mugen . Color Prints 2 Etehings and Engravings . \ fo | Srom CA. T. Gooch of South Orange, N, J. | €. ©. Postlethwaite hoy ‘il | of Philadelphia | The Estate of Seth Rich of Boston, Mass. a ed od rs i Fir ° ee i wie 5 s i ae - xf oF ok i rad tf? ba a :y Ae i Ba ft wil - Sr nes ft hiak fos wht and other omiers oo The Anderson Galleries Madisnn Avenue at Horticth Street New York SR ee lt oe rower arp ia psn ag si —s pe 25 Reet Ne? ein te eS Ek MOL. OA etree Seon 5 Me aides iw EDWARDS. PAs } After Ghirlandaio. B. 38. Signed ek Se in 1 color. Decorative gilt frame. *Esteemed as one of the most beautiful of the Italian plates. 95. Sioned near printed in aoe Decorative dull gilt frame. 96. LADY SOPHIE MUSTERS: After Reynolds. B. 33. Full-length, on a balcony with her spaniel. Sr@neEp \k dv ARTIST'S PROOF, FRINTED IN COLORS. Decorative gilt Ayo? frame. . *One of the rare ca early narrow folio prints. 97. MRS. (PERDITA) ROBINSON: . After Romney. B. 18. y ‘ye - Half-length, in oval. SIGNED ARTIST’s PROOF, PRINT- As, / ED IN cotors. Small 4to, decorative gilt frame. SA ORT ——A fter-Remneye B39, Half- eat me hat, in oval, folio. Sr@nep art- IST'S PROOF, PRINTED IN coLoRS. Decorative gilt frame. : 99. MASTER LAMBTON: After Gainsborough. B. 40. 5 . Signed artist’s Nes printed in eolere Small 4to, wy 9 oilt frame, 3 100. MRS. WELLS: After Romney. B. 6, 1902. | Small oval, nearly three-quarter length, seated. Signed » tist? f, printed in colors \ artist’s proof, printed in colors. ,Q ‘eee 13 101. S. ARLENT EDWARDS—Continued. © MISS ANN BINGHAM: After Reynolds. B. 10. ors. 4to, framed. *Unusually fine impression of a rare and early Edwards color print, one of the most popular of this series of English plates. 1027 °SE-MONBELASVESPUCET? After Pollajuolo. B. 67. Signed artist’s proof, printed in colors. Folio. 03 POREZEA-LORNABEONIL:Atter-Botticelli. B. 73. 105. 106. 107. 108. LOD. 110. its Signed proof, printed in colors. 4to, gilt frame. *One of the scarce Italian plates. . LADY HAMILTON AS NATURE: After Romney. Full bust, in oval. Printed_on rice paper, colored and signed by Edwards. Small 4to, gilt frame. NAPOLEON, JOSEPHINE AND MARIE LOUISE. Three medallions printed on one sheet, on rice paper, colored and signed by Edwards. Small 4to, gilt frame. EDWIN BOOTH. Bust, in oval. Signed remarque proof, printed in monochrome. Small 4to, gilt frame. MADAME DE POMPADOUR. Signed proof. Full bust in oval, printed on rice paper with remarque of the head of Louis XV. and colored by Edwards. Small 4to, gilt frame. HENRIETTE DE BOURBON. Full bust in oval, printed on rice paper, colored and signed by Edwards. Small 4to, gilt frame. DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE: After a miniature. Printed on rice paper, tinted and signed by Edwards. Small 4to, gilt frame. J. FALCK. VULCAN’S FORGE: After Caravaggio. A very rare proof, before letters. Time stained. Folio. JOHN FINNIE. RIVER LANDSCAPE, SUMMER NOON. Mezzotint, fine signed proof. Oblong folio, gilt frame. Bristol, England, 1892. 14 ty aes a Half-length, in oval. Signed proof, printed in col- Se HEDLEY FITTON. J12. RUE BARBETTE, PARIS. D. 26. Scene of the murder of the Duke of Orleans, 1407. Signed proof, 1909. Small folio. FOX HUNTING SCENES. 113. THE MEET; BREAKING COVER, ETC. Four large color prints after Charles Hunt. (4). 114. THE FOX CHASE. Three color plates By Hunt, after Turner. The Stage Coach, by Hunt, after Jones. The Trial of “Bill Burn,’ by Hunt, after Mathews. Large color prints. (5). 115. FORES’S HUNTING ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Set of 6. Aquatints in color by J. Harris, after H. Alken. Small 4to, plates 1 to 6. Framed. *“Going Along a Slapping Pace,” “Topping a Flight of Rails,” etc. 116. [ALKEN SPORTSMEN]. 4 plates in color. H. Alken del et se. Small 4to, framed, one glass miss- ing. (4). ™“Dreakine Cover,” “At Him, Hannibal,” etc. 117. J. F. HERRING’S SEN. FOX HUNTING. Set of four color prints by Harris and Summers. Folio. 118. MORNING, NOON. By Jeakes. After Wolstenholme. The Fore Horse of the Team, Proof of Bottom and others, after Loraine Smith. Color prints. 4to, ete., 7 pieces. 119. FOX HUNTING. ‘Ten color plates. “We must be off to Melton,” “Bull and Mouth Inn,” “Struggle for a Start,” and others similar. Narrow oblong folio. (10). FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGRAVING. 120. LA PAYSANNE INDUSTRIEUSE. Stipple engrav- ing. Oval folio. Paris, chez Depueille. FERDINAND GAILLARD. 121. LA VIERGE ET LYENFANT JESUS. j Engraved in 1873, after Botticelli. 4to, India proof. 15 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. er ae 128. LUCIEN GAUTIER. NOTRE DAME. - Signed proof etching. — On parchment with remarque. The view made nota- ble by Meryon. Oblong folio, 1884. ERNEST GEORGE. Contemporary English Architect. ETCHINGS IN BELGIUM, 1878. 10 pieces. Bruges, Ghent, Tournai, Dinant, Brussels, and other places made notable by the present Huropean War. Many of the buildings (Hotel de Ville, etc.) are said to have been irremediably destroyed. Small 4to. (10). F. GEORGE. LADY SCOTT: After Reynolds. Seated in a landscape, white dress, holding gloves on lap. Signed proof mezzotint printed in colors. Large folio. *Beautifully printed. J. GODBY. INNOCENT RECREATION: After Miller. Stipple engraving. Folio. London, 1799. HEINRICH, GRAF VON GOUDT. Dutch amateur, patron of Elsheimer. 1585-1630. CERES CHANGES STELLION INTO A LIZARD. Engraved to resemble a chiaro-oscuro. After Els- heimer. Very fine impression with margin. *Duplicate from the British Museum and from the Sheep- shanks collection. Count Goudt engraved only seven plates. GENERAL U. S. GRANT. GRANT AND HIS FAMILY. Mezzotint, by William Sartain. Signed India proof. Large folio, 1867. BUST PORTRAITS. Engravings by Perine; J. C. Buttre, two different. (3), 16 129. 130. oe 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. GENERAL Us2S: GRANT—Continued. GRANT AND HIS GENERALS. Colored lithograph by Currier & Ives, two copies; . Military Memorial; Grant as a boy hauling wood, colored; Grant and his Generals in a group gallop- ing, colored. Folio. (5). CHAS, STORM VAN ’S GRAVESANDE. NEAR KATWYK. Signed proof before plate was cut. W. GREATBATCH. THE CHILDREN IN THE WOOD: After J. H. Ben- well. ad Engraving. Folio. London, 1825. Name in ink inside of plate mark. GUIDO RENI. Famous Italian Painter. 1575-1642. PrrenOoGY FAMILY. Beto: Fine original impression with the verse beneath. ELIZABETH GULLAND. Distinguished Contemporary Mezzotint Engraver. LADY SELINA MEADE: After Lawrence. Half-length, mezzotint in colors. Signed proof. London, 1910. , PAMELA: After Lariviére. Half-length, portrait. Mezzotint. Signed proof, printed in colors. AGH OF INNOCENCE: After Sir Joshua Reynolds. SIGNED ARTIST’S PROOF, PRINTED IN coLors. folio. . London, 1913. | | *A famous portrait of a child and one of the best prints of the artist. MRS. PERDITA ROBINSON: After Romney. SIGNED PROOF MEZZOTINT, PRINTED IN coLors. Lon- don, 1912; THOMAS J. GULLICK. [CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS SEATED WITH MAPSI. Mezzotint, folio, fine signed proof. Framed. 17 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN. THE VILLAGE FORD. H. 216. Etching and dry- point. Signed proof. Second state, showing a man with ladder. Small folio. THE TWINS, SARAH AND ANNE HADEN. H. 228. Dry-point. Small folio. Scarce. A BRIG AT ANCHORME Hs Ite Etching. (From nature by moonlight). AXEL HERMANN HAIG. DURHAM CATHEDRAL SHOWING THE ROSE WINDOW. Signed proof etching, showing the altar and altar screen of Lord Neville, with the great circular win- dow above. Large folio, gilt frame. 1893. *Beautifully printed, showing the light on the round col- umns supporting the lofty arches. One of the most desir- able of the Haig etchings and rarely offered for sale. ENTRANCE TO MOSQUE MAHOMET BEY, CAIRO. Etching, signed proof. Folio, printed in brown on toned paper. 1890. CHAPETF OF ST. CLEMENTS Htching, 1899. Signed proof, clearly printed. Small folio. THE*BAPTISTRY. Etching, 1899. Signed proof. Small folio. A. HANDFORD. THE GLEBE FARM. Mezzotint. Signed proof on India paper. 4to. 1888. THE FIGHTING TEMERAIRE. Mezzotint. Signed proof on India paper. PAUL HELLEU. PORTRAIT BUST OF A WOMAN. In color. After Helleu. Printed in Paris by Manzi & Cie. Folio. 18 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. WILL HENDERSON. MADEMOISELLE DE BLIVES: After J. M. Nat- tier. ; MEZZOTINT IN COLORS. SIGNED INDIA PROOF. Lon- don, 1912. MADAME LA PORTE: After J. M. Nattier. MEZZOTINT IN COLORS. SIGNED INDIA PROOF. Lon- don, June 1, 1914. *A decorative portrait for which Nattier is noted. WHISPERS OF LOVE: After Rosa Bonheur. MEZZOTINT, PRINTED IN COLORS in exact fac-simile of the original. Sie@Nep proor. Plate destroyed. Lon- don, 1914. HUBERT HERKOMER, WOMAN RETURNING WITH A LOST LAMB. Etch- ing. Signed proof. 4to. E. M. HESTER. NATURE (The Calmady Children): After Lawrence. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. THE FRUIT BARROW. SIGNED PROOF. MEZZOTINT, PRINTED IN COLORS, INDIA PROOF. THE MASK: After Reynolds. Mezzotint, printed in colors on India paper. Signed proof. | THE GHOST: After Westall. Mezzotint, printed in colors on India paper. Signed Drool, =~ WILLIAM HOLE. CANTERBURY PILGRIMS. Etching. Signed proof in brown on Japan paper. Long nar- row folio. F, LEO HUNTER. ON THE BEACH, SCHEVENINGEN. Water color. Signed. 914 x 7 inches. 19 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. GEORGE INNESS. AUTUMN, MONTCLAIR, N. J. In color. From a water color by Inness of 1882. 4to. JOSEPH ISRAELS. DAY’S LABOR DONE. [A peasant girl seated on the seashore]. Etching, by J. M. van Rogge, after Is- raels. Proof signed by etcher and ae Vel- lum. Small folio. JULES JACQUEMART. BUIRE ORIENTALE DE CRISTAL DE ROCHE. Proof of the first state before the lettering at the top. In the Monastery (two monks), etching, by KE. Burnand. (2). CLIFFORD R. JAMES. SURPRISE: After R. Westall. ! Young girl wearing a white dress seen at half-length in a landscape. Mezzotint, printed in coals. Seo artist’s proof on India paper. _ LADY WILLOUGHBY D’ERESBY: After Hoppner. Full-length, walking on the seashore. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof on India paper. THE IRISH GRACES: After Reynolds. The beautiful Guenter of Sir Wm. Montgomery ‘offering a sacrifice to Hymen. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof on India paper. GEORGE P. JAMES, ‘THE FORTUNE TELLER: After Reynolds. MEZZOTINT PRINTED IN COLORS. SIGNED INDIA PROOF. R. JOSEY. “MISS MARTINDALE: After George Romney. Little girl with lamb. Mezzotint. 4to. "1878. 20 166. EtG. 168. 169. 130. 171. 172. 173. LOUIS JOURNOT. ROUGET DE LISLE DECLAIMING “LA MARSEIL- LAISE.” tching. | Signed remarque oe on India paper. Folio. C. RIDGWAY KNIGHT. STEPPING STONES: Water coLor DRAWING. The original from which the oo prints were made. Small folio, signed. 7 a KRATKE. THE SHOWER. Etching, after Rousseau. Parchment proof, signed. 4to. F, A. LAGUILLERMIE. HAPPY FAMILIES: After M. de Munkacsy. Ktching. Remarque proof on vellum paper, signed by both artists. Small folio. 1881, MAXIME LALANNE. SOUVENIR DUN PORT—TROUVILLE (Calvados). Etching. Signed proof. Fine impression. Folio. AUGUSTE LANCON_ 1836-1885. THE KING DRINKS. (Lion). Etching. Signed proof. Folio. TOULOUSE LAUTREC. PORTRAIT OF A FRENCH ACTRESS. OF Original sean aaa DAVID LAW. RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH BIRCH TREES. Etching, after J. McWhirter. Proof on Japan paper, signed by both. Folio, gilt frame. London, Fine Art Society, 1888. 21. =k * 174. 175. WAS ye da Lid: 179. 180. ISL: B. W. LEADER. IN THE EVENING THERE SHALL BE LIGHT. Ktching, by Brunet Debaines. Proof signed by both artists. Large folio, gilt frame. AN OLD ENGLISH MANOR HOUSE. Etching, by Th. Chauvel. Proof on vellum, signed by both artists. Large folio, gilt frame. GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. . Full-length, on horseback, by D. Tesselin. India proof; bust portraits, by W. Sartain and A. B. Wal- ter. Folio and 4to. (3). GEN. R. E, LEE’S VISIT TO THE GRAVE OF GEN. JACKSON. Folio lithograph, published by W. E. Lloyd, Savan- nah, Ga., 1869. THE SURRENDER OF GENERAL LEE. Folio lithograph, drawn by E. Valois. Slight repair. ALPHONSE LEGROS. THE BEGGAR. Etching. Signed proof, small folio. A. LEPIC. Contemporary Etcher. FISHING NETS. Painter etching. Signed proof on China paper. FREDERICK C. AND GEORGE LEWIS. English Engravers at the close of the 18th Century. LANDING OF AZNEAS; TEMPLE OF APOLLO And others; after Claude (3). (M. Annibale, after Meissonier, in colors; Vanity Fair Caricatures of the House of Commons (3). 7 pieces. 22 SECOND SESSION Thursday Evening, April 15, 1915, at 8:15 o’clock LOTS 182—362 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 182. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bust, oval in rectangle with seals of the States. Paint- ed and etched by Max Rosenthal. Signed Japan proof. Large folio. 183. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Three-quarter length, seated to left. Etched by J. S. King. Signed India proof. Large folio. 184. LINCOLN AND HIS FAMILY. India proof by W. Sartain. Union, engraved by H. 8. Sadd, containing portraits. _ eS of Lincoln, Webster, Clay, etc.; LincoLn’s Home at es SPRINGFIELD, engraved by Serz. (3). 185. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Mezzotint portraits by John and Samuel Sartain; Linconn’s Home av SPRINGFIELD, published by W. H. Woodworth, colored. (3). S. LOPISGICH. 186. THE OLD MILL. Remarque proof etching. On parchment, signed by the artist. 4to. EDWARD McINNES. 187. THE DEW BRANCH: After Lawrence. | Mezzotint. Small folio. GASTON A. MANCHON. 188. THE PAINTING LESSON: After Metzmacher. Remarque proof etching on vellum paper, signed by both artists. Small folio. 1889. 23 139: POO os 192. 193. 194. LOS: 196; 197. 198. 198. 200. JOHN MARIN. CASA D’ORO, VENICE. Painter etching. Signed proof, delicately printed on hand-made paper. TOUR ST. GERMAIN. Painter etching Proof signed and named, No. 12 of 30 printed. CATHEDRALE DE -MEAUX. Painter etching. Proof signed and named, No. 16 of 26 printed. CAMPANILE. Painter etching. Signed proof on untrimmed hand-made paper. THE GONDOLIERS, VENICE. Painter etching. Signed proof, No. 19 of 25 on Japan paper. PONTE GHETTO. Painter etching. Signed proof on soft Japan: paper. PALACE DARIUS, VENICE. Painter etching. Signed and untrimmed proof on soft Japan paper. BAL BULLIER, PARIS. Painter etching. Signed and untrimmed proof. | WM. E. MARSHALL. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bust in oval. Engraved portrait. Fine impression. Large folio. V. MARTIAL. GATHERING FAGGOTS. Etching. Signed proof. Folio. ° PERCY H. MARTINDALE, MRS. LAWRENCE LEWIS. (Nelly Gustis). After Stuart. Engraved in ‘mezzotint in colors. -Signed proof. MRS. GEORGE WASHINGTON: After Chappel. Engraved in mezzotint in colors. Signed proof of 250 copies and the plate destroyed... 24 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 0%. 208. FOSTER MAYNE. LADY HAMILTON AS ARIADNE. Signed proof. Mezzotint, printed in colors on India paper. 4to. Gilt frame. | *Only 300 prints and the plate destroyed. J. L. E. MEISSONIER. POLICHINELLE. Fac-simile of the very rare original etching, on large paper. . MORTIMER MENPES. JAPANESE VILLAGE. Painter etching. Signed proof, printed in brown. Mounted. JAPANESE VILLAGE. Another view. Signed painter etching. Mounted. G. MERCIER. CHARLES DARWIN: After Ouless. Bust portrait etching. Proof. Large folio. CHAS. F. W. MIELATZ. _ IN THE GLOAMING. Painter etching. Signed proof on thin Japan paper. SIR J. E. MILLAIS. ALFRED TENNYSON. Engraved by T. O. Barlow. Open letter proof on India paper. Large folio. FRED. MILLAR. Contemporary Mezzotint Engraver. LADY HAMILTON AS “EMMA”: After Romney. ~ Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. Small Ato. No. 189 of only 200 proofs. With a cancelled plate of the same. (2). 25. 209. Loe 211. 214. 215. 216. PL eh De MILEER, SURPRISE: Mezzotint, after Seymour. Bust of a young girl holding gauze round her bare shoulders; Young woman, bust, by A. Dale, after Calderon, mezzotint. 4to, gilt frames, one glass damaged. (2). SYLVIA: After Frank Dicksee. Mezzotint. Signed India proof. Folio. J. F, MILLET. END OF THE DAY. Etching, by Coutil. Parchment proof, signed by Coutil and stamped “Epreuve d’Ktat.” . YOUNG SHEPHERDESS. In color. After the original drawing. Small 4to. . DUCK PON B= Ir ‘color. After the original water color drawing. Small 4to. EK. E. MILNER. MASTER LAMBTON: After Sir Thomas Lawrence. One of the best known portraits of children. En- GRAVED IN MEZZOTINT AND PRINTED IN COLORS. SIGNED PROOF. LADY ANNE LAMBTON AND FAMILY: After Hoppner. Engraved in mezzotint and printed in colors. Signed proof. Folio. MRS. CURRIE: After Romney. Mezzotint. India proof. Folio. London, 1900. COUNTESS SPENCER AND HER SON: After Rey- nolds. Seated in a landscape, with a spaniel. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof on India paper. 4to. *Only 300 impressions and the plate destroyed. 26 218. mle, 220. 221. R22. 220. RRA, R20. 226. Wad RAPHAEL MORGHEN. IMMAGINE DELI’ ARCANGIOLO 8S. GABBRIELLO. Stipple in carmine, after Sabatelli. Oval. 4to. The figure was made notable by the miracle of its eyes moving in January, 1798. *From the Burleigh James Collection, with stamp. The only plate engraved by Morghen in the “crayon manner.” GEORGE MORLAND. THE FRUITS OF INDUSTRY AND OECONEMY. Engraved by Darcis in stipple AND PRINTED IN COL- ors. Margins shortened, mounted on plate paper. Folio, gilt frame. London, 1800. COTTAGERS IN WINTER. Engraved by Thomas Williamson and PRINTED IN coLtors. Oblong folio, mounted on plate paper. It has a small margin. Gilt frame. RUSTIC SCENE; COTTAGERS AND SHEEP. By _ M. Cormack. Mezzotint, printed in colors. S1cNep pRoor No. 2. Oblong folio, gilt frame. *The herder is standing near a woman seated on the grass; two sheep are near the open door of a barn. FOX HUNTING. Set of six color plates After Morland. Oblong 4to. (6). FOX HUNTING. In color. Folio. From a picture by Morland, by C. Knight and H. Merke. INSIDE OF A. COUNTRY ALEHOUSE. In colors, after the Ward-Morland print. Oblong folio, ebony frame. COW HOUSE. Similar print in colors. Framed. MORNING, EVENING. The First of September. A pair of color prints after the Ward-Morland stip- ple engravings. Small oblong folio, bronzed frames. (2). LATITIA WITH HER PARENTS. Set of six. In colors, after the Smith-Morland series. Small folio, gilt frames. (6). *“The Tavern Door,” “The Elopement,” “Fair Peni- tent,” etc. pf: R28. R29. 230. 234, 235. 206. nods ROBERT NANTEUIL. ANNE INFANTE D’ESPAGNE. ET REINE DE FRANCE. R. Nanteuil ad vivum. . . 1666. Large folio. Cut close, V. WINTHROP NEWMAN. Contemporary American Engraver. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, after Stuart. Dry-point, printed in colors. Signed proof. — 4to. THE NURSE GIRL. Etching, printed in color. No. 2 of 100 signed proofs. Small 4to, decorative frame. - PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON. Dry-point. Printed in colors. Signed proof. Small 4to, hand- carved frame. *Only 150 impressions and the plate destioyed. . SALLY IN OUR ALLEY: After Fred Pegram. Dry-point, printed in colors. No. 45 of 150 signed proofs. to. NEW YORK CITY. - WINTER SCENE IN BROADWAY: After H. Sebron. Mezzotint, by P. Girardet. Large oblong folio, 1857. Repaired. *Showing the Prescott House, Buckley’s, etc., with the Broadway Line Sleighs, hand fire- -engine, etc. THE DEWEY ARCH. Etched by Mielatz. New York in 1792, from Valentine’s Manual, two copies. Proofs. (3). CURRIER & IVEY’ “VIEW OF NEW YORK.” ‘T'wo colored lithographs, n. d. and 1869. (2). NORTH FORT AND FRIGATE CONSTITUTION. Ktched by 8. Hollyer, signed proof; Astor House, 1838, by the same; Produce Exchange, by J. F. Sa- bin, signed proof. (3). MUSIC SHEET VIEWS. Interior of Niblo’s, 1840; Costume of the N. Y. Light Guard, 1840; Little Oharch around the Corner, 1871; Tammany Tiger, 1863. (4). 28 R38. 239. 240. 241. R42. 243. r44, NEW YORK CITY—Continued. MURRAY HILL, SUBURBAN GOTHIC VILLA. Lithograph, by P. Palmer, after A. J. Davis; Uni- versalist Church, Murray Street; Bowling Green, by Magnus; Stewart Mansion; St. Paul’s, from the N. em atror,» (07); THE OLD POST OFFICE. After the lithograph by Briem; Interior of the Chat- ham Theatre, 1825; Magnus’ Bowling Green, etc., in colors; portraits of Philip Hone, P. J. van Berckel, Gulian Verplanck, Robert Morris and other noted New Yorkers. (27). COUNTRY HOUSE OF J. W. SCHMITT. At Bloomingdale Road and 116th Street. Pencil drawing, about 1830. WHEN KOSSUTH RODE UP BROADWAY (1851). Colored lithograph; Monument of the N. Y. Fire Department, Greenwood Cemetery, 1849; Panorama of the Catskill Mountains, lithograph by .H. Schile. Folio. (8). NEW YORK STATE. ALBANY: GENERAL VIEW AND VIEW OF THE COURT HOUSE. Colored lithographs by Kollner and Deroy; Court House, Troy, by the same; Military Academy, West Point, early etching; Facsimile of Major Andre’s drawing of his landing at Haverstraw Bay; etc. (11). DRAWINGS DATED 1802. A quarto drawing book containing six India-ink draw- ings of buildings, farm buildings and a roadside tavern apparently on the Highlands of the Hudson. Two of the drawings have the date “Dec. 1802.” M. NICHOLSON. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, OXFORD. Original lithograph printed in color. Signed Japan proof. Small oblong folio. ae 245. 246. R47. 248. 249. 200. R55. 206. H. NORMAN. “MIRANDA”: After Hoppner. Mezzotint, printed in colors. One of 300 signed proofs, and the plate destroyed. MRS. CROUCH: After Romney. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. LADY CARMICHAEL: After Raeburn. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed India proof. JOHN OGBORNE. HLEANOR GWYNN: After Lely. Oval stipple engraving, printed in colors. Small 4to. JULES PAYRAU. LADY ISABELLA HUNTER. Signed proof. Mezzotint, engraved and printed in colors. Oval, folio, descr gilt frame. *This and the follows framed as a pair, MARY COUNTESS OF HARCOURT: After Reynolds. Mezzotint, engraved and printed in colors. Oval, folio, decorative gilt frame. JOSEPH PENNELL. . ON THE RIVER. Original etching. . PITTSBURGH. Original aquatint. Signed proof No. 67 on thin Japan paper. . ENGLISH VILLAGE. Original lithograph. Signed proof. . TIMBER MILLS, ZAANDAM. Original lithograph. Signed proof, only 15 issued. ZAANDAM, No. 3. Original lithograph. G. H. PHILLIPS. THE HON. MRS. ASHLEY. Mezzotint after Lawrence. 4to. Proof. 1842. 30 a 257. 258. 209. 260. 261. R62. 263. E. A. PIPES. STRATFORD CHURCH. Painter etching. Interior showing the Chancel, Shakespeare’s Bust, ete. Signed proof. 4to. PAUL POTTER. GOATHERD AND FLOCK. On a rocky mountain side. Engraving. Folio. Cut close and mounted. J. LUMSDEN PROPERT. GREENWICH. Painter etching. Signed proof on vellum paper, 50 proofs only. RACING SCENES. ACKERMANN’S RACING SCRAPS. Set of 4. Colored aquatints. By Harris after Alken. Small 4to, framed. (4). ACKERMANN’S INDIAN SPORTING SCRAPS. Colored aquatints (of East India) by Harris after Alken. Small 4to, framed. (4). PAUL RAJON. ROUGET DE LISLE DECLAIMING “LA MARSEIL- LAISE.” Etching. Proof, oblong folo. S. F. RAVENET. SOPHONISBA ACCEPTING THE NUPTIAL PRES- SENT SENT BY HER HUSBAND MASINISSA: After Giordano. Engraving, colored. Folio, margins shortened. Lon: don, 1764. 31 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. REMBRANDT AND HIS WIFE. Bartsch 19. Etching 1636. Fine and clearly printed proof of the First State, with margin. Very rare in this state. *From the Scheikevitch Collection. REMBRANDT WITH A FLAT CAP AND SLASHED VEST. 8. 26. Etching about 1638. First state before the re-etching of Rembrandt’s signature. Very beautiful impres- sion of this scarce etching. ABRAHAM ENTERTAINING THE ANGELS. B. eo, Ktching 1656. Very beautiful proof of the only state, the burr showing on the deep lines and acid marks on the extremity of the plate. Rarely met with in such fine condition and with margin, THE ANGEL APPEARING TO THE SHEPHERDS. B. 44. . Etching, 1634. Third state (the completed state. ) With margin and on paper with a water-mark of a coat of arms. Unusually fine proof; the arches of the bridge, the distant landscape and the reflection in the water clearly seen; in later states these are obscured. Very rare in this state. From the Webster Collection. *“In the earliest and best impressions the arches of the bridge in the left distance are well defined. There is a singular beauty about the whole of this background which is entirely lost in impressions from the worn plate; the water, the wooded bank, and the town on the hill are all exquisitely rendered, and the effect of the unnatural light in which they are seen, a reflection of the Heavenly Glory like a flash of summer lightning, is most wonderful” ae “There is an intense reality of conception about the whole which at once removes it from vulgarity and shows the consummate powers of the master.”—Middleton. THE STAR OF THE KINGS. _B, 113. Ktching about 1652. -Good impression, rich in the shadows but yet allowing the background of Amster- dam houses to be seen. Impressions usually met with have this background obscured. *From the Artaria Collection. Ne REMBRANDT VAN RHYN—Continued. 269. REMBRANDT DRAWING FROM A MODEL. B. 192. Etching about 1647. Superb impression of the second state on paper with the fool’s-cap water-mark. *From the Dighton, Chalon and. Danby Seymour Collec- lections. 270. ACADEMIC FIGURES OF MEN,, _B. 194. Etching about 1646. Very fine impression of the first state showing the acid marks and failures in bit- ing in places. On soft Dutch paper with water-mark of a large coat of arms crowned. With margin. *Rembrandt for this used an early copper on which he had etched a very charming Dutch interior with a mother playing with a child in a go-cart. In later and worn im- pressions this scene can be scarcely distinguished, and the importance of early proofs is in having this background clear and distinct, as in this copy. It is scarcely necessary - to point out that the scene of the mother and child is one of the most beautiful etchings of Rembrandt and much more valuable and interesting than the two academic figures, etched on the left side. From the Peoli Collection. 2%1. AN OLD MAN LIFTING HIS HAND TO HIS CAP. Bacoy, Etching about 1639. Early and fine impression with burr on the deep strokes. With collector’s mark. 272. REMBRANDT’S HUNDRED GUILDER PRINT. Etching by Leopold Flameng. Jfolio. *An unusually good impression on large Japan paper. EDWIN ROFFE. 273. MADAME RECAMIER: After Cosway. Stipple engraving printed in color. Japan proof. 4to. GEORGE ROMNEY. 974. PORTRAIT OF AN ENGLISH COUNTRY BEAUTY. Mezzotint, three-quarter length, shade hat and plumes, white dress, leaning on a rock. Cut to oval and framed. , FELICIEN ROPS. 275. MA TANTE JOHANNA. DANS LA PUSTA. “Britis Similes Deo.” Three original etchings. (3). be 276. av. 278. Bie. 280. 281. 284. 285. 286. ANTHONY ROSS. NATURE (THE CALMADY CHILDREN): After Lawrence. Circular mezzotint in colors, signed proof limited to 300 copies and the plate destroyed. India proof, 1913. THOMAS ROWLANDSON. RURAL SPORTS. Five caricature etchings in color. -4to. (5). SPORTS OF A COUNTRY FAIR. Similar series. (3). NINE SMALL ETCHINGS OF SPORTING SCENES. In colors, cut loose and mounted. (9). BARTHOLOMEW FAIR. In color. Etching by Rowlandson after Nixon. 4to. GILLES SADELER. VIRGIN AND CHILD. In a rich landscape. After Durer. Fine and scarce engraving but a worn impression. W. DENDY SADLER. . FROM LONDON TO YORK. Etching by Jas. Dobie. Fine proof on Japan paper signed by both Sadler and Dobie. Large oblong folio, gilt frame. . HEARTS ARE TRUMPS. Etching by W. Boucher. Signed proof with remarque. Folio, framed. AT THE WAYSIDE INN. - Etching by A. Chiquet. Remarque proof on vellum paper signed by both artists. Mahogany frame. HABET (Monk with fish). Etching by L. Muller. Remarque proof on vellum paper signed by both Sadler and Muller. Framed. THE LAWYER. Etching by C. H. Boucher. Remarque proof on vellum paper signed by both artists. Small foho, mahogany frame. 34 eS, ee ag ee es “ . 289. mol. 202. 293. 294. 295. W. DENDY SADLER—Continued. . TO MINE HOSTESS: After the painting. Signed Japan proof by Sadler. Large oblong folio. . OLD FOLKS AT HOME: After the painting. Signed Japan proof. Large oblong folio. LEON SALLES. MRS. SIDDONS. Mezzotint. _ Three-quarter length seated at a window. Oval, folio. Signed proof printed in colors. Folio, deco- rative gilt frame. W. SAY. . CROSSING THE BROOK: After H. Thomson. Mezzotint, printed and touched in colors. Folio, Lon- don, 1813. - *Original impression of a very beautiful print showing a mother with her son. *“VYou'll tell your Brothers where you’ve been And what you’ve done and what you’ve seen How gay the fair was on the green ,, And how the day past merrily.” SHAKESPEARE. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Act. 4, Sc. 2. Engraved by John Ogborne after Smirke. 1791. TWELFTH NIGHT. Act 5, Sc. 1. Engraved in stipple by Bartolozzi. 1797. TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Act. 5, Se. 3. Engraved in stipple by Schiavonetti. 1792. COMEDY OF ERRORS. Act. 5, Se. 1. Engraved in stipple by C. G. Playter. 1800. CHARLES H. SHANNON. LE FUMEUR. Original lithograph. Signed proof printed by the artist. Mounted. *Scarce. Only 15 said to have been printed. . THE MORNING VISIT. Original lithograph. Signed proof printed in green. . WHITE NIGHTS. Original lithograph. Signed proof. 35 298. Pals 300. oO. 307. SIR FRANK SHORT. President of the Royal Society of Painters and Engravers. GOLDSTONE. Mezzotint. : Fine impression on India paper. ALFRED J. SKRIMSHIRE. THE SETTING SUN: After Hoppner, Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. *A lady and two children in a landscape. [M. Godsall’s. children]. NATURE (THE CALMADY CHILDREN) : After — Lawrence. Mezzotint, printed in Re Signed proof. FRED SLOCOMBE. HILLSIDE LANDSCAPE WITH BIRCH TREES. Etching after J. McWhirter. Proof on Japan paper signed by both artists. Folio, framed. SPORTING SCENES. . BULLDOGS AND BADGER. « Mezzotint in color. By Earlom after Town. Oblong folio, framed. 3. THE ROADSTERS ALBUM. Title and 12 plates. Colored aquatints after Newhouse, published by Fores. 4to, framed. (13). . ACKERMANN’S COACHING SCRAPS. Set of +t. Colored aquatints. By Harris after Shayer. Small 4to, framed. London. (4). . CUTHBERT BRADLEY’S POLO INCIDENTS Set of four plates in color. Folio. (4). . RACING INCIDENTS. Color print. By E. G. Hester after Thayer. Out for a Scamper,. by F. C. Boult. Color print. Folio. (2). COCK FIGHTING. Set of 6 in colors. By N. Fielding and R. Ackermann. Small 4to,. framed. (6). 36 308. 309. 310. 311. d1L2. J13. 314. 315. 316. 318. SPORTING SCENES—Continued. WIE DAS WILD-SCHWEIN GHEHAEZT, ete. By Ridinger. Large oblong folio. *Wild Boar Hunt. One of Ridinger’s largest plates. [DEATH OF THE STAG.] : Companion print. DREAD NOUGHT (Bull dog): After M. Earl. Bloodhounds by De Penn (2). The Long and the Short of it, after Walker. Color prints, folio. (4). F. G. STEVENSON. Contemporary Mezzotint Engraver and Color Printer. MASTER LAMBTON: After Sir Thomas Lawrence. The boy in a red velvet suit seated on a bank. India proof mezzotint printed in colors and signed, LITTLE MARY: After Sir Wm. Beechey. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. Small Ato. MRS. PAYNE GALWAY AND CHILD: After Reynolds, She carries the ‘child pick-a-back. Half length in a landscape. Signed India proof printed in colors, London, 1905. — *Written on is “Impression No. 26.” FLORENTINE PORTRAIT: After Fr. Buonsignori. Young girl, red gown, wearing a bandeau of pearls. Signed proof printed in colors. 4to. London, 1912. MADONNA OF THE CHAIR: After Raphael. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof on India paper laid in plate paper. Crease high to left skil- fully treated. Folio. PRINCESS LOUISE OF PRUSSIA. Half length in oval. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. - MADEMOISELLE HELVETIUS: After Drouais. Half length carrying fruit. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof on India. London, 1913. GIOVANNA TORNABOUNI: After Botticelli, Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof, 37 9 he 320. yo O22. O25. 326. 327. 328. 329. F. G. STEVENSON—Continued. LA BELLE FERRONNIERE: After L. Da Vinci. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. GIOVANNA ALBIZZI: After Ghirlandaijo. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. JACQUELINE DE BOURGOGNE: After Mabuse. Half length, to left, holding a sphere, mediaeval dress. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. THE SALAD GIRL. (Phoebe Hoppner): After Hop- pner. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. . PRINCE OF WALES. (Edward VII. as a child). Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. . MADAME DE POMPADOUR: After Boucher. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. E. STODART. MRS. ROBINSON. ‘Half length. Engraved in stipple and printed in colors with vignette effect. Signed proof. Folio. SISTERLY AFFECTION: [The Mildmay Twins]: After Eldridge. Engraving, printed in colors. Small folio. London, 1901. THE FAIR STEPMOTHER. (Ladies of the Loftus Family): After Cosway.: Engraving, printed in colors. Small folio. London, 1890. MISS WOOD. Stipple engraving, printed in colors. Signed proof. Folio. London, 1904. LADY COCKBURN AND CHILDREN: After Reynolds. Engraving, printed in colors. Signed India proof. Folio. London, 1906. . 38 aa ial bat ae Rae al 330. ols 332. 338. O34. “336. ry ae J. THEVENIN. MRS. CAZALET: After Downman. Engraved in stipple and printed in colors. Oval half-length. Signed proof on Japan paper in deco- rative gilt frame. 4to. EUGENE TILY. MISS KEMBLE: After Downman. Stipple engraving, tinted, on vellum. Signed proof. Oval, 4to. London, 1908. JAMES J. TISSOT. ENGLAND AND AMERICA. Etching. Remarques in color. The Bruiser, by Hogarth. Folio, framed. (2). IN THE SUN. Etching. , Signed and stamped proof. Small folio. J. H. TWACHTMAN. American Painter, who etched a few plates. ON THE MAAS. Signed proof on Japan paper. Etching, folio. *Rare etching of the well-known landscape painter. W. UNGER. 5. PRINCESS LOUISE WILHELMINA: HON. MRS. GRAHAM: After Gainsborough. Etchings in color. India remarque proofs. Folio. (2). KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN. LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER AND BOY HUNTING. Etching, signed proof on Japan paper. Folio. VIEWS. HAVANA, 1854. Panoramic engraving. By Ed. Willmann,. with remarque. Proof before the title. Very fine impression. Long oblong folio. 39 338. J43. 348. CHARLES WALTNER. ROMEO AND JULIET: After Frank Dicksee. Vellum proof, signed by both artists. Small folio, framed. *Only 100 copies were issued in this state. WILLIAM WARD. . MR. JOHNSTONE AS SIR CALLAGHAN IN LOVE A LA MODE; “Irish Johnstone,” father of Mrs. J. W. Wallack, Sr. Mezzotint, after Shee. 4to, margins shortened. . THE GIPSY FORTUNE TELLER: After Reynolds. Mezzotint. Small 4to. London, 1825. . HESITATION, Hngraving, printed in colors. Oval, folio. . THE CHOICE. Engraving, printed in colors. Oval, folio. GEORGE WASHINGTON. G. WASHINGTON. Oval bust. Stipple engraving by Rollinson, published by I. Reid, IN ok I Te _ PINE’S PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON. Half length, fac-simile in color. Folio. . MARTHA WASHINGTON. Bust in oval. Engraved by Girardet, after Jalabert. Folio. . THE SHADE AT THE TOMB. Lithograph. Tinted blue, by Sarony, Major & Knapp, with con- cealed portrait of Washington by moonlight. Sma!! Ato. . THE PROVISION TRAIN: After I. Robinson. Revolutionary scene, with portrait of Washington en- graved by C. Tomkins. Large oblong folio, India proof. | CHARLES J. WATSON. CHELSEA. Etching, untrimmed proof, 1879. 40 349. 850. ae 352. BRS. 354. 355. = O56. JAMES WATSON. MRS. ABINGTON: After Reynolds. Photogravure, in colors. Folio. THOMAS WATSON. LADY (CATHERINE) BAMFYLDE: After Reynolds. Photogravure, in colors. J. ALDEN WEIR. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Etching. Signed proof. 4to.. JOHN WHESSELL. THE BLIND HERMIT: After Stothard. Stipple engraving. Large folio. JAMES McNEILL WHISTLER. ST. ANNE’S; SOHO. Way 126. The reproduction from the Architectural Review. NURSEMAIDS “Les Bonnes du Luxembourg.” Way 48. Lithograph from “The Art Journal.” THE DOCTOR (DR. W. WHISTLER). Way 78. Lithograph from “The Pageant.” FULHAM (wrongly lettered “Chelsea”). M. 179. The photogravure copy. SYDNEY E. WILSON. Distinguished Contemporary English Mezzotint Engraver and Color Printer. . ELIZABETH, LADY TAYLOR: After Reynolds. Half length in a landscape. Small folio, signed proof, printed in colors. . MRS. BELL: After Sir Henry Raeburn. Seated in a landscape wearing a white gown with black lace. Mezzotint, printed in colors. Signed proof. ate 359. 360. t 361. 362. ANDERS ZORN. a MLLE. EMMA RASSMUSSEN : Delteil 182, 4 Etching, 1904. Superb proof of ‘the 0 _ SIGNED. *One of Zorn’s rare etchings and one of his tive plates. . MY MODEL AND MY BOAT. D. 90. Etching, 1894. SIGNED PROOF. — a si ae *Very rare. Only about 30 proofs were ublishe SEAWARD SKERRIES. Not in Delteil. pe a8 Etching, 1913. SIGNED PROOF. Bee *One of Zorn’s best a of this class and 1 now, very rare. THE ARTIST’S MODEL. Not in . Delteil. Etching, 1810. Sor PROOF. | a T 27TH ST, ie s 5 i ; . a . a . a i = fie ; t ‘ : be > J ’ -< pet ¥ ' . ‘ Pe ‘ : ! y % , . 3 2 ~ - ¢ = . ” t . = , N ¢ . , \ ; . 1 3 a * ‘* . as \ aa . = _ + og ~ : ‘ hi b > e". ‘ . * ="*4 ra . j j . . Ge wl} > f “ FP Tate oie pete ae eens rota (, - 4 ee (Pr eithe em e ee oe yt ; : ri Bk Seated ” Hes Hee oy pate si ore he i ps Re RD ? ah ae ay ore nN + mee oa a vi i ates papsas ee ee vain glial com. « 2, droop Pa: wes ee es ea eee ee gilda a § A ere conned eer 1915 Apr. 14 NeAnG c.1 Anderson /Color prints, etchings THU 25 01164 1716 331 Se pare tat ee tenet Serine ae eer