1926 | SALE NUMBER 2024 Jdan.15 LIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY NINTH A ANTIQUE FRENCH FURNITURE é? OBJETS D'ART '% ORIENTAL & EUROPEAN CERAMICS, SCULPTURES & a ~ CLOISONNES, NEEDLEWORK LANDSCAPES uy PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, OBJECTS OF CLASSIC Be ANTIQUITY, AMERICANA, ETC., ETC. COLLECTED BY MAITRE EUGENE GUERIN FOR MANY YEARS MAGISTRATE IN THE FRENCH COLONIAL SERVICE NOW RESIDENT AT VALLON, ARDECHE RARE CHINESE PLATE, KANG-HSI [NUMBER 198 | | TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF M. GUERIN _————s«& FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, JANUARY FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH Ga" : AT TWO-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 LOUIS QUINZE TULIPWOOD COMMODE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY [NUMBER 263 | SALE NUMBER 2024 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY NINTH ANTIQUE FRENCH FURNITURE ff OBJETS D’ART ORIENTAL & EUROPEAN CERAMICS, SCULPTURES & CLOISONNES, NEEDLEWORK LANDSCAPES PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, OBJECTS OF CLASSIC Pon mOUIT Ys AMERICANA, ETC, ETC. F SOE NES ap BY MAITRE EUGENE GUERIN FOR MANY YEARS MAGISTRATE IN THE FRENCH COLONIAL SERVICE NOW RESIDENT AT VALLON, ARDECHE TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF M. GUERIN AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, JANUARY FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH AT TWO’THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET. NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY FIFTEENTH PATENCES, GLASS, TERRA COTTA, BOXES, ETC. EIGHTEENTH AND EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY HAND FANS CHINOISERIE, MARINE AND SPORTING PICTURES, ARMILLARY GLOBE, COMPASS FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH AND EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY NEEDLEWORK LANDSCAPES, EMBROIDERED AND “DRESSED” PICTURES, ETC. FIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE AND SCREENS AMERICANA PORCELAINS, FAIENCES AND CRYSTAL GLASS MIRRORS, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BRONZE AND ALABASTER SCULPTURES CHINESE AND CAMBODIAN BRONZE ORNAMENTS, COL- 19- 35 36- 51 85- 95 96-118 119-127 LECTION OF CLOISONNE VASES AND STATUETTES 128-144 CARVED BOOK ENDS, FRAMES, ETC.; CARVED FIGURE HEAD 145-150 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY SIXTEENTH MARBLE, TOLE AND PORCELAIN ORNAMENTS 151-162 NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERED PICTURES 163-170 WATCH HOLDERS OF THE EIGHTEENTH AND HARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY AND SAND CLOCK 171-178 EMBROIDERED, “DRESSED” AND STRAW PICTURES 179-183 PAINTED SCREEN 184 COLLECTION OF RICE PAPER PICTURES 185 FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 186-193 EKUROPEAN AND CHINESE PORCELAINS 194-199 FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INCLUDING NEEDLEWORK FURNITURE 200-208 TAPESTRIES, NEEDLEWORK AND LACE 209-214 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE AND CLOCKS 215-2194 LOMAN CYPROTIC ANTIQUITIES OF BRONZE, MARBLE AND STONE 220-2234 COLLECTION OF FAIENCE AND TOLE FOUNTAINS 224-230 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE 231-232 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 233-238 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NEEDLEWORK AND FRENCH FURNITURE 239-243 COLOUR ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS AND BLACK AND WHITES 244-247 FURNITURE, BOOK ENDS AND EMBROIDERIES 248-258 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE, MAR- BLE MANTEL FACINGS, FIRE~BACKS, VARIED OBJETS DART 259-282 AN AUBUSSON CARPET IN THE EGYPTIAN TAS? 283 SALE PRIpDAY ) APTERNOON, JANUARY PIFTEENTH, AT 2:30 WS) FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-150 FAIENCES, GLASS, TERRA COTTA, BOXES, ETC. NUMBERS 1-18 TWO POLYCHROMED DELFT STATUETTES, COWS On their multicolored pedestals. Height about 5 inches EAST INDIA COMPANY PORCELAIN VASE CHINESE, 18TH CENTURY Cylindrical vase with outcurved lips; covered with a relief deco- ration of dragons and flowers in rouge d’or. Height about 10 inches COLLECTION OF DECORATED OPALINE GLASS PARIS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Composed of four pieces each occupied by softly coloured festoons in naturalistic tones on a bluc-grey translucent ground. Bowl fitted at a more recent date with an electrical reflector of gilded bronze. Water bottle and stopper. Drinking glass. Scent bottle without stopper. RARE ORIENTAL OPALINE GLASS OPIUM POT PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Circular body enamelled with floriated reserves. Bronze mounted cover. (Restored. ) Height about 4 inches LACQUERED TOLE COVERED URN (BOUILLOTTE) OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Oval body with conventionalized eagle handles. Domed cover with urn finial. Painted olive green. PORCELAIN KILEEN CHIEN-LUNG Shaped as a dolphin with upturned tail; covered with a rich pur- ple glaze. (Restored. ) 7 9a 10 11 13 TWO TERRA COTTA VASES OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Tapering balusters finely sculptured. Graceful forms with bead enriched members. (2) LACQUERED TEA CADDY JAPANESE, EARLY 19TIT CENTURY Oblong box with rounded cover. Covered with lacquer imitating tesselations of mother of pearl. Interior with two sliding caddies. BRASS BRAZIER OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Moulded uncovered urn with urn handles. Pierced and engraved border. JARDINIERE OF “LAITON” OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY Occupied on both sides by bachic compositions in high relief. Mask ring handles. PAINTED STRAWBOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY The straw laid in parqueterie imitating Hungarian point in bril- hiant tones. Interior decorated with tropical birds and flower vases in the Persian taste. Original bronze catch. STRAW BOX OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY The cover with sailing vessels at anchor in colour on a green parqueterie ground. Interior with three compartments. DECORATED BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The top occupied by an architectural painting in a reserve on a yellow ground. BEAD BAG OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD PROVENCAL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Worked on one side with sailing ship in three colours on a silvered ground and on the other side with ornaments in the Persian taste. 2 EIGHTEENTH AND EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY 14 15 16 17 18 HAND FANS NUMBERS 14-18 FOUR HAND FANS OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY (a) ‘Two of paper, engraved in monochrome and colour with ebonized sticks heightened with gold. (b) ‘Two, translucent hand fans made of chicken skin and painted in sanguine turned and gilded sticks. (4) TWO FANS OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY (a) One a feather fan painted in grisaille with emblems of love in a spirit reminiscent of Pillement. (b) The other a painted hand fan. TWO EMBROIDERED HAND FANS OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Occupied by dogs embroidered in relief with brilliant floral bord- ers on a soft blue silk ground; long fringes, turned sticks. TWO ENGRAVED HAND FANS OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Occupied by engravings on both sides. (2) THREE “THEATRE” FANS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Painted with musical emblems and engraved reserves with rhymes and music. (3) CHINOISERIES, MARINE AND SPORTING PICTURES ihe] AMILLARY GLOBE, COMPASS NuMBERS 19-35 TWO GOUACHE PAINTINGS OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Chinoiserie figure subjects in landscapes painted in soft dis- tempers on vellum. Framed in highly decorative passepartouts. (2) Size about 17 x 1284 inches 20 MARINE PAINTING CHINESE, EARLY 19TH CENTURY bo bo A view of a Chinese port with American and other vessels and early steamboats in harbor. Height about 1 foot 6 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches A COLLECTION OF MARINE ENGRAVINGS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY “Vue Du Port De Beaucaire”: Harbor view with sailing ships; in its original gilded baguette. Nine unframed marine engrav- ings and an optic view of Carthagena, under glass. (11) “BEAGLES”, ORIGINAL COLOUR PRINT BY L. CLARK AFTER H. ALKEN Full margin; in contemporary pitchpine frame. London, Mc- Lean, 1820. VAISSEAU DU PREMIER RANG PORTANT @AMIRAL Old French copper-plate engraving of a British first rate ship of the line. With detailed chart of rigging and hull. The orig- inal British flags have been coloured over to represent the tri- colour of France. This fact might indicate that the ship was a prize of war, perhaps at the period of the French Revolution. The print was published in Paris by Mondhard about 1790. Colouring done about 1800. A most interesting naval document. 4 27 28 FOUR UNCOMMON COLOUR ENGRAVINGS REPRE- SENTING GAMES FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Including cricket and feather ball. “Le Volant” “Le Criquet” “Le Quatre Coins” “La Balle Kmpoisonnée”’ These games played by children in the attractive costumes of the Empire Period. (4) Height, 514 inches; width, 714 inches RARE COLOUR STIPPLE ENGRAVING BY W. WARD AFTER M. BROWN “Monsieur De St. George.” “From an original picture at Mr. Angelos Fencing Academy.” An exceedingly scarce fencing print, the portrait of the cheva- her de St. George, 1745 to 1799 born at Gaudaloupe. He was a son of the farmer, General Monsieur M. de Boulogne and a colored native of the island. He became Captain of the Guards under the Duke of Charutres and served with his own regiment of Hussards under Dumouriez. He was a celebrated fencer and a composer of operas, sonatas, concertos and the minuet which has eternalized his name. In an unusual contemporary gilded frame with corner enrichments of winged amorini. Height, 2414 inches; width, 20 inches TWO COLOURED COACHING PICTURES BY ALKEN (a) “AN AWKWARD CORNER” (b) “IN GOOD STYLE” In their original pitchpine frames with ebony lines. (2) Size about 1 foot 8 inches x 2 feet ORIGINAL WATER COLOUR MARINE DRAWING Inscribed as follows:—‘tLa Corvette ‘La Sardine’ de 14 canons, Armée & Toulon en Juin 1777,” etc. In gilded baguette. Size about 11 x 14 mches WOOD CUT OF THE NAVAL BATTLE OF DUNKIRK Signed, Martine H. Tromp, Anno 1688. In a gilded baguette. Size about 15 x 181%, inches 30 31 34 35 “THE LONDON ENGINEER (STEAM YACHT)”, COL- ORED LITHOGRAPH In its contemporary beech wood frame. Size about 12% x 91% inches THE HORSE PRINCESS ROYAL ENGLAND, 1840 Lithograph in old pearwood frame. Size about 1114 x 14 inches CELESTIAL “ARMILLARY” GLOBE FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Bronze dial with bone joints. Columnar base of wood and bronze. Height about 1 foot 8 inches MARINER’S COMPASS BY LOUNET FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Composed of a steel band framing a paper dial; finely engraved and inscribed “‘Lounet éléve et successeur de M. Canivet.” Orig- inal fruitwood case and pivoting easel. TWO VASES WITH MARINE PAINTINGS OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Of “Vieux Paris” porcelain; bulbous oviforms with Medusa head handles. Gilded bases. Painted on both sides with marine views after Isabey. (2) TWO ENGLISH SPORTING MEZZOTINT ENGRAVINGS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY T'wo representations of ‘Woodcock Shooting.” (2) AMERICAN INDUSTRY ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Karly lithograph with ships referring to Louisiana, entitled “*In- dustrie Americaine; 4 Paris chez Bance.”’ 6 36 37 38 39 FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH AND EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY NUMBERS 36-51 KTAGERE (ESTAGNER) OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Small bookshelf. The bottom with two drawers above a rail with bold carved “C” scrolls depending upon carved vase. ‘Two moulded shelves. Height about 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches; depth, 514 inches MERISIER WOOD GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING TABLE PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Unusual example of the transition from the Louis XV to the Louis XVI period, on slender cabriole supports; gracefully shaped apron with one drawer, moulded cover fitted with mirror and hinged on original wrought iron hinges. ‘The interior fitted with compartments. Height about 2714 inches; length, 26 inches; depth, 161% inches LOUIS SEIZE WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Fauteuil of bold and harmonious proportions, shield-shaped back with uncommonly outcurved terminations, moulded arms, finely fluted arm rests, fluted turned supports, rosetted dies. Bowed front. Covered with contemporary striped bourette de soie. PAINTED COMMODE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Decorated with green flowers on a soft rose ground. The arched front is fitted with two serpentined drawers. Bronze mounts of the period. Height about 2 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches; depth, 1 foot 7 inches if 40) 4] 44 SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD GRENOBLE, 18TH CENTURY Of citronier wood of exceptionally fine surface. The front with one cornice drawer with meander enrichments. Drop leaf and two doors each panelled and enriched with bronze filets and nar- row husk marqueterie of pear and hairwood. The leaf and doors also with oval disks of burl elm. The interior beautifully cabi- netted with compartments and drawers. Shaped shelves. Orig- inal mounts. Turned supports. From the Collection of the Provencal Poet, Roumanille. Height about 4 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GILDED NEEDLEWORK FOOT STOOL OF THE RES- TAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Oval on moulded feet, covered with flowered cream coloured needlework of the Directoire Period. MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On turned supports; baluster arms; sloping armrests with acan- thus crestings. Bowed front; rolled back. An exceedingly fine model. SMALL MAHOGANY COMMODE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Engaging piece of delightful proportions. The front with three drawers fitted with fretted bronze drop handles of an earlier date. Fluted stiles; moulded returns; fluted tapering supports (re- stored.) Moulded grey St. Anne marble top. Height about 2 feet; width 2 feet 7 inches; depth, 1 foot 1 inch ROSEWOOD SECRETAIRE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD | FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Fine model on cabriole supports. Shaped apron with two side drawers. Chamfered knees with filets of hairwood. Arched back guarded by a band of cuivre dore. Original escutcheons ; scrolled sabots. Tooled Morocco pad. Height about 2 feet 3 inches; width, 8 feet 8 inches; depth, 8 feet 8 SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD [NUMBER 40 | 45 46 AT 48 49 WALNUT ENCOIGNURE OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of olivewood with lines of citronier. Serpentined front with two shaped graduating trays. WIG AND POWDER STAND OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY On slender columnar supports connected by tray underframing. Rectangular case with one drawer. Gracefully shaped oval mir- ror on columnar pivots. Height about 3 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 2 inches FRUIT WOOD LISEUSE WITH TAMBOUR SLIDE PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Sturdy rectangular body on tapering, slightly outcurved sup- ports, countersunk top, figured golden coloured wood. Height about 26 inches; width, 14 inches; depth, 12 inches MERISIER WOOD WORK TABLE OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY . Lyre shaped trestles of unusual form with flat stretcher. Desk drawer fitted in the interior with cuivre doré candleholder. WALNUT TABLE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Of engaging form with arched and moulded openings, moulded top; resting on finely carved pied de biche cabrioles. Height about 2 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 10 mches; depth, 1 foot 9 inches 10 CARVED WALNUT AND GILDED CHAIRS LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD [NUMBER 50 ] 50 TWO CARVED WALNUT AND GILDED ARMCHAIRS OF 51 THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Exceedingly fine models of broad and generous proportions on moulded cabriole supports enriched with fleurette carvings at the knees and crested on the arched front rails with similarly carved patterns. Scrolled arms. Shaped shield backs crested with carvings. Backs, seats and arms upholstered and covered with contemporary floral and silver trellised brocade of a deep sapphire blue tone. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Fine model but simpler in conception than preceding. Covered with contemporary flowered and striped brocade on a diapered robin’s egg blue ground. 1] NEEDLEWORK LANDSCAPES, EMBROIDERED AND “DRESSED” PICTURES, ETC. NUMBERS 52-61 52 NEEDLEWORK SHOPPING BAG OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY On both sides with rose pattern needlework and meanders on a dark ground. : 53. TWO NEEDLEPAINTED LANDSCAPES OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Occupied by farmhouses and gardens worked in softly coloured silks and wools. The romantic landscape backgrounds painted in distempers. Original black baguettes. (2) 54 EMBROIDERED MAP OF EUROPE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY An unusually decorative example; the map of Europe surrounded by an embroidered floral border. Original eglomisé mat and gilded baguette. 55 EMBROIDERED FLOWER PICTURE OF THE RESTAU- RATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A flower basket worked in chenille and silks and framed in a contemporary gilded baguette. Dated 1880. 12 566 NEEDLEWORK PICTURE OF THE CONSULATE 58 59 FRENCH, DATED 1802 Worked with a design of a landscape with figures of peasants in brilliantly coloured silks; in eglomise glass mat and original baguette. IMPORTANT EMBROIDERED PICTURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY A hunting pavillion and lodges with hunters and dogs, worked in multicoloured silks. Original gilded baguette. Size about 2 feet x 2 feet 4 inches TWO BEAD EMBROIDERED LANDSCAPES FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY One with farmhouses and figures; the other with a windmill and distant villages worked in multicoloured beads. Original black baguettes. NEEDLEWORK PICTURE OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Finely embroidered panier fleuri with the inscription “Offert par la Reconaissance.” In original frame. On the back an inter- esting label of the period inscribed “Ducricux le Jeune, Papetier.” Size about 1 foot square 18 60 61 62 63 SIX “DRESSED” ENGRAVINGS OF THE REGENCE PERIOD DEPICTING STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Composed of brilliantly coloured silks and brocades as costumes on early engravings by Joan Bussemechers after Martin de Voss. A rare set of great decorative beauty; framed in crimson bagu- ettes of recent addition. ‘To be sold in three pairs with the option of the lot. (6) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | “DRESSED” ENGRAVING OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Of a workmanship and character similar to preceding. | SEE ILLUSTRATION | EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE AND SCREENS NUMBERS 62-72 TWO LOUIS SEIZE MEDALLION ARMCHAIRS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY A handsome pair in their original state. Fluted and tapering supports, fluted arm rests, serpentined front rail, moulded oval backs covered with contemporary black striped yellow silk. MERISIER WOOD SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY An uncommon model with free standing columnar balusters. The front with one cornice drawer, fall front and two doors. Re- cessed panelled returns, interior with six drawers. Of engaging simplicity. In its original state. Height about 4 feet 8 inches; wedth, 2 feet 4 inches; depth 1 foot 8 inches 14 REGENCE PERIOD “DRESSED” ENGRAVINGS [NUMBERS 60 AND 61 | O4 66 67 68 ROSEWOOD AND MARQUETERIE COMMODE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 181TH CENTURY On gracefully curved cabrioles. Gondoled front with two draw- ers panelled with tulipwood and broad bands and beads of hair- wood. The supports enriched with filets of tulipwood. The re- turns framed by ribands of scorched veneers. Original bronze knobs and eseutcheons. Original moulded and shaped marble top. Signed. (Signature defaced) Height about 2 feet 6 inches width, 1 foot 7 inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches LOUIS SEIZE CHERRY WOOD COMMODE PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Small lady’s chest of drawers; straight front with three moulded drawers each fitted with contemporary wreathed ring-handles and festooned escutcheon plates, fluted and rounded ends, panelled returns, moulded top. | Height about 31 inches; length, 36 inches; depth, 18% imches PAINTED LISEUSE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Book table of graceful proportions on tapering supports; with one drawer and book compartment. Original decoration of cream and green. Height about 2 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 4 inches; depth, 1 foot WRITING TABLE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of tulipwood; important gondoled model of ingratiating propor- tions; the front with two false drawers and one acting drawer. Arched opening. Cabriole supports. Size about 3 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches CARVED AND GILDED CONSOLE TABLE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On fluted and husk carved turned supports, with bulbous mem- bers. Handsome apron with shaped key panel bearing alto- rclievo emblems flanked by pierced and interlaced guilloched me- anders of great delicacy. Rosetted dies. Veined white marble top. Height about 3 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 31/4, inches; depth, 1 foot 9 inches 16 69 70 vl V2 LOUIS SEIZE CARVED CONSOLE MIRROR PARISO AROUrOLLLO Finely gilded baguette with an outer border of acanthus and beaded corner moulding. Shaped and moulded plinth. The back panel enamelled in its original grey tone. Size about 4 feet x 2 feet 7 inches CARVED REGENCE MIRROR rrencu, EaRLY 18TH CENTURY Square frame with meander enrichments. The corners carved with acanthus and fleurettes in high relief. Size about 33 x 24 inches LOW TWO-FOLD “TRIC TRAC” SCREEN OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Game board ingeniously designed as a low two-fold screen and marquetted on walnut with citronier and palisandre with de- signs of flower vases and ornaments. Each fold about 2 feet 1 inch x 10 inches SIX-FOLD PAINTED CANVAS SCREEN OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Occupied by floral compositions of rose garlands and other flow- ers In camaieu on a grey ground. Arched top. re ~ Or AMERICANA NUMBERS 73-77 TWO PAINTINGS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST BY L. BLOT AFTER THE DRAWINGS OF JEAN ANTOINE THEODORE GUDIN Jacques Cartier Discovering the Saint Lawrence River in 1594. The navigators waving white flag are greeted by Indians on rocks and in canoes. In the background sailing ships at anchor. Width, 45 mches; height, 28 inches JEAN RIBAULT RELIEVES RENE DE LAUDONNIERES COLONY AT FORT CAROLINE ON ST. JOHN’S RIVER, FLORIDA In the centre, Ribault and his companions greeting the stary- ing colonists. Background of sailing ships. Jean Antoine ‘Theodore Gudin was commissioned by Louis Philippe to draw the maritime achievements of France. These two pictures are part of this series. Width, 45 inches; height, 28 inches RARE NEW YORK PEWTER JUG BY BOARDMAN AND COMPANY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body with scrolled handles; the bottom with the hall- mark of the maker’s name, eagle and the mark XX. Boardman and Company are registered as pewterers in the New York City Directory at 178 Water Street in 1825. This jug was pre- sumably made in 1820. Height, 11 inches 18 RARE HISTORICAL FAN WITH MAPS AND ALLEGORIES OF AMERICA [NUMBER 176 | 76 RARE HISTORICAL FAN WITH MAPS AND ALLE- GORIES OF AMERICA, 19TH OF JULY 1792 On one side a map of North America and a detailed account of the discoveries by Cook, Dixon, La Perouse, Mear, Vancouver, Mackenzie and Fidler. On the other, Central America with an allegorical composition at the left and beside the elaborate bor- der, geographical notes. In the Nota: The copyright of the author given by the Republic. The fan is heightened in colour on a blue ground and engraved with spangles; incrusted ivory sticks. Beside this fan, only one other copy is known to exist. (At the Musée Carnavalet, Paris) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Ld ~ ~) 80 81 PORTRAIT OF THE MARQUIS DE ‘LAFAYETTE BY LOUIS LEOPOLD BOILLY FRENCH, 1761-1845 Bust portrait in uniform of blue with white waistcoat. His pro- nounced features crowned by the familiar flowing coiffure. In contemporary carved and gilded Louis Seize frame. This portrait was purchased from one of Lafayette’s descendants and was probably painted in 1788. Height, 213 inches; width, 16 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PORCELAINS, FAIENCES AND CRYSTAL GLASS NUMBERS 78-84 SIX VIEUX PARIS DINNER PLATES FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The centre of each occupied by delightful bucolic scenes with figure subjects painted in India ink on brilliant white with heightenings of gold. Diameter, 9 inches VEGETABLE DISH OF MARSEILLES FAIENCE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Oviform urn with two scrolled handles, invested with floral de- corations on a canary yellow ground. FAIENCE INKSTAND OF OLD MARSEILLES FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On a moulded plinth with detached flowers is placed a figure of a Chinaman blowing a horn, dressed in brilliant costume of yellow and purple. TWO VIEUX PARIS CACHEPOTS OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Bulbous flower vases uncommonly decorated in the Oriental taste with gold enriched floral motifs of sepia brown monochrome. Large gilded ring handles and bases. (2) | Size about 10 x 10 inches 20 THE MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE BY LOUIS LEOPOLD BOILLY [NUMBER "77 | 82. FAITENCE EPERGNE OF OLD STRASSBOURG FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY In two tiers. The lower with four cups decorated with fishing Chinamen. The upper with Chinese pastorals and flowers in bril- lant enamels. On rustic base. Height about 81%, inches 83 CUT CRYSTAL TRAY OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD VENETIAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong, octagonal shallow bowl engraved with Renaissance pat- terns, diamonds, floriated border. A very-fine example. Size about 71% x 10 inches 84. VIEUX PARIS PORCELAIN SERVICE BY DARTE FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Decorated with hunting scenes in colours on a white ground. Each piece furnished with the figures of one or two hunters in the hunting costumes of the time. Gilded meander handles. Set com- posed of six cups and saucers, teapot and cover, sugar bowl, cover and creamer. On the bottom of the sugar bowl appears the original label “Darte, Rue Vivienne 16 no. Depot de Cristaux, Fabricant de Porcelaine.” (Two cups firecracked and one slightly chipped) 22 ROCAIL SILVER MIRROR FRENCH, I8TH CENTURY [NUMBER 85 | MIRRORS, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE NUMBERS 85-95 85 ROCAIL SILVER MIRROR FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Shaped and arched frame of finely beaten and engraved silver leaf applied to a moulded and carved backing of wood. Baroque leaves and leafy cartouches above and below. Scrolled supports and original easel. This mirror came from the Chateau de Grignon once the prop- erty of Madame de Grignon, daughter of Madame de Sévigné Size about 1 foot 914 inches x 1 foot 4& inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 23 86 87 REGENCE CARVED DRESSING MIRROR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of florally carved frame with mirror reserves between carved spandrels and a fretted “‘chapiteau” of a lyre shaped scroll flanking a composition of a panier fleuri on console, surmounted by shell motif. Original gilding. Height about 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Small, ladies writing desk of mahogany and “Island” veneers. Narrow body with one cornice drawer (meander handles), drop leaf inlaid with geometrical designs in a diamond of finely figured *Tsland”’ veneers, of burlwood in broad bands of satinwood tinted green and golden brown satinwood ; two moulded doors below with two diamonds of figured wood; panelled returns. Interior with drawers and shelves. Original St. Anne marble top. Height about 4 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches 24 88 89 90 TWO MERISIER WOOD DIRECTOIRE BEDS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Kach with two vase-shaped baluster columns free standing and supporting rolled ends, carved with classical urns in diamonds. Rails of later addition. Height about 38 inches; width, 36 imches WALNUT SIDE TABLE OF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY On four fine bulbous bell baluster supports; arched apron with one drawer; original fretted escutcheon handles. Interestingly moulded original top. Height about 2 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 114 wmches BURL WALNUT LIBRARY TABLE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD BURGUNDIAN, 18TH CENTURY Kneehole table on gracefully tapering cabrioles with cabochon sabots. Two drawers at either side of the arched kneehole; shaped returns. Moulded gallery. From the Collection of the Provencal Poet, Roumanille. Height about 2 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches; depth, 2 feet 4 wmches 25 oI BONHEUR DU JOUR WITH SCREEN OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD BY VAU'’ERIN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY An exceptionally delicate example of French ebenistry. Made in two parts; the upper a portable writing cabinet designed as a Bureau A Cylindre with cylindrical sliding front, two drawers and moulded desk slide; fitted with movable screen with moulded top and bronze handle, and covered with contemporary blue and white lampas. Superimposed, a cabinet with one drawer and marble top with fretted gallery. This cabinet is placed on a table of four graceful columnar balusters with undertray and turned tapering supports. One drawer. Both parts are en- riched with simple mounts and filets of gilded bronze. In the right hand drawer appears Vautrin’s original label. Height, 41 inches; width, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 26 BONHEUR DU JOUR WITH SCREEN LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD, VAUTRIN [ NUMBER QI | 92 REGENCE WALNUT COMMODE PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Serpentine front fitted with two long drawers, with elaborate rocail handles and escutcheon plates, the uncommon handles with heads of courtiers on consoles, shaped and outeurved apron, chamfered cabrioles; gondoled sides, original rouge antique marble top. Height, about 34 inches; length, 48 mches; depth, 24 inches 93 GUERIDON OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY _ Model of Louis Seize transition. ‘Two deep drawers. Rosetted handles and escutcheons. Original steel gallery top. Square tapering supports. Shaped apron. Height about 2 feet 6 inches; width, 1 foot 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 1 wnch 94 CHERRYWOOD LOUIS SEIZE CARD TABLE PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY On four turned gracefully tapering supports. Double mitred top with guard of cuivre doré. Note the rich surface of the veneer. Height about 2 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 8 imches; depth, 1 foot 4 imches 28 95 LOUIS QUINZE MARQUETERIE DROP LEAF SECRETAIRE [NUMBER 95_| LOUIS QUINZE MARQUETERIE DROP LEAF SEC- RETAIRE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY An uncommon combination of commode and desk of rosewood and walnut. The front with two short and one long drawer covered with fine burlwood and two doors veneered with diagonally laid panels of amaranth. Shaped lid with meander marqueterie enrichments uncovering a cabinet of serpentined drawers and pigeon holes and a secret slide. Original rocail handles and escutcheon plates. Chamfered sides terminating in graceful cabrioles. Plain returns veneered with burlwood. Height about 3 feet 24% inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches; depth, 2 feet 4 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 29 96 97 98 99 100 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS NUMBERS 96-118 CAMAIEUX PROVENCAL SCHOOL, FRENCH 18TH CENTURY Two over-doors composed of groups of putty with their emblems in repose and in spirited motion, painted in ivory coloured grisaille and shaped to fit their original mouldings. Size about 4314 x 46 inches SINGERIE BY LOUIS LEOPOLD BOILLY On panel. FRENCH, 1761-1845 “Teasing the Monkey.” In gilded baguette. A family group of five, a youth blowing smoke from his clay pipe into the monkey’s face. Size about 1! foot 2 inches x 1 foot SINGERIE BY LOUIS LEOPOLD BOILLY FRENCH, 1761-1845 On panel in gilded baguette. ‘* Teasing the Monkey.” Two charming youngsters amusing the dog with the monkey’s terror. Size about 1 foot 2 inches x 1 foot PROFILE PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN OF DIJON BY CHARLES BALTHAZAR JULIEN FEVRET DE SAINT MEMIN FRENCH, 1770-1852 Sanguine and pencil drawing. Saint Memin is celebrated in this country for his profile portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Van Rensselaer. He lived at Burling- ton, New Jersey and Philadelphia for a number of years. Height, 1514 wmches; width, 11 inches A PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF THE CHATEAU AND GARDENS OF LUYNES FRENCH, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY ~ Delightful decoration in soft blue greens, the foreground with animals of the chase. The distant background with the chateau and far away villages beyond. Size about 3 feet 6 inches square 30 PAINTED WINDOW “STORES” DIRECTOIRE PERIOD [NUMBER IOI | 101 TWO PAINTED WINDOW “STORES” OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Taffeta shades painted with the subjects of the huntress Diana and Ceres with dove, in oval reserves surrounded by fruitbaskets in Herculanean tones of golden yellow and green. | Size about 3 feet square [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 31 102 103 104 TWO MARINES SCHOOL OF CARLE VERNET, FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Fortified ports with sailmg ships and fishing folk. Made into fire screens at a more recent date. (2) THREE DECOUPAGE PANELS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD REPRESENTING MORNING, NOON AND EVENING FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Canvas decorations occupied by gaily coloured engraved figure subjects surrounded by ornamental scrolls. ‘“‘Decoupage” was a pastime of the court of Marie Antoinette. Leisure hours were spent in cutting valuable engravings and applying the cut motifs to furniture, screens and the like. (3) Size about 1 foot x 2 feet 6 inches AMOURS AT PRAYER ANGLO-ITALIAN SCHOOL, 18TH CENTURY Two small paintings on panel representing kneeling winged amorini with sacrificial urns against a sky blue ground. Gilded and carved frames. (2) 32 105 ‘THREE LADIES AND TWO DOGS BY CHARLES CONDER ENGLISH, 1868-1909 Coloured chalk and pencil drawing of the great master of the fan. It is inscribed ‘For Miss Allen from Charles Conder, July 1906.” Charles Conder was born in London; a descendant of Roubillac, the sculptor. He spent his youth in New South Wales, returned to Europe in 1890 and studied under Constant and Doucet. Became Associate of Société Nationale des Beaux Arts in 1893. Had many exhibitions in England and in America. Millbank in his catalogue of the British School at the National Gallery writes about Conder, as follows: “His exquisite art reveals an instinctive feeling for beauty and he is an example of the ‘Petit Maitre’ rare in English Art.” Height, 1244 mches; width, 1514 inches 106 PROFILE, ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCOIS ANDRE VINCENT FRENCH, 1746-1816 Pencil drawing of a young woman with curling hair on a rose ground. In green passepartout and gilded carved wood frame of the Louis Seize period. Size about 2 feet x 1 foot 8 inches 33 107 108 109 CORBEILLE D’AMOURS ET FLEURS, BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLI FRENCH, 1824-1886 A flower basket formed by a chain of nude amorini and filled with field flowers in great profusion. On a walnut panel. Signed, Monticelli. In a gilded Louis Seize baguette. Exhibited at the Colonial Exhibition, Marseilles, 1923. Adolphe Monticelli, French painter of Italian parentage was born October 14th, 1924 at Marseilles ; received his early training in the Art School of that city. Settled in Paris during the forties, where as a friend of Diaz his entrance into the society of artists and art-lovers became easy. ‘Towards the close of the reign of Napoleon III he was on the high-road to fame; his work was in request both in England and in America, and provoked praise from Daubigny, Troyon and even Delacroix. Then came the catastrophe of 1870 when Monticelli returned to Marseilles, which he never again quitted. Here his death took place June 29th, 1886. Size about 2214 inches square [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PORTRAIT OF GENERAL PIERRE FRANCOIS AUGEREAU BY JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE FRENCH, 1725-1805 Bust portrait of the future Marshal of Napoleon in the uniform of the Revolution, his handsome face framed by long curling blond hair. Size about 1 foot 11 inches x 1 foot 9 inches “FETE MILITAIRE”, BY FRANCOIS LOUIS JOSEPH WATTEAU, CALLED WATTEAU DE LILLE FRENCH, 1758-1813 In the foreground an officer and a maiden uniformed dancing and beyond soldiers, guests and musicians. Background of tents and Marching Hussards. Size about 1 foot 5 inches x 1 foot 8 inches 34 CORBEILLE D AMOURS ET FLEURS BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLI [NUMBER 107 | 110 111 113 PORTRAIT OF EMMA, LADY HAMILTON BY AUGUST NICODEMO ITALIAN SCHOOL, 1760-1795 Three-quarter figure in a delightful tight-fitting bodice with lace fichu, her long softly parted hair tied with a blue ribbon. Her left hand rests on a balustrade which is enriched by a tall flower urn. Oval on panel. Signed, August Nicodemo pinxit, 1791. Nicodemo was court painter to the King and Queen of Naples. His portrait of Phillip Halker is in Berlin. This portrait of Lady Hamilton was painted shortly after the arrival of Sir William and Lady Hamilton at the Naples Court. Size about 15 x 18 inches PAINTING IN THE STYLE OF HOLLAND BY JOAQUINE MANOEL ROCHA PORTUGUESE, 17830-1787 Upstanding figure of a young woman in Seventeenth Century costume and coiffure. To the right a table with a green parrot on a stand and beneath a shepherd dog. Background of a wall with paintings, and the outline of a high post bed. Signed Rocha. Panel. Rocha was director of the Lisbon Academy. Size about 14 x 101% inches HURDLING, BY ALFRED DEDREUX Frencnu, 1812-1860. Two figures, a red coated jockey with yellow breeches on white horse about to clear a torrent and beyond a blue coated jockey. Background of mountainous landscape with castle on hilltop. Gilded frame of the period with Medusa heads in spandrels. Dedreux was a renowned animal painter of the first half of the Kighteenth Century. FRA VITTORE GHISLANDI (IL FRATE PAOLOTTO) ITALIAN, 1655-1743 Bust portrait of a young Bergamese in yellow shirt with olive green jacket, shepherd’s hat on his long blond hair. In broad moulded and painted frame with glass baguette. On a walnut panel. In frame, 25 x 22 wches 36 114 116 sie 118 SOAP BUBBLES FRENCH, SCHOOL OF THE RESTAURATION The children of Darte, the Potter. Charmingly costumed with their toys. Interior background. In contemporary frame. Seize about 2 fect 10 inches x 6 feet 6 inches ATTRIBUTED TO DIAZ DE LA PENA rrencnu, 1809-1876 Landscape with shepherds, cattle and farmhouse. On a mahogany panel. Gilded gesso frame. Height, 141% inches; width, 1934 inches CHARLES ERNEST RODOLPHE HENRI SALEM LEHMANN FRENCH, 1814-1882 A sheet of sanguine and black pencil studies. Signed by the artist. Charles Lehmann, a French painter, was born at Kiel, in Hol- stein, in 1814. He became a pupil of Ingres, and contributed his first picture to the Salon in 1835. In 1861 he was made head of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, and in 1875 professor in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He died in Paris in 1882. CONTEMPORARY PEN PORTRAIT OF MARIE ANTOI- NETTE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Profile portrait of the Queen surrounded by arabesques and spandrels painted green. Inscribed, Marie Antoinette d’Autriche, Reine de France et de Navarre, signed and dated Bernard, fecit —May, 17838. Size, about 28 x 21 inches “VERNIS” MINIATURE ON IVORY FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Portraying Madame De Montespan and the Comte De Toulouse. An early piece of French lacquer. Madame de Montespan in robes of velvet and a hooded mantilla a l’Espagnole giving a background of black to the crimson and gold bodice. ‘The Comte de Toulouse appears as an admiral in a blue jacket with gold embroidered waistcoat and lace jabot. The ivory is carved on the back with arabesques. 37 ALABASTER STATUETTE OF ADONIS [NUMBER 119 | BRONZE AND ALABASTER SCULPTURES NUMBERS 119-127 119 ALABASTER STATUETTE OF ADONIS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Nude figure, his arm resting on a tree trunk to which is tied the emblem of the case of arrows, fluted base. Height about 4 feet 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 88 . ~ 121 122 1238 124 GILDED TOLE GROUP OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The nude body of a follower of Diana recumbent on the back of a lioness. Rich old gold patine. Size about 814 x 8 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF THE LOUIS. QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Bust of Cicero as poet laureate. Gadrooned marble base with bronze enrichments. Height about 1 foot 4 inches TWO GILDED BELL METAL CANDLESTICKS OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Columnar balusters on moulded bases florally engraved. Bobeches of later addition. (2) TWO FOUR-BRANCH GILDED “LAITON” CANDELABRA OF THE REGENCE PERIOD Frrencu, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Bulbous centres on moulded bases finely engraved. Original gild- irl eae 2) CRYSTAL CHANDELIER OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Small delicately designed, hanging light with baluster members. Four arms of cuivre dore with eight crystal bobeches. Height about 18 inches REGENCE BRASS LOGRESTS BURGUNDIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Uncommon pair on moulded socle with griffon foot supports and shell enriched pieds de biches. ‘The tops are in the form of moulded covered urns with acorn finials. Wrought iron log ends (2) Height about 12 inches BRONZE AND WROUGHT IRON FAUCET OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Highly decorative ornament of the bath with two griffon head spouts, acorn pendants; protruding dolphin enrichment. Swan body cresting. 39 TWO JEWELLED BAS RELIEFS PROVENCAL, IQTH CENTURY [NUMBER 1277 | TWO JEWELLED BAS RELIEFS OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD PROVENCAL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pair of oval medallions each occupied by carved bouquets of garden flowers and fruit of jade, carnelion, agate, amethyst and rare varieties of marbles and birds with malachite wings, and feathers of carnelion: presented on slate panels. In moulded baguettes of the period. (2) Size about 20 x 16 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 40 128 130 131 CHINESE AND CAMBODIAN BRONZE ORNAMENTS COLLECTION OF CLOISONNE VASES AND STATUETTES NUMBERS 128-144 TWO CHINESE BRONZE VASES Compressed bulbous bodies with four-sided slanting necks. Bands of grotesque arabesques and meanders. Ring handles; fine brown patine. (2) Height about 1114 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF A WARRIOR MING Seated figure in armour on square socle. ‘Traces of original lacquer. Height about 1 foot 2 inches TWO GILDED BRONZE STATUETTES CAMBODIAN, 17TH or 18TH CENTURY Ceremonial dancers; one holding a bowl, the others with upraised arms. ‘They are wearing high headdresses, mail shirts and em- broidered garments. (2) Height about 1 foot SEATED CLOISONNE STATUETTE OF LAO-TZE mine The garments enamelled with floral arabesques; pavillions, ete. The hair with a diadem studded with a semi-precious stone. Height about 1 foot 4& inches A CLOISONNE STATUETTE OF KWAN YIN [NUMBER 132 | 1382 CLOISONNE STATUETTE OF KWAN YIN MING Slender figure of serene demeanor. Her flowing robes richly em- broidered; her crown pierced with figure ornaments. Her back screened by a lotus enamelled with floriated sunbursts. Height about 21% feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 42 133 134 1354 136 137 138 139 TWO CLOISONNE VASES Shaped as bottles, cach with a profusion of figure compositions and floral designs in brilliant archaic enamels. (2) BRONZE STATUETTE OF KWAN YIN CAMBODIAN, 15TH or LOTH CENTURY Seated figurine of divine countenance attired as a Queen. Socle in tiers lacquered jade green. Height about 1 foot 4& inches OVAL JEWEL BOX SUNG Of bronze with floral ornamentation inlaid in silver. Knob with silver incrustations. About 314 x 614 inches COSMETIC BOX IN WORKMANSHIP SIMILAR ‘TO PRECEDING SUNG Drum shaped body with dragons and chimeres; the top with floral silver sprays and Imperial monogram. Size about 8 inches square TWO CLOISONNE BULBOUS VASES Knamelled with floriated arabesques on a rich blue ground. Dolphin body handles. (2) Height about 1 foot 2 inches CUT CRYSTAL CUP MOUNTED IN ORMOLU CAMBODIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Coloured in rainbow tints and enriched with carved meanders. Cuivre dore mounts with pierced cover crested by Kileen. GILDED BRONZE INCENSE BURNER PERSIAN, 17TH CENTURY Bowl on tripod with florally pierced cover. Incised undertray. Height about 8 inches IMARI PORCELAIN EWER AND TRAY JAPANESE, 18TH CENTURY Of a handsome shell pattern, the ewer helmet shaped; decorated with floral sprays of blue and gold on a blue-white ground. (Ewer restored) 43 140 TWO CLOISONNE COVERED POTS Fine globular bodies enamelled with spirited figure compositions. Uncommon pierced covers. (2) Height about 1 foot TWO ENAMELLED CRYSTAL GLASS VASES CAMBODIAN, I8TH CENTURY [ NUMBER I4I | 141. TWO ENAMELED CRYSTAL GLASS VASES CAMBODIAN, 18TH CENTURY A rare pair of four sided crystal glass beakers. With rhomboid lower part, outcurved lips, moulded corners. The exterior en- riched with floral enamels, banners and moons in rouge d’or and green blue. Culvre dore mounts with elephant heads supports. (2) Height about 114% wches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 44, 143 144 145 146 BENARES SILVERED BRONZE SCENT URN Important covered jar, cone shaped with Arabic inscriptions and figure subjects in quatrefoil reserves. Height about 1 foot 614 inches TWO CLOISONNE POTICHES Of very fine quality enamelled with garden flower compositions on a black ground. Lacquered mounts with animal grotesque handles. (2) Height about 114 feet BRONZE INCENSE BURNER PERSIAN, 17TH CENTURY Tripod on engraved tray. The oviform bowl with pierced floriated cover. Height about 8 inches CARVED BOOK ENDS, FRAME, ETC. CARVED FIGURE HEAD NUMBERS 145-150 TWO CARVED BOOK ENDS OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Female caryatid heads with flowing hair and gilded feathered headgears. Socles with gilded sgrafito tracery. (2) Height, 734 inches CARVED BOOK END OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Single head of a caryatid with floriated wreath. Original gilding. Height, with base, 984 imches TWO CARVED WOOD AND GILDED SUPPORTS OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Leonine supports descending from rosetted volutes with traceries in the Neo-Egyptian taste. Finely gilded. (2) Height about 2 feet zo) 148 149 PAINTED SGRAFITO FRAME OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 17TH CENTURY Mottled to simulate Cipolin marble; incised reserves of gold. Size about 8 feet x 2 feet 2 inches “MUTE” VIOLIN ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY (“Violon a Sourdine”’. ) Unusual four string instrument with pierced body and scrolled head. CARVED OAK FIGURE HEAD PROVENCAL, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Allegorical statue of a maiden in robes of antiquity. On a voluted bracket carved with acanthus. Height about 7 feet 46 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY SIXTEENTH, AT 2:30 151 153 154 155 156 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 151-2838 MARBLE, TOLE AND PORCELAIN ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 151-162 MARBLE PAPER WEIGHT OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY A composition of morning glories carved in high relief placed on a slab of white marble. Length about 7 inches TOLE CACHEPOT OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On an emerald green ground with heightenings of gold; landscape reserves. Loop handles. Original decoration. PARIS PORCELAIN VASE OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY On two chimeres in the Chinese taste with blue and gilded wings. Twin vase on oval base. Height about 10 inches TWO VIEUX PARIS PORCELAIN VASES OF THE EM- PIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Compressed oval bodies painted with natural flowers on a white ground. Scrolled bases. (One slightly firecracked) (2) Height about 81% inches TWO PARIS PORCELAIN CACHEPOTS OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Six-sided, decorated with landscape, lake and ship. (2) VIEUX PARIS PORCELAIN JARDINIERE OF THE EM- PIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Compressed urn-shaped body of graceful proportions with twisted handles ; decorated with multicoloured floral reserves on a marine blue ground. Height about 6 inches AT 157 158 159 160 VIEUX PARIS PORCELAIN SUGAR BOWL IN THE CHINESE TASTE FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Decorated with reserves in the taste of the “Chinese Mandarin” pattern; cover with a finial of a rose in relief. Pierced saucer with elaborately decorated bands. LACQUERED TOLE EWER OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Helmet shaped and decorated in the Chinese taste with fountain, birds, flowers in colours and gold. Serpent handle. Height about 10 inches FAIENCEK CACHEPOT OF SINCENEY FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Tapering body invested with floral scrolls in brilliant enamels on a cream ground, Sinceney factory mark. Height about 8 inches TWO SEVRES PORCELAIN SWAN CUPS AND SAUCERS FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY In biscuit and gold. The oval saucers with acanthus borders. Sevres marks of the Imperial Period. (One saucer border care- fully repaired) 48 TWO STAFFORDSHIRE CHELSEA PORCELAIN TWO STAFFORDSHIRE CORNUCOPIAE STATUETTE CORNUCOPIAE [NUMBER 161 | [NUMBER 162 | [NUMBER I61 | 161 TWO STAFFORDSHIRE CORNUCOPIAE 162 ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Of sunderland lustre. Flower holders represented by female statuettes in purple and flowered cream coloured robes, on baroque bases. (One slightly chipped) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Representing a youthful shepherd under a tree in bloom. Pedestal of floriated scrolls. Anchor and sword mark. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 49 168 164 165 166 1664 167 NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERED PICTURES NUMBERS 1638-170 NEEDLEWORK SHOPPING BAG OF THE RESTAURA- TION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY On one side with flower basket on a light ground and on the reverse floral rosettes on an olive green ground. EMBROIDERED PICTURE OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A chateau with bridge and ornamental posts. Water and sky with birds are painted in distempers. Original fruitwood frame. EMBROIDERED GENRE PICTURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY “Les Adieux.”” Shepherd and shepherdess embroidered in golden silks with painted flesh. The ground covered with flowers and in the distance a rider on horseback. Size about 39 x 31 inches BEAD LANDSCAPE EMBROIDERY OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Chateau, lodge and moat with ships. Worked in multicoloured beads, shaded with beads of silver. CUT PAPER PICTURE (CARNIVET) PROVENCAL, EARLY 17TH CENTURY An interesting example of the cut paper art occupied by floral arabesques in black shaded white. Height, 12 inches; width, 1514 inches CREWEL AND SILK EMBROIDERED PICTURE PROVENCAL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The foreground occupied by a farm with its buildings recalling the Colonial architecture of America; signed with initials S. A. The landscape background is painted in distempers. Con- temporary gesso frame. Size about 2514 x 20 inches 50 168 169 PEARL EMBROIDERED PIN CUSHION OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Worked with a design of a flower vase and borders of rose garlands on a cream ground. EMBROIDERED VELVET PIN CUSHION OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The centre with bouillons and chenille flowers surrounded by trellised frame. Silk ruffle. Size about 6 inches square EMBROIDERED SHUTTLESTITCH PICTURE OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY “Ta Belle Jardiniére.” Young maiden with panier and dog; landscape background. Worked in monochrome stitches. Orig- inal gilded baguette. COLLECTION OF WATCH HOLDERS OF THE EIGHTEENTH AND EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY AND SAND CLOCK sp 172 173 NUMBERS 171-178 PAINTED TOLE WATCH HOLDER OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Enamelled with flowered spandrels. On painted plinth. Height about 7 inches WATCH HOLDER OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Designed as a model of a Boulle bracket clock simulating tortoise shell and gold, and enriched with gesso ornaments. Height about 10 inches WATCH HOLDER AND WATCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Of gilded pinchbeck; circular finely engraved case. Original watch with engraved pinchbeck face. 51 176 177 178 MAHOGANY WATCH HOLDER WITH WATCH OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD The case of figured mahogany faced by caryatides of cuivre dore ; holding Louis Seize silver watch with fine blue enamelled and silver gilt dial. WATCH HOLDER OF FAIENCE D’APT OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD PROVENCAL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A bulbous jug with helmet spout flanked by flowered pendants of fretted floral sprays. ‘The face with an Imperial eagle which serves as a watch holder. Brilliant colour heightenings; scrolled handles. Height about 18 inches ALABASTER WATCH HOLDER OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Silenus on a rock with a goat at his side. ‘The base bears an urn of uncommon design. Height about 6 inches CARVED WALNUT WATCH HOLDER OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PROVENCAL, 18TH CENTURY Composed of two figures of Hercules enveloped with the Nemean lion’s skin and suppor ting an oval carved medallion framing the watch dial. _ Height about 10 inches SAND CLOCK OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Cage of cartonnage charmingly decorated with flowers in gold on a cream ground. Height about 4 inches | EMBROIDERED, “DRESSED,” AND STRAW PICTURES 179 NUMBERS 179-188 SEVEN “DRESSED” ENGRAVINGS OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY With engraved figures dressed in costumes of rare br ocades. (7) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] — 52 SEVEN ““‘DRESSED ENGRAVINGS REGENCE PERIOD [NUMBER 179 | 180 181 182 185 IMPORTANT NEEDLEPAINTED PICTURE OF THE EM- PIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A maiden with embroidered garment and painted face with her arm resting on a socle crowned by a flower basket. Landscape ~ background. Original gesso frame. Size about 2 feet 10 inches x 1 feet 10 inches IMPORTANT EMBROIDERED PICTURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY A harbor view with sailing boats at anchor and fisherfolk and peasants in gay costumes worked in wools and silks. Size about 2 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 6 inches SILK EMBROIDERY OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Worked with a design of naturalistically coloured flowers rising from a basket on a cream ground. STRAW PICTURE OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Inscribed, ‘‘Vue du Pont de la Trinite a Florence.”’ An interest- ing view of the Lungarno worked in coloured straws with a Trinity bridge spanning the Arno, sailing boats, steam, row boats and people. Size about 151% x 211% inches 54 SIX“FOLD PAINTED PAPER SCREEN EMPIRE PERIOD [NUMBER 184 | PAINTED SCREEN NUMBER 184 184 SIX FOLD PAINTED PAPER SCREEN OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A screen of remarkable charm and delightful imaginative quality. It is occupied by a continuous design representing a pleasure park with a multitude of figures, young lovers, hunters, children at play in the engaging costumes of the period, and the back- ground with scenic railways, a Tunesian villa and a windmill with its wings turning on a column resembling the Colonne Vendome. Mottled dado. Painted in a soft purple grey camaieu. Each leaf about 9 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 55 COLLECTION OF RICE PAPER PICTURES NUMBER 185 185 COLLECTION OF EIGHT RICE PAPER PICTURES CHINESE, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Birds, flowers and figure subjects taken from a portfolio bearing the following label “Yeu Qua, Portrait Painter, Rice Pictures, all kinds. Handsome album. Hong Kon, Queen’s Road, Num- ber 93.” ‘The cover of the portfolio is sold with the pictures. (8) FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NUMBERS 186-193 186 LISEUSE (BOOK TABLE) OF WALNUT OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Small gueridon with gondoled front and arched opening. On cabriole supports; shaped gallery top. One drawer. Height about 2 feet 414 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches; depth, 1 foot 1 wmch 187 FRUITWOOD GUERIDON OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY On square tapering supports with protruding dies; three drawers with original engraved ring handles. Moulded top. Height about 2 fect 2 inches; width, 1 foot 56 188 189 — 190 ga LOUIS SEIZE WALNUT GUERIDON (TABLE A OUVRAGE) BURGUNDIAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong body with three drawers of which two are false drawers. Covered with finely matched veneer; fluted stiles. Gallery top. Gently tapering square supports. Height about 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 734 inches; depth, 1 foot 2 inches CARVED CONSOLE TABLE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Halfmoon table of harmonious proportions on four fluted taper- ing spade foot supports. Apron with carved, guilloched meander and rosetted dies. In its original two tone grey. Fine original moulded grey St. Anne marble top. Height about 2 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 8 inches CONSOLE MIRROR OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Flatly carved with climbing roses in panelled recessed pilasters and acanthus capitals in the Neo-Egyptian taste. Frieze carved with Greek ornaments. Original gilding. Height about 4 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 8 inches TWO CARVED AND GILDED MIRRORS OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Florally carved, baroque frames in their original gilding. (2) Size about 28 x 22 inches 57 WALNUT DIRECTOIRE SUITE (JACOB) FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY [NUMBER 192 | 192 WALNUT SUITE BY JACOB COMPOSED OF TWO ARM- CHAIRS AND ONE CANAPE FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY A Directoire suite of which the canape and one armchair are signed. On turned baluster supports, rolled backs with panels in diamonds with rosette enrichments. Slender baluster arms with carved voluted crestings. Sloping fluting arm rests. The backs with guilloched pendants. (8) George Jacob was admitted to the Corporation in 1784. He is mentioned at ‘Rue Bourbon Villeneuve as fournisseur des Menus Plaisirs”. He was sindic of the Corporation in 1785. One of the most celebrated cabinetmakers of the late Louis Seize and Directoire Periods. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 58 193 CARVED ARMCHAIR FRAME OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD SIGNED V. EF. B. FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Superb model with handsome fluted and oak leaf carved baluster ; arm rests with uncommon rosetted cresting. Bowed front with ribands and flutings. ‘Tapering supports. Square back with beads and ribands. Sold without upholstery or covering. 59 APOTHEOSIS OF CAPO DI MONTE PORCELAIN ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY [NUMBER 194 | 194 195 LgG 198 KUROPEAN AND CHINESE PORCELAINS NUMBERS 194-199 APOTHEOSIS OF CAPO DI MONTE PORCELAIN ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Important group composed of four pieces. The ‘“‘piece de resis- tance” representing the King of Naples surrounded by courtiers and musicians, three statuettes representing Muses. Lustrous white paste. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO IMPORTANT MAZARIN BLUE TEMPLE JARS AND COVERS Globular bodies covered with an iridescent blue enamel. Dome covers crested with dolphin body finials spiritedly modelled. (2) Height about 1 foot 101% inches TWO FAMILLE NOIR VASES Occupied by figure subjects in colours with green enamel pre- dominating on a mirror black ground. Of exceedingly fine quality. (2) Height about 1 foot 5 inches TWO FAMILLE VERTE GINGER JARS CHIEN-LUNG Globular bodies, decoration: a royal personage surrounded by his family, in multicoloured enamels heightened with rouge d’or. (2) Height about 8 inches RARE CHINESE PLATE WITH EUROPEAN NAVIGA- TORS SAILING SHIP KANG-HSI An exceedingly interesting plate enamelled in blue and white on a gold ground with a design of a sailing ship, presumably a Portuguese vessel. The border with an imaginative composition of Chinese children, floral arabesque and fish. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON COVER | } 61 ine) TWO IMPORTANT VASES OF ORIENTAL LOWESTOFT CHINESE, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous bodies with incurved cylindrical necks. Decoration: Lao- Tze in brilliant robes riding on a horse surrounded by musicians and attendants, and other incidents connected with Lao-Tze, in greens and purples on a brilliant white paste. The cylindrical necks scalloped at the bottom, with figures of warriors and emperors and two superbly coloured rooster chimere handles of brilhant raised blue enamels and rouge d’or. Interior of the lips decorated with detached landscape motifs in apple green, familiar on Lowestoft services. These vases betraying in many ways. European influence were found in the French Colonies. (2) Height about 2 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 62 FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 201 203 INCLUDING NEEDLEWORK FURNITURE NUMBERS 200-208 CITRONIER SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD GRENOBLE, 18TH CENTURY Probably by Hache. A distinguished and shallow upright writ- ing desk with fluted stiles and tasseled pendants. 'T'wo drawers with original festooned mounts. Arched bottom rail. The in- terior with four original drawers and compartments. Uncommon care has been given to the detail of the returns. Original black and grey marble top. Height about 4 feet; width, 1 foot 6 inches; depth, 2 feet HALFMOON CONSOLE TABLE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The shaped top veneered with uncommonly figured “Island” veneer. On four vase balusters with undertray; the apron with inlays of citronier wood. ‘The dies with flutings of ebony and bone. Height, 37 wmches; length, 35 inches; depth, 17 inches TWO UNCOMMON PAINTED CHAIRS OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY The backs with panelled stiles and rosetted dies with turned back rails. Graceful underframing. Moulded seats; caned. Original painting of blue and cream. (2) TWO UNCOMMON PAINTED CHAIRS OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to preceding. (2) WROUGHT IRON CHILD’S CHAIR OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY A rare object of the French iron worker’s art. On spirally twisted supports, bowed front, arched back, with detachable heart shaped pad. Back and seat covered in 18th century bourette de soie. 63 205 TWO FLOWERED BAS RELIEFS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Sculptured in mastick paste in a design of flowered baskets painted in soft distempers. (2) Size about 2 feet 4 mches x 2 feet ROUSSEAU AND VOLTAIRE BY JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON [NUMBER 206 | 206 TWO PLASTER STATUETTES OF ROUSSEAU AND VOL- TAIRE BY JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON Frencu, 1740-1828 Seated statuettes ; Rousseau is depicted with his right hand rest- ing on the trunk of a tree while his left holds a parchment; Voltaire holding a half closed book in his right while his left is concealed in the folds of his robe. Each signed Houdon. From the Friedel, Paris Collection. These two statuettes are presumably reductions for Sevres and were probably executed about 1779. ‘They are as vital in execu- tion and as interesting as the small Jacques Doucet model. (2) Height about 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 64 207 210 IMPORTANT SECRETARY BOOKCASE OF THE DIREC- TOTIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of satinwood and mahogany.