ae a ot ey i 3 hy a ae A) t Nth bt iy. WET Veh ae a 4 ah i 4 a ¢ fa) hy ‘ly Pith aah Mai a epee i = ar ‘ , vi : ri a as P i rn ; ¥ ijn? | Ve 4 — ? c ‘f) ‘ mS \ Pa re hh tae ; 7 ‘ i~« J j a ; . Neos . ‘ ; a \" ‘ oe ] ' & a) ks ° r j ’ he | hi rg ' 4a) . 5 2 > . Aihey ‘ eco ; , f WA: : 0 “i - f 4 : er : 4) ; i " i = 4 ae I ; ; 7 - ¢. :; A “4 ' ‘ f = P du ea ’ j 1 " r Ay 43 é ‘ Vy = ‘ oe ie « i * i} i 5 . 4 7 A 1 . a) ak a . i { | : tear a a a er. >. : 4 4 ot : 5x At vee : s r : p ' . ae: a oar MES d 719 “ay yes? = oa is ~~ ‘ ’ on ev _ WS Eclephone Murray Bill 3047 Poreelains ‘ 1 “ Potteries Ldward G. Getz Bronzes Sates Antique Chinese Morks of Art Crystals te. 21 Kast 47th Street New Hork ——— Pee of the Ming Period Mareh lst, 1924 The Anderson Galleries, Park Avenue & 59th Street, New York Gity. Gentlemen: As stated to you in person, I am making this public sale in the first instance because my lease here is expiring very shortly, and my health has not been so good for a long time. ‘Therefore I have decided, in de= ference to my family to take a vacation ane rest-cure for an indefinite period. With these facts in view I have coneluced to make this sale, amd with it to ineluce my entire collection of Chinese porcelains, potteries, jades, lamps, textiles, show-cases, etc., etc. You are aware that many of these objects are of superlative quality and purchased at high cost. It is my belief that they will form an impres= sive exhibition in your Galleries. The catalogue is as complete anc comprehensive as cir- cumstance permitted. It will be founcé coneise and accur= ate with regard to attribution anc descriptions. For these reasons I will guarantee all pieces in my collec- tion now to be disposed of in your Galleries for a period of six months from the date of sale. Believe me, Very truly yours, Sv ate F Gz SALE NUMBER 1832 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, MARCH TWENTY-NINTH a THE ENTIRE CHINESE COLLECTION OF MR. EDWARD G. GETZ NEW YORK CITY ANTIQUE PORCELAINS, POTTERIES, JADES CRYSTALS, GLASS, LAMPS, SNUFF BOTTLES ie Gh EBoeolOwW -CASEo ELC ETC, MANY RARE AND SUPERB PIECES TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL FOURTH, FIFTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PresipentT ] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY’“NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FOURTH MODERN CHINESE PORCELAIN LAMPS 1-41 GROUP OF FINE OLD SNUFF BOTTLES 42-59 CARVED AMBER SPECIMENS 60-69 JADE VASES, CRYSTAL AND POTTERY FIGURES, ETC. 70-101 INTERESTING GROUP OF ANCIENT CELADONS 102-1284 ANCIENT PORCELAIN VASES, ETC. 129-150 ANTIQUE COVERS, GOLD-EMBROIDERED PANELS, ETC. 1504-1500 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FIFTH GROUP OF CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES 151-158 FINE BLUE AND WHITE CABINET PORCELAINS 159-188 FINE OLD POWDER-BLUE PORCELAINS 189-199 TALL IMPERIAL PORCELAIN VASE 200 DECORATED PORCELAINS 201-227 GROUP OF MONOCHROMES 228-232 RARE PEACH-BLOOM PORCELAINS 233-239 APPLE-GREEN PORCELAINS 240-242 GROUP OF RED MONOCHROMES 243-250 OTHER MONOCHROME PORCELAINS 251-260 GROUP OF INTERESTING WHITE PORCELAINS 261-270 TURQUOISE AND PEACOCK BLUE EXAMPLES 271-279 RAVEN’S-WING BLACK BOTTLE AND OTHER PIECES 280-284 ANOTHER GROUP OF PEACOCK AND TURQUOISE BLUE PORCELAINS 285-292 DECORATED STARCH-BLUE AND CELADON PORCELAINS 292-296 ANTIQUE CHINESE GLASS 297-305 JAPANESE GOLD LACQUERED STAND 306 SHOW CASES AND FURNITURE 307-334c DYNASTIES AND DATES MENTIONED IN THIS CATALOGUE Sune Dynasty 960-1259 a.p. Yuan Dynasty 1260-1849 a.p. [INTERVALS OF POSTERIOR OR SHORTER DYNASTIES | Mine Dynasty PERIOD OF YUNG LO PERIOD OF HSUAN TE PERIOD OF CHENG HUA PERIOD OF HUNG CHIH PERIOD OF CH’ENG TE PERIOD OF CHIA CH’ING PERIOD OF LUNG CH’ING PERIOD OF WAN LI Cu’Inc Dynasty PERIOD OF K ANG HSI PERIOD OF YUNG CHENG PERIOD OF CH’IEN LUNG PERIOD OF CHIA CH’ING 1403-1424 a.p. 1425-1435 a.p. 1465-1487 a.p. 1488-1505 a.p. 1506-1521 a.p. 1522-1566 a.p. 1567-1572 a.p. 1573-1619 a.p. 1662-1722 a.p. 17238-17385 a.p. 1736-1795 a.p. 1796-1820 a.p. SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FOURTH, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-150 MODERN CHINESE PORCELAIN LAMPS NUMBERS 1-41 SMALL ROSE DU BARRY VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height, 10 inches SMALL CITRON-YELLOW VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height, 1014 inches CITRON-YELLOW LAMP Companion to above. (Without shade) SMALL LIGHT TURQUOISE VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height, 10 inches LIGHT TURQUOISE LAMP Companion to above. Has purple silk shade with fringe. Height over all, 18 inches CITRON-YELLOW VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. Has a yellow silk shade with fringe. Height over all, 1814 inches GREEN SPECKLED PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. Has tan silk shade with fringe. Height over all, 21 inches SANG-DE-BdkUF PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height, 16 inches 10 al 13 14 15 16 yi 18 PURPLE FLAMBE PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height, 15 inches TALL AUBERGINE PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. Has green silk shade with fringe. Height over all, 8114 inches FAMILLE-VERTE DECORATED VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. Has a green parch- ment shade with floral decoration. Height over all, 30 imches SANG-DE-BQSUF PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze vase; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height, 17 inches SANG-DE-BQZUF LAMP Companion to above. (Without shade) TALL POWDER-BLUE VASE (Mounted for lamp) Club-shape. With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and_ socket. (Without shade) Height of vase, 19 inches IMPERIAL YELLOW VASE (Mounted for lamp) Club-shape. With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and _ socket. (Without shade) Height of vase, 19 inches RED AND GRAY FLAMBE GLAZED VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height of vase, 18 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachments and socket. (Without shade) Height of vase, 181% inches -CLAIR-DE-LUNE VASE (Mounted for lamp) Tall. Amphora shape, with gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. (Without shade) Height of vase, 181% inches 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 POWDER-BLUE PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With pencilled gold decoration showing varied symbols and emblems. With gilt-bronze base and wire attachment. (Without shade) Height of vase, 19 inches TALL MIRROR-BLACK VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base and wire attachment. Has a black parchment shade with floral decoration. Height over all, 311% inches CLAIR-DE-LUNE PORCELAIN (Mounted for lamp) Graceful shape, with gilt-bronze base and wire attachment. Has a rose silk crépe shade. Height over all, 30 inches SANG-DE-BQEUF PORCELAIN VASE (Mounted for lamp) With gilt-bronze base; wire attachment and socket. Plaited light tan shade. Height over all, 27 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE PARROT (Mounted as lamp) With gilt-bronze base in antique style; wire attachment and socket. Has a pale tan silk shade with braid trimming. Eighteenth Century porcelain. Height, with shade, 24 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE PARROT LAMP Similar to the preceding. Eighteenth Century. Height, 19 inches SMALL BRASS HANGING LAMP Quadrangular shape, with red glass lining. Size, 4 inches square GILT BRASS CEILING LANTERN Globular shape, with pierced bamboo design and chain. Diameter, 10 inches GILT BRASS CEILING LANTERN Ovoidal shape, with pierced work in grapevine and squirrel design. Diameter, 9 x 10 inches POLISHED BRASS CEILING LANTERN With openwork panels, and isinglass lining. Size, 7 x 9 inches BLACKENED BRASS CEILING LANTERN Globular shape on chain, the openwork in grapevine and squirrel design, showing green silk lining. Diameter, 12 inches 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 BLACKENED BRASS LANTERN Companion to the preceding, with pierced grapevine and squirrel. BLACKENED BRASS LANTERN Companion to the preceding. POLISHED BRASS CEILING LANTERN Octagonal rim, with four chains and rounded segment; showing geo- metrical openwork, with red and green lining. Diameter, 13 inches POLISHED BRASS LANTERN With plain octagonal rim and rounded lower segment in pieced design. The four chains are beaded with crystal spheres. Diameter, 12 inches BLACKENED BRASS CEILING LANTERN Globular shape, with openwork designs, showing red silk lining. Diameter, 12 inches POLISHED BRASS CEILING LANTERN Globular shape, with pierced floral and medallion design; showing red and green silk lining. Diameter, 12 inches POLISHED BRASS CEILING LANTERN Globular shape, with four candle brackets. ‘The pierced grapevine de- sign has green silk lining. Hanging chains are beaded with green glass spheres. Diameter, 12 inches POLISHED BRASS CEILING LANTERN Octagonal design, with pierced work and painted silk panels, represent- ing the eight Immortals. Diameter, 12 inches TWO CARVED AGATE LAMP SHADE FINIALS With gilt bronze scree mounts. TWO GILT BRONZE LAMP SHADE FINIALS With purple and lapis-blue glass mountings. TWO LAMP SHADE FINIALS Similar to the preceding. With pink and purple glass mounts. CARVED GREEN AND WHITE JADEITE FINIAL For lamp shade, with gilt brass screw. 4 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 GROUP OF FINE OLD SNUFF BOTTLES NUMBERS 42-59 BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES YUNG CHENG Pear shape, with figure decoration, presenting a mock “dragon proces- sion.” Bears mark of its period. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Cylindrical shape, with figure decoration presenting pupils and their masters. Bears Dragon mark. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Cylindrical shape, with Imperial dragon decoration in dark blue over light blue waves. Bears clustered rocks and grass mark. Has teak stand. Rare. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Pear shape, with figure decoration in under-glaze cobalt-blue. Bears six character mark of its period. Teak stand. COLORED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Decoration with figure, lake and skiff in over-glaze colors. Bears six character mark of its period. DECORATED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Cylindrical shape, with mountains and lake. Presenting figures in a boat. Has teakwood stand. CAMEO BLUE AND WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened ovoid shape, carved with lapis-blue dragon designs on camphor-white ground. Has jadeite stopper. PEKING ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Tall flattened shape, with coiling pink dragon painting midst blue clouds, on yellow ground. Jadcite and coral stopper. ORNATE WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Ovoid shape, with nine Fu-dogs in strong relief, playing with em- broidered balls. Gilt-rims. Has red agate and green ivory stopper. 5 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 CARVED MOTHER-OF-PEARL SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Presenting floral and animal carving in relief. Has a green glass stopper. CARVED CHALCEDONY SNUFF BOTTLE With lotos leaf and frogs cut in greenish zones on opalescent white background. Has pink glass stopper. GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Flattened ovoid shape, with carving in low relief, showing cherry tree in blossom and border motifs. Has green jade stopper. EMERALD-GREEN AND WHITE JADEITE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal shape, with slightly flattened sides and plainly polished. Stopper of like material. GREEN JADEITE SNUFF BOTTLE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Ovoid shape, with slightly flattened sides. The carving in low relief, showing young plants and rockery. Has rose quartz stopper. SMALL AQUAMARINE SNUFF BOTTLE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Slender shape, with relief carving and undercutting, showing birds and trees, with blossoms. Has glass stopper. AQUAMARINE SNUFF BOTTLE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Slightly taller than the preceding example. Carved with a pair of aigrettes amid flowering plants and fungus. Has coral stopper. AQUAMARINE SNUFF BOTTLE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY The carving in bold relief, showing boy on water buffalo. Reverse side presenting two figures midst tall trees. Its aquamarine stopper bears a small bird. LARGE AQUAMARINE SNUFF BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Obverse presenting figure and deer undercut in bold relief. Reverse showing deer midst flowering branches. The sides have boldly carved trees and birds. Its stopper is also tipped with a bird. Height, 4 inches 6 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 CARVED AMBER SPECIMENS NUMBERS 60-69 RED AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Ovoid shape, with Fu-dogs and flowering plants carved in relief. Stopper dark red amber. RED AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Flattened ovoid; presenting low relief carved figure and palm leaf. Re- verse showing a lotos leaf motif. Has green glass stopper. Fine example. RED AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Companion piece to the preceding. UNIQUE CARVED AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE r1cHTEENTH CENTURY With landscape and figures carved in low relief. Has an amber stand and stopper carved with floral details. REDDISH-BROWN AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Tall ovoid shape, carved with the figure of a sage and his boy. The reverse side shows another servant standing beside tall pine trees. Has white quartz stopper. CARVED BROWN AMBER ORNAMENT SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Presenting pair of lizards and grapevine leaves, on teakwood stand. Height, 314 inches DARK RED AMBER MOUNTAIN ORNAMENT MING With three mountain peaks; the carving in high relief presenting five immortals and pine trees. The reverse side shows another group around a checker board. Mounted on teak stand, with openwork carving. Height, 484 inches; width, 31% inches OLD RED AMBER GROUP MING Presenting T’ung Fang So, a sage, who is accompanied by a stag and holds a peach in his hand. Carved in the round, the composition includ- ing a stork and pine trees. Has carved openwork teak stand. 7 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 RUBY-RED AMBER HAND SCREEN MING Its rectangular shape presenting sunken carving in the form of lily plants. The stand of amber, showing a like ruby hue with remarkable clearness. Height, 9 inches; width, 6 inches CHINESE DEEP YELLOW AMBER NECKLACE Containing 145 beads in graded sizes. JADE VASES, CRYSTAL AND POTTERY FIGURES, ETC. NUMBERS 70-101 WHITE AND GREEN JADE EPIDENDRUM PLANT With round green jade pot on four feet. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 31, inches WHITE AND GREEN JADE NARCISSUS PLANTS In oblong green jade jardiniére that bears four engraved and gilt char- acters. Made under Emperor Ch’ien Lung. Has teakwood stand. Size, 8.x 514 x 3 inches JADE NARCISSUS PLANT Companion to the preceding example. QUASI-WHITE JADE FLOWER PANEL Oblong shape, with applied rose-quartz and nephrite flowering plants. Including nephrite jardini¢res with carnelian bases. Height, 81% inches with stand; width, 5 mches WHITE STONE FLOWER PANEL Companion to the preceding; with floral application. Height, 8% inches; width, 5 inches EMERALD-GREEN AND WHITE JADEITE BOX CHIEN LUNG Round shape, with flat cover; showing a rare translucent quality; plainly polished. Diameter, 244 inches GRAYISH-WHITE JADE VASE CHIEN LUNG Beaker shape, with vertical ribbing and quadrifoil section; presenting four projecting “S” scrolls in successive ridges; modelled after an ancient bronze. The carving in low relief, including the “‘t’ao-t’ieh yen” or admonitory mask-like lineaments, together with Buddhistic emblems, leaf bordering, and “shou”? symbols of longevity. Height, 91% imches (From the Edward Wassermann Collection, New York, 1916) 8 78 cee) 80 81 82 THREE-PIECE SCHOLAR’S MOSS-GREEN JADE ALTAR SET EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (a) INCENSE BURNER (kai-lu), carved with two archaic dragon- head handles and loose rings. The vessel presenting recurrent “haou teen” (mask-like) limeaments in low relief, whilst its cover, with pierced floral scrolls, is surmounted by a coiling undercut dragon knob. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 51% inches (3) FLATTENED VASE (P’ing), to hold the several implements for preparing incense. The neck sustaining small dragon handles and the sides showing archaic “haou téen” (ogre mask) lineaments in conformity -with the incense burner. Height, 514 inches (c) ROUND INCENSE BOX (hsiang ho). Its cover is carved in low relief with a coiled shih-lung dragon. Diameter, 3 inches The set includes a triple stand of teakwood. ROCK CRYSTAL STANDING FIGURE OF KUAN-YIN The Chinese goddess of Mercy, clothed in full flowing drapery and hold- ing her scroll of prayers. Clear quality and brilliantly polished. Has teakwood stand. Height, 12 inches ANOTHER ROCK CRYSTAL FIGURE OF KUAN-YIN The goddess of Mercy in seated posture and holding a prayer scroll. Clear quality, brilliantly polished. Has teakwood stand. Height, 9 inches ROCK CRYSTAL FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) Representing Kuan-yin, in standing posture, with a rosary in her hand. Including an old-gold silk shade with finial and wire attachment. Has a silver-plated base. Height, 18 inches ROCK CRYSTAL FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) Representing a fairy with a basket of fish. In standing posture on silver-plated base. Including an old-gold silk shade with agate finial. Height over all, 24 inches ROCK CRYSTAL FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) Representing another manifestation carrying the vase with nectar for her devotees. The shade is made of russet-brown silk with crystal finial. Height over all, 28 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 11 | 9 83 84 86 87 88 89 GRAY CHALCEDONY ANIMAL LAMP With the fabled ch’i-lin, a supernatural animal of happy omen. Mounted on gilt-copper and teakwood base. Including a russet-brown silk shade with jade finial. Height over all, 2114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | WHITE QUASI-JADE-STONE FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) Representing one of the Taoist fairies, clothed in flowing robes; posed on a gilt copper and teakwood base. Including attachments and light blue silk shade. Total height, 25 inches GREEN JADEITE FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) Representing Kuan-yin, the Maternal, grouped with a Buddhist child and holding a ju-i (sceptre). The goddess in this posture is worshipped as the protectress of children. Mounted on gilt-copper and teakwood base. Including a light gold-colored silk shade with jadeite finial. Height over all, 23 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ANTIQUE SANG-DE-BCEUF VASE (Mounted for lamp) Tall baluster shape, showing a brilliant red K’ang Hsi color with even quality. The gilt bronze mounting is in Chinese style; has wire attach- ment with socket. Including figured maroon silk shade, gold braid and fringe trimming. Has jadeite finial. Height of vase, 181% inches; with shade, 34 inches ANTIQUE POWDER-BLUE VASE (Mounted as lamp) Tall club-shape, of brilliant blue soufflé quality and of the K’ang Hsi period. Mounted with gilt bronze in Chinese style. Silk covered wire attachment and light pinkish silk shade with fringe, and jadeite finial. Height of vase, 19 inches; with shade, 33 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) The seated Ming pottery figure, with semi-circular base, is mounted on oblong gilt and metal base. Has wire attachment and gold brocaded shade with jade finial. (Reparation at neck) Height, 19 inches MING POTTERY FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) : Seated on a semi-circular base, with yellow glazed body and turquoise draperies. Gilt metal mounting in oblong shape. Wire attachment, including a gold brocaded shade, with jade finial. Height with base, 19 inches 10 JADEITE, CHALCEDONY AND ROCK CRYSTAL FIGURES t MOUNTED FOR LAMPS [NuMBER 85] [NuMBER 83] [NUMBER 82] 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 YELLOW MING POTTERY FIGURE (Mounted for lamp) Mandarin standing on oblong base, with wire attachment and blue silk shade. Has Jade finial. Height, 18 inches; width, 8 inches MING POTTERY FIGURE Mandarin standing on oblong base and bearing ancestral tablet. His robes are glazed in turquoise-blue, imperial-yellow, purple and white. Height, 14 inches PAIR OF CHINESE POTTERY FU-DOGS MING Coated in brilliant yellow and green glazing. On own oblong pedestal. (2) Height, 9 inches PAIR OF IVORY-WHITE FU-DOGS YUAN Squatted on square pedestals of like material. Interesting examples. (2) Height, 10% inches; bases, 4 inches square GREEN AND YELLOW POTTERY VASE MING Flattened ovate form; the body is glazed in lustrous malachite-green, and ornamented with reticulated floral panels whose details are picked out in contrasting yellow and aubergine hues. The everted yellow neck is surrounded by ascending green serrated leaves, moulded in relief with white and yellow ribbings. Height, 2114 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) WAN LI FIVE-COLOR VASE MING Double gourd shape, with coral-red (rouge de fer) ground. Presenting lotos flowers amid leafy scrolls, and varied ornate borders appear through the restricted centre. Height, 1614 inches (From the Baron Speck von Sternberg Collection, 1909) “THREE COLOR” PORCELAIN PEDESTAL K’ANG HSI Tall octagonal shape, with pierced fret panels. Its border decoration with medallions on green ground, including butterflies. The top is centred by a pierced medallion and presents an overlapping yellow em- broidered cover with butterfly and bordering. Height, 14 inches; base, 9 inches square “THREE COLOR” PORCELAIN TRAY KANG HSI With scalloped rim, presenting lotus flowers in green and aubergine on yellow ground. Bordered with white hawthorn on green ground. Biscuit state underneath. Diameter, 814 inches 98 99 100 101 FIVE SAN TS’AI CONFECTION DISHES K’ANG HSI Fan shape; matching preceding tray with lotos flowers, white and auber- gine color on yellow ground. (5) Width, 8 inches ANTIQUE CLOISONNE ENAMEL DUCK MING Standing on lotos leaf; natural size and used for incense burning. The cloisonné colors including jade-green, lapis-blue and white. Height, 8 inches; width, 7 inches THREE COLOR PORCELAIN FU-DOG K’ANG HSI Squatted on oblong base. Glazed in aubergine, turquoise-blue and imperial yellow. Suitable for lamp. Height, 121% inches; width of base, 6 inches DECORATED PORCELAIN FIGURE K’ANG HSI A presentation of Li T’ai-peh, the bibulous Han poet, reclining against his wine jar in form of a peach. His green tunic is decorated with lotos flowers in “three color” glazing, sur biscuit. The peach serves as the writer’s water-holder or ink-well. Has teak stand. Height, 4 inches; length, 7 inches INTERESTING GROUP OF ANCIENT CELADONS NUMBERS 102-128 The pellucid monochrome green, termed ching tzu by the Chinese, and generally known to the Western world as celadon, while not the most ancient green-colored glaze extant, can, according to Chinese ceramic records, be referred back to the beginning of the seventh century. It was first made in the short dynasty of Sui (a.p. 581-617) and in the succeeding T’ang dynasty (a.p. 618-906), and produced in greater quantity than any other pottery; accordingly, it readily found its way into many remote parts of the Eastern countries. Ancient documents disclose that the Arabs invaded the eastern seas of China in those early centuries and carried back this product from China to the shores of the Red Sea and to India, to the Persian Gulf, and to the African coast, where (especially in Persia and Arabia) it became known as ““martibani”’ and was extensively copied. Japan was among other Eastern nations with an early appreciation of celadon; there the Chinese celadons have always been held as priceless heirlooms. Under the name of setji, they inspired the Japanese potters and served to stimulate their ceramic art. 13 102 103 104 106 108 109 Apart from historical considerations, ancient celadon (ch’ing-tz’u) ware improves with acquaintance, and in the best or rarer examples of former dynasties we have quality in a superlative degree, with indescribable peculiarities of its own. The essential beauty of Chinese celadon lies in the wonderful investiture of the glaze, its soft brilliancy, combined with a certain unctuous sur- face. There are the inimitable characteristics to be noted in the best varieties and it was the potters’ highest aim in China, during almost every period, to reproduce one of the more famous ancient celadon types, particularly of the Sung dynasty, such as appear here. SHALLOW CELADON BOWL SUNG Interior with fluted bordering. Foot showing the iron-colored rim of its provenance. Interesting uncrackled example. Has stand. Diameter, 51/4 inches SHALLOW CELADON BOWL SUNG Similar form and date to the preceding. OLD CELADON BOWL SUNG Shallow shape, with deep sea-green glaze, presenting two fishes. Iron colored foot. Has stand. Diameter, 51% inches OLD CELADON BOWL SUNG With fish. Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 5 inches CELADON BOWL SUNG Similar to the preceding. Has stand. Diameter, 5 inches ANCIENT CELADON DISH SUNG Interior presenting two fishes in low relief under the sea-green celadon glaze. Lotos ribbing appears on its exterior. Has the iron-colored foot of its epoch. Diameter, 6Y4 inches ANCIENT CELADON BOWL SUNG Deep shape, with sea-green glaze of soft smooth texture. Exterior shows lotos petal ribbing. Has the iron-colored foot of its epoch. Diameter, 614 inches RARE CELADON BOWL SUNG The celadon glaze with crackle, in parts changing to a pale shade of Ju turquoise and showing the thick running glaze at foot. Interesting example. Diameter, 51% mches 14 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 FINE CELADON BOWL SUNG Interior with raised decoration, presenting two semi-nude boys and floral scrolls. An interesting cabinet specimen. Diameter, 41 inches SMALL CELADON JAR, WITH COVER SUNG Has light pea-green tone and its cover is tipped with a small elephant. (Kiln imperfection on side) Height, with cover, 3 inches FINE CELADON JAR WITH COVER SUNG Presenting a light pea-green tone, with sand marks of the kiln at foot. Cover has lotos-leaf rim. Teak stand. Diameter, 334 inches EARLY CELADON JAR SUNG Scroll border at shoulder and ribbing at rim. Interesting light and thinly potted porcelaneous paste, with unglazed foot. Interesting and rare. Ch’ai (?) type. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 21% inches FINE CELADON TRIPOD WITH COVER SUNG Bulbous shape, with scalloped edge and a row of dotting, presenting a light unctuous sea-green glaze. Has the iron-colored foot in biscuit state. A ch’i-lin surmounts the cover. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 314 inches CELADON TEA POT AND STAND SUNG Its bowl shaped exterior presenting a row of gadroon fluting, short spout and recurved handle; with smooth gray-green glazing. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches OVAL CELADON DISH EARLY MING Its chrysanthemum moulded interior and escalloped rim is coated with a smooth grayish-green celadon glaze. The iron-colored foot appears be- low. Has teak holder. Size, 8 x 614 inches RARE CELADON BEAKER YUAN-MING Quadrilateral shape, with moulded leaf ornament inspired by early bronze prototypes. Its deep sunken foot appears with partial glaze in interesting form. Height, 14 inches RARE CELADON TRIPOD CENSER SUNG The low cylindrical exterior presenting a bordering of the Hight Trigrams (pa kua) formed by broken and unbroken lines. Glazed in onion-green celadon. Has stand and cover with jade knob. Diameter, 51/4 inches 15 119 120 121 123 125 RARE CELADON TRIPOD CENSER SUNG Low cylindrical shape, with formal floral scroll and raised on three feet. Lung Ch’iian celadon of fine smooth quality. Teak stand and cover, with jadeite finial. Diameter, 51/4, inches CELADON TRIPOD CENSER MING Rounded shape, with two twisted cord-like handles and three small feet. - The exterior showing two rows of small knobs with cool-green celadon glazing of Lung Ch’iian type, while the interior shows a diapered panel in biscuit state. Diameter, 9 inches FINE CELADON TRIPOD JARDINIERE SUNG Low cylindrical shape, raised on three feet. ‘The exterior presenting three Fu-dogs, playing with the ball emblem under the pellucid Lung Ch’iian celadon glaze. Teak stand and openwork cover with jade finial. Diameter, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EARLY CELADON TRIPOD CENSER SUNG Low cylindrical shape, raised on three small recurved feet. Lung Ch’iian yao, with floral scrolls in low relief, presenting a pellucid light green celadon of rare quality. Has teak stand and cover with jade ornament. Diameter, 71% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ORNATE CELADON TRIPOD JARDINIERE MING Cylindrical shape, with three small feet. Its exterior with raised orna- ment presenting the Eight Trigram motif between flanking bands with scrollwork. Lung Ch’tian celadon type of even quality. Teak stand and cover, with old jade finial. Diameter, 91% inches CELADON TRIPOD JARDINIERE MING Cylindrical shape, with three small feet. Its exterior presenting a series of engraved serpentine scrolls under the pellucid celadon glaze. Teak stand and cover with agate knob. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 914 inches LARGE CELADON JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER MING Broad oviform, with chrysanthemum flowers and leafy scrolls, amid which appear four script characters of good omen. ‘The base is en- circled by a gadroon border. Has the iron-colored foot of its provenance. Teakwood cover. Height with cover, 181% inches 16 127 128 128 FINE ANCIENT CELADONS [122] [126] [128] [127] [121] KO YAO CELADON BOTTLE MING Pear shape, with slender neck, presenting a smooth pellucid Ch’u-chou celadon glaze with Ko crackle and iron-colored foot. Height, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SUPERB CELADON BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Graceful pear-shape, with everted neck. A rare Ta Ch’ing dynasty por- celain carrying a brilliant mirror-like celadon glaze, without crackle and of uniform pure color. Height, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT CELADON PLAQUE MING Large deep form, with small escalloped edge and enriched by a border fluting, whilst the centre is plain. Sonorous Lung Ch’tian stoneware of the Great Ming dynasty, with ferruginous quality. Uniformly covered with a pellucid sea-green ch’ing tz’u (celadon) glaze. The reverse side with like glaze showing the iron-colored rim. Has teakwood stand. Diameter, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CELADON JARDINIERE _ MING With openwork design and four piercings for suspension cords. Includ- ing sheet metal lining. Diameter, 11 inches Li 180 131 138 134 ANCIENT PORCELAIN VASES, ETC. NUMBERS 129-150 WAN LI FIVE-COLOR JAR, WITH ORIGINAL COVER MING Globular shape, with short neck. Sonorous Ming porcelain, the so-called “five-color’ decoration, in amber-yellow, aubergine, coral-red and light emerald-green, presenting fishes swimming in panels among blossoms and seaweeds. The shoulder, like the base, is surrounded by a quadrifoil lambrequin motif enclosing green and red swastika fret patterns, while the neck is bordered in dentated leaf designs. Total height, 14 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) FAMILLE-ROSE PORCELAIN VASE YUNG CHENG Tall cylindrical shape, with receding neck. The figure decoration in briliant famille-rose colors, presenting an Emperor, who is followed by Court ladies and attended with umbrellas of state. The accessories show- ing an interior of a pavilion and table covered with utensils. Teak stand. Height, 1714 inches FAMILLE-VERTE PORCELAIN BOTTLE KANG HSI Tall pear-shape, with tubular neck. Its brilliant overglaze decoration in K’ang Hsi colors. Presenting floral scrolls in coral-red, blue and green on amber-yellow ground. Two large foliated reserves sustain “fairy flower” baskets, smaller intermediate reserves displaying other baskets. Foot bears a blue ring mark. Height, 181% inches FAMILLE-ROSE PORCELAIN VASE YUNG CHENG Graceful baluster shape. The overglaze decoration in typical colors of its period, presenting a Court scene with the family of a high official, attendants and children. The shoulder is encircled by a series of three borders, and the neck shows a fairy queen riding on a stork, accompanied by two maidens, who float on propitious clouds. The neck interior car- ries a brocade border in rich colors. Height, 1614 inches SMALL FAMILLE-VERTE BRUSH POT K’ANG HsI Cylindrical shape; the decoration in colors of its period, presenting a young nobleman and his servant, bearing an instrument. An inscription in four lines appears on reverse side. Has teak stand. Height, 5 inches \ SMALL FAMILLE-ROSE BRUSH POT k’ANG HSI Cylindrical shape; the decoration on a white ground, presenting a court- ship. Painted in the typical colors of its period. Has teak stand. Height, 434 inches ; 18 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 SMALL FAMILLE-VERTE BRUSH POT K’ANG HSI The decoration in typical colors of its period, presenting two oblong panels with lotos and other flowers. Bears personal mark of the artist. Has teak stand. Height, 41/4, inches FAMILLE-VERTE BOWL KANG HSI Flaring bell-shape, the exterior in typical overglaze colors of its period, presenting a series of lotos flowers together with emblems of the scholar, on white ground. Interior showing emblems and butterfly medallions. Diameter, 7 inches FAMILLE-VERTE BOWL Of the same size and decoration as the preceding. FAMILLE-VERTE PORCELAIN BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Decorated on white ground in the various overglaze colors of its period, with three lizard-like dragons. Has teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE BOTTLES K’ANG HSI Graceful pear shape, with bulbous necks. The decoration in overglaze colors presenting floral medallions and varied sprays; including a band in green brocade at the neck. (Shght reparation at the lip) (2) Height, 8 inches FAMILLE-VERTE PORCELAIN JAR K’ANG HSI In ovoid shape, with original cover. Famille-verte decoration, present- ing two “Long Elizas” or tall ladies promenading in a garden. The alternating panels display jardiniéres filled with chrysanthemum plants. A honeycomb brocading finishes the emebllishment. (Shows slight crack) Height, 914 inches FAMILLE-VERTE JAR WITH COVER Similar to the preceding. Height, 10 inches FAMILLE-VERTE FU-DOG BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Pear shape; the overglaze decoration on white ground presenting three Fu-dogs with bushy tails. Has teak stand. Height, 814 inches FAMILLE-VERTE PORCELAIN JAR K’ANG HSI Ovoid shape; the decoration on white ground presenting flowering peony and magnolia blossoms growing amid rockery, picked out in various overglaze colors. Bears a blue ring mark of its period. Has teak cover and stand. Height, 91 inches 19 144 145 146 147 148 149 FAMILLE-VERTE GINGER JAR K’ANG HSI Globular shape; decorated in typical overglaze colors of its period, pre- senting Court ladies and children at play in garden, with an adjoining building. Bears ring mark. Has openwork carved teak cover and stand. Height, with cover, 8 inches FAMILLE-VERTE PORCELAIN VASE K’ANG HSI High shouldered gallipot shape, with inverted corners. ‘The decoration in early famille-verte “fon glaze” colors presenting floral panels alter- nately with landscape and lake scenery. Ming type. Biscuit foot. Height, 8 inches RICH FAMILLE-VERTE PLATE KANG HSI With scalloped edge; its interior presents a fanciful flower basket filled with fairy plants (dominated by rouge-de-fer). Border presenting numerous plants, in radial panels. Bears an emblematic mark within the ring. Has teak holder. Diameter, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 38] LARGE FAMILLE-VERTE PLATE K’ANG HSI Deep shape; the central panel presenting a group of young lady riders who are encouraged by young noblemen pictured in a summer pavilion, and shown in brilliant famille-verte colors, together with a trellis work arbor. The border sustains a green brocaded pattern with six narrow vignettes. Bears mark within double ring. Has teak holder. Diameter, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 38] LARGE FAMILLE-VERTE PLATE K’ANG HSI Deep shape; decorated on white ground in overglaze colors of its period. A garden scene is presented with floral plants and two cranes. Bears leaf mark within double ring. Has teakwood holder. Diameter, 34% inches DECORATED CYLINDRICAL VASE CHIEN LUNG Tall tubular shape in “soft paste” porcelain with ivory-white crackle body, sustaining an elaborate ‘‘on glaze” decoration of passion flower and scrolling arabesques delicately painted in famille rose colors. ‘Teak stand. Height, 181% inches 150 1504 1508 150c 150pD 150£ 150F DECORATED CYLINDRICAL VASE CHIEN LUNG Like the preceding example, it is invested with an ivory-white crackle glaze and presents an elaborate decoration of passion flowers amid foli- ated arabesque scrolls, in brilliant “on glaze” enamel colors. The foot is encircled by a band of gadroons, and sceptre-head scrolls finish the upper rim. Height, 21 inches (From the Wm. C. Oastler Collection, 1915) ANTIQUE COVERS, GOLD-EMBROIDERED PANELS, ETC. NUMBERS 1504-1500 ANTIQUE CHINESE NEEDLEPOINT COVER In two shades of imperial-yellow, presenting an intricate all-over (swastika diaper) pattern, interrupted by small blue, red, brown, and pink blossoms. Size, 5 feet x 3 feet 4& inches ANTIQUE CHINESE NEEDLEPOINT COVER Matching the preceding. Size, 5 feet x 3 feet TWO CHINESE EMBROIDERED MATS With floral designs on gauze. (2) Size, 19 inches square CHINESE EMBROIDERED MAT With dragon design and blue bordering. Size, 17 x 18 inches JAPANESE OLD-GOLD FIGURED SILK COVER Woven in small floral pattern. Lined with linen. Size, 4 feet x 4 feet 8 inches FOUR GOLD-EMBROIDERED MANDARIN PANELS With silver egrets. (4) 21 150c 15048 1501 150x 1501 150m 150N 1500 FOUR GOLD-EMBROIDERED MANDARIN PANELS With silver egrets. (4) FOUR GOLD-EMBROIDERED MANDARIN PANELS With silver egrets. (4) YELLOW SILK DAMASK COVER FRENCH Size, 8 feet 6 inches x 4& feet SILK AND GOLD K’O-SSU TAPESTRY KAKEMONO Fine “li chou” scroll. Depicts Ju-ro-jin, one of the Taoist sages of Good Luck. He appears with an elongated head, carrying a pome- granate and staff; accompanied by his boy and white stag. Mounted with blue brocade. Height, 5 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 7 inches WHITE CHINESE EMBROIDERED MAT With floral design and border. Size, 20 inches square GREEN SILK CHINESE DRESS SKIRT With black satin bordering and two embroidered panels appliqued in colored silks and gold. GREEN SATIN CHINESE DRESS SKIRT With embroidered butterflies and two panels done in rich colors and trimmed with black embroidered braid. CHINESE EMBROIDERED VALANCE CHIEN LUNG Black silk ground with colored silk and gold thread needlework, present- ing eight dragons soaring amid clouds in quest of the sacred pearl. The “dragon gate” rapid appears below, with a flower-embroidered black satin bordering. Length, 12 feet; depth, 2 feet 22 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FIFTH, AT 2:30 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 151-3384c GROUP OF CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES | KigHTEENTH CeNnTURY EXAMPLEs | NUMBERS 151-158 LAPIS BLUE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE With carved ornament in relief showing the eight Emblems or Attributes of the Immortals. Has green ivory stopper. ORNATE RED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE The deeply carved decoration presenting the eight Buddhist emblems of Happy Omens. Uniformly coated in cinnabar-red glaze. Has amber and metal stopper. CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Its jet-black on camphor-white body, presents a group of travellers with ponies and cart. Has metal stopper with shou mark. ORNATE WHITE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE In biscuit state, the elaborately carved details presenting a dragon and phenix. Attribute of former Imperial rulers. Has amber stopper. SMOKY QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened ovated shape and plainly polished. Has stopper. ORNATE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Deeply cut and varicolored, presenting a mandarin in red attire, who is surrounded by his household and attendants. ‘The reverse shows a boat and lake view. Has amber stopper. ORNATE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Deeply cut and varicolored, the design displays a procession with horse- men and animal leaders. Reverse side shows “Hall” mark. Has chry- santhemum stopper. PAINTED EGG-WHITE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Gourd shape, with flower and butterfly design. Bears mark of the artist, Ku Yiieh Hsuan. Has button stopper. 23 159 160 161 163 164 165 166. FINE BLUE AND WHITE CABINET PORCELAINS NUMBERS 159-188 BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE In octagonal shape, presenting landscape views with fowl and animals. Has ivory stopper and teakwood stand. BLUE AND WHITE ROUGE BOX CHIEN LUNG Circular shape, with an ivory stand. The cobalt-blue decoration on the cover presents a sage and three goats, and a landscape view encircles the side. Diameter, 214 inches BLUE AND WHITE VASE YUNG CHENG Cylindrical form with restricted neck. The soft-paste porcelain with landscape decoration in brilliant cobalt-blue, including lake, hills and human figures. Height, 4144 inches BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Cylindrical shape, soft-paste with figure decoration, showing a Kuan-fu or mandarin, with varied objects and fan-bearer. Bears a four-character (Ching Hua) mark. Teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches BLUE AND WHITE CABINET BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Graceful pear shape, with slender neck and everted lip. The brilliant decoration showing chrysanthemum blossoms amid delicate leafy scrolls. Its neck is surrounded by ascending leaves and the base by swastika emblems. Stand. Height, 51% inches BLUE AND WHITE CABINET BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Cylindrical shape, with short neck. Fine soft-paste porcelain, sustaining the figure of young musician who appears under a pine tree. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 5 inches BLUE AND WHITE CABINET BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Pear shape, with everted neck. Thinly potted Ch’ing paste, with a delicately pencilled rinceau pattern of leafy scrolls. Bears a_ six- character Hstian Té mark. Teakwood stand. Height, 584 inches BLUE AND WHITE CABINET BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Pear shape with tubular neck, crackled soft-paste porcelain of rare quality, sustaining chrysanthemum and aster blossoms clustered with rocks and bamboo shoots. Has teakwood stand. Height, 53/4, inches 24 oo aL x 167 168 169 170 it 172 173 174 BLUE AND WHITE CABINET VASE CH’IEN LUNG Ovated baluster shape and of soft textured porcelain with crackle. Deep blue decoration presenting a clustering of chrysanthemum, peony, and aster flowers. Has teak stand. Height, 51% inches BLUE AND WHITE CABINET BOTTLE CHIA CHING Bell shape, with cylindrical neck presenting a pair of Imperial dragons rising from the cosmic sea among cloud patches. Bears seal mark. Has teak stand. Height, 41% inches FINE BLUE AND WHITE CUP YUNG CHENG Deep shape; the decoration on crackled soft-paste porcelain, presenting two landscape medallions relieved by a blue painted honeycomb decora- tion with butterflies and floral sprays reserved in the white. Has teak- wood stand. Height, 4 inches BLUE AND WHITE CABINET BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Low bulbous body with cylindrical neck. ‘The decoration in brilliant blue is composed of lotos flowers with seed-pods and scrolling stems. noe 178 179 180 181 1838 184 BLUE AND WHITE HAWTHORN GINGER JAR YUNG CHENG Ovoidal contour and of clear white porcelain. The winter-blooming wild- plum trees appearing with branches that depend from the shoulder and spring upward from the base, kept in reserve against a cobalt-blue clouded field designed to represent breaking ice. Has teak cover and stand. Height, 9 inches BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Graceful pyriform with receding neck; the decoration, which is finely painted in brilliant blue, consists of various hanging vases and gourds with tasselled pendants. Blossom scrolls and borders appearing around the necks. Teak stand. Height, 121% inches BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE Companion to the preceding. 'Teak stand. SUPERB BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Presenting a compressed bulbous body with tubular neck. The whole is covered with a beautifully painted design of lotos blossoms and conven- tionalized leafy scrolls; sometimes called the “‘lily pattern’, so much es- teemed in collections. Brilliant in quality and bearing a six-character Ming mark. Has teak stand. Height, 16 inches BLUE AND WHITE MANDARIN VASE YUNG CHENG Tall oviform; thinly potted soft-paste porcelain with orange-peel sur- face. An extraordinary example of its class. The decoration in deep cobalt-blue approaches sapphire qualities in varied tones. Presenting a panoramic mountainous landscape, with habitations and bridges con- necting with islands. A flock of fine birds appear in the sky near the shoulder. Has teak stand. Height, 16 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | REMARKABLE BLUE AND WHITE VASE KANG HSI High shouldered baluster shape. The clear and brilliant white porcelain presenting a paradise bird with flowering hydrangea and peony plants; the free design starting naturally from the base rim. Its gracefully curved neck is encircled by three narrow bands, usually to be noted on the finer and valuable examples. Bears a “double ring” mark of its period. Has teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BLUE AND WHITE CH’I-LIN VASE YUNG CHENG Oviformed “mandarin” shape, quasi soft-paste porcelain with crackle. The deep cobalt-blue decoration presenting water waves with rocks and four ch’i-lins or Chinese unicorns; supernatural creatures appearing as the emblem of Perfect Goodness. Has teak stand. Height, 15 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 27 Oo Fy 185 186 187 188 189 190 BLUE AND WHITE LOTOS FLOWER VASE K’ANG HSI High shouldered baluster-oviform, the decoration in brilliant blue pre- senting a conventionalized design of lotos flowers amid scrolling stems with foliage. The neck is finished with bands of formal scrolls and plantain leaves. Has teak stand. Height, 1734 wches BLUE AND WHITE VASE K’ANG HSI High shoulder baluster-oviform. The brilliant blue decoration depicting a princely pavilion reception, with the attendance of mandarins who carry their tablets of rank and are attended by fan-bearers. Narrow triple bands encircle the neck, and the foot bears a six-character Ming mark (Chia Ching). Height, 1534 inches TALL BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE KANG HSI Bulbous pear shape, with cylindrical neck. Presenting a finely rendered design of lotos blossoms with seed-pods and conventional leafy scrolls. Its neck is encircled by ascending leaves. Has teak stand. Height, 16 inches BLUE HAWTHORN GINGER JAR K’ANG HSI Ovoid shape, the fine white textured porcelain presenting clustered white “mei-hua” (prunus) on a brilliant cobalt-blue ground with blue reticula- tions to resemble fissured ice. So-called hawthorn motif of rare quality. Teak stand and cover that is mounted with jade. Height, 9 inches FINE OLD POWDER-BLUE PORCELAINS NUMBERS 189-199 DECORATED POWDER-BLUE BOWL K’ANG HsI Deep shape, with spreading conical rim. Resonant hard white porcelain with an exterior in monochrome bleu-soufflé glazing. Its white interior, with brocaded rim border, showing floral sprays and butterflies on green ground. Diameter, 8 inches / [ DECORATED POWDER-BLUE BOWL K’ANG HSI Thinly potted hard sonorous pate. ‘The exterior with bleu-soufflé glaze . and superimposed gold tracery sustaining separately painted famille- verte reserves with floral motifs, whilst the white interior displays a square panel together with a brocaded and vignetted rim bordering. Bears a swastika emblem mark within ring. Diameter, 734 inches 28 RARE POWDER-BLUE PLATES AND VASES—K’ANG HSI [191] [195] [192] [196] [191] TWO DECORATED POWDER-BLUE PLATES KANG HSI The interiors with bleu-soufflé glaze displaying stellated central panels with flowers in famille-verte colors, while the borders sustain alternate leaf and fan shaped reserves in kindred colors. Reverse bears a conch- shell mark. With teak holders. (2) Diameter, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | RARE POWDER-BLUE PLATE K’ANG HSI With similar famille-verte decoration to the preceding. The stellated centre panel here showing peony flowers and pheenix. Bears a double ring mark of its period. Accompanied by a teakwood holder, with jade = insert. Diameter, 1084 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MONOCHROME POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG HSI Cylindrical club shape, with rounded shoulder and mortar-like neck. Glazed in a luminous powder-blue (ch’ui ch’ing or “blown blue”) of bril- lant soufflé (bleu fouetté) color. The perfection of its quality gives added charm to the form. Height, 1714 inches (From the J. W. Dimick Collection) POWDER-BLUE VASE K’ANG HSI Cylindrical club shape, covered uniformly with a monochrome powder- blue soufflé glaze of even “‘mazarine” color. Slightly lighter tone than the preceding example. Has teak stand. Height, 18 inches (From the J. W. Dimick Collection) 29 / 195 DECORATED POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG HSI Tall ovoid shape, with expanding tubular neck, the brilliant powder-blue (bleu fouetté) glaze, with a superimposed gold tracery in chrysanthemum design, forming a blue and gold background for the separately painted figure decoration. This represents the Three Taoist Star Gods of Hap- piness, of Rank, and of Longevity (Fu, Lu, and Shou), with their at- tributes and accompanied by small children. The neck, with powder-blue ground and gold pencilled tracery, displays circular “‘shou” emblems of longevity, alternately with small swastika crosses, the combinations mean- ing “myriad ages’. The sun disc over the figures indicates their meeting at high noon. Era of K’ang Hsi (1662-1722). Height, 18 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 29] 196 DECORATED POWDER-BLUE VASE K ANG HSI Tall ovoid baluster shape; similar to the preceding. Its brilliant powder- blue (bleu fouetté) glaze, with superimposed gold tracery, at the neck, shows small fishes and ferns together with a shoulder border. The sepa- rately painted on-glaze decoration below presents the Three Star Gods, accompanied by small children, and a stork. A palm tree and red sun disc, together with a bat near the shoulder, complete the colored decora- tion. Height, 1814 imches 7 (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 29] 197 POWDER-BLUE PLAQUE (With famille-verte reserves) k’aNG HSI Round shallow shape, with brilliant powder-blue embellishment sustain- ing white reserved panels separately painted in translucent enamel colors of the famille-verte genre. The foliated central panel in octuple form presents freely rendered floral plants and a flying phoenix or fabled féng-huang. The border displays eight white vignettes filled with small floral motifs, in harmony with the famille-verte centre. Reverse panel with floral sprays. Bears a lozenge (fang shang) mark with fillets. Has teakwood stand with carved jade panel. Diameter, 16 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 30 POWDER-BLUE PLAQUE AND VASES—-K ANG HSI [NuMBER 197 | [NUMBER 199] [NuMBER 198 | 198 DECORATED POWDER-BLUE VASE (With famille-verte panels) /\ K’ANG HSI if ) Tall cylindrical club shape, with the usual contracted mortar-like neck. y Its decoration presents a mazarine-blue soufflé ground with foliated 6), panels reserved in the white and separately painted in overglaze famille- verte colours; depicting the favorite flowering plants of the four seasons (ssu chi-hua). Each vertical panel presents a special blossom symbolical of its season: the peony (mu-tan) for spring, the lotos (lien-hua) for summer, the chrysanthemum (chu-hua) for autumn, and the white plum (mei-hua) blossom for winter. Eight small foliated vignettes occupy the spaces between the large panels and disclose floral sprays, while the powder-blue neck sustains two fan-shaped panels with floral plants. Underneath, the white foot panel bears a blue ring. Height, 1734 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 31 199 200 DECORATED POWDER-BLUE VASE (With famille-verte panels) K’ANG HSI Tall cylindrical club-shape, with sloping shoulder and contracted mortar- like neck, flaring out toward the flanged lip. The fine deep powder-blue* soufllé glaze is relieved by white reserved panels that are separately out- lined and painted in translucent overglaze colors of the famille-verte genre. Four large vertical panels display ‘‘gift objects” of mandarin rank and scholarly attainments. Eight small white panels, in quadrifoil shapes, are posed between the major panels and contain landscape and floral subjects in like overglaze colors. Underneath, the white panel bears a double ring. Date: (1662-1722). Height, 1734 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) “The term “powder-blue” is applied to examples with the soufflé speckled or powdered (bleu fouetté) ground, produced by blowing the liquid-blue color on an object by means of a bamboo tube—the primitive form of atomizer used in China; the white reserves being obtained by thin pieces of paper cut out in the desired shape and pasted on the ney of the object to be so treated. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 3] | TALL IMPERIAL PORCELAIN VASE | NUMBER 200 TALL IMPERIAL PORCELAIN VASE CH’IEN LUNG Slightly flattened oviform, with small handles and its own porcelain stand. Richly decorated in polychrome enamel colors, over an imperial- yellow ground. Its two sides sustain perforated medallions holding sil- houetted flowers and pine trees, that display an interior body with sepa- ‘rate blue decoration in cloud forms. A masterpiece of ceramic art. Height, 21 inches (From the Wm. Churchill Oastler Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 32 TALL IMPERIAL PORCELAIN VASE—CH'IEN LUNG [NuMBER 200] 201 bo S bo 203 204 205 DECORATED PORCELAINS NUMBERS 201-227 PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE TABLE SCRIENS KANG HSI The vertical porcelain panels in oblong shape presenting boys at play midst garden scenery. The decorative bordering in green and_ yellow flowered diaper framing the picture. Teakwood mounts. (2) Total height, 10 inches; width, 51% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | REMARKABLE FAMILLE-VERTE BOWL KANG HSI Sonorous thin hard pate, with wonderful on-glaze decoration in brilliant famille-verte colors and gold. Presenting varied mandarin flowering plants growing amid rockeries, including birds and butterflies upon a ground of pellucid white. The flaring interior rim border in green swastika brocade pattern holding four white vignettes with separate flower and bird painting. A similar wide border appears on the interior rim with butterfly flower vignettes. Has teak stand. Diameter, 734 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] RARE FAMILLE-VERTE BOWL Companion to the preceding, with same brilliant subjects and colors, being most remarkable specimens of their kind. Stand. Diameter, 734 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SUPERB FAMILLE-VERTE GINGER JAR K’ANG HSI Ovoid shape; with original cover. The translucent overglaze decoration in famille-verte colors presenting a pavilion interior with children and their attendants. Others are playing in the garden in company with three young ladies. The cover shows a mother in company with her child, and the shoulder a vignetted brocade border. Bears blue ring mark. Has teak stand. Height, with cover, 10 inches FAMILLE-VERTE TEMPLE JAR K’ANG HSI High shoulder oviform, with original cover. The decoration in translu- cent and choice famille-verte colors, presents a pheasant posed on a rockery midst flowering plants and trees. Its reverse side shows flying birds and butterflies. Bears a blue ring mark of its period. Has teak stand. Height, with cover, 17 inches 3d4 PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE TABLE SCREENS—K’ANG HSI [NUMBER 201] RARE FAMILLE-VERTE SPLENDID GREEN REMARKABLE BOWL K ANG HSI HAWTHORN BOWL FAMILLE-VERTE BOWL [NUMBER 203] [NUMBER 216] [NuMBER 202] [NuMBER 206] 206 SUPERLATIVE FAMILLE-VERTE VASE K’ANG HSI Cylindrical club shape; distinguished for its well balanced decoration and no less remarkable for its wealth of detail than for its homogeneity. The painting with butterfly brocading on the background, involves two large picture panels with landscape and mountain subjects copied after Sung masters, while small side panels alternately present longevity em- blems and floral devices. Its neck sustains four circular shou characters (in seal form), together with small swastika crosses and narrow borders. Has teak and ivory stand. Height, 18 inches 36 |. ‘ermmecamenlll 0 [NUMBER 207] | NUMBER 208 | 207 NOTABLE FAMILLE-VERTE VASE KANG HSI 208 High shouldered oviform, with flaring neck. ‘The decoration in the over- glaze colors of its genre, presenting ceremonial and Court subjects, with an Emperor and bannermen of past ages. The accessories including interior views of a great pavilion, trees and garden terrace. The same sovereign appears also on the neck of this vase as a younger man receiv- ing a young noble and attendants. Rich borderings finish the shoulder. Has teakwood stand. Height, 1714, inches NOTABLE FAMILLE-VERTE VASE K’ANG HsI Companion piece to the above, with similar historical scenes and depicting a pavilion interior, bannermen, and tribute bearers. Other figures ap- pearing on the neck and obviously taken from one of the early Chinese romances. Teak stand. Height, 174% inches (From the J. W. Dimick Collection) 37 ace 210 LARGE FAMILLE-VERTE PLATES AND QUADRANGULAR VASE—K’ANG HSI [NUMBER 147 | [NuMBER 209 | [NuMBER 146 | SQUARE FAMILLE-VERTE VASE WITH RAISED FIGURES KANG HSI Tapering quadrangular shape, with contracted square neck and spread- ing foot. Fine Ta Ch’ing dynasty porcelain, ornamented with raised figures and brilliant overglaze decoration in famille-verte colors. The four vertical sides present images of the “God of Longevity”, the “God of Rank’’, the “God of War”, and the “God of Wealth”, each accom- panied by an attendant who carries the respective attributes of the Taoist divinities. ‘The four sides of the neck sustain varied gift objects in bold relief, while the shoulder is painted in flowered brocading. Has a sunken foot in biscuit state with private mark. Height, 1734 inches (From the Ed. R. Bacon Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE FAMILLE-VERTE VASE K’ANG HSI Cylindrical “club-shape”; depicting the interior of a summer pavilion occupied by checker players and watchers of the game. Other figures appear seated around a garden table, illustrative of the Elegant Accom- plishments. These scholars are to be joined by another shown on the reverse panel. The shoulder carries a brocaded border and the neck is encircled by a landscape. ‘Teak stand. Height, 171% inches 38 211 212 FAMILLE-ROSE VASE YUNG CHENG Cylindrical (rouleau) shape with attenuated neck. The decoration, dominated by fine pinkish-rose tints, presenting peony flowers midst leafy green scrolls posed against an imperial-yellow ground. The shoulders with a green latticed border interrupted by peony flower vignettes, above which appears grouping of art objects. Has teak stand. Height, 16 wches STATELY FAMILLE-VERTE VASE KANG HSI Cylindrical “club shape” or “rouleau”, as termed by French collectors. The decoration, with a chrysanthemum brocading on yellow ground, sus- tains two large vertical picture panels filled in with flowering hydrangea and the “mei-hua” (wild-plum) trees and hovering birds. Four inter- mediate panels are filled in with lotos, peonies, narcissus and other floral sprays. Has teakwood stand. Height, 171% inches FAMILLE-VERTE CABINET VASE K’ANG HSI Ovoidal shape, with small everted neck. The decoration in translucent colors of its period presents three young flower maidens of the long Eliza type. The subsidiary details include a palm tree and garden rockeries, whilst shoulder bears red flower border. The neck displays black bamboo shoots. Has teak stand. Height, 934 inches FAMILLE-VERTE CABINET VASE K’ANG HSI Ovoid shape; similar to the preceding example, and a suitable mate. Its colored decoration presents a young couple of high caste with two at- tendants. The subsidiary details include a table holding a flower vase and tripod, back of which appears a tall wind screen, beside garden rockery. The neck displays black bamboo shoots and bordering (as on No. 213). Has teak stand. Height, 10 inches FAMILLE-VERTE CABINET VASE K’ANG HSI Graceful ovoidal shape, with small flaring neck. The typical decoration in translucent famille-verte colors, displaying two court ladies who are watching over two boys at play. The accessories include a rustic table, palms, and balustrade. Has teak stand. Height, 10 inches SPLENDID GREEN HAWTHORN BOWL K’ANG HSI Wide shape with thin sides and ostensibly hard semi-eggshell porcelain of vibrant timbre. The interior, like the exterior, is uniformly decorated with mei hua (prunus trees) in bloom, growing near rockeries and re- served in white with a brilliant “snake-skin” green (shé p’i-lu) founda- tion. Bears a six-character Ming mark (of the Ching Hua period), but is assigned by cognoscenti to the era of K’ang Hsi. Has teak stand. Diameter, 81% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 35 | 39 217 218 220 221 GREEN HAWTHORN BOWL Companion piece to the preceding in form, colors, and date. Unfor- tunately broken and repaired in China, where it was found years ago by the late Edward Runge. Has teak stand. PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE EWERS K’ANG HSI Unique elongated urn shape, with broad spouts and long curved handles. The decoration in famille-verte colors presents varied border forms, in- cluding flowering cherry trees with birds on white ground. Subsidiary bands in floriate and gadroon designs finish the restricted stems. 'The exteriors (directly below the spouts) display the heads of Persian pashas. Have teak stands. (2) Height, 1016 wmches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE FAMILLE-VERTE SHAVING DISH K’ANG HSI Octagonal shape; cut on one side of border to fit under a man’s chin when being shaved, in the Near East fashion. The central panel depicts a pheenix hovering over flower plants, while the wide border displays other birds and butterflies in white reserves against a background of green brocading. Has teak holder. Width, 1316 x 12 inches This dish and preceding water ewers form a set of rare distinction. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MINIATURE FAMILLE-VERTE SKULL-BOWL K’ANG HSI Copied in porcelain from a Tibetan Kapala, used for sacrificial purposes and for alms. The bowl is left in plain white (as representing the human skull), but its cover and triangular base or rudimentary stand are richly decorated in floral brocading with typical colors of the famille-verte palette. Height, 6 inches; width, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE VASES KANG HSI Small club shape. The figure decoration differs on these pieces. One displays a yellow-coated official and a peasant boy with water pails, while the other presents the figure of Lao-tzu, the philosopher in green robe, with boy attendant. The necks are uniformly finished with black bamboo shoots, that distinguish many examples of their provenance. Have teak stands. (2) Height, 8 inches 40 LARGE FAMILLE-VERTE SHAVING DISH MINIATURE FAMILLE-VERTE SKULL-BOWL AND PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE EWERS—K ANG HSI [NUMBER 218] [NuMBERS 219 anp 220] \ [NUMBER 218] 222 FAMILLE-VERTE CABINET JAR 1CANG-HSE- Slender ovated shape, with small cover. The opulent decoration present- ing a series of eight small picture panels that are arranged in two tiers and reserved in varied white forms, displaying separately painted floral designs. Their framing shows green brocading with flowers and butter- flies. Has teak stand. Height, 914 inches 223 FINE FAMILLE-VERTE CUP K’ANG HSI Deep shape; luminous white hard-paste porcelain, bearing floral plants and clustering grasses in famille-verte colors. Narrow green crenellated fret band finished the rim. Has teak stand. Height, 41/4 inches 224 FAMILLE-VERTE CABINET JAR K’ANG HSI Ovated shape, with teak cover. The overglaze decoration presents a deep scalloped lambrequin design and a floral brocade border at the shoulder in rich famille-verte genre. Tasselled and looped pendants complete the embellishment below on the luminous white body glaze. Has teak Height, 514 wmches stand and cover. 41 225 226 227 229 230 FAMILLE-VERTE CABINET JAR K’ANG HSI In ovated shape; teak cover. The translucent overglaze decoration on the pellucid white ground depicting graceful ladies in panels alternately with jardiniéres on stands. Has teak stand. Height, 6 inches FAMILLE-VERTE LIBATION CUP K’ANG HSI Fashioned after ancient rhinoceros horn cups. ‘The decoration (sur biscuit) with green brocaded ground, including floral details in aubergine and yellow tones. Raised lizard-like young dragon serving as handle. The interior is finished with a dark green trellis border with emblem bearing vignettes. Length, 334 inches (From the E. R. Bacon Collection) FAMILLE-VERTE BUTTERFLY JAR K’ANG HSI Ovoidal shape. The pellucid white porcelain sustains numerous butter- flies in red, green, and blue, that appear amid floral scrolls. Rouge de fer dominates its color scheme. Has teak stand and cover. Height, 8 inches GROUP OF MONOCHROMES NUMBERS 228-232 CLAIR-DE-LUNE DRAGON VASE CHIEN LUNG Pyriform, with young dragon coiled around the neck in bold relief. Uniformly glazed in a clair-de-lune nuance of brilliant quality. Bears blue seal mark of its period. Has teak stand. Height, 6 inches CLAIR-DE-LUNE PORCELAIN VASE Graceful pear shape with bulbous neck, and raised on three small feet. Imperial Ta Ch’ing dynasty porcelain, presenting a monochrome sky-blue glaze trending to a clair-de-lune nuance of mirror-like quality. Foot panel underneath sustains a blue seal mark of its period. (1736- 95). Has teakwood stand. Height, 584 inches CLAIR-DE-LUNE PORCELAIN COUPE K’ANG HSI Low, rounded bulb form. Covered uniformly inside and out with a luminous clair-de-lune glaze, showing an even color. Has the six- character mark of its period underneath the foot. Has fine stand. Diameter, 31% inches 231 238 234 FINE LIGHT CELADON BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Gallipot or Chinese “mei p’ing” shape. The hard-paste porcelain of rare quality presenting a luminous light monochrome celadon glaze of even color. Has teak stand. Height, 8 inches (Formerly in the General Brayton Ives Collection) SMALL CHUN YAO BOTTLE SUNG Ovoidal baluster shape; Chiin Chou pottery invested with an opalescent clair-de-lune (ytieh pai) glaze of even color; running in thick irregular ridges around the foot. Has stand. Height, 414, inches RARE PEACH-BLOOM PORCELAINS NUMBERS 233-239 These most rare specimens were fashioned with the finest white porcelain paste and with the most wonderful perfection of technique during the directorship of Ts’ang Ying Hsiian, who was followed by Nien Hsi-yao. The peach-red color appears to have been restricted to certain small objects used on the desks of princes and high mandarins. As _ their number is limited, it is assumable that these examples were made in some particular atelier of the Imperial factories for the palace. Such treas- ures have figured as heirlooms from generations down to this day. PEACH-BLOOM WATER COUPE K’ANG HSI Low circular shape, the ‘“T’ai-po ts’un” of native collectors. Its round exterior in brilliant glazing presents an even color of the peach-bloom genre. Bears the usual blue six-character mark of its period. Open carved ivory cover and stand. Diameter, 41% inches SUPERB PEACH-BLOOM WATER COUPE K’ANG HSI Low circular shape; white porcelain of finest texture, covered on the outside with an unusually even peach-bloom glaze of a rich velvet-lke quality and even color. At bottom is the Imperial six-character mark of its period in brilliant underglaze blue. A fine product of the Chinese kilns, and a specimen of importance. Elaborately carved ivory cover and stand. Diameter, 41% inches 43 235 236 237 238 239 PEACH-BLOOM RECEPTACLE K’ANG HSI Semi-globular shape (the shui-chéng of native collectors), with short neck and moulded lip. Its body shows the three archaic-dragon medallions etched in the paste and under the brilliant grayish peach-bloom glaze. Bearing the usual six-character mark of its period. (From the J. W. Dimick Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Diameter, 5 inches RARE PEACH-BLOOM WATER COUPE K’ANG HSI Semi-globular shape with broad bottom, perfect in surface, and fine hard porcelain, presenting a brilliant peach-bloom glaze. In color it comprehends several tones of the highly prized glaze. Mark in brilliant blue under the white glaze of the foot. Has ivory cover and teak stand. (From the F. W. Hunter Collection) Diameter, 414 inches SUPERB PEACH-BLOOM WATER COUPE K’ANG HSl Shallow low circular shape; the “t’ai-po ts’un” or writer’s water dish of native collectors. Its rounded exterior presents a brilliant peach-red glaze of soft hue and delicate light moss-green speckling around the centre zone. The interior is glazed in white and the panel underneath sustains a deep cobalt-blue six-character mark of its period (1662-1722). Has a richly carved ivory cover and high stand. Diameter, 414 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PEACH-BLOOM WATER RECEPTACLE K’ANG HSI Semi-globular shape, with small aperture; the lustrous glaze covering three archaic-dragon medallions, that are etched in the paste beneath it and clearly seen. The rich pinkish nuance of the peach-bloom glazing is marked by fleckings of deeper tones. Foot underneath bears the six- character mark of its period in blue. Diameter, 5 inches (From the F. W. Hunter Collection) SUPERB PEACH-BLOOM WATER COUPE K’ANG HSI Low circular shape. The white resonant porcelain of finest texture is covered on the outside with a rich glaze of beautiful grayish peach-bloom hues, interspersed with green speckling. Under the foot is the Imperial six-character mark of its period in brilliant underglaze blue. A rare specimen of this treasured porcelain. Has dark ivory cover and teak- wood stand. Diameter, 45 inches 44 240 RARE PEACH-BLOOM AND APPLE-GREEN PORCELAINS—K ANG HSI [242] [237] [241] [235] [240] APPLE-GREEN PORCELAINS NUMBERS 240-242 Among the green variety in solid colors, the so-called “apple-green” (Lu Lang-yao), with a translucent vitreous glaze and a brown crackle, is of the rarest. The body-paste is usually of the same texture as that on the red of “Lang” porcelains, and therefore it has been assumed by authorities that this green color was produced at the same period with the red, and also under the direction of Lang-Ting-so; especially as these colors are enumerated among glazes in the records of Ching-té-chén. Other varieties of green-tinted glazes have been produced at various periods, but none so distinguished as the so-called “apple-green”, with its strongly marked brown crackle. SMALL APPLE-GREEN JAR K’ANG HsI Ovoidal shape, with sort restricted neck. Dense refractory Lang yao porcelain. The exterior is glazed in a soft apple-green glaze which shows a reticulate crackle in darker color and is further traversed by rambling lines of a broader crackle. Within neck and underneath foot shows a grayish-white crackled glaze. Teak stand. Height, 414 inches True apple-greens of the Lang yao variety have become such a rarity that the appearance of one is almost an event in the pursuits of the searchers in China. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 45° ea WF \ 241 243 Oi hae APPLE-GREEN CRACKLE VASE K°ANG HSI Graceful oviform shape, with slightly expanding neck. A precious example of the Lii Lang yao, or “green Lang ware”, dense refractory porcelain peculiar to its provenance. Invested with a translucent mono- chrome green crackle glaze of the so-called “apple green” variety. Assumably made at Ch’ing té-chén. The interior of the neck displays a pale white crackle glaze and the foot underneath shows a thin brown (wash) glazing. Has teak stand. Height, 101% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 45 ]| APPLE-GREEN GALLIPOT K’ANG HSI High shoulder bottle with small neck. Presenting a deep ‘“‘apple-green” glaze of the Lu Lang yao variety, with well defined crackle. The foot panel is glazed in gray-green, with a black rim. Teak stand. Height, 51% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 45 ] GROUP OF RED MONOCHROMES NUMBERS 243-250 The red-colored glaze known as sang-de-boeuf, was doubtless first pro- duced under the Mings, and at a period when the paste was not purely kaolinic. The reason for this hypothesis is the fact that brilliant red glazes are often referred to, which were not always from iron; and that even in later periods, when the paste became whiter and purer by kaolin, the potters would nevertheless endeavor to simulate the more ancient product by using a more gritty body substance. While the variety of red glazes is very great, the rare sang-de-boeuf examples now known by the collectors more generally as ““Lang yao” (the Chinese term) may be said to be out of the market. The best are about exhausted in China, for where it was possible the native owners have long since been induced to part with such treasures by remarkable and tempting offers from European and American agents. This type of red is doubtless the most beautiful as well as technically of the highest perfection. SANG-DE-POULET BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Pear shape, with slender neck, showing a narrow copper band at the rim. Fine hard-paste porcelain coated in a brilliant red glaze of the sang-de-poulet genre. Has teak stand. Height, 634 inches 46 f 4) a et \ M 244 245 246 247 248 249 SANG-DE-POULET CABINET VASE YUNG CHENG Graceful pyriform, with slightly flaring neck. Fine textured porcelain with a brilliant sang-de-poulet glaze of even color. Has teak stand. Height, 684 inches RARE RUBY-RED CABINET BOTTLE YUNG CH’ING Pear shape, with slender neck. The fine Ch’ing dynasty porcelain sustaining a brilliant ruby-red glaze of even quality with iridescence. Has teak stand. Height, 10 inches RARE SANG-DE-BGLUF GALLIPOT K’ANG HSI Of the celebrated “Lang Yao” red variety. Coated with brilliant mottled tints of the sang-de-boeuf glaze that passes from ruby-red to the deepest ox-blood clotting. The lip is defined by a white line and the foot panel is invested with crackle glaze of pale hue. Era of K’ang Hsi (1662- 1722). Carved teakwood stand. Height, 634, inches (From the F. W. Hunter Collection) SANG-DE-BQtUF BOTTLE K’ANG HSI High shoulder Mei p’ing or gallipot shape, with small apertured neck ; showing a narrow gilt-copper lip. The brilliant ox-blood glaze of the Lang-yao genre, showing areas of grayish-white dappling. Teak stand. Height, 81/4, inches BRILLIANT CHERRY-RED COUPE YUNG CHENG Semi-globular shape, with ivory and metal cover. Fine hard-textured Ch’ing dynasty porcelain invested with a monochrome red-cherry colored glaze of even quality. Interior is white. Has tall stand of teak, with green-stained inserts. Height, 61% inches; diameter, 31% inches TALL SANG-DE-BQGEUF VASE K’ANG HSI Graceful high shouldered baluster shape, with attenuated neck and everted lip. A Lang-yao furnace example coated in a brilliant red glaze of the mottled sang-de-boeuf genre, showing streaky grayish areas and cooling ox-blood notes. The foot is glazed in crackled rice-white. Has teak stand. Height, 17% inches 47 250 251 252 REMARKABLE SANG-DE-BCEUF VASE LANG-YAO PING Slightly compressed globular body with cylindrical neck ground down and rimmed in pure gold. An esteemed product of the Seventeenth Century, made at Ching-té Chén, during the prefecture of Lang T’ing-so (the Tsung-tu or Viceroy); hence in complimentary way examples of this provenance are termed Lang-yao, or “Lang ware”. The brilliant mono- chrome red glazing is of the most precious sang-de-beeuf variety, in which appear translucent deep ruby-like tones with lie-de-vin clouding and coagulant clotting like ox-blood. The color appears deeper toward the base, where the fluescent glaze is stopped with great technical perfection ; peculiar to all true Lang-yao examples.* The foot underneath shows an old crackled celadon glazing. ‘Teak stand. Date: Mid-Seventeenth Century (era of Shun Chih, or early K’ang Hsi). Height, 121% inches; diameter, 8 inches * This unique vase (assumably the earliest of its class) presents the so- called “precious stone-red” (from crushed rubies) described in native books as “hsi-hung-pao shih”. In another ‘concept it is termed “sacrificial red” (chi hung), derived in part from a mixture of copper oxide and powdered ruby stones, referred to as first used in the Hstian-té period (under the Mings). Noted in the Nan Ts’un Sui Pi, written by Lu Ting Ts’an, author of a supplement to the Ch’a Ching, published in 1735.—The “precious stone-red” or “sacrificial red” (chi hung) of the Hsiian Té period was revived and used as a monochrome during the Seventeenth Century, when this example was made. OTHER MONOCHROME PORCELAINS NUMBERS 251-260 MIRROR-BLACK CABINET BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Mei p’ing or so-called gallipot shape, with attenuated neck. Rare example of Ch’ing dynasty porcelain presenting an esteemed variety of mirror-black with “‘pear-skin” texture. Has teak stand. Height, 7 inches REMARKABLE MIRROR-BLACK BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Globular body, with tall, slender tubular neck. Hard-paste porcelain of the Ch’ing dynasty. It is invested with a mirror-black glaze of brilliant mirror-like quality, with slight reflet traces of a gold decoration. Has carved wood stand. Height, 1714 inches 48 254 255 256 257 IMPERIAL TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Pear shape, with tubular neck. This remarkable example presents a pair of “‘five-clawed” (Imperial) dragons in quest of the effulgent sphere, amid cloud patches and nebula. The details are lightly engraved under the monochrome turquoise-blue glaze. Bears an impressed Imperial seal mark of its period. Has stand. Height, 121% inches TALL TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE CH’ING LUNG Oviform, with short everted neck. Uniformly coated in a monochrome turquoise-blue glaze, with the typical small crackle of its epoch. Has teak stand. Height, 1414 inches TALL TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE CHIEN LUNG Companion to the preceding example. (Shows a fire crack, but otherwise as above) MONOCHROME CORAL-RED BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Pear shape, with slender neck, presenting a brilliant rouge-de-fer glaze, of deep coral tone with smooth even color. Rare and valuable example of its class. Bears blue seal mark of its period. Has teak stand. (From the J. W. Dimick Collection) Height, 10 inches MUSTARD-YELLOW BRUSH HOLDER Narrow cylindrical shape, with a typical finely crackled yellow (mi-sé) glaze of even quality. Has stand. Height, 6 inches 49 259 260 | NuMBER 258] CANARY-YELLOW AND AUBERGINE GINGER JARS——K’ANG HSI [NUMBER 259 | [| NUMBER 260] CANARY-YELLOW GINGER JAR K"ANG HSI Ovoid shape; uniformly covered with a brilliant thin yellow glazing of delicate tone. Has carved teak cover and stand; the former displays an inserted jade plaquette with pierced characters for good fortune. Height, 8 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | CANARY-YELLOW GINGER JAR K’ANG HSI Similar to the preceding, but slightly larger. Bears the double ring mark in blue. | Has carved teak cover and stand. Height, 81% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | AUBERGINE GINGER JAR K’ANG HsI Fine ovoid shape; presenting a brilliant manganese glaze of the ch’ieh tzu (aubergine) color, with mirror quality. Bears the six-character mark of its period. Has teak stand and cover. Height, 91% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 50 261 263 264 265 sROUP OF INTERESTING WHITE PORCELAINS NUMBERS 261-270 Glazed white porcelain is of two distinct types, and termed hard and soft paste; of these the first variety is the larger and also varies considerably in quality. Those, however, which may be attributed to the best periods represent the acme of technical skill and perfection in pure porcelain; the paste in such pieces is generally found to be of a pure white pellucid texture with brilliancy, according to their provenance. Chinese soft-paste porcelain, as here represented, is distinguishable more especially by a fine crackle in the glazed surface, with a creamy-white tint, that in some specimens resembles new ivory; generally speaking, a softer white is revealed than in the hard-paste porcelain. In good specimens the glaze will be found closely blended with the paste, imparting a beautiful soft texture. Also it will be noticed that objects in soft paste are surprisingly light in weight. The embellishment on objects intended to remain white includes raised etched or pressed ornamentation as well as reticulated designs. WHITE PEAR-SHAPED BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Thinly potted pure white hard pate, embellished with floral scrolls and bordering in low relief beneath the glazing. Has teak stand. Height, 6 inches PAIR OF BLANC-DE-CHINE FU-DOGS K’ANG HSI Finely modelled in conventional squatted form on low pedestals, together with slender joss stick holders. (2) Height, 5 inches WHITE SOFT-PASTE BEAKER YUNG CHENG With trumpet-shaped neck and expanding foot; presenting a double bordering on plantain leaves lightly engraved under the pellucid glaze, together with other bands. Has stand. Height, 51% inches WHITE CABINET BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Graceful pear shape with tubular neck. Quasi-soft paste porcelain, its glazing shows a small crackle. Has stand. Height, 74% inches RARE SOFT-PASTE CABINET BOTTLE K’ANG HSI Cylindrical form, with truncated small neck and copper-rimmed lip. - “An incised decoration of two phoenixes is presented amid cloud scrolls and bordering under the soft ivory-white glaze. Rare piece. Has high teak and ivory stand. Height, 61 imches 51 266 267 268 - 269 270 ORNATE WHITE CABINET BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Bulbous pear shape, with tubular neck; quasi soft-paste porcelain with raised ornamentation, presenting peony flowers amid scrolling stems. Subservient plantain leaf and other borders complete the details under a creamy glaze. Has teak stand. Height, 914 mches Ir ALL WHITE PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Bulbous pear shape, with slender neck. The raised ornament (or “tui- hua-ki” of native collectors) presents an ornate design of floral arabesques and leafy scrolls, while plantain leaves encircle the neck. Has teak stand. Height, 14 inches LARGE WHITE EGGSHELL BOWL K’ANG HSI Wide flaring Ming shape, with small metal rim. A Yung Lo type of wonderful thinness and transparency; t’o-t’ai or bodiless porcelain. The exterior is plain but the interior reveals a pair of phcenixes under the luminous white glaze. Has tall carved lotos stand. Diameter, 9 inches ORNATE TALL WHITE BOTTLE EARLY CHIEN LUNG Bulbous pear shape, with cylindrical neck. Fine white porcelain of the “‘soft-paste” type, embellished with an elaborate floral pattern of scroll- ing rinceau carved in palpable relief together with a bordering of plan- tain leaves at the neck. Uniformly glazed in white. Has teak stand. Height, 1614 mches TALL BLANC-DE-CHINE STATUE K’ANG HSI Representing a standing figure of Kuan-yin (Avalékitesvara), the com- passionate hearer of prayers, also called the down-looking sovereign. Beautifully modelled in vitreous white Fuchien porcelain; the divinity is shown in flowing robes with serene countenance and the long ear lobes of a Bodhisattva. She holds a Buddhist fly brush in her right hand. Coated in white glaze of soft and even quality. Has teak stand. Height, 3414 inches 52 oo 272 273 RARE ANTIQUE CHINESE POTTERY VASES AND BOTTLE [277] [271] [276] [279] [278] TURQUOISE AND PEACOCK BLUE EXAMPLES NUMBERS 271-279 UNIQUE DECORATED BLUE POTTERY VASE SUNG-YUAN Tall ovoidal Sung shape with a luminous turquoise-blue body glazing, over which appears a deep lapis-blue decoration in floral design with vigorous rendering. ‘The embellishment is completed with a shoulder and base bordering. Has a teak tripod stand. Height, 1714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY JARS MING High shouldered oviform, with original covers. Uniformly coated in deep monochrome turquoise-blue glaze of interesting old Ming quality. Flat unglazed bases that show the soft gritty pate. Have low teak stand. (2) Height, with cover, 8 inches SUPERB PEACOCK-BLUE BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Bulbous pyriform, with tubular neck. Fine hard Ch’ing dynasty pate that carries a beautiful monochrome peacock-blue glazing with small “shad-roe” crackle and even color. Has teak stand. Height, 1214 imches 53 74 275 276 277 2 PEACOCK-BLUE CABINET BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Pear shape, with slender cylindrical neck. Hard textured pate coated uniformly in a peacock-blue glazing with fine crackle. Has teak stand. Height, 914 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY JARDINIERE MING Quadrangular shape, on four low feet, with boldly modelled relief designs of grapevines. Uniformly covered in a monochrome blue glaze. Has square teak cover with red amber knob, and teak stand. Size, 4 x 5 inches DECORATED PEACOCK-BLUE POTTERY BOTTLE YUAN Gallipot (mei p’int) shape, with small neck. T'z’u-chou pottery, with luminous peacock-blue glazing, under which appears an early form of bluish-black pencilled decoration, the details showing three foliated panels, one of which depicts the figure of a sage, another a crane, and the third a rabbit. The shoulder sustains a striate band with scrollwork, while another band finishes the base. The glaze is minutely crackled. Bears some T'z’u-chou potter’s rough mark (scratched cross lines) on the biscuit foot underneath. Has teak stand. Height, 101% inches (From the E. R. Bacon Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 53] ORNATE WAN LI POTTERY VASE MING Tall gallipot, also called inverted pear shape. The freely rendered decoration engraved in low relief shows luxuriant lotos plants in blossom, above rolling waves, outlined and glazed in bright amber-yellow, ivory- white, and turquoise-blue, on a ground of deep lapis-blue. An elaborate lobed lambrequin motif borders the shoulder. Splendid example. Has teak stand. Height, 121, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 53] TURQUOISE-BLUE POTTERY FLOWER VASE MING High shouldered oviform, with small everted neck. The decoration in raised outline, presenting lotos flowers, picked out in amber-yellow, lapis- blue and ivory-white, on an old turquoise-blue ground. Has teak stand. (From the E. R. Bacon Collection) Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 53] 54 /)) V 279 281 282 283 284 RETICULATED TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE EARLY MING Tall double-gourd shape, with pierced ornament; displaying groups of Fu-dogs (the fantastic animals of Chinese art) playing with the brocaded ball symbols amid propitious clouds. Uniformly covered in turquoise- blue glaze. Bears Yung Lo date mark, in six characters on the rim of its neck. An important and rare example. Has carved teak stand. Height, 16 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 53] RAVEN’S-WING BLACK BOTTLE AND OTHER PIECES NUMBERS 280-284 LARGE LIVER-RED PORCELAIN VASE CHIEN LUNG Bulbous body and tubular neck, presenting an interesting over-fired sang- de-beeuf glaze, with a trending to the liver-red noted on small examples. Has an unglazed (biscuit) foot. Height, 281% inches CHUN YAO POTTERY BOWL YUAN Conical form, with slightly contracted rim and narrow foot. Buff Yiian tz’u pate, covered with crackled lavender-gray glaze of a clair-de-lune nuance, showing lustrous and “wet” waxy-texture with pitting of “ant- tracks’’, as they are termed by native collectors. Diameter, 7 inches TEMMOKU TEA BOWL SUNG Conical form, with wide mouth and small foot. Chien ware, covered with a thick flowing bluish black glaze of the “hare-fur” variety, streaked with brown around the lip. Diameter, 43/4, inches “« RAVEN’S-WING BLACK BOTTLE SUNG Ancient ovoidal gallipot shape, with small rimmed neck. An iridescent black (wu-ni) glaze is presented, with tan-colored dappling and con- tiguous streamed lines around the shoulder, in primitive form of decora- tion. Interesting example of early Honan Temmoku ware. Teak stand. (From the Henry G. Marquand Collection, 1903) Height, 8 inches LIGHT BROWN AND BLUE PERFUME SPRINKLER kK’ANG HSI Graceful gourd bottle shape, with slender tapering neck. Covered in lustrous coffee-brown glaze of rare metallic quality, relieved by a series of small white leaf-shaped panels in white reserve. These display cobalt- blue decoration in Persian style. Has stand. Height, 7 inches 5d 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 ANOTHER GROUP OF PEACOCK AND TURQUOISE BLUE PORCELAINS NUMBERS 285-292 SMALL TURQUOISE-BLUE VASE CHIEN LUNG Ovoid shape; coated with a monochrome turquoise-blue crackled glaze. Has teak stand. Height, 54% inches TURQUOISE-BLUE CABINET BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Pear shape, with slender neck, presenting a turquoise-blue glaze of fine quality. Has teak stand. Height, 6 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE CABINET VASE CHIEN LUNG Pyriform, with slender everted neck. Invested with a monochrome light turquoise-blue glaze. Has teak stand. Height, 514 inches PEACOCK-BLUE CABINET BOTTLE YUNG CHENG Pear shape; coated with a turquoise ‘“‘shad-roe” crackle, of even quality. Has teak stand. Height, 51 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE CABINET BOTTLE Pear shape, with small everted neck, presenting a uniform even-colored turquoise-blue glaze. Has teak stand. Height, 534 inches SMALL TURQUOISE-GREEN BOTTLE Pear shape, with slender neck. Glazed in a speckled old turquoise stone color. Has teak stand. Height, 41% inches TURQUOISE-BLUE CABINET VASE CHIEN LUNG Pyriform, with everted neck, displaying a minutely crackled glaze of the turquoise-blue genre. Has teak stand. Height, 51% inches SMALL PEACOCK-BLUE BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Graceful gourd shape, covered with a mottled peacock-blue glaze. Height, 41% inches 56 ? aL 293 294 295 2954 296 297 DECORATED STARCH-BLUE AND CELADON PORCELAINS NUMBERS 298-296 DECORATED STARCH-BLUE CABINET VASE KANG HSI Graceful high shouldered oviform, with slightly everted neck. Fine hard- textured Ch’ing dynasty pate with a brilliant light starch-blue body color, sustaining an underglaze cobalt-blue phoenix and three decoration. Bears Ming four-character (Chéng Hua) mark. Has teak stand. Height, 8 inches DECORATED STARCH-BLUE CABINET VASE K’ANG HSI Gourd shape; fine hard-textured pate, with starch-blue body of mirror quality, presenting three young dragons, pencilled in deep cobalt-blue under the brilliant glaze. Bears a six-character Ming mark (Chéng Hua), but attributed, like the foregoing example, to the K’ang Hsi period. Has teak stand. Height, 8 inches COALESCENT GROUP OF CELADON BOTTLES CHIEN LUNG Fashioned in form of six amphora-shaped bottles ; the central nozzle being slightly taller than the surrounding five. Uniformly invested with a brilliant celadon glaze of light tint. Bears blue seal mark of its pro- venance. (1736-1795). Has teak stand. Height, 614 inches CAMELLIA-LEAF GREEN VASE YUNG CHENG Small baluster form, with everted neck and lip. Glazed with a brilliant camellia-leaf green. Has stand. (Repaired) Height, 534 inches CELADON BOTTLE WITH RED PEACHES K’ANG HSI Gallipot shape, with réceding small neck. The pellucid light green celadon body color sustains an imposed underglaze copper-red and cobalt- blue decoration, to represent three separate forms of clustering peaches. Has teak stand. Height, 7 inches (From the J. W. Dimick Collection) ANTIQUE CHINESE GLASS NUMBERS 297-305 YELLOW MARBLED GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Inverted bell shape, with tubular neck. Bears an engraved “Hall” studio mark. Has teak stand. Height, 5 imches 57 0 41” 298 299 300 301 303 304 306 RUBY-RED GLASS CABINET BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Graceful amphora shape, with clear pigeon-blood red tonality of great beauty. Bears an engraved “studio” mark. Has stand. Height, 71/4, inches JADE-WHITE GLASS CABINET VASE CHIEN LUNG Graceful amphora form, with even pseudo-jade color, without mark. Has a finely carved boxwood stand, partly colored in jade-green. Height, 41% inches IMPERIAL-YELLOW GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Bulbous body with tubular neck, showing an even perfect color. Bears “studio” mark. Has teak stand. : Height, 9 inches IMPERIAL-YELLOW GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Companion to the preceding and with same mark. Has teak stand. Height, 9 inches TURQUOISE-BLUE GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Bulbous shape with tubular neck. Bearing a “studio” mark. Has teak stand. Height, 814 inches PISTACHE-GREEN GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Bulbous body with tubular neck, presenting a soft even color. Bears studio mark. Has teak stand. Height, 934 inches PISTACHE-GREEN GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG Companion to the preceding, with same color, and mark slightly smaller. Has teak stand. Height, 9 inches LAPIS-BLUE GLASS BOTTLE CHIEN LUNG With bulbous body and tubular neck, presenting the color of eastern lapis-lazuli. Bears studio mark. Has stand. Height, ‘74 inches JAPANESE GOLD LACQUERED STAND NUMBER 306 JAPANESE GOLD LACQUERED STAND Its fanciful foliate top presenting landscape scenery with flowers in raised gold and aventurine lacquer of fine old quality. Height, 71% inches; diameter, 10 inches 58 0 307 97 308 ie 309 0 7 310 Sl ye al hye At be Si nak 314 315 SHOW CASES AND FURNITURE NUMBERS 307-334c OAK LIBRARY TABLE WITH TWO DRAWERS Turned legs and stretcher. Jacobean design. Size of top, 6 feet x 2 feet 9 inches TEAKWOOD AND GLASS SHOW CASE Oblong shape, with glass and table section. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet x 1 foot 9 inches CHINESE GLASS CENTRE CASE The upright section with glass doors is raised on its own table-stand. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width (square), 19 inches EBONIZED WOOD EXHIBITION CASE With glass door and glass sides, including six removable glass shelves. Lined with red plush. Has three drawers. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches LARGE SHOW CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches LARGE SHOW CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches NARROW EXHIBITION CASE Of ebonized wood with drawers, glass doors, sides and shelves. Matching the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet NARROW EXHIBITION CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet NARROW EXHIBITION CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 fect 59 316 318 319 3194 3198 320 3204 321 322 323 NARROW EXHIBITION CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet NARROW EXHIBITION CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet NARROW EXHIBITION CASE Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet PLAIN EBONIZED WOOD TABLE Matching the exhibition cases. Size of top, 6 feet x 8 feet 4 inches BLACK TABLE Same size as the preceding. BLACK TABLE (SMALLER) Size of top, & feet x 2 feet 4 inches TWO CIRCULAR TEAKWOOD PEDESTALS Carved patterns on edge with marble top. Supported by four legs. (2) Height, 39 inches; diameter, 13 inches TWO TEAKWOOD PEDESTALS Similar to the above. With marble inserts. (2) Height, 39 inches; diameter, 18 inches CARVED TEAK TABLE STAND Round shape. Height, 32 imches; diameter, 13 inches CARVED TEAK TABLE STAND Round shape. Supported by five legs. Height, 22 inches; width, 111% inches CARVED TEAK TABLE STAND Round shape. Supported by five legs. Height, 23 inches; diameter, 13 inches 60 326 327 328 py 829 330 331 PAIR OF CARVED TEAK TABLE STANDS Marble top. Supported by four legs. (2) Height, 20 inches; diameter, 14 inches OBLONG TEAKWOOD STAND Elaborately carved. Length, 16 inches; width, 6 inches OBLONG TEAKWOOD STAND Length, 131% inches; width, 51% inches OBLONG CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND Length, 131% inches; width, 6 inches CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND Round shape. Diameter, 7% inches CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND Round shape. Diameter, 81% inches wah! CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND Round shape. Diameter, 61 inches TWO TALL TEAKWOOD STANDS (2) : t 3314 ‘THREE TEAKWOOD STANDS Various sizes. (3) 3318 FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS Various sizes. (4) 331c FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS 332 Various sizes. (4) FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS Various sizes. (4) 61 BoLB 332c 332pD 333 338A 334 B384A 3348 384c THREE TEAKWOOD STANDS Various sizes. (3) TWO HIGH STANDS (2) TWO PLATE HOLDERS (2) FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS Small sizes. (4) FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS Small sizes. (4) FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS (4) TWO LARGE TEAKWOOD COVERS (2) FOUR TEAKWOOD COVERS Assorted sizes. (4) THREE TEAKWOOD STANDS Assorted sizes. (38) FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS Assorted sizes. (4) 62 ee he GEt tt Cowles LIBRARY | 1924 Apr 4 Ne An Ge ct 1 i NM = = = aah { SS ;