- “1212, CHESTNUT STREET. x ee h e - et ce : ee a Racer gece eS pee hie a ee : oe Boe ee ; ved . ar Ss 2S = ce = ; cw = ae Pra enn et W [oe = : OW co ow ad Cao ee = © s| v ‘ ae LO ; = i f | 2 STAT OCUE OF THE -~6=CcdBAILE. Y_HERZOG COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS WATER COLORS D Meee YY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, 29th and 30th of April. SALE TO COMMENCE AT EIGHT O'CLOCK, AT THE ART GALLERY, tat2 CHESTNUT STREET. DAVIS & HARVEY, Auctioneers. ‘Thos. Sully, Hy. Herzog; Nattier. Prof. Palmieri, Johan Willems, Prof. Carl Schutz, J. Weiss, B. Girster, Otto, J. R. Tait, J. aca Hoguet F. Paulsen, Mayerheim, ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS Ludwig Hartman Prof, Carl Becker, ~ i ay . . ‘ V. Girshen, e ager - Michael A. Cartazzi, Prof. E. Hildebrant, - 46 Ge 4 T. Suter, Sr., T. Suter, Jr., H. Kauffman, Richards, . at Oelschweig, Ernest Riecke, E. Von Richter, . -” AY Yeonrg David, Haanen, eee ee OCS Ue. First Evening’s Sale, Monday, April 29th. THOMAS SULLY, Deceased. 1 Study Head. | H. HERZOG. | 2 Westphalian Landscape. Near Munster. An old mill, so frequently met with in Germany. (Stup1o Price, $750.) 3 Chocolate Girl. 1S) ) Dresden Gallery. Very fine copy. H. HERZOG. 4 Italian Landseape. Terrarica, with a distant view of the Meditteranean. ae Pricr, $200.) gi ® PRUDHOM (Deceased), Paris. 2. 38 5 Diana and her Attendants. Size of Canvas Lox 14 28 x 40 Zs is 164 x 134 H. HERZOG. Size of Canvas. 6 Obersee in Bavaria. 16 x 24 ‘The most picturesque lake in the Bavarian Highlands. (Srupio Pricer, $250.) i I. CARABAIN, Brussels. 7 Street Scene 24 x 80 In the City of Hanover. H. HERZOG. 8 Twilight. JS 1216 Scene on the coast of the North Sea near the Island of Nordeney, with lighthouse and fisherman, (Strupio Price, $175.) NATTIER. 9 Female Head. Bad H. HERZOG. 12 x 16 10 Norwegian Waterfall. Near Drammen, in the south of Norway. Christianastift, a cele- brated place for salmon fishing. (Stupio Prick, $175.) PROF. PALMIERI (Deceased) Milan. 11 The Penitent. 15 x 18 A female head, with great delicacy of expression. 4 ‘a HERZOG. | : _ Size of Canvas. 12 Blumlis Alp. 24 x 36 Near Murren, Switzerland. A shepherdess seated on an eminence in the foreground gazing wistfully into the valley below. 3B ftoyo Seco Valley. ma View near Los Angelos, California. ( ae Priox, $150.) tf Ppt mat -H. HERZOG ) at 14 Norwegian Waterfall, aoe i And saw mill, near Naes, in Hallingdat. rubio Price, $150.) ae | J OHAM WILLEMS, Dusseldorf. ™~ 4 yrs 18x15 15 Fruit Piece | LU w e IRZOG. Y a ne And water course. Rasing day. eg fey, $400. ) a Bere dcoaps with Cattle. heen = On panel. .. - > s J, HERZOG. i” \ 18 Marine, Scheveningen, Near the Hague. Pendant to No. 16. (Sruprio Price, $400.) J. WHISS, Antwerp. 19 Marine. Pilot boat signaled in the British Channel. H. HERZOG. | \ 20) Sunset, with Cattle Holland. Cattle coming in from pasture. (Stupio Price, $250.) B. GHISLER (Deceased), Vienna. 21 Twilight. Size of Canvas py age eo 1§ x24 254 x 80 Marshy country. Beautiful in color, and poetical.in tone and composition, /H. HERZOG. 22 Netter Waterfall. Medalled at the Centennial Exposition. (Srupro Price, $3,500.) /H. HERZOG. eae , Bernese Oberland. 60 x 84 36 x 55 “ N (Stupio Priox, $1,250.) \ v In the distance the snowy summit of the Jungfrau, in the fore- ground a group of tourists descending the mountain, \ ry asl OTTO, Paris. mie it 4 24 Winter ES ue Wood choppers and team. /H. HERZOG. | ‘gol nf 25 Noon in the Highlands. Goats in foreground. (Stvpio Pricz, $400.) J. R. TAIT, Munich. : 26 ~# After the Rain. é : TES A : Landscape, with cattle. Scene from nature, upper Bavaria. H. HERZOG. } sd Zh AS Moonlight in Reiadalor _ (Stupro ae $400. ) J. PARN (Deceased) Brussels. | 28 Sh aa _— H. HERTZOG. | Ox 29 Waterfall, With mills, &c. (Srupro Price, $150. ) _ 30 Moonlight, iC. ae Pricz, $150.) 7 Ln dee Norway. A herd of reindeer near one of the Highland Lakes. Size of Canvas. 4 ip aa) 20 x 26 9x14 9x 12 ox 12 HOGURBT (Deceased), Berlin. Size of Cenvas. jt / Rising Storm. 17x 20 Woodchoppers in the foreground. An exceedingly fine example ¢ of this celebrated artist. }2 d H. HERZOG. 32 Woodland Scene. 20x 80 With cattle. (Stupi1o Price, $400.) /F. PAULSEN, Paris. eB. The Unexpected Attack. pee Street scene in Strasbourg, Alsace. A ‘crowd of school children pelting a chimney sweep with snow balls. A composition full of humor and marked individuality. /H. HERZOG. 34 The Wetterhorn. : 23 aoe Seen from Rosenlen, Berrese Oberland. The celebrated moun- tain and glacier presents its best view from the valley repre- sented in the foreground. (Srupio Prices, $425.) H. HERZOG. + 35 Yosemite, erin California. Painted from nature. (Stupi1o Price, $250.) H. HERZOG. 36 Waterfall. 16 x2 Near Honefossen, Norway. (Srupio Pricsz, $250.) _ /MEYHERHEIM, Sr. (Deceased), Berlin. Size of Canvas. ss 264 x 57 ,..9¢ Harbor and City of Bruges, iy” Lh. : = Belgium. One of the finest works of this celebrated architectural fi : and marine painter. H. HERZOG. | 38 Moonlight Scene near Blan- ne per kenberghe, Belgium. i Foreground and one ee illumined by the setting sun. (Srupt0 Price, $500.) B. GIRSHER, Vienna. 7 39 Grundl Lake, Styermark. Tas \q" “is 2 Early morning, with a clear, cold, atmospheric effect. H. HERZOG. 40 Wind Mill in Holland. 10 x 14 LS- ’ Landscape, with partially overflowed meadow, with cattle in the : foreground, (Stuvrio Prics, $150.) MICHAEL CORTAZZI, (deceased,) Rome. y The Annunciation. 04 K 3 (After Carl Dolei). A fine re-production by this celebrated 7 A copyist. (Signed on back). H. HERZOG. LGam2a 42 Waiting for the Pilot. 77m AIX a ty Marine sunset. An ocean steamer in a calm sea. (Srupio Price, $250.) 9 (After) RAPHAEL. Size of Canvas. 43° Porrat Of himself, from his celebrated picture in the Uffizzi Palace, Florence. H. HERZOG. 44 Norwegian Fiord. (Sognedalen). One of the secluded idylic spots in that varied country. (Stuprio Price, $200.) MICHAEL CARTAZZI, (deceased, ) Rome. 45, Poesy. (After Raphael). Signed on back. JH. HERZOG. 45% Moonlight. (Srup1o Pricw, $750.) H. HERZOG. 46 Waterfall, near Vossewangen, Norway. One of the wildest scenes in that country, where bears are quite numerous and are frequently seen near the lakes. (Stupro Pricz, $200.) PROF. EH. HILDEBRANT, (deceased,) Berlin. 47 Sunset off the Coast of Siam. (Water color), 10 12x 18 16 x 213 28 x 40 12 x 18 ee ma T. SUTER, Sr., (deceased,) Thun. Size of Canvas. 48, Neapolitan Sisters. Ay fet yi (Water color). A group of Wee obs miniature portraits. Costumes of Istria, Abuizzo and Mola T. SUTER, Sr., (deceased,) Thun. 049 Swiss Peasant Girl. al 4 ye Canton Vaud. T. SUTER, Sr., (deceased,) Thun. 50 Swiss Peasant Girl. rh Canton Neufchatel. iL. SUTER, Sr., (deceased,) Thun. 2! Swiss Peasant Girl. \ as Canton Berne. H. KAUFFMAN, Hamburg. 92 Loading a Wagon. -. im 4 7, Mecklenburg landscape with figures, (water color). Fae Bn, H. KAUFFMAN, Hamburg. 9o3 Facing a Northeaster. we ‘Teamster overtaken by a snow storm. Mecklenburg. 1] H. HERZOG. | Size of Cenvas. o4 pee a Ostend Pier. aaa8 Steamer for Dover leaving the Harbor, Light House on the cele- brated Long Pier. (Srupro Price, $400.) Second Evening’s Sale, Tuesday, April 3oth. RICHARDS, New York. 55 seene on the Connecticut River. shige H. HERZOG. 56. Scene in the Ruhr Valley.— Sunset. cas Near Ketwig, Germany. (Stupio Price, $150.) MICHAEL CORTAZZI, (Deceased,) Rome. 57 The Artist’s Daughter. Se (Copy. Signed on the back.) H. HERZOG. px & 58 Sunset, near Werden. Valley of the Ruhr, Germany. Winter scene, with an old castle. (Srupro Price, $200.) 12 is 12 2 a (After) RAPHAEL. 59 The Sybil. - OF Ct ; HI. “HERZOG. Fa Gv 60 Fishing Boats at Scheven- ingen. Shrimp fishing after a heavy rain. (Stupio Prick, $250.) ~— OELSCHWEIG, Munich. 61 Landscape and Cattle. . HERZOG. 62 Scene in the Yosemite. Taken from nature. (Srupio Pricz, $225.) ERNEST RIECKH, Paris. 63 Mount St. Michael. y 4 Scene off the coast of France. Very fine in tone. /H. HERZOG. ta lh Bid ae $500. ) 64 Strand of Norfjord, Norway. With mountains and part of the glacier of Vostedalsbreen, one of the largest in Norway. 13 Size of Canvas. 19 x24 16 x 24 16 x 64 1Bixe 2 E. VON RICHTER, Berlin. | : Size of Canvas. 65 Boudoir.---Interior. 28 x 353 feet H. HERZOG. 66 View from the Gasternthal, ery near Kandersteg. » _, Evening. ‘The setting sun throws a roseate light on the top of i the mountain while the valley is nearly lost in shadow. (Srupr1o Pricr, $425.) ‘LUDWIG HARTMANN, Munich. 6% The Harvesters. ~ ge "or Marion . Upper Bavaria landscape, with group of figures. Very fine. y EO, Pn, cra AMA ote /H. HERZOG. » _68 Norwegian Waterfall. Near Aalrust, (Hensdallen). With several of the small mills so characteristic of Norway. (Stupio Pricz, $650.) 24 x 36 DAVID, Deceased. 69 Napoleon the Ist. 17 x 21 oh (Portrait.) Taken at Brunne, in 1786, in his 17th year. No ad question as to the genuineness of this portrait. j H. HERZOG. 70 Sentinel Rock, Yosemite 0° Valley. eects Taken from nature. Medalled at the Centennial Exposition. (Srupio Price, $3,500.) 14 Se ee a ee rand H. HERZOG. ? Size of Canvas ) 71 Bavarian Lake and Mountains. : (Stupso Price, $150.) 8212 KPROF. CARL BECKER, Berlin. Y‘ & Hv 92 y 941 =7 i2 Receiving a Love Letter. ag “PROF. CARL BECKER, Berlin. £00 73 Answering the Letter. sh The above are acknowledged to be among finest of his productions. H. HERZOG. | 74 Waterfall in the Highlands of }(,0 7 Vosse, Norway. 20 x 30 The Folgeforden glacier in the distance. (Srupio Price, $400.) A. HAANEN, Berlin. . ee lan Flower Piece. 91 yy Color and execution need no comments, it speaks for itself. 89 x 47 “7H. ee 76 Norwegian Highlands. Be aS 4} ff D yy i. With reindeer. The Fillefjielle, near the highest elevation in yi, & Norway. . Pricsz, $650.) Od 256 15 JOSE RIBIBRA. : Size of Canvas. (Called Spagunetto) 1586 to 1666. 34% s«*77 Female Head. : Be caene Painted on Marble. Especially fine in chiara-oscura. lek HERZOG. 78 Ostend Pier. 24 x 36 Storm, with high tide coming in. Steamer leaving for London. (Srupio Prics, $650.) GERHARD DOUW. 79 Woman cleaning Kitchen Utensils. | oe This charming picture is pronounced by good judges to be an original. ‘H. HERZOG. 80 Norwegian Waterfall, near 09” GA Gool, Norway. ., Thunder storm in the mountains. (Stupro Price, $400.) GEORGE VAN HAMM, Hague. ip Night Scene, Amsterdam. ok A very fine representation of a market scene by moon and candle- light. yes te H. HERZOG. , 82 Highland, Norway. | 20 x 30 ee phe as: Distant view over the valley. FSrcoto Pricg, $400.) 16 | | | tare KRAUSE, Berlin. - °83 Tyrolean Peasants preparing | rahe -«y for eee / H. HERZOG. ae Sognefjord Fiord, near 44+ ~~ ‘Balestrand. Fishermen preparing their nets. (Sruvio Price, $400.) ADOLPH GRASS, Rome. Pupil of Prof. Cendemann. 85 Christ at the house of Mary a. and Martha. See Luke, roth Chap., 38th to ged verses. H. HERZOG. 86 Bavarian Highlands, near [7O- Berchtesgaden. hee Price, $400.) PROF. HILDEBRANDT, (Deceased), Vienna. Lc - Ice Bound. Coast of Holland. /H. es 88 = Fille fyjielle, Norway. ahh a One of the highest points in Scandinavia. Near Horungerene, and near the immense glaciers frequented by large herds of reindeer. —_ Price, $400. ) ie Size of Canvas. 35% 45 20 x 80 154 x 82 20: x30 J. BR. TAIT, Cincinnati. Size of Canvas. 89° September Afternoon. 19 x 824 vw Eee View near Oak Grove, Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Pvp : H. HERZOG. (90 Scheveningen. \ ? Fishing boats, &c. (Srupio Pricer, $400.) 20 x 30 ANDREAS ACHENBACH, Dusseldorf. 91. Marine—Ostend Pier, &e. ae j \\AA y* ; *# H. HERZOG. 92 Winter Scene in Holland. mee / ; After sunset. Wagon, with wood in the foreground, (Stupio Pricx, $250.) /I. LOCKER, Brussels. »« 93 Grandfather's Darling. - Interior, Peasant life in Belgium. H. HERZOG. ‘ oe | 16 x 22 94 Hardanger fjord. rp oll One of the most interesting spots on this celebrated fiord. (Srupio Prices, $255.) ‘18 e WORTH, New York. 943 Landing of Columbus. a (In water color.) A caricature full of genuine humor A. JERNBERG, Dusseldorf. YO ; Interior. t we ft 4 iv ad ; H. HERZOG. 96 Los Angelos. OS 9 ff»? x yt ' Taken from nature. ‘ vy j i e Pac Price, $150.) —f— “3 2) Sa erty ; j (ee ~ ive in A Lie ' ) “PRANCESCANGELLI, Rome. 97 Roman Peasant Boy. id f ag aie 7 + ee H. HERZOG. 98 Low Tide. Size of Canvas.’ 94 x 7} 10 x 14 11 x 15 Le aid oo” Cb r L. Strand of Scheveningen, Fishermen selling their fish and wait- SF a f i lag = ing return of tide. (Stupio Price, $150.) JACOPO CANUCCI. (Otherwise) Portormo, Florence, 1498 to 1558. 99 Mater Dolorosa. An undoubted original. a4 19 LP xe? 30 x 404 Size of Canvas. 16 x 24 H. HERZOG. 10 ue Lake of Luzerne. He ‘ oan Also called Lake of the 4 Cantons. Switzerland, near Brunen. Bate’ Swiss cottage in the foreground. (Srupio Price, $250.) SALVATOR ROSA. 101 Woodland Landscape. With Diana and her nymphs. H. HERZOG. 102. Pier Running out in the Sea. At Scheveningen, Holland. (Stupio Prics, $325.) (After) GUIDO RENE. 104 Cleopatra. original until ré ecently questioned, therefore called a copy. CORTAZZI, (Deceased), Rome. 105 The Fortune Telier. "se Signed on back. me MICHAEL CORTAZZI, Deceased, Rome. (After Raphael). a 106 The Infant J min 20 the Cross. Signed on back. 107 St. John bearing the Cross. Represented as a youth. ane 20 Very fine in color a and execution. Supposed to have been an 18 x 24 24x18 . 22 x 284 16} x 16} 12x 15} Sethi ceageanram an ina sechinetishaealale sat Rd oe a im 4 AY to Wasting. presents is. largen than e. —- a ee or aS ee Potsdamer & cas aS 321 Chestiut Ste Philad’ a. 2 ae ie