Z /, y — ; ee Py Brose L cas. | » Geant OF THE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS OF THE LATE J. LYVERSBERG, ESQ. OF COLOGNE. TO BE SOLD AT COLOGNE ON AUGUST 16, 1837. LONDON: PRINTED BY BLADES AND EAST, ABCHURCH LANE, - KING WILLIAM STREET. Photoreproduction of the origina! 3 from the Northwick Park Library, \23a7 now at Yale University. dares 1 Annotations by Lord Northwick. Ries L303— 472. NOTICE. © SS ee Tus Collection will no doubt be remembered and known by all the connoisseurs and lovers of the Fine Arts who have made the Tour of the Rhine, as it is one of the most celebrated in that neighbourhood, and as access to it was most liberally granted to all travellers. The late Proprietor has spent a long and active life in forming this Collection, regardless of trouble — and expense; and has been greatly assisted by the French Revolution, and the events succeeding it, which brought forth from Churches and Monasteries treasures of art which had for centuries been hidden within them. It is particularly rich in rare specimens of the ancient Flemish and German Schools, many of which, of first-rate excellence, have been for years objects of admiration and study to the artists and connoisseurs of all countries. ei Pilih HORE \ NLD CATALOGUE, &c. &€¢. ISRAEL VON MECKENEN, 1463. 1 THe Last Supper. : On panel. Height 2 feet 11 inches, width 2 feet 12 in. 2 CHRIST TAKEN PRISONER. : Idem. 3 Cnurist Crownep witH THORNS. Idem. © 4 CurisT BEFORE PILATE. Idem. 5 THE FLAGELLATION. _ Idem. - 6 Tue CruciFixion. Idem. 7 Tur Descent FROM THE Cross. Idem. 8 Tue ResuRRECTION. These eight pictures form a series comprising the latter part of the Life of Christ; they are of great beauty, and perhaps the chef-d’ceuvres of this scarce master. B 4 SCHOOL OF THE COLOGNE MASTER. 9 Tue Crucirrxion, (a central picture.) On panel. Height 4 feet 6 inches, width 7 feet 73 inches. 10 Tux Ecce Homo, (left wing.) Panel. - Height 4 feet 6 inches, width 3 feet 74 inches. 11 Curisr Burien, (right wing.) Panel, height and width, as No. 10. BARTHOL. DE BRUYN. 12 Auuecory, the-three ranks of Civil Life. Panel. Height 4 feet 34 inches, width 3 feet | inch. Marked 13 Tux Crucirixion, (central picture.) Cn panel. Height 4 feet 3 inch, width 4 feet 83 inches. COLOGNE SCHOOL (left wing. 14 Tue Resurrection. On panel. Height 4 feet 3 inch, width 2 feet 3 inch. ISRAEL VON MECKENEN, (right ea 15 Tur TRANSFIGURATION. | On panel. Height 4 feet 3 inch, width 2 feet 3 inch. HUBERT VAN EYCK. 16 Tue ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. On panel. Height 4 feet 72 inches, width 2 feet 4 inch. LUCAS CRANACH. Marked “atin 17 A Fema.e Ficure. On panel. Height 2 feet 8 inches, width 1 foot 83 in, ayy be F : oe hr ear Oe a pg ee oe r Ry LATA: ‘§ WER est % shel iy re tks 3 | | Auemte Tahie _ > : tL owadeay bates 3) bs ae ee as weit BY ST Pies eetinal B Seth, Bote 7 45 ve : 1 ethan ier ewe ; i oe * . Se ed - ; MUIR SAS ic $ * ‘ ? Ss ; . : a 3 : ’ : s ‘ ee ro ke aaias a aha 2 ee Be eos on . e Cyt ASS. COLOGNE MASTER. 18 Tus Virorn Mary, surrounded by a group of females. Centre picture. On panel. Height 3 feet 6 inches, width 5 feet 3 inches. 19 A Master or THE Teutonic Orper; behind him, Hepen AND CHARLES THE GREAT. - Left wing on panel. Height 3 feet 6 inches, width 2 feet 45 in. 20 Str. Peter anp St. Marcarer. Right wing on panel. Height 3 feet 6 in. width 2 feet 43 in. UNKNOWN. 21 Tue Crucirixion, wiTH Wines. On panel. Height 1 foot 2 inches, width 94 inches. ALBERT DURER. Marked AN 22 Curist DERIDED; © : ' ANDREA MANTEGNA. 23 Tur Imace or Curist IN PROFIL”, witH INSCRIPTIONS. On panel. Height 103 inches, width 7% inches. ~ SCHOREEL. 24 Curist Burien. . On panel. ‘ Height 1 foot 83 inches, width 2 feet. HENRY DE -BLESS. 95 Tue Horry Famity. 7 On panel. Height 1 foot 6 inches, width 1 foot 3 inch,’ B 2 7 . | eee ss gaceaiied ; iv : : eo ea me - ee c i a! i a Ni : a ASopam ee ry 3 yaa i -- 1 ¢ ; at “" { ry an Z Wig , 6 QWATER. 26 Tue DeEsceNT FROM THE Cross, | Panel. - Height 114 inches, width 74 inches. 27 Cuaist BuriepD. | : Same height and width. 28 Tue Deap Curist on THE LAP oF THE VIRGIN. Same height and width. COLOGNE SCHOOL. Vas Marked yin 29 Tue Vircin Mary anp St, BARTHOLOMEW. On panel. Height 4 feet 4 inches, width 2 feet 113 inches. 30 Tuz ARCHANGEL GABRIEL AND St. PrETeEr. On panel. Same height and width. 31 Tur ADORATION OF THE Maat. On panel. Same height and width. 32 Tue ResuRRECTION. On panel. Same. height and width. N.B. These four pictures formed one altar. COLOGNE SCHOOL. 33 THE CorRoNnATION oF Mary. On panel. Height 3 feet 4 inches, width 4 feet 8 inches. THE SAME. 34 THE Oureina IN THE Teaets On panel. Height 4 feet, width 5 feet 9 inches. PATA WO | GO ienealied Fae Ae 1 eetaot e Aveic: enka a ue 7 % > x A a pa" - Fehew bee ‘degen at s 7 — - ys ‘> me ss were . eer sr eee are Wee at, Eisen bem Hegkeh es a . = ar <= ae a ae oe j2OHOS Tyan. Dh ee, MEP RE i sae | LUCAS VAN LEYDEN, (central painting.) 85 Tues Increputity or THoMAS. On panel. Height 4 feet 7 inches, width 3 feet 44 inches. 36 Mary anp St. Joun THE EvanGgList. Left wing on panel. Height 4 feet 7 in. width 1 foot 52 in. 37 Sr. Hyrouir anp St. AFRA. i Right wing on panel. Height 4 feet 7 in, width 1 foot 52 in. On the back of the wings are represented St. Symphorosa, with her seven sons; and St. Felicitas, with her seven sons. a a 5. ypbelan ob aM eS LUCAS CRANACH. Marked 38 ADAM AND Eve. On panel. Height 1 foot 7 inches, width 1 foot 1 yt SCHOOL OF DINANT.” x 39 Tue Virgin Mary BETWEEN St. Ursunta AND St- Ca- THERINE. Panel. Height 1 foot 8 inches, width 1 foot 14 inch. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. x 40 Tux Crucirixion, central painting, oval 252 On panel. Height 3 feet 5 inches, width 2 feet 63 inches. 41 Sr. Joun THE Baprisr AND St. CEcILIA. Left wing on panel. Height 3 feet 5 in. width 1 foot 1 in. XxX 42 Sr. Arexius ANp Sr. AGNES. } Right wing on panel. Height 3 feet 5 in. width | foot 1 in. On the back, grey in grey, Gaprien AND Sr. Pater, Mary AND Sr, Paut. | 5 “ eis Rat ee ea ee cara ‘ “veianorma ih ne oak eH an, cal . He ie é i a 1% het % sa al Sea yn bs, arin pd ee ef ines ; DETR 5 av seoet ine ao 8 team, 5 od ft Athen aia € 7 Piet we ey aac = n G wt { a. ~ +o eye or. ns a yw V j shane (mM yy! Vw QUINTIN MESSIS. 43 Tue Maapaten, with the box of incense. On panel. Height 1 foot 2 inches, width 9 inches. PATENIER. 44 Tue Fuicnt To Eeypr. On panel. Height 2 feet 3 inches, width 1 foot 932 inches. HOLBEIN. 45 Tue Portrait oF pr Ciaris. On panel. Round, 4 inch diameter. JEAN VAN EYCK, OR HIS SCHOOL. 46 Portrait or a Lapy. | Height 114 inches, width 82 inches. OLD DUTCH SCHOOL. 47 Tue Virain Mary, the ee of the Founpzr and a SAINT. Two wings united, on panel. Height 1 foot 13 in. width 10in. COLOGNE SCHOOL. 48 Sr. Bruno, receiving r: the Pope the foundation of his Order. On canvass. Height 4 feet 14 inches, width 8 feet 11 inches. A. VAN DYCK. 49 Tue Denision or Carist. On canvass. Height 2 feet 9 inches, width 3 feet 6 inches. SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT. 50 Tue Portrait or Rempranpt’s Moruer. On canvass. Height 2 feet 25 in. width 1 foot 7 in. \ ie men Gow b awd Jag, — oe we BK NIU Bie 7 5 a oe, ot Pee. ae Ml e > OO ad a cna 10, & eg aeRO ot: 7 or Hin i 9 GEORGE GELDORF. 51 PorrraiT oF AN E,perzty MAN. On panel. Height 1 foot 94 in. width 1 foot 23. in: GEORGE GELDORF. 52 Portrait oF A YounG Man, On panel. Height 1 foot 34 in. width 1 foot 10 in. Marked j(f59K) G. DE LAIRESSE, (with his name.) 53 Afxeas LANpING 1N ITALY. On canvass. Height 1 foot 73 in. width 2 feet 14 in. PETER BREUGHEL. 54 Tue Tempration or St. ANTHONY. On canvass. Height 102 in. width 7 in. PALAMEDES. 55 CoNVERSATION. On panel. Height 113 in. width 1 foot 3% in. G. GELDORF. 56 A Hoty Famity. On panel. Height 4 feet £ in. width 3 feet 11 in. P. P. RUBENS. 57 Tue Hoty Famiry. "A ketch grey in grey. On panel. Height 10 inches, width 7% inches. GER. DE LAIRESSE, (with the name.) 58 JanxL anp Sisara. | Grey in grey. On canvass. Height 1 foot 3 inches, width 10 inches. 10. -V. D. ECKHOUT, (with the name.) 59 Hacar Exprxuzep. - On canvass, Height 1 foot 84 inch, width 2 feet 14 inch. ADREAN V. D. WERFT. 60 A Pastorat Ipy.. On panel. Height 114 inch, width 94 inch. A. VAN VENNE, (with the name.) 61 An AttxzcoricaL Pisce, grey in grey. On panel. Height 114 inches, width 93 inches. LEONARDO DA VINCI. 62 Tue Porrrarr or Mona Lisa. On canvass. Height 2 feet 6 inches, width 1 foot 8 inches. GERHARD HONDHORST, (with the name, pa : 63 Portrait or THE ABness oF RocuEFoucautr. On panel. Height 2 feet % inches, width 1 foot 9 inches. JAS. RIBEIRA DE SPAGNOLETTO. 64 Sr. Jsrome. On panel. Height 2 feet 54 inches, width 2 feet 3 inch. GOEVART FLINNT, (with the name, 1649.) 65 A Crucirixi0n. On panel. Height 2 feet 4 inches, width 1 foot 11 inches. HANNIBAL CARRACCI. G66 Vircin anp CuHILp. On copper. Height } foot inch, width 9 inches. = = ; Fe My > 1 4 ay pa ¥ ‘ : “ b - 7 > = : : . ee i Be x y TUG an ras Ww a ¥ Viti ance iy ener saan ani i os) HOY . aes Pi {Bead seer ast sale e+ 7% RADON eae ies aon }t CARLO MARATTI: 67 Str. ANTONY, SURROUNDED WITH ANGELS. On panel. Height 1 foot 73 in. width 1 foot 23 in. HANNIBAL CARRACCI. 68 Curist on THE Mount or Otives. On canvass. Height 1 foot 4 inches, width 1 foot § inch. A. VAN DYCK. 69 CHRIST TAKEN FROM THE Cross, ON THE Lap OF THE VIRGIN. On canvass. Height 6 feet, width 3 feet 7 inches. G. VAN LUNINCK, (with the name.) 70 A Conversation or KNIGHTS. On panel. Height 11% inches, width 1 foot 4 inches. D. TENIERS. 71 A PRASANT. On panel. Height 11% inches, width 1 foot 33 inches. G. VAN LUNINCK, (with the name.) 72 A ConvERSATION OF PEASANTS. cd _ Companion to No. 70. On panel. Height 11% inches, width 1 foot 4 inches. GUERCINO. 73 A Monk PRAYING. On canvass. Height 2 feet 1 inch, width 1 foot 7 inches. A. VAN DYCK. 74 Sr. Francis 1y Ecstacy. On canvass. Height 2 feet 34 in, width 1 foot 10 in. ’ + . " eS = . 7 = 7 ss Sell die abi pveeneeers es Se ee ee aa tg Bak AD snare A whe . ‘ : ad anes fort jw 1 do aE ge a Se wet 49 tad ane Se sae) FOr wony exit Laie 75 12 M. A. CARRAVAGGIO. A WomAN WITH A TURKEY Cock. On canvass. Height 2 feet 64 in. width 2 feet 14 in SCHIDONE. 76 VIRGIN AND Guitn 77 738 SO 81 On canvass. eight 2 feet 4 in. width 1 foot 105 in _FRANCIS FRANCK, (with the name. ) A TrIuMPHAL Procgsstion. On panel. Height 1 foot 43 inches, width 2 feet. SALVATOR ROSA. WANDERING PHILOSOPHERS. On canvass. Height 1 foot 4 inches, width 1 foot £ inch. CARLO LOTH. Cain anpD ABEL. : On canvass. Height 4 feet 81 in. width 3 feet 8 in, PALAMEDES. A Batts or CAvAtry. On panel. Height 1 foot £ inch, width 1 foot 6 inches. R. JANSS, (with the name.) A SxrrMIsH or CAvatry. On panel. Height 11 inches, width 1 foot 93 inches. THE SAME. A SKIRMISH OF CavALRy, companion to former, same size. G. GELDORF. Tur Virain Mary. On pancl. Height 1 foot 8% inches, width 1 foot 44 inches. DENNER. 84 PorTRAIT OF AN OLD Woman. ' ; On canvass. Height 1 foot 34 inches, width 1 foot. 1 PROCACCINI. 85 Tur VirGin AND CHILD. On canvass. Height 3 feet 62 inches, width 3 feet. A. VAN DYCK. 86 Four Faces or Moors, Stupizs. - On canvass. Height 1 foot 7 inches, width 2 feet 1 inch. 7 G. SCHALKEN, (with the name.) $7 PorTRAIT or A Man In unis Dressina Gown. On panel. Height 1 foot 34 inches, width 1 foot 4 inch. HIER. FRANCK. 88 THE FLAGELLATION or CurIST. On panel. Height 10% inckes, width \ foot 2 inches. J. JORDAENS. 89 A Cuitp witH Ftowers anp MonxiEs. On canvass. Height 3 feet 82 in. width 1 foot 7 in. SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT. 90 Tux AnoRATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. On canvass. Height 2 feet 7 in. width 2 feet 14 in. J. BUECKLAER. 91 Tue Four EvanGE.ists. On panel. Height 3 feet 103 in. width 2 feet 6} tn. 14 DE WETTE. 92 Mosks BRINGS FORTH WATER FROM THE Rock. On panel. Height 1 foot 11 in. width 2 feet 73 in. BRACKLINBURG, (with the name, 1697.) 93 Tur Cross, witH Mary AND St. JouHN, On canvass. Height 1 foot 2 inches, width 113 inches. H. FRANCK. 94 Tue ABSTINENCE OF SCIPIO. 3 On panel. Height 2 feet 3 inches, width 5 feet 1 inch. CARLO LOTH. 95 A Faun, wiTH A Jua. On canvass. Height 3 feet 1 inch, width 2 feet 7 inches. TH. VAN THULDEN. 96 Tue Hoty Famity. On canvass. Height 2 feet 73 in. width 2 feet £ in. EGBERT LYSSENS. 97 An Otp Woman AND Younac Man. On punel. Height | foot 6 in. width 1 foot 3 in. THOS. WYCK. 98 An ALCHYMIST. On panel. Height 1 foot 6 in. width 1 foot 3 in. FERD. BOLL. 99 Venus AND Cuprp. . On panel. Height 1 foot 3 inches, width 103 inches. PETER VAN OS. 100 Tue CaTHEDRAL oF ANTWERP. On pancl. Height 2 feet 3 inches, width 3 feet 3 inches” oh bh ire ne (4 “3 «Sib! att 3 sew} asta miszont rit aD x a ae meat Nate awe 4 raald wren