tied i am fs, eet Chemistry and Manufacture of Writing and Printing Inks A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY WILLIAM B. GAMBLE Chief of the Division of Science and Technology INTRODUCTION BY H. M. LYDENBERG Chief Reference Librarian New York 1926 ty Chemistry and Manufacture of Writing and Printing Inks A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY WILLIAM B. GAMBLE Chief of the Division of Science and Technology INTRODUCTION BY H. M. LYDENBERG Chief Reference Librarian New York 1926 BN OTE This list contains the titles of works re- lating to the chemistry and manufacture of writing and printing inks, owned by The ~ New York Public Library on August 1, 1925. They are in the Reference Department of the _ Library, in the Central Building at Fifth | Avenue and Forty-second Street. REPRINTED JANUARY 1926 FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER. 1925 PRINTED AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY form p207 [i-20-26 350] 6 a ee i Gigcren sy. = ai. a Pie = eee ra es es TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION . : ; 5 WHE LIST ; fi EATENTS. . ; : ats UNITED STATES. ; ' : 38 GREAT BRITAIN ; . 47 FRANCE . ; ; 62 GERMANY . ; . : ne VAG CANADA . . | , , 78 AUSTRALIA : ’ . 80 NEw ZEALAND ; : 80 BELGIUM . ; , : ate) DENMARK : 84 SWEDEN. : ; , : . 84 AUSTRIA . . ; ; ; 85 List OF PATENTEES . / ; Sale INDEX OF SUBJECTS . : 95 CHEMISTRY AND MANUFACTURE OF WRITING AND PRINTING INKS INTRODUCTION ©)? ALL the craftsmen that work on the printed book, the ink maker has received least comment and least commendation. Hundreds of volumes have been written in praise of books, and almost as many have been given to appreciation of the design of the type, to singing the praises of good paper, and to discussing the ingenuity and skill of the makers of presses. But you will be hard put to it to name off-hand a single person who has sung the praises of ink, plain, every-day printer’s ink. Books can be made without types or presses. Indeed, they have been made with them less time than without. Four centuries and a half mark the use of types for book production, and many times that number of centuries looked down on the toil of scribes who lived before Gutenberg and Koster. Books have been made without paper. Witness the thousands of parchment and vel- lum volumes, and the hundreds of works turned out this very day in the Orient on palm leaves and similar substances. But to find a time when books could be made without ink you have to go back to the dawn of what we call civiliza- tion and pick up the clay tablets of Assyria and Babylonia. Why this apparent neglect of ink in the anthology of books? It is scarcely fair to say it is another case of Fothergill Finch and his son- nets to a garbage pail. ‘There is, to be sure, little of the delight to be found in looking at black ink, as such, that one can get in studying the shapes and fancies designers have used for their various fonts and faces of letters. Presses have been drawn on for decoration, certainly the old hand presses; and quite possibly even a modern newspaper web press may have been conventionalized and worked into the decorative features of book or poster. But certainly no one has yet succeeded in using ink as anything more than a handmaiden, useful and faithful and commendable in every way, but without the graces of her sisters. However, if little has been written in the way of glowing tributes to ink as part of the printer’s world, if ink sometimes may be tempted to wonder if its sisters do not receive greater appreciation than falls to its lot, certainly a glance at the titles here listed by Mr. Gamble will show that plenty has been [5] 6 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY written about it. Editors, and the other great who decide how the King’s English shall be used, will probably refuse to permit one to speak about the “literature” of ink, but be that as it may, surely one could easily build a special library with ink as its subject. And for anyone curious about the materials and processes that make books, the titles here recorded will provide many a fruitful hour. Why should some writing inks fade, for instance, and why should fading be so unusual with printing inks, black inks, that is to say? How have our present-day methods come down from the earlier times when men had more time, or thought they did, to make things properly? If the paper used in our books is poorer in quality than that used fifty or a hundred or four hundred years ago, how is it that the inks are not appreciably worse? Why, if black inks seem permanent, do the colored inks fade when exposed to sunlight? It is not uncommon to find writing inks that have eaten the paper they were printed on, but did anyone ever see stich an attack by printer’s ink? Can we get fast colors in inks with our present methods? Do our inks to-day differ radically from those of the early days of printing, and how did those early inks differ from what the scribe used in his work? If it is possible to make for writing purposes an invisible ink, has anyone tried to do the same for printing? Why in all the stories of international criminals has no one thought to use a book printed in invisible inks, while the literature of diplomatic spies bears on nearly every page a story of the use of that kind of writing ink? Are there any quali- ties of ink that have to be taken into consideration by the designers of printing presses, or is it such an obliging substance that the maker of the press can say to the maker of the ink, “Here is the place and the shape for the fountain, and you must adapt your ink to what I am willing to allow you”? Why is it that prices of inks have been so little affected by the war? And how do they com- pare with those of the past century? Dozens of questions like these come to the mind of anyone who has ever wondered how a book is made, or who has ever cared to see what makes the book and how it grows and is translated from the mind of the author through composing room and paper mill and press room and bindery into that familiar shape with those familiar black marks on white paper we accept with so few questionings. No one but the specialist would ever dream that so much has been written about ink, and certainly specialist and outsider, connoisseur and casual inquirer, will rejoice that this key to the literature of ink has been so admirably wrought and so conveniently put into his hand. J avelo EIST 1. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie. and colour. don, v. 37, 1889, p. 113-123.) VA Experiments show the effect of light upon pigments. 2. Adeline, Jules. Light Les arts de reproduction vulgarisés. Paris: Quantin (1898). 3 pul. ix, 3/9 p. illus. 4°. MDR See index. 3. Alizarintinte. blatt, Leipzig, N (Polytechnisches Central- P. yanre. 10,1856, p..637.) VA 4. Alton, Robert. The examination and testing of printing inks. (British printer, daandon, v. 31;.1918, p. -21.) +t* IPA 5. American Chemical Society. Report of the committee on occupational diseases in the chemical trades. (Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Easton, Penn., v. 14, 1922, p. 456-457.) VOA Brief reference to ink poisoning. 6. American encyclopedia of printing. Edited by J. Luther Ringwalt. Philadel- phia: Menamin & Ringwalt, 1871. 1 pl, vii—xv, (1)18-512 p. illus. 4°. * IPB (Ringwalt ) See p. 217-219 for account of manufacturing proc- esses. 7. Amount of ink required for different formes. (British printer, London, v. 26, rise 253.) F* IPA 8. Andés, Louis Edgar. Oel- und Buch- druckfarben. Praktisches Handbuch fiir Firniss- und Farbenfabrikanten... Wien: A. Hartleben, 1889. viii, 271 p. illus. 12°. (Hartleben’s chemisch-technische Biblio- thek. Bd. 169.) VOP 9. Oil colours and printers’ inks; a practical handbook. Translated from the German. Second English edition, revised and enlarged by H. B. Stocks. London: Scott, Greenwood & Son (E. Greenwood), Pros, 220 p. illus.. 8°. VOP 10. Praktisches Rezeptbuch ftir die gesamte Lack- und Farben-Industrie... Wien: A. Hartleben, 1904. iii, 432 p. 12°. (A. Hartleben’s chemisch-technische Biblio- thek. Bd. 271.) VOR For printing inks see p. 70-74. 11. —— Schreib-, Kopier- und andere Tin- ten. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1906. viii, 231 p. illus. 12°. (A. Hartleben’s chemisch-tech- nische Bibliothek. ,Bd.; 295.) VOPB 12. Andrews, Emory Cobb. Color and its application to printing. Chicago: Inland (Society of Arts. Journal, Lon- - Printer: Con icop. 19115 9123 ‘p., 24 1.3 pl. uss), 8"; MDS Repr.: Inland printer, Chicago, v. 44, 1910, p. 846- 851; v. 45, 1910, p. 47—50, 220— 922, 376-378, 545- 548, 709-711; v. 46, 1910- UES Gee 73 74, 333 234, 388-390, 552-553, 708-709, 877- 878; v. 47, 19UT ps 431-433, 559-560, 756-758, 907-908; v. 48, 1911-12, p. 396-398, +*IPA, 13. Color and its distribution in print- ing. How to estimate ink. Chicago: Inland Printer Co. ;cop. 1916.,; 3 p.1, 42 p. illus. ae MDS 14. Anfertigung einer den kraftigsten chem- ischen Argentien ziemlich widerstehenden schonen rothen Tinte. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 28, 1873, p. 272.) VA See also Chemical Society, Journal, London, v. 27, 1874, p. 99, PKA; Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 209, 1873, p. 316, VA Solution of carmine in soluble glass. 15. Anstead, Taylor W. Manufacture of printing inks. illus. (Chemical and metal- lurgical engineering, New York, v. 27, 1922, p. 304-308. ) VOA 16. Appelbaum, Carl. Ueber Vanadintinte. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Stutt- gart, Bd. 271, Jahrg. 1889, p. 423-424.) 3-VA Claims that Berzelius’s receipt does not produce’a good ink; but substitutes his own formula. 17. Arcana Fairfaxiana manuscripta. ) + OAD (Room 120) ; ees p. 150-153 for experiments with sympathetic 1Ink. A 62. Brande, William Thomas. A manual of chemistry. London: J. W. Parker, 1848. ZaNiat tone PKL For a few recipes see index. La lithographie. Paris: 296\p. “illus? 8°; MDP 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Brégeaut, Léon. See Broquelet, A., and LEON BREGEAUT. 63. Breton de la Martiniére, Jean Baptiste Joseph. China: its costume, arts, manufac- tures, &c. edited principally from the origi- nals in the cabinet of the late M. Bertin; with observations explanatory, historical, and literary, by M. Breton. Translated from the French. London: J. J. Stockdale, 1813. Ayan 2 A Ba alles BEL See v. 2, p. 69 for brief description of Chinese ink making and a colored illustration. 64. Bright green ink. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 42, p. 264.) +* IPA 65. Brissemoret, A. Sur une réaction colo- rée des tanoides. (Société chimique de France. Bulletin, Paris, série 4, tome 1, 1907, p. 474-483.) PKA 66. Bromley, Henry Aldous. Outlines of stationery testing. A practical manual. London: Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., 1913. 4’ pl. 1/4: p.e 6. pl. 122- (Gritiin's-teohno- logical hand-books.) VMP Brief directions for testing of writing inks. 67. Broquelet, A., and Léon Bré&cEAutT. Manuel complet de l’imprimeur lithographe a la presse, a bras et a la machine. Paris: Garnier fréres, 1908. 4 p.1., 359(1) p., 4 pl. Weg MDP See p. 193-203. 68. Brown, D. R. An attempt to de secre’ indelible writing. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions, Edinburgh, 1864, v. 6, p. 107-115.) VA Also in Dingler’s pulytechnisches Journal, Augs- burg, Jahrg. 165, 1862, p. 225-230, 3-V A. Use of hot electric wire; also sulphuric acid. 69. Browne, Warren Crittenden. Offset lithography; a treatise on printing in the lithographic manner from metal plates on rubber blanket offset presses... New York: The National Lithographer, 1917. 3 -p.l; 9-216 p. 12°: MDP 70. New York: The National Lith- ographer, 1922. 230 p. 2.ed. 12°. MDP 713 Practical text book of lithography ; a modern treatise on the art of printing from stone. New York: The National Lithogra- pher, 4912). 23 p. 12". MDP See p. 94-106. 72. Buchheister, G. A. Tinten. (In his: Handbuch der Drogisten-Praxis. Berlin, 1905. 5. ed. 8°. Teil 2, p. 302-338.) WT Formulas for a large variety of inks, including ink powders and extracts, ink pencils, and etching inks, with directions for restoring faded writings. 73. Buchwald, August. Bleistifte, Farb- stifte, farbige Kreiden und Pastellstifte, Aquarellfarben, Tusche und ihre Herstel- lung nach bewahrten Verfahren. Wien und Leipzig: A. Hartleben, 1904. viii, 280 p. illus. 12°. (A. Hartleben’s chemisch- technologische Bibliothek. Bd. ,275.;) VOP Excellent chapter on India and Chinese inks, with illustrations. 74. Bugnon, P. Sur l’emploi d’encres com- merciales en histologie végétale. (Acadé- mie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 169, 1919, p. 1051-1054.) * EO Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 39, 1920, p. 86A, VOA. Burt, F. V. See Underwood, John, and Beove DUR, 75. Burt, Francis L. Printing “inks: history, composition and manufacture. land printer, Chicago, v. 64, 1919-20, 192, 310-312, 463-464, 575-576.) their (In- p. 190- t* IPA 76. —— —— New York: Sinclair & Valen- tine Ink Co. ,1920?; 41 p. illus. 2.ed. 16°. VOD pv. 37, no. 2 77. C., H. Red and black writing inks. (Druggists circular, New York, v. 62, Jan., 1918, p. 27 +WTA Recipes for two reds and one black. Caddell, Waithman. See Blackburn, Douglas, and WaITHMAN CADDELL. 78. Cahn, Ernst L. Ueber Methylanthra- gallol. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 19, 1886, p. 2333- 2336.) PKA 79. Calmels, H., and L. P. Crerc. La repro- duction photographique des couleurs. Paris: Le Procédé ;1907;. 2 p.b; 132° tiie ee (Bibliothéque des procédés photoméca- niques. ) MDS See chapter 4: Encres ef impressions. Excellent discussion of the optical properties of colored inks. 80. Canepari, Pietro Maria. De atramentis cujuscunque generis. Opus sané novum, hactenus a nemine promulgatum. In sex descriptiones digestum. Auctore, Petro Maria Canepario... Londini: excudebat J. M., impensis J. Martin ;etc.;, 1660. 8 p.L, 568 p. 4°. Reserve 81. The Care and use of printing inks. sees printer, London, v. 28, 1915, p. 117- 118.) t* IPA 82. Carr, Henry J. Inks for library use. (Library journal, New York, v. 19, 1894, p. 84.) *HA 83. Carré, F. Sur des moyens de recon- naitre l’age d’une écriture faite avec une encre a base de fer. (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 68, 1869, p. 1213-1214.) * EO See also Zeitschrift fiir Chemie, Leipzig, Jahrg. 12, 1869, p. 448, PKA; Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 193, 1869, p. 260, 3-VA. 84. Carty, Alton B. Care of printing inks. (British printer, onto v. 33, 1920, p. 117— 118.) +* TPA 85. Carvalho, David Nunes. Forty centuries of ink; or, A chronological narrative con- cerning ink and its backgrounds, introduc- ing incidental observations and deductions, parallels of time and color, phenomena, bib- liography, chemistry, poetical effusions, cita- LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 11 tions, anecdotes and curiosa together with some evidence respecting the evanescent character of most inks of today and an epitome of chemico-legal ink. New York: The Banks Law Publishing Co., 1904. viii, Bias. 3. VOPB 86. Chameleon inks. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 45, 1910, p. 82.) t*® IPA 87. Chaplet, A. Les encres pour inscrip- tions indelebiles sur tissus. (Revue men- suelle du blanchissage, du blanchiment & des apprets, Paris, tome 15, 1921, p. 19-20, 23-24, 29-30; tome 16, 1921, p. 33-34.) VLG Issued as a supplement “e Revue générale des ma- tiéres colorantes, v. 25, 192 Brief abstract in Bacal abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 1922, p. 504, PKA. 28 formulas and directions for compounding. 88. A Cheap way to make printing ink. (Chemical age, New York, v. 30, 1922, p. 20 VOA Description of U. S. patent no. 1,410,012 issued to Holmes and Cameron. Use of gum dammar as an emulsifying agent. 89. Chemical action of red inks and electro- plates. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 37, 1906, bo77.) +* IPA 90. Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, Frankfurt a. Main.— Werk Oehler. Pig- mentfarben. Couleurs pour laques. Pigment-colours. Gebrauchs-Anweisung. Mode d’emploi. Method of working. ;With volume of samples.; Frankfurt a. M. ,1911., Z¥- 16" and 4°. See p. 52 for aniline blues for printing ink. 91. Chen-ki-souen. L’encre de Chine: son histoire et sa fabrication, d’aprés des docu- ments chinois. Traduits par Maurice Jame- Peis aris: Ernest Leroux, 1882. xxx p., 14-94 p., 3 1., 20 pl. 16°. (Biblio- théque orientale elzévirienne. v. 32.) VOPB Reproduction of old drawings showing process. A second copy in *OAD. 92. Claisen, L. Untersuchungen tiber die Oxymethylenverbindungen. (Liebig’s An- nalen der Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 281, 1894, p. 306-313.) PKA Has a bibliography. —— See also Bishop, A. W., and others. 93. Clark, W. Inglis. An attempt to place the manufacture of ink on a scientific basis. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 11, 1892, p. 738-739.) VOA 94. Clerc, Louis Philippe. Les reproduc- tions photomécaniques; polychromes, sélec- tions trichromes, orthochromatisme, pro- cédés d’interprétation. Paris: Octave Doin ep iis, 1919. 2p.l:, 339 p. illus. 16°. (En- cyclopédie scientifique. Bibliothéque de photographie. ) MDS See chapter 8: Les encres de couleur. See aso Calmels, H., and L.. P; CLERC. VLG and tf VLG 95. A Colossal ink manufactory. illus. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 9, 1892, p. 698-699.) +* IPA Jaenecke-Ullman Company’s works at Newark, N. J. 96. Colt, Gordon. Mixing colors. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 61> 19185. pi.634:) +* IPA 97. Commonwealth of Massachusetts speci- fications for a standard record ink. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 23, 1904, p. 544.) VOA 98. Concerning printing inks. Ink of the ancients. Printing ink of the earliest print- ers. The ink of Caxton’s and Aldus’ day. Printing ink of the present day. Ink mak- ing as carried on by George Mather’s Sons. illus. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 3, 1885, p. 1-5.) +T* IPA 99. “Condensed ink” for camp use. (Engi- neering & contracting, Chicago, v. 45, 1916, p. 589.) VDA 100. Cooley’s cyclopedia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manu- factures, professions, and trades... Sixth edition, revised and partly rewritten by Richard V. Tuson. New York: D. Apple- ton & Co;, 1879-80, 2v. 8°. VBA For recipes, see v. 2, p. 897-899. 101. A Copying ink. (American druggists’ circular, wNew “York, -v..-1 1857. p.5825) tt WTA 102. Copying ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 26, 1900, p. 469.) +* IPA 103. Copying ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 50, 1912, p. 414.) +* IPA Suggested method for working. 104. Copying inks. (British printer, Lon- don, v. 27, 1914-15, p. 280.) t* IPA 105. Copying inks dry up. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 24, 1899, p. 97-98.) t* IPA Suggestions to prevent this trouble. 106. Cormimboeuf, H. Sur le dosage du tannin. (Annales de chimie analytique, Paris, tome 7, 1902, p. 452-454.) PKA 107. —— Sur le dosage du tannin par l’iode. (Annales de chimie analytique, Paris, tome 12, 1907, p. 395-397.) PKA 108. Cost of de-inked newspapers. (Chemi- cal age, New York, v. 31, 1923, p. 238.) VOA Can trichromatic inks be standardized? (British printer, London, M, Dovel oe De eeel) +* IPA Also in Penrose’s annual, London, v. 23, 1921, p. 87-88, MDSA 110. The drying of printing inks. (Pen- rose’s annual, London, v. 24, 1922, p. 61-62.) MDSA 109. Cox, W. IIston. 12 THE NEW YORK: PUBEIC LIBRARY. 111. Cracau, J. Restoration of faded writ- ings. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., eh 1911 ps 79a.) PKA Abstract only. See also Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 14, Th. 2, p. 425, PKA. 112. Crittenden, Lee. On the handling of inks. (British printer, London, v. 24, 1911- i2apeolZ) T* IPA 113. Crookes, Sir William. A practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1874. xvi, Lai alee a VLG Bibliography of coal-tar colors, p. 702-715. See in- dex for references to tannin and galls. 114. Crouzel, Ed. Procédé nouveau de dos- age du tannin. (Annales de chimie analy- tique, Paris, tome 7, 1902, p. 373-374.) PKA 115. Cumming, David. Handbook of lith- ography. A practical treatise for all who are interested in the process. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1904. viii p., 2 1., 244 p14 pl) porte 12°. MDP 116. ——- —— London: Adam & Charles Black, Lid... 1919:..vG) ps 12h, 244 po allus, PAS Pots Baie MDP 117. Dangerous ink. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 8, 1891, p. 469.) T* IPA A disappearing writing ink, being a watery solution of iodide of amylum. 118. Daniels, Bernard. The cost of ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 66, 1920, p. 56.) +* IPA 119. Darmstaedter, Ludwig. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik. In chronologischer Darstellung. Berlin: Julius Springer, 2908." x 07 1k E202. Daal: lero. Desk - OAC Historical notes of interest. See index. 120. Davy, Sir Humphrey. Some observa- tions and experiments on the papyri found in the ruins of Herculaneum. illus. (Royal Society of London. Philosophical transac- tions, London, 1821, part 2, p. 191-208.) * EC Figure 1 shows an ink pot, a reed pen, and a roll of papyrus. 121. Dekker, J. Ueber die Constitutions- formel des Tannins. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 39, 1906, p. 2497-2502, 3784.) PKA 122. Delidou. Copirtinte. (Deutsche chem- ische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Bd. 6, 1873, p. 156-157.) PKA 123. Dennstedt, M., and F. VoIcTLANDER. Der Nachweis von Schriftfalschungen, Blut, Sperma usw. unter besonderer Beriticksichti- gung der Photographie mit einem Anhange tuber Brandstiftungen ftir Chemiker, Phar- mazeuten, Mediziner, Juristen, Polizeior- gane usw. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & - 128. Diergart, Paul. Sohn, 1908. 2 p.1., (i)vi-x, 248 p. illus. 8°. (Georg Baumert: Lehrbuch der gericht- lichen Chemie. Aufl. 2. Bd. 2.) PPL (Baumert) Unusually complete discussion of ink tests for forgery. Desch, C. H., joint \auther Hantzsch, A., and C. H. Descu. 124. Desmarest, L. Fabrication des encres & cirages, encres a écrire, a copier, de couleurs, métalliques, a dessiner, lithogra- phiques, cirages, vernis et dégras, par L. Desmarest, d’aprés S. Lehner et R. Brun- ner. Paris: Bernard Tignol 71912) 251. 345 p. 2. ed. 12°. (Bibliothéque des actu- alités industrielles. no. 65.) VOPB 124a. Manuel pratique de la fabrication des encres, encres a écrire, a copier, de cou- leurs, métalliques, a dessiner, encres d’im- primerie, par L. Desmarest et S. Lehner. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et C'*, 1923. 2 pl, 372 p. 3. ed. 12°. (Bibliothéque des actu- alités industrielles. no. 65.) VOPB 125. Determining how much ink is used on a job. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 48, 1912, pao) +* IPA 126. De Vinne, Theodore Low. The inven- tion of printing. A collection of facts and opinions... New York: Francis Hart & Co., 1876. 4 p.1., 7-556 p. illus. 8°. *IPF See index for several references to inks of early printers. 127. Diaz Acs: Indelible inks and the erasing of writings; their chemico-legal study. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 17, 1923, p. 476-477.) PKA Abstract only. See Die verlorene Technik, Druckerschwarze von bedrucktem Papier wegzuldsen. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 46, 1922, p. 41-42.) VOA Early history of processes, with bibliographical ref- erences. 129. Dieterich, E. Gallus Tinten. (Jahres- Bericht tiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie ftir 1889, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 20, p. 1180-1181.) VOA Blue ink to turn black. Dobriner, P., joint author. See Frese- nius, W., and P. Dopriner. 130. “Doping” ruling-machine inks and printing inks. (British printer, London, v. 30, 1917, p. 125.) +* IPA 131. Doremus, Charles Avery. The identi- fication of colored inks by their absorption spectra. illus. (American Philosophical Society. Proceedings, v. 35, April, 1896, p. 71-74.) * KA 132. Dott, D. B. Permanence of writing- ink. (Society of Chemical Industry. Jour- nal, London, v. 35, 1916, p. 493.) VOA Tests with hydrogen peroxide. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 13 Estimation (Chemical news, 133. Dreaper, William Porter. of tannic and gallic acids. London, v. 90, 1904, p. 111-112.) PKA 134. Drying oils. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 47, 1911, p. 578.) +* TPA 135. Dullo. von Papier. (Wieck’s Deutsche illustrierte Gewerbezeitung, Leipzig, Jahrg. 27, 1862, p 289-290.) VA Also in Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 16, 1862, p. 1308-1309, VA. Dupont, G., joint author. M., and G. Dupont. 136. Dyestuffs and the printing ink industry. (Color trade journal, New York, v. 4, 1919, p. 143.) VOA Discusses a protective tariff. 137. Earhart, J. F. Harmony of colors. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 45, 1910, p. 216- 218, 549-550, 711-712; v. 46, 1910-11, p. 76- 77, 231-232, 406-407, 570-571, 897- 308.) +* IPA 138. Ehrmann, Edouard Charles Albert. Traité des matiéres colorantes organiques et de leurs diverses applications. Préface See Vézes, de M. A. Haller. Paris: Dunod, 1922. xxii Plies.) p. 4°. VOR A few recipes for writing, copying, hectograph, stamping, and typewriter inks. 139. Elsdon, G. D. Arsenic in printing ink. (Analyst, London, v. 49, 1924, p. 336-337.) PKA 140. Elsner, Fritz. Die Praxis des Chemi- kers... Hamburg und Leipzig: Leopold Seatoo3,) 0 p.l., (i) vili—xii, 622 p. 5. ed. Bins: 8°. PMB See p. 428-430 for brief references to ink and the investigation of handwriting. Has a table showing reaction of various reagents. 141. Elsner, L. Ueber die Bereitung einer schwarzen unausloschlichen Tinte. (Ding- ler’s polytechnisches Journal, epee Jahrg. 1861, Bd. 160, p. 239-240.) -VA See also Chemisches Centralblatt, sa NaF. Jahrg, 6, Bd. 1, 1861, p. tees Se, PKA; Polytech- nisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N . Jahrg. is he ataXo p. 557-558, VA. 142. (Encres.; (Revue de chimie industri- elle, Paris, année 25, 1916, p. 219-220.) VOA Recipes for powdered copying ink, stamping and marking inks. 143. Encyclopedia Britannica; a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general in- formation. 11th ed. Cambridge: Univer- sity Press, 1910-11. 29 v. 4°. *R-*AL See v. 14, p. 571-573 for general article. 144. Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. Nou- velle éd. tome 1-12, 14—23, 25-36. Genéve, 1777-79. 34 v. 4°. +7* AP See tome 8, p. 621-622 for process of making black printing ink; tome 5, p. 632-634, for writing and sympathetic inks. Ueber die Entfernung der Dinte ; ) 145. Entfernung von Tintenflecken aus far- bigen Stoffen. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 27, 1872; p. 208.) VA See also Chemisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, Folge 3, fahtgye ole 7 e,jann. As ’ Chemical Society. Journal, ‘London, new series, v. 10, 1872, p. 1142, PKA, 146. Erzeugung von Tinte aus Gruben- wassern. (Berg- und huettenmaennische Zeitung, Leipzig, Jahrg. 37, 1878, p. 88.) VHA States that the tannery waste water from Wills Creek in the Cumberland Mountains may easily be changed into good ink. 147. Estimating the quantity of ink for three-color work. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 47, 1911, p. 892.) +* IPA 148. Etching and proving ink. (Inland primers) Cnieaeo,.v. 52, 1913, p.. 2672) +* TPA Formulas. 149. Etti, C. Ueber das malabrische Kino- gummi und eine daraus zu erhaltende neue Substanz, das Kinoin. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 11, 1878, p. 1879-1883.) PKA Discusses melting points of gallic and pyrogallic acids. Abstract in Chemical Society. Journal; Ab- stracts, London, v. 36, 1879, p. 159-160. 150. The Evolution of printing ink, being a history of the first commercial ink manufac- tory in the world. (National lithographer, _ New York, v. 25, no. 8, 1918, -p. 41-42.) -MDP 151. Ewell, E. E. Methods for the investi- gation of canceling inks and other stamping inks. ,Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1905., 6 p. 8°. (United States. — Bureau of Chemistry. Circular no. 12, revised.) WPH 152. F., J. P. A cheap and durable marking ink. °(Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 4, 1910, p. 397.) PKA Used in Hawaii for stenciling sugar bags. 153. Fabrication de couleurs pour aquarelles et lavis et d’encres pour timbres en caout- chouc. (Revue des produits chimiques, Paris, année 25, 1922, p. 441-442.) PKA 154. The Fading of printing inks. (British printer, Leicester, v. 30, 1917, no. 175, p. 15.) t* IPA 155. Fawcett, Waldon. Commissions & gratuities eliminated in selling ink. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 60, 1918, p. ar 496.) +* TP 156. Feist, K. Uber das Tannin. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 32, 1908, p. 918.) tt VOA 157. Fels, Bruno. Studien tiber die Indika- toren der Acidimetrie und Alkalimetrie. (Zeitschrift fir Elektrochemie, Halle a. S., Jahrg. 10, 1904, p. 208-214.) PKA 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 158. Fiechter, A. Uber eine Darstellung von tintenbildenden Korpern aus Benzol- derivaten. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahre? 35,,19] ep. 115571062) VOA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 30, 1911, p. 203, 1223, VOA. 159. Finzi, N. S. A skin ink for radiogra- phy. (British medical journal, London, 1918, part 1, p. 52-53.) +WAA 160. Fischer, Emil, and KArt FREUDENBERG. Uber das Tannin und die Synthese ahnlicher Stoffe. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 45, 1912, p. 915- 935.) PKA 161. Fischer, Robert. The Ostwald color- system and the manufacture of pigments for book-printing and lithographing. (Chemi- cal abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 15, 1921, p. 1080.) PKA 162. Fitzpatrick, John Clement. Notes on the care, cataloguing, calendaring and ar- rangement of manuscripts. Washington: Gow, Prigs OF, 1913;249 p. 12°. Cunited States. — Library of Congress: Division of Manuscripts.) Mss. Div. Library of Congress method of cleaning manuscripts. 163. Fk. Uber Rohstoffe der Druckfarben- industrie im Kriege. (Zeitschrift fiir ange- wandte Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 32, Wirtschaft- licher Theil, 1919, p. 137-138.) PKA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 38, 1919, p. 2 164. Flamel, Nicolas. Encres sympathiques. (La Nature, Paris, année 45, 1917, semestre 2, p. 86-89.) OA 165. Fleck, Hugo. Methode zur Bestim- mung der Gerbsaure in gerbsaurehaltenden Materialien. (Zeitschrift ftir analytische Chemie, Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 5, 1866, p. Sa P 166. Fontenay, Guillaume de. Action des encres sur la plaque photographique. (Aca- démie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Fats, tome 155, 1912, p. 1610-1612.) * E Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 3, 1909, p. 984, PKA 167. Formulas for bleacher’s ink. (Textile world journal, New York, v. 53, 1917, p. 17515) VLA Fothergill, J. B., joint author. See Knecht, Edmund, and J. B. FoTHERGILL. 168. Franke, C. A. Die Buchdruckerkunst. Praktisches Handbuch.. . herausgegeben von Max Miller. Leipzig: B. F. Voigt, 1904. 1 p.l, ()iv—viii, 338 p. 6. ed. rev. ins. Ss". * IPR For colored inks see p. 257-262. 169. Frazer, Persifor. Bibliotics; or, The study of documents, determination of the individual character of handwriting and de- tection of fraud and forgery. New methods of research. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1901..- xxiv, 15-266. pj Lope 3, cede NB?) *ICL 170. Fresenius, W., and P. Dopriner. Uber Gerbsaure und ihre Bestimmung. (Zeit- schrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 34, 1895, p. 102-110.) PKA Freudenberg, Karl, joint author. See Fischer, Emil, and KARL FREUDENBERG. iis Bee A. Manuel nouveau de typogra- phie.. Paris: Roret, 1835.° (2942) ims, 16°. * IPR Recipes for black and colors. 172. Friedenthal, Hans. Die Bestimmung der Reaktion einer Fltissigkeit mit Hilfe von Indikatoren. (Zeitschrift fiir Elektro- chemie, Halle a..5., Jahre. 10; 19047 e175— 119.) PKA 173. Frost-proof ink. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 4, 1887, p. 415.) T* IPA 174. Fuchs, Julius. Darstellung farbiger Tinten mit Anilinfarben. (Dingler’s poly- technisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 181, 1866, p. da5s) 3-VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 20, 1866, p. 1500-1501, VA; ’Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 21, 1866, Dp: 255; WA: 175. Gage, Fred W. Paper and inks. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1908, p. 69-71.) +* IPA Brief general article. 176. Gerhardt. Uber Tintenfleckenentfer- nung. (Zeitschrift fir angewandte Chemie, Leipzig, Jahrg. 33, Aufsatzteil, 1920, p. 32.) PKA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 39, 1920, p. 186A, VOA. 177. Gintl, W. Neue Copirtinte. (Chem- isches Centralblatt, Folge 3, Jahrg. 8, 1877,. p. 464.) PKA 178. Girod. ,;Recherches chimiques sur le produit de la sécrétion de la poche de noir chez les cephalopodes.; (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 92, 1881, p. 364-367, 966-968, 1241-1243.) *EO 179. Giving tone to the liberty loan. illus. (Color trade journal, New York, v. 1, 1917, p. 35-37.) VOA 180. A Glass-etching ink. (Chemical ab- stracts, Easton, Penn.) v. 15, 1921) eee PKA Abstract only, 181. Gloss ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1908, p. 414.) t* IPA 182. Goepel. Die beste Bereitungsart der Chromtinte. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Stuttgart, Jahre, 1359) Ba, 12), 80.) su.VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 12, 1858, p. 1661-1662, VA. 183. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethe- Briefe mit Einleitungen und Erlauterungen LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 15 hrsg. von Philipp Stein. Berlin: Otto Els- ner, 1902-05. 8 v. ; NFGI See Bd. 3, p. 292 for a letter describing G6éttling’s process for de-inking printed paper. 184. Goodman, Joseph. metalithography... Practical modern Letchworth, Herts: Garden City Press, Ltd., 1914. xii, 230 p., Meet pl, 1 port. illus. 8°. MDP See index. 185. Gothe, Heinrich. Reclaiming writing paper. (Paper, New York, v. 27, no. 6, 1920, p. 30.) VMPA Brief description of his German patent. . 186. Gouillon, A. Félix. Traité méthodique de la fabrication des encres et cirages, colles de bureau, cires a cacheter... Paris: Gar- nier fréres, 1906. 2 p.l., (i)vi—xxii, 518 p. itis. 8%. VOPB Comprehensive, with numerous formulas and ab- stracts of French patents. 187. Graebe, C. Ueber die Constitution der Ellagsaure. (Deutsche chemische Gesell- schaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 36, 1903, p. 212-215.) PKA 188. Great Britain.— Patents Commissioner. Abridgments of specifications relating to writing instruments and materials, a.p. 1635- 1866. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1869. xxiv, 404 p. 12°. aA For a brief history of inks in ancient times see p. xXV—-XVI1. 189. Green and red ink combination. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1908, p. 413.) +t * IPA 190. Gress, Edmund Geiger. The Ameri- can handbook of printing, containing in brief and simple style something about every department of the art and business of printing. New York: Oswald Publishing et te ep. 254 p., | chart, 10 pl. 12°. * IPR See chapter 10. 191. Griffith, Ivor. Improved formula for a testing ink for sterilizers and autoclaves. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 17, 1923, p. 3887.) PKA Abstract only. 192. Griffiths, Thomas Michael. Non-secret formulas. St. Louis: T. M. Griffiths ;1910). Dfiiessl4 p. 2. ed. 8°. VBA See index for recipes. 193. Griggi, Gioachino. Uber eine empfind- liche und wenig bekannte Reaktion der Gal- lussaure, welche zu ihrer Unterscheidung von der Digallussaure und der Pyrogallus- saure ausreicht. (Chemisches Centralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 3, 1899, Theil I, p. 454.) PKA 194. Grills, Ernest R. The use of ultra- violet light in testing inks and pigments. illus. (Penrose’s annual, London, v. 25, 1923, p. 33-36.) MDSA 195. Gross, Hans Gustav Adolf. Hand- buch fur Untersuchungsrichter als System der Kriminalistik. Miinchen: J. Schweitzer Verlag, 1914. 2v. 6. ed. illus. 4°. SLG Chemical and photographic methods for detection of forgery. 196. Gunn, Maurice James. Print restora- tion and picture cleaning. London: L. Up- COM ie Lie ve OO lhe lees AS pies MDC 197. Haas, B. Befreien der Altpapiere von ihren Druckfarben. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, p. 913-915.) VOA 198. Entfernen von Druckerschwarze aus Altpapier. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, p. 1187.) VOA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 1922, p. 829, PKA. 199. Habermann, J. Uber den Nachweis von Schriftzeichen auf verkohltem Papier. (Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wies- baden, Jahrg. 48, 1909, p. 729-750.) PKA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 4, LOO pe Lia s eR AG 200. Habermann, J., and A. O&STERREICHER. Ueber die Verwendung der Copierpresse bei Ermittelung von Schriftfalschungen. (Zeit- schrift fir analytische Chemie; Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 40, 1901, p. 725-729.) PKA 201. Hacker, Willy. Stempelfarben. (Far- ben- Zeitung, Geipzic, Jahre. 26, 1921. va: 1508-1509.) VOA Includes laundry marking inks. Hackford, J. E., joint author. See Trot- man. "s, bo aatd.J, fre PLACKFORD. 202. Hackleman, Charles William. Com- mercial engraving and printing... Indian- Commercial Engraving Publishing 1 p.1, (1)6-846 p. illus. 8°. MDR See chapter entitled: Printing inks and the harmony of colors. Has excellent color combination plates. 203. Hadley, Walter E. A brief resume of writing and printing inks. (American dye- stuff reporter, New York, v. 8, no. 14, p. 20- 21).24%-26°:no.2 152 p26) VOR 204. Haerting, Karl. Eisenoxyd-Zellulose. (Kolloid-Zeitschrift, Dresden, Bd. 25, 1919, p. 74-79.) PKA sy eae: in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 14, 1920, p. 886, PKA. “The letters of many old handwritings become brittle and eventually fall out of the sheet. To deter- mine the causes of this disintegration the effect of various inks on paper, parchment and pure cellulose was studied.” 205. Hagan, William E. A treatise on dis- puted handwriting and the determination of genuine from forged signatures. The char- acter and composition of inks, and their determination by chemical tests. The effect of age as manifested in the appearance of written instruments and documents. New apolis: Co. cop. 1921. 16 THE NEW. YORK PUBIIGC LIBRARY York & Albany: Banks & Brothers, 1894. 2 p.l., (1)6-289 p., 9 pl. 8°. eel, 206. Hamburger, H. J. Injektionen mit Eiweiss- und Serumtusche zu mikroskop- ischen Swecken. (Zeitschrift flr wissen- schaftliche Mikroskopie, Leipzig, Bd. 25, 1908, p. 1-3.) OCA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. o. 1909. pS ol ra. 207. Hanes, E.S. Metallicinks. (Penrose’s annual, London, v..26, 1924, p. 111-112.) Directions for mixing and using. MDSA 208. Hansard, Thomas Curson, 1776-1833. Typographia: an historical sketch of the origin and progress of the art of printing; with practical directions for conducting every department in an office... London: Baldwin; Cradotk, and Joy, l62o.182 -0.4, (ijivexval ps, 4 -1:,5939'.p., TS eoallus. 8°: See chapter 8, p. 715-733. LPB 209. Hansard, Thomas Curson, 1813-1891. Treatises on printing and type-founding. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1841. vii, Hane 8° : aust reference to black, colored, and lithographic inks. 210. Hantzsch, A., and C. H. DescH. Ueber farbige organische Ferriverbindungen. (Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 323, 1902, p. 1-31.) PKA 211. Haring, J. Vreeland. Important docu- ments and ink. (American legal news, Détroit, v; 26, July; 1915, p. 13, 15) *XAA 212. Hartmann, Martin. Benennung und Definierung der Lichtechtheitsgrade bei Druckfarben. (Farben-Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 28, 1922, p. 558-559.) VOA Divides inks into five grades according to their permanence under the effects of light. Based on Krais method. 213. Hassett, Paul J. The manufacture of typewriter ribbons and carbon paper. (American dyestuff reporter, New York, v. 10, 1922, p. 403-404.) VOR Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. los19225 p. Zolli kia: 214. Haug, Anton J. Modern washing sys- tem for waste paper recovery. illus. (Paper trade journal, New York, v. 75, no. 8, 1922, p. 49-50.) VMA 215. Haynes, R. E. Printers’ detergents. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 59, 1917, p. 327- 328.) +* IPA 216. Heat accelerates the drying of ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 47, 1911, p. 729.) +* IPA 217. Heeren. Erprobtes Recept ftir Tinte zum Zeichnen der Wasche. (Polytech- nisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. J 18, 1864, p. 1324.) See also Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 19, 1864, p. 208, VA. ahreg. VA 218. Heinemann, Adolf. Beitrage zur An- alyse de Gallusgerbsaure. (Zeitschrift ftir angewandte Chemie, Berlin, Jahrg. 1899, p. 245-253.) PKA 219. Bemerkungen zu Dr. Gustav UII- mann’s Prtifungsmethode der in der Far- berei verwendten Gerbmaterialien und der basischen Farbstoffe. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Céthen, Jahrg. 24, 1900, p. 58.) tt VOA 220. Helbig. The removal of aniline ink spots from textile fabrics. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 14, 1895, p. 267.) VOA 221. Hellot. Sur une nouvelle encre sympa- tique. (Académie royale des sciences. Mé- moires, année 1737, Paris, 1740, p. 101- 120, 228-247.) *EO Reprinted in J. M. Eder, Quellenschriften zu den friithesten Anfingen der Photographie bis zum XvIttI. Jahrhundert, Halle a. S., 1913, p. 105-116, ¢{PKB. 222. Henley’s twentieth century formulas, recipes and processes, containing ten thou- sand selected household and workshop for- mulas, recipes, processes and moneysaving methods for the practical use of manufac- turers, mechanics, housekeepers and home workers, edited by Gardner D. Hiscox. 1921 edition, revised and enlarged. New York: The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company, 1921. 2 p.L, 7-807 bp. alge Desk — 121 (Hiscox) For numerous recipes see p. 403-417. Hepworth, Thomas Cradock, joint — author. See Mitchell, Charles Ainsworth, and T. C. HEpwortH. 223. Herstellung fliissiger schwarzer Tusche. (Neueste Erfindungen und Erfah- rungen, Wien und Leipzig, Jahrg. 43, 1916, p. 51-53.) VA 224. Herzberg, W. Leimschwache Papiere und Kriegstinte. (Prussia. — Materialprii- fungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 34, 1916, p. 286-290.) VA Coa: Die Natur der nicht-absorbieren- den Zone (Randzone) bei Tintenklecksen in Loschpapieren. (Prussia. — Materialpriti- fungsamt. Mitteilungen, Jahrg. 27, 1909, p. 46-48.) VA Abstract in ‘Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 3, 1909, p. 1311, PRA 226. ZerstOrung von Papier durch Tinte. (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 40, 1922, p. 90- 95.) VA See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 42, 1923, p. 10A, VOA; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn,, v. 17, 1923, P 1329, 2783, PKA; Paper makers’ monthly journa London, Vv. 61, 1923, p. 236-237, VMPA. 227. Herzig, J., and R. TscHerne. Ueber methylirtes Tannin. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 38, 1905, p. 989-991.) PKA LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS LZ 228. Hesse, Friedrich. Die Chromolithogra- phie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der modernen, auf photographischer Grundlage beruhenden Verfahren und der Technik des Aluminiumdrucks. Halle a. S.: Wilhelm Knapp, 1906. xvi, 383 p., 20 pl. 2.ed. 4°. MDP 229. —— La chromolithographie et la photo- chromolithographie; édition francaise par A. Mouillot ,et; G. Lequatre. Paris: A. Muller ,189-—?}. viii p.,11.,362 p. 8°. MDP 230. Hesse, O. Ueber das Verhalten des Phenols zu einigen Chinaalkaloiden. (Lie- big’s Annalen der Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 182, 1876, p. 160-163.) PKA 231. Himes, Charles F. Treatment of writ- ten historical documents for preservation. illus. (Franklin Institute. Journal, Phila- delphia, v. 163, 1907, p. 161-163.) VA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 11907) p:.1926, PKA: 232. Hinrichsen, Friedrich Willy. Das Materialpriifungswesen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der am Ko6nigl. Ma- terialprifungsamte zu Berlin-Lichterfelde ublichen Verfahren im Grundriss dargestellt Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1912. xx, 607 p. illus. 8°. VEE See chapter 9. Zan Die neuen Grundsatze ftir amt- liche Tintenpriifung. (Prussia. — Material- prifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 31, 1913, p. 370-378.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung jhe See also Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 37, 1913, p. 265-267, VOA; Analyst, London, v. 38, 1913, p. 213-214, PKA; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., Vv. 7s 1913, p. 2482, v. 8, 1914, p. 2069, PKA. 234. ——— Tinte. (In: R. O. Herzog and others, Chemische Technologie der organ- ischen Verbindungen. Heidelberg, 1912. 4°. p. 454-457.) VOE Brief chapter, including the Prussian specifications. 235. Uber die Bestimmung von Gerb- und Gallussdure bei Gegenwart von Eisen- salzen. (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, 1906, p. 287-288. ) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 236. Uber die Bestimmung von Gerb- und Gallussaure bei Gegenwart organischer bei der Tintendarstellung verandter Stoffe. (Prussia. — Materialprtifungsamt. Mittei- lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, 1906, p. Bek ae , Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung i Ueber einige Anwendungen physi- kalisch-chemischer Verfahren auf technische Fragen. (Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry, London, 1909. ;Pro- ceedings,; Section 10, London, 1910, p. 152- L572) PKR eae ee of physico-chemical methods to the analysis of inks. For abstract see Society of Chemical pac . Journal, London, v. 28, 1909, p. 713-714, VOA 238. Uber Schreibtinte und ihre Prii- fung. (Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerb- fleisses. Sitzungsberichte, Berlin, 1908, p. 64-94.) VA 239. Die Untersuchung von Ejisengal- lustinten. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1909. 140 p. 8°. (Die chemische Analyse. Bd. 6.) VOP Deals thoroughly with chemical analysis, See also Rothe, J., and F. W. Hin- RICHSEN. 240. Hinrichsen, Friedrich Willy, and Ericu Kepespy. Uber die Anwendung der Bestim- mungsweisen ftir Gerb- und Gallussaure auf Ausztige verschiedener Gerbmaterialien. (Prussia. — Materialprtifungsamt. Mittei- lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 27, 1909, p. as V Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 0. See also Society of Chemical Lye Journal, London, v. 28, 1909, p. 831-832, VOA 241. Uber die Haltbarkeit von Eisen- gallustinten. (Prussia.— Materialpriifungs- amt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, 1907, p. 317-321.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung Abstracts in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 2, 1908, p. 1888, PKA; Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 12, 1908, p. 1336-1337, PKA. 242. Uber die jodometrische Bestim- mung von Gerb- und Gallussaure. (Prussia. — Materialprifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 25, 1907, p. 244-261.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. Zee LOSS pe 1670 EKA Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 53 Jahrg. 12, 1908, p. 990-991, PKA; Chemical Society. Journal: Abstracts, London, Vv. 94, part 2, 1908, p. 544, PKA. 243. Uber die Titration der Gerb- und Gallussaure. (Prussia. — Materialprifungs- amt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, 1907, p. 43-48.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 244. Uber die Untersuchung von Eisen- gallustinten. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 30, Semester 2, 1906, p. 1301.) VOA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 1, 1907, p, 783-784, PKA. 245. Hinrichsen, Friedrich Willy, and RicH- ARD Kempr. Uber den Einfluss der Luftbe- schaffenheit und der Temperatur des Cer- suchsraumes auf den Ausfall der Haltbar- keitsprobe bei Eisengallustinten. illus. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mittei- lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 32, 1914, p. rh apes Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 32 Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 34, 1915, p. 1260-1261, VOA; Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahre. 19, p. 809-810, PKA; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., vie 9. 1S ES p. 2155, PKA. 246. Hinrichsen, Friedrich Willy, and EucEn Sacuse. Uber die Bildungs- und Léslich- keitsverhaltnisse der Doppelchloride des Eisens und der Alkalimetalle. (Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 50, 1905, p. 81-99.) PKA 247. Hlasiwetz, H. Ueber die Beziehungen der Gerbsauren, Glucoside, Phlobaphene und Harze. (Journal ftir praktische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 105, 1868, p. 360-383.) PKA 248. Hochstetter, Robert. The relation of the printer to the ink maker. (British printer, Icondony v.- 28,1915, p. 25=26) -63= 64.) +* IPA The vice-president of the Ault and Wiborg Company offers suggestions on the use of printing ink. 249. Hoefer, Jean Chrétien Ferdinand. His- toire de la chimie. Paris: Firmin Didot treres, fils, et:C**, 1866-69 -2 v4 2 eds 387. See index. PKB Hofmann, J., joint author. See Robert- son, A., and J. HOFMANN. 250. Holding, H. B. Modern improvements in black ink making. (Penrose’s annual, London, v. 13, 1907-08, p. 61-63.) MDSA Describes manufacture of carbon black. 251. Holmes, Fred L. Reusing old news- papers for printing. illus. (Popular me- chanics, Chicago, v. 38, 1922, p. 685-686.) Use of bentonite. VFA 252. The Home of the Ullman doubletone — a-tamous: UU, SAA) ink factory. Ailliiecy Cp rit= ish printer, London, v. 24, 1911, p. 63-65.) +* IPA 253. How carbon-black is made. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 15, 1895, p. 601.) f* IPA 254. How to make goldink. (Inland printer, Chicago,.v. 35,1905, -p862.) * TPA 255. How a pressman succeeded with copy- ing ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 30, 1903, p. 912.) +* IPA 256. How to prevent ink from rubbing off enameled surfaces. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 23, 1899, p. 347.) +*® TPA 257. How printing ink dries. (British printer, London, v. 25, 1912, p. 96-97.) +t* IPA 258. How waste paper is used in paper mills. Paper shortage would be reduced and householders make pin money by paper saving. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 83, 1917, p. 155.) VA Brief description of de-inking. 259. Huber, J. M. Testing and drying inks. (British printer, London, v. 30, 1918, piZ57s) t* IPA 260. Illuminating Engineering Society. — Committee on Glare. Diffusing media, m1. Paper and inks. illus. (Illuminating Engi- neering Society. Transactions, v. 10, 1915, p. 379-387.) V Includes tests on printing and writing inks. 261. Immoderate reducing of ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 568.) f* IPA Trouble with printing on blotting-paper. 262. India ink. (Engineering news, New York, v. 11, 1884, p. 157.) VDA 263. Indian ink. (All the year round, Lon- don, new series, v. 41, 1887, p. 329-332.) * DA 264. Indulin-Tinte. (Dinglers polytech- nisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 207, 1873, p. 430.) 3-VA See also Chemical Society. Journal, London, v. 26, 1873, p. 959, PKA. The above are abstracts referring to the recipe of Coupier and Collin. 265. The Ink of the ancients. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 21, 1902, p. 196.) VOA Examination of ink remains found in bronze cylin- ders in ruins of Roman villa at Vertault, France. 266. Ink does not lift properly. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 245.) f* IPA 267. Ink drying slowly. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 405.) t* IPA 268. Ink drying slowly. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 47, 1911, p. 104.) t* IPA Suggestion for bronze-blue. 269. An Ink eradicator. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 33, 1904, p. 556.) +* IPA 270. Ink fades. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 405.) +* IPA Recommends the use of alkaline proof ink. 271. The Ink man to the printer. (British printer, London, v. 31, 1918-19, p. 213-214.) +* IPA 272. Ink not lifting properly. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1909, p. 578.) #* IPA 273. Ink pellets. (Chemical review, Lon- don, v. 11, 1882, p. 262.) 3-VOA See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 1, 1882, p. 388, VOA. 274. Ink to print on rubber and not rub off. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1903, p. 733.) t* IPA 275. Ink for printing on leather. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 30, 1903, p. 575.) #* IPA 276. Ink for printing on linen. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1903, p. 734.) T* IPA 277. An Ink for printifig out. (British jour- nal of photography, London, v. 56, Jan. 29, 1909, p. 86.) MFA LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 19 (British vu £60; MFA 278. Ink-proving colour blocks. journal of photography, London, March 14, 1913, p. 213.) Apparatus of Wratten and Wainwright. 279. Ink pump. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 44, 1909, p. 409.) t* IPA 280. Ink reducer and effect. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 25, 1900, p. 795.) t* IPA Formula, 281. Ink reducers and driers. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1903, p. 231.) f* IPA 282. Ink and rollers. (Scientific American, New York, v. 89, 1903, p. 344.) VA 283. Ink for rubber stamps. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 55, 1903, p. 22699.) VA 284. Ink rubs off. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 881.) T* IPA Use of drier for broom labels. 285. Ink rubs off and does not dry. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 41, 1908, p. 587.) f* IPA ‘a cont of ink on satin proof stock, using a tint oc 286. Ink for silk ribbon. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1908, p. 264.) t*® IPA 287. Ink slow in drying. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 27, 1901, p. 713.) T*® IPA Suggestion for overcoming. 288. An Ink solvent. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 39, 1907, p. 870.) +* IPA “Dead oil’ (carbolic acid) for removing dry ink from rollers. 289. Ink that holds on one thickness of coated paper but not on another. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 30, 1902, p. 53.) f* IPA 290. Ink too strong for the coated paper. _ (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 29, 1902, p. 787.) t* IPA 291. Ink for writing on glass. (American Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings, Philadelphia, 1870, p. 161.) WTA 292. Inks. (Engineer, London, v. 123, 1917, p. 415.) +VA Included in a continued article entitled ‘‘What industry owes to science.’”’ Historical and general. 293. Inks for colour printing. (British printer, London, v. 28, 1915, p. 123.) f* IPA 294. Inks for rubber stamps. Glycerine the best medium. illus. (India rubber journal, London, v. 62, 1921, p. 578.) VMV Investigation at the British General Postoffice. Abstracted in Society of Chemical Industry. Jour- nal, London, v. 40, 1921, p. 780A, VOA. 295. Inks for use on glass. (Chemical ab- stracts, Easton, Penn., v. 1, 1907, p. 770.) PKA Abstract from Diamant. 296. Insufficient drier. cago, v. 43, 1909, p. 103-104.) Use of drier in label printing. (Inland printer, Chi- +* IPA 297. Invention for deinking newsprint paper. (Paper, New York, v. 22, March 13, 1918, p. 23.) VMPA Description of patent issued to J. J. Werst (U. S. 1249575 of 1917). 298. Invisible ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 58, 1916, p. 382.) t* IPA 299. Iorio, Adrian J. Making the ideal cata- logue: ink, its qualities and specifications. See printer, London, v. 27, 1914, p. 205- 207.) TeLPA 300. Irvine, Robert. Note on the action of bleaching agents upon writing-ink as a means of detecting fraud. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 6, 1887, p. 807-808. ) VOA Abstract in Chemical Society. Journal: Abstracts, London, v. 54, 1888, p. 764, PKA. 301. J.. H. Blue marking ink. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 2, 1$83.22/6,) vo 302. Jacobi, Charles Thomas. Printing. A practical treatise on the art of typography as applied more particularly to the printing of books. London: George Bell & Sons, 1908. 3 p.l, (i)vili-xxiii, 409(1) p., 1 1, 16 specimens of paper. 4. ed. rev. illus. tee 7 LP Brief general chapters on printers’ ink. 303. Jacobsen, Emil. Copirtintenstifte. (Chemisch-technisches Repertorium, Berlin, rJahrg.; 1874, Halbjahr 2, p. 62-63.) VOA. 304. ——- Waschachte schwarze Zeichen- tinte. (Chemisch-technisches Repertorium, Berlin, Bd. 5, 1866, Halbjahr 1, p.2.) VOA Also in Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Augs- burg, Bd. 183, 1867, p. 78, 3-VA; Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 21, 1866, p. 377-378, VA. 305. Jacquemin, E. Le pyrogallol en pré- sence des sels de fer. (Académie des sci- ences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 77, 1873, p. 593-596.) * EO Abstract in Chemical news, London, v. 28, 1873, p. 194, PKA. 306. Jameson, J. On security of documents. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 4, 1885, p. 318.) VOA ; ae reference to the importance of mordants in InKS, 307. Jameson, Lewis. Manufacturers’ prac- tical recipes, by Lewis Jameson, assisted by leading English and foreign trade experts, works managers, and skilled mechanics. London: Lewis Jameson & Co. ,1902-03.; 4 rer os VBA See v. 4, p. 597-721 for an unusually large number of recipes for writing fluids and copying media. See v. 2, p. 28-71 for printing inks and lithographic var-_ nishes. 308. Jamieson, Alexander. A dictionary of mechanical science, arts, manufactures, and miscellaneous knowledge... London: Henry Fisher, Son, & Co., 1827. iv, 1066 p. illus. 4°. + VB See p. 513-514. 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 309. Japan in inks. (Inland printer, SoA cago, v. 45, p. 750-751.) t* IPA 310. Japanese writing accessories. (Japan magazine, Tokyo, v. 2, May, 1911, p. ack Also in Scientific American supplement, New York, Vedios 1 Odo yee Sal 311. Jean, Ferdinand. A propos du titrage du tannin par la solution d’iode; réponse a la note de M. Cormimboeuf. (Annales de chimie analytique, Paris, tome 12, 1907, p. 426-427.) PKA Det Dosage du tannin et de l’acide gal- lique. (Annales de chimie analytique, Paris, tome 5, 1900, p. 134-140.) PK ose Observations sur le dosage du tan- nin assimilable et le titrage du tannin et de lacide gallique. (Annales de chimie analy- tique, Paris, tome 3, 1898, p. 145-149.) PKA 314. Jenkinson, Hilary. A manual of archive administration; including the problems of war archives and archive making. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922. xviii, 243 p. 4°. (Economic and social history of the world war. British series.) * SAD See index under Ink and Materials. 315. Jenks, Tudor. About old ink-stands. illus. (St. Nicholas, New York, v. 31, 1904, p. 532-536.) * DA ' 316. Johnson, Charles. The care of docu- ments and management of archives. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. 47 p. 12°. (Helps for students of history. no. 5.) * SAD See p. 31 for restoration of faded ink. 317. Joly, A. Alkalische Tinten. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 12, 1879, p. 209.) PKA Refers to his Belgian patent 42374 of 1878. 318. Jones, George D. Typographic print- ing inks. (British printer, London, v. 31, 1918-19, p. 233-234.) t*¥ IPA Making ink by hand. Printing papers. Tint inks. Printing on parchment and linen. 319. Joyce, C. M. Chemical control of the process for de-inking paper. (Chemical & metallurgical engineering, New York, v. 25, 1921, p. 242.) vo 320. Julien, Stanislas. Procédés des Chi- nois pour la fabrication de l’encre. (An- nales de chimie et de physique, Paris, tome 53, 1833, p. 308-314.) PAA 321. Kampmann, K. Photolithographic ink containing gum Elemi. (Society of Chemi- cal Industry. Journal, London, v. 9, 1890, i i: Be VOA 322. Kappa, pseud. Printers’ coloured inks. (English mechanic & world of science, Lon- don, v. 102, 1915, p. 166.) V Brief description of manufacture. 323. Kassner, G. Alte Tinte. (Jahres Be- richt tber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie fur 1908, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 39, Abt. 2, p. 495.) VOA Brief account of ink well and contents found in a Roman camp in Westphalia. 324. Keating, E. M. The relations of paper, type and ink. illus. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 50, 1913, p. 683-687.) * TPA Interesting photomicrographs of the printed letter. 325. Kedesdy, Erich. Tinte und Tinten- prifung. (Papier Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, 1908, p. 2263-2264, 2297-2298, 2333.) Tt 3-VMA Abstract in the Analyst, London, v. 33, 1908, p. 367— 368, PKA; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 2, 1908, p. 3252-3253, PKA. 326. Uber den Nachweis von Gerb- und Gallussaure mittels Molybdansaurelosung. (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mittei- lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, 1907, p. pare Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung Abstracts in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 2, 1908, -p. 1670, "FRA; Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge oe Jahre. 12, 1908, p. 991, PKA; Chemi- 2S Society. Journal: Abstracts, London, v. 94, part 2, 1908, p. 642, PKA. See also Hinrichsen, Friedrich Willy, and EricH KEpEspy. 327. Keenan, Thomas J. How waste paper is treated to make new paper. An account of processes and difficulties to be overcome in removing printer’s ink. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 115, 1916, p. 574— B75.) VA 328. Keghel, Maurice de. Les encres d’im- primerie et leur fabrication. (Revue de chimie industrielle, Paris, tome 31, 1922, p. 45-54, 111-117, 143-147, 174-176, 232-235, 259-265, 315-320, 339-345.) VOA 329. Kempf, Richard. Selbsttatige Vorrich- tung zum Ausziehen von Ejisengallustinten mit Essigester. (Prussia. — Materialprii- fungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 31, 1913, p. 451-455.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. 12 Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 33, 1914, p. 306, VOA; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 8, 1914, p. 2069, PKA. 330. Uber die gewichtanalytische Be- stimmung der Gerb- und Gallussaure. (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mittei- lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 33, 1915, p. 241-270; Jahrg. 34, 1916, p. 380-386; Jahrg. ae 1917, p. 47-52. ) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. 14-16. Abstracts in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 11, 1917, p. 1755, PKA; Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 20, Th. 1, 1916, p. 1279, PKA. See also Hinrichsen, Friedrich Willy, and RicHarp KEmMpPrF. Mitteilung Mitteilung LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS at 331. Klaproth, Martin MHeinrich, and F. Wotrr. Dictionnaire de chimie. Traduit de l’allemand, avec des notes, par E. J. B. Bouillon- Lagrange et par H. A. Vogel. Paris: Klostermann, 1810-11. 4 v. 8°. PKF See tome 2, p. 282-288 for writing, Chinese, and sympathetic inks, 332. Knapp. Ueber die sogen. Chromtinte und deren Bereitung. (Dingler’s polytech- nisches Journal, Stuttgart, Bd. 296, 1895, p. 188-189.) 3-VA See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 14, 1895, p. 799, VOA. 333. Knecht, Edmund, and J. B. FoTHErGcILt. The principles and practice of textile print- tage London: C. Griffin & Co., Ltd., 1912. meen, o pias, 10 pl. illus. 8°. VLG 334. Koehler, Hippolyt. Die Fabrikation des Russes und der Schwarze aus Abfallen und Nebenprodukten, mit besonderer Be- ricksichtigung der Entfarbungskohle. Braunschweig: Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1912. viii, 228 p. 3. ed. illus. 4°. (Neues Handbuch der chemischen Technologie; zugleich als dritte Folge von Bolley’s Hand- buch der chemischen Technologie. ,Bd.j 5.) VOE 335. Koppe, Siegfried Walter. Das Glyze- rin. Seine Darstellung, Anwendung und Ermittelung, fur Chemiker, Parftimeure, Seifenfabrikanten, Apotheker, Sprengtech- niker und Industrielle. Wien und Leipzig: A. Hartleben, 1913. vii, 196 p. 2. ed. 12°. (A. Hartleben’s chemisch-technische Biblio- thek.) VOF See chapter 12: Das Glyzerin in der Tintenfabrika- tion. Recipes for hectograph and copying inks. 336. Kostanecki, St. von. Ueber nitrosirte Resorcinazofarbstoffe. (Deutsche chem- ische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, ae 21, 1888, p. 3109-3114.) PKA Sor. Zur Kenntniss der beizenfarbenden Farbstoffe. (Deutsche chemische Gesell- schaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 20, 1887, p. 3146-3149; Jahrg. 22, 1889, p. 1347-1353.) PKA See also Liebermann, C., and St. VON KOSTANECKI. 338. Kostanecki, St. von, and St. NIEMEN- TOWSKI. Ueber die isomeren Dioxydimethyl- anthrachinone. (Deutsche chemische Ge- sellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 18, 1885, p. 2138-2141.) PKA 339. Kreis, H. Gerbextrakte. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, Bd. 30, 1906, p. 768.) tt VOA 340. Kressler, Carl. Anfertigung einer schonen rothen Tinte. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Bd. 4, 1849, p. 106-107.) VA 341. Kressler, E. Reinigung des Krapplacks zur Herstellung einer moglicht lasirenden Farbe zur feineren Oelmalerei, nebst An- _ kation. fertigung einer rothen Krapptinte. (Poly- technisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 1, 1846, p. 203-204.) VA 342. Kuehn, Curt. Uber den Wert der Zahlung feink6rniger Substanzen. (Zeit- schrift fiir angewandte Chemie, Leipzig, Jahrg. 15, Theil 1, p: 126-128.) PKA Adapts the physiological method of counting blood corpuscles to the examination of finely powdered pig- ments. 343. Kunz-Krause. Uber die Farben- und Fallungsreaktionen der Tannoide und deren Abhangigkeit von der Natur, bezw. Konsti- tution des einen, bezw. der beiden Reak- tionskomponenten. (Chemisches Central- blatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 2, Theil 2, 1898, p. 945-946.) PKA 344. Lange, Otto. Chemisch-technische Vorschriften... Leipzig: Otto Spamer, 1923-24. 4v. 3. ed. 4°. vo Bd. 3, p. 212-233 has an excellent annotated bibliog- raphy of processes covering a large variety of inks. 345. Langer, Alfons. Die Herstellung von Tusch- und Stempelfarben. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Coéthen, Jahrg. 44, 1920, p. 951- 952.) VOA General discussion of usual methods. 346. Lavay, Jerome Buell. Disputed hand- writing; an exhaustive, valuable, and com- prehensive work upon one of the most important subjects of to-day. With illustra- tions and expositions for the detection and study of forgery by handwriting of all kinds. ‘Chicago: Harvard Book Co. rcop. 1909.; xvi, 304: p; illus; 18°. *IGL See chapters 13 and 14. 347. Lederlin, P. Blanchiment, teinture, impression, appréts. Paris: J. B. Bailliére et fils, 1923. 543 p. illus. 8°. (Encyclo- pédie de chimie industrielle.) VLG 348. Lehner, Sigmund. Die Tinten-Fabri- Darstellung der Anfertigung aller Tinten, der Tusche, Tintenstifte, lithograph- ischen Stifte und Tinten, unausloschlicher Tinten zum Zeichnen der WAsche, der Hek- tographenmassen, der Farben fiir Schreib- maschinen usf., des Waschblaus und der Stempeldruckfarben. 7. ed. rev. & enl. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1922. xii, 224 p. illus. 12°. (Chemisch-technische Bibliothek. Bd. 17.) VOPB Library also has 3. ed., 1885, and 4. ed., 1890. 349. Leicester, Sheldon. Practical studies for paper manufacturers and all engaged in the industry, being a handbook based on lectures given to students, apprentices, ‘artisans in paper works and others, hav- ing special reference to the manufacture of. paper and its uses by printers, lithograph- ers, ink manufacturers, stationers, publish- ers and others handling paper. London: Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., 1924. viii, 363 p. iiss § os. VMP See index for adaptability of inks to various kinds of paper. See p. 290-293 for testing resistance of paper to ink. oD THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 350. Leidié, E. Untersuchung einer alten Tinte. (Chemisches Central-Blatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 6, ;Teil; 1, p. 383.) PKA _Investigation of black substance found in Roman city of Vertillum. Abstract only. 351. Lemaire, Eugéne. La restauration des parchemins altérés par le feu. illus. (La nature, Paris, tome 36, 1908, p. 87-92.) OA Also in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 66, Sept. 26, 1908, p. 205-206, VA 352. Lémery, Louis. Eclaircissement sur la composition des différentes espéces de vitriols naturels, & explication physique & sensible de la maniére dont se forment les ancres vitrioliques. (Académie royale des sciences. Mémoires, Paris, année 1707, p. 538-549.) *EO 353. Lenz, W. Zur Prtifung der Tinten. (Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wies- baden, Jahrg. 31, 1892, p. 116-120.) PKA See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 11, 1892, p. 273, VOA. Abstract from Die Eisengallustinten, by Schluttig and Neumann. 354. Leonhardi, August. Bereitung der Ali- zarin-Tinte. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Stuttgart, Bd. 142, 1856, p. 141- 142.) 3-VA fase also Heh Ea a wejahre, lie S57 =p: Description of his een Centralblatt, Leipzig, N VA, 355. Lewis, William. Commercium philo- sophico-technicum; or, The philosophical commerce of arts: designed as an attempt to improve arts, trades, and manufactures. London: H; Baldwin; 3763. 2 p.l, xviii x: C46 p71 tise 4%. V (Room 120) See p. 339-401 for soot blacks, iron and gall, recipes for writing inks, printing ink, experiments to secure durability of writing and printing inks. A noteworthy work. 356. Liebermann, C. Zur Theorie der Bei- zenfarbstoffe. (Deutsche chemische Gesell- schaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 41, 1908, p. 1436-1444.) PKA i et Zur Theorie der Beizfarbungen. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Be- richte, Berlin, Jahrg. 26, 1893, p. 1574-1578.) PKA 358. Liebermann, C., and St. von Kosta- NECKI. Ueber einige von der Stellung be- dingte Reactionen. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 18, 1885, p. 2142-2149.) PKA 359. Liebermann, C., and W. WeEnNseE. Zur Kenntniss der farbenden Oxyanthrachinone. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Be- richte, Berlin, Jahrg. 20, 1887, p. ate PK 360. Liebig, Justus. Ueber die Zusammen- setzung der Gerbesadure und der Gallussau- ren. (Journal ftir praktische Chemie, Leip- zig, Bd. 2, 1834, p. 321-327.) PKA 361. Link. Vorschrift zu einer tiefschwar- zen neutralen Tinte. (Dingler’s polytech- nisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 168, Jahrg. 1863, p. 468.) -VA 362. Lippmann, Edmund Oskar von. Ent- stehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie; mit einem Anhange: Zur alteren Geschichte der Metalle... Berlin: Julius Springer, 1919. xvi, 742 p. 4°. PKD ; pee ye ee to ancient and mediaeval inks. See index. 363. Lloyd, Stewart J. Preliminary note on the constitution of gallotannic acid and of tannins in general. (Chemical news, Lon- don, v. 97, March 20, 1908, p. 133.) PKA 364. Loeffl. Entfernen der Druckerschwarze von Zeitungspapier. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, p. 986.) VOA 365. Loewe, Julius. Ueber Sumachgerb- saure. (Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 12, 1873, p. 128-136.) PKA 366. Ueber die Umwandlung der Gal- lussaure in Gerbsaure. (Journal ftir prak- tische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 102, 1867, p. 111-120.) PKA Lorenz, Fritz, joint author. See Specht, Leopold, and Fritz Lorenz. 367. Lovibond, Joseph W. On the fading of inks and pigments. illus. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 24, 1905, p. 262-265.) VOA 368. Lucas. Ueber Hervorbringung einer unzerstorbaren Schrift. (Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 17, 1863, pelal 7a VA 369. Lucas, Alfred. Forensic chemistry. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1921. vii, PPL 268 p. tables. 8°. See chapter 6, p. 74-123, on documents. Bibliog- raphy. 370. ——— The inks of ancient and modern Egypt. (Analyst, Cambridge, England, v. 47, 1922, p. 9-15.) PKA Shas Legal chemistry and_ scientific criminal investigation. London: Edward Arnold, 1920. viii, 181(1) p., 1 1. tables. ha PPL See p. 65-102. 372. Luminous printing ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 39, 1907, p. 738.) t* IPA 373. Lumpy ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 45, 1910, p. 247.) +* IPA 374. Lunéville, C. Marchal de. Technologie de la Chine. illus. (L’Illustration, Paris tome 25, 1855, p. 37-38.) * DM Illustration shows manufacture of Chinese ink. Luther, R., joint author. See Ostwald, Wilhelm, and R. LuTHER. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 23 375. M., D. Runge’s Chromtinte. Von W. Stein in Dresden. (Polytechnisches Central- blatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 3, 1849, p. 1471.) VA Also in Dingler’s Oa aaa Journal, Stuttgart, Bee pees, De i775 376. McConnell, William J. Industrial der- matosis among printers. (United States. — Public Health Service. Public health re- ports, Washington, v. 36, 1921, p. er ees Pp Ink poisoning which affects the hands and arms of printers who work constantly with colored inks. 377. MacKellar, Thomas. The. American printer: a manual of typography... Phila- delphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1885. 1 p.l., iti-xiv, 13-384 p. ,15. ed. illus. 12°. * TPR Treats briefly of colored inks and color harmony. 378. Maddox, Harry A. Effect of chemical residues in paper upon printing inks. Geenical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 7, 1913, p. 1415.) PKA 379. Mairet, F. Notice sur la lithographie suivie d’un essai sur la reliure et le blanchi- ment des livres et gravures. Chatillon-sur- Seine: C. Cornillac, 1824. 228 p.,4 pl. 12°. M DP See p. 20-24, 380. Management of inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 4, 1886-87, p. 109, 286.) t* IPA 381. Manea, A. Methode zur Ermittlung der Gallusgerbsauren in den Gerbstoffma- terialien. (Chemisches Centralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 10, Theil 1, 1906, p. 406.) 382. Mangold, Christian. India ink — how it is made. (Scientific American supple- ment, New York, v. 54, 1902, p. 22202- 22203.) VA 383. Manoylov, E. O. Bacteria in writing inks. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., @e7. 1013, p. 3141.) PKA 384. The Manufacture of India ink. (Sci- entific American supplement, New York, v. 58, 1904, p. 24187.) VA 385. Manufacture of marking ink in Mexico. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 23, 1904, p. 771.) VOA Use of the pulp of the Eseleloahnitl tree. 386. The Manufacture of printing ink. A brief note for students at trade classes. (British printer, London, v. 28, 1915-16, p. 229.) t* IPA 387. Many inks are becoming costly. (Brit- ish printer, London, v. 28, 1915-16, p. 195.) T* IPA Effect of war on prices. 388. Marcusson, J. Die technischen Cu- maronharze. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 43, 1919, p. 93-94, 109-111, 122-123.) VOA Abstract in Chemical pide! Easton, Penn., v. 13, 1919, p. 2607-2608, PK Used in making certain ae of very satisfactory printing inks. 389. Margival, Francois. Lesencres. Paris: Gauthier-Villars ,1912}. 162 p. 12°. (En- cyclopédie scientifique des aide-mémoire.) VOPB 390. Marking ink. (American Pharmaceu- tical Association. Proceedings, Philadel- phia, v. 17, 1869, p. 161.) WTA 391. Marking ink with base of aniline hydro- chlorate. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 63, 1907, p. 26092.) VA Three formulas. 392. Marr, Robert A. Waste paper recov- ery process. (Paper, New York, v. 29, no. 15, p. 28-29.) VMPA Account of his U. S. patent 1396227 of 1921. 393. Marre, Francis. Restoring books and papers injured by fire. (Scientific American supplement, New York, Sept. 14, 1918, p. 165.) VA 394. Martell, Paul. Einige Beitrage zur Geschichte der Tinte. (Zeitschrift ftir an- gewandte Chemie, Leipzig, Jahrg. 26, Auf- satzteil, 1913, p. 197-199.) PKA References to ancient and medieval writings. ‘395. Martin, Geoffrey. Industrial and manu- facturing chemistry. Part 1. Organfc. London: Crosby Lockwood & Son, 1918. xx, 744 p. 4. ed. rev. & enl. illus. 4°. VOE . See chapter entitled: The ink industry, p. 489-494. 396. Mason, Claude D. Ordinary writing fluid for marking porcelain crucibles. (Jour- nal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Easton, Penn., v. 4, 1912, p. 691.) VOA 397. May, Joseph O. “Doping” inks. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 57, 1916, p. 763- 764.) t* IPA 398. The printer and the inkman. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 60, 1917, p. 331- 332.) t* IPA 399. Meadowcroft, W. Common or “news” ink. (British printer, London, v. 33, 1920, p. 76.) +e IPA Rough methods of judging quality. 400. Mecklenburg, Werner. Uber einige physikalische Eigenschaften der ‘Tinten. (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mittei- . lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 35, 1917, p. Ae eceea Abstracts in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 14; 1920, *p..i30, PRA: Chemisches Zentralblatt, Ber- lin, Folge 55 Jahre. 20: Theil 2, p. 160, PKA. Seven eénutereral tials were eed to determine their specific weights, fineness of pulverization, and covering power. Results were compared with behavior of inks when used. 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 401. Uber die Schwarze von Tinten- flecken auf Papier. illus. (Prussia. — Ma- terialpriifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahre. 34, 1916, p. 387-435; Jahre. 35, 1917, p. 134-159; Jahrg. 38, 1920, p. 35-62.) VA See Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, Lon- don, v. 40, 1921, p. 708A, VOA; Zeitschrift fiir Elek- trochemie, Leipzig, Vv. 22. 1916, p. 23-27; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 1922, p. 3004, PKA. See also Bauer, O., and WERNER MECKLENBURG. 402. Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth. Tri- color printing inks. (Knowledge, London, new series, v. 8, 1911, p. 323.) OA 403. Melcher, Webster Adam. Light and color phenomena. A new study based on an original investigation and its results. (Textile colorist, New York, v. 45, 1923, p. 219-222.) VLA Experiments with the aging of writing in daylight, yellow, red and blue light, and in the dark. 404. Mechanical ink marks; a study of mechanograms, as means of identifying marks made by mechanical appliances, and detecting imitations thereof. Philadelphia: the author, 1914. 27 p. 8°. VOD p.v. 14, no. 10 405. Merget. Darstellung einer Tinte zum Zeichnen und Schreiben auf Papier, Wasche, Holz, etc. (Chemisches Central- blatt, Leipzig, Folge 3, Jahrg. 3, 1872, p. 444.) PKA 406. Metz, H. A. Aniline colours and their relation to printing ink pigments. (British printer, London, v. 30, 1917, p. 155-156.) +t* IPA 407. Michaelis, Hugo. Entfernen der Druckerschwarze von Zeitungspapier. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, PLAS.) VOA Quotes Goethe in relation to this subject. 408. Milham, E. G. Handling of old paper stock. Operations involved in making half- stuff from graded waste papers. (Paper, New York, v. 30, no. 15, 1922, p. 7-10.) VMPA 409. Miller, Alfred J. Removing ink stains from stucco and concrete. (Concrete, De- EHO eV LOls,. parle se) EA 410. Miller, C. T. Help the ink maker to help you. (British printer, London, v. 35, 1922, p. 22.) t* IPA 411. Mitchell, Charles Ainsworth. The acidity of ink and the influence of bottle glass upon ink. (Analyst, London, v. 46, 1921, p. 129-135.) PKA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 40, 1921, p. 356a—-357a, VOA. 412. The chemistry of inks in hand- writing. illus. (Knowledge, London, new series, v. 7, 1910, p. 387-390.) OA Also printed in Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 71, 1911, p. 302-303, VA 413. Colloids in relation to the manu- facture of inks. (British Association for the Advancement of Science. Fifth report ee ashi chemistry, London, 1923, p. 47- j PLD With brief bibliography. 414. Copying-ink pencils and the ex- amination of their pigments in writing (Analyst, London, v. 42, 1917, p. 3-11.) PKA Has analyses of pigments of twenty-one pencils. 415. Documents and their scientific examination; with especial reference to the chemistry involved in cases of suspected forgery, investigation of disputed docu- ments, handwriting, etc. London: Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd. 1922. xnyZisipaealies: 12°. (Griffin’s scientific text-books.) PPL 416. English inks: their composition and differentiation in handwriting. (Analyst, London, v. 33, 1908, p. ee KA Has a table showing reactions given by aos of commercial inks. See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 27, 1908, p. 327-328, VOA; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 2, 1908, p. 1888, PKA. 417. Estimation of the age of ink in writing. (Analyst, London, 1920, v. 45, p. 247-258.) PKA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 39, 1920, p. 577A, VOA; Chemical ab- ptiee Easton, Penn., v. 14, 1920, p. 2899-2900, 418. The examination of handwriting. (Knowledge, London, new series, v. 4, 1907, p. 147-148.) OA 419, Ink. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd, 1923.3 4x),1 28) pte eee (Pitman’s common commodities and indus- tries. ) VOPB General work, with chapters on testing and perma- nency. 420. Inks. (Royal Society of Arts. Journal, London, v. 70, 1922, p. 647-660.) VA Cantor lectures. Much of historical interest. Also printed in Color trade journal, New York, 11, 1922, p. 160-162, 212-214; v. 12, 1923, p. 232 26, 84-86, VOA, Absteact in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 41, 1922, p. 93R-94R, VOA. 421. Mitchell, Charles Ainsworth, and T. C. HepwortH. Inks; their composition and manufacture, including methods of examina- tion and a full list of English patents. Lon- don: Charles Griffin & Co., 1916. xvi, 266 p., 3 facsims., 1 pl. 2. edJreve s1lhiss = VOPB Much of historical interest. Numerous references. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 25 422. The Mixing of inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 50, 1913, p. 737-738.) +* IPA General article with suggested books. 423. Mixing inks to work in cold weather. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 32, 1903, p. 256.) +* IPA 424. The Mixing and matching of colours. The ink maker’s point of view. (British printer, London, v. 31, 1918, p. 24.) * IPA 425. Moigno, F. Native vegetable ink. (Chemical news, London, v. 26, 1872, no. 659, p. 23.) PKA Brief reference to ink-plant of New Granada. 426. Monton, Bernardo. Secretos de artes liberales, y mecanicas, recopilados, y tradu- cidos de varios, y selectos authores, que tratan de phisica, pintura, arquitectura, op- tica, chimica, doradura, y charoles, con otras varias curiosidades ingeniosas. Madrid: Antonio Marin, 1734. 10 p.1., 140 p., 23 pl. 8°. VBA Has a few recipes. 427. Moxon, Joseph. Moxon’s Mechanick exercises; or, The doctrine of handy-works applied to the art of printing. A literal re- print in two volumes of the first edition pub- lished in the year 1683. With preface and notes by Theo. L. De Vinne. New York: The Typothete of the City of New niles 1896. 2v. 4°. * IPS See v. 1, p. 75-80 for process of making printers’ ink, with comparisons of Dutch and English practices. 428. Mozard. Par brevets d’invention; nou- velles découvertes; papier de sureté, destiné a prévenir toute espéce de faux en écritures publiques ou privées et encre chimico- specimut, propre aux timbres et a l’impres- sion des effets de commerce et de banque. rPar Mozard., Paris: Ve. Delaguette, 1834. lop: 4°: +* C p.v. 1587, no. 3 429. Mueller, Julius. Bereitung einer guten Stempelfarbe. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 29, 1874, p. 48.) VA 430. Mueller, M. Herstellung von Glastinte. (Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Stutt- gart, Bd. 250, 1883, p. 555-556.) 3-VA See also Chemical Society. Abstracts, Journal: London, v. 46, 1884, p. 880, PKA. 431. Munson, L. S. The examination of writing inks. folded table. (American Chemical Society. Journal, v. 28, April, 1906, p. 512-516.) PKA Author connected with United States Bureau. of Chemistry. Tables give details of tests on thirty brands of ink. Abstract in Chemical Society. London, v. 90, part 2, p. 405, PKA 432. The Mystery of India ink. (Harper’s weekly, New York, v. 54, 1910, p. 33.) *DA 433. Nagawo, K. Leucocytosis produced by the injection of India ink emulsion. Journal: Abstracts, (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 19225p: 3701.) PKA Abstract from Japan medical world. 434. Naquet, Alfred Joseph. Legal chem- istry. A guide to the detection of poisons, examination of stains, etc. as applied to chemical jurisprudence. Translated with additions from the French by J. B. Batter- shall... New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1876 ee DL OL op. ills.) 12°: PPL See p. 105-110. 435. Nasse, O. Eine neue Pyrogallol-Reak- tion. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Bd. 17, 1884, p. 1166.) PKA 436. Naturalink. (Every Saturday, Boston, new series, v. 2, 1871, p. 463.) * DA Use of “chanchi” juice from New Granada. 437. Nernst, Walther. Die elektromoto- rische Wirksamkeit der Ionen. (Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 4, 1889, p. 129-181.) PKA 438. Zur Kinetik der in Lésung befind- lichen Korper. (Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 2, 1888, p. 613-637.) PKA 439. Neumann, G. S., and Oswa.Lp ScHLUT- Tic. Tinte. (In: Muspratt’s Theoretische, praktische und analytische Chemie, in An- wendung auf Ktinste und Gewerbe. Braun- schweig, 1905. 4. ed. 4°. Bd. 8, p. 1274- " 1406.) PKF Unusually comprehensive account of history, raw materials, and chemistry, with a large number of formulas. See also Schluttig, Oswald, and G. S. NEUMANN. 440. A New ink. (Cornell chemist, Ithaca, NEV cov.ol3; Febs "1924 °n<247) P Ink for protecting checks. Invention of Professor W. R. Orndorff. 441. A New ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 8, 1890, p. 179.) +t* IPA Use of bitumen. 442. New printing ink dyes. (British printer, Leicester, v. 30, 1917-18, no. 179, p. 196.) T* IPA 443. New transfer ink. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement, New York, v. 56, 1903, p. 23348-23349.) VA 444. Nickeltypes for red ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1909, p. 577.) f* IPA Niementowski, St., joint author. See Kostanecki, St. von, and St. NIEMENTOWSKI. 445. Nierenstein, M. Uber das Farbenver- mogen der Gerbstoffe. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 30, Semestre 2, 1906, p. 1101- 1102.) +t VOA 6 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 446. Uber das Tannin. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 31, 1907, p. 880.) +t VOA 447. —— Zur Constitutionsfrage des Tan- nins. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 38, 1905, p. 3641- 3642; Jahrg. 40, 1907, p. 916-918; Jahrg. 41, 1908, p. 77-80, 3015-3019; Jahrg. 42, 1909, p. 1122-1126, 3552-3553; Jahrg. 43, 1910, p. 628-634.) PKA 448. Zur qualititativen Analyse der Gerbstoffe. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Bd. 30, 1906, p. 868.) +7 VOA 449. Noah, E. Synthese des Xanthopurpu- rins und Purpurins. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 19, 1886, p. 332-334.) PKA 450. Ueber Pentaoxyanthrachinon und Anthrachryson. (Deutsche chemische Ge- sellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 19, 1886, PKA p. 751-755.) 451. Ueber zwei neue Tetraoxyanthra- chinone. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 19, 1886, p. 2337- 2340.) PKA 452. O., G. E. Removing ink stains. (Brit- ish journal of photography, London, v. 59, Aug. 30, 1912, p. 680-681.) MFA 453. Obstinate ink. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 23, 1899, p. 74.) +* IPA Suggestions for overcoming trouble with blue print- ing ink. Oesterreicher, A., joint author. See Habermann, J., and A. O€ESTERREICHER. 454. An Official ink. supplement, New York, v. 49, 20325.) Law passed in Massachusetts. 455. Offset ink. (Scientific American 1900, p. VA (Inland printer, Chicago, VEO ool ae ooo) +* IPA 456. Offsetting of process inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 568-569.) t* IPA 457. Oils used in inkmaking. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 45, 1910, p. 81.) f* IPA 458. Osborn, Albert Sherman. Instruments and illustrations in disputed document trials. rNew York, 1917?; 41. illus. 8°. * IC p.v. 4, no. 11 459. The problem of proof, especially as exemplified in disputed document trials; a discussion of various phases of the proof of the facts in a court of law, with some general comments on the conduct of trials Introduction by Professor John Henry Wigmore. New York: Matthew Bender & Co., Incorporated, 1922. xxi(i), 526 p. Pe See index. 460. Questioned documents; a study of questioned documents, with an outline of methods by which the facts may be dis- covered and shown. With an introduction by Professor John H. Wigmore. Rochester, N. Y.: Lawyers’ Co-operative Publishing Co., 1910. 2 p.l., vii-xxiv, 501 p., 1 pl. illus. 4°. *ICL Describes use of the color microscope. 461. Ost, Hermann. Lehrbuch der chem- ischen Technologie. Leipzig: Max Janecke, 1923. viii, 815 p. l3ied. Ulsesee Seve _ See p. 678-679 for brief general chapter on writing inks, 462. Ostwald, Wilhelm, and R. Luter. Hand- und Hilfsbuch zur Ausftthrung physiko-chemischer Messungen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1902. xii, 492 p. 2. ed. Hits ees PLD See p. 336 for description of Capillarelectrometer. 463. Ott, A. -Vorziigliche Copirtinte. (Ding- ler’s polytechnisches Journal, esa Jahrg. 1862, Bd. 165, p. 78.) -VA Also in Polytechnisches Centralblatt, ene NE) Jahre.16;, 1862) parcel Polytechnisches Notiz- blatt, Mainz, Jahre. 17, 1862, p. 240, VA. See index. Ozorovitz, H. H., joint author. See Silbermann, T., and H. H. Ozorovirz. 464. Paladino, Raffaele. Uber die schwarze Kephalopodentinte. (Biochemische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, Bd. 16, 1909, p. 37-44.) PPB Abstract in Chemical Society. Journal: Abstracts, 1909, part 2, p. 252, PKA. Black secretion of Eledone moscata. 465. The Paper maker and the ink maker. (British printer, London, v. 29, 1916, p. 26.) +* IPA Defects in printing more often due to faulty paper. 466. Parker, J. Gordon, and E. E. Munro Payne. A new method for the analysis of tannin and tanning materials and the identi- fication of admixtures in tanning éxtracts and liquors. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 23, 1904, p. ey 467. Paterné, E. Ueber das Verhalten der Colloidsubstanzen gegen das Raoultsche Gesetz. (Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 4, 1889, p. mares 8 5 Payne, E. E. Munro, joint author. See Parker, J. Gordon, and E. E. Munro PAyne. 468. Payne, Harold J. Use of de-inked stock in production of book paper. Outline of steps followed in the plant of the Newton Falls Paper Co., where the product is soft- ened by the addition of de-inked paper stock to sulphite pulp. (Chemical & metallurgical engineering, New York, v. 29, 1923, p. 1176— 1180.) VOA LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 27 469. Peddie, R. A. The history of colour printing. (British printer, London, v. 27, 1914, p. 157-158, 217-218.) +t* IPA 470. Pelouze, J. Mémoire sur le tannin et les acides gallique, pyrogallique, ellagique et métagallique. (Annales de chimie et de physique, Paris, tome 54, 1833, p. 337-365.) PAA Also in Journal fiir praktische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 2, 1834, p. 301-321, PKA. 471. —— Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Gerbesaure. (Journal ftir praktische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 2, 1834, p. 318-330.) PKA 472. Permanence of color in printing inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 47, 1911, p. 729- 730.) +* IPA 473. The Permanence of vermilion. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 50, 1913, p. 573.) #* IPA 474. The Permanency of inks. (British printer, London, v. 30, 1917, p. 35.) ** IPA 475. Philippi, Friedrich. Ejinftihrung in die Urkundenlehre des deutschen Mittelalters. Bonn: Kurt Schroeder, 1920. viii, 256 p. 12°. (Biicherei der Kultur und Geschichte. Bd. 3.) Fic See p. 47-51. 476. Pictet, Raoul. A new method for ob- taining chemically pure oxygen from the atmosphere, its use for illuminating pur- poses, and a new method for obtaining pure hydrogen; utilization of the by-products for typographic inks. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 7, 1913, p. 2667.) PKA Abstract only. See also Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 17, Theil 1, 1913, p. 662, PKA. By-product is lampblack. 477. Pliny, the elder. The natural history of Pliny. Translated with copious notes and illustrations by the late John Bostock aoeriy L. JRiley. London: H. G. Bohn, fees Orv, §«=9 12°. =(Bohn’s classical library.) *R-PQC See index in v. 6. 478. Porta, Giovanni Battista della. Magize naturalis libri viginti... Lugd. Batavorum: Apud Hieronyum de Vogel, 1644. 8 pul, OP ute .l (1) 24°. PKD See liber 16, p. 544-570 for sympathetic ink. 479. Natural magick by John Baptista Porta, a Neapolitane: in twenty books... wherein are set forth all the riches and delights of the natural sciences. London: Printed for Thomas Young and Samuel Speed, 1658. 2 p.1., 409 p., 21.’ 4°. PKD _ The 16th book, p. 340-354, deals with sympathetic ink. 480. Pottevin, H. Sur la constitution du gallotannin. (Académie des_ sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 132, 1901, p. 704-706.) * EO ' which books are made. 481. Powell, Baden Harry Baden. Hand- book of the economic products of the Pun- jab, with a combined index and glossary of technical vernacular words. Roorkee: Thomason Civil Engineering College Press, 1868. Zor. 87) V (Baden) See v. 1, p. 63 for recipe for lampblack and ink made therefrom. 482. Preisser,O. Aus der Praxis der Druck- farbenfabrikation. (Farben-Zeitung, Ber- lin, Jahrg. 20, 1915, p. 1087-1088, 1110-1111.) VOA General article. 483. Preparation of ink. (American drug- gists’ circular, New York, v. 1, 1857, p. 144.) +t WTA Dr. Bly’s recipe. 484. Printing on celluloid. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1909, p. 577.) +* TPA 485. Printing with goldink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 27, 1901, p.. 214-215.) ¢* IPA 486. Printing with goldink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 41, 1908, p. 898.) +* IPA 487. Printing ink for aluminum. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1903, p. 733.) t* IPA 488. Printing ink for halftone work. (Sci- entific American supplement, New York, v. 86, 1918, p. 139.) VA 489. Printing ink and printing paper. Tech- nical details relating to the materials of (Scientific Ameri- can supplement, New York, v. 81, 1916, p. 43.) VA 490. Printing ink reducer. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1904, p. 720.) t* IPA 491. Printing ink reducers. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1903, p. 568.) +* IPA 492. The Printing ink trade. (British printer, London, v. 27, 1914, p. 201.) +* IPA Effect of the war. 493. Printing on tin. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 41, 1908, p. 998.) +* IPA 494. Processes for repulping waste paper. Inventions for removing printer’s ink and producing clean white pulp for new paper. illus. (Paper, New York, Dec. 19, 1917, v. 21, p. 14-16.) VMPA 495. Procter, H. R., and H. G. Bennett. An investigation of the barium and calcium salts of gallic, protocatechuic and digallic acids. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 25, 1906, p. ean 496. Procter, H. R., and F. A. BLock ey. The absorption of non-tanning substances by hide powder, and its influence on the estimation of tannin. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, -v. 22;/1903,-p: 482-484.) VOA 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 497. Prussia. — Konigliche Staatsministe- rium. Grundsatze fiir amtliche Tintenprii- fung. (Prussia. — Materialpriifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 32, 1914, p. 1- 4.) VA 498. Puscher, C. Unzerstorbare ‘Tinte. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 22, 1867, p. 190.) VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, Jahrg. 22, 1868, p. 1193, VA; American Pharmaceuti- cal Association. Proceedings, Philadelphia, no. 18, 1870, p. 213-214, WTA. 499, Quantity of ink required on a given job. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 41, 1908, p. 898.) +* TPA 500. Quick drying inks. (British printer, London, v. 32, 1919, p. 66.) +* IPA 501. Ransom, B. G. The manufacture of printing ink and the relation of ink prop- erties to printing of all grades. (Pulp & paper magazine of Canada, Gardenvale, Que., v. 21, 1923, p. 129-143.) VMPA Also printed in Chemical age, New York, v. 31, 1923, p. 63-67, PKA. 502. Raschig, F. Die Eisenchloridreaktion des Phenols und die Chlorkalkreaktion des Anilins. (Zeitschrift fir angewandte Chemie, Berlin, Jahrg. 20, 1907, p. 2065- 2071.) PKA 503. Raucourt, Antoine. A manual of lith- -ography; clearly explaining the whole art, and the accidents that may happen in print- ing, with the different methods of avoiding them. Translated from the French by C. Hullmandel. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1832. Rix icp. aiplees.. MDP Excellent descriptions of ink preparation. 504. Reclaim printed book paper by new process. (Popular mechanics, Chicago, v. 35,1921) p..676.) VFA 505. Red inks. 821919 “pn O72) 506. Reducer for ink. (British printer, London, v. +* IPA (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 40, 1907,\p. 228.) +* IPA 507. A Reducer for new ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1909, p. 919.) +* IPA 508. Reducers for inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 41, 1908, p. 411.) t* IPA 509. Reinige, Wilhelm. Schwarze Tinte. (Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 10, 1856, p. 702.) VA 510. Removal of blood and ink stains. (Color trade journal, New York, 1919, v. 4, p. 62-63.) VOA 511. The Removal of ink from waste paper. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 74, 1912, p. 407.) VA 512. Removing copying ink from rollers. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, p. 568.) t* IPA 513. Removing Indian ink stains. (Illus- trated carpenter & builder, London, v. 95, 1924, p. 18, 20.) 3-VEA Four recipes. 514. Removing ink. Process of taking it from printed matter and then pulping the stock. (Paper mill and wood pulp news, New York, v. 38, no. 10, 1915, p. 13.) +3-VMPA Bell-Lape patent. 515. Renewing faded inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 3, 1886, p. 720.) +* IPA Method applied to parchments. 516. Rhodes, Henry J. The art of lithog- raphy; a complete practical manual of planographic printing. London: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1914. 2 p.l1., vii-xv, 327 p., 2 plans, I portiasa= MDP Excellent chapter on inks. S17; — London: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1924. 328 p. 2. rev. ed. illus. 8°. 518. Ribaucourt. Dissertation sur 1l’encre ordinaire a écrire. (Annales de chimie, Paris, tome 15, 1792, p. 113-160.) PAA Unusually complete exposition for the time when it was written. 519. Ridenour, W. E. Catechu. (Franklin Institute. Journal, Philadelphia, v. 56, 1903, p. 417-424.) VA 520. Robertson, A., and J. Hormann. The chemical examination of hand-writing. (So- ciety of Chemical Industry. Journal, Lon- don, v. 11, 1892, p. 847.) VOA Method consists in drawing a goose feather, dipped in the tabulated reagents, over the letters, etc., com- posing the writing, and observing the alterations pro- duced under a power of 100 diameters. 521. Roder, F. Blaue Tinte zum Zeichnen der Wasche. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahre. 11, 18565 ie VA 522. Rosenheim, Otto. The methylation of gallotannic acid. (Chemical Society. Pro- ceedings, London, 1905, v. 21, p. 157-158.) PKA 523. Rosenheim, Otto, and Puitie ScuHrpro- witz. The influences modifying the specific rotatory power of gallotannic acid. (Chemi- cal Society. Journal, London, v. 73, 1898, p. 885-893.) PKA 524. —— The optical activity of gallotannic acid. (Chemical Society. Journal, London, v. 73, 1898, p. 878-885.) PKA For a note stating that van Tieghem discovered the optical activity of the acid see Chemical Society. Pro- ceedings, London, v. 15, 1900, p. 67. 525. Rothe, J., and F. W. Hinricusen. Uber die Bestimmung des Ejisens in der Tinte. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 29 (Prussia. — Materialprtifungsamt. Mittei- lungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, 1906, p. 285-286.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 526. Uber die Bestimmung von Gerb- und Gallussaure. (Prussia. — Materialprii- fungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, 1906, p. 280-284.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 7h 527. Uber die Haltbarkeit von Tinte im Glase. (Prussia. — Materialprtifungsamt. Mitteilungen, Berlin, Jahrg. 24, 1906, p. 278- 279.) VA Untersuchungen tiber Eisengallustinten. Mitteilung 528. Rothwell, C. F. Seymour. The print- ing of textile fabrics, a practical manual on the printing of cotton, woollen, silk and half- silk fabrics. London: C. Griffin & Co., Ltd., Popes, O12 p: illus. 8°. VLG 529. Rowley, A. J. The manufacture of colours for printing inks. (British printer, London, v. 28, 1915-16, p. 217-218.) +* IPA 530. Ruebencamp, Robert. Papier und Druckfarbe. (Farben - Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 28, 1923, p. 1389-1390.) VOA Discusses effect of printing inks on color and dura- bility of paper. 531. Papier und Schwarze vom tech- nischen Standpunkte. (In: H. Cohn, and R. Ruebencamp, Wie sollen Biicher und Zeitungen gedruckt werden. Braunschweig, 1903. 8°. p. 78-97.) * IPR Briefly describes manufacture of lampblack. 532. Ruhr. Zeichentinte fiir Wasche. (Poly- technisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 22, 1867, p. 224.) VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 21, 1867, p. 1150, VA; Dingler’s polytech- oe Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 185, 1867, p. 326, es 533. Runge, Friedlieb Ferdinand. Grund- riss der Chemie. Miinchen: Georg Franz, 1346-47. 2 v. .8°. PKL See Bd. 2, p. 205-209 for formulae; also for author’s use of his inks with steel pen.. See also Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 109, 1848, p. 225-228, 3-V A. 534. Ruoss. Die quantitative Bestimmung der Gerbsaur durch Ferrisalze. (Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 41, 1902, p. 716-734.) PKA 535. Rupert, Frank F. Examination of writing inks. illus. (Industrial and engi- neering chemistry, Easton, Pa., v. 15, 1923, p. 489-493.) VOA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 42, 1923, p. 612A, VOA; Analyst, Cam- bridge, England, v. 48, 1923, p. 459-461, PKA. 536. Manufacture and properties of writing inks. (Chemical age, New York, v. 30, 1922, p. 345-348.) VOA 537. Ruxton, Philip. Printing inks; their composition, properties and manufacture, reprinted by permission from Circular no. 53 United States Bureau of Standards. To- gether with some helpful suggestions about the every-day use of printing inks. ,Chi- cago:; Published by the Committee on Edu- cation, United Typothetae of America, 1918. flip; 8°, (Typographic technical series for apprentices. part 1, no. 12.) * IPB (Typographic) 538. S., D. Indelible laundry inks. (Drug- gists circular, New York, v. 62, 1918, p. 169.) +WTA Recipes. 539. S., O. Some characteristics of offset printing inks. (British printer, London, v. 34, 1922, p. 253-254.) t*® IPA 540. S., R. E. Inks for rubber stamps and textiles. (Druggists circular, New York, v. 62, 1918, p. 214.) +WTA : Sachsel, Eugen, joint author. See Hin- richsen, Friedrich Willy, and Eucen Sacu- SEL. 541. Saeuberlich, Otto. Normenausschuss fiir das graphische Gewerbe. Bericht iiber die letztzeitlichen Arbeiten der Farben- Kommission. (Farben-Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 27, 1922, p. 2624-2625.) VOA Methods of tests for printing ink pigments; also comparative standards for permanency. Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 1922, p. 3403-3404, VOA. 542. St. John, Eugene. Ink and paper troubles, causes and preventives. (Printing art, Cambridge, Mass,, v. 26, 1916, p. 457— 462.) t* IPA 543. -—— Mixing and printing tints to be printed upon. (British printer, London, v. 26,1916, p. 167.) +* IPA 544. On adapting printing ink to vari- ous papers. (Caxton magazine, London, v. 14, 1912, p. 43-44.) * TAA 545. - Printing on celluloid and oily or greasy surfaces. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 45, 1910, p. 543.) +* IPA 546. What every printer should know about ink. (Printing art, Cambridge, Mass., v. 25, 1915, p. 463-466; v. 26, 1915, p. 41-45.) +* IPA 547. Salessky, W. Uber Indikatoren der Acidimetrie und Alkalimetrie. illus. (Zeit- schrift fir Elektrochemie, Halle a. S., Jahrg. 10, 1904, p. 204-208. ) PKA 548. Salm, Eduard. Die Bestimmung des H-Gehaltes einer Lésung mit Hilfe von Indikatoren. (Zeitschrift fir Elektro- chemie, Halle a. S., Jahrg. 10, 1904, p. 341- 346.) PKA 30 THE NEW ‘YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 549. Sartori, A. Eine angebliche Urkunden- falschung. (Chemiker - Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 34, 1910, p. 1225.) VOA “A handwriting expert erroneously declared a cer- tain signature to be forged with lithographic ink and to have been inscribed without the use of an ordinary pen. The case and the manner of proving the error are described.”? — Chemical abstracts. 550. Savage, William. A dictionary of the art of printing. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1841. 1 p.l., Ovi Vill O10 UL)2 DoaiiUse | Ose IPR Principally references to books on printing inks. 551. Practical hints on decorative print- ing, with illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours at the type press. London: the proprietor, 1822. 5 p.l., iii—vi, 11Stp aes litacsim. 44-pl it? +t MDO For printing inks, see p. 27-30. 552. Schad, Heinrich. Richtige, vollstan- dige Anleitung zur Liniir-Kunst. Weimar: Be FF. Voigt, 1851. 1120 pos ed: aillasies 16". *—IPR See chapter 7 for recipes for ruling inks in black and colors, 553. Schaffgotsch, F. G. von. Neue sym- pathetische Schrift. (Dingler’s polytech- nisches Journal, Augsburg, Jahrg. 1861, Bd. 160, p. 239.) 3-VA See also Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 16, 1861, p. 174, VA Scheuer, Otto. and Otto SCHEUER. See Vaubel, William, Schidrowitz, Philip. See Rosenhain, Otto, and Puitie SCHIDROWITZ. 554. Schiff, Hugo. Optisches Verhalten der Gerbsaure. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Coéthen, Jahrg. 19, 1895, p. 1680.) +t VOA 555. Eine Reaction auf freie Phenol- hydroxyle. (Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, Leipzig, Bd. 159, 1871, p. 164— 168.) PKA 556. Ueber Natur und Constitution der Gerbsaure. (Deutsche chemische Gesell- schaft. Berichte, Berlin, v. 4, 1871, p. 231- Zao8) PKA 557. Untersuchungen tiber die Natur und Constitution der Gerbsaure. (Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 170, 1873, p. 43-87; Bd. 175, 1875, p. 165-178.) PKA 558. Weiteres zur Constitution der Gerbsaure. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Coéthen, Jahrg. 20, 1896, p. 865-866.) +t VOA 559. Schluttig, Oswald. Tinte. (In: Georg Lunge and Ernst Berl, Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsmethoden. 6. ed. Berlin, 1911. Bd. 4, p. 399-428.) PMB 560. Ink. (In: Georg Lunge, editor. Technical methods of chemical analysis. New York, 1914. v. 3, part 1, p. 511+538.) PMB See also Neumann, G. S., and Oswa.Lp SCHLUTTIG. 561. Schluttig, Oswald, and G. S. NEUMANN. Die Eisengallustinten. Grundlagen zu ihrer Beurtheilung. Im Auftrage der Firma Aug. Leonhardi in Dresden, chemische Fabriken fiir Tinten... Dresden: v. Zahn & Jaensch, 1890. vi, 97 p. illus. tables. 8°. VOPB Much quoted classic on the subject. 562. Schmid, Heinrich. Oxydation der Cel- lulose. (Jahres-Bericht tiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie fiir 1883, Leip- zig, N. F. Jahrg. 14, 1884, p. 1076-1078.) VOA Receipt for sympathetic ink. 563. Schneemann, G. Eisen - Gallusgerb- saure-Tinte. (Seifensieder-Zeitung, Augs- burg, Jahrg. 40, 1913, p. 150.) +3-VON Economical method of manufacture on a large scale, substituting dextrine for gum-arabic. 563a. Schopper, Theodor. Ein neues Ver- fahren zur Wiederverarbeitung von altem Druckpapier. (Wochenblatt ftir Papier- fabrikation, Biberach, Bd. 47, Jahrg. 1916, p. 543-544.) * VMPA 564. Schrauth, W. Entfernen von Drucker- schwarze aus Altpapier. (Chemiker-Zei- tung, Céthen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, p. 1090-1091.) VOA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 1922, p. 645, PKA. 565. Schwarze Anilintinte. (Farberei-Mus- ter-Zeitung, Leipzig, Jahrg. 31, 1882, p. 117- 118.) VLA See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 1, 1882, p. 224, VOA. 566. Die Schwarzfarben in der Anstrichtech- nik. (Farben-Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, 1920, p. 274-277, 318-319, 360-362, 406-407, 449-451.) VOA General review of the use of black pigments in print- ing inks, paints, ete. ; 567. Schweizer, Viktor. The distillation of resins. Resinate lakes and pigments. Car- bon pigments and pigments for typewriting machines, manifolders, etc. A description of the proper methods of distilling resin-oils, the manufacture of resinates, resin-var- nishes, resin-pigments, and enamel paints; the preparation of all kinds of carbon pig- ments and printers’ ink. London: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1907. viii, 183 p. illus. S.. -VOP 568. The distillation of resins and the preparation of rosin products, resinates, lamp-black, printing inks, typewriting inks, etc., translated from the German of Victor Schweizer. 2d English edition, revised and re-written by H. B. Stocks. London: Scott, Greenwood and Son, 1917. viii, 212 p. illus. sie VOP a a LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 31 569. The Scientific American cyclopedia of formulas, partly based upon the twenty- eighth edition of Scientific American cyclo- pedia of receipts, notes and queries, edited by Albert A. Hopkins. New York: Scien- tific American Publishing Co., 1921. vii, L077 p. - illus. .8°. Desk (Room 121) For numerous recipes see p. 908-922. 570. Scoville, Wilbur L. The pharmacist’s ink. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 49, 1900, p. 20152.) V 571. Secrets concernant les arts et métiers. Paris) laude Jombert, 1716. 26 1., 610 p., Pier aZ VBA See chapter 10 for various recipes. Library also has English edition under title: Valu- able secrets in arts, trades, &c. selected from the best authors and adapted to the situation of the United States. New-York: Evert Duyckinck, 1816. iv, (1)6—- Biri) p., 9.1 712°. 572. The Selection of inks. London, v. 25, 1913, p. 334.) +* IPA 573. Senefelder, Alois. A complete course of lithography: containing clear and explicit instructions in all the different branches and manners of that art: accompanied by illus- trative specimens of drawings. To which - is prefixed a history of lithography, from its origin to the present time... With a pref- ace by Frederic von Schlichtegroll. Trans- lated from the original German, by A. S. London: R. Ackermann, 1819. xxviii p., 2 1, 85 p., 1 1., (1)92-342 p., 11. illus. 4°. + MDP See chapter 2: Ink, chalk, etching-ground and colours. Several recipes. Library also has German edition, 1818; French edi- tion, 1819; English edition, 1911. j 574. Senefelder, Ed. Knecht. Encre indéleé- bile. (Le Technologiste, Paris, tome 28, 1867, p. 198.) See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, N. F. Jahrg. 21.1867, p: 611,,VA 575. Seyda, Anton. Eine empfindliche Gerbsaure-Reaction. (Chemiker - Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 22, 1898, p. 1085.) tr VOA 576. Seymour, Alfred. Modern printing inks. A practical handbook for printing ink manufacturers and printers. London: Scott, (British printer, Greenwood & Son, 1910. vii, 83 p. illus. So. VOPB 577. Practical lithography. London: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1903. xi, 104 p. illus. MDP See chapters 2 and 10. 578. Shadwell, Gilbert C. Use of gas in manufacture and utilization of glue, inks and similar substances. (American gas engineering journal, New York, v. 109, 1918, p. 17-30.) VOA Covers briefly writing and printing inks. 579. Sharples, Stephen Paschall. Notes on photographic testing of inks. illus. (Ameri- can Philosophical Society. Proceedings, v. 34, Jan., 1895, p. 471-477.) * BA 585. 580. Sherman, George. Practical printing; explaining the ways and means of produc- tion in the modern printing plant. New York: Oswald Publishing Co., 1911. 4 p.l., Lavon lass 42 * IPR See chapter 11 on colored printing inks. 581. Should a pressman make his own ink specialties. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 56, 1915, p. 105-106.) +* IP A 582. Sigmund Ullman Company. “Double tone’ inks. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1908, p. 395.) +* IPA 583. Silbermann, T., and H. Ozorovirz. Zur Kenntnis der Eisengallustinten. Uber die Fahigkeit der Gallussauren und verwandter Substanzen, komplexe Salze zu _ bilden. (Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5 ’ Vanrsen 124 Theil.2, 1908p. 1024=1025)) PKA See also Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 27, 1908, p. 974-975, VOA; Chemical ab- stracts, Easton, Penn., Vous 1908, Dae 2OGa ae eA Chemical Society. Journal: Abstracts, London, v. 96, part 1, p. 32-33, PKA. Sinclair, W., joint author. A. W., and others. 584. Sloane, David H. Cooperation between organizations or associations. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 67, 1921, p. 234.) F* IPA Status of printer’s ink industry discussed. See Bishop, Printing ink and printing ink makers, a strong plea for consideration. (British printer, London, v. 34, 1922, p. 205- 206. ) +* IPA 586. The Smell of printing ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 57, 1916, p. 94~95.) +* IPA 587. Smith, J. H. The fading of printing inks. (British printer, London, v. 30, 1917, De i5:) +* IPA 588. Smith, W. H., and J. B. Tutte. Iodine number of linseed and petroleum oils. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1914. 17 p. 8°. (United States. — Bureau of Standards. Technologic paper 37.) VBDA Testing of oil used in manufacture of printing inks, See also Tuttle, John Betley, and W. H. Smiru. 589. Soft ink on bond paper. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 42, 1909, p. 919.) +* IPA 590. Some ink formulas. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 9, 1892, p. 1063.) +* IPA Recipes for inks for copying without pressure; marking; writing on glass; stencils; rubber stamps; indelible ink; writing on zinc and tin. “burnt”’ 591. Something about varnish for printing inks. (British printer, London, v. 31, 1918- 19, p. 209-210.) +* IPA 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 592. Something about writing inks. Notes on fluidity, durability, corrosion and copy- ing. (Scientific American supplement, New York, vi7t, 1911;%p. 320) VA 593. Southward, John. Modern printing. A treatise on the principles and practice of typography and the auxiliary arts. London: Raithby, Lawrence & Co., Ltd., 1900. xiv, 861 p68 1, bdiagr., 6facsims., 9 pl.; 2 ports., Ptabler-8% * TPR See Section 3, chapter 19: Properties of inks used in colour printing; Section 4, chapter 1, Printing ink. 594. Practical printing. A handbook of thesart of typorrapny..... lhe sixth edition by George Joyner. London: The “Printers’ Register” Off. ;1911.; 2 v. 8°. * IPR See v. 2, p. 84-92, for general chapter on inks 595. Specht, Leopold, and Fritz Lorenz. Neue Gerbstoff-Bestimmungen. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Céothen, Jahrg. 25, 1901, p. 5-6.) tt VOA 596. Neue Gerbstoffbestimmung. illus. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 24, 1900, p. 170-171.) tt VOA 597. Special inks for special purposes. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 30, 1902, p. 223- 224.) +* IPA 598. Spence, J. Napier. Notes on gallotan- nic and gallic acids. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 11, may p. 1114-1115.) VOA Also in Zeitschrift fir analytische Chemie, Wies- baden, Jahrg. 31, 1892, p. 87-89, PKA. 599. Spica, Matteo. Considerazioni sul valore tecnico delle sostanze tanniche e nuovo metodo per il riconoscimento e il dosamento dell’ acido gallico in esse. (La Gazzetta chimica italiana, Roma, v. 31, 1901, parte 2, p. 201-208.) PKA 600. Spicher, Craig Reno. The practice of presswork. Pittsburgh, 1919. 4 p.1, 240 p. illus. 8°. *TPV Contains a chapter on the Manufacture of printing ink, by James A. Ullman. Recipes. Doubletone ink. 601. Spraying of ink. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 39, 1907, p. 738.) +* IPA Suggestion for avoiding. 602. Stamping ink for varnished label. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 55, 1915, p. itt IPA 603. Standard conditions for the printing ink industry adopted by the color standard- ization committee. The adoption of the Ostwald color theory as a standard for measurement of color tones. Discussion of the ten conditions for fastness. (Color trade journal, New York, v. 11, 1922, p. 114— Piso) VOA 604. Steer, F. Aus einem Schreiben des Apothekers Herrn F. Steer an Prof. Schrot- ter. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Vienna. Sitzungsberichte, Math.- naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Wien, v. 22, 1856, p. 249-250.) * EF Preparation of gallic acid from Turkish nuts. See also Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Chemie, Giessen, 1856, p. 482, PKA. 605. Strachan, James. The recovery and re-manufacture of waste-paper; a practical treatise printed on paper made entirely from regenerated waste-paper. Aberdeen: The Albany Press, 1918. vi p., 31, 158 p. illus. Be, VMP Has historical account of de-inking, with descrip- tions of modern practice. For review see Paper, New York, v. 22, 1918, p. 668. 606. The Structure of a simple colored ink. chart. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 56, 1916, Del se) t* IPA 607. Strunk, H. Marking inks for laundry use. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v.15, LOld. pe 2saoe PKA Abstract only. 608. Suitable inks for butter wrappers. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 37, 1906, p. 409.) +* IPA Sullivan, Thomas V., joint author. See Underwood, Norman, and THomas V. SuL- LIVAN. 609. Swan, Robert Thaxter. Paper and ink. tBoston:,; Library Bureau, 1895. 20 p. nar. 24°, VMP p.v. 3, no. 4 Repr.: Library journal, New York, v. 20, May, 1895, p. {bse 167,78 Ae Discusses writing inks in general. 610. Die Taetigkeit des K6niglichen Ma- terialpriifungsamtes der Technischen Hoch- schule Berlin 1906. (Chemiker - Zeitung, Céthen, Jahrg. 32, 1908, p. 269-270, oa Brief reference to ink investigations. Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 2, 1908, p. 2198-2199, PKA. 611. Teclu, Nic. Uber die Entzifferung von Schriftzeichen auf verkohlten und verbrann- ten Papieren. (Archiv fiir Kriminal-Anthro- pologie und Kriminalistik, Leipzig, Bd. 36, 1910, p. 115-121.) SLA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 5, 1911, p. 1724-1725, PKA; Chee Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5s Jahre. 14, Th. , 1910, p. 1337-1338, 612. Thompson, Albert. Méthode de dosage volumétrique du tannin et analyse des bois et extraits tanniques. (Académie des sci- ences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 135, 1902, p. 689-691.) *EO 613. Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde. Handbook of Greek and Latin paleography. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1893. 2 p.1., xii, 343 p., 3 pl. 12°. (International scien- tific series. v. 70.) iG See p. 50-52. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 43 614. Thomson, William. On the chemical composition of the ink on letters and docu- ments as evidence in legal cases. (Man- chester Literary and Philosophical Society. Proceedings, v. 19, 1879-80, p. 160-164.) ae Also printed in Chemical news, London, v. 42, 1880, p. 32-33, PKA Abstract in “Chemical Society. Journal, v. 50, Abstracts, 1881, p. 67-68, PKA. 615. Thorpe, Sir Thomas Edward. A dic- tionary of applied chemistry. rev. ed. v. 1-5. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1921-24. 8°. vo See v. 3, p. 628-634. 616. Three-colour inks and their selection. (British journal of photography, London, Jan. 5, 1912, Colour photography supple- ment, p. 4.) MFA 617. Tieghem, Ph. van. Sur la fermentation gallique. (Académie des sciences. Comptes rendus, Paris, tome 65, 1867, p. 1091-1094.) * EO Abstract in Zeitschrift fiir Chemie, Leipzig, N. F. Bdge sos p. 222, Ph A. London, 618. Las Tintas de imprenta i su fabricacion. (Sociedad de fomento fabril. Boletin, San- tiago, an6 40, 1923, p. 270-274, 317-321, 420- 425, 502-508, 552-561.) VA 619. Tinting ultramarine. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 47, 1911, p. 104.) +* IPA 620. To make copying ink print clear. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 26, 1901, p. 938.) +* TPA 621. To make waterproof india ink. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 55, 1915, p. 489.) +*® TPA ‘ 622. To prevent ink drying in cans. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 40, 1907, p. 82.) f* IPA 623. To prevent ink drying too quickly. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 23, 1899, p. 625.) +* IPA 624. To remove ink from paper. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 102.) f* IPA 625. To restore the quality of copying ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 24, 1899, p. 97.) t* IPA 626. Todeschini, Giustiniano. Uber einige Reaktionen zur Unterscheidung von Gerb- saure und Gallussaure. (Chemisches Zen- tralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 3, Theil 1, 1899, p. 64-65.) PKA 627. Toovey. Ink for photolithography and phototypography. (Chemical Society. Journal: Abstracts, London, v. 42, 1882, p. 114.) PKA Also in Chemisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, Folge 3, Wanre. 12, p. 288, PKA. The above are abstracts only. 628. Traill, Thomas Stewart. On the com- position of a new writing ink, which, in resisting chemical deletion, promises to di- minish the chance of the falsification of bills, deeds and other documents. (Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions, Edin- burgh, v. 14, 1840, p. 419-429.) * EC Author was Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the University of Edinburgh. 629. Treatment of inks for special . work. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 31, 1903, p. 231.) t* IPA Inks for 3-color halftones. 630. Trezise, F. J. The use of colors tin embossing and diestamping). (In: Inland printer, A practical guide to embossing and dierstamiping. ~ Chicago, 1908.> 8°.- p.:62= 67.) * IPR 631. “Frotman, S. R.,) and J. E. Hacxrorp. Strychnine tannate and its use in the analy- sis of tanning materials. (Society of Chemi- cal Industry. Journal, London, v. 24, 1905, p. 1096-1100.) VOA Abstract in Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, Jahrg. 10, Theil 1, 1906, p. 406-407, PKA. 632. Trouble with copying ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 38, 1906, p. 95.) F®* IPA Remedy suggested. 633. Trouble with copying ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 40, 1908, p. 593.) F* IPA 634. Trouble with vermillion ink. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 38, 1907, p. 724.) f* IPA Tscherne, R., joint author. See Her- zig, J.. and R. TSCHERNE. 635. Tschugaeff, L. Einige Bemerkungen tiber die Abhandlung von C. Liebermann: “Zur Theorie der Beizenfarbstoffe.” (Deutsché chemische Gesellschaft. Be- richte, Berlin, Jahrg. 41, 1908, p. res 636. Einige Bemerkungen tber die Ringbildung bei Komplexverbindungen. (Journal fiir praktische Chemie, Leipzig, N. F. Bd. 76, 1907, p. 88-93.) PKA 637. Uber den Einfluss der Ringbin- dung auf den Bestandigkeitsgrad von Kom- plexverbindungen. (Journal ftir praktische Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 183 ,N. F. Bd. 75), 1907, p. 153-168.) PKA 638. Tuttle, John Betley, and W. H. Smiru. Analysis of printing inks. Washington: Gove Pre. Offte 191458 20.9. 8 {United States. — Bureau of Standards. Techno- logic papers. no. 39.) VBDA Abstract in Journal of industrial & engineering Se Ee Easton, Penn., v. 6, 1914, p. 659-660, See also Smith, W. H., and J. B. PPTL: 639. Tyson, T. M. Effect of colour chemi- cals in printing processes. (British printer, London, v. 31, 1918-19, p. 229-230.) f* IPA 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 640. Pigments for printing inks. (So- ciety of Chemical Industry. Journal, Lon- don, v. 37, 1918, p. 742A.) VOA Abstract only. See also Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn.; 13,1919 sp..1158, PRA; 641. Ueber die Zusammensezung der eng- lischen Copirtinte. (Dingler’s polytech- nisches Journal, Stuttgart, Bd. 76, Jahrg. 1840, p. 157.) 3-VA See also Kunst und Gewerbe-Blatt, Miinchen, Jahrg. 26, Bd. 18, 1840, p. 67, VA. 642. Ullmann, Gustav. Prifungsmethode der in der Farberei verwendeten Gerbma- terialien und der basischen’ Farbstoffe. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 23, 1899, p. 1014-1015.) tt VOA 643. Ullman, James A. The manufacture of printing ink. (In: C. R. Spicher, The practice of presswork. Pittsburgh, 1919. 8°. p. 113-146.) * IT PV 644. Unausloschliche Tinte fiir Chlorbleiche zum Stempeln und Zeichnen zu bleichender Baumwollen- und Lennenstticke. (Poly- technisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahre? 29,1875, p. 652,) VA Abstract in Chemical Society. Journal, London, v. 30, 1876, p. 236, PKA; Chemisches Centralblatt, Leip- ZAG MOG Se Mant eu Os O15) Poo Ond heal. 645. Underwood, John. The history and chemistry of writing inks and the permanent character of ancient and modern documents. (Banker’s magazine, New York, series 3, v. 12, 1878, p. 894-899, 962-966.) THA 646. On the history and chemistry of writing, printing, and copying inks, and a new plan of taking manifold copies of writ- ten and printed documents, maps, charts, plans, and drawings. (Society of Arts. Journal, London, v. 5, 1857; p:. 67-74.) VA 647. Underwood, John, and F. V. Burt. Copirschwarze fiir den Druck. (Polytech- nisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 12, 1858, p. 426.) VA 648. Underwood, Norman, and T. V. SuLtt- VAN. The chemistry and technology of printing inks. New York: D. Van Nostrand Gompany,1915, 93 pL loti Wise ow VOPB Authors have charge of ink-making, United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing. 649. United States. — Bureau of Standards. The composition, properties, and testing of printing inks. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. 35 p. 8°. (United States. — Bureau of Standards. Circular no. 53.) VBDA Has brief bibliography of inks, oils, pigments, and scientific journals, See also Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 81, 1916, p. 43, VA 650. Inks —their composition, manu- facture, and methods of testing. Washing- ton: Gov.,Prtg. Off., 1920. 24 pro) (Gir cular no. 95.) VBDA Brief but excellent general survey. reer in Chemical trade journal, London, v. 68, 1921, p. 6-8, VOA; Chemical age, New York, v. 28, 1920, Dp. 290-291, VOA. 650a. United States Government mas- ter specification for black waterproof draw- ing ink. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1925. 3p. 8° (Circular nose VBDA 651. Unsuitable ink. (Inland printer, Chi- cago, v. 43, 1909, p. 103.) T*¥ IPA Recommendations for litho-plate paper. 652. Urban, Wilhelm. Ueber photograph- ische Differenzierung von Tinten. illus. (Jahrbuch fir Photographie und Reproduk- Nene Halle a. S., Jahrg. 20, 1906, p. 650-652.) MFA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 1, 1907, p. 19, PKA. 653. Ure’s dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines, containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice by Robert Hunt, assisted by F. W. Rudler. v. 1-2, 4. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1875- 192 Reda For recipes see v. 2, p. 914-916. 654. Use of bentonite in de-inking of news- papers gives promise of forest conservation. (Chemical & metallurgical engineering, New York, v. 27, 1922, p. 744.) VOA 655. Utz. Beitrag zur Frage tiber die Auf- spaltung der Gallusgerbsaure. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 29, Semester 1, 1905, p. 31-32.) tt VOA 656. Valenta, Eduard. Die bunten Druck- farben. Halle a S.: Wilhelm Knapp, 1914. xii, 309 p. illus. 8°. (In his: Die Rohstoffe ~ der graphischen Druckgewerbe. Bd. 3.) VOPB 657. Fette, Harze, Firnisse, Russ, schwarze Druckfarben und _ verschiedene andere in den graphischen Druckgewerben verwendete Materialien (lithographische Tinten, Tusche, Kreiden, Walzenmassen, Feuchtwasser, Drucktinkturen, Lacke, Um- druck-, Deck-, Stempelfarben U. > Bieta Hallea S:: Wilhelm Knapp, 1908. xv, 346 p. illus. 8°. (In his: Die Rohstoffe der graph- ischen Druckgewerbe. Bd. 2.) VOPB 658. Uber die Lichtechtheit und das Verhalten verschiedener Teerfarbstofflacke als Druckfarben. (Chemiker-Zeitung, C6- then, Jahrg. 30, 1906, p. 901-904; Jahrg. 33, 1909, p. 1165-1167.) VOA Translation in British journal of photography, Lon- don, v. 53, 1906, p. 770-773; v. 56, 1909, Colour photography supplement, p. 92-94, MFA. 659. Vanderstichel, A. A fast ink for use in paper mills. (Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 17, 1923, po.3419)) PKA Nets, only. Ink will not fade even when exposed for several months to the atmosphere of the bleaching room. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 35 660. Vandevelde, A. J. J. Influence of acid- ity of paper on the fading of ink. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 26, 1907, p. 548.) VOA 661. Notes de chimie sur les papiers et les encres. (Revue des bibliothéques et ar- chives de Belgique, Bruxelles, tome 4, 906, p. 77-85.) * HA Author is director of the city laboratory of Ghent: Gives results of durability tests on five types of ink. 662. Vaubel, Wilhelm, and Otro ScHEUER. Zur Frage der Bestimmung der Gerbsaure in Gerbstoffen. illus. (Zeitschrift fiir ange- wandte Chemie, Berlin, Jahrg. 19, 1906, p. 2130-2133.) PKA 663. Vermilion ink affecting electros. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 41, 1908, p. 410.) +* IPA 664. Vermilion not a stable pigment. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 47, p. 729.) ** IPA 665. Vézes, M., and G. Dupont. Résins et térébenthines, les industries dérivées. Paris: J. B. Bailliére et fils, 1924. 656 p. illus. 8°. VOP ae & 568-597 for manufacture of blacks, printing inks, Chinese ink, lithographic and autographic inks and "pencils. 666. Viedt, C. H. Bereitung einer schwarzen Anilintinte. (Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 30, 1875, p. 290-291.) VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 29, p. 1494-1495, VA. 667. To make gold and silver inks. (Practical magazine, London, v. 5, 1875, p. 275-276.) 3-VA 668. Ueber Anilintinten. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Jahrg. 1874, Bd. 214, p. 167-169.) 3-VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 29, 1875, p. 47-49, VA 669. Ueber die Herstellung guter Gold- und Silbertinten. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. 215, 1875, p. 567.) 3-VA See also Polytechnisches Notizblatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 30, 1875, p. 186-187, VA 670. Ueber schwarze Schreibtinten. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Augs- burg, Bd. 216, 1875, p. 453-456, 532-535; Bd. 217, p. 73-77, 146-150.) 3-VA Several formulas. Abstract in Jahresbericht der chemischen Technologie, Leipzig, Jahrg. 21, 1876, p. ee VOA; Chemical Society. Journal, London, 1876, v. 1, p. 821-823, PKA. 671. Vieli, G., and others. Die primaren Tintensalze der Eisentinten. (Liebig’s An- nalen der Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 435, 1924, p. 233-264.) PKA 672. Villon, A. M: Fabrication de l’encre pour la taille douce. (Société chimique de Paris. Bulletin, Paris, série 3, tome 9, 1893, p. 929-936.) PKA Good abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 13, 1894, p. 721, VOA. 673. Vogel, August. Ueber die blaue Tinte aus. Berlinerblau. (Dingler’s polytech- nisches Journal, Augsburg, Bd. pee 1863, Hles2:) mia See also Polytechnisches Notizblatt, oad Jahrg. 18, 1863, p. 220-221, VA; Polytechnisches Central- blatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 17. 1863, p. 1246, VA. Voigtlaender, F., joint author. Dennstedt, M., and F. VomcTLAENDER. See 674. Vortheilhafte Bereitung einer dauer- haften schwarzen Tinte aus den Beeren des Sambucus Ebulus. (Dingler’s polytech- nisches Journal, Stuttgart, Bd. 151, 1859, p. 466.) 3-VA See also Polytechnisches ai hag He Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 13, 1859, p. 751, OF Se sen) hs; Waterproof black fate (American druggist, New York, v. 63, no. 3, 1915, p. 45.) tt WTA 676. Wackenroder, H. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Catechusaure. (Annalen der Phar- macie, Heidelberg, Bd. 31, 1839, p. 72-79.) PKA 677. Wade, H. D., & Co. Wade’s standard printing inks manufactured in every variety of black & colors. New York ,1875}. 121 p. illus: obi. 12°. VOPB Catalogue of shades and prices. 678. Wagner, Hans. Bronze-, Atlas- und Reflexfarben. (Farben-Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 25, 1920, p. 18-19.) VOA Abstract in Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 14, 1920, p. 636, PKA. A brief review of the use of metallic pigments, mix- tures of these with other pigments, and of fluorescent dyes and lakes in the production of paints and inks that have metallic lusters. 679. Die graphischen Farben. (Chemi- ker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 46, 1922, p. 421- 424.) VOA 680. ——- Neue Lack- und Pigment-Farb- stoffe. (Farben-Zeitung, Berlin, Jahrg. 28, 1923, p. 1386-1389.) VOA Has a tabulation of characteristics and designations. 681. Walden, P. Ueber das optische Ver- halten des Tannins. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 30, Bd 34189707 alol-3)l 500) PKA 682. Ueber die vermeintliche Identi- tat des Tannins mit der a-Digallussaure. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Be- richte, Berlin, Jahrg. 31 (1898), Bd. 3, 1899, p. 3167-3174.) PKA 683. Walker, Percy Hargraves. Some tech- nical methods of testing miscellaneous sup- plies, including paints and paint materials, inks, lubricating oils, soaps, etc. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1908. 48 p. 8°. 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY (United States. —— Chemistry Bureau. Bul- letin 109.) VPH See p. 29-36 for writing, canceling, and rubber stamp inks. 684. Walther, Bruno. Die Fabrikation von Pausfarben und Durchschlagpapieren. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Bd. 45, 1921, p. 287-288.) VOA See also Scientific American monthly, New York, 4, 1921, p. 307-308, VA 685. Die Fabrikation von Schreibma- schinenfarben und -Bandern. - (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, p. 169- 7) VOA Translated in Scientific American monthly, New York, v. 3, 1921, p. 536-537, VA; La Revue des pro- duits chimiques, Paris, année 24, p. 119-120, PKA. 686. Das Ferrisulfatchlorid in der Tin- tenfabrikation. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Bd.-45, 1921, p. 842.) vo See also Seifensieder-Zeitung, Augsburg, Jahrg. 48, 1921, p. 745-746, 763-764, 780-781, 3-VON ; Chemical abstracts, Easton, Penn., v. 16, 1922, p. 350, PKA, 687. Die Tintenfabrikation. (Chemi- ker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 45, 1921, p. 430- 432.) tt VOA Formulas for various kinds of inks, 688. Wangner, Hermann. Entfernung von Druck- und Schriftzeichen aus bedrucktem Papier. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, Jahrg. 35, 1914, p. 927-928.) VOA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 33, 1914, p. 858, VOA. 689. Wanted gloss effect on black ink. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 33, 1904, p. 701.) +* IPA 690. Wants a black ink that can be removed from paper with a steel pointer. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 24, 1899, p. 253.) f* IPA Editor has no knowledge of such an ink. - 691. Wants to prevent purple fading. (In- land printer, Chicago, v. 30, 1903, p. 761.) f* IPA 692. Wants to remove ink from aluminum. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 24, 1900, p. 577.) +* IPA 693. Warhurst, B. W. A colour dictionary, giving about two hundred names of colours used in printing, etc. Specially prepared for stamp collectors. London: S. Gibbons, 18905 17p.L,°48 p:, lrcoldi pigns TVG 694. Wattenbach, Wilhelm. Das Schrift- wesen im Mittelalter. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1875.22 Vili, 569-p. °2..6d So #IC See p. 193-203. Etymology discussed and several recipes given with footnote references. 695. Wegler, Th. Rothe Tinte zum Zeich- nen der Wasche. (Bayerisches Industrie- und Gewerbe-Blatt, Mutinchen, Jahrg. 6, 1874, p. 209.) VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 28, 1874, p. 1370, VA; Polytechnisches Notiz- blatt, Mainz, Jahrg. 29, 1874, p. 303, VA. 696. Wehrs, Georg Friedrich. Vom Papier, den vor der Erfindung desselben tiblich ge- wesenen Schreibmassen, und _ sonstigen Schreibmaterialien. Halle: J. J. Gebauer, 1789: -8 °p.L.,<728 pal eines VMP See chapter 11 for history and recipes. 697. Wells, Sidney D. The de-inking of old newspapers. (Canadian pulp & paper maga- zine, Gardenville, P. Q., v. 20, 1922, p. 599- 602.) VMPA | 698. Making newspapers from old paper stock. De-inking processes for old newspapers and the use of bentonite as peptizing agent. (Paper, New York, v. 30, no. 14, 1922, p. 7-10.) VMPA 699. Wende, Hermann. Ueber Trimethyl- anthragallol. (Deutsche chemische Gesell- schaft. Berichte, Berlin, Jahrg. 20, 1887, p. 867-870.) PKA Wense, W., joint author. mann, C., and W. WENSE. See Lieber- 700. Werner, A. Uber die Schwarze von Tintenflecken auf Papier. (Zeitschrift ftir Elektrochemie, Halle a. S., Bd. 22, 1916, p. 23-27.) PKA Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 35, 1916, p. 428-429, VOA. 701. Zur Theorie der Beizenfarbstoffe. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Be- richte, Berlin, Jahrg. 41, 1908, p. 1062-1071, 2383-2386. ) PKA 702. Westcott, Henry P. Where the printer gets his ink. America’s carbon-black in- dustry and the methods it employs. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 124, 1921, p. &8, 99-100.) VA 703. Why printing inks must be dearer. (British printer, London, v. 32, 1920, p. 196.) Tt * IPA 704. Wilkinson, W. J. Standardizing col- | our process inks. (British printer, London, v. 32, 1919, p. 107-108; v. 34, 1921, p. 27-28.) t* IPA 705. Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-mechanical processes. A practical guide... London: Hampton & Co. ,1892?; vii(i), 7-216 p. Wus.6 3; ediatieee MDS See index. 706. Winterniss, J. Ueber Anfertigung der sogenannten Alizarin-Tinte. (Kunst und Gewerbe-Blatt, Miinchen, Jahrg. 42, Bd. V p. 370.) 707. Ueber die sogenannte Alizarin- Tinte. (Dingler’s polytechnisches Journal, Stuttgart and Augsburg, Bd. 139, 1856, p. 447-450.) 3-VA See also Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 10, 1856, p. 767, VA LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS ae 708. Wisbar, G. Writing inks, their esti- mation. (Society of Chemical Industry. Journal, London, v. 15, 1896, p. 55.) VOA 709. Wislicenus, H. Uber Gerbmaterial- analyse mit “gewachsener” Tonerde. (Zeit- schrift ftir analytische Chemie, Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 44, 1905, p. 96-106.) PKA 710. Versuche zur Gerbstoffbestim- mung ohne Hautpulver. (Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie, Berlin, Jahrg. 1904, p. 801-810.) PKA 711. Wislicenus, Wilhelm. Ueber einige Aldehydsauresster. (Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Bd. 20, 1887, p. 2930-2934.) PKA 712. Ueber die Isomerie der Formyl- phenylessigester. (Deutsche chemische Ge- sellschaft. Berichte, Berlin, Bd. 28, 1895, p. 767-774.) PKA AS: Ueber die Isomerie der Formyl- phenylessigester. (Liebig’s Annalen der Chemie, Leipzig, Bd. 291, 1896, p. pe! Not the same as the previous entry. 714. Ueber Tautomerie. (Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vor- trage, Stuttgart, Bd. 2, 1898, p. eras See p. 242 for iron salts. 715. Wittstein, G.C. On the preparation of | gallic acid from Chinese gall-nuts. (Phar- maceutical journal and transactions, Lon- don, v. 12, 1852-53, p. 444-445.) WTA Wolff, F., joint author. See Klaproth, M. H., and F. Wo irr. Wolff, Hans, joint author. See Zellner, Heinrich, and Hans Wotrr. 716. Wood, George W. Scientific hand- writing testimony. Higher art of handwrit- ing and typewriting investigation explained. and illustrated. Court rulings and noted cases cited. Pittsburgh: Cramer Printing and Publishing Company, Crafton Branch, cop. 1922. 3 p.l., 9-76 p., 41. illus. ee ICL 717. The Word “ink.” (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 4, 1887, p. 468.) +* TPA Equivalents in ancient and Oriental languages. 718. A Word on ink. (Chambers’ Edin- burgh journal, Edinburgh, v. 12, 1850, p. 120-122.) * DA 719. The Wratten tricolour ink-tester. (British journal of photography, London, v. 56, Jan. 22, 1909, p. 69.) MFA 720. Writing ink in cakes. (American drug- gists’ circular, New York, v. 1, 1857, p. 67.) tT} WTA Leonhardi’s formula, 721. Wyman, Walter F. The American writing ink industry. illus. (Export American industries, New York, v. 19, 1912, no. 2, p. 51-53.) +TLA Factory pictures. 722. Yano, M. Microscopical examination of printed paper. (Society of Chemical In- dustrya, Journal, London.) v.236; 1917, p. 868.) VOA Abstract only. Also in Paper makers’ monthly jour- nal, London, v. 55, 1917, p. 347, ,VMPA. Study of the penetration of paper by ink. 723. Young, Sydney. A distinctive test for gallic acid. (Chemical news, London, v. 48, 1883, p. 31-32.) PKA 724. Zander, C. G. The influence of colored stock on colored ink. table. (Inland printer, Chicago, v. 43, 1909, p. 382-383.) +f* IPA 725. Zaunick, Rudolph. Tintenrezepte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. (Geschichtsblat- ter fiir Technik, Industrie und Gewerbe, Berlin, Bd. 4, 1917, p. 74-75.) Recipes from Kochbuch von Maister Hannsen des von Wirtenberg Koch, 1460. 726. Zechlin. Unausldéschliche Tinte zum Zeichnen der Wasche. (Polytechnisches Centralblatt, Leipzig, N. F. Jahrg. 16, 1862, p. 959.) VA 727. Zellner, Heinrich, and Hans Wot-rFr. Uber die Ursachen der Hauterkrankungen im Buchdruckgewerbe. (Zeitschrift fir Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten, Leip- zig, Bd. 75, 1913, p. 69-80.) WAA Tabular data of materials used. 728. Zwick, Karl G. Die Verwendung des Zeissschen Eintauch-Refraktometers fiir die Gerbstoffanalyse. illus. (Chemiker-Zei- tung, Cothen, Jahrg. 32, 1908, p. 405-406.) +? VOA 38 THE NEW. YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY) PATENTS This list is compiled from official documents containing either specifications or ab- stracts, no attempt having been made to index publications which list titles only. Patents relating to printing inks are indicated by a star (*). ABBREVIATIONS Aus.: Ausztige aus den Patentschriften. Aus. off. jour.: Australian official journal. Ber.: Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Bull. Soc. Chim.: Bulletin de la Société chimique. C. A.: Chemical abstracts (American). Cent.: Chemisches Centralblatt. Chem. tech. Ubers.: Chemisch-technische Ubersicht. Chem. Ztg.: Chemiker-Zeitung. Chim. et ind.: Chimie et industrie. Des.: Description des machines et procédés pour lesquels des brevets d’invention ont ete pris. Gaz.: New Zealand gazette (supplement). J. A. C.S.: Journal of the American Chemical Society. J.S.C.1.: Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Jahr. Chem.: Jahresbericht der Chemie. Kunst.: Kunststoffe. Lange: Lange, Otto, Chemisch-technische Vorschriften, ed. 3, 1923-24. Lond, jour.: London journal (Newton’s). Mec. mag.: Mechanics’ magazine. Mon. sc. B.: Moniteur scientifique (Choix de brevets, supplément). Pat. O. R.: Canadian Patent Office record. Poly. Cent.: Polytechnisches Centralblatt. Ptb.: Oesterreichischer Patent Blatt. Rec.: Recueil des brevets d’invention. Rep.: Chemisch-technisches Repertorium (Supplement to Chemiker-Zeitung). For- merly Chemisches Repertorium. Repertory: Repertory of arts. Rev. chim. ind.: Revue de chimie industrielle. Tech. chem. J.: Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch. Wag. seieks [Wagner’s] Jahresbericht tiber die Leistungen der chemischen Tech- nologie. Zeit. ang. C.: Zeitschrift fiir angewandt2 Chemie. ‘ UNITED STATES The Reports of the Commissioner of Patents, 1845-1871, contain abstracts. Library has specifications, 1871-date. 729. Cist, J. 1808. 734. Ferris, P. 2870. 1842. Mineral black for printing. Black ink. *730. Chase, B. 1810. Printers’ ink. *735. Clark, E. 4102. 1845. Printers’ ink. Colophany, rosins or bitumens, and 731. Rennie, J. 1834. lampblack. Coloring matter. “ 732. Myers, 7 D. 1835. 736. Mathews, M.M. 7686. 1850. Writing ane Use of rosin oil in printers’ ink. 733. Spear, T. J. 2176. 1841. 737. Harrison, A. 8755. #1852. Indelible ink. Ink-making vessel. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 39 Patents — United States, continued. *738. Turner,S.H. 10006. 1853. Printers’ ink. Colophonic tar, lampblack, indigo blue, indian red, rosin soap. *739. Thompson, C. A. 12733. 1855. Printers’ ink. Litharge, acetate of lead, linseed oil, gum copal. *740. Matthews, G. 17688. 1857. Printers’ ink. Calcined green oxide of chromium and linseed oil. *741. Smillie,G. 37984. 1863. Green ink for steel plate printing. chromium, and oil. *742. Underwood, J., and F. V. Burt. 38008. 1863. Printers’ and copying ink. Nut-galls, iron sul- pear: gum senegal, treacle, soap, lampblack, prussian lue, water. *743. Eaton, A. K. 38298. 1863. Safety printers’ ink, Chromite of baryta. *744, Hunt, T.S. 40839. 1863. Safety printers’ ink. Based on per-oxide of tin and a small proportion of oxide of chromium or other metallic oxides. 745. Rogers, R.H. 42405. 1864. Stamping ink. Coloring matter in a menstrum of the fibre or dust of leather to produce a “pulp” ink. 746. Lummrus, T.J. 46684. 1865. Red writing ink. Rosin, alcohol, water, acacia, and gum myrrh. 747. Holt, H. 47494. 1865. Stamping ink. Anilin red and glycerin. *748. Hulot, A.A. 47909. 1865. Printers’ ink. Glue, honey, water, and glycerin instead of varnish or oil commonly used. *749. Duryee,G. 48385. 1865. Printers’ ink. Petroleum distillation residue, sul- phuric acid. Produces “petroline wax” to be sub- stituted for linseed or other oils. *750. Whitefield, E. 48471. 1865. Printers’ ink. Nitric acid, sulphuric acid, log- wood, chinese blue, iron filings. 751. Macdonough, J. 52869. 1866. Ink for postage stamps. Gelatin, glycerin, and Asbestos, gum color. *752. Sangster, J. A. W., and H. H. SAnc- STER. 53379. 1866. Se ink. Oil, rosin, soap, and pulverized coal, 753. Lanza, John. 55679. 1866. Writing ink to show metallic lustre. Gum arabic, ey ammoniac, water, garlic juice, and bronze pow- er, 754. Bowman, A.D. 59549. 1866. Writing ink. Logwood, bichromate of potash, prus- siate of potash, water. 1867. *755. Loewenberg, E. 63733. Printers’ colored ink from saccharine substance in Bc ipation with glycerin or oily matter, or both, and color. 756. Loewenberg, H. 63734. 1867. Marking ink. Iodine or bromine added to ordi- nary writing ink, 757. Petitdidier, F. 64562. 1867. Applying designs in relief and brilliancy to woven fabrics. 758. Owens, B. 65002. 1867. Writing ink. Hot water, paris blue, ox-gall, alco- hol. *759. Weissberger, M. 65973. 1867. Printers’ ink. Mineral resin, hydrocarbon oil, and lampblack. 1867. *760. Wurtz, H. 67697. Printers’ ink from grahamite. 761. Shaw, J. 69846. 1867. Writing ink. Water, logwood, sodium bicarbonate, potassium cyanide, prussiate of potash. 762..Francis, L, 72621, 71867. Ruling ink. Anilin, acetic acid, and galls. *763. Wurtz, E. 74188. 1868. Printers’ ink from grahamite. 764. Seidel, C. 76107. 1868. Coloring matter from cashew nut. 765. Buzby, A.G. 78258. 1868. Copying ink. Water, galls, iron sulphate, indigo, sugar, gum arabic, or other ingredients in combina- tion with glycerin or gelatine, or both, and bichloride of mercury. *766. Wulsten, C. 79045. Printers’ colored ink. 1868. P é Silicate of alumina, clay, prepared with zinc sulphate and with or without dilute sulphuric acid, and dyeing materials. 767. McNeil, D.C. 79374. 1868. Sympathetic ink. Sulphuric acid, water, and sugar. 768. Bloede, V.G. 87088. 1869. Stain removing compound. 769. Dougherty, D. A. 87094. 1869. Black writing ink. Anilin blue, with iron salts, and galls or tannin. *770. McKellar, D. 87350. Printers’ ink for leather. bronze powders. 771. Zengeler, J. 90417. 1869. Ink powder from anilin colors. *772. Kréci,C. 94220. 1869. _ Printers’ ink. Coal tar with wood charcoal and nitric acid, *773. Farrar, A. 100877. 1870. Printers’ ink, using a “new oily product, or such product with pigments and a saccharin syrup.” 774. Simonds, J. P. 101170. 1870. _ ,Stamping ink. Combines orchil with a printing ink, 4775, BYAancis, 1 .we 0224008 16/0. Printers’ ink. Glycerin, saccharin, and gums. 776. Caldwell, J. M., and G. W. CALDWELL. 1869. Varnish, paint, and 102915. 1870. Indelible ink, Carbon, metallic salt, vegetable color, and anilin. *777. Casilear,G. W. 104554. 1870. Printers’ ink, Combination of “patent drier” with glycerin and boiled molasses. *778. Loewenberg, H. Printers’ ink. nary printers’ ink. *779. Turly, M., and B. F. THomas. 105014. 1870. Printers’ ink. Volatilizes rosin or pitch. 780. Panknin, C. F. 106198. 1870 Non-corrosive ink. 104862. 1870. Adds prussiate of potash to ordi- 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — United States, continued. 781. Hebel, C. 106582. 1870. Indelible writing ink. 782. Beck, F. 107997. 1870. Compound for coloring paper. *783. McIlvaine, C. 108615. Printers’ copying ink, using gums. 1870. 784. Loftus, R.G. 109327. 1870. Writing ink. *785. Kircher, J. 110048. 1870. Printers’ ink, Peroxide and protoxide of iron, and varnish. "786. Farrar, A. «113755; 18/1: Printers’ ink. *787. Turly, M. 113947. 1871. Printers’ ink. 788. Walsh, E. F., and S. DurYEA. 115915. 31875 Writing ink. Shellac, borax, water. *789. McIlvaine, C. 117313. 1871. Printers’ ink, Black color, glycerin, soluble gums, acid, and saccharin matter, 790. McIlvaine, C. 117314. 1871. Copying ink for ruling and printing. Soluble color in glycerin, alcohol, and water, together with soluble gums, an acid, and saccharin matter. *791. Kircher, J. 119154. 1871. Printers’ ink. Iron dissolved in an acid and mixed with tannic or gallic acid, or both. Precipitate is treated with alkali and ground in varnish. /92.. Blaney, |. Vid. elec lee lords Restoring writing or printing on charred paper. 793. Carter, J. W. 124544. 1872. Process of driving air into writing ink. 794. Popper, I. 125077. 1872. Writing ink. Oil, resin, soap, carbon, and kero- sene, *795. White, J.C. 126601. Printers’ ink. Oil of gastar. *796. Guichard, A. D. G. Printers’ ink for textiles. *797. Horton, H.G. 131444. 1872. Printers’ ink, Glue, glycerin, plumbago, linseed oil, lampblack, copper sulphate, gum copal, bone dust. 798. Little, G. 131886. 1872. Telegraphic ink. Powdered anilin heated with glycerin. 799. Popper, J. 132102. 1872. Writing ink. Lampblack, glycerin, gum arabic, and water. *800. Kircher, J. 132840. 1872. Printers’ ink. Coal tar, caustic soda, coal oil, black oxide of manganese. 801. Briggs, E.W. 133197. 1872. Indelible ink. Silver, soda, gum, honey, color, ammonia, and water. 802. Slade, N. P. 133954. 1872. Writing ink. Water, borax, logwood, bichromate of potash, glycerin, and alcohol. 803. Martin, J. 134434. 1872. Mixing and grinding apparatus, 1872. 128302. 1872. 804. Jud, J.B. F. 140782. 1873. Stamping ink. Red anilin, citric acid, mucilage, glycerin, and acetic acid. 805. Jud, J.B. F. 147384. 1874. Paste inks. Recipes for black, red, blue, violet, and green. Also a copying ink. *806. Loase, J. F. 150475. 1874. For electrotyping, stereotyping, etc. Sulphuric acid, sugar, and water, producing an ink capable of presenting characters in relief. 807. Teysonniere, A. 151633. 1874. Copying ink. Oxalate, or oxalic acid, color, and sugar, 808. Reams, I. M. 156379. 1874. Writing ink. Logwood, bichromate of potash, al- cohol, and water. 809. Dexter, A.J. 167878. 1875. Copying ink. Nut galls, iron sulphate, gum arabic, sugar, water, glycerin, nitrate of silver, and cloves. *810. Briedbach, C. J., and C. BriepBAcH. 168134. 1875. Carmine printers’ ink. Carmine, ammonia, and varnish. 811. Bonney, W. A. 170513. 1875. Ink powder. Logwood, bichromate of potash, prus- siate of potash, gum arabic and copperas. 812. Ehrhardt, Ti... G.-31/2/20ee oe Extracting printers’ ink from rags. Treats suc- cessively with linseed oil, turpentine, alkaline bath, and acid. 813. Marshall, D. M. 174917. 1876. Indelible ink for canceling postage stamps. ers’ ink and carbolic acid. 814. Robertson, J.T. 181597. 1876. Renovating waste ink. Immerses in water, runs through centrifugal machine, and grinds. 815. Vander Linden, W. F., and H. C. Kina. 188212. 1877. Canceling ink. Cotton-seed oil, oil varnish, ivory black, rosin black, and colors. 816. Taylor, J. M. 189813. 1877. Non-corrosive writing ink. Gum and silicate. *817. Collins, C. 192739. 1877. Printers’ ink. Crude turpentine, linseed oil, and rosin. 818. Tilman, N. T. 194015. 1877. Writing ink. Tincture of chloride of iron, acetic acid, chloride of sodium, logwood, and bichromate of potash. 819. Hover, J. E. 194966. 1877. Canceling ink, Lampblack, hydrochloric acid, and linseed oil. 820. Egerton, C.C. 198090. 1877. Canceling ink. Insoluble colors and abrading ma- terials, 821. Wells, G. A. 199883. 1878. Writing ink. Gelatinization prevented by neu- tralizing acids with ammonia. Sodii boras, shellac, lampblack, camphor, alcohol, ammonia, and water. 822. Richmond, H., and W.S. RicHMoND. 203372. 1878. Canceling and writing ink. Eosin, blue and black anilin, cupric chloride, sodium chlorate, ammonium chloride, glycerin, and oil. 1879. 823. Mendel, E. 216625. Glycerin, starch, zinc white, grape Safety ink. sugar or glucose, and color. Print- LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS aly) Patents — United States, continued. 824. Collins, G. J. 216832. 1879. Capsuled ink powders, using gelatine. *825. Kircher, J. 223363. 1880. Safety printing ink. Rosin, turpentine, linseed oil, olive oil, and color. *826. Connelly, M. 235670. 1880. Printers’ ink. Based on crude petroleum and lime boiled at 350° F. *827. Hendrichs, J. 239954. 1881. Lithographic inks. Drop white, copperas, bi- chromate of potash, sulphur, black union dye. 828. Morse, A.N. 239974. 1881. Indelible ink. Water, caustic potash, seed-lac, per- manganate of potash, and lampblack. 829. Mallory, J.E. 241682. 1881. _Writing ink. Extract of galls or gallic acid, tannic acid, and salts of iron subjected to oxygen. 830. Froehling, H. 243441. 1881. Indelible ink, Lampblack, caustic alkali, and asphaltum. *831. Bastand, C.T. 247597. 1881. Printers’ ink. Passes bisulphide of carbon through engineers’ cotton waste and distills the product. 832. Stoddart, A. F. 255352. 1882. Writing ink from spent tanning liquor. Soa. Reid, P, 256596. . 1882. eer els toc, Ved) Pp. 187. Ink for dyeing purposes. Pyroxline, color, cam. phor, and menstrum. *834. Reid, P. 256597. 1882. Here dose, vo, p. 187. Printing ink for textiles. Based on pyroxline. 835. Magne, J.J. 260583. 1882. Writing ink. Albumen, ferrocyanide of potash, color, and water. 836. Goold,O. A. 263508. 1882. Writing ink. Hemlock bark, prussiate of potash, and nitrate of iron. *837. Reissig, W. 265867. 1882. Printers’ ink. Dioxide of manganese and linseed oil varnish. 838. Kendall, E.D. 273240. 1883. Writing ink. Ammonia solution, resin, and color. 839. Reissig, W. 277342. 1883. Stamping ink. Linseed oil size or varnish, lamp- black, and an iron chloride or protochloride. 840. Franseky, J. 299372. 1884. Ink to give metallic surface to paper. 841. Appleyard, T. W., Jr., and others. 306456. 1884. Soluble black from waste tan liquor. 842. Clawson, L. P. 308138. 1884. Ink and paint mill. : 843. Kennerly, G., and B. CREIGHTON. 312474. 1885. Transfer ink. Resin, turpentine, and color. 844. Schmucker, W. Y. 313246. 1885. Ink grinder. 845. Ogilvy, D.J. 330613. 1885. Manufacture of rosin compounds, 846. Mueller-Jacobs, A. 342207. Coloring compound. 1886, Resinate, color, and alcohol. 847. Buchten, A. 342279. 1886. _ Ink remover. Water, citric acid, borax, and chlo- ride of lime. 848. Lange, J.H. 343378. 1886. For producing color on wall-paper. *849. Ramsdell, I. 345448. 1886. Lithographic ink. Bichromate of potash, gelatine, prussiate of potash, water, tannate of iron, and color. 850. Underwood, J.T., and F. W. Unoer- woop. 348072-73. 1886. Carbon paper ink. 851. Whitefield, L. 351949. 1886. seas ink, Benzine, bronze powder, kerosene, and color. *852. Stanchfield,G. M. 369969. 1887. Printers’ ink reducer. Kerosene oil, sulphuric ether, essential oil of sassafras, and oil of cloves. 853. Dimitry, C. P. ~370383.~ 1887. Indelible ink. Water, gelatine, bichromate of potash, diamond slate dye, creosote, and india ink. *854. Bailey, L. 375720. 1888. Printers’ ink. Palm oil and anilin color. 855. Lefferts, M. C., and J. H. Stevens. 380654. 1888. Ink for celluloid. 856. Johnston, T. R. 383576. 1888. Ink mill. 857. Soltmann, E.G. 397146. 1889. Slab for india-ink. 858. Stevens, W. X. 408143. 1889. ' Ink-grinding slab. *859. Holt,O.G. 412183-84. 1889. Printers’ and lithographic ink. Maltha and pigment. *860. McCloskey, J., C. F. FARWELL. 422430. 1890. Printers’ ink for celluloid. glycerin, and a gum resin. *861. Holt, O. Ge 424556. Printers’ troleum. *862. Holt,O.G. 424557. 1890. Printers’ and lithographic ink. Petroleum residue, gums, pigment. 863. Schiffmann, J. 428146. 1890. Indelible violet anilin ink. Slow oxidation of mixture of anilin oil and hydrochloric acid, and a dissolving violet color. 864, Fuerth,W.G. 437588. 1890. Condensed ink. Vaselin, fatty substance, and color. *865. Higgins, C. M. 437780-81. 1890. Printers’ or stamping ink. Oleic acid, essential oil and color. Essential oil in which is dissolved anilin green. 866. Simpson, D.C. 442463. 1890. Composition for fixing ink. Soluble acetate of lead, potassium chlorate, and copper acetate. and Pigment, albumen, 1890. and lithographic ink, Residue of pe- 867. Oliphant, D.S. 443375. 1890. Marking ink, 868. Watson, E. 458741. 1891. Drawing and marking ink. Coal tar and_ sul- phuric acid at a temperature not over 200° F, washing out the acid, and treating with alkali. 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — United States, continued. 869. Surby, R. W. 459691. 1891. Fluid for rendering oil paint indelible. 870. Just, T. W., and others. 465860. 1891. Writing ink. Carbon black, caustic soda, oxalic acid, india ink, vanadium, aleppo galls, nut galls, gum arabic, anilin, and water. *871. Higgins,C.M. 48344647. 1892. Stamping and printers’ ink, Fixed oil or fat, car- _ bolic acid, and color. Also castor oil, oil of cassia or other essential oil. *872. Hoz, A. 486873. 1892. Ink for printing textiles. *873. Dorn, L. 511292. 1893. Machine for grinding printers’ ink, 874. Wexler, G., and E. NIENSTAEDT. 517371. 1894. Ink making device. Uses coil of absorbent cotton holding chemical ink. *875. Bibby, J.,and J. Brissy. 519032. Printers’ ink, Cotton seed foots as a base. 876. Pope, W.M. 521177. 1894. Canceling and stamping ink. Rosin oil, lamp- black, rosin soap, coal tar acid. 877. Nienstaedt, E. 523863. 1894. Solid ink. Granules of hard non-porous matter covered with a layer of dry ink. 878. Sharp) Schl 5513272 71895. Bronzing liquid for stencil printing. 879. Lewis, H.J., and S. L. BELLMAN. 574437. 1897. Ink for writing on blueprints. Solid acid oxalate and neutral carbonate of an alkali mixed to give neutral reaction to test paper. *880. Ogilvy, D. J. 587852. 1897. Printers’ ink. Black pigment, oil or oils, and resinous substances subjected to injected steam. 881. Dunlap, L. E. 590139. 1897. Effervescent ink, using combination of acid and alkali. s *882. Hall, F.B. 606542. 1898. Printers’ ink, Water, sugar, gum arabic, salicylic acid, color. and glycerin. 883. Ngaire,H.G. 614544. Branding composition, 884. Lichtentag, I., and A. LICHTENTAG. 614734. 1898. Writing ink. Process of suspending carbon in water by means of soap. *885. Eschenbach, A. C., and L. SIELKE. 615613. 1898. Ink for printing on tobacco or Cigars. 886. Canode, F.B. 617315. 1899. Stencil ink. German green soap, glycerin or glu- cose, and a pigment. 887. Hochstetter,R. W. 619889. 1899, Canceling ink. Nigrosine dissolved in oleic acid, and diluted with a non-drying oil. and lithographic 1894. 1898. 888. Scott, H.W. 629526. 1899. Branding liquid. 889. Klein, E. 646122. 1900. Ink for marking cigars and tobacco. Lanolin and a pigment. 890. Kretschmann, E. 650901. 1900. Sympathetic ink for coating paper. *891. Ogilvy, D. J. 657179. 1900. Printers’ ink, Heats pigment and vehicle, agitates mass while temperature is maintained, and strains in heated condition. *892. Schepp, J.J. 669552. 1901. Composition for adding to lithographic ink. Tallow, lard, beeswax, oil of lavender, and starch. 893. Millison, B. 671972. 1901. Stamping ink. Castile soap, pigment, and glycerin. 894. Kretschmann, FE. 673400. 1901. Sympathetic ink for coating paper. 895. Lawton, E. P. 690862. 1902. J:8.C.1., 1902; v2 ieee Copying ink. Nutgalls, ferrous sulphate, sugar, chloride of ammonia; also carbolic acid. *806. Adelsberger, J., and H. FriepMANN. 710233. 1902. Lithographic ink. Varnish, glycerin, alkaline salt, tartar, and resinous oil. *897. Wass, A.G. 716318. J.5.C.1-1903) vee en ae Printers’ ink and varnish, using heavy mineral oil and rosin. 898. Spohn, H. H. 719623. J.o.G.E, 19030 see oe Chemical and wash proof ink. tannin, anilin dye, carbolic acid. 899. Brown, T.H., and J. E. Staptes. 720779. 1903. Branding fluid, *900. Fisher, F. 730897. 1903. _ Printers’ ink reducer, Varnish, copaiba balsam, japan drier, sweet oil, and citron oil. 901. Spohn, H.H. 741734. 1903. _ Marking and stamping ink. Nigrosine base, tolui- din, rosin oil, tar. 90la. Chapin, M.H. 749684. 1904. Mon. sc. B., 1905, série 4, v. 19, p. 16. Paper and method of making same for obtaining fast copies from writings in anilin inks. 902. Pope, W.C. 751554. 1904. Effervescent ink tablet. Effervescent base, oxalic poate bicarbonate of soda, sodium chloride, acacia, and color. 903. Spohn, H.H. 769774. 1904. Canceling ink. Water soluble color base, acid soap, and non-drying oil; also lampblack and carbon black, and kerosene, with process. 904. Schwarzschild, S. 822556. 1906. _ .Safety writing ink. Hydroxide of alkali metal, an iodide, a nitrite, and a weak acid. *905. Friedmann, H. 824475. 1906. Adaptation of ordinary printing inks to lithographic printing. : 906. Wenner, M.C. 834955. 1906. Marking ink for embroidery. Paraffin, ultramarine blue, chalk, prussian blue, cream of tartar. *906a. Homolka, B., and J. ERser. 839590. 1906. Compound of organic colors with fatty acids for printers’ ink base. Process for dissolving sebates and oleates in water. 1902. 1903. Prussian blue, LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 43 Patents — United States, continued. *907. Klein, E. 841156. 1907. eit 907, Vv. 26, p. 421. _ Printers’ ink. Incombustible substance retaining its appearance under influence of 400° C., and a mixture of fatty matters, or a volatile. oil. 908. Morpurgo, G. 849413. 1907. Sizing or finishing media from starch. *909. Fireman, P. 857044. 1907. Printers’ ink pigments. Process of precipitating black ferro-ferric oxide, 910. Meyer,O. 866293. 1907. Sympathetic ink for coating paper. 911. Hauser, J. 875174. 1907. Branding or marking composition. *912. McMaster, M.E. 877219. C. A., 1908, v. 2, p. 1502. Printers’ ink which will not “print back.’’ milk. 912a. Nowalk, R. F. 878662. 1908. Uses 1908. 1753 Ink remover. 913. Thomas, B.R. 878689. 1908. ae. p. zac; C. A., 1908, v. 2, p. 175.3 Ink remover. 914. Mayer, A.R. 878817. ere 1 20G, ¥. 2, D. 1753. Ink remover for tracing cloth. niter, hydrogen peroxide. 915. Gallagher, J.R. 895248. 1908. Renewing process for printing ribbons. Oil, alcohol, glycerin, and acid. 1908. *916. Potter, H.N. 908132-33. 1908. irrectye10008¥.-26,.p. 151. Printers’ ink using silicon oxide. 917. Pellew, C. E. 911327. 1909. Stencil ink. Basic color, volatile organic acid, tannin, and gummy matter. *918. Pignone, E. 918903. 1909. Printers’ transfer ink. Zinc white, antimony_tri- sulphide, baking powder, starch, tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, varnish, rosin, coal tar naphtha, and turpentine. 918a. Wild, C., Jr. 919410. fo e0S, v.93, -p. 1818. Indelible marking pencil. Paraffin, printers’ ink and lampblack. 919. Hochstetter, R. 928450. Poaeeiasto0n. Vv, 26, D. 879. Ink for stencil sheets. Pigment ground in glycerin and sulphonated oil. 920. Hochstetter, R. 928915. J.S.C.1., 1909, v. 28, p. 880. Mimeograph ink. Pigment ground in glycerin and sulphonated oil. *921. Charles, P., and S. Fauyart. 929913. 1909. Intaglio ink. Gelatine base, fatty constituent. 1909. 1909. 1909. water, color, and Peewee Dazoc,; ©. A., 1908, v. 2, p. . Sweet spirit of . *922. Hopkins, M. S., and C. R. Barnett. 932470, 932548, 932549, 932550. 1909. Jimi le eeue N28, Do 04 COA 41000. v. 3, p. 2632-2633. Apparatus for recovery of ingredients of oily ink. 923. Whitty, G.S. 953110. 1910. Stencil ink. Coloring matter, an aldehyde, salt, glycerin, and adhesive. 923a. Weinberg, S. 959185. 1910. Mon. sc.1b., 191), serie’ 5, vy, 1-2, 'p. 118. Ink for stamping pads. Zine white, gum arabic, shellac, borax, water. 924. Farup, P. 966815. 1910. Coloring matter from titaniferous iron minerals. 925. Fuerth,W.G. 970439. 1910. CA DOLO Ly. 4, pdo00. Stencil ink. Water, nesium carbonate, 926. Kasseker, J. 971280. 1910, Uouelege Glu. verzun De i200; GAN LOH): v. 4, p. 3289. _ Ink for ceramic transfers. Non-drying thinning liquid, and linseed oil saturated with a lead com- pound. 927. Morse, C. F. 979542. 1910. Vode all mvansuy prrkeies Guu Ae. 191) v5) p.. 1000, Transfer ink. Color, glucose, corn syrup, and glycerin, with process for same, 928. Stockmann, M. F.C. 987926. 1911. Ink to produce raised characters for the blind. *929. Henkel, H., and O. GEssLer. 988874. 1911. eA 1911, wi29,-pe 2L/6 Mon.se, 65-1912, série 5, v. 2, p. 30. Removing printers’ ink from paper. *930. Meixell, W.B. 989023. 1911. CaaS 101 lave ene Zio De-inking process, using whiting. 931. Collinson, R. W., and C. W. CoLtinson. 993348. 1911. Branding ccmposition. glycerin, glycerin, soap, and mag- 932. De Lanoy, H.N. 994724. 1911. Ink stick. *932a. Henderson, C. 996642. 1911. CAG OOD yas aes _ Removing offset ink from press. jets. 932b. Ellis,C. 997910. 1911. CEA MOL a vbw ico /9: Composition for erasing ink from tracing paper. *932c. Walker, F.H., and C. E. Soun. 999611. 1911. Ce Av Oe ee 14. LON SC 1912. sértess7-vc 2, De On: Printers’ ink from mineral oil residuum. *932d. Ramage, A.S. 1004078. 1912. CeUAT 1912 Sv fp Ure On ASC it 1912, série 5, v. 2, p. 159. Printers’ ink. Stearate or oleate, chrome yellow, linseed oil. Uses atomized 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — United States, continued. 933. Bonser, J. E. 1008779. 1911. Ink remover. 934. Fuerth,W.C. 1013544. 1912 Sie be CVA ck be a Niece go ee OUI at Gee _Stencil ink. Acetated glycerin, rapeseed oil, dex- trin, zinc oxide, barium sulphate, and color. *935. Hopkins, M.S. 1021737-38. 1912. TS. 192 3) p. 444. Recovery of oily ink from cloths. 936. Goldberg, H.E. 1034103-04. 1912. TST SI aes boy Bae Are 191 2. v. 6, p. 2676. Electrically conducting writing ink. Deflocculated graphite and a volatile liquid. 937. Patten, W.D. 1035229. CrAZAGIIZ Ae OSD. oo00: Writing ink, using aluminate of soda and phos- phoric acid. 938. Schmitt, C. A. 1050236. C. A., 1913, v.7, p. 871. Stencil and stamping ink fixed on paper by ad- dition of water. 939. Harrington, A. W., and others. 1063791. 1913. Composition for stencil sheets. *940. Putnam, F. A. 1082099. C. A., 1914, v. 8, p. 830. Printers’ ink. Water-repellent base dissolved in carbolic acid mixed with color. 941. Price, T. M. 1088840. 1914. Proce ls 1Ol4iiviws5, Vo Acvs Cra emuule. VO) pr 200 81S 14 oy. 8 eat 515: Fat solid at 35° 1912. 1913. 1913. Finger-print ink. C., color, glycerin, and carbon. *942. Wolff, M. 1094288. 1914. TSG 1 Aol4 oy 35, De oo7. Printers’ ink, Partly carbonized fibrous vegetable material, alkaline silicate, oil, and color. *943. Schuetze, L., and R. FIscHer. 1096198. 1914. C. A., 1914, v. 8, p. 2228. Printers’ ink, using albumin. *944. Krapf, E.F. 1097981. eles LOLA ye So. es oo: Printers’ luminous ink. Colloidal material im- pregnated with radio-active substances. 1914. 945. Gibson, W. H. 1101795. 1914. Branding composition. *946. Hochstetter, R. 1119960. 1914. Tel 1 OLS a. 34, pe 92 CA 191 Sau. 9: p. 248. Printers’ ink and apparatus. Mixes pulp color with varnish in partial vacuum, at same time sub- jecting ink to a temperature adapted to vaporize the moisture, and drawing off vapor as it is formed. *946a. Walker, A. B., and F. P. WALKER. AVS15/57 101) Lithographic ink varnish based on aluminum soap. *947. Cline, M., and C. F. Ruopzs. 1138085. 1915. Ink remover for paper stock. 947a. Oppenheim, S.R. 1141482. Vegetable black from sea-weed. *948. Posse,G.E. 1142365. 1915. Ink for intaglio or photogravure. Casein, alkali salts, sulphonated oils with lake colors, carbon black, mineral dyestuffs, ethereal oils, and water, *948a. Lipsius,S. 1146182. 1915. _ Relief engraving ink. Glycerin or dextrine and an improved fusible shellac gum. 1915. 949. Nienstadt, A.E. 1155676. 1915. Color cartridge for ink wells. *949a. Gessler, A. E. 1157525. 1915. Disazo dyes for printers’ inks. *949b. Lipsius, S. 1158065. 1915. _ Relief engraving ink. Linseed oil (or rosin) and oily agent, with shellac. 950. Hochstetter, R. 1158131. J:S.C.1,, 1915) ssa eee Mimeograph ink. Pigment ground in oil, 950a. Beatty, W. A. 1158962. 1915. Gum adapted to the making of indelible and marking inks. 951. Mossman, J. 1159857. 1915. Transfer marking ink for embroidery fabrics or sheets. Color, linseed oil, beeswax, and turpentine. *952. Bullinger, C.J. 1162027. 1915. Ink for printing on cloth in easily removable char- acters. Gelatine, glue, water, zinc white, glycerin, thymol. *953. Turkin, N. W. 1164036. J.S.G.L, 1916, "5356p ero Manufacture of printing colors. Colloidal solution of color pigment, alizarin oil, varnish, animal fatty substance, and liquid solvent. *953a. Blangey, L. 1166808. 1916. Yellow printers’ and litho inks based on com- pounds containing poly-atomic group containing oxygen and less than 4 atoms when mixed with metal com- pound as substratum. *953b. Scholz, P.J. A. 1167939. 1916. Ink for making relief printing surfaces. 1915, 1915. 953c. Jorgenson, H. 1170273. 1916. Finger print ink. *953d. Ellis,C. 1179414. 1916. J.S.G.1., 1916, eager Thickening of printers’ ink oils by ultraviolet light. *953e. Ellis, C. 1180025. 1916. J.S.C.1L., 1916, vise tae: Thickened oil product for printers’ inks, using ultra- violet rays. *Q53f. Lilienfeld, L. 1188376. J.S.G,L, 1916, vo35) pases Alkyl ethers of cellulose for printers’ inks and thickeners. 953g. Waite, E.E. 1188588. 1916. Aluminium ink for marking brake linings. 954. Kaelble, K. 1194743. 1916. Transfer ink, Water, finely divided pigment, and a non-pigment binder, 1916, LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 45 Patents — United States, continued. 955. Pickering,O. W. 1195604. 1916. feo tel sio, 7, 35, p. 1026. Aluminous pigment. 956. Schrader, A. 1916. Acid and water-proof ink. Silesian soluble blue, oxalic acid, nigrosin, india ink, and water. 957. Hochstetter, R. 1198440. 1916. feos 1010, 7.-35, p. 1123. Black mimeograph ink. Carbon black, mineral oil, and a sulphonated oil. 958. Hochstetter, R. 1198441. eet elo. v.35, p. 1123. Colored mimeograph ink. Colored pigment or lake color in a mineral oil, and turkey-red oil. 959. Hochstetter,R. 1198442. 1916. Meet 1010, °¥.035,,p. 1123. Mimeograph ink, Dyestuff in alcohol, mineral oil, turkey-red oil. *960. Acheson, E.G. 1201994. Jee 1916, v. 35, p, 1226. Printers’ ink. Deflocculated or non-deflocculated pigment particles associated with a vehicle, with proc- ess. *961. Putnam, F. A. 1203779. esate 1916), °35, p. 1267. Printers’ ink. Gum in oil, metallic color, and non-metallic color. *962. Rogers, A. 1224668. 1917. Jeet t 1917; v. 36, p. 724. Printers’ ink. Asphalt base, petroleum residue, thinning oil, rosin, and pigment. 1195612. 1916. 1916. 1916. 963. Wright, I. J. 1226735. 1917. S.C.15 1917, v. 36, p. 708. Ink removing compound. 964. Hochstetter,R. 1226884. 1917. Wert 1917, v.36, p. 894. Mimeograph ink. Pigment, sulphonated oil, gly- cerin, and a gum varnish. 965. Sullivan, F.R. 1228259. 1917. Writing ink. Transparent gloss varnish, white chalk, turpentine, and sassafras oil. *966. Billings, W.T. 1233962. 1917. Medicated printers’ ink. Nutgalls, fir balsam, ex- tract of hemlock, beeswax, balsam pine, carbolated vaseline, printers’ varnish and oil. *967. Baumgardner, F.J. 1234264. 1917. Printers’ ink. Ground oyster shells, varnish, color. *968. Woolley, G.C. 1237136. 1917. Printers’ ink. Aluminium salt of a fatty acid, hydrocarbon oil, and pigment. 969. Ohashi, H. 1238188. 1920. Carbon paper and ink. *970. Werst, J.J. 1249575. 1917. fr 1 1918, v. 37, p. 86a. Process of separating impurities from waste fibrous materials. 970a. Mott, W.R. 1259121. 1918. ats) 1916, y. 3/7, p. 313a. Manufacture of lampblack. *970b. Franche,C. E. 1259505. 1918. Adapts printers’ ink to coloring electric light ulbs. bulb *975. Barton, L. E., 970c. Alexander, J. 1259708. JS Goleio1 ove seen. 263a) Process of producing matter in a finely divided state, using a ‘“‘colloid protector.”’ *971. Baumgardner, F.J. 1259713. 1918. “Non-skin” printers’ ink, Mineral oil, asphaltum, and pigment; compounded by the “cold process.” 971a. Lewis, G.C. 1263082. 1918. JC lOLsaves7e 0. 3834. Process for increasing miscibility of carbon black or of lampblack. *971b. Ogilvy, D.J. 1268142. elo LUT Sane S7 Nos 20a. Carbon pigments for printers’ inks. *971c. Morris, P., and J. O. Bryant. 1269487. 1918. Adapts ordinary writing ink to the making of a safety printers’ ink, *972. Rackle,C.H. 1272092. 1918. Smut-preventing composition for printers’ ink. Tal- low, varnish, starch, paraffin oil, oil of citronella. *973. Haas, W.N., and H.C. Younc. 127560151918) Reducer for printers’ ink. Petrolatum, magnesium carbonate, and sodium silicate. 1276861. *973a. Baumgardner, F. J. JeosC 1A1LOlO vaso n.22a; Printing colors, substituting finely ground oyster shells for aluminium hydrate. 974. Shinozaki, M. 1282302. ion lo lone sap, 224. _ Writing ink. Carbonaceous substance dissolved in caustic alkali, a dyestuff, lampblack, and soft soap. H. A. GARDNER. 1918; 1918. 1918. 1918. and 1283455. 1918. Jone lay 191957. 38, pb. 46a. Printers’ ink based on titanic acid. *975a. Barton, L.E., and H.A. Garpner. 1286916. 1918. eee Lael OL, Wash peelo hae Lake pigments based on titanic oxide. 976. Jeanmaire, L. 1289793. 1918. Indelible ink. Logwood, potassium* bichromate, alum, nut galls, gum arabic, sodium carbonate, nitrate of silver, water. 977. Schmidt, E. E. 1296858. 1919. Safety writing ink. Ferro-cyanide of iron, oxalic acid, epsom salts, turkey-red oil, water. 977a. Lane, G. 1300178. 1919. Ink for titles on moving picture films. Adds cot- tonseed oil and citronella oil to printing ink, 978. Kruse, H., and W. C. Kruse. 1309292. 1919. Mimeograph ink. Turkey-red oil, glycerin, lake on alumina hydrate base, and alumina hydrate. *979. Byrne, P.S. 1316531. 1919. To prevent smut of printers’ ink. 980. Luscher, L. W. 1320631. 1919. Indelible ink. methyl salicylate. 981. Akashi, K. 1325971. 1919. SiG be 920 av aoe tes Ona: Solid ink. Soluble dye, dextrin, gum tragacanth, thymol, lactic acid, water. Asphaltum, a solvent, anilin oil, 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — United States, continued. 981a. Ohashi, H. 1328188. 1920. Jia Cig 120 vi 59s p. 204a. Carbon paper and ink. Soluble anilin dye, calcium chloride, emulsifier, and emulsifiable substance. *981b. Leitner, E. 1329088. 1920. Ink for metal printing plates. Printers’ ink and tar oil. 982. Tsutsumi, M. 1334722. 1920. Solid ink. Extracts of logwood and galls, sodium salicylate, potassium ferrous tartrate, gum arabic, and a water soluble dye. *982a. Dixon, W.H.' 1341012. 1920. Match ignition printing composition. Copal varnish, alumina, peroxide of lead, amorphous phosphorus, turpentine. *983. McMurray, S.M. 1342638. 1920. Pigment for smear-proofing, 983a. Little, C.H. 1343978. 1920. Non-clogging drawing ink, for use on transparent paper or tracing cloth. Based on vanadium salt. 984. Goodworth, E. 1347454. 1920. Writing and engrossing ink. Soluble blue, mild alkali, and a dye assisting agent. 985. Carvalho, D.N. 1353720. 1920. Safety composition to be applied to writing. *986. Heidorf, C.J. 1358151. 1920. Binding composition for printing wall paper. 987. Cushman, A.S. 1361833. 1920. Ink remover, Dilute potassium permanganate. so- lution, oxalic acid, with addition of hydrogen peroxide. 988. Olsen, J.C. 1364406. 1921. Ink stick. 988a. Yoshizawa, T. 1365760. 1921. Non-corrosive ink. Adds borax and dextrin to ordinary ink. 988b. Marbury, R. E. 1373012. 1921. Electrically resisting ink using titanium carbide. *988c. Horwitz, A. 1373886. 1921. JSG leie2) we 40; poss. Neutralized sulphonated resin for printers’ ink. *988d. Randel, F.L. 1374607. 1921. JS. Ged 921 ved 397 a Sulphated oils for printing and typewriter inks. 989. Kruse, H., and W. C. Kruse. 1381648. 1921. Stencil ink. Alumina black base, glycerin, and turkey-red oil. *990. Barmier, H. A. 1383512. 1921. Printers’ ink. Gilsonite, fuel oil, and color. *990a. Feran,R.L. 1388418. 1921. _ Prevents “offset” of printers’ ink by rapid drying with ozone. 991. Kruse, H. 1393142. 1921. Transfer ink, using stearin pitch. *99la. Marr, R.A. 1396227. 1921. ell O22 or Alin el Oa. De-inking process. 992. Porter, J.J. 1402442. 1922. Sympathetic ink. *993. Dales, B. 1404345. 1922. Printers’ ink. Algin and glycerin. *994, Evans, W. W., and B. Dates. 1404355. 1922. Printers’ ink, Glycerin, syrup, water solution of glue, and a pigment. *995. Ghegan,H.G. 1406183. 1922. Cleaning solvent for printers’ ink. Kerosene and alcohol. *996. Fitzgerald, F. C. Lange, 'v.°3; p. 205: Additive for lithographic ink. Glycerol, calcium chloride, potassium phosphate, carbolic acid, and liquid gum. *997. Holmes, H.N., and D.H. Cameron. 1410012) +1922) J.S.C.L, 1922) 7341p 335e, Printers’ or lithographic ink. Process for emulsion of the “‘water-in-oil’’ type. *998. Ishida, K. 1410572. 1922. \ Prigters’ ink. Color, mineral oil, resin, soluble silicate, water insoluble soap, catechu, gum arabic, and formaldehyde. *999. Schmidt, E.E. 1420289. 1922. Marking, printing, and safety ink. Nigrosine, mir- bane, carbolic acid, turkey-red oil. *999a. Fireman, P. 1420985. J.5.C.1, 1922) yo41\pn639a- _ Preparation of ferric oxide for dark brown printers’ pigments, *1000. Buck, H. A. 1421125. J.S.C.1., 19220734 poo Non-inflammable printers’ ink. Binder of shellac, borax, and water. *1001. Eyrich,H.R., and J. A. Scurerper. 1421195. 1922. JS.C.1., 1922 seat pees De-inking process. 1406837. 1922. 1922. 1922, 1002. Schiffmann, J. 1421728. 1922. J.S:C.1, 1922) y.-44 vr Gates Indestructible black stamp dye. 1003. Garvey, E.S. 1422957. 1922, Waterproof ink for metals. shellac. 1004. Morse, C. F. 1423246. J.5.C.L, 1922555 4 eee Invisible ink. Basic ferric sulphate and _phos- phoric acid. Anilin dye, alcohol, 1922. *1004a. Jesperson, T. 1424411. 1922. J.5.C.L, 1922 3°41) payne De-inking process. 1005. Glass, C. F. 1429338. 1922. Finger-print ink. Asphaltum, flour, tale powder, and silicon. *1005a. Holmes, H. N., and D. H. Cameron. 1429430. 1922. “Water-in-oil” emulsion for printing and litho- graphic inks. *1005b. Buckman, H. H. 1429841. J.S.C.1,, 1922; yealy oe Sasa _ _Preparation of titanium compounds for printers’ inks, *1005c. Acheson, G.W. 1431079, 1922. J.S.C.1.,, 1922; v 41 Soe: Process of preparing pigment-oil-water emulsions. 1922, LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 47 Patents — United States, continued. *1006. Brenizer,G. W., and C.C. Hutson. 1436856. 1922. Printers’ ink. Yellow dextrin, sodium bicarbonate, pigment, and water. fo eice A, G,, and E. W. Hr, 1439356. 1922. Stencil ink. Color, sulphonated oil, rosin oil, soap, alumina phosphate. 1008. Shinozaki, M. Copying ink. and funori. - *1009. Farkas, L.L. 1439623. 1922. Anti-smearing composition. Precipitated chalk, zinc oxide, barium sulphate, and rapeseed oil. 1010. Balser, J. W. 1439658. 1922. Writing ink. Carbolic acid, denatured alcohol, water, sugar, and dye. *1011. Doughty, H.W. 1439695-96. Proieei eo, ¥. 42, p. 1032a. Metallic ink for book-binders, Metallic pigment, benzyl alcohol, benzoin, canada balsam, benzyl acetate. 1012. Cross, R. 1441664. 1923. Indelible ink. Water, prussian blue, oxalic acid, methylene blue, and ammonium molybdate. *1013. Schwenterley, A. 1447734. 1923. Rotogravure ink. Petroleum product and carbon tetrachloride. 1014. Snelling, W.O. 1449067. F.C. 1923,-v. 42, p. 464a. Process of making pigments of Bo ee eee size. p-aminophenol chloride, anilin chloride, 1439489. 1922. Hydrochloric acid, methyl violet, 1922. 1923, aminophenol, ammonium tannate (and gallo Entel, anilin black. 1015. Hilton, R.W. 1449943. J.S.C.1., 1923, v. 42, p. 464a. Duplicating machine fie Color, alkaline salt of a 2 i ebeta oil, tri-methylene glycol, aluminum hy- roxide, *1016. McElroy, W. J., 1450692. 1923. Metallic printers’ ink. 1: Coumaron resin, ter- pineol, rosin oil, and metallic pigment. 2: Non- acid synthetic resin, non-acid solvent, and metallic pig- ment. 1017. Kruse, H., and W.C. Kruse. 1464944. 1923. Stencil ink. Turkey-red oil and ground carbon. 1923. and J. CLARKE. *1018. Herbein, G. W. Printers’ ink. Fusel oil, rosin, copper nitrate, calcium chloride, sodium hydrate, sodium silicate, lineolate of lead, pigment, drier, and water. *1019. McElroy, W. J., 1471746. 1923. Printers’ ink. Neutral vehicle for pigments. 1020. Dement, R.R. 1471884. 1923. Ink for drawing designs. Carbonate, pigment, and gum acacia. 1469414. 1923. and J. CLARKE. 1021. Goldsmith, B.B. 1472063-65. 1923. Ink cartridge. 1022. Goldsmith, B. B. 1472067. 1923. Ink cartridge. 1023. Goldsmith, B. B. 1473700. 1923. Ink cartridge. 1024. Coppon, T. W. 1475932. 1923. Ink remover. Alkali hypochlorite, decolorizing of resulting product, and treating with alkali phosphate. *1024a. Mock, W. W. 1479047. 1924. Gritless printers’ ink. Carbon and lubricating oil under centrifugal action. 1025. Cooney, F.B. 1479533. 1924. Ink paste. Gallic acid, ferrous sulphate, hydro- chloric acid, carbolic acid, "glycerin, indigotin. 1026. Marston, T., and W. S. LAWRENCE. 1487873. 1924. _ Transfer indelible ink, using stearic acid and an indulin base. 1026a. Jackson, F. E. 1488881. 1924. Composition for removing india ink from drawing and tracing paper. *1027. McElroy, W. J. Printers’ metallic ink. 1027a. Hale, A.B. 1492454. 1924. Ink for marking fruit, using paraffin base. 1028. Bock, A.C.O. 1497971-72. 1924. Finger-print ink. White resin, and color, fixed by heat. 1028a. Reitze, E., and E. TruyJIuo. 1506082. 1924. Finger-print ink for documents, alcohol, and powdered color. *1028b. Imhof, J. 1507358. 1924. Printers’ ink with colors that are developed after printing. 1489356-57. 1924. Glycerin, gelatin, GREAT BRITAIN The Library has complete specifications and classified abridgments. 1029. Holman, C. 258. 1688. “A certain powder, which being put into faire water, beer, ale, or wine, doth immediately turn into very good black writing ink.” 1755; *1030. Bahre, J. 702. Printers’ ink for textiles and paper in gold, silver, and brocade colors. Several recipes. 1031. Cummings, G. 809. 1764. Repertory, 1797, v. 7, p. 231. Delible writing surface. White lead, plaster of paris, lime, water, size, linseed oil varnish, with colors if desired. 1032. Dring, J. 906. 1768. Solid ink. Sweet oil, vinegar, galls, copperas, gum arabic, alum. *1033. Rowley, J. Playing card ink. of water, 1034. Watt, J. 1244. 1780. Reber 1794, v. 1, p. 13. wi gn ink, Water, galls, green copperas or green vitriol, gum arabic, and roach alum. LON 2aei 772: Linseed oil and alum instead Ag THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. *1035. Koops, M. 2392. 1800. Repertory, 1801, v. 14, p. 225. De-inking process. *1036. Senefelder, J. A. 2518. 1801. Process of lithography with recipes for inks. 1037. Foelsch, F. B., and W. Howarp. 3214. 1809. Repertory, 1809, series 2, v. 15, p. 206. Ink for copying paper. Frankfort black and butter ground smooth. *1038. Martin, T., and C. GRAFTON. 4601. 1821. Repertory, 1823, series 2, v. 43, p. 257; Lond. jour, 1822, v. 4; p.-73. _ Spirit-black as a substitute for lampblack in printers’ ink. 1039. Smith, J., and W. Dotter. 6182. 1831. Repertory, 1832, series 3, v. 13, p. 332; Lond. jour., conjoined series, 1832, v. 1, p. 419, Copying ink. Gum arabic, lampblack, and water. *1040. Leggett, H.H. 6515. 1833. Lond. jour., 1841, conjoined series, v. 17, pros: Printers’ colored ink. copper with colors. 1041. Dunkin, T. 6831. 1835. Lond. jour., conjoined series, 1836, v. 7, p. 218. ; Copying ink, Adds sugar candy and deliquescent salt to ordinary writing ink. For black lines, sulphate of iron, gall nuts, sugar candy, and lampblack. *1042. Bird, J. 6906. 1835. Repertory, 1836, new series, v. 5, p. 363. Mineral earth as a pigment for printers’ ink. 1043. Aldrich,H.N. 7341. 1837. Rendering certain colors adaptable to writing. 1044. Stephens, H., and E. Nasu. 7342.0 1837. Repertory, 1839, new series, v. 11, p. 50, 58; Lond. jour., 1839, conjoined series, v. 13p2-2076 Improvements in the manufacture of coloring ma- terials, 1045. Whitfield, R. 7474. 1837. Repertory, 1838, new series, v. 10, p. 41; Lond. jour., 1838, conjoined series, v. 12, p. 146. Indelible ink. 1046. Normandy, A.R. 8175. 1839. Repertory, 1839, new series, v. 12, p. 237; Lond. jour., 1840, conjoined series, v. 16, p. 138. Process for superseding nut-galls; for treating campeachy wood; for chinese blue; for production of solid, semi-solid, and soluble ink. *1047. Poole, M. 8633. 1840. Mec. mag., 1841, v. 34, p. 251. Printers’. ink for use on instruction sheets for writing pupils. Logwood and acetate of 1048. Scott, H. 8770. 1840. Repertory, 1841, new series, v. 16, p. 109; Lond. jour., 1843, conjoined series, v. 21, p. 26; Mec. mag., 1841, v. 35, p. 60. eee ink based on nitrate of iron and gas ack. 1049. Roberts, M. J. 9667. 1843. Improvements in the composition of ink. No speci- fication. 1050. Mackenzie, G. T. 10329. 1844. ee jour., 1846, conjoined series, v. 27, D220, _ Fluid to be used with copy paper, Permuriate of - iron or other per salts. Also two recipes for black indelible ink. 1051. Reade, J.B. 11474. 1846. Several recipes for writing inks. *1052. Pratt,G.W. 12226. 1848. Repertory, 1849, enlarged series, v. 13, p. 185; Lond. jour., 1849, conjoined series, v. 34, p. 34; Mec. mag., 1849, v. 50, p. 116. : Figo oil as a substitute for linseed oil in printers’ inks, *1053. Fontaine Moreau, P. A. de. 12342. 1848. Printers’ ink from refuse of vegetable wax and tallow. *1054. Radley, W.,and F. MEyYer. 13081. 1850. Treatment of fatty, oleaginous, resinous, and cerous bodies to be used in printing inks. *1055. Goodell, F. 483. 1853. Residue in distillation of resin oil as pigment for printers’ ink. *1056. Gwynne, J. 1900. 1853. Process of powdering coal for use in printers’ ink. *1057. Newton, A. V. 1920. 1853. Residue from distillation of resin oil for use in printers’ ink, *1058. Maumené, E.J. 2343. 1853. ; ae pigment from lignite for use in printers’ ink. : 1059. Whitehouse, E.O. W. 2885. Telegraphic ink. *1060. De Beauregard, F.A.T. 945. 1854. Printing, writing, and stamping inks, Potassium iodide, iodine, water, red chromate of potash, potas- sium cyanid, gum arabic. 1853. *1061. Archer,C.M. 1575. 1854. De-inking process. *1062. Livesey, J. 32. 1855. Printers’ ink. Litho varnish, resin, and printers’ ink. 1063. Bellford, A.E.L. 320. 1855. Boils pieces of old leather with a caustic and treats with silica jelly. 1064. Murdoch, J. 531. 1855. Ink for reducing or enlarging designs. and molasses. 1065. Dépierre, P. 970. 1855. Writing ink using decoction of alder flowers. 1066. Wood, B. 1676. 1855. _Non-corrosive ink. Carbonate of soda, water, citric acid, cochineal, alum. Lampblack LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 49 Patents — Great Britain, continued. *1067. De la Rue, T. 1918. 1855. Printers’ ink based on borate of manganese. 1068. Swan, C., and G. F. Swan. 342. Writing and copying ink. .Logwood, potassium bichromate, mercury perchloride, potassium sub- carbonate, ammonia. 1856. *1069. Grant, F.D. 400. 1856. Odoriferous printers’ ink, 1070. Tolhausen, A. 717. 1856. Ink pencils. 1071. Bufton, E. 738. 1856. Writing ink using salts of platinum and silver. *1072. Morton, A. 842. 1856. Inks for wall papers. *1073. Newton, W.E. 1130. 1856. Thickening substances for inks to be used on fabrics and wall papers. *1074. Underwood, J., and V. Burt. 2206. 1856. Wage ahr iso/, Jaure. 3, p. 388; Poly. Cent., 1858, Jahrg. 24, p. 426. Copying printers’ ink. Nutgalls, iron sulphate, gum senegal, treacle, soap, lampblack, prussian blue, water. #1075. Ernst, G., and W. Lorperc. 2507, 1856. Ink for preparing etched printing surfaces. *1076. Bardot,H.N.D. 2845. 1856. Thickening agent for printers’ ink. 1077. Underwood, J. 1112. 1857. Copying ink. Logwood extract treated with potas- sium chromate. *1078. Fleet, C. Unalterable printers’ P3182) 1857. ink based on green oxide of chromium. 1079. Henry, Michael. 1132. 1858. Wag. Jahr., 1859, Jahrg. 5, p. 540; Lond. jour., 1859, new series, v. 9, p. 94. Writing and copying inks using glycerin. 71080, stuart; J: 1187. 1858. Printers’ ink pigment from asphalt residue. 1081. Winstone, B. 1996. 1858. Copying and writing inks. Glycerin. 1082. Gresham, J. H. 2103. 1858. Copying ink. Malt liquor, logwood, sugar, gall, iron sulphate, gum, cloves, and water. 1083. Dunn, A. 2316. 1858. Solid marking ink. Powdered silver nitrate and black lead. *1084. Viette,P. A. 130. 1859. Engraving and lithographic ink, stearine, tallow. 1085. Moss, T. 348. Safety ink for special paper. Clay and drying oils. 1086. Ballande,J.A.H. 861. 1859. Writing ink. Oxides or metallic salts introduced into paper. Ink produces grey characters turning green. Gum water, prussiate of soda or of potash, hyposulphite of soda, etc. *1087. Hadfield, G. 1282. 1859. Heating apparatus for thickening printers’ inks. Gutta percha, 1859. 1088. Barclay, R. 1390. 1859. Safety inks for banknotes, checks, etc. and sulpho-cyanids. 1089. Scoffern, J. 1744. 1859. Writing ink using “copperized ammonia.” “1090. Barre, |, bate i: Rovands). BAM. E. Barre. 2024. 1859. Lithographic transfer ink, Printers’ printers’ ink, copal oil, varnish. *1091. Collins, H.G. 2081. 1859. Lithographic transfer ink, Tallow, gum mastic, shellac, and printers’ ink. *1092. Palmer, J.R. 2399. 1859. Printers’ ink based on “black chromium.” 1093. Gilbee, W. A. 2963. 1859. _Uses bark of rhamus catharticus as a substitute for chinese green in textile printing. 1094. Ballande, J. Pie tA aOR. ae OU, Colorless copying ink for prepared paper. Sodium hyposulphite and alum; or, sodium hyposulphite and a suitable alkali dissolved in water with thickener. *1095. Thierry, ].H. 1445. 1860. For printers’ ink uses residue from the distillation of schist. *1096. Lambert, B. 1633. 1860. Recovery of color from printers’ ink. 1097. Stevens, C. 2972. 1861. Indelible anti-corrosive ink with anilin base. *1098. Brooman, R.A. 3107. 1861. _ Printers’ or lithographic ink. Fatty essence, print- ing varnish, copal varnish, *1099. Brooman, R. A. 640. 1862. Lithographic ink. Uses transfer ink in which lith- Prussiates mordant, soap, wax, ographic chalk has been ground, with addition of phosphoric acid. 1100. Clark, W. 675. 1862. Colored writing inks. Anilin, water, alcohol, sugar or gum. *1101. Brooman, R.A. 767. 1862. Printers’ ink for glass, ceramic wares, and metallic surfaces. Borate, silicate, or phosphate capable of forming a paste with fatty acids or acid resins. 1102. Roberts, R. P. 1213. 1862. Copying ink. Water, logwood, gum arabic, molasses, sugar candy, aleppo galls, bichloride of mercury, albemedchus, alcohol, and precipitate black. 1103. De la Rue, T. 2235. 1862. Indelible writing ink. Gum tragacanth, glycerin, lampblack, salop, acetic acid, water, vinegar, glutin or isinglass. Another recipe uses black product of anilin. *1104. Prince, A. 2654. 1862. Printers’ ink. Petroleum substitute for linseed oil. *1105. Brooman, R.A. 2771. 1862. Printers’ transfer ink for dressing millstones. 1106. Croc, L. 3074. 1862. Telegraphic ink. Anilin colors dissolved in bodies of the alcohol series, with addition of resins and waxes, #1107. Brooman, R.A. 488. 1863. Transfer etching ink. Hydrofluoric acid. *1108. Rafter, H. 986. 1863. Transfer ink for making electrotypes. 1109. Friedrich,G. W. E. 1418. 1863. Acid-proof, color-changing, safety ink. Water, log- wood, potassium bichromate, potassium ferrocyanid. 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. *1110. McLean, J. 1564. 1863. Printers’ ink. Residue from distillation of shale oil. iTl. Goold, J. 71819. "1863. Writing ink. Subjects a gallate or tannate of an alkali to action of metallic iron. *1112. Hughes, E. T. 3204. Printers’ safety ink. oxide, linseed oil, color. *1113. Zacherl, J. 226. 1864. Ink for printing on paper previously saturated with insect-destroying solution. *1114. Gedge, W.E. 571. 1864. Printers’ ink for tin or tinned sheets. Mineral colors (especially lead compounds) and flux ground with lithargized drying oil and varnish. *1115. Day, B. 664. 1864. Ink for preparing a printing surface on chalk. Glue, sugar, lampblack or colors. *1116. Green, W. 1354. 1864. Process for making black pigments. 1117. Moeller, J. 1828. 1864. Red ink. Madder, cochineal (or other red), alco- hol, ether, salt, gum, alum. 1118. Baildon, H.C. 2223. 1864. Safety ink. Sulphuric acid, indigo, anilin, 1119. Newton, W.E. 2506. 1864. Writing ink. Aleppo galls, water, green sulphate of iron, gum arabic, cloves. 1120. Moeller, J. 2511. 1864. Red writing and marking ink. Alizarin, potassium cyanid, etc. *1121. Rowley, J. 2854. 1864. Printers’ ink. Cotton oil, resin oil, lampblack. *1122. Hancock, C., and S. W. SILver. 3093. 1864. Printers’ ink for unsized paper or partially sized textiles. Milk of balata or milk of caoutchouc. Also used as wall-paper ink. *1123. Hulot, A. A. 330. 1865. Printers’ ink. Non-fatty varnish from honey and glycerin, ; *1124. Brooman, R.A. 807. 1865. Engraving and intaglio ink. Several recipes using gum arabic, india ink, acid, honey, garlic, water, starch, albumen, and red chalk. 1125. Newton, W.E. 836. 1865. Process fog filtering and introducing air. *1126. Scarratt, W., and W. DEAN. LTS. 1865; For printing transfers or other surfaces in imi- tation of graining. Ochre, boiled oil, umber, beeswax, sugar of lead. 1127. Bonneville, H. A. 1846. 1865. Copying ink. Nutgalls, gum arabic, iron sulphate, copper sulphate, sugar, alder wood. LIZB, tallign it. 226/20) 1860; Use of silicates in non-corrosive writing and copy- ing inks. *1129. Brooman, R.A. 2388. 1865. Specification identical with no. 807 of 1865. 1130. Taylor, J. 2471. 1865. Macerating pan. 1863. Peroxide of tin, chromium *1131. Holmes, S. 367. 1866. ; Printers’ ink. Bone oil pitch, naphtha, lampblack. 1132. Johnson, J) Hv 1521eeeee. Secret telegraphic ink. *1133. Holmes, S. 1737. Printers’ ink using bone pitch. *1134. Woodbury, W.B. 1918. 1866. Printers’ plastic ink for the Woodburytype. Trans- parent mixing oil color, mastic soap, and beeswax; or, water color, starch, etc. *1135. Petitdidier, F. 2719. 1866. Improved method for printing in relief. Resin (as copal), solvent, drier, and color. *1136. Swan, J.W. 3303. Printers’ and lithographic ink. 1866. 1866. Prints are fixed ‘by gelatinous ink containing chrome alum or soluble chromates or bichromates. *1137. Morvan, A.G. 71. 1867. Transfer ink for photographic transfers. Asphalt, wax, and pitch dissolved in essence of lavender. 1138. Cooley, A.J. 106. 1867. Ink powders from dried tinctorial extracts. 1139. Brooman, C.E. 181. 1867. Telegraphic ink, Bitumen, wax, resin, and suet. *1140. Jameson, J. 2715. 1867. Safety inks for banknotes, checks, etc. Several im- pressions each with a different kind of ink. 1141. McDermott, C. 977. 1868. Marking ink pencil. 1142. Jameson, J. 1023. 1868. _ Safety ink for banknotes, checks, etc., in connec- tion with safety paper, using various recipes. 1143. Cooke, J. F. 2163. 1868. Copying writing ink for use on dry paper. Sub- stitutes for 20% to 50% of water in ordinary writing ink, an equal quantity of glycerin, or sugar, treacle, or calcium chloride. *1144. Hodge, P. R., and W. Hopce. 2578. 1868. Improvements in manufacture of brown or black pigments for printers and lithographic inks. 1145: Cooke, J.F. 47. 1869. : Copying writing ink. Similar to his no. 2163 of 868. *1146. Binks, H.B. 439. 1869. Printers’ ink. Indigo, hair, glycerin, and starch. *1147. Nissen, H.N. 294. 1869. Printers’ ink for banknotes, etc. Soluble surface color ground with glycerin, starch, flake white, or a syrup. *1148. Abel, C.D. 1227. 1869. Transfer ink. Colors for upper tints ground with linseed oil; the ground tints with spirits. *1149. Kircher, J., and E. EBner. 2890. 1869. Wag. Jahr., 1870; Jahre. 16, p, G7ar oro) Jahrg. 21, p. 1042; Ber., 1870, Jahrg. 3, p. 807. Printers’ ink capable of being removed from paper. Iron, acid, alkali, tannic and gallic acids, linseed oil, varnish. *1150. May, W.C. 2946. 1869. Non-oleaginous printing inks. *1151. Kloen, W. 2993. 1869. Ink for water color and transfer printing. Pig- ment, glycerin, and gum arabic. Ee LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 51 Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1152. Millar, A. 475. 1870. Marking ink, Glycerin and silver nitrate. *1153. Lawrence, B. 1419. 1870. Printers’ ink, Glycerin, saccharine matter, gum, and color. 1154. Pinkney, R. 1863. 1870. Writing and marking ink. Chloride of anilin, nickel chloride, potassium chlorate, sodium chlorate, water, thickener, *1155. Webb, W.G. 2291. 1870. Ink for printing on glass. *1156. Banks, J.H. 2304. 1870. Transfer printers’ ink. Shellac, black pitch, asphalt, copal, mastic, castile soap, linseed oil, and litho ink. ria; Guyatt, W.T:. 2375. 1870. Safety printers’ and writing ink for labels, tickets, etc. Mixture of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid (or both) and water, ammonia, and colors. *1158. Lake, W.R. 2762. 1870. ; pretation of petroleum products for printers’ inks. *1159. Lake, W.R. 689. 1871. Printers’ inks giving press copy similar to ordinary copying ink. Various recipes. *1160. Lambert, J.N. 1124. 1871. Lithographic ink. Gelatinous matter dissolved in bichromate of potassium, coloring matter, and soap. 1161. Whitehouse, E.O.W. 1998. 1871. Telegraphic ink. Water, glycerin, anilin dye. 1161a. Nissen, H.N. 2449. 1871. Ber., 1872, Jahrg. 5, p. 441; Ding., 1872, mao, p. 176. _Safety writing ink. To ordinary writing ink con- taining iron adds ferro-rubigo and potassium ferro- cyanid. *1162. Pinkney, R. 2745. 1871. Printing, marking, and writing inks with anilin base. *1163. De Lara, G., and Viscount M. De Satomos. 2107. 1872. Printers’ ink for blotting paper. oils, turpentine, etc., than usual. 1164. Hodges, J.F. 1965. Safety inks for bank notes. thickened. Contains more 1872. Ordinary writing ink 1165. Siecinoski,C. L. 3451. 1872. Ink for tracing paper. Chromate and india ink. 1166. Gutensohn, A. 258. 1873. Treats tinplate with acid and precipitates a blue- black deposit which may serve for making ink, 1167. Halfpenny, G. W. 262. 1873. Ink for incombustible paper. Graphite, copal, iron sulphate, nutgall, indigo. *1168. Abney, Sir W.de W. 615. 1873. Waterproof ink for transferring designs or writing to lithographic plates. Gelatinous substance and a bichromate to render ink sensitive to light. *1169. Capreel,G.G. 760. 1873. Substitute for gold or bronze dust in lithographic printing, stamping, etc. Uses “altum-cummu,” an arsenic compound found in Turkey. 1170. Lake, W.R. 1982. 1873. Process of injecting air into ink. TiPiev Littles G ey eloon loro: Telegraphic ink. Anilin blue and glycerin. 1172. Mackay, G. 3129. 1873. Extraction of oils, resins, and coloring matters from fabrics and fibers. 1173. Newton, A. V. 3176. Solid indelible ink, chromic acid. *1174. Kingdon, T.R. 3598. 1873. Grinding machinery for printers’ ink, *1175. Hyatt, T. 3684. 1873. Fireproof printers’ ink using asbestos. 1176. Newton, A.V. 3814. 1873. Solid ink. Adds sugar, gum, and an oxalate to any well-known mixture of ink powder and water. Li77, Clark}, Land. B..O. W...wW arre- HOUSE. 4082. 1873. Ink for registering fares in public vehicles. erin, water, and magenta dye. *1178. Thomas, E.G. P. 4196. 1873. Printers’ ink. Heavy oils and liquid pitches. 1873. Anilin color, logwood, and Glyc- 1179. Clark, A.M. 208. 1874. Manufacture of Jampblack. 1180. Brown, J. 731. 1874. Photographic transfer ink. Fatty substances, me- tallic oxides, and fusible fluxes. 1181. Zuccato, E.de. 1078. 1874. Copying ink. Potassium ferrocyanid and iron persulphate. 1182. Tongue, J.G. 1839. 1874. Indelible ink. Lampblack, silicate of potassium, ammonia, and water. *1183. Clark, A.M. 1995. 1874. “Asteatine” ink for printing, lithography, and plate printing. Color, alcohol, glycerin, and acids. 1184. Casthelaz, J. 2009. 1874. Preparation of anilin products. *1185. Clark, A.M. 2389. 1874. Colored lithographic ink for textile printing. 1186. Newton, W.E. 2939. 1874. Tannin from waste materials. 1187. Zuccato, E.de. 3150. 1874. Stencil ink. Anilin color dissolved in glycerin. *1188. Zingler, M. 3757. 1874. Preparation of anilin for textile printing. 1189. Clark, A.M. 3935. 1874. Telegraphic insulating ink. Sodium ey tay or a mixture of potassium bichromate and a gum, resin, or gelatinous substance. *1190. Jensen, P. 26. 1875. Transfer ink for metal printing plates. and copal varnish. *1191. Whitburn, T. 605. 1875. Printers’ ink for wood. “Burnt oil,” varnish, color, turpentine. L192.) Wirth, Py 1236. 21875. Wag. Jahr., 1876, Jahrg. 22, p. 1064. Recipe for copying ink pencil. Pencil point shav- ings in water used for ink. *1193. Edwards, E. 1362. Sympathetic printers’ ink. water. Lampblack resinous 1875. Cobalt chloride and 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1194. Clark, A.M. 1620. 1875. Production of anilin black. 1195. Holyoake, W.R. 1941. 1875. Transfer ink for vitreous and glazed surfaces. *1196.. Thacker, BH. 2642. 1875, Ink for metal printing plates. Addition of gold size, turpentine, and gum dammar to ordinary litho- graphic or printers’ ink. *1197. Haddan, H.J. 3453. 1875. Sympathetic ink for textile printing. 1198. Wilkinson, H. M. 4484. 1875. Wag. Jahr.11876, Jahre. 225 p..1065. els ink. Logwood, water, tungstic acid, acetic acid, 1199. Byford, A.T. 974. 1876. Black copying ink. Indigo sulphate, logwood, water, alum, nutgalls, iron sulphate. Also recipe for blue or violet ink. 1200. Zuiccato, E.de. 1115. 1876. Stencil ink. Alkaline solution colored with neutral substance. Alkali destroys varnish on paper, and produces porous stencil sheet. *1201. Heuer, F.W. 1662. 1876. Printers’ ink for glass. Pigment, copaiba balsam, turpentine, and oil. *1202. Zingler, M. 2621. 1876. Gold, bronze, and silver inks for printing. Albumen and color. 1203. Pinkney, R., and F. D. Warp. 4470. 1876. Safety ink for banknotes. . with anilin or vegetable colors. 1204. Berly, J. A. 4820. 1876. Portable ink. Absorbent matter carrying dry ink is steeped in water. *1205. Tongue, J.G. 169. 1877. Printers’ ink. Powdered coal treated at high temperature with oxidyzing chemicals, and treatment with alkali. 1206. Pumphrey, J. 895. Copying ink. glycerin. *1207. Williams, M. 950. 1877. Heating chamber for oils, gums, etc., used in the preparation of printing inks. 1207a. Haddan, H. J. 2493. 1877. Bers 1678, Jahre. li Veil ro 1a ize Wag. Jabr., 1878, Jahrg. 24, p. 1143. Ink pencil. *1208. Howard, T. Printers’ ink. seed oil. *1209. Guest, E., and T. Guest. 3432. 1877. Printers’ transfer ink, Beeswax, pitch, japan wax, varnish, turpentine, and a black pigment. Ferro or ferri-cyanids 1877. Anilin crystals, acetic acid, and 3402. 1877. Powdered peat, charcoal, and lin- 1210. Zuccato, E.de. 3647. 1877. Stencil ink, 1211. Jacobsohn, N. 3648. 1877. Writing ink. arabic, 1212. Lake, W.R. 1586. 1878. Copying ink powder. Color, sugar, gum arabic, and syrup. Anilin, glycerin, sugar, and gum 1878. Concentrated solutions of 1213. Wirth, F. 1918. Ink for tracing paper. anilin pigments. 1214. Richmond, H., and W.S. RicomMonp. 2636. 1878. Indelible ink for writing and cancelling. Eosin, anilin colors, cupric chloride, ammonium chloride, sodium chlorate, glycerin, lampblack, water, and oil. *1215. Wilson, J.G. 4606. 1878. Reproducing ink. Color dissolved in alcohol and water. *1216. Pixis, T. 5036. 1878. Printers’ transfer ink. Printers’ ink mixed with japanese gold size. 1217. Winterhoff, F. 5098. Transfer ink, venice turpentine, enamelling flux. 1218. Hickisson, J. 5122. 1878. Marking ink, based on vanadium salts. *1219. Haddan,H.J. 141. 1879. Printers’ ink. Metallic powder mixed with a sili- cate. 1220. Wirth, F. 239. 1879. Copying ink for leather, paper, fabrics, etc., with apparatus. 1221. Clark, Ai Mo) “S26. ters: Beads of color pressed into cavity of pen. Coal tar agglutinated with gum, glucose, honey, etc., by means of hot water. 1222. Kissam, A. 861. 1879. Transfer ink. Concentrated anilin, spirit, gum arabic, and water. 1223. Lake, W.R. 1104. 1879. ~ J Fe for hand stamps. Adds purified oil to greasy inks, 1224. Rosefeld, P.G. 2256. 1879. Transfer ink for gelatinous copying composition. Color, water, alcohol, sodium bisulphite, ether, vinegar, gum or sugar. 1225. Alisoff, M. 235. 1879. Transfer ink. Anilin and alcohol. ink using anilin and glycerin. *1226. Gray, T. Hi. 25lse sie Printers’ ink. Drying oil in current of heated air brought to proper consistency to use as a base. *1227. Jefferies, J. E. 3391. 1879. = Printers’ ink; transfer ink; writing ink; with anilin ase. 1228. Taylor, J. 3499. 1879. Indelible ink. Cupric chloride, anilin chloride, water, gum arabic, glycerin, potassium chlorate. 1229. L’Heureux, A.D. 3678. 1879. Transfer ink. Sugar, common ink, black lead, and alum. 1230. Boult, A.J. 3685. Transfer ink for glass. asphaltum, and lampblack. 1231. Jensen, P. 4187. 1879. Copying ink. Anilin, soluble metallic salts, neutral coloring medium, and powdered carbon. 1232. Nesbit, A.A. 4204. 1879. Safety ink. Clay, anilin dye, and volatile liquid added to ordinary printers’ ink. 1233. Pumphrey, J. 4409. 1879. Transfer ink. Anilin and water. 1878. Colors, linseed oil, nut oil, resin white wax, suet, and powdered methylated Also printers’ 1879. Tallow, beeswax, resin, LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 53 Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1234. Gestetner, D. 4524. 1879. Transfer ink for documents, also for printing. Anilin base. *1235. Kesseler, C. 4685. 1879. Printers’ black ink. Pitch or asphalt, fatty acid, anilin violet, and cart grease. 1236. Imray, J. 4788. 1879. Transfer ink for gelatin surface. Aqueous so- lution of metallic salt or a tanning substance to which color is added, 1237. Haddan,H.J. 4997. 1879. Canceling ink for special paper. Potassium bi- chromate, copperas, oxalic acid, red prussiate of potash, logwood, and color. peas. Wirth, FP. 5232. 1879. Printers’ ink. Coal tar, sulphuric acid, calcined soda, fat, and glycerin. *1239. Shaw, J.B. 690. 1880. _Printers’ ink for tiles. Colors ground in varnish with addition of copaiva balsam. *1240. Pfleiderer, P. 827. 1880. Printers’ ink. Colors, copaiva balsam, turpentine, resin oil, and driers. *1241. Klein, A.L. 1028. 1880. Printers’ ink. Raw linseed oil and driers boiled to consistency. ? 1242. Binks, H.B. 1358. 1880. Copying or transfer ink consisting principally of aluminous solution. *1243. Alexander, E. P. 1615. 1880. Printers’ ink. Mineral hydrocarbons, caustic pot- ash. Residue used as a pigment. 1244. Emery, J.J. 1759. 1880. Ink for articles to be enamelled. Color, camphor, and dissolved wax. 1245. Johnson, J.H. 1771. 1880. Marking ink. Orthonitrophenylpropiolic acid, gum water, sodium carbonate, and milk sugar. Heat brings out color on marked article. 1246. Sachs, J.J. 1838. 1880. Marking ink. Polysulphides of iron, zinc, copper, etc., heated with non-volatile fatty and oily bodies, waste fibers, etc., and alkali. *1247. Kesseler,C. 2216. 1880. Black printers’ ink, especially for canceling postage stamps. 1248. Nawrocki,G. W. 2832. Ink for stamping pads. color. 1249. Ungerer, A. 3418. 1880. Solid ink, Agar-agar (or isinglass), water, glyc- erin, starch, syrup, and color. 1250. Bertram, L.B. 4591. 1880. Ink for pads. Anilin, acetic acid, glucose, glue or gelatin, glycerin, and water. *1251. Bastand,C.T. 4693. 1880. Printers’ ink. Grease from, engineers’ cleaning waste treated with solvents and distilled. 1252. Edwards, E. 4716. 1880. Ink for gelatin copying press. Acetic iron and chloride of iron, printing ink, and glycerin. 1253. Ford, A. 5125. 1880. Ink for writing on special paper. tar oil, 1880. Gelatin, glue, agar-agar, *1254. Dupré, A., and O. HEurer. Invisible printers’ ink for checks. Zine sulphide, lead carbonate or salts of bismuth, glycerin, treacle, and gum arabic. 1255. Poirson,C. 436. 1881. Transfer ink. Color, salt which melts in water of crystallization, acid, sugar, gum. 1256. Johnson, J.H. 466. 1881. Marking ink similar to no. 1771 of 1880. 1257. Stoddart, A. F. 741. 1881. Writing and copying ink from spent tan liquor. *1258. Gard, W.G., and T.H. Costey. 903. 1881. Printers’ ink. Waste pickle from galvanizers’ works, and leather cuttings. 1259. Haddan, H. J. 963. 1881. Copying ink requiring no damping of paper. Syrup, alcohol, water, uranium acetate, and color. 1260. Priestman, T., and others. 1002. 1881. Ink for boot-blacking compositions, using spent tan liquor. *1261. Brackebusch, H. 1203. 1881. Printers’ ink. Paraffin oil, colophonrum, lamp- black or other pigment, with variations to produce a cheaper ink. *1262. Bastand,C.T. 2103. 1881. Printers’ ink. Black resin or resin oil, soap, blue color, greasy material. *1263. Jensen, P. Void.) 2868. door Gt Lowlooe, Veclke Pes lsce Printers’ ink, Asphalt, anthracene oil, anilin color, lubricating oil. *1264. Lake, W.R. 2948. 1881. Copying and printers’ ink based on nitrate of uranium, 1265. Meihé,J.R. 3410. 1881. Fireproof writing ink. Platinum chloride, lavender oil, lampblack, varnish. For printing he uses india ink, water, and gum arabic. 1266. Gurney, H.S.L. 3605. TS C1 882 yor 47: Writing ink from waste tan liquor and iron filings. 1267. Clark, A.M. 3762. 1881. Writing ink. Albumen, a bichromate, and ferro- cyanid of potassium. #1268. Russig, W. 728. 1882. Indelible printers’ ink, Iron salts and metallic iron added to ordinary printers’ ink. Algo recipe for making writing ink therefrom. 1269. Rath, F. 1391. 1882. Copying ink. Sodium silicate and a greasy ink. *1270. Lake, W.R. 1849. - 1882. Printers’ ink for fabrics. Pyroxlin, color, and a menstrum, *1271. Horsfall, A.H. 2220. 1882. Lithographic ink for fabrics. Color, oil, varnish, and anilin dyes. 1272. Detmold, E. 3083. 1882. Quick-drying writing ink. Water, spirits, cloves, anilin dye. *1273. Claus,C. F. 4106. 1882. Printers’ ink. Waste liquors from tin plate or similar works. 1881. 1881. 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1274. Langbeck, H. W. 5946. 1882. _ Marking ink. Salicylic acid, turpentine, spirits of wine, glycerin, water, albumin, and color. 1275. Hickisson, J., and H. W. LANGBECK. Pol Oba: Colored marking ink. Gutta percha, india rubber, bisulphide of carbon, and color. 1276. Dufréne, H.-A: 859. 1883. Indelible ink, Water, sodium carbonate, logwood, sugar, anilin black, and soot. *1277. Clark, A.M. 941. 1883. Printers’ and writing inks. Recipes for black and other colors; for indelible writing ink; for copper plate printing. 1278. Nesbit, A.A. 949. 1883. Safety ink using extract of anchusine. *1279. Gard, W.G., and T.H. Costey. 2549. 1883. Printers’ ink. Leather waste, sodium carbonate or acetate, or caustic soda and an iron salt. 1280. Appleyard, J. W., and others. 2816. 1883. Soluble black from spent tan liquors for use in writing ink, *1281. Bolton, C. E. 3600. 1883. Copying and printers’ ink. Blue galls, iron sul- phate, blue vitriol, gum arabic, white ginger, and water. *1282. Lake, W.R. 3638. 1883. Ink for printing on rubber fabrics. red lead, sulphur, and naphtha. 1283. Rydill,G. 3822. 1883. Fireproof ink for imitation stained glass. dered asbestos, acids, and alum. 1284. Warwick, T.J. 3969. Transfer ink for embroidery. wax, and white lead. *1285. Moseley, C. 5207. Printers’ ink for india rubber. drying oil or varnish, with color. 1286. Lardeur,G.E. 5287. 1883. _. Transfer ink. Resin, gum dammar, color, turpen- tine, *1287. Shaw, I.B., and others. 383. Printers’ transfer ink for signs, ete. wax, copaiba balsam, and petroleum. 1288. Chatterton, E.S. 2220. 1884. Copying ink. Powdered color and glycerin. 1289. Friend, F. 7160. 1884. Copying ink. Iron liquor, tannic acid, and glycerin. India rubber, Pow- 1883. Compo-black, bees- 1883. Chloroform, benzol, 1884. Camphor, *1289a. Clark, W. 12385. 1884. De-inking process. 1290. Haddan, H.J. 12727. 1884. Mtb cla ink. Glycerin, dextrin, anilin, and earth color. , 1290a. Hickisson, J. 15961. Joka e 1OG0, ved, Decal: Mordants or fixers for marking ink and pencils. Pyrogallic acid, borax, hyposulphite of soda, sodium bicarbonate, ammonia, alum, washing soda, gums, chalk, wax, albumin, collodion, varnish. 1884. 1291. Armour, L.H. 440. 1885. J:S.C.0, 1886, voSo pega Writing ink capable of being either fixed or re- movable. Pigment, gum arabic, gelatin, and bi- chromate, *1292. Reid, A., and J. JAMESON. 1380. 1885. Soluble printers’ transfer ink. Gum, glycerin, al- bumin, treacle, and color. 1293. Friend, F. 1515. 1885. Stencil ink. Potassium or sodium hydrate, orchil or other color. *1294. Simpson, D.C. 3980. 1885. Writing, marking, or printers’ ink made indelible in water. Alkalies, cyanides, or ferro-cyanides, *1295. Winterhof, L. 5929. 1885. Lithographic transfer ink. Suet, pitch, turpentine, mastic, litho varnish, beeswax, printers’ ink, lamp- black, Brunswick black. 1296. Frusher, T. 8241. 1885. J.S.C.I1., 1886, v. 5, pe4ers Black writing ink from waste dye liquors. 1297. Wass, A.G. 9249. 1885. Pigment for black ink. Residue from boiling or filtering of saccharine liquids. *1298. Macrone, W. 9413. 1885. Printing and lithographic ink. Seed oil, resin, paraffin wax, copal varnish. 1299. Batty, T. 12910. 1885. Transfer ink. Sulphate of copper or of iron, water, and dye. 1300. Guthiel, R. 1601. 1886. Soap, wax, mastic, shellac, turpentine, lampblack. *1301. Clark, A.M. 2878. 1886. Powdered coloring composition for printers’ inks. Resinate of a metal combined with coloring matter. 1302. Payne, W.J. 3179. 1886. Ink tablet for rubber stamps. Glycerin, gelatin, water, color. 1303. Wise, W.L. 8994. 1886. Insulating ink for automatic telegraph. diluted and colored. 1304. Wass, A.G. 9992. 1886. Calcined sugar filtrate as a basis. *1305. Cunliffe, H., and M. Connon. 15685. 1886. Printers’ ink. Fixing and glazing. compound. “Painters’ terbene,” linseed oil, and varnish. *1306. Schlumberger, A. 1076. 1887. Printers’ safety ink. Vegetable color which changes color on addition of an alkali. 1307. Lake, H.H. 2123, 1687; Stencil marking ink. Benzene, naphtha or tur- pentine, pigment, bronze powder, and kerosene. *1308. Bertling, L. 5464. 1887. Lithographic transfer ink. Suet, beeswax, soap, shellac, vegetable black, varnish, sperm oil, and sper- maceti. 1309. Himly, M., and others. 6730. 1887. Sympathetic ink. Magnesium platino-cyanid. 1309a. Tallmadge, J. W. 13500. 1887. J.S.C.1., 1888) vi 7 eee Fluid ink eraser. Solution of chloride of lime and acetic acid. Mucilage LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 55 Patents — Great Britain, continued: 1310. Hackney, W. 15079. 1887. Non-drying and fixing compositions for writing inks. Uses chloride of calcium. 1311. Hickisson, J. 15320. 1887. Congo and benzo-purpurin and plastic binders moulded into solid marking ink for fabrics. Staiz. Groth, L.A. 17925. 1887. Printers’ and stamping ink. Anilin solutions, bitumen, resins, or fats. 1313. Dimitry, C. P. 648. feo. 1889, v. 8, p. 43. Indelible ink, using gelatin or animal glue, bi- chromate, color, and water. *1314. Bensinger, A. 3321. 1888. Ink for printing on celluloid and like pyroxylin 1888. compounds, Anilin color, carbolic or acetic acid. #1315. Phillips,S., and A. STEPHEN. 4823. 1888. Photo-mechanical transfer ink. | Beeswax, maceti, tallow, lampblack, and litho ink. *1316. Armstrong, H.G., and J. E. WALLER. 6796. 1888. Printers’ ink for advertisements on sanitary paper. Addition of disinfectants or medicating materials. 1317. Smith,G. H. 7149. 1888. Transfer ink for copying documents, Blue-black: green anilin, magenta, hydrochloric acid, water, al- sper- cohol. Green: green anilin, water, alcohol, hy- drochloric acid. 1318. Quelch,G.H. 7472. 1888. Ink which causes paper when touched in any part with a red-hot iron to burn a stencil. Uses nitrate of potassium. *1319, Neilson, G. R., and others. 13968. 1888. _Printers’ ink for advertisements on sanitary or toilet paper slips. Uses potassium permanganate dissolved in non-poisonous oil or fluid. 1320. Doyle, D. 14457. 1888. Marking ink. Gum, spanish brown, and iron sul- phate mixed into a powder which is afterwards dis- solved in water as required. 1321. Jones, C.S. 15457. 1888. Sympathetic ink. Salt of cobalt or of nickel dis- solved in spirit. 1322. Brasier, E., and J. H. KNow es. 2360. 1889. Coloring extract from Bauhinia Vahlii. 1323. Hallam, W. 4513. 1889. _Transfer ink for marking linen. Color, mordant, mixed with wax, resin, or bituminous materials. *1324. Weight, J. H. 6287. 1889. Ink for toilet paper. Medicated substance, oils, and gum arabic. *1325. Mills, E.J. 8971. 1889. Antiseptic writing and printing inks. Borax, boric acid, and a salicylate added to commercial inks. 1326.. Williams, M., and J. AscoucH. 9442. 1889. Soluble blue for writing inks. and a dye. 1327. Lucas, D. 9960. 1889. Ink for pottery transfers. China clay, drop black, rose pink, turpentine, printers’ oil, andycanada balsam. Boron compound “1326. Carter Mol Jo D: 12289... 1889, Sticky inks for printing designs to be covered by flock. For lithographic work boiled linseed oil is ground with colors, For letterpress, colors are ground with sodium silicate and treacle. 1329. Ashton, R. 14388. 1889. Jr SoU). Bip. 82, _Dry soluble writing ink. Dissolved colors are dried on a carrying medium (such as paper) which is cut into strips. 1330. Pulford, G.C. 15565. 1889. Safety ink to prevent fraudulent opening of en- velopes. Uranium acetate, potassium ferrocyanid, white lead or white zinc. *1331. Browne, N. 15839. eS S90 vor pA GU, 4 ated) and lithographic ink. Maltha and lamp- ack, 1332. Wilkinson, C.H. 16982. 1889. Color standard system resembling diatonic scale. *1333. Huelser, C. 20830. 1889. Printers’ ink. Coal dust, linseed oil and varnish. 1334. Conrad, W.S., and H.T. Litey. 2011. 1890. Janome Veco it O12: Copying ink for dry paper. Gall nuts, iron sul- phate, magnesium chloride, colors, and glycerin, 1335. Tschofen, F. 2130. 1890. Invisible ink. Whiting and gum arabic. 1336. Conrad, W.S. 10401. 1890. Tacos bev a LU piey bo: Copying ink. Ammonium nitrate added to slow drying ink containing glycerin. 1337. Piffard,B. 10905. 1890. Copying ink. Copying paper is dipped in a solution of gallic, tannic, or pyrogallic acid, and used with ink containing sulphate or other salt of iron. *1338. Holt,O.G. 11168. 1890. _ Printers’ ink. Residue from petroleum distilla- tion as a base. 1889. #1339, Davison, W. 15743. 1890. 5.G.15 189d oes a9 93 7, Metallic printers’ ink. *1340. Higgins, C.M. 15857. 1890. T.S:Cil 189 lv 0 pae2: Stamping, copying, and printers’ ink, Oleic acid and colors. *1341. Higgins, C.M. 15858. 25: Cala eo ew e100 ta. Stamping, copying, and printing ink. Color dis- solved in essential oils of the spices, to which oleic acid may be added. *1342. Lake, H. H. 16689. Je Cel Leo iv ei Oeil o6. Printers’ ink. Vaselin, linseed oil, zinc sulphate, litharge, red lead, and binoxide of manganese, and pigments, 1343. Just, T. W., and others. 16757. LS:Gib PTRo ere 0 pcos Safety writing ink. Carbon, gum arabic, caustic soda, oxalic acid, india ink, vanadium, aleppo galls, anilin dyes, water. 1890. 1890. 1890. We THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1344. Beales, H. 17373. 1890. JS. CIS i892 well = py 4. Copying ink. Nutgalls, logwood, water, iron sul- phate, gum arabic, cloves, vegetable black, and glycerin. #1345, sHaddonets 1). nand Cok. EILt. 873. 1891. Printers’ ink for toilet paper. Based on perman- ganate of potassium or eucalyptus oil. 1346. Leech, F. L., and A. Horroson. 1616. 1891. J25; C1 1892, vi ells pic 446. Indestructible ink. Turpentine, alum, beeswax. 1347. Coén, E. 3247. 1891. Ji. GAs 1892) vol Fp. 445. Copying ink. Sugar and glycerin mixed with ordinary ink. 1348. Sherwood, W. 5437. 1891. SiC. be SoZ hve Llp 46: Copying machine ink. Dissolved anilin colors mixed with linseed oil or other drier. *1349. De Brandt, F. 12104. 1891. Lithographic transfer ink. Antimony black, bone black, resin, varnish, berlin blue, and ordinary print- ers’ ink, "1350: Bertling, Li 12200" 1891" Lithographic transfer ink. Suet, beeswax, curd soap, shellac, vegetable black, litho varnish, and sper- maceti. *1351. Dreyfus, C. 17635. 1891. Printers’ ink. Lakes soluble in benzol, etc. *1352. Higgins, C. M. 93. 1892. Tar cela kOVe ave beep: o0c. Printers’ and stamping ink. Color, carbolic acid, castor oil, essential oil. *1353. Jefferson, F.T. 3103. 1892. Ink for ruling and printing on copying paper. Pigment and a_ volatile liquid such as methylated spirit, and an adhesive. *1354. Kohn, J., and S. Strauss. 3364. 1892. Printers’ ink for playing cards or celluloid. Colors ground with waterproof medium. *1355. Hagelberg, W. 4167. 1892. Printers’ ink for celluloid. Uses a celluloid sol- vent, such as amyl acetate. *1356. Friswell, R. J., and F. H. Leeps. 18721. 1892. Jis.G Ee Sos evi ole oc, Printers’ copying ink. Lampblack or other suit- able pigment with boiling aqueous solution of anilin dye, dried, and ground with litho varnish. asphalt, resin, naphtha, 1357. Hickisson, J. 5316. 1893. Marking ink. Anilin dyes, oil, mordant, india rubber solution. 1358. Blancan, C. 7236. 1893. Aluminium ink. *1359. Bibby, J., and J. Brssy. 12863. 1893. J.S.C.1., 1894, v. 13, p. 145. Printers’ ink. Cotton seed foots as a basis. *1360. Hollyer, E.. 16380. 1893. Toilet paper printers’ ink. Pilewort juice, thyme, groundsel, elder leaves, oil varnish. *1361. Cox, H. W.C., and R. J) Crowsey. 1542. 1894. Facsimile telegraphic ink. Tin or lead, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, color. *1362. Kuwert, W. 2093. _ Ink for celluloid labels. nigrosin. 1363. Nienstaedt, E., and L. Go_pmMarK. 3236. 1894. J.S.C.1L, 18942 yv 1G. ns Solid ink. Quartz powder immersed in ordinary ink and dried. 1364. Nienstaedt, E., and others. 5078. 1894. Preparation of ink sticks. *1365. Degroote, F. A., and A. A.D. pes 1894. Alcohol, silver nitrate, AULNo!Is. 6268. 1894. .. Printers’ ink for paper impregnated with dex- trin. Color, linseed oil, rubber solution, and gums. *1366. Cordeaux, W. 13676. 1894. Printers’ copying ink. Printers’ ink and vaselin. *1367. Barnwell, F. 20423. 1894. For printing in several colors at one impression. Ordinary ink mixed with castor oil, turpentine, glyc- erin, oil of tar, copaiba balsam, ether, chloroform. *1368. Sharp,S.H. 21607. 1894. Ink for printing textiles. Litho varnish, gold size, and a metallic powder. 1369. Scott, J. 23694. 1894. Transfer ink. Metal dust, wax, resin. *1370. Priestley, G., and E. Swann. 955. 1895. J.S.C.1., 1895.2v5 L4pomore. Printers’ ink for leather. Lard, margarine, pow- dered metal, size, and linseed oil or varnish. *1371. Thacker, H. 6938. 1895. Printers’ ink for paper, wood, metals, etc. Un- Hee ink surfaces removed by color discharging ui 1372. Hallett, A. 17868. Ink for typewriter imitations. lasses, glucose, glycerin. 1373. Adams, E.J. 3459. 1896. Invisible ink. Sulphuric acid and water. *1374. Grundy, G. H., and G. A. LInGArp. 4093. 1896. Printers’ ink for fired tiles. *1375. Taylor, F- Cy and Jace: 8376. 1896. Printers’ ink, Colored printers’ inks are mixed with copaiba balsam, glycerin, sandal wood, oil, pe- troleum, balsam fir, etc. *1376. Sharp,S.H. 16274. 1896. Printers’ ink for stenciling on fabrics. aluminium powder with suitable menstrum. 1377. Temple, E.H. 17226. 1896. Writing ink. Salt water, logwood, galls, gum arabic, iron sulphate. Stains are easily removed from fabrics. *1378. Michel - Dansac, J. A., and L. CHASSAGNE. 18131. 1896. Photographic color pigments adapted for use as printers’ inks. » Several recipes. 1895. Color, black mo- Bronze or LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 57 Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1379. Webb, R. 26992. 1896. meus, 1097, v. 16, p. 1012. Safety ink. Flour, magnesium oxide, soap, car- bonate of sodium, color. *1380. Boult, A.J. 30121. eal, 1898, vy. 17, p. 55. Bronze printers’ inks. Fixed oil base. *1381. Rataud, P. 1228. 1897. Printers’ transfer ink. Linseed oil, suet, and printers’ ink. 1382. Billings, R. W. 7376. 1897. * Stencil ink. Dextrin, glue, oil, and metal or colored powder. #1383. Gentele, E.O.S., and H. R. Genre e. 7399. 1897. neo 1., 1097, v. 16, p. 546. Printers’ ink. Wood powder, wood pulp, or cellu- lose, impregnated with color. *1384. Taylor, F.C. 9121. 1897. Printers’ ink. Powdered manganese and alcohol added to ink described in British patent no. 8375 of 1896. 1385. Potter, A.L. 11013. 1897. Ink for branding, for wool bales, etc. Glue, gelatine or size, water, potassium bichromate, lamp- black, and turpentine. 1385a. Lyle, J.N. 12281. 1897. fe. 1898, v. 17, p. 455. Ink stain remover. Citric acid, water, bleaching powder. *1386. Ogilvy, D.J. 18533. feeds, 1697, ¥, 16, p. 1012. Printers’ ink. Process of using super-heated steam. *1387. Webb, R. 19783. 1897. fetes toys, v.16, p. 1012. Safety printers’ ink. Dextrin, treacle, glycerin, anilin dye. 1388. Lake, H.H. 21830. 1897. Effervescent ink tablets. Anilin or nigrosin, gum arabic, sodium bicarbonate, and tartaric acid. 1389. Moeller, J. 21991. 1897. J.S.C.I., 1898, v. 17, p. 148. Indelible sympathetic ink, Alum, garlic juice. *1390. Hadley, W. S., and others. ; 23080. 1897. Printers’ ink for etched plates on wax paper. Beeswax, pitch, and colors. *1391. Stoop, A. 24504. 1897. Printers’ ink. Grisee oil obtained in Java. 1392. Cox, F., and others. 24560. 1897. Preparation of writing ink so that ink is not formed until writing fluid is on the paper. Paper impregnated with solution of tannin. Ink is a solu- tion of iron sulphate. *1393. Banner, S. 29728. 1897. fee. 1..21096, v. 17, p. 1158. Printers’ ink. Solution of colophony treated with caustic soda or potash and used as a substitute for linseed oil. *13904. Burger, H. J. 30104. 1897. Ink for photographic reproductions. | 1896. 1897. *1395. Izambard, G. 5294. 18098. Ink for X-ray printing. For handwriting uses white lead and gum; for typewriter, white lead and linseed oil. *1396. Simultaneous Color Printing Syndi- cate, and H. pz Montin. 10153. 1898. Ink for polychromatic blocks. Waxes, oils, and colors, *1397. Gotliffe,H. 11951. 1898. Printers’ lustrous ink for waterproofed fabrics Nickel dust and resin. : *1398. Pitt,S. 20356. 1898. Printers’ ink. Gelatinous thickening material from seaweed. *1399. Stoop, A. 23071. 1898. J.5:C.L, 1899, v. 18, p. 379: Printers’ ink. Natural purified oil fr Gri Java, distilled and mixed with color. 1 om Grisee, 1400. Lichtentag, I., 24644. 189 J.S.C.1., 1899, v. 18, p. 680. Indelible writing ink. Carbon, soap, and water. 1401. Kretschmann, E. 6727. 1899. Sympathetic ink. Paper is treated with solution of haloid salt of cobalt, glycerin, and gum arabic. Writing is done with a solution of rock salt. *1402. Bachem, P. F. 8976. 1899. Sympathetic printers’ ink based on cobalt salts, *1403. Hay, L. 11592. 1899. Antiseptic ink for toilet paper. and red. 1404. Power, C.F. 14957. 18099, pon cr ying writing inks. Recipes for black and ed. and A. LIcHTENTAG. Recipes for blue ii *1405. Printing Arts Co., and I. Ortorr. 17557. 1899. Printers’ ink. Colors in a gum resin solution. *1406. Hoz, A. 22296. 1899, Printers’ ink for textiles and paper. base and mordants. *1407. Izambard, G. 1290. 1900. Inks for X-ray work contain metallic powders more or less opaque to rays. 1408. Brown, E. W. 3807. IES Gol el OU ley 20 spares _ Typewriter copying ink for prepared paper. Emul- sion of tannin, iron sulphate, deliquescent salt and glycerin, or with a non-drying oil. Linseed oil 1900. 1409. Kretschmann, E. 7367. 1900. Sympathetic ink. Cobalt salt, *1410. Butler, T.T. 12945. 1900. Printers’ ink for paper hangings, giving crépe effect. *1411. White, W.G., and R.A. A. Waite. 13145. 1900. Jos Col OU ve 2 a4 _Printers’ ink for polychromatic blocks. Stearic acid, vegetable wax, linseed oil, resin, soda, fullers’ earth, and colors. *1412. Ogilvy, D. J. 14886. TST TOO Sa Lox pei L Process of heating printers’ inks. 1900. 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. *1413. Hofer, H., and H. Horer. 17126. 1900. Ink for celluloid transparencies. fin, ‘“‘manganiso-linolate.”’ *1414, Stevenson, J. 17783. TS: CG 90 tae 20, O21 208; Printers’ ink that changes color with time. ture of permanent and non-permanent colors. 1414a. Raynes, A. 21063. 1900. Toes e100 Ry 20 poi ios: Marking ink for textiles, using anilin black. *1415. British Oil and Cake Mills, and A. G. Wass. 23Z3ly , 1900. Fotos £901. yo20. sp, LOS: Printers’ ink. Mucilage from cotton-seed oil, acid tar sludge, resin, and carbon. 1416. Langhans, R. 430. 1901. Tito LUZhaeL Di lico: Ink for electric telegraph. Compounds of precious metals or their halogen salts, sulphur derivatives of aliphatic carbon compounds, and a solvent. Paper passed through hot rollers gives a metallic impression. *1417, Hoz, A. 1366. 1901. TSC le 190 ve 20,7998 5) Printing colors for chemical printing on stuffs. Thickening substance and dyes, with or without mor- dants. After printing, the colors are steamed, de- veloped and fixed. 1418. Lucas, R.D. 3100. 1901. Ink for china, glass, etc. Turpentine, rose pink, drop black, china clay, printers’ oil, resin, and flux if necessary. #1419. Imray,O. 5168. 1901. ost ba 1901, v2 ps 808: Printers’ and writing inks. sulphates. *1420. Wass, A.G. 6061. 1901. Hottie 1v02, vi ol} Duslvoee Printers’ ink varnish. Resin dissolved in mineral oil, color. *1421. Van Dyke, F. R. 6307. 1901. Ink for photozincography. Litho ink and bitumen; or transfer ink and Burgundy pitch, thinned with turpentine. *1422, Tellkampf, A. 8645. 1901. Ink for transferring photographic copies to stone or metal plates. Turpentine, black japan, alcoholic iron varnish, fats, and oils or waxes. *1423. Brandel, F. de., and A. pE BAupRY p’Asson. 8923. 1901. Peds loud, Ville Di 7ods Manufacture of colors from heavy mineral oils. *1424,. Lake, H. H. 12826. 1901. Peofecly 1 0Ue. Vogl Dace). Lithographic and printers’ ink. alkali, and volatile resin oil. *1425. Lilienfeld, L. 23892. The Leo 2) pay 718 Vehicles for pigments in textile printing. (1) Me- tallic salts of fatty acids, or resinates, insoluble in water, bumin. Camphor, paraf- 1900. Mix- Indo-phenol-thio- Color, glycerin, 1901. (3) India rubber or gutta percha. (2) Organic-acid radical derivatives of al- | *1426. Weise, M., and others. 25705. 1901. Printers’ ink for make-ready. Addition of resin or soft soap to ordinary ink. *1427. Schmitz, J.S. 6698. 1902. Printers’ ink for wall paper or woven fabrics. *1428. Schmeidel, F.R. 8371. 1902. J.S.C.I,, 1902, -¥. 21). pegow: Printers’ ink. Dark shade on colored ground. Resin or gum with volatile solvent. 1429. Geary, E. 15193. 1902. Copying ink requiring neither moisture nor press. Galls, iron sulphate, anilin blue, glycerin, essence of cloves, water. *1430. Jamieson, W. A., and others. 20413. 1902. Wall paper printers’ ink. Color, gum tragasol. 1431. Brown, T.H., and J. E. STApies. 21241. 1902. Branding fluid for carcasses, poultry, and eggs. Mitigated caustic, logwood, water, methylated spirits. *1432, Meth, B.Z. 24610. 1902. J.S.C.L., 1903, v. 22, p. 1131. Printing transfers for etching glass. Ammonium fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, magnesia alba, water, dex- trin, anilin black. 1433. Stewart, W. 24719. 1902. Copying ink using neither press nor dampener. Galls, iron sulphate, gum peed he water, creosote, glycerin, potassium permanganate. 1434. Ninnis, T. M. 3033. 1903. Ink for ground glass. Canada balsam, gum, resin, turpentine. *1435. Grabau, E. F. W. U. ‘3301. J.S.Cil., 19037 9225 na7 Waterproof ink for wall paper. Starch, borax, water, color, glycerin, alcohol, and caustic soda. 1436. Cook, H. W., and J. PLUNKETT. 5610. 1903. Preparation of raw ox-gall for ruling ink, *1437. Préaubert, L., and G. A. THUBE. 11028. 1903. J.S.C.I., 1904, v. 23, p. 448. Thickener for printers’ ink. Casein base. *1438. Johnson, J. Y. 12681. 1903. J.S.C.I1., 1904, v. 23, p. 485. Printers’ ink. Compounds of coloring matter bases with fatty acids or their alkaline salts. 1439. Braun, H. 14299. 1903. Conducting ink for autographic or facsimile teleg- raphy. Acid solution of platinum, copper, etc., com- bined with graphite. *1440. Lilienfeld, L. 14483. 1903. J.S:G-1., 1903, vi 22 oe Ink for glossy silk-like effects. Finely powdered mica and cellulose solution. 1441. Carter, M.J.D. 22195.7 1903. Ink for backing typewriter sheet to prevent ab- sorption of wax of stencil sheet. Glycerin added to ordinary printers’ ink. 1442. Rosenhain, W. 26951. J.S.C.1.} 1904; -v, Z3eopee _Non-corrosive writing ink for glass and metal. Silicate of sodium or potassium, aluminate of po- tassium or sodium, and color, 1903. 1903. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 59 Patents — Great Britain, continued. *1443, Marzin, R. 1933. 1904. ies 0D, v. 24, p. 91. Printing paste for ceramic ware. Colors, aloe extract, syrup, glycerin, and alkaline carbonate. 1444. Rowan, J. 3909. 1904. Terrie 1 9U4-y, 21, p.453. Safety ink. Specially prepared paper overprinted with ink of iron perchlorate, potassium iodide, and a caustic alkali. 1445. Smith, F. P., and G. F. Beswick. 4447. 1904. Copying ink. Logwood, gall, glycerin, rose water. *1446. Millar,G.G. 7391. 1904. Colored lithographic ink. Linseed oil, anilin dye. 1447. Leisel, M., and R. KUpper. 17624. 1904. Testete, 1905, v. 24, p. 893. ore and drawing ink. Metallic dust, flux, and a liquid neutral organic substance that does not evaporate until the metal or flux is melted. 1448. Bennett, J. F., and J. MAsTIN. 21062. 1904. J.S.C.1., 1905, v. 24, p. 978. Pigment of finely divided colored glass, porcelain, or other vitreous substance. *1449, Bennett, J. F., and J. MAsTIN. 24733. 1904. WeSie le 1905; v. 24, p. 978. Printers’ ink. Potters’ clay and color are fired and powdered and used as pigment. 1450. Flack, A.M. 25092. 1904. eee 05,.v. 24, p. 1301. Fountain pen ink, Carbon, linseed oil, prpeeune, and prussian blue if desired. *1451. Janzer, C. 25202. 1904. Rapid drying printers’ ink to prevent ‘“‘set off.” Addition of pyroxyline, turpentine, castor oil, alcohol, and ether. iron perchloride, wax, and 1452. Coterillo y Ojeda, F., and J. QuESADA. 29245. 1904. Copying ink. Glycerin and syrup added to ordi- nary ink. *1453. Frankenstein, L., and others. 9809. 1905. TS.CI, 1906, v. 25, p. 372. Rubber solution and color for printing fabrics. *1454. Lamb, M.C., and J. D. G. RENNIE. 11049. 1905. Pee 200, -v, 25, p. 636. Ink for printing on leather. Leather dyes in water, alcohol, benzine, or other hydrocarbon. #1455.. haart, J.J. 12128. 1905. Jr, 1906, ¥. 25, p..691. Ink for polychromatic printing. Dye, solvent, ful- lers’ earth, china clay, etc. *1456. Serck, P.O. 14023. 1905. Ink for color printing to prevent running or mixing of colors. Balsam, glycerin, myrrh, sandal wood oil, petroleum, turpentine, alcohol, and black oxide of manganese, *1457. Lischke, F. A. 14464. 1905. Ink for printing overlay sheets. Lake color, transparent white, drier, vegetable glue, and varnish. *1458. Lamb, M. C., and J. D. G. Renniz. 17338, 41905, Jip Ce LOO) meee Se pe) Zs Printers’ transfer ink for leather. Addition of petroleum jelly to fat colors used in leather printing. *1459. Thorpe, J. F., and Briccs & Co. 17793. 1905. detente 07 vr 20, fh LO: Indelible ink for fabrics. ‘‘Indigo salt T’’ used as basis. *1460. Longley, W. 19328. jes Creel COG ws 25'D.. 40% Printers’ ink. Color and gelatinous substance prepared from carrageen or similar sea-wee *1461. British Agin Co., and others. 25537. 1905. Printers’ ink from double metallic alginates, *1462. Fireman, P. 25859. 1905. ieee TAU ewe ZO Ros. 4 prepares, of ferro-ferric oxides for printers’ inks, *1463. Ippers, J. W. 26965. Ink for photo-mechanical printing. beeswax, mastic, tallow, crayon ink. 1464. Morris, E. R., and others. AP 5z2.7 1 SOG; J S30. 1907 f.020,-p. 36. Ink for dry copying. Iron perchloride. *1465. Lerman, D., and others. 3107. Jao 1 19065 ve 25, Dp. O0G: Printers’ ink pigments from coal. 1466. Boult, A. J. 5050. 1906. Ink for wood. Water, chinese ink, gum arabic, acetic acid. 1467. Wyse, H.T. 12872. 1906. J -oGaly doe an020" pe eel Sympathetic ink using cobalt salts. *1468. Ippers, J. W. 15026. 1906. Lithographic transfer ink. Resin, asphalt, mastic, beeswax, tallow, crayon ink. *1469. Imray,O. 18562. 1906. JS C1907 Hy. 20 se 925. Gelatin colors for printing from intaglio oiled forms. *1470. Lilienfeld, L. 2998. ].S.Cllo0S euactnnees a. Ink for producing silk-like effects on paper and textiles. Compounds of viscose with zinc or metals of the magnesium group. See patent no. 14483 of 1903. 1471. Simpson, D.C. 4379. Langer vis, Dea2 ik. Waterproof writing ink, black color, dextrin, nigrosin. 1472. Acheson, E.G. 27312. LS. CLS es vices. ne 040) Deflocculated amorphous substances with oil and varnish, 1905. 1905. Asphalt, resin, 1906. 1907. 1907. Gum, water, ammonia, 1907. 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. *1473. Briggs, W. 6702. 1908. Quick-drying multicolor ink using shellac. *1474. Bezzant,S., and R. Bezzanr. 8688. 1908. J. S-Cls 1908 47227-91020" Treatment of raw ox-gall for ruling machine ink. 1475. Garzino, L. 9108. 1908. J et elOOR eves ease). Sympathetic ink which can be press-copied, effaced by a rubber, and then developed. Alkaline solution of yellow prussiate of potash, magnesium carbonate, and graphite. Developer consists of iron, alum, and a mordant of bisulphate of potash. 1475a. Claesen, C. 9579. 1908. JSAGs1 1909 28 pi. 360. Hectographic inks using polyglycerins. *1476. Binko, H. B., and N. MAveEr. 14126. 1908. _ Printers’ ink. Blue paste obtained by dissolving indigo in sulphuric acid and adding common salt, dextrin and gum. *1477. Levy, A. 15339. 1908. Fireproof and waterproof printers’ ink based on magnesite. *1478. Hollweg, C. 16517. 1908. Printers’ ink. Anilin color dissolved in alcohol. 1479. Elam, E. W. 19588. 1908. Copying ink. Anilin black, nigrosin, glucose, glyc- erin, water, potassium hydroxide. 1480. Loevinsohn, E. 22420. Ink for transfer papers, materials, and mineral oil. 1481. Soc. Weiluc et Cie. 26469. 1908. Transfer ink for decorating walls. Non-transparent color, linseed oil, fish glue, castor oil, collodion, india rubber solution, etc. 1482. Mansell, W. F., and W.H. MANSELL. OF 2sdraal DUS: Sensitizing ink for stenciling. alcohol, and glycerin. 1483. Lucas, E.G. H. 27957. Ink for swelled gelatin process. beeswax, turpentine, and colors. *1484. Walker, F.H., and C. E. Soun. 2114. 1909. Oil residiums, crude oils, etc., treated with strong sulphuric acid, Printers’ ink by addition of lamp- black or other pigment. *1485. Jagenburg, F.G. 4040. eS Gel 1910, v.29 p34: _Printers’ ink. Color in soap solution is mixed with thickener (china clay, baryta, etc.). *1485a. Child, R.C., and J. JoHNsTON. 8532. 1909. J 5 Gb. 1910, v: 29, p.. 288. Printing inks based on powdered coal. *1485b. Hopkins, M.S., and C. R. Barnett. 13679. 1909. J.S.C.I., 1910, v. 29, p. 640. Recovery of ingredients of oily inks. *1486. Lilienfeld, L. 15306. 1909. Printers’ ink based on viscose. 1908. Fusible colors, binding Water, silver salt, 1908. Linseed oil, 1909. 1487. Hochstetter, R. 16291. Js. C.1g 1909 -v. 285 plo ae ..Mimeograph ink. Pigment ground in sulphonated oil. Base of barium sulphate or of china clay. 1488. Lamp’l, R., and P. J. Lamp’.. 16636. 1909. Safety inks, using benzoflavine and chrome alum. *1489. Beckmann, F. 20025. 1909. J.S.C.1,. 1910, wv 295 poenOeee Adhesives for use in printers’ inks for wall papers. Gum arabic, gum tragacanth, flour, dextrin, bittern. 1490. Kasseker, J. 23852. 1909. J.S.G.1., 1910, vi 2922p 59278 St ae v. 4, p. 3289. Ceramic transfer ink. Linseed oil, lead compound. No flux is required. 1491. Escardo, I. S., and J. B. B. Sara. 27268. 1909. Safety ink. Invisible impression rendered visible by rubbing with metal. Zinc white and colorless litho varnish, *1492. Sureties, C. 29379. 1909. J.S.C.1., OT veeUe nee Printers’ ink base of yeast. 1493. Newton, P. A. 29460. J.9.C.1., 1911, wast aes Decalcomania ink. Alkali salts of acids obtained by the saponification of oils, fats, waxes, or resins are used for binders. *1404. Child, R:'Ci 7/221 J.S.C.1L., 1911 e230) pz. Printers’ ink. Tar and pitch, powdered shale or anthracite. 1494a. Cameron, D. 16515. J.S.C.1., 1911, v. 30, p. 908. Copying writing ink. Copy paper contains tannic or gallic acid. 1495. Laza, E. 17886. 1910. Marking ink for bread wafers which are baked on the bread. Inoffensive color treated with gum solution, saccharin materials, or vegetable juice. 1496. Lorenz,H. W.F. 19156. 1910. Safety inks containing ingredients sensitive to chemicals usually used for removing writing ink. Several recipes. 1497. Simpson, R. 22237. 1910. arse! ink. Anilin, glycerin, and ordinary print- ers’ ink. 1498. Flachaire,C. P. 24136. 1910. Sympathetic ink for advertising. Double iodide of mercury and silver. 1499. Pictet,R.P. 24256. 1910. J.S.C.1., 1911, wig) pa itaa: Process of producing soot. 1500. Rueter, A. 29389. 1910. J.S:C.L, 1911, v.30) peiU72: Quick-drying writing ink. Ordinary ink and a neutral volatile substance such as spirits of wine. 1501. Pickstone, J. W. 29735. 1910. Ink for hand stamps. Anilin dye, dextrin, glyc- erin. *1502. Wechsler, S. 2912. 1911. Printers’ ink for fabrics. Color, glycerin, varnish, and a mixture named “hygrol.”’ 1909. 1909. 1910. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 61 Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1503. Flachaire,C. P. 7318. 1911. .. Sympathetic inks. Double iodide of mercury and silver. *1504. Lilienfeld, L. 14142. Pe veieeioleoy. Ol, p. 680. Preparation of poly-fatty acids for printers’ inks. 1505. Hurwitz & Co. 17772. 1911. Copying ink and apparatus for applying. Uses ammoniacal ink and a plate covered with a grape sugar solution, *1506. Lucas, E.G. H. 18965. Ink for photo-mechanical surfaces. his specification no. 27957 of 1908. *1507. Wass, A. 914. 1912. ee easivio. Vv. oc, p. 613, Printers’ ink. Mineral oil soot, driers, and ag- glutinant. 1507a. Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik. fao2. 1912; Sete roto. y..a2, p. 226. Chromium compounds of hydroxyanthraquinone sulphonic acids for use in inks. *1508. Albert, K., and L. Brrenp. a 19lt Amendment to 13586. 1912. Heels 9s. o2, p. 766. Printers’ ink base. Emulsification of asphalts, hydrocarbons, etc., with concentrated neutralized sul- phite cellulose lye. *1509. Lauthe, O., and C. LAuUTHE. 14578. 1912. Ink for etched plates. colophony, drop mastic, paraffin, s soap, turpentine. 1510. Thompson, W. P. 16570. 1912. Ink for carbon papers. Hydrocarbon boiling above 200° C., linseed oil varnish, berlin blue, varnish, milori blue, and indigo. #1511. Wolff, M. 30037. 1912. gee er fio o2.. p. 1162: C.. A., 1914, ai 2072: Cent., 1914, Jahrg. 85, Teil 1, 7 aad Drained peat or other fibrous vegetable material aveatee with alkali and used as basis for printers’ in *1512. Ransford, R.B. 714. eaten ol4. y.3o,.p. 74. Printers’ ink for textiles based on phenol and formaldehyde. : 1513; Turkin, N. W. 5737. J.S.C.1., 1914, v. 33, p. 742. Pigments based on turkey red oil and an alkali. *1514. Heyl, G. E., and T. T. BAKer. 10055. 1913. tet 1914. vy. 33, p. 604; C.-A,, 1914, v. 8, p. 3507. Drier for printers’ ink. Sodium amyl sulphate. *1515. Schuetze, L., and R. FIscHEr. 12567. 1913. eee 015.+v. oz, p. 1007; C. A., 1914, Vite De a/ Ze. Printers’ ink for engraved surfaces. Color, emul- sion of albumin in alkaline solution, sulphonated oil or salt thereof. Lithographic ink, asphalt, spermaceti, stearine, 1913. LOTS, 1516. Pindikowsky, A. 13723. 1913. Stencil ink. Color and cornflower paste. *1517. Sureties,H. 14245. 1913. J.S.C.1., 1914, v. 33, p. 798. Printers’ ink based on peat. *1518. Turkin, N. W. 23128-23129. 1913. fi Gel 1014s gs. pe 147; 75s; See specification no. 5737 of Printing colors. ale}. *1519. Quick, A.S. 547. 1914. Residue from spent lyes for printers’ inks, *1520. Lilienfeld, L. 3370. 1914. Carbohydrate ethers for printers’ inks. *1521. Wolff, M. 4419. 1914. J.S.C.L, 1915, v. 34, p. 145. Printers’ ink. Ingredients are mixed cold and without intercedent drying. *1522. Farbwerke, vorm. Meister, Lucius, & Briining. 5011. 1914. Violas bo Perso. Teco: Printers’ ink for fabrics. Reduction dyes and varnish. 1523. Travers,S. 5363. 1915. Ink for lantern slides. Dissolved gum and color *1524. Justice, P.M. 7284. 1915. Printers’ ink for fabrics. Water-soluble phenol- formaldehyde condensation products. *1525. Lipsius,S. 10089. 1915. Printing in imitation of embossed work. Fusible gum deposited on freshly printed characters. *1526. Stevenson, J. 104429. 1917. Ji. De lol sires, pe 4653 Printers’ ink for stencil duplication. Calcium chloride, gum, lampblack or other inert color. 1527;. singer, 1 2 1092702 T1917: Treating acid resins from oil purification. *1528. Soc. Anon. la Photogravure Rotative, and Soc. THENARD SIMON ET CIE. T11279-% 1917. Ink for intaglio printing. 1529. Akashi, K. 114601. 1918. h.0-Gl Slo lSey., Sb pr ols Solid ink. De dextrin, gum tragacanth, thymol, lactic acid. *1530. Jager, G.C., and R. W. Cart. 116109. 1918. J.S.C.I., 1918, v. 37, p. 464a. Printers’ ink for rotary presses. Based on hexa- methylenetetramine,. or other substance yielding for- maldehyde. *1531. Hope, J. 117023. 1918. JS. CUS LSIB eo 7e pisos: Use of sulphur colors in printers’ ink. 1532. Shinozaki, M. 117117. 1918. iS: Cl. OIShws7- pe oot Indelible writing ink. Lampblack, indulin. 1533. Schmidt, E. E. 130319. 1919. Safety writing ink. Colloidal solution of prussian blue, oxalic acid, epsom salts, turkey red oil. alkali, soluble Ve THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Great Britain, continued. 1534, Dukes) a 131707, 1919. J.S.C.I., 1919, v. 38, p. 834a. Printers’ ink. Carbohydrate, tannic or other acid, and iron salt. 1535. Tsutsumi, M. 141631. TES Cale 1920) 9395-0, 4592. Solid writing ink, Logwood, galls, potassium fer- rous tartrate, color, sodium salicylate, antiseptic, and gum arabic. 1536. Allison, C. A. 146676. TSA O20 roo. p. O02a: Non-corrosive ink. Borax and dextrin. *1537. Nelson, R.N. 148650. 1920. Printers’ ink for textiles. Addition to lithographic ink of terebine and gold size. *1538. Lilienfeld, L. 149319. JS:Grlgal022 +. 41, p7-054. Thickener for printers’ ink. Carbohydrates of formula Cg HijpO; mixed with oily liquids obtained when acetylene reacts with aluminium chloride. 1920. 1920. 1920. *1539. Serafin, G. 149373. 1920. Lithographic ink. 1540. Oleson, J.C. 152465. 1920. Ink rod. Water soluble anilin dye, kaolin, and a binder. *1541. Chemische Fabriken Worms. Ges. 156212. 1921. J5:6.L, 1921, v.40, p.520a; Substitution of lactate solutions for glycerin in stamping and printing inks. *1542. Fitzgerald, F.C. 159809. 1921. Lithographic ink avoiding necessity of damping stone. Adds grease resisting materials. *1543. Hinely, T.H. 161700. 1921. Printers’ ink for knotted goods. Colors, varnish, tallow, stearine, and paraffin wax. *1544, Ruetgerswerke Akt. Ges. 166117. 21921, Jeo. Culs, 19225 v.-4locp, 59a; Printers’ black ink with basis of tar oil derived from wood, peat, straw, cotton, or other fibrous ma- terial. *1545. Parry, R.H. 169917. SiC. 192) v.40, be Bb8a. graphite or Akt. litho 1921. *1546. Lilienfeld, L. 171661. J.S.Cle 1922, y. Alpe se Coumaron resins for printers’ inks. cation no. 163271. 1547. Schiffmann, J. 172588. J.S.C.1., 1922, ws4l, peooes Stamping pad ink, Tannate or gallate (or both) of iron, acetin, color. *1548. Aurich, E., and F. Wo tr. 176599. 1922. Lithographic ink for producing a light color on a dark ground, using rapid-drying grease resisting ink. *1549. Monberg, J. 177515. 1922. Resist ink used in producing simultaneously a number of plates similar to an original, Addition of wax, glycerin, and india ink to printing ink. *1550. Lilienfeld, L. 181393, 181395. J.5.C.1., 1923, AZo eas Printers’ ink based on alkyl ethers of cellulose. *1551. De Waele, A. 183513. 1922. J.5.CHL.,. 1922 4 ee Printers’ ink based on emulsion in form of plastic solid, of which the yield value is greater than the emulsion of the components. 1552. Plausons, Ltd. 184880. J.S.C.1., 1922, vetlepealoss Colloidal inks based on refined clay. *1553. Smidt, K. J., and R. JAEGER. 187537 1922; J.S.C.1., 1922, v. 41, p. 989a. _ Printers’ ink from waste sulphite-cellulose lyes, nitric acid, and a catalyst. 1554. Plausons, Ltd. 187732. J.S.C.I;, 1922, v.41) pe 9eea, Colloidal inks based on clay. *1555. Marr, R.A. 189271. J.S.C.1., 1923, v2 426 Reclaiming printed paper. 1556. Naamlooze Vennootschap Philips Gloelampenfabriken. 189763. 1922. Ink for transparent markings on frosted glass. 1557. Bretton, J.H.M. 190232. 1922. J.S.C.1.,- 1923, vias tots. 1921. See specifi- 1921. 1922, 1922. 1922, 1922. Ruling inks and bookbinders’ colors. Evaporation Marking ink. pared on juice of Semecarpus ana- of ox-gall and a salt. cardium, FRANCE The Library has specifications, 1902 - date. some cases title entries only. 1558. Cellier. 177. 1805. Des., série 1, tome 3, p. 97. Indelible writing ink. Galls, nitrate of iron, gum arabic, animal carbon. *1559. Stone, and others. 553. Des., série 1, tome 7, p. 197. Printers’ ink for ceramics, ivory, etc. Carbonate of manganese, carbonate of copper, and Swedish co- balt. 1808. The abstracts published 1791-1900 are in *1560. Legros d’Anizy. 875. 1808. Des., série 1, tome 10, p. 121. Lithographic ink. Carbonates of manganese and copper, and Swedish cobalt. 1561. Mery. 619. 1814. Des., série 1, tome 8, p. 75. Ink for terra cotta. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 63 Patents — France, continued. *1562. Seib. 1095. 1820. Des., série 1, tome 12, p. 90. Lithographic ink for textile printing. lac, narsix, soap, lampblack. 1563. Dumoulin, S. 1883. 1821. Des., série 1, tome 21, p. 286. Acid-and-alkali proof ink. Subcarbonate of soda, resin, wax, glue, hydrochloric acid. 1564. Delunel. 3273. 1821. Des., série 1, tome 33, p. 319. Indelible writing ink. Glue, starch, hydrochloric acl, soap, lampblack, licorice extract, chloride of ime. 1565. Minet. 1355. 1822. Des., série 1, tome 14, p. 352. Dry and liquid acid resisting ink. Brazil wood, galls, sulphate of iron, gum arabic, vinegar, alum, carbon. *1566. Bergounioux, A. A. H. Des., série 1, tome 38, p. 418. Printers’ ink, using black from schist, etc. 1567. Hunt, H. 2464. 1828. Des., série 1, tome 27, p. 144. Writing ink. Galls, campeche, gum arabic, cop- peras, blue vitriol, sugar, ammonia, alcohol, water. 1568. Dizé, M.J.J. 2655. 1829. Des., série 1, tome 28, p. 290. Safety writing ink. Printers’ ink, subcarbonate of soda, water, lacquer, glue. 1569. Fesneau-Petibeau. 3950. Des., série 1, tome 39, p. 260. Indelible writing ink. |Galls, water, india-wood, gum arabic, sulphate of iron, essence of lavender, sugar, alum, lampblack. *1570. Mozard, P. 3953. 1834. Des., série 1, tome 39, p. 265. Printers’ ink in colors. Linseed oil, resin, silver chromate. 1571. Perry, J. 4316. 1834. Des., série 1, tome 41, p. 380. Concentrated non-corrosive drawing and copying ink. Galls, iron sulphate, india-wood, sugar, gum arabic, indigo, hydro-chlorate of ammonia, essence of lavender, essence of lemon, acetic acid, cyanide of potassium. 1572. Guillier, J. 9701. 1834. Des., série 1, tome 69, p. 491. Indelible marking ink. Silver nitrate, water, gum arabic, sub-carbonate of soda, ammonia. A 1573. Elia, N. V.M. 4170. 1836. Des., série 1, tome 40, p. 434. Blue-black writing ink. Indigo, sulphuric acid, hydrosulphuric acid, water. *1574. Bazin, F.C. 4813. 1837. Des., série 1, tome 44, p. 179. Printers’ ink for leather and parchment. recipes. 1575. Miles-Berry. 10982. 1837. Des., série 1, tome 79, p. 286. Writing ink. Oxalic acid, prussian blue, water. Wax, shel- 3872. 1823. 1832. Several 1576. Dunand, M. 6118. 1838. Des., série 1, tome 51, p. 127. Indelible marking ink. Silver nitrate, gum arabic, water, lampblack. *1577. Niboyet, E. 9396. 1838. Des., série 1, tome 68, p. 104. _ Printers’ ink using green soap instead of usual siccatives. 1578. Dufay, A. E. 5858. 1840. Des., série 1, tome 49, p. 386. _ Safety writing paper impregnated with sulphate of iron and gall. 1579. Prudon, B. 5889. 1840. Des., série 1, tome 49, p. 449. Imitation of india ink. Mixes black with gelatin. 1580. Bagatta, J. 6299. 1840. Des., série 1, tome 52, p. 144. Indelible writing ink. Water, lampblack, caustic potash, oak bark, galls, madder, campeche, sugar, iron sulphate, gum arabic, indigo sulphate. *1581. Pernel, L.C. 6448. 1840. Des., série 1, tome 52, p. 517. Printers’ ink for leather. Linseed oil, sandarac. 1582. Bezanger, J.J. M. 10124. Des., série 1, tome 72, p. 182. Indelible writing ink. Carbon, glue, caustic soda, gum. 1583. Bowy de Pregny, H. 6685. Des., série 1, tome 54, p. 95. Writing copying ink. Galls, campeche, marshmal- low root, iron sulphate, copper sulphate, gum arabic, sugar. *1584. Goyneau, C.J. M.A. 6845. Des., série 1, tome 54, p. 410. Printers’ ink. Linseed oil, rosin, molasses, lith- arge, carbon. *1585. Wagner, P. 8663. 1842. Des., série 1, tome 64, p. 134. _ Lithographic ink for waxed surfaces or leather. Linseed oil, turpentine, carbonate of lead. galipot, 1840. 1841. 1842. *1586. Knecht, and Zuper. 12199. 1842. Des., série 1, tome 90, p. 106. Ink for lithographic and metal surfaces. Yellow wax, tallow, gum, colophane, pitch, and varnish. 1587. Levrault, J. 9485. 1843. Des., série 1, tome 68, p. 444. Indelible writing ink. Carbon, indigo, glue, am- monia, hydrochloric acid. 1588. Hély, A.A. 8096. 1844. Des., série 1, tome 61, p. 127. Metallic writing ink, Gum arabic, water, gum ammoniac, metal powder, *1589. Boudon de Saint-Amans. 11448. 1844. Des., série 1, tome 83, p. 18. Printers’ ink for ceramics. 1590. Thabuy, and Durev. 879. Des., série 2, tome 4, p. 199. Indelible writing ink. Linseed oil, bitumen, tur- pentine, carbon or color. 1845. 64. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — France, continued. 1591. Roseleur, and LAnavux. Des., série 2, tome 6, p. 193. Indelible writing ink. Linseed oil, bitumen, car- bonate of potash, turpentine. 1592. Faucher. 3422. 1847. Des., série 2, tome 12, p. 316. Writing ink. Galls, gum arabic, alum, green copperas, vitriol. 1593. Guillier. 4125. 1849. Des., série 2, tome 15, p. 7. Violet writing ink. Chloride of gold, water, tin salt, gum arabic. 1594. Simon. 4484. 1849. Des., série 2, tome 16, p. 36. Ink tablets. Iron salt, galls, copper salt, gum arabic, sugar, alum. 1595. Kopczynski. 5414. 1850. Des., série 2, tome 18, p. 329. Safety writing ink. Specifications not given. 1596. Houtret. 6188. 1851. Des., série 2, tome 20, p. 318. Indelible writing ink, Gum, borax, indigo, prus- sian blue, carbon, water. 1597. Trouble. 6557. 1852. Des., série 2, tome 21, p. 314. Stamping ink based on oleic acid. *1598. Lefevre. 6779. 1852. Des., série 2, tome 22, p. 275. Printers’ ink for leather. Uses vinegar and al- bumin. 1599. Haas. 6842. 1852. Des., série 2, tome 22, p. 310. Liquid india ink. Alum, fish glue, black color, alcohol. *1600. Sapéne-Gays. 7864. 1853. Des., série 2, tome 25, p. 362. Printers’ ink for glass. Lithographic varnish, alco- hol, pine resin. 1601. Fourmentin. 7883. 1853. Des., série 2, tome 25, p. 385. Indelible writing ink based on chromium oxide. 1602. Armange. 9597. 1853. Des., série 2, tome 32, p. 5. Employs juice of the Karak-kailou for black writ- ing fluid. 1603. Poncelet. 9716. 1854. Des., série 2, tome 32, p. 314. Non-corrosive writing ink. India-wood, chromate of potassium, catechu. 1604. Romégon. 9798. 1854. Des., série 2, tome 32, p. 4000. Non-corrosive writing ink. Campeche, water, bi- chromate of calcium (or other bichromates). 1605. Larenaudiére. 11156. 1854. Des., série 2, tome 38, p. 310. Copying writing ink. Campeche, copper sulphate. 1618. 1846. sugar, galls, water, alum, 1606. Jublin. 12191. 1855. Des., série 2, tome 42, p. 318. Colorless writing ink that turns blue on prepared paper. Water, proto-chloride of iron, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitrate of iron. 1607. Ballande, J. A.H. 12197. 1855. Des., série 2, tome 42, p. 319. Colorless writing ink that becomes colored on pre- pared paper. Jodide, water, gum, gallic acid, pyro- gallic acid, acetic acid, ferro-cyanid of potassium, alkaline sulphides. *1608. Gillet, and Taspourtn. 12678. Des., série 2, tome 44, p. 305. Printers’ ink based on henna. *1609. Chaffée. 12883. 1855. Des., série 2, tome 45, p. 267. Printers’ ink using rubber solution. *1610. Boutry. 14125. 1855. Des., série 2, tome 50, p. 321. Ceramic printers’ ink. *1611. Defay. 14842. 1856. Des., série 2, tome 53, p. 157. Printers’ ink based on albumin. 1612. Leonhardi, A. 15123. 1856. Des., série 2, tome 54, p. 97; Ding., 1856, Jahrg. 142; p. 141; Poly. Cent., 1856, Jahrg. 22; p. 1472: Alizarin writing ink, Galls, madder, indigo, iron sulphate, pyroacetate (or pyrolignate) of iron, water. 1613. Rapp. 15936. 1856. Des., série 2, tome 56, p. 6. Writing ink extract and powder. tassium chromate, water. For powder, iron sulphate, sugar, and creosote. 1614. Brun. 16672. 1856. Des., série 2, tome 57, p. 319. Writing ink based on acetic acid. *1615. Underwood, J., and F. V. Burr. 16680. 1856. Des., série 2, tome 57, p. 326. Printers’ copying ink. Galls, iron sulphate, gum, molasses, soap, carbon, prussian blue, water. 1616. Kessler. 17038. 1856. Des., série 2, tome 58, p. 393. Ceramic ink. *1617. Seropyan. 18528. 1857. Des., série 2, tome 62, p. 246. Safety printers’ ink. Alkali, iron sulphate, gallic acid, linseed oil. 1618. Belmondi. 21283. 1858. Des., série 2, tome 68, p. 377. _ Non-corrosive. writing ink. Carbonate of potas- sium, nitrate of potassium, carbonate of lead, car- bonate of manganese, water. *1619. Lemaire. 21386. 1858. Des., série 2, tome 69, p. 27. Printers’ ink with aluminium base. 1620. Ballande, J. A.H. 22346. Des., série 2, tome 70, p. 264. White writing ink that becomes black on prepared paper. 1855. Campeche, po- campeche, 1859. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 65 Patents — France, continued. 1621. Jolicoeur. 23167. 1859. Des., série 2, tome 72, p. 23. Indelible marking ink. Linseed oil, caoutchouc, carbon, turpentine. 1622. Melville. 25506. 1860. Des., série 2, tome 75, p. 296. Indelible marking ink. Gum, soap, alum, bitumen, vegetable black. *1623. Lambert. 26352. 1860. Des., série 2, tome 77, p. 332. De-inking process. 1624. Magneval. 49596. 1861. Des., série 2, tome 81, cl. 18, pt. 2, p. 2. Solid ink. 1625. Paviet-Germanoz. 49754. 1861. Des., série 2, tome 81, cl. 14, pt. 3, p. 7. Indelible marking ink using neutral tartrate of silver. ipezoe roc, I. 51016. 1861. Des., série 2, tome 81, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 8. Anilin writing ink. Anilin violet, red anilin or fuchsine, anilin blue, chinese ink, gluten, acetic acid. *1627. Tessié du Motay, and Mar&EcHAL. 51759. 1861. Des., série 2, tome 81, Arts industriels, Diez. 10, Printers’ ink for glass. 1628. Ancelle. 52529. 1862. Des., série 2, tome 83, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 1. Red writing copy ink. Cochineal, water, carbonate of soda, alum, ammonia, gum, sugar. 1629. Croc, L. 52878. 1862. Des., série 2, tome 84, cl. 12, pt. 4, p. 35; Wag. Jahr., 1862, Jahrg. 8, p. 606. Morse telegraph ink. Title entry only. 1630. Sigur, and Cremer. 52927. 1862. Pes serie 2, tome 83, cl. 17, pt. 1, p. 12. Decalcomania ink. 1631. Nadaud. 52984. 1862. Des., série 2, tome 83, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 1. Red or violet writing ink based on fuchsine and anilin. *1632. Maréchal, and Trssié pu Moray. . 53103. 1862. Des., série 2, tome 82, Ceramique, pt. 3, ee Printers’ ink for ceramics and glass. 1633. Bazen, and DELENTE. 59600. 1863. Des., série 2, tome 85, cl. 14, pt. 3, p. 23. Hygienic ink, Title entry only. *1634. Hunt. 61151. 1863. Des., série 2, tome 86, cl. 17, pt. 2, p. 27. Safety printers’ ink based on peroxide of tin and oxide of chromium. *1635. Hulot. 66609. 1865. Des., série 2, tome 94, cl. 17, pt. 2, p. 31. Printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1636. Rowley. 67383. 1865. Des., série 2, tome 93, cl. 14, pt. 3, p. 25. Printers’ ink. Title entry only. 1637. Rozé. 68040. 1865. Des., série 2; tome 93, cl: 14, pt.'3,: p. 26. Writing ink. Title entry only. 1638. Ellis. 70626. 1866. Des.jserie:2,v. 97, cl: 14, pt. 3, -p. 14; Silicious compounds for colors. Title entry only. 1639. Roy. 70964. 1866. Wesm serieez ev. .9/>. cl 14: pticai-p. 15, Writing ink, Title entry only. 1640. Varin. 72912. 1866. Des:, serie 2; tome-9/, cl. 14, pt. 3, p. 16. Graphite copying ink (writing). Title entry only. *1641. Rave. 73664. 1866. Des., série 2, tome 98, cl. 17, pt. 2, p. 13. Belgian printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1642. Ollion. 73701. 1866. Des., série 2, tome 98, Arts industriels, pt. Zee le; Engraving ink using bichromate of potassium and an acid. 1643. Roy. 80612. 1868. Des., série 2, tome 105, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 4. Writing ink. Title entry only. 1644. Huot. 84696. 1869. Des., série 2, tome 109, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 1. Manufacture of lampblack. 1645. Cooke. 85050. 1869. Des., série 2, tome 109, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 9. Writing copying ink. Title entry only. *1646. Muller. 86613. 1869. Des., série 2, tome 109, cl. 14, pt. 2, p. 10. Copper plate and printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1647. Kircher, J.. and E. Esner. 86725. 1869. Des., série 2, tome 109, cl. 14, pt. 3, p. 23. Erasible printing ink. Title entry only. 1648. Mendes. 86731. 1869. Des., série 2, tome 109, cl. 14, pt. 3, p. 23. Sympathetic ink. Title entry only. 1649. Dutilh. 88248. 1869. Des., série 2, tome 112, cl. 4, pt. 2, p. 34. Cleaning ink-stains with chlorine. Title entry only. 1650. Delidon. 93824. 1872. Des., série 3, tome 3, Papeterie, pt. 2, p. 2; Ber; 19/3250. Cape loos Bull. soc. Chim, 1873; v9 pala Writing copying ink. Black ink, gall (or color), copper sulphate, campeche, water, molasses, alcohol, gum arabic. 1651. Mante. 97067. 1872. Des., série 3, tome 4, Arts industriels, pt. 20455: Autographic ink. Chinese ink, bichromate of pot- ash (or of ammonia), gum or gelatin. 66 THE: NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Patents — France, continued. *1652. Nathieu (dit Plessy). 99427. 1873. Des., série 3, tome 6, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, p. 4. Writing and printing ink. Organic color in solu- tion and addition of substance which favors car- bonization by heat. 1653. Puttemans. 99628. 1873. Des., série 3, tome 6, Arts chimiques, pt. 2. 6y.8; Indelible ink, Title entry only. *1654. Persoz, J., and L. JEANNOLLE. 101019. 1873. Des., série 3, tome 6, Arts chimiques, pt. 250s Printers’ ink. Resin liquid, carbon, prussian blue, glycerin. 1655. Pinkney, R. 102050. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 13, Arts textiles, pt. 2, p12 Anilin writing ink. 1656. Souvignet. 102244. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, Dte gd. D.toe- Erasing ink spots with sodium chlorate. entry only. *1657. Roman. 102341. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, pt. ops. Printers’ delible ink using glycerin. Title 1658. Richoux, and GoNTHIER-DREYFUS. 102836. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques pt. sEpetoe: Writing ink. Title entry only. 1659. McIlvaine, C. M. 102901. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, cl. 3 Pose Writing ink. Title entry only. 1660. Gaffard. 103352. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, fiieiDr dee No indication of character of ink, only. 1661. Cré. 103376. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, Did, Ds oe. No indication of character of ink. only. 1662. Ballande,J.A.H. 104329. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, pt. 3.) Peabo: White writing ink for special paper. potassium and gum. *1663. Platel. 104614. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 11, Arts industriels, pt. 2. Bato Black printers’ ink. Tannin, glycerin, essence of thyme, gum, glucose, iron salts. Title entry Title entry Iodide of 1664. Metra. 105174. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, pt. 2 pals Pink and red writing inks using saffranine. 1665. Delidon. 105290. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, pt. 3} Dad ae indication of character of ink. Title entry only. 1666. Gaudin. 106052. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Arts chimiques, pt. Opeode Safety writing ink. prussian blue. 1666a. Lothar de Faber. 106181. 1874. Des., série 3, tome 10, Papeterie, pt. 2, p. 12; Wag. Jahr., 1875, Jahrg. 21, p. 996. Copying pencils. Anilin, graphite, and kaolin. *1667. Billet, and Micuet. 106362. 1875. Des., série 3, tome 14, Arts chimiques, pt. 3, De Oe Substitution of vinasse for molasses in manufac- ture of printers’ ink. 1668. Devillers. 107133. 1875. : Des., série 3, tome 14, Arts chimiques, pt. Fig Mid Ws Paste composition, Water, campeche, alum, anilin. 1669. Gaudin. 107267. 1875. Des., série 3, tome 17, Arts textiles, pt. 2, p. 56. Indelible marking ink. Title entry only. 1670. Grawitz, W.J.S. 108460. 1875. Des., série 3, tome 14, Arts chimiques, pt. 3, p. 10; Wag. Jahr. 1876, Janresceeo: 1065; Bull. Soc. chim., 1876, v. 26, p. 425. Powdered ink from silicates and aluminates. 1671. Messemer. 110848. 1875. Des., série 3, tome 14, Arts chimiques, pt. Dye cu Concentrated ink. Title entry only. 1672. Zuccato, E. de. 113564. 1876. Des., série 3, tome 19, Arts industriels, pt. 25 pe OU _ Copying writing ink and apparatus. uid, anilin, glycerin. 1673. Denis. 115818. 1876. Des., série 3, tome 18, Arts chimiques, pt. 4, p. 67. : jcorir ors for removing ink stains. Title entry only. 1674. Escoffier. 117156. 1877. Des., série 3, tome 22, Arts chimiques, pt. MPa wei Copying ink. Title entry only. 1675. Brachet. 120736. 1877. Des., série 3, tome 22, Arts chimiques, pt. J woe Ink powder. Title entry only. 1676. Fargue. 121433. 1877. Des., série 3, tome 22, Papeterie, pt. Z, p. 21 Safety writing ink. Title entry only. Carbon, gelatinous tannate, Caustic liq- List OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 67 Patents — France, continued. 1677. Zuccato, E.de. 121744. 1877. Des., série 3, tome 22, Papeterie, pt. 2, Dae. Copying ink. Title entry only. 1678. Devillers. 124450. 1878. Des., série 3, tome 26, Arts chimiques, pt. 3, p. 9, with certificate of addition (title only) in série 3, tome 30, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, p. 9. Concentrated ink using campeche and chromium. 1679. Richmond. 125522. 1878. Des., série 3, tome 26, Arts chimiques, pt. 5 ia ALE Indelible writing ink, Title entry only. 1680. Garnier. 126159. 1878. Des., série 3, tome 26, Arts chimiques, pt. Oy Datels Writing ink. Title entry only. 1681. Kwaysser, and Husax. 127373. 1878. Re série 3, tome 26, Papeterie, pt. 2, 5 Ogee Writing copying ink using anilin and alcohol. 1682. Fargue. 127461. 1878. Des., série 3, tome 26, Papeterie, pt. 2, Duh: Writing ink grains. Title entry only. *1683. Gunther. 133676. 1879. Des., série 3, tome 35, Arts industriels, Ot. 2, De dle Black printing ink. Title entry only. *1684. Wilhelm, J. J., and F. RoHNsTapt. 134281. 1879. Des., série 3, tome 30, Arts chimiques, pt. a pS, Printers’ ink, Title entry only. 1685. Bouilhon, and Guasco. 135211. 1880. Des., série 3, tome 34, Papeterie, pt. 2, p. 33. Ink pencil. Title entry only. 1686. Lacroix, and BeELiter. 136203. 1880. Des., série 3, tome 34, Arts chimiques, pt. 2. Dee: Ink powder. Title entry only. *1687. Teilliet. 138069. 1880. Des., série 3, tome 35, Arts industriels, pt. 2, p. 52; série 3, tome 39, Arts industriels, pt. 2, p. 54; série 3, tome 43, Arts industriels, ptZ.p: 42. Lithographic ink. Title entry only. 1688. Gallice. 138204. 1880. Des., série 3, tome 34, Papeterie, pt. 2, p. 34. Solid ink. Title entry only. 1689. Magne, J.J. 138392. 1880. Des., série 3, tome 35, Arts industriels, pt. Deety iG, Drawing and writing ink. Title entry only. 1690. Gruenwald, L. 141567. 1881. Des., série 3, tome 35, Arts industriels, pt. 2,D. £0: Copying writing ink. Title entry only. *1691. Brackebusch, H. 141802. 1881. Des., série 3, tome 35, Arts industriels, pt. Zn Del 0: Printers’ ink. Title entry only. 169la. Savy. 143829. 1881. Des., série 3, tome 41, pt. 1, Arts textiles, Dine Deel tel aeloce.s Vee be, Ink for stamping tissues before dyeing. Linseed oil, massicot, asphalt, gum copal, vermilion. 1692. Devillers. 144336. 1881. Des., série 3, tome 35, Arts industriels, pt. 2° D.017. Black writing ink. Title entry only. 1693. Piallat. 146679. 1882. Des., série 3, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, p. 16. Black indelible writing ink. Title entry only. *1694. Schmidt. 149876. 1882. Des., série 3, tome 42, Arts chimiques, pt. FES eine Ube Printers’ and stamping ink. Title entry only. 1695. Boyeux, and GEOFFRAY. 149943. 1882. Des., série 3, tome 42, Arts chimiques, pt. 2p 0 Hygienic ink. Title entry only. 1696. Delaye et Cie. 150996. 1882. Des., série 3, tome 42, Arts chimiques, pt. Zp. Copying writing ink. Title entry only. 1697. Meyer. 153104. 1883. Des., série 3, tome 46, Arts chimiques, pt. PA ot Incombustible ink. Title entry only. 1698. Fonseca et Cie. 153685. 1883. Des., série 3, tome 46, Arts chimiques, Ht2, 0:0. Indelible ink. Title entry only. *1699. Nesbit, A.A. 153913. 1883. Des., série 3, tome 46, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, Dao: Printers’ ink for checks and postage stamps. entry only. *1700. Gard, W. G., and T. H. Costey. 158738. 1883. Des., série 3, tome 46, Arts chimiques, pt. 270-9; Black printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1701. Guillaume. 165137. 1884. Des., série 3, tome 51, Arts industriels, Dti2, po. Printers’ and lithographic ink. Title entry only. 1702. Dagron et Cie. 166145. 1884. Des., série 3, tome 50, Arts chimiques, pt. A. De tos Writing ink. Title entry only. Title 68 THE NEW? YORKS PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — France, continued. *1703. Collin, and Errant. 178391. 1886. Des., série 3, tome 58, Arts chimiques, Dt, 20a Printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1704. Lancelot. 180969. 1887. Des., série 3, tome 62, Arts chimiques, Dic, Dae Printers’ ink. Title entry only. 1705. Pouchot. 187146. 1887. Des., série 3, tome 62, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, p. 30 Non-corrosive writing ink. Title entry only. *1706. Stanchfield,G. M. 187482. 1887. Des., série 3, tome 62, Arts chimiques, pt. Pap eou Reducer for printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1707. Mourlot. 196815. 1889. Des., série 3, tome 70, Arts chimiques, pt. EApco0 Printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1708. Macé, and Perez. 197370. 1889. Des., série 3, tome 70, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, p. 50 Printers’ ink. Title entry only. 1709. Dimitry, C. P. 199114. 1889. Des., série 3, tome 70, Arts chimiques, pt. 2) pool Indelible writing ink. Title entry only. *1710. Holt. 201070. 1889. Des., série 3, tome 70, Arts chimiques, pt. Fates OWS | Printers’ inks. wLyil, Des., Zep. 52 Printers’ black ink. Title entry only. 1712. Muller. 205645. 1890. Des., série 3, tome 74, Arts chimiques, pt. CeO LOs: Ink paste. 1713. Boyeux, and Canton. 206717. 1890. Des., série 3, tome 74, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, De 6/ Incombustible ink. Title entry only. 1714. Coén, E. 206996. 1890. Des., série 3, tome 74, Arts chimiques, pt. 2p Oe Copying writing ink. Title entrv only. *1715. Higgins, C.M. 208687-88. 1890. Des., série 3, tome 74, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, D. 08 Printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1716. Higgins, C. M. 218495. 1892. Des., série 3, tome 82, Arts chimiques, pt. 2, Pp. ol Printers’ ink. Title entry only. Title entry only. Callmann. 202664. 1889. série 3, tome 70, Arts chimiques, pt. Title entry only. *1717. Bibby, J., and J. Brissy. 231670. 1893. Des., série 3, tome 86, Arts chimiques, pot. 2, p2r 103: Printers’ ink. Title entry only. *1718. Tognola, and GUNTHER. 249250. 1895. Des., série 3, tome 94, Arts chimiques, pt. 2.2, 0 _ Printers’ and lithographic ink. Title entry only. 1719. Testud de Beauregard. 258935. 1896. Des., série 3, tome 98, Arts chimiques, pt. Z, Dp. 68 Sympathetic ink. Title entry only. 1719a. Anquetil. 269793. 1897. Library lacks specification. chim. indus., 1898, tome 9, p. 31. Copying writing ink. Anilin color, water, glyc- erin, and alum. 1719b. Lichtentag, I. 283244. 1898. Library lacks specification. See Rev. chim. indus., 1899, tome 10, p. 118. Method of mixing lampblack with soap. 1719c. Grawitz, W.J.S. 276397. 1898. Mon. sc. B., 1899, série 4, v. 13, p. 15. Marking inks. Anilin base. 1720. Morin. 304982. 1900. Library lacks specification. chim. indus., 1901, tome 12, p. 90. Ink tablets. 1721. Bounot. 311189. 1901. Library lacks specification. chim. indus., 1901, tome 12, p. 361. Quick drying and copying ink. To black writing ink adds syrup, common salt, camphor, and alcohol. *1722. Wechsler, S. 312052. 1901. Library lacks specification. Lithographic ink. *1723. Plat. 3166332 1901, Library lacks specification. See Rev. chim. indus., 1902, tome 13, p. 152; Mon. sc: Bs 1903, série 4, tome 17, p. 54. Printers’ transfer ink. Printers’ ink, bitumen, anti- septic, lard. *1723a. Wass, A.G. 322298. J.S.C.F., 190320. 2a. une Varnish for letterpress or lithographic printing. Resin, petroleum, and colors. *1723b. Préaubert, L., and G. A. THUBE. 331805. 1903. J.S.C.1., 1904, v. 23, p. 448. Adhesive material aoe as thickener for printers’ ink, Casein base. *1724. Meixell, W. B., 337980. 1903. De-inking process using soda, margaric acid, oleic acid, and water. 1725. Morand, A. 341141. 1904. ) Mon. sc. B., 1905, série 4, tome 19, p. 180. Copying writing ink using glycerin added to ordi- nary ink, See Rev. See Rev. See Rev. 1902. and T. Hott. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 69 Patents — France, continued. *1726. Tariel. 344730. 1904. Safety printing ink. Recipe not given. 1727. Williams, W.S. 353097. 1905. Indelible fountain pen ink, Carbon, prussian blue, oil, turpentine. 1728. Coterillo y Ojeda, F., and R. J. QueEsaDA. 355141. 1905. Mon. sc. B., 1907, série 4, tome 21, p. 44; 1906, tome 20, Dp. 122; Cre 00/81, Dy 509, 1644. Writing copying ink. and water. powder. @ljzea. Hart, J.J. 356153. Poet, 4900, v.25, p. 17. Ink for polychromatic printing. ler’s earth or clay. *1729. Fireman, P. 357912. 1905. Rev. chim. indus., 1906, tome 17, p. 90; Mon. sc. B., 1906, série 4, tome 20, p. 127; ete ony. 29,17. 129, 585: C. A., 1907, v. 1, p. 666. Ferro-ferric oxide for black printers’ ink. 1730. Morris, E. R., and others. 369021. 1906. Mon. sc. B., 1908, série 4, tome 22, p. 97; pee O07, v.20, Dp: 58. Copying writing ink. Perchloride of iron, cam- peche, indigo, carmine, methyl violet, water, and thickener. Also recipe for special paper. *1731. Schoenach, R. 385615. 1907. Mon. sc. B., 1909, série 4, tome 23, p. 25. Bronze printers’ ink. Bronze powder, Japan varnish, amyl acetate, acetin. 173la. Garzino, L. 389660. Copying ink (sympathetic). 9108, 1908. *1732. Herz, L. 397576. 1908. fee tole 909) v.28, p. 811. De-inking process. 1733. Bernard, J.I., and B. KAUFMANN. 397855. 1908. Mon. sc. B., 1911, série 5, tome 1, p. 20; ene LO PD ear, 8) 932434. Indelible writing ink. Water, ammonia, gum lac, anilin black, alcohol. *1734. Manche, A., and others. 397923. 1908. Tet hoe vy. 26, p. S95: Mon: sc. B., 1912, série 5, v. 2, p. 174. Lithographic and autographic ink. Water, anilin violet, fuchsin, ammonia, wax, resin, olein. *1735. Jagenburg, F.G. 399604. 1909. Mon. sc. B., 1911, série 5, tome 1, p. 22; Chemisch-technisches Repertorium, 1909, Tanre. o0,5p. 487; J.S.C.1., 1909, v. 28,. p. eo, A. 1911, v. 5, p. 218, 2438. Colored ee ink. aneode solution of color emulsified with oils and resins. Ink powder, sugar, glycerin, Writing ink may be used instea of 1905. 1908. See English patent Dye, solvent, ful- +1736; Hopkins, M.o.sand. GR. BARNETT. 404456. 1909. Jag-CE 1910) v.29,...166. De-inking process. 1736a. Henkel & Co. 409697. 1910. Mon. sc. B., 1911, série 5, v. 1-2, p. 155. De-inking process. 1737. Hochstetter, R. 405048. Jp LoLUs M2. Th. coo: 1909. Mimeograph ink using sulphonated oil, and or- ganic color in glycerin. 1738. Rueter, A. 410635. 1909. ip, Sue ML Aven OLD Gols LOT too; Dis Zale Ae OLIV pes9Z3: Quick-drying writing ink. Addition of alcohol to ordinary writing ink. 1739. Montet, V.C. F. 414128. Decalcomania ink. *1740. Child, R. C., and J. JoHNsTON. 414179. 1910. TS Gell el avecon pelclo: _ Lithographic and pane ink. Gets finely di- vided material by subjecting schist, or similar sub- stances, to current of air. 1910. *1741. Child, R.C. 429449. 1911. foo elas Olive vy woUm pelea, Printers’ black ink based on tar. *1742. Winestock, O. C., and others. 432744. 1911. eh Cg CAD eae g Ai sag AR) De-inking process. 1743. Booth, D. 440947. 1912. Mon. sc. B., 1913, série 5, v. 3, p. 200. Writing copying ink, Anilin, gum, sugar, glycerin, water, acetic acid. *1744,. Schimek, J. 446095. POs ol Ol Saye roZ ea boos De-inking process. *1745. Société Lefranc et Cie. 448616. 1911. Mon. sc. B., 1914, série 5, tome 4, p. 45; JS:.Cl21913e2 s22pe4eL. De-inking process. *1745a. Lesne, H., and M. LAPpIErReE. 451452. 1913. Lange v3, D: 200. Rapid drying printing and lithographic ink. Olive oil, sandarac, stearin, soap, resin, olein, wax. 1912, *1745b. Kurtz-Haehnle, C. 459300. 1913. JS: Ca STS vide, pa tiss De-inking process. *1745c. Berger, and Wirt. 458646. 1913. C. A., 1914, v. 8, p. 3245. Printers’ colored ink. Albuminous substances, alkalis, oleosulphonic acid or its salts. *1746. Wolff, M. 462452. 1913. Mon. sc. B., 1914, série 5, tome 4, p. 157; S.C LAS 1 4a e267 Printers’ black using peat. 70 THEONEW, YORK-PUBLIC. LIBRARY Patents — France, continued. *1746a. Turkin, N. W. 467039. JS. CL i914 vi33p p. 858. Manufacture of printing colors. on turkey-red oil and an alkali. 1914. Pigments based *1747. General Waste-paper Recovery Co. 478288. 1915. TS. Gal loi G hve so, p51 009: De-inking process. 1748. Olsen, J.C. 503492. Solid ink. iron. 1919. *1749. Ruetgerswerke Akt. Ges., and H. TERCHMANN. 535383. 1922. Chim. et ind., 1922, v. 8, p. 1070. Printers’ black ink from tars. See French patent: 518884 of 1921. *1750. Eyrich,H.R., and J. A. SCHREIBER. 535859. 1922. Mon. sc. B., 1923, série 5, tome 13, p. 41; Chim. et ind., 1922, v. 8, p. 878. De-inking process. *1751. Fitzgerald, F.C. 537905. Lithographic ink. Glycerin, chloride of calcium, Ne i la of potassium, carbolic acid, gum, and litho in *1752. Gauvin, S.A. 538968. _ Printers’ black and colored inks. Pistachier lentiscus. Fljose Angier; EH. 552622, 51923. Chimzret. ind. 1923 cv. 210-2p94z2* Cent, 1923, Jahrg. 94, pt. 2., Tech. Teil, p. 423. De-inking process. 1754. Plauson’s, Ltd. 552668. Colloidal writing ink, 1922; 1922. Uses extract of 1923. Dextrin, anilin, graphite, tannate of *1755. Alchemic Gold Co. 555722. 1923. Chemisches Centralblatt, 1923, les: 94, Teil 2, Tech. Teil, p. 772. Printers’ embossing ink. 1756. Reitze, E., and E. Trujitto. 560641. 1923. Finger-print ink for documents. and color. *1757. Alchemic Gold Co. 560827-28. 1923. Metallic printers’ inks. 1758. Spensley, J. W. 562541. Centrifugal ink machine. *1759. Sauvage, F. 562906. Luminous printers’ inks. 1760. Indelible Coloration Co. 564039. 1923. Fusible ceramic ink. 1761. Dello Ink Corporation. 568003. Indelible writing ink with alum base, 1762. Goldsmith, B.B. 570984. 1924. Ink cartridge and recipe for ink tablet. 1763. Etablissements Edouard Belin. » 571735. 1924) Ink for producing relief surfaces. 1764. Kaumagraph Co. 579568. 1924. Marking ink. Stearic acid, indulin base. *1765. Bourcet, P., and H. REGNAULT. Glycerin, alcohol 1923. 1923. 1924. 580624. 1924. De-inking process. 1766. Nater, J. 581031. 1924. Copying ink for fountain pens. color, wood gum arabic. 1767. Ink-out Manufacturing Co. 586796. 1924. De-inking process. Water, glycerin, GERMANY The Library has no specifications. aus den Patentschriften. application. “1768. Wohlfarth, A. 6916. 1878. Printers’ metallic ink. *1769. Guenther, H. 9566. 1879. Aus., 1880, p. 205; Wag. Jahr., 1880, Jahrg. 26, p. 795; J.A.C.S., 1880, v. 2, p. 231; Ber., 1880, Jahre. 13, p. 942; Lange, v. 3, p. 207. Printers’ black ink. Asphalt, tar oil, anilin violet, resin oil. *1770. Guenther, H. 11930. 1880. Aus, 1880, p. 638; Wax. Jahr., 1880, Jahre, 26; p. 795; JAsse LSS 1o weep ans Ber., 1880, Jahrg. Saas 2101, 2449; rane v, 3, paZ0/7, Printers’ black ink. Tar oil from anthracene, copper eee anilin violet. Addition to D. R. P. no. 9566, Brief abstracts are contained in the official Ausztige The date following the patent number denotes the year of *1771. Wilhelm, J.J. 12282. 1879. Aus., 1881, p. 74; Wag. Jahr., 1881, Jahrg. 27, p. 943; Ber., 1881, Jahrerel4e paces J.A.C.S., 1881, v..3, po 7/8} Danger Printers’ ink. Cal tar, colsoheay! ae oil, potassium chloride, glycerin, lampblack, and dark anilin color. / *1772. Wilhelm, J.J. 12286. 1880. Aus., 1881, p. 74; Wag. Jahr., 1881, Jahrg. 27, p. 943: J.A.C.S., 1881, vy 3p eee 1881, Jahrg. 14, p. 123. Printers’ black ink. Coal tar, sulphuric acid, soda, chlorine, lard, glycerin, lampblack, with modifications. 1773. Frobeen, L. 14942. 1881. Aus., 1881) -p. S2356 Vom Jahrg.‘27, p. S92: Fireproof ink. Metallic color, watercolor, platinum chloride, gum arabic. 1881, LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS ral Patents — Germany, continued. *1774. Brackebusch, H. 16227. 1881. Aus., 1881, p. 834; Wag. Jahr., 1881, Jahrg. Sees 1 o.C.1., 1882, v. 1, p. 21, 63: mec cuem, )).,le52-03, Jahre. 5, p. 461; Resco Jante. 14, p. 2715; Lange, v. 3, p. : Printers’ colored ink. Paraffin oil, colophony. *1775. Guenther, H. 16905. 1881. Aus., 1882, p. 96; Wag. Jahr., 1882, Jahrg. eee 4 ber... 1882, Jahre. 15, p. 402; Tech. chem. J., 1882-83, Jahrg. 5, p. 461; Lange, v. 3, p. 206. Printers’ black ink, 9566, 1879. “1776. Reissig, W. 17462. 1881. Aus., 1882, p. 220; Wag. Jahr., 1882, Jahrg. 25, p. 1040: J.S.C.1., 1882, v. 1, p. 145; Tech. chem. J., 1882-83, Jahrg. 5, p. 461; Lange, Mew 207: Black safety printing and stamping ink. Addition of iron salts, or of metallic iron, to inks made from lampblack and linseed oil varnish. *1777. Magne, J.J. 17515. 1881. Pivssercessep, 403; Wage. Jahr., 1882, Jahrg. 28, p. 1013; Tech. chem. J., 1881-82, Jahrg. 4, p. 361; Lange, v. 3, p. 204, 215. Addition to D. R. P. no. Autographic transfer ink. Varnish, double salt of chromium, potassium ferricyanid, and a color. Also uses a pencil composed of paraffin and pine soot. *1778. Martens, J. F. 17560. 1881. Aus., 1882, p. 348. Autographic transfer process, using special paper with a solution of chrome alum and a color. 1779. Schmidt, C., and E. VEHL. 19219. 1882. eee nee 9 51G; J.5.C.1,, 1882, v. 1, p. 403; Tech. chem. J., 1882-83, Jahrg. 5, p. 515. Paper treated with sympathetic ink. Uses linseed oil, ammonia, and water. 1780. Knab, C. 20600. 1882. Aus., 1883, p. 61; Wag. Jahr., 1883, Jahrg. Perea... 14 1303, v. 2, p. 183; Tech. chem. J., 1883-84, Jahrg. 6, p. 432; Lange, ito Dew as Blue-black signature ink. Logwood extract, alco- hol, hydrochloric acid, potassium chromate, dextrin, and kaolin. *1781. Gebrueder Schmidt. 21408. 1882. Aviass. 104: Wag. Jahr., 1883, Pattee peliol;:).o.C.1., 1883, v..2,-p. 243; Tech. chem. J., 1882-83, Jahrg. 5, p. 461; Lange; v. 3, p. 207, Black printing and stamping ink. varnish, superoxide of manganese. adaptable to de-inking. 1782. Gebrueder Schmidt. Aus., 1883, p. 183. Transfer ink for embroidery. and glycerin. Linseed oil Makes paper 21740. 1882. Printers’ ink, wax, 1783. Appleyard, T. W., jr., and others. 27585. 1883. Aus., 1884, p. 407; Tech. chem. J., 1883-84, Jahrg. 6, p. 411; Ber., 1884, Jahrg. 17, Ref- erate, p. 340. . Black writing ink.. vitriol. *1784. Guichard, E.A.D. 31171. 1884. Aus, 1885, p. 9200; Wag. Jahr.,. 1885, Jahrg. 31, p. 1039; Tech. chem. J., 1884-85, Jahrg. 7, p. 479. De-inking process. *1785. Lischke, F. A.. and E. LaAurTerBacu. 32509. 1884. Aus., 1885, p. 437. Tannic acid, soda lye, iron Lithographic ink. Glycerin, varnish, sodium chloride, and caramel. *1786. Brings, W. 47942. 1888. Tech. chem. J., 1889-90, Jahrg. 12, p. 518. Lithographic and metal plate ink. Resin-free print- ers’ ink in conjunction with a solution of wax, asphalt, resin, and turpentine. *1787. Decker, T. A. 53359. Aus., 1890, p. 744. Printers’ colored ink. To a printers’ ink of col- ophony, molasses, tar, litharge, and indigo are added copaiba balsam, silver nitrate, and aqua regia. 1889. *1788. Higgins,C. M. 57848. 1890. witisee? 1SOl rp... 012? Was. Slahtae loo b, Pane Gs Ol 7a; Lanett ie Oe Lae Printers’ copying and stamping ink, Coal tar products with oil of cloves or of cinnamon. 1789. Krawutschke, C. 62046. 1891. Aus., 1892, p. 384; Wag. Jahr., 1892, Jahrg. 38, p. 950. Stamping ink for meat. Alcoholic extract of log- wood and alkanna root, salicylic acid, tannic acid, and glycerin. *1790. Richard, T. 62937. 1890. Aus.) 892; 25/2" Ber, 1002 Janrenco, Referate, p. 711. Printers’ transfer ink for oil colors. *1791. Castaneda, J. 66214. 1892. . Aus., 1893, p. 146; Ber., 1893, Jahrg. 26, Referate, p. 256. Recovery of printers’ ink. 1791a. Genzsch, A., and K. KiimoscH. 69054. 1891. Aus... 1603. ph O7emelange: v.05, 1%. 227% Wage Jahr, 1893, Jahre..39; -p.- 1057. Red ink marking pencil. Alizarin and congo-red (benzopurpurin), Glauber’s salts, soap, pyrolusite, water glass, turkey-red oil, gallic acid, and gypsum. F1/92,0f10rst, 67012 eee dg, Aus, 1883. Den. Wages Jatin noes, Jahrg. 39, p. 1059; Tech. chem. J., 1893-94, Jahrg. 16, p. 540. De-inking process. oe THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Germany, continued. *1793. Higgins, C. M. ‘71912. 1892. Aus. 1893, -p-° 1198; Wage Jahr, 1895, Jahrg. 39, p. 1094; Tech. chem. J., 1893-94, Pahre Glow. Uoer ane ep vy. oD. elo: Printing and stamping ink. Carbolic acid, castor or cassia oil, anilin color. *1794. Lohmann, P. 75447. 1893. Aus., 1894, p. 576; Wag. Jahr., 1894, Jahrg. '40, n. 1059; Tech. chem. ifs 1894-95, Jahrg. 17, pemo Ls Ber., 1894, Jahrg. Pa Ref- erate, p. 835. De-inking process. *V7 955 iorety 3.00/01 se 21893, Aus., 1894, p. 670; Wag. Jahr., 1894, Jahrg. 40, p. 1059; Zeit. ang. C., 1894, p. 662. De-inking process. 1796. Arndt, E. M. 83547. 1894. Aus., 1895, p. 813; Wag. Jahr., 1895, Jahre. 41,5. 1082? Ber 1895 Jahre, 23, Referate, p. 1037; Tech. chem. J., 1895-96, Jatrecd&.p. 4112 Langecy. 3,02 212; _Stamping ink. Tanning extracts in alcohol, glyc- erin, color, and water. *1797. Hiebsch, B. 87730. 1895. Als), 1896.27. 0551s a Wars-lalrecrl Gos; Jahrg. 42, p. 1064; Ber., 1896, Jahrg. 29, Referate, p. 721; Lange, Voc: 204. Varnish for printers’ ink. Ammonia and water added to printers’ inks made from petroleum, linseed oil, and glycerin. *1798. Moutardier, E., and G. Picarp. 88563. 1895. As.» (1896, “pis (Za; 7 eWae. ane Jahrg. 42, p. 1027. De-inking process. 1799. Greville-Williams, R. 91357. Aus., 1897, p. 242. Telegraphic ink. *1800. Hinzelmann, M. 96403. 1897. Aus., 1898, p. 274; Wag. Jahr., 1898, Jahrg. 44, p. 1159; Zeit. ang. C., 1898, p. 454; Tech. chem. J., 1897-98, Jahrg. 20, p. 296; Lange, v. 3, p. 204. Varnish for bronze printing inks. *1801. Maitre, E. 99228. 1897. Aouse1698,° p. o7/1t> Wag. Janreoloes, Jahrg. 44, p. 1128; Tech. chem. J., 1898-99, Jahrg. 21, p. 392; Mon. sc. B., 1899, série 4, Pde hae A 1896, 1895. Gold, bronze, and silver printing inks. Naples gold, sienna earth, coconut oil, nut oil, garlic. 1802. Moeller, J. 99288. 1897. Aus., 1898, p. 816; Wag. Jahr., 1898, Jahrg. 44, p. 1122; Tech. chem. J., 1898-99, Jahrg. 21, p. 395; Cent., 1899, Jahrg. 70, Teil Lip cos A LaAneeoy.0, paced. cee ink. Alum, water, garlic, sulphuric acid. *1802a. Dordtsche Petroleum Maatschappij. 101068. 1897. us., 1899, p. 97; Lange, v. 3, p. 205. Printing ink binder using Grisee oil. *1803. Adelsberger, J. 102747. 1897. Aus., 1899, p. 321; Cent., 1899, Jahrg. 70, Teil 1, p. 1264. Lithographic ink, Acidified glycerin with addition of color. *1804. Burger, H.J. 103043. 1898. Aus., 1899, p. 448; Cent., 1899, Jahrg. 70, Ve 2) pe 50h Lithographic ink. Addition of shellac and asphalt solution to ordinary lithographic ink. 1805. Firma August Leonhardi. 105107. 1897. Aus., 1899, p. 865; Tech. chem. J., 1899, te p. 453; Cent., 1900, Jahrg. 71, Teil 1p. 159. Stamping ink for meat. 1806. Kornacher, F., and M. Brum. 105735. 1897. Aus., 1899, p. 920; Wag. Jahr., 1899, Jahrg. 45, p. 1062; Cent., 1900, Jahrg. 71, Teil 1, p. 382; Tech. chem. J., 1899) Jahrer 22.00. 399. Vanadium ink for special paper. 1807. Rottach, J., and J. HANSEL. 107045. 1897. Aus., 1900, p. 131; Cent., 1900, Jahrg. 71, Teil 1, p. 888. Preparation for printing on hard gelatin surfaces. 1808. Kretschmann, FE. 109201. 1899. Aus., 1900, p. 492; Wag. Jahr., 1900, Jahre. 46, Teil 2 p. 5312" Dectciemiee = 1899, Jahrg. 22, p. 399; Cent., 1900, ane Fle Ped Dp. 1256; Lange, v. 3, p. 224 Sympathetic ink and paper, using cobalt ere and chloride of sodium, *1809. Kinloch, R.H. 109825. 1897. Aus., 1900, p. 580; Wag. Jahr., 1900, Jahrg. 46, Teil 2, p. 557; Tech. chem. J., 1900, Jahrg. 23, p. 309; Cent., 1900, Jahrg. 71, Teil 2, p. 295; Zeit. ange, CS 1900s gare Lange, v. 3, p. 205. Printers’ black and colored ink that will not “run.” Ordinary inks mixed with glycerin, copaiba balsam, sandalwood oil, petroleum, pine balsam, alcohol, pyro- lusite, turpentine, chloroform, ether, and concentrated ammonia. / 1810. Kretschmann, E. 111658. 1899. Aus., 1900, p. 904; Wag. Jahr., 1900, Jahrg. 46, Teil 2, p. 532; Lange, v. 3, p. 224. Sympathetic ink and paper. Paratoluidin, resorcin, sulphuric acid. *1811. Giesecke, K. Aus., 1900, p. 1564. Notsg ane ink. Ordinary hagecoke ink, varnish, turpentine, lavender oil, and india in 115158. 1899, LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 7a Patents — Germany, continued. 1812. Kretschmann, FE. 115445. 1900. Fee 61900. p. 1506: Wag. .Jahr., 1900, Jahrg. 46, Teil 2, p. 531; Cent., 1900, Jahrg. Preeti p.1191s Tech. chem.:J., 1900, Jahrg. 23, p. 554; Lange, v. 3, p. 224. Sympathetic paper based on cobalt salt. with solution of salt and vinegar. *1813. Oefer, E. 118206. Aus., 1901, p. 415. Powdered colors for printers’ inks. Color, glycerin, mica, and albumin. 1814. Copir-Telegraph G.m.b.H. 119430. 1900. Aus., 1901, p. 639. Telegraph ink pencil. Paraffin, wax, or pitch. *1815. Knopf, B. 127820. 1900. ieee. polo: Wag. Jahr., 1902, Sosa etl 2, p: 566; Tech. chem. J., 1901, Jahre. 24, p. 587; Chem. Ztg., 1902, Jahre, 26, Teil 1, p. 98. De-inking process. *1816. Wechsler, S. 128180. 1900. Aus., 1902, p. 474; Chem. Ztg., Jahrg. 26, Teil 1, p. 188. Lithographic and metal plate ink allowing contin- uous printing. | Glycerin, carbonate of soda, tartar, turpentine, varnish. *1817. Hofer & Co. 132894. 1900. Aus., 1902, p. 1214; Wag. Jahr., 1902, Jahrg. 48, Teil 2, p. 594; Chem. Ztg., 1902, Jahrg. 26, Teil 2, p. 658; Tech. chem. J., 1902, Jahre. 25, p. 539. Printers’ ink for celluloid. Lithographic ink, ether, camphor, paraffin, and manganese varnish. : *1818. Brandel, F. de, and A. pE BAupRY p’Asson. 134201. 1901. (Aue. 1902) p. 1461; Chem. Ztg., 1902, Wanreoco, teil 2, p- 852; Tech. chem. J., 1901, Jahrg. 24, p. 468; Jahr. Chem., 1902, Teil 1; 7p. 750. Printers’ ink, alcohol. 1818a. Siebicke,O., and H. MULLER. 145683. 1902. Aus., 1903, p. 1646; Lange, v. 3, p. 214. Stamping ink for embroidery. Rapeseed oil, kaolin, starch, sodium thiosulphate. 1819. Peters, R. 158151. 1904. Wega). 655; J.9.C.I., 1905, v. 24, p. 742; Tech. chem. J., 1904, Jahrg. 27, p. 443: Cent., 1905, Jahrg. 76, Teil 1, p. 488; Chem. Zte.,, 1905, Jahre. 29, Teil 1, p. 126; Zeit. ang. C., 1905, Jahrg. 18, Teil 1, p. 671. Black pigment from waste carbon electrodes. *1820. Kunze, A. 159781. 1903. Aus., 1905, p. 727; Tech. chem. J., 1904, Jahrg. 27, p. 604; Zeit. ang. C., 1905, Jahrg. 18, p. 960; Lange, v. 3, p. 214. Process for dry stamping of leather, cloth, etc. Color, wax, paraffin. Writes 1899. 1902, Mineral oil, coal tar color, and 1821. Charles, P., and S. Fauyat. 160278. 1904. Aus., 1905, p. 819. Ox-gall preparation for gelatin copying mass. 1821a. Schnauber, A. 163510: 1904. Aus., 1906, p. 29; Lange, v. 3, p. 214; Wag. Nahr 1905. .idnreaol, Leil2 p, 435: Stamping ink for embroidery. 1822. Beauvoir de Lisle, de, and E. V. Lutrrety.. 167773. 1904. Aus., 1906, p. 605; Zeit. ang. C., 1906, Jahre ep 2554; Mange, vito. Dp. Zl. Branding fluid. Tar and tartar emetic. *1823. Duncan, G.S. 168509. 1905. Aus., 1906, p. 825. Composition to prevent “set-off.” *1824. Charlottenburger Farbwerke A. G. 169947. 1904. Aus., 1906, p. 1054; Wag. Jahr., 1906, Jahres 52° Veil 2, 9:51) -2Zeit. ane. C., 1907; Talep oe 20 Pelion Gent. 900 labre. 77, Pelz, p. o/52)Lange, va3, p.+205: Lithographic ink. Varnish, glycerin, and ammonia. *1824a. Charlottenburger Farbwerke A. G. 170983. 1904. Ans. 1906, 2p 1 221° lange. vieos D205" War shah .1906) fahres2> Peli? pest. _Printers’ ink for flat printing. Addition of glyc- erin and varnish to ordinary ink. *1824b. Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik. 172465. 1903. Aus.). 1906; "p. 1708: Lange, vi °35-p. .204; Wages Jahr. 1906, Jahre. 52, Tel 2p, 218: Printers’ ink. Water- and oil-soluble salts of color bases. 1825. Faujat, S., and P. CHARLES. 174386-87. 1905. Aus., 1906, p. 2236. Preparation of inks for gelatin copying mass. *1826. Klusek, E. 185749. 1906. As: 1907, «paslGsl>e Waa fahr, «1907, Jahre. 53,'Teil 2, p. 546; Rep., 1907, Jahre: 31. p3335% Langery..3,. p25. _ Reducer for lithographic ink. Spermaceti, vene- tian soap, stearin, wax, fat, linseed oil, bronze ink varnish. *1826a. Claessen, C. Aus., 1908, p. 1770. Plastic masses using polyglycerins. *1826b. Claessen, C. 198768. Aus., 1908, p. 1725. Manufacture of polyglycerins. 1827. Livingston, J. 205072. Aus., 1909, p. 208. Preparation of inks for gelatin mass. 1828. Garzino, L. 213279. 1908. Aus., 1909, p. 2117; Rep., 1909, Jahrg. 53 27 Laces wee ees. Sympathetic ink. Ferrocyanid of potassium, iron alum, powdered graphite, and magnesium carbonate. 198711. 1907. 1907. 1907. 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Germany, continued. *1829. Henkel & Co. 215312. 1908. Aus., 1909, p. 2585; Rep., 1909, Jahrg. 33, Dr20/0- a Zeit. ane. Gs, 90S, Jonre, weer pe 2438: C, A., 1914, v. 8, p. 2060; Rep., 1914, Jahrg. 38, p. 66. Carbon paper prepared with heavy hydrocarbons, especially petroleum. *1848. Hantke, F. 269755. 1913. aoe 1914, p. 388; Rep., 1914, Jahrg. 38, p. 94. Preparation for toning up lithographic plate. 1849, Firma G. H. Cohn. 270073. 1913. muses, p. 447: C. A., 1914, v. 8, p. os Wag. Jahr., 1914, Jahrg. 60, Teil 1, p. 609. Grinding rolls for pigments. *1850. Wolff, M. 270336. 1913. Aus., 1914, p. 502; Wag. Jahr., 1914, Jahrg. 60, Teil 2, p. 462; Rep., 1914, Jahrg. samomeiageo zeit, ang, C., 1914, Jahre. 2/, Tei ep. ive; Lange, v.'3, p. 207. Printers’ black from peat. *1851. Heinze, C. 274965. Aus., 1914, p. 1408. _ Printers’ ink detergent. tine, benzin, petroleum. 1852. Charles, P. 276477. 1913. : pets. -p. 1684; C. A., 1915, v. 9, p. 850; 3,5:C.1., 1914, v. 33, p. 1021; Cent., 1914, Jahrg. 85, Teil 2, p. 446; Rep., 1914, Jahrg. 38, p. 492. Ink for gelatin copying surface. 1853. Charles, P. 276622. 1913. Bemis 1/39; C. A., 1915, v. 9,.p. Bee 1914) y. 33, p. 1021; Cent., 1914, Jahrg. 85, Teil 2, p. 446; Rep., 1914, Jahrg. 38, p. 492. Ink for gelatin copying surface. D.R.P. no. 276477. *1854. Lauthe, O., and FE. LAuTHE. 278007. 1912. Pogeeioiar ip. 2037; C. A., 1915, v..9, p. 1127; Rep., 1914, Jahrg. 38, p. 531. Printers’ etching ink. 1854a. Padberg, A. 280841. 1914. aie 91015.-p. 13; Rep., 1915, Jahrg. 39, p. 4. Ink bodies in compressed or paste form. 1913; Olein, glycerin, turpen- Addition to *1857. Kurtz-Haehnle, C. 288900. *1855. Homburg, R. 282953. 1913. TUS eu Un Da aC ac. OLS ery: 0 sy, 2439; Rep., 1915, Jahrg. 39, p. 128. Printers’ transfer ink. *1856. Gruene, C. 288879. 1914. FAS eke Loma ale lose O LO: Vs 5, p. 429; Wag. Jahr., 1916, Jahrg. 62, Teil 2, D200, ey G1 916, v.10, 122583. Zeit: ang, par uganten2) beil/2,.p..63% Lange, v: oeebe 200: Dark printing inks, Kieselguhr and carbon, heated in, absence of air, ground with a binding agent, and mixed with dye. 1913. Ate plus. 1790s War Jahr. 1916. Jaure, O27 Lele, p, coo; ©. A. 4916,.v.010, Pa poor « ent. 1916.5 Jahre.8/7-Leil iy op, 124; Rep., 1915, Jahrg. 39, p. 498; Zeit. ang. Gy 1916; Jahre. 29° Teil 2, ps 49. De-inking process. Addition to D.R.P. no. 254554. 1858. Firma Guenther Wagner. 289140. 1915. AUS LO lo. Mel Ooee Vee) aie BL olOe sales 62, Lei 2 pacoo; CAL 1916, v.10; p. 2510; Cent., 1916, Jahrg. 87, Teil 1, p. 199; Let ane. Gl 1916. Jahre oe eile 2.1.63, White writing ink. Solution of zinc hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide in ammonia (or ammonia salt solution) or lye. *1859. Friedrich, V. 295489. 1915. JSC Ola 36s piesa ace lahes 19175 Jahre. 63, Teil’ 2, p.°2623. Cent. 1917; Jahrg. 88, Teil 1jop. 151; Rep., 1917, ‘Jahre. Alp. 285 Zeit ane: Gz 1917 pahres 30! ail 2, p. 24; Kunst., 1917, Jahrge/, p. 25; Lange, Vid, De 200; Printers’ ink. Dilution of printers’ ink with water mixed with wool fat, and the addition of coloring matter. *1860. Zaeslé, M., and P. ZAESLE. 295670. 1915. Wag. Jahr., 1917, Jahrg. 63, Teil 2, p. 203- 204 J.5-Cul se 19) / ove e500. 040) Vi uast., 1917; Jahrge.7; p. 36; Rep., 1917, JahrgAl, p. 28s Zeit. ang,C., 191/ sJahro.. 30) Lei. 2, Deeb: Thickener for printers’ ink using arrow-root or manioc in such a way that the cellulose is completely separated. *1860a. Kronstein, A. 302544. 1916. Aus., 1919, p. 1129; Lange, v. 3, p. 206; TES Gali 220 Maree e OD lceao yy ae. wlanre 1919, Jahrg. 65, Teil 2, p. 344. Printers’ ink varnish. Base from fish-oil distilla- tion. *1861. Goldschmidt, T. 309911. 1917. Aus., 19199 p.407 4).5,G1 21919. y,. 38. op. o/ 9a Co Ae ISO ysl tp. is oo Nii et irid, 21920.- 93 3,*pootec@ent.u1019™ [anrg, 90, Teil 2, p. 264; Rep., 1919, Jahrg. 43, p. 3607" Lange. vos thies oe Printing and stamping inks, using glycol. 76 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Germany, continued. 1861a. Maison, H., and R. Matson. 313682. 1918. Aus, 19197 np. /56;) ange. -v.. Gaon 2208 Wag. Jahr., 1919, Jahrg. 65, Teil 2, p. 257. Ink tablets. To usual ingredients adds magnesium sulphate or sodium sulphate before pressing. 1862. Rosenberg, H. 323138. 1917. Atis, 1920; “pp. 1765; Wag, Jahry 1920; Jahrg. 66, Teil 2, p. 393-394; J.S.C.I., 1920, VOU oped place nunsts 21920 gahre ALO p; 204; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1921, Jahrg. 45, p. 104; Chim. et ind., 1922, v. 7, p. 543; Lange, Vids Doece: Ink tablets containing substances which generate gases on the addition of water, thus disintegrating the mass. 1863. Gethe, H. 331622. 1920. Aus. 198 pi 2027 a Wap pant lo2l Jahrg. 67, Teil 2, p. 361; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1921, Jahrg. 45, p. 216. Indelible ink. Addition of potassium ferrocyanide to ordinary writing ink. *1864. Fiedler, K. 339106. 1916. Aus.,..1921, pi .1823:. Wag Jahr, 1921. Jahrz..6/, Teil 2, p,.302; Lange, v. 3,9. 205. Printers’ ink using mineral oil products described in D.R.P. no. 287309 and D.R.P. no. 216459, *1865. Albert, E. 340624. 1916. Aus., 1923, p. 115; Chim. et ind., 1922, v. 8, p. 467; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1921, Jahrg. 45, p. 284; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. 94, Teil 1, Leche Teilp.51253. Manufacture of colors for printers’ inks, using emulsions described in D.R.P. no. 326468. *1866. Chemische Fabriken Plagwitz- Zerbst, and J. von Bosse. 345141. 1920. Aus... 1922, p. 20: Waew Jabrs 1921, Jahre. O/ sULeuv2: P.. 0012). bluael oceeny es blee De Site. -Lange, vy. 3)°p. 213. Binders for inks, printing inks, and ink rollers, using glycerin pitch, aluminium sulphate, and sul- phuric acid. *1867. Fitzgerald, F.C. 346824. 1921. Aus., 1922, p. 408; Wag. Jahr., Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 492. Lithographic ink. To ordinary printers’ or litho- graphic ink adds glycerin, calcium chloride, potassium phosphate, carbolic acid, and thickener. 1868. Schiffmann, J. 347826. 1920. Puss 922, p: 5842 \-Wag a lahresios.. Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 496; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1922) ane, 40, p,.190;) Lange, vav0, p.ueko: Stamping ink. Anilin black, alcohol, iron-tannic salts, acetin, lampblack. *1868a. Chemische Fabriken Worms, A. G. 347902. 1917. AUS 3 L922 ape O/0- valance, v.03, py 205; Double-tone printing inks using mineral oil acids. Stn addition (no. 354081, 1917, Aus., 1922, p. 1922, *1869. Ruetgerswerke A. G., and H. TEICHMANN. 348685. 1920. Aus., 1922, p. 1811; Wag. Jahr. Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 496. Printers’ black ink pigment described in D. R. P. no. 320056, made from tar oil derived from wood, peat, straw, cotton, or other fibrous material. *1870. Actien-Gesellschaft fiir Anilin- Fabrikation. 349924. 1920. Wag. Jahr., 1922, Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 496; J.S.C.I.,. 1923, v. 42, p. 66725 Chemereca: Ubers., 1922; Jahrg. 46, 'p. 211-" Cent. 1924, Jahrg. 94, Teil 1, p. 1031; Lange,-v. 3, p. 206. Printing and stamping ink using cyclohexanol and its homologues, with nigrosin, lampblack, and glyc- 1922, erin. *1871. Eyrich, H. R., and J. A. SCHREIBER. 353024... 1927 Aus., 1922, p. 20015) Wage silanes Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 407; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1922, Jahrg. 46, p. 266. De-inking process. 1872. Plauson’s Forschungsinstitut G.m.b.H: “O55l ivan Wag. Jahr., 1922, Jahre 6s.) fete: 492; J.S.C.I1., 1922, v. 41, p. 826a. Colloidal ink and india ink. Insoluble colored min- eral substances are ground with soluble organic dye- ae and a protective colloid in a Plauson colloidal mi 1873. Molar, C. 356120. 1919. Aus., 1922, p. 2662; Wage lant Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 493; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1922, Jahre. 46, p. 318: Lange ws, gee Concentrated liquid ink, Concentrated color, gum arabic, phenol or salicylic acid, water, ferro-sulphate, tannic acid, hydrochloric or acetic acid. *1874, Smidt, K. J., and R. JAEGER. 360336. 1921. Aus., 1922, p. 3611: Wag jahpewi se] Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 497; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. 94, Teil 1, Tech. Teil, p. 751; Chem. tech, Ubers., 1924, Jahrg. 48, p. 168. ~ Black and colored printers’ inks from _ sulphite waste liquor. 1875. Schmitz, W. 364077. 1921. Aus., 1923,: p. 123; "Wage jalt eee Jahrg. 68, Teil 2, p. 493; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. 94, Teil 1, Tech. Teil, p. 1154; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1924, Jahrg. 48, p. 168. Ink tablets. Anilin green, milk sugar, cane sugar. “1876. Ruetgerswerke A. G. 364830. 1920. Aus,, 1923, p. 288; J.S.\C le 1923.0 aoe 614a; Wag. Jahr.,. 1922, Jahre. G8) fence p. 497; Cent, 1923, Jahre, 94) 1 eileigee cou: Teil, p. 751; Chem. tech. ieee 1924, Jahrg. 48, p. 168; 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 72. Black printing colors. Resins from tars or tar oils treated with oxygen; or by sulphurizing; or by simple heating; or by combination of these processes. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS Patents — Germany, continued. *1877. Wiegandt, C. 367363. 1920. Pease tes, Pp. 2216; Cent., 1923, Jahre. of). eil2, lech. Teil, p. 588: Wag. Jahr., 1923, Jahrg. 69, Teil 2, p. 430; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1924, Jahrg. 48, p. 168. Writing and printing ink for metal surfaces. Oil or lake color with addition of hydrochloric acid. *1878. Ruetgerswerke A. G. 367495. 1920. Peaeee dp. o1/, 3.9.C.1., 1923, v.42, p. 73la; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. 94, Teil 1, Tech. ene 09); Wag. Jahr.,+1923, Jahre. 69, Teil 2, p. 446; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1924, Jahre. 48, p. 88. Black printing colors obtained by adding catalysts to the products described in D. R. P. no. 364830, *1879, Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius & Briining. 375883. 1921. Paes, 0, 1965; J.5.C.I., 1923, v. 42, p. OS8a;, Wage. Jahr., 1923, Jahrg. 69, Teil 2, p. 446; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. 94, Teil 2, Tech. Teil, p. 331; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1924, Jahre. 48, p. 100. Printing and lithographic inks, replacing oleic acid by ethylenethiodiglycol. *1880. Plauson’s Forschungsinstitut. 378384. 1922. Aus., 1923, p. 2309; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 56; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. Soe teiee, ech. Leil, p. 367; Wag. Jahr., 1923, Jahrg. 69, Teil 2, p. 440. © Printers’ inks. Finely divided color in oil, with organic solvent, as alcohol, ketons, esters, or ether. 1881. Wegener, J. 382502. 1921. sewer. ti.) .2/03; Cent., 1923, Jahre. 94, Teil 2, Tech. Teil, p. 1032; Wag. Jahr., i7Zcmjabre..0>, Leil 2, p. 448; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 56. Ink tablets. Ordinary colors mixed with tannic acid and iron salts with addition of milk sugar. *1882. Immerwahr, P. 382503. 1922. Aus., 1923, p. 2763; Cent., 1923, Jahrg. 94, Teil 2, Tech. Teil, p. 1017; Wag. Jahr., 1923, Sante. 69, Leil.2, p..361. De-inking process. *1883. Ruetgerswerke A. G. 382504. 1921. Wag. Jahr., 1923, Jahrg. 69, Teil 2, p. 447; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 260. Black printing colors. Addition to D. R. P. no. 364830. *1884. Uhde, F. 382506. 1922. ieee 23.60. 2/03; Cent., 1923, Jahre. 94, Teil 2, Tech. Teil, p. 988; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1924, Jahrg. 48, p. 908. Black printing pigments. Process for direct ab- sorption of lampblack by oils and binding materials. *1885. Ruetgerswerke A. G. 383922. 1922. Aus., 1923, p. 2879; Cent., 1924, Jahrg. 95, eet fp, 29),9 Wage. Jahr., 1923, Jahrg. 69, Teil 2, p. 447. Black printing colors. 364830. Addition to D. R. P. no. N Sy 1886. Voigt, M. 388728. 1922. Aus., 1924, p. 397; Cent., 1924, Jahrg. 95, Teil 1, p. 1308. Ink remover using fluoride of ammonia. *1887. Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Briining. 388878. 1921. Cent l024ejahray 95:1 eld: polit Chem. tech, Ubers.; 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 72. Double-tone inks using glycerin. Addition to D.R.P. no. 375883. 1888. Meier, G. 389165. 1922. Aus., 1924, p. 457; Cent., 1924, Jahrg. 95, Teil 1, p. 2905. Transfer ink, using ordinary printers’ or litho- graphic ink, with alum, wood extracts, and vinegar. 1889. Chemische Fabrik Pharma. 389833. 1921. Aus., 1924, p. 511; Cent., 1924, Jahre. 95, Tenet. | peei/oe, Chem: stech, Ubers:,. 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 7. Typewriter ink. Ammonia and zinc salts. *1890. ‘Cajar, H. 390812. 1923. Aus., 1924, p. 638; Cent., 1924, Jahrg. 95, Teil 1, p. 1872; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 76. Printers’ colored inks. Pigments emulsified with varnish; and water removed by vacuum apparatus. *1891. Kuehl, J.F.T. 391001. 1920. Aus., 1924, p. 639; Cent., 1924, Jahrg. 95, Teil 1, p. 1872; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 72. Printers’ ink capable of being washed from paper. Oil-free color in unrefined glycerin, molasses, waste sulphite liquor, or glue solution. *1891a. Gestetener, D., Ltd. SRV Wale SF RVAl Aus., 1924, p. 910; Chem. tech. Ubers., 1925, Jahrg. 49, p. 72. Printers’ ink based on fat-and-water emulsion. *1892. Huber, M., and J. Huser. 394600. 1921. Aus., 1924, p. 1058. Printers’ ink, Water-glass, coal tar color, coal tar lacquer, or lampblack. *1893. Bourcet, P., and H. REGNAULT. 396071. 1922. Aus., 1924, p. 1233. De-inking process. *1894. Badische Anilin & Soda Fabrik. 3972193981923: Aus., 1924, p. 1373; Cent., 1924, Jahrg. 95, Teil 2, p. 1653. Substitution of 1.3. butylenglycol for glycerin in printers’ ink, *1895. Seidler, P. 399764. Aus., 1924, p. 1657. Printers’ inks. Color and sulphite waste liquor. 1922, 78 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIGRARY Patents — Germany, continued, *1896. Chemische Fabrik Dr. Groppel & Co. 400211. 1922. Aus., 1924, p. 1726. Printing blacks from acid tars produced in the refining of petroleum. *1897. Seidler, P. 400976. Aus., 1924, p. 1781. Printers’ inks from sulphite waste liquor. *1898. Alchemic Gold Co. 401057. Aus., 1924, p. 1840. Printers’ metallic ink, especially for book bindings. Metal powder with binder of neutralized resin or resin ester. 1922. 1923, 1899. Indelible Coloration Corporation. 401058. 1923. Aus., 1924, p. 1840. Ceramic ink. *1900. Ruffert,G. 401145. Aus., 1924, p. 1862. De-inking process. 1922. *1901. Alchemic Gold Co. 402171. Aus., 1924, p. 1968. Quick-drying printers’ ink for book-bindings. Melt- ing point of solvent lies between 200° and 300° C. 1902. Cajar,H. 402172. 1924. Aus., 1924, p. 1968. Black pigment. Oxidation of anilin salt with chromates and copper sulphate. 1903. Chemische Fabrik Dr. Adolf Heine- mann. 402313. 1922. Aus., 1924, p. 1968. Stamping ink. Adds sulphated oil to ordinary inks. *1904. Walther, B. 402727. 1922. Aus., 1924, p. 2022. Safety printers’ ink. Substitutes part of water of ordinary writing ink by thickener and indicator. 1905. Chemische Fabrik Pharma. 404263. 1923. Aus., 1924, p. 2209. Typewriter ribbon colors from ammoniacal com- pounds, 1922. CANADA Library has abstracts only. 1906. Carter, J. W. 1844. 1872. AL ws: es Vek satel Oe Writing ie Method of introducing air into liquid. *1907. Foley, J. 2946. 1873. 1S a GPS Saas at aia Bick Machine for making tanning extracts for printers’ mordants. 1908. Sjéstr6m, L.G. 9239. PatiO. RavveGapesc: Copying ink with gum arabic and glycerin. 1909. Girdwood, G. P. 9828. 1879. Pat) OARSiv. 4.2: 06: Safety paper and ink. Carbon base not affected by alkalies. 1910. Jacobs, J. M. 10244. Patou Raw epee lon _ Copying ink, Gelatin, glycerin, water, and whit- ing. *1911. Hooker, Le R. 11630. Pat. O7R.-v..8, p. 156: Printers’ ink. Coal tar, lampblack, and camphor. *1912. Grant, J. B., and T. Barroor. 17065. 1883. BEET OO SO Ae OF Re epee Al Ge Safety printers’ ink. Color, magnesia, anilin dye, copper sulphate, alum, litharge, and varnish. 1878. 1879. 1880. *1913. Stanchfield,G. M. 25493. 1886. PateOuR v2 15, pe. 6: Inkoleum for softening printers’ ink. Kerosene, ether, sassafras oil, oil of cloves. *1914, Zenolite Manufacturing Co. 3354445. 1890. Pat Osha. 16. pa 44, Printers’ ink. Maltha and pigment. *1915. Holt,O.G. 34510. Pat, O. R., Viel Gp eee Printers’ and lithographic ink. Uses residue from petroleum distillation. *1916. Ogilvy, D.J. 57371. Pat. O! R.) viZ3, pp. ue Printers’ ink, Black pigment, oils or resinous ma- terial, subjected to high pressure or superheated steam. 1917. Lichtentag, I., and others. 65605. 1900. ; Pat. O. R., vi 28, pod: Writing ink. Process of mixing finely divided carbon and soap. *1918. Ogilvy, D.J. 70609. Pat. O. R., v. 29, p. 396. Printers’ ink. Process of heating. *1919, Wass, A.G. 80613. 1903. Pat. O.. Ri vi Sie pee Printers’ ink and varnish. resin, and color. *1920. Duncan, G. S., and G. H. Ports. 97728-31. Pat..O..R., 1907, vo 34) pease: Composition te prevent set-off. Numerous claims embracing volatile and non-volatile oils and soap. *1921. Hopkins, M. S., and C. R. BARNETT. 121093-94. 1909. Pat. O. R., v. 37, DpieeGleeeole. Process for recovering ingredients of oily inks. 1922. Downie, J. 129627. 1910. Pat. O. R.j v.)38, padoue: Writing ink, Ether, wood alcohol, color. 1890. 1897. 1901. Heavy mineral oil, water, and LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 79 Patents — Canada, continued. 1923. Werner, E. W., and others. Po0421.- +1911. Pate. be, vy; 39, p. 100. Writing ink. potassium, ammonium, and a liquid solvent. 1924. Hochstetter,R. 134555. 1911. Peat re we Oo, p, 2376. Ink for wax stencil sheet. glycerin and sulphonated oil. 1925. Hochstetter, R. 136422. Pat, Vs 09, D. 3358: Mimeograph ink. Inorganic pigment, and sulphonated oil. *1926. Meixell, W.B., and others. 143339. 1912. Patwa ik. vy, 40, p. 3257. De-inking process. 1927. Owens, C. . 147196. Paeretin ve Al, p. 1163. Re-inking device for typewriter ribbons. 1928. Schmidt, FE. E. 166100. 1915. Pat, O.R., v. 43, p. 3490. Writing ink. Aqueous solution of nigrosin, car- bon, sodium hydrate, and glue. *1929. Welsh, J. 169743. 1916. Pat. FR, v. 44, p. 1585. De-inking process. *1930. Putman, F. A. 176288. Peter). b., v..40, p. 1081. Printers’ ink. Gum, oil, metallic and non-metallic pigments. Ink makes light impression on dark goods, and dark impression on light goods. 1917. 1931. Archibald, C.F. 178908. atetek.,.v. 45, p. 2510. Machine for inking typewriter ribbons, *1932. Roko Manufacturing Co. Pe2Z303. - 1918: Pat. O. R., v. 46, p. 449. Printers’ ink. and sodium silicate. 1933. Jeanmaire, L. 191080. Part. O, R., v. 47, p. 992. Indelible ink. Logwood extract, potassium bi- chromate, alum, nut galls, gum arabic, silver nitrate, and water. 1934. Holder, W.E., and G. L. CATCHPOLE. 194292. 1919. Fae ©, 8 v.47, p. 2081. Safety writing ink. Water soluble ferrocyanid color, a solution maintaining ingredient, epsom salts, and turkey red oil. *1935. The Newsprint Reclaiming Corpora- tion. 196164. 1920. Pat. O; R., v. 48, p. 142. De-inking process. 1936. Tsutsumi, M. 200825. Pate Oe R., v.48, p. 1558. Solid ink. Logwood, galls, sodium salicylate, gum arabic, dyestuff, potassium ferrous tartrate. Pigment ground in 19} i. glycerin, 1913. 1917. Loa, 1920. Prussian blue, yellow prussiate of a Petrolatum, magnesium carbonate, *1937. Jespersen Paper Co. 203587. 1920. Pat. O. R., v. 48, p. 2385. De-inking process. *1938. Osborne, W.M. 204398. atee) AKAs W4 On ps 2005: De-inking process. 1939. Olsen, J.C. 206070. Pate OA Ks, aveeao, pi -oh7- 1920. 1920. Ink stick. Water soluble anilin dye, graphite, and dextrin. 1940. Marvin, P.B., and J. C. PHeELan. 207058. 1921. Paros Rev 40h ad: Device for refreshing typewriter ribbons. *1941. Fitzgerald, F.C. 215783. 1922. Pat. Oe Rive 0 ps eos Lithographic ink. Additive for lithographic ink. Glycerin, calcium chloride, potassium phosphate, car- bolic acid, and liquid gum, 1942. Conney, F.B. 230996. Rat OrRe v0 1 spells. Ink paste, water, dextrin, gallic acid, ferrous sul- phate, carbolic acid, glycerin, anilin blue, indigotin, and acetic acid. 1943. Doughty, H.W. 233933. Pats, Rov sol peor: Metallic ink. Metallic pigment, resin, terpineol, and solvents. *1944, The Alchemic Gold Co. 234014. 1923. PatieG hav eo epee Printers’ ink. Coumaron resin, terpineol, oil, metallic powder. 1225. 1923, resin 1945. Spensley, J. W. 234817. 1923. Pats OF RR. v.50) spe High speed®centrifugal disk mill. 1946. Dick, A.B., Co. 236471. 1923. PatsOAReeyerodieDaceio: Writing ink using color, sulphonated oil, resin oil, green soap. 1947. Hope, E. 236675. 1923. Pat/O 87 vi olapacve.. Writing ink. Prussian blue, phenol, water, and color. *1948. The Alchemic Gold Co. 237060. 1924. Pat, Ova wee. tel ao. Printers’ ink. Resin ester, neutral solvent, and metallic pigment. 1949. Schmidt, E.E. 237584. PatiO. R., W520. 208. Writing ink. Spirit of soluble black, mirbane oil, carbolic acid, turkey red oil. 1950. Cappon, T. W., and H. S. MacKaye. 242305. 1924. Pate) SR er oe ase Oo! Single fluid ink eradicator using alkaline meta-. 1924. . phosphate, 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY AUSTRALIA The Library has abstracts only. *1951. Fireman, P. 4418. 1905. 1957. Tsutsumi, M. 13377. 1919. Aus. off. jour., 1907, p. 58. Aus. off. jour:, 1921, p) 25s Pepneing gui ements lor abaicact rabid ink, Loewood, galls, sodium, pameesdege br *1952. Fireman, P. 5040. 1906. and J. A. SCHREIBER. Aus. off. jour., 1906, p. 28. Printing ink pigments. No abstract. 1953. Lamp’l, R., and P. J. Lamp’. 17506. 1910. Aus. off. jour., 1910, p. 915. Anti-forgery ink. 1954. Child, R. C., and J. JOHNSTON. 17545. 1910. Aus. off. jour., 1910, p. 1076. Apparatus for powdering coal, jet, or shale. #1955. Burby, J. M. 5158. 1912. Aus. off. jour., 1913, p. 779. Recovery of waste paper. *1956. Burby, J. M. 9207. 1913. Aus. off. jour., 1913, p. 787. Recovery of waste paper. *1958. Eyrich, H. R., 2092. 1920. Aus. off. jour., 1921, p. 1479. De-inking process. *1959. Fraser, N.G. 4415. 1920. Aus. off. jour., 1922, p. 1342. Safety ink for preventing removal of obliteration marks from prepayment stamps. Pyrogallic acid, fer- rous sulphate, ferric perchloride, glycerin, water. 1960. Quigg, W. J. 18990. 1920. Aus. off. jour., 1921, p. 1044. Branding ink. Residue from eucalyptus distilla- tion, and soap. *1961. Fitzgerald, F.C. 3163. Aus. off. jour., 1922, p. 264. Lithographic ink. Glycerin, calcium chloride, po- tassium phosphate, carbolic acid, gum, litho ink. 1921. NEW ZEALAND The Library has abstracts only. 1963. Levinge, H. M., and J. LEvINGE. 12033. 1899. Gaz., 1899, p. 1915. Writing ink using wood distillate. 1964. Stewart, W. 14525. 1902. Gaz., 1902, p. 467. Copying ink. Ordinary ink and glycerin. 1962. Spensley, J. W. 11495. 1922. Aus. off. jour., 1923, p. 625. Disk mill. *1965. Wass, A.G. 15169. 1902. Gaz., 1902, p. 1677. Printers’ varnish. Mineral oil, color. *1966. Child, R. C. 29883. Gaz., 1911, p. 2876. Ears ink. Pitch, powdered coal, or shale. *1967. Harris, Pi L, -SUIZB ual e ue Gaz., 1911 pe 3620: Ink for printing on soap. No abstract. resin, black or 1911. BELGIUM The Library has abstracts only. 1968. acon J. J.. and H. Matmrevx. L855: Rees yp. 936. Ink to outline design in glass and metal gilding. Cobalt oxide, magnesia, gum copal, ambergris, iron rust. 1969. Léonhardi, A. 1856. Rec., v. 2, p. 492; Ding., 1856, Jahrg. 142, p. 141; Poly. TOE 1856, Jahrg. ZZOD: 1472. Alizarin writing ink. Gall-nuts, madder, water, indigo, iron sulphate, pyro-acetate or pyrolignate of iron. *1970. Rousselle, L. 1856. Rea’ vi2; poole: Printers’ ink, Lampblack, linseed oil, aqua regia, silver nitrate. 1971. Wurden, J. Rec., v. 4, p. 455. Stamping ink. Blue mineral color, linseed oil, olive oil, sulphate of magnesia, turpentine. 1972. Delhausse, V. 6728. 1858. Rec., v. 5, catégorie 5, p. 142. Non-corrosive writing ink. ae a salt of copper, silver, or zinc to ordinary in 1858. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 81 Patents — Belgium, continued. *1973. Viette,P. A. 6871. 1858. Rec, v. 5, categorie 5, p. 152: Wag. Jahr., 1859, Jahre. 5, p. 541. Lithographic ink. Gutta-percha or rubber; stearin, tallow, or wax; black color; turpentine; bitumen, varnish. *1974. Lekieffre, X. 6891. 1859. Rec., v. 5, catégorie 5, p. 161. Black for printers’ ink. Obtained in distillation of cannel coal. 1975. Ballande, J. A.H. 7159. Rec., v. 5, catégorie 6, p. 94. Safety writing inks, Gum water, prussiate of soda or of potassium, hyposulphite of soda. 1976. Dunn, A. 7629. 1859. Rec., v. 5, catégorie 5, p. 336. Marking inks. White wax, stearin, graphite, ver- milion, silver nitrate. 1977. Ballande, J. A.H. 8610. Rec., v. 7, catégorie 6, p. 31. Copying ink using alum and sodium hyposulphite. 1978. Moolen, H. van der. 10505. 1861. Rec., v. 8, catégorie 5, p. 80. _ Copying ink in paste form. Campeachy wood, iron sulphate, water, sulphuric acid, indigo, and thickener. 1979 3Croc.1. 11797. 1861. Rec., v. 8, catégorie 5, p. 325. Se ang ink, Anilin, lampblack, thickener, and cid. 1859. 1860. a 1980. Nadaud, A.J. 12309. Rec., v. 9, catégorie 5, p. 73. Red, violet, blue, or green writing ink based on fuchsin or anilin. *1981. Steinert, D. 13221. 1862. Rec., v. 9, catégorie 5, p. 230. Printers’ ink varnish, substituting petroleum for linseed oil. 1982. Lundgren, J.E. 14721. 1863. Rec., v. 10, catégorie 5, p. 254. Process for powdering mineral and vegetable car- on. *1983. Hulot, A.A. 17453. 1865. Rec., v. 12, catégorie 5, p. 62. Printers’ ink. Honey, glycerin, and colors. 1984. Racquet, E. 20040. 1866. Rec., v. 13, catégorie 5, p. 195. Sympathetic ink, Sulphate of copper, prussiate of potassium, *1985. Rave, C. 20226. 1866. Rec., v. 13, catégorie 5, p. 276. Printers’ black ink. Anilin salt, potassium chlorate or other oxydizing agent. *1986. Kircher, J.. and E. EBNeEr. 26102. 1869. Rec., v. 16, catégorie 5, p. 139. Printers’ ink. Iron oxide, tannic or gallic acid, and varnish. 1862. *1987. Hodges, J. F. 31093. 1872. Rec., v. 19, catégorie 6, p. 55. _ Safety paper and printers’ ink, Ordinary writing ink thickened with amidon or gum. 1988. Lebel, A. 32072. 1873. Rec., v..20, catégorie 6, p. 25. Sympathetic ink. Ferro-cyanid of potassium used as ink for paper impregnated with iron salt. 1989. Suyckerbuyk, G., and J. G. Konine. 32989. 1873. Rec., v. 20, catégorie 5, p. 171. Writing ink, Gall nuts, alcohol, iron sulphate, gum arabic, water, and vanadium salt. 1990. Soupart,G.E. 33255. 1873. Rec., v. 20, catégorie 5, p. 187. Writing ink. Water, fuchsin or anilin color, sugar or gum arabic. *1991. Persoz, J., and A. JEANNOLLE. TPF ismpn ol bee Rec., v. 20, catégorie 5, p. 250. Printers’ ink. Based on coal tar. *1992. Daguzan, J.P. 34189. 1874. Rée. iv. 21, catégorie,5,-p.. 65; Printers’ ink based on gutta-percha or india rubber, *1993. McIlvaine, C.M. 34344. 1874. Rec., v. 21, catégorie 5, p. 69. Printers’ ink resembling effects of writing ink. Water-soluble colors and gums. 1994. Gaffard, P. A. 34713. 1874. Rec., v. 21, catégorie 5, p. 128. Indelible ink. Finely divided carbon in alkaline silicate. *1995. Platel,L.J. 35917. 1874. Rec., v. 21, catégorie 5, p. 252. Black printers’ ink. Tannin, glycerin, thyme, gums, glucose, iron compounds. *1996. Pourbaix, A. 36736. 1875. Rec., v. 22, catégorie 5, p. 112. Fatty ink based on cyanid of iron. 1997. Roussel, E., and GerrvAIs-ROUSSEL. GOs ei 87, 0e Rec., v. 23, catégorie 5, p. 40. Ink tablets. Campeachy extract, water, sulphate of iron, alum, sumac. 1997a. Joly, A. 42374. 1877. Rec., v. 24, catégorie 5, p. 94; Ber., 1879, Jahrovd2Z,aleil ep 2002 ac Jahre 1879: Jahre. 25, p2)1097,. _ Non-corrosive writing ink. Alkalies, borates, alka- line phosphates, color, sugar (or gum arabic). 1998. Zipperer Fréres. 45523. 1878. Recs v.25; pa 124: Grinding device for india ink. 1999. Bertrand-Fery, H. 47802. 1879. Rec., v. 26, catégorie 5, p. 53. Violet and blue writing inks. Anilin, sugar, glue, vinegar, juniper juice, and water. Q9 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Patents — Belgium, continued. *2000. Wilhelm, J. J., and F. Rouwnstapt. 50113. 1879. Rec., v. 26, catégorie 5, p. 243. sulphuric acid, calcined Printers’ ink, Tar oil, soda. 2001. Ronnen, J. F. 50852. 1880. Rec., v. 27, catégorie 5, p. 84. Hectograph ink. No recipe given. *2002. Gunther, H. 51725. 1880. Rec., v. 27, catégorie 5, p. 160. Black printers’ ink. Pitch or asphalt, anilin violet, sebacic acid, resin oil. 2003. Mohr, C. 51863. 1880. Rec., v. 27, catégorie 5, p. 164. Ink paste for stamping letters. Glycerin, water, anilin color, glue. 2004. Gruenwald, L. 54021. 1881. Rec., v. 28, catégorie 5, p. 66. Copying ink. Acetate of uranium, molasses, glyc- erin. *2005. Brackebusch, H. 54141. Rec., v. 28, catégorie 5, p. 70. Printers’ ink. Carbon, paraffin, resin. *2006. Gunther, H. 55058. 1881. Rec., v. 28, catégorie 5, p. 209. Printers’ ink. Pitch or asphalt, anthracene oil, copper chloride, black soap, fish oil, and alcohol. 2007. Magne, J.J. 55541. 1881. Rec., v. 28, catégorie 5, p. 220. Beane and writing ink. Albumin, bichromate, alum, ferro- cyanid of potassium, *2008. Reissig, G. 57106. 1882. Rec., v. 29, catégorie 5, p. 68. Indelible writing, stamping and printers’ inks. Linseed oil varnish with iron salts. *2009. Schmidt Fréres. 58353. Rec., v. 29, catégorie 5, p. 199. Printers’ and stamping ink. Linseed oil, oxide of manganese. *2010. Schmidt Fréres. 59863. Rec., v. 29, catégorie 5, ‘p. 294. Stamping and printers’ ink. Oxide of manganese. *2011. Nesbit, A. A. 60543. 1883. Rec., v. 30, catégorie 5, p. 66. Printers’ ink for postage stamps, checks, etc. anchusin or orcanin. 2012. Gigot, R. 79606. 1887. Rec., v. 35, catégorie 5, p. 384. Stamping ink. Linseed oil, ultramarine blue, lamp- black, camphor, nitrobenzol. 2013. Outhenin, Chalandre, fils, et Cie. 80927. 1888. Rec., v. 36, catégorie 5, p. 40. ° Safety paper. Ferrocyanid of potassium, man- ganese and nickel salts. 2014. Charrier, P., and E. Dusucg. 85626. 1889. Rec., v, 3/7, catégorie 5, p. 172. Copying writing ink. Sugar cane solution and glycerin added to ordinary ink. tar oil, 1881. 1882. 1882. Uses 2015. Dimitry, C. P. 86567. 1889. Rec., v. 37, catégorie 5, p. 194. Indelible non-corrosive ink, Water, gelatin, bi- chromate of potassium, black anilin powder, and creo- sote. *2016. Hubert-Magis, E. 88855. Rec.; v. 37, catégorie 5; pare. Lampblack, linseed oil, resin, 1889. reanae [eed ink. wax, and black soap. 2017. Muller, W. 89876. 1890. Rec., v. 38, catégorie 5, p. 74. Ink paste. Black color, dextrin, glycerin. 2018. Coén, E. 93819. 1891. Rec., v. 39, catégorie 5, p. 70. coping ink. Sugar and glycerin added to writing ink, 2019. Chantrainer, J. A. 94524. Rec., v. 39, catégorie 5, p. 149. Copying ink used without water or press. 2020. Genzsch, A., and E. R. Kiimoscu. 94577. 1891. Rec., v. 39, catégoriens, pee Marking ink. Pyrolusite and coal tar colors. 2021. Bobeau et Fleuriau. 97360. 1891. Rec., v. 39, catégorie 6, p. 99. Paper impregnated with tannin makes characters indelible. 2022. Société Marillier et Robellet. 97737. 1891. Rec., v. 39, catégorie 5, p. 353. Process for strengthening and clarifying wood extracts. : *2023. Higgins, C. M. 97830. Rec., v. 40, catégorie 5, p. 71. Printers’ and stamping ink. Oil, carbolic acid or creosote, castor oil, color. *2024. Castaneda, J. 98910. 1892. Rec., v. 40, catégorie 5, p. 92. Process for recovery of printers’ ink from cleaning cloths, 2025. Verstuyft, J. 106150. 1893. Rec., v. 41, catégorie 5, p. 259. Blue- black writing ink. Water, gall-nuts, alum, Fernambouc wood, oxalic acid, salicylic acid, acetic acid. *2026. Bibby, J., and J. Brssy. 105607. 1893. Rec., v. 41, catégorie 5, p. 248. Printers’ ink based on cotton seed foots. 2027. Bourlez, V. 112407. 1894. Rec., v. 42, catégorie 5, p. 375. Cia ink. Hematin, bichromate of po- tassium, hydrochloric acid, water. 2028. Nienstaedt, E., and L. Go_tpMarK. 108608. 1894. Rec., v. 42, catégorie 5, p. 87. Solid ink. Non-porous powder immersed in ordi- nary ink and dried. 1891. 1892. LIST OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 83 Patents — Belgium, continued. 2029. Weyter et Cie. 116396. Rec., v. 43, catégorie 5, p. 303. 1895. Hectographic ink. Glue, water, glycerin, white bole, and amidon. 2030. Grawitz, W.J.S. 127918. 1897. Rec., 1897, p. 690. Indelible writing ink. Anilin, hydrochloric acid, acetate of soda, manganese chloride, perchloride of - iron, sodium chlorate. *2031. Gentele, E.O.S., and H. R. Gente e. 128209. 1897. Rec., 1897, p. 690. Paatire ink. Wood powder, wood pulp, or cellu- lose impregnated with color. 2032. Grawitz, W.J.S. Rec., 1897, p. 1516. Marking ink. Anilin base, *2033. Dordtsche Petroleum Maatschappij. 131362. 1897. Rec., 1897, p. 1664. Printers’ ink using Grisee oil. '2024) Layior, PC. and H. H. Kintuocz. 132443. 1897. Rec., 1897, p. 1833. Improvement in printers’ ink to facilitate its dis- tribution. Copaiba balsam, glycerin, santal oil, pe- troleum, pine balsam, turpentine, manganese, ether, chloroform, ammonia. 2035. Henry, C. 135996. Rec., 1898, p. 856. Cae ink not requiring moistening of paper. Uses phenol substances. 2036. Lichtentag, I.,. and A. LICHTENTAG. 139169. 1898. Rec., 1898, p. 1820. Writing ink. Carbon, soap and water. *2037. Ritter, A. 145453. 1899. Rec., 1899, p. 1588. Lithographic varnish. turpentine. 2038. Brandel, F. de, and A. pE BAupRyY pAsson. 156145. 1901. Rec., 1901, p. 612. Manufacture of colors from heavy mineral oils and tars. *2039. Wass, A. G. Rec., 1902, p. 777. Printers’ ink. Mineral oil, resin, and color. *2040. Wass, A.G. 164124. 1902. Rec., 1902, p. 962. Varnish for printers’ ink. Mineral oil, resin, and color, *2041. Meixell, W.B., and T. Ho rt. 174572. 1903. Rec., v. 51, p. 1782. De-inking process, 2042. Laffon, A. O. Kee; v.52, p. 1545. iets ink. Color, glycerin, thickener, and pyro- gallic acid. 130910. 1897. 1898. Linseed oil, resin, lard, 163937. 1902. 180499. 1904. 2043. Coterillo y Ojeda, F., and R. J Quesapa. 185107. 1905. Ree), v.53; p. 853. Copying ink. Glycerin and syrup added to ordi- nary ink. *2044. Fireman, P. 187298. Rec., v. 53, p. 1499, Pigaient for printers’ inks. with iron oxides. 189125. *2045. Fireman, P. Recs v. 53,.p. 1880. Pienant for printers’ inks and process for manu- facture. Based on iron oxides. 1906. *2046. Plantrou, A. A. 193435. Rec., v. 54, p. 1124. De-inking process, *2047. Herz, L. 212200. REG. Vi 000,, 2. 2119: De-inking process, 2048. Hochstetter, R. 217708. Re¢.a7-5/..Dali/o; Mimeograph ink. Color ground with glycerin. *2049. Child, R.C., and J. Jounsrton. 22437201910, Rec., v.58, pz 717. Lithographic and printers’ ink. 1905. Replaces carbon black 1905. 1908. 1909: *2050. Petsche,B.W. 225209. 1910. Rec., v. 58, p. 954. De-inking process, *Z0510 Child. R. CG. 236923.) “1911; Recacves9,. 0.) 1455; Printers’ ink. Tar, pitch, and pulverized coal or schist. *2052. Kurtz-Haehnle, C. 240911. Rec. v.59, pe gaol. De-inking process. *2053. Wolff, M. 260401. Reerewaidl. ps cube Printers’ aie Peat and vegetable black in hot solution of alkaline silicates, and mixed with oils. 2054. Bramson, K. 282826. 1919. Rec. vs 67, p.ol48: Bark of the maritime pine as an ink ingredient. 2055. Spensley, J. W. 308591. 1923. Rec., 1923, p. 52. Centrifugal grinder. 2056. Indelible Coloration Co. 309224. 1923. Rec., 1923, p. 99. Fusile ink. Linseed oil, red lead, bitumen, copaiba balsam, amber oil, acetate of lead, and resin. 2057. Dello Ink Corporation. 310957. +1923. Rece., 1923, p.-231. Indelible ink. Aluminium salt, organic acid, alco- hol, anilin color. *2058. Bourcet, P., and H. REGNAULT. 318507. 1924. Rec., 1924, p. 278. De-inking process, *2059. Granton, L. E. Rec., 1924, p. 426. De-inking process, Toll; 193i: 320364. 1924. 84. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY DENMARK Library has specifications. *2060. Gentele, O.S., and H. R. GEeNnrELE. 1375. 1898. Printers’ ink. Wood powder, wood pulp, or cellu- lose, impregnated with color. 3670. 1901. 2061. Kretschmann, Ernst. Sympathetic paper, using cobalt salt. *2062. Wechsler, S. 4549. 1902. Lithographic and metal plate ink. Allows con- tinuous printing. Glycerin, carbonate of soda, tartar, turpentine, varnish, 2063. Fireman, P. 8878, 9172. 1906. Preparation of iron oxide pigments. 2064. Lerman, D. 9728. 1907. Pigment from coal or lignite. 2065. Acheson, E.G. 11239. Process of preparing amorphous finely divided form. 1908. substances in 2066. Machtolf, J. 12563. 1909. Apparatus for making amorphous carbon from carbohydrates. 2067. Debedot, X. 14607. 1911. Process of extracting tannins from tannery wastes. *2068. Petsche,B. W. 15200. 1911. De-inking process, *2069. Child, R.C. 15473. 1912. Printers’ ink. Tar and pitch, powdered shale or anthracite. *2070. Colée, P.M.H.L., and J. M. Eemonp. 18120. 1913. De-inking process, *2071. Turkin, N. W. 19459-60. 1914. Printers’ ink. Turkey red oil, alkali, aluminium acetate. 2072. Berend, L., and K. ALBErt. 2005/2 loi Base from condensation products of aldehydes and phenols. *2073. Rebs, H., and H. SpAtuH. 22873. 1918. Printers’ ink. Based on wastes from mineral and lubricating oils that have been treated with sul- phurous acid. *2074. General Waste Paper Recovery Co. 24794. 1919. De-inking process. *2075. Chemische Fabriken Worms A. G. 28895. 1921. Printers’ and stamping ink, using lactates. SWEDEN Library has specifications. 2076. Aktiebolaget Patentpappersfabriken i Penig. 77. 1885. Safety paper. Paper impregnated with iron oxide, ferrocyanid and color. 2077. Aktiebolaget Patentpappersfabriken i Penig. 188. 1885. Safety paper using acid solution of chrome salt and indigo salt. 2078. Olesen, C.J. 328. 1885. Process for making lampblack. 2079. Landstrom, J.G. 843. Process for making lampblack. *2080. Haake, J. 3118. 1890. Printers’ ink. Rye and potato starch, and color. 2081. Tobaksfabriksfirmen Brinck, Haf- strom & Co. 3488. 1891. Stamping ink for tobacco. Iron sulphate, chalk or magnesia, vinegar. 2082. Flemming, C., 7072. 1894. Decalcomania ink. Wax, turpentine, resin oil (or linseed or rape seed oil), "color, and varnish. 2083. Albrecht, F. 8104. 1896. Colored ink for glass and other ceramics. Caustic soda, chalk, sodium sulphate, magnesium sulphate (or water glass), and color. *2084. Gentele, E.O.S., and H. R. GenreELE. 8148. 1896. Printing color. Wood powder, wood pulp, or cellu- lose impregnated with color. 2085. Kretschmann, E. 10536. 1899. Sympathetic paper using cobalt salt. 2086. Kretschmann, E. 12567. Sympathetic paper. Cobalt chloride, and dilute aci 1886. and H. pe GROUSILLIERS. 1900. carbonate, sodium 2087. Haucke H. 14867. 1901. Carbon paper. 2088. Henrik Gahns Aseptin-Amykos Aktiebolag. 16676. 1903. Indelible: writing and copying ink. Adds citric acid to ordinary alizarin ink. 1905. 2089. Fireman, P. 21567. Preparation of iron oxides. 2090. Lerman, D., and others. 22221. 1906, Process of making finely divided black pigments from coal. 2091. Fireman, P. 24491. 1905. Process for preparing iron oxides. *2092. Jagenburg, F.G. 29456. Printing ink color. *2093. Chemische Fabriken Dr. Kurt Albert. 39483. 1915. Printers’ ink base. Emulsification of asphalts, hydrocarbons, etc., with concentrated neutralized sul- phite cellulose lye. 2094. Berend, L., and CHEMISCHE FABRIKEN Dr. Kurt Apert. 40460. 1916. ; Base from condensation products of aldehydes and phenols *2095. The General Waste Paper Recovery Co. © 5123621922: De-inking process. *2096. Chemische Fabriken Worms A. G. SIS88ieao2ee Doubletone ink. Fatty or oil solution, napthoic acid, and alizarin color. 1922. 2097. Rosendahl, P.G.V. 53287. Copying writing ink, using glycol. 1910. LIST.OF REFERENCES TO WRITING AND PRINTING INKS 85 AUSTRIA The Library has no specifications. Blatt (Abbreviation: Ptb.). 2098. Kretschmann, FE. 787. 1899. Ptb., 1899, p. 452; 1900, p. 20. Sympathetic paper, using cobalt salts. *2099. Veal,C.H. 969. 1899. Ptb., 1899, p. 505; 1900, p. 120. Lithographic transfer preparation. Barium sul- phate, cinnabar, glycerin, plaster of paris, meal paste, carbolic acid. 2100. Kretschmann, FE. 4287. 1900. Sympathetic ink and paper. Resorcin, paratoluidin, and sulphuric acid. *2101. Ferd. Piatnik & Sohne. 4871. 1901. Printers’ ink varnish. Linseed oil, resin, fat, and turpentine. *2102. Wechsler, Simon. 6437. 1901. Printers’ and lithographic ink. To ink made from varnish and glycerin, adds soda, tartar, and turpen- tine. *2103. Kretschmann, E. 6664. Ptb., 1901, p. 569; 1902, p. 65. Sympathetic printing ink. (No recipe given.) 2104. Kretschmann, FE. 7853. 1901. Ptb., 1901, p. 793; 1902, p. 403. Bt a tketic paper, using cobalt salt. Austrian patent no. 787, 189 *2105. Wechsler, S., ney E. BAveER. 8368. 1902, Ptb., 1902, p. 543. Printers’ and lithographic ink. 6437, 1901 *2106. ase. A. G. 16457. Ptb., 1904, p. 117, 396. Printers’ ink varnish. Mineral oil distillate and resin, *2107. Biveriag, 27297. Ptb., 1906, p. 752, 1000. Iron pide pigments for printers’ inks. 1901. Addition to Addition to no. 1904. 1906. *2108. Fireman, P. 31231. 1907. Ptb., 1907, p. 618, 942. Iron oxides for printers’ inks. #2109. Lerman, D. 33801. 1907. Ptb., 1907, p. 437; 1908, p. 529. Black pigment from coal or lignite. *2110. Rudolf Koepp & Co. 35227. 1908. Ptb., 1908, p. 467, 849. Black pigment from coal. @issGarzino, Lb. 3/123. 1908. Ptb., 1908, p. 954; 1909, p. 342. ae eanthetic ink. Ferrocyanid of potassium, graphite, magnesium carbonate, alum, potassium sul- phate. 2112. SoStari¢, M. 43811. Ptb., 1910, p. 334, 746. Process of fixing markings produced by ink pencil. *2113. Henkel & Co. 46459. 1910. Ptb., 1910, p. 796; 1911, p. 48. De-inking process. 1910. Abstracts are contained in Oesterreichischer Patent *2114. Louis Kienzle Holzstoff & Pappen- fabriken. 48937. 1910. Ptb., 1910, p. 1214; 1911, p. 514. De-inking process. *2115. Petsche, W. 53110. 1911. Ptb., 1911, p. 1052; 1912, p. 345. De-inking process. #2116. Child, R.C. 54514. Pipe leizs peeos, 1677: Printers’ ink. Tar or pitch and powdered shale or coal, *2117. Schimek, J. 58833. 1912. BiG lel peor .. De-inking process. (Abstract not found.) *2118. Kurtz-Haehnle, K. 64671. 1912. Ptp 2191209221 159-21915--LeilsZy pull ly; De-inking process. *2119. Lietzenmayer, A. 64697. 1913. tp islam P06 inl ol4 ell-2> Ls aN kw — ae 5 ue A oa