BY JOFED AMERICAN ARTISTS FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES ~ 300 FIFTH AVENUE.NEW YORK = JAS. SULO, AUCTIONEER. LIBRARY me M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. Roe NEW YORK A BRILLIANT SALE OF PAINTINGS, : 4 : Ye Hep BY HENRI FENE DU BOIS. No. 4—Lymann, “Byening,”’ John Pastorini, SRE No. 5=-Crane, ‘“‘The Grain Field,’? Leon ‘Noel, MES” p. STLO ‘began last evening his iE / sale: by auction, in the Wifth paul S Art: Galleries, of American paintings. $35. Was a pepe yet and a battle. Tae WE dois a, udents, platonic art-loyers, fashionable- Sa Ry Dawsons Woods Thine me Ee “rsons who haye to be where great thingS ponynge, $30. pen, buyers, grave experts. No. S8-—Patton, ‘Olearing on the Lake,” Pas- Sixty-five numbers of the catalogue were torini, $80. Bae sold. They brought. $7,347.50. It was to) No. 9—Dewey, ‘‘Late. Afternoon,’ Max Levy, _} $105. ? ihe, grave experts, the buyers, the fashion ° : a seers es 2 : Gye persons, a. proof that ite ey on 10—Miller, ‘‘Wood Nymphs,” J, C. Stewart, was oeautiful. The platonic art-lovers did No. £i— Carlsen, ‘‘Still Life,” R. BK. Mygatt, $50. “not need it, the art students knew hat it No, 12—McCord, ‘‘On the River Scheldt,” F. J. ‘was to be neglected. | Arend. $155. ‘ hs The price that a work of art brings at} No. 18—Howe, “Evening,” T. Dunham, $110, auction is not an indication of its value | *e A A... “The: Plute. Player,” to art students. It is only an indication of | 2-77 20nTBae. Sot yay é js No.tb=—Mart 2S. Mise SP: Hill,” J. D. Suli- the esteem in which it is held by buyers age el eae ba of art works. They wish to agree with No. 146—BKost, “On Long Island,’ J. N. Richard- ‘the art students, for. the artisi’s estimate son, $90, of a work of art is, after all, the only one) No,.17—-Parton, “The Old Homestead,” I. N. that is important. But they do not always Seligman, 5160. fagree. re 18-Palmer, ‘‘Sunset,’’ Lewis E, Pierson, $20. si on, © Wi : Wi A ” The artist's point of view is art and #2 eee Wintel oe ea CHa theirs is art and something else. Then |” ‘. Sulivan. 827.50. i Has ‘ ee pe ye oe ee oa ' No.) 20—Pauli, “Last Gleam Through ihe they are not always artistic because they |woods J, B. Bloomingdale, $35. | buy art works. heir object in buying art! No, /21—Ochtman, ‘Autumn, Cos Cob,” J. By works may be only to surround themselves Bloomingdale, $100. }with stories and images, to decorate their No, 22—Griswold, “Spring,” G. W. Keeler, $50. No, Paper ownscomb, “Happy. Childhood.’ $32 y ‘reoms. or to spend their money. An art ; : : : po aac Storm,’’ A. O. Cheney, $23 95- civleen, “Red Roses,’’ J. Moriarty, $55. ‘sale is brilliant when the prices paid seem ito artists reasonable. — ——— aE } ts Spirent: : eee sea et 26— Blakelock, “Wood Interior,”” Lew \ Last evening's sale was brilliant because man, $115; ie Na By SI St a A Rene had pe 2 eet vies an, plis a # ithe Tae © W ae Oe of the quality that :97-—Bunce. “Grand Canal, Venice,” J, B. ‘raptivates the uninitiated, the indifferent Bloomingdale, $200. pune fe he comimonp'rce, ane HRY: brought | 27—Crane, ‘‘Harvest,’” D. HE, Crockeron, $32.50, ate prices, There were bargains, but £9—Dielman, ‘Fair Flowers,’ Otto “Temple, hey @rere not exasperating to artists. $60. ‘ ; ' hey Were not absurd. The following list 830—Gay, “Pelham Marshes,’ F. J. Arend, $140.' is 31—Hart, J. M.,-“In the Catskills,”” TL. By Pier " the sale tells the catalogue number, the son, $37.50. sts name, the title of dhe picture, the 39 Rix, “Near Grechwobd Taka? “Buckley, name and the orice that he paid: (g1460. ) wo. 1—Amsden, “Autumn Evening,’ Percy x. 83——Shertleff, “Ir ae at tice, $100 : . 2—Davis. “Rising Moon,” Otto Temple, $25 ae, f ee ; pe : g 384——Parton, ‘‘After the Rain,’ IT, Dunham, $85 3-—Koopman, ““At the Seashore,”’ Pa atty i ; ba oe ‘ yea ea nee ee Bee 35—Rigby, ‘Little Sunshine,’ T. N. Richardsor $30. Nol 6—Blakelock, ‘Coast of California,’ J. D. ‘Belig- the Adirondacks,’ J, Pren- | ! Se a = : id os 86—Hart, William, ‘“‘A Modern Cinderella,” 8. Hurd, $300. 37—Gue; ‘Cloudy Day, Far Rockaway,” T. Dun- ham, $110. Les 88—Harrison, ‘‘The Winter Moon,’* W, Chester, $150. ! 39—Parton, ‘‘Summer ‘Time,’ W. Sternberg, $140. $45. 41—-Dexsar, ‘“‘Evening,’’ Louis Kat, $80. 42—Thifeld, “Among the 4aisies,” T. D, Sulli- yan, $105. 43-—Gay, “Near & a ec, ” MM. H. Hulick, $59. 44—Inness, ‘—s--ght,’? T. Buckley, $400. 45—Johnsow. ° he Pet,’’? W. H. Bonynge, $50. 46—Ikost, “Wear Westhampton,’ T, C. West, $180. Not 47-—Carlsen, ‘‘Still Life,’ L. P. Lane, $50. No, 48—Saxton, ‘“‘Twilight,’? Invine Rew, $40. No, 49—Hassam, ‘‘Central Park,” J. B. Bloom- ingdale, I No. AGEs “Qn the French Coast,’ J. Bb. Bloomingdale, $190. No, 51—Bogert, landscape, “‘Holland,” C. Pat- tevson, $525, No, 52—Dessar, ‘‘Harly Autumn,’ J. C. Boland, $150, No. 53—Chapman, ‘‘Evening at Marlo,”’ C. B, Curtis,’ $135. ; No. 54—Blakelock, “‘Symphony,” F. J. Arend, No, 50—McCord, ‘Sunset on the Hudson,” J. D. Sullivan, $105. No. 56—Rix, ‘On the Passaic,’? H. Hamilton, | $330. | No. 57—McCord, “In the Twilight,’ W. B. | Strang, $1265. No. 58—Rehn, ‘August Morning. N. testers be Dunham, $95. No. 59—Martin, ‘Hills Near ene Cc. Conway, $400. No, 60—Blakeiock, ‘‘Moonlight,” ‘s. A. Cun- ningham, $170. ; ; No. 61 —Collins, “In the Woods,” Otte Temple, B25. =f No. 62-—Parton, “The Trout Stream,’’ G, W. Sickles, $120. No. 63—Inness, ‘“‘Evening, Montclair,” W. B- Strang, $270. , No. 64—Murphy, J. F., “Near Arkville,”’ J, B. Bloomingdale, $80. “No, 65-——Peters, ‘“‘September,’’ C.. Paterson “$25. Total, $7,347.50. prought $525, the highest price, aptly as the most effective work of the sale, because of its blue. sky ovér which. the clouds dragged heavily like big pillows. J. Fran- ) cig Murphy’s “Near Arkville.” which | brought only $80, is a treasure of delicate | jines and colors. A small picture, painted to be looked at closely, it was clear.y de- fined and brilliant under the electric lights, from the other end of the gallery. Blakelock’s ‘‘Moonlight,”’ which prought $170, plays the complementary colors of plue and orange with inimitable charm. The sale of the collection is to be concluded this evening. with its most valuable works. 40—Blakelock, ‘‘Wood Interior,’ T, Dunham, | George H. Bogert’s “landscape, Holland.” ON FREE VIEW, DAY AND EVENING, FROM FEBRUARY 297TH, 1904, UNTIL DAYS OF SALE OIL PAINTINGS | NOTED AMERICAN ARTISTS 4 TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, He 366 FIFTH AVENUE, N. Y. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 3p anv 41H, AT 8.30 P. M. SHARP. 1904 CATALOGUE OF OlL PAINTINGS BY NOTED AMERICAN ARTISTS SELECTED AND ARRANGED ie of 881 FIFTH AVENUE, N. Y. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE MR. JAMES P&P. STLO, WILL CONDUCT THE SALE NEW YORK, 1904. ALEXANDER PRESS, 18 & 20 ASTOR PLACE, Nh, Y, LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED WITH NUMBER OF EACH PAINTING Amsden, W. K., 1, 66 Blakelock, R. ie 6, 26, 40, 54, 60, 62, 71, 78, 103 Bogert, Cc ie 51, 99, 107 Boston, Vo 18heg 114 Brownscombe, J., 23 Bunce, W. , 27, 84 Carlsen, E., a 25, 47, 70, 88 Carmiencke, H., 116 Chapman, C. T., 5B Childs as, 125 Collins, L. EL, Crane, B. ee 24, eS 112, Davis, eo: Dawson, i) 67, 127, 129 Dessar, L. ae AL, 52 79, 110 Dewey C. M., 9 Dielman, FE. 29 Eaton, C. W., 126 128 Gay, E., 30, 43, 93, 119, 122. Griswold: C. ce 22 Grollaceles. iis Gue, 10) G., Harrison, 3. Hart, J. M., 120, 123 Hart, Wal 36, 88 Hassam, Cc 49 Herzog, L., 130 Howe, aN, H., 18, 111, 124 Howland, 1255 91 Hyneman, H. N., 19 = "15, Bil, He, tell). Thlefeld, H., 42 Inness, Geo., 44, 68, 86, 104 Johnson, E., 45 Koopman, A., 8, 68 Kost, F. W., 16, "46, 92, 115 Lymann, J., ‘4 Martin, H. D., 50, 59, 101, 109 Miller, O., 10 McCord, G. H., 12. 55, 85 Murphy, A.C, 14, 77 Murphy, J. F., "64, 100, 121 Minor, R. C., 81 Ochtman, L., 21, 73 Palmer, R., 18, 89 Parton, A., 8, 17, 34, 39, 57, 75, 82, 90, 94 Pauli, , 20, 44. Peters, ae R., 65, 96 Reckard, = A., 69 Rehn, F. M., 58, 98, 106 Richards, = lee "6 Rigby. F. 35, 87 Reibxee |e 32, 56, 105 Saxton, J. G., 48 Shurtleff, R. M., 38 Sonntag, W. L., 97 Whistler, J. McNeil, 108 Wiggins, C., 95 Wyant, A. H., 102 a : i cea Ra acenll a wie CONDITIONS OF SALE x. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢/ reguired, in default of which the lot or ee so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. .3. ‘The lotsto be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself respousible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- eount of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. Yo prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 18-20 Astor Place a eal z CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE Thursday, March 3d, 1904, at 8.30 o’clock. I WILLIAM K. AMSDEN : New York Autumn Evening 8x Io CHARLES DAVIS : ; New York Rising Moon 17 x 21 3 AUGUSTUS KOOPMAN : New York At the Sea Shore 26 X 33 _— | 4 JOSEPH LYMANN : F New ey Evening 4 ) 15 x 20 ¢ 5 BRUCE CRANE (N. A.) : New York The Grainfield at 1234 X 1534 WJ? 6 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New York Coast of California | 0 4¥eX7 “Vl 7 ARTHUR DAWSON : . New York Wood Interior 2 14 x 18 a 8 ARTHUR. PARTON (N. A.) New York Clearing on the Lake 7¢ 14 x 18 7 9 CHARLES MELVILLE DEWEY Late Afternoon New York 2x 16 IO OSCAR MILLER New York Wood Nymphs a): ER ™ 12 x 16 II EMIL CARLSEN New York Still Life c oO 19 x 23 |: i IZ GEORGE H. McCORD : New York On the River Scheldt Wa ‘4 12 x 16 /N ) \/ P i j 13 WILLIAM H. HOWE (N. A.) New York Evening . at | TV: 12 x 16 Vs 14 A, C. MURPHY ; ; New York The Flute Player : 9 x 19 a 15 JAMES M. HART (N. A.), deceased Pine Hill Eh 18 x 28% | \ 16 FREDERICK W. KOST (A. N. A.) New York On Long Island 10X14 DZ ARTHUR PARTON (N. A.) The Old Homestead 15 x 21 New York 18 R. PALMER New York Sunset 6 Xs 8 F 19 HERMAN N. HYNEMAN Winter on Fifth Avenue New York 12 x 16 20 RICHARD PAULI (deceased) : d, The Last Gleam Through the Woods 7x12 21 LEONARD OCHTMAN (N. A.) New York Autumn, Cos Cob ‘ 16 x 22 22 C. C. GRISWOLD (N. A.) New York Spring 9% x 18 23 J. BROWNSCOMBE Happy Childhood 18 x 24 New Vork 24 BRUCE CRANE (N. A) . New York Passing Storm 9 fA A 28 x 36 el 25 EMIL CARLSEN : : New York Red Roses &. 15 X 25 : 26 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New York 4 Wood Interior 6x17 (sun WCE Z 7 W. GEDNEY BRUCE (N. A.) New York Grand Canal, Venice A 16 x 24 , 28 BRUCE CRANE (N. A.) ; New York Harvest ha, 14 x 20 << 29 FREDERICK DIELMAN (P. N. A.) New York Gam lowers: Ve 12 x 16 30 EDWARD GAY (A. N. A) z New York Pelham Marshes 20 X 30 31 JAMES M. HART (N. A.), deceased In the Catskills 64%x11% 32 JULIAN RIX (deceased) Near Greenwood Lake Sketch IOx 14 33 R. M. SHURTLEFF (N. A.) New York In the Adirondacks 12x 16 34 ARTHUR PARTON (N. A.) New York After the Rain 14 x 20 35 F. RIGBY A : New York Little Sunshine Pastel IIX14 36 WILLIAM HART (N. A), deceased ") A Modern Cinderella 20% x 30% . 37 D. G. GUE : ; 5 New York A Cloudy Day, Far Rockaway , 20 x 30 38 BIRGE HARRISON ‘ : New York The Winter Moon 17 x 23 39 ARTHUR PARTON (N. A.) New York Summer Time 18 x 24 ee — a 40 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New York Wood Interior 5x6% f - AI LOUIS PAUL DESSAR (A. N. A.) New York Evening 714x10% 42 HENRY IHLEFELD : New York - Among the Daisies 24 x 34 | Ay ¢ 43 EDWARD GAY (A. N. A.) - New York Near Dortrecht cn 7X 9% a 44 GEORGE INNESS (N. A.), deceased Twilight \ 18 xX 24 \\ \ i a ‘ * 45 EASTMAN JOHNSON (N. A.) New York The Pet 12x 18 46 FREDERICK W. KOST (A. N. A.) New York Near Westhampton (¢ 16 X 24 47 EMIL CARLSEN Still Life 16 x 20 New York 48 JOHN GORDON SAXTON : New York Twilight a £12 12 x 16 49 CHILDE HASSAM ; : New Wore Central Pars A 12 x 16 if? 50 HOMER D. MARTIN (deceased) On the French Coast 51 GEORGE H. BOGERT (A. N. A.) New York Landscape, Holland mo a Eee 20 x 30 ail $ baa at wry 9 | i La 1 ee ja | | | 4 | (| i | 52 LOUIS PAUL DESSAR (A. N. A.) New York Early Autumn ry 12x16 a0) CARLTON T. CHAPMAN .__——iNew York Evening at Marlo 20 X 30 54 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New York Symphony 83% X12% 55 GEORGE H. McCORD i: New York Sunset on the Hudson I2 x 16 56 JULIAN RIX (deceased) On the Passaic# Lz. x0 } By ARTHUR PARTON (N. A) In the Twilight 15 X 21 538 Ff K. M. REHN (N. A.) August Morning, N. J. « 16 x 28 59 ‘ soft » © » New York New York HOMER D. MARTIN (deceased) Hills Near Westchester 225K 27 ah. ‘\ 60 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) deceased Moonlight ' AK 16 x 20 BY ths ; 61 L. H. COLLINS | 5 : New York In the Wood fy 7X9 yi , 62 ARTHUR PARTON (N: ae) : New York The Trout Stream 18 x 24 63 GEORGE INNESS (N. A), deceased Evening, Montclair if ee rij. Io x 18 Saf 64 J. FRANCIS MURPHY Near Arkville 514 x10 65 CHARLES ROLLO PETERS . Monterey September ei 12 x 16 yy se A New York es SECOND NIGHT’S SALE Friday, March 4th, 1904, at 8.30 o’clock. 66 WILLIAM K. AMSDEN : New York Sunset 8 x 10 67 ARTHUR DAWSON : . New York On the Shore 8x1 68 AUGUSTUS KOOPMAN i New York Dutch Peasant 14% x 18 £9 | G. A. RECKARD i ; New Yor | Close of Day | 14 X 24 d 70 | EMIL CARLSEN . : New York Still Life 27 X 30% 7I RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New Vork Quiet Evening 8 x 10 IP JAMES M. HART (N. A.), deceased Oak Hill 14 X 31 73 LEONARD OCHTMAN (N. A.), New Vork Autumn 16 x 22 74 RICHARD PAULI (deceased) . Sunset in the Woods 16 x 22 15 ARTHUR PARTON (N. A.) New York Peaceful Valley 20 X 30 76 F. H. RICHARDSON Pe New : York Springtime 12 x 16 TL A. ©. MURPHY : , New York At Play 6% x8 78 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.), New Vork Pine Hill 254 X54 79 LOUIS PAUL DESSAR (N. A.) New York Crescent Moon 12 x 16 80 JAMES M. HART (N. A.), deceased Milking Time 10 52 Be SI ROBERT C. MINOR (N. A.) New York Twilight 12 x 16 | 82 ARTHUR PARTON (N. A.) New York Haytime ie) 3 33 83 EMIL CARLSEN Still Life 25 x 30 New York 84 W. GEDNEY BUNCE (N. A.) New York Evening on the Lagoon 5x10 35 GEORGE H. McCORD : New York Sunset on the River 12x16 86 GEORGE INNESS (N. A.), deceased ( \. | Campulire 12 x 16 87 EF. RIGBY —. Sey New York In Thoughts Pastel VORXCLs 88 WILLIAM HART (N. A.), deceased Prize Cow 12ex 1634 = pa aaa 89 R. PALMER : ¥ New Vork Connecticut Road 12 x 16 gO ARTHUR PARTON (N. A) New York On the Hackensack River 18 x 24 gl F. HOWLAND ; i New York Near Little Ferry 8% x II 92 FREDERICK W. KOST (A. N. A) New York The Fisherman 22 x 28 93 EDWARD GAY (A.N. A.) Wheat Field 20 X 30 94 ARTHUR PARTON (N. A.) Springtime 18 x 25 95 CARLTON WIGGINS (A. N. A.) In the Pasture 24. X 31 96 CHARLES ROLLO PETERS By Monterey Bay 22X27 New York New York New York Monterey ) 97 W. L. SONNTAG (N. A), deceased Peekskill Valley 32 x 43 938 F. K. M. REHN (N. A.) : New York July Moonrise, Little Good Harbor Beach Man. 16 x 24 99 GEORGE H. BOGERT (A. N. A.) New York Approach of Evening 20 x 30 TOO J. FRANCIS MURPHY ; New York Autumn 16 x 22 IOI HOMER D. MARTIN (deceased) On Lake Ontario 11 x 18 IO2 A. H. WYANT (deceased) Landscape 1034 X 1534 103 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New York Evening 16 x 24 104 GEORGE INNESS (N. A.), deceased Golden Sunset ||, , A 16 x.24 105 JULIAN RIX (deceased) Near Pompton 32 X42 106 F. K. M. REHN (N. A.) : New York The Surging Sea 16 x 24 107 GEORGE H. BOGERT (A. N. A) New York Moonlight 28 x 36 108 JAMES McNEIL, WHISTLER . Study for a Portrait 734 X 9 109 HOMER D. MARTIN (deceased) Drifting Mist 24 X 36 110 LOUIS PAUL DESSAR (A. N. A.) New York Early Moon 24ak 29 ou WILLIAM H. HOWE (N. A.) New York In the Barnyard ete BRUCE CRANE (N. A.) 5 New York Last Leaves 30 x 40 113 ALBERT L. GROLL ; New York Landscape IO X I4 114 JOSEPH H. BOSTON (A. N. A.) New Vork Moonlight 20 x 24 115 FREDERICK W. KOST (A. N. A.) New Vork On the Great South Beach IO X 14 tO H. CARMIENCKE (deceased) The Great Whirlpool Near Quebec, Canada 50 X 70 117 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK (N. A.) New York Path in the Woods 5x7 118 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK(N. A.) New York Golden Autumn 16 x 24 119 EDWARD GAY (A. N. A.) New York The Florida Salt Marshes 20 x 30 120 JAMES M. HART (N. A.). deceased The White Lady 13% x 23 12] J. FRANCIS MURPHY : New York Passing Storm 12 x 16 12 EDWARD GAV(A.N. A). ~~ New York A Pool in the Marshes, Eastchester, NEE 9% x 19 123 JAMES M. HART (N. A.), deceased : Coming Storm 33 X45 124 WILLIAM H. HOWE (N. A.) New Vork Hill at Lyme, Conn 12 x 16 as EDWARD A. CHILD ; New York At Rest 12 x 16 L260 CHARLES WARREN EATON (A. N. a) Evening ZO50 36 127 ARTHUR DAWSON : : New York Wood Interior, Lyme, Conn. 14x 17 128 BRUCE CRANE (N. A.) 5 New York Winter Morning 14 x 20 129 ARTHUR DAWSON : . New York | Autumn, Woods . 14x17 130 LOUIS HERZOG : : Philadelphia Venice 14 x 20 JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. A > ——< ~ ca jes