1924 | | | Aug. 24 — Sret Abed i) _ NeWa | 3 te ale y | As (te OC, m Aug. 7, 1924 No. 335 Sale Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1924 FIREARMS AND EDGED WEAPONS :: BOOKS ON FIREARMS A WESTERN COLLECTION Nearly Every Piece in Collector’s Condition TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Tuesday Afternoon, August 12, 1924 AT 2 O’CLOCK THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 Walter S. Scott, Auctioneer | MNT, 1Q View from August 7, 1924 No. 335 Sale Tues. Aft., August 12, 1924 FIREARMS AND EDGED WEAPONS BOOKS ON FIREARMS A WESTERN COLLECTION Nearly Every Piece in Collector’s Condition and Fully Illustrated Over fifty of the finest Carbines ever offered, including the Gallagher, Star, Evans, Perry, Palmer, Springfield with .69-calibre rifled barrel, Sharps with genuine tape-lock; the rarest Western Carbine, the Lee; Att Merat Pisrors Plant Cup Primer Revolver with steel frame, Reid Pocket Revolver; the scarce Hopkins & Allen; Sword Cane; Sheath Trigger Percussion Revolver; the Remington carried by Gen. Dodge, the builder of the Union Pacific Railway; Colt Dragoon; Savage with North’s Patent; Pair of Thone Due'ling Pistols; Smith Pocket Revolver in Brass; Deringer Cartridge Revolver; the Harrington & Richardson, the rare fore-runner of the Automatic; Persian Trophy, consisting of Helmet, Shield, Mace, ete. Desirable books by Sawyer, Farrow, Norton, Gould, the Lowell Catalogue, etc.; Auction Sale Catalogues Rare Ammunition; Reloading Tools, Bullet Moulds, Arrow Heads; Chinese Sword; Malay Kris TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Tuesday Afternoon, August 12 ,1924 AT 2 O'CLOCK [Ror arp ay THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer - ra aN wt a 7 ’ ‘alee {57D AS 4 a C a AS epee a rahe emtnren res cat Hepat: 1 op ae aor ng t= » é hae REE TEE ie —— ey eee | eee ree eee Conditions of Sale 1. ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment. as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names nd addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. GoopS BOUGHT TO BE REMOVED AFTER 9:30 O’CLOCK THE DAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE SALE.. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the: purchaser-and these Galleries will not be responsible. if such goods are _ lost,. stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o'clock on the day following - the sale. 5. Terms Casu. If accounts are not paid when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such re-sale will be charged to-the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect: tse amount due without such re-sale at its own option. 6. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. ts The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will sored Surchneke at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $2.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES. LENoRE YOUNG TURNBULL -12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. Water S. Scott IMPORTANT DIVISIONS Carbines Shot-Guns ‘ ; A Muskets ‘ + ‘ A ‘ ‘ Sporting Rifles . ‘ ‘ : Flintlock Pistols . ; ‘ , ‘ Percussion Single Shot Pistols Single Shot Cartridge Pistols, Deringers, etc. Double Barrel Percussion Pistols Double Barrel Pin Fire Pistols Double Barrel Cartridge Pistols Sharps Four-Shot Pistols Percussion Pepperboxes ‘ Cartridge Pepperboxes Pinfire Pepperboxes Pinfire Revolvers ; - é 4 ’ > Cup Primer Revolvers Palm Revolver 5 F ‘ 2 Percussion Pocket Revolvers Navy & Army Percussion Revolvers Percussion Altered to Metallic Cartridge Pocket Revolvers for Metallic Cartridge Sword Cane ; Large Metallic Cartridge Revolvers Persian Trophy, Pistols, ete. Holsters, Guncases and Ammunition Powder Flasks P P M ss g * ; Bullet Moulds ; : : ; : . : Books by Sawyer, Gould Norton, ete. Edged Weapons, Arrow Heads, etc. , 3 - 2 Nos. 1— 64 65— 72 73— 82 83— 91 92—105 106—137 138—142 143—153 154 155—156 157—160 161—166 167—170 171 172—178 179181 182, 183—210 211—232 233239 240—271 272. 274287 287a-287h 288—304. 305—314. 315—335 336—354. 359—392 A WESTERN COLLECTION PISTOLS, GUNS, CARBINES EDGED WEAPONS THE FIREARMS IN UNUSUALLY FINE CONDITION Under these circumstances we have not felt it necessary to repeat this continually, (but have mainly contented ourselves in pointing out defects where they do occa- sionally occur), although the really fine condition of the material has called for such expression many times, CARBINES 1. GALLAGHER PERCUSSION CARBINE. .52 Cal. 5°O 22 inch barrel, patch-box, made by Richards & Overman, Y) —._—- Philadelphia; blued finish, very fine. 1860. 2. GALLAGHER CARBINE. if Same model as preceding, in good working order. 3. GALLAGHER METALLIC CARTRIDGE CARBINE. Made by same firm as No. 1, but for .56 calibre rim fire rs 73 cartridge. Barrel slides forward and tips up for loading. VEry "== FINE CONDITION, ABOUT NEW. BLueEp. 1860. 4. GALLAGHER CARBINE. As preceding, in working order, but not as good appearance 4 _as No. 3. Browned barrel. | a 5. STARR PERCUSSION BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. 2 Pp ey Made by Starr Arms Co., Yonkers, N. Y., 21 inch round ‘4-——~ barrel, about .52 calibre, brass butt plate and barrel band, fine condition. 1856. 6. STARR CARBINE. > 4A Y As preceding, and nearly as good. 7. U.S. FLINT LOCK RIFLE. Made by H. & J. D. Johnson, Middletown, Conn., in 1825, 25 D2 vA inch round barrel, 2 bands with sling swivel on front band, | ease hardened lock, ramrod and bands brightly burnished, barrel and other trimmings browned: patch box contains wormer, screw driver and lead flap for holding flint. A BEAUTIFUL PIECE, VERY FINE. (Illustrated, Plate 1) 8. EVANS REPEATING CARBINE. L. 41 in. Made by the Evans Repeating Rifle Co., Mechanic Falls, Maine. This is the first model and differs in many respects we ey, from the second model of 1874. 26 shots, contained in magazine in butt stock and fed forward by a spiral screw, .44 calibre center fire, using a cartridge with 28 grains of powder and 215 vrain bullet. This 1872 Model i is ane scarce and seldom found, is a fine specimen, with most of factory finish. (Illustrated, Plate 1) 9. EVANS CARBINE, SECOND MODEL OF 1874. L, 41 in. Made by Evans Co. as No. 8, 26 shots, .44 calibre center fire, Hs 9? using 42 grains of powder ain 280 grain bullet, 22 inch round Barrel. Te model is a much latper and heavier piece than No. 8. In fine condition, with most of factory finish. (Illustrated, Plate 1) 10. KRAG-JORGENSEN U. S. ARMY CARBINE. L. 41 in. /- D Made at the Sheree Armory, .30 calibre, model of 1899, very good condition. ‘(Ilustrated, Plate 1) 1]. PEABODY CARBINE. : Res, ; Made by the Providence Tool Co., Providence, R. I., °.50 eo calibre rim fire, 20 inch barrel, in Sud working alist Date 1862. 18. Jo 19. /22 SHARPS & HANKINS ARMY MODEL CARBINE. Made by the Sharps & Hankins Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 24 inch barrel, .56 calibre rim fire. This is the scarce army model with uncased barrel and blued frame, fine condition. Date. 1859. SMITH BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by Poultney & Trimble, Baltimore, Md., about .50 cali- bre, 22 inch half octagon barrel, blued and case hardened finish, about new condition. GIBBS BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by William Brooks, N. Y. 22 inch round barrel that slides forward and tips up for loading, about .50 calibre, nice clean condition. JOSLYN METALLIC CARTRIDGE CARBINE. 3 Made by Joslyn Fire Arms Co., Stonington, Conn., 1864. Butt plate marked U.S. This takes a rim fire .56 calibre cartridge. IN NEW, SUPERB BLUED CONDITION. JOSLYN CARBINE. AS PRECEDING. In good working order, when cleaned will be a desirable specimen. SPRINGFIELD PERCUSSION MUSKETOON. Made at the Springfield Armory in 1853, 26 inch barrel, .69 - calibre RIFLED, brass mounted, ramrod attached by chain, carry- ing swivel attached to long side bar, in very fine polished condi- tion. Note, that this is the 69 calibre WITH RIFLED BARREL, ONLY A FEW SPECIMENS KNOWN. (Illustrated, Plate 1) SPRINGFIELD BREECH-LOADING CARBINE, MODEL 1870. .50 calibre, center fire, fine condition, about new. This model is not easily obtainable. LINDNER BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE, ~ Marked Edward Lindner’s Patent, March 29, 1859, 20 inch round barrel, .58 calibre, about new condition. 19A. SPRINGFIELD CARBINE. je Made at the Springfield Armory, .45-.70 calibre, Model of 1873; good order with most of factory finish. . (Illustrated, Plate 1) 8 20. PERRY BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by The H. D. Parry Patent Arms Co., at Newark, N. J., vA before the Civil War, 20 inch round barrel, .52 calibre, swinging i _ breech actuated by the trigger guard, automatic capping tube in butt stock for placing percussion caps on nipple, browned barrel, other metal parts blued and case-hardened, fine curly walnut stock. A VERY BEAUTIFUL PIECE IN NEW CONDITION. (IHustrated, Plate 1) BALLARD CARBINE. vs Made by Ball & Williams, Worcester, Mass. 22 inch half- octagon barrel, .44 calibre rim fire, good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 2) i) pommel. 22. SHARPS CARBINE. SO .50-.70 metallic center fire cartridge, iron patch box; fine, new _ blued condition. Dated 1852. 23. MAYNARD CARBINE. be Made by the Massachusetts Arms Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., Vi © — 20 inch uncased barrel, .50 calibre metallic cartridge fired by eo percussion cap, new condtiion. _ Dated 1851-59. 24. SPENCER REPEATING CARBINE. Made by the Spencer Repeating Arms Co., Boston, Mass. 7 $°© shots, carried in butt stock, .56 calibre, elevating rear sight. —— This specimen is the first model, made without cut-off to maga- zine, in fair working order. 25. SPENCER CARBINE. Similar to preceding, but with Stabler’s Patent cut-off to mag- azine, so the piece can be used either as a single shot or repeater. i Elevating adjustable rear sight. BEAUTIFUL NEW CONDITION, SELDOM FOUND AS FINE. 26. MERRILL PERCUSSION BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. Made by J. H. Merrill, Baltimore, Md., 20 inch round barrel, A brass mounted, about .50 calibre, nice, clean condition. Dated 1860-61. 27. SPRINGFIELD PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made at the Springfield Arsenal in 1855, 22 inch round barrel, - .04 calibre, half length stock, swivel ramrod, sling ring attached 49 to rear of trigger guard, FINK POLISHED CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 2) 28. HALL BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. | Made by S. North, Middletown, Conn., in 1847, 21 inch bar- rel, 52. calibre, side lever action to breech block, case hardened t/ and brown finish, ramrod. IN NEW CONDITION, THE FINEST ONE THAT HAS EVER PASSED THROUGH OUR HANDS. : (Illustrated, Plate 2) 29. SHARPS PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by the Sharps Rifle Co., Hartford, Conn. .52 calibre, £ with Maynard’s tape lock and long overhanging hammer, brass butt plate and patch box, good clean order. Note, that while Sharps percussion carbines are generally referred to as. “tape lock,” nearly all of them are fitted with Lawrence’s Patent primer lock, while this specimen has the real tape lock, which is seldom found. Dated 1845. (Illustrated, Plate 2) 30.. LEE CARBINE. . | ’ Made by the Lee Firearms Co., Milwaukee, Wis., under Patent y eee of July 27, 1862. 2114-inch barrel that swings side-ways and is /) / — locked in place by projection on hammer, .44 calibre, rim fire, uncased. The Lee is said to be the only Civil War carbine made in the West. As far as known, there are very few in existence, and this is the second specimen to be offered at public auction. (Illustrated, Plate 2) 31. WARNER CARBINE. Made by James Warner, Worcester, Mass., 20 inch round Vibe J*© harrel, .50 calibre rim fire, brass breech action and butt plate, ——~ IN FINE CONDITION. 50 C RF on bbl. (Illustrated, Plate 2) 32. WARNER CARBINE. / Same as preceding, and nearly as good but stock weak at grip. 33. BURNSIDE PERCUSSION CARBINE. | en Made by the Burnside Rifle Co., Providence, R. I. This is ye the 1864 Model with jointed breech-block, blued and case-hard- ened finish, in VERY’ FINE CONDITION. ~ 11 34. LS) JIS ¥ 35. va 36. 38. 6° 39. COSMOPOLITAN CARBINE. -. Made in 1862 by Gwyn & Campbell, Hamilton, O. 19 inch part octagon barrel, uneased, .52 calibre; elevating rear sight; brand new condition, ‘seldom found as fine. PALMER CARBINE. Made by E. G. Lamson & Co., Winsdor, Vt. 20 inch barrel, .56 calibre rim fire. The Palmer was one of the first bolt action guns to be used by the U. S. Government of very light weight. A few of them were used in the Civil War and are now very scarce. THIS SPECIMEN IS PRACTICALLY NEW AND IS A VERY CHOICE PIECE IN EVERY RESPECT. (Illustrated, Plate 2) SHARPS PERCUSSION CARBINE. Marked New Model 1863. It is in new condition and the collector who sees ordinarily the rusty, battered Sharps, will appreciate this one. PERRY BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by the Perry Patent Arms Co., Newark, N. Y. 22-inch barrel, .52 calibre. This particular specimen is noteworthy in that it is built without the automatic re-capping device, which is usually considered to be inseparable from the Perry system arms. THIS MAKES IT ONE OF THE RAREST AND MOST SOUGHT FOR OF ARMS MADE BEFORE THE Civit War. (Illustrated, Plate 2) JENKS BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. Made by the Remington factory, Herkimer, N. Y., in 1847. .50 calibre, side swing hammer, tape lock attachment, brown barrel, brass mountings, nearly full stock. ExTRA FINE CONDI- TION. Practically new. (Illustrated, Plate 3) TRIPLETT & SCOTT REPEATING CARBINE. Made by the Meriden Mfg. Co., Meriden, Conn. 22 inch bar- action is operated by rotating the barrel around a pivot mounted on side of breech. In fine, new blued condition. 4°O rel, .56 calibre rim fire, 7 shots, tubular magazine in butt stock, Ve | Somes. i) j H (Illustrated, Plate 3) 12 40. SHARPS PERCUSSION CARBINE. } / Made at Hartford, Conn. An extra scarce model with slanting breech-block and long bar running from breech to first barrel band for holding swivel ring and brass patch box. Sometimes called the “John Brown Sharps.” Fine polished condition. 1852. (Illustrated, Plate 3) 4]. ROBERTS METALLIC CARTRIDGE CARBINE. Made under the Roberts Patent of June 11, 1867. 22-inch J, / round barrel, .58 calibre center fire. As far as known, this is ‘ only the second specimen offered for sale in many years. In cleaned condition. (Illustrated, Plate 3) 42. CONFEDERATE PERCUSSION CARBINE. | Made at Richmond, Virginia, in 1863, 25-inch barrel, .58 yy 4-0 calibre. Three-quarter stock with brass tip. This arm is in fine order, by far the best specimen that has passed through our hands, (Illustrated, Plate 3) JOSLYN. PERCUSSION BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. Made by A. H. Waters & Co., Milbury, Mass., under the Joslyn Le Patent of Aug. 23, 1855. Uses a paper cartridge of about .56 9 Cages calibre, brass putt nae. trigger guard and barrel band. 20-inch barrel. It is in fine order. (Illustrated, Plate 3) 44. CONFEDERATE BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by the S. C. Robinson Arms Manufactory, Richmond, | if yf, Virginia, in 1862. Sometimes called the Confederate Sharps, as it is made on the Sharps principle. 2114-inch barrel, about .56 calibre, brass butt plate. This specimen is in extra good, clean condition, and rare in such fine shape. (Illustrated, Plate 3) 45. MORSE CONFEDERATE CARBINE. | Made during the Civil War at Atlanta, Georgia. 20-inch bar- | Lf. O rel, .50 calibre, brass butt plate and action receiver, steel clean- ing rod under the barrel, The action is somewhat similar to the Merrill. Tue Morse 1S ONE OF THE RAREST CONFEDERATE ARMS and this specimen is the best that has passed through our hands. (Illustrated, Plate 3) 14 46. HOTCHKISS REPEATING CARBINE. ay Made by the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., for the Govern- i), i, ment, marked U. S. Eagle Head and V. P. .45-.70 calibre. Model iis of 1882. A bolt action arm, with magazine in butt stock. Made under the Hotchkiss Patents. Blued finish, almost factory new. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 47. BALL REPEATING CARBINE. Made by the E. G. Lamson Co., Windsor, Vermont. Albert o = Ball’s Patent of 1863 and 1864. 21-inch barrel, .56 calibre rim fire. Three-quarter stock and cleaning rod. Blue and case hardened finish. VERY FINE. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 48. WHITNEY CARBINE. Made at the Whitneyville Armory under the Laidley Patent. Sf 20-inch barrel, .45-.70 calibre. Externally, this arm is somewhat similar to the Remington. Fine condition, nearly new and the only specimen offered for sale in many years, AS THEY ARE VERY RARE. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 49. JOSLYN BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. Made by the Joslyn Fire Arms Co., Stonington, Conn., for Ke metallic cartridges, under the Joslyn Patents of 1861 and 1862. This pattern differs considerably from the later Model of 1864. Brass butt plate, trigger guard and barrel band. A very scarce specimen in fine blued condition. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 50. COLT REVOLVING PERCUSSION CARBINE. Made by Colt at Hartford, Conn. 21-inch barrel, 5 shots, .54 40° calibre, brass butt plates and trigger guard. IN ExTRA FINE, coe NEARLY NEW BLUED CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 4) sl. JENKS PERCUSSION BREECH-LOADING NAVY CARBINE. Made by N. P. Ames, Springfield, Mass., in 1846. Side swing- we yD ing hammer, regular cap lock instead of tape lock, brass mount- Ly — ings, browned barrel, nearly full stock, fine condition. 92. WARD-BURTON CARBINE. Made at the Springfield Armory in 1871. 22-inch barrel, .50- oA .70 calibre bolt action, elevating rear sight. A very scarce car- bine in fine order. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 16 53. REMINGTON CARBINE. Made at the Remington Armory, Ilion, N. Y., for the U. 8. — the hammer works in a recess of the breech-block. Vi /°O Army, Civil War period. Known as the “Split-Breech” type as A RARE GUN, nearly new blued condition. (Illustrated, Plate 4) o4. SHARPS & HANKINS NAVY CARBINE. 24-inch barrel that slides forward on the frame for loading. Ki 3 che Barrel is covered with leather for Navy use, in which respect | J it differs from the Army model. Case hardened, breech action, fine order. Dated 1859. aoe 55. WINCHESTER REPEATING CARBINE. Made by the Winchester Co., New Haven, Conn. Model of 1876, also called the Centennial Model. .45 calibre, 75 grains of powder, 375 grain bullet. Magazine is under the barrel and is covered with a full-length fore-stock. A box of cartridges accompanies the gun. As far as known, this is the first specimen offered for sale in many years, in good working order. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 56. REMINGTON CARBINE. _ Made at the Remington Works, Ilion, N. Y. 22-inch barrel, 4; 712 .00 calibre center fire. In beautiful condition and almost fac- tory new. 57. SHARPS METALLIC CARTRIDGE CARBINE. .57-.70 calibre. The mechanism differs from the regular models in that the 4570 firing pin is near center of breech block and extractor is in — shape of a semi-circle in the bottom of the barrel chamber. The only one of the kind that has passed through our sales.. In new blued condition. Date 1862. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 58. GREENE CARBINE. Made by the Green Rifle Works, Worcester, Mass., under i Patent of 1864. 20-inch round barrel, .56 calibre rim fire, brass butt plate, receiver and breech-block. The mechanism is quite similar to that in the Warner carbine. This gun is clean and ; bright. a (Illustrated, Plate 5) 18 59. COLT PERCUSSION REVOLVING CARBINE. Made at Hartford. 5 shots, fluted cylinder, 24-inch barrel, 4 / wood fore-stock reaching nearly full length of barrel, brass tip at forward end and held in place by 2 bands. In nice working order, with ramrod. THIS IS ONE OF THE VERY SCARCEST REVOLVING ARMS MADE BY CoLt, MUCH RARER EVEN THAN THE Parerson-Coit. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 60. BURNSIDE EARLY MODEL BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. yO Made by the Burnside Rifle Co., Providence, R. I. 21-inch A _— barrel, about .56 calibre. This model has the one-piece un- jointed breech block instead of the two-piece action of the later models. Very few collections contain a specimen of this carbine. Fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 61. HALL BREECH LOADING PERCUSSION CARBINE. pg. / Made by S. North, Middletown, Conn., in 1840. 21-inch bar- rel, .54 calibre. Has the “Fish Tail” lever action on under side of stock in front of trigger guard. Brown and blued finish, in new condition, slightly marred by handling. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 62. REMINGTON-KEENE REPEATING CARBINE. / 3 Made by Remington & Sons, Ilion, N. Y. 24-inch round bar- rel, .45-.70 caliber, center fire, bolt action, tubular magazine under barrel; fine blued condition. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 63. U.S. SPRINGFIELD CARBINE. 5-0 Marked Model of 1884, .45-.70 calibre, good condition, most of: ‘_— of factory blued finish. 64. HENRY REPEATING CARBINE. .44 calibre, rim fire. This is a very scarce model that bridges over the gap between a 7 the Civil War Henry and the later Winchester Model of 1860. It has the general characteristics of the latter arm, but differs as follows: It has different butt plate and rear sight; hammer has only one cocking notch; barrel is stamped with Patent dates, but is not marked with the Winchester Co.’3 name (so was made before the existence of that company). In good order “7 - with bright yellow brass frame. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 19 SHOT GUNS 65. COLT REVOLVING SHOT GUN. be 4 9 shots, side hammer, fluted cylinder, 30-inch barrel, good working order, browned finish, ramrod, and curly walnut stock. (Illustrated, Plate 10, Page 26) 66. AUCTION SALE CATALOGUES OF FIREARMS AND EDGED WEAPONS. SCHOTT; STEINER; AUSTIN (ANCIENT) REID A (PRE-HISTORIC), ETC. Thirty-nine auction sales catalogues of firearms and weapons from 1912 to the present time, including the large sales that have taken place during that period. The many thousands of illustrations and descriptions in these books make them inval- uable to collectors as works of reference, sold as a lot. Some priced. (39) 67. MUZZLE-LOADING DOUBLE-BARREL SHOT GUN. /3 Made by Richards, Lond. Twist barrels, 34 inches long, 12 ‘O gauge, in fine condition, but one lock needs repairs. (Illustrated, Plate 6) 68. DOUBLE-BARREL MUZZLE-LOADING SHOT GUN. Made by R. Chaplain, London. Twist barrels, 3414 inches Nghe long, 12 gauge, chiselled lock, in fine condition, with checkered grip. (Illustrated, Plate 6) 69. ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARREL SHOT GUN, MUZZLE LOADING. / Made by Henry Sears, London. 33-inch twist barrels, 12 gauge, fair condition, with ramrod. (Illustrated, Plate 6) 70. BREECH-LOADING DOUBLE-BARREL SHOT GUN. Made by L. C. Smith. 2714-inch brown twist barrels; check- 4°O ut pistol grip; 12 gauge; fair condition. aa _ (Illustrated, Plate 6) 71. ROPER REPEATING SHOT GUN. : Made by Roper Repeating Rifle Co., Amherst, Mass. 12 gauge, bm shots. Butt stock missing and spring needed in action, other- wise complete and well worth restoring. 21° 72. ZULU SINGLE-BARREL SHOT GUN. 31-inch barrel, 12 gauge for paper or brass shells, center fire. ~ An alteration from a French Tabiaterre military rifle to a shot d y) gun and was a popular sporting gun of 40 or 50 years ago, BUT IS NOW VERY SELDOM SEEN. Mark: M’fre Ip’'le. (Illustrated, Plate 6) MUSKETS 73. FLINT-LOCK MUSKET, about .75 calibre. L. 60 ins. Barrel 44 inches long, brass trigger guard and butt plate, y / barrel fastened to stock with pins, huge comb on stock, very fair condition for such an old piece. (Illustrated, Plate 7) 74. HALL BREECH-LOADING PERCUSSION RIFLE MUSKET. a Made at Harpers Ferry in 1834, 30-inch barrel, .52 calibre. Ramrod missing, otherwise good. 75. PERCUSSION MUSKET. Entire L. 57 in. Lock plate marked Harpers Ferry, 1854. .69 calibre rifled. 3, Used in Civil War by J. W. Edenburn, 21st [linois: Infantry. See No. 84 for a hunting riflle owned by the same man. Ge (Illustrated, Plate 7) 22 76. .U, 77. U. i 78. U 81. ge S. PERCUSSION MUSKET. L. 68 in. Altered from the 1822 Model flintlock to percussion in 1856 at the Remington Armory by rifling barrel, cutting off rear end of barrel and screwing on a new breech and adding a Maynard tape primer lock. The hinged cover over tape roll has button for opening. This piece is in good condition. Note, THAT Nos. 76 AND 75 ARE OF .69 CALIBRE WITH RIFLED BAR- RELS, CONSIDERED VERY DESIRABLE BY COLLECTORS. (Illustrated, Plate 7) S, PERCUSSION MUSKET. MODEL OF 1842. L. 58 in. Lock plate marked Springfield 1851. .69 cALieRE, smooth bore, ramrod, good condition. . 5S. MUSKET FLINT-LOCK. MODEL OF 1822. L. 58 ins. Made at Harpers Ferry in 1834, altered to percussion by plug- ging the touch hole and screwing a nipple in top of barrel. Government First Alteration. A Mexican and Civil War piece. . 5. NAVY SPRINGFIELD. L. 44 ins. Made at the Springfield Armory in 1870 on the Remington System. 28-inch barrel. Thumb piece of breech-block broken off and needs cleaning. . ROBINSON, NEW YORK. L. 55 ins. 1863 percussion musket converted to .58 calibre center fire metallic cartridge with side-swinging breech block, usually called the “Bridesburgh Alteration.” THIs Is A VERY FINE SPECI- MEN. (Illustrated, Plate 7) MILITARY RIFLE. L. 50 ins. Made at the Remington Armory for some foreign govern- ment, has crowns stamped on barrel bands, .50 calibre, center fire, 35-inch barrel. y 82. SWISS VETTERLI MILITARY REPEATING RIFLE. L. 51 in. “aN v } ‘ a jes Bolt action, .41 calibre rim: fire, tubular magazine under bar- rel, 33-inch barrel, good appearance. 23 a SPORTING RIFLES 83. MUZZLE LOADING PERCUSSION RIFLE. L. 47 ins. s Made at the Pennsylvania Rifle Works, about .38 calibre, 30- oy ae » Inch very heavy octagon barrel, double set triggers, fine curiy maple stock with cheek piece and inset ornaments. This rifle was used for many years on the Great Plains west of the Missouri River, is in good condition. Miacteared: Plate 8) 84. MUZZLE LOADING PERCUSSION RIFLE. L. 45 in. | Made by Jas. Gelcher, Philadelphia, 30 inch octagon barrel, hs .38 calibre, maple stock with German Silver patch box, brass lock plate, needs main spring. Clean and in nice condition. Was used by J. W. Edenburn on the Great Plains of the West for many years after the close of the Civil War. See No. 75 for the musket he carried in the Civil War. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 85. PERCUSSION TARGET RIFLE. L. 47 in. Made by G. G. Ewertz, Stettin, 26 inch octagon barrel, about yf A5 calibre, full length stock with cheek piece, Swiss butt plate, double set triggers, spur trigger guard, in nice condition. (Illustrated, Plate 9) 86. RIFLE MADE BY BROWN MFG. CO., NEWBURYPORT, MASS. L. 41 ins L Bolt action, .68 calibre center fire, 20 inch round barrel, working order. 87. DOUBLE BARREL SPORTING RIFLE. L. 55 in. 3114 inch round barrels, very heavy, about .38 calibre, 2 0 ramrods, side swinging hammers, barrels are over and under ys of the “superposed” type, odd peep sight mounted on barrel tang, brass. mts.; no maker’s name, in good order, a rare and interesting piece. 24. 88. PERCUSSION GALLERY RIFLE. L. 40 in. Maker Bandle Arms Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, shooting a small JO round bullet, loaded from muzzle and propelled by a percus- — sion cap placed on nipple 7 inches from muzzle. The cap is ‘ exploded by a rod attached to hammer. Double set triggers, stock inlays of eagle and star, checkered grip set with silver points. (Illustrated, Plate 9) 39. WINCHESTER SINGLE SHOT RIFLE. L. 42 in. Tyee Built for .32 calibre rim fire cartridges, 26 inch octagon barrel. 39-A. FLOBERT RIFLE. L. 39 in. With 24 inch octagon barrel, checkered pistol grip, scroll aie © trigger guard, .22 calibre, rim fire. This model under the name —— of “Flobert” was a popular sporting and target rifle of our boyhood days, but is now seldom found. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 90. JAPANESE MATCHLOCK. Match lock 42 inch heavy octagon barrel, about 1 inch bore, ‘Sb much decorated with brass inlays and mountings, good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 10, Page 26) 91. AIR RIFLE. | Quackenbush air gun made by H. M. Quackenbush, Herkimer, oY N. Y., nickle plated barrel and frame, .22 calibre, good appear- ance. os (Illustrated, Plate 9) “)" ; f , - Ge 25. 92. 93. 94, 93: 96. ~ PISTOLS ORIENTAL FLINT LOCKS ORIENTAL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 22 in. 14 inch barrel, about *% inch bore, brass iets much engraved, very good condition. A jewelled and silver diamond shape medallion inlaid at grip. (Illustrated, Plate 11) ORIENTAL ALL METAL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 20 in. Inlaid 12 inch barrel, about % inch bore, stock of carved brass with “rat tail” grip, lock parts are all on outside on the snap haunce order. (itweraran Plate 11) ORIENTAL FLINT LOCK BLUNDERBUSS. L. 19 in. 9 inch barrel, much carved stock, muzzle 114 inches in diameter. Some parts not original, but general appearance good and very decorative. (Illustrated, Plate 11) ORIENTAL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 12 in. 614 inch cannon barrel and % inch bore. Has been a very fine and much ornamented piece, in pierced and carved brass, in its day, has had much rough treatment, but is suitable for decoration. (Illustrated, Plate 11) FLINT LOCK PISTOLS BELGIAN FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 10 in., Cal. .50. Cannon rifled 4144 inch barrel, flat panelled grip, barrel marked EK. L. G., engraved mountings. (Belgian.) (Illustrated, Plate 11) 26 Ee yy a ae Le) ee Sn ewes 97. BRASS BARREL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 10 in., Cal. .50. 4%, inch barrel, curly maple checkered grip, lock marked Y Tower, G. R. and Crown. (Illustrated, Plate 11) 98. BELGIAN FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 8 in., Cal. .50. 4 314 inch barrel, flat checkered panelled grip, barrel marked E. L. G.; engraved mountings. (Illustrated, Plate 11) 99. BRASS BARREL AND FRAME FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 6 in., Cal. .45. Ay 0 Made by J. N. JONES & Co., London, 2 inch barrel, center hammer with sliding safety. (Illustrated, Plate 11) 100. FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 74% in., Cal. .50. ye Made by Laugher, F andae 3% inch barrel, about .50 calibre, 4 _= center hammer with safety catch, folding trigger, bag handle. (Illustrated, Plate 11) 101. FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L 7 in., Cal. .40. 3 y O Made by Bayley, London, 3 inch barrel, center hammer, sliding safety catch, bag handle. (Illustrated, Plate 11) 102. BAYLEY FLINTLOCK. 5 O Mate to preceding. band and name plate in stock, engraved breech, flat oval _ checkered grip. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 121. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. 1 -O Marked Le Page, Paris, 4 inch round barrel, about .50 calibre, lors folding trigger, checkered stock, butt carved to represent lion’s head, has been very fine old piece. (Illustrated, Plate 12) Ae 31 aa 122. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. L. 6 in. Cal. .45. i) Marked Cutler, London, 2 inch barrel, sliding safety catch to hammer, engraved breech, bag grip. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 123. ALL IRON LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. L. 5 in., Cal. .31. 2 = © Percussion, ring trigger, rust-pitted. (Illustrated, Plate 12) I eee 2 124. LARGE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 14%, in., Cal. 50. Po Made by Ketland & Co., 834 inch octagon barrel, brass a i mounted, barrel engraved Wm. H. Eubank; burl walnut stock. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 124-A. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. 414 inch round barrel with an unusual brass inlay in circles me, around barrel by way of ornament, center hammer, no maker’s name, panelled cherry-wood bag grip. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 125. PERCUSSION PISTOL. 614 inch barrel, brass mountings, no maker’s name, about Ly oo calibre; forestock strengthened with 2 inch brass band; bullet form cap holder, very curious and flattened end grip, also a curious shape. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 126. U. S. PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. Model of 1842, made by H. Aston & Co., in 1851, swivel ram- (s rod, fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 127. PERCUSSION PISTOL. Made by Richardson, Manchester, 9 inch twist octagon barrel, SS about .65 calibre, iron mounted; handsome panelled rosewood grip and full stock (converted). 128. PERCUSSION SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. 814 inch barrel marked London, about .70 calibre, brass mounted, case hardened lock, ramrod. Barrel shows beautiful twist figure and HAS SUNKEN ARMORER’S MARKS FINISHED IN GILT, a fine looking piece. With burl walnut grip and yellow brass oval butt cap. (Illustrated, Plate 12) a) 32 129. PERCUSSION SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. i a O Identical with preceding, but stock is cracked. 130. a 131. 134. Seles - PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. 71% inch barrel, about .70 calibre, ring butt, stock repaired. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 814 in., Cal. .40. AY, inch round barrel, center hammer, bag handle, notches in muzzle for unscrewing barrel, Belgian make. (Illustrated, Plate 12) PERCUSSION SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L 814 in., Cal. .38. Made by Taratt, London, 314 inch octagon barrel, outside hammer, chased German Silver frame, cap box in butt, folding trigger, ramrod. A RARE AND HANDSOME LITTLE PISTOL. (Illustrated, Plate 12) PERCUSSION SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 12 in., Cal. .56. Made by Bunny, London, 614 inch ribbed cannon shaped barrel, center lock, dolphin head hammer, erip inlaid with silver wire designs, silver name plate, engraved breech. A showy specimen in brass. (Illustrated, Plate 12) SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L 1314 in., Cal. .55. 8 inch octagon barrel, long fluted burl walnut grip, spur ‘trigger guard, outside lock and hammer, cap box in butt, brass trimmed, probably French make. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 134-A. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. /- 41, inch octagon barrel, about .45 calibre, no maker’s name, bag grip. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 33 #36. PAIR OF DUELLING PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L. 16 in., Cal. 00. Marked Thone, Amsterdam, 834 inch octagon barrels, out- side locks and hammers, 3 leaf folding rear sights, silver front sights held in position by an ingenious inlay. These pistols are of the highest grade of materials and workmanship, but have been much abused, stocks cracked, etc., still are very desirable. (2) HANDSOME SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 13 in., Cal. .70. 7 inch octagon barrel, outside lock and hammer, spur trig- ger guard, cap box in butt, iron mounted, probably English with sunken proof mark, checkered grip and oval butt capped with a silver shell. (Illustrated, Plate 10) BELGIAN SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 13% in., cal; .70: ol4 inch octagon twist barrel, outside lock and hammer, cap box in butt, engraved German Silver mountings; checkered grip. (I!lustrated, Plate 12) SINGLE SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOLS X. L. DERINGER SINGLE SHOT POCKET PISTOL. Al calibre rim fire, 2% inch barrel, tip-down model, bird head butt, sheathed trigger. (Illustrated, Plate 13) COLT SINGLE SHOT VEST POCKET PISTOL. 41 calibre rim fire, bird head butt, 214 inch barrel, sheathed trigger. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SOUTHERNER SINGLE SHOT VEST POCKET PISTOL. Made by Brown Mfg., Co., .41 calibre rim fire, 2144 inch bar- rel, bronze frame. (Illustrated, Plate 13) BALLARD SINGLE SHOT POCKET PISTOL. Al calibre rim fire, 234 inch barrel; bird head butt. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 34 142. REMINGTON SINGLE SHOT POCKET PISTOL. 4 inch barrel, .41 calibre rim fire, square-wood grip. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 143. NATIONAL ALL METAL LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. se 21% inch barrel, .41 calibre rim fire, engrave bronze frame. ge | (Illustrated, Plate 13) 144. NATIONAL VEST POCKET PISTOL. Bis 21% inch barrel, .41 calibre rim fire, iron chiselled frame, SS bird head grip. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 145. HAMMOND’S PATENT SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. _ Made by the Conn. Arms Co., .44 calibre rim fire, 4 inch 75 octagon barrel, a heavy weapon, practically all metal, stock — broken away. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 146. WILLIAMSON’S PATENT SINGLE SHOT LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. 570 214 inch barrel, .41 calibre, rim fire, browned barrel slides oe — forward on frame for loading. Engraved bronze frame and mountings, checkered bird head grip. A beautiful little piece. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 147. STEVENS SINGLE SHOT TARGET PISTOL. Th 1114 in., Cal. 22. Model 10. : | /4 Long rim fire, 8 inch tip up barrel, weight. 214 lbs. A modern arm in shape of the automatic in new condition; original card board box, with barrel swab. Leaflet of Retail price. $20.00. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) Bee ah, 35 DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOLS 148. ALLEN & WHEELOCK DOUBLE BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. 5 inch barrels from one piece of steel, about .35 calibre, 2 “i - hammers operated by a single trigger. Short bag grip, prac- tically all metal pistol. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 149. DOUBLE BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. Made by H. Nock, 9 inch barrels about % inch bore, a ‘large heavy weapon. Checkered bag grip. / J This pistol is an excellent piece made by the celebrated H. Nock, but has in addition an interesting history. It was found in a hollow tree on the banks of the Big Sioux River, not far from where that stream empties into the Missouri River. The pistol was loaded when found, a newspaper of date 1857 having been used for wadding. A newspaper clipping giving full details and a sample of the wadding is in an envelope attached to pistol. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 150. DOUBLE BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 914 in., Cal. 40. 7 /s0 414 inch octagon barrels, side by side, etched in fancy Jo ON am designs; ramrod: bag grip. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 151. DOUBLE BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 9 in., Cal. .32. 414 inch octagon barrels of the “over and under” or “super- posed” type; hammers fashioned to resemble tiger’s heads, 5 (Illustrated, Plate 14) 36 brass mounts; flattened burl walnut grip. ‘ee oe ¥ Woe: 153. 154. Ay 155. yo _ 156. A DOUBLE BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. Marked Perera, Birmingham, 51% inch barrels of the super- posed type, about .60 calibre, iron frame finely chiselled and engraved; cap box in butt, swivel ramrod, belt hook on left side, right hand hammer has extra long nose to reach nipple of lower barrel, a heavy pistol of excellent workmanship, goose neck grip oval checkered butt. (Illustrated, Plate 14) DOUBLE BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 9 in., Cal. 45. 31% inch barrels, outside locks and hammers, brass trigger guard and mountings in medallions of birds and animals. An odd little piece, looks just like a miniature double shot gun. (Illustrated, Plate 14) DOUBLE PIN FIRE PISTOLS DOUBLE BARRELED PIN FIRE PISTOLS. L. 7 in. 234 inch tip-up barrels locked by fore-end lever on the Lefaucheaux system, 2 hammers and folding triggers; barrels marked Guss Stahl and scrolls in silver inlay. A UNIQUE AND SCARCE SPECIMEN, with carved bag checkered grip. (Illustrated, Plate 14) DOUBLE CARTRIDGE PISTOLS WHEELER’S PATENT DOUBLE BARRELED CARTRIDGE PISTOL. Made by the American Arms Co., 3 inch flat revolving barrels, both taking .32 calibre rim fire cartridges, brass frame, sheathed trigger; date 1860. (Illustrated, Plate 14) WHEELER, D. B., CARTRIDGE PISTOL. Same general description as No. 155, but one barrel is .22, the other .32 calibre. Maker American Arms Co. (Illustrated, Plate 14) SHARPS 4-SHOT PISTOLS 157. SHARPS 4-SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L 5}4 ins., Cal. .22. Rim fire, bronze frame, embossed rubber grips, barrel stop oy SO under the frame. : ~ ges (Illustrated, Plate 14) 37 158. SHARPS 4-SHOT PISTOL. L 514 ins., Cal. .22. Rim fire, brass frame, wood grips, barrel catch on side of a frame. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 159. SHARP’S 4-SHOT PISTOL. L. 7 in., Cal. .32. yo Steel frame, wood grips and flat oval butt. This is the large 4 oi size. Date 1859. (Illustrated, Plate 14) 160. SHARPS 4-SHOT PISTOL. L. 5 in., Cal. .32. 2° The very scarce model with rounded bird-head butt, some- 3 ee times called the “Bull Dog Model.” Dated 1859. (Illustrated, Plate 14) PERCUSSION PEPPER BOXES 161. ALLEN & THURBER 6-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L. 101% in., Cal. .36. x 944 inch ribbed and strapped cylinder, spur trigger guard, top i) snap. This is the very rare large, heavy model with bag walnut grip. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 162. ALLEN PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX. ° Top hammer, 6 shots, 414 inch ribbed, strapped cylinder, JO about .32 calibre. ae? ; (Illustrated, Plate 15) 38 163. ALLEN & THURBER TOP HAMMER PEPPERBOX. 414, inch ribbed and strapped cylinder, 6 shots, about .32 7b calibre, spur trigger. This is a rare pattern with abrupt drop = to handle and silver inserts in grips, chiselled frame. Needs repairs, but well worth restoring. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 164. MANHATTAN TOP HAMMER TRIGGER PEPPERBOX. wv 21% inch fluted cylinder, 6 shots, about .32 calibre, double 4 $6 action, bag grip, top snap. (Illustrated, Plate 15). 165. W. W. MARSTON TGP HAMMER PEPPERBOX. Jv 214 inch ribbed and strapped cylinder, about .32 calibre; bag 3 grip, chiselled frame. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 166. RING TRIGGER HAMMERLESS PEPPERBOX. L 8 in., Cal. .32. 314 inch ribbed and strapped cylinder, 6 shots, engraved 10 frame. =- AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE TYPE with sharply dropped bag grip and exposed nipples. (Illustrated, Plate 15) CARTRIDGE PEPPERBOXES 167. CONTINENTAL ARMS CO., LADY’S MUFF PEPPERBOX. 5 shots, .22 calibre, rim fire, cylinder 244 inches long, fo sheathed trigger, ebony grip. = (Illustrated, Plate 15) 168. ELLIOTT’S PATENT 5 SHOT LADY’S MUFF PEPPERBOX. Made by Remington, .22 calibre rim fire, hammerless, ring trigger, indented barrel, ebony square flat grip. Dated 1860-61. iy A HANDSOME PIECE. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 169. ELLIOTT’S PATENT 4 SHOT PEPPERBOX. 21j° 32 calibre, rim fire, hammerless, ring trigger, ribbed and = strapped barrel which shows slight imperfection in steel. 170. “MY FRIEND” 7-SHOT KNUCKLE REVOLVER. eh Agin:, Cal. .22. ‘ As" Engraved brass frame silvered (worn). Made by J. Reid, si N.Y. No. 4359. | Se (Illustrated, Plate 15) a = oe 4 nell sad yS_ 39 a PIN FIRE PEPPERBOXES 171. PIN FIRE PEPPERBOX. L. 5 in., Cal. 7 mm. Six shots, folding spur trigger, double action, wood checkered $°0 grips, in butt is screwed a rod to be used for extracting fired shells, nickel finish, nicely engraved. Very fine brilliant example. (Illustrated, Plate 15) PIN FIRE REVOLVERS 172. PIN FIRE POCKET REVOLVER. L. 6 in., Cal. 7 mm. ae Checkered wood grip, folding trigger, extractor, blued finish, a5 3 new condition. No. 4176. iA (Illustrated, Plate 16) 173. PIN FIRE POCKET REVOLVER. L. 714 in., Cal. 7 mm. ; 314 inch barrel, 6 shots, engraved frame, cylinder and barrel, 7 Me, folding spur trigger, nickeled finish. No. 2875. —_ (Illustrated, Plate ses 174. PIN FIRE POCKET REVOLVER. i 8 in., Cal. 7 mm. 6 shots, 314 inch barrel, folding trigger, embossed rubber ae, stocks, elaborately engraved. aia (Illustrated, Plate 16) 175. PIN FIRE SMALL SIZE HOLSTER REVOLVER. L. 8 in., Cal. 9 mm. __ 4 inch barrel, 6 shots, cylinder marked “The Cucdian Amer- Bs ican Model of 1878”, double action, embossed rubber grips. (Illustrated, Plate 16) 40 176. PIN FIRE SMALL SIZE HOLSTER REVOLVER. L. 914 in., “) Cal. 9 mm. A 5 Al, inch barrel, 6 shots, double action, embossed grips. aie ee (Illustrated, Plate 16) 177. ARMY REVOLVER, PIN FIRE. L. 12 in., Cal. 12 mm. — 0 6 inch barrel, 6 shots, double action, checkered wood grips, “g finely engraved cylinder and frame. (Illustrated, Plate 16) 178. ARMY REVOLVER, PIN FIRE. L. 12 in., Cal. 12 mm. 2" 6 inch barrel nicely engraved, horn grips, single action, = barrel marked Le Page, Paris. Handsome polished burl walnut grip with ring butt. (Illustrated, Plate 16) CUP PRIMER REVOLVERS 179. CUP PRIMER POCKET REVOLVER. “545 Made by Connecticut Arms Co., Norfolk, Conn., 6 shots, about 4 = 30 calibre, 3 inch barrel. Cylinder loads from front using cartridges with a cup shaped end holding the fulminate; has extractor hook on side of brass frame; ebony grip. (Illustrated, Plate 17) 180. CUP PRIMER REVOLVER, LARGE HOLSTER SIZE. Made by the Plant Mfg. Co., N. Y., 514 inch barrel, brass ip frame, silvered (wearing), about .40 calibre, using cartridges of same design as No. 179. (Illustrated, Plate 17) we 7. Al [% 181. eter - 181-A. 185. 186. ae Y CUP PRIMER REVOLVER. Same make as preceding but has 6 inch barrel, and steel frame, the only one ever seen or heard of. (Illustrated, Plate 17) MOORE REVOLVER, WILLIAMSON’S PATENT. Pocket revolver, 6 shots, 314 inch barrel, used an obsolete cartridge in which the fulminate was contained in an extended tip at-end of cartridge case. Blued finish, brass frame (silvered), bird-head butt. (Illustrated, Plate 17) PALM REVOLVERS PROTECTOR PALM REVOLVER. Made by the Chicago Fire Arms Co., 7 shots, .32 calibre rim fire, nickel finish, a little dulled. (Illustrated, Plate 17) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVERS CASE. AND COLT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. .28 calibre, round chiselled cylinder, octagon barrel, side hammer, in mahogany case containing a brass bullet mould, powder flask and a cap box. Colt’s Patent, 1855. (Illustrated, Plate 18) ALLEN & WHEELOCK PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. 314 inch barrel, 5 shots, .28 calibre, outside hammer, trigger guard forms loading lever. : (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L.10 in. Cal. .28. Barrel marked “Brevete”’, Belgian proof mark on cylinder, 6 shots, semi-hammerless type with safety on left side of frame, 414 inch barrel, long checkered grip with dent at oval butt. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. 2 By Bacon Mfg. Co., Norwich, Conn., 4 inch barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre, round cylinder, octagon barrel. ‘ (Illustrated, Plate 18) 42 187. oe 188. ede ~ 189. b PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. By Manhattan Arms Co., N. Y., 4 inch barrel, .31 calibre, 6 shots, engraved frame and cylinder. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Made by James Warner, Springfield, Mass., 314 inch barrel, 6 shots, .31 calibre. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L. 61% in., Cal. .28. Springfield Arms Co., Warner's Patent, 6 shots, 214 ineh barrel, AN ODD LITTLE PIECE. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Made by Allen & Wheelock, 31% inch octagon barrel, 5 shots, ¢ .31 calibre, double action, top snap hammer. (Illustrated, Plate 18) 43 193. I] 7 n os 99. BEAL’S PATENT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Made by Remington, 3 inch barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre, outside mechanism to revolve cylinder. (Illustrated, Plate 18) RIDER’S PATENT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Made by Remington, 3 inch octagon barrel, .31 calibre, 5 shots, double action, nicely etched cylinder. VERY FINE. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. By Union Arms Co., N. Y., 5 inch barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre, fluted cylinder, blued finish, A BEAUTY. (Illustrated, Plate 18) UNION ARMS CO. Another with 4 inch barrel, not quite as good a specimen. COOPER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. By Cooper Arms Co., Philadelphia, 4 inch barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre, double action, brass mts; date 1854-63. (Illustrated, Plate 18) COOPER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Some general description as preceding, but .36 calibre, 5 ineh barrel, rebated cylinder, blued finish, brass frame. (Illustrated, Plate 18) REMINGTON PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. 3 inch barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre, sheath trigger. A copy on a small scale, of the large Remington navy and army percussion revolvers. Scarce. (Illustrated, Plate 18) ADAMS PATENT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Made by Massachusetts Arms Co., 3% inch barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre, double action. Dated 1857. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Made by the Metropolitan Arms Co., N. Y., 4% inch barrel, fluted cylinder, brass mts., 5 shots, .36 calibre. An exact copy of the Colts Pocket Model of 1862; in fine shape; all parts No. 3630. (Illustrated, Plate 18) 44 200. 203. 206. 207. a? COLT’S POCKET PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Model of 1849, 5 shots, 4 inch octagon barrel, .31 calibre, brass mts. Mark: Address Sam'l Colt, New York City. Note absence of “Col.” in the address. (Illustrated, Plate 18) COLT’S POCKET REVOLVER. Same as preceding, but 6 shots, 5 inch barrel. (Illustrated, Plate 18) COLT’S POCKET REVOLVER. Same, but with 6 inch barrel, for holster use. (Illustrated, Plate 18) PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER WITH SHEATH TRIG- GER. L. 8 in., Cal. .36, 3 inch octagon barrel, 5 shots, no maker’ s name, but probably Allen & Wheelock. SHEATH TRIGGER! PERCUSSION REVOLVERS ARE VERY SCARCE. A fine and handsome example. (Illustrated, Plate 18) SHEATH TRIGGER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 9 in,, Cal. .31. 4 inch round barrel, 5 shots, engraved frame, no maker’s name. (Illustrated, Plate 18) MANHATTAN PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 1214 in., Cal. .36. Holster size, 614 inch barrel, 5 shots, a “presentation” piece, all metal parts beautifully engraved, with ivory stock and bronze mounts. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) COLT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. 5 shots, .36 calibre, 614 inch round barrel, fluted cylinder, brass mts. This is the pocket Model of 1862 with long barrel for holster or belt use. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) WHITNEY PERCUSSION REVOLVER. 6 inch octagon barrel, .31 calibre, 5 shots, round cylinder, silvered trigger guard. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) 45 209. MANHATTAN PERCUSSION REVOLVER. .36 calibre, 614 inch octagon barrel, 5 shots, brass mounts; engraved cylinder. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) WHITNEY PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 17 in., Cal. .36. 714 inch barrel, 6 shots, frame, barrel and cylinder engraved and chiselled in a handsome foliated pattern and silvered (worn). (Illustrated, Plate 19) PHOENIX PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Made by Marston & Knox, N. Y., 314 inch octagon barrel, 5 shots, .31 calibre. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) REMINGTON PERCUSSION REVOLVER, .36 calibre, 714 inch barrel, ivory grip, very fine condition. THIS REVOLVER WAS FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF GENERAL GREN- vitLE M. Donce, builder of the Union Pacific Railway, and carried by him during the stirring times in the early history of the Great West. (Illustrated, Plate 17, Page 41) COLT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. .36 calibre, 714 inch round barrel, Model of 1861. Brass mounts, engraved cylinder. | ‘ (Illustrated, Plate 20, Page 47) | 46 vA BY, 216. 218. le COLT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. Model of 1851, 714 inch octagon barrel, .36 calibre, 6 shots. (Illustrated, Plate 19, Page 46) COLT NAVY REVOLVER. As preceding, not quite as handsome, but very good. SAVAGE PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. North’s Patent and made by the Savage Arms Co., 7 inch barrel, .36 calibre, 6 shots. North’s Patent covered the use of a supplementary ring trigger for drawing back the cylinder, revolving it and pushing ahead over rear end of barrel to make a gas tight joint. The hammer was also cocked by this operation and was fired by the use of a trigger of the ordinary pattern. (Illustrated, Plate 20) LARGE COLT DRAGOON PERCUSSION REVOLVER. 7% inch barrel, square cylinder catches, oval back trigger guard. All parts bear the same Serial No. 11538. Exterfor somewhat pitted, but has been cleaned and is in working order. (Illustrated, Plate 19, Page 46) LARGE STARR PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. 44 calibre, 6 inch barrel, double action, bright finish. Dated 1856. (Illustrated, Plate 20) LARGE REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 1714 in., Cal. .44. 8 inch barrel, 6 shots. Marked “New Model, 1858.” (Illustrated, Plate 19) 47 LARGE JOSLYN PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 18 in., Cal. 44. 8 inch barrel, 6 shots, needs parts and repairs, but a scarce weapon. (Illustrated, Plate 19, Page 46) LARGE COLT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 18 in, Cal. .44. 8 inch round barrel, 6 shots, Model of 1860, frame notched for shoulder stock, brass mounts. (Illustrated, Plate 20) LARGE ROGERS & SPENCER PERCUSSION ARMY REVOL- VER. L. 18 in., Cal. .44. 71% inch octagon barrel, 6 shots, blued finish. VERY FINE. (Illustrated, Plate 19, Page 46) LARGE REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 18 in., Cal. .44. 8 inch barrel, 6 shots. (Illustrated, Plate 20) LARGE STARR PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 18 in., Cal. .44. 8 inch barrel, 6 shots, single action; blued finish. (Illustrated, Plate 20) ENGLISH PERCUSSION REVOLVER. 5 inch barrel, 6 shots, about .36 calibre, double action, finely checkered grips. Nickel finish (worn). (Illustrated, Plate 21) ENGLISH PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 1014 in., Cal. .36. Al, inch barrel, 5 shots, semi-hammerless type, probably a combination of Adams and Tranter’s Patents; engraved frame, checkered grip with thumb butt rest. ; (Illustrated, Plate 21) ENGLISH PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 1014 in., Cal. .36. Marked London No. 39551, 414 inch octagon barrel, semi- hammerless type, double action, safety on left side of frame, | checkered wood grips. (Illustrated, Plate 21) 48 227. ENGLISH PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 10!% in., Cal. .36. . Marked John Wilson Browne, 414 inch barrel, 5 shots, semi- / 5 C hammerless, double action, checkered wood stocks. Silvered ; (worn) and shows rustpittings. (Illustrated, Plate 21) 228. ENGLISH PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 1214 in., Cal. .36. Marked Hill, London, 6 inch octagon barrel, 6 shots, double *j)°O action. wet This revolver is built like a pepperbox throughcut, with flat top hammer, nipples at right angle with cylinder and even the interior lock parts and means for revolving the cylinder are patterned after the “Allen.” fiplabtrates, SAG im 229. ENGLISH PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. Marked Harvey’s Patent Breech Loading Revolving Parl | 4) 6 shots, .44 calibre, 514 inch twist barrel, wood stock beautifully checkered, cap box in butt. A weapon of superior workmanship. ¢@ (Illustrated; Plate 21)) 230. PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 13 in., Cal.. 44. Marked Manuf'd by A. & Cie Licensed, 5 shots, 614 inth os Vv _— octagon barrel, semi-hammerless, checkered wood stock, double action, nicely engraved. (Illustrated; Plate 21), A) 49 231. ENGLISH PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. Kerr’s Patent, made at the London Armoury, 534 iat barrel, if 5 shots, .44 calibre. Many of the Kerr revolvers were used in the Confederate service during the Civil War. (Illustrated, Plate 21) 232. ENGLISH PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 12) in. & Marked E. E. Reilly & Co., London, Tranter’s Patent, 6 inch 4 5 Se octagon barrel, 5 shots, double action, wood grips, semi-ham- merless. (Illustrated, Plate 21) PERCUSSION REVOLVERS ALTERED TO METALLIC CARTRIDGE 233. COLT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 16 in., Cal. .44. Altered to 44-40 center fire metallic cartridge, 6 inch barrel, AB engraved cylinder, brass mounts, corner of stock at butt broken away. (Illustrated, Plate 22) 234. LARGE REMINGTON PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 17 in., Cal. .44. 2 ~ Altered to center fire cartridges by inserting new cylinder, 8 inch barrel, nickeled finish (wearing). (Illustrated, Plate 22) 235. LARGE REMINGTON .44 PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 16% in., Cal. .44. OY Alteerd to center fire cartridge by cutting off rear of percus- D — sion cylinder and placing a plate between it and frame, 714 inch barrel, brass mounts. (Illustrated, Plate 22) 50 236. COLT POCKET REVOLVER. 7) Changed from .36 percussion to .38 center fire cartridges by 3 ~— cutting off rear of cylinder, placing a recoil shield between cylinder and lengthening nose of hammer. Either a new 344 inch barrel has been fitted, or it originally had no loading lever as a percussion arm, as there is no indication of a loading lever having been used; nickel finish. (Illustrated, Plate 22) 237. KERR ENGLISH REVOLVER. L. 15 in., Cal. .44. Altered from percussion to take .44 cal. center fire cartridges. Jp Loading lever removed and shell ejector fitted to right side of frame. Blued finish; ring butt. (Illustrated, Plate 22) 238. PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L. 10 in., Cal. .38. Altered to .38 calibre center fire by cutting off cylinder and Fd ve using plate to fill space between engraved clyinder and rear of = frame, 4 inch round barrel, 5 shots. ; (Illustrated, Plate 22) 239. SMALL REMINGTON-RIDER PERCUSSION POCKET RE- VOLVER. L. 6 in,, Cal. .32. 3 Altered to .32 calibre rim fire metallic cartridges, 5 shots, 2 inch nickeled barrel. (Illustrated, Plate 22) POCKET REVOLVERS FOR METALLIC CARTRIDGES 240. SMITH & WESSON POCKET REVOLVER. L. 714 in., Cal. .22. 7 shots, straight butt, wood grip, single action, cylinder catch 4. Jv at top of frame operated by nose of hammer; brass frame, og silvered (wearing). 241. POND TIP UP BARREL REVOLVER. L. 9 in., Cal. .32. Patent of July 10, 1860, 6 shots, rim fire, 334 inch octagon Yy Lh barrel. 242. OTIS A. SMITH POCKET REVOLVER. L. 714 in., Cal. .32. 5 shots, 3 inch barrel, rim fire, rubber grips. Vb SO .. This revolver is noteworthy from the fact that the frame and — (Illustrated, Plate 23, Page 53) barrel are made of one solid piece of brass, nickeled finish, very scarce specimen. Mark: Smith’s New Model. (Illustrated, Plate 23) Pm, } : 4 o1 243. POND POCKET REVOLVER. The type that used steel loading shells to hold rim fire cart- a ridges loaded from front of cylinder. Pond’s Patent of Sept. 8, 1863, 4 inch barrel, bronze frame, screw driver inserted in butt plate. (Illustrated, Plate 23) 243-A. COLT .22 POCKET REVOLVER. L. 6 in., Cal. .22. by, » 234 inch barrel, 7 shots, rim fire, round butt, bird-head wood stock, brass frame, hammer is the “high” or “vertical” pattern. (Illustrated, Plate 23) BRITISH BULL DOG POCKET REVOLVER. 44 calibre, 5. shots, 244 inch barrel, double action, nickeled 244. 4°” (wearing). ¢ “ot (Illustrated, Plate 23) 245. SMITH & WESSON POCKET REVOLVER. L. 8 in., Cal. .38. ® shots, center fire, 314 inch barrel, single action, sheath 4) trigger. er espe oy This revolver was carried by a Western police officer for many years, so the plating and checkering of grip is worn away. (Illustrated, Plate 23) : 246. J. REID, N. Y., SMALL POCKET REVOLVER. L. 744 in, Calu22: Se 2 314 inch octagon barrel, 7 shots, rim fire. oan _ AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE PIECE. / -“(Ilustrated, Plate 23) 247. POCKET CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 10 in., Cal. .38. A. J. Aubrey Fire Arms Co., Meriden, Conn. Pocket cart- ridge revolver, 5 inch tip up barrel, 5 shots, center fire. In- : ‘operative, but is desirable on account of its extreme scarcity. Fine nickel finish. (Illustrated, Plate 23) 248. ALLEN & WHEELOCK CARTRIDGE POCKET REVOLVER. L. 8 in., Cal. .32. 7 Rim fire, 3 inch octagon barrel, 6 shots, outside hammer, straight butt, wood grip. | (Illustrated, Plate 23) 52 COLT CLOVER LEAF 4 SHOT HOUSE PISTOL. 3 inch barrel. .41 calibre rim fire, has the scarce pattern “upright” or “high” hammer, plated finish and blued cylinder and hammer, bird-head burl walnut grip. VERY FINE EXAMPLE. (Illustrated, Plate 23) BRITISH BULL DOG POCKET REVOLVER. L. 8 in., Cal. .44. 21% inch barrel, 5 shots, checkered bird-head grip, double action, engraved frame, cylinder and barrel, silvered (wearing). (Illustrated, Plate 23) SMALL BRITISH BULL DOG POCKET REVOLVER. L. 6 in., Cal. .38. 214 inch barrel, wood grip, double action. (Illustrated, Plate 23) BELGIAN FOLDING TRIGGER REVOLVER. L. 6 in. Double action, and a small .32 calibre cartridge Povo marked Centennial 1876. Nickeled worn. (2) DERINGER, PHILADELPHIA, POCKET CARTRIDGE REVOL- VER. 31% inch barrel, 5 shots, tip up barrel, round butt, wood grips. The celebrated pistol maker produced a few cartridge revolvers toward the close of his career and THIS IS A VERY FINE SPECIMEN OF THESE VERY SCARCE AND DESIRABLE PIECES. Nickel finish. (Illustrated, Plate 23) SMITH PATENT POCKET REVOLVER. 2%4 inch barrel, 5 shot, .38 calibre, rim fire, single action, sheath trigger, nickel finish, bird-head butt. (Illustrated, Plate 23) WHITNEYVILLE ARMORY REVOLVER. L 6% in., Cal. .22. 7 shots, 3 inch blued octagon barrel, round bird-head butt, yellow brass frame. (Illustrated, Plate 23) HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON .38 CALIBRE REVOLVER. 5 shots, nickel finish. This piece is the fore-runner of the modern automatic ejecting revolvers with tip up barrel. In this specimen the shells are extracted by pushing an extension of cylinder pin when barrel is tipped forward. (Illustrated, Plate 23) o4 263. BLACK & OWEN, DETROIT, CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. 21% inch barrel, 5 shots, .32 calibre rim fire, chased frame, cylinder and barrel, bird-head butt. A VERY SCARCE SPECIMEN. (Hilustrated, Plate 23) SMITH & WESSON SINGLE ACTION POCKET REVOLVER. 3% inch barrel, 5 shots, .32 calibre rim fire, sheath trigger, indented cylinder with catch at top of frame, round bird-head butt; blued finish, as new. (Illustrated, Plate 23) HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON POCKET REVOLVER. 314 inch barrel, 5 shots, .38 calibre, double action, nickel fin- ish (wearing). (lustrated, Plate 23) SMITH & WESSON POCKET REVOLVER. .32 calibre rim fire, 5 shots, 314 inch barrel, single action, - eylinder catch at bottom of frame, square butt handsomely nickeled. (Illustrated, Plate 23) MERWIN & HULBERT REVOLVER. L 8 in., Cal. 38. 9 shots, 314 inch barrel, single action, odd extension of grip to provide a firm grip for fourth finger with an extra 514 inch barrel for target shooting. These barrels can be changed in a moment without tools. Nickel finish. (Illustrated, Plate 23) HOPKINS & ALLEN POCKET REVOLVER. 5 shots, .32 calibre, center fire, 3 inch tip-up barrel, folding hammer, plated finish. (Illustrated, Plate 23) BROOKLYN ARMS CO., SLOCUM PATENT REVOLVER. 3 inch barrel, shoots .32 calibre rim fire. Sliding chambers around outside of cylinder are moved forward against a station- ary rod to eject the empty shells and moved back for loading. Carved bronze frame. (Illustrated, Plate 23) . W.L. GRANT REVOLVER. L 1014 in., Cal. .32. Also called the J. P. Lower, 5 inch barrel, 6 shots, .32 rim fire, single action. Scarce. (Illustrated, Plate 23) 59 ‘973, ae 5 p. / SMITH & WESSON .22 CALIBRE POCKET REVOLVER. 3 inch barrel, 7 shots, ae frame, round bird-head butt, blued finish. Hitec Plate 23) ) MANHATTAN ARMS CO. .22 CALIBRE REVOLVER. 3 inch tip-up barrel, 7 shots, wood grips, carved barrel. ide Sy “Clustrated, Plate 23) Eso aaae HAMMERLESS POCKET REVOLVER. L. 61% in., Cal. atked Balles Blindees, double action, folding trigger, metal- lic cartridges, bone handles, indented cylinder. (TiHlustrated, Plate 23) EUROPEAN POCKET REVOLVER: tT ,, 914 in., Cal. .38. 6 shots, center fire, double action, 414 inch tip-up barrel, nickeled; checkered wood grips (worn), marks, J. Warnant, Brevete. ey (Illustrated, Plate 23) REVOLVER, PROBABLY FRENCH. | 6 shots, about .30 calibre rim fire, double action, a queer looking weapon with thumb-butt. (Illustrated, Plate 23) BELGIAN DOUBLE ACTION CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 8 in., Cal. .38. 14, inch barrel; checkered butt. Ring. (Illustrated, Plate 23) SMALL BELGIAN CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 7 in.,, Cal. .28. Built along the lines of a pin fire revolver, but intended for center fire cartridges, folding trigger, engraved frame and cylinder. (Iilustrated, Plate 23) SWORD CANE. L. 34 in. Arrow shaped iron tip in a light weight wood cane with bronze mounts and curved handle. (illustrated, Plate 26, Page 63) BACON MFG. CO., CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 914 in, Cal. .32. BY inch: octagon barrel, rim fire, 6 action; wood grips. In fine shape. (Illustrated, Plate 23) shots, square butt, single 36 METALLIC CARTRIDGE REVOLVERS, LARGE SIZE 274, COLT 45 CALIBRE REVOLVER, ARTILLERY TYPE. L. 111% in. 414 inch barrel, single action, sliding shell extractor. (Illustrated, Plate 24) HOPKINS & ALLEN NAVY REVOLVER. .38 calibre, center fire, 6 shots, 41% inch barrel, flat oval butt, A VERY SCARCE MODEL. (Illustrated, Plate 24) COLT SWING-OUT INDENTED CYLINDER REVOLVER. L. 11 in., ‘Cal. .38. 6 shots, center fire, double action, AY, inch UIE trakal finish, rubber stock. (Illustrated, Plate 24) . HOPKINS & ALLEN 5 SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. | L. 10 in., Cal. .38. 5 inch barrel, folding hammer, double action, ring in butt, sliding checkered steel shell ejector at side of barrel. | A VERY SCARCE SPECIMEN, as far as known the first to be offered at public sale. Dated 1884. (Illustrated, Plate 24) a7 278. 279. MOORE CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 11% in., Cal. .32. Moore’s Patent, Sept. 18, 1860, holster size, 6 inch barrel, 7 shots, engraved bronze frame, wood grips, barrel and cylinder sewing out to the right for loading. (Illustrated, Plate 24) SMITH & WESSON HOLSTER SIZE REVOLVER. 6 inch barrel, .32 calibre, rim fire, cylinder catch at top of frame operated by nose of hammer, wood grip, blued finish. Many of this model were used in the Civil War. (Illustrated, Plate 24) S.& W. HOLSTER REVOLVER. L. 10 in., Cal. .32. Same as preceding, but barrel only 4 inches long. (Illustrated, Plate 24) S. & W. HOLSTER REVOLVER. Same as No. 279, but not as good condition. FRENCH ARMY SIZE CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 11) in, Cal. .44. Marked D. D. Levaux, Brevete. 514 inch barrel, 6 shots, double action, barrel and cylinder tip for loading and extracting. Checkered ring butt with thumb-rest. (Illustrated, Plate 24) BELGIAN CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 10 in., Cal. .38. Center fire, 5 inch barrel, 6 shots, very smooth and easy work- ing action, finely checkered wood stock, rmg butt, thumb-rest. (Illustrated, Plate 24) ENGLISH CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L. 11% in., Cal. .44. Marked Geo. H. Daw, London, 534 inch barrel, 6 shots, pear shaped carved wood stocks, ring in butt, barrel rust-pitted. (Illustrated, Plate 24) FRENCH ARMY SIZE CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L 11), in,, Cal. .44. 534 inch barrel, double action, 6 shots, blued finish. A unique loading devise consists of a recoil shield revolving with cylinder, holes permitting striker of hammer to reach cartridges. Opening a loading gate frees shield from cylinder which can then be revolved independently for loading. (Illustrated, Plate 24) 58 286. WESSON & LEAVITT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. Remington percussion army revolver and a Pettengill percus- “> byl sion army revolver, all need repairs. L.14 and9in. (3) 287. TWO PISTOLS: A COLT AND A NORTH. s Picked up on an Indian battlefield in Western Nebraska. One A) 0 a Colt pocket revolver Model of 1849 with original loads still in ~ane cylinder and the other a North horse pistol. Model of 1816, relics only. All badly rusted. L. 15 and 9 in. (2) PERSIAN TROPHY HELMET, SHIELD, DAGGERS, ARM PIECE, ETC. 287-A. HELMET, With nose and neck guard, chain, plume holders spike; ? SHIELD, Diam. 19 in., with four heavy bosses; "he ARM PIECE AND HAND GUARD. All three beautifully etched in silver with character and figure medallions on an Oriental field. A bull’s head mace, scimetar, three daggers (one a flame dagger), and two with sheaths; lance point all chiselled, complete the trophy. Together 9 pieces. (Illustrated, Plate 25) 287-B. PERSIAN FORE ARM GUARD. L. 13 ins. Beautifully chiselled in gold damascened, in a double crescent EL design, alternating with a rayed head (The Sun). (Illustrated, Plate 25) 287-C. PAIR OF ALL METAL ALBANIAN MIGUELET LOCK PISTOLS. L. 20 in. 5 “J The brass stock chiselled arabesque decoration, and held with — brass sleeves to the carved steel barrels. 18th Century. 287-D. NORTH AFRICAN LARGE BLUNDERBUS. Flint Lock, L. 25 in., Bell 4 in. rb French Military musket lock, in good condition save that end of tang is missing (easily repaired); the grip is checkered and finished as a fish-tail. 60 287-E. PAIR OF ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOLS. L. 15 in. Maker: Wilson, and the barrels marked “London”, but made 3 for the Oriental trade with silver wire inlay on the stock, and all the fittings in heavily carved silver. No ramrods, and tip of stock broken away on one. (Illustrated, Plate 25) 287-F. THREE NORTH INDIA ARROWS, METAL HEADS. L. 28 in. po Bamboo staffs, painted in rings. 18th Century. — : 287-G. CURVED INDIA DAGGER. L. 13 in. Brass hilt carved in a foliated design. H The rare double curve Indian Dagger. (Illustrated, Plate 25) 287-H. JAPANESE DAGGER (TANTO). L. 16 ins. Interesting very old gold lacquer grip with carved bronze fv fittings. No sheath. 287-I. SHIELD FROM NORTHERN BURMAH. Diam. 12 ins. Hardened leather with lacquer finish, four iron bosses set in _ carved yellow bronze; complete with holders and arm-pad. Genuine Shield of small proportions. 18th Century. 287-J. ALBANIAN YATAGHAN. L. 31 in. Sea ivory crotch grip (repaired) which is set with coral and simili-emeralds. Leather and metal scabbard, with saddle sling. A handsome 18th Century piece. 287-K. JHWYHER KNIFE. L. 28 in. 18th Century Piece. 3 White deer antler grip and straight pommel; leather scab- bard; silver inlay at the hilt on the tapering single-edge blade. 287-L. FRENCH 19TH CENTURY FENCING FOIL. L. 41 in. Two armorer’s marks on the blade, button tip. PISTOL HOLSTERS AND GUN CASES 288. FIVE PISTOL HOLSTERS, VARIOUS SIZES. (5) 289. PAIR OF SADDLE HOLSTERS for old fashioned horse pistols. / 1314 inches long, heavy leather with brass bottoms. 61 CANVAS AND LEATHER BOUND RIFLE CASE. L. 42 in. TEN KHAKI CANVAS GUN CASES. Closed by draw strings, 46 inches long. (10 pieces) LEATHER GUN CASE, 3114 x 7144 x 3 in. Built on the suit case style, lined with green cloth, was very high grade, now fairly good. | BLACK GRAIN LEATHER “POCKET SHAPE” SATCHEL. Made from a U. S. saddlebag. Has a detachable inside lining of white canvas. Splendid for motoring, camping or traveling for carrying tools, supplies or lunch. Fine, new condition. BLACK GRAIN-LEATHER SATCHEL. Another similar to the preceding. AMMUNITION. 60 cartridges, 30-40 smokeless, for Krag and Winchester rifles and carbines, with 220 grain metal patched bullet. Loaded by the Union Metallic Cartridge Co. In orig- inal boxes, 20 cartridges in box, 3 boxes in this lot (retail price, 9 cents per cartridge). AMMUNITION. Another lot as preceding. AMMUNITION. 60 cartridges, same size and calibre as No. 295, but are made up with reduced load of powder and 100 grain lead bullet. By using reduced loads, a high power rifle is much safer to shoot in a thickly settled community, than with full service charge. Loaded by the Union Metallic Cartridge Co., 20 cartridges to the box, 3 boxes in this lot. (Retail price is 7 cents per cart- ridge.) AMMUNITION. Another lot, as preceding. AMMUNITION. Another lot, similar. AMMUNITION. Another lot similar. AMMUNITION. Another lot similar. AMMUNITION. Another lot similar. AMMUNITION. Another lot similar. AMMUNITION. Another lot similar. 62 POWDER FLASKS 305. POWDER FLASK, PISTOL OR REVOLVER SIZE. A Smooth copper; Jength, including charger, 5 inches. (Illustrated, Plate 26) POWDER FLASK FOR PISTOL OR REVOLVER. ae Made of brass and copper, 3 compartments, 2 of which are i = for bullets and caps, reached through swinging flaps in bottom of flask, powder charger at top. Full length 4 inches. (Illustrated, Plate 26) 307. POWDER FLASK. g Fluted copper, full length 8 inches. (Illustrated, Plate 26) POWDER FLASK. 7% *5 Embossed copper, full length 9 inches. (Illustrated, Plate 26) 309. POWDER FLASK, COPPER. Has original green carrying cord, full length 8 inches. g ‘a (Illustrated, Plate 26) 310. POWDER FLASK. p Embossed brass, pictures of trees, man with gun and dog, original carrying cord, full length 8 inches. (Illustrated, Plate 26) 63 ere POWDER FLASK. Fluted zinc, original carrying cord, full length 10 inches, (Illustrated, Plate 26) POWDER FLASK, COPPER. Embossed trumpet and words “Public Property,” full length 814, inches. (Illustrated, Plate 26) POWDER FLASK, MOROCCO LEATHER COVERED. Metal parts are of German Silver, charger graduated to meas- ure from 314 to 5 drams, made by James Dixon & Sons, Shef- field, total length 9 inches. A fine example. (Illustrated, Plate 26) TWO SMALL POWDER HORNS. A zinc powder flask, charger missing, 3 pieces. BULLET MOULDS THREE BULLET MOULDS. Casting conical bullets of about .36, .40 and .44 calibres. 3 pieces. THREE BULLET MOULDS. Casting round balls of about .44, .56 and .50 calibres. 3 pieces. THREE BULLET MOULDS. Casting bullets of about .40 calibre, different models, 3 pieces. THREE BULLET MOULDS. Casting round balls of about .50, .55 and .70 calibres. 3 pieces. THREE BULLET MOULDS, PISTOL SIZE. One for .44 calibre round and conical bullets for Colt per- cussion army, one for .31 calibre round and conical bullets, and one for 2 round bullets .31 calibre, 3 pieces. THREE SMALL MOULDS FOR MUZZLE LOADING PISTOLS. Sizes from about .38 to .44 calibres, round balls, all have square wrenches for unscrewing pistol barrels and cutters for trimming bullets. 3 pieces. TWO BULLET MOULDS FOR ROUND BALLS. About .38 and .40 calibres, 2 pieces. 64 RELOADING TOOLS IDEAL MFG. CO. RELOADING TOOL. For .32-.20-.115 cartridges, bullet mould part of tool. IDEAL MFG. CO. RELOADING TOOL. For .38 Smith & Wesson cartridges, bullet mould part of tool. IDEAL MFG. CO. RELOADING TOOL. For 6 mm. U. S. Navy cartridges, using 203 grain bullet, single adjusiable loading chamber. IDEAL RELOADING TOOL FOR 7 MM. CARTRIDGES. Single adjustable loading chamber, for Mauser cartridges. IDEAL RELOADING TOOL. .30-.40 calibre, for Krag and Winchester rifles, and carbines, with double adjustable loading chamber, so any size load can be used from round bail io full service charge. New, in original paste board box. See No. 341 and No. 342 for reduced charge moulds. | WINCHESTER MAKE RELOADING TOOL. Adapted to cartridge called 30. W. C. F. WINCHESTER MAKE RELOADING TOOL. For .45-.70 U. S. Government cartridges. WINCHESTER MAKE BULLET MOULD. For casting 405 grain bullet to use in .45-.70 U. S. Government cartridges. | WINCHESTER MAKE BULLET MOULD. Same as preceding, but for 500 grain bullet. TWO IDEAL BULLET MOULDS. One for .30 calibre round balls, the other for .30 calibre 150 grain conical bullets, to be used for reduced loads in Krag and Winchester .30-.40 rifles. ARSENAL SIZE BULLET MOULD. For .30 calibre round bullets, casting 6 at one time, for any .30 calibre rifle with reduced load. a4 65 IDEAL BULLET MOULD MARKED .45-.0225. Of this the Ideal Hand Book says, “a special bullet designed for the Old Model Colt and Remington powder and ball re- volvers that were used in the Civil War, 1861 to 1865.” SHARPS BULLET MOULD, .52 calibre. Intended for Sharps paper cartridge carbines, most of which are marked, New Model 1863. THIS IS A VERY SCARCE MOULD. “TWO BULLET MOULDS. One for casting round, the other conical bullets of about .58 calibre, the latter mould is of brass, 2 pieces. BOOKS AMERICAN INVENTIONS IN BREECH-LOADING SMALL ARMS. By Gen. C. B. Norton. Illustrations and descriptions of Rem- ington, Colt, Smith & Wesson, Winchester, Peabody, and many other early arms. 4to, 425 pages. Boston, 1882. AMERICAN SMALL ARMS, BY E. S. FARROW. Late instructor at West Point. A veritable encyclopedia of knowledge for sportsmen and military men. 500 illustrations. Tall sq. 8vo. New York, 1904. CENTURY OF GUNS. Sketches of leading types of sporting and military small arms. By H. J. Blanch. Over 150 illustrations of guns and rifles. Tall sq. 8vo. London, 1909. THE GUN AND ITS DEVELOPMENT, BY W. W. GREENER. 780 pages and many illustrations. Tall thick 8vo. London, 1892. THE GUNSMITH, BY STELLE AND HARRISON. Gives full directions for repairing and refinishing arms and for that reason is invaluable to collectors who wish to restore defective pieces. Also has many illustrations and descriptions of obsolete arms found in no other book. 8vo. New York, 1883. GUNS, AMMUNITION AND TACKLE. By H. Kephart, A. W. Money, and others. 426 pages. Many illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1912. 66 MODERN AMERICAN RIFLES. By Gould (Ralph Greenwood). 338 pages. Fully illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1892. FIREARMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY. By C. W. Sawyer, Vol. 1, covering the period from 1600 to 1800. Illustrated. Published in Boston (1910). 8vo, prelim- inary pages split. FIREARMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY. By C. W. Sawyer. Illustrated. Vol. 2, The Revolver, eoeerine the period from 1800 to 1911, specializing on revolver history. 8vo. Published in Boston, 1911. FIREARMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Illustrated. Vol. 3, by C. W. Sawyer, Our Rifles, from 1800 to 1920, covering rifles during that period. Thick 8vo. Boston, 1920. UNITED STATES MARTIAL SINGLE SHOT PISTOLS. By C. W. Sawyer. Descriptions and illustrations. Paper covers. 8vo. Boston, 1913. CATALOGUE OF THE U. S. CARTRIDGE CO. Collection of firearms, 140 pages and hundreds of illustra- tions. An invaluable reference work and practically unobtain- able at the recent time. Stiff paper covers, rebacked. Lowell, Mass., no date. SIMEON NORTH, FIRST OFFICIAL PISTOL MAKER OF THE UNITED STATES. By S. N. D. North and R. H. North. 207 pages and many illustrations. (specially interesting on account of the informa- tion given in regard to the celebrated “Berlin North” pistol. Tall 8vo. Concord, N. H., 1913. SHOOTING ON THE WING. By J. H. Johnston, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1884. A small book of 88 pages, 12mo, much valuable information in regard to shooting and care of guns. THE GREAT WEST. By Henry Howe, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1859, 576 pages, enlarged edition. Narratives of explorations, hunting and encounters with the Indians on the Western Plains before the Civil War. all thick 8vo. Cin., 1859. 67 3954. 398. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIFE. Or Startling Scenes, and Perilous Adventures in the Far West, during an expedition of 3 years, by Rufus B. Sage. Illustrated. 363 pages, 8vo. Boston, 1857. COME DUCK SHOOTING WITH ME. A book descriptive of hunting adventures in the West, by Herbert Gardner. Jllustrated. Tall 8vo. New York, 1917. MAGAZINE OF ANTIQUE FIREARMS. Copies of Nov., 1911, January, May, July and August, 1912, also a book issued by the Edw. K. Tryon Co., of Philadelphia, covering the history of the firm for one hundred years from 1811 to 1911, many illustrations of old time arms, paper covers (6 pieces). METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. Two paper covered books, one Notes on Arms and Armor. 141 pages. Illustrated. New York, 1916. The other, Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Arms and Armor, 85 pages. New York, 1911. 2 pieces. MISCELLANEOUS TEN OLD PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS. Including Sharps & Hankins, Smith & Wesson, ete., all in- operative and incomplete. (10) STOCKS FOR POCKET REVOLVERS. Different sizes and materials, wood, rubber and pearl. 35 pieces. REVOLVER PARTS. Including 10 cylinders, a cylinder for Robbins & Lawrence pepperbox, barrels, rammers, etc., for Colt and other revolvers, sold as a lot. PISTOL RECAPPER. A flat brass case, pear shaped in outline, with a mechanism for picking out caps and placing them on the nipples of the old fashioned percussion pistols and revolvers, This specimen is full of caps and ready for business. (Illustrated, Plate 26, Page 63) 68 UNIFORM BUTTONS FROM ARMY, NAVY, POLICE. Postal, Railway. and other uniforms, from the U. 5S. and many foreign countries, mounted on 2 cards (sold as a lot). A YELLOW STONE SPADE. Size 8 by 434. Found in Central Nebraska, on the Old Overland Trail. TWO CARDS. Mounted with 21 stone arrow heads from Kansas. heads from the prairie states are scarce. (21 pieces) Arrow THIRTY STONE ARROW HEADS. Good patterns, one 314-inch spear head, one 3%4-inch spear head, and one 434-inch knife, in mahogany box, which was originally made to hold a percussion pepperbox, sold asa lot. SIX TINY ARROW POINTS FROM THE PACIFIC COAST. From % to 34 inch long. really deserve to be called “gems.” Beautiful stone and workmanship, 6 pieces. ONE ARROW HEAD. Same class as preceding, 14% inch long, made up in a gold mounted pin, to be used as a searf pin. VERY FINE. HAT RACK MADE BY MONTANA INDIANS. Made many years ago. Six polished buffalo horns are mount- ed on a wood base which is covered with bright colored cloth. An interesting example of Indian workmanship. AMMUNITION. About 275 cartridges for pistols and rifles. Many of these range from the paper combustibles for percussion arms, to modern military ammunition. Specimens of pin fire, cup primer, teat primer, old time rim fires, etc., are found in great numbers, many of which are unobtainable at the present time. Sold as a lot. ae CHINESE SWORD. L. 41 ins. Double-edge bevel blade and ribbed lacquer scabbard with carved bronze mounts, cord wrapped grip and shield shaped pommel, (Illustrated, Plate 27, Page 71) 69 HEAVY WALKING STICK. : Carried by a prospector in Alaska and British Columbia. Is covered with names (cut in the bark) of localities visited, commencing with Chilkoot Pass, on March 18, 1899. An inter- esting relic of the search for gold. (Illustrated, Plate 26, Page 63) THREE U. S. BAYONETS. L. 21 ins. Flat side and tricorne edge. (3) FOUR BAYONETS. One with leather cover marked U. S., Rock Island Arsenal. (4) TWO BAYONETS. One with old leather sheath. THREE CAVALRY SWORDS. L. 42 ins. Mark: Cabotville & U. S. A. D. N. Wire wrapped hilt and pierced bronze guard and one with metal scabbard; one with plate“ W. C. Saffel, Ist Cav., Mo. Vol. Co. M.” (3) SWORD. L. 38 ins. Bronze guards, leaf shape; pear shaped pommel and hand- guard. Marked: F. S. S. i SWORD, BRONZE SCABBARD. L. 41 ins. Lacquered and gilt at hilt, which is wire wrapped, bronze guard. THREE SWORD BAYONETS. Leather and metal scabbards. L. 24, 26 and 30 ins. SHORT SWORD, ETCHED DESIGN. L. 27 ins. Buckhorn hilt, shell-shaped guard, one quillon broken. leather sheath; with a good machete having wood scabbard and hard wood shaped grip. (2) CARVED IVORY JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. Six figure groups in a series around the sheath. BROAD SWORD, HORN HILT. L. 27 ins. Old red leather sheath. Mark: Fernando Esser, Elberfeld, Acero Fundido Arantizada. 70 379. SHORT SWORD AND SHEATH. L. 24 ins. yo Wide blade, double edge at tip and curved brass grip with — straight ball tipped quillons. Leather sheath, brass tip. (Illustrated, Plate 26, Page 63) 380. DAGGER. L. 15 ins. “sy Leather sheath with tasseled end, panelled elbony grip, bronze od _— tp, and “S” shaped bronze quillons; with U. 5S. and Suhl short sword bayonets. (3) 381. MALAY KRIS. L. 25 ins. The grip in bands of carved silver. Fine example. y, Sf (Illustrated, Plate 27) 382. JAPANESE CARVED IVORY DAGGER. L. 7 ins. Painted figure decoration in relief. 383. JAPANESE LONG SWORD. L. 42 ins. Two Hanpep Hilt; carved bronze guard, lacquer scabbard 3 (worn). 384. MALAY SWORD. Fine curved wood handle, in a massive native design. a y? D p (Illustrated, Plate 27) —_ 71 DRESS SWORD. L. 37 ins. Wire wrapped grip, brass leaf guard, bud shaped brass quii- Jons and ribbed oval pommel with ball tip, old leather sheath, brass mounted. (Illustrated, Plate 27) TWO CAVALRY SWORDS. Pierced bronze scroll guard; one with metal sheath; old ribbed sword with lion head pommel on metal sheath. (3) CIVIL WAR SHORT SWORD. 1864. L. 31 ins. Covered guard for the hand. SHORT SWORD. L. 24 ins. Straight blade, one edge, and curved tip wood handle, sunken preof mark; lenge sword marked U. S. & F. Star. L. 37 ins. (2) ETCHED SWORD. L. 36 ins. Bronze sheath, eagle-head pemmel, snake guard and snield with spread eagle. SWORD. L. 39 ins. Double edge at tip; open guard and checkered grip. WIDE JAPANESE SWORD. L. 39 ins. Old fiat oval guard with rim and old bronze mounts, SWORD AND BRASS MOUNTED SHEATH. L. 42 ins. Pierced leaf shape guard, ribbed ebony handle. The Adams-Payne Printing Service, Inc., 313-317 West 37th Street, New York City 1924 Aug. 24 NeWa c.1 _ Walpole G/Firearms and edged weap Tc oh Wee ey Ae ( " Nae § ; a BY r\\ | \J i: ~ > SEASON 1923-1924 A Fine Library of Handsomely Bound Books to Close an Estate. A Noted Western Collection of Rare Edged Weapons, Guns, and Pistols. Furnishings, Silver, Glass and China. The Residue of the Stock of Prints of the late F. Meder, well known Dealer and Expert. , A Private Library to close an estate. Books relating to Texas History and Settlement, the Col- lection of the late J. E. Boynton. The Fifth Part of the Dramatic Collection of the late Wm. Winter. Japanese Color Prints and Books from Private Collections. A Sale of Prints, principally Etchings. A Collection of Books relating to Western New York. Fine and Rare Books, Modern First Editions, New York — Items, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, ete. v THE WALPOLE GALLERIES, 12 West 48th St., New York City