ra so be oteteok wn : S70 ye-eS . 7 s . as : : ar Nae oe Seooeyces ee oocyee oo sae set eters oe ey Nea weno ene ee eaaneenmns = ie pmemnce ob ; vas a L% @ \ 2&0 5 . ’ ¢ hi i , ‘a 7 ® my aa + : ‘ e \ tS ® Aw J 7 id \y iy . = = fs é 7 ny b : eA : CUMUMEO) GAgis a EARLY ITALIAN MAJOLICA Vee Aas ay 1% A a 2 hs : iL? s oe ert a iw al f ea no Se <= ) gerne Sains Bagatt rate Sa ee a eee Fe Pt Oe o & Res Se. oe —- ORVIETO, EARLY FIFTEENTH CENTURY Bacile. Diameter o™480. Large circular plate, with a broad flat bottom, a sharply rising chute and a narrow flat rim. Inside, a pale greenish white glaze; outside, a plain ochre lustre. In the centre, on a cross-hatched background, are figured two heraldic lions separated by a conventional tree, roughly designed. The chute is decorated with a wreath of conventional leaflets (in green) and the rim bears a herring-bone pattern. The decoration is carried out in manganese with touches of green. From the collection of Alessandro Castellani (Sale at Rome, 17 March 1884, p. 184, n. 162). Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 116). This Jéacile was doubtfully ascribed to Pesaro in the Castellani catalogue. We now know, from numerous recent finds, that this ware is characteristic of the Orvieto potters. 1 ma," be J : - Ba Gem 7 a, Leen FLORENCE, EARLY FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. “ oa Cylindrical body itee a tapering foot and a short neck, Dull white uncrackled glazes mg inside ‘glaze is of a dull white. April 1396, p.~5) 0: Sueandeps Last in the collection of Sigismond Bardac (esa Reproduced in the Leroux catalogue and (in colours) in the Bardac catalogue; by H. Wallis, Oak-/eaf jars, p. 57, fig. 55; by W. Bode, De Anfaenge der Majolikakunst, pl. V, p. 10; described by E. Molinier, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, XVIII (1897), pp. 149-150. This important example of early Italian ceramic art is well known to all students. Only two other pieces from the same workshop are known to exist, both similar in size and decoration to our Jdacile. The first is in the Louvre and shows a lion to left, bearing a pennon with the Florentine fleur-de-lis; the second, in the Kunstgewerbemuseum at Berlin, is decorated with a youthful male bust in profile to the left. . , FLORENCE, FIFTEENTH CENTURY Two-handled jar. Height 0"223; largest diameter o”220. Pear-shaped body, tapering towards the foot, with a short cylin- drical neck. White glaze, with many small air-bubbles; inner surface ribbed, with a pinkish white glaze. On the body, on each side, a large circular medallion, showing a bust in profile to the left: on one side, a fair-haired youth, with a peaked cap; on the other, a maiden, with a linen head-dress. Each medallion is surrounded by radiating leaflets, the remainder of the surface being covered with blue sprays of conventional foliage. At the bottom of each handle, the ladder, the well-known emblem of the Hospital of Santa-Maria-della-Scala at Florence. Decoration in blue, with green and ochre bands and touches of manganese. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 10). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. ’ — ° : 2 « .* . t - us ¢ . ; " : 4 . . ’ ~ 2 F; e - 7 ca a : * P ‘ = : 4 . . 5 a * re a 7 Bs ns - with a thin pene Yau lustre. oe ~ ad Gs Ps of cleverly differentiated design, the pattern with curves bein cs curved surface ‘of the: chute and. the flat rim being | adorned straight line moti eek eas aw 10 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate with a lion. _ Diameter 03 a Large deep circular plate with a narrow flat rim. The glaze is of a greyish white. The outer surface is 2 the bottom being filled in with foliage and cross Stack O chute of the dish and on the rim are two bands of convent From the Canessa collection (n. 123). 10 41 TUSCANY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0"316; diameter o™180. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the— feels: with a high neck and a very short foot. Pale pinkish-white glaze; the inside glaze is light brown in colour and quite thick. 3 2a The body is decorated with vertical rectangular panels, separated by double lines and alternately covered with wavy lines and lozenge-_ shaped patterns varying in the detail. Similar patterns adorn the neck. The design is carried out in manganese, with portions of the surface painted light-green. From the collection of Michel Boy, ‘at Versailles (Sale~ at eae: 15 May 1905, pp. 10-11, n. 47 and fig.), who ascribed it to the workshops of Valencia: genic: Later in the Canessa collection (n. 124). This albarello so closely resembles the fifteenth century productions of the Spanish workshops that the former ascription to Valencia is by no means unreasonable. Even if the Tuscan origin were better established, — the Moorish influence is so obvious that we should certainly consider it as an adaptation of a Hispanic original. 7 MEE — tae ; < wa * + , ? e. My ay ey : WATE, \\ ‘< ASS ma) : OREN . ¥ ' at) Vp rt a ha ye & WY 7 MG LADA Bij i X i: 4

a , b ee. St ‘ . r . a 5 re a te a a i 7 rf eS a ts #4 . i —_ + : a ' a . . . - . . 14 FLORENCE, FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0”230; diameter 07170. Broad cylindrical body, with a tapering foot and a short broad cylindrical neck. Pale bluish white glaze, inside and outside. On the body, in a medallion of irregular shape, is the figure of a fish, to the right. The remainder of the surface is covered with branches of flowers in white irregular medallions on a background of blue tendrils. The whole of the decoration is carried out in blue. From the collection of Stefano Bardini, Florence (Sale at London, 5 June 1899, p. 8, n. 32; see album, pl. 32, n. 429). Later in the Sieeond Bardac collection (n. 13 B). Reproduced in the Bardini album and, in colours, in the Bardac aS catalogue. i - From the same workshop as the preceding albarello, with which save for the central mot if, it is identical in every respect: size, gia and decoration. 14 - } ’ 7 * . - - : * ) : — 15 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY Ewer. Height 07283; greatest breadth o™1go. A jug with a pear-shaped body, slightly tapering towards the foot, and a high cylindrical neck. On one side, a flat handle, on the other, a narrow tube-shaped spout. White glaze, inside and outside. On the body, a horizontal white scroll with the a inscription in Gothic lettering: “SY © Dee PAP RMER Or Syrupum de papavero, ‘Syrup of poppies”, was a favorite sleeping draught in medieval pharmacopcea. The remainder of the surface, including the handle, is covered with conventional sprays on a dotted background. - Above and below, ornamental belts of palmettes (around the neck) and of vertical zig-zag ornaments (around the foot). The decoration is carried out in blue, with ethre bands and slight touches of manganese. From the collection of Stefano Bardini, Florence (Sale, London, — 5 June 1899, p. 7, n&24;— see album, plas, ma g9 of From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 14). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue; also by H. Wallis, — Figure design, p. 45, and in the Bardini album. gs A smaller ewer with nearly the same inscription (SY°DE:PAPAV.) Fe was in the Emile Gavet sale (Paris, 31 May 1897, p. 118, n. 446). Compare the decoration of a Faenza (?) vase in the Beckerath 3 sale (n. 306). d 15 ~ - e i (2 a ri a “at a ew dake) co ae |e a oe Oy 16 FLORENCE (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter 07392. Circular hollow plate with a flattened rim. White glaze; on the back, a dull ochre glaze. The whole surface is decorated with concentric belts of aa ornaments surrounding a disk, cut up into equilateral triangles ee green and youre 7 ae menue repeated on the rim and around the centre. Other patterns ee chequered design and a ribbon moti ge single or interlaced. The colours used are blue, green, ochre and manganese. On the reverse is painted the mark: : ae yr 26 May 1902, p- 19, n. gg, pl.; see album, pl. 13, n. 440). Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 6). Reproduced in the Bardini album and, in colours, in the Bardac catalogue. i 16 i ~~ ope y) 17 FLORENCE (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate with the Sforza emblem. . Diameter we” Large circular plate, with a deep sunken centre and a narrow rine Inside, a white crackled glaze; the outside is plain, with a a dull A 7 yellow: lustre. ; cee In the centre, a large blue snake or dragon, wal a man, This is the well known armorial bearing of the Visconti family. _ ae The background is studded with clusters of dots and surrounded by peacock-feathers. ot. “4 Pi, eat 4 ' The rim is decorated with a broad Beit of pomedd leaves ‘i diagonally. a at ae tx ae The decoration is carried out in blue, with portions in - ochre, green and manganese. The arms of the Visconti-Sforza house and of the duchy of Milan (1450-1535) are: argent a serpent (alias viper or Jiscia) ondoyant in pal 7 azure, crowned with a ducal crown and vorant a child gules. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 88). ee at ey 4 17 18 FLORENCE (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter o™ 387, Large circular plate with a sunken centre and a narrow flat rim. Inside, a white uncrackled glaze; outside, a plain yellow lustre. In the centre, in a reserve, a youthful male bust in profile to the left, with dark hair and a white cap. Right and left, sprays of circular flowers. The rim is decorated with a broad belt of pointed leaves, planted diagonally. The decoration is carried out in blue, with portions in ochre. In spite of some damaged portions, this plate is of remarkably successful execution. Probably from the same workshop as a plate in the Musee de Cluny (n. 2809) reproduced by A. Darcel, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, VIII (1592), 9p..199. The pattern on the rim of nn. 16, 17 and 18 occurs also on the fine plate with a large flower, bought in 1897 by the Louvre (E. Molinier, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, XVIII, 1897, p. 151), on two plates in the Victoria and Albert Museum (H. Wallis, Figure design, pp. 13 and 39) and on a plate in the British Museum (7did., p. 37); see also Beckerath sale, n. 46; Zschille sale (1899), n. 2; Pringsheim collection, n. 50. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 92). 18 19 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Bacile. | Diameter 0"377; dept | Circular dish with a flat bottom, a perpendicular chut narrow flat rim. | aaa White uncrackled glaze, inside and outside. In the bottom is a_ six-lobed rosace or flower, ‘su eight small radiating flowers and by a belt of eight pet enclosing a flower, and the rim shows | one continuous line peacock feathers. ; ioe The reverse is plain, save for a row of blue and around the edge. Meee : es Ben q é The decoration is carried out in oe with touches of and manganese. ft From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 5). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. 19 oe = 7 dl LOA tae Olea oa. 2) on ) we a s i ‘ lax a oe 20 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Large plate. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a flat rim. Inside a white crackled glaze; plain reverse, with a dull glaze. a In the centre, in a reserve, a youthful female hone in P of to the left, with an ochre cap and dark hair. Around her head are five circular flowers. y MO igee ee From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 84). 20 : - : 4 * 3 A i . . 21 FLORENCE, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter 0”349. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a rim rising gradually. Bluish white glaze, without crackles, the same inside and outside. In the centre, the bust in profile to the left of a bare-headed boy, | with a green and blue tunic and long flowing fair hair. Behind him, on a scroll, the word MEME(n ae ; cP : ee +t conventional flowers, between two belts covered with the same diane pattern of tiny four-lobed flowers on a yellow background. Ree Decoration in blue, ochre and green. On the back, concentric circles in blue, pale ochre and manganese, a the centre left blank. From the collection of Stefano Bardini, Florence (Sale at te 5 June 1899, p. 8, n. 25; see album, pl. 7, n. 124). a Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 7.) Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue and by Bode, Die Anfaenge der Majolikakunst, pl. XXVIII, p. 28; also in the Bardini album. | 21 “ 22 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter 03 Circular ea with a broad flat rim. 3 : 43 Ss : ribs and is MBE ot with a dull ee glaze. 2 In the bottom, the bust in profile to the left of a fair-haired cl shaven young man, bearing a high purple cap and a yeh: tunic trim with green and yellow. iy Right and left, a large scroll of conventional ee. ‘ Ee a The rim is decorated with nineteen ornaments in the shap peacock-feathers, separated by green and purple strokes. yee The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre, pale and manganese. ; § June 1099," patton. ats ec album, pi. a Nn. 430). Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 4). Anfaenge der Majolikakunst, pl. XXXVII; also by Wallis, Figure desi p- 33 and in the Bardini album. 22 we Pe he ee i ip ae 23 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Two-handled albarello. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with on | short neck, a slightly tapering foot and two long torsaded handles. — Outside, a white crackled glaze; inside and on the tim, 8 ‘thin glaze of pale ochre. Ps - ae On the body, on each side, a mentee band with a rice shaped ornament and four semi-circular spandrels attached to ‘each | of ‘e four sides. In the centre, a heraldic flower turned downwards. On the neck, bands of zig-zag and fish-scale ornaments; on th foot, a plain zig-zag of crossed lines. : ) The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre and yellow. Reproduced by H. Wallis, The a/barello, p. 85, and in Loan eh of the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (1914), p. 56, pl. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 28). a “ A somewhat similar albarello was in the Michel Boy sale (P 15 si! 1905, p. 19,n. 92, fig.) and is now in the Pringsheim collectio 23 24 TUSCANY (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Bowl. Height o"061; diameter o”158 Circular bowl or cup, with a low foot. Inside a plain white glaze. | The outer surface is entirely decorated and shows the white glaze. | | ae vee The designs used are the usual zig-zag and chain patterns, a broad band of very conventional oak-leaves and a rosace in the c surrounded by a projecting rim on which the cup stands. Ss * The decoration is carried out in blue, with reserves defined in E. Molinier, 1898, p. 20 n. 44, as trom a Faenza workshop). Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 25). - On an old label (about 1860?), the words: Nicolads Rasnolis, Jabrique italienne, XIV* Sitcle, showing that the cup comes from an old French collection. Co ane P7 7, % 24 \ * . - ’ * . ¥ a > . > . * 7 * « 25 TUSCANY, ABOUT 1485 Large plate. Diameter o"480. Large circular plate with a sunken centre and a broad flat rim. White glaze, the same inside and out. 3 In the centre, a circular medallion with a virgin seated to right in a rocky landscape and combing the mane of a unicorn. Pie © On the rocks in the background, some pres and two “ealinin stags. “se ee elias oo he On the swell of the dish, a broad border of epic. Under the foot, illegible scratches. Beneath the handle, the number 8 in red paint (from the companio vase described above, the number has been erased). From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 28 B). 28 29 FLORENCE, ABOUT 1500 Albarello with a_ handle. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in me middle, with ta foot and neck. ~ White glaze, inside and outside. hee og . tie ie “vases Around the body, Cherubs’ and Seraphs’ heads, as on the other | the same type. The decoration is identical in nearly every detail wit the designs and patterns of the three ann vases. ee of diamond-shaped ornaments. av Under the foot are scratched the following j barking aa * clear) : ce fe Ee Beneath the handle, the number 1o in red paint. From the same set as the two preceding items and vase. Ades gente ASIII 7 S75 INS) fae 7 SIeP sab A i ae =f! A ale rane rT as AU a au WTI RPP LN EA IEN) Daly 30 FLORENCE, ABOUT 1500 Albarello with a_ handle. Height o™220. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with tapering foot and neck. A White glaze, inside and outside. Around the body, Cherubs’ and Seraphs’ heads, as on the other vases of the same type. The decoration is identical in nearly every detail with the designs and patterns of the three companion vases. | The belt on the neck is decorated, on this vase, with a network of lines; to each angle are attached two short horizontal dashes. Beneath the handle, the number 7 in red paint. From the same set as the three preceding items. Several other similar albarelli are known: two were recently in the hands of a New York dealer; one is in the Pringsheim collection, n. 88 (ascribed by O. von Falke to Siena, about 1530); one was bought in 1855 (n. 3028) for the South Kensington Museum and one (from Lord Currie’s collection) was last in the Ignazio Cavaletti sale (Rome, 20-April 1905.00, 26s), ‘imee i ae i wane 30 “ r 7a < : ' aay Th. 31 TUSCANY (?), ABOUT 1500 Plate. Diameter o™3 purple dress. Behind the head on a scroll, the Ae Sais e ME+ MENTO: MEI* DOMINE: iE . Memento met Domine. ““Remember me, o Lord”. Be 5 pe The rim is decorated with a broad belt of. -conventi nal o ~~ Ne = radiating from the centre. ty and manganese. Reproduced in Loan exhibition of the J. Pierpont Morgan (1914), p. 55, pl. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 94). as Wi, z Wi 31 32 TUSCANY (?), ABOUT 1500 Albarello. Height ae diameter on aa ed oininea body, mca! narrower in ‘the BERL US, with ae short Deey neck and foot. — ; e ZV... VIOLATO . and touches of pale green. — From the Canessa collection (nv 1146), ee A very similar albarello, of the same size and with the same was last in the Giovene de Girasole sale (Florence, 25 February We ples 000): 32 33 TUSCANY (?), ABOUT 1500 Jar without handles. Height 0"249; diameter 0"220. Spherical body, slightly flattened at top and bottom, open at top, without rim, resting below on a conical expanding foot with a raised belt around the narrowest point. This jar had possibly, at one time, a lid. Bluish-white glaze, thin and uncrackled; inside, a dull white glaze. , The whole body (including the foot) is covered with an elegant scroll-pattern in blue, defining a number of rounded compartments, each showing a very conventional leaf or flower, not unlike those met with on — brocades. In the centre of the body, in a large circular wreath, is the double coat of arms of the Soderini and Nobili families of Florence. No intermarriage between these families seems to be recorded in the latter half of the fifteenth century, but the available genealogies are far from complete. The decoration is carried out in blue, with details in ochre, copper- red, green and pale yellow. The arms read: Gules, three stag’s attires or (for argent). — Soderini. — Azure, a bend of the same tincture semy of fleurs-de-lis or — ranged in bend, the bend fimbriated argent. — Nobili. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 25). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. 34 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 02.22; diameter o™118. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, slightly tapering towards the foot and more towards the neck. Bluish-white crackled places inside, a ribbed surface with a light brown glaze (not lustre). On the body, in a large circular medallion, surrounded by a wreath of conventional oak-leaves with acorns, showing at top and bottom a schematic rosette or six-petal flower, on a white background, is figured in profile the bust of a youth | to the left, with long flowing fair hair and a small round cap. Around the foot ag two belts of very simple ornaments (vertical dashes and herring-bone pattern). The decoration is, carried out in blue, the shading washed, with details added in green and light ochre. Under the base, the weight marks: Eegae oe From the collection of Stefano Bardini, Florence (Sale at London, 5 June 1899, p. 9, T- <47iesce album, pless 0.9104), Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 22). Reproduced in the Bardini album and, in colours, in the Bardac catalogue. Companion vase to the following. ' ® 4, : oan € ‘ i Niygaes “ Bes CSCO Eg s "Na nema onen (OSE tine seme. oP 34 hele ginny - . P 35 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0220; diameter 0”127. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, slightly tapering towards the foot and more towards the neck. Bluish white crackled glaze; inside, a ribbed surface with a light brown glaze. On the body, in a large circular medallion, surrounded by a wreath of conventional laurel-leaves (?) with berries, showing at the top and bottom a schematic rosette or six-petal flower, is figured, on a white background, as on the companion vase described above, the bust in profile to the left, of a youth with long flowing dark hair and a large round yellow cap. Around the foot, the same ornaments, two belts of vertical dashes and herring- bone lines. The decoration is carried out in blue, with washed shadings, the details added in green and light ochre. Under the base, the weight marks: DQ WL i From the collection of Stefano Bardini, Florence (Sale at London, § June 1899, p. 9, n.37; see album, pl. 5,:n. 106). Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 23). Reproduced in the Bardini album and, in colours, in the Bardac catalogue. Compare n. 87 of the 1899 Bardini sale, a vase with a female profile, closely similar to the pair in the Schiff collection; also nn. 60-61 of the Pringsheim collection (ascribed to Maestro Benedetto, of Siena). 35 a ’ - + 4 > . “ . . . - _ b 4 . 36 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0294; diameter 07134. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the eee with a tapering foot and a short cylindrical neck. White uncrackled glaze; inside, a dull white glaze. On the body is figured, in an irregular medallion, the bust of © a youth in profile to the right, with long flowing fair hair, a blue and green peaked cap and a green and yellow tunic. } The remainder of the surface is covered with scrolls of large conventional foliage. Around the foot is painted in Gothic lettering ; ytm cordiale Under the foot is incised the capacity of the vase: + 636 The decoration is carried out in blue, with touches of ochre, manga- nese and bluish-green. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 16). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. 36 37 TUSCANY, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. ate o"360; diameter ont, Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with a tat foot and a short cylindrical neck. White crackled glaze, inside and eae this glaze appears | i the upper rim. On the body is figured, in an irregular medallion, hele profile to the left of a young lady with fair hair, a small diapered c ca the back of her head and a low cut green dress with yellow. sl The rest of the surface is covered with two bands, one above the lower portion ot the Bee The decoration is carried out in blue, light ochre, green manganese. a From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 17). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. i f med! Ses) 1 A lh jie ae eal jas ig a 37 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Sr. Albarello. Cylindrical bass slightly narrower in ae middle, with short | tapering foot and cylindrical neck. White glaze with | Targe eauléles: ideidet ‘is a very thin grey pink glaze. ; . On the body are the affronted profile busts of a fair-haired with a white bonnet (left) and a clean-shaven fair-haired man wit. purple cap (right). Between them, a large flower on its stem. the other side, a panel of irregular shape decorated with cave tendrils outlined in blue and with six small yellow buds or convention flowers. . ; q Bho The colours used are blue, ochre and he Soe vases of which the exact date and origin: remain to be established. ‘Ser good judges have ascribed them to a Neapolitan or Sicilian factory | fifteenth century, while. others believe pingae ‘Roman or Tuscan ares others again consider them as of a later date. eee € * fe f ae ae a ~* -“ te as ie “ 4 eZ From the collection of Miss Walters Cacciola, at Taormina, Sici 1 Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 130). 38 38 38 Se ee rr F on . 7 ; Sr eT ; 4-7 . « 1 - 1 ‘ ra . 4 - c : 2 _ re » . . + ‘ br ? > : ‘ = *7 ~~. a ° » Adee ’ - ae. see Bie | SOA Py: pi)! “+ ae | TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albareligns tapering foot and neck. White glaze of poor ane with many air-bubbles; a inne s surface is ribbed and covered with a white glaze. | o, On the body, in a medallion of eae shape, is figured the | bee convent, were purchases in 1903. by the sea ee on two of them, we " the arms of Alfonso II of Aragon-Naples and Hippolita Maria Sforz: (between 1465 and 1484). They are reproduced by J. J. Marquet de Vasselot Three Italian albarelli, i in Bienen Masami II (1903), Pp- 338-349500e From the collection of Miss Walters Cacciola, at Taormina, Sicil » bd Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 131). | 39 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. ‘ 2 a eo o"310; diameter o” 130 Cylindrical body, ia narrower in re middle, with a s| : tapering foot and neck. F . Dull white oe ane inner ae is ribbed, with a 2 crackled glaze. ah : conventional foliage Bl the eerie iicretign -ABE:U-MEREREAES The colours ae are blue, manganese, Biec and a dirty | The design seems to be by the same hand as that of nn. and 42. “ From the collection of Miss Walters Cacciola, at Taor Sicily. Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 132). 40 f rs ‘ a ¢ 3 iY ; 5) ° = js ” “ 2 ‘ 5 : is a . 2 } - oa ° . . ¥ 4 41 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. sagen 0™320; diameter om Cylindrical body, sien narrower in the middle, with a tape foot and a short cylindrical neck. Outside, a bluish-white crackiette glaze; inside and around th : upper rim, a Canary- -yellow glaze. On the body is figured a male bust in ian oble to the Be : a short pointed beard, curly hair and a purple and green felt hat. On the back, a large scroll of conventional foliage. oe | The design is carried out in blue, with touches of green, nese and light ochre. | By the same artist as nn. 39, 40 and Aer From the collection of Dr. B... (Sale at Paris, 23 April 1999 F n. 46 and pl.) = Later in the Arthur Sambon collection (Sale at Paris, 25 May p. 70, n. 242 and pl.) . 41 ‘A wf P| ae S 6«hCn re) » ‘ . 42 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. Height 0™330; diameter ae 3 a pale greenish-white crackled eas On the body is figured a | clean-shaven male bust in se to on the left, a scroll with the inscription: ae he «Bie NBEA* BEACs Biase On the back, a large scroll of conventional foliage. The design is carried out in blue, with touches of green manganese. . By the same artist as nn. 39, 40 and 41. From the collection of Dr. B... (Sale at Paris, 23 April 1909 p. n. 47 and pl.) Later in the Arthur Sambon collection (Sale at Paris, 25 May 1 p. 69, n. 240 and pl.) oa 43 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. Height 0o™288; diameter 0™128. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, tapering toward the foot, with a short cylindrical neck. White crackled glaze, more creamy inside and on the upper rim. — 1 On the body is figured, on an ochre background, a clean-shaven male bust in profile to the right, with fair hair, a white cap, and a green tunic with purple sleeves. On the reverse, two large blue flowers with yellow centres. Also the inscription: LOFINIO. mete The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre, yellow and manganese. | | From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 106). A companion vase to the following and obviously from the same workshop. oc (th ALOT , ~—eon tend é : Sass a ‘ e ey 43 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. Height o™290; diameter om 30. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the cavalo tapering own the foot, with a short cylindrical neck. “ White crackled glaze, more creamy inside and on the upper eo sleeves. On the a large conventional foliage. | sig dy Also the inscription: LISA* BELLA: The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre, yellow anc manganese. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 107). This vase, identical in style and technique with the preceding v certainly from the same workshop. 44 , « - * é A : ‘ . r ” - * > : ’ * 7 * ; ] i. re 45 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. pe pas 5; diameter dull greyish-pink glaze. On the body is figured in. profile to cit the bust of : ) shaven man, with a green cap and long flowing fair hair. - On the back is the usual” conventional foliage. pe The decoration is carried out in ‘blue, with touches of green, manganese and a particular greenish yellow. From the collection of Miss Walters Cacciola, at Taori Sicily. Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 140). 45 46 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. cylindrical neck and a. ‘short tapering foot. Dirty greyish-blue crackled glaze; smooth inner surface, with thin dull greyish-pink. glaze. , On the body is figured. in prohle to left the bare-headed bust : clean-shaven young man with long fair hair falling i in straight locks. : On the back is the usual perention:l foliage. The deceratan is carried out in blue, with touches of green, dull mangancbe. and a little greenish yellow. This vase is: by. the : same potter as n. 45 and decorates oy same hand; the size and shape, glaze and firing are the same a draughtmanship is clearly identical. From the maleine of Miss Walrere Gatien at Taormina, Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 141). Siena), about os : 46 2 7 47 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. Height 0279; diameter i 268 Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with 8 slightly tapering neck and foot. n B Thick white Gaekicd glaze; inside, a thin light yellow ae which traces occur on the mouth of the vase. a clean-shaven man, with fair hair (touched with green); hi pre tunic is adorned with a blue front and a purple collar. On the back, the usual large conventional scroll foliage inscription : by any other pieces in the collection. 3 pf From the collection of Miss Walters Cacciola, at Taos Sicily. Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 142). | 47 48 TUSCANY, FIFTEENTH CENTURY (?) Albarello. aS. aes 0280; diameter | Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with s slightly tapering neck and foot. Whitish-green crackled glaze; aide: a Beas glaze traces occur on the mouth of the vase. On the body is “figured in profile to the left the bust of shaven youth, with a blue and purple cap, long flowing dar a green and blue tunic, the collar being purple and ochre. — On the back, the usual large” scroll of conventional f the inscription: on" MARIO: ae “ — bello”. with green and manganese. By the same potter and a as n. 47. From the collection of Miss Walters Cacciola, at ae Sicily. Subsequently in the Canessa collection (n. 143). LALAQ yy 9% AG 48 49 TUSCANY (?), ABOUT 1500 Plate. | Diameter “A Circular plate, the rim slightly flattened. . Bluish- white glaze; on the back, a plain creamy-white glaze. i the centre, Adam and Eve, after being driven out of Ede are seated on rocks in the open, Eve spinning, with a baby” ize) knee, Adam resting, with his hoe before him, and their other seated on the ground to the left. In the background, trees and of Fit Medici at top and ae Lanzone of Florence on ss; and left. eee ; %, E a p = Qu. —e =) feb) — a =} GH W BS hy e) Ou oO me 5 — Gm N W Fame O) — 3 ie) =) cr < — bf .- — a he oO a = nN N - 7 saa the points of a label gules three fleurs-de-lis or. — Lanzone. From the collections of Edmond Bonnaffé (Sale at Paris, 3 I 1897, p. 14. n. 40) and Sigismond Bardac (n. 24). 3 Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. 49 50 TUSCANY (?), ABOUT 1500 Spherical jar. Spherical body with a broad neck and a flat foot defined by slightly projecting rim. ie > ae White crackled glaze; the inner surface is Heese wit creamy-white crackled glaze. als conventional foliage. we Te a The only colour used is blue. From the Canessa collection (n. 125); formerly belon; Hakky-Bey. es 50 51 TUSCANY (?), ABOUT 1500 Spherical jar. workshop. | Glaze and decoration are ‘deve the only acne being the omission of the elongated leaves between the around the centre of the body. From the Canessa collection (n. 126); formerly “belo nged to Hakky-Bey. me U 51 52 TUSCANY, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Jar without handles. Height 0”258; diameter om20 Pear-shaped body, tapering towards the foot, with a high broad cylindrical neck. = White glaze; inside, a “dull ochre glaze. a conventional design. ‘- % Pe: - Two circular medallions show, the first, spa with his bow in _ his outstretched left hand and his hr Below each medallion, the words COSERVA °: BoRAGINATA on a broad white belt and the cipher The decoration is carried out in blue, with details 1 ochre and yellow. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 27). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. a eed 52 Tae: sncabiShenieaeIM = Fi cimgeees “zz FEE ee — c a” hy ED AVG yop ~ ao wa _* . MASE os ne Se he ee a A: BORAGN: sasatnigueaamentcl 52 53 SIENA (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Circular plate with a foot and a broad flat rim. Inside glaze, white and crackled; outside, no Ree but colour of the light greyish-brown earth. | In the centre, in a medallion of irregular shape, a if ul male bust in profile to the right, with a green and blue tun flowing a and a green and goo peaked cap. separated by perpendicular tendrils. The. Hecocaton is carried out in blac) with Pach of and green. by the Louvre. This piece has also been ascribed to Faenza. From the Canessa collection (n. 135). 53 = oe 0 54 SIENA (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter o" Circular plate with a broad flat rim. | The inside glaze is white; the outer surface is sere a plain dull yellow glaze. ; In the centre, on a white background studded with iorouge dots, is a clean-shaven male bust in profile to the left, with fair he roughly sketched helmet and a dark mottled jerkin. ao On the rim, part of which is repaired, an inner border squares and an outer geometrical pleated pattern, blue and white ochre background. | ae ae Amey a Decoration in blue, ochre, manganese and green. ) From the collection of Emile Molinier (Sale at Paris, — 1906, p. 21, n. 27 and pl.). Later in the Canessa collection (n. 137). pe 54 55 SIENA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Three-handled jar. Height 0™220; greatest diameter o™200. Spherical body, slightly flattened at top and bottom, with a broad short neck (from which start the three curved flattened handles) and a short stem, expanding into a conical foot. White glaze, faintly crackled; inside, a thin dull ochre glaze. On the body are three circular wreaths, each enclosing a bust in profile to the left. 1. Bust of a youth, with fair hair, a purple and green cap and a white tunic. 2. An antique clean-shaven male bust with dark hair; in the background are the letters M A. 3. A fair-haired female bust, in a white cap and a green bodice with a yellow front; in the background, the inscription: BARNA* BEA*B (Barnabea bella) On the handles are painted, on an ochre background, white flowers touched with blue and green. The decoration is carried out in blue, light green, light ochre and manganese. From the collection of Charles Mannheim, Paris (Catalogue, by EU Molinier. 008.0092 Osea a). | Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 30). Reproduced by Bernard Rackham, Bur/ington Magazine, XXVII (1915), PP 50-5150 pl LIE ON: 55 PIT eee pwr wns & —_ : y 6 ee HN. ‘ ay 1. " 55 55 a In the centre, in a circular medallion, surrounded by an ( . is polygon, is figured the bust of a youth in profile to the left, wi * SIENA (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY (x Plate. . and ochre. P ; a: | From the Leroux collection (Sale at Paris, 13 April a n. 4, and pl.). : = Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 20). 56 Circular plate with a broad flat rim. White glaze, very slightly crackled, the same inside and c cap and tunic, and long flowing fair hair. Before him the ins BIN ©) -BeyBino bellow: oe The broad rim is covered with a minute pattern of im scales, decreasing in size from the edge towards the centre. — On the reverse, the same blue and ochre petals as ri which this piece has much in common. The centre of been left blank. pty , : : ee The decoration is carried out in blue, with touches Reproduced in the Leroux catalogue and in colours in tl catalogue. ki CN SON, WOE a SaWaay iy ¥ ‘Sy a eit ties’ »)) ied. Wess \"\\. #5 : 56 57 SIENA (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter o™250. Circular plate with a broad flat rim. In the centre, is figured in a circle, surrounded by an eleven- sided polygon, the bust in profile to the left, of a youth with a purple cap, long flowing fair hair and a green tunic. The remainder of the surface is covered with concentric zones of blue geometric ornaments (two being of the herring-bone pattern) with a broad ochre belt, showing semi-circular ornaments. On the reverse, conventional leaves, outlined in blue and ochre, similar to those recently ascribed to the Siena workshops. The body of the decoration is carried out in blue, with portions in ochre and touches of manganese and green. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 19). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. - 4 ; artes 3 Prareernersee, >» \ ; 5 Oe eit ese LAS we aed z a . ‘ <- SAY SAS RB beers ig 57 Dieta 58 SIENA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Very shallow circular plate, nearly flat, with a slightly co centre, a broad rim and a low foot. we, White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a female bust in profile to the right, in fair hair, ochre and yellow dress. bands covering the whole of the remaining surface. pOn* the reverse, in, the Centrensa large flowery letter the edge, the usual blue and ochre sketchy Heiss, each 0 leaves covered with parallel lines. Compare the reverse of a plate in the Pringsheim O. von Falke’s catalogue, fig. 10. Meee), & From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 79). 58 58 59 SIENA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter 07229. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a broad flat rim. White uncrackled glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a bust of the emperor Nero, in profile to the left, crowned with laurels. The chute and rim are covered with narrow concentric ornamental bands, including a belt of ochre scales and two rows of oves. Part of the chute is left blank. On the reverse of the plate, a plain centre is surrounded by sketchy blue and ochre foliage, each leaf decorated with parallel lines. The same design occurs on the reverse of the following plate, which is obviously from the same factory. The decoration is carried out in blue, with portions in ochre, green, yellow and black. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 77). A very similar plate, again from the same workshop, occurred in the Leroux sale (Paris, 13 April 1896, p. 6, n. ro and pl.); the main differences were that the antique bust was in profile to the right and that the imbricated belt was broader and covered nearly all the rim. a) a EES 2 a _ & ve e LAL yy wtt Bs @s . és S | ype! 2 é « . = } > 7 : * - - 59 2 > 60 SIENA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a broad flat rim. White crackled glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, Saint Francis kneeling to left before a large with a rosary in his hand. On the right, a small building. a The central medallion is surrounded by a number of co ornamental bands, ee two rows of oves. nee with a few touches of black (or very dark blue), From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 75). Compare the preceding plate. Gi :~ ~ de 4) . . . = a = = ~* J 2Y, SAA ®aay = > ~ (AZ o* a2 Wise pT ELS Lede ESTE SIUM Ato 2 Gree aia 60 61 SIENA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter 0™222. Circular plate with a small deep sunken centre and a very broad flat rim. White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, an eight-lobed rosette surrounded by concentric orna- mental bands, including a broad belt of conventional leaves, and, on the rim, a dark dull-ochre belt of triangular ornaments. NY The centre of the reverse shows the mark: C (e) fe It is surrounded by the conventional blue and ochre foliage, decorated with parallel lines. The decoration is carried out in blue with green and ochre touches. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 96). The same mark occurs on two plates in the Pringsheim collection (nn. 69 and 82), the latter from the Somzee collection. It is also found on a piece formerly in the Delsette collection (n. 85). 61 61 " 62 SIENA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a flat rim. White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a five-lobed flower surrounded by ce bands, including large peace « ” De the usual parallel lines. a7 In the centre, the mark: For the central ornament, compare a_ flat plate, es peacock-feather border, bought in 1896 by the Louvre. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. go). Reproduced by B. Rackham, Burlington Magazine, XXVIT PPoez S-20,pll Gs, onan? eee : aes an? * soe 62 te. fIsEEeT > : 62 * . a . a a ' x . ‘- * - \ . < . 2 " + - “ . = © ‘ ks 5% ke i ‘ a * - - ” - * * + = - i) be a ae, ay 5, ee : 63 SIENA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Circular plate with a flat rim. White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a four-lobed flower in a square yello surrounded by concentric zones of ornaments; around the edg of oves. | ’ On the reverse, nine conventional leaves in blue and the se parallel lines. t] ' In the centre, the mark: The decoration is carried out in blue, ochre inate re ee metallic lustre in the glaze. | eS From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 81). Albert Museum (Salting collection, n. 1847), reproduced by | Burlington Magazine, XXVII (1915), pp. 29 B and 32 J;_ Deruta plate, formerly in the Joseph Fau collection (Delange italiennes, pl. XV). ee Sere: eer 2 reg = A BPDBEAD EC gs, = Magee» ~ eg =~ : 63 63 a a Pa ee it lh Vine bm ab 64 SIENA, ABOUT 1500 Plate. 4 - Diameter o720 ey, gat E White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, surrounded by a white belt with — ‘bianco sopra bianco”, a green circular medallion with | tl enclosing a round-topped shield with the Loredano arms” Po fesse or and azure six roses oie ely oy and seven large Boe) petals, outlined in blue with ochre dotted ee ; ie From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 21). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. 64 a P 64 ry 65 “wv SIENA (?), 1503 Plate. | ‘ ah i Circular plate with a sunken centre, a gadrooned chute flat rim. White glaze inside and outside. . In the centre, the arms of Pope - Pius III Piccolomi argent on a cross azure five crescents or. The style o shows that it cannot have been made for Pope Pius 31 d (1458-1464). - The chute and rim are decorated with concentric bai ments, including a broad belt of blue imbrications spotted w The reverse is decorated in the centre with a ma: 7 of an eight-pointed asterisk, surrounded by a broad 2 radiating sectors covered with blue strokes parallel to the an outer border of lanceolated leaves in _ blue and ochre, green. ee The decoration is carried out in ‘oie ochre, gree copper-red. } fay From the collection of Eugene Piot (Sale at Paris, 2 a P- 31, n. 135, purchased by Henri de La Broise). Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. ane 7 66 SIENA, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY . Plate. Diameter 0™235. Circular plate. Brilliant white glaze, inside and outside, crackled on the reverse. In the centre, surrounded by a twisted fillet, the Lion of Saint Mark to the left. | The rim is decorated with four circular panels containing .conven- tional pine-cones; between them, two cornucopiae and two pairs of acanthus-leaves. The centre of the reverse is plain; the rim bears the usual large blue foliage, with blue and ochre parallel curved lines. . The decoration is carried out in blue, on an ochre background, with white reserves, and touches of yellow and light green. From the collection of Charles Mannheim, Paris, (Catalogue by He Molinier, 1898, p10. n.230,andopiy Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 118). Reproduced in the Mannheim catalogue. Doubtless made for a Venetian corporate body. A Gubbio plate with the Lion of Saint Mark occurred in the Gaillard sale (1904, n. 456). The Louvre owns a Deruta plate from the Campana collection, with the same lion. 66 * r 4 r ‘ = a ‘ & i “se bt 5. . *, ~ * . . ~ ig ' “ he . - , « + = _* 7 ‘ , = . . @ , ) > 2 * ’ * S ic - ? ’ f - “2 . : - A y * : ‘ » < ) , } . . " . . ‘ 2 ve : : ~ * ; + 2 ‘ . 1 7 * 67 SIENA OR DERUTA, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter o™280. Circular plate with a hollow centre and a flat rim; no foot. Creamy white glaze. In the centre, in a small circular medallion, surrounded by a raised belt, a classical bust of a clean-shaven man to left, evidently copied from a Greek coin. The swell of the plate is divided by eight radiating lines, paired off into the pattern of a Maltese cross, two branches showing Cherubs’ heads and two bearing a conventional fish-scale pattern. The rim is decorated with a narrow wreath of very conventional oak-leaves. On the back is a spiral pattern of eleven roughly outlined leaves and buds. The decoration is carried out in blue, with details in ochre, green and yellow. The scrolls on the back are designed in blue and ochre with green touches. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 26). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. A very similar piece in the Pringsheim collection (n. 74), obviously from the same workshop, is ascribed by Falke to Siena, about 1505. Compare also pl. 49, n. 59 of the Beckerath sale, and a Deruta plate in the Louvre (Campana collection) with a female head to the right. 67 As y < gl en TKS aw OO ~ PR IIS. aes et fam Ay 67 a, ae ae 68 DERUTA, END OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Large circular plate, with a low foot, a sunken centre and a br flat rim sloping upwards. sae “Inside, a white glaze, slightly crackled; outside, a dull e brown lustre. oe). In the centre, in a landscape, with two high mountains, which is crowned by a castle, among large conventional flowers. hound pounces on a doe and seizes it, with its fangs, by the 1 n neck, | The rim is divided into four panels by sets of two pairs o bands separated by a row of oval ornaments on a white backgr four panels are filled, alternately, with imbricated patterns | an scrolls. ay toby 7 The decoration is carried out in ochre and pss with copper-red and a beautiful metallic lustre. On the reverse, the unidentified wax seal of an ol : (beneath a helmet, an escutcheon with three bends). co eas EEF | BWAVAAASBease’ ne. Fa y Ve em * am : af 2, ivy tks Mak, iN 7 (a) +i a a ~ +m =. ef tere + Pe" ~ goon, : ‘A a a cl ¢€ P | yA —— - e ¢ i = * ~2 . . a os \N “{ ‘ ia Ve (a. — * « Ss » € ° t tte v ’ brite Re A —— ie ve ii = 14 a? ms jecage P< > e or iy | Z a4 nt a” ee Mi a Re eh ee i oes Og Rh =, ee ee 69 LOMBARDY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Drinking cup. Shallow circular cup with a narrow projecting rim. Creamy ae glaze, minutely crackled. eck in a hexagonal medallion surrounded by conve it foliage, a female bust in profile: to the left, between two rosette s a Outside, parallel vertical lines. The design is incised and filled with ochre. es decorat | completed with touches of ochre and green reserves. ‘ too little attention has been given to them up to now by the: of Italian majolica. 69 m 69 70 LOMBARDY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Drinking cup. Height o™060; diameter o™127. Shallow circular cup with a narrow projecting rim. Creamy-white glaze, minutely crackled. Inside, in a pentagonal medallion surrounded by conventional foliage, a female bust in profile’ to the left, between two rosettes. Outside, parallel vertical lines. The design is incised and filled with ochre. The decoration is completed with touches of ochre and green reserves. From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 2). 70 EME eM Re wees LOMBARDY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Drinking cup. Shallow circular cup with a narrow projecting rim. p eegone glaze, ey crackled. a female ae in profile to rhe eR between two rosettes. Outside, parallel vertical lines. The design is incised and filled with ochre. The decora fe) completed with touches of ochre and green reserves. — ah, of RA kee tit “in ee als as From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 3). fe yee es Hr ereae, PP oe eeoens, teh erens 71 pen it AG aaa af a 3 LOMBARDY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Drinking cup. Shallow circular cup with a narrow _ projecting rim. Creamy-white glaze, minutely crackled. a youthful male bust, in > aan to the left, between two rosettes; has long fair hair and an ochre cap. f Outside, parallel vertical lines. The design is incised and filled ash aches completed with touches of ochre and green reserves. a , steers Cee ks war ee 4 ec ae — aa ve ge : Peer rey i ne ry Ture ees Ly, From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 4). 72 Height o™o60; diameter The decoratio are G2 7 fod ri -_ y a ore 73 LOMBARDY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Drinking cup. Height ores 53; diameter o™118. 7 Shallow Breit cup without a projecting rim. eo Re glaze, a crackled. a youthful katt bust, in profile to the left, between two. rosettes; wears a purple cap. st p ee ’ The design is incised Pati filled with ochre. The decoratic completed with green reserves, touches of ochre and manganese. Bs 73 74 LOMBARDY (?), FIFTEENTH CENTURY Drinking cup. - Height o™o50; diameter Shallow circular cup without a projecting rim. Creamy-white | glaze, minutely crackled. Inside, in a pentagonal medallion surrounded by conventional foli is figured a dog, seated to left. Above it, a rosette. # Outside, parallel vertical. lines. ae. ee The design is incised and filled min ochre. The accorsticm completed with green reserves, touches of ochre» ae Here a: ae d From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 6). a “ie F 2 as oe en ~ 74 | zoe er, oi..6 ae ' 75 LOMBARDY (?), ABOUT 1500 Tazza. Height 07067; diameter 02265. “Shallow conical bow! on a low foot. Inside, a yellowish glaze; outside, a plain brown lustre. Inside, in a hexagonal medallion surrounded by conventional a Clean-shaven male bust in profile to the left, with curly hai high green cap adorned with a plume. Right and left, a large leaf. = Ber 1 ‘To Round the rim, a rough attempt at a laurel-wreath. The design is incised and filled with ochre. completed with green reserves. ~ Compare the following pieces and a. slightly mutilatec bought in 1902 by the Louvre. , ; cesco Gonzaga, Lord of Sabioneta, a younger son of the great L Gonzaga; it closely resembles his portrait by Bonsignori in the mu: at Bergamo. ae 75 3 oa 4 > - E a. * «* « oe , ue ° ’ , , - : * : . Le . 76 LOMBARDY (?), ABOUT 1500 Tazza Shallow conical bowl on a low foot. Inside, a pale yellow glaze; outside, a plain brown lustre. : as Inside, in a heptagonal medallion surrounded by conventional f liage, a youthful male bust, in profile to the left, between two rosettes; he has long fair hair, with a purple and yellow cap. | Round the rim, an interlaced wreath. The design is incised and filled with ochre; the decor completed with green reserves and touches of manganese. a From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 8). The portrait on this cup is probably also intended to a youthful member of the Gonzaga Family. 76 77 LOMBARDY (?), ABOUT 1500 Tazza. outline is sketchy to the rire : Right and left, conventional foliage; around the rim, ‘at plaited wreath. Porrpleredi: in fakes with green reserves. — tas From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 1 Lea 77 WN Tre ts ‘conventional olieee is figured a youthful ie bust, in = wearing a high cap. completed in ochre, with green and ochre reserves. -'Tazza. 78 LOMBARDY (?), ABOUT 1500 me. a | Height o™055; diameter 0 Shallow bowl with a flat een a low foot. Around the rim, a plaited ornamental belt. | o The design is incised and filled with ochres the From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 12). Probably intended for a portrait of Gianfrancesco Gonzaga. a ‘ ae ree mN ne = = we =~ ee = AY ij ae = < 3 » Ae F , atl > Re, eee A a x VW ’ “ay ‘4 i 78 79 VENETIA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Bowl. Height 0,057; diameter o™207. Small bowl, with a deep hemispherical sunken centre, and a broad flat rim defined by two raised ribs, leaving on one side an aperture for a spout. Inside, a thick yellow glaze; outside, a plain yellow lustre. In the centre, surrounded by two concentric belts of conventional foliage, an escutcheon (lozengy ... and... on a chief... three mullets ...). Round the rim, a row of small four-lobed flowers. The decoration is carried out in red-brown ochre thickly applied to all sunken portions, giving the effect of a champleyé design. From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 9). The arms closely resembles those of the Zerli family, of Verona; which bore, according to Rietstap: “coupé, au 1 d’azur A une étoile dargent, au 2 lozangé d’argent et d’azur”. Je A s 1, ; tf. os - y : ay wy 2 3 , Z . - ve es 7 , P ; > be | . - , | > py = we : : ~ ee mat oe a al ; é SS Me os so, = . Y *% > 5; > 4 % ah ( By ).e 1 j Pee. ~ 79 > "4 j : r a ae fee eo ee © tng OAS ‘ * Sane St, 4 Aa? a rio , 80 Plate. hailed and a green bodice wat purple pie: with the illegible inscription: B(?)OBO A IC (?). Round the rim, a Buena decoration. pee | 80 roan : : Ai wha alah aot eed, oF ie > eo wr ’ q ie asi. 81 NORTHERN ITALY (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter o™ 2.70. Large circular plate with a sunken centre and a flat rim. Inside, a creamy-white glaze, nearly the whole of the surface covered with colour; outside, a plain brown lustre. In the centre, a large bird to left, apparently a stork, in an enclosure consisting of hurdles or wicker-work, behind which are visible two trees, Round the rim, a broad band of large foliage. The decoration is carried out in incised lines, filled in with ochre, the surface coloured with green and occasional touches of manganese. Portions of the surface are cut away and decorated with hatchings. The pattern on the rim occurs also on a beautiful plate bought in 1897 by the Louvre (E. Molinier, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, XVIII, 1897, p. 155) and on a plate in the British Museum, with the Visconti and Este arms (H. Wallis, Figure design, p. 17). From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 14). 81 82 NORTHERN ITALY (?), EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Large circular plate with a sunken centre and a broad flat Inside, a creamy Shite ae outside, a one white lustre. From the Campe collection at Hamburg (n. 13). Rs Vina A q , \i ? , a f Wp ee Wers : é Cfo? & Sas 82 83 FAENZA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter 07357. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a flat rim. White glaze; the centre of the reverse remains unglazed; the outer portion is of a dull creamy white. In the centre of the bottom is figured a stag seated to the left. The chute is decorated with conventional scrolls and tendrils; the rim shows thirteen broad pointed three-coloured lobes (manganese, green and ochre) separated by small fleurs-de-lis. Decoration in blue, ochre, green and manganese. From the Rusca collection, Florence (Sale at Florence, 10 April 1883, p. 16, n. 60 and pl.). Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 8). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue; photograph in the Rusca_ catalogue. GO) ee Di, Dray J ie oF Zt i, ; | Loy \\" 83 84 FAENZA, LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0”311; diameter o™145. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with tapering neck and foot. White uncrackled glaze; the inside glaze is also white. Around the body, in medallions of irregular shape, are figured three blue peacocks to the right; the remainder of the background is filled in with large conventional leaves and peacock-feathers. Around the neck and foot, an ornamental belt with a simple herring-bone pattern. The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre and manganese. Bears the seal of an old collection: A(?)T and a label with the number 415. From the collection of Michel Boy, Versailles (not found in his 1905 sales). Later in the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 11). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. The shape of the vase and the design of the foliage are not unlike those of the albarello in the Victoria and Albert Museum, reproduced by Wallis, The a/barello, pp. 43-44, fig. 42-43. 84 85 FAENZA,. LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height o”301; diameter o™14o. Cylindrical body, slightly narrower in the middle, with tapering neck and foot. White uncrackled glaze; the inside glaze is also white. On the body is figured in blue a dog, possibly a greyhound, springing to the right. Above, on a scroll, is the following inscription in Gothic lettering: LAGAMESTARE* ENOMETOCARE The third letter has been traced with some hesitation and was probably not meant for a G but- rather for CZ. In any event, the writer wanted to say: Lascia me stare e no me tocare. ‘‘Leave me alone > and do not touch me”. The remainder of the background is covered -with large conven- tional foliage. Around the neck there is a belt of V-shaped strokes, and around the foot a herring-bone pattern. The decoration is carried out in blue, with touches of ochre, green and manganese. From the Sigismond Bardac collection (n. 12). Reproduced in colours in the Bardac catalogue. 85 86 FAENZA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Cylindrical jar. Height o™1g0; diameter o™1 52. Cylindrical body defined by two raised torsaded ochre belts, a slightly tapering foot and a plain upper rim, probably made to receive a lid. White glaze, inside and out, with no crackles. On the body separated by a conventional floral decoration of scrolls, buds and tendrils, are three circular medallions: 1. The bust of a youth in armour, to right, holding a battle-axe. 2. The bust of a girl to right, in a low-cut dress. 3. A unicorn seated to right, in a dodecagonal border. Round the foot, a belt of floral ornaments with large circular flower and small tendrils. The decoration is carried out in blue, ochre, yellow and pale-bluish green. Compare the closely similar vase with armorial bearings, given to the Louvre by the late Mr. Georges Berger, and the plainer vase in the Giovene de Girasole sale (Florence, 1925, pl. 30, n. 115). From the collection of Emile Gaillard (Sale at Paris, 8 June 1904, p. 89, n. 421 and pl). Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 29). Reproduced in the Gaillard catalogue. Ascribed by Molinier to the Casa Bettini, Faenza, about 1480. a. Ry & Sey ) “6 & 86 Os sis YS yy ; aren mc& oy g ~ SAN AS We “SEES Ts ‘ \ / ‘ 4 x a - q Be WON 2 ie y SS : + ite a 4 86 ET whan “ a i x We HAY Ds — an » i 86 87 FAENZA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Tazza. Height o™240; diameter 0™324. Large deep circular tazza on a high conical expanding foot. White glaze, the same inside and out. In the centre of the bowl in a small circular medallion, a coat of arms (argent on a chief sable three bezants). The whole of the surface, both inside and out, is covered with an elaborate pattern of very conventional small peacock-feathers, skilfully combined with spiral lines. The decoration is carried out in blue, ochre, green and red-brown. From the collections of Eugene Piot (Sale at Paris, 25 April 1864, Pp. 31, n. 134) and of Emile Gaillard (Sale at Paris, 8 June 1904, p. go, N42 2); Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 26). Ascribed by Molinier to the Faenza workshops. ‘ ca shies t ~) pe aaa, as by 5 . hay id 4 ij Sikes, Ry i cat Crd ee Shy, <, se * a hk & > aS a = lg, ollie at wii, ‘ allits:.. R A \e inl. < 3) : oe 87 87 88 FAENZA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Tazza. Height '0™239; diameter 07281. Large hemispherical tazza on a conical foot. White crackled glaze, inside and out. Inside is figured the bust of a girl in profile to the left with a scroll behind her, bearing the inscription LVC RETIA *B: (Lucretia bella). The background is filled in with a semis of dots grouped three by three in tiny triangles. This central medallion is surrounded by a broad ornamental band of twigs, not unlike a crown of thorns. Outside is another belt of interlaced straight strapwork and other ornamental belts cover the foot. The decoration is carried out in blue, with ochre reserves and touches of green. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 86). AEA aT gprs ai eteite RATE aan f : ae s ; ; matte ae : an Se Ne a Nt, pile DEE Or tlhe eae TA ) ow Tha Sta pantera ae < STE ee ; i de Oey rt free SPIES, Y s “i \" Yas eo Yl, RS ESTE) : Gu / ae 7) | Res Que _—— 88 88 89 FAENZA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Gadrooned plate. Diameter 0™340. Circular plate with deep gadroons and a raised centre. White glaze inside, decorated in blue, ochre and green. In the centre, a classical clean-shaven male bust to right, sur- rounded by an interlaced wreath not unlike a crown of thorns. On the chute, an ove pattern, worked into a spiral. On the rim, an interlaced border of plain straight diagonal bands. On the back, plain concentric zones of ornaments in blue, green and ochre; the centre is,covered by a creamy-white glaze with indistinct initials scratched on it. | Ascribed to Faenza by Molinier. From the collection of Charles Mannheim, at Paris, ( Catalogue, by E. Molinier, 1898, -p. 20, n. 42 and pl.). Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 27). Reproduced in the Mannheim catalogue. A similar dish seems to have occured in the Eugene Piot sale (Paris, 25 April 1864, n. 145). 89 90 FAENZA (?), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Two-handled jar. Height 0™355; greatest diameter o™290. Pear-shaped body tapering towards the foot, with a cylindrical neck and two high flat cylindrical handles. White crackled glaze; inside, a dull ochre glaze. On one side, a clean-shaven male bust in profile to the left, with a high forehead, fair hair, a purple collar and a blue, ochre and green tunic. The head is surrounded by circular flowers, enclosed in a large laurel- wreath. ay Be On the other side, a similar wreath encloses a border of geometric ornaments, in which is a coat of arms: bendy of six argent and gules, on a chief argent supported by a divise or a rose gules. Apparently intended for the Orsini arms (Gules is represented by purple and or by a lighter hue of purple). Under the foot is incised the inscription: | bex.S.w The decoration is carried out in ochre, blue, green and purple. An early plate with the same arms was in the Michel Boy Sale={1905, an. 57): Reproduced in Loan exhibition of the J. Prerpont Morgan collection (1894), p. 55, pl. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 98). 90 90 91 FAENZA (7), LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Ewer. Height o™309; diameter o™160. Pear-shaped body, tapering gradually towards the neck, with a three-lobed mouth and a flat double handle. White uncrackled glaze, inside and outside. On the body, in a large green ochre wreath, is a coat of arms surmounted by a Cherub; the bearings are azure, a dragon tail nowed or langued gules. The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre and yellow, with touches in dull reddish manganese. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 89). The armorial bearings seem to be those of the Grassi family, of Padua and Verona, described by Rietstap as “ D’azur a un dragon a deux pattes d’or, ailé du méme, rampant, la queue nouee, le dard en bas. ” 91 Bete alm 7 . a ~ ru. oe fa 4 oe le | ae 92 FAENZA (?), EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Two-handled jar. Height o”290; greatest diameter 0o™2 58. Pear-shaped body tapering towards the foot; short cylindrical neck to which are attached the two curved torsaded handles. White crackled glaze; inside, a dull yellow glaze. On the body, a large wreath of oak-leaves and acorns encloses a pointed oval escutcheon on a floral background: per pale argent and azure (for sable) two storks counterchanged. Inside the wreath, on the left, the initial I. The reverse is plain. The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre and yellow. Mr. A. Van de Put kindly informs me that the arms described above belong to the celebrated Sclafani family, of Palermo. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 100). ry) nee ee ae 92 93 FAENZA (?), EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Spherical jar. Height 0™275; greatest diameter 0™205. Spherical body, with two plain raised horizontal ribs round the centre and eight large drooping leaves modelled in high relief and grouped around the neck. White glaze, outside; inside, a whitish-blue glaze. Round the upper portion of the body are large flowers; below are two ornamental zones, the upper showing conventional peacock-feathers, the lower, an imbricated pattern, Other ornaments cover the expanding foot. The decoration is carried out in blue, ochre and green. The Louvre owns a closely similar jar, but with a different painted decoration. From the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 95). 93 ee 5 le ~e ae ron ,, * - 7 wee 94 FAENZA (?), EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0”268; diameter o”130. Cylindrical body, with a tapering foot and a broad expanding neck. White glaze, faintly crackled; inside and on the rim at the top, a creamy-white crackled glaze. On the body is figured in a wreath, on a white background, a flower, apparently a pink. The remainder of the body is covered with large scrolls of conventional foliage. Lower down, the inscription: COLO 4VINTIDA. Round the neck and foot, narrow parallel bands with simple ornaments (herring-bone, dots and rosettes, vertical dashes). The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre, yellow and manganese, with touches of a brownish red. From the collection of Charles Mannheim, Paris (Catalogue by Kee Molinies 1300) 20..220n 6D), Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 14). A companion vase to the following. This vase and n. g5 are apparently those described in the following terms in the catalogue of the Alessandro Castellani sale (Rome, 17 March 1884, p. 175, n. 85): ‘““Fabrique de Faenza. Deux cornets de décor polychrome a larges ramages et offrant dans un meédaillon rond, encadré d'une couronne de lauriers, un ceillet avec feuillages. Dans le bas, une inscription pharma- ceutique. (Vers 1500). — Haut. 25 cent.; diam. 14 cent. ” Other vases from the same set are in the Victoria and Albert Museum (H. Wallis, The a/bare/lo, p. 53) and in the Bromberg collection at Hamburg; one was in the Beckerath sale, n. 72. 94 95 FAENZA (?), EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Albarello. Height 0255; diameter 0130. Cylindrical body, with a tapering foot and a broad expanding neck. White glaze with no crackles; inside, a greenish-white crackled glaze. On the body is figured in a wreath, as on the companion vase, a flower (?.a pink) on a white background. The remainder of the body is covered with large scrolls of conventional foliage. Lower down the inscription: - DIcTIVIO: BIACHO: Round the neck and foot, narrow parallel bands with simple ornaments (chainwork, rosette and interlaced lines, herring-bone), slightly different from those on the companion vase. The decoration is carried out in blue, green, ochre, yellow and manganese, with touches of brownish red. Reproduced by H. Wallis, The albarello, p. 54. From the collection of Charles Mannheim, Paris ( Catalogue, by E. Molinier, 1898, pp. 21-22, n. 49). Later in the J. Pierpont Morgan collection (n. 16). We follow Castellani and Mbolinier in ascribing this and the companion vase to the Faenza workshops. x PAARASOSA™MOG Say TE. wis: 95 “aes - ‘ex nai, 7 LY i ! ae A ee Ss ‘a. an AAs GO ie ee OP ae ae “SA ea BD aT) oO Pat bee s ish >> = ho on 6 sopra bianco ): : 96 FAENZA, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Plate. < A circular nollow plate without a rim. White glaze, inside and outside. number of antique sculptures. meoiind the centre, a belt of pa/mettes in white on w ' The outer belt is divided by radiating lines into four narrow, with blue arabesques on a yellow backgre much broader, with yellow, green and ochre arabesques on i The reverse 1s plain. ie GaN 96 97 FAENZA, 1520 Plate from the Casa _ Pirota. Diameter 0™278. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a curved swell, flattened out towards the rim. White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a circular medallion, showing on a blue background two Cupids playing with a toy-cart. Plain white chute with tiny copper-red flowers. The rim is covered with a broad ochre belt, decorated with elaborate grotesque scrolls in blue, touched with copper-red. Among the scrollwork, four masks bearing the date 1520. The reverse is decorated in blue outline with seventeen pointed leaves filled up with parallel lines. Between the leaves, similar parallel lines, but in ochre. In the centre, the quartered circle of the Casa Pirota, with the small o in one of the quarters: (o\_» ee From the collections of Frédéric Spitzer (Sale at Paris, 14 April 1893, I, p. 175, n. rosr1 and pl. 33) and John Edward Taylor (Sale at London, L July 1012.00.87 uu 2 5 Oeancapls: Reproduced in the Spitzer and Taylor sale catalogues and, in colours, by E. Molinier, La collection Spitzer, t. IV, Po23, 2. 10; pla 97 97 98 FAENZA, ABOUT 1525 Plate from the Casa Pirota. Diameter o™2 50. Circular plate with a slightly sunken centre and a broad flat rim. Dull blue glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, beneath a cherub’s head, an armorial escutcheon with the allied bearings of the Altoviti family of Florence, azure a wolf salient argent langued gules, and of the Soderini family of Florence: gules, three stag’s attires or (for argent) and in chief a papal tiara or charged upon two keys, crossed in saltire, respectively or and argent. The chute is covered with a delicate foliage in white on a dull blue background. On the rim, a broad belt of white masks, dolphins and scrolls on a dark blue background. On the reverse, outlined in blue, four sketchy flowers and four zig-zag lines. In the centre, the quartered circle of the Casa Pirota, with an o in one of the quarters: Mr. A. Van de Put kindly points out that this plate was made for Fiammetta, daughter of Tommaso Soderini and wife of Bindo di Antonio Altoviti. 98 99 FAENZA, 1537 Plate. Diameter o™215. Flat circular plate without a rim, the edge rising slightly. Creamy-grey glaze, the back crackled. The whole of the surface is covered by a painting which represents a young layman kneeling before a Pope, surrounded by his cardinals. From the date (1537) inscribed on the back, the Pope must be Paul III (1534- 1549). On the reverse, in a small square, a tazza, the date 1537 and the inscription C"XA PIROTA (Casa Pirota): The decoration is carried out in blue, green, yellow ochre and manganese. Formerly belonged to Messrs. Canessa. 99 99 100 GUBBIO, 1522 Plate by Maestro Giorgio. Diameter 07203. Circular plate with a small deep sunken centre and a broad flat rim. Dull cream glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a coat of arms: gules (copper-red) on a chief argent a hedgehog (or urchin) azure (not identified, but compare the arms of the Rizzardi family at Verona). Plain chute, coloured gold. The rim forms an upright picture with two Cupids in a landscape; the first, on the left, climbing a tree to escape a snail; the other, playing with a dog. ; | The back is covered with concentric copper-red bands; in the centre, among ochre ornaments, the mark: j yt 1522 M{aestro) G(iorgio) The decoration is carried out in blue, white, green, yellow, copper- red and gold, with a brilliant gold lustre. In the Victoria and Albert Museum (1855, n. 1788) is another plate from the same service, also dated 1522. 100 101 GUBBIO, 1524 Plate by Maestro Giorgio. Diameter o™210. Circular plate with a small deep sunken centre and a broad flat rim. Dull creamy glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, on a blue background, a female bust, three-quarters to the left, wearing a white and gold turban. . Plain chute, coloured gold. The rim shows an elaborated pattern of various trophies on a blue background. On the right, in a carfe/, the date 1524. The back is covered with ochre scrolls. The decoration is carried out in blue, green, yellow, copper-red and gold, with a metallic lustre. Although unsigned, this plate is certainly by Maestro Giorgio. Exposition de la Croix Rouge (Paris, 1913, catal., p. 84, n. 169). 101 102 GUBBIO, 1532 (?) Plate by Maestro Giorgio. Diameter o™200. Circular plate with a deep sunken centre and a broad flat rim. White glaze, inside and outside. The youthful David, undraped, proceeding to the right, carrying a sword and Goliath’s head. The prostrate giant lies behind him on the ground. To the left, a high cliff. On the back, the date (2 (rather 1532 than 1539?) surrounded by rough ochre scrolls. Although unsigned, this plate is certainly by Maestro Giorgio. The decoration is carried out in black, blue, green yellow, ochre and dull red, with a metallic lustre. * ‘ .} 4 : aS ery ten! = Lee eek 029 OR or pete Sa 102 103 GUBBIO, 1539 Plate by Maestro Giorgio. Diameter o™194. Circular plate with a deep sunken centre and a broad flat rim. White glaze, inside and outside. On the right, a nude young man, approaching towards the left and drawing his sword; on the left, before a doorway, a standing female figure guarded by four animals: a dog, a black ram, a white ram and a lion. In the distance, a landscape with buildings. On the back, conventional foliage in copper-red and dull greenish ochre. In the centre, the date: , ee 9 9 Although unsigned, this plate is certainly by Maestro Giorgio. The decoration is carried out in black, blue, green, yellow, ochre and dull red, with a metallic lustre. 103 rapt Pe, ta Se “ a“) pe pee +n 7 ak f ras oa a * ites : ay , : ; - . 7 * . ‘ 7 a . fi Tony a 7 ; E : . ' wh I @ aa) ae , “ i - 7 yf on = ny i. hey % oe i . : . : | ) ae . an a 7 ul 7 : i] ER DN Ae oa t Yor = Se _ j . i - : 7 : 7 ad We wha : “eo Rae ” ae we a 7 a i. ey 7 4 in “s'v °° ae - i —_ 1¥ a - ; 104 GUBBIO, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Plate by Maestro Giorgio. Diameter 0™217. Circular plate without a rim. White glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, an armorial escutcheon (gules a bend sinister between two lions passant or, the second reversed); on the right, an eagle displayed; on the left a monogram /E beneath a coronet. Outside, a broad ornamental belt with foliage scrolls and a cherub between two large dolphins. The decoration is carried out in blue, copper-red and ochre, with a metallic lustre. On the reverse, circles and scrolls in copper-red. Although unsigned, this plate is certainly by Maestro Giorgio. Mr. A. Van de Put compares the arms of the Lioni family. From the collection of Alessandro Castellani, Rome (Sale at Paris, 27 May 1878, p. 19, n. 60 and facs.). Exposition de la Croix Rouge (Paris, 1913, catal., p. 37, RoeI7a 104 ¥ an ‘Ee a “« at Piva 105 GUBBIO, ABOUT 1530 Plate ascribed to Maestro Giorgio. Diameter o™261. Circular plate without a rim. Low circular foot. White glaze, inside; outside, a creamy-white glaze. In a landscape, with a building on the right, a cave on the left (in which appears a cow) and a city in the distance, are the nude figures of Hercules and Cacus directly copied from two figures on the left of Pollaiuolo’s celebrated engraving, the Battle of Naked Men. They are fighting with clubs and Cacus has already bitten the dust. The decoration is carried out in blue, yellow and green, with a metallic lustre. The reverse is decorated in copper-red and gold with concentric circles and a belt of zig-zag lines enclosing small conventional flowers. The Labors of Hercules were a favorite subject with the Italian ceramist. The actual combat between Hercules and Cacus occurs on an Urbino plate of 1533 which came to the Lyon Museum in 1850 with the Lambert bequest. Several well-authenticated examples by Maestro Giorgio, such as the Hercules and Antaeus in the Spitzer sale (n. 1196) or the Hercules and Nessus of 1525, formerly in the Signol collection, do much to induce us to ascribe the plate here catalogued to the actual bottega of Maestro Giorgio, although it is somewhat different from his usual style of workmanship. 105 106 GUBBIO, ABOUT 1530 Plate by Maestro Giorgio. Diameter o™197 Circular shallow plate without a rim. Inside, a white glaze; outside, a creamy-white glaze. In the centre, in a blue escutcheon, rounded at top and pointed at foot, the bust to the left of Saint Francis, with a circular nimbus and a short pointed beard. The remainder of: the field shows a basket of fruit, a mask, two large dolphins, white scrolls and fruit in red and blue on a yellow background. The reverse is decorated’ with copper-red concentric circles. -In_ the centre, the mark: The decoration is carried out in blue, copper-red and ochre, with a metallic lustre. From the collection of John Edward Taylor (Sale at London, Py July 19 128p i072, nouazOtandapl)s 106 analy = seep RNa et SS aly a dee ee eee Cee rel AS alte smc ise. FS AS SM . oie 107 GUBBIO, ABOUT 1530 Plate ascribed to Maestro Giorgio. Diameter 07275. Shallow circular plate, with a sunken centre and a broad flat rim. Inside, a white glaze; outside, a creamy-white glaze. In the centre an escutcheon quarterly: 1 and 4: or on a bend azure, a lion rampant gules; 2-3 gules, 2 bendlets sinister argent between 2 mullets (8) argent. The latter arms are those of the Bonaparte family, of Florence (except for the bends sinister), the former are not unlike the Rinaldi bearings. Right and left of the escutcheon, the initials G. B.; below, the letter M. The B possibly stands for Bonaparte. The central circular medallion is surrounded by a plain gold chute; the rim is decorated with oak-leaves and four diamond-shaped ornaments in red, gold and green, on a blue background. The reverse is decorated with two groups of three concentric circles outlined in copper-red. ee | In the centre, in blue, the tiny mark: S ae Lr | 107 107 i ee Ld 108 GUBBIO, ABOUT 1530 Tazza ascribed to Maestro Giorgio. Height 0"073; diameter o™163. Circular hemispherical tazza, with a low foot and a projecting rim. The whole surface, inside and outside, is covered by a golden glaze with a brilliant metallic lustre. The inside is plain, save for a blue circular medallion in the centre, with a Cupid walking to left, white, with touches of copper-red and gold. Outside and beneath the foot, the surface is covered with elaborate scrolls of conventional foliage, painted in gold, with green and copper-red touches, on a dark blue background. A characteristic example of Gubbio technique, very probably from the workshop of Maestro Giorgio. Compare a closely similar tazza in the Louvre (Campana collection), with a half-length Cupid holding a bird. 108 108 109 GUBBIO, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY Plate. Diameter o™299. Circular plate with a deep sunken centre and a broad flat rim. Creamy-white glaze, inside and outside. In the centre, a large letter D, surrounded by a plain gold chute. Around the rim, large conventional foliage. The reverse is decorated with three semi-circles in copper-red. The decoration is carried out in blue, copper-red and gold, with a metallic lustre. Probably by a pupil of Maestro Giorgio. 109 110 URBINO, SIXTEENTH CENTURY Three-lobed tazza. Height o™ogo; diameter o™1 A hollow three-lobed tazza on a conical expanding foot. White glaze, inside and outside. | | Inside, Amphitrite, holding a veil or sail and running to ri right foot resting on an open boat. ss Outside, conventional ochre oak-leaves and sab curved on a dark green background. Ss The decoration is carried out in blue, giant yellow, copper-red, with a metallic lustre. 110 110 NM 111 FLORENCE, SIXTEENTH CENTURY Plate of Medici porcelain. Diameter o™294. Circular plate with a sunken centre and a narrow flat rim. Thick white glaze, decorated with a dull light-blue design. In the centre, twelve radiating flowers; on the chute, trees, flowers and two male figures in Renaissance dress; round the rim, flowers and small leaves. On the back, five sprays of flowers, surrounding the well-known mark of the Medici porcelain factory: the letter F beneath a view of the Dome at Florence. It is well known that the Medici porcelain was the first to be made in Europe and that the extant examples are extremely few in number (some fifty pieces, nearly all in public collections); this one has not hitherto been described. From the Vincenzo Funghini collection at Arezzo. Subsequently belonged to Messrs Canessa. bah! ~~ — a4 a 3 ie, =) = “#6. od . < ne s &§ é : fi . ‘ é ; \ =: t , ee. * * ¥ * ‘ " a a * . < . ’ 111 PRINTED MCMXXVII BY IMPRIMERIE DES LETTRES ET DES ARTS BOIS-COLOMBES, FRANCE PLATES IN HELIOTYPIE BY LEON MAROTTE PARIS PAPER “VERGE PUR FIL” MADE BY LAFUMA VOIRON, FRANCE “oe : vey yf (eee oe ; fo ay ee) 1s + » fal Ta ee at fa: : a> ~ > . o es Ye e a i ) . ; "5 * = 7 ~ _ = i — > u- 2 4 ise ay Ve ab — 4 ” “} i? - a l 0d) a - a 7 : a i = aoe ‘ .?