ff nes aad ope DRS Me G38 oa 12) 4G g08 Lee bee Mike wee beet ] MUI SFA a PP ivancer Pa ee MPR ess Beye? ys Dae eieh Ee i ah 5 ope 3k Ala rend esi eh a alate our 4) i 4 CLAY ne ie " Mee “ihned Leech - ys f . af ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW _ MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK _ ENTRANCE AT 6 EAST 23d STREET os BEGINNING “THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1913 LAND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE _ THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF >| Ww. PA -GRAMER, Esq. OF NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ON MONDAY, DECEMBER THE Ist, 1913 i Bee 9.30-AND 8.15 O’CLOCK AS HEREIN STATED Beer THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers NEW YORK 1913 CATALOGUE THE VALUABLE LIBRARY _ OF w. A. GRAMER, Esq. sore NEW YORK 3 INCLUDING 4 ~ CREUXIUS* HISTORIAE CANADENSIS, ORIGINAL VELLUM, 1664; COMPLETE SET OF THE TRACTS OF BARTHOLOMEO DE LAS CASES, es 1552-15 CHAMPLAIN’S VOYAGES, 1620; SANDERS’ HIS- _ TORY OF THE INDIAN WARS, 1812, AND MANY OTHER RARE AND IMPORTANT ITEMS OF AMERICANA; FIRST EDITIONS OF _ HEWLETT, MOORE, SWINBURNE, GARDINER, AND OTHER _ ESTEEMED AUTHORS; DIBDIN’S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL TOUR; LIMITED EDITIONS, AND OTHERS OF INTEREST AND IMPORTANCE. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER “- At The American Art Galleries MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON DECEMBER THE Ist, 1913 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ~_. v Be eS ee Na ee a My Wy . bing > Conditions of Sale 1, Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. fs > 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. ) Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either con- tinue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and with- out other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Delivery will not be made of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. Delivery will not be made of any purchase at any time other than between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. .. §.'' Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Associa- tion is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association, will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. \ ' 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. ; Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correct- ness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such.lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in.any material manner differs from its catalogue descrip- tion. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping direc- tions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. ~* AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 7 bi. fj ro . i _ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER First Session, Numbers 1 to 208, Inclusive "MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER ist, AT 2.30 O’CLOCK a 7 1. ApAMS (SAMUEL). Wells (W. V.). The Life and Public Services of ing Samuel Adams. A Narrative of his Acts and Opinions, and of his Agency in producing and forwarding the American Revolution. With extracts from his Correspondence, State Papers and Political Essays. Portraits, etc. 3 vols. 8vo cloth. Boston, 1865 The only complete Life of Adams. Fine set, with presentation inscrip- tion from the author on fly-leaf. WScarce. 2. ALCIATUS (AwprEeas). Emblemata. 128 emblematic woodcuts, and each page surrounded by elegant ornamental and architectural woodcut borders of various designs, some of which are signed “P. V.’ 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Names on title. Lugduni, G. Rovillius, 1548 3. AtpricH (THomAS Baitey). Poems. Portrait of the author. First HUDITION. 24mo, original stamped cloth, gilt edges. N ew York: Carleton, 1863 | °4. AtpricH (THomas Barney). Poems. First CoLLEcTED EDITION. 24mo, ; original stamped cloth, gilt edges, name on half-title. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865 First Issue of this edition, with the omission of the word ‘“‘ been” at _ end of the line on page 102. Includes nine poems not in the Original # Edition. - 5. Anttaco (Prrrus De). Questiones super primum, tertium et quartum sententiarum, etc. Gothic character, double columns, woodcut floral initials. S8vo, 16TH CENTURY GERMAN BINDING in stamped pigskin, the figure of Justice in the central panel of the front cover, and that - of Chastity (represented by Lucretia Stebbing herself) in the back a cover. Paris: for Jehan Petit [c. 1510] An interesting specimen of German binding of the period. 6. America. Massachusetts Bay. A Concise Historical Account of all the British Colonies in North America, their Rise, Progress and Modern State, particularly of the Massachusetts Bay, the Seat of the present Civil War, together with the other provinces of New England, &c. Folding map of 100 miles around Boston. Small 8vo, original call Lacks folding table at end; sold w.a.f. Dubhn, 177 ScARCE in any State. -Y. American Maps. Venezuela; Chili; Paraguay; Brazil; Guiane. Highly colored. 5 pieces, double folio. [Excerpts from Blaew, 1650] 8. Amertcan Revoturion. | Hall (Major).] The History of the Civil War in America. Vol. I. Comprehending the Campaigns of 1775, 1776, and 1”7%7. By an Officer of the [British] Army. Large folding map. 8vo, half mottled calf, one side loose. London, 1780 Very SCARCE, with the half-title and map. The authorship of this work is attributed to Major Hall, of General Howe’s army, and appears to have been written entirely as a vindication of the methods of procedure of the mother country. Notwithstanding that this Volume I. of the History is printed “ Second Edition” on title-page, the work was never completed beyond this volume, which is all ever issued. 9, AmeRIcAN Revotution. An Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the end of the year 1779. With Appendix containing a Collection of Interesting and Authentic Papers tending to elucidate the History. With brilliant impressions of the large folding map, and the full — number [13] of plates. 8vo, original calf. London, 1780 EXTREMELY SCARCE, particularly in the original binding and with all the portraits and map, the former of which inciude,—Washington, Franklin, Hancock, Sir William Howe, Benedict Arnold, Charles Lee, David Wooster, Putnam, Horatio Gates, and others, This account is said to have been compiled from Edmund Burke’s reports in the Annual Register, 10. American Revontution. Raynal (L’Abbé). Revolution de ’Amérique. Portrait. 12mo, half spotted calf, gilt back. A Londres; Lockier Davis, 1781 A publication in French from the original manuscript. 11. AmrEricaAN RevotuTion. Andrews (John). History of the War with America, France, Spain and Holland, commencing in 1775 and end- ing in 1783. Hngraved titles, frontisprece and twenty-three rare and fine copper-plates of the principal American and British military and naval commanders, etc. Extra InLustRaATED by the insertion of twelve fine contemporary portraits and views, probably by an orig- inal subscriber. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, red labels, joints weak. London, 1785-1786 Fine set of a work, which has the reputation of being the fuilest and - most impartial of the histories of the American Revolution published at this period. The set is doubly interesting in view of the fact that it is contemporaneously extra-illustrated with 12 choice old portraits and views, all fine impressions. The plates which belong in the book include Generals Washington, Greene, Howe, Cornwallis, Burgoyne, Eliott, Clinton, Doctor Franklin, King Geo. III, Lord Howe, Marquis De Lafayette, Count D’Estaing, Lord Keppel, Admiral Parker, Lord Hood, Admiral Hughes, Lord Rodney, and several others, besides five engraved maps. The extra plates are all of the, same period, 1785-7, and are as follows: Britannia Attended by Fortitude (an allegorical plate, with Wisdom and Liberty receiving from Neptune a Marine Crown, and Fame flying from Dover Castle holding a Medailion of King Geo. ITI. Portraits of William Pitt, Charles James Fox, Dr. Johnson, George Frederick Handel, Louis XVI, Count de Vergennes (the two previously noted being mezzotints), Johan Arnold Zoutman, Wolter Jan Gerrit, Hon. Augustus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue, Sir Walter Raleigh, a spirited view of the Defeat of the Spanish Armada near Plymouth, a view of the ship of war Great Harry, a view of the taking of the Froudroyant, the largest ship in the French Navy by the Monmouth, a view of a First Rate Ship of War, with separate sheet giving the names of every rope, sail, spar, ete., view of Gen. Wolfe’s monument in Westminster Abbey, View of the Monument of Peter Warren. 12. American Revotution. Soules (Francois). Histoire des Troubles de nll VAmerique Anglaise, ecrite sur les Memoires les plus authentiques. ss With three large maps in volume four. 4 vols. 8vo, contemporary limp boards, entirely uncut. ‘ Paris, 1787 _ Considered to be the best and most authentic history of the American Revolution written in French. The author had access to original docu- ments, and Rochambeau and the French Minister of War read and revised the Manuscript, Rochambeau incorporating much of it in the Memoirs he published later. ae | ‘Ac The work is scarce, especially in the condition of this copy. _ 13, American Revotution. Ramsay (David). History of the American ___— Revolution. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, sprinkled calf. Boies hae ss - Philadelphia, 1789 (14. AMERICAN RevotuTIon. Lessons to a Young Prince, by An Old States- ay man, on the present disposition in Hurope to a General Revolution. With the Addition of a Lesson on the Mode of Studying and Profit- ing by Reflections on the French Revolution, by Edmund Burke. Portrait of the Prince of Wales, spotted. 8vo, half cloth and boards. London, 1790 - a Contains a chapter on the American Revolution. 15. Ammrican Revonution. Lamb (R.). An Original and Authentic Jour- as nal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its com- “mencement to the year 1783. 8vo, new half blue morocco, gilt back. . Dublin, 1809 Lamb was a Sergeant in the Royal Welsh during the War, was twice captured by the Americans and each time escaped. He took part in many important actions and gives a well-written narrative. Nearly the whole of one chapter is devoted to the case of Major André. 16. American RevotutTion. Allen (Paul). A History of the American Revolution . . . to which are added the most important resolutions of the Continental Congress, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, old tree calf, rubbed. | Baltimore: Franklin Betts, 1822 The authorship of this work has been sometimes credited to John Neal and a Mr. Watkins. 17. AMERICAN REvoLUTION. Moore (George H.). “ Mr. Lee’s Plan—March 29,1777.” The Treason of Charles Lee, Major General in the Army of the Revolution. Portrait and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850 18. American Revonution. [Sargent (Winthrop—Editor).] The Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution. Small 4to, half roan, uncut. Philadelphia, 1857 RARE; ONLY 99 COPIES HAVING BEEN PRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS. INCLUDES THE SUPPRESSED VERSE ON SEPARATE LEAF AT PAGE 126, A collection of scarce Loyalist poems printed chiefly from origina! manuscripts, written by Americans in name, but sympathizers with the cause of the Crown. As political poems they are vigorous and entertain- ing and as they were written in the days when a spade was called a spade, they may reasonably be expected to contain more than one “strong, old- fashioned English word familiar to all who read their Bibles.” On flyleaf is the following autograph inscription,—‘ Lord Napier, - with the kind regards of Edward Everett. Boston, 29 May, 1858.” From ‘ the library of Lord Napier with his bookplate. 19. 20. a1. 22. 24. 25. 26. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Stark (Caleb). Memoir and Official Corre-— spondence of General John Stark, with Notices of Other Officers of the Revolution. Also, a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers. Hngraved portrait. 8vo, original cloth. Concord [N. H.], 1860 First Epirion. Much of the information incorporated in this work was obtained directly from the men who participated in the events described. AMERICAN REvoLUTION. Minutes of a Conspiracy against the Liberties of America. Minutes of the Trial and Examination of Certain Persons, in the Province of New York, charged with being Engaged _ ‘in a Conspiracy against the Authority, of the Congress, and the Liberties of America. 4to, boards, uncut, original wrappers bound in, back worn. London: 1786. ani 1865 LARGE PAPER Copy. Searce. AMERICAN RevoLurion. Abbatt (William—EHditor). Memoirs of eee General William Heath. By Himself. New Edition, with Ilustra- tions and Notes. ‘To which is added The Accounts a the Battle of Bunker Hill, by Generals Dearborn, Lee and Wilkinson. Portraits. 4to, cloth, uncut. 3 New York, 1901 Number twenty-three of seventy-five copies on Large Paper. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Murray (James). An Impartial History of the Present War in America; containing an Account of its Rise and _ Progress, the Political Springs thereof, with its various Succésses and Disappointments, on both Sides. Folding plan of the town of Bos- ton, and 22 portraits of Washington, Franklin, Hancock, Gage, Clin- ton, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, name on titles. London: R. Baldwin, n.d. ScARCE, particularly with the plates in such fine condition. . AMERICAN RevotuTion. A collection of forty-three Revolutionary por- traits, mainly steel plates. 4to and 8vo. Amours d’Anne d’Autriche épouse de Louis XIII, avec le Card. de Riche- lieu,,le veritable pere de Louis XIV. Curious engraved frontispiece. 12mo, old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Cologne: Pierre Marteau, 1696 FINE copy of this curious and rare work. ANprEWws (Witttam Lorine). Jacob Steendam, Noch Vaster. A Memoir of the First Poet in New Netherland. With Translations of his Poems descriptive of the Colony. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, silver top, uncut. ~~ New York, 1908 Only one hundred and fifteen copies were printed. AputeEtus (L.). Metamorphoseos, sive lusus asini libri XI, Floridorum — a IIIT, ete. 8vo, old calf. Name on title. Rare. Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi, 1521 . ArcHaoLoGy. Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York (Squier) ; Description of the Ancient Work in Ohio (Whittlesey) ; Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior (Whittlesey) ; Archaeology of the United States (Haven). Maps and plates. 4 pieces bound in 1 vol. 4to, half boards and cloth. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, 1850-1855 AF ieee pes ihe ip fs PUR a Dae "el re Be 28. Artosto (Lopovico). Orlando Furioso: Translated from the Italian, 7 Ba with Notes by John Hoole. Engraved frontispieces by Bartolozzi, and others, spotted. 5 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. 7 London, 1799 g 29. ARNOLD (BENEDICT). Arnold (Isaac N.). The Life of Benedict Arnold; His Patriotism and his Treason. Htched portrait by Hall. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. | | Chicago, 1880 30. AusTIN (ALFRED). The Season; A Satire [on “ Owen Meredith,” “the fleshly school,” etc.]. First Eprrion. Frontispiece in colors. “ Muse** * * draped discreetly in a skirt and vest,’ etc. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1861 Laid in is an autograph letter, signed, of the author, 1p. 8vo. July 21, > 1910, in which he says that “It bas been my invariable habit to charge ay guinea for the reproduction, in any anthology, of each poem of mine,” ete. 5 31. Bacon (Sir Francis). The Learned Reading of Sir Francis Bacon, One ; of her Majesties learned Counsell at Law, upon the Statute of Uses; Being his double Reading to the Honourable Society of Grayes Inne. Published for the Common good. First Epirron. Small 4to, full green calf.—/ London; Printed for Mathew Walbancke, 1642 With the exception of a few light stains, a good copy of this rare work, 32. Bacon (Sir Franois). Letters of Sr. Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam Written during the Reign of King James the First. New collected, and Augmented with several Letters and Memoires, Address’d by him to the King and Duke of Buckingham, which were never before Published. With an Historical Introduction. Small 4to, contemporary calf back, and boards, totally uncut. London: Benj. Tooke, 1702 First EpitTion, and Searce in this unusual condition. 33. Bacon (Francis). The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon i -methodized, and made English, from the Originals, with occasional Notes to explain what is obscure; and shew how far the several plans of the Author, for the advancement of all the parts of knowledge, have been executed to the present time. By Peter Shaw. 3 vols. 4to, newly bound in three-quarter gros-grained morocco, entirely un- cut. London, 1733 A FINE copy of this uncommon edition, and searce in such unusual con- dition. 34. Bacon (Francis). Letters and Remains of the Lord Chancellor Bacon. Collected by Robert Stephens. Brilliant impression of the portravt of Bacon by Vertue. Frirsr Epirion. Small 4to, full calf, joints neatly repaired. London: W. Bowyer, 1734 35. Batztaps. A Book of Roxburghe Ballads. Edited by John Payne Collier. With woodcuts. Small 4to, original half roan, and boards, shghtly worn. London, 1847 Includes the ballads “The Devil and the Scold,” “The Bride’s Good morrow,” “The Common Cries of London,” and many others. 36. 3%, 38. 39. 40, 41. 42. 43. Batzac (Honor Dn). Droll Stories. Jilustrated by Gustave Dore. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. London, 1874 This dated issue contains better impressions of the illustrations than the later issues, which are undated. € Bartram (WILLIAM). Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, Hast and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Exten- sive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the q Country of the Chactaws . . . with the Manners of the Indians, &c. Colored map; and plates. 8vo, contemporary tree calf. Philadelphia: Printed, 1791; London: Reprinted, 1792 Scarce. Contains many picturesque deseriptions of the natural scenery and productions of the country travelled. Baytzy (Rev. J. R.). A Brief Sketch of the History of the Catholic Church on the Island of New York. Photograph of the author. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1853 BiBLioPHiLe Society. The Idylls and Epigrams of Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. Edited by H. A. Metcalf. Introduction by W. C. Lawton. Engraved titles by J. A. Wilcox, on Japanese paper, and . ; | tect illustrations. 3 vols. square 8vo, boards, uncut. ~ Boston, 1905 Wdition limited to four hundred and seventy-seven copies. Contains the Greek text with English translation on opposite pages. BrrkBEcK (Morris). Letters from Illinois. 8vo, new half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. A few leaves spotted. London, 1818 BrrkBecK (Morris). Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Llinois. Folding map, colored, slight mend. at fold. 8vo, new half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1818 FINE COPY. Buake (WituiaM). Gilchrist (Alexander). Life of William Blake, with selections from his Poems and other Writings. Illustrated from Blake’s own works, in facsimile by W. J. Linton, and in photo- lithography, with a few of Blake’s original plates [and portrait of him]. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, margins of portrait slightly worn. London, 1863 First Eprrton of the standard life of Blake. [Bromr (RicHarp).| The Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America, viz.: Jamaica, Barbadoes, . . . New Jersey, Pensilvania, . . . Carolina, Virginia, New England, Tobago, Mary- Land, New York, with New Maps of every Place. Together with Astronomical Tables, which will serve as a constant Diary or Cal- endar . . . from the Year 1686 to 1700. Superb portrait of James BS ae Ry 2 Van Hove, sculp., 7 maps, and a plate. Small 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, inside gilt borders, gilt over rough edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by H. Clark, for Dorman Newman, 1687 BEAUTIFUL COPY, WITH BROAD MARGINS, AND PLATES AND TEXT IN FINE CONDITION. Includes, also, the Dial plate and 6 pp. of advertisements of the publisher. Incorporated is much material relating to the Indians of Pa New York and New England, together with the Rake NARRATIVE. of “ Stockwell of Deerfield, concerning his Captivity and Redemption, written Sept. 19, 1677,” twelve pages, and which Narrative does not appear to have ever been reprinted. es Much space is devoted to descriptions of New York City, Philadelphia, aS Boston, Albany, Burlington, N. J., and other cities and towns. There are, in addition, an account of New York during the administration of ~~~ Colonel Nicolls, the first English Governor, and a copy in full of William de Penn’s “ Advice to Adventurers,” written in 1685. _ 44, Buome (RicHarD). Cosmography and Geography, In Two Parts: (1) _--—-—s- General and Absolute Part of Cosmography and Geography; (2) Geographical Description of all the World. Folding maps and tables. 2 vols.in 1. Folio, old black morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed-by 8. Roycroft for R. Blome, 1693; and printed in ne the Year 1680 ey . SCARCE. Includes accounts of Canada, Mexico, Peru, Florida, &e. _ 45. Boccaccio. The Decameron. Faithfully translated by J. M. Rigg. With =e illustrations, including the eight plates that do not usually appear, by Lows Chalon. 2 vols. royal 8vo, buckram, gilt tops, uncut, and portfolio containing the eight plates, with English translation of a portion of the third day, that is generally printed in the original. aia ke London, 1906 A beautifully printed edition on hand-made paper. 46. Boccaccio (GiovANNI): A Biographical Study. By Edward Hutton. Frontispiece, and 50 full-page illustrations. 8vo, buckram, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1910 4%. Boptny (J. E. C.). Cardinal Manning. The Decay of Idealism in France. The Institute of France. Three Essays. Portrait of Man- ming. 8vo, cloth. London, 1912 48. BoswELu (JAMES). The Life of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. Portrait and facsimiles. 4 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, edges scraped. Oxford: Published by William Pickering, 1826 With the exception that upper margin of portrait is slightly stained, A BEAUTIFUL SET of the “ Oxford English Classics ” edition, and perhaps the scarcest work of the series. 49. Brackenripce (H. H.). Views of Louisiana: containing Geographical, Statistical and Historical Notices of that Vast and Important Por- tion of America. Small 8vo, old sheep. Baltimore, 1817 VeRY scARcE. Author’s presentation copy to Henry Clay, with inscrip- tion on title. a 50. Brappock’s Exprpirion. The History of An Expedition against Fort - du Quesne, in 1755, under Major-General Edward Braddock. a Edited from the original manuscripts by Winthrop Sargent. Frontts- | prece, and folding plates. 8vo, original cloth, small portions of some front margins slightly stained. Philadelphia: | Historical Society of Penns.], 1855 51. Braprorp (ALDEN). History of the Federal Government, For Fifty Years, From March, 1789, to March, 1839. First Epirion. 8vo, original cioth, paper label. Boston: 8. G. Simpkins, 1840 52. BrapFrorp CLuB Pusiicarions. Murphy (Henry C.). Anthology of New Netherland, or Translations from the Early Dutch Poets of New York. With Memoirs of their Lives. Portrait of Jacob Steen-— dam, and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. New York, 1865 One of 125 copies printed. Author’s presentation copy with nutoerannnt inscription on fly-leaf as follows ;—‘‘ George H. Moore, Esq., with the regards of Hen. C. Murphy, Brooklyn, June 13, 1865.” 53. BRANTOME (PIERRE ibe BourDEILLE DE). Famous Women. | Trans- lated from the French.] Square 8vo, full light-blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1908 Handsome Copy of the Royal Library Ee Onee. Series, published by. A. L. Humpreys. 54, [Brarawair (Ricuarp).| The Lives of all the Roman Emperors, being DD. 56. D7. 58. D9. exactly Collected, from Julius Caesar, unto the now reigning Ferdi- nand the Second; With their Births, Governments, remarkable Actions & Deaths. Firsv Eprrron. Curious engraved title-page by Wiliam Marshall |small strip of paper pasted over a name on top margin of this page|, and one hundred and fifty-sie-woodcut por- traits of the Emperors. Small 8vo, half calf. London: Printed for N. and I. Okes . . . at the signe of the Sun, 1636 The work is sometimes ascribed to Robert Burton. BratHwait (RicuHarD). A Survey. Of History; Or, A Nursery for Gentry, Contrived and Comprised in an Intermixt Discourse upon Historicall and Poeticall Relations. First Eprrion. Hngraved title by Willtam Marshall, vn the centre of which is a-portrait of the author. Small 4to, old, probably original, calf. Imprinted at London by J. Okes, for Tasper Emery at the Eagle and Child in Pauls Church yard, 1638 Brower (J. V.). The Missouri River and its Utmost Source. With Appendix. Profusely wlustrated with portraits of Indians, views, maps, &c. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. St. PaukbwlsoT One of 500 copies printed, Inserted is an A. L. S8., 1p. folio, from the author to Justin Winsor, presenting him with this particular copy of the work. Bryce (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1888 THE scarce First Eprrion, containing the chapters on the “Tweed Ring in New York City,” “the Philadelphia Gas Ring,” &e. which, in subsequent editions, were rigidly suppressed. BupaEus (GuiLtireLMus). Libri V de asse et partibus euis. 4to, vellum. Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, 1522 This volume is interesting on account of the dedication of the editor Franciscus Asulanus to Jehan Grolier. Butuen (A. H.—Editor). A Christmas Garland; Carols and Poems from the Fifteenth Century to the present time. With seven illustrations newly designed by Henry G. Wells. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1885 Number forty-nine of one hundred and fifty copies printed. wecies Ptr Pe oe ’ x + Ce Ae = ~~ pe ae Oe 2 De. Se 4 Tat or eae = = ee ae Singer & = i i eee rere hia 60. Bist, @. 63. 66. 68. 64. 65. 67. BULLEN de H—Raitor). Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Eliza- bethan nee 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. 3 London: J. C. Nimmo, 1887 Wamber one hundred and nineteen of two hundred and fifty copies _ printed on Large Paper. Fete (A. H.—Editor). England’s Helicon; A Collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems, published in 1600. 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1887 Number two hundred and nine of two hundred and fifty copies printed on Large Paper. BULLEN (A. H.—Editor). Musa Proterva; Love-Poems of the Restora- pon: 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Privately Printed, 1889 Number Ou of seven hundred and eighty copies printed. BuLuEeNn (A. H.— Editor). Speculum Amantis; Love-Poems from rare Song-Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth Century. 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Privately printed, 1889 Number two hundred and three of five hundred copies printed. BULLEN (A. H—ditor). Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Eliza- _ bethan Age. 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1889 Saber one hundred and thirty-three of two hundred and sixty copies et on Large Paper. BULLEN (A. H.—Editor). Poems, chiefly Lyrical, from Romances and Prose-Tracts of the Elizabethan Age. With chosen Poems of Nicho- las Breton. 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. | London: J. C. Nimmo, 1890 Number two hundred and twenty-two of tw o hundred and sixty copies printed on Large Paper. BuLLEN (A. H.—Hditor). Poems, chiefly Lyrical, from Romances and Prose-Tracts of the Elizabethan Age, with chosen Poems of Nicho- las Breton. 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1890 Number forty-eight of two hundred and sixty copies printed on Large Paper. Ato, old vellum. Firenze, Giunti, 1623 THE SCARCE First EpirroN oF MICHAELANGELO’S POEMS. This copy formerly belonged to S. W. Singer, the Shakespearian critic, with his monogram and a sonnet in Italian by Gandolfo Porrino, written by the former on the fly-leaf. From the J. C. Chamberlain Library, with book- plate. First and last leaf very slightly stained, and one leaf with a very small hole in the margin, otherwise a fair and sound copy. Buonarroti (MICHELANGELO). Rime. [Burke (Epmunp).] An Account of the European Settlements in America. Second Edition, with improvements. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, original sprinkled calf. London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1758 69. 70. tis 72. 73. 74, 7d. 76. (Ne 78. Burke (EpmunpD). Separate Brochitires on American Affairs issued he- tween 1769 and 1779, including Speech on Moving his Resolutions: American Affairs, 1779; and Two Others. In one volume, 8vo, old calf. London, 1769-1779 Burney (JAMES). History of the Buceaneers of America. Reprinted from the edition of 1816. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London, 1891 Burns (Ropert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialeet. Portrait by Bengo, after Nasmyth. 8vo, half green straight-grained morocco, gilt top. | | London: A. Strahan, &c., 1787 THe scarce First Lonpon Epirion, but the Third Edition printed, being a reprint for the London publishers of the Edinburgh edition, containing its List of Subscribers, and the misprint “stinking” for “ skinking ” in the poem,—‘ To a Haggis.” Burns (Ropert). Reliques of Robert Burns; consisting chiefly of Orig- inal Letters, Poems, and ¢ritical Observations on Scottish Songs. 8vo, half roan, gilt top. London, 1808 BuRNS AND CLARINDA. The Correspondence between Burns & Clarinda. With a Memoir of Mrs. McLehose (Clarinda), arranged and edited by her grandson, W. C. McLehose. Portrait and engraved title. 12mo, half green calf, slightly rubbed, gilt top, uncut. | ! Edinburgh, 1843 Suppressed and scaree. Burr (Aaron). Davis (Matthew L.). Memoirs of Burr. With Mis- cellaneous Selections from his Correspondence. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 7 New York, 1852 Burr (Aaron). Parton (J.). Life and Times of Burr. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, New York, 1858 Burr (Aaron). Parton (James). The Life and Times of Burr. En- larged Edition. With Numerous Appendices. Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1867 Byrp (WiniuiAmM), The Westover Manuscripts; containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; A Jour- — ney to the Land of Eden, A. D, 1733; and a progress to the Mines. ‘Written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published, 8vo, half morocco. Patersburg, 1841 From the Napier collection, with bookplate. CaLirorNnia. [| Venegas (Miguel).| A Natural and Civil History of Cali- fornia: containing a Description of that Country, its soil, mountains, harbors, &c. . . . the Customs of the Inhabitants . . . with Accounts of the several voyages and attempts made for settling California. Translated from the Spanish. Folding map and 4 plates. 2 vols. 8vo, full contemporary calf. London: J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, 1759 First English Edition of a RArE California history in immaculate con- dition, ineluding a perfect state of the map and plates. Probably the most faithful narrative known regarding the original condition of the Indians aT Vea mY 7 Sa oe wee .. 8 4 ij ' of that State, and the first work to define the northern boundary of California which did not, as some previous historians averred, “ approach very near to the north east of Tartary.” With fine armorial bookplate with Latin motto. 79. Cativornia, Soulé (Frank—and others). The Annals of San Francisco ; containing a summary of the history of the first discovery, settle- ment, progress, and present condition of California, &c. 150 illus- trations, Thick 8vo, cloth, New York, 1855 A eondensed history of the State of California and its chief city, “in which no important event has been omitted, which would have been of interest to the general reader.” 80, Catirornia, Stockton (Commodore Robert F.), A Sketch of the Life ie of Commodore Stockton; with Appendix, comprising his corre- eee with the Navy Department respecting his Conquest of alifornia, &e. Hngraved portrait, 8vo, original cloth, corners slightly worn. Pin New York, 1856 Fine Copy of the scarce First Epirion. 81. Catrrornia AND OnEGON, Farnham (T. J.). Pictorial Edition. Life, Adventures, and Travels in California. To which are added the Conquest of California and Travels in Oregon. Numerous illustra- tions. 8yo, cloth, gilt. New York: Nafis & Cornish, 1849 Ser large part of this History is devoted to the Jesuit, Missions of Call- fornia. . 82. CampsBeLn (THomas). The Poetical Works of Oampbell. Illustrated s by 20 vignettes from designs by Turner, and woodcuts after Harvey. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt, gilt top. | London: Edward Moxon, 1843 Fine copy, and First Epirion with the Turner plates. | 83. CanaDA. Mackenzie (Alexander). Voyages from Montreal on the River -- St. Lawrence through the Continent of North America to the Frozen _— and Pacific Oceans in the years 1789 and 1793, with a preliminary 2: aecount of the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Fur Trade of that country. Fine stipple portrait of the author after Sir Thomas Lawrence; and large folding maps, slight repairs at several folds. Ato, half sprinkled calf, 1 side loose. London, 1801 ScARCE AND VALUABLE wWorRK containing vocabularies of the Chipewyan and Atnah tongues, and much interesting matter relative to the Indians of the country travelled by Mackenzie, who was a fur trader, and had many opportunities for close and thorough observation of the habits, customs, &¢c., of the various tribes. INCLUDES THE RARE LEAF OF WRRATA. =. 84. Canapa. Ten Years of Upper Canada in Peace and War, 1805-1815. q Being the Ridout letters and annotations. Also an Appendix of the . 4 narratives of the Captivity of the Shawanese Indians, &c. Portraits ta and map. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Toronto, 1890 85. CaRLETON (WILL). City Festivals. Illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 = First Epirion. Written on title-page in the autograph of Carleton is i. the line, ‘‘ Dode’s Book,” 86. CARPENTER (STEPHEN C.). Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, Vice-President and President of the United States, containing a Concise History of these States from the Acknowledgment of their Independence. With a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in that Country. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards. a 4 Printed for the Purchasers, 1809 _ EXXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. After a few copies of the work were circulated— _ some bibliographers state 20 in all—it was suppressed by the publisher after a_legal opinion had been given him to the effect that the volumes “contained an average of a libel to every page.” 87. Caxton Cius. Joutel’s Journal of La Salle’s Last Voyage. A Reprint of the first English translation, with the map of the French edition, _ and notes by Melville B. Anderson. Folding map. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and side panels, with corner ornaments; doublure of maroon levant, borders of leaves and flowers inlaid in red, white and blue, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. In a full dark- green solander case. Chicago: Caxton Club, 1896 © BEAUTIFUL copy. One of 206 copies printed. 88. CentraL America. [Squier (E. G.).] Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. By Samuel A. Bard. Map, full page plates, and text wlustrations. 12mo, original cloth. ~New York, 1855 ORIGINAL Eprrion of a scarce work by a well-known American ethnol- — ogist. Contains a Mosquito Vocabulary, an Historical Sketch of the | Mosquito Shore, «ce. , 89. CHAMPAGNE. Vizetelly (Henry). A History of Champagne, with Notes on the other sparkling Wines of France. Illustrated with three hun- dred and fifty engravings. Ato, cloth, gilt edges. | London, 1882 90. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Voyages et descouvertures faites en la Nou- velle France, depuis ’année 1615 jusques a la fin de l’année 1618. Engraved ttle, 2 folding plates and three other plates printed in the text, representing battles with Indians, scenes of hunting, &c. 8vo, vellum. Paris: Claude Collet, 1620 FINE COPY OF THIS VERY RARE AND INTERESTING VOLUME describing the manners, costumes, wars, hunting, dances, festivals, ete., of the Indians of Canada, and the natural resources of that country. From the Huth library, with bookplate. 91. CHartevorx (P. F. X. DE). Journal of a Voyage to North-America. Undertaken by order of the French King. Containing the Geo- graphical Description and Natural History of that Country, par- ticularly Canada; together with an Account of the Customs, Char- acter, Religion, Manners, and Traditions of the Original Inhabitants. Translated from the French. Folding map. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf. London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1761 First ENGLISH EDITION. Contains accounts of the Indians of Canada which are among the most authentic ever written, and, in addition, many vivid word-pictures of the Indian customs, religious rites, &c. See i Roars had ’ a CuHartevorx (P. F. X. Dz). History of Paraguay. Containing... a _ -~—~—s- Full Account of the Establishments formed there by the Jesuits, from among the Savage Natives. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf. : London, 1769 Scarce. FINE cory. . CHATEAUBRIAND (Viscount Dz). Travels in America and Italy. 2 vols. aiaatis /,: 8vo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. London, 1828 +. FINE CLEAN copy oF THE First Epirion. 4. CHESTERFIELD (PHiuIp Dormer, EArt OF). Letters to his Godson and ____Suecessor. Edited with a Memoir, by the Earl of Carnarvon. Por- traits and illustrations. Ato, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. ges EeLES Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890 - Number five hundred and six of five hundred and twenty-five copies printed. SEIT ap : CHINESE Drawines. A series of nine finely executed original drawings of brilliantly plumaged birds, by a native artist. On rice paper. Un- _ signed. In cover of red, blue and yellow embroidery, with ties. 4to. CHINESE Drawines. Another collection of finely executed original draw- ings, also of birds, twelve in number, like the foregoing brilliantly colored by a native artist. On rice paper. Unsigned. In cover _ of red, blue and yellow embroidery, with ties. 4to. _ 9%. CHINESE Drawines. Another collection of finely executed original draw- : ings of birds, river scenes, and flowers, twelve in number, like the foregoing brilliantly colored by a native artist. On rice paper. Un- signed. In cover of old-rose silk, with ties. 4to. 98. Ciczro (M. T.). Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium lib. IV; de inventione lib. II; de oratore ad Quintum fratrem lb: IIT; de claris oratoribus, etc. 4to. CoNTEMPORARY VENETIAN BINDING in brown morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons in the corners, with the title of the work stamped in a circle in the centre of both sides, slightly worn. : : Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi, 1521 AN INTERESTING EXAMPLE OF BINDING. ~ 99. Givin War. “Don’t Unchain the Tiger,” “A Challenge,” &c. By a Democratic Workingman. Pamphlet. 4 pp. 8vo, unbound. Men- tions the names of Fernando Wood, Samuel J. Tilden, Robert Toombs, and others. SCARCE. New York, 1863 100. Cremuns (Samus, L.—* Mark Twain”). What is Man? 12mo, dark- . blue cloth. London, 1910 Originally published anonymously in the United States in an edition limited to 250 copies for circulation among the author’s personal ac- quaintances. Work is said to contain Twain's serious philosophy of life, the studies for which were begun, according to the preface, in 1880, and it was actually written in 1898. The copy here catalogued is the VERY RARE ENGLISH PIRATED EDITION, rigidly suppressed, and is supposed to be the skcoND COPY ONLY offered for sale by auction in this country. 101. “102, 103. 104. 105. CLEMENS (SamuetL L.). Paine (Albert Bigelow). Mark Twain; Some Chapters from an Extraordinary Life. (Thirteen Papers from the Biography by A. B. Paine, published in Harper’s Monthly Magazine, 1911-12). Namerous illustrations. 8vo, loose sheets. ~ New York, 1911-12 — CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By John Clereinam With Additions,. — never before Printed. Portrait of the author, “ Vera et viva Hffigies — Johannis Cleeveland,’ which is mounted and repaired in places. 16mo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by - The Club Bindery. London: Printed by J. R. for John Williams, 1669 From the M. C. Lefferts and H. W. Poor collections, with bookplates of both. It is an edition not mentioned by Lowndes. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Another copy of the same edition, 12mo, half green calf, gilt back. No portrait. : London: Printed by J. R. for John Williams, 1669 — Cuinton (Sir Henry). The Narrative of Lieutenant-General Clinton, Relative to his Conduct during part of his Command of the King’s Troops in North America; Particularly to that which respects the unfortunate Issue of the Campaign of 1781. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1783 CoLDEN (CaDWALLADER D.). Memoir, Prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the Mayor of the City, at the celebration of the Com- ~ pletion of the New York Canals. With Appendix and Narrative of the Festivities observed in honor of the completion of the Grand Erie Canal. Numerous maps, portraits by Durand, lithographic views, &c. Ato, original calf, with N. Y. State seal stamped on ~~ sides. New York, 1825 . VERY SCARCE, Complete copy with all the portraits and plates, includ- ing the plate of the Arms of the Bakers’ Benefit Society, often lacking. Among the portraits by Durand: are those of Colden, DeWitt Clinton, William Paulding, and others, and views of Buffalo, Lockport, &e. wae 4 ‘ - . tenis = ‘ br an ~ x <4 4 oe Ss a = : P = : caine Te, ee te ae ee ee ee ae ee ee: ie Pe ee ee auld a at cM a Gi RL a re he ie pee Ss tor = SR 1 ie i hy is a & cg = a — aan Z s Lt 3 tu > the CF Spine ae. y a : oe ¢ 159. Hanns (JOEL CHANDLER). Balaam and his Masters, 1891; The Shadow between his Shoulder-Blades [1909]. Jllustrated. First EDITIONS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1891 [1909] 3 : (160. Harris (JozL Cuanpuer). Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his Queer Country. Illustrated by Oliver Herford. Firsr Eprrion. 8vo, cloth, lacks a fly-leaf. Boston, 1894 : 161. Hawrnorne (Naruaniet). Life of Franklin Pierce. Engraved por- trait. 12mo, original wrappers. Boston, 1852 . _First ISSUE OF THE First Epition, with the chapter on the ‘“ Mexican \ War,” advertisements on covers, &c. : gy 162. Hearn (Larcapio). Japanese Fairy Tales, rendered into English by Lafcadio Hearn, comprising: The Goblin Spider; The Boy who drew Cats; The Old Woman who lost her Dumplings; Chin Chin Koba- kama. Printed on Japanese crepe paper, with numerous fine illus- trations in colors, by Japanese artists. 4 vols. 12mo and 16mo, colored wrappers, silk sewn, as issued. Tokyo: T. Hasegawa [1902] 163. Hearn (Larcapio). The Romance of the Milky Way, and other Studies and Stories. First Epition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1905 sa} 164. Hearn (Larcapio). Japanese Letters of Hearn. Edited by Elizabeth Bisland. (Excerpts from the Atlantic Monthly). 8vo, buckram, magazine wrappers bound in. Boston, 1909 The First Appearance of these letters. 165. Hearn (LArcapio). Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist. Early Writings by Lafeadio Hearn. With an Introduction by Ferris Greenslet. 12mo, cloth back and boards, uncut. Boston, 1911 One of the Riverside Press issues, of which five hundred and seventy- five copies were printed. 166. Herpert (GeorGE). MHerbert’s Remains; or, Sundry Pieces of that sweet Singer of the Temple, Mr. George Herbert, sometimes Orator of the University of Cambridge. With the sub-titles; A Priest to the Temple; and, Jacula Prudnetum, 1651. Firsr Epirion. 12mo, new brown crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. ) London: Printed for Timothy Garthwait, etc., 1652-1651 With the bookplate of John Ludford, Esq. 167. Herrick (Ropert). The Hesperides and Noble Numbers. Edited by Alfred Pollard. With a Preface by A. C. Swinburne. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, parchment back, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1891 The Muses Library. One of 230 copies on Large Paper. . 168. Hewierr (Maurice). Little Novels of Italy. First Eprrton. 12mo, eloth, uncut. London, 1899 169. Hewierr (Maurice). The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay. » First Epirion. 12mo, cloth. London, 1900 170. Hewierr (Maurice). New Canterbury Tales. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1901 ive: Ae: 173. 174. 175. 176. Dies 178. 179. 180. 181. Hewxerr (Maurice). The Road in Tuscany; A Commentary. With illustrations by Joseph Pennell. First Epition. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1904 — Hewxert (Maurice). Fond Adventures; Tales of the Youth of the World. Frrst Epirion. 12mo, cloth. London, 1905 Hewierr (Maurice). Halfway House, A Comedy of Degrees. First Epition. 12mo, cloth. | London, 1908 HEYLYN (PeETER). [Line in Greek] A Little Description of the Great World. Third Edition, Revised. Engraved title. Thick small 4to, half morocco. Oxford: Printed by I. L. and W. T., 1627 Contains chapters on the New World, Mexicana, Florida, Virginia: &e., HEYLYN (PETER). Another Copy, similar. In old calf, worn. Hinton (JouHn H.). The History and Topography of the United States. Fine portrait of Washington, numerous maps, and a series of views engraved on steel. 2 vols. 4to, original half cloth and boards. London, 1830 Histori£ of Philip De Commines, Raigne Imprinted at London by Ar. Hatfield for I. Norton, 1596. The Annales of Cornelius Tacitus, 1598. The Ende of Nero and Beginning of Galba, Fower Bookes of Tacitus, Printed at London by Edm. Bollifant, 1598. The 3 vols. in 1, folio, calf. The first English translation of Philip of Comines, and the first oor oue of both books. Houmes (OLIVER WENDELL). The Last Leaf. Poem.- Illustrated by George Wharton Edwards and F. Hopkinson Smith. Folio, cloth, gilt, vellum back, gilt top. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1886 HoucH (FrAanxKuin B.). History of Jefferson County in the State of New York from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth. Albany: Munsell, 1854 Hupparp (Rev. Wittiam). Drake (Samuel G.—KEditor). The His- tory of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 167%. Care- fully revised, and accompanied with an historical preface, life and pedigree of the author, and extensive notes. Folding map. 2 vols. 4to, half calf, gilt top. Roxbury, Mass.: W. E. Woodward, 1865 One of 350 copies printed. HvutTcHINson (GovERNoR THoMAS). The History of Massachusetts, From 1628 until 1750. Third Edition, with Notes and Correc- tions. Vols. I and II. Salem and Boston, 1795; History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, From 1749 to 1774. Edited by Rev. John Hutchinson. London, 1828. Together, 3 vols. 8vo (with a slight varation in size), recently bound in half polished morocco, gilt, gilt tops. Boston, &c., 1795; London, 1828 Complete set with the SCARCE THIRD VOLUME containing ‘te ee that is often lacking. f ‘ . 4 4 = “ ~ "2 way Z wes os fe ak el cla git diate ei ‘ar aint cag AT Pee aT a ae Ce ee ee” iti PE ae ea ee ne es eae il aaa AiseN tea Sapa egy oo SRE a SS re am ses ee ree Pe ya aah! bps PARTICULARLY : IN NEW-EN GLAN} Sareesesercoce SHCSSSCHOASEKRESHERESESeOstsesas Feeeerasorroes WRITTEN IN VERMONT. | @seeeevvs FHC SOHEK SHOOTERS ESOOEFS HOHE OREO AEE EOSH OTE ED Historia vero testis temporum, lnx veritatis, : ; vita memoriz, magistra vite, nuntia Ye= Bey tustalis. 2, Ciera z OR. : . MONTPELIER, VT. ae PUBLISHED BY WRIGHT AND SIBLEX, ea ou Wrisht & Sibley Printere 2 eae Rees Soh erecses theca eres SANDERS’ HISTORY OF THE INDIAN WARS. Number one hundred and eighty-seven. 183. Inp 184. Inp 5 ae p a ee eee ees A a ee, ee ee Te . —- © . as = a a | al £ ne PAR Wee QU:

t , ; Dy eh re ash whe orale : =, JacKson (CarHeErINE Cuartorre, Lapy). The Last of the Valois. : a Portraits. First Epition. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1888. . Jackson (CATHERINE CHARLOTTE, Lapy). The First of the Bourbons. Portraits. Firsr Epition. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, slightly soiled. London, 1890 JAPANESE Farry Tatus. James (Mrs. T. H.). Japanese Fairy Tales: a Flowers of Remembrance and Forgetfulness; Three Reflections: The Wonderful Mallet; The Bronken Images. Told in English by Mrs. James. Colored full-page plates and text illustrations. ON a CREPE PAPER. 4 vols. 16mo and 12mo, tied with silk. Tokio, Japan: T. Hasegawa, nd. A Charming Series. JEFFERSON (THomAs). Lee (Henry). Observations on the Writings of Jefferson, with particular reference to the attack they contain on the Memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee, in a Series of Letters. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. New York, 1832 RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, the majority of copies of which were destroyed, and the entire edition suppressed as far as possible. No copy in either the Brinley or Menzies collections, The Mynderse copy, with autograph of W. Mynderse on fly-leaf. af JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Select Essays of Dr. Johnson. Edited by Géorge. Birkbeck Hill. With etchings by Herbert Railton. 2 vols. 12mo, 4 full morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London; Dent and Co., 1889. Number forty-seven of one hundred and fifty copies printed for England. JouteL (M). A Journal of the Last Voyage performed by Monsr, de la Sale, to the Gulf of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Mississippi River; Containing an account of the Settlements he endeavored to make on the Coast of the aforesaid Bay, his unfortunate death, and the travels of his companions for the space of 800 leagues across that inland country of America, now called Louisiana. Folding map, small portion mended. 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt over rough edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1714 The RARE First ENGiisH EpitTion, with the original map. The best account extant of the final voyage of La Salle. JoureL (Henrt). Joutel’s Journal of La Salle’s Last Voyage, 1684-7. New edition, with historical and biographical Introduction, Annota- tions, and Index by Henry Reed Stiles, to which is added a biblio- graphy by Appleton P. C. Griffin. With a frontispiece of Gudebrod’s statue of La Salle, and the map of the original French edition, Paris, 1713, in facsimile. Small 4to, cloth back, and boards. Albany, 1906 Number three of three hundred copies, printed from type. Katm (Prerer). Reis door Noord Amerika. Illustrations. 2 vols. in 1. 4to, ortginal half calf, uncut, library label on title. Utrecht, 1772 A work of high character, particularly for its Natural History. Con- tains interesting accounts of the Swedish colonies in Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. Lacks the map, but possesses the rare engraved frontispiece with the view of New York, reproduced by W. Loring Andrews in one of his works. SEI Ln Wag \ 4 6 s Z * peneeimeneeees z ENS is a @ NG bis it o A oO | @, {594 9 1 © sy | CB2cuiflima: real ur Pctondela beftruyctonoetap Yno| Ase || jdtas:colegtda porel. A bitpoos | \ | fray Bartolomede las Lafas/o | |Cafausoela ordenoe Sacto Me |i pe See * % . a a é “ < SF Bee ws = Ses ‘ P é< ge ms LAS CASES. OBRAS. 1552-1553. Number two hundred and thirty. 924. ‘Kavanacn (Junta). Women in France during the Eighteenth Century. ee Portraits. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 12mo, halt calf, gilt, slightly __- .____ spotted in places. ‘London, 1850 4 iyish . The first edition is scarce. E225. Re rocky. Collins (Lew is). History of Pontacky Revised, enlarged a eager four-fold and brought down to the as 1874 by Richard H. Collins. ‘Tie a, map and other ulustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. . . Covington, Ky., 1874 yah at, 1 Presentation copy from the editor, with autograph inscription on fiy- eaves. E 226. Kytenr ( Curartes). London. Hundreds of wlustrations. 6 vols. royal ee sia: em: half ¢ erimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. Be Sy tk = London, 1841 s Fine Gun of one. of the most fascinating books on old London. es 227, Eve (Joserit FR RANCOIS). Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes ae des Portugais dans le Nouveau. Monde. Avec des figures en tatlle- douce. 4 vols. small 8vo, half calf, backs repaired, and name stamped on titles. | Paris, 1734 - Scarce. Probably on Large Paper, and with the copperplates in fine ta condition. et Fe 228. La Fontarse (JzAN De). Fables. Vignette on title. 4to, original French half morocco, uncut. Paris: Didot VAiné, 1788 One of two hundred and fifty copies on “ papier vélin.” me ~. 229, te Othe (Sauvé De) and Quinavutt (Puiurprr). La Noué’s Mahomet in Second (1786) ; L’Obstiné (1786) ; with Sketch of his Life and List gy of Works. Portrait ; Quinault’s Proserpine (1785) ; Persée (1786); a Amadis (1786); Phaéton (1786); Isis (1785) ; Le Triomphe de q PAmour, 1786). Together, 3 vols. 24mo, contemporary French bind- ing of mottled ealf, gilt, name of a former owner stamped on several titles. Paris, 1791 SCARCE EDITION. ' 230. Las Casas (Barrotomn Dr). Opras. xz J. Brevissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias (Collation: A-H8, p F10, G4; in the Grenville Catalogue sig. G ts catalogued as though at were a separate work). Sevilla, 1552. IJ. Treynta proposiciones . . . en las quales . . . se tocan muchas cosas pertenecientes al derecho qae ia yglesia y los principes christianos tienen o puedes tener sobre los infieles (Collation: A10). . Sevilla, 1552. III. Disputa, 0 controversia entre el Obispo don fray Bartholome de las . Casas . . . y el doctor Gines de Sepulveda . . . (Collation: A-G8, H6). Sevilla, 1552. IV. Tratado comprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado universal gue los Reyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias (Collation: A-K8). Sevilla, 1552. V. Tratado sobre la materia de los yndios que se han hecho en ellos esclavos (Collation: A-C8, D12). Sevilla, 1552: PEN Pe a Tet Sins aaa mre a lei: it ieee ae Ni ae ae SA ae * 1 * seri es a: ace he Ny hot Pe ¢ * aa; PAM a , mt Sy is a ; es, i J VI. Remedios que Ousdon fray Bartolome de las Casas. . . referio j por mandado del Emperador (Collation: A-F8, G5). Sevilla, 1552. VII. Principia Quedam ex quibus procedendum est in inoue manifestandam et defendendam insticlam yndorum (Collation: Al0). — Sevilla [1553.] — ae VIII. Avisos y reglas para los confessores que oyeren confessidnes de los i Espanoles que son o han sido en cargo a los Indios de las Indias a a mar Oceano (Collation: A16) Sevilla, 1552. as sides, gilt back and edges, by F. Bedford. eu Sevilla: Sebastian Trugillo, 1552- 5 Fine copies. In the Grenville catalogue it is stated that there show be nine pieces in this volume to form a complete series, but the nint is merely formed by dividing the first tract in two articles. The Hut copy, with bookplate. [See Hroutiaplece’} 231. [Las Cases (Barrotome Dz).] The New Laws of the Indies, for ihe. Good Treatment and Preservation of the Indians, Promulgated by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, 1542-1548. A Facsimile Reprint of the Original Spanish Edition. Together with a literal Transla- tion into the English Language, to which is prefixed an Historical Introduction, by the Late Henry Stevens of Vermont and Fred W. a. Lucas. Folio, sheets, laid loosely in printed board covers, with velvet strips, and buckles, in case. ee London: Privately Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1893) Number five of thirteen copies PRINTED ON VELLUM. The entire edition, vellum and paper, consisted of but eighty-eight copies. These Laws were ~— instigated and framed principally by that great Apostle of the Indians, van Las Casas, for the purpose of ameliorating their sufferings, and ordered — ~ to be Promulgated by Charles the Fifth. Work is illustrated with numer- : ous ornamental blocks of Indians, portraits of Columbus, Charles Y., Las Casas, ete. The Clarence H. Clark copy, with booklabel. 232. Lecky (W. E. H.). History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, mainly uncut, binding of Vol. I slightly worn. London, 1866 ‘Large Type Library Edition. a 233. Lucky (W. E. H.). History of European Morals, from Augustus to a Charlemagne. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, which is somewhat “faded, as usual, uncut, stamp on one half-title. London, 1869 234. Lone Istanp, N. Y. Prime (Nathaniel 8.). A History of Long Island, | From its First Settlement to 1845, with Special Reference to its Ecclesiastical Concerns. Map. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, lower margin of title damaged. New York, 1845. 235. Lone’s Exprepition. Keating (William H.). Narrative of an Expedi- tion to the Sources of the St. Peter’s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c. performed in the year 1823, by order of Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary’ of War, under the Command of Stephen H. _ Long. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keat- ing, and Colhoun. Folding map, and the original plates in green- wsh tint engraved by J. Hill after designs by S. Seymour. 2 vols. 8vO, ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT, with paper labels, one side loose. Ba Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1824 ae RARE ORIGINAL EDITION. One of the earliest and best accounts of the _ Sioux and Chippewas. The second volume contains vocabularies of the _. ~Chippeway, Cree, Sioux and Sawk languages. This expedition ranks in _ importance with those of Lewis and Clark and Pike. co) Se ae = 36. Louistana. Bunner (E.). History of Louisiana, from its First Dis- covery and Settlement to the Present Time. 16mo, cloth. Sa : New York, 1846 Harpers’ Family Library, No. 176. 7%. Lucretius (Titus). Di Tito Lucrezio Caro della natura delle cose: libri sei tradotti da Alessandro Marchetti. 2 frontispieces and 2 titles engraved by Le Mire after Hisen, 6 fine copperplates by Alia- met, Tardieu, Le Mire and Sornique after Cochin and Le Lorrain, and 11 charming vignettes and tail-pieces after Cochin and others. Ee 2 vols. 8vo, old English red morocco, gilt floral borders on the sides, . Pi edpes, |. Amsterdam, 1754 A SUPERB copy. ’ _ 288. Lyetn (CHaArtEs). ‘Travels in North America; with Geological Ob- ee servations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Map and plates, several colored.. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1845 3 239. Masre (Hamitton Wricur). William Shakespeare; Poet, Dramatist, and Man. With one hundred illustrations, including nine full pages in photogravure. 8vo, undressed leather, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1900 | j 240. Macnay (Epe@ar Stanton). Moses Brown, Captain U.S. N. Map and - illustrations. 12mo, cloth. New York, [1904] The author discovered the material for this work in his researches among English historical manuscripts. - 241. Marine. Freeman (Samuel). The Town Officer, to which is added the . Power and Duty of Towns, Parishes, and Plantations, | with alpha- 4 betical table of crimes and punishments, including lotteries, duelling, -. etc.] 8vo, contemporary sheep, somewhat worn. . Portland, [Me.]; Printed by Benjamin Titcomb Jun. 1791 One of the first, if not actually the first, book printed in Portland, Me. 242. Maine. Sullivan (James). The History of the District of Maine. F With the original folding map engraved by Osgood Carleton. 8vo, Zz original tree calf, somewhat worn, and library stamp on title. oh Boston: I. Thomas, &c., 1795 The SCARCE FIRST HISTORY Of Maine. % R43, 244, 245. 246, RAT, 248. 249. 250. 251. Martyr (Prrer). Relationi del S. Pietro Martire Milenese delle cose notabili della provincia dell Egitto scritte in Latina alli Sereniss — * * * Da Carlo Passi. Small 8vo, vellum, marginal notes in ink. — Venetia: 1564 — The author, an Italian historian, was a member of the Council of the Indies and obtained much of his information from documents suppie by Christopher Columbus. Mayer (Brantz). Tah-Gah-Jute; or, Thea and Cresap: an Histomenl i Essay. 8vo, cloth. Albany; J. Munsell, 1867 — > Inserted is an As Ts. 82, Sate Syo, from the pubnens to Benson S Lossing, the American historian. i Mrasp (James). The Picture of Philadelphia . .. in Aste) Science Manufactures, &c. . . . with a compendious View of its Societies. — With the original folding plate of the city engraved by 8S. Seymow after Th. Birch. 12mo, original boards, uncut, somewhat shaken. peer tS 1319 ScARCE First EDITION. [Mercer (CHARLES FEentTon).] An Exposition of the Weakness anda Inefficiency of the Government of the United States of North Amer- q ica. 12mo, half roan and boards, somewhat used. “a Printed for the Author; No place or Pehhener 1845 An exceedingly scarce work. The author was a Virginian, opposed to — a : slavery. He was born in 1778, graduated at Princeton in 1797, and was a member of Congress from 1817 to 1840. A lengthy manuscript account oly the author is written on one of the end-papers. MerepITH (GEORGE). Modern Love, and Poems of the English Road- — a side, with Poems and Ballads. First EDItion. 12mo, original green — q cloth, uncut, some pages unopened. London, 1862 — From the Banna C. Stedman collection, with his autograph, dated a 1874 and bookplate. 3 “s ae MerepitH (GEORGE). The Case of General Ople and Lady Camper q 12mo, original wrappers, loose, and light stamp on front cover. — ‘New York; J. W. Lovell Co. [1890] — The genuine first edition, in book form. me MEREDITH (GrorGE). Jump to Glory Jane. Edited and arranged a | Harry Quilter. With forty-four illustrations by Lawrence Housman. First Eprrion. 12mo, original pictorial vellum board, gilt top, uncut. — London, 1892 a Mexico. Solis (Antoine De). Histoire de la Conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Fernand Cortez. Traduite de I’Hs- pagnol, par auteur du Triumvirat. Copperplates. 2 vols. small ~~ 8vo, sprinkled calf, worn. Paris, 1730 “am Mexico. Penafiel (Antonio). Nombres Geograficos de Mexico: Cata- logo alfabetico de los nombres de lugar pertenecientes al idioma — Nahuatl, estudio jeroglifico de la matricula de los Tributos del Codice Mendocino. With numerous illustrations in the text, and the atlas — of thirty-nine colored plates, displaying several hundred specimens. a Small folio, half morocco, binding rubbed. Mexico, 1885 The colored illustrations are selected from Kingsborough; in the ‘letter- i press the same designs are reproduced in detail in woodcuts and accom- panied by a very learned exposition. ‘ ‘ j 4 bi 252. Mexico. Tylor CHaward B.). Anahuac; or Mexico and the Mexicans, ME Ancient and Modern. Map and illustrations, one colored and one tinted. 8vo, cloth, slightly worn. Re-issue of edition of 1861. London, n.d. With accounts of the Indians, their manners and customs, ete. Written on fiy-leaf, “General Alex. Macdonell, with A. Tylor’s kind regards, Deer. 1877.” : a 258. Micuaux (fF. A.). Voyage a Vouest des Monts Alleghanys dans les 3 _ etats d l’Ohio, du Kentucky et du Tennessee, et retour a Charleston par les Hautes-Carolines. Large folding map. 8vo, original half calf, and boards. Paris, 1804 Fine copy of the original edition of Michaux’s Travels. a 254. ‘Micnavx (F. A.). Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, - in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charlestown, through the upper Carolinas, containing details . relative to the commercial connections of the states, ete. Faithfully translated from the French by B. Lambert. With large folding map. | 8vo, original boards, uncut, repaired in places. London, 1805 E- - __- Best and most complete English edition. 255. ‘[MippLeron (Cuaries T.).]| A New and Complete System of Geog- raphy. (Book IV. relating to America). Engraved plates and maps. Folio, boards, Gloth back. [London: J. Cooke, 1778] The volume here catalogued relates to America entirely, and contains geographical tables, index, and list of subscribers. The complete work is in 2 volumes. 256. Mitton (Joun). The Poetical Works of John Milton. Edited by Sir Hgerton Brydges, Bart. With imaginative illustrations by J. M. W. Turner. 6 vols. 12mo, half light blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Zaehnsdort. London, 1835 A FINE SET of the original issue of this edition. ‘ a me. «257. Minor (Georce Ricwarps). The History of the Insurrections in . 4 Massachusetts, in the Year MDCCLXXXVI, and the Rebellion con- ' 4 sequent thereon. 8vo, new boards, leather label. | Worcester, Mass.: Isaiah Thomas, 1787 . a The author was a graduate of Harvard, and one of the founders of the . 3 Massachusetts Historical Society. 258. Nae Lestizr’s Magazine. Home Book of Fashion and Literature and Domestic Economy. Vol. I. Hngraved views, several in colors, by & John Sartain, &c., with numerous colored fashion plates. 8vo, halt | 7 morocco. [Philadelphia], 1843 i , Contains poetical contributions by Mrs. Sigourney, W. C. Bryant, Park ; Benjamin, Washington Allston, and others. Also, includes the plate ; “ Grandpa's Pet,” lithotinted by J. H. Richards, lithographed by Duval, the FIRST SPECIMEN OF THIS ART EVER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED. STATES, and one of the earliest examples of the process produced in any country. 259. Mix (James B.). The Biter Bit; or, The Robert Macaire of Journal- ism; being a Narrative of some of the Black- Mailing Operations of Charles A. Dana’s “ Sun.” 8yo, wrappers. Washington, D. C., 1870 260. Monraicne (MicuarL Dz). The Essayes or, Morall, Politika). 261. Moopy’s NARRATIVE. Lieut. James Moody’s Narrative of ie Meera 262. 263. 264, 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271, yr ud Arua Pee Oe ae er Moorrt (GrorceE). A Mere Accident. First Epirion. 12mo, acta Moorr (Guorce). Spring Days; a Realistic Novel. First Eprriow, Moore (GEORGE). Impressions and Opinions. First EDITION. 12mm g Moore (GEORGE). Modern Painting. First Eprrion. 12mo, cloth. Moore (GroRGE). Esther eke a Novel. First Eprrron. one 4 Moore (GEORGE). Evelyn Innes. .First Epition. 12mo, cloth, gilt Moore (GEORGE). Sister Teresa. First Eprrion. Portrait of the 3 Moore (GeorGE). The Untilled Field. First Epirron. 12mo, cloth. Moore (GrorcE). The Lake. First Eprrion. 12mo, cloth, nea 4 Moorz (GrorcE). Memoirs of My Dead Life. Fresp Eprrron. 12mosum Militarie Discourses. The Third Edition. Whereunto is now new : added an Index of the principal matter and personages mentioned this Book. Small folio, old calf, rebacked, names on title. oo London: Printed by M. Flesher, 1 Lacks the engraved title: printed title only 1h the above. A form - owner’s name-plate stamped in gilt on front cover. { and Sufferings in the Cause of Government, Since the Year 177 Authenticated by Proper Certificates. With the Appendix. Sm 8vo, full brown calf, gilt, inside gilt borders, lower edges uncut. London: Richardson and Urquhart, aye FINE COPY OF THIS RARE WORK IN THE SECOND AND BEST EDITION a which contains considerable matter not incorporated in the First Edition. — Concerning the author, Sabin writes as follows: ‘Moody, a New Jerse farmer, was so much harassed by mobs, associations and committees that, driven into the British lines, he became an active, and in some instances, successful partizan against his countrymen. From 1776 to 1782 he was a Spy, a Ranger and Scout in the service of the British. , A portion of the time he was attached to General Skinner’s New Jerse: \ Tory Brigade.” There does not appear to have been an auction sale of this work for the past eight years. : light stamp on half-title, and several pages loose. London, 1887 4 12mo, cloth. London, 1888 - cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1891 i London, 1893 4 Laid in is an article on Lord Leighton by George Moore, from Cos- _ mopolis, March, 1896. ae cloth. London, 1894 — top. | London, 1898 a | author. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. — London, 1901 = London, 1903 4 London, 1905 cloth. London, 1906 — 4 4 st a on’ 7 ay ~~, i a © ai ee -_ - 7 a an ¥ ial ba _ -s - > A , > 2? — J ° ° , ‘ ¢ 2 , +272. [Morean (Lewis H.).]~ Fifth Annual Report of the Regents of the ce * University, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural His- tory, and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection. 8vo, original wrappers. “ Vischer Ten Eyck, Esq.” written on front cover. Albany, 1852 This report is scarcer than the fifth. The Appendix is Lewis H. Morgan’s report on the Fabrics, Inventions, Implements, and Utensils of the Iroquois, consisting of fifty-two pages of text, fully illustrated, in- j cluding twenty full-page colored plates. Many of the plates have never ‘ _ been re-issued. _ 273. Morean (Lewis H.). Ancient Society; or, Researches in the Lines _ of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civiliza- tion. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 First Epirion. FINE copy. 274. MorGan (Lewis H.). Houses and House-Life of the American Abori- i gines. Illustrated, the frontispiece being in colors. 4to, cloth. '5 , Washington, 1881 Volume four of the Contributions to North American Ethnology. “275. Mormons. Bennett (John C.). The History of the Saints; or, An Exposé of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Jilustrated. 12mo, cloth. | Boston, 1842 3 An early exposé of the Mormons before their arrival from Nauvoo ne and the death of Joseph Smith. | 276. Mormons. Pratt (Orson). A Series of Pamphlets, with Discussion | ie between Elder William Gibson, and the Rev. Mr. Woodman. Also : H a Discussion between Elder John Taylor, and Three Reverend Gentle- men. Portrait of Pratt, and facsimiles of the plates of the Book of Mormon. 8vo, half calf. . Liverpool, 1851 _A scARCE MORMON ITEM. 277. Mounp Buitpers. Pidgeon (William). Traditions of De-Coo-Dah, > and Antiquarian Researches: comprising Explorations, Surveys, and , Excavations of the remains of the Mound Builders of America. 70 plates. 8vo, cloth, rubbed. New York, 1858 278, MountTcomery (Sir Ropert). A Discourse Concerning the design’d Hs- tablishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, in the Most delightful Country of the Universe. Yolding copperplate plan rep- resenting the form of settling the districts, or County Divisions vn the Margravate of Azilia. Small 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by Pratt. London; Printed in the Year 1717 EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE TRACT. Rich mentions concerning it as follows: “Sir Robert Mountgomery, having obtained a grant of land between the Rivers Alatamaha and Savanna, now part of Georgia, which he called Azilia, issued these proposals for settling the Colony.” With the excep- tion of a few lower margins cut close, a FINE COPY. 279. Neau (DAnriEL). The History of the Puritans; from the Reformation in 1517, to the Revolution in 1688. Revised, corrected and enlarged, with additional notes by John O. Choules. With nine portraits on steel. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep, somewhat rubbed. New York, 1844 Contains material relative to the Puritans in America. (ea Sy). & eee ee 269) Sees ca Py toed ant a De, ee Te eed ee ee mee ae ee fj 280. Nepraska. Woolworth (James M.). Nebraska in 1857. | Colored old- ing map. 12mo, original paper wrappers, somewhat worn. Om Omaha City, N. T aie Scarce in the original wrappers and with the map. 281. Necro Prov. Horsmanden (Daniel). The New York Cohaniaes a History of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedi against the Conspirators in 1741-2, &e. 8vo, old sheep, one side loo: e New York, 1810 An account of the “ darkest blot on the history of New York,” writte ites by one of the judges who condemned the negroes. 282. Newpurcu, N. Y., Imprint. Tindal (Matthew). Christianity as Ol as the Creation: or the Gospel, A Republication of the Religion of — ‘Nature. 8vo, old tree calf. Newburgh: David Denniston, 1798 283. NEw HAMPSHIRE AND VERMONT. Chase (Francis-Editor). Gathered Sketches from the Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont; — containing Accounts of the Adventures of our Forefathers, &. I Ius- . trations. 12mo, cloth. Claremont, N. Hg 1868 Contains much Indian material, and notes on Ethan Allen, General | 3 Stark, oe 284. NEw JERSEY. Smith (Samuel). History of the Colony of Nova-Caesa- ria; or New Jersey, its First Settlement, Improvements, First and Present Constitution and other Events to 1721, with some Particu- — lars since and a short view of its Present State. 8vo, full antique polished calf, blind-tooled borders, gilt edges. Burlington in New J ersey, 1765 Fine large copy of this valuable work. On the title are autographs of ~~ John Grace and John Smith, the latter of whom presents the volume to “Tsaac Foster, 1767” and inscribes to that effect. Foster was a famous ~— Revolutionary surgeon who was at Bunker Hill and Concord, and whom a Washington appointed Director-General of the hospitals. 285. New York. Tammany Hatt. The Only Genuine Report of Mogue a ~ More O’Molohan’s Dream on the School Question... By Pheim F. O’Flash, Esq. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1841 A seathing satire on Tammany Hall and all those who then opposed — appropriations for Roman Catholic sehools. 286. NEw Yorr. Natural History of New York. By Authority. De Kay og (James E.). Zoology. Part I. Mammalia; Part III. Reptiles and. Amphibia; Part IV. Fishes; Part V. Mollusca; Part VI. Crustacea; and, a volume of Plates (Reptiles and Fishes). Numerous other plates, many colored. Together, 4 vols. (Lacks Part II), 4to, cloth, _ gilt, some plates spotted. * Albany, 1842 The entire work consists of 22 volumes. The long introduction was ~ written by William H. Seward. 287. New Yor. The Great Metropolis; or Guide to New York for 1846. Second Publication. Illustrations. 24mo, cloth. New York: John Doggett, Jr., [1846] Contains calendar for the year, names of city officials, coffee houses and hotels, places of amusement, theatres, churches, &e. ee 1 7 3 J s { ; ; 289. B .- 290. 291, 293. 2 294. 295. 296. 297. . New Yorx. Genin (John N .). An Illustrated History of the Hat from the. Harliest Ages to the Present Time. Illustrations. 16mo, original wrappers, old writing on Preface, and a few pictures crudely colored by hand. New York, 1848 RARE little pamphlet issued by “Genin the Hatter.” View oF HIS STORE IN 1848 on back wrappers. New York. [Curry (Daniel).] New York: a Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Metropolitan City of America. By a New- Yorker. Scarce plan and woodcut views. 12mo, cloth. nae | New York, 1853 NEw York. Carpenter (W. H.) and Arthur (T. 8S.). The History of New York from its Harliest Settlement to the Present Time. fingraved portrait and title. 16mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1854 Lippincott’s Cabinet History, devoted to the early accounts of the Province, the French and Indian War, and the Revolution. New York. Davis (A.). History of New Amsterdam; or, New York as it was in the Days of the Dutch Governors. 6 views of old New York, including plate of Fitch’s first steamboat. OrigiInaL Eprtion. 12mo, original cloth. Fine Copy. New York, 1854 . New York. Simms (Jeptha R.). Trappers of New York, or a Biog- raphy of Nicholas Stoner & Nathaniel Foster; together with Anec- dotes of Other Celebrated Hunters, and some account of Sir William Johnson. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Albany: J. Munsell, 1857 New York. Murphy (Wm. D.). Biographical Sketches of the State Officers and Members of the Legislature of the State of New York, in 1858. 12mo, original wrappers, slightly frayed. Albany, 1858 New York. Manhattan in 1628, as described in the recently discovered Autograph Letter of Jonas Michaelius, written from the Settlement on the 8th of August of that year, and now first published. With a Review of the Letter and an Historical Sketch of New Netherland to 1628, by Dingman Versteeg. Facsimile of the letter, portraits and views. Small 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. New York, 1904 Number sixteen of fifty copies printed on Imperial Japan paper. NortH Carorina. Williamson (Hugh). The History of North Caro- lina. Folding map. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf. Philadelphia, 1812 Inserted in Vol. I. is the addressed portion of a letter in William son’s handwriting containing his signature. FINE copy. Oni0. Dwight (Margaret Van Horn). A Journey to Ohio in 1810. As recorded in the Journal of M. V. H. Dwight. Edited with an In- troduction by Max Farrand. 8vo, boards, holland back, uncut. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1913 OuipHANT (Mrs.). The Literary History of England in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1882 es are 298. OrEGoN. Falconer (Thomas). The Oregon Question; or, re Stateme of the British Claims to the heck Territory. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1845 ria OREGON. Allen (A. J.—Compiler). Ten Years in Oregon. Travel and Adventures of Doctor E. White and Lady, west of the Rocky — Mountains, with Incidents of Two Voyages around Cape Horn, Brief History of the Missions and Settlement of the Country, &c. 12mo, original cloth. Ithaca: Mack, Andrus & Co., 1848 Scarce First Epirion of an early item of the history of Oregon by : Presbyterian missionary who is said to have possessed a remarkabl é aptitude for organizing into civic bodies the rough and ready elements — of border communities. Although Field mentions later editions of this work, he does not seem to have known of the original issue here cata- logued. 300. Oregon. Moseley (H. N.). Oregon; its Resources, Climate, People, and Productions. Colored map of the state. 16mo, cloth. — ! London, 1878 301. OREGON AND CaLiForNIA. Greenhow (Robert). The History of Ore- gon and California and the other Territories of the North-West — Coast of America. Second edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. Large folding map. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1845 Scarce in the original paper wrappers. 302. Parpor (Jutta). Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France inthe Seventeenth Century, 3 vols., 1847. Second Edition; The Court and Reign of Francis the First, 2 vols., 1850. Second Edtion; The Life and Times of Marie De Medicis, Queen of France, 3 vols., 1852, First Edition. With portraits. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, full polished | calf, gilt backs and tops [ probably by Larkins]. London, 1847-1852 FINE COLLECTION of Library Editions. Laid in is a four-page autograph letter, signed, of Miss Pardoe, undated. It was written to Mrs. 8. ©, Hall, and is an interesting personal letter. ‘ 303. ParKMAN (Francis). The Discovery of the Great West. Map. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, shghtly rubbed. eee 1870 One of seventy-five copies on LARGE PAPER. 304. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). The Old Regime in Canada. Map, First Ep1- TION. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. — Boston, 1874 One of seventy-five copies on LARGE. PAPER. 305, PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Count Frontenac and New France pacer Louis XIV. First Epirion. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1877 One of seventy-five copies On LARGE PAPER. 306. ParkMAN (Francis). Montcalm and Wolfe. Portraits and map. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1885 One of seventy-five copies ON LARGE PAPER. 307. ParkMAN (Franois). A Half Century of Conflict, Maps. First Ep1- TION. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1892 One of seventy-five copies on LARGE PAPER. ; al 4° al ) i a) ® Se ea 308. Parkman (FRANCIS). Another copy of the preceding. Boston, 1892 309. Parton (JAMES). Famous Americans of Recent Times. Portrait of J.C. Calhoun. First Epition. 12mo, original cloth. ‘Boston, 1867 310. Pater (WALTER). Studies in the History of the Renaissance. First Eprt1on. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1873 Unusually fine copy. 311. PATER (WALTER). An Imaginary Portrait; The Child in the House. THE Rare Frrst EDITION. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. ; Oxford: Daniel Press, 1894 Only two hundred and fifty copies were printed. 312. PatER (WALTER). Essays from “The Guardian.” First PUBLISHED Epifion. 8vo, silk, gilt back, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1904 The final volume of the edition de luxe of Pater’s writings. Out of print and scarce. 313. ParEer (WALTER). Uncollected Essays. [Symonds’s “ Renaissance in Ttaly,” The Life and Letters of Gustave Flaubert, A Novel by Mr. Oscar Wilde, etc.| 12mo, boards, uncut. | Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1903 One of four hundred and fifty copies, printed on Van Gelder hand-made - paper. | 314, [PauLpine (J AMES K.).] Westward Ho! A Tale. 2 vols. 12mo, orig- | inal cloth. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1832 First Epirion. Volume 1 contains the bookplate of Frederick W. Pauling, whereon is engraved the ‘‘ André” shield, which was presented by Congress to John Paulding and the others who were instrumental in the capture of Major André near Tarrytown, N. Y. 815. PENNSYLVANIA. Proud (Robert). History of Pennsylvania in North America from the Original Institution and Settlement of that Prov- ince, under the First Protector and Governor, William Penn, in 1681, till after the year 1742. With an Introduction respecting the Life of Wm. Penn, and the Religious Society of the People called Quakers, &c. Portrait of Penn engraved by Lawson after Barralet, and large map engraved by Thackera. 2 vols. 8vo, old sheep. Philadelphia: Z. Poulson, Jr., 1797-8 Good perfect copy of a reliable history of Pennsylvania which has never been excelled. 316. PENNSYLVANIA. Harris (Alex.). Biographical History of Lancaster County: Being a History of Early Settlers and Eminent Men of the County, also other Unpublished Information, chiefly of a Local Character. First Epirion. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lancaster, Pa., 1872 317. Pike (Masor Zesuton M.). An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi and’ through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans., La Platte, and Pierre Juan Rivers performed by order of the Government of the U. S. in 1805-7. Por- trait bust in stipple engraved by Edwin. 8vo, original tree calf, name on title, lacks the maps. Philadelphia, 1810 5 7, : +ey a “ae 0 Soo Poke a. = ay ee Lie Pee ee ee ch r ae Oat 3 aM ‘ ese mer i a RON tiie pI / 4 Ss ‘ . y ey . tet we ; = ¥ a 318. Ptantin Press. Georgii Dousae de Itinere Suo Constantinopolitano, Epistola. Small 8vo, vellum. a Ex officina Plantiniana Apud Christophorum Raphelengium, 1599 VERY RARE. Printed by the grandson of the elder Raphael engius mH (Plantin). 319. PLautus. Curculio Plauti comoedia longe lepidissima : metro numerisque i a Pilade restituta: et scholiis a Nicolao Buschiducensi graphice illus- trata. Title in red and black within an elegant ornamental wood-— cut border. Ato, half calf. 320. Pon (Epaar ALLAN). The Works of Poe, Including the Tales, Poems, — Miscellanies, The Literati, Arthur Gordon Pym. Portraits. First Epition. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, Vol. IV not uniform, and a few leaves loose. — New York: J. 8. Redfield, 1850-1856 These four volumes are sold separately as First Collected Editions, and are not often found together. They contain sketches of the Life and Genius of Poe by N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Griswold. — 321. Pops (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad, Variorum. With the Prolegomena of Seriblerus. Vignette of the Ass and Owl. Ato, sprinkled calf, gilt. London: Printed for A. Dod, 1729 First COMPLETE AND AUTHOR’S FIRST AVOWED EDITION, with the title- vignette 4 inches tall, and the leaf of Addenda. “IK” of Thom’s ea 322. PRESENT STATE of the Universe, or an Account of (1) The Chief Benes of the World; (2) Their Coats of Arms, &c.; (3) Their Chief Towns; (4) Their Revenues ; (5). Their Respective Appellations; also, An Account of Common-Wealths, relating to the same heads. ae Edition, continu’d and enlarg’d. Portraits and plates. 12mo, Jd panelled calf, one joint broken. eee 1701 Among the portraits are,—Leopold of Germany, Frederic of ‘ Pruss- land,’ Tsar of Moscovy, and others, with 85 plates showing Royal, Com- mercial and Naval flags of all countries, including the New Hngland Einsign. 323. Priest (JostaH). American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West; Being an Exhibition of the Evidence that an Ancient Population peopled America many centuries before its Discovery by Col- umbus. Second Edition, revised. Illustrations. 8vo, old tree calf. Albany, 1833 Traces the origin of Fire Worship, and presents traits of Mosaic history found among the Aztec Indians. 324. PrircHarD (JAMES C.). The Natural History of Man; comprising In- quiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies of the different tribes of the human family. Fourth Edition, “edited and enlarged by Edwin Norris. Illustrated with sixty-two colored plates, and one hundred engravings on wood. 2 vols. royal 8vo, orig- inal cloth, gilt, name on reverse of each frontispiece. London, 1855 A large portion of volume two is devoted to the Indian Tribes of North America. Antuerpiae : Michael Hoochstratanus [1518] a ae 7m te SD i a a a Ha 825. RaBeLais (MaAsTEeR Francis). Works of Rabelais. Translated into English, by Urquhart and Motteux. With an Introduction by Ana- tole de Montaiglon. Portrait of the author, and fourteen full-page photogravures by Lows Chalon, in addition to woodcuts, initial let- ters, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1892 Lawrence and Bullen’s fine edition. 326. Ramsay (Davin). The Life of George Washington. Stipple portrait by Leney. 8vo, newly bound in half brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, by Blackwell. New York, 1807 327. Ramsay (Davin). Universal History . . . History of the United States, from their First Settlement in 1607, to 1808. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent by 8. 8. Smith, and others. Second Edition, Revised and Corrected. 3 vols. 8vo, old tree calf. Philadelphia, 1818 328. ReaD (GroRGE H.). The Last Cruise of the Saginaw. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Boston: Riverside Press, 1912 One of one hundred and fifty uncut copies. 329. REMINGTON (FREDERIC). Frontier Sketches. 15 full page plates. Firs Epit1on. Oblong 4to, pictorial boards. Chicago, &c. [1898] 330. [Revere (PAavL).| Weatherwise’s Town and Country Almanac, 1781. Title-page and page containing the portrait of George Washington, said to be engraved by Paul Revere. Framed and glazed. 3 Boston ; Printed and sold by John McDougall & Co. 1781 In The Engraved Portraits of Washington, by Charles Henry Hart, Grolier Club, New York, i904, the following account is given of this portrait and it is there reproduced at p. XV. “In Goss’s Life of Paul Revere, p. 501, is printed a letter from Revere to his cousin, Mathias Rivoire, in France, in which Revere says: “Before this reaches you you will have heard of the victory gained over the British Army, by the Allied Armies, commanded by the brave General Washington. am Saint Piprre (Bernarpin De). Paul and Virginia. With an Original a Memoir of the Author. With 330 illustrations, proofs on India paper, = by Tony Johannot, Meissomer and others. Royal 8vo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Riviére. London, 1839 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 8 exquisite vignettes etched by Ad. Lalauze, on India Paper. SancerR (WiniiamM W.). The History of Prostitution. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1858 Sarcent (WintTHROP). The Life and Career of Major John André. | First Eprrion. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, slightly worn. Boston, 1861 SHAKESPEARE (WitttAmM). ‘The Works of Shakespeare. Edited, with a scrupulous revision of the text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clark. With sixty-six illustrations selected from the Boydell Gallery. 4 vols. Svo, tree calf, gilt backs. Fine set. ~ London, 1876 SavonaroLa (GiroLamo). Life and Times of Savonarola; illustrating the progress of the Reformation in Italy during the Fifteenth Century. Hitched portrait, inserted. 12mo, full straight-grained morocco, gilt top, by Matthews. London, 1843 From the L. I. Haber collection, with bookplate. SHELLEY (Percy ByssHE). Poetical Works, including various addi- tional pieces from MS. and other ‘sources. The text carefully re- vised, with Notes and a Memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. Por- trait and facsimile. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1870 SoutH Caromina. Ramsay (David). Histcry of the Revolution of South Carolina from a British Province to an Independent State. With 4 folding maps, sight repairs. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Trenton |N. J.]; Isaac Collins, 1785 First Epirion, with 2 Extra portraits inserted. roe nc anton gg PP at I ET ee ss cara pian . Sour Caroitna. Ramsay (David.) The History of South Carolina, from its First Settlement in 1670 to the Year 1808. Folding maps, one slightly mended. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Charleston, 1809 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of numerous engraved Bortraits. 345. SourH Carorins. Drayton (John). Memoirs of the American Revolu- tion from its Commencement to the year 1776, inclusive; as relating to the State of South Carolina and occasionally to North Carolina and Georgia. Portrait of W. H. Drayton, and 2 maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, name on titles, and slightly spotted, as usual. Charleston, 1821 SCARCE IN UNCUT CONDITION. The materials for this work were col- lected by the writer’s father, Chief Justice W. H. Drayton. Much information is presented relative to the early political events, and the early military movements in the South, particularly the Expedition against the Cherokees and the defence of Fort Moultrie. Laid in is a D. S. by W. H. Drayton, Revolutionary patriot, and the father of the author. From the library of Charles C. Jones, Jr., with his bookplate. 346, Sourn Sea Voyaces. Cooke (Captain Edward). A Voyage to the South Sea, and Round the World, Perform’d in 1708-1711, by the ships Duke and Dutchess of Bristol, containing a Journal of all memorable transactions . . . description of the American Coasts from ‘Terra del Fuego to California, &c. “Maps, plates and tables. 2 vols. small 8vo, original calf, gilt. London, 1712 EXTREMELY SCARCE IN THE TWO VOLUMES, the second volume being un- usually hard to secure. A large portion of this interesting work relates to Mexico and California, with descriptions of the Indians of those countries, the finding of Alexander Selkirk on Juan Fernandez with a relation of his experiences, &c. 347. Spatpine (M. J.). Sketches of the Harly Catholic Missions of Kentucky ; from their Commencement in 1787, to 1826-7. 12mo, rebound in cloth. Louisville, n.d. [1844] 348. Sparks (Jared). The Life of George Washington. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, gilt. : Boston, 1843 349. Squire (KE. G.). Observations on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, the Character of the Ancient Earth- Works, and the Structure, Contents, and Purposes of the Mounds. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1847 ORIGINAL EDITION. 350. Stamp Act. Correct Copies of the Two Protests against. the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act, of Last Session. With Lists of the Speakers and Voters. 8vo, new buckram. Paris: Chez J. W., Imprimeur, 1766 351. Srepwan (C.). The History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American War. By C. Stedman, Ww ho served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton and The Marquis Cornwallis. Maps. 2 vols. Ato, old half calf. London, 1794 One of the rarest and best histories of the Revolution, and especially difficult to find with all the fine maps and plans. This copy has all fifteen, including the large folding maps of New York and vicinity, which are usually missing. As a history it has been pr aised by Justin Winsor, Carrington, and other authorities. JOR. 353. 304, 355. 356. 357. 008. 359. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON C.). Poems and Ballads; Second and Third s + la * ve SrepMan (Caprain J. G.). Narrative of a Five Years’ Expedition by against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild — Coast of South America; from the year 1772 to 177 7; elucidating — the History of that country and describing its Productions, Viz. am Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Trees, &. Numerous folding . and full-page plates after designs by the Rites engraved by William Blake [represented by 14 plates], Bartolozzi, and others. 2 vols. a 4to, original calf, repairs to a few leaves. London, 1796 First Epirion of “one of the most singular productions ever offered — to the public,” with the unusual plates by WILLIAM BLAKE, &C. From the > ys library of E. D. een, with armorial bookplate. SreenpAM (Jacos). Memoir of the First Poet in New Netherland Jacob Steendam, Noch Vaster, with his Poems descriptive of the Colony. [By Henry C. Murphy.] Portrait of the poet. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers shaken. | ; The Hague, 1861 Scarce. Printed for private distribution. Srepuens (Joun L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Illustrated by numerous engravings. 2 vols, Svo,. oa cloth, paper labels. . London, 1841) First English Edition. From the library of the ss of Sheffield, with | a his bookplate. ® A , St. GrorGe’s Socrrry, N. Y. Morgan (William F.). Sermon, Preached before the St. George’s Society ‘of New York, at St. Thomas’ Church, 77 on St. George’s Day, April 23, 1858. 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt = edges. New York, 1858 . Lord Napier’s copy, with his name in gold on cover, and his curious white and gold bookplate. 3 Stines (Henry Reep). Bundling; its Origin, Progress and Decline in America. 12mo, cloth. Albany, 1871 SucquEt (Antonius). Via Vitae Aeternae. Title and 32 very fine full page emblematic copper-plates, all brillant vmpressions, by B. A. Bolswert. 8vo, claret levant morocco, blind and gilt panelled sides, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Antverpiae, 1620 THE RARE First Epirion of this fine volume. A splendid copy. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON C.). Poems and Ballads. First Eprtron. 12mo, orginal green cloth, top edge uncut, as issued. With the eight pages of advertisements. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1866 THE GENUINE FIRST ISSUE. SUPPRESSED AND SCARCE. It contates two stanzas of “ Félise” on page 222 printed in a different type from that | used for the balance of the work. The cloth covers contain the pub- lisher’s cipher on the front. The original appearance of “ Poems and Ballads” was met by such a whirlwind of hysterical criticism, that the publishers explained to the public that they were unaware of the nature of the poems, and sup- pressed the edition before it got into general circulation. Series. First Eprtion. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. ae London, 1878-1889 . * i nea RPE i SERCH AOS ee 469. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON C.). In the Album of Adah Menken. 12mo, unbound. | [London, n.d. ] Two leaves containing ed verses in ‘French entitled - * Dolorida ” written for the album of the actress, Adah Menken. Only a few copies printed. A note states,—* This copy came direct from the late R. Herne Shepherd. : SCARCE. 361. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON C.). Unpublished Verses [1866]. 12mo, 2 ie leaves, unbound. bene. ce tp. 184 First Eprrion. One of about 20 copies printed, most of them, it is said, being destroyed almost as soon as issued. Scarce. | 362. Gayoiis (J OHN ho ee of the author of “ History of the _ Renaissance in Italy”). Sleep : and Dreams; Two Lectures. First Eprtion. ‘8yo, limp cloth: ‘London and Bristol, 1851 363. S¥MONDs (JoHN AppinGTon). Italian Byways. [Monte Oliveto, May in Umbria, A Venetian Medley, Winter Nights at Davos, etc. ] First EpItion. 12mo, full calf, gilt back. London, 1883 364. SyMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi. Translated into English, with Essays on Italian Impromptu Com- edy, Gozzi’s Life, The Dramatic Fables, and Pietro Longhi. By the Translator (J. A. Symonds). Portrait and 6 original “etchings by A. Lalauze, colored by hand, with a duplicate set on India Paper, and 11 hand-colored plates by Maurice Sand, allustrating Italian Comedy. 2 vols. royal 8vo, art cloth, paper labels, uncut. London: J. ©. Nimmo, 1890 Tatas PAPER COPY OF THE First EpITiIon, with 18 plates IN COLORS, most copies contain but eleven. Number thirty- -nine of 210 copies printed. CHOICE COPY. 365. SYNGE (Joun M.). The Works of J. M. Synge. With four portraits, from drawings by J. B. Yeats, and James Patterson. 4 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt tops, uncut. Dublin, 1910 Out of print and scarce. 366. TENNyson (ALFRED, Lorp). Poems. Plates after J. H. Millais, W. H. Hunt, D. G. Rossetti, J. C. Horsley, &c. engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, W. J. Linton, W. Mulready, and others. 8vo, full tan calf, gilt back and inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. ‘London: Moxon, 1857 FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION. 367. Texas. Edward (David B.). The History of Texas; or, the Emi- grant’s, Farmer’s and Politician’s Guide to the Character, Climate, Soil and Production of that Country . . . described from Personal Observation and Experience. /olding map engraved by Doolittle and Munson, showing Austin’s Colony, De Witt’s Colony, Whelin’s Grant, etc. 12mo, original cloth. Cincinnati, 1836 SCARCE ORIGINAL EDITION. 368. 369. 370. “872. O18 374, “BY5. TEXAS. Newell (Chester). History of the Ravolations in oo an “THANKSGIVING ProcLaMATIONS. Hough (Franklin B.—Editor. Proe- . TuHoreau (Henry D.). A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, = TuHorEAu (Henry D.). Cape Cod. [Edited by Sophia Thoreau and = Tee. (TOaRY. ] MFingal: A Moree Epic Poem. Canto First, “= | Unt0a (AnTon1Io De). Noticias Americanas: entretenimientos fisico- Mit a ln ATS SPT Pe | Sarl eae Te GER AR ee ; ee ee pu Ch am ’ ‘ + (eee 3 ee + ‘i aoe, - ticularly of the War of 1835-1836, together with the latest Goa : graphical, Topographical and ° Statistical Accounts of the Country — from the most Authentic Sources. Also, an Appendix. Folding — map. 12mo, original cloth, _ New York, 1838 Described in Raines’ Bibliography of this state as “one of the rare gi reliable books on Texas.” me, Texas. The Life of Sam Houston. (The Only Authentie diane ‘ sa him ever Published.) Portrait, plans and illustrations. 12mo, a original cloth. - New York, 1855 Original edition. Contains many interesting details relative to the struggle of Texas for independence, War with Mexico, Indians, &¢c. — lamations for Thanksgiving, issued by the Continental Congress, Pres’t Washington . . . by the Governors of New York and of the Several States in 1858. With Historical Introduction and Notes. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. _ Albany: Munsell & Rowland, 1858 12mo, original cloth. es Boston and. Cambridge: James rene: & Co., 1849 FINE AND CLEAN COPY OF THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL = BROWN CLOTH. From the library of Henry W. Poor, with his leather bookplate. oN; eee . aa OW: #E. ee ‘First Eprrion. | 12mo, original cloth. ea Boston, 1865 or the Town-Meeting. 12mo, half leather, name on title. ‘ ee eae Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Bradford, _ YTB = First EDITION OF THE FIRST PART. Bip ol TuTHiILL (Mrs. L. C.—KEditor). The Mitre of Life. TJllustrations — engraved by John Sartain, Philadelphia. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1848 First Epirion.. Contains Rel ioe contributions by Mrs. Sigourney, Catherine Sedgwick, Thomas Buchanan Read, Frances 8. Osgood, Dr. Bethune, and other American writers. TYRRELL (GEORGE). Autobiography and Life of George Tyrrell. Ar-— a ranged, with supplements by M. D. Petre. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. : London, 1912 historicos sobre la America Meridional y la Septentrional Oriental: Comparacion general de los territorios, climas y producciones en = las tres especies vegetal, animal y mineral, con una relacion parti- “% cular de los Indios de aquellos paises. Ato, contemporary Spanish ealf. Madrid, 1792 hay (carat Yo weld Sagat eae bh ao tg Mier sopping te omy wc AN Te as. : ai Were ee rae - v7. : 378. ce (OcTAVE). ‘The Fan. sHusiented [in various tints], by Paul 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. Uzanne (Octave). The Sunshade; the Glove, the Muff. Illustrated ; [in various he by Paul Avril. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1883 Avril. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1884 UZANNE (Ocravg). The Frenchwoman of the Centur y; Fashions, Man- ners, Usages. Illustrated in water colors by Albert Lynch, engraved in colors by Bugene Gaujean. Reyal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1886 One of five hundred copies printed. UzANNE (OctTAVE). The Mirror of the World. With one hundred and sizty Ulustrations by Paul Avril (in various tints). Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. | London, 1889 UZzANNE ( Octave). L’Art et Idee. Extensively illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut, some pages loose. Paris, 1892 Limited and numbered issue. UZANNE (OctTAvE). Fashion in Paris, the various phrases of feminine taste and aestetics from 1797 to 1897. With one hundred hand- colored plates & two hundred and fifty text illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 “VERMONT. Williams ( Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Second Edition, corrected and much enlarged. Folding map, shghtly worn at folds. 2 vols. 8vo, original tree calf. Burlington, Vt., 1809 Henry C. Murphy’s copy with his autograph on flyleaf of each volume. Virernts. Jefferson (Thomas). Notes on the State of Virginia. First Hot-pressed Edition. Folding map, plans, portrait of Jefferson, and view of Natural Bridge. 8vo, original tree calf, name on title. Philadelphia; R. T. Rawle, 1801 BEST EDITION, including the Appendix relative to the murder of Logan’s family, and other pieces not in earlier editions. ViIERGE ILLUSTRATIONS. The Tavern of the Three Virtues. Translated from the original of Saint-Juirs. Illustrated with staty drawings by Daniel Vierge. Together with a critical Essay on the Art of Vierge by Edmund Gosse. Imperial 8vo, decorated cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, undated, [1895 | One of six hundred and fifty copies. Votney (C. F.). A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America, with supplementary remarks upon Florida; on the French Colonies on the Mississippi, the Ohio and in Canada; and on the Aboriginal Tribes of America. Translated, with occasional re- marks by C. B. Brown. Maps and plates. Svo, original boards, morocco back, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804. Wapote (Horace). Letters of Walpole. Selected and arranged by Charles Duke Yonge. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, leather backs, gilt tops, uncut. . New York, 1890 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. Wanton (Izaak). The Lives of Dr: John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, ‘Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sander- son; to which are added the Autographs of those eminent men, now _ a first collected, an Index and Illustrative. Notes. full-page engraved a portraits and plates, and numerous woodcuts in the text. 12mo, prea pruned levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. London: J. Major, 1825 Large Paper copy of the beautifully produced Major edition, with full- page plates on India paper. An early issue of the First. Edition, with autograph letter of the publisher stating the fact and presenting it to Philip Bliss, the noted antiquary and book-collector, and also with the latter’s autograph inscription and his private mark on jes bie Probably a Unique Copy having inserted opposite 22 of the vignettes = a separately printed proof of each on China paper. ” War or 1812. An ‘ital and Correct History of the War between the _ United States of America and Great Britain; Declared by a Law of __ Congress, June 18, 1812, and concluded by a ratification and ex- change of a Treaty of Peace, at the City of Washington, Feb. 17, _ 1815, etc. Second edition, revised and corrected. Frontispiece of Jackson’ s engagement with the British at New Orleans, engraved by Scoles, inner margin of plate repaired and_ gece 12mo, con- temporary sheep, somewhat worn, as usual. | New York, 1815 a War oF 1812. History of the American War of Eighteen Hundred and Twelve, from the Commencement until the final Termination there- — of on the Memorable Highth of January, 1815, at New Orleans. Portrait of Zebulon M. Pike by Kennedy and six full-page copper- plates. 12mo, original sheep, name on title. _ Pinladelphia, 1816 The portrait of Gen. Pike is extremely rare, and it is exceptional ie meet with the work containing all the six plates. War or 1812. [Gleig (George Robert).] A Narrative of the Cam- paigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, under Generals Ross, Pakenham, and Lambert. Frrst Eprrion. 8vo, half calf, name erased from title. | London, 1821 This work was. written by a British officer, from his own journals kept during the campaign, and contains the first detailed account of the disastrous campaign which terminated in the Capture of Washington. War oF 1812. Davis (Paris M.). An Authentick History of the Late _ War between the United States and Great Britain, with a full ac- count of every Battle. To which will be added the War with Algiers, &c. 12mo, original sheep. Ithaca [N. Y.], Davis & Saunders, 1829 . War or 1812. Van Rensselaer (Solomon). A Narrative of the Affair of Queenstown, In the War of 1812. Folding map. _12mo, original cloth. New York, (1836 . War or 1812. Brackenridge (H. M.). History of the Late War, be- tween the United States and Great Britain; comprising a minute account of the various sateen and Naval Operations. Illustrated. 12mo, new sheep. | | Philadelphia, 1839 395. WasHiNdton (GEORGE). Letters from General Washington to several of his friends, in June and July, 1776, in which is set forth an In- teresting View of American Politics, at that all-important period. 8vo, new wrappers, uncut, several pages slightly stained. Philadelphia : Republished at the Federal Press, 1795 The spurious Letters of Washington. Scarce, especially uncut. 396, Wasuineton (Grorcr). The Washingtoniana : Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of the late General George Washington; with a Collection of Elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, &c., sacred to his Memory. Also, an Appendix. . | Edited by F. Johnston and W. Ham- ilton.] Engraved portrait of Washington by D. Edwin, inserted. Square 8vo, newly bound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, entirely uncut. Lancaster, Pa.: William Hamilton, 1802 _ SCARCE. Includes eulogies by Gouverneur Morris, Gunning Bedford, David Ramsay, Rey. Uzal Ogden of Newark, N. J., and others. 397. WASHINGTON (Guores). The Diary of Washington, from 1789 to 1791; embracing the Opening of the First Congress, his Tours through New England, Long Island and the Southern States, with his Jour- nal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. 8vo, eloth, small portion of back split. _ Richmond [Va.]|: Press of the Historical Society, 1861 ONE OF A VERY ¥EW COPIES PRINTED ON LARGE PAPER. 398. Western Lire. Richardson (Albert D.). Beyond the Mississippi; from the great river to the great ocean. Life and Adventure on the Prairies, Mountains, and Pacific Coast. Numerous tlustrations. BV6; Cloth, © = © i: Hartford, Conn., 1867 399. WHISKEY INSURRECTION. Brackenridge (Hugh H.). Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, in 1794. 3 vols. in 1. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, many pages spotted, as usual. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1795 First EDITION, AND PRACTICALLY UNKNOWN IN UNCUT CONDITION. WITH LEAF OF ERRATA. An earnest plea by the author in defence of his part in this Insurrection. It was the original intention to issue the work in 3 volumes, and separate pagination was used. accordingly. Subse- quently, it was decided to publish in 1 volume, and the extra titles dis- carded. Hence the three separate paginations in present volume. Autograph of Richard Cooper on title. 400, WILDE (Oscar). The Picture of Dorian Gray. [Complete and una- bridged]. 12mo, half decorated vellum [by Riviere]. Paris: Carrington, 1910 401. WinkEs (CHartEs). Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedi- ; tion, during the years 1838-1842. Numerous fine steel portraits and plates, and engravings on wood. Text, 5 vols., and Atlas of maps, ] vol. Together, 6 vols., royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1845 ONE OF THE LIMITED EDITION ON LARGE PAPER. This expedition was sent out under the direct auspices of the United States Government during the term of President Martin Van Buren, and consisted of six vessels. The narrative contains comprehensive and valuable accounts of Madeira, Terra del Fuego, California, Oregon, &c., their climates, the inhabitants and their customs, legends, &e. This work is especially important in its treatment of the details concerning the Indians of California, Oregon, and the vast Northwest coast. . 402. 403. 404. 405. 4.06. 407. 408. THOMAS E. KIRBY, i diem ae Sat Sa ie ee y ‘ a. re ae nae ae Wittson (Marcius). American Histone comprising “Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes; a Description of American Antiqui- ties; a History of Mexico; a History of Texas. Marginal maps and — numerous text diustranone 8vo, cloth. New York, 1847 ~ Wisconsin. Ritchie (James S.). Wisconsin and its Resources, includ-. ing a trip up the Mississippi, and a Canoe Voyage on the St. Croix — ‘and Brule Rivers to Lake Superior. Third Revised Hdition, -— Colored folding map, and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. s Philadelphie 1858 WITHER (GEORGE). Britain’s Relient neeneee containing a Narration of the Plague lately past; A Declaration of the Mischief’s present; And a Prediction of Judgments to come (if Repentance precent not). Engraved frontispiece (which is cut about one-sixteenth of an inch at bottom), in the lower compartment of which is a bird's-eye view of England and Scotland. 12mo, full scored calf, red edges. Imprinted for Great Britaine, and are to be sold by J obns Grismand, _ 16280 With the exception that several pages are slightly stained, a good copy, — aN with the rare leaf ‘“‘The meaning of the title-page” preceding engraved title. WirHer (GEorGE). Vaticinium Causuale [sic], A Rapture Oecactnee ie By the late Miraculous Deliverance of His Highnesse, The Lord Pro- tector, From a Desperate Danger, With, a Noverint Universi, in the Close. With portrait of “ Olivier” Cromwell, by B. Moncornet, mn- 8 serted, as frontispiece. Small 4to, full calf, gilt edges, by C. Smith, London: Printed for T. Ratcliffe, and E. Mottershed, 1655 THE RARE First Epirion. The origin of the poem was a frolic of Cromwell’s in assuming the coachman’s ete and Oven his seere- tary Thurlow, in Hyde Park. WyominG, Penna. The Valley of. Wyoming: The Romance of its His- tory and its Poetry. Also, Specimens of Indian Eloquence. Com- piled by a Native of the Valley. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1866 © First Epirion. Includes Story of Francis Slocum; Campbell’s poem, “Gertrude of Wyoming”; specimens of Local Poetry; Logan’s Speech, &e. Youne (Epwarp). Poetical Works. [With Life by J. Mitford]. Por- trait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. _ London, 1866 Large Paper copy of the Aldine Edition. Number six of one hundred copies printed from type for America. | ZeNGER Traut. A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New-York Weekly Journal. Small 4to, newly bound in three-quarter red polished morocco, gilt, gilt top. N.p.n.d. According to Rutherford this edition was issued without a title-page, and the printer’s name is unknown. Very likely it is one of the editions published by Wilford in London, about 17388. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Auctioneer. Wid yin ty ney MA gaa ayy ’ peter’ r . 7 i ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ Wit Pi Hee ‘ ne he , iy fy ’ 4 . \ \ v% on ee 1 t t ‘ A hia atk ‘ . ‘ uy F i y » } ' ‘ . vai CN sat, 4 ’ ‘ thy ‘ ‘ ‘ t (hes i et \ rn tes i 5 \ ALG \ pray Hun sian Wy, , f tipks . 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