LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO, 996-8 Fifth Ave. New York UO ARE taking the liberiy of sending you a catalog containing descriptions of eleven paintings by Old Masters which are in our possession and which will be offered for sale at auction on Thursday, May 22, 1924, at 3 p. m. From the time this catalog is issued until the date of the auction these paintings will be on exhibition and may be examined on application. If you are interested in this exhibit, and care to examine any of the paintings or to have experts do so for you, please see that whoever comes brings the enclosed card or other credentials as we do not wish to open the cole lection for inspection to the general public. We hope to interest you as we believe we have really something to extraordinary merit to offer. Very truly yours, South Bend Academy of Music. The Stoning of St. Stephan Dutch School, XVIII. Century Size 23x28 inches on Linen s a Early Italian School Size 13%x19% inches On Dog Skin AS The Miser Rembrandt’s School, XVI. Century (Rembrandt?) Size 10%x11% inches On Linen a * Lukach and Paul Apostles Paul Veronese 1528-1587 (Paolo Cagliari) Size 11x14% inches On Linen a « 4 & Fy 7 , ‘ 2 The Unbelieving Thomas Paul Veronese 1538-1588 (Paolo Cagliari) Size 11x14% inches On Linen The Virgin with the Child and John the Baptist Rafael’s School XVII. Century Minature—Size 4%x3% inches On Brass a) Pi aes cecosencatl™ : sasesneeree es Vienna School Size 16%x17 inches 25 different colored silk thread used s* 2 he ZI usUTT UE SIYIUI OPXTE 9ZIS AInqUI_D “TTA X JOOYDS uve] : spdtaydays 0} smanj SSulig Jasuy usury] Ud ELOT-S[OT Bsoy o1078ATeS SIYIUI [PX$7Z 9321S jsilyy Suisijdvg uyor .. Vo. A udu] uo COLI-SS9T ‘sooy Jojag dipryg GPXbE 9ZIS daays pup smo7 yyim psayda aS Ajrea]o sonpoida1 0} prey UW ape BULIO[OO yJep ssinjoid ayy usury uo COLT-SO9T ‘sooy sareg dityg SAYDU GHXPE 221S yy = dae . a. Ls