af ages: FUND 86 OLY, 2 OF NEW YORK, Instituted 1859. Chartered 1861, me LOGUE E ANWEAL SRG PAINTINGS, Td by Members in Aid of the Fund, Now ON FREE EXHIBITION, i ate i WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION iesday Eve’e., Jan. 25th, 1876, At Ezeur O’crock, IN THE LARGE HALL, ASSOCIATION BUILDING, * Cor. 28d. Street & 4th Avenue. | ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer, LIBRARY \ ‘ a M.KNOEDLER & GO. % an 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York Ld OFFICERS. THOMAS HICKS, - =. “se? 4) aye el eee J. 9G. BROWN, = . ~ = 250 Braise President, J. M. FALCONER, - 5 : z - - Treasurer. « Secretary, — H. W. ROBBINS, JR., ' L ' ‘ ' / i V tet a JOHN W. CASILEAR — => (Seen cm S:R. GIFFORD, = ©. - ¢s. f= Board S. J. GUY, Mere D. HUNTINGTON, =. +> eee i| Control DAVID JOHNSON, - Si ee } a% F.N. OTIS, M. D.- - - - Honorary Medical Adviser. — Continues Sram previovs Pade - eS ——— ———. | "ono of William Morgan’s -eaassisntionaTy painted child “pictures, $76; *‘New England Home,’ one of the best pictures in the collection, $135; ° Hiding, ”» py J. G. Brown, a prettily posed little girl in the shade, with the bright sunlight beyond her, $150; “Berkshire ' Meadows,’ by sh B_ Bristol, $155: “Shelling Peas, Norman 'y, »” a water color, by G, Boughton, $503 “Bald Peak, Maruiat, N. a M by A. HL Wyant, $80; | ©The Wandering Minstrels, % 9 crayon, by F. 0, C. “Darley, $65; “Twilight on “the Marshes »? by W. Whit- ppreces, $80; ‘‘Column of St. Mark’s, Venice,’ by John F, Weir, $100; ‘‘Autnmn Fo g,?? by W. H. Beard, $85; “Roaring Brook, ” one of a W. Casilear’s ‘silvery haired landscapes, $160; ‘‘Brittany Flower Girl,’ by Thomas Hicks, $500: “The Matterhorn at “Sunrise,” byS. R. J. Gifford, $250; “As Much as He Can | Stand,’’ a small picture, one ofS. ie Guy’s ragged boys, with a heavy trunk on his back, $400; “‘The Close of ae) A a quiet country scene at sunset, by H.W. Robbins, , $65; **The Secret,’? by W. J. Hennessy, $20; “On tthe Saco, My Tk Huntington, $165; “Connecticut River at ‘Lancaster, N. H., by David "Johnson, $200; ~-————, ‘What the Shell Says, a little girl holding a Shell to | -anold man’s ear, which’ is one of the simplest and lovehest pictures | ever painted by Eastman Johnson, $725; “Sunset, Coast of Maine,’’ by M. F. H. De Haas, $270; “On-the Arno at Florence, Italy, by J. F, Crop- Sey, $105; ‘‘Waiting for the Clams to Grow,’’ b George ©, Lambdin; ‘‘Boats Entering the Lagoon a . Venice, dv R. S. Gifford, $95; ‘Sure Catch,” J.0G. Brown's little street Arab with hands outstretched to jeatch the coming ball, a figure full of action, well idrawn and fine in color, a genuine American pic- _ture 1D sentiment and subject, $305; ‘‘Quiet Nook at 'Cape Ann,” by A. F, Bricher, $210; ‘The Ballad, ‘Normandy, inblack and white, by George tab Bough. ‘ton; “Pwilght at Queens, L. L., 9 by Charles Be Miller, $130; “Fisherman’s Pride, cay by’ George H. Storey, $45: “A Brook in the Wilderness, ” by J. L. Fitch, $35; “Tannscape with Cattle,”? by John Pope, $80; “phe - North Dutch Church, New York City, on July 3, "1875, ms ‘by John M. Falconér, $75; ‘‘Sunset on the Coast, ” by | J. O. Nicoll, $55; “The Wayside Shrine,’’ after much controversy as to who was the last bidder, by wAorge H. Yewell, $30; ‘“Lrout Brook, Manchester, N.Y, by A. C. Howland, $50; “Beverly Shore, Cape Ann, 2 | by Charles Parsons, $100; “Strictly Confidential,” by ' Alfred Jones, $75; ‘“The Alhan Mount, Italy,’? by C, , P. Cranch, $20; ‘sugar Loaf Mountain, Orange County, N. Y.,’’ by John Williamson, $30; ‘‘Winter in Brit- tany,”? by ‘Thomas ~— Hicks, $125 ; “New England Scenery,” by R. W. Hubbard, $135; “The Tw ilight Hour, New York Harbor,”’ by F. A. Silva, $115 ; “Among the Green Mountains, Vermont,”’ by W. L. Sonntag, $80; ‘‘La Croix d’Expiation, Normandy,’ by W. J. Hennessy, $40; ‘‘Brook Study, Ramapa,’’ by David Johnson, $160; ‘‘Distant View of the Catskills,”? f by dae We Oasilear, $155; “The Newspaper,’’ a solitary old man reading, by B. P. Ryder, $105; ‘‘Setters and Grouse,” by A. F. ait, after spirited bidding, $450; “Cloister of San Gregorio, Venice,” by D. MM. Arm- | strong, $50; ‘An English Cottage, 3 by 'T. A. Richards, | ‘$72; ‘The Signal, Dy De Me Carker, $110; “Glimpses | of Lake Champlain from Ferrisburg, iD by Ay B. Bristol, $290, not one-fourth its value; “Hemlock Trees,”? by J. D. Barrow, $30; ‘‘Kensell’s_ Point, ) by Vincent Col- yer, $105; cNear Plymonth, N. H., 9 by William L. .Sontagg, $55; “New England Professor of Psalmody,’’ | asingle figure of an old man playing on a violin, $150; seeectiied 2 | “View on the Mohawk,’’ by Edward Gay, $65; “The | Little Convalescent, Capri, ‘by Louis Lang, $145; ‘View from Albrecht Durer’s House, Nuremburg,”’ a ‘a ea and ink sketch, by Mrs. Greatorex, $30, 1 2 Ea. TE TEOME Y : = em rr nae a a ’ ; FINE ARTSs (eer py a) ‘SALE OF PICTURES CONTEIBUTED TO THE ARTISTS’ FUND SOCIETY. The sixteenth annual sale of the Artists’ Fund Society took place at Associaticn Hall last evening. The prices | realized were generally good for this season. The society is one of the most worthy of public patronage | of any in the city, as it is the only association of artisis | which is of practical benefit to themselves or families, The business affairs of the society are managed by com- } | petent men, who work harmoniously for the mutual |} benefit of all connected with it The funds are well | invested, and the institution isin a position to afford a greater amount of relief every year, The pic- tures contributed are viewed by’ a committee, who decide whether they are of the value represented, independent of the money value of the artist’s name, and if at the auction sale they do not realize that amount ($75 or $100), the loss is that of the society. if, on the contrary, the pictures sell for more than the standard price, the surplus is refunded to the artist. The following is the result of the sale:—‘Scene in : County in October,”? by John Carlin, $10; “Gateway at Stamford, Conn.,”’ by A. C. Howland, $28; “Skaneateles Lake,” by J. D. Barrow, $15; ‘October on the Salt Meadows,’’ by Vincent Calyer, $25; Statu- | tte of Charlotte Cushman as Meg Merriles, by Carl | Muller, $13; ‘‘Noon, Midsummer,”’ by John Pope, with | , a group of elms, which he paints so well in a meadow, | | with cattle wading in a brook and strolling among the trees, sold for . $96; ‘Morning in New Amsterdam,’’ by Joh Carlin, $20; ‘Moon- rise at Grand Menan,’’ by A. T. Bricher, after spirited bidding, brought $200; ‘‘Little Sunshine,’’ by George C. Lambdin, well known as a painter of flowers, but who has not lost caste by painting figures, $145; “Glenn Lyn, Lynmouth, England,’ by T. Addison Richards, $30; ‘“‘Upper Valley of the Housatonic,’ by John Williamson, $12; ‘tA Widow at Capri,”’ by Louis | - Lang, $30; ‘The Friends,’ by D. M. Carter, $87 50; “The Reaper Maiden,’ by J. M. Falconer, $50; ‘‘Shore of Lake Ontario,’? by Hamer Martin, $26; SCA Quiet |~ Whiff,” by P. P. Ryder, $135; a pair of ‘Centennial’ vases, by Carl Muller, $50 the pair; ‘Scene in North Wales,” by Ernest Parton, $90; ‘Sunrise on Barne- gat Beach, by F. A. Silva, $55; “The Overhanging Elms,” by Edward Gay, $85; “Old New York at Sev-. enty-sixth street in 1868,’’ one of fast disappearing old || homesteads, by Mrs, Eliza Greatorex, $92 50; “Near the Coliseum, Rome,” by D. Maitland Armstrong, $40; ‘Interior at the Grand Marina, Capri,’’ by Louis Lang, $60; ‘View from the Bluffs at Newport, R. B Ok oS fa GC. Griswold, $380; ‘‘Noonday m Keene Valley,’’ by Arthur ;Parton, $75; ‘A Brunette,” by Alexander — Lamrie, $82; ‘‘Gloaming, Isle of Shoals,’’ by Charles | Parsons, $12; ‘‘Camping Out in the Adirondacks,”’ by |. Hermann Fuechsel, $60; ‘‘Conbadina,” by H. A. Loop, x $75; ‘Head of the Column,” a water color, by Julian |) Scott, $100; “Good Dog, Scotty,” a snow scene with — sheep and dog, one of his most successful pictures, by |: A. F. Lait, $540; “The Last Will,” by Charles F, Blau- | velt, $90; ‘View Near Jamaica Bay, Lb. 1,” |) ; by Charles H. Miller, $65; “Summer “Afternoon,” | J Continued on other sic me In a List OF MeEmBERs, WITH ADDRESS. 1» Armstronea, D. M., 14th Street and Fourth Avenue. Barrow, J. D., 806 Broadway, New York. Bearp, W. H.. 51 West 10th Street Buavuvett, C. F., U. 8S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Boveuton, G. H., Grove Lodge, The Mall. Kensington, London, England. Bricner A. T., Y. M.C. A. Building, 23d Street and Fourth Ave. Briston, J. B., Y. M. C. A. Building, 23d Street and Fourth Avenue. Brown, J. G., 51 West 10th Street, New York. Cartin, J., 212 West 25th Street. Carter, D. M., 104 East 24th Street. CasruEar, J. W. 51 West 10th Street. Conver. V., Y. M. C. A. Building, 23d Street and Ponti Avenue. Crancu, C. P., Cambridge, Mass. Cropsey, J. F., 200 West 43d Street, City. Dartey, F. 0. C, Claymont, Delaware. DeHaas, M. F. H, 51 West 10th Street. Fatconrr, J. M , 42 Barclay Street. Frreg, J. L., 51 West 10th Street. FurcuseL, H., 40 East 23d Street. Gay, E., 212 Fifth Avenue, New York Catia, R.S., Y. M. C. A. Building, 23d Street and Fourth Ave. | GirrorD, S. R., 51 West 10th Street. | GREATtoREX, Mrs Exiza, 128 East 18th Street. | GRISWOLD, C. C., Rome, Italy. | Guy, S. J., 51 West 10th Street. . | Hennessey, W J., Bellevue House, Chelsea, near London, England. Hicks, T., 6 Astor Place, New York. | ica, A. C., Y. M. C. A, Building, 23d Street and Fourth Ave. Hupsparp, R. W., 51 West 10th Street. Hontineton, D., 49 East 20th Street. | JoHNSON, Davin, Y, M. C, A. Building, 23d Street and Fourth Ave. LIST OF MEMBERS.—Conrruvep. JoHNSON, Eastman, 65 West 55th Street. Jonrs, A., National Bank Note Company, 1 Wall Street. Lana, Lovtis, Capri, Italy. Lampgpin, G. C., 211 Prince Street, Germantown, Pa. Lawris, ALEXANDER, 212 Fifth Avenue, New York. Loop, H A., 142 East 18th Street. Marrin, Homer, 51 West 10th Street. Mrier, Cuas H., 146 West 40th Street. Morean, Wm, 1267 Broadway. - Muuter, C , 75th Street between Avenue A. and Kast erie Nicotz, J. C , 51 West 10th Street. Parsons, C., 82 Cliff Street. Parton, A., 51 West 10th Street. Parton, E., 51 West 10th Street. Pops, Joun, 4° + 21st Street. Ricuarps, T. 4. Nat Academy of Design, 23d St. and Fourth Ave. Rossins, H. W.Jr., Y. M. C. A. Building, 23d Street and Fourth Ave. Rypvrer Pratt P., 335 East 118th Street, Harlem Scorr, Jutian, 51 West 10th Street. Sriva, F. A., 806 Broadway. Sonntrac, W. L., 120 East 22d Street. Srory, Gro. H., Y. M. C. A. Building, 23d Street and Fourth Ave. Tarr, A. F., Y. M. C. A Building, 23d Street and Fourth Avenue. Wer, J F, 307 Orange Street, New Haven, Conn. WHITTREDGE, W., 51 West 10th Street, City. Wiuuiamson, J., 6 Astor Place. Wyant, A. H., Y M.C. A. Building 23d Street and Fourth Avenue, YEWELL, G, H., Rome, Italy. : a eg JFSeats will be reserved tor ladies attending the sale. Parties unable to attend the sale may confide their orders to the Board of Control], or the Auctioneer. SATALOGU E. Price of Frame 7 JOHN CARLIN. i] L Orange County, N. Y., in October. $12 00 a Gs HOWLAND. Gateway at Stamford, Conn., with view of Gey Long Island Sound in the distance. _ 21 00 5 J. D. BARROW. Skaneateles Lake. 7 | 17 00 i, VINCENT COLYER. October on the Salt Meadows. | 18 C0 Pv 5 CARL MULLER. ee Statuette of Charlotte Cushman as Meg Mer- / 2 rilles. 7 JOHN POPE, . Noon, Midsummer. 30 00 G5 JOHN CARLIN. | 3 Morning in New Amsterdam. | 12 00 9 0 A. T. BRICHER Moonrise Grand Manan. 35 00 Sp), 17 Works, Greenpoint, L. I., designed by the proprietor, Thomas ©. — Smith, modeled and decorated with free-hand etchings by Carl Miil- ler—being proof copies of the larger Centennial Vase, and now only — presented to the public in complimentary appreciation of Mr. Mil-— ler’s labors.” ; 18 19 20 6 Price of Frame. GEORGE C. LAMBDIN Little Sunshine. $20 00 T. ADDISON RICHARDS. . ‘ Glenn Lyn, Lynmouth, Eng. 20 00 JOHN WILLIAMSON. Upper Valley of the Housatonic, Berkshire, Mass. 20 00 LOUIS LANG. A Widow at Capri. 20 00 D. M. CARTER. The Friends—“ Do, dear, advise me!” 20 00 JOHN M, FALCONER. The Reaper Maiden. | 15 00 HOMER MARTIN. Shore of Lake Ontario. | 17 00 P. Pi ‘RYDER. A Quiet Whiff. 34 00 CARL MULLER. Two Vases. “Two Porcelain Vases, manufactured by the Union Porcelain | ERNEST PARTON. Scene in North Wales. 45 00- F: A. SILVA. } Sunrise on Barnegat Beach. 30 00° EDWARD GAY a The Overhanging Elms. 6 86 00 Py 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 7 Price of Fyame. ELIZA GREATOREX Z. G?. ZO Old New York at 76th street in 1868. Study from Nature. — D. MAITLAND ARMSTRONG 4LO Near the Coliseum, Rome. : LOUIS LANG. Interior at the Grand Marina, Capri. $20 00 60, Cc. C. GRISWOLD. At Newport, R. I. 35 00 32. ARTHUR PARTON. Noonday in Keene Valley. ye be A. LAWRIE. | A Brunette. 20 ufhliz. CHAS. PARSONS... _ Gloaming, Isle of Shoals. — 20 00 JZ. HERMANN FUECHSEL. , Camping Out in the Adirondacks. 20 00 A d. ‘H. A. LOOP. x ne Contadina. 35 00 vA 3. JULIAN SCOTT: | Head of the Column. ; 12 00 JO0 A. F. TAIT. . “ Good Dog, Scotty.” 7 3600 S£oQ ; CHAS. F. BLAUVELT. The Lost Will. 1500 SO 8 Price of Frame. 5 CHARLES H. MILLER. « 4 View near Jamaica Bay, L. I. $20 00 — WILLIAM MORGAN. Summer Afternoon. Jo 34 (40. R. W. HUBBARD. New England Home. J. G. BROWN. Hiding. 3 J. B. BRISTOL. Berkshire Meadows. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON. Shelling Peas, Normandy. | A. H. WYANT. Bald Peak, Moriah, N. Y. F. O. C. DARLEY. The Wandering Minstrels. W. WHITTREDGE. Twilight on the Marsh. JOHN F. WEIR. Column of St. Mark’s, Venice. Autumn Fog. J. W:, CASILEAR. | Roaring Brook. W. H. BEARD. 21 00 | 32 00 28 00 35 00 400 20 00 14 00- 20 00 18 00. 20 00 26 00 | 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 9 THOMAS HICKS. Brittany Flower-Girl. ; S. R. GIFFORD.,. The Matterhorn at Sunrise. | S. J. GUY. As Much as He Can Stand. H. W. ROBBINS, Jr. The Close of Day. W. J. HENNESSY The Secret. ay D. HUNTINGTON. On the Saco. DAVID JOHNSON. Connecticut River at Lancaster, N. H. — EASTMAN JOHNSON. “What the Shell Says” M. F. H. DeHAAS. Sunset, Coast of Maine. J. F. CROPSEY. On the Arno at Florence, Italy. GEORGE C. LAMBDIN. - Waiting for the Clams to Grow. R. SWAIN GIFFORD. Boats Entering the Lagoon at Venice. Price of on $30 00 25 00