LIBRARY Nye ee M. KNOEDLER & CO, ee 556-8 FIFTH AVE. oy NEW YORK CATALOGUE . OF THE... Magnificent Furnishings, AND CONTAINED IN THE PRIVATE RESIDENCE No. 29 WEST 72nd STREET, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY LEWIS G. TEWKSBURY, SOLD BY ORDER OF LOUIS M. BROWN, EXECUTOR OF THE SPIER ESTATE, GLENS FALLS, N. Y. ... EXHIBITION... Thursday, Friday and Saturday, APRIL 17th, 18th & toth, g A. M. to to P. M. Sale Commencing Monday, April 21st, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 11 A.M. OIL PAINTINGS WILL BE SOLD ON THE EVENINGS OF Thursday, Friday and Saturday, APRIL 24th, 25th and 26th, PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK. SEPARATE CATALOGUE. BENJ. S. WISH, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS. 14-16 ASTOR PLACE, N. Y. PREFACE. The disposal of the famous Tewksbury Collection is a subject of the deepest interest to a very substantial por- tion of the community. Announcement seems almost un- necessary that no public sale has ever before been held in New York that equals in intrinsic value or artistic beauty the treasures contained in this old and beautiful residence. Collections like that gathered by Mr. Lewis G. Tewks- bury are extremely rare; for seldom it is that the true art instinct and the capacity for acquiring wealth are so hap- pily blended in one individuality as in himself. Largely for his own personal gratification in the pos- session of things that charm the senses, the one-time wealthy Wall Street speculator fulfilled his desires to the limit. His travels extended over land and water, as wide as the horizon. Thus every continent and the faraway islands of Southern and Northern seas have contributed in one form or another to a really remarkable assembly of art treasures. It is an assembly possessing the merit not only of originality but oddity; one that not only reflects the artistic temperament in skill and perfect harmony of de- tail, but one that leaps, contrastingly, to weird and start-' ling effects; yet withal a consistency of detail and clever arrangement whatever the idea to be wrought. It was parily Mr. Tewksbury’s ambition to gather a collection and to have a house to put it in that would be talked about. In this he succeeded. It is presumably fair to suppose in the interior arrangements of this house its counterpart is not anywhere—at least in the United States. Mr. Tewksbuty was his own architect in the promulga- tion of ideas. He built a strange house, full of rooms of various areas and divers use; nooks and corners and angles, secret passage-ways, galleries about a beautiful court; embellished these rooms with rare and expensive woods, marbles, leathers, weaves and textures, mirrors and what not, until it became veritably a museum of art, dim of the light of heaven (from the fewness of its win- dows) but aglow in the brightest noonday with brilliant artificial illumination. Detailed description of such elegance fails of its pur- pose. Let the eye judge for itself. Let also, in passing, mention be made of the sharp contrasts of the interior. It is interesting to know that under the roof, in a tower- like room, is a replica of what might be called a bunga- low; or, if imagination is disposed to soar, a hunter’s domicile. Mr. Tewksbury called it his “den.” There, when he gathered his friends, he delighted in talking “horse.” But whatever the room might be likened unto, it is really a composite picture, perhaps in part a copy of some curious room the broker had seen in his travels, and added thereto a few touches of his own. One side of this room is fitted with a huge stone fire- place, from whose crevices reptiles peer and startle. There are, too, armor devices and odd decorations in mul- tiple form; easy chairs and rest-inviting divans. Over all this a canopy falls in graceful folds, concealing here and there the figure of a woman in graceful attitude. Descend below stairs and one sees a weather-stained door of massive size, barred and locked by heavy hard- ware of strange pattern, rusted and age-stained. Turn the great key, shove back bars and bolts, descend a few steps. You are in the wine cellar—exact copy of an old French monastery cellar just outside of Paris, 500 years old. The door and other parts herein came from that mon- astery. The door is almost as old as the monastery. It cost a pretty penny. With the door were imported 300 German spiders to weave webs and make this New York 4 Wood NIVINNOA cellar take on the Old World atmosphere. The spiders fulfilled their mission. More conventional is the Turkish Room on the first floor, whose fittings and decorations represent an outlay of $35,000. ; A Fountain Room, Roman in design and decoration, with galleries above, is a striking feature of the house. In brief, wherever the eye may rest, there some object is to attract or enchain. Every nook and corner holds some example of ancient or modern art. It may be a Benares lamp, of curious design, with mystic symbols; a piece of tapestry, whose value runs into the thousands; a porce~ lain, worth its weight in gold; a canvas, such as Mosler’s “Husking Bee,” for which Mr. Tewksbury once refused $25,000, or Inness’s “Sundown.” Again, a delicate and exquisite oil or water color lends a charming view. Here one sees a bit of statuary, delicately chiseled, the work of a famous sculptor; there, a deep-toned musical clock; up above, a ceiling of Cupids, mythological subject, or tra- cery of flowers. Now ancient armor confronts ; beyond a pair of rare Corean antique vases, and glorious powder blues. What better treat than they? Here, there, every- where, is something of interest, more or less deep. The wonder is, you say, that one man, busy in the world of speculation and enterprise, could have found time to develop and follow to such completeness the desires of the art side of his nature. SPECIAL NOTICE Note—THE WINE CELLAR AND CONTENTS WILL BE SOLD BY MANUSCRIPT, THURSDAY, ABOUT 3 P.M. ALL GOODS MUST BE PAID FOR AND RE- MOVED AT ONCE. DELIVERIES UNTIL 9.30 A.M., AND FROM 5 TO 7 P.M. A DEPOSIT OF s0 PER CENT. WILL BE RE- QUIRED FROM ALL PURCHASERS WHO DE- STRE TO LEAVE THEIR GOODS UNTIL END OF SALE. lu. CONDITIONS OF SALE. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this sale, and not to any one particular lot. Bills payable in cash before delivery. Bills must be sent for delivery of goods. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the pur- chaser, on the morning following each day’s sale, until 9.80 o’clock, and from 5 to 7 p. m. and the re- mainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid. Goods not removed on the morning following each days sale between nine and twelve o’clock remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. Our record of sales in all cases final. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited. All lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such re-sale if he thinks fit. BENJ. S. WISE, Auctioneer. dNOU) ANVAIIL FHL CATIVO ‘anowd AZNOUd CATALOGUE EER Si DA Yess olebs MONDAY, APRIL 21st, Promptly at 11 o’clock a. M. Note ConpDITIONs OF SALE ON SEVENTH PAGE. TERMS. OF SAE Large deposits will be required from purchasers, with- out exception. Intending purchasers who do not wish to be annoyed making a deposit at time of sale can do so prior to sale, for which receipt will be given by arrange- ment with the Auctioneer or Representative of the Estate. t Rubber Mat. 2 Marble-top Table. Marine Clock. Oblong Mirror. Four Cane-seat Chairs. Two Oak and Rush-seat Chairs. Three Cane-seat Chairs. Kitchen Table. Oo AN Ow HR Ww Clothes Hamper, Step Ladder, Baskets, etc. 9 aS 16 Butler’s Tray and Stand. Marble Mortar. Scales. Coffee Mill. Lot White China. Lot Agate-ware. Large Agate Coffee-pot. Bread Box. Four Copper Measures. Sausage Grinder and Lot Tinware. Seven Copper Galvanized Lining Frying-pans. Seven Copper Galvanized Lining Spiders. Nine Galvanized Lining Stew Pans. Fifteen Copper Galvanized Lining Molds. Three Copper Galvanized Lining Steak Pans. Nine Copper Galvanized Lining Covers. Small Step-ladder. Large Marble Slab. Marble-top Table. Lot Sad Irons, etc. Twelve Engraved Water Glasses. Twelve Engraved Saucers. Champagnes. Twelve Engraved Sherry Glasses. Twelve Engraved Cordials. Twelve Engraved Clarets. Twelve Engraved Finger Bowls. 10 36 37 Engraved Decanter. Engraved Decanter. Quartered-oak Kitchen Cabinet. Sliding doors ; 3 drawers. ERA: White Enamel Table. Howe Platform Scale, with Height Measure. Two Oak and Leather Upholstered Armchairs. Black and White. Signed, S. S. Sullivant. Set Four Old-English Prints. Oak frame. Another. Electric-light and Gas Chandelier in Kitchen. Four Side Combination Lights. Framed Engraving. Pen-and-ink Sketch. “The Pleasures of Driving on Fifth Avenue.” By T. A. Rogers. Engraving. “In the Hay-loft.” Another. Fine Hammered Brass Plaque. Another. Quartered-oak Corner Hall Seat. Engraving. “Shaving.” Electric-light and Gas Chandelier in Kitchen. Proof Etching. “Diamond Cut Diamond.” Engraving. “Music.” Fine Etching. “Contentment.” Companion. iI Another, Engraving. Engraving. “Ophelia.” Another. “Antique.” Very Fine Hammered Brass Plaque. Another. Round Hammered Brass Plaque. “Game of Cards.” Antique Hammered Brass Framed Mirror. Hammered Brass Plaque. Hammered Brass Plaque. Black and White Picture. Round Hammered Plaque. “Samson and His Wife.” Engraving. Oak Chiffonier. Mirror top. FRONT ROOM, BASEMENT. Oak Washstand. Water-color. Signed, Eward Salomon. — Steel Engraving. “Steady.” Black and White Drawing. Signed, E. M. Aghe. Water-color Drawing. “In Central Park.’ By F. D. Richards. Three Small Pictures. Pair Chenille Portiéres. Hanging Wall Cabinet. Hand painted. Navajo Wool Rug. Size, 30 x 60 inches. 12 Persian Rug. Mounted Wildcat-skin Rug. Angora Rug. Black. Banquet Lamp and Shade. Mahogany Colonial Oval Table. Ormolu mounted. Fine Photogravure, after Messonnier. “Prisoner.” Hand-painted Porcelain Plaque. Frame. Antique Hanging Clock, with Onyx Dial. Cane-seat Chair. Framed Picture. French Steel Engraving. Colored Picture. Two Majolica Flower Holders. Blue and White Chinese Jar. Antique Chinese Vase. Quartered-oak Bureau, With French plate Mirror. Black and White Drawing. “A Bench Show.” Willow Armchair, with Upholstered Cushions. Chinese Decorated Vase. Five Sofa Cushions. Blue and White Umbrella Stand. English Brass Bed, Spring and Mattress. Oak and Mirror-front Wardrobe. Oak Chime Clock. Ormolu mounted, with 4 gongs. Oak Card Table, with 4 Chairs attached. Oak Commode. 13 Very Fine Axminster Rug. Size, 9 x 12. 109 Oak Wood-seat Rocker. 110 Pair Lace Curtains. 111 Parlor Suit. Three pieces; upholstered in tap- estry ; sofa, arm, and side chair. 112 Art Square. 113 Four Combination Gas and Electric Light Fix- tures. 114 Combination Electric Light and Gas Chandelier. 115 Lorillard Refrigerator. Will hold 500 pounds of ice. 116 Extra Heavy Kazak Rug. 117 Persian Hall Rug. Size, 9.6 x 3.8. 118 Yards Linoleum in Hall. 11g Yards Linoleum. FRONT BASEMENT ROOM. 120 Oak Closet. Two doors. THE DEN—TOP FLOOR FRONT. 121 Two Decorated Chinese Vases. 122 Terra-cotta Figure. I i 123 Antique Blue Glazed Chinese Bottle. 124 Chinese Decorated Porcelain Compartment Box. Three sections. 125 Rare Old White and Faded-blue Chinese Vase. | | | 126 Chinese Dark-splash Vase. Raised gold Kazon | | decorations. | 127 Antique Chinese Porcelain Figure. 14 128 Very Fine Real Bronze Kora and Cover, with Dragon Handle. Six Bronze Groups. “Mephistopheles” and “Tndians.” Fine Terra-cotta Figure. Handsomely Decorated Chinese Vase. Blue and White Nanikin Teapot. Rare Old Porcelain Brown Vase. Canton and Enamel Decorated Tea Set. Nine pieces. Enamel Decorated Chinese Vase. Antique Crackle Vase. White and Blue Enamel Chinese Antique Vase. A rare old piece. Real Bronze Vase. Lizard handles, raised birds, and flowers. Chippendale Corner Cabinet. | Mahogany inlaid. Old Blue Chinese Vase. Mounted on real bronze standard, with bronze ropes holding vase. Bottle Vase, with 2 Handles. Dutch Enamel Beer Mug. Rare Old Real Bronze Incense Burner. Hand- chased gold, bronze top. Iridescent Glass Vase. Antique Chased Bronze Square Vase. Dog Foo handle top. Two-handle Vase, with rare colorings. Antique Porcelain Jar and Cover. Enamel deco- ration. “Sacred Warrior.” Hat top. 15 B54 156 157 158 i} i 159 160 IOI 162 163 164. 165 166 167 168 Kozan Red Glazed Vase. Inlaid sprigs and leaves of solid silver. Very rare and choice piece. Antique Egyptian Pitcher Vase. Riota Faience Enamel Vase. Lions and clouds decorations. 14% inches high. Hungarian Decorated Vase. Antique Bronze Mythological Pigeon. Inlaid with cloisonné, and removable top. Black Oak Hanging Cabinet. Real Bronze Champagne Holder, with 5 Imitation Bottles on top. Turkish Rug. Size, 5.4 x 3.6. Black Oak and Leather Side Chair. Antique Bronze Lamp. Inlaid with cloisonné. Hand-carved Teakwood Tabourette. Leather Square-back Armchair. Carved claw feet. Fine Benares Tray. Enamel. Another. Larger. Turkish Rug, with blue and white colorings. Size, SOk3 7. Real Bronze Vase, with birds and 2 handles in relief. Fine Bronze Incense Burner, or Kora. Upholstered Armchair. Damascus Folding Chair. Inlaid with pearl. Canton Decorated Cuspidor, with figures repre- senting Chinese merchants. Hammered Brass India Jardiniére. 16 WOOu HSIMUNL Real Bronze Jardiniére, with hand-wrought and chased flowers and artificial plant. Wicker and Upholstered Armchair. Another. Another. Another. Stone Match Holder. Three Brass Cuspidors. Bronze Basket Plate. Japanese Bronze Gong. Wicker Upholstered Armchair. Antique Persian Rug. Old Splash Jardiniére, with Serpent in Relief. Iridescent Glass Vase. Egyptian Decorated Vase. Blue and White Vase. Two Decorated Vases. Porcelain Flower Holder. Shape of snake. Porcelain Figure. Cat. Tobacco Jar. Antique Chinese Splash Jardiniére. Fine Antique Bell Metal Benares Tray. Antique Blue and White Bowl and Cover. Oak and Leather Seat Chair. Another. Real Bronze Jardiniére, with flowers in relief. Higle Vase. Crackle enamel; bird and flower decoration. A very valuable piece. 17 Shirvan Rug. Size, 5.5 x 3.3. Round-top Table. Mexican Water Bottle. Blue and White Nancy Vase. Hammered Brass Tankard. Two Vases. Decorated. Antique Chinese Figure. “A Fisherman.” Real Bronze Ash Tray. Antique Silver Bronze Flower Vase. Figure in relief. Antique Bronze Vase and Cover. Richly chased. De Neuville Porcelain Cat. Sea-green Splash Vase. Forty-one inches high. One of the largest of this specimen in existence. Handsomely Decorated Imari Jardiniére. Flemish Oak Tabourette. Antique Persian Prayer Rug. Antique Cashmere Drapery. Another. Handsomely Upholstered Leather Armchair. Another. Another. Shirvan Rug. Size, 5.4 x 3.7. Cantigalli Vase, with Fruit and Leaves Decora- tions. Handsome Hammered Standing Lamp, with Etched Globe. 18 236 237 Ooze Leather Upholstered Side Chair. Antique Bronze Incense Burner. Cloisonné Dec- orations, with Dog Foo on Cover. Copper and Wrought-iron Banquet Lamp, with Glass Decorated Shade. Antique Persian Rug. Green Enamel Chinese Vase, with Flower Decora- tions. Handsomely Carved Round-top Colonial Table. Cuspidor. Chinese Splash-Colored Jardiniére. Very Handsome Four-fold Spanish Leather Screen. Splash Jardiniére and Pedestal. Handsome Hammered Brass Umbrella Holder. Ooze Leather Upholstered Chair. Magnificently Decorated Chinese Vase. Groups and figures and interior decorations. Carved Black Oak Tabourette. Brown Colored Chinese Vase. Antique Chinese Porcelain Vase. Handsome Real Bronze Jardiniére. Dragon in relief. Two Wrought-iron Banquet Lamps. Antique Beaker-shape, Dark Ground and White Arabesque Hizen Pottery Vase. Old Brown Crackle Enamel Vase. Antique Vase. 1g Magnificent Cantagalli Vase. Fine Splash Sea-green Jardiniére and Pedestal. Persian Rug. Hanging Decorated Chinese Flower Vase. Roman Warrior’s Helmet, with Spear-proof Veil. Inlaid with gold with iron holder. Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Lot of Embroidered Drapery. Hand-painted Tapestry. Grecian figures. Two Halberts. Plaster Cast and Mask. Splash Vase. Handsomely Carved Teakwood Pedestal. Jardiniére and Wood Stand. Flemish Oak and Leather Upholstered Rocker. Two Chinese Lacquered Hats. Antique Chinese Carved-wood Idol. Carved Black Oak Tabourette. Antique Enamel Porcelain and Real Bronze Hang- ing Basket, with electric-light attachment. Halbert. Hanging Antique Brass Kettle. Benares Brass Jardiniére, with Birds, Animals, and Hieroglyphics. Handsome Hammered Brass Jardiniére. Halbert-standard. Copper Pitcher Vase. Antique. 20 Antique Egyptian Bronze Urn. Real Bronze Bell Metal Jardiniére. Another. Hammered Brass Wood Box. Mask. Oak and Leather Chair. Brown Majolica Jardiniére. Magnificent Real Bronze Vase. Verdi green. Persian Rug. Size, 4.6 x 7.2. Antique Persian Rug. Another. Antique Shirvan Rug. Antique Bokhara Rug. San Domingo Mahogany Colonial Round-top Table. Antique Mousoul Rug. Upholstered Leather Sofa. Chinese Lacquered Armor. Persian Rug. Size, 4.9 x 5.10. Bolster. Finely Decorated Imari Plaque. Real Bronze Jardiniére. Bell metal. Another. Another. Antique Kilim Cover. Handsome Jardiniére. Standing on four feet. 21 287 288 289 290 291 292 203 204 295 296 207 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 395 306 307 308 309 310 311 Antique Porcelain Chinese Figure. Chinese Crackle Green Enamel Vase. Decorated with lions and flowers. Fourteen inches in height. Majolica Chinese Jardiniére, with lilies in relief. Green Splash Vase. Mounted. Two Antique Warrior Armor Leg Coverings. Two Real Bronze Urns, with Marble Vase. Hammered Brass Hanging Lantern. Antique Cashmere Rug. Leather Couch and Mahogany Frame. Cuspidor. Hanging Jeweled Lantern. Sea-Green Porcelain Vase. Blue Splash Vase. Very Fine Benares Brass Vase. Red Underglazed Vase. Antique Moon Vase. Antique Copper Pitcher Vase. Wrought-iron Hanging Jeweled Lantern. Papier-maché Sea Serpent. Copper Pitcher Vase. Lot Snakes, etc. Pair Very Heavy Wrought-iron Andirons. Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Chinese Lacquered Hat. Hand-painted Tapestry. Nude figure. 22 Bronze Hanging Lantern. Standard Halbert. Another. Another Two Chinese. Lacquered Hats. Lot Papier Maché Swords, Halberts, and Torture Instruments. Chinese Officer’s Helmet. Hammered Brass Plaque. Antique Battle Axe. Antique Pistol. Four Masks. Spanish Cutlass. Three Steel Warrior’s Armlets. Ooze Leather Side Chair. Chinese Handsomely Decorated Umbrella Holder, with Figures. All Fish Netting in Room. Magnificent Benares Brass Hanging Lantern, with Hand-chased Figures of Mephistopheles and others. This lantern cost $750. Two Pairs Tapestry Draperies. Lot Brown Velour Draperies in Room of about 60 yards. Cabinet. Pair Tinsel and Brown and Yellow Draperies. Canvas Canopy and Sides. Hanging Hammered Brass Lantern. 23 BR 355 356 Another. Oval. Bird’s-eye Maple Cabinet. Pair Tapestry Portieres. Pair Damask Draperies. Electric Hanging Side Bracket or Stand. Five Fine Stained-glass Windows, made by Louis C. Tiffany & Co. Pair Brown and Tinsel Portiéres. Single Portiére. Turkish Rug. Size, 4.4 x 3.3. Electric Side Bracket, 2 lights. Black and White Drawing. Antique Print, 1846. “Siuendona,” Rome. Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Chinese Vase. Mexican Water Bottle. Superb Hammered Benares Brass Armor Plate. Large French Velour Drapery. Could be used as a pair of portieéres. Yards Axminster Stair Carpet. Hammered Brass Plaque, with Figures of Men Hunting Tigers. BOUDOIR—THIRD FLOOR. Four Silk Tassels. Antique Chinese Vase, with Red Dragons and Flower Decoration. Chinese Vase, with Brown Underglazed Decora- tion. 24 SEVRES VASE, 444 FEET HIGH SYS 376 377 378 Artist Proof Etching. “The Bookworm.” Painting. “Searching the Spy.” By Savarol. Another. “The Quarrel.” Water-color. “Figure of Girl.’ Signed Hal. Ludlow. Candlestick. Traveling Clock in Leather Case. Black Oak Tabourette, with Mirror Top. Water-color. Black and White. “Bashful.” By F.C. Gordon. Oil Painting. “A Shooting Star.” By Louis Perry. Inlaid Mahogany Desk Chair. Inlaid Mahogany Rocker. Oil Painting. “Marine.” Signed T. W. T. Mezzotint. Iridescent Glass Flower Vase. Very Fine Chinese Porcelain Vase. Cut Crystal Flower Holder. Two Real Bronze Antique Figures. “La Prairie” and “Le Zephry.” Signed Moreau. Engraving. “Well Balanced.” From the painting by Wm. H. Hunt, and presented to Mr. Tewks- bury by the engraver, John Lowell. Picture. ‘‘Madonna.” Print. After Vibert. Etching. 25 379 Artist Proof Etching. Adolph G. Doring, and etched by Frank Russell Green. Antique Chinese Vase. Antique Bronze Vase. Chinese Blue Splash Vase. Fine Enamel Chinese Vase. Green and white flower decorations. Antique Porcelain Vase and Cover, with Figure of Hermit and Dragons in Relief. Chinese Enameled Vase on Copper. Real Bronze Japanese Vase, with Birds in Relief. Real Bronze Japanese Vase, with Birds in Relief. Handsome Inlaid Mahogany Armchair, Daintly Carved Tapestry Seat. Antique Blue and White Jar and Cover. Corean Vase, Rare Colorings. Blue Underglazed Chinese Vase. Chinese Porcelain Vase, with Dog and Figure in Relief. Cloissoné Vase. Cloissoné Vase. Magnificent Barbotine Vase, with Birds and Flow- ers in Relief and Hand-painted Decorations. Very Fine Water-color. By Arthur Haber. Persian Rug. Two Pairs Blue Silk Door Draperies. Two Pairs Blue Silk Door Draperies. One Pair at Mirror at Canopy. 26 401 402 403 404 405, 400 407 408 409 410 4It 4t2 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 Bird’s-eye Maple Cabinet, with Mirror in Door. Double Combination Cabinet, with Mirror. Fine Persian Rug. Fine Persian Rug. Hanging Venetian Lantern, with Electric-light Attachment. Hair Sofa Cushion. Bird’s-eye Maple Corner Cabinet, with Plate Mir- ror. Small Bird’s-eye Maple Corner Cabinet, with Plate Mirror. Plush and Hand Embroidered Couch Cover. Box Couch. Upholstered in tapestry. Fine Engraving. By Herbert Herkomer, R.A. Benares Brass Hanging Lantern, with Electric- light Fixture. Black and White Drawing. Signed Lossaw, Miinschen. Cut-crystal, Smoked and Gold-decorated Flower Holder. Royal Sévres Trinket Set. Twelve pieces. Antique San Domingo Mahogany Lowboy, with 2 Drawers. Cabinet top. Choice Luneville Decorated Vase. Handsome Royal Bonn Decorated Vase. Black and White. By Gibson. Water-color. “Spanish Dancer.” By F. Fabbi. Pastel. “Landscape.” By Gruppe. 27 Real Bronze Group. “The Wine.” By Halweck. Venetian Glass and Enamel Flower Vase. Water-color. “Roses.” Signed Fannie N. Tewks- bury. Antique Mahogany Side Chair. Upholstered seat, with slip cover. Another. Down Cushion. Black and White. By B. W. Persall. Mahogany Work Table. Cuspidor. Glass Green and Gold Decorated Vase. Two Magnificent Royal Dux Bohemia Figures. Choice Empire Clock Set of 3 pieces—clock and 2 candelabra; ormolu mounted on marble base, with figures of Eagle and Sphinx. Hand Embroidered Carved Wood Fire Screen. Gas Logs. Mahogany Upholstered Rocker. Oil Painting. “Girl and Cows.” Antique Colonial Mahogany Chair, with Slip Cover. Water-color. “Moorish Figure.” Signed Wm. Sirranto. Fine Persian Rug. Size about Bokhara Rug. Size about Magnificent Mahogany Antique High Boy, with Cabinet Desk in centre. 28 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 White Angora Fur Rug. Water-color. “On the Coast of Maine.” By Fannie Tewksbury. Colonial Mahogany Settee. Upholstered in cream damask. Handsome English Brass Bedstead. 7.3 x 5. Fine Upholstered Spring. Fine Curled Hair Mattress. Real Bronze Bust. “Morning.” By N. Mager. With revolving brass plate. Two Fine Feather Pillows. Gilt Rush-seat Chair. Crab Cuspidor. Painting. “Homeward Bound.” Chinese Vase. Another. Another. Gold decorated. Antique Colored Vase. Another. Canton Decorated Old Blue and White Vase and Cover. Fine Antique Enameled Vase. Birds and sea- wave decorations. Old Brown Crackle Vase. Another. Hour-glass shape; Japanese porcelain. Porcelain Vase, with figure in relief. Porcelain Vase, with figure in relief. 29 Two Chinese Bottle Vases. Pair Porcelain Barrel-shape Vases, with figures of dancing girls. Nankin Blue and White Rose Jar. Bottle-shape Vase, with birds and flower decora- tions. Curious Shaped Basket Vase. Rare Antique Chinese Bottle-shape Vase, with leaves and flowers in relief. Fine Mahogany Bureau Case, with French-plate mirror frame on top. Is adjustable. Bird’s-eye Maple and Upholstered Armchair and Slip Cover. Framed Picture. Mounted Fox Skin Rug. Down Sofa Cushion. Persian Rug. Another. Camel’s hair; size, 3.8 x 2.11. Another. Magnificent Real Bronze Figure. “Spring.” Revolving Marble Pedestal. Handsome Real Bronze and Crystal Chandelier of Electric Lights. Two Electric and Gas Combination Side Lights. Two Pair Cream Silk Damask Draperies. At door. Two More Pair. At door and window. Drapery Over Bed. 30 Three Pieces Lace on Windows. Round Sofa Cushion. Sofa Cushion. Chinese Crackle White Glazed Umbrella Holder, with figure of serpent. Willow Armchair. Upholstered seat and back. MIDDLE BEDROOM. Folding Table. Nickel-Plated Towel Rack. Bird’s-eye Maple Dressing Table. Mirror back. Antique Etching. Black and White. By Gibson. Black and White. By F. T. Richards. Antique Engraving. “Repentance.” Black and White Drawing. “The First Excur- sion Boat.’ By Sullevant. Black and White. “In the Park.” By Granville Smith. Steel Engraving. “The Christian Martyr.” Enamel and Brass Bed, Spring, and Mattress. Enamel and Brass Bed, Spring, and Mattress. Lot of Fret Work. Oak Dressing Chiffonier, with adjustable mirror top. Bird’s-eye Maple Washstand. Toilet Set. Decorated ; 6 pieces. 31 597 San Domingo Mahogany Rocker. Upholstered seat and back. Wilton Rug. Size, about 7.10 x 10. English Brass Bed. Upholstered Spring. Fine Curled-hair Mattress. Oe to aoTaVd GTO) GNV ALIHM — — — ——E — oo ————E - SECOND DAY’S SALE, TUESDAY, APRIL 22d, Promptly at 11 o’clock A. M. Nore ConpDITIONS OF SALE ON SEVENTH PAGE. TERMS OF SALE Large deposits will be required from purchasers, with- out exception. Intending purchasers who do not wish to be annoyed making a deposit at time of sale can do so prior to sale, for which receipt will be given by arrange- ment with the Auctioneer or Representative of the Estate. WHITE AND GOLD PARLOR. 512 Gold-framed Mirror. 513 Carved-wood Monkey, as Towel Holder. 514 Porcelain Peach-blow Colored Vase. 515 Two Brown Enameled on Copper Vases. 516 Moss-colored Vase. 517 Two Canton Decorated Vases, with figures of Chi- nese maidens. 518 Clock Set of 3 pieces. Italian porcelain. 33 White Under-glazed Vase. Fish decorations. Cloisonné Vase. Pair Antique Porcelain Crackle Vases. Chinese figures of warriors. Pair Chinese Vases. Figure of God of Knowl- edge. Enamel Chinese Pot. On German silver. Venetian Glass Flower Holder. Cloisonné Jar and Cover. Dainty Cloisonné Teapot. On silver. Cloisonné Rose Jar. Venetian Glass Flower Holder. Porcelain Vase. Brown and green enamel decora- tion. Very Fine Cloisonné Vase. On silver. Very Fine Cloisonné Vase. On silver. Pair Hand-painted Miniature Decorated Royal Saxony Vases. Handsomely Decorated Vase. Handsomely Decorated Vase. Magnificently Hand-painted Royal Bonn Vase. Chinese Porcelain Vase. Blue and white flower decoration. Hand-painted Tapestry. Brown Porcelain Vase. Handsome Gold and White Decorated Vase. Chinese Brown Decorated Vase. Splash Vase. 34 Real Bronze Figure. “The Goddess of Fire.” By Ferraul. San Domingo Mahogany Round-top Table. Antique Persian Prayer Rug. Shirvan Rug. Size, 4.3 x 3.9. Colored Picture. “A Jolly Good Fellow.” Artist’s Proof Etching. “A Picnic.” By Hamil- ton Hamilton. Royal Vienna Vase and Cover. Hand-painted decorations, representing “The Fates.” French Inlaid-wood Etagére, with Brass Rail. Persian Hall Rug. Size, 12 x 3.7. Spanish Vase and Cover. Very Choice Royal Vienna Decorated Clock. Brass Table. Fine Bronze Pitcher Vase, with figures. Hanging Cabinet, with Dresden Columns. Two Photographs. Framed. Bronze Bust. Real Bronze Bust. “Rembrandt.” Two Very Heavy Silk Tassels. Fine Bronze Figure. “Mercury.” Inlaid Dutch Chair. Dresden Candlestick. Gold Decoration. Inlaid Folding-top Card Table. Cantigalli Pitcher Vase. Finely decorated. Mahogany Wood-seat Desk Chair. 35 Mahogany Inlaid Writing Desk. Hand-painted Plaque. Signed Newhues. Turkish Hanging Bracket. Ruby-red Flower Vase. Blue and Gold Decorated Dresden Vase. Inlaid Hanging Bracket. Tiffany Glass Card Receiver. Marble-top Antique Table. Ormolu mounted. Water-color. “Figure.” Signed Saunlt. Hand-painted Tapestry Panel, on Door. “The Flower Girl.” French Colored Picture. ‘After the Bath.” Artist’s Proof Etching. ‘Waiting.’ Signed by Frank R. Green. Artist’s Proof Etching. “A Foraging Party.” Signed Rosa Bonheur. Dutch Inlaid Reception Chair. Oil Painting. Signed Wright. Artist’s Proof Etching. Signed by Robert G. Minor. Etched by Raubicheck. Water-color. ‘‘The Bugler.” By L. Decasta. Colored Engraving. “Fair Rosamond.” Richly Upholstered Récamier Couch, with Slip Cover. Hand-painted Tapestry Panel. Velour Drapery. Fine Kirman Rug. 36 610 Senna Rug. Size, 4.2 x 6.5. Pair Draperies at Door. Dainty Marble Bust. Revolving Marble Pedestal. Fine Senna Rug. Size, 3.10 x 5.4. Pastel. “On the Toboggan Slide.” Signed J. J. Hanbridge. Artist’s Proof Etching. “Love’s Dream.” Signed F. M. Sprigle. Tiffany Glass Vase. Fine Royal Vienna Vase and Cover. Bronze Incense Burner. Handsome Decorated Vase, with winged dragon in relief. Teplitz Jardiniére, with reticulated sides and flower decoration. Fine Carlsbad Vase. Cobalt blue decorations. Pair Antique Candelabras. Bronze Vase, with Figure, Cupids. Blue Splash Vase. Fine Genori Vase. Etching. “Ville-de-Avary.” Eleven Artist’s Proofs. By Hamilton Hamilton. Pair Wrought-iron Sconces. Magnificent Carved Teakwood Cabinet. Gold and Onyx-top Pedestal. Water-color. “Marine.” By Fannie W. Tewks- bury. oF 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 647 648 649 650 651 652 Richly Upholstered Armchair. Fine Kirman Rug. Pair Silk Tassels. Teplitz Bust. Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal. Oil Painting on Porcelain Plaque. “Flowers.” Oil Painting. “Scene in Holland.” Signed C. F. Helfer. Fine Antique Crackle Glaze Vase. Large Chinese Vase. Brown Colored Vase, with Flower Decorations. Decorated Vase and Cover. Vienna Vase, Decorated. Superb Chinese Old Brown Vase, with Dragon Decorations. Two Majolica Figures. “Italian Street Arabs.” Crotch Mahogany Upholstered Divan, with claw feet. Flower Decorated Porcelain Umbrella Holder. Royal Vienna and Miniature Decorated Vase and Cover. Royal Vienna and Large Decorated Vase and Cover. Signed Barnard. Magnificent Royal Brown Vase. Richly painted. Royal Turn Vase, with Underglazed Decorations. Iridescent Glass Vase, with Ormolu Mountings. Two Magnificently Decorated Royal Dresden Vases, Miniature Paintings. 38 Bronze Bust. “Queen Louise.”’ Hand-painted Miniature on Tray. “Barbonconty.” Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature, Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. Hand-painted Miniature. “Marie Louise.” “Countess de Warwick.” “Louis of Prussia.” “Viscomte de Jersey.” “Laitiere de Greuze.” “Lady Montagrave.” “Josephine.” “Pompadour.” “Mme. Berthair.” “Mme. Le Brun.” “Mme. de Saint Aubin.” “Benjamin Franklin.” “Roide-Rome.” sea duthie “Mme. Cassere.”’ “Tete Directoire.” “Duchess de Parme.” “Lincoln.” “Mme. Rocquoncourt.” “Anne de Boleyn.” Superbly Decorated Vase. Royal Sévres and Painted Miniature Decorated Vase, with heavy ormolu mountings. Bronze Mounted Spanish Porcelain Vase. 39 Royal Teplitz Vase, with Raised Gold Flower Decorations. Bronze Card Receiver. Girl’s head and peacock feathers. Venetian Glass and Gold Decorated Flower Vase. Magnificent Cobalt-blue and Gold Decorated Old Meissen Vase. Pair Royal Sévres and Ormolu Vases and Covers, with Miniature Decorations. Royal Sévres Cloisonné Mounted Vase, with Miniature of ‘Psyche and the Mirror.” Crystal and Gold Decorated Flower Holder. Two Handsomely Decorated Royal Bonn and Ormolu Mounted Vases. Hand-carved Shell Cameo. Two Bronze Busts. Mounted on Onyx Pedestals. Venetian Bronze Dog and Go-cart. Venetian Bronze Alligator. “Eating His Dinner.” Real Bronze Basket, with Chickens. Cabinet speci- men. Crystal Clock, Mounted with Rhinestones. Bronze Bust. Real Bronze Group. Dog and Rat. Two Vienna and Miniature Decorated Vases and Covers. Superb Limoges Enamel with Gold Decoration Flower Holder. Hand-painted Royal Sévres Bonbonniére. Cut crystal and Ruby Glass Flower Holder. 40 SASVA ASUNIHO ANTdA WACMOd MOOTO “AIX SINOT SVAUIVIFGNVO FdIdNa Two Fine Bronze Groups. “Hebe” and “Leda.” By Ferville. Superb Underglazed Decorated Vase and Cover. Two Magnificent Painted Royal Vienna and Miniature Decorated Vases and Covers. Rich Cobalt-blue and Miniature Decorated Sévres Vase. Zsonlay Vase and Cover. Handsomely decorated. Magnificent Painted Royal Sévres Plaque, mounted as card receiver. Royal Sévres Miniature Decorated Cup and Saucer. From the Chateau des Tuileries. Royal Sévres Miniature Decorated Cup and Saucer. From the Chateau des Tuileries. Two Royal Vienna Gold-lined Miniature Deco- rated Vases. Royal Vienna Gold-lined Miniature Decorated Vase. Cobalt-blue ground. Rich Royal Teplitz Vase. Cloisonné Bronze Mounted Hand Mirror. Dainty Miniature Dresden Decorated Vase and Plate. Two Handsome Green and Gold Decorated Minia- ture Vases. Signed: Foster. Two Handsome Green and Gold Decorated Minia- ture Vases. Maroon and gold decorations. Dainty Miniature Painting. Dainty Miniature Painting. Allegorical. 41 715 720 727 728 729 730 731 732 Dainty Miniature Painting. “Awakening of Spring.” Handsomely Chased Art Bronze Jardiniére or Flower Holder. Magnificent Cobalt-blue and Gold Decorated Jar- diniére. Gold Hand-carved Reception-room Chair. Up- holstered in striped and cut velvet. Hand-painted Plaque. Signed J. Merso. Hand-painted Plaque. Signed J. Merso. Hand Mirror, with Cloisonné enamel. Royal Sévres and Hand-painted Revolving Vase. Ormolu mountings. Signed by J. Poitevin, Companion. Pair Small Royal Sévres Vases, with gold trac- ings and figure paintings. Magnificent Royal Vienna and Miniature Deco- rated Vase and Cover. Two handles. Painting on Wood Panel in Carved Venetian Frame. ‘Temptation.” Magnificent Royal Worcester Vase, with Chinese dragon in relief. Real Bronze and Onyx Mounted Clock. Marble Bust. Fine Onyx and Cloisonné Bronze Revolving Pedestal. Gold King George Armchair. Upholstered in old woven tapestry, seat and back. Real Bronze Card Receiver. “Fisherman Draw- ing in His Net” and “Mermaid.” 42 759 Handsome Bronze Figure. “The Musician.” By Caussé. Onyx Top and Gold Pedestal. Tiffany Glass and Bronze Mounted Flower Vase. Superb Royal Teplitz Bust. Pergamon Handsomely Decorated Vase. Royal Teplitz Group. Representing “Girl and Cupid.” Mounted as card receiver. Handsome Cobalt-blue and Gold Decorated Vase. Real Bronze Bust. Signed Rignaul. Handsome Onyx Hand-chased Bronze-mounted Pedestal. Handsome Onyx Hand-chased Bronze-mounted Pedestal. Companion. Bronze Figure. “Music. Onyx Square Powdered Gold Table. Royal Saxony Miniature Flower Holder. Fine Kirman Rug. Size, 4.4 x 6.3. Fine Kirman Rug. Rich white, medallion centre. Handsomely Mounted Grizzly Bear as Rug. Gold and Vernis Martin Panel Louis XV. Up- holstered Seat Chair. Two Art Nouveau Vases, with miniature decora- tions. 750a Carrara Marble Bust. 751 752 73 Down Cushion. Hand embroidered. Down Cushion. Hand embroidered. Magnificent Kirman Rug. Subdued colors; size, 3.10 x 6.4. 1 43 Magnificent Kirman Rug. Subdued colors; size, 3.10 x 6.4. Mounted Leopard Skin as Rug. Mounted Leopard Skin as Rug, with white fur trimming. Antique Chinese Plate. Tall Unique-shape Decorated Under-glazed Vase. Inlaid Mahogany Pedestal. Real Bronze Group. “India Boy and Donkey.” Medallion Miniature, on ivory. “Marie An- toinette.”’ Medallion Miniature. ‘“‘Duchesse du Barry.” Medallion Miniature. “Madame Récamier.” Medallion Miniature. “Madame De Lambelle.” Medallion Miniature. “Baroness de Coursciulles.” Medallion Miniature. “Madame Le Brun.” Carved Cameo. Bronze frame. Carved Cameo. Bronze frame. Capo di Monte Box. Gold lined. Real Bronze Miniature Figure. “Apollo.” Real Bronze Miniature Figure. “Venus.” Carved Ivory Group. “Chinese Actors.” Carved Ivory Group. “Baby Pigeon.” | Carved Ivory Group. “The Vender.” Carved Ivory Group. “The Fisherman.” Carved Ivory Group. “The Executioner.” Carved Ivory Group. Two figures and 2 monkeys. 44 Carved Ivory Group. “Lion Killing a Monkey.” Venetian Bronze Peacock. Sterling Silver Mandolin. Richly chased. Small Kozan Vase. Very fine variegated splash, inlaid with sterling silver. Venetian Bronze Bear. Mounted on stone base. Carved Ivory Group. ‘‘Baboons.” Hand-painted Sevres Miniature Plaque. Mounted as hand mirror. Silver Jewel Casket. Empire. Carved Ivory Figure. Carved Ivory Figure. “The Gardener.” Carved Ivory Figure. “The Fisherman.” Carved Ivory Figure. Carved Ivory Figure. Carved Ivory Figure. Handsome Carved Gold Round Curio Cabinet. Magnificent Royal Vienna Hand-painted Vase. Signed Felix. Raised gold and cream decora- tion on maroon ground. Kirman Rug. Size, 3.10 x 6.5. Handsome Gold Armchair. Upholstered in real Aubusson tapestry. Hand-painted Royal Vienna Plaque. Fine Kirman Rug. Size, 4.3 x 6.3. Carved Gold Onyx Top Table. Carved Marble Figure. “La Parfume.” Signed E. Cecarralli. 45 800 8o1 Onyx-top Royal Vienna Pedestal. Handsome Royal Vienna Vase and Cover, with rich cobalt-blue ground and group represent- ing “Love and Music.” Carved Gold Pedestal. Venetian Glass Flower Holder. Magnificent Carved Gold Table, with Onyx Top. Fine Kirman Rug. Size, 4.7 x 6.3. Upholstered Chair in Red Damask, with Slip Cover. Upholstered Chair in Red Damask, with Slip Cover. Ivory Puff Box. Hand-painted, miniature top. Capo di Monte Gold-lined Box. Daintily Carved Gold Bronze Figure. Real Bronze Bust. By Berri. Mounted Skull on Onyx Base. Two Cobalt Blue and Gold Decorated Miniature Vases, Cloisonné Mounted. Capo di Monte Box. Gold lined. Real Bronze Figure. “Bull.” Real Bronze Puff Box, with Ivory Top. Hand- painted miniature rhinestone frame. Two Sévres Decorated Flower Holders, with Chased Ormolu Mountings. Real Bronze Figure Holding Crystal Vase. Tiffany Glass Miniature Flower Holder, with Ormolu Mountings. Sévres Hand-painted Flower Vase. 46 Sévres Hand-painted Flower Vase. Large Deco- rations. Signed Vallaine. Hand Mirror. Hand chased; real bronze handle. Two Royal Vienna Empire Green and Gold-lined miniature Decorated Vases. Magnificently Painted Miniature on Real Bronze Jewel Box. Superb Royal Vienna Hand-painted Mug. Raised gold tracings. Signed Regnald. Royal Vienna and Miniature Decorated Vase and cover. Royal Pate-sur-pate Miniature Decorated Vase. Signed. Very Handsome Capo di Monte Box, with figures of Cupids in relief. Real Bronze Figure. “Venus di Milo.” Two Miniature Bronze Figures. Capo di Monte Box, decorated. “The Madonna Capo di Monte Box, decorated. “The Madonna and Child,“ “The Return of David,” etc. Real Bronze Lion. Bronze Group. ‘Two Birds and Umbrella.” Royal Sévres Candlestick. Ink-well; tusk holding bottle. Fine Carriage Clock, with Enamel Dial and Sides in leather Case. Capo di Monte Box, Gold-lined. Capo di Monte Jug. Two Empire Green and Miniature Decorated Vases. 47 | i thet Hi 4 Hii HI HH 1) ili} Wi HH] | 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 Two Handsome Real Bronze Groups. “Dancing the Can Can’ and “Dancing the Csardas.” Royal Dresden Rose Jar. Miniature decorations. Magnificent Carved Curio Cabinet. Mirror back and glass shelves. Handsome Real Bronze Empire Clock Set of 3 pieces—clock and 2 coups. Fine Real Bronze Mounted Royal Sévres Vase. Decorated in the Chateau des Tuileries. Companion. Magnificent Royal Bonn Vase, with Hand-painted and Scenic Decorations. Signed Bounce. Richly Carved Gold Pedestal. Magnificent Benares Brass Column Lamp, with handsome stained-glass globe. Beetle in relief. Superb Royal Vienna Vase. Empire-green and gold tracings; hand-painted figures. Signed Passin. Oil Painting on Leather. Magnificent Real Bronze Figure. “Girl and Pea- cock.” Superb Royal Vienna Vase. Cobalt blue ground; figures representing “Music.” Superb Royal Vienna Vase. Cobalt blue ground; decorated. Signed. Royal Dresden Vase with Cover, with Figure in relief holding basket of flowers, with flowers and heads in relief on body of vase. Has ad- justable base; hand-painted figures and scenic decorations. Signed Kaulter. This is one of the finest pieces of Dresden in the collection, and originally cost $1,500. 48 WOOU ONIMVU hardakacs A 872 Louis XVI. Three-fold Carved Gold Screen, with 3 hand-embroidered panels. Genuine antique and originally came from a palace in France. Water-color. “The Moorish Guards.” By E. Porti. Persian Mat. Superb Hand-painted Miniature on Ivory. “Ex- amining Jewels.” By Simeoni. Superb Hand-painted Miniature on Ivory. “King Charles IT.” Superb Hand-painted Miniature on Ivory. “Marie Antoinette.” Superb Hand-painted Miniature on Ivory. “Miss Stevens.” Superb Medallion. “The Sultan of Turkey.” Superb Medallion. ‘Marie Antoinette,” in silver and rhinestone frame. Superb Medallion. “Madame de Saunders.” Superb Medallion. “Mrs. Siddons,” after the cele- brated painting by Joshua Reynolds. Superb Medallion. “Madame De Le Fluer.” Superb Medallion. “Marie Theresa,” in marble and bronze frame. Superb Medallion. “Countess Chimay.” Superb Medallion. “Miss Haverfield.” Superb Limoges Enamel on Copper. One of the most difficult of paintings. Artists in this line have been known to spend two or three months to perfect paintings of this size. Superb Limoges Enamel on Copper. “Roxane.” 49 873 874 Superb Limoges Enamel on Copper. “Conversa- tion.” Hand-painted Miniature. Very large. The ivory on which this was painted is over 7 inches in diameter. Hand-painted Miniature. “Caroline Bonaparte.” Hand-painted Miniature. “Elizabeth de France.” By Hermandez, and valued at $600. Hand-painted Miniature. “Duchess Grame.” Superb Limoges Enamel. “Contentment.” Paint- ed by Roiby. One of the greatest Limoges enamel painters in Europe. Superb Limoges Enamel. Mounted as hand mir- ror, with rhinestone decorations. “Beaute de St. Taures.” Fine Carved Gold Curio Cabinet. French-plate mirror back. Superb Hand-embroidered Panel Drapery, in tin- sel and gold bullion. This panel cost $1,500. Superb Hand-embroidered Panel Drapery. Em- broidered on silk plush. This piece cost $800. Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. “Louise of Prussia.” Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. “Duchess of Hamilton.” Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. ‘“Laitire.” Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. “Mother and Child.” Exquisitely painted. Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. ‘The Twins.” Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. “Girl and Guitar.” 59 907 go8 vey) Three Hand-painted Medallion Miniatures. Three Hand-painted Medallion Miniatures. Louis XVI. Gold Drawing-room Suite. Three pieces—sofa, arm, and side chair. Upholstered in red silk lampas. Two Gold Bullion Down Cushions. Down Cushion. Plain. Handsome Bronze Group. Electrolier, with 4 dainty shades; two figures holding lights. Pair Handsome Tapestry Portiéres. Pair Heavy Damask Portiéres, with End Pieces. Another Pair. Extra large. Another Pair. Extra large. Another Pair. Extra large. Another Pair. Extra large. Pair Loop Backs to Match No. 895. Pair Loop Backs to Match No. 897. Pair Loop Backs to Match No. 898. Pair Loop Backs to Match No. 899 Pair Loop Backs to Match No. goo. Superb India Agra Carpet. Size, about 16 x 12; white centre, blue and brown border. This carpet originally cost $2,300 and was purchased at Vantine’s. Curious Receptacle called Spanish Brazier. Used as an incense burner; made of real bronze ; all hand wrought and chiseled. 3enares Brass Hanging Lantern. Two Electric Side Brackets and Globes. 51 gio Magnificent Centre Light. Real bronze, with prisms. This was specially designed by Mr. Tewksbury. Three Electric Fixtures, under Canopies. Rare Old Red Chinese Vase, with birds and flower decoration. Queer Old Splash Vase. Brown color. Royal Nankin Enamel Vase. Electrolier of Three Lights, with figure represent- ing the “Roses of June.” Verdi Marble Pedestal. Superb Bronze Figure. ‘Diana.’ Fine Blue Chinese Vase, with dragon in relief. Antique Swiss Inlaid Writing Desk. Dutch Inlaid Reception Chair. Antique. Art Nouveau Carved High-back Hall Chair. Marble Figure. “Roses of May.” Revolving Marble Pedestal. Bokhara Rug. Extra Fine Persian Rug. Size, 5.6 x 12. Extra Fine Persian Rug. Size, 5.6 x 12. Extra Fine Persian Hall Rug. Size, 3 x 15. Mahogany Wood-seat Chair. Fine Hand-carved Teakwood High-back Chair. Gilt Chair. Handsomely Carved Italian Oak Hall Seat. Chinese Tobacco Jar and Figure. 52 954 955 Iridescent Glass Vase. Real Bronze. “Sacred Bull and Rider.” Tobacco Jar. Fine Bronze Vase. Chinese Splash Tobacco Holder, with figures in relief. Antique Benares Brass Vase and Cover. Ooze Leather Drapery. Leather Upholstered Chair. Carved Black Oak Armchair. Leather. Antique Chinese Kimona. Cantigalli Umbrella Holder, with flower and bird decoration. Fine Senna Rug. Antique Prayer Rug. , Antique Venetian-glass Turkish Pipe, with Tray. Another. Cut-glass, with tray. Oak Table. Round top. Richly Upholstered Large Easy High-back Couch. Richly Upholstered Large Easy High-back Couch. Kirman Rug. Size, 6.2 x 4.4. Four Electric-light Brackets, with Globes. All Leather on Walls. Twenty-four pieces 26 inches square, and 18 pieces 19x27 inches square, including the leather on ceiling. Fine Ooze Leather Curtain. Lot of Armor. 53, i] ai Wi i Hit Hl Ht} tHE iIHlh \ Hh Wi Hl Hitt Hi ih | Hi | } | 956 957 Waste Basket. Three and One-half Pair Tapestry Draperies. Oil Painting. “Watching the Birds.” Signed G. Vaccon. With electric reflector and 2 pairs blue silk velour draperies, together with real bronze folding gate, representing “A Garden Scene.” Khiva Bokhara Rug. Size, 89x 4.1. Very silky. Plaster Lion. Very Fine Chinese Splash Vase. Handsomely Decorated Ginori Vase. Another. Snake handle. Electric Side Light and Gas Globe. Two Pair Silk Lampas Draperies, with Silk Loop Backs. Two Pair Brown Velour Draperies, with Silk Loop Backs. Two Standard Lights. Superb Real Bronze Figure. “Fleur-de-Mer.” By Augusta Moreau. Handsome Electric Chandelier. Electric Side Light. Three branches. Armchair. Upholstered in leather. Armchair. Upholstered in leather. Kirman Rug. Size, 4.1 x 6.6. Superb Mahogany-case Tiffany Chime Clock. Striking on 8 bells Whittington and 4 gongs Westminster; phases of the moon; silent dial. 54 975 Two Pair Superb Hand-painted and Embroidered Plush Draperies. 976 Pair Mounted Wild Goat Horns. 977. Handsome Bronze Five-liglat Bracket. 55 THIRD, DAY'S SALE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 234, Promptly at 11 o’clock a. M. Nore ConpItTioNs OF SALE ON SEVENTH PaGE. TERMS OF SALE Large deposits will be required from purchasers, with- out exception. Intending purchasers who do not wish to be annoyed making a deposit at time of sale can do so prior to sale, for which receipt will be given by arrange- ment with the Auctioneer or Representative of the Estate. SECOND FLOOR—BACK BOUDOIR. 978 Four Bronze Figures. “Cat Playing Band.” 979 Decorated Vase. 980 Handsomely Decorated Chinese Vase. 981 Rare Old Chinese Vase. g82 Decorated Chinese Vase. 983 Decorated Chinese Vase, with figures. 984 Decorated Chinese Vase. 985 Four Plaster Casts. 986 Plaster Cast. —_ CLOISONNE VASE COLUMN CLOCK, cost $5,000 = <= ee ——————— : = ==y 987 988 989 ggo 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 IOIO IOI! Antique Vase. Blue and white decoration. Blue and White Toby. Superb Canton Vase. Red Chinese Vase. Plaster Cast. Head. Plaster Cast. Group. Plaster Cast. Plaster Cast. Lion. Plaster Cast. Head. Fine Chinese Porcelain Vase. Plaster Cast. Doulton Vase. Finely decorated. Chinese Vase. Yellow splash. Superb Large Round Chinese Four-color Vase. Enamel on white ground. Real Bronze Figure. ‘‘Spanish Dancer.” Pastel. “Sunset.” By Joykle. Superb Enameled Vase. Carlsbad Peacock Decorated Vase. Porcelain Figure. Real Bronze Group. “The Iron Molder.” Japanese Vase and Cover. Handsome Art Bronze Figure. Card receiver. French Plate Mirror. Superb Royal Dresden Figure. “Night.” Bird’s-eye Maple Chiffonier. 57 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1o1g8 101g 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 Bird’s-eye Maple Shaving Stand. Bird’s-eye Maple Chair. Bird’s-eye Maple Chair. Bird’s-eye Maple Table. Mirror top. Persian Rug. Antique. Iridescent Glass Vase. Royal Dux Porcelain Figure. “Indian Water Girl.” Gilt Chair. Antique Rug. Rubber Curtain at Bath Door. Pair Satin Draperies at Door. Real Bronze Figure, as Candlestick. Chinese Enameled Vase. Superb French Cloisonné Limoges Enamel Clock. Rare Old Chinese Vase. Curiously Decorated Old Chinese Vase. Cream ground. Chinese Splash Vase. Rare decoration. Old Mexican Pottery Vase. Water Color. “In the Rathskellar.” By Lacotte. Fine Artist’s Proof. Etching. By W. Dudley Sadler. Fine Cloisonné Vase. Iridescent Glass Vase. Fine China Splash Vase. Brown, flower decora- tion. 58 1035 1036 Handsome Cloisonné Vase. Artist’s Proof Etching. “Approaching Storm.” Signed by the artist, Robert C. Minor. Etched by F. Raubicheck. Artist’s Proof Etching. “Wall Street in Its Earlier Days.” By Frank M. Gregory. Old Crackle Chinese Vase. Blue and white top. Nankin Old Blue and White Vase. Very Fine Royal Bohemian Vase. Pair Superb Royal Meissen Vases, with Serpent Handles. Superb Royal Teplitz Vase. Figure of girl in relief. Antique Chinese Bronze Vase. Dragon handle. Terra-cotta Figure. Chinese Porcelain Figure. Maiden selling fruit. Two Venetian Bronze Figures. Handsome Japanese Vase. Maroon ground, and enamel figures. Bisque Hanging Group. Bottle Vase. Blue ground. Another Crackle Decoration. Colored Picture. Signed Nicholls. Bronze Figure. Card Receiver. Bird’s-eye Maple Chair. Another Armchair. Another. Upholstered Armchair. Silk damask. 59 Bird’s-eye Maple Armchair. Upholstered. Tilting Top Chippendale Table. Inlaid. Four-fold Enamel Japanese Screen. Green Ribbed Chinese Vase. Superb Chinese Vase. Enamel decoration. Finely Decorated Chinese Vase, with figure playing Flute. “God of Air and Knowledge.” Real Bronze Bust. Classic. Enamel Porcelain Vase, with Dragon Decoration. Colored Etching. “The New Will. Everything to My Wife Absolutely.” Signed, Dudley Sad- ler. Etched, James DeBie. Pompeiian Glass Vase. Antique Old Blue Nankin Vase, representing “People Worshipping the God of Air”; two trees growing on the side of the Temple— which is supposed to be thousands of feet high. Four Terra-cotta Cupids. Colored Artist’s Proof Etching. “Old, but Gal- lant.” By Dudley Sadler. Mahogany Rocker. Wood seat; finely carved. Hand Embroidered White Table Cover. Antique Hand Embroidered Skirt, on Silk. Antique Hand Embroidered Belt. Hand Embroidered Japanese Bed Spread. China Silk Bed Spread. Embroidered and appli- quéd with pearl. Superbly Embroidered Chinese Silk Spread. Another. White. 60 India Embroidered Table Cover. Bird’s-eye Maple Armchair. Silk damask seat and back. Bokhara Silk Rug. Size, 4.5 x 3. Another. Antique. Fine Kirman Rug, with Animals and Flower dec- oration. Another. Antique, and very heavy. Chinese Blue and White Vase. Landscape dec- oration. Enamel Porcelain Vase. Brown. Handsome Enamel Vase. Serpents, flowers, and animal decoration. Water Color. “Music.” By Chlomnieaze. Chinese Vase. Two Verdi Bronze Vases. Artist’s Proof Etching. “The Harbor of Refuge.” By Fred Walker, N. A. Etched by R. W. Mac- Beth. Old Grey Splash Vase. Gold decoration. Green Chinese Kaso Porcelain Vase, with flower decoration. Two Very Fine Royal Dresden Candelabras. Five lights each. Real Bronze Jewel Box, with Gold Bronze Figure. “Cupid’s Dart.” Rich Empire Cabinet, or Desk Clock Set. Three pieces; clock and two candelabras, with bronze and antique Sévres mountings. Teakwood Tabourette. 61 1098 L099 1100 T1ol T1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 T1108 1109 1110 lIII T112 1113 TIt4 T1il4a I114b 11l4c TITS Silver Bronze Lamp, with Electric Attachment. Bird’s-eye Maple Tabourette. Royal Dux Bohemia Bust. Two Superbly Hand-painted Royal Sévres Vases and covers. Cobalt-blue decoration. Two Maroon and Gold Decorated Royal Sévres Vases. Ormolu mounted. Richly Upholstered Turkish Arm Chair. Silk damask. Richly Upholstered Large Couch, to match. Down Sofa Cushion. Another. Another. Antique covering. Round Down Cushion. Superb Gold Tinsel Embroidery. Can be used as Table Cover. Another. White Marseilles Spread. Another. Six Linen Towels. Nine Linen Sheets. White Spread, Marseilles. Five Linen Sheets. One Linen Sheet, Trimmed in Antique Lace. Hand made. Another. Two Fine All-hand-made Cluny Lace and Linen Sheets. 62 Two more. Two More. These sheets originally cost $60 each. Six Lace and Linen Pillow Slips, to Match. Eight Lace and Linen Pillow Slips, to Match. Six Lace and Linen Pillow Slips, to Match. Ten More. Seven Cluny Lace and Linen Sheets. Lot Brussels Lace. Twelve Linen Towels. Two English Twin Beds. Two Upholstered Springs. Two Fine Curled Hair Mattresses. Two Bolsters. White Angora Rug. Handsome Bird’s-eye Maple Bureau. Large French Plate Mirror, supported by two columns, from the floor. Bird’s-eye Maple Cabinet, with Bevel-glass Door. Another. Two Ajustable Electric Standards. Point Arab Lace Square. Another. Bird’s-eye Maple Bureau, with French Plate Mir- ror, supported by two pillars from the floor. Antique Embroidery on Back of Bed. Satin Damask Over Bed. Making in all three pairs, with four loop backs and centre tassel. 63 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 Pair Satin Damask Draperies. Three Pair at Door, lined with Damask. Drapery over Door, including two pair Heavy Silk Tassels. Pair at Window. Four Stained Glass Windows. Superb Empire Clock Set. Three pieces. Clock and two Candelabras. Richly chased with lions and flowers ; two green bronze figures supporting lights, each. Clock mounted with globe figure and ancient fixtures for measuring time, all sur- mounted on marble base. Very Heavy Berlin Hand-made Rug. Another. Two Side Brackets, of Two Lights each. Handsome Prism Light Chandelier, with real Bronze Chased Top. Superb Silver Bronze Chandelier of Twelve Lights, with centre globe containing gas fixture, together with four side lights over door and bureau. These fixtures were designed by Mr. Tewksbury, and are supposed to represent pure silver. The centre filigree was done under her direction, and is all hand-chased ; the light within the dome was lit by Mr. Tewksbury at a recep- tion given in his house, and has been kept burn- ing ever since. The cost of the fixtures was $2,000. Marble Figure. “The Storm.” Revolving Marble Pedestal. Bird’s-eye Maple Armchair. Upholstered. Mahogany Pedestal Cabinet. 64 woTavd = = ——— = = SS a = READING ROOM | 1154 Hammered Brass Antique Urn and Cover. 1155 Antique Mahogany Colonial Chair. : 1156 Another. Upholstered seat. : 1157 Cloisonné Vase. 1158 Verdi Bronze Incense Burner. i 1159 Iridescent Glass and Bronze Mounted Card Re- ceiver. i 1160 Cloisonné Vase. On silver. | 1161 Another. Blue ground. 1 1162 Another. Maroon ground. 1163 Cloisonné Vase. On copper. | 1164 Another. 1165. Another. On silver. i ‘1166 Another. On silver, finely decorated. 1167 Another. Cobalt blue ground. i 1168 Another. Cobalt blue ground. 1169 Another. With dragon decoration. 4 1170 Another. Companion. | 1171 Superb Cloisonné Vase, with flying cranes. 1172 Another. On silver; flower decoration. ! 1173 Another. ! 1174 Another. Rooster and Chickens. A valuable | piece. ! 1175 Another. Two storks. | 1176 Another. Unique underglaze work. | 1177 Cloisonné Rose Jar and Cover. Cobalt-blue ground. 65 Butterflies. Another. Another. Two Cloisonné Rose Jars and Covers. On copper. Cloisonné Box. Shape of egg. Cloisonné Vase. Shape of snuff box. Flower decoration. Cloisonné Rose Jar and Cover. Cloisonné Vase. Another. Lily decoration. Another. Wild flower decoration. Another. Companion to 1185. Handsome Cloisonné Box, with Japanese rooster decoration. Another. Box. Cloisonne Puff Box. Cloisonné Teapot.. Flower decoration. Cloisonné Vase. French Cloisonné and Porcelain Inkwell. French Cloisonné Puff Box. On real bronze. SATSUMA Two Superb Satsuma Vases. Another. Another. Flower decoration. Antique Bowl, with nineteen Figures. Two Small Vases Satsuma Vase, with Group of Seven Figures. 66 Satsuma Vase, with Fight Figures. Satsuma Bowl and Cover. Satsuma Bowl. Larger, with group of 28 figures. Satsuma Vase. Finely decorated. Superb Satsuma Bowl, with Gold Decoration, and Group of Figures. “Chinese at Play.” Con- sists of sixty-nine figures. Satsuma Bowl. Another. Another. Very old, with group of figures repre- senting “Shipping Tea.” Another. Large Bowl, with Figures Painted on Inside, with Groups. Gold decoration on outside. A unique feature of this Bowl is a Chinese figure climbing up over the edge. Small Bottle Vase. Small Vase. Another. Snuff Bottle. Satsuma Bowl and Cover. Rose Jar, with group of figures. Another. Another. Curious and Ancient Bowl, representing Elephants, Figures, and Dragons, “God of Knowledge,” “God of Wind,” “God of Age,” etc. Satsuma Plate, with Figures of Acrobats, etc. Vase. 67 1239 Another. Vase, with Cover. Another. Vase, with Cover. Vase. Rose Jar. Another. Vase. Miniature decoration. “Women at Play.” Superb Satsuma Bowl. Antique Corean Bottle, with flower decoration, in gold, green, and red, representing turtles. Sil- ver top as cover. Fine Cloisonné Vase. On silver. Roman Copper and Jewel Glass Inlaid Candle- stick. Tiffany Glass Vase. Silver top. Finely Inlaid Blue Cloisonné Vase. Superb Dark Blue Ground Cloisonné Vase, with figure of Chinese lady. Teakwood stand. Another. Inlaid with birds and flowers. Pair of Kioto Vases. Finely decorated with storks. Antique Chinese Vase, with figure of Bronze Crab in relief. This vase is unique in design and decoration. Superb Large Cloisonné Vase. Rich flower dec- orations. Very Fine Chinese Vase. Choicely decorated with figure representing dragon. 68 Old Chinese Crackle Vase, with large figure of Dragons and Appleblossoms in relief. A rare, and expensive piece. Very Fine Cloisonné Vase. Inlay of figures of Chinese lady. Old Egyptian Vase. Blue and white colors. Richly Decorated Teplitz Vase. Another. Superb French Cloisonné Flower Holder. Rich ormolu bronze mounts. Cloisonné Vase. Light ground; bird and flower decorations. Superb Empire Clock Set. Three pieces—clock and two candelabras, of four lights each. Bronze figure of “Prosperity” holding clock. Finely Decorated Cloisonné Vase, with blue ground and flower inlaid. Bronze Figure of “Mephistopheles.” Signed J. Gaurtier. Cloisonné Vase. Dark blue ground, choice decora- tions of birds and flowers. Antique Sea-green Mottled Koomo Vase. Antique Terra Cotta Figure of Girl Seated on a Barrel. Cloisonné Vase. Light ground, bird and flower decorations. Very Fine Marqueterie Inlaid Two-shelf Table. Pair of Old Roman Bronze Vases. Figures in relief and Piping Cupids for handles. Superb Barbotine Faience Table, with top repre- senting checkerboard. Rich artistic decorations. 69 1277 1278 Superb Cloisonné Vase. Handsomely decorated with birds, flowers and butterflies. Old Copper Coffee Pot. Hammered Brass Vessel with Handles. Antique Copper Jug. Old Benares Brass Hot-water Kettle. Peculiar design and rare. Cloisonné Vase. Inlaid with flowers. Another. Finely Inlaid Cloisonne Box. Cloisonné Vase. Choice French Cloisonné Candlestick. Porcelain inlaid. Cloisonné Jar and Cover. Another. Cloisonné Box. Egg shape. Another. Cloisonné Box and Cover. Dainty Cloisonné Teapot on Silver. Another. Two Satsuma Vases. Pair of Miniature Satsuma Vases. Finely deco- rated. Pair of Miniature Satsuma Vases. Finely deco- rated. Dainty Satsuma Vase. Fine Cloisonné Box and Cover. 7O 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 Cloisonné Rose Jar on Silver. Finely decorated. Superb Cloisonné Rose Jar and Cover, with Inlays of Butterflies and Flowers. A choice and ex- pensive piece. A Superb Rookwood decorated Library Lamp, with Stained-glass Globe and Electric Light Attachment. Magnificent Carved San Domingo Mahognay Li- brary Table, with Heavy Centre Column for Support, and Claw Feet. Handsome Marqueterie Inlaid Armchair. Up- holstered in light blue satin damask. A Very Fine Velour Table Cover. A Very Fine Electrolier of two lights, with Bronze Figures. Made by J. Caussé. A Very Rich Italian Porcelain Lamp. Finely mounted. Magnificent Boulle Hall Clock, with Rich Inlays of Tortoise Shell, and Figure on Top Representing lime. Fine ormolu mounts, Very Fine Electrolier of Two Light, with Bronze Figure. “La Rosee.” By J. Caussé. Large Water-color. “December Offering His Gold to May.” By Chas. H. Johnson. Water Color. “The French Guard.” By Edouard Detaile. Another. “The Cardinal’s Breakfast.” Water Color. “The Burgomaster.” By Roylet. This picture is one of the choicest and most ex- pensive water colors in the entire collection. Daghestan Rug. Zi 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 Fine Carabagh Rug. Persian Rug. Palm-leaf pattern. High-back Mahognay Arm Chair in Flowered Damask. Antique Chinese Crackle Umbrella Holder, with Figure of Dragon in Relief. Old Chinese Apple-green Vase. Another. Antique Mexican Pottery Candlestick. Odd Form. Fine Cloisonné Vase. Flower decoration. Beautiful Cloisonné Vase. Rich flower decoration. Body of Vase representing Limoges enamel. Superb French Porcelain Vase. Hand-painted figure of girl and rich gold tracings of leaves. Beautiful Royal Bonn Vase, with Figure of Girl Returning from the Field, and gold handles. Superb Royal Sévres Desk Set of Ten Pieces. Fine Watteau decorations. Royal Vienna Vase and Cover. Cobalt-blue ground and rich medallion centre decoraion and gold handles. Very Fine Maroon and Gold Decorated Vase and Cover, with Figure Representing “Looking In the Mirror.” Cut Crystal and Gold Decorated Flower Holder. A Very Artistic Piece. Clock with Hanging Crys- tal Ball and Two Inkwells on Marble Base, and Three Marble Columns Supporting Bronze Eagle. Royal Worcester Loving Cup. 72 CORNER IN THE THIRD HALL 1312 1213 1314 1315 1316 1318 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1320 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1335 1336 1337 Vienna Porcelain Jardiniére. Finely decorated. An Anphora Vase, with Artistic Decoration of Figure and Flowers. Pair of Silver Bronze Candlsticks. Pair of Dresden Cattdlesticks of Two Lights Each, with Cupids and Flowers in Relief. Very Artistic Piece Ginori Faience. Representing flower holder, with figure of boy and fishes. Fine Sang de Boeuf Vase. Pair of Heavy Damask and Tinsel Draperies. Pair of Large Loop Backs. Pair of Door Portiéres to Match. Pair of Loop Backs. An Old Spanish Wood-box, with Hammered Brass Top. Two Electric Side Brackets of Three Lights Each. Magnificent Electric Silver Bronze Chandelier. Twenty-one Books. Assorted. Nineteen Books. Assorted. Nineteen Books. Assorted. Sixteen Books. Assorted. Twenty-four Books. Assorted. Seventeen Books. Assorted. Twenty-three Books. Assorted. Twenty-one Books. Assorted. Twenty-one Books. Assorted. Twenty-five Books. Assorted. 73 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347. 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 Sixteen Books. Assorted. Fine Cloisonné Vase, on porcelain. Black Angora Fur Rug. Large Brown Bear Rug. Black Angora Fur Rug. Sepia Picture. “Creation.” After Michael Angelo. TURKISH ROOM. Bronze Bust. Pair of Japanese Bronze Candlesticks. Figures of dragons holding candle. Very Fine Cloisonné Plaque, with Bird and Flower Decorations. Two Japanese Bronze Vases. Antique Benares Brass Vase and Cover. Pair of Damascus Inlaid Bellows. Brierwood Pipe. Piece of Antique Benares Brass. Vase and Cover. Chinese Bronze Group. “Defending the Monkey.” Tortoise Shell Sword. Japanese Bronze Piece. Figure of dog. Seven Carved Ivory Chinese Masks in Ivory Frame. Chinese Terra-cotta Plaque, with Figure of Officer of the Guard in Relief. Chinese Porcelain Group of Man Holding Falcon. Pair of Japanese Bronze Vases. Brierwood Pipe. 74 1377 1378 Superb Cloisonné Plaque, with Choice Inlays of Birds and Flowers. Antique Longuy Vase. Three Grotesque Chinese Masks in Oval Frame. Finely Carved Italian Dark Oak Pair of Bellows. Piece of Chinese Hand-embroidered Hanging Scarf. Carved Alabastar Box. Piece of Benares Brass Antique. Turkish Dagger. Odd shape. Ink Well. Turkish Dagger of Two Blades and Finely Chased Handle. Cloisonné Smoking Set of Five Pieces. Ink Well. Grotesque shape. Superb India Brass Tall Vase and Cover. Finely hand-chiseled and inlaid with solid gold. Pair of Damascus Inlaid Bellows. Very Rare Old Pewter Tankard, with Figure on Lid Holding the German Coat of Arms. This piece was purchased at a sale in Holland, and is supposed to be about 100 years old. Mettlach Plaque. Finely decorated and signed “L. Chevroton.” Grotesque Chinese Porcelain Figure Representing a Warrior. Very Fine Benares Brass Plaque, with Hand- chiseled Figures Representing a Gathering of the Indian Warriors. 75 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 390 1391 1392 1393 1304 1395 1396 Grotesque Figure of Monkey in Chinese Yellow Porceiain. Very Choice Sing-song Porcelain Plaque. Carved teakwood frame. This plaque and frame is in shape of screen. Antique Benares Brass Hanging Vase. Very Fine Inlaid Japanese Bronze Hanging Gong. Cloisonné Vase, with Blue G.ound, and Rooster and Chicken Decorations. Old Canton Medalion Decorated Vase. Mottled Porcelain Jardiniére. Bronze Figure of Turkish Maiden Playing Music. Signed “E. Dronoy.” Antique Japanese Bronze Vase, with Inlays of Cloisonné. Artistic Piece of Terra-cotta in Shape of a Pitcher. Figures representing Mythology characters. Turkish Pipe, with Decorated Glass Bowl. Two Japanese Bronze Candelabras, with Figure of Stork Holding Candelabra. Turkish Coffee Set of Eight Pieces. Antique Chinese Bronze Vase and Cover, with Old Cloisonné Inlays. Six Engraved Turkish Coffee Cups of White Metal. Pair of Damascus Bellows. Inlaid. Pair of Japanese Bronze Vases, with Birds and Flowers in Relief. Old Turkish Blunderbus. 76 Group in Chinese Porcelain. Fine Inlaid Benares Tray. Bronze Figure Representing Light. Chinese Porcelain Figure of Lady. Bronze Bust. Mme. Lange. Fine Cloisonné Plaque, with Flower Decoration. Old Turkish Cairo Musket, with Flint Lock. Over 500 years old. Chinese Porcelain Figure of Lady. Antique Etched Turkish Dagger. Superb Cloisonné Enameled Plaque, with Flower Decoration. Chinese Bronze Figure. Antique. Mettlach Plaque. Richly decorated. Antique Chinese Bronze Figure. Turkish Feather Fan. Turkish Feather Fan. Tortoise Shell Sword. Verdi Bronze Pitcher Vase. Cloisonné Vase on Porcelain. Fine Japanese Bronze Plaque, with Birds and Flowers in Relief. Turkish Cup. Antique Egyptian Idol in Stone. Hanging Benares Brass Vase. Antique Bronze Bell Metal Jardiniére. Pair Inlaid Damascus Bellows. Th Pair of Antique Brass Sconces. Antique Chinese Bronze Idol. Fine Japanese Bronze Pagoda. Old Beduoin Arab Rifle. Turkish Pipe. Decorated glass bowl and stand. Two Benares Brass Hanging Vases. Cut Crystal Turkish Pipe. Venetian Carved Wood Figure of Clown on Drum. Holding Laquered Plate as Card Receiver. Antique Japanese Real Bronze Vase and Cover. Richly chased, with dragons in relief. Fine Persian Silk Rug. Size, 4.8 x 3.3. Carved Teakwood Pedestal. Marble top. Very Richly Hand-chased Japanese Bronze Vase. Turkish Hanging Ornament. Benares Brass Hanging Vase. Canton Figured Decorated Cuspidor. Antique Brass Vase and Cover. Egyptian Bronze Vase and Cover. Finely Chased. Oak Taborette. Hammered Brass Jardiniére. Old Egyptian Brass Lamp. Two Red Sofa Cushions. Brown Sofa Cushion in Velour. Three more. Assorted colors. Another. Hand embroidered. 78 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 Another. Tinsel, hand embroidered. Tinsel Embroidered Armenian Shirt. Silk. Pair of Antique Benares Vases. Magnificent Real Bronze Incense Burner. ing 46 inches high, mounted on base. chased, with figures in relief. Down Sofa Cushion. Rose-colored Sofa Cushion. Stand- Richly FOURTH DAY’S SALE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, Promptly at 11 o’clock a. M. Note Conpitions oF SALE ON SEVENTH PAGE. TERMS OF SALE Large deposits will be required from purchasers, with- out exception. Intending purchasers who do not wish to be annoyed making a deposit at time of sale can do so prior to sale, for which receipt will be given by arrange- ment with the Auctioneer or Representative of the Estate. 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 Real Bronze Urn, with Birds and Flowers in Relief. Inlaid India Hanging Wall Bracket. Old Chinese Fiddle and Bow. Antique Hand-embroidered Apron. Silk Persian Rug. Size, 1.11 x 2.10. Embroidered Tinsel Sofa Cushion. Another. Antique Inlaid Flintlock Moorish Pistol. 80 WOOU S,ATNAGSMMAL “AN 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 Antique Silk Embroidered Cover. Embroidered Table Cover. Very Fine Embroidered Drapery. Another. Another Tinsel. Very Fine Silk Embroidered Table Cover. Another Antique. Embroidered on wool. Another in Silk. Embroidered Panel. Very Fine Hand-embroidered Cover. Another Square Table Cover. Antique. Antique Embroidered Cover. Very Large Webb Embroidered Table Cover. Very Fine Embroidered Table Cover. Silk Lining. Handsome Silk Embroidered Chinese Maiden’s Skirt. Another on Yellow Striped Silk. Green Velour Cushion. Red Silk Down Cushion. Set of Pipes. Hand Carved English Oak Antique Bellows. Cantigalli Vase. Fine Persian Silk Mat. Size, 1.7 x 2.7. Inlaid Taborette. Moorish Flintlock Musket. Supposed to be over 500 years old. Leather Seat and Back Arm Chair. 81 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1490 1407 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1593 1504 Very Fine Owari Vase and Cover. Real Bronze Chinese Antique Vase and Cover, with Chasings Representing Rope Holding Basket. Eagles and birds in relief, with dog for handle on cover. On reverse side men and devils are chased. A very valuable piece. Fine Silk Persian Mat. Size, 2.8 x 2.8. Pearl Inlaid Taborette. Superb Uncut Velvet Panel, with Landscape Worked in Silk. Blue and White Bowl. Richly Decorated Tall Vase. Choisey Le Roi Decorated Vase Jardiniére. Fine Benares Brass Vase. Carved Wooden Group. Chinese Street Cleaners. Antique Blue Pottery Vase. Three Hammered Brass Plaques. Imari Porcelain Plaque. Fine Choisey Le Roi Plaque. F Hammered Brass Box. Bokhara Rug. INNO. TS WWADy ALO a ee, Handsome Real Bronze Vase, with Two Ring Handles Chased hieroglyphics. Carved Teakwood Pedestal. Porcelain top. Magnificent Antique Corean Cloisonné Vase. In- laid with gold and silver. Figures of warriors. Chinese Officer’s Sword. 82 1505 Another. Another, with Gold Button Fastened in Handle. Note.—These three swords are antique and have seen service. Very Fine Real Bronze Umbrella Holder, with Birds and Flowers Decoration. Two Hammered Brass Sconces. Two Very Choice Real Bronze Hanging Vases, with Cloisonné and Gold and Enamel Inlay. Embroidered Table Square. Fine Embroidered Priest’s Vestment. Handsomely Decorated Brown Vase. Porcelain Chinese Figure. Another. “Guitar Player.” Two Real Benares Brass Kettles, with Figures Chased. Magnificent Chased Benares Brass Vase and Cover. Real Bronze Vase. Hammered Benares Brass Kettle. Blue Bottle Vase. Two Hanging Japanese Bronze Lanterns. Anatolian Silk Rug, with Dark Blue Centre. Very Fine Nuremberg Glass Screen, with Ebony Frame. Fine Chiseled Real Bronze Piano Lamp, with Cranes, Serpents, Turtles and Birds in Relief, with Silk-lined Stained-glass Globe. Armenian Executioner’s Sword. 83 Fine Japanese Temple Gong, with Lacquered Stand. Antique Bronze Lamp. Moorish Inlaid Hanging Bracket. Bronze Vase. Damascus Folding Chair. Magnificent Embroidered Panel. Antique Corean Cloisonné Vase. Inlaid collar and base. Large Cloisonné Vase, 4814 inches in height. Corner Bracket and Benares Brass Vase. Turkish Rug. Handsome Cantigalli Vase. Bronze Chinese Drum. Carved Chinese Wood Figure. Another. Fine Bronze Vase. Dragon in relief. Old Copper Kettle. Egyptian Decorated Vase. Antique Turkish Cover. Extra Heavy Persian Carpet. Size, about 9 feet square. Magnificent Genuine Terra-cotta Life-size Bust of Moore, with Drapery. Fine Chased India Benares Brass Kettle and Tray. Turkish Embroidered Bullion Panel. Another. Larger, with flowers. 84 1548 Another. 1549 Another. 1550 Another. 1551 Another. 1552 Another. 1553 Another. 1554 Another. 1555 Another. 1550 Another. 1557 Another. 1558 Another. 1559 Six Pieces on Border. 15600 Magnificent Embroidered Panel on Plush, that cost Mr. Tewksbury $1,500. Originally intend- ed for the Sultan of Turkey, but was purchased by A. A. Vantine & Co. 1561 Pair of Heavy Embroidered Portiéres. 1561a Embroidered Panel on Seat and Back of Divan. 1562 Wood Decorated Ceiling in Five Pieces. From Lot 1546 to 1562, inclusive, is offered as one lot to any one desiring them. The Panels can easily be fitted to a room any size that is desired by adding plush on border same color as centre. The same applies to the ceiling, which was originally taken from a Turkish room in Constantinople, which was four times as large. 1563 Richly Upholstered Divan. Filled with pure hair, covered in Turkish material, with two large pil- lows. Back to match. 1564 Benares Brass Lantern, with Electric Attachments. 85 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1575 Another. Another. Another. Another. Very Fine Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Moorish Hanging Lantern, with Electric Light Attachment. Chinese Bronze Hanging Lantern, with Electric Light Attachment. Moorish Hanging Lantern, with Electric Light At- tachment. Chinese Hanging Lantern, with Electric Light At- tachment. Benares Brass Hanging Lantern, with Electric Light Attachment. Superb Antique Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Extra large, with fine hand-chiseled figures of men, women, birds, and flowers. A very choice, rare, and expensive piece of India metal work. Beautiful Cluster of Three Electric Lights, Repre- senting Lilies with Large Leaves. Three Turkish Fezs. Magnificent Standing Lamp in Real Bronze. Dragon holding standard, three candlesticks, electric light in centre. Very Fine Porcelain Chinese Figure. Cobalt blue and enameled decoration. Antique Uncut Velvet Panel. Another. Another. Another. Blue. Another. Red. Pair of Silk Loop Backs. Cloisonné Plaque on Silver. Antique Porcelain Plaque, with Birds and Flowers. Another. Large. Real Bronze Vase. Choisy Le Roi Jardiniére. BUTLER’S PANTRY. Nine Beer Mugs. Twelve Beer Mugs. Blue and White Plate. Antique Chinese Plaque, with Flower Decoration. Gold and Empire Green Hock. Miniature Decorated Porcelain Bowl and Cover. Fine Old Chinese Plaque. Another. Curious decoration. Antique Chinese Plate. Antique Blue and White Plate. Antique Persian Plate. Antique Chinese Plate. Another. Antique Canton Plate. Beer Mug. Pewter top. Another. Another. 87 Another, with Hand-painted Figure. Another. Beautifully enameled. Another. Hand-painted group. Austrian Beer Mug. Beer Tankard. Pewter top. Another. Another, with Inscriptions. Plaster Cast. “Bull Dog.” Two Pictures. “Before” and “After.” Pen-and- ink sketches. Two Mounted Ducks. Six Wine Baskets. Ten Cocktail Glasses. Six Cordial Glasses. Thirteen Sherry Glasses. Twelve Cut Crystal Tall Champagnes. Four Superbly Hand-chased Pewter Mugs. Four more. Larger. Cut-glass and Pewter-top Mug. Three Soda Bottle Holders. Porcelain Flower Holder. Pewter-top Beer Mug. Hanging Decorated Bottle. Capo di Monte Beer Mug. Another. Another. INO’ “AOOTA dOI—NAA i ig. / i AVAL Superb Miniature Decorated Ice Cream Set of Thirteen Pieces. Twelve Oyster Plates. Decorated. Twelve Miniature Decorated Ice Cream Plates. Eleven Vienna Miniature Decorated Plates. Twelve Sévres Decorated Plates. Twelve Flower Decorated Plates. Twelve Saxony China Plates. Four Limoges Ramikins and Saucers. Twelve French Enamel Porcelain Plates. Four Eggshell China Chocolate Cups and Saucers. Eight Royal Minton Soup Plates. Two Limoges Gold Decorated Bread Plates. Royal Dresden Comport. Venetian Glass Straw Holder. Cut-glass Water Bottle. Hand-painted Limoges Fish Set. Thirteen pieces, with tray. Magnificent Hand-painted Chocolate Pot and Cover. Twelve Hand-painted Cauldon Cups and Saucers. Six Saxony Flower Decorated Cups and Saucers. Twelve more. Venetian Glass Flower Holder. Hungarian Gold Decorated Glass Vase. Saxony Ice Cream Tray. Limoges Oyster Set. Sixteen pieces. 89 Twelve Royal Saxony Bread and Butter Plates. Ten Royal Nymphenburg Fruit Plates. Ten English Porcelain Tea Plates. Eleven Limoges Plates. Ten Crown Anglo-English Plates. Twelve Decorated Limoges Dinner Plates. Twelve Decorated Salad Plates. Eight Limoges Bread and Butter Plates. Six Cobalt Blue Salad Plates. Six Choisy Le Roi Fruit Plates. Antique. Twelve Limoges Gold Decorated After-dinner Cups and Saucers. Twelve Old Meissen Berry Plates. Twelve Flower Decorated Fruit Plates. Six Limoges Decorated Plates. Mahogany Inlaid Tray. Another. Tilting-top Mahogany Table. Fine Hammered Brass Jardiniére. Black Oak Box. Brass mounts. Cut-glass Ice Cream Set. Thirteen pieces. Cut-glass Salad Bowl. Chop Dish. Another Dresden. Another Dresden. Miniature decorated. Another. Austrian. 90 Cut Crystal Bowl. Cut Crystal Bowl. Cut Crystal Bowl. Magnificent cut. Fine Hand-painted Game Set. Bird decorations. Another. Colored crystal base. Very Fine Empire Green and Gold Decorated Salad Bowl. Sixteen Limoges Decorated Plates. Five Royal Sévres Plates. Flower decorations. Twelve Decorated Dinner Plates. Silver-plated Salt Cellar. Bottle shape. Silver-plated Pin Tray. ad Three Antique Sterling Silver Spoons. Three more. Larger. ‘ Two Antique Sheffield Plated Coasters. Magnificent Hammered Sterling Silver Tray. Twelve Gold Decorated Limoges Ramikins and Saucers. Twelve Gold-bordered Dessert Plates. Twelve Gold-bordered Bread and Butter Plates. Eleven Dinner Plates to Match. Eleven Cobalt Blue and Etched French Plates. Eleven Maroon and Rich Gold Decorated Plates. Cut-glass Celery Boat. Cut-glass Water Pitcher. Another. Cut-glass Salad Tray. gt Limoges Pudding Set. Three pieces. Royal Dresden Fruit Basket. Handsome Chased Sheffield Tray. Cut-glass Water Bottle. Cut-glass Bowl. Another. Magnificent Large Tankard, with Figures Repre- senting Hunters’ Return. Handsome Silver Bronze Figure Supporting Cut- glass Fruit Holder. Magnificent Cut Crystal Punch Bowl. Magnificent Decorated French China Dinner Set. About 125 pieces. Handsome Gold Decorated Lacquered Tray. Fine Old English Pewter Teapot. Sheffield Plated Coffee Pot. Kayser Zinn Tray. Fine Sheffield Plate Teapot. Handsome Gorham Silver-plated Meat Dish. Sheffield Pewter Teapot. Sheffield Plated Loving Cup. Silver-plated Antique Sugar Bowl. Fine Antique Sheffield Coaster, with Reticulated Border. Handsome Silver-plated Loving Cup. Sterling Silver Ladle, with Strainer. Sheffield Plated Sugar Bowl. Antique. g2 1733 1734 1735 1730 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 i734 Antique King George Teapot. Sheffield Plated Teapot. Very old. Kayser Zinn Tray. Four Silver-plated Trays. Sterling Silver Ladle. Gold lined. Sterling Silver Salad Knife and Fork. Cut Crystal Handles. Sheffield Plated Antique Snuffers and Tray. Silver-plated Cut Crystal Handle Ladle. Antique Sterling Silver Salad Fork. Twenty-four Sterling Silver Ivory Handled Knives and Forks. Very Fine Kayser Zinn Tray. Very Fine Kayserzine Tray. Game Platter. Fine Kayser Zinn Tankard. Fine Kayser Zinn Tea Set. Three pieces—Teapot, Sugar and Creamer. Choice Sheffield King George Hot Water Kettle. Sheffield Plated Wine Cooler. Sheffield Plated Coffee Urn. King George III. Wine Pitcher. Cut Crystal Brandy Bottle. Cut Crystal Nut Dish. Cut Crystal Bowl. Cut-glass Claret Jug. 93 Fine Silver Safe. Handsome Ooze Leather-seat Armchair. Silver-plated Jardiniére. Used by Mr. Tewks- bury as a Wine Cooler. Carved Flemish Oak Armchair. Six Chinese Bread and Butter Plates. Inlaid with silver. Six More. Six More. Note.—These are very rare and curious plates. Bronze Figure. Mercury holding electric light. Two Branch Side Brackets. Oak Chair. Cork Puller and Lemon Squeezer. Black and White Picture. “Throwing Dice.” Black and White Picture. “Starving Puppies.” Black and White Picture. “Game of Ball.” Electric Fixture. Pasteur Filter. DINING ROOM Twelve Egg-shell China Cups and Saucers. Chinese Decorating Cracker Jar. Finely Decorated Tea Set. Three pieces, natnely : Teapot, Sugar, and Creamer. Blue and Gold Decorated Cup and Saucer. Another. Another. 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 Six Cut-crystal Salts and Peppers. Silver tops. Twelve Egg-shell China After-dinner Cups and Saucers. Ten Finely Decorated Saxony China Ramikins and Saucers. Wardle China Tea Set. Three pieces, namely: Teapot, Sugar, and Creamer. Twelve Blue and Gold Decorated Cups and Saucers. Twenty-three Chinese Gold Decorated Bullion Cups and Saucers. Twelve Cut-glass Ramikins and Saucers. Twelve Cut Crystal Sterling Silver Top Salt and Peppers. Twelve Egg-shell China Tea Cups and Saucers. Sixteen More. Twelve Hand Painted Berry Dishes. Twelve Handsomely Hand. Decorated Coffee Cups and Saucers. Twelve Egg-shell China Handsomely Decorated Cups and Saucers. Decorated Teapot. Ten Handsomely Decorated Chinese Robin-egg Blue Tea Cups and Saucers. Seven Canton Enameled Tea Cups and Saucers, with birds and flower decoration. Teapot, Sugar, and Creamer. Very Fine Imari Plaque, with blue and gold dec- oration. Another. Very large. 95 1797 1798 E799 Another. With cranes and flowers. Handsomely Decorated Japanese Vase, with brown and dragon decoration. Garden Seat, with crane and flower decoration. Kaga Chinese Vase, with peacock and flower deco- rations. Dog Foo handle on cover. Bronze Flower Vase, with cranes, birds and but- terflies. Handsome Art Nouveau Plaque, in bronze. Another. Hammered Brass Plaque. Iridescent Tiffany Glass Fruit Compote, with green bronze base. Magnificent Decorated Large Owari Vase and Cover. Eagle, butterflies, and flowers. Antique Real Bronze Vase, Cloisonné, inlaid with pure gold. Faded Blue and White Vase, with cranes and tree decorations. Magnificent Cloisonné Antique Vase, with Egyp- tian figures decoration. Two Canton Chinese Vegetable Dishes. Magnificent Striped Creation, Decorated Pisa Vase and Cover. One of the finest pieces in the collection. Revolving Marble Pedestal. Twelve Hungarian Ribbed Glass and Decorated Hocks. Twelve Empire Green and Gold Decorated Hocks. 96 ALL BH THIRD FLOOR Twelve Cut Crystal Water Glasses. Twelve Green Cut Glass and Ribbed Hocks. Eleven Meisenthal Glass and Gold Decorated Hocks. Twelve Ribbed and Gold Rimmed Rhine Wine Glasses. Two Cut Glass Vinegar Cruets. Royal Dresden Mustard Cup and Cover. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Tea Set. Three pieces—Teapot, Sugar, and Creamer. Twelve Hungarian Green and Gold Decorated Rhine Wine Glasses. Thirteen Gold and Decorated Hocks. Eight Green and Gold Decorated Cordials. Twelve Cauldon After Dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers. Twelve Empire Green and Enamel Decorated Rhine Wines. Cut Glass Wine Decanter. Cut-glass Whiskey Decanter. Cut-glass Claret Jug. Cut-glass Water Bottle. Cut-glass Milk Pitcher. Cut-glass Water Bottle. Cut-glass Cheese Dish and Cover. Six Cut-glass Almond Trays. Pewter Top and Base Decanter. Superb Venetian Glass Bouquet Holder. 97 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 Venetian Glass Vase. Another. Shape of flower. Another. Another. Twelve Staffordshire English Tea Cups and Saucers. Twelve Cut Crystal Champagnes. Twelve Clarets to Match. Twelve Cut-glass Ice Cream Dishes. Twelve Royal Vienna and Miniature Decorated Cups and Saucers, with maroon ground. Venetian Glass and Gold Decorated Wine Set. Eight pieces. Gold Decorated and Cut-glass Vase. Royal Sévres Tea Caddy. Another. Cobalt blue and flower decoration. Crystal Ice Cream Set. Thirteen pieces—Tray and twelve plates. ; Six Handsomely Decorated Limoges Boullion Cups and Saucers. Eight Magnificent Decorated Ruby and Gold Austrian Claret Glasses. Capo di Monte Mug. Ten Assorted Meisenthal Glass and Gold Dec- orated Lemonades. Twelve Ruby and Gold Rimmed Hocks. Superb Cut-glass Bowl. Royal Dresden Miniature Decorated Tea Set. Three pieces. Tea Pot, Sugar, and Creamer. 98 Limoges Chocolate Pot. Decorated Tea Pot and Cover. Twelve Magnificent Cut Crystal Rhine Wine Glasses. Green Glass Liqueur Set. Five glasses, decanter, and tray. Mounted with Kayser Zinn. Ten Limoges Gold Enamel After-dinner Cups and Saucers. Twelve Tea Cups to Match. Twelve Ice Cream Plates to Match. Chocolate Pot to Match. Cracker Jar to Match. Twelve Vienna Flower Decorated Ramikins and Saucers. Handsome Kayser Zinn Oyster Tureen. Twelve Tea Plates to Match lot 1861. Twelve Butter Plates to Match. Twelve Berry Plates to Match. Berry Bowl to Match. Another. Twelve Royal Vienna and Miniature Decorated Coffee Cups and Saucers. Twelve More, Limoges. Seven Very Fine Meisenthal Glass Lemonade Cups and Saucers. Royal Sévres Pink Decorated Coffee Set. Three pieces—Coffee, Sugar, and Creamer. Royal Dresden Fruit Dish. 99 Magnificent Decorated Royal Austrian Dish, with birds and flowers. Eleven Vienna and Miniature Decorated Cups and Saucers. Three Dainty Royal Sévres After-Dinner Cups and Saucers. Venetian Glass Flower Vase. Dainty Limoges Tea Set. Three pieces. Tea, Sugar, and Cream. Twelve Green and Gold Rimmed Cut-glass Finger Bowls and Saucers. Twelve Cut-glass Wines. Seven Cut Meisenthal Glass Finger Bowls. Twelve Ruby and Gold Decorated Punch Glasses. Cordial Bottle, with Pewter Top. Six Tall Gold and Green Glass Water Tumblers. Pewter Top and Cut-glass Beer Mug. Brown Glass and Pewter Top Cordial Bottle. Another, with Engraved Figures. Another. Note.—All of the pewter-mounted pieces are genuine antiques, and were purchased abroad by Mr. Tewksbury himself. Twelve Daintily Decorated Limoges Cups and Saucers. Silk Lamp Shade. (In Turkish room.) Hungarian Glass Flower Holder. Fine Tiffany Glass Flower Vase. 10O 1897 1898 1899 1900 Superb Hand-painted Umbrella Holder. Decora- tions signed Beerbohm. Very Handsome Silver-plated Wine Pitcher, figure of girl as handle. Empire Tantalus, Handsomely Mounted. Three Cut-glass bottles, Ormolu mounted. Venetian Ruby and Gold Decorated Glass Fruit Bowl. IOI FIFTH DAY’S. SALE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, Promptly at 11 o’clock a. M. Note Conpivrions oF SALE ON SEVENTH PAGE. TERMS OF SALE Large deposits will be required from purchasers, with- out exception. Intending purchasers who do not wish to be annoyed making a deposit at time of sale can do so prior to sale, for which receipt will be given by arrange- ment with the Auctioneer or Representative of the Estate. 1901 Six Very Fine Champagne Glasses, with Kayser Zinn base. 1902 Cut-glass and Sterling Silver Top Decanter. 1903 Magnificent Cut-glass Sterling Silver Top Water Bottle. 1904 Cut-glass Nut Bowl. 1905 Cut-glass Almond Dish. 1906 Cut-glass Fruit Dish. 1907 Seven Handsome Gold and Enamel Finger Bowls and Saucers. 1908 Royal Vienna Cracker Jar and Caver, with hand- painted decoration. “Contented Monk.” 102 1920 1921 1922 Cut-glass Cheese Dish and Cover. Magnificent Cut Crystal Wine Decanter. Whiskey Decanter to Match. Cut Crystal Flower Vase. Cut Crystal Claret Jug. Magnificent Cut Crystal Ice Boat and Tray. Crystal Cabinet in English Oak, with plate-glass back and glass shelves. Magnificent Hand-carved Italian Oak Stand or Table, with claw feet and Cupids, swans, and heads in relief. Real Bronze Group. Fox and Trees. Dainty Cut-glass and Enamel Empire Candle- stick, Two Rock Crystal Flower Vases, with Silver Stands. Handsomely Chased Plaque. Signed Jacques Collet. Six Royal Minton Handsomely Decorated Cups and Saucers. Twelve Cobalt Blue and Gold Decorated Antique Sévres Cups and Saucers. Dainty Sévres Miniature Decorated Tea Caddy and Cover. Twelve Handsomely Decorated Paintons English Porcelain Plates. Seven Miniature Decorated Sévres Bread and Butter Plates. Antique Delft Fruit Bowl or Jardiniére. 103 1942 1943 Royal Worcester Chocolate Jug. Flower decora- tion. Handsome Capo di Monte Tea Set. Three pieces, tea, sugar, and creamer. Ruby Empire Mounted Ormolu Water Bottle and Glass. Royal Dresden and Miniature Decorated Loving Cup. Four Vienna and Miniature Decorated After- dinner Gold Lined Cups and Saucers. Six Handsomely Decorated Crown Derby Plates. Twelve Superb Royal Worcester Plates. Twelve Crown Doulton Plates, with faded blue decoration. Twelve Coalport Gold and Blue Decorated Plates. Limoges Blue Game Set. Underglazed; decora- tion of birds. Thirteen pieces. Royal Sévres Pink and Gold Decorated Tea Pot and Stand, with Lamp. Twelve Cut Crystal Punch Glasses. Ten Crown Derby Handsomely Enamel Dinner Plates. Eleven Cauldon Plates. Green and gold border, flower centre. Rare Old English Cut Crystal Liqueur Set. Six- teen pieces ; two bottles, eleven glasses, one tray. Twelve Cauldon After-dinner Cups and Saucers. Rose decorations. Royal Berlin, Dresden Decoration, Cracker Jar and Cover. 104 CELLAR DOOR, FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OLD 1944 Hand-painted Royal Worcester Game Set. Fif- teen pieces, with gold and cobalt blue border decorations. Signed Charson. 1945 Three Gold Decorated Coalport After-dinner Cups and Saucers. 1946 Five Royal Vienna Miniature Decorated and Gold- lined Cups and Saucers. Signed. 1947 Magnificent Cut Crystal Bowl. 1948 Antique English Cut Crystal Decanter, with Ster- ling Top. 1949 Another. 1950 Eight Glasses to Match. 1951 Six Wedgwood Plates, Handsomely Decorated. 1952 Nine Hand-decorated Royal Doulton Cups and Saucers. 1953 Eight Punch Glasses, with Saucers Shape of Leaf. 1954 Very Handsome Iridescent Flower Vase. 1955 Royal Dresden Tray, with Three Cups. 1956 Handsome Sterling Silver and Ruby Cut Crystal Cheese Dish and Cover. 1957 Royal Sévres Chocolate Pot and Cover, with pink and gold decoration. 1958 Fine Cluny Lace and Linen Centre Piece. 1959 Kayser Zinn Game Tray. 1960 Handsome Empire Clock Set of three pieces— Clock and Two Candelabras. Real bronze fig- ure of Time, in Old Egyptian Boat, Etc. Mounted on green onyx; candelabra of four lights each. 1961 Cobalt Blue and Gold Old Meissen Vase. 105 1962 1963 1964 1965 1974 1975 Rare Old Cloisonné Vase. On copper, decorated birds and trees. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Decorated Tea Set. Three pieces. Tea Pot, Sugar, and Creamer. Ruby and Exquisitely Gold Decorated Cream Pitcher. Meisinthal Glass and Raised Gold Punch Set. Nine pieces. Royal Pate-sur-Pate Blue Two-handle Vase, with cameo. Decorated with figures representing “Music.” Handsome Cut Crystal Liqueur Set. Two Bottles, silver-plated Stand. Two Antique Cut Crystal Almond Trays. Cut Crystal Butter Dish. Two Venetian Glass Flower Holders. Four Royal Vienna Miniature Decorated Choc- olate Cups and Saucers. Gold-lined. Royal Sévres and Dresden Decorated Bowl, Cover and Tray. Enamelled and Gold, Figures and Landscape, Five Spear, Crown Berlin Tea Set. Four pieces, Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Creamer. Twelve Gold and Cut Crystal Hocks. Twelve Richly Cut Crystal Clarets. Eleven Cordials to Match. Eleven Sherry Glasses to Match. Twelve Champagne Saucers to Match. Twelve Goblets to Match. 106 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 ng 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Cobalt Blue, Handsomely Decorated Chocolate Pot and Cover. Seven Royal Vienna and Flower Decorated Coffee Cups. Empire Antique Liqueur Set. Three Bottles in one. Seven Austrian Crystal and Decorated Finger Bowls, with Saucers. Cauldon Table Set. Four pieces. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, and Creamer. Twelve Cauldon Plates. Cauldon Platter to Match. Cut Crystal Decanter, with Lock and Key. Six Stem Creme-de-menthe Glasses. Six Austrian and Decorated Rhine Wine Glasses. Empire, Green and Gold Decorated Glass De- canter. Another. Gold decoration. Twelve Ruby and Cut Crystal and Gold Decorated Claret Glasses. Twelve Tumblers to Match. Twelve Tall Champagnes to Match. Twelve Tall Water Tumblers to Match. Twelve Tall Rhine Wines to Match. Whiskey Decanter to Match. Kayser Zinn Syrup Pitcher. Kayser Zinn Vegetable Dish and Cover. Twelve Royal Minton Plates. 107 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 it 2006 i : j iy 2007 | 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Twelve Louis XV. Royal Sévres Plates. Deco- rated in the Chateau des Tuileries. Signed Heitz, 1846. Richly Cut Crystal Boquet Holder. Cut Crystal Decanter. Six Coalport Cups and Saucers. Nine Crown Minton Richly Decorated After- dinner Cups and Saucers. Six Hand-painted Cauldon After-dinner Cups and Saucers. Very Handsome Corean Cloisonné Bronze Vase and Cover, with figures and birds in old green and maroon. Bronze Table Gong. Mounted on ram’s horn. Twelve Royal Minton Plates, with turquoise borders. Twelve Magnificent Royal Sévres Plates, with animal decorated borders—fox and sheep and boars. Decorated in the Chateau de F. Baieu. Magnificent Cut-crystal Flower Holder. Sheffield Plated Antique Fruit Dish. Heavily chased handle. Sheffield Plated Candlestick. Antique. Handsome Iridescent Glass Bowl. Mounted on bronze stand as card receiver. Very Fine Royal Vienna Tea Set, with hand- painted miniature decoration. Signed Kaufman and Rosner; consisting of teapot, sugar, creamer, four cups and saucers, and tray. Antique Chinese Vase, with curious splash marks, brown and gray. 108 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 Fine Bell Metal Bronze Flower Vase. Antique Lowestoft Vase, with-coat-of-arms deco- ration. Another, with Cover. Carving Set. Three pieces, horn handles. Another, with sterling silver handles. Silver-plated Tea Set of 5 pieces—coffee pot, tea- spoon holder, sugar bowl, and creamer. Richly chased. Silver-plated Pudding Dish. Individual Silver-plated Coffee Set of 4 pieces. Coffee pot, creamer, sugar bowl, and tray. Silver-plated Syrup Pitcher and Tray. Sheffield Plated Coaster. Handsome Five-light Silver-plated Candelabra. Rich Sheffield Plated Tray. Chased border. Another. Larger, and round. Sterling Silver Lettuce Fork. Gold lined. Twelve Sterling Silver Individual Butter Knives. Twelve Sterling Silver Ice-cream Forks. Twelve Teaspoons. Twelve More. Twelve Sterling Silver Oyster Forks. Twelve Seria Silver Oyster Forks. Sterling Silver Bonbon Tray. Gold plated. Sterling Silver Bonbon Dish. Sterling Silver Punch Ladle. 109 Sterling Silver Salad Spoon and Fork. Sterling Silver Pie Knife. Sterling Silver Bread Tray. Handsomely chased. Sterling Silver Bowl. Sterling Silver Orange Bowl. Sterling Silver Fruit Bowl. Sterling Silver Carving Set. Three pieces. Chest of 84 Pieces of Sterling Silver. Twelve Sterling Silver Soup Spoons. Twelve Sterling Silver Table Spoons. Twelve Sterling Silver Table Forks. Twelve Sterling Silver and Pearl-handle Dessert Knives. Sixteen Antique Silver and Dresden Handle Knives and Forks. Silver-plated Cake Tray. Silver-plated and Gold-lined Fruit Dish. Handsome Pate-sur-pate Vase, with cameo figures. Antique and Ormolu-mounted Vase. Tiffany Glass and Bronze-mounted Flower Holder. Pair Magnificent Real Bronze Candelabra. Richly chased ; 4 lights each. Antique Bronze Bust. “Dante.” Magnificent Real Bronze Bust. ‘““Negré du Tom- boucton.” By Strasser. Medallions, “Beaux, Paris.” Revolving Marble Pedestal. Real Bronze Figure. “Mercury.” On green marble base. 119 2063 2064 Green Marble Pedestal. Kawata Vase. Ox-blood colorings; by Kobe, of Japan, conceded to be the greatest artist in Japan on coloring. Leather Screen. Two panels, with 4 oval chased panels representing “Death,” “Liberty,” “Offer- ing,” and “Faith.” Black Vienna Fur Rug. Upholstered High-back Armchair. Mahogany, plush, and tapestry. Magnificent Real Bronze Louis XV. Candelabra. Six lights. Teakwood Pedestal. Marble top, handsomely carved. Very Fine Antique Bronze Bust. Mounted on marble pillar. Companion. Empire-green and Gold Decorated Almond Tray. Another. Larger bowl. Twelve Exquisitely Decorated Champagnes. Cut-crystal Bowl. Cut-crystal Brandy Bottle. Magnificent Cut-crystal Orange Bowl. Another. Another. Round. Cut-crystal Decanter, with sterling silver top. Twelve Handsome Venetian Wine Glasses. Empire-green and Cut-crystal Gold Decorated Nut - Dish. EET Cut-crystal Cheese Dish and Cover. Magnificent Cut-crystal Bowl. Another. Twelve Handsomely Cut and Ruby Decorated Rhine-wine Glasses. Twelve Magnificent Miesenthal Cut and Gold Dec- orated with Green Stem Saucer Champagnes. Twelve Hungarian Enamel Bacarat Glass Cor- dials. Nine Clarets to Match. Twelve Water Glasses to Match. Ten Saucer Champagnes to Match. Twelve Goblets to Match. Decanter to Match. Cut-crystal Bowl. Cut-crystal Dish. Cut-crystal Ice-cream Set of 13 pieces. Dish and 12 saucers. Ivory Handle and Bronze Spirit Lamp and Glass Saucer. Handsome Panoply of Arms. Another. Another. Set of 12 English Oak Dining-room Chairs. Up- holstered in red plush; 2 arms and 10 sides. Round Oak Dining-room Table. Louis XVI. Inlaid Table, with exquisitely chased mercury; gilt metal mounts; leather top; ma- hogany; with 3 drawers; secret springs. 1 ae ee UVITAOD ANIM cpm eesti Me a 2104 2105 2100 2107 2108 2109 2110 2iir 2TI2 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 Fine Linen and Cluny Thread Lace Table Cloth. Twelve Madagascar Lace Doilies. Hand made. Mexican Drawn Lace and Linen Table Cloth. Hand made. Madagascar Hand-made Lace Round Table Cloth. Hand-made Cluny Lace and Linen Centre Piece. Hand-made Antique Lace and Linen Table Cloth. Antique Lace Table Cloth. Round Mexican Drawn Lace and Linen Table Cloth. Cluny Lace and Linen Table Cloth. Another. Another. Very fine. Hand-embroidered Centre Piece. Extra fine. Cluny and Linen Table Cover. Six Hand-made Lace and Silk and Drawn-work Doilies. Embroidered Doily. Round Renaissance and Linen Scarf. Magnificent Royal Vienna Tea Set. Ten pieces and tray; decorated; signed Walter and Rivier. Handsome Real Bronze Piano Lamp. Richly chased mercury mounts, with glass globe and silk fringe. Carved Antique Oak Armchair. Upholstered in ooze leather. Another. Another. 113 2139 2140 2141 2142 Another. Smaller. Leopard Skin. Silk Mohair Rug. About 5 x 9. Antique Egyptian Armchair. Inlaid with metal, copper seat and back, and baize trimming. Real Bronze Figure. “Bacchus.” Mosaic Plaque Figure of Girl, in carved Venetian gold frame. Royal Berlin Puff Box and Cover. Cobalt-blue ground. Rich Pink and Gold Decorated Coalport Cup and Saucer. Bavarian Miniature Decorated Cup and Saucer. Capo di Monte Gold Plate. Handsome Rock Crystal and Empire Bronze- mounted Pitcher. Royal Vienna Miniature Decorated Gold Lined Cup and Saucer. Royal Vienna and Hand-painted Plate. “Louise.” Cobalt-blue and gold border and tracings. Royal Vienna Plaque. Painting signed A. Buck. Daintily lined and blue border. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Plaque. “Golden Rod.” Signed W. P. Fohl. Carved Bog-wood and Ivory Figure. “Man Play- ing Drum.” Richly carved. Carved Ivory Figure. “Young Stork.” On wood base representing stump of tree. Superb Vienna Claret Pitcher. Hand-painted dec- orations, “Love” and “Music.” 114 Carved Ivory Group. “Elephant and Baby.” Handsome Cloisonné Vase. Cobalt-blue on ster- ling silver. Rudolstadt and Miniature Decorated Bonbon Box. Porcelain Vase, with chicken decorations. Chased Silver Scent Bottle. Cloisonné Card Box. Silver-plated Curious Scent Bottle. Magnificent Cloisonné Vase. Gray ground and flower decoration. Another. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Plaque. Cobalt-blue border; signed C. Cruk. Another. ‘‘Flora.”’ Signed Wagner. Another. Rookwood and Sterling Silver Vase. Handsome Carved Ivory and Wood Figure. “The Gardener.” Exquisitely made; very rare. Ivory Piece. Inlaid with jade and mother of pearl. Chinese Porcelain Figure. “Maiden.” Venetian Glass Flower Holder. Antique Crackle Porcelain Enamel Chinese Vase. Antique Bronze Cloisonné Vase. Inlaid with gold. Royal Sévres Hand-painted Vase. Antique. Royal Dresden Hand-painted Vase. Raised gold tracings, green ground. Empire Case of 3 Bottles. 115 w | | | ( SS ee Se 2165 Chinese Carving. “Fruit and Leaves.” 2166 Superb Vienna Hand-painted Plaque. “Louise.” On cobalt-blue and gold border; signed Yack]. 2167 Another. 2168 Another. “A Rose.” Signed W. Pofhl. 2169 Mahogany and Ormolu-mounted Curio Cabinet. Glass shelves and silk damask back. 2170 Chinese Enamel Jardiniére, with Artificial Plant. 2171 Boveau Tapestry Panel. 2172 Bronze and Porcelain Vase. 2173 Very Fine Old Chinese Vase. Farnville; with lizard and dog foo in relief; height, 24 inches. Note.—This vase was sold at a sale of un- claimed goods by the government for $27,500, and purchased by Mr. Tewksbury. Appraised at $950. 2174 Porcelain Curious Splash Vase. Blue and white ; mounted in ormolu. 2175 Japanese Bronze Jardiniére. Richly chased. 2176 Handsomely Carved Mahogany Settee. 2177 Carved Black Oak Hall Chair. 2178 Carved Antique Portuguese Hall Throne Chair. High back and seat of leather. ; 2179 Antique Camel’s hair Rug. Size, 6x ro. 2180 Antique Shirvan Rug. 2181 Upholstered Armchair. Red silk damask. 2182 Another. 2183 Bronze Bust. ‘“‘The Rose,” By Moreau. 116 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 Extra Fine Real Bronze Chinese Vase. Curious gold and brown decorations, with leaves and cucumbers in relief. A very valuable specimen of Chinese art. Antique Egyptian Desk. Inlaid with ivory and metal; sheepskin top and hammered copper edge. Chair to Match. Down Sofa Cushion. Another. Another. Embroidered. Another. Red and black. Antique Covered Cushion. Handsome Jardiniere. Blue and white. Figures of dragons and lion at battle. Plush and Embroidered Table Cover. Antique High-back King George IT. Armchair. Upholstered in Louis XV. style. Persian Silk Prayer Rug. Light blue centre; size, C7 % 4u2. Antique Persian Rug. Kine Kirman Rug. Size, about 3.5 x 6.2. Upholstered Armchair. Red silk damask. Very Fine Kirman Rug. Animals and bird deco- ration. Size, 6 x 3.2. Fine Persian Rug. Size, 6.6 x 3.5. Another. Red centre; size, 8.5 x 5. Royal Vienna Gold-lined Cup and Saucer. 117 2211 2221 2222 Crown Doulton Blue Under-glazed Vase. Royal Dresden Bonbon Box. Miniature decora- tion. Another. Cloisonné Teapot, on silver. Venetian Glass Flower Vase. Another. Dresden Box. Shape of mandolin. Carved Ivory Chess Table, with Drawer and Chess Men. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Plaque. “Duchess du Maine.” Hand-painted Royal Vienne Plaque. “Cleopatra.” Another. “Frauman.” Sky-blue and gold border. Choice Cloisonné Vase, on silver. Carved Jade Figure. “Baby Lion on Rock.” Exquisite Cloisonné Vase on silver. Flowers. Fine Ivory Carving Group. Figure of boy, monkey, bear, and rooster, and supported by three grotesque figures. Carved Ivory Tusk. Mounted on teakwood stand. A Bridle Cup, with Crystal and Bronze F igure. Cloisonné Pitcher. A curious piece, showing the difficult work before enamel—each piece, of which there are several thousands, fastened to the body of the vase—under a powerful magni- fying glass. Carved Ivory Figure. “A Chinese Fisherman.” Curious Old Chinese Toy. 118 2223 Carved Ivory Figure. “The Fisherman and the Snail.” 2224 Another. “Man, Bird, and Dragon.” 2225 Carved Ivory Box, with Cover. 2226 Rare Old Blue and Enamel Vase. Decorated. 2227 Magnificent Cloisonné Vase. Representing “Fish and Flowers.” 2228 Cloisonné Vase, on sterling silver. 2229 Rich Glass Flower Holder. Bronze frame; fig- ures, birds, and flowers. 2230 Cloisonné Vase. Green leaves and flowers, on silver. 2231 Boulle Curio Cabinet. Ormolu mountings, glass shelves. 2232 Antique Swiss Carved Armchair. Upholstered tapestry seat. 2233 Another. With head. 2234 Empire Real Bronze Clock Set of 3 pieces. Clock and 2 coupes; mounted on green marble base ; Cupid in chariot. 2235 Fine Satsuma Vase and Cover. “Chinese Children Playing.” Feet representing grotesque heads ; Chinese boy on top of cover. 2236 Tiffany Glass and Bronze-mounted Centre Piece. Bronze stand. 2237 Hammered Brass Fire Screen. “Feeding the Hungry.” 2238 Flemish Hammered Brass Flower Vase. 2239 Bronze Jardiniere. “Girl Playing Harp.” 2240 Carved Italian Oak Armchair. Wood seat. 119 Bronze Ribbed Vase. Inlaid India Wall Bracket. Shield. Superb Bronze Figure. “Girls with Leaves,” etc. Inlaid India Tabourette. Antique Persian Rug. Persian Rug. Magnificent Owari Vase, with dragons, birds of paradise, cranes, and flower decorations. Carrara Marble Bust. “Night.” Richly Carved Teakwood Pedestal. Sunken marble base. Leopold Skin Rug. Handsome Inlaid Mahogany Table. Carved claw feet. Louis XVI. Desk. Copy of the South Kensington Museum desk, known as the Marie Antoinette ; mahogany and satinwood both front, side, and back; draw curtains; three compartments ; with mercury gilt mounts perfectly chased. Antique Carved Swiss Chair. Another. Mounted Moose Head. Real Bronze Card Receiver. Oak Table, with Drawer. Majolica Garden Seat. Handsome Real Bronze Figure. “Virtus Civica, Defender of the Soil.” By Fouques; medals, 1899. 2261 Carved Teakwood Pedestal. 2262 Persian Silk Rug. 2263 Handsomely Carved Circle-back Armchair. 2264 Superbly Carved Italian Oak Chair, with leather upholstered seat. “Cupids Playing Music.” 2265 Another. 2266 Elliott Tubular Chime Clock. Carved mahogany case, striking on the Whittington 8 gongs, West- minster 4 gongs; has silent dial; shows moon’s phases; also strikes quarter, half, three-quarter, and full hour. 2267 Magnificently Carved Flemish Oak Chariot. Copy of one now in the South Kensington Museum; carved Cupid on back and figures supporting arms; upholstered in antique leather. 2268 Bronze Urn, with two Cupids in relief. 2269 Very Fine Bronze Bust. A classical piece. 2270 Real Bronze Stand. 2271 Another. Umbrella holder. 2272 Very Fine Empire Real Bronze Hanging Clock. Richly chased. 2273 Pair Hanging Candelabras to Match. Three lights each. 2274 Carved-wood Bench. Back of old coffin lid; black oak. 2275. Plaque... “he Piper, : 2276 Magnificent Hand-carved Hall Seat, with wings, dragons, and panels of birds and flowers. 2277 Antique Persian Rug. Size, about 3 x 5. 2278 Another. Size, about 6x 3. Tic Fine Antique Hall Persian Rug. Size, about 18 x 6, Very Handsome Mounted Bengal Tiger Skin Rug. Very Fine Bronze Tall Lamp. Flowers and leaves, with stained-glass globe. Cobalt-blue Cloisonné Vase, on sterling silver. “The Flight of the Cranes.” One of the finest in the collection of cloisonné. Pair Brown Plush Draperies. Another Pair. Four Large French-plate Mirrors. Bell Metal Bronze, with Globe. Electric-light at- tachment. Another. Magnificent Verdi Green Bronze Electric Chan- delier, with Red Silk Dome Shade. Combina- tion for gas in dining-room. Superb Turkish Carpet Rug. Size, about 12 x18; in dining-room. SIXGH. DAY'S SALE. SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, Promptly at 11 o’clock A. M. Note Conpirions OF SALE ON SEVENTH PAGE. TERMS OF SALE Large deposits will be required from purchasers, with- out exception. Intending purchasers who do not wish to be annoyed making a deposit at time of sale can do so prior to sale, for which receipt will be given by arrange- ment with the Auctioneer or Representative of the Estate. PARLOR. cs 2290 Bronze Bust. “Les Champs.” 2291 Cut-crystal Flower Holder. 2292 Fine Real Bronze Bust. Mounted on onyx base. “Plato.” 2293 Glass Bottle, with copper mountings. 2294 Royal Berlin Cup and Saucer. 2295 Richly Decorated Royal Vienna Hand-painted Vase. 2296 Capo di Monte Vase and Cover. 2297 Royal Worcester Pitcher Vase. 123 Carved Ivory Group. “Monkey and Frogs.” Another. “Seven Frogs Playing Cards.” Ivory Group. “Monkey and Two Figures.” Bronze Easel, supporting Crystal Clock. Very Fine Vienna Cobalt-blue and Miniature Painted Gold-lined Bonbon Box. Marie Antoinette Royal Sévres Vase and Cover. Antique Sévres Vase, with bird and flower deco- ration. Royal Sévres Empire Tea Set. Three pieces; teapot, sugar bowl, and creamer. Royal Pate-sur-pate Miniature Decorated Vase. Real Bronze French Cloisonné Puff Box, with Sévres painting. Signed. Handsomely Decorated Chinese Bottle Vase, with chickens and leaves. Royal Pate-sur-pate Vase. Bronze Group. “Dogs.” Another. “Ostrich.” Capo di Monte Bust, antique. “Amazon.” Two Miniature Decorated Sévres Vases and Covers. Carved Ivory Tusk. Ivory Puff Box. Royal Berlin Cup and Saucer. Royal Vienna Cup and Saucer. Hand painted, miniature decoration. Another. 124 2319 2320 Another. Fine Hand-painted Miniature, on ivory. Ormolu frame. Two Vienna and Miniature Decorated Vases and Covers. Handsome Limoges Enamel and Rhinestone Dec- orated Frame. Carved Ivory Group. “The Planter.’ Another. “Frog and Crab.” Another. “Eight Monkeys.” Hand-painted Porcelain Figure in carved gold frame. Egyptian Porcelain Vase. Bronze Figure . “Gladiator.” Chased Bronze Jewel Casket. Ivory painting. Capo di Monte Gold-lined Jewel Box. Smelling-salts Bottle. Empire sterling silver case. Onyx and Cloisonné Bronze Ash Receiver. Two More. With Sévres medallions. Ormolu Frame and Two Ivory Paintings. ‘Louis XV.” and “Marie Antoinette.” Piece Tortoise-shell. Cabinet specimen. Another. Carriage. Another. Ship. Handsomely Carved Ivory Group. Five figures. Enamel Bronze and Onyx Inkstand. Pair Candlesticks to Match. 125 Hand-painted Miniature. Porcelain, in carved gold frame. Real Bronze Bust. “Venus de Milo.” Handsome Iridescent Five-steeple Hungarian Vase, with two figures. Water-color, in Carved Gold Frame. Swan-head Mahogany Armchair. Red damask. Solid Mahogany Adams Folding Table. Mahogany Carved Sandalwood Lap Desk, with figures, elephants, and birds, with mosaic inlaid border. Fine Persian Mat. Size, 2.11 x 3. Superb Kirman Rug. Size, about Real Bronze Figure. Marble base. Handsomely Decorated Royal Worcester Vase. Real Bronze Bust. “Clown.” By Rignauld. Magnificent Royal Teplitz Card Receiver. ‘The Pearl and Wave.” Hand-embroidered Silk Scarf. Capo di Monte Vase, with gold head handles. Decorations representing “A Battle Scene.” Bronze Vase. Hand-chased decorations. Cameo Vase, with bronze base. Bronze Figure. “Girl Asleep in the Moon.” Sevres Decorated Bonbon Box. Ormolu mounted. Dainty Empire Clock Set. Three pieces; clock and 2 candlesticks ; mercury gilt mounts. 120 Royal Vienna and Miniature Decorated Vase and Tray. Signed Rosler. Royal Delft Decorated Plaque. Signed Verbeer. Another. Very Fine Rosenberg Plaque. “Entrance Gates to the Palace of De Haas.” : Daintily Carved Gold Reception Chair. Uphol- stered in uncut silk velvet. Magnificent Royal Vienna Plaque. Another. Two Royal Sévres Vases, with Covers. Hand- painted decorations. Antique Sévres and Ormolu-mounted Vase, with miniature decoration. Signed Poitivin. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Vase. Fine Old Hungarian Pitcher .Vase. Handsome Vienna and Miniature Decorated Cup, with Cover. Bronze Figure. By Aug. Moreau. Very Fine Antique Corean White Porcelain Fig- ure. “Woman and Child.” Another. Companion. Note.—These pieces are extremely rare. Magnificent Capo di Monte Vase and Cover. Antique Terra-cotta Bust. Italian, style Renais- sance. Real Bronze Figure. “Melody.” Signed Picault. Revolving Marble Pedestal. King George Gold Armchair. Upholstered in green Belleville woven tapestry. 127, Antique Capo di Monte Vase. Brown Skin Vienna Rug. Size, 511x464. Persian Silk Rug. Superb and rare colorings ; size, about 5.3 x 3.11. Painting on Porcelain. ‘“Herados.” In carved gold frame. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Size, about Magnificent Carved Gold Circle-back Chair. Up- holstered in genuine Aubusson tapestry. Magnificent Silk Palace Rug. Size, about Superbly Decorated Crown Derby Vase and Cover. Sterling Silver Antique Box and Cover, with figures of men. Very Fine Gold-lined Capo di Monte Box. Antique Sterling Silver Vase. Antique Sterling Silver Sedan Chair. Fine Cloisonné Vase. Three fan-tail doves deco- ration. Royal Bonn Miniature Painted Vase. Meissonier. Royal Dresden Figure. “Girl Playing Harp.” Companion. “Girl in Chair.” Dainty and Exquisitely Painted Cabinet Speci- men. Pate-sur-pate panel and watch movement clock on top. Real Bronze Sleigh, on malachite. Very Fine French Lacquered Box. Hand-painted enamel decoration. Magnificent Ivory Hand-carved Screen. “Eagle Feeding Her Young.” 128 2401 2402 2415 2416 Sterling Silver Cabinet Specimen. Violin as Bon- bon. Very Fine Tortoise Shell Lined French Lacquered Cigarette Case, with Limoges enamel. ‘The Russian Couriers.” Limoges Enamel on Copper Vase, with decorations on interior of top. Magnificent Carved Ivory Group. Horse and two figures. Limoges Enamel Vase on Copper, with decoration. Exquisitely Decorated Cabinet. Two-fold screen on two pate-sur-pate panels, with small watch in panel. Crown Derby Vase and Cover. Carved Ivory Figure of Horse and Man. This very large specimen is considered one of the finest in the collection. Antique Gold Jewel Box. Hand-painted miniature on ivory; three figures. Bronze Deer. Mounted on crystal. Carved Wood Box, with curious figure. Empire Box. Silver mountings, hand-chased figures. Magnificent Limoges Enamel on Copper. Figure of a girl. French Lacquered Box. Limoges enamel figures on top. Royal Sévres Hand-painted Bonbonniére. Tiffany Glass Vase. Bronze frame. 129 Exquisitely Chiseled Bronze Figures Holding Enamel Pate-sur-pate Top, containing fine Swiss watch, mounted on base of same. Limoges Enamel Figures. Exquisitely Decorated Coalport Vase and Cover. Magnificent Hand-painted Vienna Vase. Paint- ings signed Becker. Limoges Enamel on Cobalt-blue Ground. Mount- ed on hand mirror. Carved Gold Curio Cabinet. Glass shelves, mir- ror back. Chinese Figure. Umbrella maker. Decorations Chinese umbrellas on Teakwood stand. White Capo di Monte Group. Mythological figures. Crown Derby Vase. Pink, green and blue. Two Very Finely Decorated Sévres Vases and Covers. Real Bronze Bust. Signed, Q. Levy. Magnificent Capo di Monte Vase, with figures of swans, cupids, serpents and dolphins, with cover of two dolphins and vase supporting top. Rich Hand-painted Sévres Vase, with figures rep- resenting Love, and medallion on opposite side, signed Brotier. Companion. “Love’s Arrival..” Magnificent Carved Gold High-back Louis XVI. Chair. Beauvais tapestry seat and back. Antique Persian Rug. 130 2433 Exquisite Gold Decorated Porcelain Lamp. Deco- ration representing the bottom of the sea, with fish. Carved Teakwood Pedestal. Antique Cloisonné Panel. Real Bronze Group. Two figures. By E. Picault. Revolving Onyx Pedestal. Bronze Bust. Epoch Louis XV. Signed Nelson. Onyx and Sevres Panel Pedestal. Persian Rug. Size, 9.7 x 5.5. Royal Sévres Tea Set. Ten pieces and tray. Hand-painted Miniature on Ivory, in Plush and Gold Frame. Magnificent Clock, with hand-painted Vienna Panels and Dome on Top. Onyx and Bronze Mounted Pedestal. Arm Chair. Carved and Gilt French Walnut. Back and seat upholstered with red velvet em- broidered. Louis XV. period. Note.—This chair was purchased at Dureen’s at a cost of $550. 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 Magnificent Antique Capo di Monte Plaque. Alle- gorical subject. On the right hand corner is a crouching figure attending to a pot, in which incense is burning. Magnificent Rock Crystal Vase. Another. Boat. Another. Vase. Another. Round Vase. Exquisitely chased. Another. au Another. Pitcher shape, extra heavy. 2453 Another. 2454 Another. Companion. 2455 Another. Very large, magnificent cut, with bronze mounts. 2456 Another. Colored. 2457 Another, with ad justable stand and Egyptian deco- ration. Note.—This rock crystal is to be found only in one place in the United States, and that is at Tiffany & Co.’s. Is the most expensive crystal there is, pieces frequently costing thousands of dollars a piece. A single bowl was sold at Tiffany’s for $6,000. This is the first time in the history of New York that so many pieces have ever been offered at auction at one time. 2458 Cut Tiffany Glass Vase. 2459 Superb Royal Vienna Vase. Exquisite raised gold tracings. Signed Kogner. 2460 Another. Same artist. 2461 Blue Chinese Vase, 26 inches high. 2462 Exquisitely Decorated Royal Vienna Vase, with eight figures. Signed John. 2463 Royal Sévres Porcelain Jewel Casket. Blue ground, scenic paintings, seven figures. Signed Le Roy. 2464 Silk Persian Rug. Size, 1.11 x 3. i 2465 Very Fine Terra-cotta Bust. Peasant Girl. By Guilleman. 24660 Magnificent Cobalt Blue Porcelain Vase. Heavy Mercury. Gilt bronze mounts, revolving on its own base of onyx. 132 2474 2475 Onyx Three-pillar Pedestal. Hand-painted Porcelain Plaque. Signed Boden. Another. Girl and Dove. Superb Marble Bust. Primavera. Revolving Onyx and Ormolu Mounted Pedestal, with two Sévres hand-painted panels. Hand Carved Gold Recamier Seat. Exquisitely Gold Decorated Sévres Plaque. Signed Du Bois. Royal Vienna Blue Revolving Vase. Hand- painted bust. Signed, K. Gorner. Chinese Corean Incense Burner. Supported by three elephant heads, with marble top. Ex- quisitely chased handle of dragon. Note.—This is a very valuable piece. 2470 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 Superb Carved Ivory Sword. Royal Vienna Hand-painted Plaque. Telemach. Signed, Gorner. Gold Curio Cabinet, with crystal shelf and mirror back. Antique Persian Rug. Size, 5.914 x 4%. Magnificent Bengal Tiger Rug. Mounted. Kirman Rug. Size, 4.7 x 6.1. Sévres Revolving Vase. One of the grandest pieces in this city—in fact, in the country. The figures, of which there are ten, are equisitely hand painted, and represent a scene during Louis XV. period. The opposite side shows us a fountain within a colored circle, and a boat lying at anchor near the shore. The flowers are beautifully 133 2494 2495 2496 blended with exquisite coloring. The artist, G. Feechs, is world-renowned. The whole is surmounted on a gold-traced base, with Mercury gilt. Height, 57 inches. Royal Vienna Vase. Hand-painted figures. Signed Bilz. Royal Sevres Vase, with eleven figures. The Flower Dance. Exquisite raised gold tracings. Signed, Chas. Frechs. Revolving Onyx Pedestal. Limoges Enamel. Figure of warrior. Hand-painted Porcelain Plaque. ‘Ruth.’ Handsome Royal Sévres Antique Tea Set. Ten pieces, with tray. Exquisitely decorated. Signed Lucot. Capo di Monte Plaque. “Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden.” Another. ‘Birth of Christ.” Persian Silk Rug. Size, 4.1 x 3.7. Bronze Figure. “Asleep.” By Sorenringi, Paris, 1895. Magnificent Hand-painted Porcelain Plaque. “Seeking Love.’ Signed, Johner. In handsome carved gold frame. Blue Reticulated Vase. Ming, 15th Century. Pur- chased from T. B. Clark, Dark Blue Vase. Uyan period. Also from Mr. Clark. Louis XV. Pedestal of Inlaid Wood, with chased metal ornaments, with four carved bronze busts. Marble top. 134 2407 2498 2409 2500 Companion. Carrara Marble Figure. ‘Venus de Milo,” With wood base. Carrara Marble Group. “Reve de Gloire.” With wood base. Fine Kirman Rug. Size, 6.2% x 3.1134. BOOKS. Twenty-five Volumes. “Waverly” novels. Thirteen Volumes. Bulwer’s novels. Two Volumes. “Life of Thomas Carlyle.” Two Volumes. Brown’s works. Thirteen Volumes. Holmes’ works. Five Volumes. Macaulay’s “History of England.” Six Volumes. Miss Ferrier’s novels. Sixteen Volumes. Prescott’s works. Four Volumes. Scheller’s works. Seventeen Volumes. Poetical works, assorted. Ten Volumes. Mrs. Jameson’s works. Two Volumes. Glenaverill works. Thirty-five Volumes. Poetical works, assorted. Twenty-one Volumes. “Shorter Stories.” By Bal- zac. Eighteen Volumes. Assorted. Six Volumes. Hallam’s works. Twelve Volumes. Irving’s works. Ten Volumes. Mark Twain’s works. 135 Two Volumes. Carlyle’s works. Eleven Volumes. Assorted. Thirty-two Volumes. Cooper’s novels. Eight Volumes. Knight’s “History of England.” Eight Volumes. Milman’s works. Two Volumes. ‘Memoirs of Baron Bunsen.” Four Volumes. ‘‘Memoirs of Napoleon.” Two Volumes. Woolsey’s works. Six Volumes. Gibbon’s “Roman Empire.” Four Volumes. Colton’s works. Ten Volumes. Assorted. Six Volumes. Appleton’s “Cyclopedia of Ameri- can Biography.” Four Volumes. Selections of Poetry and Prose. Three Volumes. Gibbon’s “Roman Empire.” Four Volumes. Carlyle’s Essays. Four Volumes. The Percy Anecdotes. Three Volumes. Ingraham’s works. Twelve Volumes. Bulwer’s novels. Two Volumes. French fiction of to-day. Thirty Volumes. Dumas’ works. Three Volumes. “American Men of Letters.” Three Volumes. British Orations. Two Volumes. Hawthorne’s works. Seven Volumes. Assorted. Twenty-two Volumes. “Leisure Hour Series.” 136 Eight Volumes. Guizot’s “History of France.” Five Volumes. Jerrold’s works. Ten Volumes. Bancroft’s “History of the United States Six Volumes. “The Riverside Shakespeare.” Thirteen Volumes. Tolstoi’s works. Twelve Volumes. Assorted. Five Volumes. Victor Hugo’s works. Fifteen Volumes. Chas. Dickens’ works. Thirty-two Volumes. Assorted. Forty-one Volumes. Assorted. Twenty-eight Volumes. Assorted. Baby Grand Steinway & Sons Piano. Gold Piano Stool. Upholstered Top in silk bro- cade. Magnificent Chased Real Bronze Piano Lamp. Glass globe and fringe. Superb Louis XV. Drawing-room suit. Three pieces. Superb Louis XV. Drawing-room Suit. Three pieces. Sofa, arm and side chair. Upholstered in Aubosson figured silk tapestry, with slip covers. Mahogany Upholstered Divan in Green Damask. Another. Silk Persian Rug. Silk Persian Rug. Mahogany and Satin Upholstered Armchair. Proof Etching. Antique Blue and White Plaque. 137 2572 2573 Magnificent Royal Sévres Vase. Hand-painted decorations. Signed Lucat. Revolving on its own base. Magnificent French Savonnérie Rug. Copy of the Albert Goupil Rug, valued at $15,000. This rug cost $2,000. Size, 9.6 x 6.6. Large Kirman Palace Rug, with cream predomi- nating. Design is accurately carried out. About 1WAASE 1, Revolving Royal Sévres Vase. Signed Soustre. Verdi Green Marble Pedestal. Pair of Powder Blue Porcelain Jars, with heavy real Louis XV. mounts. Handsome Antique Louis XIV. Clock, with figure of “Time” in real bronze. Pair of Empire Candelabra, 38 inches high, of pure bronze. Women holding clusters of six lights in gilt bronze. On bronze base, with gilt orna- naments. Bronze Vase. By P. Regnal. Waves and mer- maids in relief. Edison Phonograph on Oak Cabinet. Fine Bronze Figure. “Departure of Mercury.” By Sudre, Paris. Green Marble Pedestal. Exquisitely Painted Royal Sévres Vase. Blue ground and gold tracings. Paintings signed Heno. Another. Antique Persian Rug. Size, about 7 x 4. Bronze Bust. “La Cigale.” By Moreau. 138 2587 Persian Hall Rug. Size, about 3 x 16.9. 2588 Another. Size, about 3 x 15. 2589 Another. Size, about 3.4 x 18. 2590 Carrara Marble Figure. “The French Girl.” Signed B. Obilos. 2591 Revolving Marble Pedestal. 2592 Benares Bronze Plaque. 2593 Two Blue and White Nankin Eliza long Vases, with lids; 1614 inches in height. 2594 Superb Blue Hawthorne, 12 inches high, with Teakwood stand. 2595 Hawthorne Vase, with Cover. 2596 Blue and White Nankin Vase. Group of Chinese Figures as is. 2597 Blue Chinese Vase, with silver top. Called the Dana Bottle. Note.—Mr. Dana is said to have paid $1,250 for this bottle. 2598 Handsome Antique Writing Desk. Inlaid with ivory, silver and pearl on sandal wood. 2599 Magnificent Royal Vienna Vase. Hand-painted figure. Signed Berner. 2600 Another. Companion. 2601 ‘Two Choice Royal Vienna and Cobalt Blue Vases and Covers, with superb hand paintings. Signed Messauer. 2602 Collection of Gold, Silver, Platinum and Bronze Medals. Purchased by Mr. Tewksbury from a collector in Paris, and consists of about ninety- five medals. Some of the medals are made in the most exquisite manner. This might be said 139 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2010 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 of medal No. 217, Spain’s Star of the Grand Cross, Order of Charles III.; also of No. 72 and No. 22, a Mexican medal. Note.—These medals represent gifts given by the differ- ent heads of nations to generals, sculptors, painters and other orders. This collection is considered one of the most valuable in the United States. Magnificent Carved Ivory Group. Representing a Chinese god with the worshippers, and placed at the trunk of a tree bags of gold. Upholstered Arm Chair in Red Silk Damask. Five Pair Real Brussels Lace Curtains. Brass Hammered Umbrella Stand. Camel’s Hair Rug. Size, 4x 4. Tiffany Crystal Ball Clock. Mounted on real bronze figure of eagle, and bronze base. Magnificent Real Bronze Regulator Clock, with Cambridge and Westminster Chimes on Bells richly chased. Inlaid Combination Desk and Chiffonier. Carrara Marble Figure. “The Temptation of Eve.” By C. T. Angellnif. Large Silk Mohair Rug. Royal Sévres and Ormolu Mounted Card Receiver. Inlaid Marqueterie Two-shelf Table, with drawer. Box Containing Twenty-five Water Colors. By Celebrated American and foreign artists. Fine Mahogany Arm Chair. Upholstered in Satin. Magnificent Roman Real Bronze Chandelier, with forty-eight lamps, together with four side lights of nine lights each. 140 Note.—This set cost Mr. Tewksbury $15,000, and is considered one of the finest sets in America. 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 26031 2632 2033 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 Pair of Tapestry Draperies at Window. Pair of Satin Draperies. Another Pair. : Two Pairs at Mirror and Mantle. Venetian Bronze Hanging Lantern at Window. Fine Scotch Axminister Carpet Rug. Size, about Electric Desk Lamp in Bronze. Mahogany Writing Desk. Cloth Top. Magnificent Set of Twenty-five ““Encyclopedia Britannica” in Embossed Leather Binding. Arrus Flemish Tapestry. Size, 9.21%4 x 8.1%. Leaves and animal decoration. Another, with border. Size, 8.1 x 15.4. Magnificent Tubular Chime Clock in White Ma- hogany Case. Made by Theo. B. Starr. Pair of Fine Gold Satin Portiéres. Very large. Another Fair. Another Pair. Double. Tapestry Panel. “The Falkner.” Roman Hanging Lamp, with Electric Attachment. Bronze mountings. Antique Persian Rug. Size, 6.6% x 4.4. ‘Painting cn Porcelain. Oval frame. Pair of Gold Satin Draperies, lined with velvet. Yards of Carpet. From third to first Hall. IAT Mahognay Arm Chair. Wood Seat. 2640 Ormolu Electric Light. 2641 Vernis Martin Hanging Corner Cabinet. Hand- painted panel. 2642 Magnificent Gold Inlaid Jardiniére, with four handles. 2643 Fine Round-top White Carrara Marble Table. 2644 Superb Bronze Figure. Electrolier. 2045 Revolving Marble Pedestal. 2646 Four Glass-beaded Shades. 2647 Tiffany Glass and Bronze Mounted Vase. 2648 Very Fine Mounted Grizzly Bear Rug. 2649 Magnificent Electrolier of Bronze. Girl carrying a vase containing lilies, of eight lights, with silk shades. 2650 Teakwood Pedestal. Marble top. 2651 Owari Vase, with birds, flowers, fruit and land- scape decoration. Adjustable top. 2652 Inlaid Wood and Pearl Taborette. 2653 Magnificent Cloisonné Vase on Copper, with Eagle and flower decoration; 56 inches high. 2654 Carved Teakwood Taborette., 2655 Superb Cloisonné Vase. Flower decoration; 53 inches high. 2656 Low Cartara Marble Pedestal. 2657 Bronze Figure. Indian Canoe. By Duchoiselli. Note.—-This perhaps is cne of the best-known bronzes in this city. After receiving a first medal in the Salon at Paris, it was brought to New York by Tiffany & Co., and 142 exhibited in their window for many months. The press took it up, and a great many people visited Tiffany’s to view this work of art. I am not exaggerating when I say this piece of bronze is one of the most beautifully modeled works of art. The conception itself is good. This noble son ot the Western hemisphere, earning his existence through the keenness of his extremely sensitive nature. It can be readily seen by his poisure that he has seen some living object that is soon to be his. In the back of canoe can be seen a fox and crane that he has skill- fully tied to his anchor rope. In becoming the owner of this work of art Mr. Tewskbury again displayed his master mind. Price had no object. In the preparation of bronze great care has to be taken to prevent the tin used in its production to be burned away or wasted during the fusion of the mixed metals in the furnace. As little air as possible is admitted, as otherwise the metal would oxidize and the alloy becomes deteriorated. Bronze, when well made, with the exception of gold, platinum and rare metals, is the most durable metallic material known, and its extreme hardness renders it difficult for time to effect. Thus it will be appreciated that the production of perfect bronze is really seen. 2658 Double Table, with Mercury Gilt Mountings. 2659 Green Porcelain Jardiniere. 2660 Another. 206% Palm lree: 2662 Palm Tree 2663 Blue and White Jardiniére. 2664 Another. 2665 Palm Tree. 2666 Another. 2667 Two Magnificent Corean Antique Bronze Vases. Standing 37 inches high. They are very rare and 143 valuable. It would be very hard to find another pair as large. 2668 Teakwood Taborette. 2669 Another. Handsomely carved. 2670 Carrara Marble Roman Couch, with hair-top up- holstered mattress and head rest. 2671 Superb Decorated Choisy Le Roi Jardiniére, with Artificial Plant. 2672 Carved Teakwood Pedestal. 2673 Roman Column and Ball Clock. Surmounted with two bronze Cupids. Note.—This clock was purchased abroad and landed here at a cost of $3,000. 2674 Cobalt Blue Royal Sévres Plate. 2675 Another. Signed, Ferol. 2676 Another. 2677 Another. 2678 Another, with magnificent decorated border. 2679 Fine Lacquered Box, with hand-painted top. 2680 Copper Jardiniére. Antique. 2681 Persian Hall Rug. Size, 12 x 3. 2682 Eight-Gong Tubular Dinner Gong. 2683 Persian Silk Rug. Size, 5.5 x 3.10. 2684 Bronze Plaque, with spear and tassels. 2685 Moorish Crescent Electric Fixture of Five Lights. 2686 One Handsome Electric and Gas Fixture. 2687 Another. 2688 Another. 2089 Another. Note.—These fixtures could be readily used as a hall light in a private residence. It is safe to say that there are no others like them in this city. . 2690 Magnificent Dome Electric Light of Real Bronze, Hammered. Note.—The centre light is valued at $5,000. 2691 Painting ona Mirror. “Cleopatra.” Size, Note—This plate is to be reserved at the sole risk of the purchaser. 2692 Twelve Murial Decorations in Dome. Represent- ing twelve months in the year. Note.—The mirror and these three panels were painted by Louis Schoettle, 1897, and to whom Mr. Tewksbury paid $5,000 for the work. 2693 Real Bronze Figure Fountain. “Boy.” Sculp- tured. Arm. U. Tuhydypir. 2694 Pair of Gray Silk Plush Draperies. 2695 Another Pair. 2696 ' Another Pair. 2697. Pair Magnificent Red Silk Velvet Portiéres. 2698 Pair Magnificent Red Silk Velvet Portieres. Double. 2699 Gobelin Tapestry, 16th Century. Note.—A full description of this tapestry will be found in the house. 2700 Pair of Uncut Velvet Draperies. 2701 Crystal Electric Chandelier. 2702 Two Electric Standards. = 2703 Pair of Tapestry Portiéres. 145 Another Pair. Small. Stone Jardiniére. Pedestal and palm. Granite Pedestal and Jardiniére and Palm. Pair Green Silk Velvet Portiéres. Magnificent Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Benares Brass Hanging Lantern. Two Handsome Hall Lights. Pair of Handsome Elk Horns. Another. Pair of Mounted Goat Horns. Pair of Antlers of Five Prongs. Pair of South American Goat Horns. Another. Magnificent Carrara Marble Figures. “Whisper- ings of Love.” With marble pedestal. Note.—This is one of the most perfect pieces of marble that was ever imported. Not a single blemish can be found in the marble. 2718 Pair of Handsome Bronze Gates.