a ee ee ae ees a ; B Phebe UF AS) gh ahve eee ot Warne Ge near he “nt 5 Feet N re oN TEN ay ame Otay Senate E K } am . Died oFian™ > 0, . 3 : Sister Ge! ie 4 y % ,2 a ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION Thaw’ AND TYPOGRAPHY i ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AY THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1916 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS AND WOODCUTS BY THE OLD AND MODERN MASTERS BEING PART Il OF THE LEVY COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF ELIZABETH B. LEVY ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, AND THURSDAY, MARCH 30 AT 8:00 O’CLOCK IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ‘ erent saeenntome mre xj te ; o %, s ‘ SF te ef tenement iu: Niner ROR ee j Pease peme nee mcg 4518) 6 NS, song Siete cai A) MILCP QIN PHU AMCABE im, 3 AR * & AIDT Elizabeth Petrowna, Empress of Russia GEORG FRIEDRICH SCH) (See No. 425) CATALOGUE OF ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS AND WOODCUTS BY OLD AND MODERN MASTERS tae PROPERTY OF ELIZABETH B.. LEVY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT 8:00 O’CLOCK ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, AND THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916 THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY * = ae Pe hae ae GPa et by act eae, i - ey A ee we . Ss, ON ay ‘ : : 4 - A =m. "4 ‘ . ° i : : ~ + “fs . sé : Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. , 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from sueh re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. ; 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such’ purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. ; Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. ELIZABETH B. LEVY LARCHMONT, NEW YORK First Session, Numbers | to 278, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29th AT 8.00 O’CLOCK PROMPT ALBERTI, CHERUBINO. 1553-1615. 1. THE ANNUNCIATION. 1571. Engraving. Bartsch XVII. No. 9. Very fine impression. ALDEGREVER, HEINRICH (TRIPPENMAKER). 1502-after 1555. (One of the “Little Masters.’’) 2. PORTRAIT OF THE ENGRAVER BY HIMSELF. En- graving by Hendrik Hondius. 8. THE HISTORY OF LOT. 1555. Engravings. Bartsch VIII. Nos. 14-17. Fine set of early impressions and well preserved. (4.) 4. THE UNNATURAL FATHER. 1553. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 73. Good old impression. From the Burleigh James Collection. 5. THE INFANT HERCULES KILLING THE SNAKES. 1550. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 83. The first plate of the set “Labors of Hercules.” Very good old impression. From the H. F. Sewall Collection and Dupli- cate of the Boston Museum. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th ALDEGREVER, HEINRICH. (Continued) 6. THE VIRTUES. 1552. Engravings. Bartsch VIII. Nos. 117-128. An interesting but uneven set. Three are very good. es, 7. THE VICES. 1552. Engravings. Bartsch VIII. Nos. 124- 130. A similar set to the preceding, but more even. One of them very fine. Cia) 8. THE WEDDING DANCERS. 1588. Engravings. Bartsch VIII. Nos. 160-171. A very fine and even set of highly interesting costume plates. Complete sets are extremely rare. From the “A. W.” and J. Novak Collections. (12.) 9. PORTRAIT OF THE DUKE OF JULIERS AND CLEVES. 1540. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 181. Second state, with the additional inscription ‘“‘In imagine . . . Eo- banus Hessus,” in the upper part of the stone sill. Very closely trimmed and _ inlaid; a small part of the lower corners replaced. ‘The few large portraits by this mas- ter, are exceedingly rare and this is the most important and rarest of them. 10. PORTRAIT OF ALBERT VON DER HELLE. 1588. En- graving. Bartsch VIII. No. 1&6. With the misspelling “DLR” instead of “DER.” Very fine impression. A strip of paper 9mm wide has been replaced at the top and another strip 11mm at the bottom. ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT. About 1480-1588. (One of the “Little Masters.” ) 11. SAMSON CARRYING OFF THE GATES OF THE TOWN. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 2. Good old impression. 12. SAMSON KILLING THE LION. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 26. Good old impression, slightly repaired. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT. (Continued) 138. A CENTAUR. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 37. Fine old impression and rare. 14. MUCIUS SCAEVOLA. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 40. Very good old impression. From the Christian Hammer Collection. 15. PYRAMUS AND THISBE. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 44. 16. A MAN IN ARMOR. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 50. Very fine old impression. 17. THE SMALL STANDARD BEARER. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 52. Fine old impression with a small weak spot in the paper of the upper edge. 18. JAHEL AND SISERA. Woodcut. Bartsch VIII. No. 43. Good and clear impression with margin. 19. THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS. 1511. Wood- cut. Bartsch VIII. No. 46. Fine, clear impression with the border-line complete. 20. THE VIRGIN HOLDING THE CHILD IN HER ARMS, STANDING IN A CHURCH. Woodcut. Bartsch VIII. No. 48. A beautiful impression, as fine as pen drawing. A small hole in the right hand upper corner carefully re- paired. 21. SAINT GEORGE. 1511. Woodcut. Bartsch VIII. No. 55. A rare print, but not as fine an impression as those pre- ceding. With margin. AMLING, CARL GUSTAV. 1651-1701. 22. OTTO OF WITTELSBACH TAKING A FORTRESS IN THE ALPS. Engraving from a tapestry by P. Candid, Andresen, I. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th ANONYMOUS ENGRAVER OF THE XVI. CEN- TURY. (One of the “Little Masters.” ) 23. A LANSQUENET HOLDING THE HORSE OF A STAND- ARD BEARER. Engraving. Bartsch X. No. 13. Fine old impression. AUDOUIN, PIERRE. 1768-1822. 24. PORTRAIT OF LOUIS XVIII. Full length standing, in ' coronation robes. 1818. Engraving after A. J. Gros. Apell, No. 39. Second state, with the title and with the dedication. Very fine and decorative. BALDUNG, HANS (called GRUN). About 1476-1545. 25. THE SLEEPING STABLEBOY AND THE WITCH. Woodcut. Passavant III. No. 76.—Bartsch VIII. No. 15 attributes this rare print to Hans Brosamer. Very fine impression on paper .watermarked ‘‘Crowned shield with three lilies and below a gothic p.” Briquet No. 1728. Slight repair in upper left hand corner, and printers crease. BARTOLOZZI, FRANCESCO. 1728-18138. 26. HISTORY 1792.—POETRY. 1792. Engravings. ‘Tuer, No. 61 and 97. The latter after Angelica Kauffmann. Small oval plates printed in black; MERCURY and CUPID. Ticket for Mr. Giardini’s concert in London. Engraving after Cipriani. Not mentioned by Tuer. Fine print with deckel edges and the collector’s mark, Fagan 343. (3.) 27. CARACTACUS, King of the Silures, delivered up to OSTO- RIUS the Roman General by Cartismandua Queen of the Brigantes, 1788. Stipple after W. Hamilton. Tuer, No. 1200. Fine impression in black, with margin. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th BARTOLOZZI, FRANCESCO. (Continued) 28. DEPARTURE OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS TO FRANCE, WHEN A CHILD. 1794. Stipple after R. Westall. Tuer, No. 1219. Proof before letters printed in brown. Very fine; with margin. 29. CUPID AND PSYCHE. 1789. Stipple after his own de- sign. ‘Tuer, No. 1437. HERCULES WELCOMED BY THE GODS. Stipple printed in gray. (2.) 30. CUPIDON ACHETTE TROP CHER. 1786. Stipple after Jos. Thurts’ water color after the antique. ‘Tuer, No. 1508. Oval printed in red. Very fine impression with large margin. 31. PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. 1802. Stip- ple after A. Appiani. Not mentioned by Tuer. Fine im- pression in black. 32. PORTRAIT OF GEORGE F. HAENDEL. 1789. Stipple from the statue in Vauxhall Gardens. For Dr. Arnold’s edition of Haendel’s works. Not mentioned by Tuer. BEATRIZET, NICOLAS. About 1515-1560. 33. DEATH OF MELEAGAR. 15483. Engraving after a de- sign attributed to Giulio Romano. Robert-Dumesnil TX. No. 82. First state (of 3); before “Horatius Pacificus Formis” was added in the foreground to the right. Very fine impression on paper watermarked “Crossbow in cir- cle.’ J%mm. margin all around. 34. PORTRAIT OF HENRY II., KING OF FRANCE. 1558. Engraving. Robert-Dumesnil IX. No. 40. Second state. The portrait has been completely changed and the date is now 1558 instead of 1556. Fine impression on paper watermarked “Eagle in crowned circle.” Closely trimmed. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th BEATRIZET, NICOLAS. (Continued) 35. ROMAN SOLDIERS BATTLING AGAINST THE DACES. 15538. Engraving from an antique bas-relief. Robert- Dumesnil IX. No. 97. Second state; the ground of the hexagonal shield is shaded with dots. Fine old impres- sion on paper watermarked “Agnus Dei in circle.” Very small stain. : BEAUVARLET, JACQUES FIRMIN. 1781(?)-1797. 36. LE RENDEZ-VOUS AGREABLE. Engraving after Raoulx. Portalis and Beraldi I. No. 16 d. With full margin, but slightly creased. 37. MORDECAI REFUSING TO BOW BEFORE HAMAN.— | HAMAN ARRESTED. Engravings after F. de Troy. Portalis and Beraldi I. No. 18. From ‘‘The History of Esther.” Fine impressions; the second without margin is inlaid. 2) 38. PORTRAIT OF EDME BOUCHARDON, SCULPTOR. Engraving after Drouais, for the engraver’s reception by the Academy in 1776. Portalis and Beraldi I. No. 28. Second state, with the inscriptions. With margin; AN- OTHER COPY of the same. Unfinished trial proof, showing the face and hands only in thin outline. With large margin. From the Robert Hoe Collection. (2.) 39. THE DOUBLE SURPRISE. Engraving after Gerard Dow. Not mentioned by Portalis and Beraldi. Fine. Closely trimmed. BEHAM, BARTHEL. 1502-1540. (One of the “Little Mas- Lesa) 40. COMBAT OF EIGHTEEN NUDE MEN. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 16. Good impression of a very rare plate. With the collector’s Mark Fagan 587. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th BEHAM, BARTHEL. (Continued) Ay, 42. 44. THE THREE SORCERESSES. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 42. This plate was completely worked over by his brother Hans Sebald, who put his mark on it. Slightly clipped. Very rare. From the R. Scholtz Collection. [See No. 51] MAN SEATED ON THE STUMP OF A TREE. Engrav- ing. Bartsch VIII. No. 45. Closely trimmed, but fine. Very rare. . PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR CHARLES V. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 60. Good impression on paper water- marked “Folly.” Closely trimmed and inlaid; a small hole in the top of the hat carefully repaired. Exceedingly rare. PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR FERDINAND I. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 61. Good impression on paper water- marked with the monogram J. and C. Closely trimmed and inlaid, a small tear through the inscription carefully repaired. Exceedingly rare. . PORTRAIT OF LEONHART VON ECKH. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 64. Second state, the head is cov- ered with a hat besides the calotte. Very fine impres- sion, closely trimmed and with a slight printer’s crease. Very rare. From the Duke of Aremberg and P. Gellatly Collections. . TEN NUDE CHILDREN PLAYING. Engraving. Un- known to Bartsch. Passavant IV. No. 71. Very rare. From the Count von Lepell Collection and Duplicate of the Berlin Print Room. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th BEHAM, BARTHEL. (Continued) 47. VENUS AND A SATYR. Engraving. Unknown to Bartsch. Passavant IV. No. 79b. who states that he had never seen it. He refers to “Kunstblatt 1853. p. 215” where the only other impression known to be in existence is men- tioned as being in the-collection at Gotha. ‘Two corners ~ repaired; otherwise a fine impression. Of the greatest rarity. (See Reproduction) BEHAM, HANS SEBALD. 1500-1550. (One of the “Lit- tle Masters.”’) 48. ADAM AND EVE. 15438. Engraving. Pauli No. 7. (Bartsch 6). Third state (of 5); showing four sets of lines in the deepest shadows of the background surround- ing Eve. Very fine impression. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 49. THE EXPULSION FROM PARADISE. 15438. Pauli No. 8. (Bartsch 7). Second state (of 3); two sets of lines are shading the background between the legs of Eve. Very fine impression. From the Jan Wussin Collection. 50. THE PENITENCE OF ST. CHRYSOSTOM. Engraving. Pauli, No. 70. (Bartsch, 215.) Eighth state; showing the rays of the sun issuing from the clouds. Very fine impression, with a small margin. 51. DEATH AND THE THREE NUDE WOMEN. Engraving. Pauli, No. 152. (Bartsch, 151.) Second state; before the second set of vertical lines on the cheek of the woman on the right. Very fine impression, with a small margin. 52. EIGHT NUDE CHILDREN. Engraving. Pauli, No. 212. (Bartsch, 210.) Only one state known. Circular plate, very fine impression but closely trimmed. . eR] BARTHEL BEHAM Venus and a Satyr (See No. 47) MARTIN SCHOENGAUER The Dragon (See No. 446) * . * * : ; ! Rio = . , os QS Pe . i aa . ’ 7 . - ‘ First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th BEHAM, HANS SEBALD. (Continued) 53. TWO WOMEN BATHING AND A FOOL. 1541. Engray- ing. Pauli, No. 216. (Bartsch, 214.) Fourth state; between the left leg of the fool and the right leg of the woman, a fourth set of lines has been added. Very fine impression. 54. THE GENIUS OF THE ALPHABET. 1542. Engraving. Pauli, No. 288. (Bartsch, 229.) Third state; under the left wing a new set of strong diagonal lines has been added, so that there are now four sets. Very fine impression. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 55. THE LITTLE FOOL. 1542. Engraving. Pauli, No. 284. (Bartsch, 230.) Second state; the background has been shaded with a third set of lines, a small hole carefully repaired. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 56. FEMALE GENIUS WITH THE ARMS OF THE EN- GRAVER. 1535. Engraving. Pauli, No. 269. (Bartsch, 258.) GENIUS HOLDING A SHIELD AND HEL- MET. Pauli, No. 270. (Bartsch, 259.) Only one state known of each. Fine impressions. Rare. (2.) BERVIC, CHARLES CLEMENT. (Jean Guillaume). 1756-1822. 57. LA DEMANDE ACCEPTEE. 1784. Engraving after N. C. Lepicié. Royal Folio. Apell, No. 6. Second state; proof with coat of arms and only one line of inscription. Fine impression of a charming composition, with 1 inch margin. A small tear in the upper margin carefully re- paired. Duplicate of the Munich Print Room. 58. PORTRAIT OF GABRIEL SENAC DE MEILHAN. 1783. Engraving after J. S. Duplessis. Apell, No. 11. Second state; with the inscriptions. Fine impression on old pa- per, watermarked “Double Eagle and Crown.” Big mar- gin. First Session, Wednesday Evening, March 29th BINCK, JACOB. ’—About 1569. 58a. EVE. Engraving after H. S. Beham. Bartsch VIII. No. 2. Fine impression. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 5838. HERCULES AND NESSUS. -Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 49. Fine impression; closely clipped at the bottom. — From the Robert Hoe Collection. 58c. DESIGN FOR A DAGGER SHEATH. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 88. Fine and very rare. S 3 cae ir PETER PAUL RUBENS Portrait of Rubens, after Himself (See No. 412) — Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th ROTA, MARTINO. 1540-1590. 408. CHRIST APPEARING TO SAINT PETER. 1568. En- graving after Raphael. Bartsch XIV. No. 6. Good impression on contemporary paper. 409. PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN II. 1575. En- graving. Bartsch XVI. No. 83.. Good old impression. Rare. 410. VENUS AND ADONIS. Engraving. Bartsch. XVI. No. 108. Brilliant impression. ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. 1756-1827. 411. THE SURPRISE—WOOD-NYMPHS. 1799. Etchings after F. Albano. Fine impression printed in brownish black, witn full margins. (2.) RUBENS, PETER PAUL. 1577-1640. 412. PORTRAIT OF P. P. RUBENS (after himself). The cele- brated engraving by Paul Pontius (Du Pont). Dutuit VI. No. 48. Third state; with the inscription. Fine old impression, cut close to the border line and inlaid. Very rare. (See Reproduction ) 413. PORTRAIT OF P. P. RUBENS. Engraving after A. Van Dyck by P. Pontius (Du Pont) Dutuit IV. No. 68. Third state; With “Paul du Pont Sculp.” below Van Dyck’s name, but before Van den Enden’s address was burnished out and the letters “G. H.” added in the centre of the lower edge. Fine impression on paper watermarked “Crowned shield with the Baton of Basle and below it the letters P. V.”” Good margin. Very rare in this state and quality. From the Camberlyn and J. P. F. Kalle Col- lections. Second Sesion: Thursday Evening, March 30th RUBENS, PETER PAUL. (Continued) 414. PORTRAIT OF CHARLES DE LONGUEVAL, COMTE DE BUQUOY. Engraving by Lucas Vorsterman. Du- tuit VI. No. 61. Second state; before the height of the plate was slightly reduced and the eye of Providence. Very good impression in perfect order and with a small margin. 415. RECUEIL DE LA GALERIE DU LUXEMBOURG. 1707- 1710. A set of twenty-five engravings apotheosizing the lives of Mary de Medicis and Henry IV of France, by Massé, G. Edelinck, L. Chatillon, G. Duchange, Loir, J. Audran, A. Trouvain, B. Audran, Picart, Simonneau Painé, B. Picart and C. Vermeulen. Dutuit VI. No. 14; The plates 1, 2, 38, 8, and 18 are missing. Good old im- pressions with large margins. ( 20.) 416. A LION HUNT. Engraving by Schelte A Bolswert. Dutuit VI. No. 1; LANDSCAPE-WITH A GASTIE ae graving. Dutuit VI. No. 15; LANDSCAPE WITH PEASANTS DANCING. Dutuit VI. No. 20. From the R. W. Weir Collection (in part). (3.) RYLAND, WILLIAM WYNNE. 1782-(387).-1783. 417. ANTIOCHUS AND STRATONICE. Engraving after P. de Cortona. Andresen I. No. 12. First state; proof with coat-of-arms without the motto. With margin; RATI- FYING THE MAGNA CHARTA BY KING JOHN. The engraver’s last plate. Stipple after J. Mortimer. Andresen I. No. 16. First state; script letter proof. With margin; a small tear repaired. (2.) 418. PORTRAIT OF JOHN EARL OF BUTE, Lord of the Treasury. 1760. Engraving after Ramsay. Le Blanc, No. 80. With the inscription. Good impression, with margin. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SAENREDAM, JAN. 1565-1607. 419. “IT IS TO LAUGH.” Engraving after H. Goltzius. Dutuit IV. No. 64. First state; with “T ’is om te lachen” only. Fine impression on contemporary paper watermarked “shield with diagonal bar and two lions rampant.” Close- ly trimmed. SCHMIDT, GEORG FRIEDRICH. 1712-1775. 420. PORTRAIT OF GEORG DIETLOF VON ARNIM. Post- master General. 1753. Engraving after A. Pesne. Wes- sely, No. 38. (J. 75). One state only. Fine impression with small margin. Rare. From the B. Keller Collection. 421. PORTRAIT OF JOHANNES BERNOULLI. 1743. Pro- fessor of Mathematics. Engraving after J. R. Huber. Wessely, No. 8. (J. 54); Second state; with the inscrip- tion. Fine impression, with margin. 422. PORTRAIT OF FRIEDRICH WILHELM BORCK, Minis- ter of State and War. 1764. Engraving after A. Pesne. Wessely, No. 12. (J. 86). Second state; with the in- scription. Fine impression with margin. From _ the Bronner and Frankfurt Museum Collections. 423. PORTRAIT OF C. G. DE TUBIERES DE CAYLUS, Bishop of Auxerre. Engraving after Fontaine. Wessely, No. 18. (J. 40.) Second state; with the inscription. Old impression with margin; PORTRAIT OF CHRIS- TIAN AUGUST, PRINCE OF ANHALT-ZERBST. 1750. Engraving after A. Pesne. Wessely, 20. (J. 66). Second state; with the inscription. Large margin. (2.) 424. PORTRAIT OF SAMUEL BARON VON COCCEJI, Chan- cellor. 1751. Engraving after A. Pesne. Wessely, No. 23. (J. 67). Second state; with the inscription. Close- ly trimmed; PORTRAIT OF JOH. MELCHIOR DING- LINGER. 1769. Etching after A. Pesne. Wessely, No. 27. (J. 148). Third state; the upper lip has five ver- tical lines from the right nostril down. With large mar- gin. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SCHMIDT, GEORG FRIEDRICH. (Continued) 425.. ELISABETHA PETROWNA, EMPRESS OF RUSSIA, in coronation robes, full length standing. 1761. Engravy- ing after L. Tocqué. Wessely, No. 80. (J. 82). Second state; with the inscription. - A beautiful impression of this great plate, in perfect condition. The engraver’s master- eet (See Frontispiece ) 426. PORTRAIT OF FRIEDRICH VON GORNE, Postmaster General. Engraving. Wessely, No. 45. (J. 70). Sec- ond state; before the inscription was changed from French to German. Good impression with small margin; POR- TRAIT OF J. OFFRAY DE LA METTRIE. Physician and Philosopher. Engraving. Wessely, No. 58. (J. 76). Fifth state; “de Vies” has been changed to “des Ris.” Large margin. (2.) 427. PORTRAIT OF LOUISE ALBERTINE VON BRANDT, Baroness Von Grapendorf. Engraving. Wessely, No. 46. (J. 74). First state; before the names of the ar- tists and with the white place on the wing of Saturnus. Fine impression with large margin. Very rare. From J. A. Borner, Niirnberg, who affixed his signature to the finest prints only. 428. PORTRAIT OF FREDERICK HENRY, PRINCE OF PRUSSIA. 1767. Engraving after A. Vanloo. Wes- sely, No. 49. (J. 88). Second state; before the two dots between the word “Roy” and the date. Fine impression with margin. 429. PORTRAIT OF ADRIENNE LE COUVREUR. Engravy- ing after Fontaine. Wessely, No. 62. (J. 27). Third state; before Odieuvre’s address was burnished out. Good impression with large margin; PORTRAIT OF D. J. N. LIEBERKUMN, Physician. Etching. Wessely, No. 65. (J. 138). Second state; before the slips of the graver on the left margin had been burnished out. With the etcher’s dry stamp, which he affixed to especially selected impres- sions only. With margin. Very fine and rare. From the “D” Collection, Fagan No. 129. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SCHMIDT, GEORG FRIEDRICH. (Continued) 430. PORTRAIT OF PIERRE MIGNARD, the celebrated painter. 1744. Engraving after H. Rigaud. Reception- plate to the Academy, Paris. Wessely, No. 70. (J. 59). The state cannot be ascertained as the margin is com- pletely missing. An unusually brilliant impression; Por- Trait oF ANTOINE FRANCOIS PREVOST, Almoner to the Prince de Conti. 1745. Engraving from life. Wessely, No. 89. Fourth state; with the comma after the word “Roy”. Good impression with margin. (2.) 431. PORTRAIT OF PHILIP V. KING OF SPAIN. Engraving after Vanloo. Wessely, No. 86. (J. 60). Second state, before the ornaments on the border and before ‘Vanloo”’ was changed to “Wanloo,” etc. Only the face of the por- trait is Schmidt’s work, the rest is engraved by Wille. The border which is on a separate plate is by an unknown engraver. Very fine impression with large margin. From the Aug. Spazier Collection. 432. PORTRAIT OF CYRILL, COUNT RASUMOWSKY. 1762. Engraving after L. Tocqué. Wessely, No. 90. (J. 83). Second state; before the entire inscription had been burnished out and reengraved and the wording changed from “omnium Russiar. . . .” to “S. J. Maj. Parvae Russiae. .. .” Very fine impression with large margin. From the Aug. Spazier Collection. 433. PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT. 1771. Etching after Rembrandt. Wessely No. 91. (J. 151). Second state; with the dedication. Good old impression, with margin; ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT (sup- posed). 1771. Etching after Rembrandt. Wessely, No. 92. (J. 150.) Third state; with the inscription in the lower margin. Good impression with a small stain. Small margin. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SCHMIDT, GEORG FRIEDRICH. (Continued) 434 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. PORTRAIT OF CONSTANTIN SCARLATI, Prince of the Moldawa. Engaving after Liotard. Wessely, No. 100. (J. 39). Only one state. Very fine impression with mar- gin. From the Aug. Spazier Collection. PORTRAIT OF THE ENGRAVER DRAWING. 1752. Painter-etching. Wessely, No. 102. (J. 134). Second state; with the artist’s name. Fine impression with mar- gin; PORTRAIT OF THE ENGRAVER, called “With the spider.” 1758. Painter-etching. Wessely, No. 1038. (J. 141). Third state; with the third set of lines on the wall near the window. Fine impression with large margin. From the Aug. Spazier Collection. (2.) PORTRAIT OF J. J. DE SCHOUWALOW, Chamberlain to the Czar of Russia. 1762. Etching after Lagrenée Wes- sely, No. 108. (J. 143.) First state; before additional work and the slip of the graver at the upper edge of the collar. Good impression with margin. Very rare. From a collection unknown to Fagan. PORTRAIT OF JEAN BAPTISTE SILVA, consulting phy- sician to the King. 1742. Engraving after H. Rigaud. Wessely, No. 112. (J. 52). Only one state; Good old impression with very small margin; PORTRAIT OF DA- VID SPLITGERBER, Banker. 1766. Engraving after J. M. Falbe. Wessely, No. 113. (J. 87.) Private plate. False proof on India paper. A fine impression with large margin. (2.) PORTRAIT OF HENRY VOGUELL, Merchant of London. 1746. Engraving after A. Pesne. Wessely, No. 118. (J. 64). The only state. Good impression with very small margin. Rare. PATRIARCH JACOB. 1757. Etching after Rembrandt. Wessely, No. 127. (J. 1839.) Second state; with the white space at the top. Large margin; UNKNOWN PORTRAIT OF A MAN. 1768. Etching after Rem- brandt. Wessely, No. 129. (J. 127.) Second state; with the inscription. Good margin. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SCHMIDT, GEORG FRIEDRICH. (Continued) 440. PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT WHEN YOUNG. 1753. Etching after Rembrandt. Wessely, No. 130. (J. 117). Second state; with the set of horizontal lines on the cap. Fine impression with large margin; HEAD OF AN OLD MAN. Etching. Not mentioned by Jacoby and Wessely. (2.) 441. BUST OF AN OLD WARRIOR. Painter-etching. Wes- sely, No. 148. (J. 116). First state; before the set of horizontal lines on the fur lining of the cap. Fine im- pression with margin; THE PERSIAN. 1756. Etching after Rembrandt. Wessely, No. 150. (J. 120). Third state; with the second dot after the date. With large margin. C25) 442, LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS. 1771. Etching after Rem- brandt. Wessely, No. 159. (J. 178). Fourth state; with the complete inscription. Small margin. From the “G. H.” Collection; VIRGIN, CHILD, AND SAINT JOHN. 1773. Etching after A. Van Dyck. Wessely, No. 165. (J. 176.) Second state; with the full inscription. With small margin; THE FATHER OF THE JEWISH BRIDE. 1770. Etching after Rembrandt. Wessely, No. 190. (J. 129.) Second state; before the slip of the graver on the paper bearing an inscription. With small margin. (3.) SCHOENGAUER, MARTIN. About 1445-1491. 443. THE CROWN OF THORNS. (From the Passion). En- graving. Bartsch VI. No. 13. At the top the white paper is cut off; at the left side 4mm and at the bottom 7mm of the printed surface has been lost. Three small tears repaired. Very rare. 444. THE RESURRECTION. (From the Passion.) Engraving Bartsch VI. No. 20. Very closely trimmed. Laid down on account of imperfections. Browned by age. Very rare. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SCHOENGAUER, MARTIN. (Continued) 445. THE SYMBOL OF SAINT LUKE. Engraving. The re- versed copy of an anonymous old master. Bartsch VI. No. 75. 446. THE DRAGON. Engraving. Bartsch VI. No. 938. Very - good impression; but has lost about 2mm on each side. (See Reproduction) SCULPTOR, DIANA. (Erroneously called Ghisi.) About 1535-after 1587. 447, CHRIST MAKING SAINT PETER THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Engraving after Raphael. Bartsch XV. No. 5. Fine old impression with margin. 448. THE BIRTH OF APOLLO AND DIANA. Engraving after Giulio Romano. Bartsch XV. No. 39. First state; be- fore any address. Fine impression with large margin. From the “F. V.” Collection. SHARP, WILLIAM. 1749-1824. 449. PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM SHARP, the engraver. 1817. Engraving after G. F. Joseph. Baker, No. 59. Third state; before the name was engraved in the white space. Proof on India paper. Small margin. 450. THE DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH. 1785. Engraving. after Guido Reni. Baker, No. 18. Sixth state; with the full title. Cut close to the plate mark. 451. PORTRAIT OF FILMER HONYWOOD, M. P. 1804. En- graving. Baker, No. 50. Second state. Proof before all letters, with full margin and deckel edges; PORTRAIT OF JOHN HUNTER, the great anatomist. 1788. The small plate. Engraving after Joshua Reynolds. Baker, No. 53. The only state. With good margin. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th SHARP, WILLIAM. (Continued) 452. PORTRAIT OF KEMBLE, Actor. 1803. Engraving after M. A. Shee. Baker, No. 58. Third state; open letter proof, with full margin and deckel edges; PORTRAIT OF THOMAS PAINE, author, 1793. Engraving after G. Romney. Baker, No. 61. First state; open letter proof, with full margin and deckel edges. (2.) STRANGE, SIR ROBERT. 1721-1792. 453. PORTRAIT OF ROBERT STRANGE, the engraver. Circu- lar engraving after J. B. Greuze. Apell, No. 50. Only one state; with full margin; ABRAHAM SENDING AWAY HAGAR.—ESTHER BEFORE AHASUERUS. Both 1762. Engravings after Guercino. Apell, Nos. 1 and 2; Second states; with the inscriptions. Fine impres- sions with large margins. (3.) 454. LAOMEDON, KING OF TROY. 1775. Engraving after Salvator Rosa. Apell, No. 30. Second state; with the full inscription. Fine impression on large paper with deckel edges; BELISARIUS. 1757. Engraving after Salvator Rosa. Apell, No. 36. Second state; with the inscription. Large margin. (2.) 455. DEATH OF DIDO. 1776. Engraving after Guercino. Apell, No. 81. Second state; before the third line of the inscription “ad exemplar etc.” was added. A very rich impression, with full margin. 456. CHARLES I, KING OF ENGLAND, in Coronation robes, 1770. Engraving after Van Dyck. Apell, No. 45. Sec- ond state; with the inscription. Good margin. THOURNEYSSER (Thurneyssen), JOHANN JACOB. 1636-1718. 457. PORTRAIT OF CAMILLE DE NEUFVILLE DE VILLE- ROI, Archbishop of Lyon. 1672. Engraving after N. Mignard. Le Blanc, No. 24. Very fine impression with good margin. Very rare. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN DE PASSE, CRISPIN. About 1565-1637. 458. PORTRAIT OF PETRUS DE FUENTES, Spanish General and Governor of Belgium. Engraving. Franken, No. 616. Fine old impression on paper watermarked “Crescent with a face.” Bricquet, No. 5829; with large margin; PORTRAIT OF C. JULIUS CAESAR. Engraving not » mentioned by Franken. Old impression on paper water- marked “Small double eagle surmounted by a crown.” With margin. (2.) 459. PORTRAIT OF JAMES I., KING OF ENGLAND. 1613. Engraving. Franken, No. 681. Fine old impression on paper watermarked “Eagle with the baton of Basle.” (about 1605). Very small margin. Extremely rare. From the E. B. Holden Collection. 460. PORTRAIT OF MARTEN HARPERTSZOON TROMP, celebrated Dutch Admiral. Engraving from _ life. Franken, No. 905. Good old impression on paper water- marked “Crowned shield with tower.” Very small mar- gin, slightly stained and one corner of white paper re- placed. Rare. VAN DYCK, ANTHONIE. 1599-1641. 461. PORTRAIT OF JODOCUS DE MOMPER, Painter. Painter-etching. One of the twenty undisputed plates by the master. Dutuit IV. No. 7. Fifth state; the letters “G. H.” have been burnished out and the upper corners carefully replaced. 462. PORTRAIT OF FRANS SNYDERS. Painter. Painter-etch- ing. One of the twenty undisputed plates by the master. Dutuit IV. No. 11. Fourth state; the letters “G. H.” have been burnished out. On paper watermarked “Crowned shield with fleur-de-lis and below it the mono- gram W. R.” From the edition of Gillis Hendricx or J. Meyssens between the years 1675 and 1900. Full margin; Also AN OLD DRAWING of the same portrait in black chalk. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN DYCK, ANTHONIE. (Continued) 463. PORTRAIT OF WILLEM HONDIUS, Engraver. En- graving by W. Hondius. Dutuit IV. No. 35. Fifth state; PORTRAIT OF ADAM DE COSTER, the painter. Engraving by Peter de Jode. Dutuit IV. No. 38. Fifth state. Both prints in the same state and condition as the preceding number; Also TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk of the same portraits. ( 4.) 464. PORTRAIT OF CORNELIS POELENBORCH, Painter. Engraving by Peter de Jode. Dutuit IV. No. 42. Sixth state; PORTRAIT OF CORNELIS’ VAN DER GUST, Painter. Engraving after Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 54. Fifth state. Both prints in the same state and condition as the preceding number; Also TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk of the same portraits. (4.) 465. PORTRAIT OF GERARD HONTHORST, the painter. Engraving by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 58. Sev- enth state; PORTRAIT OF DANIEL MYTENS, the Painter. Engraving by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 62. Fifth state. Both prints in the same state and con- dition as the preceding number; Also TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk of the same portraits. (4.) 466. PORTRAIT OF PALAMEDES PALAMEDESSEN, battle painter. Engraving by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 64. Fifth state; PORTRAIT OF THEODOR ROM- BOUTS, Painter. Engraving by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 67. Fifth state. Both prints in the same state and condition as the preceding number; Alsos TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk of the same por- traits. (4.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN DYCK, ANTHONIE. (Continued) 467, PORTRAIT OF ADRIAAN STALBENT, landscape painter. Engraving by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 72. Sixth state; PORTRAIT OF JAN WILDENS, landscape painter. Engraving by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. _ 76. Fourth state. Both prints in the same state and condition as the preceding number; Also TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk of the same portraits. (4.) 468. PORTRAIT OF JACOB DE CACHOPIN, Art amateur. 469 470 Engraving by Lucas Vorsterman. Dutuit IV. No. 82. Fifth state; PORTRAIT OF HUBERT VAN DEN EYNDEN, sculptor. Engraving by Lucas Vorsterman. Dutuit IV. No. 87. Fourth state. Both prints in the same state and condition as the preceding number. Also TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk, of the same por- traits. (4.) . PORTRAIT OF CHARLES DE MALLERY, Engraver. Engraving by Lucas Vorsterman. Dutuit IV. No. 93. Fifth state; PORTRAIT OF JAN VON MILDERT, sculptor. Engraving by Lucas Vorsterman. Dutuit IV. No. 4. Sixth state. Both prints in same state and con- dition as the preceding number. Also TWO OLD DRAW- INGS in black chalk of the same portraits. (4.) - PORTRAIT OF CORNELIS DE VOS, the Painter. En- graving by Lucas Vorsterman. Dutuit IV. No. 100. Fourth state; PORTRAIT OF ANDREAS VON ERT- VELT, marine painter. Engraving by Schelte a Bol- swert. Dutuit IV. No. 102. Third state. Both prints in the same state and condition as the preceding num- ber; Also TWO OLD DRAWINGS in black chalk of the same portraits. (4.) 471. PORTRAIT OF THOMAS PRINCE OF SAVOY. Engrav- ing by Paul Pontius. Dutuit IV. No. 166, Second state; before the address of Gillis Hendricx was burnished out. Fine impression on paper watermarked “Grape.” Small margin. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN DYCK, ANTHONIE. (Continued) 472, PORTRAIT OF DON JERONIMO DE BRAN, Art ama- teur. Engraving by Lucas Vorsterman. Dutuit IV. pp. 288-284. First state; before the additional work on the sword hilt, and the strip of embroidery running down the right sleeve. Very fine impression on paper watermarked ‘Folly with five bells.” With small mar- gin. Dutuit says that this state is of the greatest rarity. VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS. 1494-1533. 473. PORTRAIT OF LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. Engraving by Cornelis Galle (Th. Galle excud.). Fine impression on paper watermarked with the monogram “P. L. Z.” Small margin. From the Burleigh James and P. Gel- latly Collections. 474. THE EXPULSION FROM PARADISE. 1529. Engravy- ing. Dutuit V. No. 4. On paper watermarked with the “Gothic P.”; CAIN KILLING ABEL. 1529. Engrav- ing. Dutuit V. No. 5. Laid down From two collec- tions unknown to Fagan; ADAM AND EVE LAMENT- ING THE DEATH OF ABEL. 1529. Engraving Dutuit V. No. 6. On paper watermarked ‘‘small shield with fleur-de-lis and above it a cross.” From the Bur- leigh James and P. Gellatly Collections. C3.) 475. LAMECH AND CAIN. 1524. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 14. Good old impression. 476. LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS. 1530. Engraving. Du- tuit V. No. 16. Very good impression. From the Baron von Lanna Collection 477. ABRAHAM SENDING AWAY HAGAR. 1516. Engrav- ing. Dutuit V. No. 18. Old impression. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS. (Continued) 478. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484, JOSEPH TELLING HIS DREAMS—JOSEPH AND POTIPHAR’S WIFE—JOSEPH IN PRISON— JOSEPH BEFORE PHARAO. 1512. Engravings. Dutuit V. Nos. 19, 20, 22, and 28. Good old impres- sion, before the retouch. On paper watermarked with — the “Gothic P.” Slightly repaired and two with stains. From the Duke of Aremberg Collection. . DAVID PLAYING BEFORE SAUL. About 1508. En- graving. Dutuit V. No. 27. Good impression with large margin. One of his most important plates. SUSANNAH AND THE ELDERS. About 1508. Engrav- ing. Dutuit V. No. 33. Good impression on paper watermarked “Quartered shield with five circles, eagle, two hermines and a fleur-de-lis. No margin. SAINT JOACHIM EMBRACING SAINT ANN. 1520. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 34. Very good impression; closely trimmed and with a thin corner. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGII. 15138. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 37. Late impression of the original. Slightly repaired, no margin Dutuit says: “This is one of the most important and rarest works of the engraver.” THE ADORATION OF THE MAGII. 1513. Engraving. A contemporary and very deceptive copy on paper water- marked “Little Jug.” Laid down on account of imperfec- tion; Also ANOTHER COPY by an engraver of the end of the XVIIIth, or beginning of XIXth, century. (2.) THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST. About 1510. Engraving. With small margin. From the H. F. Sewall collection and Duplicate of the Boston Musem. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS. (Continued) 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. SIX PLATES OF THE PASSION :—THE BETRAYAL OF CHRIST.—THE MOCKING OF CHRIST.—THE FLAGELLATION.—THE CROWN OF THORNS.— THE CRUCIFIXION AND THE ENTOMBMENT. Dutuit V. Nos. 45, 47, 48, 49, 52, and 54. With the ex- ception of No. 47 they are possibly the copies by Jan Muller. Good impressions with margins. No. 47 is the original, bears M. Petri’s address and is without margin. From the Baron Scheffler Collection. (6.) CHRIST PRESENTED TO THE PEOPLE. 1510. En- graving Dutuit V. No. 71. Contemporary impression. Laid down on account of imperfections. No margin. Duplicate of the Boston Museum. CHRIST APPEARING TO MARY MAGDALEN. 1519. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 77. Fair impression. No margin. From the Baron de Triqueti and Griggs Collec- tions. THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL. About 1516. En- graving. Dutuit V. No. 78. Second state, with “Mar- tini Petri excud.” Small margin. THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL. 1509. Engrav- ing. Dutuit V. No. 107. Very good impression on con- temporary paper, watermarked ‘Crowned Pitcher.” Closely trimmed and small defects along the edges care- fully repaired. From the Theobald Collection. SAINT CHRISTOPHER. About 1521. Engraving. Du- tuit V. No. 109. Good old impression, with a very small margin on three sides. Rare. SAINT JOHN IN THE DESERT. 1513. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 110. Good old impression; with a small margin. From the Baron von Lanna Collection. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS. (Continued) 492. THE BEHEADING OF SAINT JOHN. About 1513. En- graving. Dutuit V. No. 111. Good, old impression, closely trimmed and with a small stain. From the Baron von Lanna Collection. 493. SAINT ANTHONY, THE HERMIT. 1521. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 116. Good old impression, closely trimmed. From the Z. J. Karnicki and Baron von Lanna Collections. 494. THE TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY. 1509. En- graving. Dutuit V. No. 117. Fair impression on paper watermarked “Dart and the letter W.” Closely trimmed just leaving the border line. 495. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI. About 1514. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 120. Good old impression but very close- ly trimmed. At the top it has lost from 2 to 5 mm. 496. SAINT MARY MAGDALEN GIVING HERSELF UP TO THE PLEASURES OF THE WORLD. Also called “Saint Magdalen’s Dance.” 1519. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 122. First state before “Martini Petri exc.” was added. 497. SAINT MARY MAGDALEN IN THE DESERT. About 1508. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 123. Fairly good im- pression with margin. 498. THE SEVEN VIRTUES. 15380. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 127-183. A fairly good set. No. 131. On paper watermarked with the “Gothic P.” Nos. 127 and 182 with the numerals 1 and 7. No. 183 on paper water- marked “Grape with leaf.” Mostly close-trimmed, a few with a very small margin. (ie) 499. PYRAMUS AND THISBE. 1514. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 135. Fairly good impression, on paper water- marked “Grape with leaf.” Closely trimmed. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VAN LEYDEN, LUCAS. (Continued) 500. PALLAS. The engraver’s last plate. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 189. Very good impression, before the letter “L.” Closely trimmed. From the P. Gellatly Collection. 901. THE STANDARD BEARER. 1510. Engraving. Du- tuit. No. 140. Good impression. Repaired and with a false margin. From the Von Nagler, Berlin Museum and Cope Collections. Rare. 502. A FOOL KISSING A WOMAN. 1520. Engraving. Du- tuit V. No. 150. Good old impression. Trimmed down 1-2mm. From the Baron von Lanna Collection. 5038. THE DAIRYMAID. 1510. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 158. With a small margin. A very interesting plate. 504. HEAD OF A WARRIOR. 1527. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 160. Fairly good impression, trimmed down a trifle at the bottom. 505. PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. 1525. Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 173. This is now considered an etching of the XVII century after Diirer’s portrait of Van Leyden; PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN; (Supposed to be his own). Engraving. Dutuit V. No. 174. Fairly good impression. Closely trimmed. (25) VAN MECKENEM. ?—15038 506. JUDITH. Engraving. Bartsch VI. No. 4. Fairly good impression but stained and laid down on account of im- perfections. 507. THE MASS OF SAINT GREGORY. Engraving. Bartsch VI. No. 100. Fairly good impression with margin. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VELLERT, DIRCK JACOBSZ. (Dirk van Star) Flour- ished 1511-1544. 508. SAINT BERNHARD ADORING THE VIRGIN AND CHILD 1524. Engraving. Bartsch VIII. No. 8. A small tear in the upper left corner carefully repaired. Old impression on paper watermarked “Crowned shield with circle and three stars.” Briquet, No. 1093. Very rare, (See Reproduction) VENEZIANO, AGOSTINO (A. DE’ MUSI). About 1510-1540. 509. ABRAHAM’S SACRIFICE. Engraving after Raphael. Bartsch XIV. No. 5. Fine early impression, the ink penetrating the paper, with margin. From the Julian Marshall Collection. 910. THE TRIUMPH OF SILENUS. Engraving after Raphael or Guilio Romano. Bartsch XIV. No. 240. Early im- pression, the ink penetrating the paper. Stained, and small defects in the paper. With margin. From the Wil- liam Sharp Collection. dll. THE “STREGOZZO.” Engraving after Michel Angelo or Raphael. Bartsch ‘XIV. No. 426. Second state; with Veneziano’s initials. With margin at top and bottom. VERTUE, GEORGE. 1684-1756. 512. PORTRAIT OF GEORG VERTUE. Etching after his own drawing, by T. Priscott; PORTRAIT OF SARAH DUCHESS OF SOMERSET. 1736. Engraving after T. M. Q. Small margin; PORTRAIT OF BENJAMIN JOHNSON. 1730. Engraving after G. Honthorst. Fine impression. Small margin, inlaid. (3.) DIRCK JACOBSZ VELLERT ild d Ch ‘Irgin an the V Bernhard adoring St 508) (See No Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th VICO, ENEA. About 1520-1570. 513. COSMO DE MEDICIS, GRAND DUKE OF TUSCANY. Engraving after his own design. Frontispiece to “Dis- cors! Sopra esc. Venezia 1558.” Bartsch XV. No. 239. Very fine impression; PORTRAIT OF ANTONIO FRANCESCO DONI. Engraving. Bartsch XV. No. 245. Ca) 514. PORTRAIT OF CHARLES V. 1550. Engraving after his own design. Bartsch XV. No. 255; the original. Very good old impression. Rare. VILLAMENA, FRANCESCO. About 1588-1648. 515. THE LAST JUDGMENT. 1603. Engraving. Nagler XX. No. 47. On contemporary paper. With margin. Rare. From the Griggs Collection. VISSCHER, CORNELIS. 1629(?)-1658(7?). 516. THE ANTIQUARY (Andrea Odoni). Engraving after Correggio. Dutuit VI. No. 52. First state; before any inscription. Fine impression on paper watermarked “Crowned shield with fleur-de-lis and the monogram W. R. below it;” also monogram of Christ and the letters Po coe | Small margin. 517. PORTRAIT OF GELLIUS DE BOUMA, (one of the por- traits known as “The Big Beards”). 1656. Engraving from life. Dutuit VI. No. 89. Second state; before the date. Brilliant impression on paper watermarked *Fleur- de-lis,” and with small margin. The chef-d’oeuvre of the engraver. 518. ANOTHER IMPRESSION of the same, apparently earlier, but cut down. On paper watermarked “Crowned shield with fleur-de-lis” and the monogram W. R. below. (Rem- brandt paper). With the Collector’s stamp P. B. in greenish blue ink. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th a VISSCHER, CORNELIS. (Continued) 519. PORTRAIT OF LIEVEN VAN COPPENOL, the Writing master. Engraving from life 1658. Dutuit VI. No. 98. Second state; the front of the right sleeve is lightly shaded, but still before any inscriptions. Very fine im- pression on paper watermarked, “Monogram of Christ.” From the A. F. Didot Collection. 520. PORTRAIT OF JAN MERIUS. Engraving from life. Du- tuit VI. No. 103. Second state. Good old impression with small margin. 521. PORTRAIT OF VONDEL, the Poet. Engraving from life. Dutuit VI. No. 120. Seventh state; with “1657 aet. 70” but before “Justus Danckers Excud.” Very good impression on paper watermarked “Small Folly”; with margin. 522. PORTRAIT OF FRANCISCUS VALDESIUS. 1649. En- graving. Dutuit VI. No. 130. Second state; with the inscription and the number I. Very good impression with margin; PORTRAIT OF JANUS DOUSA. 1649. Engraving. Dutuit VI. No. 182. Second state; with the inscription and before the number III was burnished out. Fine impression with margin. C25) VISSCHER, JAN. 1634-1692(7). 923. PORTRAIT OF ABRAHAM VAN DER HULST, Vice Ad- miral of Holland. Engraving after J. Van der Helst. Andresen IH. No. 4, Fine impression with margin. VORSTERMAN, LUCAS. About 1595-1675. 524, PORTRAIT OF ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM. Engray- ing after J. Holbein. Nagler XX. No. 80. From the Thomas Lawrence and Griggs Collections. Second Session, Thursday Hvening, March 30th WILLE, JEAN GEORGES. 1715-1808. 525. 526. 527. 528. Cr iw) No) PORTRAIT OF JEAN GEORGES WILLE. 1771. En- graving by P. C. Ingouf after a design by P. A. Wille, the son. Good impression with margin; ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF THE SAME. 1776. Engraving by I. G. Miiller after J. B. Greuze. Apell No. 41. Third state; with the address of the engraver. Very good im- pression with margin. A trifle foxed. (2.) SAPPER OF THE SWISS-GUARDS. 1779. Engraving after his own design. LeBlanc No. 86. Third state; proof before letters, with the coat-of-arms and the en- graver’s name. Very fine impression with large margin. PORTRAITS OF LOUIS, DAUPHIN OF FRANCE, AND MARIE JOSEPHE, OF SAXONY, DAUPHINE OF FRANCE. Both engravings after Daniel Klein. Le- Blanc No. 106 and 108. Very good impressions with large margins. No. 106 from the W. Benoni White Col- lection. (23) PORTRAIT OF PIERRE DE GUERIN DE TENCIN, Cardinal. Engraving after E. Parrocel. Le Blanc No. 109. Second state; with the inscription, but before the cross of the Archbishop, in the coat-of-arms, was coy- ered with dots. Fine impression with margin. . PORTRAIT OF CHARLES, COMTE D’AUMALE, Lieutenant General. 1751. Engraving after Jean Chevalier. LeBlanc. No. 128. Second state; with the inscription. Fine impression with small margin; POR- TRAIT OF CHARLES FREDERICK, MARGRAVE OF BADEN AND HACHBERG. 1745. Engraving after J. F. Guillebaud. LeBlanc No. 156. Second state; with the inscription. Good impression with margin. (2.) Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th WILLE, JEAN GEORGES. (Continued) 5380. PORTRAIT OF WOLDEMAR DE LOEWENDAL, MARSHAL OF FRANCE. 1749. Engraving after M. Q. De la Tour. LeBlanc No. 122. Third state; with — the inscription. Very good-impression with margin. 5381. PORTRAIT OF LOUIS PHELYPEAUX, Comte de Saint- Florentin. 1751. Engraving after J. L. Tocqué. Le Blane No. 124, Fourth state with the word “Ministre” added. Small margin. 532. PORTRAIT OF ABEL FRANCOIS POISSON DE VAN- DIERES; Director General of Buildings. Engraving after J. L. Tocqué. 1761. LeBlanc No. 125. Fifth state. ‘To the inscription has been added a statement to the effect that this is the engraver’s Reception plate. Strong impression with full margin. 533. PORTRAIT OF NICOLAS RENE BERRIER, Lieutenant of Police. Engraving after Jacques de Lyen. LeBlanc No. 127. Third state; with the inscription, but before the addresses of Bretin and Basan. Very good impres- sion with margin. 534. PORTRAIT OF JEAN BAPTISTE MASSE. Painter. 1755. Engraving after J. L. Tocqué. LeBlanc No. 1380. Third state; with the address of the engraver added to the inscription. Good impression, a trifle foxed; with big margin. 535. PORTRAIT OF HENRI LIEBAUX, Geographer, 1747. Engraving after Jean Chevalier. LeBlanc No. 181. First state; proof before all letters. Brilliant impression with good margin. Very rare. From the F. Rumpf Col- lection. 536. PORTRAIT OF ELISABETH DE GOUY, Wife of H. Rigaud. 1743. Engraving after H. Rigaud. LeBlane No. 145. Third state; with the printer’s address added to the inscription. Full margin. Second Session, Thursday Evening, March 30th WILLE, JEAN GEORGES. (Continued) 537. PORTRAIT OF FREDERICK II., KING OF PRUSSIA. 1757. Engraving after A. Pesne. LeBlanc No. 151. Second state; with the inscription. Good impression with margin. 5388. PORTRAIT OF TYCHO HOFMAN, Danish Nobleman. 1745. Engraving after J. L. Tocqué. LeBlanc No. 1638. Fourth state (of 6); with the inscription in Latin. Very good impression with margin; PORTRAIT OF JOHANN MARTIN PREISLER, the engraver. 1743. Engraving from life. LeBlanc No. 168. Second state; with the inscription. Good impression, with margin. (2.) 539. PORTRAIT OF HIERONIMUS VON ERLACH, Mayor of Bern. Engraving after Rusca. LeBlanc No. 167. First state; with the inscription in German. Fine im- pression, closely trimmed and laid down. Rare. WOOLLETT, WILLIAM. 1735-1785. 540. DEATH OF GENERAL WOLFE. Engraving after B. West. Andresen II. No. 25. Fifth state; a small tear in the lower margin repaired. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF Pte AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED MeerayMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY fod : uae a eee: 7 s eee ideas Pel etchings an ii Moe eka age yet poem pe meetse