1925 Pan 15 | NeAnJ SALE NUMBER 1908 _ PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, JANUARY ELEVENTH CURRIER & IVES LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTIONS OF MR. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON HAVERHILL, MASS. & MR. WILLIAM E. TORREY DENNYSVILLE, MAINE : | WITH THREE FINE COLORED AQUATINT AMERICAN VIEWS & A. MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN GATHERED ‘OVER A PERIOD OF MANY YEARS BY MR. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON TO BE SOLD BY THEIR ORDER THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY FIFTEENTH AT EIGHT~FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 Cael a BERS R BeRe ee THR Piet ta EXCESSIVELY RARE PORTRAIT OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN PUBLISHED BY CURRIER AND IVES, 1860 [NUMBER III | SALE NUMBER 1908 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, JANUARY ELEVENTH CURRIER & IVES LITHOGRAPHS THE COLLECTIONS OF MR. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON HAVERHILL, MASS. Ge MR. WILLIAM E. TORREY DENNYSVILLE, MAINE WITH THREE FINE COLORED AQUATINT AMERICAN VIEWS ep A MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN GATHERED OVER A PERIOD OF MANY YEARS BY MR. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON: LI! 7b TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING - JANUARY FIFTEENTH AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT | 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wrrHouT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- Jeries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for Fifty Cents THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY FIFTEENTH CURRIER AND IVES LITHOGRAPHS: EUROPEAN AND OTHER SUBJECTS—NON-AMERICAN Vex AMERICAN HISTORICAL SUBJECTS, PORTRAITS, ETC. 6- AMERICAN VIEWS 23— NAVAL BATTLES AND MARINE VIEWS AG AMERICAN RURAL AND FARM SCENES AND COUNTRY SPORTS 53— 69 FAIR LADIES, SENTIMENTAL AND FANCY SUBJECTS 70-110 PORTRAITS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN PUBLISHED BY CURRIER AND IVES 111-120 PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN BY VARIOUS ENGRAVERS AND PUBLISHERS 121-166 SCENES DURING THE LIFE AND AT THE DEATH OF LINCOLN 167-186 eB SALE THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY PIR LEDNILE 2 AT e286 NuMBERS 1-186 CURRIER AND IVES LITHOGRAPHS NuMBERS 1-110 EUROPEAN VIEWS AND OTHER SUBJECTS NON-AMERICAN NUMBERS 1-5 1 STRATFORD ON AVON; LISMORE CASTLE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Lorrey Collection) (2) LISMORE CASTLE; VIEW ON THE RHINE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) THE SIEGE OF LIMERICK; JERUSALEM Kellogg and N. Currier. One dated 1846. Small folios. (Wa. E. Torrey Collection) (2) ROBERT BURNS AND HIS HIGHLAND MARY; MAZEPPA; THE PARTING HOUR Kellogg and Thayer ; Currier and Ives; and N. Currier. Various dates. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (8) ROBERT EMMET; KING WILLIAM III Lith. by Bufford, and by Currier and Ives. Folio and small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) AMERICAN HISTORICAL SUBJECTS, PORTRAITS, ETC. NUMBERS 6-22 THE MARCH OF MILES STANDISH Lithograph by Armstrong and Co. 1873. After J. E. Baker. Large folio. (Stained) Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) oT: 10 init 13 14 WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN The Father and Saviour of Our Country. Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Folio. Uncolored. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Engraved by D. Kimberly. Dated 1841. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) THE WASHIGTON FAMILY ; THE LINCOLN FAMILY Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) THE WASHINGTON FAMILY; LINCOLN AT HOME Lithographed by Currier and Ives, 1867, and E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Small folios. Framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Washington to Tyler; Washington to Polk. N. Currier. Un- dated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Washington to Polk. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON The Father of his Country. Lith. by Kellogg. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) GEORGE WASHINGTON First President of the United States. N. Currier. Undated. Medium folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION BY THE LADIES AT TRENTON N. Currier. Dated 1845; The same. By Kellogg and Thayer. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) 2 15 16 1 be 18 19 21 HENRY CLAY Of Kentucky. N. Currier. Dated 1842. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) Rare. JAMES K. POLK; GENL. LEWIS CASS; CASSIUS M. CLAY Published by F. Gleason and N. Currier. 1846. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (38) DEATH OF HARRISON ; LINCOLN AT HOME N. Currier and Kellogg. Small folios. Torn and soiled. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) JAMES BUCHANAN Democratic Candidate for Fifteenth President of the United States. E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) GRAND NATIONAL UNION BANNER FOR 1860 The Candidates and their Platform. John Bell and Edward Everett. Currier and Ives. 1860. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) MAJ. GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT ; OUR GENERALS IN THE FIELD; WINFIELD SCOTT Lithographs, various dates. Folio and small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (8) STORMING OF PALACE HILL AT THE BATTLE OF MONTEREY ; BOMBARDMENT OF VERA CRUZ Currier and Ives, and Baillie. Dated 1847. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON; THE STORMING OF FORT DONELSON; BATTLE OF COAL HARBOR; THE BATTLE OF WINCHESTER Currier and Ives. Various dates. Small folios. (Wm. HE. Tor- rey Collection) (4) 23 26 27 28 29 30 AMERICAN VIEWS NUMBERS 23-45 CHICAGO AS IT WAS Unsigned and undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) THE GREAT WEST Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) FALLS OF NIAGARA From Clifton House. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG Owls Head. : Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Margin stained) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) THE BRIDGE AT THE OUTLET Lake Memphremagog. Currier and Ives. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) MOUNT MONADNOCK Drawn by A. E. Dolbear. Lith. by Martin Bradley, Springfield, Mass. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) THE GREAT MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOAT RACE Currier and Ives. Small folio. Large margin. (Wm. E. Tor- rey Collection) get 31 LOh ee 58 ee 1, nud be LTB CLERPR. OH Veber, Nw Tork. VERY RARE COLORED AQUATINT [NUMBER 31] VIEW OF THE NEW YORK QUARANTINE, STATEN ISLAND Colored aquatint. Painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett. Published by Parker & Co. . . and by Lewis P. Clover . .. New York. Copyright 1833. Large folio. Good margin. (Narrow time-stain through centre) Very rare. A most decorative print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 5 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40) VIEW OF NEW YORK Currier and Ives. Dated 1860. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) CITY OF NEW YORK AND ENVIRONS Currier and Ives. Dated 1875. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) THE HIGH BRIDGE AT HARLEM, N. Y. Lithographed and published by N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) THE TOMB OF WASHINGTON Uncolored lthograph. Unsigned and undated. Folio. Old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) VIEW ON THE HUDSON, WEST POINT Colored lithograph. Published by Thomas Kelly. Print by Wm. C. Robertson. Large folio. Old walnut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) VIEW ON THE HUDSON RIVER; SUNNYSIDE ON THE HUDSON | Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) CHAPPAQUA FARM Westchester County, N. Y. The Residence of Horace Greeley. Currier and Ives. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) VIEW OF THE ST. LAWRENCE Indian Encampment. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) TRENTON FALLS Colored aquatint. Painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett. Published by Lewis P. Clover, 18385. Large folio. Trimmed to the engraved surface and mounted. (Spotted) 6 FM RS segeanene. fe Wie PINT. FRO PILI . FINE IMPRESSION OF THIS RARE COLORED AQUATINT [ NUMBER 41 | 41 WEST POINT FROM PHILLIPSTOWN Colored aquatint. Painted and engraved by W. J. Bennett. Published by Parker & Clover, 180 Fulton street, New York. Copyright 1831. Large folio. Good margin. (Very slight re- pair to lower right corner) Very RARE. Fine impression, beautiful in color. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 7 43 44: 46 AT 48 THE TOMB OF WASHINGTON Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. (Margin stained) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) THE NOTCH HOUSE, WHITE MOUNTAINS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small foho. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) SCENERY OF THE WISSAHICKON Near Philadelphia. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) PROTECTOR ENGINE NO. 2 Kellogg and Comstock. Undated. Small folio. (Slght tear) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) NAVAL BATTLES AND MARINE VIEWS NUMBERS 46-52 U.S. FRIGATE “CONSTITUTION” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) SCARCE. THE “CONSTITUTION” AND “GUERRIERE” N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) SCARCE. THE GREAT FIGHT BETWEEN THE “MERRIMAC” AND “MONTTOR” The first battle between ironclad ships of war. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) A RARE VARIATION. Only a few copies known. 8 49 50 51 52 53 54 SINKING OF THE “CUMBERLAND” BY THE IRON CLAD “MERRIMAC” Off Newport News, Va. March 8th, 1862. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) TERRIFIC COMBAT BETWEEN THE “MONITOR” & PMiGhRIMAC”’;: THE GREAT NAVAL VICTORY IN MOBILE BAY; THE MAMMOTH IRON STEAM-SHIP “GREAT EASTERN” Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (8) CLIPPER SHIP IN A SNOW SQUALL Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) Yeacn “METEOR” OF N. Y. 2938 TONS Owned by G. L. Lorrillard Esq. of the N. Y. Yacht Club. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) AMERICAN RURAL AND FARM SCENES AND COUNTRY SPORTS NUMBERS 53-69 A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) SUMMER MORNING F. F. Palmer, del. Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. (Wm. EL. Torrey Collection) 2 Or OU 56 58 60 61 THE RIVER SIDE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. EH. Torrey Collection) HARVEST N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. (Wm. HE. Torrey Collection) HARVEST Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. (Wm. EH. Torrey Collection) THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: CHILDHOOD “The Season of Joy.” J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J. Cameron. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. (Margin stained) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: YOUTH “The Season of Love.” J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J. Cameron. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. (Margin dam- aged) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) - THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: MIDDLE AGE “The Season of Strength.” J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by Parsons and Atwater. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. (Margin soiled) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: OLD AGE “The Season of Rest.” J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by Parsons and Atwater. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. (Margin soiled) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) AMERICAN HOMESTEAD: SUMMER; AUTUMN Currier and Ives. Dated 1868-69. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) 10 63 64 66 67 68 69 AMERICAN HOMESTEAD: SPRING; SUMMER; AUTUMN Currier and Ives. (2 copies of Summer). Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (4) AMERICAN WINTER SCENES: EVENING F. F. Palmer, del. Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier. Dated 1854. Large folio. In brilliant color. (Margins frayed) (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) VERY RARE. SKATING SCENE—MOONLIGHT Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) THE SLEIGH RACE Currier and Ives. Dated 1859. Medium folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) RARE. THE STAR OF THE ROAD Lithographed and published by N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) THE TROUT BROOK F. F. Palmer, del. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Medium folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) BROOK TROUT, JUST CAUGHT Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) FAIR LADIES, SENTIMENTAL AND FANCY SUBJECTS NuMBERS 70-110 EMILINE; ELIZABETH Lithographed and published by J. Baillie, 1845 and 1848. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) 11 Gs 72 73 fish 78 HANNAH; JANE; MARTHA Lithographed and published by J. Baillie. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) MARTHA; BELLE OF CALIFORNIA; MY ABSENT LOVE Lithographs. Unsigned and undated. (Wm. H. Johnson Col- lection) (8) | MARY ANN; CATHERINE (Two copies) Published by E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, Kellogg & Thayer, and Kellogg and Comstock. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) | (3) SARAH; HANNAH; MARY ANN Lithographed and published by N. Currier. One dated 1846. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Col- lection) (3) : ELIZA; CHARLOTTE; EMMA Lithographed and published by N. Currier. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (3) JULIA; BRIDGET; EMMA N. Currier. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) THE WAY TO HAPPINESS; THE MORNING PRAYER; THE LETTER N. Currier and E. C. Kellogg. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (3) THE NORTHERN BEAUTY; THE SOUTHERN BEAUTY; BELLE OF THE WEST Currier and Ives and N. Currier. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) 12 Ai 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 AUGUSTA; SARAH Lithographed and published by N. Currier. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) NANCY; JEANETTE Lithographed and published by N. Currier. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) CLARA; MARY Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) THE ROYAL BEAUTY; THE FAIREST OF THE FAIR Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) THE GIRL I LOVE; SPRING Currier and Ives. 1870. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) QUEEN OF THE BRUNETTES; THE QUEEN OF THE BALL Currier and Ives. 1870. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) THE LOVERS’ QUARREL; THE LOVERS’ RECONCIL- IATION N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folios. (One spotted) Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) THE WEDDING DAY N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) DON’T SAY NAY; THE WEDDING DAY N. Currier, dated 1846, and Kellogg and Comstock. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) 13 88 89 90 ol 93 94 95 THE DAY BEFORE MARRIAGE; A YEAR AFTER MARRIAGE; HOUSEHOLD TREASURES N. Currier and Currier and Ives. 1847, and no date. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) A MOTHER’S TREASURE; THE LITTLE FAVORITE; MOTHER’S JOY Lithographs by N. Currier and Sarony and Major. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (3) MATERNAL AFFECTION; LOOK AT MAMMA; THE YOUNG MOTHER Lithographs by N. Currier. One dated 1845. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (38) LITTLE KATE; LITTLE FANNY; LITTLE JENNIE Lithographs by N. Currier and Currier and Ives. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (3) SONS OF TEMPERANCE; DAUGHTERS OF TEMPER- ANCE Kellogg and Comstock. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) SONS OF TEMPERANCE; TEMPERANCE BANNER Kellogg and Comstock. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) PET OF THE FAMILY; MY LITTLE PLAY FELLOW Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) BYRON’S FIRST LOVE Sarony and Major. Dated 1846. THE PRODIGAL SON Unsigned and undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) 14 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 SINGLE; THE SAILOR’S RETURN; THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION N. Currier. 1846 and undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (3) WON!; LOST!; OH! HOW NICE N. Currier. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collec- tion) (3) AUTUMN FRUITS Currier and Ives. Dated 1861. Folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) FRUIT AND FLOWER PIECES The Hundred Leaf Rose; Fruits of the Seasons; Fruits of the Golden Land; and two others. N. Currier, and Currier and Ives. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (5) TO THE RESCUE; HE IS SAVED Currier and Ives. Undated. Uncolored. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) MY LITTLE WHITE KITTIES Their First Mouse; and, Playing Dominoes. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (2) MORNING PRAYER; EVENING PRAYER Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Lorrey Collection) (2) MY PET BIRD; THE SAME REVERSED; GRANDPA’S CANE Currier and Ives. Undated. Folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collec- tion) (38) 15 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 LITTLE ELLA; BEAUTY AWAKE; THE MORNING LESSON; EVENING PRAYER Currier and Ives and Kellogg. Undated. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (4) THE FAVORITE HORSE; FIDELITY; THE BURIAL OF THE PET BIRD Currier and Ives. Various dates. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (38) NOAH’S ARK N. Currier. Undated. THE SAME Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. Old mahogany frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) Rare. JOHN POUNDS Late of St. Mary Street Portsmouth, who while earning an hon- est Subsistence by Mending Shoes was also Schoolmaster. Drawn on stone by W. Sharp. Bouvé Lithography. Folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) JUVENILES Young America; The Watchers; Two Little Fraid Cats; Kitty’s Breakfast. Currier and Ives. Various dates. Folio and smaller. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (4) RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS . The Last Supper; The Holy Family; The Tree of Life (3 copies) ; Life and Age of Man. N. Currier, Currier and Ives, and Baillie. Small folios. (Wm. E. Torrey Collection) (6) 16 111 112 1138 PORTRAITS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN THE COLLECTION OF MR. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON numBeERS 111-186 PORTRAITS PUBLISHED BY CURRIER AND IVES NUMBERS 111-120 CURRIER AND IVES Bust portrait, turned slightly to right. Beardless. Published by Currier and Ives, 1860. Inscribed beneath facsimile signa- ture: “Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Republican Candidate for S1x- teenth President of the United States. . . From a photograph by Brady.” In colors. Folio. Framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) EXCESSIVELY RARE. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | CURRIER AND IVES Beardless bust portrait, turned slightly to right, against drapery background. In oval. Facsimile signature. Caption: ‘Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Republican Candidate for Sixteenth President of the United States.” Published by Currier and Ives, 1860. In colors. Folio. Natural mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) Rare. CURRIER AND IVES Bust portrait, beardless, turned slightly to right. Facsimile sig- nature over caption: “Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Our Next Presi- dent.” Published by Currier and Ives, 1860. From a photo- graph by Brady. In colors. Folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) VERY RARE. FIRST ISSUE OF THIS TYPE. 17 114 115 116 Ly, 118 ig CURRIER AND IVES Beardless, half length, seated, turned slightly to left. Book in one hand, the other concealed under coat. Column and drapery in background. Caption: “Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth Pres‘- dent of the United States.” Published by Currier and Ives, 1860. In colors. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) CURRIER AND IVES From same stone as the preceding, but with beard added and ad- ditional caption: “Assassinated April 14th 1865.” Small folio. Uncolored. Old frame. CURRIER AND IVES Bust portrait, with short beard. 'Three-quarters to right. Cur- rier and Ives, undated. Caption under facsimile signature: “Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States.” Colored. Oval folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) CURRIER AND IVES Half-length, standing, one hand resting on book, the other behind back. Caption: “Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States.” Published by Currier and Ives, undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) CURRIER AND IVES Bust portrait, full front, looking to left. With beard. Copy- right by Currier and Ives, 1865. Caption: “Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr President. Assassinated April 14th 1865. Joseph Koehler, Publisher, New York, U. S. A.” In colors. Large folio. Old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) Rare. CURRIER AND IVES Bust portrait, looking to right. Published by Currier and Ives, undated. Caption: “Abraham Lincoln, the Nation’s Martyr. Assassinated April 14, 1865.” Folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 18 124 CURRIER AND IVES Washington and Lincoln. The Father and the Saviour of our Country. Currier and Ives, 1865. Folio. Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN BY VARIOUS ENGRAVERS AND PUBLISHERS NUMBERS 121-166 ANONYMOUS Bust, three-quarters to right. In oval border. Without pub- lisher’s name. Facsimile signature. Folio. Old frame. (Wa. H. Johnson Collection) BAKER (J. E.) Lithograph. Bust, head turned to right. Drawn by J. E. Baker. Published in 1866 by J. H. Bufford. Folio. Old wal- nut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) BINGHAM AND DODD Bust portrait, full front, looking to right. Facsimile signature. Lith. & printed in oil colors by Bingham & Dodd, Hartf. 1865. Brown background. Folio. (Margin stained) Old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) SCARCE. BUFFORD (J. H.) President Lincoln and Cabinet. Small oval portrait in centre surrounded by those of the seven members of the cabinet. On a shield of the stars and stripes. Lith. of J. H. Bufford. Pub- lished by Elliot & White, Boston. Undated. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) BULTRE (J. C.) Portrait, full length, standing, without beard as he appeared in the 1860 campaign. Published by J. C. Buttre, N. Y. Large folio. Gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) FINE AND RARE. 19 126 be) 130 131 132 BUTTRE (J. C.) The same with beard added. Old mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) BUTTRE (J. C.) Portrait, full length, standing, hand resting on table, on which is a bust of Washington. Published by J. C. Buttre, N. Y. Large folio. Mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) BUTTRE (J. C.) Bust portrait, three-quarters to right. Engraved and published by J. C. Buttre. Oval in allegorical border by Momberg. Folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) DODGE (J. W.) Photograph from the painting by J. W. Dodge in 1865. Half length, front, turned slightly to the right. Facsimile signature. Published by the artist. Folio. Old mahogany frame. (Wr. H. Johnson Collection) EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Lithograph by P. S. Duval after the original by Gilman R. Russell, with portrait of Lincoln in centre; Same subject, de- signed and executed by A. Kidder; and two others. Various sizes. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (4) FUCHS (F.) Lithograph, half Iength, one hand resting in breast of coat, turned shghtly to right. Drawn by F. Fuchs. No publisher’s name. Folio. Old mahogany and gilt frame. (Wm. H. John- son Collection) GUGLER (H.) Line engraving. Bust in oval after the painting by J. H. Little- field. Engraved by H. Gugler. Published 1869. Atlas folio. Framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 20 133 134 135 136 137 138 HAASIS AND LUBRECHT Our Fallen Heroes. Chromolithograph. Large portrait of Lincoln surrounded by twelve portraits of military and naval of- ficers who were killed in the Civil War. Published by Haasis & Lubrecht, New York, 1865. Large folio.. Old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) KELLOGG (E. B. & E. C.) Bearded bust, three-quarters to the right. In oval border. Lith- ographed by Kellogg of Hartford, Published by Golden & Sammons, Chicago. Folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) KELLOGG (E. B. & E. C.) Full length, seated, with “Kmancipation Proclamation” on table beside him. Published by E. B. and E. C. Kellogg, Hartford, Conn. Long caption reading in part: ‘‘Immortalized his name by the Proclamation of Emancipation, January Ist, 1863...” etc. Lithograph. Small folio. In colors. Framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) McRAE (J. C.) Bust portrait, three-quarters to the right, oval within pictorial border. [Engraved and Published by John C. McRae, 105 Cedar Street, New York.| Folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) First tssuz, without the publication line. McRAE (J. C.) The same. With the line of publication. (Margin stained) Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) MARSHALL (WM. E.) Line engraving. Bust, turned slightly to right. In oval. Painted and engraved by Wm. E. Marshall. Large folio. (Stain on lower margin) Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 21 139 140 141 142 145 144 NELKE (LOUIS) Bust portrait, with beard, three-quarters to left. Lith. by Louis Nelke, Chicago, after Poleni. 1865. Facsimile signature. Folio. (Stain) Old walnut frame. (William H. Johnson Collection) THE NEW YORK HERALD Beardless profile on front page of the New York Herald of Saturday April 15, 1865. Announcing the assasination and death of Lincoln. Woodcut. Folio. Framed. (Wm. 4. Johnson Collection) PATE (WILLIAM) Line and stipple. Full-length, standing, one hand resting on table, the other clasping long cloak which is draped about him. Pub- lished by William Pate, New York. Large folio. Old walnut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PERINE (GEO. E.) Three-quarter length, seated in arm-chair, looking to right. En- graved by Geo. EK. Perine. Published by him in 1864; The same, printed by H. E. Coates. Small folio. Both in gilt frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) PAINTING ON GLASS Life-size bust portrait. Painted in oil colors on glass. An un- usually good likeness for this often crude and quaint method. Old mahogany and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) Size, 2314 x 18 inches PHOTOGRAPHS The Council of War; Washington and Lincoln (Apotheosis) ; President Lincoln and his son Thaddeus. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) PHOTOGRAPHS Camera reproductions from engravings and drawings. All be- tween 1865 and 1870. Various sizes. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (5) 22 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 CARTE-DE-VISITE PHOTOS A set of nine commercial souvenir photographs. All in one frame. One other larger photo of Lincoln and Tad. Framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (7) PLATE AND SHELL Plate with printed bust portrait in black and white with sanguine decoration; Under shell of a turtle with painted portrait. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (2) PRANG (L.) Bust, slightly to left. Smiling. Lithograph after the original picture by Matthew Wilson. Published by L. Prang, Boston, 1865. (Foxed). Folio. Framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PRANG (L.) Bust, three-quarters to right. Tinted oval background. Cap- tion: “Abraham Lincoln.” Pubd. and lithd. by L. Prang & Co. Boston. 1861. Small folio. Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) POSTERS AND PROCLAMATIONS Modern reproductions with portraits of Lincoln. Various sizes. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (6) RELIEF MEDALLION Profile bust to right in high relief. Cast iron with bronze fin- ish. Mounted on velvet. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) Height, 8 inches ROGERS GROUP The Council of War. Plaster group: Lincoln seated reading document with Grant and Stanton standing on either side. Patented by John Rogers 1868. Height, 21 inches RUSSELL (B. B.) Bust portrait, three-quarters to left. With short beard. En- grayed, with oval border and view of the “Capitol—Washing- ton,” and facsimile signature. Unsigned. Published by B. B. Russell & Co., Boston. About 1861. (Spotted) Small folio. Oak frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 23 154 156 158 159 SARTAIN (JOHN) Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr, Victorious. Mezzotint by John Sartain, designed by W. H. Hermans. Pub- lished 1866. Proof. Folio. Framed. (Wm H. Johnson Col- lection) SARTAIN (JOHN, WILLIAM AND SAMUEL) Mezzotint, bust in oval, turned slightly to right. Engraved by John Sartain after a photograph from life. Published in 1865 by Bradley & Co. Phila. ; Mezzotint, bust in oval, turned to left. Engraved and published by William Sartain, Phila.; Mezzotint and line, in oval, head front, body slightly to left. Engraved by Samuel Sartain, printed by Rice & Allen, Chicago, 1864. Small folios. Walnut and gilt frames. (Wm. H. Johnson Col- lection) (8) SARTAIN AND OTHERS Mezzotint after the painting by E. D. Marchant; Line engray- ing, engraver’s name trimmed off; Another line and mezzotint by Giles & Perine; The same with names trimmed off. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (4) STARK (0.) Lithograph bust, looking to right. Drawn by O. Stark after a photograph by Brady. Published by J. Mayer Co. Boston, and John Russell, Portland, Me. Folio. Old mahogany and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) VARIOUS Engraving. Bust, head slightly to right. Engraved by A. H. Ritchie from a photograph; Engraving. Full length, seated, by J. Serz after W. E. Winner; Photograph from drawing. Bust, three-quarters to right. Published by J. C. Spooner, 1865. Folios. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) VARIOUS Loyal Americans, lithograph C. D. Andrews, drawn by A. K. Kipps. Published by B. B. Russell; Woodcut by Ensign, Bridg- man & Fanning; Bust portrait, chromolithograph; Cross-stitch motto with portrait of Lincoln in centre. Various sizes. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (4) 24 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 VARIOUS Wiecker reproduction from the Life drawing of 1860 ; Woodcut from Leslie’s Weekly; Koehler reproduction; The Taber Art Co. reproduction. Various sizes. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (4) VARIOUS Small engraved portraits by the following engravers: White- church, Perine & Giles, A. B. Walter, John A. Lowell, and one unsigned. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (5) VARIOUS Small engraved portraits. All after photographs by Brady, en- graved by Buttre (four), by Jackman, Pelton , Jones. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (7) VARIOUS Small engraved portraits. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Col- lection) (7) VARIOUS Another lot similar. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (7) VARIOUS Another lot similar. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (5) VARIOUS Photographic reproductions of sculptured and painted portraits. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (9) SCENES DURING THE LIFE AND AT THE DEATH OF LINCOLN NUMBERS 167-186 BOYHOOD OF LINCOLN Chromolithograph by L. Prang after the painting by Eastman Johnson. Folio. Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 25 168 169 170 171 173 174 175 THE OUTBREAK OF THE REBELLION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1861 Lithograph by Kimmel and Forster. Published 1865. Large folio. Old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) This allegorical print of Lincoln appealing for funds was ex- hibited with marked success during the late Liberty Loan Drives. PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND HIS FAMILY Colored lithograph. Published by Joseph Hoover. Philadelphia. Undated. Large folio. (Stained) Old walnut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND FAMILY CIRCLE Colored lthograph. Published by Lyon and Co. New York, 1867. Large fohlo. Mahogany frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND FAMILY CIRCLE The same. Uncolored. (Margin slightly stained) Old walnut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND FAMILY CIRCLE Lithograph published by John Smith, 1865. Drawn by Hohen- stein. Large folio. (Small piece torn away at one side) Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) PRESIDENT LINCOLN AT HOME Reading the Scriptures to his Wife and Son. Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. (Spotted) Folio. Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) LINCOLN AND HIS FAMILY Mezzotint engraved by William Sartain after the painting by S. B. Waugh. Published by Bradley & Co. 1866. Large folio. Old walnut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) LINCOLN FAMILY Line engraving published by Thomas Kelly, New York, 1866. Large folio. (Margin stained) Old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 26 176 Pat 178 179 180 181 LINCOLN AT HOME BE. B. & E. C. Kellogg, Hartford. Pub. by F. P. Whiting, N. Y. Undated. Colored. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. John- son Collection) ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND FAMILY Lithograph designed and drawn by H. A. Thomas, published by Wm. C. Robertson; Same subject, lithographed by Currier and Ives, published 1867; Same subject, engraved by A. B. Walter after the painting by F. B. Schell, published by John Dainty, Phila. 1865. Small folios. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) FIRST READING OF THE EMANCIPATION PROCLA- MATION Mezzotint by A. H. Ritchie after the painting by F. B. Car- penter. Signed artist’s proof before all letters. Fine impression. Large oblong folio, mounted on stretcher. In old walnut frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) Rare. Coe GRAND RECEPTION OF NOTABILITIES OF THE NATION Lithograph of Major and Knapp, 1865. Folio. Old walnut and gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) CURRIER AND IVES The True Issue or “That’s what’s the Matter.” Caricature pub- lished by Currier and Ives, 1864. Small folio. Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) LINCOLN ENTERING RICHMOND Reproduction of the drawing by Nast; Same subject, engraved (small) by Buttre; Reading the Emancipation Proclamation, mezzotint by Watts after Herrick. Various sizes. All framed. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) (8) THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. Old gilt frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 27 183. DEATH BED OF LINCOLN 184 185 Lithograph printed by A. Brett & Co. Published by Jones and Clark, New York, and C. A. Asp, Boston. Large folio. (Foxed.) Git frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN At Washington, D. C. April 15th, 1865. The Nation’s Martyr. Currier and Ives. 1865. Colored. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN The same. Uncolored. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collec- tion) 1854 DEATH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN 186 E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, Hartford. Pub. by F. P. Whiting) Un- dated. Colored. Small folio. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 7 THE BODY OF THE MARTYR PRESIDENT The Body of the Martyr President Abraham Lincoln. Lying in State at the City Hall, N. Y. April 24 & 25 1865. Currier and Ives. Published 1865. Small folio. Uncolored. Old frame. (Wm. H. Johnson Collection) 28 \ \ . : : - rs = e J ‘ . , : . he ie 5 7 es s wal ba ‘ be t - = wi \ 3 . i4 m . . ‘ 3 ae * 7 * My ‘ a“ vi » : ¥ bd + : . i : a sf en i 4 ‘ 2 ’ “« ‘ * - - - ‘ / ‘ : . . , \ J . ‘ % ee ~~ ’ , da ee Jeg ae . i a i ‘ea - a, aw =v, at = —_ . 3 > » a ‘ B i ‘ : % = . . . 6 5 : » < ¥ y = . h. : 4 i 4 1 ; ~ Ae , a > > | ‘ > ' ) t e - ' / | } , 3 3 tay ‘ i ' i ; , { a . t . « 7 ¥ *, 7 7 Bitty Z - a * sd 4 - = ¢ —~ ; { > +". } r , Y, - , ” i ri ‘ e - 6 ae a % i x S eee se Se ates | n Cu er & Ive 5 lithoore “Qin i r Sr peter; | aah pe — bs gab T: f a veal dad tH Ye i Hk ; phase bt Fo ab