Fine Oil Paintings LIBRARY No. » |M. KNOEDLER & CO, Be 7 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ave NEW YORK « Ti be) ALE OF MRS. D. T. HOAG’S PAINTINGS. — SEVENTY-TWO PICTURES DISPOSED OF AT A TOTAL OF $27,945, _ A collection of paintings owned by Mrs. Daniel T. Hoag, of this _ city, was sold at auction last night at the Fifth: Avenue Art Galleries, No. 366 Fifth-ave. James. P. Silo was the auctioneer, and the sale brought in $27,945, seventy-two paintings being disposed of in all. Some of the’ sales were as follows? < teeter recess Tenre, Peele, Innes, -Lesur, in D’Enfonvilie. 1 ie Choe aCe a ana tr aC eer S°G/0 815 748 Veils) Wiese @ 456) 0800. 0's o b.0.b «be 6 Ernest, Dupré, : Vibert, CeO a a er er er Ce aCe ac eer seeoevce seco oe ee Bete ee eH ee eee eee ee eet ee ewe ee sewers svees Sot, OES ORC Den eae SR kcrome, ‘The Shadow of the Cross,” 8. MeDonaid. $350 —_ OO Fre ecaarriceatien carers oui a Serer end PAINTINGS FETCH $27,945. A Gerome Sells for Only $4,000 at the Dispersion of Mrs. Hoag’s Collection. The auction sale) of oil paintings, the property in part, ‘of Mrs. Daniel T. Hoag ok place last night at the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 Fifth Ave- nue, Jame s’P. Silo acting as. auctioneer. The attendance was large and, though the amount realized on the entire sale was re- garded as satisfactory, the bidding was not at any time spirited. The highest price paid for any one : Sloniae was $4,000, given by Samuel McDonald, for Gerome’s ‘‘ The Shadow of The Cross,” formerly the property of a banking house in this city, and originally purchased for $17,000 by the take H. N. Smith. ‘“‘ Medita- tion,” by P. ot, fetched $2,450, and_one by Felix Ziem, aon one of the artist’s best efforts, was sold for, $2,000. The total amount realized from the sale was $27,945. | Following is a partial list of the pictures sold, the artists, buyers, and the prices paid George Inness, ‘‘ Moonrise ’?; H. Kemp $800 Fritz Thaulow, ‘' The Bois’ in Winter r NS George N. Turner .. 6.0. dseee ec cse bie es 700 Frederick A, Bridgman, ff ‘Afternoon Hours ’’; George N. Turner....-.-++«+- . . 650 N. V. Diaz, ‘‘ Two Trees’’; BH. Blumen- BPO ee is Wake whale bob ane mance at Sognbiaonfecareca tare 650 J;. J.. Henner, ** Sleeping Nymph"; iC: T. ay; heb ud ¢ RREe Sie Oapara ete esi mt Aric antes riers, kg a cere 600 Jan Monchablon, ‘‘ Haymaking in Din noe fonvelle’’s J. 5. Cee 825, R. Ernst, ‘“‘ Return from the Hunt ae : George C. Comstock ...ceneeccceeseress 570 Jules Dupre, ‘* Dawn of Day IE Oye BLEED Yewisses ce bob) eee peeled avn easel Sige Nate «ss» B00 Henri Harpignies, “The After Glow ve R. : Fi AW, os pve be vis Un pie aie wie misierine ey et ~ ) 160 Lee Herrmann, ‘* Old Burgundy ees » Williams ......5.55 secrete eet s cer eeeens 1,000 N. V. Diaz, ‘‘ Woods and Rocks’; R. de Aa AW Selb ho peciee vic op pre eibag ete seseel Sa nepaeee 950 J. C. Cazin, ‘‘ The Dunes in Springtime ”’ pine EB. Blumenstell ..-..---++seeer cress sas 800. A, Schreyer, ‘‘ Arab With Two eee my sae ire Fe AO WVANIOMSGN © cose dk pups ee ne ones 850 Felix Ziem, ‘‘ Qual St. Jean at "Mar- Fs seilles’’; EH, Blumensteil .......--.+s.+05 ge Backs Cot, ** Meditation ’’; W. Irwin...... 2,450 So a Geronie,~ “The Shadow of the Cross %- Samuel McDonald ....+.+-s+-+- 4, 000 i , i 5 CATALOGUE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS THE PROPERTY OF MRS. DANIEL T. HOAG ASAT OF THIS CITY WITH SOME VALUABLE ADDITIONS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION E'RIDAY EVENING, MARCH 7TH AT 8.15 O°CLOCK /Y 0 c AT THE EFINYTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 FIFTH AVENUE JAMES P. SILO, AvcrroNEER Souk rerennnogsey eae ——————— etre = OOS LILLE ODE POSSI CONDITIONS. 3, The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- gue arise beiween two or more bidders, the lot so in ispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. z. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, 7 required, in default of which the lot or ve so purchased to be immediately put up again and esold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remaint der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac count of any errorin the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. Toprevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 14-16 Astor Place, N.Y. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Artz, D. A. C., 39 Bridgman, Frederick A. Bristol, T. B., 31 Burlingame, C. A., 10 Baird, William, 11 Berne-Bellecour F.G., 24 Beyschlag, R., 34 Cazin, J. C., 65 Chase, William M., 19 Colman, Samuel, 47 Cot, PA. 70 Dupre, Jules, 58 Duval, J. M., 28 Dargelas, H., 16 De Metz L’ Infant, 20 Diaz, N. V., 52, 68 Delacroix, E., 59 Ernst, R., 56 Foster, Ben., 55 Gerome, J. L., 72 Gifford, F. E., 5, 6 Guyon, M., 18 Gifford, R. Swain, 26, 29 Grolleron, Paul, 38 Harpignies, H., 61 Hall, George H., 7 Herrmann, Leo, 62 Hill, Henry J., 9 Howe, William H., 35 Hubner, K. Prof. Henner, J. J., 53 Inness, George, 36 Kensett, J. F., 23, 40 Leon, Hermann Ch., 14 L’ Aubiniere, G. M., 21 Lesur, Victor Henry, 48 Lenoir, C. A., 46 Martin, Homer D., 67 Merlot, Emile, 25 McCord, G. H., 27 Munoz, Domingo, 48 Monchablon, Jan., 54 Millet, J. F., 64 Pelle, J. T., 33 Piltz, Otto, 41 ated ARTISTS—CONTINUED. Rico, Martin, 51 Shurtleff, R. M., 44 Sergent, Lucien Pierre, 12 Shayer, H. J. C., 22 Stammel, E., 32 Schreyer, A., 66 Tiffany, Louis C., 71 fait, Aj Es, 10 Tenre, Henry, 30 Ten Kate, Mari, 45 Thaulow, Fritz, 49 Van Marcke, E., 69 Vibert, G. T., 60 Van Boskerck, R. W., 42 Von Bremen, Meyer Walters, M. J., 17 Webster, S. A., 3 Waterman, M., 15 Ziem, F., 68 After MURILLO Madonna 8% x 634 2 Angels of the Passion BY x 6% WEBSTER (S. A.) Roses on a Gilt Panel 25x11 4 The Alhambra Mosaic 18 x 16% GIFFORD (Fanny Elliot) : New York Cockatoo 23. x 7% 6 GIFFORD (Fauny Elliot) New York Owl 23x 7% 7 HALL (J. H.) : New York A Spanish Don 44 x3% UNKNOWN At the Well I9x 15% 9 A HILL (J. Henry) New York + Coast of Maine 20 x 30 10 BURLINGAME (C. A.) : New York Landscape I7 x 14 II BAIRD (William) : Paris Landscape and Cattle 14% x 17% 12 SERGENT (Lucien Pierre) Paris Medals at Salons of 1889, 1890, 1897 and 1900. Hors Concours In Ambush o 1934 x 25% 13 TAIT (A. F.) ; : New York Chicks 10 x 14 14 HERMANN-LEON (Ch.) . . Parig Medals at Salons of 1873, 1879, 1897 and 1900. Hors Concours Dog with Partridge 254 x 19% 5 WATERMAN (M.) : : New York Loading Wood in Wintertime 20 X 35 16 DARGELAS (1) — . . Paris The Latest News 22x17 17 WALTERS (M. J.) . ; New York In the Woods 24x 16% 18 GUYON (Mme. Maximiliene) : Paris Medals at Salons of 1888, 1889, 1894, 1900. Hors Concours Goodnight 8x11 19 CHASE (William M.) New York The Old Mill at Bristol 18 x 24 20 De METZ (L,’Infant) : ‘ Paris Cake Seller 10% x8% €.) 21 IVAUBINIERE (G.M.) —. . Paris | In the Forest 1534 x 184 22 SHAYER (H. J. C.) : : London Netley Abbey 24 Xx 20 23 KENSETT (J. F.), N. A., deceased Batemans Point 18 x 20 24 BERNE-BELLECOUR (F. G.) : Paris Medals at Salons of 1890 and 1894 Seeking the Way 14% x 10% 0 MERLOT (Emile) : : Paris Medals at Saious of 1883 and 1892 Cattle and Sheep 21 x 2834 26 GIFFORD (R. Swain), N. A. . New York Scene at Buzzards Bay 20 x 35 27 McCORD (George H.), A. N. A. New York A Day’s Sport 9% x 194 28 DUVAL (Jean Maurice) : Paris Medal of Honor, Salon of 1895 Apollo Gallery—The Louvre 1514 X 234 29 oc GIFFORD (R. Swain), N. A. New York A Breezy Summer Day on the | Coast of Massachusetts 14 x 30 i 30 : TENRE (Henry) ; : Paris Medals at Salons of 1891 and 1900 Pets asixr0K | 3 31 | BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. New York 7 Landscape y 1434 x 22% ; i S 32 4 STAMMHKHL (E.) : ; Dusseldorf ) The Mendicant | 15 x 12% 1 e an GI - 33 PEELE (J. T.) : . : London Tired Out 24 x 20 34 BEVSCHLAG (Robert). . Munich Kissing Goodnight 21x 25% 35 HOWE (Wm. H.) . Bronxvllle, N. Y. Medals Paris Salons of 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1897. Gold medals London, 18go, Boston 1890, Philadelphia 1890, San Francisco 1894. Medal at World’s Fair, Chicago, 1893 The Pets of the Farm 9% X TZ Usdaedc Bn) eee. SRE See RNC Te Sa ea eer en TTS RR sewcsbiesninaes “== SSS 36 1 © INNESS (George), N. A. =: ~~ New Vork | Moonrise , | L | 22 x 36 37 ‘HUBNER (Prof. Karl) : Dusseldorf The Young Housewife 42 x 36 38 GROLLERON (Paul), deceased : Paris Medals at Salons of 1°82, 1886, 1889, 1894, 1900 Hors Concours Vanquished 18 x 214 239 ARTZ (D. A. C.), deceased The Hague Born 1837. Died 1890. Painter of Dutch Interiors and Outdoor Scenes of Fisherman Life. Gold medals in Munich, Vienna, Amsterdam, etc, So Sleepy 84% x 6% 40 KENSETT (J. F.), N. A., deceased The Cliffs at Newport 14 x 24 41 PILTZ (Professor Otto) . Munich Lilacs o 21x17% 4 a # 42 VAN BOSKERCK (R. W.), A. N.A. New York The Last Glow 18 x 30 43 LESUR (Victor Henry) ‘ : Paris Medals 1887, 1889 and r900. Hors Concours Paris, Time of Louis XIV. 24x 19% 44 SHURTLEFF (R. M.) N. A. New York Sunlit Woods 20 X 25 45 TEN KATE (Mari) ; : The Hague Genre painter. Born 1831. Studied in Paris. Awarded three gold and three silver medals The Cock Fight 15% x 224 @ . EEL IGINLA APE 46 LENOIR (C. A.) : 5 : Paris e Medals 1892, 1896 and 1900. Hors Concours Ideal Head 18 x 15 47 COLMAN (Samuel) : : New York The Sea Wall at Cadiz IZ x 20 48 MUNOZ (Domingo) : : Paris The Stirrup Cup 778 X 9% 49 THAULOW (Fritz) Paris Medals at Salons of 1889, Grand Prix 1900, tg901. Hors Concours The Bois in Winter 20% x 26% | ‘ ] iq 4 ; 1] = eee | 50 | : | BRIDGMAN (Frederick A.) ; Paris ; Medals 1877. 1878, r889, t900. Hors Concours Afternoon Hours From the Kunoedler sale in 1893. No. 378 23% x 36 y 4 | 51 RICO (Martin) : ; ; Venice Medals at Salons of 1878 and 1889. Hors Concours Veni enice 732 Xx 9¥% §2 DIAZ (N. V.), deceased Two Trees iscsi ° 53 HENNER (J.J.) — .- : . |. Pavis Medals Prix de Rome 1858, 1863, 1865, 1866. 1873, 1878, 1889, 1898, 1900. Hors Concours Sleeping Nymph 6% x 113g 54 MONCHABLON (Jan.) ; ; Paris Medals 1885, 1889, 1895, Ig00. Hors Concours Haymaking in D’Enfonvelle ae 55 7s 3 : New York The Iridescent Hour 24 x 36 ERNST (R.) : : : Paris Medals at Salons 1889 and 1900 Return from the Hunt 283 x 36K 57 VON BREMEN (Meyer), deceased Noon Day Rest 58 DUPRE (Jules), deceased Dawn of Day 9% xX 12K 59 DELACROIX (E.), deceased The Musician 7%4%x12% r) 60 e VIBERT (G. J.) : : : Paris Medals 1864, 1867 and 1868, 1870, 1878, 1882. Hors Concours Anticipation 7X 9% 61 HARPIGNIES (Henri) : : Paris Medals 1866. 1868, 1869, 1875, 1878, 1883, 1897, Grand Prix r1gop Hors Concours The After Glow Li3¢ x 183 62 HERRMANN (Leo) i pate Old Burgundy i 18 x 14 contre DIAZ (N. V.), deceased Woods and Rocks 1534 x 1234 64 MILLET (J. F.) deceased Dr. Simons This painting was seen by Millet’s son on his later visit. to this country and he gave the name of the person represented Si x25 65 CAZIN (J. C.), deceased The Dunes in Springtime 18 x 15 66 o SCHREYER (A.), deceased Arab with Two Horses 10% x 1334 67 MARTIN (Homer D.), deceased Sunset on Lake Saranac 15 x 25 68 ZIEM (Felix) : ‘ : Paris Medals 1851, 1852, 1855, 1878. Hors Concours Quai St. Jean at Marseilles 2616 x 32 69 VAN MARCKE (E.), deceased Springtrne 0; 16 x 22 — = SS = ED See Se ae Sars ign ae= — aa SSeS 5 i LE — = e) 7O COT (P. A.), deceased Meditation 48 x 30 7% TIFFANY (Louis C.) ; New York Pilgrims at the Well 21 x 36 72 Paris GEROME (J. L.) Medals at Salons of 1847, 1248, 1855, 1865, 1867, 1874, 1878, 1889, 1900. Hors Concours The Shadow of. the Cross 32 xX 57 JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer eat se ; — — Seventy-two oil paintings, most of which were the property of Mrs. Daniel. Hoag of New York, were sold at auction at the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries. The total amount realized was $27,945. With the exception of Géréme’s “The Shadow of the Cross,” the pictures were all bid to a fair price. Gérome’s work brought only $4,000, al- though it was bought of the artist by the late H.W. Smith for $17,000 a few years ago. The pictures which brought $250 or over follow: “The Shadow of the Cross,” J. L. Gérome, $4,000; “Meditation,” P: A: Cot, $2,450; “Springtime,” E. Van Marcke, $300; “Quai St. Jean at Marseilles,” Felix _ Ziem, $2,000; “Arab With Two Horses,” Schreyer, $850; “The Dunes in Spring- time,” J. C. Cazin, $800; “Woods and Rocks,” N. V. Diaz, $950; “The Iridescent Hour,” Ben Foster, $500; “Haymaking in D’Enfonvelle,” Jan Monchabion, $825; “Sleeping Nymph,” -J. J. ‘Hennér Sooo; “Two Trees,’ N. V. Diaz, $650; “Venice,” Martin Rico, $510; “Afternoon Hours,” Frederick A. Bridgman, $650; “The Bois in Winter,” Fritz Thaulow, $700; “Sunlit Woods,” RK. M.. shurtlet, Sa20,2" Paria: Time of Louis XIV.,” Victor Henry Lesur, $3002. sclired: "Out, [7 2b ibeclewmeto. ‘Pets,’ Henry Tenre, $300; “Cattle and Sheep,” Emile Merlot, $380; “Seeking the Way,” F. G. Berne-Bellecour, $250; “The Old Mill at Bristol,” “William M. Chase, $400; “Good Night,’ Mme. Maximiliene Guyon, $330; “In Ambush,” Lucien Pierre Sargent ; $280; “Moonrise,” George Inness, $800; “The Young Housewife,” Prof. Carl | Hubner, $350; “Vanquished,” Paul Croller- Ga, $475; - Return trom: tie Etunt. «he Ernst, $770; “Noon Day Rest,” Meyer von Bremen, $380; “Dawn of Day,’ Jules Du- pre, $800, Anticipation,” “Gr e> Vibert $425; “The After Glow,” Henri Harpignies, $750; “Old Burgundy,’ Leo Herrmann, | $1,000.