oe LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York - Catalogue OF A COLLECTION OF SP betas Pas ay aa Ste aay be, ries overn Paintings FORMED BY a ge vay Ar, Gustay Reichard TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT CHICKERING HALL sth Avenue, cor. 18th Street Wednesday and Thursday Evenings February 26th and 27th AT EIGHT O’CLOCK _ ROBERT SOMERVILLE 1896 ORTGIES & Co AUCTIONEER MANAGERS wrennionsinisin. Conditions of Sale. We 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their namesardaddresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money tf required, in default of which the Lot or oy purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to betaken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remain- der of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any errorin the description. Al articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, no any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an articie purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time ofits sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the under- signed are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part pre shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice tothe right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER. By ORTGIES & Co. ereau, 73, 160 es eur, ee oe - ‘Beraud, 58 s Billet, Pierre, 92 Cazin, 65, 116 ! oo 1 55. 112 acid ” M., 91 my, aplin, 7 ee Che kt 53 _ Chialiva, 37, 135 Claude, 117 Corot, 148 -Courbet, 51, 67, 143 Coomans, 23 . Czachorski, 128 | } { Davis, I9 Decamps, 52 Demont, 99 Diaz, 46, 66, 113, 126 Dupré, Jules, 72, 157 ‘Dupré, Julian, 105 Eaton, Chas. peeren, 6 Eaton, Harry, 90 Edelfelt, 57, 134 -Flameng, 127 Fouace, 34 Géréme, 61, 155 Goubie, 28 Goupil, 36 Grandsere, II Grison, 96 Grolleron, 2 Hasbrook, 87 Henner, 29 Heilbuth, 38 Henry, 20 Huguet, 70 Israels, 158 Inness, 156 peeute, 35, 139, 154 Jacquet, 108 ak 59 Jacomin, 7 Jimenez y Aranda; 131 Jourdan, 22 Kaemmierer, 129 Karlovski, 18 Artists Represented Daubigny, 24,64,110, 4.146 E Kachanowski, 5, 101 _ Kiesel, 27, 107 Knaus, 74, 144 Koek-Koek, 3 Kowalski, 32, ee Lambert, 151 Lambinet, 45, 94 Laissement, 75 Lemaire, Madelaiue, 8 Lerolle, 125 I Hermitte, 150 Loth, 106 Madrazo, 102 Maris, Wm., 109 Martin, Homer, 121 Mauve, 123 Mettling, 31 Meyer von Bremen, 40, 111 Menocal, 48 Michel, 147 Miralles, 4, 10 Montenard, 47 Monchablon, 137 Pasini, 42, 142 Palmaroli, 25 Parton, 87 Perrier, Sanchez, 62, 124 Perault, 132 Pelouse, 50 Reinhart, 98 Richet, 88 Rico, 41, 76, 153 Ricard, 49 Rousseau, 60 Ronner, 16 Roybet, 118 Seitz, Anton, 115 Seifert, roo Schmid, Math., 122 Schmidt, 26 Schenck, 77, 138 Schreyer, 79, 152 Schmitzberger, 9 Simons, 17 Smith, H. P., 36 Sohn, Carl, 140 Tamburini, 21 Ter Meulen, 85, 119 Troyoun, 68, 159 Van Boskerck, 39 Velten, 82 Verboeckhoven, 56 Vibert, 80 Vollon, 63 Walker, 12 Wagner, 120 Wilda, 97 Wiggins, 83, 103 Willems, 54 Wyant, 30, 44 Ziem, 140 Constable Building, 5th Ave. and 18th St. New York, Feb. 1, 1896. MESSRS. ORTGIES & CoO., Gentlemen : I have the pleasure to inform you that I have been successful in selecting a very inter- esting and valuable collection of paintings for the sale at Chickering Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 26th and 27th. The pictures have been accepted only with the distinct understanding that they are to be sold absolutely without reserve, and on these terms they are consigned to you. Yours truly, GUSTAV REICHARD. ex | a =r Ze GF BZ ORDERS TO PURCHASE, The undersigned will receive and attend to orders to purchase at this sale: MESSRS. M. KNOEDLER & CO., 355 Fifth Avenue. WM. SCHAUS (Herman Schaus and A. W. Conover, Successors), 204 Fifth Avenue. MR. JULES OEHME, 384 Fifth Avenue. MESSRS. BOUSSOD, VALADON & CO., 303 Fifth Avenue. L. CRIST DELMONICO, 166 Fifth Avenue. M. DURAND-RUEL, 389 Fifth Avenue. S. P. AVERY, JR., 368 Fifth Avenue. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, 6 East 23d Street. T. iJ. BLAKESLEE, 353 Fifth Avenue. A. PREYER, 329 Fifth Avenue. ARTHUR TOOTH & SONS, 295 Fifth Avenue C. W. KRAUSHAAR, 1257 Broadway. CATALOGUE First Night’s Sale Wednesday, February 26th Beginning promptly at 8 o’clock The Height of the Picture is given first. - BRUCE-CRANE (R.) ; America Thovember 16 x 24 2 GROLLERON (P.) France Lighting the Pipe 13x 9% 3 KOEK-KOEK (H.M.) , Holland The General's Statt —— 2514 x 21% 5 enero e a 4 is = 5 0 MIRALLES (J.) . . 7) eee oe Hon. Mention, Salon, 1881 oe H Romance g 4 19}4 X 24 y : =f | | 3 0 “"KACHANOWSKI (R.) . Germany Danoscape 7X 14K L] UY — EATON (Chas. Warren) . America Winter Ffternoon 16 x 22 re 7 ‘ / (} — JACOMIN (MF. |.) See Medal, 1883. Medal, 1889, E. U. Landscape 14 x 18 8 4 () LEMAIRE (Madelaine) ogra ee Cennis | ‘ () am 22x 18% ? 6 . 9 SCHMITZBERGER (J.) . Germany Deer 28 x 36 ice) MIRALLES (J.). . : France In the Garden 1514 x 12 Il GRANDSIRE (E.) ; ; France Born in Orleans Legion of Honor, 1874 Medal, 1889, K. U., H.C. french Fishing Town 20 x 29% ae WALKER (J. A.) : : France Che Parting Cup 14% X17 13 BOUDIN (E.) +) y France) oe ae ies 1881, 1883 ~ Fl Catal in Ebbeville 12% x 16 7 08" 4 BRAITH (Anton) . Oe errenry [4 D - Medals in Munich, 1869, ’76; Vienna, 1873 ; Dusseldorf, 1880 = | Woung Cattle 19 x 26% ‘ A Lip. ARMFIELD Pete : England . ifter the For oe | 28 x 36 16 vi 0 a “RONNER (Henriette) : Belgium ; Mischief in the Stuoio 22% x 33 ‘ ia | ie } 4 () SIMONS (Marcius) . uP. as Picking Cabbage | 19% x 29 ey A 18 : | 4 d KARLOVSKY (B. de) . Austria 7 od “en i Born in Munkacs nell 4 Pupil of Munkacsy © L 3 [ — The Education of the Dog | 32 X 42 8 by VAG) OeN ae gS ee i Te tee es Se eRe Wt heii pe At, Lore ne eae, aig h hges Ree i iter Wer phut ee An 1 eget ae DAVIS (Chas. H.) . America 4 Pupil of Boulanger Medals, New York, 1886, ’87 Medals, Paris, 1889. Mention Hon. Salon, 1887 Palmer Prize, Chicago Gold Medal, Boston, 1890 December Cwilight in France 18 x 26 20 HENRY (CE. L.), N. A. : America Hon. Mention, Paris, 1881, K. U. ikept in School 13 X17 21 TAMBURINI (A.) : ; Italy Medals at Florence and Rome Mending the Unbrella 13 x IO 22 JOURDAN (Adolphe), dec’d . France Pupil of Jalabert Medals, 1864, ’66, ’69 Contemplation 20% x 16% 9 So 5 Ou : . () SSOOMANS (Joseph), dec’d . France Pupil of De Keyser Medals at The Hague and Metz Born, 1816. Died, 1889 fishing 17% x13% | 24 3 () a) » DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d . France Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1848, 53, 55, °57, 59, ’67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1817. Died, 1878 Marine 8 xt16 25 | 4 () —PALMAROLI(L.) . ~~ Spain Born at Madrid, 1835 Pupil of San Fernando Academy Medals, Paris, 1867; Madrid, 1871 Legion of Honor, 1881 Director of the Spanish Academy, Rome Che Pet Swan I17x9 inn 26 ri / SCHMIDT (Theo. ) ; Germany 9) Going to the fair ack we *) h 4 15 X 20 Io 27 Marguerite 18 x 14 a 28 GOUBIE (Jean R.) ‘ . France Pupil of Géré6me Medals, 1874, 1889, KE. U. Che first Lesson 134% x 16% 29 HENNER (Jean Jacques). France Prix de Rome, 1858 Medals, 1863, 1865, 1866, 1873,(1878 Member of the Institute of France Legion of Honoy;1873 (Ve aioe a of Honor, 1878 | ndromeda 13%x7% 30 WYANT (A. H.), dec’d . America Member of the National Academy of Desi Medal, Paris, 1889 Born, 1836. Died, 1892 | ) AMutunin i 18 x 25 Water Color II KIESEL (Conrad) a Germany BU ere ! //0-mertune «9 See Born in Dijon Pupil of Cabanel Mention Honorable, 1888, ’89, E. U. © Che Cavalier 16x9% * 32 | : a. 2. > KOWALSKI (A. W.), >. “Germany oem Pupil of Brandt ; Be + ‘ Medals, 1878, ’83 Going to the meet 16x12 4 / I BOUDIN (E.) [Ji _ France 7 : et Medals , 83 Rae es nt fort Antibes 7 16x 21% pry a 34 Lie? 26 b FOUACE (G.), dec’d P France ee Medal, Salon, 1891 f LD D Still Lite 18 x 24 12 35 JACQUE (Charles), dec’d . France Medals, 1861, 63, ’64 Legion of Honor, 1867 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Born, 1813. Died, 1894 Sheep feeding 6x8% 36 GOUPIL (Jules), dec’d : France Medals, 1873, 74. First Class, 1875 Medal, 1878, EK. U. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Hors Concours La Sortie 18x 14% 37 CHIALIVA (L.) : : France Children Plavingy Medals, Paris, 1859, 63, °64 ee Legion of Honor, 1868 Gre na Medal of Honor, 1878, at Exposition Universelle ole Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 k Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia The Retreat 14x 20% hy 43 _ BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), N.A.. England AR As, ia R. A., 1888 ‘The Coming of Winter 46% x 26 ae 44 WYANT (Alex. H.), N. A., dec’d America i Honorable Mention, 1889, E. U. Blutuiin in £rkville 15% x 21% ! | 45 LAMBINET (Emile) . . Medals, 1843, ’53, ’57 Legion of Honor, 1867 Born, 1810. Died, 1878 Landscape Iox 15% 15 ont D sed Artists; LS ati re hibitfon, 1878 “i ; EF a 1807. Died, Medals, Salon, 18 d 388 i edals prsconcours ra n6 ** Hors Concours Under the Treesot ‘the Lebanon 32 x 26 ay BECKER (Carl, Prof.) . Germany Vice-President of the Royal Academy, Berlin Member of the Academy of Vienna and of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Artsof Belgium _ Officer of the Order of Leopold Medals, Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Paris Che Lovers parting 49 X 37 72 DUPRE (Jules), dec’d, : France Pupil of P. Delaroche scope LITRE NEA LON ae eta y Medals, 1848, ’53, ’ = an 59, 67 Or, of” Legion of Ho T, 4859, i VA, A fil Officer of Legion of. Hho 1874 y Wn q i> Q O . Diploma to the Memory Deceased Artists, E. U. . Barn, 1817. | Q Died, 1878 N ApPoonligt tH Adid-Ocean Va A =x 16 oe 23 "ia 73 , 0 BOUGUEREAU (Wm. A.) . France ¢! . Pupil of Picot ~~ y 2 Prize of Rome, 1850 > y K +’ Medals, 1855, ’57, ’67 C: \: an Legion of Honor, 1859 7 Re. Member of the Institute of France, 1876 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876 Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Medal of Honor, 1885 Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Charity 22x 27% ae : Hears a te a es PS@™, KNAUS(L.) . . . Germany } S ) _ 4 Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy H Medals, 1853, ’55, 57; 59 Legion of Honor, 1859 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Professor in the Academy, Berlin Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Christiana Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit Medals at Berlin, Vienna and Munich Weimar Gold Medal for Art | Professor in the Berlin Academy ee Grand Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1880 Les Salut des FHinours 94 x7 | y j i) “ LAISSEMENT (A. H.) : Fra ce, Ga congas Ube Indiscreet a (i ool 30% X 39% V ce 24 76 “ky (} / RICO (Martin. Diego) France gre Born in Marid Won the Madrid Prize of Rome, 1862 Medal of Exposition Univérselle, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1878 / Chevalier of the Order of Charl¢s TIT. of Spain Medal at Exposition, 6 niv tselle, 1889 a 7, Meat Ps ie a A Canal in Venice Auda 77 we SCHENCK (A.) : France V 14% Pupil of Coignet Medal, 1865 Chevalier of the Order of Christ, of Portugal and Isabella the Catholic Returning bome 23 X 35 78 CHAPLIN (Charles), dec’d . France Pupil of Drdlling Medals of 1851, ’52, ’65 Legion of Honor ‘ Officer of the Legion of Honor Pee 2 Born, 1825. Died, 1891 per i} yi op cas dy - The Bebé é | Dream on, sweet Babe; sleep sweet, my love; Thy young soul knows not where flows its life ; As drifts the seaweed, so drift thy days; The tide doth bear thee, and thou sleepest still. —Victor Hugo. 3534 X 29 25 ‘ | 79 " £06 SCHREYER (Adolf) . . Germany mil Pupil of Stadel Institute, Frankfort Rie Medals, 1864, ’65, 67 | Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862 mi Medal at Brussels, 1863 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866 Medal at Vienna, 1873 Medal at Munich, 1876 Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam A Watllachian Team 20% x 42% Cc s Y Pia OS OVIBERT..G.) | 8 France Medals, 1864, ’67, ’68, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1870 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 ‘y 7 The Gouty Cardinal 4 28 x 21 if 3 26 Second Night’s Sale Thursday, February 27th Beginning promptly at 8 o’clock The Height of the Picture is given first 81 HASBROOK (Du Bois F.) . America Autumn 14 x 20 82 VELTEN (W.) : : Germany Che Wiatering Place 9x12% 83 WIGGINS (Carleton), N. A. . America in the Pasture 15% X 197% 84 BRUCE-CRANE (R.) 4 America Winter Sunset I2x 16 27 85 Sheep 14 x 24 86 Open Sea _ 12x18 G /) .. PARTON (Arthur), N. A. . America | October 30 x 18 i. 88 2 4 « RICHET (Leon) , : France Pupil of Diaz Medals, 1885, 1888 Landscape I5 x 21 89 BAKHUYSEN (J. ¥, vande-Sande) ? : Wy JPY Holland ae tH ‘Pashet of Roses yee 19 xX 29 28 93 ( TER-MEULEN . «Moline : # sae SMITH (Henry P.) . =. ~~ America 90 e P America Autumn 16 x 24 EATON (Harry) gI CHASE (Wm. M.), N. A. Pupil of Piloty Honorable Mention, Paris, 1882 Medal, 1889, EB. U. Member of Society American Artists Member of American Water Color Society Medal, Munich, 1883 Wear Orange 10% x 16 Pastel America 92 } BILLET (P.) x. pw [4 France Pupil of Breton’. | | Medats}\18 oe, a Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Gathering Fagots 19% x 16% 93 BLAAS (Eugene) : : Austria Born, 1843 Medals and Prizes in Germany and Austria” Hl Wenetian fisher Girl beg 19x 12% tie 29 %, ¢™ 5 % eae | 3 75- 70 ~EAMBINET (E.), dec’d . | “Rrance. Pupil of Droélling Medals, 1843, ’53, 57 Legion of Honor, 1867 Born, 1810. Died, 1878 H farmstead Cormandyp) 1044 x16 95 220 BOUTIBONNE (Chas. Ed.) . France Pupil of Winterhalter Medal, Paris, 1847 in the Hips 25 x19 ie - 96 | | 1 ®. GRISON(A.) > 2 >. Honorable Mention, 1885 Medal, 1890 Doung Musician a 64 x5 Ce al 97 an & WILDA CC. He} : ‘ France i —— Honorable Mention, Salon 30 A & Turkish Bricea-Brac } i Merchant | I4 x II | 30 98 REINHART (C.S.), A.N.A. . America La Waisselle 20 x 29 99 DEMONT (Adrien) . France Evening 22 x 36 I0O SEIFERT (A.) thead 14 x 10% Germany Io! KACHANOWSKI (R.) By the iRiver 7x 14% Germany 102 BODENMULLER (Frederich) Germany 32x 25% 31 rs yf Joao % iii pe 103 Bennie (R.) . France Pupil of Madrid Academy Medal, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1878 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889 E Spanish Girl 18 x 14 1g 104 : yada | WIGGINS (Carleton), N. A. . America The Coming Storm 23 X 33 | f . 105 | ZO DUPRE (Julien) . | . France Medals, Paris, 1880, 82 _ Medal, 1889, EK. U. Legion of Honor, 1892 | 3 Shepherdess | 19% x 24 a 106 | | AG LOTHA. E.) : Denmark ~~ Pupil of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen _. Removed to Rome, and was afterwards called back to Denmark and appointed Professor of the Royal o\NOf4 Academy OT / © Artist Supper During Carnival in iRome 22% x 31 32 107 KIESEL (Conrad) . -i«, Germany La Lecture 17/4 X14 108 nN 4» JACQUET (J. G.) a SME Tanice £4 0d Pupil of Bouguereau Medals, 1868, ’75, ’78 Legion of Honor Hodversityp 12% x9\% i ; A MARIS (Willem u yy PS Holand of ae and Cattle 10x 14% IIo | y U DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d . France me u ‘a Born at Paris, 1817 1 meee a ie Pupilof Delaroche “SO pe Medals, 1848, ’53, ’55, ’57, 59, ’67 bs Peli Legion of Honor, 1859 OP EOS font Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 or a é } Diploma to Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 1 Died, 1878 The ig of the Seine \ e/!” 23x 38% Pm ¥ 33 i font \ | 2 by cae | III 9.4 /) MEYER VON BREMEN (J. G.), dec’d / Germany Pupil of Sohn Member of the Amsterdam Academy Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850 Medals in Berlin and Philadelphia Born, 1813. Died, 1886 thead 544% p ae am 112 &P f~ CASANOVA y ESTORACH (A.) France Che Wewest Sforp 13 x 16 AAU DIAZ (N.), dec’d ‘ \/F ance if * Medals, 1844, 446) rah } {Woy Legion of Honor, Diploma to the Memory of Tipeghoey A Artist niversal ve Exhibition, 1878 \/e ae Ht ’ Born, 1807. Died) 18 6 "Depth of the Fforest 19% X 14% 114 DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d . France Pupil of Delaroche $4 . Medals, 1848, ’53, 55) 57) 159s 67 et ie Legion of Honor, 1859 j Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 2 “aa Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal fi; = Exhibition, 1878 i} ~ Born, 1817. Died, 1878 Evening 72x14 34 115 SEITZ (Anton) ; : Germany Fifter the fire 13% x Io 116 CAZIN (J. C.) . : France Pupil of Boisbaudran Medal, 1880 Legion of Honor, 1882 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889 FH Countrp Road 2514 x 21 117 CLAUDE (J. M.) : ‘ France Medals, 1866, 69, a2 Morning tn the Kennel : ! 21% x 16% 118 797 pd dn OS ROYBET (F.) : : ~ 41. France Pupil of Lyons Academy Medal, 1866 Che Sentinel ' Medal of Honor, Salon, 1893 | 24% x 16 : | 11g KI fa VI meRMEULEN .:. Pk CH Oba Dg sa | Shepherd and Sheep ry AyD A. 29% X47 De | 35 oa 120 / | “ WAGNER (Ferdinand) . Germany Evening Devotion 27 x 16 ef | I2I “ i () \MARTIN (Homer), N. A. . America Wear Hewport 24 Xx 36 I22 * és |Z {) SCHMID (Mathias) . . Germany H Cyprolean Tnn 28x 21% ) 123-09 “ to ¥] f 7 fr ‘ x. ’ adafe oa “ /W MAUVE (Anton), dec’d vg olland ns i Pupilof VanOs | Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna Medal, Paris, 1887 Born, 1838. Died, 1888 Che Gardener 14 xX 25 $3 Ys } a I 24 , j We fi f fi sx ifrAary * PT é PERRIER (E. Sanchez)? = f Spain Pupil of Cano ee eel Mention Honorable, 1886 ; : Boi fh Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle hy iP tp ¥ H.C. 1 eae ft. Rogue (Hicala) 23 x 34 36 125 LEROLLE (Henri) i : France Pupil of Lamothe Medals, 1879, ’80, ’89 Legion of Honor, 1889 Che Lovers’ Walk 314% x 25% 126 DIAZ (N.), dec’d ; : France Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal FY Exhibition, 1878 Ly! Born, 1807. Died, 1876 e » fr hn Pe Love's Whisper of ith i p23 x 8% ie 127 FLAMENG (Francois) ; France Born in Paris, 1859 Medal, 1879, and Prix de Salon, 1879 Grand Prix, 1889 Legion of Honor, 1885 in the Swing 39)4 X 27 128 CZACHORSKI (V. von) ‘Reverie 30 x 21 37 Ger Man you A REG P " . 129 S0- ‘KAEMMERER (POR: . Rrance ) yn vf Pupil of Géré6me 2 A RY i Medal, 1874 "4 ‘ Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 fy Legion of Honor, 1889 The Lnd of the Season ae Scheveningen " Paris Salon, 1885 297% X 55¥% LAS / 130 At JIMENEZ y ARANDA (José) . Spain Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Seville a Vow Medal, Munich, 1883 ~ "Hl geiendly Chat 4°. ,F 1474 x 18% ; ie 131 4 fh BJORCK (Oscar) . . Sweden / i This work received the Honorable Mention in Salon, 1888 forge at Rome 53% = 59 Fe a: 132 UV PERRAULT (L.) i), Ata Pupil of Picot Medals, 1864, ’76, ’89 — : a i Legion of Honor, 1887 ou Cempting Baby 49 x 39 38 133 BOUEIN GE.) J f°. =. France a “M dals, 1881, ’83 er 4 Reservoir ffecamp at Sunset 18 x 26 134 EDELFELT (A.) 4 ; France Pupil of Gér6me Medals, 1880, ’82 Great Gold Medal, 1889, EK. U. Legion of Honor ‘Remembrances 29 xX 21 135 CHIALIVA (L.) ° France the Shepherdess 31% x44% 136 KOWALSKI (A. W.) Germany Pupil of Brandt Medals, 1878, ’83 Rrtaribaaa nea laus cRNA | Return from the Wedding / 4A Y” 30% x 4o 39 137 MONCHABLON (Jan) France Honorable Mention $ > Silver Medal, 1889, FE. U. 138 28%, x 3034 é ‘SCHENCK (A.) : et te Pupil of Cogniet i ey Medal, 1865 Chevalier of the Order of Christ of ‘ni oop the Catholic Sheep in a Snow Storm 36 x 57% : poet 139 a B rie eran f 6 JACQUE (Charles), dec’d r: LA) ? Born, 1813. Died, 1894 Medals, Salon, 1861, 63,064 Legion of Honor, 1867 Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889, Paris Hors Concours (Ponarch of the Poultrpspard 264% x 18 140 * France e [ 44 _ZIEM (Felix) ee Y ow Pupil of the Dijon Art Scbool Medals, 1851, ’52, 55 Legion of Honor, 1857 “ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Le Grand Canal, Wenice 23 X 37 40 141 BRETON (Jules) France Pupil of Devigne and Drolling Medals, 1855, ’57, ’59, ’6I Medals, London, Vienna and Brussels Ribbon of St. Stanislaus of Russia Legion of Honor, 1861 Medal of the First Class and Officer Legion of Houcr at the Universal Exposition, 1867 Medal of Honor, Salon, 1872 ; Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881 Corresponding Member of the Academies of Vienna, Stockholm and Madrid Member of the Institute of France, 1886 Vintage at Chatean Lagrange 36 x 67 From the Collection of Comte Duchatel date 1 Ey 142 PASINI (A.) ; : France Born in Busseto, Italy Pupil of Isabey and Rousseau Se Medals, Paris, 1859, ’63, ’64 se Legion of Honor, 1868 aN Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, at Exposition Universelle » Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 yn. Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus vg SR i Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia The Melon Seller 16x 13% 49290 : AI A re ae 7 /\ COURBET (Gustave), dec’d . France é Born in Ornans, 1819. ‘Died, 1878 Pupil of Steuben and Hesse Medals, Paris, 1849, ’57, ’61 Was offered, but refused, the Cross of the Legion of Honor from Napoleon III. Accepted the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria Was exiled from France for his part in overthrowing the Column Vendome, and died in Switzerland Che Surf 25% x 32 144 : KNAUS (L.) .. : . Germany Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy Medals, 1853, 55, °57; 59 od Legion of Honor, 1859 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Professor in the Academy, Berlin # Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, w, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Christiana : Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit ' Medals at Berlin, Vienna and Munich Weimar Gold Medal for Art Professor in the Berlin Academy Grand Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1880 Che Unwilling Mooel 15 x 12% 42 \u-y! On the Banks of the Gise Sites ie ; Rae ee ; ete 145 A 4 : BONHEUR (Rosa) : : France Born in Bordeaux, 1822 Pupil of her father, Raymond Bonheur Medals, Paris, 1845, ’48, 55 (E. U.), 1867 (E. U.) Exempted from Jury of Admission by special decision (Moniteur of July 27, 1853) Legion of Honor, 1865 Elected Member of the Antwerp Institute, 1868 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1880 Commander of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1880 During the Franco-Prussian war, her studio was protected by special order of the Crown Prince of Prussia Landscape and Cattle 18% x25 57 Peetu, (C.F .), dec’d . France itll Pupil of Delaroche SESS 4 Medals, 1848, ’53, 55, 57, ’59, 67 fw “) Legion of Honor, 1859 P. f 41 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma : the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal” Exhibition, 1878 low eh pe ‘\ Bora, 1817 Died, 1878 14% x 26 43 0 es }? 4 4 147 a hi de &= % MICHEL (Georges), dec’d . France | = a Born in Paris, 1763 Died, 1843 i Neglected during his life, his painting are now sought for. He is represented in the Louvre and other galleries Most of his works are unsigned, for he said there was “*but one Michel”’ i The figures by Demarne Landscape 21x29 This picture is signed 148 COROT: G1) Ba: Ds, dec’d , "i France é ite J Born’in Paris, 1496 pied. 1875 Pupil of Bertin ed\Michatlon/ Medals, 1838;48, 55, and, Exposition Uniyeétselle, 1867 % Leg ion of 3 Honor, 1846" Officer of the ‘Legion of f Honor, 1867 Diploma to the"Memory of Deeéased Artists, Universal Exhi ition, 1878 Che Pons near Wille d'Hvrayp Mi gt ISM eee ae Lf nv + ¢ pn oe ae ee I 49 Pi a f 4 Y Maes te a « 7 . 3 SOHN (Carl, Prot.)-)22 : ie ie a Y/ x 221 ‘ os mh 254 X 334 Ne nt ¢ t > ; é ; ‘Say Htter Dinner y 2° 4 eo SA ye Fe # EE Sie PUR 4 £7.87 L’HERMITTE (Leon) France | Born, 1844 Salon Medals, 1874 and 1880 Officer of Legion of Honor. i Highest Award (‘‘Grand Prix’’) Universal Exhibition, \ Paris, 1889 Hors Concours Che first Communion an x29 | | LAMBERT (Eug.) P< France kL pf c Medals, 1865, ’66, 170, 74, °78 é Legion of Honor Cat and ‘kittens 25 x 31 152 SCHREYER (Adolf) : Germany Pupil of Stadel Institute, Frankfort Medals, 1864, ’65, 67 Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenberg, 1862 Medal at Brussels, 1863 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866 é Medal at Vienna, 1873 f ieee Medal at Munich, 1876 ee Fe cae Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam © Driving tborses in hungary 4] ¥ > a } ae. oe : fogs i 38 ¥ H 4 Pt 3 ts 45 153 RICO (Martin D.) ; : mq Medal at Exposition Universelle, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1878 Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain Medal at Exposition Universelle, 1889 Canal St. Trovaso 30 x 21% ins Born in Madrid } AJ é Won the Madrid Prize of Rome, 1862 af! 154 won JACQUE (Chas. Emile), dec’d nae | Hip a SG ’ ’ | / , =. Medals, 1861, ’63, °6 [C | 1A} ) Legion of Honor, | , Medal, 1889, 5. De . 1813—1894 Pa Sunlight in the Stable 183g x 154% | : 155 i #2) GEROME (Jean Leon) France P 4 4 I ._ : [EX . Ft 4 ia 7 * Pupil of P. Delaroche % egies jie Medals, 1847, ’48, 55 ra 4 i Legion of Honor, 1855 S : Pegs Member of the Institute of France - One of the Kight Grand Medals of Honor, » 6p ft ry GE Grand Medal of Honor, 1874 i : Commander of the Legion of Honor, i : py Medals for Sculpture, 1878, ’81 \ ‘ Grand Medal of Honor, 1878 Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts Women of the harem Feeding pigeons 2334 X 324 % : ed wid 46 F 156 INNESS (Geo.), dec’d : America Member of the National Academy of Design Medal, Paris, 1889 Munich, 1892 Chicago, 1893 Born, 1825 Died, 1894 The Coming Storm on the Coast of france 30 x 45% 157 DUPRE (Jules), dec’d France Medals, 1833, ’67 Legion of Honor,-1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1811. Died, 1889 WA Che Storm \ 18 x 21% \ Holland A Ke Waiting for the Tide to Fall YO / ~ 12x 16% 47 -TROYON (C.), dec’ a. Pupil of Rivereux Medals, 1838, 40, 46, ’48, ’55__ iz ipa of Honor, 1849 Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1810. Died, 1865 : e Going to Market 25% X 21 160 in Be i Q BS ee : C \ icot Ser iy Rome, 1850 edals, 1855, ’57, ’67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Member of the Institute of France, 1876 _ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876 — oe : Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878 ae Medal of Honor, 1885 a Sees Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885_ Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Going to the Well 46 x 29 acesoee ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & 2 AL AUCTIONEER. ‘ MANAGERS. i one AM. LITHO. CO., PRINT N. Y. ete i unk Se at AO Narang pane ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE TT 3 3125 01662 6927 Oates aie oe o > were * — oo irre = pla aerate Raa taky uid ls als : te3¥ 31, visi Phi ¥ —_ -- : Se ed Pe ee ‘ a reer ge Baer Malm > Fagin ie OG