i i > oe veh “CATALOGUE OF A CAPITAL COLLECTION of PICTUR OF THE ITALIAN, DUTCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS, | The PROPERTY of a GENTLEMAN, | AND REMOVED FROM HIS RESIDENCE; . It comprises many good Specimens of favourite Dutch and Flemish Masters, and some g Works of British Painters. THE WHOLE REMARKABLE FOR THEIR DIVERSITY OF SUBJECT AND EXCELLENCE OF PRESERVATION. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A small Coitection, the Property of another GENTLE A few Cabinet Pictures recently Imported from Sp: THE WORKS OF THE FOLLOWING MASTERS WILL BE FOUND IN THE SAL PERUGINO CUYP GAINSBOROUGH | BRONZINO WOUVERMANS WEST i MURILLO DUBBLES HOWARD | P. BORDONE V. DER NEER BIRD : SCHIDONE DE WINTER TOWN L. BASSANO ZEEMAN SINGLETON VANDYCK GUARDI FRASER F. MOLA CANNALETTI KIDD VELASQUEZ BERCHEM SMIRKE AMONG THOSE MOST ENTITLED TO NOTICE ARE THE FOLLOWING :— HEAD OF THE VIRGIN, Perucino; PORTRAIT, Bronzino; LANDSCAPE, —_= CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE, HUYSMAN ; Interior of St. Peters, Reidamaker ; Winter Scene, Zuccharelli ; Veroll in a Calm, Dubble ISAAC BLESSING JACOB, VAN HARP; GRAND LANDSCAPE, ORIZONTE, &c. . Among the ENGLISH PICTURES will be found A CHARMING LANDSCAPE by GAINSBOROUGH, with a FLOCK of SHEEP introduced by MORI OPHELIA BEFORE THE KING, B. WEST ; View of the Castle of St. Angelo, MARLOw ; Mischievous Boys, an excellent Specimen of Mr. Ki) A PAIR BY HOWARD, ENGRAVED, &c. OM: Enya A SEAMED, & | Which will be Sold by Auction by | [34560 | Messrs. E. FOSTER and SON, At the Gallery, No. 54, Patt Maxt, aon THURSDAY, the 6th Day of MARCH, 1834, at Twelve o’ e| vy be Bleed, aio Days pro to he anes ged pcstaloaucs be pa at t Messrs. i F OSTE Dg ad | ste ce ae Fanos = Sale» are Bs ast 7 : Ay 2 hs ee ee i? CONDITIONS OF SALE. ANQQQNO2,, rable. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be imme-' diately put up again and resold, Second . No person to advance less than ls—above five pounds 5s—and so onin proportion. Third .. The purchasers to give in THEIR NAMES 4ND PLACES OF ABODE, and to pay down £25. per cent, if required, in part of payment of the purchase money. Fourth- The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors _ of description, without reference to the identity of subject or master, at the purchaser’s expence, within one day after the sale. Fifth .. 4s this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the PRTCh Gam ENEY to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery. Sivth...Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Seventh .But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots and by any neglect or evasion omit paying for the same, such pur- chaser or purchasers shall pay five per cent. interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale, until the amount of the said bill shall be discharged, and algo waRBHOUSE CHARGES OF ONE | SHILLING PER WEEK for the occupation of every such lot as may not be cleared within the time aforesaid, or that may remain unsold. Lastly., Every attention will be given to property entrusted for Sale, but if any Lots remain unsold or uncleared more than one day afte- each Sale, Messrs. Foster will not be responsible for them; nor in any case for damage by accident or fire. A CATALOGUE, &c. THURSDAY, the 6th day of MARCH, 18934, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. Twenty Cabinet Pictures, just Imported from Spain. LOT D. Teniers iis sccoors 1 Brauer sccvrrsrerserese 2 Eee ali tsassc boneesen 3 DD eed onre: Tie aioe | San Miel ........c0c00 5 SS ie ae ia 6 Omeganck ..accssss 7 Backhuysen «vss. 8 NEE seit dleds.. bei iheie 9 ST ee 10 SENS, Se | D. Teniers ....00000. 12 Van Oden ..srsssveee 13 Ee ik casa kesiasay od 14 P. Brill 15 PGi 5 esi cts estes 16 Raphael cscs...) B98 VelasQues ccercresiess.:.. 18 PR OR 2. 5d 19 N. Poussin sree 20 Interior with Figures Ditto Landscape Companion Landscape and Figures Companion Landscape and Cattle Sea Piece Ditto Landscape, &c. Ditto with Cattle Death and the Miser Landscape and Figures Companion Landscape and Figures Companion Madonna ; copy, after Landscape and Cattle Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Landscape et Se The following Sixty-six Lots the Property of TAR TON Svs ncsiccntascctcne ak PF GDSIET cs sareesseccien, 22 TbDOtsON cereccccesceceee 2a G. Romano .......010 24 CiToon s.683..3 25 Van Goyen .os.....000 26 BRE Socsceecbivciseneectare 27 W. Anderson ........ 28 MOCO acaseecs ee. 29 ET TERE vies savmstsens 30 Bani Ni. crvesscadiaeriane 31 Rembrandt ........... 32 Schalken .gusecersserers 33 (FuONGE 5..cacctes 34 DDO. cishescsaskescoerel 35 Singleton .ercecseoeseee 36 DIGKDY cic noGaniin 37 Monamy wrevessererevers 38 Blu Dens ....seenescssssssone 39 Wheatley ....0.0000s0e 40 Tresham .......e0-000000 4] Howard .cerccsessresacsrose AQ DOSED icccestionsatooecaae A3 SSCAIDONE — cecerersrccerere 44 Gainsborough ........ 45 BEEMAN. serocerserecesesees A6 ERE 2 Lot) Seelam ONE: 47 Psell csi 7a aw 48 RADU GUE Sc ceaskalstecnane 49 A Gentleman. The broken Pitcher Shipping Landscape and Figures A Battle Cart Horses in a Landscape Landscape and Figures Dead Hare and Spaniel Landscape and Figures The companion A Calm, sun-set David before Saul Head of an old Man; a sketch Female at Prayers, lamp-light A View in Venice The Companion Temoclia and her Children prisoners before Alexan- der: engraved View at Bristol Hot Wells A Calm Susannah and the Elders Scene from Shakspeare ; engraved Cromwell’s Embarkation ; ditto Scene in the Stranger ; ditto Companion, Lover’s Vows ; ditto Female Head Landscape, Cart fording a Brook View on the Mediterranean, sun-set | The Beheading of the Doge Marino Faliero The Enchantment of Rodmond Venetian Woet-r Carrier Loutherbourg’ ....... 50 P. Naysmith ........ 51 Be BEPP GLO: mene secceecece 52 Vandervelde . 53 I eee coe o4 oe aca ssciaseanes 55 Cannaletti..r......000000 56 TT 57 BPASRARE csss.cinscioant 38 TSCM .dick...-ndinacns 59 P. Nasmyth 60 NT Ev acinnepn esparess0ss 61 ccc idacengaysnsee 62 J. Wouvermans .... 63 Vanderneer .....00.00 64. De Winter ......0.0 65 Pe coincckdetinsn sens 66 W. Bremmel............ 67 PAR EGED occcesere 68 Gainsborough ........ 69 TROMAUIY, sccersscqeeseres 70 Singleton ....ccsrcerevees 71 COrtLONGA. ..0.cecceerseceeeee 72 Minder hout ..1......00 73 Riedermaker — ..... 74 OTs C) Ape 75 EITC. cecesees wencomea ve « 76 DEI ixpnnn savenens wares 04 SUCCARELLE wesssaee 78 LLUYSMAN voserssseeossees 79 Hackaert and Schellincks .... 9 Landscape and Sportsman (Portrait of himself) Castle and Ruins Tobit and the Angel View at Sea Charity A Veteran relating a Battle of the Duke of Marl- borough View of St. Mark’s Place The Sailor’s Frolic Mrs. Cladpole’s advice to Cromwell; engraved Interior Cragmiller Castle Revelation, chap. xx. Interior of a Church Landscape and Figures Town on Fire Interior, Merrymaking Scene in Hamlet; engraved Landscape, Cattle, and Figures - Isaac blessing Jacob Portrait of Adams the Architect Saluting a Royal Yacht Alfred protecting the Hastings Family ; engraved Adam and Eve in Paradise Landscape and Figures Interior of St. Peter’s, Rome Conversation Cromwell suppressing the Rebellion ; Landscape, Figures in Boats Angling Frost Piece, Figures Skaiting Landscape, Ruins, and Figures engraved Landscape, Cattle and Figures crossing a Ferry MARLOW ovrseageerers SL Drillin burgh . . 82 DUBBLES ee cevseees oes 83 POP ilo ek slee 84 Jan MIEBL «uc... 85 Gainsporoue#H .... 86 ORIZONTE 6 View of the Bridge and Castle of St. Angelo Landscape, Horses, and Figures, sun-set Shipping, a Calm The Mischievous Boys Italian Landscape, Peasants, and Cattle reposing Landscape, Cathe and Figures — A eranp CrassicaL Lanpscare with a group of elegant Figures, and a Flock of Sheep. in the fore- ground; a winding Stream in the half-distance, terminated with a View of Rome. An admirable specimen of the master. Twenty-two Lots, One Property, from the De SUP |. kgsessskens 88 Du Tardin ......c0000 89 Vander Capella .... 90 J. Ruysdael...s.cso0 91 PCP CERO inctneioss 92 BiGasawatnin vile 93 Swaneveldt ....s.00+00 94 eee ae 95 OVER EE ss lceces 96 Van Goyen 97 Fer A ma yvene-~aev 98 PEUDENS 60.5...60rmeaes . 99. P. Brill & Caracci 100 F. Bartolomeo ....... 101 P. Wouvermans ....102 Berchem ..10.... s00000e LOB A COTRECh sis iesssersinrs 104 West of England. Historical Landscape, Cattle and Figures Frost Piece with Boats and Figures on the Ice Sea Piece Landscape with a Traveller on Horseback, and Dog drinking at a Brook Battle Piece Landscape and Figures The companion picture The Shipwrecked Sailor Landscape with a bird’s-eye View of a Country. Landscape and Figures Esther and. Ahasuerus Landscape with Figures hunting, and View. fs a Chateau Holy Family, in a Landscape Camp Scene with Horses and Figures Landscape and Cattle The Silence—the Virgin, Christ, and St. John P. de Hooghe ........105 EU ECAC ocesoencosnores 106 WEUDENG .. civcrcevssecsees 107 P. da Cortona ........ 108 CS) int ela a 109 ri Interior with Figures—the Lace Makers Woody Landscape with Figures Head of St. Peter Rebecca at the Well Virgin and sleeping Christ Nine Pictures, the Property of a Gentleman Pietro Perugino.... 110 BrOnzino voccccee sssevees Paris Bordone........ 113 Schidone Leandro Bassano....115 Vandyke 117 Francesco Mola .... Velasquez.corseessesrens 118 Head of the Virgin; a beautiful face and sweet ex- pression, nearly approaching the truth and simplicity of Raphael Portrait of Pontormo; a very fine Head of this ad- mired master, and in perfect preservation The Return from Egypt; a most delightful cabinet specimen. ‘The story is beautifully told—it is at the moment when the child recognises his former abode St. John embracing the Infant Christ; a very fine example of the rich and glowing colouring of this great painter Head of Christ crowned with Thorns; in expression and colouring equal to Coreg gio Portrait of one of the Grandsons of the Doge Ma- rino Grimano; a charmingly painted Head, and very finely coloured The Virgin supporting the Body of Christ after the taking down from the Cross; the figure of Christ is very finely drawn Landscape, Tobit and the Angel; in the grand style of Titian, and in deep toned colour and effect equal to that great master Landscape, Gypsies telling the Fortunes of Banditti ; a most rare cabinet example of this great artist and painted with his usual boldness and vigour FINIS. : i ™ € * e,¢ ie I ‘Zz Be Eo & Shem arise My TOT Pt veyed, ah ’ * * ‘ “ 5 Tre eae ii} , i 6 hi 4 * baht i ti FcR . e 1 Pa se dhe te \ iM X ‘ a > « ' yey One wie: ¢ ce Lt “ % sft 5 . 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