1846 Apr.3 LoDeP c.1 Mr. Deaco/Ancient armour and weap 97-P2806 Mn 3 3125 01188 6212 Tothe NOBILITY, GENTRY, COLLECTORS, CONNOISSEURS, &c. IMPORTANT SALE. MR. SAMUEL PRATT’S Splendid and Entire Collection of ANCIENT ARMOUR and WEAPONS,—removed from 47, NEW BOND STREET, in consequence of the Re-building of the Premises. OF THE SPLENDID COLLECTION OF ANCIENT ARMOUR WEAPONS, INCLUDING SEVERAL KNIGHT’S COMPLETE CAP-A-PIE TILTING SUITS, DEMI SUITS, AND OTHER HABILIMENTS, Sor Gar, Tilting, and the Foust ; RARE HORSE ARMOUR, And many highly Interesting Detached Pieces, amongst which will be found some very Rare Examples; 4 SPLENDIDLY BMBOSSAD SHIBLD. THE WEAPONS Consist of Halberds, Partizans, Glaives, Swords, Shields, Daggers, Matchlock Guns and Pistols, Trophies, Rapiers, &c. &c. PART RECENTLY IMPORTED. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. DEACON At his Rooms, 2, Berners Street, Oxford Street, On FRIDAY, the 8rd day of APRIL, 1846, at One o’Clock. May be Viewed on Wednesday and Thursday preceding, aud Catalogues may then be had. 2, Berners Street, Oxford Street. J. DAVY & SONS, Printers, 137, Long Acre. If 4 < SF 0 f/ “3 £ ps OS See fs = ne Lif. hens A CATALOGUE, &c. FRIDAY, the 3rd day of APRIL, 1846, Commencing at ONE 0’Clock. THE CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE EXHIBITED IN THE OFFICES AND AUCTION ROOMS. LO 1 A Monk’s knife with original chain 2 A Waterloo trophy, consisting of breast and back plates and helmet 3 Two Waterloo helmets 4 Six fine sword blades 5 Six ditto 6 Six ditto 7 Six ditto an 8 Four gun rests 9 Two sets of steel espaliers complete, with rerebrace, garde-de-bros and vambracie ‘ 10. Two sets of ditto 11 Two sets of ditto 12 ‘Two sets of ditto 13 Two sets of ditto 14 A Gothic lamp 15 Two powder flasks SWORDS AND WEAPONS. 16 A fighting sword of Charles’s reign 17 A long wheel-lock carbine 18 A pair of halberds of the time of Elizabeth 19 A Highland claymore with solid gilt handle 20 Two lances and one other 24 3 An ancient WARDER’s lantern with revolving lamp A two-handed sword of great strength, with the rare wavy blade A pair of partisans of good character A beheading sword of fine temper, and a partisan An Elizabethan rapier with fine swept steel guard A heavy breast plate of very fine character A crozier matchlock, the stock elaborately inlaid with ivory in designs, and a remarkably fine EMBOSSED STEEL barrel A Knight’s sword, of the reign of Henry VII. A Genoese cross bow, known by the name of Arbalaste, fitted with a stirrup bow of steel, guard and trigger—the moulinet and pulleys to string it A cross bow, called A Latch, time of James I, the pied de chevre being fixed A cross bow or prodd, of the reign of Elizabeth A very early dagger with gilt metal pommel Three specimens of Spanish armour, an embossed elbow, one engraved ditto and a tilting guard for helmet Four specimens of engraved armour An Italian morion, engraved of the form of Philip and Mary’s reign An engraved steel mentonniére Six specimens of Spanish fluted and engraved “ foot-guards ” A fine relic of a casque, EMBOSSED in bold design A SERIES OF BREAST PLATES, &c. Two breast plates—time of Cromwell A breast plate and tassetts—time of James I. A fine steel breast plate and morion—time of Elizabeth A polished steel breast plate, gorget and espaliers—time of Henry VIII. A fluted steel breast of fine form—period of Henry VIII. A rare specimen of the armour worn as a breast plate in Henry’s VITI.’s reign A breast plate of the time of Richard ITI. 4 CAP.A-PIE SUITS OF KNIGHT’S ARMOUR, TROPHIES, &c. 46 A polished steel cockscomb morion, a fine steel breast plate, gorget and espaliers 2 47 A German rifle with snap haunce lock, and barrel inlaid with gold 47* An Indian sabre, Damasquined in gold 48 A plain steel chanfron, of fine form—period of Henry VII. 49 A poLisHeEn Steel shield, of great weight 50 A SUIT OF CAVALIER’S ARMOUR, With helmet, breast and back plates of good form—period of Charles I. 51 A peEmr suit of long breasted polished steel armour, of the ee period of Henry the Eighth’s reign 52 Three specimens of engraved Spanish armour, pair of wrist guards and testiere of chanfron 53 ‘Two embossed steel Spanish oriellets and an engraved testiere , . 54 An emblazoned buckler, used by the body guard of Francis the First 55 An engraved pauldron, rere and vanbrace, a gaundét, a tassett and. cuissey portions of a suit of-armour 56 A pair of the jingling knight’s spurs, of the reign of poy Vill. 57 Two Spanish gauntlets, richly engraved 58 A very beautiful suit of ENGRAVED SPANISH ARMOUR, with fluted breast and back plates, tassetts, indented, engraved and inlaid with gold, of the period of Philip and Mary, complete, with fine open casque , pauldrons, rere and van braces, gauntlets, &c. 59 A magnificent passe garde pauldron, of early character, finely engraved with battles and figures in costnme, of Spanish workmanship 60 A GIGANTIC CAP-A-PIE SUIT OF KNIGHT'S GERMAN FLU- TED ARMOUR, of the period of Maxamilian, with original rest, breast and back plates, of remarkable form, helmet of rare character, and is complete with gauntlets, &c. 61 A NOBLE CAP-A-PIE KNIGHT'S SUIT OF TILTING ARMOUR, of the period of Henry VIII., and is remarkable for the form of breast plate, &c. b Nd : 62 63 64 74 75 76 77. 78 5 A pair of rare Spanisu fluted and chain mail sollerettes, of singular character A MAGNIFICENT Spanish FOWLING PIECE, the stock mounted with embossed gilt and silvered ornaments, masks, &c. A matchlock, the barrel exceedingly rare ANCIENT WHEEL LOCK GUNS, PISTOLS, | SWORDS, &c. A pair of splendid embossed steel and silver pistol barrels A pair of ditto A pair of Lazarino Comniazzo pistol barrels, beautifully embossed in chased steel designs in figures, &c. An Affghan rifle with slinging belt | A Persian gun, inlaid stock and splendid embossed steel and silver barrel An Asiatic rifle, ebony stock and rich embossed barrel A very rare embossed steel and silver barrel, remarkable in design A dress sword, time of Charles I. pommel and hilt, richly inlaid with gold and silver figures A WHEEL-LOCK PISTOL, time of Henry VIII., embossed steel barrel, representing numerous figures in splendid costume of the period. This example is matchless A RARE ENGLISH GUN, period of Henry VIII.; the stock inlaid with ivory, and richly embossed steel barrel, covered with niello and ornamented with silver in subjects, having an embossed steel sight. This specimen is exceedingly rare An embossed steel gun barrel with enrichments in silver, and a pistol barrel An Elizabethan rifie, the stock beautifully inlaid with ivory in rich designs, wheel lock, &c. A dress sword, time of Elizabeth, enamelled in blue A dagger, time of James I., with sheath embossed and chased enrichments 79 80 | 81 82 80 84 85 86 87 88 89 A) 89% 6 A fine dress sword with embossed guard and pommel, representing sil- vered Portraits of Charles I., a very rare example 2 A DEMI SUIT OF MILANESE ARMOUR, engraved in trophies and inlaid with gold, of the period of Philip and Mary A BAVARIAN CAP-A-PIE SUIT of KNIGHT’S FLUTED ARMOUR, of German art, complete A Spanish duelling sword with temarkably fine chased steel guard and pommel, with extraordinary blade, and inscription— “ IVANMART IN TOLEDO.” A fluted steel powder flask A fine sword, with real ‘‘ Solingen” blade An Italian perforated halberd, and a sword A very singular DEMI SUIT OF KNIGHT’S ARMOUR, of the bode of Richard III., of distinguished form A sword of James ie First’s period An embossed cup rapier A couteau-de-chasse with the rare serrated edge — An early sword, inlaid with gold and sublines on. S “ HANS + MORON + MEFICIT + SALINGEN.” ASIATIC ARMOUR, WEAPONS _ &e. A pair of fluted breast and back plates, with side pieces and gore, helmet -of singular character. . A pair of ditto A pair of ditto A pair of ditto | Two very early Asiatic chanfrons, of remarkable character Two ditto Two ditto with side plates A beheading knife and a yataghan © A pair of Indian sabres, fine blades © A pair of Indian lances 7 A Persian matchlock, the stock emblazoned in colours A ditto, equally curious A curious Indian matchlock, with square barrel, damasquined in gold, and emblazoned stock A Ceylon dagger, carved handle and sheath A very ancient knight’s war saddle, with front plates of massive steel, bullet proof A Persian gun, inlaid with silver and gold A complete suit of ASIATIC HORSE ARMOUR, composed of steel plates and rings, and consisting of the embossed chanfron, laminated manefare, poitrinal and croupiére Sir Samuel Meyrick’s, Goodrich Castle, and Tower of London Collections, are the only two that possess so striking and early an example of the Middle Ages. A Turkish gun, with ebony stock and chased furniture An Indian crease with rare Damascus steel blade A dagger from Ceylon, encrusted with chased silver, and silver mounted sheath A long Indian matchlock, the stock enamelled in blue and gold A fine Indian gun, with Damascus. barrel, inlaid with gold An Indian sabre, the blade of the finest Damascus steel, and rare carved jad handle with Arabic inscription An Affghan sabre, with double edges, fluted blade, and horn handle and sheath A POLISHED STEEL DEMI SUIT OF ARMOUR, complete, of the Eliza- bethan era A cap-d-pie suit of knights tilting armour, with visored helmet, time of Henry VIII. A sabre, with fine blade, and mounted in silver A SUIT OF INDIAN ARMOUR, with helmet, breast, back and side plates of Damascus steel, inlaid with stones, chain jacket, camail, &c. A very rare suit of Saracenic armour, complete A Persian steel war saddle, laminated plate, chanfron and manefare A very rare Damascus steel sabre, with silver mountings : 121 122 123 124 125 126 ee 128 8 SPLENDID SUITS OF KNIGHTS ARMOUR AND EMBOSSED HORSE ARMOUR. A suit of German demi launcer’s armour with long gauntlets A MASSIVE SUIT OF KNICHT’S GLOBOSE TILTING ARMOUR, of Henry Lighth’s reign, shewing the extent of the broad toes of the period. The helmet with extra pieces, passegardes aud tuilles, forms a striking example, and one not to be found in any collection A cHANFRON, from the royal collection at Segovia, covered with em- bossed steel, in masks, figures, &c. damasquined in gold and silver designs, of fine character A SPLENDID EMBOSSED STEEL SHIELD, of the period of Charles V. The whole is embossed in steel, damasquined in gold and silver, and worked in the most elaborate manner in arabesques, figures and panels, representing subjects from the Heathen Mythology, bordered with rich scrolls, §c. A SPANISH CASQUE, elaborately engraved in trophies: and masques, surrounded by projecting spikes, a remarkable specimen THE GORGEOUS : HORSE ARMOUR AND TRAPPIN GS, of the renowned Charles V., purchased from the royal Collection in Spain; the poitrinal, croupiére are formed of designs in embossed steel, damasquined in gold and silver, and worked in the most elaborate manner in arabesques, masques, figures and panels, repre- senting subjects, and bordered with a deep escaloped steel edging ; : and may be considered the only example extant of the period An original tilting saddle, with beautiful embossed steel back, with numerous figures damasquined in gold and silver A rare example of knight's tilting ormour, comprising the breast and back plates, hinged together, the gorget and original lance rest, with massive guards, and may be considered of the earliest time of Henry VI. 128* A model suit of cap-a-pie armour, mounted on a horse, completely armed with defences, for the Joust 9 129 An extraordinary rere and vambrace, with grande garde, of the Thirteenth Century 130 A KNIGHT’S SUIT OF FLUTED AND ENGRAVED GERMAN ARMOUR for the Tilt, of rare form, emblazond and engraved with ornamental designs of the period, inlaid with gold, visored helmet, and passe-garde pauldrons, lance rest, &c. 131 A splendid engraved visored helmet, breast and back plates, of the time of James I., the whole surface entirely chased in ornamental designs 132 A NOBLE SUIT OF GLOBOSE ARMOUR, cap-a-pie—the helmet of fine shape; forming altogether a valuable example of armour worn in Henry the Seventh’s reign 133 A very characteristic BLACK SUIT OF CAP-A-PIE KNIGHT’S ARMOUR, exquisitely fluted and finely formed, breast and back plates, visored salade—the period of Henry VII. 134 A SUIT OF KNIGHT’S POLISHED STEEL ARMOUR, Of the best period of Henry VIII., with fine visored helmet, &c. 135 Asuit of GERMAN FLUTED ARMOUR, with singular helmet, the whole characteristic of the period of Henry VIII. 136 A curious ‘and complete suit of Asiatic chain mail, with embossed and Damasquined silver breast, back and side plates 137 A suit of chain mail, of similar character 138 Avery rare hauberk, of laminated plates of steel, and helmet of singular form—time of the Crusaders 138* A pair of finely engraved pauldrons 139 Four specimens of Italian armour, richly engraved, consisting of two tassets and two cuisses 140 A curious chanfron, i in fine condition, without orifices for the horse’s eyes 141 A polished steel arm, richly engraved in trophies of animals, &c., inlaid with gold 142 A finely engraved gauntlet, of Henry the Eighth’s reign, and one other 143 A Spanish sword, the handle and pommel embossed in heads of negroes 144 A demi suit of polished steel armour, of fine form, of the time of Elizabeth . 144* A model cap-a-pie suit of knight’s armour B 145 146 147 148 149 149* 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 ald * 10 A RARE suit of Knight’s polished steel plate ARMOUR, with fine visored helmet and corresponding breast plate (Henry VIII.) A Gothic breast and back plate, of the finest form of the le f A long saddle axe and a dagger A very fine Henry the Seventh’s dress sword, Damasquined in gold and silver Two perforated shell guard swords Bre A demi suit of DREss ELIZABETHAN ARMOUR, beautifully engraved and enamelled in russet and gold; the open casque, breast and’ back plates are of the finest Léalian workmanship A SPLENDID GIGANTIC SUIT OF ARMOUR, of Italian workmanship, covered with engravings and enamelled in russet and gold, remarkably perfect in conditicn, the rere and vambrace supplied with splints | : This suit came from Padua, and with the one in the Tower of London originally belonged to the Counts Opp1. Two COUTEAU DE CHASSE with pistol and serrated edge An Italian rapter with splendid embossed pommel and guard. Two dress swords EARLY WEAPONS, ARMOUR, TROPHIES, AND SPECIMENS. An archer’s salade, in its original condition—though simple in form, an example perhaps is not to be found in any collection A very rare breast plate and bascinet with Re one side plate, of immense. weight A steel mentonniére, with placateé fixed with rivets, exceedingly fine form and richly engraved—this is similar to the one in the Tower of. London, which belonged to the Earl of Leicester A very singular English visoRED BASCINET, with moveable beevor and visor, of very early date A steel chanfron, time of Henry VI. 178 179 1] An Elizabethan breast plate, bullet proof ; portions of armour, and an overlapping beevor, of very heavy manufacture A pair of Hungarian dress boots, of singular character, beautifully worked in designs and original silver clasps, velvet linings A fine specimen of the jousting armour termed ‘ Socket ” A remarkably fine SUIT OF CAP-A-PIE KNIGHT’S FLUTED AR- MOUR, of Bavarian workmanship, complete, with barred visored helmet, pauldron, rere and vam braces, gauntlets, genouilli¢res and boots A dress sword of Charles First’s reign, the handle of chased solid silver A very fine dress sword, inlaid with gold A pair of halbards An early beheading sword and a partisan A knight’s dagger of the Thirteenth Century A knight’s tilting saddle of Henry the Eighth’s reign A fine knight’s sword, with solid gilt handle and silver gilt masks A trophy of armour, consisting of a Gothic breast and back plate, of the earliest period of plate armour A SUIT OF FLUTED ARMOUR, period of Henry VIII, with single visored helmet, breast and back plates, pauldrons, arms and guantlets, of ex- quisite form A sword of Henry the Eighth’s reign A pair of old English lances | A fine partisan, and a singular beheading sword A fine specimen of a fluted champfron, of the time of Richard III., with raised lines A rare specimen of horse armour, for the front defence, termed the Poitrinal, beautifully fluted, and is of the Maxamilian time A singular specimen of armour for tilting, called the Socket A DEMI SUIT OF POLISHED PLATE GLOBOSE ARMOUR, of singular character, of the period of Henry VII. A pair of polished steel page’s gauntlets An engraved gauntlet, a tassett and a plain ditto 179* A trooper’s sword, time of Charles I.; the only example known 180 181 A 182 \ & a 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 19], 192 193 194 A complete set of richly engraved SADDLE supa iet of Elizabethan Ee ae : a &! 195 A knight’s mace of the reign of Henry VIL, a ingpxtnple ; 196 197 ~ 198 - “~~ \99 Asnap haunce, the stock of ebony, inlaid with ivory © 200 201 12 A very early gauntlet and two engraved steel tilting guards A Knight’s lance, of extraordinary length, used in battle A Venetian perforated halbard, on velveted stick, in its original condition, having 3 tassels and embossed masks, of the time of Elizabeth A Knight’s sword and dagger, of Henry the Seventh’s reign, with velvet — sheaths A Spanish bit, with chased steel ornaments A very richly gilt partisan, on velveted stick, studded with’silver nails An embossed and chased hilted dagger A knight’s sword and dagger, of Henry the Seventh’s as velvet scabbards Two ancient Highland claymores, with perforated steel howdtoaks An embossed steel saddle back, chased in birds and ania Two early misericordes An early short sword and dagger, of fine character A ditto ditto Two claymores, with steel basket hilts style: A curious early waved sword _ A steel chanfron, embossed a singular steel lec, and a bridle arm A dress sword with chased pommel and guard A couteau de chasse, and an Italian rapier 45 a” 202 A Knight’s sword, of Henry the Eighth’s reign, in its Deiiciiel subaitionl 203 A trophy of the long breasted armour, complete, with breast and back — 204 plates—-period of Henry VIII. An embossed cup rapier: ae 205 A Spanish Toledo rapier with steel cup, in fine cifiaition: 206 A SUIT OF POLISHED STEEL ARMOUR with ribbed ‘edges, of the time of James the first, and is of the best form of the period “ Ses 207 208 PE eae ff =910 pa 1 a | 212 13 anne : tl a ae PERSIAN ARMOUR, WEAPONS, &c. An ancient breast plate with its side pieces and gorget, and the back plate of same A ditto ditto, of the same character A ditto ditto ditto, with fluted breasts and backs A ditto ditto ditto ditto A ditto ditto ditto ditto A ditto ditto ditto ditto Two very ancient chanfrons, of singular character Two ditto, equally fine Two ditto, engraved with Arabic characters A powerful weapon, ‘“ The Hand Javelin” A very ancient bronze gong A manderine’s sword with original scabbard A glaive of aC hinese tartar A Malay dagger with ivory handle A pair of box wood stirrups of early date An Albanian hatagar with niello handle A Ceylon dagger with hilt of horn and silver, and its sheath of wood and silver A shield of buffalo’s hide A Ceylon dagger, carved horn handle and sheath A suit or Astatic Armour, of very early character; the plates embos- sed in characters, and remarkable fluted helmet A hand dagger and a knife with ivory handle A ditto and a dagger with horn handle A singular jointed steel weapon, forming two lances An early sword and a dagger A ditto and ditto if A SERIES ‘OF FINE BREAST PLATES. A breast plate—time of Charles A ditto—time of James I. A fine steel breast plate, of Elizabeth’s reign | A polished steel. breast plate, of fine form—time of Henry VIL. A beautiful specimen of a German fluted breast plate, worn by Maxi- milian’s body guard A singular polished steel globose breast plate, of Heme VIL s reign | A finely formed breast plate—time of Richard the Third Four breast plates—time of Cromwell Four ditto ditto Four ditio ditto FINIS. Perr raster aad PE bei