eo rrr ss ¥F Feng iit 3 " i spits Sibi, / So A eet ARCHITECTURAL BOOK SHOP PHILLIP L, PRITCHARD ARCHITECTS BLDG. LOS ANGELES READY-WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS READY-WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS A Compendium of Clauses for Direct Use in Architectural Specifications BY LEICESTER B. HOLLAND B.S. 1x Arcu., Pu.D., A. I. A. Formerty AssociaTs PRoFEssor OF ARCHITECTURE, AMERICAN ScHOOL oF CiassicaL Stupigs, ATHENS, GREECE AND HARRY PARKER M. S. in Arcu., A. I. A. Proressor or ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION, Scuoou or Fine Arts, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, Ine. Lonpon: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limirep 1926 5/28 Copyright, 1926 BY LEICESTER B. HOLLAND anp HARRY PARKER Printed in U. 8. A. PRESS OF BRAUNWORTH & Co, BOOK MANUFACTURERS BROOKLYN, NEW YORK PREFACE SPECIFICATIONS are a load assumed with bravado, borne with groans, and shifted, when they can be shifted, universally without regret. The architect who is not a specialist in writing them, is apt to look on them as a set of quasi-magic formulae, which he does not fully understand nor really care to understand, but repeats dutifully and wearily, as a ritual handed down to him by wiser men. He believes, or half believes, that the word has power to save, that if he repeats often enough “to the approval of the Architect” and “guaranteed complete in every respect,’’ then the house that is a-building should blossom in the perfect likeness of the house already built in his imagination. And yet, alas, he never feels completely sure. The road of the specifier is wearisome, since he is uncertain of the way. In most cases the evil goes back to the first independent “‘job”’ of the budding archi- tect. In office and in atelier the young man has been trained in drawing, in designing and in detailing; his maiden contract drawings are familiar work to him. He may have studied theoretical construction in some great school of architecture, or even done practical superintendence as a clerk of works, yet not one young architect in a hundred has ever had real instruction in the actual preparation of specifications. In his emergency he does what all other architects have done, he begs from some friend of older practice the specifications of some other undertaking as like in character to his own as he can find, and then cuts, pastes, writes in and crosses out as well as he knows how, to make a patchwork that will apply, more or less well, to the structure he has planned. So he adopts his ritual, and ever after that he follows it, each new specification being just an alteration of those that have gone before. Paragraphs that have led to trouble are revised or stricken out, new devices and touches of personal technique are introduced, until on some happy job the work goes through with ease and speed to the complete satisfaction of all concerned. How much of this success is due to honest and skilled contractors who have the tact to supplement or to ignore his written word, the architect rarely can suspect! To him, the specifications of his best-starred job have turned the trick, and in spite of the omissions, the contradictions, the meaningless phrases which are inevitable in any such random growth, all future specifications that he writes will echo that first successful compilation. Once at least, in almost every architect’s career, he solemnly resolves that he will build up from the ground a model form of specification for his work. It shall be logically composed, well studied, scientific, free from the “vestigial remains” of his youthful borrowings. But the task is not an attractive one for holidays and on busy days the drive of immediate work precludes the search for the ideal, so another resolution is handed down to the Infernal Road Commissioner. vi Some years ago the authors of the present book together made that same resolve, and circumstances favoring them, have finally seen it through. They here present their collection or store-house of specification material in the hope that it may make specification writing a better ordered undertaking, and with a feeling of greater certainty in the results give some relief from an arduous and ungrateful task. We claim no great innovations in this work, no marked departures from accepted form, not even from the traditional method of compiling specifications. We started in the ancient way, by borrowing from others. Those we asked were the leading architects of New York and Philadelphia, and they most generously gave us access to any specifi- cations they had. This material we have worked upon for several years, taking what seemed good here or better there, comparing systems, coordinating, arranging, and spending endless hours in pleasant argument on minutiae. Finally the various sections have been submitted to masters of the various crafts concerned, painters, plumbers, heater-men and roofers, to get what an architect rarely gets, the unbiased views of the men who do the work, in regard to the principles and practices of their trades. The material we have thus compiled covers the greater part of what would be needed for the specifications of any residence, large or small, requiring merely such supplemental clauses as local peculiarities of site or building practices, or unusual fancies of the owner may dictate. For that matter, the material would very largely suffice for many other types of building, such as schools and colleges, churches and country hotels. We assume, of course, that before commencing to specify, the architect has planned his building, knows the material market at his command, and what grade and quality he can afford to use. We have provided for the necessary variations due to locality or cost, by leaving blanks in the clauses, with notes suggesting the nature of the insertions the architect is to supply. Thus we hope to provide a maximum field for our clauses to cover, with a minimum amount of composition on the part of the architect. Wherever possible—as for example in specifying fireplace facings, or stair trim, or supply piping— we have suggested that the material be tabulated, for the greater conciseness and clarity this arrangement provides, as well as for the insurance it gives against omissions. If our efforts prove of aid to brother architects in the necessary performance of an unpleasant task, they should join with us in thanking those other architects who so freely gave us their specifications and their advice, and those experts in the various crafts who have criticised at length and in some cases have read proof with us. Among them particularly we wish to thank Mr. John Abronski, Mr. William Armstrong and Mr. Warren Armstrong, Mr. Thomas B. Brunt, Mr. L. P. Edwards, Mr. Harry I. Faust, Mr. William Nessler, Mr. Frank Rooney, Mr. J. Fletcher Street and Mr. Harold Watts. We shall be most grateful for criticisms and suggestions from any who may use this book, so that if this edition should prove its worth, another may be made of greater service still. vii DIRECTIONS To the Architect. Each section of this book has an index letter, each clause an index number. When contract drawings have been prepared, read through the book clause by clause. If a clause is applicable to the work in hand, jot down its number on an “Index Sheet.” Clauses printed on left-hand pages are alternates to clauses opposite them on right hand pages. Alternate clauses are given common index numbers differentiated by 1, 2 or 3, written beneath. Thus “ provides for tin flashing, but if zinc is to be used instead of tin, “2 is the clause to be noted down, and “- is the clause for copper. = “LEAD COUNTER-FLASHING” is, as might be guessed, a clause which may be used with K 5 K 5 ra but would not be used with Om Where blanks occur in the text, write on your Index Sheet, after the letter referring to the blank, the words you wish to have inserted. The notes in italics in the book indicate the sort of matter to be inserted; they are merely suggestions, however, not to be followed literally. When it is desired to introduce matter peculiar to the work in hand, not to be found in the book, a new clause with appropriate heading should be written on the Index Sheet, in its proper place between the index numbers of clauses to be taken from the book. Clauses which are not to be found in the book but which you wish to incorporate regularly or often in your specifications, should be written in the book on the left-hand pages left blank for that purpose, opposite the places on the right-hand pages where the new material would properly be inserted. Give as an index number to each new clause, the index number of the clause which precedes it, plus a decimal. Thus H 21-1 would be a new clause inserted between H 21 and H 22. In this way your own clauses become part of the regular material of the book. While reading through, it is well to note on a separate sheet any details which you find should be added to the contract drawings. Finally hand your Index Sheet to your stenographer with the following instructions :— To the Stenographer. Copy out of this book the clauses indicated on the Architect’s Index Sheet, filling in the blanks with the words he has supplied. Insert any new clauses he has written, in their proper places as indicated by the index numbers. Do not copy the index letters or numbers, the letters referring to the notes, or anything whatever that is printed in italics in the book. Vili SUGGESTIONS Tue pages of specifications should be numbered consecutively, either from beginning to end or beginning anew with each ‘‘Heading.” In the latter case a heading letter should be added to the page number. It is a convenience to have each clause numbered. This is best done beginning anew with each ‘‘Heading.” If the page numbers have heading letters the clause numbers do not need them, and vice versa. An index should be bound in at the front of all specifications, giving the names of the ‘‘Headings”’ in order, with their index letters and the page where each commences. The titles of the clauses may be written above them to the left, as in this book, thus:- 8. SMOOTH-FINISH COAT The smooth-finish coat shall be composed of lime putty strained through a screen of 100 meshes to the square inch, mixed with a or the titles may be set in, on a level with the first line, thus:— 8. SMOOTH-FINISH COAT The smooth-finish coat shall be composed of lime putty strained through a screen of 100 meshes to the square inch, mixed with a small portion of white The second arrangement is slightly more economical of space, but probably requires a little more care on the part of the stenographer. If carbon paper be placed face up under the first sheets as the specifications are being typewritten, thereby printing on the back as well as on the front, these sheets can be used for blue-printing extra copies, in case all the typewritten copies of the specifi- cations become exhausted. For general convenience and utility it is better to bind specifications at the left- hand edge, to open like a book, rather than at the top. The blank left-hand pages, formed by the backs of the typewritten sheets, can be used to advantage in the ‘“office- copy” for notes on errors, corrections, time of completion of various parts of the work, and similar matters. NOTE Ar the end of the book we print ‘THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS” as issued by the American Institute of Architects, fourth edition. These are copyrighted and are reprinted here by special permission of the Institute. The Institute also publishes standard forms for—Agreement between Contractor and Owner;- Bond of Suretyship;- Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor ;— Letter of Acceptance of Subcontractor’s Proposal. All these are for sale at slight cost at the headquarters of the Institute, the Octagon House, Washington, D. C., and by dealers in all the large cities. We strongly recommend that architects adopt these Standard Forms, and incor- porate the Institute’s General Conditions in their specifications. Our own General Conditions,—the first section of this book,—is included simply as a shorter and more flexible form, for the use of architects who may prefer to evolve their own General Condi- tions to suit their own particular problems. CONTENTS PREFACE .«. . DIRECTIONS . SUGGESTIONS NOTE A GENERAL CONDITIONS PERS RUBE hg eC a i ee eer Ta a othe Ce are: A rtemig eC PN SRS Rn TS ae 7) Cie MCAROMRE OO E Strong Masonry fA RR UO a rr ne ORO n ERAGE Oi ee RUM MB RU aA. H Hot.iow TILE OG aA Teri, ee eT NE CL ONY J Ikon anv STEEL NT Aaa ata AR Ge K Sueer Metat anp Roortnc . . . 7 L PuasteR WoRK . =. A Ui age Appenp1x:—(General Conditions of the A. I. A.) INDEX Mads AH HonROHOVOAE MaRBLE AND TILE CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK HARDWARE MetTAL CASEMENTS PAINTING . GLAZING PLUMBING Vacuum CLEANING SYSTEM Gas FITTING HEATING Hort-airk HEATING Euectric WIRING xi READY-WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS Al A2 A 3 A 4 AS A6 AZ GENERAL CONDITIONS PROPOSALS Sealed proposals accompanied by the drawings and specifications must be sent to the office of the Architect at or before (a)....... (a) hour and date RIGHT TO REJECT BIDS The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. EXAMINATION OF PREMISES The Contractor shall carefully examine the premises before submitting his bid. No allowance will be made him for lack of full knowledge of all conditions, except such underground conditions as are indeterminable before the commencement of the work. TIME OF COMPLETION The Contractor must state in his proposal the number of working days, from the date of signing the contract, in which he will guarantee to complete the work. CHANGES It is understood that the Owner shall have the right during the progress of construction to make any alterations, additions, or omissions that he may desire, to work or material herein specified or shown on drawings. The same shall be carried into effect by the Contractor without in any way violating or vitiating the contract, but if such changes are made, the value of same must be agreed upon in writing between Owner, Architect and Contractor. No omissions will be allowed or extra work paid for unless. ordered in writing, by the Architect. SPECIAL WORK NOT INCLUDED The Owner reserves the right to have special work, not included in the contract, done during the course of the work herein included. SUB-CONTRACTORS All sub-contractors must be approved by the Architect before the contract is signed. A 8 A9 A 10 A ll A 12 A 13 BOND The Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after signing the contract, furnish the Owner with a bond of a Trust Company acceptable to the Owner, in a sum equal to 50 per cent of the contract price of the work, guaranteeing the faithful performance of his contract, and against loss by reason of any lien. RELEASE OF LIENS The Contractor shall furnish the Owner before a final payment is made, a full release of liens, signed by all sub-contractors and material men associated in any way with the work. PERMITS The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, surveys, and Inspector’s fees required, without extra cost to the Owner. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCIDENTS The Contractor must bear all loss or damage from accidents which may occur to any person or persons, by or on account of the prosecution of the work, until possession is taken by the Owner. The Contractor must provide all legal and necessary guards, railings, lights, warning- signs, etc., during the progress of the work. WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION LAW The Contractor must assume all risks and bear all losses occasioned by neglect or accident during the progress of the work until the same shall have been completed and accepted by the Architect. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for liability insurance covering the entire work, in accordance with any Workmen’s Compensation Law which may be in operation now or put in effect before the completion of his contract. INSURANCE ne COPE bo shall effect fire, lightning and tornado insurance, from time to time, equal to the amount of the payments made on account of the contract, and made payable to the Contractor or Owner, as their interests may appear. (a) Contractor; Owner. GENERAL CONDITIONS A 14 A 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 A 19 OMISSIONS The drawings and specifications are intended to co-operate. Anything shown on the drawings but not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, or anything not expressly set forth in either, but which is reasonably implied, shall be furnished as though specifically shown and mentioned in both, without any extra charge. Should anything be omitted from the drawings necessary to the proper construction of the work herein described, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to so notify the Architect before signing the contract, and in the event of the Contractor failing to give such notice, he shall make good any damage or defect in his work caused thereby without extra charge. DETAIL AND WORKING DRAWINGS Additional detail and working drawings will be furnished in amplifi- cation of the contract drawings as they may be required. All such additional drawings are to be considered of equal force with those which accompany these specifications. A complete set of the drawings and specifications must be kept at the building at all times during the progress of the work. SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall, upon request, submit shop drawings for the approval of the Architect. DIMENSIONS Figures given on the drawings govern scale measurements, and larger scale governs smaller. QUESTIONS AND DISAGREEMENTS All questions or disagreements between the Owner and the Contractor relating to the interpretation of the drawings and specifications, or the kind and quality of work and material required thereby, shall be referred to the Architect. His decision shall be final, conclusive and without appeal. LAYING OUT THE WORK The Contractor shall lay out the work from the drawings, to the approval of the Architect, and shall be responsible for any damage that may be sustained by the Owner or others from incorrect location of the building. GENERAL CONDITIONS A 20 A 21 A 22 A 23 A 24 A 25 A 26 FOREMAN The Contractor must have at the building from start to finish a respon- sible foreman. In addition, the Contractor must give the work his per- sonal supervision. The foreman must be on duty during all working hours. Any instructions or notices given to him shall have the same force as if given to the Contractor in person. WORKMEN Any workman who in the opinion of the Architect is not capable, or who is careless in the execution of the work, must be removed upon the request of the Architect. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP All materials and workmanship are to be the best of their several kinds, unless specified to the contrary. The Contractor is to furnish all acces- sories needed, such as scaffolding, forms, protection, and all other tem- porary work, unless otherwise distinctly specified. BUILDING LAWS AND ORDINANCES All materials and construction shall conform to the requirements of all building and sanitary laws in force in the locality in which the building is to be erected. The Contractor shall be responsible for any violation of the same, and shall make all work acceptable to the Building Department without extra charge. DEFECTIVE OR IMPROPER WORK Any work or materials not acceptable to the Architect must be removed by the Contractor and replaced by approved materials or work without extra compensation. All condemned material must be removed from the premises immediately. INSPECTION The Contractor shall afford the Architect every facility for inspecting the work and materials. CLOSING IN WORK No piping, wiring, ducts, etc., shall be covered up until properly inspected and approved, and until certificates, if required, shall have been issued for the same. GENERAL CONDITIONS 10 For temporary installation of heating apparatus see under “ HEATIN G,” page 223. TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY All water required for building operations will be supplied at site by Owner, but connections, hose, etc., as may be necessary, shall be supplied by the General Contractor. For temporary water supply installed by Plumber see under “PLUMBING,” page 189. A 27 A 28 A 29 A 30 A 32 A 33 A 34 11 CUTTING All cutting and repairing of work shall be done without extra charge by the Contractor or sub-contractor whose work is to be cut. PROTECTION All materials in or designed for the work shall be at all times suitably housed or protected, particular care being taken of all finished parts. PRIVY The General Contractor shall provide a temporary privy with proper enclosure. This shall be removed on completion of the work and the premises be left in perfect condition. FROST AND DAMPNESS The General Contractor shall furnish all usual heating apparatus and fuel, or other appliances to protect the work from frost and dampness. No interior finish will be permitted in the building until the Architect is satisfied that the rooms are sufficiently dry. TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for water supply for building purposes. CLEANING AND REFITTING The building must be kept free from all surplus material, dirt and rubbish at all times. At the completion of the work all paint spots must be removed from floors and walls, and windows and doors refitted where required. All windows must be cleaned and such minor repairs and altera- tions made as may be necessary to make the building ready for occupancy. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall make good any defects due to faults in labor or material, which may arise or be discovered within one year after the completion of the work and its acceptance by the Architect. RETURNING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS All drawings and specifications must be returned to the Architect before the final certificate will be issued by him to the Contractor. GENERAL CONDITIONS 12 Bl B2 B3 B4 BS B6 13 DEMOLITION GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. WORK INCLUDED Remove (a)....... Old foundations shall be removed wherever necessary to allow new walls to be carried to a solid bottom. (a) all walls, piers, etc., where indicated on drawings by dotted lines;— etc. OLD PIPES Cut off all supply pipes, sewers, conduits, etc., 3’ outside of the excava- tions, and securely plug or cap the ends. OLD WELLS Fill in any old wells, cesspools, etc., that may occur, and lay reinforced concrete slabs over tops of same, unless otherwise directed. OLD MATERIALS Old materials taken from the present building, which in the opinion of the Architect are fit for use in the new building, shall be carefully cleaned and piled where directed and may then be re-used. All material not approved for re-use or reserved by the Owner shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed at once from the premises. SHORING AND UNDERPINNING Shore up and underpin all walls wherever necessary. The shoring shall be done with heavy inclined shores wedged to a solid bearing and supported, if necessary, on temporary piling and cribbing. All under- pinning shall be done in short sections and shall be solidly built and thoroughly wedged up. 14 For excavation to be done by Plumber see under “PLUMBIN G,”’ page 188. Ci C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 15 EXCAVATION GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. STAKES AND BATTER-BOARDS Lay out the building accurately under the supervision of the Architect and set such stakes, batter-boards, etc., as may be necessary. PROTECTION OF SHRUBBERY Build temporary boxes and frames to protect all existing trees and shrubs that are liable to be damaged during the progress of the work. This Contractor shall be responsible for all unnecessary damage to trees, shrubs, drives, lawns, etc. REMOVAL OF TREES Trees that interfere with the construction of the building may be removed, but not without approval by the Architect. SOD AND SOIL Carefully remove all sod and top soil to a depth of 9” throughout the area of the building, and for 5’ beyond on all sides, and pile on premises where directed. GENERAL EXCAVATION Excavate for cellar, foundation walls, piers, areas, and such other work as may be necessary, to the depths shown on drawings. All trenches for foundation walls or piers must have solid, level and undisturbed bottoms. All exterior foundations shall go down at least (a) ....... below grade. The excavations shall be kept as free as possible from surface draining. (a) 2’;- 4';- ete. EXCAVATION BELOW FLOORS Excavations shall be carried under all portions of the building to give a depth of at least 2’ below the bottom of all floor beams and girders. 16 For construction of cesspool see wnder “MASONRY,” page 29, and “PLUMBING,” page 197. GRADING Earth removed from excavation shall be used to form grades as shown on drawings. This Contractor shall supply such extra soil as may be necessary to complete grading. ‘Top soil shall be used to cover grading to a depth of 6’’, and extra top soil supplied if necessary. Sint ~~ —too yore C8 C9 C10 Cll C12 C13 C14 17 BANK WALLS Excavations for all exterior foundations shall extend at least 6’ beyond each face of the wall. No bank walls will be permitted. EXCAVATION FOR PIPING Excavate for drainage system and piping, as the Plumber may direct, and do all such miscellaneous excavating as may be necessary for the completion of the building and its equipment. DRY WELLS Construct dry wells where shown on drawings. These shall be 3’ in diameter and be carried 4’ below the point at which drain pipe enters them. They shall be filled with small or broken stones, brickbats, etc. to within 1’ of grade. AREA DRAIN PITS Construct under floor of each area a drain pit 2’ in diameter and 2’ deep. This shall be filled with cinders or broken stone. CESSPOOL Excavate for cesspool where directed at a distance of Sn ke from building; excavation to be 11’ in diameter, and to be carried 8’ below point at which drain pipe enters it. (a) 50';- 75’ ;— etc. SEPTIC TANK Excavate where directed, at a distance of (a)....... from building, for septic tank specified under the heading (6)....... (a) 40';- 50';- etc. (bl) “CONCRETE” ;- “ PLUMBING.” FILLING AROUND MASONRY Refill around all masonry when directed by the Architect. Unless otherwise specified, all filling must be thoroughly puddled and rammed and be brought up to a sufficient height and so graded as to drain water away from building. GRADING Earth removed from excavations shall be used to form an even and neat slope from the building, as directed by the Architect, and shall then be covered over with top soil. All earth not used for refilling or grading is to be carted away by this Contractor unless otherwise directed. EXCAVATION 18 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 19 GENERAL MASONRY GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. This Contractor shall furnish all appliances, tools, derricks, scaffolds, and all other material required to carry out his contract in the most rapid and thorough manner. CEMENT All cement shall be (a)....... (a) an approved brand of Portland cement;— name of brand. WHITE CEMENT White cement of (a)....... brand shall be used for (b)...... ; (a) approved;— name of brand. (b) exterior stucco;— glazed brickwork;-— etc. SAND All sand used throughout the work must be approved by the Architect. It shall be clean, sharp sand or clean, yellow gravel, free from foreign matter. CINDERS All cinders shall be clean bituminous cinders, broken up and sieved and free of all coal dust and dirt. MORTAR BOXES Provide proper boxes for mixing mortar. No mortar or plaster may be mixed on the ground or floors of the building. PROTECTION All mason work shall be suspended during freezing weather, except when specially permitted by the Architect. All walls, floors, etc., recently built, must be properly protected from the weather and from all injury. All work injured by the weather must be taken down and rebuilt. All masonry sills or projecting work must be protected by boarding, immedi- ately after setting. 20 D8 D9 D10 Dil D 12 D 13 D 14 D15 D 16 21 CHASES This Contractor shall ascertain where all chases or openings for pipes, wires, ducts, etc., are to go, and not wait for such information to be given him. He shall construct all such chases as shown or required, subject to the approval of the Architect. SCUPPERS OR WEEP HOLES Build all scuppers according to detail where shown on drawings. RADIATOR RECESSES Provide all recesses for radiators in masonry walls where shown. ANCHORS, ETC. This Contractor shall build in all anchors, joggles, bolts, flashings, wall plugs, nailing strips, beams, frames, etc., as may be required. These materials shall be placed according to the directions of those who furnish them. SETTING STEEL LINTELS All flat arches where shown on drawings, unless otherwise specified, shall have steel lintels at back of same. These lintels are provided under the heading ““IRON AND STEEL” but shall be set by this contractor. SETTING FRAMES Set all frames as directed and fill with plaster between the frames and masonry until all spaces are solid. CALKING Calk thoroughly with oakum or roofer’s cement around all frames in exterior masonry walls, and make them absolutely tight. INSULATION FOR FLOORS Fill in with mortar between joists on insulating floor provided under the heading ““CARPENTRY.” FIRE STOPS Fill in with stone or brick between the ends of all wood joists where they rest upon walls or partitions. The height of the filling shall be the thickness of the floors. Fill also between the rafter heels from the wall plate to the roof sheathing. GENERAL MASONRY 22 D18 WATERPROOFING BASEMENT 2 The basement shall be made waterproof by the application of (a)....... coats of (0)... 02. to the exterior of the foundation walls from bottom of the footings to grade level. All walls must be thoroughly dry before this coating is applied. (a) one;— two;- etc. (6) asphalt;— name of waterproofing compound;- ete. D 18 D19 D20 D 21 23 GYPSUM BLOCK PARTITIONS Gypsum block partitions where indicated on drawings shall be built of CR wes ve gypsum hollow tile, laid with vertical joints broken. (a) name of brand and thickness. WATERPROOFING BASEMENT The basement shall be made waterproof by the addition of (a)....... waterproofing compound to all plaster on the (b)....... face of exterior walls, and the basement floor. This waterproofing shall be done according to the directions of the manufacturers. (a) name of brand. (b) exterior;— interior;— etc. WATERPROOFING ABOVE GRADE All exterior walls above grade shall be made waterproof by the applica- CHOP CB) cis cies 3 Conta OF (0) ys oes All walls must be thoroughly dry before this coating is applied. (a) one exterior;— two interior ;— etc. (b) asphalt;— name of waterproofing compound;- etc. INTERIOR WHITEWASH On the completion of the building, a good coat of whitewash shall be applied to all basement walls, ceilings, piers, and partitions, unless other- wise specified. EXTERIOR WHITEWASH Whitewash (a)....... with a mixture composed of 10 parts freshly slaked lime and 1 part Portland cement mixed well with salt water and applied thin. (a) all exterior walls;— area walls;— garden walls;— etc. GENERAL MASONRY CEMENT MORTAR All mortar for stone masonry, unless otherwise specified, shall be com- posed of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, and 1/10 part lime paste. She For concrete foundation walls and concrete area walls see under “CONCRETE,” pages 36, 87 and 39. E4 ES5 E 6 25 STONE MASONRY CEMENT MORTAR All mortar for stone masonry, unless otherwise specified, shall be com- posed of 1 part cement and 3 parts of sand. NON-STAINING CEMENT MORTAR All mortar for cut stone work shall be composed of 1 part lime paste, 3 parts sand, and 1/6 part of an approved brand of stainless cement. LIME MORTAR Lime mortar shall be composed of 1 part freshly burned lime and 3 parts sand. All mortar must be used immediately after being mixed. No re-mixing or re-tempering will be permitted. FOUNDATION STONE All foundation walls shown on the drawings, up to a line 6”’ below the finished grade, and all other unexposed stone masonry shall be of large, hard local building stone, which must be approved by the Architect. FACE STONE All exposed stone work, unless otherwise specified, shall be (a)....... (a) name of stone. CUT STONE The cut stone throughout the building shall be as follows: (a)....... (a) LOCATION KIND OF STONE QUARRY OR GRADE FINISH Steps, UAAEINRIE SSK SST RAR N RRA Sh CONEY a raha Sine-pointed Sills, ARE AR a ERIE Ai a eg eS RL OA eight-cut Caps, POA 828 i Stat Se NN stz-cut Fireplace facing, CON Mee EN AN Oks Ca tas i ag iia rubbed etc. etc. etc. etc. FACE STONE WORK All exposed stone work shall be (a) (a) uncoursed rubble;— coursed rubble with squared quoins;— ranged ashlar;— etc. SAMPLES OF STONE WORK The Contractor shall lay up to the approval of the Architect a portion of the face stone work showing size and type of stone, type and color of pointing, ete. For concrete footings see under “CONCRETE,” page 37. EZ E8 E 13 E 14 27 SETTING All stones shall be laid on their natural bed, thoroughly bonded and bedded. Bond or through stones shall be placed not more than 5’ apart. All joints shall be filled up tight with mortar and spalls. All corners and jambs shall be run straight and true. All putiock holes shall be large and on completion shall be filled with large stones. SETTING CUT STONE No joint in cut stone work shall exceed 3/16” in width. Mortar shall be raked out to a depth of at least 3/4’ for pointing. Copings and projecting courses shall be set with dry joints, to be calked later with oakum and filled flush with grout. Facing stones shall be set on wooden wedges which shall not be removed until the stone work is cleaned and pointed. FACE STONE WORK All exposed stone work shall be laid up as directed by the Architect, in the manner indicated on the drawings. POINTING Scrape out all joints thoroughly to receive pointing. All exterior work shall be pointed with cement mortar colored as the Architect may direct. SAMPLES OF POINTING The Contractor for this work shall submit samples of the pointing before beginning the work. CLEANING CUT STONE The face of all cut stone work shall be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water and fibre brushes. No wire brushes or acids will be permitted. DASHING The inner side of basement walls (a)....... shall be plastered with cement mortar, composed of 1 part cement and 2-1/2 parts sand, troweled to an even surface. All basement walls shall be plastered on the outside with cement mortar as the walls are built. (a) throughout;— in laundry;— in milk cellar;— ete. FOOTING STONES All footing stones shall be large, flat stones extending the full width of the footings. STONE MASONRY 28 If cesspool is to be included in Plumber’s contract, see under “PLUMBING,” page 197, for cesspool and cesspool top. E15 E 16 E17 E18 E19 E 20 29 SELECTED STONES CN shall be selected stones, accurately cut to the required (a) Copings;— Caps;— Arch-stones;— Corbels;— etc. STONE LINTELS Stone lintels, where shown on drawings, shall be of selected, large, flat stones. FLAGSTONE Provide and set, where shown, flagstone (a)....... The thickness shall (a) caps to piers in basement;— copings;— steps;— manhole covers;— etc. (b) 2";- 2-1/2"; 3";- ete. FLAGSTONE WALKS AND TERRACES Provide and set flagstone walks and terraces where shown on drawings, OEM eid material laid as indicated and of dimensions shown. Each stone shall be well bedded in sand, and unless otherwise specified shall have a pitch of 1/4” to the foot. (a) 2-1/2";- 8";- ete. FOOTING DRAINS Provide and build a footing drain around the outside of the basement walls, starting at the high point (a)....... and emptying at the low point ie els into an 8” tile drain which shall be carried to (c)....... The footing drain shall be of 4” vitrified tile pipe laid with open hubs and graded to an even pitch of at least 1/8’ to the foot. Each hub shall be cov- ered on top with tarred felt to prevent the intrusion of earth. The drain pipe shall be laid on a firm earth bed, and the trench in which it is laid filled for a distance of 18” from the face of the foundation wall with broken stone, to within 8” of the finished grade. (a) S. E. corner of kitchen wing;— etc. (b) N. W. corner of main building ;— etc. (c) sewer;— dry well;— cesspool;— etc. CESSPOOL Construct cesspool where directed, at a distance of (@)....... from building. The walls shall be 16” thick, of stone laid up without mortar. (a) 50';- 70’;- etc. STONE MASONRY 30 E21 CESSPOOL TOP 2 The cesspool is to be covered with a cement top, provided under the heading “CONCRETE.” 31 E 21 CESSPOOL TOP 1 The top of the cesspool shall be covered with an 8” brick dome with manhole, finishing 12” below the finished grade. The manhole shall be fitted with (a)....... (a) 3” flagstone cover;— cast iron cover, provided under the heading “ PLUMBING’”’;- etc. STONE MASONRY 32 FI ae” 3 F3 F 4 FS5 F6 F7 F8 33 CONCRETE GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. WORK INCLUDED Under this contract is included (a)....... , and all other work wherever indicated on drawings as being of concrete. (a) walls;— floors;— beams;— pavements;— steps;— etc. CEMENT All cement shall be (a)....... (a) name of brand;- an approved brand of Portland cement. SAND All sand must be approved by the Architect. It shall be coarse, clean, sharp sand, or clean yellow gravel, free from foreign matter. CINDERS All cinders shall be clean anthracite cinders, broken up and sieved and free of all coal dust and dirt. STONE All stone used in plain concrete shall be good hard broken stone, of sizes from 1/2” to 1-1/2’’, free from dust and dirt. STONE FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE The stone used in reinforced concrete shall be good hard broken stone in sizes from 1/4” to 3/4’, free from dust and dirt. REINFORCING RODS All reinforcing rods are provided under the heading ‘(IRON AND STEEL.”’ RE a F9 F 10 F 1 F 12 F 13 F 14 F15 F 16 35 PROTECTION FROM WEATHER All concrete work shall be discontinued during freezing weather except when specially permitted by the Architect. All work recently built must be properly protected from the elements. All work injured by the weather must be taken down and rebuilt. CHASES This Contractor shall ascertain where all chases or openings for pipes, wires, ducts, etc. are to go, and not wait for such information to be given him. He shall construct all such chases as shown or required, subject to the approval of the Architect. ANCHORS, ETC. This Contractor shall build in all anchors, joggles, bolts, flashings, wall plugs, frames, etc. as may be required. These materials shall be placed according to the directions of those who furnish them. WATERPROOFING A Ms shall be waterproofed by the addition of (b)....... waterproofing compound. This waterproofing shall be done according to the directions of the manufacturers. (a) exterior walls;— basement floors;— etc. (b) name of brand. PLAIN CONCRETE Plain concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of 1 part cement, 3 parts. sand, and 6 parts broken stone. CINDER CONCRETE Cinder concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of 1 part cement to 5 parts cinders. REINFORCED CONCRETE All reinforced concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of 1 part. cement, 2 parts sand, and 4 parts broken stone. CONCRETE BLOCK All concrete blocks shall be best-quality 8’’x8’’x16’’ hollow cement blocks, made of 1 part cement and 3 parts sand, and shall be allowed to set for sixty (60) days before being used. CONCRETE 36 CONCRETE BLOCK FOUNDATIONS All foundation walls up to within 6” of finished grade, and all other unexposed masonry unless otherwise indicated, shall be of concrete block of dimensions shown on drawings. CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS All walls throughout the building, unless otherwise indicated, shall be of concrete block of dimensions shown on drawings. F 17 F 18 F 19 F 20 F 21 F 22 37 MIXING If a mechanical mixer is not used, mix cement and sand dry so that the whole mass appears uniform in color, then add water and mix to a proper consistency; after a thorough wetting add the stone and mix to a uniform mass. MIXING BOXES Provide proper boxes for mixing concrete. No concrete may be mixed on the ground or floors of the building. FORMS Construct all forms so that they will be water-tight, true to line and form. The forms shall be sufficiently rigid to resist bending under load and dumping. Forms must not be removed until permission is given by the Architect. PLACING REINFORCEMENT Special care must be taken that reinforcing members be placed exactly in the positions indicated on the drawings. POURING All concrete must be poured into forms immediately after mixing. Concrete must be thoroughly tamped immediately after pouring. Where concrete is to have an exposed surface, a flat tool shall be worked between the face of the form and the concrete, forcing back large stones so that finished surface will be smooth and uniform. CONCRETE FOOTINGS All footings indicated on drawings shall be (@)....... concrete of _ dimensions shown. (a) plain;— reinforced. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS All foundation walls, up to within 6” of finished grade, and all other unexposed masonry, unless otherwise indicated, shall be plain concrete of dimensions shown on the drawings. CONCRETE F 24 F 25 F 26 F27 F 28 F 29 F 30 39 CONCRETE AREA WALLS Area walls, where shown on drawings, shall be of concrete of dimensions shown. CONCRETE LINTELS Provide and set, in accordance with detail drawings, reinforced concrete lintels over openings No. (a)......... (a) number shown on drawings. INTERIOR CEMENT FLOORS Level up the earth under the (a)....... floor and cover with a 6” layer of cinders well rammed. Then lay 3” of cinder concrete. On top of this put a finishing coat fully 1” thick, composed of 1 part cement and 2 parts sand, all of which shall be floated smooth. The cement shall be cut into squares not greater than 6’x6’, or as shown on drawings. All joints shall continue to bottom of concrete and be filled with sand. All work shall be level except where required to pitch for draining. Where pipes under floors run close to the surface, the work shall be reinforced with galvanized wire cloth to prevent cracking. (a) basement;— garage;— etc. CEMENT BASES Cement floors of (a)....... shall have a cement base 6’ high with 1-1/2” cove at floor. (a) kitchen;— laundry;— etc. EXTERIOR CEMENT FLOORS The ta) , where so indicated, are to be paved with cement as specified for interior floors, except that the cinder fill shall be 12” in depth. They shall be marked off as indicated on drawings. (a) porch floor;— terraces;— etc. PROVISION FOR HEAT PIPES Provide and set 4” terra cotta pipes in cement floors where shown on drawings, to receive heat pipes. CEMENT AREA FLOORS Floors of all areas shall consist of 3’’ of cinder concrete, and a 1” finishing coat composed of 1 part cement and 2 parts sand, pitched to drains. The drains are provided under the heading ‘“ PLUMBING.” CONCRETE 2 40 F 31 F 32 F 33 F 34 F35 F 36 4] CEMENT SIDEWALK The sidewalk from (a)....... OO Cy CRS ahall be. (6) iin ass in width, as indicated on drawings. The construction shall be the same as specified for interior cement floors except that the cinder fill shall be 12” in depth. (a) Porch;- etc. (b) Street;— etc. (c) 3’-6";- etc. COLORED CEMENT PAVING Cement (a)....... shall be colored to the approval of the Architect by the addition of (b)....... (a) porch floor;— terraces;— sidewalk,;— etc. (b) raw iron oxide;— lampblack;- yellow ochre;— marble dust;— etc. CONCRETE UNDER WOOD FLOORS PioOre. 1 COs ek, shall be wood floors laid over concrete. The concrete shall be the same as specified for interior cement floors except that the finishing coat shall be omitted. The wood floor will be nailed to sleepers set in the concrete. These wood floors and sleepers will be supplied and: set as provided under the heading of “CARPENTRY.” (a) Laundry;— basement;— etc. PREPARATION FOR TILE FLOORS Te URW, ee hale, the rough wood flooring will be provided and set by the Carpenter. The contractor for concrete work shall then fill in with plain concrete to a height to be determined by the Architect. (a) Bathrooms No.—;- Vestibule;— etc. CEMENT UNDER-HEARTHS Lay under-hearths for fireplaces in (a)....... of reinforced concrete as detailed. (a) Dining room;— Living room;- etc. CEMENT KITCHEN HEARTH Lay cement hearth for kitchen range, of size shown on drawings. The base shall be composed of cinder concrete; the finishing coat shall be 1” thick, of 1 part cement and 2 parts sand, floated smooth. CONCRETE 42 F 37 F 38 F 39 F 40 F 41 F 42 43 CEMENT COPINGS Provide cement copings for walls where shown, with wash and drip as detailed. The concrete shall be a 1: 2: 4 mixture. CEMENT SILLS Provide cement sills for (a)....... , as detailed. The concrete shall be a 1: 2:4 mixture. (a) basement windows;— openings No. ... .;— ete. CEMENT STEPS Build cement steps to (a)....... where shown, of concrete reinforced with heavy expanded metal. The foundation to steps shall be as shown on drawings. (a) Basement;— Rear porch;- etc. CEMENT CESSPOOL TOP Provide as top for cesspool a 5” concrete slab with 1/2” reinforcing rods, spaced 6” on centers. Build in it a 2’ square manhole, to be fitted with a removable (a)....... (a) 3” flagstone cover;— cast-iron cover, provided under the heading “‘ PLU. MBING”’;- etc. CEMENT CAPS Provide chimney caps of cement as shown on drawings. The concrete shall be a 1: 2: 4 mixture. DRESSED CONCRETE Exposed faces of all (a)....... shall be dressed with hammer or crandall to the approval of the Architect. (a) copings;— sills;— steps;— caps;— etc. CONCRETE FACE BRICK All exposed brick shall be (a) Architect’s office. (a) name of brand, grade, etc. similar to the sample in the . OF | G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 45 BRICK WORK GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. WORK INCLUDED Under this contract is included (a)....... , and all other work wherever indicated on drawings as being of brick. (a) walls;— piers;— steps;— chimneys;— fireplaces;— paving;— etc. LIME-CEMENT MORTAR Mortar for brick masonry, unless otherwise specified, shall be composed of 1 part cement and 3 parts lime mortar. Lime mortar shall be composed of 1 part fresh burned lime and 3 parts sand. CEMENT MORTAR Mortar for (@)....')..:. shall be composed of 1 part cement and 3 parts sand. (a) pointing brickwork;— fireplaces;— hearths;— all brick masonry;- etc. COLORING Coloring matter shall be added to mortar as directed by the Architect. GRIT OR PEBBLES Grit or pebbles shall be added to mortar as directed by the Architect. COMMON BRICK All brick throughout the work, unless otherwise specified, shall be the best hard burned common brick, approved by the Architect. Salmon brick will not be permitted on the premises. FACE BRICK All exposed brick shall be best hard burned brick, sound and straight, and must be approved by the Architect. 46 BRICK VENEER All walls indicated on drawings as brick veneered shall be constructed of 4” of face brickwork, laid against frame walls sheathed and covered with building paper. The brickwork shall be firmly secured to the sheath- ing by approved galvanized iron anchors, built in every fourth course and nailed to each stud. In hot and dry weather all bricks must be laid wet : in freezing weather they must be kept warm and dry. All bricks must be laid with solid joints. ee ee a G9 G10 G12 G 13 G14 G15 47 ORNAMENTAL BRICK All belt courses, cornices, arches, patterns, or other special brick features are to be laid up according to the details furnished by the Architect. MOULDED BRICK Provide and set as detailed all moulded brick shown on drawings. The color of these bricks must match the color of the remainder of the brickwork. WORKMANSHIP In hot or dry weather all bricks must be laid wet, in freezing weather they must be kept warm and dry. All bricks must be laid with solid joints, the mortar being put on the bricks at the time of laying and not flushed or grouted in. No empty spaces, no matter how small, shall be left in the walls unless so shown on the plans or directed. Fill in with brick between the ends of all beams, whether specially shown on the drawings or not. SPECIAL BOND All face work, unless otherwise specified or shown on drawings, shall be laid up in (a)....... bond as directed. (a) Flemish;— English;- evc. COMMON BOND All brickwork (a)....... shall be laid up in common bond, with every fifth course composed of alternate headers and stretchers. The headers are to be whole bricks. (a) unless otherwise specified ;— for intervor partitions;- for garden walls;— etc. POINTING All face brickwork shall have the joints neatly (a)....... to the approval of the Architect. (a) struck;— tooled;— cut flush,;— etc. SAMPLES OF BRICKWORK The contractor shall lay up, to the approval of the Architect, a portion of the face brick, showing bond, color and texture of mortar, and pointing. BRICKWORK 48 G 20 2 For cement under-hearths see under “CONCRE TE,” page 41. FIREPLACE THROATS Form brick throats to fireplaces according to detail drawings. G 16 G17 G 18 G 19 G 22 49 RELIEVING ARCHES Brick relieving arches shall be turned over all openings in outside walls, except where otherwise specified. Similar arches shall be turned over all inside openings in masonry walls. The arches shall be as follows: When the span is less than 3’, use 2 rings, from 3’ to 4’, use 3 rings, from 4’ to 5’, use 4 rings, over 5’, build as directed. MANHOLES Build brick manhole with 9” walls where indicated on drawings. Set cast iron cover provided under the heading “PLUMBING.” COLD-AIR DUCT Construct cold-air duct below the cellar floor where indicated on draw- ings. The inside dimensions shall be 27) Sa The floor of duct shall be of cement as specified for the basement floor. The sides shall be Coa , and the top shall be covered with (c)....-.. Cs (a) 12x24" ;- 20" x30" ;- etc. (b) 4’ brick;— 6’’ concrete;— etc. (c) 3” flagstone;— cast iron plate provided under the heading “‘PLUMBING’”’;- etc. (d) laid 1” below basement floor and cemented over;— flush with basement floor. TRIMMER ARCHES Turn trimmer arches under all hearths unless otherwise noted. Fill in same with concrete to under side of finished hearth. THROATS AND DAMPERS Set in fireplaces, according to drawings, dampers as provided under the heading “IRON AND STEEL.” FLUE CLEANOUT DOORS Set cleanout doors for flues where indicated on drawings. These are provided under the heading “TRON AND STEEL.” ASH-PIT AND CLEANOUT DOORS Build ash-pits in basement, as shown, with chute from fireplace in (9 pcan ns Set iron frame and hinged cover in each hearth; also set cast iron cleanout doors in basement for each ash-pit. These covers and cleanout doors are provided under the heading “IRON AND STEEL.” (a) Living Room;— Dining Room, etc. BRICKWORK ero — mega = - 3 i ee ——5S > a es & oS Yon) G 23 G 24 G25 G 26 G27 G 28 G 29 G 30 ol INCINERATOR Build in where shown on drawings a (a)....... incinerator with flues and hoppers all according to detail drawings. This incinerator is provided under the heading “HEATING.” (a) name of brand, size, and type. CHIMNEYS Up to the under side of the roof, chimneys shall be built of common brick laid in cement mortar, unless otherwise indicated. FLUE LININGS Provide and set for all flues, flue linings cf hard burned terra cotta, without hubs, of sizes shown on drawings. Miterings shall be cut half on each piece and joints brought together accurately. Special care must be taken that all joints are smooth and free from projecting mortar on the inside. GROUTING AROUND FLUE LININGS Grout carefully around all flue linings as the chimneys are being built. CHIMNEY POTS Chimneys shall have (a)....... terra cotta chimney pots of pattern shown. (a) dark red;— buff;— etc. BRICK HEARTHS Build hearth in (a)....... Or CB eo ae brick as shown on drawings. (a) Kitchen;— Living Room,- etc. (b) name of brand. BRICK FIREPLACES Build fireplace in (a)....... BS Rp brick as shown on drawings. (a) Living Room;— Dining Room;- etc. (b) name of brand. FIRE BRICK Build jambs and back of fireplace in (a)...... of approved fire brick set in cement mortar as indicated on drawings. (a) Living Room;— Dining Room,- etc. BRICKWORK 52 For cement floors to areas see under “CONCRETE,” page 39. G35 BRICK PAVING All brick paving, where indicated on drawings, shall be of (a)....... brick laid in the pattern indicated. The outer courses shall be bedded in Portland cement mortar. The balance shall have sand joints finished with a Portland cement grout. The bed shall be composed of a 2” sand cushion laid over 6” of cinder concrete. (a) name of brand. G 31 G 32 G 33 G 34 53 KITCHEN CHIMNEY BREAST Face the kitchen chimney breast with (a)....... brick. This brick- work is to extend from floor to ceiling and shall have bull-nose brick at corners. The cement mortar used shall be colored as directed. (a) white;- cream-colored;— vitrified;— glazed;— enameled;- etc. BRICK AREA WALLS Area walls, where shown on drawings, shall be of brick of dimensions shown. BRICK AREA FACINGS Face the inside walls of all areas with (a)....... brick, laid up with narrow joints neatly pointed. (a) white;— cream-colored;— vitrified;— glazed;— enameled;-— etc. BRICK AREA FLOORS Floors of areas shall be of paving brick laid in sand over a 10” bed of well-packed cinders. BRICK PAVING All brick paving, where indicated on drawings, shall be of (a)....... brick laid in cement mortar, in the pattern indicated. The bed shall be composed of 4’’ of cinder concrete. For exterior brick paving, this concrete bed shall be laid on 12” of thor- oughly compacted cinders. Where brick paving is laid on filled ground, the earth shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping to make the whole perfectly solid. Samples of paving shall be laid for the Architect’s approval. (a) name of brand. BRICKWORK H1 H 2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HOLLOW TILE WORK INCLUDED Hollow tile shall be used for (a)....... and wherever else indicated on drawings. (a) exterior walls;— interior walls;— basement partitions;— floors;— piers;— furring;— etc. HOLLOW TILE BLOCKS All hollow tile blocks used throughout the building shall be (a)....... ; of thickness shown on drawings. All hollow tile must be hard burned, true, and regular in size. Cracked or broken blocks will not be permitted in the building. (a) name of brand for bearing walls and name of brand for partitions. MORTAR All mortar used for laying up the hollow tile blocks shall be composed of 1 part cement to 3 parts clean, sharp sand. If preferred, lime paste may be added, not to exceed 1/10 part. SETTING All blocks used in the exterior walls and bearing partitions must be set with the holes or cores vertical. Care must be taken to see that in exterior walls mortar is placed only at outer and inner edges of joints, leaving a proper air space between. Special sized blocks must be used where necessary to secure a good bond. HOLLOW TILE FLOORS All hollow tile floors shall be of (a)....... , constructed as indicated on drawings and in strict accordance with the methods recommended by the manufacturer for the best grade of work. (a) name of type of construction. JAMB-BLOCKS Provide special jamb-blocks rabbeted to receive window boxes for all double-hung windows. Fill well with mortar the space between the blocks and frame, to within 1’’ of stop-bead. Then calk to stop-bead with roofer’s cement or oakum, to prevent the passage of air or moisture. =) Yon) H7 H8 H9 H10 Hil H12 H13 SILL-BLOCKS Provide special sill-blocks for all hollow tile sills. Set wood sills in a ed OF 10) ee (a) roofer’s cement;— mortar. HOLLOW TILE LINTELS Openings not exceeding 5’ in span, unless otherwise specified, shall have lintels of stock tile reinforced with rods in lower cells, and filled solid with concrete. Special arch lintel blocks may be used if preferred. IRON LINTELS Openings exceeding 5’ in span shall have lintels of structural iron pro- vided under the heading ‘‘TRON AND STEEL.” ARCH OPENINGS All arch openings shall be spanned with rowlock arches of common brick, as indicated on drawings. COLUMNS AND PIERS Columns and piers shall be of hollow tile of dimensions shown on draw- ings, filled solid with concrete. BEARING SLABS Provide and set 1’ thick terra cotta bearing plates under all joists. BEAM AND RAFTER COURSES Special blocks shall be used where beams and rafters are framed into exterior hollow tile walls, in order to avoid cutting tiles. HOLLOW TILE - SE E = SLAP a ee a 7 - = " =! oe = 7 SS ae Se 58 I 1 | a I 3 I 4 59 TERRA COTTA GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. WORK INCLUDED Under this contract is included the manufacture and setting of ee and all other work wherever noted on drawings as being terra (a) doorways;— cornices;— medallions;— balustrades;— etc. SHOP DRAWINGS Immediately upon receipt of drawings and details, the contractor for terra cotta shall have prepared, at his own expense, shop drawings and details of all portions of the work covered by his contract. These drawings shall show all anchors and steel work necessary for the support of the terra cotta and shall be submitted in duplicate as often as may be necessary until approved by the Architect. The Architect’s approval of shop draw- ings shall be an approval of the method of construction and design, but shall not relieve this contractor from the responsibility for errors, dimen- sions, etc. Setting drawings shall be furnished prior to delivery of material at the building. Each and every piece of terra cotta shall be marked for setting, and diagrams with corresponding marks showing the location for each piece in the building shall be furnished to the General Contractor and to the Architect. MODELS This Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval, models or photographs of models of all ornamental work before proceeding to mould the terra cotta. On completion of the work all models and moulds shall be destroyed. 60 I 5 16 I 8 61 SAMPLES This Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval, samples showing color and finish, and shall guarantee that the finished terra cotta will correspond with the selected sample. All exposed surfaces shall be Ch aA eI: (a) cream white, unglazed;- buff, matt glazed;— polychrome, full or lustrous glaze; to match granite;— etc. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP All ornamental work, mouldings, etc., shall be accurately formed according to full-sized details or approved models. All mouldings shall be sharp, regular and true to line. All terra cotta is to be of homogeneous ciay, hard burned, of even texture, and free from kiln cracks or other defects. Chambers shall not exceed 6”; webs and shells shall not be less than 1-1/2” thick. The sur- faces must not chip or peel off and must be absolutely weatherproof. At the vertical joints the shell shall project sufficiently to allow for fitting and trimming. Each piece of terra cotta shall be provided with anchor holes. Extra pieces of terra cotta shall be held ready to replace those that are imperfect in any way. The backs of pieces where required shall be formed for receiving other work. JOINTS AND RAGGLES All joints shall be as indicated on drawings. Where joints are not practical as shown, or not indicated, the Contractor shall submit, for approval, drawings correcting the same, before executing the work. No mitered joints will be allowed. All exposed joints on weathered surfaces shall be raised, unless otherwise required. Raised parts shall be stopped at least 1” back from the face of the mould or sill. Joints shall be of a uniform thickness of 3/16”. All horizontal and vertical joints shall be absolutely straight and true. Where necessary, joints are to be ground on a rubbing bed. Where required to receive flashings, the terra cotta shall have a groove or raggle. BONDING All projecting courses shall have a depth of bed at least equal to the greatest projection, and in no case less than 4’, TERRA COTTA 62 8 63 ANCHORING This Contractor shall furnish a complete schedule of anchors, hangers, rods, clamps, etc., which may be required to support or anchor the terra cotta. This schedule shall specify clearly all sizes, shapes, materials and methods of workmanship required. The Contractor for “IRON AND STEEL” shall provide whatever is called for by this schedule. TERRA COTTA 64 N we) under “ PAINTING,” pages 181 and 183. HKRECTING This Contractor shall erect all iron and steel work unless otherwise specified. He shall do all cutting and fitting of his work required for the accommodation of the work of other trades, furnish all appliances, tools, derricks, and scaffolds, and all other materials required to carry out this contract in the most rapid and thorough manner. For painting of iron and steel work to be set by other sub-contractors see J5 J6 J7 65 IRON AND STEEL GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this part is required to refer especially thereto. ERECTING The iron and steel work herein specified or shown on drawings shall be supplied by this Contractor. It will be set by other sub-contractors. SHOP DRAWINGS This Contractor shall prepare at his own expense shop drawings and details of all the work covered by his contract. These drawings shall be submitted in duplicate to the Architect for his approval. PAINTING AT SHOP All iron and steel shall be carefully and thoroughly cleaned at the shop from dirt, rust, and scales, and given one coat of paint before shipment. Paint shall be (a)....... (a) name of brand. PAINTING AFTER ERECTION After erection an additional coat of paint of different color from that used at the shop shall be applied by this Contractor. BUILDER’S IRON Provide all anchors, clips, ties, bolts, and all other usual and necessary carpenter’s and mason’s building iron. ANCHORING FOR TERRA COTTA Provide all structural steel work shown on drawings for supporting terra cotta. Any other anchors, hangers, rods, clamps, etc., which may be required to support or anchor terra cotta are to be supplied under a separate estimate in accordance with a schedule to be furnished by the Contractor for terra cotta. 66 J8 2 REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE Provide reinforcement for all reinforced concrete in accordance with (a) name of reinforcing system;— detail drawings. STRUCTURAL STEEL Provide and set structural steel where shown, of size and shape indicated on drawings. Steel shall be in accordance with the most recent “Standard Specifications for Structural Steel for Building”’ by the American Society for Testing Materials, and shall be framed and set according to standard shop and field practice. All beams shall have bearings and bearing plates of standard size. J 10 J il J 13 J 14 J15 67 REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE Provide reinforcement for all reinforced concrete as shown on drawings. Unless otherwise indicated, all rods shall be square twisted steel. BOLTS FOR WALL PLATES Provide 1/2’’x2’ bolts for all wall plates and sills, with nuts and washers: complete. These are to be spaced not more than 5’ on centers. JOIST HANGERS Provide, (4) i050. joist hangers or stirrups for carpentry work as required under the heading “CARPENTRY.” (a) name of brand;— approved. JOIST ANCHORS Provide approved joist anchors for every fourth joist resting on masonry walls. LINTELS Provide steel lintels for openings No. (a)....... of size marked on drawings. These will be set by Mason. (a) number shown on drawings. LALLY COLUMNS Provide Lally columns of sizes shown on drawings, with caps and bases. complete, including all anchor-bolts, lag-screws, etc., which may be re- quired. BEAMS OVER CESSPOOL Provide two 8” I-beams to support cover of cesspool. DAMPERS Provide (@)..;.... throat and damper for (0)....... fireplace; to be set by Mason. (a) name of brand, type and size. (b) Living Room;— Dining Room;- etc. IRON AND STEEL. SS a RR I J 16 J 17 J 18 J 19 J 20 J 21 69 CLEANOUTS Provide 10’’x12” cast iron cleanout door and frame for (a)....... f to be set by Mason. (a) smoke flues;— ash-pits. ASH-DUMPS Provide cast iron ash-dump and frame, for fireplace hearth in (a)....... ‘ to be set by Mason. (a) Living Room;- Dining Room;- etc. COAL-CHUTE Providb® (@). 0.044 coal-chute where indicated; to be set by Mason. (a) name of brand. HINGED AREA GRATINGS Construct area gratings where shown, of flat iron bars set on edge, as follows: (0) i 236 The whole shall be hinged to a frame of 3’’x3” angle irons anchored to masonry and provided with hasp and suitable brass padlock. (a) bars 1/4""x1", spaced 1-1/2" 0. ¢., frame 3/8"’x1";- bars 1/4"x1-1/4", spaced 1-1/4” 0. c., frame 1/2" X1-1/4"";- etc. FIXED AREA GRATINGS Construct area gratings where shown, of flat bars set on edge, as follows: Ca Pec a The whole shall be supported on wall of area by (0)....... (a) bars 1/4'’x1"’, spaced 1-1/2" o.c., frame 3/8”’x1";-— bars 1/4’’x1-1/4", spaced 1-1/4" 0.c., frame 1/2’ x1-1/4"";- ete. (b) four 2’x1-1/2" angles, each 2’’ wide, rivetted to frame of grating;— 3’ extensions of frame. PIPE RAILING Provide (a) coi galvanized iron pipe handrail with substantial ip TOR CORO ie aa as shown. (a) 1-1/2" ;- 2” ;- etc. (b) wall brackets;— uprights. (c) stairway area;- etc. IRON AND STEEL 70 J 22 ORNAMENTAL IRON é This Contractor shall allow the sum of (a)....... Ee a as shown on drawing. (a) estimated cost. (b) railing to front steps;- balcony;— brackets;— etc. for ornamental wrought a eer ae oe ( i i i J 23 ORNAMENTAL IRON Provide ornamental wrought iron (a)....... as shown, of sizes indi- cated on drawing. (a) railing to front steps;— balcony;— brackets;—- etc. CHIMNEY STRAP Provide wrought iron strap for chimney in accordance with detail drawing. IRON AND STEEL ZINC WORK All flashings, counter-flashings and all other sheet metal work, wherever specified or where usual or necessary to make the work water-tight, shall be No. 12 gauge zinc, unless otherwise specified. COPPER WORK All flashings, counter-flashings, and all other sheet metal work, wherever specified or where usual or necessary to make the work water-tight, shall be 16-oz. hot-rolled copper, unless otherwise specified. LEAD COUNTER-FLASHING All counter-flashing shall be sheet lead, weighing 3 lbs. per square foot. Ki K2 K3 K4 73 SHEET METAL AND ROOFING GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. All work must be done in the neatest and best manner, and left free from rubbish, clean and perfect upon completion. SHEET METAL INCLUDED This Contractor shall provide and apply all sheet metal work, including all flashings, all metal gussets, all gutters, rain conductors, devices for hanging and connecting same, and all other sheet metal work as specified or as required to complete the work. ROOFING INCLUDED This Contractor shall provide and apply all (a)....... roofs as specified or shown on drawings or as may be necessary to make the work complete. (a) slate;— tile;— patent shingle;— slag;— patent roofing ;— etc. GUARANTEE This Contractor shall guarantee all roofs and flashings to be water-tight and perfect for a period of (a)....... years, and shall make good without cost to the owner any damage caused by leakage during that period. (a) two;— five;— ten. TIN WORK All flashings, counter-flashings, and all other sheet metal work, wherever specified or where usual or necessary to make the work water-tight, shall be ee tin unless otherwise specified. In soldering tin work, rosin only is to be used as a flux. All tin shall be painted on both sides before laying, with iron oxide, Venetian red, or metallic brown, and pure linseed oil. (a) I. X. thickness, 40 Ibs. coating, name of brand;- I. C. thickness, full weight, prime plate;— etc. 2 BEERS ge SS Ss K6 K7 K8 K9 K 10 K ll K 12 75 FLASHING All chimneys and vertical masonry walls extending above roofs shall have step flashing not less than 8” high, and counter-flashing extending 4” into walls. The lower edge of counter-flashing shall be kept 3’’ above roof. DOOR AND WINDOW FLASHING The heads and jambs of all exterior doors and windows shall be flashed, and a metal pan placed under (a)....... (a) all sills;— sills of dormers;— door to balcony;- etc. HALF-TIMBER FLASHING The tops of all horizontal or sloping members in half-timber work shall be flashed. VALLEYS All flashings for valleys shall extend not less than 7” on each side of center line of valley. All metal roofing which joins a roof of another material shall be carried under the latter for at least 8’’. All valleys or angles where vertical surfaces meet the roof shall be flashed with flashing woven in between the courses of the roofing. GUSSETS Gussets behind chimneys, and wherever else required, shall be covered with the same material as specified for flashing. LINED GUTTERS Gutters formed by Carpenter shall be lined with the same material as specified for flashing. The metal lining shall be laid on tar paper and shall extend 10” under the roofing. All joints shall be securely formed and soldered solid on both sides for the full width of the gutter. PORCH FLOOR GUTTERS All porches with closed parapets shall have gutters sunk at the edge of the floor as shown. These shall be properly pitched to drain, and lined as specified above. SHEET METAL AND ROOFING 76 For cast iron rain conductors see under ‘‘ PLUMBING,” page 201. COPPER ROOFING COVED TO) cee. with 16-oz. hot-rolled copper, laid with (b)....... seams, secured by nailing through cleats locked in the seams every 8”. All nails and rivets coming in contact with copper shall be copper and of ample size. (a) deck roof;— dormer windows;- bay windows;- porches;- etc. (b) flat;— standing. BARRETT SLAG ROOFING Cover all roofs so indicated on drawings with Barrett roofing, type OY tenn , laid in accordance with the most recent Barrett specifications for use over (b)....... (a) ALA’ ? iF Ag (b) wood;— concrete. SLAG ROOFING Cover all roofs so indicated on drawings with a (a)....... ply roof of 14-lb. tarred felt and straight run American coal-tar pitch, using (b)...... Ibs. of pitch and 400 lbs. gravel or 300 lbs. slag for each 100 sq. ft. of finished roof. (a) 3;- 4;- 6. (b) 68;- 90;- 119. K 13 K 14 K 15 SPOUTING All gutters, rain conductors, and material for fastening and connecting the same, shall be (a)....... to be approved by the Architect. Large globe-shaped (b)....... wire baskets shall be provided for all openings into rain conductors. (a) best No. 26 gauge galvanized iron;- No. 24 gauge copper-bearing galvanized iron;— 16-02. cold-rolled copper ;— “Horse Head” rolled zinc or equal;— Hoyt’s hard lead or equal;- eic. (b) galvanized;— copper. HANGING GUTTERS All hanging gutters shall be supported on approved adjustable (a)....... hangers, placed (b)....... (a) malleable iron;— cast bronze;-- etc. (b) 2’ 6” on centers;— 3’ on centers;— on every third rafter ;— etc. RAIN CONDUCTORS Provide and set rain conductors where shown. Conductors shall be OAR aE ID properly secured. All bends and connections shall be made without abrupt angles, with goose-necks and elbows of ample size. Conductors shall be properly connected to gutters and to (0)....... (a) 2x3" plain;- 3x4" corrugated;— 3” round;— etc. (b) turnouts of same material;— terra cotta drains;- cast iron shoes provided under the heading “PLUMBING.” CONDUCTOR HEADS AND STRAPS Conductors shall have ornamental heads with capping, and straps, all according to detail drawings. TIN ROOFING OVER (OF ee aa. with I. C. thickness (b)....... tin, each sheet stamped with brand and thickness, laid with (c)....... seams, secured by nailing through cleats locked in the seams. The cleats shall be spaced (d)....... apart. All flat seams shall be locked together and well soaked with solder; rosin only is to be used as a flux. At the edge of the roof the roofing shall be turned under to form a drip of double thickness, and shall be securely nailed on the face of the woodwork. (a) deck roof;— dormer windows;— bay windows;- porches;— etc. (b) 40 lbs. coating, name of brand;- 30 lbs. coating, name of brand. (c) flat;— standing. (d) 8”;- 12”. SHEET METAL AND ROOFING 78 For shingle roofs see under “CARPENTRY,” page 113. TILE ROOFS Cover all sloping roofs, unless otherwise specified or indicated, with aia ne a tile, including approved starters, ridges, etc., as shown on drawings, all to match in color and texture sample in Architect’s office. All tile shall be secured with large-headed (b)....... nails. (a) name of brand, finish, color and type. (b) galvanized iron;- copper clad;— copper. TILED VERTICAL SURFACES Tile for vertical surfaces shall be plain shingle tile to match other roofing tile in color and texture. PATENT ROOFING Cover all sloping roofs (a)....... , unless otherwise specified or indicated, WI 10) i. sie ,» put on in strict accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer. (a) all sides of dormers;— vertical walls above roof ;— pent eaves;— etc. (6) brand of patent roofing. K 18 K 19 K 20 K 21 79 TRAP-DOOR Cover the sides and edges of the trap-door and curb where shown on drawings with (a)....... (a) I.C. thickness, 40 lbs. coating, name of brand, tin;- 16-0z. hot-rolled copper ;— patent roofing as for roof ;— etc. ROOFING PAPER Under all tin roofs lay one thickness of tar paper weighing 14 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. This shall be put on horizontally and well lapped. It shall be carried across all hips and shall lap over all valleys. PAINTING All tin roofs shall be given a coat of iron oxide, Venetian Red, or metallic brown, and pure linseed oil. Paint before laying, apply another coat of the same immediately after laying, and a final coat two weeks later. ROOFING FELT Under all (a)....... roofs lay one thickness of heavy tarred felt weigh- ing 32 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. This shall be put on horizontally and well lapped. This felt shall be carried across all hips, shall be doubled under all valleys and lapped over them for 4’’, and under all flashings at least 6’. (a) slate;— tile;— etc. SLATE ROOFS Cover all sloping roofs (a)....... unless otherwise specified or indicated, WHR CO ao slate similar to approved samples, of the following dimen- mons (OR oak Slate shall be laid with 3’’ head lap. Each slate shall be secured with two large-headed (d)....... nails. (a) sides of dormers;— vertical walls above roof;— pent eaves;— etc. (b) name of brand and type. (c) thickness, 3/16" ;- 1/4!';— 1/2! ;- 8/4" ;- graduated from 3/16" to 1'’;- etc length, 18’’;- 20" ;— 22" ;- graduated from 14!" to 28"";— ete. width, 6’’ ;- 10’ ;— random,- ete. (d) galvanized iron;— copper clad;— copper ;— etc. SHEET METAL AND ROOFING MITERED HIPS All hips shall have slates cut to shape, and be laid close, with flashing for each course. MITERED RIDGES All ridges shall be mitered, laid in roofer’s cement with proper flashing beneath. K 24 K 25 K 26 K27 81 BOSTON HIPS Boston hips shall be used throughout, unless otherwise specified. CLOSED VALLEYS Valleys shall be closed. The flashings shall be put on with each course of slate, the courses being laid to carry through, even on surfaces of differ- ent pitch. SNOW GUARDS Provide and set as directed (a)....... snow guards. (a) name of brand and type. EXTERIOR TILE FLOORING Cover the floor of (a)....... wit (Oy ee ays layers of 14-lb. tarred roofing felt and straight run American coal-tar pitch. Upon this spread a layer of hot asphalt and lay (c)....... tile as shown on drawings. The joints shall be grouted with a rich grout and the whole cleaned with burlap on completion. (a) Main porch;— Loggia;— Terrace;— etc. (b) nn 5. (c) 1x6" x9" “promenade”’ ;- etc. CANVAS ROOFING Cover the floor of (a)....... WIth (B) sco, roofing canvas. The can- vas shall be laid in a heavy coat of wet white lead, stretched tight, lapped 1-14 and secured to the flooring by 1” flat-headed copper nails, not more than 34” apart. The outside edges shall be carried over and nailed to the facework, and the inside edges carried up 6’ behind GOP Sant After laying, the canvas shall be wet thoroughly, and as soon as dry, painted with one coat of white lead and linseed oil. Another coat of paint shall be given on completion of the work, the color to be approved by the Architect. (a) Porch;— Loggia;- etc. (b) brand and quality. (c) siding;— base board;— shingles;— etc. SHEET METAL AND ROOFING 82 K 28 SKYLIGHTS 2 Provide and set (a)....... skylights as shown on drawings. These shall be complete in all respects according to the standard details of the manu- facturer, and properly adapted to the construction of the building. (a) number, size, name of brand and type. ee = Sn i i K 29 K 30 K 31 K 32 K 33 83 SKYLIGHTS Build skylights where indicated, according to drawings. The sky- lights shall be glazed with 1/4’ ribbed wire glass, and the woodwork covered Widhh: (A ics and joined in a water-tight manner to the body of the roof. (a) 16-02. copper;—- I. X. tin, 40 lbs. coating;— etc. SCUPPERS Provide and set, where indicated on drawings, (a)....... scuppers, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer, or as directed by the Architect. (a) name of brand, material, and size. GALVANIZED LINING Cover the inner face of the doors and the linings of (a)....... with copper-bearing galvanized iron. The seams shall be securely locked wherever possible. (a) clothes-chute;— dumb-waiter shaft;— etc. ZINC LINING Cover the inner face of the doors, and the linings of (a)....... with zinc, well soldered at the joints. (a) larder-cupboards;— etc. ZINC COVERINGS COVED LA oa hh ME Ae eA with heavy sheet zinc, turned down over the edges, and tacked to the under side of the woodwork with copper escutcheon pins. (a) drain boards;— dresser tops;— counter;— shelves;— splash boards over sink;- etc. (b) Kitchen;— Pantry;- etc. ASH-CHUTE AND CAN Supply and set in the basement where designated, a heavy galvanized iron ash-can with cover. Also supply and set a heavy galvanized iron pipe of suitable size to carry ashes from the kitchen range to the ash-can. This pipe shall be connected with the ash-pit in the range at one end, and at the other pass through an opening in the cover of the ash-can. SHEET METAL AND ROOFING 84 le METAL LATH All interior walls and ceilings, unless otherwise specified, shall be lathed Waiter Eb) yi metal lath weighing 3.4 lbs. per square yard, properly stiffened, tightly stretched and secured with galvanized staples. The ceiling lath shall be turned down on to the side walls for a distance of 4’. (a) name of brand and type, painted or galvanized. For patent wall board see under ‘CARPENTRY, UNFINISHED PARTI- TIONS,” page 141. ee Li L2 L4 85 PLASTER WORK GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. The Contractor for this part of the work shall carefully examine all ceilings, partitions, and furring, and if these are not perfectly plumb, level, and solidly secured at all angles, he shall notify the Carpenter and have all such defects remedied before the lathing is commenced. He shall provide all necessary labor and material, including scaffolding, etc.. he shall do all work in the neatest and best manner, and on comple- tion shall remove all rubbish and leave the work clean and perfect. After the work of all other mechanics is finished, he shall replaster all damaged portions of his work. SAMPLES Samples of all finish, other than hard white finish, shall be made for the Architect’s approval of color and texture, and remade until satisfactory. WOOD LATH Sound, seasoned spruce or hemlock lath, free from knots or bark, shall be used throughout, except where otherwise specified. Lath shall be spaced 3/8” apart with joints broken at every eighth lath, and shall be well nailed to every bearing. No vertical lathing will be permitted. No lath shall be continuous through partitions. INCIDENTAL METAL LATH ee ea metal lath, weighing 3.5 lbs. per square yard, properly stiffened, tightly stretched, and secured with galvanized staples, shall be used to cover all ducts and chases, (b)....... and across all joints between frame and masonry construction. The lath shall be carried 6’’ on each side of the joint. (a) name of brand and type;— painted or galvanized. (b) all walls that are to be tiled;— for moulded plaster beams;— cornices;— etc. ™ >) PATENT PLASTER All plaster, except where otherwise specified, shall be (a)....... patent plaster, applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s direction. (a) name of brand. . - Dd | L7@ L8 L9g 87 CORNER BEADS RY Nin, galvanized corner beads shall be used for all external angles, unless otherwise specified or indicated on drawings. (a) name of brand;- an approved brand of. LIME PLASTER UNDERCOATS All plaster, except where otherwise specified, shall be made of well- burned lime thoroughly slacked and properly cured and strained through a 1/4” mesh screen, clean sharp sand and best long hair. The hair shall be well beaten, soaked and thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients just before the plaster is used. The proportions of the first coat shall be:—1/2 bushel of hair, 1 barrel of lime, 2 barrels of sand. The first coat shall be pressed on with sufficient force to secure a good clinch, and scratched thoroughly. When it is well set the second coat shall be applied. The proportions of the second coat shall be:—1 /2 bushel of hair, 1 barrel of lime, 6 barrels of sand. The second coat shall be put on to form a perfectly plumb and true surface with sharp and square angles. SMOOTH-FINISH COAT The smooth-finish coat shall be composed of lime putty strained through a screen of 100 meshes to the square inch, mixed with a small proportion of white sand, and gauged with plaster of Paris. This coat shall be troweled to an even, straight and burnished surface, free from all chips, cracks or other defects. SAND-FINISH COAT The sand-finish coat shall contain a large proportion of clean sharp sand sifted through a screen of 100 meshes to the square inch, and such coloring matter as may be necessary to give the tint required by the Architect. ‘This coat shall be floated with a cork float to an unbroken surface of even color, free from all marks or discolorations. KEENE’S CEMENT PLASTER Keene’s cement shall be (a)....... A Ae Nk ( ) are to produce a hard burnished surface, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s directions and specifications. (a) name of brand. (b) in three coats;— as a finish coat. PLASTER WORK 88 EXTERIOR FINISH COAT The finish coat shall be of (a) according to the manufacturer’s specifications and finished (b) the approval of the Architect. (a) name of brand. (6) rough cast;- stippled;— Travertine finish ;— with crushed stone or clean pebbles dashed against the mortar and pressed in with a wooden trowel;— etc. Pu iiralg colored prepared stucco, applied es an to EXTERIOR FINISH COAT The proportions of the finish coat shall be:-—1 Pary (a)... ...’. white Portland cement, 2 parts sand. Add just enough lime putty to make the mortar work easily and finish yeaa to the approval of the Architect. (a) name of brand;— an approved brand of. (b) rough cast;— smooth;— etc. i 1 } u } | 1 L 10 Li12 L 13 Lil4 L15 89 EXTERIOR CEMENT PLASTER All exterior cement plaster shall be (a)....... coat work of the following composition ;—1 part (b)....... Portland cement, 3 parts clean sharp sand and 1 part lime putty. The scratch coat shall be 14” thick, heavily cross scratched and allowed to become thoroughly dry before the next coat is applied. The finish coat shall not be applied within a week of the preceding one. (a) 2;- 8. (b) name of brand;- of an approved brand of. EXTERIOR FINISH COAT The finish coat shall have such coloring matter added as the Architect may direct, and shall be finished (a)....... to the approval of the Archi- tect. (a) rough cast;— stipple;— Itaiian brush finish;— with crushed stone or clean pebbles dashed against the mortar and pressed in with a wooden trowel;— etc. THREE-COAT WORK All interior walls and ceilings, including soffits of stairs, closets, etc., unless otherwise specified or indicated on drawings, shall be lathed and plastered with three coats of plaster. The finish shall be (a)....... (a) smooth, hard, white finish throughout;- sand finish on walls and ceilings of first floor ;— ete. TWO-COAT WORK The ceiling of basement shall be given two coats of plaster floated to a smooth finish. KEENE’S CEMENT WORK Keene’s cement plaster shall be used for (a)....... (a) walls of Bathroom No. — to a height of 4’ 6’’;— walls and ceilings of Bathrooms;- Kitchen;- Pantry;— ete. PREPARATION FOR TILE Apply Portland cement mortar under the direction of the Contractor for tile work, as preparation for tile walls in (a)....... (a) Bathroom No. —;- Kitchen;— etc. PLASTER WORK 90 L 16 L17 L 18 L19 L 20 91 EXTERIOR PLASTER WORK All exterior walls (a)....... shall be plastered with two coats of cement plaster. (a) where indicated on drawings;- porch ceilings;- cove to entrance hood; soffit of pent eaves;— etc. ROUNDED CORNERS All projecting angles (a)....... shall have corners rounded with Co) Rpt radius as directed. (a) of window jambs;— in hallways;— unless otherwise spectfied;— etc. (b) 3/4" ;- 2” ;- etc. CEILING COVE The ceiling of (a)....... shall have a cove of 3” radius of heavily gauged plaster. (a) Bathroom No. —;- Kitchen;- etc. CORNICE The ceiling of (a)....... shall have a plaster cornice run according to the detail drawings. (a) Living Room;- Dining Room,- etc. ORNAMENTAL CAST PLASTER This Contractor shall allow the sum of (a)....... for cast plaster CS where shown on drawings. This material shall be set by this Contractor in a workmanlike manner, and be left in perfect condition. (a) estimated cost. (b) pilasters;— capitals;— brackets;— cartouches;— ceiling ornaments;— etc. PLASTER WORK 92 For metal lath provided by other contractors see under “PLASTER AND STUCCO,” pages 84 and 88. M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 93 MARBLE AND TILE GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be of first quality, and shall be set in a first-class manner by skilled mechanics. A certificate of quality and quantity from the manufacturer shall be furnished to the Architect. All work shall be carefully cut and fitted around pipes and fittings, and on completion shall be cleaned off, care being taken to protect all metal work. All completed work must be adequately protected from injury, immediately after setting. MORTAR The scratch coat for tile work shall be composed of 1 part Portland cement, 4 parts bar sand, and 1/10 part lime paste. The setting coat shall be 1 part Portland cement, 3 parts bar sand, and only enough lime paste to permit using. The setting coat shall be dusted with cement according to the custom of the trade. The color of joints shall be as selected by the Architect. For white tile the joints shall be grouted with white Portland cement. METAL LATH All walls that are to receive tile work shall be covered by this Contractor with B-26 gauge metal lath, properly set at corners and at floor to insure against cracks in the bedding cement. MARBLE STEPS Provide and set, where shown on drawings, steps ON Larrea i marble, with 1-1/4” treads, 7/8’’ risers, and all details in accordance with drawings. (a) name of brand, color, etc. MARBLE FLOOR Provide and set, where shown on drawings, floor Or (Gr weiss marble, 7/8" thick, of pattern indicated. (a) name of brand, color, etc. — mes. > ek OE =_ LSA EIS oe * 94 M6 M7 M8 95 MARBLE WAINSCOT Provide and set, where shown on drawings, wainscot Oe Re i, marble, according to detail drawings. (a) name of brand, thickness, color, etc. TERRAZZO FLOOR Cover the sub-floor of (a)....... with one thickness of tar paper, well lapped. On this place a 2” bed of plain concrete, with (b)....... dividers embedded in it in accurate accordance with the drawings, and with top edges level with the finished floor. When the underbed has been hardened sufficiently, spread the terrazzo aggregate 3/4’’ thick, composed of 2 parts marble granule and 1 part Portland cement, all of color to be approved by the Architect. Roll and trowel in the best manner and when set rub the surface smooth, grout with cement to fill all holes, and surface with a fine stone to a true and smooth finish. (a) Sun porch;— Vestibule;— Kitchen;- etc. (b) name of brand, zinc, brass. TILE WORK Provide and set tile as follows:— 1 nN The patterns of tile work shall be as shown and directed. (a) LOCATION TYPE BRAND COLOR SIZE & SHAPE Porch floor, encauatic, © vee Ve bk red, 9’ quarry. Vestibule walls, JATEMEE is Tags ace gray, Si he Vestibule 4’ 6" wainscot, glazed, = sever renee polychrome, 4" square. Lavatory floor, UNE) OTR Oa white, 1" hexagonal. Kitchen 6” base, ENCHUSHIC, «see te einee buff, straight base. Bathroom No. — floor, DEE oe eR i iateld as detailed, 3/4" x3/4". 4! 6" wainscot, glazed, == ver rretee: as detailed, as detailed. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. MARBLE AND TILE 96 MARBLE SHOWER ENCLOSURE incarnate ce = och hi Mh a amie > Provide and set in (a)....... , where indicated on drawings, shower enclosure of (b)....... white marble 7/8’ thick, running from the floor | Sem The stiles shall be 1-1/4” thick, treads and risers 7 /8” thick, rabbeted to receive lead pan specified under the heading “PLUMBING.” This Contractor shall provide all usual and necessary nickel-plated hard- ware. (a) Bathroom No. —;- etc. (b) name of brand, polished, etc. (c) to ceiling;— 6’ 6" high;- etc. STRUCTURAL GLASS SHOWER ENCLOSURE a ted A end cet Ritch dad Provide and set in (a)....... where indicated on drawings, shower enclosure of (b)....... , In accordance with the specifications of the manu- facturer. The enclosure shall run from the floor (c) (a) Bathroom No. —;- etc. (6) name of brand of structural glass. (c) to ceiling;— 6’ 6" high;— etc. eeeeerve ee ee M9 M10 Mill M 13 97 SPECIAL SHAPES Wainscot in (a)....... shall have special shaped tile for caps and bases, plinths, angles, etc., to be selected by the Architect. (a) Bathroom No. —;— Vestibule;— etc. MARBLE THRESHOLDS Provide and set approved white marble threshold strip where indicated on drawings. Thresholds shall be 7/8” thick with rubbed finish. MARBLE SILLS Provide and set, where indicated on drawings, approved white marble window sills with finished edges and corners. Sills shall be 1-1/4’ thick with polished finish. METAL SHOWER FRAME Build 1” channel frame partition for tile shower enclosure in (a)....... ; as shown on drawings. This shall be securely bolted at corners, at floor, and to partition walls, and shall be covered with B-26 gauge metal lath on both sides of channels. (a) Bathroom No. — TILE SHOWER ENCLOSURE Line shower enclosure in (a)....... with tile specified for the bath- room walls, rising from the floor (0)....... , with risers, treads, and stiles as indicated. (a) Bathroom No. — (b) to ceiling;— 6’ 6” high;- etc. MARBLE AND TILE M 14 MARBLE SHOWER RECEPTOR Provide and set in (a)....... , Shower-bath receptor of (b)....... white marble 2” thick, sloped to center, and countersunk to receive drain. (a) Bathroom No. —;- etc. (b) name of brand. PORCELAIN SHOWER RECEPTOR Set porcelain shower-bath receptor in (a)....... provided under the heading ‘‘ PLUMBING.” (a) Bathroom No. —;- ete. For brick hearths see under “BRICKWORK,” page 61. For cement hearths see under “CONCRETE,” page 41. Se ee M15 M 16 99. TILE SHOWER RECEPTOR Bupa my Gi oss tile receptor for shower-bath, of (b)....... tile. (a) Bathroom No. —;- etc. (b) 3/4" white hexagon, vitrified finish, etc. SHOWER ENCLOSURE DOOR Provide and set in (a)....... , where indicated on drawings, (b)......- plate glass door with nickel frame, for shower-bath enclosure. (a) Bathroom No. —;- etc. (b) name of brand. FIREPLACES Provide and set fireplace hearths and facings according to detail draw- ings, as follows:— 0) aR (a) LOCATION MATERIAL & BRAND COLOR SIZE & SHAPE FINISH Living Room outer hearth, Italian marble, Cr eS Me ir putty polish. inner hearth, 1-1/4" soapstone, facing, Italian marble, selected, as detailed, putty polish. lining, iron backs and jambs, mantel, Italian marble, selected, as detailed, putty polish. Dining Room Wile NORM, OCS A eds Co. _ selected, 3” x3" faience tile, Ga TOME Ne a AN 8 Co. _ selected, 8" x3" plastic tile, Sn ELISE aR DO) RN lo De SPE Co. _ selected, as detailed. faience tile, lining, provided under “‘ BRICKWORK.” mantel, supplied by Carpenter. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. MARBLE AND TILE. 100 M17 M 18 M 19 M 20 101 KITCHEN HEARTH Provide and set hearth of (a)....... , for kitchen range. (a) 9”x9" red quarry tile;- 1’ slate, rubbed finish;- etc. EXTERIOR ORNAMENTAL TILE Provide and set, where indicated on drawings, designs of frostproof Cy SC tile, of color and shapes as shown on detail drawings. (a) plastic;— faience. SLATE PAVING Provide and set, as indicated on drawings, paving for (a)....... of CO) any slate, averaging from 1-1/4” to 1-3/4” in thickness, and of sizes and shapes indicated. The slate shall be laid on a 3” bed of plain concrete with cement joints. (a) Main porch;— main entrance path;- etc. (b) name of brand and color. SLATE PATHS Provide and set, as indicated on drawings, paths of (a)....... slate, averaging from 1-1/4’ to 1-3/4” in thickness and of sizes and shapes indi- cated. The slate shall be laid directly on earth with wide top soil joints. (a) name of brand and color. 102 Ni N2 N3 103 CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor of this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. The Carpenter shall furnish all rough or dressed lumber and all mill- work. Unless otherwise specified he shall furnish and set all centers, templates, bracing, etc., required for the masonry work. These centers shall be well stiffened and strong enough to carry the weights they support without deformation. They must be accurately formed to the required shapes and must be left in place until ordered removed by the Architect. He shall furnish Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine or other approved lintels of proper depth and length, for all openings in every kind of masonry, except-those spanned by arches having the full thickness of the wall, or by steel or reinforced concrete lintels. He shall provide all necessary wood blocks, nailing strips, plugs, door and window bucks, etc., and see that they are built in as required by other Contractors for their work, as the work progresses. He shall cut and frame timbers and woodwork as required by the various other trades for the completion of their work, and provide all lumber required by them for scaffolding or for the protection of finished work unless otherwise specified. He shall furnish and erect temporary doors and sash with panels of heavy muslin, glass or wood, to keep out the weather, and shall put the building under lock and key as soon as possible. MATERIALS All materials required, herein specified or shown on drawings, shall be the best of their respective kinds. All shall be thoroughly seasoned or kiln-dried, and shall be thoroughly protected from the weather after leaving the kiln. ROUGH LUMBER All framing timber and rough carpentry shall be of the best quality Es Peat . unless otherwise specified, free from loose or large knots, large shakes, excess sap, or other defects whereby its strength may be impaired. (a) spruce;— hemlock;— North Carolina pine;— ete. a A a 7s - to ~ SO a aS a . EI ~ 104 SPECIAL TIMBERS shall be of Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine, or other approved timber. (a) girders;— posts;— trusses;— sills;— ete. LUMBER SIZES The sizes and spacing of lumber, unless otherwise shown on drawings, shall be in accordance with the following schedule :— (a) MEMBER Ee OM URBONTY 668 oe ks os ns eee Plates on frame walls Plates on masonry Sige are yee ee /eltae) ete loud, Biel 6) 6 Owe Cele ale. © eee eye te |e) salle) 6sa | eite Sa ee le, we lee. sea je ee were rie fe eke e | Oil le abate Studs for bearing partitions Studs for closet partitions........ Studs for partitions containing 4” BS Peal G) Pe ee ele) ele woe Dee Ole 0 16/8. mle ROE CRP i Ea ed OR oa erate Partition caps Joists, first floor Joists, second and third floors............. PE ON No oa ie a Pee PM ise ea ales carp ate aval el Dormer rafters Hips, valleys and ridges..............044. ab) @ iets, B00, 6) eo 0) 6: Je ree Sei ear elo Wah Ole ei Te Horses, front stairs Horses, rear stairs Landing joists Oe Ole ae) see wher ola Sey ba) yey a ele \e! Sm SIZE 4X 6” P bite 4 4” lhe gre (2) 3” x10" (3) BS sere 3" Pd gl x 3" Q"sx 6's et Ne Ss Heb Q"sy Bid Q"~ 4" git x Yi 3x12" Sf x To gs» gi a"x12" gi x gr! yah gl Q"sx git ON" Bri BT se ‘ant al 5 git x A | ube gt 3"x«19" ‘iia tty 3" x 6” CARPENTRY AND MILL WORK SPACED ON CENTERS 16” Bide 16° 16” 16" 16" 16" ey" a4" 24" 24" one to each rafter four lines to a run three lines to a run 16” 106 N10 SOUND-PROOF PARTITIONS Sound-proof partitions, where indicated on drawings, shall have OY aa deadening felt and 7/8’’x2” furring strips nailed to one side of the studs. (a) name of brand. JOIST HANGERS All joists framing into girders shall be hung on (a)....... provided under the heading “IRON AND STEEL.” (a) name of brand of hangers or stirrups. 4 | 4 7 i | i U iy N6 NZ N8 107 FRAMING All members shall be accurately and substantially fitted together and the whole structure shall be well braced at all points. In no case shall any timber come within 2” of the face of any chimney. Plates and sills shall be halved together at all corners and splices. BOLTING PLATES AND SILLS Plates and sills resting on masonry shall be secured with 1/2”x2’ bolts with suitable washers and nuts, spaced not more than 5’ on centers. Bolts are provided under the heading “IRON AND STEEL.” STUD WALLS AND PARTITIONS Studs in walls and partitions shall be doubled at all corners and open- ings, and shall be bridged once in the middle of each story height. Bridg- ing must set back 1/2’’ from the face of the studs to leave a key for the plaster. Wherever a partition comes directly over one in the story below, the upper stud shall rest upon the cap of the lower partition and not upon the joists. All other partitions shall rest upon sills. All partitions shall have caps which shall be secured to outside walls. When joints are necessary, the caps shall be halved together with splices 10” long which shall come directly over bearings. When cut for any cause, they shall be strapped on both sides with iron straps to form a continuous tie. All partitions shall be trussed over openings 4’ or more in width. Truss also wherever partitions are not supported by walls or partitions below. SOUND-PROOF PARTITIONS Sound-proof partitions, where indicated on drawings, shall be built of double rows of 2’’x3’’ studs separated by (a)....... deadening felt. (a) name of brand. JOIST CLEATS All joists framing into girders shall be carried on 2’’x3’ strips spiked to the sides of the girders. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK >. [SY ir See ee eee os EN SE LE IEE A LE a - a “ - = ten ae iS LO a 108 Nil N12 N 13 N 14 N15 N 16 N17 109 JOIST FRAMING Joists shall be doubled around all openings, and under all partitions that are not supported by partitions below. Joists shall have double herring-bone bridging cut to fit and spiked with two nails at each end of each piece. There shall be one row in the center of all 6’ to 12’ spans, and an extra row for each extra 6’ of span or fraction thereof. Joists resting on masonry walls must have at least a 4” bearing. All blocking up must be done with slate. HANGERS FOR HEADERS All headers 4’ in length or over, and all joists framing into such headers, shall be hung on (a)....... hangers provided under the heading “TRON AND STEEL.” (a) name of brand;— approved. FIRE CUTS All joists built into masonry walls shall have the ends cut on a bevel. ANCHORS Where joists rest upon masonry walls, every fourth one shall be secured by an approved anchor provided under the heading “ IRON AND STEEL.” RAFTERS Rafters shall be notched over wall plates and well spiked. They shall be thoroughly braced to resist any horizontal movement. Rafters shall be doubled at all openings. COLLAR BEAMS Where no ceiling joists are provided, there shall be one collar beam to each rafter. SHEATHING FOR WALLS py CP oa shall be covered with 7/8’’x6’’ matched (b)....... sheathing dressed on one side, put on diagonally, nailed to every bearing, and breaking joints at every third board. (a) frame walls;— brick veneered walls. (b) North Carolina pine;— hemlock;— spruce;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 110 N 18 N19 N 20 N 21 N 22 N 23 N 24 N25 N 26 111 SHEATHING FOR ROOFS PRES) GR shall be covered with 7/8’’x6’’ matched (6)....... sheathing, dressed on one side, nailed to every bearing, and breaking joints at every third board. (a) roofs unless otherwise specified;— sides of dormers;— etc. (b) North Carolina pine;— hemlock;— spruce;— etc. SHEATHING FOR VALLEYS Where so indicated, sheathing shall be blocked out to form closed valleys rounded on a radius as shown on detail drawings. SHEATHING FOR SLAG ROOFS Sheathing under slag roofs shall be secret-nailed and carefully planed to remove all projections. GUSSETS Build suitable gussets wherever shown or necessary for proper drainage. STOP-GUTTERS Form stop-gutters as shown on drawings, properly grading them to the outlets. TILE ROOF STRIPS Provide and set a continuous strip of 7/8’ material for each row of roofing tile, and standing boards of 2’’ material for all hips and ridges. SHEATHING PAPER All outside frame walls, including all overhangs, cheeks of dormers, etc., shall be covered with (a)....... sheathing paper, well lapped, and turned in at all openings. (a) name of brand;— heavy resin-sized;— etc. ROOFING PAPER All sheathing on roofs shall be covered with (a)....... sheathing paper, laid in horizontal strips lapped 2’ ‘ and well nailed. (a) name of brand;— heavy resin-sized;— etc. SHINGLE-LATH All shingle roofs shall be covered with best 7/8” x2” (a)....... shingle- laths, laid two to each course of shingles, with open joints. (a) spruce;- North Carolina pine;— hemlock;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 112 MITERED HIPS | All hips shall have shingles cut to shape and be laid close with flashing for each course. COMBED RIDGES All ridges shall be laid with top and combing courses on one side lapping the top and combing courses on the opposite side. CLOSED VALLEYS Roofs shall have closed valleys with flashing under each course of shingles. N27 N 28 N 33 113 EXTERIOR FURRING Fur for all exterior plaster on frame walls with 7/8”x2” furring strips 16” on centers, nailed vertically over sheathing boards and paper. SHINGLES PR OR. ORES S unless otherwise indicated or specified, shall be covered Wit COQ ee a oe shingles, free from sap and knots, of the following dimensions :—(c)....... Shingles shall be doubled (d)....... (a) walls;— roofs;— sides of dormers;— pent eaves;— etc. (b) name of brand and grade;— cypress;— cedar;- etc. (c) LOCATION LENGTH WIDTH WEATHERING Roof ey"’ 4" ;- rigid ald Wall 20" random 10” etc. etc. etc. (d) at eaves;— every fifth course;— etc. BOSTON HIPS Boston hips shall be used throughout, unless otherwise specified. RIDGE BOARDS All ridges shall have 7/8” ridge boards, laid in long lengths and tightly fitted. OPEN VALLEYS Roofs shall have open valleys, the shingles lapping the valley flashings not less than 6” on each side. SIDING All exterior frame walls where indicated on drawings shall be covered with best clear (a)....... The siding shall be laid with 1-1/2” lap, closely butted at all joints and well nailed to every bearing with sixpenny nails countersunk for puttying. Siding shall be (0)....... at corners. (a) cypress beveled siding, with 7/8" butt;- 8” white pine clapboards, with 1/2’ butt;— etc, (b) mitered;— shiplapped;- butted against 1-1/8’ x4" corner boards ;— etc. SLEEPERS Lay 2’’x3” sleepers 16” on centers, in all fireproof floors, to be covered with finished flooring. Sleepers shall have fortypenny nails driven in both edges at 12” intervals, or approved floor-clips to anchor them to the concrete. They shall be laid and secured in place by the Carpenter before the filling is placed. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 114 N37 PREPARATION FOR COMPOSITION FLOORING 2 Prepare for composition floors, wherever indicated or specified, by laying a wood floor of 7/8” x 6’’matched material, free from loose knots, laid with rough side up and securely nailed. A) = SP EI LN AN, AT IE I OI FEE TO IE I RKAT CBE PA AT ee N 34 N35 N 36 N 38 N 39 N 40 115 UNDER-FLOORING Lay 7/8”x6” matched (a)....... under-flooring (b)....... Under- flooring shall be surfaced on one side, laid diagonally and well nailed. All joints shall be properly broken, shall come over bearings, and shall be closely butted. (a) North Carolina pine;— spruce;— hemlock;— etc. (b) throughout first floor ;— etc. LOFT FLOOR Lay floor where indicated in loft, of 7/8’’x6’’ matched boards surfaced on one side. FLOOR FOR CANVAS DECK Lay floor for canvas deck, of 13/16’’x2-1/2”’ matched (a)....... floor- ing where indicated on drawings. Flooring shall be planed where necessary to remove all projections. (a) No. 3 North Carolina pine;-— etc. PREPARATION FOR TILE FLOORS Prepare for tile floors, wherever indicated or specified, by laying narrow 7/8” boards on cleats nailed to the sides of floor joists, so that the top of these boards comes 3’’ below the top of the joists. Bevel the top of the joists on both sides. SOUND-PROOF FLOOR Sound-proof floor, where indicated on drawings, shall be built with ty amare an deadening felt and 7/8’’x2’’ sleepers between underflooring and finished floor. (a) name of brand and type;— approved. INSULATING FLOOR Lay 7/8’ boards on cleats between floor joists (a)....... to be filled i Wien: (Ok. ory (a) over porch;— under bay window,-— etc. (b) mineral wool;— mortar, as provided under the heading ‘‘ MASONRY.” FLOOR PAPER After the plastering is completed, the underfloors shall be swept clean, rapaired, leveled, and covered with a layer of approved building paper laid close with butt joints and no lap. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK N 46 2 SPECIAL FLOORING Finished floors in (a)....... shall be (b) (a) Living Room;- Entrance Hall;— first floor;— etc. (b) 3/8" x1-1/2" tongue and grooved clear quartered white oak, in average lengths of 5’, not more than 20 per cent to be under 4’ ;- etc. COMPOSITION FLOORING Floors {@). 2.5.2, shall be of (b)....... patent composition flooring applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, of color to be approved by the Architect. “see eee (a) where shown on the drawings;— in Kitchen, Pantry, Bath Room No. —. (b) name of brand. FLOORS NOT INCLUDED Finished floor (a)....... is. tobe (6) 4.600 S flooring furnished and installed under a separate contract. (a) where marked on drawings;- in Library;— in Ball Room;- in Bathroom No. —;- ete. (b) parquetry;— cork;— composition;— etc. NAILING STRIPS Provide 3/8” x4” Yellow Pine nailing strips for securing furring to masonry walls. Strips are tobe run horizontally and spaced 24’ on centers. N42 N 43 N 44 N45 117 FINISHED FLOORING All finished floors, unless otherwise specified, shall be (a)....... All finished flooring shall be in long lengths with joints properly broken. It shall be forced up tight and securely nailed. Where necessary to give access to pipes, the flooring shall be screwed down in sections. (a) 18/16" x2-1/2"', tongued and grooved, rift-sawed, No. 1 North Carolina pine;- etc. BORDERS Lay neatly mitered borders, as shown on drawings, of the same material as the finished floor, around all fireplace hearths, (a)....... (a) and around walls in Living Room, Dining Room, etc. THRESHOLD STRIPS Lay threshold strips (a)....... They shall be of the same material as the adjacent floors and shall have their ends cut to the profile of the trim. (a) where indicated on plan;— at all closets;- where there is @ change in the direction or character of flooring ;— etc. PLANING FLOORS All finished floors, unless otherwise specified, shall be planed where necessary to make them smooth and level. SCRAPING FLOORS All finished floors (a)....... shall be scraped around the edges before the base boards are set, and planed, scraped, and sandpapered after all other work is done, leaving them absolutely clean, level, and smooth for the painter’s finish. (a) in Living Room;- in Dining Room;- throughout;— etc. METAL NAILING PLUGS FLOwide (8) oe is is.0 metal wall-plugs for fastening woodwork to masonry walls, and see that they are securely built in, in the proper places. (a) name of brand. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK io¢] ret re N 47 N 48 N 49 N 50 N 51 N 52 N 53 N 54 N 55 119 WALL FURRING Fur the inner side of all masonry walls that are to receive finished plaster work, with 7/8’’x2” furring strips spaced 16” on centers. CHIMNEY FURRING Fur around all chimneys where shown, with 2’’x3” studs set flat, not more than 16” on centers. This furring must be kept 1” clear of the masonry. No nails shall be driven into the masonry. FURRED CEILINGS Frame and fur ceilings where so indicated on drawings. * CROSS FURRING Cross fur the ceiling of (a)....... with 7/8’’x2” furring strips spaced 16” on centers. (a) Living Room;- Dining Room;- etc. FURRING FOR SPECIAL PLASTER WORK Block and fur for all interior special plaster work, where so indicated on drawings. GROUNDS Provide and set 7/8’’ grounds for plastering and for securing millwork. Base boards shall have top and bottom grounds. PIPE CLEATS AND COVERS Provide and set planed boards for the attachment of exposed pipes, and build cover boards for pipe chases, wherever directed. The covers shall be fastened with screws to permit of easy access to the pipes. COAL BINS Build coal bins in basement where indicated, of 2’’x4’’ studs and 7/8” boards, running to height of 5’. Openings shall be arranged with removable slide boards. COLD-AIR DUCTS Construct cold-air duct where shown on drawings, of 7/8’’ matched and planed boards. The duct shall cover the window opening and extend along the ceiling to the furnace. The inside dimensions shall be (a)....... The duct shall be furnished with a slide damper and a hinged door. (a) 12x24" ;- 20" x30" ;- etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 120 N 56 N57 N 58 N 59 N 60 N 61 N 62 N 63 121 SCUTTLE Build in the roof, where indicated, a scuttle having a 2” plank frame and a substantial cover with drip. The cover shall be secured with hooks and galvanized hinges having brass pins. TRAP-DOOR Build a hatchway to loft where indicated, with trap-door and frame. The door shall be secured with galvanized iron hinges and hooks. LADDER Build, where indicated on drawings, a substantial ladder with treads housed into the strings. FOLDING STAIRWAY Provide and build in where indicated, in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer, a (a)....... folding stairway suspended from the ceiling. (a) name of brand, type, and number. CELLAR WAY Provide steps for the outside entrance to basement, having 2’’x10” treads and horses and no risers. Also furnish batten doors of 7/8’’x2’’ matched and V-jointed boards, with swing bar on the under side. The doors shall be hinged to 3’’x10” frame bolted to the walls. All material shall be Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine or other approved lumber. BAFFLE-BOARDS Provide 1-1/8’’ Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine or other approved baffle- boards as shown on detail drawings, for septic tank. These will be installed by the Contractor for “CONCRETE.” DUMB-WAITER Build dumb-waiter shaft as shown, with (a)....... doors, and line on the inside with 7/8’’x2’’ matched and planed boards which shall be var- nished before being put in place. Install in the shaft a dumb-waiter with complete equipment. The dumb-waiter shall be (0)....... (a) hinged;— counter-balanced. (b) name of brand, number, size, etc. CLOTHES-CHUTE Build clothes-chute with hinged doors as shown, and line with 7/8’’x 2-1/2” matched and planed boards. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 122 For lining the clothes-chute with zinc see under “SHEET METAL AND ROOFING,” page 83. N 64 N65 N 66 N67 N 68 N69 N70 123 VARNISHED LINING The lining of the clothes-chute shall be varnished before being put in place. SLIDING DOOR POCKETS Line all sliding door pockets with 7/8’’x2-1/2’’ matched and planed boards, painted with two coats of varnish before being put in place. EXTERIOR WOODWORK Window and door frames, and all other exterior woodwork, unless other- wise specified, shall be of the best quality, clear (a)....... free from knots, sap, or other defects. It shall be sandpapered smooth and left clean and perfect upon completion, ready for the painter’s finish. (a) white pine;— cypress;— etc. PRIMING All door and window frames shall be primed with one coat of white lead and oil before leaving the shop. This includes painting the backs and edges of the woodwork. Pulley stiles shall be oiled. All other exterior woodwork that is to receive paint shall be primed as soon as possible after being erected. DETAILS Unless particularly specified to the contrary, all exterior and interior millwork shall be (a)....... (a) in strict accordance with detail drawings;— approved stock material. BARGEBOARDS Bargeboards shall be of (a)....... thick, and of width shown on draw- ings. (a) cypress, 1-3/4"';- oak, 2-1/4";- etc. SHOW-RAFTERS Show-rafters shall be planed and have ends cut to pattern, as follows :— (a) Main eave oak a at 24" on centers Front porch cypress So Ma 24" on centers Dormers white pine ib 20" on centers etc. etc. etc. etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK aS ee : an A ee 124 N71 N72 N 73 N74 N75 N 76 N77 125 OUTLOOKERS AND BRACKETS All outlookers and brackets shall be (a)....... cut according to detail out of solid timber. (a) 6” oak;- 4” cypress;— etc. HALF-TIMBER All material for half-timber work shall be of (a)....... thick, of widths shown on drawings, rabbeted at the edges to receive plaster. Half-timber work shall be mitered and rabbeted at corners according to detail. (a) cypress 7/8";- oak 1-3/8" ;— etc. SURFACE OF TIMBER All half-timber work, brackets, bargeboards, etc., shall be (a)...... f to show tool markings to the approval of the Architect. (a) adze dressed;— hand planed; etc. PEGS Pegs, where shown, shall be of oak, roughly formed according to detail. DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM Exterior door and window trim shall be 1-1/8” thick, and of width as detailed. LOUVRES Form ventilation openings where shown, consisting of 1-1/8’’ wood slats in 1-8/4” frames, with inside door 1-1/8’ thick hinged at bottom, all in accordance with details. Cover the inside with 1/4’ mesh galvanized iron screen. STEPS Build wooden steps to (a)....... as shown on drawings. Horses shall be 2x10’, treads 1-1/8” (b)....... with rounded nosings, and risers 7/8’ Co) EN (a) Side porch;— Kitchen porch;- etc. (b) Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine;- etc. (c) cypress;— white pine;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 126 N78 N79 N 80 N 81 127 OPEN RAILINGS Open railings shall be built where shown on drawings, of design indicated, as follows :— NRE So aes Balusters shall be mortised into top rail and notched over bevel of bottom rail. All shall be well braced and stayed. (a) LOCATION TOP RAIL BOTTOM RAIL BALUSTERS POSTS Front porch 8" 4" Ss ia > ha 1-3/4" rate #5 built-up moulded turned solid turned moulded Kitchen porch F hion h og" 1-1/8" 4" x4" rounded beveled square built-up square Balcony etc. etc. etc. etc. LATTICE Build lattice where shown on drawings, of design indicated. The lattice shall be formed of (a)....... pieces, the frame shall be (b)....... (a) 1/4!"x1-1/8";- etc. (b) 7/8" x4" ;- ete. TRELLIS Build trellis where shown on drawings, of design indicated. The trellis shall be formed of (a)....... (a) 7/8""x2” slats and 2" x3" uprights;— etc. PORCH WOODWORK Build exterior columns, posts, beams, etc., where shown, according to detail, as follows:— (a) LOCATION SIZE TYPE MATERIAL FACES MOULDINGS Front porch;- pillars if” x18": Oued ep, 1-1/8" fluted, white pine, 1-1/8" moulded and _ ceiling - mould white pine, paneled soffits, inside; cornice outside. moulded bases and caps. entablature 12'’x20" built up, Side porch; posts 8" x8" solid, oak, plain, solid bracket. beams 8"'10" |: eokd, oak, plain, ceiling-mould. Kitchen porch; posts 6" xe" built up, 1-1/8’ cypress, plain, moulded cap, plain base. beams ee. id cased, 7/8" cypress _ plain, ceiling-mould. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 128 For plaster ceilings and soffits see under “PLASTER AND STUCCO,” j N 82 N 83 N 84 N 8&5 N 86 N 87 N8&8& N89 N90 129 PORCH POSTS All solid posts 8’’x8” or larger, shall have 2” holes bored throughout the entire length. COLUMNS Porch columns shall be staved up and lock jointed (a)....... (a) name of brand, type and number. PILASTERS Pilasters shall be similar to columns in make and pattern. CEILING OR SOFFITS CO cect st shall be of 7/8’’ tongue and grooved (b)....... (a) Porch ceilings;— soffit of eaves;— soffit of hood;— etc. (b) V-jointed cypress;— beaded North Carolina pine;— etc. BED MOULDS All ceilings and soffits shall have bed-moulds according to details. EXTERIOR CORNICE Build cornice to (a)....... as indicated, according to details. (a) main roof;- dormers;— front porch;— etc. HOOD Build hood over (a)....... as indicated, according to details. (a) front entrance;— etc. SEATS Build exterior seats where shown on drawings, of (a)....... according to details. The back shall be (b)....... The ends shall be (c)....... (a) oak;— cypress;— etc. (b) 7/8” matched and V-jointed boards with top strip;- 1-3/4" square balusters with top and bottom rail;— 7/8" x2” slats, 4’ on centers, with top and bottom rail;— etc. (c) 1-3/4" material;— shaped arms on square legs;— etc. ANCHOR IRONS All exterior frames in masonry walls shall be anchored with at least four iron anchors. Frames over 6’ high shall have six anchors. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 130 For metal cellar windows see under ‘‘ METAL CASEMENTS,” page 171. N 91 N92 N 93 N 94 HINGED CELLAR WINDOWS Hinged cellar windows shall have (a)....... heads and jambs, and tC REENS a sills of Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine or other approved material, rabbeted for sash and screens according to detail drawings. The sash shall be 1-3/8” clear white pine. The screens shall be 1-3/8” clear white pine fitted with 1/2’’ mesh galvanized iron screen. (a) 9;— 2-1/2". (b) 9-1/2";- 8". DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOWS Double-hung windows shall have pulley stiles and parting strips of Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine or other approved material. All other parts of the frame shall be of the best quality clear (a)....... All sash shall be of the best quality clear white pine. Frames and sash shall be built accurately according to detail drawings, of the following size members :— a eae (a) white pine;— etc. (b) Sills, 2" -— 2-1/2!" ;- 8". Pulley stiles, 7/8" ;- 1-1/8" ;- 1-3/8". Yoke, 7/8" 1-1/8". Outside casing, 7/8" ;- 1-1/8". Inside casing, 7/8", Parting strip, L/P" Back lining, ja": Sash in Basement, 1-3/8". Sash above Basement, 1-3/8";- 1-3/4". Staff mould, Lg om Be BOX HEADS Double-hung windows, where indicated on drawings, shall have box heads lined with 7/8’’ matched and planed boards, painted with two coats of paint before being put in place. DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW HARDWARE All double-hung sash shall be hung with weights of proper size and weight and (a)....... cord. Pulleys shall be (b)....... with 2’”” wheel for sash 2’ 6” or less in width, and 2-1/2” wheel for sash over 2’ 6” in width. A sample pulley shall be given to the mill-man for fitting to the frame, but. the pulleys are not to be put in until the sash are hung. (a) name of brand. (b) name of brand and type;— of approved pattern. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 132 For metal casements see under ‘METAL CASEMENTS,” page 171. { i i 4 N95 N 96 N97 N98 N99 N 100 133 CASEMENT WINDOWS Casement windows shall have (a)....... heads and jambs and ay Silane sills of Georgia Long-leaf Yellow Pine or other approved material, rabbeted for sash and screens according to detail drawings. The staff mould shall be (c)........ Sash shall be (d)....... clear white pine according to detail drawings. (a) 2! ;- 2-1/2" ;- etc. (b) 2-1/2";- 3". (c) 2x2" ;- cut on solid. (d) 1-3/8";- 1-8/4". TRANSOMS Opening (a)....... shall have (b)....... clear white pine sash (c)....... Witte fe ey. transom bar, according to detail drawings. (a) No. of opening;— above front door;- etc. (b) 1-3/8" ;-— 1-3/4". (c) hinged at bottom;— pivoted;— fixed;— etc. (d) 2’ ;- 2-1/2" ;- etc. MULLIONS Opening No. (a)....... shall have mullions of (6)....... material rabbeted to receive sash, according to detail drawings. (a) No. of opening. (b) 2!;— 2-1/2";— 3"; etc. FIXED SASH Fixed sash shall be (a)....... clear white pine according to detail drawings. (a) 1-3/8";- 1-3/4". SHOW-SILLS All windows, where shown on drawings, shall have show-sills according to detail drawings. WEATHER STRIPPING All exterior doors and windows (a)....... shall be fitted with (b)....... weather strip, and be guaranteed absolutely weather-tight. (a) on 1st story;— throughout;- etc. (b) name of brand. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 134 N 107 DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS 2 All window and door screens will be provided and installed under a separate contract. N 101 N 102 N 103 N 104 N 105 N 106 N 107 1 135 METAL RUBBING STRIPS Provide and set metal rubbing strips for the sills of exterior doors and French casements. STORM SASH Provide storm sash, where indicated, of 1-3/8’’ clear white pine as shown on drawings. SHUTTERS OR BLINDS Where shown on drawings, windows shall have 1-3/8” outside shutters or blinds of design indicated according to detail drawings. PORCH FRAMES Provide and set wood frames of 2” material for exterior openings, where indicated on drawings. These frames shall be rabbeted for sash and screens. PORCH SASH Provide and set porch sash for all openings where indicated on draw- ings. Sash shall have stiles, rails, and muntins, according to drawings, all of clear white pine. PORCH SCREENS Provide and set porch screens for all openings, where indicated on draw- ings. Screens shall have frames of (a)....... clear white pine and be fitted with 16-mesh bronze insect wire. (a) 1-1/8";- 1-8/8". DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS All windows and exterior doors shall be fitted with 16-mesh bronze wire screens set in (a@)....... frames. All screens shall have (b)....... runs. (a) 1-1/8" wood;— name of brand. (b) wood;— approved metal;— name of brand. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK PO LITE IIS Pe OA Pe, RS IANO, 13@ N 108 N 109 N 110 DOOR FRAMES Exterior door frames shall be (a) Pine or other approved material, rabbeted for doors and screens. staff mould shall be (6)....... Interior door frames shall be of (c) cent trim, with stop-bead (d) (a) 1-8/4!'~ Q" 9-1/9"; 3’. (b) 2’’x2";— cut on solid. (c) 7/8";— 1-1/8". (d) worked on;— nailed on. DOORS Doors shall be of the following thickness, material, and construction :— Re ane All doors, unless otherwise specified, shall match the adjacent trim. All paneled doors shall have mouldings cut on the solid. (a) LOCATION Front door Exterior doors French casement doors Sliding doors Dumb-waiter and clothes-chute doors Troning-board closet door Plumbing dom Door No.— Passage doors Closet doors etc. STOCK DOORS All doors (a) (a) throughout;— above first floor;— except doors No. —. ei ee, ete SIZE 3’ x6" 10” gl 10” x6’ tor (2) 2’x6’ 10" (2) 3’x6' gl 2’x3' x’ 0” 18" x24" g 8"x6' gir gl 8" x6! gl gt 6" x«6' gs’ etc. (b) name of brand;— approved. shall be (0) THICKNESS 2-1/2" gu 1-3/4" 1-3/4" 1-1/8" 1-1/8" 1-1/8" gl 1-3/8" 1-3/8!" etc. MATERIAL quartered oak, white pine, white pine, mahogany veneer, N.C. pine, N.C. pine, white pine, quartered oak veneer, birch veneer, cypress, etc. wis (aoa stock doors. 137 of Georgia Long-leaf Yellow The material to match the adja- TYPE glazed, solid, raised panels. solid, raised panels. glazed, solid. built up, raised panels. flat panels. flat panels. raised panel. circular head, carved panels. built up, 6-panel. solid, 5-panel. etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK SESS rea PLL LES SERPS ERIN NLS is ICT AF KAD OE NCP EI: — FRE ROO - fe ania 138 N 111 N 112 N 113 N 114 N 115 N 116 N 117 N 118 139 GLAZED DOORS All glass in interior doors shall be secured by loose mouldings unless otherwise detailed. SLIDING DOORS Sliding doors shall have 3/8” rubbing strips on both sides. MIRROR DOORS Door No. (6)... 6%: shall have mouldings for full-length mirror on one side. (a) number shown on drawings. SLAT DOORS Provide doors with 1/2” slats for the full height of the door opening, for doorways No. (a)....... (a) number shown on drawings ICE DOOR AND FRAME The opening in the wall by the refrigerator shall have a 1-3/8’’ paneled door, with frame of 1-3/8’’ head and jambs, and 2” sill, all according to drawings. FIREPROOF DOORS Fireproof doors, where shown on drawings, shall be built up of two thicknesses of 7/8’’ matched boards covered with tin, in accordance with the regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. GARAGE DOORS Garage doors shall be batten doors, built up of 7/8’’ V-jointed matched boards secured with (a)....... battens, as shown on detail drawings. (a) 1-3/8" rabbeted;— 7/8" ;- ete. INTERIOR PAINTED WOODWORK All interior painted woodwork, trim, doors, shelving, etc., unless other- wise specified, shall be (a)....... free from knots, sap, or other defects. (a) white pine;— poplar;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK ° ee ee as eaiged 140 N 119 N 120 N 121 N122 N 123 N 124 N 125 141 INTERIOR STAINED WOODWORK Interior stained woodwork shall be as follows:- LP NS (a) LOCATION MATERIAL Inbrary qua~tered oak Billiard Room chestnut Kitchen North Carolina pine Dining Room white pine, birch sub-base and stool elsewhere cypress etc. etc. WOOD CARVING All carved ornament, where indicated, is to be done by an approved wood carver from models furnished by nim for the Architect’s approval. SPECIAL CARVING “Special Carving”’ is not included in this contract, but where it is so marked on drawings, this Contractor shall furnish the material shaped in the rough and deliver it to the Carver. The Carver shall return it to the building when finished, and this Contractor shall build it in place. SETTING No interior woodwork shall be set until finished coat of plaster is thor- oughly dry. UNFINISHED PARTITIONS Where partitions or closets are shown in unfinished parts of the house, they shall be sheathed on walls and ceilings with (a)....... and finished with a quarter-round moulding at floor and ceiling. (a) brand of patent wall board;- 7/8"' matched and planed boards;- etc. VENTILATION Provide and set (a)....... cast iron registers in the (b)....... ceiling, where shown on plan. The registers shall be operated by chain pulls. (a) two 12x15" ;- ete. (b) third floor;— etc. CUT-OUT BOX The cut-out boxes for electric system, wherever indicated, shall have paneled doors and trim corresponding to the trim of the adjacent windows. This shall be made and installed by the Carpenter to the approval of the Electrical Contractor. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 142 For pantry sinks and drain boards covered with sheet metal see under “PLUMBING, SCHEDULE OF FIXTURES,” page 211. N 126 N127 N 128 N 129 N 130 N 131 143 KITCHEN DRAIN BOARDS Provide and set grooved straight-grained ash drain board, 1-3/4’ thick, as indicated on drawings, for kitchen sink. It shall be supported by approved metal brackets. No woodwork shall touch the sink. PANTRY DRAIN BOARDS Provide and set drain board for pantry sink of 1-3/8” ash. This shall continue as a frame around pantry sink and shall have apron and moulding, all as shown on drawings. COUNTER-SHELF AND LARDER-CUPBOARD Build counter-shelf, where shown on drawings, of 1-1/8’’ material accord- ing to details, to be covered with (a)....... provided by another Con- tractor. The counter-shelf shall be 3’ 0” in height, fitted underneath with cupboards having paneled doors. (a) zinc;— plate glass;— etc. LARDER-CUPBOARD LININGS Larder-cupboards shall be lined with zine provided under the heading “SHEET METAL AND ROOFING.” ; DRESSERS Build dressers according to details, where shown in (@)....... Dressers shall have cupboards in the upper part, finished with a moulding, and a counter-shelf fitted with cupboards and drawers below. The upper cupboards shall be carried to (b)....... The counter-shelf shall be 1-1/8’ Ong The rest of the material shall match the surrounding wood- work. Drawers shall have fronts dove-tailed, and sides and bottoms rabbeted together. Cupboards shall have no backs, but the space between counter-shelf and upper cupboards shall have a back of 2-1/2’’ matched and V-jointed boards 7/8’ thick. (a) Kitchen;- Pantry;— Servants’ Hall;— ete. (b) ceiling;— a height of 7’ and continued to ceiling with lath and plaster ;- etc. (c) ash;— white pine;— etc. HANGING CUPBOARDS The upper cupboards in (a)....... shall be hung from the joists above, with iron hangers provided by this Contractor, and shall have no wooden brackets. (a) Kitchen;— Pantry;— ete. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK DS te NI EES OCI TE PED PEALE HOOD 144 N 132 N 133 N 134 N135 N 136 N 137 N 138 145 CUPBOARD FITTINGS The cupboards shall be fitted as follows:— DO (a) LOCATION SHELVES DOORS DRAWERS Pantry, upper (4) 7/8" movable (4) 1-1/8" glazed, sliding —......... es Pantry, lower (1) 1-1/8" fixed (4) 1-1/8" paneled, hinged (3) Kitchen, upper (5) 7/8" fixed Ch) FB Gia, Wena oe arte Kitchen, lower (2) 1-1/8" fixed (4) 7/8" paneled, hinged (2) hardwood slides larder cupboard (2) 7/8" fixed (8): 7/8" penaled, RINGO” |). ROE. se etc. etc. etc. etc. BREAD BOARD oe a 0) ae dresser a 1-1/8’ sliding bread board under counter- shelf. (a) Kitchen;- Pantry. SERVING WINDOW Build where shown, according to detail, a serving window between kitchen and pantry; the opening shall be 20” wide by 24” high; the door shall be 1-1/8” thick, (a)....... and counterbalanced. Build 1-1/8” Sy Gietie a ea ane! One)... 6s 3 side. (a) paneled;— glazed. (b) hinged drop;— fixed. (c) Kitchen;— each. SERVING TABLE Build serving table (a)....... and 3’ 0” high, against wall where shown on drawings. The table shall have top hinged to drop, and sup- port hinged at wall to swing out. (a) 2’ 6" x2’ 0” ;- ete. TABLE-LEAF CLOSET Build, where shown, a cupboard of suitable size with paneled doors, for Dining Room table-leaves. BOTTLE RACKS Build bottle rack in wine closet according to details. LINEN CLOSET Build linen closets where shown, according to details. Linen closets shall have 1-1/8” shelves, approximately 10’ apart, running to a height of 7’ from floor. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 146 N 141 2 MEDICINE CABINET Provide and set flush with the wall in (a) | Mie medicine cabinet complete. (a) Bathroom No. —;- all bathrooms. (b) name of brand;— type and size. where indicated, Se ae aa N 139 N 140 N 142 N 143 147 LINEN CLOSET DRAWERS Provide (aysiu... drawers below the shelves. Drawers shall have fronts dove-tailed and sides and bottoms rabbeted together and shall run 7 ) aa slides. (a) (8) 12” ;— (4) 16" ;- etc. (b) hardwood;- brand of patent slides. SHELF DOORS The shelves in linen closet shall have paneled doors 1-1/8” thick, the Cay tans upper ones hinged at the side and the (0)....... lower ones hinged at the bottom. (a) 3;- 4;- ee. (b) 3;— 2;— ete. MEDICINE CABINET Build medicine cabinet flush with the wall in (a)....... where indi- cated. The cabinet shall be (b)....... and 4”’ deep, with back and sides, and three movable glass shelves, all according to details. The door shall have a plate glass mirror on the outside. Mirror and shelves are provided under the heading “GLAZING.” (a) Bathroom No. —;- all bathrooms. (b) 1’ 6x2’ 0" ;- etc. WARDROBE Build wardrobe according to details, in (a)....... , of wood to match adjacent trim. Wardrobe shall be of size indicated on plan, with (6)....... doors opening the full width of the wardrobe. The fittings shall be as detailed, consisting of (c)....... (a) Room No. —. (b) sliding;— paneled;— hinged;— mirror ;— etc. (c) shoe rack at bottom, 4 drawers on patent slides, 2 shelves at top;— etc. CEDAR-LINED CLOSET The walls, floor, ceiling, and inner face of door of cedar closet, where indicated on drawings, shall be lined with 3/8” Aromatic Red Cedar lining, matched on sides and ends. Lining shall be secret nailed directly to studs and rough flooring, over a layer of tar paper, with cedar quarter-rounds at angles. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK Co TT 148 149 N 144 CLOSET FITTINGS AND SHELVING All shelving shall be as directed, but the arrangement given herein is approximately correct. Shelves shall be 7/8” thick, smoothed on all sides, and supported on wall cleats. They shall run on one, two or three sides of the closet as indicated or directed. Hook strips shall be 7/8’’x5’’ with beveled edges. Hooks shall be placed approximately 8’’ on centers. Hanger rods shall be (a)....... supported on (b)....... flanges. Closet fittings shall be as follows: Cy RCE a (a) 1/2” galvanized iron pipe;— 3/4’ nickel plated brass rods;— 1-1/4’’ hardwood;- etc. (b) metal;— brass;— nickel-plated;— wood. NUMBER WIDTH OTHER CF ea eerey OF SHELVES OF SHELF FITTINGS Basement :— Store Room ...e....+-- 8 a Milk Room § 2’ oO” First floor :— Laundry closet........ 5 12” Larder, over counter. . . § if” Kitchen, over sink..... 2 re Kitchen closet........ 1 12" Hook strip Pantry, over refrigerator 2 12” Fe ye SAD 1 19" Hook strip Coal Booms... si ee | 12" Hook strip Second floor :— Bathroom No. —, closet. , 10” Hook strip Holl cleat... soe. 5 12" Broom closet......... 2 10” Hook strip all bedroom closets... 2 19" Hook strip, hanger rod and shoe rack Third floor:— Room No. —, closet... 2 12” Hook strip, hanger rod and shoe rack Maid’s bedroom....... 2 i) al Hook strip Bathroom No.—...... ne is Hook strip PEGE OM oe Gs 4 13” CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 150 N 145 N 146 N 147 N 148 N 149 151 DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM All doors and windows, unless otherwise specifically noted, shall have wood trim made in strict accordance with the full size details. All archi- traves shall be mitered at corners. Trim shall be as follows:— ARCHI- WINDOW WINDOW (a) LOCATION TRAVE PLINTHS STOOLS CAPS APRONS ers dt Mt Living Room 7/8" xo", 1-1/8" 7/8!" Inbrary 2-piece plinths ees sin ded Bedroom No.—} moulded, avidetejo Bsa th Dining Room = 7/8" X4-1/2", «2... 7/8" caps above trim around plain, round rounded, trim entire open- edges, ing. elsewhere e/a Eo ae Tar eB rl Fae os aes 7/8" 2-1/2" plain, beveled, beveled. STOP-BEADS Stop-beads shall be 1/2”, screwed to windows with screws and washers provided under the heading “HARDWARE.” RADIATOR RECESSES At all radiator recesses, window trim shall be carried to the floor. PLASTER JAMBS , Windows (a)....... shall have plaster heads and jambs. (a) in Living Room;- in Dining Room;— No. —;- ete. OPENINGS WITHOUT DOORS All openings without doors, unless otherwise noted, shall have wood jambs and architraves to match adjacent door and window trim. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK N 150 N 151 N 152 N 153 155 PANELED REVEALS All wood reveals over 10’’ wide shall be paneled as shown. BASE BOARD Provide and set in all rooms, halls, closets, etc.,"(a)....... base boards of material to correspond with adjoining trim. Base boards shall be as follows :— +) Retieenaue The sub-base shall be nailed to the floor and never to the base board. (a) except in Bathroom No. —;— Kitchen;- etc. (b) LOCATION THICKNESS HEIGHT CAP SUB-BASE Dining Room Library 7/8" moulded, 10” 1-1/2" moulded, 1-1/2’ moulded, Bedroom No. — elsewhere 7/8" plain, Sd 1/4 round, 1/4 round. PICTURE MOULDING Provide and set securely a picture moulding in (a)....... at the height directed. The moulding shall be (0)....... of wood to correspond with trim. (a) all Bedrooms;- all rooms except Kitchen, Bathrooms, Closets;— etc. (b) 7/8” x2" as detailed;— 1-1/2" stock pattern;— etc. CHAIR RAIL Provide and set a chair rail in (a)....... This shall be (6)....... ‘ set at height directed. (a) Kitchen;— Dining Room;- etc. g (b) 3”x7/8" plain white pine;- 4/"x7/8" birch, moulded with cap as detailed;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK f } 154 N 154 N 155 N 156 N 157 155 SHOW-BEAMS AND SHAFTS Provide and set special woodwork of material to match trim, in accord- ance with full size details, as follows:— LP) BREN (a) MEMBER SIZE TYPE FACES MOULDINGS Beams. Inbrary; main beam a” x10", built up, paneled, 7/8" xa" secondary beams F il «+ vid built up, plain, a ae ee wall beams 4°10", built up, plain, 7/8" xa" Billiard Room; beams 6" x8", solid, plain, 7/8" x1-1/4" wall beams 4" x6", solid, plain, 7/8" X1-1/4" ingle beams ero": solid, carved, 7/8" x1-1/4"" Opening No. —; entablature as detailed, paneled soffit, as detailed Pilasters, etc. Dining Room; pilasters Rie", built up, paneled, cap Billiard Room; pilasters sue, solid, plain, posts ee ul solid, plain, Opening No. —; pilasters, 2x10", built up, fluted, caps and bases columns, 10” round, built up, fluted, caps and bases COLUMNS AND PILASTERS Columns and pilasters shall be staved up and lock jointed with base, shaft, and capital, all in accordance with detail drawings. BRACKETS Provide and set brackets of material to match trim, and of design as detailed, under ends of (a)....... These shall be (b)....... SH (Oe ys Sa (a) main Library beams;— beams for openings No. —;- etc. (b) solid;— built up. (c) carved by an approved Carver;— carved under separate contract ;— moulded as detailed ;— etc. INTERIOR CORNICE Provide and set (a)....... cornice in (6)....... according to detail drawings. (a) wood;— composition. (b) Living Room;— Dining Room-- ete. : CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 156 N 158 N 159 N 160 N 161 N 162 157 WALL PANELING Provide and set paneling of material to match trim, as shown on draw- ings, and in accordance with details, as follows :— 2 Says All rails and stiles shall be mortised together, no doweling will be permitted. () LocaTion HEIoHT =*TES NP PANELS CONSTRUCTION Dining Room _ to ceiling 7/8" chamfered 5/8" plain 3-ply veneer Drawing Room 8 5/8" plain plaster Hall Cm tg 7/8" moulded 5/8" raised solid elc. ° etc. etc. etc. etc. MANTELS Build mantels of material to match trim in (a)....... , as shown on detail drawings and in accordance with full size details. (a) Living Room;— Dining Room;- etc. SPECIAL MANTELS Mantels in (a)....... will be supplied by the owner but shall be set by this Contractor. (a) Music Room;- Library;- etc. BOOK-CASES Build book-cases in (a)....... as shown, with moulded cap and base, and movable shelves 1-1/8” thick, resting on (b)........ Book-cases shall have Ce) sade &: backs. (a) Library;— Den;- etc. (b) brand of patent shelf supports;— pins, with shelves countersunk to receive the same. (c) flush panel;— V-jointed matched board;— no;- etc. BOOK-CASE DOORS Book-case in (a)....... shall have glazed doors (b)...... La (a) Library;— Den;- etc. (b) hinged at side;— to slide on brass tracks;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK N 163 CHINA CUPBOARD Build china cupboard in (a)....... as indicated, and in accordance with details. Cupboard shall have 7/8” movable shelves grooved for plates, and 1-3/8” glazed door in upper part, and drawer and cupboard, with paneled doors and shelf, below. (a) Dining Room;-etc. i N 163 1 N 164 N 165 N 166 N 167 159 CHINA CLOSET Build china closet in (a)....... as indicated, and in accordance with details. Closet shall have 7/8’’ movable shelves grooved for plates, and 1-3/8” glazed door. (a) Dining Room;- etc. WINDOW SEATS Build window seats in accordance with detail drawings as follows:- (a) LOCATION BACK SEAT FRONT Living Room raised paneled 1-3/8" flush paneled turned legs Bedroom No.— flush paneled 1-3/8" battened, hinged _flat panels RADIATOR ENCLOSURES All radiators in (@)....... shall be enclosed with (b)....... as shown, in accordance with details. (a) Living Room;— Dining Room;- etc. (b) paneling;— turned spindles;— lattice work;— etc. CANE REGISTER FACES Register faces in (a)....... shall be of cane woven as for chair seats, according to the pattern detailed. (a) all radiator enclosures;— Library;- Music Room;- etc. REGISTER TRIM Build removable wooden frames, wherever required for register faces, to match adjacent trim. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 160 N 168 N 169 161 STAIRS All stairs shall be built according to details, properly supported on carriages as specified. All treads shall have moulded nosings, with mould- ing below. Treads and risers shall be tongued and grooved together, and both housed into the wall string. The whole shall be glued and wedged in the best manner. Stair woodwork shall be as follows:- ts) TE TE This Contractor shall properly protect all stair work and will be held responsible for its condition until the whole building operation is completed. (a) MAIN STAIRS REAR STAIRS Treads and platforms 1-1/8" plain white oak 1-1/8" yellow pine Risers 7/8" white pine 7/8" yellow pine Wall string 1-1/8" white pine 7/8" yellow pine Outer string 1-1/8’ white pine, open, 7/8" yellow pine, closed carved Hand rails 3-1/2" x4" birch, moulded, 3" x2-1/2" yellow pine, with ramps and easings closed, plain stock Return nosings birch Balusters 3 to a tread, white pine, 3-1/2" on centers, yellow turned pine, 1-1/8"’ square Starting newel 5” square, white pine, built 4 square, yellow pine, up, paneled; birch cap, moulded cap moulded Secondary newels 3” turned, white pine, moulded caps Post drops square moulded turned CELLAR STAIRS Cellar stairs shall have 7/8” risers and 1-1/8” treads of (a)........ Hand rail shall be (b)....... , supported on (c)........ (a) North Carolina pine;— yellow pine;— ete. (b) 2x3" ;- 1-1/2" round;— etc. (c) metal wall brackets;— 3’ x4" posts;— etc. CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK 162 FINISH HARDWARE He shall allow the sum of (a)....... for all finish hardware such as butts, hinges, locks, etc., to be selected by the Architect and installed by this Contractor. The sum allowed for finish hardware does not include the cost of setting. (a) estimated cost. FINISH HARDWARE All finish hardware will be furnished by the Owner to this Contractor, who shall give a receipt for all hardware as soon as delivered and shall immediately notify the Architect of any discrepancy from the invoice. All finish hardware shall be set by this Contractor. O1 03 163 HARDWARE ROUGH HARDWARE The Contractor for Carpentry shall furnish all rough hardware includ- ing all nails, screws, sash pulleys, sash weights, or similar fittings, and all other hardware mentioned in this specification as being provided under his contract. He shall take proper care of all hardware at the building and be responsible for all shortages. FINISH HARDWARE This Contractor shall furnish and set all finish hardware required to complete the building, in strict accordance with the following schedule. The numbers given in the schedule refer to the hardware manufactured Bar CO tain (a) name of manufacturer. HARDWARE SCHEDULE (a) LOCATION CATALOG NO. SIZE FINISH’ NO. REQUIRED Outside Cellar Door Hinges Bar pins Half staples Cellar Doors Butts Locks Rings and staples Bolts Cellar Sash Butts Fasts Hooks and eyes Bolts 164 LOCATION CATALOG NO. SIZE FINISH Main Entrance Doors Butts Locks Sills Door knockers Letter-box plates Push buttons French Windows Butts Locks Bolts Sills Outside Kitchen Door Butts Locks Bolts Push buttons Hall Doors—Front Halls Butts Locks Hall Doors—Service Halls Butts Locks Closet Doors Butts Locks Bathroom doors Butts Locks Bolts Double-acting doors Floor hinges Plates Sliding Doors Pulls Locks Hangers Stops Dressers Butts Elbow catches Cupboard turns Drawer pulls Rollers 165 NO. REQUIRED HARDWARE 166 LOCATION CATALOG NO. Book-cases Hinges Locks Pulls Slides Shelf supports Ice Door Butts Locks Plumbing Doors Butts Locks Ironing Board Door Butts Locks Medicine Closets Butts Locks Linen Closet Doors Hinges Pulls Slides Locks Linen Closet Drawers Pulls Rollers Radiator Enclosures Butts Friction catches Knobs Panel Boards Butts Locks Transom Lights Transom lifts Butts Sash centers Double-hung Sash Sash fasts Sash lifts Sash bead screws Casement Windows Butts Bolts Fasteners Adjusting bars SIZE FINISH 167 NO. REQUIRED HARDWARE ie SS CE PE TE NES TIE, TU EEN eT ee = a Sr gy ee a Ra i ~ OS ere = Yen eA er SEES TIT OE ed =n * ee = 168 O 4 169 LOCATION CATALOG NO. SIZE FINISH NO. REQUIRED Shutters Hinges Bolts Rings and eyes Adjusting bars Turn buckles Garage Doors Hangers Tracks Hinges Fasteners Pulls Locks Guides Bumper shoes Brackets Miscellaneous Door stops Coat and hat hooks Ceiling hooks ALTERNATE BRANDS CEOOES OE) ass may be substituted for those above specified, if corresponding in quality and operation. No substitution may be made without the approval of the Architect, who shall be absolute judge of the comparative merits of corresponding pieces of different makes. All hardware shall be of proper size and shape to fit the woodwork as detailed. (a) name of manufacturers. HARDWARE 170 P 1 171 METAL CASEMENTS FRAMES AND SASH Provide and set metal frames and sash, hinged as indicated on drawings, foe ap osiwur window openings. All metal casements shall be (b)....... , of size shown on drawings. The workmanship must be of the highest standard throughout. All sash and frames shall be clearly marked with numbers corre- sponding to those given on the plans. (a) all;— No. of openings. (b) name of brand and material of hardware. == a= eee a SS aS eS —SSseaose RT oe NE sae STN Ry = a N I ri Qi Q2 Q3 173 PAINTING GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. All woodwork must be thoroughly clean and dry before any paint or stain is applied. It shall be rubbed smooth, and all knots and sappy places shall be covered with grain alcohol shellac before painting. All woodwork that is to be painted shall be primed at the earliest possible moment. The back as well as the front of all millwork coming in contact with masonry walls shall be primed. All hard wood, unless otherwise required, shall be given a coat of paste filler well rubbed in before finish is applied. After priming, all nail holes, cracks, etc., shall be puttied with putty colored to match the finish. No coat of paint shall be applied until the under one is perfectly dry. All mouldings and ornament shall be carefully cleaned out before each coat of paint is applied. All finished surfaces shall be left smooth and even and free from brush marks or other defects. On completion, this Contractor shall remove all spots from floors, glass, etc., and shall repaint edges of sash and doors where necessary after fitting by the Carpenter. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee his work in every respect, and shall make good, without cost to the Owner, any defects in material or work- manship which may develop within eighteen (18) months after the comple- tion and acceptance thereof. SAMPLES Samples of all wood finish shall be made for the Architect’s approval, and must be accurately matched by the finished work. 174 fo SHINGLE STAIN All shingles shall be given a brush coat of (a)....... shingle stain after being laid. (a) name of brand. SHINGLE STAIN All shingles shall be dipped three-quarters of their length in (a)....... shingle stain and allowed to drain in a trough until dry, before being put on. After laying they shall be given a brush coat of the same stain. (a) name of brand. EXTERIOR STAIN SDB LAY. spades shall be evenly stained (6) HS SANs to produce the color directed. (a) exterior woodwork throughout, except exterior doors;— porch ceilings;— etc. (6) with (brand of stain) ;- with acid stain;— or fumed;- etc. Q4 Q7 175 MATERIALS All materials specified shall be brought to the building in the original packages, which shall remain unopened until inspected and approved. No dilution of any description will be permitted unless specifically approved by the Architect. © White lead shall be best American white lead of (a)....... brand. Linseed oil shall be pure and of best quality, raw or boiled as may be required. Putty for exterior work shall be pure linseed oil putty; for interior work, white lead putty. Enamel paint shall be (b)....... brand. Varnish shall be (c)....... varnish. Shellac shall be best grain-alcohol shellac. (a) name of brand. (b) name of brand. (c) name of brand. SHINGLE STAIN All shingles shall be dipped for three-quarters of their length in CN iis hae shingle stain and allowed to drain in a trough until dry, before being put on. “(a) name of brand. EXTERIOR STAIN iy a) ee shall be evenly stained (0)....... to produce the color directed, and finished with (c)........ (a) exterior woodwork throughout, except extertor doors;— porch ceilings;— etc. (b) with (brand of stain) ;— with acid stain;— or fumed;- etc. (c) two coats boiled linseed oil;— two coats spar varnish;— etc. AREA WALLS The exposed side of all area walls shall be given two good coats of lead * and oil in colors selected. PAINTING 176 For whitewash see under “GENERAL MASONRY,” page 23. Q 11 INTERIOR PAINTED PLASTER 2 All plaster (a)....:.. shall be sandpapered thoroughly, sized, and finished with (b)....... in colors selected. (a) walls and ceiling in Kitchen and Bathroom No. —;- in Bedrooms;- etc. (6) three coats lead and oil paint;— two coats (name of brand) flat wall paint. Q8 Q9 Q10 Q12 Q 13 177 EXTERIOR STUCCO PAINT All exterior cement and plaster work shall be given two coats of CP a ik as cement paint, in colors selected. (a) name of brand. EXTERIOR PAINTED WOODWORK THe (ae as shall be primed, puttied, and given (b)....... good coats of lead and oil in colors selected. (a) exterior woodwork throughout, except front door;— porch floor and steps;— etc. (b) three;— two. INTERIOR PAINTED WOODWORK All interior woodwork (a)....... shall be primed, puttied, and finished with three good coats of lead and oil in colors selected. (a) throughout;— including all closets, cupboards and shelves;— except where otherwise specified ;— etc. INTERIOR PAINTED PLASTER All plaster to be painted shall be sandpapered thoroughly, sized and finished as follows :— Be hae ities (a) LOCATION NO. OF COATS PAINT ‘ FINISH Kitchen walls and ceiling 8 lead and oul gloss Vestibule walls 3 lead and oil stippled ceiling 2 (brand) flat wall paint flat Bedrooms No. — walls and ceilings 2 (brand) flat wall paint flat etc. etc. etc. etc. INTERIOR ENAMELED WOODWORK All woodwork in (a@)....... shall be primed, puttied and painted WAR COP ich irae Before each coat is applied, all surfaces shall be lightly sandpapered. (a) Bathroom No. —;-— Kitchen;- etc. (b) one coat white shellac, three coats lead and oil, two coats (brand) enamel;— one coat white shellac, two coats lead and oil, one coat (brand) enamel;— etc. INTERIOR ENAMELED PLASTER All plaster (a)....... shall be finished in the same manner. (a) walls and ceiling in Bathroom No. —;- ete. PAINTING 178 1) ine N . CANVAS WALL COVERING The walls of (a)....... shall be thoroughly sandpapered, sized with glue sizing, and then covered with decorator’s canvas secured with paper- hanger’s paste. The canvas shall be carefully trimmed and all joints butted and glazed. On this, panel mouldings with horizontal cap moulding, all as shown on drawings, shall be applied. The moulding shall be (b)....... , the cap moulding (c)........ gh FAs shall be painted with (e)....... to an even (f)....... finish, (g)....... the mouldings are applied. (a) Living Room;- Dining Room;- Main Hall to a height of 3’ ;- etc. (6) 1” oak, stained to match trim;- 2" white pine;— ete. (c) 5” oak;- 4" birch stained mahogany;- etc. (d) canvas;— whole. (e) four coats lead and oil;— three coats lead and oil, one coat enamel;-— etc. (f) matt;— stippled;— high gloss;— etc. (9) before;— after. Q 14 Qi5 Q 16 Q 18 Q19 Q 20 179 EGG-SHELL FINISH The final coat of all enamel shall be rubbed to a smooth egg-shell finish with pumice stone and water, unless otherwise specified. MATT FINISH The final coat (a)....... shall be matt enamel, to produce a smooth matt finish. (a) in Kitchen;— throughout;— etc. GLOSS FINISH The final coat (a)....... shall be left with a high gloss finish. (a) in Kitchen;— throughout;- etc. CANVAS WALL COVERING The walle ot (4)... +» shall be thoroughly sandpapered, sized with glue sizing, and then covered with decorator’s canvas secured with paper- hanger’s paste. The canvas shall be carefully trimmed and all joints butted and glazed. After wood trim has been applied to this by Car- penter, the whole shall be painted with (6)....... to an even (c)....... finish. (a) Living Room;- Dining Room;- Main Hall to a height of 3’ ;- etc. (b) four coats lead and oil;— three coats lead and oil, one coat enamel;- etc. (c) matt enamel;— egg-shell;— high gloss;— etc. INTERIOR STAIN All interior woodwork (a)....... shall be evenly stained (b)....... to produce the color directed, and finished with (c)........ (a) throughout;- in Living Room and Dining Room;-— except in Bathrooms,- etc. (b) with (brand of stain) ;— with acid stain;— or fumed;- etc. (c) one coat shellac, two coats varnish;— two coats hard oil finish, three coats varnish;— one coat shellac, one coat wax;— two coats wax;— etc. SANDPAPERING FOR VARNISH Before each coat of varnish is applied, all surfaces shall be lightly sandpapered. EGG-SHELL FINISH The final coat of varnish shall be rubbed to a smooth egg-shell finish with pumice stone and linseed oil. PAINTING 180 For painting of boiler and piping in basement see under HEATING,” page 233. Q 21 Q 22 Q 23 Q 24 Q25 Q 26 Q27 18] WAX FINISH All waxed surfaces shall be rubbed to a smooth, glossy finish. MAHOGANY FINISH All woodwork that is to have mahogany finish shall be stained to an approved mahogany color and finished to an egg-shell gloss with (a)........ (a) one coat shellac, two coats varnish;— one coat shellac, one coat wax,— ete. FRESCO All plaster (@)......- shall be sized and given two coats of (b)....... wall paint in tints selected. (a) walls and ceilings, except in basement;— ete. (b) name of brand;- washable;— approved cold-water ;— etc. DRAWERS The insides of all drawers shall be shellacked and the runways oiled. FLOORING All floors and stair treads unless otherwise specified, shall be finished Wi fe) 5 84 (a) two coats varnish;— one coat stain, one coat varnish;— one coat stain, one coat shellac, one coat wax;— two coats shellac, one coat wax;— etc. OAK FLOORING All oak floors and stair treads shall be stained (a)....... to produce the color directed, filled with paste filler and finished with (b)....... (a) with (brand of stain);— with acid stain; or fumed;— etc. (b) one coat varnish, two coats floor wazx;- two coats shellac, one coat waz;— two coats varnish;— etc. PAINTED METAL WORK Ae Cee) 0 eats, shall be given two good coats of lead and oil of the colors directed, in addition to the priming coat. (a) exposed plumbing, gas pipes, hot water tank, manhole covers, etc.;— steel lintels, girders, etc.;— exposed wrought iron work, area grating, etc.;- metal casements, etc. ;— galvanized tron work ;— etc. PAINTING 182 For bronzing of radiators see under “HEATING,” page 231. St Sse a oe es SOS ee ee cecinure ames es ee SS oe uJ . 8] Q 28 Q 29 Q 30 183 GALVANIZED IRON All galvanized iron shall be given a priming coat of (a)....... before applying lead and oil paint. (a) brand of galvanized iron paint;— red lead;— graphite paint;— ete. ENAMELED IRON WORK All exposed iron work of plumbing fixtures shall be given a coat of lead and oil and two coats of enamel of colors selected. RADIATORS All radiators and exposed pipes, except as otherwise noted, shall be thor- oughly cleaned and given three good coats of (a)....... , of colors selected. (a) name of brand of paint or enamel. PAINTING OT SS ——o sats Se = SO LRT Se Ee PEARS Ss 7 184 Ri R2 R 3 R4 R5 R6 185 GLAZING GENERAL All work included under this heading is subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The Contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. All glass set in woodwork shall be firmly bedded in the best oil and white lead putty, and after stops are in place, shall be neatly puttied. All glass in interior doors shall be properly bedded in putty and secured by wood moulds supplied by the Carpenter. No glass shall be put in place until after the woodwork is primed. All glass shall be free from waves or other imperfections. At the com- pletion of the building, all glass shall be cleaned and polished; all broken glass must be replaced. METAL CASEMENTS All glass in metal casements shall be secured with spring glazing clips and metal-sash putty. DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS All glass throughout the building, unless otherwise specified, shall be grade (a)....... double strength American sheet glass. (a) A;- B:- ete. SINGLE STRENGTH GLASS All glass in (a@)....... shall be grade (b)....... single strength American sheet glass. (a) basement;— servants’ wing;— etc. (b) A;- B;- ete. PLATE GLASS al giant Te (a). shall be best quality American polished plate eR Cn thick. (a) Living Room;— Dining Room;- opening No. —;- etc. (b) 1/8";- 3/16" — 1/4". FIGURED ROLLED GLASS The. giaee in (@).6 0.5. shall be figured rolled glass of a type to be approved by the Architect. (a) ceiling light;- Bathroom windows;— Pantry doors;— doors No. —,;- ete. 186 R8 2 LEADED GLASS Leaded glass where indicated on drawings will be supplied by Owner, but shall be set by this Contractor. a + a ee ei ‘ Tio ca « | ¢ y : i i RZ R9 R10 Ril 187 WIRE GLASS The gimss in‘ (a)... 2... shall be 1/4” wire glass, set as shown on drawings. (a) skylight;— fireproof door No. —;- etc. LEADED GLASS Allow the sum of (a)....... per square foot for all leaded glass where indicated on drawings. Leaded glass shall be set by this Contractor. (a) estimated cost. MIRRORS Provide and set full-length plate glass mirror in (a)....... Mirrors UE have beveled edges. (a) door to Bathroom No. —;-— doors of wardrobe;— opening No. —. (6) shall;— shall not. MEDICINE CABINET Provide and set plate glass mirrors with beveled edges for medicine cab- inet doors, also two adjustable plate glass shelves for interior. COUNTER-SHELF Supply a 1/4” plate glass top for counter-shelf in (a)....... (a) Kitchen;— Larder;- etc. GLAZING 188 EXCAVATION Excavate as may be necessary for water-supply piping and drainage systems. EXCAVATION FOR CESSPOOL Excavate for cesspool where directed, at a distance of (a)....... from building; the excavation shall be 8’ in diameter and be carried 8’ below point at which drain pipe enters it. (a) 50’ ;— 75’ ;- etc. j 4 | \ S1 S2 189 PLUMBING GENERAL CONDITIONS All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. These specifications are intended to provide for a complete and perfect system of hot and cold water supply, drainage, vent piping, etc. Anything indicated on the drawings and not specified, or vice versa, or any detail omitted which is necessary to the proper installation of the system, must be supplied and installed by this Contractor without extra charge. The Con- tractor will be held strictly responsible for the quality of the materials and labor furnished and for the proper installation of the system; he must maintain a competent foreman at the building throughout the progress of the work. All work shall conform to the Rules and Regulations of the local Bureau of Health and the requirements of the Plumbing Code. Where there are no local sanitary regulations covering any particular point, the work shall be done as required by the State Code or Regulations. PERMITS AND CONNECTIONS This Contractor shall file all drawings, pay all fees, and obtain and pay for all permits. He shall see that an adequate supply of water for building purposes is provided at the commencement of the operation. EXCAVATION All excavation is included under the separate heading ‘EXCAVATION ” and does not form part of the contract for Plumbing. 7) N 4 N La] TESTS After all lead connections are made and before any plastering 1s done, the ends of lead and iron pipes shall be closed and the entire drainage system within the building filled with air under 5 lbs. pressure. Any leaks that may appear shall be made good and the test repeated until the piping is shown to be perfectly airtight. All tests must be made in the presence of the Architect or his representative, and to his satisfaction. No part of the work shall be covered until it has been approved by him FINAL TEST After all fixtures are set, a peppermint test shall be made in the presence of the Architect. S 4 S5 S8 S9 191 LAYOUT OF SYSTEM Before the building is commenced, this Contractor shall submit for approval a complete layout of the proposed system of piping, indicating clearly the exact position of all chases, openings in foundation walls, trenches for drains, etc. One copy of this layout shall be filed in the Architect’s office and another placed in the hands of the General Contractor. CHASES, CUTTING, ETC. This Contractor shall specifically inform the General Contractor, or the various sub-contractors concerned, of the size and location of all chases, openings, supports, etc., which his work may require, and shall be respon- sible for the construction of the same. He shall arrange for all cutting through walls, floors, roofs, etc., and the proper closing thereof. Cutting of construction is to be avoided wherever possible, but where unavoidable must be done by the sub-contractor who erected the work TAGS FOR VALVES All control valves shall have brass tags properly marked indicating the rooms controlled TESTS This Contractor shall make all tests as called for in the Plumbing Code or Regulations, in the presence of the Architect or his representative. Any leaks that may appear shall be repaired by the Contractor without extra charge, and the tests repeated until the piping is shown to be perfectly tight. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee his work in writing and make good with- out cost to the Owner, any defects in material or workmanship which may develop within one year after the completion and acceptance thereof. TERRA COTTA PIPE Terra cotta drain pipes shall be the best quality of hard, salt-glazed terra cotta, approved by the Architect. All pipes must be straight and free from obstructions. PLUMBING SS EE pi OA ae SES ——— z RS SO IS StS a sie See SS N fo?) re S10 Sil S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 193 CAST-IRON PIPE All cast-iron pipes, traps, fittings, etc., under ground shall be “extra heavy”; all above ground “medium.” They shall be factory tested, free from sand holes, splits and other defects, and of uniform weight and thick- ness. Underground pipes and pipes in the masonry walls shall be thoroughly coated with coal-tar pitch, after being tested by the Plumber. WROUGHT-IRON PIPE Wrought-iron pipes, wherever specified, shall be (a)....... genuine wrought-iron pipe, galvanized, “standard” in weight and thickness, lap welded, and properly tested at the mills. The name of manufacturer must appear on each length of pipe. All fittings shall be heavy beaded gal- vanized malleable iron. (a) name of brand. BRASS PIPE Brass pipe, where specified, shall be annealed seamless tubing of iron pipe weights and sizes. LEAD PIPE Lead waste, soil, vent and flush pipes and connections, shall be of the following weights :— Ce (a) 4” bends, 8 lbs. per running foot. 1-1/2" waste, 3 lbs. per running foot. 1-1/4" waste, 2-1/2" lbs. per running foot. etc. etc. EXPOSED PIPES All exposed supplies, traps, and wastes, except those in (a)....... shall be heavily nickel-plated brass. (a) Kitchen;— Pantry;— Laundry;— basement;- etc. NICKEL-PLATED WORK Nickel-plated work shall be of the best quality, warranted heavy plate, on polished brass. ESCUTCHEONS All exposed pipes in finished rooms shall have hangers and escutcheons of the same material and finish as the pipes. Escutcheons shall be fitted closely, after the surface to which they are applied is finished. PLUMBING 194 S18 JOINTS IN TERRA COTTA 2 Joints in terra cotta pipe must first be calked with oakum and then com- pletely filled with cement mortar composed of 1 part Portland cement and 1 part sand. All joints must be well swabbed out on the inside. i] y ; Ni i i 1 4 ‘ t iif hy! ¥ tk \ PS poe me res ar eee te si i i ' S17 S19 S20 S 21 S22 S 23 195 VALVES All valves, except at fixtures or where otherwise specified, shall be Cal polished cast brass valves of the full size of the pipes they con- trol (a) name of brand. JOINTS IN TERRA COTTA Joints in terra cotta pipe must be completely filled with cement mortar composed of 1 part Portland cement and 1 part sand. All joints must be well swabbed out on the inside. JOINTS IN CAST-IRON Joints in cast-iron pipe shall be calked first with oakum and then, flush with the hub, with pure, soft pig lead, using 1 Ib. of lead to each inch of diam- eter of the pipe. JOINTS IN WROUGHT IRON AND BRASS Joints in wrought iron and brass shall be screw joints made up with red lead. The burr formed in cutting shall be carefully reamed out. JOINTS FOR LEAD PIPES Joints and connections for lead pipe shall be wiped solder joints. Con- nections between lead and iron pipes shall be made with brass ferrules and wiped solder joints. FLASHING OF VENT PIPES Where vent pipes pass through roof, the joints shall be made watertight with approved special flashings or sleeves of (a)....... enclosing the pipe on all sides. (a) 16 oz. soft copper;—6 lb. sheet lead;— etc PROTECTION OF PIPES Iron, lead or brass pipe laid in concrete or earth shall be painted with asphalt and well wrapped with tar paper or other approved protection. Where pipes pass through exterior or interior foundation walls they shall be run in terra cotta pipes of larger diameter, or through small arched openings, to protect them against damage from settlement. In masonry walls above grade they shall be run in galvanized iron sleeves to permit expansion. PLUMBING 196 If cesspool is to be included in Mason’s contract see under “STONE MASONRY,” page 29. CESSPOOL TOP The top of cesspool shall be covered with a 5” concrete slab with 1/2” reinforcing rods, spaced 6’ on centers. Build in it a 2’ manhole, to be fitted with a removable (a)....... (a) 3” flagstone cover;— cast-iron cover with ring;— etc. SEPTIC TANK Construct septic tank where directed. The inside dimensions shall be 5 ga The walls and floors shall be of 8” plain concrete. The tank shall be equipped with baffle-boards, removable concrete slabs for top, and cast-iron pipings, all according to detail drawings. The baffle-boards are provided under the heading “CARPENTRY.” (a) 4’x4' x6" ;— ete. HOUSE SEWER The house sewer shall be of (a)....... cast-iron pipe, run as shown on drawings and discharging into the (b)....... All bends and changes in direction shall be made with long sweeps, and under no circumstances shall any part have a pitch of less than 1/8” to the foot. The sewer shall be laid wh Set (HR below grade line. | (a) 4” ;- 5" ;- etc. (b) sewer in street;— cesspool;— septic tank;— etc. (c) 2 6” ;- 3';- ete. S 24 S25 529 197 PROTECTION FROM ROOTS Where required to protect terra cotta drains from penetration of tree roots at the joints, the pipes shall be laid with at least 6’’ of cinders on top, sides and bottom. CESSPOOL Construct cesspool where directed, at a distance of (a)....... from building. The walls shall be 16” thick, of stone laid up without mortar. (a) 50’ ;- 70’ ;- ete. CESSPOOL TOP The top of the cesspool shall be covered with an 8” brick dome with manhole, finishing 12’’ below finished grade. The manhole shall be fitted with a removable (a)....... (a) 3” flagstone cover;— cast-iron cover with ring ;— etc. SEPTIC TANK Provide and install where directed a (a)....... septic tank, complete with all baffle-boards, piping, drains, -etc., as provided or required by the manufacturer. (a) name of brand, size, and type. HOUSE SEWER The house sewer shall be of (a)....... terra cotta pipe, run as shown on drawings, and discharging into the (0)....... All bends and changes in direction shall be made with long sweeps, and under no circumstances shall any part have a pitch of less than 1/8’ to the foot. The sewer shall be laid at Wet (ey... o ss. below grade line. (a) 4";- 5" ;— ete. (b) sewer in street;— cesspool;— septic tank;- etc. (c) 2' 6" ;— 3’ ;— ete. HOUSE DRAIN From a point in the house sewer 5’ from the outer face of the building, extend @ (ay. 00.) cast-iron drain to soil stacks. The house drain shall have a pitch of at least 1/4” to the foot. (a) 4" ;- 5” ;— ete. PLUMBING 198 S30 S 31 S32 S33 S34 S35 199 GARAGE DRAIN From a point in the house sewer 5’ from the outer face of the garage, extend a (a)....... cast-iron drain to fixtures in garage, and continue with vent to roof. The garage drain shall have a pitch of at least 1/4” to the foot. (a) 3”;- 4/'- etc. HOUSE DRAIN TRAP Just inside the foundation wall, set a ‘‘medium” weight cast-iron house- drain trap with brass screw plug handholes. FRESH-AIR INLET From a point directly back of the house trap a cast-iron fresh-air inlet shall be carried to a point where indicated (a)....... Finish with an approved (b)....... (a) in exterior wall;— on surface of ground. (b) grating;— cowl. SOIL AND VENT PIPES Soil stacks shall be of (a)....... ‘“‘medium’”’ weight cast-iron pipe, prop- erly connected with the house drain, and carried up full size through the building and above the roof. Each line shall be extended separately at least 2’ above any adjacent ventilating openings or obstructions, except where otherwise specifically directed. The location of vents is to be as inconspicuous as possible and shall be subject to the approval of the Archi- tect. All offsets shall be made at an angle of not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal. All turns shall be made with large bends and all branches with Y’s. No lead bends are to be used except for waterclosets. Pipe stacks shall be firmly supported at the base on masonry or in other approved manner, and elsewhere on approved iron hangers. (a) 35-4". SOUND-PROOF SOIL STACK The soil lines from fixtures in (a)....... shall be boxed and packed with mineral wool. (a) Bathroom No. —;- Toilet No. —;- etc. CLEANOUTS Readily accessible cleanouts shall be placed on all horizontal lines, and at the base of all risers. PLUMBING 200 TRAPS AND VENTS Every fixture, unless otherwise specified, shall have an approved trap, back-vented in accordance with the local sanitary requirements. INTERIOR RAIN CONDUCTORS Interior rain conductors, where indicated on drawings, shall be 4’ galvanized genuine wrought-iron pipe, with screwed galvanized recess drain- age fittings, (a)....... cast-iron roof drain with flexible expansion joint, and lead flashing at gutter. The whole shall be constructed as specified for soil and vent pipes, and be connected with the drainage system. (a) name of brand;— approved. RAIN CONDUCTOR DRAINS Drains shall be run as shown on Basement plan, of sizes indicated. All bends and changes in direction shall be made with long sweeps, and all lines shall have a pitch of at least 1/8’ to the foot. Conductor drains shall be laid at least (a)....... below grade. (a) 2’ 6” ;- 3';- etc. S36 S37 S39 201 WASTE PIPES The size of waste pipes, unless otherwise specified, shall be as follows:— water closets (a)....... ; sinks, 1-1/2’; all other fixtures 1-1/4’. (a) 3" - ar, LEAD WASTE PIPES All lead waste pipes running horizontally under floors shall be supported on boards for their entire length. NON-SIPHON TRAPS Every fixture, unless otherwise specified, shall have a (a)....... non- siphon brass trap as close to the fixture as possible. (a) name of brand. FUTURE BATHROOMS Roteh in. for (a)... ...:,.. future bathrooms where indicated, leaving out- lets at the proper places for supply, soil and waste pipes. Do all necessary capping and plugging under the floor, and mark position of the pipes. (a) one;— two;- ete. INTERIOR RAIN CONDUCTORS Interior rain conductors, where indicated on drawings, shall be 4’ cast- iron pipe, with (a)....... cast-iron roof drain and flexible expansion joint, and lead flashing at gutter. The whole shall be constructed as specified for soil and vent pipes, and be connected with the drainage system. (a) name of brand;— approved. RAIN CONDUCTOR DRAINS Rain conductor drains shall be of terra cotta, 4’’ in diameter for the first two conductors, 1” additional for each of the next two, and 1” additional for each two conductors thereafter. All bends and changes in direction shall be made with long sweeps, and all lines shall have a pitch of at least 1/8’ to the foot. Conductor drains shall be laid at least (a)....... below grade. The drains shall be collected at (b)....... ee sd aa drain, and shall discharge into (d)....... (a) 2’ 6” ;- 3';- etc. (b) N. E. corner of building;-— etc. (c) 6” ;- 8" ;- ete. (d) dry well;— cesspool;— sewer ;— gutter ;— etc. PLUMBING S42 RAIN-CONDUCTOR SHOES —— Sees 2 Rain conductors shall be connected to (a) pects in length, emptying on grade. (a) a round;— 4x6" 5— etc. (b) 12” ;- 4';- ete. “ee et we ee cast-iron shoes 4 S 43 S 44 S45 S 46 S47 203 RAIN-CONDUCTOR SHOES The rain conductors shall be connected to (a)....... cast-iron shoes extending (b)....... above the finished grade. These shall be connected by cast-iron pipe with terra-cotta drains at a point 5’ beyond the building. (a) 4” round;- 4""x6" ;- etc. (b) 6” ;— 5';- ete. AREA DRAINS Provide and set in all areas 6” cast-iron catch basins with perforated covers, and connect properly with (a)....... (a) area drain pits;— footing drains;— rain conductor drains;-— etc. BOILER DRAIN Provide and set in basement where indicated, a (a)....... to drain the heating system, and connect to drainage system. (a) 6” cast-iron floor drain with trap;— name of brand and size, sand trap. REFRIGERATOR WASTE Provide and set in floor where indicated, a (a)....... cast-iron refriger- ator drain. From this run a 1-1/2” galvanized wrought-iron pipe, with recessed drainage fittings, to empty (6)....... (a) name of brand and size. (b) into basement sink;- into rain conductor drain;— outside of walls at grade. MANHOLE COVERS Provide a cast-iron manhole cover with ring, for manhole (a)....... (a) to cesspool;— where shown on basement plans;— etc. SUPPLY PIPING All piping above the first floor level shall be concealed, except (a)....... All supply and waste pipes must be so placed as to be readily accessible for examination and repairs. They must be so run that they can be thor- oughly drained. Pipes must not be run in or on outside walls where avoidable. All water pipes and traps in exposed places shall be boxed and packed with mineral wool, by this Contractor. All water supply pipes, fittings and connections shall be of galvanized genuine wrought iron unless otherwise specified. (a) in kitchen; in pantry;— exposed supplies to fixtures;— etc. PLUMBING 204 WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Allow the sum of (a)....... for water-supply system to be selected by the Architect and installed and put in perfect running order by this Contractor. All electrical connections will be made by the Contractor for “ELECTRIC WIRING.” (a) estimated cost. WATER SUPPLY The water supply will be brought into the building by the Owner at a point in the (a)....... side of the basement wall. (a) north;- south;- etc. GATE VALVE Where supply pipe enters the building, install a brass gate valve with drip cock. i be S 48 S 49 S 54 BRASS PIPING AD piping (@).)..... shall be of brass. (a) between water-back and hot-water storage tank;— between water heater and hot-water storage tank;— for hot water ;— throughout;— etc. PIPE COVERING All hot-water piping shall be neatly covered with an approved sectional magnesia or similar covering, 3/8” thick. WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Provide and install where indicated on drawings, a complete (a)....... outfit for pumping and storing water. The outfit shall include motor, pump and compression tank, automatic switch and all fittings and connections for the same as required by the manufacturer and as may be necessary to insure perfect operation of the system. All electrical connections will be made by the Contractor for ‘ELECTRIC WIRING.” (a) name of brand, type and number. WATER SUPPLY The water supply shall be taken from the water company’s main in Cee yi, This Contractor shall have the proper lead connections made and shall pay for same; from this he shall continue with (0)....... pipe to the inner face of the foundation wall. This pipe shall be carried at least 0) EBV below grade. (a) name of street. (b) 3/4" ;— 1" ;— 1-1/4" ;— galvanized genuine wrought tron;- (c) 2’ 6":— 8’ — ete. ‘é extra strong” lead;- etc. CURB VALVE Provide and install at edge of sidewalk, a curb valve with cast-iron box. WATER METER Install a water meter where supply pipe enters the building. The meter sliali be (@)..:... 5, On the house side of the meter place a brass gate valve with drip cock. (a) provided by water company;— name of brand, size and type;- etc. PRESSURE REGULATOR If water pressure exceeds 65 lbs., provide and install on supply pipe an approved pressure regulator of adequate capacity. PLUMBING vo) =) N 207 S55 COLD-WATER SUPPLY The supply pipe shall be continued of the same diameter through base- ment, with rising lines and branches as follows:— 2) aa a (a) to water heater— 1-1/4'’;— 1-1/2”, to steam-heating boiler— 1/2’', with cast brass compression valve and wheel handle to laundry tubs— 3/4", branch to kitchen sink- 1/2", to boiler in Laundry- 3/4", to Bathrooms Nos. — 1”, branches to bathtubs— 3/4”, branches to lavatories— 1/2", branches to water closets— 1/2”, to Bathroom No. — 3/4”, branch to shower- 3/4”, branch to lavatory— 1/2’, branch to site-bath- 1/2", to slop sinks— 3/4", to hose cocks— 3/4’, etc. etc. S 56 GARAGE WATER SUPPLY The garage water-supply pipe shall be (a)....... galvanized genuine wrought iron, run at least (b)....... below grade from basement of house to garage, with branches to fixtures as follows:— Co) RRR a (a) 3/4";- 1-1/4". (b) 2 6” ;— 8° ;- etc. (c) to steam-heating boiler— 1/2’, to hose cock— 3/4", to sink—- 3/4", to water closet— 1/2'’, etc. S57 INDEPENDENT RISERS Each column of fixtures shall have independent risers for both hot and cold water lines. There shall be at least 6’’ clear space between hot and cold water pipes. S 58 STOP AND DRAIN VALVES At the base of each hot and cold water line there shall be a (a)....... cast brass compression stop and drain valve. (a) name of brand;— approved. S59 CONTROL VALVES Approved stop valves to match fittings shall be provided on both hot and cold supplies beneath each fixture. PLUMBING ee — oO =) N S 60 S 61 S 62 S 63 S 64 S65 S 66 209 HOSE COCK Provide and install 3/4’’ brass hose cocks where indicated on drawings, with valves and drips on inside face of wall. AIR CHAMBER Air chambers shall be placed on hot and cold-water supply pipes to insure absence of water hammer. HOT-WATER SUPPLY Connect cold-water supply pipe with water service heating system and run thence hot-water lines and branches similar in size to those of the cold- water supply. Hot-water pipes shall be run to all fixtures excepting water closets and hose cocks. CIRCULATING SYSTEM From the highest fixture on each hot-water riser run a return pipe of the same diameter. These returns shall have a uniform fall without traps. They shall be collected into a common return main increasing in size, and connected with the hot-water storage tank. The system must be guar- anteed to supply hot-water instantly at all fixtures. PROTECTION OF FIXTURES Immediately after the setting of any fixture, fitting or piping, this Con- tractor is to protect it adequately against damage. He will be held respon- sible for all fixtures until they are accepted by the Architect. Any fixture or fitting that becomes damaged is to be replaced by this Contractor without extra cost to the Owner. At all stages of the installation, pipe openings must be protected against the entrance of foreign material. FITTINGS Unless otherwise specified, all fittings shall be heavily nickel-plated cast brass. All fittings in (a)....... shall be polished brass. (a) Kitchen;- Laundry;- etc. FIXTURES Provide and set all fixtures and fittings necessary to complete the plumb- ing system whether herein specially mentioned or not, in accordance with the following schedule. The numbers given below refer to the fixtures manufactured by (a)....... (a) name of manufacturer. PLUMBING 210 S69 RANGE “ Allow the sum of (a)....... for range, to be installed by this Contractor where indicated on drawings, and properly connected with chimney flue. The water-back shall be connected to hot-water storage tank with 1” pipe having draw-off cock with hose end. (a) estimated cost. So eran eee eee ee ier Cae oe ee S67 S68 S70 S71 SCHEDULE OF FIXTURES LOCATION FIXTURE CATALOG NO. NO REQUIRED Laundry tubs Kitchen sink Pantry sink Bathrooms Nos. — water closets Bathrooms Nos. — lavatories Bathrooms Nos. — bathtubs Bathroom No. — shower-bath Bathroom No. — |. sitz-bath Bathroom No. — bidet Second floor hall, slop sink, etc. etc. ALTERNATE BRANDS Goods of (a)....... may be substituted for those above specified if corresponding in quality and operation. No substitution may be made without the approval of the Architect, who shall be absolute judge of the comparative merits of corresponding pieces of different makes. (a) name of manufacturer. RANGE Provide and set a (a)....... range where indicated on drawings, and make proper connection with chimney flue. Connect water-back to hot- water storage tank with 1’ pipe having draw-off cock with hose end. (a) name of brand, type and number. WATER HEATER Provide and set, where indicated on drawings, a (a)....... coal-burning water heater, and make proper connections with chimney flue and _ hot- water storage tank with 1’ pipe having draw-off cock with hose end. (a) name of brand, type and number. HOT-WATER TANK Provide and set where indicated on drawings a (a)....... hot-water storage tank, and make proper connections to heater and to hot-water piping system. (a) 30 gal. standard weight, galvanized iron;— 40 gal. name of brand, tested to 200 lbs. pressure, copper ;— etc. PLUMBING N _ N S72 S73 213 GREASE TRAP Provide and set, where indicated in (a)....... fe Ba id eo grease trap and make all proper connections. (a) basement;— Kitchen, beneath sink;- etc. (b) name of brand size and type;— approved. GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN Provide and set in floor of Garage, where indicated, a (a)....... garage floor drain, and make all proper drainage and vent connections. (a) name of brand, size and type;- approved. PLUMBING 214 Tl T2 T3 T 4 215 VACUUM CLEANING SYSTEM WORK INCLUDED The work included in this specification is the provision and installation of a vacuum cleaning system as manufactured by (a)....... , complete and ready for operation. This shall consist of motor, exhauster, separator, hose, cleaning tools, piping, wiring and all other appurtenances necessary to provide a complete vacuum cleaning system. The wiring to the motor will be done by the Contractor for “ELECTRIC WIRING.” (a) name of manufacturer. VACUUM CLEANING MACHINE Provide and set in basement, where shown on drawings, a (a)....... vacuum cleaning machine, complete in all its parts. (a) name of brand, type and size. PIPING From the vacuum cleaning machine run a (a)....... main. From this Tus fence 2’ risers to the top floor where indicated. At the foot of each riser place easily accessible cleanout plugs, in such a way that the flow of air is never directly against them. ll piping shall be ‘“‘standard”’ weight galvanized wrought iron, especially selected for smooth interior surface. All burrs must be carefully reamed out. All piping shall be supported on approved pipe hangers, spaced not more than 10’ apart, and shall be thor- oughly secured throughout to prevent vibration. All fittings shall be ‘‘standard” long-turn vacuum cleaning fittings. All joints shall be made with unions having inside shoulders against which the pipe is screwed, to insure a smooth inside surface, free from pockets and obstructions. All joints shall be made up with red lead and shellac. (a) 2”;- 2-1/2", (b) one;— two; etc. INLETS All inlets shall be located where indicated on drawings, with self-closing valves, hose connections, and plates finished to match hardware. All inlets and branches shall be made with bends; no T connections will be allowed. 216 T5 T6 T7 217 HOSE PKCM | HEYA siete feet of best-quality non-collapsible 1-1/2” inside diameter, steel reinforced rubber vacuum hose, with metal terminals. (a) 30;- 50;- etc. CLEANING TOOLS Provide the following cleaning tools:— (a)....... (a) floor handle;- wall handle;- 12’ carpet tool;- 15" bare floor tool;- 10" wall brush;- upholstery cleaner ;— etc. TEST After piping has been installed and all inlets capped, this Contractor shall test the entire system with force-pump and mercury, in the presence of the Architect. VACUUM CLEANING SYSTEM = 2 ae Ne nO a ng © - SO aa + SF EA co — N Ul U2 U3 U4 US 219 GAS FITTING GENERAL The building shall be piped for gas, starting from the meter in basement and running to all points indicated on the drawings. This Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the Gas Company and see that the gas meter required is properly installed. His materials and workmanship must conform throughout with all regulations of the local authorities and of the Gas Company. DIAGRAM Before commencing work this Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval a diagram showing the proposed arrangement of all piping and valves. SYSTEM All pipes shall be run as direct as possible, with a constant grade toward the risers and outlets. The system shall be arranged to drain completely all water of condensation. Special drips shall be provided if necessary for this purpose. All branches shall be taken from the sides or top of horizontal lines. Wall outlet branches shall be run from below; all outlets shall be at right angles with the wall or ceiling and shall project 1’’ from the finished surface. All outlets shall be properly capped. PIPE All pipe shall be black iron of “standard” weight, with galvanized iron beaded fittings, in accordance with the rules of the local authorities and the Gas Company. Piping shall be of sufficient size to supply all burners at one time with a full head. No pipe less than 3/8”’ shall be used. VALVES Outlets’ for (a) is iiek shall be provided with heavy lever handle gas cocks. (a) water-heater ;— range;— etc. —) N N U6 U7 U8 U9 U 10 221 SUPPORTS All risers, branches, outlets, etc., shall be securely fastened with gal- vanized iron straps and screws to strong cleats on walls and floors. Mains shall be supported on heavy pipe hangers. GAS RANGE Provide and set where indicated a (a)....... gas range, and make proper connections with (b)....... (a) name of brand, type and size. (b) gas main and chimney flue;— gas main. WATER HEATER Provide and set where indicated, a (a)....... water heater, and make proper connections with gas and water systems, and connect vent pipe with chimney flue. (a) name of brand, type and size. CONNECTION TO INCINERATOR Make proper connections for gas burner in incinerator, in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. TEST On completion, this Contractor shall test the entire system as required by the Gas Company, and obtain and file with the Architect a certificate showing that such a test has been completed to the Gas Company’s satis- faction. GAS FITTING N N N Vi V2 V 3 V 4 223 HEATING GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Con- ditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. This specification and the accompanying drawings are intended to pro- vide a complete and perfectly working heating system. Anything shown on the drawings and not specified, or vice versa, or any detail omitted which is necessary to the proper installation and completion of the system must be supplied and installed by this Contractor without extra charge. This Con- tractor will be held strictly responsible for the quality of the materials and labor furnished, and for the proper installation of the system. He must employ none but competent workmen on the operation. All cutting and repairing of other work necessary for the installation of the heating system must be done by the Contractor who erected that work. On completion, this Contractor shall adjust all apparatus and test the entire system in the presence of the Architect. All coal necessary for the test will be furnished by the Owner. GUARANTEE This Contractor shall guarantee in writing, a complete and noiseless operation throughout the entire heating system. He shall further guar- antee that the system will fully heat the building to 70 degrees Fahrenheit in zero weather, and shall make good without cost to the Owner any defects in material or workmanship which may develop in his work within one year after the completion and acceptance thereof. TEMPORARY INSTALLATION The boiler and such piping and radiators as may be necessary, shall be installed in time to keep the temperature throughout the building above the freezing-point during the period of plastering and subsequent drying. The radiators shall be set out from the wall to permit plastering, and reset in their final positions when directed by Architect. PROTECTION All materials on the ground or set in place must be properly protected. Should damage occur to the same, or any injury be done to any portion of the building by this Contractor, it shall be made good at his expense. a : Se = 2 — = ‘ m a ee 224 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 225 SYSTEM The system of heating to be employed will be (a)....... (a) low-pressure steam, one-pipe system;— low-pressure steam, one-pipe system with air line;— low-pressure steam, two-pipe steam;— low-pressure steam, two-pipe system with air line; vapor system;— vacuum system;— hot-water, sealed system;— hot-water, open tank system;— etc. FOUNDATION FOR BOILER Build a suitable concrete foundation for boiler where shown on drawings, consisting of 4’’ of cinder concrete, composed of 1 part Portland cement and 5 parts cinders, with a 1’ finishing coat composed of 1 part cement and 2 parts sand. BOILER Provide and set where shown on drawings, (a) ....... boiler, with capa- city of not less than (b)....... sq. ft. of radiation. Provide a full complement of attachments and fixtures, and a complete set of fire tools, shovel, hoe, flue-cleaner, and any other tools required for the proper operation of the grate and the cleaning and adjusting of the boiler, with suitable rack for hanging tools. Connect the boiler properly to the water system, with a shut-off valve. (a) number of boilers, name of brand, type and size. (b) 1000;— 5000;- etc. WATER-HEATING STACK Provide and set a (a)....... water-heating stack, and make proper connections with the boiler. The connections to hot-water storage tank and water-supply system will be made by the Contractor for Plumbing. (a) name of brand, type and size. SMOKE CONNECTION Provide a smoke connection, of the full size of the collar at the rear of the boiler, and connect with the chimney flue. The smoke pipe shall be No. 16 gauge galvanized iron, made perfectly tight, and shall be provided with necessary cleanout and damper. HEATING V 10 Vil V 12 V 13 V 14 PIPES All pipes used throughout shall be (a)....... genuine wrought iron of “standard” weight. All fittings shall be of the best heavy grey iron with clean-cut threads. All supply and return pipes shall be run with proper pitch, without traps or pockets, dripped and relieved where necessary for the noiseless and perfect operation of the system. An approved valve shall be placed on the return pipe near boiler to permit complete drainage of the system. All piping shall be supported on substantial adjustable hangers spaced not more than 10’ apart, and arranged to permit expansion and contraction. All pipes passing through walls, floors or partitions shall have galvanized iron collars or sleeves and approved nickel-plated floor and ceiling plates. All radiators shall be connected to their respective risers or to the mains, by branches of the full size of the valves, with due provision for expansion and contraction. (a) name of brand. CONCEALED PIPING All piping above the basement shall be concealed in the walls, except. where otherwise indicated. JOINTS All screw joints in pipe lines shall be made steam and water tight without packing of any kind. Only lead and oil, or approved composition shall be used in making joints. Right and left couplings shall be used only on pipes 1-1/2” or less. All pipes over 1-1/2” shall be joined together with flanged unions. VALVES Provide and set all valves shown or required for radiators and connections at boiler, including gate and check valves where necessary. Valves shall be OF eho. s ors make. Valves over 2” shall have iron bodies with brass trimmings. Exposed valves in the finished parts of the building shall have nickel-plated trim- mings and (b)....... wheels. (a) name of brand;— an approved. (b) polished wooden;— iron;— lock shield. AIR VALVES All radiators shall have nickel-plated air valves of (a)....... make. (a) name of brand;— approved. HEATING V 15 SEALED SYSTEM TANK 2 Provide and set in basement near boiler a closed (a)....... gallon gal- vanized iron expansion tank, and install on return line a (b)....... relief valve. (a) 20;- 30;- etc. (b) name of brand. V 18 RADIATOR RECESSES 2 All recesses for radiators shall be lined with 3/8” asbestos board. V 16 V 17 229 OPEN EXPANSION TANK Provide and erect, where directed, a (a)....... gallon galvanized iron expansion tank, complete with gauge glass and brass fittings. The tank shall be supported on galvanized iron brackets at least 3’ above the top of the highest radiator, and shall have an overflow pipe run to atmosphere where directed. (a) 20;- 30;- etc. EXTENSION TO GARAGE From heating main in basement of house run a (a)....... pipe to supply heating system in Garage. This pipe shall be encased underground RE ME oN a sectional conduit, with roller supports not more than 15’ apart, and with (c)....... drain underneath. The pipe shall be insulated with approved (d)....... (a) 2-1/2" — 3” ;— 4" ;- ete. (b) name of brand and diameter. (c) base;— farm. (d) sectional pipe covering;— insulating packing. RADIATORS Provide and set, where shown, sectional cast-iron radiators of (a)....... make, as follows: OO ienis (a) name of brand. (b) LOCATION NO. SECTIONS AT. SQ. FT. STYLE TYPE Living-room 2 9 180 “Vento” indirect Dining-room 2 9 25" 81 “Princess”? 8 column Toilet 1 z 9 “ Peerless” wall Garage 1 4 36 “Peerless” wall etc. etc. etc. etc. etc, etc, etc, RADIATOR RECESSES All recesses for radiators shall be lined with 1/8’’ asbestos board and We. Be Tee ve: (a) galvanized iron;— black iron painted to match radiators. HEATING 230 DUCTS All ducts and registers shall be of sizes shown on drawings. PAINTING AND BRONZING The painting of radiators and exposed pipes above the basement is pro- vided under the heading “PAINTING.” { | i i | i | V 19 V 21 V 22 V 24 231 INDIRECT RADIATION Indirect radiator stacks shall be properly hung on heavy wrought-iron hangers, or supported from the floor as approved, and enclosed in No. 22 galvanized iron casing. This casing shall have all seams locked and soldered and shall be provided with an air-tight cleanout at bottom. The space between the radiators and the casing shall not be less than 12” at the top and 10” at the bottom. The casing shall be connected to the fresh-air intake and to the register, with No. 24 galvanized iron ducts. The fresh-air intake shall be provided with a damper with quadrant and set screw, and removable 1/2”’ mesh galvanized screen at inlet. DUCTS Ducts shall be curved at all changes in direction. The sizes of ducts and registers shall be as follows :— 1) Ra (a) LOCATION NO. COLD-AIR HOT-AIR REGISTER Living room 8, 190 sq. in. 230 sq. in. 850 sq. in. Dining-room 2, 140 sq. in. 170 sq. in. 260 sq. in. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. REGISTERS Provide and set where indicated on drawings, registers with louvres and frames. Registers shall be of (a)....... make and of approved pattern, and shall be finished to match adjacent hardware or trim as required. (a) name of brand;— approved. RECIRCULATION REGISTERS Provide and install where indicated on drawings, recirculation registers and ducts to indirect radiator stacks. Each register shall have a net area of opening equal to the area of the cold-air duct. PAINTING RADIATORS All radiators and exposed pipes above the basement, unless otherwise specified, shall be thoroughly cleaned at the completion of the work, and painted three good coats of radiator enamel of color to be selected by the Architect. BRONZING All radiators and exposed pipes (a)....... shall be painted one good coat of radiator bronze. (a) in service wing; throughout. HEATING na aa 232 V 25 V 26 V 27 233 PAINTING BOILER All piping and cast-iron work in the basement, including the face of the boiler, shall be painted with best-quality asphaltum. BOILER COVERING Boiler shall be covered with a 1-1/2’ coating of asbestos cement, applied on substantial wire mesh securely fastened to the boiler. PIPE COVERING All main supply and return pipes in basement shall be covered with 1” sectional asbestos covering, put on with metal bands. ll fittings shall be covered with asbestos cement and finished to a hard, smooth surface. HEATING Wil W2 W3 W 4 W5 235 HOT-AIR HEATING GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. All cutting and repairing of other work, necessary for proper installation of the heating system, shall be done by the Contractor for that work. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee that this heating system will fully heat the building to 70 degrees Fahrenheit in zero weather. FURNACE Provide and install in the proper manner, where indicated on drawings, a yo was hot-air furnace complete in all its parts. Particular care must be taken that the furnace be absolutely gas-tight. Provide a complete set of fire tools, shovel, hoe, flue-cleaner, and any other tools required for the proper operation of the furnace. (a) name of brand, size, type, and number. SETTING TWO FURNACES The two furnaces, placed side by side, shall supply a common hot-air chamber. The heating pipes leading to the various portions of the building shall be taken from this chamber, so that one or both furnaces may be used as desired. SMOKE PIPE Provide a smoke connection of the full size of the collar at the rear of the furnace. The smoke pipe shall be No. 16 gauge galvanized iron made per- fectly tight, and shall be provided with a check draught the full area of the pipe. The smoke pipe must be kept at least 12’’ below the ceiling. COLD-AIR DUCT The cold-air duct will be built beneath the cellar floor, and is provided under the heading “BRICKWORK.” CHASE LINING Line all chases and wood framing through which hot-air pipes pass, with bright tin, leaving an air space between woodwork and pipe. PIPE COVERING All pipes throughout shall be covered with heavy asbestos sheathing. Basement pipes shall be covered with air-cell asbestos covering secured with metal bands. W9 W 10 237 COLD-AIR DUCT Provide and install a cold-air box, equal in area to 3/4 of total areas of the hot-air ducts, extending from the opening in the outside wall to the furnace. This box shall be of No. 24 galvanized iron, secured to the basement ceiling. There shall be an interior baffle-plate, a regulating damper, and a cleanout door with suitable fastening, where directed by the Architect. Provide a galvanized wire screen with 1/2” mesh at outer end of the duct. PIPING All hot-air piping shall be made of I. X. bright tin plate, of sizes indicated. Pipes in the basement shall be circular in section and shall be connected with the vertical stacks by means of square boxes. All pipes shall have a rise of at least 1’ per foot. They shall have tight joints and shall be equipped in basement with regulating dampers near the furnace. All pipes in the basement shall be marked with the names of the rooms which they supply. ASBESTOS COVERING All pipes in chases and wood framing shall be covered with heavy asbestos sheathing. REGISTERS Provide and set, where indicated on drawings, register boxes with louvres and frames. There shall be a 2” space between register box and tin casing. Registers shall be of (a)....... make, of approved pattern and of sizes and finish as indicated in the schedule. (a) name of brand;— approved. SCHEDULE OF FLUE AND REGISTER SIZES fy Maia (a) LOCATION CELLAR PIPE WALL DUCT REGIS TER FINISH Living Room 12" diameter, ote". 12”x14"" _ electro bronze Dining Room 10” diameter, B18", 10"x12", white enamel etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. HOT-AIR HEATING 239 W il PAINTING This Contractor shall paint all exposed galvanized iron or tin work with two coats of lead and oil paint of color selected by the Architect. HOT-AIR HEATING Xl X2 X 3 241 ELECTRIC WIRING GENERAL All work included under this heading shall be subject to the General Conditions of the entire operation. The sub-contractor for this portion of the work is required to refer especially thereto. These specifications are intended to provide for a complete and perfect system of electric wiring. Anything indicated on the drawings and not specified, or vice versa, or any detail omitted which is necessary to the proper installation of the system, must be supplied and installed by this Contractor without extra charge. This Contractor shall pay for all permits and connections, for all surveys, and all inspectors’ fees. He shall be responsible for any injury to his work from any cause, until accepted by the Architect. He shall comply with all requirements of the local authorities, the Public Service Corporation supplying the current, and the Board of Fire Underwriters. He shall place all necessary thimbles and outlet boxes which occur in masonry work, before this work is done, or shall do such cutting and repair- ing as may be necessary, at his own expense and to the approval of the Architect. No cutting of joists or studs shall be done without first securing permission from the Architect. MATERIALS All wires, switches, fittings, etc., shall be such as are found in the list of approved fittings of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Samples of all material to be used on the work shall be submitted to the Architect for his approval. LAYOUT OF SYSTEM The Contractor shall submit a complete layout of the system to the Architect for approval before proceeding with the work. The Architect’s approval will not be given until all drawings have been approved in writing by the Public Service Corporation supplying the current. No approval of the Architect is to be construed as annulling in any way the guarantee of the Contractor for the perfect operation of the system. X 4 X5 X 6 X7 X 8 243 LOCATION OF OUTLETS The locations of outlets are shown on the Architect’s drawings, but must be verified by the Architect at the building before the outlets are placed. Slight changes in the position of outlets, if decided on before any work has been done by this Contractor shall be made by him without extra charge. INSPECTION The Contractor shall have an inspection of his work made by the local Board of Fire Underwriters, and shall deliver certificates of approval to the Architect before receiving his final payment. TESTS Upon completion, the Contractor shall test the system in the presence of the Architect. The installation must be such that between the service switch and the most remote fixture not more than 2 per cent drop may be found under full load. GUARANTEE The Contractor shall guarantee his work in writing and make good, without cost to the Owner, any defects in material or workmanship which may develop within one year after the completion and acceptance thereof. SYSTEM The building shall be wired throughout for current as supplied by the local Electric Company on the two-wire system for branches and three- wire for feeders. The number of lights at each outlet is indicated on the drawings; where no number is given one light is to be understood. Each light shall be considered as 40-watt and of such voltage as is supplied by the Electric Company in the territory. Not more than 16 sockets or 1320 watts will be allowed on one circuit. ELECTRIC WIRING X 12 2 UNDERGROUND SERVICE CONNECTION The service connection shall be run underground in galvanized wrought iron conduit (a) , In trench 2’ deep. Provide and install therein stranded cables with rubber and lead insulation, of sufficient capacity to insure that there shall not be more than 2 per cent drop with all lights turned on. Connect properly with main and with service switch in building. (a) with approved coating ;— painted with two coats of red lead paint;— painted with asphalt ;— embedded in 6” of 1: 3:6 concrete. UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE CONNECTION The telephone connection shall be run underground in similar manner to the electric light service connection, but with at least 8” space between the conduits of the two systems. The size of conduit, size and number of cables, etc. shall be as required by the Telephone Company. MANHOLE Build manhole 3’x3’ with 8” brick walls, at street end of service con- nection. The manhole shall be brought up to the level of the grade and have a substantial cast-iron frame and manhole cover. PANEL BOARD Provide and set where marked on drawings a fully equipped (a) panel board with at least two spare circuits. (a) name of brand, size, and type. 245 X9 SERVICE CONNECTION 1 The service connection will be brought to the building by the Electric Company supplying the current. This Contractor shall see that the Electric Company makes its connections where and as the Architect shall direct. X10 METER BOARD Where service enters building, furnish and install a neatly made meter board with all necessary main switches and meters. The meters will be provided by the local Electric Company. X il FEEDERS All feeders shall be run 25 per cent heavier than the required load. Feeders shall be three-wire system from meter board to panel board. X12 PANEL BOARD 1 Provide and set, where marked on drawings, approved slate panel board of safety type, with slate side linings, in steel box with (a)....... A directory showing the outlets controlled by each circuit shall be mounted on the inside of the door of the box. Each panel board must have at least two spare circuits. All switches, bars, clips, etc., shall be of approved pattern, strongly secured, of ample capacity to carry the current without heating. (a) steel door;- wood door and trim provided by Carpenter. ELECTRIC WIRING KNOB-AND-TUBE WORK All wiring (a)....... shall be run with porcelain knobs and tubes. The knobs shall be securely fastened at intervals not greater than 4’ 6”. Where wires pass through studs or joists they must be run through porcelain tubes which project 1/2” beyond each side of the timber. All wires must be stretched tight. Wires must be kept at least 1” from any adjacent sur- face and at least 5’ apart. (a) in Garage;— except where otherwise required by the Fire Underwriters’ Association having jurisdiction;— etc. X 13 X15 X 16 247 GARAGE CIRCUIT From a branch connection on the distributing panel, run a circuit to the Garage. At the point where circuit enters the Garage install an approved switch and cut-out in a steel box, and extend circuits to the various outlets. The feeder to Garage shall be run (a)....... (a) overhead, supported by approved insulators at each end;— underground, with lead covered wires, installed in galvanized iron pipe painted with asphalt;— etc. CONDUIT WORK All wiring (a)....... shall be in (b)....... Conduits must in no case be fastened to gas, water, or other pipes, and shall be kept not less than 5” away from hot-water and heating pipes. (a) in masonry walls and floors;— except in Garage;— throughout. (b) black enameled iron conduit;— galvanized iron conduit ;— flexible armored cable. RIGID CONDUITS All conduits shall be installed behind plaster of walls and in floor con- struction and so run that the wires may be withdrawn at any time. The installation must be completed before any wires are drawn in. The inner diameter of all conduits shall be 1/3 larger than the combined diameter of the wires contained, and in no case shall it be smaller than 5/8”. All ends of conduits shall be squarely cut with hack saws, the use of cutting wheels will not be allowed. Conduits shall be threaded and reamed out clean before being put together. Joints shall be made with plain iron couplings, freshly coated with white lead just before being secured together. Each joint shall be coated with waterproof paint as soon as it is completed. Where conduits enter cabinets and outlets they must be threaded and secured with two lock-nuts, or be threaded into the material of the box, and have one lock-nut. Conduits shall run as nearly straight as possible between outlets and switches. Where more than three bends are required an intersection or junction box shall be introduced to relieve the strain in pulling the wires. OUTLETS Wiring shall terminate at all outlets in stamped steel outlet boxes of approved make, and similar finish to conduit. Outlet boxes shall be located where directed, set so that the plates will be flush with the finished wall or base board, and protected from injury by the plasterers or other workmen. Where two or more switches are located side by side they shall be set in a gang box. ELECTRIC WIRING 248 X 22 FIXTURES 2 Allow the sum of (a)....... to cover the cost of fixtures, bulbs, and glassware, which shall be selected by the Architect and installed by b (a) estimated cost. (6) this Contractor ;— the manufacturer. os) ee 8 ee X17 X 18 X 19 X 20 X 21 249 FIXTURE SUPPORTS Boxes for fixture outlets shall have suitable studs for the support of the fixtures, so arranged that the weight of the fixture will not come on the out- let box. WIRE All wire and cable used throughout shall be 98 per cent pure copper, rubber covered ana with braided insulation as approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. No wire smaller than No. 14 B. & 8. gauge shall be used. All wires larger than No. 6 inclusive shall be stranded. WIRE JOINTS Joints and splices will only be permitted at junction or outlet boxes, never inside conduits. All joints shall be firmly soldered without acid, and taped, first with rubber tape and then with friction tape equivalent in thickness to the insulation of the wire. SWITCHES All wall switches shall be (a)....... with metal plates not less than 004” thick, finished to match the adjacent hardware. Switches must be of the highest quality in type and workmanship, and must be approved by the Architect. Install three-way switches where marked on drawings. Where two or more switches are located side by side, they shall have one single plate. (a) name of brand and type;— push type;— tumbler ;— etc. MARKED PLATES Gang plates shall have the lights controlled by each switch (a)....... on the plate. (a) engraved;— stamped. FIXTURES All fixtures will be furnished and installed under a separate contract. RECEPTACLES Provide and install where noted on drawings, (@).....-. flush recep- tacles of the pin type with plates and plugs complete. All metal work shall be finished to match the adjacent hardware. (a) name of brand and type;— approved. ELECTRIC WIRING X 24 X 25 X 26 X27 X 28 X 29 251 PILOT CIRCUITS Provide pilot circuits for (a)....... (a) electric iron receptacle ;— outlet in basement with pilot showing in kitchen;— ete. MOTOR CONNECTIONS This Contractor shall make all motor connections for (a)....... where indicated, as required by the manufacturer of the motor, or as may be necessary. (a) water supply system;— vacuum cleaning system;— etc. ELECTRIC BELL CIRCUITS Provide and install, where directed, push buttons to ring bells as follows :- (a) Front door, ringing in Pantry and third story rear hall (2” bell). Back door, ringing in Kitchen (sleigh bell). Dining Room floor, ringing in Kitchen (buzzer). Bedroom, ringing in Chauffeur’s Room in Garage (2’" bell). Living Room Study all on one annunciator in Pantry. Bedroom No. — etc. TRANSFORMER The current for electric bells shall be taken from the electric light circuit through an approved bell-ringing transformer, conforming to the require- ments of the Fire Underwriters’ Association, to be located in basement where directed. : BELL WORK All wire for bell work shall be not less than No. 18 B.&S. gauge COP wae wire of best quality, to be approved by the Architect. All wires shall be run in(b)....... , concealed in partitions. All bells and buzzers shall be of make and size approved by the Archi- tect. (a) damp-proof office;— rubber-covered. (b) an approved manner ;— conduit. ANNUNCIATOR Annunciators shall be (a)....... with a drop indicator for each push button, and at least two extra for future use. (a) name of brand and pattern;— approved make. ELECTRIC WIRING X 30 X 31 X 32 X 33 PUSH BUTTONS Push buttons shall be as follows:- fs DARE All metal work shall be finished to match the adjacent hardware. (a) Exterior doors—approved waterproof type, to match door hardware;- etc. Dining Room—nickel-plated clamp and push button, connected by 6’ of silk cord with detachable connection in center of floor;— etc. Bedrooms—pear-shaped type, connected to plug connections in base board by 6” of silk cord;— etc. All others—midget type, pearl buttons, brass plate set in door trim or where shown on drawings. OUTSIDE TELEPHONE SERVICE Run conduit, to be approved by the Telephone Company, from the exterior wall, where directed, to outlet in (a)....... with approved face plate at outlet. Leave a No. 14 iron wire in conduit for pulling in future telephone wires. (a) Coat closet;— Bedroom No. —;- ete. HOUSE TELEPHONE Provide and install a House Telephone System with the following con- — nections and instruments:- Ca These telephones shall be intercommunicating, allowing any station to call up any other. The system shall consist of (b)....... telephones, complete with neces- sary conduits, outlet boxes, cover plates, wires, batteries, etc., as specified or recommended by the manufacturer of the telephones. (a) Bedroom No. —, desk phone. Kitchen, flush wall phone. Garage, flush wall phone. Coat closet, first story, flush wall phone. (b) name of brand, size, and type. SPEAKING TUBES Provide and install a complete system of speaking tubes as indicated on drawings. The tubing shall be heavily plated block tin pipe 1” in diameter, perfectly soldered at all joints and seams, and shall be supported with pipe straps. All changes in direction shall be made with proper fittings. Mouthpieces shall be porcelain with indicating flaps and whistles. set 4’-10” above floor. ELECTRIC WIRING | 255 f i he * k - “4 AS — ta * Cur KK.) &T2, S Ac 5 Cia i Aimee ae RR THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRA. SOR hess nasi ; » Standard Form of the American Institute of Architects These General Conditions have received the approval of the National Association of Builders’ Exchanges, the Associated General Contractors of America, the Joint Conference on Construc- tion Contracts, the National Association of Master Plumbers, the National Association of Sheet Metal Contractors of the United States, the National Electrical Contractors’ Association of the United States, the National Association of Marble Dealers, the Building Granite Quarries Association, and the Building Trades Employers’ Association of the City of New York. FOURTH EDITION, COPYRIGHT 1915~1918-1925 BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, THE OCTAGON HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. INDEX TO THE ARTICLES OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Definitions. 23. Contractor’s Right-to Stop Work or Terminate Contract. 2. Execution, Correlation and Intent of Documents. 24. Applications for’ Payments. 3. Detail Drawings and Instructions. 25. Certificates.of Payments. 4. Copies Furnished. 26. Payments Withheld. 5. Shop Drawings. 27. Contractor’s Liability Insurance. 6. Drawings and Specifications on the Work. 28. Owner's Liability Insurance. 7. Ownership of Drawings and Models. 29: Fire Insurance. 8. Samples. 30. Guaranty Bonds. 9. Materials, Appliances, Employes. 31. Damages. 10. Royalties and Patents. 32. Liens. 11. Surveys, Permits and Regulations. 33. Assignment. 12. Protection of Work and Property. 34. Mutual Responsibility of Contractors. 13. Inspection of Work. 35. Separate Contracts. 14, Superintendence: Supervision. 36. Subcontracts. 15. Changes in the Work. 37. Relations of Contractor and Subcontractor. 16. Claims for Extra Cost. 38. Architect’s Status. 17. Deductions for Uncorrected Work. 39. Architect’s Decisions. 18. Delays and Extension of Time. 40. Arbitration. 19. Correction of Work Before Final Payment. 41. Cash Allowances. 20. Correction of Work After Final Payment. 42. Use of Premises. 21. Owner’s Right to Do Work. 43. Cutting, Patching and Digging. 22. Owner’s Right to Terminate Contract. 44, Cleaning Up. Art.1. Definitions. (a) The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement, the General Conditions of the Contract, the Drawings and Specifications, including all modifications thereof incorporated in the documents before their execution. These form the Contract. (b) The Owner, the Contractor and the Architect are those mentioned as such in the Agreement. They are treated throughout the Contract Documents as if each were of the singular number and masculine gender. (c) The term Subcontractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor and it includes one who furnishes material worked to a special design according to the plans or specifications of this work, but does not include one who merely furnishes material not so worked. (d) Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the indi- vidual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. (e) The term “ work ’’ of the Contractor or Subcontractor includes labor or materials or both. (f) All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract: (g) The law of the place of building shall govern the construction of this Contract. Art. 2. Execution, Correlation and Intent of Documents.—The Contract Documents shall be signed in duplicate by the Owner and the Contractor. In case the Owner and the Contractor fail to sign the General Conditions, Drawings or Specifications, the Architect shall identify them. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all. The intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work. It is not intended, however, that materials or work not covered by or properly inferable from any heading, branch, class or trade of the specifications shall be supplied unless distinctly so noted on the drawings. Materials or work described in words which so applied have a well known technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. Art. 3. Detail Drawings and Instructions.—The Architect shall furnish with reasonable promptness, additional instructions, by means of drawings or otherwise, necessary for the proper execution of the work. All such drawings and instructions shall be consistent with the Contract Documents, true developments thereof, and reasonably inferable therefrom. The work shall be executed in conformity therewith and the Coniractor shall do no work without proper drawings and instructions. The Contractor and the Architect, if either so requests, shall jointly prepare a schedule, subject to change from time to time in accordance with the progress of the work, fixing the dates at which the various detail drawings will be required, and the Architect shall furnish them in accordance with that schedule. Under like conditions, a schedule shall be prepared, fixing the dates for the submission of shop drawings, or the beginning of manufacture and installation of materials and for the completion of the various parts of the work. Art. 4. Copies Furnished.—Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents the Architect. will furnish to the Contractor, free of charge, all copies of drawings and specifications reasonably necessary for the execution of the work. Art. 5. Shop Drawings.—The Contractor shall submit with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, two copies of all shop or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades, and the Architect shall pass upon them with reasonable promptness. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Architect, file with him two corrected copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The Architect’s approval of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications, unless he has in writing called the Architect’s attention to such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. Art.6. Drawings and Specifications on the Work.—The Contractor shall keep one copy of all drawings and specifications on the work, in good order, available to the Architect and to his representatives. Art. 7. Ownership of Drawings and Models.—All drawings, specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Architect are his property. They are not to be used on other work and, with the exception of the signed Contract set, are to be returned to him on request, at the completion of the work. All models are the property of the Owner. Art. 8. Samples.—The Contractor shall furnish for approval all samples as directed. The work shall be in accordance with approved samples. 257 Art. 9. Materials, Appliances, Employes.—Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, water, tools, equipment, light, power, transportation and other facilities neces- sary for the execution and completion of the work. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employes, and shall not employ on the work any unfit person or any one not skilled in the work assigned to him. Art. 10. Royalties and Patents.—The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. - He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the Owner shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified, but if the Contractor has information that the process or article specified is an infringement of a patent he shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Architect or Owner. Art. 11. Surveys, Permits and Regulations.—The Owner shall furnish all surveys unless otherwise specified. Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. Permits, licenses and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall be secured and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bear- ing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the drawings and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Architect in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the Contract for changes in the work. If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Architect, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. Art. 12. Protection of Work and Property.—The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect the Owner’s property from injury or loss arising in connection with this Contract. He shall make good any such damage, injury or loss, except such as may be directly due to errors in the Contract Documents or caused by agents or employes of the Owner. He shall adequately protect adjacent property as provided by law and the Contract Documents. He shall provide and maintain all passage ways, guard fences, lights and other facilities for protection required by public authority or local conditions. In an emergency affecting the safety of life or of the work or of adjoining property, the Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from the Architect or Owner, is hereby permitted to act, at his discretion, to prevent such threatened loss or injury, and he shall so act, without appeal, if so instructed or authorized. Any compensation, claimed by the Contractor on account of emergency work, shall be determined by agreement or Arbitration. Art. 13. Inspection of Work.—The Architect and his representatives shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. If the specifications, the Architect’s instructions, laws, ordinances or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Architect timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Architect, of the date fixed for such inspection. Inspections by the Architect shall be promptly made, and where practicable at the source of supply. If any work should be covered up without approval or consent of the Architect, it must, if required by the Architect, be uncovered for examination at the Contractor’s expense. Re-examination of questioned work may be ordered by the Architect and if so ordered the work must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance with the Contract Documents the Owner shall pay the cost of re-examination and replacement. If such work be found not in accordance APPENDIX 258 with the Contract Documents the Contractor shall pay such cost, unless he shall show that the defect in the work was caused by another Contractor, and in that event the Owner shall pay such cost. Art. 14. Superintendence: Supervision.—The Contractor shall keep on his work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Architect. The super- tendent shall not be changed except with the consent of the Architect, unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Important directions shall be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work using his best skill and attention. He shall carefully study and compare all drawings, specifications and other instructions and shall at once report to the Architect any error, inconsistency or omission which he may discover, but he shall not be held respon- sible for their existence or discovery. Art. 15. Changes in the Work.—The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work, the Contract Sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such change. In giving instructions, the Architect shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost, and not inconsistent with the purposes of the building, but otherwise, except in an emergency endangering life or property, no extra work or change shall be made unless in pursuance of a written order from the Owner signed or countersigned by the Architect, or a written order from the Architect stating that the Owner has authorized the extra work or change, and no claim for an addition to the contract sum shall be valid unless so ordered. The value of any such extra work or change shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: (a) By estimate and acceptance in a lump sum. (b) By unit prices named in the contract or subsequently agreed upon. (c) By cost and percentage or by cost and a fixed fee. If none of the above methods is agreed upon, the Contractor, provided he receives an order as above, shall proceed with the work. In such case and also under case (c), he shall keep and present in such form as the Architect may direct, a correct account of the net cost of labor and materials, together with vouchers. In any case, the Architect shall certify to the amount, including reasonable allowance for over- head and profit, due to the Contractor. Pending final determination of value, payments on account of changes shall be made on the Architect’s certificate. Art. 16. Claims for Extra Cost.—If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this contract, he shall give the Architect written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions, and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. Art. 17. Deductions for Uncorrected Work.—If the Architect and Owner deem it inexpedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the Contract, an equitable deduction from the contract price shall be made therefor. Art. 18. Delays and Extension of Time.—If the Contractor be delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act or neglect of the Owner or the Architect, or of any employe of either, or by any other Con- tractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, lockouts, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or any causes beyond the Contractor’s control, or by delay authorized by the Architect pending arbitration, or by any cause which the Architect shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Architect may decide. 259 No such extension shall be made for delay occurring more than seven days before claim therefor is made in writing to the Architect. In the case of a continuing cause of delay, only one claim is necessary. If no schedule or agreement stating the dates upon which drawings shall be furnished is made, then no claim for delay shall be allowed on account of failure to furnish drawings until two weeks after demand for such drawings and not then unless such claim be reasonable. This article does not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by either party under other provisions in the contract documents. Art. 19. Correction of Work Before Final Payment.—The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all materials condemned by the Architect as failing to conform to the Contract, whether incor- porated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re-execute his own work in accordance with the Contract and without expense to the Owner and shall bear the expense of making good all work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within a reasonable time, fixed by written notice, the Owner may remove them and may store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within ten days thereafter, the Owner may, upon ten days’ written notice, sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. Art. 20. Correction of Work After Final Payment.—Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship and, unless otherwise specified, he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of substantial completion. The Owner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. All questions arising under this article shall be decided by the Architect subject to arbitration. Art. 21. The Owner’s Right to Do Work.—If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provision of this contract, the Owner, after three days’ written notice to the Con- tractor may, without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or therafter due the Contractor; provided, however, that the Architect shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor. Art. 22. Owner’s Right to Terminate Contract.—If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should pefsistently or repeatedly refuse or should fail, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material or labor, or persistently disregard tructions of the Architect, or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any hen the Owner, upon the certificate of the Architect that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor seven days’ written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Con- tractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The expense incurred by the Owner as herein provided, and the damage incurred through the Con- tractor’s default, shall be certified by the Architect. laws, ordinances or the ins provision of the contract, t Art. 23. Contractor’s Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract.—If the work should be stopped under an order of any court, or other public authority, for a period of three months, through no act or fault of the APPENDIX 260 Contractor or of anyone employed by him, or if the Architect should fail to issue any certificate for payment within seven days after it is due, or if the Owner should fail to pay to the Contractor within seven days of its maturity and presentation, any sum certified by the Architect or awarded by arbitrators, then the Con- _ tractor may, upon seven days’ written notice to the Owner and the Architect, stop work or terminate this contract and recover from the Owner payment for all work executed and any loss sustained upon any plant or materials and reasonable profit and damages. Art. 24. Applications for Payments.—The Contractor shall submit to the Architect an application for each payment, and, if required, receipts or other vouchers, showing his payments for materials and labor, including payments to subcontractors as required by Art. 37. If payments are made on valuation of work done, such application shall be submitted at least ten days before each payment falls due, and, if required, the Contractor shall, before the first application, submit to the Architect a schedule of values of the various parts of the work, including quantities, aggregating the total sum of the contract, divided so as to facilitate payments to sub-contractors in accordance with Article 37 (e), made out in such form as the Architect and the Contractor may agree upon, and, if required, supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Architect may direct. This schedule, when approved by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for certificates of payment, unless it be found to bein error. In applying for payments, the Contractor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule, and, if required, itemized in such form and supported by such evidence as the Architect may direct, showing his right to the payment claimed. If payments are made on account of materials delivered and suitably stored at the site but not incor- porated in the work, they shall, if required by the Architect, be conditional upon submission by the Con- tractor of bills of sale or such other procedure as will establish the Owner’s title to such material or otherwise adequately protect the Owner’s interest. Art. 25. Certificates of Payments.—If the Contractor has made application as above, the Architect shall, not later than the date when each payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. No certificate issued nor payment made to the Contractor, nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Owner, shall be an acceptance of any work or materials not in accordance with this contract. The making and acceptance of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner, other than those arising from unsettled liens, from faulty work appearing after final payment or from requirement of the specifications, and of all claims by the Contractor, except those previously made and still unsettled. Should the Owner fail to pay the sum named in any certificate-of the Architect or in any award by arbi- tration, upon demand when due, the Contractor shall receive, in addition to the sum named in the certificate. interest thereon at the legal rate in force at the place of building. Art. 26. Payments Withheld.—The Architect may withhold or, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or a part of any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to protect the Owner from loss on account of: (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors or for material or labor. (d) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. (e) Damage to another Contractor. When the above grounds are removed payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them. Art. 27. Contractor’s Liability Insurance.—The Contractor shall maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims under workmen’s compensation acts and from any other claims for damages for personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Cer- 261 tificates of such insurance shall be filed with the Owner, if he so require, and shall be subject to his approval for adequacy of protection. Art. 28. Owner’s Liability Insurance.—The Owner shall be responsible for and at his option may maintain such insurance as will protect him from his contingent liability for damages for personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract. Art. 29. Fire Insurance.—The Owner shall effect and maintain fire insurance upon the entire structure on which the work of this contract is to be done and upon all materials, in or adjacent thereto and intended for use thereon, to at least eighty per cent of the insurable value thereof. The loss, if any, is to be made adjust- able with and payable to the Owner as Trustee for whom it may concern. All policies shall be open to inspection by the Contractor. If the Owner fails to show them on request, or if he fails to effect or maintain insurance as above, the Contractor may insure his own interest and charge the cost thereof to the Owner. If the Contractor is damaged by failure of the Owner to maintain such insurance, he may recover as stipulated in the contract for recovery of damages. If required in writing by any party in interest, the Owner as Trustee shall, upon the occurrence of loss, give bond for the proper performance of his duties. He shall deposit any money received from insurance in an account separate from all his other funds and he shall distribute it.in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach, or under an award of arbitrators appointed, one by the Owner, another by joint action of the other parties in interest, all other procedure being as provided elsewhere in the con- tract for Arbitration. If after loss no special agreement is made, replacement of injured work shall be ordered and executed as provided for changes in the work. The Trustee shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the Con- tractors interested shall object in writing within three working days of the occurrence of loss, and there- upon arbitrators shall be chosen as above. The Trustees shall in that case make settlement with the insurers +n accordance with the directions of such arbitrators, who shall also, if distribution by arbitration is required, direct such distribution. Art. 30. Guaranty Bonds.—The Owner shall have the right, prior to the signing of the Contract, to require the Contractor to furnish bond covering the faithful performance of the Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder, in such form as the Owner may prescribe and with such sureties as he may approve. If such bond is required by instructions given previous to the submission of bids, the premium shall be paid by the Contractor; if subsequent thereto, it shall be paid by the Owner. Art. 31. Damages.—If either party to this Contract should suffer damage in any manner because of any wrongful act or neglect of the other party or of anyone employed by him, then he shall be reimbursed by the other party for such damage. Claims under this clause shall be made in writing to the party liable within a reasonable time of the first observance of such damage and not later than the time of final payment, except as expressly stipulated other- wise in the case of faulty work or materials, and shall be adjusted by agreement or arbitration. Art. 32. Liens.—Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor, if required, shall deliver to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in full in lieu thereof and, if required in either case, an affidavit that so far as he has knowledge or information the releases and receipts include all the labor and material for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner, to indemnify him against any lien. If any lien remain unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such a lien, including all costs and a reasonable attorney’s fee. Art. 33. Assignment.—Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become due to him hereunder, without the previous written consent of the Owner. APPENDIX 262 Art. 34. Mutual Responsibility of Contractors.—Should the Contractor cause damage to any other con- tractor on the work the Contractor agrees, upon due notice, to settle with such contractor by agreement or arbitration, if he will so settle. If such other contractor sues the Owner on account of any damage alleged to have been so sustained, the Owner shall notify the Contractor, who shall defend such proceedings at the Owner’s expense and, if any judgment against the Owner arise therefrom. the Contractor shall pay or satisfy it and pay all costs incurred by the Owner. Art. 35. Separate Contracts.—The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this work. The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. If any part of the Contractor’s work depends for proper execution or resuts upon the work of any other contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Architect any defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. His failure so to inspect and report shall consti- tute an acceptance of the other contractor’s work as fit and proper for the reception of his work, except as to defects which may develop in the other contractor’s work after the execution of his work. - To insure the proper execution of his subsequent work the Contractor shall measure work already in place and shall at once report to the Architect any discrepancy between the executed work and the drawings. Art. 36. Subcontracts.—The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable after the signature of the contract, notify the Architect in writing of the names of subcontractors proposed for the principal parts of the work and for such others as the Architect may direct and shall not employ any that the Architect may within a reasonable time object to as incompetent or unfit. If the Contractor has submitted before signing the contract a list of subcontractors and the change of any name on such list is required in writing by the Owner after signature of agreement, the contract price shall be increased or diminished by the difference in cost occasioned by such change. The Architect shall, on request, furnish to any subcontractor, wherever practicable, evidence of the amounts certified on his account. | The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any sub- contractor and the Owner. Art. 37. Relations of Contractor and Subcontractor.—The Contractor agrees to bind every Subcontractor and every Subcontractor agrees to be bound by the terms of the Agreements, the General Conditions, the Drawings and Specifications as far as applicable to his work, including the following provisions of this article, unless specifically noted to the contrary in a subcontract approved in writing as adequate by the Owner or Architect. This does not apply to minor subcontracts. The Subcontractor agrees— (a) To be bound to the Contractor by the terms of the Agreement, General Conditions, Drawings and Specifications, and to assume toward him all the obligations and responsibilities that he, by those documents, assumes toward the Owner. (b) To submit to the Contractor applications for payment in such reasonable time as to enable the Con- tractor to apply for payment under Article 24 of the General Conditions. (c) To make all claims for extras, for extensions of time and for damages for delays or otherwise, to the Contractor in the manner provided in the General Conditions for like claims by the Contractor upon the Owner, except that the time for making claims for extra cost is one week. 263 The Contractor agrees— (d) To be bound to the Subcontractor by all the obligations that the Owner assumes to the Contractor under the Agreement, General Conditions, Drawings and Specifications, and by all the provisions thereof affording remedies and redress to the Contractor from the Owner. (ec) To pay the Subcontractor, upon the issuance of certificates, if issued under the schedule of values described in Article 24 of the General Conditions, the amount allowed to the Contractor on account of the Subcontractor’s work to the extent of the Subcontractor’s interest therein. (f) To pay the Subcontractor, upon the issuance of certificates, if issued otherwise than asin (e), so that at all times his total payment shall be as large in proportion to the value of the work done by him as the total amount certified to the Contractor is to the value of the work done by him. (g) To pay the Subcontractor to such extent as may be provided by the Contract Documents or the subcontract, if either of these provides for earlier or larger payments than the above. (h) To pay the Subcontractor on demand for his work or materials as far as executed and fixed in place, less the retained percentage, at the time the certificate should issue, even though the Architect fails to issue it for any cause not the fault of the Subcontractor. : (j) To pay the Subcontractor a just share of any fire insurance money received by him, the Contractor, under Article 29 of the General Conditions. (k) To make no demand for liquidated damages or penalty for delay in any sum in excess of such amount as may be specifically named in the subcontract. (1) That no claim for services rendered or materials furnished by the Contractor to the Subcontractor shall be valid unless written notice thereof is given by the Contractor to the Subcontractor during the first ten days of the calendar month following that in which the claim originated. (m) To give the Subcontractor an opportunity to be present and to submit evidence in any arbitration involving his rights. (n) To name as arbitrator under arbitration proceedings as provided in the General Conditions the person nominated by the Subcontractor, if the sole cause of dispute is the work, materials, rights or respon- sibilities of the Subcontractor; or, if of the Subcontractor and any other subcontractor jointly, to name as such arbitrator the person upon whom they agree. The Contractor and the Subcontractor agree that— (0) In the matter of arbitration, their rights and obligations and all procedure shall be analogous to those set forth in this contract. Nothing in this article shall create any obligation on the part of the Owner to pay to or to see to the pay- ment of any sums to any Subcontractor. Art. 38. Asehitect’s-Status.—The Architect shall have general supervision and direction of the work. He is the agent of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contzact Documents and when in special instances he is authorized by the Owner so to act, and in such instances he shall upon request, show the Contractor written authority. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure Art. 39. Architect’s Decisions.—The Architect shall, within a reasonable time, make decisions on all claims of the Owner or Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. The Architect’s decisions, in matters relating to artistic effect, shall be final, if within the terms of the Contract Documents. Except as above or as otherwise expressly provided in the Contract Documents, all the Architect’s decisions are subject to arbitration. APPENDIX 264 Art. 40. Arbitration.—All questions subject to arbitration under this Contract shall be submitted to arbi- tration at the choice of either party to the dispute. The Contractor shall not cause a delay of the work during any arbitration proceedings, except by agree- ment with the Owner. The demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the Architect, in the case of an appeal from his decision, within ten days of its receipt and in any other case within a reasonable time after cause thereof and in no case later than the time of final payment, except as otherwise expressly stipulated in the Contract. If the Architect fails to make a decision within a reasonable time, an appeal to arbitration may be taken as if his decision had been rendered against the party appealing. No one shall be nominated or act as an arbitrator who is in any way financially interested in this Con- tract or in the business affairs of either the Owner, Contractor or Architect. Unless otherwise provided by controlling statutes, the parties may agree upon one arbitrator; other- wise there shall be three, one named in writing, by each party to this Contract, to the other party and to the Architect and the third chosen by these two arbitrators, or if they fail to select a third within fifteen days, then he shall be chosen by the presiding officer of the Bar Association nearest to the location of the work. Should the party demanding arbitration fail to name an arbitrator within ten days of his demand, his right to arbitration shall lapse. Should the other party fail to choose an arbitrator within said ten days, then such presiding officer shall appoint such arbitrator. Should either party refuse or neglect to supply the arbi- trators with any papers or information demanded in writing, the arbitrators are empowered by both parties to proceed ex parte. If there be one arbitrator his decision shall be binding; if three the decision of any two shall be binding. Such decision shall be a condition precedent to any right of legal action, and wherever permitted by law it may be filed in Court to carry it into effect. The arbitrators, if they deem that the case demands it, are authorized to award to the party whose con- tention is sustained such sums as they shall deem proper for the time, expense and trouble incident to the appeal and, if the appeal was taken without reasonable cause, damages for delay. The arbitrators shall fix their own compensation, unless otherwise provided by agreement, and shall assess the costs and charges of the arbitration upon either or both parties. The award of the arbitrators shall be in writing and it shall not be open to objection on account of the form of the proceeding or the award, unless otherwise provided by the controlling statutes. In the event of such statutes providing on any matter covered by this article otherwise than as herein- before specified, the method of procedure throughout and the legal effect of the award shall be wholly in accordance with the said statutes, it being intended hereby to lay down a principle of action to be followed, leaving its local application to be adapted to the legal requirements of the jurisdiction having authority over the arbitration. Art. 41. Cash Allowances.—The Contractor shall include in the contract sum all allowances named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the work so covered to be done by such contractors and for such sums as the Architect may direct, the contract sum being adjusted in conformity therewith. The Contractor declares that the contract sum includes such sums for expenses and profit on account of cash allowances as he deems proper. No demand for expenses or profit other than those included in the contract sum shall be allowed. The Contractor shall not be required to employ for any such work persons against whom he has a reasonable objection. Art. 42. Use of Premises.—The Contractor shall confine his apparatus, the storage of materials and the operations of his workmen to limits indicated by law, ordinances, permits or directions of the Architect and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his materials. The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the structure to be loaded with a weight that will endanger its safety. The Contractor shall enforce the Architect’s instructions regarding signs, advertisements, fires and smoking. 265 Art. 43. Cutting, Patching and Digging.—The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or patching of his work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by work of other contractors shown upon, or reasonably implied by, the Drawings and Specifications for the completed structure, and he shall make good after them as the Architect may direct. Any cost caused by defective or ill-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. The Contractor shall not endanger any work by cutting, digging or otherwise, and shall not cut or alter the work of any other contractor save with the consent of the Architect. Art. 44. Cleaning Up.—The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his employes or work, and at the completion of the work he shall remove all his rubbish from and about the building and all his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials and shall leave his work “ broom clean ” or its equivalent, unless more exactly specified. In case of dispute the Owner may remove the rubbish and charge the cost to the several contractors as the Architect shall determine to be just. APPENDIX Accidents, responsibility for, 5 Air chamber, 209 Air valves, 227 Anchoring for terra cotta, 63, 65 Anchor irons, 129 Anchors, 21, 35 for joists, 67, 109 Annunciator, 251 Aprons, 151 Arches, relieving, 49 trimmer, 49 Architrave, 151 Arch openings, 57 Area drains, 203 Area drain pits, 17 Area floors, cement, 39 Area gratings, fixed, 69 hinged, 69 Area walls, brick, 53 concrete, 39 painting of, 175 Asbestos covering, 237 Ash-can, 83 Ash-chute, 83 Ash-dumps, 69 Ash-pit doors, 49 Ash-pits, 49 Baffle-boards, 121 Balusters, 161 Bank walls, 17 Bargeboards, 123 Barrett slag roofing, 76 Base boards, 153 Bases, cement, 39 Batter-boards, 15 Beam and rafter courses, 57 Beams, collar, 109 ingle, 155 over cesspool, 67 show, 155 Bearing slabs, 57 Bed moulds, 129 Bell, electric, 251 Bids, right to reject, 3 Bins, coal, 119 Blinds, 135 INDEX Blocks, concrete, 35, 36 gypsum, 23 hollow tile, 55 Boiler, 225 Boiler covering, 233 Boiler drain, 203 Boiler foundation, 225 Boiler, painting of, 233 Bolting plates and sills, 107 Bolts, for wall plates, 67 Bond, 5 Bonding for terra cotta, 61 Book-case doors, 157 Book-cases, 157 Borders, wood, 117 Boston hips, 81, 113 Bottle racks, 145 Box, cut-out, 141 Boxes, mixing, 37 mortar, 19 Box heads, 131 Brackets, wood, 125, 155 Brass, joints in, 195 Brass pipe, 193 Brass piping, 205 Bread-board, 145 Brick, common, 45 face, 44, 45 fire, 51 moulded, 47 ornamental, 47 Brick areas, 53 Brick fireplaces, 51 Brick hearths, 51 Brick manholes, 49 Brick paving, 52, 53 Brick veneer, 46 Brickwork, common bond, 47 mortar for, 45 pointing of, 47 samples of, 47 special bond for, 47 work included, 45 workmanship for, 47 Bridging, 105 Bronzing, 231 Builder’s iron, 65 Building laws, 9 Cable, electric, 249 Calking, 21 Cane register faces, 159 Canvas roofing, 81 Canvas wall covering, 178, 179 Carving, special, 141 wood, 141 Casement windows, 133 Casements, metal, 171 Casing, window, 131 Cast-iron, joints in, 195 Cast-iron cleanout doors, 69 coal chutes, 69 dampers, 67 pipe, 193 registers, 141 throats, 67 Cedar-lined closet, 147 Ceiling, porch, 129 Ceilings, furred, 119 Cellar stairs, 161 Cellar-way, 121 Cellar windows, hinged, 131 Cement, colored, 41 for concrete, 33 for masonry, 19 Keene’s, 87 white, 19 Cement area floors, 39 bases, 39 cesspool top, 43 chimney caps, 43 copings, 43 floors, exterior, 39 interior, 39 hearth, kitchen, 41 mortar, 24, 25, 45 sidewalk, 41 sills, 43 steps, 43 terraces, 39 under-hearths, 41 Cesspool, 197 excavate for, 17, 188 stone, 29 Cesspool top, 31, 43, 196, 197 Chair rail, 153 Changes, 2 267 268 Chase lining, 236 Chases in concrete, 35 in masonry, 21 for plumbing, 191 Chimney caps, cement, 43 Chimney furring, 119 Chimney strap, 71 Chimney breast, 53 Chimney pots, 51 Chimneys, 51 China closet, 159 China cupboard, 158 Chute, clothes, 121 Cinders, 19 Cinder concrete, 35 Cinders for concrete, 33 Circulating system, 209 Clapboards, 113 Cleaning cut-stone, 27 Cleaning up, 11 Cleanout doors, 49 Cleanouts, cast-iron, 69 for plumbing, 199 Cleats joist, 107 pipe, 119 Closed valleys, 81, 112 Closet, for table leaves, 145 cedar-lined, 147 china, 159 linen, 145 Closet fittings, 149 Closet shelving, 149 Closets, 149 Closing in work, 9 Clothes-chute, 121 Coal bins, 119 Coal-chutes, 69 Cold-air duct, 49, 119, 236, 237 Cold-water supply, 207 Collar beams, 105, 109 Colored cement paving, 41 Coloring for mortar, 45 Columns, 155 hollow tile, 57 Lally, 43, 67 porch, 129 Combed ridges, 112 Common bond, 47 Common brick, 45 Completion, time of, 3 Concealed piping, 227 Concrete area walls, 39 blocks, 35 block foundations, 36 block walls, 36 footings, 37 Concrete foundations, 37 lintels, 39 Concrete, anchors in, 35 chases in, 35 cinder, 35 cinders for, 33 dressed, 43 forms for, 37 mixing, 37 pouring, 37 plain, 35 reinforced, 35 reinforcement for, 66, 67 sand for, 33 stone for, 33 under wood floors, 41 waterproofing, 35 work included, 33 work, protection of, 35 Conductor heads, 77 straps, 77 Conductors, 77 copper, 72 Conduit, rigid, 247 Conduit work, 247 Control valves, 207 Copings, cement, 43 Copper roofing, 76 spouting, 77 work, 72 Copper-bearing iron spouting, 77 Cornice exterior, 129 interior, 155 plaster, 91 Corner beads, 87 Corners, rounded, 91 Counter-flashing, 75 lead, 72 tin, 73 Counter-shelf, 143 plate glass, 187 Cove, ceiling, 91 Covering for pipes, 205, 236 Covers, pipe, 119 Cross furring, 119 Cupboard china, 158 fittings, 145 hanging, 143 linings, 143 Curb valve, 205 Cut-out box, 141 Cut-stone, 25 cleaning of, 27 setting of, 27 Cutting work, 11 Dampers, cast-iron, 67 Dampness, 11 Dashing, 27 Demolition, work included, 13 Details, wood, 123 Diagram for gas piping, 219 Dimensions, 7 Disagreements, 7 Door flashings, 75 frames, 137 screens, 134, 135 shower enclosure, 99 trim, 125, 151 Doors, 137 ash-pit, 49 book-case, 157 cleanout, 49, 69 fireproof, 139 garage, 139 glazed, 139 ice, 139 mirror, 139 shelf, 147 slat, 139 sliding, 139 stock, 137 trim, 121 Double-hung windows, 131 Double-strength glass, 185 Drain boards, 143 Drain valves, 207 Drains, area, 203 boiler, 203 footings, 29 garage, 199, 213 house, 197 rain conductor, 200, 201 Drawers, linen closet, 147 painting of, 181 Drawings, detail and working, 7 omissions in, 7 return of, 11 shop, 7, 59, 65 Dressed concrete, 43 Dressers, 143 Drops, post, 161 Dry wells, 17 Ducts, cold-air, 49, 119, 236, 237 Ducts, for heating, 230, 231 Dumb-waiter, 121 Egg-shell finish, 179 Electric bell circuits, 251 buttons, 253 fixtures, 248, 249 Electric outlets, 243 switches, 249 Electric wiring, general, 241 guarantee, 243 inspection of, 243 layout of system, 241 materials for, 241 system of, 243 test of, 243 Enameled iron work, 183 plaster, 177 woodwork, 177 Enclosures, radiator, 159 Entablature, 127 Erecting iron and steel, 64, 65 Escutcheons, 193 Examination of premises, 3 Excavation, below floors, 15 for cesspool, 188 for piping, 17 for plumbing, 188 general, 15 Expansion tank, 229 Exposed pipes, 193 Extension, for garage, 229 Exterior cement floors, 39 cement plaster, 89 cornice, 129 finish coat, 88, 89 plaster work, 91 stain, 174, 175 tile flooring, 81 woodwork, 123 Face brick, 44, 45 Face stone work, 25, 26, 27 Facings, brick area, 53 Feeders, 245 Fees, 5 Felt, roofing, 79 Figured rolled glass, 185 Filling around masonry, 17 Finish, egg-shell, 179 gloss, 179 matt, 179 mahogany, 181 wax, 181 Finish coat, exterior, 88, 89 Finish hardware, 162, 163 Finished flooring, 117 Fire brick, 51 Fire cuts, 109 Fireplaces, brick, 51 Fireplaces, marble, 99 throats, 48 tile, 99 Fireproof doors, 139 Fire stops, 21 Fittings, nickel-plated, 209 Fixed area gratings, 69 Fixed sash, 133 Fixtures, electric, 248, 249 plumbing, 209 protection of, 209 Fixture supports, 249 Flagstone, 29 terraces, 29 walks, 29 Flashing, 75 door and window, 75 of half-timber, 75 for gussets, 75 for valleys, 75 of vent pipes, 195 Flashings, copper, 72 tin, 73 zinc, 72 Floor, for canvas deck, 115 insulating, 115 loft, 115 marble, 93 terrazzo, 95 Flooring, borders for, 117 exterior tile, 81 finished, 117 painting of, 181 special, 116 Floor paper, 115 Floors, brick area, 53 cement area, 39 exterior, cement, 39 hollow tile, 55 insulation for, 21 interior, cement, 39 planing, 117 scraping, 117 sound-proof, 115 Flue cleanout doors, 49 Flue linings, 51 Flues, schedule of, 237 Folding stairway, 121 Footing drains, 29 Footing stones, 27 Footings, concrete, 37 Foreman, 9 Forms for concrete, 37 Foundation for boiler, 225 Foundation stone, 25 Foundations, concrete, 37 concrete block, 36 Frame, metal shower, 97 Frames, door, 137 metal, 171 porch, 135 setting of, 21 Framing lumber, 107 joists, 109 Fresco, 181 Fresh-air inlet, 199 Frost, 11 Furred ceilings, 119 Furring, chimney, 119 cross, 119 exterior, 113 wall, 119 Furnace, hot-air, 235 Furnaces, setting, 235 Future bathrooms, 201 Galvanized iron, corner beads, 87 linings, 83 painting of, 183 pipe railing, 69 spouting, 77 Garage circuit, 247 doors, 139 drains, 199, 213 water supply, 207 Gas fitting, general, 219 pipe, 219 range, 221 water heater, 221 Gas piping, diagram for, 219 system, 219 test for, 221 Gate valve, 204 Girders, 105 Glass, double-strength, 185: figured rolled, 185 leaded, 186, 187 plate, 185 single-strength, 185 wire, 187 Glass shower enclosure, 96 Glazing, in general, 185 of metal casements, 185 Gloss finish, 179 Grading, 16, 17 INDEX 270 Grease-trap, 213 Grit, for mortar, 45 Grounds, 119 Grouting, 51 Guarantee, 11 of electric system, 243 for heating system, 223 for hot-air system, 235 for painting, 173 for plumbing, 191 for sheet metal, 73 ‘Guards, snow, 81 Gussets, 75, 111 ‘Gutters, for porch floors, 75 hanging, 77 lined, 75 stop, 111 ‘Gypsum block partitions, 23 Half-timber, 125 flashing of, 75 Hand rails, 161 Hanger rods, 149 Hangers, joist, 67, 106 for headers, 109 Hanging gutters, 77. Hardware, finish, 162, 163 rough, 163 schedule of, 163 window, 131 Heads, conductor, 77 Hearths, brick, 51 cement, kitchen, 41 marble, 99 tile, 99 Heat pipes, provisions for, 39 Heating system, 225 guarantee, 223 pipes, 227 Hinged area gratings, 69 Hips, Boston, 81, 113 mitered, 80, 112 -Hollow tile, beam courses, 57 blocks, 55 columns, 57 floors, 55 jamb blocks, 55 lintels, 57 mortar for, 55 piers, 57 setting of, 55 sill blocks, 57 work included, 55 Hood, 129 Hook strips, 149 Hose cock, 209 Hose, vacuum cleaning, 217 Hot-air piping, 237 Hot-air registers, 237 Hot water supply, 209 Hot water tank, 211 House drain, 197 House drain trap, 199 House sewer, 196, 197 House, telephone, 253 Ice door and frame, 139 Incinerator, 51 connection to, 221 Indirect radiation, 231 Ingle beams, 155 Inlets for vacuum cleaning, 215 Inspection, 9 of electric wiring, 243 Insulating floor, 115 Insulation for floors, 21 Insurance, 5 Interior cement floors, 39 cornice, 155 painted plaster, 176 rain conductors, 200, 201 stain, 179 Tron and steel, erection of, 64, 65 painting, 65 shop drawings, 65 Tron, builders, 65 ornamental, 70, 71 Tron lintels, 57 Iron work, enameled, 183 Irons, anchor, 129 Jamb blocks, hollow tile, 55 Jambs, plaster, 151 Joggles, 21, 35 Joints, in brass, 195 in cast-iron, 195 in heating pipes, 227 in lead pipes, 195 in terra cotta, 61, 194, 195 wire, 249 in wrought iron, 195 Joist anchors, 67 cleats, 107 hangers, 67, 106 framing, 109 Joists, 105 Keene’s cement, 87, 89 Kitchen chimney breast, 53 Kitchen hearth, 101 Kitchen under-hearth, 41 Knob and tube work, 246 Ladder, 121 Lally columns, 67 Larder cupboard, 143 Lath, metal, 84, 93 shingle, 111 wood, 85 Lattice, 127 Laying out work, 7 Lead counter-flashing, 72 Leaded glass, 186, 187 Lead pipe, 193 joints in, 195 Lead waste pipes, 201 Ledger boards, 105 Liens, release of, 5 Lime mortar, 25 Lime plaster, 87 Lime-cement mortar, 45 Lined gutters, 75 Linen closet, 145 Linen closet drawers, 147 Linings, chase, 236 cupboard, 143 flue, 51 galvanized iron, 83 zine, 83 Lintels, concrete, 39 hollow tile, 57 iron, 57 steel, 67 stone, 29 Lintels, setting of, 21 Loft floor, 115 Louvres, 125 Lumber, rough, 103 sizes of, 105 Mahogany finish, 181 Manholes, 244 brick, 49 covers, 203 Mantels, marble, 99 special, 157 wood, 157 Marble floor, 93 fireplaces, 99 hearth, 99 mantel, 99 shower enclosure, 96 Marble shower receptor, 98 sills, 97 steps, 93 thresholds, 97 wainscot, 95 Marked plates, 249 Materials, 9 for electric wiring, 241 old, 13 terra cotta, 61 Matt finish, 179 Medicine cabinet, 146, 147 mirrors, 187 Metal casements, 171 casements, glazing of, 185 lath, 84, 93 lath, incidental, 85 nailing plugs, 117 sash and frames, 171 work, painting of, 181 Meter board, 245 Meter, water, 205 Mirror doors, 139 Mirrors, 187 medicine cabinet, 187 Mitered hips, 80, 112 Mitered ridges, 80 Mixing boxes, 37 Mixing concrete, 37 Models, terra cotta, 59 Mortar, cement, 24, 25 for brickwork, 45 non-staining, 25 coloring, 45 grit for, 45 for hollow tile, 55 lime, 25 lime-cement, 45 pebbles for, 45 for tile work, 93 Mortar boxes, 19 Motor connections, 251 Moulded brick, 47 Mouldings, panel, 178 Mullions, 133 Nailing plugs, 117 Nailing strips, 116 Nails for slate roofs, 79 Newels, 161 Nickel-plated fittings, 209 Nickel-plated work, 193 Non-siphon traps, 201 Non-staining cement mortar, 25 Nosings, 161 Oak flooring, painting of, 181 Omissions in drawings, 7 Open expansion tank, 229 Openings, arch, 57 Open valleys, 113 Ordinances, 9 Ornamental brick, 47 iron, 70, 71 plaster, 91 tile, 101 Outlets, electric, 243, 247 Outlookers, wood, 125 Paint, exterior stucco, 177 Painted metal work, 181 plaster, interior, 177 woodwork, exterior, 177 interior, 177 Painting, area walls, 175 of boiler, 233 of galvanized iron, 183, 239 guarantee, 173 of iron and steel, 65 materials for, 175 of radiators, 183, 231 of roofs, 79 samples, of 173 of tin work, 239 Panel board, 244, 245 Paneled reveals, 153 Paneling, wall, 157 Paper, floor, 115 roofing, 79, 111 sheathing, 111 Parting strips, 131 Partitions, sound-proof, 106, 107 stud, 107 unfinished, 141 Patent plaster, 86 Patent roofing, 78 Paths, slate, 101 Paving, colored cement, 41 slate, 101 Paving brick, 52, 53 Pebbles for mortar, 45 Pegs, wood, 125 Permits, 5 for plumbing, 189 Picture moulding, 153 Piers, hollow tile, 57 Pilasters, 129, 155 Pillars, 127 Pilot circuits, 251 Pipe, brass, 193 cast-iron, 193 271 Pipe, lead, 193 lead waste, 201 smoke, 225, 235 soil, 199 terra cotta, 191 vent, 199 waste, 201 wrought iron, 193 Pipe cleats, 119 covering, 205, 233, 236 railings, 69 Pipes, exposed, 193 old, 13 protection of, 195 Piping, brass, 205 concealed, 227 for gas, 219 for heating system, 227 for hot-air, 237 supply, 203 for vacuum cleaning, 215 Pits, area drain, 17 Placing reinforcement, 37 Plain concrete, 35 Planing floors, 117 Plaster, cast, ornamental, 91 cornice, 91 enameled, 177 exterior finish coat, 88 exterior cement, 89 finish coat, 89 interior, painted, 176, 177 jambs, 151 Keene’s cement, 87 lime, 87 patent, 86 samples of, 85 sand finish, 87 smooth finish, 87 three-coat work, 89 two-coat work, 89 work, exterior, 91 Plate glass, 185 counter-shelf, 187 shelves, 187 Plates, 105 inarked, 249 Plinths, 151 Plugs, nailing, 117 Plumbing, chases for, 191 in general, 189 layout of system, 191 permits, 189 tests, 190 Pockets, sliding door, 123 INDEX 272 Pointing, of brickwork, 47 samples of, 27 stone work, 27 Porch ceiling, 129 floor gutters, 75 frames, 135 screens, 135 soffit, 129 woodwork, 127 Post drops, 161 Posts, corner, 105 porch, 127, 129 Pouring concrete, 37 Preparation for tile, 41, 89 Pressure regulator, 205 Priming woodwork, 123 Privy, 11 Proposals, 3 Protection, of concrete work, 35 of fixtures, 209 of masonry, 19 of materials, 11 of pipes, 195 from roots, 197 Provision for heat pipes, 39 Pulley stiles, 131 Push buttons, 253 Questions, 7 Radiation, indirect, 231 Radiator enclosures, 159 recesses, 21, 151, 228, 229 Radiators, 229 bronzing of, 231 painting of, 183, 231 Rafters, 105, 109 show, 123 Raggles, terra cotta, 61 Railings, pipe, 69 wood, 127 Rain conductor drains, 200, 201 shoes, 202, 203 Rain conductors, 77 interior, 200, 201 Range, gas, 221 kitchen, 210, 211 Receptacles, electric, 249 Receptor, marble shower, 98 porcelain shower, 98 tile shower, 99 Recesses, radiator, 21, 151, 228, 229 Recirculation registers, 231 Refitting, 11 Refrigerator waste, 203 Register faces, cane, 159 Register trim, 159 Registers, 231, 237 cast-iron, 141 recirculation, 231 sizes, schedule of, 237 Reinforced concrete, 35 Reinforced concrete stone, 33 Reinforcement, for concrete, 66, 67 placing of, 37 Reinforcing rods, 33 Relieving arches, 49 Reveals, paneled, 153 Ridge-boards, 113 Ridges, combed, 112 mitered, 80 Risers, 161 independent, 207 Rods, hanger, 149 reinforcing, 33 Roof strips, tile, 111 Roofing, Barrett, slag, 76 canvas, 81 copper, 76 felt, 79 paper, 79, 111 patent, 78 slag, 76 slate, 79 tile, 77 tin, 77 work included, 73 Roofs, painting of, 79 sheathing of, 111 Rough hardware, 163 Rubbing strips, 135 Samples, of brickwork, 47 of painting, 173 of plaster, 85 of pointing, 27 of stone work, 26 of terra cotta, 61 Sand, 19 for concrete, 33 Sand finish, 87 Sandpapering, 179 Sash, 131 fixed, 133 storm, 135 metal, 171 Schedule of flues, 237 of hardware, 163 of plumbing fixtures, 211 of radiators, 229 of register sizes, 237 Scraping floors, 117 Screens, door and window, 134, 135 porch, 135 Scuppers, 21, 83 Scuttle, 121 Sealed tank system, 228 Seats, 129 window, 159 Selected stones, 29 Septic tank, 196, 197 excavate for, 17 Service connection, 245 Service, underground, 244 Serving table, 145 Serving window, 145 Setting cut-stone, 27 hollow tile, 55 stone work, 27 Sewer, house, 196, 197 Shafts, 155 Sheathing for roofs, 111 valleys, 111 walls, 109 Sheathing paper, 111 Sheet metal, guarantee for, 73 work included, 73 Shelf-doors, 147 Shelves, book-case, 157 plate glass, 187 Shingle lath, 111 Shingle stain, 174, 175 Shingle tile, 78 Shingles, wood, 113 Shoe-rack, 149 Shoes, cast-iron, 202, 203 Shop drawings, iron and steel, 65 terra cotta, 59 Shoring, 13 Show beams, 155 Show rafters, 123 Show sills, 133 Shower enclosure door, 99 glass, 96 marble, 96 tile, 97 Shower receptor, marble, 98 porcelain, 98 Shower receptor, tile, 99 Shrubbery, protection of, 15 Shutters, 135 Sidewalk, cement, 41 Siding, 113 Sills, 105 cement, 43 marble, 97 show, 133 window, 131 Sill-blocks, hollow tile, 57 Single-strength glass, 185 Sizes of lumber, 105 Skylights, 82, 83 Slabs, bearing, 57 Slag roofing, 76 Slat doors, 139 Slate paths, 101 paving, 101 roofs, 79 Sleepers, 113 Sliding doors, 139 Sliding-door pockets, 123 Smoke pipe, 225, 235 Smooth finish, 87 Snow-guards, 81 Sod, 15 Soffits, porch, 129 Soil, top, 15 Soil-pipes, 199 Soil-stack, sound-proof, 199 Soldering, 73 Sound-proof floor, 115 Sound-proof partition, 106, 107 Speaking tubes, 253 Special bond, 47 carving, 141 flooring, 116 mantels, 157 shapes, tile, 97 timbers, 105 work not included, 3 Specifications, return of, 11 Spouting, 77 Stack, water heater, 225 Staff-mould, 131 Stain, exterior, 174, 175 interior, 179 shingle, 174, 175 Stained woodwork, 141 Stair horses, 105 Stair risers, 161 Stair treads, 161 Stairs, cellar, 161 wood, 161 Stairway, folding, 121 Stakes, 15 Steel, structural, 66 Steel lintels, 67 Steel shower frame, 97 Steps, cement, 43 marble, 93 wood, 125 Stock doors, 137 Stone, cut, 25 face, 25 foundation, 25 for plain concrete, 33 for reinforced concrete, 33 Stone cesspool, 29 Stone lintels, 29 Stones, footing, 27 selected, 29 Stone work, face, 26, 27 pointing of, 27 samples of, 26 setting of, 27 Stools, 151 Stop-beads, 151 Stop-gutters, 111 Stop-valves, 207 Storm sash, 135 Strap, chimney, 71 Straps, for conductors, 77 Strings, 161 Stripping, weather, 133 Strips, threshold, 117 Structural steel, 66 Stucco, painted, 177 samples of, 85 Stud walls, 107 Studs, 105 Sub-base, 153 Sub-contractors, 3 Supply pipes, 207 Supply piping, 203 Supports for gas pipes, 221 Surface of timber, 125 Surveys, 5 Switches, electric, 249 System of electric wiring, 243 of heating, 225 Tags for valves, 191 Tank, expansion, 229 hot-water, 211 sealed system, 228 Telephone connection, 244 Telephone, house, 253 Telephone service, outside, 253 273 Terraces, cement, 39 flagstone, 29 Terra cotta, anchoring for, 63, 65 bonding of, 61 joints in, 61, 194, 195 materials and workmanship, 61 models for, 59 samples of, 61 shop drawings for, 59 work included, 59 pipe, 191 raggles, 61 Terrazzo floor, 95 Tests of electric wiring, 243 of gas piping, 221 for plumbing, 190, 191 for vacuum cleaning system, 217 Three-coat work, 89 Thresholds, marble, 97 Threshold strips, 117 Throats and dampers, 48, 49, 67 Tile, ornamental, 101 preparation for, 89 shingle, 78 special shapes, 97 Tile fireplaces, 99 flooring, exterior, 81 floors, preparation for, 41 hearth, kitchen, 101 hearths, 99 roofs, 78 shower enclosure, 97 shower receptor, 99 work included, 95 Tile work, materials, 95 mortar for, 93 Timbers, special, 105 Tin counter-flashing, 73 Tin flashings, 73 Tin roofing, 77 Tin work, soldering, 73 Tools, vacuum cleaning, 217 Transformer, 251 Transoms, 133 Trap, grease, 213 house drain, 199 Trap-door, 79, 121 Traps, 200 non-siphon, 201 Treads, 161 ‘Trees, removal of, 15 Trellis, 127 Trim, door and window, 125, 151 register, 159 INDEX 274 Trimmer arches, 49 Two-coat work, 89 Underground service connection, 244 Underpinning, 13 Under-floor, concrete, 41 Under-flooring, wood, 115 Under-hearths, cement, 41 Vacuum cleaning hose, 217 inlets, 215 machine, 215 piping, 215 test, 217 tools, 217 Valleys, closed, 81, 112 flashing for, 75 open, 113 Valves, 195 air, 227 control, 207 curb, 205 gate, 204 stop and drain, 207 for gas, 219 for heating system, 227 Veneer, brick, 46 Vent pipes, 199 flashing for, 195 Ventilation, 141 Vents, 200 Wainscot, marble, 95 Walks, flagstone, 29 Wall furring, 119 Wall paneling, 157 Wall string, 161 Walls, bank, 17 brick area, 53 concrete, area, 39 concrete block, 36 stud, 107 Wardrobe, 147 Waste pipes, 201 Water heater, coal burning, 211 gas, 221 Water heating stack, 225 Water meter, 205 Waterproofing, 23 basement, 22 concrete, 35 Water supply, 204, 205 cold, 207 garage, 207 hot, 209 system, 204, 205 temporary, 10, 11 Wax finish, 181 Weather-boards, 113 Weather stripping, 133 Weep-holes, 21 Wells, dry, 17 old, 13 White cement, 19 Whitewash, 23 Window aprons, 151 Window hardware, 131 Window screens, 134, 135 Window seats, 159 Window stools, 151 Window trim, 125, 151 Windows, casement, 133 Windows, double-hung, 131 hinged, cellar, 131 serving, 145 Wire, electric, 249 Wire glass, 187 Wire joints, 249 Wiring for bell work, 251 Wood carving, 141 Wood lath, 85 Wood under-flooring, 115 Woodwork, enameled, 177 exterior, 123 exterior painted, 177 interior painted, 139, 177 interior stained, 141 porch, 127 priming, 123 setting, 141 Work, closing in, 9 cutting, 11 defective, 9 improper, 9 Workmanship, 9 for brickwork, 47 for terra cotta, 61 Workmen, 9 Workmen’s Compensation Law, 5 Wrought-iron, joints in, 195 Wrought-iron pipe, 193 Yokes, 131 Zinc covering, 83 Zinc flashings, 72 Zinc linings, 83 Zine work, 72 . . | i ) | patna ena aliiine GETTY CENTER LIBRARY UMN 3 3125 00634 3 2 oat exetas Sie on > ahs if i i a Setfy