r. Thomas B. Clarke's Collection CEPTIONAL CHINESE SINGLE COLORS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ’ dl wil > ' a . * ‘ ‘ . v's 4 : ~ - " . . 4 J aa. . & . | . . “+ - »Y r ‘ % . ‘ » * , \_ . P P ’ ». * ~ ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27tTu, UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE (NEW YEAR’S DAY INCLUDED) A REMARKABLE COLLECTION CERAMIC ART FORMED BY MR. THOMAS B. CLARKE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE AFTERNOONS OF THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 3rp, 4TH AND 5TH, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL WHITE GLAZES IN EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL PRODUCTIONS AND A GATHERING OF EXCEPTIONAL CHINESE PORCELAINS EXCLUSIVELY SINGLE-COLOR SPECIMENS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF MR. THOMAS B. CLARKE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES | MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManaGers NEW YORK 1918 ‘ ' ay sa ie of ‘ 4 a s + a « # THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATIOI DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIR ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATIO. TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY r A NOTE OF WHITE In the present collection white dominates. And when, before now, has the work of the ceramist, in this pure yet ever variable mantle of sunlight, been offered in such consistent variety? Here is a variformity comprehending East and West, and motives of diverse origin, united only in artistic expression. And that ex- pression itself is diverse—as the peoples represented. England is linked with Italy and with France, Italy with the Near East, Ivan with Cathay; all in plastic white. The English salt glaze productions are such as are not frequently seen in New York; in fact they will be largely a reve- lation, of their kind. These articles have not been exhibited by Mr. Clarke, who began to acquire them some years ago, and to stow them decoratively in his home and conceal them Rely: but not to show them in cases in his art house. It is perhaps not too much to say that just as years earlier the same owner practically started the cult of the Chinese “single colors” in this country, through the happy accident of noting that the dignity and beauty of those objects did not interfere with enjoyment of the collection of paintings which he was assidu- ously acquiring, so at a later day he awoke by accident or inci- _ Gentally to the charm of the English salt glazes and the Leeds creams, as seen on the soft and rich surfaces of the mahogany and oak furniture that he was then collecting. It was those and just such furnishings of Eighteenth Cen- tury England which the salt glaze dishes and ornaments originally decorated and served,—the sideboards and corner-cupboards, the tables and dressers, in the warm glow of mahogany or the soft patina enhancing the fine solidity of oak,—and they speak in the same tongue on this side the sea. In fact they bring Albion with them; note the teapot fashioned in the form in miniature of an Englishman’s home. In the open lattices and basketry of the dishes for table use and adornment, admirers see the Eighteenth Century Eng- lishman’s attempt to produce plastic ornament in concord with the designs found in his imported laces and damasks. Again he weaves openwork baskets, as the worker in whites, intertwining the stems of the grapevine and training its leaves for decoration. Fruit baskets, sugar bowls and creamers, tea caddies and cruet stands and sauce boats, epergnes, chestnut-bowls and hot-water plates bespeak the hospitable board, and plaques, jardiniéres and statuettes the more purely decorative aspirations of artificers who worked homogeneously rather than as imitators of the stranger. From this sometimes delicate, sometimes crude, and generally robust craftsmanship, the eye passes to a French congener of the openwork threading, characteristically dainty in soft cream hue, and travels to the rich Italian white faience of the Sixteenth Cen- tury, sometimes with its color touches of almost primitive sim- _plicity. Here is more familiar ground, though more distantly removed, and possibly the same might be said of the Persian pot- tery, which is included on the way to China. And lastly the great and friendly empire of the Celestials proffers amid the white its unrivaled monochromes, both in white and color, the colors supplying the accents and harmonies and enriching the whole composition. Dana H. Carrot. New York, November, 1917. : CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the iots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5, Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business ‘+n which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. _ Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. ”. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of catologuing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued © or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, + ’ 4 ; : . ~ 3 . es ‘ < , 4 - 7 J . a ct - * r s t ' ‘ . ane +i * ‘ x ‘ * i ~ ~ ? » A aie 4 ) . ~ FA . - a é J 1” . “A 4 Mt ’ « f ivy - f = * P, ; oer . ‘ es 7 a ip ar * - ‘ - . » ee Aare : say” 4 ' ; ‘ i f mi ¢ * ye i i ¥ ’ 8 = ~~ oF : ¥ - ; ™s \ . n ; ’ se a) : 4 > Bie: : fe - 7 v * coll i I Dam, : “ ‘ 1) e 2 e @ ® e e e € s 8 s e e ® e e e ® e @ e s & e e e e ® 6 e ® s Ss ® e s e s ® . ® s ® ® ® ® t e td e THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THOMAS B. CLARKE COLLECTION Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 3, 4 and 5, 1918 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and hand- ing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name _ Address in Full Amount of Deposit FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 1 to 202, inclusive OLD LEEDS No. 1 OLD LEEDS LARGE STANDING CUP Height, 6 inches Deep bell shape rising from a short stem on a low circular foot. Adorned with a festooning of garlands in relief. (Foot rejoined.) No. 2 PAIR OLD LEEDS VASES H eight, 5 inches Slender shape with spreading foot, and short molded lip. First Afternoon . No. 8 PAIR OLD LEEDS BASKETS Diameter, 934 inches Circular, of wicker work in eight lobes, based upon a heavy foot, the representation being as though woven of sturdy vine stems, their curling ends developing leaves and grapes which appear as solid relief ornaments, one to each lobe. At the bottom a solid medallion with a cluster of fruits in relief. No. 4 OLD LEEDS URN WITH COVER Height, 6 inches Decorated after Eastern models with chrysanthemum-petal and bead borders and two animal-mask and ring handles in relief. On the cover an acorn finial (restored). No. 5 OLD LEEDS CRUET STAND Height, 74/4, inches. Two cylindrical holders, with openwork sides formed of inter- lacing C-scrolls and a ring of flowerets, bridged to a column with knob finial, the bridge fluted and supporting rings for the cruet stoppers. (Restoration at bridge and base of column.) Im- pressed mark: Leeds Pottery. First Afternoon No. 6 OLD LEEDS JARDINIERE Height, 71% inches Ovoid, the body fluted in melon lobes, the rim festooned; on low spreading foot. A bold molding paralleled by shallow channels encircles the rim, passing above two animal-mask handles, and the body is freely decorated with floral reliefs. No. 7% PAIR OLD LEEDS FLOWER POTS Height, 51, inches Truncated cone shape, the smaller end fitting over a flange on a square base. The bottom of the pot has an orifice at the centre and the base is hollow, to hold seeping water. Festoons of drapery are looped from the mouths of masks and pinned with blossoms, on the pot, and similar festoons with blossom centres only adorn the base. No. 8 TWO OLD LEEDS PLAQUES Diameter, 9 inches Circular, with shallow cavetto fluted all around, between bead borders, and marly pierced in floral trellis pattern and edged with a beaded molding. Kirst Afternoon No. 9 UNIQUE OLD LEEDS DISH Diameter, 81%, inches Cauldron shape with flat rim, on three animalistic feet. The cauldron is pierced with a festooning of small orifices and with lattice figures between the undulations, and on the sides has two twisted loop handles pinned with blossoms in relief. Rising from the rim are three scrolled and fluted upright handles, and al~ ternately with them three fluted abutments spring inward below the rim. No. 10 OLD LEEDS PLAQUE Diameter, 101%, inches Circular, the sides of the cavetto fluted, and the flaring rim pierced with floral and angular lattices and bordered with a bead molding just within the edge. No. 11 THREE OLD LEEDS PLAQUES Diameter, 101%, inches Shallow plain cavetto, the marly foliated in outline, pierced in varied lattice pattern, and draped with festoons in relief. First Afternoon No. 12 OLD LEEDS BASKET Diameter, 914 inches Circular, the whole in wicker work, round ribs radiating and up-curving from a basketry medallion at the bottom, and being cross-wound midway with a twist of withes and at the top bound between two hoops; two loop handles and a wicker-rope foot. No. 13 OLD LEEDS TALL PITCHER Height, 10 inches Body and spreading foot finely fluted. Loop handle formed of two interlaced fluted braids, pinned with blossoms in relief over finials of conventional foliage. No. 14 OLD LEEDS PLATTER Length, 11 inches Oval, the bottom modeled with a lightly depressed foliated me- dallion and bordered by a rope molding, the sides of the cavetto in basket pattern, and the narrow flat rim in openwork. First Afternoon No. 15 OLD LEEDS BASKET Length, 914 inches Oval, with spreading foot, the foot and bottom alone being solid, the sides all around pierced, in petal-form, lattice work and small circular apertures. Scrolled handles at the ends, also pierced. No. 16 OLD LEEDS BASKET Length, 101, inches Oval, with spreading foot and scrolled and pierced handles. Sides perforated in lattice and petal form and displaying four rope moldings. No. 17 OLD LEEDS PLATTER Length, 11 inches Oval, the cavetto plain and the flat rim in open basket-work. Mounted as a plaque. First Afternoon Ve No. 18 OLD LEEDS MONTEITH Diameter, 11 inches Ovoid, with a deep and broad bell-shaped foot, the bowl broadly and the foot narrowly fluted, and the rim of the bowl notched with some elaboration. No. 19 TWO OLD LEEDS PLATTERS Length, 10% inches Oval, with shallow plain cavetto surrounded by a pierced border of round arches between rope moldings, the marly beyond this being pierced along the sides and scrolled at the ends. No. 20 OLD LEEDS PLAQUE Diameter, 1134 inches Circular, with broad, flaring rim executed in cut and molded basket-work. First Afternoon OLD LEEDS SALAD BOWL Diameter, 13 inches Oval, with bell contour, on a low spreading foot, the rolling rim outlined in scrolling foliations and fluted on the super surface. Foot bordered with vertical incisions. No. 22 OLD LEEDS DISH Length, 11 inches Pointed-oval bowl, the entire interior surface in basket pattern, with a narrow flat rim cut in round arches, on a spreading foot with a conventional border in relief. No. 28 OLD LEEDS CHESTNUT BOWL WITH COVER Height, 91, inches; diameter, 734 inches Inverted bell shape on a spreading circular foot, the foot finished with a rope molding and the bowl encircled below the rim by a wreath of eisitsaysais leaves in relief. The cover is bell-shaped and perforated with a ring of lattice, and is indented at the rim for the stem of spoon or ladle. Surmounted by a ring handle formed of the stems of leaves which appear in low relief (the ring restored). First Afternoon No. 24 PAIR OLD LEEDS VASES Height, 1114 inches Urn shape, the foot planted on a square base, with flattened shoulder perforated in six circular apertures, tapering neck and spreading lip, and two acanthus-scroll upright handles. Under- body and neck fluted, foot carrying a relief border, and a border of floral scroll in relief encircling the body under the shoulder. No. 25 OLD LEEDS PLAQUE Diameter, 1314, inches Circular, the cavetto fluted between beaded borders, the marly pierced, and edged with a bead molding. First Afternoon No. 26 OLD LEEDS CENTRE-PIECE Height, 1434 inches ; A quatrefoil base decorated with garlands of fruit and ox-heads in relief supports two shell-shaped receptacles and two cylindrical cruet holders, at either side of a quadrangular and tapering pedestal, which is surmounted by a male and a female figure, each holding a basket. (Baskets repaired.) First Afternoon OLD FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN WARE No. 27 ORNATE FRENCH BOUDOIR TRINKET HOLDER Height, 41% inches Beaker form, but open, made entirely in rustic work elaborately contrived. Two loop and loose-ring handles. The structure of the piece establishes its own decoration, while additional em- bellishment appears in branches of fruit in relief, and small blos- som finials, the whole under a brilliant monochrome glaze of rich cream tone. Under foot the impressed mark: C. H. de Bois Simon & Cie., A Langeais, Indre & Loire. No. 28 STAFFORDSHIRE APOSTLE TEAPOT Height, 71 inches _ Cylindrical, with low foot; low dome cover with knob finial. White stoneware, by Charles Meigh, Hanley. Around the sides, archi- tectural niches containing standing figures of Apostles in bas- relief. Under foot, seal mark in relief, including coat-of-arms, the word “Registered,” and the inscription: “March 17th, 1849; by Charles Meigh, Hanley.” No. 29 COBRIDGE JUG Height, 7 inches White stoneware. Globular with broad cylindrical neck and short open spout, and twisted ear-loop handle. White glaze. Deco- rated with the arms of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales in relief within quatrefoils, on an orange-skin ground. Seal mark in relief. First Afternoon No. 380 OLD ENGLISH PLATE. WEDGWOOD ? Diameter, 814, inches Shallow cavetto of coarse basket-work about a small medallion of finer basket pattern, with rim pierced in round arches. Mono- chrome cream glaze. Impressed group of marks, including ‘the letters “D,” “V” and “N” and a triangle. No. 31 WEDGWOOD PLATE Eighteenth Century Diameter, 10 inches Shallow, flaring cavetto, in a coarse basket pattern about a small central medallion of fine basketry; rim pierced in narrow round arches. Brilliant cream glaze, minutely crackled. Im- presed mark: wepGwoop. No. 32 OLD ENGLISH PLAQUE Diameter, 1214 inches Circular with wicker wound festooned rim. Brilliant cream glaze. At the centre a medallion of pyramids represented in the flat, en- closed within squares bounded by bead moldings, this surrounded by panels of basket-work and trellises in the embrace of scrolling foliations. The flaring marly pierced with angular lattices bracketed in C-scrolls, in a network ground. Mark: an im- pressed H. No. 33 PAIR ENGLISH FRUIT DISHES Eighteenth Century Length, 121% inches Made as though formed of a mass of great leaves, the mass thick- ening to a solid at the bottom, while the sides are in openwork, the leaves being cut in outline and forming a naturalistic rim. Brilliant glaze of pure white. First Afternoon No. 34 OLD ENGLISH SALVER Height, 1214, inches Oblong, with foliated outline; two loop handles. Brilliant cream glaze, covering a relief decoration of fruits and flowers and scroll- ing foliations on a ribbed ground. No. 35 GERMAN STONEWARE JUG Height, 10 inches Inverted pear-shape with cylindrical neck and bold foot, and scroll handle with thumb-piece. Principal decoration three escutcheons with dates 1590 and 1594, in relief on a diaper ground, and a bold grotesque mask under the spout. Gray glaze. ENGLISH SALT GLAZES No. 36 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL CUP 1720-1780 Plain and handle-less, with simply molded rim and flat bottom. No. 37 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SALT CELLAR 1720-1780 Diameter, 3 inches Oval, on a spreading foot. Conventional lattice, scroll and basket-work decoration. First Afternoon No. 38 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE ALMOND DISH 1720-1780 Diameter, 5 inches Six-pointed star shape, without decoration. No. 39 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SALT SHAKER 1720-1780 Height, 54 inches Pear-shaped with dome top and expanding foot. Decorated in ‘four panels with two designs of lattice in each, and a band of basket-work above. No. 40 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SAUCE BOAT 1720-1780 Length, 6 inches With two recurving loop handles and two spouts, and spreading foot. Decorated with flutings and key-fret borders. No. 41 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE BASKET 1720-1780 Diameter, 71 inches Oval, with solid bottom, the entire body otherwise an open lattice, with flowerets at the crossings and the rim scalloped; two scroll handles. No. 42 TWO ENGLISH SALT GLAZE BASKETS 1720-1780 Diameter, 71, inches Oval, with open lattice sides and solid flat bottom, and two scrolled loop handles. Lattice crossings adorned with blossoms in relief, and rim lightly scalloped. First Afternoon No. 43 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CREAMER 1720-1780 Length, 7 inches Bulbous body and lightly pinched spout, and recurving loop han- ‘dle. Decoration, small bosses, the shell pattern and foliar scrolls. No. 44 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CREAMER 1720-1780 Length, 7 inches Bulbous body and spout, and recurving loop handle, which is fluted. Conventional decoration of scrolls, shell pattern, lattices and basket-work. From the collection of Mr. R. Soden-Smith, F.S.A., and by him loaned to the Edinburgh Museum in 1889. First Afternoon No. 45 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE HOT WATER PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 7*4 inches With two rustic loop handles. Rim decoration of six lattice sections, and six panels of basket-work bracketed within folia- tions in low relief. (Water-hole cover missing.) No. 46 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 814 inches Ornamented lattices with circular perforations, foliations in low relief, and basket-work and herring-bone panels. No. 47 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 8 inches Pierced lattices, with festooned cording below, and alternating fish-bone and basket-work panels. No. 48 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 8 inches In each of the eight foils of the marly a pierced lattice, within relief foliations and separated by basket-work; similar decora- tion in solid below, about a conventional medallion. First Afternoon No. 49 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 8144 inches Latticed sections with circular perforations and draped with foliations alternate with panels of basket-weave and herring-bone pattern, above a bottom solidly given to the conventional deco- ration. No. 50 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 814 inches Pierced lattices in the rim, embraced by foliations in relief, alter- nating with solid lattices and herring-bone and _ basket-weave sections. No. 51 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN 1720-1780 Diameter, 81. inches Melon-lobed, with surface incised with sinuous lines and studded with small seed-shaped bosses. ‘Two loop handles and three gro- tesque feet. Dome cover with knob handle. No. 52 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN 1720-1780 Diameter, 834, inches Melon-lobed body with two loop handles, on three grotesque animalistic feet. Dome cover similarly lobed, with knob handle. Surfaces of both studded with small lance-head bosses among fine sinuous lines. First Afternoon No. 53 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 817, inches Gracefully flaring, with lightly scalloped rim, and daintily molded traditional ornamentation, the rim lattices in openwork. No. 54 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 81 inches Herring-bone and basket-work panels, and ornamented lattices pierced; medallion with bead and rope borders. No. 55 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 81%, inches Fish-bone and basket panels, and lattices in two designs and partly pierced; lattice medallion with cord and bead borders. No. 56 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 81% inches Conventional decoration, with both the fish-bone and basket panels, and perforate lattices. No. 57 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 814 inches Herring-bone, basket and lattice decoration, the marly lattices pierced in square section. : First Afternoon No. 58 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 81% inches Openwork lattices, the apertures square and the blind sections plain; the alternating panels of basket-work, and showing corded festooning at the top. No. 59 | PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 834 inches ’ ‘4. Fish-bone and basket designs, and flowered trellises with pierced sections ; medallion with bead and rope borders. No. 60 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN 1720-1780 Diameter, 81% inches Oval, with loop handles, on animalistic feet; dome cover with loop handle. Panel decoration of lattice, scrolls and basket-work. No. 61 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN 1720-1780 Diameter, 9 inches Oval with two loop handles, on three grotesque feet; dome cover with loop handle. Panel decoration in lattices and basketry, with scrolling foliations. No. 62 X PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 9 inches -The lattices in the eight lobes of the rim are entirely pierced ex- cept in their lower courses; narrow intervening panels of basket pattern and a geometrical medallion. First Afternoon No. 63 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 914 inches Festooned rim, with basket-work and trellis ornamentation in alternating compartments set between foliar scrolls. No. 64 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 914 inches Floral-lattice and basket-work ornamentation alternate in panels on the festooned rim, with pendant foliations enclosing the lattice. No. 65 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE : 1720-1780 Diameter, 914, inches Grills and basket-work and a magnified herring-bone pattern appear in segments of the festooned rim, with heavily embossed foliations. (Slight restorations at edge.) : No. 66 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE | 1720-1780 Diameter, 91/4, inches A basket-weave and two different lattice patterns adorn the foli- ated rim, set off by intervening foliar scrolls. No. 67 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 914, inches Japonesque grill designs, the herring-bone pattern and basket- work, with dividing scrolls, occupy the foliated rim (which has a single slight chip). First Afternoon No. 68 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 91/4, inches Foliated rim, with broad lattice panels in two designs, interrupted by wreaths. No. 69 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 91/, inches Boldly embossed foliations pendent from the foliated rim separate panels of basket-work, a large herring-bone pattern and varied grills. No. 70 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 914, inches Basket-work and lattices, those in the expanding marly partly blind and plain and partly pierced, and rambling foliations; me- dallion of squares within a reed-bound circle. No. 71. PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 914 inches All foliations in bold relief, the rim lattices blind and plain, with nine sections excised near the centre of each; geometrical me- dallion with reeded border. Nowe 72 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 91% inches Widely pierced lattices enclosed by foliations in relief alternate with panels of basket-work, with solid decoration in similar motives below. First Afternoon No. 73 SET OF EIGHT ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 91% inches Six-foil rim, displaying small seed-shaped bosses on a lightly in- cised wave-line ground. No. 74 SET OF TEN ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 94% inches Delicately embossed ornamentation of basket and trellis work in sixteen compartments, with intervening foliations. No. 75 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE ~ 1720-1780 Diameter, 91% inches Pierced lattices alternate with basket panels near the festooned rim, and the same motives with foliations occupy the rest of the piece. .-No. 76 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OVAL TRAYS 1720-1780 Diameter, 91 inches With flat perforated rims often referred to as lace-work, con- sisting of a lattice adorned with small blossoms. The shallow cavetto is plain. No. 77 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE VASES 1720-1780 Height, 914, inches Globular bottle-form with bulbous neck and lightly expanding lip, the glaze showing a slight orange-skin surface and exhibiting many minute pittings. First Afternoon No. 78 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OVAL DISH 1720-1780 Diameter, 914 inches Shallow and plain cavetto, with narrow flat rim of openwork lat- tice, the crossings pinned with blossoms; festooned edge, each loop enclosing a blind section of the lattice. No. 79 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 914 inches Foliations in bold relief enclosing lattices and separated by basket- work and herring-bone designs occupy the entire surface sur- rounding a lattice medallion with bead and rope borders. No. 80 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 934 inches Foliations in bold relief enclosing lattices, and a rope medallion at the centre; outer lattices pierced, and alternating with basket panels. No. 81 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 934 inches Open lattices in the rim, with narrow intervening panels of basket-work, and bold but freely modeled foliations. No. §2 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OCTAGONAL PLATES 7 1720-1780 Diameter, 9°4 inches The rim flat with molded edge, and decorated with a floral scroll including blossoms and tendrils, in delicate relief. First Afternoon No. 83 SET OF SIX ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DEEP PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 91% inches Undulatory rim, thickly studded with small seed-shape bosses on a ground finely incised with transverse wave lines. No. 84 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DISH 1720-1780 Diameter, 10 inches Deep form, with ornamental trellises, basket-work, and a rope- bordered medallion. | No. 85 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE | 1720-1780 Diameter, 10 inches A heavily beaded medallion is surrounded by lattices enclosed by foliations, alternating with basket-weaves, the outer lattices ex- tensively pierced. (Restorations. ) 7 No. 86 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 10 inches Herring-bone and basket panels and bold foliar scrolls, with orna- mental lattices having pierced sections, and a medallion with rope and bead borders. No. 87 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches High relief and heavy foliations, and lattices extensively pierced: basket-work and a geometrical medallion. First Afternoon No. 88 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE HIGHLY DECORATED DISHES . 1720-1780 Diameter, 1034 inches Oval and shallow, the borders of the cavetto displaying fruit clusters in relief, overhanging from the basket-work marly. This is pierced with sections of diamond lattice, and its edge is al- ternately indented and expanding, as it finishes with an edge molding of reversing scrolls. No. 89 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Traditional decoration in precise and graceful modeling, the rim trellises pierced with a central block of angular apertures. No. 90 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Rim in six broadly scrolled foils, studded with lanceolate bosses rising from a wave-line ground. First Afternoon a SS No. 91 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1114 inches A fine and unusual pair; the glaze and color perfect, the orna- mentation showing a greater individuality than in the majority of examples. The form is deep, with expanding, festooned rim, and the decorative scheme is complex. In the centre a medallion of rectilinear lattice, its sections variously incised in wave line, surrounded by a band of basket-work with a spirally wound bor- der in relief; this is followed by a second band of basket ground, ornamented with vines in bearing, this completing the space of the cavetto. In the marly are eight incomplete globular panels of blind lattice, the five central squares of each excised, alter- nating with panels of basket-work and vines in fruit. (One re- joined. ) No. 92 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Open lattices within foliar scrolls, alternating with panels of basket-work and herring-bone design; closed lattices and rope and bead medallion within. First Afternoon No. 93 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Lattices variously perforated, and ornamented; foliar scrolls in bold relief; basket and herring-bone panels and a corded and beaded medallion. No. 94 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches The foliations are heavy and bold, and the lattices ornamented and pierced, and the alternate panels are of basket-work and the herring-bone device. — No. 95 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014, inches Open lattices, with closed sections ornamented, and bold relief foliations alternate with basket and herring-bone panels, above a bottom solidly decorated in similar motives. No. 96 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Decoration in conventional trellis and basket-work motives, the herring-bone device absent; lattice-work in the rim lobes partly ‘blind and plain and partly pierced. No. 97 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 101% inches Herring-bone and basket panels separate foliated enclosures of trellis patterns in two designs, the trellises being perforated in part; similar decoration below. First Afternoon No. 98 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 11 3 inches Heavily molded foliations, and open lattices of large section; basket-work and a geometrical medallion. No. 99 THREE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 101%, inches Two lattice designs alternating with a basket-weave occupy the - festooned rim, in panels defined by scrolling foliations. First Afternoon No. 100 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 12 inches Deep form, the rim broadly flaring and with widely perforated lattices ; basket-work only between the foliations, which are broad and full and in bold relief. j No. 101 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 11 inches Ovoidal, carefully shaped as to contour and with festooned rim, on three tapering feet; two loop handles (one restored). Broad lattice panels and narrow panels of basketry decorate the in- terior sides, and the bottom is shaped as a depressed medallion of foliate outline, bearing relief scrolls and pierced with circular apertures. ) First Afternoon No. 102 SET OF THREE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES ; 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014, inches The foliations in bold relief and their enclosed lattices cut through; separating panels of solid basket-work; central geo- metrical medallions. No. 1038 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OVAL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 101% inches The gracefully festooned marly bearing a finely molded decora- tion of lattice panels embraced by scrolls, with intervening panels of basket-work. | No. 104 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 101% inches Blind lattices without figure are pierced in squares about a blind central square, in each of the eight foils of the rim, and alter- nate with narrow basket panels, the same motives being continued below. No. 105 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Basket-work only appears between the heavy foliations which en- — close widely pierced lattices in the rim, and the blind sections of the lattices are plain, while in the bowl the lattices are orna- mented. First Afternoon No. 106 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Deep and flaring marly, the edge molded and foliated. In the marly panels of basket-work alternate with trellises, in part pierced, while similar ornamentation fills the cavetto, without perforation. (Rejoined.) No. 107 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 101%, inches Widely flaring marly, in broad convex lobes filled with lattice work, partly pierced and partly blind, alternating with narrow basketry panels having a concave edge. Similar ornamentation in the cavetto, in solid form, about a geometrical medallion. (Rejoined. ) ‘No. 108 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014, inches Lattices blind and perforate, with basket-work and relief folia- tions, and at the centre a geometrical medallion. No. 109 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 11 inches Shallow cavetto, plain; flaring, foliated marly, with pierced lattice work in the eight lobes, enclosed by foliations in relief, and sepa- rated by panels of basket-work. First Afternoon No. 110 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 1114 inches Oval, on three tapering feet, with two horizontal loop handles. Shallow ovoidal body, carefully shaped, the rim festooned. Within the bottom a depressed medallion of foliated outline, ornamented with relief scrolls and circular perforations, and surrounded by trellis work and basketry. (One handle rejoined.) Nowalit SET OF FIVE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1114 inches The festooned rim divided into eight cup-shaped compartments decorated with double-point bosses on an incised wave-ground, separated by sections of two varieties of basket-work. No. 112 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OVAL PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1114 inches Basket-work and trellis ornamentation, relieved by scrolling folia- tions. No. 113 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DEEP PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 114 inches Trellises pierced and blind, basket-work and relief foliations, form the rim, with similar designs in-the cavetto about a geometrical medallion. (Rejoined and riveted. ) First Afternoon No. 114 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1134 inches Circular perforations characterize the lattices in this plate, al- though the sections are square and are ornamented in two de- signs. The alternate panels are in the herring-bone and basket designs, the foliations are freely scrolling, and the bottom me- dallion has bead and knob borders. No. 115 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1134 inches Foliated rim in six sections, adorned with seed-shaped_ bosses within incised wave lines. No. 116 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 12 inches The foliations in bold relief, with an absence of minute detail; their lattice enclosures perforated except for plain marginal sec- tions; basket-work intervening panels. No. 117 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 12 inches Ornamental lattices, pierced at the centre, with freely scroll- ing foliations and alternate panels of herring-bone and basket design. First Afternoon No. 118 SET OF FOUR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 12 inches Expansive open lattices within freely sweeping foliar scrolls in bold relief, separated by narrow panels of basket-work; below, fine lattices similarly enclosed, with divisions of basket-work, about a large geometrical medallion. (One rejoined and riveted.) No. 119 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1214 inches The rim festooned in somewhat unusual line, and bordered by a bold relief molding of spiral flutings, all the rest of the surface being left plain. ) No. 120 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 - Diameter, 1214 inches Open lattices with closed sections ornamented, fish-bone and basket-work panels, and a lattice medallion with corded divisions and bead and spiral borders. No. 121 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1214, inches Foliations enclosing panels of lattice in two designs appear with sections of basket-work as an alternating motive. First Afternoon No. 122 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 121, inches Shallow, with broadly expanding marly, in which the ornamenta- tion includes trellises of two patterns, in part perforated, the fish-bone device and basketry, as well as scrolling foliations in relief. Similar designs adorn the cavetto. (One lobe of rim restored. ) No. 123 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OVAL PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1234 inches Panels of basket-work in the broad, escalloped rim alternate with latticed sections edged with a drapery of foliations. No. 124 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Diameter, 13 inches Oval, the rim in eight lobes of pierced lattice framed in bold foliar scrolls, these alternating with panels of basket-work; simi- lar motives below, about a geometrical medallion. No. 125 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISHES 1720-1780 Diameter, 13 inches Oval, with lattice enclosed by foliations alternating with panels of basket-work, the lattices in the broadly flaring marly being perforate. (One dish rejoined and riveted. ) First Afternoon No. 126 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 13 inches Scrolls depending from the foliated rim enclose trellises of two designs, alternating with panels of basket-work. No. 127 THREE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 138°4 inches Escalloped rim, in six broad sections incised in wave lines encom- passing small seed-form bosses. No. 128 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OVAL PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1334 inches Basket-work and trellis patterns in alternate sections of the flaring, festooned marly, with reliefs of scrolling foliations. No. 129 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 14 inches Flaring marly with escalloped edge, decorated with trellis work in two designs, the alternating sections separated by plain re- serves enwreathed in bold relief. No. 130 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE EPERGNES 1720-1780 Height, 6 inches; diameter, 1014 inches The bowl in eight lobes, the foot in six; standard plain. Interior of bowl and surface of foot decorated with lattices and foliar scrolls, the bowl showing basket-work panels also. Vestiges of silvering remain in various places. First Afternoon No. 1381 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CAKE DISH |. 1720-1780 Diameter, 15 inches Oval, with open lattices alternating with basket panels in the rim, and similar patterns in the solid dish below. No. 182 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 14 inches Lattice and basket-work alternate in the sixteen panels or divi- sions of the foliated rim, with scrolls enclosing the lattices. No. 1383 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CAKE DISHES 1720-1780 Diameter, 1434 inches | Oval, with basket-work, open and solid lattices, and foliations in bold relief. First Afternoon No. 134 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 15 inches Decoration, lanceolate bosses on a lightly incised ground of sinu- ous lines, in six broadly foliated sections. CHINESE PORCELAINS IN SINGLE COLORS No. 185 CHINESE TEA-COLOR JAR Chien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 4 inches Cylindrical, with flattened shoulder, short expanding neck and flange lip. Dark greenish teadust glaze of dull lustre. Has stand. No. 1386 CHINESE METALLIC SOUFFLE JAR Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 3°4, inches Globular, with embryonic neck and molded lip. Rich copper- colored glaze of soft lustre, minutely flecked with metallic par- ticles of silvery aspect. Has stand. No. 137 FUCHIEN WINE CUP Diameter, 44, inches Modeled in form of the base of a great tree, inverted, the rim foliated, and the sides decorated with flower sprays, a stork, lion and stag, in low relief. First Afternoon No. 188 CHINESE CELADON JAR Ch’ten-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 44 inches Oviform, with short neck and expanding lip. Pale celadon glaze of subdued brilliancy, with café-au-lait crackle. Has stand. No. 139 CHINESE BROWN GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 41, inches Glaze of fewille morte brown of dull lustre, the shoulder showing wandering streaks of darker tone and matt surface. Has stand. No. 140 CHINESE TURQUOISE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 414 inches . Mottled turquoise-blue glaze, truité and brilliant. Teakwood stand. No. 141 CHINESE CELADON JAR Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 41 inches Ovoid with short neck and expanding lip. Luminous celadon glaze of pale grayish sea-green, with recticulate café-au-lait crackle. Has stand. No. 142 CHINESE METALLIC SOUFFLE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 414, inches Brilliant glaze of rich copper ground, with minute metallic fleck- ings of silvery aspect. Has stand. First Afternoon No. 143 CHINESE WHITE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 43/, inches Oviform with flaring foot, short neck and spreading lip. Bril- liant glaze of a soft, rich white, and under it a floral decoration lightly incised. Has stand. No. 144 CHINESE MUSTARD-YELLOW VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 4°34 inches Globular-ovoidal with spreading foot, short neck and flange lip. Brilliant mustard-yellow glaze with fish-roe crackle. Teakwood stand. No. 145 CHINESE LIME-GREEN VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 4°, inches Ovoidal body with spreading foot, flattened shoulder and short neck with expanding lip. Brilliant glaze of a soft lime-green. Has stand. | No. 146 CHINESE WHITE GLASS BOTTLE ; Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 4% inches Bell-shape, the sides indented below the shoulder and swelling toward the bottom, contracting then to a low foot; short and slender neck with expanding lip. Translucent glass of rich and creamy white, with soft lustre. Four-character mark incised under the foot. First Afternoon No. 147 CHINESE SOUFFLE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5 inches Pear-shape with slender neck and low foot. Robin’s-egg soufflé glaze in pale green on a rich blue. Has stand. No. 148 CHINESE POWDER-BLUE PI-T’UNG K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 5 inches Cylindrical, the exterior coated with a glaze of rich powder-blue of soft lustre, the interior glazed in white. Has stand. No. 149 CHINESE CRACKLED BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 5 inches Globular-ovoidal body with short neck lightly expanding toward the lip. Bluish pearly-gray glaze with café-au-lait crackle. Teak- wood stand. | No. 150 CHINESE SOUFFLE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 514 inches Pear-shape with short neck and low foot. Robin’s-egg soufflé glaze in light green over a pale gray-blue. Has stand. No. 151 CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5%, inches Slender elongated pear-shape with low foot and lightly expanding lp. Turquoise-blue glaze, truité, and of mirror brilliancy. Carved teakwood stand. First Afternoon te eS No. 152 CHINESE LAPIS BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 51, inches Slender elongated pear-shape with tubular neck. Rich glaze of deep-toned lapis-lazuli blue, with brilliant surface. Has stand. No. 153 CHINESE COPPER-COLOR VASE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 51, inches With swelling body and short trumpet neck. Brilliant mono-— chrome glaze of copper hue, with metallic sowfflé touches on shoulder. Teakwood stand. No. 154 CHINESE PISTACHE ROSE JAR Cl’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 51/, inches Ovoid, with short upright lip. Monochrome glaze of pale pis- tache-green with dull lustre. Teakwood stand. No. 155 CHINESE POWDER-BLUE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 51/4, inches Pear-shape with slender neck and delicate foot. Mirror glaze of rich and fine powder-blue. (Lip restored.) Has stand. No. 156 CHINESE DARK PURPLE BOTTLE 7 Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 5% inches Globular, with slender neck slightly tapering, and lightly ex- panding toward the lip. Brilliant mirror glaze of rich deep pur- ple. With stand. First Afternoon No. 157 CHINESE PURPLE VASE Ch’ten-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 51%, inches Slender quadrilateral jar shape, with narrow shoulder and short neck with spreading lip. Glazed in deep PuEE I rich and glowing. Carved teakwood stand. No. 158 CHINESE MIRROR-BLACK PI-T’UNG K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 514 inches Cylindrical, the exterior in a rich glaze of mirror-black, the in- terior in a white glaze. Has stand. No. 159 CHINESE TRANSLUCENT GLASS VASE , Ch’ten-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 514% inches Shuttle-form, with a short truncated neck and a deep and slightly broader foot. Rich and brilliant canary-yellow with mirror properties. Incised four-character mark. No. 160 CHINESE QUADRILATERAL JAR CWien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 51/, inches Narrow elongated form, with short incurvate neck and expanding lip. Monochrome glaze of pistache tone, with softly brilliant lustre. Has teakwood stand. No. 161 CHINESE TURQUOISE BOTTLE-FORM VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 534 inches In double-gourd shape, with expanding lip. Brilliant glaze of rich turquoise-blue with a fine, close crackle. Has stand. First Afternoon EEE No. 162 CHINESE EMERALD BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5°4 inches Globular with sloping shoulder and straight neck. Clothed in a brilliant glaze of rich emerald-green with fine fish-roe crackle. Has teakwood stand. No. 163 CHINESE ROSE-SOUFFLE BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6 inches Globular-ovoidal body with slender tubular neck. Luminous rose- soufflé glaze. (Restoration at lip.) Has stand. No. 164 CHINESE BOTTLE-FORM VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6 inches Globular on a low foot, with sloping shoulder, small neck and trumpet lip. Lustrous maroon glaze with lightly marked peau- dorange surface. Has teakwood stand. No. 165 CHINESE SPLASH BOTTLE —— CWien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6 inches Globular, with gracefully modeled neck. Brilliant glaze of tur- quoise-blue, truité, marked by broad wash splashes of dark purple- blue. Has stand. No. 166 CHINESE TURQUOISE BOTTLE Clv’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6 inches Globular-ovoidal body with very slightly mcurvate neck and flat foot. Brilliant glaze of mottled turquoise-blue with a fine fish- roe crackle. Teakwood stand. First Afternoon No. 167 CHINESE SOUFFLE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 6 inches Unctuous glaze, in the blue and green of the robin’s-egg soufflé type, with dull lustre. Has stand. No. 168 CHINESE SOUFFLE GALLIPOT Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 ; Height, 614 inches Rich robin’s-egg soufflé glaze with soft lustre. Has stand. No. 169 CHINESE SOUFFLE JAR CWien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 614 inches Melon-lobed body with short wide neck and foliated lip; spread- ing foot. Rich robin’s-egg soufflé glaze with soft lustre. Has stand. No. 170 CHINESE CELADON BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 614% inches Spherical body with sloping shoulder and slender neck, and lightly flaring lip; on bold foot. Luminous glaze of palest sea-green. Has stand. No. 171 CHINESE TRANSMUTATION BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 61 inches Double-gourd shape. Brilliant, rich, unusual and attractive glaze, in deep seal-brown with delicate pale greenish markings. Has stand. First Afternoon oe No. 172 CHINESE CREAM-WHITE GALLIPOT K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 7 inches Full, rich glaze of greamy-white tone, with a lightly veiled mirror surface. Carved teakwood stand. No. 173 CHINESE LAVENDER BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Chiien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 71 inches . Globular with flattened shoulder and slender tubular neck, and low foot. Brilliant lavender glaze with boldly marked caf é-au- lait crackle. Has stand. No. 174 CHINESE GRAY VASE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 81/4, inches Deep inverted-bell shape with flattened shoulder, tubular neck and everted lip, and convex foot. Brilliant glaze of soft gray, with café-au-lait crackle. Seal mark of the reign. Has stand. No. 175 PAIR CHINESE POWDER-BLUE PLAQUES K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 81% inches Circular and shallow, with low foot. Powder-blue glaze bril- liant and of rich quality. No. 176 PAIR CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE VASES Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 81/2 inches Ovoidal with broad neck and short flaring lip. Brilliant mono- chrome glaze of lapis-lazuli blue. Have stands. First Afternoon No. 177 CHINESE FLAMBE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8°, inches Smooth and brilliant mirror glaze of deep rich red, with me- tallic fleckings, overcast with a purplish hue on the shoulder; on the lip a cream glaze minutely crackled. Has stand. No. 178 CHINESE TEA-COLOR BOTTLE — CWien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 9 inches Globular-ovoidal with tubular neck. Glazed in the soft, yellow- ish-green hue of powdered tea, with a dull lustre. Has stand. No. 179 CHINESE STARCH-BLUE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 914, inches Pear-shape, within a brilliant glaze of starch or slate blue. Has stand. | No. 180 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 914, inches Globular with bold foot and gracefully curved neck, and lip lightly expanding. Fine glaze of rich, soft white, with mirror surface. Teakwood stand. First Afternoon No. 181 ‘CHINESE MARBLEIZED GALLIPOT Cl’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 91, inches Coated with a pistache-green glaze of dull unctuous lustre, ec- centrically veined in vagrant scrolls in delicate lines of bluish- black. Underneath foot, the seal of the reign in coral on white reserve. Has stand. No. 182 CHINESE WHITE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 7 Height, 934 inches Invested with a monochrome glaze of pure and brilliant soft white, with mirror properties. No. 183 CHINESE WHITE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 10 inches Shark-skin ground with conventional floral devices in relief, in- terrupted by four foliated panels reserved in a mirror glaze. No. 184 CHINESE CHERRY VASE Cl’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 11 inches Globular bottle-shape with trumpet lip and deep foot. Mono- chrome glaze with a soft mirror lustre, in a dark pinkish cherry- red. Has stand. No. 185 CHINESE LIVER-HUE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 11 inches Globular with short cylindrical neck. Monochrome glaze of a fresh pinkish liver color with surface in a minutely crinkled effect. Carved teakwood stand. First Afternoon No. 186 CHINESE WHITE JAR Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 1134 inches Ovoid with broad flat foot and short neck with molded lip. In- vested with a luminous monochrome glaze of a pure soft white. Has stand. No. 187 CHINESE LIGHT YELLOW BOWL K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 1214 inches Ovoidal with lightly everted lip and deep foot. Brilliant glaze of light canary-yellow. Six-character mark. (Repaired.) Carved teakwood table-stand. No. 188 CHINESE WHITE JAR Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 121% inches Large inverted pear-shape with short wide neck and molded lip. Monochrome glaze of a soft cream-white with unctuous lustre. No. 189 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1314 inches . Globular with wide neck. Brillant glaze of lapis-lazuli blue with some mottling. Carved teakwood stand. No. 190 CHINESE CELADON GALLIPOT — Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1314 inches Luxuriant peony scroll broadly modeled in the paste, under a transparent glaze of pale and delicate grayish sea-green. 'Teak- wood stand. First Afternoon No. 191 CHINESE DOUBLE-GOURD VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 14 inches With a glaze of a moist luminosity in a rich autumn-brown or feuille morte hue. Has stand. No. 192 CHINESE CRACKLED BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 141 inches Globular with a full cylindrical neck. Blue-gray glaze with lighter grayish areas, the whole with a pronounced crackle in café-au-lait lines. Has teakwood stand. No. 193 CHINESE GRAY BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 141, inches Large globular body with a full neck very slightly incurvate. Light gray glaze of even quality and dull lustre, with a broad café-au-lait crackle. Teakwood stand. No. 194 CHINESE IMPERIAL YELLOW PLAQUE : Tao Kuang; 1821-1850 Diameter, 15 inches Deep and flaring ovoidal cavetto on a bold foot, with narrow flat marly having a molded edge. Brilliant imperial yellow glaze with a delicate metallic lustre of atmospheric quality. First Afternoon No. 195 CHINESE SOUFFLE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung ;- 1786-1795 Height, 1514 inches Elongated pear-shape with full neck and lightly expanding flat lip, and bold foot. Robin’s-egg soufflé glaze of dull lustre. Has stand. No. 196 CHINESE LAVENDER TALL JAR CW’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1614 inches Inverted pear-shape with short wide neck and molded lip. Mirror glaze of brilliant lavender, almost of clair-de-lune quality. No. 197 CHINESE POWDER-BLUE VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 17144, inches Club-shape; powder-blue glaze with mirror properties. Has stand. No. 198 OLD JAPANESE JAR Height, 1814 inches Mammoth inverted pear shape with flat foot and embryonic neck and large mouth, with heavy rounded lip. The lip has a border of three rows of key-fret in low relief, and the entire body is covered with a highly elaborated relief decoration of dragons among waves, the whole under a creamy-gray glaze, lightly crackled. The under-foot surface is coated with a rich lapis-blue glaze with a metallic lustre, interrupted by four detached quad- rants in reserve. First Afternoon No. 199 CHINESE LARGE MIRROR-BLACK BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 191, inches Globular-ovoidal with wide neck and lightly defined lip. Fine, brilliant monochrome glaze of richest mirror-black. Has carved teakwood stand. No. 200 CHINESE WHITE TEMPLE JAR WITH COVER Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 20 inches Inverted pear-shape; the cover hat-shaped. Softly brilliant mono- chrome glaze of creamy white. Carved teakwood stand. No. 201 CHINESE LARGE LAPIS BOTTLE Clvien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 201, inches Globular with a large, full neck. Luminous monochrome glaze of grayish lapis-blue. Teakwood stand. No. 202 CHINESE POWDER-BLUE TALL CLUB-SHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 2814, inches Heavy, resonant porcelain, clothed in a richly colored, luminous bleu fouetté glaze. SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ee ee BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 203 to 385, inclusive No. 208 [WO ENGLISH SALT GLAZE STATUETTES 1720-1780 Height, 41%, inches Standing figure of a man, on a low dome-shaped base, and stand- ing figure of a woman, with a wide skirt stamped in an im- bricated pattern. Eyes touched in in brown. Second Afternoon ENGLISH SALT GLAZES No. 204 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CREAM PITCHER 1720-1780 ° Height, 3°4 inches Pear-shape with recurving loop handle and small angular spout, and hexagonal spreading foot. Relief decoration of figures, animals, birds and flower sprays, in six panels. (Spout restored.) No. 205 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CREAMER 1720-1780 Length, 51%, inches Shaped as a cup formed of overlapping vine leaves, with one lightly pinched to make the spout, the veins of the leaves deli- cately modeled and the body decorated with bunches of grapes near the loop handle. , No. 206 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CREAMER 1720-1780 Length, 534 inches Decorated with the traditional lattices, scrolls and basket-work. No. 207 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DOUBLE TEA CADDY 1720-1780 Length, 51/2 inches In form of two rectangular boxes joined together, with arching tops, each with a small cylindrical neck or mouth fitted with a cap-cover, the combined structure resting on six capstan feet, while as many knobs more or less similar in form adorn the arches of the top. Decoration, trellis patterns in low relief. (Covers and top knobs restored. ) Second Afternoon 208 210 No. 208 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE TALL CREAMER 1720-1780 Height, 4%/, inches Pear-shape, on spreading hexagonal foot; short spout and loop handle. Decorated in relief in six panels with figures, animals, birds and sprays. No. 209 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE TEAPOT i 1720-1780 Height, 4 inches Pear-shape, with recurving loop handle and bird-head spout, the spout decorated with wheat ears in low relief. The principal decoration of the body is a large, fluted shell pattern, one on either side, flanked by dolphins and flower sprays. At the top of one of the shells are heads of amorini and a larger head. From the collection of Mr. R. Soden-Smith, F.S.A., and by him loaned for exhibition to the Edinburgh Museum in 1889. No. 210 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE TEA CADDY 1720-1780 Height, 514, inches Oblong with chamfered corners, and flat shoulder; dome cover with knob finial. Cover decorated with a procession of animals, and a small figure mounted on one of them. The caddy is deco- rated after Oriental designs and shows traces of gilding. Second Afternoon No. 211 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SAUCE BOAT 1720-1780 Length, 7 inches With two open spouts and two recurving loop handles, and ex- panding foot. The handles are finely fluted, and detached flutings appear on the sides together with pellet, key-fret and shark-skin borders, while the breasts of the spouts show shell patterns. From the collection of Mr. R. Soden-Smith, F.S.A., and by him loaned to the Edinburgh Museum in 1889. No. 212 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CREAMER 1720-1780 Length, 7%, inches With extended open spout and recurving loop handle, and ex- panding foot. Sides, handle and foot are all fluted, and the sides are decorated with garlands and shell patterns in light relief. From the collection of Mr. R. Soden-Smith, F.S.A., and by him loaned for exhibition to the Edinburgh Museum in 1889. No. 213 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL DISH _ 1720-1780 Diameter, 7 inches Formal decoration in the lattice, basket-work and herring-bone motives, with accompanying foliations, in low relief, and in the rim eight lattice sections pierced. Second Afternoon No. 214 SET OF TWELVE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OPENWORK DISHES | 1720-1780 Diameter, 8 inches Shallow and circular, with eight-foil flaring rim, the foils in open- work lattice enclosed by the conventional foliations and sepa- rated by narrow panels of basket-work; the traditional decora- tion continued below, in the cavetto, which is centred by a geo- metrical medallion. No. 215 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 814 inches Rich decoration with an elaborate use of foliations in relief, a medallion bordered by a rope molding, basket sections and lattices, the marly lattices pierced at the centre in squares. No. 216 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DISH 1720-1780 Diameter, 814 inches Lattices pierced in part appear in the marly, and solid lattices in the cavetto, both enwreathed in relief foliations, and between them are basket-work panels. No. 217 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SMALL PLAQUES ; 1720-1780 Diameter, 834 inches These plates are distinguished in that the rim lattices are cut through in all their sections, instead of only in some of them; the alternating panels are of basket-work and herring-bone pat- tern; in the bowl the bone design is omitted. Second Afternoon No. 218 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE TEAPOT 1720-1780 Height, 51, inches In form of an English house, a popular design in the noted days of this glaze. One of these is illustrated (plate XXX) in “The Art of the Old English Potter,” by L. M. Solon (London, 1883) who says: “Considering how proud a man is when he builds a house of his own, and how every allusion to the subject pleasantly tickles his vanity, may not such a piece have been thought an appropriate present to offer to a friend on such an occasion? What gives weight to our supposition * * is that they are never made to represent a curious building, or an ambitious palace, but the square and commonplace home of a well-to-do’ English- man.” . On one face the royal arms appear over the door. The spout is in form of an outstretched arm grasping a serpent’s head, and at the base of it two masks appear in relief. Recurving loop handle. (The rim into which the cover fits is restored.) Second Afternoon ° No. 219 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE CHOCOLATE POT 1720-1780 Height, 714 inches Pear-shape with broad neck, on three scroll feet; baton handle. Dome cover with knob handle, and projection to cover the small spout of the pot. Pot and cover in six lobes or panels, all deco- rated with closely set lance-head bosses. No. 220 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE BOWL Eighteenth Century Diameter, 7 inches Hard, sonorous porcelain. Pure white glaze of orange-skin sur- face on the exterior; smooth white glaze in interior. Oval, on a low, bold foot. Rim lightly molded. Relief decoration of branches of leaves, butterflies and squirrels. Second Afternoon No. 221 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 8 inches Rich embossing of foliations, with basket-work, herring-bone and lattice patterns, the lattices in the sides pierced in a form re- sembling an open fan. No. 222 SET OF SIX ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES . 1720-1780 Diameter, 734 inches The shallow cavetto is of basket-work, both coarse and fine weave, a medallion being effected in the centre. The rim is an open trellis throughout, with a border or edge of small loops, the cross- ings being ornamented with minute blossoms in light relief— sometimes called a lace-work border. Second Afternoon No. 223 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE | 1720-1780 Diameter, 81%, inches Highly ornate decoration covering the entire surface; at the centre a medallion bordered by bead and rope moldings and worked in lattice motives, this encircled by two series of deco- rative units embraced within foliations, which disclose the lattice motives together with basket-work and the herring-bone pattern. No. 224 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 | Diameter, 81% inches Finely molded decoration in trellis patterns, herring-bone and basket designs, with foliar scrolls in relief, the outer portions of the trellises in the marly pierced through. Second Afternoon No. 225 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT BASKET 1720-1780 Diameter, 734 inches Circular and deep, with expanding sides finishing at the top in eight lobes; two scrolled loop handles. The sides are perforated with angular lattices enclosed by scrolling foliations in relief, the intervening solid sections being executed in basket-pattern. No. 226 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE JARDINIERE 1720-1780 Diameter, 81, inches Oval, expanding from a flat bottom and scrolled and cut-in at the rim; two loop handles. Sides pierced with shield-shaped areas of lattice work, about which cluster fruits in relief on a ground of basket-work. No. 227 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE JARDINIERE 1720-1780 Diameter, 83/4, inches Oval, with inverted-bell contour, and two deep handles (one re- joined and riveted). Six units of lattice perforations in the sides, each surrounded by fruit and foliage in relief, on the ex- terior, the solid remainder being in basket-work. Rim elaborately festooned. Second Afternoon No. 228 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE MILK JUG 1720-1780 Length, 814, inches Bulbous body and broad spout, and recurving loop handle with thumb-piece; three lion-head and claw feet. Decoration, shell patterns, foliar scrolls and lattices. No. 229 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE BASKETS 1720-1780 Diameter, 8 inches Oval, with solid flat bottom and two scroll handles. The sides are in lattice work with flowered crossings all around, the lattice pierced except in the top and bottom tiers, which are solid and plain. Rim lightly festooned; rope border around exterior of bottom. No. 230 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE HOT WATER PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 9 inches Complete, with original stopper closing the water-hole. Two scroll handles in rustic pattern. Rim decoration in basket-work and trellises, with foliar scrolls in low relief. Second Afternoon en nn sae EE EEE EEE SESE SEES No. 281 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES 1720-1780 Diameter, 81/, inches Octagonal, with shallow indentions between each two of the sides. The rim is narrow and of basket-weave all around, this being followed by a grill of three tiers of apertures which girdles the cavetto; at the bottom a medallion of linked lattice in low relief, within a cord border, surrounded by a band of foliar scroll also in low relief. No. 2382 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter 9 inches Broadly open lattice in each of the deep and flaring lobes of the marly, nearly all of the sections being excised, only a marginal one being left here and there, some of these plain and some orna- mented. Second Afternoon No. 238 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 91/ inches Basket and fish-bone panels intervening between decorated lattices partly excised in squares and enclosed by roundly-scrolling folia- tions in a bold relief ; lattice medallion with bead and rope borders. No. 234 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 914 inches Fitted and hung as a plaque. Oval body, the sides flaring and ending in eight straight sections with intervening short scal- lops; two scroll handles. The lower sides are a pierced quad- rangular lattice, the upper sides solid in basket-work. The entire upper surface of the bottom is decorated in low relief, an ornate conventional scroll encircling a corded medallion of lattice work. No. 235 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT TRAYS 1720-1780 Diameter, 91%, inches Oval, with low foot, and flaring, billowy marly with festooned and molded edge. A conventional ornament, incised and in relief, adorns the centre of the bottom, and around the edge, in sensible relief, is a hatched lambrequin bordering. The face of the marly shows spreading leaves in light relief on a rubbled ground, with reserve cartouches. (Slight nicks at edge.) No. 236 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SWEETMEAT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 91, inches In form of a large and deeply-cupped leaf with curling point, and short stem curling in the reverse direction, which supplies a han- dle; on three low feet (one broken). The veins appear in low relief. Second Afternoon No. 237 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE JARDINIERE 1720-1780 Diameter, 81 inches Oval, the sides expanding from a flat bottom and scrolled and scalloped at the rim. Exterior in basket-work, with fruit clusters in relief surrounding small units of diamond-lattice. No. 288 TWO ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 9 inches Essentially a pair, the size and the plan of conventional deco- ration being the same, one is shallower than its companion and the lattice perforations differ in their scheme of placement. No. 239 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 9 inches Quatrefoil with rounding body on an expanding quatrefoil foot; two scroll handles. Rim and foot decorated with conventional borders in floral motive in low relief; body pierced with a floral lattice. Second Afternoon No. 240 SET OF NINE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OPENWORK - DISHES 1720-1780 Diameter, 834 inches Finely modeled central medallion of lattices, with bead and cord borders, encompassed by lattices within foliations and basket- work panels. The marly lattices are ornamented and in part perforated, and the panels intervening are in basket-work and herring-bone design. No. 241 SET OF TWELVE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE OPENWORK DISHES : 1720-1780 Diameter, 914, inches Broadly flaring ecight-foil marly, with an almost flat-bottomed cavetto, the foils of open lattice within relief foliations and sepa- rated by narrow basket panels. No. 242 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 914 inches Polyfoliate rim; the entire surface decorated. Lattices plain and with ornament appear in low relief enclosed by bold relief folia- tions and separated by basket-work, around a conventional medal- lion decorated in squares. On one plaque are vestiges of a sur- facing in silver. No. 248 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 91 inches Finely modeled medallion of lattice patterns and cording, with rope and bead borders, encompassed by lattices, basket-work and foliations; in the expanding marly floral lattices pierced with cir- cular apertures, and intervening panels of herring-bone and basket pattern. Second Afternoon No. 244 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 91, inches Regularly festooned edge, in twelve loops, with a pronounced molding. The ornamentation covers the entire surface, conven- tional foliage of two patterns appearing in relief, on a net-work ground in the cavetto and on a diaper ground on the marly, the marly decoration overlapping into the cavetto. No. 245 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 9 inches Quatrefoil, with rounding body, on an expanding quatrefoil foot; two scroll handles. ‘The body of the dish is pierced all around with a star and petal lattice, and the centre of the bottom is pierced in similar motive. The solid rim is decorated with a conventional floral border in low relief, this being repeated on the foot. Second Afternoon No. 246 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 924 inches Rim of broadly spaced wicker work in relief on a solid ground. Within the cavetto sprigs of fruit and nuts pendent from a reed-wound border at the inner edge of the rim, around a com- posite medallion of basket-work and scrolls, rays and netting or lattice, all in relief. No. 247 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE BASKET — 1720-1780 Diameter, 914, inches Hat shaped, with scrolled, expanding rim and two loop handles. Solid bottom, the sides pierced with lattice work in sixteen sec- tions, in a ground of basket-work adorned with foliar scrolls in relief. (Rejoined.) Second Afternoon b No. 248 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE JARDINIERE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Pointed-oval, with expanded sides and flaring, ornately festooned rim, and two scrolled handles. Underbody in basket-work, and demarcated from the upper sides by an encircling rope mold- ing, the upper sides being in pierced lattice work with interrup- tions of basketry bearing shell patterns in relief. No. 249 SET OF THREE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 10 inches Flowered trellises in the marly, with numerous sections cut through, and festooned cording looped beneath from the lower curls of the freely scrolling foliations; intervening panels in both fish-bone and basket patterns. Finely modeled lattice medal- lions with bead and cord borders. No. 250 SET OF THREE ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 934 inches The foliations in bold relief, the inner ones bound to the reeded border of a geometrical medallion, the outer ones enclosing open lattices, and each series marked by intervening panels of basket- weave. Second Afternoon No. 251 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FRUIT DISH 1720-1780 Length, 10 inches Shallow ovoidal body, of oval and festooned contour, resting on three tapering feet. Decoration, trellis patterns and basketry, in panels, about a bottom medallion depressed and foliated and adorned with foliar scrolls in low relief. No. 252 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DISH © 1720-1780 Diameter, 10 inches Oval and shallow, with basketry marly of irregular contour formed of reversing scrolls, and perforated at intervals with sections of diamond lattice. The divisional lines of the lattice are projected into stems of vines, developing into fruits which appear both on marly and within the cavetto. No. 2538 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DISH 1720-1780 Length, 10 inches Oval, with rounding sides scalloped at the rim, two broadly scrolled loop handles, and three hexagonal tapering feet. In- terior decorated in relief with leaves, scrolls and cartouches, in- cluding at the centre a depressed medallion which is numerously perforated with circular apertures. No. 254 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE DISH — 1720-1780 Length, 10 inches Oval, with shaped sides and festooned rim, and two small scroll handles ; three tapering feet. Interior decorated with basket-work and lattice patterns and scrolls, and at the bottom a depressed medallion with perforations. | Second Afternoon 255 256 No. 255 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE WALL VASE 1720-1780 Height, 8 inches Cornucopia shape, and spirally fluted, with scrolled rim below which is a deep border in light relief, showing a young Bacchus holding a vine branch and birds perching on it. | No. 256 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE WALL VASE 1720-1780 Height, 8%, inches In form of a cornucopia, decorated with vine and garlands, and a bust of Flora in relief. : No. 257 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE WALL VASE 1720-1780 Height, 9 inches Cornucopia shape with scrolled lip and pendent tassels. Adorned with a cartouche, mask, and shell pattern, in relief. From the collection of R. Soden-Smith, F.S.A. Second Afternoon No. 258 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 101%, inches The foliations are in especially high relief, while the ornament in the smaller lattices is partly obscured by the glaze; the larger, rim lattices are widely pierced, and their blind sections are plain. No. 259 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 111% inches Glaze a particularly fine white, and the conventional traditional ornamentation delicately executed; the rim lattices extensively pierced. (Illustrated—see Cover) No. 260 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATEAU 1720-1780 Diameter, 14 inches Cavetto circular, shallow and plain; the rim octagonal and flat, with molded edge. The rim is decorated with lattices in the two traditional designs, interrupted at the points of the perimeter by scrolling palms enclosing plain reserves. No. 261 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATTERS 1720-1780 Diameter, 161/, inches Plain surface, extending over the greater part of the marly, to an incised channel within relief banks which parallels the festooned edge or rim, the edge itself carrying a bold relief border of vari- ously directed pues Second Afternoon No. 262 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Oval, with expanded sides and flaring foot, and two shell han- dles. Dome cover with knob handle in form of a double-faced human head. Decorated with lattices, wreaths and strapwork. No. 263 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Under the festooned rim, trellises with squares ornamented in two designs, blind and perforated, lie within scrolling foliations and alternate with deep panels of basket-work, the motives being continued lightly varied throughout the plate. No. 264 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1014 inches Cavetto of bold basket-work, with a medallion of rope and more delicate basketry. Lattice marly with floral ornamentation, and scalloped edge, the lattice’ in part solid- and in part perforated. Second Afternoon No. 265 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN | 1720-1780 . Diameter, 11 inches Large-bodied on three lion-head and claw feet; two loop and shell-pattern handles. Dome cover with knob handle (slightly repaired). Conventional decoration of lattices, basketry and scrolls. No. 266 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE FLAT DISH 1720-1780 Diameter, 1034 inches Oval and elaborately ornamented. The rim, flaring from the shallow cavetto, has a varied contour effected by reversing scrolls. Its surface is of basketry, with plain reserves at intervals pierced with blocks of diamond lattice. Fruit clusters, with leaves and stems, branch from the lattices and spread down into the cavetto, in a bold relief. Second Afternoon No. 267 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SOUP TUREEN WITH COVER 1720-1780 Length, 12% inches Ovate, with bulging sides and upright rim, and two loop handles; on three low claw feet, issuing from large animal masks in high relief. Dome cover with broad loop handle. Both body and cover decorated in the traditional patterns of lattice and basket de- sign, with foliar scrolls framing the lattice work. No. 268 FOUR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATES | 1720-1780 Diameter, 1534 inches Sections of basket-weave alternate with lattices, the lattices em- braced within boldly scrolling foliations. (Slight restorations at rim edge of one plate.) No. 269 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 1534 inches Festooned rim with eight ‘cup-shaped sections decorated with double-pointed bosses on an incised ground of undulations, sepa- rated by panels of basket-work in two designs. Second Afternoon No. 270 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE TEAPOT 1720-1780 Height, 8 inches; length, 9% inches In form of a caparisoned camel sitting down, on a plinth, with a hexagonal tank on its back, opening to the hollow interior of the animal’s body, and with neck erect and mouth open, forming the spout. The curling body of a dolphin, from the tank to the camel’s rump, supplies a handle. The tank is decorated in relief with figures and Eastern architecture, and has a dome cover decorated with sprays, the cover having a knob handle in form of a double-faced human head. A rare example. (Damaged.) No. 271 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE LARGE PLAQUES 1720-1780 Diameter, 16 inches Flaring marly in six broad foils, incised in wave-line and studded with seed-form bosses. Second Afternoon No. 272 PAIR ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLAQUES ~— 1720-1780 Diameter, 1114 inches All-over sectional decoration of lattice patterns, basket-work and the herring-bone design, with scrolling foliations in bold relief, surrounding a medallion. NOs wie ENGLISH SALT GLAZE SHALLOW DISH 1720-1780 Length, 10 inches Flat-bottomed, with rolling marly expanding in four broad panels with scrolled and molded edge, the corners swelling inwardly and their tops being indented in scroll outline. The face of the marly is a studding of lance-head bosses within serpentine lines, inter- rupted at the corners by reserves bearing each a single blossom in light relief. Second Afternoon No. 274 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE LARGE PLAQUE 1720-1780 Diameter, 17 inches Shallow cavetto with flaring festooned marly, decorated in eight sections of seven-reeded basket weaving and a like number of lattice sections, the latter draped with scrolls. (Broad chip out of rim.) No. 275 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE PLATTER 1720-1780 Diameter, 1714 inches Polyfoil marly in four broad and four narrow divisions, all alike showing an incised ground of sinuous lines, enclosing seed-shaped bosses. : No. 276 ENGLISH SALT GLAZE LARGE DEEP PLATTER 1720-1780 Diameter, 1714, inches Boldly molded, prominent decoration, on the broad marly in six- teen sections of lattice and basket-work, relieved by foliar scrolls. | ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE No. 277 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE SALT CELLAR Sixteenth Century Height, 51% inches Somewhat in fountain form, with three dolphins supporting shells on their upturned tails, the heads of the dolphins being connected by a scrolled base, and above the shells being a circular basin, while alternating with the shells are open-mouthed masks. Crackle glaze. (Terminal restorations.) Second Afternoon No. 278 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE JAR Eighteenth Century Height, 8 inches Inverted pear-shape with broadly spreading foot and short spreading lip. Body molded in lobes. Decorated in polychrome with landscape and scrolls, on one face, and on the opposite painted in blue with the date 1743. No. 279 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE ORNAMENT Eighteenth Century Height, 9 inches Figure group of two children under a tree on a mound of rockery, posed on a circular base decorated with masks and foliage in re- lief. (Repaired. ) No. 280 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Sixteenth Century Diameter, 914 inches Shallow circular dish form with festooned rim, the bottom shaped in depressed petal forms radiating from a low and broad umbo, on which a cupid is penciled in blue, yellow and orange. No. 281 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE TAZZA Siateenth Century Diameter, 91% inches ‘) « Cupid gay and debonair is painted in blue, yellow and orange on a low umbo, about which the cavetto is freely modeled in a large stellate blossom pattern, with the rim upcurling and fes- tooned. Second Afternoon No. 282 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE _ Siaxteenth Century Diameter, 11 inches Within a molded and channeled rim, a bold relief decoration of groups of blossoms and rope festoons, about a depressed or “saucer centre. ' No. 283 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE BENITIER Eighteenth Century Heiyht, 10 inches Against a background of drapery two small angels appear beside a small font above which are scrolling foliage and a shell pattern. For hanging against a wall. No. 284 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE TAZZA Sixteenth Century Diameter, 10 inches Surface painted with a cupid in festive attitude, in blue, yellow and orange, with white reserve, within a lightly penciled conven- tional border. Second Afternoon No. 285 PAIR ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUES Sixteenth Century Diameter, 11%, inches Modeled in floral motive throughout, the deep rim formed of out- ward rolling large petals, issuing from the perimeter of the bot- tom, which is fluted in slender petal forms about a plain and slightly mounded centre. | No. 286 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Siateenth Century Diameter, 11 inches Bottom of the cavetto modeled as a magnified daisy, with petals in relief and centre plain, the sides flaring immediately from the petal-ends, in the form of very large petals which overhang and give a festooned edge. Second Afternoon No. 287 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Sixteenth Century Diameter, 1714 inches Cavetto in fluted petal pattern surrounding a medallion in form of an inverted plate, which is painted with an escutcheon in green, yellow, orange and blue. Narrow flat marly decorated with a border of arches. (Slight repair at rim.) No. 288 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLATTER Sixteenth Century Length, 151/, inches Oval, with flat rim penciled with a conventional border; the cavetto shallow, and modeled around the sides in depressed fig pattern, the centre being painted in blue, green, yellow and orange with a figure of Cupid. Second Afternoon No. 289 PAIR ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PILGRIM BOTTLE VASES Siateenth Century Height, 121, inches The surface of the body modeled with scrolls, indentations, and indeterminate figures in relief, and the necks spirally fluted. No. 290 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE VASE _ Sixteenth Century Height, 121/, inches Spherical with short slender neck and expanding lip, and short spreading foot. Painted in polychrome with a large escutcheon of religious import, the shield bearing a cross, and before it a bare arm extended, with nail hole in the hand, while from the opposite side a sleeved arm is put forth behind the cross, the hand similarly marked ; underneath, the letters S. N. S. Second Afterneon No. 291 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE BAPTISMAL FONT Sixteenth Century Diameter, 13%, inches In form of a large fluted shell on three low stump feet. Painted with an escutcheon in yellow, orange, green and blue. No. 292 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE _ Sixteenth Century Length, 16 inches Oval, with convex rim, the shallow cavetto fluted in petal form about an oval medallion painted with an ecclesiastical coat of arms, inscribed with the letters F. I. D. O. No. 293 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE _ Sixteenth Century Diameter, 161, inches Rounding cavetto and broad, up-flaring marly. Sole decoration an escutcheon in yellow, orange, blue, green and brown. No. 294 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE _ Sixteenth Century ‘Diameter, 1714 inches Raised centre painted in polychrome with an elaborate escutcheon, with inscription; around this radiating petals fill the cavetto, and the marly carries a border of round arches in relief. (Repaired at rim.) : | Second Afternoon No. 295 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Sixteenth Century Diameter, 17 inches Narrow flat marly with conventional border of round arches, and body of the cavetto modeled in large petal patterns radiating from a large centre medallion in the form of an overturned plate, the bottom of the plate being painted in green, blue, orange and yellow with an escutcheon in which a child appears clinging about a tree. (Repaired.) No. 296 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Sixteenth Century Diameter, 1714 inches Deep cavetto, modeled in depressed petal patterns about a centre in the form of an overturned plate, which is painted in blue, green and yellow with an escutcheon showing a standing bird. Marly bordered with round arches. (Repaired.) Second Afternoon No. 297 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Sixteenth Century Diameter, 1814 inches Cavetto modeled in tongue pattern, about a raised centre in the form of an inverted plate, and the marly ornamented with bosses set within the links of a chain, which encircles it is a border. No. 298 . ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Eighteenth Century Length, 18 inches Oval with shallow cavetto and flat rim. Painted at the rim with an escutcheon in polychrome, the shield showing a two-faced head, male and female, crowned. ~ Second Afternoon No. 299 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE CASKET WITH ORMOLU MOUNTS Eighteenth Century Height, 9 inches; length, 111%, inches; width, 8°, inches Quadrilateral, the cover hinged. Richly elaborate and finely modeled relief decoration of nymphs dancing, satyrs and Bacchic feasts and other mythological subjects, with pendent garlands and festoons. No. 300 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE _ Siateenth Century Diameter, 1834, inches Centre modeled as an inverted plate, the rest of the cavetto in radiating tongue patterns around it; on the marly a chain border with bosses within the links. (Repaired at rim.) » No. 801 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Eighteenth Century Length, 181, inches Oval and shallow with flat rim. Decorated at the rim with an escutcheon in polychrome; on the shield a head and bust, with two faces, male and female apparently, or one with beard and the other beardless. Second Afternoon No. 302 PAIR ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE TALL VASES WITH COVERS Eighteenth: Century Height, 181%, inches Ovoid with spreading foot, molded neck with flange lip, and up- right animalistic handles springing from the flattened shoulder. Below the handles boldly modeled masks in high relief. Dome covers with knob finials. Decorated in blue with cartouches, one inscribed “Gof. Rofarum,” and the other “Sy. Acre d Cimon.” No. 803 ITALIAN WHITE FAIENCE PLAQUE Eighteenth Century Length, 1834 inches Oval and shallow with flat rim, the wall of the cavetto fluted. Decorated at the rim with a polychrome escutcheon showing a crowned two-faced head and bust. Second Afternoon No. 304 OLD LEEDS CENTREPIECE Height, 1314, inches; diameter, 17 inches A stepped oval plateau or esplanade supports four detached vases of flowers, and at its centre a detached pedestal on which are fixed two cylindrical cruet or flower holders at either side of a column, and two small intermediate egg-form vases or containers. The column upholds a two-faced female bust, with a basin poised on the head. The surface of the plateau is fluted, the pedestal is pierced and has a relief border, the column is decorated with shells and festoons in relief, and the flower holders are in the form of a colonnade of pointed arches. (Small basin restored.) PERSIAN WARE No. 3805 PERSIAN MOSQUE GLOBE Diameter, 5 inches Melon-shape, and coated with a brilliant creamy glaze traversed by a spiral crackle. No. 306 PERSIAN MOSQUE LAMP Sixteenth Century Height, 7 inches Pear-shape with drop, expanding mouth, and three eyelets for the supporting chains. Brilliant cream glaze with light crackle. All sides boldly pierced in various patterns. No. 307 PERSIAN MOSQUE LAMP Sixteenth Century Height, 7 inches Pear-shape with pointed drop finial, and bulbous mouth, and three eyelets for the supporting chains. Cream glaze with crackle. Pierced in architectural designs. Second Afternoon No. 3808 PERSIAN FAIENCE MOSQUE LAMP Sivteenth Century Height, 7/4, inches Pear-shape with a pointed drop, and cylindrical upper body with short flaring lip. The whole formally fashioned in openwork, under a creamy white glaze. No. 309 PERSIAN PLAQUE Siateenth Century Diameter, 8°34 inches Ovoidal contour with narrow, lightly flaring lip, on low foot. Translucent porcelain, the exterior glazed in a brilliant creamy ashes-of-roses hue, the interior in white, and the interior showing a lightly incised floral decoration in a band about the plain centre. CHINESE PORCELAINS No. 810 CHINESE WHITE JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 414, inches Quadrilateral, with foliated corners and low retired foot. The sole ornamentation foliate panels in light outline relief; bril- liant creamy white glaze covering all surfaces except the under edge of the foot. Has teakwood stand. No. 311 CHINESE TEA-COLOR JAR Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 4°, inches Oviform with high shoulder and short, slightly expanding trun- cated neck. Glazed in the dark greenish, yellow-dusted hue of finely powdered tea-leaves, with a soft lustre. Has stand. Second Afternoon No. 312 CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE AMPHORA CWien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 5 inches Brilliant glaze of rich and fine turquoise-blue, lightly mottled, and having a delicate fish-roe crackle. Carved teakwood stand. No. 313 CHINESE CAFE-AU-LAIT BOTTLE | Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5 inches Globular-ovoidal, with slightly expanding neck. Softly brilliant glaze of light, creamy café-au-lait hue, with a close crackle in tones of a deeper brown. ‘Teakwood stand. No. 314 CHINESE CELADON BOTTLE Clien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5 inches Globular, with neck slightly expanding in the rise. Luminous celadon glaze, a pale grayish sea-green, with crackle in self-color and café-au-lait. ‘Teakwood stand. No. 815 CHINESE YELLOW ROSE JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 5 inches Ovoid, with short lip; low molding on the shoulder and a light molding girdling the body. Softly lustrous glaze of rich yellow. (Slight repair at lip.) Has carved teakwood cover and stand. Second Afternoon No. 316 CHINESE WHITE SMALL VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5 inches Flattened pear-shape with slender neck and expanding quatrefoit lip and spreading quatrefoil foot. Brilliant glaze of a pure rich white. Relief decoration of animal and floral design, perhaps a conventional fox-and-grape representation. No. 317 CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE Chien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 514, inches Slender, slightly ovoidal form, with low and spreading foot, nar- row shoulder, and short neck with expanding lip. Rich, fine and brilhant turquoise-blue glaze with a delicate crackle. Teakwood stand. No. 318 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 51/4, inches Pear-shape with slender neck and trumpet lip, and low foot. Lapis-lazuli blue glaze delicately mottled, with mirror surface. Has carved teakwood stand. No. 319 CHINESE ROSE-SOUFFLE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 534 inches Bottle-form, with socket foot and incurvate neck. Rose-soufflé glaze; interior of neck glazed in emerald-green. Has stand. Second Afternoon No. 320 CHINESE MUSTARD-YELLOW JAR Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 51% inches Slender quadrilateral form, with high shoulder, and neck curving in to an expanding lip. Fine glaze of brilliant mustard-yellow, with a close and intense crackle in bold lines. Lip glazed in emer- ald-green (and having a slight restoration). Teakwood stand. No. 821. CHINESE’ MUSTARD-YELLOW VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6 inches Oviform, with short full neck, and lightly spreading lip and foot. Brilliant glaze of light mustard-yellow, with minute fish-roe crackle and delicate metallic lustre. Interior of neck in pistache. Has stand. No. 822 SET OF THREE CHINESE SMALL WHITE PLAQUES Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Diameter, 634 inches Circular, with low foot; sides of cavetto fluted; narrow flaring rim. Brilliant glaze of creamy white. Under the foot the six- character mark of the reign in brilliant underglaze blue within a blue double ring. No. 823 CHINESE FLAMBE GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 61%, inches Brilliant mirror glaze of the transmutation furnace, with rich purple over ox-blood tones, the lip showing a grayish creamy glaze with crackle. Has stand. Second Afternoon No. 8324 CHINESE METALLIC SOUFFLE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 74, inches Oviform with spreading foot, and short neck with flanged lp. Metallic soufflé glaze of minute fleckings, the general aspect black and reddish-brown with silvery particles. Has stand. No. .825 CHINESE CRACKLED BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 714 inches Squat ovoidal body, the shoulder steeply sloping, with full neck and molded lip and low spreading foot. Luminous glaze of a soft gray-white, with a broad café-au-lait crackle, and a second crackle of still broader spaces in bold black lines. Teakwood > stand. No. 826 CHINESE METALLIC LUSTRE VASE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 7%, inches Amphora shape; clothed in a softly luminous brown-black glaze exhibiting a varied metallic lustre, and having mirror properties. Has stand. No. 327 CHINESE WHITE DISH Chia Cl’ing; 1796-1820 Diameter, 7%, “inches Circular and ovoidal with bold foot, and depressed medallion within bottom. Under the foot, the incised six-character mark of the reign within a double ring, under the glaze. Second Afternoon No. 328 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8 inches With low foot, incurvate neck and trumpet lip. Brilliant mirror glaze of pure, soft and rich white. Has stand. No. 3829 PAIR CHINESE WHITE BOWLS — Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Diameter, 8 inches Ovoidal with delicate flaring rim and low bold foot. Sonorous hard paste porcelain, coated with a monochrome glaze of creamy white. Underneath, the six-character mark of the reign, incised beneath the glaze. No. 330 CHINESE WHITE PLATE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 8% inches Very slightly concave. The entire upper surface decorated in low relief, with a band of peony scroll about a highly conven- tionalized peony medallion, and at the rim a border of sceptre- heads. Brilliant glaze of a rich pure white. No. 381 CHINESE WHITE VASE Yung Chéng; 1728-17385 Height, 8% inches Globular with broad neck and short spreading lip, and deep flar- ing foot. Incised decoration of a three-clawed dragon and the jewel of power, under a brilliant glaze. Four-character mark of the reign. | Second Afternoon No. 332 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8°, inches Globular with low foot, small neck and flanged lip. Pure white glaze of mirror brilliance, the only decoration lightly molded rings about mid-body and neck. No. 333 CHINESE CELADON BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8 inches Globular with slender neck and low foot. Luminous glaze of light grayish sea-green, with pronounced crackle in self-color and in pale café-au-lait. Carved stand. No. 334 CHINESE CRACKLED BOTTLE CW’ien-lung; 1786-1795 | Height, 81%, inches . Ovoid body with deep shoulder and full cylindrical neck; on bold and slightly spreading foot. Greenish-gray monochrome glaze of waxen surface, with a giant crackle in black lines, a sporadic crackle of lesser spacing in café-au-lait lines, and an intermediate crackle in self-color. Has stand. No. 335 PAIR OLD JAPANESE SMALL PLAQUES Diameter, 81%, inches Circular and shallow, with rims lightly foliated, the inner sur- faces of the rims adorned with formal ornaments in low relief, including panels embracing the bamboo, crane and other con- ventional motives. Rich cream glaze, closely crackled in self- color and café-au-lait. ; Second Afternoon No. 386 SET OF THREE CHINESE OVOID JARS K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Respective heights, 8°4, 9 and 9 inches (a) Light imperial yellow glaze with slight metallic lustre. Six- character mark of the reign. (s) Aubergine-brown glaze with brilliant metallic iridescence. Six-character mark of the reign. (c) Mirror glaze in deep and rich purple-violet. (Restoration at lip.) All have carved teakwood stands. (Illustrated ) No. 337 CHINESE CELADON BOTTLE — CWien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8°4, inches Globular with bold foot, and full, slightly curvate neck. Lustrous . monochrome glaze of pale grayish sea-green. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi (apocryphal). Has stand. No. 888 CHINESE CHERRY BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 9° inches Pear-shape with bold foot, and short neck curving into a flaring lip. Brilliant glaze of deep mottled cherry-red with peau-d’orange surface. Has carved teakwood stand. SUVE£ GIOAO AUSHNIHO GAHUAL AO TUN LINUVO ! (2) 9¢¢ heseiGne Second Afternoon No. 339 CHINESE BROWN JARDINIERE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Diameter, 10 inches Ovoid, with rounded lip. Exterior and interior coated with a glaze of rich chocolate-brown with dull lustre. Incised seal mark under the foot. Carved teakwood table-stand. No. 340 CHINESE POWDER-BLUE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 10 inches . Globular with a deep bell foot, the slender neck expanding in a trumpet lip. Brilliant mirror glaze of rich blew fowetté. Has teakwood stand. No. 341 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE JARDINIERE Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Diameter, 10 inches Ovoid, with moldings at and under the rim. Brillant glaze of rich, mottled lapis-lazuli blue, with mirror properties. Six-legged skeleton stand. . No. 342 CHINESE MIRROR-BLACK AMPHORA K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 1014 inches Fine, heavy, sonorous, hard paste white porcelain, invested with a rich glaze of mirror-black, softly lustrous. Teakwood stand. No. 3843 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 1014 inches Globular with tall slender neck and low foot. Around the body and the upper part of the neck a closely worked conventional lotus scroll, lightly incised. Second Afternoon No. 344 CHINESE WHITE JAR Yung Chéng; 1728-1785 Height, 11 inches Egg-form, with a dragon modeled in the round coiling about the mouth. Glaze of matt surface, except on the dragon’s body. Seal mark of the reign. No. 345 CHINESE WHITE PLATE Ch’ten-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 1034 inches Nearly flat, with slightly waved surface and low foot. Low relief decoration of luxuriant lotus scroll in high conventionalization, with a narrow ju-i border. Brilliant glaze of rich creamy white. No. 346 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE —Ch’ten-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 12%, inches | Globular with full neck with lightly molded lip. Monochrome glaze of rich and brilliant creamy white. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) Second Afternoon No. 347 CHINESE TURQUOISE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 13 inches Amphora form with broad neck. Mirror glaze of dark turquoise- blue with greenish trend and fish-roe crackle. Has stand. (Illustrated) No. 348 CHINESE SOUFFLE BOTTLE CWien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 131% inches Globular-ovoidal body with cylindrical neck. Invested with a robin’s-egg soufflé glaze, of soft, unctuous lustre, which con- tinues underneath the foot and on the interior of the neck. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 349 CHINESE MAZARIN-BLUE VASE _ Clvien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 13 inches Amphora form, invested with a rich and brilliant mirror glaze of mazarin-blue. Has stand. (Illustrated) No. 850 CHINESE TEALEAF-GREEN BOTTLE , Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 1314 inches Globular with full neck. Glazed in the soft yellowish-green and commingled hue of moist tea leaves, with dull lustre. Carved stand. (Illustrated) GOIWdd ONND’TNUI 6V& 6 HO AHL AO SHSVA HO SPE r TOO aTONIS HO SNHWIOWdS LVS OVE Second Afternoon No. 351 CHINESE TEADUST BOTTLE Chia Ch’ing; 1796-1820 Height, 1234 inches Broad body, with spreading foot, and short cylindrical neck. Coated with a smooth and even yellowish-green teadust glaze of dull lustre. Impressed seal mark of the reign. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 852 CHINESE TEALEAF BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1234 inches z Broad body with short cylindrical neck and spreading foot. Glazed in the commingled hues of powdered tea leaves, the surface one of dull lustre. Impressed seal mark of the reign. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 353 CHINESE SANG-DE-BQ@UF BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1314, inches Pear-shape with small trumpet lip and low foot. Luminous sang- de-beuf glaze in varying tones of the coagulating blood, uae crackled and of orange-peel surface. Has stand. (Illustrated) No. 354 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE BOTTLE EO VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 1314, inches -Pear-shape with a broad and perfect foot, slender neck and trum- pet lip. Monochrome glaze of rich lapis-lazuli blue, and fine depth of luminosity. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) dOlMddd ONO'TNYLHO WHHL dO SUSVA UOIOO-WIONIS AO SNAWIOUdS vSE Gge £98 Igé Second Afternoon No. 355 CHINESE CREAM-WHITE GALLIPOT Yung Chéng; 1723-17385 Height, 1314 inches Delicately incised ornamentation of floral scroll in two bands about the body, with deep borders of conventional leaf pattern on shoulder and near the base. Brilliant glaze of pure and rich creamy white. Teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 356 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE JARDINIERE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Diameter, 1234 inches Semi-globular on a low broad foot. Exterior glazed in a brilliant lapis-lazuli blue; on the interior and underneath the foot a glaze of pistache-green. Carved teakwood table-stand. No. 357 CHINESE DRAGON BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 12°, inches Pear-shape with full neck and bulbous, melon-lobed lip, and low foot. Around the neck a coiling dragon in high relief. Brilliant cream-white glaze finely crackled. ) No. 3858 CHINESE WHITE BEAKER-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 121%, inches On the mid-band an archaic dragon-scroll after ancient bronze design, between borders of lightly incised rings; above and below, relief borders of long and short leaves of the ornamental banana, and under the lip a ju-t border in relief. Second Afternoon No. 359 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-FORM VASE 7 7 | Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 12 inches Pear-shape with deep foot, and short neck with trumpet lip. In- cised decoration of two phenixes among the clouds, a conven- tional petal border around the base, and two double rings about the neck. No. 360 CHINESE TEADUST SOUFFLE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 114%, inches Pear-shape with trumpet lip and low broad foot slightly spread- ing. Softly lustrous glaze in the hue of finely powdered tea souffié upon a ground of rich brownish-black. Teakwood stand. No. 361 CHINESE MIRROR-BLACK FLECKED BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 13 inches Broad and low globular body with spreading foot, and graceful neck with tapering root and short expanding lip. Coated with a mirror-black glaze of subdued brillancy, lightly sprinkled with tea-dust fleckings. Has stand. No. 362 CHINESE PINK AND BROWN JAR Clien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 13°4 inches Ovo-cylindrical, with fine foot, narrow shoulder and short wide neck, with everted lip. Luminous glaze of deep, dark pink blend- ing into a rich maroon tint, with orange-skin surface and ver- tical crackle. Has stand. Second Afternoon No. 363 CHINESE PEACOCK-BLUE BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 1334 inches Ovoid with broadly rounded shoulder and graceful cylindrical neck, invested with a mottled glaze of peacoceaas closely crackled. Carved teakwood stand. No. 364 PAIR CHINESE WHITE PLAQUES Chia Ch’ing; 1796-1820 Diameter, 1314 inches Circular and shallow, with low broad foot. Brilliant glaze. With- out decoration. No. 3865 CHINESE WHITE PLAQUE CW’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 131%, inches Deep dish form with low foot. Without decoration. Plain white glaze. Under bottom the six-character mark of the reign, incised. No. 366 CHINESE WHITE JAR Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 14 inches Ovoid with short neck and wide mouth, and molded lip. Lightly incised decoration of four-clawed dragon among the clouds, under a brilliant glaze of soft creamy white with mirror properties. Second Afternoon No. 367 CHINESE CELADON BALUSTER VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 14 inches Almost in the conventional gallipot form; an elongated inverted- pear shape with broad bottom, and short neck with molded lip -around a small mouth. Monochrome glaze of palest grayish sea-green. Has stand. No. 368 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE JARDINIERE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 14 inches Deep ovoidal form with molded lip and a molded ring below the lip. Brilliant monochrome glaze of rich lapis-lazuli blue. Im- perial seal mark. Carved teakwood table-stand. No. 869 CHINESE CAMELLIA-LEAF GREEN PLAQUE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 1434, inches Broadly flaring, with a bold foot. Rich and brilliant glaze of the deep camellia-leaf green, with a golden metallic lustre and fine fish-roe crackle. No. 370° CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE Ch’ten-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 15 inches Spherical with flat foot and wide cylindrical neck. Brilliant mirror glaze of richest turquoise-blue, mottled and truité, and having areas showing the greenish turquoise tone. Carved teak- wood stand. Second Afternoon a No. 371 CHINESE MIRROR-BLACK BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 15% inches Large globular body and wide cylindrical neck. Brilliant mono- chrome glaze of mirror-black, with a slight orange-peel surface effect. Has carved teakwood stand. No...372 CHINESE WHITE JAR WITH COVER Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 15 inches Inverted pear-shape with short wide neck and molded lip. “Phe cover is modeled as a lotus leaf with foliated rim and incised veins, with a short, twisted stem finial. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 373° CHINESE WHITE JAR WITH COVER Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 15 inches . Inverted pear-shape with flat foot and truncated neck; lotus-leaf cover with incised veins and short handle in form of a twisted stem. Has carved teakwood stand. (I llustrated) No. 374 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-FORM VASE Yung Chéng; 1728-17385 Height, 1714 inches Spherical body with tall wide neck and deep foot, the foot ex- panding and convex below a short cylindrical section. A dragon finely modeled in high relief coils about the neck and shoulder. Luminous and rich cream-white glaze. The dragon, alone, was originally gilded, and retains vestiges of the gold. Carved teak- wood stand. (Illustrated) SdOINTd ONTHO-ONAA GNV ONO'TNALHO FHL JO SNIVTHOUOd WLIHM ASHNIHO AO SNUWIOUdS SLE VLE | SLE Second Afternoon No. 375 CHINESE WHITE JAR WITH COVER Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1514 inches Large inverted pear-shape with short cylindrical neck. Lotus- leaf cover with foliated rim and incised veining, and a short twisted stem finial. Elaborately carved teakwood stand. No. 376 CHINESE MAZARIN-BLUE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1414, inches Gracefully proportioned, with globular body and a dignified neck, invested with a brilliant mirror glaze of mazarin-blue, rich and deep. Lip and interior of the neck in white glaze. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 377 CHINESE CLAIR-DE-LUNE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 15 inches Ovoidal with tall cylindrical neck. Coated with a softly brilliant clair-de-lune, or moonlight white, glaze, which continues on the interior of the neck and under the foot. Has carved teakwood stand. ; (Illustrated) No. 378 CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 15 inches Ovoid with wide neck, slightly expanding toward the lip. Mirror glaze of mottled, rich and deep turquoise-blue, with other mottled areas of turquoise-green, and fine fish-roe crackle. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) GOIWad ONO TNALHO AHL AO SASVA UOTOO-ATONIS HO SNHWIOUdS 6LE 08 8L8 LLE 9LE Second Afternoon No. 3879 CHINESE CELADON BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 15 inches Globular, with graceful incurvate neck ending in a lightly expand- ing lip; deep, lightly spreading and molded foot. Brillant glaze- of palest sea-green tone, pure and even, over an elaborate orna- mentation covering most of the ground of the piece. On the body a deep band of archaic dragon-scroll, with two borders below, four varied borders on the shoulder, and four borders on the neck. Imperial seal mark in blue. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 380 CHINESE FLAMBE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 151% inches Spherical body with deep foot and tall full neck, with lightly flaring lip. Mirror glaze, disclosing a light crackle, the ground color a light blood-red, overrun by closely flowing rills of very dark red, some almost black, while purplish drippings appear below the lip. Ch’ien-lung seal underneath foot. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 381 CHINESE WHITE TALL VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 1714, inches Ovoid body, molded at the bottom above a broadly spreading convex foot, with narrow shoulder, above which moldings encircle the foot of a full, incurvate neck which expands into a widely flaring lip. Mirror glaze of soft white. Second Afternoon No. 882 CHINESE WHITE PLAQUE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 17 inches Circular, with deep ovoidal cavetto. Hard, sonorous porcelain, both surfaces covered with a bright white glaze, the rim edged in light brown. No. 383 CHINESE WHITE BEAKER K’ang-hst; 1662-1722 Height, 1714 inches Lightly incised decoration, on the mid-band a lotus scroll and on the upper and lower sections a deep composite border of leaves and thunder-scroll, under a pure white glaze with giant café-au- lait crackle. No. 384 CHINESE WHITE BEAKER K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 : Height, 171/, inches | The sections in this beaker are very slightly indicated, the foot flares but slightly, the mouth moderately. The perfect glaze is a soft and pure white, with a slight greenish tinge in the in- cisions bordering the decoration, which is in palpable relief and comprises kylins, and the ornamental banana and other floral forms. No. 385 CHINESE LARGE GRAY BOTTLE : Yung Chéng; 1723-1785 Height, 21 inches Spherical, with full, slightly incurvate neck. Monochrome glaze of a soft, luminous gray, with fine crackle in self-color and a broader crackle in pale café-au-lait. Imperial seal mark. Carved teakwood stand. a) we, 2 ae ce - > ila 4 { is Py « - . ¥ - fi wad a P bs xe = eS . 4 * 2 es: r ~ , = ~~ shy - * i * 2 oe A : fs hi : view re ri ‘ i & ; ‘ THIRD AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 386 to 570, inclusive No. 386 CHINESE TEALEAF-GREEN VASE Ch’ten-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 414, inches Contracting lightly from the foot, the body then swells in globular form, retreating again to a very slender truncated neck. Coated with a yellow-flecked greenish glaze, in the hue of powdered tea leaves, with dull lustre. Has stand. No. 387 FUCHIEN LAMP Height, 314 inches A shallow ovoid cup or jar, with wide mouth and short flaring lip, and low circular foot, with a conical wick holder erect in the centre; this set into a detached bell-shaped base which is pierced with a petal-form aperture. In the interior of the cup five spur marks. Probably a Ming production. ; Third and Last Afternoon No. 388 CHINESE CELADON COUPE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 3%, inches Globular, with delicately defined lip and foot. Finely tooled deco- ration of archaic land dragons amid a fungus scroll, under a brilliant celadon glaze of delicate, pale grayish sea-green tone. Mark, in rich sapphire-blue: Ta Ming Chia Ching nien chih (apoc- ryphal). Has stand. No. 889 CHINESE WHITE SQUAT BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 4 inches A fine cabinet piece. Cream-white glaze with delicate café-au- lait crackle, over a lightly incised decoration of a dragon and the omnipotent jewel, faintly tinged in an underglaze blue. (Four- character mark of Ch’éng Hua; fictitious.) No. 890 PAIR CHINESE WHITE COUPES Clien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 434 inches Graceful globular jar shape with wide mouth and short lip, on bell-shaped foot, the bell and the jar being separated by a short cylindrical section encircled by a bold molding. Pure white glaze of fine, uniform quality and mirror brilliancy. No. 391 CHINESE PISTACHE-GREEN VASE CW’ien-lung; 1736-1795. Height, 51%, inches Slender oviform with short foot, and-embryonic neck with ex- panding lip. All-over decoration of conventional scroll, lightly etched, under a glaze of light pistache-green of dull lustre. Ch’ien-lung seal in coral. Has stand. | Third and Last Afternoon No. 392 CHINESE IRON-RUST VASE Chien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5 inches Slender oviform, spreading lightly at the foot and with a short cylindrical underfoot; sloping shoulder and short cylindrical neck. Monochrome glaze of brownish iron-rust hue with soft and bril- liant lustre. Has stand. No. 393 CHINESE LEMON-YELLOW VASE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Pears 5 inches Globular body on a bell-shaped foot, with short neck and spread- ing lip. Monochrome glaze of light lemon-yellow with soft lustre. Has stand. No. 394 CHINESE WHITE BEAKER Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 5 inches Brilliant pure white glaze with broad café-au-lait crackle, cover- ing all surfaces. Decoration of detached conventional leaf forms in low relief, above and below a narrow mid-band presenting archaic dragons in cavo-rilievo. No. 395 PAIR CHINESE FLUTED VASES Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 _ Height, 51/4, inches Slender, swelling and slightly flattened bodies, with incurvate neck ending in an expanding lip, the bodies elaborately fluted. One glazed in a rich and deep emerald-green and one in mustard-seed yellow, both having a minute fish-roe crackle. With stands. Third and Last Afternoon 396 397 No. 396 FUCHIEN STATUETTE Height, 5%, inches Seated figure of Kuan-yin, robed and without necklace, right hand resting on right knee and right foot exposed, left foot doubled under and left hand concealed by the robes. No. 897 FUCHIEN STATUETTE Height, 5 inches Seated figure of the goddess of mercy, with one bare foot pro- truding from her robe, right hand on knee, and left hand, sup- ported on an arm-rest, holding a scroll. | No. 398 — FUCHIEN STATUETTE Height, 5 inches Seated figure of Kuan-yin, in flowing robes, high headdress and cowl, with a ju-i in relief on her breast, left hand resting on knee and right hand holding a scroll. Third and Last Afternoon No. 899 CHINESE WHITE STATUETTE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 51%, inches Seated figure of an emperor, right hand on knee, left holding an emblem which has been broken away. No. 400 CHINESE LEMON-YELLOW JAR Clhen-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 51% wmecehes Elongated quadrilateral form, the narrow sides showing a slight curvature; abrupt shoulder, with short incurving neck and ex- panding quadrilateral lip. Brilliant monochrome glaze of a rich and fine lemon-yellow. ‘Teakwood stand. No. 401 CHINESE CLAIR-DE-LUNE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 51, inches Slender elongated pear-shape, with lightly everted lip and bold spreading foot. Brilliant clair-de-lune glaze, delicately mottled, of rich lavender tone. Has carved teakwood stand. No. 402 FUCHIEN VASE . Height, 51. inches Slender oviform with low, retired foot, short lip, and two animal- mask handles in relief. No. 4038 CHINESE TURQUOISE BOTTLE — Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 514% inches Finely formed globular-ovoidal body and graceful neck, with a brilliant mirror glaze of turquoise-blue, carrying a delicate and minute fish-roe crackle in perfect distribution. Has teakwood stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 404 CHINESE WATERMELON-GREEN VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 51, inches Bottle-form with a slender neck and expanding lip, and bold foot. Brilliant glaze of watermelon-green, truité. With stand. No. 405 CHINESE CELADON CRACKLED JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 5% inches Ovoid with short neck and rounded lip, and flat foot slightly less in diameter than the mouth of the jar. Luminous celadon glaze of pale grayish sea-green, covering also the interior of the jar and the underfoot, the lip being reserved in a cream-white glaze, and the glaze everywhere traversed by a closely reticulate crackle in deep brown lines. Teakwood stand. No. 406 CHINESE CAMELLIA-LEAF GREEN DISH K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 5% inches Shallow saucer form, coated on both superior and inferior sur- faces with a glaze of deep camellia-leaf green, finely crackled. No. 407 CHINESE TURQUOISE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 64%, inches Ovo-cylindrical body on a formally modeled foot, with narrow shoulder, short incurvate neck and expanding lip. Brilliant glaze of pale turquoise-blue, with a slight grayish trend in its under _ ground, and finely truité. Has stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 408 CHINESE CRACKLED BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 6 inches Low globular body on low foot, with sloping shoulder and slender “neck, which expands in a bulbous lip around a very small mouth. A low molding encircles the lower neck. Brilliant glaze of creamy aspect in a soft grayish-white with faint greenish cast, threaded by a bold crackle in café-au-lait lines. Carved teakwood stand. No. 409 FUCHIEN TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER Height, 61%, inches Cauldron shape, with two upright loop handles, after old bronze types, the body encircled by a narrow band of thunder-scroll, incised; animal-claw feet, with grotesque heads at the knees. No. 410 CHINESE MYRTLE-GREEN AMPHORA Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6 inches Brilliant glaze, delicately crackled, in rich color, the tone deeper within the lip. Has stand. Noah CHINESE MUSTARD-YELLOW BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 5%, inches Curvate neck, with expanding lip, and lightly spreading foot. Mirror glaze of mustard-yellow, minutely crackled. Interior of lip in a soft light olive. Has stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 412 CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE | Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 614 inches Finely proportioned bulbous pear-shape with slender tubular neck and bold foot. Brilliant glaze of fine turquoise-blue, trwté; on” the foot the glaze is deep and dark, with a larger crackle. Teak- wood stand. : No. 418 CHINESE ROSE-DU BARRY PLAQUE Yung Chéng; 1723-1785 Diameter, 61 inches In form of a shallow circular chrysanthemum dish with twenty- four lobes or petals. Deep rose-Du Barry glaze, covering all surfaces with the exception of a white reserve outlined in blue underneath the foot and penciled with the six-character mark of the reign in brilliant underglaze blue. No. 414 CHINESE CRUSHED-STRAWBERRY BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6%, inches Globular, with short and full, expanding neck. Coated with a monochrome glaze of fraise écrasée, of dull lustre. Has stand. No. 415 CHINESE BLUSH VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 7/4, inches Pear-shaped bottle-form, with incurvate neck expanding in a trumpet lip; low, bold foot. Luminous glaze of a greenish-gray, almost a peach-gray, with a broad peach-pink flush on one face. Under the foot the six-character mark of Hsiian Té (apocry- phal). Carved teakwood stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 416 CHINESE CHRYSANTHEMUM PLATE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 7144, inches Conventional form, the rim in forty-four delicately fluted slender petals of the flower, and the whole glaze in the lightest of fine lemon-yllow, soft, pure and brilliant, with a white reserve under- neath the foot carrying the seal of the reign in underglaze blue. No. 417 CHINESE WHITE BOWL Yung Chéng; 1728-1735 Diameter, 714, inches Conical, with small low foot. Delicate, resonant porcelain, coated with a rich and soft cream-white glaze. Delicately etched deco- ration in the interior, comprising a twin-fish medallion, with a wave border, a band of conventional peony scroll, and a rim bor- der of foliar design. Has teakwood stand of carved openwork. No. 418 CHINESE OPAQUE GLASS VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 | Height, 614, inches Shuttle-shape, the contraction ending in a truncated neck of lesser diameter than the foot. The color a very rich and dense canary yellow. Four-character mark of the reign, incised. No. 419 CHINESE AZURE GLASS BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795: Height, 7, imches Globular with tubular neck and low, flaring foot. Translucent glass of soft mirror lustre, in a pure, atmospheric and even-toned sky-blue. Third and Last Afternoon No. 420 CHINESE TURQUOISE GLASS BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 7, inches Globular with cylindrical neck and bold and slightly spreading foot. Pure and brilliant turquoise-blue translucent glass, with mirror properties. Incised four-character mark of the reign. (Illustrated) No. 421 CHINESE TURQUOISE GLASS BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 71 inches Globular with bold and slightly spreading foot, and straight cylindrical neck with flat lip. Dense, slightly translucent and brilliant glass, with mirror surface, in the soft, pure and fair tone of the Oriental turquoise. Four-character incised mark. (Illustrated) No. 422 CHINESE CANARY-YELLOW GLASS BOTTLE . Cl’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 8 inches Bell-shape, with tubular neck and molded lip, and flat, bevel- edged foot. Translucent glass of rich and dense canary-yellow, and a softened mirror surface. Four-character mark, incised. (Illustrated) No. 423 — CHINESE RUBY GLASS BOTTLE Clien-lung; 1736-1795 7 Height, 81% inches Spherical with tubular neck and flaring foot. Clear, transparent ruby glass, viewed against the light, and taking a denser note with the: light on it; mirror surface. Incised four-character mark of the reign: (Illustrated) doldudd ONT NALA HHL HO SSWID AHSANIHO . VGP 16V GP OGt ESP Third and Last Afternoon No. 424 CHINESE OPAQUE GLASS BOTTLE ) Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8%, inches Globular with tubular neck and short, spreading foot. Dense and heavy opaque glass with mirror surface, in a monochrome pistache-green hue. Four-character incised mark. (Illustrated) No. 425 FUCHIEN VASE . Height, 7144 inches Flattened ovoidal form, with flat foot and lip, and small oval mouth. On the two broad faces, depressed foliated medallions, one ornamented with the rock peony delicately incised, and the other carrying an incised inscription with seal and signature. No. 426 CHINESE WHITE STANDING CUP Yung Chéng; 1728-1735 Height, 7, inches Globular with wide mouth and delicate lip, on a deep and bul- bous bell-shaped foot. Fine porcelain with a beautiful creamy white glaze, crackled in self-color and café-au-lait. Decorated in light relief under the glaze with an archaic dragon-scroll bor- der, a border of sceptre-heads and a deep leaf border. No. 427 CHINESE TURQUOISE BOTTLE — Clhten-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 614 inches Pear-shape, the body large and the neck short and slender, with a lightly defined hp; bold foot, slightly spreading. Fine glaze of mirror brilliancy, in the fair hue of the Persian turquoise, minutely truité; on the foot the glaze deepens in flow and color and shows a larger crackle. Teakwood stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 428 CHINESE GREEN AND WHITE BOWL Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Diameter, 61/, inches Ovoidal and shallow, with lightly expanding delicate lip and low foot. Interior in luminous white, exterior in a brilliant emerald with a rich metallic iridescence. Seal-mark of the reign in under- glaze blue. No. 429 CHINESE TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE | Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 71. inches Globular with short and slender neck slightly expanding toward the lip, and bold foot. Brilliant glaze of rich turquoise-blue with mirror surface and fine crackle. (Light crack in lip.) Carved teakwood stand. No. 480 CHINESE CAFE-AU-LAIT VASE Ming; 1368-1648 Height, 7% inches -Pear-shaped bottle-form, with short neck and expanding lip, and bold foot. Unctuous glaze, of dull lustre, in the main a rich café-au-lait hue, while on one side of the body is a brownish- gray. Crackle varying from small to giant, in deep brown lines. Has stand. No. 4381 CHINESE LAVENDER BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 8 inches | Ovoid, breaking abruptly into a sloping shoulder; small flanged lip. Body in twelve lobes marked by light incision; on the shoul- der a conventional petal border in low relief. Monochrome glaze of soft lavender tone. Has stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 432 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 734 inches Low ovoidal body with steep shoulder, and straight slender neck with lightly expanding lip; broad, finely formed foot. Bril- liant, mirror glaze, of rich cream-white, and under it, around the shoulder of the bottle, three queer-faced fishes lightly in- cised in the paste and picked out in outline in delicate underglaze cobalt-blue. Ch’éng Hua mark (apocryphal). Carved teak- wood stand. No. 4338 CHINESE WHITE JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 8 inches Large inverted pear shape with broad lower body and slightly expanding foot; full mouth with short lip. Delicately incised decoration of four-clawed dragons on the body, with a conven- ‘ tional cloud-scroll border on the shoulder. No. 434 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 81% inches Spherical body with tubular neck and lightly molded lip. A rich floral scroll finely executed in relief extends over the entire sur- face, and the whole is glazed in a soft and brilliant’ cream-white of exquisite quality, broadly crackled. (Restoration at lip.) Carved teakwood stand. No. 435 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 9 inches Pear-shape with slender tapering neck expanding in bulbous form below a short upright lip; broad, expanding foot. Body encir- cled by a boldly modeled decoration of fungus scroll in relief, Brilliant glaze of pure white, with curious peachbloom fleckings on the neck. Third and Last Afternoon No. 436 CHINESE LILAC-GRAY VASE Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 834 inches Pear-shape with short neck and flaring lip, and bold foot. Lumi- nous glaze of grayish lilac hue, closely crackled in café-au-lait lines varying in tone. Seal mark of the reign under the foot. Carved stand. No. 437 CHINESE CHRYSANTHEMUM PLATE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Diameter, 7 inches Shallow ovoidal body on a. low foot, the body modeled in forty- four slender petals, delicately fluted and upcurving. Glazed in a rich but light tone of chocolate-brown with a metallic mirror brilliancy. Under the foot, Ta Ch’ing Yung Chéng nien chih within a double ring, in sapphire-blue under a brilliant white glaze. No. 438 CHINESE WHITE VASE Yung Chéng; 1728-1785 Height, 634 inches Shuttle-shape, of graceful proportions. The decoration of the swelling body is unusual, in that the familiar motive of plum: blossoms upon cracking ice, so frequently seen in the blue and whites, is here found without color, executed by light incision beneath the pure white glaze. Above and below are narrow bor- ders in vermicular scroll and borders of plaintain-leaf pattern. No. 439 CHINESE SANG-DE-BGUF COUPE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 3 inches In form a small beaker, with a delicate foot. Both inner and outer surfaces glazed in a deep sang-de-bauf red, with the peau- dorange markings. The lower body of the cup exhibits on one side a character most unusual in this glaze, a small area of flush —not a splash—of delicate purple. Carved teakwood stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 440 CHINESE MUSTARD-YELLOW BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 514 inches Low ovoidal body with full neck and expanding lip, and low foot. Invested with a brilliant glaze of lght irvepse ss with minute fish-roe crackle. Teakwood stand. (Illustrated in Color) No. 441 CHINESE VIOLET BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 534, inches Low globular body with sloping shoulder, small neck and short everted lip, and bold foot. Monochrome glaze of rich, deep violet, with mirror properties. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated in Color) No. 442 CHINESE PEA-GREEN BOTTLE — Clien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 6 inches Pear-shape with slender neck and low foot. Lustrous mono- chrome glaze of pale pea-green, with a slight yellowish cast. Has teakwood stand. (Illustrated in Color) 441 CHINESE PORCELAINS OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD rf Third and Last Afternoon No. 448 CHINESE CORAL BOTTLE | Ch’ten-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 814, inches Full-bodied pear-shaped with truncated neck, and low, broad foot. Monochrome glaze of rich and soft coral-red with a delicate mirror lustre. Interior of neck in pistache-green with crackle. Carved teakwood stand. No. 444 SET OF THREE CHINESE EMERALD-BACK PLATES Yung Chéng; 17238-1735 Diameter, 814, inches Fine and delicate hard paste white porcelain of musical note, the outer surface of rim and foot glazed in a fine and clear emer- | ald-green, and the other surfaces in a rich creamy-white. | Six- character mark of the reign in underglaze blue within a blue double ring. No. 445 PAIR CHINESE EMERALD-BACK PLATES Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Diameter, 814 inches Ovoidal, of moderate depth, on a bold foot. Thin and resonant translucent white hard paste porcelain, the interior and the under- foot clothed in a luminous glaze of rich cream-white, and the ex- terior of the body invested with a brilliant glaze of emerald-green, its mirror surface disclosing a warm sunset iridescence. Six- character mark of the reign. No. 446 FUCHIEN BOTTLE Height, 81% inches Globular with tall cylindrical neck and low foot. Brilliant mono- chrome glaze of rich cream tone. Unornamented. Third and Last Afternoon No. 447 CHINESE CORAL BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 614, inches Globular with low foot, and neck lightly expanding to the flaring lip. Rich and soft coral-red glaze with delicate lustre, and ves- tiges of a lightly penciled floral decoration in gold. Carved teak- wood stand. (Illustrated in Color) No. 448 CHINESE TURQUOISE BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 6 inches — Pear-shape with slender neck and low foot. Mirror glaze of fine turquoise-blue, lightly mottled and showing a minute fish-roe crackle. Has stand. (Illustrated in Color) No. 449 CHINESE CORAL-RED BOTTLE Clvien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 61/4, inches Globular with delicate foot, and slender neck slightly expanding to the lip. Monochrome glaze of coral-red with a soft metallic lustre, and vestiges of a floral decoration penciled in gold. Teak- wood stand. | (Illustrated in Color) dOIuddd ONNI-NGLHO WHHL 4O SNIVTHOUOd ASANIHO SPP . Third and Last Afternoon 450 : 451 No. 450 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 81/, inches Ovoid with slender neck and molded lip, the neck encircled below the lip by incised and molded rings and at the centre by a boldly molded ring. Relief decoration picturing figures in a garden. Brilliant pure white glaze. Six-character mark of the reign. No. 451 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 81%, inches Inverted pear-form with spreading foot, and slender neck heavily molded at the foot. Brilliant white mirror glaze. Body lghtly incised with chrysanthemum sprays. Six-character mark of Ch’éng Hua (apocryphal). K’ang-hsi. Third and Last Afternoon No. 452 CHINESE APPLE-GREEN GALLIPOT K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 51, inches Pure apple-green glaze of fine quality, and brilliant, with a varied crackle in soft brown lines. Underneath foot and on the interior a rice-white glaze, with colorless crackle under the foot and a pale café-au-lait crackle within the lip. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated in Color) No. 453 CHINESE APPLE-GREEN JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 57 inches Ovoid with short contracting foot, and embryonic neck expand- ing in a rounded lip. Mirror glaze of pure apple-green, boldly crackled in self-color and in brown lines, and exhibiting a bril- liant iridescent lustre. Underneath foot a rice color glaze with pale café-au-lait crackle, this glaze also covering the interior of the jar, with the crackle much bolder and in dark café-au-lait lines just within the lip. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated in Color) No. 454 CHINESE APPLE-GREEN BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 5%, inches Globular, with short neck lightly expanding. Fine apple-green glaze of soft brilliance and pure tone, with a varied crackle in brown lines. On the interior and under the foot a glaze of soft rice-gray, with café-au-lait crackle. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated in Color) dOIddd ISH-ONVMA AHL tO SNIVTHOUOd NAHUD-AIddV ASANIHO : PST ESP oot eer * ee Third and Last Afternoon No. 455 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE Yung Chéng; 1728-1735 Height, 7 inches Globular with slender neck and lightly defined lip, and broad foot. Relief decoration of a three-clawed dragon pursuing the flaming jewel among clouds, under a glaze of a moist white, lightly crackled in a faint café-al-lait. No. 456 CHINESE PEACH-RED JAR Ch’ten-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 814, inches Pear-shape with wide neck, truncated ; and bold, lightly expanding foot. Luminous glaze of a rich peach-red with delicately marked peau-d’orange surface. Ch’ien-lung seal mark. Has stand. No. 457 CHINESE ROSE VASE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Height, 91/4, inches In pear-shaped bottle-form with a fine foot and flaring lip. Mono- chrome glaze of fine and uniform quality, in a soft rose tone, with dull lustre and a minutely formed peaw d’orange surface. Six- character mark of the reign in brilliant underglaze blue under the foot. Has carved teakwood stand. No. 458 CHINESE SAPPHIRE LANTERN CW’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 9 inches A beautiful lantern globe of transparent glass, of rich and deep sapphire-blue, with a mirror surface and fine distant depths of color, the body ovoidal, with cylindrical flanges at either end, —or short neck and foot. Third and Last Afternoon No. 459 CHINESE ROSE-DU BARRY COUPE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 31, inches Small and graceful beaker-shape, the interior white and the ex- terior a pure and brilliant rose-Dw Barry. Carved teakwood stand. No. 460 CHINESE ROSE-DU BARRY COUPE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Diameter, 31% inches Semi-eggshell porcelain of clear, musical tone and delicate trans- lucence. Modeled as an open lotus flower, forming an ovoidal cup resting on a low foot. The curving petals are deftly molded with the overlap in sensible relief, and the light indentions be- tween them at the top give the cup a hexafoil rim. The interior of the cup is a soft and rich cream-white, and the exterior glaze is a pure and fine rose-Du Barry with brilliant surface. The translucency of the porcelain is such that, held to the light, the mark, which is penciled underneath the foot in underglaze blue, can be seen from the inner side of the cup. Mark: Ta Ch’ing Yung Chéng nien chih, within a double ring. Carved teakwood stand. , No. 461 CHINESE SANG-DE-BQUF JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 334 inches Globular with deep foot. Sang-de-beuf glaze, with deep red about the mouth, thimning to purplish and grayish tones, and showing in the lighter areas a bold crackle in café-au-lait lines. Teak- wood cover and stand. Third and Last Afternoon 464 No. 462 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM ROUGE BOX ‘ K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Brillant glaze of fine quality and rich color depth, in a soft, caressing peachbloom-pink, with grayish ashes-of-roses tendency near the foot, and marked on the cover with delicate greenish fleckings and with others of darker green tone. Brilliant sap- phire-blue reign mark, the six characters of K’ang-hsi under the white glaze of the foot. Carved teakwood stand. No. 463 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM ROUGE BOX K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Fine and brilliant mirror glaze, in soft and delicate grayish peach- bloom-pink and tones of ashes-of-roses. Mark, the six characters of the reign in underglaze blue. Teakwood stand. No. 464 CHINESE SANG-DE-BQUF JAR Kk’ ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 414 inches Globular with bold foot. Brilliant sang-de-beuf glaze, crackled, variable in hue over the greater part of the body, and showing a glowing, fluid red near the foot and the dense tones of the coagulated blood on the foot. Metal rim and teakwood cover. Has stand. Third and Last Afternoon 465 466 No. 465 CHINESE CRACKLED JAR | K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 334, inches Cylindrical, with flat lip thickened on the inner side; low, retired foot. - Coated with a sang-de-beuf glaze, both inside and out- side, ending in even flow just above the foot. The glaze is a characteristic sang-de-beuf in structure, but has taken a foreign aspect in the firing, such that over nearly the whole surface the color is gray, and the crackle café-au-lait, with welters of cela- don tone near the foot, while on the face are sprinklings of pure sang-de-beuf red. Has stand. No. 466 CHINESE SANG-DE-BQ@UF JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 4 inches Cylindrical, with flat lip, which is molded on the inner side; three low feet. Exterior glazed in a rich and brilliant sang-de-beuf, ranging from the deep red of the fluid blood to the brownish clot- tings, with a bold crackle more pronouncedly manifest in the grayish watery areas. Lip and interior in a rice-white glaze finely crackled. Hsiian Té mark (apocryphal). Third and Last Afternoon 467 468 No. 467 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM COUPE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 41, inches Circular and shallow, compressed ovoidal form, with low foot. Brilliant glaze of soft, enticing, peach-pink tone, with lighter mottlings of the peaw-de-péche surface. Mark: Ta Ch’ing K "ang- hsi nien chih in deep and rich sapphire blue, under the glaze. Carved ivory cover. Teakwood stand. No. 468 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM COUPE _ K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 414, inches Circular and shallow, compressed ovoidal form, on low foot. Softly brilliant peachbloom glaze of fine quality, with rich pink tones and mottlings of the soft brownish-gray, and large areas thickly sprinkled with the highly prized green fleckings char- acteristic of the best of these glazes. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi in brilliant underglaze sapphire-blue. Carved ivory cover and teakwood stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 469 SEE ELE WRITER’S PEACHBLOOM WATER JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 5 inches Semi-globular with small mouth. Three conventional medallions finely incised in the paste, beneath a brilliant peachbloom glaze showing warm and delicate pink flushes over a soft grayish and purplish-pink ground. Mark, Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi men chah. Teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 470 CHINESE WRITER’S PEACHBLOOM WATER JAR K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 5 inches Semi-globular with small mouth. Warm and brilliant glaze of peachbloom pink, with deeper pink fleckings and characteristic areas of grayish note, over a boldly incised decoration of three conventional medallions. Six-character mark of K’ang-hsi. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 471 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 5 inches A writer’s water jar of conventional semi-globular form, with short neck and small mouth. Peachbloom glaze of mirror bril- liancy, in soft and dark pink tones and the purplish hue of ashes-of-roses, and areas of blackish fleckings. Lightly etched under the glaze, three scroll medallions. Carved teakwood stand. Six-character mark of the reign in brilliant underglaze blue. (Illustrated) GOIMAd ISH-ONVM AHL AO UVE YALVM WOOTHHOVAd SUaLTdM TLV Third and Last Afternoon No. 472 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 51, inches Pear-shape with short, graceful neck and expanding lip, on a high and spreading foot. Rich lapis-blue glaze with mirror properties. Teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 473 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE BOTTLE-FORM VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 6 inches Globular, with sloping shoulder, slender neck and expanding lip, on a deep-spreading foot. Mirror glaze of rich and deep-toned lapis-lazuli blue. Has teakwood stand. , (Illustrated) No.. 474 CHINESE SANG-DE-BQUF BOTTLE Ch’ten-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 8 inches Pear-shape with delicate foot and slender neck. Luminous glaze of rich sang-de-beuf, with fluid red and the brown ‘“‘tears” of the congealing blood. Has stand. _Cllustrated) No. 475 CHINESE CHERRY BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 81, inches | Globular with slender neck slightly expanding toward the lip. Monochrome glaze of a cherry-red, with moist lustre. Has stand. (Illustrated) dGOIWwad ONO T-NYLHO AHL AO SHSVA HUOTOO-ATONIS ASHANIHO SL¥P OLY GLY Third and Last Afternoon No. 476 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM VASE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Height, 81/, inches ~An amphora, with short neck and lightly modeled lip; an original and perfect piece, in variation from the earlier familiar forms. The rich and brilliant glaze, with peau-d’orange surface, presents the fine pink and ashes-of-roses tones of the peachblooms, with suggestions of the sang-de-beuf hues, a blending of these kindred glazes. Under foot the six-character mark of Yung Chéng in underglaze blue. Carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 477 CHINESE SANG-DE-BGUF VASE _ K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 614 inches Inverted pear-shape, with flattened shoulder and very short cylin- drical neck. Mirror glaze in rich and deep tones of the sang-de- beuf, nowhere paling, but running from the fluid red to the dark and varying tones of coagulation; crackled. On interior and under foot a rice-white glaze, finely crackled. Has teakwood stand. | (Illustrated) No. 478 CHINESE SANG-DE-BQ@UF BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 8% inches Ovoidal with high and narrow shoulder and slender tubular neck; flat foot. Rich and brilliant sang-de-beuf glaze, in the char- acteristic hues of the blood in fluid state, slightly hardening. Teakwood stand. (Illustrated) GOluad ISH-ONVS AHL AO SHSVA ANWA-AG-ONVS ASUNIHO LLY Third and Last Afternoon No. 479 CHINESE SANG-DE-B@UF BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 9 inches Large pear-shape with cylindrical neck and broad foot. Dense glaze, of orange-skin surface, coming to a perfect finish at the foot, disclosing the characteristic crackle, and throughout pre- senting the subdued hue of the cooling, hardening blood, flecked here and there with the brown clots or “tears.” Has teakwood stand. (Illustrated) ' No. 480 PAIR CHINESE WHITE BEAKERS Chien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 9 inches Boldly modeled decoration of plantain-leaf, sceptre-head and blossom-scroll borders under a rich and luminous glaze of creamy white. (Lip of one has slight restorations.) Have stands. (Illustrated ) No. 481 CHINESE WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 1134 inches Low relief decoration of floral scroll in chrysanthemum and peony motive, and pointed-leaf, sceptre-head and petal borders, and about the shoulder an incised border of the thunder scroll. (Illustrated) dOlddd ONNT-NALHO WHEL AO SUSVA I8P OLIHM ASHNTHO 0 8 v Third and Last Afternoon No. 482 FUCHIEN STATUARY GROUP Height, 9 inches The goddess of mercy is seated cross-legged on a throne of rock- ery, hands palm upward one above the other, looking downward with benignant expression. On the rock base below, and in front of her, appear a boy with hands clasped and a man with arms folded, facing each other. (Illustrated) No. 483 FUCHIEN GROUP Height, 9 inches Figure group of Kuan-yin enthroned, holding an infant on her knee, with two attendants standing below her; beside her are a vase and a bundle of books, and between the attendants appear a dragon and a dragon-horse. | | (Illustrated) No. 484 CHINESE WHITE STATUETTE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 171%, inches ‘Standing figure of Kuan-yin on a mounded rockery base, with flowing robes, tiara and cowl, her hands crossed in front of her. (Some finger tips damaged.) (Illustrated) No. 485 CHINESE WHITE VASE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 101, inches Broad and deep cylindrical lower body, expanding in globular bottle-form at the centre, with slender and slightly tapering neck and everted lip. Under the brilliant glaze, butterflies and blossom- ing magnolia trees in low relief. SHLLHOLVIS ALIHM ASHANIHO PST Third and Last Afternoon No. 486 CHINESE DRAGON BOWL K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Diameter, 1034 inches Ovoidal, spreading with slight convexity from a deep foot. Ex- terior carved with two imperial dragons, pursuing the omnipotent jewel, and the entire bowl covered with a glaze of dark emerald- green, which on the interior shows a metallic lustre. (Slight restoration at lip.) Carved teakwood table-stand. No. 487 CHINESE WHITE VASE Yung Chéng; 1723-17385 Height, 1034 inches Spherical central section, separated by moldings from a broad neck with flat and molded lip and from a broad underbody, both neck and underbody flaring, and resting on a low retired foot. Decoration, chrysanthemums in relief, and incised fret borders. Rich cream-white glaze, crackled. No. 488 CHINESE WHITE JARDINIERE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 6%, inches; diameter, 9 inches Heavy, sonorous porcelain. Ovoid with wide mouth and molded lip, and flat foot. Under the lip, between moldings, an incised key-fret border, followed below by a ju-i border and around the foot by a lotus border, both incised. The body of the jar is surrounded by a conventional lotus blossom scroll also delicately incised. No. 489 CHINESE CELADON BOTTLE — Yung Chéng; 1728-1785 Height, 1114 inches Pear-shape, with short neck and short spreading lip. Neck and shoulder encircled by six low moldings, the only decoration. Fine grayish-green celadon glaze of soft lustre, with large crackle. Seal mark of the reign in underglaze blue. Has carved stand. ee ee he SS a ay eg se ed Third and Last Afternoon No. 490 CHINESE MAZARIN-BLUE BOTTLE K’ang-hsi; 1662-1722 Height, 11 inches Globular with short cylindrical neck. Brilliant mirror glaze of a fine mazarin-blue, rich and deep in tone. (Slight crack in neck.) Carved teakwood stand. No. 491 CHINESE CELADON GALLIPOT Cl’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 1014 inches Around the body a band of archaic dragon-scroll, and below this a ju-t border and a deep composite border of sceptre and leaf pattern, and on the shoulder another complex border, with lesser borders above it reaching to the lip, all in relief save a small shoulder border of incised fret. Brilliant glaze of delicate light sea-green. Carved stand. No. 492 CHINESE CELADON JAR Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Height, 1014, inches Ovo-cylindrical, in graceful proportions, with a low and broad, slightly retired foot, a broad and rounded shoulder of slight in- cline, and embryonic neck with delicately rounded lip. Invested with a brilliantly lustrous glaze of palest grayish sea-green of pure and even tone, which continues over the interior and under- neath the foot. Mark, in dark sapphire-blue within a blue double ring: Ta Ch’ing Yung Chéng nien chih. Carved teakwood stand. No. 498 CHINESE CELADON VASE Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Height, 11 inches Bottle-form, with a cylindrical body, sloping shoulder and under- body, deep spreading foot, and tall slightly tapering neck with cup-lip. Surface of shoulder and underbody a series of molded rings. Pale grayish-green celadon glaze with vagrant crackle. Seal mark. Has carved teakwood stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 494 CHINESE TEALEAF GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 914, inches Unctuous glaze of soft, dull lustre, in the commingled gold and green of powdered tea leaves. Has stand. (Illustrated) No. 495 CHINESE CHERRY-COLORED GALLIPOT Ch’ien-lung; 17386-1795 Height, 934 inches Brilliant glaze, with neck and shoulder a low-toned cherry-red, and lower body a soft cherry-brown; white lip. Has stand. (Illustrated) No. 496 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE BOTTLE Yung Chéng; 17238-1735 Height, 1114 inches Large pear-shape with short neck expanding into a trumpet lip, and deep and slightly spreading foot. Fine glaze, rich in quality, in a uniform tone of deep lapis-lazuli blue, with peau-d’orange surface. Six-character mark of the reign within a double ring, in blue beneath the white glaze of the foot. Carved teakwood stand. | (Illustrated) No. 497 CHINESE LAPIS-BLUE BOTTLE . Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Height, 1114, inches Large pear-shape, the short neck expanding in a trumpet lip; deep and slightly spreading foot. Monochrome glaze of soft luminosity in rich lapis-lazuli blue, with the orange-skin surface. Six-character mark of the reign in underglaze blue on the white glazed foot. Has carved teakwood stand. (Illustrated) SdGOIuud ONAHO ONOA GNV ONO TNYALHO AHL JO SNIVIAOUOd ASHNIHO V6P 869 S69 L6P eee aia ve Ae ae gt LS ney (* a weace- a Oe ee ee eg prema Te. ee Third and Last Afternoon No. 498 CHINESE DARK GREEN VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 12 inches Pear-shape with trumpet lip and spreading foot. Mirror glaze in a rare dense tone of deepest olive. Ch’ien-lung seal. Teakwood stand. (Illustrated) No. 499 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1014 inches Globular, with slender tubular neck. Perfect glaze of rich and brilliant peachbloom pink, reaching a fine finish at the foot. Has carved teakwood stand. No. 500 CHINESE PEACH-PINK VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 1134 inches 3 Globular body on a deep foot, with full cylindrical neck and trumpet lip. Brilliant monochrome glaze of rich and deep pink of a dark peach tone, and showing a sparse crackle on the neck. Has carved stand. : No. 501 CHINESE PEACH-COLOR GALLIPOT Yung Chéng; 1723-1735 Height, 12 inches Mirror glaze of rich peach tones, varying from grayish-pink to a fuller red. (Lip repaired.) Has stand. Third and Last Afternoon No. 502 CHINESE RICH CHERRY VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1786-1795 Height, 12 inches In ample pear-shape with short neck and flaring lip, and broad and bold, lightly spreading foot. Brilliant glaze of rich cherry red, with minute orange-peel pittings. Carved stand. No. 503 CHINESE CHERRY-RED BOTTLE-FORM VASE Ch’ien-lung; 1736-1795 Height, 12 inches Pear-shape with a short and slender neck, expanding in a trumpet lip; bold foot. Glaze of minutely crinkled surface in a low-keyed cherry note, warming to a richer red under the lip, where a slight crackle is manifest. (Slight repair at rim.) Has stand. No. 504 CHINESE PEACHBLOOM BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE | Tao Kuang; 1821-1850 Height, 12 inches Pear-shape with trumpet lip and broad spreading foot. Softly luminous peachbloom glaze, in the darker pink tones, deepening to ashes-of-roses notes. Seal mark. Has stand. No. 505 CHINESE OX-BLOOD BOTTLE-FORM VASE Ch’ien-lung; 17836-1795 Height, 1214, inches One of the very finest of vases of its type, and without flaw. ee A > E ¢ \ a) : wr : ; * . * * > z . = > : - ‘ ra tS : ‘ : ‘ ; : . , - : : i . : ‘