MOORES ART GALLERIES, 290 f4h TH AVENUE. The Collection of Mr. P. STEVENS. Sale: MONDAY; 297A NUARY.. both; 18875 amd following days, Two oclock eack day LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & SO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase-money, ¢f required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase- money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction ofthe auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which, the under- signed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, dam- aged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit, WILLIAM P. MOORE. fe - / Fs CARALO GUL OF TE _COLLEE LION OF WIR Fo SFECENS. PAINTINGS, ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN PORCELAINS, EMPIRE FURNITURE, ANTIOOE =) ARES LRIE S Ife Ane JH OUR SE ATONE CIR TES 18 ABE Sy SIGE, [LTBI OLD FRENCH BRONZES, ARMS, AND OGTR OB BCLS “OL ALT, ON FREE EXHIBITION AT MOORE’S ART GALLERIES ON AND AFTER JANUARY 34. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, WITHOUL RESERVE, ON s MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, ¥ANUARF roth, 11th, r2th, 13th AND r4th, AT TWO OCLOCK EACH AFTERNOON. WILLIAM P. MOORE, AUCTIONEER, MOORE'S ART GALLERIES, 290 FIFTH AVENUE. 6 East r&th Street, New York, December goth, 1886. Mr. William P. Moore, Dear Sir: In placing my collection in your hands, to be sold at auction, I feel that my long experience in art matters justifies my saying that no finer art treas- ures were ever offered for sale in New York. TI have personally sought for and carefully selected them throughout Europe, with no thought of ever selling them at auction, and I realize that in thus selling such costly objects I shall make large sacrifices; but the necessity which I am under of returning to Eurofe, compels me, at any cost, to dispose of the entire col- lection immediately. L need scarcely say that the objects offered for sale are all that they are represented to be in the catalogue, and that I willingly guarantee their authenticity. Yours truly, POSTE VEN S: ~ o ON Aun fF WwW W Catalogue. HIRST DAYS SALE, Monday, Fanuary roth, 1887, at Two o'clock. Pair Dresden Vases, small Another Pair tall Dresden Bottles, square do do do round Repousse brass Plaque, round Another, oval Fatr old silver plated Candlesticks Old Nancy Plaque Another Flispano Moresque Plaque Fine old Delph Plaque, blue Two old Worcester Plaques do Staffordshire Plaques Three old Berlin Cups Pair Dresden Flower Pots do covered Vases Two old silver Apostle Spoons Six do A. D. Coffee Spoons One do Sugar Sifter Another Antique silver framed Mirror, beveled glass 26 27 28 29 30 Bil 32 Sia) 34 35 36 37. 38 39 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4 Old repousse silver Card Tray do do Box ‘Old chased do Casket Pair fine Oriental brass Lamps, jewel mounted Miniature, ‘ Head of Jacob,’ in water color do Cupid and Woman, in morocco case do on soft paste Sevres Cup and Saucer, old Dresden, decorated (king's period) Another Pair Dresden Vases, small Another Fine carved wory Statuette, “ Day’, Companion, “Night” Set, fourteen pieces, old French China Conch Shell, by Fleman Fleury Pair fine chased Empire Candlesticks Ormolu Library Clock, Empire Pair silver plated Candlesticks do do Candelabra, chased Vienna Pitcher, gilt, handsomely decorated Stix old English embossed silver Ice Cream Spoons do silver, A. D. Coffee Spoons Old silver Vinaigrette Another Old silver Cane Head, repousse Another Old repousse silver Patch Box Another do 5 Old silver miniature Ship do do Letter Press do toy, Horse and Sleigh do do Knight on Horse do do Rocking-Horse Old chased silver Patch Box Pair fine engraved glass Pickle Jars Masonic do do Goblet Dress Sword, Louis XVI., silver handle Another Persian Armor, silver and nickel, Casque and Helmet Tete-d-Tete set, old Berlin, Watteau subjects Par fine old French Vases, with covers, Fruit do —- Royal Dresden Vases, yellow ground Pair old silver plated Candelabras Oriental Hawthorne Plaque Another Vienna Plate, handsomely decorated, “ Pericles and Aspasia” Another, ‘‘ Callipso” Mahogany and beveled glass Show Table do brass Ladies’ French Cylinder Desk Fine Dresden china Casket Ormolu figure on pedestal, “ Cupid” Fine Oriental Tankard, silver mounted Pair Ormolu and cut glass Epergne, Empire Old, repousse, silver Bonboniere, heart shape Another, oval 100 IOI 102 6 Two old silver Sugar Sifters do do do Tongs All gilt Chair, in silk brocade; Louis XVI, Another Vase, large blue and red splash Pair Tea Caddies — sang de Boeuf Mahogany inlaid fall front Desk Fine Antique Battersea Enamel on copper Box Another Flandsomely carved oak Chatr, in leather Another Elegant carved gilt Screen, in handsome tapestry Fine old inlaid French walnut Musical Clock, six tunes ; calendar, phases of moon, etc. Patr large silver plated Candelabras, five lights Empire Side Table, marble top and mirror Fine Oil Painting, “ Forest Scene.” P. Manzoni, London Companion Fine Oil Painting, “ Sleeping Odalisque.” Rivas Ce), Madrid. (Pupil of Fortuny) Stx old silver Spoons, ( Apostles ) do do do do Fine old repousse silver Bowl do do do Casket do English do Punch Ladle do silver Tea Caddy do Chatelaine silver Scent Bottle do repousse do Drinking Cup 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III ie 113 114 115 116 II7 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 yi Dejeuner set, old Royal Worcester, by Chambourlains. Handsomely decorated flowers and gilt, on blue ground, twenty-seven pieces Cup and Saucer, old Dresden; King’s period. Hana- somely painted in carmine Another Bowl, old Dresden; King’s period. Canary ground, painted flowers in panels ; Pair handsome old Bloor Derby Vases, King blue and gold, richly painted Fine old china Group, “ Cupid driving the Fawn” do Dresden china; King's period. Figure“ sheep” Fine Oriental Hawthorne Plaque Another Two fine Saint Cloud china Cups Old Royal Berlin china Figure ; “ Cupid” Companton Pair Bottles, very fine Bloor Derby, apple-green and raised flowers Mahogany carved Writing-Desk, 3 ft. 5 in. x 3 ft. 2 in. Mahogany English Hall Clock Ou Painting on Panel; Marine. Cosanza, Naples, do do Companion. do do Very richly chased, old French silver Ash Receiver Another Pair French silver Salt Cellars ado ado do Carved ivory Figure on Pedestal 8 Miniature on Ivory, silver gilt frame, jewel mounted Another Two old Salt Cellars, Battersea enamel on copper ; painted flowers, very fine Box, fine Battersea enamel on copper, silver mounted Tea Set, old Empire French china, red and gilt ; sixteen pieces Pair Empire Candlesticks Fine do Ormolu Clock Fawr fine old English silver Coasters Richly chased silver Tea Pot Beautiful silver Cup, handsomely chased stand, sixteen inches Fine old Lowstoff china Tea Pot Six old Dresden Knives and Forks; King's period Fine old Royal Worcester Vase, handsomely decorated Antique bronze Lamp, 15th century, grotesque figures Another Marble Statue, fine Carara. “Pandorah.” Twenty- jive inches Paw Empire Candelabras ; two lights Siver-gilt Nuremberg Drinking Cup, very rich Companion Silver-gilt Cup, very fine Fine silver Basket, richly chased Rich repousse, silver Card Tray Antique silver Punch Ladle Curious repousse silver Plaque Another 9 Ou Painting; Landscape. De Laroche ( H), 1834, Paris Companion Ow Painting, Forest Scene. Manzoni (P), London, England Fine antique repousse brass octagon Plaque Another French Cylinder Desk, mahogany and brass ; hand-painted panel in Watteau subjects Antique carved Chatr, old English, in leather Another Empire Stand, mahogany and marble top Fine repousse silver Sugar Bowl Another Pair handsomely decoratea Dresden china Vases Mirror, antique silver frame; fine ’ Fine Oul Painting, “The Strand in a Snow Storm.’ Manzoni (P), London Fine Oil Painting, “Yes or No.” Frangiamore (S), Florence. Member of the Academy of Rome; many medals and honors Fine antique Oriental Cup and Saucer Another Antique Oriental Mandarin Cup and Saucer Fine Limoges enamel Plaque Cup and Saucer, antique Ortental, rose enameled Another Sevres covered Pitcher, raised figures in buff ground do Pitcher, white and gold. Louts Philippe Pair Empire silvered Candlesticks, with Grecian figures Patr old Sheffield silver plated Coasters 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 IgI 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 a 10 Pair decorated Dresden china Vases, canary ground do do do do Bottles, with tops do do do do Flower Pots do do do do Vases, with covers Oriental Hawthorne Plaque Another Old silver Inkstand, with Candlestick Rich repousse stluer Plaque, “ Absalom” Another, “ Joseph and his Brethren” Antique repousse brass Plaque ‘Three old Caddy silver Tea Spoons Two old silver Spoons, “ Apostles” Pair silver plated Candlesticks, telescope Tete-d-tete set; six pieces on tray, Dresden china, jine decoration Pair Dresden Bottles, fine decoration do do Vases and covers, fine canary decoration do do do do do robinegg do Old silver Toy, Parrot in Cage Old Caddy silver Tea Spoons Old silver Toy, Boy and Goats do do ado Banjo do do do Chair Antique china Plaque, finely decorated Another Antique Worcester china Plaque do French do do 201 202 203 204. 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 SECOND DAY'S SALE. Tuesday, Fanuary 11th, 1887, at Two o'clock. Pair Dresden Statuettes Empire Stand, Ormulu, cut glass base, Lacquer Tray Small Dresden Vase and cover, handsomely decorated Pair do Bottles, pink decoration, with tops Repousse silver Patch Box Stlver Sloop, miniature do Coffee Pot, miniature do Coupe, do Lair silver plated Candlesticks Repousse brass Plaque Silver plated Snuffer and Tray do do Tray Repousse brass Plaque, octagon Pair Empire gilt Candlesticks do Dresden china Vases and covers, handsomely deco- rated Pair Dresden Figures, thirteen inches ; “ Gardeners” do fine Dresden Vases with covers, tureen shape Silver Spinning-Wheel, miniature do Patch Box, richly chased do Foot Warmer, miniature do Bucket, do do Chair and Figure, miniature Pair decorated Dresden china Vases, tureen shape G8) Seis Wee Tete-a-Tete Set, eight pieces, Dresden china, handsomely decorated, rose color Pair Dresden Vases and covers, handsomely decorated Sta old English Knives and Forks, silver handles Mirror, bevelled glass, old silver frame Silver plated Candelabra, three lights FHlandsomely decorated Dresden Punch Bowl Old silver Punch Ladle do do do do chased, with gold coin ; Charles IT, Pair silver Salt Cellars Silver Tray Silver Cannon Silver Sugar Sifter, chased Another Old English carved Chatr, in leather French Cylinder Top Desk, mahogany and brass, inlaid Mahogany and glass Show Table, claw feet Vernt Martin Box, tortoise shell, from A. Maze collection Miniature Portrait, brass oval frame, by Troivaux do old, in red morocco case, ‘‘ Portrait of Gen- tleman” Miniature, old, Louis XVI, in round black Jrame do do Directotre, in black square frame Antique Box, Battersea, silver mounted do do do brass do Old Venetian china Tea Set; sixteen pieces, rose decora- tion Fine old Painting; Monk and Grenadier. Lopaz (G.), Rome 13 249 Oil Painting, Cupids, 12 in. « 18 in., Lutzen : 250 Ovl Painting, Landscape, 24 tn. x 36 in., Manzont (P.) 251 Old Chinese Egg Shell Cup and Saucer, handsomely painted from European engravings 252 Another 253 Cup and Saucer, egg shell, Mandarin, handsomely deco- rated 254 ine old Dresden Tea Pot, King’s period 255 Lair elegant Empire Vases, blue, gilt decoration ; twenty- three inches 2560 Pair richly chased Empire Candlesticks 257 Empire Clock, Ormulu, “ Fileuse and Cupid” 258 Pair Empire gilt Candelabra; three lights 259 trench mahogany and brass Show Table, double plate glass 260 French mahogany and brass Cylinder Top Desk, with Vernt Martin richly painted panel 261 Ol Painting, Forrest, 10 in. x 14 in., Manzoni (P.) 262 Oil Painting on panel “On the Balcony,’ 8 in. x © in., Ludovict, Jr., (A.), London. 263 Oil Painting on panel, “Sea View,’ 7 in. * 11 tn., Cos- anza (G.), Napolt. 264 Rich silver-gilt Cup with cover, pineapple shape; four- teen inches 205 Fine silver Incense Burner, handsomely chased 266 Silver Bottle, fluted and richly chased 267 Another 268 Silver-gilt Cup, very fine 269 Oriental Hawthorne Plaque 270 Another 14 Fine old Dresden Cup and Saucer, canary ground. Painted in landscape, from Dennison collection Another Very rare Old Dresden China Sugar Bowl and. Cover, Chinese painted subjects, King’s period. Signed K. We Handsome old Dresden Bowl. King's period. Watteat subjects Very fine old Bloor Derby Figure. ‘‘ Gardener” Ou Painting, ‘Young Italian,” 10 in. x 7in., Ludovict, Jr. (A), London Ow Painting, ‘‘Playing with Doves,’ Picou (Henry), Paris Oil Painting, ‘‘ Landscape,” 20 in. x 16 in, Manzoni (P.) Fine Chinese Caddy, blush spots decoration Fine old Chinese Plaque, market scene fine old Chinese Vase, with handles, red and purple Splash Curtous carved Oriental Opium Pipe and Pouch Fine old Mandarin Bowl ° Old Oxiental Egg Shell Cup and Saucer, exquisite piece. A gem in decoration Old Oriental Cup and Saucer, very curious Harlequin decoration Pair old Nankin Beakers, fine quality Three fine old Nankin Vases, fine quality Jar, old Nankin, Hawthorne decoration, very fine, to inches Miniature silver Coffee Urn do do Foot Warmer Repousse silver Patch Box ° y 292 249) 204 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 15 Another Miniature Fire Stand, with Tongs and Hook Pair silver Salt Cellars, shell shape Silver Sugar Bowl and Cover Siver-gilt Drinking Cup, Repousse Another Cabinet Cylinder Front, mahogany and brass, 4 ft. x 2 ft. 4 in. Another Sofa, Louis XV., richly carved, all gilt, upholstered in amber silk damask Conversation Sofa, to match do ero do Two Arm Chairs do do do do Two Side do do do do do ado do do One Mahogany Carved Bureau, with Drawers One Antique Tapestry, Renaissance, O) jis BD Uba ee WO St. Q iM. One Old Brass Repousse Wall Light Pair Dresden China Vases and Covers, richly decorated Pair Dresden China Vases, very richly decorated Water Color ‘‘l’Alchimiste,” after Teniers, from the Marquis of Stafford, 1826 Water Color, ‘* Battle Scene,” Pravaggint Companion, “ Studio,” Pravaggint Water Color, “ Nursing,” Codina-Langlin, Barcelona Pair Repousse silver Sugar Tongs | | | 16 Bottle, handsomely chased silver Another Silver-gilt Cup, richly chased Pair silver Salt Cellars Fine genuine Egg Shell Sevres, Dejeuner set, handsomely decorated by Bertren, 12 pieces, n morocco case Very fine Empire Epergne Ormolu, by Thomire, of Paris Another Very fine Empire Clock, Ormolu, “ Gannymede” Pair fine Empire Candelabras, Ormolu, 4 lights Pair Brass Pistols, silver mounted, by Mortimer, of London Old Persian Dagger Emptre Horn Powder Flask Antique Oriental Gun, inlaid with pearl Tea Set, 30 pieces, Empire, handsome hand painted decorations Dinner Set, old English pewter, with silver mark of the pertod, 47 pieces Old pewter Bottle Three old pewter Drinking Cups Fine old Clotsonne Jardintere, Chinese Antique bronze Plaque on Egyptian marble, by Donnatelli, Srom Bohn’s collection Antique silver Tankard Old Spanish silver Plate Miniature, chased Portrait of Marie Stuart do do do Marie de Medicis Carved wory Bust, on black stand, “ Diane de Poitiers” 17 Persian damask Suit of Armor, beautifully inlaid with gold and silver Empire mahogany Lady's Work Table 344° Divan, Louis XV., mahogany and brass inlaid, in muslin, genuine fine old English painted Tray, open work, silver plated gallery, by Rustler 346 Fine marble Bust of Napoleon I., on verd antique and Ormolu trophy fine old Crown Derby Bouillon Cup, Cover and Plate, Srom the Dennison collection Teapot, old Dresden, King's period, bird decoration Five pieces to match, 2 Cups and Saucers and oval Dish Very fine Buire on Salver, Ormolu, renaissance style, Lmptre period Very jine French Bust, Chinese Head, silvered and gilt. Signed by Cordier, 1853. Another Pair Andirons, very fine Ormolu bronze, Sphynx Ow Painting on panel, “ Figure of a Girl,” Ludovici, Jr. (A.), London Ou Painting on panel,‘ Sea View,” 11 in. x 7 in., Cosanza (G.), Napoli Out Painting, “ Landscape,” 24 in. x 36 in., Manzoni (P.) Fair silver Salt Cellars, “ Cupid and Horse” do do “ Cupid Driving Cupids” Silver Puff Box, handsomely chased Antiqne silver Drinking Cup, dated 1716. Old silver Casket, beautifully engraved Old silver Patch Box = —— = 363 364. 365 366 367 308 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 18 Two pair miniature silver Tongs Miniature silver Pig Driver do do Fire Grate do do Swing do do Child Rolling Hoop Patr silver plated Coasters do do do Pair old Empire Satin Damask Cushions Gilt carved Foot-stool, in silk, Louis XV. Battersea Box, enamel on copper do do do portratt inside Brass Cannon, small, marine pattern Pair antique grotesque carved Italian Frames Five Knives and Forks, old English silver handles Antique Brass Plaque, “ Adam and Eve” Pair Silver Salt Cellars do do Stluver Scent Bottle, Fish Another Fish One-and-a-Half dozen antique silver Buttons do do do do Antique silver Chain Another Old silver Sugar Sifter Another Old silver Sugar Tongs Six old silver Tea Spoons, ‘ Apostles” Old Staffordshire Figure 391 392 393 304 395 396 397 398 399 400 19 Another, “ The Songsters,” by W. Walton Old Plymouth Figure, “ Parrot” Vase, old Bysantine Two old English decorated Plaques Pair Dresden Bottles fine Oriental Bowl, Mottled Old silver Patch Box Another Old silver Chain and Box, miniature Old sitver Woman and Cat, do TITIRDSDA Y S3SALE: Wednesday, Fanuary rath, 1887, at Two o'clock. 401 Szlver Strainer, Maltese Cross 402 Silver Patch Box 403 Sztlver Chair, miniature 404. Silver Fire Grate, miniature 405 Silver Tight Rope Dancer, miniature 406 Szlver Street Lamp Lighter, miniature (407 Two Plaques, fine French faience q 408 Two Plaques, fine French faience, smaller 409 Pair Antique Carved Ivory Plaques, in case _ , 410 Antique Battersea Box, enamel on copper | 411 Antique Battersea Box, enamel on copper, swell front ~ 412 Rich Silver Miniature Sedan Chair, on Sleigh ; a 413 Rich Silver Miniature Swan Sleigh and Horses 414 Stx fine antique English Silver Cream Spoons, gold bowls 415 Line old chased French Silver Box 416 Antique Mandarin Cup and Saucer, richly decorated 417 Lwo Antique Oriental Cupsand Saucers, richly decorated 418 Tea Pot, Antique Oriental, famille verte, fine 419 Cup and Saucer, egg shell, old oriental, famille rose 420 Plaque, fine Vienna, handsomely decorated, gold border in relief, painted subject, “ Calipso” | 421 Plaque, fine Vienna, richly decorated, gold border in relief, painted subject, “‘ Eupides and Pastime” 422 Dejeuner Set, rich old English crown derby china, canary ground, gilt border. 6 pieces Di Very fine antique Cut Glass Set. Two Salt Cellars, Pepper Box and Mustard Pot. Silver mounted Antique Silver Sugar Bowl and Cover Beveled Glass Mirror, Antique Silver Frame Mahogany and Brass Desk, carved legs, claw feet Mahogany Empire Arm Chair, handsomely upholstered in old tapestry, with figures and garlands Arm Chair to match Another Empire Cheval Glass, richly mounted in Ormolu Fine Empire Fall Front Desk, Ormolu, Greek characters Repousse Silver Casket Repousse Silver Box Fine Old Silver Punch Ladle Fine old Miniature in gold frame. Portrait of a lady Fine old Miniature Princess Lamballe, in 18-k. gold, locket, mounted with pearls Very fine Miniature tn silver gilt frame, mounted with turquoise. Portrait of a lady Fine Enamel Portrait in Plush Frame, George IV. En- ameled by H. Bone, R.A. Fine Antique Gold Ring. Blue enamel, mounted with pearls Fine Miniature Portrait of Madamotselle Georges of the French Comedy, in very fine Louis XVI. Chased Ormulu frame Fine old Round Box with gold Fan and exquisite Minia- ture in wory. From Dennison collection Antique Enamel Plaque, signed by Laudin, Limoges» | representing Saint John Ou painting, “Leisure Hours.” Polidon(C). Rome, pupil of Alvarez, several medals i} eS) 444 445 * 446 447 rs ~¢ 448 449 450 451 452 : 453 460 461 ANP} Ou Painting on panel, ‘* Sea View,” 7 in. x It in., Co- sanza (G.), Napoli Oil Painting, “ Forest,” 20 in. x 16 in., Manzoni (P.) Persian Dagger, silver mounted, Damascus blade Pistol, Damascus, by Azela, formerly the property of the Duke of Wellington Pair Old Pistols, Arabesque, silver cross Antique Knife and Fork, tortotse shell handles, silver mounted, in fish skin stlver-mounted case Antique Dagger, Italian Miseri Corde Fine old Musical Clock, in rich French walnut case, cal- endar and moon’s phases, brass dial, six tunes. Made by T. Ratsma, Harlingen Bronze Group, “ La Jeune Mere,’ by Ch. Clere. Thirty inches Pair Vases, handsome Sevres, Ormolu mounted, by Dihl; flambe color Very fine Empire Clock, bronze figure, Ormolu~on verd antique marble Gilt Carved Chair, Louis XVI., upholstered in antique silk brocade Superb Tapestry, Flemish, sixteenth century, mythological subject, numerous figures. 11 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft. 2 in. Fine Silk Tapestry, Verdure, by De Pannemaker, Lille, E864, 10 ft. 7 in. xO ft. 1 im. Fair very fine Sicilian Onyx Vases, mounted in Ormolu, Louis XV. style. Fifteen inches Oil Painting, old, on copper, ‘* Toilette of Venus,” Van Baleyn Oil Painting, “ Wood Fairy,” Picou (Henry), Paris Ou Painting on panel, “ Funny Story,” 8 in. x6 in., Ludovici, Jr. (A.), London 462 5? 463 454 . 465 466 467 468 _ 469 470 471 472 45,473 474 475 476 477 478 2) 480 481 482 23 Marquise Chair, carved, upholstered in antique lampas ,; Louis XV. style , Fine Chippendale Mahogany Arm Chair Fran, exquisitely hand-painted, vellum, by C. Cheuvtere- Gaude ; gold inlaid on mother-of-pearl in relief Oriental Sardonic Scent Bottle, gold enamel top with diamond cluster Very fine Miniature on ivory, Louis XVI, gilt frame. From Bohn collection Another, in gold frame, by Cosway flandsome gold Box, blue enamel, translucid border, hand painted, mythological subject Rich Cameo, Oriental Sardonic{ gold mounted, “Head — of a Fawn” Beautiful gold and enamel Watch in mandolin shape Very fine Jewel, enamel and precious stones Very fine Necklace, gold mounted, Rhine stones do antique gold Watch, blue enameled by Furrep do do enameled gold Watch, by Chevaler do Box, Louts XVI,, miniature on wory, gold mounted Oil Painting, “Cupid and Woman,” Picou (Henry), Lars Oul Painting, “ Sea View,” Schutz, Amsterdam Old Oil Painting, Coypel Very rich mahogany and brass inlaid Cylinder Desk, hand painted Verni Martin panel Very fine mahogany and brass inlaid Show Table, bev- eled glass Very fine mahogany Show Table, beveled glass do Empire Chandelier; six light, thirty-two inches Fe 483 485 486 | 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504, 24 Pair very fine Empire Ormolu Candlesticks do old brass plaque Wall Lights Antique deep brass Dish, with inscription Fine old wory Carving, ‘‘ The Cobbler” Another do do ‘* The Sweeper” Fine old Berlin Vase, handsomely decorated; views of Berlin Museum and Palace Pair very fine old Oriental Ege Shell Vases, medallion decoration , eight inches Very fine Nankin Vase and cover, landscape decoration, very fine glaze, twenty-one inches Another Very fine old Nankin Cylinder Vase do do Ortental Vase, purple splash; nine inches do do do enamel Plaque, Famille Notre do do do Bowl, handsomely decorated do do Lacquered Box, egg shape, very curious Very fine carved Jade Ow Painting, “ Cupids and Flowers,’ 24 in. x 20 in., Sutzen, London Oil Painting, ‘‘ Forest,’ 24 in. x 36 tn., Manzoni CPs London Ow Painting, ‘Many Happy Returns,’ 8 in. x 6 in., Ludovict, Jr. (A.), London Dejeuner Set old French “ Blue de Roi,” handsomely decorated in gilt; thirty-one pieces Very fine silver Cup and Cover, Renaissance style, richly chased, Cupid stand ; twenty inches Very fine old silver Candlestick, rich Louis XV. chasing do old English silver Inkstand 505 506 507 508 509 510 SII 512 513 514 RK F515 uy 25 Very fine silver framed Mirror, beveled glass do do Sugar Sifter, richly chased Pair very fine silver Cellars, “ Cupids” Very fine silver Sugar Bowl \ {) Fine old Spanish Rapier, 17th century do do do do filaa Very curtous antique Dagger with Pistol in handle, old German, 1674 ‘ Pair very fine Italian Foils, pierced coqueil Fine Persian Dagger, tvory handle, gold and silver inlaid Pair very fine ovi-form blue and gold Sevres Vases, with gilt trellis and jeweled ornaments, borders and handles of chased Ormolu,; Porphy ryplinth, from Shandon collection, John Napter’s sale Oil Painting, “ Sea View,” Cosanza (G.), Napoli Oil Painting, “Child Playing,’ Ludovici, Jr. (A.), London Oil Painting, “ Forest,” 10 in. x 14 1n., Manzoni (P.) Very fine Empire mahogany Bedstead, unique gondola shape, heavily mounted with Ormolu swan heads ; with sliding platform Very fine Empire mahogany Toilet Stand, to match with oval Mirror and Candlesticks Very fine Empire mahogany Commode, Ormolu mounted, marble top, 4 ft. 2m. « 2 ft. Equestrian bronze Figure, Louis XIV., on black stand, very fine specimen, 30 x 26 inches Carved gilt Chair, Louis XVI, upholstered in satin damask Pair extraordinarily fine Empire Candelabras, supported by bronze Grecian figure on square base, with four 26 bronze statuettes on corners, sixteen lights each, made and signed by Thomire, Paris. Remarkable spect- mens, five and one-half feet Two antique Chinese Lanterns, cloisonne beautifully chased and engraved; pierced Very fine Persian’ Armor, three pieces, handsomely en- graved and inlaid Dejeuner Set, very fine Sevres gray Marte Louise, hand- somely painted Cameo heads, seven pieces Very finely carved Ivory Tusk Pair fine old silver plated Candelabras, 30 inches Very fine old English Pepper Box, richly chased Pair very fine French silver Salt Cellars do do do do do Silver-gilt Cup and Cover, pineapple shape Very fine chased silver Punch Bowl Fine silver Taper Stand and Holder Fine silver Cake Basket Pair very fine silver Salt Cellars do do do Very fine silver Tea Caddy do Vienna hand painted Comport, beautifully decorated, mythological subjects Fine carved Ivory Group, “ Beggars,’ on carved wood pedestals Fine carved Ivory Group, Companion Fine carved Ivory Statuette, ‘‘Mendicant,’ on carved wood pedestal Fine carved [vory Statuette, Companion Very fine Vienna hand painted Compot, beautifully decorated, “ Hercules and Omphale”’ 545 546 547 548 - 549 J 550 551 552 553 J+ 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 501 562 563 564 565 566 567 5608 569 570 27 English Mahogany Hall Cloek Pair of Antique silver Coasters, pierced Oriental Dish, deep, finely decorated Two very fine old English Plagues Old French oval Plaque, finely decorated Oriental Plaque, rich decoration , Six silver Tea Spoons iui do do Fine antique silver Chatelaine Very fine French silver Coup, richly chased / Very fine antique silver Book Clasps One dozen very handsome silver Buttons do do do Stix Silver Table Spoons, “ Apostles” do do do Pair_Dresdenchina Vases, finely-decorated Six Dresden china Cups and Saucers, finely decorated Pair Dresden china Vases and Eagle Covers, finely decorated Six Dresden china Bouillon Cups and Saucers, finely decorated Pair Dresden china Vases, finely decorated Six Dresden china Cups and Saucers, shell shape, finely decorated Szlver Fash Two silver Salt Spoons Fine silucr Fob Chain do Toy Duster do Manteau Clasp 571 572 573 574 575 Fine silver do do do do 28 Toy Lamp Lighter Toy Chair Patch Box Toy Water Cooler Toy Water Jug, engraved 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 2590 591 pas 593 594 595 {596 FOURTH DAYS SALE Thursday, Fanuary 13th, 1887, at Two o'clock. Pair Dresden China Vases, small, finely decorated Ee 1 do do do do do SYEE do do Cups and Saucers Two old English China Plaques Old French Faience Bowl Stix Silver Coffee Spoons, Apostles Fine Silver Sugar Sifter ado ao do do do ao Cane Head, richly chased ado ado do ao do do Repousse Brass Plaque Another Mirror, beveled glass, silver frame Fine Silver Box, heart shape, finely chased Pair fine French Crystal Conchs, silver mounted Three Empire Silver and Blue Glass Salt Cellars Fine old Limoges Enamel, Holy Family, in black frame Two very fine Miniatures on tvory, tn Ormolu frames ; Srom the Bohn collection Very fine Miniature, enamel on copper, Ormolu frame; portrait Madame De La Valliere Very fine old Wedgewood Plaque; Hymen, Flaxman design Fine old Wedgewood Portratt of Egbert Thortenaar ij 597 598 599 600 615 616 618 30 Fine old Dresden Box, painted in Watteau subjects ; portrait of Cardinal inside; silver mounted Very fine Dresden Cup and Saucer, King’s period, ruby ground, painted in landscape and figures Another, with gilt lace border and painted marine view and figures. Very choice old Dresden Bowl, King’s period, painted landscape and figures Very curious old Dresden Cup and Saucer, King’s period, ratsed decorations and richly painted Carved Oak Dining Chair Another Old Fall Front Desk, mahogany and brass inlaid Empire Toilet Pier Glass and Stand, Ormolu mounted, with candlesticks Carved Mahogany Chippendale Library Table, claw feet Carved Mahogany Show Table, beveled glass, claw feet Antique Gold Cross, fine Rhine stones Pair old Norman Gold Ear-rings Very fine Necklace, colored stones, Louis XVI. Two very fine Bracelets, do do to match Very fine Colored Stone Hair Brooch. do do Maltese Cross and Ear-rings Very curious gold and enamel Watch, tulip shape Antique Gold Ring, Wedgewood cameo. do do with petrified Opal do Gold Mourning Ring do Grotesque Cameo, gold mounted do Cameo Watch Chain, gold mounted 635 636 31 Old Chelsea Smelling Bottle, silver mounted, set with Jewels. Old Battersea Smelling Bottle, very fine Very fire Spanish Rapier, Toledo blade do do do Water Color Painting, “ Reciting the Coran,” Signorint (G), Rome, Member of the Academy of Rome; numerous gold medals Oul Painting, ‘ Sketch,” attributed to Diaz Oil Painting “ Mousquetaires Card Party,” by Signorint, Rome Very fine old Anspack Cup and Deep Well Saucer, hand- some medallion decoration Fine old Dresden Tea Set, King’s period, rich landscape, decoration in Carmine, eleven pieces Very highly decorated Vienna Plate, raised gold, repre- senting Ulysses, Achilles, Thetes Another Very fine old Dresden Statuette, King’s period, eight inches, ‘ The Cavalier” Very fine old Dresden Group, King’s period, seven inches, “ The Shepherd and Dog” Very fine old Dresden Group, ‘‘ Venus and Cupid,” King’s period, twelve inches, exquisite quality of paste Unique Set Old Dresden, canary ground, fully painted in landscape, in antique leather, tooled case of the period, from the Dennison collection. Seventeen pieces. Very fine Bronze Group, “ Psyche,” on black marble base, Florentine Patine, by V. Thiebaut, 1855; 18 # 16 2m. Very fine Carrava Marble Statue, “ The Bathers,” 29 Hae | | | 654 655 32 Very fine Pedestal, serpentine marble Ow Painting on panel, “A Visit”; Ludovict, Jr. (A.) London Ou Painting, English Landscpe ; Unknown Ow Painting, “ Forest Scene”; Manzoni (P.) Empire Bedstead, mahogany, and very richly mounted wrth Ormolu Empire Cheval Glass, mahogany, and very heavily mounted with Ormolu candlesticks and cupids Empire Side Table, mahogany and marble top, mounted in Ormulu Empire Fall Front Secretary, mahogany and Ormolu Empire Commode, mahogany and marble top, Ormolu mounted Very fine antique Tapestry, Raphael Cartoon, 10 x 9 ft. A fine prece of Silk Tapestry, Battle scene, renaissance border, 10 ft. x9 ft. 9 in. Very important bronze Empire Vase, form Medicis, jinely chased and mercury gilt The Companion Old Chinese Powder blue Jar, medallions and attributs, mounted in Louis XV. Ormolu The Companion Old Ortental Famille Rose Plaque, enameled with flowers and birds, lace rose border ; diameter, 21 inches Unique old Oriental Famille Rose Cistern, finely enameled flowers and birds, fishes inside, depth, 18 inches; diameter, 22 inches, perfect piece Old Nankin Hawthorne Vase and Cover, decorations in panels he Companion 660 661 22 IS Set of 5 Nankin Vases and Beakers, fine quality Two Hawthorne Plaques do do do do Piece of old Beauvais Silk Tapestry, Chariot driven by dogs and Cupids playing, landscape and verdure back ground, with border, in fine condition, 9 ft. 6m. * 14 ft. 2 tn. One mahogany and brass inlaid Vitrine, with beveled and plate glass One mahogany Lady Secretary, fall front, with metal inlaid and engraved Plaques One Louis XVI. style gilt Chair, covered in silk do do do do ao One mahogany carved Center glass Cabinet One fine Empire Pedestal bronze Clock, with Ormolu bust of Napoleon the first, after David, finely chased Jiying eagle on the base; from Napier’s collection Persian Suit of Armor, Casgue, Shield and Brassard, ? beautifully engraved and inlard, 3 pieces Water Color, “ Woman Sewing,” Codina-Langltn, Barcelona Ou Painting, ‘‘ Landscape,’ Manzoni (P.) Fair of suall Vienna Vases on pedestal, finely painted One curious antique Manuscript Book, on vellum, French, 14th century, “Heures Gotique, with five minia- tures and seven frontispiece wluminated pages Old gold and blue Enamel Watch, in perfect order Old gold Watch, 22-k., richly chased Repeater, by Carl Cabrier Very curious gold old Picarde Cross, set with table diamonds 34 675 Two very curious antique Miniatures of Marie Stuart, Darnley, in silver filigree frames of the period; from Bohn collection 676 Miniature on tvory, Louts XVI. time, in round Ormolu Srame 677 Curious antique gold Watch, richly chased and pierced, self striker; by Van Ceule, in good order 678 Set twelve gold Buttons, with rose-cut diamond center a i 679 «(Very fine jewel Pendant, enamel basket with ruby, dia- | mond and saphire setting 680 Scarf Ring, 18-k gold, enameled, with motto encircled with thirty-two fine diamonds 681 Heavy 18-k gold Ring, very curious, with miniature painted in tvory surrounded with pearls | | | 682 Fat old English silver tripod Salt Cellars | 683 Set ezghteen old silver Buttons 684 Six silver Coffee Spoons, leaf handle and bowls 685 Szx old English silver Cream Spoons, gilt embossed bowls 686 Twelve round silver Buttons 687 Szx curious silver Spoons 688 Szlver Fish Smelling Bottle 689 Very fine old Battersea Box, enamel on copper, rich deco- ration, portrait of Frederick of Prussia 690 Another, raised decoration, rose ground with miniature of lady 691 Curious apple-green and ratsed gold Battersea Vase, richly painted flowers in medalion 692 ine specimen of Worcester Cup and Saucer, blue an gold border, painted landscape and flowers, crescent mark 693 Pair Ludwigsburg Cups, beautifully painted in landscape 694 Another pair 695 Old Dresden Bisque Group 696 do Chelsea Figure, anchor mark 60972 Superb carved wvory Tankard, silver mounted, Bacchan- nalian 698 Exquisite Fan, painted on vellum, antique mounting im mother-of-pearl and raised gold 699 Pair very choice Sparfluor Vases, mounted in Ormolu, Louis XVI, style 700 3hine Ou Painting, ‘‘ Spanish Interior.” Cordina-Lang- lin, Barcelona 7o1 Another,‘ Baiser du Jardinier.’ Picou ( Henry), Paris. (Hors concours) 702 Fine Oil Painting, Landscape. Manzoni (P), London 703 Fine Louis XVI. Sword 704 Very rare old Dresden Tea Set, grotesque, marked K. P. M., five pieces 705 Old Dresden Figure, King's period, “ Child and Chickens” 706 Curious Old Bow China Pitcher, raised decoration (called 5 Bee-Bow Jug) 707 Very curious old Dresden Enamel Watch, egg-shape, in case 708 Very fine old Dresden Bowl, King’s Period, handsomely painted medalion, canary ground 709 Set very curious old Dresden Bottcher Ware, chocolate ground, gold decoration, 8 pieces 710 Curious Old Oriental China Cup and Saucer, decorated Srom European prints, very fine 711 Another 712 Very fine Vienna Plate, handsomely decorated in raised gold, etc., hand painted subject, ‘ Juno” 738 26 Another. Miniature Silver Coffee Pot, finely chased do do Fost Guard Fine Silver Chatelaine and Vinaigrette Stix Silver Coffee Spoons. Silver Caddy, richly chased Silver Cloak Clasp, richly chased One and one-half dozen Silver Buttons, open work Six Old Silver Spoons, chased gilt bowls Pair Silver Prize Medals Antique Silver Watch, richly chased Another Light fine old Louis XVI, Buttons, blue and Rhine stone mounting Exghteen fine Silver Buttons Three Buckles, fine Rhine stone, silver mounted One fine old Tortowse Shell Box, with miniature Curtous Tennier’s Painting, in frame Pair of Silver-plated Coasters do old Sheffield plated Candelabras do beautiful plated Sauce Tureen do plated Stands do do Coasters do old Sheffield plated Candlesticks Another Pretty old Sheffield plated Cruet, fitted with bottle, in cut glass Patr fine Dresden Vases, richly decorated on pedestals 3/ Two Silver-plated Snuffer Trays Paw handsomely decorated Dresden Vases, with covers do Cups do do Water Bottles with Patr handsomely decorated Botiles, with covers square do do Dresden Vases, with covers Repousse Silver Backed Brush Silver Bird Lady's Silver Bag Clasp Silver Gilt Box, finely chased, Tenters Subjects Paty Empire Omolu Candlesticks, with swivel Pair richly decorated Vases, with cover do do do do | { a | 4 | | 756 757 TIFT AH DAV S SALE. Friday, fanuary 14th, 1887, at Two o'clock. Pair Dresden china Water Bottles, with Covers, finely decorated Six Dresden china Cups and Saucers, jinely decorated Pair Dresden china Water Bottles with Covers, finely decorated Six Dresden china Cups and Saucers, shell shape, finely decorated Pair Dresden china, square, tall neck Bottles, finely decorated Silver miniature Water Carriers Silver Patch Box, Repousse Another Stlver Miniature, “ The Dancers” Stx silver Tea Spoons, “ Apostles” Silver Sugar Sifter Another Old Repousse silver-gilt Drinking Cup Another Five silver Tea Spoons do do Fine old Repousse Brass Plague Patr silver plated Coasters fine silver plated Snuff Tray Another Very jine Arabian Gun, engraved stock 39 ) 772 Very fine old Persian Powder Flask | 773 ~Very fine old Sword 774. Another 775 Very fine Repousse brass Plaque ) ( 776 Murror, beveled glass with silver frame fal 777 + Two silver plated Coasters 778 Very curious Chinese Piece, inlaid with bronze, silver and gold 779 Curious carved Ivory Statuette of Christ 780 Carved ivory and silver Seal, “ Bust of Homer” 781 Fine specimen Coalport china Pitcher, handsomely decorated in flowers and gold 782 Very fine specimen old Chelsea Derby, grotesque Figure 783 Very fine Chelsea Derby Dog, “ Setter” / 784 Another, Companion, “ Pointer” 785 fair Salt Cellars, Battersea, rose enamel on copper | 786 Battersea Needle Case, enamel on copper = 787 Another, raised gold 788 Fine Battersea Box, carmine painted, Watteau subjects 789 Very fine Tortoise Shell Bonboniere, gold mounted | Miniature on ivory ; 790 Curious Miniature, painted on parchment, signed 791 Very fine Miniature Group, “Sir Walter Scott's Family” 792 Mirror, beveled glass, antique silver frame - 793 Fine silver Casket, richly chased | : : N 794 Rich old French silver Cane Head i. 795 Beautiful silver Box, Louis XVI., 1769, engraved Nielle ~ | a work. ’ ees : ; { - 796 Empire Pedestal Side Table, mahogany and marble top, | Ormolu mounted e ji \ | ] | _ | | | 797 798 799 | 800 801 802 803 804. 805 806 807 808 809 810 SII 812 40 Another Magnificent Empire Bureau, mahogany marble top, Ormolu mounted; height, 3 ft. 2 in.,; length, 4 ft. 8 zn. Superb carved gilt Settee, Verni Martin panel, braided silk seat and back, Louis XV. style Side Chair, to match Another Three-fold Screen, to match Very rich Show Case, Louts XVI. style, mahogany and chased Ormolu mounting Rich Egyptian Onyx Vase, Ormolu mounted in Louts XVI, style; height, 26 inches Another Very fine Spanish Rapier, Toledo blade Very handsome Gun, elaborately carved, Palissandre wood, very finely engraved battery Very fine Gun, double barrel, carved French walnut Stock, chased silver mountings, gold damascined barrels, made by Nicolas A. Verdun A curious antique bell metal Standard Corn Measure of England, of times of Queen Elizabeth, with inserip- tion and coat-of-arms, dated 1601 ; original piece, with marks of the mint on the edge Very fine water color Painting of the Directoire period, “Portrait of a Lady,” finely painted Fine water color Painting, “ The Birthday Celebration of Cardinal Farnese,’ Simonette (£.), Rome. Medals at the exhibitions of Naples, Milan, Turin. Member of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome Exquisite old 17th century Silk Painting, representing Neapolitan scene. Numerous figures delicately em- browdered in black, framed 32 x 42 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 826 827 828 829 41 Very fine Miniature on ivory, in _ handsome Louts XVI, silver and gold frame Another, in round gold frame, a Benzt Curious gold and enamel Vinaigrette, tulip shape Very fine gold and enamel Antique Watch, by Barnard, of London, with miniature portrait surrounded with pearls Very fine gold Louis XVI. Chatelaine, to match. Blue enamel, with pearl mounted charms Handsome gold Box, with six sided painting of sea ulews Very fine Louis XVI. Miniature on vellum, mounted Ormolu frame Very fine old French gold Box with enamel. Painting, ‘‘Tupiter and Juno.” Translucid blue enamel Another, octagonal shape surrounded with pearl, with beautiful Marie Loutse gray enamel. Pair Ear-rings, emerald carbuncles, antique mountings with diamonds Onyx Oriental Carved Scent Bottle. Fine enamel and gold top, set with 32 diamonds Antique gold Watch, enamel painting by Chas. LeRoy of Parts Pair very fine Louis XVI. gold Cups, beautifully de- signed and engraved Lea Set, Sevres soft paste, beautifully decorated; six pleces, in case Exquisite small Tea Pot, antique, green-gold, Greek de- sign, French Empire period Seures soft paste Pitcher, helmet shape, Géil de Perdrix on apple-green ground, painted military scene Sevres soft paste Pitcher, “ Bleu de Roy,” fine Louis AVI. Ormolu mounting SS a ae 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 $37 838 839 840 841 842 42 Pair very important soft paste Sevres Vases, “ Bleu de Roy,” beautifully painted medation, by Fortadeau Exquisitely painted Fan, Louis XV. style, by A. Solde, richly carved mother-of-pearl, with gold relief Pair very fine old carved ivory Busts on marble bases, ‘“¢ Voltaire” and “ Diderot”, by Rosst, Pere Very curious tortoise shell Mandolin Very fine silver-gilt mounted cut glass Cup and Saucer, Empire period Fine Oil Painting,“ Near Fontainbleau.” Manzoni(P), London ; 34 * 44 Fine Oil Painting ‘‘L’amour plus leger qu'un Papillon,’ Picou (Henry), Paris ; Hors Concours ; 39 tn. « 29 tn. Another , “Marchande d’amours”,; Picou (Henry), Faris, Hors Concours ; 39 in. * 29 7m. Rare Missal Manuscript, on vellum, of the XV. Century ; illuminated with 10 miniatures of the school of Verrochio and Perugint. Formerly in pos- session of “Abbaye de Jumieges”; original binding Antique Tapestry, Flemish mythological subjects ; bright colors ; in fine condition ; height 10 feet, wath 10 feet 8 in. Very important Empire mahogany Set, Ormolu mounted, covered in hand-made silk tapestry ; comprising 17 pieces, viz.: Sofa, 4 Presiding,6 Arm and © Side Chairs, made and signed by Bellange, of Parts Very fine Marie Antoinette Table, rosewood and mahog- any, Parquettrie work, highly chased Ormolu carya- tides legs, and rich mountings in Louts XVI. style ; copied from the original in the Louvre Pair very fine bronze Statues, Cupid holding candelabras, in Ormolu, 12 lights each, on pedestals, richly mounted in garlands of same; height 8 feet 4 i. 43 843 Very fine, Louis XVI. Cabinet, Verni Martin panel, fine Ormolu decoration, amourette wood, heavy beveled plate glass; height 5 feet, 5 inches, width 2 feet 844 Exquisite Verni Martin Lady's Secretary, Louis XV. style, beautifully decorated in Ormolu. A PERFECT WORK OF ART 845 Louis XVI. lyre-shaped Clock, in “ Bleu de Roy” porce- lain, Ormolu mounted, swinging dial in silver, set with Rhine stones, with calendar movement 846 Pair Vases to match, with Ormolu bouquet, forming three lights 847 Unique original Louis XV. Necessatre, solid gold, con- sisting of Box, Watch and Chatelaine, with Lady’s Etut, fitted with gold implements and vinaigrette, Rock-crystal, gold mounted Scent Bottle, Rock-crystal, gold mounted Box, gold Knife and Sheath ; Eight | pieces in red morocco tooled case, (French work of the period ) 848 Curzous prece of silver-gilt work, Renaissance style, repre- senting [fercules holding Fish, beautifully enameled, scales formed of lapis lazuli 849 Very fine old Dresden Box, enamel on copper, raised gold figures, translucid raised flowers, very rare specimen, height 10 inches 850 Important old Chelsea china Figure of Britannia, finest paste and decoration 851 Very rare old Dresden Tea Set, King’s period, handa- somely decorated, with mark K. P. M., 10 pieces 852 Two old Dresden Plaques, King’s period, painted at Dresden 853 Curious antique Watch, pierced and enamelled, studded with lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl, repeating movement a 44 854 Beautiful Miniature on ivory, “ Figure of Lady,” time of Charles [l., with Louis XVI, Ormolu frame, richly chased 855 Old French Miniature, beautifully painted, by Hervier, in oval gold frame 856 Fine Enamel on Copper, in plush frame, by Henry Bone, R.A., Portrait of Francis Beaumont, Dramatic Poet. Born at Grace-Dieu, in Leicestershire (an & ancient seat of the family) in 1585, died March, | 1615, educated at Cambridge; admitted to the Inner Temple. The inseparable companion of Fletcher; | their joint plays were published in 10 vols. His sole works, “The Masque of the Inner Temple,” and ’ Gray's Inn”; a Poem, “ The Hermaphrodite,” a 8 | poetical epistle to Ben Jonson; Verses to his friend \ : Sohn Fletcher, and other poems. This is a fac-simile | | of the enameled inscription on the back, signed by LTenry Bone, R.A, 857 Very finely chased Page Sword, formerly in possession of Royal Family of France, monogram of Prince Louis @’ Orleans. (Henry collection) 858 Old Oriental Even Color Vase, apple-green, fine shape and quality. (Stchel collection) 859 Small Peach Blow” Vase, very fine texture. (Sichel collection) 860 Old Oriental “ Famille Verte,’ Tsio Libations Cup. (Szchel collection) 861 Pair old Oriental Vases, decorated with large flowers, birds, etc., in enamels of Rose family. The covers surmounted with dog “ Ho,” seated, extraordinary pieces, 25 inches high, (Recappe collection) 862 Parr of old Oriental “ Famille Verte,” square cornets and stands, very fine; 10 inches high 863 Oriental Carved Crystal Figure of a God; 10 in. 864. 865 866 867 868 880 881 45 Marble Statue, “ Baigneuse’ Carved Marble Pedestal Dresden Dessert Service, open work and painted in Wat- teau subject, 18 pieces Vienna Plaque, heavy gilt decoration and finely painted fine Owl Painting, ‘Les Baigneuses,” Picou (Henry), Paris; hors concours, 20 in. x 24 in. Another; Revue des Pearles; Picou (Henry), Paris ; 24 tn. X 20 in. Ow Painting, view near Naples ; Manzoni (P.), London ; 36 1m. 4 24 iM. Fine Oil Painting, Dutch Interior ; Van Harp. Pair very fine Derbyshire Spar Vases, Louts XVI., Or- molu mounted, Very handsome violet wood Cabinet, Louis XV. Ormolu mounted; height 5 feet 5 in, width 4 feet 1 in. Line mahogany “and Ormolu Empire tall Clock ; height 7 feet 9 in., width 2 feet 2 in. fine Gobelin 17th Century Tapestry, mythological sub ject, with rich border; 12 feet x 9 feet Fine old Flemish Tapestry, mythological subject; rich and bright in color; 9 feet x 17 feet Lacquered Louis XV. Cabinet, Verni Martin panel finely mounted in Ormolu, 5 feet x 2 feet Fine pair Ormolu Candlesticks, Louis XVI, richly chased with cupids; 16 in, Fine old Painting, “ Reverie,’ Picou (Henry), Paris ; hors concours Fine old Painting, ‘An Old Hulk.” Schutz, Amsterdam; 12 7. x 20 2M. Ou Painting, ‘‘ Landscape,” Manzont (P.), London, 36x24 882 883 46 Oil Painting, “ Portrait,’ Codina-Langlin, Barcelona, 13) Ge JI), Fine old English Musical Tall Clock, in walnut case ; calendar, moon's phases, etc.,6 tunes, by Russell, of London Fine French mahogany roll front Desk, richly mounted in brass Fine French lady's fall front Desk, with inlaid plaque. Carved Oak Chair, in leather do do do do high back Very fine Louis XVI. Cabinet, violet wood, handsomely mounted with chased Ormolu, 5 ft. 3 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. Paw very. fine Pistols, handsomely chased and silver mounted Russian Hunting Knife, silver mounted Old Tron Shield - Three antique Keys Two do do Very fine Empire Knocker do Bronze Group, “ Tiger and Calf,” by Fratin Walnut Side Chair, in embossed leather Oul Painting, ‘‘ Spring,” Shoutin (after Boucher), London Another, ‘‘ Summer” do “ Autumn’ do “ Winter” Silver Card Tray Another Pair Silver Coasters, chased and pierced Silver gilt Plague, chased, mythological subject Another go6 907 908 909 gio 47 Oriental bronze Idol, paper weight Repousse silver Medallion, “ Mars’’ Pair handsoutely decorated Vases, eagle tops do do do with covers, small do do do do do WILLIAM P. MOORE, Auctioneer.