FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION "0 | ID Ky | | Commencing Saturday * March 28+ and Continuing Until T " ime of Sale» Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.7 Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Saturday * April 4 *» Commencing at 2:15 p.m | Sales Conducted by Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke |» § Kindly Read the Conditions of Sale Under Which every Item is Offered and Sold * They Are Printed on Pages 65 to 67 Inclusive Bo Exhibition and Sale at the AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue + 56%" to 57th Street New York City 1925 s. , v Kha, feet mL IP J); MOSENTHAL COLLECTION o |S aN cpanen GROUPS, FIGURINES AND BAS-RELIEFS IN POLYCHROME, WALNUT, OAK, LIMESTONE, ALA- BASTER AND STUCCO BY THE EARLY GOTHIC MAS- TERS AND ROSSELINO AND LUCA DELLA ROBBIA ¢ A NOBLE MARBLE HEAD BY A SALONIKA SCULPTOR OF THE FIRST CENTURY B.C. » PRIMITIVES BY STARNINA, TADDEO DI BARTOLI AND ISENBRANDT AND A NOTABLE TRIPTYCH OF THE EARLY BRUGES SCHOOL »« THREE FRENCH GOTHIC TAPESTRIES. » DANTESCA CHAIRS, A PRIE-DIEU AND AN ITALIAN RENAISSANCE LIBRARY TABLE » EGYPTIAN SCULPTURES FROM THE IV TO THE XVIII DYNASTY « CHINESE BRONZES OF ies ANG Y NASTY MAINLY FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF STEFANO BARDINI, HENRY C. LAW- RENCE, CANESSA, HAVILAND, DEMOTTE Ae) PER POUA LLY. NOTABLE ANTIQUARIAN SOURCES Pay ae ee ae ie ss oO we, t « — ht ow s = = a ~ ¥ “a < i ae n = - “ ¢ : a ' be — - vs or 7: ‘ | »* . . 0 5%) i z : ~~ CATALOGUE 7 Oe Soe ila : ‘hee , ] pies hs THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Peet ruLil J, MOSENTHAL COLLECTION AFTERNOON OF APRIL 4, 1925 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. Deemer rama Weiiee Address in Full___— Amount of Deposit——__—___—_—— UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 4 (Commencing at 2:15 ©’(lock CATALOGUE NUMBERS | TO 106 INCLUSIVE | 1@% 1—Two Pottery Bowts Grecian, First Century Bell-shaped bowl with molded foot and two loop side handles. Glazed in warm black. Widths, 8 inches and 6 inches. Note: Found at Olbia. From the Joseph Chmielowski Collection, American Art Assocta- tion, 1922. 2—PorTtTery VASE | Grecian, First Century Bowl-shaped gadrooned body, with incurved neck and loop handles having projecting flanges. On molded base, glazed black. Note: Found at Olbia. Width, 4°34 inches. From the Joseph Chmielowski Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1922. 3—Decoratep Porrery Borrie Corinthian, XV Century B.C. Globular, with deeply incurved neck, flanged mouth and short loop handle. Decorated in tones of aubergine with standing pea- cocks and curious lobed floral medallion. Height, 41 inches. Note: Excavated at Corinth, Greece. 4—Farence FicuRInE Egyptian, IV Dynasty Usnasti. Standing figure with arms folded, wearing priestly headdress and fluted skirt glazed in greens and yellows. On remnant of original cedarwood base. Height, 5 inches. [10 ] 5—ScurtprureD Limestone Heap Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty Portrait of Amenophis III about 1480 B.C. Very broadly cut with an expression of pleasant thought. On walnut base. Height, 41, inches. 6—ScuLprureD ALABASTER GrovuPr Flemish, Early XVII Century Caritas. Robed standing figure symbolic of Charity, carrying an infant on her right arm and having two others at her feet. A fragment set in oblong peartree block. Height, 4% inches; width, 234 inches. 7—ScuLptTureD Boxwoop Bas-RELIEF Rhenish, XVI Century Sr. Jutran. Shield-shaped, bearing an effigy of the Saint trav- eling, carrying a staff in his left hand, a missal in his right, and a hunting bag carried over his shoulders. Height, 55% inches. Acquired privately from the Henry C. Lawrence Collection. 8—T wo CuInEsE Porrery Toms STaTUETTES T’ang Period (a) Standing figure of a gracious young matron. (3) Seated figure of a court belle with high headdress. Heights, 10 inches and 714 inches. 9—PotycHRoMED Farence BaAs-RELIEF Spanish, XVI Century St. JOsEPH AND THE InFant Saviour. Half length figure of the saint in green robes holding in his arms the Infant Poour, In oblong molded frame of PNeneg Gilded. Height, 14 inches; width, 11% inches. 10—Bronze Bust Cambodian, circa 1000 Buppua. Modeled somewhat in the Chinese manner of corre- sponding period, with long lobed ears and curiously knotted hair closely fitting to the scalp with a rosette at crown. Traces of gilding and polychrome exist. On carved wood square molded high pedestal. Height, 31% inches. [SEL | 11—Guazep TErRa-corT- TA PANEL Florentine, Late Spanish, XV Oblong, molded at foot and base, dis- playing in low relief a cartouche scrolled medallion; support- ed by two standing figures of amorini. Glazed in purple- black. Height, 7 inches; length, 11% inches. Obverse of No. 12 12—Gornic Wax SEAL Cologne, XV Century Obverse with seated figure of St. Peter under a Gothic traceried niche; surrounded by a lengthy inscription. Reverse with bust of saint and further inscription. Mounted on XVI century crimson velvet. (Illustrated) Two Goruic ForcED Iron CANDLESTICKS Spanish, XV Century 13 Expanding shaft, with loop handles, square dish bobéche and socket, supported on tripod arched legs with spade feet. Height, 14 inches. Reverse of No. 12 [32] 14—Carvep Waunut Bracket Italian, XVI Century Oblong top of a later period, supported on console developing winged head of a cherub amid scrollings and a pendant of husks. Height, 1414 inches; length, 1714 inches. 15—Two Carvep anp GitpED Brackets Chippendale Period Shell-shaped top, supported on a spread eagle perched on scroll- ings of rocaille and flowers. Height, 1414 inches. 16—PotycHromep Carvep Leatuer PLaaur Spanish, Late XVI Century On THE Roap to GotcotrHa. Christ is seen about centre in red robes sinking to his knees under the weight of the cross; at the right and left of him are Roman soldiers. Oval, in oblong carved frame. Height, 1014 inches; width, 8 inches. From the Matthias Raphael Collection, London, 1906. 17—IttumimatTep VELLUM Panet Swiss, End of XV Century Tue Beneapine or Joun tHE Baptist. Leaf from psalter depicting within an oval medallion Herod standing beyond the martyred saint whose head is held above by his executioner; at right is Salome. Executed in brilliant colors and gilding. Flanked by bars of music at right and floral Gothic scrollings at left; reverse with text and further bars of music. Height, 11% inches; width, 9% inches. From the Capuchin Cloister of Wye, Canton of St. Gall, Switz- erland. 18—Goruic GinpED ScuLprurEeD Group Northern French, Late XV Century Tue Vircin Enruronep. The coroneted Virgin in voluminous robes is seated with her feet on cloud forms. Height, 914 inches; width, 6 inches. From the Dikran Kelekian Collection. Lag 19—Two Scutprurep Viot Heaps — Italian, Early XVII Century (a) Scroll, terminating in the head of a youth. (3) Leaf-scrolled at back, terminating in a very finely cut leonic head. Heights, 11 and 9 inches. 20—T wo ScvuLPprurED AND GILDED Ficurines Italian, Early XVII Century Wincep AnceEts. Standing figures in semi-military costumes with arms outstretched and wings spread. On molded lozenge- shaped pedestals. Height, 13% inches. 21—ScuuLpTureD Pint Heap Italian, Early XVI Century Satyr-mask; long ears over low brows, curling hair and beard. Length, 14 inches. 22—GotTuic Brass STATUETTE Flemish, XVI Century Robed standing figure of the Holy Mother wearing long curling hair and a coronet. Height, 6 inches. 23—Bronze Ficurine Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty A QurEN. Standing figure wearing simple long robes to feet, expanding box-shaped oval headdress peaked at back. She is in the attitude of walking. Rich deep green patina. On black marble base. Height, 8 inches. From the Sitmkovich Collection. 24—Bronze Cuinese Trivop VESSEL Han Period Deep bowl shape with outcurving rim, sustaining two upright lug handles; the body enriched with a band of archaic scrollings. On circular upright tripod legs. Rich green patina developing earthy incrustations. Height, 914 inches. [14] 25—Repousst Brass PLaQuE Nuremberg, XVI Century Circular, with molded flaring rim, enriched with bossed oval medallions; the centre displaying subject THE RETURN OF THE Two Men rrom THE Promised Lanp bearing on their shoulders a huge bunch of grapes. Diameter, 1734 inches. 26—Repovussé Brass Disu Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with flanged border enriched with punched fleurs-de-lys and rosettes; the centre occupied by subject, Tur ANNUNCIA- TION OF THE Vircrin, surrounded by an extremely interesting border of scrolled oval floral medallions. Diameter, 15 inches. 27—Gotuic Brass Triprycu Augsburg, Early XVI Century Oblong panel, deeply chiseled with three-quarter length figure of a knight in plate armor holding his elaborate casque in his hands; flanked by twisted columns, pediment and apron of pierced tracery and Gothic leafage; arched wings enriched with figures of knights and their ladies at devotion. Height, 101%, inches; width closed, 45% inches. 28—-Gornic Rrpoussh Brass PLaquE Venetian, Early XVI Century Circular, with flanged rim punched with fleurs-de-lys and leaf mo- tives; marly with spiraled flutings, the centre occupied by the figure of St. Christopher carrying the Christ Child across a stream. Diameter, 1614 inches. 29—Goruic Repousst Brass PLAQuE Venetian, Early XVI Century Circular, with flanged molded rim, enhanced with dainty leaf motives; the marly with spiral flutings ; the centre slightly bossed with spiral gadroonings about a circular medallion surrounded by two borders of lengthy Gothic inscription. Diameter, 1614 inches. Lisa 30—Two Bett Merat Attar CAaNnpLESTICKS Italian, XVI Century Baluster shafts, with spiraled expanding upper portion; large dish bobéche, supported on _ triangular leaf scrolled bases centred with heads of seraphs. Claw-and-ball feet. (Rims chipped. ) Heights, 213, inches. 31I—ScuLPTURED WALNUT Figure Italian, XVI Century Recumbent figure of a lion, sculptured in archaic man- ner with curling mane. Has been painted gray. Length, 11 inches. 32—ScuLPTURED CEDAR FIGuRINE Egyptian, IV Dynasty SEATED FicgurRE oF a Man. Very archaically rendered with long emaciated arms. (One arm loose.) Height, 734, inches. Note: Excavated at Kurna, near the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. 33—PERUVIAN DeEcoRATED PotrErRY Water BorrLE Pre-Inca Period Body in the form of an Indian’s head; the vase glazed old-red with eyes in ivory; the cap enriched with bands of tooth motives and archaic dragons, also in red. Arched loop handle having tubular spout at centre with further red glaze. Height, 11 inches. From the Collection of Marius de Zayas. (Illustrated) [16 | 34—Two GorHic Carvep Marie Panets French, XV Century Oblong, pierced with circular and pointed arched tracery of a most delicate character. Heights, 19 inches; width, 81% inches. 35—CuHIneEsE Bronze Bowt Han Pertod Deep bowl, with molded sharply outcurving lip and loop handles terminating at foot with hooks and at crown with t’ao-t’ieh ogre heads; on slightly outcurved high foot. ‘The body and foot enriched with raised and bossed bands of archaic angular cloud scrollings. Rich golden-brown and green patina disclosing earthy incrustations at various areas. Height, 61% inches; width, 11% inches. From the Leonce Rosenberg Collection, Paris. 386—Gornic IntumiInaTED VELLUM PaNnEL French, XV Century Tur Birtu or Our Lorp. Music with text on both sides; psalter of verse with large capital D bearing an oval medallion depicting The Birth of Christ, The Virgin resting on a pallet, St. Joseph at the foot of the bed and St. Anne beyond carrying the Holy Infant. Exceptionally beautiful border at top, foot and left side; adorned with interlacing scrollings of Gothic leaves, birds, flowers, fruit and butterflies; executed in great charm in brilliant colors and gilding. Framed. Height, 18%4 inches; width, 121% inches. 37—SILVER BrocapE Cover French, XVII Century Rare salmon-pink field, woven in silver threads with scrollings ~ of leaves, cornucopia and small vines of flowers; trimmed with original borders of rosette patterned gold galloon. Length, 38 inches; width, 29 inches. 38—Larer Crimson Damask Cover Italian, XVI Century Wine-crimson of two tones, woven with sprays of varied lilies and other flowers. 8 feet 4 inches by 7 feet 1 inch. 39—MepicEAn Crimson BrocaTELLeE Cover Luccan, XV Century Three breadths of highly conventionalized bouquets and scroll- ings, each having inwoven dentil and leaf borders. 72 inches by 66 inches. clos 40—GrEEN VELVET CovER Italian, XVII Century Interesting deep toned green, fluctuating to areas of lighter sil- very tone, showing the impress of earlier embroidery; at one end trimmed with wave pattern gold galloon. 40 inches by 47 inches. 41—Gotp BrocapE Cover Italian, Late XVII Century Damassé bleu-de-ciel field, woven in pinks, blues, yellows and gold threads with leaf scrollings emitting small bouquets of flowers. Trimmed with gold galloon. 42 inches by 40 inches. 42—-Crimson VELVET Cover Italian, XVII Century Lustrous crimson velvet, fluctuating in areas to rosy tones. 46 inches by 191% inches. 43—GENOESE VELVET CovER AVI Century Golden-yellow field, woven in cut and uncut crimson velvet with sprays of varied lilies. 51 inches by 1314 inches. 44——ScuLpTurED WALNUT STATUETTE Southern French, End-of XIII Century BisHor 1x Furr Canonicats. Dignified standing figure wear- ing robes of office and mitre; his arms extended in the act of blessing. (The hands have been restored. ) Note: An extremely rare specimen of Gothic sculpture of very simple and dignified character. 45—ScuLpTrureD ALABASTER BaAs-RELIEF | English, Nottingham, XV Century The coroneted half length figure of the Holy Father appears in the act of blessing; below him is the triple-crowned head of a Pope. A fragment mounted on brocade panel. Height, 8 inches; width, 4 inches. [18 ] 46—Scutprrurep Ivory Votive Courr African, XVI Century Coupe enriched with interesting in- terlacing scrolled medallions at crown and chevrons at foot. Sup- ported on a group of five outfacing warriors in the strange costumes of their varied tribes; each holds his murderous weapon at his side. On annular base enriched with further interlacing medallions. Very rich deep amber toned patina. Height, 714, inches. Note: It is interesting to note that the chief wears a necklace terminating in a Maltese cross. Found in the City of Benin, Central Africa. (Illustrated) 47—Fovur Goruic GitpEp-sitver Morses Rhenish, XV Century Lobed cruciform medallions, enriched with busts of The Four Evangelists in high relief. On crimson velvet panel. Framed. 48—SiLtveErR AQUEMANALE French, XVI Century Standing figure of a lion, its right paw sustaining cartouched coat of arms blazoned with a rampant lion; its tail curled over back forming handle and scrolled with bird and serpent. Vigor- ously modeled in a broad archaic manner. Height, 81%, inches; length, 1034 inches. Note: ‘These aqueemanales were used as ewers at the celebration of mass to wash the fingers of the officiating priest’s hands and are extremely rare, especially in silver. From the Collection of M. de Meurville, Bordeaux. L19 ] 49—Two Gornuic ScutprurepD Oax Grotesque Ficures English, circa 1500 Figure of a peasant half kneeling tying the latchet of his shoe; the other, seated figure of a man pointing with his two hands to his sole remaining tooth. Both in the interesting costumes of the period and very broadly modeled. Heights, 131%, and 12% inches. 50—PoLycHROMED ScuLPTURED ALABASTER GROUP English, Nottingham, Early XV Century Tue AporaTion oF THE Viren. Within curious large oval nimbus is the standing figure of the Holy Virgin, her hands raised on her breast in the attitude of adoration; she is sur- rounded by angelic figures and the donor evidently is kneeling at her feet. A fragment only. Mounted on oblong brocade panel. Height, 17 inches; width, 1034 inches. 51—Gornic ScutprurepD Watnutr ALTO-RELIEVO GRouUP Rhenish, Early XVI Century Curist at THE Cotumn. Figure of Christ bound to a column about centre under two depressed Gothic arches; at right are two Roman soldiers and at left two of the rabble which followed to His persecution. Height, 28 inches; width, 19 inches. 52—-PoLtycHROMED ScuLPTURED WALNUT STATUETTE Tuscan, Early XVI Century Kneeling figure of a maiden; she wears curling hair, blue waist and gray robes. The face painted naturalistically. Height, 16 inches. From the Henry C. Lawrence Collection, American Art Asso- ciation, 1921. [ 20] 53—GorTHIc SCULPTURED ALABASTER STATUETTE AND PEDESTAL English, Nottingham, XV Century Sr. JoHN THE Baptist. Standing figure, wearing long curling hair and beard and his proverbial hair shirt, over which is draped a mantle falling to his feet. On incurved molded oblong base. Exceptionally rich warm brownish patina. Total height, 191% inches. (Companion to the following) (Illustrated) 54—GotuHic ScuLpTuRED ALABASTER STATUETTE AND PEDESTAL English, Nottingham, XV Century Maponna And Critp. Standing figure of the Virgin, remark- able for its dignified simplicity. She wears a crown over her light hood, closely fitting robes and a mantle falling from her right shoulder caught up by her left hand under the feet of the Infant Saviour whom she holds with her right arm. On molded incurved base. Exceptionally rich warm brownish patina. Total height, 191% inches. (Companion to the preceding) (Illustrated) 55—RoMANESQUE PoLYCHROMED AND SCULPTURED STATUETTE Biscayan, Late XII Century St. Mary Macpatren. Standing figure wearing long robes and curious embroidery soutane, the sleeves puffed with flutings. She carries a ciborium in her hands and has long curling hair. Archaic modeling showing a little Byzantine influence. Height, 20 inches. Note: The shrine illustrated in the plate opposite is Catalogue No. 83, (Illustrated) Peg (9g a6vd uo paqrsasaq ) NIQHS GHIdONV() Gada TIX) INV GHAUV’) OLH.LOY) SHLLHOLVIG dato LtdTAoSG—gg aNv GQ ‘eG —8 "SON O 223] 56—Larre Gornic Scurprurep Oax Group Flemish, XVI Century THE GARDEN oF GEeTHsEMANE. The kneeling figure of Christ is seen high on the rocks to left before a chalice; below are seen the figures of St. Joseph, St. Peter and St. James asleep; at upper right corner is a group of four Roman soldiers. The agony of the Lord is well depicted and the attitude of the sleepers is most naturalistic in character. Height, 221% inches; width, 12 inches. Note: The late Georges Demotte in a letter to the owner expressed a desire to have a photograph of this interesting group to publish in a then forthcoming work. [ 23 ] 57—ScuLpTurRED WALNUT STATUETTE Tyrolean, Late XV Century Sr. Froriran. Wearing a curious high lobed hat of the period over curling hair, half armor and ample mantle; he carries the symbolic stoup of water in his right hand. On irregular rustic base. Height, 17%, inches. : Note: St. Florian was one of the eight tutelary saints of Austria and was martyred in the reign of Galerius. His symbol, the stoup of water, recalls his miraculous feat of extinguishing a burning church with a similar amount of water. From the Henry C. Lawrence Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1921. [ 24 ] 58—Scutprvurep Oak Busr Northern French, Early XV Century Bust of an Advocate wearing short curling hair, mustache, beard and robes. He has an expression of determination and discrim- ination which gives a very dignified air to the composition. On lozenge-shaped crimson velvet base. Height, 1334 inches. From the famous Collection of Charles E. H aviland, Limoges, France. (Illustrated) 59—Goruic ScULPTURED ALABASTER BAS-RELIEF English, Nottingham, XV Century Tue Visrr or THE THREE Wise MEN oF THE East. A grace- ful Madonna is enthroned under a canopy at right, holding the Infant Saviour on her lap; before her are the Three Wise Men bearing various presents to her. At foot at right the heads of two asses are seen and a figure of St. Joseph. (Arm missing.) Height, 161%, inches; width, 11 inches, [ 25 ] 60—GrarEco-Roman Statuary Marsrie Bust Salonika, 100 to 150 B.C. Portrrair Bust or a Youtu. Sensitive classic head wearing laurel wreathed curling hair and toga. On molded circular dark toned serpentined marble base of later period. Tall oak pedestal with revolving top for same. Height, 16%, inches. Note: Frederick Enner, Director of the Louvre for many years, strongly advised Mr. Rosenberg to acquire this noble specimen of Graeco-Roman sculpture. From the Collection of Leonce Rosenberg, Paris. (Illustrated) 61—Goruic ScuLprurRED Oax Bust Northern French, XIV Century Heap or Curist. Wearing long curling hair, mustache and beard, crowned with a wreath of thorns, the head slightly inclined forward bearing an expression of subdued agony. On crimson velvet base; the cutting in exceptionally free and bold manner. Height, 12 inches. [ 26 | 62-—Scutprurep Woop Sratvrerre Chinese, Early T’ang Period Kwan-yixn, THE Gopprss or Mercy. Noble standing figure swathed in valanced and draped robes; she wears a jewel at her breast and a tiara about her high dressed hair. On plinth base. Height, 21 inches. From the A. W. Bahr Collection. [27 ] 63—ScuLprurRED ALABASTER Bas-RELIEF English, Nottingham, XV Century THe Crucirrxion. Christ on the cross is seen before the Holy Father seated in majesty; at foot are two facing angels kneeling; above, two tiers of further angels flanking the figure of the Holy Father. In carved walnut frame with Gothic leaf and tracery apron. Height, 21% inches; width, 11 inches. [ 28 |] 64—BronzeE KNocker By Alessandro Vit- toria, 1525-1600 Lyre-shape; formed of two leaf scrolled and winged dolphins having figure of Neptune carrying a trident in his right hand and standing in a shell motive base. Height, 17 inches. From the Collection of M. Dino Barozzi, | Ven- Ice. (Illustrated) 65—Go.Lp NEEDLEPAINTED PANEL Flemish, XVI Century Enriched with three medallions occupied by standing figures of St. James, St. John and St. Julian; executed in gold and silver threads and passages of silk; flanked by ruby-crimson velvet of the period. Framed. 66—Two Crimson VELVET PANELS Italian, XVII Century Fan-shape, of very closely woven lustrous ruby-crimson velvet having the mark of previous embroidery in the upper portion. Height, 46 inches; widest width, 191%, inches. 67—SILVER-EMBROIDERED Crimson VELVET PANEL French, XVII Century Rich ruby-crimson velvet embroidered, semé with fleurs-de-lys and ermine tails. Height, 441, inches; width, 401% inches. [ 29 ] 68—VENETIAN SitvER BROCADE Cover Early XVI Century Deep rich tan ivory field, woven with leaf ogival having shell pen- dents in silver threads, wavy rib- bon-like motives, sprays of flow- ers and pomegranate motives, in pink, blue and green silks. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 69—BorticeLii GREEN VELVET AND Sitrver Lace CHAsuBLE Italian, XVI Century Lustrous rich velvet fluctuating in areas to lighter tones; excep- tionally well trimmed with orig- inal open silver lace of floral scrol- lings at orphreys and bordersfl From the Dikran Kelekian Col- lection. YO—STATUETTE IN GiLDED anpd Paintep Woop: Tue Vircin anv CHILD French, First Half of the XIV Century The Virgin wears a closely fitting dress buttoned in front over which is thrown a mantle covering her back and shoulders and draped on her knees. She is seated on a low chair showing in the upper part a frieze, and below a tracery of Gothic windows. On her left arm was seated the Infant Jesus, now almost com- pletely destroyed. Her curly hair is parted in the middle; a veil and a crown cover her head; the bottom of her dress leaves uncovered the pointed ends of her shoes. Height, 24 inches. Note: The Virgin here reproduced is a charming type of XIV _ cen- tury French workmanship with all its fineness and frankness. From the Canessa Collection, American Art Association, 1924. (Illustrated) [ 380 | 71—Scu.LPprurRED ALABASTER BAS-RELIEF Assyrian, circa 700 to 900 B.C. Procession oF Warriors. Four warriors advancing right, wearing helmets with curved crest and long beards; carrying long spears and pavones. Broad vigorous very low relief sculpture. Framed. Height, 14 inches; length, 151% inches. (Illustrated) 72—PoLYCHROMED SCULPTURED LIMESTONE PEDESTAL School of Rheims, XIV Century Molded octagonal pedestal before portion of a larger shaft; in front of the pedestal is a standing figure of a grotesquely carved peasant in flat cap and large cloak; painted in crimson and greenish-brown. From the well-known Faber Collection. L31 J 738—PotycHRoMED LimrestonE BAs-RELIEF Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty Bust of a noble youth in profile to left. Height, 15 inches; width, 1414 inches. Note: Found at Samarcand, near Luxor. From the Dikran Kelekian Collection. 74—RepoussE Sitver Hancine Sancruary LAmMp Italian, XVIII Century Molded vase-shape, with pineapple terminal enriched in repoussé with series of husks, gadroons and leaf motives. Suspended from three gilded bronze amorini heads by link chains to small canopy. Lamp, total height, 34 inches; width, 14 inches. From the Dikran Kelekian Collection. [ 32 ] 45—DecoraTED ScuLPprurED LiwEestonE Bust French, circa 1500 Somewhat emaciated head, with shoulders bearing a conven- tionalized crown of thorns, long curling hair, mustache and short beard. Has been painted naturalistically. On crimson velvet lozenge-shaped base. Height, 13%, inches. From the Collection of Henry Daguerre, Parts. (Illustrated ) “6—ScuLPTURED LIMESTONE BAs-RELIEF FRAGMENT Egyptian, X XII Dynasty. Heap oF A Quern. Extremely beautiful face in profile to left wearing headdress. Mounted in root walnut oblong panel. Height, 714 inches; width, 3 inches. [ 33 J SCHOOL OF ISENBRANDT Fremisu: Crrca 1500 T7—ST. JOHN On panel: Height, 8 inches; width, 334 inches Standing figure of the Saint wearing close-fitting crimson robes, hav- ing blue collar caught at the throat with a golden brooch and finely draped ivory-gray mantle over his right shoulder; in his left hand he earries a chalice, his right hand being raised in the act of blessing, in the background a hilly landscape. From the Collection of Madame de la Place, Paris. | 34 ] BYZANTINE SIENESE SCHOOL — Earty XV Century 78—MADONNA AND CHILD On panel: Height, 1114 inches; width, 91% inches Half length figure of The Virgin wearing crimson hood and mantle; she carries the voluminously robed Infant Saviour on her right arm; gilded background. Gilded gesso architectural frame. From the Eugene Benson Sale. SIENESE SCHOOL XIV Century T9—PATRICIAN YOUTH AND MAIDEN On panel: Total height, 27 inches; length, 45 inches Both within scrolled niches; the youth at left seen at full bust length wearing flat Florentine red cap and coat; the maiden at right in- facing, wearing interesting elaborate headdress over curiously knotted fallng hair. Gilded architectural frame, with Ionic capitals. 80—CHINEsE PartntTING Ming Period A Roya Prrsonace ry a Mountain Retreat. High up amidst rugged cliffs a great lady with two attendants is receiv- ing the wife of an important mandarin who is accompanied by two maids of honor. At foot at right standing on a bridge are the two genii of harmony; at left is one of the Taoist Immortals standing beside an antelope; above in the clouds storks are seen; the latter being symbols of longevity. In gilded frame. From the Henry C. Lawrence Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1921. | 35 | 81—Goruic ScutprureD Oax Grove Flemish, Late XV Century Tue Circumcision. The Infant Saviour, held by his Mother standing at left, reclines on a miniature credence; at right is a priestly figure; beyond are the two Marys and St. Joseph hold- ing a chalice and a fourth personage. (Arms of the priest lack- ing. ) Height, 191% inches; width, 12% inches. Note: The late Georges Demotte in a letter to the owner expressed a desire to have a photograph of this interesting group to publish in a then forthcoming publication. From the Collection of the Vicomte Vryaase. [ 36 ] 82—GoTHic Scurprtgeps oan STATUETTE Rhenish, XV Century St. Mary Maeparen. Standing figure wearing filleted long curl- ing hair, close fitting robes and a voluminous mantle draped across the lower portion of body and over arms. Rich brown patina. (Arm lacking and other hand de- fective. ) Height, 321%, inches. (Illustrated) 838—GoruHic CarvED AND GILDED CANOPIED SHRINE Spanish, Late XV Century Back painted dull gray, arranged with seven molded panels. Canopy extended on brackets formed of seven very beautifully traceried and crocketed pinnacled Gothic arches, surmounted by a leaf cresting, formed of panels and sections from a larger shrine. Length, 58:inches; height, 38 inches. From the Stanford White Collection. (Illustrated on Page 21) | 37 J 84—Carvep Warner Priz-Diev Tuscan, Late XVI Century Flute-molded oblong top and dentiled frieze occupied by molded border flanked by leonic heads. Sloping front with molded and inlaid enclosing door having walnut knob. Supported on caryat- ids having Ionic capitals. Sloping and lifting kneeling box with paneled front, leaf enriched cushion base and claw feet. Excep- tionally beautiful russet patina. Height, 34%, inches; width, 24 inches. [ 38 | 85—Carveo Watnut CaaQuEtTEUsE French, Henry II Period Open back, with central spindle; long leaf enriched side sup- ports and scrolled serpentined leaf pediment. Finely scrolled arms each supported on two balusters. Walnut molded seat on columnar legs having somewhat triangular stretcher. From the Henry C. Lawrence Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1921. [ 39 ] 86—Watnvut Dantesca CHair Florentine, XV Century Folding curule arm supports and legs, enriched with Gothic crockets ; supported on cross stretchers having rudimentary claw feet. Massive open scrolled arms; the seat and back covered in original deep brown hide and having XVI century crimson vel- vet loose pad for seat and slip-over cover for small oblong back. From the Savoy Castle of Verzuolo, Piedmont, Italy. [ 40 J 87—Gortruic Carvep WaLnut CHair French Renaissance, Early XV Century Oblong open back, pierced with floriated tracery ; crocketed slop- ing back supports terminating in pierced rosettes; molded wal- nut seat having loose crimson velvet pad of contemporary velvet ; supported on somewhat X-shaped crocketed legs, occupied by further tracery and having arched cross feet and pierced stretcher. (Illustrated) 88—Carvep GinpED Watnut Lisrary TAsLe Florentine, Early XVI Century Molded oblong top; the frieze fitted with molded corner blocks, rosettes and panels, having on each side central panels carved with jardiniéres and leaf scrollings in gilding; these central panels were arranged as drawers on three sides by present owner. Supported on columnar legs having Ionic capitals, wreaths of laurel about centre and under imbrications of leaves. Open box stretcher. Height, 33 inches; length, 54 inches; depth, 27% inches. (Illustrated) [ 41 ] WTadv 7 ATV r Udy ob fl NIV N { dad LIX) ada Ad = 7 J 8 8 ON [ 42 | 89-——CarveD AND GILDED Sacristy CABINET Spanish, Early XVII Century Rectangular, with deeply molded cornice having serpentined re- turns; arched paneled central door, enriched with leaf scrollings and centre panel in polychrome developing scrollings of husks in blue, gray and soft red; supporting fluted columns with leaf capitals and scrolling toward base. Height, 59% inches; length, 62 inches. ANTONIO ROSSELLINO FLORENTINE: 1427—1490 90—MADONNA AND CHILD Polychromed stucco bas-relief Height, 281% inches; width, 22 imches Three-quarter length of the Holy Mother wearing close-fitting red robes, blue mantle and halo above her hooded hair. She holds the Infant Saviour in her arms who stands at left. Original polychrome in molded oblong frame. Note: Antonio Gamberelli, known as Antonio Rossellino, was one of Do- natello’s greatest pupils and was almost the founder of a new sculpturesque style. His works were more intellectual and graceful. and more elevated with religious thought than those of his predecessors. In a letter to the Bourgeois Galleries, New York, from Prof. Churchill, Smith College, Northampton, Mass., Prof. Churchill states regarding this bas-relief, “There is in the sale a relief attributed to Antonio Rossellino which came too late to be catalogued and which is in fine state and the color is excellently preserved, it rep- resents the Madonna and Child and is a healthy work of art.” From the famous Bardini Collection, American Art Association, 1918. (Illustrated) No. 90—Maponna AND CHILD By ANTONIO ROSSELLINO [ 44 ] 91—MADONNA AND CHILD LUCA DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE ScHoou: 1400—1482 Height, 19 inches; width, 14 inches The Virgin in crimson-red and blue mantle seen at three-quarter length, with the Infant Saviour standing at left supported by her left arm. In oblong enriched molded frame of same stucco. Note: The San Donato Madonna in the Marquand Collection is very analogous to this charming example. From the famous Bardini Collection, American Art Association, 1918. L 45 |] GHERARDO STARNINA Frorence: 1354(?)—1408(?) 92—MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS On arched panel: Height, 351% mches; width, 1914 mches The haloed Holy Mother seated, in red robes and hooded deep green mantle, holds The Saviour on her left arm. At right and left are figures of St. John and St. John the Baptist; above them are St. Rosa of Lima and St. Catherine standing before a gilded background. In Gothic arched, carved and gilded architectural frame having spiral twisted columns and inscription on base, “Ave Maria Gratia pi.” [ 46 ] RAPHAEL SANZIO (Arrrieutep 10) Ursino: 1483—1520 93—AMORINI WITH GARLAND Height, 914 inches; length, 11 inches Two graceful lightly robed amorini stand at left and right holding up a garland of flowers. Very delicately drawn and painted. Note: On the back under glazed panel is a sealed inscription reading as fol- lows: “Galleria Gerardi”; the remainder being translated reads: “These two amorini much esteemed are the works of Raphael and the last one to engrave them in our house was Francesco Bartolozzi, the famous English engraver.” From the Gerardi Collection. 94—Scutprurep Watunout Ficure Egyptian, V Dynasty Fremarte Ecyrprian Heap. Fine broad modeling showing the torso and head, having closely cropped curled hair. On crimson velvet pedestal. Height, 121% inches. (Illustrated ) [ 47 | 95—-GotHic ScuLpTruRED PoLtycHROME WaLNnut Group School of Troyes, circa 1500 Maponna Aanp Cuitp. Half-length figure of the Holy Mother wearing voluminous robes draped as a cowl over her auburn hair; she carries the Infant Saviour on her left arm and holds one of His feet with her right hand, He holding an orb. Traces of original polychrome exist. From the Chapelle of Vic sur Seille. From the Georges Demotte Collection. [ 48 ] 96—ScuLPpruRED Watnut Group Northern French, Late XV Century CATHERINE oF ALEXANDRIA. Interesting standing figure wearing long curling hair coy- ered by a curious horseshoe scrolled cap and voluminous well draped robes; she carries a sword in her right hand and an open missal in her left; her feet are firmly planted on the shoulders of a false knight, seen at bust length on an oval plinth. From the famous Collection of Charles E. Haviland, Limoges, France. [ 49 J 97—ScuLpruRED WaLNuT STATUETTE Egyptian, V Dynasty Man Watxinc. Figure with left foot advanced in the attitude of walking; his arms sect at his side; wearing a closely fitting tunic lobed at foot and hair close to head in small knots. On original oblong base. Height, 23 inches. From the Collection of Knackman, the well-known antiquarian. [ 50 | vo. 1 Goruic Mitie-rreurs Tapestry French, Late XV Century FLowrers anp Frurr. In a field of deep rich blue-black dis- playing growing plants in blossom amidst which are seen thistles, daisies, carnations, lilies, canterbury bells and two clusters of ripe strawberries. Woven in very charming deep crimson, pinks, lighter pinks and a multitude of pinks and blues with the high lights in ivory. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. (Illustrated) VERDURE AND Figure Tapestry Flemish, Renaissance Period An open wooded country discloses on the right an amiable old couple, peasants wending their way over uneyen ground to their farm beyond, which sits under the shadow of a hill, crowned by an old castle. In the centre a white unicorn and a dun bull are arrested in their gambolings and affrighted at the sight of a mythical dragon; on the left beyond are three woodmen various- ly chopping down trees and carrying wood. Finished with a narrow yellow border, woven in soft tones of yellow, green, blue, tan-ivory, pink and purplish crimson. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; length, 5 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) fod | (powagd aouvsswuay ysilayy ) AULSHAV T, UNCUT 4A — 6 Gg: ON [ 52 J 100—ILLuMINATED VELLUM PANEL Florentine, XV Century THE Crucirixion. In the foreground of a rocky romantic land- scape Christ is seen on the cross, grouped at the foot of which at left are the four Marys and at the right Joseph of Arimathea and three other saints. Executed in very rich colors in gilding. The border with gilded background medallions displaying episodes in the life of Christ, and heads of Tiberius and Herod. In carved and gilded frame. Height, 15 inches; width, 10%, inches. From the Guillaume Daguerre Collection, Paris. [ 53 J 101—Gornic Tarrstry Pane French, XV Century A Group or Nostes. In the foreground busts of three eminent men are seen wearing strange hats of the period; beyond them are four further dignitaries seen at full bust length and beyond them five heads of further personages are seen. Extremely well woven, with beautiful rose-crimson, green, blues, pinks and lay- ender-pinks, with delicate yellows, golden-brown and _ ivory. Framed. From the Henry C. Lawrence Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1921. [ 54 | 102—Gornic Tapestry Northern French, Late XV Century HuspaANDMEN Swarinc Birps. Rising hilly country crested by farm buildings and having at foreground charming growing flowers and strawberries in fruit; near by is a falconer holding in his right hand a long implement and with his right hand feeding a bird which is held by a young woman at his left above a cage filled with birds. Beyond them at right are two further personages holding birds which have been snared or brought down. At left is a peasant climbing a tree with the assistance of a companion on whose body he stands. Woven in excep- tionally rich and varied crimson, blues, greens, yellows, tans, pinks, lavender and ivories. Height, 7 feet 111,-inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. Note: In the Brussels Museum is a very analogous tapestry known as “Sheep Shearing” which is there given to Burgundy about the middle of the XV Century. Privately acquired from the Henry C. Lawrence Collection. (Illustrated) [55] | | | poeon | No. 102—Gornic Tapestry (Northern French, Late XV Century) [ 56 | ScuLprureD Limestone BaAs-rELIEF Egyptian, IV Dynasty Tue Dancers. Three slender graceful figures with their arms raised above their heads in the attitude of dancing, with jewels at throat and arms; interesting pleated short skirts. (Framed.) Height, 1814 inches; length, 161%, inches. 103 Note: This charming low relief was found by De Morgan, the French excavator, at Sakkhara, 1911-1912, and was bought by Joseph Brummer from Machman, the well-known Cairian antiquarian. It is very analogous to a relief of the Fifth Dynasty from the tomb of Prince Raem-Kai, now in the Metropolitan Museum. (Illustrated) 104—ScutrrureD Potycurome Group ry ALTO-RELIEVO Nuremberg, XVI Century CuRIsT AND THE Four AposriEs. The Saviour at centre seen at full length wearmg gilded robes, long curling hair and beard; he carries in his left hand an orb, his right hand raised in the act of benediction. At left is St. John carrying his symbolic ciborium; at right is St. Peter with his symbolic key ; the other ten Apostles, closely grouped, are seen at either side carrying their varied symbols. In fine state of preservation. Height, 14 inches; length, 50 inches. From the Henry C. Lawrence Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1921. E BAS-RELIEF No. 103—Scuurrurep LIMeEsTo? (Egyptian Dynasty) [ 58 | TADDEO DI BARTOLI SIENESE ScHoot: XIV tro XV Century 105—DOMINICAN LEGEND On panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 1814 inches The action represented deals with the legend according to which the boy Napoleoni fell from his horse and was trampled to death; he is brought back to life by St. Dominic. In the foreground of a rocky landscape, Napoleoni is seen in pink costume thrown on the ground, his white horse trampling him to death; in the background he is seen giv- ing his thanks to the holy St. Dominic who stands before a cavern. At right centre, stands a Cardinal in red robes accompanied by two attendants. Note: Prof. Oswald Siren, the well-known writer on Italian paintings, endorsed the attribution in the most unequivocal manner. From the Collection of Capt. Landon Douglas, London. Exhibited in the Kleinberger Exhibition of Primitives for the benefit of the American War Relief, 1917. f From the Kleinberger Collection, American Art Association, 1919. Acquired from the Bourgeois Galleries, New York. (Illustrated) 105—Dominican Lrecenp By TapprEo pi Barro. No. | 60 | BRUGES SCHOOL Late XV CrEentTuRY 106—MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS Arched triptych: Height, 30 inches; width (closed), 23 inches The central panel depicts St. Anne enthroned, reading from a missal resting on her lap; she is flanked on one side by St. Joseph of Ari- mathea ; before her the youthful Virgin with long curling hair is seated holding the Child on her lap; to left and right of her in the near foreground are two coroneted saints, the two Marys. All wear rich robes; the saints and canopy of throne of Gothic velvet. The left wing depicts the donor kneeling before his patron saint who stands nearby in a bishop’s robes. The right wing depicts the donor’s wife standing before a patron saint who is about to place a crown on her head. The exterior of the two wings beautifully painted in mono- chrome gray with subject tHE aNNuNcIATION, both figures being clad in exceptionally fine voluminous robes of many folds; above is the descending dove and scroll label bearing lengthy inscription. Note: Professor Hoffner referring to this painting says: “Too good to be all Flemish, probably under French influence.” De Riche says of it: “Executed in Atlea from other models. ‘The interior of leaves from Memling; the exterior after Roger Vandeweyden. A very analogous Annunciation being in the Morgan Collec- tion at the Metropolitan Museum.” (Illustrated) [ 61 | =. ee | No. 106—Maponna, CHILD AND SAINTS (Bruges School, Late XV Century) 2 ha i i i ' 1 oe [ 65 ] CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: