EN (ineteenth Century OIL PAINTINGS a os ae From the Estate of the Late aa 3. NELSON ROBINSON eee the Collection of in. HARRY LOPLITT cal with Additions x : | G¥O Moy 5 American Art ‘Association: Inc MADISON AVENUE * 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1927 arts iy oo [ a Pees wet ee ees spk apatites comauiaas —- be MRS. LSON ROBINSON 6 — ARRY TOPLITT - sold at American Art Association - on May 5, 1927. - No. Price - fe 7i o $ 50. S yp ee 100. - Tes 60.. a 14; 100. - 3 20. ~ 76. pio 2 rs 100. = 78. 100. c 79, 450. vr 80. 180. ; 81. 256. c 82. 260. = BS: 140. = 84. Blo. > 85. 2,100. 5 86. L235: = B77 BB. 88. 55. A 89. 90. 3 90. 1,500. ; 91. Cir. nee ME Bp ———-—-1] BOre { 92. 170. J 93. Lity, ; 94. S75. 95. 160. v6. 50O. we. 510. 98. 400. 99. 575:. 100. 80. Ley thy 400. 2OR 4 A705" LOSie 575% 104. 50. 105. 50: 106. SO: 108. 80. 109. 350. TiC: 60. dats 200. FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION From Saturday ‘April 30 Until Time of Sale Weekdays g to 6 « Sunday 2 to 5 UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Evening of Thursday, May 5, 1927 Beginning at 8:15 O’Clock Beeb. LION G&° SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue - 56th to 57th Street New York City ¢ At es CONDUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association « Inc MANAGERS 1927 oii re “ T* _ ‘ - ~ 7 Pg r « ’ ae | eet . of 4 # OlL PAINTINGS by Renoir 7 Detaille + Jacque 7 Vibert Beechey 7 Cotes » Hoppner 7 Chase Sully » Wiggins » Schreyer 6? others Cfrom Various Private (ollections and Several ee R a other = | day Ty. aa Teabed T lay pre hale 1B dpeingerld Under Management of the American Art Association Taio O2 POR .AT ED New York 1927 he Priced (a ta logues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - Inc Designs its (atalogues and Directs All Details of Illustration Text and Typography ee j I. 2. Conditions of Sale CATA» REJECTION OF Bips. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Tue Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. IDENTIFICATION AND Deposir By Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. QL A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. CL If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. Risk AFTER Purcnase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham- mer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. Devivery oF Purcnuases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. RecerPTep Britis. Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a re- ceipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the prop- erty has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. SroraGE IN DeFAuLT oF Prompr Payment AND CaLiinG For Goons. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Associa- tion to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. CL, In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the see and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses an expenses sustained in so doing. ; : LR Suippinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in whic the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, 10. Il. afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. Guaranty. ‘The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. CL Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Associa- tion will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may © thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. , BuyInc oN Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. , Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association OTTO BERNET - HIRAM H. PARKE - c4uctioneers AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - ING Managers ; EVENING SESSION hursday Pay 546.102 77 at 8:4 5pm. : Bsr Numbers 1 to 111 Inclusive Z = _ETIENNE BERNE-BELLECOUR RENCH: 1838—1910 S ures of a man and woman, inthe dress of the “thirties, their backs ae a ds the observer, strolling on grass in the shadow of three huge trees. “ine Si Signed at lower right, E. BERN | Pen and ink: Height, 5 inches; width, 344 inches ELLECOUR > : bs apie Sold to close an Account IVAN POKITONOW : RUSSIAN: Sy 2. AUTOMNE, ILE ADAM HY .. Grass meadow bordered by a hedge of trees; the tiny figure of a man in @ * a blue coat visible at the left. _ Signed at lower right, I. Poxrronow Panel: Height, 4% inches; length, 61% inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson 13 Pee Ae) RE IE TOULMOUCHE French: 1829—1890 MINIATURE PORTRAIT Waist-length profile to the left of a lady wi wy, 2 ds a sky-blue dress edged with white, a bow background. | ong dark hair and clad in the corsage. Greenish-brown Signed at left, A. TouLmMoucuHE, and dated 1876 Height, 5\%4 inches; width, 434 inches — Sold to close an Estate ~ JOHN G. BROWN, Nee American: 1831—191 3y—— & trousers, his hands thrust into his ing on the grass with straddled legs. lal AN URCHIN A small boy in white shirt 4 ; Dd pockets and a feather in his cap, is st Signed at lower left, J. G. Brown, arid dated 1863 Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches 4 | Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson , ie y THOMAS sity American: 1783—187: Le 5. SKETCH OF A MALE azar He He. e= Vigorous drawing of the head of a middle-aged man, pdhere/ brown hair and /? * full beard, in profile to the left. Gouache: Height, 5% inches; length, 7V%4 inches Property of a Private Collector 14 THOMAS SULLY American: Sg ag, 6. SKETCH OF A FEMALE HEAD ke of a woman with long fair hair an eating a blue fap; the head turned , in profile over the right shoulder. Gouache: Height, 5 inches; length, 634 inches Property of a Private Collector JEAN GEORGES VIBERT French: 184 — 7. UN RUSSE a t the corner of a snow-driven Street stands the’ bent figure of a man in -an old brown suit and slippers, wearing a red ap and wrapped around with a striped red blanket; he is armed with a scimitar and a gun. Signed at lower right, J. G. Viperr Panel: Height, 7% inches; width, 43% inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT Frenchy 1825—1900 8. THE KITTENS An Le LY © | On the carpet beside a tigéf-skin rug are sp wled two rhite cats y ® and their white kittens, one of the latter perchéd triumphantly /gn the mask . of the tiger. Signed at lower left, L. Euc. LAMBERT Water-color: Height, 12 inches; length, 13 inches Property of a Private Collector 15 CHARDES “POUTLS FUE ae J French: 1815—1892 Q. 10. +): 11.5 Ok THE SCRIBE Interior scene, depicting the figure of an elderly man holding a manuscript, seated by the side of a table before an open chest. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches Sold to close an Estate IVAN POKITONOW 1840— Russian: WINTER ° A snow-cov. plain with trees awd cottages on the near horizon. A fur- q clad shep with his dog and small flock are huddled together in a small patch of scanty grass from which the snow has melted. Signed at lower right, J. Poxrronow, and dated 1881 Panel: Height, 7 inches; length, Tiguan | Property of a Private Collector CHARLES COURTNEY @GURR American: 1861— Cc GIRL READING “eagle J : a brown Aress sitting on a chair covered with a white bearskin, before a Japanese screén, reading. | Interior with a young girl in Signed at lower right, CHas. C. Curran, and dated 1888 ie Height, 11% inches; width, 54 inches S| Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw | 16 ag _ -ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. - “Scoftish: 1825—1904 of +r hill, a tiny mountain stream rushing down to the le foreground et in brown coat and tam o’shanter, and plaid Height, 11 fiche ; width, 8 inches FEMALE FIGURE ° y_the left knee bent, th ath clasped. behind the tilted - o Pencil and wash: Height, 12% inches; width, 9% inches the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson es SEYMOUR JOSEPH GUY +> American: 1824—1910 % 1 WE BUTTERFLY he es Keen. z child, barelegged and wearing a white frock, standing in profile to eet against a tree-trunk and reaching up with both hands to capture a w butterfly Background of green foliage. dat lower left, S. J. Guy “ . Millboard: Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches Sold to close an Account 17 1G ee. 2 Te lds HENRY “MOS DE Rane American: I IN THE ORCHARD A young girl dressed in white, with her apron/full of fruit, is leaning against a tree, eating an apple; around her the long/green grass and wild flowers of the orchard. Signed at lower right, HENry Mosier Height, 12% inches; width, 9 inches Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt A. DE BY LAR Dutch: ra SWISS LAKESIDE SCENE Hee gad A flat bottomed boat with two figures ison the smoux1 waters of the lake; behind rise tall mountains flecked in mist, and at the right on the sandy hills is perched a chalet, towards which a peasant girl is walking. Signed at lower left, CounT DE BYLANDT Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt | JEAN GUSTAVE JACO Gi French: 1846—1909 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG, GIRERINGE Gracefully posed at bust-length, facing the observer, her head to half r the sitter wears a pink blouse ruffled at the neck and with a whiteWlace collar, her short curly hair framing a fresh and beautiful face. Dark green- ish background. Signed at lower left, G. JACQUET Height, 14 inches; width, oY inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson 18 LEO HERRMANN ‘French: XTX Century z oy OF 4 LADY a hy i to the right one wearing po d hair, befeathered hat seeing striped bodice. upper left, Leo HERRMANN : . Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches ae cCENTE PALMAROLI . a sé Sa ay 1835—1896 A’ an ND OPERA Ww a y is sy sae in a gilded armchair, her face/resting on her right A te 2 pis pink and white dress and holds a white fan up ned a at i. ss . PALMAROLI — | Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches Pee of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson ; VASILY VERESTCHAGIN & 2 Russian: 1842—19 P A JEWISH RABBI -, A man with gaunt features and straggling white @ ooking out from either side of a bibulous nose. c black fur cap. __ Stamped on back of canvas with seal of the Verestchagin Collection, Amer- ican Art Association, Nov., 1891 Height, 14% inches; width, 11 inches Collection of the Estate of J. W. Brown, American Art Association, 1906 Property of Mr. Harry ‘Toplitt ard, his cavernous eyes wears a brown coat with 4 : 19 CHARLES EMILE] AG French: 1813—1894 21. SHEEP IN BARN o/ Interior with ‘nger ay at the right; two white sheep are huddled f 0 e together, the sunught falling in patches on their flee Behind them are two hens in the straw. * Signed at lower left, CH. JACQUE Panel: Height, 73% inches; length, 1134 inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson [See illustration | 20 a a \ Ct Es: RAYMOND. ifthe cad | > French: si oak - f a forest wi pin fight A the onslaught of a vicious ; seer mauling one of their number. In the foreground an 1 is jumping a a felled tree. Work of autumnal tonality, under Brascassar, and dated 1849 Pa vel: Height, 10% inches; length, 13% inches Hauff, Paris Peis S. REINHART American; 1844—1897 sandy shore at the left on which ging on a rope. A little way out to a part of the fleet on the horizon. flower left, C. S. Remyuart, and dated 1888 Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches igures making out from ng, one of the men of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw JAMES MORGAN siii ° §& XIX. Century ite G-A-ROUND-ROSY {pow Ot Buw 6 “ i xp of five children playing on the grass in a glade encircled by trees. ae A path bisects the grass of the foreground. at lower right, JAMEs MorGan | Height, 10% inches; length, 1442 inches Bercy of a Private Collector Pe , = 2! we 25. 20, 50. a left. Under their lee at the left, a solitary fisherman. Hw PEABODY, EP LAGG American: 1859— ft : AUTUMN / har Surat A shepherd wearing4{ greatceat and driving His small flock of sheep down the road away from the rver; a stone wall with russet trees crosses it before it reaches the rolling meadows beyond. Signed at lower left, H. PEaBpopy Fiaco, and dated 1925 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches | yo Property of H. Peabody Flagg ROBERT" T Omi British: XVIII Century SPATE ON THE RIVER LIFFEY, AT LEIXLIP, NEAR DUBLIN A salmon-leap on the narrow rushing river, the fall seen a§/a curtain of white spume across the middle distance with russet trees behind and at the Board: Height, 13 inches; length, 20 inches Walker Art Gallery Exhibition, Liverpool, 1908 Collection of Ralph Brocklebank, Esq. Sold to close an Account R. MAGHELLI Italian: XIX CGentu GIRL FEEDING CHICKENS / f -t Before a barn in the bright sunshine, is an Italian peasant girl wj wrapped in a brightly striped shawl, carrying a basket, and hens flocking about her. Signed at lower right, R. MAGHELLI Water-color: Height, 20 inches; width, 13% inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson 22 DWIGHT W. TRYON, N.A. 28. EVENING ia countrywoman, carrying a basket and ) , is trudging up the road away from the spé¢tator toward the village. On either =“ Buide are patches of grass fronting the thatched cottages with their scattered trees; above, in the evening sky is a crescent moon and a delicate pale yellow _ twilight. S Signed at lower left, D. W. Tryon, and dated 1883 y . Water-color: Height, 12% inches; length, 18% inches ing a small child by the hand, % Bee eccriy of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson Bb. PERRAULT French: XIX Century * + 29, HEAD OF 4A YOUNG GIRL ‘ Bust-length portrait of a peasa and fawn shawl over her head, *smilingly towards the observer. d, wearing a white blousg{/red scarf er chubby face with its gra Dark background. Signed at upper left, L. PERRAULT, and dated 1882 Height, 17% inches; width, 13 inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson ANTONIO CASANOVA Spanish: 1847—1 A JOVIAL MONK Portrait of a monk in brown robes, cowl and sand 70 chair and drinking coffee, with a cheerful gri 30. eated in a highbacked n his fleshy face. Gray background. f pe at upper left with dedication, A. Casanova, and dated 1877 ; ¢ Height, 16 inches; width, 122 inches 3 Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson 23 31. B25 Hee EDOUARD* DETATOULE | French: ives FRAGMENT DU PANORAMA Py, On the blue-green earth, two dead soldiérsin tinfform; wounded, are crumpled up in contorted attitudes. Signed at lower right, E. DETAILLE = q Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches — Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt 4 P. iV AN: 73 Calla Dutch: 48067-1870 THE -PORIG SHOP, e i Interior lighted by a flaring candle; a boy carrying a ju before the meat counter, the shopkeeper, wearing a fril blouse, reaching up towards the hanging strings of sa nd platter stands hood and brown esirs ; Signed at lower right, P..van SCHENDEL, 1885 eee Panel: Height, 17 inches; width, 15 inches q Collection of the Estate of Elza M. Curtis, American Art Association, March, 1906 , Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt DAV LD BAC iS British: XIX Century UPPER REACHES OF THE WYE 2 Ont The narrow band of the stream at the right carries the eye away to the distant mountain; in the left foreground a path leads down to the rocky bank through russet woodland. A little girl with a dog is seated on the grass by the river. Signed at lower left, Davin Bares, and dated 1877 Signed on back of canvas, Davin Bares, and dated 1877 Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Sold to close an Account 24 SYDNEY M. LAURENCE American: wy 1 : we s Ps pey ° 34. ~ et 7. pao) * tt e mermaid is seated oék surroun green sea and looking inte B thé brilliant red of the sunset, from Av}fich come flying gulls. a z igned at lower left, S. M. Laurence , Board: Height, 22 inches; width, 11 inches Prog erty of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw FREDERIC HENWOOD 4 _ American: pesemporary _ BEACH OF BAB-EL-QUED, ALGIERS ert fe wel ° _A donkey is standing placidly in the sunshine on the fand in the fore- ground, looking towards a white-walled shanty with piffk roofs at the left. Rae Behind is a stretch of brilliant blue sea, at the right two poles thrust into the sand. _ Signed at lower left, HENwoop, PLacrE BaB-EL-OvuEp, ALGIERs Height, 12 inches; length, 21 inches Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw fey GO) DW. A R’D American, XIX Centu THE LOVER’S RING me eh Vasinitd On the marble terrace of a Roman villa, H. | a curly- ane maid wearing a white and purple robe and looking at the ring on her finger; the figure of her lover, wrapped in a toga, is seen descending the steps. Brilliant tur- quoise sky. Signed at lower right, J. W. Gopwarp, and dated 1892 Height, 20 inches; width, 11 inches Property of a Private Collector 25 FRANKLIN. DE sH AV EONS American: 1856— , 37. WINTER Sf af A snow-covered plain broken by brown ruts and a low stone wall crossing — if *the foreground, along which aligned a few bare trees with their wispy — brown branches shivering befdte a dull sky. In the distance, a glimpse of — water. Dated at lower left, RocKHAvEN, Nov. 12, 1899 | Millboard: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw | q JAMES R. WARD British: 1769—1859 38. DEAD HARE BYE heen’ ‘ ® | Landscape, with a white spaniel in the foreground crouching beside the body / 0 » of a dead hare strung up by the legs to the base of a tree-trunk, the butt of a gun resting beside it. Signed at right, J. Warp | | Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches Sold to close an Account DAVID. BACHE Bran Century ~ 20.) dl PARI ON sao: 8 / Cr The river is shallow, bordefed and strewn with rounded boulders; the arches — - | of a bridge cross it in the middle distance amid green and russet trees. At the left a village, with the hills behind. Signed at lower right, Davin Bares, and dated 1877 Signed on back of canvas, Davip Bates, and dated 1877 Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Sold to close an Account : 26 EE. LADELL . Contemporary ne a STILL LIFE: FRUIT fe: ‘ On a marble table is a heaped mass of peaches, plums, apples, pears and blue ae ye go si nm grapes. Signed at lower left with monogram E L . ae Height, 1134 inches; length, 173% inches Solk to close an Account ; ae C. CALDERON we ii nat ’ _ ait ie 41. THE LAGOON, VENICE The sunlit turquoise water at the end ith the Doge’s » Palace and the Campanile in the right middle distance. In the reground, UV * a large barque at anchor; a gondola, filled with gaily dressed fi out towards it. In the manner of Félix Ziem. = | Signed at lower right, C. CALDERON a ey. Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches : : Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt WILHELM MENZLER % " German: XIX Century 42. 4 FLORENTINE GARDEN Ne j ad b, __ A young lady in white robes, culling Yrosés’in rd ufded by a ‘Tharble 7 wall, on which stands a terra-cotta urn; without, are dark cypresses and a glimpse of a stately mansion above the trees. Signed at right, W. MENZzLER i] ye Panel: Height, 21 inches; width, 14 inches Property of a Private Collector 2] 43. 44. 45. /t0. GUS TAY. CO UReiOus French: 1852 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN A PINK DRES Waist-length portrait facing half-right, the head turned towards the spec- a tator, of a lady in a pink décolletage, her hair tied up in a cherry-colored — bonnet. Signed at lower left, GusravE Courtots, and dated 1883 Height, 20 inches; width, 13% inches Sold to close an Estate FABIO ,Cl?P Ger Italian: 1854— a AN INTERESTING BOOK 4g Lying on an ottoman heaped with cushions, before a wall painted with Ori- : | ental motives, is a young girl clad in a pale blue dress in the fashion of 1900, ; | reading a book. : Signed at lower left, F. CrpoLia : Height, 10Y2 inches; length, 20 inches — Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw i RAIMUNDO MADRAZS Spanish: 1841—1920 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN VIOLET Jf. : Painted at waist-length and wearing a close-fitting violet dress, her fgif hair — covered by a bonnet with white flowers; the back turned towards/the ob- — server, the head modeled in profile to the left against a dark brown ground. Signed at lower left, R. Maprazo Panel: Height, 1434 inches; width, 11 inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson 28 A. GUILLEMIN French: XIX Century : < AFTERNOON 1, a stone walled house, in the hot sunshine. Three young women blouses and gaily colored skirts are grouped around, one of them on “chest. and fondling a child, who carries a basket of roses and “one Aas the scented blossoms. 4 lov vel iki: AL GUILLEMIN 4 Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 17% inches +H. PEABODY FLAGG | American: 1859— ~—— ONL GHT SCENE AC. _ river: crossing the foreground laterally between green banks; a mp of trees at the right on the farther shore. “The moon is set in c ‘clouds and reflected in the calm water. t lower left, H. PEaspopy F acc, and dated 1927 ae Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches "Property of H. Peabody Flagg EDOUARD ZIER — ce, French: 1856— 8. 4 eagAN BEAUTY of ~ ao portrait of a beautiful young lady with lon n hair flowing Frc 1 under a white cap, and wearing a décolleté green robe wrapped at the v %e orsage over a white chemise. Ds at upper left, E. ZrER Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches 29 H. PEABODY FLAGG _— American: 1859— 49. GOING TO PASTURE Hee : Aww ‘ sO A peasant woman is driving a small flock heep in the sunshine round — d 2 emt curve of a French road lined with trées and crossing a river in the — middleground. Behind is a dark curtain off tall poplars. Signed at lower left, H. PEaBopy Face, and dated 1927 Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches | Property of H. Peabody Flagg 4 B. VAN BAStia Dutch: 1591—1652 50. INTERIOR OF A°CAPALD RA 7 la A fan-vaulted interior of a Baroque ch with Corinthign marble columns ad and, in the foreground, a tiled floor, “with the tomb of ® bishop at the left. Figures of men and women in seventeenth century costume are walking about. Signed on base of pillar at left, B. van Bassrn, and dated 1626 = Panel: Height, 17¥ inches; length, 21 inches Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt GILBERT STUART _ [Manner oF] American: 1755—1828 . 51. BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. Dp, costume, holding his brushes and palette The painter is lounging in a negligen ; : /¢ ,in his left hand and dressed in a green silk coat and waistcoat and white stock; posed at half-length, the head to half left. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Sold to close an Account ) 30 Bs PEABODY FLAGG American: 1859— 52. THE EVENING LIGHT Ge ; ___ Landscape in Southern France. A peasant girl is driving a flock of sheep away from the spectator down a road leading towards the roofs of a vil- a lage in the middle distance, in the heart of the rolling grassland. A sunset sky is filled with little balls of cloud. Signed at lower left, H. PEaBopy FLacc, and dated 1923 oo Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches is —— of H. ea Flagg sy . HAROLD SPEED = : British: 1872— 53. THE SILENT PLACE YA Ly A chasm formed of sqtare masse¥ o , spersed with bushy green shrubs; in a of the cliff are white hares. oken purplish granite rock is inter- le sky is the full moon. At the foot « ~ ig MCR “ERAGE, a ao Naan er 7 14 “ie re ek Signed at lower right, H. SPEED Height, 25% inches; width, 20% inches Present Day British Art Exhibition, London, 1925 Sold to close an Acount FREDERIC HENWOOD _ American: Contemporary BD x4. AN ALGERIAN MOSQUE Ay: ONT Wien. A sandy glade, in which stands a small Arab boy, tending two donkeys + beneath the trees; through the arch of their branches is seen a small square . white mosque with a curtain of woods behind. . Height, 22% inches; length, 28 inches - Property of Mr. Samuel T. Shaw 31 Eee ele C TUE Contemporary 55). WONELE PAN DSCALE 6 In LLo A broadly painted study in luminf&ristic colors, of a wide styetch of arable country dotted with haystacks, with the houses of a village at the left under a brilliant June sun. ‘The view drops foreground into a mass of trees with foliage of bewildering brilliant tones. Signed at lower right, STEICHEN, and dated 1909 ? Height, 24% inches; length, 25% inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson ARMAND CHAK Ne French: 1844— SOP al CaO : a Background of autumn woodland with two cottages on th stream which tumbles over a rocky spate. On the bank, stones, is a small boy in brown displaying a catch of/fish to an admiring audience, with women and small girls behind at the right. Signed at lower right, A. CHARNAY Hage 17 inches; length, 24% inches — Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson : R. WEATHERBY 59.0 UALR PEASAN] (Gike stered together q | rply from the hich is strewn.with ® with arms akimbo at waist-length facing the spe€fator, with a brilliant oe : x / A luminarist picture of a woman in a violet dresgfand white shawl, painted ground of trees and a grassy hillside in the poweyful sunshine. Signed on back, R. WEATHERBY, and dated 1823 Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Present Day British Art Exhibition, London, 1925 Sold to close an Account 32 Contemporary s_ reflecting the light of a full white moon reise above Ils in the distance. lower | a Srercuen, and dated illegibly _ Board: Height, 1734 inches; width, 14 inches fe late Mrs. Nelson Robinson OVA Al NN Nt BOLDINI hat and tight waiste vb fac if, at lower left, Bopin1 ‘oe _ , Panel: Height, 2734 inches; width, 23 inches Property ry of the ee of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson ta dag E. MERLON German: Contemporary = ING CATTLE OAc yressionistic rendering of rich green marshy lowlands; in the left fore- la cow drinking from the streamlet, at the right another approaching , disturbing the gaily plumaged ducks. | . at i left, E. MERLON Panel: Height, 25% inches; length, 292 inches EP Fnveod, Valadon & Company, New York 1 to close an Estate 33 61. bo. eed Fo 62: JAM BSG Ee alee American: 1855 MARINE WITH STEAM iO ft Lf i, {/. ah et with auxiliary sail ee choppy green: sea under gray clouds; a steam “pac 1 spread, is making its way heavily through the swell towards the left. Signed at lower left, James G. TYLER . Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Property of a Private Collector : whe | | H:. -D AsNee XIX Century UN PORT MEDITERRANE GY De On the sands in the foreground are fishermen with their boats, women bear- — -ing burdens and marketing, and groups of children. On the further side of the smooth bay are the rounded hillocks of the coast. Signed at lower left, Dana, and dated Nice 1874 Height, 19 inches; length, 33 inches Property of a Private Collector GAYLORD SANGSTON =P. (pee American: 18s0—1 899-—_# : STUDY SOR COW. ‘ A brown and white cow sitting stolidly in the grAés, in the sunshine, and painted in profile to the lef at the side™of a stream Signed at lower left, G. S. TRUESDELL Height, 20% inches; length, 29 inches G. S. Truesdell Collection, American Art Association, 1906 Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt 34 . —— ’ ——— ‘ * 2 es a la emai aR i LRt Aat r MBPENKY PEMBER SMITH American: 1854—1907 p e 64. MIDSUMMER STUDY: HEAD OF NIANTIC RIVER On the peaceful rippling water two boys are poling a small boat; the grassy bank behind lies in the sunshine and partly in the shadow of bushy masses * of foliage of the beech trees which line the shore, half concealing a gabled cottage at the left. age 2 Signed at lower right, Henry P. SMiruH Height, 20% inches; length, 28 inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration | 35 66. 67. RUSTIC SCENE GEORGE MORLAND [Artrisutép To] British: 1763—1804 Before a farmhouse sheltered by huge oak treeg4is a trough at which two — swine and a white spaniel are feeding; looking/én is a farmer’s boy in a red — waistcoat, and a young girl. ‘The whole is fib6ded with the afternoon light — of early autumn. 7 | Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Property of a Private Collector 3 Hi, PR PAR eae — Am n: 1859— 3 ; RETURNING HOME re 7 Ip s stu grass country in the soft A shepherd is leading his flock Acros twilight; in the distance are trees, cottages and a windmill silhouetted against the yellowish horizon sky. Signed at lower left, H. PEaBopy Fiaca, and dated 1916 Height, 16% inches; length, 24 inches Property of H. Peabody Flagg | CARLETON WIGGINS American: 1848 GUERNSEY BULL f. a ee A vigorously drawn brown and white animal in his head as if startled; in the middle distance by other cattle. A gray sky lashes the trees with win e foreground, turning e river bridge are two and rain. Signed at lower left, CARLETON WicciIns, N.A., and dated 1915 Signed on back of canvas, CARLETON WIGGINS Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Property of a Private Collector 36 HENRI LEOPOLD-LEVY | : French: 1840—1904 ~ 68. END OF THE COMBAT E 4) ; A | a La ndscape, with rocks towering up at thé left “and the sea inthe’ distance. . In the foreground, two tribesmen; one standing with poised scimitar, his _ black coat flying in the wind and about to dispatch his helpless enemy, who sprawls on the ground, his sword broken, between the fallen bodies of their horses. "Signed at lower left, Henri Livy, and dated 1870 aie Height, 31% inches; width, 25% inches r- F rom William Schaus, New York - Sold to close an Account _ ee! ‘ ole Fe HENRI G. MARTIN at French: 1860— | oe ; 69. THE BRIDGE, ST.-MEDARD Nr ° _ ___ Pointillé design in brilliant colors. The two stone arches of the , purplish-gray cross the river which runs away into the left foreg “+ near bank is of grass in the sunshine, while behind the brid masses and an ultramarine and white sky. are tree Signed at lower right, Henr1 Martin Height, 26 inches; length, 40 inches Sold to close an Account KEES VAN DONGEN Dutch: Contemporary . Ye 70. IDA RUBINSTEIN AND ISADORA D AN Abstract impression of the dancer at the left in a black robe and théeclining (x) , figure of Madame Rubinstein the actress, against a brilliant blue background. Signed at lower right, van DonGEN Height, 21% inches; length, 252 inches Property of a Private Collector 37 mor T ier J. 73- bo. | American? 3854— 1 ie G di CATTLE IN UPLAND rast A . GEORGE ARTHUR- HAYS A straggling herd of brown, black, filo and white cattle are str, down towards the right foreground over the rolling broken grassland, is thickly covered with undergrowth and mossy boulders. Aroun segment of the rise is a girdle of green trees beneath the cloudy heavens. Signed at lower right, G. A. Hays, and dated 1900 Height, 24 inches; Be 36 inches — | Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt . FRANKLIN DE HAVEN Shee American: 1856— RUSSET WOODS : The double lines of a cart trac nd into the foreground betwgeh the still, upright trunks of trees in brilhant brown and russet foliage. Signed at lower left, F. pe Haven ! a Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches Sold to close an Account BARKER. OF} S8 yaa British: 1769—1844 LANDSCAPE, NEWPORT Gy, Jee Gj pay ] A small grass clearing in which are two cows and a man, and a mule at the left, surrounded by thick masses of russet foliage, with elms towering into the black sky in the right foreground. In the distance at the left, sunlit — clouds overhanging open country. Height, 25 inches; length, 29% inches — Sold to close an Account 38 wMeeMAo SULLY American: 1783—1872 OL : 74. DR. McCLURE OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Mae Painted at bust-length, facing the observer, and wearing a black coat and SOD black bow-tie; brown background. The face is full and somewhat fleshy, but } distinguished by penetrating gray eyes. ; Signed at lower right with monogram, TS, and dated 1841 Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration ] 39 PETER PAUL RUBENS [Manner oF] LZ ef ; } Flemish: 1577—1640 } y 75. PORTRAIT OF 4 GENTLEMAN IN BLACK | 4 4 Jo A vigorous head and shoulders portrait of a bearded man of middle age in | black coat and white collar, the ruddy complexioned face turned to half- left. Black background. Panel: Height, 26 inches; width; 20 inches Sold to close an Account. GILBERT STUART [Arrrmurep 70] American: 1755—1828 : vy cy. 76. RICHARD BURKE, SON OF EDMUND BURKE A young man with gray wig and clad in a green coat with white stock, 7. VA 0 e painted at bust-length to half-left, against a brown background. Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches Sold to close an Account | : es GEORGE HENRY HARLOW British: 1787—1819 Py, 77, MISS BARTLETT Ml Before a greenish drapery, the bust-length portrait of a young lady in a décolleté tomato-red dress with a green bow at the corsage, her head with yA y), ) ’ its curly hair turned towards the observer, the face and neck strongly lighted. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Sold to close an Account 40 _ FRANCIS OTE $-cks, = a” | British: 1726—1770 Ta. ee t 4 F. Tarr, and dated 1862 _ Height, 182 inches; length, 24 inches a ” i “the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson ALFRED WIERNSZ-KOWALSKI Polish: 1849— ; ks down Mba tl ds with scattered sky f A woo 1 and the huddled roofs of the village in the left middle distance. Up al ae road towards the spectator comes a Russian cart drawn by fee 0: horse, and filled with milk cans and hay, on top of which is perched in a greatcoat and green muffler. ; a ned at lower left, ALFRED WIERNSZ-KOWALSKI a Panel: Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches Pre erty of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson 41 British: 1726—1770 ,® a 81. MRS; CARMICHAEL : e 4, ALA yn ff. o 82. O;; , and before a background of sky and foliage, is the three-quarter leng : FRANCIS. “COTES/* RA Leaning against a balustrade over (VA a drapery o Veneuate red, figure of a young lady in a gold-embroidered white muslin dress. Her taw complexion, black eyes and long black hair offer evidence of East Indian descent... te Height, 40 inches; width, 39 inches Arthur apne Collection, American Art Association, 1926 Sold to close an Account me WILLIAM MERRITT CHAS ee JOHN GETZ, ESO. The sitter, painted at half-le oth, wearine black tie, and holding in his right hand a scroll; the he beard, faces the observer and is painted in war and browns of the background. oat and waistcoast and black — , set off with a pointed white tones echoing the dark greens Signed at upper right, Wm. M. CHaAsE Height, 31% inches; width, 26% inches Property of Mr. John Getz g [See illustration | 42 Joun Getz, Esq No. 82. $3. (#0. se a ss tenennag ior shat 2 ANTONIO CANALET Re Italian: 1724—1780 VENICE WV) y Ly / Or Facing the spectator, Across the Yag6on, is the northern bank with a line of mansions, the Ducal Palace and the Campanile; the black gondolas are moving to and fro over the glassy water. In the right foreground ships are moored at the quay, on which groups of figures are walking outside a Baroque church. Height, 24 inches; length, 40 inches Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt [See illustration | 44 -— FRITS THAULOW Norwegian: 1847—1906 J 84. “SCANDINAVIAN VILLAGE IN WINTER -[he curve ofthe village street, ankle deep in snow, with bare brown hedges at the left qnd a line of low cottage buildings at the right. A painted cart with green hood and drawn by a gray horse is rolling along towards the spec- tator, two villagers plodding behind it through the snow. Signed at lower left, Frirs THAuLow, and dated 1895 Height, 19 inches; length, 273% inches Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Nelson Robinson [See illustration | 45 8s. PORTRAI PIERRE AUGUSTE French: 184I—I1919 DE MADAME SAMARY AU PIANO Profile to the/right, the head tilted; the hair is loosely coiled at the nape of — her neck and the sitter clad in a décolleté blue and white gown, and seated ~ before an upright piano with her head outlined before an open book of music. + Height, 23 inches; width, 17% inches © Namara-Bolton Collection, American Art Association, 1926 Property of a Private Collector [See illustration | 46 ore HOPPNER, R.A. British: 1758—1810 e ” /} 86. LADY JANE MILDMAY Half-length figure before a deep sc! drapery, of x ol Mrofoan wearing ; Ls. a low-cut brown dress with V-neck; her right arm resting on a green marble pedestal. ‘The scarlet of the drapery is échoed in the warm color of the cheeks, the thick brown hair and the red beads about the throat. Height, 29% inches; width, 25% inches / «= . Collection of the Right Hon. The Earl of Clarendon, The Grove, Wat- ford, England. Arthur Tooth Collection, American Art Association, 1926 Sold to close an Account [See illustration | 47 ~ ae ALPHONSE. DE) NIU French: 1836—1885 87. INFANTRY QUARTERS A stone walled farmhouse with redg@ofs; one of thége shattered by a huge shell-hole above the empty windows¢ A detachmeft/of French infantry in blue uniforms and red caps, is marching with fixed bayonets through the buildings towards the right. a men At i tN Signed at upper right, A. DE NEUVILLE Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Property of Mr. Harry ‘Toplitt [See illustration | 48 = pe i * —_ er eebeeen: DE NEUVILLE hoc), u'French: (1836—1885 — a . eo" ae . 4 | e . : : : | Mh : | I pantions the Blues int r 1a height partly through th¢ yusset branche¢ Af a tall beech in the re bs Shells are bursting at left, while ir egular masses of blue- try are advancing to assault the village. ies , J rs per right with initials A. bE N. . oes Height, 36 inches; widths 29 inches of Mr. Hare Topi Pe — MARI AND FORTUNY ee } Spanish: ats i ° ~ 89. ENVIRONS DE TANGER Hy. 73 A wide stretch of desolate country, mafsh/and windin i T |» wtih the fallen trunks of dead trees; in the right foreground a species of rude ’ tent encampment. In the centre of the middle distance, a low square block- house fronting the open gray water at the left. ‘The sky is yellowish-gray and overcast inland. Height, 26% inches; length, 60 inches Stamped at lower right with the seal of the Vente Fortuny Sold to close an Account 49 go. /S60- j30. Sold to close an Account TIM ADO £2258. 2a Cri Reha German: ones p | of ] WALLACHIAN PEASANTS ON 4 JO NEY < ); = ‘ A dusty plain with a pool of water in the foreground crossed by a trestle Of : planks, over which is thundering a team of eight horses mounted by two peasants with long hair and round caps, and pulling a small cart containing a bearded elder and his wife. ‘The team is charging up the slope to the — right away from the observer. — Signed at lower left, AD. SCHREYER Height, 18 inches; length, 422 inches Property of a Private Collector [See illustration ] ASTON KNIGHT b an ‘American: loge : a j SUNSET AT INDIAN NECK, CONNECTICUT The wild grasses of the foreground are divided by a path and are in the shade of trees at left and right, the latter forming an open lacework for the greens and browns of the sky. A broad river and a mass of foliage on the farther side receive the warm brownish tones of the evening light. Signed at lower right, Aston KnicurT, Paris Height, 33 inches; length, 45 inches feb AANUNO{[ V NO SLNVSVAd NVIHOVTIV AA ‘06 ‘oN UF CAR Os French: XIX ar ys Lp, Q2. LATELIER DU PEINTRE : Dp A studio interior with a group of ladies ay aces in ae dim 7 examining sketches; at the right is a mog disrobine behind a ma 7 y)) * menta, at the left the artist in brown smock andl red stockings, a painting to two ladies and a gentleman in Louis XVI costume | Signed at lower left, J. Carotus, and dated 1863 . ‘ | i Height, 36 inches; loath, ae Property of a Private Collector. [See illustration] | VICTOR COR Spanish: 1859— 03. LHLePET A young lady in“a champagne-yellow satin arf, is seated in profile to the right beside a mass of mauve Asters, her/fair head ys 7. b and laughing eyes tilted up towards a tiny puppy which she holds aloft in | : her left hand. ‘Turquoise-blue background. 1 @ Signed at lower left, V. Corcos Height, 44% inches; width, 28 inches Property of a Private Collector 52 PEINTRE L’ATELIER DU 92. No. 94. 1 tons out alone the spar, is tain | in che’ mainsa its way towards the left through a sunlit green heavy swell. Signed at lower right, James G. i oe 7 , Height, i i Property of a Private Collector [See illustration] _ ee spate ined aires PSRs ree tes oe een DE WITT -PARSHA Liye 95. SANTA BARBARA, CA In the foreground a mass of yellow rock, struck os the cualiene Me out over a deep abyss, the far side of which appears as a nebulou n O oof mauve; at the right is an old gnarled tree with windblown branches, carefully patterned. At upper right, a glimpse of sky. Signed at lower left, DE Wirr ParsHatt, N.A. Height, 30 inches; length, 36 inche: Property of a Private Collector 54 No. 94. WHALER WEATHERING CAPE Horn 96. F 00. SIR WILLDAM “BEECH yt British: 1753—1839 THE MISSES BANNISTER ys) : AS Interior before a brown curtain, with ‘a glimpse of landscape at the right. At a table are seated two sisters, one in a white dress in full profile to the “right, the other in brown, facing the observer and holding a book of music. Over the chair behind the first, is draped a green and crimson cloak. Both | have high complexions, brown eyes and curly chestnut hair. Height, 56 inches; width; 45 inches With letter from the late Mr, Algernon Graves, authenticating sitters and painter Arthur Tooth Collection, American Art Association, 1926 | Sold to close an Account GIULIO RO i Italian: 1492—1546 MADONNA AND CHILD ; . J The nude auburn-haired Child stands facing the observer supported by the gostume consistii éd; the faces f right arm of the Virgin, who is robed in a peasang gown and blue sleeves, green cloak and brown . chubby and rustic in type. In the background Yt the left, farm buildings, almost obscuring a prospect of wooded mountainous landscape. Panel: Height, 41 inches; width, 30 inches Sold to close an Account 56 4 vy { ' - e. i -~ wy — 4 " ary hae "a MARTIN. VAN MYTENS aie 1695—1770 1. Height, 79 inches; width, 54 inches tion of Baronne de Vaux, Paris | o close an Account = [Companion to the following] MARTIN VAN MYTENS Dutch: 1 ssn ff MARIA THERESA, EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA ~ is consort, richly dressed in flowing blue silk robes embroidered in sh Fans holding. an ermine-lined cloak over her right shoulder, before a gilded . table on which repose four dynastic crowns. = : Height, 79 inches; width, 54 inches r ; : : _ Collection of Baronne de Vaux, Paris Sold to close an Account 7 = [Companion to the preceding] 57 100. IOI. - Sold to close an Account EOe. LAL FAN SAAC GO se Early XVII: Century MADONNA Wet pl dea bSeel | Clad in red robes, draped with a flue cloak, the flowing folds of a fawn veil — encircling the Seni head, which is bowed; the hands clasped before the bosom. Oval panel: Height, 25 inches; width, 182 inches Sold to close an Account. JACOPO ROBUSTI, Cattep “IPs eee [ ATTRIBUTED TO] } Italian: 1518—1594 JACOPO CAPELLORII5 40 | nee a j A three-quarter length portrait facing the observer, the head turned to half- — right, of a bearded senator clad in a fur-edged black robe; his right han resting on a book. Background of dark green drapery and ornamented © with the escutcheon of the sitter and inscription JACOBVSs CAPELLO PROCVR ~ EQV MDXXXXVI 2 , Height, 4334 inches; width, 32% inches PAUL VAN’ SOMER Dutch: 1576—1621 H. M. KING JAMES I 4. : Before a dark red background, his left hand resting onfa fable“with a red velvet cloth and cushion, and bearing the crown, orb, etc‘, st ds the monarch, dressed in gold-embroidered black doublet and puffed knee breeches, vandyked — lace ruff and cuffs, fingering with his right hand the medal of an Order — ‘hung about his neck. Height, 81 inches; width, 54 inches A similar portrait, in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire, is repro- duced in the volume Mary Stuart by John Skelton, 1893 Sold to close an Account 58 me tt Um PL AMA ah French: XVI Fat 103. PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE eee OF HENRF IV Painted at full length, wearing a voluminous black robe with slashed and a puffed sleeves, and richly trimmed with lace; her right hand rests on a missal e standing on a table beside a vase of flowers. ‘The sensitiye head, with its long brown hair, is modeled before a heavy dark red drapery. Stamped on back of canvas “Galerie de Son Altesse Royale, Madame la Duchesse de Berri, Venise’. Height, 81 inches; width, 54 inches Collection of the Duchesse de Berri, April, 1865 Sold to close an Account [See illustration | 59 104. 105. 106. American: 1859— © e | CROSSING THE DUNES Ps , ae 4 | S WA Late Ree SHA } American: XIX Century PURPLE OL 2 ; The rocky shore of a bay with flat stretches of sand, curves in the brilliant sunshine; the sea is calm and filled witl purple. Signed at lower left, WALTER SHAW , ae Height, 26% inches; length, 40 inches — Sold to close an Account H. PEABODY. PE wae Sand dunes and scrubby brown in the blazing sun, a s in blue @ coat heading his flock over thestubble away from the spgctator. In the distance at the right a cluster of stone pines, in the left middleground, two beeches. | Signed at lower left, H. PEanopy Face, and dated 1926 Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches q Property of H. Peabody Flagg | & ANDREW MELROSE . American: XIX “e | ON THE PASSAIC, N. J. di A group of brown and white cattle are in the wide suamt &ntacbws; left is a cluster of trees, in the distance at the right the river and farm © buildings. ) : Signed at lower left, ANDREW MELROSE Height, 28 inches; length, 33% inches 4 Sold to close an Account 4 ; 7 60 WALTER SHAW American: XIX Century 107. MARINE HY 74 At the left a purplish-brown coast f granite rocks j 9 from a pale blue sky; a dull green sea is thunderig@/in bursts of spray on ____ Signed at lower left, WaLTER SHaw _" . Height, 26% inches; length, 40 inches _ Sold to close an Account Pree nNe SAMUEL AUGUSTE FROMENTIN-DUPEUX _ French: 18 1876 palms is an encampment, ayd to the left yesting camels. OASIS . / } ° Vast expanse of desert un (sh tropical sky; inthe middle distance sheltered by Signed at lower left, Euc. FROMENTIN Height, 39 inches; length, 43 inches Sold to close an Estate ITALIAN 2 a : PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN A BLUE ROBE Half-length portrait of a lady in a gold-embroidered blue robe, facing towards the observer, her right hand resting on a book. In elaborate carved, gilded and polychromed frame. Height, 33 inches; width, 25 inches Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold 61 F Lo RAS CHa ia XIX Century | f > ~*~ 110. VENUS AND AMOURS / oA Portraying the nude figure of the goddess draped about t iE ly) cotta robe, reclining on the clouds and attended by a tr amorini. | | | legs in a terra of sportive nude : ge emear 4 Signed at lower right, L. SCHAETLE “i t Lae ‘ Height, 23 inches; length, 3134 inches cA Property of Mr. Harry Toplitt ANTOINE WATTEA e@,.,;f ” AT A 111. FETE MUSICALE AO, A group of maidens an a romantic green landscape with/a fountain in the left foreground. Height, 40 inches; length, 44\gnches — | Property of Mr. N. B. Spingold | .| [END OF SALE] 62 ey * @. ee ALETTO, Anronio ie. . 7 70! - - L’Atelier du Peintre ‘>; . ‘vm ou NOVA, Antonio Se rovial Monk “List OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER 33 39 73 96 59 22 41 83 g2 30 > 4 CATALOGUE NUMBE CHARNAY, ARMAND The Catch CHASE, Witt1am Merritt, N.A. John Getz, Esq. CIPOLLA, Fasio An Interesting Book CORCOS, Victor: The Pet COTES, Francis, &:4. Mrs. Arnold of Shenley Mrs. Carmichael COURTOIS, Gustave Portrait of a Lady in a Pink Dress CURRAN, CuHartes Courtney, N.A. Girl Reading DANA, H. Un Port Meéditerrané DEV BY CAND AYA: Swiss Lakeside Scene DE HAVEN, Frankuin, N.Z. Winter Russet Woods DE NEUVILLE, ALPHONSE Infantry Quarters The Attack DETAILLE, Epovarp Fragment du Panorama Peioein HENRY Pike Bartlett Se Geo Axrnen ee in Upland Pastures WOOD, FREDERIC ~ Beach of Bab-el-Oued, Algiers Pi ore Algerian Mosque a RRMANN, Leo Portrait of a Lady ER, Joun, R.A. Lady Jane Mildmay ALOGU CNCUMBER” 25 47 49 52 66 105 103 89 108 14 77 71 35 54 18 86 ITALIAN SCHOOL Madonna Portrait of a Lady in a Blue Robe JACQUE, Cuares EMILE Sheep in Barn JACQUET, Jean GusTAvE Portrait of a Young Girl in Pink KNIGHT, Astron . Sunset at Indian Neck, Connecticut LADELL,-E. Still Life: Fruit LAMBERT, Louis EUGENE The Kittens LAURENCE, Sypney M. Mermaid LEVY, HenriI LEOPOLD End of the Combat MADRAZO, RarmunpDo Portrait of a Lady in Violet MAGHELLI, R. Girl Feeding Chickens MARTIN, Henri G. The Bridge, St. Médard MELROSE, ANDREW On the Passaic, N. J. MENZLER, WILHELM A Florentine Garden t CATALO ~ NUMB GUE) hy CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 60 24 EORGE [Attributed to] 65 15 ps Louis” =aN ES 9 ARA. ; 12 : [ARC LL Vicewre : A At the Grand Opera : 19 P/ aun buy , De Wirt, N.A. , ; Santa, Barbara, California 95 eee = ULT, i‘ Head of a Young Girl 29 ., “a ONOW, Ivan | as Gane Tle Adam 2 Winter 10 R ereart , CHARLEs S. The Boat 23 RENOIR, Pierre Avucuste Portrait de Madame Samary au Piano 85 k ODIN, AUGUSTE a Study of a Female Figure 13 ROMANO, GiuLtIo soggy Madonna and Child . : RUBENS, PETER PauL [Manner of | Portrait of a Gentleman in Black SCHAE DUE SL, Venus and Amours SCHREYER, ApoL_rH Wallachian Peasants on a Journey SHAW, WALTER Purple Sea Marine SMITH, Henry PEMBER | Midsummer Study: Head of Niantic River SPEED, Haro.p The Silent Place STEICHEN, E. Sunlit Landscape Moonlight STUART, Gireerr [Manner of] Benjamin West, P.R.A. : Richard Burke, Son of Edmund Burke SULLY, THomaAs Sketch of a Male Head Sketch of a Female Head Dr. McClure of Pittsburgh, Pa. TAIT, ArtHur Firzwituiam, N.A. Quail THAULOW, Frits Scandinavian Village in Winter N lis J ie [Attributed to] i pello [1 546] “24 CHE, AUGUSTE jature Portrait *€ 2s ran EL L, GayLorpD SANGSTON N DONGEN, KeEEs y Ida Rubinstein and Isadora Duncan “t oad | ; Y MYTENS, MartTIN Francis I, Emperor of Austria Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria | _ VAN SCHENDEL, P. = j§ che Pork Shop . _ VAN SOMER, Pau a i H. M. so James I -VERESTCHAGIN, Vasity A Jewish Rabbi _ VIBERT, Jean Grorces . Un Russe CATALOGUE NUMBER 10! 26 50 7O 98 99 32 102 20 2 ane i “Ave AS cae <9) 7 _ WARD, James Re Dead Hare WATTEAU, ANTOINE | u fee) Féte Musicale i. WEATHERBY, R. Capri Peasant Girl WIERNSZ-KOWALSKI, A.trrep Ane Cart *y WIGGINS, Car.etTon, N.A. Guernsey Bull ZIER, Epouarp : A Parisian Beauty UNITED APPRAISALS FOR STATES & STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES eet ALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS CAEAD™, > HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appratsements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. QThe Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vale libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the eAssociation. GQ Upon request the cAssociation will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the cAssociation has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (Commission and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - Madison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK INC ITION, PRESSWORK ND BINDING BY | | | | | | 1s: oe yh aX op ‘ s a Po tol es aimee = viel ELLE, Fee OT: em Ge aT mits ee a, we Reyne . eT ee re Landaa a ee Xt, 5. acer e* Bae le op ee Sete, CS a aie * ce —_ per eergee we rt aa 4 yay eee ‘es pte aly ge Pernt ee, <2 0" | an, HE mau! pote nthe spew Se -* Ee ee ity re Cnaes aaa eae meget

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