LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK sm ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THE COLLECTION. Adan. 51. Alvarez. Andreotti. Atalaya. Ballavoine. 22. Beard, W. H. Beraud, J. 5. Beroud, L.. 69. Blackman. 77. Boldini. 43. Bonheur, A. 136. Boulanger, 126, Breton, Jules, 128. Brissot. 62, 124. Burnier. 85. Clays. 61. Constant, Benj. 53. Coomans, A. 6, 73. Coomans, J. 58. Cooper. 8, 9. Corot. rs. Daubigny. 116. De Beul, F. 2, 3. De Beul, L. 67. De Haas. 63. Delahaye. 19. De Neuville. 92, 93. De Paal. 122. De Penne. 31, 81. Tetti. 96. Diaz. 59, 113. Diehlman. 76. Dc mingo. 20. Donat. 1x, 72. Dupre, Jules. Emery. 100. Enrique. 10 Ettienne, Falero. 140. Ferrandez. Fondivila. 36, 37. Fortuny. 135. Gabrini. 33. Gallard. Lepinay. 7. Galofre. 134. Garnier. 18. Gaubault. 15. Gerome. Guzzone. Hagborg. Hamman. Hamon. 107. Haseltine. 35. Hernandez. 127. Herson. 34. Holmberg. 111. Isabey. 130. Jacque. 117. Jacquet. 49. Landseer, Sir E. 30. Languerock. 109. Laupheimer, 26, 27. Leclaire. 70, Lefebvre, Jules. 106. Le Roux. 47. Lesrel. 89. Leys, Baron. 104. Litschauer. 52. Loop. 78. Lovatti. 41. Loveridge. 79. Luminais. 98. Mali. 68. Mantegazza. 12, 13. McCord. 75. Millet, J. F. Moormans. Munier. 40. Meyer, Von Bremen 54. Neymark. 94. Nikutowski, 21, gr. Palmaroli. ros. Pascutti, 139. Pasini. 137. Piatrowski. Preval. 28. Priou. 44. Reh. 16, 17. Richards, W. T Rico. rz9. Robbe. 84. Roffiaen. 86. Romaine. 23. Rousseau, Theo.: Roybet. 132. Sadler. 133. Schlesinger. 48, go. Schreyer. 133. Smith, H. P. 80, Smith, Mary. 1o2. Steffan. rer. Szerner. 108. Toudouze. 50 Troyon. rr2, Unterberger. 38, 39. Valerio. or. Vallée. 123. Van Damme. 4, 71. Van Leemputten. ss, Van Marcke. 82. Velten. 24, 25. Vernon. 88. Vibert. 9. Villegas. 131. Voltz. 83. Wahlberg. 60. Wiggins. 66. Worms. 129. Zamacois. 97. Ziem. 120, er: a a - Gataloque Se Cm CoO hae oll ro tf OF ¢ a Modern Paintings, (CuiEFLY BY FavorIT—E AND RENOWNED ARTISTS.) BELONGING TO A NOTED COLLECTOR, JUST RETURNED FROM EUROPE, THE WHOLE NOW ON EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE LEAVITT ART GALLERIES, 817 BROADWAY, AND TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON Monday and Tuesday Evenings, Nov. 14 and 15, AT THE" MArt Galleries, COMMENCING AT 7.45 O'CLOCK. GEO, A. LEAVITT & CO. 1881. R. SomervIL_e, Auctioneer. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, c and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if re- quired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be ab- solutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, E, O. Jenkins’ Print, 20 North Willlam St., New York. Catalogue. obi be ever NENG Soo Aa Be, Tue First FIGURE OF THE MEASURE IS THE WIDTH. Paintings and frames are sold together, but the shadow boxes on the pictures are only loaned for exhibition purposes, and to preserve the frames in handling, and are not sold with the paintings. I DONAT (M.), Brussels Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. Light and Shade. 9% x 6%. =—3 DE BEUL (Franz), Brussels Pupil of Jacque. Lazy Momnents. Sunshine and Shadow. 6%x9%. 4 VAN DAMME (Emile), Brussels Pupil of J. H. L. DeHaas. On the Banks of the Scheldt. 16% x 11%. 5 VAN - LEE MPUD TEIN .Csrang), > = Brussels Resting by the Wayside. IO X 14, 6 COOMANS (A.), Brussels Pupil of Verboeckhoven. Contentment. 10% x 6%. 7 GALLARD LEPINAY (Emanuel), Paris Born at Aulnay (Charente Inférieure). Pupil of Jacquando. Entrance to the Harbor of Brest. 283% x 18%. 8—9 COOPER (W. H.), Hammonton Summer near Interlaken. Old Mill in the Alps. 36 x 20, IO—II ENRIQUE (T,), Born in Madrid. ' Pupil of Domingo. The Rendezvous, A Siesta in Seville. 24% X 4%. A pair of gems. 12—13 MANTEGAZZA, The Lovers. The Recruit. 12 x 16. 14 MOORMANS (Frangis Léonard Jean), Pupil of the Academy of Antwerp. Born at Rotterdam. Feeding the Gold Fish. 834 x 10%. 15 GAUBAULT (Alfred Emile), Born at Paris. Pupil of Detaille. The Picket Guard. 10% KX 11%. Madrid Naples Paris Paris 16-17 REH (Theodore), Brussels The Cavalier. Awaiting Orders. 4% xX 6%. 13 GARNIER (André), Paris Evening Glow— Normandy Coast. BOre22. 19 DELAHAYE (Felix:P.), Paris After the Storm. 40 X 30. 20 PIOTROWSKI (Francois Antoine), Paris Born at Varsovie. Pupil of Gerson and Matejko. A Hunting Party and Gipsies in Bohemia. 34. X17}2. ZI NIKUTOWSKI, Dusseldorf One of the greatest of Polish painters. Ringing for the Ferry Boat. 27% KX 21%. 22 BALLAVOINE (Jules Frédéric), Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Pils. Exempt. The Rendezvous. WALWA be ithe 23 ROMAINE (F.), Pare Coming Storm—Adriatic Coast. 44 X 30. 24-25 WEEE NOGW:): Munich The German Meissonier. The Halt at the Inn. Noon. 63% x O%. 26—27 LAUPHEIMER (A.), Munich Old Fritz. A German Dame. 6% x 8, i 28 PREVAL (Jules), Paris A Roumanian Maid. 9% X 13. 29 DOMINGO (F.), Paris Admiral Diego Blasco. 9 x 12, 30 LANDSEER (Sir Edwin), deceased. Born in London, 1802. Died, 1873. Pupil of his father, Haydon, and the Royal Academy. Knighted in 1850. Grand Medal of Honor at Paris in 1855, at the Exposition Univer- selle. Hors Concours. Associate of the Royal Academy, 1826. Academician of the Royal Academy, 1831. The Faithful Watcher. 1756 X 1334. 31 DE PENNE (Charles Oliver), Born at Paris. Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque. Medal, 1875. Awaiting the Master. 18 x 12. 32 GUZZONE (S.), Pupil of Fortuny. Boabdil the Moor. 14% X 21. 33 GABRINI (F.), Pupil of Simonettt., The Stolen Interview. 21 % 29%. 34 HERSON (Emile), deceased. Born at Paris. Pupil of Diaz. After the Storm—Barbizon. 153% X 10%, Paris Rome. Rome. 35 HASELTINE (William Stanley), Rome Born in Philadelphia. Pupil of A. Achenbach and Weber. Academician of the National Academy of Design. Member of the Pennsylvania Academy of the F. A. Amalfi. 55 X 32. 36—37 Y FONDWILA (A. Max), Venice A Sunny Day on the Coast of Naples. Lazy Hours on the Naples Shore. 1538 XII. 38—39 UNTERBERGER CEN), Brussels Santa Maggiore, Venice. The Island of Capri. 274 X 32%. 40 MUNIER (Emile), Paris Pupil of Lucas and Bouguereau. Medal, 1881. Exempt. Baby’s Lunch. X 17%. 4l POW PCE EeGNEs Paris A Bit of Scandal in the Morning News. 13°K 21%. 4 2 HAGBORG (Auguste), Paris Born at Gothembourg, Sweden. Pupil of Palmaroli and the Academy of the Fine-Arts at Stockholm. Medal, 1879. Awaiting the Return of the Fisher iplect. 1356 x 18. 43 BOLDINI (G.), Paris Born at Ferrara, Italy. Voila. 18% x 21%. ‘ 44 | PRIOU (Louis), Paris | : Born at Toulouse. Pupil of Cabanel and the Academy at Bordeaux. Medal, 1869. } Medal of the First Class, 1874. Hors Concours. The Young God Pan Tormented by Cherubs. 14 X 2556. 45—46 ANDREOTTI (Federigo), Florence The Jovial Host of an Italian Lo- canda. 10 X12. The Musical Enthusiast. TORKBI Ay Ace 47 LE ROUX (Hector), Paris Born at Verdun (Meuse). Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1863, ’64, and ’74. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 13 X 25%. 48 SCHLESSINGER (F-.), Dusseldorf A Helpful Friend. 1358 X 25. 49 ; JACQUET (Jean Gustave), © Paris Born at Paris, 1846. Pupil of Bouguereau, Medal, 1868. Medal of the First Class, 1875. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Hors Concours, | Roguish Glances. 181% x 21%. 50 TOUDOUZE (Edouard), Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Pils and M. A. Leloir. Prize of Rome, 1871. Medals, 1876 and 1877. Hors Concours. First Lessons. 19} X 25%. 51 ADAN (Louis Emile), Paris. ®Born at Paris. Pupil of Picot and Cabanel. Medal, 1875. Hide and Seek. a at [wig oa LITSCHAUER (A. Alay Dusseldorf The Unwelccome Bath. 19 X 24. 53 CONSTANT (Benjamin), Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1875 and 1876. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Roxanna. ey SA A. 54 MEYER (Jean Georges), Berlin Called MEYER VON BREMEN. Born at Bremen, 1813. Pupil of the Dusseldorf School. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Medals, at Dusseldorf, Berlin, Vienna, and throughout Europe. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. The Grateful Convalescent. 193 x 16%. This is the most beautiful specimen of the Artist shown in America for years. $3,000 has been repeatedly refused for it. 55 ETTIENNE (W.), Rome Pupil of Fortuny. The Boudoir of an Eastern Prin- GEeSS: 313 & 42. A most wonderfully beautiful production. 56 ATALAYA (Enrique), Paris Born at Seville. A prominent painter of the Spanish school. Returning from the Bull Fight, near Seville. 364% x 20%. 57 ALVAREZ y ESPINO (Gonzalo), Rome Born in Spain. Medals at Rome, Seville, and Madrid. Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876. The Favored Visitor. 19% X 24%. COOMANS (Pierre Olivier Joseph), Born at Brussels, 1816. Pupil of Van Hasselaere, at Ghent. Pupil of De Keyser, at Antwerp. Pupil of Baron Wappers. Medal at the Hague, 1857. Medal at Metz, 1858. A Pompeian Dance. 21% x 27%. In 1863 his Exhibition picture at the Salon was purchased by the Emperor Napoleon III. Brussels 59 DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse Virgile), deceased. Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876. oe Medals, 1844, 1846, and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1878, Exposition Uni- verselle. Fontainebleau. 13% X 10%. A work of the finest quality. 60 WAHLBERG (Alfred), Paris Born at Stockholm. Medals, 1870 and 1872. ' Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of ‘the ‘Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. A Summer Day on the Seine. 19% X 11%. 6L CLAYS (Paul Jean), Brussels Born at Bruges, 1819. Pupil of Gudin. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. ‘Hors Concours. A Summer Day on the Zuyder Ge, 4356 X 29%. 62 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (Felix Saturin), iRatis Born at Sens (Yonne). Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque. An artist of the greatest promise. Tending the Flock—Scene in Brit- tany. 32 38 Beh | 63 DE HAAS (M. F. H), New York Born at Rotterdam, 1832. Pupil of the Academy at Rotterdam. Pupil of Louis Meyer. Selected as Artist of the Dutch Navy, 1857. Member of the National Academy in New York. Commended by the Judges of the Centennial Exposition, 1876, St. Borland’s Bay—Isle of Jersey. 18 x IO, RICHARDS (William T.), Germantown Born in Philadelphia, 1833. Studied in Florence, Rome, and Paris. Honorary Member of the National Academy at New York. On the New Jersey Coast. 20 X 10%, 65 BEARD sW. FL); New York Born at Painesville, Ohio. Studied in Rome, Switzerland, and Dusseldorf. Member of the National Academy of New York. Startled Deer. 19 X15. 66 WIGGINS (J. C.), New York Sunset. TOR, 67 DE BEUL (Laurent), Brussels Driving the Flock. 33/4 X 21/2. 68 MALI (Prof. Christian), Grand Medal of Munich. Resting by the Way. 54% X 3334. Munich 69 BEROUD (Louis), Paris Born at Lyons. Pupil of Levastre and Gourdet. From the Salon of 1880. La Place Saint Sulpice. 45 x 58%. The Fountain in the centre contains the statue of Bossuet, Fénélon,; Massillon, and Fléichier. The painting is probably the most wonderful architectural work of art ever imported. 72 LECLAIRE: (Victor), Paris Pupil of M. L. Leclaire. Medal, 1879. Flowers. 31% X 43. Si @.ON D 2B VENING‘S. SAL E: THE FIRST FIGURE OF THE MEASURE IS THE WIDTH. 7 / VAN DAMME (Emile), Brussels Pupil of J. H. L. DeHaas. A Summer Day. 11g x 16%. 72 DONAT (M.), Brussels Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. In the Depth of the Forest. 92 x 634. Hs OOMANS (A), Brussels Pupil of Verboeckhoven. Gravity and Dignity. 10K x 6%. ees 74 VAN LEEMPUTTEN (Franz), Brussels At Home. 14 X 10, 75 McCORD (G. Herbert), New York Born in New York, 1849. Pupil of Fairman. A Gray Evening. 8 x Io. 76 DIELMAN (F.), New York Born in Hanover, Germany, 1848. Pupil of the Royal Academy at Munich. Medal, at Munich. Among the Vines. 10% x 12%. 77 BLACKMAN (Walter), New York Pupil of Gerome. Hunter under the First Empire. 9% X13%. 78 LOOP (H. A.), New York Born at Hillsdale, New York, 1831. Pupil of Couture. Studied also in Rome, Venice, and Florence. Member of the National Academy, New York. Undine. 5A ETH. 79 LOVERIDGE (Clinton), New York Landscape and Cattle. a eB 80 SMULEH (Henry P.) New York French Coast. 8% x 10%. 8I DE PENNE (Charles Olivier), Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque. Medal, 1875. Awaiting the Sportsmen. 173% x 10%. ia eet f 82 VAN MARCKE (Emile), Paris Born at Sevres, Seine-et-Oise. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867, ’69, and ’70. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal of the First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. In the Meadowlands. 1556 XIL%. 83 VOLTZ(Prof. Friederich Johann), Munich Pupil of the Academy of Munich. Born at Nordlingen, 1817. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin. The Great Wurtemberg Art Medal. Landscape and Cattle in Thurin- gia. 16x9¥%. His pictures are represented in all the Royal Galleries of Germany. | 84 ROBBE (Louis Marie Dominique Romain), Brussels Born at Coutrai, 1807, Medal, 1844. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. The Happy Family. 28% x 17%. 85 BURNIER (Richard), Dusseldorf Born at The Hague. Pupil of the Academy of Holland and Lambinet. Holland Landscape and Cattle. 23 & 15. 86 : ROLE LAE IN CE .), Dusseldorf An illustrious painter. Morning on Lake Brientz—View from the Village of Weltwald. 31@ X 19K. 87 MOORMANS (Francois Léonard Jean), Paris Pupil of the Academy at Antwerp. Born at Rotterdam. The Health of the King. 125% x 9%. The finest specimen of the artist. 88 VERNON (Paul), Paris Born at Paris.! mote Pupil of Diaz. ; After the Bath. 103 X13. An exquisite work of art. ries i 89 LESREL (Adolphe Alexandre), Paris Born at Genest (Manche). Pupil of Gerome. The Bearer of the Standard. 10% x 16%. go SCHLESINGER (F.), Dusseldorf Right in the Bull’s Eye. 143 x 18%. oI NIKUTOWSKI, Dusseldorf One of the greatest of Polish painters. A Tscherkesse of the Ural Moun- tains. 21M x 26%. 92—93 DE NEUVILLE (Alphonse Marie), Paris Born at Saint Omer (Pas-de-Calais), 1836. ~ Pupil of Laurient and Delacroix. Medals, 1859 and 1861. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Hors Concours. Porte-fanion (Chasseurs a pied). Porte-fanion (Infanterie de ligne). 11% x 20%. 94 NEYMARK (Gustave Mardoche), Paris Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Bonnat. The Scout. 9% X 14. 95 : BERAUD (Jean), Paris Born at St. Petersburg. Pupil of Bonnat. Exempt. La Place de l/Europe—Paris, 29 X 19%. 2 96 DETTI (Cesar), Raris Born at Rome. Awaiting the Loiterers. 2X 1B. A superb work of art. 97 f ZAMACOIS (Edouard), deceased. Pupil of Meissonier. Born at Bilboa, 1840. Died, 1871. Medal, 1867, Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Discovered Marauders. 7% X 9%. A picture of the finest quality. 98 LUMINAIS (Evariste, Vital), Paris Born at Nantes, 1818. Pupil of Troyon and Léon Cogniet. Medals, 1852, 1857, and 1861. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1869. Hors Concours. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. j The Call of the Gaul. 15x 18, 09 VIBERT (Jean Georges), Paris Born at Paris, 1840. Pupil of Barrias and the School of the Fine-Arts. Medals, 1864, 1867, and 1868. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours, The Master’s Out. 9% x 6%. i 100 EMERY (J.), Dusseldorf The Cavalier’s Farewell. 10% x 12%. IOI VALERIO (Théodore), deceased. Born at Herserrang (Moselle). Pupil of Charlet. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Hors Concours. The Master’s Flock. 18% x 103, 102 SMITH (Mary), deceased. The Desperate Struggle. I4 xX IO. 103 MILLET (Jean Francoise), deceased. Born at Greville, 1814. Died, 1875. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Pensioned to Study in Paris, by Cherbourg, in 1834. Medals, 1853 and 1864. Medal, First-class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Uni- f verselle. French Peasant Woman, Resting. 6% x 8%. Nothing finer in quality can be obtained by Millet. This artist, during his whole life, only painted eighty pictures. After his death, his designs and unfinished studies were sold at the Hotel Drouot in Paris; and although numbering but 56, they brought 321,034 francs. Another small collection of designs were sold just after, and brought 431,050 francs. 104 LEYS (Baron Jean Auguste Henri), deceased. Born at Antwerp, 1815. Died, 1869. Pupil of F. De Brackeleer. Made Baron in 1862. Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Member of the Academy of Antwerp. Luther Singing before the Burgo- y master at Eisenach. 16% x 11%. This is the finest work that Leys ever executed, and upon the large picture of this same subject his reputation is based, 105 PALMAROLI (Vicente), Paris Born at Madrid. Pupil of his Father and Madrazo, and the Academy of the Fine-Arts at Madrid. Medal, 1868, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Artistic Studies at Palermo. I5 X 10%. 106 LEFEBVRE (Jules Joseph), Paris J Born at Tournan (Seine-et-Marne), in 1836, Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Prize of Rome, 1861. Medals, 1865, ’68, and ’70. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medals, First-class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours, The Prayer to the Virgin. 8% x 11. 107. HAMON (Jean Louis), deceased. Born at Plouha (Cétes du Nord), 1821. Died on the way to Vichy, 1874. Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Gleyre. Medal at the London Exposition, 1851. Medals at Paris, 1853 and 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. At the Fountain, This work, although unsigned, is fully guaranteed. It came through the house of M. Knoedler & Co, 12% x 16%, 108 SZERNER (Wladyslaw), Paris A Suspicious Approach. 13% x 16%. 109 LANGEROCK (Henri), Paris Born at Ghent (Belgium). Pupil of the Academy at Ghent. A Pleasant Pastime. 15 x 18%, IIo HAMMAN (Prof. Edouard-Jean-Konrad), Paris Born at Ostend, 1819. Pupil of De Keyser of Antwerp. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medals, 1853, 1859, and 1863. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Hors Concours. , Thy Word is Truth. 18 x 2134, III HOLMBERG (L.), Munich Captured Banditti. 16 X 22, II2 . f TROYON (Constant), deceased. Pupil of Rivereux. Born at Sévres, 1810. Died, 1865. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1848, and 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Feeding the Flock. 8% x 10%. 113 DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse Virgile), deceased. Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876. Medals, 1844, 1846, and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. The Bather. 73% X 10%. A work of the finest quality. II4 DUPRE (Jules), Paris Born at Nantes, 1812. Medal, 1833. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Hors Concours. Late Afternoon on the Holland Coast. 1938 X 12%, A valuable work. 115 COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille), deceased. Born at Paris, 1879. Died, 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals, 1833; First-class in 1848 and 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846, Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. } Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1876. Early Morning in France. 22x 18%, 116 DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois), deceased. Born at Paris, 1817. Died in Paris, 1878. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1848, and First-class in 1853, 1857, and 1859. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 18509. Medal, First-class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. On the Coast near Dieppe. a 2237 X 1394. aby/ JACQUE (Charles Emile), Panis Born at Paris, 1813. Medals, 1861, 1863, and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Cencours. Landscape and Sheep. 18% x 12%. 118 : ROUSSEAU (Theodore), deceased. Pupil of Leithere. Born, 1812. Died, 1867. Medals, 1834, 1849, and 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. The Pool at Barbizon. 8% x 6M. An exquisite example. 119 Born at Madrid. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. ‘ Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Scene in Venice—Noon. 4 x 6%. A gem of art. RICO (Martin), 120 { ZIEM (Felix), Patisae.4 Born at Beaume (Cote d’ Or), Paris. Studied at Paris. Medals, 1851, and First Class, 1852. i Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Giardino Popolare. I21I Munich STEFFAN (J. C.), A Storm in the Bavarian Alps. 11% x 16%. I22 Paris DE PAAL (L.), Pupil of Diaz. Fontainebleau. 1434 x 18. 123 VALLEE (Etienne Max), Paris Born at Vitteaux (Céte d’Or). Pupil of Péquégnot. In the Forest of Fontainebleau. 16 X 1234, 124 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (Felix Saturnin), Paris Born at Sens (Yonne). Pupil of Cogniet and Jacque. An Artist of Sterling Merit. Gathering in the Flock. 32 X 23. ype eT als Bale 125 GEROME (Jean Louis), Paris Born at Vesoul, 1824. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Professor in the French Academy of the Fine-Arts. Medals, 1847 and 1848. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute, 1865. Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle. First Love. 9% X 12%. 126 BOULANGER (Gustave Rodolphe Clarence), Paris Born at Paris, 1824. Pupil of Delaroche and Jollivet. - Professor in Paris of the School of the Fine-Arts. Prize of Rome, 1849. Medals, 1857, 1859, and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 186s. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. The Home of the Poet Horace. IO X I4. Nothing finer than this by Boulanger has ever been painted. I27 HERNANDEZ (D.), Paris Born in Spain. After the Bath. 9% X 15%. 128 BRETON (Jules Adolphe), Paris Born at Courriéres (Pas de Calais), 1827. Pupil of Dréiling and Devigne. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Medal, First-class, 1857. Medals, 1859 and 1861. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Medal, First-class, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1872. Hors Concours. A Little Comfort. uf I2U xc IZ24 X15; SS ' 129 WORMS (Jules), Paris Born at Paris, 1837. Pupil of Lafosse. His exhibition picture of 1868, is in the Luxembourg. Medals, 1867, 1868, and 1869. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, 1876, Exposition Universelle.| Hors Concours. The Place of Meeting. 1256 x 16. PEGE 130 ISABEY (Louis Gabriel Eugene), Paris Born at Paris, 1804, Pupil of his Father. Medals, First-class, 1824 and 1827. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Medal, First-class, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. A Scene in Venice when in her Glory. ate ST bees eae 131 VILLEGAS, Rome One of the greatest Artists in the world. The Consultation. 31% XK 20%. This example is one of the most important and beautiful in every way that has ever been shown in America. 132 ‘ve ROYBET (Ferdinand), Born at Uzés (Gard). Medal, 1866. The Zenana of the Sultan. 26 X 21%. One of the most important specimens ever imported. 133 é SADLER (W. Dendy), London® 1 ea Palm Sunday. ; Sie 3614 x 27. His picture in this year’s Royal Exhibition excited the most interest ~ of any picture in that great display. 134 GALOFRE, Paris : rH) The Charmer, 18% x 30%. 135 FERRANDEZ (Bernardo), Malaga’ ‘Professor of the Academy of the Fine-Arts at Malaga, AND FORTUNY (Mariano), deceased. Born at Reuss, near Barcelona, 1838. Died at Rome, 1874. Pupil of the Barcelona Academy and the Academy of Chigi, at Rome. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858. Many Decorations from various countries. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Strada Santa Lucia at Naples. 14% X 9}. The figures in this picture were painted by Fortuny, the last year of his life. The picture is unique. BONHEUR (Francois Auguste). Born at Bordeaux, 1824. Pupil of his Father and Troyon. Medals, 1852, 1857, and 1859. Medals, First-class, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. Sunlight and Shadow. 20 x 16. PASINI (Albert), Pupil of Ciceri. Born at Busseto, Italy. Medals, 1859, 1863, and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor at the Academies of Parma and Turin. Arabs on a Hunting Tour. 183/ x 13%. A superb example of Pasini. SCHREYER (Aduipne), Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Medals at Paris, 1864, 1865, and 1867. Hors Concours. In 1862 created Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift. The Council of War. 55 X 20%. One of Schreyer’s most important works; most beautiful in tone, color, and finish. 139 PASCUTTI (Antonio), Born at Venice. Pupil of the Academy of the Fine-Arts at Venice. The Rialto at Venice. 49% X 27%. The most important picture ever painted by this artist. 140 FALERO (Luis Ricardo), Paris Born at Grenada. One of the greatest living painters of the nude. The Vision of Faust. 59% X 32. The greatest and the most peautiful work of this great painter of the nude.