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i f * f i y i 3 < D i Ld a ae i. a $ 7 ” t — a y This Sale will be conducted by dr. George D. Morse The Tordteberg Collectton AMONG the names of those who have by research and labor contributed to the preservation and appreciation of the records of the American Stage, few can rightfully take precedence of that of Mr. Augustus Toedteberg, whose collection is about to be dispersed. For at least twenty years, even when sur- rounded by such a galaxy of collectors as Thos. J. McKee, John H. V. Arnold, Augustin Daly, A. M. Palmer, Fred. W. French, Douglas Taylor, Chas. C. Moreau, Frederick R. Ryer, Peter Gilsey, Wm. B, Dick and Chas N. Mann, he was regarded as the ‘‘ Dean of the Corps.” He began print collecting at an earlier period than any of the others, when it was possible to purchase early and rare theatrical prints of any desired quality and in almost any quan- tity. While for purposes of livelihood he followed the business of a professional inlayer and repairer of prints, and in company with George Trent contributed to the making of “book monu- ments,” he persistently gathered material for his own collection from the markets of the world, the fruits of which appear in this series of catalogues. In that wonderful collection of extra- illustrated books belonging to the late Augustin Daly many realized the importance attached to the condition of the material without being aware that it was almost exclusively the work of Mr. Toedteberg. The amount of pains-taking labor performed by this one man during these many years is almost a marvel to those who have been made familiarly acquainted with the notable American Dramatic Collections, for his work is liberally repre- sented in them all. The collection of books, prints, drawings, autographs and playbills will be found worthy of special attention, possessing as it does peculiar elements of strength, and surpassing nearly all similar collections sold in recent years in certain important particulars. The proportion of colored prints—whether painted in water-colors directly from life, photographs from life colored by hand, prints originally issued in colors, or colored copies of extremely rare prints—is remarkably large. The quality of work on them will be found to be of a high order, and an oppor- tunity will be presented to the purchasers of beautiful colored portraits that comes but seldom. While the collection is essentially one on the Drama, it is by no means confined to that most interesting subject, but embraces a variety of material that will appeal to collectors generally. It contains a large number of mezzotint engravings, and the English and foreign schools are well represented. The collec- tion of autograph letters is extensive and will be catalogued separately. The playbills will also occupy a section by them- selves. Every phase of dramatic history seems to have been covered, and no important character or event has been over- looked. Many rare portraits will be found in the collection that will prove quite unfamiliar to the eyes of those who have “followed the hunt” for years. It has not been deemed necessary to specify in this collection the exact detailed condition of each item. Mr. Toedteberg himself put them in the best possible condition, and the quality of his work will be apparent on examination. Almost every item has been specially treated according to its requirement. Books and Pampblets 1 ABBOTT (EMMA). The Life and Professional Career of Emma Abbott. By Sadie E. Martin. Mumerous full-page photographic reproductions of Emma Abbott in character, and facsimile letter, ete. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Minneapolis, 1891 2 ADDISON (JOSEPH). The Campaign, a Poem; Rosamond, an Opera; and Cato, a Tragedy. /ronts. by Du Guernier. 12mo, old calf (worn). Lond. 1713 3 ALLAN (JOHN). Memorial of John Allan, Booklover. Portrait. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 39. N. Y.: Printed for the Bradford Club, 1864 * No. 124 of only 250 copies printed. Presentation copy from the Club. 4 AMERICAN STAGE. New York Clipper issues from March 17, 1888, to Aug. 12, 1893, covering the entire publication of the History of the Theatres of New York City, by Col, T. Allston Brown. 281 Nos. (Asa lot.) * A valuable record to any student of the Drama. The Nos, for Sept. 17 and Oct. 4, 1890, in which no articles appeared, are not included. New York Clipper, various numbers (140), in the years 1888, 1889, and 1890, containing Col. T. Allston Brown’s History of the New York Theatres. (As a lot.) 6 ANDRE (JOHN). Vindication of the Captors of Major André. By Egbert Benson. With Introduction and Appendix. 4to, cloth, uncut (binding slightly broken at edges). , N. Y.: 1817 [Privately reprinted for F. S. Hoffman, 1865 | * 75 copies were printed in 8vo, 35 on large paper, and 5 on Whatman paper, 4to. This is one of the five copies on Whatman paper. 7 ANDREWS (W. LORING). Fanny: a Poem. By Fitz-Greene Halleck. Engraved portrait by Burt, after Rogers. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1866 * No 36 of only 70 copies privately printed for W. L. Andrews. With Notes by the Poet, written especially for this edition. Lines to the Recorder. By Fitz-Greene Halleck. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1866 * No. 36 of only 70 copies privately printed for W. L. Andrews. With Notes by the Poet, written especially for this edition. 5 8 2 The Toedteberg Collection 9 ASHTON (JOHN). Old Times. A Picture of Social Life at the end of the 18th Century. With 88 illusts. from the satirical and other sketches of the day. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1885 10 BAKER (DAVID ERSKINE). Biographia Dramatica. Memoirs and Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers and some of the most Celebrated Actors, with list of their works, date when printed, etc. Edited and continued by Isaac Reed and Stephen Jones. Portraits of Baker and Reed. 4 vols. 8vo, bound by STIKE- MAN in half dark blue morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1812 11 BALMANNO (MRS.) Penand Pencil. (Account of Mary Queen of Scots, Sketch of Haddon Hall, Facsimile Letters of Lamb and Hood, Sketches of Crofton Croker, Sir Christopher Hatton, etc.) Portraits and tilusts. Small 4to, cloth, gilt. N. Y. 1858 12 BARRYMORE (EARL OF). Life of the late Earl of Barrymore, including a History of the Wargrave Theatricals and Original Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. By Anthony Pasquin. lust. with portrait, and rare engravings of the actor in character, etc. Post 8vo, half cloth. Lond. 1793 13 BATTLE OF BROOKLYN. A Farce in 2 Acts. Performed on Long Island, 1776. By the Representatives of the Tyrants of Amer-— ica assembled at Philadelphia. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 45. N. Y. 1776 [reprint, Brooklyn, 1873] 14 BATTLE OF BROOKLYN (THE). A Farce in two Acts, as . performed on Long Island, Aug. 27, 1776, by the Representatives of | the Tyrants of America, assembled at Philadelphia, 8vo, paper,N.Y. 1776 (Brooklyn, reprinted for private distribution, 187 3); Account of Proceedings on the Trial of Elizabeth, Duchess of Kingston, with . portrait, etc. (Westminster Mag., April, 1776). 8vo. (2 pieces.) 15 [BERNHARDT (SARAR).] Memoirs of Sarah Barnum. By Marie Colombier. With Preface by Paul Bonnetain. (The French original of this book was suppressed.) Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 160. N. Y. [1884] 16 BETTERTON (THOMAS). The Life of Thomas Betterton, with the Judgment of M. de St. Evremond upon the Italian and French Music and Operas; also The Amorous Widow, or the Wanton Wife: a Comedy written by Mr. Betterton. ine engraved portratt by Van der Gucht, after Kneller. Post 8vo, half old calf. (Name on title. ) Lond, 1710 The Toedteberg Collection 3 17 BETTERTON (THOMAS). The History of the English Stage from the Restoration to the Present Time, with Reminiscences of the most Celebrated Actors and Actresses; also Part II., being Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield. Zngraved portraits of Betterton, Mrs. Barry, Nell Gwynne, Mrs. Oldfield, Mr. Witks, etc. Post 8vo, old calf (rebacked). Lond. 174! 18 BETTY. Memoir (extracted from Oxberry’s ‘‘ Dramatic Biog- raphy”’); Titles and Casts of Master Betty’s Play’s (8). 16mo, wrappers. (2 pieces.) Memoirs of the Life of Wm. Henry West Betty. By J. Merritt. Crown 8vo, original boards, uncut (back wanting). Liverpool, 1804 19 20 An Authentic Biographical Sketch of the Life, Education and Personal Character of William Henry West Betty, the celebrated young Roscius. By George Davies Harley. Portrait by Freeman. (Newspaper cuttings regarding Betty laid in.) Post 8vo, boards, Pp. 75. SCARCE. Lond. 1804 * Bears inscription ‘‘ From the Author, May 26, 1859.” 21 BILLINGTON (ELIZABETH). An Answer to the Memoirs of Mrs. Billington, with the Life and Adventures of Richard Daly, Esq., and an acccount of the present state of the Irish Theatre. Written by a Gentleman, etc. 8vo, unbound (title supplied in MS.) Lond.: Printed for the Author, 1792 Memoirs of Mrs. Billington, from her birth ; containing a variety of matter, ludicrous, theatrical, musical and with copies of original letters from her to her mother, etc. 8vo, paper. SCARCE, Lond. 1792 23 BOOTH (JOHN WILKES): His Life, Crime and Capture, with a full Sketch of the Conspiracy, etc. Portrait, By Geo. Alfred Townsend. 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1865 24 BRAHAM (JOHN). Trialof Henry Wright vs. John Braham. With Evidence in the Case, and Life of Mr. Braham. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with portrait of Braham as Orlando, and autograph order for admission to his box at the theatre. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by R. W. SMITH. Lond. 1816 22 2s BRANTOME. Aus dem Leben Galanter Frauen, 1851; Die Courti- sanen des Alterthums, 2 vols.; Die Geschlechtsausschweifungen unter den Volkern, 1826; Schelmereien Amor’s von Hans La Fon- taine, 1860. 4 vols. 12mo, half roan and paper. 26 27 28 Be, Oo 3 The Toedteberg Collection Py BRERETON (AUSTIN). Gallery of Players. From the Illustrated American, Edited by Austin Brereton and others. Lllust. with nearly 200 full-page portraits and 900 vignettes in character. 9 parts, 4to, in the original wrappers. (9 pieces.) N. Y. 1894-96 Another set of the 9 parts (Part 1 wants wrappers). (9 pieces.) BROMLEY (HENRY). A Catalogue of engraved British Por- traits, With an Appendix containing such foreigners as may be allied to Great Britain, and Biographical and Genealogical Notes. Thick 4to, full calf (worn, one cover loose). Lond. 1793 BROWN (T. ALLSTON). History of the American Stage, con- taining Biographical Sketches of nearly every member of the pro- fession that has appeared on the American Stage from 1733 to 1870. Numerous portraits. Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. [1870] * Mr. Toedteberg’s own copy, interleaved with about 500 pages of writing paper, on which he has written many biographical sketches of actors omitted by Col. Brown, or who have become famous since the publication of the book. BURGOYNE (GEN. J.) Dramatic and Poetical Works. With Memoir of the Author. J/lusts. after Corbould. 12mo, half mo- rocco (2 vols. in 1), 7 Lond. 1808 BURKE (JOSEPH). Biography of Master Burke, the Irish Roscius: The Wonder of the World, the Paragon of Actors. 1z2mo, wrap- pers, pp. 12. Phil. [1830] BURTON (JOHN HILL). The Book Hunter. New edition, with Memoir of the Author and a copious Index. Portrait, etc. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1882 * Only a limited edition printed. [BYRON (LORD).] English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. First EDITION. 12mo, half old calf. Lond. [1809] English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 4to, boards. N. Y. 1865 * No. 17 of only 75 copies printed, Large Paper, including the caustic article in the Edinburgh Review which occasioned the writing of the Satire, with numerous and exhaustive notes, index, etc. CHASE (SAMUEL). Trial of Samuel Chase, impeached by the House of Representatives for High Crimes and Misdemeanors be- fore the Senate of the U. S. Taken in short-hand by S. H. Smith and T, Lloyd. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Wash. 1805 * Trial of one of the Signers of the Declaration for his conduct on the occasion of his trying Callender for Sedition. The attack on Chase was led by John Randolph. The Toedteberg Collection 5 36 CHORLEY (HENRY FOTHERGILL). Autobiography, Me- moir and Letters. Compiled by Henry G. Hewlett. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1873 * Interesting recollections of noted musicians, etc. 37 CIBBER (COLLEY). Love’s Last Shift; or, The Fool in Fashion. A Comedy. First EpITION. 4to, wrappers. Lond. 1696 The Tryal of Colley Cibber, Comedian, etc. For writing a Book intitled An Apology for his Life, etc. Together with an Indictment exhibited against Alexander Pope of Twickenham, Esq., for not exerting his Talents at this Juncture: And an Arraignment of George Cheyne, Physician at Bath, for the Philosophical, Physical and Theological Heresies uttered in his last Book on Regimen. Post 8vo, original boards (back mended). Lond.: Printed for the Author, 1740 An Apology for His Life. Written by Himself. Notes and Supplement by Robt. W. Lowe. Duplicate portraits, on Japanese paper, in brown ink before letters and Indian proofs after letters by R. B. Parkes, and numerous etchings by Lalauze. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond: Whittingham, 1889 * Only 305 copies printed, Large Paper. 40 CLAYTON (E.C.) Queens of Song. Memoirs of the most Cele- brated Vocalists from the Earliest Days of Opera to the Present Time, with chronological List of all the Operas performed in Europe. O fine engraved portraits by J. C. Armytage. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1863 London Opera Directors. Anecdotic Memoirs and Reminis- cences, Celebrated Composers, etc. J/lustrated with portraits of famous actors, directors and composers. The original magazine articles extracted from ‘‘ London Society,” together with two or three articles on the London stage by other writers bound with it. 8vo, bound by STIKEMAN, half green morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1864 42 COLMAN (GEORGE—the Exper). Some Particulars of the Life of the late Geo. Colman. Written by Himself and delivered by him to Richard Jackson (one of his Executors). 8vo, bound by STIKE- MAN, in three-quarter crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1795 * Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 55 engraved portraits and views, including a variety of Geo. Colman (including a téte-a-téte), ones of Sir John Vanbrugh, Con- greve, David Garrick, Bonnell Thornton, Samuel Foote, John Henderson, Miss Far- ren, Philip Astley, colored folding-plate of Westminster schoolroom, interior view of Drury Lane Theatre, etc. 39 6 The Toedteberg Collection 43 CONFEDERATE. Tannhauser; or, The Battle of the Bards. A Poem. By Neville Temple and Edward Trevor. 8vo, boards. Mobile, 1863 44 CONFESSIONS OF AN OPIUM EATER, by De Quincey, N. Y., © n. d.; Malory’s History of King Arthur, Lond. 1886; Wedlock, by John Strange Winter, N. Y. [1898]; English Bards and Scotch Re- viewers, a Satire, by Lord Byron, Lond. 1810 (broken). 4 vols. 1zmo and 8vo, cloth and paper. 45 CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Double Dealer. A Comedy. First EDN. 4to, wrappers (writing ontitle). %nxe copy. Lond. 1694 46 COSTUMES. Costumes de Theatre, 1600-1820. szo4g colored plates, drawn by H, Lecomte and lithographed by Delpech. 4to, half calf, bound by W. E. Burton. Paris [cérca 1825] * Many of the plates are portraits. Amongst them Eros Guillaume, Gaultier Gar- guille, Moliére, Madame Moliéere, Talma, Le Kain, Baron, Mlle. Mars, etc. 47 Les Nations Costumes. Par M. Lacauchie. 34 Uthograph plates, beautifully colored by hand (each print on a separate hinge joint). 4to, cloth. Paris, n. d. 48 The Corset and the Crinoline. A Book of Modes and Costumes from Remote Periods to the Present Time. By W. B. L. 454 tllusts. Small 4to, cloth, gilt. Lond., n. d. 49 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Ancient Mysteries Described, espe- cially the English Miracle Plays. By Wm. Hone. 2 ddlusts. by G. Crutkshank (1 colored) and other tllusts. FIRST EDN, 8vo, boards. Lond. 1823 50 DALY (AUGUSTIN). Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. Arranged for Daly’s Theatre, 1888. J//ust. (Preface by William Winter and Facsimile Title of First Quarto Edition.) 8vo, paper, PP. 74. [N. Y.] Privately printed for Mr. Daly, 1888 A Portfolio of Players, with a Packet of Notes thereon. By H. C. Bunner, E. A. Dithmar, Laurence Hutton, Brander Matthews, and William Winter. 29 portraits of prominent members of Daly's com- pany. 4to, original sheets, uncut. N. Y¥.: J. W. Bouton, 1888 * Only 110 copies privately printed for Augustin Daly. 52 DALY (CHAS. P.) When Was the Drama Introduced into America? An Historical Inquiry. (Presentation copy from Thos. F. De Vau, from whose notes Judge Daly composed this pamphlet.) 8vo, sewed, BOAT 2; N. Y.: Privately printed, 1864 51 The Toedteberg Collection 7 53 DANCING AND THE BALLET. A Series of Magazine Articles, English, French, and German, on Dancing and the Ballet; its His- tory, Schools, etc. Comprising Le Ballet a Travers les Ages, par Paul Gruyer; Le Ballet, par Pierre Veber; How the World Dances, by Laura B. Starr; The Story of the Dance, by Margaret Fleming; Der Tanz im XVIII. Jahrhundert von C. Gurlitt; Veruhmte Tanze der Vorzeit von A. Becker; The Rise of the Dancing Girl, by C. B. Davis; The Eldest of the Arts, by Elizabeth Bisland; Ballets and Ballet Dancers, by Dutton Cook; The Ballet in Paris, by Theodore Child; and some others, forming a unique collection of articles on this subject. Profusely illust. with over 250 engravings (many colored). The whole neatly inlaid to a uniform size on 149 folio sheets. (As a lot.) s4 DE CASTRO (J.) The Memoirs of J. De Castro, Comedian, with Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, Garrick, J. P. Kemble, etc. With Analy- sis of the Life of Philip Astley, History of the Royal Circus, Scarce Theatrical Advertisements, etc. Edited by R. Humphreys. Portrait and facsimiles. Post 8vo, half cloth. Lond. 1824 55 DORAN (DR.) Annals of the English Stage, from Thos. Betterton to Edmund Kean. Edited and Revised by Robt. W. Lowe from Author’s Annotated Copy. Mumerous wood engravings and duplicate set of 50 portraits (one on Japan paper and the others as india proofs). 3 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1888 * Only 300 copies printed. Large Paper. 56 DORAT (C. J.) The Kisses Preceded by the Month of May. Transl. by H. G. Keene. 47 engravings from the original plates, after the de- signs of Marillier and Eisen, 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Lond., n. d. * Only 400 printed for the United States. Laidin are 11 extra-illustrations from the original edition of the ‘* Baiser,” etc. 57 DOWNES’S ROSCIUS ANGLICANUS; or, An Historical Re- view of the Stage. With Additions by the late Mr. Thomas Davies. 8vo, wrappers. Lond. 1789 * One of the most valuable works known relating to the Early English Stage. The original edition is rare and costly. Facsimile Reprint of the Rare Original of 1708, With Histori- cal Preface by Joseph Knight. Post 8vo, vellum. Lond. 1886 58 59 DRAMA. Biography of Master Burke, the Irish Roscius, etc. Sev- enth edn. 12mo, wrappers, pp. 12. Phil., n. d. 8 The Toedteberg Collection 60 DRAMA. Brownsmith’s Dramatic Time-Piece—the length of time every Act takes in performing, Lond. 1767; Oxberry’s Dramatic Chronology, Names, Dates, Births, etc., of the Principal London Actors, up to 1849. 2 vols. r2mo. 61 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. The Thespian Dictionary, a complete modern History of the English Stage. 22 portraits. Crown 8vo, half crimson morocco, by STIKEMAN. Lond. 1805 62 DRAMATIC MIRROR (THE). A History of the Stage and Dramatic Writers from 1660, and Performers from 1600, witha History of the Country Theatres of Great Britain. By Thomas Gilliland. Portraits, views, etc. (some extra). 2vols. crown 8vo, bound by STIKEemAN in half crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1808 * According to Mr. Barker’s Reminiscences, Gilliland received £300 for this book. 63 DUBLIN THEATRE (THE). History of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, from 1830 to 1851, by J. W. Calcraft. The original Maga- zine articles as published in ‘‘London Society.” View of Dublin inserted. 8vo, bound by STIKEMAN in half green morocco gilt, gilt top. [Lond. 1868-69] 64 DUFF (MARY ANN). Memorials of Mrs. Duff and her Husband. Collected by Joseph N. Ireland. 6 vols. post 8vo, full roan. Bridgeport, 1876 * MS. copy in the neatly-written autograph of Joseph N. Ireland, containing account of the life of Mrs. Duff, copies of playbills, newspaper notices, etc., from 1810 to 1857; and with complete indices to her various characters. 65 DUNLAP (WILLIAM). History of the American Theatre. 2 vols. int. Thick 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1833 66 DUNLAP SOCIETY. Memoir of the Professional Life of Thomas Abthorpe Cooper. By J. N. Ireland. Portrait, facsimiles, etc. (2 let- ters, 2 pp. each, 8vo, from author laid in.) 8vo, paper, pp. 102. (Only 190 copies printed.) N. Y. 1888 Biennial Reports of Treasurer and Secretary. 8vo, original wrappers. N. Y. 1888 68 EISEN ENGRAVINGS. Delia Bathing, by the Marquis de Pezay; Celia’s Doves, by Claude Joseph Dorat, transl. by G. H. Keene. Lilust. with copperplate engravings after the designs of Eisen. Royal 8vo,half cloth, gilt..Only 200 copies for the United States. 2 vols. in I. Lond., n. d. 67 The Toedteberg Collection 9 69 ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES. Essays on the Mysteries of Eleusis. By M. Ouvaroff. Transl. by J. D. Price, and with Observations by J. Christie. Folding plate, etc. 8vo, boards (binding loose). Lond. 1817 70 FAIRHOLT (F. W.) Gog and Magog. The Giants in Guildhall, their Real and Legendary History, with an Account of other Civic Giants. Colored front. and other illusts. 1wz2mo, cloth. Lond. 1859 71 FIRST THEATRE IN NEW YORK. Paper by Judge Chas. P. Daly before the Historical Society; Clipping from Tallis’s Musi- cal, Theatrical, etc., Family Newspaper, 2 columns, November, 1863. 72 FLORIO (JOHN). Queen Anna’s New World of Words; or, Dic- tionarie of the Italian and English Tongues. Small folio, old calf (repaired). Lond. 1611 73 FOOTE (MARIA). Full Report of the Trial of Foote vs. Hayne, with the whole of the Letters, the Evidence, etc. Crown 8vo, bound by R. W. Smith in half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Duncombe [1825 | * Extra-illustrated with portrait of Miss Foote in character, by Woolnoth; miniature colored portraits of her father and mother, Col. Berkeley, Mr. Hayne, and the plain- tiff; also inlaid in the same volume Vandenhoff’s account of the trial (3 pp.); also Ox- berry’s dramatic biography of Miss Foote laid in. Facts illustrative of the Evidence in the late Trial of Foote vs. Hayne. 8vo, bound by R. W. Smith in half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1825 * Extra-illustrated with portrait of Miss Foote, by Armytage; one of her mother, lithographed by Hullmandel, 1824, and two rare folding caricatures (one colored), including portraits of Miss Foote, Col. Berkeley, and Mr. Hayne. 74 75 FORREST (EDWIN). . Life, Reminiscences, and Personal Recol- lections. By James Rees. Portrait, Post 8vo, original sheets, sewed. Phil. [1874] 76 Life of Edwin Forrest. By W. R. Alger. Jortraits. 2 vols. 4to, original sheets, uncut. Phil. 1877 * Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. 77 FOUNDERS OF NEW YORK. An Address before the St. Nicholas Society. By Jas. W. Beekman. 8vo, paper, pp. 36. (Note of R. E. Mount to Mrs. Cady regarding copy of address laid in.) N. Y.: Published by the Society, 1870 IO The Toedteberg Collection “8 FRENCH STAGE. Galerie Historique de la Comedie Francaise, 1800-1853. Par E. D. Manne et C. Menetrier. Numerous etched portraits, Post 8vo, paper, pp. 310 (binding loose). Lyon, 1876 The French Stage from its Origin to the Death of Racine, and in the 18th Century. By Frederic Hawkins. Some portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1884-88 79 Galerie Historique des Acteurs Francais, Mimes et Paradistes, 1767-1877. Par E. D. De Manne et C. Menetrier. Numerous etched portraits. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 384. Lyon, 1877 80 Galerie Historique des Comediens Francois de la Troupe de Voltaire. Par E. D. De Manne. Mumerous etched portraits, Post 8vo, paper, pp. 425. Lyon, 1877 SI 82 Acteurs et Actrices du Temps Passeé. La Comédie Francaise. Premiére Série. Par Ch, Gueullette. Mumerous etched portraits by Lalauze. Thick 8vo, paper, pp. 330°. Paris, 1881 83 Les Actrices de Paris. Texte par Guy de Maupassant, Jules Claretie, F. Sarcey, Emile Bergaret, etc. Jilust. with 32 full-page etched portraits, and other tllusts. Complete in the original 32 parts as issued. Royal 8vo. Limited edn. on papier velin. Paris, 1882 *A mong the actresses portrayed are Adelina Patti,Sarah Bernhardt, Christine Nilsson, Madame Pasca, and other famous artists. Behind the Scenes of the Comedie Francaise, and other Recol- lections. By Arséne Houssaye. Transl., with Notes, by A. D. Vandam. Post 8vo, cloth (library label on cover). Lond. 1889 Idols of the French Stage. By H. Sutherland Edwards. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1889 86 GALT (JOHN). Lives of the Players. (Betterton, Nell Gwynne, Mrs. Oldfield, Colley Cibber, J. P. Kemble, etc.) 2 vols 8vo, half cloth (binding loose). Lond. 1831 87 GARRICK. Biographical Memoir of David Garrick. pp. I-lxiv., inclusive. Suitable for extra-illustration. 4to, gilt edges. 88 GONCOURT (JULES ET EDMOND DE). Lettersand Leaves from their Journals. Compiled and transl. by M. A. Belloc and M. Shedlock. & portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (stamp on titles). Lond. 1895 89 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Engravings, Etchings, and Lithographs by Women. 12mo0, paper, pp. 118. N.Y. 1901 84 85 aal ag The Toedteberg Collection 11 90 GRONOW (CAPTAIN). Reminiscences and Recollections of Cap- tain Gronow: being Anecdotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs and Soci- ety, 1810-1860. Edited by Joseph Grego. With 24 illusts. from contemporary sources. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1889 * Limited issue, with the plates in two states, one set being proofs on plate paper, the other set being printed on Whatman paper and colored by hand. 91 GWYNNE (NELL). Memoirs of the Life of Eleanor Gwynn, a celebrated Courtezan in the reign of King Charles II., and Mistress to that Monarch. [By John Seymour.] 8vo, bound by STIKEMAN in full crushed levant orange morocco gilt, doublé with silk, silk end papers, gilt edges. Lond. 1752 * An extremely rare life of the famous actress. Extra-illustrated with about seventy engravings, including a rare early copper- plate portrait of Nell Gwynne, PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS, and other portraits of her by Harding, Scriven, after Lely (with the lamb), and four others. Also early portraits of Betterton, Wycherly, Prince Rupert, Earl of Rochester (also an engraving of him as a mountebank), Dryden, Charles II., Duke of Buckingham, Samuel Butler, some of the Court beauties of the time of Charles II., Mrs. Creswell, view of the birthplace of Mistress Nell, etc., etc. The whole of the extra-illustrations neatly inlaid to a uniform size. 92 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS (J. O.) A New Boke about Shakes- peare and Stratford-on-Avon. Facsimiles and views. 4to, cloth, uncut, Lond. 1850 * No. 10 of only 75 copies printed for private circulation. 93 HARTSHORNE (EMILY SOPHIA). Enshrined Hearts of War- riors and Illustrious People. Mumerous portraits, views, coats-of- arms, etc., rubricated headings and pages. Post 8vo, boards (broken). * Only 250 copies printed. Lond. 1861 94 HOGARTH (GEORGE). Memoirs of the Musical Drama. or- traits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (Some newspaper cuttings pasted in relating to the same subject. ) Lond. 1838 95 HOLLAND (GEORGE). Sketch of the Life of George Holland, with Dramatic Reminiscences, Anecdotes, etc. Portraits, facsimile letters, view of the ‘‘ Little Church Around the Corner.” Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Ni Vo 1832 * Only 250 copies printed. 96 HOLLAND (JOHN). Crucianna. ///usés. of the Cross of Christ. Crown 8vo, half calf. Liverpool, 1835 * History of the Cross, with curious facts about crosses; profusely illustrated. 97 HUDSON (HENRY). Sketch of Henry Hudson, the Navigator. By Dr. G. M. Asher of Heidelberg. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 23. Brooklyn (Reprinted for private distribution), 1867 i The Toedteberg Collection 93 [HUNT (LEIGH).] Critical Essays on the Performers of the London oe s ole) IOI 102 103 Theatres, including General Observations on the Practice and Genius of the Stage. First EDN. 12m0, half calf. Lond, 1807 HUTTON (LAURENCE). Plays and Players. FiRsT EDN. 8vo, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. N. Y. 1875 IRVING (HENRY). Biographical Sketch. By Austin Brereton. 17 full-page portraits in character after Whistler, Edwin Long, Vail. Bromley, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. ; N. Y. 1884 Henry Irving. By William Winter. Portraits of Henry Irving and Ellen Terry on china paper. 4to, paper, pp. 122. N. Y. 1885 * No. 27 of a limited edition of 50 copies on hand-made paper, and signed by the author. Illustrated Souvenir Programmes of Henry Irving’s Plays at the Lyceum Theatre, including Macbeth, King Lear, King Arthur, The Dead Heart, etc. 8 vols. (1 duplicate), oblong 4to, boards. Lond. 1888 to 1895 IRVING (HENRY) anp ELLEN TERRY. A Collection of Illustrations (some colored), newspaper sketches and reviews, por- traits and playbills, representing the productions of Faust, King Lear, Henry VIII., Macbeth and Hamlet. Included is the pro- gramme of the first production of Faust at the Star Theatre on Nov. 7, 1887, and a Satin programme of the ‘‘ Beecher Statue Fund é: Matinée, Nov. 29, 1887, together with nearly 500 tllusts.; Henry VIIL., with go illusts., including Theodore Watt’s Poem on Ellen Terry as Kathrine, with Sketch by Bernard Partridge; Hamlet, with 30 illusts, including etched portrait of Ellen Terry by A. L. Merritt, and playbills of its performance at the Star Theatre, Nov. 26, 1884, and March 26, 1885 (the latter on satin), also a trial proof of Army- tage’s portrait of Irving as Hamlet; Macbeth, w7th 50 «lusts., includ- ing the playbill of its first production at Abbey’s Theatre, N, Y., Oct. 29, 1895; King Lear, with 35 dllusts. The whole neatly inlaid on 149 folio sheets. (As a lot.) 104 IRVING (WASHINGTON). Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, 105 106 Gent. Artist’s edn. With 120 engravings after Darley, Chapman, Hoppin, and other famous artists, and fine portrait of Irving in bistre. Small 4to, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. N. Y. 1865 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson. Numerous portratts, views, etc. Thick 8vo, vellum, gilt. N. Y. (De Vinne Press) 1890 Another copy. Original sheets, uncut. The Toedteberg Collection 13 107 JERROLD (DOUGLAS). Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures, ///ust. by Charles Keene. Small 4to, cloth, gilt. N. Y. 1866 108 JERSEY PRISON SHIPS. Letters from the Prisons and Prison Ships of the Revolution. With Notes by Henry R. Stiles; Account of Interment of Remains of the American Patriots who perished on board the British Prison Ships, Oration by Benj. De Witt. ont. 2 vols. 4to, paper. (Wallabout Prison Ship Series.) * No. 25 of 35 signed copies. N. Y.: Privately printed, 1865 109 JONSON (BEN). The Alchemist: a Comedy, as it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal, by her Majesty’s Servants. 4to, half bound (two corners cut and some leaves trimmed close). Lond. 1709 110 KEAN (EDMUND). Full Report of the Trial of Albion Cox versus Edmund Kean for Criminal Conversation with the Plaintiff's Wife. Second edn., with four extra pages containing the whole of the Love Letters—the only edition with all the Letters. Portrait of Kean as Richard III. by Kennerly (mounted), and extra-illustrated with 2 rare broadsheets with portraits of Kean and verses beneath referring to the case. 8vo, bound by R. W. Smiru, in half green morocco gilt, gilt top, pp. 20. Lond.: E. Duncombe [1825] * Rare. 111 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kem- ble’s Retirement from the Stage Lmdellished with plates. 8vo, boards, uncut (title-page slightly stained). Lond. 1817 * Presentation copy from Wm. B. Wood to Charles Poulson. 112 LAFAYETTE (MADAME DE). The Princess of Cléves. Transl. by T. S. Perry. LZtchings after Jules Garnier. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, gilt. Bost. 1892 113 LEE (GEN. HENRY). Reminiscences of Last Days, Death and Burial of Gen. Henry Lee. By Chas. C. Jones, Jr. Portrait by O'Neill. Small 4to, original sheets, uncut. Large Paper. Albany, 1870 114 LEE (NATHANIEL). Lucius Junius Brutus, Father of his Coun- try. A Tragedy. First EDN. 4to, wrappers (some leaves trimmed close). Lond. 1681 The Massacre of Paris: A Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Thea- tre Royal by their Majesties’ Servants. FIRST EDN. 4to, wrappers (cut close at edges and small hole in one leaf). Lond. 1690 115 14 116 117 118 119 120 121! 122 123 124 125 The Toedteberg Collection LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Old Abe, the Miller; or, The Campaigns of Richmond. Satirical Poem. 8vo, sewed, pp. 8. n. p., n. d. [circa 1863] LONDON BYGONE PLEASURE GARDENS. Views of the most celebrated of these, with contemporary descriptions from various sources. Views of Vauxhall, Ranelagh, Cremorne, Sadler's Wells, and other famous Gardens, with reproductions of admission tickets, circulars, advertisements, etc. Edited by H. A. Rogers. 4to, in port- folio. Limited edition on Japan vellum paper. Only 100 issued, this being No. 27. Lond. 1896 LONDON THEATRES. Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres of London. By E. W. Brayley. (Some marginal notes in pencil.) 4to, boards (few leaves loose). Lond. 1826 * Contains beautifully-colored full-page plates of each theatre (14), drawn and en- graved by Daniel Havell. A fine copy, Large Paper. LUDLOW (N. M.) Dramatic Life as I Found It: Personal Experi- ences of the Drama in the West and South. Thick 8vo, cloth. St. Louis, 1880 LUMLEY (BENJ.) Reminiscences of the Opera. Fine portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1864 LYTTON (SIR E. BULWER). King Arthur. First EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth Lond. 1849 MACNEILL (HECTOR). Poetical Works. Portrait, and front. after Nasmyth, 2 vols. 12mo, old marbled calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1806 * Well-known poet, author of ‘‘I Lo’ed ne’er a Laddie but Ane,” and other Scotch songs. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. Souvenir and Official Pro- gramme of the Actors’ Fund Fair, May 2-7, 1892. Vumerous views, portraits, etc. (Bernhardt, Mary Anderson, Julia Marlowe, Lily Langtry, Sothern,W. J. Florence John Drew, Edwin Forrest, Tony Pastor, A. WV. Palmer, etc.). Small gto, cloth, gilt. [N. Y. 1892] MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. (Legend of.) Now first published from MSS. of the 16th Century. With notes, etc., by John Fry. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1810 * Large Paper. Thos. Wenman is believed to be the author. MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW (THE). With a His- tory of the Religious Wars in the reign of Charles IX. By Henry White. 3 portraits, etc. 8vo, cloth. Bookplate of Augustus Toedte- berg. Lond, 1868 The Toedteberg Collection 15 126 MAURICE (FREDERICK DENISON). Life of F. D. Maurice, chiefly told in his own Letters. Edited by his son Frederick Maurice. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (wants portraits). N. Y. 1884 127 MEMOIRS OF THE PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS of the Three Theatres Royal—Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Hay- market,Vol. 2 only (Covent Garden and Haymarket) (wants cover), Lond. 1772; Memoirs of the Life, Public and Private Adventures of Madame Vestris, with the Confessions of Madame Vestris from her Letters to Handsome Jack, unbound, Lond. 1839 (reprint). 2 vols. post 8vo and 12mo. 128 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). Life and Career of the Celebrated Actress as Danseuse, Actress, Authoress, as Wife of the Pugilist John C. Heenan, and of ‘‘Orpheus C. Kerr.” Edited by C. L. Barclay, Comedian. 2 fortraits (on front and back wrappers). 8vo, paper, pp. 63. Phil. [1868] 129 [MILLER (JAMES).] Harlequin-Horace; or, The Art of Modern Poetry. A Satire. First EDN. Front. Post 8vo, original boards. (Reprint of Garrick’s bookplate inserted.) Lond. 1731 130 MONTESQUIEU. The Temple of Gnidus, etc. With Preface by Octave Uzanne. 14 copper-plate engravings from the original designs by Eisen and Le Barbier. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. Lond. tora. * Only 200 copies printed for the United States. 131 MONTEZ (LOLA). A Reply to the “Private History and Memoirs” of that celebrated Lady, recently published. Portrait. I2mo, paper. N. Y. 1851 132 MORLEY (HENRY). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. With fac- simile drawings. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1859 133 MURDOCH (JAMES E.) The Stage; or, Recollections of Actors and Acting from an Experience of Fifty Years. A Series of Dramatic Sketches. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phil. 1880 * Limited issue, with the autograph of the author. 134 NEW YORK CITY. Account of the Terrific and Fatal Riot at the Astor Place Opera House on May ro, 1849, with the Quarrels of Messrs. Forrest and Macready. W#uth view. 8vo, wrappers (not original). N. Y. 1849 Review of the New York Musical Season, 1886-87. Programmes of noteworthy Occurrences, with numerous Criticisms. By H. E. Krehbiel. 8vo, cloth, pp. 2309. N. Y. 1887 135 16 136 137 138 - 139 140 I4I 142 143 144 The Toedteberg Collection OLD BALLADS. A Ballad Book. By Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, 1823. Reprinted with notes and ballads from the unpublished MSS. of Charles K. Sharpe and Sir Walter Scott, Edited by David Laing. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, half roan, uncut. Edinburgh, 1880 * Only a limited number printed. OLDFIELD (ANNE). Authentic Memoirs of the Life of that celebrated Actress, to which is annexed a new Pastoral Elegy, and a Poem, occasioned by her decease, with new additions, etc. 12mo, wrappers, pp. 46-6. London, 1730 Faithful Memoirs of the Life, Amours, and Performances of that justly celebrated Actress of her time, Mrs. Anne Oldfield, interspersed with several other Dramatical Memoirs. By William Egerton. Folding portrait. 8vo, original calf (binding broken). Lond. 1731. OLD PLAYS. Phedra and Hippolitus, a Tragedy, by Edward Smith, Lond. [1709]; The Wife’s Relief, or the Husband’s Cure, a Comedy, by Charles Johnson, Lond. 1712. First EDITIONS. 2 vols. 4to, Wrappers. The Black Prince and Tryphon [this letter wants title], 1672: The History of Henry V., and the Tragedy of Mustapha, 1690. By the Earl of Orrery. 2 vols. royal 8vo, sewed. Lond. 1672-90 The Old Batchelour, and Love for Love, by Wm. Congreve, Lond. 1693-95; The Plain Dealer, by Wm. Wycherly, Lond. 1694. 3 vols. small 4to, sewed. PATTI (ADELINA). Biographical Sketch. By Michel Mortier, pp. 14 (N. Y. 1881); Der Roman der Adelina Patti von Emile Mario Vaeano. Portrait of Patti, her Father and Mother, Maurice Strakosch, etc. 2 vols. 8vo (1 vol. paper, the latter in fancy wood binding). PAYNE (JOHN HOWARD). Memoirs of John Howard Payne, with Criticisms on his Acting in America, England and Ireland. Compiled from Authentic Documents. Lithograph portrait after S. S. Osgood, inserted. (Autograph of Henry Hill.) Post 8vo, old half calf. Lond. 1815 Memoir of John Howard Payne. By Theo. S. Fay. Portrait. (The original article from the North American Magazine, May, 1833.) Portrait of Theo. S. Fay and authograph title-page inserted. 8vo, sewed, pp. 22. [1833] } Tbe Toedteberg Collection 17 145 PAYNE (JOHN HOWARD). The Life and Writings of John Howard Payne. By Gabriel Harrison. (Including Reprint of The Lispings of The Muse, and Appendix with copies of poems ex- tracted from Payne’s Journal, many of which are here printed for the firsttime.) Engraved portrait by G. R. Hall, facsimiles, ete. 4to, paper, pp. 410. Albany, 1875 * Only 15 printed, large paper. 146 John Howard Payne, the Actor, by Laurence Hutton, portrait (5 pp.); John Howard Payne, by Henry V. Clarke, Jortrait (pp. 4); John Howard Payne, the Poet of Home, by Cornelius Mathews, portraits, views and facsimile (pp. 10). 3 pieces, 8vo, paper, sewed. (Magazine articles. ) 147 PERCY’S ANCIENT ENGLISH BALLADS. Supplementary volume to Bishop Percy’s Folio MS. Edited by John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall, etc. 8vo, bound by W. Smiru in half crimson crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1867 * Scarce. 148 PLANCHE (J. R.) Recollections and Reflections. A Professional! Biography. ///ust. with reproductions of Thackeray's pen-and-tnk sketches. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1872 149 PORTRAITS. Gossip about Portraits, principally engraved por- traits. By W. F. Tiffin. Crown 8vo, boards, Lond. 1866 150 PUNCH AND JUDY. Origin and History of Punch, with the dialogue of the puppet-show. 24 lusts. designed and engraved by George Cruikshank, 12mo, paper. Lond.: 7. H. Lacy, n. d. 11 QUIN (JAMES). Life of Mr. James Quin—from his commencing Actor to his Retreat to Bath, with the History of the Stage and Anecdotes of Persons of Distinction, Literature, and Gallantry. Dedicated to David Garrick. Portrait. 12zmo,cloth. Lond. 1766 152 REES (JAMES). The Dramatic Authors of America. 12mo, paper, pp. 144. Phil. 1845 153 REYNOLDS (GEO. W. M.) The Court of London; or, The Mysteries of the Court of George the Third, with the Life and Times of the Prince of Wales, afterwards George the Fourth. Imp. 8vo, half roan (wrongly lettered on back). N. Y. 1882 18 154 155 156 157 158 £59 160 161 The Toedteberg Collection ROYAL THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. A Com- plete History of Theatrical Entertainments at the English Court from the time of Henry VIII., including plays performed before Her Majesty at Windsor Castle, 1848-49, and many curious particulars of Early Dramatic Literature and Art, Edited by J. K. Chapman. Numerous full-page engravings, proofs before letters on India Paper. Folio, cloth, gilt (back broken). Lond. [1849] SCHILLER-GALERIE. Charaktere Aus Schiller’s Werken. ///us?. by Friedrich Pecht and Arthur von Ramburg, with text of Friedrich Pecht. 50 full-page line engravings. Imp. 8vo, clcth gilt, gilt edges. Leipzig, 1859 SECUNDUS (JOHANNES). The Epithalamium; or, Nuptial Song. Original text and translation by Dr. John Nott. Vignette title laid in. ato, half green morocco. Phil.: From the Press of Bizarre, privately printed, 1856 * Only 20 copies printed, large paper. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The History of King Lear, acted at the Queen’s Theatre. Reviv’d with Alterations. By N. Tate. 4to, wrappers (leaves stained and some catchwords cutinto). RARE. Lond. 1689 Macbeth, with all the Alterations, Amendments, Additions and New Songs [by Sir. Wm. Davenant], as it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, Lond. 1687; also in the same volume, Julius Caesar, Lond. 1691. Small 4to, full calf antique. * Rare editions. The Autograph of William Shakespeare, with facsimiles, to- gether with 4,000 ways of spelling the name, according to English Orthography. By George Wise. 8vo, paper. Phil. 1869 The Shakspeare Fountain, with Account of other Gifts of Geo- W. Childs, edited by L. Clarke Davis, portrait of Mr. Childs, Cam- bridge, 1890; Some Famous Hamlets, from Burbage to Fechter, by Austin Brereton; Knight’s Pictorial Edition of Shakspere (Hamlet), Lond. 1839. 3 vols. 8vo and post 8vo, cloth and paper. SHORE (JANE). The Life and Character of Jane Shore, collected chiefly from the Writings of her Contemporary, Sir Thomas More. By Nicholas Rowe. Inscrib’d to Mrs. Oldfield. Small 4to, half morocco (some leaves soiled and repaired). Lond. 1714 ® Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 36 engravings, many of them being early and rare ones, including Bartolozzi’s two portraits of Jane Shore; that of Mrs. Oldfield (engraved by Van der Gucht); portrait of Sir Thomas More, engrav ed by P. Audry; Richard III., engraved by Cross; View of St. Paul’s before the Fire; rare portrait of Henry VII., engraved by N. Heylbroeck, and others. el aaa ee " The Toedteberg Collection 19 162 SIDDONS (MRS.) Life of Mrs. Siddons. By Thomas Campbell. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1839 163 SIDNEY (SIR PHILIP). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney. By Thos. Zouch. inely-engraved portrait of Sir Philip Sidney. 4to, boards, uncut. York, 1808 164 SMITH (SOL). Theatrical Management in the West and South for Thirty Years. With Anecdotical Sketches. Portrait and 15 illusts. Royal 8vo, half calf, uncut. N. Y. 1868 165 SOPHIA-ADELAIDE. A Chapter in Contemporaneous History. Transl. from the French. Portrait. 12mo, paper. Chicago, 1887 * The authoress claimed to be the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, ‘‘changed at birth,” etc. Presentation copy to Augustin Daly. Contains also two autograph letters to him from the authoress. 166 SOUTHERNE (THO.) The Fatal Marriage; or, The Innocent Adultery. First EDN. Small 4to, sewed, pp. 80 (corners of one or two leaves damaged). Lond. 1694 167 STEELE (SIR RICHARD). Remarks on a Play call’d “ The Conscious Lovers,” by John Dennis, Lond. 1723; Sir Richard Steele and his Comedy ‘‘The Conscious Lovers” Vindicated from the Malicious Aspersions of Mr. John Dennis, Lond. 1723. 2 vols. 12mo, wrappers. 168 STOTHARD (THOMAS). Life and Personal Reminiscences. By Mrs. Bray. Portraits and numerous illusts. from his works. Small 4to, original boards. | Lond. 1851 169 TALLMADGE (COL. BENJ.) Memoir of Col. Benj. Tallmadge during the Revolution, with interesting Account of the Capture, Imprisonment and Death of Major André. Prepared by Himself. Portrait, 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1858 170 THEATRICAL TIMES (THE). A Weekly Magazine of Thes- pian Biography, Provincial, Continental, American and Metropoli- tan Theatricals. With original portraits of eminent living actors, Complete, 4 vols. in 2. (June 13, 1846, to March 17, 1849, inclusive.) * Scarce. Among the portraits are the elder Wallack, Charlotte Cushman, Madame Vestris, Lysander Thompson, Sam Cowell, Hudson Kirby, and many others. 171 THORNBURY (WALTER). London Theatres and London Actors. 8vo, half green morocco, by STIKEMAN. [Lond. 1869] * This volume is made up from a series of articles taken from ‘‘ Belgravia.” Con- tains also Behind the Footlights Last Century, by James Picciotto, and Geo, Augustus Sala’s article on Stage Costume. Eleven views of London theatres have been inserted, including folding plates of Covent Garden, Drury Lane, etc. 20 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 The Toedteberg Collection TOM THUMB. Sketch of the Life, Personal Appearance, Char- acter and Manners of Chas. S. Stratton, known as Gen. Tom Thumb, and his Wife, Lavinia Warren Stratton, their Courtship and Mar- riage, etc., @/ust., N. Y. 1867; Gen. Tom Thumb’s Three Years’ Tour Around the World, by Sylvester Bleeker, 7//ust., N. Y. 1872. 2 vols. 12m0, paper. Memoir of Tom Thumb and his Wife, with some Account of other Dwarfs, Giants and other Human Phenomena, illust., NOX. 1867; Another Sketch of Tom Thumb’s Life, with his Songs, N. Y. 1847; Guide to Barnum’s American Museum, with numerous tllusts. , N. Y. 1850. 3 vols. r2mo and 8vo, paper (slightly worn). UNION SQUARE THEATRE. Souvenir of the One Hundredth Performance of ‘‘ Rose Michel,” Feb. 28, 1876. Wath portratts and scenes. 12mo, satin-covered boards. N. Y. 1876 VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The Relapse; or, Virtue in Danger: a Comedy. First EDN. 4to, wrappers (writing on title). Lond. 1697 VARIA. Readings from Rare Books, by J. Hain Friswell, 1866; Relics of Literature, by Stephen Collet, facszmile autographs, Lond. 1823. 2 vols. VESTRIS (MADAME). Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Mdme. Vestris. By An English Gentleman. Interspersed with Anecdotes, etc. 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 48. N. Y. [1838] WALLACK. Memoirs of the Life and Theatrical Career of Jas. W. Wallack (from issues of Burton’s Gentleman's Magazine, Jan. and Feb., 1839), portraits of J. W. (not the lithograph) and Lester Wallack; The Wallack Family, by W. E. McCann, wth portraits, etc. 8vo, wrappers. (2 pieces.) WARD(SARAH) AND DIGGES (WEST). Love Letters which passed between them from 1752-1759, with short Sketch of their relations and newspaper comments on their quarrel and separation. Post 8vo, original half cloth. Edinburgh, 1833 * Only 60 copies printed. The Notes and Appendix contain much interesting theatrical matter, including short account of Mr. Digges’ relations with the celebrated Mrs. George Anne Bellamy. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Washington in Domestic Life. From Original Letters and Manuscripts. By Richard Rush. 2 fac- simile letters of Washington. Royal 8vo, cloth. Phil. 1857 ai ipa ria ea se The Toedteberg Collection 21 181 WASHINGTON (GEORGE). A Diary of Washington, 1789-90. From the original MSS. now first published. [Edited by Benson J. Lossing.] Portrait of Washington, from miniature by A. Robertson, painted in 17912 (painted without the false teeth Washington usually wore). 8vo, half roan. N. Y.: Privately printed, 1858 182 WEMYSS (F.C.) Chronology of the American Stage from 1752 to 1852. 12mo (lacks covers). Nay hose 183 WHARTON (GRACE) The Literature of Society. (Old Irish Bards, Jonson’s Masques, Gabriel Harvey, André, and Honora Sneyd, etc.) 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1862 184 WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass. First Epirion, Jor- trait, Imp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. Brooklyn, 1855 * A fine copy of this extremely rare first edition of Whitman. 185 WILSON (C. BARON). Our Actresses; or, A Glance at Stage Favorites—Past and Present. (Sketches of Miss Brunton, Mrs. Edwin, Maria Tree, Fanny Kemble, Helen Faucit, and many others.) 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth (binding broken). Lond. 1844 186 WINTER (WILLIAM). Shadows of the Stage. First EDITION. Post 8vo, boards. N. Y. and Lond. 1892 * Large Paper. Only 250 copies printed. 187 The Jeffersons. American Actors Series. Edited by Laurence Hutton. Mumerous tllusts. of the four Jeffersons. 4to, paper, pp. 250. Bost. 1882 * No. 4 of only 100 copies. Large Paper. 188 WOFFINGTON (PEG). Woffington: a Tribute to the Actress and the Woman. By Augustin Daly. Mumerous full-page photogravure portraits, illusts. and facsimiles, etc. 4to, cloth, gilt. Troy, N.Y.: Pudlished for the Author, 1891 189 WOOD. Memoir of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wood, with an Account of the Lady’s Marriage to Lord Wm. Lenox and their subsequent Divorce, and a full statement of the popular disturbance at the Park Theatre. Portrait on title. 1t2mo, stitched. Bost. 1840 Another copy, in paper wrappers. 190 191 WRAXALL (SIR LASCELLES). Remarkable Adventures and Unrevealed Mysteries. Fronts. by ‘‘Phiz.” 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1863 192 WROTH (WARWICK). The London Pleasure Gardens of the 18th Century. Mumerous reproductions of rare portraits, views (many colored), facsimile playbills, etc. (Vauxhall, Ranelagh, Pancras Wells, Ann Catley, Lunardi, etc.) 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1896 [Portraits Drawings, Color Prints, etc. 193 ABBOTT (EMMA). Various Portraits, including some lithographs and a fine colored photograph; also Obituaries and a Playbill. (As 5 pieces.) 194 ABBOTT (WILLIAM). English Actor, appeared at Park Theatre in 1835, engraved portrait as Col. Mannering,8vo, by Thomson, after Partridge, Lond. 1816; Playbill of Montreal Theatre, July 9, 1836, Mr. Abbott as Charles Surface. (2 pieces.) Colored Portrait Drawing, in Character. 4to. With Play- bill of Covent Garden Theatre, Nov. 4, 1829, Mr. Abbott as Romeo and Fanny Kemble as Juliet. (2 pieces.) 196 ABBOTT (ELIZABETH). Wife of the above (formerly Miss Buloid). Appeared at Franklin Theatre, N. Y., in 1834. India Ink Portrait, in plain dress. 8vo. Colored Portrait Drawing, in plain dress, 8vo, half-length in oval, together with Playbill of Park Theatre, Feb. 18, 1847. Mrs. Abbott’s Benefit. (2 pieces.) 198 ABINGTON (FRANCES). Allegorical Representation. Mrs. Abington as Comedy, standing before a bust of Shakespeare, mask in right hand and laurel wreath in left, with which she is about to crown the Dramatist. 4to. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi, after the painting by Richard Cosway. Fine Proor. Lond. 1783. 195 197 199 Engraved Portrait, as Roxalana in ‘‘ The Sultan.” 4to. By J. K. Shirwin, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Fine AND Rare, Lond. 1791. 200 Portrait Drawing in Water-Colors in the character of Scrub. Ato, full length, facing to left, with hand in pockets. CHOICE. 201 Mezzotint Portrait, in plain dress. Small folio, three-quarters length, standing. By J. Wilson, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Sec- ond state of the plate. FINE. 202 Colored Portraits in the characters of Olivia, Corinna and Lady Harriet. 16mo. Lond. 1779-80. (3 pieces.) 203 Engraved Portraits in character, including Beatrice, Charlotte, Phillis, and reciting Epilogue to “‘ Zingis.”” 1zmo. (5 pieces.) 204 Engraved Portraits, including ones in characters of Lady Sad- life, Miss Prue, Lady Betty Modish, and Aurelia. 1r2mo. (5 pieces.) 22 “ ep ieee ie 205 206 207 208 209 210 2iII1 212 213 214 The Toedteberg Collection 23 ABINGTON (FRANCES). Engraved Portraits, including one in plain dress, after Sir Joshua Reynolds and Cosway. 12mo. (6 pieces.) ABRAMS (MISS). Colored Portrait as Silvia, 1778; Adolph Adam, Composer; Madame Abt; Madame Achille, Charlotte Ackermann, German Actress; Playbill of Eighth Anniversary of Actors’ Fund, Palmer's Theatre, June 4, 1889; and others. 12moand 8vo, (10 pieces.) ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Views of its exterior andinterior, its burning in 1866, and various clippings relating to performances, together with a folding view of interior on occasion of reception to Grand Duke Alexis, Dec. 1872. (As 4 pieces.) ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BROOKLYN. Satin Programmes. Benefit of the Actors’ Fund, Feb. 4, 1887, and Oct. 11, 1889; also, All-Star Performance of ‘‘ The Rivals,’ May 7, 1896, Joe Jefferson, Francis Wilson, Mrs. John Drew, and others in the caste. Mounted and inlaid. (3 pieces.) ACHILLE (MADAME). Dancer. Appeared at the Bowery Theatre in 1827. Portrait Drawing in water-colors. 8vo, half length, in plain dress. By Aug. Toedteberg. Dancer, Photograph touched up by hand; Franz Abt; Earl of Aberdeen; Obituaries of Emma Abbott; Playbill of Benefit for Actors’ Fund, Broadway Theatre, Dec. 4, 1890; Mr. Abel, violinist, Lady Arlington (Nell Gwynne print), and other engravings. 8vo and 4to. (10 pieces.) ACTORS’ FUND. Playbills of performances given at Daly’s, Wal- lack’s, and Madison Square Theatres, for the benefit of the Fund, 1885-1891. (5 pieces.) Playbill of Benefit Performance, Madison Square Theatre, Feb. 4, 1886, and that on occasion of its eighth anniversary, June 4, 1889, at Palmer’s Theatre; Views of the Actors’ Fund Fair and the dedication of their monument, also group portraits of the lady promoters of the Fair. (5 pieces.) ADAMS (EDWIN). Photograph from life, touched up by hand (fine); Portrait (reproduction) as Hamlet; Obituary, 2 columns, mounted, 1877. (3 pieces.) Various Woodcut Portraits, with a playbill of the Adams Testi- monial Performance at Academy of Music, Oct. 12, 1877, and a view of his funeral at Philadelphia. (4 pieces.) 24 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 The Toedteberg Collection ADAMS (JOHN). Engraved Portraits, by Vinkeles (published in Holland), byS. A. Schoff: Full-length Portrait (no engraver’s name). 8vo. (3 pieces. ) | Various Engraved Portraits, including one by W. S. Leney, and that which appeared in the European Magazine. 8vo. (4 pieces.) Engraved Portraits of Mrs. John Adams, Abigail Adams (Mrs. Wm. S. Smith) and Mrs. John Quincy Adams. 8vo. (3 pieces.) ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Engraved Portraits by H. Wright Smith, after Durand; G. Parker, after Marchant; S. H. Gimber, after a daguerreotype. 8vo. (3 pieces.) ADAMS SAMUEL. Engraved Portraits representing him at the ages of 49 and 72 years, both engraved by H. B. Hall, and Proofs on India Paper; also, Portrait by Goodman & Piggott, after Cop- Le Vea LOL As( 3eDIeECess) ADAMS (ANNE), Mother of Maude Adams, Colored Lithograph Portrait; Ira Aldridge (4 Woodcut Portraits); Louis Aldrich; Mme. Albani; Prince Albert; M’lle Adrienoff, dancing; Mons. Alex- andre in his different characters; and others. (12 pieces.) ADAMS (CHARLES). American Tenor, Photograph, Playbill and Lithograph Portrait; Mabel Amber as Ophelia; Geo. Alexander in character; M’lle Ambré, Portrait and Playbill; ‘‘ Grimaldi” Adams, the Clown; Adolph Adam; and others. (As to pieces.) 222 ADAMS. Colored Photograph of Wm. Faversham and Maude Adams 223 224 225 226 as Romeo and Juliet, by Goupil of Paris, after Byron of New York; Annie Adams, Mother of Maude Adams, Lithograph Portrait. 4to, OVvall. ((27pieces.) ADDAMS (AUGUSTUS A.) Portrait Drawing, in India Ink, of Mr. Addams as Hamlet. to. ADDISON (LAURA). English Actress, appeared at Broadway Theatre in 1851. Lithograph Portrait as Mary Stuart. Folio, full length. SCARCE, AGAR (MR.) English Actor. Lithograph Portrait as Romeo. By R. J. Hamerton. Folio. Lond., n. d. AIDA. Woodcut Engravings, Scenes from Verdi’s Opera of *€Agdase Oblong 4to. (6 pieces.) 227 228 229 230 232 232 233 234 235 2238 239 The Toedteberg Collection 25 AIKEN (FRANK). Lithograph Portrait as the Huguenot Captain, from a photograph, Chicago, n. d.; Master James Speaight (Child ‘*Americus”’), playing the violin. 4to. (2 pieces.) AIMEE (MARIA). Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, small folio, three-quarters length, by Ferd. Mayer; Lithograph Portrait, in character, with guitar, etc. (2 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress. 4to. Goop. (3 pieces.) | Lithograph Portraits (3), including arare French one, together with playbill of Booth’s Theatre, June 17, 1876. Aimée as Gabrielle. (4 pieces. ) AINSWORTH (WM. HARRISON). Mezzotint Portrait, 4to, half length, facing to right, engraved by W. Reynolds, after Daniel Maclise. SCARCE, ALBANI (EMMA). Various Portraits, including one as Desde- mona. 4to. (4 pieces.) ALBERT (PRINCE). Lithograph Portrait, by R. J. Lane, on India Paper; Geo. Alexander as Faust, on India Paper; Rudolph Aronson; Julia Arthur; Henry E. Abbey; Samuel Arnold, Mus. Doc.; Caricature of Sig. Amodio, by Thos. Nast; M’lle Angéle; and others. (As 10 pieces.) ALBERTAZZI (EMMA). Appeared on the American Stage. Lithograph Portrait, in character, colored by hand. Portrait en- graved on steel, by J. Rogers. 12mo. (2 pieces.) ALBERTINE (HANNAH). Early Performer on the New York and Philadelphia Stage. Original Photograph, with obituary; En- graved Portrait; Reproduced Portrait in character. 8vo. (3 pieces.) ALBONI (MARIETTA). Water-Color Portrait in ‘‘ Cinderella,” folio, full length, painted by Aug. Toedteberg. 1853. Lithograph and Woodcut Portraits (3), together with playbills of Metropolitan Hall, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1852, and Niblo’s Garden, April 1, 1853. (4 pieces.) Various Portraits of the famous Contralto (including a hand- colored one of Mme. Grisi), and a playbill of Metropolitan Hall, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1852. (As 4 pieces.) Various Engraved and Lithograph Portraits, including one in the character of Zerline, colored by hand. 12mo and 8vo. (7 pcs.) 26 240 241 242 243 245 246 247 248 249 250 The Toedteberg Collection ALDRIDGE (IRA). Famous Negro Tragedian, Lithograph Por- trait, finely colored by hand, representing him as Othello. Small folio, by J. Chailloux. Mannheim, n. d. RARE. * Bears presentation inscription: ‘‘ To Dr. Weber, with the kindest regards of Ira Aldridge. Halle, 30th Dec., 1854.” Playbill of Covent Garden Theatre, April ro, 1833. Mr. Al- dridge as Othello and Ellen Tree as Desdemona (his first appear- ance on that Stage). Together with two woodcut portraits. (As one piece.) ALEXANDRE (MONS.) Famous Ventriloquist. Real name Alexandre Vattemare, appeared on N. Y. Stage in 1840. Repro- duction of an engraving representing him in his various characters, together with original playbills of Chestnut Street Theatre, Phila- delphia, Sept. 16 and 18, 1840, one a benefit bill. (3 pieces.) ALEXIS AND DAPHNE. Engraving, in brown tints, invented, drawn and engraved by Wm. Platt. Small folio, oval. Lond, 1800. CHARMING SPECIMEN, ALLAN (MME. CARADORI). Vocalist, appeared at Park Thea- tre in 1833, Lithograph Portrait as Zora, by R. J. Lane, after Hay- ter, on India Paper; Lithograph published by W. H. Ainsworth, 1828; Sketch of her Life by Dr. W. J. Wetmore. (3 pieces. ) Lithograph Portrait, ‘‘ Madame Caradori as Creusa.” 4to bust, drawn on stone, by John Hayter. On India Paper. RARE. — Playbills of Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, Feb. 14 and 28, 1838, with Mme. Caradori Allan as Rosetta and Amina. (2 pieces. ) ALLEN (ANDREW JACKSON). Colored Portrait Drawing of Mr. Allen in the character of Goldfinch, after the rare original by {J.71Cie Onnston. 4 to; 2 Portrait (Reproduction of the rare original) of the ‘* Father of the American Stage,” 4to; Playbill of National Theatre, Aug. 26, 1853, Mr. Allen as Caleb Quotem. (2 pieces.) ALLEN (J. H.) American Actor. Photograph from Life, 8vo, touched up by hand, together with a carte-de-visite photo, both in plain dress, and a portrait reproduction of Mrs. J. H. Allen. (3 pieces. ) Benefit Playbill, Purdy’s National Theatre, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1857, Mr. Allen as Wm. Tell; Playbill of same Theatre, April 16, 1856, Mr. Allen and Geo. L. Fox in ‘‘ The Orange Girl of Venice.” (2 pieces. ) 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 The Toedteberg Collection 27 ALLEN (MRS. J. H.) Photograph from life, finely colored by hand. 4to, three-quarters length. ALLISON (LAURA). Portrait Drawing in character (prison scene). Folio, full length. By Aug. Toedteberg. ALLYN (ADAM). Early American Actor, performed at the Beek- man Street Theatre in 1761. Drawing, in water-colors, of the monu- ment to his memory, erected by the members of the old American Company, in Trinity Churchyard, N. Y. 4to. AMBERG’S THEATRE, N. Y. Collection of Portraits, Play- bills, Clippings, etc. (some colored), relative to performances at this Theatre. (As 12 pieces.) AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Portraits of Sir Henry Clinton, by Warren, with newspaper cutting giving Clinton’s letter, Oct. 12, 1780, announcing Maj. André’s death; General Burgoyne, by Cook, 1786, and by Chapman, 1801; Joseph Brant (the Mohawk Chief), early portrait; Aaron Burr, engraved by G. Parker, India Paper. 8vo. (5 pieces.) Osceola, the Seminole Chief (colored); Fisher Ames; Major Robert Anderson; Ethan Allen (statue); Stephen Allen; and others. 8vo and 4to. (7 pieces.) John Jacob Astor, the elder; Gen. Abercrombie; Chester A. Arthur; Gen. Amherst; Thomas Bailey Aldrich; and others. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces.) Gen. John Stark; Gen. Arthur St. Clair; Sir Richard Pearson (of the ‘‘Serapis,” 1779); Admiral Sir Hyde Parker; James G. Per- cival; and others. 16mo and s12mo. (9 pieces.) Gen. Baron Steuben; Gen. John Sullivan; Gen. John Thomas (on India Paper); Grant Thorburn; Capt. James Riley; James Rees; Henry T. Tuckerman; Mark Twain; Gulian C. Verplanck (on India Paper); W. R. Wallace (lith.); Gen. Anthony Wayne, engraved by D. Edwin; Mercy Warren; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces. ) Peyton Randolph, after C. W. Peale; Gen. O. H. Williams; S. F. B. Morse (photo); Franklin Pierce; Rev. John Rogers, en- graved by Gimbrede (rare); Col. St. Leger; Wm. Gilmore Simms; Gen. Smallwood (scarce); Rev. Dr. William Smith, engraved by D. Edwin; Gen. John Stark; and others. 8vo and 4to, (12 pieces.) 28 The Toedteberg Collection 261 AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Philip Freneau (proof before letters) ; Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill; Nicolas Pike (with autograph); Morgan Lewis; Mrs. Alexander Hamilton; Mrs. John Jay; Gen. Daniel Morgan; Rufus King, by Leney, after Wood; Dr. John W. Francis; and others. 8voand 4to. (12 pieces.) M. M. Noah, Dramatist and Journalist; Philip Hone; Bronson Howard (lith.); Gov. Thos. Hutchinson, of Mass.; Chester Jenings, Manager of old City Hotel, N. Y.; Dr. John Jones, engraved by Leney; Gen. Richard Montgomery; Joseph Howard, Jr. (with auto- graph); and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) 262 Charles Thompson, Secretary to First Congress (restrike of B. B. E. portrait); Admiral Hyde-Parker; Wm. Paulding, early Mayor of N. Y.; Pocahontas, Red Jacket (2 portraits, 1 on India Paper); James T. Fields; Wm. Gowans, old New York Bookseller, etched by H. B. Hall, 1872 (with obituary); and others. 8vo. (12 pieces. ) Ezra Stiles, LL.D.; Rip Van Dam; Bishop William White; Marinus Willett, early N. Y. Mayor; James Wilson, one of the Signers; Caleb S. Woodhull, early N. Y. Mayor; Montezuma IL., Emperor of Mexico; Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces.) Sir Wm. Johnson, from the London Mag., 1756; King Philip; Rev. Ezra Stiles; Richard Rush; Pocahontas; Dr. John Robison; Gen. John Lamb, engraved by Gimbrede; Theodore Sedgwick (on India Paper); and others, 8vo. (12 pieces.) a 263 264 - 265 William L. Stone (Author and Journalist); Richard Varick; John Trumbull, the Artist; John Trumbull, the Poet, engraved by Maverick, Durand & Co.; Catherine Schuyler; Samuel Shaw; Peter Stuyvesant; Wm, Gilmore Simms; Edward Shippen; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces.) 266 Com. James Lawrence, engraved by D. Edwin; Mrs. Walter Stewart (on India Paper); Thomas B. Welch, Engraver; Mary Philipse; Jonathan Trumbull; Geo. P. Morris (2); Charles Sprague; Martin Van Buren; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces.) 267 268 Wm. Lloyd Garrison (early portrait); Col. Marshall Lefferts; Edwards Pierrepont; Andrew Johnson; Gen, Francis Marion; Frank- lin Pierce; Gen. Winfield Scott; Dr. James McCosh; and others. BV (t2epieces.| al a The Toedteberg Collection 29 269 AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Sir Peter Warren, engraved by W. W. Ryland; King Philip; Timothy Pickering; Alex. Scammell (photo from painting); Gen. Zach. Taylor; Gen. Anthony Wayne; Rev. Geo. H. Houghton (of ‘ Little Church around the Corner’’); J. B. Linn, engraved by B. Tanner; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces. ) James Rivington, early New York Printer; John Smith (of Va.); James Harper, Publisher and ex-Mayor of N. Y.; Gen. Glover; Bishop Wainwright; George H. Moore; Bishop Provoost; Earl of Moira; Benj. Franklin, mezzotint by Perine; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces. ) Robert C. Sands, engraved by A. B. Durand (scarce); Gen. U. S. Grant, engraved by Marshall; Epes Sargent; Samuel Kirk- land; Bill Nye (photo); Henry Laurens, after Copley; Mordecai Gist; Charles King; and others. 12mo and 8vo. (12 pieces.) Col. Benjamin Tallmadge; John Tyler; Red Jacket; W. D. Gallagher; Gen. Richard Fitzpatrick; Mark Twain; D. D. Tomp- kins; U. S. Grant; Hamilton Fish; and others. 312mo and 8vo. (12 pieces.) Amos Kendall; Silas Wright; Captain John Smith; Gen. Peter Gansevoort; Com. James Lawrence, engraved by D. Edwin; Francis Hopkinson; Robert Dale Owen; Theo. S. Fay; and others. 12mo and 8vo. (12 pieces.) Capt. Nicholas Biddle, engraved by D. Edwin; Col. Wm. Bradford, the Patriot Printer of 1776; Rev. J. S. Buckminster, en- graved by D. Edwin, after Stuart; Geo. H. Boker; Geo. Bancroft; Dr. Robert M. Bird; James G. Blaine; Jacob Barker; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces.) Gen. Sir Henry Clinton (on India Paper); Columbus; Gov. George Clinton and Lady; Samuel de Champlain; Sergeant Champe; George Rogers Clark; Mrs. Grover Cleveland, etched by Rajon; Cadwallader Colden; Jacques Cartier; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) Henry Clay; Samuel Curwen, lithograph; Rev. Theo. L. Cuy- ler; George Clinton; Hernando Cortez (2); Clarkson Crolius, litho- graph by D'Avignon; and others. 8vo. (12 pieces.) George Clinton, etched by H. B. Hall; Myles Cooper, Presi- dent of Kings (Columbia) College; Earl of Cornwallis; Dr. John Cochran, engraved by Leney; Rufus Choate; Cadwallader D. Colden; Christopher Columbus; Henry Clay (scarce one); and others. rzmo and 8vo. (12 pieces.) 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 30 The Toedteberg Collection 278 AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Gen. Guy Carleton; Grover Cleve- land; Rev. Spencer H. Cone; George Clinton (2); Columbus; Cadwallader Colden; Gen. James Clinton; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) Rev. Aaron Burr, engraved by John Sartain; Theodosia Burr; Daniel Boone; John R. Brady; Joel Barlow; Chas. Brockden Brown; Bolivar; Wm. Bradford, engraved by D. Edwin; and others. 12mo and 8vo. (12 pieces.) 279 Henry Brevoort, Jr., photo, after a drawing by Rembrandt Peale; James Gordon Bennett, the elder; Aaron Burr, by O’Neill, after Vanderlyn; James Carson Brevoort; Tombstone of Wm. Brad- ford, the Printer; Joseph Brant; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) 280 Alex. J. Dallas, engraved by Leney; Earl Balcarres; R. H. Dana; Rufus Dawes; A. J. Davis, the Artist (photo); G. L. Duyck- inck; Stephen Decatur; Gen. Mathieu Dumas; and others. 12mo and 8vo, (12 pieces.) Evert A. Duyckinck (India Paper proof); Lady Catherine Duer; Rev. Orville Dewey; Silas Deane; Jefferson Davis; Wm. Alexander Duer; Admiral Digby; James Duane; Samuel G. Drake (on India Paper); Henry Dearborn; Chas. P. Daly; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) 281 282 Benjamin West; Dr. James Thacher, lithograph by Pendleton ; Gen. Zach. Taylor; Americus Vespucius, engraved by Burt (on India Paper) ; Samuel B. Webb, etched by H. B. Hall, 1880 (private plate); Noah Worcester; Generals Sherman and Sheridan; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) 283 Peter Stuyvesant; Rev. Dr. John McVickar (portrait drawing) ; John Minshull, engraved by Scoles; John Mitchel, Bishop Benj. T. Onderdonk, Francis Lord Rawdon (cut down), Roger Sherman, Baron Steuben, Charles Eliot Norton, and others. $8vo and 4to. (12 pieces. ) Gen. Horatio Gates (cut down), Dr. John W. Francis, Gen. Thomas Gage, lithograph by Bufford; Edward Everett (India Paper Proof); John Keese (on India Paper); Benj. Harrison, Chas. Fenno Hoffman, and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) 284 285 286 Henry Laurens, engraved by Neagle, after C. W. Peale; Gen. John Sullivan (on India Paper); John Wiley (photograph); Gen. Wm. Moultrie, Geo. Ticknor (lithograph), Gen, Thomas Pinckney, Dr. Benson J. Lossing, John Trumbull, Sir Charles Hardy, and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) The Toedteberg Collection 31 287 AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Benjamin Franklin, etched by H. 288 289 290 291 : 292 B. Hall, 1879; Fitz-Greene Halleck; John S. Hart, engraved by John Sartain; Patrick Henry, by Leney, after Sully; Dr. David Hosack (with presentation autographic inscription); Julia Ward Howe (photograph); Hendrick Hudson; Com. Isaac Hull, engraved by D. Edwin; David Humphreys; Charles King, 9th President of Columbia College, La Salle; Gen. F. W. Lander (on India Paper). 8vo and sto. (12 pieces.) Wnm.T. Porter (on India Paper), founder of ‘‘Spirit of the Times”; Mrs. E. F. Ellet; John Forsyth; Benj. Franklin, by Ritchie, after Cochin; Robert Fulton, engraved by Leney, after West; Admiral Lord Graves, Admiral Hardy, John Farmer, and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) Dr. Wm. J. MacNevin, mezzotint, by Huffam; Gen, ‘Sir Thomas Musgrave (on India Paper); James Otis, by Durand, after Blackburn; Robert Treat Paine, Jr., by Tisdale, after Stuart; John Paulding (one of the captors of Major André); Mary Philipse (on India Paper); Dr. David Ramsay; Rt. Hon. Wm. Eden (Lord Auck- land); and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces. ) James Madison, engraved by Naegle, after Otis; Rev. John M. Mason; Francisco Miranda; Bishop Benjamin Moore, engraved by D. Edwin; Sir Henry Morgan, the Buccaneer; J. L. Motley; Dr. Valentine’ Mott; Rebecca Motte; Lindley Murray, engraved by Du- rand; and others. 8vo and 4to. (12 pieces.) Gen. James Wolfe, engraved by S. Freeman; Daniel Webster, bust, engraved by Schoff (with Webster's autograph attached); Dr. Hugh Williamson, by Durand, after Trumbull; Merewether Lewis; Dr. Charles McKnight; Edward G. Malbone; Rev. J. M. Mason; Bishop Benj. Moore (on India Paper); and others. 8vo and 4to, (12 pieces.) Earl of Cornwallis, Geo. Wm. Curtis, Alex. Graham Bell, Admiral Cornwallis, Charles Brooks, John Brown, Col. Francis Barber, Charles I. Bushnell, General Burgoyne, Austin Corbin, G. W. P. Curtis, R. T. Conrad, J. Fenimore Cooper, and others. r2zmo and 8vo. (17 pieces.) 293 AMERICAN THEATRE, BOWERY. Colored View of the burning of this Theatre, Sept. 22, 1856. Oblong 1z2mo. 32 The Toedteberg Collection 294 AMHERST (JEFFERY—Lorp Amuerst), Mezzotint Portrait, in armor, engraved by S. W. Reynolds, after Sir Joshua Reynolds; Portrait, in uniform, published by J. Walker, London, 1781. $8vo. (2 pieces.) 295 ANCELIN (MD’LLE.) Colored Lithograph Portrait in the char- acter of Zoloé. 4to. By Légé, after Galard. Paris, 1834. 296 ANDERSON (ALEXANDER). Colored copperplate engraving, ‘‘Waltz Dance.” By Dr. Anderson. 1z2mo. Scarce, N. Y. [1820]. 297 ANDERSON (D.C.) American Actor. Original Portrait Drawing inIndia Ink. 8vo. J%ne. 298 ANDERSON (JAMES). Known as ‘‘Irish” Anderson, Colored Etched Portrait, as Murtoch Delany, 16mo, N. Y., n. d.; Playbill of Chatham Garden Theatre, Oct. 30. 1824, Mr. Anderson as Terry O’Rooke. Rare. (2 pieces.) 299 ANDERSON (JAMES R.) Photograph, in plain dress; Engraved Portrait, as Huon, 1840. > t2m0. = (agiiecess) 300 Lithograph Portrait as Ulric, by R. J. Lane. On India Paper, with playbills of Park Theatre, 1844-1846, Mr. Anderson in various characters. (4 pieces.) Second Session. 301 ANDERSON (JAMES R.) Lithograph Portrait, from an original sketch. 4to, bust in oval, with playbills of Drury Lane and Park Theatres, 1830-47. Mr. Anderson in various characters. Includes a benefit bill. (5 pieces.) English Actor, appeared on New York Stage, 1844-56. Lithograph Portrait as Hercule the Huron, folio, full length; Play- bills of performances at Park Theatre in 1844-47, Mr. Anderson in various leading characters. (5 pieces.) 303 ANDERSON (JOSHUA). English Actor, husband of Josephine Bartolozzi. Portrait (reproduction) as Henry Bertram, with play- bill of Drury Lane Theatre, June 5, 1830, Mr. Anderson as Ber- tram, Mme. Vestris as Julia Mannering. (2 pieces.) 302 The Toedteberg Collection 33 304 ANDERSON (MARY). Various Portraits (Photographs, etc.), representing her in plain dress and character. 4to. (5 pieces.) 305 Another lot, including a fine colored photograph, and a rep- resentation of her marriage. 4to. (4 pieces.) 306 Various Portraits, representing her in plain dress and in characters of Hermione, Perdita, Evadne, etc. 4to. (14 pieces.) 307 Satin Programme of Palmer’s Theatre, Nov. 13, 1888. First appearance in New York of Mary Anderson in ‘‘ The Winter’s Tale.”’ Folio. 308 Playbills of Fifth Avenue Theatre, N. Y., 1877-8, including her first appearance in New York in the characters of Bianca, Par- thenia, Juliet, Meg Merrilies, and Pauline. (7 pieces.) 309 AND FANNY DAVENPORT. Woodcut and half-tone portraits in various characters. About 30 pieces. (As a lot.) G 310 ANDRE (JOHN). Engraved Portrait. 8vo, bust in oval, by J. K. Sherwin, after a drawing by Major André. Lond. 1784. FINE AND RARE, 311 Engraved Portrait, in uniform, with sword in right hand. 8vo, full length. From the Hibernian Magazine. The figure and title cut out and skillfully mounted. Dublin, 1780, EXTREMELY RARE, 312 Engraved Portrait, in uniform. 8vo, bust in rectangle, orna- mented, by Hopwood, the ornaments by Shirt. Rare, 313 Engraved Portrait, in uniform. 8vo, bust in oval. By D. Berger. 1783. RARE. 314 Engraved Portrait, ‘‘ The Unfortunate Major André.” No engravers name. $8vo. RARE. 315 Engraved View of the Execution of Major André, by Goldar, after Hamilton. to. 316 Engraved Portraits, engraved by J. A. O’Neill and W. G. Jackman. 8vo, on India Paper. (2 pieces.) 317 Portraits, including an engraving and etching by H. B. Hall, and the full-length engraving by Cook (cut down). (3 pieces.) 318 Various portraits of Major André, including a silhouette, and some reproductions of early portraits. (6 pieces.) 35° 33! 332 Soa 334 B30 336 337 The Toedteberg Collection ANDRE (JOHN). Various engraved views, representing the meet- ing of Arnold and André. (5 pieces.) Illustrations relating to the life and career of Major André. (6 pieces. ) Another lot. (7 pieces.) Various engraved representations of the Capture of Major André, including some rare and curious ones. (7 pieces.) Another lot. (6 pieces.) Engraved Views, to illustrate the life and career of Major André. Includes some uncommon ones. (10 pieces.) Another lot. (10 pieces.) Another lot. (10 pieces.) Another lot. (10 pieces.) Another lot. (12 pieces.) Engraved Views, facsimiles, etc., illustrating the life of Major André. (11 pieces.) (As a lot.) | — Collection of woodcut illustrations and clippings relating to Arnold and André. Over 50. (Asa lot.) Collection of woodcut scenes, etc., relating to the life and career of Major André. Over 60. (Asa lot.) 4 ANDRE. Engraved Portrait of Honora Sneyd. 12mo, oval, by F. Bartolozzi, after B. Meyers. Proor. VERY RARE. Lond. 1782 Engraved Portrait, in brown tints, of HONORA SNEYD. 12mo, oval, by F. Bartolozzi after J. H. Benwell. PROOF BEFORE IN- SCRIPTION. Lond. 1784 Colored Engraved Portrait of Honora Sneyd, 16mo, oval, by T. B. Brown, after Geo. Romney; another Portrait, 16mo, in rect- angle, engraved by Hopwood, after Romney. (2 pieces.) Engraved Portrait of Winthrop Sargent, author of ** Life and Career of Major John André.” 8vo, bust. INDIA PAPER PROOF BEFORE LETTERS. SCARCE. ANDREWS (GEORGE H.) American Actor. Appeared at Chat- ham Theatre, N. Y., in 1838. Portrait Drawing in India Ink. 4to, inlaid. Portrait Drawing, in India Ink, as Luke the Laborer. 4to, full length. 7ne. 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 35° 35! The Toedteberg Collection 35 ANDREWS (GEORGE 8H). Portrait reproductions in plain dress, and in the character of Luke the Laborer. 4to. (2 pieces.) India Ink Drawing as Captain Copp, with two benefit playbills of Park Theatre for May 28th and Dec. 10, 1847, Mr. Andrews in four different characters. (3 pieces.) ANDROS (SIR EDMUND). Governor of Mass., Virginia, and New York. Deposed and Imprisoned by the People of Mass., 1689. Portrait, bust in full armor, from the original family portrait. Line engraving, unsigned. Proor on INDIA Paper. Small 4to. ANGELE (MLLE). Sang in New York with Paolo Marie Com- pany. Bust portrait, life size, as Carmen. Lithograph, finely col- ored. Oval folio, inlaid. ANGLINGILLUSTRATIONS. Collection of 23 Views, Scenes, etc., drawn by Thomas Stothard and engraved by Aug. Fox for Pickering’s splendid edition of Walton and Cotton’s ‘‘ Angler,” all of them of 4to size. India proofs on Large Paper. CHOICE AND RARE, (As one lot.) ANNE (QUEEN). Mezzotint Portrait of Queen Anne of England. Small folio, half length, in oval. M. Dahll, pinx.; W. Faithorne, fecit. Inlaid. Mezzotint Portrait of Queen Anne of England. Small folio, half length, in oval. Engraved by E. C. Heiss, after Sir Godfrey Kneller. Inlaid. ANSCHUTZ (CARL). Portrait Drawing, in India Ink. 4to bust. Inlaid. ANSELIN (J. L.) Le Satyre Impatient, Oblong 4to. Engraved by Anselin after the painting by Ph. Caresme. Paris, n. d. ANTOINETTE (MARIE). Youthful Portrait, painted in water- colors. 12mo, oval. Water-color Drawing after Robin de Montigny, representing her as seated on a horse. 4to. Colored Portrait Drawing after Le Brun’s ‘‘ Marie Antoinette with a Rose.” 4to. Water-color Portrait Drawing after the original by A. D****. 12mo, oval. Water-color Portrait Drawing after the engraving by Le Beau. 1zmo, oval. 358 359 360 363 364 The Toedteberg Collection ANTOINETTE (MARIE). Water-color Portrait Drawing in profile. 12mo, oval. Engraved Portrait, 4to, oval, by Duponchelle; Portrait, with a representation of her arrest, engraved by Bertaux, folio. (2 pieces.) Colored engraving, ‘‘ Marie Antoinette with a Rose,”’ Goupil photogravure; Woodcut Portrait, engraved by A. Neumann. (2 pieces.) India Ink Portrait Drawing. 1I2mo. Portraits, mostly early stipple engravings (two colored). 8vo. (12 pieces. ) Various portraits, line, stipple, etc., engraved by Hopwood, Delpech, Lefevre, Carey, Nargeot, and others. 4to and 8vo. About 24 pieces. (As a lot.) Scenes in her Life: Taking of the Bastile; Interior of the Na- tional Assembly, 1792; Massacre of the 2d September; etc. About 30 pieces. (As a lot.) Scenes in her Life: Four etchings by Vinkeles of the Execu- tion, etc.; View of the Temple; etc. About 35 pieces. (Asa lot.) ARCHER (BELLE), Colored Photograph; Apollon et les Muses; James Albery; Emmeline Ormsby ; Athabalipa, ultimus Rex Peruan- orum; Adam and Eve driven from the Garden of Eden, by Karst after Kaufmann; Samuel Arnold, Mus. Doc. ; and others. (8 pieces.) AREMBERG (PRINCE). Beautifully Colored Portrait, by Bir- rell, 1808; Sig. Antognini; Carl Anschiitz, in character (colored) ; Julia Arthur; Rudolph Aronson; M. Emile Augier; Michael Angelo; Mme. Augusta, dancing; Anschiitz, in plain dress; and others. (12 pieces. ) ARIOSTI (ATTILIUS). Early Italian Composer and ’Cellist. Mezzotint Portrait, three-quarter length, seated leaning on an old spinet, a lion’s-head violin resting on top. By J. Simon, 1719, after F. Seeman. Folio, original impression, backed and inlaid. are. ARNOLD (BENEDICT). Engraved Portrait, ‘‘Arnold, General dans l’armée der Americaine.” 8vo, three-quarters length, in uni- form, right arm extended, city in background (cut down), VERY RARE, Engraved Portrait, ‘‘ Der Americanische Gener. Arnold.” 8vo, half length in oval, no engraver’s name. Di Pep fags Pee 2% a3 Loree | st The Toedteberg Collection 39 365 ARNOLD (BENEDICT). Engraved Portrait, drawn from life, by Du Simitier, Lond. 1783; portrait, engraved by H. B. Hall, N. Y.,, n.d. (2 pieces.) 366 Engraved Portrait, in uniform, half length in oval (cut down), brilliant impression; group of Portraits, including Arnold, Andre, Beverly Robinson, Paulding, etc. ; Mrs, Arnold, and child. (3 pieces.) Engraved Portrait, 8vo, bust in oval, from Murray’s ‘‘Ameri- can War”; Title-page of Sparks’ Biography of Arnold, with en- graved portrait after Du Simitier. (2 pieces.) 367 368 Engraved Portrait, 8vo, bust in oval, crown and serpent at ‘bottom (cut down); Etched Portrait, by H. B. Hall, 1879; Wood- cut of Arnold’s Birthplace, with portrait, etc. (3 pieces.) 369 ARNOLD (MRS. BENEDICT). Margaret Shippen. Colored Portrait, in miniature form, of Mrs. Arnold and Daughter. 12mo, in wooden frame. 370 ARNOULD (SOPHIE). Celebrated French Actress. Portraits, representing her in various characters (2 of them colored). 16mo and 8vo. (4 pieces.) 371 ARNOULD (SOPHIE), Engraved Portrait, on India Paper, by Ger- vais, after La Tour; Louis Aldrich in * My Partner”; View of Arch Street Theatre, Phila., drawn and engraved by J. Yeager; Playbill of American (Bowery) Theatre, Jan. 30, 1836, J. R. Scott as Norman Leslie; Baltimore Theatre Playbill, Feb. 7, 1829, J. W. Wallack as Richard III.; Playbill, with view, of American Theatre, 42d St., 1893; Belle Archer (colored photograph). (As 7 pieces. ) 372 ARTHUR (JOHN), Comedian, Engraved Portrait, 1803 (scarce) ; Robert Armin, Actor at the early Globe Theatre, 1609 [1790]; Auber, the Composer; Dr. Arbuthnot; Fanny Ayton; Auffenberg, the Dramatist; Dr. John Armstrong (on India Paper); Rudolph Aronson; and others. (12 pieces.) 373 ARTOT (J.) Famous Violinist, played at the Park Theatre in 1843. Lithograph Portrait, by Aubert. 4to, inlaid. 374 ASGILL (SIR CHARLES), Served in the Revolution, surrendered with Cornwallis at Saratoga. Bust portrait, in uniform, engraved by Chevillet, after J. B. de Loraine. 4to. BRILLIANT ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, WITH LARGE MARGINS. Paris, circa 1782. 38 The Toedteberg Collection 375 ASTLEY (PHILIP). Silhouette Portrait, engraved by J. Smith; Reproduction of portrait, seated on wagon with reinsin hand. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 376 ASTOR PLACE OPERA HOUSE. Playbills, March 26 and April 9, 1849, Italian Opera, with M’lle Borghese in ‘‘I Puritani” and ‘‘ Belisario.” (2 pieces.) 377 AUBER (FRANCOIS). Famous Composer. Engraved Portrait, seated at table; A. N.S. to Mons. Ledue, requesting the privilege ofa box. 1p.1zmo. Paris, 184—. (2 pieces.) 378 Lithograph Portrait, 4to, by Lemercier, on India Paper, FINE; Woodcut Portrait, with a representation of his different creations. (2 pieces. ) 379 Various Portraits, including the fine lithograph by Lemercier. 1z2mo, 8vo, and 4to. (5 pieces.) 380 AUCHMUTY (SAMUEL). Rector of Trinity Church, N. Y. 1764-1777. Loyalist, compelled by Lord Sterling to leave N. Y. PORTRAIT DRAWN in India Ink. 8vo. 381 AUGUSTA (MME. DE ST. JAMES). Portrait Drawing, in colors, representing her in plain dress. s12mo. 382 French Lithograph Portrait, in character, 4to, by Lemercier, after Alophe. Accompanied by a piece of paper, on which appears in the Madame’s handwriting her address, ‘‘ Madame de St. James, 138 Bleecker Street, City.” India-Ink Portrait Drawing, 4to, in plain dress, seated, with bouquet in left hand. 383 Colored Portrait (reproduction of a rare lithograph, colored by hand) in dancing costume, 4to, inlaid. 384 Lithograph Portrait in the rdle of the ‘* Bayadére,” 4to, by Currier, after Heidemaus, 1837; Benefit Playbill, Park Theatre, Dec. 21, n.d.; Playbill of Park Theatre, Feb. 2, 1846, Mme. Augusta as Giselle. (3 pieces.) 385 386 Lithograph Portrait, in dancing costume, 4to, by G. W. Lewis; Benefit Playbill, Park Theatre, Nov. 14, 1845; Playbills of Park Theatre, Nov. 4, 1845, and Feb. 18, 1846. Mme. Augusta in various Characters. (4 pieces.) 387 Lithograph Portrait, dancing ‘‘La Bayadére,” 4to, by N. Cur- rier; Playbill of Benefit Performance at Park Theatre, Feb. 19, 1847; Playbill of Covent Garden Theatre, May 30, 1833, Mme. Augusta, in the Ballet of ‘‘ The Pages of the Duke of Vendome.” (3 pieces.) 388 389 39° 39% 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 The Toedteberg Collection 39 AUSTIN (ELIZABETH). English Actress, appeared on N. Y. Stage in 1828. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, drawn on stone by Weld Taylor, after the painting by H. P. Briggs. Inp1a PAPER. PROOF BEFORE LETTERS. Engraved Portrait as Ariel. Folio, inlaid. No name of artist or engraver. FINE, Engraved Portrait as Rosetta, by Holl, after Holroyd, 12mo, Lond., n. d.; Lithograph Portrait, in the Opera of ‘* Masaniello,” drawn by Gimber, lith. by Pendleton. N. Y. 1830. (2 pieces.) Lithograph Portrait (scene), Mrs. Austin as Cinderella, 4to, by Pendleton after Gimber; Baltimore Playbill, Holliday St. Theatre, Apl. 30, 1832; Benefit of Mrs. Austin (torn at bottom); Playbills of Park Theatre, March 22, 1831, and June 24, 1834, Mrs. Austin as Cinderella and Ariel. (4 pieces.) Lithograph Portrait in ‘‘ Masaniello,” 4to, by Pendleton after Gimber; Benefit Playbill, Nov. 19, 1829, Mrs. Austin as Ariel; Phila- delphia Playbills, May 16, 1828, and Nov, 10, 1829. (4 pieces.) BACON (FRANCIS). Portrait, in state robes, 4to, engraved by George Vertue, 1728. BADDELEY (ROBERT). English Actor. Portraits in the char- acters of Canton, Petulant, ‘‘ The Commissioner,” etc. 12mo and 8vo. (5 pieces.) BADDELEY (SOPHIA). Mezzotint Portrait, 4to, oval, by R. Lowrie, Re-strike, London, 1772. Téte-a-Téte Portrait with Henry Woodward (Capt. Bobadil), together with portraits in different characters. 12mo. (4 pieces. ) BADIALI (CESARE). Operatic Singer, appeared at Castle Gar- den in 1850. Portrait Drawing in India Ink, together with a fine reproduction of an early portrait. 12mo and 8vo, (2 pieces. ) BAKER (BEN A.) American Actor. Woodcut Portrait, Obituary, and View of his monument in Greenwood Cemetery, neatly arranged on asingle sheet. (As one piece.) BAKER (THOMAS). Leader of Orchestra at Wallack’s Theatre. Lithograph Portrait, 4to, by Sarony. With presentation inscription. 40 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 4°07 408 409 410 The Toedteberg Collection BALLS (JOHN S.) English Actor, appeared in 1835 at Park The- atre, N. Y., reproduction of portraits of Mr. Balls in three charac- ters, touched up in India Ink, 8vo; Playbill of Benefit Performance, St. Charles Theatre, New Orleans, Feb. 13, 1837; Chestnut St. Theatre, Nov. 20, 1835. (3 pieces.) Playbill of Chestnut St. Theatre, Phila., May 8, 1839, Mr. Balls as Charles Surface (Benefit of Mr. Wood); Portraits (repro- duction) of Mr. Balls as the ‘‘ Three Singles,” together with a Bill of Covent Garden Theatre showing him in those characters. (3 pieces.) | BALTIMORE THEATRE. Playbill, Oct. 3, 1817, ‘‘ Clandestine Marriage” and ‘‘ My Grand-Mother,”’ with particularly fine casts. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Lithograph Portrait, 4to, half length, on India Paper, by Lemercier, after Bornemann. FINE. BANCROFT (S. B.) Colored Lithograph Portrait, as Jean de Siriex in ‘‘ Fedora.” Drawn by Pui May. 8vo, full length. BANDMANN (D.E.) Lithograph Portrait, 4to, oval, by Richard Childs, inlaid; Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, cut-down folio; Woodcut Portrait as Shylock. (3 pieces.) BANK NOTE ENGRAVING. Views, N. Y. City Arms, and other specimens, India proofs. (8 pieces.) BANNISTER (JOHN). Comedian. Engraved scene from ‘‘ The Children in the Wood,” with Mr. Bannister as Walter, oblong folio, engraved by Jas. Heath, after Westall. Lond. 1797. Mezzotint Portrait, in plain dress, folio, seated in chair, cane in right hand, hat in left, painted and engraved by G. Clint. Cut down and inlaid. [Lond. 1829. ] Various Portraits, in plain dress and character, including a colored one as Zaphna, and that drawn and engraved by Condé (from the Thespian Magazine). 12mo and 8vo. (8 pieces.) Various Portraits, in plain dress and character, including a colored one as Merlin, and that from the General Magazine, en- graved by J. R. Smith. 12mo and 8vo. (8 pieces.) Various Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and character, in- cluding the rare one as Macheath, and the caricature ‘*‘ Don Jack,” besides a couple of Charles Bannister. 1zmoand 8vo. WJWice lot. (9 pieces. ) 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 423 The Toedteberg Collection AI BARNAY (LUDWIG). Celebrated German Actor. Collection of Portraits, Playbills, Cuttings, etc., relating to him, including two rare early portraits, and others representing him in his various char- acters, 25 pieces. (As one lot.) BARD. Engraved Portrait of Dr. Samuel Bard, by W. Main, after Vanderlyn; Portrait of Dr. John Bark, engraved by Leney, after Sharpless. 8vo. Rare, (2 pieces.) BARNES (CHARLOTTE), afterwards Mrs. E. S. Conner. Por- trait Drawing in India Ink, 8vo, in plain dress. FINE. Portrait, reproduction from an original drawing, limited issue; Playbill of Park Theatre, Feb. 25, 1846, Miss Barnes and Geo. Vandenhoff in the ‘‘ Hunchback.” (2 pieces.) Benefit Playbill, Park Theatre, Feb. 27, 1846, Miss Barnes as Douglas. BARNES (JOHN). Early American Actor. Portrait Drawing in India Ink, 8vo, in plain dress; Playbill of Richmond Hill Theatre, May 29, 1833 (Opening Night under new management), with Mr. Barnes as Sir Peter Teazle, Mrs. Flynn as Lady Teazle. (2 pieces.) BARNETT (MORRIS). Actor and Dramatist. Colored Portrait (Lithograph colored by hand) as Monsieur Jacques. 4to, oval. BARNUM (P. T.) Lithograph Portrait, 4to, by Pollak & Co., from a daguerreotype by Root. SCARCE. Colored Caricature Portrait (head only), ‘‘ Hum-Bug,” lith, by Rosenthal, Phil., n. d.; Folding View, burning of Barnum’s Museum, 1865; Portrait of Mr. Barnum in his later years. (3 pieces. ) BARNUM’S MUSEUM. Colored Lithograph, with portraits of the celebrated Aztec Children, 4to, lith. by Currier & Ives. RARE AND CURIOUS. Colored View of the Burning of the Museum (at Broadway and Ann Streets), July 13, 1865. Oblong 4to, inlaid. Collection of Views, Portraits, Clippings, etc., including Colored View of the burning of the Museum, the ruins, the New American Museum at 539 Broadway, Admiral Dot and Mother, Obituary of Mr. Barnum, etc. 18 pieces. (As one lot.) 42 The Toedteberg Collection 424 BARNUM’S MUSEUM. Illustrated Broadsheet, ‘‘ Wonders of Barnum’s Museum,” giving portraits of Mr. Barnum and Jenny Lind, and pictorial representations of people and ‘‘things too numer- ous to mention.” Drawn by E. S. Hall, engraved on wood by Waters & Lord. Torn at edges. Mounted on linen, and with hinge joint. * Sayed from the burning of the Museum. 428 BARRETT (GEO. H.) American Comedian. India Ink Portrait, in plain dress. 4to, inlaid. FIne. 426 BARRETT (MRS. G.H.) Colored Portrait, in plain dress. 8vo, oval, inlaid. Portrait, 8vo, oval, on china paper; Playbill of Park Theatre, June 2, 1845, Mrs. Barrett as Lady Gay Spanker. (2 pieces.) 428 BARRETT (MR. AND MRS. G. H.) Various Portraits, includ- ing the one in plain dress engraved by Bonar & Cumming, and two fine reproduced portraits, of limited issue. 8vo and gto. (5 pieces.) 429 BARRETT (LAWRENCE). Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, by H. B. Hall & Sons, on India Paper; View in connection with his funeral; Engraved Portrait as Cassius, by G. B. Hall. (3 pieces.) Lithograph Portrait by Clay, Cosack & Co., Buffalo, scarce; Photo as Cassius; Photogravure as Lanciotto; Obituary fromi N.Y. Tribune, March 21, 1891. (4 pieces.) Lithograph Portrait, in ‘‘ Man of Airlie ”. as King Lear; in plain dress (split and mounted); Obituary from N. Y. Times, March 21, 1891. (4 pieces.) Various Portraits, Playbills, Photographs, etc., including an etched portrait as King Lear, engraved portrait as Cassius, colored one as Lanciotto, lithograph as Hamlet, and playbill representing him in different characters. 16 pieces. (As one lot.) Various Playbills, including his first appearance as Daniel Druce, Booth’s Theatre, 1876; First performance of ‘* As You Like It” at Daly’s Fifth Avenue Theatre, and Fanny Davenport (for the first time) as Rosalind, Mr. Barrett as Orlando, with other good bills. (7 pieces.) Various Playbills, including that of his first appearance in New York in the character of King Lear; Opening Night of Niblo’s Garden, under Jarrett & Palmer (first appearance of Mr. Barrett in N. Y. in eight years); Opening Night of Season of 1883 at Wallack’s Theatre, Mr. Barrett as Lanciotto, and other bills of interest. (7 pieces.) 427 430 431 432 433 434 The Toedteberg Collection 43 o 435 BARRETT (WILSON). Satin Programme. Farewell appearance of Wilson Barrett and Miss Eastlake at the Star Theatre in Hamlet, April 4, 1887. Folio. 436 BARRINGTON (ROSE). Photograph from life (in character), finely colored by hand. 4 to, full length. 437 BARROW (JULIA BENNETT). Celebrated American actress. Fine Daguerreotype Portrait in plain dress, taken by Gurney. 8vo, in oval frame. 438 Colored Portrait, in plain dress (photograph touched up in colors), 4to, inlaid; Playbill of the first performance of ‘‘ Princess Radiant ” at Lyceum Theatre (Brougham’s), May 24, no year, with Miss Melissa as Fairy of the Forest. (2 pieces.) 439 Lithograph Portrait in plain dress; engraved portrait in character (cut down); as Minnehaha, woodcut; Playbill of (Brougham’s) Lyceum Theatre, May 21, 1852. Miss Bennett in ‘The Devil in Paris.” (4 pieces.) 440 BARRY (SPRANGER). Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, 8vo, half length, by E. Harding. Rare. 441 Reproduction of a rare Engraving, ‘‘ Mr. Barry and Miss Nos- siter as Romeoand Juliet,” by Elliott, after Pyle. 1759. 4to. ONLY 12 WERE ISSUED. 442 Colored Portraits, in the characters of Othello and Varanes. 16mo, full length. Lond. 1779. (2 pieces.) 443 Engraved Portraits, including the one in plain dress, deliver- ing the Prologue to the ‘‘ Earl of Essex”; Mr. and Mrs. Barry in Scene from ‘‘ Tamerlane ’”’; and another Portrait in plain dress, India Paper Proof. (4 pieces.) 444 BARRY (MRS. SPRANGER). Colored Portraits, in the charac- ters of Sir Harry Wildair and Constance. 16moand12mo. Lond. 1776-77. (2 pieces.) 445 Colored Portraits, ‘‘Mr. Cautherly and Mrs. Barry as Romeo and Juliet,” save; Mrs. Barry as Sir Harry Wildair. Lond. 1779. 16mo. (2 pieces.) 446 Various Engraved Portraits, delivering the Prologue to Doug- las, in characters of Phedra, Athenais, Constance, Sir Harry Wild- air, Mariamne and Sophonisba, etc., with a reproduction of a rare Mezzotint Portrait. 312moand 8vo. (9 pieces.) 44 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 The Toedteberg Collection BARRY (THOMAS). Noted Actor and Manager, Portrait Draw- ing, in IndiaInk. 8vo. Vignette bust. VERY FINE, Benefit Playbill, Park Theatre, June 12, 1846. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Keanin “‘ Townand Country ” and ‘‘ Don Caesar de Bazan.” Playbill of Park Theatre, Dec. 13, 1847, Benefit of Mr. Barry, Charlotte Barnes and E. S. Conner in ‘‘ Love’s Sacrifice’; Bowery Theatre, July 22, 1839, Mr. Barry and Mrs. Shaw in “ Il Maledetto.”’ (2 pieces.) : BARRY (MRS. THOMAS). American Actress, appeared at the Park Theatre. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress (cut down). SCARCE. BARRY (WILLIAM T.) Former Postmaster-General. Engraved Portrait. 4to. Drawn and engraved by Jas. B. Longacre. Phil. 1833. BARRYMORE (EARL OF). Various Portraits and Scenes (some caricatures) relating to his theatrical career, including Portrait as Scrub, Interior View of his Theatre at Wargrave, his death, ‘* The Peerless Scrub” and ‘‘ The Levee” (from the ‘‘ Attic Miscellany ”). 12mo and 8vo. (7 pieces.) : BARRYMORE (GEORGIE DREW). Colored Portrait (photo, colored by hand), together with a Photogravure Portrait and an obituary notice. (As 2 pieces.) BARRYMORE (MAURICE). Photographs, in plain dress and characters, taken in Boston and New York. 8vo. (4 pieces.) BARRYMORE (WM.) English Actor, appeared on New York Stage in 1831 and later. Engraved Portrait in plain dress, 4to, bust in oval, by Benj. Smith, after Thomas Hardy. Lond. 1804. BARRYMORE (MRS. WM.), formerly Miss Adams, appeared at the Park Theatre in 1831. Etched Portrait, in character, 4to, full length, with pistol in right hand and rifle in left (cut down). RARE. BARTLEY (GEORGE). English Actor, appeared on the New York Stage. Portraits in various characters, including Sir Toby Belch, by Lane (on India Paper), Sir John Falstaff and Gil Blas. t2mo and 8vo. (4 pieces.) BARTLEY (SARAH), formerly Miss Smith, appeared on the early New York Stage. Portraits in plain dress and in characters, including Lady Macbeth and Euphrasia. 8vo and 4to. (4 pieces.) S = The Toedteberg Collection | 45 459 BARTOLOZZI. Prudence and Beauty, Prudence endeavoring to retain Beauty from following the Insinuation of Love. Charming stipple Engraving by F. Bartolozzi, after Cipriani, 4to, oval tinted in carmine (inlaid), OricINAL Impression. Lond. 1782. 460 Engraved Portrait of Signora Allegranti. 12mo, half length oval, in brown tints, by F. Bartolozzi, after Richard Cosway. Lond. 1783. Engraved Portrait of Charles Burney, Mus: Doct., 4to, by F. Bartolozzi, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1784. Engraved Portrait of Lady Elizabeth Foster, 2d Duchess of Devonshire, 4to, half length, by F. Bartolozzi, after Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. 1787. (Cut down.) RARE. 461 462 The Judgment of Paris, engraved by F. Bartolozzi, after F, Burney, from an Ancient Painting in Pompeii. Small 4to (margins shortened). Lond. 1790. 463 Engraved Portrait of William Cowper, the Poet. 4to, by F. Bartolozzi, after Sir Thos. Lawrence. Lond. 1806. Engraved Portrait of General the Earl of Cornwallis. 8vo, in uniform, half length, oval engraving in brown tints, by F. Bar- tolozzi. PROOF BEFORE INSCRIPTION. Adam and Eve in the Garden, and with the Arch-Angel Ra- phael, after Stothard. Large 4to, Original impressions. (2 pieces.) 464 465 466 Adam and Eve and the Arch-Angel Raphael, and two others. Engraved after Stothard. 4to. Original impressions. (3 pieces. ) 468 BARTOLOZZI (JOSEPHINE). Noted Actress, Daughter of F. Bartolozzi, the engraver, and sister of Madam Vestris. Mar- ried J. R. Anderson. Water-color Portrait. 4to, half length, in- laid. 469 BASS (MR.) Engraved Portrait as Malvolio, together with Benefit Playbill of Park Theatre, May 24, 1847, Mr. Bass as Sir Pertinax MacSycophant. (2 pieces.) 470 BATEMAN (ELLEN AND KATE). Water-Color Portraits (scene) representing them as Bombastes Furioso and King Artaxo- minies. 4to, inlaid. VERY FINE. Playbill of the opening night of their engagement at Broad- way Theatre, Sept. 15, 1852; Scene from ‘‘ Leah”; Portraits of Kate Bateman in that character, and of Ellen in Richmond, etc. (6 pieces.) 467 471 46 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 482 483 484 The Toedteberg Collection BATEMAN (ELLEN AND KATE). Various Portraits, etc., including a photograph representing them as the ‘‘ Young Couple”; Kate Bateman as Leah; Playbill of Broadway Theatre, Nov. 25, 1852, etc. 12moand 8vo. (7 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits of Kate and Ellen Bateman in juvenile characters, with attached biographies. 12mo, full length. RARE. (2 pieces. ) Playbill of New York Theatre (Astor Place), Sept. 10, 1852, Ellen Bateman as Richard III., and Kate Bateman as Richmond; Niblo’s Garden, May 9, 1863, Miss Bateman as Leah and John McCullough as Rudolf. (2 pieces.) BATEMAN (KATE). Engraved Portrait as Leah, small folio by Geo. H. Every, after the painting by J. Edgell Collins. Lond. 1864. BATEMAN (ISABEL). Playbill of her first appearance on the London Stage, Sept. 11, 1871 (Mr. Henry Irving in the cast) ; Wood- cut portraits as Fanchette and Marie, and a caricature portrait. (4 pieces. ) , BATES (MRS.) English Singer. Mezzotint Portrait, 8vo, painted and engraved by Wm. Pether. 1792. BAUMANN (T.) Comedian. Mezzotint Portrait, in the character of Adam, small folio, by Jautz, after Lange. Wien, 18or. BECKETT (HARRY). Photograph in character (neatly mounted), 8vo, with autograph written beneath, ‘‘Harry Beckett, May 23, 1874.” BECKMANN (FRIEDRICH). German Actor. Colored Litho- graph Portrait as Uncle Bauman, folio, 1852, FINE; Lithograph | Portrait, in character, 4to. (2 pieces.) BEDFORD (PAUL). Colored Lithograph Portrait as Jean Pied- noir in ‘‘ Amilie,” by R. J. Lane, 4to, on India Paper. Mr. Bed- ford’s signature is attached. Lond. 1839. BEEKMAN (JAMES ?). Prominent Early New Yorker, and owner of the Park Theatre. St. Memin Portrait [1797], finely colored by hand. 16mo. BEETHOVEN (L. v.) Engraved Portraits of the Great Com- poser, including the fine one by Lindner, after C. Jager. 4to, on India Paper. (3 pieces.) Lithograph Portrait. 8vo, drawn on stone by A. Newsam, lith. by Lehman & Duval, Phil. (scarce), together with two other lithographs. 8vo and 4to. (3 pieces.) The Toedteberg Collection 47 48s BELLAMY (GEORGE ANNE). Mrs. Bellamy on the steps of Westminster Bridge; Scenes from a Play at Covent Garden Thea- tre, 1753, with Mrs. Bellamy in a character; Portrait, with mask in hand, by Mackenzie, after Ramberg. All engraved on copper, 12mo and 8vo. (3 pieces.) 486 Engraved Portrait, with mask, Lond, 1807; Two illusts. to Bellamy’s Apology, including the Elopement from Covent Garden Theatre, and reproduction of portrait taken at the age of 30, 12mo, (4 pieces. ) 487 BELLAMY (W. H.) English Actor. Appeared at Mitchell's Olympic Theatre in 1838. Engraved Portrait as Dr. Pangloss. 4to, full length, by H. R. Cook, after R. Jean. Lond., n. d, RARE. 488 BENEDICT (JULIUS). Lithograph Portrait, 4to, on India Paper, by E. Matthews & Sons. 489 BENEDICT XIV. Engraved Portrait, seated in pontifical robes, one hand extended in blessing, by C. Gandolfi, after Joseph Wag- ner. Folio, full length, opEN LETTER PROOF. [Circa 1764. | 490 BENEVENTANO (SIG.) Opera Singer. Appeared at Palmo’s Opera House in 1847. Woodcut and Lithograph Portraits (one in plain dress, the other in character) mounted on one sheet. (As one piece.) 491 BENNETT (MR.) English Actor. Portrait as Ziekle Homespun. 4to, full length, eng. by H. R. Cook, after R. Jean. InpIA PAPER Proor. Ipswich, Eng., 13814. 492 BENNETT (G. G.) English Actor. Appeared on American Stage. Colored Portrait as Lucius Catiline (scarce); Lithograph Portrait as Gabor in ‘‘ Werner,” by R. J. Lane. On India Paper. 8vo and 4to. (2 pieces.) 493 BENSLEY (MR.) English Actor. Engraved Portrait as Busiris. Finely colored by hand. 12mo. Lond. 1781. English Actor. Engraved Portraits in the characters of Bajazet (scarce), Harold, Oakley, Mahomet, with Miss Macklin in ‘‘ Barbarossa,” etc. 312mo. (7 pieces.) 495 BERESFORD (JAMES). Author of the ‘‘Miseries of Human Life,” ‘‘ Miseries Personified ”’ (caricature). Wood engraving by Alexander Anderson. 8vo, mounted. Circa 1810. 494 48 496 497 498 499 500 = 50 502 593 504 chek 506 5°97 508 The Toedteberg Collection te BERESFORD (JAMES). Pen-and-Ink Portrait; Colored engrav- ing representing him at his own fireside enjoying his misery (his wife assisting), by W. H. Pyne, 1806; Miseries Personified, curious portrait, J. Beresford, inv" and del*, n.d) (3 pieces) * A scarce lot. a BERGMAN (CARL). Musician and Composer. India Ink Por- trait, 4to, inlaid; Ticket of Admission and Programme of Memorial Concert at Steinway Hall, Nov. 12, 1876, and Obituary notice. pieces.) (As one lot.) (4 BERKELEY (BP. GEORGE). Celebrated Philosopher. Resided in Rhode Island, and made an endowment on behalf of Yale. Bust Portrait in robes, mezzotint by Jn. Brooks, after J. Latham. Folio, ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, mounted and inlaid. [Dublin, cérca 1745. | BERLIN THEATRE. Lithograph View of the interior of the Berlin Opera House. Oblong gto. Berlin, 1344. Group Portraits of Actors, Actresses, Singers, Authors, Man- agers, etc., identified with the Berlin Theatre from its commence- ment (1750), with views of the Theatres. The six groups comprise 115 portraits, engraved on wood. Folio. (6 pieces.) BERLIOZ (HECTOR). Composer. Author of the ‘‘ Damnation of Faust.” Lithograph Portrait, seated. By Lemercier & Co., from photograph. 4to. Lithograph Portrait by Lemercier from a photograph. On India Paper; Engraved Portrait by Metzmacher (from ‘‘ L’Artiste’”’). ution nt 22pieces.) BERNARD (JOHN). Engraved Portraits in plain dress and as Jack Meggot (one being proof before letters). 1zmo. (5 pieces.) BERNERS (DAME JULIANA). Author of the first English book on Fishing. Etched Portrait as Prioress of Sopewell Nun- nery, by P. Roberts, after Brooke. 4to, on India Paper. BERNHARDT (SARAH). Colored Photograph, in plain dress. 4to, full length. Colored Photograph, 4to, in plain dress, full length. Portrait, seated, holding a bronze figure. After Bastien Lepage. Fine wood engraving by Chas. Bande. Large folio. Lond. 1880 Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress (one tinted). 4to. pieces. ) (2 599 510 511 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 The Toedteberg Collection 49 BERNHARDT (SARAH). Etched Portraits. Dans la Fille de Roland; in ‘*‘ La Tosca’”’; in plain dress, by E. Abot. 1r2mo and 8vo. (3 pieces. ) Etched Portraits. By E. Abot; by Champollion, after Bastien Lepage; by L. Monzies, after Clairin. 4to. (3 pieces.) Various Portraits, including a fine colored one as L’Aiglon. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces.) Various Portraits, in plain dress and character (some colored), including a large folding one as Cleopatra. 4to and folio. (8 pieces.) Various Portraits, caricatures, etc., including ‘‘ La Conquéte de L’Amerique.’”’ Some in colors, and very curious. (14 pieces.) Another lot, including some engravings made from the Actress's own original sketches. Goop. (14 pieces.) Large Collection of Woodcut and Photo Portraits of Bern- hardt (some colored); Scenes from her plays, caricatures, etc. ; Extracted from French, English, and American periodicals. 8vo and 4to. Extremely interesting lot of 125 pieces. (Asa lot.) Playbill of her first appearance in America, Booth’s Theatre, Nov. 8, 1880, ‘‘ Adrienne Lecouvreur.”’ Another copy. Satin Programme of the Star Theatre, N. Y., March 14, 1887. Farewell appearances of Sarah Bernhardt as ‘‘ Fedora.” Folio. Playbills of Booth’s Theatre, Nov. ro—25, 1880, including first American performances of Sarah Bernhardt in ‘* Frou-Frou,”’ ‘‘Camille,” ‘‘ Hernani,” ‘‘ Phédre,” and ‘‘Le Sphinx.” (6 pieces.) Playbills of Standard and Star Theatres, N. Y., 1887, 1891, etc., with other programmes, and a List of Cabin Passengers on Str. ‘*‘ Amerique,’’ 1880, with Mme. Bernhardt’s name among them. (7 pieces.) BERTHIER (GEN. ALEXANDRE). Engraved Portraits, one being a bust in oval with battle-scene beneath, engraved by J. De B , the other from the Versailles Gallery. 4to. (2 pieces.) BERTIN (JOSEPHINE). Appeared in Niblo’s Gardens, N. Y., 1849. Full-length Lithograph Portrait as a Bayadére, in ‘‘La Lampe Merveilleuse,” by G. Engelmann. Imp. 8vo, 50 The Toedteberg Collection 523 BEWICK (THOMAS). Celebrated Wood Engraver. Half- length Portrait, seated. Line engraving by John Burnett, after J. Ram- say. 4to, on India Paper. FINE IMPRESSION ON LARGE PAPER. Lond. 1817. 524 BETHMANN (MADAME PREDERIEED, One of Germany’s most Celebrated Actresses, and Goethe’s favorite. Engraved Por- traits, in plain dress, and as Phadra. r2mo. (3 pieces. ) 525 BETTERTON (THOMAS). Etched Portrait (INDIA Proof), to- gether with three other portraits of him, reproduced from the same original. 8vo and gto. (4 pieces.) 526 BETTINI (GEREMIA). Operatic Singer. Appeared at Astor Place Opera House in 1850. Two fine Lithograph Portraits—one published in Paris, the other in Vienna. Both on India Paper. gto and folio. (2) | 527 BETTY (WM. HENRY WEST). Colored Caricature, “The Young Roscius and Don John on the Theatrical Pegasus.”’ Master Betty and John Philip Kemble. Oblong 4to. London, 1804. 528 Colored Portrait as Selim (pencil marks on breast). 8vo» engraved by Tomkins. London, 1804. SCARCE, 529 Mezzotint Portrait, as Hamlet, folio, half length, facing to right, engraved by J. Ward, after J. Northcote. London, 1805. 530 Portrait as Douglas, engraved by Ridley, after Drummond, 1805; Signature to letter, ‘‘I remain, my dear Payne, your true friend, H. Betty” (cut out and mounted). (As one piece.) 531 Colored Caricature, ‘‘ Vain attempts to see the Young Roscius.”’ Oblong 4to. Rare anp curious. Lond. 1805, 532 Engraved Portrait, folio, full length, in his Hamlet costume, standing before a bust of Shakespeare, by Jas. Heath, after a paint- ing by Sir James Northcote. Fine impression.” Lond. 1806. £23 Engraved Portrait as Young Norval, folio, by James Heath, after John Opie. Lond. 1807. 534 Portrait as Young Norval, beautifully printed in colors, 4to, mounted, drawn by Buck, engraved by Bate. London, Aug. 1, 1808. * Fine and rare. 535 Portrait as Young Norval, sketched from life by T. Busby. (Text in German.) 8vo. RARE. The Toedteberg Collection 51 ; ; 536 BETTY (WM. HENRY WEST). Engraved Portrait, ‘‘ The | Young Roscius in the character of Douglas.” 4to, shield on left arm, with right arm extended. Mounted. _ . 537 Portrait, in plain dress, 8vo, engraved by C. Schule, 1805. ; (Text in German.) Scarce. ' . 538 Portrait, in plain dress, 16mo, oval, right arm at breast. No : name of artist or engraver. Rare. 539 — Colored Portrait Drawing of Master Betty as Young Norval, with hands resting on rifle. 16mo. No name of artist. 540 Portrait as Tancred, engraved by Alais, inlaid; Title-page of Thespian Dictionary, 1805, with portrait of Master Betty as Doug- las, r2mo, mounted. (2 pieces.) 541 Portraits as Gustavus Vasa, 1z2mo, engraved by Alais, 1806; Portrait, engraved by Leney, after a drawing by J. Ramsey. 8vo, mounted, (2 pieces.) Colored Portrait, ‘‘ Costume of Young Norval,” engraved by J. Dadley; Portrait as Alexander, engraved by Alais, 1812; as Douglas, by Ridley, after Drummond, 1805. r2moand 8vo. (3 pieces.) 542 Portraits as Douglas, 16mo, published by John Sharpe, Dec. 31, 1804; as Frederick, by Cook, after R. Dighton, Jr.; Woodcut as in later life, with obituary. Mounted. (3 pieces.) 543 Portraits as Zanga, engraved by Alais (trimmed Close), 1805; as Capt. Flash, by Cooper, after DeWilde, 1806; Scene from ‘‘ Doug- las”; as Alexander, by Thompson, after Wageman, 1818. 12mo and 8vo. (4 pieces.) 544 Portraits, in plain dress, full length, engraved by W. S. Leney; Another, in plain dress, oval; Scene from ‘‘ Douglas’’; Portrait, from original drawing by Freeman, Lond. 1804. (4 pieces.) Playbills of his performances at Covent Garden Theatre, March 6, 1806, as Young Norval; G. F. Cooke as Glenalvon, and at Doncaster Theatre, Sept. 6, 1813, as Achmet; also Woodcut Portrait of him as an old man, with accompanying obituary. All mounted. (3 pieces. ) 547 BIBLICAL SUBJECTS. The Madonna of the Burgomasters, after Holbein; Titian’s Magdalen; Rubens’ Descent from the Cross, engraved by Aubert, 1727, original impression; The Last Supper, after Da Vinci, by Wagner; The Incredulity of St. Thomas, after Van de Werff, by Scriven, India proof. . Folio and 4to. (5 pieces.) 545 546 52 The Toedteberg Collection 548 BIBLICAL SUBJECTS. Scene from the Book of Judges, engraved by Sadeler (?); Susannah and the Elders, by Watt, after Caracci; The Pardon of Adam, by Lalaisse, after Mélin, brilliant impression ; and three others. Folio and 4to. (6 pieces.) 349 BIGOTTINI (MLLE). Famous Dancer. Lithograph Portrait in plain dress, together with three portraits in dancing costumes, two of which are colored. 8voand4to. (4 pieces.) sso BILLINGTON (ELIZABETH). Portrait as St. Cecilia, engraved by B. Pastorini, under the direction of F. Bartolozzi, after the paint- ing by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Folio. Lond. 1803. * A beautiful print., 551 Engraved Portrait, in character, by Ridley, after Cosway. Svo. OPEN LETTER PROOF, ON INDIA Paper. Lond.: Vernon & Hood, 1801. mnie Engraved Portrait (as St. Cecilia), by J. Rogers, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, small 4to, Lond., G. Virtue, 1825; Memoir of Mrs. Billington, from Oxberry’s Dramatic Biography, 12mo, pp. 6, mounted on inside sheet. (As one piece.) Bos: a, Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and character, including the one by Armytage, after Downman, 12mo and 8vo. (6 pieces. ) 554 Engraved Portraits in ‘‘ Rosetta,” by Alais (rare), by Ridley. after Cosway; as Clara; in later life (cut out), and others. 12mo. (7 pieces.) sss BILLINGTON-KEMBLE. Colored Caricature, ‘‘ The New and Elegant ,St. Giles’s Cage. Erected on purpose for the Dilletante Theatrical Society.” Mrs. Billington and J. P. Kemble represented as in the stocks. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1802, 556 BINDLEY (JAMES). Famous Collector. Mezzotint portrait by W. Say. 4to, bust, OPEN LETTER PROOF. (Margins shortened.) Lond. 1819. 557 BIRCH (HARVEY). Engraved Portrait of Enoch Crosby, the true Harvey Birch, Hero of Cooper’s ‘‘ Spy.” By Doolittle & Mun- son, after Capt. H. L. Barnum. r12mo. Rare. ORIGINAL IM- PRESSION. ss8 BIRCH-PFEIFFER (CHARLOTTE). Portraits (2 lithographs on India Paper, and one engraved) of this famous German Actress, togeter with an A, L. S. 1p. 4to, Aug. 15, 1842. (4 pieces. ) The Toedteberg Collection 53 559 BISCACCIANTI (ELISA), appeared at Astor Place Opera House, 1848. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, folio, half length, seated, left arm resting on table, hand raised to head, from a daguerreo- type, and drawn on stone by P, A. Ott. On InpIA PAPER. RARE. Py L852. Lithograph Portrait as Lucia, 4to, half length, by Sarony & Mair N. Y.; n.d. 561 - Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress. 4to. N.Y., n.d. (2 pieces. ) 562 BISHOP (ANNA). Lithograph Portrait, in costume, 4to, by P.S., Duval, Scarce. Phil., n. d. Lithograph Portrait, in the Opera of ‘‘ Francesca Donato,” drawn on stone by A. Newsam, lith. by Duval; Portrait, engraved by D. J. Pound, Lond., n. d.; Playbill of Concert at Tripler Hall, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1850; Portrait of Joseph Haydn. 4to. (As 3 pieces. ) 560 563 Various Portraits in Character and plain dress, woodcuts and lithographs (one colored), together with playbill of Niblo’s Garden, Nov. 3, 1852, and an obituary of Mme. Bishop. 4to. (As 4 pieces.) 564 Three Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress, including the scarce one drawn on stone by P. Kramer, lith. by Duval; Photo of Frank Thorne and C. B. Bishop in a scene, with obituary of the latter. 4to. (4 pieces.) Lithograph and Engraved Portraits, mainly in character, in- cluding ones as Tancredi and Madame Carillon. 4to. (6 pieces. ) 565 566 - Various Playbills of Park and Broadway Theatres, N. Y., 1846-47-48, with early performances of Madame Bishop, and con- taining her third appearance in America. (8 pieces.) 568 BISHOP (SIR HENRY). English Composer, to whom the world is indebted for the music to John Howard Payne’s ‘‘ Home, Sweet Home.” Mezzotint Portrait, folio, three-quarters length, in cloak, seated in chair, with music in hand, engraved by S. W. Reynolds, after J. Foster, Lond. 1822. Margins cut off. Very RARE. 569 BISHOP (SIR HENRY AND LADY). Portraits, engraved by Holl, 1828, and Woolnoth (inlaid); Anna Bishop, from a daguerreo- type, on glazed paper. 4to and 8vo. (3 pieces.) 570 BISHOP (SALLIE). Performer at Bowery and National Theatres, N. Y. Original photographs. 4to. SCARCE, (2 pieces. ) 567 54 The Toedteberg Collection 571 BLAIKE(B.) English Actor, first appearance in America in Lafay- ette Theatre, N. Y., in 1826. Lithograph Portrait as Billy Barlow, 4to; Playbill of Chatham Theatre, Sept. 20, 1842, Mr. Blaike in ‘¢The Iron Chest” and ‘‘Sixteen-String Jack,” J. B. Booth and other well-known names in the cast. (As 2 pieces.) s72 BLAKES (CHARLES). Mezzotint Portrait, in the character of Monsr. le Medicine. Folio, full length, right hand holding cane to lips, left hand placed in large muff, man in background to left, drawn and engraved by J. McArdell. Lond.: fodt. Sayer, n. d. 573 BLAKE (WILLIAM RUFUS). Favorite New York Comedian. Portrait Drawing, in India Ink and Water Colors. $8vo, bust. Taken from life. VERY FINE. 574 Daguerreotype Portrait, in plain dress, half length, seated. 12mo. VERY FINE. 575 Playbills of Wallack’s and Broadway Theatres, 1853-62, with Mr. Blake in many of his best characters. INCLUDED ARE THREE BENEFIT BILLS. (6 pieces.) 576 Portraits of W. R. Blake and Mrs, Blake (formerly Caroline Placide), with an account of Mr. Blake’s last perfcrmance, and a view of his monument in Greenwood Cemetery; also 2 Onn anys notices of Mrs. Blake. (As 4 pieces.) 577 BLANCHARD (WILLIAM). Engraved Portraits in Character (as Fluellen, Ralph, Aguecheek, etc.). 8vo and 4to. (5 pieces.) 578 BLAND (HUMPHREY). Played at the Park Theatre, 1844. Origi- nal Photograph, ‘‘penny plain” portrait colored, 4to, autograph, and newspaper cutting. Mounted on two 4to sheets. (As 2 pieces.) 579 BLAND (MRS.) Engraved Portraits, representing her in the Char- acters of Madelon, Sally Shamrock, yeat Ann, Miss Notable, etc. 12mo and 8vo. (8 pieces.) 580 BLANGY (HERMINE),. Danseuse. Appeared on New York Stage in 1846. Lithograph Portrait as La Sylphide. Folio (cut down). SCARCE. 581 Lithograph Portrait, by J. Hofelich, after Kriehuben. 4to, ON INDIA PAPER. 582 Reproductions of rare Original Portraits, representing her in plain dress and as Sylphide. 4to. LimiTep 1ssur. (2 pieces.) 583 Piaybills of Broadway and Park Theatres, 1847-48, with Mlle. Blangy in various characters. Includes two benefit bills. (8 pieces.) = °° a ee 584 585 586 587 te el i eo ee i — — 588 589 59° 59! i 3 F 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 The Toedteberg Collection 5 on BLASIS (CARLO). Celebrated Ballet Composer and Dancing Mas- ter. Engraved Portrait. 8vo, half length, seated. SCARCE. BLEECKER (MRS. ANN ELIZA). American Poet. Bust Portrait, engraved by Tiebout, 12mo, oval, in frame. Crrca 1800, BLISSETT-JEFFERSON. Scene from the ‘‘ Budget of Blun- ders,” with Messrs. Jefferson and Blissett as Dr. Smugface and Dr. Dablancour (on India Paper); Playbill of Baltimore Theatre, Sept. 30, 1820, showing the above-named actors in these characters. (2 pieces.) BLUCHER (PRINCE). Mezzotint Portrait, representing him on the field of battle (posed and composed). Small folio, engraved by Wagstaff, after Sir Thos. Lawrence. Lond. 1839. Mezzotint Bust Portrait. Small folio, copied from the original, modelled at Paris, by M. Bosio. BLYTHE (HELEN). Photographs, in plain dress and character. 8vo. (5 pieces.) BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). Engraved Portrait, with laurel wreath on head and book in hand, by Raphael Morghen [1822], after Gozzini. 4to. FINE IMPRESSION. BOCHSA (CHARLES). Composerand Harpist. Came to America [1847], and travelled with Madame Anna Bishop. Lithograph Por- trait, published in Vienna in 1842, Rare. Bust Portrait, drawn in water-colors. 4to. Portrait Drawing in India Ink, after Voigt. 4to, half length, with accompanying obituary. (As one piece.) Reproduction of a Rare Portrait. Autograph signature pasted beneath. BODIN (MADAME). Premiére Danseuse du Theatre Imperial. Finely-engraved Portrait, dancing. Folio. VERY RARE, BOHRER (MAX). Celebrated Violoncelist, appeared at Park Theatre (for one night only) in 1844. Lithograph Portrait, pub- lished in Vienna, 1842. 4to. BOIELDIEU (ADRIAN). Composer, Author of ‘*‘La Dame Blanche,” etc. Portraits by Belliard, and from a drawing made by Quenedy in 1811. Lithographs. Folio, inlaid. (2 pieces. ) BOLTON (MISS), afterwards Lady Thurlow. Engraved Portraits, in plain dress. 12mo. (3 pieces.) 56 The Toedteberg Collection 599 BOND (FREDERICK), Photographs, in plain dress and charac- ters; others of John Drew, Henry Crisp (with autograph), J. P. Bur- nett, Edith Bland, Hart Conway and Sidney Cowell. 8vo. (8 pieces. ) 600 BOOTH (BARTON). Portraits, from Betterton’s History of the Stage, 1741; from the Universal Magazine [cévca 1770]; and Line Engraving by E. Smith, after G. Clint, 1822, India Paper, 8vo. (3 pieces. ) Third Session. 601 BOOTH (EDWIN). Bust Portrait, engraved by F. Halpin, proof before all letters, on India Paper. Large paper. Portrait from life, aged about 35. Touched up with India Ink. Cabinet size, inlaid. 602 Colored Portrait, half length, in private dress. Drawing in water-colors representing him at the age of about 35. 4to, inlaid. 603 Original Card Photograph, age about 40, with signature affixed beneath. (As one piece.) 604 Bust Portrait. Music sheet. Lithograph by Bufford, from a photograph by Gurney. 4to. 605 606 Edwin Booth as Shylock. Bust Portrait, original drawing in water-colors, finely executed. Folio. Full-length Portraits as Hamlet. Original photographs (two different) from life. Folio, (2 pieces.) 607 Portraits of Edwin Booth as Richelieu and in plain dress, together with those of his two wives, Mary Devlin Booth and Mary McVicker Booth. 4to. (4 pieces.) 608 Portraits as Hamlet, engraved by J. Rogers, open letter proof; In Private Life, engraved by H. B. Hall, India proof; In Private Life, line engraving, proof before all letters; Bust, by F. Halpin; Lithograph Portrait; and Portrait of Mary McVicar [Booth], with Biographical Sketch. Mostly 4to. (6 pieces.) 609 Portraits engraved by Halpin (India proof on Large Paper); as Pescara, by C. B. Hall; as Iago; etc. (Some duplicates.) (10 pieces. ) 610 The Toedteberg Collection 57 611 BOOTH (EDWIN). Various Portraits, Scenes from his Plays, Letter of Invitation to Farewell Dinner to Edwin Booth, June 1880; Newspaper Sketches, etc. Mostly inlaid to folio size. (15 pieces.) 612 Various Portraits of Edwin Booth in Character and in Private Life. Lithographs, line engravings, photographs, etc, (one colored). 8vo and 4to. (16 pieces.) ‘Edwin Booth in his various Dramatic Characters. Drawn from Life by W. J. Hennessy and engraved by W. J. Linton, 12 full-page Portraits. (No text.) (Asa lot.) 613 614 Laurence Hutton’s Biography of Edwin Booth (magazine article); Portraits as Hamlet, Benedict, Claude Melnotte, Don Cesar, and six other characters, engraved by W. J. Linton. 4to. (As a lot.) Various Portraits in Character, mostly Woodcuts. As Riche- lieu, engraved by W. J. Linton; as Hamlet, several different; as Othello; and others. Also Biographical Sketch by Laurence Hutton. Comprising altogether 29 Portraits. The whole neatly inlaid on 14 folio sheets. (As a lot.) 615 616 Various Woodcut Portraits, mostly in Character. (About 27 pieces, as a lot.) 617 Another Ict. (About 33 pieces.) (As a lot.) 618 Various Portraits in Character and in Private Life, mostly Woodcuts. (About 70 pieces.) (As a lot.) Playbill of Daly’s Theatre, New York, Nov. 8, 1875. Richard the Second. Edwin Booth in the title-rdle. Mounted. * His first appearance on any stage as King Richard II. Cast includes John Drew, Mrs. Gilbert, etc. 619 Satin Programme of his Farewell Appearance in Othello at the Fifth Ave. Theatre, Nov. 20, 1875; also card photograph of him in the title-rdle. Mounted on one folio sheet. 620 621 Satin Programme of Daly’s 5th Ave. Theatre, for Nov. 20, 1875. Farewell appearance of Edwin Boothas Iago. 4to. 622 Playbills of Mr. Booth’s first performances at Daly’s Fifth Ave. Theatre, Oct. and Nov. 1875. (6 pieces.) Brooklyn Academy of Music. Programmes of the last appear- ances of Edwin Booth on the Stage. Complete set of the five, Mar. 30 to April 4, 1891. Neatly mounted on folio sheets. (As a lot.) 623 58 The Toedteberg Collection 624 BOOTH (EDWIN). Views of Booth’s Theatre, scenes from his plays, programmes, etc. Some inlaid. Folio, etc .(About 25 pieces.) (As a lot.) 625 Newspaper Biographies of Edwin Booth, by Wm. Winter and Laurence Hutton, and others; Obituary Notices, etc. ///ust. The whole neatly mounted on 17 folio sheets. (Asa lot.) 626 Illustrated Magazine. Articles on Edwin Booth, Views of his Theatre, Portraits of Mary Devlin [Booth], Programme of the In Memoriam of Edwin Booth at Madison Square, Nov. 1893; Newspaper Cuttings (Booth, his Life and Works, by Wm. Winter; Death of Booth, etc.); and other Scraps. About 30 pieces, some inlaid. (Asa lot.) 627 BOOTH (MARY DEVLIN). Edwin Booth’s First Wife. Col- ored Photograph from Life, three-quarter length. 4to, inlaid. 628 Photograph from Life, three-quarter length. Finely colored. Oval 4to, mounted. 629 Photograph from Life, three-quarter length. Finely colored. Oval 4to, mounted. (Different to the preceding. ) 630 BOOTH (MARY McVICKER). Edwin Booth’s Second Wife. Bust Portrait, drawn in water-colors. Small 4to. Photograph from Life, with Edwin Booth, touched up with IndiaInk. 4to, mounted. 632 BOOTH (J. B.) Colored etchings. Portrait of Mr. Booth as Rich- ard III., from Life. 4to, bust. VERY RARE. Lond.: Wm. Hone, 1817 631 633 Portrait as Richard III. Engraved by W. Bond, after F. P. Stephanoff. 4to, on India Paper (cut down). 634 Colored Portrait Drawing of Booth in the character of Rich- ard III. Folio. Finely executed. 635 Half-length Portrait as Richard III. Stipple engraving, mod- ern impression, colored. 8vo. 636 Portrait, full length, as Richard III. (autograph on China Paper, only 25 issued); Playbill of the Balt. Theatre, May 2, 1833, Booth as Richard. (2 pieces.) 637 Portraits as Richard III., full length, by Magoffin; Stipple En- gravings; Card Photograph; etc. 4to and smaller sizes. (6 pieces.) 638 Colored Portrait. Bust as Sir Edward Mortimer, drawn in water-colors. 1I2mo. The Toedteberg Collection 59 4 639 BOOTH (J. B.) Full-length Portrait as Sir Giles Overreach, Original drawing in pen-and-ink by J. Ludovici. 4to. 640 Portrait as Sir Giles Overreach. Original drawing from life, by Robert M. Sully. (The head finished in water-colors, the rest of the body in pencil outline.) 12mo. * On the back is written: ‘‘ Mr. B him a few nights since. R. M. S.” heres a capital sketch of Booth for you—I saw 641 Portraits, in Private Life, early stipple engraving; as Brutus, by Rogers; as Posthumus, by Wageman; and two Busts. 8vo and 4to. (5 pieces.) 642 Portraits as Guiscard, colored (penny plain post); as Sir Giles Overreach, as Posthumus, in Private Life, etc. (8 pieces.) A. L. S. to F. C. Wemyss, Manager of Walnut Street Theatre, Phila., 1 p. 4to, Dec. 7, 1835, naming terms for himself and ** Jim Crow ’”’ Rice, on acceptance of which they would consent to appear jointly as Pescara and Bone Squash Diavolo! With bust lithograph portrait. (1 piece ) Woodcut Portraits, Scraps and Cuttings relating to him. 644 . About 40 pieces (a few duplicates.) (As a lot.) 645 BOOTH (JUNIUS BRUTUS, JR.) Colored Portrait, bust, in private dress. Original drawing in water-colors. 4to. 646 BOOTH. India Ink Portraits of the three Booth Brothers—John ¥ Wilkes, Edwin and Junius Brutus—as Mark Antony, Brutus and Cassius, respectively, as played by them at the special performance at Winter Garden Theatre, N. Y., in Nov. 1864. Drawn from life, 3 and photographed. Folio. 647 BOOTH (JOHN WILKES). Bust Portrait, lineengraving. Proof on Japan Paper. 4to. 648 BOOTH-BURKE. Playbills of Theatre-Royal, Manchester, Dec. 27—-28-29-30, 1825, with J. B. Booth in tragic roles, and Master Burke in his juvenile parts. (4 pieces.) BOOTH (SARAH). Portraits, full length, by R. Cooper, as Christine; full length, by H. R. Cook, as Amanthis; and aquatint engraving showing her in *‘ The Magpie and the Maid.” 8vo and 4to. (3 pieces.) BOOTH (T.G.) Comedian and Singer. Lithograph Portrait, lean- ing against lamppost in street, with Olympic Theatre in back- ground. By F. W. Bouvé. Rare, 60 651 652 653 654 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 The Toedteberg Collection BORDOGNI (LOUISA). Operatic Singer, appeared in New York in 1834. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress. 8vo. VERY RARE. BOSCAWEN (EDWARD). English Admiral, commanded the Navy at the Siege of Louisbourg. Half-length Portrait. Stipple engraving by C. Bestland, after Sir J. Reynolds, 4to. FINE IM- PRESSION. Lond. 1803. BOSTON. View of Boston from the Bay. Aquatint engraved by M. Marigot, printed in sepia. 4to. Lond. 1807. BOSTON THEATRE. Playbill of the Opening Night of the Boston Theatre, Sept. rr, 1854. ‘‘The Rivals,” and ‘ Loan of a Lover,” with the first appearance in America of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and Thomas Corner. EXTREMELY RARE. Views of the Odeon, Atheneum, Tremont, and other Theatres (miniature vignettes); Newport Theatre (2 copies), Walnut St. Theatre, Phila., steel engravings, 4to. (8 pieces.) BOSWELL (MR.) Celebrated Clown. Appeared on New York Stage. Colored Lithograph in Portrait costume. 4to. Paris, n.d. BOTTESSINI (SIGNOR). Opera Singer. Appeared at Park Theatre, 1847. Lithograph Portrait, 4to, half length (cut down). SCARCE. BOUCHER (REV. JONATHAN). Engraved Portrait, 4to, bust in oval, by P. Condé, after W. J. Thomson, InpIA PAPER PROOF. Lond. 1815 BOUCICAULT (DION). Photograph, in plain dress, 4to, oval, finely colored by hand. Portrait, from a life photograph, finely drawn in water-colors. 12mo, oval. Lithograph and Woodcut Portraits, in plain dress and character. 8vo and 4to. (4 pieces.) Lithograph Caricature Portrait, London, n.d. ; Playbill of first performance of ‘‘ Rescued,” Booth’s Theatre, Sept. 4, 1879; Play- bills of Booth’s and Wallack’s Theatres, 1879-80; ‘‘The Shaughraun, ” and ‘‘Kerry”’ Portrait; in plain dress; Portraits of Mr. Boucicault in his different characters (on one sheet). 4to and folio, (6 pieces.) Woodcut Portraits, in plain dress and character, together with Portraits of Mrs. Boucicault, Harry Montague, Views of the Funeral of Mr. Boucicault, etc. (As a lot.) The Toedteberg Collection 61 664 BOUCICAULT (DION). Playbill of the first performance in America of ‘‘Arrah-na-Pogue”’ at Booth’s Theatre. (Cut down and mounted.) 665 Playbill of the first performance of ‘‘ The Shaughraun,”’ Wallack’s Theatre, Nov. 9, 1876. 666 Playbills of Royal Princess's Theatre, London, and Booth’s Theatre, N. Y., 1872-79, etc., with Mr. and Mrs. Boucicault in some of their most noted characters. (4 pieces.) 667 BOURCHIER (ARTHUR). Colored Photograph, in character; Heinrich Bétel, 5 different portraits, on 3 sheets, with playbills; Sig. Salvi and Signora Bosio; Sig. Borani; Edwin Booth as Riche- lieu (colored); Agnes Booth (2), and others. (10 pieces.) 668 BOWDEN (WRIGHT). English Actor. Fine Pencil Drawing after Minasi, 1822. 4to, bust, inlaid. 669 Etched Portrait by Minasi from life, 4to, 1822. PRooF on INDIA PAPER. 670 BOWERS (MRS. D. P.) Photograph from life, by Brady, in costume. FINELY COLORED BY HAND. Folio. 671 Photograph from life, in evening gown, finely colored by hand. 8vo. 672 BOWERS (GEO. V.) Comedian. Card Photograph and News- paper Sketch. Played Asa Trenchard to Sothern’s Lord Dundreary. (As one piece.) 673 BOWERY THEATRE. Lithograph View of New York (Bowery) Theatre, erected 1826. Oblong 4to. Drawn on stone by A. J. Davis, lith. by Imbert. Rare. 674 Colored Lithograph, showing the destruction of this famous Theatre by fire on April 25, 1845. Reproduction of a rare print. 8vo. 675 Collection of Views, Playbills, Portraits, and Clippings relat- ing to this famous Theatre. It includes the illustrated article, ‘‘ The Old Bowery,” by J. J. McCloskey; some rare views, including the engraving from the ‘‘ Mirror,” and a playbill of the last perform- ance on the historic stage, and a ticket used on that occasion. IN- TERESTING LOT. (20 pieces.) (As a lot.) 676 BRAINERD (J. G.C.) American Poet. Bust Portrait. Line and stipple engraving by J. B. Longacre after Tisdale. Small 8vo, OPEN LETTER PROOF ON INDIA PAPER. 62 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 638 689 The Toedteberg Collection BRAHAM (JOHN.) Etched Portrait, in character of Gli Orazzi. 8vo. COLORED BY HAND, Engraved Portrait, in “plain dress, 4to, by A. Cardon from a drawing by John G. Wood. Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and in characters of Prince Orlando, and Sir Huon of Bourdeaux, and in ‘‘ Wanted a Brigand.” evan (5 pieces.) Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and character (as Lord Aimworth, Prince Orlando, Koyan, etc.). 8vo. (5 pieces.) BRIDGES (ELOISE). American Actress. Card Photograph from life, in character. Finely colored by hand. BRIGNOLI-PICCOLOMINI. Colored Portraits of Sig. Brignoli and Marie Piccolomini in scene from ‘‘Il Poliuto.” (Photo., col- ored by hand.) 4to, inlaid. FINE. BROHAN (MADELEINE). Lithograph Portrait, in character, finely colored. Folio, oval, three-quarters length. BROOKE (GUSTAVUS VAUGHAN). First appeared at the Broadway Theatre, 1851. Original carte-de-visite photograph. Engraved Portraits, in the characters of Iago, Hamlet, Mac- beth, Richard III., Othello, Shylock, etc. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces.) Engraved Portraits, in the characters of Iago, Othello, Philip . of France, Richard III., etc., with playbill of Astor Place Opera House, May 24, no year, Mr. Brooke as The Corsican Brothers. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces.) : BROOKES (L. DE GARMO). Actor, Dancer and Composer of Ballets. India Ink Portrait drawing, by Cameron. Small 4to. BROOKLYN THEATRE FIRE. Collection of Portraits, Views, Playbills and Clippings relating to that terrible disaster. It in- cludes one of the original playbills used in the Theatre on that night (Dec. 5, 1876). Views of the burning of the Theatre, and the ruins, portraits of the performers, programme of the funeral services of Claude Burroughs and H. S. Murdoch, View of the burial in Greenwood Cemetery, etc. (14 pieces.) (As a lot.) BROOKS (SHIRLEY). Portrait Drawing in India Ink, 12mo, bust, with obituary notice, together with fine woodcut portrait. (As 1 piece.) The Toedteberg Collection 63 690 BROOKS (VIRGINIE), now Mrs. St. Clair McKelway. Photo- graph, in character, taken in Chicago. 8vo. 691 BROUGH (WILLIAM FRANCIS). Famous Singer, appeared on N. Y. and Philadelphia Stage in 1835. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, on stone, by A. Newsam, llthograph by Duval. On India Paper. RaAreE. 692 Bust Portrait, in character. Lithograph by A. Newsman. ' 4to, monnted. D 693 Water-Color Drawing (copy of above). Small 4to. 694 BROUGHAM (JOHN.) Satin Programme of the Winter Garden, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1866. Farewell Benefit and last appearance of 4 John Brougham in ‘‘ O’Donnell’s Mission.” 4to. Inlaid. ‘ 695 Card Photograph from life (in character), finely colored by . hand. 4 696 Original Photograph of Brougham’s Lyceum, on Broadway, j afterwards Wallack’s Theatre. 3 in. x 3 in. 697 A. N. S., to a lady unknown, 1 p. 8vo, ‘‘ June 5, 1870, I made my first appearance at the Queen’s Theatre, London, now called the ‘Prince of Wales,’ during the season of 1829,” together with an original photograph. (As 1 piece.) 698 Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, with an A. N. S. in- laid at bottom. Fine Portrait. (As 1 piece.) : 699 Carte-de-visite Photograph, three-quarter length; Cabinet Photograph, full bust; Woodcut of the N. Y. City Procession pass- ing Brougham’s Lyceum, July 4, 185t. (3 pieces. ) Photograph as Dr. Gossitt, and four other woodcut portraits, some in character. 8voand 4to. (As 4 pieces.) 700 Various Portraits (5), Clippings, etc., including an engraved portrait by Soper, and some odd caricatures. (As a lot.) 7O1 Playbills of Wallack’s Lyceum, Sept. 25, 1852; Wallack’s Theatre, Jan. 17, 1853, March 30 (no year), and Nov. 24, 1862, the two latter being Benefit Playbills. Mr. Brougham appears in a variety of characters. (4 pieces.) 703 BROUGHAM (MRS. JOHN). Portrait as Cherubino. Process reproduction. Only a limited number issued. 8vo. 702 64 704 725 706 ho 708 799 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 The Toedteberg Collection BROWN (FANNY). First appeared in N. Y. 1861, at the Winter Garden Theatre. Card photograph, full length, in plain dress. BROWN (MISS). English Actress. Full-length colored portrait as Daphne in ‘“ Midas.” 1778. BROWN (MRS.) Englis Bellair. 8vo, oval, half length. Afterwards Mrs. Cargill. 8vo. London, h Actress. Engraved portrait as Biddy PROOF BEFORE LETTERS. BRUNTON (ANNE). Portrait, in the ‘‘ School of Reform.” By COLORED BY HAND, * This lady became successively Mrs. Robert Merry, Mrs. Thos. Wignell and Mrs Dudley. 8vo, full length. Wm. Warren, the elder. BRYANT (DAN). Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, Ato, bust, head turned to left. Lithograph Portrait as Shamus O’Brien, together with play- bill of Wallack’s Theatre (n. d.); Dan Bryant in the “Irish Emi- grant” and ‘‘ Handy And 4to. (3 pieces.) y-- (aipieces:) Lithograph and Woodcut Portraits. In plain dress. 8vo and Printed Letter of Invitation to his Funeral Service. 2 leaves, 8vo. BRYANT (W.C.) Bust Portrait, engraved by Alfred iJones and BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. S. A. Schoff, after A. B. N. Y. 1858. Durand. Folio. BUCKSTONE (J. B.) Lithograph Portrait as Jemmy Wheedle, W. Gear. On India Paper. Scarce, 4to, drawn on stone by J. Portrait Drawing as Tony Lumpkin. letter in right hand. Fine. with cup in hand. Fine. Portrait Drawing in the character of Scrub. length, with hat in right hand. 4to. (5 pieces.) few of particular merit. I2mo and 4to. (6 pieces. ) 8vo, half length, with 8vo, half length, Portrait Drawing in the character of Bob Acres. 8vo, half Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and chueneeee Izmo and Engraved Portraits in plain dress and character, including a 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 73° 731 The Toedteberg Collection 65 BULL (OLE). Lithograph Portrait. 4to, drawn on stone by A. Newsam, lith. by Duval. Scarce. Phil., n. d. Lithograph Portrait. On India Paper, 12mo, bust, profile to left (probably the earliest portrait of him); Two Engraved Por- traits, stillas a young man. 12moand 8vo, (3 pieces.) — Lithograph and Woodcut Portraits (4), including one of large size, with fine head; Playbills of his performances (2), and a long obituary. (As 5 pieces.) BUNN (ALFRED). Lithograph Portrait. 4to, drawn on stone by R. J. Lane. On India Paper. Lond., n. d. BUNN (MRS. ALFRED). Colored Portrait as Queen Elizabeth, 1zmo, by Kinnersley, 1824, FinE; Miss Somerville as Bianca, 8vo, full length, by Carver, after Bradley. (2 pieces.) ——— Formerly Miss Somerville. Engraved Portraits as Hermione, - Alicia, Elvira, etc., one in plain dress. 12mo and 8vo. (5 pieces.) BURCK (MARIE BAYER). German Actress. Various fine por- traits. Three in plain dress, engravings and lithographs, and one in the character of Ophelia. 8vo and 4to. (4 pieces.) BURGOYNE (GEN. JOHN). Engraved Portrait (background colored), by H. Brocas, Dublin, n. d.; Portrait, engraved by A. H. Ritchie. 8vo. (2 pieces.) BURKE (CHARLES). Group Portraits in various characters (re- production), together with Benefit Playbill, Bowery Theatre, April 14, 1853, and playbills of same Theatre, April 4 and 27, 1853. (4 pieces.) Various Lithograph Portraits of this well-known Comedian, including one of him in the character of ‘Rip Van Winkle.” Also a reproduction of a portrait of him in plain dress. (As 6 pieces.) BURKE (MRS. CHARLES—Mks. SutHertanp). Appeared at Bowery Theatre. Portrait Drawing, in plain dress. 12mo, bust. BURKE (IONE). Photograph from life, delicately colored by hand; Photograph representing her as a champion of the South, with shield held in front. 12mo and 8vo. (2 pieces.) BURKE (JOSEPH). ‘Master Burke.” Portrait as Bluster Bub- ble, by P. Roberts, after Wageman, etched by Robert Cruikshank. ato. _ Lond., n. d. 66 The Toedteberg Collection 732 BURKE (JOSEPH). ‘‘ Master Burke.’’ Colored Portrait as Napoleon Buonaparte, 4to, by P. Roberts, after Wageman, etched by Robert Cruikshank. Lond., n. d. Engraved Portrait. Master Burke as The Irish Tutor. 4to, mounted. Lond.: Pud. by Dyer, Jr., n.d. RARE. 733 734 Engraved Portrait as Mrs. Kitchener, the Cook, in ‘* Old Heads on Young Shoulders.” 4to, mounted. Lond., n.d. RARE. Engraved Portrait as Richard the Third, taken by permission from an original drawing. 4to, mounted. Lond., n.d, Rare. 735 736 - Portrait of Master Burke as Teddy O’Rourke, from the ‘© Apollo.” 1z2mo, mounted. Lond. 1830. SCARCE. VARY Lithograph Portrait, ‘‘ Master Burke, the Irish Roscius.” 12mo, inlaid, lith. by Pendleton. SCARCE. 738 Engraved Portrait of ‘‘ Master Burke,” from Dramatic Maga- zine; Playbill of his first appearance at National Theatre, N. Y., Jane. 3; 18300..°(2- pieces.) aN Autograph Letter in the third person in reply to inquiries made regarding his professional career, 1 p. 8vo, March 7, 1874; Concert Programme, Brooklyn Athenzum, Feb. 7, 1856, with Mr. Joseph Burke, Violinist. (2 pieces.) oe Portrait of Master Burke as Napoleon Bonaparte, neatly cut out and mounted, original impression; Portrait in plain dress, 12mo, mounted, engraved by Rogers, after Wageman. (2 pieces.) 740 Engraved Portrait by Rogers, after Wageman, cut down and inlaid (with attached obituary); Portrait of Master Burke, sur- rounded by representations of him in his various juvenile charac- ters. OnIndia Paper. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 741 Caricature by D. C. Johnston, ‘‘ Pressure. of the Times,” showing crush of the people at Boston Theatre to obtain tickets for Master Burke’s performances; Woodcut, ‘‘ The Irish Tutor,” with Master Burke as Dr. O’Toole. 12mo, mounted. (2 pieces.) 742 Collection of clippings from early periodicals relating to his careert (Lot) Playbills of New Orleans Theatre, Feb. 16, 18, and Mar. 1, 1839, with ‘‘Young Burke” in various characters. Includes a benefit bill. (3 pieces.) 743 744 | | | q | The Toedteberg Collection 67 745 BURKE (JOSEPH). Playbills of Front Street and Holliday Street Theatres, Baltimore, Nov. 20, 24, and 27, 1832, including a benefit bill. (3 pieces.) 746 Playbills of the Surrey Theatre, and the Theatre Royal, Margate, England, with Master Burke (aged 5 years) in a variety of characters. 1824, etc. (5 pieces.) 747 Playbills of Park Theatre, Jan. 7, Apl. 6, 8, ro, and 13, 1831, etc., with Master Burke in many of his most noted characters. Names of Simpson, Placide, Mrs. Wallack, and others in casts, (6 pieces.) 748 BURNETT (FRANCES HODGSON). Souvenir of 1ooth Per- formance of ‘‘ Little Lord Fauntleroy,” at Broadway Theatre, N. Y., including colored portraits of Mrs. Burnett, Tommy Russell, and Elsie Leslie Lyde, and a Playbill with its cast. (4 pieces.) 749 BURNEY (REV. CHARLES). Chaplain to His Majesty, En- graved Portrait, small folio, directed to front, face turned slightly to right, by William Sharp. Open LETTER PRoor, SCARCE. * A superb specimen of Sharp’s engraving. 750 BURROUGHS (WATKINS). Portrait Drawing in India Ink as Jerry Hawthorn, small folio, full length, after George Cruikshank; Playbill of Philadelphia Theatre, March 12, 1825, with Mr, Bur- roughs in the characters of Jerry Hawthorn and Sponge. (2 pieces.) 751 BURTON (WILLIAM E.) Colored Portrait Drawing as Captain Cuttle. 4to. Lithograph Portrait as Captain Cuttle, 4to, on India Paper, 752 by Sarony & Major, from a daguerreotype. 753 Scene from ‘‘ Dombey and Son,” as performed at Burton’s Theatre, N. Y., with Mr. Burton as Captain Cuttle, Mr. Brougham as Jack Bunsby, and Mr. Raymond (Steve Massett) as Toots. Woodcut. Oblong 8vo, mounted. Rare. 154 Lithograph Portraits in the characters of Aminadab Sleek and Captain Cuttle. OnIndia Paper. 4to. (2 pieces.) 755 Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, by Soper, together with reproductions of portraits representing him in the characters of Capt. Cuttle, Toodles, Dr. Ollapod, and Aminadab Sleek. t1r2mo. (5 pieces.) 68 The Toedteberg Collection 756 BURTON (WILLIAM E). Lithograph Portrait as Aminadab Sleek (cut down), together with various other portraits of the famous comedian, views of his Theatre (interior and exterior), his resi- dence, etc. (10 pieces on 7 sheets.) (As 7 pieces.) Lithograph Portrait as Captain Cuttle (cut down); Mezzotint Portrait as Dr. Ollapod; Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, by W. G. Jackman, and other portraits and views. (11 pieces on 8 sheets.) (As 8 pieces. ) | Playbills of Arch Street and Chestnut Street Theatres, Phil., Sept. 5, 1834, and Feb. 9, 1838, and Burton’s Theatre, N. Y., May 23, 1849, and Sept. 28, 1852, with Mr. Burton in Mawworm, Paul Pry, Sir Robert Bramble, and other characters. (4 pieces.) Bank Check drawn on Chatham Bank (with view of the Bank Building, cor. Chatham and Duane Streets) to order of H. Tissing- ton, for $80—, together with two engraved portraits of Mr. Burton, one a proof before letters (as Bottom). 3 pieces. 760 BURTON’S THEATRE. Playbills for May 2, and Septie 1s; 1850, April 7, 1857, and Oct. 27, no year, including benefit of Annie Walters, ‘‘Love in a Maze,” with J. W. Lester (Lester Wallack), Miss Agnes Robertson (Mrs. Boucicault), Mr. Burton as Toodles, Capt. Cuttle, etc, (4 pieces.) 761 BUTLER (SAMUEL). English Actor, appeared at the Park Theatre, N. Y., in 1841. Colored Engraved Portrait as Caractacas, 1837; Reproduction of a rare portrait ‘‘ Mr. Butler as Hamlet.” 4to. (2 pieces.) | 762 BYRON (LORD). Silhouette Portrait, ‘‘ Lord Byron as he ap- peared after his daily ride at Pisa and Genoa,” 4to, cut on paper by Mrs. Leigh Hunt, engraved by S. Freeman. On India Paper. Lond. 1828. Unfinished Proof of Sir Thomas Phillips’ portrait of Lord baw 758 759 763 Byron, 4to. SCARCE. 764 Lithograph Portrait, 4to, half length, facing to right, left arm supporting head, Grecian landscape in background. Beneath is an Angel weeping at his tomb. Lith. by Villain, after Maurin. On India Paper. SCARCE. 765 Colored Mezzotint, ‘‘ Byron and Marianna,” folio, engraved by G. Zobel, after the painting by W. Drummond. Lond: nad. SCARCE, The Toedteberg Collection 69 766 BYRON (LORD). Mezzotint Engraving. ‘‘Lord Byron’s First Love,” 4to, from an original drawing by Gray. Lond., n. d. * 767 Colored Engraved View, ‘‘ Lord Byron on his Death Bed,” ‘a by J. Clark, after R. Seymour, Lond. 1825; together with a woodcut illustration, ‘‘ The Spirit of Byron,” introducing a portrait of the poet. Onone sheet. (2 pieces.) 768 Colored Illustrations to Byron’s Works, ‘‘ Astarte,”’ ‘‘ Myrrha,” ‘“*Conrad Weeping over Medora,” and one other. Engravings, colored by hand. 1r2mo and 8vo. VERY FINE. (4 pieces.) Engraved Portrait, 4to, half length, directed to left, facing to front, cloak over shoulders, by J. T. Wedgwood, after the painting by W. E. West. Four different states of the plate—unfinished proof before all lettering, unfinished proof with scratched inscription, open letter proof, and regular impression. Paris, 1826. (4 pieces.) 769 Engraved Portrait by Scriven, after Harlow (on India Paper) ; by W. Finden, after Sanders (cut down); by E. Finden, after Sanders; by Wedgwood, after West (proof before inscription); Views of Harrow,etc. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces on 6 sheets.) (As 6 pieces.) 77° Engraved Portrait (India proof before letters); by Cook, after Sir Thos. Phillips (on India Paper); by Chappel, after same; by W. Finden, after Sanders; by Wedgwood, after West (India proof before inscription); Lady Byron, etc. 8vo and 4to, (As 7 pieces.) 771 Engraved Views to Illustrate Byron’s Works: Newstead Abbey (a variety); Diodati, his residence in Greece; Harrow, etc. 8vo and 4to. (9 pieces.) 773 - Illustrations to the Giaour, Bride of Abydos, Corsair, Lara. Engraved by Finden, Heath, and others. Some on Large Paper. (10 pieces.) 772 Engraved Portraits, including one in Greek dress, by A. H. Payne, after L, Hicks; a proof on India Paper, after Harlow’s Paint- ing; by Kennerley, after drawing by Harding; by H. T. Ryall, after T. Holmes; and other uncommon ones. 8vo and 4to. (10 pieces.) 774 a 775 —-—— Engraved Portraits and other Illustrations, including the scarce portrait engraved by Lizars, after Stewart; by W. Coutts, published by W. Crawford; by Henry Meyer, after Harlow; his daughter Ada; and others of uncommon interest. 16mo and 12mo, (rz pieces.) 70 The Toedteberg Collection 776 BYRON (LORD). Engraved Portraits, including one published in Paris by Furné (on India Paper); Portraits at different ages; from ‘‘La Belle Assemblée” (fine impression); after drawing by Count D’Orsay; Ada, his Daughter (PRoor on Inp1A Paper); Lady Byron; French Portrait, engraved by Adam, after Devéria, Various sizes. FINE LoT, (12 pieces.) Engraved and Lithograph Portraits, including lithograph from the drawing by Count D’Orsay, 1823; a scarce German lithograph portrait; an engraving from Thorwaldsen’s Statue of the = Poer. Byron at the age of 19; Lady Byron; and other interesting ones. Various sizes. (12 pieces.) 778 CADWALADER (GEN. JOHN). Etched Portrait, 4to, on India Paper, by H. B. Hall, 1869. PRIvaATE PLATE. 749 CALDWELL (JAMES H.) Early Southern Manager and Actor. Original Photograph from life, 16mo; Reproduction of Portrait, with facsimile autograph, 8vo. (2 pieces.) 780 CAMARA (SENORITA DONA PETRA). Celebrated Spanish Dancer. Lithograph Portrait in dancing costume, finely colored by hand. Small folio, on Inp1A Paper. Paris, n. d. 781 CAMARGO (MLLE. LA). Celebrated French Danseuse. En- graved Portraits (two being finely colored and representing her in dancing costume, the other being in plain dress). Engraved by Gervais, after Lancret. 8vo and 4to. (3 pieces.) 777 782 CAMPBELL (THOMAS). Mezzotint Portrait, folio, half length, seated. Engraved by Samuel and Henry Cousins, after the paint- ing by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Fine Impression. Lond., n. d. 783 Engraved Portrait, 4to, half length, seated, by E. Finden, after the painting by Sir Thomas Phillips, on INDIA PAPER, Lond. 1841; Same, PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. (2 pieces.) 784 A. L. S., tp. 4to, Oct. 17, 1824, to his publisher (John Mur- ray?), requesting him to send payment fora contribution made by a ‘(deserving personage” to Joanna Baillie. Accompanied by an en- graved portrait of the poet, (As one piece.) 785 CAREY (GEORGE SAVILLE). Portrait Drawing, in India Ink, 4to, half length, in oval, mirror upraised in right hand, mask of Comedy in right. The Toedteberg Collection 71 786 CAREY (MATHEW). American Author and Politician. Half- length Portrait. Mezzotint by Samuel Sartain, after John Neagle, 1825. 4to. FINE IMPRESSION. 787 CARY (ANNA LOUISE). Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress. 4to and folio. (2 pieces ) 788 CARY (EDNA). Photographs. Neatly mounted to folio size (one beautifully colored). (2 pieces.) 789 CARLETON (GEN. GUY). Distinguished British Soldier in the Revolution. Line engraving for Murray’s History. Oval, 8vo. [ctrca 1790. | 790 CARLIN (MR.) Noted French Actor. Colored Engraved Portrait as Harlequin. 16mo. Lond. 1773. (2 pieces.) 791 CARLISLE (FREDERICK, EARL OF). Engraved Portrait by A. Cardon, after the drawing by Richard Cosway, FINE; two other portraits of the Earl. 8vo, and 4to. (3 pieces.) 792 CARMEN. Various scenes from the opera of ‘‘ Carmen,” including Portrait of Mme. Galli-Marié. Woodcuts. Folio. (6 pieces.) (Lot.) 793 CARMENCITA. The Famous Spanish Dancer. Photograph from life, colored by hand. Small folio. 794 CARTLITCH (J. G,) English Actor, appeared in America in 1849. Colored Drawing. 4to, full length, in character. FINE, Colored Portraits as Mazeppa and Percy of Northumberland. r2mo and gto. (3 pieces.) 796 CARON (MME. ROSE). Celebrated French Actress. Portraits in various characters, and scenes from plays, some finely colored. 4to. (5 pieces.) 797 CASTE. Playbill of T. W. Robertson’s play of ‘‘ Caste,” as per- formed at Wallack’s Theatre in 1875 and 1887, with woodcut scene, (The Author as Sam Gerridge.) (2 pieces. ) 798 CASTLE (WILLIAM). Operatic Singer. Beautiful Colored Photograph as Thaddeus in the ‘‘ Bohemian Girl,” and a lithograph portrait, in plain dress. 4to. (2 pieces.) 799 CASTLE GARDEN. Playbills of performances of the Rousset Family, with Herr Cline, the Tight-Rope Dancer. June 28 and 29, and July ro. Novyear. (2 pieces.) 795 72 The Toedteberg Collection 800 CATALANI (ANGELICA). Colored Drawing of the famous Actress in ‘‘ Semiramide,” 4to, inlaid. FINE. 801 Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, with music in left hand, 4to, oval, drawn and engraved by F. Fleischmann. Nurenberg, n. d. 802 Rare Lithograph Portrait, in character, 4to, oval, Wien, n. d.; Playbill of her first appearance on the English Stage, Drury Lane Theatre, May 20, 1807. (2 pieces.) 803 Engraved Portrait, by A. Conti, after G. Longhi, 1817; by Sidney Hall, after W. H. Brooke; by Schiavonetti, after Comerford, ISto.. “to. “2 pieces) 804 Engraved Portrait, by A. Cardon, after Hiiet Villiers; by Alais, after Sangry, 1821; as Semiramis (cut down), 8vo. (3 pcs.) 805 Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, folio, by Cardon, after Clara Maria Pope, 1812 (cut down); Two other engraved portraits, and a playbill of Covent Garden Theatre, June 18, 1813, Benefit of Mrs. Gibbs, Singing by Mme. Catalani. (4 pieces.) 806 CATHOLIC. Tableau Synoptique des Papes, giving on one sheet the portraits of all the Popes from Saint Pierre to Pius IX., with the dates of their births and deaths. Oblong folio. Paris, n. d. 807 CATLEY (ANN). Various Portraits. Fine reproduction of the Mezzotint Portrait as Euphrosyne, engraved by Dunkerton, after Laurenson; as Leonora; at the age of thirty; as Euphrosyne, re- issue of the ‘‘ Cabinet” print. 12mo and 8vo. (4 pieces.) 808 Engraved Portraits. As Rachel (colored by hand), 1780; in the characters of Euphrosyne (2) and Rachel; In ‘‘ Love in a Vil- lage,” and a Téte-a-Téte Portrait. 1r2mo. (7 pieces.) 809 CAVALAZZI (MME. MALVINA—Mkrs. CuHartes MaAPLEson.) Collection of Woodcut Portraits, Playbills and Clippings, includ- ing bill of her first appearance in America. (Lot.) 810 CAZENAVE. French Stipple Engraver. Orphée pleurant sur le Tombeau d’Euridice. Charming engraving, full-length figure. Folio. Original impression. 811 CELESTE (MME.) First appeared on any stage at the Bowery Theatre, N. Y., in 1827. Full length, as The Woman in Red. Copy of a photograph from life, finely painted in water-colers. Folio. The Toedteberg Collection 73 812 CELESTE (MME.) Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, three-quarters length, with auToGRAPH at bottom, ‘‘ Yours truly, Celeste Elliott.” Lithograph Portrait, in dancing costume, colored by hand, 4to, lith. by N. Currier. n. d. 813 814 — Lithograph Portrait as Madeline, folio, by M. Gauci, after A. E. Chalon. Lond. 1838. Colored Lithograph Portrait as Madeline, in ‘‘St. Mary’s Eve,” 4to, drawn and lith. by J. Brandard. Proof. Lond. 1838. 815 816 Colored Lithograph, scene from ‘‘ Flowers of the Forest,” with Mme. Celeste and Mrs. Fitzwilliams; Playbill of National Theatre, N. Y., with Celeste as Madeline, and Mr. Mitchell as Tom Baggs. (2 pieces.) 817. Lithograph Portrait as The Maid of Cashmere, folio, Lond. 1837; Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, by D. J. Pound; Playbill of Howard Athenzum, Boston, Oct. 26, 1865, Mme. Celeste in ‘‘The Woman in Red.” (3 pieces.) $18 Various Portraits. Rare Lithograph, Madame Celeste as Madame Defarge; Original Photograph, in character; as the Arab Boy; and others. 8vo. (6 pieces.) Portraits, Scenes, etc., including reproductions of rare por- traits in ‘*‘ The Woman in Red,” and ‘‘ The Flowers of the Forest”’; Playbill of National Theatre, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1838; Obituary Notice; etc. 8voand 4to. (5 pieces.) 820 CENTLIVRE (SUSANNAH). Early Portrait, engraved on cop- : per; together with a later one, engraved on steel, by H. R. Cook (cut down). 12mo. (2 pieces.) 821 CERITO (FANNY). Famous Dancer. Engraved Portrait as ‘‘La Sylphide,” 4to, by H. S. Ball, after A. de Valentine. Proof before inscription. Lond. 1842. 819 822 Mezzotint Portrait, in plain dress, folio, by G. Zobel, after a Lionel Brandon. Proof. Lond. 1844. A $23 Colored Lithograph Portrait, 4to, by Dickinson, after J. ak: Deffett Francis, 1846. On India Paper, cut down, inlaid and mounted. a 824 Lithograph Portraits, M’lle Cerito and Mons. St. Leon in ** La Manolla.” 4to. On India Paper, cut out and mounted, 74 The Toedteberg Collection 82s CERITO (FANNY). Colored Lithograph Portraits of Fanny Cerito and St. Leon, dancing, by Endicott, after Rouvier; Lithograph Portrait, in character, by Bertauts, after Henry. On India Paper. ato. (2 pieces.) 826 Various Portraits, in costume and plain dress, colored and un- colored, including a few choice ones. 8vo and 4to. (7 pieces.) 827 CESARI (SIGNORA TERESA). Italian Singer. » Colored Por- trait Drawing, in character, after Baralta. 4to. FINE. $08 CHAMBERS STREET THEATRE. ‘‘Button’s,” India Ink Drawing, oblong 4to. FINE VIEW OF THIS FAMOUS THEATRE. 829 CHANFRAU (FRANK §S.) Lithograph Portraits, Mr. Chanfrau as Mose and Mary Taylor as Lize. 4to. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. RARE. Colored Drawing, representing Mr. Chanfrau and John Wi- nans as Mose and Poggy Joe. 4to. By Aug. Toedteberg. AUTO- GRAPHED BY Mr. CHANFRAU. 830 Water-Color Drawing, ‘‘Scene at Catherine Market, Cuffy dancing for eels,” introducing portraits of Mr. Chanfrau as Mose and John Winans as Poggy Joe. 4to. AUTOGRAPHED BY MR. | CHANFRAU. FINE. 831 Colored Portrait, in plain dress (photograph from life, touched up by hand). 4to, three-quarters length, right arm on chair, hat in left hand. FINE. Colored Portrait Drawing, in the character of Mose, standing in front of Chatham Theatre, N. Y. 4to. FINE. 832 833 Colored Drawing, Scene from ‘‘ New York as It Is,” with por- trait of Mr. Chanfrau as Mose. 4to. 834 Portrait Reproductions, from rare originals, of Mr. Chanfrau as Mose (‘‘Sykesy take de butt”), and Mr. Chanfrau and John Winans as Mose and Poggy Joe. 4to. (2 pieces.) Colored Caricature Portrait of Mr. Chanfrau (‘‘ The Giraffe ”) ; Portrait in plain dress, eng. by T. Bonar; Playbill of Bowery Thea- tre, June 20, 1853, Mr. Chanfrau as Mons. Dufard and Toodles. (3 pieces, ) Lithograph, Photograph and Steel Engraved Portraits of Mr. Chanfrau, together with Playbill of New Park Theatre, = Peuge.. 1876; Mr. Chanfrau as Salem Scudder, and obituary notices of him, 8vo and 4to. (As 5 pieces.) 835 8 36 837 The Toedteberg Collection 75 838 CHANFRAU (MRS. F.S). Colored Photograph, in plain dress. : 4to. 839 CHAPMAN (CAROLINE). Well-known American Actress. Col- ored Portrait (Photo from life, colored by hand). 8vo, half length, seated, wth right arm resting on table. ey ae be cf} 840 Reproduction of a Portrait Drawing, as Ernestine; Playbill of Walnut St. Theatre, Phil., Oct. 26, 1830, Mr. Palmer as Othello, Mrs. Chapman as Desdemona; Playbill of Adelphi Theatre, Balto., May 13, 1833, with Caroline Chapman in 7 characters; Obituary notices of Mrs. Chapman. (As 4q pieces.) 841 CHAPMAN (ELIZABETH). Daughter of the elder Jefferson, married Samuel Chapman, afterwards Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Fisher. Mezzotint Portrait, 4to, by S. H. Gimber, after E. D. Marchant. 842 CHARLEMONT](ANNE, COUNTESS OF). Portrait, three- quarter length. Engraved by John Agar, after Anne Mee. Proof on India Paper. Folio. Lond. 1812. , 843 CHARLES I. Engraved Portrait, small folio, by Geo. Vertue, after Van Dyke. 844 Mezzotint Portrait, seated in chair, with document in right hand. Engraved by Faber, after Vandyke. 4to, cut down and inlaid. FINE IMPRESSION. 845 Engraved Portrait, Serenissimus Princeps Carolus Dei Gratia ‘Anglia, Scotia, Franciz et Hibernie Rex, etc., 4to, with View of Whitehall in ‘the background; View of the Trial of Charles I. in Westminster Hall, 4to, engraved by Neele & Stockley, Lond., n. d. (2 pieces) 846 CHARLES II. Full-length Portrait, in royal robes, with Order of the Garter, Sceptre, etc. Engraved by Robert White. Folio. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. 847 Mezzotint Portrait of, engraved by A. Blooteling, after the painting by Sir Peter Lely, 1680. 4to, inlaid. FINE IMPRESSION. 848 Engraving representing Charles II. after his defeat at Worces- ter, revealing himself to Colonel Windham's family. Oblong 4to, by C. Knight, after Stothard, Engraved representation of the Festivities, on land and water, attending the Marriage Tour of Catharine of Braganza, wife of Charles IJ., in Lisbon, Portugal, 1662. Folio. 849 76 850 851 852 853 $54 855 $56 857 858 859 860 861 The Toedteberg Collection CHARLOTTE (PRINCESS). Mezzotint Portrait of Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Coburg. Small folio, oval, engraved by C. Turner from an original Drawing by a Lady. FINE, CHATEAUBRIAND (FRANCOIS AUGUST, VICOMTE DE). Engraved Portrait. 4to, half length, by Gaillard, after Girodet. CHATHAM GARDEN THEATRE. Playbills, June 3oth and July 4th, 1824; Chatham Theatre, August 16, 1825. Many promi- nent names in the casts. (3 pieces.) Collection of Clippings from newspapers of 1823 (about 50), mostly withcasts of plays. (As a lot.) CHEATHAM (KITTY). Photographs, representing her in plain dress and with Mr. George Clarke in a scene from ‘‘ The Inconstant.” Ato. (2 pieces.) CHEREAU LE JEUNE. Cupidand Psyche, after Louis Cheron. Line engraving, with verse beneath. 4to. Lond.,n. d. [circa 1750]. CHERI (ROSE). Lithograph Portrait as Madame de Brienne. Folio. Drawn on stone by R. J. Lane, after A. E. Chalen, Lond. 1846. On India Paper. CHEVALLIER (MDLLE. ZARA). Lithograph Portrait as Psyche. 4to, inlaid. CHEW (BENJAMIN). Chief-Justice of Pennsylvania, 1774. Op- posed the Declaration of Independence. Silhouette Portrait. 8vo. CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS. Portraits of George and E. P. Christy (mostly in Character); Playbills of Christy’s Opera House, 1853, and Christy & Wood’s Minstrels, n. d., etc. 8vo and 4to, (As 6 pieces. ) CIBBER (COLLEY). Mezzotint Portrait, representing him seated 3 at table, with pen in right hand and letter inleft. Engraved by E. Fisher after Van Loo, 1758. Small folio (cut down and inlaid). Curious Engraving, ‘‘ A just view of the British Stage, or three heads are better than one,” in which is represented the rehearsal of a new farce, including the two famous entertainments, ‘‘ Dr. Faus- tus,” and ‘Harlequin Shepherd,” introducing Colley Cibber and other theatrical characters of the time, as well as Scaramouch Jack Hall and Ben Jonson’s Ghost. 4to,. VERY RARE, , he : 7 ae < aa “e && The Toedteberg Collection : 77 862 CIBBER (SUSANNAH MARIA), India Ink Drawing. By Aug. Toedteberg, after T. Hudson. 4to. Oval. 863 Colored Portrait Drawing, in plain dress. 4to. 864 Scene from Shakespeare’s ‘‘ King Lear,” with Mrs. Cibber in the character of Cordelia. Folio. Engraved in mezzotint by Peter Van Bleeck. Third state of the plate, with a portion of the figure of the fool cut off. [Lond. 1755. ] 865 Reproductions by photogravure from the painting by Thomas Hudson in possession of Augustin Daly. On India and China Paper. 4to. (2 pieces.) 866 CIBBER (THEOPHILUS). Engraved Portrait, in the character of a Fine Gentleman. 4to. By Clamp. [Lond. 1792. | 867 Colored Drawing, representing him in the character of Ancient Pistol. to. Full length. 868 Portrait Drawing, in pen and ink, of Mr. Cibber in the char- acter of Ancient Pistol. 8vo. Full length. 869 CIOCCA (SIGNORINA). Danseuse. Appeared on American Stage in 1847. Lithograph Portrait, in costume. 4to (cut down). RaAreg. 870 Colored Portrait Drawing of this celebrated Italian Dancer, who appeared at the Park Theatre in 1847. Folio. 871 Playbills of her performances at the Park and Broadway Thea- tres, New York, February 2 and 6, 1847, December 25, 1847, and | September 11, 1848. (4 pieces.) 872 CIPRIANI (G. B.) Famous Painter. Thalia, engraved by Ryland, 1784: Melpomene, by Bettelini, 1786. Stipple engravings. 4to. (2 pcs.) Celebrated Painter. Engraved Portrait of him, 4to, bust in | oval, by Earlom, after Rigaud. PRINTED IN COLORS. Lond. 1789. 873 874 CIRCUS. Various Woodcut and other Engravings (some colored) of French and German make, including ‘‘ A Talented Troupe,” and Kaemmerer’s ‘‘ La Parade.” (7 pieces.) Portraits, Clippings, etc., relating to James Cooke, Clown (Barnum’s Equestrian Director), and John Henry Cooke, the great six-horse rider. 8 pieces, mounted on 4 sheets. (As a lot.) Large collection of Portraits, Scenes, Views, Clippings, etc., relating to the Circus and its History. Every phase of the subject is covered, and it would be invaluable to anyone for the extra- illustration of such a book as Greenwood’s History of the Circus. (129 pieces.) (Asa lot.) 875 876 877 $78 879 880 881 882 $83 884 885 886 887 888 889 The Toedteberg Collection CLAIRON (MDLLE.) Famous French Actress. Portrait en- graved by Moret & Nargeot, after Stall, Proof on India Paper; Woodcut Portrait in character (Foyer des Artistes). 4to. (2 pieces.) Hippolyte de la Jude Clairon. (Veme, Acte de Medée.) Su- perb engraving in tableau form, including a portrait of Mlle. Clairon by Laurent Cars and Jacques Beauvarlet, after the original by Vanloo. Folio. Colored Portrait as Phédre (Lith. colored by hand); En- graved Portrait by Geille, after Chasselat, and one other. 16mo and 4to. (3 pieces.) Colored Engraved Portrait as Electre; Engraved Portrait by Mackenzie, after Thomson; Engraved Portrait by Bonvoisin, after Deveria. 16mo and s1zmo. (3 pieces.) CLARA (MDLLE.) Danseuse. Appeared at the La Fayette Theatre, N. Y., in 1828, also at the Park Theatre. Portrait Draw- ing in water-colors as Misaél dancing La Lanterne Sourde. 4to. FINE, : CLARE (ADA). Portrait Drawing of this celebrated character, 4to, bust, inlaid; Playbill of Wallack’s Theatre, August 6, 1863, ‘‘True to the Last,” with Ada Clare as Jessamine Auderly. (2 pieces.) CLARENDON (EDWARD—Earzt or). Lord High Chancellor of England. Engraved Portrait. Small folio, by M. Burg, after — Sir Peter Lely. CLARKE (ANNE). Boston Favorite. Two Lithograph Por- traits in plain dress; Photogravure Portrait as Lady Gay Spanker. 4to, (3 pieces.) CLARKE (CHARLOTTE). Daughter of Colley Cibber. Col- ored Portrait Drawing in the character of Scrub. 4to. FINE, CLARKE (GEORGE). Photograph in Character by Sarony; Mr. Gilbert in plain dress. 4to. (2 pieces.) CLARKE (JOHN S.) Lithograph Portrait in plain dress, to- gether with A. N. S., 1 p. r2mo [1871]. (2 pieces.) Lithograph and Engraved Portraits in plain dress and charac- ter. 8voand gto. (4 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits in characters of Touchstone, Tyke, Bab- ington Jones, Paul Pry and Major de Boots. 12mo. (5 pieces.) ~~ +. eS? —— sees = | | : . The Toedteberg Collection 79 890 CLARKE (McDONALD). Mezzotint Portrait. 4to, half length. No name of artist or engraver. SCARCE. 891 CLARKE (MARY ANN). The Female Agent; or, The Bishop's Clarke’s Recollections and Confessions of recent Transactions. A broadside Poem with accompanying colored portrait of Mary Ann. Folio. 892 CLARKE (N. B.) Real name N. H. Belden, Actor and Manager. Portrait Drawing in India ink. 4to, half length. 893 CLAXTON (KATE). Photograph colored by hand, with other portraits (one colored). 8vo and 4to. (5 pieces.) Photographs in plain dress. 8vo. (4 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits of Kate Claxton and Kitty Blanchard as the ** Two Orphans,” together with other portraits of Kate Claxton (onecolored). 8vo and 4to. (5 pieces.) 896 CLEMENT IX. (POPE). Three-quarter length Portrait, seated, with Bible in left hand, resting onarm of chair. Engraved by Jno. Hall, 1767, after Carlo Maratti. (Portion of inscription cut off.) Folio. Original impression. 897 CLIFTON (ADA). Colored Portrait (Photograph from life, colored by hand), in character. 4to, full length. FINE. 894 895 898 Photographs, taken from life, representing her in different characters. 4to. (2 pieces.) 899 CLIFTON (JOSEPHINE). Lithograph Portrait in plain dress, 4to, three-quarters length, drawn by T. Campbell, lithograph by Pendleton. N. Y., n.d. RARE. Tinted Lithograph Portrait in the character of Anna Boleyn, folio, full length, drawn by N. Sarony, lithograph by H. R. Robin- son, N. Y., n.d. RARE. goo fourth Session. gor CLIFTON (JOSEPHINE). Portrait Reproductions from rare originals, representing her in plain dress and characters. 4to. (3 pieces.) Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, 8vo, three-quarters length, by Addison, after Drummond; Reproduction of Portrait as Anna Boleyn; Reproduction of Portrait by T. Campbell (on Japan Paper). 4to. (3 pieces.) go2 9°35 904 905 906 907 908 9°09 g1o gIl gI2 913 914 915 916 The Toedteberg Collection CLINE (HERR JOHN). Portrait Drawing in Water-Colors and India Ink, representing the famous tight-rope performer in plain dress, as he appeared in 1824. 4to. Photograph in plain dress, 8vo, half length, with attached autograph. (As one piece.) Portrait of Herr Cline dancing on the tight rope. 4to. Phil.,n.d. Lithograph Portrait in plain dress, 8vo; Playbill of National Theatre, Jan. 28, 1848, with woodcut representing Herr Cline’s per- formance on a tight rope. (2 pieces.) CLINTON (DE WITT). Engraved Portraits—by Longacre, after Geo. Catlin; by Leney, after Trumbull; by Durand, after Ingham; and by Durand, after Coffee. 8vo and 4to. (4 pieces.) CLINTON (GEN. GEORGE). Late Governor of New York. En- graved Portrait in military uniform, 4to, half length, in rectangle (no margins). RARE AND FINE. Engraved Portrait in uniform, 8vo, bust in oval, from Murray's ‘© American War,” FINE IMPRESSION; Col. Lambert Cadwalader, 8vo, etched by H. B. Hall, 1870. (2 pieces.) CLINTON (SIR HENRY). Bust Portrait in uniform, Medallion, with trophy beneath. Line engraving. 8vo. Lond. 1778. CLIVE (CATHERINE). Mezzotint Portrait, in the character of Philida (scene), folio, P. Van Bleeck, Junr., Pinx. et Fecit, 1735. (Neatly repaired.) Rare. Portrait Drawing, in bistre, as the Fine Lady in ** Wether 4to, full length, holding dog in right arm. Engraved Scene, from ‘The Devil to Pay,” with Mrs. Clive as Nell, Mr. Harper as Jobson, and Mr. Hill as the Doctor, by Truchy, after Hayman. Oblong 4to. Lond., n.d. Rare. Old Music, with words ‘‘ The Life of a Beau,” sung by Mrs. Clive, with a portrait of her in character, 1744; Engraved View of the residence of Mrs. Clive, with facsimile of a letter from her to David Garrick. 4to. (As 2 pieces.) COBBETT (WILLIAM). Engraved Portrait, 4to, half length (cut down), by F. Bartolozzi. SCARCE. COCHOIS (M’LLE.) Famous Dancer. Engraved Portrait, in COs- tume, folio, by C. B. Glassbach. RARE. «929 The Toedteberg Collection SI ~ 917 COCKBURN (HENRY—Lorp Cocksurn). Engraved Portrait, 4to, painted by Sir Henry Raeburn, engraved by Wm. Walker. 918 COGHLAN (CHAS. F.) Photographs in the character of Orlando and in plain dress; others of George Clarke; Wm. Davidge; Mr. Bourgier; Frank Carlyle, etc. 8vo. (7 pieces ) 919 COGHLAN (CHARLES F., anp ROSE). Various Portraits, in plain dress and character. (2 colored.) 8vo and 4to. (7 pieces.) 920 COGHLAN (ROSE). Various Lithograph and Photograph Por- traits (one colored) in plain dress and character. 4to and folio. (6 pieces. ) 921 COGSWELL (J. G.) Former Librarian of the Astor Library. Litho- graph Portrait, 4to, half length, by A. Maurin. Inp1a PAPER Proor. VERY RARE, [N. Y., n.d.] 922 COKE (EDWARD). Early Engraved Portrait, 8vo, bust in oval, **Prudens qui Patiens,” anno 1670. No engraver’s name. FINE IM- PRESSION. 923 COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Mezzotint Portrait, small folio, half length, engraved by W. Say, after the painting by James Northcote. Scarce. Lond. 1840. 924 COLDEN (CADWALLADER). Engraved Portrait. 12mo, oval. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. N. Y. [1812]. 925 COLDEN (CADWALLADER D.) Former Mayor of New York City. Engraved Portrait, 4to, half length, by A. B. Durand, after Waldo and Jewett. 926 COLLINS (JOHN). Irish Comedian, appeared on the New York Stage, 1846, Lithograph Portrait as Paul Clifford, folio, drawn on stone by W. Sharp. Lond. 1836. 927 Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, half length (cut out). SCARCE, 928 Colored Portrait as Ivanhoe; Playbills of Park and Broadway Theatres, New York, 1846-7-8, with Mr. Collins in various Irish characters. (5 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits in the characters of Teddy the Tiler, Rory O’More, Gerald Pepper, King O’Neal, Paddy O’Rafferty, Irish Ambassador, McShane, and Pat Rooney. 12mo, SCARCE. (8 pieces.) 82 939 935+ 938 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 The Toedteberg Collection COLMAN (GEORGE—rnE Exper). Engraved Portrait, 4to, half length, seated, with arms resting on table, ‘by Scriven, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lond. 1813. COLMAN (GEORGE—rueE Youncer). Mezzotint Portrait, small folio, half length, in oval, by Thos. Lupton, after John Jackson. SCRATCHED LETTER PROOF. SCARCE. COLMAN. Lithograph Portrait of Geo. Colman the Younger (on India Paper); Engraved Portrait of Geo. Colman the Elder, by Scriven, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, and one other. 8voand 4to. (3 pcs) COLOGNE CATHEDRAL. Medal, with representation of the famous Cathedral, ‘‘Der Dom Zu Kéln”; vev., ‘* Anbetung der hl drei Konige.” (51 mil.) By Drentwett. COLORED DRAMATIC PORTRAIT. Water-Color Drawing, Joseph Cowell as Crack in the “ Turnpike Gate.” 4to, inlaid. Mr. Burton as Heartwell, Lond. 1781; Mr. Cailleau (le De- serteur), Lond. 1773. 16mo, (2 pieces.) Miss Barsanti in the characters of Helena and Estifania. 16mo, full length. Lond. 1777-78. (2 pieces.) Mr. Beard and Miss Brent as Thomas and Sally, engraved by J. June, rave; Mr. Beard as Hawthorne, full length, published by R. Sayer, 1769. 16mo. (2 pieces. ) Mr. Dodd as Linco in ‘‘Cymon”; as Faddle, engraved by Terry, 1780; West Digges as Sir John Brute (name of play written at top). 3r6mo. (3 pieces.) COLORED DRAWING. Portrait of M. Ligier in the character of Richard III., folio, full length, by A. Toedteberg, 1853. COLORED PLATES. Three beautifully-colored illustrations, representing ‘‘ To hold the Mirror up to Nature.” 12mo and 8vo. (3 pieces.) | English Fashion Plates, 1811; Barnaby Rudge, by Kyd; and others. Various sizes. (12 pieces.) . COLORED PORTRAIT. Mme. Braunecker-Schafer in dancing costume, folio, by J. Hesse. Berlin, n. d. John Wood (?) in character. 8vo, full length. Proof before letters. Water-Color Drawing of Julia Deane in the character of Julia, in the ‘“Hunchback.” 4to, full length. Mr. Clairval and Mme. Laruette as Lucas and Catau, Lond. 1773; Mr. Clarke as Henry VIII., Lond. 1778. 16mo, (2 pieces.) The Toedteberg Collection 83 946 COLSON (PAULINE). Opera Singer. Appeared at Burton’s Theatre in 1858. Portrait, drawn in water-colors. 12mo, oval, in plain dress. 947 Photographs in plain dress. 4to. (2 pieces.) 948 COLUMBIA THEATRE, BROOKLYN. Playbill of the first performance given on the stage of that Theatre (‘‘Alabama,”’ March 7, 1892, by A. M. Palmer’s Home Stock Co.), 949 COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Engraved Portrait. 4to (in- laid to folio), bust in rectangle, P. Mercuri, dis e inc 1843. Paris, a, d, FIne. 950 Another copy. PROoF BEFORE INSCRIPTION. ON INDIA PAPER. 951 Bust Portrait, Line engraving by P. Maverick, after Maella. Small 4to, published by Joseph Delaplaine. BRILLIANT ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, OPEN LETTER PROOF, Christophle Colomb. Half-length Portrait, with compass. Line engraving by Nicholas De Larmessin. Imp. 8vo, mounted. _ ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. [Circa 1660. | b 953 COMEDIE FRANCAISE. Two Large Wood Engravings, giving i: a view of the Artistes’ Ante-Room, and portraits of the actors. Among the portraits are Sarah Bernhardt, Mlle. Brohan, Coquelin, Baron Taylor, Mounet-Sully, and other famous names. Large rs folio. (2 pieces.) 954 COMPTON (HENRY). Portraits, Playbills, etc., relating to him, including ‘‘Sketches from the Compton Benefit Performance,’’ and a? two playbills of it. (As 4 pieces.) 955 CONNER (EDMON S.) Lithograph Portrait, as Romeo, 4to, half 4 length, drawn on stone by A. Newsam, after T. Sully, Jr. (scarce) ; Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, 8vo, bust. (2 pieces.) 952 A 956 Fine Colored Portrait of the Tragedian (in character). 8vo. 957 Various Portraits in plain dress and character, early and late, including the one as Wallace (cut down) and a reproduction of a ae” rare photo. Also long obituary notice, (5 pieces.) 595° CONRIED (HEINRICH). Panel Photograph in character; also Two Satin Programmes—appearance of Hedwig Niemann-Raabe under the management of Conried, Star Theatre, January, 1888; and ~~ Conried’s Ferenczy Operetten-Gesellschaft, Amberg Theatre, jana ary, 1893. (3 pieces.) 84 The Toedteberg Collection 959 CONSTANTINI (ANGELO). Famous Italian Comedian, 1650—- 1729, author of ‘‘The Life of Scaramouche.” Full-length Portrait sn the character of Mezetin. Mezzotint by Jacobus Gole. 4to (margins shortened). 960 CONTINENTAL AND FOREIGN THEATRES. Views of the Odeon, 1782; Dresden Theatre; La Scala, Milan; Theatre at the Cape of Good Hope, circa 1820; Hofburg Theater, Vienna, etc. Various engravings. (18 pieces.) 961 CONTINENTAL MONEY. Bill for Six Spanish Milled Dollars, printed by Hall & Sellers, Phil., in 1776, and bearing the signatures of W. Masters and Jno. Williams. 962 CONWAY (F. B.) Fine Daguerreotpye Portrait, representing him ‘nthe character of Hamlet. 8vo, in gilt frame. 963 CONWAY (MRS. F. B.) Photograph of Mrs. Conway and Mrs. D. P. Bowers; Woodcut Portrait of Mrs. Conway; View of her grave in Greenwood Cemetery; Playbill of her own Theatre, Brooklyn, April 3, 1875 (THE LAST PERFORMANCE or Mrs, Conway ON THAT STAGE). 8voand 4to. (4 pieces. ) 964 Satin Programme of her Brooklyn Theatre, for January 2, 1875. Benefit of Mrs. Conway, she appearing in Macbeth. 4to, inlaid. 965 Souvenir Benefit Playbill, on Satin, Brooklyn Theatre, Jan. 2, 1875; Photograph; View of her Funeral Service; Playbills of Mrs. Conway’s Park Theatre, 1869, Mr. Conway as Bob Brierly, etc. (As 4 pieces. ) 966 CONWAY. Etched Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Conway and Miss Deblin, Dancers, who appeared at the Old Park Theatre in 1827, by Wright, after the drawing by H. Reinagle. Oblong 8vo. RARE. NewWeurs27; 967 CONWAY (LILLIAN). Photographs, Playbills and Clippings re- lating to her, including the Playbill of her Debut at her Mother’s Theatre, Nov. 20, 1873, as Virginia in ‘‘Virginius.” (As 4 pieces.) 968 CONWAY (MINNIE). Mrs. Tearle—Mrs. Levy. Fine Photograph, in street dress. 4to. 969 CONWAY (WM. AUGUSTUS). Engraved Portrait as the King in Henry the Fifth, 8vo, by Rivers, after De Wilde; Playbill of Phil. Theatre, April 28, 1824, Mr. Conway as Macbeth. (2 pieces.) ‘ '& * tan t 7 *.? The Toedteberg Collection 85 970 CONY (BARKHAM). English Actor, noted for his performances with dogs. Appeared on the N. Y. Stage in 1835 and later. Por- trait Drawing, in costume. 4to, half length. 971 — Portrait Drawing, in scene with his dogs. 4to, full length. * Barkham certainly appears to be in a tight place. Playbills of Bowery and Purdy’s National Theatre in 185 1-2-6, with B. Cony and Sons in various Plays, each one containing a pic- torial representation of a scene in which the performing dogs appear. (6 pieces.) 973 COOKE (GEORGE FREDERICK). Silhouette Portrait, ‘‘ Mr. Cooke,’’ 16mo, bust, facing to left, mounted. VERY RARE, 972 974 Silhouette Portrait, ‘‘ Mr. Cooke of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden,” 12mo, bust, facing to right, on salmon-colored paper. By J. B. EXCESSIVELY RARE, 975 Colored Portrait, bust, in oval, Engraved by J. Whessell, after J. Corbett. 4to. Fine original impression. Lond. 1804. 976 Bronze Medal, with head facing to right, ‘‘Georgius Cooke, Tragoedus Comcedusque Anglicus”; vev., ‘*Veluti in Speculum, MDCCCV. (54 mil.).” By T. Wefe. FINE AND RARE, 977 Portraits, in Private Life, from the ‘‘ Thespian Biography,”’ tinted in carmine, after Stuart; and astipple engraving. Early Por- traits. 12mo. (3 pieces.) 978 , Engraved Portrait as Richard III. in his tent. 8vo. Oval. Par ARE, 979 Colored Portrait, full length, as Richard III. Engraved by Cheeseman, after De Wilde. 8vo. Lond. 1813. 980 Portrait Drawing, in the character of Richard IIL, 4to, by Augustus Toedteberg, after an original painting in bistre by C. R. Leslie. 981 Engraved Portrait as Richard III., tent scene. ‘‘ For know, thou art imperial Richard’s son.” 8vo. Engraved by J. K. Sher- win. RARE. 982 — —~ Portraits as Richard III., engraved by Dighton, colored (margins cut down), by Scriven, Thomson, and one other. 8vo and 4to. (4 pieces.) Lond. 1800-18. Portrait in the character of Iago. Engraved by P. Maguire. (From the Hibernian Magazine.) 12mo. RaAreE, 86 Zhe Toedteberg Collection 984 COOKE (GEORGE FREDERICK). Colored Portrait Drawing as Sir Archy MacSarcasm. Folio, Full length. FINE. 985 Woodman, after De Wilde. Lond. 1808. Mr. Cooke as Falstaff. Stipple engraving by Alais. 12mo, ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Lond.: /. Roach, 1802. Portraits as King Lear, after C. R. Leslie; and in Private Life, after Sully. Both engraved by D. Edwin. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, with full margins. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 987 Portraits as Sir Pertinax MacSycophant, by Edwin and an- other; as Sir Archy MacSarcasm, three different; as Richard III., two different. 8vo and 12mo. (7 pieces.) 988 Portraits as Iago, Stukely, Macbeth, Timon, in Private Life, etc. Engraved by Ridley and others, 1800-1823. Mostly 8vo. (8 pieces.) 989 Water-color Drawing, representing Edmund Kean and Dr. John W. Francis standing at the tomb of Cooke in St. Paul’s Churchyard, N. Y. [1821]. Small folio. poy Engraved representation of Cooke’s Monument in St. Paul’s Churchyard, N. Y., by A. B. Durand. 4to. Lond. 1821. 991 Three Views of Cooke’s Monument in St. Paul’s Churchyard, one early, with Newspaper History; Various Portraits as Iago, in Private Life, and as Richard III. (7 pieces. ) 99% 993 COOKE (T.) Lithograph Portrait as Adolph in ‘‘ Der Freischiitz.” Small folio, drawn and engraved from life by J. W.Gear. Lond. 1825. 994 COOKE (T. P.) Colored Portrait as the Wizard (scarce), London, 1818, together with Engraved Portraits in other characters, includ- ing Carwin (on India Paper) ; Roderick Dhu (PROOF BEFORE LETTERS), as William (with Miss Scott as Susan—on India Paper); and others. 12mo and 8vo. (6 pieces.) 995 COOMBS (JANE). Photographs (2), together with Playbill of Wallack’s Theatre, April 27, 1864, Miss Coombs as Lady Teazle, and another bill. (As 3 pieces.) 996 COOPER (MYLES). Second President of Columbia (Kings) Col-_ lege. Engraved Portrait, 8vo, by Leney. Scarce. N, Y. [1812]. Engraved Portrait as Sir Pertinax MacSycophant, folio, by . ‘ ; eS ee ee The Toedteberg Collection 87 997 COOPER (THOMAS A.) Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, half length, seated, with book on table before him. Inlaid. : 998 Portrait of the Tragedian, touched up in India Ink; Various Portraits, including the one as Pierre (restrike), with clippings, and & a curious broadside playbill, issued by the American Theatre, New Orleans, April 17, 1827, Mr. Cooper as Damon, (As 5 pieces.) 999 Engraved Portrait as Pericles (PROOF BEFORE LETTERS) ; other portraits, including the one as Leon (restrike), and clippings from early papers relating to his benefits of 1833-4, etc. 12mo and 8vo. (As 5 pieces. ) 1000 COQUELIN (CONSTANT). Portraits in plain dress and char- acters, including two etchings and one colored portrait, and a play- bill of his first performance in America, Palmer’s Theatre, Oct. 8, 1888. (6 pieces.) IOOI — Various Portraits in plain dress and character, including six interesting lithograph portraits representing him in some noted characters. (21 pieces.) (Asa lot.) 1002 COQUELIN (M.—Cadet). Etched Portrait, in plain dress, by E. . Abot; Colored Typogravure, ‘‘ Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme,” with M. Coquelin, cadet, as M. Jourdain. 4to. (2 pieces.) eae Ne re Pa eee 1003 Lithograph Portraits, representing him in some of his most famous characters, with one in plain dress. 4to. (7 pieces.) 1004 Various Etched and Colored Portraits of the great French Comedian, in plain dress and characters, including Jean Bart, Napo- leon, Talleyrand, Cyrano de Bergerac, etc. 8vo and 4to. FINE Lor. (9 pieces. ) Playbills of Palmer’s Theatre, N. Y. 1888, with M. Coquelin in many of his famous characters (in company with Mme. Jane Hading). 21 pieces. (Asa lot.) 1005 1006 Woodcut Portraits of Coquelin, azvé, and Coquelin, cadef, in plain dress and characters. All India Paper Proofs. 4to. (7 pieces.) 1007 CORNBURY (EDWARD HYDE —Lorp Cornsury), Early Governor of New York. Colored Portrait Drawing, dressed in female apparel. 4to. 1008 CORNWALLIS (CHARLES—Lorp Mezzotint Portrait, folio, half length, with wig, right hand at breast. En- graved by J. Faber, after Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1732. 88 The Toedteberg Collection 1009 CORNWALLIS (CHARLES—Eart Cornwattis). Lieutenant- General des Armées dans l’Amerique. Drawn from Life by Hamil- ton, engraved by Dupin. 4to, FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, with large margins. Paris [cérca 1781]. Engraved Portrait, F. Bartolozzi, after H. D. Hamilton. Oval, remo. Lond.: /. Murray, 1792. IOIO Portrait in uniform. Stipple engraving by H. Meyer, after L. Hoppner. Oval on 4to. FINE IMPRESSION, WITH LARGE MARGINS. Lond. 1804. ‘i Another Portrait, apparently by the same engraver, but slightly reduced in size. Small 4to. IOI! IOI2 Portrait in uniform. Stipple engraving, by F. Bartolozzi. Restrike, tinted carmine. 4to. 1014 CORNWALLIS (WM.) Admiral. Half-length Portrait, en- graved by F. Bartolozzi. Oval, restrike, tinted carmine. 1015 CORTESI (ADELAIDE). Lithograph Portrait, in character. Folio, oval, full length, by Focosi. Milan, 1849. 1013 Colored Portrait (Photo, finely colored by hand). 4to, in plain dress, standing. 1016 Italian Opera Singer, appeared at Academy of Music, N. Y., in 1859. Lithograph and Woodcut Portraits. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 1018 CORTESI-STEFFANI. Water-Color Drawing, scene from ‘¢ Norma,” Adelaide Cortesi as Norma, Signor Steffani as Gennaro, folio. FINE. 1019 COSTUME... Colored Costume Plates, used in the production of ‘‘Das Kithchen von Heilbron,” at the King’s Theatre in Berlin, 1825, with text. 8 plates, in wrapper. (Asa lot.) 1020 COSWAY (RICHARD). Charming Stipple Engraving, represent- ing a scene from ‘‘Ariosto,” Orlando and Armida, Engraved by John Condé. Small 4to. 1021 COULDOCK (C. W.) Etched Portrait of the well-known Actor, 12mo, half length, facing to right. By C. Webber. Water-Color Drawing, Mr. Couldock and Daughter (Eliza) in ascene. Folio. With biographical sketch of the Daughter. IOI] 1022 Colored Photographs, in plain dress, 12mo, oval (both pres- entation copies, with inscriptions on back in the Actor’s hand- writing). Taken by J. F. Ryder in Cleveland. (2 pieces. ) 1023 The Toedteberg Collection 89 1024 COULDOCK (C. W.) Portrait, in plain dress, from a photo; Engraved Portraits as Cardinal Wolsey (2), Richard III. (2), and Iago (3). Allof 8vo size. (8 pieces. ) 1025 COVENT GARDEN MARKET, LONDON. Aquatint En- graving, ‘‘ Westminster Election,” oblong 4to, drawn and engraved by Pugin & Rowlandson. Lond. 1808. 1026 COWELL (ANNA CRUISE). Irish Actress, wife of Wm. Cowell, appeared at National Theatre, N. Y., in 1846. Colored Portrait as Miami (photo from life), colored by hand. 4to, full length. 1027 COWELL (JOE). Colored Portrait as Crack in the ‘‘ Turnpike Gate” (reproduction, colored by hand); Engraved Portrait, in the same character, Phil. 1826. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 1028 COWELL (SAM.) Lithograph Portrait as a ‘‘ Railway Porter,” 4to, drawn on stone by N. Sarony. N.Y., n.d. 1029 COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Engraved Portrait, folio, half length, by George Vertue, after Sir Peter Lely. 1030 CRAMER (MISS). American Actress. Water-Color Portrait Drawing, in ‘‘ Don Juan,” 4to, full length, by Aug. Toedteberg. 1031 CRAMER. Portrait of W. Cramer, Composer, painted and en- graved by T. Hardy, Lond. 1794; Portrait of Francois Cramer, Musician, engraved by B. P. Gibbon, 1826. (INDIA PROOF BEFORE LETTERS.) 4to. (2 pieces.) 1032 CRESWICK (WILLIAM). English Actor, appeared on the American Stage. Various Portraits, in plain dress and character, together with his Autograph, an Obituary Notice, and a Playbill of one of his American performances. (As 6 pieces.) 1033 CRISP. Colored Portrait Drawings of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Crisp, well known performers on the American Stage. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 1034 CROCKETT (DAVID). Lithograph Portrait. 4to, half length, painted by S. S. Osgood, lith. by Childs & Lehman. On InpIA PapeR. SCARCE. Phil. 1836. 1035 CROIZETTE (SOPHIE—French Actress). Etched Portrait by E. Abot, 1873; Photogravure, in character of Marianne (on India Paper); Woodcut Portrait, from ‘*‘ Le Monde illustré.”” 4to and folio. (3 pieces.) 1036 CROSSMAN (HENRIETTA), Photograph in plain dress; Georgie Drew-Barrymore (one taken in Phila., another in N. Y.); W.H. Crisp. 8vo. (4 pieces.) ere) | The Toedteberg Collection 1037 CROUCH (MRS.) Curious Engraving. A New Song, sung by Mrs. Crouch in the ‘‘ Heiress.” (Scene, with accompanying text). 4to. RARE. 1038 Caricature, ‘‘A Royal Crouching, a new situation in Pall Mall.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1792. 1039 Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and characters, including those as Pythia, Princess Lodoisk, and Polly, and the beautiful por- trait engraved by Condé. 12mo. (6 pieces.) 1040 CROWQUILL (ALFRED—Celebrated English Illustrator). En- graved Portrait, 8vo, by Cook, after Baugniet. INDIA PAPER PROOF. Lond.: Bendley, 1846 1041 CRUIKSHANK (ROBERT). Colored Portrait, 8vo, vignette bust, profile to right, with humorous remarque. Colored Engraving, ‘‘ The Fancy Ball at the Upper Rooms, Bath (Argyle Rooms). Oblong 12mo, drawn and engraved by Robt. Cruikshank, 1825. 1043 CRUIKSHANK. Colored Engravings from Pierce Egan’s ‘‘ Life in London,” drawn and engraved by L., R. and Geo. Cruikshank. Oblong 12mo (soiled). (2 pieces.) 1042 Collection of Engravings, mainly by George Cruikshank (a few by Robert Cruikshank), including Sir John Falstaff, ‘*‘ The Dancing Lesson” (4 pieces), Illustrations to Jack Sheppard, plates from the ‘‘Comic Almanac,” etc. 1z2moand 8vo. (29 pieces. ) (As a lot.) 104 CRUVELLI (SOPHIE). Operatic Singer. Appeared on New York Stage in 1859. Various Portraits (3 colored), in plain dress and character, including a fine lithograph (on India Paper) by Ch. Vogt, 1855. 8vo and gto. (6 pieces.) 1044 Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress. 4to, ‘three-quarters length, by Ch. Vogt. 1047 CSILLAG (ROSA). Opera Singer, appeared in New York 1871. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, folio, three-quarters length, drawn on stone by Eduard Kaiser. On INDIA PAPER. 1048 CUBAS (ISABELLA). Famous Spanish Dancer. Appeared at Winter Garden Theatre, N. Y. Colored Portrait (photo from life, colored by hand). 16mo. 1046 1049 Colored Portrait in dancing costume (photo from life, colored by hand). 16mo. 1050 Water-Color Portrait Drawing, in dancing costume. Folio, full length. FINE. The Toedteberg Collection QI -105t CUBAS (ISABELLA). Photograph, in dancing costume, 16mo, colored by hand, with biographical sketch, etc.; Playbill of Winter Garden Theatre, Feb. 5, 1863, Senora Cubas and C. W. Couldock, (2 pieces. ) 1052 CUCCHI (CLAUDINA). Danseuse. Lithograph Portrait in dancing costume, by Dauthage; Another, in plain dress, by Eduard Kaiser. Folio. Both on India Paper. (2 pieces.) 1053 CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). Engraved Portrait, 4to, half 1054 length, seated, by Scriven from the drawing by John Jackson, after the painting by Clover. Lond. 181rq. Engraved Portraits, by Scriven, after Clover; by Rogers, after Romney; by Holl (with biographical sketch); by Wm. Evans, after Romney. 8voand 4to. (4 pieces. ) 1055 CUNNINGHAM (VIRGINIA HOWARD). American Actress, afterwards Mrs. Charles Pope and Mrs. John D. Germon. Colored Portrait (Photo from life, colored by hand.) 8vo, oval. 1056 CURTIS (GEO. W.) Bust Portrait, in middle life. Proof before all letters. 4to. 1057 CUSHMAN (CHARLOTTE). Lithograph Portrait, in plain 1058 1059 1060 1061 dress, 4to, three-quarters length, by T. H. Maguire, 1846. (Slightly damaged.) On INDIA PAPER. Cabinet photographs as Meg Merrilies (two different atti- tudes); and in private dress. (3 pieces.) Engraved and Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress and character. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces.) Portraits (Photo Steel Engravings and Woodcuts), Scenes, Playbills and Clippings relating to Charlotte Cushman, In- cludes a 3-pp. 4to account of her in the MS. of Mr. Joseph N. Ireland, and the playbill of her very last performance on any stage. INTERESTING CoLiecTION. (Asa lot.) Satin Programme of the Globe Theatre [Boston?] for Dec. r2, 1871. Farewell representation of Henry VIII. before the Grand Duke Alexis. Miss Cushman as Katharine. 4to. 1062 CUSHMAN SISTERS. Colored Lithograph, Charlotte and (1063 Susan Cushman as Romeo and Juliet. Folio (cut down). VERY RARE, Lithograph Portraits—Charlotte Cushman as Romeo, and Susan Cushman as Juliet, 4to, drawn on stone by A. Vaudricourt. Scance. N. Y., n.d. 92 The Toedteberg Collection DALY’S THEATRES AND COMPANIES, 1065 DALY’S FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE, 24TH Street. Col- ored Photograph of the Front, showing the effects of the fire, which destroyed the whole interior. Folio. Rare. 1066 Playbills of Theatre, 1870-72 (some cut down). No dupli- cates. A number of first performances included. (22) Lithograph of Daly’s Company of 1871, Messrs. Lewis, Geo. Holland, Davidge, Fanny Davenport, Agnes Ethel, Mrs. Gilbert, and others. Folio. SCARCE, 1067 1068 Curious. Original Photograph of Augustin Daly and his company (John Drew, James Lewis, Maurice Barrymore, Fanny Davenport, Mrs. G. H. Gilbert, Sara Jewett, Jeffreys Lewis and Sidney Cowell), taken in Virginia, Nevada, and representing them as prepared for a descent into the mines, with lanterns in hand. * According to custom, the ladies were obliged to don men’s garments. The por- trait of dear old Mrs. Gilbert in ‘‘ pants” is worth the ‘‘ price of admission.” Various Portraits and other illustrations, largely unmounted photographs. (About 30 pieces.) (As alot.) 1070 DALY’S NEW FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE, 728-730 Broapway. Playbill of the opening performance at this house, Jan. 21, 1873, the comedy of ‘‘Alixe.”’ (2 copies.) 1069 Playbills of the Theatre during 1873, including benefits of Fanny Morant and Carlotta Leclerc. (16) 1072 DALY’S FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE, 281TH STREET. Satin Programmes of the opening performance, with the reading of an Original Poetical Address written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Dec. 3, 1873; adso the Farewell Performance of ‘‘ Nancy and Company,” May 1, 1886 (30th St. Theatre). Folio and 4to. (2 pieces.) 1071 1072 Satin Programmes for Dec. 14, 1875, March 17 and April 28, 1876. First and later performances of Pique. Folio. (3 pieces.) 1074 Playbills of the Theatre, 1873-77, no duplicate dates, in- cluding benefits of Miss Neilson and others, and first performances of ‘‘Evangeline,” ‘Life,’ ‘Ah Sin!,” ‘‘The American,” ete. Goop Lot. (145 pieces.) (In one lot.) 1075 DALY’S THEATRE, 307TH Srreet. Playbill of Opening Per- formance, Sept. 17, 1879, ‘‘Love’s Young Dream” and *‘ New- port.’* SCARCE. ; 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 The Toedteberg Collection 93 DALY’S THEATRE, 30rTn Street. Satin Programmes for March 13 and April 18, 1885. The first last performances of ‘‘A Night Off,” Ada Rehan, John Drew, May Irwin, and others in the caste, Folio. (2 pieces.) Satin Programmes for Jan. 18 and April 30, 1887. First production in America of ‘*The Taming of the Shrew,” and the Farewell Performance of the same. Folio. (2 pieces.) Satin Programmes for Jan. 31, and April 7, 1888. First pro- duction of ‘‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” also the Last Perform- ance of the same. Folio. (2 pieces.) Drew (Joun). Early Photograph, in plain dress, with side whiskers. 8vo. SCARCE, Drew (JouN). Photographs, in character, by Sarony. 4to. (2 pieces.) Drew (JoHN). Photographs, in various characters. 8vo. (2 pieces.) .' Drew (Joun). Photographs, in plain dress and characters, taken by Sarony. 8vo. (4 pieces.) REHAN (ApDA). Photograph, in character, by Sarony. 4to. Rewan (ApA). Portraits on Satin (photogravures after Sarony’s Photos), in various characters. 4to. (6 pieces.) ReHAN (ADA). Portraits (Photogravures), in various char- acters. 8vo. (7 pieces.) ReEHAN (ApA). Photogravure Portraits, in various charac- ters, some on China Paper, and one on Japanese Vellum. §8vo. (8 pieces. ) | ReHAN (ApA). Photographs (unmounted), and Photograv- ures of Miss Rehan, representing her in various characters, including the Montana Silver Statue (as Justice) and two different portraits a Pierrot. 8voand 4to. (11 pieces.) ReEHAN (Apa). Collection of Woodcut Portraits, Scenes, etc., relating to her. About 30 pieces. (As a lot.) Playbills of first performances of ‘‘ The Lottery of Love,” Oct. 9, 1888, ‘‘The Geisha,” Sept. 9, 1896, and ‘‘ The Circus Girl,” _ May 5, 1897. (3 pieces.) 94 The Toedteberg Collection 1090 DALY’S THEATRE. Playbills of first night performances of IOgI 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 ‘‘ Needles and Pins,” Nov. 9, 1880; ‘*‘ Love on Crutches,” Nov. 25, 1884; ‘“Nancy and Company,” Feb. 24, 1886, and ‘‘ Railroad of Love,” Nov:i7) 1887,.~ (4epiecess) of Mr. Daly; Playbill of 1ooth performance of ‘‘ Pique”; Group Portraits of Mr. Daly’s Company of 1894; Colored Portrait, ‘* Frou- Frou’; Colored Portrait, ‘‘ Falstaff”; ‘‘ The Crowning of Comedy i (Curtain at the Theatre), and others. (10 pieces.) — Various Playbills of Daly’s Fifth Ave. Theatre and that on Broadway and 3oth Street, 1873-1894, including Opening Night of New Fifth Ave. Theatre, Jan. 21, 1873; 1ooth night of ‘* Pique,” March 17, 1876; 1ooth night of ‘‘ Needles and Pins” (2), first night of ‘‘ Quits,” first night of ‘‘The Magistrate,” first night of * ine Lottery of Love,” and others of equal importance. (16 pieces.) Collection of Playbills, ove on satin (with portraits), Illustra- tions, clippings, criticisms, etc., relating to the Theatre. (As a lot.) Playbills of performances, 1879-1897, no duplicate dates, and including many first productions of well-known plays. Goop LoT. 248 pieces. (As one lot.) Satin Programmes for Feb. 21, 1874, and for March 28, 1891. First production in New York of ‘‘ Love’s Labour’s Lost,” and the second production of it 17 years afterwards. Folio. (2 pieces. ) Satin Programmes, Platt’s Hall, San Francisco, July 12, 1875, First Performance in California of Daly’s Company; Daly’s Theatre, London, Souvenir of the rooth Performance of ‘‘ Twelfth Night.” 4to. (2 pieces.) Satin Programmes of the Fifth Ave. and 30th Street Theatres. Last Performance of ‘‘A Night Off”; rooth Performance of the ‘* Railroad of Love’; Wycherley’s ‘‘Country Girl”; etc. Folio. © (5 pieces. ) Scenes from Plays performed at Daly’s Theatre, with Ada Rehan, James Lewis and others represented. On 6 folio sheets. (As a lot.) | Daly’s Theatre; Heads of the Performers. 4to. (As 5 pieces.) Silk Playbill of r50th performance of ‘‘ Divorce”; Autograph ILLUSTRATIONS ON SATIN. Scenes from Plays; Foyer of ) _ e514 The Toedteberg Collection 95 1100 DALY’S LONDON THEATRE. Photograph of the laying of the Cornerstone, with portraits of prominent characters interested ; Views of the Theatre, with printed descriptions; Song of Dedica- tion, written by Clement Scott, and spoken by Ada Rehan, with a Portrait of her, taken in London. On folio sheets. (As 4 pieces.) r100* DALY (H. F.) Colored Portrait (photo, colored by hand), 8vo, vignette bust. 1101 DAMOREAU CINTI(MME.) Opera Singer. Appeared on the NN. Y. Stage. Various Portraits, in plain dress and character, two being on India Paper and one colored. Some rare Portraits are in- cluded. 8voand 4to. (9 pieces.) 1102 DANCERS. Colored Lithograph Portrait of Elisa Albert Belloy, | in dancing costume with tambourine, folio, by J. Hofelich, after Dauthage, 1850. Wien, n. d. Engraved Portrait of the famous Dutch Dancer on the Tight Rope, Donna Thedesca, in the performance of an act, 4to, engraved by P. Tempest, after Mauren. PROOF IMPRESSION. RARE, 1103, Colored Lithograph Group Portraits of Fanny Cerito, Marie Taglioni, Lucile Grahn, and Mons. St, Leon, in the celebrated ‘‘ Pas des Déesses,”’ folio, drawn from life by Jules Bouvier. (Slightly cracked in fold.) Lond. 1846. mo LIO4 Colored Lithograph Group Portraits, ‘‘ Die Drei Grazien” (Taglioni, Fanny Ellsler and Cerito), folio, by J. Hofelich, lith. by F, Dewert. Portraits of M’lle Caroline (colored); M’lle Buisseret, in the ‘Ballet des Insectes” (colored); M’lle Camargo (etching); Car- mencita (2 photos, with playbill). (As 4 pieces.) Portraits of M’lle L. Ducy Barré (appeared in New York); Petra Camara (2); M’lle Caroline, and Mme. Castellan, 16mo and 8vo. ALL COLORED BUT ONE. (5 pieces.) T105 1106 fe. k107 Portraits of modern French dancers, dancing scenes, etc. 12 illustrations, colored, neatly inlaid on 8 folio sheets. (As a lot.) : ae : — 1108 £109 — - Cabinet Photographs in Character of Noted Dancers: San- -——s gaiili, Otero, Carmencita, Loie Fuller, Marizetti, and others. (37 pieces.) — 96 The Toedteberg Collection t110 DANCERS. Colored Prints. Farbeureigen, after E. Bachrach- | Barée; Der Wirbelwalzer; Bavarian Dance; the Polka; French Lithograph; The Dancer, after A. von Keller. Folio. (6 pieces.) Colored Oil Prints of National Dances. Sir Roger de Coverley, English May Pole Dance; Sun and Moon Dance, China; Mexican Jarabé Dance, Greek National Waltz, and others. Finely executed. 4to. (8 pieces.) Lond.: Read & Co., 1853. 1112 DANGEVILLE (MARIE ANNE). Famous French Actress. Engraved Portrait, folio, bust, in oval frame, ‘with scene beneath, by J. B. Michel, after St. Aubin, Rare. Paris; n;-d.aee 1113 D’ANGRI (MME. ELENA). Colored Portrait as Orsini (photo from life, colored by hand), 4to, three-quarters length. FINE. Italian Opera Singer, appeared in N. Y. 1857. Colored Por- trait in plain dress (photo from life, colored by hand), WITH THE Mapame’s AUTOGRAPH ATTACHED. 4to, oval. Lithograph Portrait, in plain dress, folio, oval, three-quarters length (cut down); Playbill of N. Y. Academy of Music, Jan. 30, 1858, with Mme. D’Angri in three characters. (2 pieces:} 1116 DARLEY (MR.) English Singing Actor, appeared on the N. Y. Stage in 1801. India Ink Drawing, representing him singing in the orchestra at Vauxhall Gardens. Lond. [1792]. Folio. 1117 DARLEY (MRS.) Formerly Miss Ellen Westray. Noted Early American Actress. Engraved Portrait, r2mo, bust, in oval, by Leney, after Wm. Dunlap. Rare. : III! III4 TII5 Celebrated Early American Actress. Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, 12mo, by D. Edwin, after Doyle. RARE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. 1119 DDPARVILLE (CAMILLE). Colored Portrait in character (large photo, colored by hand), fime; Photograph in character, folio, seated at table, (2 pieces.) 1120 DARWIN (ERASMUS). Mezzotint Portrait. Folio, half length, seated at table reading letter, which is held in right hand. Books, etc., on table. Engraved by B. Pym, after the painting by S. J. Arnold. Lond. 1801. Rare. 1121 DAVENPORT (A. H.) Reproduction of a rare portrait in plain dress (limited issue); Photo from life by Gurney, with obituary; Portrait as Geordie McGregor (scarce reproduction). 8vo and 4to. (3 pieces.) 1118 Tbe Toedteberg Collection 97 1122 DAVENPORT (E.L.) Water-Color Portrait of Mr. Davenport in the character of Othello. Folio, oval, painted by Aug. Toedte- berg. 1855. 1123 Colored Portrait as Sir Giles Overreach (photo from life, finely colored by hand). Folio, full length. VeEry Finer, 1124 Photograph as Lanciotto, 8vo, oval, three-quarters length, with (torn) playbill of the second performance on any stage of Geo. H. Boker’s ‘‘ Francesca da Rimini,” Broadway Theatre, Sept. 27, 1855. (As 1 piece.) 1125 Photographs in the character of Sir Giles Overreach, taken in Philadelphia. 8vo. (2 pieces.) 1126 Photographs in the character of Hamlet (2 different) and Richard III. r2mo. (3 pieces.) Rare, 1127 Various Portraits in plain dress and characters, mostly en- graved. 8voand 4to. (7 pieces.) 1128 DAVENPORT (MRS. E. L.) Lithograph Portrait in plain dress. 4to, oval, half length (cut down). Rare, 1129 DAVENPORT. Reproductions of rare portraits of Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Davenport. LimIrep IssuEs. 4to. (2 pieces.) 1130 DAVENPORT (FANNY). Lithograph Portrait in character. | Folio, half length. FINE. Early Lithograph Portrait as Carline. 4to, drawn on stone by A. Stark, lith. by German & Bro., Louisville, Ky. Rare, 1231 Bs 1132 Colored Portrait as Cleopatra (?). Photo from life, finely colored by hand. Oblong 12mo. Photograph in character, delicately colored by hand. 8vo, half length. Early Photograph, in plain dress, accompanied by an A.N.S., I p., 12mo, Dec. 19, 1869, ‘‘I was in Louisville in 1867,” etc. Mounted on 4to sheet. (As 1 piece.) Photographs, in ‘‘ Princess Royal,” finely colored by hand. 4to, full length. Fine. (2 pieces.) Photograph as Cleopatra, 4to; Playbill of the first perform- ance of ‘‘Cleopatra” in America, with Fanny Davenport in the title-rdle. (2 pieces.) ie 2233 1134 pe 3235 en, 98 The Toedteberg Collection 1137 DAVENPORT (FANNY), Photograph, in ‘“ Pique,” 4to, full 1138 1139 1140 II4I 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 0147 1148 1149 TI50 length; Other photos (2), with playbill of tooth performance of ‘‘ Pique,” 5th Ave. Theatre, March 17, 1876. (2 pieces.) Colored Lithograph Portrait as the Princess Royal, 4to, bust; Benefit Playbill, Hooley’s Opera House, July 25, 1870; Engraved Portrait as Rosalind, 4to. (3 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits in the character of Fedora (all different), 4to and folio, bust and full length. (3 pieces.) Photographs, in various characters. 4to. GooD LOT. (3 pieces. ) Photographs, in various characters. 4to. GooD LOT. (4 pieces.) mother’s arms, two colored ones (cut out), and the engraved Por- trait as Rosalind. 8vo and 4to. (6 pieces.) Satin Programme of the Broadway Theatre, N. Y., March 3, 1888. Opening night of Fanny Davenport in ‘‘ La Tosca.” Folio. DAVENPORT (JEAN M.—Mrs. Gen. Lander). Original Pho- tograph, in character, 8vo, full length; Engraved Portrait as Juliet, 4to. (2 pieces.) Water-Color Portrait Drawing as Young Norval. 4to, full length, in Highland costume. VERY FINE. Lithograph Portrait as Lysisca, 4to, full length (scarce) ; Woodcut Portrait, in character, 4to. (2 pieces.) DAVENPORT (LIZZIE WESTON). Photograph from life, ‘colored by hand. 16mo, three-quarters length. DAVENPORT (MRS.) English Actress. Engraved Portraits in plain dress and character, including the scarce one representing her as Miss Von Frump. 8vo. (4 pieces.) DAVIDGE (MR.) English Actor. Colored Etched Portrait as Hacko. 4to, full length. SCARCE. DAVIDGE (WILLIAM). Photograph as Pistol; Engraved Por- 7 traits in that character (2); Photo in character; Photo in plain dress (taken in Chicago); Photo in character (scene, with dog); and others. Uncommon Lot. 8vo and 4to. (8 pieces.) Various Portraits, including one of her as a child in her 5 IIs! 1152 1153 1154 Im55 1156 1157 1158 II59 1160 1161 . ' = 1162 —@ > om The Toedteberg Collection 99 DAVIS (MADAME). Mezzotint Portrait, folio, three-quarters length, seated, with guitar in hand. Engraved by R. Tompson, after Sir Peter Lely. * One of the rarest and most desirable of the prints illustrating Nell Gwynne and the time of Charles IT. DAVISON (MRS.) English Actress. Various Engraved Portraits, in plain dress and characters, including two India Proofs, and the Portrait as Juliana, from the ‘‘ Theatrical Inquisitor.” 8vo. (6 pieces. ) DAWES (GERTRUDE). American Actress, born in Savannah, Ga., and appeared on the New York Stage in 1852. Daguerreotype portrait, in plain dress. 12mo, in neat oval frame. Daguerreotype Portrait, in dancing costume. 12mo (glass cracked). Water-Color Drawing, in dancing costume, folio, full length. DAWSON (LADY ANN FERMOR). Mezzotint Portrait as Diana, folio, three-quarters length, with dog at side and spear in right hand (margin and title cut off), Engraved by McArdell, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. FINE IMPRESSION. DAWSON (NANCY). Mezzotint Portrait, in character, folio, full length (restrike). Lond.: &. Sayer, n. d. DAWISON (BOGUMIL). German Actor, appeared in New York, 1866. Various Portraits, in plain dress and character, in- cluding a fine lithograph as Narciss, and a colored one. 8vo and 4to. (7 pieces.) Lithograph Portraits, in plain dress, folio, half length. Scarce, (2 pieces.) Engraved Portrait as Richard III., 4to, oval, three-quarters length. Leipzig, n. d. DEAN (JULIA). Distinguished American Actress, afterwards Mrs. Hayne and Mrs. Cooper. Colored Portrait (photographed from life, colored by hand), 4to, three-quarters length, seated. Colored Portrait, in plain dress (photographed from life, colored by hand), 4to, oval, half length, seated. Miss DEAN’s AUTOGRAPH IS ATTACHED. 100 The Toedteberg Collection 1163 DEAN (JULIA). Daguerreotype Portrait, in plain dress. 12mo, in oval frame. FINE, 1164 Colored Portrait, in plain dress (lithograph, colored by hand?) 4to, bust. FINE AND RARE. 1165 Lithograph Portrait as Julia in ‘‘ The Hunchback,” 4to, full length, with left arm extended. (Cut down.) VERY RARE. 1166 Engraved Portraits as Beatrice and Juliet; Woodcut Portrait in plain dress; Reproduction of a rare Portrait as Julia, na rhe Hunchback” (/imited issue). 8vo and 4to, (4 pieces.) 1167 DEANE (SILAS). Commissioner from Congress in France. Por- trait. Bust in oval, facing right, in frame, line and stipple, en- graved by B. B. E. Lond.: 2. Wilkinson, 1783 (restrike on India Paper). 1168 DE BAR (BEN). Lithograph Portrait as Sir John Falstaff, folio, oval, full length [by F. Welcker]. 1169 Orginal Photograph; Reproduction of another photo (in plain dress), dimited issue; Reproduction of rare Portrait, Ben De Bar as Mose; Playbill of Brooklyn Theatre, Oct. 24, 1876, Ben De Bar as Falstaff. 8vo and 4to. (4 pieces.) 1170 DE BEGNIS (SIG. GIUSEPPE). Lithograph Portrait as Don Geronio, 4to, full length, drawn on stone by F. Waldeck. VERY RARE. Lond. 1821. 1171 Engraved Portrait, in plain dress, 4to, half length, by C. Knight, after Perlotti; Benefit Playbill of Sig. De Begnis, National Theatre, N. Y., Feb. 16,1839. (2 pieces.) 1172 Italian Opera Singer, appeared on N. Y. Stage, India Paper Proof of Character Portrait, engraved by Cooper, after Waldeck; Portrait in plain dress, engraved by C. Knight, after Perlotti; Re- production of rare Lithograph Portrait by Gauci (Mmited are 8vo and 4to. (3 pieces.) 1173 DE BEGNIS (MME. RONZI). Lithograph Portrait as Fatima, folio, full length, painted and drawn on stone by A. E. Chalon. Lithograph Portraits in plain dress and character, including an India Paper Proof of Chalon’s Boras of her as Fatima. 8vo and 4to, /i(¢ pieces.) 1174 Sa ay: The Toedteberg Collection IOI 1175 DECAMP (MR.) English Actor, appeared in America, Engraved | Portraits as Duretate and Figaro; also Master De Camp as Hengo. I2mo. (3 pieces.) _ 1176 DESTAING (CHARLES HENRI, COMTE). Commanded ' French Fleet during the Revolution. Bust Portrait, underneath view of Taking of Grenada. 8vo, FINE IMPRESSION. Bust Portrait, medallion, line engraving by John Goldar, after D’Haisne. 8vo. Lond. 178s. 1178 DE KOCK (PAUL), Lithograph Portrait, 4to, half length, seated, by Lemercier, from a photo. On INpia Paper. 1179 DELAND (ANNIE). American Actress, born in Augusta, Ga. Played at Laura Keene’s Theatre in New York. Daguerreotype Por- trait, in plain dress. 12mo. I177 Colored Portrait, in character (photo from life, colored by hand), 4to, full length. 1181 DELPINI (CHARLES). Famous Clown and Pantomimist. Played with Garrick, the Earl of Barrymore, and Grimaldi. ‘‘ Delpini Shooting at the Spaniard.” Full-length Portrait. Stipple engrav- ing, after Rebaccia. Folio, inlaid. Lond. 1798. 1182 DEL PUENTE as Escamillo. Photograph from life, full length, it finely colored. Folio. 1183 DENIN (KATE). Afterwards Mrs. Chas. K. Fox and Mrs. Ryan. | Photo from life, colored by hand. 16mo. Colored Character Portrait (photo from life, colored by hand). 8vo, half length, oval Fine. Colored Portrait, in plain dress (photo from life, colored by hand). 4to, full length. » 1186 - ae 187 DENIN (SUSAN). Celebrated Early American Actress. Daguerreo- va type Portrait, representing her in hunting costume, seated at table with rifleinhand. r2mo. VERY FINE, Daguerreotype Portrait in character. 12mo. FINE, Colored Portrait, in ‘‘ The Brigand’s Wife” (photo from life, colored by hand). 8vo, three-quarters length, seated in chair. FINE, Colored Portrait as Matteo Falcone (photo, colored by hand). 4to, three-quarters length. TO2 IIgo IIQI 1192 1193 1194 TI95 1196 1197 1198 1199 The Toedteberg Collection DENIN (SUSAN). Photograph, oval, full length, from life, in plain dress, 4to, with obituary notice. (1 piece. ) DENVIL (MR.) English Actor, appeared at Park Theatre in 1836. Mezzotint Portrait as Manfred, 4to, full length (cut down). Rare. ~ DENVIL (RACHEL). Lithograph Portrait as Marianna, 4to, full length, kneeling (cut down); Benefit Playbill of Rachel Denvil, Bowery Theatre, June 2, 1869. (2 pieces.) DE ROSA (M’LLE). Dancer. Colored Photograph, in costume, 16mo; Playbill of Niblo’s Garden, July 6, 1868, first night of the ‘‘White Fawn,” with ballet dancing by M’lle De Rosa. (2 pieces.) DESCLAUZAS (M’LLE). Photograph, finely colored by hand; Colored Lithograph Portrait as Progress; Playbill of Theatre Francais, N. Y., April 1, 1869, M’lle Desclauzas as Metella. (3 pieces.) ) DESSOIR (LUDWIG). German Tragedian. Engraved Portrait as Othello; Woodcut Portrait as Richard III. 4to, full length. (2°pieces;) DESJARDINS (PAULINE). Colored Lithograph Portraits of Mr. G. De Korponay and M’lle Desjardins, also an uncolored (dif- ferent) one, with additional marginal portraits; Playbills of Castle Garden, June 30 and July 4, 1845, with M’lle Desjardins and Herr Cline in their special performances. (4 pieces.) DE STAEL (BARONESS). Engraved Portrait, folio, three- quarters length, by Laugier, after Gérard, 1818, FINE. DE VERE (GEORGE F.) Photograph, together with receipt signed by him (the body evidently in Ben De Bar's handwriting) © for $140.85, ‘tin full for Miss Nely Mortimer’s Benefit,” May 22, 1865, Onone sheet. (As 1 piece.) DEVONSHIRE (DUCHESS OF). “Elizabeth” [Cecil], ‘‘Comitissa Devonie.” Three-quarter length Portrait, holding a flower. Engraved by Peter Lombart, after Van Dyke, Folio. # Rat ¢ - P< r a “y " “ A I ai? ; _ uy Ain al cae a ‘| a hey: ule : mr A? «.. 4 we a — GETTY CENTER LIBRARY WILLEN 3 3125 00830 8229 ve wee® | SS ’ pene pet Pe AE RRS ALTER pis iagy rise eaer Se Sues wep sin dele sae Seercriear cs acter Tae eMart se Arinreheraet ae teNe® ers ae yee ae OT Haters Po Pa Rad) Metal ‘ ’ : J Pad Frye ors rare nae