Ming eV A- Le | AIG O0— : ; EN “SO oO 2 Ey © WaONoyree aby ale eo A es Te ee eee TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, January 8th and Qth, At TW QO oclock. A < _Sarncll | ierary NO. ~ |M. KNOEDLER & CO. £129 556-8 FIFTH AVE. hoe NEW YORK gm Cael A LOGUE Superb flodern {intings, SWSOLD AT AUCTION, . . &, THE = SCHENCK ART GALLERY, No. 37 Nassau Street, ON Tuesday and Wednesday, January 8th & 91H, 1884, AT TWO O'CLOCK. On EDWARD SCHENCK, Auctioneer. ©’Connor, Printer, 93 Liberty Street, N. Y. PRIISTS FREPRESENTED. He Weare ciab 4 Eee peer eer 112° 7 Kuwasseg, C. fils......°... §2 IAG OINS SS Biseeetes aero a sacra (OWS Keen sett le cer nee tree 15 FUNOKASS | ID Gerda arse nto 21, 404 Leickert, Chase: 07.2%. 5 Atalaya, E............++.. 73—|-1/ Enfant de Metz.+.... ... 8, 9 ‘Bemlke. sh s.c, eae aes SGes loin @emlanie. «cscs eeetnn ies 80 SC AMUICPUICSTNC ree saetea es er 51,100 | Lassalle, L................. 38 Benassite le a Secor 54 | Lossow, H................- 47 IBEISpOty (HL cases eed can ears -48-% Mesgrigny, F.............. 75 Becker. Gra. wen aes mOhel NLiCh els G ae ccrtes cleanse maser 88 Sais ee Ne Sten ram te oe peer ARS |= Meyer; Deen eacrcnets here 22, 41 SENS Ave Hossa ea eee eres AS = | Mill er SA cscs neve ois sitar teams 74 SiG te Ae os Seen en Sa ol SS Nilexerhesl DE= nhs cso eooman onu.o5 91 Bumiets Rea... o.acoc eae OAe=| Marcy sD aavserctcsc noe 13 Badine Id seen eel Oey it02 CS ee ee 33 Borris, A..........--55 4, 43, 99 | Ol ion Bisws aula a baa 18, 57 PAM WaM I Aksnes aiete cre. al aarce 38. Xportielje, do.) .cct ss 91. 105 Constante Berry esccantaas: 79 | Preyer Te onnan Giik A can eat eee 101 | Piniresski Hes 29. 62. 90 Col Dawidsax..encae 102; 114.1 Perrier AS See ee Se as . 98 Campotosto, ......... 108, 109 | Perboyer Peele ae 1 Calise lis Misr areca shoes ae 06 | Rosier > 94 Carpentier Wicastete cs 3 97 Richet J eae Seg ee = Ghitico= Goss oe a7 N 1Ch@t = lazsoeare os Seesieapaene v6) Spear ar) Rotis Giana aa 80, 69 Colsulle, ve Rete Gr he Ie a Rou 6 31 Cropseyieke Woo. spires woe Pg titers Siete Se ieee ee cee Chaprd Fe ee 45, 63 Roosenboom, ING ee tee 81, 87 ROMS CEON, Ie ecco. c eens 89 DeBlock ET Awicnctenes cas LOS pclae 65 Deltiaager dct ous... neces © Bee ena Ns 59 DeVarendt, Aq ine. rece cs [et pontine. 3 MeBenl bie. =. senses 49, 50 g : ee 68 Damschroeder, I. J. M..... 11 Salles J eo te eaeecroees ee alles: 3) ee te wa aes 70 SHV G ted ig racgsnce staves eases wae 110 Schouten, He. s...5 «ss. 004. 39 Evrelman, O............-. GE) Sinaia IN aieik< av ea Peas Milo Renhtauss Hi sae cace LOR te Schultze Gere acco atone es 61 Coupislin ce ae {Gm Strecker Br... onc. 5s 23 Grollerone snsnte ee Gi sR art) SAE aaancescts sete 12, 93 Haquette, G............ 37, 118% Verboeckhoven, Eug....... 96 CT Ons ieee ees Viren 0) WARS Wares LC SEER TES 15 Hadamard; An vcc feces Shep Vian Keramere = .c ces ee 60 Jahoullic ise aiceen eeerre an 44 | Van Leemputten, C. ....76, 102 PLamiltON elles saesce nose | Van lcemputtens Hh 5.140. 14 daequesOed).i... ee sceers v7 | Vester, G...... epee eee eee 20 Jacobs We A nescence Atv Vester, War riscstie sions sacs 20 Jnana ES oar. ome 24 | Veyrassat, J.J ..........-. 56 Koller Ge =. s. Wn Ts 0 Koek-Koek, H. P.......... gz | Weber, Theo......... reves 82 Kotschenreiter, G.......... 63 4 Washington, G............ 34 Soo es aie SAW bU in chy 5 os ea an Re eel) x Plesk DAY = SAL Tuesday, Jan, 8th, 1884, at TWO o'clock, N. B.— Every Picture strictly guaranteed an Original. CRTRLOGUE. PURDOTRE Pd Las) ke Paris (Pupil of Bonnat.) ; The Ambush. RO de Nat ogee et tee es Pee Brussels HONCEIN TE Aes to Florence You Can’t Have It. 4 BORRIS, ACRE A FB ees Se Dusseldorf Near Konigsberg. 3 OIC Kh ERY, Cake... y7.... os Amsterdam Various Medals. The Old Lane in Amsterdam, ( Winter.) 6 KRATKE, Cuarzes Lovis........ Se es Paris (Pupil of Gerome. a 4 The Pr oposition. 7 HAMILTON, Hamitton......:...... New York A Cup of Cold Water, 8 ¢ NANT DD WEN Be ea Paris Various Medals, Legion of Honor. Children at Play. 9 PENPANT DE MEDZ SS Aa ccc Paris Companion. 4 10 FROURENTAUS, he ce ae Dusseldorf — Winter. Ae ee Pt DAMSCHROEDER, IL. J. M........ The Hague The fisherman’s Breakfast. as PMc) a 2 ee New York Dead Game. 13 MALCY DEANCHE. 9005 62405 oe Paris Vase of Flowers. 14 VAN LEEMPUTTEN, Frans......... Brussels Medal at Algiers, 1881: Belgium, 1883. Harvest Time. 15 MeN Seles (deed). New York Fall on the Winoski, Vt. 5 ISAT IN at OLS Ue |G Gea es ee Medals 1877. The Gypsey Girl. igs ONS Pe) Been Omer. regu gare Seno tan a Brussels Pupil of P. J. Clays. Calm on the North Sea. ChOPSONSD bs. a a ie eee Paris Winter Moonlight. GOUPiy ORBON S? is, aa A eee ee Paris Ideal Head.*™ VHS PER, GESIN®, cio ee Amsterdam sta yield ES igs Ge tee eee er er ae Amsterdam Dairy Farm near Amsterdam. 6 DOO Hise aa erie cae ous Dusseldorf He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. NENA MU bos ok Seek hiss Pg a SN Berlin Pupil of Meyer Von Bremen. Medals in Vienna, Stutgaard and Berlin. Musical Studies. ERC Hea By os a os es ea Dusseldorf The Good Brother.4* 24 eee AeN ee Se SE ete Jace ee ok Rome The Music Lesson. 25 COLSULLE, G....... Pe eis Antwerp Prussian Uhlans. Pie Perit, GO BORGES. 3.00 bo ir ve eo Berlin An Eastern Princess. # v4 Gibb Osi Go ses oe ee Naples Ideal Head £8 28 PES, SANCHEZ: vo, 5 es ee Grenada Old Gateway in Spain. 29 PAOW ROWSE Aas ay Paris Pupil of Gerson and Matejko. Fox Hunting—Nearly Caught. 30 OWA GHOVANNID 3. Paris Love’s Token. SL PN ie ee ee See Paris Cattle at Pasture.?S* 32 WEBER, THmoporns.-... 6.2.0. 0.000. . Paris Fishing Smacks Leaving Bologne. 8 33 POLO Porn) 7 es ee ao ee ee Munich Various Medals. asi After Lunch. 34 WASHINGTON, Grorcz' (deceased)..... Paris Pupil of Picot. The Charge. CUP WIAN ee Rome Italian Shepherd ¥: Ce mB, docs re see ee eee New York Lake Champlain. : Ho UD PEE, GmORan. 3. 0 Sete Paris Medal 1881. The Fisher Girl. ASO AGH W0vIss 333 ot ee Paris Enjoyment at Home. 9 PERO Ue RENTER, eee ae es pee ce ee Brussels In the Meadows. PORE DOL AR hic ue oa ace oe Paris 4] POU, CB et ea wi Berlin Various. Medals. “y Gathering Field Flowers. 42 PO i Paris The Soldier’s Farewell. | 43 DORIS, APBERT OY olcbus ooh. Dusseldorf Cottage by the Sea. 44 SCE secees G5 154 Le Ca Amsterdam Prince-Gracht—at Amsterdam. 10 45 CHAPMAN, J. Lanron.......0.¢.... New York’ Gleaners of the Roman Campana. ANDES OHS &. ss ees § Se ee Pais Ideal. Head. SX Le OOW, ENRT Ae So ian ck Munich Mother and Child. HIN Sy eee es Fan hake eae Rome An Italian Water Carrier. DR BMH He) eo sca e Che oss cea ee oruenels Flock of Sheep. DEBE ee es, Brasek Sheep nm Stable. 11 BEAU QUESN Bu cies 0) Wal bate oes On Picket Duty. 62 AUWASSEG, Cs Piss cy aici eee a aes : On the Scheldt. 53 OEE Eis Ace sce eae es Brussels A Sheepfold. 54 ENOL OLE Hs eae ee Paris On Duty. | 55 RAE SAG 0 ac. Py Munich In the Wine Cellar. 12 56 VEYRASSAT, Junus Jacgums........... Paris Medals: Paris, 1872. Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor, 1878. / Stopping at the Inn. DON Ui ee oe Paris Winter Twilight. AONE AUD WARD 50 pe sg Rat bok oe ek Paris Venice at Night. RUBRA, Mee a Amsterdam View ut Amsterdam. VON KRAMER, E... Se eee Munich Exterior of a Circus. 13 SECOND DAY’S SALE Wednesday, Jan, 9th, at FW O o’oclock, 61 ROT An oe Se ce eee Dusseldorf Fruit. 62 PPPOE OW. SIGE, Aas. ess Gat hee Paris A Snow Storm. 63 CHAPMAN, J LINGON Sf ee New York Sunday School in the Sabine, Italy. EVRELMAN, 0O......... Seaee Amsterdam HU EE SON Osan cs ee eG Paris Mentioned Honorable, Salon, 1882. The Bugle Call. 14 66 — ; ICO PSCHENRETTERSGi so: ease 8 Munich Hospitality. ans. 67 ROE MIRON. Peo Ayetr. ok, ea Paris The Zouave. 68 SEMENOWSKY, E. Ersman............. Paris “ Blondine.” TNS AG osc, const. ate foes gas VRE ee Ns Paris | Pussy’s Lesson. Sa WOEESS. 7 cick bids eich Paris After the Dance.4¥ x img MESGRIGNY,.FP Rawk Desi iecie es Paris L’ Orse a Pontoise. 15 hci 0), GhON oo. nai ek Gee Brussels Gold Medals: Algiers, 1881; Belgium, 1883. The Pet Dove. PERRY A Bo eo Pee Rome Out-Door Sports in Spain. PCE AUG ic eee Munich Medals in Vienna, Berlin and Paris. A Deep Reverie. AOL U AL RON ce ae or Paris Pupil of Diaz. French Landscape. | | 76 VERSTRAETER, Tao... is. se Antwerp WAN EMEMPUTTEN. ©: oo. Brussels Theo. Verstraete—Gold Medal: Antwerp, 1882. C. Van Leemputten—Gold Medals: Algiers, 1881 ; and Belgium, 1883. The Shepherd in the Ardennes. 16 (7 JACQUE, Caartus EMine. 2. i0s' 2S: Paris Medals: 1861, 1868, 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Sheep—Interior. 78 BS POT -HaNRt oa 25. oe Sore Paris At High Mass, 428 79 CONSTANT “Bang 3207.05 A ee Paris Medals, 1875, 1876. Hors Concours. On the Balcony, at Algiers. TEIN EAEN ee ee Amsterdam Pupil of H. Ten Kate. Spanish Soldiers Playing Back-Gammon, AVI. Century. ROOSENBOOM: (Ars oes a Brussels Hide and Seek. 17 Baty Gobi Ae de. cn eles cere New York Gloucester Harbor, Mass. 83 IRAE K ES OnARERS ovis.) ones Paris Pupil of Gerome. The Dancing Lesson. BURNIER, RICHARD, «0.02.5. 00.4 Dusseldorf Various Medals. Cattle by the River Side—The Milkmaid, _, 85 FEA AMAR AUG 2 eiviiad Ys ees Paris Marguerite. M&S : : 86 | BRINK EB eitz. 25 ae eeas os Sees Dusseldori Medals London, Munich and Dusseldorf, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1879. A Village Schoolmaster. es 87 HKOHKRKOHK, He Piss, si cc eee: London ROOSHN BOOMs Ae ee Brussels A Day in the Woods, near Brussels. 18 8 MICHEL, Grorcss (deceased)...... ee Paris The originator of the Modern School of French Painting, as followed by Dupré, Courbet and others. Landscape. (2) Tel GPa yON ahs EON ae aes ... Paris The Letter. POE RON CA ris P os Biase es oak Paris Winter in Poland. PO law So te fey oa Antwerp MEU Oe ye eG oe og eRe Brussels J. Portielje, Medal, London, 1877. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1883. A Visit to the Nurse. IN Olgas Oe ee ee a Brussels Pupil of Baron Leys. Medal, Paris Salon, 1878. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold II. Sunday Morning in XVI Century. 19 HENCT ACoh eo A ee ....New York , Early Morning, Adirondacks. 94 RUS LER OBed 2655 2 oe Ae Dordrecht Fruit Stand in Amsterdam. DON ES APRERT <. 043 oS ee Dusseldorf Landscape near Dusseldorf. 96 VERBOECKHOVEN, Eve. Jos. (dee’d)..Brussels Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, and many other decorations. Landscape and Sheep. § x55 / Vv. (Artist’s Certificate on back of panel.) . <7 CARPENTIER,. Evarist@,......0..--5.: Paris Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1879; Amsterdam, 1883. The Two Friends. 20 98 deh ple a te MW RS, eee ea Paris Fruit. oo | HAMILTON,. Hamivtown..-.... 25.05... New York A Tramp. eet. ee BEAUQUESNE, Witrrip ConsTant..... Paris The Returned Scout’s Story. CONC UPON PUN bs Nee So Fee or ek Fiere Rome A Musicale. Ht 2.5 COL, Davi. 32a ae eee Antwerp NV ACN LDEEMPUUUEN, C5606. Brussels D. Col, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medals, Ypres, Dunkirk, Vienna and Philadelphia. C. Van Leemputten, Medals: Algiers, 1881. Gold Medal: Belgium, 1883. Admiring Her Flock. 21 ae OS Ore aa The Spinning Wheel and the Sleeping Infant. A Superb Work of this Great Master. DEY RGN YT ASS. Ses ee ee Paris Froissart, the Chronicle, PORT Bi Wed 3 ona eee ee ee Antwerp Medal: London, 1877. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1883. At Her Toilet, 106 CALISCHE, Morr... 2.3 Munich The Welcome Letter, Effect of Light. 107 ADAMS, Dunet (Prev)... ooo. i. Munich In Full Cry. Dn BOCK -uerne = Munich Reading the Scripture. 22 CAVERO LOS fOr ee Paris The Bird’s Nest. DEIN ST Omens o-oo, «eet eae sera Paris Brother and Sister. CO URW cares Rice: eel Antwerp Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medals: Ypres, Dunkirk, Vienna and Philadelphia. At the Wine Merchant's. 112 DONDE EA (Prt ss re ee a Munich Landscape. A superb picture of this great master. 118 PEAQU ETE GNORGM cater sree ae Paris The Artists’ Studio—The Model, osx 23 Boe ANS, J. OH. Le. 2.2 sete Brussels Commander (with the Star) of the Order of Isabella la Catolica, of Spain; of the Order of Charles II, of Spain ; and of the Order of Leopold, of Belgium. Officer of the Order of the Couronne de Chene, Holland. Officer of the Order of the Merit of St. Michael, Bavaria. Officer of the Couronne d’Italie. Chevalier of Francis Joseph, of Austria. Chevalier of the Couronne de Prusse. Member of the Academy of St. Ferdinand of Spain. Member of the Royal Academies at Amsterdam, Antwerp and Rotterdam Medal of Honor, Amsterdam, 1883. Cattle in the Downs, near Ostend. 115 VOLTZ, Pror. Frermericn Jowann.....Munich Born at Nordlingen, 1817. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin. The Great Wurtemberg Art Medals. His pictures are represented in all the Royal Galleries of Germany. Cattle at the Pond. EDWARD SCHENCK, Auctioneer. 24