scarce sssaecousasasases Pm : sss sec esags asi ocrca Rint pesos Samet BrSytaterarnrs > F B at ees - ries co LLECTIONS bene. © Be “o. * Mr. J ordan It. ‘Mott iS ARE ee a Slt sigkecateteetatteretats Does ce SSR aoe io LARGER “PRICES UY, ! Yor EF Mott. Kearney Sale Ends at Chickering Hall. TOTAL—$130,590 FOR 134 WORKS. Sixty-Seven Paintings Sell for $89,120 Last Evening. wi The second half of the Mott-Kearnoy collection sold at Chickering Hall last evening was bid for ina much more spirited style than was the case with the | first part on Tuesday night. A somewhat larger audience was assembled, and | the sixty-seven paintings offered brought, accord- ing tothe prices at which they were knocked down, ' $89,120, ‘There was decidedly sharp competition at times. The total of last night makes the grand total of the sale for 134 paintings $130,590, The general re- sults may ba called good. The highest price of the eveeing’ was the $5,500 given for Rosa Bonheur’s, ‘‘Deer in the Forest,” which atthe Mary J. Morgan sale in 1886 brought $7,150. Next came the $4,800 given by Mr. Theo. C. Noe for Gérdme’s ‘Sale of the Circassian Slave.” For Bouguereau’s “Resting” Blakeslee & Co, paid $4,600. The Schreyer, “A Wallachian Teamster Entangled in the Marshes of the Danube,” fell to Mr, L. A. Lanthier. Mr. Kearney gave $4,900 for it at the EK. D. Morgan sale in 1886. The late ex- Governor Morgan vaid $5,100 for it at the second Johan Wolfe sale in 1882. THE FATE OF AN ARTISTIO GEM. Troyon’s delightful “Landscape and Sheep” fell at $4,600. In the Robert Graves sale iast year it was bought by Mr. Kearney tor $3,250. Mr. H. Morford gave $3,600 tor Vallon’s “Aprés le Bal,” and Vibert’s “The Paintex’s Rest’ fell at $3,450. Atthe W. H. Aspinwall sala in 1886 Mr. Kearney carried away Brascassav’s ‘‘Preiburg Cow’ from Mr, Mott at $2,200. Last night it brought $2,050 from Mr. Her- | mann Schaus. Van Marke’s “In the Pasture” sold for $2,600 and Knaus’ “Country Girl,” $2,500. Blakeslee & Co. gave $2,000 for the Troyon “lay in” of a picture, ‘Going - to the Fair,” which’ brought $2,500 at the Mary J. | Morgan sale. Diaz's “The Bathers,” which brought but $800 from Mr. L. C. Delmonico, sold at the Mary | J. Morgan sale for $1,600. Verboeckhoven’s ‘The Combat” was cheap to Mr. E, Hammersilough at $800, At the first John Wolfe ) gale in 1863 Judge Hilton bought it for $490, and at Kearney for $1,175. the A. 'f. Stewart sale last year it was secured by Mr. PAINTINGS, BUYERS AND PRICES, The following is a list of the pictures disposed of last night, of the names of some of the purchasers and of the prices obtained :— 69—Castan, 70—Baron, “The Hawking Party” ; 7i—Castan, ‘The Game of Cards’’....... (2—Akkersdyke, “The Boon mompaniony: a ere LD. 73—Notterman, ‘‘Dogs” 74 Caraud, “Reading” “Devotion” eccee-cecce 75—Howse, *‘Market Day at Honfleur eeies 5 B00 76—Boughton, ‘‘fhe Page;” Mr. T. B. Ciarke. 1:0 77—Ool and Ronner, ‘‘Contented”’......0..006. 445 78—Tortez, ‘Ine Long and Short of Te esis LOU! 99—J. G. Brown, ‘Shooting Marbles”........ 675 80—Lesrel, ‘‘The Standard Bearer’”........... 49-§8. S8i—Hagborg, ‘Fisher Girl of Scheveningen”’.. 1,100 | 82—Jules Dupré, “‘Landscape”............0.+. 1,0 83—Verboeckhoven, “interior of Stabie”.. 84—Was@ier, “At the Cross”......... 85—Bierstadt, “Barly Western Life’... 86—Jacque, “Landscape and Sheep;” Mr Rip- le, BNilcicinaacienementon meet ey LOU 87—Berne-Bellecour, “French Soldier”....... 575 88—Van Marcke, ‘In the Pasture”’............. 2,600 89—Domingo, “My Doctor;” Mr, Edward R. BACON! ksi Gas ‘ seieie weer AOD: $0—-Sehrey er, “Bursting of the Bomb” -. 1,700 91—Daubigny, “On the Seine” e. 2,000 92—Detti, *“Lhe Sword Bearer’........-. cece ey) (#00 93—A dan, ‘“[he Dancing Lesson;” Mr. H. Mor- Ordon eae pcan ag eaale a avenlere ce #... 2,200 94—Unterberger, “Te de QADII clarion snare sen OUD) 95—Moreau, ‘*Féte in the Middle Ages’’........ 950 96—David Johnson, ‘Meadows at Ramapo” 700 97—Casanova, ‘Flirting’. ......ccceeeecweees 400 98—Jacque, “Landscape and Sheep;” Mr, EH. Allien. se hess: BASE GONER REE pies * 9,160 99—Jules Dupré, “Pwilight? siete hace eergmaets - 900 100—bBerne-Bellecour, ‘‘Marine Doing Infantry Duts"UMPCAL cases sicse serene ROOD. 101—Gérdme, ‘Head of a Dog”’.... 500 102—Diaz, Landscape” ............ sees 1,800 103—Van Marcke, ‘‘Going to the Fair” 730 104—Merle, *‘The Marvellous Story” 400 105—Verboeckhoven, “The Combat; " Mr. E Hammerslough.., 6.000 cee siee cece ves 800 106—Lam binet, “Landscape;” Mr. Hermann Bhasin cia sacs diols reer eee eee 107—Lesrel, ‘The Forbidden Books;” 1 108—A. Achenbach, “Return from the Festi val;” Mr. T. B. Walker..... Bae we argatsva 625 109—Isabvs, 4 ‘Moonlight on the French Coast”. 400 110—Vautier, “Caught in the Act;” Mr. A. Caspary........6 seoee 840 111—Béraud, “Boulevar a ‘des ‘Ttaliens;” ‘Mr. B. OU WiaM si ce alse eclemisieisterton! viele stele stole el eAOU) 112—Tamburini, “Chienti;” Mr. Boy 8. Allien... 260 113—Tamburini, ‘Return to the Monastery;’ Mr. E,. Hammersiough............. Ape 260 114—Troyon, ‘‘Landscape and Sheep’’......... ey 000 115—Vibert, ‘The Painter’s Rest’’..... eee. 3,450 116—Kowalski, ‘“Pursued by Wolves’... Arran om Wf) 117—Perrault, “Moise exposé sur le Nil”....... 2,400 118—Détaille, War”. eibstelsia ees sleiveomieidisiniacietreree bh 119—Meyer von Bremen, “In which Hand?” Wire DA. AN PROM. acts acne orien cee 2050. “Skirmish in Franco-Prussian 120—Diaz, ‘fhe Bathers;” Mr. L. ©. Delmonico 800 121—Brascassat, ‘Freiburg Cow;” Mr. Hermann BCHAUEK Ges ce Sivate ete cicetoiers wl siv'e la evorsie, apODU. 122—Rousseau, ‘‘Landscape’”’.......... Hoeeao oe eben 123—Fromentin, “The Boar Hunt. ORS itetae atte SOU) 124—-Knaus, “Country Girl;” Mr. Hermann Schaus Aisciephaaelel a sibs lo torial cals sc adele stake) ster OOU, 125—Pasini, ‘Arab Hawking Party” ae Meee nit a 126—Ferrandiz, ‘‘Fortuny’s Studio”’............ 1,475 127—J. H. L. De Haas, “Return from the Pas- GEG. so wnchacine aetna Peek cerns +e 1,900 128—Madou, “The Jolly Musicians’’..........-. 2,000 129—Courbet, ‘Mountain Torrent in the Vosges;” Cottien © Ooo. i2..gik eee 600 180—Troyon, “Going io the F, iy Blakeslee SepCONiaeinananiwnte as 9,000 131—Vollon, “Capes le Bal; ° Mv Morford.. 3, 600 182—Benheur, ‘Deer in the Forest”... ........ 6,600 133—Gérdme, “Sale of the Circassian Slave;’”’ Mrs Pheo. ©. NOe@. . scsi. esac tae cae -- 4,800 UE Ramernne “Resting;” Blakeslee & Co.. 4,600 135—Shreyer, “A W ailachian Teamster Entan- gled in the Marshes of the Danube;’ Mr. L, A. Lanthier.... 2.0... csceeeeeenne 4,000 Bibigiais Se alayslaiaktiale er te eens eee eeeeseeet eens «1 O95 120 Tot Rotul of first: nign tcc. insti cewoec caewete ace: 41,4900) Grand total of the sale. ............0. .. 22. $720 Ban RESTING. 134. NO, ON FREE EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 FirtH AVE., NEAR 34TH ST. CATALOGUE OF THE PRIVATE COLLECTIONS MODERN PAINTINGS BELONGING TO Ma [ORDAN 2b lO TT AND Mr. EDWARD KEARNEY TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS MARCH 27TH AND 28TH i SCAN MRTELE HA Ne — AT 8 O’CLOCK AT CHICKE RING HALL FIFTH AVE., COR. EIGHTEENTH ST. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, - AUCTIONEER By ORTGIES & CO. 1888 ——— er CONDITIONS OF SALE. t. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money 7/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Pur- chase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or pri- vate Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) at- tending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condi- tion is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to en- force the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ORTGIES & CO., AucrionEErs. LISITUSTIES) vAufray, J. H., 2. -Andre, E., 65. -Akkersdyke, J., 72. Adan, L. E., 93. + Achenbach, A., 108. Babcock, W. P., 5. - Brown, J. G., 9, 79. Bartolini, F., rz. Brillouin, L. G., 16. Bosch, E., 27. -Berne-Bellecour, E. P. Bergenthal, 47. *© Becker, Prof. C., 48. ~Bierstadt, A., 50, 85. -*Bouguereau, W. A., 59, Baron, H.C. A., 70. «Boughton, Geo. H., 76. Béraud, J., x11. ~Brascassat, J. R., rer. ~ Bonheur, M. R., 132. ) 2 Courbet, G., 129. Chavet, J. V., 62. «Col, David, 64, 77. Castan, E., 69, 71. Caraud, J., 74. - Casanova, A., 97. Chintreuil, A., 44. (Corot, hb. C5 45- aw Carlo Dolci, 52. Chollaityf., 25; Dargelas, H., 6. Wansaert ela Venue. a7 De Haas, M. F. H.,, 22. « Dupré, Jules, 23, 82, 99. Desgoffe, ig S56 De Thoren, O., 40. ~ Diaz, N., 42, 102, 120. ~De Neuville, A. M., 63. * Domingo, J., 80. ~Dawubigny, C. F., oz. -Detti, Czesar, g2. ~*Détaille, J. B. E., 118. * De| Haas, J. H. L., 127. 4 Frances, P., 7. ~Fromentin. E., 123. - Ferrandiz, B., 126. 2 REPRESENTED IN EES COREE CRON: Gamba di Preydour, r. “Grolleron, P., 25. =Griitzner, E., 34. Géréme, J. L., 61, 102, 133. Howse, G., 75. Hagborg, A., 81. Hiibner, K. W., 30. Herbsthoffer, C., 54. + Isabey, L. G. E., 33, 109. 36, 87, 100. Jacquet, J..G., 55: -Jacque, C. E., 19, 86, 98. ~ Johnson, D., 21, 96. » Kowalski, W. A., 116. *Knaus, L., 124. ; — Lambinet, E., 105. ~ Lesrel, A., 37, 80, 107. -Loyeux, C., 29. - Monticelli, A., ro. Mesgrigny, F. de, 14. Meyerheim, 20. * Max, Sas, 2d Merle, Hu, ar, 104. ¢Madou, J. B., 57, 128. Moreau, A., 65, 95. Maréchal, C. L., 67, 68. Meyer von Bremen, J. G., 1109. Notterman, Z., 73. Poilpot, T., 31. Perrault, L., 117. Pasini, A., 125. Plassan, A. E., 28. Rousseau, T., 122. Ronner, Mme. H., 77. Richards, W. T., 53. Sell, C., 8. St mlvercheyess,. Seitz, O., 46. 4 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. Schreyer, Ad., 53, go, 135. Vollon, A., 131. : pe eaoes Verboeckhoven, 1D, J, 35,63, 105, Venneman. C.F. Tamburini, A., 112, 113. Van Marcke, E., De 88, 103. Troyon. ae fo. II4, 130. Voltz, F. J., 18. ortez, V-; Vernon, P., 26. Toone Ny 39. Thirion, E. ify : e Wahlberg, A., 3 Weber, EAs, 13: Unterberger, F., 94. Wagner, F., 84. Vautier, B., 110. Zimmerman, R. S., 32. Vibert, J. G., 115. Ziem, FF. E.G, P., 40. Messrs. KnoEpLtER & Co., 170 Fifth Ave.; Koun’s Art Rooms; L. Crist, Delmonico’s successor, 166 Fifth Ave. ; Messrs. Scuaus & Co., 204 Fifth Ave. ; Biaxrester & Co., 218 Fifth Ave. ; ReicHarp & Co., 226 Fifth Ave. ; L. A. Lan- THIER, 22 East 160th Street ; L. P. Avery, Jr., 368 Fifth Ave., will receive and execute orders for the sale. < SSSR OS tt RN a RSP aE ag SR AEA ERS TREAT RS RTS A ITS CATA FIRST NI LOGUE. GH’ S: SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 271, AT 8 O’CLOCK. I GAMBA Di PREYDOUR. Pompei AUFRAY G. iL) an Maiden. 13 X17 a Seer eno oe agents Ge Satara eS Paris Winter Sports. 18 X 14 3 ET ES Ba NE Paris WAHLEERG (ALFRED) Born at Stockholm, Sweden. Medals, Paris, 1870-1872-1878— (Exposition Universelle). the same, 1878, Legion of Honor, 1874; Officer of Landscape. 16 X ro} 6 MOTT AND KEARNEV COLLECTION. 4 EES EN Seer is) sits ede Sete cera eae re Paris Soap Bubbles. 17 X et 5 BEG OC Weert) erect coh een te nist es ev ow bods Paris Mother’s Grief. 13 x 18. Dated 1852. Ney Ode Gil vom iON Etat angie dene meas oe ft cae Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1828. Pupil of Picot. Medals, Paris, 1867—- 188r. La Chasse au Rat. 27X34. Dated 1864. FRANCES (P.) The Weary Pilgrim. 41x67. Dated 1868. LRESTO ISM EJH TICS, SYAIEIE,, 8 f SELL (Curist1an), dec’d. Yo A t0 Born in Altona, Denmark, 1831. Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy, The Spy. 261 x 22 9 y BROWN (J.G.), N. A petit aces ehh cas ....New York ya 44.3 0 Born in England, 1831. Studied in Newcastle-on-Tyne and in Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh ; later, with Thomas Cum- mings, N. A., New York. Elected member of the *National Academy, 1863. The Musicians. 14X17. Dated 1873. Io l . os f MONTICELLI (ADOEPHE) decd. a. Marseilles 7 = . A 4 Li Born in Venice, 1824. Died, 1886. Pupil of Rossi and of Diaz. = The Bathers. 14X17} II JE //, BARTOLINI (F.) Evening Walk. 21 X 30 i Wl S| _-TIIRION (Luverne RomAIN)..2.....:05...-.. Paris MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. MA I2 a 'C WEBER (AHO. ALEXANDER)... ....4,...5... Brussels Born in Leipsic, 1838. Pupil of Krause and Isabey. Medals at Rouen, 1866, Havre, 1868, London, 1871, Philadelphia, 1876. Pier at Ostend. 36 X 24 13 Y, 7, a A ev Born in Paris, 1839. Pupil of Picot, Fromentin, and Cabanel. Medals at Paris, 1866-1868-1869-1878. Legion of Honor, Ome. The Pets: I5 X19 oe = co ¢@ / MESGRIGNY (FRANK DE)........ ences: e Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Jules Worms. On the Seine. 23% X 16 Aj 15 0) CHOLLAITT (T.) Landscape and Cattle. 23 X 15h 14 TUS SIE INSUGIELI AS, {Sv I Ep 9 fee. BRILUOUIN I © a eer Paris Born ‘at St. Jean d’Augley. Pupil of Drolling and Cabal. Medals, Paris, 1865-69-74. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. The Trooper. 7X9 4 / I7 Ps “LL0q DANSAERT (LEON MARIE CONSTANT).........Paris Born at Brussels, 1830. Pupil of Edouard Frere. Baptism in the XVII. Century. 31 XK 24 , 18 | f 3 2. 4 VOLUZ(ERIBDRICH, JOHANN) zc. eee Berlin Born at Nordlingen, October 31, 1817. Pupil of the Munich Acad- emy, Royal Bavarian Professor. Medal at Berlin. Great Wiir- temburg Art Medal. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Landscape and Cattle. 36x15. Dated 1876. 19 JACQUE (CHARLES PME Oc so eae Paris Born at Paris, 1813. Medals, Paris, 1861-1863-1864-1867. Le- gion of Honor, 1867. Plowing. 8x6 Di Se ——— MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. VEE VeRO ERE Ni a be eeee eS ccs te Ge Om A Munich At the Water Trough. 26 X 19 2I JOPINSON CD AVID Ni AG gan. Wao. os ea a New York Born in New York, 1827. Elected member of the National Acad- emy, New York, 1862. Medals, Philadelphia, 1876. One of the founders of the Artists’ Fund Society. The Brook at Byfield, Mass. 234% 18. Dated 1879. 22 PDS ea Neti EN Aa. ey ees New York Born at Rotterdam, Holland, 1832. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam, and of Louis Meyer, at the Hague. In 1857 appointed artist to the Dutch Navy. Came to New York, 1859. Elected member of the National Academy, 1867. Member of the American Water Color Society, etc. : Passing Sandy Hook, Moonlight. 23x32. Dated 1876. TOS CRU ms hier Gt se oe Pree se, Paris Born in Nantes,1812. Medals, 1833-67. Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape. 15 x8. Dated 1872. INGR SIC ISM GIFIE SS, (SILIS, Ten 24 Be /> MAX (Garin nes ee Munich Ps ii Medals at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Berlin, 1874. Munich, 1876. Professor of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Munich. Hon- orary member of the Royal Academies of Berlin, Vienna and Amsterdam, At the Opera. 21 X 26 25 f C7 J -GROLLE RON (AU) ies eee Paris / Born at Seignelay (Yonne), France ; was a pupil of Bonnat. Medal, Paris, 1886. Behind the Ramparts. 23x15. Dated 1880. 26 pr R270. VERNONGCPAU Mee ee Paris Pupil of Diaz. Children in the Woods. I5 X 2 27 hy, >-BOSC HE os is a ee Dusseldorf 4 /-~< (oe Sunday Afternoon during Harvest. 18x25. Dated 1867. | i Ze i) PEs) ec ats & a aE. “4 i £77% f/ ff AI 0) W MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. Pp US Sr ONC Ar sla) eee atae at aro ete tae eee: Paris Born in Bordeaux, 1817. Medals, 1852-57-59. Medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876. Legion of Honor, 1859. The Proposal. 7%9 29 LON EUG.) The Musician. 12x 144. Dated 1878. 30 HUBNER (KARL WILHELM).............. Dusseldorf Born at Konigsberg, 1814. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Royal Professor at Dusseldorf. Member of the Academies of Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Medal at Metz. The Twins. 13 X 144. Dated 1872. POT ROMA nOP HIG) 2.2 weeetis neh e's Paris Born in Paris. Le Passeur. 25x19. Dated 1876. LIRS DT, NIGHTS SALE. 13} 32 J BL 7 7MMERNE RS Munich {ft / Born at Hageneau, 1815. Pupilof Munich Academy. Gold Medal of Berlin. Reading the Will. 28x16. Dated 1875. / “C2? o, \SABEY (LovIS GABRIEL EUGENE), dec’d...... Paris Born at Paris, 1804. Pupil of his father. Medals, Paris, 1824— 1827-1855 (Zxposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1832 ; Officer of the same, 1852. Died, 1886. The Happy Family. 7X9 34. & GRUTZNDR (i) eee oo ese ne ae Munich a// 29 4 eo) Se Born 1846. Pupil of Munich Academy and Piloty ; Professor of the Munich Academy. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1872. Honorary mem- ber Munich Academy, 1885. In the Cellar. 9x12. Dated 188r. 35 pro c/ . DESGOPEFE (BIAISh ALECANDED tae ng a Paris Born in Paris, 1830. Pupil of Flandrin. Medals, Paris, 1861- 1863. Member of the Legion of Honor. still Life, 6} X 13 14 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. A 36 7 | / | 0 BERNE-BELLECOUR (ETIENNE PROSPER). . ..Paris Pupil of Picot and of F. Barrias. Medals, Paris, 1869-1872-1878 (at Salon and Zxposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Line. 9x13. Dated :886. | eh LESREL (A). oe ee Pave | Born at Genest (Manché). Pupil of Géréme. & | Cardinal Richelieu. 16x25. Dated 1879. b, 38 ce Jd OO VERBOECKHOVEN (EUGENE J.), dec’d....Brussels Born in Warneton (West Flanders), July 8, 1799. Medals at Paris, 1824-1841-1855. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Orders of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portu- gal. Decoration of the Iron Cross, Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Died, 1881. Landscape and Cattle. 26x20. Dated 1850. “slavd UVAN AdVOSANV" I | | (MSIE INIGIATO SS SAILS: 15 39 ee 9 -TOULMOUGH ERC. oy ee Pande Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1852-1859-1861-1878. Legion of Honor, 1870, The Morning Call. 17x24. Dated 1868. 40 ys f DE THOREN (O11) ae ee Paris Born in Vienna, 1828. Medal, 1865. Traveling in Moldavia. 34 X 21 Al MERDTEeCNUGHES), dee tisan cere en ene Paris Born at Saint Marcellin, France, 1822. Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medals, 1861-1863. Legion of Honor, 1866. Died, 1881. Oriental Girl. 21x25. Dated 1873. DTAZEGN, Vide cid 2 ait toeceee Sern ee ee Paris Born in Bordeaux. Medals, 1844-1846-1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Zxposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. The Lovers. QXi2 ooo TD vo / 16 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. 43 See RC EE, A Theological Dispute. 360 X 24 AA. CHING Re Us (ANTOUNE) >... een setuy ss Paris Born at Point-de-Vaux. Pupil of Corot. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. Twilight. 23 X 13 45 CORCING 68 ©) décd.. =i. nls te wo... Paris Born in Paris. Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838-1848-1855— 1867. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of the deceased artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. Near Paris. I7 X Ia} SEF (OMINO) eas ace 8 eee oc a ee Munich Born in Munich, 1846, Pupil of Piloty. Medals at Vienna and Philadelphia, 1876. Jealousy. 19} X 144. Dated 1872. x Tt = NUS DISARMING CUPID. VE y fi 3 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. 9 47 fr, BERGENTHAL. The Poachers. 26x34. Dated 1850. 48 BECKER (Prof. CARL) .0.2=..25 0 eeeerre Pe berin Born at Berlin, 1820. Pupil of the Berlin Academy, of Von Klober, of Heinrich Hess, and Cornelius, and Pensioner of the Berlin Academy at Paris and Rome. Member and Vice-President of the Academy at Berlin. Member of the Academy of Vienna and of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals at Berlin, Vienna, Munich, and Paris. The Adieu. 34 X 46 49 » ,ZIEM (FELIX FRANCOIS, GEORGE PHILIBERT). . Pari$ Born in Beaume (Céte d’Or), February 25, 1821. Medals at Paris, 1851-1852-1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857. On the Bosphorus. 24 X 16 MOTT AND KEARNEV COLLECTION. Ey 5° my 2.27 BIBESTADT (Alpert), NAL... New York Born in Dusseldorf, 1830. Elected a member of the National Acad- f emy, 1860. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1867. Medals at Austria, Germany, Bavaria and Belgium. Order of St. Stanislas, 1869. 2d Class Medal, 1886. Imperial Order of the Medjidii from the Sultan of Turkey. Morning—Scene in California. 19g X 13 & 51 | Booed VENNEMAN (CHARLES FERDINAND), dec’d. Born in Ghent, 1803. Died, 1875. Pupil of Ghent Academy and De Braekeleer. Medal of Antwerp, 1845. Painted in the style | of the old Dutch masters. 7 The Numismatologist. Ts x9 Jo : 52 i ae CARIEO2DOLC) (cio-16soe Florence Virgin Mary. ; IQ X 23 Vy, 53 oA ae SF D7 - RICHARDS. (WILLIAM “TN Ae a Philadelphia Born at Philadelphia, 1833. Studied in Florence, Rome and Paris. Honorary Member of the New York National Academy. Autumn. 23X27}. Dated 1862. NO. 61. INTERIOR OF A PERSIAN INN. PLR ST NIGEL IAS SAGE: Ig 54 W HERBST HORE ERAN ES cee Gmc ea. Paris Born at Presburg. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Visit to the Gypsy Fortune Teller. 28} x 214. Dated 1868. of | 55 a | / oe, J TACoU ET (JEAN GUSTAVE)... .ta.= coca Paris Born in Paris, 1846. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868-1875-— 1878 (Lxposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1879. Lisette. 17 X25 56 o VAN MARCKE (imine ee ee Paris . Born at Sévres, France. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867-1869- 1870. Legion of Honor, 1872. First Class Medal (Zxposition Universelle), 1878. Springtime, Landscape and Cattle. 22 keL7; From the Wall & Brown Sale. 20 MOTT AND KEARNEV COLLECTION. Sy MAD Oe CMAN BAP TICN); deta. force ee Brussels Born at Brussels, 1796. Pupil of Francois and the Brussels Acad- emy of Art. Professor of Drawing in the Military. School of Brussels, and Member of the Academies of Brussels and Ant- werp. Medal, Paris, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Knight of the Lion of the Netherlands and of the Order of Leopold. Died, 1877. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, LE xposition Universelle, 1878. Popping the Question. 9} x 124. Dated 1867. 58 SCURE VER (AD). Bie ee ee Paris Born in Frankfort, 1828. Pupil Staddel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, 1864-1865-1867. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. The Advance Guard. 32 X 19 From the J. Abner Harper Sale. Se BOUGUEREAU (WILLIAM ADOLPHE).........Paris Born in La Rochelle, 1825. Prix de Rome in 1850. Medals, Paris, 1855 (Exposition Universelle)-1857-1867 (Exposition Univer- selle). Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor (Zxposition Universelle), 1878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, Paris, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. Venus Disarming Cupid. 21} X 32 "ANNLSVd AHL NI “88 (e) N ELRS Le NLG HL SS Ads Ee 21 60 y = . a, ie TROY ON -(CONGIAND) 2clee dinates gee are Paris / FEC Born in Sévres, 1810. Medals, Paris, 1838—1840-1846-1848-1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Died, 1865. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 1878. Returning from the Fair. Ig X 12} Study of the Troyon in Albert Spencer Sale. 61 _GEROME DR On ies we iashar utero Paris Born in Vesoul, 1824. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1847-1848- 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1865. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal for Sculpture, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts. a. CCL Law Interior of Persian Inn. 14% X 175 62 meee) CHAVET A AMICTOR alan ee ee ee Paris Born in Aix. Pupil of Roqueplan. Medals, 1853-1855-1857 (LZxposition Universelle), Legion of Honor, 18509. o An Artist in his Studio. 14x10. Dated 1870. From the E. D. Morgan Sale. Co 22 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. 63 DE NEU VIPER CALPHONSE MARIE) get 0... Paris Born at St. Omer, 1836. Medals, Paris, 1859-1861. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the same, 1887. A French Soldier. 74x 114. Dated 1877. COLON Oe Wiikey Maar ee ON ini ects ic scalars Antwerp Born at Antwerp, 1822. Pupil of De Keyser and Antwerp Academy, Medal Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. The Convalescent. 144 x18. Dated 1874. 65 MOREAU (Ameen) So a eA es Paris Pupil of Pils. Medal, 1876. Among the Flowers. 15 x23. Dated 1873. 66 ASIN IRE a ere tate eres ntert reere ee Paris The Military Council. 18x 14}. Dated 1875. FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. 23 67 2 . J MAR ECH ARB (CHARLES LAURENT)... 5. aians- Paris /; are ( Born at Metz, 1801. Pupil of Regnault. Medals at Paris, 1826- 1840-1841-1842-1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer, 1855. Has executed decorative works in the Ministry of State and the New Louvre. Galileo at Velletri. 80x 50. Painted 1853. Pastel from the Henry Sale. 68 tf fF 7-OMARECHAL (CHARLES LAURENT)........--. Paris VY Born at Metz about 1800. Pupil of Regnault. Medals at Paris, 1826-1840-1841-1842-1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer, 1855. Has executed decorative works in the Ministry of State and the New Louvre. Columbus Brought Back fromthe New World. 8x x 52. Painted 1857. Pastel from the Henry Sale. Pe SECOND EVENING’S SALE. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 281, AT 8 O’CLOCK. [47 21/6 CESSMUIESING GE) ine Sama clen ees tae, cl ae eahs | | Devotion. ! IoX13. Dated 1861. | | | cae BA ON (EENRE CHARLES JUN DOIND)) Ga, a Paris i i ia Born at Besancon, 1817. Pupil of Gignoux. Chevalier of the Le- pi gion of Honor, The Hawking Party. i ! 81x Io a1 wy Ci PAWN (Easter ee oem ce nai eee os Paris | The Game of Cards. Dated 1865. 7 X 9. DANCING 9 NO. SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, 25 72 gp AKKERSDYKE “().) 252.5 Rotterdam The Boon Companions. 17x13. Dated 1856. From the J. T. Sanford Sale (es NOTE BARMAN BZ reer momen re Brussels as ea Dogs. 16x12. Dated 1857. zy. CARAUD (OS PH eee ee spear re ee Paris Born at Cluny, 1821. Pupil of Pujol and C. L. Miiller. Medals at Paris, 1859-1861-1863. Legion of Honor, 1867. WA Reading. 20 X 28 CEN SO WS (GaN Ag eee escent London Market Day at Honfleur. 46 x 18 Water Color. From the W. P. Wright Collection. 26 MOTT AND KEARNEV COLLECTION. 76 J 7 BOUGHTON (Geo, H.), N. A. and A. R. A.. London | Born in England, 1834. Brought to Albany, N. Y., by his parents in 1837, where when a youth he began the study of art. After- ward he studied in London and Paris. Elected member of the | National Academy, New York, 1871; Associate of the Royal Academy, England, 1879. The Page. TeX LE m/f ~~ COL Oar) Born at Antwerp, 1822. Pupil of De Keyser, and Antwerp Acad- } emy. “Medal Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Or- der of Leopold. { | 1 eens Cette teae wa aecen tigen tana ut Antwerp RONN ER (MME HENRTETIE) os. . Brussels Born at Amsterdam. Member of the Academy at Rotterdam. Contented. | 33 X 21¢ E 78 \7 Vie POR UE Zien eee Poem Ne. eet Paris | } | lp F The Long and Short of it. 14X21. Dated 1872, VOSGNWT ‘QOI “ON SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, BY fal = toas OWWAN Ieee oN cat cla pee beeen, eee a ed New York Va : Born in England, 1831. Studied in Newcastle-on-Tyne and at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh ; later, with Thomas Cum- mings, N. A., in New York. Elected member of the National Academy, New York, 1863. Medals, Boston and San Fran- cisco. Member of the American Water Color Society. Shooting Marbles. 20x16. Dated 1874. ff 80 aed fy ES REEMA ioe cee eee mee eee Paris Vs (G * Born at Genest (Manché), Paris. Pupil of Géréme. The Standard Bearer. tox 16. Dated 1881. 81 VA HAGBOR G GAUGUS TE ete ccee aac eae tees Paris Vi LT Born at Gothenburg, Sweden. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, and of Palmaroli, Paris. Medal, Paris, 1879. Fisher Girl of Scheveningen. 30 X 47 82 y : | y Se BAS eA ASM OL) gees ae ae Ricoh aes Paris Born in Nantes, 1812. Medals, 1833-67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape. 15 X10 A 28 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. SOC 83 ~VERBOECKHOVEN (EUGENE J.), dec’d.... Brussels Born in Warneton (West Flanders), July 8, 1799. Medals at Paris, 1824-1841-1855. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Orders of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portu- gal. Decoration of the Iron Cross, Member of the Royal Acad- emies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Died 1881. Interior of Stable. gx 12 WV EEGAN TCR DUNPMNID try aa iecn ve reg eee Munich Pupil of Cornelius and Schnorr. At the Cross. 18 X 24 85 Die oO CAE BERD) Netitgee cesar. ape: New York Born in Dusseldorf, 1830. Elected a member of the National Acad- emy in 1860. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medals, Austria, Germany, Bavaria, and Belgium. Order of St. Stanis- las, 1869. 2d Class Medal, 1886. Imperial Order of the Med- jidii, from the Sultan of Turkey, 1886. Early Western Life. 49 X 29 86 Ee 9 WCNC) a se ese eee ee wisi nae ao Paris Medals, 1860-63-64-67. Legion of Honor, 1867. Landscape and Sheep. 39 X 29 LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP, NO. 114. SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. 29 87 4 es BERNE-BE PR ECOUR (Es P.) 65. osc = eau . Paris , 2/4 ew g Pupil of Picot and F. Barrias. Medals, Paris, 1869-72-78 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1878. French Soldier. 9+ x 133. Dated 1886, 88 75° ONIN MENGRIG eee pie ee ae cree ee Paris bo hove Se Born at Sévres, France. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867-1869- 1870. Legion of Honor, 1872. First Class Medal (Z.xposztion Universelle), 1878. In the Pasture. 32 X 25 Ve 89 fy, DONENGO cs ee eee ee eee ee Madrid LOC J.) Born in Spain. Pupil of Meissonier. My Doctor. 6X7 go 7 SCHREVER (Amse-7s ae ete eee Paris Y, L7G Born in Frankfort, 1828. Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, ) 7 1864-65-67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, .1862. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leo- pold, 1866. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Bursting of the Bomb. 22X27 SE i iP I 47 Gq (Lid at I, ff Lf CCU fo { K/ F ) OSM_LOS HSH Va J QZ ee) | wee 30 MOTT AND KEARNEV COLLECTION. QI DAUBIGNY (CHARLES FRANCOIS), dec’d....... Paris Born in Paris, 1817. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche. Med- als, 1848-1853-1855-1857-1859-1867. Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer of the same, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the Mem- ory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 1878. On the Seine. 29X16. Dated 1873. DARA CRS RE ae. ate. thet, sae ook at a Paris Born at Rome. Pupil of Academy of San Lucca, Rome. The Sword Bearer. 17 X 24 / ADAN (Louis EMILE) Paris Born in Paris, 1839. Pupil of Picot and Cabanel. Medals, Paris, 1875 and 1882. The Dancing Lesson. 44 X 29 94. UNTERBE WG ER UFRANZ hela. es eo .c.. Munich Born at Innsbruck, 1838. Pupil of Munich Academy. A, Zimmer- man and A. Achenbach, Order of Francis Joseph, Ile De Capri. 47 X 31 SIO Ounod V 40 LI VULYO I— LSA S, YALNIVd ZHL SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. 31 Y MOREAU (ADRIEN)......:- pene ais Sah ehctatae Lange Paris Tq. A Pupils of Pils. Medal, 1876. Féte in the Middle Ages. 34. X 234. Dated 1876. From the Geo. Whitney Sale. 96 ss __ JOHNSON (Davin), N.A. see eeeeeeee es New York / Ly %4 C C Born in New York, 1827. Elected member of the National Acad- emy, New York, 1862. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. One of the founders of the Artists’ Fund Society. Meadows at Ramapo. 22x14. Dated 1876. ; 97 g __, CASANOVA (ANTONIO). 0.00: cereereeee Paris ok Pupil of Madrazo. Flirting. 21x 16. Dated 1877. 98 Pa JACOUE (CHAS) )\..3 so. 1 i ce eae ee Paris 4, Qs a OC Medals, 1860-63-64-67. Legion of Honor, 1867. Landscape and Sheep. 39 X27. Dated 1879. From the J. Abner Harper Sale. | 32 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. | 99 A Ce, oe OW PR Gis) as 7 ee Paris | vs ees Born in Nantes, 1812. Medals, 1833-67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Twilight. | 16 X Ir | 100 | a ow A : és : me VIC BERNE-BELLECOUR (ETIENNE PROSPER)... Paris Born at Boulogne-sur-Mer. Pupil of Picot and of F. Barrias. | Medals, Paris, 1869-72-78 (at Salon and Exposition Univer- selle). Legion of Honor, 1878. Marine Doing Infantry Duty. Episode of the Franco-Prussian War. tox15. Dated 1876. ? 7h. @ GEROME (J. L.) Born in Vesoul, 1824. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1847-48- 55. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1865. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal for Sculpture, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Professor in the School of the Beaux’ Arts. | Head of a Dog. 22X20. Dated 1864. | LANDSCAPE 225 SECOND NIGHT'S SALE. Ww ios) r02 o, DIAZCN,); CEC d esate eae ps eee Paris Vy 7 (Ee Born in Bordeaux. Medals, 1844-46-48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Uni- verselle, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Landscape. 25 x1€. Dated 1863. From the L. Richards Sale. - 103 v4 oh , VAN MARCKE (EMILE) by Born at Sévres, France. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867-1869- 1870. Legion of Honor, 1872. First-class Medal (Exposition Universelle), 1878. Going to the Fair. TIX 13 MERLE (H.), dec’d Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861-63. Legion of Honor, 1866. Born, 1822. Died, 1881. The Marvelous Story. 8 x Io MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. 105 fj CO > VERBOECKHOVEN (Eueine J.)dec'ds Brussels Born in Warneton (West Flanders), July 8, 1799. Medals at Paris, 1824-1841-1855. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Orders of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portu- gal. Decoration of the Iron Cross, Member of the Royal Acad- emies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Died, 1881. The Combat. (Wild Horse attacked by Lion.) 24X29. Dated 1855. From the first John Wolfe and A. T. Stewart Sales. ” 106 vA ; Psp LAMBINET (mie) decd cn '. Paris vA i 4 Born at Versailles, 1810. Pupil of Drélling. Medals, Paris, 1843- 1853-1857. Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, 1878. Landscape. 30 X 22. Dated 1877. 107 ao 75 CPSR Gi piate cs shea oe Paris \/ aoe Born at Genest (Manché). Pupil of Gérdme. The Forbidden Books. 25X20. Dated 1878, i SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. 35 108 ae ACHENBACH (ANDREAS eo. sspea0 2: eee Diisseldorf Born at Hesse Cassel in 1815. Pupil of Schirmer, Diisseldorf Academy. Member of the Berlin, Antwerp and Amsterdam Academies. Knight of the Order of Leopold and of the Legion of Honor, Medals in Prussia and Belgium; in Paris, in 1839- 1855-1864 (when decorated with the Legion of Honor), 1867, Lxposttion Universelle, and in Philadelphia (Centennial Exposi- tion), 1876. Return from the Festival. 22x16. Dated 1852. 109 f, ISABEY (LoGom Wideed te et) ee eee ais Ff CO Born in Paris. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1824-27-55. Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Born, 1804. Died, 1887. Moonlight on the French Coast. 24x16. Dated 1866. From the Rogers and Bookwalter Sale. i VAU TIER (BENT AMIN] + css came try Paine Paris hz O Born at Morges, Switzerland, 1830. Pupil of Rudolphe Jordan, Diisseldorf, Member of the Academies of Berlin, Munich, Ant- werp, and Amsterdam. Medals, Paris, 1865-66, and at Bb: sitions Universelles, 1867-1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. Caught in the Act. tox 8, Dated 1865. 36 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. III 12518) DTT a( Gy odes eters Pel ees ee er a Paris Pupil of Bonnat. Medals, 1882-83. Boulevard des Italiens. I4 X IO From the J. Abner Harper Sale. II2 PE TAMBUUMINT CA).,5 55. Shae Wier ken Rome Medals at Florence and Rome. Chienti. 9x 12 DAN VERE (AN ik ce akcerpne ties. cued isa os Rome Medals at Florence and Rome. ‘Return to the Monastery. II4 TROVON (CONSTANT), decd... on vee tae Paris Born in Sévres. Pupil of Rivereux. Medals, 1838-40-46-48-55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Born, 1810. Died, 1865. Landscape and Sheep. 24 X 18 From the Robert Graves Sale. “OIGALS SAANNLYOA “gel ‘ON SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. a7 . TI5 VIBERT (JEAN Gnorgss) esse Paris & 7 Af U © Born at Paris, 1840. Pupil of ? cole des Beaux Arts, and of Barrias, Paris. Medals, Paris, 1864~1867-1868-1878 (Zxfosition Uni- verselle), Legion of Honor, 1870. The Painter’s Rest. Portrait of a Bourgeoise. 15} X12. Dated 1875. 116 i a7 pROWALSKE (WIERUZ AGPRED) O53 ew Paris / Born in Warsaw, Poland. Pupil of Brandt. Medal, 1878. Pursued by Wolves. 34 X 19 - PERRAULE (Ubon). ene ee Paris a7 LY OC ‘és Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Picot and Bouguereau. Medals, Paris, 1864-1865 ; Philadelphia, Centennial Exposition, 1876. Moise expose sur le Nil. 473 X 34. Dated 1879. 118 i DETAILLE (JEAN-BAPTISTE-EDOUARD)....... Paris C a Born in Paris, 1848. Favorite pupil of Meissonier. Medals, Paris, J C 1869-1870-1872. Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of the same, / 1881. Skirmish in Franco-Prussian War. 244 x 12}. Dated 1876. as eer TENE a 38 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. vA 11g Be MEYER VON BREMEN (JOHANN GEorG),d’d. Berlin / Called, from his birth-place, Meyer von Bremen. Born October 28, 1813. Pupil of Sohn. -Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin and Philadel- phia. Died, 1886. In Which Hand. 16 X 24 y / f \ SO CIN el eel ete as as aoe ts anges pester: Paris (/ EC Born in Bordeaux. Medals, 1844-46-48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Zxposition Univer- selle, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. The Bathers. 13 x8 From the Mrs. M. J. Morgan Sale. x I2I i, $0 BRASCASSAT (Jacques-Raymonp), dec’d.... Paris Born in Bordeaux, 18c5. Pupil of Richard and Hersent. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, and Member of the Institute of France. Died, 1867. Represented by important paintings in the Museum at Nantes. Freiburg Cow. 24X17 From the Wm. H. Aspinwall Sale. THE JOLLY MUSICIAD NO. 128, SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, 39 I22 ROUSSEAU s(EMRGbORD), dec doe ue e see Paris by 7 Ce Born in Paris, 1812. Pupil of Guillon-Lethiere. Medals, 1834-1840~ yp CaS 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor (Zxfosition Universelle), Paris, 1867. Died, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1868. Landscape. I4X7 From the Geo. I. Seney Sale. 123 PR-OUWVCENN REN: CE) Gee cits tei ase eae See Paris fs ) se Born in La Rochelle. Pupil of Cabat. Medals, 1849-1857--1859~- «LX TCT 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Aaxposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1820. Died, 1876, The Boar Hunt. 15 X 24 From the Geo. I, Seney Sale. ay 4 AZ, KNAUSS (GUDWIG emits eos Mere eee Berlin Born in Wiesbaden, 1829. Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. Medals, 1853-1855-1857-1859. Legion of Honor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Professor in the Academy, Berlin. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Christiania. Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit. Medals at Berlin, Vi- enna and Munich. Weimar Gold Medal for Art. Professor in the Berlin Academy, Grand Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1880. Country Girl. 64x 9. Dated 1878, 40 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. pee tee (STEM OMe fates aed 9 auto lorcet eae eect Paris 7 Z Born at Busseto, Italy. Pupilof Ciceri. Medals, Paris, 1859-1863- 1864. Grand Medal of Honor (Zxfosition Universelle), 1878. Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer of the same, 1878. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Knight of the order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin. Arab Hawking Party. 19x 14. Dated 1877. From the Geo. I. Seney Sale. 126 28 FERRANDIZ (B) TT kay ie tame /4 foo Fortuny’s Studio. / 32x18. Dated 1874. From the J. Abner Harper Sale. This picture was painted by Ferrandiz under the direction of his friend Fortuny. It represents the interior of Fortuny’s studio at Rome in 1874. In the centre may be seen a large Spanish- Moresque vase of the XIVth century ; on the left, another of the XIIth century, lacking the neck and handles. All about the studio are scattered, in infinite variety, other objects of art, statues, Gothic tapestries, Spanish-Moresque dishes, etc., etc. There are also two busts, relieved against black. The one on the left is the portrait of Fortuny, the other, that of Ferrandiz. In this picture Fortuny painted with his own hand, Ist, the plumage which crowns the large Spanish-Moresque vase standing on table ; 2d, the head of the attendant who leans upon the table ; 3d, the left corner of the rug in the centre ; 4th, the head of the spectator who is studying through a glass the central vase. 3AL. E RES LE API NO. 131. SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. AI Legend :—A few days before Ferrandiz was to send this picture to the Paris Salon, in March, 1874, it met with an accident. Fortuny inadvertently upset the easel on which it rested, and in falling it upset a bottle of ink, which ran over the whole picture. Without being in the least disconcerted, Fortuny washed the picture with volatile oil, and then, with his own rapid and expert hand, restored it to the present condition in two days of labor. 7&4 Tye re atte) ph ol is Coed ten Cre pera Brussels Chevalier of the Order of Léopold. Return from Pasture. 572 X 35 128 MADOU (j@AN- BAprisTE) dec din Ao. Brussels Born at Brussels, 1796. Pupil of Francois and the Brussels Academy of Art. Professor of Drawing in the Military School of Brussels and member of the Academies of Brussels and Antwerp. Medal, Paris, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Knight of the Lion of the Netherlands and of the Order of Leopold. Died, 1877. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists (Zxposition Univer- selle), 1878. The Jolly Musicians. 17X20. Dated 1869. From the E, D. Morgan Sale. 42 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. 129 COURBET (GUstave,. decd... ....- 0 Paris Born in Ornans, 1819. Pupil of Steuben and Hesse. Medals, 1849- 1857-1861. Offered the Cross of the Legion of Honor, but refused it. Decorated with the Order of St. Michael. Died, 1877. Mountain Torrent in the Vosges. 130 TROMOINWICONGTANT) “decide. Ss | | Apres le Bal. 17 X 33. Painted 1869. “APONVC AHL AO SHHSUVIN UHL NI az IONVLINA YBLSNVAL NVIHOWTIVM “SE1 “ON py = 3 % a ee = Se ee i SECOND NIGHT’ S SALE. 43 132 va BONH EUR (ipIpIROs4) fic. tae ear wae, C-@ Born at Bordeaux, 1822. Pupil of her father, Raymond Bonheur. Medals, 1845-1848-1855-1867 (Axposition Universelle), Le- gion of Honor, 1865. Deer in the Forest. 31 X39. Dated 1867. From the Mrs, M. J. Morgan Sale. 133 Bs) GEROME (ME eet ee eee Paris oC Born in Vesoul, 1824. Pupil of ,P. Delaroche. Medals, 1847-48- 55. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1865. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal for Sculpture, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Pro- fessor in the School of the Beaux Arts. Sale of the Circassian Slave. 22 X 244 pf 134. ek os BOUGUEREAU “(WiILEIAM-ADOLPHE) =. Jar. 5 Paris KO Born in La Rochelle, 1825. Prix de Rome in 1850. Medals, Paris, 1855 (Exposition Universelle)-1857-1867. (Exposition Univer- seliz). Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor (Zxfosition Universelle), 1878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, Paris, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. Resting. 32x 50. Dated 1885. GAL 7 J ~07A4 A, / ~ 44 MOTT AND KEARNEY COLLECTION. 135 SO GY DRS cite ot tease Ce Paris Born in Frankfort, 1828. Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Med- als, 1864-65-67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklen- burg, 1862. Medal at Brussels, 1863, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. A Wallachian Teamster Entangled in the Marshes Cot GF L20 eo. : A! 4S, 44% C of the Danube. 76 X 46 From the John Wolfe and E. D. Morgan Sales. i feo we Sey ep - Feet of = J Lr AEs 70¢ ORTGIES & CO., AUCTIONEERS. i Pa. SGO.— ~ prerenirrtte een a oe ON A nS SR UE A a gtatatatatatatetatutatets tal aatatas acted ae! eat teratst NSE abet Rag