~~, “he : oye abe pe : v A o7 * 7 a 4 Pe 5 JUNE 1846 eS tee CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, PICTURES, AND CURIOSITIES OF THE LATE WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. CONSISTING OF A most extensive Collection of Prints in English Topography, par- — ticularly London and its environs; Engraved Portraits of eminent Persons, many of them Private Plates, and of great rarity ; Mis- cellaneous Prints, embracing every variety of subject, particularly Sports, Games, and Pastimes, Popular manners and customs, Ex- hibitions, Theatrical Amusements, Mechanical Inventions, Wonders of Nature and Art, Remarkable Events, Caricatures, Political, Per- sonal, and Humorous; A great number of Original Sketches of that very clever Artist, Ozias Humphrey, Esq. R.A. Miniatures on Ivory of several eminent and distinguished persons, including one by Cooper; Pictures; Curiosities, including a handle from the coffin of Mary Queen of Scots; upwards of 1500 Provincial Coins and Tokens, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( Under the Direction of the Court of Chancery ), By Messrs. EVANS, AT THEIR ROOMS, No. 106, NEW BOND STREET, On THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1846. CATALOGUES TO BE HAD AT THE PLACE OF SALE5 AND OF Messrs. Arxins and Anprews, No. 5, White Hart Court, Lombard Street, Solicitors to ‘the Estate. OW , CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. ; and so in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more if required, in part Pay- ment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expense, within Five Days after the conclusion of the Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-money to BE ABSOLUTELY PAID ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, in default of which Messrs. Evans will not hold themselves responsi- ble if stolen, lost, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Lots to be taken with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. VI. The Sale of any Lot is not to be set aside on account of any error of enumeration of the Drawings, Prints, or other Articles it is stated to contain. VII. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, « shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges on such Re-sale, and this shall be considered a sufficient Notice to the Defaulter. *,* No Lots will be delivered during the Time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions JSaithfully executed by their humble Servants, R. H., T. ann C. EVANS. *.* Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy sang or for Public or Private Sale. Compton and Ritchie, Printers, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, London. LO - 1 Facdede dl 2 OoOnNAO oO & 10 1] 12 13 14 ‘15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CATALOGUE OF PRINTS, DRAWINGS, &c. OF THE LATE WILLIAM UPCOTT, ESQ. FIRST DAY’S SALE. T A LARGE PARCEL of Miscellaneous Prints Numbers of Partington’s Views in London, zmpf. &c. a parcel Various Prints, a parcel Ditto Ditto, im a portfolio Portraits for illustration, a parcel Ditto Ditto Costume, Trades, &c. some curious 64 Interesting collection of Portraits of beautiful Women, some coloured : ‘ 12 Large parcel of Heraldic and Genealogical Prints Costume, a curious collection, some very early 42 Heraldry, Antiquities, &c.; Genealogy of the Anson Family, Premieres Regles du Blazone, autograph of John Evelyn ; Vote of Thanks to C. H: Turner, Chairman of the Com- mittee of the London Hospital, beautifully written on vellum by Tomkins, &c. ; y 21 A thick Portfolio, with leaves, well bound, lettered ‘* Hogarth’s Works” f Another, half bownd, lettered <‘ Scraps” Another - Antiquities, a large parcel Vases, &c. by Caravaggio ; ; 28 Miscellaneous lot : Views—Rembrandt’s Mill—The Altar-Piece at Magdalen Col. &c. ; 4 93 Pater, from the Townley collection i 6 Ancient Sculpture, Gems, Coins, &c. a parcel B ‘\ ES RET ANE ON te en “ £ ¥ 3 Z 3 | | b 6 b 6 Or, neyo nny Ane ee ee “ WK QS WP & Ww foes ae QO | 4 22 23 24 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. Scrap-Book, containing a variety of pleasing Prints and piece | Miscellaneous, after Greuze, and others Scrap-Book, containing a great variety of Portraits, Views, Book-plates, &c. many proofs A bundle: Heraldic Book-plates; whole length Portraits of 5 Mlustrious Men, by Tringham, Fourdignon ; ; and a large parcel of Portraits on 8vo size paper Portfolio, with Miscellanies Miscellaneous: Prize Cattle, &c. Etchings of Animals, Birds, &c. by Hollar, Barlow, Gaywood, Collaert, F. Place, &c. pasted in a volume AncLinc. A curious collection of Prints, &c. relative to Angling Archery, Billiards, Bowls, Cards, Chess, Fencing, Skittles, &c. a curious collection Carps. “ These Cards and Globes, Spheres, Mathematical Bookes, and Instruments by Sea and Land,” &c. to be sold by Thos. Tuttell; Part of a Pack of Hunting Cards; and Cards for comprising the general Rules of Lillie’s Gram- mar, woodcuts of Anne of Denmark, &c. very curtous Comforts and Miseries of Human Life . Drolls, Dwarfs, Singeries, &c. : : 22 Duelling, Cock- fighting, &c. 92 Exhibitions. A collection of Hand- bills, Advertisenentas &e. Country Fairs. The Large Fair, by Callot, &c. Frost Fairs; Skating, &c. a: Hobby Horses. A curious collection relating to Velocipedes, &c. several coloured Hunting, Coursing, Shooting, a very large and curious collection — MaTRIMONY, &c. Courtship, Matrimony, Crim. Con. &c. avery curious collection 45 Pucitism. A very extensive collection of Portraits, Remark- able Pugilistic Contests, Autograph Letters of several celebrated Boxers, Cuttings of Newspapers, &c. some af the portratis very uncommon A Quaker’s Meeting, and various relating to the © Society of ‘ Friends, &c. 15 Races, Sailing Matches, &c. @ n large parcel Steam Travelling ; Humorous Prints relating to Locomotive Engines, Steamboats, &c. Shop-bills and Cards (some old) of Booksellers, Printsellers, Engravers, and Bookbinders, a parcel Sports and Pastimes. Jumping in Sacks, Snap- Aragon, Blind- man’s Buff 39 Wonpers. The Great Whale ; fiirial Ship ; Life Preserver ; Sailing Carriage ; and a variety of other curious Prints of — Antique Chairs, Cups, &c. 22 Hogarth. Twelve Satirical Etchings relating to Hoeree by o Paul Sandby; and various others Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 5 49 Hocartu. Thirty-four Prints by and after Hogarth 50 Humorous Caricatures, after Rowlandson, and others, coloured 24 51 Humorous Caricatures, a great variety 52 Another lot, some very old and scarce 28 "53 Another lot, containing Thirty, by Paul Sandby and others 54 Thirty others 55 Twenty-four ditto, colowred 56 Twenty-four ditto 57 Thirty-six ditto, mostly coloured 58 Twenty-six ditto, Political: Sir Robert Walpole, Byng, Fox, _ Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and others, some scarce 59 Political. Thirty: Fox, Burke, North, Pitt, Erskine ; and others 60 Thirty-six others, some coloured 61 The Ghost of the Earl of Chatham; Vernon Triumphant; The W heel of Fortune, &c. very curious and scarce 20 62 Twenty-four others, some very curious and scarce 63 Twenty-five others, in the time of Walpole, some very curious and scarce 64 Allegorical Prints. The Order of the Universe, by Richard Dey, 1637—The Tree of Man’s Life, by ditto, John Goddard, sculpsit ; Description of Logick, by ditto; A Laurell of Metaphysicke, engraved by W. Marshall; and 2 Prints from the brass of Thomas Sparke 6 65 Caricatures, Personal and Political, colowred EE 66 Personal Caricatures. The Earl of Egmont, scarce; Kidgell; Lord Macartney, by Sherwin, &c. 29 67 Personal Caricatures, some very curious 38 68 Another lot 40 69 Tickets for Coronations, ‘Benevolent Bildietied Funerals, Di- plomas, &c. very curious 66 70 Coronations of the Kings of England, from Geo. II to Victoria, a very large assemblage of prints ; Coronations, Proces- sions, Fetes, Funeral Processions, &c. several very scarce 71 Trial of Queen Caroline, with Key ; Skimmington’s Triumph ; Fire of London ; and various, historical 34 72 Coronation and other Tickets, one for the Opening of the Royal Exchange, signed “ Howard and Effingham,” and Barnes ; and a Copy of Verses on the Jubilee by Jane Webb, with an original Autograph Letter to Queen Charlotte 73 Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the Royal Family; A large collection of Woodcuts, Portraits, and Prints relative to the Coronation of her Majesty ; Her ‘‘ Progresses; Prayers ; Songs relative to the Pines Consort, fie Pritice of Veale. and the late Attempts upon her Majesty’s Life, &c. a very large parcel xP Nn) WYNN { | j a A ES A TE LT TR NS srt a ese pen ere se 74 19 80 8 _— 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wilham Upcott, Esq. RaFFAELLE. Drawings and Tracings from some of the principal Pictures in Rome, done by Ozias Humphrey, ev authen- ticated by him, mostly neatly mounted Drawings and Sketches from celebrated Pictures at Rome by Raffaelle and other great Masters, by Oz. Humphrey, authenticated, and carefully mounted ‘ MicHaEL ANGELO. Ten Drawings and Tracings from the chief Works of Michael Angelo, in the Sistine Chapel at Rome, by O. Humphrey, carefully mounted 10 Drawings, after Michael Angelo, Raphael, &c. and one se Baroccio Drawings and Sketches from original Pictures at Rome, *s Raphael, and other great Masters, by Oz. Humphrey, each picture verified, neatly mounted 12 Four ditto of Heads, after Raffaelle and Sebastian del Piombo, all very fine 4 Fourteen ditto of Giasaccin: his own Portrait ; and other Draw- ings and Tracings by Oz, Humphrey, including one of Raffaelle and his master Pietro Perugino 14 Study from Nature, a fine anatomical figure, by Mortimer; Two Heads of Boys, in oil; and various Drawings from the human figure, by O. Humphrey Portraits in Crayons, by Oz. Humphrey, mostly original Sketches for Pictures; Richard Collier, Mrs, Sheridan, Thomas Sheridan, Gustavus, the Diamond Merchant, Dr. Heavi- side; and Mrs. Goddard, Lady of Ambrose Goddeuhs M. ie | for Wiltshire ; ; and others . Twelve others, by the same; Princess Sophia ese rr Miss 12 Cambridge; and others Rowlandson, Comic Sketches, coloured Se Lady Maria Waldegrave, Capt. Waldegrave, Augustus and. Henry Phipps; and others Ot Eight Drawings of Portraits: Earl Cowper, and others, by or : Humphrey Minerva, an Outline, drawn by W. Etty, R.A.; and Craybh | Portraits, by Ozias Humphrey, of himself and others Drawing in Black lead Pencil, by J. M. Turner, R.A. Henry IV of England; Dr. Chambers, after Holbein ; Sir Francis Drake, &c., Drawings from original Pictures. 4 Views in Rome, Original Drawings, by Oz. Humphrey —S§-_-14 Four Drawings, by Blake } 4 Caricatures, Early Drawings, by J. Cruikshank and aioe very 9 curious Mortanp; The Sportsman, a drawing in viikou colours, ony a carefully finished, by George Morland Indian Drawing, representing Pavilions in a Garden, ak x Dancing on the Tight- rope, very curious . a Prints, Drawings, &c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 7 SKETCH-BOOKS USED BY OZIAS HUMPHREY. 95 Five SkETCH-Books used in England, &c.; one containing Extracts from the Register of the Parish Church at Honiton relative to the Humphry and Upcott Families ; View of the Vicarage House, &c. very interesting 96 OnE DitTO; containing a great variety of free-pen and other Sketches of Figures in every variety of Attitude, dound in mottled calf, of great utility to an artist, and highly desirable to the connoisseur 97 Five Sketch-Books used by O. Humphry in India, &c. 98 THrEE Dirro used in India ; Two, containing sketches of the principal places in Calcutta; one, the Costume of the Natives, &c. very desirable 99 Another Sketch-Book of Ozias Humphrey while in India, con- taining many very spirited sketches in Calcutta, Lucknow, Allahabad, &c. 100 Two orHeERs: used at the Cape of Good Hope and St Helena 101 Five orHERs, during the Artist’s residence in Rome ; containing very excellent Memoranda of the principal Statues and other objects connected with Antiquity and the Fine Arts 102 The Savoyards and the Fairing, &c. after Singleton, Wheatly, and others 103 The Broken Pitcher; Cottage Musicians, after Kidd, &c. 104 Clytie, after Caracci, by Bartolozzi; Beggars’ Opera, after Hogarth, proof ; and one other 105 The Premium print; and the Cott, after Smith of Chichester ; 3 and other Landscapes 106 The Rural Cott, after Smith; and the set of Shooting Prints, after Stubbes:; all by W collett 5 107 Holy Families, after Caracci and Murillo; ‘auld Scripture Subjects 108 inivde: after Wouvermans, Teniers, Salvator Rosa, and others 109 Le Conversation, et La Lecture Espagnole, after Fanloo, by Beauvarlet; Charles I and Family; anda pair, by Soubeyran 110 The Senses, a series of engravings representing Courtiers and Ladies of the time of Louis XIII, finely engraved by Bosse 5 111 Pameva. A series of twelve Plates to illustrate Richardson’s Novel of Pamela, engraved by L. Truchy and A. Benoist, after Highmore,a picked set formed by Mr. Bindley, all fine 112 Hotxiar. The Mallard, Goldfinch, Stag, and Lion, after Durer ; the Cat’s Head, &c. fine 10 oe 113 Hotvar. Small Views, Tothill-F ields, riociey igh dy die &e. 1] 114 Hotxar. Portraits and Shipping ; 19 S shed ete } ee er a 4 eee ee 4 3 ae ore ee, ) \ foes Be ‘S Bde. i ee Bt Ng 2 eae ig Me m WYN |, hs } Ocak. 4 ae i a Seen eseensescineatyy ots ST NS PORES Le etl cn AE aA PIE CP eT TG T GT ES tA STEROID PO gn Pc NN NCE TEER CCAS CLD, \ a — | Ne ee re a a5 i a ree Sae oA erg me , . _ 8 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upeott, Esq. 115 Horiar. Portrait of Margaret Lemon holding a Nosegay, after Vandyke, fine ; and the Set of the Seasons *,.* The “Seasons” are not only curious as illustrating the costume of the period and beautiful specimens of the artist, but are, in all probability, portraits of celebrated Ladies ; and the beautiful back-grounds representing “Summer,” St, James’s Park, with deer, the Canal, and the Banquetting-house, Whitehall Geum and Westminster Abbey, seen in the distance; the City (qy. Cheapside ?) —‘‘ Winter,” with the curious shops and the busy scenes of the day; the Country Mansion in “Spring,” &c. render these a truly desirable set of prints. forty-nine spirited Etchings of Mythological Subjects, uniformly mounted, with his portrazt Ce — } 116 Baur (John William) Works, consisting of One hundred and ee ap ae nA j KN AN ees 117 Raffaele. The Story of Cupid and Psyche, a series of engravings by Villamena, fine tmpresszons, with variations of some of the plates 118 Holy Family, after Raffaelle, by Desnoyers, fine proof 12 119 Leonardo da Vinci, Initations of original designs of, by Cham- berlain 120 Scriptural, after Michael Angelo and Raffaelle; the Last Jud. ment; the Transfiguration, &c. 19 121 Etchings, Ro, Scriptural and other subjects . 50 122 Miscellaneous Prints by Modern Artists; Leda, by Leroux, PROOF; the Infant Hercules, after Sir Joshua, PROOF AND ETCHING, &c. 13 123 The Circumcision, after Guercino, ay Bartolozzi ; and ten Etch- — ings, by Mitelli, after Bolognese Artists - Pe 124 The Charities, by Seb. Bourdon, the set, fine a 125 Sacred and Mythological Subjects, after Corn. Schut,. by | Kynhoedts 60 126 John Baptizing, after Poussin, by Ger. Audran ; and two others: ae after the same, on six sheets 127 Poussin. Scriptural Subjects, after Poussin, by Audran, a6 various Artists, large 128 Poussin. Holy Family, after Poussin and Carmen by see Roullet, &c. some proofs 4 129 Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church, after Poussin, by Audran, fine 14 130 Landscapes, after Claude, Salvator Rosa, Poussin, by Mien . | Browne, Vivares, and other English engravers 131 Italian School: Marc Antonio, and others : 132 Italian School: Nativity, after Bronzino, by Ghisi; ae iF ee Spousals of Joseph and Mary, by Parmegiano 133 Italian School: Julio Bonasoni; and others es BEE 134 Italian School: Giulio Romano; Battle-Pieces, by Pong Bar- wae : toli, and others ; : Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wilham Upcott, Esq. 9 135 Italian School: Albano; Triumph of Venus, by 8S. Baudet; and other Mythological Subjects 11 136 Trial of Algernon Sidney, after Stephanoff, by Bromley, PROOF and ETCHING; and Garrick in the Green-Room, after Ho- arth, PROOF 3 137 Battles of the Boyne and La Hogue, after West, by Woollett 2 and Hall, subscribers’ impressions, very fine ** With accompanying autograph note by West. (138 Oliver Cromwell Dissolving the Long Parliament, and The Landing of Charles II, by Sia and Hall, i hl sub- scription empresszons ‘“c *,* « Your name stands as usual at the head of Subscribers for the prints by Woollett and Hall, and will equally secure you the first impressions, as tho’ you paid your guinea and had the receipt.” —Extract from West's note attached to the previous lot. ' 139 Sortie at Gibraltar, by Sharpe; Battle at Bunker’s Hill, by Miller ; and The Death of Goats Montgomery, by ‘Cle- mens, all after Trumbull, fine old zmpressions 140 Coriolanus, after West, by Green; The Tenth of August 1793, by Earlom, after Zoffany ; The Port of London, proof ; part of the print of New College Window, after Reynolds; we other large Prints 141 Death of the Chevalier Bayard, and Companion Print, attor West; Cardinal Wolsey received into the Abbey of Leicester; and other Historica] Prints 142 Edward VI signing the Charter of Bridewell; Distribution of the Maunday Money; Trial of Lord Povat 3 in Westminster Hall; and other Historical Prints 9 169 Satirical Prints relative to the Lord Mayors a 10 Prints, Drawings, §c. of ee - ‘ott, A ; Hye 2a) pte LOT ) Lay 144 A PORTFOLIO, containing Topographical and other sau ™ ties, Portraits, &c. some scarce ; 145 Foreign Topography, Public Fire Works, &c. —_ 146 Topography, English and Foreign. Siege of Colchester, Plan of Rome, a fine old pen and ink biti hs 147 Foreign Topography, a large parcel ‘i 148 Foreign Topography. Switzerland and Portugal — “Roate 149 Antwerp Cathedral; and Plan of Amsterdam, By Hollar e559 150 Foreign Topography, a lurge parcel i ie 151 Fire Works at Amsterdam and the Biaasuy Jaap ot Moucheron, rare ; and other Views in. Amsterdz 152 Views in Normandy, by Cotman | 153 British Topography, a Collection unsorted 156 Unsorted British PAR au a large ha Ng 157 Another parcel, ditto 158 Ditto 159 Topography, various, a large parcel 160 Ditto, some mounted 16] Ditto 162 Essex Tepoprephy, a parcel 163 Topography. Kent, Suffolk, and Sussex, a paviale oie 164 Topography. Buckinghamshire and Berkshire, oe 165 Hertrorpsuire. Fifteen highly finished Drawings in : of various Views in Herts, several in the Town of H by G. S. Shepherd athe Bip eS 166 Isle of Wight, Hants, &c. a parcel, one an old draw map, curious a LONDON. : ay 167 A large Collection of Miscellaneous Prints to illus a nant’s London = i 168 Representations and Bills of Fare of the great | a very curious collection various squibs and crackers relative to thems. a heading for the wrapper; all curious 7 *% 7 170 A large Collection of Miscellaneous Prints 1 in @ 171 Another parcel, ditto y 172 Plans and suggested Improvements chiefly in don, a large collection c 173 London and the Environs, a large coUagisna Yd 174 Westminster. Views to illustrate the ‘History of 1 a large parcel SRE 175 176 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 1] London continued, Westminster Election. Prints and a large Collection of Squibs, Handbills, &c. relative to the different Contests in West- minster A large and very curious Collection of Prints, Bills, Portraits, and Manuscript Extracts, &c. relating to Bartholomew Fair, and the Exhibitions there Another very extensive Collection relative to Bartholomew Fair, with Portraits and Autographs of the Lord Mayors and Aldermen, ma portfolio, im which is pasted a large Collec- tion of early Theatrical Advertisements Four large Views of the House of Commons and other Topo- graphical Views, chiefly in London Views of Ancient Houses in London, and various Public Build- ings chiefly in London, all fine proofs Exhibitions, Mechanical, &c. a parcel Singular Collection of Ephemeral Publications, respecting Suicides, committed by jumping off the Monument Sadler’s Wells. A very large Collection of Portraits of the principal Performers at Sadler’s Wells, with scenic Prints, Placards, Caricatures, Songs, including many illustrative of the Life of Grimaldi, some Autographs of the Actors, &c. «« City Finery, Balls and Public Shows, to please Children of a larger Growth !!” Batty and Ryan’s Horsemanship; Surry Zoological Gardens ; - Royal Circus, &c. a parcel Collections in Wrappers. Tower-Gates, Schools, Markets, Theatres, Royal Exchange and Demolition, Hospitals and Prisons, Charities, Colleges, Halls, Thames, Bridges, Docks, Canals, London Bridge, Public Buildings, Maps, General View, Southwark ; in one portfolio, a numerous collection The Cryes of London, drawne after Life, by M. Lauron, P. Tempest, excudit, only five prints wanting to complete the sel, which contains all the Grainger portraits 67 Opening of London Bridge, Panoramic View of London, and others, in all ‘ 24 Gardens. Vauxhall, Ranelagh, Marylebone, Cupers Garden, Kensington Gardens, Taverns, Hotels, &c. a large collection Punch and other out-door Exhibitions and Amusements, a col- lection Vauxhall. A Collection of Portraits, Prints, Bills, Songs, Bal- loons, &c. connected with Vauxhall Gardens Singing, Dancing, Musical Concerts, Regattas, Water Amuse- ment, &c. a parcel Drury Lane Theatre; a Collection of Play Bills, Prints, &c. Covent Garden Theatre ; City Theatre, Grub Street; Equestrian and other Exhibitions, a large parcel Astley’s Amphitheatre ; a very large Coliection of the various Spectacles and Equestrian Performances B 12 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcolt, Esq. 196 Pantheon, Bagnigge Wells, two drawings, &c. ; phere. a parcel Lysons’ ENVIRONS OF LONDON. 197 A large Collection of Portraits and Views, for the illustration of Lysons’ Environs, Harrow, Hornsey, Isleworth, &c. 198 Ditto. Hampton Court, Hendon, &c. a parcel 199 Ditto. Hackney, Hampstead, &c. a large collection 200 Ditto. Stepney, Stanmore, Teddington, Tottenham, &c. 201 Ditto. Sunbury, Strawberry Hill, Uxbridge, &c. 202 Ditto. Enfield, Edmonton, Southgate, Highgate, &c. 203 Ditto. Hammersmith, Balham Acton, Ealing, &c. 204 Ditto. Chelsea, a large parcel 205 Ditto. Richmond, Hampton Court, &c. 3 206 Ditto. Deptford, Greenwich, Woolwich, &c, avery large parcel 207 Ditto. Islington, St. Pancras, Paddington, &c. a large parcel 208 Ditto. Another large parcel 209 Surrey. Wimbledon, Lambeth, Portraits, Views, &c. some original Drawings, a large parcel 210 Ditto. Merton, Mitcham, Morden, &c. various, including Drawings, a large parcel 211 Ditto. Mortlake, Newington, Roehampton, Wandsworth, &c. various, a large parcel 212 Ditto. Sutton, Streatham, &c. a large parcel 213 Ditto. Clapham, Croydon, New Kingston, &c. a large pe 214 Ditto. Battersea, Beddington, Camberwell, Dulwich, &c. a large parcel 215 Ditto. Bermondsey, and various Prints and Drawings forthe _ lilustration of the county of Surrey a > 216 Surrey Churches. Wotton, in Surrey, and other Views, a parce ae 217 Topography, various, mostly proofs ans 218 English Topography, wnsorted ; Theobalds, Hampton Court, Rio. Se 219 English Topography, a parcel Be ie Lysons’ MaGna BrRITANNIA. 220 Topography. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghaniiane ee : shire, Cumberland, Derbyshire, Devonstang, and Durham, Bae a large parcel Re 221 Ditto. Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Hecefordusiie: Hortfond- eS shire, Ireland, the British Islands, and Kent, dttéo —— 222 Ditto. Eaicudanal Leicestershire, Dincologhiae: Middlesex, eli Monmouthshire, and Monuments, ditio wae = 223 Ditto, Norfolk, Nottingham, Rutlandsbire, Scotland, Sit shire, Somersetshire, and Staffordshire, ditto ine 224 Ditto. Suffolk, Sussex, Wales, Pieris Warwicks : Wy tatenaiiolsind) and ROR ditto : 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 230 236 237 238 239 240 241 a2 ar 244 245 246 247 248 249 Prints, Drawings, §c of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 13 Devonshire, Original Drawings. Honiton Parsonage, the resi- dence of Dr. Ozias Upcott, by Humphrey ; View taken at Weston Courting, by Town; and two others, by G. Web- ber, 1778 4 Twenty-one Topographical Drawings, by Alexander and others St. George’s Fields, and Interior of a Library at Cambridge, two capital drawings, by Rowlandson View of Islington Church, a careful drawing, by Shepherd ; qy. Mr. Upcott’s Resiletes2 and View from Ozias Hum- phrey’s House, Piccadilly, by O. H. Geddington Cross, Northants, a capital drawing, by Buckler Animal Exhibitions. A very large and curious Collection of all the most wonderful Animals that have been exhibited at various times, including the feats of Van Amburg, &c. Topographical Drawings, by Hadfield; Humphrey, and Quar- enghi, in Italy and England 6 Views in St. Helena, the Cape, and ridin: ten fine ortginal drawings, by O. Humphrey 10 Murderers, Highwa ymen, Conspirators, and others, a ‘large Col- lection, with the handwriting of Greenacre iielased within one from F. Hobler to Mr. Upcott; many relating to the Cato Street Conspirators, &c. Remarkable Characters, some scarce 60 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Martin Van Butchell, Mary Ashford, Chevalier d’Eon, &c. AL Remarkable and Fécentric Characters. Sir William Courtney, Sir John Dinely, Farquhar, proprietor of Fonthill, &c. 23 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Ann Moore, Sam. House, the Fire-King, &c. : 29 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. H. Fileet, aged 104, 1761; Mrs. Susanna Long, aged 102; Simon Edy, of Woodford ; Young Parr; Elizabeth Shaw: and others, re- markable for their longevity, &c. some scarce 50 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Anna Tomlinson, of York, by G. Lumley ; Jon. Brittain, Jack Shepherd, &c. Quack Bciors: Val. Greatorex, Culpeper, &c. with curious Advertisements, Placards, &c. a parcel Sam Scott, the Diver; Siamese Youths, Giants and Dwarfs, Spotted Children, &c. a large parcel Pedestrians, Fat Men, &c. a parcel Portraits of Notorious Criminals, mostly Executed for Murder, some very scarce Fanny Kemble ; Giulia Grisi; Spencer Percival; Dr. Kerr, and Sirs George and William Anson; &c. some private plales 10 Forty-four Drawings in Indian Ink and Colours; Views in “Bushey Park, &c. Twenty-eight Views of the Theatres in London Forty-four others Harty others, Views of Provincial and Continental Theatres, &c. 14 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. Theatrical Portraits, Edwin and Mrs. bere as Cowslip, and 4. various others Twenty-four others, Matthews, Liston, (Rivet Yates, Alen ; andre, and other Comic Actors Theatrical Caricatures. Songs, Satires, &c. on Madame Ves- tris’s Legs, Cox and Kean, Lord W. Lennox, and others, very curious Shakespeare, Ireland ; Shakespeare, Boydell, and other Theatri- cal Caricatures, 23—also Scenic Prints, 44—in all 67 Nell Gwynne, by Valck, Miss Benger, Miss Macpherson, Miss Chudleigh, Lady Oxford; and other celebrated Females, 60 Lady Ducie, Countess of Denbigh, Mrs. Knight, Lady ae and other Ladies, some proofs L. E. L. Mrs. Mee, Lady Fanshaw, Duchess of Quenohary Lady Wellesley; and other Ladies, many proofs Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Udney, Mrs. Fry, and see some private plates and proofs, and scarce 60 Byron, three different; Moore, Coleridge, Campbell, Hogg. Milton, and nope all fine proofs Earl Spencer, by Bartolozzi, private plate proof; Cave, adi Murray, and private plates of Autograph and other Col- lectors, some presentation and mostly proofs 11 American Cooper, Hobhouse, Gifford, Dr. Dibdin, Lord Clare, and others, all proofs John Bunyan, by Sturt ; T. Burnet, and others 16 Gifford, Stanley Bishop of Norwich, Warren Hastings, Lord Tot iste Attorney General Coke, J. Pinkerton, Dr. Dibdin, and others, some private plates, and all proofs ; 14 Fifteen Illustrious Heads, by Vertue and Houbraken, fine Geo. Chalmers, Horatio Walpole, Countess of Orford, Mrs. Piozzi, Lord Grenville, and others 15 Ear! of ey: Dr. Clarke, T. Campbell, W. Code: vail others, all proofs 10 H. Tresham, J. Hoppner, P. de Loutherbourg, Wyndham, Rose, 1 and others, all proofs Sir H. Englefield, Sir T. Troubridge, Lord Gambier, Lord Cath- cart, Bishop of Ely, and others, all proofs © 12 Henry Compton, Bishop of London, after Riley, by Beckett, fol. mez. fine ; aud Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, by Bloote- ling, after Mary Beale, also fine E | VERTUE. Sir Joseph Jekyll, Master of the Rolls, proof; Earl of Dorset, proof ; Lord Bacon, fine, Craggs and others 5 John Fletcher, Poet, a dust, by Marshall, drilliant ; Wallis, Brownrig, Stanley, and Anderson, by Faithorn, Argyle, by Vr. Banc, Kilburne, Clarke, Somner, by various 10 QUEEN ELIZABETH IN THE SUPERB DRESS IN WHICH SHE WENT TO St. PAuL3, after Izaac Oliver, by Crispin Passe, whole length, holding the Globe and Sceptre, scarce, and 7 a the same subject in mezzotint, by Turner a ae ta it 272 273 274 275 276 Q77 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 299 293 294 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 15 Portraits and Prints to Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson, with vig- nettes and other prints in a Scrap-book Antiquarian and Topographical writers, fine proofs on India paper 23 Dr. Doddridge, Samuel Pepys, John Howard, Duke of Norfolk, Sir John Elliot, Earl of Rochester; and others, all proof's Dr. Johnson, by Heath and Cook, proofs ; Lord Hawke, Capt. Cook; Frederick II, by Bause 6 Admiral Deane, General Rossiter, Col. Trevanion, General Skip- pon, and Gol. Walker , alletched by Cooper, after drawing's by Bulfinch in the King’s Clarendon Sir T. Jones, Marquis of Huntly, and others, Richardson's copies, on India paper, &c. Lord and Lady Villiers, Lord Hichinbroke, by Smith: Rt. Hon. Thomas Erle, by Simon; and Joshua Ward, eet: the Claret Face Capt. Coram, wh. len. by Brooke ; Matthew Tindal, fine Shah ‘ John Wilkes, by Agden - ; Lord Macclestield, Judge Willes; and others . Ad Spurzheim, John Hough Bp. of Worcester ; and others 15 Bp. Ridley, Sir J. Boys, Dr. Wallis; and others, some proofs 19 Marquis of Northampton, Library of J. Mayor, Esq. &c. private plates 8 Library of J. Mayor, Esq., eteoe’ s Chair, &c. 6 Modern Portraits : Bp. Philpott, Sir Charles Doyle, Dr. Parr, Earl of Shaftesbury, Joseph Hume, M.P., Rev. H. Drury, &c. SOME PROOFS AND PRIVATE PLATES ‘ i2 William Upcott, przvate plate, Philpott, Bp. of Exeter, &c. 5 Portraits :—Countess of Pembroke, by Pass; Blondel, bY Nanteuil, &c. Gibbon, Lord. Clive, Dr. Cullen, Sir, W. Boyd, P. of Orne by Caroline Watson, mostly proofs 13 Garrick, between Tragedy and Comedy, Mrs. Oldfield, Foote, Rich, two play bills, on satin, &c. 8 Bishops :—Blackall, Berkely, Mant, Moore, Shiply by Trotter, &c. some proofs 70 Portraits :— Waterhouse, by Loggan ; Sir N. Wraxall, Wash- ington, &c. 35 Harley Earl of Oxford, by ‘Smith and Vertue ; Geo. Morley, Bp. of Winchester, by Vertue, a proof ; Whitgitt, Stack- house, by Vertue; John Lightfoot, by White; Marq. of Tweedale, by Smith ; and others 18 Walton and Cotton, proofs ; Owen Cambridge ; celebrated Ladies, Dr. Johnson’s Ghost, George Robins, "the Wizard of the North ; and others, many proofs Portraits of Hussein Reza Khan, after Humphry, by Singleton, fourteen proofs, one coloured, Abbé de Lille, twent y-three 37 Sir W. Young, aed Charlemont, Sir W. Curtis, Dr. heey T. Campbell; and others, many proofs 39 = 16 SINC \ 295 Mee Lee vy ear 297 Z | 298 299 J>!— | 300 301 303 cr | b 314 Bile Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. Modern Portraits, many proofs, and some private plates 48 Large parcel of modern portraits for illustration Clergy. Rob. Hawker of Plymouth, Rebinson of Comite Rees of Rodborough, &c. several proofs 48 Clergy. John Mason, Dan. Miall, John Morison, Romaine, &c. many proofs 48 William Upcott, by Bragg, after Behnes, private plate, proof ; John Murray, of Sacombe ; Thos. Miller. Original Draw- ings of Capt. Grose, Greenwood, and Christie, Auctioneers ; John Ireland, and others; of Books @altedsanss Booksellers, &c. 16 Colley Cibber, after Vanloo, by Fisher, very “fine; ; Thos. Gent, the Printer; Sir Tho. Gresham, &c. 12 Remarkable and Eccentric Characters, The Indian King, by Schenck ; Paul Jones, proof and print ; Esther Hammerton, Sexton of Kingston, &c. some very curious and rare 27 R. Clark, City Chamberlain; Dr. Farmer, Sir T. Champneys, Walter Fawkes, J. Hustler, and others, some private plates Edmund Burke, Sambrooke Higgins, Sir George Anson, Rob. Hills, Lord Fred. Campbell, and others; some proofs and private plates 10 Bp. Watson, R. Porson, Handel, Canova Lord Byron, whole- 8 length proof, some private plates Charles f, Mary Q. of Scots, and other Royal Portraits — 44 The Stuart Family. Charles I, the three faces by Sharpe ; Charles IIT; James II; Panees Lewis, Rupert, and Maurice, and others, some fine 24 Charles the First, in armour, after Vandyke, by Beckett, sold by Smith ; and in his robes, by Smith, both fine . CHARLES THE First. A very singular satirical Print repte, senting Charles the First holding a band prefixed to the hilt of a sword, the point of which is stuck in the harp of Ireland; on ‘ie other side is ‘“‘ Fortune,” and at the bottom “ Hybernia,” each holding a sword, all the points of which meet the point of the first; there is a variety of inscriptions and mottos, W2lliam Simpson, soulpsit, at Watterford, 1646, RARE Charles I parting from his Children, after Bridges, by Bellin and Parkes; Queen Victoria, after Hayter, by Cousins, | See both proofs William IIIT and Queen Mary, mez. by Gole ; Sir Rob. Wal- pole, in the House of Commons; Dr. Mead, and others 9 ~ Royal Families: chiefly the Brunswick Family; with O. Crom- be well; Queen Christina, by Nanteuil; and others . Kings and Queens, and the Royal Families of neater a a great 72 variety, some scarce Isnglish Monarchs and Families, various, somecurious 7 | 80 Foreign Potentates, many of them finely engraved * Prints, Drawings, &c. of William Upcott, Esq. itt THIRD DAY’S SALE. LOT 315 THE Cromwell Family, P. Harvey, Sir W. Clarke, Thomas | Lord Seymour, Sir John Boys, by Stow; all proofs 10 316 Catharine of Braganza, Earl of Sandwich, Henry Cromwell, and others, by Dunbarton; proofs 6 317 Buonaparte. A Portfolio containing a large assemblage of Portraits, Historical Prints, &c. dellectad with the view of Illustrating the Life of Napoleon 318 Buonaparte, &c. proofs 32 319 Portraits. Ayscough, Auber, Attwood, and others 90 320 Clergy. John Abernethy, Bp. Aylmer, Bp. Atterbury, &c. ; some on India paper 58 Artists. Nollekens, Cosway, Romney, Taabauy. Mylne, Sir W’. Chambers, and others; some proofs 43 322 Artists. John Donaldson, E. Dayes, O. Humphrey, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Hollar, by himself; and others; many of them proofs 323 Artists. E. Bird, R.A., p.p. ; Alex. Day, Miniature Painter and Picture Dealer at Rome, a drawing; Rysbrack, and others, with the Coffin-plate of Sir Thomas Lawrence 38 324 Portraits to Vasari’s Lives of the Painters 325 Richard Allestry, §.T.P., D. Loggan ad vivum delin. fol. before the plate was cut 326 Beauties. Duchesses of Devonshire, Somerset, and Richmond; | Countesses Northumberland, Sunderland, Ossory, Chester- field, and Southesk ; Lady Denham, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. 32 — Middleton, and Nell Gwynn; all Ane Pres on India paper 13 327 Adrien Beverland and his Mistress, a mez. ; Sir Francis Drake, Henrietta Maria; and others 328 Portraits: Sir Joseph Bankes, Duke of Beaufort, and others, some privale plates and proofs 20 329 Sir R. Brownrigg, Balzac, Bradshaw, and others’ ditto 20 330 Lord Byron, Duke of Bridgewater, Count de Brienne, and others ; some proofs 20 Jeremy Taylor, Pope, Ay and ahel Literary Charette: : some proofs : 332 Richardson’s Copies of rare Portraits, old impressions 73 333 Portraits, &c. toillustrate Walton and Cotton’s Angler, ¢nlaid 17 334 Various Portraits for illustration 45 335 John Barefoot, Letter Doctor to the University of. Oxon, by Burghers, a fine old impression ; a Print called Anthony a Wood, holding a book, Pree 3 John ce: and Sir John Elliot, doth proofs A 33 oe EI ES A A PE PEN A SS AR A NG oS Uv seme a me oe N MONE IN OR OTS NF ER | Lancer ne ee AO ONLI AA A ACCC CE aaa! m ALON wd AN A 18 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 344 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. Portraits of F. Cramer, Owen Cambridge, Edward Capel, Countess of Pembroke, and others, some proofs 45 Str Ralph Cole, Bart. after Lely, by Place, mez. scarce Nathaniel Crewe, Episcopus Dunelmensis, F. P.(lace), feczt. P. Tempest, ex. a large 4to mez. very fine and scarce J. D'Isracli, B. D’Israeli, T. Dibdin, Dr. Doddridge, Sir Hum- phry Davy , and others 25 Hugh Downman, by Fittler, proof ; Lord Digby, p.p. by Faber ; General Dowdeswell, proof; and others 35 David de Castro, Lord Dover, J ole Dunton, Sir W. Davison, and others, some proofs Lords Egremont, Ebrington, and Eldon; ; John Evelyn, C. Sir Englefield, and others, several proofs 44 Evelyn. Portraits and Views to the Memoirs of John Eve- lyn, mostly proofs on India paper, some duplicates 50 John Evelyn, by Nanteuil; and Mildmay Fane, Earl of West- moreland, by P. Williamact® large Ato 2 Dissenting Clergy: Faulkner, by Fittler, &c.; several proofs 49 Thomas Fuller, S.T.D. by D. Loggan, from his Worthies, a good impression Martin Folkes, by Faber and Smith; Dr. Fothergill, Sir — Franklin; and others Thomas Gower, Gravesande, Milner, Gihkeunt Gifford, Gosthe Dugdale ; by Hollar, &c. 36 Portraits to Granger, by Stowe and others, mostly proofs 29 Dr. Greaves, Sir Alan Gardiner, A. Geddes, John Gale, John Gill, both by Vertue and others, proofs, &c. 80 Francis ‘Hopkinson, by Heath; Capt. Hardinge; Heath the Barrister, with autograph; and others; some proofs 60 Sir C. Hatton, Humphry Hody, Dr. John Hunter, and others, some proofs 52 Sir H. Hardinge, Earl of Hardwitk! John Hunter, Philip Henry, and others, some proofs 4 James Harris, p.p.; Benjamin Hallet, by M‘Ardell, Sir H. Halford, Bp. Heber. and others, some proofs 40 Sir T. Jones, B. Ibbot, Paul Jones, Judge Jefferies, F. Jeffrey, Dr. Johnson, and ‘others, some proofs 73 R. P. Knight, V. Knox, J. G. King, P. Kelly, J. Kemp, R. Kilburne, and others, some proofs 34 White Kennett, Bishop of Peterborough, large oval mezzotinto, drawn and engraved by Faber, fine and scarce T. Lediard, Speaker Lenthal, Lord Longford, R. Linnecar, H. Lawes, and others, some proofs S. Lysons, Linnzeus, General Lee, Lavater, Lord Lansdown, Lindel, and others, several proofs Thomas Legge, Master of Caius Col. Camb. engraved by J. Jones, from a drawing by Harding of a picture in C. C, Col. “Of this plate only twenty impressions were taken the last, after the plate was irreparably defaced.” iy 2 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 19 361 Modern Portraits. Bishop, Loder, Kalkbrenner, and other musical composers ; some private plates 3 12 362 MiLTon. PorTRAITS OF MILTON, containing those by Faithorne, Dolle, White, Simon, Houbraken; seven different plates, by Vertue, one a curious bariatior’ : ; Richardson, Miller, Basire, and others ; also a Drawing, probably by a BON son; in all 363 Thomas Moste. Poet, by Burnet ; Dr. Burney, and Porson, by Sharpe ; and others ; ; all proofs 364 Miss Mathews, after Peters, with a curious pencil- note by Mr. Upcott, stating it to be the first print he possessed; J. Bell, C. Cartwright, &c.; mostly proofs, one a present JSrom Sir Thomas Lawrence, with his autograph 8 365 T. J. Mathias, Sir W. Molesworth, R. Masters, Michaelis, Mackenzie, Mickle, and others; some proofs and private 8 lates 366 T. C. Morgan, Capt. Marryatt, Miles (Coin Collector), Mathias, Sir G. Murray, and others; many proofs : 80 367 Lord Nelson. Various Portraits, Views, Engagements, &c. illustrating the Life of Lord Nelson 32 368 J. Nichols, Bookseller; Baron Nugent, R. Nares, P, Nicholson, and others ; several proofs 26 369 Sir E. Nicholas, Lord, Hardwick, Lady Evelyn, and others ; many proofs 17 370 Rob. Orme, R. Oastler, J. B. O< ‘Bhien; and piers ; 36 371 Dr. Parr, various, proofs, and others 372 Samuel Pepys, Tho. Telford, W. Upcott, and others; some private plates 8 373 Dr. Parr, a drawing ; J. Pullen, T. Prior, Percival Pott, and others, 75 374 John Pym, dy Glover ; Anthony Pasquin, proof ; Timothy Priestley, and others 54 375 John Rennie, Engineer, p. p. ; Rammohun- Roy, Lord Rolle, Dr. Radcliffe, Allan Ramsay, and others 50 376 Sir Giles Rooke, dy Daniel, Joseph Richardson by Newton, J. J. Rousseau, dy Nochet, and others 50 377 Shakespeare, Raleigh, Bacon, and others; proofs on India paper 23 378 Shakespeare, from the Chandos picture, and Cowley after Lely ; both by George Vertue, and early states of the Tee 379 Sir John Suckling, dy Marshall, fine ; T. Stedman, R. Southey, A. Stone, F. Sue and others; some proofs 74 380 Lord Southampton, W. Shipley, Shirley, Stevenson, Sylvester, and others ; some ‘proofs 90 381 Thrale, Twining, J. E, Tennent, and others, dois ; some ee 382 Thurlow, by Vertue, Thornton, by Houston, Dean Tucker, &c. n 383 Sir Edw. Turner, Bart.; Sam. Whitbread, Sir A. Thompson, R. Porson, and others ; ; some proofs and private plates 12 b on a en PAPE PE A EY ILE IE SP OP ETSY SE A ES SO « BAY & DNS aw Ee ae a te 20 Prints, Drawings, &c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 384 Dr. Vincent, Van Batchell, W. Upcott, and others 28 385 Duke of Wellington, Marquis of Westminster, Sir be Wyndham 386 Writing Masters: Champion, by Hewlett; John Smith, Ral Snow, T. Weston, &c. 387 Brian Walton, Bishop of Che:ter, dy Lombart 388 Various Portraits, Woollaston, Wordsworth, Wrangham, — others 389 Miscellaneous Prints in a Portfolio, a great number 390 Ditto 391 Ditto, a very large parcel MINIATURES AND DRAWINGS BY OzIAS HUMPHREY AND OTHERS. 392 Anne Clifford, daughter of George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, successively Countess of Pembroke and Dorset, from an original picture by O, Humphrey 393 Miss Caton, daughter to William Caton, Esq., Merchant in the India Service, 6y O. Humphrey ; and the Hone Mrs. Twistleton, 1789, by the same 394 William Hodges, Esq. Landscape Painter, by O. Humphrey ; and a Gentleman’s Portrait, unknown 395 One of the Bolingbroke family, after Vandyke—Lady Gros- venor; and three skeiches, various 396 Jobn Trenchant: Esq. first Comunkewniee of Taxes, 1792—0. Humphrey, pt. This is perhaps the finest of the Minia- tures by O. Humphrey 397 — Lockhart, Esq. Barrister; Miss J. Ireland, Mrs. Bouverie, Mr. Dillon, Mrs. Harding, Mrs, Edwin Lascelles, and two others 398 Mr. Woodmas, Underwriter, 1771—Mr. Charles Hitch, Pater- noster Row, 1763, son of the celebrated Bookseller— — Jones, Esq. Glamorganshire, 1767; three very good miniatures 399 Mr. Magnus, 1770, brother in-law to the Hon? David An- struther, hig ghly finished ; and another sketch of the same 400 William, Lord “Craven, 1770; Charles Lee, Lord Viscount Dillon, of Ditchley, Oxf.; — Otley, Esq., son-in-law of Sir Wm. Young, Bart. ; ee Pe es Archer, Esq. of Welford, Berks. ; Francis Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon ; ; and — “Erskine, Esq. 1770; all unfinished 401 Warren Hastings, a fine miniature in water colours, by O. Humphrey 402 The Rt. Hon. William Wyndham, Secretary of War, by O. Humphrey 403 Another, equally fine, of Asoph U Dowlah, Nabob Vizier, ried on Ivory ¥ 404 Another, Vizier Ali Khan, on Ivory Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upcott, Esq. 21 405 Original Sketches in colours for whole-length Pictures of cele- brated Ladies. Mrs. Hastings, wife of Warren Hastings ; Miss Farren (Countess of Derby) ; Lady Eliz. Lambert, sister to the Earl of Cavan, 1789, &c.; the portraits only finished s : 4 406 Original Sketch in colours of Miss Barbara Payne, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Hastings, &c. ; on Ivory and Card . 8 407 Capt. Duff, in the service of the E. India Company, spiritedly sketched in Water Colours by O. Humphrey 408 WarREN Hastines, Ditto, equally fine 409 Warren Hastings, and W. J. Mickle, by O. Humphrey ; James Barry, Sketch taken in Rome, by Dance ° 3 410 Small whole-length of Master Crewe, as Henry VIII, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by O. Humphrey, in Water Colours, unfinished in the subordinate parts, but very fine 411 Ladies Maria and Horatia Waldegrave, whole-lengths, free pen, very fine; and the Hon. Berkeley Craven, in Crayons, by O. Humphrey 412 Highly-finished Miniature of Hyder Bey Khan, Acting Minister to the Nabob of Oude, painted at Lucknow, 1786, on Ivor 413 Master oes son of Lord Melbourne; Capt. Cumberland, . brother to Lady Bentinck ; John Hall, the engraver ; all original Drawings, by O. Humphrey ; and three more 6 414 Portraits of Ozias Humphrey, by Copley; Ditto, by himself ; Mrs. Larpent ; and one other, all in Crayons 6 415 Portrait of William Upcott, Esq. ; original Drawing in Water Colours, by Miss Biffin (born without hands), done at Liverpool, Aug. 1844 416 Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, 1767; Mr. Arthur Hurrel, 1765 ; and R. Burke, Esq. brother to the R. H. Ed. Burke, 1767 ; three good miniatures 417 Colonel Sawbridge, brother to Alderman Sawbridge, O. H. pi. 1773 ; and the Marquis of Bute, from Pompeo Battoni, both fine 418 The Duke of Montrose, when Marquis of Graham; Mr, Henry Aston; Madame Baccelli, sketched at Knowle; A Study, O. H. 1770, of a man’s head, very fine; Charles Lee H. Dillon, of Ditchley, and five miniatures without names ; in all ten, all by O. Humphrey SRT TE eT A inet re ee: —_C OC — LT Te PA too, C1 ; 0 22 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wiliam Upeott, Esq. Miniatures by O, Humphrey and others, continued. 419 Miss Elliott, the Actress, 1770 ; born and buried at Tunbridge, in Kent 420 Mrs. Amherst, the Lady of Lieut-Genl. William Amherst, brother to the Right Honble. Lord Amherst, O. H. pinx. 1770; Mrs. Magnus, sister of David Anstruther, Esq., and two others: 421 Mrs. French, mother of Wm. Merry, Esq. of the War Office, by the Right Honble. Sir G. Yonge, Bart. painted 1764 422 Mary, Dutchess of Montague (copied from a portrait of her : Grace painted in her youth, O. H.) the Mother of the Duchess of Buccleugh, 1767 423 Mrs. Nesbitt, of Norwood Common, highly finished, by O. Humphrey 424 J. F. Sackville, Esq. afterwards Duke of Dorset, by O. Hum- phrey 425 Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, 1771, highly finished, by O. Humphrey | 426 Sir William Lemon, Bart. Member for Cornwall, O. H, pt. 1770 427 Mrs. Yates, Actress, unfinished in the dress, by O. Humphrey 428 Mrs. Sawbridge, the Lady of Alderman Sawbridge, 1767, and three others 429 Portrait of a Lady in a Locket, by Shelly, fine 430 Sir William Russell, Baron Thornaugh ; Ralph Snow, Treasurer &c. to five Abps. of Canterbury ; and Edward Russell, Earl of Orford ; three coloured drawings, by G. P. Harding 431 JoHN HAMPDEN, A VERY HIGHLY-FINISHED MINIATURE, BY SAMUEL CoopER, 1643, in high state of preservation By PicturESs, DrRawincs, PRINTs, &€. FRAMED AND GLAZED. 432 G. MaILE. Isaac Walton, and Charles Cotton, both draw- ings, anda Group of Fish, coloured; three, all framed and glazed 433 G. P. Harpinc. Sir Henry Capel, Lord Tewkesbury, K.B. and Mary, Duchess of Beaufort, daughter of Arthur Lord Capel ; two drawings from the original pictures by Lely, framed and glazed | 434 CANALLETTO. View in Venice, a very effective miniature draw- ing, framed and glazed 435 THESAME. The Rialto, ditto 436 THE SAME, St. Mark’s Place, ditto 437 Two Drawings, Views of Ravenstone, near Olney, Bucks ; free- pen sketch, after Raffaelle. &c. 438 Portrait of W. Upcott, Esq., and «A Collector of Autographs,” Silhouettes, and fifteen others, all framed and waned } 439 Gems. Two Frames, containing one hundred casts of Cele- brated Gems, glazed, one glass faulty 43g * 4 3g x x fA a Seated Messtedl Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 23° 440 Sketch of the Life of Ozias Humphrey, of Honiton, Devon, R.A. written upon vellum, with his signature, and five Coats of Arms, &c. appertaming to the Humphrey family, all framed and glazed 442 Frost Fair. Queen Elizabeth reviewing her Army at Tilbury, printed on the icy Thames, Jan, 29, 1740, very curious ; and Charles the First, painted on glass, damaged ; and Royal Autographs, framed and glazed 443 Sir J. ReyNotps. Mrs Siddons, as the Tragic Muse, by Haward, and Lord Mansfield, by Bartolozzi; fine old impressions, framed and glazed 444 ZorFany. The Royal Academy. by Earlom, ditto 445 Two Cases, containing Sketches of Portraits in Crayons, by Ozias Humphrey 446 N. Micgnarp. The Bishop of Grenoble 447 O. HumpHrey. Boy and Girl, with a Bird’s-nest, crayons, framed, the glass slightly broken 448 O. HumpHrey. Portrait of the Artist’s Black Servant, in Crayons, framed, plate glass ? pinx 1718. Portrait of William Upcott, Merchant, Mayor of Tiverton, and one of the Justices of that ancient Corporation, 1718 450 O. HumpHrey. Oval Portrait of himself 451 O. Humpurey. Another Portrait of himself, in Crayons, fine, in frame and plate glass 452 O. Humpurey. A well-known Jew Clothesman, with his Bag, finely executed in Crayons, in frame with plate glass 449 453 O. Humeurey. Portrait of a Turk? in Crayons, fine, in frame and plate glass 454 Reynotps. James Boswell, Dr. Johnson’s Biographer, after Sir Joshua; and a Portrait of O. Humphrey, unfinished, both unframed 455 O.Humpeurey, 1793. Portrait of Millicent Franklin, in Crayons, frame and plate glass 456 Portrait of a Lady, with an Urn 457 T. DANIELL. View in the East Indies 458 O. HumpHrey. The Avenging Angel, and the Attentive Youth, both capitally copied from the originals of Raffaelle, at Rome 459 O. HumpureEy. Two other Heads, in Crayons, after Raffaelle, framed and glazed 450 Tirtan. Four Female Figures, after Titian | 461 O. Humeurey. Consultation of the Fathers, after Raffaelle 462 Le Duc. Interior of a Guard House—Soldiers playing at Cards 463 Str J. Reynotps. Children of the Gordon Family, after Sir Joshua, by O. Humphrey, framed and glazed; two 464 O, Humpurey. Pair of Water-colour Drawings, tinted— bi Views in Rome, framed and glazed | 465 GainsBrouGcH. A capital Drawing, Woody Scenery, Gypsy Tent, &c. 465% ee a, r | ‘ 24 Prints, Drawings, §c. of Wilkam Upceott, Esq. 466 SincLeTon. An Artist in his Study, with two Children, a pleasing picture - 467 Drooestoor. The Village Schoolmaster--PeTHER. A Moon- light Scene, and the Head of an Apostle, fine 468 Early Portrait, on panel, with Arms in the corner, Sir Thomas Pope, the Founder ? 469 O. Humpurey. Mrs Greville, mother of Lady Crewe, and Kitty Frederick ; two capital tinted drawings, framed and lazed 470 O. HumpuRey. John Trenchard, Esq., and the Companion, ditto Coins, PROVINCIAL TOKENS, AND CURIOSITIES. 471 Two Bronze Medallions of Napoleon, and Medals of Charles I, Sir Robert Walpole, the Earl of Chesterfield, Sir I. New- ton, and Q. Anne 472 FivE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN Various Coins and Pro- vincial Tokens 473 MEDALS AND PROVINCIAL AND TRADESMEN’S TOKENS —Pennies, Haltpennies, and Farthings: among them are a few coins and medals of Napoleon, all in very choice state, some very rare 558 474 Money-Scales and Weights, two Boxes, pair of Silver Buckles, five Silver Coins. unique Padlock, &c. ; a great variety 475 A HANDLE OF THE COFFIN THAT CONTAINED THE Bopy OF Mary QUEEN oF Scots ** «« This elegant relic, one of the eight handles that were attached to the splendid coffin which received the remains of the ill- fated Mary Queen of Scots, when conveyed to Westminster, was formerly in the possession of Dr. Richard Mead, phy- sician to King George II, and of great antiquarian reputation, at whose death it was sold, and passed through various hands, till at length it became the property of Samuel Tyson, of | Narborough Hall, Norfolk, Esq. It was afterwards pur- chased at the sale of Mr. Wilson, by Mr. Joseph Miller, the well-known antiquary, of Barnard’s Inn, who very obligingly allowed it to be copied. The handle and device are of copper, and were originally double gilt. The extreme length is fourteen inches and a half; the width one foot. Excepting the handle, the whole is flat and pattially en- graved. The initials M. R. appear above the handle.” The Portfolio, 12mo, 1922, 477 Five small Boxes: one of Chrystal, presented to W. Upcott, Esq. by C. Haywood, 1804; one India Japan; one from the Oak of the roof of St. Sa oiae s, Southwark, &e. 7 478 Ten engraved Seals, the Arms of Humphrey, &c. 479 A Pocket-book and an Etui-case, formerly the Aree of John Evelyn, mounted with silver ; and two other oe one containing two razors 480 Bust of W. Upcott, Esq. modelled in Wax; i in ormolut frame and morocco case Prints, Drawings, §c. of William Upcott, Esq. 25 481 PROVINCIAL AND TRADESMEN’S TOKENS: 64 or more of Build- ings, &c. in London; Two-penny Piece, and others large, 9 ; y Pennies, 268 ; Half-pennies (including 65 Pidcock’s exhi- y, A gsed bitions, &c.), 267 ; Farthings, 65 ; in all six hundred, all an exceeding fine state, and many of them very rare Mawocany Bookcases, Book AND PRINT STANDS, &c. 482 Dwarf Book-case of Spanish Mahogany, glazed doors, and | Marble Slab, 4 feet 2inches high, by 4 feet 8 inches wide, . 2 feet deep 483 Two Spanish Mahogany Cases, glazed doors, 3 feet 6 inches high, 2 feet 6 inches wide, capitally made, and forming side. 5 wings to the preceding lot. 2 484 A gone Stand, 4 feet high, 2 feet 3 inches deep, to hold port- ohlos ; 485 Mahogany Print-case, well made, with folding doors, and draw- ers, capable of holding the largest prints, 3 feet 4 inches high, 4 feet 6 inches wide, and 2 feet deep 486 Small old Spanish Mahogany Cabinet of three tiers, formerly used by Ozias Humphrey for his water-colours, and drawers fitted to hold his miniatures 487 A Case, with numerous drawers, used by O. Humphrey to hold his crayons, &c. 488 A Painted Bookcase, 7 feet high by 2 feet 6 inches wide, fold- ing doors, with wire, &c. 489 Large Quantity of Book Shelving. _ ei ris * : 4 % . ie PREPARING FOR SALE BY AUCTION, THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE W. UPCOTT, ESQ. : CONSISTING OF _ A Collection of Works in English Topography, Bibliography, and Miscellaneous Literature: including a most extensive Collection of Books, Prints, and Drawings for the History of Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire; Evelyn’s Memoirs on large paper, one of two copies so printed; Evelyn’s Memoirs, Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Memoirs of Napoleon, Lives of Garrick, Kemble, Siddons, Cooke, Sir Thomas Lawrence, R. O. Cambridge, Hone’s Popular Works, Byron’s Eng- lish Bards, Daniel’s Merry England, and several other Books, all ex- tensively illustrated with Portraits, Prints, and Autograph Letters : Dibdin’s and other Bibliographical Works, including a most valuable ° Collection of Sale Catalogues, many of which are on large paper, with prices and names of purchasers. Curious Collections for the History and Illustration of our National Customs, Sports, Theatrical, and other Exhibitions, &e. - MANUSCRIPTS & AUTOGRAPH 1 Lerrens : ae ass - ~* ie os OF THE LATE W. UPCOTT, Esq. «* ; CONSISTING, OF P wot extensive aiff most torpoetadl Collection of English State a Papers, including the Letter Book of Sir Chri stopher Hatton ; ; Corre spondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendo ; Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land, and Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, Used Treaptiter, contain- — ‘ ing original Letters of James II, William III, and of th he princip: men of the time: Correspondence of Sir Richard Breit,” g sador from Charles I and Charles II to France; fae aud Cor- a respondence of Sir Leoline Jenkins, English Minister at the 7 Oh of e. Nimeguen, not in the printed collection of his Memoirs; Official Letters to Henry Worsley, Ambassador to Portugal, 1714-1792; _ Official Correspondence of James and Solomon Dayrolles, English Residents at the Hague and at Geneva 1706-1786, in twenty-one ee volumes folio: also important series of private Correspondence, in- cluding that of Ralph Thoresby, of Leeds, rich in the Scholars and Antiquaries of the period ; Correspondence of the celebrated Naturalist ‘# E. M. Da Costa, in eleven volumes folio ; Correspondence of Ozias a : Humphry, R.A., in eight volumes, folio, &c. Also a most extensive ‘. Collection of Autograph Letters of Royal Personages, Nobility, it Statesmen, Gentry, Clergy, Military, and eral Characters, Eminent a) Lawyers, Scientific and Literary Charay pre, 2 ors, Musicians, ‘fe. oa many y of them. of ‘sin ngular interest and ¢ ty, and in particularthe wae OF THE CELEBRATED® Li nt or JUNIUS to sie Bae Garrick, and of Garrick’s Answer, &e. &e. We . naa may be had in the course of the To mon Edinburgh, oe Dublin. N.B.—Catalogues of the Library, Prints, and Manuscripts ma be had separately. ios me 7 e ATKINS & ANDREW, Solicitors, " oo eee. = White Hart Cumin WE. au April 10, 1846. . | “ — Lombard Street. ral