OR TNR AERIS ENG ET SENT SRI LI SES ATTA MOLISE PUNT CTR ATT SAS TLR TAO ©. OPN SA JESS aa PELE RADNER CAE AAIPTAT ROI IBID OED: RETB) TCHER - OKIE i 5 ¥ ' ; hu ‘ a4 tes , ‘ ’ ; er) * ; ror ‘ ; oiely ell oe ‘ ‘ no A : i ’ § ‘ Ap poh ‘ He gna 44 uly a bial aad hes ’ Vibwaede ‘ H dh) Aine rad . ‘ ’ ’ “ he) Wee BEd po sv aye pet wiv soma . ¥) Frt pele rwen ‘ a) av the ne ‘yohoqens ‘ Hd thee . we , Pe tie ge . , oh te 4) the one ‘ F dentine mas dives 408 Aas . ‘ tise Bray ahs ’ 3 ee oe % ee nae tombe ’ rye * o) Spee Ob is: P 4 one ‘ 2. $hepdue Maer Pe ee) «+ * pega ane =a z . Apatere eh oe syn! aNehnne rt ‘ “rw Rie dy que nhs Er) Mie abbas Oley eaters 4% ‘ igh erdt oe ena ‘ aan V4) +140 oc an shan tharted ghidieks SES” 8 008 94 thE SE Bh oe Ab y a8 We at ies {4} 0-0) 8) saga elena hate Did O28 8h 88s koh Braaney and ’ SM that od obey mee Weel & 2148, heh ey alte ole CH) Pha tap appeals die? of Aline dhdiyd Dla aNN ola) 84 rhe Seer) OP ohap ed sp ayens ofe cholate "LH eheher late» OE 48 6 de SO DLE One) Bek “8 hon Reese Pea he wneee ale O4ene Hae bk ey y - ? » ‘SYJWSIIATIS YSt[Buy Jo ysoqwo1s sy Aq passassod w4oJ fo asuas ayISINbxa ay} MOYS PU YIOM SIY PaYAVUE SOWTISWOS VY UOIYIUSBUIO-19A0 YI WO, 2aIy av sadaid asoy,], t4t ‘NOGNOT “HIMANVI TAVd AM SUAAOD YALLV Id AO YIVd V Sarsayyoy) aragy ayt fo Ksmsnory OVP TFT SIT EPS, wees weRs + LRAARECEAD . a _D SILVER and meLD SHEFFIELD PLATE aris Guild of Silversmiths: aaHallmarks, and date letters “4 used, of ees all the countries of Continental Europe, OUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY, INC. RDEN CITY, NEW YORK, 1928 manana COPYRIGHT, 1928 BY DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES AT THE COUNTRY LIFE PRESS GARDEN CITY, N. Y. FIRST EDITION Arete: LY; whose home is in Kentucky, but whose duties and responsibilities have made her name familiar throughout the United States, years ago perceived that in no other class of articles of domestic use were com- bined utility and great beauty to the degree in which those qualities co-exist in the silver produced in England during the period that began with the accession of George I and ended during the Regency in the early Nine- teenth Century. Her unerring taste and judg- ment, as shown in her own magnificent collec- tion, have made many converts to her belief. As an inadequate attempt to express the ob- ligation we should all feel, and as a tribute of personal admiration, this volume is respectfully dedicated by its author to ete oA lo Vl N eb edb tle of Lexington and Washington. FOREWORD Tuis book has been written with the single purpose of enabling the reader to establish the origin and authenticity of antique silver and “Old Sheffield plate.” If I have gone rather at length into the history of the silver- smith’s art in England and the laws under which he worked, it is because I deemed it necessary for the purpose in view. Education in the directions indicated is essential to prevent self- deception; there is no danger of wilful misrepresentation by a reputable dealer. It has not been thought necessary to go into the methods em- ployed in the production of solid silver. Sheffield plate must, however, be approached from a different angle. One who knows just how “Old Sheffield” rolled plate was made and will apply that knowledge to each piece he examines and will ask and answer the question that should always arise: “Was it possible to pro- duce this article without the aid of electroplating?’—will never, if of average intelligence, mistake electroplate for the older product. — Dealers are deceived every day. This we must believe in view of the fact that a large quantity of electroplate is being marketed as “Old Sheffield.”’ If a wider knowledge is possessed by cus- tomers, dealers will be compelled to educate themselves. Mr. Frederick Bradbury, of Sheffield, has written a book de- scribing in the most minute detail every process used in the older art and illustrating every method and tool employed. Its writing afforded Mr. Bradbury pleasure, no doubt, and certainly he vil Vill ; FOREWORD should feel proud of his work, evidencing as it does infinite labour and very great ability. But, Macaulay said no one but a commentator ever read all _ of Spenser’s “‘ Faérie Queene,’’ and if the seven books of the poem had not been destroyed in Ireland, even a commentator would have baulked. Hence, I have written just enough to show even a non-indus- trious reader that the raw material of a maker of Old Sheffield corresponding to the sheet of solid silver in the hands of the silver- smith or of copper or nickel silver in the hands of the maker of — plated ware presents a uniform colour only on the surface and never at a cross-section. The copper and silver were not amalga- mated. They remained distinct but not separate. Every edge of a piece of Sheffield plate must at some time have shown white and red, or white and red and white. That edge had to be masked. How? Never by electroplating: it had not been invented. I have compiled the tables of marks on solid silver in this book from publications most of which are not readily available to the reading public. The Continental hallmarks (apart from the French) have hitherto only appeared in a German publica- tion—Rosenberg’s. The French marks are from Boivin’s Les — Ancienns Orféevres Frangais, a costly work practically unknown in America. — It is very important that the collector should be able to identify British provincial silver. “Provincial” as used here includes Ireland and Scotland. This book contains the name and mark of every British and Irish silversmith now known, from the earliest times to the middle of the last century. The value of both English and American silver often depends very largely upon the identity of its maker. For some reason, that is not true of silver of Continental origin unless we hark back to the days of Benvenuto Cellini. It has seemed well, therefore, to give hall- FOREWORD ix marks only of the European countries other than the British Isles Our knowledge of early American silversmiths, incomplete as it is, seems almost static. Some few years ago, the Walpole Society published a book containing the names of a number of silversmiths of the Colonies. Copies are infrequently offered at book sales and bring large prices. My friend Colonel Charles Rynesson has given me what we believe to be the only existing copy of the book his late father, Mr. P. A. Rynesson, privately published. It contains data concerning some hundreds of silver- smiths not mentioned in the Walpole Society book. Mr. Stephen G.C. Ensko has also published a book containing many names and c¢ marks of old and comparatively modern “silversmiths” of this country. No doubt many of his “silversmiths” were only dealers —a fault with which this work also may be charged and for which a reason is given in the proper place. The curious reader will find many very valuable biographical notes in Mr. Ensko’s book, and I am indebted to it and to the book of American Church Silver (a wonderfully accurate work) for much information I have used in these pages. That paragon of American collectors, Judge Alphonso T. Clearwater, and Mr. Henry Davis Sleeper, who generously pre- sented his collection of Paul Revere Silver to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, have given me authoritative decisions as to the distinctions between the marks of the Reveres, father and son. By following the British and Irish date letters as given by the late Sir Charles Jackson, I have avoided the mistakes made by Chaffers and Cripps and copied by American authors. Howarp PItTcHER OKIE Washington, D. C. March 1, 1928. CHAPTER I. If. Ill. CONTENTS Oxtp ENGLISH SILVER . FRAUDS AND TRANSFORMATIONS MarkKS on Lonpon PLATE Makers’ Marks on Lonpon PLATE Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks MarkKs on YORK PLATE. on Norwicu PLate on EXETER PLATE on NEWCASTLE PLATE . on CHESTER PLATE . on BIRMINGHAM PLATE ON SHEFFIELD SILVER on LINCOLN PLATE . or THE Minor ENGLISH GUILDS . UnASCRIBED BritisH Marks MarkKs on EDINBURGH PLATE . Marks on GLASGOW PLATE Marks: or THE Minor ScotcH GUILDS UnASCRIBED ScotcH MARKS Marks ON DUBLIN PLATE XI IgI Xl CONTENDS CHAPTER PAGE XX. Marks on Cork PLATE. . 3. pe XXI. Marks or THE Minor IrisH GuiItps . . 208 InDEx To THE Marks oF ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRIisH SILVERSMITHS .... 9: /@eeceeeueeee XXII; Earry AMERICAN SILVER” 3 2 3 30) ee XXIII. American SILVERSMITHS AND THEIR MARKS 239 XXIV. Op Frencw SILVER .. 9. 4 XXV. Marks on Paris PLATE ~~. 2 X XVI. Marks on FREncH ProvinciAL PLATE . . 308 XXVII. Marks on GERMAN PLATE. 2-09 ee XXVIII. Marks on OTHER CONTINENTAL PLATE . . 355 XXIX. Op SHEFFIELD PLATE +.) 9. XXX. SuerrreLD PLaTers AND THEIR Marks . . 400 GENERAL INDEX . «0 = 6) #6 8s =) LIST OF FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS : A Pair of Platter Covers by Paul Lamerie, Meeioenion, i729... . ... . +: . « Hrontispiece | Early Maeisieopoons . . LY 6s ie oe % Mies. : vo Examples of Bena OTiIatiOliSs* ie oe YTS London Silver of the Reign of George IT . . . . . 74 | A Coffee Urn Made in London in 1765 a Parker & ee Jab ov aie a age Fe An paris George III Epergne. Made "Y Thomas Powell, oe London, Mt ie ee ois. ois Bee hee ick Sa ee Loe v1 ia Silver of the Period 1755-1765. . . . . =. « 194 a ‘Spout-Cup by John Coney (Boston, hGs Cig 22 ay te e298 ; Old Sheffield Tray Showing the Silver Inset Plate . 390 | Sheffield Rolled Plate of the Later (Florid) Period . 394 a amples of French Sheffield of the Empire Period . . 398 LD SHEFFIELD PLATE Re; ¢ a) Pe 7 a Cl Aer Re Old English Silver & + OMe : : Pe Pay ee 2 F a ‘ ee eh ee ae ee) a oe oe eT ee oe Frauds and T; ransformations 21 same remark, I told you that it was made in London by —— Brothers in 1925.” “Ow! You’re the Banas wot was in ’ere two years ago. Glad to see you again.’ And the piece went back on the shelf. He bought them by the dozen. The enormous advance in the price of antique English silver within the past few months has somewhat altered the conditions upon which certain statements in the earlier part of this chap- ter were predicated. Forgeries of the late Eighteenth Century and even early Nineteenth Century are now much more common than formerly. A particular brazen example was seen by the writer while this volume was in the press. The collar of the lid of a Paul Storr kettle had been taken from the original piece and attached as a base rim to a kettle of Continental origin which was unmarked or from which the marks had been removed. An original Paul Storr lamp had been found and placed in a silver stand (unmarked) and the combination was offered to me—as a genu- ine Paul Storr kettle, lamp, and stand! It was quite usual to omit the marking from a lid collar so that the robbery of the original Paul Storr kettle did not impare its value. Naturally enough, the date letters of the added base-rim and the lamp did not corre- spond, but that was a small matter compared with the omission of all hall marks from the lid and body of the kettle itself. Never before had I seen such confidence in the success of a fraud based upon such an airy foundation of deceit. CHAPTER 111 (Marks on London Plate EXAMPLES OF THE LEOPARD’s HEAD Mark Founp on PLATE OF A Date ANTERIOR To 1478. (THE AscriBED DaTEs ARE APPROXIMATE, ) ARTICLE AND OWNER, Spoon with hexagonal stem and acorn knop: in the Author’s collection. ‘*dyamond poynt” at end of stem ¢ lion sejant 2 is Mr. J. H, Walter. ‘‘dyamond poynt”’_,, me : Lord Hylton, : Mr. J. H. Walter, DATE. MaRKS, ARTICLE AND OWNER. ¢. 1470 SF) le: Spoon topped with seated figure of Our z Lady; leopard’s head in bowl, thé} Mr. J. H. Walter other mark on stem: ¢. 1485 B) Pre-Reformation Paten: Hartshorne, Derbyshire. [probably] (The B is probably the maker’s mark.) The marks shown below have been found upon an apostle spoon. The A may designate the first year of the following cycle. 1478-9? & vA @ 22 Marks on London Plate 23 eYcCLeE, I. Creel Hwe lt: THREE STAMPS AS BELOW. THREE STAMPS AS BELOW. LEOPARD'S CROWNED. Tos RE 2 8© ~O86; a RICH. Ill. 1483-4 1484-5 HEN. Vil. 1485-6 Nee 1486-7 G2 Q 1487-8 1488-9 1489-90 1490-1 q+ E C9 HS 1491-2 | 1499-3 {493-4 1494-5 | 1495-6 {496-7 1491-8 a @ je? eS Ee ee har iad Sra are a eam aren Goldsmith to King Richard III., and Lord Mayor in 1482. On Master spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. t eR: t i ft @ sD | o | te & | ty u 24 Marks on London Plate CYCLE iit: CYCLE I THREE STAMPS AS BELOW. THREE STAMPS TILL 1544, FOUR STAMPS THENCEFORWARD, ai @ as goles i a £3 > © ‘1? 9 Bi 0 “3 2 fel a Bi a owsaw &> SC @ BSS f 0 & g Q . u 9 © Me Marks on seal- wy Marks on seal-top 1536-7 @B cp spoon: Mr. 1544-5 @ CxQ spon: ME. : fn Brand. E, A,: Bennett, Marks on London Plate 25 CLs Ve CYCLE’ VI. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW, Ca rat} ~GIBOREBIOaGaY =O pt un @ 2] . |g .|@ . . |B . |e 18 M3 8 D 18 rr 18 |© tf © eee a es 3 ‘ Another example of the date Eres @ letter for this year. 26 Marks on London Plate CYCLE Vilk CYCLE Vite FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW, GOES qa si Sega: qaqaqas eSa: CHEIOZAas#eEeogag C7} > ae gO : AHRaAAMOBBASEHaAD Be HASHBOaERSA eS) 4 3] an . |B 1G 1D 1G 15 1 | Q 10 1B i‘ 19 | D _1o . Yl. » | OL. Bee Sk . lel. 1G FB Examples of forged London marks of the * Another example of the lion fo le VIII passant tr Cycle VIII. S33 B os @ |\gaqgganddqdss Messrs. Christie. Marks on London Plate 27 iY CLE IX. CYCLE, FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. 8 a: Gae &4OoRMEe 4 ZS S&pgeaqa@aO Ge ga & ~|@l . re “1G BI DG. PASH » | By. a | Bl. 1B » ie “18 ele. 1 el. @ @ Gt - : |. Pa) . ao) | - ta | PG | .1o| . EB) | . J | 3 B | - te | P| 19]. gl. 18]. * 10 Gg U Variations of date-letters of this cycle: Variations of date letters of this cycle : 1664- 1667-8 1639-40 | 1643-4 ff 1652-3 1) 1657-8 [J a @ 4 8 1671-2 1677-2 i *The lion passant is sometimes found eB i 4d thus : 28 Marks on London Plate CYCLE XI. CYCLE XII. BRIT. | DATE | HEAD ~ANNIA. LETTER.ERASED. In 1697 a law was passed raising the standard of silver from .g25 (sterling) to .958 henceforth to be known as the “Britannia” stand- ard. The same law changed the mark- ings as shown in the column to the right and also provided that the silversmiths should use the first two letters of their surname as a mark and not their initials as theretofore. The law was repealed in 1720. The standard for coin of the realm was not changed from sterling. Examples of makers’ marks of the period 1678-1716 are shown on pp. 58 et Seq. *See notes on p. 31 —— ' si ae ea Se re oe ee pe Ee wy eT ORE ARE a ater 1716-7 117-8 1718 9 “1719-20 1720-1 721-2 {122-3 1723-4 1704-5 1725-6 LEOPARDS CROWNED ay agddad Ga 1726-7 | Geass GEO. I 1727-8 1728-9 1729-30 1730-1 312 | 1732:3 1733-4 47345 1738-6 dqaagaaea 2 Marks on London Plate ey CLE, XIII: FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. PASSAKT. me [el eh SA) : & << : Se ems 845880 S@eregcede.. -, 2 s re, e PEPE eS eb eels bse Gpne® "Sethe se eee: CYCLE: XIV. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. 29 30 CYCLE XV: FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW z is] we = PE RSSHR AGS Ea. a § = Ba@S BE a 8 G ba) B J G i a a J a Q a EY) 3 @ @ On articles bearing the hall- marks of 1758-9-60, the leopard’s head crowned is * 1758-60 24) occasionally found in a shield with pointed base. + Date-letters for 1763-4, 1768-9, and 1771-2, are sometimes found to differ from those in general use thus: 1763-4 36) 1768-9 Es) 1771-2 @ Marks on London Plate CYCLE XYVi. FOUR STAMPS TILL 1784, FIVE STAMPS THENCEFORWARD, se} fe) GA ES le EEL 28 ~4 oe 3 by @ id G 8 ud ik 0 m n 0) i Gh iT Ss) it — pelewl Ge ole BBE eg @E ® The author has also noted the date-letters f of k of 1785-6 in shields with rounded h and i of 1782-3 to 1784-5, as well as in shields with pointed bases as illustrated above. On the other hand, the E and of 1782-3 and 1783-4, are sometimes found in a shield with a pointed base as in the shield for © 1781-2, and the bases, similar to those of the g. of 1780-1. +On some articles dating from 1784 to 1830, the shield enclosing the date-letter has a round se, and the lion passant is sometimes found in an oval stamp. Marks on London Plate CYCLE XVII. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. ca *4798-9 4199 1800 {800-1 {801-2 1802-3 1803-4 +1804-6 1805-6 1806-7 {807-8 +1808-0 1809-10 1810-1 {811-2 1812-3 1813-4 ERB RGREREAEREABEES B& B, @ 'D) E, G EL L ‘0 P. @) R S. rT 18145. Q- ola] 1815-6 Notes for p. 28. *Solid gold articles are marked with the leopard’s head and lion passant as 1696 and not with the figure of Britannia and lion’s head erased. 31 Variation of lion passant occasionally found on plate of 1679 to 1686. 1695-6 5 355, iF Notes for p. 29: $33 It is very important to note the variation of the date letter, leopard’s head, and lion passant for the year 1726- 7 of this cycle. This variation was also found by Sir Chas, 1727-8 ey iw @ § Jackson, but the author has found the same variation for the year 1730-1 on authentic specimens and he has no doubt that date letters in square blocks were used alter- natively with the conventional shields to the end of the cycle (1735-6). When new dies were made in 1736, no doubt this anomalous fashion of enclosing the date letter was discontinued. Hoo: = * Variations of » 3 ‘ 1738-9 & 'C) leopard’s head and lion pas- sant. ~ Although a punch for t 8 the leopard’s head mark different in form from that of 1739-40 was used between 1751 and 1756, its use was not entirely general, because articles of the latter period are frequently found stamped with the leopard’s head mark as here illustrated. {This and other date letters in this cycle are occasion- ally found with somewhat broader backgrounds. nna ED Notes for p. 31: *In 1798 the Stat. 38 Geo. IH, c.69, authorized a new gold standard of 18 carats fine, and provided that it should be marked with a crown and 18 in place of the lion passant. Up to this time gold and silver of the old standard had been marked alike. Gold of the old stand- ard (22 carats) continued to be marked with the same marks as silver of the old standard until 1844, when a crown and 22 were substituted for the lion passant, for the purpose of distinguishing it from silver-gilt. rE GM re) carat gold, as prescribed in the year 1798; on gold snuff box; Mr. Harry cb) | P} Alston. + For 1804-5, 1808-9; and one or two other years, the duty mark has been found in a trefoil-shaped stamp. It has also been found in the oval stamp in the same years. From 1808 to 1815 the king’s head is occasionally found like that shown for 1816-17, An example of the marks on 18 1798 SE aes Marks on London Plate CYCLE XVIII. CYCLE Ate FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW, munas | maxes tAGEAn SAS GOR, RUGS agra «'|@ | le2\O loss " a) (0) (ote ' wg] (@I » | - " 1830-40] + D) Me Nye Q) aap} | ety @|.|- |BR ra (841-2 | + if, Res bis BS . | ES (840-3 | @ ee Gow irs wos} |] ~ | » (SSSR - cH 184-§ | H) ~ [oo (Ea | (846-6 | +, R Pea ee aw is ped. : 1846-1 | +s £) ‘ (a a fea | | My . z Hy pee 1HB9 | ) ree : woo] » [GD]. |» (eo . » | (850-1 | + 33 By: (a RH wit] |@i. |» (B | @® wes] (EQ). |. (as » | sd] « |» |» [8B | is] o> [QB] > |» | + | @B west » (GV) @fy The shield enclosing the date-letters of Cycle XVIII. and preceding cycles is occasionally found with its base straight, or slightly rounded. 4 On plate of the second quarter of the rgth century, the leopard’s head is frequently 1825-35 © found without whiskers, as here illustrated from an example on a pierced salt cellar: Messrs. Alstons & Hallam. The date-letter JB of 1837-8 is accompanied by the head of Wm. IV. from 29 May to 20 June, 1837. Tae ae Marks on London Plate oe iL AX. CYClry Ox. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. FIVE STAMPS TILL 1890, THENCEFOR- WARD FOUR ONLY. peereees Are kK QUBEN'S WAKER'S LEOPARDS DATE LION QUEEN'S MAKER'S 22D LEITER. PASSANT HEAD, GARR. HBAD LETTER.PASSANT. HEAD. MARK. 10861 1@| |i C we | | GY (EQ | Bi 158-9 185-40 (8 i814 1802-8 “18h 1864-5 18-4 18867 CES pete Ay, SED (ARN, SEs OCh & OH SAO Of SERsanse 0 6 Fagus hve 9 6% 1867-8 {868-2 a) my) 1869-70 1874.1 99 1871-8 1873-3 1893-4 1874-5 it 0, B) OD BS 3 Q Q ‘P GQ % ‘oe re uw 18164 | GEGAIEGAIEIAEGESEEGEaGEd *This is merely an example of the Britannia marks as frequently employed after 1720 to denote the higher standard. It is not typical of 1863-4, or of any particular year. Vde p. 20 infra. In 1883 a law was passed decreeing that all silver plate brought into the United Kingdom from abroad should, before being offered for sale, be assayed, and if found of the proper standard, marked with an F in an oval. In 1904, that law changed and it was directed that such silver should have its fineness indicated by a decimal stamp (925 or .9584) in a long oval and have the symbol of the local assay office (usually a zodiacal sign) also impressed. 34 Marks on London Plate CYCLE XXII. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. LEOPARD'S DATE LION MAKER'S HEAD LETTER. PASSANT. MARK. 1896-7 EVES CO (997-8 1898-9 1899 1900 1900-1 EOW. Vil. 1901-2 {902-3 1903-4 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 1910-1 1911-2 1912-3 1913-4 (944-5 b id {@ 18 1 i Kk A my a ia ul {@ SHEEQSESRB EGR HBGESEESBBO | 1915-6 CYCLE XXIT. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW, 1916-7 1917-3 1918-9 IgIg-20 Maker’s mark of 1909-10 S. B. Harman: on silver-gilt snuff-box. Mark on Church plate: Tait DF) St, Kerverne, Cornwall. i. ANS = Mark of L. A. Crichton. Date letters of this alphabet will continue in use until 1936-7. CA Pi ik oleV DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. A hand ? Bow and arrow ? A horse ? Arranged Chronologically A plant ? A cock’s head erased. mee index, p. 211 A cross pattée. A trellis. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS A fleur-de-lys. A j Ls Jus A maidenhead. A fetter lock. A fish, as 1491. A key. An incuse cross. A rising sun. ee Bare 1509-10 Two links. A fish. = 1510-1 A flower. A horse shoe. A lamb’s head. A bird’s head. A foot print. W. a” A barrel or tun. Head of pastoral staff , Orb and cross. A leaf slipped.t Gemini. A jug, as in 1479. A leaf. A gate? MW in monogram. SW ” ” Heart as 1516. 19Geurr TOE Ie De o 4 @ Cad if 8 @ i % 8 = of. | w% = o ie Q 0 mate! Q 9 tm 0 9 A fringed S. 35 1519-20 0) ee) Bi CO) ey 35 3 © yt e) § 2 i 0 8 Q & if $< LW] 8 5 @ Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. A heart, A sheep. Two links, HK in monogram ? D? A fringed 5. A bunch of grapes. A crescent enclosing a mullet. An escallop, Two links. A sun, A short sword. A serpent. A sceptre ? A sun, as 1521. An orb and cross. A heart, as 1516. Implements crossed. A sceptre? see 1523. Sc? ia heart, see 1516, ” A maid's head, A fringed S, as 1519. An eagle displayed. on London Plate DATE. GQ@ x 1533-4 @GerrOoPF>@nrnoaqaqartasa GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. Double-headed arrow, T, incuse, charged with 3 pellets, Crescent enclosing mullet. Orb and cross between I C.—John Carswell, A fringed S, as 1527. Orb and cross between IC, as 1528, A fringed S, as 1519. A coronet. Orb and cross between IC, as 1528. A hanap. A hand erect, ? An arbalist ? Rose and crown, Thomas Wastell, Double-headed arrow. A basket. A fringed S, as 1519. A pair of compasses. A negro’s head. ? An eagle displayed. A-hand grasping a ham- pepo et H CG (Henry Colville ?) Makers’ Marks on London Plate a7 Le a hae 5 Siege pe ’ DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. 1536-7 x4 A sheaf of arrows. 1551-2 8) Crescent enclosing mul- let. 1537-8 ) A fringed S, as 1519. pa AY) A K conjoined. 1538-9 ? A pheon ? 2 ” i Stag’s head:caboshed. : ” 8 Swan’s head erased. 1539-40 Se) A fringed S, as 1519. 1552-3 TL! T L in monogram. 1540-1 8 A spray of leaves. ij 1553-4 'B) Robert Danbe, as 1549. ” . ” 2) As 1551. 1541-2 Ss A fringed S, as 1519. 1554-5 ge As 1552. 1543-4 i Orb and cross incuse. ” st Queen’s head as 1545. ” Se) A fringed S, as 1519. 1555-6 'G I F (John Freeman). - ba Marigold and letter E. ” T L., as 1554. 1556-7 4 Stag’s head, as 1551. 1514-5 ok A crab. e A fringed S, as 1541. ” & 54 z Ww § w. 1545-6 is A queen’s head. 1557-8 as H crowned. ” N B in monogram (Nicholas Bartlemew). ” oss W over a crescent. ih '$) A head 1558-9 & A rose (Henry Gillard). 1546-7 & A fleur-de-lys. eats ) 1547-8 | N Bin monogram as 1545. * 3 C A in monogram. 1548-9 3 A covered cup. rsso60| fo | aw. » |@® @) & A lamp. a i M, or W inverted me 3 A bird’s claw, see 1565. 1549-50 FB F B. os ig A mullet. ” | R D in monogrant (Robert Danbe). g A Aaorste-lys ” i C A in monogram. 2 C C linked, Crowned cross moline. ” NE Fe SK] S K. 3550-3, iL A high boot. 1560 1 he 9 ‘ 8 A hand under a coronet. . g3 A bird. 9 ay GROAG+S3? AOSV SG SSAC CEGSSaGQRR Makers’ Marks on London GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. A spur. P. C, A star radiant. Crossed compasses: with- in a radiant circle, A fleur-de-lys (Wm. Dyxson). R B. Three mullets over a crescent (R. Durrant) SR, Sun in splendour. RM. W C over a pig (Wm. Cater).. : A wallet hook palewise on a cross bendwise. N S in monogram (Nicholas Sutton), H K conjoined. R D in monogram, see 1549 (Robert Danbe). An eagle displayed (Fras. Jackson). Crescent enclosing mullet. Eagle’s (?) head between IC e A fleur-de-lys incuse. A hand grasping a cross, see 1564. A holly leaf incuse. 3 mullets over a crescent, as 1561. I P (John Pikenynge). H W, as 1559. A bird. W in radiant circle. DATE. ” 7 ” ” ” 1566-7 ” Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. 2306 -QG8R20@ GEGaqadaqerese sera A spur, R D (Robt. Danbe), as 1549- A mullet, A fleur-de-lys, as 1561. 1c John Cross or John Clark A horse’s head couped (Robert Medley ?) IS in monogram, A campanula, as 1566, — A. A bird’s claw, see 1559. I P(John Pikenynge), see 1563. As 1562. H W, as 1559. R K, Stars and crescent. A. A star radiant, as 1561. A campanula, as 1564, Acorns, W H, pellet below. ph Seen DATE. 1567-8 ” ” Shy seie Makers’ Marks on London Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. Gong eengHpaeGs Ft enesacsert’ A bull's head erased (Affabel Partridge ?) A wallet hook. A bird. F G in monogram. A horse’s head couped, as 1564. R D (Robert Danbe), as 1549- A hand grasping a hammer, see 1535- E R in monogram (Edward Ranklyn). T Bin monogram (Thos. Brown or Benson). A talbot ? sejant (Thos, Conell). A cock’s comb ? I F, see 1555 (Jasper Fysher ?). M. A wallet hook. A bunch of grapes. F R in monogram, I H, see 1570. A globe. Two birds. Ra. A bunch of grapes, see 1568. F, enclosing T, in mono- gram.~ A hand grasping ham- mer, see 1567. Animal’s head couped. DATE. @e@eeCOQemkhoaesprsesanaanagg 8d @ «2 CO} ED 39 GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. A hooded falcon (Thomas Bampton). R V, a heart beneath. A bunch of grapes, see 1568. A millrind. An orb and cross. A beaked bassinet. A K conjoined, see 1551. T Eo, in monogram (Thomas Heard). T H in monogram (Thos. Harrison or Hampton). J A pair of bellows. H B conjoined (Hy. Boswell). M in plain shield. Covered cup (John Mabbe). I H (John Harryson).- A campanula, see 1564. R H conjoined. F? A heart. Porcupine over T A. L reversed, A bird (John Bird ?) A hand grasping a crosslet, see 1562. I piercing G. A beaked bassinet, see 1570. T G in monogram. GsGt31aHH 23 UY QAI OCOORS ARoOSBEe Makers’ Marks on London Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. TL Lombardic A. A B conjoined. N R conjoined. A trefoil. A trefoil slipped. H B conjoined, see 1570. HR, A cross couped. Grotesque object and bunch of grapes, B. I F, N O in monogram. I P in shaped shield, A beaked helmet, see 1571. A millrind, as 1570, A pelican displayed, H S in monogram (Henry Sutton). H R conjoined, A bird, see 1571. Escallop. Sun in splendour, see 1562, C P, an axe between. V S, fleur-de-lys below. Hand grasping hammer between H C, see 1535. DATE. 1575-6 a 2) GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS, (J ee ceo 'e, tow. < BORED BHM EDEZOeecagcEs ag R E in indented border. A K conjoined, see 1570, WT, T B, M, ? A mallrind, as 1570, A pair of bellows, as 1570. t b. Three trefoils in a trefoil. TH, bear below. An arrow piercing H. A fox sejant (John Foxe). R H in monogram. A caltrap. A bouget. An arrow piercing H, see above. W C over a grasshop (Wm. Cocknidge 5 A snail. t b, see above, A mullet between a pair of compasses, LR., Do. M. ee eae Re oa * ‘ “al 3 9 ih 9 1579-80 158r 2 iD] " Makers’ Marks on GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. QBagaaaeegaeeSGab ae aEgage:6 A branch. S E in monogram. AH. W H (Wm. Holborne). A bird in shaped shield, see 1571.(John Bird ?) R P, crescent below (Robert Planckney). t b, see 1576. S on a cross (Isaac Sutton ?) A. windmill (Robert Wright). P G in monogram. C B in monogram. A rose slipped. An escallop, see 1573. Hand grasping hammer between H C, as 1535 (Hugh Crook ?) Three trefoils slipped within a trefoil. -I Hin monogram. S B (Simon Brooke). Sun in splendour. A four petalled rose seeded. Tudor rose. Fleur-de-lys. incuse. t b, as 1576. HW, rose below. RW. R B in monogram (Richard Brooke). London Plate AI DATE. 1581-2 1582-3 ” GOSBd@sSsasGaadegaBVBaokhsece iS 2 é GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. H W over a star. An escallop. A fleur-de-lys. A bull’s head. I F, see 1555, 1568 and 1583. Small letter b? R S, fleur-de-lys below (Robert Signell). A banner bendwise. I F, see 1555, 1568 and 1582. IH. IC. W C conjoined, A crown. Mullet and pellet. Mullet and annulet. R W, as-1581. A caltrap, as 1576. An escallop. Three trefoils voided. M (line across). A newt on a tun (for Newton). A crescent enclosing W. (Christopher Waiste ?) T, over a crescent. T, within a bordure. A mullet and annulet. Orb and cross. 9 ” ” GHCORGUSSACORSaECHR FSE0HSanve Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. D or! D in monogram. OrE D. A chanticleer, An escallop, I N in monogram. T S over a double- headed eagle. C B in monogram, see 1578. I S in monogram, see 1578 (John Speilman). W over a rose. R F (Robert Frye). W S over a rosette. D, as in 1587 (Edward Delves ?). I M (John Morris). H L conjoined. P W over IN. A crescent enclosing a mullet. A heart over two clubs in saltire, R M (Richard Matthew?). T F (Thos, Francknall ?). T S over a double- headed eagle, as 1587. N R conjoined. T F (Thos, Francknall ?). I G in monogram. A crescent inclosing W. RW. PW. on London Plate DATE, & BOSCsa COM aeauaggr240q Soqg | Mullet over annulet, see GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS, I G, as 1592-3. D, as 1587, I M over a billet (John Morley ?). An anchor, T H, a rose above and below. W H, a rose in base (Wm. Holborne ?). A crescent enclosing a mullet, see 1590. IH. T N in monogram. G §S, mullet below (Giles Sympson ?), I B, rose in base (John Brodg ?). TN, rose in base (T. Newton ?). C B in monogram. G A, pheon in base. D. Crescent enclosing W. Sun in splendour. 1584. T, see 1599. H B conjoined. I H over a bear passant, see 1576. I D over a doe lodged (I. Doe). I B, badge above. R B, mullet below (Richard Brooke ?). +7 eee ag = a aS ee nn DATE. 1597-8 1598-9 2) 1599- 1600 ” r€00-1 99 re TF B BS ER} Sy HAY RC e) 1B) Y T) WD @ 9 y G Sy [Mj 8 9 6) Y 1) 2 Makers’ Marks on London Plate GOLD&@MITHS’ MARKS. I B, bow in chief. T F, see 1591 (Thos. Francknall ?). Crescent enclosing W, see 1592. Branch between R.P. ER. BW. IA. RC. A squirrel. I B, rosette below. T, see 1596. An anchor, see 1594. A branch. S O, a roundlet below. Dove, holding olive branch. H D, rosette below. A cock, see 1587. C B in monogram, see 1595- M in plain shield. Three trefoils slipped, see 1585. Tau with bar acsoss. b, see 1582, Cross couped. Two crescents, A merchant's mark. DATE. G iS) Y Mu bg 3 & be Bs 6 1G © e g a A Ae 3 WI 1X, IE 1S os 43 GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. A wine skin tied at the neck. T S in monogram. An animal’s head erased between W I. A harp, between L M. D enclosing C. M W in monogram. T S, over an Imperial eagle, see 1587. T W in monogram. Anchor. A B conjoined, see 1571. b, see 1582. 1G, annulet below. C 1 in monogram. A T, tun below. Three gouttées. 1 B, fleur-de-lys belovv. A bird over H I. A triangle intersected. W I, as 1602. A B conjoined, as 1602. Wi. IA. | 1E. M B conjoined, a billet below. H M conjoined. ” 1608-9 BOGeSRHoacn es OSSsarrBRagag Makers’ Marks on London Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. A B, as 1602. I A, as 1604. Crescent circling W, see 1598. G. R W, rosette below. F T in monogram (F. Terry). R W."’ T R in monogram over W. Orb and cross. L B, rosette above and below. RS. F S, star below. H B. T H, bugle below. W T, animal’s head, erased between, see 1€02, ‘ G. C. A collar and jewel ? C enclosing W. C enclosing M. Crescent enclosing I. C enclosing W. T W in monogram. RS. IS, crescent under line in base. Crescent enclosing sal- tire. TL, ” ” SGSESSCaSMSSCHOMCGeqaoaEgssHRAeo GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS, & A fruit slipped. F W in monogram. A B, as 1602. T A, mullet below. WR. S$ O. IK. A helm, see 1573. N R over a head couped. A ship. 2 A bird over R P, A cross within a bordure. C enclosing I, see 1607. EW. Crescent enclosing saltire, see 1607. Staves in saltire, between A growing plant. F Sin pe ae Ww. I W in monogtam (John Wardlaw ?). Ke A T I, star below. T, Over crescent. E M in monogram. H B. Makers’ Marks on London Plate 45 - 2 DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. 4 1610-11 £3 TC, Ww T C between pellets. ] ” (3 T A, star above. MH M H conjoined. v H §S, gerbe in base. 3 W L conjoined. : ” Mi; L M in monogram. NI N. ‘ : H B conjoined, star be- 5 si Ad ee oases: FB low (H. Babington). q A; $ Trefoil slipped. RS RS. oa 1611-12 fk ae Ae if I M, a bow between. @ “ cfts Key between W C. RB) é R B. 4 z 'B) T B in monogram. IRC) RC, = ” d3 F W in monogram. BF, a trefoil in base 3 (Benjamin Francis). 4 . * x] Two clubs in saltire.. BY IM and F B. 4 is 1T, aye & S O, mullet below. E ” &) Crescent enclosing W, ¢1) I D, rose below. ae see 1598 and 1605, Ss 1612-13 St. Catherine’s wheel. Me R M, bird over. i i g A crested helmet. EM _| HM conjoined. a - a | Unicorn’s head. GS C R, key between. ’ - ” £3 A B conjoined, as 1602. IR _IR, bow beneath. € ” RB) |RB. MH} M'H conjoined, as 1613. : | 4 INR NR. HS, H §S, star below. a IS in monogram. : 7 wie) Key Spang wc, : see 1611. x : ; 8 Anchor in shaped shield, a « x F 7 he monogram, see see 1594. Ee 1609. DE T F,a dragon between. . | a |we 3 An escallop. Fe WY T H in monogram. Ry Ki iN A pair of compasses, FD see 1610. eR A bear. Po Wed 4 _. 46 Makers’ Marks on London Plate s DATE, GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS, DATE. GOLDSMITHS MARKS. * A double-headed eagle, ’ AV. W. F. sh 1A. “oolley see ae RN. C enclosing I, see 1609. I P over a bell. R C, mullet below, 1A, pellet below. R W, rose below. An arrow between W C, A phoenix incuse. as 1617. R over W. KX R C, pheon below. i E enclosing C. T E in monogram. A trefoil within a bordure. F M. F G in monogram. A B, roundlet below. .e. R K, rose below. 1617-18 RW. RG. H B conjoined. IC, mullet below, II, I V, star below, mullet below, IS, rose below. R S, heart below. I C, rose below. A I over W T. R P, mullet below. E L, fleur-de-lys below. An. arrow between W C, Small italic a, IF. H T in monogram. , T B in monogram within ie T H in monogram: a bordure. “ R over W. A tree between C C, Cc. I P, as 1616. R D, over crescent, W R, as 1608, : BBESEGaEGaGsgaeRgnoaega cashaega GEeegGqs#esele Saegqegseesagsaeaecoge DATE. ” 2? ” 2h) ” = - 1625-6 ” 99 sham edQeseoogsee evans agqeasag Makers’ Marks on London GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. tn ~ Crescent and mullet. AH over W W, as 1626. H T in monogram, as 1621. I F crowned. A trefoil slipped. W C, mullet below. I M, mullet below. R C, pheon below, as 1616. E H, pellet above and below. R S, a heart below. T B, head below. R S and anchor. IF. TH. A mullet over an escallop. A flower slipped. A in a lozenge. J in a wreath. B Y, a gate below (Benj. Yate). IE, a billet below. 1 V, a star below. H S, mullet below. S over W. H S, star below. W S. TB. DATE. 1625-6 1626-7 ” ” ” 1627-8 ” 1629-30 Plate BaeGaanuods BSHaeoes HESBaRs € 47 GOLDSMITHS MARKS. CB. P H in monogram, annulet below. A tree. H S, star below. H B conjoined, as 1613. R B, mullet below. A H over W W. B Y, see 1624 (Benj. Yate). W S. WS. S over W, see 1625. R I, mullet below. W S linked (Walter Shute). T B. T E, fleur-de-lys in base. ] in wreath, as 1624. T V. star below. R M, heart below. An escallop, see 1615. D crossed by a bow sinister wise ? A pegasus ? B Y, gate in base, as 1626, for B. Yate. Bow & arrow between W S (Walter Shute ?) D enclosing C. Anchor between D G, R B, mullet below. B GBeaklag@ssGaeeasgetougeargse @ Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. B P, mullet below. R C, pheon below, in dotted border. C C, as 1617. W S, as 1628-9. IT. G G, rose above, round- let below, PG. T D in monogram (T. Dove). W over M (W. Maunday), R S, heart below. A bolt. I M, a bear below. 1 A, mullet below. W C, mullet below. R §, star below. R S, heart below. T B in monogram. H M, rose below, W C, heart below. DW. Ww R, arch above, pellet below (W., Rainbow). An orb and star, Cc Hote V S over fleur-de-lis, E H. P B between crescents, see 1658. T E, mullet below. DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. D enclosing C, see r602. I M, bird below, Owl holding mouse. C B in monogram, I G over a covered cup. I H between pellets, I B, a buckle below (J. Buckle ?) W over M(W. Maundy), Walter Shute, as 1628, An escallop, as 1628, E S in dotted circle, H B conjoined, a sun above, see 1626. RC, R_S, mullet above and below. W over M, see 1633. P G, rose below. R W between mullet and pellets. D W, a mullet below. R C, a rosette below. P B between two cres- cents. F, L I, flower below, R S under sun in splen- dour, 3 An escallop, as 1633. R H, | RO, R S between a mullet and a heart, DATE. ” iB] ” 2 Vv > ASOBEaBaeaece sa BAGS eEaSSeRansaerse R C, as 1634. Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. E C in dotted circle. I B, buckle below, as 1633 E R in rayed shield. H M conjoined. B B crowned, six pellets below. Owl holding mouse, see 1632. R W, mullet below. G M, bird below, in dotted border. R W between mullets ° in lozenge. I over W between three mullets. R over W. R H between pellets. B F (Benj. Francis ?) C Rin monogram. E §, pellet above. R G, heart below. R §, heart below. I intersecting C. A star over an orb with annulets. A star over an orb, see 1631. R B over an escallop. R M, rose below. A pillar between G S. G D, mullet and pellets below (Geo. Day ?) W C, heart below. on London Plate 49 DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. Oa GOS SSGRSereeucasoecsouae W M, pellets above and below. R G, heart below. R A, quatrefoil below. I H in circle. W T. T I over star and pellets. T H conjoined. H L conjoined. S V (Stephen Venables), see 1645, 1651-3. RC. F C in monogram, W M, mullet and two pellets below. I G, mullet below. F C between mullets. F, as 1635. RR, B E crowned, IH. W S linked, as 1627. C P, rose below. T P in shaped shield. H B conjoined, see 1613. T b in monogram, bird below. B F, pellet below. A crowned escallop. DI. Lad 9 Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. SdgeudssHqegeqageaqcaaes sae ia I M, bear below, as 1630. I B. R P, mullet below. R W, mullet above. H B conjoined, see 1639. WW in monogram, we, W M. T H conjoined. RW. IF, El, O M, pheon below. T H, fleur-de-lys above and below. II, mullet below. W C, heart below. I T, pellet below. T over M (Thomas Maundy’ ), I W, tun below. : F. R S between mullets. R C, 3 pellets above, star below. W S, mullet below. R K, mullet below. I W, as 1642-3. on London Plate DATE. 'GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. | TT (indistinct marks). TM, see 1641. BB. D W, mullet below. TG. S V (Stephen Venables). W T, N W, cinquefoil below (Nicholas Wollaston ?) I L, pellet below. C O (Cardinal Orme ?) A F (an ancestor of Ant. Ficketts ?). IA, RV. (Richard Vaughan ?) W M, see 1641. S A in mionogram. A bird with branch in te beak. A hound sejant. II, pellet below. I H in monogram. 1G, escallop hidies BE, see 1638, Hound sejant. M, star below. C T, two pellets above, A bird. Gaenasgaenaougeacadseosaag DATE. 1651-2 ” 99 ” & qaees&eaeeue ageagaceat saa Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. S A in monogram. I C crowned. A M in monogram (probably A, Moore). IW. H G, between mullets and pellets. I G, crescent below. Cock on reversed C. S V, see 1638 (Stephen Venables ?) I T between 3 pellets. I R, cinquefoil below. AF, SV (Stephen Venables). R S between mullets. I B, buckle below, as 1635. S A in monogram, see 1647. R F, muflet below. AF, see 1646, W H, star above, pel- let in annulet below. H G between mullets and pellets (Henry Greenway ?) C T in monogram. I V, pellet below. S V, as 1651. E D, roundlet below. on London Plate DATE. q @®@ @G8GSSEGRHEa Ra eOCeBoacae hades 51 GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. RR. W H, as 1653-4 | H G, as 1653-4, HN, bird between. W C, pellets above, rose and pellets belaw. I R, crescent above. D R, pellet above and below (Daniel Rutty ?) I L in plain shield. R N between mullets (Richard Neale ?) T B in monogram, see 1631. R F between pellets. R over W. F W ina circle (Field Whorwood ?) I W, tun below. W G between pellets. MG. W G. W G. A D conjoined. C S, a sword in pale (Christopher Shaw ?) E L, escallop below. G D, mullet and two pellets below. | WM, as 1647. B or J B in monogram. E T, crescent below. N W, as 1646-7. T G in dotted oval. Makers’ Marks on London Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. ° K F, mullet below. I G, pellet between. I H in monogram between three mullets. A F, see 1652. R W. iH W, mullet below. H B conjoined, mullet telow, see"1640. W C, rose below. P B, see 1632-3. I or T. G B, flower below. S A in monogram, mul- let below, see 1652. F L, bird below. Crozier between G S. F L over a bird. T G in dotted circle. | S, a bolt in pale, see 1658, Ficketts ?), see 1657. T A, mullet and pellets below. I G, crescent below. M, star below. I C, mullet below. S V, see 1651. R D, fleur-de-lys below. SG8Ssqaeeou sesgoehogagcdeaeacsese A F, a rose below (Ant. DATE. Sa @Gaaeeagesgagcaueasegaaae GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. I G, mullet below, G §S, as 1658. T over M for Thomas | Maundy, see 1641. | An orb and cross, R F between pellets, R F and rellets. G D, mullet below, E T, crescent below, R A, mullet and two pellets below, 1 | SV, see 1659. | T B in monogram, as | 1631, | W M, mullet below, S V, see 1659. T D between pellets and a rose. R D over I B. I I, mullet below. R N between 2 mullets. T G, 3 pellets above and below. T D between mullets and pellets. T AC in monogram. T T; mullet below R N, mullet and two pellets below. R L over fleur-de-lys. SR - D R, stars and pellets above and below. ss. oa DATE. GgesedSSeoasase Sees HPasadEed & Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. on London Plate £3 DR. C A in monogtam. H bird with olive branch below. E T, crescent below., Do. without crescent. R F. F P, quatrefoil below. WC. GV. D R, as 1655. I N, mullet below. K S between 2 mullets. T P between 2 pellets. M, as 1659. W M, pellet mullet below. I F, fleur-de-lys below. above, T K, fleur-de-lys below. I N, bird below. E T between mullets and pellets. A F, mullet and 2 pellets below. W N, 4 pellets below. I G, mullet below. T K, cinquefoil below, see 1663. I S in heart. C H, billet below. H N, as 1662. N B, mullet and 2 pellets below. I W, woolsack below. DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. 1664-5 W H, cherub’s_ head SY below. = 16) I G, pellet below. “ HG H G between pellets and a mullet. if F W, a mullet and 2 pellets above and below. An_ escallop, a mullet - above, see 1624. B, 2 mullets over and r ” below. a H I, mullet below, see 1657. R M, between mullets and sg pellets. ” Hi) H in engrailed shield. 7 TP T P, pellets and rosette below. ” Ss D R between mullets. z | CrP) T P, a rosette above and below, ~ H B conjoined, a mullet below, - I K, two pellets above, a mullet below. ” ey, T L, a pellet above and below. 1665-6 A) A D conjoined. %” QakSsae 4G T R, crescent above. P D, 2 pellets above, cinquefoil below. I I, as 1661. H R, 3 pellets above and 3 below. P P, star below. I G, crescent below. A M in monogram, see 1650. C Y in monogram. T A, mullet between. 54 DATE. 1665-6 $9 Ma) GES SOrSOhEes easeangsnd@eGen Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. P M in monogram, a coronet over. F L, bird below. WG crowned, in a dotted circle. E M ina dotted circle, see 1673 (Edmund Michell). R D crowned. W M crowned. M , mullet below, A ,key between two pellets, T M in monogram. S S crowned. S V, pellet below, R S, a fleur-de-lys below, T S, a bird below, J, W in monogram, B P, escallop below. T I, two escallops be- tween. T L in plain stamp. B ECG in monogram, star above. I B, crescent below, A M in monogram, crowned, see 1665. R S, mullet above, six pellets below. P P, six pellets below, see 1655. I C, mullet below. G V in engrailed shield. IC, pellet below, on London Plate DATE. 1668-9 ” ” GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS, yy '| RD, mullet below, aebeaeagereaseneeaeessesesgoeg R_ D, mullet above, crescent below, 1 A in dotted circle. A L._ between three mullets. W G, trefoil below, WW, fleur-de-lys below. T A, star below. SN, star below, I W, three pellets above, RS. F W between mullets and pellets, T C_ in monogram, pellet below. R P, pellet below. I L, flower below. T H crowned. TEH (T E conjoined). Fc, T BE in monogram. C over W. OG, fleur-de-lys below, ‘1S, rosette below. T P, 3 mullets below. EG. D R, coronet over, L C crowned. (Lawrence Coles). if I I, anchor between. Py Re: "2 ‘ Y DATE. " 1670-1 ” ” ” " v ; ” x me . 9 < a oe ” Bt * ss “"” : = ” 2 ” $s ” sad ” —, as mE a i 1671-2 ; : 2) ~ o 3 > iF and => c ! > a : _ eee ae » >, . ‘ S. = a : ” G@GeaqeghaSQGaed ehesasamasaecacqa Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS T M over a crown. T K, rosette below. I R between rosettes, (John Ruslen ?) RH, a cinquefoil and 2 pellets below. T H, anchor between. RN, mullet below. R P between pellets. R D, cinquefoil below. G crowned, 3 mullets below. W H conjoined, mullet below. E R, mullet below. I D between pellets and a gerbe. E G in oblong punch. I L over a crescent and pellet. G W over a crescent and pellets. I L, a mullet below. W G conjoined. I H over a fleur-de-lys and pellets. M G over a trefoil and pellets. DC, rossette below. I K, rose and 2 pellets below. I D, pellet below. W W linked. R S between mullets. O S, a trefoil slipped below. i @RGEASESGHEASOaACSERHAGBSEAOE on London Plate 55 GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. Ni) A flower slipped. P D, five pellets below. C M, three pellets below. C M, mullet and two pellets below, E G, crescent below. IS, two mullets and fleur- de-lys above. I P, rosette below. R P, star below. D L, a trefoil over and mullet below. R K, a star and pellets below. I P, a pellet above and below. A H, star above, crescent below. W G, pellet below, S V, mullet below. I C, a pellet below. H L, a pellet below. S R, cinquefoil below. iH. H E, a pellet below. R G, star above. I F, crescent above. T R in monogram. DL. = B crowned. S C, fleur-de-lys <:bove and below. C es 8 set v B @ @ ee 9 @ Se) 0 @ 9 9 @ Y 8 ® B 9 @ Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. I K, rosette below. E H crowned, crescent below. S S, fleur-de-lys below. L C, crown and crescent (Lawrence Coles). H E conjoined. R L, rosette and pellets below. Another mark of Law- rence Coles. E M, see 1666 (Edmund Michell ?) Ed. Jones ? M W (Mathew West ?) G W, crescent below. E M crowned. T G, 3 pellets above and 3 below. G G, George Garthorne (probably). I S, John Sutton (prob- ably), see 1683. T L, pellet below. R D, comet below. G T over a mullet voided. H _ K, pellet above and below. W W between mullets and pellets. E H, pellet above, cres- cent below. W R conjoined, coronet above. J M in monogram. WS. D W crowned (David Willaume or Williams ?) DATE. SGRSERStSSSCHEGCOCHEOSSGEHE on London Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. ~ A M in monogram, see 1665. G S,a crown and fleur- de-lys above. G C, mullet below. F C, a rosette below. R_ A, winged figure between, N. B. T D, star below. M, fleur-de-lys below. T I between 2 mullets. I S crowned (Sir Jeremiah Snow). AR, I B, see.1684 (J. Buck ?) 1H. I F, mullet below. T L, a pellet below. I E, a pellet between and below. S crowned. C W, a fleur-de-lys aLove | and below, R M in monogram (Richard Morrell ?) FS, Y I between escallops. F A, fleur-de-lys below K S between mullets. T F, mullet below (Sir Thomas Fowles or ffowles). > oa a =a? = p A a Makers’ M. arks on DATE. GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. TO 10 ox Ol. CF W A in monogram. T C, a cat above. A S H in monogram (Thomas Ash ?) W W, see 1674. C E, a pellet above and below. S H in dotted circle. S R, a cinquefoil and pellets below. OS, a pellet above. I R, a trefoil above, a pellet below. B R in monogram. A castle between I C, W S, a mullet and two pellets above & below. S G crowned. WG, a trefoil below. W S, a rosette below. H H conjoined, a fleur-de- lys and pellets below. M P conjoined under a crown. 1S crowned. W C, fieur-de-lys below. F G, mullet below, for Fras. Garthorne ? A K, pellets above and below. F S, a pellet above and below. D R, a coronet above. W § linked. London Plate DATE. ik] eRe Sesfasedotesecehaegacaasd 57 GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. J G in monogram. I B between pellets. E M in monogram. I B, pellet below. S_ R, cinquefoil voided below. R N crowned. N C, four pellets below. WN. T R crowned. I A, crescent below. A R, mullet and two pellets below. W over S (Wm. Sanberry or W. Scarlett ?) I B, fleur-de-lys below. C K, pellet below. I P crowned. T B in monogram. Double-seed rose. RS. A H, pellet above, mullet below. - S crowned, N W. I R, crescent below. T A, three pellets above, a device below. K S between mullets. T E in monogram, a coronet above. E C crowned. G@SEGSSOHwSSQGESStsaagedes#aea h @ Makers’ Marks. on London Plate GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. I L, a coronet above, T H in monogram. By. I M conjoined, R H crowned, C K, mullet below. T C, a fish above. T A between pellets (Thos, Allen ?) B P, escallop below (Benj. Pyne ?) T M in monogram. H C crowned, T S in monogram, crowned. R H, mullet below. IS, as 1674. OS, between trefoils, IS, billet below. IN, as 1662, D C, a pellet above and elow. B, see 1675 and 1687. Mark indistinct. FS. A goose in dotted circle, IH, fleur-de-lys below. L C crowned (Lawrence Coles). R S, fleur-de-lys below. D G and 2 fleur-de-lys in lozenge, F G, star below, see 1677 (Fras. Garthorne). I B, see 1677, DATE, Sadore eOCGOGedaeaoeggageoecag GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. R K, mullet below, I S, cinquefoil below, I H, pellets above and one below. T A in lozen mullet below. ae T I, two escallops be- tween, see 1668 & 1684. T L, an escallop and pellets below. F N, a crescent above and pellets below. R L, a trefoil below. B over W, with trefoils, R_H, crowned, crescent below. W F conjoined. SE. P B in monogram. I C, mullet below. R C in dotted circle, P L in monogram, S H linked. F B, pellets between. I M in dotted circle, eH, M K in lozenge. T E, a coronet above, L S crowned, I I between pellets, =. > ee wae DATE, Qeaggaee saar@eascaesea2aeaggse Makers’ Marks GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. T S, an escallop above and below. N W, a star below. E N conjoined, under a crown, T A, three pellets above, one below. . B crowned. IH. I S, cinquefoil below, see 1680. AD. T A in monogram, H E conjoined, crowned, see 1673. AR. F W, cinquefoil below. E G crowned. P M, star above, fleur- de-lys below. I A in monogram. T EB in monogram. I H crowned. W F, knot above, rosette below. R L (Richd. Lassels or Ralph Leeke). M H, rosette below. P R in cypher, pellet below. L C crowned (Lawrence Coles). SH. I P, star above, crescent below. C enclosing K. on London Plate 59 GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. ) CRSCeSeteepGerpageeQuaeage John vane % Sam Welder Rich’d Green Jno, Holland Sam]. Hitchcock Saml, Welder Philip Brush Josiah Daniel Nathl. Bland Richd. Gines Henry Beesley Henry Miller Thos, Allen David Killmaine Fras. Plymley John _Corporon Danl, Sleamaker Humph. Payne ‘Petley Ley Thos, Port Richard Greene Edward Jones Josiah Daniel (see 1714) Jas, Goodwin — Danl. Yerbury Geo, Lambe MAKERS’ MARK AND NAM&. } ent: $Y 9 ” - 170%. ” ” 1697. 1715. w 1716, 1704. 1715. 1713. 1703. 1697. 1714. 1710, 1715. 1713. Makers’ Marks on London Plate 73 DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME, 1717-8 Joseph / Ward enc. 1717, Robt. Hill ent, 1716. Thos. Holland Peeve ”" Edward Barnet ay GTS ohn Holland our Is J ptt ” Chas. Jackson ,, 1714. (see 1718 below) Nat. Roe ie i ge ” William Pearson ,, 1710, Jos. Clare oy 2 7%3. (see 1716) - Isaac Riboulau ,, 1714. Thos, Mason PY 10: ; ; or Edw. Barnet Set Ss Paul Lamerie He 7g eS 5 Phil, Ropimson! ., £713; : Thos. Ewesdin Ap EVs 4 Thos. 1 707. < Jas. - Seabrook os 17%4. M beet rng ges ite 2797 ; ~ Jno. Harris aie 3 120, Petley Ley ee yee se Wm. Street peel 7 i7e . Phillip Robinson eek Tide 2 cs Jas. Smith ye LETS : Joseph Clare ws (see above and 1719) A Thos. Shermer ea 7Ey, 4 Anty. Nelme » 1697. 3 : (Re Starling Wilford Se si Es é Geo. Lambe ay F713. Pact tinct re As Wm. Bellassyse ae ep P Thos, Burridge ., 5, David Green vy I7OI. Wm. Bellamy oF ” Jno. Guerrie POR Lee Saat Welder Es st Darl. Cunningham ,, 1716. Ambrose Stevenson ,, 1706. Jos. Bell. ” oo» Wm. _—siPPetley 1 1717. Richd. Edwards enue est Paul Hanet ee ah iy Jas. | Morson Sep Ate He John Farnell <,, 1714. Wm. Pearson » 1717. = Chas. Jackson 4, 15 Jas.(?) Fraillon A, pies ss Thos. Parr ,, 1697. Robt. Kempton Ho ae ” Geo, Beale ee eRe Wm. Penstone ESky PBSAESOHOSEOCSCHRKRSEYRMSG HSS, Ceee BBSSeSCGOOCHPORIBEOCSOSEESHESES Ed. Holaday ,, 1709. DATE. ? + ” SEHPohahSeesceosegasee SEORSD Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. David Tanqueray ent. (see 1714) Henry Clarke = (see 1709) Thomas Mason Pes Thomas _ Tearle (see 1719 below) ” ” LE ” 0 John Keigwin John Sanders Wm. Fawdery {as 1705) Wm. Darkeratt Hugh Saunders John Bignell Geo, Gillingham Jno. Millington Jno, Lingard Do, do. (for O.S.),, Thos. Tearle (see 1718-9) Thos, Langford Réné Hudell Wm. Spackman Geo, Boothby John White John le Sage Benj. Blakeley Wm. Paradisé Lawrénce (?) Jones 1713. 1709. 1716, 1719. 1710, 1717. 1697. DATE. 1719-20 Ge & e &S & SW Ly i) EH @ & @ 2005 aH B G> aH John Gibbons ent, 1700. Thomas Shermer 1717. Wm. Darkeratt 1718. (see 1718) Edw. Barrett 1715. James Smith . 1718, Gabriel Sleath 1706, Thos, Allen (2nd Mark) Thos. Edw. Saml, Thos. Morse Gibbon Smith Steward §. 4, John Fawdery i», 1697. Matt. Cooper VE Ed. Jennings ~ Ann Tanqueray ,, 1720. Do. do. (0.S.) », Chas, Jackson erty las Richd. Watts Sarah Holaday boa Name not traced, o SSRPHOHoHAASARBRPSSSRRSERMPEBSSCSESE & Hugh Arnett & J. Burridge Ed, Pocock wae no. Barnard Name not traced, J GBRBSSSso SOROS SOHMSOooeaga ” A’brose Stevenson Thos. Bamford he ye & 3 © cm & cs e @ @ p & [BR | LN | me 8 ic @ G @ a B @ tt EB @ > Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Feline ent, 1720, Seabrook Steward Miller Squire Sleath re Roker (N.S.) ,, do. (0O,S.) ,, Brydon Greene Pearce Brumhall Newton Matthew Lee Clarke Corosey Farnell Glover Johnson Looker Rainaud Vincent (probably) Liger Jay Clare Arnett & Pocock DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. 4 Esp>Gisiser>oneade b ne eH 6 PEE Simon Pantin ent. r717. John Wisdome ,, 1720, (probably) Jane Lambe 1719. Turner 1720. Buteux Lee Truss do. Name not traced. Sarah Holaday (see 1720-1) Joseph Bell? Thos. Evesdon (see 1720-1) Edmund Pearce Simon Pantin (see above) Bowles Nash Edward Feline 1720. (see 1720) Jno. le Sage 1718, Ed, Wood = -, 2° ss Benj. Pyne as 1706. Name not traced. Anth. Nelme as 1756. Edw, Jennings ent. 1720, ee es ee Makers’ Marks on London Plate ai + DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Jno. Bignell ent. 1720. Richard Watts ent, 1720, Natl. Gulliver 1» «£722. Ed. Dymond ,, 1722. David Willaume 1720. Jeremiah King » 1723. Do. do. Jno. Eckford. | Wm. Soame es Isaac Riboulau ” 7 Pere ‘Pilleau Do. do. ” Oo» Edw. Wood John —_Jones ” oo» Jas. Gould Do. do. » 9 Nich. Clausen Henry Dell speigaa. | Phil. ‘Wm, Owen New eee Robinson Phil. Goddard = 98 ” John Gibbons ” ” Do. Meshach Godwin _,,_ 1722. do. Gulliver John East x Tas. Natl. 1723-4 Cornasseau Isaac Thos. Farrer »» 1720. Do. do. Thos. Morse ” o» Michl. Nicholl Aug. Courtauld ,, 1708. John Clarke over ® Jnthn. Madden ,, 1702. Geo. Young Edw. Peacock ,, 1710. Jno. Clarke Richd. Scarlett ,, 1723. Jas. Fraillon John Chartier 4, 9» Ed. Dymond »» 1722. Arte Dicken +» 1720. Joseph Adause e Paul Lamerie ,, 1712. John le Sage John = Jones 1719. Edw. Gibbons ,, 1723. Philip Brush? Wm. Spackman ,, 1720, Isaac Cornasseau ,, SPEORRSESHEMESSPHSOSBSBRPABHGBEKBBBES Jnthn, Robinson ,, 1723. SGRMESCSDIISHHOHSGSHDSCSHEOS 78 Makers’ Marks on London Plate ; > DATE, MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE, MAKERS MARK AND NAME. John Bignell ent, 1718. Jas. Burne ent. 1724. (see 1720-and 1722) Geo. Squire »» 1720. Do. do. » Saml,. Hatten oa oon Thos. Wall (?) » 1708, Arte Dicken? or ,, 5 ag Do. do. ” : John Diggle Atay Loop Ed. Peacock 4 6 John Motherby (?),, 1718. John Owing ,, ,, Sam Hitchcock ,, 1712. : Peter Simon ,, 1725, Wm. Fawdery? ,, 1720. John Gibbons ,, 1723. Jnthn. Robinson _,,_ 1723. Aug, Courtauld ” 1708. Richd. Edwards en ieee John cee Jaa Josiah Daniel ,, 1714. 5 ” : John Edwards & Peter Simon ,, 1725+ Geo. Pitches 1723 ohn Mother 1718, Richd.. _Bigge : J by 17 (probably) ‘i - Richd. Scarlett oo 37TH John ero yy 1717. David Tanqueray ,, 1720. Jnthn. Newton ny 1718. Abm, Buteux oo 37ST. Abm, de Oliveyra ,, 1725. Meshach Godwin ~ 13722, John Eckfourd ,, ,,. | Humphy. Payne »» 1720. jooh, Healy <4, iq i Paul Crespin Perr Do. do. ” ” Jacob. Margas 2 ss Robt, Lucas ,, 1726. Fleurant David +» 1724. Do. do, ok Mathw. Lofthouse » 24721. Goober nhbeshoomsa sos searhoagde John Edwards >9 5724; Edw. Conen = “yy John Jones + 57a> W’'sc’mbe Drake os «3724. “J ohn White ’ ” Ge>SeoghpP>esaeneoachas@RRacoagene Makers’ Marks on London Plate DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Jacob Margas ent. 1720. (see 1724) Starling Wilford (?) ” ” (see 1728 and 1737). Edward Feline Peay) ” (see also 1722-1729) John Gibbons 1723. Edw. Vincent ” (see 1729) Thos. Mason »9 1720. Jas. Gould ys 1742: John Edwards ,, 1724. Geo. Wickes hae yee Thos, Clark. so ©1725. Thos. England 1% Wm. Scarlett ey) Peter Tabart > 0 Do. do. oo Mathew Cooper ere Do. do. eo Louis Laroche » 68 John ~—— Fiavill sy et 720, 3 Name not traced. Wm. ODarkeratt§ ,, 1724. Richd. Green 5» 1726. Benj. _- Pyne (as before 1697). Peter Archambo ent. oe | Wm. Fawdery’ ,, 1720. SPARSSHSBMARHBAARPSoMPcae henge Wm. Atkinson ek 725. DATE. MAKERS MARK AND asoemOBQGMeeerms iC aanabe ds OO Robt. Lucas (variant of mark ot) Thos. Evesdon NAME. ent, (see 1720 and 1721) Fras, Nelme Bern’d, Fletcher Thos. Bamford Robt. Williams Do. do. Gawen Nash Chas, Perier Do. do. Geo. Brome. Peter le Chaube Isaac Ribouleau “Jas. -Smith Edw. Wood Ed. Cornock Saml. Bates | Thomas England Richard Pargeter Matt. -Cooper (see £725) ?Andrew Raven Jno. le Sage Name not traced. Sarah Holaday | John East Jonah Clifton op oe as os os o 9 79 * 1726. 1713. 1722, 1725, 1720. £726. ” oD, DATE. Sd 9 te Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Pe@Sea@GesBsOSBSORGIReosRsa@ Ovo Begs Do. Saml. Laundry Edmd, Bodington Chas. Kandler & Jas. Murray Do, do. Edw. Bennett Hester Fawdery Thos, Cooke Richd, Hutchinson Chas, Kandler Geo. Weir do. Name not traced, Brokesby (probably) Bentley Johnson I. Wichaller Hatfield Sam, Laundry Matw. Cooper David Willaume Danl. Cunningham Richd. Gines Geo. Gillingham Chas. Hatfield Jacob Foster DATE. ent, 1727. & 1 &® » © & oe vo @ e td @ oe Lid ca eo Ly EG) ay oP a .y 4 a oe oe ® { | & oo R ee o & es re 1727- oe TRF | w 1728. } io a» 1727. & a oe | @ w 1725 & ow 1728. 8 « 1720. LW.-F) °° 08 sw ww 172%. ” | 31I o» 1727. ov 3726, MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME, Saml. Green ent. 1721. Wm. _— Darkeratt eo 1720. James Goodwin o 72%. Tim. Ley (as before 1697) Blanche Fraillon ent, 1727. Isaac Callard »» 1726. Name not traced, James Wilkes Peter Archambo Josh. Holland Simon Pantin (see 1729) John Millington Edward Bennett Ralph Frith Do. do. Geo. Hodges Do. do, John Fawdery John Montgomery. ? John Richardson ?.Wm, Fordham Starling Wilford (see 1725 and 1737) ‘John « Tuite Thos, + Tearlé Ed. Vincent (see 1725) DATE. TN ee ee ee ee ee eee hg ee a ee Se ee a ee ey ee es a Ree eg ee eg Ce Lt ee Ng Tee Pea! 1730°t AADhDOSHMAZSSVOSOSHOM MSE Makers’ Marks on London Plate SI MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. ) AC | Anthony Nelme _ ent. Chas, Martin ” Edwd. Feline (see 1722 and 1725) %” Abel Brokesby =» (s€e 1727) Stmon Pantin (see 1728) George Jones (see 1735-6) Name not traced. Paul Lamerie Ralph Maidman Richd. Scarlett (see 1723) Name not traced. John Jones Saml. Margas Chas. Alchorne Sam. Welder Benj. Goodwin Name not traced. Edith Fletcher Eliz. Goodwin Maitland Aug. Courtauld ent. 1729. Paul Lamerie Sanil. Jefferys Gabi. Sleath ” ” ” +” ys 2728. of the “Grasshopper,” Suffolk Street. ” ” SD] . 1724. 172. 1720. 1727. 1719. bh 99 1712. 1697 I 720. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Richd. Bayley ent, 1720. Wm. Belassyse ,, 1723. Isaac Callard ok 7 20s Wm. Petley wy 5720. Peré _—Pilleau Chas. Kandler op a 727: John White Anne Tanqueray ,, 1720. ?Saml, Laundry _,,_-1727. (see also 1727) John Chapman _,, 1730. (see 1737) Samuel Hitchcock Jas. Jenkins ey A AEE Wm. Justus fy oth Wm. Reeve Aaron Bates » 1730. Aug. Courtauld ,, 1708. John Gamon 1° 2728. Edwd. Yorke 99 1730. Geo. Hindmarsh ,, 1731. David Willaume ,, 1728. Wm. Darker a BES Thos. England ,, 1725. Jane Lambe a 1729 Mary Lofthouse ,, 1731. T Thos. Merry » Jeffrey Griffith Te) GESSHSLAAEHSE HOS SHRBDOHRGP SAD S 82 Makers’ Marks on London Plate DATE, MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Sarah Parr ent. 1720. Aug. Courtauld ent, 1729. Robt. Abe by & : Ba letearni Vad 473%. Jas. Slater 1732. Wm. Woodward ,, 4, Richd. Bayley 1720. Thos. Causton 5». (2730s Henry Herbert » 1734. (of the “ Three Crowns ") Etienne Rongent Pe ELE Soame o> 1732. Wm. —iDarker wo (see 1731) Buteux 1731. Richd. Beale PP atas Chapman 1729. Sam Laundry &)\ . P 79 Jeffy Griffith fe ae Pp Lewis Pantin Joseph Smith. Pe ee Chas. Sprage Boris Sate nner Robt. Abercromby (see 1734) John Sanders 9, X 740. Geo. _ Braithwaite ? John Fawdery o 2726, earliest ment. 1728. (see 1728) Fras. Pages » 1729. Ralph .Maidman ent. 1731. | ? Matt. Lofthouse ,, 1705. Caleb H ill Name not traced. Lewis Mettayer Wm. = Lukin, » 1725. Wm. Gould Fras. Spilsbury » 1720. (same mark found in square Robt. Abercromby stamp). (see 1733) Thos, Parr ent. 1732. John Newton Wm. Matthews ,, 1728, Pantin Jas. Savage a ab Pargeter h P. : John ero »» 1732 Arnell as. Gould Mar ee Coates & Jas, “ : French Geo. Smith $i hee Taylor R, W. (as 1696). Wm. Soame ss Chas. Gibbons Pri Wm. Shaw Pa Se John Eckfourd, jr. ,, 1725. pemhammsmesaahBere@seeo ese PSHPSESEGVEHSSSOSDCASPSHEREaR 7 7 : * | : Makers’ Marks on London Plate DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME.- eal GROMRPESES Herm RHpoehehbSBwpaeasns French ent Brooker Hutton Kidney Geo. Jones Richd. Gurney & Thos. Cook } Edw, Bennett Fred Kandler Benj. Godfrey (see 1739) Grif. Edwards Wm, Shaw Bennett White Wm. = Atkinson Wm. Young Name not traced, (see 1729-30) Francis Nelme John Barbe Geo. Hindmarsh ,, Christn. Hilland Name not traced. Henry Herbert Hey (of the ‘‘ Three Crowns”) Lewis Name not traced. Wm. Garrard Sam. Wood Hamon ee ELE », 1735- s9 1733-7- 1737-8 ” ” B PEGGCHRPHBPGaHMaSSEl BPR oEBee MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Benj. West Robt. Brown Ann Hill Thos. Mason John Jones John Fossey Bennet’ Bradshaw & R. Tyrill Jerem. King Thos. Mann David Hennell ‘Benj. West Henry Herbert ? Harvey Price Joseph. Allen & Co. Geo. Weekes Jos. Sanders Saml. Blackborrow Thos. Whipham Geo. Hindmarsh (see 1735-6) Starling Wilford John Chapman (see 1730) Robt. Williams Richd. Beale ‘Simon Jouet Thos. Jackson Thos. Gladwin 83 ent. 1737. ve 1736. 1 1734. » 1733- " ” w 1737+ » 1734. rt 720; » =1729. vw 1735- » 1730. 2» 1720. ” 1737: 1» 1735- 9 1729. » 1730. ed 720: SRG ERE » 1736. ” 1737: 84 Makers’ Marks on London Plate DATE. MAKERS MARK AND NAME, DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. 1739-40 dip Ilumphrey Payne & Sarah Holaday Benj. Godfrey (see 1735) Thos. Whipham John Barrett ent. Geo. Baskerville ,, Philip Platel pa Jas. Jenkins ” Gundry Roode | sh ; Chas. Hillan John Robinson ,, B Kidney Jas. Schrude: e Lamerie Wm. Soame ” Blakeley Sam. Wood + Callerd Denis Wilks ak Griffith Richd. Zouch F Tearle Thos, Whipham ,, Fossy Fred Kandler os Crespin Jno. Robinson _,, ' : Harwood Louis Dupont ay ‘Thos, Rush 3 Bayley Benj. Blakeley 3 Abercromby Henry Bates a Dupont 2 OSs GSO RPRBASHSYHSAICAESLRSEO | Philip Brugier _,, Hunter. Wm. West A Gwillim Fras. Pages = Boothby Robt. Hill = James Langlois __,, Fred Kandler . ? Richd. Bayler ” John Pero (see 1732) ” BESeseG GG BSR SSEBESOE Makers’ Marks on London Plate 85 DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. 1739-40 Thos, England ent, 1739. Benj. Sanders ent. 1739. AS SPERSORBRESSESSSISHOSSESAFRBRAEESSH Robt. Lucas ae Abm. de Oliveyra aah He Ben. Godfrey ,, Thos. Mason et Do. do. . ‘“ ” Chas. Martin 1» 1740. Gawen Nash ” i ” 1" Jos. Steward 1» 1739. John Bryans, .. 53 Geo. Smith ” rT) Richard Beale ens Louis Laroche snes John Cam » 1740. ee ae we ee ae eS ees John Robinson ngs if Barbitt 2» 1739. Griff. Edwards » oo» Richd. Pargeter ,, John Pollock ” ” Marmdk, Daintry Jos Sanders a ” ” Ed. Bennetts. 3; Benj. Sanders 9 1737. Do. do. Wm. Garrard +» 1735. Bennett Bradshaw ,, & Co. Pe eee ee ee ee ee Gabl. Sleath sifotins ) Thos. Bamford ,,_,, Richd. Gurney & Co. ,, 1739. John Eckfourd ,, ,, Wood »» 1740. ih) Wm. Shaw Bai 2 oa Chas. Bellassyse pow John Jacobs aaaness (see 1750) oe Sarah Hutton rT ” John Pero ” oo» : (see p. Igo) Ed. Lambe ” oo” gona pv hite eR ” Thos. Mercer cel ge Henry Herbert ,, ,, - John Barbe 9.789% Richd. Zouch ree fi Paul _Crespin » 1740. Susan’h Hatfield nf jf ” Isabel Pero ” ” Lewis Ouvry Hi Seen J. McFarlane ,,_,, a Henry Morris Spa a Jas. Gould wm 374% John Luff Edwd. Aldridge 9 2730: o» ” +h} Geese HlCeeeSCoogmoeesPanens ss (see 1744) 86 DATE. 1740-1 ” 1742-3 Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. G SeaesHesHRSSHRoahaeas BeBH” S ? John Owing Name not traced. Do. do. John Roker Abm. le Francis Benj. Gurdon David Hennell James Shruder Eliza Godfrey Saml. Roby Geo. Wickes Thos. Farren Dinah Gamon John Newton Thos. Gilpin Chas. Hillan John Stewart (?) Peter Archambo Jas. Willmott John Spackman Chas, Laughton Thos. Lawrence Jer’mi’h King Benj. Gurdon Robt. $2 yrrill Jno. Gould ent, ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 1724. 1740. ” ” DATE. PSBBSSSREHPBOSs GSERs OMAP Sas Paul Crespin Jos. Allen & M’decai Fox } Robt. Brown Fras. Spilsbury Eliz, Tuite Anne Craig & John Neville (see 1745) Saml. Wells Robt. Abercromby Jas. Montgomery Jos. Timberlake Phillips Garden Paul Crespin John Cam Dd. Williams Benj. Sanders ? Robt. Abercromby Wm, Hunter Wm. Gould Jas. Wilks Ed. Feline Aug. Courtauld Geo. Jones Jer’mi’h Ashley Henry Brind Robt. Abercromby Pere Pilleau MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. ent. £739. Aa ” ” ” ” ” ” _ - “i - % ae -_ ie et, Cp ee Makers’ Marks on London Plate . 87 DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. 1743-4 Thos. Whipham ent Jas. Morrison Benj. Name not traced. en) West Thos. Whipham & Wm, Williams Isaac Duke John Neville (see 1742) John Holland Ann Craig & } Ed. Malluson Geo. Methuen Ben. Cartwright Chas. Johnson Fred. Kandler " Ann _‘ Farren Wm. Cripps Geo. Ridout (@, Robt. Swanson Sait Wm. Soame or Wm. Shaw Edwd., Aldridge (see 1740) Higginbotham Baskerville eS eee Feline Jas. Manners, Jr. eat ? Jer’mi’h King ay + re Pilkingt ilkington John Swift (probably, see 1754-5) Hatfield fan Key Archambo Robt. Andrews uantors John Harvey a a ee ee et ee Videau Sam Wood » ht al Barbe Jas. Gould we Edwards Wm. Hunter Bagnall Peaston Gwillim “a Morrison Castle Smith Morris John Neville Barker Thos. Jackson Vincent Nich’s Sprimont Kersill GP be) & 3 G3 |R-S} CF C7) @ & @ Gp & Id Ne & ys SCOSRERSSRBSSBEOMe seas Ss eae 88 Makers’ Marks on London Plate , MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS MARK AND NAME. Ernest Sieber ent. 1746. M’'decai Fox ent. 1746. Young Grundy 1748. Meriton Carman Herbert Young as John Barbe Jouet Geo. Hunter B@easagG Cartwright +) 6 Phillips Garden Sanders Shaw Gould Hartley Kersill Yeoute Williams Oldfield Saml. Courtauld reas (see 1750). Jacob Marsh Dowdall Danl. Shaw Thos, Carlton Walter Brind ?John = Eckfourd 1749-50 ? Benj. Griffin or Wm. « Grundy Benj. Gignac . Piers John Richardson Dan ‘ Benj. Cartwright Thos. Parr LW SJ } } Fo @ ap Pe &B LD P) RG BB Paul Crespin M’duke Daintry = = Name not traced. Solomon Jerem’h King Herbert Abm. Portal > a] BRBEOSBEE Fray ; Abm. le Francis Cooper Jabez Daniel E Fe Ths ee Wm. MacKenzie John Wirgman Wm. = Kersill Hmphy. Payne (see 1739) Andrew Killick > Elias -Cachart | a &B 3g) IS) ant. @ & +o, FE] wa & AD) Lw-S] 1-F |B-C) FEM) & & tee Henry Haynes Makers’ Marks on London Plate 89 DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. 1749-50 Geo. Bindon ent. 1749. ® John Berthelot ent a Thos, Mann os 2736. 1} L’r’nce Johnson * John Alderhead is) IF TSQ Ge Paillips Garden q i I Jas. Tookey ee: &b Math. Brodier ; : Wien. Wooler Pee & Fras. Crump es Geo. Morris ee is FC) Do. do. ¢. 1750-60 ESD | Name not traced. * Thos. Jeannes iets ° 1751-2 ? John Wetherell 1750-1 John Priest 1» 1748. John Payne * “C Chas. Chesterman ,, 1741. Denis Wilks a Eben. Coker Vet7s0; Fred Knopfell John Rowe » 1749. Saml. Taylor Richd. Gurney & Co. ,, 1750. P. Werritzer S. Herbert & Co. ,, 5, Moore Louis Guichard on A740 Woodward ,, Geo. Campar ss 1749- . Smith Fuller White & ” John’ Fray ry 750. ea Morris bs Henry Bayley ” oo” dates Winkins _,, John Jacobs “ (1739- , (see 1739) Pinard Saml. Courtauld a5 ul 7405 Doweal (see 1747 and 1755) Thos. Beere Paul Lamerie eevee (see 1729 and 1730) ” Phil. Bruguier A. Montgomery ,, 1750. @ FC @ Pw} cP ah NW GO BED) cs rea) RC) PRR RR = SSSR eSSESRBHSAH FEAR * Robt. Cox ” Michl. Ward Pike Fe, ree ge PE ” Geo. Bindon 901 1740: RC) ate Rece " John Harvey ry 1750. wal Wm. Alexander A Thos. Smith stin OP John Payne cA & DP) TC) Pcl (GH DP) RS) RH, C) CAS) ed Tr 73) TT] & zs) D> DS) a E34 Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME, Wm. Homer Wm. Shaw &: Wm. Priest John Berthelot John Richardson Danl. Piers Chas. Chesterman John Carman Richd. Goldwire Phillips Garden Geo. Hunter Danl. Piers Turner & Williams Richd. Gosling Robt. Hennell John Cafe Alex. Johnston Fuller White Denis Wilks & John Fray } Wm. Bond Thos. Towman John Edwards Gabl. Sleath & Fras. Crump } D.C. Fueter Dorothy Sarbit Edward Aldridge (see 1740 and 1744) Edwd. Aldridge & John Stamper } DATE, 1754°5 >PDAa@BABBBSBHRERBRSBBBSOBE SB BB < <, ~~ B® MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Rowe ent. 1753. Smith o» 1754. Le Sage Corry . Cartwright Buttall Wm. John Quantock Ed. Aldridge & John . Stamper Phillips Garden John Munns Do’thy Mills John Holland John Steward Thos. Collier Henry Dutton Walter Brind Geo. Baskerville& Wm. Sampel m Dobson Prior } & Williams ” John Delmester - ,, ? Wm. Justus » 1739. John Swift io (see 1745 and below) Henry Miller ent. 1740. John Swift » 17390. eos - a ee . Makers’ Marks on London Plate gI , DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. rrieg: Wm. Sand t. ; 755 3 m anden~ ent. 1755 ? Thos. Gilpin Simon LeSage ,, 1754. Thos. Heming Magd’n Feline » *753: Name not traced ?Thos, Wright ,, 1754. Saml. Courtauld ,, 1746. Mathew Roker (see 1750) : Paul Crespin ,, 1739. (see 1749) Paul’ Callard Ww nara John Edwards m. on John Phipps } » 1754. Wm. Gould Wm. = Turner A Re 4 iS Devonshire es Wm. Bond se TSS &W. Watkins J } Ben. Cartwright .,, as. ones Edw. Ja Peter Taylor » 1740. a David Hennell Fred Vonham _,, 1752. Joseph Clare see 1716 Saml. Siervent ( 770) a ee ee ee a ON ng Eliza Godfrey John Wirgman ,, 1745. cet John Jacobs Richd., Mills TSS: W. & R. Peaston Benj. Brewood ,, 5, Ed. Doweal » 195%: Ed. Darvill Robert Inne Robt. Cox ee. 5155. end pie: Soe haere ees es NS ee Do. do. sede Stephen Ardesoif is) a_i - Thos. Beezley , 5, Ed. Bennett » John Kentenber & \ Albert Schurman ,, 1756. Thos. Groves , John Robinson ,, 1739. John Frost Do. do. Saml. Wheat » 1756. John Hyatt = Pierre Gillois Age age © Chas, Semore | : : . Arthur Annesley (see 1761) Robt. Burton Wm. Robertson ,, 1753. BSSeA@eseseS BHP eersSpatSEIcee gta FHC te) éh & re) w BD BC EJ) D-H) rR) % ip oe ED Rd SA Bs é& @ @ iB GD Wm. Caldecott ,, 1756. ” ’ Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. aS BEGG SE GS88 SG)boe ons Beas John Name not traced. Shaw & Priest Wm. Wm. Name not traced, Hague Wm. Bell Lewis Herne & Francis Butty Jos. Bell Name not traced. Ss. Herbert & Co. Fred. Kandler John Delmester John Perry |Saml. Wood, 2nd mk. Geo. Ibbott John Perry Simon Le Sage ? Walter Brind Wm. _— Cripps John _—‘ Hyatt John Schuppe ent. Wm. Cafe ” Fras. Nelme " | Saml, Taylor ” Wm. Cripps ” 7 ” ? ? 1753: 1757: 1722. 1744. 1743. 1749. 1758. 1759- 1757: 1756. 1750. 1739. 1755- 1757- 1739. 1753- 1757+ 1754. 1749. 1743. 1748. Henry Bayley (probably). DATE. | G@BSEBBBESSESHESEBSOCRBBEBGHERARBSB * Stephen Abdy *) Wm, Jury Alex. Barnett Thos, Congreve Thos. Doxsey Wm. Moody Wm, Day Saml. Eaton ? Jno. Kentenber Robt. Rew Edwd.. Wakelin Name not traced. Fuller White Alex, Saunders John Moore C’nst’ne Teulings Wm. = Howard Geo. Methuen John = Eaton Name not traced, Jeremy Lee Richd. Rugg Wm. Plummer Louis Herne & Fras. Butty Fras. Butty & Nicks. Dumee } Wm. Shaw MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. ?Saml. Wheat ent. 1756. ” ” ” 1759. o» 1756. 1759. ” Makers’ Marks on London Plate 93 Thos. §Whipham & Name not traced. Chas. Wright 1757: ” W. & R. Peaston (probably). Geo. Ibbott ok ees. pation (prouably) Names not traced. Saml. Delamy i John Hyatt & } C. Semore ent. 1757. W.&J. Deane ” oo» Aug. Le Sage » 1767. Jos. Bell is £759. Thos. Freeman & 6 Edwd. Aldridge bs j Marshall vy 1704. & Co. Anthy. Calame = Aye DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. 1761-2 ohn Horsley. ' 1763- Danl. Smith & +H J y tant Robt. Sharp ” AIS] John Gorham __ ent. 1757. ” T. & W. Chawner (probably). Arthur Annesley ap 1758. vs " PAA fee tren) Ebenezer Coker Re ” Geo. Hunter »» 1748. ” PV Phil. Vincent ent. 1757. ’ " & Magdalen Feline » 1753. H Wm. King » 1761. ” (TH, Thomas Heming » 1745. " John Buckett. . (see 1756) a ” i e ® Mary Piers ert tt John Aspinshaw ,, 1763. : % John. Lamfert » 1748. j " Thos. Powell al & . ic. 1763-4 Name not traced. | 1762-3 LIS Jas. Jones Meg pict ; Peery (NO tant vats cent : (probably) ’ 1764-5 ; : Wm. Sanipel eae. D. & R. Hennell » 1768 ; ? Thos, Hannam 4 “ Louis —_ Black » 176t. " Rich. Mills Wm. Day » 1759+ - W Wao mee Watkins ii. F75O J. A. Calame ”» ExA Paard Aldrides 5 '1730- ” John Innocent (probably). W.&R. Peaston : ‘, R+P R Peaston +» 1756.) J » (see above) 1763-4 RT Richd, Thomas » 1755+ ” Wm. Cafe ent. T7357 Tmpsn. Davis Smt S 7: ” Name not traced. Edward Aldridge ve 1739: ” Do. do. o Thos. Whipham & Chas. Wright ” SPSHRERSSCSSCaH eRe MBSR GE Sha ake Thos. eee} » 1758 1758. » Chas, Wright @s8OE SB8BS SS gs N 4 Ps t- SREP SEEBESRORRC BAF -Do, do. Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Names not traced. Wm. Caldecott ent. 1756. Eben, Coker (probably). Name not traced. Emick Romer Name not traced, ?R. Peaston. John Allen ent. 1761. Sam. Howland ,, 1760. Geo, Hunter » 1765. T. & W. Chawner (probably). Name not traced. Louisa Courtauld. John Lampfert ent. 1748. John Langford *) John Sebille Matthew Ferris » 1759. Thos. Hannam id John Crouch Fras, Crump w 1756. Geo. Andrews 99 5703, Thos. Dealtry » 1765. Chas, Miegg » 1767. Dorothy Mills (probably). Thos Wynne ent. 1754, Jno. Richardson ,, 1752. Names not traced. DATE. 1767-8 ” hd LEA A] ” SSl8SOR SSRRBE G Fy we 2 J Hwee = es) | Pre oS = BGES@E 8S Thos. Bumfries & Orlando Jackson Jent. 1766. Ss. Herbert& ,, 1750. Co, Name not traced. |Wm. Abdy » 1767. Geo. Fayle anes Wm. Tuite (probably). Name not traced. John Parker & Edwd. Wakelin James Hunt ent. 1760. T. & W, Chawner (probably). Dan. Smith & Robt, | Sharp Name not traced. Fras. Spilsbury, Jr. ? Eliz. Tuite ent. 1741, (see 1742) Name not traced. Edward Capper (probably). Fras. Crump ent. 1756. W. & J. Priest. John _Lamfert » 1748. Benj. Blakeley w» 1739. John Darwall » 1768. John Neville (probably). ieany ere Fras. Crump ent, 1756. Geo. Seatoun, Chas. Woodward. ce RAIS Mer S LS 7 fof «@ cae A ncd FA ey Oe ee GREP en anrmnni Seer ¥ Courtesy of the Okie Galleries A COFFEE URN MADE IN LONDON IN 1765 BY PARKER & WAKELIN a Makers’ Marks on London Plate DATE " MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Bek e@ Lew 26) A‘A 0 aA BRESShHR ss Q = T > eZ) ~ mea a B sole w © John Thos. Jackson vy 1769. ‘Louisa Courtauld & Geo. Cowles. Benj. Gignac » 1744. Kentenber ent. Aug. Le Sage 5» ©1767. Edwd. Lowe Ak rye G & Walter Brind 1 1757 Wm. Grundy »» 1748: Septimus & James Crespell \ Robt. Rogers John Baker yy 1770. Thos. Heming roy oe Jas. Allen Pet GAsek Septimus 6 a tives Crespell } see 1759. ? Thos. Powell ent. 1756. Thos. Arnold »» 1770. John Baxter s 1973- Chas. Wright. ? John Buckett »» 1770. ohn Langford & John Sebille } Name not traced. E. Romer (probably). Orlando Jackson ent. 1759. San. Wheat » 1756. ohn Gimblett & tee vale dhe J. Bassingwhite ,, 5, John Crouch & Thos. Hannam DATE 1771-2 SS SHERBCRGRBABBEHO EE SEEB 7 eS B gpeese MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Thos. Foster ent. David Bell Ss ? Robt. & Jno, Schofield } < Thos. & Jabez Daniel \ ?Sarah_ Buttall Pe Jonathan Alleine. Wm. Penstone. Wm, Sheen ” Thos, Chawner. Saml. Howland rs A. Underwood. Chas. Chesterman _,, Edwd. Jay ne 95 1769. 1756. 1776. 1754. 1755- 1760. 1771. 1757: Thos. | Towman (probably). Wm. Tuite ent. 1756. ent. John Romer _ before 1773. John Carter Aen aes Thos, Chawner a Eliz. Tookey ‘ Wm. Fearn Burragé Davenport ,, John Arnell A John Swift rs Philip Norman a Chas. Wright ve Peter Desergnes or Peter Devese. } ?>Wm, Watkins A 1756. ” 1773-4 y DB 1774-5 Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. B@fOEBesO@ SR aPESEGEB 5 3 > wD BESEREBS Henry Hallsworth. Name not traced. John Fayle ent. 1772. Wm. Eley (probably). Dan. Smith &) ent. before Robt. Sharp 1773. Orlando Jackson ,, 1759. John Harvey «3 £796. Thos. Smith +» 1750. Name not traced. Abr’m Barrier & Lewis Ducornieu Wm. Sheen 55 27S: one Daniel } see 1771. Burrage Davenport. Saml. ‘Wood (probably). re Freeman ent. 1773. Mary Makemeid ,, _,, Thos. Tookey te Pe Louis deLisle ,,_ ,, Wm. Le Bas Sy ee Jas. | Stamp » 1774 Wm. Penstone ,,_ ;, Eliz. Tookey ,, 1773. Thos. Evaris oo 1774: Jas. Young & Orlando Jackson J” ™ ‘John Deacon ,, 1773. Thomas Daniel (probably). ae) Haas & Be ee ak Bean ak SS) SS e = gS — > 7 A CO ie °C Me C7) a 0? Zz @ ® qD eo @ MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. ~ Wm. Fennell. Jas. Yoang » I775. Jas. Stamp » 1774. ent, Walter Tweedie before 1773. ?Ed. Capper 2? Wm. Cox. ?John Kentish Jas. King or } ent. 1773. Jas. Kingman Wm. Sumner & Richd. Crossley 1» 1775: Jas. Young Thos. Langford (probably). ?John Easton & Wm, ‘Fearn or \ Wm. Fennell, etc. Robt. Ross ent. 1774. Mark Cripps 1767. Chris. Woods Richd. Rugg Robt. Jones Geo. Baskerville & T. Morley Robt. Piercy Louis Ducomieu Ben Stephenson. Name not traced. Henry Sardet. Robt, Piercy Alexr. Barnet Nich. Dumee Geo. Heming & Wm. Chawner Freeman ent. 1774. (see 1776). Makers’ Marks on London Plate 97 DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. a tr — 3° o 3 Lautier ent. 1773. Nichs. ~Hearnden Teg a = eee! Ed.¢ Dobson > 1778: |, Danl. Smith & Robt. Sharp Wm. Eley & } Geo, Pierpoint Chas, Aldridge &) iB] Rich. Carter, \ Henry Green rT) 1778. i A. Calame 1» 1764. John Deacon “iy Bees Sint pepper or } : k wi ooke Chas. Kandler -» 1778. Aug. Le Sage satak TOT: ie) Be POC B@es Beet sass saeee Lowe se 2777: Phil. Roker os) 37705 Rodenbostel 1778. Eliz. Roker iB) 2) Ww q Wallis ie yes Henry Greenway ,, 1775. John Schofield » 1778. Jon’th’n Alleine. Robt. pee Sora Edith Fennell » 1780. & Richd. Carter Jf» 1777: : F Heming & Joseph Heriot EET HO: Wm. Chawner » 1774. (see also 1781) Wm. Holmes 1776, Hester Bateman a Bee ” Wm. Potter “loa w & Thos. Satchwell ws. 1773+ £ Howe &) Thos. & Wm, Clak fo» th Richd. Pines 8 T7714) Wm. Grundy aie ” W.L. Foster 1775. | Wm. Grundy & Geo. Natter 30 X77) ” Ed. Fonelt } 1 1779. Robt. Jones & 1 p Louisa & John Schofieldf » 1776 Samuel Courtauld } i777: Name not traced. Fras. Stamp +» 1780. T. Daniel 1774 Wm. Garrard. (probably). Jane Dorrell & May ‘ent. 1771. Name not traced, | Jas. Sutton » 1780. Wm. Vincent 9 1773- | Jas. Mince & Wm. Hodgkins es T.P. Boulton & Arthur Humphreys John Langlands & J ” Andrew Fogelberg. J. Denzilow. Z Wm. Eley. 1780. ” <= zc + Bl +B] Pe coiee) Hester Bateman. ,, 1774. Wm. Holmes & Nichs. Domes y> 1773 John Robertson of Newcastle BRREOEDOGSBCESARESERS SEPSSCHE = 3 ols 98 v? %” sy » b Rd Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. SOs: eomGeaseSQhSGaeeseampeabmegs Name not traced. Joseph Preedy. TT... Pratt. 275 Arthur Humphreysf ”’ Chas. Wright * Robt, Cruickshank ,, John Crouch & Thos. Hannam j Josh. Lejeune ‘ Luke Kendall - Geo. Heming & Wm. Chawner ig Wm. Playfair &) Wm. Wilson f ” Thos. Daniel & John Wall } vi Geo, Smith is John Wren oF George Giles (probably). This mark is ANS A. Name not traced. Abm. Peterson & Peter Podieé } 3 John Lamb re Jas. Sutton &) Joss. Bay 7 Wm. Tant ss Sami. Bradley. Name not.traced. John Kidder ent. Andr. Fogelberg & Steph. Gilbert ent, 1780. | Robt. Hennell PED te ee Wm. Bayley. 1783. 1782, 1773. Wm. Brown (probably). Note. The interpretation given by Sir Charles Jackson, in the column, of the mark aj is in- correct; the mark complete is NA AS, and though found on a piece in the Draper collection, is prob- ably bogus. The author has found the mark upon two fraudulent pieces of silver. The fact that no marks for “N A” or “AS” as in- dividual silversmiths working dur- ing this period have appeared is a suspicious circumstance, as mem- bers of a partnership usually en- gage in business “on their own” either before or after the partner- ship. H. P. O. DATE. A SW) @ rT) T'S) 1) B-L [wT @ ) Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Sami. Wintle Wm. Sumner Name not traced. John Townshend Thos. Chawner John Tayleur John _— Schofield Name not traced. Do. do. Chas. Hougham | Hen. ‘Greeriway Stephen Adams Sia: Godbehere Wm. Simmons Peter Gillois Robt. Jones Wm. Abdy Name not traced, Do. do. Ben. Laver Walter Tweedie Thos. Wallis Thos. Daniel John _—_— Kidder Thos. Shepherd Abm. Barrsier Ed. Fennell ent. DATE. A & ie) BREBSBBBBBBHESBEBRBBEOSSBB MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. | Saml. Godbehere & Edwd. Wigan pate Pratt & ) Arth. |Humphreys f" 24 \ent. 1785, 1780. Wm. Sutton 3 1784. wm. Reynolds 1773. Robt. Hennell Henry Chawner Name not traced. |Saml. Massey (probably). Name not traced. Eléy. Mallison Smith & Sharp Carter Baskerville (probably). Henry Cowper ent Cornls. Bland Thos. Ollivant Hester Bateman Henry Greenway John Thompson John Edwards as 1782. ent. 1786. Chas. Aldridge 1786. Thos, Daniel 1774. Danl. Denny 1782. Wm. Pitts 1786. ent. 1773. BLT O0- Jay. » 1773- before ,, Powell, probably 1770. fee) DATE. 1789-90 1790-1 > PESG@GBMR AS BBARB@2EBBOBERBE = Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Thos. Willmore ent. 1790. Name not traced. ‘Peter Podie 5 F985: *; Phipps &) E. Robinson Wm. Fea 1 7786 Robt. Hennell » F773. Jonsth'n Bateman } #5. 2700. Saml: Davenport ,,- 1786. Wm. Abdy » 1784. Abm.. Peterson »» 1790.] pe BS ae Geo. _ Baskerville (probably).- Geo. ‘Smith ent. 1773. ‘Robt. Salmon pia as Dani, Pome} » 279 ltu Band}, John ‘Lamb on 2783. Thos, Streetin » 1791. Name hot traced. Do. do. Do. do. Wm. Pitts& / see Jos, Preedy seve Henry Chawner ent, 1786. Thos, Howell oy 70% Thos, Northcote, ny Smith & Rein h Thos. Hayter > f PS 770% DATE, ‘Re Co f&stek 8A ee bles, az @ LS) AB iM Bd Xa B a2 5 §G8H2 6 ae MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Wm. Paul. Frisbee & Storr } ont. 179%. John _—_—‘ Fountain ves Thos. Graham Edwd. Jay Wakelin & J.. Robt. Garrard John Moore John Schofield 36 Peter & Ann Robt, & Thos. Duncan Urquhart & Naphtali Hart John _— Fountain & John _ Beadnall Bateman Makepeace Wm. & . 2 John Fisher Wm. ‘Frisbee John King - ? Mark Bock (see 1798). ? Francis-Thurkle, John Robins John Wren Michl. Plummer W. Fountain Thos. Northcote & Geo. Bourne Richd. Robt. Gardner or Gaze Thos. Ellis Robt. Makepeace — & Bateman T. B.. Pratt & } Arthur Humphreys Wm. Eley. DATE. BREE IE IP) TB) WE WF GS) TL LW Pi sw B) LW Fd Go LTH) WY. Makers’ Marks on London Plate MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE. Name not traced. J. & J. Perkins ent. Henry Nutting Name not traced. Robt. & David Hennell John Mewburn Jos. B. Orme 1861-2 Wm. —iHalill Hy. Jno. Richd. Chawner &\ Eames Crossley Chawner &)\ Emes J Cowles Morley. Preedy Beldon Eley & Fearn Smith. Hardy & Lowndes Bock. Emes. Dealtry Pitts Bennett Pitts Richd. | Cooke Andrew Fogelberg John Hutson Name mot traced. Gs % t+ P) £8 EH GB BL & 3 IA 7 IOl MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. Jos. Preedy ent: Paul Storr = Wakelin & ) Robt. Garrard f” | Wm. Hall ” Saml. Godbehere Ed. Wigan & [,, J. Bult Thos. Hannam & John Crouch }» Robt. Garrard John Parker. John Emes Peter, Ann & Wm. Bateman } Geo, Thos. Robert, David & Saml. John Smith &). Hayter } Hane} Harris Scott & Smith Digby Benj. Wm. Burwash Peter, Ann & Wm. Bateman f Alice & Wi George Burrows Christr. & TW, Barker Benj. Laver Thos. Holland G.&T. Burrows. Saml. & George Whitford Name not traced. John Robins (probably). ? Timothy Renou. John Austin. Wm Purse. 102 Makers’ Marks on London Plate 5 ; ’ DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. DATE, MAKERS MARK AND NAME. 1804-5 WY) ee Z rs) 3 rs = = Fy] re) o Oo. ? T. W. Matthews, ™ ~ = Rundell, Bridge & Rundell. — G John+ Crouch ent. 1808. m1 S E. Morley. Wm. Eley, } ” ” 2 ’ Geo, Wintle ent. 1804. | : | | x EE EEEEEELELELEL LLL). Robt. Garrard » oor Wm. Fearn & Wm. Chawner Henry. Nutting & Robt. Hennell } as Richard Crossley & } Geo.. Smith ie: 423] OMe Jos. Hardy » 1799. ty Hannah Northcote ,, 1798. 1807. Danl. Pontifex 9 1794. Wm Sumner John Emes. C John Crouch 1808. ra & Ash, Chas. Hougham 1785. Wm. Burwash& Richd, Sibley i 2805. Thos. Wallis os 2992. Name not traced. David Windsor (probably). - ° H ] ? = i R. &S ennell 1802 Thomas Jenkinson ” Peter & Bateman 1805, Wm, ” Name not traced, John Sanders (probably). Do. do Crespin Fuller ? ? Richd. Cooke ent, 1799. h Salkeld re ay : 3 gis Benj. Smith & } Thos. Robins % Jas. Smith, % Phipps & Wm. Fountain ent. 1794. E, Robinson T.& J. Guest & toh eae F806. Name not traced. Thos. Wallis & Jonath’n Hayne John Cotton & Thos, © Head. James Beebe ” P. & W. Bateman »» 1805. Saml. Whitford 39, 1807. Thos. Halford A ad A a RH GS rw-s OP IS J] SH RC) Is ER iSB JH en TH Benj. & Jas. ise) n Name not traced. Smith. i, Ty: Robins Wm. Kingdon (probably). ” ” 25 W.. Graces, Robt. Rutland ent. 1811. John Crouch ‘Saml. Hennell ba eee >» 31808, Digby Scott, Benj. Smith, } (probably). Jas. Smith Name not traced. cole] Oi = rhe aimee re 69) 1és Galler 1é yf the Ok Courtesy o BY THOMAS POWE la ORGE III E ee \ 4 RGNE. MADE LONDON, 1765 PE \ 4 x 4 Hol SE piers AN E ; i A J c Makers’ Marks on London Plate 103 MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. . DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME. TB} ra hs Barker, 1817-8 Wm. Bateman ent. 1815. ii sandern ¥ Name not traced, Thos. Jenkinson (probably). ” Wm. Chawner » 4 8 eres Hones ent. 1808. 2 T. Robins (probably). Geo. Smith yy) 182. . a Wm. Chawner ent. 1815. & aa © Sumner » 1809. rn Geo. _— Purse. OF aes Serre ees \ 1812. 1818-9 Geo. Wintle tals: arr anata Paul Storr e793: ” Joseph Wilson. IWS] Rv Stacy &} es re Robt. Garrard Pe SOls W. Elliott fs’ Saml. Hennell ,» X8rr. 1819-20 Name not traced. Emes ‘& Barnard », 1808. ” Do. do. Henry Nutting 1, 1809. Stephen Adams, junr. Wm. Bell (probably). ” Wm. __ Stevenson (probably). Wm. Elliott ent, 1810. See 1812-3 above. Name not traced. Philip Rundell ent. 1819. SHBRBESGHBBGHBBSER EEE r Favor (Probably) 1820-1 Wm. Bateman » 815. h A N q ” Gey Lias = z539- ame not traced. Thos. Baker »» 1815. 1821-2 or Thos. Balliston »» 1819. ‘Do, do. Dame | oe ?J.E. Terry & Co. ,, 1818. BBR EEES cic) wee) lett baw fy ? John Foligno. bed QO rj Ae Do. do. ” CA An Exeter maker (probably). Emes & Barnard as above. “8 JA : ” IA J. & J. Aldous A Robt. Garrard ent. 1801. ee é 822- Paul CR Christ’n Reid & ano’r 181 Se tete LP S| hs Storr a of Newcastle ” 5 * ” William Abdy ey Wm. Burwash_ _,,_- 1813. “e Wm. _ ‘Trayes ent. 1822. IL ‘as. Lloyd, Trae J y 1823-4 TS) Name not traced, Ree | Name not traced, en John Angell (probably). ” Lol m o q > 104 Makers’ Marks on London Plate DATE, MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME, DATE. MAKERS’ MARK AND NAME, John Bridge cnt. 1823. Thos. Dexter (probably). Loe} Hn Og-cz fa) o= tulle C4 @) QO = >) IB RP) FH] LA-B-S] LR) BP) ME

= = qdgaeaGaar GaGagaaeE az @exuae a_i woe Ret, ? crea “28 GBS | o- ie Bed 3 da@ R@eee@: eaac John Robt. Peter Fras. Peter ” Chris. Fras. Peter Chris. Thomas Moody ? Casson. Pearson. Tempest. Pearson, ” Harrington Tempest, Pearson. Mangy. Tempest. ” Casson. Pearson. Casson. Pearson, Williamson. Harrington. Harrington. Plummer. Mangy. Waite. (631-2 1632-3 1639-4 1634-5 1635-6 1636-1 {631-8 1698-9 1639-40 {640-1 164-2 {640-3 1643-4 (644-5 1645-6 {646-1 1641-4 1648-9 COMWTH. 1649-60 1650-1 1651-2 1669-3 1659-4 1604-5 1655-6 1656-7 Gage Ga a G C O G a 3) A j kK Uy mn nN U p q r 0 t MAKER'S NAME. | Robt. Thos. John Robt. Thos. Robt Casson. Harrington. Harrington. f Thomason or \ Thompson. Harrington. Harrington. Williamson, Senr. or Richd, Waite. Francis John Thos. John Chris. Bryce. Thomason. Harrington, Thomason. Mangy. Thomas Waite. LB) Philemon Marsh. 108 Marks on York Plate TABLE V. TABLE VI. eo 35 mew ' MAKER’S NAME, MAKER'S NAME, rc 1657-8 1608-9 1699-60 1660-1 1661-2 1662-3 1663-4 1664-5 1665-6 1666-7 1667-8 1068-9 1669-70 1670-1 1671-2 1672-3 1673-4 “1614-5 1675-6 1676-7 1677-8 1678-9 1679-80 1680-1 1681-2 George Gibson. Wm, Busfield. John Camidge. John Plummer. % ” Wm. Waite, John Thomason. John Plummer. Richd. Chew. John Smith, John Plummer. 9 ” 9 ” George Mangy. HOG BCHS HE: : Bax: & John Oliver. Marmaduke Best. | Chris, Whitehill. Robt, Williamson. Busfield, John Plummer. Williamson, Thos. Mangy. Rhoades. Marmaduke Best. Whitehill. Philemon Marsh, Thomas Mangy. Marmaduke Best. Roland Kirby. John Thompson, cg 2 $ RC 1S © wy) th Y @ CM] ae WB} @ WB: T-S} Marmaduke Best. Robt Williamson, Thos. Mangy. Wm. Mascall. eee, ee ON, 8868 eeSeee ea: A B G Wy G 5 G 4 @ aU y) NY, WO Ge vy B Henry Lee. Wm. Busfield, * 1683-4 GQ) BI BRI «Thomas Mangy, The missing date letter for 1676-7 was found by the author John — Plummer. John Thompson, while this book was in the press, It is and is on the Wm. Busfield. spoon shown on plate facing page 6. @8eaareg agg aqugeaceqaaucec Thos. Mangy. * omy a ae Ss TE. eae = > : EU eee ee eee ewes, ee eee ee . ee ee ee een 1700-4 1701-2 ANNE, 1702-3 1703-4 1704-5 1705-6 1706-7 1707-8 1708-9 1709-10 1710-11 1711-2 11128 1718-4 GEO. 1. 1714-5 | Marks on York Plate 109 TABLE VII. John Langwith. Chas. Rhoades. John Langwith. Wm. Williamson. John Langwith. MAKER’S NAME. Chas. Goldsborough (probably) Dan}, Turner. John Best. Wm. Busfield. Possibly a variation of the date letter for 1701-2. The York Assay Office was closed in 1716 and re-opened in 1776. In Table VIII letters not in shields are hypothetical. A new alphabet was employed from 1787-8. ? TABLE VIII. FIVE STAMPS UNTIL 1784-5, THENCEFORWARD SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. 1776-7 1777-8 1778-9 1779-80 1780-1 1781-2 1782-3 1783-4 1784-5 1785-6 1786-7 Leo ard’ s Town Lion Hea. a Date King’s teh MAKER'S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS. ar’ Mark. Passant.Crowned. Letter. Head. | A B G 'D) E 1H} K L Date-letter conjectured, Hampston &) | Communion cup: Warthill. Prince 8 Bowls (1783): Messrs. Crichton. “ Date-letter conjectured. Communion flagons: All Saints’, North Street, York. " Paten on foot; All Saints’, North Street, York. Com. cup: Huntington, nr. York. (no town mark.) ” ” Plate . Messrs, Crichton. Hampston & Prince. Com. cup: Holme, nr. York, Date-letter conjectured, Do. do. Ilo 1793-4 rT) ap o9 o 1795-6 oo | te : ae ” 1796-7} » lw lon 1Q 1798-9 o> te 99, vt Marks on York Plate TABLE IX. SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. TOWN LION CEOPARD'S KIMO'S DATE MAKER'S MAKER’S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS. MARK, pesecgsip ste MEAD. LETTER. MARK. eee 1787-8 ge (} &> | aaa Noted. by the Authior, 1788-9 wae Date-letter conjectured, 1789-90} °° a os. tas oa ” ” Table-spoons : Mr. Greenwood. Al , dated |B ‘s, Mi 1790- ae ee eo dios ” ” a ee 1791: St. John’s, Mickle- is eS 2 Com. flagon, dated 1792: Kirk Deighton, York. Date-letter conjectured. Table-forks: Mr. Greenwood. Date-letter conjectured, Com. cup: Askham Bryan, Yorks. Ai Goblet: Mr. J. H. Walter, Drayton, Nor- wich. Date-letter conjectured, ied H. Prince & Co. Com. flagon, dated 1798: Warter, Yorks, u ‘ » ss » ” ” Table-forks ; Mr. Greenwood. ” %» Plain cup: Mr. Bradford. ee SO i dds ” % Tea-spoons: Mr. Lowe. ” vs ae AD on 9» ” & Gravy-spoon: Do, ap ae of as ap ) Beakers and waiter: Messrs. Crichton. os Arps BF es ” os Trowel: Mr. Colburne. a rr cs ag ae Yr) 9 Noted by the Author. Date-letter conjectured, Robt. Cattle g } Communion cups: St. ohn’s, Micklegate, -J. Barber, York. 3 J : ry i} oe Skewer: Messrs. Crichton. 9 ” on ” + »” Salt-cellars and spoon: Mr. Williams. Table-spoon : Messrs, Robinson & Fisher. oe ” a” NG8EO° 908000 @6150>58-08ne . Date-letter conjectured. Possibly variants of date-letters in above cycle. 1805-6 @Q 1807-8 @ 1809-10 3 Stamped on small brass plate from the Assay Office, & Also example of leopard’s head, probably used from 1790 to 1836, Stamped on small brass plate from the Assay: Office. ; i ; igns’ heads 1787 to 1796 to 1816 to 1820 to 2) Variants of Sovereigns , 1796 % 1815-6 1820 i) 1830 Stamped on small brass plate from the Assay Office. ae AS eS Marks on York Plate III TABLE X. SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. TOWN LION LEOPARD'S DATE bd -b MAKER’S NAME. wt MARK. PAGSANT. HEAD Sad. LETTER. BARK. ROWED. 1812-3 a P ‘trie tery Dessert-forks: Messrs. Crichton. 1813-4 1814-5 4845-6 o9 v9 99 ° Date-letter recorded. Do. do. As , Dessert-spoons: Messrs. Crichton. 1816-1 Date-letter recorded. {817-8 | 9» es ee oS ORs Van Ae da ih oi Salt-cellars and milk-jug: Messrs. Crichton. Com. flagon: St. Cuthbert’s, York. 1819-20 Date-letter recorded. GEO. WW. 1820-4 $2 $9 ve ” 3 + Table-forks: Messrs. Crichton. 1821-2 es ee ” 4 is Table-forks and snuffers tray: Messrs. Crichton. 1822-3 _ | Date-letter recorded. 4823-4 ees Do. do, Reo Jas. Barber & Co. | Com. cup: St. John’s, Micklegate, York. Jas. Barber, gS | fo for te 1925-6 | 99 | ve | ve fos 3826-7 ye tias [oss {827-8 On ren a Bc (299-30 | oe | oe | oy foo Cattle & Mustard-pot : Messrs, Crichton. Wm. North Noted by the Author. ad = - . ~ ~ Date-letter recorded. Table-forks: Mr. Maurice Freeman. Fish-slice: Messrs. Crichton. NsSrRr ee eagahHe@g-Ge Bz -—BMBecBam@r- Qe Ba Q © 1830-4 Sods Corea BS a - ad Table-forks: Mr. Arthur J. Brown. 1831-2 7 ¥ YP 9 ie ap Communion paten: Slingsby Yorks. 1832-3 Date-letter recorded. 1 {833-4 Do. do. 1834-5 Do. do. 1836-6 ; Do,’ do. {836-7 Do. do. * In examples of marks from 1812 onward, the leopard’s head is sometimes found with whiskers and sometimes without. Possibly variants of 1542°3 a hh | 1815-6 ti) tBrg 920 date-letters in above cycle. Stamped on small brass plate from 1820-1 1] 1821-2 RY 1823-4 @ 1831-2 1833-4 the Assay Office. e Gs os a Se 112 j Marks on York Plate TABLE XI. SIX STAMPS TILL 1848, FIVE AFTERWARD AS BELOW. ARK PASSANT.CGHEAD” NEADS. LENTER “AMER | MAKER'S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS, TLL : ViCT. 1648 | 9 | fal oe | FES s. Barb 1897-8 bape! Pacal wR ee Racer = Waiter: Messrs. Crichton, 1838-9 | +» | ee | os | ow * ” bs Noted by the Author. roe Yb beet ames it WH fs js tw [Q 1841-2 | +s | if oe ac ee 1843-4 | >> | o5 | os | o» TE Bed eta ieee 3 ” FA = Communion cup: Otley. ‘ es Communion plate: Bishopthorpe. 9 a Ra N oted by the Author. a9 Com. cup: St, Maurice, York, Noted by the Author. Paten: Dishforth. Alms plate: Bishopthorpe, F7*®AOVEUESAOEAOSHESGHES 4846-6 $Y 99 99 99 99 9 ” 1846-7 a : Date-letter conjectured. 1847-8 ” ” ” ry ‘ 7 Com. cup: St. Cuthbert’s, York. | 1848-9 | +> | 9s ” (JB) James Barber Paten: Scrayingham. 4849-60 ” a) 9 99 ” *9 Do. do. : Noted by the Author: also (with 1850-{ | 99 | 99 ee ae ” 0» { maker’s mark IG) communion paten: Snainton, Yorks. 185{-9 ee Date-letter conjectured. 1359-3 oe gs Do. do. 1853-4 Do. do, 18545 Sete te Do. do. 4 1856-6 ee ek a 2 Bn Biase ier 10% | GD | James Barber Communion cup: St. Helen’s, | York.* ; See * There is at St. Michael-le-Belfry, York, a communion paten stamped with the same marks as those on.the communion cup at St. Helens, except that the town-mark is not visible. These examples are understood to have been amongst the last of the plate marked at York, as the office was closed almost immediately afterwards. ane. 1851- i Possibly date-letters used in the above Cycle. Stamped on small . | wig B 1852-3 1) brass plate from the Assay Office. d GARTER VI Marks on Norwich Plate The marking of silver plate at an assay office was made compulsory in Norwich in 1665. The office was closed not later than 1697 or 1698. ABE J: THREE STAMPS AS BELOW. A8TL te gotta DATE MAKER'S DESCRIPTION CF MAKER S ARTICLES AND OWNERS. LION. LETTER. MARK. MARK. isos | Gh | ON 1566-7 | Do. do. ; Saxlingham, ; ' (1566-7). Sun in splendour. Mark of | Standing cup: South Kensington Peter Peterson. Museum. Communion cup: Diss, Norfolk. Orb and cross in lozenge. { IV over a heart. Communion cup: Bintry, Norfolk. Communion cup: dated 1568: Northwold, Norfolk. | Communion cup, dated 1568: St. Martin-at-Oak, Norwich. Communion cup, undated: Beigh ton, Norfolk. Communion cup, dated 1570: St. Stephen, Norwich. Communion cup, inscribed ‘* Made by John Stone and Robert Stone ’”’: Haddiscoe, Norfolk. Com. cup: Little Witchingham. ' Maidenhead in shield. Flat fish in oval. Estoile of six curved rays. Trefoil slipped. Orb and cross in plain shield. (ea | GaAGOaES % > : Ce OB: ao EL ee A ee ee oe ae 4] =—2 = st 9 { G Mark of Christ’r. Tannor. | Patens at Arminghall and Burgh, F acd mene Norfolk. 5 rb and cross in shaped | Mounts of stone-ware jug: Mr. W. 1571-2 v 8 shield. Boore. : 1572-3 .. | Date-letter conjectured. 1573-4 9 fs) Trefoil slipped. Wine-taster: Messrs. Crichton. G3 A flower with foliated stem | Seal-top spoon: Messrs. Christie. and orb and cross as 1571-2 Date-letter conjectured. oT Y- aw ea ese ee es wont ce — « oa Cer ae 1576-7 Do. do. 4 1577-8 Ma fist do. 1578-9 Do. do. 1579-80 Do. do. osha’ das ee Le Oh ae ie a1 — ee CROWNED, Mounts of coco-nut cup: South Flower of five petals. ) Kensington Museum. z & ® cunk] oveozezrBaxzraaes Date-letter conjectured. cadded «Oe ee ee : “a co Ss [—~) Oe Ae ee Norwich mark, and mark of Christopher Tannor (free 1562) on seal-top spoon; Mr. J. H. Walter. . eee ee 2 hed 3 °o ©) 113 114 Marks on Norwich Plate TABLE II. STAMPS VARIOUS AS BELOW, DESCRIPTION OF MAKER’S MARK, ARTICLES AND OWNERS, eect A bird, Communion cup and paten, Guest- wick, Orb and cross, and Four beakers from the Old Dutch Church wyvern’s head erased N orwich, now in the possession of Mr. Wm. Minet, F.S.A., Miss Col man, and the Nederlandsch Museum, Amsterdam, Goblet on baluster stem: Messrs, Crichton, Orb and cross, * Indistinguishable. Seal-top spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter, do, Lion rampant, Mark of Wm. Hayden. Beakers: Mr, R. Levine. W. is probably an As- sayer’s mark, Spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. T.S. Castle struck twice at right angles, one over the other, and castle (in bowl maker's mark and castle on back o stem; massive seal-to spoon, pricked 1640: Messrs. Crichton, de FAH Arthur Heaslewood (free } The first mark in bowl, the other . 1625). three marks on stem ; seal- spoon: Mr, J. H. Walter, During the intervals when no date letters were used at Norwich the Assay Office was not functioning and the local productions were sporadic and uncontrolled. Ja ° a Marks on Norwich Plate Tis TABLE III. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW. CASTLE DESCRIPTION OF OVER (prOSE oat hte MAKER’S MARK. e ARTICLES AND OWNERS, LION. CROWNED. LETTER. MA no A pelican, as 1628. Seal-top spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. 1624-5 1695-6 1626-7 1627-8 7 p Do. do.; Messrs. Crichton. A pegasus, as 1632. i Mounts of-wood bowl: Mr. Theodore ossi. Timothy Skottowe. Seal-top spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. Orb and cross. Chalice: Attleburgh. A ship. Soop andy spoon: Messrs, Lambert. Do. do.: Mr. R. Levine. 1628-9 1629-30 | 1630-1 1631-2 1632-3 A pelican in her piety. | Seal-top spoon, dated 1629: Mr. A. D. George. Gat CACr EN BGS Date-letter conjectured. y Tall flagon: Norwich Corporation. Nye D. genjoined, \Seal-top spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. Date-letter conjectured, A pegasus. Com. cup: Great Melton, Norfolk A lion rampant. Seal-top spoon: Mr. J, H. Walter. 1633-4 1634-5 "1635-6 Arthur Heaslewood. | Com. cup: Aspall, Suffolk. A lion rampant. Com. cup: S.S. Simon & Jude, Norwich. Do. do. ‘Spoon with virgin and child finial : Mr. R, Levine. A crowing cock + Seal-top spoon: Burlington Fine (Herald of the Morn.) Arts Club Exhibition, 1636-7 Timothy Skottowe. Beaker,-dated 1638, from a Congregational Ch., Great Yarmouth: Pierpont Morgan Collection. | A pelican in her piety. | Seal-top spoon, pricked 1637: Mr. J. H. Walter. {637-8 Sq Gad 3 & €>ao A crowing cock,+ see} Com, paten: Skeyton, Swanton- ‘above. Abbot, Norfolk. 1638-9 1639-40 {640-1 A pelican in her piety. | Communion cup at St. Margaret’s, Swanington, Norfolk. rt Ee : C<2RKEEOH GE BHAA Hr Hage Timothy Skottowe. Com. paten: Riddlesworth, Norfolk. i Mounts of coco-nut cup: The Marquess Be YWCe THCUSE of Breadalbane, K.G. D. Com, paten: St. Etheldreda, Nor- wich, Timothy Skottowe. t | Seal-top spoon: Messrs. Christie. (641-2 ee eS pe, Qin QQ @aaSee SHAH g 1642-3 1643-4 Date-letter conjectured. tehae 6 Accompanying this date-letter, are the mark of Arthur Heaslewood (maker) as 1633-4 1935- and Norwich town-marks as 1637-8 ; communion paten: Coston, Leicestershire. | + Crowing cock rising from pot or skillet (old legend). 116 ~ Marks on Norwich Plate TABLES LY: FROM ABOUT 1645 TO ABOUT 1685. MARKS VARIOUS AS BELOW. DATE (ABOUT). ARTICLES AND OWNERS. Seal-top spoon: Mr. W. Boore. * Seal-top spoon (pricked 1650): Mr. J. H. Walter. EM * Seal-top spoon; (pricked 1653: Mr. J. H. Walter. SA a & & & S ~ fees: * Trifid-spoon: Messrs. Crichton. Communion cup, inscribed 1661 : Southwold, Suffolk, * Spoon, flat stem, trifid end: Mr. J. H. Walter. Aa @G6 eae * Do, do. do. ; Dak do, * Seal-top spoon, pricked Nae Do. do, a} | @eg q 2 6 a a Gj 2 €} (> : * Table-spoon: Mr. Thurlow Chamness. + Communion paten; St. Peter Hungate, Norwich. & S w o s o B Fi =x 4 IA x by 7 2 & 2 - <= na + Flat-top tankard, dated 1676 : Messrs. Christie: +Communion paten, dated 1679; St. Peter's, Mountergate, Norwich. Seal top spoon: Mr. A. D. George. “ ad Communion cup, dated 1680: East Dereham, Norfolk. + Crown, rose, and maker’s mark of Thos. Havers; cream jug: Lord Hastings. c. 1660 ro Small jug: Mr. J. H. Walter. * This maker’s mark is probably that of Arthur Heaslewood. + Maker’s name: Thomas Havers, ee ee Marks on Norwich Plate U7 TABLE V. FROM 1688 TO 1697. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW CASTLE : cRowwep. OVER LETTER orystile MAKER'S NAME. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. * LION. ; , Beaker: Messrs, Christie. Tankard: Major H. S. Marsham. 1689 a EA fs | Thomas Havers. \piecang bowl: Mr. J. H. Walter, Date-letter conjectured, Thomas Havers. Communion flagon, dated 1694: St. Michael’s-at-Plea, Norwich. (ee Nore and basin: St. Stephen’s, James Daniel. Norwich. 99 1D Dome-top tankard: Mr. R. J. Colman. Small mug: Messrs. Christie. see ta eed f \Salver on foot: Mr. R. J. Colman. 1601 Communion cup, dated 1694: Stock- ton, Norfolk. = bad ~ ~~ ad = aa Beaker and spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. E Date-letter conjectured. 1693 F Do. do. {694 G Do. do, 1695 H Do. do. 1696 “9 iT FD James Daniel. Spoon, flat stem; trifid end: Messrs. Spink. a e. K, Beaker, pricked 1697: Messrs, Spink. S ? cd - ~~ Dasent. c. 1697 », Castle as 1688, wy os ie .. Trifid spoon: Mr. Arthur Irwin no date-letter. oe a Robt. Hartsonge ? Communion paten on foot: Kirkstead, ea 6) 6) 2 Norfolk. Sis! CHAPTER VII | : Marks on Exeter Plate The Exeter Assay Office was established in 1701 and discontinued in 1883, A guild of goldsmiths flourished in Exeter from a time long anterior to the reign of Elizabeth. No Exeter town mark has been found of earlier date than c. 1571; before that date only makers’ marks appear to have been used. TABLE I. FROM 1544 TO I1$92 OR THEREABOUT,. ARTICLES AND OWNERS, _e=--[|-—_———— Communion cups: St. Edmund’s and St. Sidwell’s, Exeter. MAKER’S NAME, Richard Hilliard. Richard Osborne. Communion cups: Catteleigh. John North, Do. cup: Curry Mallett. Henry Hardwicke, | Chalices: Parkham and Holsworthy. John lons (Jones), | Communion cup: St. Petrock’s, Exeter, Do. do do: | Cover paten: Whitstone, | Steven More, Communion cup: Halwell. Do. do., dated 1571: St. Davids, Exeter. Communion cup : Messrs. Crichton. John North. Do, do, Do, do., dated 1571: Trevalga. Jons, Withycombe. Trencher used as paten: Berrynarbor. Mounts of cylindrical salt (ivory drum): Lord Swaythling. Standing salt: Mr. J. Dixon. 128 John —Jons. * & Do. do. Com, cup, dated 1575: Lympstone, nr, xeter. Com. cup: Duloe, Cornwall. Do. -do., dated 1576 : Tamerton, Devon. Do. co.: Eggesford and Broadwood- wiger, dated. Mounts of stone-ware jug : Messrs, Christie. (ro at of stone-ware jug: Victoria and Albert Wm. Horwood. Museum. Chalice and paten: Harpford. {Der cup, dated 1582: Cadbury, Devon. Do. do. do. 1585: Talaton, do. r. A. S. Marsden Smedley. John Eydes, Cc, Eston.. EASTON] & Cc, Easton. i= Bently, R, Herman. Lion-sejant spoon: Com. cup, dated 1582: formerly at Fen Ottery, Devon. Mounts of stone-ware jug: Ashmolean Museum. Seal-top spoon: Messrs. Christie. Eston, Com. cup, dated 1590: St. Andrew's, Plymouth, ? do. Lion-sejant spoon: Victoria and Albert Museum, 118 Marks on Exeter Plate 119g TABLE I. FROM I600 TO 1640 OR THEREABOUT. (The dates are approximate except where the articles are described as dated.) DATE. MARKS, MAKER'S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS. 1600 & GOLD & Richd. Osborn. | Maidenhead spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. ” v9 $F PRA k. Herman. | Seal-top spoon : Do. do. ” 3 No maker’s mark. | Lion-sejant spoon: Do. do. ¢. 1600 [RO Richd. Osborn. | Apostle spoon: Mr. Crichton, 1606 3 ” ” Lion-sejant spoon, pricked 1606 : Noted by the Author. . 1610-20 ee R @ William Bartlett. Com. cup: Crewkerne. (1597-1646). Sea]-top spoons: Mr, W. Boore. 1620 ” ib, ” ” Lion-sejant spoon: Messrs. Christie. 9 +H i] Edward Anthony | Seal-top spoon: The Author’s Collection. Lhd (1612-67). © ‘R ” ” Do. do. : Dunn-Gardner Collection. ” @ ? Six maidenhead spoons. Mr. R. E. Brand. c. 1630 © Wm. _ Bartlett | Communion cup and paten, dated 1630: 2 (probably). Helston. 'T “3 os Anthony Exeter mark in bowl, other marks on stem - mark, &c.* of seal-top spoon: Mr. H. D. Ellis. c. 16 Fe > (Crowned X repeated after second IL). 3 | B © John Lavers. | \ Chalice: Ashwater. P. Apostle spoon: noted by the Author. © Seal-top spoon, pricked 1638: do. do. fe. 2635-8 v4 11) John — Lavers. | {°° po2P “Pgor Sir Edward Marshall Hall, K.C. Apostle spoon: Messrs. Crichton. ” e EP} EP] H. P. Do. do : Messrs. Bruford. ” TRADCLIFF| ¥ Jasper Radcliffe.| Do. do. : Messrs. Christie. 99 L. M. Snuff-box: Mr. G. Henderson. Jasper Radcliffe. | Com. cup, dated 1640: St. Petrock’s, Exeter. is Richd. Osborn. | Apostle spoon: Messrs. Christie. Do. do. : Holburne Museum. ” w 1 | John Lavers. Seal-top spoon, with dot at each side of X: Sir E. Marshall Hall, K.C. ” No maker’s mark. | Apostle spoon: Holburne Museum. I20 Marks on Exeter Plate TABLE III. John Elston Anthony Tripe R. Thomas Bridgeman. Edward Anthony. Jasper Radcliffe. M. W. S. No maker’s mark. S. John Mortimer. Daniel Slade. Ekins. do. Mortimer. I. P. (See Barnstaple, P- 459 infra). I, P. Nichs. Browne. TABLE IV, BRIT. LIONS OAT MAKER'S CASTLE. HEAD tT ARK ANNIA, -Oasep, CETTER. : oie | Es aA RE: wale) ~ | » (ttle 1703-4 e ry lt MAKER'S NAME, Elston. Thos. Foote. Hy. Muston. John = Audry. Wm. Briant. ) G) € @ —_—o—_— oer - Orr --_CrWrOO-———sC —> - 1708-6 Richd, Freeman. 1706-7 |» Thos, Reynolds. Richd, Wilcocks. vast s Thos. Salter, 1708-9 & soies 1G Richd. Plint. {TONG EF ey. Name not traced. - 1710-4 » ‘ Richards. — Trowbridge. 1711-2 te +e ae Sweet. Richards. 1712:3 a ee ve 1713-4 Mm ee oe Slade. Tolcher, GEO. |. Wi) ie Mortimer, {715-6 | + . Trowbridge. Symonds. . Lovell. DBSHb 64e6 22000 & Tn ere ec 1717-8) e sat Symonds. Arno. 116.9 Oe ae 19-20) + Jose [ow Teme betel imi-2 | EE | Bg 1722-3 M34] os fo 1704-5 . Worth, Blachford Fee See ae ER, eee SE OS Elston, Thos. Sampson. Blachford Elston. Williams. SHaeaqaad dadaqdaqadcea HERBS e 8 Oe Variant of date-letter TABLE V. 1725-6 | ES Ols mr} |e |» {OS mal. |-|- | mo} | |» |B ra} > |» |» (Ol @ mile |» | Be 1731-2 fon { aa ms] fw | + ge maf fo 1B mil | | |B) e@ mofo |» |» |) eae ma}. |» |» (D Gp mrg| |» |» | Q)) GD ms} » |» |» |O| @ ra} |» |» (QD mijo | «|» |O)|@ mato fo |» (Oe m3joj»|» 18 msl to |» (B mij» |» |» |B] » mo} [ow [oo | wl mr} «||» | malo ju} |{O)@ mo| |» |» |B B for 1748-9 Marks on Exeter Plate MAKER'S NAME,/ . Saml. Blachford. Thos. Sampson. Joseph Collier. Philip _—_ Elliott. John Elston, jr. Do. do. James Strang. John Burdon. Peter Elliott. Joseph Collier. John Elston, jr. Sampson Bennett. Philip Elston. James Strang. Philip Elston. Pent. Symonds. John Burdon. Do. do. Pent. Symonds. Name not traced. Freeman ? John Babbage? Do. do. Pent. Sy monds. Thos. Blake. Jas. Strang. LE CASTLE OPARD'S HEAD pg CROWNED TABLE V1. LION DATE MAKER'S ABANT. LETTER MARR. feos MAKER’S NAME. 1749-00 3 @) Thomas Blake. (750-1 (761-2 1152-3 1153-4 1154-5 1156-6 1156-1 1151.8 {158-9 1759-60 GED. it 1760-1 ‘761-2 {162-3 1763-4 (764-5 1165-6 {166-7 {161-8 {168-9 1169-70 {710-4 (711-2 ims en oo ge . (Bl - NoOBhebmxr7ovezZzs ABER: B ” Thomas ” Parry. Coleman. Parry. Blake. ” Name not traced. Mat’w Richard James Thomas ie Richard Skinner. Sams, Holt. Coffin. Freeman. Sams. 122 Marks on Exeter Plate TABLE VII. TABLE VIII. LEOPARDS ion CASTLE. ate PASSANT, LETTER. AKER® | «=MAKER’S NAME. CASTLE. pascans. estes es “aaah MAKER'S NAME, 1773-4 Ha | & SATA! GD | Richd. sams. 1797-8 wi B35) ae Richd, Ferris. 1774-5 ee 9 A B 1798- 9 be ” ” Thos. Eustace. : 1775-6 ony o o9 @ {B William West S = ae ae of Plymouth. ach. 1776-7 ee ve 4800-1 9° ‘9 Hicks. 1777-8 ae Ce a 1801-2 | + .- ” {718.9 a a Thos. Eustace. 1802.3 | + a s 1779-80 |» ‘ ” " % 4803-4 |» . Eustace, 1780-1 . oo 1804-5 | + | os . Ferris, 1781-23] +» se ey Mere 1805-6 | GE 1783-4 deol desne ‘5 W. Pearse. WEA 1806-1} o» | + 1807-8} oo | oo Thos. Eustace (as 1775-6). m5 | «+ |G . 1785-6 eS a, - Thos, Eustace. shies | i e 1786-7 Joseph Hicks. Pr Ron M8 | oe fw | ow 0 [cea Bie die doe 1788-9 eas it 8 r : : 1811-2 |» % W980) oa | se | as tee mest: ito 1790-4 SY. =e +9 1813-4 ry * oe Joseph Hicks. B ta ie ere ees ae i ee ees Meta © Re aoe Cored ae 1814-5 |» ss 1815-6 |» " 1816-7 J ose. foe SGQMHES EEE 1794-5 " “ . 1793-6 os +e 1796-7 “ " " Richd. Ferris. iIs» 1845-6 |» 1846-7 | >» (347-8 | >» {8189 | + 1849-50] °° 1850-1 | > 1861-2 | +» 1852-3 | °° 1853-4 | rt ee 1866-6 | >» “4856-7 | * LION A PASSANT. LETTER. HEAD. u 73 | | @ O 99 99 9 TABLE X. DATE QUEENS M QB) CG os a 3 ky = wt ee & Bl ax : SQNBOSSCOH CESS E8OES 123 MAKER’S NAME, W. R. Sobey. “ ne Osmont. Thos. Byne. J. Stone. - Ramsey. W..R. Sobey. " ” ” ? Williams. i: Stone. W. R. Sobey. 99, ” be: Osmont. ” ” Isaac Parkin. * i? Stone. *¢ ~ Marks on Exeter Plate TABLE XI. CASTLE, ostdRhe, LETTER, SHEER MBEER® | owaxen’s ame, | 1878 | |) AO J. Stone, | 1858-9 "9 ” v9 9 P| | Name not traced. | MAC | Jas. Williams. | € 1859-60 1860-4 1861-2 1862-3 . 1863-4 1864-5 1865-6 1866-7 1867-8 1958-9 1869-70 1870-1 1871-2 1872-3 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 SOCG806 CeBeEGcegeee0e ; Marks on Exeter Plate 125 TABLE XII. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. caste. psclON, DATE, CHERD” «© “MARK MAKER'S NAME. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. eee en ee 1877-8 DR ‘Al oe J. Whipple & Co. Engraved goblet: Mr. Bruford. {878-9 9 9 (3) ry From the Assay Office plate. 1879-80 9 ” C) oe as AG eee Do. do. do. 4880-4 a 9 (*) ny ae as Sats Do, do. do. 1881-2 vs E 99 “ee ne wee Do. do. do. Ellis, Depree & | | Com. plate: St. Matthew’s, 1882-3 = Ag F » | Cae Tucker J Exeter. The communion plate at St. Matthew's above-mentioned appears to have been some of the last work assayed at Exeter, as the office was finally closed in 1883. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF MARKS OF GOLDSMITHS Impressed at Exeter, but not illustrated in the preceding tables. | NAME. Lo) DATE, MARK, NAME, Daniel Slade. 1722 PS) Pentecost Symonds. Peter Jouett. 1728 Ge Thomas Coffin. : Thos. Sampson. 1730 LL} John Reed Richard | Wilcocks. ? 1732 iT Cf Thomas _ Clarke. § Pentecost. Symonds. SB John Suger 4 3 John Pike. 1741 TaNt Micon Melun. } | Richd, —_Birdlake Joseph Bennick. ia R BI (Plymouth). Simon Lery. John Suger. 1830 TP] Isaac Parkin. Tes Pee Anthony _ Tripe. G. Turner & partner ? Zacariah Williams. (? Son). | ae (= Pot alee Joseph Bennick. | Henry Ellis. 1847 | Edward Richard. Isaac Parkin & Geo. Sobey. IP TTT : ‘ Goldin 1845 : (Plymouth). IP GS 1850 John March. 3 a % , . r. 4 5 . z ia * : a ra) Go Oo 3 CHAPTER Vili Marks on Newcastle Plate Money was minted at Newcastle in 1248 and in the reign of Henry VI (1423) it was ordained that Newcastle-upon-Tyne should have a “touch” (assay office). A proper assay office for marking silver plate was established In 1702. TABLE I. TABLE II. @ W] 1) 0 John Wilkinson. cTUREE Brit. Jieko. LPATE, MAKER MAKER’S NAME, 63 3) co = i |G EB] EDD lim mn 7034] | | (GR) ] BB frees. paty. M5} |e) 1@ Shi Robt. Shrive. eg Rete beter 1D) Bi Eli. “Bikon, oF oe ED John Dowthwaite. : SR c=] 2B 0@ as WR) FR Wm. Ramsay. = B is Me ” Le Hh a8 J’nath'n French. ey 8 ou sin 1708-9 | + nt a By) John nee 3 reine 1709-10} 9 * ” 69 James Kirkup. WES. BY 1110-14 w Roblicosts a Bi, Eli, Bilton. ay eg : 1103 | SS | EB | EY) D4 GB | ricna. srob0s 1713-4 LA John Langwith, a088:7 EB) Ry @ Eli Bilton, GEO. | @ J’nath’n French, 1686-8 | 3 au ee Robinson, 1714-6 iy a i ‘D) Za) Fr. Batty, jr. 1716-6 | & Nath]. Shaw. | 1716-7 Robt. Shrive. 1717-8 ” ” re) ; Joseph Buckle. @ 1718-0} as] sect & ID) 1719-20 ” 99 9 Fras. Batty, as above. James Kirkup. R: Make peace } &F. Batty. J John Carnaby. Whittield.{ Eli ___ Bilton. S €Gé CS S day Y SeNpeate ngiecen. QHes Wm. Robinson. 1720-4 Lad a 9? Thos, Hewitson. Ts mt iB @ & ce oe The dates assigned in table I must be regarded as ap- proximate. ge aag B8ESSSE e @ 6 - ~ SHaHigg@a ga a Sag ag — (455 | S @ John Ramsay. eB © Eli Bilton. ES) gq 126 Marks on Newcastle Plate 127 TABLE III. TABLE IV. , MAKER'S NAME. THREE . LION LEOPARD'S DATE MAKER'S MAKER'S NAME. CASTLES.PASSANT. HEAD kK. CROWNED. in40-t | EE LION LEOPARD'S DATE MAKER'S ee HEAD CASTLES.PASSANT.. pow NED LETTER. MARK. ra | | 3) @ | EY = & B Gekee & 6 8 BESS EIE0r EAS aes Stephen Buckle. James Kirkup. W. Beilby & Anor. Fras. Batty, jr. FB IR John Ramsay, jr. 5 Robt. Makepeace. (74-2) e. Fe Perhaps Jno. Busfield 1122-3 Kx as 5) Jas. Kirkup. het Peeks Isaac Cookson. 1723-4 i ae @| @ ie en Reales Thomas Stoddart hn Carnaby. een aren bak William Partis. Wile fool ©| ee ee 1743-4 { illiam artis =| 62 ? ec ee SE seston {725-6 y ret @ Fras. Batty, jr. ~ es sad : : _ tt 1196-1 | | Q| Be eical Pesala y om (probably) j et ut Ss hn Busfield GEO. IN. | gene a>, @ | i John Pe ; 1146-1 ey $k 3 Isaac Cookson. % ALA v7 & Isaac Cookson. hn Wilki Us SS ( Geo. Bulman. 1147-8 ee u oe J PSheffield forobabhey 4198-9 | > . 13) Wm. Whitfield. Wm. Dalton. Geo. Bullman, 1748-9 7 a9 ae | ? Thos. Reidof York. R. Gillson (of Sunderland). Robert Makepeace. Thos. _Partis II. (of Sunderland). William Beilby. 19-30) | oe | og a aed ae 2; [om | oe m3} fo | os 138-4) 10 | oe | M5} foe | o 1149-60) + | oo | so] » | CS | EB {151-2 ” 99 a) Wm. Dalton. S Thos. Gamul ? Jon. French. William Partis. Thos. Makepeace. John Busfield of York. ? Isaac Cookson. William Dalton. Perhaps John Barrett (of Sunderland). 1752-3 i) 99 9 rn fa, CaN < =) SERe BS SF Isaac Cookson. (153-4) <« | oo [oe Langlands & Thos. Partis. Goodriche. 1 ac Pe 2OO ©ege . Bulman. John _ Kirkup. Pee en | {36-1} | ow |e nero) ete ae 11389,» | |» 1755-6) + | »» | he Ge ee et i 1167-8 | | O 1758-9 Wm. Partis.* John _—_ Langlands. aod caequegeaeaaageae: Isaac Cookson., Wm. Beilby&Co.; Oe Ralph __ Beilby. a6) | Isaac Cookson. qq @ & © poremen 1139-40 |» tg bs Note. The letter T is presumed. No doubt the shield was Robt. Makepeace. L identical with that of the other date letters. See EB & 8 & BERR : = *Possibly Wm. Prior. 128 Marks on Newcastle Plate TABLE V. ton LEOPARD’S nate KINo's maKeER's : castuns. PASSANT, MEAD LETTER HEAD. MARK. MAKER'S NAME, Samuel James, Saml. Thompson. GEO, III. 1760-8 » 3 John Barrett of Sunderland, Saml. James, Robt. Peat. John Kirkup, John Fearny of Sunderland. John Langlands, 9? 1769-70 1770-1 M 1771-2 EG eG ee James Crawford, 1772-3 John Jobson, 1773-4 Jas. Hetherington, HiBRED> EES 1774-5 ih Stalker & Mitchison, od oa ~~ Hetherington & Edwards. Francis Solomon of Whitehaven. Hetherington & Edwards. James Hetherington, David Crawford, Langlands & } 1775-6 62 Fete Veen ete = re al ales) £5 eo) (2) es ZS Elss (Zi: QUole 1776-7 kd 1777-8 A 1778-9 wd Robertson, 1779-80 aS David Crawford. 1780-1 ‘9 Pinkney & Scott. Langlands & Robertson (as below). f John — Stoddart. Ben. Dryden. John Stoddart. 1781-2 ” 1782-3 oe Pa, te C 1783-4 ae 8 1784-5 9 Pinkney & Scott. wa no 1785-6 ra) John = Mitchison. 1786-7 ”» ” ” O: @ @: B —_—" al ¥ bo) Name not traced, _ Larglands & Robertson, } Chrstn. Reid, 1787-8 i) 1788-9 ? +o = Bae 1789-90 ” Pinkney & Scott. v9 : | John Mitchison, 1790-1 oe *17933-4 @QB Samm Maker, M. Miller. 1805-6 2) ey Maker, Alexander Camer, of Dundee, on, TABLE VI, LION THREE LEOPARDS kings pate MAKERS PASSANT.CASTLES.-pHEAD , MEAD. LETTER, “BARK ‘17Q1-2 Gg 1792-3 MAKER'S NAME, Langlands &) Robertson, f Robert Scott. bad 1793-4 Anth., Hedley. Mary Ashworth of Dur. G. Weddell. Robertson &) Darling. J i Thos. Watson. | Robertson & Darling. Geo. Laws & John Walker. f ‘ Chrstn. Reid. John Robertson, ” ¥Y Sarah Crawford. John Langlands, Thos. Watson. Ann, Robertson. 1794-5 1795 6 1796-7 1797-8 1798-9 1799 1800 1800-1 1801-2 David Darling. Chrstn. K. Reid &). David Reid. J Alexr. Kelty. 1802-3 103-4 1804-5 J ohn Langlands, jr. 1805-6 George Murray. 1806-7 Thos, Watson, 1807-8 1808-9 Darling & Bell. 1809-10 John Langlands.} | Thos. Watson, Drthy. Langlands. Robertson & Walton. Robert Pinkney. Name not traced, Chrstn, Ker Reid, David Reid, & Chrstn. Bruce Reid John Walton. 1810-1 1811-2 1812-3 Son pa ~j . | SergBek OR: E 1813-4 SGHHESHEHBS & Z| » 1814-5 Probably used by the son of John Langlands after his father’s death, ; Pee Marks on Newcastle Plate 129 TABLE VII. SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. pate wince ction tunee “EQPAROS waxens | MAKER'S NAME. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. LETTER HEAD PASBANT CASTLE® CROWNED MAR | @| @ Thos. Watson. | Punch-ladle: General Meyrick. D B 1815-6 1816-7 ae . » | Chie) » a Tea-spoons: Messrs. Crichton. 1817-8 ” sds lypak Christ’r. Dinsdale, | Milk jug: S. & A, Mus., Dublin. of Sunderland. ‘ ‘ sae PBy | Robertson & rom Assay ce plate. 8- 9° * ee ae : wag Tw Walton. 1819-20 vs os ‘a “9 GEO, lV. 1820-1 ve on oe ‘9 TW] Thos. Watson. Do. do. do. 1821-2 Q ‘ vs ” ‘9 e Marrow scoop: Submitted to the Author. 1822-3 as 1 7 he es 1 7 Tea-spoon : Mr. E. Heron-Allen. 1823-4 1» ot " es ‘1 4 + Small mug: Messrs. Debenham. 1824-5 7 ue oe ee IT W) “a Bs Large two-handled cup: The Earl of Yarborough. 1825-6 1826-7 1827-8 1828-9 1829-30 4 WM, Iv. 1830-1 1831-2 .. | Thos. Watson. | Sauce-ladle: Mr. J. B. Stansby. © 1832-3 1833-4 1834-5 es “s vs 9 Wm. Lister. From Assay Office plate. 1835-6 1836-7 VICT. 1837-8 ro e: nf Thos. Watson. | Salt-spoons: Messrs. Crichton. 1838-9 SQ x2e 2H r7OoveZZ -BSeGe"5SGe cn oF a ah cB Lister & Sons. From Assay Office plate. ‘See supplementary List of Makers’ Marks on p. 131. 130 Marks on Newcastle Plate TABLES VIII. AND IX. SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. LEOPARD’S HEAD UNCROWNED FROM 1846. Fee eaglON. QTHREE MEOTAD. DATE Maxer's | MAKER’S NAME. | ARTICLES & OWNERS. cnttt, HEAD. PASSANT. CASTLES: cplEAD . LETTER. MARK, 1839-40 ?) 6) ey & John Walton. | Com. cup & paten: *{864-5 Aspatria. 1840-{ = ” oy ere 'B} ae + + Do. do. do. 4865-6 1841-2 $) ” 9 ¥» Thos. Watson. | Small mug: Col. 1866-7 Fitzgerald. Q b C Me é€ f 8 h 19423 | oo | ov | oo» | oo» |B) BBE Jef fw lw TR | 1868-9 os cr rr re 1 see | ee 1845-6 ” ” Tr) ” G 1870-4 “8461 | » || @ Name not | Bee-spoon 2) Mi tas 84-8 J oe fo fw foo | 7 1872-3 | 1 9] oto tow fw | J was | k 4980} fo» fo |» [K us | 1 801 | ol» |» fo TG 1875-6 | M 1851-2 | » | » |» | oo» IM 876-7 | N 1852-3 | | a fw | oo» TN 18778 | O 1353-4 9” 99 99 o9 O 1878-9 p ABS | | oy foo foo | p 1870-80 | q 1855-6 98 99 ” ” Q 4880-4 T 1856-7 a 29 9 +h) R 1881-9 Ss 18 | wl» |» fos 1S 302-31 t 1858-9 Lad 5 a9 2% T 1883-4 u ; 1809-60 ad wh eee 2 U The office was 1860-4 - ze R & W Closed in 1884, . Line As, WH Lis die | pee year with hi y head 1862-3 % oT -9? oe) Y caer ail n ed: Messrs, Reid MEE | ert | oo | ow | ZS & Sons. 1850-7 8 ae me © 'M] rye David Reid. Marrow scoop: Mr. A, J. Grimes, 1869-70 & kS yy @ f) Sh C. J. Reid. Pair of salt-spoons : Messrs, Reid Sons, * In some cases the leopard’s head has been found with.a crown, et ee is, » Marks on Newcastle Plate TOT SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF MARKS OF GOLDSMITHS. Impressed at Newcastle from c. 1750 to c. 1880, but not illustrated in the preceding tables. < BEBEBB@HBERS =< Yn —~ in co eS BS (Ke at 2 spa. ee. ° » = Mr. Bartlett ? Samuel Jones. Peter James. Name not traced. Summerville, Sen., | {5 Somerville or and F, S. Junr. | Peter Beatch. Name not traced. ” Robt. Wilson. | Darling & Bell. Thos, Hunt- ingdon. Brechin- ridge. Peter Lambert of Berwick. Chrstn. K. Reid & David Reid, Hugh Cameron of Dundee. Alexr. John Robertson, — es Ss | as & SG & < a = © sat 8 & L "(les Lister & Sons, 9? Brown.. 99 9? Sherwin, James Dinsdale. Name not traced. | Chrstn. J. Reid. Robert Rippon. John Sutler. John White. David Reid. Wm. Buxton of Bishop Auckland. John Deas? Robt. Oswald of Durham. Oliver Young. John Cook. W. Wilson & Sons. L. Pedrine of Car- lisle. Alder & Sons of Blyth. ie] BBE eo 6fe)C. = : ~ pas = Ps > & G&G ie 7 eS = oe cl & a a to John. Miller. Cuthbert Dins- dale. Geo. Sam, Lewis. M. Young & Sons, Simeon Joel. John Cook. R. Duncan of Carlisle. Joseph and Israel Jacobs. James . Foster. Wm. and Jno. Wilson. Thos. Ross of Carlisle ? A. Y, Talbot of Crook, Darlington. Thos. Sewill, Name not traced. CHAPTER IX Marks on Chester Plate The Chester Assay Office was established in 1687, though a guild of silver- smiths existed as early as 1573. The assay office was suspended in 1696 but re-established in 1701. It still functions. TABLE I. MAKER’S MARK, TOWN MARK is AND DATE-LETTER, {i MAKER'S NAME. 1668 es George Oulton. c. 1683 RW] Ey RW] Ralph Walley. 8} Nathanl. Bullen. DATE, c. 1685 8 & Ei 1686-90 Alexand’r Pulford. t690-2 aeGaeea » | Peter Pemberton. 28,0 SB: SHAS a pl2®epm eEpeaana night #@: @e8eg Name not traced. 3 5 aU 1701-2 23 1703-4 1704-5 1705-6 1706-7 1701-8 1708-9 1709-10 1710-11 1711-2 1112-3 {113-4 m4 1715-6 1716-7 1117-8 1718-9 1719-20 1720-1 1721-2 1722-3 1123-4 1124-5 1728-6 3716-7 1ON'S BRIT- HEAD DAT ANNIA, ERASED. LETTER. a\o 99 99 99 e9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 1 LE PASSANT.|HEAD » vw 99 9 o° 99 99 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ee OP"S 99 9 19 9 Cc? SHH9aGgeo0eceee0g ecesoeeegG BSED Marks on Chester Plate TABLE II. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. TOWN MAKER'S | ~=MAKER'S NAME. Ss ee cle By Ril Richd. Richardson. | Rat-tail spoon: Mr. G. Lambert. a ‘Si John Bingley. Do. do. : Messrs. Christie. ; Nath. Bullen. Table-spoon: Mr. Lowe, Chester. | chas? Bird. Assay Office Plate, Chester. 9 Ri Richd. Richardson. Oval tobacco box, dated 1704: Chester Corporation. Peter Pemberton. | Large rat-tail tablespoon: Mr. Lowe. D @ | Name not traced. | Assay Office Plate, Chester. ys Hos ae ay Do. do. ar Ad Rol Thos. Robinson. | Tumbler cup: Judge Wynne- Ffoulkes. 9 Name not traced. | Assay Office Plate, Chester. $9 @ ” ” Do. do. do. ” etek Do. do. do. 99 99 9 Do. do. do. ” — Tarleton. Do. do. do. ” Ri} Richd. Richardson.| Com. cup and flagon, * given 1716’: St. Peter’s, Chester. a’ @ iv “A Com, paten: Church of St. John Baptist, Northgate, Chester. ” DU Barth, Duke. Gravy spoon: Mr. Hignett. Ma] Thos. Maddock. | Rat-tail spoon: Mr. Crichton. vs Mia) BA Fr Assay Office Plate, Chester. ” Ri Richd. Richardson. | Alms-plate, inscribed 1719: St. John’s, Chester. ”7 rT) ” % Com. cup: St. Bridget’s (now at St, Mary’s), Chester. ° Gd u " Small oar: Chester Corporation. ” Thos. Maddock. | Rat-tailspoon: The Day Collection. ” Rit Richd. Richardson. | Small cup with one handle : Cordwainers’ Guild, Carlisle. a Ri - 5 Rat-tail spoon: Chester Corpn. ( Paten, on foot, dated 1723: St. : Ri 1% es Michael’s, Chester. : \ Gravy spoon: late Miss Farmer. Ri ms my | Plate paten: St. Michael’s, Ches. 9° Com. cup: St. John’s, Chester.” ” ” 9 ” uM John Melling. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. a —— Table-spoon: Judge Wynne-Ffoulkes. } Mark on small cup at Llanerchymedd; possibly the mark of a Richardson widow. * Also watér-bailiff’s oar, dated 1726, badge of jurisdiction over.the river: Beaumaris, 134 1726-7 GEO. It 1121-8 1728-9 1729-30 1730-4 1731-2 1782-3 11834 1134-5 1785-6 1736-1 (197-8 1738-9 1739-40 1740-4 1741-2 1142-3 1713-4 tTH4-5 1745-6 1146-1 ‘141-8 1148-9 (740-50 {160-4 Marks on Chester Plate TABLE ITT, FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. on LEOPARDS town MAKER’S NAME, LI0 HEAD PASSANT. CROWNED. MARK. 3/e| 6 9 DATE MAKER'S LETTER. MARK, Richd, Richardson. Richd, Pike, Wm. Richardson. R.R. conjoined as at 1728 above. Richd, Richardson, 99 99 99 >-Ba& BEES 9° SEHESESReagseeaeeass oto lo» [@]| = = * ” * T) ” ” *” o o» | A RG Re “4 ee) paca! Exot [iQ | Wm. Richardson, rs $8 +s _p [BP] Benj’n Pemberton. or ‘ » | RR} Richd. Richardson. Woe Wee ba GD | Thos. Maddock. wg Weciten a & PRR} Richd. Richardson. who lw 1G mel ae eae} ee & ny x4 Nai | Richd. Richardson. S tumbler: Mr. Lowe, Benj’n Pemberton, ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Small salver: Messrs. Christie. Large skewer: Messrs. G. Com, cup, dated 1728: Kendal. Rat-tail spoon: Mr. W. Boore. Do. do. : Do. Pipkin: Mr. Lowe, Chester. Com. cup and cover, dated 1732: Whitehaven, Assay Office Plate, Com. cup andcover: Workington. do. : Kirkby Lonsdale. do., dated 1735: Poulton le-Fylde, Lancashire, Half-pint mug: Messrs, Comyns. Pair of alms-basins, dated 1737: Chester Cathedral. Large gravy spoon: Mr, W. Boore. Assay Office Plate. Table-spoon: Mr. G, Lambert. Sauce-boat: Judge Wynne- Ffoulkes., Pap bowl: Messrs. Spink. Do, do, : Mr, Lowe, Chester. Sauce pan: Messrs. Crichton, Date-letter conjectured. Do, do. . do. Table-spoon: Mr, Payne, Pair of beakers: Judge Wynne- Ffoulkes. Plate: Messrs. Comyns. Tumbler: Mr. W. Keir, Corwen. Variant of date-letter for’ 1749-50: Assay Office Plate; and re a SS are ae Marks on Chester Plate TABLE IV. “RAD TOWN LIOn OATs PASGANT. crowngD, MARK. MAKER LETTER. iy MARK. MAKER’S NAME, 1751-z 8B. PR RY Richd. Richardson. 1752-3 oo oe ve Borb Forf lori 1760-1 7) ” » | Kork 1761-2 | o | ow | » | Lorl a9 Mattos >» | ED | : i ; Po|.| . Re: 7645 | w | w | Mm]. 0) ote Eee é 2 b PRY RR] ” ” oP ” ” > Bolton & Fother- Onn © mail, Him. vs (Q =| Joseph Walley. Geo. Walker. V4 { James Dixon or i) Jos. Duke, +] 1D} ” ” s3 Geo. Walker. (09 | Richa. Richardson, Another example of date-letter for this year: Assay Office Plate. Also on a sugar basin (with mark of Joseph Walley): The Goldsmiths’ Co. 1755-6 ion LEOPARDS town PASSANT. cgiEAD ) MARK. 76-1 | 3 m8] | m9] » | 119-80 | ES 01] | ME oslo 118-3 | + |» 1183-4 | + | {784-5 56] | {186-7} + | 18-8} + | 11889] +» | 1189-90) | 4790-4 ” tired 791-2} °° " 1792-3 | +» ” 1793-4) % 1194-5 | + ” 1795-6 | + ” "Y 196-1) + | + tH] John 135 TABLE V. DATE 20000802008 OpcceODO8058! MAKER'S NAME. Richd. Richardson. George Walker. Richd. Richardson. ” Joseph Walley. ” ” George Walker. John Adamson. HEAD. Richd. Richardson. TN a ” ” BS) : SRE ESERBE BP BB8e: @:- BoB ast J. Clifton or James Conway. T; Pierpoint. Robt. Boulger. John Gilbert. Robert Jones. Wm. Hull, Wm., Tarlton.* James Barton. E; Maddock. Thos, Appleby. Thos. Hilsby. Thos. Morrow. _ Adamson John & Son. Hewitt. 1797-8 1198-9 1199 1800 1800-4 1801-2 1802-3 1803-4 1804-5 1805-6 1806-7 1807-8 1808-9 1809-10 1810-1 1811-2 1812-3 1813-4 184.8 1815-6 1816-7 1817-8 LION PASSANT. Ren! v9 LEREARD'S Zon CROWNED, MARK. LETTER. HEAD BV AIS 9 HBSOHHSOR ORR ERO ROBE aS Marks on Chester Plate DATE TABLE VI. SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. a ‘ ’ KING'S mest? MAKERS NAME, George Lowe, Robt. Jones, Robert Green, 88 @ @ | Nicholas Cunliffe, “G Maker’s mark indistinct, George Walker, g o” ” ” Name not traced, BO | Nicholas Lee, 9 ” 29 eI a George Lowe, ” Mark indistinct. . Name not traced, John Walker, William Pugh (of Birmingham). Lhd BHE® ” Abbott & Jones. bie ” » ” Jas Morton, ns | ” rT “i HA Hugh Adamson. | GB | John — Abbott. een ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Large skewer : Judge Wynne- Ffoulkes, Extinguisher: Messrs, Crich- ton, Watch-case, noted in Man- chester. Do, do. do. Goblet: Messrs, Welby. Gravy-spoon : Messrs, Deben- ham, Table-spoon: Mr, W, Boore. Marks noted by the Author, Watch-case, noted in Man- chester, Do, do, do, Skewer: Mr, Lowe, Chester. Table-spoon: Mr. Wills, Marks noted by Author. Watch-case: Mr. Spiridion, Sugar-tongs: Mr. Harris. ‘Watch-case noted by the Author, do, Do, do, Sauce-boat: Mr, Crichton, Fish-slice: Mr, Phillips, Watch-case noted by the Author, Do. do, do, 1818-9 1819-20 GEO. IV. 1820-1 {891-2-3 1893-4 {804-5 1895-6 1896-1 {821-8 18989 1829-30 WM. IV. 1830-4 (831-2 {832-3 1833-4 1834-5 18386 1836-7 vICT. 1837-8 1838-9 LION LEOPARD'S TOWN PASSANT HEAD. vr ae 9 MARK. LETTER. HEAD. ¥ 99 Marks on Chester Plate 37 TABLE VII. SIX STAMPS AS BELOW. DATE KINGS MAKER'S MAKER’S NAME, SOURCE OF MARKS, 2 ee Walker. From wax impression: Mr. ee As Lowe, B.A. Assay Office Plate and Records. 7 3S) BRR Zz ZO RORHOBESBEBBSSBE ’ & Vale & Co. Jones & Reeves. Do. do. do. Hy. Adamson. Do. do. do. ). : | Mary Huntingdon. Do. do, do. John Twemlow. Do. do. do. Small cream-jug: Mr. Crichton. Flate: Mr. Lowe, Chester. Ji Morton. Geo. Lowe. Robt. Bowers. Assay Office Plate, Chester. Thos. Newton. Do. do. do. John Hilsby, L’pool. \ Do. do. do. Gravy spoon: Mr, Lowe, Chester. Assay Office Plate, Chester. John Coakley. John Parsonage. - Thos, Walker or Thos. Woodfield Do. do. do. Robt. Lowe. Do. do. do. Richd. Lucas. Do, do. do. John Walker. Do. do, do. Jos. L, Samuel. Do. do. do. Large quantity of table plate, John Sutters. Liverpool. SSOODOEHDOCRBSEE M7 HGEEEOGHD Pocket compass case: Cap- tain Williams. 99 Henry Close. Marks on Chester Plate FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. 1840-4 1841-3 1842-3 1843-4 184-5 1846-6 1846-1 {847-8 1848-9 1860-{ 1851-2 1852.4 1859-4 1854-5 1855-6 1857-8 1858-9 1859-60 1860-4 1861-2 1862-3 1863-4 1849-50 1856-7. LION PASSANT. TOWN MARK. LETTER. “MEAD. 1090-40 | 3 | @ SS OBSSO0SBS2S0C PB SS2SO8 08088 DATE QUEEN'S MAKERS MARK, : © fH & E: x S BE@=O@BBBEBE SB BRORA ERB OE Oo O sal TABLE VIII. MAKER’S NAME. a J. & Thos, Lowe. Henry John F, Christr, ee Richard G. C, Thos, A, G. John Joseph Edwd, Elias Geo, H. HT, Francis Adamson, Leonard, Smith, Samuel, Burgess, Crofton. Burbidge, Wathew. Jones, Wilson. Kirkman, Ward, Cubbin, Adamson. Lowe, (Manchester), ooley, Rogers, Lowe. Mayer. Jones, Nathan, Roberts, Fishwick, Stuart, Butt. Sauce-boat ; Mr, P, Lannon, Assay Office Plate and Records, Do: Do, Do. Do. SOURCE OF MARKS, do. do, do.. do, do, do. do, do. do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. do, do, do, do. do. do. do, do. do. do, do. do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. do, do, do, do, do, SY ie 1864-5 1866-6 1866-7 1867-8 1868-9 1869-70 1870-4 {871-8 1872°3 1813-4 1874-6 1876-6 1816-7 4811-8 1878-9 1879-80 1880-4 1881-2 1882-3 1888-4 Marks on Chester TABLE IX. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. LION TOWN DATE ; . PASSANT. MARK. LETTER UEKD. “aAnR. | MAKER’S NAME. SJ Wm. Dodge. © BOCBBSOREAOGE John Richards. Sam!. Ward, Man- chester. Geo. Lowe, junr. Henry Tarlton, Liverpool. W. Roskell, Livee- pool. S. Quilliam. Geo. Roberts. Robt. Over. Thos. Russell. Hugh Green. Samuel & Rogers. Ww Re ES) A. Cruickshank. S. Quilliam. Geo. F. Wright, of os as Liverpool. oseph Knight, a? whe Birmingham. T. Power & Son, Liverpool. Benge Nathan. Wm. Smith, Liver pool. S £&pe pe & > BBEtBBABB SQ EQGeasoesb esecgqgqgoeeogcs A. Rogers, Liver- pool. Plate TABLE X. 139 FIVE STAMPS TILL 1890, 1884-5 712) 1885-6 1886-7 1887-8 1888-9 1889-90 1890-1 1891-2 1892-3 1893-4 1894-5 1895-6 1896-7 1897-8 1898-9 1899 1900 1900-1 €0W. Vil. 1901-2 1902-3 SSEa0 00 DBR3 820800800088 FOUR AFTERWARD. LION TOWN DATE QUEEN'S MAKERS PASSANT, MARK. LETTER. HEAD. MARK. INBS) B0800088 Shea 6 Qs 140 Marks on Chester Plate TABLE XI. FOUR STAMPS, WITH MAKER’S MARK. DATE. LION PASSANT. TOWN MARK. RS, SOURCE OF MARKS. A fj] eee 1903-4 Koo 0 From Assay Office Records, 1904-5 ” ” 'D)) Do. do. do. 1905-6 a fs 8] Do, do, do, 1906-7 ‘5 "9 Do. do. do. 1907-8 A aa Do, do. do, 1908-9 . 8 a, Do. i ee 1909-10 a = baa Do, do. do. IgI0-1 ‘ = @ Do. do. do, IQII-2 z a £3 Do. do. do. 1QI2-3 ” ” My) 1913-4 " " N) 1914-5 as @ | 1915-6 | ” ” Ft 1916-7 ** ” b3 1917-8 oe ” IR 1918-9 ” ” Es 1919-20 be ” ih 1920-1 * ” GD 1921-2 ae 1773-4 1774-5 1775-6 1776-7 {777-8 4178-9 1180-4 4781-2 1782-3 1783-4 1184-5 1786-6 4786-1 1787-8 1788-9 1189-90 1730-1 1191-2 1192-3 1193-4 1794-5 1195-6 1796-7 * 1791-8 *The King’s head is found in stamps both of oval and indented autline for the year 1797-8, and in 1119-80 GAP Bek exX Marks on Birmingham Plate The Birmingham Assay Office was established in 1773. LION PASBANT, ANCHOB. , BUTE « Se Ss) Bods 23. oo kB : 99 99 a9) A . 90 99 ‘9 9 99 as 99 “99 ay “9 9 9 on) 9 9 9% 99 2 oo” 99 a9 9% ETTER. KINGS D 99 99 99 99 9 = = N) S gagqdaqaeeqceuecqeeaaqeaes ALBEE a, MAKER’S NAME. MAKER'S MARK. FOUR STAMPS UNTIL 1784, THENCEFORWARD FIVE, AS BELOW. ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Matthew Boulton &John Fothergill, > ” Alston. A Alston. = @ ” ” Henry Holland. 8Qze Joseph Taylor, a ~~ 99 » Thos. Willmore. Mathw. Boulton. Samuel Pemberton. @ BE 9 ” <= =< Mathw. Boulton. Joseph Taylor. John Shaw. Thos. Willmore. “BBE some instances the King’s head mark is stamped twice. 141 6 be, Willmore & i BS Willmore & Samuel Pemberton. Samuel Pemberton. } Charles Freeth. 99 ” ” : Richard _ Bickley, IR BICF | Chics Preeti \ Boulton & Fothergill. } ) Pair of salts: Assay Office. Candlesticks: Mr. M. B. Huish. Do. : B’m’ham Assay Office. Birmingham Mounts of horse-pistols. Mr. F. Weekes. Light striker: Mr. F. Weekes. Mountsofpistol: Mr. Dudley Westropp. Cake-basket: Mr, H. D. Ellis. Candlesticks : Mr. W. Boore. Pair of shoe buckles: B’m’ham Assay Office. Marks from B’m’ham Assay Office Records. Do. do. do. Pair of shoe buckles: B’m’ham Assay Office. Pair of shoe buckles: Mr. Dicker. Snuff-box: Mr. Falk. Watch-case: B’m’ham Assay Office. Snuff-box: Messrs. Robinson a d Fisher, Caddy spoon: Do. _— do. Marrow spoon: Mr, Simmonds. Pair of shoe buckles: The Author’s Collection. Tripod fruit stand; B’m’ham Assay Office. Patch-box: B’m’ham Assay Office. Snuff-box : Mr. Lowe, Chester. Candelabrum : Assay Office. Caddy spoon: Assay Office. Vinaigrette: The Collection. Scent bottle case: Assay Office. Vinaigrette: B’m’ham Assay Office. Birmingham Birmingham Author’s B’m’ham 142 1798-9 1709 1800 {800-1 1804-2 {809-3 {803-4 1804-5 1806-6 1806-7 {807-8 1808-9 1800-10 1810-1 {841-2 1818-9 1813-4 1814-5 1815-6 1816-7 1817.8 1818-9 1819-20 GEO. IV. 1880-4 1891-2 1829-3 1893.4 LION ATE AKER'S PASSANT, ANCHOR. POT ER MNOS ARE. 3) @ 9 ” 99 Ga daecoagqoe €eaqde Marks on Birmingham Plate TABLE II. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. MAKER’S NAME, Willmore & Alston. Samuel Pemberton. Forrest & Wasdell. John Turner ? Thos. Willmore ? ‘lection. Matthew Boulton. John Shaw, Collection. Joseph Taylor, Matthew —_ Linwood; William Pugh. Joseph Willmore, Cocks & Bettridge. William Pugh. 4Gaaq aaa Snuft-box : Do. Matthew _ Boulton: John Shaw. Thropp & Taylor. T. Simpson & Son. Jeseph Taylor. (5: &): Lyon. Cocks & Bettridge. W. Lea & Co. Vinaigrette 7 9? Samuel Pemberton, Wardell & Kempson. | Edward Thomason. Joseph Willmore. | Snuff-box : Do. ” ” Collection. Matthew Linwood & Son. Lea & Clark. son & Fisher. John Lawrence & Co. Joseph Willmore. cD Lac) » | GED GD Vinaigrette: Do, LN) ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Nutmeg box: Mr. Fitzhenry, Snuff-box : Messrs. Spink. Nutmeg grater: Messrs, Spink. Vinaigrette: B’ham Assay Off. Patch-box: The Author’s Col- Toast rack: B’ham Assay Off, Vinaigrette: The Author’s Mustard spoon : Mr, Fitzhenry, Snuff-box: The Author's Coll, Caddy spoon: B’m Assay Off. Nutmeg grater: Mr, Ballard. Snuff-box: The Author’s Coll. Cheest scoop: Messrs. Christie, Snuff-box: Mr. Bruford, Do. : B'ham Assay Office. Snuff-box : Messrs, Spink, | Do. : Btham Assay Office. Salt-spoons: Messrs. M. & S. Mustard-spoon: The Author. | Snuff-box: Messrs. Spink, Vinaigrette: Mr. G: Lowe. Child’s coral: Miss Jackson. .Tea-spoon: B’ham Assay Off. . Vinaigrette: The Author's Sandwich box: Messrs, Robin- Seal : Birmingham Assay Office. Snuff-box : Do. do. Do. do. do. do. On plate of 1801 to 1811 the King’s head mark is frequently found in a stamp of oval shape, and on plate of 1812 to 1825 i ¢ is sometimes found in a foliated Stamp as shown at 1797-8 and 1809-10, Plate Marks on Birmingham 143 ek TABLE III. Babine ANCHOR. DATE, Uncs MARERS MAKER’S NAME. ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Cr T. Pemberton & Son, | Salt-spoons: B’m. Assay Office. 1824-5 La G Q{ Charles Jones, Sugar-tongs: Do. do, 4995-8 8 Ledsam, Vale &Wheeler.} Snuff-box: Messrs. Spink. . ny | oo ” Thomas Shaw. Do. : Mr. John Fullerton, John Lawrence & Co. Do. : The Author’s Coll’n. 1826-7 ia a Gd 83 Nathaniel Mills. Do. : B’m’ham Assay Office. : Unite and Hilliard Caddy spoon: Do. do. 4827-8 ” rr) Es) ” M. Boulton & Plate Co, | Taper-stand : Do. do. CW) oseph Willmore. Snuff-box: The Author’s Coll’n. {828-9 ” 99. @ ”s | Edward Thomason, | Cake-basket: M’s’rs. Smith & Rait. talline: Fowke. ane peta B’m’ham Assay Off, 4990. (1B) ohn Bettridge. nuff-box : Do. do, 1829-30 | +s | { rau Ledsam, Vale & Wheeler. | Wine-labels : Do. do. tf as. Gi i Thos, Ryland & Sons, | Pairofspurs: Do. do. : {6} | M. Boulton & Plate Co,| Cake-basket: Do. do, gt fo» |» | OY @R{9 | Joseph Willmore. | Handles of knife and fork : . Birmingham Assay Office. 4930-3 | 9 | 9 Kj vie bares - A Silver-gilt knife, fork, and spoon: Birmingham Assay Office. 3 R EJ | Edward) Smitth. Snuff-box: Messrs, Spink. 1833-4 ae ” LVR) oe & Ratheram, Watch-case: B’m’ham Assay Off. ; T&P) aylor & Perry. Caddy-spoon: Do, do. - i Da 0| William Phillips. Snuff-box : Mr, Bruford. 1835-6 Joo» 9 ” | Gy Gervase Wheeler. Vinaigrette: Mr. G. Lowe. 1836-1 Oia wee iQ re { Francis Clark. Snuff-box : The Author’s Coll’n. vas Joseph Jennens & Co. | Baron’s coronet: Messrs. Crichton. ‘ GS | Thomas Spicer. Watch-case: B’m’ham Assay Off. {837-8 | » | ” { Roitssons’ Babine Aston: | Standish ei) Dos nS 1938.9 © Pe a9 1 George Unite. Wine labels: Do, do, ) Nathaniel Mills; Snuff-box : Do. do. 4339-40 | o> | 9» » | GER | Neville & Ryland? Do. : Do. do. 0-1}; °* | + ” rT) ” e Do. : B’m’ham Assay Office. 1841-2 ” a9 §3 ” ... | From Birmingham Assay Office Records. : Robinson, Edkins & | Hand candlestick: Messrs, M. & 1842-3 yf i Cr, u Aston, ; Ss. Lyon. : Boe tas LCN tov Rdward Sniith. Snuff-box: Messrs. Spink. ES 4844-6 ” 9 Ay ” Nathaniel Mills. Do. : B’m’ham Assay Office. 1845-6 ae Ga ” Wm. & Ed. Turnpenny, | Oval strainer: Mr. Peters, Yapp & Woodward. | Apple scoop: B’m’ham Assay Off. 1846-7 ” ” ” { Nathaniel Mills. Snuff-box : Do. do, 4947-8 a 79) ” ”” ” ” Vinaigrette : Messrs. Spink. 4848-9 a ke ” From Birmingham Assay Office Records, *On plate of the early part of 1838-9 the head of King William is sometimes found stamped, although Queen Victoria succeeded to the throne in 1837. 144 Marks on Birmingham Plate TABLE IV. FIVE STAMPS AS BELOW. D. ERENS MAKER'S ’ &. PASSANT, ANCHOR. , DATE, QUEER’ eee MAKER'S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS. Pa ee 1849-50 © | Nathaniel Mills, 1850-4 9 99 'B, ” Edward Smith. 1851-2 | »» ye ” ” ” ” 1862-3 | "” ‘9 Nathl, Mills, as 1849. 4] | |B]. ; 8545 | + | ” 1856-6 | + 1 ” George Unite. tte-7 | |» " 1857-8 9 9 0 1858-9 oe 9 "1 1859-60 | oo ” George Unite. 004 | | oe ‘ {86-2 Jo | os “ 1362-8 9 iid ” a H. & Co., as on page 414. 1863-4 99 eo 0} iB) 1864-5 | v9 'P} ” Names registered after | 1850 not disclosed. ‘1865-6 99 9 Q) 9 eT |» |» (PRT. ‘ we} |» (O. | we 9 | | 1]. won|» |. (Ol. wn4 |» |» (QI. 1871-2 *s W]) A Crown and 18 instead of lion passant. es | |» |OQ) 1873-4 99 TY rY) a M5 |» |» GD] » Marks on Birmingham Plate 145 ee, V: TABLE VI. DATE, An- Lion Date Maker's ark. LIOW sncuor DATE QUEEN'S MAKERS chor, Passant. Letter. PASSANT. LETTER. HEAD. @/ 0/0 |am 99 TQ00-1 IQOI-2 S 1902-3 1903°4 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 IgIo-I IQIi-2 192-3 2 1913-4 1914-5 1915-6 1916-7 1917-8 1918-9 1gIg-20 N&H) &D SWS) : 1920-I 1g2I-2 1922-3 1923-4 n< ~«BOo803 & 1924-5 @ 0 e) @ g ty G 8 @ @ @ ) & 4 0 2) LU The Birmingham Assay Office will not disclose the names of silversmiths registered after 1850. The twenty-year cycle for Birmingham commencing with 1925-6 and continuing to 1945-6 is distin- guished by date letters in Roman capitals, in a shield resembling that for London, 1875-6. 146 Marks on Birmingham Plate ¢ SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF ADDITIONAL MARKS OF : GOLDSMITHS. Impressed at Birmingham, not illustrated in the preceding tables. DATE, MARK. MAKER’S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS, 1776-7 Jos, Adams & Son. 1778-9 Edward Sawyer. Pierced sugar-tongs : Messrs, Crichton. Do, do. $ Do, do, 1783-4 Samuel Pemberton, : “eee ore one 1804-5 Caddy spoon: Mr. P. Phillips, Do, do, do, : do, . do, : Do. do, do, : Do. do, Musical snuff-box: Mr. A. J. Grimes, Caddy spoon: Mr. P, Phillips, do. : 1806-7 H&Co. eee ooo eee 1807-8 @&® 1811-2 @& 1814-5 JL sof See ees Thos. Newbold, 1820-1 1822-3 ; Ss P eee eos oro 1826 Geo. Tye & Jas, Kilner, Geo. _ Tye. Fox-mask box: Messrs, Crichton, Do. do. : Do, | do. 1832-3 1876-7 Church plate in several Cornish parishes, 1862-3 | Church plate: Lanlivery. 1892-3 Church plate in several Cornish parishes, HALL MARKS ON BIRMINGHAM GOLD WARES THE MARKS HERE GIVEN ARE FOR THE SEVERAL CLASSES OF GOLD WARES ; ASSAYED AT BIRMINGHAM, 22 Carat Omen 8 ., » Ho» » : [5 © (G3 o> 89 BB» » 90375) The date-letter for 1920- is asmall Roman V as here illustrated, ———' CHAPTER XI Marks on Sheffield Silver The Sheffield Assay Office was established in 1773. TABLE I. LION crown, DATE KIN KING'S PASSANT. LETTER, HEAD MAKER'S Nida PASSANT. CcROWY. UTTER. HEAD 8 Rich’d. Morton & Co. | 1799 {773-4 =] @ | ta & ve Roberts & Co. 1800 3) iE | & Mat’w. Fenton & Co, 1774-5 Geo. Ashforth & Co. reel ‘ Be 1115-6 John Winter & Co. 1801-2) » | » w{ 1776-7 AR | Wm. Damant. *) 1802-3] M ey Tudor and Leader. 11-8 8 Fenton Creswick & Co. 1803-4)» i ue 17789 Bl | GB Jyonn smith > 80.5] » |» ; {779-80 ees a", +] 1806-6] +» | oy | PBJ} 1780-1 @ Nath’l. Smith & Co. 1806-7 | 99. | os 1781-3 iD) Fenton Creswick & Co. {807-8 | 9» ve a 4189-3 John Winter & Co. 1808-9 v9 - | 99 Pp} e : Danl. Holy & Co. 1783-4 MB} a John Parsons & Co. 1809-10)» eS x) {184-5 @| . Ses “| isioa| @\-{ (on) : re f 1785-6 ES «(| Richd. Morton & Co. +] 1-2 | ss Es QB 4786-7 John Parsons & Co, 1312-3 |» . in) . {181.8 z oe waa)» |» [Ra] 1788-9 3 | John Younge & Sons. A Hira tas © i y RS R, Sutcliffe & 1789-90 ) IRS) Co. (2) 8158} » | >» 1@|» 1790-4 John Parsons & Co, @ 1816-7 | v» | + " : gee |John Y & Sons. 1101-2 ohn Younge & Sons aes ia ae a {799-3 [eXXG] | John Parsons & Co. 1818-9 | 4793-4 | Thos. Law. 7 { 1794-6 John Green & Co. *| 1819-20 | Beas V y x | John Y & Sons, GEO. IV. 1195-8 Q] GERETR | John Younge & Sons ot | |» [@|o 4796-1 Geo. Eadon & Co. 7 1821-2 | o» | " 1797-8 @ ae Pee B : Saml. Roberts, jr. 5H Net 205 ys 1198-9 Geo. Cadman & Co. a EDL roles Ud * +t See notes on p. 147 TABLE. IL Z Ps = = me ; meh. & & & Re eo foes "ff Bo EB Ee am o rol a CS Lon! ER og 1 oo om ER BR SE MAKER’S NAME. John Love & Co. John Green & Co. Geo. Ashforth &Co. John Green & Co. Thos... Watson & Co. Thos. & Danl. Leader. Richd. Morton & Co. Nathan Smith & Co. Jas. Alexr. Goodman & Co. jer Ellis’ & Co. Younge & Co. W. Tucker & Co. Thos. Blagden& Co. John Roberts & Co. Geo. Eadon & Co, John Roberts & Co., as 1809-10 above. Smith, Tate & Co. (Nicholson & Holt). Kirkby, Waterhouse & Co. John Law J. Ellis & Co. (?) John Watson. ; John and Thos. Settle, S.C. Thos. and Jas.Creswick Kirkby, Waterhouse & Co. Younge & Co. G. Cooper & Co. Smith, Tate, Hoult & Tate, Joseph Law John Green & Co. Wm. Briggs. 148 Marks on Sheffield Silver TABLE III. TABLE IV. , MAKER’S NAME, AT LION QUEEN’ ’ PASSANT CROWN LettER abeG j CROWN.LETTER, PASSAT GEER? MA MARR MAKER'S NAME. S. C, Younge & Co. Wm. Blackwell & Co, "1844-5 ae i Eyre & Ra ac Hodson & 1845-6 = o. 9 'B} 99 99 Battie, Howard & Hawksworth. 4846-7 ” 99 | 9s TI oe ; ick, T. J. & N. Creswick us|» 1M} » |» BH Battie, Howard & 4 ; Hawksworth, {848-9 | 9 re ier John Settle & ae 1829.30 & Williamson. 1849-59 WH, WV. 5: ” * | + | + |Hawksworth, Eyre & (830-4 T. J. & N. Creswick. Co. 800-1 |» |@l. |. 1831-2 ¥ JB) Jas. Burbury, Stafford & Newton. 1851-2 | ov» oy fos > 1832-3 ” fWaxe) | Atkin & Oxley. 833-4 T. J. & N. Creswick. 1852-3 | * sy | . : 1833- Wm. Allanson & Co. 1969-4 B Ps) Ee : nding bee Hodson & 18545 | » | Ol |. sk Howard & Hawksworth. 7 1855-6 ” ae a ° . + ; be a Pas Hy. Wilkinson & Co. {856-7 rT) ” 9 ary oe ene ae = 18578 | +» | @] Ak Samuel Harwood. 1858-9 | 4, iP) oo | op . . eee » © y as {850-60 | +> | DEQ] +> | +» | BQH | Martin Hall & Co, vi 1860-{ | 9» v9 | 9 ran Hawksworth, Eyre & ki € Co. 1861-3 ” iT 99 ” * i 4862-3 ” Tr) ” H-H pe Bros. & How. *Additional examples for the year 1826-7: 1888-5 |. + pack = : ; Makers’ mark of J. Nowill Be 3 @ 8 on re aa ag We Nowall, 1864-5 | » | ARQ] +> | o> | Guam | Fenton Bros. oon oM wk » 99 1. Rodgers. 1865-6 | +5 aie Hy. Archer & Co, 1966-7 | » | o> | GRR | Martin Hall & Co., Ltd. 1867-8 | 9 ta oS < jee te *BB6 & A further example of the marks for _ 1844-5. Candlesticks: Windsor Castle. Makers’ mark of W. Allanson & Co. Marks on Sheffield Silver 149 ae. \V. TABLE VI. : \ .. LION DATE QUEEN'S ’ 4 ‘i CROWNS AESANT.LETTERHEAD. MARR. MAKER S NAME. CROWN. 0 EUANT, LETTER. "MARR MAKERS NAME, 868.9 GB} | Martin Hatt & Co., Ltd, ls is |B! x > 810-1 | + |» 1 ee ae ww James Deakin & Sons. John Round & Son, Ltd. Jas. Deakin & Sons, Mappin & Webb. 1872-3 J » | 1873-4 Oo ads 1874-5 | oo | ov 1875-6 | | » 1876-7 |» |» 187-8 |» | 1878-9: | +» | 9» 1879-80 | os | 9» 1880-1 | +» | 9» 1881-2 | *» | » 1803 |» | 9s 1883-4} °° | 1884-5 | os | oo 1885-6 | »» |» 1806-7 |r | os 1887-8 | 1» | + 1888-9 | 9» | 9» 1889-90 | »» | Fordham & Faulkner. x9 | €853 | John Harrison & Co., Ld. Lee & Wigfull. Atkin Brothers. Walker & Hall. Roberts & Belk. SEVERBREae Harrison Bros. & Howson. Hawksworth, Eyre & Co., Ltd. W. Briggs & Co. 4890-4 | »» ” Martin Hall & Co., Ltd. 1801-2 |v | os a Jas. Dixon & Sons. g b) 0) Q 8 @ 0) D) G 6) G © 0) ® @ G NSeEsBSseedOQGBoO Foe sBesoececseauagae ® BBoagé Henry Stratford. 150 Marks on Sheffield Silver TABLE VII. FOUR -STAMPS AS BELOW. CROWN. pabgenriocren, aKER’s MAKER’S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS, TB Thos. Bradbury &| Various articles of plate, &S Sons. Do. co. do, do. Notes for p. 147. 1779-80 ey 8 John Younge & Co. Pierced cruet: Mr. H. D. Ellis. 1796-7 E33 g Makers’ mark of Henry Tudor & Thos. Leader. *From 1780 to 1853 the crown was often impressed in the same stamp with the date letter. {The King’s head for this year is an oval stamp. {1811-12, €3@@Q@D)_ The outline of the King’s head stamp has varied in the same year, being oval in some cases and indented in others. The marks here illustrated are very small, and occur on dessert knives and forks: Messrs. Crichton. ee ’ y Marks on Sheffield Silver ret SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF MARKS OF GOLDSMITHS Impressed at Sheffield, not illustrated in the preceding tables, from 1773 to 1905. a ow A888 : & bs (= 212 eqn ~ x a x pee ue mm KA — ie ie CG ba OG Doz do, 1640: Mr. W. Boore. Puritan spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. Struck thrice on small porringer: Mr. R. G. Westmacott. Communion plate: Hintlesham. 152 i Marks on Lincoln Plate TABLE II. FROM ABOUT 1650 TO ABOUT 1706, (THE DATES ARE APPROXIMATE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE INSCRIBED DATES OHS ear m+ o MAY BE RELIED ON). ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Communion cup: St. Margaret’s, Ipswich. Do. do, : Noted by Mr, J. H. Walter. Seal-top spoon: Mr. J. H, Walter. Do. do. : Mr. H. D. Ellis, * (Timothy Skottowe ?) Beaker: Mr. Wm. Minet. F.S.A, Mug found in Norwich: submitted by Mr. J. H. Walter. Puritan spoon ; S. Ken. Museum. Beaker: Mr. A. D. George. i) (?) 5 Tankard: The Goldsmiths & Silversmiths & Co. Mark stamped thrice on Com. cup: Wherwell, Hants. »» plain flat-stemmed spoon: Messrs. Christie. * Puritan spoons: Mercers’ Company, and S. Kensington Museum, Do, do. : The Author’s Collection. Trifid spoon, dated 1686: Mr. A, W. Stone. Trifid spoon, pricked 1699: South Kensington Museum. Rat-tail spoon, flat stem: Goldsmiths’ Company, London. Do. — do., pricked 1690: Mr. E. W. Colt. Communion paterninscribed ‘‘ Given to the Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, 1706": Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York. 153 CHAPTER XIII Marks of the Minor English Guilds | HULL ave, 2NE MINEE® GRA gers 1580 ia oo | 18) a 1621 wy Y| @ |i) @ ~ |a|e yay 1635 te fe « |ml@ a} | S 1651 \er 1B Se Lays a Y) res untTEn. ro0e-70 | BY | S36 1670-80 rT) rr Q " 19s) Ie 21680 90 FM or) op EM} oo iD ooo |e] » fig * Pt ae EM] 9 Wa 1689 99 TH o Va4r ~ |B] g o |S Wy 1706 Ay me os + 1670 fo Date-letter on porringer : 154 MAKER’S NAME, Peter Carlille, James Carlille, Chr. Watson, James Birkby, Edwd. Mangie or Mangy. Name not traced, i bE Edwd. Mangie or Mangy. Edwd. Mangy, Thos, Hebdea, . Kath, Mangy. Abm. Barachin, Messrs, Gilder & Son, oe Marks of the Minor English Guilds 155 EXAMPLES OF ROCHESTER MARKS. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. Elizabethan communion cup: Snave Church, Kent. Mark stamped in bowl, and thrice on stem of seal-top spoon: Mr. H. D. Ellis. EXAMPLES OF LEWES MARKS On stems of seal-top spoons: Mr. H. D. Ellis, and Mr. ID) ]. H. Walter. The town mark alone is stamped once in the bowl of each spoon. : , Seal-top spoon, engraved on the seal end with the date 1637, c. 1637 and the initials D. A. and D. C.: Mr. J. E. Couchman, Hurst-Pierpoint. EXAMPLES OF LEICESTER MARKS. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. DI i a a ee Spoon, with “-Dyamond ” point at end of stem: Mr. E. W. Colt. Maidenhead spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. Seal-top spoon: Mr. H.D. Ellis. The same mark, with the addition of L.R. in monogram, on a seal-top spoon: Mr. Letts. Seal-top spoon: Mr. H. D. Ellis. Communion cups: Thurnby, Welham, and 15 other Churches in Leicestershire. Seal-top spoon, pricked 1631: Mr. H. D. Ellis. Do. do. - Messrs. Christie. 156 Marks of the Minor English Guilds EXAMPLES OF SHREWSBURY MARKS. (THE DATES ARE, OF COURSE, APPROXIMATE.) ARTICLES AND OWNERS, * A En I Maidenhead spoon: Mr. H. D, Ellis. Apostle spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter, Drayton, Norfolk. Communion cups at Tugby and Saxton, Leicestershire. ARTICLES AND OWNERS, attention nett aarti ap tetas ae Communion cup and paten cover (inscribed: “Elizabeth Wilton errs 40s. and Mary Griffin gave 10s. touered this bowle for the parrish Church of Middleton in Norfolke Anno Dom. 1632"): Middleton near King’s Lynn. Communion cup (inscribed: “ The Quest of Thomas Clarke to the Church of Barmar): Bagthorpe near King’s Lynn, Communion paten: St. Nicholas Chapel, King’s Lynn. ag cup of slender shape on baluster stem: St, Ethel- | dreda’s, Southgate, Norwich, ‘DATE ‘(aBouT), MARKS, ‘ARTICLES AND OWNERS, amen Re Dee Apostle spoons: Mr, E. W, Colt and Dunn-Gardner Collection, @ J » ry PR Do. do. : Mr. Crichton. Do. do. : Mr. S. Phillips. 1660 (o 1676-82 > fp any dated 1676: Wooton Courtney, Somerset, Spoon, flat stem, foliated end, pricked “ 1682": South Kensington Museam, 1689 Ts! ES S| Apostle spoon, engraved 1689: Messrs, Crichton, Seal-top spoon: Mr. A, Trapnell. Marks of the Minor English Guilds ey EXAMPLES OF SHERBORNE MARKS ARTICLE SAND OWNERS. ‘Dp: Communion cup and paten cover (dated 1574): Gillingham; ' Mark of Richard Orenge { and much other church-plate in Dorset; also on an | (probably). apostle spoon (St. Matthew) noted by the Author. Marks of Richard Orenge. RO} © on a Ser of 1603: Charlton-Horethorne, n e ARTICLES AND OWNERS. In bowls of maidenhead spoon: Messrs. Crichton, Seal-top spoon ; Messrs. Crichton. Apostle spoon (St. Paul) Apostle spoon (St. Mathias): Mr. F. W. Kell. Seal-top spoon: Sir E, Marshall Hall, K.C, Do. do. : Holburne Museum, Bath. Do. do., and seal-top spoon : Sir E. Marshall Hall, K.C. { "be. spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. Seal-top spoon (one of seven found near Salisbury), date 1596 pricked on seal end. Two seal-top spoons (part of above seven); one pricked 1596 and £H, the other 1621 and IE. Seal-top spoon (one of above seven) ; has 1621 and ne pricked on seal end. Do. do. do. do. ; has 1621 and ns pricked thereon. Silver-gilt Vishnu-topped spoon ; pricked ‘*S,W.L.P. 1627” : Messrs. Christie. Seal-top spoon (one of above seven) : has 1629 and. A - pricked on seal end. do, do. ; has * AS 1629’” pricked on seal end. 158 SEALS OF THE BOROUGH OF BARNSTAPLE BARNSTAPLE MARKS. MAKER’S NAME, ARTICLES AND OWNERS, a 1568-1601 John Coton, Chalice: Abbotsham, Thos. Mathew. Communion cup, dated 1 576: St. Genny’s, Bude. Lion-sejant spoon: Messrs. Christie. Com. cup : Stoke-Rivers, near Barnstaple. 1578 fi) J. Coton, Mathew, as | J. Coton. Seal-top spoons: Mr. W. Boore, | ‘Communion cup: Tresmere. Spoon with cherub’s head: Mr. J. H. Walter. Communion cup: Morwenstow, Bude. John Peard Tankard: Spoon with flat stem: From the Temple- Frere Collection. { Porringer of about 1680 but pricked 1703: Noted by the Author, _ Com. paten and flagon : St. Ewe,Cornwall. Trifid spoon, pricked 1687: Noted by the Author, Trifid spoon, pricked 1695: Noted by the h Author, Marks of the Minor English Guilds 159 EXAMPLES OF PLYMOUTH MARKS. MARKS. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. re era In bowls of two spoons with Vishnu,knops: Noted by the Author, Apostle spoon: Dr. Wilfred Harris. Spoon, flat stem, trifid end: Messrs. Crichton. Spoon, flat stem, foliated end, embossed ornamentation, dated 1699: Mr. J. H. Walter. iD Spirally fluted mug, riband handle: Mr. J. H. Walter. Flat stem spoon, with trifid end, pricked 1694: Messrs. Page, Keen, and Page, Plymouth. The ‘“Eddystone Lighthouse” salt belonging to Miss Rous, of Cwrt-yr-Ala, Glam. Flat-top tankard: Mr. Crichton. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. Straining spoon: Temple Church, Bristol. ” Milk-jug : Mr. Crichton. L : Reeded-edged gravy spoon, with oval (not pointed) c. 1780-90 ae 3 ALE bow! and pointed oval end to stem: Noted by the Author. ARTICLE AND OWNER. a a Marks of R. Hutchinson, on punch ladle engraved T OM HA IM: Mr. Fredk. Bradbury 1723 17 23 160 Marks of the Minor English Guilds EXAMPLES OF TRURO MARKS, DATE ARTICLES AND OWNERS. (ABouT). are In bowl of apostle spoon: The Author’s Collection, f Massive seal-top spoon : Do. do. Ry ‘9 Fras. Howden (1781) ‘" vy DATE THISTLE LETTER. BB BN) ss01 DATE. | 1B) 1781-2 1782-3 | 'D 1733-4 1784-5 1785-6 |'1786-7-8 1788-9 TJ) '1789-90 LG | x700-0 B02 | 27023 IN} “1793-4 ‘0! 1794-5 P| 1795-6 ‘Q) 1796-7 Ri] 1997-8 1798-9 1799 I¢oo 1800-1 1801-2 1802-3 1803-4 1804-5 GQdqadadaa 1805-6 MAKER'S NAME. | TABLE VIII. MAKER'S WARK. R. Green or R. Grierson. [RG] Cunningham & Simpson. ES (Not identified). |'DsM| Do. do. * UH) George Fenwick, GF John McDonald. a Robt. Gray & Son fo datas as Math, Craw. MC} Alexr. Henderson. | —¥Q Ne McKay. : Frs. Howden. R. K. (a Perth maker). Wm. Zeigler. Js. & Wm. Marshall. | eam Chas. Dalgleish. J. McKay. Do. do. Redpath & Arnot. ER a) J’n’th’n Millidge ? Frs, Howden. FH Do. do. 9 Redpath & Arnot. Alexr. Zeigler, Marshall & Sons, J. McKenzie? : J. McKay. Leon’d Urquhart. (Not identified). | TY j. McKay. Do. do. ay Peter Sutherland. Cunningham & Simpson (Not identified). aings TOWN eave MARK. * CASTLE THISTLE, LETTER oe LD Jd 99 NAGsggconuessvdgseserr ooagaqas DATE, 1806-7 1807-8 1808-9 1809-1 1810-1 ‘1811-2 1812-3 | 1813-4 1814-5 1815-6 1816-7 1817-8 1818-9 1819-20 1820-1 1821-2 1822-3 1823-4 1824-5 1825-6 1826-7 1827-8 | 1828-9 1829-3¢ WM. IV. 1830-1 1831-2 1808-9 IS2I-2 174 Marks on Edinburgh Plate TABLE IX. MAKER'S NAME, MAR Marshall & Sons. Jas. Nasmyth, (Not identified). Elder & Co, E&C? R. & R. Keay, of Perth. J. McKay. IM. A.D, (see the Arbroath Marks). Jas. Howden & Co. { Jas. Nasmyth & Co, Geo. Jameson, of Aber- deen. Marshall & Sons. M&S McKay. D G as Canongate Cc. 1836 (page 514). Marshall & Sons, J. Hay. on Mackay & Chisholm. | 288 Do, do, ” Chas, Robb. IC RI J. Hay. | JH} (Not identified), MAKER'S KING'S TOWN + HEAD. CASTLE. THISTLE. LETTER 1B © 90 ee eo oe 9” oe o? oe 9 a] $e + 99 ry 9 oe rr) 9 Lad 99 or fens EAD. o9 9 9 a9 9 ve ve ” 9 oe v9 9 or ” ” ve Bd ee 99 iB 9 %» oy es o 99 9 i es * M4 oF Tr) oe ° 9 09 ” ve 09 e* ee e hdd * DATE HSoSseOsaGoseseeSsesneeoegu eaf 1836-7 VICTORIA, 1837-8 1838-9 1839-40 1840-1 1841-2 1842-3 S 1843-4 1844-5. 1845-6 1846-7 1847-8 1848-9 1849-50 1850-1 1851-2 - 1852-3 1853-4 1854-5 1855-6 1856-7 MAKER'S NAME, J. & W. Marshall. Jonthn, Millidge? (Not identified). Alex. Hay. Fs Asherheim, R. L. Christie. J. E. Vernon. Wm. Crouch, D. Blackley. W. J. McDonald. Wm. = Marshall. Elder & Co, ds Smith or Scott. D. & J. Sanderson, Cockburn & McDonald. Geo. Edwards & Son, 3 1 fs Hamilton & Son. George Laing. Walter Neil. Wm. Carstairs, Carlisle & Watt. W. Fraser. Jas. Aitchison, . Johnston. Jas. Hamilton, John = Crichton. M. Crichton, Robb & Whitte¢ C. or J. Gray, Mackay & Chisholm. J. Crichton, ‘Hamilton & Inches. sae eee ooo @ BE to oe i lanl i o 2 = cd AH oo. # 9° 29 WwJM'D 09 $9 a CT en ee «=o CE Ty &S oF “ Ad Ad Tieeer .» Ly} os. rn cm CY re re * iT) mC) aay oe HN ,, Sais 9 OT Ce + yy H&1 nT) 1 =o iP TOWN QUEENS warn, mK UEk. CASTLE. emerus: a eA) » §& 02909866000 00008 0008 80898 99 ‘DATE. 1857-8 1858-9 1859-6¢ 1860-1 1861-2 1862-3 1863-4 1864-5 1865-6 1866-7 1867-8 1868-9 1869-70 ve 1870-1 1871-8 1872-3 1873-4 1874-5 , 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1878-9 1879-80 1880-r | 1881-2 1871-2 Marks on Edinburgh Plate MAKER'S NAME. Wm. Knaggs. Hamilton & Inches. Mackay & Chisholm, Jas. Duncan. Milne of Aberdeen. |W. Crouch & Sons. Hamilton & Inches. J. Crichton & Co. Jas. Duncan. Brook & Son. J. Crichtoa, & Co. Lewis Cohen. Latimer & Sons, Jas. Duncan. D. Crichton. J. Crichton & Co. McDonald &. Horne. J.Hardy &Co, W. Crouch & Sons. W. & J. Milne. Hamilton & Inches. Thos. Johnston. Young & Tatton. Jas. ‘Robertson, Brook & Son, wy BE oe a wW Loe 68 GaBE — iad © Z yn Wad ge G OBHER GAG BF © TABLE XI. Ww TOWN KER® Queen's ARK. HEAD. CASTLE Bat | Fe 9», 9 DATE .. THISTLE. LETTER | 99 99 0GDO OG 60000 © COeG2SSoSGooOonoeasco DATE. 1882-3 1883-4 1884-5 1885-6 1886-7 1887-8 1888-9 1889-90 1890-1 18gI-2 | 1892-3 1893-4 >) 1894-5 1896-7 1897-3 1898-9 1899 1900 1900-1 IQOI-2 1902-3 1903-4 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1895-6 ~ EDW. VII. 175 ad Marks on Edinburgh Plate TABLE XII. egtee DA MAKER'S NAME. castie, THISTLE. Lettin = : rs fe ; 4 * ‘ “ Marks on Edinburgh Plate 177 CANONGATE GOLDSMITHS’ MARKS. FROM ABOUT I680 TO ABOUT 1836. (The dates are approximate, except to the extent that the inscribed dates may be relied on.) , DATE © MARKS. MAKER’S NAME. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. (aBourT). —_— 1680 GC} 8 fee) |... =.) | Spoon: Edinburgh Museum of Antiquities. = (GC! ¢ . ; fo) |... Po ... | Spoon, with flat stem, dated 1689: Edinburgh Museum of Antiquities. a Mz] ei Mz) ue te ... | Two com. cups, carried off 168g, recovered / 1697: Flisk. 1696 7” i? ... | Two com. cups, dated 1696: Bolton, Had- dington. Wine taster: Messrs. Crichton. 9 ie sate tee > | Do do. do. 1760 CM] es ds ... | Table-spoon,+t ‘ double drop ” back of bowl: Glasgow Exhibition, of 1901. 1763 ” ee abs ... | Two com. cups, dated 1763: Auchtertool. 1780-90 : ae ts ... | Oil lamp, which may also have been used as Ca] a candlestick :.Mr: G. Glass. Also stag’s head over R, on fork: Mr. Clement Gadsby. PC} ¥ PC] “ss ase’ ase | Table-spoon (fiddle pattern): Rev. J. Carr. ot Bi ("4 ee “re ... | Tea-spoon (fiddle pattern): The Marquess of ee Breadalbane. oNS¢ Ss 42M > M. Hinchsliffe. | Tea-spoons (fiddle pattern): The Marquess a Ei ) +4” of Breadalbane andthe Author. fe) &} IP) ove eee eee Tea-spoon : ‘Mr. Geo. Henderson. Gy Fi ay he ... | Table-spoon (fiddle pattern): Mr. Chisholm. 1836 3) Kee DG) David Greig (?)| Toddy ladle (fiddle pattern) : Mr. Dudley 1820 Westropp. the name of “hammermen” in 153 CHAPTER XVI Marks on Glasgow Plate The Glasgow goldsmiths were incorporated with other metal workers under 6. A date letter was probably adopted in 1681, as it was in Edinburgh, but its use was discontinued about 1710 and was not regularly used again until 1819. The letter S which is frequently found on early pieces probably stands for sterling. The assay office was established by statute of George III in Glasgow in the year 1819. TABLE I. ES @ = - - — se : 68 8888 S & s ~e @ OOo °-83 8BSE & & © eK WS RSEORBOADs Srors-BhoenGe@er = aad : BE TREE, % FISH & MAKER'S DATE BELL. MARK. LETTER MAKER'S NAME, Thos. Moncrur (1665) Robt. Brook (1673) Robert Brook (1673) Jas. Stirling (1684) Do. Do. Robt. Brook (1673) Robert Brook (1673) Wm. Clerk (1693) Robert Brook (1673) John Luke* James Luke (1692) Thos, Cumming (1682) John Luke, jr. (1699) Do. do, do, 178 TABLE II. @ 'B} John Luke, jr. (1699) DATE (asouT.) MAKER'S MARK, zf ie se: 'D) Do, do. ” WC ae: wick 1” | William Clerk ” ” TB} Johan Got-helf-Bilsings (1717) 1728-31 9 7) 99 1725-35 ” ves] 1 @ ” GIN Saml. HA REE = > i) & SS = Sago: Wena David (No maker's mark). John Campbell (1757) (Not identified.) =] PS Con oy = we i" ra € un) ie CG | Bayne & Napier. Marks on Glasgow Plate 179 FABLE III, LADUE LY, \ DATE) waker'’s TREE. wanen's Fish & LETTER. oe DATE. KING'S MAKER'S MAKER’S NAME, Leis). MARK, «FISH & MARK. MAKER’s NAME, Lio AKER Ey RAMPANT. LETTER HEAD. B. Scott. 1819-20 3 ‘a (Not identified.) GEO. IV. Luke F. Newlands (1816) 1820-4 Jas. Downie (1812) * | 1824-2 1822-3 4823-4 1824-5 1825-6 4826-1 {827-8 1828-9 1829-30 WM. IV. 1830-1 * 1831-2 1832-3 1833-4 1834-5 1836-6 _ 1763-70 Ac Adam Graham (1763) Se ry oe BEBBEEBH EE BE v9 9 99 Do. do. Robt. Gray&Son - (1819) Robt. Duncan (1813) Do. do. James Taylor (1773) es) Milne & Campbell. John = Bruce (1815) (Not identified.) Q : OROR Rae Do. do. Alexr, Mitchell (1822) Robert Gray (1776) Angus McDonald (1824) @ Do. do. : Peter Arthur (1808) Taylor & Hamilton. Edwd. Bell (1827) Jas. Burrell & Co, (1825) Danl. Robertson (1829) James McEwen (1783) < ~ 1777-99 Love (1777) 1782-92 Wright (1782) John Mitchell _ .., (as 1835-6 below). Robt, Gray & Son (1819) Peter Arthur (1808) 1785-95 Donald (1785) 1O} Do. ‘do. ” Patrick McFarlane (1781) Lion RAMPANT. SO :-O8SG0O0@ : ‘BR BBEBaG ur) 11) ae RG) HD om D.C. Rait ~~~ (1832) John Mitchel 11834) Na bs Archibald McFadyen (1811 = i | . 1836-7 D.C. Rait (1832) (Not identified.) _ The town mark is usually found between the duplicated RIT, W. Parkins (1835) makers’ marks, both of which are struck with the same punch, 1338-9 Robt, Gray & Son (1819) 4889-40 Do. e 1840-4 1841-2 1842-3 1843-4 1844-5 John Mitchell (1834) a . 6s eeqne ke Gea BB: BEBE Es & *Henry Muirhead (1838) *Henry Downs (1831) “D.C. Rait (1832) NAHABSSHEBsaSTBSBsBssee89 es2008 *Chas. Bryson (1834) 1823 P'G Philip Grierson. €. 1826 JL John Law. Re Marks on Glasgow Plate . TABLE V. TABLE VI. TREE, 8 MAKERS vans RAKUANT. LETTER. HEAD. MARK. MAKER’S NAME, TREE, » = LION = DATE. QUEEN'S MAKE Lo She RAMPART, ubtten. 9 D. “Aine (845-6 i?) @ Walter Baird (1845) vena | Gs 3 ‘Al +) 1846-7 | 9» » ” Robt. Gray & Son (1819) 1872-3 as , (847-8 | *» | id $4 ne 1873-4 cid {848-9 | » ” ” @ John Russell (1845) 1874-5 1849-50] »» ” oe Peter Aitken, jr. - 1875-6 TS a ” jl. & W. Mitchell (1834) 1876-7 1851-2 | »» ” ” 1877-8 {859-3 |» % ” Robt. Gray & Son (1819) 1878-9 f (second mark) 0 1850-4 | 9 |» " a2 1880-1 4854-5 | 9» ry) ” A. MeMillan (1837) 1884-2 1855-6.) ” » | @ | R. Stewart (1842) 1882-3 (888-4 1884-6 1885-6 1886-1 18818 1888-0 1889-90 1800-4 1601-2 | 18008 | 1800-4] . 1804-5 1896-6 1896-7 Oe a 1867-8 | | 1808-9) | 1860-60] »» | {860-1 | +» |» ese a 19) 7 | 34] "| 80-5 | 9 |» 1865-6} » | 806-7 | | 18 | 2 |e 1368-0 | 9» |.» 1869-70) 9» | 1870-4 ” A, McDonald (1845) iw A. & S|] oy | ees | W. Alexander & Son. FOR MAKERS’ MARKS SEE LIST ON FOLLOWING PAGES. 7) Ji Murray (1862) NAssEeGOouU SBOE Rseacesouu0e8 NHOBSSAUOBSTOPSHseoseaggeseoe * tae 7 Bane fe. ars ees Marks on Glasgow Plate 1897-8 1898-9 1899 1900 1g00-I EDW. VII. IgOI-2 1902-3 1903-4 1904-5 1905-6 | 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 Ch IQIO-1 IQII-2 1912-3 1913-4 1914-5 1915-6 1916-7 1917-8 1918-9 1919-20 1920-1 192I-2 TABLE VII. TREE, i LION fish & BELL. RAMPANT. ak; = 09 B Q i) @ ey a W) MAKER’S MARKS. 181 CHAPTER XVII Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds ABERDEEN TABLE I, IATE alta MAKER’S MARK. ’ AE. (ABOUT). MAKER'S NAME 1600-25 AB ym a pm NY @ © i ws WG Wn, AG AG 1690 3 1691-7 1703 LD Di Do. Oe Geo. aaa a GR aX GH 3 Do. do. ” (Not identified.) 1670-7 Scott (1666) 1672-8 Alexr; Galloway (1672) (Not identified.) 1710-20 3 WALKER Do. do, [GC] aX) [GC] @ George Cooper (1728) © 8 © GO B Alexr. Forbes (1728) George Cooper (1728) ”? Abercrombie (1734) (1748) ICA) aX) Do. soe oe me o Do. do. ee Coline Allan James Wildgoose 176 Walter Melvil (1650). DATE (ABOUT). 1760 ” 1766-79 1772-7 1777-8 | 1782-96 1783-90 1790 to 1800 TABLE II, MAKER’S MARK, MAKER’S NAMR. a (Not identified.) BL} & Do. = do. GP | Jas. Gordon (2766) . TABD| | Do. do, 9 do. Alexr, Thompson (1772) oa Jas. Law (777) or oe Do. do. @ i) Do. do. ity John Leslie (1782) A BD Sas oa @ @ Do. do. Tents Do. do. oe & Do. do. CEFN) Jas. Smith (1783) @D Do. do. @® Do. do. iP R| A] BID} (Not identified.) Nath. Gillet (1786) Do. = do. { eth eo eo (J £3 | Do. do, A James Erskine (1796) - « Do. do. 3 Do. do, Gy | Do = do. 75 200 (Not identified.) Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds 183 ABERDEEN (Continued). EXAMPLES OF DATE TABLE III, MAKER’S MARK. MAKER’S NAME. ARBROATH MARKS (aBouT). Bpa® MARKS. (ABOUT). (Not identified.) DOUGLAS 00 @ | Douglas (?) ee e ¥; Allan (1797) 638 ED O 8 do. 1830-9 ) 11D) Rt | U0 Douglas (?) () : TD) [nya BycByAB Qooo mm OOD cv BAB IB) aa ones Cay AHOD ny ABD do. (Not sdentified.) Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. Geo. Jamieson (Not identified.) Do. do. Do. do. STIRLING. @ 184 Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds ELGIN GREENOCK DATE ’ ’ ’ § ME. MAKER S MARK. (ABOUT). MAKER S MARK MAKERS NA ? (ABOUT). MAKER’S NAME. wo | TA mae@ of Glasgow. James Humphrey. do. (E on its back and LN for as: d { Elgin). i ee 9 *e a James Humphrey ¢| 5A 45: : bs be ae Chas Fowler. ot Cuccala 1780 SIGHS, @ - Q " Aw Thos; Stewart (see Inverness, p. 549). 1790 vw (6 » | Oa 1800 son 63x ‘ -|/ @eove » | BOBS Ars @O Bal i So 1800 te ae oo) 6te Seventeenth Century ® te ee Lad %9 eo ef ot te | John - Meron: a 1&GH BR J. & G, Heron? 1800 i re ; 2. Ped WICK. ci @ fi + WH, Yo 1820 & @ Do. do. End of the Eighteenth bi Peterhead and Century Greenock mark. Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds BANFF MAKER’S MARK. DATE (ABOUT). - 1680 | Wm. - 1698 f® | >. 1720 ea 0] Wm. 725 | eIPs Patk. 1732-41 8 Eo MAKER’S NAME. do. Scott, junr. Scott. Patrick Gordon. 1750 BAF: Alexr. Shirras. 1775 | BEN John Argo. 1780- Do. do. 1785 Wm, Byres. 1795 | [RQ 02903 jonn Keith. » |Bieé Do. do, Pee@uni | « i: H FIMO | Po. = do. 8 @ Do. do. Don, do. Do. do. Do. do. (Not identified.) 1820 B| Geo, _Elder.* 1835 John McQueen. 1850 Bi Wm. Simpson, DUNDEE eer MAKER’S MARK. 1628 1631 | 73 | GRO GY GG 1648 1667. @ = | @ ae 1730 ws 6S o mm | MR» MH 1764 8 1776 7 WS} ¥ 99 9? M} | ae 8 8 | EL} 9 fi) 9 | as | or ” ” %o (RBG OO ot 8 on NOR ae | DMs g DI) » Dw Ni mf} o § 1809 185 MAKER’S NAME. Alexr. Lindsay (1628) Robt. Gairdine (mentioned 1683) Do. do. Do. do. Thos. Lindsay (1662) Chas. Dickson (1722) John Steven (mentioned 1764) Alexr. Johnston — (1739) John Steven (1764) Wm. Scott (1776) Do. do. Alexr. Cameron (1818) Edwd, Livingstone (1809) | ] Alexr. Cameron _ (1818) | Robt. Naughton ? (see Inverness, p. 549) Thos. Stewart ? (see Inverness, p. 549) Wm. Constable. (1806) (Not identified.) Edwd. Livingstone (1809) Do. Wm. (Not identified.) David Manson (809) do. Young (800) | 186 Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds DATE (aBouT), 1675 1680 1687_ 1710 1750 1772 1780 PERTH MAKER’S MARK, OSs ao? & a a & Qo: Go» CD ss, ISHOMWEYRY) R&RK Me R&R EK] a8 3] B Be) “i Sf MAKER’S NAME. Robert Gardiner (1569) Do. do. do. ‘William Scott, of Banff James Cornfuté (1772) +; Pirie Robert Keay (1791) J. J. Robert Keay (1791) William Ritchie (1796) John = Sid (1808) R. & R, Keay David Greig (c. 1810) Charles Murray (1816) (No maker's mark.) R. McG. LE H. Robert Greig (1817) Robert Keay, jr. (1825) A. Maxie John Pringle (1827) Robert Keay, jr. (1825) John Pringle (1827) David Greig, jr. Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds 187 INVERNESS MAKER’S NAME, DATE (ABOUT). 1640 PN Pe sisuce _ Ty Do. do. 1680 rR] M. Ry kas 7s | MR RB Mo Lise ’ DATE MAKER’S MARK. (anour: MAKER’S MARK. MAKER’S NAME, Jameson & Naughton. ee oF Macmas. ” ” 99 ls do. McR. IRNGINSH ¥ PRN, @ do. Fraser. Jamieson. Naughton. sil il al ve) $B BB Pleats, 6 iS ea (2 me a. GEN +. EN Pre Col Fa) ES © Do. do. John Baillie Thos. Baillie Alexr, Stewart Robert Anderson Alexr. Stewart, jr. (No maker’s mark.) * Hamilton & Co. J. A. T. & Co. Alexr. Stewart, jr. Chas. Jamieson [AM] INS OJ@) LA McLJINS Krakeka) MS os © F BROS *Alexr. - Do. Thos. Donald Alexr. Ferguson Brothers, Ferguson & MacBean. ST. ANDREWS About 1671 188 Marks of the Minor Scotch Guilds TAIN LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MARKS. ARTICLES AND OWNERS. SOB Table-spoon: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G. 50S Boe) Eg | Tea-pot: Mr. Willoughby Farr. TAINEA Toddy ladle: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G, 99 Dinner fork : Oe Do. do. . W.L. ZAIN BY Tea-spoon MONTROSE DATE MAKER’S NAME, (ABOUT). | Wm. Lindsay 1670 WL) (probably). iF ) Wm. Lindsay: yet eee 7) 1 Do. do. @ Soa Do. do, 8 Goo Bi} 8) Thos. Johnston. > GD CE} OD | “eatnitced r758, do. ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Table-spoon, pricked 1672, Mr. A. W. Stone. Com. cups, “ gifted 1671: Forfar. Spoon with flat stem Mr. W. Boore. Com..cup, ‘‘ given 1688”: Laurence- kirk, Montrose. Com. cups, ‘ gifted 1680”: Bervie, and (1683) Aberlemno, Wavy-end spoon: Mr. J. H. Walter. | f Com. cups: Marykirk, Montrose. (icnkorsett Mr. H. Dawson, Dessert-spoon: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G. Wm, Mill (1811) | Tea-spoon — : Do. do. 65 Ae ee ae CHAPTER XVIII Unascribed Scotch Marks THE DATES APPENDED—WHICH ARE CONJECTURED APPROXIMATELY—ARE SUCII AS THE CHARACTER OF THE ARTICLE AND STYLE OF THE WORK IN EACH CASE SUGGEST. DATE (ABOUT). ARTICLES AND OWNERS. Possibly an Inverness mark. Spoon with ‘‘wrythen” knop: Lord Breadalbane, Folding rat-tail spoon: Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh. Fork, with seal atend: Do. do. do. Small quaich: Lord Breadalbane. Plaid brooch: Do. do. Taper stand, etc. : Windsor Castle. (? Chas. Alchorne, ent. 1729.) Dessert-spoons ; Lord Breadalbane. Salt-box: Mr. Dudley Westropp. Small bowl: Messrs. Crichton. Cad) O-7r I C) Chon Large soup ladle: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G. D> @ Small quaich: Mr. Nyberg. ; , fBonbonniére: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G, A Me eanope! Lord Newlands. 4s) S] o Tea-spoons : The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G. 'T.COLGAN] Tea-spoon: Do, do. ELD Two-handled tray: Mr, A. J. Davis. Tablespoon: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G, cr GW Dessert-spoon: Messrs. Mackay & Chisholm. * Lord Breadalbane suggests that these marks emanate from some place near Glasgow, 189 190 Unascribed Scotch Marks ARTICLES AND OWNERS, Sugar tongs: The Marquess of Breadalbane, K.G, Tea-spoon ; Do. do, cs éRb) Sance ladle : do. ~ ee 4 (Perhaps Dundee marks). Each mark struck twice on table- spoons: Messrs. Crichton. & Dessert-spoons: Messrs. Crichton. F4G Fiddle-pattern forks: Noted by Mr. Dudley Westropp. gos & *(Perhaps Dundee marks) Marrow scoop: Lord Breadal- bane. Me | - | +Shell-pattern caddy spoon: Lord Breadalbane. m2 Small tea-spoon RB Salt-spoon CM ry Table-spoon and mounts of shell snuff-box : The Marquess i of Breadalbane, K.G. p= f") ° 1816 ISIG { Pepper caster: Messrs. Crichton. 1800-20 ro) *Perhaps John Glenn of Montrose. Half a dozen tea- spoons: Lord Breadalbane. [ray *Dozen fiddle-pattern table-spoons : Lord Breadalbane. * f Fe : i : § 8 Dozen fiddle-pattern tea-spoons : Do do * These are believed to be the marks of travelling goldsmiths, called ‘* Tinkers ”’, + It has been suggested that these are Leith marks. : tIt is with considerable hesitation that this line of marks is included. The work, however, not appearing to be continental, as suggested by the striking of the full date ‘* 1816,”” the marks have been placed here as ‘‘ doubtful” Scotch because of the thistle. = ls ea + aA 3 » " wa Me " = a ee ree, a eae? a ee CAREER XIX Marks on Dublin Plate Highly skilled goldsmiths worked in Ireland when Saxon kings reigned in England. Names of goldsmiths of the Twelfth Century have been preserved. The Dublin Goldsmiths Company was chartered in 1637. TABLE I. TABLE II. DATE MAKER'S -_MAKER’S NAME. oun DATE. MAKER'S CROWNED. LETTER. MARK HARP ’ GROWMBD. UBTTER. MARK. MAKER S NAME, CHAS. 7 aad Be aos 1658-9 | Qa | wey 1638-9 | oi | | ames Vanderbeck, PAS W J hee ag ‘ Joseph Stoaker. t 1609-40 Rt : ie John Thornton. 1659-60 6) me = Edwd, Chadsey. CHAS. II. 7 4640-4 iC. & John Thornton. 1660-1 Cc 1641-2 i) pales Win. Cooke. l6ot-2 ad 1849-3 E 1662-3 ep € 1643-4 F 1663-4 B Joseph Stoaker.+ 1644-5 G 04-5 | » | & belie Rates 1645-6 H mel {005-6 h 1646-7 LE B | ia eebactcer) 1666-1 1 ier it hn cOMWTH, {668-9 f 1649-60 M 1669-70 Mm 1650-4 N 1670-1 IN TL eS ; 1671-2 'O) Joseph Stoaker.t 1653-4 Q ra P 1655-6 S Die Daniel Bellingham. 1674-5 v : 1675-6 S$ | {856-1 iy Ce eee, pre t “lh My (6118 wv 0 | | @ George Gallant, 19! 192 1678-9 | 1680-1 1696-9 Marks on Dublin Plate TABLE III. DATE MAKERS CROWNED. LETTER, MARK 2 “ GB i @ SS8EG@Q@R2Q6EEQ B MAKER’S NAME, (warden 1701). Joseph Timothy Blackwood.t Samuel Marsden. James Kelly. Andrew Gregory. Do. do, John Phillips. Wm. Lucas or ‘Walter Lewis, Edwd. Swan. James Kelly. John Farmer. John _—_ Cuthbert. Robert Nevill, John Humphrys. David King. | Robt. Smith Walker. Drayton. Myers. Stanley. Bolton. Phillips. King. Walker. Humphrys. Stanley. TABLE IV. DATE R’ crown. Lerter, “Mien? | “AKERS NAME, 1699 ‘Ant’ny Stanley _ ny Stanley 1700 g : ew Edward Workman 1700-1 *9 Alexr. Sinclair. ma | B besa IB Thomas Boulton. ANNE, - {109-3 ) 4P. GB | vo. ao. 99 1703-4 | >» Do. do. | © Henry Matthews. {Ti 56 9 | | SY) Joseph Walker. | DK) David King. @ | Edward Barrett. Thomas Bolton. {706-1 F 8 ooo) > | Gag | | 8 1710-1-2 eS w (Maker's mark seedistinch ey Ecward Workman. 1749-3-4 @ i; @® ‘® Walter Archdall. Do. do. (Maker's mark indistinct) David King. i ED . John Clifton. GEO 1. 1714-5 | ” g WA Wm, Archdall. © John Tuite,+ Ta 1746-6 B @ | John acer’ Joseph Walker. David Kin (as i: ee 1716-7 4 | My | 3712 GS } Francis Gerard iit alll Marks on Dublin Plate 193 TABLE V. TABLE VI. HARP DATE = MAKER'S MAKER’S NAME, Rises pave) aubee Whkees , CROWNED. LETTER. MARK. choco. eae, MIRE. mance’ MAKER’S NAME. Joseph Walker. > | Esther Forbes. Christr. Thompson. {731-2 AL @ @® | Erasmus Cope? {717-8 @ 9) Wm. aoe eo pay a9 GB Anthony Lefebure. i [John Hamilton. "1a GD | james Douglas © : Sa) John Savage? we Wm. Williamson. 9 °° | @E9 | rhos. Parker. 1733-4 | 9» 2 o 4 (8B | Charles Lemaitre. 1718-9 | + B Erasm’s Cope. HD | John — Taylor. Wm. Townsend. @) Henry Daniell. Co pie Leslie ded G G ile John = Clifton, jr lets ‘D) @ én Ar he} _ ‘Willi : oS y g | Gb ie pe ag Thos illiamson ha pate Barth Mosse, 1720-4 v aq | TH John Hamilton. ess 2 19 z) PAB Alexr. Brown. = Do. hey Ey John Williamson. {121-2 | » 33] és Thos. Sutton. John Wilme. i es : €3 Andrew Goodwin. © &> John = Clifton, sr. i223 | + Cc) i) | Edwd. Barrett. Coy Jems o> Taylor: Qi | Robert Harrison. 1737-8 | + AR] ‘ | 'D.Kj David King? 1793-4 |» D) 2) | Thos. Walker. Samuel Walker. | = he 'S) '" } gra | Matthew Walker, @ Wm. Duggan. 9 i Andrew Goodwin. @ Thos. Slade. 60 a tT0-5 € Gg rE fokn'= Taylor, 1739-40 |» wi ae iW] Francis Williamson. & Thos. Bolton. a pestle Ses: NOX! Mathw. Walker. 0-1 | > @ . John Moore. 1735-6 |» J sin Michl. Hewitson. €GQ | Alexr. Richards. Mathw. Walker. aes Ga es >» Taane D’Olier. 1726-7 ” 6, | ( Serafin Cag) ve John Laughlin. i) ere arenes) eS Christr. Locker. ae RC) Pac acre ha 1743-4 he | RYH) Robt. Holmes. 1121-8 1) ei ra les John Letablere. Wm. Clarke. fel Coe’) ieey James Whitthorne. IR} John Robinson. {745 Ef 3) 1728-9 ” g| 3 Bolton Cormick. NY John Moore. : Jas. | Whitthorne. es TRU) Robert Calderwood. {746 : Z) | Wa (see 1745). | 1729-30 Fig fit | John Moore. : @ Wm. Archdall. : 1730-4 v aL { 'DK) David King. 194 Marks on Dublin Plate “TABLE VII. TABLE VIII. ‘ HIBER- DATE HARP MAKER'S < y MIBER- pate HARP MAKER'S MAKER'S NAME. NIA LETTER. CROWNED MARK, MAKER’S NAME. SIA, LBTTER. CROWNED MARK, " : ; ee ef 0 ab a ie a A wae rer i ore ty Wm. Williainson. ID h Walker. *1747 @ AY Cc, Fox. ITT3 @ A) ir - ‘ta WAY | will. Walsh. i 4 1748 | + 'B » | GED | Will. Beates, 114 | Ly " John Craig. . ai) TC) John Christie. "5 C} ; A-B} Apes Boxwell. 2 1749 | » C, AG | (BB | John Laughlin. 1 Y » | Ry Richd, Williams. - : fG:} | Mathias Brown. 'D} Chas. Townsend, ” 1750 ag 'D) ee Isaac D’Olier, 1776 es aeist pew. q 1751-2 ‘9 E) E) v | LE) ee aie Darby Kehoe. g 4 William Ring. 1777 ” 9 Stephen Walsh, ‘ 1752-3 ” FF * | {Siz} | Mich’el Homer. 118 iy i ETT) | Michael Homer. oe 9 _ “ [Gy | Wm. Townsend. John —_Pittar. 2 1753-4 G. 9 { AR) Alexr. Richards, 4779 ae 'G) ce { te Jos. Jackson. “a 1754-5 Christr. Skinner a oe - ristr. ; by = H) x ® 4180 y | S82 | Michael Walsh. ve : a ii €83 [John Bolland, ? TT ” A) Matt’w Alanson. 4134 HT) John Kelly. Daniel Popkins. ey ** ) EGE | Jos. Jackson. 1758 hg K, MS (Not identified.) Thomas Jones. 1759 * 5 a { Saml. Walker. 1182 ” 7 | Raa Wm, Ward. (8 =| J’nth’n. Pasley.. 183 i 4) John _ Laughlin, jr. GEO. Il. ’ 1760 * M, 9 RO bets Calderwood. : a j (RW) Robert Wyke. : N) Geo, - Hill. (13k | 45 ‘My = i Was. 2 Dieta aint sy Thos. Johnston. Matthew Walsh. ‘9 Do. do. 4185 IN] | GD [John Locker. James _ Keating. Christr. Sagi Michael Keating. co Thos. insela. #* 4193 ts Wy Me : va 1771 a” ry’ Oy, | EEA John Lloyd. es ™ Tae eee Ai 1772 ar vA 9 Chas, Townsend. * 1794 rs #4 ay G é ' E Crom Chas, Mullin. Kg CD . (Not identified.) ny a: : 195 | » | RY] » | GBB | Joon Laughtin, je} « f i: : mye James England. ha This Hibernia stamp was also used 1752-3-4 * 1196 és Z + GED | Geo. tley. ia Fredk. Buck, Shee: *The date-letters D & G have been also found without 9 the pellet in its shield, which is occasionally rounded. "941-541 GOIWAd AHL AO UYAATIS HSTYI $a142]]DQ) 2t4Q) 741 fo ksaanory {197 {798 1199 7800 “480 * 1802 ~ {808 1804 1805 ~ £806 1807 + 1808 + 1809 1810 1811 1812 € 1813 4814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 GEO. IV. 1820 TASLE, TX. HIBER. DATE HAR NIA P LETTER. CROWNED. on — Qs 9? 99 ck) a9 BaAaom§@aoBDUeaeS °9 99 99 eS : Og! © &4 & : Lhd 9? 9° 9 Gi Gt Ct Et Gt Gt Ct GI SS Gt = S| S= ©8 BF Sor "7 = » > so Ha) = le = AG ERESBB SE H B = se a = ~ ~ = ~~ - 2 - - e = B GEESE Be BABLBES® < 2 ~~ = Ae 5 : GES GEBR GES 3G Marks on Dublin Plate MAKER’S NAME. John Rigby. Geo. West (as 1794.) John Keene, John Daly. James Keating.t James Scott, John Kearns, Walter Peter. Jas. Connor. John Power. Richd. Sawyer. Wm. § Hamey. Arthur O'Neil. J. Brady. Robt. Breading. Danl. Egan. Wm. Doyle. (Not identified.) Samuel Neville. Tudor & Whitford. Wm. Ward. Gust’v's Byrne. Terry & Williams (of Cork). Saml. Neville. Joseph Johnson. Robt. Breading. Jas. Le Bass. (Not identified.) Chas, Stewart. Ww. Nowlan. {rR Hamy & i. Smith. P. Moore, Wm. Rose. John Pittar. Jas. Scott. Wm. Law. John = Nicklin. Phineas Garde (Cork). Ss. Bergin. Danl. Egan, Randall Cashell. James Moore. WwW Cummins. Sir N. W. Brady. ae Read. My Buckton, Jas. Le Bass. Jas. Fry.t J. Salter (Cork). Edwd. Murray. (82 1822 1823 1824 r 1825-6 1826-7 1827-8 1828-9 1829-30 WM. IV, 1830-1 1831-2 1832-9 1833-4 {834-5 1835-4 1896-7 VICT. 1837-8 1838-9 1839-40 1840-4 1841-2 1842-3 1849-4 {44-5 {845-6 HIBER- Bila, @ SAsses : AUCHEASIOL SSSBgaataaos Ooo ~~ < Soe 99 TABLE X. DA HA KING'S MAKER’ MARK, TE RP LETTER, CROWNED. .HEAD.: A) ” 9? 9” ~~ ~~. ed > Wee ~~ ~ LAW = ) HOoowwoo : . ~ ~~ - 2 GH Fe BRGH SESREGPSeeb ae eke Baa n we a a ee A * ‘ © : os ~~ 92 ~ ~ —_S oS BA BERBER BEE & i) J np o 195 MAKER’S NAME, M. West & Sons. Wm Morgan. E. Crofton. Je Buckton, Wm, Law. Edwd. Power. Jas. Fray. Saml. Neville. Saml. Beere. Wm. _‘Teare.? Richd. Garde (Cork). Ald'm'n West (& Co.). ve Smith. Chas Marsh. fa Read. Edwd. Twycross. Hy. Flavelle. L. Nowlan. Chas. Marsh. D. Moulang & W. Gibson, Smith & Gamble, Edmd. Johnson. Richd, Sawyer, jr. Tr; Farnett. P. Moore. Hy. Flavelle. Thos. Meade. Edmd. Johnson. L. Nowlan? Wm Sherwin. PR. Weeks? J. ' Moore, Wm, = Sherwin. Richd. Garde (Cork). Josiah Low. Smith & Gamble. Hughes & Francis. Peter Walsh, E. & J. Johnson. L. Nowlan, Ga Alcock, John Warren. Jas, Le Bass. HE Francis, Geo. West? Mich]. Nowlan, aT. Gamble, t Joseph Johnson. {The tax on silver plate enacted in England in 1784 did not apply in Ireland until after the Act of Union (1800) and does not appear to have been enforced until 1807. 196 Marks on Dublin Plate tones XI. BIBER. DATE HARP QUEEN'S - LETTER.CROWNED. HEAD. M 816- : a |/8)0 . 1847-8 MAKER’S NAME, Joseph Johnson. HE Mahoney. Thos, Mason, Cc. Cummins, jr. 4848-9 | »» ae Ae Wm. Lawson, R. Samuel. 1849-50] »» 1850-1 |» 1861-2 |» - . ~ <- Donegan & Co. Gamble. Henry Filavelle. - = - Joseph Needham, Ann Cummins, 88 EG re FE ze ~ - ft GARDNER _ Gardner. 1852-38 | ” Te Smyth. R. Sherwin. 1853-4) Aso Se Topham & White. 1854-5 ” Michael Keating. 1855-4 |» 1856-7 | 1857-8 |» 1858-9 | ,, 1860-60] +» 4860-4 | +» 1861-2 | ,, 1862-3 | 4» 4863-4 | 9 18845 | 1865-6 | +s 1806-7 | ., 1867-8 | »» 1868-9 | 4. 1369-70 1870-1 | + Cummins, foe 8 fas WwW. Atcheson. = < Donegan & Co. Arthur Johnson, J. R. Neill. NEILL Do. do, Ga Samuel Le Bass, Wm, Percival. W.&I. Percival. E. Powell, (JK; J. } Keating. EAR E, & J. Johnson, John Smyth. Nis Je Scriber. RYAKSO Ryan & Co, Jas. West, RHUUSE Waterhouse & Co, Francis Martin, A, Hutton. BrurxeR | Thos. Brunker, iP.) Patk. Donegan. WL} Wm. Lawson, Edmd. Johnson, jr. iM 1) Mars. ‘Trench. MT 29 or) Wm. Lawson. cedddssGsccesacaossnoseae ae 9 oe TDB T.D. Bryce, ‘ poy: Marks on Dublin Plate 197 4 | TABLE XII. a, ee _ FROM JUNE, 1871, TO JUNE, I1896—TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. a FIVE STAMPS TILL 1890, THENCEFORWARD FOUR, AS BELOW: The date marks being plain block letters in plain shields. HIBER- TRE . HARP QUEENS MAKER‘ y : pet BATE 9 opti ARE QUEEN’ AKER'G MAKER'S NAME AND DATE OF REGISTRATION OF MARK. ie Wickham. (1871). Weir & Rogers. 1811-2 1812-3 {813-4 {814-5 1815-6 (816-7 (871-8 1878-9 1819-80 1880-4 {881-2 1889-9 1883-4 1884-5 {885-6 {886-7 (887-8. 1888-9 1889-90 1890-4 1801-2 {892-3 1899-4 1894-5 4896-6 John Donegan, (1872). Wm. Egan & Son (of Cork). Ignatius Cummins, McDowell | Bros. Do. do. & Son. (1877). Le Redmond. (1876). West & Son. (1879). O’Connor & Dillon. (1880). Edmond Johnson. (1881). Do. do. (1882). Wm. Carty. (1881). Henry Hopkins. (1883). Danl. Moulang. Winder & Lamb. Frengley Bros. (1885). Austin & Co. (1886). M. Anderson. (1887). Jas. E. Pim. ” Thomas Barton. (1871). Fredk. Hill. (1889). Wm. Quinlan. (1888). Joseph Fray. ; (1889). Henry L. Stewart (of Limerick). a r Sharman D. Neill (of Belfast). (1890). Hopkins & Hopkins. (1883). Jas.: Mosiey (Waterford). (1892). C. Harris (Coventry). (1893). Edmond Johnson. ss Chas. Howard Lawson. (1894). Kane & Gunning me Richard Dillon (Waterford). 5, Charles Lamb. (1893). Chancellor & Son. (1895). pmela = @ esaeés § 8B Gace val rg a aagqqqqqagqnoqcgcaaacacaadadadca (?) & u ) A ts 198 1896-7 1897-8 1898-9 rm) 1900 1900-1 EOW. Vil. 1901-2 1902-3 1903-4 1904-5 1905-6 1900-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 £Q10-1 IQII-2 1912-3 1913-4 1914-5 1915-6 Marks on Dublin Plate TABLE XIII. — DATE HARP MAKER’S NAME AND DATE OF REGISTRATION OF MARK, LETTER. CROWNED. QBSOSHSOSLSSS2S ecessse WIBER- DATE H Nik, ULBTTER. CRO Richards & Walsh, (1895). John Morton. \ (1896). Gibson, Ltd. (Belfast): (1897). (1898). Valentine. ” W. J. Gethings. a4 Chas. Howard Lawson. (tg00), Langley Archer West. de Henderson & Thompson (Belfast). + McCutcheon & Donaldson (Belfast), (1901). West & Son. (1902). es 226 x 1 & x @ ola ogeo8e a j. E. Byrne (Belfast). (1909). —— Jameson, Russell Ltd. (Manchester). A. Duffner (Tipperary). Finnegans Ltd. (Manchester). Elkington & Co, (Birmingham). W. Egan & Sons (Cork), wee Neill (Belfast). Youghal Art Metal Works Co, Faller (Galway). McDowell. Cromer (Limerick). & Wheeler (London). TABLE XIV. FOUR STAMPS AS BELOW, wire, “GARR MAKER'S NAME AND DATE OF REGISTRATION OF MARK. Will Stokes. (tgro). M. Waldron (Skibbereen).. Jas. Ramsay (Dundee). R. Sharman, Crichtor Bros. (London). Marks on Dublin Plate 199 SUPPLEMENTARY MARKS. DATE, MARKS, MAKER’S NAME, ARTICLES AND Birt a: 1663-4 Abel = Ram. Spoon, with flat stem, trefoil end: National Museum, Dublin. Philip Tough. | Cylindrical ftankard, domed top: Mr. Nyburg. Wm. Archdall. | Small salver: Mr, Arthur Irwin Dasent. Sutton? | Tankard: Noted by Mr. Dudley Westropp. Robert Holmes. | Table-Spoon, Hanoverian pattern: Mr. Dudley Westropp. Will. Walsh. Do. do.: Do. do. Jane Daniell.,; | Salver: Mr, Arthur Irwin Dasent. Sauce boat, with date-letter @ as in ‘Table VI.: Mr. Dudley Westropp. ‘ee date letter (but date about 1750), Paten: Donabate. The com- ——, - @G@@@aese g FEFO Sc OB RS Sutton:, munion cup pertaining to it is dated 1751 Also on edeh ladle with D for 1750: Noted by Mr. tie Westropp. QS: oe GD: GBS} GY GH GD John Garrett. Abraham Voisin. James Walker. Robert Smith, 200 Marks on Dublin Plate Supplementary List of Dublin Silversmiths. TABLE I. TABLE II. TABLE III. MAKER'S NAME, DATE, MARK, MAKER'S NAME. DATE. MARK, NAME OF MAKER, 1706 Thos, Bolton, John Woodcocke. x Mary __ Barrett. Lal “Nr y ~ a EB 1710 Henry Sherwin. % = Francis Coffee or Clifton. Thos. Wheeler. 1710-2, Thos. Bolton? || Edward Swan, Peter Racine. J. Pennyfather or J. Palet? 1728-9 Lawrence Salmon. 1712-4 John Seager. 1729 Esther Forbes, 1715 Geo, Smart. John Phillips. Thos. Sutton, Ed. Dowdall, John Cuthbert. E 1730-1 Geor Cross. 1715-6 Mark Twelves, " (Not identified.) 1716-7 Geo. Cartwright. & BBB BP BEODe Oia W. Bell, Stanley ? 1717-8 Dorothy Monjoy. Thos. Iker, ; 1718-9 os. Walker Matthew Alanson. 16: oo @ © © e g Dy s DO @ al T-S) ‘Mallory. 1719-20 Arthur Weldon. Lyng. Erasmus Cope. 1720 Thos. Racine. John Gumly. Mackay, 1722-3 Ed, ‘Fitzgerald. . Isaac D‘Olier. 1723-4 Sumpner, -| Thos, Maculla? 908 c6G0@-aSe: Phillip Kinnersly. ” 7 ye ; Anthony Lefebure. ” TR: W) Ralph Woodhouse. John Sale. Barrett. Robt. Pilkington. Hartwell, ot rene ® io oye? oz Matt, Copeland. eee: ~ . . ° : 1737-8 John _— Freebough. GBKaa®O ace win” sre ee ——" ‘ PE ee ee! he ae & Marks on Dublin Plate Supplementary List of Dublin Silversmiths.—Continued. TABLE IV. NAME OF MAKER, Thos. de Limarest. | Peter Desenard. Jas. Champion? John Letablere. Burton. Sutton. Cc. 1740 ? Henry Jago. Bean @eebee |" ” & Bart’mew Stokes, » (Cae | Ve Walsh. c. 1750 (3) Joseph Taafe. 1751 Nathan Murray. mCP se WB Wm. - Betagh. Pittar. 1743-4 | Wm. Bonynge. “ay GO Robt. Calderwood. 1745 'G B) George Beere. ” Robt. Glanville, 1746 Tin John Hamilton ? Faucett ? EABLE V; @ 88 bp & @ A . < Bee 8 eiea8 sage ag MAKER'S NAME.- Edward Raper. Robt. Calderwood. or Cope. Hy. Waldron. Michael Fowler. vie Wm. Williamson. Christr. Skinner. See 1754 above. John Moore, Jr. John Dawson. Ralph Vizard? Wm. French. Wm. Townsend. Jno. Williamson. Benj. Wilson, Abraham Tuppy. George Hall. John Karr. John Locker ? 201 TABLE VI. a DATE. 1780 c. 1780 1780-5 1785 | 1792 1795 Cc. 1795 c. 1797 "1798 1800 1800-1 ” 1807 1810 1811 1812 9 1815 @zeeue K4 > 7 wa BQEE a go ac) = BSEBe#Q cbs MAKER’S NAME, CO Hugh O'Hanlon or Owen Hart ? Oweri Cassidy. Alex. Barry ? Barnaby Dela: hoyde ? Dan. Egan? Michael Homer ? NBR os Thos. Tudor. John Brooks? Saml. Teare. John Bolland. John Daly? Clarke & West. 7Eneas Ryan. Richard Sawyer. John Teare. fe Henzell ? Richard Whitford. 202 Marks on Dublin Plate , The following marks of Dublin goldsmiths have been reproduced from a pewter plate preserved in the Dublin Assay Office. The marks were in use 1765-1812. Cy ™ te Robt. Atkinson? | Will. Stafford ? ps Richard & D’Olier. Jeremiah Joseph Nixon, John _Ebbs. John = Austin. Robert Breading. John Clarke. Thos. Farley. Joshua Emerson, George Nangle. Joseph Jackson. GS oeeegag | James Hadmill. Geo, Alley. James Kenzie, Saml. _—_ Reily (Cork). 2 c Bs re Will. Digby ? John Keene. Geo. Thompson, Jerome Alley? James Jones. & John Dalrymple. | Thos. Williamson. Hee 6@e8e8e8 Will Beere. A: OE es] | Mark M’Cloughlin. M a 'eore, | Wm. Fitzgerald T Thos, Martin, ent. M (ey) | John = Coleman. fro ig Ww Will. Johnson. Michael Byrne. 7 CG | Alex. Ticknell. Walter Peter. Ambr'se Nicklin, IO) John Osborne, Chas. Dowdall, PEN : HN Henry Nicholson. Thos, Cooksey. THM) RT James Jones, J. Nicolson (Cork). S’‘R |Saml. Reily (Cork). Wm. Keene, H&H_ | Hopper & Hannay. James Jones? @ 2s BEGEBSERRBEREOE sBEBEE Reegah 6 ——— Christr, Clarke ? IG! IOWg | Jacob West. Thos. Hunt? T-M| La’rence Martin (Kilkenny). Gy George Nangle, PF Marks on Dublin Plate 203 Marks found on a pewter plate, continued, 1765-1812. = > a bas = > i] aw (Cork). Will Ward. te rd Thos. Sly. Q Joseph Johnson. Arthur Murphy, James Campbell? James Mills? Isaac Davis? oe oe Fredk. Buck, = a’eeed | Will. Hughes? BT Benjn. Tait. Samuel Taylor. 4 ‘ Ga Peter Wingfield. | Randall Cashell ? a FW G! Will. Gethin ? Thos. Adams. ° Wm. Hannay ? - John - Tweedie? Gy “a R's] Robt. O’Shaughnessy TR} Thos, Rome. John Lloyd. ee (Limerick). B;: James Hewitt? DP) BS John West? Randall Cashell ? Will French. si JR} J’n’th’n Robinson ? CIEE | Joseph Gibson Wm. Law? Ww Matt. West & Son. Will. Hamey? 5 Jas. Connor? TG Thos. Baker ? E td LWwH) SINGLETON Singleton. ohn” Bolland? 1 Thomas Townsend, THE FOLLOWING MARKS, WHICH ARE STAMPED, ON A COPPER-PLATE OF LATER DATE, RANGE FROM ABOUT 1813 TO ABOUT 1850. | | a BOBQsBHOP G Henry Lazarus. John Townsend. Wm. H. Townsend. Wm. Nelson. z SE we BEBB EE Ss. Bergin. J-MOORE | James Moore. * Moore. SGT bhlas joy —— Boyle. Edwd. Murphy. BSG GERBES BB BE e DATE (ABOUT). 1662 1663 1670 1673 1679 1680 f§ 8H agG i> -@ ms oa ES GB 8 OS 688 G6 G Beg SAR oOpmese eG TABLE GE MAKER’S MARK, Be @&: wp Bhima eeag @ : Se: zie: z 6 g Jers be a cy Bum & “ea CHAPTER XX Marks on Cork Plate No date letter was ever used at Cork. The dates are approximate. MAKER’S NAME. nN James Ridge. (Not identified). Walter Burnett. James Ridge. Richard Smart. Samuel Pantaine. Walter Burnett. (Both marks repeated). John Hawkins. Do. do. Robert Goble. Do. do. Do. do. Webb. Goble. Do. do. Burnett. Walter Robert Goble. Do. do. Charles Bekegle. Robert Goble. Anthony Semirot. Robert Goble. William Clarke. DATE (ABOUT). 1709 1702-29 1709 1710 1710-20 1712 1715-25 ” 1720-30 ay %” ” 1720-34 “TABLE 1b MAKER’S MARK. ® BB aD wy exe i ewe in na @ 8 son RO Rm iq som ee AVGMISTERLING) me ci verlsg T@ . CC WCE ap canaaS = , ED STERLING EE MAKER’S NAME, Adam ___ Billon. Brumley, Wigmore.(?)* Clarke. Robert Goble. John Rickotts Robert Goble. Robert Goble, Junr | William Clarke. Caleb Rotheram. William Clarke, { 1" ” Bernald Baldwin. }wm. Newenham, | Edward Dunsterfield, William Newenham. Not identified—berhaps not Cork). 5 ; 1730 1730-40 ere: ” 1730-40 1731 1740 ”» 1740-50 1745-70 ’ TABLE III. MAKER’S MARK. | ISTE LTNG) I H@BSTERLINGMMT Hi & cs @ (G-H Ms reriinc) Gn 0 a D> STARLING G cH] IGHJsTERLINc GH) GeHIGHEGHEG#H) Marks on Cork Plate MAKER’S NAME. \ Thomas Lilly. Reuben Millard. Wm. William Bennett. John Harding? Caleb Rotheram. John Harding? Robt. Goble, jr.? Christr. Parker. William Martin. Do. do. Reuben Millard. William Bennett or Wm. Bentley. Thomas Bull. George Hodder. Do. do. William Bennett or Wm. Bentley. ooo See } Anthony Semirot. George Hodder. Do. do. \ Do. do *Do. do. { Newenham, DATE (ABOUT). TABLE IV. MAKER’S NAME. IR-P) TTI CIRISH ME IT Yer STERLING i) o> aa i sms (1 WR ca @F3 cme ee STERLING ] WR 4B Ri) cx m FEN axxo SN @ sama STERLING PSTN PWALS H] [STERLING] 205 MAKER’S NAME. } Stephen Broughton. Robt. Potter, John Irish, Do. do. (?) Michael McDermott. Michael McDermott. Do. do. Stephen Walsh, Croker Barrington. } Stephen Walsh. do. do. do. do. Stephen Mackrill. DATE (ABOUT). 1760-80 9 99 1760-85 1765-95 1770 ” ” 206 TABLE V. MAKER’S MARK. STARLING CB. CB] TH ISTERLING) Gp aw TTAPerccinclT AY EXD Storting &) som ISTER] IN GuoTED [LN SEE RLING) Gy TEN ICOLSON) (59) comm (87) fon 2 T-H STERLING) C:B eal cme SC S-* ne GS » sTIMeINe Marks on MAKER’S NAME. } Daniel McCarthy? Do, do. Croker Barrington. Do do. John illery.* Caiden Terry. John Irish. Michael McDermott. Do. do, Sieh (free Pleat John’ Nicolson. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do, Peter. Wills, Carden Terry. John Humphreys, + Do. do. Joseph Kinselagh. John Hillery,* Carden Terry. (Not identified.) Samuel Reily. Jno. & Sam. Nicolson. } thomas Cumming. C ork Plate DATE (aBouT). 1770-80 1770-99 1777 1810 ” ~~ ” 1790 1800 1795 TABLE VI. _ MAKER’S MARK, WM HESTERC] | | NICOLSON STERLING | John Nicolson. | 'S.R | Samuel Reily. S-‘R STERLING | vo. , REILY STEALING i GRE srenuixe GG | STERL® STERLING Thomas Donnall &y 99 as dks . Siealaa (4 sTeRLine “Gibsc R:S STERLING R-S ms » is gamma ~SHEEHAN SHEEHAN ’. SHEEHAN STERLING } Richard Stevens. 4 a WT STERIL Cay smn * WT sD eo eTer.¢ sae Marks on Cork Plate 207 TABLE VII. : ASE LLL, Gasct) MAKER’S MARK . MAKER’S NAME. Pee) MAKER’S MARK. MAKER’S NAME. GIBSON MSTERLING Joseph Gibson, John Supple. I 795 HEY LAND ae William Heyland. ve TOLEKEN John Toleken. TT & W] me hate Terry & \ John Williams. v. STERLING William Teulon. e WT = STERLING Do. do. SG STIRLING Samuel Green, : SG : (Not tdentified.) Do do. SG WT v9 William Teulon. Cc:T iw STERLING | Terry & Williams. » ‘TJ Bi (Not identified.) T.MON TJOY By) Th Montjoy. 1791 ee John Warner. ext ene 8 AN ms jonn'é Nicol 1780-99 99 STIRLING Do. do. fcholaa f ica ee 1807-21 CT. ISTERLING| Carden Terry & 1795 PI W 4 STERLING Joha Williams. TW Jane Willams. 1808-20 °C ETT. ; is STER James Warner. BSTERLING Daniel Corbett, . 1809-30 James Salter. : TW Do do. ” Richard Garde, ; : . Do do. , 2 Iw Gagan 4 STERLING Thos, Montjoy. ae sola Tolland. STERLING \ James Conway TE) John Egan, 1796 - ‘ : 79 STERLING] James Heyland. PSTERI ING Peter —Willls. Ll 7 GH) cou fa Be eT OY HEYLAND I SOLOMON STERLING Isaac Solomon. ” Pi) \ James Heyland. TS] ISTERLING] John Seymour. STF RILING) “a Isaac Solomon. ” 7 y LE BRSre a. ina) Jos. _—_ Kinselagh. FS ‘ (Not identified.) . STERLING Phineas Garde. 1800 John — Toleken. ir 1 ae ne _ STERLING (Not identified.) CARD EB meueeee Aidavigh The 0s SEYMOUR John Seymour. Ge GIBSON ‘ : yes 1800-20 STERLING Joseph Gibson. ie it Sai ee GIBSON ee Edward Hawkesworth, (OD:3,008.8 STERLING Francis O’Brien ee (Not identified.) ” STERLING MEO CRSE ONO ” Oe WHELPLY! oe se . PE wie LL y a CY Mahony... CHAPTERex x1 Marks of the Minor Irish Guilds YOUGHAL. DATE : MAKER S NAME, ray SD = (ABouT). MAKER S MARK. Lawless. Sharpe. Green. do. | Bartholomew Fallon of Galway. (Not identified, but poss- ibly Bartholomew Fallon as above.) Edward Gillett. Austin Beere, BELFAST (?) D shes MAKER’S MARK. ’ (aBouT). MAKER’S NAME, Matthew Bellew ? GALWAY. DATE A MAKER’S MARK. (ABOUT). 1648 RI 1666- . 1684 @ g g 1695 DRI: by RTs -| Richard Joyes. do. MAKER’S NAME. R, Joyes, sen. (?) Do. Richard Joyes. Mark Fallon. Do. do. 208 4 Marks of the Minor Irish Guilds 209 : LIMERICK. TABLE 1. TABLE II. Bou): MAKER’S MARK. MAKER’S NAME. ance MAKER’S MARK. MAKER’S NAME. LB -C) Patrick Connell. IO (2 171 ES 18) ES 1:8) Buck, senr. (?) = ¥ Fa F : 8 | Ad Buck. : éD iy ze ibd IM FG) Maurice Fitzgerald. than Buck, eas ISTERLING] eee Toke da, : STE ey } SOE STERLING Do, 1730-62 | . ha Day . ab, ross) Kal ao, i ee oe fs be Do. do. : STER guy do. : ” Pi ISTE KLANG] Do. co. ; ra 633 STERLING db do. : . retin Do. do STERLING do. 3 i Matt, Walsh, 4 1730-75 gz [STERLING] rs Joseph Johns, i ; 3 STERLING ps “ = ” T3 PSTERLIN] Do. do. ‘ ~ STERLING Daniel Lysaght. % ’ Do. do. - a . ? Joseph Johns. 4 1749-50 1-1] e 1750 | same Johns. 1798 Ww STER WW Ward. : ; 1760-85 GM} STERLING} Coa eRe: 1800 STERLING Wm. Fitzgerald. : GM MES TARLING cs er bine RGXE+ STERLING | Do. do. e: 1768-80 GF G GF G} Garret Fitzgerald. IRS}

tP.C) [STERLING | Samuel Purdon. _ (~-o ano eo vr * 1800-13 9 o> iD & &) & Do. do. John _—‘ Purcell, SS of 0 eee af oe: Pes, ‘ af 210 Marks of the Aor ion Guilds Unascribed Irish Unischbed Marks English Provincial Marks bye Trish 3 een MAKER’S MARK. Lene: MAKER’S MARK. _ 1574 1599 - 1660 ee 1680 9 Ww & w LW H] @we¢ es wa 1700 ” 3 & WwW 8 1720 1720-40 M 1730 1726 TAN) 1740-50 WL} e @3 H 1770 wy ItF @ * ~ Boman San 1800 1 ie Sie ‘os ii aed 4 a Index TO THE MARKS OF ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH SILVERSMITHS Marks comprising two or more letters are indexed under the first letter of the pair or group. Marks composed of intertwined letters are indexed under each letter appearing in the monogram... Devices accompanied by initials are in- dexed under the first initial letter. Marks difficult to identify by a short description must be looked for among the marks themselves. Such marks are few and appear only among the very earliest. Later, initials or names were B always used. Marks appearing in the form of a cross, e. g., CL are indexed under the first of the horizontal line letters (in this case under C). GLOSSARY Affrontée Facing the spectator. Annulet A ring borne as a charge (see Charge). Bendwise Lying in the direction of the bend or bends (of a shield or escutcheon). Charge Any figure borne on an escutcheon. Couped Cut evenly across. Opposed to Erased. Dimidiated Cut in half. Erased Represented as having been torn across leaving ragged projec tions. Incuse Cut in. Grpdsed to “in relief.” Moline | A description of ends of a figure divided and turned backward. Mullet © A five- or six-pointed star. Palewise Divided into four or more equal parts by vertical lines. Pattée Spreading toate the extremity, e. g., the arms of a Maltese cross. Saltire A cross, both eonbets of which lie diagonally, as a St. Andrew’s cross. Any bearing set obliquely to the sides of an escutcheon. Slipped A twig or branch represented as torn from the stalk so as to leave a strip of the bark still clinging to it. A, 25, 38, 40, 47, 77, 164, 168, 170, 194, 200. AAA, 183. A & Co., 197. AB, 46, 78, 80, 81, 92, 99, 138, 139, 151, 154, a, 26, 46. 182. AA (in monogram), 170. AB (conjoined), 26, 40, 43, 45, 165, 170, 182, AA (linked), 157. 208. AA, 91, 93- AB (linked), 204. 2II Tried Rect Take, ae eee t ns =. Page ey hs” Has ABS, 104. AC, 29, 81, 82, 93, 975 128, 139, 1575 170, 185, 194, 196. AC (in monogram), 24, 25, 37- AC, 86. Acorn, an, 38, 164. AD, 59, 69, 167, 168, 183. AD (conjoined), 27, 51, 53) 170- AD, 210. AE, 17%, 173: AER, 201. AF, 50, 51, 52, 535 87, 96, 97, 101, 162, 171, 182. AF (conjoined), 60, 172. AF SG AG, 64, 172, 173, 179, 182, 192, 193- AG (conjoined), 82. AG, 193. AG & CO., 147, 173. ° AGR, 138. AH, 27, 41, 55, 575 60, 6a, 83, 103, 114, 115, 116, 128, 147, 151, 167, 173, 174, 196. AH (conjoined), 116, 193, 194, 201, 209. wwtate Al, 165, 167, 185. A & I, 136. AIT, 172. Aitchison, 174. Al AJ, 101, 196. AT, 9. A & JZ, 145. AJSMF, ror. AK, 57, 87, 88, 128, 171. AK (conjoined), 24, 25, 37» 395 40 AL, 54, 65, 70, 72, 74, 86, 93, 955 975 168, 170, 171, 185, 189, 193+ AL (conjoined) 170. AL, 88 AL (conjoined), 200. ALLEY G, 202. AL WL, 94. AM, 86, 139, 162, 179, 180, 186, 200, 203. “Index to British and Irish M he AM (in monogram), 27, 51, 53s 5. e AR Gin poner 170. _ AS or SA (in oa 5 st 52 AS N, 177. arks A McD, 179, 180. A McL, 187. a A ML (the last two letters conjoined), 18 AN, 67, 68, 202. © AN (conjoined), 62, 210, AN (in monogram), 28, 62, 63. AN (in monogram), 181. Anchor, an, 25, 42, 43, 45, Pe 166. oe: between the letters DG, 26, 47; between th letters EC, 191; between the letters ES, 64; between ‘the letters GO, 67; between. the letters II, 64; between the letters RO, 70 between the letters RS, 47, 166, 167; between the letters TH, 55; between the letters WA, 67, 68; between the letters bbe 793 in — circle, 16708 ANe (AN are conjoined), 66, 69, re ae Animal’s head, an, 39, 43, 440 AN ; : AN SA, . . AO (in monogram), 97. A &O, 148. ete AO, 85. ice et AON, 194, 195. AP, 88, 100. AT (conjoined), I 3. Arbalist, an (a cross in a shield), 24, 136. Arrow, an, 24, 363 ‘beewesk the letters V piercing the letter H, a Se 4 Sy Arrows, a sheafof,37,. = = = = AS, 65, 75, 915 165, 171, 1 85, 0 88,1 200, 204,205. ae AS (conjoined), 170. eae "3S A &S, 131. ASH ne monogram), s 66. cities Ash, 65. ne ) a atlas ASH F, 201. Reet iy AS JS AS, tag.0') eee AS NA, 98. 7 ahd ae AT, 43, 70, 81, 83, 201, 2 202. AT, 182. f : AU, 67, 68, 95, 171, 76 | cates 120. Index to British and Irish Marks AV, 120. : AV (conjoined), 46, 199. AV, 87. AW (conjoined), 200, 210. Ax, an, between the letters C P, 40. AZ, 173. B, 40, 53, 56, 59. Bere, 61,07, 101, 162, 191, 192. B or JB (in monogram), 51. b, 26, 41, 43. BA, 65, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 745 185. Bal Gr75, 526. Ba, 126. - Ba, 69, 75. BA IS, 92. Barrel, a (or tun), 23, 35. Basket, a, 24, 29. Bassinet, a (or helmet), 25, 39. BB, 27, 495 50, 755 80, 84, 91, 132, 139, 162, 203, 204. BB, 84, 94. BB (in monogram), 60, 63. BB RT, 83. BB TR, 85. BC, 88, 90, 91, 184, 193, 202. BC, 87, 88. BC &N, 111. BD, 95, 96, 128, 201. Ht 49, 60, 00, 71, 72, 73, 76, 80, rog, 125. mee 32, 125. Be, 67. : Bear, a, 45; (passant) below the letters IH, 25, 42; (passant) below the letters IM, 27, 48, 50. BEGG (in monogram), 27, 54. Bell, a, above the letters WB, 92; below the letters IP, 26, 46. Bellows, a pair of, 39- BENTLY, 118. BF, 45, 49, 79, 208. B&F, 135. BG, 30, 81, 83, 86, 88, 95. BG, 84, 85. BH & H, 148. B I, 66, 74. Bi, 70, 126, 133. Bi, 133. Bird, a mark, 25, 27, 37, 38, 39, 4°, 41, 50, 53, 86, 114, 156, 164, 165. (See also: Cock, Dove, Eagle, Falcon, Goose, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Phoenix, Stork, Swan, Wyvern.) Bird’s claw, a, 25, 37, 38. Bird’s head, a, 23, 35, 210. BL, 31, 70, 72, 74) 99, 101, 120, 182, 188. BM, 60, 93, 94; 99, 162, 193. BN, 29, 76, 123. B &N, 178. ping BO, 69, 70, 72, 74: Bolt, a, 48. Bolt between letters, GS, 27, 52. Boot, a, 24, 37. Boots, a pair of, 166. Bouget (small bag) or mask, 4o. Bow and arrow, 23, 35. Bow and arrow between WS, 47, 48. Bow below the letters IR, 26, 45. Bow between the letters IM, 45. Bow over the letters 1B, 43. BOYLE, 203. BP, 32, 48, 54, 58, 104, 134, 203. BR, 29, 65, 66, 74, 76, 151. : BR (in monogram), 57. Bry 67, 72, 120. Br, 65, 67, 68. Branch, a, 25, 38, 41, 43, 50; between the let- ters RP, 43. BROWN TB, 210. BRUNKER DUBLIN, 196. BS, 32, 62, 85, 96, 102, 104, 109, 201. B &S, 175. BS Is tron. BT, 44, 194, 203. BT or TB (in monogram), 46. BU, 69, 73, 109, 133. Buckle below the letters IB, 26, 27, 48, 49. Bugle below the letters TH, 44. BULL T, 205. Bull’s head, 25, 39, 41. Bush in a dotted circle, 166. BUXTON, 131. BV, 66, 126. BW, 179. BW, 43, 75, 83, 201. wtsss 119, 166. BY, 29, 87. BW & A, 151. BY, 47. C 46, 170. C reversed; a cock above, 27, 51. C & CO., 34. CA, 63, 80, 81, 99, 182, 210. CA or AC (in monogtam), 24, 25, 37. C enclosing A, 65. CA (in monogram), §3. C enclosing a, 126. CA HG, 94, 97. Caltrap, a (insect), 25, 40, 41. Cam oreit bi 31, 185. 214 Campanula, a, 38, 39- Castle, a, between the letters IC, 27, 57. Cat, a, above the letters TC, 57. Catherine wheel, 45. CB, 47, 48, 85, 92, 94) 99 1715 1795 204 CB (in monogram), 41, 42, 43, 48, 157, 165. C & B, 142. CC, 46, 89, 95, 171, 196, 202. CC (in monogram), 63, 64. CC (linked), 37. CC, 90. ee, 85, 196. CD, 60, 92, 129, 131, 171, 172, 173, 202. CD, 185. CE, 57, 104. CF, 32, 102, 104, 141, 184, 190, 194, 202. CF or FC ve monogram), 49. CFH, 33. CG, 75, 82, 202. CH, 30, 31, 53, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 80, 82, 83, 96, 99, 102, 106, 107, 194, 197. CH (in monogram), 106. C & H, 189. CH, 84, 86, 87. Chalice between 4 stars in heart-shaped shield, 165. Cherub’s head, 166; above the letters DI, 65; above the letters WC, 61; below the letters WH, 27, 53: CHL, 197. CHS, 151. | CI, 24, 75, 87, 168. CI (in monogram), 26, 43. C enclosing I, 26, 44. CJ, 138, 143, 187. CT, 85. CJR, 130, 131. CK, 34, 57, 585 59, 60, 61, 81, 97, 203, 210. CK (in monogram), 170. C & K, 175. Gc enclosing K, 59. CL, 69, 70, 71, 73s 743 77s 865 1725 193s 197. Cc enclosing | py cL ARE} CLARK, 172. CL TLt 15! Clubs, two in a saltire (heart), 45. Clubs, two in a saltire between letters BT, 44. CM, 55, 81, 93s 94) 107; 1775 186, 190, 1945 195» 200, 210. CM, 85. C enclosing M, 44. CO, 29, 50, 61, 65, 68, 71; 77s 79s 80, 81. Index to British and Trish Marks ~ LIMERICK Crown, 24, 25, 41, 116, 209. — Co, 68. C enclosing 0, 72. “ Cock or rooster, 26, 27, 42, pe ss x Tl i. COCKBURN, 174. rare Cock’s comb, 39. Cock’s head, a, erased, 23, 35. COK, 210. COLGAN T, 189. ae Collar and jewel, 26. At se Comet below the letters RD, 56. Compasses, pair of, 36, 40, 45. at: Compasses, crossed in a railiane, circle, Whee 38. CONWAY, 207. CORBETT, 207. Coronet, a, 24, 36; 37. Coronets, three ducal in pale, 14. Coronets, two count Rng) al COTON, 158. Cox R, g!. Rae. CP, 32; 42; 49» 79, 1045 151, 205, es Re 5 CR, 26, 45, 61, 68, 69, 75, 108, 128, 165, 7; 174, 204, 205. Rae | CR (in mone 495 165, 170. ers CR, 85, 86 C enclosing R, 68. Crab, a, 37. CR DR CR DR CR, 128. : Crescent enclosing raaiiee 34i; ae +36, 38, 42, 46, 47, 184; and three mullets, 25 enclosing saltire (heart), 44; enclosing letter I, 26, 44; enclosing the letter W 41, 42, 43) 44) 453 under the letter T, under the letter W, 24, 378 under the RD, ‘26, 46. Crescents above and below PB, 26, 2, Crescent marks, 38, 168, 210, a: ig ems a, 103, 128, 131. es oy CS t 32, 104. sy ek CRICHTON J,174 CROMER Kt oo Cross couped, 26, 40, 43, 166; Pee 6: 166; grasped by a hand, 25, 38, 393 (intaglio), 23) 245 353 10 dotted circle bet four pellets, 164; moline, crowned, 3 tée, 23, 353 raguly, incuse, 164; sal St. Andrew’s cross), 187; in a shield list), 24, 36; within a 7 26. Crown and rose, 24, 36, 165. _ Crozier between the oe es, C ws {33 10S. ee CS, 27, 51, 62, 82, 175, 194 1195, * Index to British and Irish Marks CT, 50, 59, 193, 194, 206. i or TC (in eereain), Ri, G8, 00, 170,171. CT, 92: CTF GF 32, 33, 105- CT & IW, 207. T Twi 195) 207- TW( 93: Cup, a, covered, 24, 37, 39. CV, 69, 73. CW, 30, 56, 94; 9596, 98, 108, 154, 204, 210. W 545 164. C & W, 174, 201. C enclosing W, 44, 79. CY (in monogram), 53. Detar, 26, 42, 47, 107, 115, a 200. D, 28, 42, 60, 62, go. DA, 61, 63, 67, 70, 71, 725 745 78- Dagger, hand grasping, 182. Dagger between the letters ID, 28, 61. DB, 60, 61, 95, 174, 191. D & Bei 31; DC, 27, 55, 58, 80, 82, 121, 128, 165. C, 33: D enclosing C, 26, 43, 47, 48. DC, 85. DC, 175. DCF, go. DCR, 179. © DD, 128. DD (linked), 1go. P5873. DD (interlaced), 177. DD) _ TB tras. DE, 67, 68, 172, 195, 201. DE BA, 6s. DERMOTT, 205. Maes 2. <4 187. DF INS 187. DG, 26,.47, 58, 62, 86, 177, 186. DG (in monogram), 170. DH, 29, 83, 91, 151. DH (in monogram), 170. br & Co., 147. DH, 86. 215 DH RH, 30, 93. DI, 49, 65, 66, 80. DI or ID (in monogram), 165. Di, 77, 78. D & JS, 174. DK, 75, 172, 189, 192, 193, 194. D enclosing K, 200. DL, 55; 82, 83, 128, 209. LG 152 DM, 30, 94, 185, 195, 197, 200, 203. DM (in monogram), 171. D & M, 173. DM, 9°, 173. DMC, 206. DmcG, 174. DO, 67, 68. DOLLAR, 206. DOUGLAS, 183. Dove, holding an olive branch, 43; holding an olive branch below HN, 27, 53. DP, 31, 88, go, 102, 194, 203. DP in monogram, 170. DP, 194. DPW, 90. DR, 27, 51, 79> Dragon between letters TF, 45. Dragons’ heads (3) each holding a crosslet in its mouth, 156. DS, 88, go, 166. DS (in monogram), 120. DSS, 151 DS BS DS BS IS, 102. DS RS 93+ DS RS 99: DS RS, 29, 30, 94; 96. DSK, 167. DT, 78. Du, 133. DUFFNER A TIPPERARY ae DUN tas. 52, 53> 54, $7, 130, 131; 164, DEE DU NH ¢ 10: DV, 164. DF 27. DW, 27, 48, 50, 63, 77> 81, 84, 102. D&W, 196. D enclosing W, 152. DV, 56, 86. DM, 85, 89. 216 DW) _ IF. t G0 DY, 77. DY (in monogram), 26. EF, 37, 182. E & Co., 174. E & Co. Ld., 145. FA, 69, 71, 93+ A{ 1195 120. EA, 84, €4, 85, 87, 90 EA EA, 93. Eagle, an, 24, 36, 38, 46. Eagle, double Genie: below the letters TS, 26, 42, 43. Eagle’s head between letters IC, 25, 38. EA IS, go. EASTON, 118. EB, 27, 55, 59, 61, 80, 82, 83, 100, 126, 179, 193, 202. E & B, 203. EB, 85, 91, 192, 200. €B, 85. EB ; JB t 32,105, EB," & boa, 105. JB EC, 49, 57, 61, 68, 78, 795 93> 94s 96, 975 191; 193, 195, 200, 202, 210, EC (in monogram), 170. E enclosing C, 46. EC, 88, 89. EC (conjoined), 171. ec he ED, 51, 65, 66, 67, 77, 78, 88, 89, 91, 116, 200, 204. | ED (conjoined), 162. ED (in monogram), ee, ED, 97- ER, 20, 75, 77 EE, 104, 105. EE JE (339 105: EEJWB, 32, 104. EF, 79, 81, 83, 97, 99, 193, 200. EP, 86, 87. EG, 54, 55, 59, 61, 77, 80, 81, 86, 91, 151, 208. EG (linked), 208. EGAN ~ CORK §*97 Index to British and Irish Hess " _EH, 47, 48, 56, 60, 74, 88, 117, 2c EW, 44 7% 73s 77> 79> 139, 190. oe 2 EI, 50, 56, 75> 765 955 99 100, 204. EJ, 88, 91, 138, 195, 196, 197, EJ (in monogram), 197. FJ Bwt 32, 105. EJG, 344, E & JJ, 195. EJ &WB, 32, 105. EJWJB, 95. EK, 62, 138. EL, 26, 7 46, 51, 95, 975 172, 185. EL, 61, 85. El, 120, mark, I 187. a 166. See. EM, 29, 31, 54, 56, 63, 88, 101, 5 102, 35, I 195, 203. ; EM ue monogram), 44 57s I iS oan EM, 203. Ree EM & Co., 151. See EN, 138. inane EN (conjoined), 59. En, 79: iS ae EN vas /™ EO, 60, 88, 131, 172. EP, 29, 76, 78, 82, 17% 195 EP, 196. 204. on yn ER (in ene ate “iy a ce ES, 48, 49, 64, 88, 104, 143s 145, 146, 200, 210. ES or SE (in monogram), 25, ae, > ES, 86. » ae Escallop shell, 25, 26, 64 4, - ahs 53> 157+ een ESTON, 118. ; Etoile (star or iui II " 16 166. eee: ET, 27, 51, 525 53s 635 ae 945 9%» 96, 143; 202, oer a es EV, 29, 75576; 79s 80. est EV, 87. 2 F in an Cal a mark designati ] BOG cis een 33: ee is F, a maker’s sae 27, 395 506 Index to British and Irish Marks — FO, 69. F, 26, 48, 49- FA, 29, 56, 66, 67, 69, 70, 75, 78. F&A, 151. Fa, 70, 72, 73: Falcon, a, Io1. FALLER GALWAY, 198. Fal me uth, 161. FAN (in monogram), 92. FB, 24, 37, 58, 107, 138, 167, 187, 194, 203. SB, 127. FB ND{2°7- F BROS, 188. FBrs, 148. FBs, 197. FC, 54, 56, 89, 94, 143, 200. FC (in monogram), 49. _ PC, 87. FC, 49. FD, 32, 78, 105, 189. FD (in monogram), 28, 61. FB, 39 32, 104. Fe, 29, 76. FELCOX, 169. Fetterlock, a, 23, 35. FF, 61, 104. FG, 57, 58, 78, 190, 192. FG (in monogram), 39, 46 F GARTHORNE, 64. FH, 33, 104, 167, 1735 197- FHE (in monogram), 59. FI, 194. Bi,-157. FIS, ig. Fish, Reet ak, 11%, ce above the lotic LC: 58, 89; above the letters TK, 64. FI, 201. FK, 84, 89. F & K, 194. FK, 30, 84, 87, 92. FL, 52, 54, 69, 71. Fleur-de-lis, Boe, 24, 25, 35°97) 305 4ty P52; 166. Flower, a, 23, 26, 35, 47, 55, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 165. (See also Rose, Campanula, Quatrefoil, Cinquefoil.) _ FM, 196. & S203: FN, 58, 83, 85. FN (in monogram), 79, 92. FO, 68, 70, 75, 120. FO (in ‘monogram), 61. o17 Footprint, a, 23, 35- FOSTER H, 210. Fox, a, 25, 40. FP, 53, 82. FP, 84. FR, 65, 70, 80, 120, 125, 203. FR (in monogram), 39. Fr, 126. Fr, 29, 68, 73, 80. Fruit, slipped, 26, 44. FS, 27, 44, 56, 57, 58, 82, 86, 94, 97, 131, 207. FS (in monogram), 44, 45. FS, 128, 131. FSLD, 198. FT, 75, 100, 106, 107. FT (in monogram), 26, 44. F enclosing T (in monogram), 25, 39. FV, 120. FY, 91. FW, 51, 535 $45 $9 99, 193- Ww 106. FW (in monogram), 26, 44, 45. F & W, 142. FWP, 89. G, 44, 55. GA, 32, 33, 42, 65, 66, 68, 70, 94, 105, 195. $27, .160. , 64. ealieas (ship in full sail), 204. G ALLEY, 202. GARDE, 207. GARDNER, 196. Gate, a, 23, 35, 182, 183. Gate, a, below the letters BY, 47. GB, 29, 52, 75, 76, 79, 82, 84, 87, 89, 99; 100, — 127, 174, 183, 184, 200, 204. G & B, 202. GB, 84, 127, 197. GC, 44, 56, tot, £70, 173, 177; 182, 200. GC & Co., 147. GC, 89. GC, duplicated in reverse, 59. GCL ix GD, 49, 51, 52. GE, 83, 185. TEE kh Be te ee AL ee A “ a. uh Gemini, the, 23, 35. GE & S, 174. GF, 33, 63, 94, 105, 122, 123; 167, 19725273; 203, 208. GF; a swan below, 167. GEG, 209. GFP, 32, 105. GFW, 139. GG, 27, 34, 48, 56, 60, 63, 80; 98, 99, 108, 130, 166, 189, 191. GG & Co., 119. GH, 30, 80, 81, 83, 88, 90, 93, 94. 149, 151, 194, 205. GH, 201. Gh (in monogram), 170. GH WC, 96, 97, 98. GI, 29, 32, 65, 67, 68, 71, 74, 76, 81, 83, 105. G enclosing I, 70. GI, 86, 93. 63, 6s. Gi, 69, 74, 133. Gi, 65. GIBSON, 203, 207. GI 177. Giles, Saint, a figure of, 184. GS, 49. IV 164. GJ, 174, 183. GF, 86. GK, 104. GK (in monogram), 5k. 170. G & K, 172. GL, 74,105, 141, 1°96, 297; 139, 166, 174 200. GLN, 178. Globe, a, 3 G Ltd ah 49, ae 62, 64, 81, 89, 108, 123, 128, oy 202, 209, 310. GM, 87, 89, 92. GMH (last two letters conjoined), 173. GM Hp (33: I ides ‘to Behe bu i ae “Mares” Grapes, a bunch of, 24, 26, - os 49, ah GY, 77, 88, 171. G & MLe, 189. GN, 62. RH 199 aa GO, 67, 68, 71, 72, 77, 82, 13% Goose, a, in a dotted circle, 58. _ Goutées (drops), 3 in shield, 43+ De. oa GP, 103. 4 G& PW, 201, 203. : GR, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 76, 80, 84, 87, 97 3 139, 170, 182, 203. GR, a mermaid and star above, 187 GR (conjoined), 165, 166,170. G enclosing R, 72. Gr, 68, 72, 73. Grasshopper, a, above letters IM, 81; be eee letters WC, 40. e a GRAY, 174. Soe GRAYS, 203. nee GR EB 33, 105. GS, 27, 42, 49, 52, 56, ee 62, 76, 78, 81, 95, 100, 101, 103, 168, ze *83, 200). GS, 30, 85, 98. aa G & SCo. Ld, 34. GS FC, go. GS SS, 89. GS THI 100, IOI. GS GT, ve 122, +146, 168, 202. GT TEE GU, 73> 77 oP 144. : ‘aes GV, 535 54, 36 7: . Be GW, 29, 31, 32, 555 56, 80, oa: 102, : ih 135, 136, 138, 143, 151, 182, dn, ‘ee G Seg By 79. ie eae 125, eas, GZ, 177. Co 53 157, 164, 165, 186, 210, a A, 55, 164. ; h, 24, 37: | a 4 H& Co., 146, 175, 187. cae a H& coe Ltd., 34. ee H or FH, 164, 172. z HA, 29, 66, 67, 69,79, 735 74 fo 149, 167, 194. = HA (conjoined), 82. Index to British and Trish Marks Ha, 73. HAMILTON, 174. Hammer, a, grasped by a hand, 24, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41. HAMY RS (separate stamps), 195. Hand, a, 23, 24, 35, 36, 37, 208. Hand, grasping a branch, 25, 38; grasping a cross, 35, 38, 393 grasping a dagger, 182; grasping a hammer, 24, 25, 36, 39, 40, 41; grasping a ragged staff, 24, 36. Harp, a (uncrowned), 1633 between letters LM, 26, 43. Hart, a, running, above letters IB, 56. Hart, a, running, 209. Hawthorn, a spray of, 164. HB, 44, 63, 84, 86, 89, 131, 171. HB (conjoined), 255 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, $2, 535 1545 166, 204. AB, 30, 92, 97; 99- HB, 84. HC, 24, 25, 30, 36, 40, 58, 63, 76, 90, 99, 100, 210. HC (in monogram), 64, 164. HC IE (10! HD, 26, 43, 77, 179- HD, 90. HD (conjoined), 193. HE, 55, 66, 167. H&E, 128. HE & Co., 148. HE (conjoined), 56, 59. HE, 125. He, 78. Head, a, couped below letters NR, 44; erased, 24, 37- Head, a human, 210. Heart, a, 23, 24, 35, 36, 39, 167, 204; crowned, 185; over two clubs, in saltire, 42; pierced by a dagger, 164; above letters GG, 166; below letters RM, 26; below letters RS, 26. Hearts, four concentred, 165, 166; six, 164; eight within ring of pellets, 165. Helmet or bassinet, 40, 44, 45. HERMAN, 118, 119. HE . w (33: HEYLAND, 207. HF, 138, 195, 196. H & F, 145, 195. H FOSTER, 210. HG, 27, 30, 51, 53, 61, 76, 97, 99, 139, 172. HH, 42, 61, 82, 83, 105, 141, 148, 167, 197. H &H, 148, 197, 202. HH & Co: 14 HH (conjoined), 57, 88, 118. bb, 96- 219 HH, 85, 88. HI, 43, 70, 72, 74 H & I, 174, 175. HI or TH (in monogram), 50, 52, 53, 164, 166. Di, 73+ High boot, a, 24, 37. HINCHSLIFFE M, 177. HJ, 201. HK, 56, 139. HK (conjoined), 38. HK (in monogram), 24, 36. HE, 6s; 108; 124, 202,/407. HL (conjoined), 42, 49, 164, 170. HLS, 197. HM, 48, 76, 9°, 145, 179, 192, 202, 203. HM (conjoined), 26, 43, 45, 49, 128. HM, 85, 87. FANS Gy. cia riot, 10%, HN linked, see NH. HN HN HO, 29; 65, 725 °73,75; 76, 60, 201; HO (in monogram), 65, 71. Ho, a 715/79) 745 Te 1200 134: iho, 6 Holly Teal, j incuse, 38. (See also Leaf.) Hooded falcon, 39. HOPE, 172. Horse, a, 23, 35; between letters IY, 24. Horse’s head, couped, 38, 39. Horseshoe, a, 23, 35. HORWOOD, 118. Hound, a, 27, 50. HP, 63, 78, 84, 88, 98, 109, 160, 172. H & P, 109. HP & Co, 1° HP (conjoined), 119, 164. HP (in monogram), 62. AP, 78, 83. HP (in monogram), 62. HR, 40, 53, 60, 188. HR (conjoined), 40, 188, 189. HS, 45, 475 78; 96, 138, 149, 167, 200. HS (in monogram), 40. HSM, 207. HT, 61, 139. H & T, 145, 198. HT & Co., 151. HT (in monogram), 46, 47, 170. Thy oe HU, 29, 74, 78. HV, 29, 63, 68, 69, 83, 99. HV (conjoined), 70. HW, 25, 33> 37) 38, 4!, $2, 10s, 139, 146, 149, 166, 201. JO AE Oey ag! Eon Bum Weta Ra Relay Ureh Me D 220 wt 156, HW & Co., 148. HW Ld., 145. HX, 210. Hy A, 137, 138. I, 157, 164. xe in crescent or C enclosing, 26, 44. I in a dotted circle, 165. fs. DAs Ge 9 IA, 26, 27, 43, 46, 50, 54, 57s 73s 89, 93> 945 95, 157, 167, 172, 185, 202, 205. IA (in monogram), 59. IAC, 93- IA ME {29> 83. IA &S, 135. . IB, 26, 27, 29, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, $6, 575 58, 59, 61, 64, 75, 775 785 83, 84, 87, 89, 93, 95, 101,904, 125,°227, 128, 331, 435, 143, 151, 154, 165, 167, 178, 183, 187, 189, 195, 201, 20%, Jog. er. IBBOT, 92. I & S( 34 IC, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, eA 38, 41, 46, 51, 525 545 555 575 58, 61, 62, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83; 85, 86, 90, 95, 99, 102, 104, 108, 127, 128, 131, 151, 154, 158, 166, 167, 170, 171, 178, 186, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 201, 203. IC (in monogram), 46, 61, 63, 170, 171. I intersecting C, 49. IC, 84, 127. ICF, 103. IC THY 95, 98. IC WR ID, 42, 45, 555 61, 62, 64, 78, 92, 945 96, 975 117, 126, 131, 135, 151, 167, 172, 173, 179, 183, 193, 194, 201, 202, 203, 210. ID (conjoined), 161, 200. ID (in monogram), 117, 142, 200. ID or DI (in monogram), 165. ie IE, 26, 29, 43) 47> 56, 61, 62, 67, 755 7" 79> 81, 82, gO, 91, 92, 99, 120, 123, 136, 164, 166, 172, 194, 202, 207. Index to British and Irish Mahe IF, 24, 25, 27, 325 37s 39» 4% 41; Ets 4 50 $35 1H F II t 31. IE & Co., 147. le, 67, 68, 71, 133. 55, 56, 61, 63, 76, 77, 795 80, 82, 83, 88, 9 100, 104, ‘105, 120, 121, 127, 128, Eis 3 192, 195, 200, 210. Tone IF IB¢ 10°: IFW, 138. IF WEST in separate stamps, 195. es IG, 26, 27, 29, 43, 48, 49, 50, oo 52, 53> 60, | 63, 775 78, 81, 84, 85, 135, 165, 166, 167, 2, 178, 182, 194, 199, “< 203, 206, 208, : IG & Co., 147. : IG (in monogram), 26, 40 Ole I piercing G, 39, 79, 152. I & GH, 184. IG WV, 95. | ) IH, 25, 27, 31, 395 49 Ret 495 555 56, 58 59, 63, 64, 75, 78, 80, 84, 87, 92, 93, 94) | IOI, 102, 126, 128, 135, 149, 161, 165, 1° 184, 186, 192, 193, ahs ae ies: 206, 207, 210. IH & Cs 151. TH Co (15! IH (in monogram), 27, 50, 3 53 sa TH CS, 91, 93. IH CS (in monogram), at | IH oy 1 an 128. IH IP, 110. IH . . IP pie sy Iol. 7, 81, 82, 84, 935 153, i, 94 202, I IRISH, 205. a IL 6 S a I&IW & CO. t 48 IJK, 33. ; IK, 27, 32; 445 53> 55> $6, 64, 77s ° 98, 99, 100, 105, 127, 128, 167, 1 186, 192, 193, 194, 202, IK & Co., Iu hee Index to British and Irish Marks IKIW & Co., 147. IK Tt gi. IK WEST (in separate stamps), 195. IL, 27, 29, 30, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58, 60, 63, 74, 75, 7, 81, 84, 97, 98, 103, 106, 119, 127, 128, 147, 170, 171, 178, 182, 193, 194, 195, 201. IL & Co., 147. ILB, 195. IL Lt 3% 103, 105. IL ) la, 104. CL IL It 97, 128. IL IS, 94, 95. IL WV, 30, 94. IM, 25, 27, 42, 455 47, 48, 50, 58, 75, 73, 80, 81, Bree He, GO, 100, 101, 107, 125, 123, 131, 151, 171, 172, 189, 193, 195, 201, 202, 203, CK 80. IMD (last two letters conjoined), 173. IMF (last two letters conjoined), 99. IM FB (45: Implements crossed, 24, 36. IMS, 34. WH ( 97: TN, 93, 63, 76, 82,118, 160, 195, 196, 202, 206. IN or NI (in monogram), 25, 42. INCE, 189. INe, 87. I NORTH, 118. IN NN f?°7- 10, 57, 71, 745 77, 108. IO (in monogram), 78. Io, 72, 78. IONS, 118. iP; 25, 26, 29, 38, 49, 46, 555 57> 595 82, 85, 89, 92, 98, IOI, 107, 108, 11g, 120, 123, 126, 158, 161, 165, 166, 177, 186, 192, 194, 200, 201, 202, 209. faa a EPS Co, 147; IP, 85. IP EW 39, 94+ IP Gpt3t 103. IQ, 90, 157. IR, 26, 29, 45, 51, 555 575 61, 63, 65, 775 78; 79 84, 89, 95, IOI, 120, 125, 126, 128, 131, 139, 151, 167, 172, 195, 204. IR, a crescent below, §7. I & R, 137. IR & Co., 147. IR Co., 151. IR (in monogram), 119. IR & bas RR IS, 29, 30, 325 445 46 535 54, 56, 575 58, 59; 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 76, 79, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, go, 96, 975 99, 100, 102, 103, 108, 120, 125, 128, Fat, Fad, 147, 451, 160, 260) 165,390,171, 172, 178, 185, 186, 191, 194, 196, 200, 203, 206, 207, 208. IS or SI (in monogram), 25, 38, 42, 45, 56, 64, 87, 171: I intersecting S, 59, 60, 64, 164. IS G 145. ISH, 32, 105. IS HW 148. IS I SOLOMON, 207. ISTI, 210. IS TS 151. IS a 66 IT, 455 48, $0, $1, 58, 82, 84, 86, 89, 99, 104, 107, 108, 131, 141, 142, 151, 165, 167, 168, 172, 179, 184, 191, 193, 201, 203, 207. I & TL, 138. I & TS, 147. ITY & Co., 147: IV, 26, 46, 47, 51, 69, 72, 113, 165. 222 IW, 27, 28, 50, 51, 535 545 595 63, 76, se) 81,83, 85, 89, 103, 120, 127, 128, 130, 135, 136, 137, 147, 152, 164, 167, 172, 183, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207. ws + IW & Co., 147. IW (in monogram), 44, 161, 170. IWR, 182. IW RG {3% 10, 101. IWS, 102. J & Co., 143. F (in a wreath), 47. JA, 33, 97, 103, 105, 135, 174, 182, 185, 187, 202. FA, 86, 95, 101, 136. Ja, 67,7 Aj TA 103. JA JA 32, 105. JAMESON, 198. J4 oe, JA &S, 146. JB, 31, 95, 102, 112, 131, 138, 148, 172, 179s 189, 194, 201. & Co. Til. TB, 78, 85, 88, 90, 93, 121, 127. FB or B (in monogram), 51. JC, 102, 131, 135, 137, 174, 202, 203. JC & Co., 175. Index to “British oy I A Mae FE, 85, ie 94, 120, 121, 202, JEW & JB, 33. JG &C, 174. FC, 88. FC & Co., 175. IC, 99, 121, 127. JCE, 32, 104, 105. J CRICHTON, 174. JC Nt St ' ee JD, 131, 173, 175, 179,193,197. so ae FD, 88, 195, 199, 201. et ieee : FD (conjoined), go. FD (in monogram), 170. ID, 97: JD RM, 30, 97. JD &S, 149. JD WD 139, 149. JE, 32, 101, 102, 105, 182. JE & Co., 147. JEB, 198. JE EF 103. Ew t ea GW (33: | <2 eats JEP, 197. ey JEV, 174. J EWAN, 163. JF, 131, 139, 197- F, 91. IF, 84, 127. oe JG, 125, 144, 190, 195, 196, 202. 7G, 29, 795 80, 93- eat ee) JG (in monogram), 57 J. G& Co., 147. IG, 29, 86, 87. . ae JH, 122, 123, 128, 197, 174, os + JH & ou 146, 174. : JH & Son Geo St. '7* ey FH, 87, 89, 92, 96, 99, se 121 1725 ' FH (conjoined), 172. Beate ae AH 139 JHS, 151. JHW, 145. J & IJ, 131. me JJ, 174, 186, 202. tes eet FF, 30, 81, 83, 85, 89, t 93 cf J, 196. j IT 20, 195. JK, > 139, 195, 196, 202. FK, 86, 87, 127, 206, 207. Index to British and Irish Marks JKB, 149. KING, 88. JK JL, 100, 105, 122, 138, 146, 147, 178. TL, 85, 93» 945 1275 151, 161, 182, 194, 201, 203. aE eS 127, JM, 133, 136, 137, 138, 1515 173, 174 1795 180, 195, 196, 198. JM & Co., 144. JM (conjoined), 170. FM, 85, 86, 87, 92, 193- $M (conjoined), 120, 159, 193: 4M (in monogram), 56. TH, 85, 167. JMB, 145. JMc, 173, 1745 179: JN, 148, 174. J &N, 187. JN & Co., 174. FN, 86, 94, 202, 206. JN wnt I$l. FO, 123, 184. JO, 65, 86, 125, 184, 202. Fo, 65, 70. Jo CRICHTON, 174. JOHNSON E., 197. JP, 122, 137, 184, 194, 195. dder 29, 85, 89. ¥P (in monogram), 186. ¥P (in monogram) or P, 171. IP, 35, 84, 85, I7I. FQ, 87- JR, 131, 149, 172, 1755 180, 195, 197, 198, 203. FR, 29, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 945 100, 128, 193. JR, 127. JRH, 33. JRN, 197. JS, 33, 95) 102, 123, 124, 131, 137, 1745 178, 182, 184, 185, 189, 194, 195, 196, 207. JS (conjoined), 170. JS (in monogram), 60. FS, 30, 62, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92, 103, 121, 128, 206. FS (conjoined), 83. ID, 29. Js AS (32s 105 223 JSB, 202. FSN, 206. 1s ss 145: JT, 137, 144, 203. TT, 29, 80, 87, 192. JT & S, 139. JU, 174. JUG, a, 23, 35. Ue hide JW, 104, 124, 131, 137, 139, 142, 143, 151, 179, 190, 194, 197- 8 Co. ( 175: JW (in monogram), 54. FW, 29, 85, 86, 88, 91, 98, 100, 105, 192, 193, 194, 201, 204, 206. FW (in monogram), 192, 193. JM, 86, 172. J WALKER, 182. JWD, 33. TW FF, 89. J & WM, 173, 174, 180. K & D, 172. KE, 29, 67, 69, 71, 73- Ke, 70, 71, 74 KER, 172. KEY, a, 23, 35, 54, 168, 189, 190. KEY, above the letters CO, 65, 68; above the letters LO, 69, 72; between the letters CR, 26, 45; between the letters WC, 45. KE; 27, $2. K & F, 203. K &G, 197. KI, 68, 77. Ki, 126. KID, 177. Kil, 72. KING 7, 88. King Chas. II’s head,crowned, 167. KM, 154, 171, 207. KS, 53, 56; 57- K & W, 151. L, 23, 35- L (reversed), 39- L & Co, 142, 143. L & SONS, 131, 175. . LA, 29, 65, 725 73s 749 75s 76s 77s 815 109, 126, 202, dt Sa ea ag 224 Index to British and Irish Marks LA (in monogram), 66, 67. LP, 82, 131, 164. LA (linked), 66, 69. LP La, 167. & Co § 15! LAC, 34, 198. LP, 29, 87. Lamb above the letters IL, 81; above the LR, 40, 205. fetters LA, 72, 73. L&R, 128, 172. Lamb and Flag, a, 186. LS, 58, 200. Lamb’s head, a, 23, 35. L&S, 131. Lamp, a, 25, 37. LS (in monogram), 160. LAW, 151, 195, 198. LU eth. LAWSON Lu, 66, 71. ; DUBLIN ( 19°: LUCE or pike’s head, 210. LB, 44, 63, 93, 151. : LV, 72, 96. soe B, 194. SGV WY, 145. LC, 54, 56, 58, 59, 945 175. C, 142. ; M, 25, 27, 395 40 41, pice! 50, $2, 54s 16, on L & Co, 143, 145. 166, 170, 183, 187, 208. ae Le, 60. ; AO OF “W inverted, 24, 37. Lob 2 M& Co, 198. Gc} MA, 65, 6, 67, 68, 69, 70, 7, ™ ™ 7 , 128, 197- SC to. 3 Ma, 73, 745 133: _ LD, 84, 96. a, 109 LD, 84, 96. : Hila ar dee Ba mee DF | 168. MAC oy ee LE, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75+ _ MAS ad : ak Le, 67, 68, 72. MA EP, 76. Leaf, a (see trefoil), 23, 35.. MAHONY, 207. Leaves, spray of, 24, 37. MAIDENHEAD, a,.23, 35. LEE, 203. MAID’S HEAD, 24,36. Lee, 92. Marigold, a, and letter E, 24, ce ve Let, 193. MARTIN W, 205. . es ayy. LFN, 179. Mask affrontée, a, 166. See also Bouget. LSS, 187, tabi . MATHEY, 158. ‘ oe : IG, 89. MB, 75, 89, 100, IOI, 141, 142, 143) LH, 83, 203. 194, 200, 202, 208. . LH, a cross between, 168. _M &B, 207. LH, 30, 85, 94. MB (conjoined), 43> big ae e 1, 89. . _ MBF (in separate stamps), 141. fe LH, FB, 92. MC, 75, 79, 96, 104, UGS ia 173s 1745 LI, 26, 30, 48, 64, 69, 74, 895 99. 200, 209, 210. abe ak ‘aes LY, 74- M & C, 174, 175, 179. Links, two, 23, 24, 35. : MC (conjoined), 183. LILLY THO, 205. | M & C, 172. LK, 98, 203. ; | Mc, 173. LL, 68, 79, 167. | McCL, 202. LL, 85. | McC & D, 198. LM, 26, 43, 82, 119, 190, 202 McD, 205, 206. L &M, 151. _ M’DB, 197. LM (in monogram), 45. . ws McDB, 197. LN, 195. eer 185. LO, 68, 69, 72, 82, 172. M | LO, 85. | GA { 32, 105. LO (in monogram), 69. MD, 205. ie De. 3h 72, 1208 ee MD (conjoined), 205, 206. ee LOW, 172. ) “MD, 85. / ¥ Index to British and Irish Marks pac AAD, 88. ME, 63, 71, 104. ME (conjoined), 61, 64. Me, 71. Mermaid and star of 6 points above the letters GR, 187. MF, 94, 179, 201, 208. MF & Co., 147, 151. MF (conjoined), 179. MP, 88, 91, 93- MEG, 209. MFG (the first two letters conjoined), 209. MF RC 147. MG, 51, 55, 63, 78, 108, 168. M &G, 195. M & GS, 174. MH, 28, 59, 61, 62, 137, 193, 194. MH & Co 148. M & H, 175. MH (conjoined), 26, 45, 116, 201. MI, 69, 72, 745 75, 80, 167. MILNE A BDN § 75° MK, 58, 59, 189, 194, 196, 210. MK (conjoined), 171, 187. ML, 81, 142, 208. ML (conjoined), 78, 146, 187. MM, 64, 96. MM, 125. M MILLER, 128. MN, 195. MO, 71, 73s 745 78. MO (in monogram), 6%, 66. Mo, 120. MON, 202. MONTYIOY T, 207. MOORE J, 203. MORES, 118. MOSLEY, 197. MP, 82, 93, 100. MP (conjoined), 57, 59- MR, 76, 201. M & R, 128, 173, 179. MR (conjoined), 166, 187. MR, 91. MS, 61, 103, 194, 201, 203, 204. M & S, 173, 174, 179. MS, 121. MS ES t 03. MT, 196. M &T, 151. MT (conjoined), 200. M U, 165. Mu, 120. Mullet, a, 37, 38; and annulet, 25, 41, 42; and pellet, 25, 41; between a pair of compasses, 40; enclosed in a crescent, 24, 25, 42, 46, 47; over a scallop, 26, 47. Mullets, 3 over a crescent, 25, 38. MV (conjoined), 161. MV (in monogram), 106. MW, 56, 60, 89, 172, 194, 210. M & W, 149. MW (in monogram), 23, 35, 435 149. MW (linked), 209. MW (in monogram), 193. HUG & Co, 151. MW & S, 203. MW & SS, 195. MY, 171. MY & SONS, 131. MZ, 177. N, 45, 198. IN, $6; 79. NA, 74. NB, 53, 61. NB (conjoined), 166. NB (in monogram), 24, 37. NB (conjoined), 132. NBS, 139. DRS om 77, 130. ND, 96. NE, 78. Ne, 66, 69, 71, 73: Newt, on a barrel, 25, 41. Negro’s head, a, 36. NEILL, 196. NEILL SD, 197. NG, 29, 60, 61, 62, 77, 167, 182. NG (plain and reversed), 164. NH, 97, 184. N & H, 145. NH (conjoined), 153, 164. NA, 93+ NI, 65, 66, 77. NI or IN (in monogram), 29, 42. NICOLSON, 202, 206. NL, 63, 137. NM, 32, 104, 143, 144, 201. NO (in monogram), 25, 40. NR, 44, 45. N &R, 143. NR (conjoined), 40, 42. NS, 151. NS & CO., 147. NS (in monogram), 38. NS, 87. NT (conjoined), 164, 170. NV, 193. 226 Index to British and Irish Marks a NW, 27, 50, 575 59, 89. B, 195. O, 187. Ob, 66. O BRIEN, 207. OC, Oc t sor. & D, 197. OF or FO (in monogram), 61. OG, 54. OI, 96. OI or IO, 57. OJ » 95. Olive branch, bird holding, 43. OM, 50. O enclosing R, 63. Orange, an, 157. Orb and Cross, 23, 24, 35, 36, 39) 41, 44) 525 113, 114, 115, 168. Orb and Cross between letters IC, 36. Orb and Star, 48, 49. OS, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61. OSBORN, 119. OSWALD, 129. O Enclosing V, 78. @b, 66. Owl holding a mouse, 48, 49. OY, 67, 131. P, 60, 63, 79, 177: P & Co. (A Calcutta mark), 163. Py 13%, 200. PA, 65, 69, 70, 725 735 79s 179: » 86, 87. Pa, 68, 74. Pa, 72. PA JR, 180. PA PM, 29, go. PARMY, 164. PARR, in conjunction with a peacock, 164. PB, 26 i 48, $2, 7) 83, 84, 131, 170. PB,8 89. PS ta ‘monogram), 58. PB AB 100. PB AB bron WB PB oo, | PB PC, 38, 78, 79, 86, 100, 154, 177, 209. PC, 84, 88, 91. PC & S, 173. PD, 53, 55, 95, 164, 166, 167, 196, 201. PE, 28, 66, 69, 71, 73, 2, 79 PE. Ye pan 132. Pe, 68, 76, 77 Peacock, a, 164. Pegasus, a, 47, I15. Pelican, a, 40, 115. Pellets, in a circle, 157. PF, 96, 168, 202. PG, 48, 77> 89, 95 99, 171, 179 1, 187, PG (in icomosrasnh: at: fi PH, 58, 64, 74, 78, 184. PH (in meen 26, 47. PL, 09 7 77 131, 159, 208. Pig and bell, a, 160. EY aes Pig below the letters WC, 25, ge ah Pike’s head or luce’s heat, PY fo Manage Pillar, a, between the letters big 495 the letters IS, 61. — PL, & 68, 72, 81, 89, 120, 13h 138 PL ‘in monogram), 58. Plant, a, 23, 35. Plant, a growing, Ps his Plume of three feathers, 1 32, 195. 2 PM, 59, 60, 107, 108, 173, 19543 202. PM (conjoined), 171. : PM (in moncene. s+ = ees eae 95- PN’ (conjoined), 170. PN " noe bees PR, 60, 67, 70, 75, 16, ™9 om Bc 172, 182, 200. : PR ieee - PS i monogram, les BRITANNIA FP; 53 545 755 81, 845 oe 109, 307 ee: 103. Index to British and Irish Marks PT, 79» 91, 161, 17], 199. PV, 93. PW, 33; 42, 89, 195, 203, 206, 207. PW Quatrefoil, or four-petaled rose, 120, 162; formed of four hearts, 165; formed of four hearts each charged with 3 pellets, a pellet in the centre, 166; charged with 5 pellets, 118. Queen’s head, a, 24, 37. QUICK with a bird, 164. R, 155, 164, 166, 208, 210. R, 163. RA, 27, 39, 49, 52, 56, 60, 69, 70, 71, 82, 86, 87, 138, 161, 187, 202, 205. R & A, 173. R A, 86. Ra, 67, 126. Ra, 28, 68, 70, 71. RADCLIFF, 119. RA GH, 82. RAM SEY {123 Rat or a mouse, sejant, 184. RA Ws 104: RB, 26, 32, 38, 42, 45, 47, 49, 60, 76, 81, 82, 83, 91, 106, 125, 135, 137, 171, 173, 190, 195, 202. R & B, 149. RB (in monogram), 41, 166. RB, 29, 84, 85, 86, 334. RB (in monogram), 178. RB, 29, 78. RB CF (in separate stamps), 141. RB & R, 102. RC, 26, 29, 31, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 58, 79, 86, 89, 98, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 153, 165, 172, 193, 194, 195, 201, 203. RC (in monogram), 62. RD, 26, 27, 45, 46, 52, 54, 55, 63, 131, 179, 186, 197, 203, 207. 227 R & D, 121. RD (in monogram), 24, 37, 38, 39, 170. RD IB (52: RE, 40, 62, 69, 78, 120, 203. RE or ER (in monogram), 39. Re, 70, 71. REA, 143. RE EB ¢ 103: REILLY, 206. RE SL, 68. RE ves RF, 42, 51, 52, 53, 80, 122, 200. RF (conjoined), 63, 157. RG, 32, 46, 49, 55, 62, 63, 64, 75, 79, 80, 90, 100, IOI, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 127, 136, 151, 169, 170, 173, 179, 185, 186, 195, 204, 205, 207. RG, 85, 90, 104, 172. RG, 103. RGH, 32, 106. RG & S, 173, 179, 180. RG TC, 29, 83, 89. RG TC, 8s. RH, 29, 32, 33, 48, 495 55, 58, 61, 80, 9°, 98, 100, 104, 105, 107, 109, 161, 166, 167, 185, 193, 199, 203. RH (conjoined), 39, 119, 164. RH (in monogram), 25, 40, 118. RH, 84, 193. R HUTCHINSON, 159. RH SH (31 102. RI, 26, 47, 59, 61, 68, 70, 73, 80, 91, 96, 99, 135, 136, 171, 187, 206, 208. RI Is bo7 Ring and crescent, a, 167. R 1595 RJ, 151. RK, 38, 46, 50, 55, 58, 60, 88, 108, 151, 171, 186, 198. RL, 52, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 78, 79, 137, 178, 202. : RL, 85. RLC, 174 ‘Ae ee Pee e 4 a oR & Co. 842 ip id d ig PF, : oe Bi: re . ae - a gous ee i ee: 228 I ioe to British ee Tash as oa RL™ , 198.7 : R & TW, 145. RM, 26, 29, 38, 45, 47) 495 515 535 63, 81, 82, 100, 127, 147, 164, 166, 205. EY RM (conjoined), 42. RM (in monogram), 27, 56. RM, 127- 3 RMG, 174. ee RMcG, 186. : RM EH (33> 148, 149. RM JD, 30, 97- RN, 26, 46, 51, 9, 55; 174, 185, 187, hss eae RO, 48, 67, 70, 715 72s'73s 75s 76 118, 119, 131, 1395 157, 166. Ro, 29, 65, 66, 735 77> 133 © Ro, 7O- ROE W, 206. RPS, 200. Rose, a, 25, 37, 41; double-seeded, 575 164; ' four-petaled seeded, 41; slipped or sprig, ay 165. Rose and crown, a, 24, 36. Rowe Plmo Britan, 159. Rowe New St Ply°, 159. RP, 27, 41, 43, 445 46, 50, 54, 55, 59, Pe 82, 93, 94, 96, 104, 128, 134, 161, 166, 167, 200, 205. RP (conjoined), 166. RP RR, ac 51, 92, 9551 102, 131, 134, 135, 154, 166, . RR isnt cinedt) 134. RR, 96. R & RK, 174, 186. RS, 25, 26, 27, 41, 44, 455° 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, $4, 555 57» 58, 60, 77, 81, 87, 100, 121, 122, 126, 128, 138, 147, 151, 157, 165, 166, 167, 168, 180, 184, 192, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204, 206. R & S, 151, 182, 190. RS, 32, 104, 105, 201. RS DS, 30, 96. RT, 30, 63, 86, 93, 194, 202. R TIMBRELL, 62. —S with crescent (or letter oe Se, 36. RW, 26, 41, 42, 44s 46 > 48) ne - 2, 0. 77> 79, 83> 107, 108, 131, 132, 162, 164, | 188, 194, 200, 201,210, SF, R& W, 174, 198. R WwW 46, 49, 51, 165. RWS, 203. RYAN & Co, 196. RZ, 29, 84. RZ, 85. Sy hts 505 SI he 168, ion 200. S (fringed), 24, 35, 36, a7 S (on a cross), 25, 41. S (on an anchor), 177. SA. Gi ‘ monogram), 5, sy Sq, 120. Sa, 125, 133, 193, 200 1 SALMON, 169. > ae SA WI, 92. ae 195, 203, 205. SBH, 34. TB (102: SC, 27, 29, $5, a 78, 88, e! 128, 173 200, 206.5 = Sc, 66. or Sceptre, a 23, 24, Sr SC 1c $95" ae Scorpion, a, 24, 36. SCOTT. 5, a. oe Sty: = ee & Co. ba, 148,22 SD, 61, 62, 93, 100, 18% SE, 23,60, 92.400" i SE (in monogram), 4g 4 Se, 73- SERPENT, a, a 36. SEYMOUR, 207. Shiai, wo. SG Ay SH, 29, 31, $75 59> 65, 66, 793 71) 73> 749 75> ° 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 94, 95, IOI, 102, 103, 148, 167. SH (in monogram), 63. SH (linked), 58. SH, 84, 85, 88. SB, 29, 85. Sh, 126. Sheaf of arrows, a, 37. SHEFHAN, 206. SHEED, a, 23, 36. SH HB, 89, 92, 94. Ship, a, 44, 115, 205. SHIP between two towers or castles, 204. Ship in full sail, 184, 204. Ship and castle, 169. SH SH Hr 20, 62, 67, 78, 83, 128. SI or IS. fin monogram), 25, 38, 425 45, 56, 64, 171s Pra2tO. SINGLETON, 203. Bip ios, P41. SF, 88, 209. f SJ, 85. i, 375 151, 165. SK & Co., 151. SK, 87. _ Skull and cross bones above the letter ¥, 200. vie 00, 70, 72, 74, 70, 80, 81, 120, 125. SL (in monogram), 63, 64. SL, go, 92. hy 125) be SL’B, 106. SiG, $2. Se 203. ; te) SM, 39, 65, 70, 73> 745 81, 88, 995 167, see get does Te Pry som, 68 TON, 68; 395. peescn.N, 148. Soe SNALL. a, 40. SO, 43, 44, 45, 68, 77, 151. Pee eSWOILY , 123. fe SOLOMON I, 207. Seri 41, 74, 70, 80, 81, 82, 101, 141, 142, 146, 204, 209. ft -gp (in monogram), 167. SP, 146. i , Spray of leaves, 24, 37. Spur, a, 38. ES $Q, 76, 139. Bsireel, &, 20, 43- Index to British and Irish Marks 229 SR, 38, §2, 55, 57, 86, 151, 167, 202, 206, R, 139. SR & Co, 147. SR (conjoined), 156. SR GOeiCo (4L SR SS, 27, 33. 54, 56, 90, 91, 166, 167. S405 tao. S SR bros IED m1 5.03, 06; 73, 745 179) 201, 203. ST or TS (in monogram), 43, 58, 62, 115. 1 128. St, 89, 92. St, 68, 71, 72, 73: St, 72. Staff, a pastoral, 23, 35. Stag above the letters RO, 7 Stag’s head, a, 24, 37. Star, a, 164, 165, 182, 190; over an orb, 48, 493 a radiant, 25, 38. Stars enclosed by a crescent, 38. Staves or clubs, in saltire, 45; in a heart above, 42; between the letters BT, 44. . SE H& rt Ped: de wid & N& uf iar Storks, three, 62. Sun in splendour, 25, 38, 40, 41, 42, 48, 113. Sun, a rising, 23, 35. Sunflower, a, 167. SV, 27, 495 50, 51, 525 545 55, 06. S over V with TG stamped separately, 166. SW, 30, 74, 75, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 91, 92, 99, 162, 120,139,151, 299, 194. wt 26, 47, 62, 64. eae VV 20K: SW (in monogram), 23, 35. SW, 29, 86, 87, 95, 210. SU, 92, 96. Swan, a, 46, 167; below the letters GF, 167. Swan’s head erased, 24, 37. Sword, a, 24, 36; and ribbon, 132; in pale, be- tween the letters CS, 27, 51. SWS, 335 145- 230 SW WALSH, 205. SY, E25. Sp, 66, 67, 68, 120, 121. T, 41, 42, 43) 445 160, 165, 166, 170, 171, 187. T & Co., 187. T incuse, with three pellets, 36. oa TA, 39, 445 455 525 53s 54 57» 58, 59; 60, 61, 62, 63, 72s 74s 75s 79s 102, 1355 202, 203, 206. TA, 95: TA (in monogram), §9. ia, 133 TAC (in monogram), 52 TAIT, 172. TALBOT, 131. Tau, 38, 43- TB, 40, 47, 60, 64, 79, 89, 91, 103, 121, 123, 162, 187, 192, 197, 201, 203, 209. TB & Co, 147, 167. TB (in monogram), 26, 39, 45, 46, 120. TB, 85, 127. TB (conjoined), 192, 193, 200. TB (in monogram), 26, 48, 51, 52, 57, 200, 210. Tb (in monogram), 49. ?, T B BROWN, 210. TBE (in monogram), 54. TB OL, 94. TB & S{ 15% TC, 26, 44, 45, 57, 58, 79, 80, 88, 90, 92, 95; 99, 105, 121, 125, 138, 139, 166, 178, 202, 206. TC or CT (in ‘monogram), 51, 54, 60, 170, ve TC (in monogram), 82. Te, 113. T COLGAN, 189. TCS, 104. TC WC, 94. c T WC (94 TD, 27, 52, 56, 92, 96, og 101, 104, 156, 173, 184, 201, 206. TD (Gin monogram); 48. TD, 93 94- % TD (in monogram), 60. ~ TEo (in monogram), 39- TE, 29, 30, 46, 48, 58, 59 14 104, 122, 203. we TE (in monogram), si af S71 TE, 85, 122, TEB (in monogram), 59. TE Gs : 93- TEH (TE con oined), 54. TF, 25; 26, 29, 42, 43, 455 67 % 7 95s 86, Mm 166, 206. TG, 86, pt IC 102, 107, 116, 117, gs, 13h 135) 154, 165, 190, 202, — T & H, 179. TH (in ohana 395 ® se. TH, 91,939 95: «aoe TH (conjoined), 63. ae Th (in monogram), 450 eke Ay Git 32, 104. TH Ic 4» Io!. Ti Be, 72- TIMBRELL R, 62. TI T& 1S, Is. . ro TJ, 102,175,194. TY, 67, 87,151. TJB, 207. a. ply ajo oe Breet TJ & NC, 151. ee TK, 27, 535 555 635 1715 198 r & K, 146. ; TK (conjoined), 170. TK, 201. Index to British and Irish Marks TK JF t 203. TL, 40, 53, 54, 56, 58, 62, 80, 86, 96, 147, 185. rL (in monogram), 24, 37. if ROTTS T LAW, 147. DL ( 147: TM, 27, 555 59s 753 77» 79s 81; 83, 85, 99, 102, 108, 134, 135, 168, 178, 195, 196, 200, 202, 204. 4% Mt 52 52, 165. TM (conjoined), 158, 166, 171, 182. TM (in monogram), 27, 54, 58, 60. TM, 89. TM, 85, 89, 127. T MONTYJOY, 207. TN, 42, 100, 137, 146, 202. TN (in monogram), 25, 42. TN, 30. GBt 1 TO, 99, 203. To, 65. To, 120. TOLEKEN, 207. TOLLAND, 207. Towers, or castle mark, 27, 57. TP, 26, 44, 495 53» 545 61, 82, 95, 99, 127, 135, 143, 151, 193, 202, 208. eel; 123: TP (conjoined), 165. af, 08, 97. & §{ 139: T Pye (the first two letters conjoined), 85. TR, 27, 325 53, 57» 715 76, 84, 90, 101, 102, 103, 120, 127, 131, 139, 148, 195, 203. TR (conjoined), 157, 160. TR (in monogram) over the letter W, 44. TR, 85, 102, 200. Tf, 66,125, TRB (in monogram), 61. Tree, a, 26, 46, 47, 168. 231 Trefoil, a, 25, 26, 40, 45, 46, 165, 209. Trefoils, three, 40, 41, 43. See a/so Leaf. Trellis; a, 23,35: Triangle intersected, 43. TR & S, 143. TS, 25, 29, 42, 435 54s 59 62, 89, 96, 97, 99, 00, 102, 106, 114, 121, 131, 143, 165, 184, 185, 187, 193, 200, 202. TS (in monogram), 43, 58, 62, 115, 156, 162. T intersecting S, 153, 167. TS, 120. TSOI, 62. TS HE (in monogram), 146. TSW, 203. od 27, 20.80.25 62,580.90, 95) 96, 201,203. Tah tao. TT & Co. (in separate stamps), 146. TT, 84. Tu, 76, 109. Tu, 70. TUN, or barrel, a, 23, 35. LV, 47, O85 73s 100, TW, 24, 36, 71, 78, 83, 94, 97, 99, 100, 106, P20, 2920511905197, 898, 141, 1425/9 $3,168, 193, 200, 202, 209. w{ 107: T & W, 90, 195, 196, 207. TW & Co., 147. TW (conjoined), 107. TW (in monogram), 43, 44- TW, 84, 87, 91, 102, 129. TW (conjoined), 60. TW CW, 93. TWD, 145. TW JH tr02. TWM, 207. TW WW, 87. TWY +, 195. TX, 37k TYZ (in monogram), 26, 45. TZ, 59, 64. U & B, 143. Unicorn’s head, 45. VB (conjoined), 191. VC, 166. VC (in monogram), 170. Viswa. VN, 67. VR, 143. V & Rory. VS, 40, 48. VS (in monogram), 182, 185. ~ 232 a Index to British W, 23, 24, 25, 355 37s 38, 425 445 126, 146, 156, 160, 164, 165, 166, 193, 210. WwW enclosed by acrescent, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45- W inverted, or M, 24, 37. W over a crescent, 24, 37- W & Co., 19 WA, 395 67, 68, 69, 72, 795 89, 94, 99, 100, 103, 139, 171, 172, 173, 193, 196, 199. W A& Co,, 148. WA & Co. 148. WA (conjoined), 68. WA (in monogram), §7. WA, 192. Wa, 66, 67, 70, 73, 95: WALDRON SKIBBEREEN Wallet hook, a, 25, 39; palewise, on a cross bendwise, 25, 38. | 198. WA &S, 180. WAP (linked), 166. WATERHOUSE, 196. WB, 32, 60, 61, 62, 81, 87, 88, 90, 92, 95, 98, IOI, 103, 104, 105, 108, 11g, 131, 147, 180, 183, 185, 194, 201, 202, 204, 205. W B& Co., 148. WB & Co.f 157 WB (conjoined), 108, 205. WB, 32, 90, 91, 101, 103, 127, 192, 194, 201. WB (conjoined), 200. WB ee t 32, 104. hen Phe B (hee 120. \ WB JP, 91. RS (102: WB wc, : = 27, 325 335 sy: 38, 40, 45, es 475 48, . 49, 50, 51, 52, 535 575 61, 87, 90, 91, 925 93, 94, 96, 103, 104, 138, 167, 173, 1745 77 178, 184, 185, 191, 194, 195, 197, 203. WC in shield below three pellets, 51. . WC above a pig, 25, 38. WC (conjoined), 41. WC, 166, 193, 204. WC (conjoined), 167. eo I rish M. Z We (conjoined), 165. ‘ WCR&S, 175. _ WE, 25, 63, 65, 79 8, 96, 9 9% oc WF (conjoined), 94, 10,13 WG (conjoined), 55. WC PC t 73. WC rae : 147, 172, "192, 195, 202. 2 WD (conjoined), 116, 152, 210. WD, 127; 172; 193- WE Abonioiecs: 120. We & SNS WE, 104. We, 72, 73- WE WE ba 102. wc WE, 29, 30, 32, 46, 595 75s 80, 100, 102, 143, 1745 Piss 201, WF (conjoined), 57,60. re 94+ ae 149. WF ti DP 100. WEG, 202, au WE WG, 27,81, $45 55) Sp 166, 167, 171, 172, WG, 29, 86, 88, 91, 9S | WG, 29, 85, § 88. . WG EF, 97. WG PC, 87. ne 101, 104, 106, 135s 210. W & H, 149, 150, bi e WH (conjoined), 55) 114. WH, 87, 9°, 194, 203- Wh, 68, 78. Mh, 92, 126. ‘Wheel, a, 167. WHELPLEY, 207. WHELPLY, 207. WH & SS Ld., 34. WHT, 184, 203. WH WC, 97. WI, 26, 43, 58, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73» 74s 75 79, 80, 81, 90, 109, 120, 166,,171. Wi, 125. 2 WLID, 93. Windmill, a, 25, 41. Wine skin, a, 43- W & IP, 196. WI SA, 92. WI TAIN, 188. WJ, 34, 136, 151, 183, 202. WTF, 101, 194. wy, 85. WJG, 198. W & JM, 175. WJM’D, 174. W & JW, 131. ae WK, 83, 88, 93, 102, 175, 185. W & K, 142. WK & Cost a WK (conjoined), 60, 64. WK, 202. WK, 29, 84. WER, 32, 105. WL, 60, 755 76, 82, 92, 100, 129, 179, 184, 188, 192, 194, 196, 203. W&L, 197. | _ WL (conjoined), 45, 170, 171. PL 129, 210. WLB, 96. WL CL bray WL WM, 27, 33> 495 50> 51s 52s 53, 54s 60, 61, 62, 76, 82, 92, 105, 108, 174, 186, 188, 192, 195, 905, 200. ; 26, 48. & Co. 166. WM (conjoined), 182. WM (in monogram), 88. W MARTIN, 205. MD | 151 WM MD Index to British and Irish Marks 233 WN, 53, 57, 61, 139, 148, 174, 178, 195, 203, 204. WN, 204, 205. WO, 76, 77, 120. ” WP, 29, 31, 62, 74, 81, 87, 925 95, 995 97.99% IOI, 121, 122, 123, 136, 142, 143, 179, 195» 196, 202. W fb 197: WP (conjoined), 127, 167. WwQ, 197+ WR, 26, 44, 455 46, 48, 60, 81, 99, 106, 126, 131, 139, 166, 173, 186, 195, 205. WR (conjoined), 56, 106, 126, 134, 161, 166. W & R, 197. WR, 91, 1945 205- WR (conjoined), 205. W ROE, 206. WRS, 32, 105, 123. WR S b 32, 105. WS, 27, 32, 33s 42s 47s 48, 50, 575 59s 62, 775 79s 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 91, 925 93» 95> 96s 99s 1025 103, 104, 123, 131, 138, 139, 171, 182, 184, 185, 186, 194, 195, 198, 200, 202, 207, 210. W S bs7, 63, 75: W &S, 151, 197, 198. WS (linked), 27, 47, 495 57- WS, 84, 85. WS (linked), 57. WS WP, 99, 92. WT, 39, 49, 49> 5°, 76, 785 945 955 96, 98, 995 103, 130, 135, 172, 193, 194, 195, 201; 206, 207, 210. WT & Co., 147, 151. 234 WT, 91, 93 IT (272 WT MC (in separate stamps), 201. WV Ga. monogram), 64. WV IL, 30, 93. WV bY Ws te » 27, 54, 56, 57» 82, 88, 89, 122, 123, 127, 151, 167, 183, 193, 194, 195, 199, 201, 203, 209. W & W, 198. WW & SONS, 131. WW (conjoined), 108, 166. WW (in monogram), 50. WW, 89. WW (conjoined), 84. WW (linked), 55, 209 WB, 32, 103, 122, 127. W Wa, 93. WWH,, 151. Ww WED, 85. _ZTY (in monogram), Wyvern, a, 164. | Wyvern’s head, aaa incuse WZ, 160, 173. X, 118, 165. YEDS, 118. YG & H, 147; 18s YI, 56. ZB (the Z reversed), 1 CHAPTER XXII Early American Silver “ % “HE earliest “American” silversmith was the Englishman, te 4h # John Hull, who became the first mint master in Boston, i a + in 1652. Hull, his contemporaries and successors, Dix- well, Dummer, Coney, Winslow, David Jesse, and many others, were all prominent in the civic life of the colonies. It is fortunate for us that during most of the Colonial period very high artistic standards prevailed in England, for the fashions of the new country were faithfully modelled upon those prevailing in the old. A higher standard of intelligence seemed to prevail among the Colonial silversmiths, and it is generally conceded that the aver- age quality of their production was higher than that in England. In spite of the apparent temptation to fabricate early American silver with forged names or marks, instances of that practice must be extremely rare. Offences of that sort are very apt to reach the courts and the newspapers, and the writer, though for many years interested in the subject, has never heard of a case or seen one instance of deliberate forgery. Conditions of life were singularly stable in the American colonies, continuing so even during the throes of the Revolution- ary War. Specimens of the handiwork of New England silver- smiths would only be exposed to destruction when they drifted into the possession of Southern families whose personal belong- ings were, in many instances, destroyed during the Civil War. Consequently, a large part of the products of New England and New York silversmiths has been handed down to us. 235 236 Early American Silver New York had a group of silversmiths whose work in the first half of the Eighteenth Century was clearly distinguishable from that of their New England contemporaries because of its Dutch and French characteristics. At the close of the Eighteenth Century, such distinctions seem to have disappeared, and we can only distinguish the place of origin of American silver at that period by its marks. One excep- tion to this statement may be made. In 1810-1820, the silver- smiths of Philadelphia had an objectionable habit of soldering moulded or stamped silver strips with a stereotyped decoration around the necks and bases of pieces belonging to tea and coffee sets. After spinning and stamping silver came into general use, alse 1840, the factory supplanted the silversmith. One or two silver- smiths have continued to turn out handwrought silver up to the present time, but their work is not “Early Americana.” In the very early Colonial days our silversmiths closely followed the fashion of marking employed by their English fellow craftsmen; they used their initials with some symbol. A little later, the use of a symbol became less frequent and it became more common for the workman to impress his entire name, with or without his initials. In the last quarter of the Eighteenth Century that practice had become almost universal, as had also the use of Roman letters, frequently all capitals. Unless otherwise specified, the reader will know that that type was employed. In nearly every case, the American silvers ied Roman capitals to designate their ware. In some cases, both capitals and. small letters were employed: “John Brown,” for example. The marks given in the following tables will show the form used, without any qualifications being necessary except the word “script,” where that type had been employed by the silversmiths. Early American Silver 237 The author has been enabled to give some twenty-five or thirty or more marks than have hitherto been published in books on this subject. | The following list has been compiled from different sources. Some of the names and the respective locations of those bearing them have been gleaned from directories and the columns of old newspapers. The term “silversmith” is often inaccurately applied in both mediums and at this time it is not always pos- sible to distinguish between the retailer and actual worker in ~ silver. Many silversmiths, beginning with the Nineteenth Century, ‘stamped the names of the retailer upon their wares. The custom still prevails. Hence even where the name appearing here has | been taken from a piece of silver, it may have designated a dealer. Of course this caution does not apply to pieces marked with initials only or a symbol (device). I have thought it wise to make the list as comprehensive as possible, and though that course excludes the possibility of strict discrimination, it does enable one at least to fix the period and place of production and does not present any difficulty in regard to those silversmiths whose work is the most highly prized. Abbreviations: D means that the name appeared in the local directory of the year given: c. stands for circa; F for Freeman; when two dates are shown (1735-1815), they represent the birth and death year of the silversmith; hyphen followed by date (e.g. -1815) signifies the date of the demise; one date followed by hyphen (e.g., 1735—), the date of birth. A date alone, if unquali- fied, means that the subject was working at that period. Follows a key to the descriptive words used in connection with the marks: KEY TO TERMS U et | 'WAVY-LINED CARTOUCHE eeleiter \ SED CARTOUCHE : QUATREFOIL DOUBLE | SHAPED > RADIANT a CARTOUCHE SUN | A SPOUT-CUP. BY” JOHN: CONEY* (BOSTON 160251722) The property of Major Cortlandt Parker, U. S. A. a} 4 i 1 r fim te SILVERSMITHS Aaron, Joseph Abbott, John W. Ackerman, David Ackley, Francis W. Acton, George Adan, J. Adam, John B. Adams, John Adams, Jonathan Adams, Pygan Adams, William Adgate, William Adriance, E. Aiken, George Ainsworth, Michael Aitken, John Aitkins, W. Aldis, Charles Alexander, A. Alexander, Samuel Alford, Samuel Alford, Thomas Allen, C. Allen, James Allen, Joel Allen, John Allen, John Allen, Richard Allen, Robert Allen, Thomas Allen & Edwards CHAPTER XXIII American Silversmiths and Their Marks MARKS tT JABBOT in rectangle F.ACKLEY in rectangle JA (script) in oval and J Adam (script) in shaped rectangle; I-ADAM in shaded rectangle J A (script) corjoined in rectangle PA in shaped rectangle and P.A. in rectangle W.ADAMS and NEW YORK, each in serrated rectangle E.ADRIANCE, ST.LOUIS, in two rectangles G.Aiken in oval; G.Aiken (script) in cartouche I Aitkin (script) in rectangle and JAIKEN in rectangle S‘ALEXANDER in rectangle and a bird in kite C ALLEN in rectangle IA in cartouche, IA in oval, IA in shaped rectangle {BH i {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. {I desire to express my obligation to Mr. Stephen G. C. Ensko for his courteous permission to re- produce the facsimiles of American makers’ marks on this and the following pages; they have been taken from American Silversmiths and Their Marks. Mr. Ensko’s book contains a very great number of such fac- - similes and is on sale in his shop at 682 Lexington Avenue, New York City. 239 LOCATIONS Philadelphia Portsmouth, N. H. New York City Alexandria, Va. New Orleans, La. Alexandria, Va. Dist. of Col. Philadelphia New London, Conn. New York City Norwich, Conn. St. Louis, Mo. Baltimore, Md. Fred’k Co., Va. Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. New York City Philadelphia Not traced Philadelphia Middletown, Conn. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. PERIOD 1798 1839 1818 1797 1795 1800 1822 1829 1783 1736 1830 1767 1820 1815 755 1785 1802 1814 1802 1797 1840 1762 c. 1760 1720 1787 Pee a ae ae ye N bia ave rf ; Aa ntte™ aa ie ag ? om a oe has he Ree : hy bes Re ie aga an 240 American Silversmiths SILVERSMITHS MARKS Allison, Peter t Alstyne, Jeronimus Anderson, William WA in oblong Andras, William Andras & Richard Andreas, Abraham Andrew, John Andrews, Abraham Andrews, Henry Andrews, Joseph Andrews, Jeremiah Anthony, Joseph Anthony, Joseph, Jr. Anthony, Joseph & Sons Anthony, L. D. Anthony, M. H. & T. Anthony, Michael H. Anthony, Thomas Anthony, William Anwy], Kenrick Archie, John Armstrong, Allen Armstrong, John Armstrong, William Arnold, Thomas Ashmead, William Atherton, Nathan’ Atkinson, Isaac Atlee, Charles Atterbury, J. Austen, David Austin, Benjamin Austin, Ebenezer Austin, Ebenezer J. . Austin, John Austin, Josiah Austin, Nathaniel Austin & Boyer Avery, John Avery, John, Jr. Avery, Robert Stanton Avery, Samuel Avery, William. Avery, Willis & Billis Ayres, S. és {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. I ANDREWS in rectangle and NOR- ANDRAS in rectangle A & R in rectangle I-ANDREW in rectangle; J.Andrews (script) in cartouche FOLK in rectangle; J] ANDREWS — : *Sckaeaaiee in shaped rectangle Norfolk, Va. Philadelphia — J. Anthony (script) in shaped rec- tangle; J A (script) in rectangle Bees Protidenay ae L. ‘ : A-Armstrong and Phia’ each in script — and rectangle TARNOLD, T A, TA, each in rec- tangle AUSTIN in cartouche, E A in rec- tangle sien ih in FIBERS I. Aone (script) in Sten I: Aa in rectangle, and I-AUSTEN in rec- tangle N-A: and AUSTIN, each in Sa I-Austin in oblong, Boyer in cartouche IA and JAVERY 1 in rectangle S.AYERS-LEX.K. on riband American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Babcock, Samuel Bacall, Thomas Backus, Delucine Baielle, Lewis Bailey, Benjamin "Bailey, E. E. & S. C. Bailey, Edward Bailey, Henry Bailey, John Bailey, Loring Bailey, Robert H. Bailey, Simon A. Baily, W. Baker, Anson Baker, E. Baker, George Balch, Ebenezer Balch & Fryer Baldwin, Ebenezer Baldwin, Jabez — Baldwin, Jedediah Baldwin, Stanley S. Baldwin & Baker Baldwin & Co. Baldwin & Jones Ball, Henry Ba'\, John Ball, William Ball, Tompkins & Black -Bancker, Adrian Bangs, John Barberet, Théon Barbier, Peter Bard, Conrad Bard, J. Bard & Hoffman Bardeer, Connard Bardick, George Bardick, John Bardon, Stephen Baria, William Barnes, Abraham Barret, James Barrett, James Barrett, S. MARKS Babcock (script) in shaped rectangle T D Backus in shaped oval and DBACKUS in shaped rectangle EE & SC above BAILEY in rectangle H-B in rectangle, anchor, sheaf of wheat, and star, each in square J-Bailey (script) in shaped rectangle, NYORK in rectangle L-B in rectangle WBAILY in engrailed rectangle; bird in cartouche E.BAKER in rectangle G.BAKER in shaped rectangle E. BALCH in oval cartouche BALDWIN in rectangle and in hol- lowed letters without rectangle BALDWIN incised J.Baldwin in rectangle STANLEY S.BALDWIN in rectangle and NY in rectangle BALDWIN ©& SONS in rectangle BALDWIN ©& SONS in scroll J‘BALL in rectangle and JOHN)? . BALL 12 cartouche BALL in oval; W-BALL in a shaped cartouche; WB in a box AB in oval and AB in shaped oval C.BARD 205 ARCH ST in rectangle G-B in rectangle LOCATIONS Middletown, Conn. Boston, Mass. New York City Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Portland, Me. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia Hingham, Mass. Woodstock, Vt. New York City New York City ce “ec “ee «ce «< ae Providence, R. I. Hartford, Conn. Albany, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. Boston, Mass. Portsmouth, N. H. New York City Providence, R. I. Newark, N. J. Boston, Mass. (79 New York City Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, La. Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. Norwich, Conn. New York City ~ Nantucket, Mass. +Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. 241 PERIOD 1812 1836 1792 1799 1820 1825 1779, 1780 1762 1785 1780 1825 1789 . 1810 1821 1761 1825 1744 1784 18I0O 1813 1793 1820 1817 1830 1813 1813 1833 1765 1759 1839 1731 1826 1822 1823 1825 1800 1837 1831 1790 1805 1785 1805 1716 1717 1805 1800 242 SILVERSMITHS MARKS Barrington & Davenport B & D in serrated rectangle Barrows, James M. Barry, Standish Bartholomew, Joseph Bartholomew, Roswell Bartholomew, Joseph Bartlett, Edward Bartlett, N. Bartlett, Samuel Barton, Erasmus Bartram, William Basset, Francis Batchellor, N. Bay, A. S. Bayley, Alexander Bayley, S. H. Bayley, Simeon A. Bayley, S. & A. Bayley & Douglas Bayly, John Baysset, Joseph Beach, A. Beach, Isaac Beach, Ives & Co. Beach, Miles Beach & Sanford Beach & Ward Beal, Caleb Beam, Jacob C. Beck, Thomas Becker, Fredrick Becker, Philip Bedford, John Beebe, James W. Beebe, Stanton Beecher, Clement Beecher, C. & Co. Belin, Lewis Belknap, Samuel Belliard, Francois Belloni, Louis J. Belloni & Durandeau Benedict, A. C. Benedict, ). Benedict & Son ° Benedict & Squire Benjamin, Barzillai J.M.BARROWS in rectangle BARRY in shaped rectangle and NO.g2 in rectangle t N-BARTLETT in rectangle S.B script in rectangle and S-BART- LETT in rectangle BASSET in rectangle and sheaf of wheat in rectangle BAYLEY in rectangle, in shaped rec- tangle, and sheaf of wheat in shaped rectangle DB & AD in rectangle, lion in rec- tangle and 11? in rectangle A:BEACH in serrated rectangle BEACH in rectangle, M-B in rect. and MB in oval B & S, in rectangle B & W in rectangle BEAL in rectangle I Bedford (script), in shaped rectangle J.W.BEEBE in rectangle A.C.BENEDICT without rectangle BENEDICT & SQUIRE in rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks LOCATIONS Philadelphia Tolland, Conn. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia Hartford, Conn. Philadelphia Philadelphia Concord, Mass. Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia New York City «< “ “ Philadelphia New Orleans, La. Hartford, Conn. New Milford, Conn. New York City Litchfield, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Lancaster, Pa. Fishkill, N. Y. New York City Providence, R. I. Meriden, Conn. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New Orleans, La. New York City ae ae “ New Haven, Conn. SILVERSMITHS Benjamin, Benjamin Benjamin, Everard Benjamin, John Benjamin, Samuel C. Benjamin, Solomon Bennet, James Bennett, Jacob Bentley, Thomas Bentson, Peter Berard, Andrew Berard, E. Berkenbush, Charles H. Berry, William Besley, Thauvet Besselievre, Thomas Best, Joseph Bevan, Richard Bigelow, John Bigelow & Bros. Biggs, Joseph Bigotut, S. Bijotal, Silvian A. Billings, A. Billings, Daniel Bingham, John Binneau, Theodore Bird, Conard Bissbrown, Thomas Black, James Black, John Black, William Blackman, Frederick S. Blackman, F. S. & Co. Blackman, John C. Blackman, John S, Blakslee, William Blakslee, Ziba Blanchard, Asa Blauvelt, John W. Bleasom & Reed Bliss, Jonathan Blondell, Anthony Blondell & Descuret Blowers, John Boehler, Andreas W. MARKS BB in rectangle and B. Benjamin in rectangle E: BENJAMIN in an oblong I-B in rectangle BENTLEY in rectangle, TB in oval, U in rectangle, and sheaf of wheat in vertical oval E | Sa in shaped cartouche B surmounted by a crown, both incised JOHN BIGELOW in rectangle BIGELOW & BROS. in rectangle OG - MQxHYHZ0 ~ in long rec- tangle D.Billings (script) in long oval J.B in rectangle, repeated F.S.Blackman without rectangle F.S.B & CO. in rectangle J.S.B in oval A + BLANCHARD in rectangle and A: BLANCHARD in long oval BLEASOM & REED NASSAU, with- out rectangle BLOWERS in oblong; Blowers (script) in oval cartouche {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks LOCATIONS New Haven, Conn. «6 “e “ee Stratford, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Baltimore, Md. New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Phila-elphia Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. New York City Preston, Conn. ce «e Newark, N. J. Philadelphia Albany, N. Y. - Philadelphia New York City Danbury, Conn. Newtown, Conn. “ec «e Lexington, Ky. New York City Nassau, N. H. Middletown, Conn. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New York City 243 PERIOD 1826 1828 seh | 1819 1817 1773 1839 1786 1718 E79] 1800 1825 1805 1727 1831 1723 1804 1830 1840 1830 1800 1795 1780 1795 1664 1820 1831 1790 1795 1811 1833 1832 1840 1829 1798 1820 1790 1810 1835 1830 1800 1797 1798 1731 1784 24.4 SILVERSMITHS Boehme, Charles L. Boelen, Henricus Boelen, Jacob Boelen, Jacob Boemper, Abraham Bogardus, Everadus Bogert, Albert Bogert, Nicholas J. Bolton, James Bonjean, Victor Bontecou, Timothy Bontecou, Timothy, Jr. Boone, Jeremiah Bordeaux, Augustine Boss and Kindell Bosworth, Samuel Botsford, Gideon B. Boudar, Joseph Boudinot, Elias: Boudo, Louis Boullien, Mousier Bourdet, Stephen Boutier, John Boutelle, James Bouvar, Joseph Bower, C. Bowne, Samuel Boyce, Geradus Boyce, James Boyce, Jared Boyce, John Boyce & Jones Boyd, Joseph W. Boyd, William Boyd & Hoyt Boyd & Mulford Boyer, Daniel Brabant, Isaac Bradbury, Theophilas Bradbury & Brother Bradley, Abner Bradley, Luther Bradley, Phineas Bradley, Richard Bradley, Zebul MARKS CLBoehme (script) in rectangle and Sterling (script) in shaped rectangle HB conjoined in cartouche; HB con- joined in shield IB in cartouche with escalloped top, I has two radiating arms, forming cross 3 E B in rectangle N.J.BOGERT in rectangle TB: without rectangle TB in oval IBOONE in serrated rectangle BOSWORTH in rectangle G. B. BOTSFORD in rectangle EB; and BOUDINOT, each in rec- tangle LsBOUDO in rectangle J.BOUTIER in ob:ong 'S:Bowne in rectangle G:BOYCE, G.B, NY, each in rectangle J.B & NY, each in rectangle B & J in rectangle; N YORK in rec- tangle J.W.B. in rectangle BRADBURY and 1825, each in rec- tangle; Bradbury in rectangle; rose, figure, B in cartouches Cross mark in circle and AABRADLEY in rectangle PB in rectangle Z. BRADLEY in serrated rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used -his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks ‘LOCATIONS Baltimore, Md. New York City Bethlehem, Pa. New York City «ce “ “ae New Orleans, La. New Haven, Conn « “ee “ce ‘ Philadelphia New York City Buffalo, N. Y. Woodbury, Conn. New York City Philadelphia Charleston, S. C. Philadelphia New York Cit «ec “ “ec Worcester, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. Savannah, Ga. Newburyport, Mass. New Haven, Conn. «“ “ce “cs “cc “ 46 Hartford, Conn. New Haven, Conn. American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Bradley & Bunce Bradley & Merriman Brady, E. Brady, William V. Brainerd, Charles Bramhall, S. Brasher, A. Brasher, Ephraim Brasher, E. & Co. Brasher & Alexander Bray, Henry Breed, John Breed, William Brenton, Benjamin Brevoort, John Brewer, Charles Brewer & Co. Brewer & Mann Brewster, Abel Bridge, John Brigden, C. Brigden, Timothy Brigden, Zachariah Bright, Anthony Brinkley, William Brinton, Gordon & Quick Britton, Isaac Britton, Jacob Broadhurst, Samuel Brock, John Brock, L. Brookhouse, Robert Brooks, Samuel Brothears, Michael Brower, S. D. Brower, S. & B. Brower & Rusher Brown, Alexander Brown, D. Brown, Ebenezer Brown, Henry MARKS t B&M in cartouche E-BRADY in © shaped BRADY in rectangle rectangle; S.BRAMHALL in rectangle ABRASHER in rectangle EB in rectangle, EB in oval. and Brasher in rectangle E-B & CO in rectangle WBreed (script) in rectangle; WB in a heart; W B (script) in rectangle BB in rectangle B in trefoil, IBV in shaped rectangle, IV C BREWER in shaped rectangle; same in rectangle; C Brewer (script) in cartouche I BRIDGE in wavy oblong and BRIDGE in cartouche C.B in shaped rectangle, C-B in car- touche, and C-B in_ rectangle; BRIGDEN in shaped rectangle Z’B in rectangle, Z.Brigden in cartouche I BROCK, NEW YORK, each in rec- tangle L.BROCK, in rectangle with serrated ends, NEW YORK in rectangle RB (script) in oval : Brooks in rectangle with escalloped ends S. & B. BROWER in rectangle B&R in rectangle D.BROWN in rough rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Hartford, Conn. New Haven, Conn. New York City Hartford, Conn. Plymouth, Mass. New York City Philadelphia Colchester, Conn. Boston, Mass. Newport, R. I. New York City Middletown, Conn. “a « Norwich, Conn. Boston, Mass. “e «e Albany, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Salem, Mass. Philadelphia Albany, N. Y. New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia 245 PERIOD 1830 1826 1825 1835 1809 1863 1790 1766 1790 1800 1799 WG a 1750 1731 pe T7175 1810 1810 1803 1797 1751 1770 1813 1734 1787 1739 1802 1780 1811 1807 1724 1833 1830 1750 1793 1772 1834 1810 1834 1840 1811 1793 1777 27, e Wt 246 SILVERSMITHS Brown, James Brown, Jesse Brown, John Brown, Robert Brown, Samuel C. Brown & Houlton Brown, Liberty Browne & Seal Bruff, Charles O. Brut, Joseph Brush, Edward Bryan, Philip Buché, Peter Buchoz, I. R. Buckley, J. B. Buckley & Anderson Buddy, Daniel Buel, Abel Buel, D. H. Buel, John Buel, Samuel Buel & Greenleaf Buel & Mix Bull, Caleb Bull, Epaphras Bull, G. W. Bull, Martin Bull & Morrison Bumn, Peter Bumm & Shepper Bunker, Benjamin Burdick, William S. Burdock, George Burdock, Nicholas Burgalie, J. P. Burger, David I. Burger, John Burger, John Burger, Thomas Burnham, Robert Burkloe, Samuel Burnap, Daniel Burnet, Samuel Burnet & Ryder Burnett, Charles A. Burns, Anthony MARKS R.BROWN in oblong with curved ends and 10 oz 13 in oval S.BROWN in rectangle C.O.B. in rectangle BRYAN, rough capitals in rectangle «e Baltimore, Md. a \ New York City ie Baltimore, Md. | Philadelphia te New York City * Philadelphia New York City _ Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia ae Site «ce BUEL in serrated rectangle and A.B. a in fringed oval S.B in square G.W.BULL in rectangle D-I- BURgER in a shaped cartouche BURGER in rectangle; NEW YORK in rectangle Burger in shaded rectangle; N.York in rectangle B and R (script initials in capitals) in rude rectangle C.A.B. in rectangle and C.A. Burnett in rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. Famine Conn. Hartford, Coane . New Gene: cal Hartford, Conn. New Haven, Conn, — 600 on be rs haan Haniack Came ay Boston, Mass. . Philadelphia Providende R. L a New Haven, Cor Pua = © East Windsor, Cor Nene N ge san = American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Burns, James Burns, John H. Burot, Andrew Burr, A. C. Burr, Christopher A. Burr, C.A. & Co. Burr, Ezekiel Burr, E. & W. Burr, William Burr & Lee Burrill, Joseph Burrill, Samuel Burrill, Samuel, Jr. Burrill, Theophilus Burrows, William Burt, Benjamin Burt, John Burt, Samuel Burt, William Burton, Jacob Bushnell, Phineas Bussey, Benjamin Bussey, Thomas Buswell, Jason Butler, Henry W. Butler, James Butler, John Butler, N. Butler, N. H. Butler & Little Byrne, James Byrne, James Cady, Samuel Cady & Backus Calder & Co. Caldwell, E. Cammon, Alexander Camoin Camp, Elias MARKS A.C.BURR in rectangle E BURR in rectangle and E.BURR in oval; E. Burr (script) in oval S:Burrill in rectangle; S:Burrill in shaped rectangle; S-B in oval; S-B dots above in cartouche, and S-B in heart BENJAMIN in a cartouche; BURT BURT and B-BURT each in a rec- tangle. JOHN italic capitals in oval; IB with . BURT a pellet below and crown above in a cartouche. I BURT in cartouche SAMUEL in a cartouche; SB in a BURT square. W.BURT in a rude oblong; W BURT in rectangle B B in rectangle IB crowned in shield; IB; IB crowned in cartouche; J.BUTLER in rectangle I B in circle and J BUTLER in oblong 7. Byrne in shaped cartouche A:C in square Campbell, Christopher CAMPBELL in rude rectangle — {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Philadelphia New York City Baltimore, Md. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. “ec “ce New London, Conn. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Guilford, Conn. Dedham, Mass. Baltimore, Md. Portsmouth, N, H. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Portland, Me. Utica IN; Y< Philadelphia Portland, Me. New York City Philadelphia New York City Albany, N. Y. New York City Albany, N. Y. Philadelphia Bridgeport, Conn. New York City 247 PFRIOD 1810 1835 181g 181s 1810 1820 1815 4793 a7a3 1815 1823 1733 1829 1736 1831 1750 1712 1746 1747 1839 1762 1778 1799 1839 1833 1734 1765 1800 1837 ¥759 1789 1780 1792 1792 1830 1800 1813 1797 18265 1808 248 ‘SILVERSMITHS Campbell, John W. Campbell, R. Campbell, Thomas Campbell, W. Canavillo, Antonio Canavillo, S. Candee, Lewis B. Candell, Charles Canfield, Samuel Canfield & Brother Canfield & Foot Cann, John Cant, Godfrey Caralin, Pierce Carbin, Theodore Cario, Michael Cario, William Cariolle—— Carlile, Abraham Carman, John Carman, John Carman, Samuel Carpenter, Joseph Carrel, Daniel Cartel, John & Daniel Carribec, Peter Carroll, James Carson, Thomas Carson & Hall Cary, Lewis Case, George Casey, Gideon Casey, Samuel Cashell, Randall H. Cassedy, Andrew Caston, Francoise Cerneau, John Cerneau, Joseph Cerneau & Co. Chadwick, Thomas Chamberlain, Wilson Champlin, John Chandler, Stephen Chapin, Aaron Chapin, Alexander Chase, J. D. Chase & Easton Chat, Claudius Chaudrons, Simon MARKS t T CAMPBELL in rectangle C C (script capitals) in rectangle CANFIELD in oval W.CARIO- in shaped oblong; W.CARIO in engrailed rectangle A. Carlile (script) in rectangle CARREL in rectangle L.CARY in engrailed scroll a with rosettes G:CASEY in shaped rectangle S:Casey in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. Albany, N. Y. © “ i<9 . Baltimore, Md. — New York City ts Philadelphia ¥ . New York City Woodbury, Conn. New York City Middletown, Conn, Baltimore, Md. =>) Middletown, oie iA New York City af “ “é “cc Philadelphia New York City “ 6 2 page New Orleans, La. ae Philadelphia New York City Norwich: Res 2 : Philadelphia ie pert ie “ New York City Boston, Mass. E. Hartford, Conn. — South Kingston fe Newport, R. I. South Kingston & Newport, R. I. _ Philadelphia Philadelphia — New York Ci 66 or Se ie = Philadelphia Portsmouth, N. New Lanne: Con New York City — Hartford, Conn. — Hartford, Conn. New York Cig Brooklyn, N. Y. Poe ee. American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Chaudrons, S. & Co. Chaudrons & Rasch Chene, Daniel Cherry, James Chevalier, Clement E. Chevalier & Tanguay Childs, George H. Chitrey, Peter Chittenden, Beriah Chitten, Ebenezer Church, Joseph Church, Ralph Church & Rogers Churchill, Jesse Churchill & Treadwell Churchwell, Charles Clapp, Philip Clapp & Riker Clark, Andrew Clark, C & G. Clark, Charles Clark, Curtis Clark, George C. Clark, George D. Clark, Henry Clark, I. Clark, I. & H. Clark, J. H. Clark, Joseph Clark, Levi Clark, Metcalf B Clark, Peter G. Clark, Richard -Clark, Samuel Clark, Thomas Clark, William Clark & Anthony ~ Clark & Brother Clark & Coit Clarke, Jonathan | Cleveland, Aa:on / Cleveland, Benjamin Cleveland, William Cleveland & Post Cline, Charles MARKS P. Chitrey in oval EC in square; EC in oval; E. Chitten- den in rectangle CHURCHILL in - rectangle; I. CHURCHILL in rectangle CHURCHILL & TREADWELL in rectangle G.C.CLARK in rectangle G.D.CLARK in rectangle [ReH-CLARK) J. H. CLARK in rectangle TAR 1D CLARK in rectangle; in rectangle NORWALK T.Clark in shaped cartouche WC in oval cartouche IC in square; J Clarke (script) in oval; J.CLARKE in rectangle AC in octagon; A CLEVELAND in oblong with curved ends B CLEVELAND in long oval pinched to separate initial from name Cleveland and WC, each in rectangle C & P in rectangle +Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia ac e ae New York City New Haven, Conan. Buffalo, N. Y. New Haven, Conn. Boston, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. New York City Providence, R. I. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Portsmouth, N. H. New York City Danbury, Conn. Norwalk, Conn. Boston, Mass. New Haven, Conn. New York City Boston, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. New York City Norwalk, Conn. Norwich, Conn. Newport, R. I. Norwich, Conn. Philadelphia | 249 PERIOD 1807 1812 1786 1824 1816 1816 1828 1814 1787 1747 1818 1832 1825 E794 1794 1781 1802 1802 1744 1833 1798 1823 1824 1826 1813 1754 1821 1812 17gI 1823 1835 181o 1795 1673 1770 1774 1790 1825 1820 1734 1820 1760 1815 1815 1829 250 American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Cobb, Ephraim Coburn, John Coddington, John Codman, Willard Coe & Upton Coen, Daniel B. Coffman, William Coggeswell, H. Cohen, Barrow A. Cohen, William Coignard, Louis Coit, E. Coit, Thomas C. Coit & Mansfield Cole, Ebenezer Cole, Jacob Cole, John Coleman, B. Coleman, C. C. Coleman, John Coleman, Nathaniel Coleman, S. Coley, Simeon Coley, William ~ Collet, J. B. Collette, Lambert Collins, Arnold Collins, W. & L. Colner, John Colonel, John Colton, Levi Colton, Oren Colton & Baldwin Colton & Collins Coney, John Connor, John H. Conyers, Joseph Conyers, Richard Cook, John Cook & Co. Cooke, Joseph Cooke & Co. Coolidge, Joseph, Jr. MARKS E.Cobb in oval and EC in rectangle; E COBB in rectangle. I-C in square; IC in square; and J CO- BURN in rectangle. IC in a turnip- or beet-shaped car- touche , H. COGGSWELL in rectangle E.COIT and PURE COIN, each in rectangle . T.C.C (script) in rectangle C & M in an oblong; same in a hexagon B.COLEMAN in rectangle N. COLEMAN in rectangle; NC in oval S. COLEMAN in rectangle W. COLEY (script) in shaped oval AC in heart; AC in shield; AC in square emey § © J H CONNOR in serrated rectangle I COOK in rectangle; COOK in an oval; JCOOK in rectangle COOLIDGE in shaped ovalf TWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. TA shaped oval follows the upper and lower contour of letters. LOCATIONS Boston, Mass. Newport, R. I. Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New York City Alexandria, Va. Dist. of Col. New York City Norwich, Conn. “ce ““ “ec “se New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass, Burlington, N. J. ° oe New York City Burlington, N. J. New York City Buffalo, N. Y. Newport, R. I. New York Cit “cc “ce “< Philadelphia New York City « ‘ sé “ “ec Boston, Mass. New York City Boston, Mass. New York City New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass PERIOD 1729 1750 1711 1839 1840 1787 1839 1760 1825 1833 1805 1820 1812 1816 1818 1785 1686 1785 1835 1814 1786 1805 1767 1801 1805 1835 1690 1830 1818 1804 1825 1818 1819 1832 1676 1835 1708 1688 1795 E797 1785 1785 1773 American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Cooper, Cooper, B. Cooper, B. & J. Cooper, John Cooper, Joseph Copp, Joseph Copp, Nathaniel P. Corley, William Cornelison, Cornelius Cornelius, Christian Cornell, Walter Corrin, Josiah Courcelle, Hilaire Couvertie, Louis Coverly, Thomas Cowell, William Cowell, William, Jr. Cowan, William D. Cox, John Craft, Stephen Craig, James Crandall, Benjamin Crandall, Benjamin Crane, Stephen M. Cranston, Samuel Crawford, John Crittenden, Newton E. Crone, Henry Crosby, Jonathan Cummings, David B. Currier & Trott Currin, Joseph Curry, John Curry & Preston Curtis, Candee & Styles Curtis, Daniel Curtis, Joel Curtis, Lewis Curtis, Thomas Curtiss & Candee Curtiss & Duning Curtiss, Candee & Stiles Curtiss & Stiles -W:COWELL in MARKS C CORNELIUS in rectangle CORNELL in rectangle L’COUVERTIE in rectangle T:COVERLY in rectangle WC in oval; W.COWELL in cartouche; WC surmounted by star and pellets in a shaped shield; WC in scroll; WC in rectangle shaped rectangle; W.COWELL in shaped oval; W COWELL (script) in cartouche W.COWAN in shaped rectangle J.CRAWFORD in rectangle J (script) Crawford (italics) in rectangle JC in double circle Currier & Trott, in rectangle J.CURRY in rectangle; J in square with rounded lower corners; and PHILA in rectangle CURRY & PRESTON in serrated rec- tangle; C & P in square CURTIS, CANDEE & STYLES IN rectangle L,Curtis in rectangle CURTISS & DUNING in scroll Name in capitals in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Philadelphia New York City New London, Conn, Albany, N. Y. New York City Philadelphia Providence R. I. Philadelphia New Orleans, La. Newburyport, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass, Philadelphia New York City Williamsburg, Va. Providence, R. I. Portsmouth, N. H. New York City Newport, R. I. New York City Cleveland, Ohio Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Woodbury, Conn. Wolcott, Conn. Farmington, Conn. New York City Woodbury, Conn. oe oe 66 “e 251 PERIOD 1816 1814 18I0O 1814 1770 1754 1834 1811 1711 1810 1780 1823 1822 1822 1760 1793 1736 1808 1818 1811 1750 1824 1839 1813 1684 1815 1839 1780 1769 181I 1836 1829 1831 1831 1831 1825 1810 1795 1835 1826 1828 1825 1835 252 SILVERSMITHS Cushman, Isaac Cutler, A. Cutler, E. Cutler, Richard Cutler, Richard, Jr. Cutler, Richard & Sons Cutler, Silliman, Ward & Co. Cutler, William Cutter, William Dagget, Henry Dallon, John Dally, Philip Dally & Halsey Dane, Thomas Daniels, Charles W. Dargee, John Daubayson, Victoire Dauce, Simon Davenport, Robert Davenport, Samuel Daverne, John David, John David, John, Jr. David, Lewis A. David, Peter David & Dupuy Davis, E. Davis, Elias Davis, Joshua G. Davis, T. A. Davis, William Davis & Babbitt Davis & Brown Davis & Watson Davison, Brazillai Davison, Charles Davy, Adam Dawes, William Dawson, John Dawson, William Deane, James Deas, David Decker, J. Delagrow, Andrew Delano, Jabez Delarue, John MARKS T A.CUTLER, BOSTON, each in rec- tangle E. CUTLER in rectangle T.DANE in cartouche I DAVID in rectangle; DAVID in rectangle; ID in oval J:D in oval; JD in square; JD in oval P.D in cartouche; PD in oval ED in rectangle; E DAVIS in oblong; E DAVIS in oval; E D in rectangle with a lion passant IDAVIS in serrated rectangle T.A.DAVIS in rude rectangle DAVIS & BROWN in rectangle D & W (script) in rectangle, probably dealers only C.DAVISON in serrated rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks LOCATIONS Boston, Mass. ae “ New Haven, Conn. ‘ “cc ‘ “ee “cc oe Portland, Me. New Haven, Conn. Philadelphia New York Cit Boston, Mass. Troy, Nit New York City Philadelphia “ée Milton, Mass. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia “ “ce “ Newburyport, R. I. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. ce “se Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass, “cc “ Norwich, Conn. ce “cc Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New Bedford, Mass. New Orleans, La: PERIOD 1823 1820 1820 1760 1800 1800 1767 1806 1823 1763 1791 1780 1787 1745 1836 1810 1820 1798 1808 “ 1741 1799 1763 1785 1823 1738 1792 1775 1796 1824 1823 1820 1802 1815 1765 1805 1795 1766 1769 1793 1760 1831 1830 1795 1784 1822 American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Delauney, Jean Demilt, Andrew Demmock, John Demorsy, Jean Demort, John Demort, Lucien Denise, J. & T. Dennis, Ebenezer Dennis, George Jr. Dennis & Fitch . De Perrizang, Otto De Peyser, William De Riemer, Cornelius B. De Riemer, Jacob R. De Riemer, Pieter De Riemer & Mead Deshon, Daniel Desquet & Tanguy Desuret, Lewis Deverell, John Dexter, John MARKS t DEMILT in rectangle; N.YORK in rectangle J:D and JD, each in square P D R in oval; P D R in rectangle DEVERELL in oblong LOCATIONS New York City New York City Boston, Mass. New Orleans, La. New York City ae “cc “cc Hartford, Conn. Norwich, Conn. Troy, N. Y. New York Cit Ithaca, N. Y. New York Cit “e «“e ce Ithaca, N. Y. New London, Conn. Philadelphia Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Marlboro, Mass. Dickerson, H. & Co. Philadelphia Dickerson, John Morristown, Mass. : Dickinson, Jonathan Philadelphia Dickinson & Robinson a Dimmock, John Dimond, Isaac M Dixwell, Basil Dixwell, John Doane, Joshua ID in oval; ID (small) in oval DOANE in cartouche; DOANE in New York Cit “6 “ec “6 Boston, Mass. ae «ec iY rectangle . ' Providence, R. I. ‘g Dobbs, Adam ; ‘Dobleman, Frederick Philadelphia Doblemar, F. F. G. > Dodge, Benjamin Boston, Mass. Dodge, Ezekiel New York City Dodge, Ezra New London, Conn. Dodge, John J.DODGE in oval New York City Dodge, Nehemiah Dodge, Seril N DODGE in serrated rectangle S DODGE in serrated rectangle, pre- ceded and followed by star aire eka a Providence; R. I. Doler, Daniel Donalon, John W. Donovan, William Dontremei, C. Doolittle, Amos Doolittle, Enos Doran, John Dorgy, Peter Dorsey, Joshua Dorsey, Samuel t{Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. A D in oval I.DORSEY in rectangle Boston, Mass. Philadelphia . New: Haven, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Cincinnati, Ohio Philadelphia Philadelphia _ 253 PERIOD 1805 1805 1798 1822 1810 1810 1798 1782 1770 1836 1786 1732 1804 1830 1769 1831 1/19 1805 1799 1785 1756 1815 1778 1794 1796 1801 1830 1732 1702 1720 1813 1810 1836 1792 1787 1790 1795 1793 1765 1823 1784 1805 1775 1781 1826 1816 1793 1804 254 SILVERSMITHS Dorsey, Simon Dorson, Joshua Doster, Michael Douglas, Alexander Douglas, Cantwell Douglas, Robert Douglass, James Douglass, J. W. Douglass, John Douglass & Heckman Doutiemer, Cule Dowig, Christopher Dowig, George Downes, J. Downing, G. R. Downing, & Phelps Drewry, George Drinker, John Drown, T. P. Drowne, Benjamin Drowne, Samuel Drowne, Shem Drumont, Antoine Dubois, Abraham Dubois, A., Sr. & Jr. Dubois, Joseph Dubois, Tunis Dubois & Co, Duché, Benne R. Duché & Donard Dudley, Benjamin Duffel, James Dummer, Jeremiah Dumourier, Joseph Dumoutet, John B. Dundas, Pratt Dunkerly, Joseph Dunlevy, Robert Dunn, Cary Dunn, David Dunn & Son Dunscomb, Dennis Duon, H. MARKS R.D in double lined square J. Douglass (script) framed in outline shaped by name J.DOWNES in rectangle; J. Downes in shaped cartouche G R D and N.YORK, each in rectangle D & P in rectangle G D in rude square T. P. DROWN in rectangle S D, small cross between letters in shaped frame and S Drowne, small cross between S and Drowne, in rectangle A. DUBOIS in oblong I. DUBOIS in oblong; J.DUBOIS in rectangle T.D.DUBOIS in rectangle; T.D.D. in rectangle sheaf of wheat in oblong I.DUFFEL in rectangle J D, pellet between letters and star be- low in a heart. I D, star below in a heart “star” may be a fleur-de-lis. DUMOUTET in scroll C.DUNN in oval; eagle in kite; N. YORK in rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks LOCATIONS Philadelphia ae New York City Baltimore, Md. New London, Conn New York City Philadelphia «ec “ Baltimore, Md.» Philadelphia New York Cit Philadelphia New York City Newburyport, Conn. Portsmouth, N. H. “c ce «“c Boston, Mass. New York City “ € «ce a oe Philadelphia Birmingham, Ga. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia ae Boston, Mass, Philadelphia New York City Baltimore, Md. PERIOD 1820 1802 1831 1792 1799 1766 1800 1791 1840 1837 1791 765 779 1770 1810 1810 1763 1835 1790 18aQ0 77° 1749 1808 1775 1803 1790 1797 1803 1795 1820 1768 1801 1680 1816 1793 1837 1787 1831 1764 1835 1787 1765 181g a hoary » et wa American Silversmiths and Their Marks 255 ——— {Where no mark is given, the mA&ker used his name or initials. ee SILVERSMITHS MARKS LOCATIONS PERIOD 7 Dupuy, Daniel D:D in rectangle; DD in double circle; . DD in cartouche; D.DUPUY in rec- % tangle Philadelphia 1746 . Dupuy, Daniel, Jr. T a 1782 Dupuy, John q 1770 Dupuy, John & Daniel, r. | 1783 Dupuy & Sons D DD, each in apple-shaped cartouche * 1784 Durand, John New York City 1835 ¥ Durandeau, John = ! 6 1835 yg Dutens, Charles J. Philadelphia 1751 Dutens & Harper a 1755 q Duyckinck, Daniel New York City 1798 F. Dwight, Timothy T.D with six dots below, in heart Boston, Mass. 1671 E Eagles & Morris New York City 1799 a Eames, Joshua Boston, Mass. 1828 a Easton, James Nantucket, Mass. 1828 ee Easton, Nathaniel h = 1780 f, Easton & Sanford EASTON & SANFORD in rectangle; 3 7 E&S in rectangle " 5 1830 4 Eastwick, Thomas Boston, Mass. 1743 > Eaton, Timothy Philadelphia 1793 a Eayres, Thomas EAYRES in rectangle Boston, Mass. 1781 Edgar, John New York City 1807 Edmechat, Claude > eS aotamr aia 1790 Edwards, Andrew Boston, Mass. 1796 Edwards, Calvin Ashby, Mass. 1710 ; Edwards, John I E in quatrefoil; IE crowned, fleur-de- E; lis below in a shaped shield Boston, Mass. 1691 ¢ Edwards, Joseph a me 1707-1777 = Edwards, Joseph, Jr. . ‘3 1761 me Edwards, Samuel S E, pellet between letters, small cross * below and crown above, all enclosed in shield (shaped) . - 1730 Edwards, Thomas New York City 1731 ; Edwards, Thomas T.Edwards (script); T.E in rectangle; ah TE shaped rectangle; TE with crown cr in shaped rectangle; T E, crowned in a shield Boston, Mass. 1725 Elderkin, Alfred Killingsworth, Conn. —-1792 Elderkin, Elisha New Haven, Conn. 1777 x Elderkin & Staniford Windom, Conn. 1790 4 Elliott, John A. Sharon, Conn. 1815 a Elliott, Joseph New Castle, Del. 1768 4 Ellis, Lewis W. Philadelphia 1837 ts Ellison, Peter New York City 1792 a Ellsworth, David ‘Windsor, Conn. 1772 ae. Eltonhead, Thomas Baltimore, Md. 1835 ig Emery, Stephen EMERY in a cartouche; S.EMERY in 3 rectangle; S.EMERY in shaped oval; S E in rectangle Boston, Mass. 1746 256 SILVERSMITHS Emery, Thomas K. Emery & Co. England, George England, William Foff, Garret Eoff & Connor Eoff & Howell Eoff & Moore Epps, Ellery Equer & Aquimac Erwin, Andrew Erwin, Henry Erwin, John Esteva, Hayacinth Etting, Benjamin Evans, Henry Evans, John Evans, Robert Everitt, Jesse Eversten, John Ewan, John Faber, William Faber & Hoover © Fagaler, George M. Fairchild, James L. Fairchild, Joseph Fairchild, Robert Faris, Charles Farley, Charles Farnam, Henry Farnam, R. & H. Farnum, Rufus Farnam, Thomas Farnam & Ward Farr, John C. Farrington, John MARKS T.Emery (script) in shaped rectangle; T.K.EMERY (large) in a rectangle G.Eoff in rectangle; G Eoff in rectangle; bird in circle EOFF & HOWELL in rectangle H.ERWIN in rectangle; same in wav bordered rectangle J.ERWIN in rectangle HENRY EVANS in rectangle EVANS in an engrailed “near” rec- tangle EVANS in engrailed rectangle; R.E in rectangle; RE inrectangle; RLEVANS in rectangle; R.E. in rectangle; EVANS in oblong J. EWAN in engrailed rectangle R.FAIRCHILD in rectangle; RF in oblong; R.F in cartouche; RF in oval Chas Faris (script) in oval C. FARLEY in rectangle H. FARNAM in rectangle R & H FARNAM in rectangle R. FARNUM in rectangle Th: Farnam in rude rectangle FARNAM & WARD in rectangle J.C: Farr in rectangle; JOHN C FARR in shaded ribbon Farrington & Hunnewell FARRINGTON & HUNNEWELL in Fellows, Abraham Fellows, John F. Fellows & Storm Ferguson, John rectangle FELLOWS in rectangle FELLOWS & STORM in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks LOCATIONS New York City «e “e New York City Philadelphia New York City ‘ Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia oe “ New York City “ «“ “ce “cc «e “ce «“e “ce “c «ec “ «ce Boston, Mass. New York City Albany, N. Y. Charleston, S, C. Philadelphia New York City New Haven, Conn. Durham, Conn. ce “e Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. “ce “ce Newport, R. I. & Albany, N. Y. Portsmouth, N,. H. Albany, N. Y. Philadelphia American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Ferrier, John Ferris, Benjamin Fielding, George Fields, Samuel Finch, Hiram Finewell, Samuel Fireng, J. P. Fisher, James Fisher, Thomas Fitch, Allen Fitch, D. M. Fitch, John Fitch & Hobart Flagg, Josiah Fletcher, Charles Fletcher, Thomas Fletcher & Bennett Fletcher & Gardiner Fling, George Flott, Lewis Folloppe, A. A. Folsom, John Foote, William Forbes, Abraham G. Forbes, Benjamin G. Forbes, Collins V. G. Forbes, C.V.G.& Son Forbes, G. & J. W. Forbes, Garret Forbes, John W. Forbes, William Forbes, William G. Force, Jabez W. Ford, Samuel Forest, Alexander Forman, Benoni B. Fortune, Anthony Foster, Abraham Foster, G. Foster, Hiram MARKS T G F in oval J.P.FIRENG in rectangle; BURLING- TON with N.J. below each in rec- tangle T. FISHER in shaped cartouche J.FITCH in rectangle, followed by two birds in squares T.FLETCHER in oblong F & G in rectangle; dog(?) in circle; P in circle A G F in crude oblong; A F in square; N.YORK in rectangle CVGF in rectangle FORBES & SON in rectangle G FORBES in rectangle; IWF over a square and compass in shaped rec- tangle; anchor, star, head, C, each in circle W.F. in rectangle; eagle in square and NEW YORK in ribbon; W.FORBES in rectangle; N.Y. in rectangle W.G. Forbes (script) in shaped oval; W G FORBES in shaded rectangle J.W.FORCE in rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS New Orleans, La. New York City Philadelphia Albany, N. Y. New York City Burlington, N. J. New York City Philadelphia New Haven, Conn. it ce ce Trenton, N. J. New Haven, Conn. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia «ec ae Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Albany, N. Y. Middletown and East Haddam, Conn. New York City Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. Albany, N. Y. Philadelphia Salem, Mass. Philadelphia 257 PERIOD 1802 1816 1731 1816 1840 1835 1810 1821 1797 1808 1840 1780 1811 1765 1817 1810 1830 1837 1815 1749 1817 1808 1781 1796 1769 1817 1816 1835 1810 1808 1802 1830 A773 1819 1797 1802 1813 1767 1816 1838 1817 258 SILVERSMITHS Foster, John Foster, Joseph Foster, Samuel Foster, N. & T. Foster, Thos. Fourniquet, Louis Fourniquet & Wheatley Fowler, Gilbert Fradgley, Thomas Francis, Julius C. Francis, Nathaniel Franciscus, George Frank, Jacob Franks, William Fraser, William Freeman, William Frinth, James Frobisher, Benjamin C. Frost & Mumford MARKS J.FOSTER in rectangle; bird in oval; wheat stack in oval PROSTER T.FOSTER in rectangle Fourniquet in shaped rectangie FOSTER N.FRANCIS in rectangle FROBISHER in oval; B. C. Frobisher in rectangle F & M in wavy lined rectangle Frotheringham, Ebenezer Fryer, John W. Fueter, Daniel C. Fueter, Lewis Fuller, Alexander Furt, Peter Gafkins, J. Gaither, Greenberg Gale, John L. Gale, John S. Gale, William Gale, William, Jr. Gale, William & Son Gale, Wood & Hughes Gale & Mosely Gale & Stickler Gale & Willis Gallop, Christopher Galt, Samuel Gardiner, Baldwin Gardiner, B. & Company Gardiner, John Gardiner, Sidney UG) D C F in a shaped rectangle; and N over YORK, in a shaped rectangle J.L.G. in rectangle; J.L.GALE in rec- tangle J. GALE in rectangle W.G, in rectangle; head in square; tulips in cup-shaped cartouche Wm.GALE JR in rectangle W.GALE & SON, W.G.&S. in oblong; diamond with 1825 in angles G. W. & H in rectangle G & M in serrated rectangle G & S in rectangle B.G in rectangle; animal in oval and head in oval; B;GARDINER in rec- tangle BG & CO in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used. his name or initials. American Silversmiths and Their Marks LOCATIONS _ PERIOD New York City 1811 Boston, Mass. 1798 if 1676-1702 Newburyport, R. I. 1823 ° ¢.1825 New York City 1795 “6 «6 ce I 8 I 7 «ce “ “cc I 825 ¥ “cc “< 1797 Middletown, Conn. 1807 New York City 1804 Baltimore, Md. 1776 Philadelphia 1785 “<¢ 1839 2 1735 «¢ 1839 . 1840 Boston, Mass. 1834 Providence, R. I, 1810 Boston, Mass. 1756-1814 Albany, N. Y. 1784 New York City 1756 ce a6“ “e 1775 “cc ac “c I 8 I I Boston, Mass. 1720 _ Providence, R. I. 1832 Dist. of Col. 1834 New York City 1818 «e ¢ ce 1820 ae a ““ I 821 “ce «ce “ec I 823 is 9 ae «ae I 823 «ce «e “ce I 835 «< “e «se + 830 “ec «ce «“ I 823 « “ “ 1840 Ledyard, Conn. 1790 Williamsburg, Va. 1749 New York City I 829 “ee “cc “ I 825 New London, Conn. 1734 Philadelphia 1810 American Silversmiths and Their Marks 259 SILVERSMITHS MARKS LOCATIONS PERIOD Gardner, John J. J:Gardner in rectangle Boston, Mass. 1730-1776 Garllow, Shavelier t Philadelphia 1813 Garner, John Cincinnati, Ohio | 1825 Garren, Anthony Philadelphia 1813 Garret, P. P. GARRET in rectangle i 1811 Garret, T. C. & Co. T.C.GARRET & Co. in rectangle 5 1815 Garrison, John New York City 1825 Garrow & Dorsey Baltimore, Md. 1800 Gaskins, W. W. W W G in rectangle Norfolk, Va. 1806 Gatham, William Philadelphia 1802 Gay, Charles Baltimore, Md. 1779 Gay, Nathaniel Boston, Mass. 1664 Gee, Joseph Philadelphia 1785 Geffroy, Nicholas N.GEFFROY in escalloped rectangle Newport, R. I. 1782 Geley, Peter Philadelphia 1793 Gelston, George S. G. S. GELSTON in rectangle New York City 1833 Gelston, Ladd & Co. GELSTON, LADD & CO. in rectangle “ bakes 1836 Gelston & Co. FI ab 1837 Gelston & Gould Baltimore, Md. 1819 Gelston & Treadwell New York City 1836 Georgion, Bernard Philadelphia 1794 Georgeon & Philipe 4 1794 German, Greenberg D. : 1814 German, Joseph Baltimore, Md. 1819 Germon, John Philadelphia 1788 Gero, Francis * 1818 Gerrish, Timothy GERRISH in serrated rectangle; T. | Gerrish (script) Portsmouth, N. H. 1753-1813 Gethen, John Philadelphia 1811 { Gethen, William W.GETHEN in rectangle Ee 1797 | Getty, James Williamsburg, Va. 1772 ‘ Getz, Peter P.Getz in rectangle Lancaster, Pa. 1782 : Ghiselin, Caesar C G in heart; star; C G in rude oval; C G in rude hexagon Philadelphia 1695 : Ghiselin, William W.G in rectangle; GHISELIN in rec- : tangle %: 1751 : Gibbs, Daniel Boston, Mass. 1716 bs Gibbs, John J GIBBS in rude oval Providence, R. I. 1790 ¥ Gibbs, John F. * ‘) 1803 Giffing, Christopher C Giffing, N. Y. in rectangle New York City 1816 ; Gilbert, Samuel S G in square Hebron, Conn. 1798 : Gilbert, Wm. Gilbert (script) and N. York (script) ; both in rectangles; ; GILBERT in rectangle; WG in rec- a tangle with N.YORK in rectangle New York City 1765 ; Gilbert, William W. W. Gilbert (script) in rude rectangle; | W G in box ert a es 1783 FE Gilbert & Cunningham a se ds 1839 Gill, Caleb GILL in rectangle Hingham, Mass. 1790 Gill, Leavitt oh “ 1810 Gilman, John W. I.W.G. incised Exeter, N. H. 1792 Giquel, John B. F. New Orleans, La. 1822 Girard, Francis Philadelphia 1817 +Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. 259 SILVERSMITHS Giraud, Henry Girrad, Henry Girreaun, Stephen Glidden, Joseph Goelet, Philip Goforth, Jeremiah Goldthwaite, Joseph Gombach, John Goodhue, John Gooding, Henry Gooding, Joseph Goodwin, Allyn Goodwin, Benjamin Goodwin, H. & A. Goodwin, Horace Goodwin, Ralph | Goodwin & Dodd Gordon, A. & J. Gordon, Alexander S. Gordon, G. Gordon, James Gordon, James S. Gorham, Jabez Gorham, John Gorham, Miles Gorham, Richard Gorham & Webster Gough, James Gould, J. Gould, John Gould, Stowell & Ward Gould & Ward Govert, James Gowen, William Graham, Daniel Grant, Thomas Grant, William, Jr. Gravelle, René L. Graves, Thomas Gravier, Nicholas Gray, G. Gray, John Gray, Robert Gray, Samuel Green, James American Silversmiths and MARKS J G, crowned fleur-de-lis below in shield P G in rude square; P G in oval cd J.GOODHUE in rectangle GOODING in double-lined rectangle ' B:GOODWIN in rectangle GOODWIN in an oblong GORDON in escalloped rectangle G.Gordon in oblong M.G. in rectangle; M. GORHAM in rectangle Gorham & Webster (script) in rectangle J.GOULD and 10-15 in rectangles with curved ends W.G. in rectangle; W.GOWEN in rec- tangle | T. GRANT in rectangle W. Grant (script) in shaped rectangle and WG in oval G.GRAY in escalloped rectangle © R.Gray, script in rectangle S:GRAY in rectangle; GRAY in rec- tangle . er tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. Their Marks “2 Cincinnati, Ohio ts New York City Philadelphia “42 Ge Boston, Mass. —_160 New York City | Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia. Salem, Mass. Boston, Mass. = one “ Hartford, Conn. Boston, Mass. — Hartford, Conn. ac , “ee «ce “ P New York City. ac “ae “e “ 66 “ ge. es Philadelphia Providence, R. I. | New Haven, Conn. _ “ « “ ra] des =) Sn eae Provicence, Ry 1.2 7) Boston, Mass. | Baltimore, Md. < Philadelphia Baltimore _ Philadelphia Charlestown, Mass. i West Suffield, Conn. © Marblehead, Mass. — Philadelphia New Orleans, La. — Portsmouth, N. H. — ae New London, Conn. | Boston, Mass. — i re Portsmouth, N. H. Boston, Mass. _ ie r 2 New York City American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Green, Benjamin Green, Rufus Greene, William & Co. Greenleaf, David Greenleaf, David, Jr. Greffin, Peter Griffen, P. Griffen & Hoyt Griffing, C. Grifith, David Grigg, William Grignon, Benjamin Grignon, René Grimke, John P. Griscom, George Griselm, Caesar Griswold, Gilbert Guercy, Dominick Guerin, Anthony Guille, Noah Gunn, Enos Gurley, William Gurnee, Benjamin Gurnee, B. & S. Gurnee & Co. Hackle, William Haddock, Henry Haddock & Andrews Hadwen, William Haggenmacher, J. H. & Co. Haines, Abraham Hall, Abijah Hall, Brower & Co. Hall, Charles Hall, David Hall, Drew Hall, Green Hall, Hewson & Merri- field Hall, Ivory Hall, Joseph Hall & Brower MARKS B:GREEN in rectangle R: GREEN in rectangle; R:GREEN in shaped rectangle GREENLEAF in wavy-lined rectangle DGreenleaf) GRIFFEN & HOYT in shaped rec- tangle; anchor, eagle, and star, each in circle GRIGG and W.GRIGG, each in shaped rectangle; Grigg (script) in shaped cartouche RG, crown above and dog below in very rudely drawn shield W. GRISWOLD in rectangle E. GUNN in rectangle W.G in rectangle D H in cartouche; D HALL in rec- tangle (HAD G27 tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Boston, Mass. “ce “e Providence, R. I. Bolton, Mass. 261 PERIOD 1712-1748 1707-1717 1815 1737 Norwich & Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Philadelphia Albany, N. Y. ce «¢ New York City Boston, Mass. New York City Boston, Mass. Norwich, Conn. Charleston, S. C. Philadelphia Middletown, Conn. New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Norwich, Conn. Norwich, Conn. New York City Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. «ae “e Nantucket, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Albany, N. Y. Lancaster, Pa. Philadelphia New York City Albany, N. Y. “e “ec Concord, N. H. Albany, N. Y. «¢ “6 1766 1801 1825 1830 1825 1789 1765 1685 1690 1744 1791 1700 1825 1795 1791 1701 1792 1804 1820 1833 1820 1776 1836 1838 1816 1836 1801 1813 1836 1765 1765 1789 1813 1840 1801 1781 1830 262 SILVERSMITHS Hall & Hewson Hallam, John Halsey, Jabez Halstead, Benjamin Halstead & Son Ham, George Hamill, James Hamill & Co. Hamilton, James Hamilton, John Hamlin, Cyrus Hamlin, William Hammersley, Thomas Hancock, John Handle, John Hanks, Benjamin Hannah, W. W. Hanners, George Hansell, Robert Harache, Pierre Harding, N. & C. Harding, Newill Harding, N. & Co. Hardwood, John Hardy, Stephen Harland, Thomas Harland, Thomas, Jr. Harpel, Thomas W. Harper, Alexander Harper, David Harper, Thomas W. Harris, George Harris, H. Harris & Stanwood Hart, Eliphaz Hart, John Hart, John J. Hart, Judah Hart, William Hart & Bliss MARKS H & Hin rectangle, head and eagle and D in cartouches ' (RIALSEY) THALSEY! Halstead (script) in shaped cartouche J.HAMILL, N.Y. in rectangle W.H. in rectangle followed by crescent moon open to left; WH in rectangle with crescent moon open to right T.H in square; TH; TH (script) in oval J HANCOCK in oblong; J. HANCOCK in rectangle W. W. HANNAH, heavy, crude capi- tals, unframed G. HANNERS in rectangle; G H, crown above and pellet below, in shield; G.H in an oval. N. HARDING in rectangle; N. Hard- ing in rectangle N HARDING in rectangle; N HARD- ING in oblong © N.H & Co in rectangle HARDY in oblong with clipped corners HARLAND in rectangle H in circle, & in diamond; S in circle, connected HARRIS & STANWOOD in rectangle E. HART in n rectangle; E H in square Harb tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. Albany, N. ee a Lee New London, Conn. New York City | “ce “< “ e id ae Portsmouth, N. H. New York City Annapolis, Md. New York City Portland, Me. . Middletown, Conn. : New York City Boston, Mass. Philadelphia © Windham, Conn. New York City sf: Boston, Mass. one Williamsburg, Va. a New York City Boston, Mass. — 66 eae Philadelphia Portsmouth, N. By | Norwich, Conn. j Phitadetonies i x New York City © yeu Albany, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Norwich, Conn. Philadelphia New York City Berlin, Conn. Philadelphia ages, Conn. aie nie ee ae ee ee ee eee ae ee ee American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Hart & Brewer Hart & Wilcox’ Hartford, George Hartin & Bargi Hartley, Samuel Hartman, Philip Haskell, Barnabus Hastier, John Hastier, Marquette Hastings, B. B. Haugh, Samuel Haverstick, William Hawley, Noah Haws, John Hayden & Gregg Hayes & Colton Hays, Andrew Hays & Myers Head, Joseph Healy Heath, John Heck, Ludwig Hedges, David, Jr. Heguenburg, Charles, Jr. Hempsted & Chandler Henchman, Daniel Hendriks, Ahasuerus Henry, Felix MARKS ' | HART & WILCOX in rectangle HAW ca M H in square S H in square HAYDEN & GREGG in rectangle HAYS & MYERS in rectangle; H & M in oblong PHEATH L H in square HEDGES in rudely drawn rectangle Henchman in rectangle; D.H in rec- tangle A H conjoined in an asymmetric circle; At in oval; A.H in oval Hequenbourg, Charles, Jr. Herbert, Timothy B. Herils, Francis Heron, Isaac Heurtin, William Hews, Abrahan, Jr. Hewson, John D. Heyer, William B. Heyer & Gale Higbie & Crosby Hildebur, Hill, James Hill & Waddill Hilldrup, Thomas Hiller, Benjamin Hiller, Joseph Hilton, William Hind, John {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. W H in rectangle A. HEWS Jr. in rectangle LOCATIONS Middletown, Conn. Norwich, Conn. Philadelphia Bound Brook, N. J. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New York City ce «¢ “ce Cleveland, Ohio Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New York City Newark, N. J. Philadelphia Boston, Mass.’ Newark, N. J. Lancaster, Pa. New York City New Haven, Conn. New York City Boston, Mass. New York City New Haven, Conn New York City Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. Albany, N. Y. W.B.HEYER in rectangle; W.B.HEYER in shaped rectangle W.B.HEYER in rectangle; & in rec- tangle; J.GALE in an oblong HIGBIE & CROSBY in oblong HILDEBUR in oval B H two crescents below, in shaped rectangle; B H in cartouche New York City oe «ec “e Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Petersburg, Va. Hartford, Conn. Boston, Mass. — “ae “oe Philadelphia 263 PERIOD 1800 1805 1794 1766 1818 1813 1833 1726 1771 1835 1675 1781 1816 1837 1840 1831 1769 1770 1798 1773 1761 1760 1880 1809 1811 1751 1675 1815 1781 1816 1804 1768 1731 1838 1815 1798 1807 1820 1790 1770 1780 1774 1711 1745 1814 1760 264 SILVERSMITHS Hinsdale, Epaphras Hitchborn, Daniel Hitchborn, Samuel Hitchcock, Eliakim American Silversmiths and Their Marks Be “MARKS HINSDALE in crude rectangle E H, cross between in rectangle; E H (orHitchborn, Eliakim) in rectang Hobarth, Joshua Hobbs, Nathan Hodge, John Hoffman, Frederick Hoffman, James M. Holland, Littleton Hollingshead, John Hollingshead, William Holmes, Adrian B. Holmes, Israel Holmes, J. Holmes, William Holton, David Holton, John Holyoke, Edward Homes, William Homes, William, Jr. Hoover, Henry Hoover, Joseph E. Hopkins, Jesse Hopkins, Joseph Hopper, Samuel Hosford, Harley Hotchkiss, Hezekiah Houlton, John Houtzell, Jacob How, David Howard, Abraham . Howard, John Howard, Thomas Howard, William Howe, G. C. & Co. Howe, George C, Howe, Otis Howell, G. W. Howell, James Howell, Paul Howell, Silas W. - J.HOBAR ends HOBBS in rectangle J. HODGE in rectangle with HADLEY in rectangle in oblong with rounded J. M. HOFFMAN in rectangle L. HOLLAND in rectangle, STER in rectangle, A, head, and a web in cartouches WH (fancy script) in shaped car touche A. Holmes in rectangle HOLYOKE in rude rectangle © W. HOMES in rectangle; HOMES in rectangle, W.H in rectangle W. Homes in oval GEO. C. HOWE in oblong; anchor, star, and eagle in separate ovals G W Howell (script) in réctangle, aad I.Howell (script) in shaped cartouche P. HOWELL in rectangle; Howell (script) in shaped rectangle S. W. Howell (script) in rectangle same in shaped rectangle ——_—_—__—_—e tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials, - Waterbury, Conn. eé 6 us ld LOCATIONS New York City | Boston, Mass, — 4c “cc New Haven, Conn. “cc “ee «“e Boston, Mass. Hadley, Mass. : Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. | Philadelphia “ce New York City Waterbury, Conn. New York City — Baltimore, Md. — Philadelphia Boston, Mass, — “ce “e Philadelphia Philadelphia New York City . New Haven, Conn Philadelphia Ret Boston, Mass. a Salem, Masay so: soe Philadelphia Boston, Mass. ahs New York City Boston, Mass. “ +“ Philadelphia — New York City _ Albany, N. v7 aa American Silversmiths and Their Marks . SILVERSMITHS Howell & Arnold Hoyt, George B. Hoyt, Henry E. Hoyt, S. Hubbal, William Hughes, Christopher & a O. Hughes, Edmund Hughes, Henry Hughes, J. Hughes & Bliss Hughes & Francis Hulbeart, Philip Hull, John Hull & Sanderson Humbert, Augustus Humphreys, Richard Humphreys, Thomas Hunlock, Bouman Hunnewell, George W. Hunt, Edward Hunt, William Huntington, Phil Huntington, Roswell Hurd, Benjemin (son of Jacob Hurd) Hurd, Isaac Hurd, Jacob Hurd, Nathaniel Hurst, Henry Husband, John Huston, James Hutchins, Jacob Hutton, George Hutton, Isaac Hutton, I & G. Hutton, John Hutton, John S. Hyde & Goodrich Hyde & Nevins MARKS } . GEO. B. HOYT in rectangle HENRY HOYT in rectangle S. HOYT in rectangle J. HUGHES in rectangle P H in shaped square qy tid MEH R H (script) in shaped cartouche; R H in rectangle; R.H in oval, R.HUm- phreys (script) in shaped cartouche P H in square; Huntington in shaped rectangle B H, arrow between, in a rectangle GD Gp ta Wen Bo N.Hurd in rectangle; N. Hurd, very small, in cartouche H H in a shield Probably the I H (script) in shaped rectangle given in American Church Silver, page 81 HUTCHINS in rude oblong Spray or bird in circle; HUTTON in oblong; first figure repeated and ALBANY in rectangle HYDE & GOODRICH in rectangle; N.O. in rectangle Hyde & Nevins in rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Albany, N. Y. New York City Dist. of Col. Baltimore, Md. Hampton, Conn. Baltimore, Md. Middletown, Conn. “ce ae “e “ce Philadelphia Boston, Mass. “ “ec New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. “¢ «ee Norwich, Conn. “ace cc Roxbury, Mass. 1 «e Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Baltimore New York City Albany, N. Y. New Orleans, La. New York City 265 PERIOD 1797 1840 1820 1840 1834 1773 1804 1781 1798 1806 1807 1761 1645 1652 1818 1771 1814 fhe? 1836 17h] 1819 1791 1763 1739 1754 1702 1729 1665 1796 1799 1774 1799 1790 1799 1720 1684 1830 1798 266 SILVERSMITHS Iago, Henry Ingraham, Joseph Inman, Benjamin Isaacks, Michael Jacks, James Jacks, William Jackson, Daniel _ Jackson, James Jackson, John Jackson, Joseph _ Jacob, Moses Jacobs, Abel Jacobs, George Janvier, Louis Jarvis, Munson Jenckes, John C. Jenckes & Co. Jenkins, John Jennings, Jacob Jennings, Jacob, Jr. Jesse, David Johannes, John M. John, Johnson, C. Johnson, John Johnson, Maycock W. Johnson, Samuel Johnson & Ball Johnson & Reat Johonnot, William B. Jones, Ball & Co. Jones, Ball & Poor Jones, E. Jones, George B. Jones, James Jones, John Jones, John B. Jones, William Jones, William Jones & Ward Jordan, Peter Joubert, P. Judah, Kay, Amos Keeler, A. Keeler, Joseph Keeler, Thaddeus MARKS D I in cartouche; DJACKSON in ob- long JACKSON in oblong A JACOBS in rectangle G. JACOBS in long oval M:] in box; M.J in box ue JENCKES incised; JCJENCKES i in an oblong G) ap JOHN in an oblong M.W.JOHNSON in engrailed rectangle S J in oblong ~ JOHNSON & REAT in once oval = New York re oston, Mass, > Norwich, Conn. Charlescawn core Philadelphia Re, New Haven, Conn, te New Orleans, La. i New York City ee “ “ es ie Philadelphia Troy, N.. Yao een SILVERSMITHS American Silversmiths and Their Marks MARKS Marshall & Tempest t Martin, Abraham W. Martin, Peter Mather & North -Matlack, William P.MARTIN in oblong MATHER & NORTH in double ruled rectangle Maverick, Peter R. Maysenhoelder, C. McClymon, J. C. (TLCLymon) Paar McConnell, Hugh McCONNELL in oblong McConnelly, H. McCormick, John McCrea, Robert McDaniel, Peter McDonald, Daniel McDonnough, Patrick McDonough, John McFarland, John J.M’F. in oblong; J. M’7FARLAND in oblong McFee, John McFee, M. McFee & Reeder M & R (& is very minute) in rectangle McGraw, Daniel McIntire, James McIntosh, John McKliment, John McLawrence, John McMahon, John McMaster, John McMullen, James McMullen, William MeMulin, John 7 Th) UEtal) THQ TM Min) McMullin & Black McMuLLin & BLack in rectangle McPherson, Robert Meade, Adriance Mecom, John Mecum, George Merchant, J. Merkler, John H. & Co. MEADE & ADRIANCE in rectangle, ST. Louis in oblong J.MERCHANT in oblong 4) Merrifield, Thomas V. Z. Merriman, C. Merriman, Marcus +Where no mark M.M in engrailed oval; M.M. between parallel curves, convexed on upper sides and closed at ends; M.M in oblong; eagle, M, and wheat shock each in square is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Philadelphia New York City «¢ New Britain, Conn. Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia «ce New York City Philadelphia “ce Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Chester, Pa. Philadelphia Ft. Stanwix, Pa. New York City Philadelphia «ae ae «e St. Louis, Mo. New York City Boston, Mass. New York City Albany, N. Y. New York City Cheshire, Conn. New Haven, Conn. 271 PERIOD 1813 1835 1756 1825 1828 1780 1824 1805 1813 1811 1837 1785 1743 1828 1811 1775 1796 1793 1769 1797 1772 1840 1761 1804 1818 1804 1805 1814 1791 1796 1811 1831 1831 1770 1836 1795 1788 1840 1825 1762. 1787 272 SILVERSMITHS Merriman, Reuben Merriman, Samuel Merriman, Silas Merriman & Bradley Merriman, Marcus & Co. Merriman & Tuttle Merrow, Nathan Michaels, James Miksch, John M. Miles, John Milhe, Stephen Millar, James Millard, George Miller, William Miller & Son Millner, Thomas Millon, Peter Milloudon, Phillippe Mills, Edmund Mills, Edward Mills, John Milne, Edmund Milné, F. Milne, Thomas Minott, Samuel Minott & Austin (Samuel & Joseph) Minott & Simpkins (Samuel & William) Minshall, William Mitchell, Phineas Mitchell, William Mix, James Mobbs, William Moffat, Charles H. Moffat, John L. Mood, Joseph Moore, Charles Moore, John C, Moore, John L. oe es Ria Suteban ‘ vic Nae American Silversmiths and Their Marks MARKS © tT S.Merriman in rectangle M & B, tree above the &, in circle on rectangle; M & B, bird above the &, in circle on rectangle M M&CO in escalloped rectangle; staff of wheat in circle (CEMIKSCH) MILLER in rectangle; Miller in script capitals in oblong T M in heavy capitals in cartouche; T M in oblong E.MILNE in oblong; E M in oval car- touche; EM in a rude square S M in box; M (script) in box; Minott. in oblong; Minott (script) in rec- tangle : Minnot and I A in rectangles Minott (script) in rectangles and WS in rectangle W. MITCHELL, rude capitals on scroll and J MOOD in wavy- lined oblong; J&P MOOD in engrailed oblong J.C.M. in rectangle, followed by star, anchor, and M in rude circles J.L.M. in rectangles; J.L. MOORE in rectangle fWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials, “ig ¥ LOCATIONS ko Litchfield, Conn. Cheshire,Conn. New Haven, Conn. Gok «¢ ce “ce a9 “ a “e “ce “ce East Hartford, Conn. New York City i Bethlehem, Pa. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia ce “c Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia — oe FT es ac New York City — “ Boston, Mass. “ al 5 tn Philadelphia Boston, Mass. “ce = 08. Albany, N. Y. Buffalo, Nu Yin New York City | Philadelphia | New York City ato “ce “e “cc a: American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Moore, Robert Moore, Thomas Moore & Brewer Moore & Brown Moore & Ferguson Morgan, John Mormagea, Michael Morris, John Morris, Sylvester Morris, William H. Morrison, Israel Morse, David Morse, Hazen Morse, J. H. Morse, Moses Morse, Nathaniel Morse, Stephen Moseley, David Moseley, Joseph Moses, Jacob Moses, M. Moshore, John Moss, Isaac N. Mott, John & William Mott, J. S. Mott, W. & J. S. Moulinar, John Moulton, Abel Moulton, Ebenezer S. Moulton, Enoch Moulton, Joseph, I Moulton, Joseph, II Moulton, Joseph, LI Moulton, William, I Moulton, William, IT Moulton, William, III Moulton & Bradbury Moulton & Davis Mulford, John H. Mumford, H. G. MARKS J. H. MORSE in rectangle M. MORSE in rectangle N M crowned, bird? below in a shield; N M in a rectangle MORSE in rectangle D Moseley, in rectangle; D M in rec- tangle; D Moseley (script) in rec- tangle MOSES in oblong MOTT?’S in wavy-lined rectangle J MOTT in rectangle (EM) (EM) dD A.MOULTON in rectangle E. S. Moulton (script) in oblong; MOULTON incised E. MOULTON in rectangle, straight- lined on top and serrated on 3 sides J.M. in an engrailed rectangle; re FE MIOUr x J. MOULTON EM Q@/DEMOULTON) incised (MOULTON GO iI) MOULTON in heavy capitals W.MOULTON in rectangle; MOUL- TON in a rectangle; MOULTON in- cised W M in rectangle; MOULTON in rec- tangle MOULTON in rectangle +Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Maryland Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. «ec a New York City Birmingham, Ga.{ Boston, Mass. New York City Derby, Conn. New York City Newburyport, Mass. Boston, Mass. Portland, Me. Newburyport, Mass. Albany, N. Y. Providence, R. I. {The town is correctly located in Georgia; it now has a population of 100, 273 PERIOD 1778 1805 1835 1833 1801 1813 1816 1796 1797 1759 1323 1798 1815 1792 1816 F729 1764 1774 1830 1768 1830 1905 1781 1789 1790 1789 744 1815 1796 1801 1680 1740 1813 1710 1720 1772 1796 1824 1835 1813 274 SILVERSMITHS Munroe, James Munson, Amos Munson, Cornelius Murdock, James Murphy, James Musgrave, James Myer, H. B. Myers, Albert Myers, John Myers & Jacob Myers, Myer Mygatt, Comfort S. Mygatt, David Mygatt, Eli Mysendhender, Nagles, John Neuill, Richard Neuss, Jan . Nevill, Richard Newberry, Edwin C. Newhall, Dudley Newkirke, Joseph Newman, Timothy H. Nichols, Bassett Nichols, William S. Nicherson, Baty Nixon, Richard Noble, Joseph Norcross, Nehemiah Norris, George North, William B. North & Co. Northee, David I. Northey, Abijah Norton, Andrew Norton, Benjamin Norton, C. C. Norton, Samuel Norton, Thomas Norton & Pitkin and PURE COIN in rectangles Cade TH 1 ada J. MURPHY in oblong Musgrave (script) in shaped cartouche H B Myer in oblong TEMES Gitjep MM (script) in oval; MM in rectangle; MM in cartouche; Myer (script) in shaped cartouche D.MYGATT in escalloped rectangle IN, spray? below in a heart; the I is barred I.N in oval; I.N. in rectangle Newman (script) in cartouche NICHOLS in rectangle; anchor, star, and Head in ovals W.S.N in rectangle; NICHOLS in rec- tangle W.B.N in rectangle D.I.NORTHEE in a rectangle; D N in rectangle A N in rectangle C C NORTON in rectangle T N in rectangle C.C.NORTON in rectangle; & in rectangle; W. PITKIN in rectangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials, Barnstable, Mass. _ New Haven, Conn. Wallingford, Conn. Philadelphia New York City | Philadelphia «“e New York City | Danbury, Conn. Philadelphia Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Mansfield, Conn. Salem, Mass. New York City — ? Providence, R. 1B Newport, R. I. Harwich, Mass. Philadelphia _ Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York Ci ty Salem, Mass. . Goshen, Conn. Boston, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Hingham, Mass. Farmington, Conn, Hartford, Conn. Tae ea ieee Ba oat American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Norwood, Richard Noyes, John Noyes, Samuel Noyes, N. & T. F. Nuttall, Joseph Oakes, Frederick Oakes & Spencer Obrihim, Joseph Odell, Lawrence Oertelt, Charles E. Ogier, John Ogilvie, Gabriel Oliver, Andrew Oliver, Daniel Oliver, Peter Olivier, Peter Olmstead, Nathaniel Onclebagh, Garret Osgood, J. Osthoff, Andrew Otis, John Otis, Jonathan Ott, Daniel Ott, George Overin, Richard Owen, Jesse Owen, John Paddy, Samuel Painter, John Palmer, James Palmer & Bachlader Palmer & Clapp Palmer & Hinsdale Pancoast, Samuel Paradice, William A. Paraset, William Parham, William © Parie, Joseph Parisen, Otto Parisien, Otto W. Parisien, O. & Son | Parker, Daniel MARKS t TH) kD OAKES in rectangles; OAKES in oblong O & S in rectangle D. OLIVER in a rectangle P.O in heart P.O in engrailed rectangle N OLMSTEAD in rectangle, followed by bird in cartouche and P (probably a workman’s mark) in cartouche GBO, letter in each leaf of trefoil J.Ous (script) in oblong; Otis in car- touche; I.O in a cartouche; Otis (small script) in cartoon; Otis (large) in rectangle G. Ott (script) in oblong, Ott (script) in rectangle JSE E. OWEN in rectangle I.OWEN in rectangle; OWEN in rec- tangle Parisen in rectangle O P D P in oblong D: P in rectangle ; D : PARKER in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS New York City Boston, Mass. Norwich, Conn. > ——, Maryland Hartford, Conn. ae “cc Annapolis, Md. New York City Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New Haven, Conn. New York City Salem, Mass. Pittsburgh, Pa. Barnstable, Mass. Newport, R. I. New York City Norfolk, Va. New York City Philadelphia “6 Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. New York City Philadelphia “é “ce ae New York City ae ‘ ae as “6 Boston, Mass. 275 PERIOD 1774 1695 1779 1778 1825 1814 1784 1830 1831 1791 1791 1722 1805 1682-1712 1797 1826 1698 1817 1815 1706 17g! 1792 1806 1702 1794 1804 1659 1735 1815 1815 1823 1815 1785 1799 1811 1785 ISI 1763 I7g1 1789 1727-1786 276 SILVERSMITHS Parker, George Parker, Isaac Parker, Richard Parker, William H. Parkman, C. Parkman, John Parkman, Thomas Parks, John Parmele, James Parmele, Samuel Parry, Martin Parry, Rowland Parry & Musgrave Parsons, Pascal, William Paterson, George Pattit, Thomas Patton, Thomas -Paulgreen, Quam - Paxson, John A. Peabody, John Peale, Charles W. Pear, Edward Pearce, W. Pearse, Samuel Pearson, John Peck, Lawrence M. Peck, Timothy Pedosy, S. Peiri, Joseph Pelletreau, Elias Pelletreau, John Pelletreau, Maltby Pelletreau, William S: Pelletreau & Upson Pepper, Henry I. Perkins, Houghton Perkins, Isaac Perkins, Jacob Perpignan, Peter Perpignan & Varnier Perraux, Peter Perret, Augusta Perret & Sandoz BS) aa ok ee ee one ha American Silene Bey Their Marks am” MARKS G. PARKER in rectangle I PARKER in rectangle t C.PARKMAN in an oblong PARKMAN in oblong T. PARKMAN in serrated rectangle S:Parmele (surname in script) in shaped cartouche; S.P in cartouche; S P in oval; S. Parmele (script) in oblong PARRY in rectangle PARSONS in rectangle J.PEABODY in rectangle E P in serrated square W PEARCE Va Norfolk in oval J.Pearson (script) in rectangle; I P in cartouche E P in square W.S.P. in escalloped rectangle; W. S. PELLETREAU in an oblong H.1.PEPPER in rectangle I P crowned in shield P.P in cartouche; PP in square {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. Baltimore, Md. ‘Philadelphia LOCATIONS. Deerfield, Mass. | ~ Philadelphia oo & New York City — Boston, Mass. «ce ae New York City _ 3 Durham, Conn. Guilford, Coane Portsmouth, N. H. Philadelphia “ec New York City ~= * & Philadelphia , : Enfield, Conn: ? 3 : Philadelphia - Boston, Mass. “Norfolk, Va. New York City i Philadelphia ; ia Ys Middletown, Conn. ee New York City . sie Southampton, L. I, New York City us ae oS ot ae ‘e er a te ee. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Charlestown, Mass. Newburyport, Mass. + Phi rates ae Lis a New York He City, He. =. Ee ee ee ee Pe ee ee ee ee gs ee a, American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Perry, Thomas Peters, James Peters, R. Petit, Matthew Pettit, Thomas Phelps, Jedediah Philip & Yver Phillips, James D. Phillips, Samuel Phyfe, William Pickering, Charles Pierce, Hart Pierce, John Pierce, O. Pierpont, Benjamin Pierson, Phillip Pinchin, William Pinto, Joseph Pitkin, Henry Pitkin, James F. Pitkin, John O. Pitkin, J. O. & W. Pitkin, Walter Pitkin, William J. Pitkin, William L. Pitkin & Norton Pitman, Benjamin Pitman, John K. Pitman, Sanders Pitman, William R. Pitman & Dodge Pitman & Dorrance Pitts, Richard — Pitts, A. Plain, Edward Planquet, Gregory Platt, George W. Platt, James Platt, N.C. Platt & Brother Poincignon, Francis Poincy, Peter Pointe, James MARKS M.P in rectangle JA’ D.PHILLIPS in rectangle PIERCE in an oblong ~ O- PIERCE in rectangle B* PIERPONT, in a shaped oblong; BP very small in rectangle; PIER- PONT in an oblong; B PIERPONT in cartouche H P, hollow block letters in cartouche J. O. & W. PITKIN in rectangle W. PITKIN in rectangle, followed by a star, rooster, and P, in crudely made circles WM J. PITKIN in rectangle WM.L.PITKIN in rectangle W.PITKIN, C C NORTON in rec- tangles B. PITMAN in rectangle; Pitman in rectangle PITMAN in rectangle; Pitman in rec- tangle PITTS (script) in cartouche PLATT & BROTHER in rectangle; G.W. & N.C. PLATT in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials, - 277 LOCATIONS PERIOD Westerly, R. I. Philadelphia 1821 ? 1807 New York City 1811 * cs a ile 1791 Great Barrington, Vt. 1781 Philadelphia 1796 Cleveland, Ohio 1829 Salem, Mass. 1680 Boston, Mass. 1721 as r 1836 Philadelphia 1683 New York City 1835 Boston, Mass. 1810 « «“ 1824 Roxbury, Mass. — 1730-1797 New York City 1798 Philadelphia 1779 New York City 1758 Hartford, Conn. I8II East Hartford, Conn. 1834 se . oe Els, Hartford, Conn. 1826 e: i 1808 “a i "1820 : ~ 1825 «“e «ce 1825 Providence, R. I. 1825 “cc “ce 1805 oh oe T7521 Bod New Bedford, Mass. 1835 Providence, R. I. 1790 ! = 1795 Philadelphia 1741 a 1790 New York City 1835 ge Noakes: 1797 oe “ “ce 1820 “ “cc “cc 1835 “cc 6é “cc 1820 i fn Sis 1816 Philadelphia 1796 7 1813 cs 1813 We: hese: -—* y et ore wre BRR Sy ihe; ae 278 SILVERSMITHS Pointe & Tanguv Poissenot, N. J. Poissonier, Francis Poland, P. Polgrain, Quom — Polhamus, J. Pollard, William Poncet, Lewis- Fons, Thomas Poor, Nathaniel Porter, F. W. Porter, Henry C. Porter, H.C. & Co. Portram, Abraham Post, Samuel Potter, J.0;& J. R. Potwine, John Potwine & Whiting Poupard, Jas. Powell, C. F. Powelson, Chas. Pratt, Henry Pratt, Nathan Pratt, Phineas Pratt, Seth Price, Benjamin Price, John Prince, Job Putnam, Edward Putnam, Rufus Quaritus, Frederick Quincy, Daniel Quintard, Peter Rabeth, Jas. Rait, David Rait, Robert Rasch, Anthony Rasch & Willig Ravee, Xavier Reed, A. G. & Co. vis ne Ans = teal MARKS + W.P in rectangle; W.P in cartouche PONS in rectangle; PONS in bane oblong F.W.PORTER in oblong H. PORTER & CO. in rectangle AP, fleur-de-lis below, in a heart; AP in a heart IP (separated by a diamond shaped pel- . let) in a rectangle; IP with a pellet be- tween the letters in a shield with shaped top; I:Potwine in a shaped cartouche; I-Potwine in an oblong. When the name is used the initials are in Roman capitals, the other let- ters in script. N.PRATT in rectangle PQ i in cartouche; Pq in rectangle; P. Q in rectangle * R.RAIT in rectangle | ANTY RASCH in oblong; Sterling above the word silver, in rectangle {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Philadelphia ae New York Clee Boston, Mass. © Baltimore Md. | Boston, Mass. “c “é New York City -2.500e “ce “ce 4“ 2 “ee ae “ «“ +6 ee New London Providence, R. I. \ Hartford, Conn. 16: oe v “ Philadelphia, (ae New York City = Philadelphia New York City Baltimore, Md. © = New Flaven Conn, 2 American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITYS Sibley, J. Sibley & Marble Silliman, Hezekiah Sime, William Sime & Moses Simes, William Simmons, Andrew Simmons, Anthony Simmons, James Simmons, Joseph Simmons, J. & A. Simmons, Peter Simmons, S. Simmons & Alexander Simpkins, Thomas B. Simpkins, William Singleton & Young Sixte, Joseph A. Sixte, Vincent B. Skerry, George W. Skinner, Abraham Skinner, Elizer Skinner, Matt Skinner, Thomas Slidell, Joshua Sloan, William Smith, Christian Smith, David Smith, Ebenezer Smith, George Smith, George O. Smith, I. Smith, Jaceb Smith, James Smith, James Smith, John Smith, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith, J. & T. Smith, Levin H. Smith, Robert Smith, Samuel Smith, William Snyder, George MARKS J.SIBLEY in rectangle S & M in rectangle t W.S in rectangle; W.SIMES in rec- tangle; W.SJMES in engrailed rec- tangle A.Simmons (script) in rectangle; A.S. in oblong J. Simmons (script) in rectangle J. & A. SIMMONS in rectangle; J. & A. S in rectangle S.SIMMONS in rectangle SIMMONS & ALEXANDER in shaped rectangle T.B.Simpkins (script) in irregular rectangle W. Simpkins in plain cartouche; W.SIMPKINS in cartouche; W S in rectangle; Simpkins (script) in car- touche MATT SKINNER in oblong T S in cartouche; SKINNER in oblong D.SMITH in rectangle I.S in rectangle I.SMITH in rectangle R.E.SMITH in rectangle +Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS New Haven, Conn. “ae ae “ce “é “ce “e Birmingham, Ga. ae ce Portsmouth, N. H. Philadelphia “ee New York City Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia ee Boston, Mass. 6é New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New York City Hartford, Conn. Philadelphia New York City Hartford, Conn. Philadelphia SAY Ae Brookfield, Conn. Philadelphia New York City Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia 46 New York City Philadelphia ) 23% ‘PERIOD 1810 1801 1767 1768 1768 Eig 1796 E97 1815 1828 1805 1816 1797 1798 1749 1726 1800 1837 1837 1837 1756 1826 1752 1733 1765 1794 1820 1778 1775 1831 1825 1742 1809 1794 1807 1819 1789 1804 1817 1837 1820 1785 1770 1816 ; Seid ae pte So Sn eee sts rf ect eee 284 American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS MARKS LOCATIONS Solomon, Samuel to Philadelphia Sonnier, Joseph 7 Souque, Michael New York City Soumain, Samuel Philadelphia Soumaine, Simeon S S in rectangle New York City Sowerlt, Anthony Sowerlt, script in cartouche Philadelphia Sparrow, Henry bat Spear, Isaac . . Boston, Mass. Spencer, George Essex, Conn. Spencer, James Hartford, Conn. Squire, S. P. S. P. SQUIRE in rectangle New York City Squire & Lander SQUIRE & LANDER incised i. ee Stacy, P. P. STACY in rectangle Boston, Mass. _ Stall, Joseph ee Baltimore, Md. ° Staniford, John J S in cartouche; Staniford (script) in shaped oblong Windham, Conn. Stanton, Daniel D. Stanton in oblong Stonington, Conn. | Stanton, Enoch ‘* a Stanton, Zebulon ZS in rectangle; STANTON in rec- tangle i i Stanwood, Henry B. Henry B. Stanwood in rectangle Boston, Mass. Staples, John J. J.J.S in rectangle; IIS in oval New York City | St: Cer 8: Lx . New Orleans, La. Stebbins, E. & Co. New York City Stebbins, T. E. T.STEBBINS in oval; STEBBINS . ata in rectangle © eae Stebbins & Howe STEBBINS & HOWE in rectangle ae cel, Stedman, Alexander Philadelphia ‘Steele, John Annapolis, Md. Stephanis, Gothelf New York City Stephen, Thomas H. ew | Philadelphia Stephens, George G. S in cartouche New York City Steven, George WS OP aa Stevens & Lakeman STEVENS & LAKEMAN in rectangle Salem, Mass. — Stewart, C. W. New York City Stewart, John Stewart (script) in oval cartouche * 4 Stickler, John “ot i a ed Stickney. Jonathan, Jr I.STICKNEY in rectangle _ ‘Newburyport, Mass. ee Stickney, M. P. M. P. STICKNEY in rectangle os Stiles, Benjamin Woodbure Conn. Stillman, Alexander Philadelphia Stillman, E. E.Stillman in oblong oval Stonington, Conn. Stillman, Richard R.STILLMAN in rectangle Philadelphia Stilman, William - Hopkinton, R. I. Stinson, William New York City Stockerman & Pepper STOCKERMAN & PEPPER in rece ~ hi tangle Philadelphia Stockman, Jacob ae if Stodder & Frobisher STODDER & FROBISHER in rec- tangle Boston, Mass. =f Stollenwerck & Brother Stollenwerck, italics in carianhe. New York City Stollenwerck & Co. Stollenwerck & Co. in shaped cartouche oe aaa Stone, Adam | Baltimore, Md. tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. ry Rey rz , ie a ee ee American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Stone & Osborn Strom, A. G. Strom & Son Storrs, N. Storrs & Cooley Stout, Samuel Stoutenburgh, Tobias, Stow, John Strong, John Strong William Stuart, H. Stuart, John Stuckert, Isaac Sullivan. D. & Co. Supplee, Jacob Sutherland, George Sutton, Robert Swan, Caleb Swan, Robert Swan, William Sweetser, Henry P. Symmes, John Syng, Daniel Syng, Philip Syng, Philip, Jr. Taber, William Tanguy, John Tanguy, J. & P. Tanguy, Peter Tanguy, Repiton Tanner, John Targee, John Targee, J. & P. ‘Tatgee, Peter Targee, William Taylor, George W. Taylor, John Taylor, Najah Taylor, Thomas Taylor, William Taylor & Hinsdale Taylor & Lawrie Tempest, Robert ¢Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. tT A.G.STROM in engrailed rectangle STROM & SON, script in a shaped rectangle N.STORRS in rectangle S & C in shaped cartouche, diamond centre T S B in crude rectangle Stuart (script) in oval D. SULLIVAN & CO in wavy-lined rectangle R : SWAN in rectangle Swan (script) in cartouche P S in rectangle P S in double circle, followed by star in cartouche J TANGUY in rectangle I.T in rectangle; calyx of lily (?); 1 T (script) in shaped cartouche I & P T, a letter a and three four un- recognizable objects in cartouches; I.P.TARGEE in rectangle T & H in rectangle; head, lion, and a workman’s mark (G?) in cartouche LOCATIONS New York City Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. New York City Princeton, N. J. New York City Wilmington, Del. , Md. Philadelphia New York City Providence, R. I. Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Worcester, Mass. “e “ce Boston, Mass. Lancaster, Pa. Philadelphia Newport, R. I. New York City Philadelphia New York City ‘ Providence, R. I. Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia 285 PERIOD 1796 1830 1835 1825 1832 1779 1731 La72 1778 1807 1808 1720 1809 1820 1791 1810 1820 A7TS 1799 1736 1768 1766 +734 1715 1727 1835 1801 1808 1810 1806 1740 1794 1811 I181I 1807 1824 1801 1793 rie i772 1801 1837 1814 286 SILVERSMITHS Ten Eyck, Jacob Ten Eyck, Koenraet Terry, Geer Terry, John Terry, L. B. Terry, Williamt Thaxter, Joseph B. Theofile, William Thibault, Felix Thibault, Francis Thibault, Francis Felix Thibault, Frederick Thibault, Fred’k & Felix Thibault Bros. Thibault & Co. Thomas, Thomas Thomas, Walter Thomas, William Thompson, D. B. Thompson, Isaac Thompson, James Thomson, Peter Thomson, James Thomison, Peter Thomson, William Thornton, Henry Tiley, James Tingley, Samuel Tisdale, B. H. Titcomb, Francis Tompkins, Edmund Touzell, John Towson, Obadiah Tracy, Erastus Tracy, Gordon Tripler, Christian Troll, William Troth, James Trott, J. P. & Son Trott, John P Trott, Jonathan Trott, Jonathan, Jr. Trott, Thomas American Silversmiths and Their Marks ° MARKS I T in cartouche (I barred); ITE (TE in monogram) in box K T E (T E in monogram) in cartouche’ G TERRY in oblong t L.B. TERRY in rectangle Wm.TERRY in an oblong -THIBAULT in rectangle THIBAULT BROTHERS in rectangle D.B.Thompson in rectangle 1. THOMPSON in rectangle W.Thomson (script) in shaped oblong I. TILEY in oblong cartouche S I (script) in cartouche; N York (script) in shaped cartouche; I. Tingley (script) 1 in shaped cartouche B H TISDALE in rectangle; B H Tis- dale (script) in rectangle F. TITCOMB in rectangle JF. TOUZELL in oval cartouche I.P.T. & Son in rectangle J.P.T. in engrailed rectangle; TROTT in oval cartouche J. TROTT in oval; 3 Trott ees in oval J:P T.T in rectangle; T:T crowned in rec- tangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. {This may be the “Wilbert” Terry referred to by Ensko. Terry silver spoons, sraight sided, A author's collection are plainly marked as above. The period is 178 . New York Ciepak _ Enfield, Conn. : Brooklyn, N.Y. LOCATIONS Albany, N. Y. New York City Enfield, Conn. Hingham, Mass. : ; New Orleans, La. Philadelphia N ew York City Trenton, i fo 9 a Litchfield, Conn, ae Philadelphia oe New York City: 70 og Boston, Mass sits New York City a Providence, R. I. _ Hartford, Conn. New York City * ek -( Providence, R. I, Newburyport, ye oe Waterbury, Conn. — eile Salem, Mass. — Philadelphia - Pee Norwich, Conn. tus - f s eee New York fai. Philadelphia Pittsburgh, Paw BO New Loney Conn, eee sé “ Boston, Mass! New London, Conn, Boston, Mass, oe ee American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Trott & Brooks Trott & Cleveland ‘Truax, Henry R. Trumbul, Richard Tucker, Daniel Tucker, John W. Turner, James Tuthill, Christopher | Tuttle, Bethuel Tuttle, William Tyler, Andrew Tyler, D. M. Tyler, David Tyler, George Ubelin, Frederick Ufford & Burdick Underhill, Andrew Underhill, Thomas Underhill & Vernon Underwood, John Vail, Elijah Vaissiere, Victor Valet, Peter Vallee, Antoine Van Bergen, John Van Beuren, Peter MARKS T & B in rectangle T & C in oblong H R T in rectangle t 1.T in oval A TYLER in oblong D.M.TYLER in rectangle D T in shield; D T in cartouche G T in square U & B in rectangle A.U in oval; A UNDERHILL 1n rec- tangle T U in square T.V in rectangle; I.V in cartouche VB in monogram crowned in circle Van Beuren, William ~ W.V.B in cartouche Vanderbrugh, Cornelius Vanderhan, J. I V (script) capitals in cartouche Vanderspiegel Vanderspiegel, Johannes S S Van Dyke, Peter Van Dyke, Richard Van Horn, David IV in cartouche; IV in trefoil; IVS in rectangle; IVS in cartouche P P V D in oblong; V D in trefoil; PV D in oval; P.V.D in oval R V D in cartouche Van Ness & Waterman V & W in oblong Van Riper, Tunis Van Veghten, Henry Van Vleit, B. C. Van Voorhis, Daniel Van Voorhis & Coley BVANVLEIT incised D.V.VOORHIS in rectangle; bird in diamond; D V VOORHIS in rec- tangle; D V in rectangle with a bird in a kite; D V in cartouche with bird in kite Van Voorhis & Schanck V V & S in rectangle with bird in kite {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS New London, Conn. ae «ae «ec Albany, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Portland, Me. New York City Boston, Mass. Philadelphia New Haven, Conn. “ec «¢ «ae Boston, Mass. ae “é Philadelphia New Haven, Conn. New York City Philadelphia Vrovz Na x. New York City 4 «sé “ce New Orleans, La. Albany, N. Y. New York City as «¢ «e Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New York City Albany, N. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. New York City 287 PERIOD 1798 1792 1815 1767 1781 1803 1744 1730 1802 1821 1715 1810 1781 1761 1773 1812 1780 1787 1787 1797 1836 1816 1787 1822 1813 1797 1790 1677 1740 1701 1687 1705 1750 1801 1835 1813 1760 1840 1779 1786 1791 2388 SILVERSMITHS Van Voorhis & Son Varney, John Veazie, Joseph Vergereau, Peter Vernon, J. & Co. Vernon, John Vernon, N. & Co. Vernon, Nathaniel Vernon, Samuel Vernon & Park Vilant, William Villard, R. H. L. Vincent, Richard Vinton, David Wachner, F. W. Waddill, Noel Waglin, Thomas ‘Wagstaff, Thomas Wait & Wright Waldron, D. Walker, George Walker, Hannah Walker, John, Jr. Walker, W. & G. Walker, William Waller, John Wallis, Thomas Walton, Daniel Walworth, Daniel Ward, Ambrose Ward, Bartholomew & Brainard Ward, Billious Ward, James Ward, John Ward, John Ward, Richard Ward, Samuel L. Ward, Timothy ‘Ward, William Ward, William MARKS ~ P V in cartouche; P.V in cartouche I.V in oval; I V in oval; conventional battle-ax and two other figures in cartouche N.VERNON & CO in serrated rec- tangle N.VERNON in rectangle; NV_ in rectangle S V a small device below, all in a heart W V, a swallow beneath, in heart Villard in rectangle D.V in rectangle D WALDRON in oblong G. WALKER in oblong H WALKER in serrated oblong; PHIA in oblong W. WALKER in oblong B.W in. shaped cartouche; BW in cartouche; BW in oval WARD and HARTFORD, each in rectangle; JW in oval followed by » HARTFORD as above WARD 67 MARKET ST W.W. in rei des ; W.Ward in a shaped ene {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials... ‘.. a soni _ Baltimore, Md. LOCATIONS — New York City © Philadelphia Providence, R. I. New York City — Charleston, S. Ce ‘ i 18 “sc “ce Newport, R. I. — Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia _ 172 Lome Georgetown, Dist. of Col. 1833 pages. set: I an New York ca fereee. Petersburg, Va. “ Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia “ ce 66 «“ «ae ct, << a Middletown, Conn. i’ New Haven, Conn. eo be 4 Hartford, Conn. a . Guilford, Conn. . ; a, Hartford, Conn. — : : Philadelphia . Boston, Mass. Stem Middletown, Conn. : 4 op Guilford, Chae ¢ ; je Litchfield, Conn. oe sf 7 American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS MARKS ‘Ward & Bartholomew WARD & BARTHOLOMEW in rec- tangle; Ha in rectangle W & B in rectangle Ward & Cox T Ward & Gavett Ward & Hughes W & H in rectangle; 1846'in the apexes of a diamond Ward & Miller Ward & Rich ‘Wardin, Daniel Warner, Andrew E. A E WARNER in serrated rectangle, followed by 11 in rectangle; AE W in cartouche Warner, Andrew E. Jr.t Warner, A. E.& T.H. T.&A.E.WARNER in rectangle; fol- lowed by STERLING in rectangle Warner, Caleb C.WARNER in rectangle and i Aetey rae in a shaped rectangle Warner, D. D.WARNER in wavy-lined rectangle Warner, Joseph Warner, Joseph J. Warner in rectangle -- Warner, Samuel SW in rectangle Warner, Thomas H. T.WARNER in rectanglet - Warner & Fellows Warren, Benjamin Waters, Samuel S.WATERS in cartouche Watkins, James Watling, James Watson, E. E. WATSON in rectangle; E:Watson (script) in oblong Watson, J. J. WATSON in rectangle Watson & Brown WATSON & BROWN in rectangle Watts, J. & W. Watts, James Watts, John W. ‘Waynes, Richard Weathers, Michael .. Weaver, Emmor T. WEAVER (script) on ribbon Webb, Barnebus ‘Webb, Charles _Webb, Robert Webb, James Webb & Boon Webster, Henry L. H.L.WEBSTER in rectangle Wedge, S. Weeden, Peleg Welles, A. & G. A & G WELLES in rectangie Welles, Andrew Welles, George I. WELLES; BOSTON; in rectangles +Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials, {See footnote under Kirk. Bue wee F LOCATIONS Hartford, Conn. ae “ce Middletown, Conn. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. Baltimore, Md. «¢ «“ Portsmouth, N. H. Ipswich, Mass. Philadelphia Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. Portsmouth, N. H. Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia ce ce New York City ‘Philadelphia New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia Providence, R. I. Baltimore, Md. 289 PERIOD 1804 1811 1813 1805 1822 1830 1811 1811 1837 1805 1805 1810 1811 1768 1797 1805 1824 1809 1790 1819 1837 1821 1820 1820 1829 1835 1794 1750 1794 1808 1762 1738 1798 1817 1785 1831 1804 North Kingstown, R. I. 1803 Boston, Mass. Hebron, Conn. Boston, Mass. . 1804 1804 1804 290 SILVERSMITHS Welles & Co. Welles, James M. Wells, L. & C. Wells, L. & H. Wells, Lemuel Wells, William Wendover, John Wenman, Barnard West, Benjamin West, Charles West, Joseph Weston, Benjamin Westphal, Charles W. Whartenby, John Whartenby, Thomas Whartenby & Bunn Wheatley, Frederick G. Wheaton, Calvin White, Alfred — White, Amos White, Edward White, George L. White, Peregrine White, Peter White, Samuel White, Silas White, Stephen White, William White, William J. White, William W. Whiteman, Ira Whiting, B. Whiting, Charles Whiting, S. Whitlock, Thomas B. Whitlock, William H. Whitney, Amos Whitney, E. Whitney & Hoyt Whiton, Ezra Whittaker & Green Whittemore, William Wickham, Daniel H. Willcox, Alvan Willcox, Cyprian Williams, Alexander Williams, Charles M. Williams, Deodat American Silversmiths and Their Marks MARKS WELLES & CO. in rectangle T L W in rectangle J.W in cartouche; J W in shield B.WENMAN in rectangle; B W in rectangle followed by N YORK in rectangle B.WEST in rectangle C. WESTPHAL in rectangle T.W in box; WHARTENBY in oblong C. WHEATON in engrailed rectangle A.WHITE in rectangle; WHITE in rectangle E:WHITE in rectangle P. WHITE in rectangle S. WHITE in rectangle Wm. W. WHITE in rectangle B:WHITING in rectangle C W in cartouche; WHITING in rec- tangle Whitlock (script) in oblong Wm. H. WHITLOCK in rectangle E. WHITNEY in rectangle; WHIT- _ NEY in an oblong WHITNEY & HOYT in rectangle E.WHITON (script) in oval cartouche Whittemore in oblong _ New York City & {Where no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. New York City — LOCATIONS — Boston, Mass. a New York vert “<< “ee 46 Hartford, Conn. ES oe New York City Boston, Mass. oe RA) Philadelphia | New York City st Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. — East Hadden, Conn. ~ Ulster Co... Ni Xen Cincinnati, Ohio — Woodstock, Conn. Norwalk, Conn. New York wks “ce oe. hid ° 4 ; Philadelphia 4 te «“ ; a rot i tac ae ve 2 ' ; f Norwich, Conns< New York iy ale pati : Boston, Migs eo ae 2% Providence, R. ie ; Portsmouth, N. H New ae = te Philadelphia _ | New York Citians ave Hartford, Cone ie Pee PENA ee oe American Silversmiths and Their Marks SILVERSMITHS Williams, John Williams, Samuel Williams, Stephen Williams, W. A. Williams, W. W. Williamson, Samuel Willig, George Willis, J. Willis, Stilman Wills, Henry Wilmot, Samuel Wilmot, T. T. Wilmot & Stilliman Wilson, Albert Wilson, Hosea Wilson, James Wilson, John Wilson, R. & W. Wilson, Robert Wilson, S. Wilson, S. & S. Wilson, Thomas Wilson, William Wiltberger, Christian Wiltberger & Alexander Winslow, Edward Winsor, William Wishart, Alexander Wishart, Daniel Wishart, Hugh Wishart, William Wolf, Francis H. Wolf, James G. Wolfe & Wriggins Wood, Benjamin B. Woodcock, Bancroft Woodruff, Enos Woodruff & White Woods, Freeman Woodward, Antipas MARKS W. A. WILLIAMS in rectangle S.W in rectangle; S W in oval; WIL- LIAMSON in rectangle S. WILLIS in oblong WILMOT in engrailed S. WILMOT in rectangle T. T. Wilmot in rectangle rectangle; H.WILSON in rectangle R & W W in rectangle; R & W WIL- SON rectangle R.W in an oval S & Wilson in engrailed rectangle; and S & Wilson, with S reversed in en- grailed rectangle CWiltberger, (script) in a shaped car- touche © W, a trefoil (?) below all in a car- touche; E W in rectangle; E W in a double circle H.WISHART in rectangle; WISHART in an oblong WOLFE & WRIGGINS in oblong B.WOOD in oval cartouche S W in oval; .WOODCOCK in long oval Woods (script) in shaped cartouche F.W. (script) in cartouche A W in rectangle; Woodward in rec- tangle tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. LOCATIONS Philadelphia Providence, R. I. Washington, D. C. Philadelphia Boston, Mass. New York City New Haven, Conn. 46 “cc «ec Troy, N. Y. Philadelphia Baltimore, Md. Trenton, N. J. Philadelphia «é New York City Philadelphia Boston, Mass. 6¢ as New York City Philadelphia New York City Wilmington, Del. Cincinnati, Ohio New York City Middletown, Conn. 291 PERIOD 1793 1796 F799 1829 1829 1794 1819 1820 1823 1774 1798 1810 1800 1834 1812 181g 1769 1770 1825 1805 1805 1805 1837 1829 793 Fao, 1702 1759 1808 1825 1784 1800 1829 1831 1837 1805 1754 1820 1829 17gI 1791 292 py Da Silbcrionne uae. Their M a SILVERSMITHS _ MARKS — Woodward, Charles T Woodward, Eli Wool, Jeremiah W. Wriggin & Co. Wriggins, Thomas Wright, Alexander ? lan Wright, John F. Philadelphia ia Wyatt, Joseph . BY a Wyer, Eleazer, Jr. E. WYER in rectangle — Boston, Mass. ta Wyer & Farley WYER & FARLEY in oblong Portland, Me. Wyer & Noble ee SC Oe Oates > Wynkoop, Benjamin W K ina heart | B ie Wynkoop, Cornelis a5) < Wynkoop, Jacobus bine . Yeomans, Elijah es: 3 Yettons, Randell Young, Alexander A. YOUNG in rectangle Young, Ebenezer Young, Levi Young, William te - we ae tWhere no mark is given, the maker used his name or initials. GHAR Re Xexr V Old French Silver 4 4+ EFORE the Roman invasion workers in the precious he B % metals were scattered throughout Gaul. Their work was % « < coarse and heavy. Pliny tells us that horse trappings, and even ox yokes, were decorated with silver by the inhabitants of Alise in Burgundy. Ceesar had many Italian silversmiths in his invading army and their influence was immediate and widespread. In a short while the Gallic artisans outstripped their teachers and, in the time of Constantine, Byzantium drew her gold and silver ornaments, 1n- cluding the enamels of Limoges, from France. St. Eloi (588-659) was a brilliant silversmith before he entered the priesthood. He was made a bishop when he was appointed — master of the mint (maitre de monnaie royale) in the reign of Dagobert, an office he continued to fill under Clovis II. St. Eloi gave a great impetus to the art in France, where he now gives his name to the guild of gold and silversmiths, whose patron saint he is. He organized the first body of workers in gold and silver com- posed of masters, companions, and apprentices, and secured for it State recognition as a law-making body. That St. Eloi was a layman silversmith before he was a priest is itself remarkable. At that period the art of silversmithing was practised only by the priesthood and St. Eloi restricted his associ- ates to men in holy orders. Not until the commencement of the Twelfth Century was the craft wholly secularized in France. The origin of impressing the maker’s mark by means of a punch 293 294 Old French Silver upon a piece of silver is unknown, but up to the close of the Thir- teenth Century that mark was the only guarantee for which the purchaser could look. In 1275 a law was enacted requiring the smith to stamp his work with the mark of the town in which he worked. The first “punch of guarantee” followed the congress of Pon- toise, convened in 1313 by Philip le Bel. It was a fleur-de-lis ina lozenge. In 1416 the date letter was introduced. A letter of the alphabet, crowned. It changed each year. 1461: A; 1462: B taking all the - letters except J, U, and W. Up to 1621 the letters employed were small Gothic capitals. After that date large Roman capitals were used. The duties pay- able to the state were constantly increased; their collection, how- ever, was unsatisfactory until Louis XII created the office of “Farmer of the Revenue” (or “Farmer-general’’). These farmers had to impose their punch upon all pieces of proper alloy upon which the duty had been paid. This system was perfected by Louis XIV. There were then four marks or punches for each piece of silver: 1. The mark of the silversmith. 2. The mark of the Guild, warranting the standaeg 3. The mark of the Farmer-general. 4. The mark of discharge of the Farmer-general. The procedure was as follows: The silversmith placed his mark upon a sheet of silver and sent it to the “‘Maison Commune,” where the mark of the Guild was impressed after the standard had been verified. This punch, called the “‘countermark,”’ was impressed as close as possible to that of the maker, who had chosen a location for his mark that would bring it when completed as near as possible to the centre SS eS - 4 Soy ee ie. : P for >. 7 7 OF Toda 3 0 4 : ee. hal heh) et a > eee SS etm ot vr Old French Silver 295 of the bottom of the piece and on the under side. It was then taken to the Farmer-general, and he, or his representative, placed the “charge” mark as near as possible to the other two. The piece was then carried away and finished, the workman taking care not to obliterate the marks. If the bottom of the piece was “belled’” out the marks would be deformed but not effaced. After the work was completed it was again taken to the Farmer-general who placed upon it his little “punch of dis- charge,” after having collected the tax computed upon its weight. This mark, unlike the others, was placed upon the edge or rim of the piece. The piece was now ready for the market. Until 1784 the.date letter was the same for all of France. That system was then superseded by one that gave to each town a distinctive letter and provided for the use of date latters by all of them but Paris. That was allotted a crowned P with the date between the crown and the P. 1785 would be represented by the figures 85. They are so minute that they escape notice unless one exercises care or possesses extraordinary acuity of vision. The marks of charge and discharge were employed until the law of April, 1791, abolished all the taxes on silver. The law November, 1797, re-imposed the duty but it was levied with the imposition of the first stamp, which denotes both the standard and the payment of the duty. There are two other marks besides those mentioned above that find a place in the law of November 19, 1797: 1. The punch de hasard. 2. The punch variously called recense, verification, and recogni- tion. , The punch de hasard was applied to ancient pieces that for some reason (age would be one) had not been marked. The recense mark was a confirmatory mark which testified to the genuineness of the stamps already upon the piece and the 206 Old French esis : The ordinance of Louis Philippe (April, 1838), which ee the recense, was a precautionary device against counterfeiting and was. employed under some secret system. There were a hundred and thirty-eight of these devices used. They were struck on a digorne a anvil in the manner I have described elsewhere. With the head of e Minerva we frequently find as an assay mark the head of a woman, in full face with neck exposed; she looks to the right and | there is a letter P at the left side of the neck. The P is the Paris mark. Boivin says that there is a variation of this mark with a figure 1 (denoting the higher standard) replacing the P. He is. clearly in error. Apart from the fact that I have never seen such’ a mark, we know that the assay mark never, of itself, indicated the standard. It only guaranteed that the silver was of the quality. represented by the standard mark. In other words, the woman’s head just described would be the same on a piece bearing” the Minerva head with the figure 1 as it would be « ona Piece bearing a CHAPTER XV Marks on Paris Plate DATE LETTERS a 1461 x 1504 s 1546 p 1589 M 1632 b 1462 y 1505 t 1547 q 1590 N 1634 c 1463 z 1506 vy: 1548 r 1591 O 1635 d = 1464 a: 1507 x 1549 s 1592 P 1636 e 1465 be. 1507 y 1550 t 1593 Q 1637 f 1466 c 1508 z 1551 vs -1594 R 1638 g «1467 d 1509 a 1552 x 1595 S 1639 h 1468 e 1510 b =: 1553 x 1596 T 1640 i 1469 f 1511 ce 1554 z 1597 Vv 1641 k 1470 g 1512 d 1555 a 1598 X 1642 1 1471 h 1513 e 1556 b 1599 Y 1643 m 1472 i 1514 $27 £51557 c 1600 Z 1644 n 1473 lease 1815 g 1558 d 1601 A 1645 o 1474 1 1516 h 1559 e 1602 B 1646 p _‘:1475 m 1517 i 1560 f 1603 C 1648 q 1476 n 1518 k 1561 g 1604 D 1649 r ‘1477 o =: 1519 l 1562 h 1605 E 1650 s 1478 p 1520 m 1563 i 1606 F 1651 t 1479 q 1521 n 1564 k 1607 G 1652 vy: 1480 r 1522 o —-:1565 1 1608 H 1653 x 148t s 1523 p 1566 m 1609 1: 1654 y 1482 t 1524 q 1567 n 1610 K 1655 z 1483 yo 1525 r 1568 o. = 1611 L 1656 a 1484 x 1526 s 1569 p 1612 M1657 b =: 1485 yo? 1527 t 1570 q 1613 N 1658 c 1486 z 1528 vy 1574 r 1614 O 1659 d= 1487 a. $529 x). 1572 s 1615 P 1660 e 1488 b = 1530 yo 1573 t 1616 Q 1661 f 1489 a eT z 1574 vy -:1617 R 1662 g 1490 dee 1532 pp yk x 1618 S 1663 h 1491 e 1533 b 1576 y 1619 T 1664 is: 1492 f 1534 eae LY z 1620 Vs 1665 k 1493 g 1535 d 1578 A 1621 X 1666 1 1494 h =: 1536 e 1579 B 1622 Y 1667 m 1495 i 1537 f 1580 GC: 1623 Z 1668 n 1496 k 1538 g 1581 D 1624 A 1669 o —«- 1497 1 1539 h 1582 E 1625 B 1670 p 1498 m 1540 i 1583 F 1626 Cc 1671 q 1499 n 1541 k 1584 G 1627 D 1672 r 1500 0 1542 1 1585 H = 1628 | gi. 1504 p 1543 m 1586 I 1629 19 t 1502 q 1544 n 1587 K 1630 exp vy 1503 r 1545 o —- 1588 L 1631 297 SO Soe SS = 1680 1680 1681 1684 1685 Marks on Paris Plate — VINCENT FORTIER (Louis xrv) 1672 — 1680 PAUL BRION pe SAUSSOY (Louis xiv) _ 1680 — 1684 ‘ETIENNE RIDEREAU (Louis x1v) 1684 — 1687 ee ® © \~—/ * JACQUES LEGER (Louis x1v) 1687 — 1691 a © Marks on Paris Plate 299 PIERRE POINTEAU (Louts xrtv). 1691 — 1698 xX 1691 B 1695 x 1692 SN E c 1696 Z 1693 D 1697 A 1694 E 1698 PERRINE (Louis xrv). 1698 — 1703 E 1698 ) H ‘1701 F 1699 I 1702 ie ey @ K 1703 Ew ETIENNE BALIGNY (Louis xrv). 1703 — 1713 K 1703 Q 1709 L 1704 R 1710 M 1705 Cy Ss 1711 N 1706 T 1712 O 1707 Vv 1713 4 1708 FLORENT SOLLIER. 1713 — 1717 (Louis xiv). (REGENCE). Vv 1713 Z 1716 be & & A 1717 Y 1715 ae es Me asc be Ae ONS ee, Caen a? re Fae pa Be : ween hb Ct an hss Ca ne r; i - ; , 7 , ia <1 J a Saad Dede ns aa aa ae 300 Marks on Paris Plate ji > ETIENNE pe BOURGES (RécENcE). 1717 — 1722 A 1717 B 1718 , me iS w | a re 1719 7 CHARLES CORDIER. 1722 — 1726 (REGENCE). 7 | F 1722 a ea €23 JACQUES COTTIN (Louis xv). geen 1726 — 1732 1726 te" rer 1727 1728 ae : @ oe 1729 HUBERT LOUVET (Louis xv). ‘ 1732 — 1738 1732 Beat ieee 1733 F : - , : oe | is mo @ & @ ©) owt 1735 | . | See “a 2 Marks on Paris Plate 301 ROBIN (Louris xv). 1738 — 1744 A 1740 ee 1738 Bs S B 1742 | Cc 4743 i D 1744 ANTOINE L’ECHAUDEL (Louis xv) 2 1744 — 1750 eD 1744 E 1745 1748 Be a a | 1749 G.. 1747 = 1750 JULIEN BERTHE (Louis xv). 1750 — 1756 1750 G 1754 VANy = vay ep B P 1755 ie 1752 2 th 1756 N 1753 ELOI BRICHARD (Louis xv). 1756 — 1762 1756 . Vv 1760 x 1761 1757 a fA iy ys 1762 * 1759 Ch 25 SA JEAN-JACQUES PREVOST (Louis xv ). 1762 — 1768 1762 ” 4 e 1763 oN | oy Eee 2 8 “ D> ¢ ie : PPane ‘pat! r a mat me JULIEN ALATERRE (Louis xv), “ 1768 — 1774 ists J.-B. FOUACHE (Lours xv1). . | Seen Benpeetiork | ce 1774 — 1780 eo 1774 ‘ Marks on Paris Plate 303 HENRI CLAVEL (Louis xvi). 1780 — 1789 1780 1784 1781 17&5 1786 i 1782 C= 1787 1788 KALANDRIN (Louris xv1). 1788 & : @) C4 1789 DIsTINCTION Paris. DEPARTMENTS. The Decree of 9 November, 1797, also provided for the verification of pieces of _ silver of foreign or of undetermined origin; in the latter case the pieces were termed de hasard, and the mark is so designated. f FOREIGN. ye mes ned ned mM 5B aah = 304 Marks on Paris Plate TABLE OF PUNCHES, Made in execution of the Decree of the rrth. Prairial, An XI. (31st May 1803). DisTINeéTION. Paris, DEPARTMENTS. | DISTINCTION. Paris. DEPARTMENTS. GOLD STANDARDS. Medium. _ VERIFICATION. a a oI < f=) a < & M io-4 & > rT. — mM FOREIGN. - At this epoch there were two small assa marks for gold: the first for articles wit garniture; the other without. GoLp AssAy Marks. Note.—The use of these punches ceased on the 16th of August 1819. The same day they were replaced by those of the Standard and Assay drawn in the following tables. The punches of the Ingots and the Argué were not reneved. Note.—The above table is according to Markham & Chaffers. Tas a a - Marks on Paris Plate 305 DECREE OF 9TH NOVEMBER, 1797. Higher standard mark for silver (.950). The numeral is also found on the left side of the cock. Lower standard mark for silver (.800). - The assay office Peask for large pieces of silver; sometimes the figures are in- verted. Assay office mark for small pieces of silver. Confintation Agee mark of the assay office on pieces of silver made dur- ing the period current with the time of stamping. Modern pieces. Confirmation mark for old =A pieces of silver. DECREE OF IST SEPTEMBER, 1809 Higher standard mark for silver. | Assay office marks for large pieces of silver. Assay oiice mark for small pieces of silver. _Recense marks of the assay office. This, head often appears on silver marked with the head of Minerva. See table of marks under the Decree of 1835. Note.—The above marks are according to Boivin. It seems that the recense mark was originally designed to settle the question of authen- ticity. It was affirmative. In England the procedure was different. There was no confir- mation, but, if the marks were forged, or fraudulent (i.e. substituted) they would be erased. At a later period the Paris Assay Office used the recense mark to check frauds upon the revenue and compelled all silversmiths to re-submit their marked wares so that this mark might be applied to those found genuine. 306 Marks on Paris Plate TABLE OF PUNCHES, Made in execution of the Royal Ordinance of 22nd October 1817. —_— DEPARTMENTS, DISTINCTION, PakIs. DEPARTMENTS. S < mn DQ ma ee fa >. P None for the 5 Medium. Departments. . | See the Table Small. Be of Divisional Punches. q | Large 7 | =) a : | = See the Table ey Small of Divisional 2 Punches, =I 3 | Large | O ; eB > | © | < = < Small a 5 | ia} See the l Divisional Punches. | . REMARKS.—1. In the figure of the Jarge punch of Assay of gold and silver, and of Verifica- tion, is engraved the numVer of the Department as shown in the list of Assay Offices. 2. The’ numeral indicative of each standard is engraved in the figure of the punches which serve to standard the works of gold and silver. Note.—The above table is according to Markham & Chaffers. ——— Marks on Paris Plate 307 TABLE OF STAMPS Of STanDarD and Assay, and of VERIFICATION of Gold and Silvery Works, for Paris and the DEPARTMENTS, as directed by the Act of 30th June 1835. Stamp for Foreign Wares. Heap OF A GREFK PHYSICIAN. HEAD OF AN EAGLE. A WEEVIL (Small). Gold. Standard No.1. 0.920. Gold Assay Mark. Guarantee of Standard. Foreign Gold and Silver. PARIS. PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS. HEAD OF A HORSE. D between the legs. PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS, Gold Assay Mark. D under the chin. A CHIMERA (Large). ; Silver. Watches imported. HEAD OF A GREEK PHYSICIAN. Gold. Standard No. Z. 0.840. DEPARTMENTS. D on the cheek. HEAD OF A WILD BOAR. Silver Assay Mark. PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS. D behind the neck. HFAD OF A GREEK PHYSICIAN. Gold. Standard No.3. 0.750. PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS. D between the wings and back. A CHIMERA (Small). Gold. Watches imported. Paris AND DEPARTMENTS. D behind the neck. DEPARTMENTS. D between the claws. ._ HEAD OF MINERVA. PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS. Silver. Standard No.1. 0.950. HEAD OF spianyuinery aa D between the wings and back. Re-mark or mark of repetition for Gold Chains. HEAD OF A GIRAFFE. Gold and Silver. Stamp of Verification. FA ee ts PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS. : | D between the horn and forehead. HEAD OF MINERVA. | PARIS AND DEPARTMENTS. D below the lower jaw. Silver. Standard No.2. 0.800. A WEEVIL (Large). Guarantee of Standard HFAD OF A BULLDOG. Forcign Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver, Stamp of Verification. ’ PaRIs AND DEPARTMEN'rs. PaRIS AND DEPARTMENTS, Panis AND DEPARTMENTS. _... ... D. before the forehead. E .. D between the legs. D on the collar. Note.—The above table is according to Markham and Chaffers. The dotted lines indicate the Paris punches. CHAPTER XXVI Marks on French Provincial Plate AIX Punchof Punch of Charge Discharge Ad 1774-1780 (Large articles) 1774-1780 (Small articles) 1780-1789 (Large articles) 1780-1789 (Small articles) The above were state stamps; the stamps of the guild which guaranteed the standard (.958) during the above periods was a single extended wing, the top point- ing to right. ALENCON AND CAEN Punchof Punch of Discharge ieee 1774-1780 (Large articles) 1774-1780 (Small articles) 1780-1789 (Large articles) 1780-1789 (Small articles) The guild mark during the above periods was a potato bug viewed from above. AMIENS AND SOISSONS Punchof Punch of Charge Discharge Period 1774-1780 (Large articles) 1774-1780 (Small articles) 1780-1789 (Large articles) 1780-1789 (Small articles) The guild mark (punch of guaranty) for Amiens 1784-1789 was a crossbow ready for discharge. After May 1, 1838, a 1th Century o@ Phase: 16th Century A chair was the guild mark for 1784- 1789. i ae > ve Marks on French Provincial Plate 309 BAYONNE BORDEAUX Guild Mark Period Punchof Punch of : Charge Discharge Period IL? ee 16g0 1774-1780 @ (Large articles) ®) 1774-1780 Punakor § (Small articles) Charge 0 1774-1780 (Large articles) : gy ae WN J 17700-1709 FAN (Large articles) 1774-1780 (Small articles) A bird cage was the guild mark for ee 1774-1780. A footprint was the discharge 8 ro) 1780-1789 mark for small articles. (Small articles) BESANCON BOURGES Guild Mark Period Punchof Punch of Charge Discharge ay 774-1780 1430 9 feed articles) Period 3 774-1780 (Small articles) (Large articles) 1780-1789 G3 G (Small articles) Early 16th Century 17th Century The guild mark for 1774-1780 for small articles (.843) was the head of an ape. For large articles, 1774-1791, a bell de- noted the higher standard (.958). R 15th Century ) S 1780-1789 bt (Large articles) C7") 1780-1789 J a, (Small articles) GRENOBLE Punchof Punchof aa Charge Discharge P eriod “a 1774-1780 gS (Large articles) _ Weta (Small articles) — 1780-1789 ae (Large articles) ¢ a piowiee i ? (Small articles) LA ROCHELLE Punchof Punch of | Charge Discharge En ae - te ‘ G 1774-1780 Period Punchof Punch of @ x fj Punchof Punch of Charge Ky B Marks on French Provincial Plate LIMOGES Discharge ee 1774-1780 => 1774-1780 1780-1789 © _ 1780-1789 LYON Discharge Missed &S 1774-1780 & = -:1774-1780 1780-1789 p) 1780-1789 MARSEILLES Guild Mark Period 1760 1780 MONTPELLIER Guild Mark . Period MOP oh Cripps OS 14th Century 15th Century 18th Century 1774-1780 1774-1780 1780-1789 1780-1789 RTT 310 Marks on French Provincial Plate — MOULINS AND ORLEANS Punchof Punch of Charge Discharge ix oO @ res 2 GB © Period 1774-1780 1774-1780 1780-1789 1780-1789 Charge (3) POITIERS Punchof Punch of Charge Discharge @& B® « Ca Period 1774-1780 1774-1780 1780-1789, 1780-1789 Charge RENNES Punchof Punch of Discharge Paane - BW ae 1780-1789 ‘e 1774-1780 Se ae . oN 1 4s ae poe. it 174-1780 ry8o-1789 - RIOM ae Punchof Punchof toh Discharge w Baal’ Period 771780 Pe Marks on French Provincial Plate 313 ROUEN ST. GERMAIN : Punchof Punch of Period Charge Discharge Period 2) 1780-1789 a S (Large articles) ar ‘1780-1789 1408 & (Small articles) SOISSONS Period circa 1715 16th Century TOULOUSE Period Punch of 18th (?) Century Discharge gy is | 3 1774-1780 TOULOUSE AND MONTAUBAN Punch of Punch of R ® 1774-1780 Charge Discharge Period > 1774-1780 Fe) 1774-1780 vi @B Con Ome ee mor. | & 1780-1789 =D 1780-1789 Yt ‘Le > yy ee a Punchof Punch of ah inet 45 i : + Pri Geet oe ie ru e EA Sa bee oP dhe ay, { i i by ( ¥ i ae » ee are TOURS Charge Discharge ‘5 0 1774-1780 =) 1774-1780 Fe 1780-1789 Marks on French Provincial Peri marge valk sce it Punches Two large Roman “L”s one reversed; oak leaves inter- twined, surmounted by a crown, all in a shaped cartouche ~ P. L. in ornamented script capitals in monogram, all in a (8 shaped cartouche CHAPTER XXVII Marks on German Plate AIX-LA-CHAPELLE Inspection P Piod 15th and 16th Century 1$th and 16th Century 16th Century 16th Century 1573-1624 and later Aachenes 1705 170§ M ACH at} 1808 (The G may be a warden’s mark.) AA Chi E N Second Half of the AACHEN 19th Century 315 ALTENBURG I. ti ha a Period Q » 17th-18th Century The numerals 12, 13, 14, appearing with German marks on silver indicate the number of sixteenths of pure silver con- tained in the article, 12 being equivalent to .750 fine; 13, .8125, etc. In modern times the standard of the German Empire has been .800. Goods destined for abroad are made of higher standards and are appropriately marked: 925 “Sterling,” .g0, etc. 316 Marks on German Plate ALTONA AUGSBURG Inspection ' I ti : Inspection : Mark Period < oo ” Period Pm A Period 1703 1748 ty oy @ 1782 1797 Middle of the 19th Century ANSBACH she rats Period & | =) 16th-17th Century 17th Century 17th-18th Century 17th-18th Century 18th Century 18th Century *%ZARBaAaGg Middle of the 16th Century © Middle of 17th Century 16th-17th Cen- tury Early 18th Cen- tury 16th-17th Cen- tury @DbePT © 2. © © © wW D 1735-1736 Dm»p SPD It B® © B&B &® > a> Marks on German Plate AUGSBURG—Continued. sere Period ena Period ye ana Q Q eo 1751-1753 e 1736-1737 Q Q 8 1767-1769 po 1753-1755 () @ 1737-1739 & Q Q 1755-1757 i ent me. 6 8 1757-1759 & 7iH73 id a 1759-1761 & 9 v Q 1743-1745 0) oe a?feas, I 6 al | 6 ( ny 1777-1779 6) 1747-1749 & 1763-1765 1779-1780 1749-1751 & 318 Marks on German Plate AURICH Inspection : ee Period W 16th Century é “ igth Century BADEN-BADEN Inspection Mark 16th Century 16th-17th Century \\ 17th Century Period BAMBERG Inspection ; Mark Period 1sth and early 16th Century 1618 17th and early 18th Century Q ‘Bi B B BAMBERG—Continued. Inspection ; Mark Period 17th and early 18th Century 18th Century First half of 18th Century Middle of 18th Cen- tury End of 18th Century 18th and first half of 1gth Century B B B (3 B (3 @ E3 Marks on German Plate 319 | BERLIN BIBERACH sae Period Reha Period Second half of 17th 18th and 19th Cen- Century tury BREMEN First half of 18th Inspection Century Mark Period 1gth Century 17th and 18th Cen- tury 1735 or earlier vw 17th Century BRESLAU Inspection Mark Period Second half of 18th Century From 1539 to 1553 16th and early 17th Century Early 17th Century Middle 17th Cen- 18th Century to its tury close Second half 17th Century and to ep 19th Century 9069 O@QO90g ©2900 @s) 1737-1745 @ 1746-1758” | | a | ae Secon half of rth : Century — @ 761-1776 G3 « 1776-1791 S B93 91 Fag Ey ay 1849-1861 €3 7 Marks on German Plate 307 CASSEL | COLMAR Inspectt ; rs it ava ie e Period bie & Period 16th and 17th Cen- 1658 tury 17th Century COLOGNE [ teers. Period 17th and 18th Cen- tury 16th Century 18th Century GY e & & 16th and 17th Cen- SK tury 18th and igth Cen The last of these marks combined tury throughout the second half of the 17th Century but surmounted by date letters A, B, ete. Inspection Mark artad SS x : o S ? COBLENZ Latter half of 17th Inspection Bead Century Mark w 18th Century 322 | Marks on German Plate COLOGNE—Continued. DAGEBULL hss Period ee eda Period wy as 17th Century 06 13 +44 17th and 18th Cen- 13 First half of 18th tury Century w@ ; DANZIG Inspection ; iavt Period we 16th and 17th Cen- ~ | tury ads 12 17th Century Second half of 17th Century Middle of 18th Cen- 8 | | tury 17th and early 18th Century m GH DARMSTADT Inspection , Mark Period &3 16th and 17th Cen- tury | 17th and 18th Cen- tury Close of 18th Cen- tury 18th and 19th Cen- tury €ai GH GB @ The numerals indicate the number of 19th Century _ sixteenths of pure silver, i.e., .8125 or .75. Sin oe pe ee eee As ten ae ee ar: Marks on German Plate 308 DAVENSTADT DRESDEN : Inspection : Inspection eed sie Bead Mark e 0) 16th-17th Century : 17th Century * Ey Uncertain First quarter of 18th Century DESSAU a - if P Marks on German Plate FREISING Inspection Mark Period * End of 17th Century °" GB 18th Century FRIEDBERG Ag aig, Period 17th Century FULDA Inspection Mark Period circa 1715 FURTH vg Period @ ~ GEBWEILER Inspection Mark Ld End of 17th Century GEISLINGEN - eee Races & 17th-18th Century Period GLATZ Inspection Mark Period >t 16th Century GLOGAU I i ie ase Period CG 17th Century GMUND fg tt ped ee Period 16th and 17th Cen- tury 17th Century 17th and 18th Cen- tury Middle of 18th Cen- tury tury oO 6) 18th and 19th Cen- O GNOIEN Inspection Mark ote 18th Century Period 329 330 Marks on German Plate GORLITZ GUSTROW Inspection ‘ Inspection ; Mark Period fick Period G End of 17th to te 16th Century middle of 18th Century ‘ Second half of 18th ' Century 17th Century 6 HALBERSTADT Inspection Mark Period Middle of 17th Cen- ug tury 18th Century 1697 GOTHA Inspection Mark Period te 17th Century cs) 1688 Early 18th Century Early 18th Century GRABOW . Inspection ; Period Mark Middle 18tn Cen- Three tury stars above a : Uncertain crescent in a shield. m2 BB BS ee Ss Inspection Mark © © Uy NY & Q Inspection Mark Marks on German Plate HALL HAMBURG (Swabia) I saat Dicigt Period End of 16th Century Second half of 16th Century 16th-17th Century 17th Century 17th Century Gae eo 18th Century ss > > HALLE (Saxony) Period 16th Century 17th Century ey 5 © 17th Century 17th-18th Century 18th Century 331 Marks on German Plate HAMBURG—Conitinued. Inspection Inspection Siour Period Period 17th and 18th Cen- tury 17th Century B- The years continued to be represented Shigge oo by date letters. Inspection ; Mark , Period 1762 (?) c5 & 17th and 18th Cen- tury 1785 « 1820 G33 6565 fi {Ps tn HM) 1821 Marks on German Tflate te at Inspection Mark Inspection Mark HANAU Period 17th Century 17th and early 18th Century Middle 18th Century 18th Century HANOVER Period 1640 1644 1663 1665 1670 1686 HANOVER— Continued. Inspection Mark Y Early 18th Century Middle of 18th Cen tury ; HANOVER-NEUSTADT Inspection : - Period Period sis) Mark a3 17th and 18th Cen- Pa tury EF 1726 HEIDELBERG Inspection Mark 17th and 18th Cen- tury / 4 18th Century Period 334 Marks on German Plate HEILBRONN JAUER Identification : Identification ; Mark Period Mark Period 18th Century Me 19th Century & HILDESHEIM KARLSRUHE Identification ' Tdéntificait Mark Perige hr 70" ~Period 16th Century e | Until 1806 lA 17th Century KAUFBEUREN G- 18th Century oe cd Period nts ar ey 16th Century ILMENAU Identification : Period cored - 7 Identification : & ee Mark Period INGOLSTADT & 16th—-17th Century Identification Mark Period 1sth and 16th Cen- tury 17th Century 17th Century 18th Century Marks on German Plate 335 KIEL—Continued. KONIGSBERG—Continued. Identification Identification : Mark Period Mark Period 57 17th Century 1754-1761 ' ¥ 1766-1772 ‘ 18th Century + w 1760-1770 2 1780-1790 Ww 19th Century KITZINGEN 4 1784-1786 ° . Md DF Ay eet eee, Q 4 1788-1800 KK; 18th-19th Century KONIGSBERG 25 I a a yey 4 HB 4 1708 1830-1860 | 1704-1716 3 1714 and later 1gth Century *See note on p. 315. 336 Marks on German Plate KONIGSBERG—Continued. KONSTANZ Date Lette Identification : a cg Mark Period 173 16th Century 16th and 17th Cen- tury 17th Century Early 17th Century Middle 17th Century End of 17th Century @ » F L § ZB C MI 88 B A A a > Marks on German Plate KONSTANZ—Continued. Identification Mark Period 18th Century Bie 1gth Century CULLEL I 4 op LANDSBERG A radia Period +: 17th and 18th Cen- tury ake LANDSHUT yf ee” Ppt +) 16th Century @ *See note on p. 315. LANDSHUT—Continued. I ee Period : Middle of 18th Cen- tury * (2) End of 18th Century LEER Identi d sy ie Period LEIPZIG Identi ] eee cred Period 16th Century End of 16th Century 17th Century and early 18th Cen- tury are | 338 Marks on German Plate LEIPZI1G—Continued. LIEGNITZ Identification P Identification Mark vihideo Mark Period 17th and 18th Cen- tury 16th and 17th Cen- tury Early 18th Century End of 17th Cen- tury LISSA Identification Period Mark 18th Century ar» LUBECK Identification : Mark Period ’ a h Cent Jax 15th Century : 1495 18th Century 1501 w “- Gp - ie, e 8 o = y 1775 Early 16th Century & Marks on ean Plate 339 LUBECK—Continued. Identification Mark orm, 892 80808 SSQace Period 1540 Middle 16th Cen- tury Second half 16th Century 16th and 17th Cen- tury 1622 1631 Middle 17th Cen- tury 18th Century LUDWIGSBURG I Hib ei Deiat 1gth Century LUNEBURG bo a Period rs Vas 3 15th-16th Century First half of 16th Century Qa * 340. Marks on German Plate LUNEBURG—Continued. Inspection P ‘g Period Second half of 16th Century 16th-17th Century OO30 e828 OB @: ee LUNEBURG—Continued. Inspection Mark ® ® Period ba Early 17th Century Beginning of tgth Century MAGDEBURG Inspection Mark Period End of 17th Century Early 18th Century 17th-18th Century Marks on German Plate 341 MAINZ Oo” Period 16th Century 17th Century 17th Century Wage, 1761 1gth Century MANNHEIM ee” Period 17th and 18th Cen- tury g ~ Q » * 1737 ® ... *See note on p. 315. MARIENBURG hi ti te pied Period @) 17th Century ny 17th-18th Century MARIENWERDER Inspection hie Period @ 18th Century MARKDORF sn Period 17th Century MEMEL Inspection Atotk Period 18th Century MEMMINGEN of epee Period el 16th Century Same device but 17th Century in circle MERGENTHEIM eRe Period 18th Century 342 Marks on German Plate METZ MUNICH—Continued. Inspection Inspection : Mark Period Sik Period o» G MULHAUSEN (Alsace) Period L t>) 4 2! 1’ , Inspection Mark 17th Century Kon 17th-18th Century <> 18th Century MULHAUSEN (Saxony) Period 18th Century Inspection Mark so 1618 MUNICH OB wee a’ . oe iat Period 16th and 17th Cen- tury ke Second half of 17th ? Century Or gr > a Pod Eo eek Ny ry ‘@ ,9 K e) + Marks on German Plate 343 MUNICH— Continued. NAUMBURG—Continued. I hi ‘ . ‘ a Period eimai Pertod t» @) 4! D ¢ Se JY 1760 rf) 18th Century a? 1762 8 18th Century x3 1773 *: fi NEISSE ie ols Period *) 1795 2) 1604 MUNSTER oo ‘Period G2 17th and beginning of 18th Century LJ 6th C CP, 16th Century Ss ES 17th Century oe 1742 NAUMBURG NORDEN Vistnacit Inspection Ne tie Dor na Rak Period xy 16th and 17th Cen- fs | tury ; 18th and 1gth Cen- tury Xe 17th Century BR 17th Century 4% 19th Century 1684 BeKey 1gth Century Marks on German Plate OBERGLOGAU Identification : Mark Period 344 NORDLINGEN NUREMBERG—Continued. I cy pares Period Date Letters $f A) 1766-69 vy 17th Century ® 179-73 NUREMBERG a 1773~76 Inspection Period Mark eh, 17) 'D) 1776-80 Early 16th Century @ E) 1780-83 N Second half of 16th F 1783-87 Century @ 1787-90 Ny ©) 1790-94 Ny 16th and 18th Cen- j ye ry 1794-97 ® kK) 1797-1800 NT) : Igth Century 16th and 18th Cen- & ® tury 19th Century 9 18th Century —i« — ie Se ee Marks on German Plate 345 OCHSENFURT PADENBORN a” Period lls Se Period 1625 17th and 18th Cen- tury OFFENBURG ificati th Cent SC a Period @> 19 entury il 1516 PASSAU Nena Identification : Ven Period roe peeks 17th and 18th Cen- I "ey eta Period tury AN vie 18th Century a a 1700 7 : tgth Century 1716 PFORZHEIM é ppp ues Period OSTERODE 1 ag? 18th-19th Century Identification Period W 9 Mark Gold standard tgth ® YS Century 17th Century NY tgth Century ® « ® 17th and 18th Cen- tury Gold standard late 1gth Century POSEN Gs 19th Century af ee Period OOTTINGEN — Period 17th-18th Century @ 18th Century OS *See note on p. 315. 346 Marks on German Plate POTSDAM RAPPOLTSWEILER Identification ; Inspection # Mark Period Stamp Period ret 1615 18th Century RATIBOR ee ea Perind PRUSSIA Period REGENSBURG Inspection Period 16th-17th Century Law of February 12, 1809 17th Century Law of April 25, G 18th Century : Z RITZEBUTTEL From September 10, Inspection ; : Period 1809, this stamp was used on tax- free church silver 18th Century Marks on German Plate 347 ROSENHEIM SCHWEINFURT 4 “p = ae pet Peyronie Daeg 4S 17th Century End of 16th Century Middle of 17th Cen- tury ROSTOCK Inspection ae Period 1681 1730-1740 1756 1807 First half of 17th Century SCHWERIN I she ashe Period S) SCHORNDORF in circle 17th and 18th Cen- Identification area tur eee Period S y in shield = 16th Century SPEIER : ati Period SCHWEIDNITZ is é ° . ag “aie Period sae 15th Century Ge) 17th Century Ses . inaiee 15th-16th Century Cy Co) 18th Century aie 16th Century eae *See note on p. 315. 348 Marks on German Plate STADTAMHOF oe Mtn met STETTIN Identification Mark ng 16th-17th Century Period STOLBERG-WERNIGERODE Identification Mark Period 18th Century STRALSUND Identification Mark p 17th Century STRASBURG fcati Ae ah Period B 1534-1567 1567-1616 Period *See note on p. 315. STRASBURG—Continued. Identification Mark Period ~ \ 1567-1616 NI 1616-1639 * 53) 1639-1643 8 1643-1644 C Oo ewe ae a? ED os Marks on German Plate 349 STRASBURG—Continued. Identification Identification Identification oe Period Mark Period Merk Period Date Letiers 1655 1682 1656 1659 1659 is a: % é S 6G : 1672-1674 1750-1796 1674-1690 EEBG> WA BHP HS ag EDS 6S RES *See note on p. 315. 350 Marks on German Plate STRAUBING Identification Mark Period Second half 16th Century (S)} se FH) STUTTGART Identification : Mork Period End of 16th Century 1600 17th Century 17th Century 1700 18th-19th Century YY S o @ @ @ o eS STUTTGART—Continued. Identification Mark Period 18th-19th Century 19th Century SUHL Identification Mark 17th Century t 1750 circa THORN Identification Period Period 17th Century 18th Century 1760-1780 fe) re Marks on German Plate axi TILSIT Identification : fi Period 18th Century Early 19th Century TITTMONING I oe irl sae a 17th Century TORGAU I ea Period €e 16th-17th Century > 17th Century TREBNITZ I see, hte Period 3 17th Century TUBINGEN Identification Mark TUTTLINGEN Identification Mark Period Period ie 1660 UBERLINGEN Identification py es Period End of 16th Century End of 16th Century & 2963 26324 Sax 4 S 16th-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century 352 Ideniification Mark OCG Be ©) 4% 4% Es Marks on German Plate ULM ULM—Continued. Period ee oe Period gs 17th and 18th Cen- CBS 16th Century © D<] Dx) Se SeGa@Eeé¢ 16th-17th Century 17th Century tury 18th Century VELBURG Inspection 17th and 18th Cen- tury Inspection Marr Period 18th-1gth Century VERDEN Period 17th Century Marks on German Plate aod VILLINGEN WERTHEIM Sas 15th and 16th Cen- 6 tury Apee V ' 18th Century WESEL Inspection ; Tce ee Pericd Inspection s Mark Period 16th Century WwW 18th Century in shield WARTHA WISMAR fatale Period a oti Period ?) Ce r 18th (2) Century 16th Century WEILHEIM ff tt ; eras erat Nie) 17th Century I oth-1 8th Century 18th Century WEIMAR te pie _ Period W Beginning of 17th WY/) Century End of 17th Century WOLFENBUTTEL ee Period Re 1668 rel 17th Century 17th and 18th Cen- tury : 354 Marks on German Plate WORMS Inspection Mark A 16th and 17th Cen- We: tury eA 17th Century ee 1730. WURZBURG Sipe H Period (3) 18th Century 7 Early 19th Century Period WURZEN vay aaa Period WW) 18th Century ZERBST a a Period ._ 1696 1700 Ne ZERBST—Continued. Inspection Mark A = @ ZITTAU Period Inspection Mark Period 1710 1731 1750 ZWEIBRUCKEN . Inspection : Mark Period 18th Century ZWICKAU Inspection Mark 16th and 17th Cen- tury <, 17th Century Period CHAPTER XXVIII Marks on Other Continental Plate AUSTRIA BOZEN CRACOW Inspection I tt. : j at alah ll Period Ark Period Mark 1708 1807-1809 Middle of 18th Cen- tury 1824-1866 NAY. 1809-1835 1866-1872 Gold 1872 BRUNN 1835-1866 L 4 pili Penal 1859 * 1835-1866 etc., indicate the period. Each mark is dated. One shown is 1845; the other is 1859. For numerals 12 and 13 shown in Briinn and Cracow marks see p. 315. EGER esa siins Period 17th-18th Century Beginning of 18th Century C | 1868-1872 356 Marks on Other Continental Plate GRAZ Coe Period Late 16th Century HALL Ins } : nspection Patt Mark Form used _ from 1824 to 1866. * Each year is given. See footnote under Cracow, p. 355. H 1866-1 868 HOTZENPLOTZ Inspection Mark IGLAU Inspection Mark Period Period 1769 (-1776) INNSBRUCK Inspection ; ‘i Period Late 17th Century 17th and 18th Cen- tury KLAGENFURT Inspection Mark Period 1806-1866 1866-1867 1868-1872 G2 1872 KREMSIER Inspection : Mark Period w 1769 i Marks on Other Continental Plate LAIBACH Inspection Mark oY 18th Century Period us 1802 1806 LEMBERG Inspection Period Mark 1694 I3 LOW7 1787-1806 fa MAHRISCH-TRUBAU is sit Period ¢ 16th Centurv 1736 NICOLSBURG aa Period OLMUTZ Inspection ark Period 17th Century Q 1769-1776 PRAGUE Inspection sy Mark 16th Century tury 1673 1731 1795 1800 1807-1813 1814-1866 Middle of 17th Cen- a7 Marks on Other Continental Plate : RAGUSA ; TRIESTE—Continued. Inspection , Inspection rope Period Mark Pigg * 17th or 18th Cen- dnp 1803 tury =u ni 1805 SALZBURG Inspectior b oe TROPPAU Inspection Postar Mark 16th Cent 16th-17th Century Close of 16th | Cen- t ury io 1759 17th-18th Century 1789-1806 SCHARDING 1807-1866 Inspection Period tk erio » VIENNA \| " 17th Century 7 ; nspection Mark Period TRIESTE Inspection a iat Period ae ky * & Middle of 16th Cen- ey a f Ps From the end of 16th 3 18th Century ° WW. Century to 1674 ey ers for silver of .875 standard & @ ... *See note, p. 355- Marks on Other Continental Plate 359 VIENNA—Continued. Inspection ‘atk Period z 1687 + = w 1692 for silver of .8125 standard wo = RO. 1737 for silver of .8125 standard VIENNA—Continued. Inspection Mark Period 1812-1813 1814 for silver of 8125 standard 1819-1866 for silver of .9375 standard pad 1737 for silver of 3D; 9375 standard ZNAIM _ Inspection , ‘APN? 1764 for silver of Mark fie CB, 9375 standard A I 6 ‘@: 1807-1812 eg oNL/7 HUNGARY BUDAPEST BUDAPEST—Continued. Period poe Period 17th-18th Century 1818 1854 18th Century GRAN alent Period 18th-19th Century *See note on p. 315. 18th-19th Century 360 Marks on Other Continental Plate LEUTSCHAU Period ae Pie Period KASCHAU Inspection Mark Q3 16th Century Ea 1664 17th and 18th Cen- 63 turies é3 17th Century @ 8 NEUSATZ Inspection 5 ties Period 1800-1866 KECSKEMET oe ee Period ¢} 16th Century NEUSOHL Inspection Period Mark & 17th Century 1657 j 1 be 3 ‘a: 1813 KLAUSENBURG PRESSBURG Inspection . Inspection A Mark Period Mark Period 16th and 17th Cen- turies 16th Century 1841 1864 rf i <0 aes ri Marks on Other Continental Plate 361 SCHEMNITZ TEMESVAR I ; icine Period 88 1576 ae 17th Century Ss 17th-18th Century 3) 18th Century Inspection Period BELGIUM Following are the State Assay Office punches, denoting quality for modern silver and gold in Belgium under the law of 1868. For large pieces of .goo fine for large Sanne : & pieces of silver @ gold .800 fine (19. 2K) For large pieces of @) gold | .750- fine (18K) 800 fine for large pieces of silver For small pieces of gold .800 fine rAS .goo fine for small pieces of silver () For small pieces of gold .750 fine B00 fine for small @ Foreign silver pieces of silver 362 Marks on Other Continental Plate ANTWERP ; Hall ‘ Hall Period Mark Period Mark Early 16th Century 17th Century 17th Century 1619 eG Gs 16th Century 17th Century B) Ge 17th Century 1609 Y @ 16th-17th Century 1662 GS AGEs @ PS SGaeaGQagace 17th Century 1664 Circa 1670 17th Century 1738 18th Century 1757 3772 1783 Marks on Other Continental Plate 363 ANTWERP— Continued. Date Letters Early 16th Century W/ 17th Century BA 3558-1559 17th Century 17th Century 16th Century 17th Century 17th Century 1565-1568 1662-1663 zs 8 @ & a@& OS B&B B r7th Century P © B 7 P| S i] @ GI = 16th-17th Century 364 Marks on Other Continental Plate BRUGES Period 17th Century BRUSSELS Hall Period Mark 1618 18th Century State-Control Mark 1618 18th Centurv Date Letter 1618 BRUSSELS—Continued. Year Date Period 1751 GHENT Hall : Atak Period 2 18th Century The helmet, crowned, was used as guild mark in the early 16th Century. In the latter half of that period it was uncrowned. These marks were all in profile and looked to the left. In the first half of the 18th Century the helmet (or casque) was uncrowned and full face and continued so throughout the century, Hall Mark JOURNAY Period 16th Century 1627 See 8S en! = ; , P r i Marks on Other Continental Plate 365 LIEGE LIEGE—Continued. Period een Period — i 1772-1784 1650-1689 LOUVAIN Phat Period 1744-1763 18th Century MECHELEN 1764-1771 pa Period 1691 366 Marks on Other Continental Plate MONS YPRES Hall : Mark Period & 17th Century 1766 Secand half of 17th Century Second half of 18th Century Period DENMARK AALBORG COPENHAGEN—Continued. Period pha Period 1686 1645 1663 COPENHAGEN Lie Period 16408 ii 1608 ‘@2ar- i XQ Marks on Other Continental Plate 367 COPENHAGEN—Continued. COPENHAGEN—Continued. si 2 Pertwd Hall Period ‘ 6 1733 a 1783 1841 1851 1743 ODENSE pean Period P14] HOLLAND a . leided Period ae Period Law of 1852, silver aH ies “ins less than .833 For large pieces of gold .916 ae @ standard Large silver pieces .934 Mark for imported silverware standard Mark for imported goldware Large silver pieces .833 standard For small foreign pieces (gold S&S and silver) Small pieces of silver both Export stamp for silver and standards gold 368 Marks on Other Continental Plate AMSTERDAM Guild Stamp Period 1556 16th-17th Century 1606 1608 1655 ww) a 18th Century with date letters y EP GRID bd Ge BREDA Period 15th-16th Century 16th-17th Century DOKKUM Guild ; Stamp Period 1648 DORDRECHT Guild Stamp € a ENKHUIZEN Period Period Latter part of 17th Century GOUDA Guild Stamp EB 16th Century Period Marks on Other Continental Plate 369 THE HAGUE LEEUWARDEN Guild oe Guild Mark thee Mark tec 17th Century 17th-18th Century Pertod MAESTRICHT 17th Century with Guild date letter ‘ ea Period nk Latt art of 18tl 17th Century state Bees i assay mark Tees ROTTERDAM Guild Mark a & Of a Period 18th Century eke 18th Century & HERZOGENBUSCH’S Guild : Mark Bens UTRECHT Period 17th Century 1614 HOORN ote Period SS 1640 17th Century 1710 Marks on Other Continental Plate 379° UTRECHT—Continued. ZWOLLE Guild ‘ Guild 5 een Period Mik Period WN : 17th Century 18th Century 1721 VLISSENGEN ea Period 16th-17th Century ie 1726 and later ITALY AQUILA FERRARA Inspection 3 Inspection : Mark Period Mark Pariod hc J gO} Early 15th Century >, shi at FLORENCE ie Phi gs Period Early 16th Century $5) 17th-18th Century 18th Century BOLOGNA de igs Period ( 18th Century ©) 18th Century Marks on Other Continental Plate 371 GENOA MODENA 7 Aer : 6) 18th Century co r6th Century fi 18th Century NAPLES State : Stamp Period EA - End of 18th Century EY WAP 17th Century LUCCA : | ; Inspection (Sa 17 (2) Mark en NAP TMEEY, 6 18th Century. 1702 MAILAND | Tse Period ‘ eu 1810 _ NAP 1716 | WATS id 4 Git Control-stamp of ee cS A 1720 MANTUA NAP Pee 124 , sate Period fa 18th Century NAA 1736 772 Marks on Other Continental Plate NAPLES—Conzinued. PARMA State State Period Stamp Period o>. Middle of 18th Cen- @e 18th Cent tury e Bd ROME ge State ; Stamp Period §> 17th Century 1700 (?) Late 17th Century QO 8 1716 7 4) 18th Century ae 1790 (?) 1720 ; Y 18th and 19th Cen- turies 1736 SOLMONA NSC et Period 13 and 14th Cen- PALERMO turies Saad Period 14th Cen and to 44 18th Century pe wi Marks on Other Continental Plate 3 SOK SOLMONA-— Continued. VENICE State é State i Stamp Period Stamp Period St iddle of ek Co . Q 17th-18th Century e @ SUl Middle of 15th Cen- tury 16th-18th Century 1th or 16th Cen- UT aa | 1805. Stamp for ; 8125 standard of TURIN silver State : Stamp Period 1805. Stamp for 18th Century -9375 standard of silver (ee) Aju 18th Century fic Se PORTUGAL EVORA LISBON a Period ee Period | *] ayae | +4 17th-18th Century rf 18th Century GUIMARAES OPORTO Inspection Inspection Mork Period Mark tel 1790 PE 17th Century Period 374 Marks on Other Continental Plate NORWAY BERGEN BERGEN—Continued. Inspection : Inspection : Mark Period Mark Period circa 1800 circa 1815 CHRISTIANIA Inspection : P Period | 18th Century Marks on Other Continental Plate 375 RUSSIA The marks on the following pages might lead the reader to believe that. 84 in an oblong cartouche was a mark pe- culiar to the city of Tula. The distinctive town mark is often placed with 84 which designates the Russian standard of silver .g03 fine, the unit being divided into ninety parts. For approximately two centuries Russian silver has been dated, the year being represented by numerals in a straight line, e.g., 1746. ASTRAKHAN IRKUTSK or TOBOLSK heasiags Period sere: Period rae | 1774 BAUSK eneeret Period YAROSLAF Mark Inspection Resid wor Mark 18th Century 1767 DORPAT Inspection ee KALUGA Mark ; Inspection Period Mark ° 17th Century ; ; — Close of 18th Cen- ———— tury GOLDINGEN Inspection Peri KAMENETZ-PODOLSKI Mark ce Inspection P Period Mark ( Gs) 18th Century G Ve pct 376 Marks on Other Continental Plate KAZAN hor sie Period Inspection Mark po 0 19th Century KOSTROMA Inspection Mark Period Found on 18th Cen- tury silver Inspection Mark Q. 1781 MITAU Period Inspection ype Period 0 17th Century MOSCOW Inspection ; 5 Pts Period 1734-1741 Inspection Mark Oy 18th Century PSKOF ee oi Period Unknown Inspection Mark UC Marks on Other Continental Plate 377 REVAL Period 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century as é> 18th Century RIGA oem Boeriod 16th Century 1600 17th-18th Century 18th Century ST. PETERSBURG Inspection ; Mak Period 1736 1746 1760 HK 1801 180) 6 3 | G2 1829-1880 TULA Inspection Period Mark 84k) igth Century 378 Marks on Other Continental Plate TVER sh nos ta Period 18th Century VILNA Inspection : Mark Period 1A! 16th-17th Century VLADIMIR yf ti eat ie Period 18th Century | | | ARBOGA or OREBRO Inspection Mark Period 17th and 18th Cen- turies VOLOGDA Inspection Mark <4) 18th Century Period WALK Inspection Mark Period Close of 18th Cen- tury WIBORG Inspection ; Mark Period \/ 18th Centuny WW) 18th-19th Century SWEDEN BORAS Wf nspection Mark Period 18th Century After 1860 Marks on Other Continental Plate 379 CHRISTIANSTAD “appa Period 1647 17th and 18th Cen- turies yal | 18th and 19th Cen- turies EKSJO, HEDEMORA, and LINDESBERG T . fd Sa Period 17th Century $e 18th Century 18th Century Guild Masters’ Marks cd ‘DH 18th Century GEFLE T . Sais ti Period G 18th Century 'G) 1810 GOTHENBURG Meehieih Period 2 Last half of 18th x Century LINDESBERG Inspection Mark Period Close of the 18th Century LULEA shee pdb Period Ee) Middle of 18th Cen- tury $< Beginning of 19th Century 25 NORRTELJE wera th Period (t) Early 19th Century 380 Marks on Other Continental Plate OREBRO STOCKHOLM—Continued. Inspection ; Inspection Period yaw Pics 18th Century SODERHAMN Inspection Mark Period we, C23 18th Century STOCKHOLM Inspection Mark Period 1647 1650 1650 1674 1692 Close of 17th Cen- tury and first half of 18th Century = Marks on Other Continental Plate 381 TABLE OF DATE LETTERS FOR STOCKHOLM, 1689 TO 1759, AND FROM THAT YEAR FOR ALL OF SWEDEN. -* Sere | A = 1689 | of = 1713 | a = 1737°| A = 1789 | Az = 1783 | B = 1690 | @ = 1714} b = 1738 | B = 1760 |.B2 = 1784 | C =1691 | @ =1715 | -¢ = 1739 | C = 1761 | C2 = 1785 D- = 1602 | YD = 1716 | d = 1740 D = 1762 | D2 == 1786 4 Mee t003|) SG = 1717) ¢ = 1741 | E = 1763 | E2 = 1787 q F = 1694 | &# = 1718 f = 1742 F = 1764 | F2 = 1788 | ¥ G = 1695 | & = 1719] g = 1743 G = 1765 | G2 = 1789 q H = 1696 | # = 1720|/ fh = 1744 H- == 1766 | H2 = 17090 To 1607 | co = 1721 i = 1745 I = 1767 }}I2 = 1791 K = 1608 | cH = 1722 k = 1746 K = 1768 | K2 = 1792 be ogg | = 1723 | | = 1747 | L = 1769 | L2 = 1793 M = 1700 | eH = 1724] m= 1748 | M = 1770 | M2 = 1794 N = 1701 | VW = 1725 | tt = 1749 Nee 1771 | N2-s= 1705 j O = 1702 | G@ =1726| 9 = 1750 QO = 1772 | O2 = 1706 P = 1703 | # = 1727 | p—=—175t | P = 1773 -| P2 = 1797 2 QO = 1704 | @ = 1728 | g = 1752 Q = 1774 | Q2 = 1798 “ er oce) oe — 1729} rt = 1753 | R = 1775 | R2 = 1799 g mee 1700 | of = 1730 S = 1754 S = 1776 | S2 = 1800 £ T = 1707 | oy = 1731 - t = 1755 T = 1777 | T2 = r8o! 3 Reet 70a | 97 = 1732} w= 1756 U = 1778 | Uz. = 1802 . W = 1709.| W = 1733; w= 1757 | W= 1779 | W2= 1803 . foe I7IO | == 1734 | ¢& = 1758 X = 1780 | X2 = 1804 q Y=170 |. Y =.1735 Y = 1781 | Y2 = 1805 S Pee t7i2 | SY = 1736 Z -= 1782 | Z2 = 1806 | A3=1807. A4 = 1831. A5 = 1855. AG = 1879. A7 = 1903. | 382 Marks on Other Continental Plate TORSHALLA Inspection Mark CY 18th Century ULRICEHAMN Inspection Period Mark Period @ Early 19th Century VASTERAS Inspection Mark Period if 18th Century YSTAD rf ti yoRhiEy Period 18th-1g9th Century tgth Century 16th and 17th Cen- turies HES ae YSTAD—Continued. Inspection Mark @EaEki EER Period 18th Century 18th Century 18th Century Close of 18th Cen- tury Inspection Mark GB6@epesc CQ9DG Odae Marks on Other Continental Plate 383 SWITZERLAND BADEN BADEN—Continued. Period se pitt Period Early 17th Century 17th-18th Century 16th Century and later Middle of 17th Cen tury 17th Century 1678 17th Century 17th-18th Century 18th Century 18th Century a: g BERN Inspection Mark ae an Tm Period 16th Century BIENNE si Leh ne Period oy 18th Century 384 _ Marks on Other Continental Plate Inspection Mark 24 SF 16th-17th Century EINSIEDELN Inspection P Mark Period We) 17th-18th Century &® 18th Century GENEVA Inspection ; Nak Period oF 18th Century LAUSANNE ee Period 0 18th Century LUZERN Inspection Mark = 16th Century =i | 18th Century NEUCHATEL Inspection : Mark Period Period 17th-18th Century NEUVEVILLE Inspection ; Mark Period e @ > th Cent a _ 17 entury PAYERNE Inspection ° ; Mark Period 16th and 17th Cen- turies Marks on Other Continental Plate 385 RAPPERSWIL SURSEE Soar Period 3 HE pat Period @ 16th and 17th Cen- ah 16th and 17th Cen- B - turies z) turies 17th and 18th Cen- 18th Century g § foal SCHAFFHAUSEN | acl Inspection oye Inspection Paced Sik Mark RS 17th Century ay 16th Century VEVEY 17th-18th Century Inspection Period 18th Century Mark wy | om a y 16th and 17th Cen- turies Inspection Period 18th Century Mark 16th Century WINTERTHUR sie salen Period 18th Century ey 18th Century N 17th Century av 1%, Ar TAT 386 Marks on Other Continental Plate ZURICH—Continued. Inspection Inspection Destad Mark Period 1584 Early 17th Century INN: 1620 17th Century 18th Century oh ZURICH Inspection Period neh 17th and 18th Cen- turies 1563, 1564, 1565 qaya qQTNyaqagaic @ @ Marks on Other Continental Plate BARCELONA CORDOVA r i : I tt cee Period Sie Pertod 15th Century +28 1gth and 16th Cen- turies LA CORUNA 16th and 17th Cen- I . nspection tury oe aE Period 16th Century LEON 16th Century vs tt See ae Period BURGOS E a” Pent MADRID fi ss i re Period Unknown 18th Century CALATAYUD MUNOZ Inspection Inspection Mark ee | MM ark sald CAL Rathi 6th Century Aarnas Unknown Inspection Mark Marks on Other Counce! Plate SARAGOSSA Period 15th Century 16th Century ef Inspection Mark TOL CHAPTER XXIX Old Sheffield Plate & 4N 1743, Thomas Boulsover, of Sheffield, discovered a “tf I % process of plating silver on copper. This was ninety % « years before electroplating was invented. It is important that Boulsover’s method—and his method was followed for nearly a century—of making silver plate should be understood in order to be able to distinguish real ‘“‘Old Sheffield Plate” from the imitation. An ingot of silver and an ingot of copper were filed and scraped until two smooth surfaces were obtained. The size of the ingots would depend upon the size of the plate required, which would constitute the raw material for the subsequent processes. The two prepared surfaces, after having been made chemically clean by washing them in a weak solution of nitric acid, were firmly pressed together so that they fitted quite evenly. In order thor- oughly to unite the two faces, they were put under a powerful hydraulic press. An additional copper plate was then placed on the silver side of the ingot, but before doing so, either the silver or copper face was painted with a preparation of chalk to keep the third piece of metal from fusing to the silver piece—the protection of the latter from the fire being the object of the introduction of the cover piece of copper, which, of course, would be used over and over again. If it was intended to produce a piece of plated metal with silver upon both sides, the ingot of copper would be placed be- 389 390 Old Sheffield Plate tween two pieces of silver, in which case the middle piece would have to be cleaned upon both faces, while the two pieces of silver would only have to be prepared on their opposing faces. In that case, two protecting pieces of copper would have to be employed, — each separated from the silver plates it was designed to protect — by a coating of chalk. This precaution was necessary in order to | prevent all five plates, or in the case of “single plate,” all three plates, from fusing together. Where two plates of silver and one plate of copper in between were employed, the resulting product would be “double plate.” Where a single ingot of copper and a single ingot of silver were fused together, the product was “ single plate.” The metal plates were then bound together with iron wire, and the edges where the silver and copper came in contact were treated with a fluxing solution, usually borax. The composite ingot was now ready for the fusing process and was placed in a coke furnace and subjected to great heat until the sheet of silver showed its molten condition by commencing to trickle down the sides of the ingot. It was then removed from the furnace, cooled and cleansed. It was then placed between rollers and rolled out > into a sheet of the thickness of the walls of the vessel for the manu- facture of which it was to be used. If the finished article was in- tended to be a coffee pot, a portion of which would have to be thinned by being subjected to a belling-out process, that circum- _ stance would have to be considered in determining the thickness of the silver and copper plate. | This plated sheet of metal would now be used in precisely the same way that a sheet of solid silver, or solid copper, would be employed in the production of the finished article. It is important to note that, when it became necessary to shear off the edges of - the metal, a uniform appearance of surface would not be exposed along the cut edge. In the case of double plate, a red line of copper would show between two white lines of silver. It would be SaLap]D) at4aQy ays fo Ksajinory ALWId LHSNI YHATIS HHL ONIMOHS AVUL ATHICHAHS GIO NV Old Sheffield Plate 391 necessary to mask this cut edge, and this necessity affords us the first and most important test for distinguishing genuine “Old Shefheld Plate’’ from a piece of electroplate. At the present time, this situation could be met by either placing the entire article in a silver-plating solution and by electrical action put in a slight covering of silver over the entire piece, including the exposed edge, or by the process of “‘sponging” silver on the exposed edge by the use of a silver anode covered with a cloth saturated with a silver solution and the use of the electric current. In the days of Old Sheffield, however, electroplating being unknown, the maker of rolled plate had to employ another method. He met the situation in the very old days by making his silver ingot a trifle larger than the copper one. This would give him a projecting silver flap, which could be folded over the copper edge. This method, how- ever, would only be practicable where the size of the ingot cor- responded with the size of the finished article, for instance, a flat dish, and was soon abandoned. Where the plate had to be cut in irregular forms, the exposed edges were covered by a piece of silver wire, which was soldered in place. In many cases, this silver edge, called the “edge of poverty,” is plainly perceptible to the eye and can be felt with the fingers. Unfortunately, this “edge of poverty,” which we now look for as desirable evidence of the genuine character of the article under examination, was, before the days of silver plating, regarded as an objectionable feature. Remember that ‘Old Sheffield Plate” was supposed to take the place of solid silver, and any feature that served to distinguish the substitute from the original was deemed objectionable. The result was that, in the first quarter of the Nineteenth Century, a process was invented which rendered the “edge of poverty” almost invisible, so that the test suggested by the foregoing is rather difficult of application to pieces of genuine plate when produced at that late period. The use of a reading 392 Old Sheffield Plate glass or microscope will, however, enable one to discover the point of union between the edge covering and the body of the article. When it is attempted to take a sheet made of two separate pieces of metal and work it into a very ornate and convoluted surface, or a surface with sharp edges, it will be found that the outer covering, which in this case would be the silver, would be apt to crack and pull away from the metal below because the superficies of the outer pieces of metal, where covering the curve, or the angle, would be greater than the piece below. The makers — of Sheffield Plate, therefore, found it more economical to take thin sheets of silver and either hammer or stamp them into the shapes desired. In the case of ornamentation, these pieces could be soldered immediately upon the sides of the vessel to be deco- rated. When decorated handles had to be applied, a piece of Shef- field Plate could be used for the lower, plain surface section of the handle, while the ornamented upper portion would be made of silver. When put together, the hollow between the silver and Sheffield Plate would be filled with a composition resembling — solder. In the case of an electroplated article, the ornamental handles would be cast of a solid piece of brass and then cleo tits plated after having been attached to the body. | This provides us with a second method of distinguishing “Old Sheffield Plate” from a modern plated article. The ornamentation upon the electroplated article, when scratched with a file, will show a hard base metal underneath, In the case of Old Sheffield, the ornamentation, being of silver, will be cut through with much more difficulty and a soft metal backing will be disclosed instead of hard brass or copper. The handle of genuine Sheffield will disclose a line of union running along the middle from one terminal of the handle to the other, and the upper or ornamented portion will respond to the same tests as the decoration on the body of the article. This line of union, of course, will be absent Old Sheffield Plate 393 in the case of a piece of electroplate, and a test with the file will show the same inner body on the top and bottom of the handle. Everything I have said about the handle will apply to other pro- jecting parts of the article, for example, the feet and the finial (knob) of a coffee-pot lid. Boulsover’s invention was first applied to such articles as harness buckles, and it was not until about the commencement of the reign of George III (1760) that domestic articles were manufactured in any quantity. 7 It was just at this period that the beauty of English solid silver had reached its zenith, and for a number of years Old Sheffield tea and coffee sets, candelabra, candlesticks, and trays, showed the same beautiful simplicity and grace of outline. The Adam Broth- ers influenced the designs in Sheffield as they did in silver, and when the “Empire” fashions came into vogue (1800), both solid silver and Sheffield Plate followed the ornate fashions set in furniture. The worst examples of this period were produced in the reign of George IV (1820-1830). As soon as Sheffield plating showed that it could be adapted to the production of articles for the table and for decoration, Sheffield Plate became fashionable and popular. Enormous quantities were produced in the last forty years of the Eighteenth Century. This means that a great number of people were engaged in the industry. The manufacture soon spread beyond Sheffield; in fact, the largest single factory, the Soho Works, was located in Birmingham, under the man- agement of Matthew Boulton, whose work is now valued as of the highest quality. As might be expected, there were a number of black sheep among the makers of Old Sheffield Plate. The obvious way for them to gouge the public was to reduce the thickness of the silver ingot. This was done to such an extent that some of the rolled plate was no thicker in silver than is now obtained by electrical 394. Old Sheffield Plate deposition. This accounts for the number of articles on the market in an almost naked condition, which undoubtedly were at one time Sheffield Plate. The idea that these pieces, now denuded of their silver, have any value is a mistaken one. If the basic work and the design were good, they might be silver plated and be made of some value as electroplated silver. Even the best pieces of Old Sheffield may show copper where they have been subjected to extraordinary wear, or the piece has been battered, in which case the silver will peel off as it would have done had the manufacturer attempted to turn the plain surface into a highly ornate one. The exposure of the copper is called “bleeding,” and if very slight, is not detrimental to the article. If it is so great as to militate against the appearance of the piece, it should be taken to an expert and silver sponged on the bare places. The reason I say it should be taken to an expert — is that the ordinary silver-plating plants employ a solution of pure silver and use a pure silver anode. Old Sheffield, to be sponged properly, should be treated with a solution made of sterling silver (i.e., a solution containing about 8 per cent. of copper to 92 per cent. of silver) and a sterling silver anode. | The reason for employing this method is that pure silver would make a glaring white patch on the gray surface of the Sheffield. The ingot of silver employed in the making of the sheet metal contained only about 92 per cent. of silver, and this, with the repeated annealing to which it is subjected while being hammered into shape, accounts for the soft gray colour of the finished prod- uct. This colour is approximated when a sterling silver bath and anode are used. The Sheffield process, or rolled-plate process, as it was then called, speedily became known in France, andin a very short time the industry was established there, entirely superseding the method known as “French plating,” which had been in use since 1700. SA149]JIDE) FLAC) PYF fo &5aj4nory COlddd (dIyOT) YWALVI AHL AO ALVId WS Se CH T1IOd ATHIAHAaHS dO Old Sheffield Plate 395 In England, many of the rolled-plate makers had been cutlers; in France, the manufacture of rolled plate was taken up, not by the ordinary manufacturer, but by silversmiths, and their prod- ucts were taken cognizance of by the authorities of the Gold- smiths’ Guild (St. Eloi), who threw about the product the same protection that they did about solid silver. The rules of the guild provided that each piece must be stamped with the mark denoting its quality; for instance, if the basic sheet were composed of nine kilos of copper and one kilo of silver, it would be marked dixiéme, but this term was abbreviated and represented by roe, 1ome, or 1om. Lower grades, or inferior grades, were marked 20me, 30me, and 40 me. It is very doubtful if any manufacturer took advan- tage of the provisions that enabled him to make the two lower grades of rolled plate. Personally, the author has never seen anything but dixiéme and vigntieme. The consequence of this genesis of French rolled plate was that the product was much more uniformly beautiful in design than that produced in England by manufacturers without the esthetic training of the French silversmiths, and was of more uniform good quality. It 1s very rare, indeed, to see a piece even of vingtiéme showing the copper, unless it be a piece that has been badly dented. Unfortunately, French Sheffield is very rare. The pieces that have most often come under my observation were made by the firm of Balain, whose mark is a grasshopper or locust impaled upon a pin. There are widespread misapprehensions concerning Old Shef- field. These are due in a large measure to perusal of a number of books that have been written by amateurs without any proper or adequate basis of knowledge. They are also held by people who think that knowledge upon a subject of this sort may be a matter of intuition, and it is indeed difficult to eradicate views that, no matter how erroneous, are regarded as a birthright. A flagrant error in belief is that-Old Sheffield Plate is “hall- 396 Old Sheffield Plate marked.” Of course, a “hallmark” can only be affixed to solid silver. A more excusable error is that all Sheffield markers put their mark upon their products. As a matter of fact, a very large proportion of the very finest pieces of Old Sheffield Plate are absolutely devoid of marks. On the other hand, “fakes” are abundantly marked, frequently with copies of two or more old marks. One woman collector told the author that in her collec- tion of Old Sheffield she had a number of pieces manufactured by FE. P. N. S. This is as if one had said her favourite author was “Mr. Anonymous.” E. P. N. S. means electroplate on nickel silver. It was and is employed by a great number of manufactur- ers in order to give the public an honest and an accurate descrip- tion of their wares. | Another misconception concerns the presence or absence of the silver inset plate or shield so often found on the sides of wine coolers, dish covers, in the centre of trays, and on the margins of platters. The popular belief is that these pure silver shields (the fact that these are pure silver makes them conspicuous against the darker background of Sheffield Plate) denote an extra fine quality of Old Sheffield; in fact, some collectors refuse to pur- chase pieces that are not so distinguished. A brief consideration of the reason for this innovation (the first inset shield was about 1810) will lead one to a different conclusion. The earlier Sheffield Plate was purposely made with a silver skin so thick that a careful engraver could put on a crest, coat of arms, monogram, or in- scription without cutting through to the copper. It occurred to some genius that the old process was an extravagant one, as the piece would be engraved only in one or two places, and in order to provide for that, the silver plate was devised. The only reason for its employment is that the article, except where the plate appears, is too thinly covered with silver to stand engraving. Fortunately, the situation is saved in some measure by the fact Old Sheffield Plate 397 that manufacturers of very fine Sheffield found that some of their customers considered the inset plate decorative and followed the fashion without any noticeable depreciation in the quality of their output. As a rule, however, the silver inset plate must be regarded as evidence of inferior quality of plating but not of workmanship. People without the knowledge requisite to identify Old Sheffield Plate find the inset plate a convenient signpost. Those who restrict their collections to articles thus made will voluntarily shut themselves out of the best market. Very early in the history of the manufacture of rolled plate, a number of manufacturers applied the process, with suitable changes, to the coating of articles of steel, such as knives and forks. In some cases, large spoons and skewers made of pot metal or britannia ware were “‘close-plated.” Britannia metal was an alloy, used, notably, by the great Sheffield firm of Thomas Dixon & Sons. Dixon & Sons came late on the scene. They were established in 1810 and thirty years later were among the first to adopt the new process of electroplating. They used as a base an alloy which they stamped “Britannia.” Unfortunately, this was not a stable or static compound. For some reason, probably galvanic action set up by the proximity of different metallic elements, or perhaps merely oxidation, this metal has with the effuxion of time become porous and rotten. When the mutable character of the alloy became apparent, it was abandoned, and bell-metal, called “nickel silver,” was,employed —an alloy of nickel, copper, and tin and a very small proportion of zinc or antimony; the formula is variable but always adapted to produce a hard yellow metal. This makes such an admirable base that in England it has almost entirely superseded copper, and it is this metal, when plated, that is properly stamped E. P. N.S. Old Sheffield is nearly always upon copper. Brass, however, has sometimes been employed. Many of the pieces of so-called 398 Old Sheffield Plate ““Shefhield”’ on the market consist of a cast base electroplated. ; The old Sheffield pieces, of course, were hammered out by hand, except as to the mounts and handles, which were stamped and backed as I have described. Where a casting is employed, the use of a microscope will disclose a rather perous-looking sur- face—a feature, of course, that is entirely absent from a piece of metal that has been subjected to much hammenaes in the course of manufacture. The reader who wishes to learn every detail of the manufacture of Old English Sheffield should peruse Mr. Frederick Bradbury’s masterly work, History of Old Sheffield Plate. It is the only authori- tative book upon that subject. Mr. Bradbury’s ancestors were prominent makers of rolled plate in the Eighteenth Century, and the firm has had a continued existence from then until the present — day, when it still occupies the foremost position among Sheffield silversmiths. - | have said that many of the handsomest and most valle , pieces of Old Sheffield are unmarked. That is not the result of chance alone. Prior to 1773, some eighteen makers of rolled plate in Sheffield and Birmingham—by no means all of the manufac- turers in those cities—used marks. In that year, the law establish- ing an assay office in Sheffield struck at certain manufacturers of plated ware whose marks resembled hall marks, by prohibiting the striking of a letter or letters on articles made of metal, plated or covered with silver. Ten years later, in 1784, a law was passed which enabled the platers who were engaged in trade in Sheffield, or within a hundred miles thereof, to impress their goods with their names “together with any mark, figure, or device at the end of the name, such figure not being an assay office device for ster- ling silver or in imitation thereof.” Such mark or marks must be approved and registered by the assay authorities. 3 During the intervening decade, no marks had been affixed to spuejs pure sdue| UIIM SJOLUIBM G| GOIWHd FHYIdNA AHL HO QWINHHHS HONHYH AO SH Id NV Xd Sadayjoy) 24Q— 9y2 fo Ksa4noy Re ahi’; Old Sheffield Plate 399 Old Sheffield Plate, and that happens to have been the most prolific decade in the history of the industry. It was also the best period from an artistic standpoint. It should be noted that, under the law of 1784, it was not obliga- tory for the maker to mark his wares, and he must not do so without registration. There was a penalty of £100 for any viola- tion of the statute. Sixteen makers registered their marks in 1784, and many did not; so that we cannot say with certainty that any unmarked piece was made before 1784. However, that fact, coupled with the design of the piece—fashions were closely followed by silversmiths and Sheffield Plate makers—does enable one very often to fix the period of manufacture with reasonable certainty. In 1785, seven Sheffield makers registered. One or two each year added their marks and names to the official list until 1807, when, for some reason, eighteen Birmingham manufacturers of rolled plate recorded their marks at the Sheffield assay office. Between 1808 and 1836 (both years inclusive), fifty-five Birming- ham and nineteen Sheffield firms or individuals recorded their marks. No marks have been entered since. It should be carefully noted that some of the marks put on old Sheffield have been used upon electroplate after the rolled-plate maker had changed his product as the result of the invention of electroplating. The crossed arrows (T. & J. Creswick) is an example. It is now used by Hutton & Company, successors to the old firm, on electroplate. 3 Frequently, on a piece of Old Sheffield, one will find marks other than a maker’s mark. It may be of one or more letters, figures, or a symbol, such as a sun or two concentric circles. These are workmen’s marks. Sometimes workmen would leave one fac- tory and go to another, so that we find the identical workmen’s mark upon pieces of different makers. CHAPTER XXX Sheffield Platers and Their Marks APPROXIMATE DATES OF THE MANUFACTURERS’ EARLIEST CONNECTION WITH THE FUSED PLATE INDUSTRY PREVIOUS TO 1773 Name of Firm. Bonlsover Thomas... Hancock Joseph Smith Nathaniel Law Thomas Tudor & Leader Fenton Matthew&Co Unidentified Unidentified Unidentified Hoyland John & Co. Boulton & Fothergill Roberts Jacob’ & Samuel Winter John & Co. Morton Richard Rowbotham J. & Co. Ashforth, Ellis & Co Ryland William Littlewood J. Maket’s Marks. No Mark Traced. TOS" HANCOCK SHEFFIELD. TH (@ TH? LAW & Bi LAW Bre KH T&EO° SEE VV ES >) TOTO Ti G2 G2 Be GR 8 Ww oG @ ki © i Gp OG £0 £3 £8 GONGoe na @ No Mark Traced. > piatey t Date. 1743 T/55 1756 1758 1705 1765 1768 1770 1770 1772 Location. Sheffield, Sheffield, Union Street--| Cutler, and maker of High Street Sheffield, Waingate Sheffield, Baker's Hill Sheffield, Sycamore Works Sheffield, Mulberry St... Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield, Union Street... Birmingham Sheffield, Pond Hill Sheffield ... Sheffield, Brinsworth - Orchard Sheffield, Norfolk Street Sheffield, Holy Croft Birmingham * Marks used on plated and silver cutlery. ¢ It is only presumed that these marks were used by this firm, 400 Norfolk Siveet .| Cutler. ...| Silver Cutler & makers .| Plate manufacturers .| Silver and Plated Cutlery .| Silver and Plate manu- .| Cutlers and Plate manu- .| Plater. Sheffield, Westbar Green Trade Description. Cutler, Button and Box maker. Plated Hollow-ware. of Plated Hollow-ware and Candlesticks Silver and Plate manu- facturers, Do. Do. Do, Silver and Plate manu- facturers. Do. manufacturers facturers. Do. Do. facturers. Plater and Silversmith. Sheffield Platers and Their Marks AOI EXTRACTS FROM LISTS OF ee FROM “SKETCHLEY’S SHEFFIELD DIRECTORY,” NO MARKS LEGALISED ON PLATED ARTICLES, “ACCORDING TO THE ACT 1773 0 ee CREE Name of Firm. Bunbury Thomas .. Elliott Thomas Ellis Thomas Fenton, Creswick & Co. Greaves Johanadab Hoyland John & Co. Kirk Joseph... Margreave, Marsden & Brocklesby Marsden William ... Morton Thomas Morton Richard & Co. Rowbotham John & Co. Tonks William Tudor & Leader Wilson Joseph Winter, Parsons & Hall Boulton Matthew ... Ryland Wm, Name of Firm. Boulton Matthew ... Ryland William . .. No Maker’s Marks Used. Sheffield, Norfolk Lane No Maker's Marks Used, Birmingham — Location. Do. John Lane Do. Norfolk Street Do. Mulberry Street Do. Church Lane Do. Union Street Do. at the Wheat Sheaf, Waingate Do. above the Town Head Crofts Do. White Croft... Do. New Church Street Do. Fargate Do. Norfolk Street Do. West Bar Green Do. Sycamore Hill Do. Highfield Do. High Street... Birmingham, Soho Works Birmingham Location. ae Birmingham, Soho Works __ ... Trade Description. ...| Silversmith. .| Silversmith. .| Silver Plater. | Silver & Plated manufacturers. .| Plated Snuff Box maker. | Platers, Refiners, Button and Box makers. Silversmith. Silver and Bristol Stone Sleeve Button makers. ...| Plater. Plater. | Platers & Silver Manufacturers. .| Silversmiths and Platers, | Plated Buckle and Spur maker. | | Silver & Plated manufacturers of Pitchers; Coffee Pots, Candlesticks, Tureens, Waiters, &c. | Silversmith, Plater, Saw maker, Tobacco and Snuff manufac- turer. : Silversmiths and Platers. — | Silversmith and Plater. .| Plater. (FROM BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR 1777.) Trade Description. Silver and Plate manufacturer. ves) Plater. AND eben a SOURCES, 1781 Name of Firm. No Maker's Marks Used. ; Location. Allen Thomas Bar are ey vee eee Sheffield, Bailey Street Ashforth, Ellis & Co.| ... mre Fea ne Burdett John a Mee Caine ae Eee gt te Do Pea Croft Henfrey John wel elas ok oa 3 Henfrey Samuel ...| ... Ate i in Do, Spring Street Holy Daniel & Co. ws}. «.. mie ne as Do, Norfolk Street Kippax & Nowill ...| ... he 5 ik ... | Sheffield, (Nowill & Siptanes High Street in 1787) i Law Thomas @ Cdiccl 0 oi ee | Shetiiel, Norfolk Street Pittlowodd Foun) sid 2-406 Yap yaup eae Do. | Westbar Green: Madin & Trickett ...} ... ac tee ne Do. Farfield, near | Mappih Jonathan ...J) ... a. ae vee Do. Fargate Roberts, Eyre: Cob - a0" aaa et eee Do, —_ Union Street... Rowbotham John ...| ac. us sao) Des = Morfoll Steases Sykes John & Dennis} ... wis a wee fale 2D, Peo ) > Pp WISEOE Different forms of the letters s and p. s. were used to denote steel, or plated steel. The dates re- corded are the earliest that can be traced of firms using their marks. The trade descriptions are taken from old © manuscripts, ledgers and directories. Where a § is fixed against a device it signifies that this mark was not registered at the Sheffield Assay Office. The abbreviation “s. Mm.” (in trade description) signifies Britannia Metal. Name of Firm. Ashforth G. & Co. Fox T. & Co. Green W. & Co. ... Holy D., Wilkinson & Co. Law T. & Co.... Parsons J. & Co. ... smith N. & Co: ... Staniforth, Parkin & Co. Sykes & Co. Tudor, Leader & Nichol- son Boulton M. & Co. Dixon T. & Co. . Holland H. & Co. Moore J. ... es oe Smith & Co. Maker's Marks. Date. Location. Trade Description. NaN o 1784 | Sheffield, Angel Street Platers and Silversmiths 1784 Do. Do. do. 1784 Do. Eyre Street Do. do. 1784 Do. Mulberry Street | Do. do. PTD LAW oc 1784 Do. Norfolk Street ... Do, do. 1784 Do. Market Place Do. do. IN oniTH ace 1784 Do. Waingate Do. do. 1784 Do. .. Platers and Cutlers noe 1784 Do. Pinstone Lane ...| Platers and Silver Cutlers 1784 Do. Sycamore Hill ...| Platers and Silversmiths ts he 1784 | Birmingham, Soho Works Do. do. BOULTON 2% DIXON &C°3E 1784 | Birmingham Platers HOLLAND &C° a 1784 Do. ae .| Platers and Silversmiths R) R § 1784 Do. Plater and Silversmith MOORE () A ; SMITH&C° a 1784- Do. rs Haters: § Unregistered marks. 404 Sheffield Platers and Their Marks Name of Firm. Maker’s Marks. Date. Location. . Trade Description. Beldon, Hoyland & Co... 1785 | Sheffield ... ... «| Platers and Silversmiths Brittain, Wilkinson & BRITTAIN WILKIN'S 1785 Do. eee tee as Do. do. Brownill IN & BROWNILL ; : ain | Deakin, Smith & Co, oo FR oecpee 1785 Do. Hawley Croft ...| Do. do. Love J. & Co. ... pa Re Chit 1785 Do. Pea Croft whe Do. do. (Love, Silverside, Darby & Co.) Morton R. & Co, = 1785 Do. Brinsworth ... Do. do. : Orchard Roberts, Cadman & Co, 8 1785 Do. Eyre Street — ...| Do. do. Roberts J. & S. ... Sh 1786 Do. Union Street Do. do. SutclifleR.& Co. —«. @) 1786 Do. King Street Do. do. 8) Bingley W. fW.BINGLEY,~* } 1787 | Birmingham ... ..| Plater Madin F. & Co. ... 1788 | Sheffield, Far Field ...| Platers and Silversmiths Jervis W. rf 1789 | Do, | White Croft ...| Plater and Silversmith Colmore S, ees eis § 1790 | Birmingham ot «| Plater Goodwin E. 1794 | Sheffield, The Park ...| Plater and Silversmith Watson, Fenton & Brad- bury Froggatt, Coldwell & FROGGATT 1797 Do. Eyre Street, ...| Platers, Silversmiths; & Lean COL BWECL BLES B.M. manufacturers — Green J. & Co. ... *) 1799 Do. MarketPlace ...| Platers and Silversmiths — Platers, Silversmiths and Factors Close Plater Goodman, Gainsford & Fairbairn Ellerby W. ade ses oars 1800 Do.. 18, Hawley Croft (50 Gd GES ES} §| 1803 | London .. Garnett W. are Plater TWAT SON&C | PERER 1795 Do. » Mulberry Street | Platers and Silversmiths 1803 | Sheffield, Bridge Houses... Holy D., Parker & Co. ... 1804 Do. Mulberry Street | Platers and Silversmiths — DAN HOLY *« PARKER & CS * Green, Roberts, Moseley & Co. This firm commenced from this date to use the mark formerly struck by their predecessors J. Parsons & Co, § Unregistered marks. eee Drabble I. & Co. gi . eee till D. & Co. ... jek Son ... see eee nee eee \ RYLAND zs Sheffield Platers and Their Marks Maker’s Marks. R.LAW. 3 1:-LIN I-LLN | GED GE LIN tLIN WwooD ‘WwOOD Suen En ++ Nye Bema §/ THOMASON O& TONKS OU ‘ious to this date this mark was used by D. Holy, Wilkinson & Co. . + Tudor & Co. having retired from business in 1804, this would appear to be a re-registration of their mark & Son at the Sheffield Assay Office in 1807, . § 405 Date Location. Trade Description, 1804 Sheffield, The Moor -..| Platers 1805 Do, Eyre Street Platers and Silversmiths 1806 Do. do. _...| Plater, &c. 1806 Birmingham ay ...| Close Platers 1807 Sheffield ... ae ...| Platers 1807. | Birmingham Close Plater 1807 Do. one Do. 1807 Do. : Do. 1807 Do. me Do. 1807 Do. S Do. 1807 Do. me Do. 1807 Do. A é Do. 1807 Do. we aa Do. 1807 Do. aoe Platers, Close Platers and Silversmiths 1807 Do. eg ...| Close Plater 1807 Do. a 3 Do. 1807 Do. wee ..-| Close Platers, &c. Plater 1807 | Do. Bromsgrove Rd. Ast 2% ac : es 4 . . r, ee ad ie

| 1807 | Birmingham... 88098 | 7 Wilmore Joseph ve ‘ en 3 §| 1807 Do. ae ; eee Gainsford R. .. ivi 1808 | Sheffield ... — i “ e Hatheli Mi vay eacr oe. A000 1808 Do. Pepper Alley ...| Close P : BANI pean 2 nc a Banister W.__... eos 1808 | Birmingham von. +. Sepa Mean a S35) | Sy Gibbs G. mes ea Ta GS 1808 Do. va : 7 Hipkiss J. ag mY HIPKISS 1808 Do. Sa Horton’ D. Sean 1808 | Do. Bes Lea A. on eee een EACLEA "YC" 1808 Do. . ; ete Linwood M. & Sons «.. yin y 1808 Do. : Nicholds J. ek ee Py 1808 Do. 13, Foredrough | Maker | fRIEEES eee ie Beldon G. eee eeu 1809 Sheffield eG 4 2s ze Wright J. & Fairbaim G. Falneain , Hog: | Do. | 7 Cheston T. eee eee bdo” 1809 | Birmingham — ree Harrison J. —.. cae Sones 1809 Do. as Hipwood W. eee eee eopey? 1809 Do. Ni eee : Horton J. erates 1809 | Do, § oe : SUi Re us ce sae en B0ACO 1809 | Do. Howard S. & T.... BAe Oe § 1809 | London ... asad me fa ( ara\ 8 : by th Fee 2 ; ; Py i ae | Smith, Tate, Nicholson a 1810 | Sheffield, Arundel Street. & Hoult iss i DunnG.B. ... oe 1810 | Birmingham... $ ee : § Unregistered marks, Sheffield Platers and Their Marks Name of Firm. | Maker's Marks. Hanson M. awe ei ped | Pimley S. BS BS | eS Creswick T. & J. Watson, Pass & Co. (late J. Watson) Lees G. ... oe aS Bao Pearson R. ees White J. (White & All- good) Kirkby S.. EAE ie Fees KIRKBY = Allgood J. : fly Allport E. HR) ( CABpS Gilbert J. : 86 Hinks J. THINKS] Johnson J. sea ale Small T. ... SMALL * Smith W. Younge S. & C. & Co. ... Thomas S., ae p Tyndall J. TXN |@ Best H. .. Boesoll Cracknall J oe das CRACK Jordan T. zi (aa G mm §* + 1810 1810 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 I811 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1813 1813 1813 1814 1814 1814 Location. 407 Trade Description. Birmingham Do. Sheffield, Porter Street Duke St., Park Do. Do. Hartshead Birmingham Do. Princes Street ... Do. Sheffield, Carver Lane Birmingham, Essex Street Do. Cannon Street ... Do. Legge Street Do. Do. New Inkleys Do. Do. Sheffield, Union Street ... .| Close Plater .| Close Plater Platers and Silversmiths Close Plater Platers and Silversmiths ., Fancy Plater Plater in general Platers and Military Ornament makers Plater and Silversmith ...| Jeweller Close Plater Do. Do. Plater and maker of Plated articles ..| Sword Hilt maker and Steel worker Plater in general and Japanner and Button maker Platers and Silversmiths Birmingham, 45, Thorp-st. «Close Plater Do. Moseley St. Do. Great Charles-st. Do. Do. Do. Do. Plate maker, Table and Tea Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Caddie Shells, &c. Close Plater * Found on close plated goods, the initials are also found on silver goods § Unregistered marks. + Found on close plated goods, 408 Sheffield Platers and Their Marks Name of Firm. Maker’s Marks. . Date. Lilly John bes oor Woodward W. ... : 1814 H LILLY Gy 18i5 Best & Wastidge + BEST OY 1816 Ashley... BA sacs Ley a 1816 Davis J. 1816 Evans S. [S-EVANS ——@4 1816 Freeth H. 816 lm © i aera Hutton W. o55 Cals Sheffield’ ... *) 1831 Atkin Henry ... §| 1833 Do. 32, Howard St....|. Waterhouse I. & I. & Co. 1833 Sheffield... WWATSON Wi tea We tins MAKER §] 1833 Do. 15, Arundel Stree SHEFFIELD (until 1812 part- | ner in firm of | DI! 8 § Watson & Brad- bury) | meDsS § ixin') $| Do. Cornish Place ...| M _ Dixon J. & Sons ve 1835 Smith J. Ac §} 1836 | Do. 48, South Street Waterhouse, Hatfield & 1836 Do. Portobello Place | Co, Rook ey a) Wilkinson H. & Co. ... i 1836 Do. Norfolk Str : Ps NG Hutton W. a mes 2) 2) t 1837 Do. Hutton W. ae ae tH &| | 1839 Do. Boece § Prime J; mes a o@ & g SS 1839 .| Birmingham ts Bea § - Bae 3s . Walker, Knowles & Co. S| § 1840 | Sheffield, 47, Burgess St Waterhouse George & Co. SCE S § 1842 Smith, Sissons & Co, ... @ 1848 Do, Padiey, Parkin & Co. ... G 1849 Do. ¢ This mark was originally registered by Scot in 1807; for previous marks aed b 1 The same firm as above, and in 1831 but with the ney mark reversed, te amet § Unregistered marks. Sheffield Platers and Their Marks AII Name of Firm, Maker’s Marks. Date. | Location, Trade Description. Hutton W. eae Ses Da sg *) 1849 Sheffield ... ae ...| Close Plater Mappin Bros, ... @magg | 1850-| Do, Baker's Hill ...| Silver and Plated Cut- lery Manufacturers Oldham T, fees nes Genes) § 1860 | Nottingham ee ...| Maker of Plated Tan- kards and Measures Roberts & Briggs eee R pat 1860 | Sheffield, 38, Furnival Silver and Plated Ware g 5 G Es +§ Street Manufacturers * See note (||) on previous page. ¢ Possibly this mark was purchased from M. Boulton & Co., of Birmingham, at their dissolution in 1848. t Since 1863 Roberts & Belk. § Unregistered marks. MISCELLANEOUS MARKS WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN TRACED. Approximate date of Maker’s Marks. Description of article from which marks are taken. pena tiet ace! 1 24 2s | Fused Plated 1-pint Tankard a5 Ere iv a 1780-1790 &> BEST PLATE Do, Sugar Tongs ... “er a ree a 1790 Do. Sauce Boat ... met a oe FS 1790 1 Gee @) os Do. Pierced Fish Slice, with Plated Handle... a 1790-1800 Do. Do. Wine Coolers, with Lion Mask Handles sac 1790-1800 Rinie rowces s Do. Tankard ee a ee ate ds 1800-1810 Do. Folding Ear Trumpet, with Silver Filled Floral 1815-1825 Qa Mounts (see page 390.) Poo Do. Salt Cellar, with Wire Supports for Glass Bit 1815 1825 omer Fused Plated 5-light Candelabra, 29 1n. high. was Bue 1815-1825 Beeiin Fused Plated small Telescope (see page 390) st ae, 1840 Sena, Fused Plated pointed end Snuffer Tray (see page 328.) ay 1840 FRWAW fl Ge de] Close Plated Dessert Knife... xa bet wee a 1840 ce) ENT Close Plated Article oe bl ue Ba ah 1840 OY i] 2) Snuffers, made of Argentine Metal, with Filled Silver Mounts... 1850 ® Close Plated Dessert Knife a ied oc o 1850 Do. Marrow Scoop | iat as ae ate 1850 PROOG ‘Ivory Handled Dessert Knife, Close Plated Blade ae ie 1850 : * T. Middleton, Rd. Jewesson, G. Ashford and G. Frost are registered, as a firm of silver plate workers, at the Sheffield Assay Office, 2/4/1798. fed ee ay 7 = = Soa U i lS ee ae —. a aa a da Se ea nelle rane ne Ne ea ee : b ‘tars ; * : : : - pene = , 4 ‘ General Index Makers’ marks and date letters are not indexed in the following pages. A comprehensive index to the marks of English, Scotch, Irish, and British colonial silversmiths will be found at p. 211. See also the alphabetical list of American silversmiths and their marks, pp. 239-292. Aalborg, mark used at, 366. Abercrombie, Robert, English silversmith, 9. Aberdeen, marks used at, 182, 183. Adam brothers, their influence upon designing of English silver, 8. Aix, marks used at, 308. Aix-la-Chapelle, marks used at, 315. Alencon and Caen, marks used at, 308. Altenburg, marks used at, 315. Altona, marks used ‘at, 316. American silver, early, 235-292. American silversmiths, names and marks of, 239-292. Amiens and Soissons, marks used at, 308. Amsterdam, marks used at, 368. Anne, Queen, period of silversmithing, 8. Ansbach, marks used at, 316. Antwerp, marks used at, 362, 363. Apostle spoons made in England, °. Aquila, marks used at, 370. Arboga or Orebro, marks used at, 378. Arbroath, marks used at, 183. Archambo, Peter, English silversmith, 9. Arras, marks used at, 308. Assaying silver, made compulsory in England, 10; France, 294; Baltimore, 267. Assay Master’s mark substituted for Deacon’s mark in Edinburgh, 169. Astrakhan, mark used at, 375. Augsburg, marks used at, 316, 317. Aurich, marks used at, 318. Austria, marks on silver of, 355-359. Ayr, marks used at, 184. Baden, marks used at, 383. Baden-Baden, marks used at, 318. Bamberg, marks used at, 318. Banff, marks used at, 185. Barcelona, marks used at, 387. Barnstaple, marks used at, 158. Bausk, mark used at, 375. Bayonne, marks used at, 309. Belfast, marks probably used at, 208. Belgium, State stamps of, on silver, 361; marks on silver of, 361-367. Berlin, marks used at, 319. Bern, marks used at, 383. Besancon, marks used at, 309. Biberach, mark used at, 319. Bienne, mark used at, 383. Bigorne marks in France, 296. Birmingham, marks used at, 141-146; Sheffield plate made at, 398. Boivin, his book on old Paris marks, 296. Bologna, mark used at, 370. Boroas, marks used at, 378. Bordeaux, marks used at, 309. Boulsover, Thomas, inventor of Sheffield plate, 389. Bourges, marks used at, 309. Bozen, marks used at, 355. Bradbury, Frederick, his Sheffield Plate, 398. Breda, marks used at, 368. Bremen, marks used at, 319. Breslau, marks used at, 319. Bristol, marks used at, 159. Britannia standard of silver, in England, 2, 20, 28, 33; never enforced in Scotland, 169. Bruchsal, marks used at, 320. Bruges, marks used at, 364. Briinn, marks used at, 355. Brunswick, marks used at, 320. Brussels, marks used at, 360. Budapest, marks used at, 359. Burgos, marks used at, 387. Burgundy, early silversmiths in, 293. History of Old Caen and Alencon, marks used at, 308. Cesar, Julius, brings silversmiths into Gaul, 293 Calatayud, marks used at, 387. Calcutta, marks used at, 163. Canongate (Edinburgh), marks used at, 177. Carlisle, marks used at, 162. - Cassel, marks used at, 387. 416 Castle or castles, the town mark of Bristol, Cork, Edinburgh, Exeter, Limerick, Newcas- tle, Norwich, and Stirling, 9.0. Ch4lons-sur-marne, marks used at, 310. Channel Islands, silver of the, 163. “Charge” mark on French silver, 295. Chester, marks used at, 132-140. Christiania, marks used at, 374. Christianstad, marks used at, 379. Church silver in England, 4-6. Coinage, debasement of in England, 3, 4. Coire, marks used at, 384. Colchester, marks used at, 159. Colmar, mark used at, 321. Cologne, marks used at, 321, 322. Commonwealth period in England, scarcity of silver during, 7. Coney, John, American silversmith, 235. Copenhagen, marks used at, 366, 367. Cordova, mark used at, 387. Cork, marks used at, 204-207. Cornwall and Devon, marks used at, 160, 161. Corufia, La, mark used at, 387. Cracow, marks used at, 355. Criminal prosecutions in England, 16. Dagebiill, marks used at, 322. Danzig, marks used at, 322. Darmstadt, marks used at, 322. Date letters, introduced in England, 11; in- troduced in France, 294; varied for French provincial towns, 295. Davenstadt, marks used at, 323. Decoration, added to old English sive 10; applied to Philadelphia silver, 236. Denmark, marks on silver of, 366, 367. Description of England, by the Reverend Wil- liam Harrison, 5. Dessau, marks used at, 323. Devon and Cornwall, marks used at, 160, 161. Dijon, marks used at, 310. Dillingen, marks used at, 323 “Discharge” mark on French silver, 295. Dixwell, John, American silversmith, 235. Dokkum, mark used at, 368. Domestic articles of silver, use in England, 4, 8 Dorchester, marks used at, 159. Dordrecht, marks used at, 368. Dorpat, mark used at, 375. “Double plate” Sheffield, its meaning, 39°. Dresden, marks used at, 323, 324. Dublin, marks used at, 191-203. Dummer, Jeremiah, American silversmith, 236. Dundee, marks used ap iss. risa St., patron saint of English Soca, Diisseldorf, marks used at, 325. General Indes ae 7 ae Hedemora, ane Ln marks: Engen, mark used at, 326. ae : Frankfort-on-Main, marks used” “at, 3 -Freising, marks used at, 329. Eger, marks used at, 355. Duty marks on divas reales ma 20, 30, 31; France, 2 204-296; Ireland, J (footnote). Edinburgh, marks used at, 169 1 assaying and marking silver plate, Einsiedeln, marks used at, pri Mees t, 379: on Blberleld, mark ei at, 326. see Elbing, marks used at, 325. Elgin, marks used at, 184. | Elizabeth, Queen of England, imports oe in reign of, 53 household silver used it reig of, 6, 8. Nea Ps Eloi, St., patron saint of, French 293; Guild of, 395.) ee Emden, marks used at, 326. . England, silver of, 1-163. | Enkhuizen, mark ‘used at, eed inc” 3 Ensko, Stephen G.-C. hue: Am can S: smiths and Their Marks, 239. & Erfurt, marks used at, 326. . Essen, marks used at, 326. Eutin, mark used at, 326. EByora, mark used at, 373. Exeter, assay office ‘established, 8 used at, aia #3 F in an oval, a mark bene in : Cresta i identify foreign silver, 33 (footnote). Farmer of the Revenue in France, 294, 29 Fawdery, William, London silversmith Ferrara, marks used at, 436. Fish, tree, and bell, town mark ok Fleur-de-lis, “punch of guarantee” French silver, 294; dimidiated, : town mark of York, 106. Florence, marks used at, 370. — Forgeries of marks on ates in America, 235. 5s Forks, introduced in England, ny France, silver of, 293-314. ; Frankenstein, mark used at, jab. ix Frankfort-on-Oder, mney used at, Sa Freiburg (Baden), m Freiburg (Saxony), marks oe Friedberg, mark used at, Ke Fulda, mark used at, 329. Firth, mark used at, see re i General Index 417 Gebweiler, mark used at, 329. Gefle, marks used at, 379. Geislingen, mark used at, 329. Geneva, marks used at, 384. Genoa, marks used at, 371. Germany, silver of, 315-354. Ghent, marks used at, 364. Glasgow, marks used at, 178-181. Glatz, mark used at, 329. Glogau, mark used at, 329. Gmund, marks used at, 329. Gnoien, mark used at, 329. Gold, hallmarking of in England, 31 (footnote). Goldsmiths in England recognized as a corpo- rate body, 3. Gorlitz, marks used at, 330. Gotha, marks used at, 330. Gothenburg, marks used at, 379 Gouda, marks used at, 368. Grabow, mark used at, 330. Gran, mark used at, 359. Graz, marks used at, 356. Greenock, marks used at, 184. Grenoble, marks used at, 310. Guimraes, Marks used at, 373. Giistrow, marks used at, 330. Hague, The, marks used at, 369. Halberstadt, marks used at, 330. Hall (Austria), marks used at, 356. Hall (Germany), marks used at, 331. Halle (Saxony), marks used at, 331. Hallmarks, absence from English silver no proof of fraud, 16; popular misconception regarding Sheffield plate, 395. Hamburg, marks used at, 331, 332- Hanau, marks used at, 333. Hanover, marks used at, 333. Hanover-Neustadt, marks used at, 333. Harrison, the Reverend William, his Description of England, 5. Harp, crowned, sterling mark of Dublin, 191. Hedemora, Eksjé, and Lindesberg, marks used at, 379: Heidelberg, marks used at, 333. Heilbronn, marks used at, 334- Henry VII, 3, 4. Henry VIII, 4, 5. Herzogenbusch’s, marks used at, 369. Hibernia, figure of, duty and their town mark of Dublin, 193. Hildesheim, marks used at, 334. Hogarth, William, his influence on the de- signing of English silver, 8. Holland, silver of, 367-370. Hoorn, mark used at, 369. Hotzenplotz, mark used at, 356. Huguenot silversmiths in England, 9. Hull, marks used at, 154. Hull, John, “American” silversmith, 235. Hungary, silver of, 359-361. Iglau, mark used at, 356. Ilmenau, mark used at, 334. Index to the marks of English, Scotch, and Iris’ silversmiths, 211. Ingolstadt, marks used at, 334. Innsbruck, marks used at, 356. Inset plate on Old Sheffield ware, its purpose an‘ the popular exaggeration of its value, 396. Inverness, marks used at, 187. Ireland, silver of, 191-210. Irkutsk or Tobolsk, mark used at, 375. Italy, silver of, 370-373. Jamaica, mark used on the island of, 163. Jauer, marks used at, 334. Jesse, David, American silversmith, 235. Journay, marks used at, 364. Kaluga, mark used at, 375. Kamenetz-Podolski, mark used at, 375. Karlsruhe, marks used at, 334. Kaschau, marks used at, 360. Kaufbeuren, mark used at, 334. Kazan, mark used at, 376. Kecskemét, marks used at, 360. Kiel, marks used at, 334, 335- Kiev, marks used at, 376. King’s Lynn, marks used at, 156. Kitzingen, marks used at, 335. Klagenfurt, marks used at, 356. Klausenburg, marks used at, 360. Konigsberg, marks used at, 335, 336. Konstanz, marks used at, 336, 337. Kostroma, mark used at, 376. Kremsier, marks used at, 356. La Corufia, mark used at, 387. Laibach, marks used at, 357. Lamerie, Paul, English silversmith, 12. Landsberg, mark used at, 337- Landshut, marks used at, 337. Lausanne, mark used at, 384. Ia Rochelle, mark used at, 310. Leeds, marks used at, 162. Leer, mark used at, 337. Leeuwarden, mark used at, 369. Leicester, marks used at, 155. Leipzig, marks used at, 337, 338. Lemberg, marks used at, 357. Leon, marks used at, 387. Leopard’s head crowned, in a measure restricted to articles made in London, 1, 22, 30; used in conjunction with town mark in Exeter, 1721- 418 General Index 1777, 120-122; used in conjunction with town mark in Newcastle, 1721-1845, 127- 130; used in Chester in conjunction with town mark, 1720-1823, 133-137. Leopard’s head uncrowned, town mark for London after 1821-1822, 32; used in con- junction with town mark of Exeter after 1845, 130; used in conjunction with town mark of Chester after 1823-1824, 132; used in conjunction with town mark of Newcastle after 1845, 130. Leutschau, marks used at, 360. Lewes, marks used at, 155. Liége, marks used at, 365. Liegnitz, marks used at, 338. Lilies, three growing in a pot, town mark for Dundee, 185. Limerick, marks used at, 209. Limoges enamels sent to Byzantium, 293; marks used at, 311. Lincoln, marks used at 152, 153. Lindesberg, Eksj6, and Hedemora, marks used at, 379- ; Lion erased, Britannia standard mark in Eng- land, 2, 28. Lion passant, English sterling mark, 1, 11. Lion rampant, sterling mark for Glasgow, 179. Lions (five) passant in a cross, town mark for York after 1700-1701, 109. Lions (three) passant in a shield, town mark for Chester, 133. Lisbon, marks used at, 373. Lissa, marks used at, 338. London, marks used at, 22-106. Lomza, mark used at, 376. Lotige, a measure of quality for silver in Ger- many and Austria, 316. Louvain, marks used at, 365. Liibeck, marks used at, 338, 339- Lucca, marks used at, 371. Ludwigsburg, marks used at, 339. Lulea, marks used at, 379. Liineburg, marks used at, 339, 340- Luzern, marks used at, 384. Lyon, marks used at, 311. Madrid, marks used at, 387. Maestricht, marks used at, 369. Magdeburg, marks used at, 340. Mahrisch-Triibau, marks used at, 357. Mailand, marks used at, 371. Mainz, marks used at, 341. Makers’ marks, compulsory in England, 1, 10; compulsory in France, 294; form of regulated by statute in England 19, 20, 28; on London plate, 35-105; in England, Ireland, and Scot- land, index to, 211; introduced in France, 293. Mannheim, marks used at, 341. Mantua, marks used at, 371. Marienburg, marks used at, 341. Marienwerder, mark used at, 341. Markdorf, mark used at, 341. Marseilles, marks used at, 311. Mechelen, marks used at, 365. Memel, mark used at, 341. Memmingen, mark used at, 341. Mergentheim, mark used at, 341. Metz, mark used at, 342. Minor guilds of English silversmiths, marks of, 164; of Irish silversmiths, marks of, 208; of Scotch silversmiths, marks of, 182. Mitau, mark used at, 376. Modena, mark used at, 371. Mons, marks used at, 366. Montpellier, marks used at, 311. Montrose, marks used at, 188. Mortmain, statutes of, 4. Moulins and Orleans, marks used at, 312. Moscow, marks used at, 376. Miilhausen (Alsace), marks used at, 342. Miilhausen (Saxony), marks used at, 342. Munich, marks used at, 342, 343. Munoz, mark used at, 387. Miinster, marks used at, 343. Naples, marks used at, 371. Naumburg, marks used at, 343. Neisse, marks used at, 343. Netherlands, The, silver of, 367-370. Neuchatel, marks used at, 384. Neusatz, marks used at, 360. Neusohl, marks used at, 360. Neuveville, mark used at, 384. Newcastle, marks used at, 126-131. Nicolsburg, marks used at, 357. Norden, marks used at, 343. Nordlingen, mark used at, 344. Norrtélje, marks used at, 379. Norway, silver of, 374. Norwich, marks used at, 113-117. Nuremberg, marks used at, 344. Oberglogau, mark used at, 344. Ochsenfurt, mark used at, 345. Odense, mark used at, 367. Offenburg, mark used at, 345. Olmiitz, marks used at, 357. Oporto, mark used at, 373. Orebro, mark used at, 380. Orebro, or Arboga, marks used at, 378. Orleans and Moulins, marks used at, 312. Osnabriick, marks used at, 345. Osterode, marks used at, 345. Ottingen, mark used at, 345. ae = a cals Es ‘ : ; : ’ * c eo Tg eo CREA OT, en, SS emt At Sea ee Pay. ee oe had at a. 5k» ee ss General Index Padenborn, marks used at, 345. Palermo, mark used at, 372. Paris, marks used at, 297-307. Parma, mark used at, 372. Passau, marks used at, 345. Payerne, marks used at, 384. Perm, marks used at, 376. Perth, marks used at, 186. Pforzheim, marks used at, 345. Pig and pendant bell, mark used at Truro, Cornwall, 160. Plates, silver dinner, introduced in England, 6; marks forged upon, 13. Plymouth, marks used at, 159. Poitiers, marks used at, 312. Poole, marks used at, 157. Portugal, silver of, 373. Posen, marks used at, 345. Potsdam, marks used at, 346. Prague, marks used at, 357. Pressburg, marks used at, 360. Prussia, state stamps of, 346. Pskof, mark used at, 442. Queen Anne period of silversmithing, 8. Ragusa, marks used at, 358. Rapperswil, mark used at, 385. Rappoltsweiler, mark used at, 346. Ratibor, mark used at, 346. Rat-tail spoons, 9. Recense mark on French silver, 295. Regensburg, marks used at, 346. Rennes, marks used at, 312. Reval, marks used at, 377. Revere, Paul, his marks, 279. Riga, marks used at, 377- Riom, marks used at, 312. Ritzebiittel, mark used at, 346. Rochester, marks used at, 155. Rome, marks used at, 372. Rose crowned, the town mark of Norwich, 113; joined with a fleur-de-lis, both dimidiated, the town mark of York, 106. Rosenheim, mark used at, 347. Rostock, marks used at, 347. Rotterdam, marks used at, 369. Rouen, marks used at, 313. Rugg, Richard, his work and marks, 16. Russia, silver of, 375-378. St. Andrews, marks used at, 187. St. Eloi, patron saint of French silversmiths, 293. St. Germain, marks used at, 313. St. Petersburg, marks used at, 377. Salad servers (transformations), 14. 419 Salisbury, marks used at, 157. Salzburg, marks used at, 358. Saragossa, marks used at, 388. Scallop shell, mark of Poole, 18, 157. Schaffhausen, marks used at, 385. Scharding, marks used at, 358. Schemnitz, marks used at, 361. Schorndorf, mark used at, 347. Schweidnitz, marks used at, 347. Schweinfurt, marks used at, 347. Schwerin, marks used at, 347, 413. Scotland, silver of, 169-190; See Table of Contents. Sheffield, marks used on silver of, 147-151. Sheffield rolled plate, history of, 389, ff; identification of genuine, 391, 392; often unmarked, 398; the term applied to “close plated” articles of steel and britannia ware, 397; makers of permitted to register names and marks under statute of 1784, 3995 peculiarities of marking, 399; silver wire used to mask copper edge, 391; restoration of, 394; made in France, marks upon, 395; names and marks of makers, 400-411. Sherborne, marks used at, 157. Shrewsbury, marks used at, 156. Single initial used as a mark by London silver- smiths, 2. “Single plate” Sheffield, the term defined, 390. Sion, marks used at, 385. Skewers, fraudulent, 13. Séderhamn, 380. Soissons, mark used at, 313. Soissons and Amiens, mark used at, 308. Solmona, marks used at, 372. Spoons made in England, types of, 9. Spain, silver of, 387, 388. Speier, marks used at, 347. Stadthamhof, mark used at, 348. ; Stag’s head, town mark of Cannongate (Edin- burgh), 177. “Starling,” an equivalent of “Sterling” used in Ireland, 204-209. “Sterling,” used as a mark in England, 132. Sterling standard in England, 2, 28, 132. Stettin, mark used at, 348. “Stirling,” a variation of “Sterling.” See “Star- ling.” Stirling, marks used at, 183. Stockholm, marks used at, 380; date letters used at, 381. Stolberg-Wernigerode, marks used at, 348. Storr, Paul, English silversmith, his mark forged, 13, 20. Sursee, marks used at, 385. _ Stralsund, marks used at, 348. Strasburg, marks used at, 348, 349. 420 General Index Straubing, marks used at, 350. Stuttgart, marks used at, 350. Suhl, marks used at, 350. Sweden, silver of, 378-382. Switzerland, silver of, 383-386. Symbols, used as marks in England, 1. T and a tun or barrel, the town mark of Taun- ton, 156. ’ Tain, marks used at, 188. Taunton, marks used at, 156. Tea and coffee sets introduced in England, 7. Tea-kettles, with lamps, used in England, 6. Temesvar, marks used at, 361. The Hague, marks, used at, 369. Thistle, the sterling mark of Edinburgh, 169. Thorn, marks used at, 350. Thun, marks used at, 385. Tilsit, marks used at, 351. Tobolsk or Irkutsk, mark used at, 375. Tittmoning, mark used at, 351. Toledo, marks used at, 388. Torgau, marks used at, 351. Torshalla, marks used at, 382. Toulouse, mark used at, 313. Toulouse and Montauban, marks used at, 313. Tours, marks used at, 314. Trebnitz, mark used at, 351. Tree, fish, and bell, town mark of Glasgow, 178. Trieste, marks used at, 358. Troppau, marks used at, 358. Truro, marks used at, 160. Tubingen, marks used at, 351. Tula, marks used at, 377. Turin, marks used at, 373. Tuttlingen, mark used at, 351. Tver, marks used at, 378. Uberlingen, marks used at, 351. Ulricehamn, marks used at, 382. Ulm, marks used at, 352. Unascribed marks, British, 164-168; Irish, 189, 190; Scotch, 210. Utrecht, marks used at, 369, 370. Vaseteras, mark used at, 382. Velburg, mark used at, 352. Venice, marks used at, 373. Verden, mark used at, 373. Versailles, mark used at, 314. Vevey, marks used at, 385. Vienna, marks used at, 358, 359. Villingen, marks used at, 353. Vilna, marks used at, 378. Vladimir, mark used at, 378. Vlissingen, mark used at, 370. Vologda, mark used at, 378. Walk, mark used at, 378. Waren, mark used at, 353. Wartha, mark used at, 353. Weilheim, marks used at, 353. Weimar, marks used at, 353. Wertheim, marks used at, 353. Wesel, mark used at, 353. Wheatsheaves (three), with a sword erect between, town mark of Chester, 132-140. Wiborg, marks used at, 353. Wick, marks used at, 184. Winterthur, marks used at, 385. Wismar, marks used at, 353. Wolfenbiittel, marks used at, 353. Worms, marks used at, 354. Wiirzburg, marks used at, 354. Wurzen, mark used at, 354. Yaroslaf, mark used at, 375. Yawl, town mark of Youghal, 208. York, marks used at, 106-112. Ypres, marks used at, 366. Ystad, marks used at, 382. Zerbst, marks used at, 354. Zittau, marks used at, 354. Znaim, mark used at, 359. Zug, marks used at, 386. Zurich, marks used at, 452. Zweirbriicken, mark used at, 354. Zwickau, marks used at, 354. Zwolle, marks used at, 370. { Tee ma } & ye Authoritative Opinions on “OLD SILVER & OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE” by HowarpD PITCHER OKIE Of this book THE CONNOISSEUR, the premier collectors’ magazine of England says: =e “Mr. Okie’s book occupies an honorable position midway between such exhaustive treatises on old silver as the monumental but unwieldy works of Rosenberg and Sir Charles Jackson, and the gossipy ‘chats’ and ‘guides.’ This latest addition to the literature of a gigantic sub- ject—it is rather a group of subjects—is readable; it is authoritative and as nearly exhaustive as such a production can be. It is scarcely too much to say that it is an entire library in one volume. “Tn a series of chapters the author takes a comprehensive survey of the various fields of study under consideration—English, Continental and American silver, Sheffield plate and their methods of manufacture, styles of decoration and kindred maiters. He further devotes a long chapter to that nightmare subject ‘Frauds and Transiormations.’ “Primarily intended as a guide for collectors, the greater part of Mr. Okie’s 436 pages is occupied by lists of makers’ marks, English, Continental and American. The list of American makers, it is stated, is much longer than any previously printed. The book is completed by a very full index and illustrated with twelve full-page plates. The printing, binding, and make-up are worthy of the subject.” THE BOSTON TRANSCRIPT: “Seldom in America does a writer attempt to discuss the subject of old English Silver. Mr. Okie not only ventures, but because of his intimate knowledge of the topic, he contributes a valuable aid to the study of marks and designs used by the silversmiths of England... . He then launches into a check list of American makers and their marks which is the most comprehensive yet to be published anywhere. _. . His discussion of Sheffield plate is most comprehensive and en- lightening.” THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: “Many ponderous volumes have been printed on the subject of marks found on old silver in different countries and many are the. difficulties which students meet in their attempts to discover and clas- sify all the available data. Rosenberg’s four volume German publica- tion dealing with Continental hall-marks other than French is typical of this class of reference books. “Sir Charles Jackson has done a similar service for England and Ireland. The Walpole Society published several years ago a valuable volume on the silversmiths of the American colonies. A book which has come to our desk is a compilation of data concerning marks which is found elsewhere only perhaps in a half a dozen volumes, American, English and European. This makes a highly useful book of reference, more desirable for its compactness and moderate cost than the several publications from which it is drawn. Its title is ‘Old Silver and Old Sheffield Plate,’ and the price is $15.00. “In looking over this book with George C. Gebelein, the widely known silversmith and dealer in old silver, he found it highly commend- able for the completeness and the arrangement of marks on Conti- nental plate. These are arranged not only by countries, but by prov- inces. He finds the list of American silversmiths here to be much longer than that in any previous publication. Evidentally, Mr. Okie has fresh information concerning many of these names. It brings within the contents of a single volume, practically all that is known concerning the marks which silversmiths have placed on their products for the last 450 years in Great Britain and from the earliest dates of record in France, Germany, Holland, Austria, Russia, as well as other European countries. It also includes the marks of all the makers of Sheffield plate. As a reference book for the collector or for any public library, large or small, we believe it should be and will be heartily wel- comed and highly popular.” Ida Gilbert Myers in the WASHINGTON STAR: “Here is a textbook for the use of the amateur of old silver, of old Sheffield plate. Despite its distinction of make-up, despite its impres- sive book personality, it, by virtue of its substance, meets first of all the needs of the one who ‘wants to know.’ Clearly, such is the primary office of the textbook. It certainly is a glorified instrument of learning, however. The paper, the print, the illustrations, the binding—all de- clare this to be of the very elite of its class. A beautiful thing just to look at, to leaf over, to handle. . . . The whole gives evidence of the competency, and the enthusiasm, of the author in providing this completed field of study for others who, possessing the interest, have hitherto not known where to go for further information on what looks like a most fascinating subject. Living in Washington, one has the advantage of being able to objectify the contents of this book at the studio of the author. And, otherwhere, is one able also to follow the expert guidance of the book in a novel exploration of a field, new to the commonalty, but, nevertheless, a field that offers clear delight. The authoritative quality of this study in old silver, with its complete inclusion of the field under consideration, with its definite instruction and means of verification—these, too, seems to me, constitute the distinction of this major work upon the subject of old Sheffield plate.” THE BALTIMORE SUN: “Tt is, of course, of great interest and profit to the collector or to the owner of a single piece of early American that he possess authorita- tive and undisputable knowledge as to the genuineness of his interesting silver or plate. And in this comprehensive volume Mr. Okie has done all such a great and lasting service. No less than sixty-odd Baltimore silversmiths with their marks are mentioned, and the whole list of American silversmiths and their marks, to which an entire chapter of fifty pages is devoted, makes it possible to identify as genuine the work of the early and Colonial silversmiths, some of whom had several ways of signing the product of their craft. ‘No less valuable is Mr. Okie’s research in the field of English and European design. In an interesting and readable manner he tells the story. The chapter on frauds and transformations is most enter- taining. An intelligent and skillful index to the book makes it a de- light to the student.” THE PUBLIC LEDGER (Philadelphia) : “The collector of old silver need never be fooled by bogus antiques if he has access to Howard Pitcher Okie’s recently published ‘Old Sil- ver and Old Sheffield Plate,’ . . . for although Mr. Okie’s handsome volume is a history of the art of the siiversmith in Great Britain: and Ireland he has been most concerned with the necessary means of identi- fication. Therefore he includes in Ais book upward of 13,000 marks of English silversmiths, besides those of America, Paris and virtually all of the countries of Continental Europe. The process of making. old Sheffield is described in full and a list of names and marks of every known maker is added. The volume is illustrated with twelve full page plates.” ed ANTIQUES (Boston) : ‘““An invaluable book.” The book is not a mere collection of marks. The chapters on “Frauds and Transformations” French Silver, Old Sheffield, e*c., em- body years of commercial experience in the markets at home and abroad. Itisa handsomely bound volume of 436 pages. Heavy black saat binding, stamped | in gold foil and enclosed in a slip case. It is 1/4” by 10” in size and will be sent to you post-paid for $15.00. és gs. in England.) Mr. Charles Allen Smart has seid of it: “Mr. Howard Pitcher Okie, the eminent authority has produced.in OLD SILVER AND OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE a book comprehensive in range, authoritative in information a product of vears of study and practical experience. It is a work probably never to be superseded.” Judge A. T. Clearwater—the owner of the magnificent collection of silver in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, bearing his name, says that this book “‘is a most invaluable, concise and accurate treatment of the entire field which it covers, and furnishes to collectors an indispensable guide to the making of collections of which it treats.” Send your order (with a check, if you have no charge account) to THE OKIE GALLERIES, OKIE BUILDING, 1640 Conne= sticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. a an oth oT he eee: bene, be idee, ae i ee | lle a pricy « ot Tse ve dle “4k , oa es ninlery”. Lyte ORs fet Sv eae chee €@ vita a, ee SSD ¥ Cas ? ’ tants >," Fi Ahab. | A | / ee ne vie 7A Ae’ 4 iy Alt aed be ve We were fe alto! ‘ rit 4 : Nes 1 L af ye a oy vant ei otlae wa ~ Oth i : abe * war ey. Santa) eh nei ie Ue are iy voemle mits wy (age Le veh sia iM atire! el é : er : iin i. 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