young woman, who has dark hair, bound with a yellow ribbon, wears a low gown of lilac satin and a trailing gauze veil. Over her right shoulder she carries a bough of apple blossoms. Land- scape setting with sky against which is relieved the up- per part of the gracious figure. Signed at the lower right: Epovarp Bisson, 1898. Property of the Estate of the late Frrpinanp HERMANN. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY aD eel /)\ Senn ; ; 152—LANDSCAPE BA RO A ot, ae Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches GreEN meadows and a river, in the foreground, with trees, at the left; a line of trees, beyond, and a stormy sky of dark clouds with a burst of light in the upper portion. Signed at the lower left: Joseru H. Boston. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEUTSCH. ALG foo ACL CAD a ree BRUNERY Frencr:: ConNTEMPORARY 158A IST RIL Le i ft. Y (ery Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches In one of the rooms of his palace, a cardinal in red robes, reclining in an armchair, has received, on some errand, a pretty village girl, who stands before him, her smiling face averted, as the cardinal turns his head to look scowl- ingly at an humble old monk, in brown, who has entered the room. Signed at the lower right: F. Brunery. Property of a Private Collector. WILFRED C. BEAUQUESNE 2 Frencu: 1847—1913 154—A SOLDIERS’ QUARREL /) Uy | ogee i WY wif ve U ve Height, 211% inches; length, 2514 inches eee A FRencH infantryman and a cuirassier, both in uni- forms of blue and red, have quarreled in a tavern. The infantryman, at left, holds a long bayonet in his hand and the cavalryman, at right, is ready to strike with a chair. The woman innkeeper back of them has opened a door to let in the guard. | Signed at the lower left: BEAUQUESNE. Property of a Private Collector. K. TERMUHLEN AvsTRIAN: CONTEMPORARY \ f ) ay Sy 155--MARINE Sst ( eS AS —— Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches A picture of the sea with its green waters rolling in and breaking on a beach in the foreground; a vessel on the horizon, at right; sky of blue gray with a mass of white clouds. Signed at the lower right: K. TrerMtHien. Property of the Estate of the late Frrpinanp HERMANN. GABRIEL CORNELIUS VON MAX GERMAN: 1840— 156—PSYCHE / es -. WW - i / 6 "| eC Height, 261% inches; width, 22 inches A HALF-LENGTH, seated figure of a young woman, with blond hair, in three-quarters view to left, her head rest- ing on her folded hands as she sleeps. The arms and shoulders are bare and gray drapery covers the lower part of the body. Signed at the lower left: Gas. Max, 1880. Combination Sale, American Art Association, February, 1918. Catalogue No. 43. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEvTscH. JAMES GALE TYLER AMERICAN: 1855— q 7-MARINE (fg (% or | / 6 Mia Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches ; ! A. SCHOONER, showing a red light, in an estuary, with a distant shore across the canvas; in the upper part of the clouded sky the moon shines in an open space and illumines the waters, at the left. Signed at the lower right: JamMEs G. TYLER. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvUTSCH. / o 3 AL | G ws th Height, 20 inches; length, 30 Gr OG ¢ WILLIAM KEITH AMERICAN: 1839—1911 158—TAMALPAIS: NEAR SAN RAFAEL A ricHLy toned landscape, depicting a forest clearing with thickly foliaged trees on either side. In the dis- tance appears a slope, with trees and houses, in sun- light; beyond, a mountain peak and sky of strong blue, with white clouds. Signed at the lower right: W. Kerrnu, S. F. (San Francisco) Property of the Estate of the late AtexaAnpER DeutTscu. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 159-4 LADY READIN NV, Yo ; y Cage, | heli Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches A HALF-LENGTH Seated figure of a young woman, wear- ing a low gown of ivory white satin, leaning, in three- quarters view to left, on a table as she reads a book bound in crimson and gold. Beside her, standing on two books, is a small vase of roses and lilies of the valley. Signed at, the lower left: G. Jacquet. James B. Brady Sale, American Art Association, 1918. Cata- logue No. 29. Property of the Estate of the late ALexanpER Deurscu. © ROBERT REID, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1862— 160—FIRELIGHT ~*~: ‘oa ou | oe Height, 271% inches; ae 2414, inches Le A FULL-LENGTH nude figure of a young woman, seated on a couch covered with white fur rugs, with firelight coming from the left of the picture shedding a rosy glow on her face, arm and body. Signed at the lower left: Ropertr Rerp, 793. Property of a Private Owner. ese BALLARD wu American: AsT1— ea pn ie! E TERRACE Lb ZG 0m Height, 25 Sin length, 8 80 A croup of five female figures, two ee ing, on a stone terrace, in the foregro either side and mao nee vista of ap figures. : Salon Signed at the lower left: Prevx, c Batsan -D £ Property of Ve Estate Taf Vy: late ALPxANDEER | J EDWARD MORAN AMERICAN: 1829—1901 162—HOMEWARD BOLJND Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches AL MARINE, With a square-rigged ship *oming forward in the right center; at left, a fishing boat with men hauling in a net, and buildings on shore; at right, a dory with figures; ships in the distance and sky of gray and warm white clouds. Signed at the lower left: KE. Moran, 796. Property of a Private Collector. si z : id FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 pe YS na 168-—-ALONG THE COAST PCLIAD Up Ge a —< Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches On the right, rocky cliffs crowned with scrubby pines; in the foreground a pebbly beach with a rowboat drawn up; in center and at left, the expanse of the sea and sailboats; sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower right: F. K. M. Renn, 1879. Property of a Private Collector. FRITZ OSSWALD GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY pf 164—STILL LIFE 3 4 — _ Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches A q@uass vase holding a great bunch of large pink carna- tions and a lacquered brass coffee set, on a white-covered table before a white wall. Signed at the upper right: Frirz Osswaxp, 08. Hugo Reisinger Sale, American Art Association, 1916. Cata- logue No. 148, 3 1/74, - Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEutTscH. PAUL WEBER GERMAN: 1823— 165—-LANDSCAPE: elite: og oo Height, 23 inches; length, 3434 inches A view from foreground heights, with Miidingse grave- stones and cypresses, of the river, which appears in the middle of the composition and the city and suburbs on the shores at either side; sunset sky of yellow and blue. Signed at the lower left: Paut Weser, 1870. Property of a Private Collector. % ADOLPH MUNGER C14 Austrian: 18'70— 166—GIRL WITH PUPPET () e Bees Et nS: tho ie SO “_ ~—s_—s Height, 291 inches; length, 371% inches A sEaTeED figure of a girl, with white dress and large, dark purple ribbon bow in her hair, beside a table on which are a puppet in motley and a vase of flowers. Signed at the lower right: Av. Mincer, ’O7. Hugo Me 9 7 Sale, American Art Galleries, 1916. Catalogue A+) No. 163, 3 740 — Property of the Estate of the late AvexanpEerR Devutscu. ) / EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. - AMERICAN: 1824—1906 167—_LANDSCAPE hens Height, 254nfhes; length, 36 inghes , % wry ) rch _ Aw American farm landscape withe'pool in which ducks | are swimming in the foe ee with willow trees on the left, and a barn, a great elm, and two other smaller trees on the borders of the pasture. Several cows and some chickens are in a field on the right, and beyond lies a stretch of country with a distant line of hills. A summer sky of blue with white clouds indicates the season, and sunlight casts shadows across the fore- ground. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871. From the Frederic B. Thomason Sale, 1917. Catalogue No. 234. Property of Wir11Am A. Jouns, Esq. ITALIAN SCHOOL 168—CUPID AND PSYCHEX © | . aid Ce © f . 3 4 goss Height, 29 inches; width, 20%4 inches A GRACEFUL group of two seated, nude figures, the God _ of Love being depicted in the act of embracing the blond-haired Psyche; back of the figures, a crimson curtain and, at the upper left, a little Cupid peeping at the couple from under a fold of the drapery. Property of a Private Owner. PHILIP BOILEAU AMERICAN: 1864—1917 1699THE THREE GRACES (> 4 JU ff | "Atos 9 eae / td of Pastel: Height, 2714 inches; length, 38% wmches THREE young women, one blond, one brunette and the third with powdered hair, in low gowns of yellow, black and light green, sitting in an opera box, and all facing the spectator. | Signed at the lower right: Coryricut, 1909, BY Puiuie Borieav. Property of the Estate of the late AtexanpEer Deurtscu. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. Awenoan: 1858-1916 170—_NOR’EAST WEATHER Nn =) 3 J ae Height, 28 inches; length, 36 hive 7 Dd LA taboos 7 A SINGLE skiff sails swiftly in a rising sea under a threat- ening sky. ‘The rain beats mercilessly down, and the wind whips the restless waters into foam. The light blue sky is rapidly becoming darkened by storm clouds, and the scene fills one with apprehension for the tiny vessel in the approaching battle of the elements. From the Henry Ward Ranger Sale, 1917. Catalogue No. 71. Property of Wituiam A. Jouns, Esq. PETER FREDERIC ROTHERMEL American: 1817—1895 11 JEANNIE DEANS Che ao, / le so ica olf aight, 29 inches; length, 36 inches THE composition depicts an episode in Walter Scott’s “Midlothian,” with Jeannie Deans on her journey from Edinburgh to London. The girl is seen about to enter the porch of a church when a bowman has snatched her bonnet from her head. Other figures are seen, in the background, coming forward through an avenue of trees. Signed at the lower right: P. F. RotHERMeEt. Property of a Private Collector. fo S|" . Vd, 3 - (possp A IAN) ae 172—LA PASSAGERE re Yee CT Ces Height, 2414 inches; length, 407% inches A FreEncu landscape, in gray weather, att a peasant girl and her punt at the bank of a river, about to take aboard three country women and a man with his baskets for catching eels. Signed at the lower left: J. F. Boucnor. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. | AMERICAN: 1864— 173—MOONRISE re a 3 ee eight, 241% inches; length, 401% mches THE moon, in the left center of the composition, is seen rising, in a sky of grays and blue, over a landscape with trees and rising ground on either side of a pond in the foreground, which reflects the light. Signed at the lower left: Gzorcr H. Bocerr. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DevTscHu. WILLIAM. ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU FRENCH: 1825—1905 174-_-MEDITA ITN 6 0 nana Sotto : y i, 7 if Ee @ Height, 46 inches; width, 28 inthes A THREE-QUARTERS length, life-size figure of a young woman, standing with gray drapery covering her head and enveloping her shoulders and lilac drapery below; the left hand placed on the breast and the right resting on a stone terrace; background of foliage, with some white lilies. Signed at the lower right: W. Bovcurrzau, 1902. Property of the Estate of the late Atexanprr Devrscu. HUGO BALLIN, A.N.A. American: 1879— — 175—AN EVENING REN raat , / OS ie ¢ Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches — A THREE-QUARTERS length figure of a young woman, in full face, seated and playing a lute; dark blue gown with yellow edge around the neck; setting composed of the pillars of a terrace and landscape view, with blue > sky back of the figure. Combination Sale, American Art Association, Marek 1917. Catalogue No. 68. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DEuTSCH. CORNELIS VAN LEEMPUTTEN " ‘Berean: 1 Lee 176-—SHEEP IN THE STABLE hae Height, 40 inches; width, 31 inches Housep in a comfortable stable, three ewes are seen in the foreground, two standing and the third lying down in the straw, with two hens nearby. Back of them four sheep, in a row, are eating green fodder from a manger. Signed at the lower left center: C. van LEEMPUTTEN. Inscription on back of canvas: “I declare that this picture was painted to the order of Craig and Evans.” Signed: C. VAN LEEMPUTTEN, BrusseEts, 1€91. Property of a Private Collector. LEON FRANCOIS COMERRE Frencu: 1850— ee 177—ODALISQUE el) sepa Height, 46 inches; width, 31 inches A BEAUTIFUL black-haired girl, depicted full-face, in three-quarters length, standing in front of a pillar in a Moorish palace, ornamented with green, white and yel- low ceramic work; robe of salmon pink, ornaments of jeweled silver and chain, fastening the robe at the shoul- ders: round silver girdle clasps, gold and silver brace- lets; the left hand resting on the hip, the right holding a tambourine. Signed at the upper left: L&on ComeErre. Property of the Estate of the late ALExANpDER Deutscu. ALONZO PEREZ yo 168 178—A PARISIAN WELCOME fi t vA Xx Height, 461% inches; width, 3214 inches SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY THE scene represents the visit to Paris of a Russian admiral who is seen in a landau, accompanied by a French admiral, passing the statue of Alsace-Lorraine in the Place de la Concorde. A detachment of cavalry follows as an escort and, above the statue, an allegorical figure of Alsace, in tri-colored costume, appears in the sky. In the foreground, a gathering of people is ac- claiming the distinguished visitor. Signed at the lower left: ALoNzo PEREz. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEvTscH. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1902 179—SPEARING FISH BY TORCHLIGHT — Height, 32 mches; length, 48 inches A sceNns on Lake Tahoe, California, depicting three men in a rowboat, in an inlet, spearing fish by the light of a torch in the bow of a boat. The shore of the lake is lined with great trees and the full moon is seen, high in the sky, between the trunks. Signed at the lower right: A. Brerstapt. Property of a Private Collector. > coarnansnacconnees WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 180—OUTSKIRTS OF pe es J i ~ Height, 82 inches; length, 46 inches Tue lower half of the canvas is occupied by a sandy 4g road leading to a gateway in the town walls, with a woman carrying two water jars, and a boy sitting on a sandbank, at left. The buildings of the city are seen beyond and black smoke is pouring from a factory chim- ney. Gray-blue sky. Signed at the lower right: Wm. M. Cuasr, Manprin, Ave. 1882. Property of the Estate of the late ALtExANDER DerutTscH. GAYLORD SANGSTON TRUESDELL AMERICAN: 1850—1899 eee 5 eee, WA 181I—THE WAYSIDE SHRIN we. Mather Cae ee. Height, 28 inches; length. inches AT the foot of a wayside shrine on high ground over- looking a French village, which appears in the middle distance, stands a shepherdess with her dog. Her flock are passing across the pastures and the road in the fore- ground, cropping herbage as they go, and overhead is an evening sky with a cloud bank at the horizon tinted with pink. | } Signed at the lower left: 'TRuESDELL, Paris, 1891. Combination Sale, American Art Association, March, 1915. Catalogue No. 263. Property of the Estate of the late ALeExaANpER DeEvTSCH. PINCKNEY MARCIUS SIMONS AMERICAN: 1867—1909 McT ASU 7 «+ ~=©Height, 851 inches; length, 5644 inches ; f j ee A 4 GRANDIOSE composition of fanciful elements and varied color tints, showing an eminence, at left, crowned with temples; a river and many small figures, in the cen- tral portion, and trees, a statue, a flight of steps and buildings, on the right; sky of clouds and blue. 182-THE CLASSIC LAND i We J 1 Signed at the lower right: Pryxy Maxctius Simons. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. Property of the Estate of the late AtexanpvER DevTscu. ae GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. | AMERICAN: 1864— 1883—SUNSET Fe —ve Height, 36 inches; lenGth, 56 inches : A ricHiy toned landscape with a lake in the central foreground, banks with clumps of trees on either side; a low hillside in the middle distance and the sun setting in a sky depicted with tints of red, orange, brown, gray and _ blue. oe, Signed at the lower left: Gztorcr H. Bocerrt. George A. Hearn Sale, American Art Association, 1918. Cata- logue No. 134. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEutscu. ANTON BRAITH GERMAN: 1836—1905 184—_DRIVING THE CATTLE Vr MAA: =. () yy, ie IX ANG AL Cw O oe Height, 42 mches; length, 61 inches as 7 In the foreground, a bull, a cow and some young cattle V are advancing before the furious barking of a dog, seen at the left, while a terrier is also barking as he leaps about in front of them. On a slope, at right, a herd quietly looks on, and at left are two farmers. Sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left: A. Brairny, MtncuHeEn, 1877. Property of a Private Collector. ALBERT LAURENS FrenNcH: CENTEMPORARY 185—NYMPHS OF THE ocnany Gang LAAPAINM | : Tre 41 ite 64 inches ; ot / Os A croup of two nude figures of young women, one with brown hair recumbent, the other with black hair in half- — seated position, just back of her companion, on the shore of the sea, with spray breaking over them. As a background the ocean is depicted in a general tone of blue-gray and green, with white foam on the crests of the waves. Signed at the lower left: A. LAuREns. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEuTscH. sav? atin EVARISTE CARPENTIER BELGIAN: 1845— ; 186-—TROUBLE BREWING a, : | | ) herve Fo — In a tavern in a French provincial town, a young man is seated at a table, on the right, with a woman com- q panion beside him. On the left, the proprietor, leaning a over his bar, is talking to another young man who grasps a chair as if ready to strike with it, and apparently urges him not to drop his quarrel with the man at the table, though the latter assumes an air of complete indifference as to what may happen. Height, 45 inches; length, 591% inches Signed at the lower right center: Ev**: CarPpENTIER, Paris, 82. Property of the Estate of the late ALEXANDER DeEutTscuH. S. JACOBSEN CoNTEMPORARY 187-MOONLIGHT ao: Ned RY: emmy Fd OG 2 ae, eight, 40 mches; length, 61 inches Houses on a hillside at left, a harbor in center and right; shore and a man in a boat, in foreground; the whole under the light of a full moon, which appears near the middle of a clouded sky. Property of a Private Owner. FELIX DE VUILLEFROY FRENCH: 1841— 188—_CATTLE IN PASTURE 6. Wil higng. eo Te Haight, 48 inches; length, 64 inches Two black and white cows, standing side by side in the foreground and looking over a wire fence; at the left a man milking a black cow; at right, in the dis- tance, level fields and a herd of cattle pasturing; sky of blue with white clouds in the upper portion. Signed at the lower right: VurLLEFROY. To be sold to close an Estate. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ‘oh, LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ADAN, Louis Emme The Fisherman ASTI, ANGELO Head BALLIN, Hueco, A.N.A. The Dove An Evening Song BARBUDO-SANCHEZ, Satvapor The Marriage Contract BARGUE, CHArRLEs In the Studio BEAUQUESNE, Witrrep C. A Soldiers’ Quarrel BECKWITH, James Carror., N.A. Apple Blossoms BELL, Envwarp AvuGusT Lady in Yellow BERTIN, M. Copy of William Kray’s Psyche at Rest CATALOGUE NUMBER 69 aff 143 V75 137 104 149 131 ify — BIERSTADT, Axzert, N.A. Spearing Fish by Torchlight BISSON, Enovarp A Dream of Love “REAAS ShcHernn Peasant Boy BLAKELOCK, Ratrepn Apert, N.A. The Valley BOGERT, Gerorcet H., A.N.A. . Moonrise ~ Sunset BOILEAU, Putte The Three Graces BONFILS, G. A Moonlight Idyl BOSTON, Josreru H., A.N.A. Landscape Landscape Landscape BOUCHOR, J. F. La Passageére BOUGHTON, Grorcr H. Youth and Old Age CATALOGUE NUMBER 179 151 83 173 188 169 56 74 75 152 172 120 CATALOGUE NUMBER BOUGUEREAU, Wuutam Apo.pHe Waiting 62 Meditation 174 BoUY, G. In the Boudoir 48 BRAITH, Anton Driving the Cattle 184 BRANDT, Cari L., N.A. Young Woman 1 Landscape | 6 BRISCOE, Franxuin D. Landscape 85 BROKER, Wiu.Hrim Landscape 5 BROWN, WuutaAm Mason A Basket of Peaches 40 BRUNERY, Francois A Sueculent Menu 150 A Visit Ill-timed 158 BUCHIER, Evucenrt Head of a Young Girl 4 CARLL, A. An Ardent Lover 19 CARPENTIER, Evariste Trouble Brewing 186 CATALGEHE NUMBER CHASE, Harry Still Life 67 CHASE, Wiuiam Merritt, N.A. 7 Outskirts of Madrid 180 CHICOTOT, GerorGcEs Le Billet de Logement 49 CHMIELOWSKI | The Guard 81 COMERRE, Lton FRancots A Florentine Maiden _ io Morning Glories 84 Odalisque LT CONTEMPORARY ARTIST Docks and Shipping 38 Cavalier — . ae pe CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ARTIST Autumn in the Berkshire Hills 7 CONTEMPORARY DUTCH ARTIST Returning Home 14 In the Woods 20 In the Garden | 24 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH ARTIST A General and Staff 9 A. Cavalier 11 CROPSEY, Jasper Francis, N.A. Sunset on the Hudson DAMERON, Emite Cuares Arrival in Port DESCHAMPS, Louis Magdalen DETTI, Crsare The Presentation DOU, Gerard (Attributed) The Housewife DU CHATTEL, Frepericus Jacopus Evening DUTCH SCHOOL Landscape with Cattle EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL Landscape EISMAR-SEMENOWSKY An Odalisque ERNST, Rupotpeyu In the Harem ~ ERTZ, Gorpon The Dance The Serenade CATALOGUE NUMBER 144 88 118 130 16 117 65 140 22 90 63 66 CATALOGUE NUMBER FRENCH SCHOOL | bi On the Terrace — 2 Young Lady and Dog 58 FRERE, Cuaries THtopore Halt of the Caravan 119 GAINSBOROUGH, Tuomas, R.A. Landscape | 106 Landscape © 107 Landscape ) | 109 J.andscape } 110 GENZMER, BrerrHortp . Cattle Coming Home 93 Children ‘at Play i 95. GRANER, L. : Sunset “ATG Shipping TT Street Scene at Night 80 Central Park, at the Plaza 91 Sunset Over the River 92 A guadores | 94 Prying Eyes 96 GREEN, Frank Russetx, A.N.A. He The Market Place 55 GUARDI, Giacomo pr Venetian Scene 101 Venetian Scene 102 HARNETT, Witiiam M. The Meerschaum Pipe HEEM, Josery br Still Life HENNER, Jan Jacques Head of a Young Woman HERBO, Lron Temptation of St. Anthony HOGUET, CHartes A Dutch Marketplace HUET, Jean Baptiste Pastoral Figure Pastoral Figure HUNT, Wit1u1aAm Morris Moonlight HUSENETT, A. von Young Foxes The Pick of the Pack Horses Ready CATALOGUE NUMBER 97 134 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE LOW-RELIEF Madonna and Child ITALIAN SCHOOL Cupid and Psyche 71 168 JACOBSEN, S. Moonlight JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE Chickens and Ducks Sheep JACQUET, JEAN GUSTAVE The Miniature A Lady Reading JIMENEZ, Luis Lady Embroidering JOHNSON, Eastman, N.A. Landscape KAPPIS Landscape KEITH, Wriri11aM Tamalpais: Near San Rafael KLEIN, Lovis In the Wine Cellar KNOOP, A. The Connoisseurs LA FARGE, Joun, N.A. The Lady of Shalott LAMBERT, Louis EuGEene Highjinks in the Pantry CATALOGUE NUMBER (187 113° 136 116 159 114 167 79 158 47 32 115 LAMBRON, M. A Botanist LAURENS, ALpBerr Nymphs of the Ocean LEEMPUTTEN, Corneuis van Sheep in the Stable LEICKERT, CuHaries Winter in Holland LEIGHTON, Lorp Frepericr, P.R.A. Portrait of Raphael The Savior, the Virgin and St. John the Baptist LE ROY, JutLss Cat and Kittens Cat and Kittens LESLIE, Cuartes Rosert, P&.A. Constancy LINFORD, CHartzs Forest Interior The Brook in the Woods Landscape LOWITH, WitHe_tm The Proclamation LUCAS, Apert PIKE Nocturne CATALOGUE NUMBER 98 176 61 89 103 86 CATALOGUE NUMBER LUND, Emi. . In Harvest Time : «AA MARTENS, W. J. Devotion 59 MAX, GaprieL CORNELIUS VON : | _ Psyche | 156 MOELLER, Louts, N.A. NS eri : 2 A Friendly Glass 73 MOHLTE, J. Axrrep Armistice 33 MORAN, Epwarp | Fishing Boats ) 36 Pier at Buffalo, Lake Erie 126 Homeward Bound =“162 MUNTHE, Lupwie : Winter Evening on the Baltic 57 . % MUNGER, Apoipu | Girl with Puppet 166 NEEDHAM, CwHarzters Austin Forgotten Pools 13 NEUBERT, Lovis } Sunset 133 NICHOLLS, Ruopa Hortmes The Red House OSSWALD, Frirz Still Life PEARCE, Cuaries Spracur, A.N.A. The Prayer PELOUSE, Lion Germain A Farm in France PEREZ, Atonzo A Parisian Welcome PIOT, Evrenne Apo.rue Roses Pink PORTIELJE, Enovarp The Answer PREYER, Emitir Fruit PREYER, Jonann WILHELM Fruit RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. Holland Landscape Nor’east Weather REHN, Frank Knox Morton, N.A. Along the Coast CATALOGUE NUMBER 35 164 139 178 18 128 170 163 REID, Ropert, N.A. Firelight RJIS (7), WiLLem Scene in Holland ROBBE, Lovts Cattle and Landscape ROBIE, Jean BAprTiste : Silver, Gold and Roses ROSIO, E. Landscape ROSSI, Luter A Lady of the Eighteenth Century ROTHERMEL, Perer FReEpERIc Jeannie Deans RUDISUHLI, H. Landscape SCHEURER, Jurius | Landscape and Chickens Water Fowl and Peacock SCHLEICH, Roserrtr Faggot Gatherers SCHLESINGER, Fertix Overcome CATALOGUE _ NUMBER | 160 64 147 146 25 34 “Ea 14) 10 SCHREIBER, Crartezs The Curé’s Visit SIMONS, Pinckney Marcivus The Classic Land SMITH, Mary Taking the Hint TERMUHLEN, K. Afterglow Landscape Sunset 7 An Autumn Symphony Marine TRASK A New York Street Scene TRUESDELL, Gaytorp Sanceston The Wayside Shrine TYLER, James GALE Sailing in Light Airs Marine UNKNOWN ARTIST Nymph and Satyr VERESTCHAGIN, Vassi1i Wall and Stream VISCONTI, F. Forest of Fontainebleau CATALOGUE NUMBER 111 182 30 148 108 39 VUILLEFROY, Frnrx pe Cattle in Pasture WAEFLER, Xavier Skating in Holland Winter in Holland WEBER, Pau Landscape: Constantinople WIEGAND, Gustave ADOLPHE Spring Blossoms — Landscape WIGGINS, Carietron, N Nf Sheep WIGGINS, Guy C., A.N.A. Sunset | WIGGINS, Joun Carteton, N.A. Landscape and Sheep Landscape and Sheep WILLIAMS, FRrepEericx Bawaro, N.A. The Terrace ZIMMERMAN, Ernest In the Tavern ‘ CATALOGUE | NUMBER 188 26 31 rates 124 43 125 161 46 INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX | i INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY ye > * 7 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY CH INSTITUTE il iii i | il WN 3 3125 Beene sentra e 3s Gr we est, mee an Sipe wae Sere ae ee West He VENA Aers beer eA” Pete Se ig Oy Se a Ee METRE Hae Wie Merete meee Ai aero ON SUNN wer ee Pinel, naive (Ree AN SHE eee notte ee oe AG UR SREY er eer ener Ta Ss Pre wit Menge Oe ne ee Ro Fegye Wee Rb See Ketan ege de wey, WR ER ey eee eee ¥ teeaee ising! WAS Wag he Maig- 5) Dale oat pees ANU OSL Ae PRG HONG PER SOL Fue Ogee ye ee ar ee Mowe daa et ete ee Pt me ea Cee ee wong ie MENG SE Bre AUPE Here NEUE VER gy aR a me aD, ARN HH ern ery Bots Me a Se a ern eet RRR Me yy CR ony liad et hh hed ae ee eer Perens a eV Ye nape» WA Ey HA Mong en ne © ar) s Wee Nee eas neler NY RPG ea! EO ra tere ne ad YAN RUA RU wa Ae Viena SO De see nye 4 bee HE ye eres Sr rg HRN Oy ene ere te RC ar a bh eh eed bel ee Cs ee oe Sete St 7 ere ate 28 Oe eer ey Deve ie er ea Oe, Crna ans ae er rie Saal Saye sti ray, Reine ee ee ebalien inte lati. tal ihe ees | Pe creer ony: aa oad ees Te el Ste BEM Ese aes WIRE Raia Hee UC eel A eS Oe Pe ak ed ig. Re ee ole Wt a PAP AEE RHA REE Me WOR Seer TMY hu vsUey ene roe ha, Sete Po ‘ awe tae se) Pe eekiigh ey Avan guid Po oe bbe se bt hs exe nee. PHP Smhenut ye sera tent ay nate AN ee te ry eeererareens dente “arate A Kin Aen grasa dey; ae it TP ee tens “ 444 BARRE we yore, Rave i Sarature’yiite He i SHANA ENSURE PETS AB Het elke ae Hy eee TUE E LY he ae Many STUHR BEE AAS AV Gni7 ee SvMAERUSerUNe estes at AL ee PPG Sue ESS Uaibat pie CAEN OWEA ANU AL ew oe D We DML A Ley one . 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