Lili. FIFTH AVE. ART GALLERIES 366 FirtH AVE., NEAR 34TH STREET LG. | MODERN PAINTINGS WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 27TH, 28TH AND 29TH — a Sra ft LIBRARY huge M. KNOEDLER & CO, Sis 6 ___| 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ACG. NEW YORK qm FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR 34TH STREET FREE EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING CATALOGUE OF MODERN PAINTINGS PRINCIPALLY FROM PRIVATE COLLECTIONS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 27TH, 28TH AND 29TH AT 8 O°CLOCK Bee SOMERVILLE - - - - AUCTIONEER BY OR-EGIES «&-CoO: 1889 _ CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money 7/ reguzred, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Darehace iabney to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AucriongErr, By Ortaies & Co, INDEX OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS COLLECTION AND NUMBERS oF THE PAINTINGS ING Cand stars ce weaasiter eats 4 Bane matin ro cnie saan eae 13 Beyle, 21, 31, 44, 52, 63, 67, 72, 82, 86, 92, 100, £10, 117, 126, 131, 136, 141, 146, 156, 162, 168, 177, 184, 191, 197, 201, 206, 211, 216, 221, 225, 228. BeEaAUguesne i .s..qseuiee +249 BOM We ucre bac ertos emcees T2X Breidwiesenactectsactmatere seseGt Bierstadtescsseie: Secs 115, 165, 175 ALON werncaricer nie Brown, J.G... Bunnetn.. Snake BEAD corars esctapa ocateests ainsi ames IBEIGIICT nancaangunbaoeau sede Brown, W. M Boldiniy Jaws cncconcoan ese 114 BOK Cte. monesn itn werrencygn cata ees 193 Bruck-La-Jos.............. 5 Opel) IBOUU ONY ase aerate nee are 213 Blalkelocke ste: . ot taoisenn crass 36 Castle at imcs sien ees poe ae 80 Chaionea nera- cine: Rocce A 6 Comte du Nouys.2. 6...650...4 79 Comite gPo Crtscansciterccceer 06134 Colemane@. Ca amen cae. 40 (Gliniitol vel Br Oe eee een Gne 60 Chases Harty ccscis0-eoceanetas 150 ColemantS.mccc= os aia 154 Wouranty. sacccicst sites re ec Grills caso oadcsh sac oneaates sane 173 Compte-Calix ... eS Cicerivrsscc Chace Goes SGOG Gas iy) Coomans, H. ...... FORMED OOTOD 180 C@helmonski=...ssssssmass 125 Constantinignncs run aee re Sees Carolustcsahastese duomaeas Dupre wMlesy ents ate ee De Haas, M. F. H DOlp He reise «icine, 345 105s ar e76 DU pall setae scien cee 2880729 Dielauxsscistatieas estates ieee saSC Domingo, Munoz......... 19Q, 200 Die Gara yics. cnet SOO SCnaeS 187 Dupre alien. ssa. esc 135 Daubioniys@.- bu creaming: 62, 219 Desgoffe, Blaise.......... 192, 224 Deoray esicommnccenaet ee OD 1S Deasesupacc ner einer ae ei soe 208 BSUS uizals siemens oea 15, 157 Erappapice since e ae 122, 160 Exeneaigs on cone cee see 7 JUVel WY) ivtae Sams See AS Caos Baleronicacs. Gaubault Galbricl acs ene aan oe eearateats 46 Gueiia scans o eons ea 158 (Giiiaring momar Grutaomondausu ade 27 Greiitzner Couples ieee Gardner, Elizabeth.....,......226 Greatorex, Mirs:cEy.asce ase e 76 Gordigianinn ssc ccuecennis 99 Gunther secs aac ease Bia eter eee 215 EI ausma Nn cients ene I0r ET unti Noto, Diss ene cece 109 Hart Wittlawss. cone Body oG GES-506 9 Platts Ji icv cscrets pera tian 29, 43, 87 JERS. Or Rensurmasc arcs ae esse Io FEUD ORS errs viele ocetelo nie «vein elaine 53 FLAQUCttGrcs eectee emesis I> 106, 107 1 ite fo} sl) Seater he ore ere ere 20 JOH SO M5) Discore crete teisleretetria'sl= = +163 Johnson, E.......--..0.20s-- eee 47 NWSuN ye seoeasoncho copeoncnse 108 Ones i . BOMONs: celeste 7 56 JACOVACCL. ... 6... sees eee eee eee 59 ) ABC Uarsterscys aie ecieisiistas wars wie 214 JJEMEG EEE ouA cn banauoednsocacenber 209 EGant OAC Kee creretererviore eicteiees veere ae = 6x1 Koek-Koekp Br Cstecscisies «rsicini's 50 USAGE MIM CREE ses sioistaswinteletscicaiare 104 ESO Wall Sclsseriaieneietatccreiersje ete a 220 Kotschenreitentcnacsscnoc «nro 98 earl bac hiras set «aeieistotstsiemlereie:sielo 210 Bam Diets acre siersierccssetsletsirew ce 103 TelOir eG OUIS sirasleree anit ie slererster 181 ILPYevarel NON cqronn crop Sahoo ude 182 WeIStenra cusses sie oe ea 223 Igy hee Sonat ontncoummonecoucor 212 Lge oss Secon opserc=aa0 155 GO CUtkeerststererevatercin sper eiettrelsiitciaiaisiote 19 IWERIOIWN, Gop codadtads Soneb cane 190 MOOG Aa Spel csc cin cites er on See aee ee e Paris 13 A Quiet Nap. 16 x 23 INWIDBE Ic (Bhs) ater sonar eng ee New York 14 After the Rain. 14 x 10 EGU SOW IZiAss (NO tell Onde) sees eee er Paris 15 he Letter, 21x 17k¢ WOOD 2C\se O SCCM) cnc eee one ee New York 16> Cait: 16 x 10 SCHUCHARDE (hy.2- 2. ee New York 17. The New Step. 14 x 2216 (7) MEANDER UW.) ee ee Paris 18 Landscape, Moonlight. 41 x 2646 HOVE 10) ccna eo a Se ee Paris 19 The Winning Card. 21 x 16 JUNE DONG! - Paris Pupil of Ary Scheffer. Medals, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1881. 26 The Letter. (GU (Se Je) cocaee Seat Gea SRE SOOT New York 27 Peek-a-boo. yx 11g CON SHEAINSEIINTS (Ga) ets ree een eee Florence 28 An Anxious Moment. 9% X 714 TEUAIRIE (evens WE) INGA encode Mbarara Rees New York 29 Driving Home the Cows. 1534 x 2034 (9) — SS \WaDTSCs| (Gh (Cp) pnenguaonsocuoocucoucca0bcai0Gct Florence Pupil of Ziem. Meédalsin Rome, 1879. 30 ~©A Bridge in Venice. 10 x 191g EMAL a (02, NU aoc oss Sosnononop no euoOUc Goon hOGonD CoD Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 31 Looking for Craw-fish. 14/6 X 2176 HET © Mis GC] ©. ieeeicae secears siete suisse sic Sumter New York Pupil of Geo. Inness and Ed. Frere. 22° Sunset. 2816 x 17 ROWGHRONEG|)) teense oo ee aS 33 Coquette. 12 x 14 DOLPH (J. H.), A.N.A........ Se = New York Pupil of Louis Van Kuyck. 34 Cares of a Family. 24 x 18 RAVATD Us te Ac (Gian es cereiacine curs ea ery et nese es ee Rome 35 The Drowsy Sentinel. Water Color 10 x 17 BEAK EWOCK (RSA): xe: ce New York 36 The Deer Slayer. 12 x 18 MAZAROLLI (F.).........- Se ee Paris 37. The Fair Mandolin Player. 7x56 NEEM (Welix esis rence ea ee Paris Born at Beaune. Medals, 1851, 1852, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of same, 1878. 38 Venetian Gardens. 16 x 101g CAROLUSs (la) sitent eke ee ee Brussels Bo — Ene Letter 20 x 2416 COB MAING (CEC) crn ete tenet ney eet ..Rome 37 x 2114 MOORMAN Se (Bianz) 2-seer ne ga Sar .Brussels 41 The Introduction. 18 x 14 (11) IRMEBIDI (ESCM) psa psgcanouueeadn e000 Ge SEO OOS Paris Pupil of Diaz. Medal, 1888. 42 Landscape. 23 x 16 EPA Rae (jameseM.) Nea ewe oe ee .... New York Pupil of Schirmer. 43 Glimpse of Cherry Valley. 1516 x 21 BSc (DON ee fees feo ce Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 44 Road to the Seashore, Hastings. 144g x 2116 \WANIRIDY (Chennai) 5 cacecedces cnaces505e0 St. John, N. B. 45 A Lion in the Path. 934 * 734 GUNS MGs (Es Ie (Cs) c sees cas mana sc eomen enoe Brussels Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. 46 On the River. 1734 x 1034 JOHNSON (Eastman), N.A ......0ceeeee ener ee New York 47 Head of an Old Salt. 2146 x 26 (12) iy | | MORAN (Thomas), N.A..........+20 0022+ 2s ees New York 48 In the Tropics. 377% X 2378 BEAUQUESNE (W. C.).........---seceescees oe. ae batis Born at Rennes. Pupil of L. Vernet. 49 The Discussion. 10 x 1814 OMNI MO INCA (C5) ceaon aso soocneueoueog59 The Hague Medals at Paris, Amsterdam and The Hague. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion-and the Order of Leopold. Pupil of Schelfkout and Van Os. 50 Landscape. 16 x 121g VAUTIER (Benjamin).............+---seeeerees ans Born at Morges, Switzerland, 1830. Pupil of Rudolphe Jordan, Dusseldorf, Member of the Academies of Berlin, Munich, Antwerp andAmsterdam. Medals, Paris, 1865, 1866, and at Expositions Universelles, 1867, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. 51 The Interesting Book. 9g x 86 BEViche(Pe Mo) ee -. Sa Eo HOSS Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anyers, 1885 52 The Brook. 146 x 2136 (13) SS FLUMBORGU(AS is eke Sencae. cere ah ee ae a Paris 53 Chaffing. 19 X 24 BIRISSOM:s (BveS) ese cinasvasnee ts oa Ce eens Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, 1882. 54 Landscape and Sheep. 16 x 13 DENG EIG (Czesan) eo nee ep se Paris Born at Rome. Pupil of Academy of San Lucca, Rome. »>- The Song: 1514 x 96 JONES (ELBolton); NAW... = Ee one: New York 56 Landscape. Z Z 31hg x 211g SUB BRE(CEM ct a Se Antwerp 57 A Quiet Time. 21 x 23 DEPAUW ee ae ss Shee Paris 58 Winter, Forest of Fontainebleau. 51 x 3736 (14) PACOVACE Se ea re Paris 59 The Critic. 13 x 161g CHURCH (FP. E), NA Aico. ae New York 60 Sunrise in the Catskills. 40 x 27 TANOPACKIA(E | ee ee Paris 61 Russian Country Inn. 33 X17 IDEN MEINE (Cy en Cleeegisedl). scsccdos ison cop dosox Paris Born at Paris, 1817. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1878. Died, 1878. 62 French Village. 15}g x 10 BEATS (Bee Me) trcerescrttg ae ora poe ee Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879 ; Anvers, 1885. 63 Low Tide, Hastings. 1446 x 2116 (15) A PS SEE EAT ; ’ } i BRALRH=(ANtOn Sacer es Resa Munich Medals at Munich, 1869, 1876. Vienna, 1873. Dusseldorf, 1880. 64 Cattle and Sheep. 27 X 19 [BI RONNAN EG [lial as bacon tin canis Scien cream Oona New York Coe tee lay: 13% X 1736 J AUINUNIOIRG (2G /86)) sunn gon con coupubeel acon erate New York 66 Canal of San Eustachio, Venice. 20 x 26 BEV GR (hav) es oes cote ee Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887 ; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875 ; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anyers ; 1885. 67 Bords de la Marne. 141g x 2116 GRO IPANER. (Beene; te te ees oe eee ... Munich 68 Falstaff and Shallow Recruiting. 47 X 30 RGESUEE AN WIS (Eee caste tn ee ee Munich 69 Falstaff, Prince Henry and Poins. 47 X 30 (16) IMIR Rate Be (eit hes sacle cease dl) cece ees ae eee Paris Born at Saint Marcellin, France, 1822, Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medals, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1866. Died, 188x. 70 Memories of Home. 2516 x 32 ROUSSEAU (T., deceased) ................. resnoaers Paris Born in Paris, 1812. Pupil of Guellon Letheiere. First exhibited, Salon, 1834. Medals, 1834, 1840, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, E. U., Paris, 1867. Died, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. 71 Landscape, Sunset. 11g x 1014 Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 188:, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 72 Gathering Seaweed. 1414 x 211g SAH PIB GS = (isa) scrsrcrs sangeet eens Antwerp 73 Flowers and Fruit. 36 x 54 SCHAPBELG*() 20. os sss ep Antwerp 7A Still. Late. 68 x 46 (17) SECOND EVENINGS: SALE. Thursday, March 28th. WILLIAMSON (John, deceased)....... ........ New York Born in Scotland, 1826. Member National Academy of Design, Artists’ Fund Society and Brooklyn Art Association. Died, 1885. 75 A Summer Afternoon. ee Me 15446 x 934 CN AROUSED (MNS ed Ub ee eo ea ee New York 76 Rock Enon Springs, Virginia. 16 x 30 BROWN (WeL | wees. New York Dey = aie. 25 X 30 EP COMtE DU NOUV 2 25 = a Paris 78 Guards of the Sultan of Morocco. 16 x 22 : (18) QUARTLEY (Arthur), N. A., deceased.......... New York 79 Fishing Boats, Long Island Sound. 2216 x 13 CASILEARSIO Wise ee New York ‘Pupil of Maverick. Member National Academy of Design. 80 Landscape. 1634 x 814 BRETDWIESER: @liheodore\e:--2 =...) Vienna 81 A Cossack. Water Color 6x5 BEN Io Hin Bie) Sn ances dee are eee mee Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885, d . 82 Crow's Rock, Hastings. 14g X 2146 GAUBAULT (Leon) 83 Franc Tireurs Reconnoitering. 31 x 2414 SMITH (Hof) = 4 ee New York 84 Landscape. 18 x IO (19) ———— = — . a =e WAAR BCH Jo es eave SA ci ed so ee ode. Pupil of Peguegenot. Medal, 1882. i 65. On the Seme. 18 x 1134 BE Visi (PM). oes tec Re oe ce —— Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875 ; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879 ; Anvers, 1885. 86 Pastures, Champigny. 14) x 2136 i HART (as: Ma, NAcc ee otc New Vork os 87 Landscape and Cattle. b ! TO Me ip WW haan Cap Fn ee eae St. John, N. B. 88 September. EAS SIMS SING (AG ten ees areas ener reo Sapte as Norway Member of Dusseldorf Academy. Various Medals. ‘\ 89 Marine. Il x7 IAS SUISSE Ne (A) eacae ac soee mpias tes eee Norway Member of Dusseldorf Academy. Various Medals. 90 Marine. : Tee DUPRE (gles) 75s .5005 = oe Paris Born in Nantes, 1812. Medals, 1833, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. g1 Landscape. 13% X9 BEY DE (P eM) ies nse ene Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, i 1881, 1887 ; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872 ; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1879 ; Anvers, 1885. 92 Repairing the Pier at Hastings. 14/6 X 216 THOM (2 Co) ae ee ee New York i Pupil of Edward Frére. 93 The Picture on the Snow. 18 x 15 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene J., deceased)........ Brussels 30orn in Warneton (West Flanders) July 8, 1799. Medals at Paris, 1824, 1841, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Por- tugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross, Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Died, 1881. 94 Landscape, Goats and Chickens. 814 x 614 DOE PEE Gls bless AGING sa. sets tursaene ns cosereaniess New York Pupil of Louis Van Kuyck. 95 Familiar Neighbors. 24 x 18 (21) at = ———— Z ——— RICHET (con) = eee a i Pupil of Diaz. Medal, 1888. i 96 Landscape, Fontainebleau. i 21 x 1614 VO IFIGERAIROS (Max) ixxcice. si tere aes ae ee Munich 97 Baron Munchausen. : 35 x 25 Pee Gate aD SEEDY Dian soe SIV Sis MOUs ata ete WOES A ag j KOTSCHENREITER (H.)..... gy Pe Siees Ra te en ae Munich € 7 fi 98 Bitter Drops. a iF a te aa it GORDIGWANI (Michele): =. 050.5000 oe oe Florence | ; Born in Florence. Pupil of Mussini. Honorable Mention, Paris ad Salon. ie : 99 A Young Housekeeper. Abe ; 7x9 | e i OVERS Mr a eee ee st Paris } Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, i 1881, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Car- } > cassonne, 1875 ; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. ia ; 1 100 ©The Little Wooden Bridge. 14lg x 21)¢ ' EIU SNICAININ= G20 6St) se ween ae en es euch tor The Clockmaker, (22) DEGRAVE (J. A. P.) Pupil of Gerome. 102 An Orphan Asylum. 12x 151g LAMBINET (Emile, deceased) Born at Versailles, 1810. Pupil of Drélling. Medals, Paris, 1843, 1853, 1857. Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, 1878. 103 Landscape. GATE MIMIBIOR Reo (iE es ere ee Pupil of Gerome. Medal, 1874. 104 In the Garden. 16 x 24 YOUNG (Harvey) Pupil of Carolus Duran. 105 Landscape. 39 x 2216 LAO alee ie (Gre) ieee oon eee Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1880, 188: and 1884. 106 A Breton Fishermaiden. 894 x 1034 (23) Paris RiGee Re San Francisco | | TBUNOL GNSS: -((Ca) en chore ope emumo ramon eay ado hobo Paris Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1880, 1881 and 1884. 107. A Breton Fisherman. 856 x 109% JER NRE ROS Oe ee Se 108 Old Cronies. 1716 x 2114 IS RUAN HEINE AROINS 0D) PINGS nanccumecunoedhenaGe New York: Pupil of Professor Morse and Henry Inman. 109 Chocorua Peak, N. H. 236 x 1736 BEVEE (Ps Merce eee gi 2 eae as .. Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887 ; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874 ; Carcassonne, 1875 ; Sydney, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1879 ; Anyers, 1885. 110 Gathering Potatoes. 14/6 X 21}6 SEIGNAC (Paul)....... GE ceria ht Sone eT oe Paris Pupil of M. Picot. Various Medals. 111 Grandma’s Birthday. Open RUC Cle (CArtt(O) iene Ae Cae aE a Venice 112 An Accident. 11% x 161¢ (24) TPEHO POND NAN DEIN (= (G D0) peer eerie he eee hae oes Paris 113 Hunting Party. BOLDING (Cec ot ee eee ee Paris 114 The Riding Party, Bois de Bou- logne. 7x4 BIERSTADT (Albert), N.A..............0..;2..New York Elected a member of the National Academy, 1860. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1867. Medals at Austria, Ger- many, Bavaria and Belgium. Order of St. Stanislas, 1869. 2d Class Medal, 1886. Imperial Order of the Medjidii from the Sultan of Turkey. 119 Camp in the Rocky Mountains. UATE BR OS ((eutt S=RICAr CO) beer taesemtreester eee ta a ore ante Paris ‘Born in Spain. 116 Birth of the Butterfly. Water Color 94% x17 BEVER (Po Mi)ict a ee ee Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, -1878, Melbourne, 1879 ; Anyers, 1885. 117 The Light-house, Moonlight. 141g x 2114 (25) SERRURE == ee ee Paris 118 Indifference. 19/6 X 1536 EP PRs Ree OOMSs (Matellpsie ee sce ee e Saat: Antwerp 119 The Lover's Departure. 27 x 41 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (F-S.).... 2a, Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, 1882. ‘ 1203 Sheep, i) 13 x9lg ps is iif JOIN SUSUR (Gn, Taare: Soncaccaucedsob sua smos< Paris 148 Sister of Rosa Bonheur and pupil of her father, Raymond | } Bonheur. i t21 Landscape and Cattle. i 1546 x 1216 ie | i HAR RAS (Ose) seae atn as ese el en Paris ey ; ; Pupil of P. C. Compte and Isidor Pils. iw 122 Friends Meet. 6 x 10 i ROMIEMO WCE (AS\5 ee acter nec en ee Paris Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1852, 1859, 1861, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1870. 123 Watering the Flowers. 19 X 25 (26) PINCH ARTE. sone ft ae ee Paris Pupil of Gerome. Honorable Mention, 1883. Medal, 1884, Ex- empt. 124 At the Fountain. 10% x 1814 CHEUMONSK|-(loseph) = =ee ete Paris Born at Varsovie. Pupil of M. Gersou and Schreyer. Honor- able Mention, 1883. 125 The Bad Roadway. 24 x 14 BEVLE (PRM Y= 6a * ee Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris ; Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassone, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 126 Old Washing Boat, Champigny. 14/6 x 2176 IAOSIODIRE (UaUenVeGhIE) ea Sica ne Soo mons Hoo auc S405 5 a00s Paris Medal, Salon, 1876. 127 Venice, Twilight. 4316 X 2914 From the Paris Salon of 1885. eZANONTENETESS RECACININN Ss (C1095 5 5) cece eee rence tee Munich Born at Hagenau, 1815. Pupilof Munich Academy, Member of Berlin Academy; Great Gold Medal, Berlin. 128 Reading Boccaccio. 28 x 19 (27) a at eR vs - Ey POG IS ew Hers SN EIT ye wie sen aS IDOI AMON (USC MnO NOs Gacae sh doncrs moos oa aba GoS Pupil of Cabanel. Medal, 1875 and First Class Medal, 1877. Hors Concours. 129 Between Love and Danger. 39 X 27 Exhibited at Paris Salon, 1888. BRUCE JOS == Se er es Paris 130 6A Bouquet. BR ViR (Buh pe 0 Se ne ie Paris Member of the Societé’*des Beaux-Arts de Paris; Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 131 After the Ball. 16 x 19 1018, IELAGANS (ML, IPI) SING 2Scc do pana p on pa nUOe New York Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam and of Louis Meyer, at The Hague. In 1857 appointed artist to the Dutch Navy. 132 Entering Port, Moonlight. 23 x 34 STEINHEIL (Adolph Charles Edouard) ............. Paris Medal, Salon, 1882. 133. A Medizval Scholar. 1234 x 1616 Exhibited under No. 648, in the Salon Triannel, held by the French Government in 1883, (28) COMM (Rierte Charles) eae ee Paris Pupil of Paul Delaroche, Horace Vernet and Robert Fleury. Medals, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1857 and 1867. Legion of Honor, 1857. 134 The Music Lesson. UP Ribs GhUMG I aos at eererecpre or pea tere nee rere: Paris Medals, Salon, 1880 and 1881. Hors Concours. 139 Making Hay. Ig x 28 SEVER enh) a= oe a Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 136 Crab Fishers, St. Valéry en Caux. 19 x 2546 DO APICEEN BB IN Ge (iia teresa ae cape ease eres noo gaa WS Ia) 137 Fishermen on the Coast. 39 X 2536 PREVIGR (Wa) evicstamins tices aoe Sie renee aes . Dusseldorf r30-— otill-Late: II x 14 PITARZ= (Out) sean ee eee ee Weimar 139 A Farmer. 18 x 211g (29) STEINHEIL (Adolphe Charles Edouard)............. Medal, 1882. 140 Flowers and Objects of Art. 151g x 121g BEYLE (P. M.)... Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887. Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874 3 Carcassonne, 1875 ; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers; 1885. 141 Catching Shrimp, Somme. 14% X 21/6 MET ING Wilts (Gaston) erratic er ee Paris Pupil of his Father and L. Cogniet. Honorable Mention of the Paris Salon. 142 Le Quart d’heure de Rabelais. 60 x 47 (Exhibited at Paris Salon, 1888.) RUIOLNC oe. oa ee 143. The Marriage Contract. 48 x 31 SCHELPHOUT (Andrew, deceased)... 12. ...........+0-5- Born at The Hague, 1787. Died, 1870. Member of the Academies at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Leyden and Haarlem. Member of the Academies of Brussels and Ant- werp. Medals at Brussels and Antwerp. Medals at Ghent and The Hague. 144 Winter Scene in Holland. 2614 x 2034 BEIRLDON (lL) ce aia ie eee Paris 145 Ready for the Opera. 121g x 16 BEVER (PAL) ts oe ee ee Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1874; Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 188s. 146 Looking for Bait, Fécamp. 35 X 54}8 DOLPHY |. Hj pSoN OM eee ee New Vork Pupil of Louis Van Kuyck. 147 Hunting Dogs. 36 x 24 RUDELLA(P- jes ee New York 148 Early Autumn. 36 x 24 BROWN GG), No Ae pee ee ee New York 149 Disconsolate. 15g X 236 GREASE a (Flat ity, ac cete sagan err one ie ee New York 150 Fishing Boats, Coast of France. 2476 X 13 (31) | q q oer nae nant enter THIRD EVENING’S SALE. Friday, March 29th. WHIT PREDGE (Wj NWA cs east cates New York 13; On tie Flatte. 23X7 COEEMEN (6) NoA= oo New York 154 Late Afternoon, Autumn. 17/6 X 10}8 EAZENGPer ee Pete er ee, .......Paris 155 Algerian Home. 2816 x 23 By OG 6 Se] Bad Wile) | reeareee Gn a ey aaren on eee eam Raven sean Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872 ; London, 1874; Car- cassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 156 Fisher Girl, Dieppe. 1436 x 2134 EGUSQUIZA (Rogelio de).. é Paris 157- <= baterior. 11 x 151g GAGE RURTAs= (CAG) spec ok ie rere gee eres Rome 158 Raphael before Pope Julius. 54 X 39 EHOMACi CA aaa ean meee ee ee New York Pupil of Edward Frére. 159 Gathering Pond Lilies. 30 x 18 BRIAR PAs OSC) eg aon nacre a Serene cee eee Rome Pupil of P. C. Compte and J. Pils. 160 A Knotty Question. 1A 3c 08 WOODS 6) © Sem) ieee Foes ae NEWRY ONik 161 Cattle: 3716 x 24 13) SNOB) (Ue ew oon ton om mgt CoD DCO OUGS .. Paris Member of the Societé des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Medals, Salon, 1881, 1887; Hors Concours, Lyons, 1872; London, 1884; ’ Carcassonne, 1875; Sydney, 1878; Melbourne, 1879; Anvers, 1885. 162 Water Mill, Veules en Caux. (33) JOHNSON @(David), NaAv. ccc ccs et 163 Old Homestead, Shark River, N_J. 16 x 12 QUARTIEBY “(A.)