~ONESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY January oth, 7th and 8th, 1892. AT THREE O'CLOCK. ie" FINE GOLLECTION 13) LEE ; G (>) BEE 5s 62 G fe) @! 62 iS 6 i) 62 is} “$ No. 77 CEDAR STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, = NEW Y ORK. CL. Aa Lippe od 6 Cal LIBRARY No. M. KNOEDLER & CO. BY 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK AcCG CATALOGUE OF A Golleection of Fine PAINTINGS, TO BE SOLD ON Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, January 6th, 7th and 8th, 1892, Luteo Orclocie: AT THE SCHENCK ART GALLERY, 77 CEDAR STREET, New YorK. JOHN O'CONNOR, CATALOGUE AND JOB PRINTER, 93 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. IST of the 157 Artists represented in this Catalogue with the number of each Picture Alden, Edwin, 38 Aubray, C. F., 58 Arnold, R. E., 115 Augustine, Ff, L., 56 Aronstamm, M., 105 Aubert, J., 118 Berne-Bellecour, E., 175 Brun, C., 122 Beauquesne, W. C., 109 Bilders, J. W., 24, 80 Bayles, H. B., 7, 75 Bricher, A. T., 44, 97, 168 Brancaccio, C., 181 Burlin, W., 144 Bogardus, L. M., 72 Bicknell, J. Harry, 74 Brown, W. Warren, 9, 73 Bicknell, E. N., 4 Bachrach, B., 30, 180 Behm, K., 127 Blume, 155 Boehm, A., 60 Bergh, Edw., 126 Bensa, M. R., 200. Couland, M., 27, 101 Ceramano, 103 Canalliero, A., 153 Courbet, G., 176 Colby, R. A., 185 Courtealle, Eug., 195 Contoit, L., 18; 84 Couchois, 34 Curtis, Geo. V., 61 Coughlin, 8. F., 70 Daubigny, Karl, 12¢ Dupre, Victor, 39, 51, 94 Delobbe, F. A., 180 De Prudnick, 22, 125 Deiker, C. F., 40 De La Mar, G., 154 Dupres, M., 71 De Sanctis, G., 166 Dommersen, W. R., 54 ——--—__ Everard, Henri, 99, 172 Eaton, C. Warren, 64, 133 Eksergian, T., 15 Fitler, Wm. C., 48 Farneti, 8., 111, 156 Fernandez, Juan, 170 Fuechsel, H., 168 Felix, K. E., 12, 59 Ferrin C., 85 Flaudet, A. C., 167 Ferrato, Lugi, 197 Grolleron, F., 194 Gaudy, M., 202 Griffin, Thos. B., 108 Gralon, A., 6, 76, 189 Gerard, Alex., 137 Goulimet, C., 68 Gay, Edw., 199 Greene, F. G., 1, 69 Gaisser, Max, 140 Gallinny, E., 16 Hyon, Geo., 37 Henner, J. L., 188 Hartley, Chas. D., 50, 162 Haquette, Geo., 112, 148 Harris, C. X,. 91, 188 Hammer, John J., 2 Trolle V., 36 Jones, F. Eastman, 46, 119, 151 Johnston, Jr., 10 Knyff, A. D., 95 Kleehaas, Theo., 117 Kreutzer, B., 121, 152 Kotschenreiter, 1'74 Kennard, F. S8., 134 Kauffman, Max, 173 Landsay, E., 8 Laux, A., 53 Lascinski, N., 179 Lewis, E. F., 5, 68 Leimbic, Paul, 129 Leconnier, J., 124 Linsley, Wilfred, 11, 87 Laugee, Geo., 189 Menotti, J., 78 Michel. Geo., 159, 178 Marquette, H., 57 Muzzee, Jules, 65 McHenry, I., 55 Mauve, 165 Miralles, F., 188 Madou, L., 141 Madiol, A. J., 149 Milesi, L., 192 Mesdag, 131 Morris, C. D., 28, 145 Merritt, F. T., 98 Morgan, C., 17 Murphy, J. F., 49 Massani, R., 33, 107 Migliaro, V., 185 Merlin, Chas., 161 Mainard, Aug., 14, 89, 196 Montpeleier, Louis, 132 Muller, Ernst, 62 Neuville, Brunel, 43 Nast, M., 98 Newcomb, D. H., 102 Petit, C., 77 Prinz, A. Emil, 182 Pozier, J., 42 Park, C. H., 32, 150 Platt, J. 8., 177 Parton, Arthur, 113, 171 Paulin, M., 100 Parton, Ernest, 35, 158 Perkins, Granville, 26, 81 Raudnitz, A., 29 Richter, C. A., 184 . Ryder, Samuel, 67, 136 es Rudell, P. E., 79 Rielmanj, 191 Rogge, W., 169 Smith, H. P., 198 Sani, A., 41, 120, 142 Smith, F. Rollin, 19, 90 Seignac, Paul, 157 Spitzer, 96 Stevin, E., 25 Serres, A., 28 Sondier, Hugo, 21, 86, 203 Trouillebert, 114 Thomson, Edger G., 13 Theile, A., 66 Tamburrini, A., 116 Tilmes, J. H. L., 92 Tyler, Jas. G., 147 Verboeckhoven, Eug., 186 Voirin, Jules, 1€0 Van Erlach, C., 45, 128, 148, 198 Vernon, Paul, 88, 164 Voltz, Fred’k, 190 Voigt, A., 106, 201 Verwee, Louis, 20 Von Bieber, A., 31 Von Sluys, Theo., 88 Von Genegen, 52 Walker, J. Alex., 110 Witkowski, K., 187 Wurtz, H., 104 Weir, R. W., 146 Weber, M., 3, 82 Yungman, A., 47 CHINMLOGUE, oh PIRST DAY'S SAEBE: Wednesday, January 6th, 1892, at S o’clock, Lots No. | to No. 70 INcLusIvE. GREENE, F. G. New York 1 Fire Island Light HAMMER, Jouy J. New York 2 Resting WEBER, M. Munich Member of the Royal Academy. 3 A Sualion Boy BICKNELL, E. N. New York 4 Moonlight—Marine LEWIS, E. F. New York 5 Near Camden, N. J GRALON, A. 6 Sheep BAYLES, H. B. Brooklyn ¢@ Winter—Moonlight LANDSAY, E. Paris 8 Landscape BROWN, W. Warren New York 9 Late Autumn, Cape Ann. JOHNSTON, Jr. Boston 10 Marine LINSLY, Witrorp New York 11 June, in the Catskills FELIX, K. E. New York 12 Evening After a Rainy Day—Coast Scene THOMSON, Eparr G. Boston 13 Autumn MAINARD, Aveust New York 14 Landscape EKSERGIAN, TreLemMaque Paris Pupil of Gerome. ey 15 A Turkish Pleasure Party GALLINNY, E. Paris Born at Conrod, France. Pupil of Picot. Medals: Paris, 1858, 1862. Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor, 1888. Hors Concours. 16 The Old French Homestead MORGAN, C. New York 17 Fruit CONTOITT, Louis New York 18 In Clover SMITH, F. Rou New York 19 Under the Brooklyn Bridge VERW &E, Louis Paris 20 Feeding the Birds SONDIER, Hueo 21 Landscape and Cattle DE PRUDNICK Paris 22 Our Little Pet MORRIS, C. D. Philadelphia 23 On the Delaware River BILDERS, J. W. Amsterdam Medals of Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam. Medal: Philadelphia Exposition, 1876. 24 After the Shower STEVIN, E. London 25 Fun in the Studio PERKINS, Granvitie New York 26 Marine—New York Harbor COULAND, M. Paris Pupil of Troyon, 27 Sheep Drinking SERRES, Av. Rome - 28 In the Harem RAUDNITZ, A. Vienna 29 Ready for the Ball BACHRACH, B. Munich 380 An Austrian Soldier VON BIEBER, A. Antwerp Several Medals. Medal of Honor. 31 Evening Hours PARK, ¢. H. New York 32 Cattle and Landscape MASSANTL, R. Florence 33 He Can’t Light It COUCHOIS Paris One of the greatest still-life painters living. 34 A Basket of lowers PARTON, Ernest 35 A Summer Day IROLLE, V. Paris Pupil of Bonat. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1887. Silver Medal at Lyon, 1889. Professor at the Academy of Design of Paris. 36 =A Country Girl HYON, Grorces Paris 37 ~On Guard ALDEN, Epwin Boston 38 Near Brookline, Mass DUPRE, Lron Victor (deceased) Paris Born at Paris, 1796. Medals: Paris 1888, 1848, 1855, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Died, 1875. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 39 Landscape DEIKER, C. F. Bridgeport 40 Setter Dogs 11 SANT, A. Florence Studied together with Tamburrini. Received the Medal of Honor at the National Exhibition of Milan, 1881. 4] A Welcomed Present POZIER, -f. Paris 42 Landscape and Cattle NEUVILLE, Bruyen Paris One of the greatest living fruit painters. 43 Fresh from the Garden BRICHER, A. T. (a. nN. a.) New York 44 Surf at Southampton, L. I. VAN ERLACH, C. Venice 45 Canal in Venice JONKS, F. Eastman New York 46 A New England Homestead YUNGMAN, A. Munich Professor of the Royal Academy of Bavaria. Honorary Member of the Art Schools of Vienna and Berlin. Medals, 1878; Vienna, 1882 ; Munich, 1883. 47 The New Vintage 48 49 5] 54 5d FITLER, Wm. C. October MURPHY, J. Francis Farm Scene HARTLEY, Coarugs D. 50 In The Adirondacks DUPRE, Victor Landscape VON GENEGEN 52 Duck Pond Th ANUEXe SAS 538 Choice Fruit DOMMERSEN, W. R. At Breda, Holland McHENRY, I Marine New York Rochester Paris Antwerp New York London New York 13 AUGUSTINE, F. L. Paris 56 Afternoon in the Woods MARQUETTE, H. Paris 57? Threatening Weather, French Coast AUBRAY, C. F. Paris 58 Mother and Child FELIX, K. E. New York 569 Autumn BOEHM, Apotex Munich Professor at the Academy at Dusseldorf. Studied under Schirmer. Several Medals and Orders. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Baden. 60 A Chat by the Wayside CURTIS, Guo. V. New York 6i Bois-de-Boulogne MULLER, Ernst Munich Member of the Royal Academy. 62 A Sualion Peasant GOULIMET, C. 63 The Schrimpers EATON, CHartes WARREN New York 64 Winter Evening MUZZEE, JuLEs Paris 65 Landscape THEILE, A. Munich 66 Hunting Dogs RYDER, Samuen Newark 67 Near Belleville, New Jersey LEWIS, E. F. New York 68 On the Shark River, N. J. GREENH, F. G. New York 69 Early Morning, Fire Island COUGHLIN, S. F. New York 70 Landscape 15 SECOND DAY’S SALE. Thursday, January 7th, 1892, at 3 o'clock. Lots No. 71 to No. 137 Incuusive. DUPRES, M. Paris 71 Haying Time BOGARDUS, L. M. New York 72 Autumn Scene BROWN, W. Warren New York 73 A Glimpse of Sebago Lake, Maine BICKNELL, J. Harry Boston 74 The Lakeside Pasture BAYLES, H. B. Brooklyn 75 Near Maspeth, L. I. GRALON, A. Paris 76 Shepherdess and Flock PEEVES; Paris 77 ~The Recognition MENOTTI, J. Born at Seville, Spain. Pupil to the Academy of Fine Arts, Seville, and the Ecole de Beaux Arts de Paris. 78 The Bay of Naples Naples RUDE. Ps. New York 79 Ina Beach Wood BILDERS, J. W. Amsterdam Medals at Paris, Amsterdam, and Philadelphia Exposition, 1876. 80 Cloudy Day PERKINS, Granvitie New York 81 After the Storm WEBER, M. Munich 82 Interior of a Church in Venice VERNON Pau. (Deceased) Pupil of Diaz. Medals, 1878, 1880. 83 Landscape CONTOIT, Lours New York 84 Little Pets FERRIN, C. Rome Medals : at Biscay, 1881 ; Madrid, 1884. 85 Fisherwoman of Flanders 17 SONDIER, Hugo Paris 86 Spring Time LINSLY, Witrorp New York 87 An Autumn Day VON SLUYS, THEO Belgium MAINARD, Aveust New York 89 Autumn SMITH, F. Rotuin New York 90 Low Tide, Normandy Coast HARRIS, C. X. New York 91 Asking the Way Water Color. TILMES, J. H. L. Brussels 92 Landscape MERRITT, Franx T. New York 93 Near Gravesend, L. I. 18 DUPRE, Vicror Paris Medal, Paris, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1874. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. 94 Landscape KNYFF, Aurrep D. Paris Medals, 2nd Class 1859 and 1861. Legion of Honor, 1863. 95 Landscape SPITZER Dusseldorf Member of the Royal Art Academy at Dusseldorf. Medals: Munich International Exhibition, 1883, and Dusseldorf, 1884. 96 Ina Monastery Studio BRICHER, A. T. (a. nN. A.) New York 97 Grey Morning, at Gloucester, Mass NAST, M. ) Munich 98 The Favorite EVERARD, Henri Paris 99 Sheep at Pasture PAULIN, M. Paris 100 Landscape and Cattle 19 COULAND Paris Pupil of Troyon. Various Medals. 101 Bringing Home the Geese NEWCOMB, D. H. Buffalo 102 Young Wood Cutter CERAMANO Paris Pupil of Jacque. 103 Landscape and Sheep WURTZ, H. Munich 104 A Good Joke ARONSTAMM, M. Poland 105 The Oriental Dancing Girl WOIMGHES Ae Paris 106 Returning Home MASSANTI, R. Florence 107 He Can’t Thread It GRIFFIN, Tuomas B. New York 108 An October Day 20 BEAUQUESNE, Witrrep Constant Paris The successor of De Neuville. Born at Rennes. Pupil of Horace Vernet and Emile Lecompte. 109 The Last Bugle Call WALKER, J. ALEXANDER Paris 110 Flag of Truce FARNETL, 8. Paris Pupil of Gerome. The best tiger painter of the French school. Several Medals and Honors. ile Pacha HAQUETTE, GrorcEs Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Cabanel and M. J. P. Laurens. Medal, Paris, 1880. 112 The Fishing Banks PARTON, Artuur New York 113 A Foggy Morning on the Housatonic TROUILLEBERT Paris Pupil of Corot. 114 Landscape near Barbizon ARNOLD, R. E. London A member of the Royal Academy. 115 A Greek Vase Painter 21 TAMBURRINI, A. Florence 116 The Fiddler KLEEHAAS, Tuo. Munich 117 Christmas Morning AUBERT, Jran Florence 118 In The Month of May JONKS, F. Eastman New York 119 The Willow Brook SANIT, A. Florence Studied together with Tamburrini. Received the Medal of Honor at the National Exhibition of Milan, 1881. 120 A Good Judge KREUTZER, B. Dusseldorf 121 Winter—Sunset BRUN, C. Paris 122 Spanish Tambourine Gir! DAUBIGNY, Kart (Deceased) Born 1846. Son and pupil of C. F. Daubigany. Medals: Salon, 1868, 1874. Hors Concours. Died, 1886. 123 Landscape 22 LECONNIER, Jacquzs Paris 124 The Bouquet Maker DE PRUDNICK Paris 125 A Spanish Beauty BERGH, Ep. Berlin Medals: Berlin, 1878: Vienna, 1882; International Exhibition, Munich, 1883. 126 Lake of the Four Cantons Swiss BEHM, K. . Munich 127 Soap Bubbles VAN ERLACH, C. Venice 128 Midday in Venice LEIMBIC, Pau Munich 129 Village Politician BACHRACH, B. Munich 180 Playing Cards 23 MESDAG 131 Venetian Fishing Boats MONTPELLIEK, Lovis 182 The Two Brothers EATON, Cuas. WARREN 183 November KENNARD, F.S. 134 The Shrimper COLBY, R. A. 135 Indian Summer RY DER, Samuren Paris iPayengs New York London New York Newark 136 Near Greenville, New Jersey GERARD, Arex 187 Fisherwomen and Child Paris 24. THIRD DAY’S SALE. Friday, January 8th, 1892, at 3 o'clock, Lots No. 188 to No. 203 Iycuustve. HARRIS, C. X. New York 1388 Waiting Water Color. GRALON, A. Paris 139 Cattle at Rest GAISSER, Max Munich Pupil of Prof. Defregger. Member of the Royal Acad- emy of Munich, Gold Medal, International Exhibition, Munich, 1883. 140 In a Quandry MADOU, L. Antwerp Pupil of his father Jean Baptiste and David Col. 141 Jolly Time SANT, A. Florence Studied together with Tamburrini. Received the Medal of Honor at the National Exhibition of Milan, 1881. 142 Hard Life 25 VAN ERLACH, C. Venice 143 Church of Marie della Saluta on the Grand Canal BURLIN, W. Paris 144 Marine MORRIS, C. D. Philadelphia 145 Near Camden, N. J. WEIR, Pror. Roprertr W. (wv. a.) (deceased) New York 146 An Incident of the Carnival at Rome TYLER, Jamzs G. New York 147 Home Bound HAQUETTE, Gzorezs Paris Pupil of Cabanel and Laurens. 148 Going for their Nets MADIOL, A. J. Antwerp Member of Antwerp Academy. 149 Jolly Party PARK OC. He New York 150 Cattle and Landscape New York JONES, F. Eastman 151 The Roadside Oaks KREUTZER, B. Dusseldorf 152 Winter Sunset CANALLIERO, A. Paris 1538 Good Night DE LA MAR, G. Paris 154 Landscape BLUME Munich Member of the Royal Academy, Dusseldorf. Honorary Member of the Vienna Art Schools. Medal of Honcr. 155 A Visit to his Attorney FARNETTI, 8. Paris Pupil of Gerome. The best tiger painter of the French School. Several Medals and Honors. 156 Melanie SEIGNAC, Paut Paris 157 Childhood’s Devotions PARTON, Ernest Paris 158 On the Thames, London 27 MICHEL, Grorees (Deceased) Born, 1768. Died, 1848. Represented in the Louvre and other public galleries. 159 Landscape VOIRIN, Juss Paris Pupil of Detaille. 160 French Soldiers entering the Village of Belfort MERLIN, Cuartzs Paris 161 Happy Kittens HARTLEY, Cuaruss D. Rochester 162 Lake Tahoe, near Tellac, Cal. BRICHER, A. T. (a. nN. A.) New York 163 Low Tide, at Beverly, Mass. VERNON, Pau (Deceased) 164 Landscape MAUVE London Various Medals and Decorations. 165 Sheep Returning Home The FAMmTQ a Da pig DE SANCTIS, G. Paris Pupil of Chaplin and Bouguereau. Honorable Mention at Paris, Lyon and Florence. 166 Ideal Head From the Munich Exhibition. FLAUDET, A. C. 167 Sheep FUECHSEL, Herman New York 168 Monmouth Beach, N. J. ROGGE, W. Munich 169 Day Dreams FERNANDEZ, Juan Valencia 170 Spanish Dance PARTON Arruur New York 171 A Fisherman’s Home EVERARD, Henri Paris 172 Landscape and Sheep KAUFFMAN, Max Munich Member of the Royal Saxon Academy. Medal, Vienna, 1882. 173 Come, Now, I Have Got You KOTSCHENRITER Munich 174 One More Drink BERNE-BELLECOUR, E. Paris Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. 175 On Guard 39 COURBET, G. (Deceased) Born at Ornans (Doubs), 1828. Died, 1887. Pupil of Steuben and Hesse. Medals, 1849, 1857 and 1861. Hors Concours. He refused the Cross of the Legion of Honor after accepting the Cross of St. Michael of Bavaria. 176 Landscape PLATT, J. Stantey New York 177 Cattle and Landscape MICHEL, Grorazs (deceased) Paris Pupil of Leduc. Born, 1768. Died, 1848. 178 The Old Mill near Barbizon LASCINSKI, NicHoias Poland 179 Wolf Hunting in Russia DELOBBE, Francois ALFRED Paris Pupil of Lucas and Bouguereau. Grand Prize, Inter- national Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours. 180 Joies d’Enfants BRANCACCIO, C. Paris Pupil of Rico and Zein. Member of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples and Florence. Gold Medals, Venice, 1878; Turin, 1882, and Palermo, 1890. 181 Excursion to the Lido, Venice PRINZ, A. Emin New York 182 Landscape and Cattle 30 HENNER, J. L. Paris 188 After the Bath RICHTER, Cart ApotpH Munich 184 The Jolly Party at the Monastery MIGLIARO, V. Paris Pupil of Chaplin and of the Academy of Fine Arts. Silver Medal at the Antwerp Exhibition, 1889. Severe Medals and Honorable Mention in Turin and Rome. 185 Louis XVI Belle VERBOECKHOVEN, Eva. (Deceased) Born in Belgium, 1799. Medals, 1824, ’41, °55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. 186 Cow and Sheep WITKOWSKL, K. Russia 187 Proud of His Efforts MIRALLES, F. Paris 188 At the Seaside LAUGEE, Grorezs Paris Pupil of Troyon and Millet. Medal. Hors Concours. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. 189 Mid-day Dinner is Ready VOLTZ, Frep. (Deceased) Professor of Munich Academy. Gold -Medal, Berlin, 1856, 61. Wurtemberg Medal for Art. Order of Red Eagle and of St. Michael, 1867. 190 Landscape and Cattle RIELMANJ Madrid Born at Seville, Spain. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Seville, and the 1’Ecole de Beaux Arts de Paris. Legion of Honor, 1878. 191 An Accident MILESI, L. Florence 192 The Opportune Moment SMPBEC He: New York 193 Landscape GROLLERON, F. Paris 194 A Dangerous Moment COURTEALLE, Eve. Munich 195 In the Pasture MAINARD, Aveust New York 196 Autumn -PERRATO, Luar 197 Improvisator VAN ERLACH, C. Venice 198 Canal in Amsterdam GAY, Epw. New York 199 The Hay Field BENSA, Max R. Rome 900 The Friar’s Praise VOIGT, A. Paris 201 Cattle and Landscape GAUDY, M. Paris 202 Fishing SONDIER, Hueco Paris 203 Landscape and Cattle EDWARD SCHENCK, Auctioneer. THE NEXT SALS ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS, WILL TAKE PLACE ON January (1, 12, 13, 14 & (5, 1892, At 3 o’clock.