v.7: Varga aytalard oie ‘4 Matytonts iM Veter ,*> PF. 94.4. F ae y + ahs y 5.3.7 ig 12943 sik etate yigi? 4d by , 7 , Vater qt “9 it Sh +f re) 2 48 fF 21+ biw Fe ? vy - ty ie iq * Pa Le At — oes Ms t ; t rye » ye SEF a Vidh are LASTS ole pyrciae. 3, Sy i Baap Kdeer Under btesy hic scene eee ee | 80—Coomans, “Girl lwithiva? “Saw essere edernerepenee ee 9 Bl—Diaz, “Morni Be ciseectye Leck caerde tone senneEne ea mana B2— .ubertty “Cont ences: OS OU Bi Maréhall, Buéfalo "500 | 33—Ackenbach, “Marine; J.P, Ruin......s.cee...2 A400) 34—Kouk- Koek, “Phe Krook;” ELS. ‘Chapin,.. ssi. 500 $o-~—Duvetget, “Grandpa's Birthday: Pons Be: eo HEN GOT... sees stebacer eters assmetecensetsoagnee 80) 36—Diaz, “Norost of Fuontainebieau;” Henry Datley 1. 37—Mover von Bremen, “She Birthday Parcy”,. ss fous sx—Jaeque, “fhe Coming Storm;” T, ©, bastmai., 1.0¢ 39—frere, kd, “he iittls Cook; H. ai Chapman... eR conn dalek: “Landscape;”’ "Mrai SD. Warren, _ ) PSOBCOM sie disci een cce pins sae s bree eb eguamiaio st eeeseeesen 525 1—Van Marcke, ‘Cattle Resting,”’.........s00,e2502 1,700 2—Diaz, “uirl and Pew; Mra. 5. D. Warren, Bos- ae RON) 0's win sive ee Fede m bet rstenaebear ered seonernob ewes prt a 43—-Meyer yon Bremen, ‘Missed His Lesson,”.. ... 2,500) 44—ouguereat, ‘Fraternal Love; J, Phillips. Jr 5,200) sclan de O Jules, Tbe Mill,” boussod: Valadon & £0001 ives cans aie Cae wines eo eiaersi as eee ecce essere es ‘OU 46—De iieyser, “Milton » ‘Dictating Paradies: Lest.” 650, 47—Troyon, “Sheep in Pastnre;” 8. P-Avery, Jt... 1,600, 48-—Merle, “The Good Sister; A. Bo Reymond...) 1.700 ‘dieDiat, “Pool in the Wdodh, ec ihuskhciseec be eee 1,100 5.—nnaus, “After the Bath,’ Herman Schaus...... 2,528 51—Daubigny, *Landveape” sei... Lechivisieetcasvee Sy kUR) 52-—-Am berg, “Maternai LOVE. ssc) s bagsiassdogbecyanes | BLO! 53—Gerome, “Tieadiig Out Wheat in Egypt; Uy OS Chap in. ey SEW sc Sheba ahs renee bv bs + weeseteeees 900, Aan Sorin tates ‘A Freneb Villages” 8. 'P. Avery, Jr. 1,700) 55—-Frere, i, “Morning Prayar;” ig As Benedict... 1,500) dc—Vah Marcke, *A Normandy Bu eee ea recveve 4400) 57—Corot, “Morning 3” Knoedler & ra NA PRR G NCS 2,800 58—vupre, Jules, “Landscape, With Cattle;” -- Ubarles Vbrahd+Ruel 2... .0...08 cee, been cence 4000 §9—Diug, “Path in tie Woods;” T. ©, Hastman...... 4,800 | GU—Merle, *Tboughts of the Future”..,....ic..0.s005 BOO. apie "Marcke, “Springtime; I. Monteignac, Sa BLUBinassatas deem vg.e. soeesenssseresaenear sce e2—Danbigiy, ‘Moonrise; ©, H. De Silver... NAAN "61850. 6 weMiliet, J, F., “fhe sbepberdesa;” J. A. Garland 5.600) 4, RAUS, hs Truant;” Knoedler & CO,....crees | 65-—-Fromentin, VArad Bhepherda:" Hermana pat eat Behausy: iyietaervanee atures ovtcner 4,725, 66—Troyon, “Return. to the Farm aD E. A Baucuiet: 4,500 67—Daubigny, Peprinprine Boussod Vaiadon & 8.55 GOT ware eit, wee Vite ees 19) 68—Bougereau, “Sar from Home;” Solomon Loeb. 3, 150. 69—Roussean, “springtime near bechicune: Bous- | sod Valadon & UO Louis aula be hist e peer ebesetees 7,000. 70—Gallait, *. ast Honors Paid Counts Kgmont _ and horne: 3’ Knoedler & Co....... 2... eeeees4s 10,000 saa TOtBI..seeeeeseesererersreseesnesseeeterseresereee seo B1BO, 855) Cy Star ae NL Ey Oe Chey PRN WS Sse NT SPER ee SoU a iM oe a —- aT Ses eee ut “" ; eet CATAIOGUE “yy ¢ | meant Wr. Maron Beaty's Coflection cC% of Modern Paintings eae ON FREE EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH UNTIL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY I4TH INCLUSIVE, IN THE Gifts Crenue Art Galleries goo PIPTH AVENUE NEAR 34TH STREET NEW YORK @ SBis coflection will Be sofd By auction in Chickering Dall FIFTH AVENUE AND I8TH STREET ON Saturday Evening, Kebruarp 14, 1891 COMMENCING AT EIGHT O’CLOCK Q ® gh reserved seats C) ROBERT SOMERVILLE ORTGIES&CO. Qs AUCTIONEER MANAGE & OAS ; ha AS as OS French Masterpieces The Barbizon School BELONGING TO THE WELL- KNOWN COLLECTOR Dr. Aaron Healy BROOKLYN, N. Y. ) QNE- HEALY has been a picture buyer of advanced tastes and cultivation for almost thirty years. During this time he has purchased a number of paintings, many of which are very choice examples of the ereat masters. The fine quality and excellent condition of the pictures make them extremely desir- able. Every painting belongs to Mr. Healy, and his entire collection is included in the sale. MR. SAMUEL P. AVERY, Jr. will assist in the management. BROOKLYN, Feb. 2, 1891. MESSRS. ORTGIES & Co. Gentlemen : Having decided to place my collection of paintings in your hands, for sale at auction, I desire the public to know that the sale will be an absolutely fair one, and that no person will be authorized, di- rectly or indirectly, to bid for my account upon a single picture. Yours truly, A. HEALY. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Che Aaron PDealy Collection AUBERT, 32 ACHENBACH, 33 AMBERG, 52 BOSER, 20 BOUGUEREAU, 44, 68 COLMAN, 5, 8 COOMANS, 21, 30 CASILEAR, 23 CHURCH, 24 COROT, 57 DURAND, 19, 25 DUVERGER, 29, 35 DIAZ, 31, 36, 42, 49, 59 DUPRE, 40, 45, 58 DE KEYSER, 46 DAUBIGNY, 51, 62, 67 FISHER, 13, 22 FRERE, 39, 55 FROMENTIN, 65 GIFFORD, I2 GIGNOUX, 17 GEROME, 53 GALLAIT, 70 HART, WM., I HUBBARD, 3 HART, JAS., 4, 7 JACQUE, 38 KENSETT, 18, 23 KOEK-KOEK, 34 KNAUS, 50, 64 LEMMENS, I1 LOBBEDEZ, 14 McENTEE, 6 MEYER VON BREMEN, 27, 37, 43 MERLE, 48, 60 MILLET, 63 PREYER, IO RICHARDS, 15 ROUSSEAU, 54, 69 AIT. 7 TILTON, 16 TROYON, 47, 66 VAN SCHENDEL, 26 VERBOECKHOVEN, 28 VAN MARCKE, 41, 56, 61 WHITTREDGE, 2 WALDMULLER, 9 Conditions of Sale 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, andif any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold, 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down acash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money tf required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold, 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Pur- chaser. 4. The sale of any Article ts not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, om any ac- count, be removed during the sale. 6. Lf, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered tn as good condition as the same may have been ai the time of tts sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such sale, shall be made good by the de- faulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, tf he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer, By Ortgies & Co. S$ Piaday pein 7” $4 Dee LAND BX Ge AE a e a f + _—~ yp - ie Z € AOS, 3 . ¥ y We a < ¥ a: 3 a , P| a 2 os 3 oe We Y ¢ KA NB NY Uy RUN > > ~t —— = rd Catalogue The first number of the size given indicates the width of the picture. BART (Wm.) . ; . New York } Member of the National Academy of Design ear Hurley, Uister C0.) }. Ya I4 x 8 a 2 WHITTREDGE(W.) . . New York Member of the National Academy of Design 4 pool in the ewe Ir x 8 5 HUBBARD (R. W.) dec’d . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Born, 1816, Dzed, 1888 WMWorntig on the Licey eed 4 HART (JAS. M.) . : . New York Member of the National Academy of Design A Tarm Afternoon 9x5 5 COLMAN (Sam'l) . . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Member of the Water-Color Soctety Autiuniw0 18 x 10 6 McENTEE (Jervis) dec’d . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Born, 1828. Dted, 189r Metober 18 x IO Z Members of the National Academy of Design, } . r A MWisty Morning. G The ducks ioe eek by Mr. Tait 8 COLMAN (Sam'l) . ‘ . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Member of the Water-Color Society Diew in Alaters 10 x 6 o 6 A HART (Jas. M.)and TAIT (A.F.) New York 9 WALDMULLER (F. G.) dec’d ~— Vienna Pupil of Vienna Academy Born, 1793. Died, 1865 undecided 18 x 20 10 PREYER (Emilie) . e . Diisseldorf Pupil of her father fruit 13 x IO II LEMMENS (E.) dec’d . . Paris Pupil of Lassalle A poultry Bard I4 x IO 12 GIFFORD (5S. R.) dec’d . . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Born, 1822. Dzted, 1880 pe apt. on the Hudson “22 x I0 13 Perse ty, G) >. : . New York Suuiiset ZO °K ole 7 7) he 2) ue ae PLB 0, : F aa os 14 LOBBEDEZ (C. A.) j . Paris Che Little Cruant ox 12 15 RICHARDS (Wm. T3= . Newport Member of the National Academy of Design Member of the Water-Color Society The Spring Re | 16 TILTON. (ji RY dette : . Rome Born, 1833. Died, 1888 pacstum 22 xeiG 17 GIGNOUX (R.) dec’d é 2 Pag Pupil of Delaroche Member of the National Academy of Design 4 Member Brooklyn Art Academy Born, 1816. Died, 1882 v Ftaltan Landscape 34. X22 18 KENSETT (J. F.) dec’'d . =. New York Member cf the National Academy of Design Born, 1818. Died, 1873 Lakes of Killarney 34 X 24 8 } 19 DURAND (A. B.) dec’d . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Born, 1796. Died, 1886 Qn the Catskills 36 x 24 20 BOSER (F.) dec’d Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy Born, 1811. Died, 1881 A Little Reader 16 x 21 Diisseldorf 21 COOMANS (J.) dec’d .. ' . Paris Pupil of De Keyser Medals at the Hague and Metz Born, 1816. Died, 1889 Roman Mother and Child yr tie (1 18 | x A é" ia 4 p 22 FISHER (J. G.) New York Gu the | Forest 77 io ea 9 SIS 23 KENSEDT (ees) deca: . New York CASILEAR (j..Wa : . New York Members of the National Academy of Design Near Beberlyp, Mass. 31% 22 24 CHURCH Ea : . New York Member of the National Academy of Design Medal, Parts, 1867 : t Paes Shower a “OBO 2 10) 25 DURAND (A. B.) dec’d . . New York Member of the National Academy of Design : A Born, 1796. Dted, 1886 , The Craveler’s Home 48 x 33 26 VAN SCHENDEL (P.) dec’d . Brussels Pupil of Antwerp Academy Medals in Antwerp and Brussels Parts, 1844-47 Born, 1506. Died, 1870 Warket Scene by Candlelight 14 x 18 IO 27 MEYER VON BREMEN (J. G.)dec’d Berlin Pupil of Sohn Member of the Amsterdam Academy Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850 Medals in Berlin and Philadelphia Cc Born, 1813. Died, 1886 By Blind Dan's Bul ASK Water-color 5x7 28 VERBOECKHOVEN (E.) dec’d Brussels Medals, 1824-41-55 Legion of Honor, 1845 | Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal Decorated with the Iron Cross Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and : St. Petersburg : z sdBorn, 1799. Dted, 1881 | Hheep 18 x 14 29 DUVERGER, (T. E.) Pupil of FE. Frere Medals, 1861-63-65-89 Begging Grandma's pardon 13 x 9 Paris ¥ Fae | ASO. | r ONG _ % 4 ey ‘y B © if 30 COOMANS (J.)dec’'d .. i co as Pupil of De Keyser Medals at the Hague and Metz Born, 1816, Dted, 185y Girl AReaptiig Poa FE AF rd 15 x 19 31 DIAZ (N.) dec’d : ‘ : Jeans Medals, 1844-46-48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhi- bition, 1878 Born, 1507. Died, 1876 Morning 6% x 8% 32 AUBERT (Jean) . ; . “Paris Puptl of P. Delaroche Prize of Rome, 1844 Medals, 1861-78-59 Confidences 12 x 18 12 33 ACHENBACH (A.) 2 ee.) Wisseldort Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy Member of the Berlin, Amsterdam and Antwerp Academies Medals, Paris, 1839-55-67 Legion of Honor, 1864 Marie ig’ X12 34 KOEK-KOEK (B.C.) dec’d . Amsterdam Pupil of Schelfout Member of the Rotterdam and St. Petersburg Academics Member of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands and Leo- pold of Belgium Medals at Amsterdam and the Hague Medals, Parts, 1840-43 Born, 1503. Died, 1862 ue \\\ he Brook IZ X IO 35 BUVERGER(T.E) . . . Paris Pupil of E. Frere Medals, 1861-63-65-59 Grandpa's Birthday 13 x 10 ; 13 36 DIAZ (N.) dec’d : ; . Paris Medals, 1844-46-48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the mpyrory of deceased artists, Untversal Exhi- ae 5 fF™"\ betion, 1878 ‘Dy hom” poe 1807. Died, 1876 ores bE Fontainebleau a # we 10 x 8 37 MEYER VON BREMEN (J.G.) dec’d Berlin Pupil of Sohn Member of the Amsterdam Academy Gold Medal of Prussta, 1850 Medals in Berlin and Philadelphia Born, 1813. Dted, 1556 ahe aByythoay party 13 X55 38 JACQUE (Chas.) . : ‘ 4 Paris Medals, 1861-63-64 Legion of Honor, 1567 Che Coming ie 17 x 10> von 14 a FRERE (Ed.) Pupil of Delaroche . Medals, 1850-52-55 , vo Legion of Honor, 1855 Born, 1819. Died, 1886 Che Little Cook DUPRE (Jules) dec’d ry Medals, 1833-67 © | Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Born, 1811. Died, 1889 .“% Landscape VAN MARCKE (E.) dec’d Pupil of Troyon Medals, 1867-69-70 Legion of Honor, 1872 first-class Medal, 1878 Born, 1827. Died, 1891 Cattle Resting Paris Paris Paris SS ee * 42 } a VS DIAZ (N.) decd. Medals, 1844-46-48 | fe ' é ; Legion of Honor, 1851 ‘ Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exht- > bttion, 1878 : Born, 1807. Dted, 1876 M2 trl and et I2 xX 15 = Paris e 43 »-() “© MEYER VON BREMEN (J.G.)dec’d Berlin Pupil of Sohn y Ln — - aa Member of the Amsterdam Academy Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850 Medals tn Berlin and Philadelphia Born, 1813. Died, 1886 : Wissen, Vis Lesson \ gc Kab X 15 =| ; 44 | y-®% WO BOUGUEREAU (W. A) i a ge Pupil of Picot »/ Prize of Rome, 1850 Medals, 1855-57-67 ' Legton of Honor, 1859 iN Member of the Institute of France, 1876 4 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876 i Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881 Grand Medal of Honor, 1585 Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1585 fraterial Love 20 X 25 16 -. Paris Paris DUPRE (Jules) dec’ f AY ccf Sap 3-07 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1811. Dted, 1889 Che Mill to X 22 . 46 DE KEYSER (N.) . . Antwerp Pupil of the Antwerp Academy Great Gold Medal, Brussels, 1836 Medal, Parts, 1840 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Officer of the same, 1855 President of the Antwerp Academy Member of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael Commander of the Order of the Oaken Crown Wilton Mictating Jaradise Lost 4o x 46 47 TROYON (Constant) dec’'d . . Paris Pupil of Rivereux Medals, 1838~40-46-48-5,5 Legion of Honor, 1849 Born, 1810, Died, 1865 Sheep aus chosuebag yw" M5 xX 12 17 48 sine MERLE (Hughes) dec’d . ; i Pane Pupil of Cogniet Medals, 1861-63 Legion of Honor, 1866 Born, 1822. Died, 1881 . Che Good Sisters rae 24. 10 bed 49 DIAZ(N,) decid va, ; -toriaris Medals, 1844-46-48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhi- é bition, 1871 Born, 1507. Dted, 1876 Bool i the Toodg 13 x 10 50 KNAUS (Lo. - . Berlin fuptl of the Disseldorf Academy Medals, 1853-55-57-59 Legion of Honor, 1859 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Professor tn the Academy, Berlin Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amster- dam, Antwerp and Christiana Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit Medals at Berlin, Vienna and Munich Weimar Gold Medal for Art Professor in the Berlin Academy Grand Medal of Houor, Antwerp, 1880 After the Baty 8 , 10 Bist 38 51 DAUBIGNY (C.F.)dec'd >. . “Paris Pupil of Delaroche Medats, 1848-53-55-57-59-©7 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exht- bttion, 1878 Born, 1817. Died, 1878 ox Landscape 26 x 16 52 AMBERG (W.) ; : . Berlin Pupil of Cogniet Member of the Berlin Academy WPaternal Love Rep p eee ke 53 Seer (iL) . C.. .. Paris Pupil of P. Delaroche Medals, 1847-48-55 Legion of Honor, 1855 Member of the Institute of France, 1865. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1874 Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Medal for Sculpture, 1878-81 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878 Professor in the school of the Beaux Arts TCreadirig out Caibeat fi Coppt , AA a av 54 ROUSSEAU (Theoi)déc qi . Paris ; Pupil of Léthiere ' 1 Medals, 1834-49-55 ( Legton of Honor, 1852 One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exht- bition, 1878 Born, 1812, Died, 1867 A frengy Pillage 10 x 6 H nee 55 bee Ny FRERE (Ed.) dec’d ; : ath atis : VW \ Pupil of Delaroche | a A Medals, 1850-52-55 i Vo Vs Legion of Honor, 1855 i Lk ow Born, 1819. Died, 1886 WDorning prayer iP. e Fs 56 ie Fat )4.: VAN MARCKE (E.) decid ~~ 990) Pare i La Pupil of Troyon . aq Medals, 1867-69-70-78 yp i Legion of Honor, 1872 %& ~ ) ( Born, 1827. Died, 1891 . sy eo eles \ 2 « iu w re Paris COROT (J. | egton of Honor, 1846 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exht- bition, 1878 Born, 1796. Died, 1875 bi jw DDorning 7x 13 58 DUPRE (Jules)dec’'d . .- . Paris Medals, 1833-67 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1812. Died, 15859 Landscape , ADIL) Cattle a - pe 10 Ree, - V j tt * ‘6 BS 4 { 59 DIAZ(N:)dec'd : : “arate Medals, 1844-46-48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhtbt- tion, 1878 Born, 1807. Died, 1876 pay. in the Moods 20 x 16 ‘ 4) Gow hI by 60 MERLE (Hughes) dec’d . ‘ : gp "Pupil of Cogniet f i AL Medals, 1861-63 Hs Legion of Honor, 1866 Born, 1822. Died, 1881 Choughts: pf, the future fen Ado 40 Paris’ - g aed $3 VAN MARCKE(E.)decd . “Pupil of Troyon Medals, 1867-69-70-78 ' ., Legion of Honor, 1872 ©” Born, 1827. Died, 1891 Springtime 25 X 32 Paris cy en ot DAUBIGNY 1G: 7 ) dec’d Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1848-5 3-5 5-57-5907 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exht- bition, 1878 Born, 1817. _ Died, 1878 Paris PsP atts Legion of Honor, 1868 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhi- bition, 1878 . Born, 1854. Died, 1875 The Shepherdess 7X9 Berlin Grand M cd YW of Honor, 1867 Officer of ¢. 2 Legion of Honor, 1567 Professor tn the Academy, Berlin Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amster- dam, Antwerp and Christiana Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit Medals at Berlin, Vienna and Munich - Weimar Gold Medal for Art Professor tin the Berlin Academy . Grand Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1556 Tye Truane; ie L7RX 323 L® is 23 “f as Soe f i." FROMENTIN(B§dec’d . . Patis jf? NPupil of Cabat bee thed dals, 1849-57-59-07 ot V Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhi- bition 1878 Born, 1820. Dted, 1876 Arab Shepherds 25°X 21 4 . 66 * ate a r : : ) TROYON (Constant) dec’d . . Paris Pupil of Rivereux ry gy Me . 4, 7 r %) (\ Medals, 1838-40-46-48-55 mr fy Legion of Honor, 1849 vn, 1810. Died, 1865 tur to the farm 39 x 26 67 a : DAUBIGNY (C.F) decd .f . Paris F ok ef een Sa a Pup of -. Délaroche *. > ' Medal&, 1848-5 3- 5-51 -59-OF ” Legi lonar, 1859 7 vo Legion of Honor, 1874 detegsed artists, Universal Exhi- tion, 1878 : Born, 1817. Died, 1878 Springtime 32 5°57 24 Diploma to the memory é Vo Paris Medals, 1855-57-67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Member of the Institute of France, 1876 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876 | Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881 Grand Medal of Honor, 1885 Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885 far from Pome 42 x 64 ROUSSEAU (Theo) dec’'d . . Paris Pupil of Léthiére Medals, 1834-49-55 Legion of Honor, 1852 One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1567 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhi- bition, 1878 Born, 1812. Dted, 1567 Springtime, Pear Barbizon 24 x 16 25 \ o $ Fe \ ¥! 2 es FS i 7° ’ 4 At ¥ “GALLAIT Louis) dec’d . Brussels t 3 Lrrey = ft it fe ay : . Pupil of Hennequin : we OU Medals, 1835-48 Legion of Honor, 1841