1921 Jan.26 aris CATALOGUE OF AN UNIQUE COLLECTION OF GREEK AND ROMAN MARBLES, IM- PORTANT GOTHIC SCULPTURES, PRIMITIVE PAINT- INGS, CERAMICS, TAPESTRIES AND ANCIENT RUGS, INCLUDING TWO MONUMENTAL ALTARS AND A GREEK ICONOSTAS, COMING FROM HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS AND GATHERED IN ENGLAND, FRANCE, AUSTRIA, ITALY AND THE LEVANT BY A WELL-KNOWN EUROPEAN CONNOISSEUR DURING MANY YEARS OF DISCRIMINATING COLLECTING. THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF 824 OBJECTS TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE ANDERSON GAL- LERIES, 489 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, ON JANUARY TWENTY-SIXTH TO TWENTY-NINTH [1921], INCLUSIVE. THE PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF THE COLLECTION OPENS ON WEDNESDAY, JAN- UARY NINETEENTH. [HOURS 9—6; SUNDAYS 1—<.] CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 7 Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the descrip- tion, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concern- ing any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the de- faulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be Hear ree for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET | NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN THE COLLECTION CONTAINS WORKS OF ART FROM THE FOLLOWING FAMOUS EUROPEAN COL- LECTIONS: THE COLLECTION OF LORD FRANCIS PELHAM CLINTON HOPE, FORMERLY AT DEEPDENE, DORK- ING, ENGLAND. THE COLLECTION OF LORD SWANSEA, SWANSEA, WALES. THE COLLECTION OF THE WELL-KNOWN CON- NOISSEUR, M. ALPHONSE KANN, PARIS. THE COLLECTION OF MR. H. SATZKA, LATE ARCHITECT OF THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT, VIENNA. THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE CESARE DETTI, ROME. THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE SIR HUGH LANE. THE COLLECTION OF SIR EDMUND BACKHOUSE, BART. THE COLLECTION OF COMMENDATORE STET- TINER, ROME. THE COLLECTION OF HIS GRACE, THE DUKE OF HAMILTON, ETC., ETC. J INTRODUCTORY NOTICE a collection that is unique in its scope, and unique in the artistic tendencies which it represents. We are used to being surrounded by works of art that merely flatter our eye and mind by soft, mellow colors, graceful line and pleasing subjects. Here is a collection that arouses our feeling for great and elevated beauty. ‘These objects seem to have no relation to our present “de luxe” civilization, and yet they respond to a higher yearning in our nature, and give it full satisfaction. The great beauty of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture, the spiritual austerity of Gothic wood carvings, the primitive directness of medieval pottery from the Orient, and the deep mysticism of Chinese pictorial art, belong to our life and must continue to belong to it more and more. This may seem a contradiction, but it is not. The actual pres- ence of these fine Greek and Roman marbles ought to create among us the same stir that the discoveries of Pompeii created in the cul- tured nobility of the 18th century. Ancient classic beauty seems to be irreconcilable with the graceful rococo, and yet we see aristocrats like Count Caylus in France, and Sir William Hamilton and Lord Francis Hope in England, devote their lives to ancient art with the same profound devotion as did the austere Winkelmann. Gradually the spiritual power of the antique asserts itself more and more in the art of the 18th century: Boucher and Fragonard are followed by Prud’hon and David; the achievement of Flaxman and Blake is the expression of the same classic spirit in England. At the present time we feel a similar reaction under the influence of classic and primitive art. We recognize that the early Greek, : ‘HE Anderson Galleries present to the art lovers of New York Vil the primitive Chinese and Indian, the early medieval art, convey the same message which modern artists strive to express in their own language. And so we find similarities between Cézanne’s canvases and Chinese painting, between Maillol’s work and primitive Greek art. This great awakening to the power of primitive and antique art found its first exponents in Europe and later many fervent fol- lowers in this country. The late Charles L. Freer of Detroit and the late Harvey E. Wetzel from Boston have left to Washington and to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts their artistic legacy with the teach- ing it conveys, while the activity of the greater museums in this coun- try, and of many art lovers, shows that this spirit 1s more alive than ever. The present collection has been gathered with the same keen sense of great and spiritual art. It was formed by continuous effort during years of travel and study. In order to secure these objects it was necessary to watch the salesrooms of Paris and London as well as the excavation fields of Persia. Such a collection could only be acquired by a man with a wide acquaintance among the most fa- mous European connoisseurs and artists. ‘The acquisition of a col- lection of Gothic sculptures was only possible under the pressure of recent political events; vestments, hangings and the large Greek iconostas come from the Christian sanctuaries of the Near East. The collection of about fifty Greek and Roman sculptures seems in itself an almost incredible achievement. However, it is even more astonishing that the present collection includes pieces from the famous collection of Thomas Hope, which was formed between the years 1790 and 1810, and which created a new movement in art when this leading archeologist reproduced them in his “Household Furniture and Interior Decoration” in 1807. ‘The Hope Collection itself goes back in part to the great collection of Sir William Hamil- ton, who in the second half of the 18th century was British Minister at the Court of Naples. Number 788 of the present sale was ac- quired by the ancestors of Lord Hope from the well-known archeologist Millingen about 1824 and is reproduced in Millingen’s “Unedited Monuments,’ Volume II, Plate 11. 3 The different sculptures and potteries represent the most diverse phases of classic art. Archaic art is represented by a fine series of Corinthian vases, some of them from the Lord Francis Hope Col- lection, an elegant kylix from the Lord Swansea Collection [477] and a charming archaic Tanagra statuette of the 6th century from the Vill Alessandro Giandola Collection [749]. The Hellenistic period 1s represented by a beautiful torso of a youth, probably a Hermes, which was formerly in the Simonetti Collection and is reproduced in Bruck- mann’s “Einzelaufnahmen Antiker Sculpturen” [797]. ‘This beauti- ful sculpture is a materpiece of the first rank. ‘The charm of the school of Alexandria, where at the time of the Lagides a cosmopolitan gay life flourished, finds a most charming expression in a delightful torso of Venus in which the sensuality of the Orient hides behind the purity of Greek forms [795]. From the same period dates the over life size statue of Paris, formerly in the collection of the Duke of Hamilton, Hamilton Palace, London [798]. ‘The figure of a ram is an astounding specimen of the Roman early Imperial period and was excavated in the neighborhood of Naples [792]. There is also a beautiful statue of a young woman veiled in wide, flowing draperies that belongs to the same period of Roman art [791]. Perhaps the most poetic work of the entire series of sculptures is the graceful statue of a young woman, which dates from the period of the Antonines [799]. It is a last flower in the garden of antique beauty and combines strange simplification of form with an extraordinarily beautiful and life-like expression of the head. It is the last smile of the antique world, that continues smiling to us over a period of 2,000 years. A very important marble sarcophagus, also from the Giandola Collection, transplants us into the rising world of early Christianity [796]. The angels holding the laurel garlands on both sides of the sarcophagus cannot quite conceal that in a former existence they were amorini. ‘The austere heads of the Virgin and saints predict the solemnity of Byzantine art. | For decades European connoisseurs have been collecting the works of medieval, Romanesque and Gothic art that had its cradle in Germany and France. The works of these periods aspire not so much to formal beauty as to the expression of a religious and spiritual ideal. Death and suffering are not painful incidents of earthly life. They become symbols of the ideal, and pity and redemption idealize the expression of suffering that is only a transitory state. It is from this point of view that we must approach medieval art. But although there is this fundamental unity of idea, the evolution of medieval art in the different European countries is of infinite variety, according to the varied temperaments involved. A sweet mysticism lives in the delightful Madonna of the School of Champagne, formerly in the IX Alphonse Kann Collection in Paris [665]. It shows the delicate work- manship and the softly flowing lines of draperies characteristic of the 14th century. German art of the 15th century is entirely different. It is rough and expressive in its main outlines. The German tech- nique of wood carving called for dramatic and energetic strokes, at times giving the characteristics in passionate exaggeration. At the same time, there is unconsciously an interesting realistic reflection of every day life. The statue of St. John, formerly in the Satzka Collection in Vienna, is a characteristic example [657]. ‘The saint represented may well be the shoemaker or carpenter living next door to the artist, and his expression combines sullen energy with small town narrowness. But strange mentalities also spring up in such surroundings. The flower of mysticism often grows in barren soil and the austerity of the prophet in the desert finds itself well ex- pressed in the features of this mediaval German craftsman. The group of God the Father holding the crucified Christ 1s in quite a different spirit [648]. It is broad and positive in conception. The large sweeping folds as well as the detail of the form are ex- pressed with an admirable sense of rhythm. But this is a typical Northern rhythm, not at all the harmony of the Italian Renaissance. There is an element of modern Cubism hidden in this remarkable work. A Southern German Virgin and Child, in its beautiful old polychromy, shows another slightly later evolution’ of Southern German Gothic art [661]. It is strange to see how this spirit of Gothic art remains alive in the German art of the 16th and even of the 17th century. Two copper-gilt monstrances of the second half of the 16th century are hardly touched by the spirit of the Renaissance [717, 718], and even the sculptures on the two monumental altars from Southern Tyrol are still full of the spirit of Gothic art [781, 782]. Mr. Satzka was able to secure the two altars on account of his position with the Austrian Government, and only present political conditions made it possible to remove them to this country. These important pieces would be a wonderful architectonic adornment for a mansion con- structed in the Italian Renaissance or the Spanish Colonial style. The Northern Schools are also represented by a few excellent paintings from the 15th and 16th centuries. A triptych [681] by the Master of the Death of the Virgin, Joos Van Cleef, shows an inter- esting transition from the Gothic spirit of the art of Rogier van der Weyden and Memling to that of the Northern Renaissance. An- x other painting by Lucas Cranach [682] shows the depth of psy- chological penetration which distinguishes the work of this great artist from that of his followers. The evolution of art in Italy is more familiar to us. A strange and characteristic work is the wonderful Crucifixus, attributed to Gaggino [670], which is a beautiful and idealistic representation of the Saviour. Representations of the crucifixion generally show a realistic expression of suffering. This work, on the contrary, aims only at expressing the joy of the supreme sacrifice of the Redeemer. Fine primitive paintings of the Italian School, an excellent 15th century pottery plate from the Alphonse Kann Collection [716], Paris, give a further illustration of the art of the Quattrocento, while the High Renaissance is represented by an interesting Madonna with saints, by a follower of Niccolo Palmezzano [674]. Remarkable in the present collection are three important archi- tectonic ensembles, which ought to be a valuable acquisition for a large mansion in the Italian or Spanish styles of the 16th and 17th centuries. We have already mentioned the two important altars, each about 17 feet high. One of these altars was erected to ward off the plague. Still more astonishing and even rarer is the large gilt wood iconostas from a Greek church in Cyprus [783]. The iconostas in the Greek and Russian churches separates the sanctuary from the room reserved for the worshippers. It shows a profusion of sculptures in which the antique Byzantine spirit still survives. This profusion of glittering gold must have been in wonderful contrast to the simplicity of the white-washed walls of the Oriental church in which it was erected and a skillful architect would certainly be able to use it to equal advantage in a modern construction. This important iconostas is not the only piece coming from Christian sanctuaries in the East. There are also a number of Syrian and Armenian vestments, and particularly remarkable is a large hang- ing from an Armenian church with the representation of scenes from the life of Christ [8or]. These Oriental church treasures are more than equalled by other discoveries from the Near East. There is a beautiful series of Persian potteries covering practically the entire history of pottery in the Near East. Three huge monumental jars would be a marvellous decoration for a magnificent hall in Oriental or Italian style [778- 780 |. But there is a particularly interesting Near Eastern feature in XI the collection—the series of Samarra pottery [531-546]. The Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for September, 1920, points out the importance of these early wares in the history of the ceramics of the Near East, about which a publication by Mr. Pezard is just out. These Samarra potteries were first discovered by Professor F’. Sarre, who wrote two extremely interesting studies about this new type of pottery in the scientific magazine “The Islam,” Volume V, 1914, and ‘n the Bulletins of the Berlin Museum, Volume 35, page 46, where he gives the surprising proof of the close connection between these Near Eastern wares of the gth century and the Chinese potteries of the Tang period. The beautiful potting in a dense clay approach- ing stoneware, the bold primitive design of the sgraffito and painted patterns, the depth of the rare olive and ruby lustres, is represented by excellent examples in the collection. It is the first time that these potteries have been offered at public sale in this country and also, as far as we know, in Europe. The beautiful series offers a rare op- portunity for museums and collectors in this country. Recently an important specimen of this type passed into the Louvre Museum in Paris; the Metropolitan Museum possesses a few choice specimens, while Professor Sarre had to deliver the results of his own excava- tions in Samarra to the Museum in Constantinople. The most re- markable piece in our collection is a lustre plate with the representa- tion of a camel. This plate may be assigned to the gth century. The relation between Near Eastern and Far Eastern ceramics is . illustrated by an interesting series of Chinese celadon pieces which were excavated in Persia. There is also a beautiful celadon vase of the Sung period with lotus decoration in relief, which may be com- pared in quality with the finest Persian specimens of the collection [725]. Otherwise, the Far East is represented by several Chinese paintings of the Sung and early Ming periods, which are a deep in- terpretation of the philosophy of nature of the Far East. Some of them come from the collection of the famous connoisseur Sir Hugh Lane, while an interesting makemono comes from the collection of Sir Edmund Backhouse, Bart., who for years lived in the service of the Chinese Government in Pekin. One of the surprises of the col- lection is a large painting by Shogetsu, one of the great Japanese artists of the 17th century. It represents the “Lord Tiger”; rarely have the power and cruelty of a ferocious animal found a better in- terpretation [610]. A series of fine Japanese screens completes the Far Eastern ensemble. XII American collectors have always been very fond of textiles on account of their decorative value. The present collection contains several excellent specimens, among them, and particularly notable, a 16th century tapestry representing a landscape with lions attacking a horse [805]. We have already mentioned the important hanging from an Armenian church. Furthermore remarkable is a beautiful brocade with the representation of a prayer niche which was woven in the 16th century, probably in Syria [800]. This brocade is particularly interesting because its pattern formed the model of the Asia Minor prayer rugs from which the Kulah and Giordes types were derived. Among the Oriental rugs are several beautiful pieces of the 16th century, especially an immense Uschak rug, measuring 22 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft. 3 in., which comes from a mosque in Asia Minor [816]. There is also a very fine Kuba rug of the 17th century, with a bold pattern of conventionalized peonies which evokes the strength of the primitive Armenian rugs which are ascribed by Martin in his “History of Oriental Carpets” to the 13th century, although they were probably woven at a later date [824]. A Persian garden rug of the late 17th or early 18th century recalls to us the memory of the famous rug of the Winter Palace of the Sassanian king Khosrau [823]. When the royal capital at Ktesi- phon was conquered by the invading Mohammedan hordes, this beau- tiful carpet, embroidered in gold, pearls and precious stones, be- wildered the invaders by its beauty. It represented an Oriental formal garden in the beauty of spring with flowers and fresh leaves, with ponds and shadowy pathways. This masterpiece was destroyed, as the Arab historians relate. It was cut to pieces and distributed as booty to the chiefs of the Arab army, but its memory survived among Persian rug weavers. Besides the present rug, there is a beautiful specimen in the Metropolitan Museum of a Persian garden rug in which a formal garden, with its long straight canals and its flower beds and blossoming shrubs and trees, is represented. The casual onlooker may walk carelessly over this superb rug, which conveys to the lover of the Orient a subtle message of beauty. These long rows of woolen knots, made by skillful hands in an Eastern workshop, evoke the magic of the Persian spring with its clear sky and gay flowers, whose charm Omar Khayyam, Hafiz and the other great poets of Iran never weary of praising. R. M. RIEFSTAHL, Pu.D. XIII ORDER OF SALE SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-SIXTH BYZANTINE AND OTHER CARVED WOOD PANELS CAUCASIAN PEASANT POTTERY PERSIAN POTTERY FROM KASHAN, BLACK AND WHITE CHINESE CELADON PORCELAIN, EXCAVATED OR FOUND IN PERSIA JEWELRY, MAINLY HUNGARIAN PEASANT JEWELRY INDIAN AND PERSIAN POTTERIES OF THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES FAR EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART GREEK VASES | BLUE KASHAN WARE ANTIQUE MARBLE SCULPTURES SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH GLASS KASHAN TURQUOISE DISHES CLASSIC OBJECTS OF ART PERSIAN LUSTRE, 16TH CENTURY PERSIAN POTTERY, 13TH CENTURY GOTHIC, ETC., STONE SCULPTURES ORIENTAL RUGS SALE THURSDAY EVENIN G: JANUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH PERSIAN OBJECTS OF ART ITALIAN AND SPANISH MAJOLICA TEXTILES MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN OBJECTS ANATOLIAN POTTERY, RHODOS AND DAMASCUS RHAGES POTTERY SCULPTURES eV. 1720 27— 33 34- 42 43- 51 52— 82 83- 94 95- 98 gg-122 123-140 I4I—-I51 152-174 175-202 203-208 209-21 4. 215-234 235-244 245-271 272-286 287-310 311-347 348-355 350-371 372-411 412-423 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH JEWELRY GREEK VASES SULTANABAD POTTERY VARIOUS TEXTILES SAMARRA POTTERY ORIENTAL RUGS ORIENTAL FURNITURE EUROPEAN FURNITURE SALE FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH CHINESE AND JAPANESE PAINTINGS JAPANESE SCREENS BYZANTINE IKONS GOTHIC SCULPTURES EUROPEAN SCULPTURES AND PAINTINGS SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY TWENTY-NINTH ROMAN AND PERSIAN JEWELRY OBJECTS OF ART—-EUROPEAN, MOHAMMEDAN, FAR EASTERN IMPORTANT NEAR EASTERN TEXTILES EGYPTIAN AND ROMAN OBJECTS OF ART IMPORTANT NEAR EASTERN POTTERY TWO IMPORTANT ALTARS AND A COMPLETE ICONOSTAS ANTIQUE MARBLES TAPESTRIES TWO PALACE DOORS IN CERTOSINA, ONE MANTEL-PIECE AND | ONE LARGE TILE FIELD IMPORTANT SERIES OF ORIENTAL RUGS XVI 424-455 456-479 480-496 497-530 531-548 549-568 569-571 572-585 586-610 611-615 616-635 636-667 668-682 683-703 704-725 720-734 735-749 750-780 781-783 784-799 800-805 806-809 810-824. SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 26TH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK FIRST SESSION LOTS (ie BYZANTINE AND OTHER CARVED WOOD PANELS LOTS 1-26 1 MISCELLANEOUS GILT WOOD CARVINGS ORIENT, 17TH-18TH CENTURY About twenty pieces. (Sold as is.) 2 CARVED AND GILT WOOD MIRROR FRAME TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Influence of European baroque style. Red and gold. (Sold as is. ) Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width 25 inches. 3 FIVE WOODEN MOULDINGS Red and gold. (Sold as is.) Length about 10 feet (entire). 4 TWO FRAMES AND ONE DOOR PANEL (a) Venetian mirror frame. Lacquered with charming floral ornaments. 18th century. (b) Mirror frame. Turkish, early 19th century. (c) Door panel. Gilt and lacquered wood. Turkish rococo style, early 18th century. (Sold as is.) Size, not over 4 feet by 2 feet. 5 EIGHT BYZANTINE CARVED AND GILT WOOD COLUMNS GREEK, 15TH-16TH CENTURY More or less complete. Shafts, three capitals. Beautiful carving with traces of old polychromy. (Sold as Is. ) Height, not exceeding 31 inches. 6 FOUR CARVED AND GILT WOOD ORNAMENTS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Same set as the preceding. (Sold as is.) Width, 20, 20, 10% and 10% inches. 1 12 res FOUR CARVED AND GILT WOOD ORNAMENTS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Curved, rectangular shape. Openwork carving of acanthus motives. (Sold as is.) Width, 2 feet each. EIGHT CARVED AND GILT WOOD COLUMNS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY (Sold as is.) Average length, 17 inches. FIVE CARVED AND GILT WOOD COLUMNS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY AND LATER (Sold as 1s.) Length, not over 22 inches. CARVED AND GILT WOODEN PANEL GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Byzantine vases and arabesque flowers. (Sold as is.) | Length, about 0 feet. THREE GILT WOOD ROUND ORNAMENTS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY AND LATER Richly carved with fruit, flowers, etc. (Sold as is.) Diameter, not over 18 inches. FRIEZE OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Parts of a very fine frieze; gold, green and red. Decoration of Byzantine flower vases. (Sold as is.) THREE PIECES OF CARVED WOOD GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Two parts of a frieze, one arched doorway. Beautiful carving of Byzantine acanthus scrolls, flying angels, birds, etc. (Sold as is.) Length, not over 32 inches. CONICAL DOME IN GILT AND CARVED WOOD GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Height, 17 inches. SIX PANELS OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Floral and ribbon pattern. (Sold as is.) 2 18 20 a1 Ze 23 24 TWO CARVED WOODEN FRIEZE PANELS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Beautiful carving in Byzantine style in green, red and gold. (Sold as is.) Length, about 10% feet. DIVERSE FRIEZES AND MOULDINGS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY AND LATER Six pieces, richly carved, gilt and polychrome. (Sold as is.) PART OF A CARVED AND GILT WOOD FRIEZE GREEK, 15TH-16TH CENTURY Very fine acanthus friezes in Byzantine style. (Sold as is.) Length, about 5 feet. TWO ALTAR ORNAMENTS GREEK, 17TH CENTURY Carved and gilt wood. A medallion with winged angel’s head on a tripod base. (Sold as is.) Height, 32 inches. THREE CARVED AND GILT WOOD OVERDOOR ORNAMENTS ORIENT, 17TH-19TH CENTURY (Sold as is.) Width, not over 3% feet. TOP OF GILT WOOD CANOPY TurRKIsH, 18TH CENTURY Acanthus panel decoration. (Sold as is.) Diameter, 20 inches. THREE CARVED AND GILT WOOD ORNAMENTS GREEK, 17TH CENTURY Decorated with Byzantine eagle and dolphin. (Sold as is.) Width, not over 31 inches. THREE CARVED WOODEN PANELS (a) and (b) Greek, 17th century. Angels’ heads. (c) Turkish, 18th century. (Sold as is.) Width, not over 35 inches. TWO CARVED AND GILT WOOD DOORWAYS GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Beautiful Byzantine vase and arabesque carving. Fine old polychromy. Gold, red and green. (Sold as is.) Width, 26 and 35 inches. 3 25 26 27 29 30 CARVED AND GILT WOOD PULPIT GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Semi-octagonal shape. Four arches with floral ornamentation supported by elaborately carved and gilt wood columns. Base with floral scrolls. (Sold as is.) Height, 3 feet 10 inches. ARCADED RAILING OF AN ICONOSTAS GREEK, 15TH-16TH CENTURY Fourteen arcades. In three pieces. Beautifully carved and gilt wood; angels’ heads in the niches. (Sold as is.) CAUCASIAN PEASANT POTTERY LOTS 27-33 TWO LARGE POTTERY DISHES CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Well balanced, conventionalized floral designs in terra cotta, green and yellow on a dark reddish brown background. : Diameter, 13 and 13% inches. TWO LARGE POTTERY DISHES CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Decoration of effectively contrasting conventionalized floral motives in well harmonized tones of terra cotta, yellow and blue. Diameter, I? and 13% inches. TWO LARGE POTTERY DISHES CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Same type as the preceding, but with lightly scalloped edge. Diameter, 1234 and I 334 inches. TWO LARGE POTTERY DISHES | | CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY One with realistic flower decoration, the other with convention- alized design. Harmonization of yellow, green, terra cotta and white. Diameter, 13 and I2Y2 inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Eight lobed floral rosace, enclosing a smaller central rosace. Vivid coloring, accented by white. Diameter, 13% inches. 4 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 a9 TWO LARGE POTTERY DISHES CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Striking conventionalized floral designs in harmonization of green, yellow and terra cotta. Diameter, 13 and 13% inches. TWO LARGE POTTERY DISHES CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Brilliantly colored peasant ware with vigorously convention- alized floral motives surrounding a central rosace. Color harmony of yellow, blue, terra cotta and green. Diameter, 13% and I4 inches. PERSIAN POTTERY FROM KASHAN, BLACK AND WHITE LOTS 34-42 POLVrERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Cream color, with underglaze decoration of blue floral motives. Height, 934 inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Golden brown, with underglaze decoration in blue of floral motives. | Height, 10% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Yellowish brown with blue floral decoration under the glaze. Height, FI inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Cream color with underglaze decoration of floral motives in blue. The greater part of the jar covered with slight corrugations, due to misfiring. Height, I1%4 inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Light brown, with underglaze decoration in blue showing a wide band of conventionalized leaf ornament. Height, IT inches. LARGE POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Ovoid, with low circular neck. Cream colored glaze, with blue underglaze decoration of varied flower and leaf motives. Height, 14% inches. 40 LARGE POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY AI 42 Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with underglaze decoration of degenerated flower and leaf forms in black. Height, 11% inches. POTTERY JAR. PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Amusing design, showing adaptation of Chinese cloud and pagoda motives. Cream color glaze; blue and black underglaze decoration. 3 Height, 11% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Ovoid body with short neck. White, with underglaze decoration of floral and linear motives in blue. Height, 14% inches. CHINESE CELADON PORCELAIN, EXCAVATED OR 43 44 FOUND IN PERSIA LOTS 43-51 Oriental superstition believes that celadon wares neutralize any poison contained in them. ‘They were therefore much in use in the Near East, particularly at the courts of the princes. They were exported from China as early as the Sung period; they are found together with Rhages and Fostat pottery of the 12th-13th centuries, and in the porcelain collection of the late Sultan Abdul Hamid there were about 3,000 pieces of this ware from the Ming period. LARGE SIZE CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD Found in Persia. The sides with delicately incised decoration of sweeping peony scroll work. The bottom with large circular medallion of rosaces in diaper pattern. Diameter, 19% inches. CELADON PORCELAIN BOWL CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD Found in Persia. Fine potting; the sides with very skillfully executed lotus and cloud design. (Slight repair.) : Height, 234 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 6 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD The bottom with graceful underglaze decoration of peony leaves; the sides closely fluted design. Diameter, IT inches. SMALL CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Excavated in Persia. The inside with elaborate many petalled rosace decoration. (Repaired.) Diameter, 8% inches. CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Excavated in Persia. Heavy porcelain. Fluted sides; the bot- tom with delicately executed peony medallion. Height, 234 inches, diameter, I 3% inches. CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD Found in Persia. The low sides decorated with a frieze of peony leaf and flower decoration in very fine and detailed technique. (Repaired.) Height, 2 inches, diameter, IOY% inches. CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD Excavated in Persia. Heavy porcelain. Scalloped rim; fluted sides. The bottom with decoration of a single lotus flower. (Repaired. ) Height, 2 inches; diameter, 10% inches. LARGE PORCELAIN CELADON DISH CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD Excavated in Persia. Heavy porcelain, the sides fluted, the bottom with indistinct floral medallion decoration. (Edge slightly chipped.) Height, 3 inches, diameter, 13% inches. CELADON PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD Excavated in Persia. Heavy porcelain; sides with fluting. Bottom with lotus decoration. (Rim slightly chipped.) Diameter, I4 inches. JEWELRY, MAINLY HUNGARIAN PEASANT JEWELRY §2 a 54 55 56 57 58 59 LOTS 52-82 GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped with setting of baroque pearls and emerald colored stones. Enamelled center; small drop. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped pendant with setting of baroque pearls and amethyst colored stones. GOLD PLATED LAVALLIERE WITH GOLD CHAIN Setting of jade green and ruby colored stones alternating with — baroque pearls, in openwork scrolled mounting. | TWO GOLD PLATED PENDANTS HUNGARIAN, 19TH CENTURY One rosace shaped with setting of garnet and emerald colored stones and small pear shaped green drop. The other with small baroque pearls, garnet and emerald colored stones in an elab- orately wrought and scrolled setting. PAIR OF SILVER EAR-RINGS PLATED IN GOLD | HUNGARIAN, I9TH CENTURY Unusual rosace setting; the center enamelled and set with baroque pearl; the edge with light green stones and baroque pearls. Three small drops. GOLD PLATED LAVALLIERE ON GOLD CHAIN The open work, rosace shaped pendant with setting of rectangu- lar light green stones and round baroque pearls. Pear shaped pale green drop. 3 LARGE GOLD PLATED BROOCH HUNGARIAN, I9TH CENTURY Oval, the edge with very unusual enamelled decoration and with setting of three small garnets and three small turquoises. The center with large mother of pearl. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Graceful flower shape set with baroque pearls and sapphire colored stones. 61 62 63 66 67 68 GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN The pendant in two sections, the upper with amorino and emerald and ruby colored stones, the lower flower shaped with the same stones surrounding a baroque pearl. SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WRIST WATCH VIENNA, I9TH CENTURY Engraved and set with garnet colored stones and with tur- quoises. Made by S. Hollander, Vienna. | TWO RINGS—ONE GOLD PLATED, THE OTHER SILVER The gold plated ring with setting of seed pearls, emerald and ruby colored stones. The silver ring with unusual carved wooden setting. HEAVY GOLD BRACELET WITH ENAMELLING HUNGARIAN, I9TH CENTURY Elaborately engraved; the center enamelled in deep blue and set with carnelian. Unusual specimen. PAIR OF BRONZE WATCH CHARMS WITH CAR- NELIAN INTAGLIOS Female head and pair of birds with flowers. GOLD WATCH CHARM WITH CARNELIAN IN- TAGLIO Bust of Louis XIV. EIGHT RINGS WITH VARIOUS SETTINGS AND MOUNTINGS All plated; some with Hungarian hand wrought mounting. Settings of brilliants, baroque pearls and various other stones. THREE MASSIVE SILVER PLATED RINGS HUNGARIAN, 19TH CENTURY Two with circular signets in the center with wrought and hammered decoration. The other with double eagles and escutcheon shaped setting with ivory colored stone. TWO GOLD PLATED PINS Oval and rectangular shaped, elaborately set with baroque pearls and ruby and emerald colored stones. 9 69 70 Fi Shee 73 74 75 76 77 PAIR OF TURQUOISE EAR-RINGS IN GOLD PLATED SETTING MODERN HUNGARIAN Rosace flowers with high setting of seven turquoise stones and with small pendant set with a single turquoise. GOLD PLATED -BAR PIN Set with baroque pearls, ruby and garnet colored stones. TWO BAR PINS AND A PENDANT OF SILVER PLATED WITH GOLD The pendant set with ruby and garnet colored stones and baroque pearls. One bar pin with turquoise and seed pear] setting; the other with baroque pearls and ruby colored stones Length of pins, 1% and 3% inches PAIR OF GOLD PLATED EAR-RINGS : HUNGARIAN, 19TH CENTURY Rosace shaped, with small green quartz drops. Baroque pearls, garnet colored and pale green stones, accented by enamelling in black. TWO GOLD PLATED RINGS One with large green stone set in a hand engraved mounting; the other with rosace setting of small purple and blue stones — surrounded by seed pearls. SILVER PENDANT PLATED IN GOLD ON GOLD CHAIN 7 Setting of baroque pearls and ruby colored stones. The mount- ing with cherubim head in repoussé work. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped, with setting of baroque pearls, ruby and emerald colored stones. Drop with green setting. SILVER PENDANT PLATED IN GOLD ON GOLD CHAIN Flower shaped, with setting of baroque pearls and emerald — colored stones; center with enamelling. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped, with setting of baroque pearls, emerald colored stones and small ruby colored stones. 10 78 iM 80 81 82 GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped, with baroque pearls and emerald colored stones; the center with enamelling. TWO GOLD PLATED RINGS WITH ELABORATE SETTINGS One silver, plated with gold, and set with rectangular pale green stone, flanked by seed pearls and garnet colored stones. The other with elaborate hand wrought setting; pink stone encircled by seed pearls. TWO SILVER RINGS SET WITH SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES One with a large garnet colored stone in heavily wrought mounting; the other with a small pearl in a very unusual, deli- cate hand wrought setting. TURQUOISE BROOCH IN SILVER AND GOLD SETTING The front of gold; the back mounting of silver. Filigree setting with central rosace flower whose petals are formed of turquoise. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Butterfly shaped pendant set with baroque pearls, ruby colored, and pale green stones. INDIAN AND PERSIAN POTTERIES OF THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES LOTS 83-94 Antique potteries are seldom found unharmed by time, therefore 83 it has not been considered necessary to mention defects resulting from age LARGE POTTERY DISH INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Charming all over decoration of conventionalized leaf motives in varied arrangement in deep blue on white. Diameter, 15% inches. 1] 84 85 86 87 88 89 go LARGE POTTERY DISH INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Mohammedan style.. Heavy pottery. Decoration of ornately scrolled leaf motives and quadruple ball motives in deep cobalt blue. Diameter, 15 inches. POTTERY WATER PIPE PITCHER PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY The body with all over decoration of very boldly designed, but graceful peony sprays in blue, with contrasting, semi-conven- tionalized leaf and floral motives in light red. Neck with palmations. Height, 12% tinches. POTTERY WATER PIPE PITCHER PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Boldly decorated in red and blue on white. The palmation motives on the neck reveal Chinese influence; the body shows a wide band of elaborately connected medallion motives with flowers. (From the H. Preece collection.) Height, 11 inches. OCTAGONAL POTTERY PLATE PERSIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Decorated in Chinese style in fine tones of blue on white— graceful peonies of bold design with a leopard at the base. Diameter, 9 inches. POTTERY DISH WITH MOULDED ORNAMENTS CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY Mottled each brown and light brown pottery, the rim glazed in green, and decorated with branching tree medallions and double eagles, the latter showing Russian influence. Diameter, 13% inches. LARGE POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Sturdy peasant art. The outside glazed in cobalt blue and with applied and moulded decoration of small and large rosace motives. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 12%, inches. POTTERY BOWL | PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Very light turquoise blue with applied and moulded decoration of small rosace motives encircling the outside of the bowl, some- what in the rococo style. Height, 234 inches, diameter, 8 inches. TZ g2 93 94 95 96 LARGE POTTERY DISH PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The inside with large, and expressively drawn decoration of a Persian lady in her garden, picking flowers from the large bushes which grow on either side of her. Cobalt blue, turquoise green and black on white. Diameter, 13 inches. POTTERY JARDINIERE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY All over decoration of gracefully swaying conventionalized floral sprays in cobalt blue, green and black on white. Rec- tangular, with slightly shaped body. The mouth with rhom- boid shaped opening. Signed on bottom. Height, 5% inches; size of top, 8% by 7% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH IN CHINESE STYLE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Blue and white, with sweeping and energetically executed de- sign. The bottom with a Foo lion on a background of wavy peony scrolls, the sides with a design of large, but graceful peony flowers and scrolled stems. With imitation Chinese mark. Interesting specimen. Diameter, 10 inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY The bottom with an elaborate eight-pointed star medallion in light red, blue and olive green. The sides with twisted Chinese cloud scrolls in black and white. Diameter, T8VY% inches. FAR EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART | LOTS 95-98 GILT AND LACQUERED WOODEN SCULPTURE SIAM, 1'7TH-18TH CENTURY The Buddha seated with crossed legs on a conical triangular throne. Height, 28 inches. BONE READING STAND WITH PERFORATED CARVING SIAM, 16TH-17TH CENTURY The stand itself decorated with nine panels, each with a dancing | demon in very expressive open work carving. The sides, top and base with carving of elaborate floral motives. Height, 27 inches. 13 ee 98 STATUETTE OF GILT AND LACQUERED BRONZE SIAM, 16TH-17TH CENTURY. Buddha is represented standing on a high throne made in four tiers. Both hands are held up with the palms toward the front. The robe, jewels and high headdress are of very rich design. Height, 20 inches. MOTHER OF PEARL AND LACQUER COFFER JAPANESE, 16TH CENTURY All over inlay of mother of pearl in diamond shaped insets forming a diaper pattern. Handsome gilt bronze hinges and lock. Excellent workmanship. | Height, 11 inches; length, 19% inches; depth, 934 inches. GREEK VASES LOTS 99-122 Antique potteries are seldom found unharmed by time, therefore 99 TOO IOI it has not been considered necessary to mention defects resulting from age RED FIGURED OENOCHOE GREEK, EARLY 3RD CENTURY B.C. Decoration of a woman advancing to the sacrificial altar, bear- _ ing in her right hand a vessel with offering, and in the left a wreath. The drawing of the figure very expressive. Dis- covered at Cyrenaica. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 9% inches. SKYPHOS GREECE, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B.C. Simple classic shape without decoration and imitating a metal vessel. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 3 inches; diameter, 3% inches. SMALL RED FIGURED AMPHORA APULIAN, 4TH CENTURY B.C. Decoration of female heads and acanthus motives. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 5% inches. 14 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 RED FIGURED AMPHORA ETRUSCAN, EARLY 3RD CENTURY B.C. On one side of the vase the bust of a young Greek woman with archaic coiffure, on the other side a young Greek nude moving forward with a basket of fruit in his right hand. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 5% inches. COVERED JAR WITH HANDLES GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH CENTURY B.C. Red figured type. Body with frieze showing figures of a winged genius and a woman. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 0 inches. VASE ON RED GROUND ATHENIAN, 4TH CENTURY B.C. On one side a Grecian coiffured female head, archaistically treated; on the other, a winged nude figure of Eros very elab- orately drawn. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 0% inches. SMALL ARYBALLOS CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. White clay, with incised and painted bird decoration in black with touches of red. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 4% inches. ALABASTRON CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. Incised and painted decoration in black and red of grotesque animals of Assyrian inspiration. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 534 inches. ALABASTRON CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. Figures of a cock and rosaces in black and purple, and outlined with incised lines. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 5% inches. RED FIGURED LEKYTHOS GREEK, EARLY FOURTH CENTURY B.C. Decoration of a draped goddess bearing a bunch of grapes in one hand, and in the other a dish of offerings. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 734 inches. LS 109 IIO it iD By 113 114 Lis 116 ALABASTRON — CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. A fantastic human-faced bird drawn in black and purple on cream ground, the outlines defined with incised lines. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 0% inches. ASKOS GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B.C. In the form of a bird covered with all over geometrical decora- tion in black. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 6 inches, length, 8 inches. RED FIGURED AMPHORA APULIAN, 4TH CENTURY B.C. Boudoir scene; seated young woman holding a mirror. Re- verse a coiffured head of young Grecian woman. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 8% inches. RED FIGURED AMPHORA ETRUSCAN, EARLY 3RD CENTURY B. C. Decorated with female heads and acanthus motives. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 8% inches. RED FIGURED AMPHORA ETRUSCAN, EARLY 3RD CENTURY B. C. The subject of this interesting vase are two figures on either side—on the one, the meeting of two philosophers, on the other, a Bacchic scene, with two draped youths, each bearing the tripos. (From By Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 11% inches. RED FIGURED AMPHORA APULIAN, 4TH CENTURY B.C. Winged Eros seated on a rock; reverse, a Grecian female head. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 6 inches. OENOCHOE OR WINE POURER GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 3RD CENTURY B.C. Black ground Re nhs decorated in white slip with figures and palmettos. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 10% inches. FIGURED LEKYTHOS OR BOTTLE. GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH CENTURY B. C. Decoration of mythological scene. The figures accented by slight use of white. Excellent design. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Hetght, 9 inches. 16 117 118 119 I20 I2I 122 RED FIGURED VASE GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH CENTURY B. C. Urn shaped, with mouth arched over by small handle. Two Grecian heads on the neck; a draped and a nude figure bearing a spear on either side of the body. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 13% inches. OENOCHOE GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Decoration of human heads in white, with touches of bright orange on background of black. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Hetght, 834 inches. RED FIGURED AMPHORA GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Decoration of a woman’s head and a woman bearing a bowl. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 7% inches. RED FIGURED KYLIX WITH COVER APULIAN, EARLY 3RD CENTURY B. C. Black ware, the cover decorated with two figures, one a winged genius in flight, the other a lady seated in her boudoir holding a mirror. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) | ; Height, 9% inches. RED FIGURED PITCHER WITH COVER ATHENIAN, §TH-4TH CENTURY B. C. Rare form, having three handles and a spout. Picture of a dove between two heads of Grecian youths. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 10 inches. RED FIGURED OENOCHOE GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Mythological scene with sphinxes, showing Assyrian influence. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 8% inches. 17 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 BLUE KASHAN WARE LOTS 123-140 POTTERY JAR _ PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Bluish green with underglaze decoration in im- pressionistic floral, animal and human forms in dark green. Height, 9% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Light turquoise green, decorated in black with two friezes of impressionistic leaf motives. Height, 8 inches. POTTERY EWER PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Ovoid shape, tapering toward the base. Three symmetrically placed handles connecting the lower neck with the shoulder. Brilliant turquoise blue glaze. Height, 1034 inches. LARGE POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Ovoid body with four symmetrically placed handles connect- ing the mouth with the shoulder. Brilliant turquoise blue glaze, decorated with bands of narrow incised lines. Height, 17% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURIES Kashan ware. Delicate green with underglaze decoration in black of graceful floral scrolls. Height, 9 inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Bluish green with underglaze decoration in darker green. Ovoid shape, on circular metal foot. Height 11% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Greenish blue, with two bands of underglaze — decoration in black. Height, 1034 inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Greenish blue with underglaze decoration of conventionalized flowers in black. Height, 13% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Greenish blue, encircled by two bands of under- glaze decoration in dark green. Height, 7% inches. 18 132 133 134 135 137 139 140 POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURIES Turquoise blue, with banding of simple linear design in black under the glaze. Height, 8% inches. Pere RY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue with underglaze decoration of linear and leaf motives in darker blue. Height, 8% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Floral spray decoration. Turquoise blue, with underglaze design in black. Height, 834 inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with bands of floral decoration under the glaze in black. Height, 11% inches. SMALL POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 19TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Brilliant turquoise blue with underglaze dec- oration in black showing a scene of entertainment of the Sultan. Height, 6% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with underglaze decoration of lightly indicated floral forms in green. Height, 11% inches. POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue with underglaze decoration of simple medallions and linear motives in black. Height, 1034 inches. POTTERY JAR ) PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Light turquoise blue, the shoulder with band- ing of underglaze decoration in black. Height, 8% inches. PARGE POTTERY BOTTLE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Globular body with tall neck. Light turquoise blue with underglaze decoration in black of crudely conven- tionalized flower and leaf motives. Height, 14 inches. 19 141 142 143 144 145 147 ANTIQUE MARBLE SCULPTURES LOTS 141-151 MARBLE TORSO OF VENUS ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD About life size, only the trunk of the body remaining, which shows powerful modelling. Wooden base. Height, 20 inches. FEMALE PORTRAIT BUST ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Charming head of a young maiden, yellow marble base. Height, 12% inches. FEMALE MARBLE HEAD ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD The graceful head with wavy hair surrounded by a drapery. On wooden stand. Height, 7% inches. MARBLE BUST OF A LADY ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Delicate modelling, of eyes, cheek and chin. Restorations on nose, draperies and neck. Square base. Height, 15% inches. MARBLE TORSO (APOLLON ?) GREEK, HELLENISTIC PERIOD The god standing next to the trunk of a tree. Good modelling of the nude torso. Fine ivory patina of the marble. Height, 18 inches. TWO FRAGMENTS OF FRIEZES (a) Roman Imperial period, with acanthus spirals; (b Late Roman from the Orient, with animals among spiral scrolls. Both white marble. Length about 20 and 15 inches. MARBLE HEAD OF A BEARDED MAN ROMAN, LATER IMPERIAL PERIOD Type of the Zeus of Otricoli. The details of the technique indicate a rather late period. (Damaged.) Height, 10% inches. MARBLE SLAB | ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Such slabs are used in the catacombs of Rome. ‘The inscription mentions the name of the dead “Aurelius Lucius,” his son and ~ his wife Agathe who put up the tombstone. Beautiful capital writing. IT inches square. 20 149 MARBLE TORSO OF A YOUTH 150 ISI ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Arm, head and legs missing. Good modelling. Height, 14% inches. FEMALE HEAD GREEK, 4TH CENTURY Probably the representation of the genius of a Greek city. The hair is drawn smoothly over the forehead and ears and gathered into a large knot at the nape of the neck. The symbolic corona muralis rests upon the top of the head. A work of classic dig- nity and repose. (The nose, chin and one cheek slightly damaged. ) Height, 13% inches. MALE TORSO HELLENISTIC SCHOOL, ALEXANDRIA, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B. C. A youth of slender, athletic build. (One arm missing.) Marble. With stand. Height, 18% inches. 21 153 154 155 156 157 158 SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27TH AL -LWO-FHIRTY O'CLOCK SECOND SESSION LOTS 152-271 GLASS LOTS 152-174 SMALL GLASS JAR ROMAN, 3RD-STH CENTURY A. D. Low cup shape with wide mouth. White, with lavender and greenish iridescence. Height, 2 inches, diameter 234 inches. GQ NOCHOE EGYPT, STH-4TH CENTURY B.C. Purplish glass, decorated with plastically apphed and im- pressed glass threads, running in spirals and zigzag lines around the body of the vase. (Base restored. ) Height, 3% inches. TWO SMALL PERFUME PHIALS SYRIA, IST-3RD CENTURY A. D. Amphora shaped, with two handles, the one with, the other without round base. | Height, 434 and 4% inches. GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER ara, 13TH CENTURY White glass with streaking of iridescence. Globular body; long slender neck. Height, 5% inches. GOLD PAINTED GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE INDIAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Amber colored glass with all over floral design in gold. Flat- tened, eight sided body. Height, 4% inches. GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER ARAB, 13TH CENTURY White glass with streakings of iridescence. Small handles of plastically applied glass. Globular body; long slender neck. Height, 4% inches. GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER SYRIA, 3RD- 5TH CENTURY In the form of a bird. Iridescence. Length, 3 inches. 22 159 160 161 162 164 165 166 GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER _ PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY - Purplish blue glass in pitcher shape with long slender spout. Handle and end of spout of plastically applied glass. Funnel shaped neck; lower part of body with raised decoration. Height, 7% inches. GLASS VASE LATE ROMAN, 4TH-6TH CENTURY Fine iridescence of rainbow like shades. Globular body with cylindrical neck, widening toward the mouth. Height, 334 inches. GLASS VASE LATE ROMAN, 4TH-5TH CENTURY Globular, with wide, cylindrical neck. Fine iridescence, with gleaming shades of purples, orange and green. Height, 2 inches. GLASS VASE ROMAN, 4TH-5TH CENTURY Globular body, with short neck and wide, flaring mouth. Part- ly covered with fine iridescence. Hetght, 4% inches. TWO MOULDED GLASS BOTTLES ARAB, 12TH-13TH CENTURY One opaque light green glass with all over pattern (repaired) the other opaque dark blue glass with plastically applied handle and banded decoration at the base. eas Height, 3% and 3% inches. MOULDED GLASS BOTTLE ARAB, EARLY MOHAMMEDAN PERIOD Circular body with short cylindrical neck. The neck and body with simple, slightly raised decoration. Slight iridescence. Height, 5% inches. GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER ARAB, 13TH CENTURY Flattened globular body with long slender neck, tapering to- ward the mouth. Slight iridescence. Height, 5% inches. GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE ARAB, 13TH CENTURY Translucent white glass, with mottlings of iridescence. Flat- tened globular body with long slender neck. Height, 6% inches. Zo } ‘ 1 | 1 168 170 P74 172 173 GLASS PERFUME SPRINKLER _§Ar&bB, 13TH CENTURY Globular body with tall slender neck with handles of plastically applied glass threads at the shoulder. The lower part of the vase with Cufic inscription in manganese purple. Very rare specimen. Height, 434 inches. fv BOLITDRS OF MOULDED AND PINCHED. GLASS ARAB, EARLY MOHAMMEDAN PERIOD One globular, with short cylindrical neck; the other with bul- bous body and wide cylindrical neck. Both with lavender and light green iridescence. Height, 2% and 2% inches. SMALL GLASS JAR SYRIA, 3RD-5TH CENTURY A. D. Fine iridescence shading from light to deep tones. Globular body with wide, spreading mouth. Height, 14 inches. SMALL GLASS JAR } EGYPT, GREEK PERIOD, 5TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Deep blue opaque glass with decoration of plastically applied and impressed glass threads in yellow and green. Inverted pear shaped with short neck and spreading mouth. Height, 2% inches. SMALL GLASS JAR EGYPT, GREEK. PERIOD, 5TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. Purplish blue with design of plastically applied and impressed glass threads in yellow, light blue and green. Inverted pear shape with short neck and spreading mouth. Height, 3 inches. GOBLET OF ENAMELLED GLASS ARAB, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Slender cylindrical shape widening at the mouth. Opaque white glass enamelled in red and other colors with bands bear- ing fish motives. Found inthe Caucasus. Height, 6% inches. ENAMELLED GLASS GOBLET ARAB, 12TH-13TH CENTURY White glass with enamelled fish decoration in red. Tall, slender shape. Height, 7% inches. 24 174 GOBLET OF ENAMELLED GLASS ARAB, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Opaque white glass with tree motives enamelled in red, green and blue. Height, 5 inches. KASHAN TURQUOISE DISHES LOTS 175-202 Antique potteries are seldom found unharmed by time, therefore it has not been considered necessary to mention — defects resulting from age 1756. POTTERY PLATE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Dark turquoise blue with all over floral decora- tion in black under the glaze. Diameter, IO inches. 176 POTTERY BOWL BUCHARA, ISTH-160TH CENTURY Celestial blue, with sgraffito decoration. Diameter, 11% inches. 177, POTTERY BOWLES PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with underglaze decoration in dark green, of linear and degenerated floral motives. , Diameter, IO inches. 178 POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Turquoise blue, with black underglaze decoration of semi- realistic floral rosaces. Diameter, TOY% inches. 179 POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. The bottom with realistic bird and flower dec- oration, the sides with deep bands of conventionalized design. Turquoise blue, with black underglaze decoration. Diameter, II inches. 180 POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with simple underglaze dec- oration in black. The bottom with grotesque, semi-convention- alized head. Diameter, IO inches. ap 181 182 185 186 187 188 189 POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Light turquoise blue, with underglaze decora- tion in black of simple linear motives. Diameter, IO inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURIES Kashan ware. Heavy pottery, glazed in brilliant turquoise blue, with underglaze decoration in black. Bottom with floral composition, the outside with leaf motives in bold design. Diameter, 12 inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with black underglaze dec- oration of semi-conventionalized palmetto leaves. Diameter, 1034 inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Deep turquoise blue with banded decoration in black underglaze of conventienalized palmetto leaves. The bottom with unusual flower and bird design. Diameter, II inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Brilliant turquoise blue, with simple decoration in black underglaze. Diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY BOWL | PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turqugise blue, with charming decoration of scroll, leaf and floral motives in black underglaze. Diameter, 10% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with black underglaze dec- oration of palmetto leaves. The bottom with woman’s head. Diameter, 9% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with effective impressionistic leaf decoration in black underglaze. Diameter, 934 inches. POTTERY PLATE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with banded decoration in black underglaze. Diameter, 834 inches. 26 190 1gI 192 193 194 195 1Q7 ‘POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with underglaze decoration in black of linear and degenerated floral motives. » Diameter, IO inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, the outside with black under- glaze decoration of degenerated floral motives. Diameter, 8 inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with black underglaze decora- tion of palmetto leaves. The bottom with conventionalized woman’s head. Diameter, 934 inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise with underglaze decoration in black of sketchy leaf motives. Diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Turquoise blue, with black underglaze decora- tion of floral motives in linear style. | Diameter, 10% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with bands of underglaze decoration in blackish green, showing crudely conventionalized motives. : Diameter, 8 inches. POTTERY BOWL . PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURIES Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue with black underglaze decora- tion of linear and impressionistic floral patterns. Diameter, 9% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Light turquoise blue with black underglaze linear decoration of flower and leaf pattern. Diameter, 8 inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Exceptional shade of turquoise blue with under- — glaze decoration in black. Diameter, 8 inches. 27 £99 200 201 202 eOS 204. 205 POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, I7TH-18TH CENTURY Gomrun bow], with decoration of perforated medallions in rice grain pattern, alternating with black underglaze floral patterns. Very effective as a lamp. Diameter, 834 inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Kashan ware. ‘Turquoise blue, with black underglaze scale decoration. Diameter, IO inches. POTTERY BOWL . PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURIES Kashan ware. Light turquoise blue with black underglaze decoration, the inside with swimming fish, the outside with degenerated floral patterns. Diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Kashan ware. Beautiful light turquoise blue,. the inside dec- orated ‘with three swimming fish, the outside with sketchy floral rosaces. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 8% inches. CLASSIC OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 203-208 BRONZE FIGURE OF A GOD ETRUSCAN, 6TH-5TH CENTORY B. C. Fine patina. The right hand of the god is uplifted and holds a dart which he is about to hurl. Interesting workmanship. GLAZED POTTERY RAM’S HEAD EGYPT, PTOLEMAIC PERIOD Excellent modelling entirely Greek in character. Beautiful light turquoise glaze. One of the rare specimens of Greek ceramic art with colored glaze. (Repaired.) Length, 2 inches. LIMESTONE HEAD OF THE APIS BULL EGYPT, SAITE PERIOD Excellent modelling. Between the horns of the bull the disc of the sun, surmounted by an ostrich feather. Mounted on wooden stand. Height, 10 inches. 28 206 207 208 209 210 FA hE USHEBTI IN THE FORM OF OSIRIS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Bronze, with greenish patina. Good modelling. (An old re- pair in the cast. ) Height, 10% inches. USHEBTI IN THE FORM OF OSIRIS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Brilliant turquoise glaze. Fine specimen. Height, 0% inches. SMALL POTTERY PITCHER ROME, IMPERIAL PERIOD - Made in imitation of metal wares with all over pineapple pat- tern, and raised figural relief decoration on the front. Painted green and pink. Height, 0% inches. PERSIAN LUSTRE, 16TH CENTURY LOTS 209-214 POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DECORATION PERSIA, IOTH CENTURY Boldly conceived landscape decoration in Chinese style; out- side with graceful floral sprays. The lustre with fine purple reflects. Diameter, 8 inches. POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DECORATION PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Very refined and delicate combination of realistic and conven- tionalized floral motives radiating from a seven lobed rosace. Diameter, 834 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Very rich in the unusual color harmony of purplish blue glaze decorated in purplish black lustre with metallic reflects. The inside of the bowl a contrasting white. Graceful realistic floral spray motives alternating with medallions. Height, 3% inches, diameter, 034 inches. 29 fo Sa 213 214 ic 216 217 DEEP POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORA- TION PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Bold and vigorously drawn floral spray decoration on the inside; the outside with alternating medallions and floral sprays. Lustre with purplish reflects. Height, 3% inches, diameter, 7% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY A singularly beautiful piece because of the gleaming touches of ruby red in the lustre. The inside with vigorously drawn leaf and stem motives in semi-conventionalized form, the outside with more realistic interpretation. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 7% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION Pens bl =I 2b CENTURY Lustre of rare and deep brown and olive green shades. The outside with a bold frieze of four lobed rosaces in squares above a design of tulips and hyacinths. Specimen of exceptional interest. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 7 inches. PERSIAN POTTERY, 13TH CENTURY LOTS 215-234 WHITE POTTERY DISH PERSIA, 11TH-12TH CENTURY Very thin, fine potting. Ivory white, with simple scroll dec- oration. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY PITCHER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A piece of vigorous form and color. The mouth in the form of a bull’s head; the handle with opening for pouring in water. Very deep turquoise blue, the body with all over reticulated decoration. Drops of the unctuous glaze on the tan clay of the foot. Height, T0 inches. FUNNEL SHAPED POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A bowl of very fine potting, glazed in celestial blue. Perforated ornamentation, showing the translucent enamel. So-called Gomrun bowl. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 7% inches. 30 a3 219 220 at Doe 223 POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 14TH-15TH CENTURY Sturdy peasant character in the shape and decoration. Deep bowl, the neck with four small symmetrically placed handles. Turquoise blue, with decoration of sketchily executed linear and dot motives in black under the glaze. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 14TH-15TH CENTURY A piece of simple, straightforward workmanship, glazed in turquoise blue, and decorated with ‘sketchy linear motives in black. Deep shape, with four symmetrically placed handles on the neck. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 6 inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A specimen with very fine, thin potting, glazed in brilliant turquoise blue and decorated in black. The bottom bears a vigorously drawn medallion decoration of an “apsara” bird with a woman’s head. Touches of fine iridescence give added beauty to this charming piece. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 5% inches. FUNNEL SHAPED POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Ivory white, with simple and dignified decoration in cobalt blue and ne The bottom with six lobed floral medallion; the edge with frieze of Neskhi inscription. Fine thin potting. Height, 234 inches, diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Gomrun bowl, glazed in rare camellia leaf green. Fine potting the inside with a wide frieze of floral decoration, on a back- ground of perforations, showing the translucent glaze. Height, 3 inches, diameter, 74 inches. FUNNEL SHAPED POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very fine thin potting, with decoration of corresponding delica- cy and refinement. The inside with an intricate rosace medal- lion with radiating peacock feather and leaf motives. The rainbow like iridescence is especially beautiful in this piece. The edge with frieze of Neskhi decoration on black. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 0% inches. AN ; 224 225 226 22°7 228 229 SMALL POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A specimen combining very fine potting with graceful elegance of design. Very deep color harmony of exceptionally fine co- balt and turquoise tones, accented by wide stripes of black. Inside decoration of radiant stripes, decorated with very grace- fully drawn arabesques alternating with Neskhi inscriptions. Height, 2% inches, diameter, 534 inches. POTTERY JUG RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Squat, globular shape. ‘Turquoise blue, decorated in black with vertical saw tooth leaf motives of boldly sketchy design. Height, 434 tnches. POTTERY GOBLET WITH SGRAFFITO DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Rich harmonization of black and turquoise blue. ‘The outside decorated, with a deep band of Neskhi inscription, followed by a frieze of striped fluting. Height, 4% inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Rich strong color harmony of deep turquoise green and black. The sides divided into six compartments, separated by bold black stripes, and decorated with sketchily drawn, but vigorous floral motives. The bottom with floral medallion. Beautiful specimen. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 014 inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DEC- ORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The inside decorated with two friezes of intricate arabesque motives surrounding a circular medallion on the bottom. Height, 3 inches, diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY BOWL | RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY A bowl of simple and dignified form, glazed in beautifully shaded turquoise, the bottom with radiating iridescence in unusually lovely green and purple tones. Decoration of sketchy, but vigorously executed radiant floral motives in black. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 8 inches. oe 230 22 232 233 234 235 POTTERY PITCHER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Deep cobalt blue, with a splash of turquoise green. The center of the body with a wide frieze of shaped lozenge motives. Height, 934 inches. POTTERY JUG WITH SGRAFFITO DECORATION : RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Fine color balance of black and turquoise green. The body divided into eight longitudinal compartments with bold pal- metto motives in the center. Slight iridescence. Height, 6 inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A bowl of fine, thin potting, decorated with arabesque work ‘of pure and finely balanced design, in cobalt blue outlined with black. Two narrow borders of Neskhi inscription. The inside delicately touched with iridescence. A piece of unusually re- fined technique. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 7 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH POLYCHROME DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very elaborate all over decoration of intricate arabesque mo- tives in pale green, terra cotta and black on ivory white. A specimen of unusual design and color. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 8 inches. LARGE POTTERY PLATE | RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Boldly decorated with radiant cobalt blue stripes alternating — with very elegant arabesque motives on white. An effective specimen in an excellent state of preservation. Diameter, I13% inches. GOTHIC, ETC., STONE SCULPTURES LOTS 235-244 MARBLE WELL EGYPT, 1OTH-I 1TH CENTURY Such wells are placed for the purpose of ablutions at the en- trance of the mosques. Octagonal shape, on four bracket feet. Simple dignified ornamentation. On the front side a low font for the running water. (Similar specimens in the Arabic Museum, Cairo, Egypt.) With Cufic inscription. Height, 15% inches; width, 27 inches. 5) 236 237 238 25 240 241 MARBLE FOUNTAIN _ ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Statue of a little boy with curly hair. (Slightly damaged.) Height, 35 inches. MARBLE STATUE Sleeping Amorino. With quiver still fastened on his back, and both hands holding the torch, Cupid lies asleep on a low couch. A graceful and charming sculpture. (From the Stor- rington Abbey Collection, Surrey, Eng.) Length, 28 inches; width, 1314 inches; height, 1414 inches. LIMESTONE STATUE OF VIRGIN AND CHILD TYROLESE, 15TH CENTURY An interesting statue with all the characteristics of naive Gothic art. The Virgin is crowned with a large crown former- ly studded with stones: The veil falls from the crown and ends in elaborate folds, characteristic of the Gothic art of the rsth century. The child, who is in lively movement, holds the globe of the world in its hands. (Slight restorations.) Height, 47 inches. LION OF SAINT MARK (Fragment) VENETIAN, 13TH CENTURY White marble. The Byzantine influence is quite visible. (From the Collection of the sculptor Giovanti Niccolini, Flor- ence.) Height, 9 inches. VIRGIN AND CHILD Gothic style. The Virgin is standing and holds the Child on her left arm, while the right hand carries a lily. Soft flowing robes. Limestone (slightly damaged). (Storrington Abbey Collection, Storrington, Surrey, England. ) : : Height, 160% inches. BUST OF THE SAVIOUR ENGLISH, 14TH CENTURY Reddish limestone. This head belonged probably to a composi- tion representing the Christ crowned King of the Jews before the mocking crowd. Green marble base. Height (with base), 16% inches. 34 No 4s N 243 24.4 245 246 247 248 249 LIMESTONE CAPITAL SPAIN, IOTH-11TH CENTURY Very interesting piece showing Byzantine influence. Decorated on all four sides with sculptures in the round of birds in oppo- site representation and of an eagle with spread wings. Both are frequent motives of the contemporaneous textile art. Height, 15% inches. RELIEF FRIEZE ABRUZZI, ITALY, IOTH-11TH CENTURY Soft limestone decorated with undulated stems with arabesque leaves and arabesque flowers intermingled with various figural representations. Height, 11% inches, length, 33% inches. RELIEF FRIEZE ABRUZZI, ITALY, 1OoTH-11TH CENTURY Companion piece to the preceding. Height, 11% inches, length, 38 inches. ORIENTAL RUGS LOTS 245-271 SQUARE WOOLEN MAT CHINA, ABOUT 1800 Round central medallion of lotus flowers with the rock and sea motif on the four sides. Yellow, blue and white on salmon. Size, 2I inches square. SMALL WOOLEN MAT CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Blue and white peony border on henna ground; mustard yellow center with lotus corner and center medallion in pale yellow, blue, henna and white. Size, 21 by 24 inches. SMALL WOOLEN MAT CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Mate to the preceding. Size, 2I by 24 inches. WOOLEN CHAIR BACK CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Rectangular shape, scalloped at one end. Peony flowers in pale blue, white and russet on a background of vivid orange. Top cut. Size, 18 by 20% inches. SMALL WOOLEN MAT CHINA, 19TH CENTURY Peony border in blue on white. Center field with lotus medal- lion and peony corner motives in blue on white. Size, 48 by 25 inches. 35 250 207 252 253 254 255 WOOLEN CHAIR BACK, KNOTTED CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Soft harmony of pale yellow and blues. Two Foo lion cubs and the eight precious symbols over the waves of the sea, from which a rock is emerging. Delicate design. Size, round, 2 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 3 inches. SMALL WOOLEN MAT CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Zigzag rosace border in blue and pale yellow. In the center corner meander and swastika motives in blue on a tan back- ground. The center decorated with lotus medallion and scrolls. Size, 35 by 22 inches. SMALL WOOLEN MAT CHINA, TAO KUAN Interesting combination of slate blue, deep indigo blue and strong mulberry red, heightened by old rose. Swastika and star medallion border. The center field shows a central medallion and corner motives with lotus pattern on slate blue ground, while the background has a star diaper pattern on mulberry. Size, 40 by 22 inches. CARPET OF WOOLEN VELVET sPAIN, 17TH CENTURY Woolen velvet, woven on the loom with a repeated pattern of canopies and flower vases in red with touches of greenish blue on mustard yellow ground. Unusual specimen. (Damaged.) Size, O feet by 4 feet 9 inches. WOOLEN TIGER SKIN SADDLE CLOTH CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Two rounded pieces sewed together in the middle. Blue and white border with scale pattern. The center field imitating a tiger skin in bold black and yellow design. Size, 50 by 23% inches. HEARTH RUG GIORDES, ASIA MINOR, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Triple border of delightfully conventionalized Turkish carna- tions and tulips in red and old rose on yellow. The center field with central palmetto medallion in old rose on yellow. Corner motives of convdntionalized flowers. (Damaged and worn down. ) Size, 0 feet 4 inches by 3 feet. 36 2656 257 258 259 260 261 MELAS PRAYER RUG. ANATOLIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The main border shows large purple conventionalized flowers on mustard yellow background. ‘The arch of the niche with similar flowers in red and green on white; the field plain Turkish red. (Repaired.) Size, 3? feet II inches by 2 feet Q inches. SHIRVAN PRAYER MAT CAUCASUS, I9TH CENTURY The border with latch hook rosaces on deep red ground. Field and arch of the niche with all over pattern in vivid colors on old ivory ground. Charming specimen. (Repaired.) | Size, ? feet I inch by 2 feet § inches. SMALL SUMAK MAT CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Very delicate workmanship. Red and old rose border with rosaces; white center field with very delicate all over pattern of cut flowers in various colors. Dated 12.. after hegira. Size, 32 by 27 inches. SCHIRAZ SADDLEBAG PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Harmonization of indigo blue and old rose with touches of lighter colors. The triangular corner motives with the Herati pattern on a rose ground. The dark blue center field with simple double branch motif with flower finials in white and light colors. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. SMALL KHORASSAN PRAYER MAT PERSIA, 19TH CENTURY Persian prayer rugs are extremely rare. Border of Cashmere palmettos in magenta red on black. The same colors in the prayer arch, decorated with naturalistic flowers. Star medal- lion on the field. (Worn and damaged.) Size, 4 feet O inches by 3 feet I inch. MOSSOUL RUG CAUCASUS, I9TH CENTURY Border and center field show a late evolution of the heraldic design in strong, vivid colors on blackish blue. Size, O feet by 4 feet 2 inches. 262 263 264 265 266 KULAH HEARTH RUG ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Five borders with diverse strongly conventionalized floral pat: terns in light blue, black and yellow of diverse shades. The arches on both ends with mustard yellow flowers on a sea green background. The center field with large floral motives on a mustard yellow background. (Worn.) Size, O feet 2 inches by 4 feet. KULAH PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Seven narrow stripe borders alternatingly white and sea green with small floral bud motives. The arch of the prayer niche mustard yellow and pale blue; the field nile green with flower shrub motives. (Worn and repaired.) Size, 5 feet Oinches by 3 feet Q inches. KULAH BEKTASH RUG ASIA MINOR, 19TH CENTURY Yellow field with conventionalized flower motives in vivid colors and with black stems. Large central medallion of mul- berry red ground with small zigzagged sea green border and large floral shrub in the center. Size, 4 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. GIORDES PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Rich harmony of Turkish red and light yellow green with touches of delicate blue. Very wide border with angular curved stem design enclosing large rosaces. Outer and inner borders with semi-geometrical patterns. The arch of the niche with a double branch bearing carnations and serrated leaves. The niche itself plain red outlined in palé blue. (Worn.) Size, 5 feet 4 inches by 4 feet. MOSSOUL RUNNER ASIA MINOR, 19TH CENTURY Triple border with conventionalized motives on dark purple, white and buff grounds. The center field covered with four large hexagonal medallions with geometrical motives on yel- low, purple, dark blue and red grounds, surrounded by black fields. Size, LO feet IO inches by 3 feet 3 inches. 38 267 268 270 2 SO-CALLED SAMARCAND RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN, EARLY I9TH CENTURY Soft harmony of warm orange and henna tones on mellow blue. Triple floral border; the center with lozenge shaped compart- ments in the center of which are flower shrubs and robust design alternating with a four rosace motif. Charming specimen. (Slight repair.) Size, 7 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 10 inches. WOOLEN RUG _ HAMADAN,.PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Unusual type. The border of undulated floral stems and lozenges; the center field of the typical Hamadan design, but on a background of small diaper pattern in black and white. (Slightly damaged.) Size, 7 feet. 10 inches by 3 feet I inch. WOOLEN PRAYER RUG _ ASIA MINOR, 19TH CENTURY So-called Kamudjli Kulah. Strong, rugged design. Harmony of magenta red and bluish green. Numerous small borders with flower patterns. The arch of the prayer niche green; the niche itself magenta red, both decorated with very strongly conventionalized floral patterns. Size, O feet 3 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. GIORDES HEARTH RUG TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Pale buff and gray colors. Border of dentelled zigzag pattern. The arches and the central medallion with conventionalized flower pattern. Size, 5 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 5 inches. WOOLEN RUG CHINA, CHIEN LUNG Peony and dragon border in salmon red, light blue and white on dark blue. The center field shows on a salmon red back- ground a central medallion with peony scrolls and flowers with corresponding corner motives. Cut peony sprays are scattered over the field. (Worn.) Size, II feet 0 inches by 7 feet IO inches. 39 ee ; : ES dee, pa or ee ee ee oe eee eee pe ee = ee eee ay 272 273 274 275 SALE THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27TH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK THIRD SESSION ~ LOTS 272-423 PERSIAN OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 272-286 PORTRAIT OF A PERSIAN DANCER PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A young woman with a bodice of red gold brocade and a skirt of silk weave with a pattern of peony scrolls in gold brocading dances and shakes the castanets. Gouache. Framed. Height, 29 inches, width, 22 inches. RECTANGULAR WOODEN COFFER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Domed top. The edges rivetted with metal or inlaid with ebony and ivory strips. The panels perforated wood, showing conventionalized birds on a diaper background. Charming specimen. Height, 8% inches; length, 1034 inches. RECTANGULAR LACQUER BOX PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Delightful decoration in polychrome lacquer painting of various flowers in naturalistic interpretation, combined with birds, and panels with Neskhi inscription. (Slightly dam- aged. ) Height, 5% inches; width, 12% inches. RECTANGULAR LACQUER BOX PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Mate to the preceding. (Slightly damaged.) Height, 5% inches; width, 12% inches. 40 , 276 277 278 279 280 281 PORTRAIT. OF FATHSALT SHA PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The Shah painted in oil, after the European manner. The portrait of the last powerful ruler of the dynasty of the Kad- zares is represented with his characteristic long beard, a pointed fur bonnet, a red jacket and a brown skirt. Belt, cuffs and sword decorated with a profusion of pearls. Framed. : Size, IS by OY inches. PORTRAIT OF FATH ALI SHAH ON HORSEBACK PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Painted in oil in the European manner. The Shah riding on a red horse, a pavilion in the background of the landscape. His coat, saddle cloth, etc., studded with pearls. Framed. Height, 19 inches, width, 11% inches. CERTOSINA MIRROR CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The certosina technique or incrustation with ivory, wood, cop- per, pewter, and other materials, is known in Persia under the name of Kahtem-kari and is, and was, mainly practised in Shiraz. ‘The mirror cases in this technique were made as wed- ding gifts and show on one side the frame of the mirror with an all over star and medallion pattern framed by fillets of bone and ebony. The back of the mirror case is decorated in the same technique in the composition of a book binding and some- times shows inserts with small paintings. Size, 2214 by 15% inches. CERTOSINA OR KAHTEM-KARI WEDDING MIR- ROR CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same type as the saat but with Talik inscriptions. (Cracked. ) Size, 23 inches by 10 inches. CERTOSINA OR KAHTEM-KARI WEDDING MIR- ROR CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same type as the preceding. (Slightly damaged.) Size, 2134 by 15 inches. CERTOSINA OR KAHTEM-KARI WEDDING MIR- ROR CASE _ PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same type as the preceding. Size, 15 by 11% inches. 41 1s a = Bs ~ Fa NE i eee ee a er a a ord eT | 282 284 Zor 286 CERTOSINA OR KAHTEM-KARI WEDDING MIR- ROR CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same type as the preceding. Size, 1434 by T1% inches. CERTOSINA OR KAHTEM KARI WEDDING MIR-- PPP ROR CASE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same type as the preceding. Size, 1334 by 1034 inches. LARGE PAINTING INDIA, RAJPUT SCHOOL, 18TH CENTURY A very lively and vivid representation of a prince and his re- tainers hunting wild boar. The prince, upon a richly capari- soned white horse is the central figure of interest. ‘The retainers appear upon fiercely galloping and rearing horses, while numerous wild boars are attacked by the dogs or held at bay by the hunters. Height, 30% inches; width, 52 inches. HAMMERED SILVER FLASK PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Tall, tapering neck with arabesque and bird ornamentation. On the globular body musicians and various birds and quadru- peds. Charming specimen. (From the H. Satzka coll.) Height, 15% inches. HAMMERED SILVER PITCHER PErsIA, 18TH CENTURY Fluted cylindrical neck. Louis XV style handle. Globular godrooned body with decoration of Oriental musicians, birds, etc. European hall mark. (From the H. Satzka coll.) Height, IT inches. ITALIAN AND SPANISH MAJOLICA LOTS 287-310 Antique potteries are seldom found unharmed by time, therefore 287 it has not been considered necessary to mention defects resulting from age POTTERY DISH DECORATED IN LUSTRE AND COBALT BLUE HISPANO-MOORISH, 17TH CENTURY The bottom with a very boldly executed floral spray in blue over a background of sketchily executed and closely arranged leaf motives in lustre. Rim with similar leaf motives. Diameter, 13% inches. 42 288 289 290 2g1 292 293 POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DECORATION HISPANO-MORESQUE, 16TH-17TH CENTURY The lustre with fine ruby and purplish tints. The inside with unusual type of asymetrical composition, with radiant wedge compartments of varied sizes, separated by irregularly placed cross strips. he whole decorated with realistic and boldly conventionalized floral motives. Diameter, 14% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH DECORATED IN LUSTRE AND COBALT BLUE HISPANO-MORESQUE, 16TH CENTURY The rim with boldly effective relief decoration in cobalt blue of alternating realistic and conventionalized floral motives on a background of impressionistic design in lustre. The bottom with similar lustre decoration; the high raised center decorated with touches of cobalt blue. Diameter, 1514 inches. POTTERY PLATE WITH LUSTRE DECORATION HISPANO-MORESQUE, 16TH CENTURY Heavy potting, the inside decorated with a bold, semi-conven- tionalized leaf design on a light yellow ground. Diameter, 10% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DECORA- TION HISPANO-MORESQUE, 16TH CENTURY The center with sketchily indicated deer’s head, surrounded by a frieze of leaf scroll work. The edge with bold floral motives on a lightly sketched in background. Diameter, T5% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DECORA- TION HISPANO-MORESQUE, 16TH CENTURY All over lustre decoration of bold and vigorously designed leaf motives in conventionalized form. Diameter, 15% inches. POTTERY ALBARELLO FAENza, 10TH-17TH CENTURY The front decorated with the coat of arms of Ferrara, the escutcheon surrounded by a garland and floral scrolls. Green, yellow and dark blue on white. (From the Gesare Detti coll., Rome.) Height, I1%4 inches. 43 Oa ES Sn ede ee eee ee ee eee 294 295 296 297 298 299 MAJOLICA WATER PITCHER FAENZA, ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Globular body, the spout surrounded by a rope made in pottery. In front coat of arms held by two angels and indication of the medicament on a bandarolle, surrounded by grotesques in the Raphaelesque style in orange and green on a blue background. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Height, 11 inches. LARGE SAVONA DISH ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Head of a warrior; background of flower scrolls. Dark blue, orange and black. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, I 3% inches. MAJOLICA DISH IN ELABORATE CARVED AND GILT FRAME FAENZA, LATE 16TH CENTURY The center with a portrait medallion of a beautiful young woman and the inscription “Antonia, mia bella.” The sides with decoration of weapons, shields and escutcheons. Blue and yellow, with touches of green. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, with frame, 30 inches. MAJOLICA DISH SPAIN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Blue, yellow and green. Very energetically executed decora- tion of a leaping deer in an impressionistically rendered land- scape. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, 72% inches. POTTERY ALBARELLO FAENZA, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY The escutcheon in the center with indication of the medicament on a bandarolle on a background of bold yellow and orange acanthus scroll work on dark blue. (From the Cesare Detti coll. ) Height, 8 inches. LARGE MAJOLICA DISH FAENZA, ITALY, 17TH CENTURY The center decorated in yellow, blue and green with a vigor- ously executed figure of an amorino riding upon a wildly gal- loping steed. The rim with rosace and armorial motives, the sides with graceful scroll work in yellow on blue. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, 16 inches. 44 300 301 302 303 304 305 MAJOLICA LUSTRE PLATE DERUTA, 16TH CENTURY Relief decoration painted in cobalt blue, yellow lustre and touches of ruby lustre. Acanthus motives in the border; relief of the Madonna and Child in the center. (From the Besse Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, 7 inches. MAJOLICA BOWL __ URBINO, ITALY, LATE 16TH CENTURY Blue, orange and green on white. The decoration on the inside shows the infant Hercules killing the snake. The outside with grotesque masks and armor motives. (From the Cesare Detit coll., Rome.) Height, 334 inches; diameter, 034 inches. DERUTA MAJOLICA LUSTRE DISH ITALY, 16TH CENTURY The border with painted pattern simulating godroons in cobalt blue, gold and ruby lustre. In the center field two clasped hands, a flaming heart below, and a crown above. (From the Castellani and Cesare Detti collections, Rome.) Diameter, OY inches. MAJOLICA PLATE URBINO, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY Expressively executed decoration of Daniel in the lions’ den. Above, in his answer to his prayer, an angel sends down the prophet Habakuk with a basket of food to appease the beasts. Blue, orange and green with touches of black. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, TO3%4 inches. MAJOLICA FRUIT DISH URBINO, ITALY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Yellow, blue and red on white. Central medallion portrait of Hannibal (Ani Baele). The sides with four radiant compart- ments bearing Renaissance scroll and mask motives. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) ene 2Y inches, ingen IO inches. SMALL MAJOLICA JAR — URBINO, ITALY, 10TH CENTURY The front with oval medallion portrait of a young nobleman, the reverse with varied Renaissance masks, scrolls, urns, etc., in light colors on dark blue. The bottom with mark “Gisi.” (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Height, 7% inches. 45 306 307 308 309 310 311 MAJOLICA LUSTRE PLATE DERUTA, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY The bottom with an escutcheon in lustre with red, cobalt and turquoise blue and the motto “Clemens.” The sides with grace- ful floral scrolls in lustre and cobalt blue. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, 834 inches. MAJOLICA LUSTRE DISH DERUTA, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY The edge with godrooned decoration in blue, white and yellow lustre. The center with graceful floral medallion. Diameter, 81% inches. MAJOLICA LUSTRE PLATE - DERUTA, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY All over decoration of graceful leafy scroll work in lustre and _ cobalt on white. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, 834 inches. MAJOLICA LUSTRE SALT CELLAR DERUTA, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY. In the shape of a godrooned urn, with lion mask handles. Blue, pale olive lustre and white. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Height, 4 inches; diameter, 5 inches. MAJOLICA DISH SIENA, ITALY, 16TH CENTURY Green, orange and blue. Godrooned sides with floral scroll and conventionalized dragon motives. Deeply scalloped rim. The bottom with an amorino in a landscape bearing a basket of fruit. (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome.) Diameter, 10% inches. TEXTILES LOTS 311-347 GOLD AND SILVER EMBROIDERY ARMENIA, I16TH-17TH CENTURY Head-dress of an Armenian priest, representing the Lord’s last supper. Fine harmony of silver, gold and the salmon red background. Height, 8 inches; width, 124% inches. 46 Rie tyes) 314 ats 316 317 318 GOLD AND SILVER EMBROIDERY ARMENIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. SILK BROCADE LADY’S BODICE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Brocade with all over pattern of flower shrubs in golden yellow and light green on vivid red. SILK BROCADE LADY’S BODICE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Charming brocade with all over pattern of golden yellow flowers on deep blue background. Trimmed with red satin. Printed cotton lining. EMBROIDERED SKIRT INDIA, 18TH CENTURY All over pattern of peacocks alternating with flower bouquets in blue and yellow on crimson satin. Elaborate border with birds and flowers. Very decorative piece. cars Length (if unraveled), 7 feet; width, 2 feet 5 inches. SILK BROCADE LADY’S BODICE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Very fine brocade with all over pattern of ivory white and gold star medallions on a network of arabesque leaves and tendrils on dark blue ground. COPE ' PROBABLY PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Type of vestment of the Syrian Church. Red brocade with a pattern of flower shrubs in golden yellow. Bordered with broad yellow satin strip. Round shape. Greatest length, 44 inches. BROCADED KAFTAN CHINA, 18TH CENTURY A Chinese mandarin coat of very fine brocade with elaborate pattern of five clawed (Imperial) dragons chasing the sacred jewel above the waving sea. This garment has been worked over into a Near Eastern Kaftan, probably in Turkestan, if we may judge from the silk lining. 47 a2 320 Q21 aoe 323 324 325 EMBROIDERED QUILT _ PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURIES White linen weave, quilted and embroidered with delicate floral borders and star medallion in various silks. Length, 41 inches; width, 31 inches. SILKEN KAFTAN PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Long garments with long pointed sleeves, made of a brocade with pattern of delicate floral shrubs on yellow brown back- ground, the shoulder pieces made of striped brocade. (Dam- aged.) SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Pattern of conventionalized flowers in green and red on buff background. Length, 42 inches; width, 23 inches. SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Pattern similar to the preceding in salmon red velvet on green background. Good colors. Length, 37 inches, width, 20 inches. SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Pattern similar to the preceding. | Length, 47 inches; width, 22% inches. SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Voluted floral stems surrounding a shuttle shaped central motif, the pattern in green and pink velvet on buff background. Length, 42 inches; width, 22 inches. SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Pattern in green and red velvet on silver background, showing the influence of Genoese velvet designs. Border of garlands of roses and floating ribbons; in the center floral motif. Length, 47 inches; width, 23% inches. 48 327 329 330 SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Floral border, showing the influence of the French styles of the late 18th century ; central motif in the shape of a double ee pattern in red and green on buff. Length, 45 inches, width, oe inches. SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 16TH CENTURY Pattern in beautiful red velvet on silver background. Border of floral sprays; red center medallion with silver lozenge in the middle. (Fine quality, but worn and repaired.) Length, 29 inches, width, 21 inches. PAIR OF SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHIONS TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Floral stems alternating with bouquets form a pattern, the strong purple of which has mellowed into a soft harmony with the olive brown background. Length, 41 inches; width, 21 inches. CAUCASIAN PORTIERE CAUCASUS, 17TH-18TH CENTURY The lower part of the portiere consists of various pieces of Persian brocades, some of them slightly damaged, with a pat- tern of golden conventionalized flowers on a red and greenish blue background. ‘The most remarkable part is the em- broidered panel, showing in strongly conventionalized design in thick gold embroidery on a dark blue ground, a composition of a castle, huge peacock feathers and falconers on foot and on horseback. A very fine specimen of the primitive spirit of Caucasian art, that found its expression in rugs, embroideries, potteries and bronzes of astounding simplicity of style. Length, 7 feet 2 inches, width, 4 feet. SCUTARI VELVET DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Pattern in rea and green velvet and silver thread on buff back- ground; arrangement of tulip flowers and carnations around a central open rose. Length, 39 inches, width, 23 inches. 49 35s 33% so 334 335 336 337 SILK EMBROIDERED COVER INDIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Flower shrubs in heavy pale yellow relief embroidery on buff linen background. Length, 24% inches, width, 47 inches. SILK BROCADE TABLE COVER PERSIA, LATE, 18TH CENTURY Pattern of golden yellow “Cashmere” palmettos on blue back- ground. Charming border. Pieced. 27 inches square. BROCADE TABLE COVER PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY The outer part of an all over pattern of arabesque flowers on mulberry red ground, the inner field showing on indigo blue ground on all over pattern of Cashmere palmettos alternating with conventionalized cypress trees, which bear the inscription “Allah, Mohammed, Ali.” Inscriptions on Oriental textiles are very rare. Size, 43 by 49 inches. FRAGMENT OF A COPE SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Very beautiful pattern of a conventionalized flower shrub motif in orange, silver and white on dull gray black back- ground. Irregular shape. (Slightly damaged. ) Size, about 50 by 62 inches. SILK LAMPAS FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Delicate Louis XVI pattern in deep red and white, showing medallions with amorini, decorating a Hermes with flowers. The medallions suspended on floral garlands. Pieced. Length, 6 feet 9 inches, width, 20 inches. GENOESE VELVET COVERLET Large pattern in cut and uncut velvet in olive green and crim- son red on a background of white satin. Pattern of huge flowers and elaborate leaves intermingled with baroque scroll work. Pieced. Size, 5 feet 7 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. CHURCH EMBROIDERY ITALY, DATED 1853 Long strip of crimson velvet with heavy gold embroidery (floral pattern and inscription). Length, 100 inches; width, 0 inches. 50 223° VELVE lS CREE ITALY, 16TH CENTURY Fine Renaissance border of acanthus scroll work in green vel- vet outlined in white on a background of red satin. Fine and strong colors. (Damaged.) Length, 50% inches; width, 10% inches. 339 DALMATICA ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Repeated motif of flower bouquet with baroque cartouche in yellow, green and red on pale blue background. (Slightly damaged. ) Length, 50 inches. 340 CLOTH OF SILVER RUSSIA, 18TH CENTURY Repeated pattern of flower bouquets, partly brocaded, partly woven in chenille, framed by stems, formed of palmetto leaves in raised silver weave. (Slightly damaged.) Length, 40 inches; width, 29 inches. 341 COVER OF CLOTH OF GOLD _ RUSSIA, 18TH CENTURY Heavy cloth of gold with raised pattern of curved stems with flowers in gold on silver background. Gorgeous effect. Length, 39 inches, width, 20 inches. 342 CHASUBLE ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Spanish style, made up of central strip of red brocatelle flanked by strips of deep blue velvet, stamped with floral pattern. Length, 37 inches. 243 PEEIT POINT TABLES Gian ITALY, EARLY 19TH CENTURY On a background of cream white in satin stitch three wreaths of flowers and leaves in well executed petit point. Length, 52 inches; width, 19 inches. . 343a FLOOR RUG ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Made of Italian woolen velvet. Pattern of canopies and flower vases in red on a background of yellowish brown with touches of green. Unusual specimen. (Traces of wear and tear.) Size, 74 by 57 inches. 344 CHASUBLE : FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Spanish type, made of delicate Louis XVI brocade, striped background with tendrils and small flowers. Length, 39 inches ap 345 346 347 348 349 350 EMBROIDERED PANEL ITALY, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Heavy relief church embroidery in gold and silver on red satin. In the center the words of the old hymn “Veni creator spiritus.” Border of floral scroll work with the symbolical grapes and ears of wheat. Size, 29 by 3I inches. VALENCE OF SILK BROCADE ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Small bouquets of roses inserted in ogives formed by oak leaves. Color harmony of light blue, with touches of pink, silver and black. Length, & feet 8 inches; width, 19 inches. EMBROIDERED PANEL JAPANESE, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Rich applique embroidery in gold and various colors. The Buddha on a lotus throne and under a canopy is in the center. Two of his preferred disciples stand below him. Lokopalas or Guardians of Heaven around. Mounted on brocade; framed. Height, 45 inches, width, 224% inches. MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN OBJECTS LOTS 348-355 BRONZE BOWL BYZANTINE, I4TH-15TH CENTURY Hexagonal. Three compartments decorated with figures of saints, the three others with Byzantine arabesque spirals. Part of an incense burner. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 2 inches. RELIQUARY ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Antique carved and gilt walnut frame, containing a series of eight relics of bones, among others, of St. Abundantius, martyr, in a setting of gold and silver filigree embroidery and pearls. In the center a relief in wax representing St. Francis holding the Christ Child. Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. GILDED COPPER RELIEF PLAQUE GERMAN, I11TH-12TH CENTURY Representing an ox, the symbol of St. John. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Length, 0Y2 inches, width, 234 inches. 52 351 352 353 354 355 GILDED COPPER RELIEF PLAQUE GERMAN, I1ITH-12TH CENTURY In the center Christ upon the Cross with Mary and St. John on either side. Below them the symbolic Lamb of God and an angel bearing a spear. The pointed top in the form of a gable. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 9 inches; width, 5% inches. LARGE BRONZE DOOR KNOCKER ROMANESQUE STYLE, GERMAN Lion’s head in powerful relief holding a ring in his mouth. On a background of undulated stems with grapes and leaves. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Diameter, 12% inches. COPPER PYXIS WITH GILDING AND ENAMEL- LING LIMOGES, FRENCH, 13TH CENTURY Round, with pointed cone shaped cover. Enamelled in blue and white, and decorated with circular medallions with angels between arabesque scrolls. (The cross on top missing; the enamel of later date.) (From the H. Satzka Coll., Vienna.) Height, 3% inches, diameter, 34 inches. GILDED COPPER CHALICE FLORENCE, 1ST QUARTER OF THE 16TH CENTURY The low, perforated plinth in twelve parts, decorated with grape vines, with alternating ears of wheat and cherubs’ heads in the corners. The hexagonal base bears the following six compositions: Madonna and Child, Cardinal at worship, two saints, a cartouche with ears of wheat, Christ resurrected and St. Laurentius. The vase-like capital shows three angels. The cup above the capital bears medallion portraits of female saints, alternating with cherubs’ heads. A fine specimen of High Renaissance ecclesiastical art. (Base slightly damaged.) © (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 7 inches. OVAL SILVER ECCLESIASTICAL VESSEL PROBABLY ITALIAN, END OF THE 14TH CENTURY Interesting specimen, showing Byzantine influence. Engraved decoration, with traces of gilding. The base with six circular medallions, illustrating scenes from the New Testament. The short column with two medallion portraits of saints. The cup D3 encircled by twelve circular medallion portraits of the twelve apostles with their names inscribed below, while underneath the cup is a representation of the Day of Judgment. The out- side rim with suspended shields with coats of arms (a number missing). (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 0% inches, length, 1034 inches. ANATOLIAN POTTERY-RHODOS AND DAMASCUS MAINLY FROM THE T. B. CLARKE COLLECTION LOTS 356-371 Antique potteries are seldom found unharmed by time, therefore 350 357 358 359 it has not been considered necessary to mention defects resulting from age LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY - Fine quality blue and white. The bottom with a large medal- lion with grapes and leaves; the sides with graceful design of Chinese peonies, and the rim with cloud and wave motives. Diameter, 17 inches. LARGE POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. Bold and vigorous decoration of Turkish tulips, hyacinths and carnations in blue, red and green. Diameter, 12 inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY A specimen of excellent design and color. A very graceful spray of carnations and hyacinths on slender swaying stems decorates the center. The rim with Chinese cloud motives. Very clear, fresh tones of red, green and cobalt on white. Diameter, I7% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. Elaborately interlaced central medal- lion in bolus red, lavender and white on turquoise blue. The rim with cloud pattern. Diameter, 14 inches. 54 360 361 362 363 364 365 SO-CALLED RHODOS PITCHER ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY Graceful shape with wide neck. On a background of scale pattern in green and black a repeated three globe pattern in bolus red and cobalt blue. Height, 9 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Charmingly decorated with graceful sprays of Turkish flowers in realistic interpretation—hyacinths, carnations and roses in red, blue and green on a white background. The rim with Chinese cloud motives. Diameter, 12% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY Bolus red and blue with touches of turquoise green. Central medallion with radiant lancet leaves; rim with Chinese cloud design. Diameter, 1134 inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH . : ANATOLIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. Harmony of orange, deep cobalt blue and light green. The center with strongly convention- alized floral medallion; the edge with Chinese cloud design. Diameter, IT% inches. LARGE POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. A central medallion with graceful sprays of Turkish tulips and carnations, in green, white and bolus red on a deep cobalt blue background. Rim with bold Chinese cloud motives. Diameter, 12 inches. — LARGE POTTERY PLATE ANATOLIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY | A very vivid harmonization of green, blue and orange. Deco- ration of radiant stripes, alternately blue and green, each deco- rated with a flower spray and surrounding a central floral medallion. The rim with adaptation of Chinese cloud design. Diameter, 12% inches. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 95 366 367 368 369 379 LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY A central medallion of Turkish flowers in well balanced, formal composition, with broadly curving hyacinth plants and drooping tulips, flanking two sprays of carnations. Red, cobalt, blue and green. Border of Chinese motives. Diameter, TI% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. Vivid turquoise green and cobalt blue with touches of red. Central medallion with very gracefully grouped Turkish carnations and other flowers on a blue back- ground. Rim with Chinese cloud design. Diameter, 13% inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. Strikingly decorated in bolus red and deep cobalt blue. The center with strongly conventionalized rosace, encircled by two borders, one of jui scepter head, the other of Chinese cloud motives. Diameter, T1% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE POTTERY DISH ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY So-called Rhodos ware. Forceful design of boldly curved arabesque leaves, combined with semi-conventionalized Turk- ish tulips and other flowers, on an all over background of small cloud scrolls. Red, cobalt and black, accented by touches of light turquoise. Diameter, 123% inches. RHODOS POTTERY PITCHER ANATOLIA, 17TH CENTURY Cobalt blue, light blue and white with all over tulip and three globe pattern. Globular body; tall cylindrical neck. An in- teresting specimen of unusually fine color. Height, 5 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 56 3/2 373 374 375 “RHODOS” WARE BOWL ON HIGH STANDARD ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY A striking combination of deep bolus red, cobalt blue and emerald green. The center with floral medallion, the rim with charming floral wreath. The outside decorated with similar floral wreath on a larger scale. The bell shaped foot with truncated leaf design. — Height, 6 inches; diameter, 1034 inches. RHAGES POTTERY LOTS 372-411 POTTERY JUG PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Peacock blue, with greenish tints. The body with effective de- coration of bold globe motives in black; the neck with a deep band of conventionalized design. Height, 03% inches. PERFORATED POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY The body with a wide frieze of open work decoration, simulat- ing basketry weave. Light turquoise blue. Compressed glob- ular shape, with small circular mouth, decorated with a band of very graceful arabesque scroll work. Height, 4% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH SGRAFFITO DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Octagonal form, with finely contrasted use of turquoise blue and black. The outside with a deep frieze of graceful Neskhi motives on black; the remainder of the bowl with sketchily in- dicated floral decorations. . Height, 434 inches, diameter, 7% inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORA- TION RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Made in the form of a scalloped silver bowl. The inside with sketchy lustre decoration on cobalt blue, the outside on white. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 5% inches. a! 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 POTTERY BOWL _ RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A bowl of simple and massive design. Turquoise blue glaze, the rim decorated in relief with border of conventionalized Cufic character. Height, 44% inches, diameter, 834 inches. POL EBRY TAR” RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Sturdy peasant type, with sketchy decoration of dot and linear motives in black on very light turquoise green. The neck with four small, symmetrically placed handles. Height, 5% inches, diameter, 01% inches. DEEP POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A massive piece, with simple dignified decoration. Light tur- quoise glaze, the shoulder with relief decoration of Neskhi characters. Height, 6 inches, diameter, 714 inches. POTTERY GOBLET RHAGES, PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY A specimen combining graceful form with fine and delicate potting. Ivory white, the top decorated with a relief frieze and the entire body with vertical stripes of deep cobalt blue which almost converge at the base. Height, 4% inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Unusually fine in design and coloring. The outside with a deep band of delicate Neskhi inscription, the inside with unusual wreath decoration of very refined drawing, encircling a small floral medallion on the bottom. Harmonization of turquoise, cobalt and terra cotta on warm ivory ground. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 034 inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A simple, well proportioned piece, glazed in light turquoise green and decorated on the shoulder with a deep frieze of in- cised Cufic inscription. | Height, 5 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH SGRAFFITO DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very rich and striking color combination of lustrous black boldly decorated with brilliant turquoise green. Compressed globular shape, the body with a deep frieze of vertical flutings, the shoulder with a band of Neskhi inscription, and the mouth with the “three globe pattern.” ~ Height, 4 inches. * 58 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY _ Bold and vigorous decoration of birds encircled by energetic arabesque scrolls. The bottom with two birds in opposite rep- resentation. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 14TH-15TH CENTURY Massive, simple shape. Very beautiful deep turquoise blue, with iridescence in fine rainbow tints. The outside with a frieze of Neskhi inscription in relief. A charming example. Height, 4% inches, diameter, 8% inches. HEXAGONAL POTTERY TABOURET PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Delicate blue, veiled by a light silvery iridescence. In the form of six Gothic arches, an old motif of Persian and Mesopo- tamian architecture. Refined proportions. Height, 8 inches, diameter, 934 inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Vigorous contrast of turquoise blue and black, on the outside. The outside with a wide frieze of sketchily executed Neskhi inscription in sgrafhito technique, followed by a band of simple linear ornament. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 7% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH SGRAFFITO DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Deep strong color harmony of turquoise blue and black, on the inside of the bowl, with plain turquoise on the outside. Sketchy decoration of gracefully conventionalized inscriptions and lightly indicated leaf motives. Height, 334 inches. LARGE POTTERY JAR RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Very fine contrast of cobalt, turquoise and light blue, in a re- peated composition of wide and narrow vertical stripes, em- phasized by broad alternate white stripes. Globular shape. Excellent state of preservation. Important specimen. Height, 934 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION : RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Simple, dignified specimen. Cobalt blue, decorated in dark green lustre with frieze of graceful floral scrolls. Very fine specimen. Height, 41% inches; diameter, 634 inches. 59 390 391 392 393 oo aa POTTERY (PITCHER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Turquoise blue, partially veiled by a beautiful silvery irides- cence. Sketchy decoration in black of two wide friezes of leaf scroll work of energetic character. Height, 9% inches. POTTERY ALBARELLO RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A rarely beautiful specimen, whose perfection of form is equalled by the grace and refinement of the decoration. Tur- quoise green, veiled by a light silvery iridescence, and with underglaze decoration in black, of a deep frieze of arabesque scroll work. The neck with banding of conventionalized Neskhi inscription. Height, 834 inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY Turquoise blue, the outside covered with black slip, and decor- ated with band of Neskhi characters in sgraffito technique. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 71% inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Turquoise blue, with black underglaze decoration. The bot- tom decorated with a floral medallion of vigorous design. Good specimen, in fine state of preservation. Height, 4 inches, diameter, 7% inches. DEEP POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Elegant funnel shape. Turquoise blue, decorated in cobalt blue and black. The inside divided into six compartments by radiant lines of cobalt blue, each compartment enclosing a con- ventionalized tree with birds in opposite representation. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION ? RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Rich combination of manganese lustre on delicate cobalt blue. Arabesque border decoration of very finely proportioned de- sign. Center with lightly indicated floral rosace. Outside with lattice lke pattern. Height, 234 inches, diameter, 034 inches. 60 396 398 399 400 401 POTTERY BOWL WITH POLYCHROME RELIEF DECORATION _ RHAGES, PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY A piece with unusual type of relief decoration in very delicate harmony of soft green, blue and ivory white. The inside with all over relief decoration of graceful arabesque scrolls enclos- ing bird motives. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY PITCHER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A specimen of rare shape, glazed in a very rich shade of cobalt blue. The deep cylindrical neck decorated with panels bearing floral decoration in sgrafhito technique. Height, 7% inches. POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A simple, dignified shape, the body decorated with flutings, the neck with a wide rim of conventionalized Neskhi inscription in relief. Light turquoise green, partly covered with golden iridescence. Height, 434 inches, diameter, 7% inches. TALL POTTERY VASE WITH RELIEF DECORA- TION PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Mate to the preceding. In this piece the deep cobalt blue is veiled by a film of grayish iridescence. Height, 1334 inches. TALL POTTERY VASE WITH RELIEF DECORA- TION PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Showing the deep cobalt blue of Persia in its glory. The deep blue has rare purple and greenish reflexes, and is accentuated by the bold Cufic lettering in relief that covers the body of the vase, intermingled with varied scroll work. Thick drops of the unctuous glaze on the grayish clay of the foot. Height, 1334 inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGE6, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very rich harmony of cobalt and turquoise blue, vigorously accented with black. The inside divided into four radial sec- tions, each decorated with rapidly sketched, but strong flower shrubs. Rare and beautiful specimen. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 7% inches. 61 402 403 404 405 406 POTTERY EWER RHAGES, 13TH CENTURY A rich harmonization of cobalt blue, terra cotta and gold, accented by touches of white. All over decoration of patterned stripes widening toward the foot. Note the fine mottlings of rich turquoise produced by the running of the cobalt glaze inside the neck. Rare specimen. (From the Brayton Ives coll.) Height, 834 inches. POTTERY EWER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Decorated with two wide friezes of wavy leaf scroll work of elegant calligraphy, in black on deep turquoise blue. The cen- ter of the body encircled by a band of Neskhi inscription. Height, I3 inches. POTTERY PITCHER WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The grooves of the melon shaped body with small, but sketchily indicated floral scroll work, in lustre on cobalt blue. The gracefully shaped mouth and neck with similar decoration. Unusual specimen. Height, 8Y% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Charming all over figural decoration of seated women, each enclosed in a small medallion compartment. Tall octagonal body with low cylindrical neck. Height, 9% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH POLYCHROME DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A very subtle harmonization of delicate tones of green, blue and terra cotta on ivory white. Radiant compartments with alter- nating arabesque tree and fish motives decorate the inside of the bowl, separated by stripes with Neskhi inscription. The edge with a graceful arabesque frieze in blue on terra cotta. Charming and unusual specimen. Height, 3% inches, diameter, 8 inches. 62 407 408 409 410 POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The bottom with a very spirited decoration of a gazelle on a background of beautifully designed flowers and leaves. The sides with two friezes, one of Neskhi inscription, the other of scroll work. The outside of the bowl with melon like groov- ings. Height, 4 inches, diameter, SY inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A piece of elegant simplicity, with a very subtle color combi- nation of lustre outlined in red on a background of delicate cobalt blue. The outside with a deep frieze of arabesques in very refined design; the inside divided by six radiant stripes of lustre. A beautiful specimen. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 034 inches. POTTERY EWER RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A rare type with lustre decoration on deep cobalt blue. The large globular body with a bald design of four circular medal- lions, each with the figure of a seated woman “‘en reserve.” A specimen of unusual interest, in an excellent state of preser- vation. Height, 11 inches POTTERY BOGS WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Fine quality olive brown lustre with rare ruby emanations. Decoration of exceptionally vigorous quality of six seated female figures forming a frieze around the body of the bowl. Compressed bulbous shape. Height, 4 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH POLYCHROME DECORA- TION - _RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The Sultan entertained by a musician. The figures are on an unusually large scale, while the coloring is as striking and vigorous as the design. The garments and background are impressionistically indicated in cobalt blue, red and turquoise green, accented by relief outlines of white. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 8SY% inches. 63 412 413 414 415 416 417 SCULPTURES LOTS 412-423 MARBLE HEAD OF PARIS ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD The graceful head of the Trojan youth with loosely curling hair and Phrygian bonnet. Marble base. It was acquired by the Hope family from James Millingen about 1824, and was published by Millingen in his “Ancient Unedited Monuments.” (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 22 inches. MARBLE CINERARY URN ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Rectangular shape. Rams’ heads on the two front corners, con- nected by a garland of fruits and flowers, with birds picking the fruit. Above the garland Latin inscription with the name of the deceased, who belonged to the family of the Fabii. (Bot- tom and one side damaged.) (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 7 inches; width, 13 inches. CINERARY URN ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Marble; square shape. Rams on the four corners. Large gar- lands of fruits and flowers with floating ribbons in very fine sculpture on the sides. (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 7 inches; width I} inches. MARBLE BUST OF A ROMAN EMPEROR ROMAN, IST-2ND CENTURY A.D. A fine head of energetic expression. broken.) Marble base. (Damaged; the nose Height, 10 inches. SMALL MARBLE HEAD OF A SATYR GREEK, HELLENISTIC, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. Excellent little sculpture, said to have been found in Cappa- docia, Asia Minor. (Damaged.) Green marble base. Height, (with base), 5 inches. MARBLE BUST OF A WOMAN ROMAN, IST-2ND CENTURY A.D. A composition of quiet strength. The hair is bound with a fillet, the deep set eyes arched by well modeled brows. (Nose, mouth and chin slightly damaged.) 64 Height, 16 inches. i 418 419 420 421 422 423 MARBLE GROUP ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD In the center a nude female figure standing, probably Venus. A small nude female figure to her right, while on the left Amor and Psyche are represented embracing one another. Charming quality. On green marble base. Height,(with base), 15 inches. MARBLE TORSO OF VENUS HELLENISTIC, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. An interesting specimen of the Alexandrian school. Venus standing, folding her garment about her loins, to her left a graceful amorino riding on a dolphin. Height, 42 inches. FLUTED MARBLE COLUMN Simple, classic lines; round top and base. Light pinkish marble, veined with brown. Height, 41 inches, diameter, 9 inches. MARBLE HEAD OF A YOUTH : : GREEK, HELLENISTIC PERIOD Simple, classic profile; abundant curly hair. Red marble stand. Height, 9 inches. MARBLE COLUMN WITH CORINTHIAN CAPITAL ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD The columns probably of later date. The flower and leaf work of the capital rendered with an exquisite feeling for detail; the entire, dignified, yet elaborate in workmanship and con- ception. (Chipped.) Height, 3934 inches. MARBLE COLUMN WITH CORINTHIAN CAPITAL ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Mate to the preceding. (Slightly chipped). Height, 3934 inches. 65 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 28TH AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK FOURTH SESSION LOTS 424-585 JEWELRY LOTS 424-455 GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Graceful shape, enamelled and set with ruby colored and green stones. Baroque pearl in the center. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON. _ GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped with setting of baroque pearls, emerald and ruby colored stones. Small drop with green stones. PAIR OF SILVER EAR-RINGS PLATED IN GOLD Flower shaped, with setting of baroque pearls and emerald colored stones. PAIR OF GOLD PLATED EAR-RINGS Delicate butterfly shape with oval drops. Setting of small turquoise stones and two seed pearls. Unusual and charming design. JEWELLED LAVALLIERE ON GOLD CHAIN The pendant of silver, plated with gold. Rosace shape, with blue and white enamelling and setting of turquoise. Baroque pearl in the center. HEAVY WROUGHT BRONZE ARMLET INDIA, 19TH CENTURY Massively wrought ornamentation. Setting of a red stone at either end. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Flower shaped pendant set with six small turquoise stones sur- rounding a large one in the center; turquoise drop. 66 419 420 421 422 423 MARBLE GROUP ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD In the center a nude female figure standing, probably Venus. A small nude female figure to her right, while on the left Amor and Psyche are represented embracing one another. Charming quality. On green marble base. Height,(with base), 15 inches. MARBLE TORSO OF VENUS HELLENISTIC, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. An interesting specimen of the Alexandrian school. Venus standing, folding her garment about her loins, to her left a graceful amorino riding on a dolphin. Height, 42 inches. FLUTED MARBLE COLUMN Simple, classic lines; round top and base. Light pinkish marble, veined with brown. Height, 41 inches, diameter, 9 inches. MARBLE HEAD OF A YOUTH 7 3 GREEK, HELLENISTIC PERIOD Simple, classic profile; abundant curly hair. Red marble stand. Height, 9 inches. MARBLE COLUMN WITH CORINTHIAN CAPITAL ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD The columns probably of later date. The flower and leaf work of the capital rendered with an exquisite feeling for detail; the entire, dignified, yet elaborate in workmanship and con- ception. (Chipped.) Height, 3934 inches. MARBLE COLUMN WITH CORINTHIAN CAPITAL ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Mate to the preceding. (Slightly chipped). Height, 3934 inches. 65 ee ee 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 GOLD NECKLACE WITH TURQUOISE AND PEARL SETTING Delicate chain, the front with eleven small turquoise pendants, every other one with a small pearl. GOLD PLATED LAVALLIERE ON GOLD CHAIN The pendant flower shaped, with setting of six turquoise and with turquoise drop. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shaped, with large baroque pearl in center surrounded by emerald and ruby colored stones. Delicately shaped drop. GOLD AND CARNELIAN INTAGLIO WATCH CHARM ENGLISH, ABOUT 1800 Head of Patroclus. , GOLD RING WITH AGATE INTAGLIO ABOUT 1800 Round medallion with head of a ruler in heavy gold mounting. GOLD RING WITH AGATE CAMEO _ AsouT 1800 Delicate carving of a female dancer; oval. GREEN JASPER INTAGLIO RING IN MODERN SETTING ABOUT 1800 Shows a sacrifice to the gods. GOLD RING WITH AGATE INTAGLIO RENAISSANCE PERIOD Achilles bearing the body of Patroclus. GOLD RING WITH AGATE INTAGLIO ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Delicately executed figures of Theseus and Bellerophon. GOLD PLATED PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shape, heavily set with a large baroque pearl sur- rounded by enamelling and with alternating ruby and emerald colored stones. Baroque pearl drop. 67 441 442 oon! 44.4 44.5 440 447 448 NECKLACE, EAR-RINGS AND BROOCH ITALIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY All of shell cameos of excellent quality, decorated with classic subjects. The necklace with fourteen cameos with various sub- jects; mounted in gold. The ear-rings with amorini. The brooch with a cameo of Alexander as Jupiter Ammon. GOLD RING WITH TURQUOISE MATRIX SETTING Artistic setting with small baroque pearl on either side of the turquoise matrix in the center. GOLD PLATED TURQUOISE BROOCH Elaborately wrought circular setting with baroque pearls and nine turquoise. GOLD RING SET WITH TURQUOISE HUNGARIAN, ABOUT 1850 Rosace design of central turquoise encircled by six small tur- quoise stones (two missing). GOLD PLATED SILVER PENDANT ON GOLD CHAIN Rosace shape, set With baroque pearls and ruby and emerald colored stones. Small green drop. PAIR OF MASSIVE GOLD PLATED BELT BUCKLES ; HUNGARIAN, 19TH CENTURY Very rich barbaric style, heavily wrought and with applied pointed ornaments. RICHLY JEWELLED GOLD PLATED NECKLACE HUNGARIAN, I9TH CENTURY The chain with twenty-two links in the form of varied rosaces, richly set with turquoise, baroque pearls and garnet colored stones. The heavy pendant with enamelled center and elabo- rate setting of turquoise, baroque pearls and garnet colored stones. Suspended from oval jewelled medallion and with large turquoise drop. A very rich specimen. SILVER BOX PLATED WITH GOLD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The cover with rosace inlay of ivory stained red and green. The sides and bottom with elaborately wrought flower and scroll motives in charming design. (Ivory inlay damaged). Length, 2% inches. 68 449 450 453 454 455 GOLD PLATED LOCKETT WITH ENAMELLED AND JEWELLED DECORATION VIENNA, I9TH CENTURY Oval; the front with medallion of two children, surrounded by small turquoises and large ruby colored stones on a back- ground of enamelling. Quaint specimen. GOLD PLATED BRACELET SET WITH SEMI- PRECIOUS STONES HUNGARIAN, I9TH CENTURY Very unusual design, richly set with turquoise and garnet colored stones. Formed of seven large semi-circular links, richly wrought and enamelled and of graduated size. One stone missing. LARGE SILVER AND GOLD PLATED PENDANT Charming open work floral design, richly set with garnet colored stones and baroque pearls, and with baroque pearl drop. PAIR OF SILVER AND JEWELLED BELT BUCKLES Open work Renaissance scroll setting with large baroque pearls and ruby colored stones. | LARGE GOLD PLATED BROOCH MoDERN HUNGARIAN In the form of three large rosaces with high setting of large emerald colored stones alternating with small baroque pearls. The reverse side elaborately wrought. PAIR OF GOLD PLATED EAR-RINGS Elaborately set with ruby and emerald colored stones surround- ing a baroque pearl. Pear shaped. (One fastening damaged.) GOLD PLATED BROOCH RICHLY SET WITH TURQUOISE Unusual style, set with very deep blue turquoise. The oval top brooch with two smaller pendants. Filigree mounting, with all over setting of large and small stones. 69 GREEK VASES LOTS 456-479 Antique potteries are seldom found unharmed by time, therefore 450 457 458 459 460 it has not been considered necessary to mention defects resulting from age BLACK FIGURED AMPHORA GREEK, EARLY 5TH CENTURY B.C. Remarkable decoration, full of primitive strength and vigor. One side shows Apollo between two oxen; the reverse Zeus and Hera. Interesting and rare piece. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 9 inches. RED FIGURED HYDRIA OR WATER VESSEL GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B.C. Graceful and well-executed decoration representing a Grecian lady in her boudoir holding a large tray with ornaments and attended by a slave who is bearing ornaments and other acces- sories of the toilet. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 12 inches. RED FIGURED KELEBE GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY Be: One side with an interesting boudoir scene, representing a Grecian beauty holding a fan in one hand, and large boxes full of ornaments in the other hand; the reverse with head of young Grecian woman. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 18% inches. RED FIGURED AMPHORA GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, ATH-3RD CENTURY B.C. The body decorated with a very expressive and vigorously executed frieze showing a group of girls playing morta. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 12% inches. : [SEE ILLUSTRATION | OENOCHOE GREEK, FROM SOUTHERN ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B.C. Red figured type; touches of white slip. Decoration of winged genii. The high curved handle with medallion heads at top and base. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 15% inches. 70 473 474 475 470 477 478 ARYBALLOS CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. White clay, with incised and painted bird and animal decora- tion in Assyrian style. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 5% inches. ARYBALLOS~ | CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. White clay, with painted and incised design in purple and green with touches of orange. The animal and floral motives show a strong Assyrian influence. (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 7 inches. ALABASTRON CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. Decorated in Oriental Assyrian style with two friezes, the upper with closely arranged animal and floral motives, the lower with grotesque warriors carrying huge round shields. White clay, the decoration painted in red and black and out- lined by incised lines. (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 8 inches. BLACK FIGURED AMPHORA GREEK, 6TH CENTURY B.C. Red clay, decorated in black with figures of remarkable dramatic quality. One side shows a warrior with helmet stand- ing in a chariot with quadriga; the other side represents a mythological scene, with two gods and a deer. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 153% inches. BLACK FIGURED BOWL GREEK, 6TH CENTURY B.C. The outside decorated with a narrow frieze, with a hunting scene executed with the refined minuteness of miniature paint- ing. Four hunters with lifted lances ride on fiercely galloping horses and aim at a wild boar which they have brought to bay. Simple shape, set on a high foot and with handles at either side. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 5% inches, diameter, 8% inches. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | VASE CORINTHIAN, 7TH CENTURY B.C. Decorated with three friezes showing animal and floral motives in red and black on the cream colored ground of the vase. Marked Oriental Assyrian influence. (From the Lord Swansea coll.) Height, 12 inches. 73 479 TERRA COTTA VASE MEGARA, GREECE, 4TH CENTURY B.C. 480 481 482 483 Globular body, with spout. Below the spout a large head of a young woman modeled in the round. On top of the vase three figures of young women with raised arms in the attitude of prayer. Traces of old polychromy. Height, 30 inches. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | SULTANABAD POTTERY LOTS 480-496 SMALL POTTERY DISH SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Black and rich cobalt blue on ivory white. The bottom decor- ated with a medallion formed of geometrical interlacings. The sides with a frieze of alternating arabesque leaves and inter- lacings. Diameter, 5% inches. POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Very beautifully blended tones of cobalt and turquoise blue, the glaze forming ice crackle on the bottom of the bowl. Decora- tion of a six-lobed rosace filled in with small floral motives. Height, 4% inches; diameter, § inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Finely contrasting use of cobalt blue in combination with the lustre. The bottom with a large four-lobed rosace of very re- fined design filled in with arabesaue flowers, and outlined in cobalt. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 7 inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Very richly contrasting tones of cobalt and turquoise blue. The inside with four compartments enclosing heart shaped rosaces radiating from a circular floral medallion on the bottom. Height,.3¥% inches, diameter, 0 inches. 74 484 485 486 487 488 489 SMALL POTTERY DISH SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Charming bird and flower decoration in blue and black on a white ground. Light touches of iridescence. Diameter, 0% inches. POTTERY PITCHER SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Decorated with a design of flying phoenixes with sweeping tail feathers on a background of peony leaves. Part of the body very beautifully touched with rainbow like and silvery irides- cence. The cylindrical neck shows a spray of leaves. Excellent state of preservation. Height, 103% inches. POTTERY PITCHER SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 14TH CENTURY A graceful shape, charmingly decorated with a frieze of heart shaped medallions enclosing floral motives. Cobalt and light blue, partly covered by a thick golden iridescence, shading into deep purple and rainbow tints. Excellent state of preserva- tion. Height, 634 inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-I4TH CENTURY Bold rosace decoration sketchily executed in green and white. Heavy pottery, with brilliant glaze, whose coagulation in the center forms a circle that is like pale green ice. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 0Y% inches. POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, I13TH-14TH CENTURY Characteristically Chinese decoration on the inside of three cranes flying on a background of peony flowers. Olive green and white, vivified with touches of deep cobalt. The outside with frieze of bold Neskhi inscription. Height, 434 inches, diameter, 7Y% inches. SMALL POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A specimen whose decoration reveals Mongolian influence. Cobalt and turquoise -blue on white, with elaborate all over decoration. The sides with wide and narrow radiant stripes, bearing floral motives, the bottom with a circular medallion showing a hare among flowers. Height, 2% inches, diameter, 0% inches. 75 490 491 492 493 494 495 POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-I14TH CENTURY Massive piece, boldly decorated with vigorous floral, linear and dot motives in cobalt and turquoise blue. The bottom with a five lobed rosace. The colors of exceptionally rich tonality. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 734 inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH | SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very intricate and graceful decoration of interlaced arabesque scrolls in dark green and rich cobalt blue on white. The out- side with single detached arabesque motives. Height, 234 inches; width, 12% inches. POTTERY JAR _ SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Powerful bulging shape. The body with a wide frieze of un- derglaze decoration in cobalt and light blue, almost covered by a thick golden iridescence. Height, 8% inches. POLLERY PITCHER SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 14TH CENTURY The mouth in the form of a woman’s head. The globular body decorated with small, but sketchily executed motives arranged in wide vertical stripes and surmounted by a frieze of dots. Green, decorated in black. ‘Touches of silvery iridescence. Height, 8% inches. POTTERY PITCHER SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 14TH CENTURY The neck in the form of a human head, one of the favorite conceits of the Persian potters. Ivory white, the grooved body decorated with vertical stripes sketchily painted in cobalt blue. The neck and part of the body covered by a thick golden iridescence. Perfect state of preservation. Height, 634 inches. LARGE POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DEC- ORATION SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A rare specimen of exceptionally rich color and very expres- sive design. The inside divided into eight radiant compart- ments, six of them in very brilliantly contrasting cobalt blue 76 496 497 498 499 and turquoise green decorated in lustre. The other two are decorated with very expressively drawn figures of seated women. The ouside glazed in exceedingly rich cobalt blue. Diameter, 13% inches. LARGE POTTERY JAR SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 14TH CENTURY Massive globular shape, decorated in cobalt and light blue, and with touches of rainbow tinted iridescence. The body with a wide frieze of heart-shaped motives filled with floral decoration; a narrow frieze above and below. Height, Io inches. VARIOUS TEXTILES LOTS 497-530 OPENWORK TENT HANGING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The window with arched top with large cut work rosace pat- tern forming a design similar to the geometrical interlacings of Arabic wooden doors. Red canvas, bordered by white. The outer border and the arch of the window filled with applique work (reciprocated lily pattern and arabesque leaves) in red, green and white. Charming, picturesque piece. (Slightly damaged. ) Length, 80 inches; width, 41 inches. OPENWORK TENT HANGING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same as the preceding, but white cotton framed by red, blue and pale yellow. (Repaired.) Length, 08 inches; width, 35 inches. OPENWORK TENT HANGING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same as preceding. Charming color combination of nile green, orange and dark blue. (Repaired. ) Length, 83 inches; width, 40 inches. 7/7 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 OPENWORK TENT HANGING PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Same as the preceding, but forming three door arches in vivid red and pale green. Length, 92 1nches, width, 120 inches. SILK BROCADE TABLE COVER PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY All over pattern of delicate flower shrubs in pastel shades on salmon red background. (Slightly worn.) 37 inches square. STRIP OF SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Charming pattern of cut rose flowers in greenish and golden shades on deep blue background. 3 feet LO inches by I foot 3% inches. SILK BROCADE TABLE COVER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY All over pattern of charming “Cashmere” palmettos in blue and golden yellow on deep red background. 31 inches by 20 inches. SILK BROCADE TABLE COVER : PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Exquisite harmony of the pastel blue center and the salmon red border. The center with all over pattern of flower shrubs of refined design, embroidered with small sequins, The border with small floral all over patterns. 25% inches square. SILK BROCADE TABLE COVER PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY The center with a pattern of curved stems with carnations, silver and orange on pale blue. The border vivid red with small yellow flowers. 29 inches square. SILK BROCADE TABLE COVER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Fanciful cut flowers in all over pattern on salmon red ground. (Slightly worn.) 3 feet 4 inches by 3 feet I inch. 78 507 508 §09 510 sell SY2 KASHAN VELVET TABLE COVER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Palmetto border, the center with a great number of stripes with various geometrical and floral patterns. Soft mellow colors with accents of orange and indigo blue. (Slightly worn in the center.) - Length, 61 inches; width, 42 inches. PIECE OF KASHAN VELVET PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Typical Kashan ater in polychrome velvet. Medallion borders; in the middle composition of conventionalized cypress trees. Wace soft tones on deep red background. Good speci- men. Length, 37 inches; width, 29 inches. STRIP OF BRUSSA BROCADE TURKEY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY All over pattern of large rosaces in golden yellow, the flower petals indicated in light blue, scattered over a background of deep Turkish red. Length, 57 inches; width, 20% inches. SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Beautiful pattern of charming flower shrubs of elaborate de- sign in soft pastel shades on slate blue ground. One of the best patterns in the collection; unusual width of the fabric. 4 feet by 2 feet 4 inches. COPE (GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH) © RUSSIA, 18TH CENTURY Made of Russian brocade. Pattern of small flower bouquets alternating with flower twigs in heavy relief silver brocade, framed by lanceolated curved silver leaves. Semicircular shape, 9 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. KASHAN MAS EF EA TABLE COVER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Two birds of rectangular design, grouped on both sides of a flower vase, four times repeated. Strong color harmony of orange and light blue on deep red. Fine specimen. 41 inches square 79 513 514 515 516 517 518 BROCADE DIVAN CUSHION NORTHWESTERN PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURIES Peacocks grouped on both sides of the tree of life, singing birds among flowery stems and central medallion with various floral ornaments, display an array of gay colors on the blue back- ground of this charming and rare fabric. Length, 42 inches; width, 28 inches. TWO LARGE PIECES OF BROCADE ENGLISH, 1830-40 Very vividly patterned with peacocks, parrots, humming birds, pheasants, etc., flying among varied and brilliantly colored floral sprays on ivory white. (Pieced and damaged.) Size: II feet by 4 feet 2 inches and 10 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. PIECE OF BROCADE ENGLISH, 1830-40 Same as preceding. (Pieced and damaged.) Size: O feet O inches by 4 feet. “TWO LARGE PIECES OF BROCADE ENGLISH, 1830-40 Same as the preceding. (Damaged.) Size: IO feet 7 inches by 4 feet I inch and IO feet 4 inches by 3 feet 10 inches. TWO LARGE PIECES OF BROCADE ENGLISH, 1830-40 Similar to the preceding, with vivid bird and floral pattern on ivory ground. (Damaged.) Size: IO feet 4 inches by 4 feet and IO feet 0 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. POLYCHROME BROCADE HANGING PORTUGUESE, ABOUT 1830 Old nattier blue scroll work upon red border and white center field, intermingled with naturalistic flower bouquets. Very strong and vivid colors. (Damaged.) Size: 7 feet I inch by § feet. 80 519 520 521 R22 523 524 POLYCHROME BROCADE HANGING PORTUGUESE, ABOUT 1830 Same as the preceding. (Damaged.) Size: 7 feet I inch by § feet. POLYCHROME BROCADE HANGING PORTUGUESE, ABOUT 1830 Same as the preceding. (Damaged. ) Size: 7 feet I inch by 5 feet. POLYCHROME BROCADE HANGING PORTUGUESE, ABOUT 1830 | Same as the preceding. (Damaged.) Size: 7 feet I inch by § feet. SEVEN PIECES OF SILK BROCADE PORTUGUESE, ABOUT 1850 Half naturalistic flowers in strong, vivid colors—yellow, purple, light blue, red and pink on white satin background. Irregular sizes. (Slightly damaged.) 3 RARE BROCADE PANEL — CHINA, EARLY MING PERIOD This panel is not tapestry woven, but woven on the brocade loom. In color and composition it shows a great resemblance to the early silk tapestries which are generally ascribed to the Sung period. The composition 1s allegorical. It shows in the center Shu Lao and the two heavenly twins under a pine tree with cranes flying around. Among the diverse figures in the. foreground, eight Taoist genil may be recognized. Mounted on antique Chinese brocade, with beautiful lotus pattern. Framed. Height, 60 inches; width, 41 inches. PRAYER RUG IN WOOLEN APPLIQUE EM- BROIDERY TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY An interesting specimen of Near Eastern art under European rococo influence. The border consists of rococo cartouches 1n blue with conventionalized rose bushes in red and green. The columns of the prayer niche are richly adorned with blue rococo scroll work, supporting a voluted arch with various polychrome flower patterns. Size: 6 feet I inch by 3 feet Q inches. 81 525 526 527 528 529 530 BENARES GOLD BROCADE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Large hanging or garment of irregular shape, made of very beautiful Benares brocade, showing a pattern of palmetto shaped flower bouquets in gold brocading on a background of blackish blue silk. Length, 12 feet; width, about 3 feet. COPE (GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH) ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Made of Italian 18th century gold brocade, showing floral stems in faint colors with touches of silver and gold on a mel- low olive green ground. Very soft and fine color harmony. Semicircular shape. Length, Io feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches. COPE (GREEK CATHOLIC) | PERSIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURIES The hood and front stripes of red silk rep, the cope itself of a charming Persian cloth of silver, with repeated delicate pat- tern of flower shrubs. Oriental fabrics were often used for vestments of the Russian and the Greek Catholic church. Fine and rare specimen. Semt-circular,; diameter, 104 inches. VELVET TABLE COVER ITALY, LATE 16TH CENTURY Small all over pattern of diamonds and rosaces in green cut and uncut velvet on a background of soft yellow silk. Green fringe all around. Excellent state of preservation. | Size: O07 inches by 72 inches. LARGE VELVET SPREAD SPAIN, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Fluffy plush in vivid colors, harmoniously mellowed down by age. Pattern of huge conventionalized flowers and stems in red, yellow and blue on a background of deep green. (Worn.) Length, Io feet 0% inches; width, § feet. HANGING OF BRUSSA BROCADE TURKEY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Sunburst medallions, surrounded by large carnations in gold thread, outlined by green on a background of strong red. Powerful design. Length, 5 feet, width, 4 feet 4 inches. 82 IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF SAMARRA POTTERY Our knowledge of Mohammedan pottery was until a few years ago confined to the potteries of the 12th and 13th centuries. About ten years ago Professor F. Sarre made important excavations at Samarra, which during the 8th and 9th centuries was the capitol of the Caliphs. These excavations had the surprising result of reveal- ing the entire series of new types of pottery, hitherto only known by a few specimens which no one knew how to classify. These potteries showed the lustre technique in a much greater variety than it was known hitherto, Pale olive and deep ruby lustre were found together with the well known brown and golden shades. A strange type of sgraftito ware was discovered, but more important than the technical particularities of these potteries were their artistic qualities. Be- sides the usual brittle, sandy paste a dense clay was used, which is generally of excellent quality, resembling stone ware, although not as heavy. It reminds one of certain Chinese Tang wares. This resemblance is not accidental. Chinese Tang porcelains and stone wares have been found in Samarra, proving trade relations and artistic influence. The shapes of these wares are extremely refined and seem to emulate with the Tang potteries. The design is eX: tremely primitive and bold. The Metropolitan Museum possesses very few specimens of this early type. It is the first time that these wares have been offered at public auction. The present collection represents all the interesting types in choice specimens and offers a rare opportunity for museums and connoisseurs. SAMARRA POTTERY LOTS 531-548 531 SMALL POTTERY BOWL SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY This rare specimen of graceful shape and fine potting is dec- orated with a delicate arabesque frieze in low relief. Cream white, with fine iridescence. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 5% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 83 532 533 534 535 536 GLAZED EARTHENWARE VASE SASSANIAN OR PARTHIAN Very rare and early specimen, with molded and barbotine dec- oration. The globular body with three friezes, the first of arch motives, the second of four lobed rosaces, and the third of compartments with motives of three different types. The tall, cylindrical neck with ribbings in relief. The green glaze has almost entirely worn away. Height, To inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | WHITE POTTERY BOWL SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY A specimen of remarkably fine potting, comparable to Chinese pottery of the Tang Period. An extremely fine shape, made of dense clay, almost like stoneware. Beautiful ivory white, with disintegrated lustre decoration. Excellent condition. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 54% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IVORY WHITE POTTERY BOWL SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY A small bowl of fine potting, with very refined incised decora- tion of heart shaped arabesque motives encircling the inside. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 5 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SMALL POTTERY DISH 7 SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY A specimen revealing the greatest refinement of the potting technique, both in form and quality of material, and similar to the Han potteries of China. Running glaze of green with fine iridescence. Diameter, 5% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY BOWL SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY Incised sgraffito type. Primitive and vigorously executed decoration of a central pigeon medallion with arabesque leaf border. Pale green rim. Interesting specimen. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 7% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 84 5362 POTTERY BOWL SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY | 537 538 Sey. 540 Incised sgraffito type. Very primitive and vigorously designed frieze decoration of walking lions. Brick red and ivory white with green rim. Slight iridescence. Rare specimen. Height, 3 inches, diameter, 7 inches. POTTERY DISH WITH LUSTRE DECORATION SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY The inside with a very spirited and primitive decoration of two leading hares in pale and yellow; the outside with charac- teristic dot and spiral motives. Rare specimen. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 52 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY BOWL WITH RUBY LUSTRE DECORA- TION SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-9TH CENTURY Very rare ruby lustre of rich, gleaming tones. Convention- alized palmetto decoration in well balanced composition. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION SAMARRA WARE, 8TH-QTH CENTURY This very rare and early bowl is decorated with the large figure of a camel in a very vigorous, primitive drawing. On the back of the animal is a seat and a floating banner. The bottom bears a pehlevi inscription. Important specimen. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 1034 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY VASE WITH RELIEF DECORATION PERSIA, 11TH-12TH CENTURY Very light turquoise blue with bold relief decoration of bird and arabesque motives in remarkably balanced and vigorous composition. Cylindrical body, widening toward the shoulder. The neck cut. Very important specimen. Height, 034 inches. 85 541 542 543 544 545 POTTERY JAR EARLY MOHAMMEDAN, PROBABLY MESOPOTAMIA A very rare type. Deep green lead glaze, with stamped relief decoration showing the following scenes: Mountain goats, a sultan with two attendants, and a sultan strangling two lions (a motif also found in early textiles). A massive simple piece, of the same type as unglazed wares. Height, 7 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION PERSIA, IOTH-12TH CENTURY Rare and important specimen, the inside decorated with a gazelle-like animal of bold design, surrounded by spirited arabesque scrolls. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 9 inches. FUNNEL SHAPED POTTERY BOWL PERSIA, 11TH-12TH CENTURY A piece of fine potting, glazed in a beautiful shade of light turquoise. The inside decorated with incised bands of ener- getic arabesque scroll work of very refined design. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 7% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH PAINTED DECORATION EARLY PERSIAN, IOTH-12TH CENTURY A specimen of great refinement, recalling the beauty of Chinese wares of the Tang period. Fine delicate potting. Low base of hard clay characteristic of the early period. Pale turquoise blue, decorated with a painted inscription bearing Cufic char- acters in red on gold, as in glassware. Simple shape with lobed mouth rim. Very rare and important specimen. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 5% inches. DEEP POTTERY BOWL EARLY PERSIAN, 10TH-12TH CENTURY Simple shape, glazed in light blue, and decorated with a wide and narrow incised frieze of gracefully composed arabesque scrolls. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 0% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 86 546 547 548 549 nee DEEP POTTERY BOWL EARLY PERSIAN, IOTH-12TH CENTURY Light blue, with decoration of broad arabesque leaves, filled in with delicate scroll work. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 0% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DEC- ORATION RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Very graceful and refined decoration, executed in easy, yet vigorous style. The inside with six radiant comparunents separated by cobalt blue lines and each bearing a swan upon a background of arabesque leaves. The outside with Neskhi inscriptions in fine sweeping style. Light turquoise blue under- glaze. Height, 5% inches; diameter, II inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TRIPOD POTTERY TABOURET RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Turquoise green glaze, veiled by a beautiful silvery, irides- cence. The sides with bold Neskhi decoration in relief. The top with three circular holes. Height, 8% inches. ORIENTAL RUGS LOTS 549-568 SHIRVAN MAT CAUCASUS, ABOUT 1900 Charming specimen of bright, vivid colors. Three borders; The main one with conventionalized serrated zigzag motives on deep red ground, framed by small border with barber pole stripes. The center field shows an all-over pattern of hexagons framed by black latch hook stripes which surround large con- ventionalized flowers in vivid colors on white ground. Size: 4 feet by 3 feet I inch. SMALL KABISTAN MAT CAucasus, 18TH CENTURY Latch hook border in vivid colors on white of beautiful de- sign. The deep red center field covered with a charming all- over pattern of single cut flowers in vivid colors intermingled with rosaces and small Caucasian animal motives. (Damaged. ) Size: 3 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 5 inches. 87 551 552 553 554 GIORDES PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Beautiful specimen with deep red and warm tan tones. An elaborate main border with large conventionalized star and peony flowers in vivid colors on buff background, framed by numerous small borders. The arch of the prayer niche with conventionalized rose flowers on dark blue background; the field of the niche in plain deep Turkish red. (Repaired.) Size: 4 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 10 inches. GIORDES PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Soft color harmony of light yellow and old rose, accented by blue and black. Wide main border with a design of conven- tionalized curved stems and large floral rosaces. Narrow accompanying border on either side. The arch of the niche with a bold double branched lily motif on an old rose ground. The niche itself light yellow with a floral pattern that is almost worn away. Size: 4 feet I inch by 4 feet 2 inches. KHORASSAN RUG PERSIA, 19TH CENTURY The border of interbalanced arabesques and conventionalized flowers in yellow, red, mulberry and black. The center field shows a plain mulberry red ground, a black central medallion with floral decoration in vivid colors with attached rectangular medallions. The same motif repeated in the four corners. Size: O feet 4 inches by 3 feet II inches. WOOLEN PRAYER RUG DAGHESTAN, CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Delightful specimen with soft, strangely iridescent colors. The rug seems to have a date, 1222 after Hedjra, which would cor- respond to about 1760 A.D. ‘The main border with latch hook pattern on deep red ground, framed by smaller borders with floral patterns on beautiful bluish green. The field of the prayer niche with an all-over pattern of lozenges in blue out- lined by red on cream white ground. Fine flower motives in the center of each lozenge. Size: 3 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. 88 555 556 558 559 WOOLEN RUG CHINA, EARLY 17TH CENTURY A very unusual piece in excellent preservation. Composed of two squares.. Each square contains in a frame of delicate elongated lotus leaves a large circular flower surrounded by huge Artemisia leaves. One of the panels with a Chinese three character inscription. Inscriptions in Chinese rugs are extremely rare. Colors, brown, tan and pale yellow in mellow soft tonality. Size: 5 feet by 3 feet. GIORDES PRAYER RUG | ASIA MINOR, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Pale yellow and old rose. The main border shows flower rosaces in old rose on pale yellow ground. The arch of the prayer niche with conventionalized peony flowers in white, pale blue and yellow on salmon red background. The field of the niche pale yellow. (Worn and repaired.) Size: 5 feet 0 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. SAROUK PRAYER RUG _ PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Good, unusual specimen. Four borders, the main one with peony and rosace flowers of fine design on ivory white ground, reminding one of the velvets of Yezd. The arches of the prayer niche in mulberry red, with arabesque motives in sea green. The field of the arch shows a phantastic tree of life, with numerous elaborate peony like flowers growing from a green lawn on a background of ivory white. Elaborate Persian inscription. (Slight damages.) Size: 5 feet 8 inches by 4 feet. KHORASSAN RUG PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Triple border of undulated flower stems on magenta red and light blue ground. The center field with an all-over pattern of undulating stems with attached small flowers and Cashmere palmettos. (Damaged.) Size: 9 feet by 4 feet 9 inches. KARABAGH RUNNER CAUCASUS, 19TH CENTURY Vigorous design and color characteristic of the Caucasus. Three borders of conventionalized Caucasian motives on glowing red and soft blue. The center with Mina Khani pat- tern on dark blue ground, interspersed with the characteristic 89 560 561 562 563 Caucasian animals. Delightful small central medallion and corner motives, with vivid naturalistic floral pattern, on cream white ground. Size: 145 feet IO inches by 3 feet 3 inches. GIORDES PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Delicate design and pale color harmony of blue and light straw color with touches of henna red. The elaborate border with a repeated motif of flower shrubs; the arch of the prayer niche with elaborate rose flowers supported by two columns, a large mosque lamp hanging from the center. ; Size: 5 feet 3 inches by 3 feet IO inches. KULAH PRAYER RUG ANATOLIA, ABOUT 1800 The main border with all-over conventionalized carnation pat- tern in soft pastel shades on white, surrounded on inside and outside by numerous smaller borders. The arch of the prayer niche with Rhodian lilies in buff and light blue on dark blue. The field of the niche sea green with buff and dark blue hyacinths. Size: 5 feet 5 inches by 4 feet. WOOLEN RUG KUBA, CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY Charming rug in excellent state of preservation, the main border showing conventionalized Cufic letters on red ground framed by two smaller borders with undulated floral vines. The center field of the rug shows a repeated pattern of rows of conventionalized peony and star flowers in red, green and black alternating and grouped by stems with rigid arabesque leaves in cream color on dark indigo blue background. Size: 4 feet I inch by 8 feet 10 inches. WOOLEN RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Bright and strong harmony of pleasing colors. Swastika fret border in strong red and blue. Repeated pattern of floral bouquets on the same red ground in vivid yellow, blue and green. Size: IT feet 5 inches by O feet. 90 504 565 566 567 568 WOOLEN PRAYER RUG GIORDES, ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Triple border of floral motives, strongly conventionalized in vivid reds and blues on white and black grounds. The arch of the prayer niche in red and white carnation pattern on blue ground; the field of the prayer niche a mellow red. Interest- ing specimen, on account of its severity of design. (Slightly damaged.) Size: 5 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. LARGE KILIM CARPET ANATOLIA, 18TH CENTURY Tapestry woven. Richly contrasting harmony of magenta and black accented by touches of light yellow, white and green. All-over design of conventionalized floral motives growing — upon diagonal branches. The center with motives in light colors on magenta ground. Borders black and red. Size: I2 feet I inch by Io feet IO inches. LARGE HEREZ RUG PERSIA, ABOUT 1800 Main border with strongly conventionalized Herati pattern on red ground flanked by smaller floral borders on pink and black ground. The center field with an all-over Mina Khani pattern of strong design on cream white ground. Good specimen. . Size: I6 feet by Io feet. LARGE HEREKE RUG ASIA MINOR, 19TH CENTURY Elaborate border of round and oblong medallions with Turkish flower design on red ground. The field of the rug blue with a pattern of Turkish rose flowers and curved lancet leaves in vivid colors. Size: 13 feet 9 inches by 10 feet. LARGE WOOLEN KULAH RUG ASIA MINOR, EARLY I9TH CENTURY Main border with strongly conventionalized flowers on red ground; four small borders on inside and outside. The field of the rug shows an alternation of strongly conventionalized weeping-willows with flower shrubs on a white ground. (Worn. ) Size: 13 feet by 8 feet 7 inches. 91 569 579 571 572 573 ORIENTAL FURNITURE LOTS 569-571 WOODEN MOUCHARABIEH EGYPT, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Elaborate lattice work put together of small pieces of turned wood. /As used in the Near East for the outside shutters of windows. Height, 50 inches, width, 38Y4 inches. FIELD OF TEN “DAMASCUS” TILES ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY AA large vase out of which grows a beautiful bouquet of Turkish flowers—iris, zinnia, carnations, hyacinths, etc. (Repaired.) Framed. Height, 44 inches, width, I7\% inches. FIELD OF FOUR “RHODUS” TILES ANATOLIA, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Almond flower ribbons forming ogives in which are large con- ventionalized flowers with Turkish flowers, hyacinth, tulip and rose around. Framed. Size: 28 inches square. EUROPEAN FURNITURE LOTS 572-585 GILT AND CARVED WOOD SIDE TABLE ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Directoire or Empire period. Rectangular, the deep apron > decorated in relief with classical acanthus motives in square compartments. The fluted legs with acanthus capitals and feet. (Damaged. ) Height, 33% inches, length, 39 inches, depth, I7 inches. SET OF FOUR CARVED WALNUT CHAIRS ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Sgabello type. High back, two rampant lions with a heraldic castle in the middle surmounted by a large crown. The seat with deep carving, acanthus pattern; the front leg with elabo- rate Renaissance carving—grotesque mask, ribands and nereids, 92 574 575 576 BAS 579 GOTHIC OAK CABINET | Gothic 15th century. The center with a large door, whose upper part is open, with delicate Gothic arches in perforated carving. Both sides with openings, screened by Gothic arches in perforated carving. (From St. Mary’s Priory Manor coll., Prittlewell, Eng.) Height, 62 inches, length, 60% inches, depth, 18 inches. ENGLISH OAK CHAIR Jacobean with straight legs; the arm rests supported by col- umns. The back inclined to the rear and decorated with ornate ornamental and figural carving. | CARVED OAK CABINET NORTHERN FRENCH OR FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Rectangular shape, the lower body divided into three compart- ments decorated with carved Renaissance acanthus panels. In the middle two drawers with similar ornamentation. The upper part again divided into three compartments, the left and right ones being doors with Renaissance masks in relief catv- ing; the central panel with floral motives. Height, 55 inches; length, 54 inches; depth, 18 inches. PAIR OF CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Straight legs, connected by plain braces. Seat of woven rush. The back in openwork with three small columns surmounted by perforated circular medallions. OAK SIDE BOARD ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The lower body with two plain square doors with rectangular panels, the upper body receding. Two doors with sunken _ panels, on either side of a central simulated door forming a central panel with arched top. Overhanging lintel with initials and date “KR,” 1735. (Slight damages. ) . Height, 70 inches; width, 60 inches; depth, 21 inches. HEAVY OAK AND IRON CHEST TYROLESE Gothic. Heavy rectangular shape, the whole body of massive oak, bound with heavy iron bands ending in Gothic wrought ‘ron finials. Elaborate lock and hasp of wrought iron. The two bracket feet with Renaissance shell pattern. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 34 inches; width, 74 inches, depth, 20 inches. 93 580 581 582 583 584 585 GOTHIC WOODEN CHEST Tyrolese, 16th century. The entire front divided into two panels with relief carving of Gothic arches and fret work. Rectangular, with bracket base, decorated with champlevé carving of floral scroll work. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 28 inches; width, 44 inches; depth, 20% inches. WOODEN CHEST DUTCH, 16TH CENTURY Characteristic example of Northern European Renaissance style. Standing on lion claw feet with energetic profile on top and bottom. ‘Two large drawers at the bottom; above, an arcade with columns of turned wood, Renaissance arches and inlay of floral patterns. Plain top cover. feight, 26 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 21 inches. WOODEN CHEST TYROL, 16TH CENTURY Type of chests made at Saatz, Tyrol. Rectangular, the front decorated with champlevé carving of bold Renaissance acanthus scroll work. In the center the representation of a hound pursuing a stag. The bracket base with scroll decora- tion. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna. ) Height, 26% inches, length, OL inches; depth, 22 inches. CARVED AND GILT WOOD SETTEE ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Very wide and deep settee of Italian Louis XV style, the triple apron in bow design, and standing on low cabriole legs. Curved and upholstered arm rests. High back with elaborate top rail decorated with 18th century floral and shell motives. The upholstery of 18th century woolen velvet. (Worn.) Length, 76 inches. PAIR OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD ARM CHAIRS ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Italian Louis XV style; same set as the preceding settee. CARVED AND GILT WOOD SIDE CHAIR ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Italian Louis XV style; same set as the two preceding numbers. 94 -*¥ 586 587 588 589 590 SALE FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28th AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN FIFTH SESSION LOTS 586-682 CHINESE AND JAPANESE PAINTINGS LOTS 586-610 BUDDHISTIC PAINTING JAPAN, TOKUGAWA PERIOD A group of thirteen Bodisattvas under a canopy on sky blue ground. Mounted on old brocade. Framed. Height, 64 inches; width, 21% inches. MOUNTED PAINTING ON SILK JAPAN, ASHIKAGA PERIOD Representing a Buddhistic divinity of death (Tara?) in a red halo under an elaborate canopy. The goddess is six-armed and of fierce expression. She is seated on a lotus throne. Mounted on fine old silk. Framed. Height, 03% inches; width, 22 inches. BUDDHISTIC PAINTING ON SILK JAPAN, KAMAKURA OR ASHIKAGA PERIOD Representing a group of eleven Bodisattvas and other Buddhis- tic divinities. Sombre colors and gold on black background. Mounted on old brocade mat. Framed. Height, 48 inches; width, 19% inches. PAINTING ON COTTON CLOTH THIBET, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Representing a group of Bodisattvas, demons, etc., in vivid colors. Mounted on old silk brocade. Framed. Height, 36 inches; width, 22 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST CHINESE SCHOOL. MING PERIOD Figure of Mi Doo. Represented as an old man with white beard and bald head, wearing a red gown patterned in gold. On paper; mounted on silk as a kakemono. Height, 20% inches, width, 14 inches. 95 59! 592 593 eh: 595 596 BUDDHISTIC PAINTING ON SILK JAPAN, KAMAKURA PERIOD A Buddhistic divinity seated on a lotus throne above a row of fve minor divinities in round medallions seated in the clouds. A composition of rare dignity, enhanced by the somber colors with touches of gold. Framed. Height, 02% inches; width, 22 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST CHINESE SCHOOL. LATE MING PERIOD Painting of Kuan Yin. The goddess seated on a bank of leaves, clad in flowing robes, and holding a rosary. Mounted as a: kakemono on silk. Height, 28 inches, width, 21/2 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO KWOH MING CHINESE SCHOOL. 16TH-17TH CENTURY “Striking the Drum Makes the Flowers Bloom.” A Chinese commentator says about this picture: “A group of Court ladies with good looking clothes. They are striking the drums and making the flowers in blossom. It is said an interesting story of the Tang dynasty.” Mounted on silk as a kakemono. Height, 79 inches; width, 21% inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST KOREAN SCHOOL. 15TH-16TH CENTURY Buddha in Meditation. Seated on an elaborate throne, in gold and red, with touches of light blue, surrounded by a double flaming halo, a canopy with floating ribbons above. On silk; framed. (From the Alphonse Kann coll., Parts.) Height, 06 inches; width, 33 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST CHINESE SCHOOL. MING PERIOD Portrait of an elderly Woman. ‘Typical ancestral portrait of the Ming period of extraordinary expression. Fine color harmony of the wide sea green garment and the tone of the old silk. Mounted on silk as a kakemono. Height, 31 inches; width, 17 inches. PAOU TZE CHINESE SCHOOL. MING PERIOD Watching the Larks. Singing larks hover about an ancient tree. Two great scholars interrupt their profound conversation and enjoy gazing at the singing birds. Mounted as kakemono on silk. Height, 40 inches; width, 25¥2 inches. 96 597. 598 599 600 601 SENG CHOW CHINESE SCHOOL. MING PERIOD flomeward. A group of old pine trees overshadow the mossy rocks from behind which emerges a lonely traveler on his way home. Mounted as kakemono on silk. Height, 30% inches; width, 29% inches. KAO CHIEN LUNG _— CHINESE SCHOOL. 18TH CENTURY Cranes Under a Peach Tree. A symbolic painting of longevity, the cranes standing on a rock on the seashore among peonies in the shade of a gnarled peach tree. Mounted as a kakemono on silk. Height, 75 inches; width, 4o inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST CHINESE SCHOOL. SUNG STYLE, MING PERIOD A Lonely Mountain Pass. High rocks tower over the narrow mountain pass. Old, mossy pine trees stretch their twisted arms menacingly toward the lonely travelers. Hidden among rocks and trees, a forlorn monastery; but farther away is the meditating hermit in his grotto. Mounted as kakemono on silk. Height, 62% inches; width, 3034 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] UNKNOWN ARTIST AFTER A TANG MASTER | CHINESE SCHOOL. SUNG OR YUAN PERIOD Sacred Lotus. A pond with a group of sea roses, water lilies and lotus, the leaves of beautiful design, contrasting with the large rose and white petals of the flowers. Kakemono on silk; Japanese mounting. Height, 62 inches; width, 22 inches. WEN TSIEN MING — CHINESE SCHOOL. MING DYNASTY Portrait of the Artist. In a blue robe, with neat white collar and a black cap, the artist is represented seated under a pine tree, the symbol of longevity. An admiring servant brings an antique bronze vase with pink peonies toward the artist. Is it necessary to add that the artist was a probationer of Hanlin College? Nevertheless, the painting is of remarkable quality. Mounted as kakemono on silk. Height, 45 inches; width, 1834 inches. 97 602 603 604 605 606 ATTRIBUTED TO LING CHEN CHINESE SCHOOL. SUNG PERIOD Cranes Under a Blossoming Plum Tree. Painting of delicate hues mellowed down by age. A group of seven cranes wading in the shallow water. The pink blossoms of the plum tree are overshadowed by the branches of a weeping willow. Mounted as kakemono on silk. Height, 69% inches; width, 40 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST = CHINESE SCHOOL. SUNG PERIOD Winter Travellers. The gnarled trees twist their bare branches high into the air. The tired traveller on his horse goes slowly up the rocky mountain path. His servant, shivering with cold, follows behind on foot. High up, on the summit of the moun- tain, a roof rises. On silk. Mounted on brocade; framed. (From the Sir Hugh Lane coll.) Height, 57 inches; width, 21% inches. KANG TZE CHINESE SCHOOL. MING DYNASTY The Stream in the Mountain Valley. High peaks screen the mountain valley with its lonely temple from the busy plain. A rivulet leaps foaming from rock to rock. Grown up, and down in the plains, it will carry its burden like everybody else. Few are wise. Only the sage in his remote pavillion understands the deep meaning of rocks, mountain streams and trees. The artist, Kang Tze, greatly excelled in painting landscape and human figures. Mounted as a kakemono on silk. (From the Sir Hugh Lane coll.) Height, 60 inches; width, 30 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST CHINESE SCHOOL. SUNG PERIOD - A Pair of Pheasants. Above a brooklet a pair of silver pheas- ants are perched on a gnarled old plum branch with sparse blossoms. To the left a camelia with deep red flowers. Very - fine draftsmanship. Mounted as kakemono on silk. Height, 64% inches; width, 39 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST CHINESE SCHOOL. SUNG PERIOD Deer Among the Rocks. Two deer are standing to the right of the picture. White lilies of very delicate design in the fore- ground. Rocks with peonies and bamboo twigs in the rear, overshadowed by an old gnarled tree. To the left, a brook falls 98 607 608 609 610 in cascades. In the sky, a magpie is pursued by ahawk. Beau- tiful soft tonality. On silk; framed. (From the Sir Hugh Lane coll.) Height, 73 inches; width, 27 inches. FOLLOWER OF CHAO MENG FU CHINESE SCHOOL. YUAN PERIOD The Horse of the Emperor. An attendant in white flowing robes leads a black stallion of the Mongolian type. Painting of remarkable quality. On paper; beautiful old Japanese kake- mono mounting. (From the Sir Hugh Lane coll.) | Height, 13 inches; width, 18 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO CHAO CHIEN LI CHINESE SCHOOL. MING PERIOD Makemono Scroll: The Charming Outskirts of a City. A charming vista of mountains, high piled rocks, a lake, and pleasant hollows where pagodas nestle. Boats are upon the lake. To the right we see workers and travellers returning homeward, while the dwellers in the valley sit on their porches. High above all, rise the sea green mountains and the strangely piled rocks. On silk. Height, 13% inches; length, 7 feet 734 inches. CHU YIN CHINESE SCHOOL. MING PERIOD Makemono Scroll: Visiting the Subject Barbarians. The first Tang emperor is paying a stately and impressive visit to the Western barbarians. Riding in his chariot of state, and accom- panied by a retinue of courtiers mounted and on foot, he ad- vances with waving banners, while a courier goes before him over the bridge. In the distance the barbarians await the emperor. Onsilk. (From the collection of Sir Edmund Back- house, Bart.) Height, II inches; length, § feet V4 inch. SHOGETSU JAPANESE SCHOOL. 17TH CENTURY The Lord Tiger. A remarkable expression of power and ferocity, executed in bold and impressionistic technique. The sweep of the tail, the strangely glaring eyes, and the remarkable ‘sweeping lines in the posture of the body, unite to create a composition of almost unique power. Signed to the lower left. Framed. Paper. Height, 5 feet 2% inches, width, 5 feet I inch [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 99 611 613 614 JAPANESE SCREENS © LOTS 611-615 TWO-FOLD KANO SCREEN JAPAN, ABOUT 1650 Gold background adorned with white, brown and pink chrys- anthemums. Each panel is pierced in the center with a black lacquer window frame with a curtain of split bamboo. In olden days such screens were used by the court ladies who wished to watch ambulant performers. Such performers might be per- mitted to offer their entertainments in the outer hall of a man- sion, the ladies watching them from behind the screen. | Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet I inch. ATTRIBUTED TO KANO SANRAKU JAPANESE SCHOOL, ABOUT 1600 A.D. Two-fold Screen. Rolls of precious gold brocades are scattered upon the ground in colorful confusion. Bird, lotus and diaper pattern show the most famous types of Japanese weaves. Height, 60 inches; width per panel, 29% inches. ATTRIBUTED TO SOGA JASOKU JAPANESE SCHOOL, ABOUT 1470-80 Six-fold Screen: Mountain Village in Winter. Far-away, snow-capped mountains vanish in the haze. Gabled roofs and pine trees appear here and there in the mist. There is not a ripple on the surface of the freezing pond. The hoar-frost bends the reeds on the bank of the lake. Travellers wander homeward, shivering in the loneliness and the cold. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; wtdth per panel, 2 feet. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FOLLOWER OF SOTATSU JAPANESE SCHOOL. 17TH-18TH CENTURY Six-fold Screen: Chrysanthemums in Winter. In the garden are chrysanthemums, rose-colored, white and red. They stand against the last blue sky of autumn and the silver gray clouds, forerunners of the winter to come. (From the Yamanaka coll.) Height, 67 inches; width per panel, 22/2 inches. 100 sr. Th 615 616 617 618 619 620 UNKNOWN ARTIST JAPANESE SCHOOL. 16TH-17TH CENTURY Six-fold Screen: The Bamboo Grove. The slender stems of a young bamboo grove on silver ground fill the right part of the screen with their delicate foliage, which is enlivened by a flock of gay sparrows. Colorful mounting of jade-green, old silver brocade and orange-red lacquer. (From the Yamanaka coll.) Height, 67 inches; width per panel, 24 inches. BYZANTINE IKONS LOTS 616-635 IKON OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD . GREEK, 16TH-17TH CENTURY A charming little picture, combining Byzantine tradition with the Italian high Renaissance. The rich colors are brought out effectively on the golden background. The sweet expression of the Madonna’s face shows the influence of the Italian Renais- sance. On panel. Height, 9 inches; width, 634 inches. IKON EARLY RUSSIAN Nine compositions showing, among others, the Virgin and Child, Christ in Purgatory, St. George and St. Michael. On panel. Height, 13% inches; width, 11% inches. IKON OF ST. NICHOLAS © GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY In a gorgeously sculptured and gilt frame, the saint in the gar- ment of an orthodox priest, seated on a golden throne. On panel. Height, with frame, 27 inches; width, 20% inches. IKON OF A MALE SAINT GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY A gorgeous harmony of Oriental colors, blending green, blue, gold, orange and deep red. The saint with long white beard in the costume of a priest of the orthodox church, is standing on an unwillingly vanquished devil. On panel. Height, 1534 inches, width, 11% inches. IKON EARLY RUSSIAN In the middle the Ascension of the Lord, surrounded by twelve other compositions illustrating the life of the Christ, the Apostles, and the Virgin. Deep red, olive green and orange. On panel. Height, 12% inches; width, IO inches. 101 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 GREEK IKON OF THE SAVIOR _ GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Strange, mystic expression. Harmony of olive green, gold and russet. On panel. Height, 10% inches; width, 9 inches. IKON OF THE VIRGIN _ RUSSIAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Richly brocaded robe. Harmony of old gold on russet brown. On panel. . Height, 1534 inches; width, 13 inches. IKON OF THE MADONNA AND CHILD RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The entire painting covered with hammered and partly gilt silver. On panel. Height, 10% inches; width, 8% inches. IKON OF A FEMALE SAINT BYZANTINE Probably St. Helena, in a solemn heiratic attitude. Dark olive brown, gold and deep orange. On panel. Fine specimen (but damaged). Height, 12 inches; width, 934 inches. IKON EARLY RUSSIAN A group of eight saints, some of them in Greek priests’ robes, with large gold medallions on deep red ground, worshipping the Savior, who appears in the clouds. On panel. Height, 131% inches; width, I2 inches. IKON OF MADONNA AND CHILD _ EARLY RUSSIAN Gorgeous combination of rich shades of gold, red and russet brown. On panel. Height, 14% inches; width, 12 inches. PRIMITIVE GREEK IKON OF MADONNA AND CHILD Russet brown, deep red and old gold. Severe in color and outline. On panel. Height, 12 inches; width, OY inches. PRIMITIVE IKON OF MADONNA AND CHILD EARLY RUSSIAN Singular sketchy treatment. Brown and black with touches of pale yellow and orange. Gorgeous barbarous effect. On panel. Height, 12% inches; width, 11% inches. IKON OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST RUSSIAN, 17TH CENTURY Strange harmony of brown and gold, the saint holding the chalice of the Eucharist in his left hand. On panel. Height, 1214 inches; width, 10% tnches. 102 630 631 632 623 ~ 634 635 IKON OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD BYZANTINE, ISTH CENTURY A beautiful harmony of deep purple and red with gold on blackish brown. On panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 10% inches. IKON OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD GREEK, 16TH CENTURY Solemn Byzantine style. Deep red brown and golden tones. The light turquoise and orange border accentuates the Oriental note. On panel. Height, 114 inches, width, 10 inches. IKON OF THE MADONNA AND CHILD RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The picture covered with heavy silver and silver gilt orna- mentation, leaving free only face and hands of Madonna and Child. The silver covering very skillfully hammered and engraved with floral patterns. On panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 10% inches. IKON OF THE MADONNA GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Somber harmony of the purplish brown drapery and the old gold background with touches of deep red on panel. Height, 12% inches, width, 10% inches. IKON OF THE MADONNA AND CHILD RUSSIAN, 17TH CENTURY Beautiful harmony of old gold, brown and deep reddish tones. Great simplicity of line and conception in the Byzantine spirit. On panel. Height, 14 inches; width, II inches. IKON OF THE MADONNA AND CHILD RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The simple silhouette of the Madonna and Child in black and russet on gold ground. Painted on canvas, framed. Height, 17 inches; width, II inches. 103 636 637 638 639 640 GOTHIC SCULPTURES LOTS 636-667 MADONNA AND CHILD GERMAN, RHENISH, LATE 15TH CENTURY An interesting wooden sculpture of naive, primitive character. The head of the Madonna is slightly bent to the right. The Virgin holds the Child on her lap with her left arm, the right one being stretched out. Seated on a throne and clad in a red robe and blue cloak. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) | Height, 38 inches. WOODEN SCULPTURE GERMAN, ISTH CENTURY The Virgin seated, holding on her lap the Christ child. The garments of Virgin and child gilded with remainders of tracery indicating the textile pattern. (from the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 37% inches. WOODEN STATUE RHENISH, ABOUT 1400 The Virgin seated on a throne, holding in her left arm the child, which is represented in vivid attitude. The Virgin is crowned and is clad in ample flowing garments which broaden in a beautiful drapery at her feet. Round base. } Height, 35 inches. WOODEN STATUE GERMAN, ABOUT 1500 The pieta: The Virgin holding the dead body of the Saviour on her lap. Primitive naive treatment. The Virgin clad in a blue robe and blue and green mantle. Octagonal base. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 32 inches. WOODEN STATUE OF THE VIRGIN SCHOOL OF AVIGNON, 15TH CENTURY Primitive sculpture, showing an interesting mixture of Italian and French characteristics. The large blue mantle forms a kind of halo around the Madonna figure. (Damaged.) (From the collection of Commendatore Pietro Stettiner, Rome.) Height, 30 inches. 104 641 642 643 644 STATUE OF A FEMALE SAINT | GERMAN, LATE 15TH CENTURY A charming specimen of German art of the late Middle Ages. The saint in the dress of the period—a grey blue bodice and a large cloak, which was formerly gilt. Her face has a naive expression and is surrounded by long wavy strands of hair. She holds a book in the right hand. (The left arm and the lower part of the garment are missing.) Linden wood. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 35% inches. WOODEN STATUE OF A FEMALE SAINT GERMAN, ABOUT 1550 The severe straight lines of the drapery give a strong and _architectonic character to this sculpture. The saint wears the dressof anun. ‘The drapery of hood and bonnet is particularly well rendered by the sculptor. She holds a book in her right hand, the left one is missing. (Damaged.) (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna; acquired in Wunderkingen, Wurtem- berg.) Height, 36 inches. WOODEN STATUE OF THE -VIRGIN (FRAG- MENT) _ FLEMISH, ABOUT 1500 Beautiful sculpture of excellent quality. The composition shows an excellent feeling for rhythm and proportion. On her right knee the Virgin holds the Child, which is represented in lively movement. Floating draperies complete the unity of the composition. Height, 21 inches. WOODEN STATUE OF A SAINT RHENISH, LATE 14TH CENTURY Probably one of the Kings of the Adoration. A naive charm emanates from ‘this simple primitive sculpture. The king crowned with a bonnet shaped crown has the features of a youth, the face surrounded by curly hair. His right arm is raised, while the left hand holds the large blue coat which is thrown around his shoulders. Wooden stand. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height (with stand) 406 inches. 105 645 646 647 648 WOODEN STATUE — NORTHERN FRANCE, 14TH CENTURY The Virgin and Child. The Virgin seated on a throne wears a crown with flowing veil. She holds the Child on her lap with her right arm. The right arm stretched out. (Damaged. ) The draperies falling in soft flowing folds. (Alphonse Kann coll, Paris.) Height, 34 inches. THE RESURRECTION OF THE CHRIST GERMAN TYROL, ABOUT 1450 Low relief in wood. Christ in the attitude of benediction walking out of the tomb, surrounded by the sleeping Roman soldiers, who are represented according to the realistic spirit of the time, in armor and dress of the early 15th century. The gestures are naive, the expressions of the faces strong and fierce, but the abbreviated style of the artist shows a perfect mastery in the handling of the sculptor’s tools. Old poly- chromy. The spirit of this work is far from that of our times, yet a strong personality emanates from it. (Damaged.) (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna. Purchased in the vicinity of Brixen, Tyrol.) Height, 27 inches. POLYCHROMED WOODEN SCULPTURE NORTHERN ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Important piece in excellent state of preservation. St. Ann with St. Mary and the Christ Child. St. Ann with veiled head, in flowing robes, leading St. Mary, represented as a child, by her left hand, while she holds the Christ Child on her right arm. Powerful sculpture in the spirit of the High Renaissance. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 48 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOD THE FATHER WITH CHRIST ON THE CROSS GERMAN TYROL, ABOUT 1500 A remarkable sculpture, combining Northern realism with— Southern rhythm of line. A strange mysticism emanates from this great work. God the Father is represented with an ex- pression of eternity, in direct front view, holding the cross with the Savior. The drapery grandiose in its simplicity. The old polychromy remains in part. Low relief in apple or pear wood. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Hetght, 29/2 inches. 106 649 650 651 652 653 054 WOODEN STATUE OF THE VIRGIN GERMAN, 14TH CENTURY A beautiful drapery with traces of old polychromy, the head with crown and veil. (Arms missing; nose damaged.) (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 37 inches. WOODEN SCULPTURE ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Style of Antonio Begarelli (1497-1565). Representing a female saint in red gown with blue robe falling in loose folds from the shoulder. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 37 inches. WOODEN SCULPTURE FLEMISH, 10TH CENTURY Representing the three Marys at the Tomb. Fine composition in the style of the Northern Renaissance. Oak wood. (From the coll. of St. Mary’s Priory Manor, Prittlewell, England.) Height, 20 inches, width, 12 inches. WOODEN STATUE OF ST. GEORGE GERMAN, LATE 16TH CENTURY The saint with the helmet of a 16th century warrior is spearing the dragon which spits at the saint. St. George is riding on a quaint massive horse. The strange naiveté of his composi- tion makes its charm. Height, 23 inches. HEAD OF AN ANGEL ITALIAN, 15TH CENTURY Walnut. Very fine carving, polychromed and gilded. The youthful, beautiful head of the angel is surrounded by flowing curls. Fine specimen of the early Renaissance period. (From the Alphonse Kann coll., Paris.) Red velvet stand. Height, 8% inches. WOODEN RELIEF GERMAN, 14TH CENTURY Statue of an apostle in low relief. Linden wood covered with old polychromy. A bearded man with long hair, clad in flow- ing garments which show the soft folds characteristic of the Gothic style of the fourteenth century. Fine harmony of lines and delicate polychromy. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 28 inches. 107 655 656 657 658 WOODEN STATUE OF ST. JAMES SPAIN, ISTH CENTURY The famous sanctuary of St. James (San Jago) was at Compo- stella in Galicia, Spain. It was a place of pilgrimage for people all over Europe. The present sculpture represents the national saint of Spain with the pilgrim’s hat, holding a book in his left, and a staff in his right hand. Strong realism in the sculpture of the face and the amply folded draperies show the influence of Flemish art. As usual in Spain, the wooden body of the statue is covered with canvas on which the polychromy is applied. Height, 61 inches. WOODEN RELIEF FLEMISH, EARLY 10TH CENTURY Christ among the doctors in the Temple. An interesting sculp- ture with old polychromy, combining the realism of the late Gothic period with the rhythm of the northern Renaissance. We find exactly the same types on the Flemish tapestries and paintings from the same period. (From St. Mary's Priory Manor coll., Prittlewell, Eng.) Height, 25 inches. WOODEN SCULPTURE _ GERMAN, LATE 15TH CENTURY An excellent and characteristic work of the late Gothic period in Southern Germany. St. John, the Baptist, in a large red cloak with characteristic Gothic folds, and with the camel’s hair shirt, holding the Gospels with the symbolic Lamb in his left hand. His head with curly hair and beard shows the emaciated austerity of the saint and combines religious fervor with stark realism. Excellent quality. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 39 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | WOODEN STATUE OF ST. PETER GERMAN, LATE 15TH CENTURY An excellent realistic work. Realistic expression of quiet energy. The black coat combined with the golden mantle gives a fine color effect. St. Peter is holding the symbolic key and an open book. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) | Height, 27% inches. 108 659 660 661 662 WOODEN STATUE OF ST. PAUL GERMAN, LATE ISTH CENTURY A charming piece of expressive realism. A prosperous bur- gher of the 15th century in blue dress and red cloak has posed for the apostle who is represented in the attitude of benedic- tion, holding the Gospels in his left hand. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 25 inches. WOODEN SCULPTURE GERMAN, ABOUT 1500 This little masterpiece must be the work of a Southern German artist. It reveals accomplished mastery of the treatment of the face and body of the boy, as well as of the draperies. It probably represents an angel with raised arms, which formed the base of a pulpit. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 23 inches. WOODEN STATUE OF THE VIRGIN GERMAN, ABOUT 1500 Beautiful specimen of Southern German art. The Virgin wears a golden crown and holds a golden scepter in her left hand, while her right arm supports the Christ child, who, in expressive attitude, holds forth the globe of the world in one hand. The Virgin wears a red gown with draped over mantle of blue and gold. She is standing upon the crescent moon. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 40 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] WOODEN STATUE OF THE VIRGIN NORTHERN SPAIN, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A naive work from the early time of the “reconquista.” The straight lines of the composition, the stiff attitude of the Virgin and the child on her lap shows the influence of French Roman- esque art (Auvergne) on the art of Christian Northern Spain, whose people at that time were striving to expel the Moors from the country. Soft wood covered with canvas and rich polychromy with gold. Height, 34% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 109 663 664 665 666 667 STATUE OF AN ANGEL | UMBRIA, ITALY, 14TH CENTURY Istrian limestone. The Angel, from a group of the Annuncia- tion. The figure has curly hair, the hands folded over the breast, and Suet the Words of the Ave Maria. Height, 34 wches. STATUE OF THE VIRGIN UMBRIA, ITALY, 14TH CENTURY Istrian limestone. From a group of the Annunciation. The Virgin clad in garments with flowing draperies. She is in an attitude of religious ecstasy, listening to the words of the Angel. Height, 34 inches. STATUE OF THE VIRGIN CHAMPAGNE, FRANCE, 14TH CENTURY Limestone. Graceful figure, a characteristic work of the school of Champagne, with the soft flowing robes. The body in a bold movement of contra posto, supporting the weight of the child. (From the Alphonse Kann coll., Paris.) Wooden stand. Height, 27 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | STATUE OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ITALY, 14TH-15TH CENTURY An Italian primitive in sculpture. Surprising and strange at the first glance, this sculpture attracts by its well balanced distribution of masses and its sonorous polychromy, which is of course reminiscent of the primitive painters of the early Floren- tine and Sienese schools. The head of the Virgin simply draped; she wears a robe of dark bluish green; the dress of the Child deep red. (Damaged.) (R. Bellini coll., Florence.) ! Height, 24 inches. BURGUNDIAN SCHOOL FRENCH, 15TH CENTURY Female Saint. A figure of naive power. The bowed head is remarkably expressive of resignation and sorrow. The long, waving hair falls below the waist, two locks resting upon the mantle in front. The loose, draped over garment, which almost covers the dress, is looped up over the left arm. The tightly 110 668 669 670 fitting bodice is partly visible in front. (The arms broken.) Rare and interesting specimen. (From the Alphonse Kann coll., Paris.) Limestone. Height, 28% inches. EUROPEAN SCULPTURES AND PAINTINGS LOTS 668-682 MINO DA FIESOLE FLORENTINE SCHOOL, 1400-1485 Head of Saint John the Baptist. White marble. The Saint is shown as a bearded young man, the mouth slightly opened, the eyes looking upward. Remarkable life-like expression and attitude. Wooden base. (From the Stefano Bardini coll., Florence.) Height, 10% inches. BUST OF AN AMORINO ITALIAN, 15TH CENTURY (?) Style of Donatello. The charming head of the youth slightly inclined to the left and surrounded by curly hair that is gathered by a ribbon and tied into a knot on top of the head. Made of an alloy of copper, lead and zinc. Fine greenish patina. Onred marble stand. Height (with stand), 14 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ATTRIBUTED TO GAGANINO OF MESSINA SOUTHERN ITALIAN SCHOOL, ISTH CENTURY Wooden Sculpture: Christ on the Cross. A remarkable work with old polychromy. This is not the tortured Christ of the average crucifix; the genius of the early Renaissance who carved this figure has succeeded in imbuing the features with grave tenderness. The agony of the cross is forgotten in the joy of giving life to humanity. The lines of the limbs are fine and expressive; the modeling of the body is austere, but not ascetic and is in perfect harmony with the youthful beauty of the head. Height, 4 feet 5 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 111 671 672 673 074 ANTONIO ROSSELLINO ITALIAN SCHOOL, 1427-1490 Marble Relief Placque of Virgin and Child. Rectangular tablet, modeled in high relief with a three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin, who is seated and holds the Christ Child in her lap with both hands. She wears a full gown with rounded neck and an over-mantle falling from the shoulder in graceful folds. The Child is partially draped. Background of clouds and angels’ heads. Composition of exquisite rhythm and harmony of line. Elaborately carved Renaissance frame, painted in gold, green and blue. Height, 2634 inches; width, 19 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | UNKNOWN MASTER _ FLORENTINE SCHOOL, ABOUT 1450 In the center of the painting the Virgin with hands clasped in adoration and holding the undraped Christ Child on her lap. Above her, to the right and left, hover two angels, with hands also clasped in adoration. The red gown of the Virgin is almost covered by a dark patterned cloak, falling at her feet in ample folds, while above the golden and red tones of the background and in the figures of the angels, form a striking contrast. Above the painting three Gothic niches with figures of saints. Panel. Height, 24 inches; width, 14% inches. UNKNOWN MASTER FLORENTINE SCHOOL, MIDDLE OF 15TH CENTURY The Crucifixion. On a background of tarnished gold, the Christ on the Cross. On either side the Virgin Mary and St. John. Beautiful tonality of subdued tempera colors. Carved Gothic frame. Panel. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 15% inches; width, 10Y2 inches. FOLLOWER OF NICCOLO DA PALMEZZANO ITALIAN SCHOOL, EARLY 16TH CENTURY The Virgin with Saints. The Virgin seated in the center of the composition in a red robe and blue mantle, holding the Christ Child on her lap. The Child holds a carnation in its hand and looks to the left toward St. Joseph, who stands in quiet con- templation, leaning on a staff. His robe is bluish green, his mantle brown. To the right stands St. Barbara, in a purple robe with deep red mantle, holding in her hands the palm of 112 675 676 677 the martyr and her attribute, the wheel. On both sides two Renaissance pilasters, between which a landscape and blue sky appear. Simple, quiet and dignified composition, reminding one of the style of Perugino. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Canvas. Height, 46% inches; width, 32 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | UNKNOWN ARTIST GERMAN SCHOOL, LATE 16TH CENTURY The Mocking of the Christ. A grewsome night scene. In the center of the picture the Christ seated with an expression of immense suffering. To the right, and behind the Christ, war- riors and other people in the vari-colored garb of the 16th century, mocking and jeering at the Savior. To the right stands a high priest with the expression of scornful self-satisfaction. To the right, in the rear, a window of the dungeon, through which the cold and cruel light of the moon is seen. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 41 inches. SMALL RELIQUARY SHRINE GERMAN, LATE 15TH CENTURY Charming frame with delicate wooden carving, showing in the upper register five female saints; in the lower register, on the outside of the wings, eight saints, among them St. Hilary, St. Felix, St. Regula, St. Martin, St. Vincentius and others. On the inside of the wings the Death of the Virgin and a scene from the Story of the Apostles. The central panel with ornamental gilding, forming a receptacle for relics. Probably the predella for a larger painting. Exhibited at the Manchester Art Trea- sures of 1857 and 1878 and at the South Kensington Museum in 1882-3. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 8 inches; width, 13 inches. PAINTING ON GOLD GROUND SIENESE SCHOOL, EARLY 15TH CENTURY Saint Barbara, with the crown of the martyr, holding in the right hand the palm, in the left the wheel, her attribute. Her head slightly bent to the right, framed by reddish wavy hair. 113 678 679 680 The saint is clad in a greenish garment trimmed with black embroidery. Beautiful mellow colors enhanced by the gold background. (Cracked.) The top arched. (From the collec- tion of Commendatore Pietro Stettiner, Rome.) : Height, 13% inches; width, 10Y2 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST FLORENTINE SCHOOL, EARLY 15TH CENTURY The Head of the Savior. The Christ, looking straight forward with an expression of eternity, the right hand raised in the gesture of benediction, the left hand holding a book with the inscription “ego sum lux mund1; via, veritas et vita” (I am the light of the world, the way, the truth and the life). Gothic frame. Height, 1834 inches; width, 12 inches. IKON: ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GABRIEL GREEK, 15TH-16TH CENTURY The two archangels are represented standing on a gold ground. Both are in Byzantine armor with flowing mantles over their shoulders. St. Michael to the left is holding a sword in his right hand and a scroll with Greek inscription in his left hand. St. Gabriel raises his right hand in a gesture of benediction, while his left holds a staff. In the upper middle the Christ in a gesture of benediction. The colors of this painting are very beautiful, showing an extraordinary range of orange, purplish and deep red colors, balanced against the tarnished gold and deep green. It is interesting to note the coloristic relation between these Byzantine paintings and Mohammedan miniature painting. Panel. Height, 22% inches; width, 17 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SCHOOL OF GENTILE DA FABRIANO ITALIAN SCHOOL, EARLY 15TH CENTURY Madonna with Saints. The painting on gold ground, divided by a slight relief in stucco into three Gothic arcades. ‘Tite scene is represented on a flowery lawn, reminding one of the charming backgrounds of Gothic verdure tapestries. In the central arcade the Virgin with a sweet, childlike expression, the Christ Child on her lap. In front of her St. Barbara kneel- ing and playing with the Child. To the right, behind the 114 681 682 Madonna, a saint in the costume of the early 15th century, a red mantle lined with ermine, red breeches, a green furred velvet coat and broad golden girdle (St. Mauritius?). To the left St. John the Baptist holding a scroll and a symbolic cross in his hands. Modern frame. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Panel. Height, 20% inches, width, 31 inches. MASTER OF THE DEATH OF THE VIRGIN (JOOS VAN CLEEF) LOWER RHENISH SCHOOL, EARLY 16TH CENTURY Triptych. he arched central panel shows the Virgin seated before a table, supporting the Child with her left arm and in her right hand holding up a piece of apple, cut from the large section on the table before her. Her rich red silk mantle is heavily embroidered with gold and jewels, while a fillet of pearl ornaments binds her light hair which is drawn smoothly back from her forehead and falls over the front of the mantle. The undraped Christ Child, in expressive and lively attitude, reaches toward the piece of apple. The Virgin and Child are placed against a background of rich gold brocade, while to the right and left are glimpses of a charming landscape. The fold- ing panel to the right shows the donors: a devout burgher’s wife in black robe in the attitude of adoration and her husband in richly furred garment standing with open Bible. In warm rich coloring and in beauty of composition, this is an unusually fine example of the Lower Rhenish School. The outside of the folding panels painted in stone color, with the Annunciation. Panel. Height, 22 inches, width (three panels), 34 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LUCAS CRANACH THE ELDER GERMAN SCHOOL, 1472-1553 Mother and Child. ‘The Mother, whose eyes have an extra- ordinary expression of depth and solemnity, is seated with the Child upon her lap, her body turned slightly toward the left. A close-fitting cap almost covers the black hair, which is drawn severely back from the broad forehead. Her rich gown of deep red brocade, trimmed with red velvet, opens in front to reveal an under vestment of white silk, heavily embroidered in 15 ‘ = red. ‘The chubby Child is nude, save ban a ating: of baba holds a large red apple in his right hand. The crema rkak power of expression shown in this painting, aside from th masterly handling of details, leaves no doubt that this by Cranach himself, and not by one of his pupils. Par Height, 26 inches; width, if [ SEE ILLUSTRATION] Cages A SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 29TH ANEFEWOAEHIRTY.0’' CLOCK SIXTH SESSION LOTS 683-824 ROMAN AND PERSIAN JEWELRY LOTS 683-703 683 GOLD RING WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN AGATE INTAGLIO Circular stone with figure of a warrior on a chariot. 684 GOLD RING WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN AGATE CAMEO Representation of a walking lion. (Cameo repaired.) 685 SILVER RING WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN GNOSTIC INTAGLIO . Round stone with lion carving. (From the Marlborough gem collection. ) 686 TURQUOISE RING IN ANTIQUE GOLD MOUNT- ING SYRIA, ROMAN PERIOD Heavy mounting with small circlet motives. 687 GOLD RING WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN AGATE INTAGLIO The intaglio with small figure and Greek inscription. 688 GOLD RING WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN AGATE CAMEO Head of Jupiter Ammon. 689 ANTIQUE ROMAN CARNELIAN INTAGLIO WATCH CHARM In modern gold setting. Full-length figure of Hercules. ‘690 GOLD RING WITH CAMEO A delicate antique cameo set in a slender modern band of gold with openwork mounting. 117 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 GOLD RING: WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN GLASS INTAGLIO SYRIA, ROMAN PERIOD Antique hammered gold setting; cameo with Medusa head. GOLD RING WITH GREEN GLASS SYRIA, ROMAN IMPERIAL PERIOD The mounting decorated with rings of filigree encircling small pieces of glass. GOLDEN DIADEM AND HAIR RING | SYRIA, HELLENISTIC PERIOD The hair ring a simple spiral (damaged) ; the diadem a flat sheet of gold with hammered S-shaped ornament. PAIR OF GOLD EAR-RINGS AND A GOLD NECK- LACE SYRIA, HELLENISTIC PERIOD The ear-rings in the shape of bulls’ heads in fine filigree work. The necklace a delicate chain of wrought gold wire with an attached snake in gold. PAIR OF GOLD EAR-RINGS RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Three globes in delicate filigree work strung on a hoop of gold wire with three small pearls and a small piece of turquoise. The stones at the top missing. Charming specimens. GOLD EAR-RING IN LEE FORM OF A LION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Chacaniny executed in filigree work and with three drops of pearl and turquoise. Rare and interesting example of the Persian goldsmith’s art. GOLD EAR-RING IN THE FORM OF A LION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Mate to the preceding. GOLD FENDA WITH ROCK CRYSTAL SETTING PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Flower and crescent shaped, set with white, green and red rock. crystal of various sizes. Two drops of pee rock crystal and — seed pearls. Very charming and unusual specimen. 118 699 700 701 702 793 PAIR OF GOLD FILIGREE EAR-RINGS RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very long, with ball and pear shaped drops suspended from the top and the bottom and the whole executed in very elaborate filigree work. (The stones missing.) Rare specimens. Length, 8 inches. PAIR OF GOLD AND PEARL EAR-RINGS RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Full gold hoops with a large pearl above and below. Interest- ing and important specimens. GIRDLE OF WOVEN AND TWISTED GOLD RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The front in elaborate twisted and looped design. The main girdle of very closely woven gold wire. The clasps in filigree work. Very unusual specimen. ENAMELLED SILVER CUP PLATED WITH GOLD PERSIA, I9TH CENTURY Elaborate peony scroll work with cranes, lotus flowers and hares in light colored enamel. (Enamel slightly chipped.) 3 Height, 3 inches. GOLD PENDANT IN THE FORM OF A BIRD PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Richly enameled in floral design and set with two emeralds (?), a rock crystal and a sardonyx. The wings and tail with drops of small pearls. ‘The chain gold plated. Pendants of this type are illustrated in Henri René d’Allemagne’s “Du Khoras- san au Pays des Backhtiaris.” OBJECTS OF ART—EUROPEAN, MOHAMMEDAN FAR EASTERN LOTS 704-725 704 SILVER AQUAMANILE FLEMISH OR GERMAN, 14TH CENTURY In the form of a walking lion, with one paw uplifted. In the jaws a small round hole as outlet for water. On the neck a dragon-like animal as handle. (Damaged.) (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 334 inches, length, 414 inches. 119 795 706 797 708 799 COPPER AQUAMANILE IN THE FORM OF A LION FLANDERS, 14TH CENTURY So-called Dinanderie. Strong, primitive workmanship, the body with short legs and tail twined around the back of the body. The mane engraved. The head with opening with hinged cover; the mouth with short pipe for spout. Large curved handle. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 7% inches, length, 0% inches. BRONZE AQUAMANILE IN THE FORM OF A HORSE FLANDERS, 14TH CENTURY Interesting, primitive workmanship. Dark brown natural patina. The horse with saddle and bridle. The conventional- ized tail joins the handle on the back. The head with opening for pouring in water. The mouth with spout. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height,9™% inches; length, 9% inches. BRONZE AQUAMANILE IN THE FORM OF A LION FLANDERS, 14TH CENTURY So-called Dinanderie. Very fine dark brown patina. Vigorous modelling. The top of the head with hinged opening for pour- ing in water; the mouth with short pipe as spout. The upcurled tail meets the handle on the back. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 834 inches; length, 7% inches. CARVED IVORY MINIATURE SHRINE FRENCH, 13TH CENTURY In the form of a Gothic arch. In the center Christ crucified, on either side Mary and Mary Magdalene sorrowing. Beauti- fully toned ivory, the figures in expressive primitive carving. (Slightly damaged.) Height, 5 inches; width, 234 inches. SMALL ENAMELLED BOX OF SILVER, PLATED IN GOLD FRENCH, 13TH CENTURY Very fine workmanship and coloring. The cover with an angel bearing the Scriptures on a background of rich purplish blue accented by touches of red. The sides with conventionalized floral pattern in light and dark blue, red and green; the bottom with rosace medallion. (Bottom damaged.) Diameter, 1% inches. 120 a 710 711 Ti 713 714 GILT BRONZE AND CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL PROCESSIONAL CROSS GERMAN, EARLY GOTHIC PERIOD, ABOUT 1300 The background elaborately wrought with all over floral pat- tern. The vertical axis of the cross surmounted by the figure of an angel with outspread hands; the center with Christ cruci- fied, and the base with a soul in purgatory praying. The right arm with the figure of St. John; Mary of the left missing, and toward the center the two robbers in champleve enamel. The back also elaborately decorated. Quaint and primitive work- manship. Height, 1934 inches, length, 14 inches. GILT AND ENAMELLED GLASS DISH VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Circular, on low circular foot. The outside bordered with a band of the scale pattern in blue, gold and red, the center of the dish decorated with a reclining doe in a landscape. Re- markable specimen. Height, 314 inches, diameter, I4% inches. GLASS DISH WITH ENAMELLED DECORATION VENETIAN, 15TH CENTURY Circular, on bell shaped foot. Deep blue, decorated in Oriental style with bird motives in light green and gold on reserved medallions. Made for export to Egypt. Rare and interesting specimen. (Base broken and repaired.) fleight, 7 inches; diameter, 8% inches. RARE ARABIC GLASS CUP EARLY MOHAMMEDAN, 8TH-10TH CENTURY Manganese purple, with fine shadings into darker and lighter tones. Low, circular shape, the outside with shell-like corru- gations. Very fine and rare specimen. (Slightly cracked.) Height, 2% inches; diameter, 414 inches. RARE GLASS PERFUME BOTTLE WITH ENAM- ELLED AND GILT DECORATION INDIAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Square, with short neck. The front and back with fine enamel painting in gold and colors; the sides and top with enamelled floral design. (Body broken and repaired; mouth broken.) Rare and important specimen. Height, 5% inches. 121 715 717 718 LARGE MAJOLICA DISH FLORENTINE, LATE ISTH CENTURY Very fine and interesting specimen. The center with vigor- ously executed scene showing the story of Hercules and Antaeus, after Pollainolo. ‘The sides with bold rosaces formed by geometrical interlacings. Deep blue, green and yellow. (Re- paired.) (From the Cesare Detti coll., Rome). Diameter, 10 inches. MAJOLICA PLATE FAENZA, ITALY, LATE 15TH CENTURY Very charming decoration of a Botticellesque golden haired angel walking in a flowery meadow. She wears a green figured dress and a loosely flowing orange cloak. Strange trees with fan-like foliage grow on eithér side of her. Green, orange and blue, with touches of red. Important specimen, (From Alphonse Kann coll., Parts.) Diameter, I 3% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | COPPER GILT MONSTRANCE GERMAN, 16TH CENTURY The upper part in the shape of a Gothic tabernacle with elabo- rate Gothic finials and arches. On top, the Christ on the Cross, below St. Nicholas with the two children. The foot with elabo- rate polygonal Gothic basis. Very rare and interesting speci- men. (Slightly damaged.) (From the H. Satzka coll, Vienna.) Height, 24 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | COPPER GILT MONSTRANCE GERMAN, 16TH CENTURY In the shape of a Gothic tabernacle, already intermingled with Renaissance elements. The top with the Christ on the Cross, the pelican, symbol of Mercy, six angels holding the instru- ments of the Passion, and the Virgin and Child in the “man- dorla” standing on a crescent. Six-lobed Gothic basis. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 27 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 122 719 720 721 722 723 724 SILVER GILT CROZIER GERMAN, 14TH CENTURY In the typical shape of a shepherd’s staff with crooked top. The crook profusely decorated with Gothic finials and terminating , ina relief composition: the Christ on the cross, with St. Mary and St. John on either side. The crook of the staff rises from a base in the shape of a hexagonal Gothic chapel in delicate perforated work. Below this a knob with raised ornaments which were formerly enamelled and bear the inscription “Jesus.” Very important and interesting specimen, Height, 17% inches. GOLDEN BUCKLE FRANCONIAN, MEROVINGIAN PERIOD Circular shape, decorated with fine filigree decoration and “verroterie cloisonnée.” Very remarkable specimen. Diameter, 24% inches. BRONZE STATUETTE ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Statue of Venus, after the antique. She is represented stand- ing, the upper part of the body nude, the lower part draped. Delicate graceful object, on basis of green marble. (From the Hf. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 12 inches. PART OF A PAGE OF A KORAN erst, 13TH: CENTURY Attributed to the famous calligrapher Yakut al Mostasemi, who worked under Hulagu Khan, the Mongol conqueror of the Caliphat. This page contains three lines of very beautiful Neskhi writing. The entire pages of the book, assuming six to seven lines of text, must have measured about 3 feet 4 inches by 5 to 6 feet. Similar pages were exhibited at the Grolier Club Exhibition, 1919, and are now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Size: 28% inches, width, 42 inches. PART OF A PAGE OF A KORAN persia, 1 3TH CENTURY Same as the preceding. Size: 28% inches, width, 42 inches. WOODEN SCULPTURE JAPAN, ASHIKAGA PERIOD The head of the Buddha, over life size. Partly polychromed, partly gilt on brown lacquer. The hair is gathered in a large knot above the circular diadem. Beautiful quiet contempla- tive expression. 7 Height, 23 inches. rig! 2s 725 720 727 728 LARGE CELADON PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Very massive specimen, the fine glaze and exquisitely executed relief decoration producing fine high lights and soft shadings of color. The globular body with gracefully twining peony sprays in scroll design. The high foot with vertical flutings. The tall cylindrical neck decorated with single peony sprays. Height, 22 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT NEAR EASTERN TEXTILES LOTS 726-734 LARGE APPLIQUE AND EMBROIDERED SPREAD INDO-PORTUGUESE, 17TH CENTURY The pattern probably re-appliqued long ago on fine slate blue damask. It consists of stripes of floral Renaissance scrolls with arabesque motives and singing birds intermingled with a great variety of polychrome flowers resembling those on old Indian rugs and printed cottons, the whole forming a gay array of manifold colors. Charming specimen. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Length, 10 feet 6 inches, width, O feet. SPREAD OF SCUTARI VELVET TURKEY, LATE 15TH-16TH CENTURY Bold pattern of golden ogives with large gold flowers in the center on deep red velvet background. Gothic crowns and rosaces on the meeting points of the stems. One of the finest specimens of Turkish design of the period of Soliman the Great. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. SPREAD OF SCUTARI VELVET : TURKEY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Background of white satin, the pattern in gold thread and strong red velvet pile. The border shows star medallions alter- nating with rosebud motives. The center with an all over pat- tern of red lozenges with palmetto leaves in gold. Length, 5 feet; width, 4 feet. 124 729 730 732 733 SCUTARI VELVET SPREAD TURKEY, 16TH CENTURY Very fine specimen. The ground of deep red velvet covered with a bold pattern of circular medallions in silver brocading, combining the shape of the sun with that of the half moon, a well-known Turkish emblem. (Slightly damaged.) Length, 59 inches; width, 31 inches. REMARKABLE SILK BROCADE PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY Delicate harmony of olive green, old gold and black. Beauti- ful design of curved stems forming ogives executed in small peony scroll work and flowers, surrounding scalloped medal- lions with refined arabesque tracery. One of the best speci- mens of Persian designing. 3 feet 4 inches by 2 feet 114 inches. CHURCH EMBROIDERY arMENIA, 14TH-1 5TH CENTURY Very beautiful and harmonious coloring. Rectangular strip with nine arcades embroidered in satin stitch with the figures of the four Evangelists, other apostles, God the Father, the Resurrection and the visit of Christ into purgatory. Exhibited at the Exhibition of Asia Minor Textiles, Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, r919. Framed. Height, 534 inches; length, 2I inches. EMBROIDERED STOLA — GREEK, 17TH-18TH CENTURY For the use of the orthodox church. Showing the twelve apostles in applique embroidery, the heads oil painted on a background of crimson silk. (Fine specimen, although slightly damaged.) Length, 98 inches; width, 5 inches. LARGE SILVER AND GOLD EMBROIDERY SET | INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Trappings of an elephant; one large piece for the back, two smaller for the head. Heavy applique and relief embroidery, showing borders with undulated flower stems and a center field with curved stems forming ogives and conventionalized flowers in the middle of the ogives. Ornate center medallion and corner motives. All in heavy metal embroidery. Length of large piece: & feet 5 inches, width, 4 feet I inch (slightly dam- aged.) Smaller pieces: 3 feet 8 inches by I foot 6 inches. 125 734 COPE OF BRUSSA BROCADE 739 736 737 738 ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY Cope made for the Orthodox church. Very fine brocade, showing boldly curved stems with blossoms and leaves in gold thread, outlined white and with touches of blue on a back- ground of deep red silk. - A rare and fine specimen of the best period of textile art in Turkey. Exhibited at the Historic Exhibition of Textiles, Paterson, 191s, and at the Exhibition of Textiles of Asia Minor, Penn- sylvania Museum, Philadelphia, 1919. Semicircular shape; diameter, 120 tnches. EGYPTIAN AND ROMAN OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 735-749 BRONZE STATUETTE OF A SLAVE | EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY The slave kneeling, the hands raised. Nude figure, except for the loin cloth. An excellent little sculpture. Height, 2% inches. REPRESENTATIVE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE GLASS | Mainly Egyptian and Roman. Beads, amulets and fragments, showing practically all glass techniques known in Egyptian and Roman times—mosaic, millefiori glass, cut, moulded glass; glass with plastically applied glass threads. ‘'wo large neck- laces and fifty smaller pieces. (From the Lambros coll., Athens, Greece.) Mounted on velvet. LARGE SYRIAN GLASS VASE ROMAN PERIOD, 3RD-S5TH CENTURY B.C. Globular body with long funnel shaped neck, widening toward the mouth. Delicate iridescence. Height, 1034 inches. FIGURE OF OSIRIS IN COLORED GLASS EGYPT, PTOLEMAIC OR ROMAN PERIOD Opaque glass, in lapis lazuli shade. Very remarkable speci- men. (Damaged and repaired.) With stand. Height, 534 inches. 126 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 BRONZE STATUETTE OF HARPOCRATES EGYPT, SAITE PERIOD Seated, the left resting at the side, the right arm raised with the finger on the mouth in the gesture of silence. Hetght, 434 inches. USHEBTI IN THE FORM OF OSIRIS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Pottery, with turquoise glaze which is nearly faded to white. The statuette of very fine modelling with hieroglyphic inscrip- tion on the body. (Chipped.) Height, 8Y% inches. USHEBTI IN THE FORM OF OSIRIS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Similar to the preceding. Height, 8% inches. USHEBTI IN THE FORM OF OSIRIS EGYPT, 18TH DYNASTY Similar to the preceding. — Height, 8% inches. BRONZE STATUETTE OF VENUS ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Fine green patina, the upper part of the body nude, the lower draped. The left arm lifted (the right one missing). Grace- ful and refined composition and execution. Wooden stand. Height, 0 inches. TERRA COTTA WALL TILE ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Very interesting specimen, representing a procession of grace- ful young women carrying offerings of ears of wheat, a lamb and a basket of fruit. Egg and dart moulding above; palmetto frieze below. Height, 15 inches; width, 10 inches. PERRA-COTTA WALL FILE ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Companion piece to the preceding. One young woman carry- ing a boar and a hare as offerings, the other a basket of flowers. Palmetto frieze below. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. 127 740 74/ 748 749 759 TERRA COTTA WALL TILE | ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Bacchic scene. One satyr playing the flutes, another bringing a basket full of grapes. Two satyrs in the center are treading the grapes to make wine. Palmetto frieze on top. (Cracked.) Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. TANAGRA FIGURINE GREEK, 4TH CENTURY B.C. Amorino, the upper part of the body clad in short chiton. Large spread wings, carrying an alabastron in his right hand. Delightful modelling and charming expression. Height, 434 inches. TERRA COTTA HEAD OF ZEUS (FRAGMENT) GREEK, HELLENISTIC PERIOD Type of the Zeus of Otricoli. Excellent quality and remark- able on account of its old polychromy. Height, 3% inches. TANAGRA FIGURINE GREECE, 6TH CENTURY B.C. Very rare specimen of archaic style. Hera, standing upright, clad in ample draperies, whose folds fall in archaic simplicity. Her right arm slightly raises the bottom of the skirt, the left one rests below her breast. The face shows the archaic smile. Ample remains of old polychromy. (Repaired.) (From the Giandolo coll., Rome.) Height, 10% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT NEAR EASTERN POTTERY RHAGES, OF THE 12TH-14TH CENTURIES LOTS 750-780 LARGE POTTERY JAR WITH BARBOTINE DEC- ORATION PERSIA, I13TH-14TH CENTURY Inverted pear shape with four handles connecting the neck with the shoulder. Greenish blue glaze. Height, 1534 inches. 128 751 752 753 754 755 756 yoy LARGE POTTERY JAR WITH BARBOTINE DEC- ORATION PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Inverted pear shape, with four symmetrically placed handles connecting the neck and shoulder. Turquoise blue glaze, par- tially covered by iridescence. Height, 19% inches. LARGE POTTERY JAR WITH BARBOTINE DEC- ORATION PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Inverted pear shape with eight small handles connecting the neck with the shoulder. ‘Turquoise glaze, partially covered by iridescence. Height, 18% inches. LARGE POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Inverted pear shaped with four handles connecting the neck with the shoulder. Turquoise blue glaze. Height, 16 inches. POTTERY JAR WITH BARBOTINE DECORATION PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Inverted pear shape with four handles connecting the neck with the shoulder. Turquoise blue glaze, almost covered by encrustations. Height, I 334 inches. SMALL POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Light turquoise blue, partly covered by iridescence. Globular body, with short cylindrical neck tapering toward the mouth. | Height, 7% tnches. LARGE POTTERY VASE WITH LUSTRE DEC- ORATION — SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY The lustre with very beautiful ruby tints. The melon shaped body divided into eight grooves, two of them decorated with seated female figures, the others with arabesques and circular medallion motives of bold design. Specimen of unusual beauty. Exhibited at the Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, Munich, 1910. Height, 13 inches. POTTERY JAR RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, 1ITH-12TH CENTURY A massive specimen with powerful relief decoration of Cufic characters and arabesque leaves. Manganese purple lustre on greenish glaze. Ovoid body with short neck. Height, 13% inches. 129 758 759 760 701 POTTERY BOWL RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, I1TH-12TH CENTURY Rare manganese purple lustre with gleaming touches of cobalt and turquoise blue. The inside decorated with an elaborate composition of Neskhi inscription on a background of leaf and scroll work. Important specimen. (from the General Bray- ton Ives coll.) Height, 5 inches, diameter, & inches. POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A specimen of unusually fine color and design, especially dis- tinguished by the rich and lustrous tones of cobalt blue. The inside divided into five wide and five narrow radiant compart- ments, richly decorated with heart shape motives surrounded by flowers. The bottom with circular medallion of fine com- position, showing a hare among flowers. This unusual bowl, which was in the Munich Exhibition, 1910-1911, shows a marked Chinese influence. Excellent condition. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 8% inches. LARGE :POTTERY VASE SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY Massive powerful shape. The body decorated with a wide frieze of flying birds upon a background of small and delicate — leaves, in olive, black and white. Shoulder with Neskhi in- scription, the short neck with leaf motives. Rare and im- portant specimen. Exhibited at the Munich Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, 1910. Reproduced in Sarre-Martin, Mohammedan Art, plate 107. Height, 12 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE POTTERY BOWL SULTANABAD, PERSIA, 13TH-14TH CENTURY A glowing combination of cobalt blue and black, partially veiled by a light silvery iridescence. The inside of the bowl is decorated with interlaced medallions filled with floral motives. The outside bears a narrow frieze of Neskhi inscrip- tion followed by a wide band of sketchy floral motives. An important specimen of unusually large size, and exceptional 130 be ., boc i cr ye eee, Bigkih So = ar eee 7 762 703 764, richness of color. Exhibited at the Munich Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, 1910. Height, 5 inches, diameter, 11% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY BOWL WITH POLYCHROME DECORA- TION RHAGES, 12TH-13TH CENTURY The Pleasures of.a Sultan. The inside of the bowl with a very delicately executed figural decoration in the spirit of Persian miniature painting. The Sultan and attendant are seated be- neath the Tree of Life. Both wear garments of richly patterned fabrics and carry a goblet of wine. Borders of Neskhi inscrip- tion. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 034 inches. LARGE POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DEC- ORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The inside decorated with a composition of strangely poetic beauty. In the foreground are the figures of the Sultan and a Princess. Behind them are numerous retainers, while the background is filled in with delicate arabesque scrolls and cloud motives. In the immediate foreground a row of walking birds and fish swimming among the waves are delicately indi- cated. The outside with a rim of Neskhi inscription in gold on cobalt blue, above a deep frieze of bird and arabesque scroll work of very refined design. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 934 inches. POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY An unusual specimen, the outside with a decoration of knobs perforated in relief, showing the influence of metal work. Fine deep coloring of turquoise and cobalt blue, heavily accentea with black. Decoration of very charmingly conceived arab- esque motives. Delicate radiant iridescence on the inside of the bow! on the bottom. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 7% inches. 131 765 766 767 768 769 POTTERY BOWL WITH SGRAFFITO DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY The inside a richly contrasting combination of turquoise and black; the outside glazed in light turquoise of fine shadings. The inner rim with an arabesque frieze of very graceful and refined design, above eight radiant compartments with lightly indicated leaf motives and dividing lines in blue on black. An important and very beautiful specimen. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH POLYCHROME DECORA- TION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Very subtle color harmony of unusual turquoise green, black and terra cotta, with touches of white and light blue. Very intricate, but exquisitely balanced pattern of interlaced arab- esques. Rim with conventionalized Cufic inscription. Im- portant specimen. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 8% inches. POTTERY JAR RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Powerfully moulded globular body, decorated in sweeping, impressionistic style with a deep frieze of graceful floral sprays, followed by a narrow frieze of fish motives. Striking contrast of brilliant turquoise blue and black. Beautiful and important specimen. Height, 10 inches. POTTERY PITCHER WITH POLYCHROME DEC- ORATION RHAGES, 12TH-13TH CENTURY Ivory white, decorated with the vividly contrasting figures of four riders on galloping horses, the horsemen gaily dressed in red, green and blue. Globular shape, with wide, circular neck. Two plastic handles in the form of animals at the sides; two short spouts symmetrically placed at back and front. The inside of the neck with Neskhi inscription in black. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 5 inches. POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Four Persian horsemen in four radiant wedge shaped compart- ments decorate the inside of the bowl. The figures are small and sketchily indicated. The rim with a Cufic border. Out- side with graceful conventionalized floral design. Olive green lustre with ruby tints. Height, 234 inches, diameter, 0% inches. 132 779 771 7/2 7i3 POTTERY PITCHER WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Lustre of the finest, deepest quality. The neck in the form of a rooster’s head. The unusually formed melon shaped body with four deeply grooved recesses, each bearing the figure of a seated woman. The protruding sections decorated with Neskhi inscriptions. Exhibited at the Munich Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, 1910, and reproduced in the large publica- tion of that Exhibit. Height, 10% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY BOWL WITH LUSTRE DECORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY eh deep lustre with rare purple and ruby tones. An im- portant specimen, decorated with eight radiant compartments, four bearing arabesque motives, two a design of downward swimming fishes, and two a small diaper pattern. Rim and dividing lines of cobalt blue. Exhibited at the Munich Exhi- bition of Mohammedan Art, 1910. Height, 4% inches, diameter, 9 inches. LARGE POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Unusually delicate potting for a large specimen; decoration of great beauty and refinement. The inside shows four stags gazing backward, alternating with four slender, feathery trees of very delicate design, the whole being similar to subjects found in 13th century miniatures. The delicately tinted irides- cence gives added beauty to this important specimen. Exhi- bited at the Munich Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, 1gro. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 9% inches. POTTERY PITCHER WITH POLYCHROME DEC- ORATION RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY A very rare and interesting specimen, simulating a metal vessel. The large cylindrical body with all-over design of small rhom- boids in relief, outlined in gold, and decorated with small floral motives in black and white. The wide shoulder and slender neck and spout similarly decorated. Exhibited at the Munich Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, 1910, and reproduced in color plate 105 in the great fe flicaeoe of that exhibit. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Height, 13¥2 inches. 133 774 ta fe 776 LARGE SWEETMEAT DISH RHAGES, PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Decorated in lustre and cobalt blue. The circular top with six round depressions surrounding a seventh depression in the center. Four of these are decorated with expressively drawn | seated female figures, the other three with small floral rosaces. The outside glazed in very rich cobalt blue, the rim with a frieze of lustre painting. With stand. Exhibited at the Munich Exhibition of Mohammedan Art, 1910. Reproduced in Sarre-Martin, Mohammedan Art, plate 107. | [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TURQUOISE AND BLACK SGRAFFITO BOWL PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY One of the finest specimens of this type. The inside divided into four compartments by two stripes, forming a cross. On the bottom of the bowl a four-lobed motif, each lobe sur- mounted by a huge arabesque flower with black leaves of very bold design. The composition is of extraordinary rhythm, which is accentuated by the strong contrast of the deep black with the rich turquoise, appearing in an infinite variety of hues ac- cording to the thickness of the glaze. A slight iridescence adds to the mastery of the potter the charm of the accidental. The outside of the bowl is in plain turquoise glaze, which has coagulated towards the bottom. The resulting shading in the glaze, combined with the beautiful curve of the profile, makes this bowl] one of the finest Persian monochromes, rivalling the best works of the Chinese kilns. Height, 3% inches, diameter, 8 tnches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY GOBLET PERSIA, 12TH CENTURY Goblet on standard with relief decoration covered with a trans- lucent deep cobalt blue glaze which shows infinitely varied hues of blue produced by the different thicknesses of the glaze. Shape as well as decoration is inspired by a contemporaneous bronze or gold vessel decorated in repoussé technique. The decoration consists of a bold massive inscription intermingled with arabesque motives. This inscription is of particular inter- 134 Fit 778 est, as it gives the name of the maker: ‘“Amale Hassan el Kashani” (“Made by Hassan from Kashan”). Another cel- ebrated piece, very similar in style, probably made by the same man, is in the collection of Henri d’Allemagne in Paris and is reproduced in Riviére’s publication on Mohammedan pot- tery. Height, 41% inches; diameter, 5% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POTTERY BOWL RHAGES, PERSIA, 12TH-13TH CENTURY One of the most important specimens of the Rhages polychrome technique, remarkable not only for its historic interest, but also for the beauty of its coloring, of its deep turquoise tin glaze with the tarnished gilding of the relief decoration. The outside of the bowl is decorated with ornamental arabesque motives in gilded relief, on plain opaque turquoise background. The inside shows a frieze of eight winged sphinxes in relief gilded, with red tracery, running around the sides of the bowl. This frieze is framed above and below by simple gilded relief bands. ‘This sphinx motif is the continuation of an old Assyrian motif which has thus remained alive for thousands of years in the Near East. The bottom of the bowl has an extremely inter- esting pattern of two winged sphinxes in opposite representa- tion, on a background of arabesques, standing on their hind legs and with front legs raised as if to claw. This motif is very well known from the Ortukid bronze mirrors of the 12th cen- tury from upper Mesopotamia and on Mohammedan textiles of the 11th and 12th centuries. It is consequently a valuable corroboration of the date of this bowl. The balance of this composition is perfect and in spite of its gorgeous polychromy this piece is of the most refined taste. Height, 3% inches, diameter, 8% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT POTTERY JAR MESOPOTAMIA, EARLY MOHAMMEDAN PERIOD, 8TH-10TH CENT. Huge size. Globular body with truncated base and low neck, slightly tapering toward the mouth. Covered with a deep purple manganese glaze which through the influence of the moisture of the soil has been partly disintegrated, partly cov- 135 779 780 ered with silvery iridescence. The decoration is done in bar- botine technique. The neck is divided into several friezes by rope patterns and plain moldings. The shoulder and the body of the vase are divided into four friezes of different height, each decorated with undulated bands in barbotine technique intermingled with round knobs. In its powerful simplicity this remarkable vase is an important specimen of the early Mohammedan period, if not of the preceding Sassanian epoch. Height, 30 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] IMPORTANT POTTERY JAR MESOPOTAMIA, EARLY MOHAMMEDAN PERIOD, 8TH-11TH CENT. Huge size, expressing strength and power, but decorated with restrained symmetry and balance. Deep green glaze, partly iridescent. The massive cylindrical neck with a deep band of ribbed decoration at the top, followed by two narrower friezes of incised zigzag decoration. The upper half of the globular body undecorated, the lower half with a wide frieze of deep looped motives in barbotine technique; filled in with small circular ornaments. Height, 45 inches; diameter of mouth, 16 inches. IMPORTANT RELIEF VASE PERSIA, 12TH CENTURY Short cylindrical neck, tapering toward the mouth. Inverted pear shaped body with truncated base, entirely covered with | beautiful opaque turquoise glaze which appears in a great variety of tones, according to the thickness of the glaze which varies with the depth of the relief decoration. The neck dec- orated with a Cufic inscription and a frieze of undulated stems with bold arabesque foliations. On the shoulder a frieze of walking griffons of extraordinary design on a background of arabesque scrolls. The remainder of the body covered with two systems of trefoiled and simple scales. This vase probably comes from the same kiln as another piece with practically the same decoration at the National Museum in Berlin, which was exhibited at the Munich Mohammedan Exhibition and repro- duced in the great publication by Sarre and Martin. The Berlin vase is also discussed at length in the Bulletin of the 136 781 Berlin Museum in an article by Professor F. Sarre. The present vase is superior to the Berlin vase, the neck being missing in the Berlin piece. Height, 32 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO IMPORTANT ALTARS AND A COMPLETE ICONOSTAS LOTS 781-783 TWO VERY IMPORTANT CARVED AND GILT WOOD ALTARS TYROL, 17TH CENTURY | Single architectonic evidence used in the decoration of churches have been brought repeatedly to this country, but to our know!l- edge an entire altar with elaborate architectonic structure, mea- suring about 17 feet high, has never been offered at public sale in this country. Both altars were acquired years ago by Mr. Satzka in an old Tyrolese church, to which he had access through his function as government architect. Much has been written recently about the use of antique paintings, sculptures and architectonic elements in the decoration of modern churches. The present altars therefore offer a rare opportunity. For secular purposes, also, for instance, in the decoration of a stately mansion, these two altars offer unusual opportunity. They might be used entire as doorways, which would have a splendid effect in a building constructed in the Spanish Mission or Italian Renaissance style. The upper parts of the altars would make very effective overmantels. IMPORTANT ALTAR IN CARVED, GILT AND PAINTED WOOD TYROL, 17TH CENTURY This very fine and unusual piece shows the intense influence of Italian Renaissance on the art of the Tyrol. The altar is divided into three sections. On a plain basis, flanked to the right and left by powerfully voluted brackets in carved and gilt wood, stands the main part of the altar, architectonically grouped by two twisted columns overgrown by grape vines and crowned by gilt Corinthian capitals with elaborate carving. Ouside of these columns are two statues of saints (bishops) surmounted by finials in gilt wood with acanthus and winged 137 782 783 angels’ heads. In the center is the main altar painting, repre- senting the Virgin and Child venerated by two saints. This painting is framed in large frame decorated with round medal- lions on which fifteen scenes from the Passion are depicted. The entire is surmounted by another painting representing a female saint with the crown of the martyr. This painting is set © into an elaborate baroque frame of painted and gilt wood with pilasters in front of which two of the Christian cardinal virtues are represented. The top with powerfully designed broken arch at either side (not represented on the illustration). Total height, about 17 feet; width, about IT feet. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT ALTAR IN CARVED, GILT AND PAINTED WOOD TYROL, 17TH CENTURY The altar is divided into three sections. The main part stands on a lower, baluster shaped base decorated with acanthus carv- ing and flanked to the right by elaborately voluted brackets in carved and gilt wood. These brackets support heavy twisted pillars with twining grape vines and elaborate carved and gilt Corinthian capitals. Outside of these columns are the figures of St. Sebastian and St. Rochus, with overhanging brackets decorated with acanthus leaves and angels’ heads. The main altar painting in the center represents St. Anthony of Padua holding a monstrance, and a disciple giving water to a donkey. The entire altar is surmounted by another painting—St. Borro- meus. The top with powerfully designed broken arch at either side (not shown in illustration). Total height, about 17 feet; width, about II feet. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] LARGE AND VERY IMPORTANT ICONOSTAS FROM A GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH IN CYPRUS, 16TH CENTURY Iconostas means “stand for the ikons,” or sacred images. It is to be kept away from the eyes of the common people. A similar construction formerly existed in many Western churches. In French it is called “jubé,” in German it is called ‘““Lettner.”’ The iconostas is a high screen in stone or carved wood, sep- 138 arating the sanctuary in the choir from the nave in which the community gathers. It is intended to enhance the mystery of the altar in which the holy sacrament is preserved and which is a special feature of the churches of the Orient, which form- erly also existed in the Roman Catholic churches of the West. The present iconostas represents a good deal of old Byzantine tradition. The columns are still the same as those which the early Oriental church inherited from Roman art. Other motives, for instance, the two birds picking fruit from a classic vase, the peacock shaped brackets and the friezes with acanthus and grape vine motives all go back to ancient Byzantine tradi- tion. This extraordinary work of decorative sculpture, which is the first of its kind that ever appeared in the market in this country, is therefore venerable, not only on account of the religious tradition which it incorporates, but also because of the artistic tradition which it represents. The iconostas is divided in five arches. The central archway is opened with swinging doors on which various holy images are depicted. The other four archways are closed by richly sculptured panels and show only four small window openings which were closed by curtains. The elevation of the entire facade still shows the tradition of Byzantine and classic art. Six quadrangular pilasters in deeply carved and gilt wood form the bases of six tall columns of Byzantine style with carved and gilt decoration. ‘These frame the window openings. Above these six columns are six brackets in the shape of Byzantine peacocks which are surmounted by six upper capitals which support several elaborately carved and decorated friezes. Above these friezes is a lofty arcade on top of which is a crown- ing ornament surmounted by the Holy Ghost in the shape of a pigeon. The two gateways to the right and the left are filled in their lower part with richly carved compartments and all five doorways are surmounted between the peacock shaped brackets with arched panel in which we observe angels’ heads, birds in opposite representation, a double headed eagle (the old symbol of the Byzantine empire) and other ornamental motives which are of a later period. The entire construction is of an extraordinary and monumental character. Strange to say, these decorations show a great resemblance to the extra- RS) 784. 785 786 787 ordinary structures in carved and gilt wood which we still find in Spain and Spanish American countries. The entire con- struction ought to be of great interest for our modern church builders who in recent years have successfully blended antique art and modern work based on old tradition. This rare work also ought to be of interest for a sumptuous structure in the Spanish Colonial style. Approximate height, 15 feet; approximate width, 14 feet. ANTIQUE MARBLES LOTS 784-799 MARBLE HEAD HELLENISTIC OR ROMAN PERIOD Overlife size head of a female divinity. Graceful inclination of the head, which shows classic, simple lines. Wavy hair, tied in a knot and crowned with a diadem. (Nose restored.) Wooden base. Height, 20 inches. MARBLE HEAD OF SILENUS ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD An excellent specimen of later Greek sculpture, of strong and picturesque modelling. (Nose restored.) Round and marble base (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 20 inches. MARBLE CANDELABRUM : ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Square base, standing on lion claw feet. The lowest part of the shaft diagonally godrooned, above a calyx of four leaves out of which grows the middle part of the shaft with diagonal godrooning. The same motif repeated with a flower on top out of which grows the round disc with a flame which forms the top of this very important piece. Height, 5 feet 2 inches. HEAD OF A ROMAN EMPEROR ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Marble bust. Refined profile with aquiline nose. The head crowned with a laurel wreath, symbol of the victorious leader. With marble stand. (Nose restored.) (From the Lord Hope coll.) Height, 17 inches. 140 788 789 790 791 792 HERMES ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD In the archaic style. The hair bound and arranged in heavy coils over the forehead, and two long tresses falling over either shoulder. The beard cut square. A strong and massive com- position. (The nose broken.) On a wooden base. Same origin as number 412. (From the Lord Hope coll.) Marble. Height, 21 inches. HERMES ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD In the archaic style. A middle aged man, the loosely curling hair bound by a fillet, and two long tresses falling over either shoulder. The locks of the beard carefully arranged. (Re- paired.) (From the Lord Hope coll.) Marble. Height, 21 inches. MARBLE STATUE OF A MUSE ALEXANDRIAN, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. Young woman standing in graceful, simple pose, clad in a beautifully draped chiton and himation. Replica of a sculp- ture of the fifth century. (Damaged. Restorations on head and neck.) Height, 45 inches. STATUE OF A YOUNG WOMAN ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD The head missing. White marble. The graceful figure veiled by wide, flowing robes. The right arm is hidden under the drapery, the left arm is missing. An important specimen of Roman art of the early imperial period. Height, 5 feet 9 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | STATUE OF A RAM ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD Beautiful sculpture in marble of a ram with very realistic inter- pretation of the detail. The head restored. Life size. Detailed description cannot be given, as this statue arrived too late for cataloguing. , [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 141 793 794 we 796 MARBLE TORSO OF A YOUNG MAN ROMAN, IMPERIAL PERIOD Fine modelling and beautiful old patina of the marble. Head, arms and lower parts of the feet missing. Excellent specimen. On black marble base. (From the Enrico de Kunert coll., Venice, Italy.) Height, 20% inches. MARBLE TORSO OF VENUS ALEXANDRIAN, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. Charming modeling, white marble base. Height, 14% inches. MARBLE TORSO OF VENUS ALEXANDRIAN, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. A beautiful piece of antique sculpture. Venus is represented nude, her body slightly bent forward to the right, probably ina gesture of gathering her garment. Very fine and simple inter- piecition. Square base of veined marble. (From the Enrico de Kunert coll., Venice.) Height, 28% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT MARBLE SARCOPHAGUS ROMAN, 4TH-5TH CENTURY A.D. The front with egg and dart molding on the upper end, acanthus molding on the base. The front panel with angels on both sides, who are holding up two flower garlands supported in the nehte by a cross. Two marble hands, modeled in the round, are supported by these garlands. To he left, the Holy Viren in Byzantine style, with the Greek inscription “Meter Theou” (Mother of God). To the right a priest's bust with the inscription “Ho hagios Nikolaos” (St. Nicholas). Around the cross the Greek inscription “....Vrosis,’ which may mean Anastaurosis (Erection of the Cross). On both upper sides of the cross the inscription “Jesus Christus.” On the bottom the Latin inscription ‘‘Memorare Domine, anima mea, famuli tui Lupi, facie lavata.” On the left side a garland suspended on one side by a bull’s head, on the other supported by the angel of the front side. With the head of the Savior with the Greek inscription “Ho hagios Diotho....(?)” The right side shows a similar frieze with the inscription “Ho hagios Blasios.” Height, 24 inches, length, 47 inches, depth, 34 .nches. — [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 142 ¢ SS TT 297 798 729 MARBLE TORSO GREEK, HELLENISTIC PERIOD, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B.C. Torso of a young man, probably statue of Hermes. The model- ling of this beautiful torso is of remarkable quality. The marble has never been scraped or cleaned and shows the beautiful 1VOT} tones of an old patina. This sculpture, which comes from the Simonetti collection in Rome, is well known to European archaeologists, and is reproduced in Bruckmann “Einzelaut- nahmen Antiker Sculpturen,” Number 2010,2011. Height, as 1s, 49 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE MARBLE STATUE OF PARIS GRECO-ROMAN PERIOD Standing on a pedestal of scagliola marble. We were not able to give a detailed inscription of this important piece as it did not arrive until after the catalogue had gone to print. (From the collection of Hts Grace, the late Duke of Hamilton, Hamil- ton Palace, London.) Height, 6 feet 3 inches. STATUE OF A YOUNG WOMAN ROMAN, PERIOD OF THE ANTONINE White marble. This piece is an important work of the later Roman period. Besides the general character, the use of the drill in the execution of the details of the coiffure is an indica- tion of the date. The statue represents a youthful woman, clad in a double garment with flowing folds. Her right arm is bent over her left breast and this graceful gesture brings variety and rhythm into the drapery. The left outstretched arm is missing. This work has a strange psychological interest which adds to the charm of its evident external beauty. It is full of the spirit of the antique, but it conveys to us the impression that this spirit is already mature. A flower has a moment of extreme beauty just before fading. Besides the refinement there is already a desire for simplification. We feel that at this period there were already simpler and stronger powers in formation which a short time later would overthrow this world of pagan beauty. This work has the same charm that emanates from “Musaeus,” the latest flower of antique Greek poetry, grown on 143 800 8o1 the faraway soil of Egypt. The statue stands on a square marble base. Besides the missing arm the coiffure is damaged. (From the Simonetti coll., Rome.) Height, 6 feet 6 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TAPESTRIES LOTS 800-805 REMARKABLE SILK BROCADE HANGING DAMASCUS, SYRIA, 16TH CENTURY Such hangings were used in the mosques and as covers for the tombs of the Imams, as is indicated by the prayer niche motif. The present specimen is one of the finest existing. The design shows in a frame of repeated conventionalized flowers in green and white, a center field with an elaborate prayer niche. The arch of the niche with beautiful naturalistic flowers on a gold ground. The field of the niche deep red with elaborate col- umns, similar to those of the Byzantine churches, with a sus- pended mosque lamp and acanthus spirals of half Byzantine character. (From the Isaac D. Fletcher coll.) Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ANTIQUE ARMENIAN CHURCH HANGING Very rare specimen, executed in a resist dyeing technique, simi- lar to batik, producing deep and light indigo blue hues. The white and orange shades are painted. Three rows of arcades like those of the Byzantine iconostases with six compositions in each row: Adam and Eve, the Annunciation, the Three Kings, the Baptism, Gethsemane and The Betrayal by Judas. The second row shows The Torture, The Erection of the Cross, Christ on the Cross, The Resurrection, The Three Marys at the Tomb, Christ’s Appearance to St. Thomas. The third row shows St. Demetrius, Abraham and Isaac, St. George, The Last Judgment, Christ as Shepherd, Christ and St. Peter. Height, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 12 feet 9 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 144 802 803 804 WOOLEN TAPESTRY ~~ FLEMISH, LATE 16TH CENTURY Heroic or mythological scene. An Oriental queen, seated on the throne with two attendants in garments behind her throne, holds a ring in her left hand, a scepter in the right. She seems to offer the ring to a god standing on a cloud, who appears to her in the form of a young warrior. To her left, kneels another hero, holding an olive branch in his left hand, whose words to the queen seem to have been suddenly interrupted by the ap- pearance of the god. Border partly Renaissance pilasters and cartouches, intermingled with flowers, partly draperies of flags crossed flutes, and baroque canopies. The border cut. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Height, 9 feet 8 inches, width, 10 feet 5 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] WOOLEN AND SILK TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Heroic or mythological scene, probably inspired by Homer or Virgil. Two heroes have been engaged in a fight, one of them, evidently the victor, standing to the left, holding the helmet of the vanquished enemy in his hand, his followers behind him. To the right an encampment with warriors and women in the foreground, among whom is a princess, appears pre-eminent. The sky is delicate light blue and turquoise; to the upper right, the vanquished hero carried away to safety by a goddess. (Per- haps Aeneas and Dido.) The border with floral Renaissance pattern, showing in the middle of the stripes circular medal- lions with winged hearts and sunbursts. (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna. ) Height, 9 feet 3 inches, width, 9 feet. VERDURE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY A poetic landscape of beautiful old trees with luxuriant sum- mer foliage, lush meadow flowers covering the ground and in the center middle ground an idyllic country manor with a pool in front and surrounded by gardens. Realistic border of tulips, roses and other flowers. Size: II feet by & feet 2 inches. 805 WOOLEN TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Vigorously executed composition of two lions attacking a horse in the forest. The nature background of flower shrubs and trees 145 to the right and left is indicated with considerable detail in fine tones of blue and green. The elaborate border consists of fruit, flower and bird motives of excellent realistic design upon an indigo blue background. Size: 12 feet 4 inches by IO feet. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO PALACE DOORS IN CERTOSINA, ONE MANTEL- 806 807 PIECE, AND ONE LARGE TILE FIELD LOTS 806-809 ELABORATE PALACE DOOR IN CERTOSINA TECHNIQUE PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY This door and the following are not only remarkable on account of their elaborate workmanship but also on account of their historic interest. In the center is an inscription stating that they were executed by order of the British Minister and completed in the month of Ragab, 1228 A.H., which is equivalent to the month of June, 1813 A.D. As maker is mentioned Muhammed Jafer Shirazi Kahtin in the city of Teheran. This statement coincides perfectly with the statement made by Henri d’Alle- magne, saying that the certosina technique was practised, par- ticularly in Shiraz, but later on also in Teheran. We have here the fact of a Kahtem Kari worker hailing from Shiraz, but working at Teheran. The British Minister mentioned is Sir Gore Ousley, Brt., who was representative of Great Britain to the Shah of Persia in 1813. The door is set into a frame of English oak. The main part of the door is divided into four panels which each correspond to the well-known Persian mirror cases of which we have several excellent specimens in the present col- lection. The inscriptions on the outside are verses from Persian poets. Height, 85 inches; width, 42 inches. ELABORATE PALACE DOOR IN CERTOSINA TECHNIQUE PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Companion piece to the preceding. 146 808 80g SIO VERY RARE LIMESTONE MANTEL-PIECE FRENCH GOTHIC, 15TH CENTURY The lintel of the mantel with deep Gothic profile, supported on both sides by Gothic columns with capitals and bases of con- ventionalized flowers. Very fine and rare specimen. Height, 77 inches, depth, 20 inches; width, 60% inches. LARGE TILE FIELD PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY The Entertainment of a Sultan. A prince is seated in his garden in the shade of a flowering tree. One servant brings him jars of wine, while another proffers a basket of fruit. Among the flowers which carpet the ground lies another basket of fruit and jars of wine. A nobleman to the right bears a flowering plant. The textile patterns are indicated in great detail. Blue, yellow and green on white. (From the Imperial Summer Palace, Uchehel Situn in Tsfahan, Persia. An analogous piece at the Metropolitan Museum.) Size: 40 by 55 inches. IMPORTANT SERIES OF ORIENTAL RUGS LOTS 810-824 WOOLEN PRAYER RUG KULAH, ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Very fine and well-preserved specimen. Elaborate border. Seven stripes, alternatingly black and white, decorated with small flowers, are framed by an outer and inner border showing an all over pattern of small flowers on red ground. The center field with the Mihrab. The arch of the niche olive green with red and white all over carnation pattern, the field buff, framed by carnations. (Slight repairs.) Size: O feet I inch by 4 feet 4 inches. SO-CALLED SAMARCAND SILK RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN, 18TH CENTURY A very delicate and soft harmony of olive gray with touches of blue. Floral border; center field with an all over pattern of short stems bearing blue conventionalized roses of rigid recti- linear design. Unusual specimen. (The borders of one of the smaller sides restored.) Size: 13 feet O inches by 6 feet IT inches. 147 S12 813 S14 8re FERAHAN RUG PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY One of the gems of the collection for its delicate design and coloring. Outer border cf conventionalized floral shrubs on vermillion; main border, flanked by smaller inner and outer borders on yellow, with a heraldic design in various colors on deep indigo blue. The center field shows on both ends an arched motif with conventionalized heraldic design on rare green ground. In the middle two triangle motives of similar design on brick red. The ground of the center field ivory white with the same pattern. Size: 7 feet 2 inches by 4 feet I inch. SO-CALLED SAMARCAND SILK RUG CHINESE TURKESTAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Three floral borders on yellow and light blue grounds. Red center field with an all over pattern of straight palmetto leaves, forming squares with conventionalized floral motives in the center. (Joined in the middle. ) Size: I2 feet 8 inches by 8 feet 9 inches. IMPORTANT SILK PRAYER RUG NORTHWESTERN PERSIA, ABOUT 1860 Border of the type of the vase rug borders, showing rose and peony flowers alternating with groups of small almond flowers in dark blue and deep red on a white ground. The arch of the prayer niche in the center dark blue with deep red arabesque leaves. The field of the niche buff decorated with a large cen- tral pillar and conventionalized peony and arabesque motives in blue, red and cream. The arch supported on both sides by elaborate Byzantine columns. Silk warp; fine knotting. (Repaired. ) Length, 6 feet I inch, width, 4 feet IO inches. ISPAHAN OR HERAT RUG PERSIA, 16TH CENTURY An interesting specimen of this most famous type of Persian 16th century rugs. Elaborate border with large and small peony flowers of elegant design on deep bluish green back-. ground. The center field shows a similar pattern of Chinese clouds and peony flowers attached to elegant spiral scrolls on magenta red background. Fine design. (Pieced and worn.) (From the H. Satzka coll., Vienna.) Size: IO feet 2 inches by @ feet.. 148 816 817 ~6~818 819 VERY LARGE USCHAK RUG ANATOLIA, 16TH CENTURY Uschak rugs of this very large size are extremely rare. The border shows a pattern of floral stems with large convention- alized flower on greenish blue background. The center field shows on a deep red ground large medallions with arabesque design in blue, yellow and red. (Repaired.) Size: 22 feet O inches by 12 feet 3 inches. LARGE BERGAMA HEARTH RUG ASIA MINOR, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Delightful specimen of strong Turkish colors. The triple bor- der with strongly conventionalized flower motives in red, purple, blue and green on white background. The arches of the niches with similar flower pattern on green background. The center field with vivid and effective design of a small red medallion superposed on a blue medallion, and the whole on a crimson ground, and accented by small white floral rosaces. Size: & feet I inch by § feet I inch. IMPORTANT WOOLEN RUG SOUTHERN PERSIA, EARLY 16TH CENTURY _ Very fine knotting over double warp. Type of the so-called Vase Rugs. (See Martin, Oriental Carpets.) The border of undulated floral stems on buff ground. The center field with an elaborate all over pattern of floral twigs forming ogives with large palmettos in the middle. These ogives are grouped by fours, forming crosses. The pattern in warm brownish, yellowish and red tones, on rich green background. Very fine and rare specimen. The rug has been cut down and is shaped on one side in the form of a half hexagon. Size: § feet.7 inches by @ feet. DAGHESTAN RUG CAUCASUS, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Specimen of beautiful color and design and very fine workman- ship. Very rich, yet subtle harmony of terra cotta, blue and green, accented by ivory white, light pink and black. The cen- ter field with a row of diamond shaped compartments filled in with elaborate floral motives and separated by four branched rosaces. Beautiful Georgian borders flanking an inner border on terra cotta ground. (Slightly worn.) Size: 5 feet Oinches by 3 feet 7 inches. 149 820 S21 $22 823 KULAH PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Ten borders, the seven inner ones alternatingly blue and white, framed by mustard yellow borders with a small floral pattern. The niche of the prayer arch in pale blue with small floral all over pattern in mustard yellow and russet brown. The field of the niche in deep indigo blue with stripes of stars in tan and yellow. (Slightly worn.) Size: 0 feet by 3 feet TO% inches. GIORDES PRAYER RUG ASIA MINOR, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Seven borders. The main border with repeated motif of a floral shrub in deep red, pale blue and green on a ground of white cotton pile. The horizontal piece above the prayer arch with a frieze of Turkish carnations and roses. The stripe below the prayer arch with arabesque motives. The arch of the niche in pale green with repeated all over floral pattern, alternatingly red and white. The field plain indigo blue. Fine specimen. Size: 5 feet O inches by 4 feet 4 inches. BERGAMA RUG TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY A very fine rug in harmonious bright colors—red, yellow and light blue. This rare type of rug 1s derived from those Turkish rugs which follow closely elaborate Persian patterns and which are said to have first been made for the palace of the Sultan. The border of the present rug shows lozenge shaped medallions in blue and yellow on Turkish red ground. The center field is mustard yellow and is decorated with three rows of large con- ventionalized peony flowers. A rug of exactly the same type ‘s in the Fletcher collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Size: 6 feet 6 inches by 5 feet & inches. IMPORTANT AND RARE GARDEN RUG NORTHWESTERN PERSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY A poetical conception of the Persian rug weaver, being the interpretation of the Persian formal garden. Divided by recti- linear canals and ponds. The outer border on deep indigo blue ground, with its various flower shrubs, suggests the approach to a flowery garden. The broad central canal shows convention- alized fish on a zigzag pattern, indicating waves. Long flower beds with various shrubs on indigo blue surround the canal, while twelve medallions of various colors are inserted, on which 150 824 we see flowery maple and almond trees and various other flowers. The rug weaver has expressed with reserved dignity the favorite theme of the Persian garden, which has been a theme of the poets throughout the centuries. Rugs of this type _ are extremely rare. A very important specimen of this type, formerly in the collection of Vincent Robinson, was reproduced in the Burlington Magazine and in Hawley, “Oriental Rugs,” Opposite page 60. A few other specimens are in the Figdor . Collection in Vienna and in the Lamm Collection, Naesby, Sweden. They are reproduced by Martin and Bode. Another fine specimen, belonging to the estate of Theodore M. Davis, but incomplete, is now on exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and was reproduced in the catalogue of the rug exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in 1911. (The present specimen is slightly repaired; one of the borders on the small side is restored. ) Size. IT feet 10 inches by 7 feet 5 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EARLY AND IMPORTANT KUBA RUG CAUCASUS, 17TH CENTURY Main border of delicate scroll work in green on buff, flanked by inner and outer small borders with reciprocated lily pattern in black and white. The center field shows on a deep indigo blue ground a pattern in which large red and yellow peonies of highly conventionalized design, alternate with lozenge shaped and other varied medallion forms. The design is strong, archaic and bold. The rug is a very interesting specimen, showing the transition from the primitive Armenian group to the Kuba rugs of the 18th century. (Repaired.) Size: 15 feet 9 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | a arn e Kay Ny “ GROUP OF ANATOLIAN POTTERIES [368] [370] [365] [360] [366] GREEK VASE: ITALY, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B. C. 465 | BLACK FIGURED PATERA: GREEK, 6TH CENTURY B. C. [477] TERRA COTTA VASE: GREECE, 4TH CENTURY B. C. [4791 essa [533] 537] (53x [536] (Cs3sl (C546) [532] [545 GROUP OF SAMARRA POTTERIES RARE LUSTRE: PLATE: SAMARRA WARE, S8TH-QTH CENTURY [539] CHINESE PAINTING : EARLY MING [5990] JAPANESE PAINTING : 17TH CENTURY [610 ] JAPANESE SCREEN : ISTH CENTURY [613] WOODEN SCULPTURE OF THE TRINITY : GERMAN TYROL, ABOUT I500 “ [648 ] ST. JOHN, THE BAPTIST : GERMAN, LATE I5TH CENTURY [657] [6617] [647 | WOODEN STATUE OF THE VIRGIN AND CHILD: GERMAN, ABOUT I500 WOODEN GROUP OF ST. ANN, ST. MARY AND CHILD: NORTHERN ITALIAN, I6TH CENTURY VIRGIN AND CHILD : SPAIN, 13TH-14TH CENTURY [662 | LIMESTONE STATUE OF THE VIRGIN : SCHOOL OF CHAMPAGNE, 14TH CENTURY [665] BUST OF AN AMORINO : ITALIAN, 15TH CENTURY [669] CHRIST ON THE CROSS : ITALIAN, 15TH CENTURY [670] MARBLE RELIEF PLAQUE OF VIRGIN AND CHILD, BY ANTONIO ROSSELLINO: ITALIAN, 142'7-1490 [671] THE VIRGIN WITH SAINTS: ITALIAN, EARLY I6TH CENTURY [674] GABRIEL: MICHAEL AND ST. ST GREEK IKON I6TH CENTURY ee GREEK [679] VIRGIN AND DONORS BY JOOS VAN CLEEF , EARLY I6TH CENTURY [681 ] LOWER RHENISH SCHOOL Lsill cyoseeretanasainsddioneas snnnasonenengwn xcosen: ewnte Sete {i Th MOTHER AND CHILD BY LUCAS CRANACH: GERMAN SCHOOL, 1472-1553 [682 | MAJOLICA PLATE: FAENZA, ITALY, LATE 15TH CENTURY [716] aval [7181] COPPER’GILT MONSTRANCES : GERMAN, I6TH CENTURY CELADON VASE WITH RELIEF DECORATION: CHINA, SUNG PERIOD 72.5 | SILK BROCADE I6TH CENTURY ) PERSIA [730] TANAGRA FIGURINE OF HERA: GREEK, 6TH CENTURY, B. C. [749_] SULTANABAD VASE : PERSIA, 13TH-I14TH CENTURY 760 | PROFILE AND INSIDE OF TWO LUSTRE BOWLS: RAQQA, MESOPOTAMIA, I12TH-I 3TH CENTURY RHAGES LUSTRE PITCHER : PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY [770] RHAGES LUSTRE BOWL: PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY Pry RHAGES SWEETMEAT DISH - PERSIA, 13TH CENTURY ayaa SGRAFFITO BOWL : PERSIA, I12TH-13TH CENTURY Bepa RELIEF CUP MADE BY HASSAN EL KASHANTI : PERSIA, 12TH CENTURY [776] RHAGES POTTERY BOWL: PERSIA, I2TH-13TH CENTURY aya LARGE OIL JAR: EARLY MOHAMMEDAN, 8TH—IOTH CENTURY Ropes PERSIAN RELIEF VASE: I2TH CENTURY 780 | | Chisa dtd ci tateaia ia fis! DRAWING OF AN IMPORTANT ALTAR IN CARVED, GILT AND PAINTED WOOD: TYROL, I7TH CENTURY [781] ih 4 i DRAWING OF AN IMPORTANT ALTAR IN CARVED, GILT AND PAINTED WOOD: TYROL, 17TH CENTURY [782] STATUE OF A MUSE: ALEXANDRIAN, 3RD—2ND CENTURY B. C. [790] MARBLE STATUE OF A YOUNG WOMAN : ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD C791] - MARBLE STATUE OF A RAM: ROMAN, EARLY IMPERIAL PERIOD [792] MARBLE TORSO OF VENUS: ALEXANI RIAN, 3RD-2ND CENTURY B. C. [795.1 IMPORTANT EARLY CHRISTIAN SARCOPHAGUS : ROMAN, 4TH—-5TH CENTURY A. D. [796] MARBLE TORSO OF A YOUTH, PROBABLY HERMES : GREEK, HELLENISTIC PERIOD [7971 OVER‘LIFE SIZE STATUE OF A YOUNG WOMAN : ROMAN, PERIOD OF THE ANTONINES [799 DETAIL OF STATUE OF YOUNG WOMAN: ROMAN, PERIOD OF THE ANTONINES [799] SEERA apy re Se ANAS AS EN ata nesrshapssratt ol ALLL DIDS EEDALLSAA AIRED PANIED A B. woe Bs Sat PP AEA SD TOT GE IERIE ee DORE TE LOE IIS EET RTE LIOR 1 oe RS r srecer. snnnoecserretens ween SILK BROCADE HANGING: DAMASCUS, SYRIA, I6TH CENTURY [800 ] i 5 t 3 ARMENIAN CHURCH HANGING [801 | WOOLEN TAPESTRY : FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY [805 | WOOLEN AND SILK TAPESTRY : FLEMISH, IO6TH CENTURY [803 |] ry e GARDEN RUG ISTH CENTURY 17TH [823 | NORTHWESTERN PERSIA RUG: I7TH CENTURY EARLY KUBA CAUCASUS 2 [824 | Mi 2. 4, ae ~~ s — ' 1 bles 26 NeAnH c /Greek and Roman mar P19362 an Anderson 1921 J 84 | il