ii sighs ae ty Het i i ve oa Hite ft ff ty este sites 33 bE ite Hn a ne set patie LIBRARY M, KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK J. H. CONVERSE, 500 North Broad St., Philadelphia, by Firmin Girard, "Un pints mitoyen" by Marcius Simons, "Canova™ by A. Ferraris, by J. L. Blurt, "Ie Billet de Logement" by Victor Lecomh, by GC, Brun, "Langage de fleur" 1 Ptg. by L. Lhermitte, "Gleaners" by V, Chivillaro, *"Pacheux contremps" by IM. Rico, ‘Haria della Misecricorsia™ by Marcius Simons, "Canova" by E, Girardet, “Arabs playing chess”, by Jean Aubert, "Lost in the Snow" by L. G. Brillonin, "Nhe Musical enthusiast" 1W. ©, by Aston Knight, "Hoonlight Lamay", 6594 1 Pte. 65951 Pte, 6603 1 Pte. 6596 1 Pte. 6597 1 Pte. 6598 1 Pte. 7136 7135 1 Pte. 6977 1 Pte. 1 Pte. 6317s: 11 Pte. 8312 1 Pte. 8747 1 Pte. ‘Ex-27 $2700.00 850,00 1650, 00 Fes, 9000,00 6 1200, 00 % 2000.00 $2250.00 & 575.00 $ 1500.00 850,00 Fes, 2000.00 * 2500, 00 $ 315.00 #50000 | 4, : ; ay ve lo eae San Tro- i R. H. Ritter, Pasini, /P. iberger, $450. Weather,” Isabey,; R. HL) 1 ‘Requisitioning Quarters,” W. L. Austin, $190; “rhe. out,” Lamorniere, Alba B, Ri H. Ritter, $2,675; ae 00; “Waiting for Permission,” as ee hs pnerad Re BG Rittery Home,” Jacque, R Ora Street,” lage Pussies Albar B. Johnson, $500; eur—Calvaire de la Cote de> ' Dupre, Georges a Grolleron, Alba B.John=" | Amateurs,” Winslow, etson, $460; ‘Harbor Bae | “Maria Della Misericor- | W. L. Austin, $650; “Still Life,” 'R. H. Ritter, $800; “Dutch Canal. he. Little Hougse-" | eonsolate,” Aubert, L. W. Seas | ‘| $725; “Landscape : Georges Pettit, Paris, ; e with Distant, i eae ae ’ “Gossips,” (agent), § ng on t ittis, Wy P Worsh, $2 | ort ” Von Brozik, we Piavera, Me Girecder, 50; ‘Visit. of the Grand ‘O versity, ” Ferraris, $1, 000; ‘The Convalescent, . n,”’ Fagerlin, Tooth &* Dance of Peasants,” Vautier, in, $8,600; “Arriving at the efreeger, W. L, Austin, $6,900; ' ldgway Knight, 0. Bernet 3; “The Diligence Station,” * G. Dery, $2,000; “A Mas. reau, H. B. Johnson, $1,025; » Boats,” Ridgway Knight, : 550 ae kde 100.) A JANUARY 7, is. = to io NEW YORK ‘HERALD, . m QOFORA COROT AT HIRST BIG ART sHlE Ta ites als Sint Seve Pictures of. the ‘Late e vie Converse’s Collection | - Bring $128,500. eo Corot ae the men of Barbizon held the front rank last night at the first important picture: sale of the season, at which the American Art Association disposed of the collection of the late John H. Converse, of Philadelphia, in Mendelssohn Hall. Many af the canvases of the anecdotal variety brought high prices, showing that: the. American ‘public is interested in pict- ures “which convey a definite story or sen- timent, | The: examples of the French open air, painters were much sought, as they had come, from the galleries of well. known connoisseurs even betore they were ob- tained by Mr. Converse. There was a large delegation of buyers from Philadelphia. ‘and some of the finest canvases will return to that city. Corot’s ‘Landscape by the Sea’ brought $20, 000, the highest price of the sale, and went to Wor. ES. EL. Ritter, of Philadelphia, who frequently aets as buyer for amateurs of lis city. We also acquired a Daubigny ‘Gahdscape with Distant Village” for) $7,700 and a Diaz for’ $5,000. Defregger’s “Arriving at the Ball,” a ‘portray 1 of peasant life, which is known through country, brought, $6,300 throughout this! See iar i, This work was id up. ‘the renin e's collection, and ttle. Witslow Homer's “Amateur ans’ yielded only the modest sum The lowest price, $90, was elven ‘Henry Farrar’s “Springtime,’”’ » 5,000 Rousseau, “Chaumerie en Picardie, Mr. W. L.: Austin. ......... PES wali 6,800 ‘Diaz, ‘Danse des Almees,” Georges . | SPretit seas,» «5+ Belgas Pp sea Oi oe. 4,200, Corot, Landscape, by the Sea,” Mr...” BRACEOR a cicadas oy iseaaleled ee de adysCun: ’ Van Marcke, ‘‘Cows in the Meadow, af ie) Mir ORAL OP cuss Mae eae Wc cunt kv ts eae Boreas 7,200 ‘Cazin, “A Farmyard at Night, ih Mr. “cl RRIETET. ecto sen eluistt ae ar ineaie tae mama wiealeic 8,059' t aie “The Sewing Class,” “Mr. Pa a ree Hs aie ARONA apcatdinnp eve us oh Sue mE ark hale 2,050) br db pre Israels, OAL the Cathedral En-. } trance,’’ Mr. Alba’B. Johnson....... 5,950) | ‘#romentin, ‘‘An Arab Shepherd,” Mr, 1 | FRAT HOE Hore ns c Sulit nae oe woes Sela noke mraleahe 2,000) |. Lhermitte, “The Gleaners,’’ Mr. Rit- |p TOM wep ene deeeee tens eeteerneneseesereess ces 5,850 | \. Von Brozik, ‘‘A Kreutzer Short,” Mr. ASU TI Us COL SS Ces Us cate die walang 1,450 Verraris, co Visit of the Sheik to t Cairo University,” Mr. Ritter......: 1,000 ‘Vautier, “Dance of the Peasants,” MR BEM ot ccfne | cxideu tenae Site St 3,600: Defregger, “Arriving at the Ball,” a Mor, UA UStIm ris sed iieeleeiaie ec dijcals ei tiem cree 8,900 Daaiel Ridgway ° Knight, “Gossips,” “| Mr. Beret, abent: ois cccsicescceesg her 2,100" Vautier,, “The Diligence Station, is Mr. D. G. TROPE Ie i camenersuncaneses 2,000 Moreau, “A Masquerade,’’ Mr, Alba By NORMS OW sas uiy Cale, chara +e hy eaainel pues 1,050 Daniel: Ridgway Knight, “Awaiting the Boats,’’, Mr. James Elverson, Pes cOF PITA GS MON gy ieee iaswla’elein'y 2,550 Rare. porcelains especially collected jn | China and other Oriental lands by Wan, manaka & Co. brought $27,630 yesterday’! aAftertioon atothe American Art ‘Galleries, | in Madison Square: South. The total to! date’ is $58;200, and the textiles are to bar | disposed ‘of this afternoon. . The highest price of the session, $4,300, | was paid for No. 292, a large sang de} boeuf by Mr.- Edson Bradley, of this city} and Washington. This fine specimen was | of about the same size as the famous’ vase called “The Flame,’ which brought! $7,000 in’ the Graves sale, and indeed much resemnbled it In quality...Mr. Bradley also} acqujred: No. 294,.a. sang: de boeuf \cylin-} drical vase, for $1,000, while'a well known eolléctor paid $1,900 for a large Lange Yao} Vase of red with many beautiful mareeeed tee erp cep at 4 —_ Cpe aee eee ei 2 a ss ee > ¥ + a) 9 a; a ee oe 5 viene ron _ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 80TH, UNTIL THE DAY OF ea akan Akins ae — “VALUABLE, PAINTINGS COLLECTED we THE LATE J OHN H. CONVERSE OF PHILADELPHIA ae a ee ; 4 : CS ae Ger ae arr jane an 3 A oe a Ponds 7 SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF pacehtes ee NEW TORK ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6ru, 1911 BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK Subscriber’ Copy No s ile EDITION LIMITED TO ONE HUNDRED DE LUXE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE MODERN PAINTINGS FORMING THE PRIVATE COLLECTION “OF THE LATE J aaa! H. ee OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE, BY ORDER OF THE PHILADELPHIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT & INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK . 1911 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon re- ceiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being lable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money de- posited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tut AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcTIONEER. Ronen sae ee OF Broapway _ : ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6ru, 1911. : * i eee BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 0’CLOCK ss GIROLAMO INDUNO . ee A _ ITALIAN | Ys; ho B eer (set) : cz aly WAITING FOR THE RENDEZVOUS Height, 12% inches ; Width, 9% inches. Ona de terrace, at the right of the composition, a young lady is seated 2 on a stone bench, leaning her back against a pale-red brick wall, on the stone coping of which rest her elbows. She has removed her straw hat and eS laid it on a black shawl, decorated with blue and red flowers and green oY __ leaves, meanwhile shading her head with a lavender-pink parasol. The sun ___ shines lustrously on her creamy satin gown, from under which project her in crossed feet, in white satin shoes and pink silk stockings. A mass of deep green foliage appears beyond the wall. : = pe | _ Signed at the lower right : InpuNo. Pies ie _ AN elevation of sandy soil on the left of the foreground is crowned with ‘sponding wooded slope, under the bank of which a man sits talking to two children, who stand in the road beside a dog. The roadway winds back No. 2. E. MARILHAT . : peeeen | LANDSCAPE WITH WINDMILL (ED PANEL — . “3 Height, 7 inches; Length, 13% inches. two oaks which stand in advance of a wood. On the right is a corre- across a heath to a windmill, which forms a conspicuous object in the middle distance. It is flanked by two white-walled cottages with mossy- green roofs, which are embowered in trees. In the distance toward the left — is an expanse of water, dotted with sails. It is obscured from view on the | right by a low, level grassy hill. Over the horizon extends a layer of | creamy clouds, above which spreads a broader mass of dove-gray vapor, - tipped with cream. ve : . | Signed at the lower right: E. MariLuat. No. 8 oe GEORGES BRILLOUIN FRENCH | ee §.4. dtp» A DUET Cys Height, 10% inches ; Width, 814 inches. iE : “ PANEL | Wane an old Bee iecien vie his seat forward and bends close over his - music-rest, extracting melody from a violin, his white and tan hound lifts up his head and howls. The man’s figure is back to us, clad in blue cr a stockings and breeches, a long skirted coat of dull red velvet and a white ; - woollen skull cap. The latter is seen against a dark, rococo decorated cup- board beside which hangs a guitar. At the left of the foreground an empty violin case and music books lie beside a white chair upholstered in rose, Ores 7 back of which stands a spinet. On the wall hangs an oval gilt-framed ADEs Site portrait of a lady with pe cred hair. | | ane Signed at the lower right, Gzorczs BRILLouin. — No. 4 HENRY FARRER Jo — : | oe AMERICAN (1843-1903) SPRING TIME Height, 12 inches ; Length, 18 inches. WATER COLOR A BROOK, whitened by the cool light, winds through the foreground of pale mossy grass. Over on the left the meadow is sprinkled with dull reddish- | purple bushes, beyond which extends a spinney, sparsely fledged with yellow - and orange leafage. On the right of the composition are other trees, almost bare of foliage. In the central distance appear faint indications of two cottages, seen against a low lavender-colored hill which lies under a white ~ horizon. a. Signed and dated at the lower left, H. Farrer, 1899. ae No. 5 ) VICTOR F. LECOMTE 22 ; pe oe Bae FRENCH ; Agee Ree on THE EVENING HOUR A Ib Alle, Height, 16 inches ; Son 13 inches. PANEL Tue apartment is menetrated with Abo eiats half-shadows, the light being ; EP eiguted on a table at the left, where a lamp with red shade is burning. -It floods with its glow some objects that strew the table: a statuette of the a - Venus de Milo, a blue ginger jar, a candlestick, teapot, platters and books. ~ It also illuminates the figure of a lady, who sits beside the table stitching a lace handkerchief. She is dressed in a negligee, the creamy hue of which reflects in the lighted parts the rose of the lamp shade and in the shadowed parts the olive tints of the wall. Her feet repose on a Persian rug and the top of an escritoire shows behind her head. | = Signed and dated at the lower right, Vicror LecomTr, 1889. Pe ven) No. 6 | NARCISSE BERCHERE FRENCH (1822- ) MORNING IN CAIRO Height, 1634 inches ; Width, 12% inches. THE scene presents the perspective of a street in Cairo. Across the middle distance hangs a brownish-red awning, seen against white buildings. These are over-topped by a minaret, the greenish roofs of which spire up into the bluesky. A camel and its rider are approaching from the distance. The fore- ground is bordered on the right by a facade of white and pink masonry in horizontal stripes, and by another whose bare white surface, stained with — weather, is pierced at the top by a row of small windows and lower down | has two projecting balconies, screened with jalousies. In a stall on the street level a man is chaffering with a buyer who is wrapped in a red and white striped cloak. Near him stands a figure in black, bearing on its head a tray of oranges, while to the right four hooded and cloaked men are seated beside a pile of oranges and melons. yam Signed at the lower right, BERCHERE. No. 7 FRAN CESCO RAIBOLINI GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA | FRANCIA : ITALIAN, SCHOOL OF BOLOGNA : (1450-1518) POR TRAIT OF THE COUNT ODERICO POPOLI | Height, 16% inches ; Width, 13% inches. | PANEL | H / ; _ THE portrait shows the head and bust of a young man in armor facing three- quarters to the left, while the eyes are turned toward the right. The head is covered with a close crop of golden-brown hair, and the complexion is a rich tan with warm red cheeks. The eyebrows are delicately pencilled, the nose is straight, the upper lip sensitively curved and the lower somewhat full, but both are firmly set together. The narrow white edge of a shirt. shows above the gorget, and the upper and lower parts of the plastron are joined across the chest by a twisted border. The right hand, held near the right shoulder, grasps a staff, while the left shoulder is draped with a dull brown cloak. The figure is disposed against a dark olive-black background. An inscription on the back of the canvas reads, ‘*Ritrato del Contre Operico Porous, Dipinto de Francesco FRANcIA.”’ OBerrteh Ugeus ) No. 8 DANTE RICI _ | ITALIAN | a 4b, POMPEIAN GIRLS AT A SHRINE (/ ‘ Bid Height, 16 inches ; Width, 10% inches. PANEL > THE wall of the chamber is decorated with panels of Pompeian design, and pate a garland of flowers swings from it to the ceiling. At the left is alittle ae shrine consisting of a pediment supported on Ionic columns. Within it appear a small bronze-seated figure and two still smaller standing ones. The whole is mounted on a base colored red, in front of which is a tripod altar. Into this a young girl in a yellow robe, draped below the waist with dove- gray, is sprinkling incense. A companion, robed in red, with a drapery of | creamy-gray bordered with gold, holds an offering of flowers, while a third _ appears to be scattering flowers upon the floor. Behind these figuresappears _— the head of a fourth. _ se E Signed at the lower right, Rict, Roma. No. 9 LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT FRENCH -e: (1825- ) $75 ieee be, det . igs thea © Lespth 173s ine: WATER COLOR TuREE kittens are seated in a row, a fluffy white between two tortoise shells, intently watching a June bug. The insect appears over the top edge of a cardboard cube, which rests on a leather-bound book, upon which also lies a quill pen. A letter protrudes from beneath the book. Signed at the lower right, L. Eva. Lampert. Lice ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH (1838-1910) LI russ AN ADVANCED PICKET Height, 5% inches ; Length, 9% inches. PANEL THE advanced pickets of a regiment of French infantry have occupied an apple orchard, which slopes up from the foreground. Here a soldier is seated with his cap in his hands, looking up at a bugler who stands with the butt of his rifle resting on the ground. To the left of them is a hastily constructed rifle pit. In the distance, at the top of the slope, a sentinel appears, near three comrades whose bodies only are visible over the edge of the ground. 7 Signed and dated at the lower left, E. Berne-Betiecour, 1884. r nh NN rc End nay pees nm % tse, ‘ . / . p; , wab No. 11 V. CHEVILLIARD FRENCH ( FACHEUX CONTRETEMPS IN a violent storm a curé, on his re- turn home from marketing, stands on the outside of the closed door of his rectory, much perplexed at being unable to fit his key to the entrance door, and is trying to pry some obstacle from the key. He has his back to the wind, which is driving the sheets of rain and agi- tating the loose ends of his cincture. Beside him on the ground lies an old-fashioned carpet-bag trunk, which from its bulging sides seems to be well filled with the good things of his quest, while a loaf of sugar, in its blue wrapping paper, rests against the door post. Signed at the lower left, V. Cukvituiarp. Exhibited at the Salon 1892. Purchased from M. Knorpier & Co. -1905 ) Height, 8% inches ; Width, 6% inches. PANEL No. 12 TAMBURINI | Taree 3 ; iy op (184925 ..;°) . THE MONASTERY COOK - Height, 11% inches ; Width, 9% inches. A way brother stands licking a wooden spoon, as he savors the jam which has been cooking in a copper stew-pot. This rests on a raised stone slab in which is a depression filled with glowing embers. Over his brown habit the brother wears a bibbed apron with a hole in it. His face is rosy and wrinkled, the chin whitened with beard-growth, while grizzled curls protrude over his ears from under a white cap. , Signed at the upper left, A. Tamsurini, Firenze. No. 18 | A. TAMBURINI v2, ae pole D brs lot ITALIAN (1843- —) : THE THEOLOGI CAL BOOK Height, 11% inches ; Width, 9% inches. AN old brother of a white-frocked order of monks sits with a large volume - upon his knees. It lies open, showing an illuminated capital on the left- hand page. He has paused in his reading, and his brown-stained face is wrinkled into a huge yawn. The figure is seen as far as the knees, disposed three-quarters to the left, against a bluish-olive background. Signed at the upper right, A. TamBurInI. No. 14 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH i 775 — (1840-1902) 4 Vv Auge | PAPA’S TOILET Height, 11% inches ; Length, 15% inches. © PANEL InN a Spanish patio, decorated with a vine pergola that is supported on caryatid posts, a bull-fighter is completing his toilet. He is assisted by his daughter, who, while she holds the long ends of the rose-colored sash which is around her father’s body, turns an inviting smile to a young man standing at her side. Dressed in a sort of Albanian costume, consisting of white jacket and skirt, he bends forward as if to whisper to the girl, whose figure presents a charming picture in its dainty blue gown, partly covered with a flower-sprigged apron. = 4 —— ee ee ee Le ee ae Signed at the lower left, J. G. Viper. No. 15 JULES WORMS FRENCH (1832- ) = DEPARTURE OF THE ESPADA Ae Height, 1534 inches ; Width, 12% inches. PANEL As an Espada stands lighting a cigarette preparatory to his departure for the Corrida de Toros, a young girl looks at him admiringly. Clad in salmon- pink skirt and a black* shawl embroidered in roses and green leaves, she waits beside the doorway, holding his two swords. The man is resplendent in a lavender plum-colored coat and breeches, decorated with silver galloon. His cloak, of a beautiful old-rose hue, lies over a chair, beside a table on which are a box of cigars and a cordial bottle. Signed at the loner left, J. Worms. No. 16 JEAN RICHARD GOUBIE FRENCH X10 — Ae ht Ader THE INTRUDERS Height, 10% inches ; Length, 1434 inches. MILL-BOARD THE composition centers around a small pool which is bounded on three sides by steep banks covered with shrubs and vines. ‘Two horses stand in the water, a white one holding its head over the back of a bay which is drinking. Meanwhile their intrusion is being resented by a drake which is quacking in the foreground and by seven ducks which raise a chorus of protest on the right bank. THE LITTLE HOUSEWIFE eas es ae : Waihi ea dnches - Width, 10° tochos: PANEL As the sun streams through a cottage window on to a table set with two rush-bottomed chairs and prepara- tions for déjeuner, a little girl stands slicing bread into a soup tureen. The light falls on her fair hair and the bosom of her blue and white striped dress. Behind her a few little pictures spot the luminous greenish-drab wall, and add an artistic tone to this hum- ble Brittany interior. On the left is . a cook stove, with its tall pipe, and near the latter hang a salt box and ladle, while a cauldron rests on the floor. In the background on a shelf is a tankard, several bottles and other utensils. Signed and dated at the loner left, Epovarp Frirn, °80. bs) ug eR ars ia tent PAUL LOUIS NARCISSE GROLLERON FRENCH (1848-1901) Alby B. p08) CAMP FIRES Height, 15 inches ; Length, 18 inches. AROUND a small fire of sticks, in the foreground, sits a picket of French infantry in red caps and trousers and blue overcoats, three of them listening as their comrade reads a letter. Over the brow of a mound which rises behind the group appears the smoke of another camp fire, near which two soldiers, standing in conversation, are outlined against the sky. Signed at the loner right, P. GROLLERON. No. 23 WINSLOW HOMER, N. A. AMERICAN ae iB (1836-1910) ; | MUSICAL AMATEURS Ing tay Height, 18 inches ; Width, 15 inches. AN interesting early example of a master, recently deceased, who to the present generation is better known for his marine subjects. The scene is that of a studio, the walls of which are a dull red, , browned with shadow. Meanwhile in the center of the room the light — falls on two easels and two men seated side by side in front of them. The farther one, in his shirt sleeves and a black vest and trou- sers, is playing a violin, while his companion, dressed in white nan- keen trousers and a black swallow- tail coat is accompanying on the r oe ni set ’cello. Over the back of this man’s ety ie a reds apron re Saas a note of color to the composition. Signed and dated at the lower center, WinsLow Homer, N. A., 67. 700— EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY (1804-1886) HARBOR ENTRANCE, WINDY WEATHER Height, 13 inches ; Length, 19% inches. PANEL From the center of the foreground juts back a wooden bulkhead, which is paralleled by another on the left, the two forming the entrance to a harbor. At the extremity of the left-hand staging rises a small tower-shaped light- house. Over it flies a French flag, which is straining at the halyard attached to a flag-pole on the central bulkhead. Around its base is a group of figures, and another appears farther back. The outside water, on the right, agitated by the wind, is rocking some sailboats. They are discernible in the shadow of a slaty-drab cloud, shot with gold, across which two gulls are flying. .A third is seen against the upper blue, beneath which, over the center of the horizon, lies a cloud-mass of rosy cream. } Signed at the lower left, EK. Isanry. on AK EH, No. 25 JULIEN LE BLANT FRENCH (1851- ) REQUISITIONING QUARTERS / GO Height, 15% inches ; Length, 22% inches. Sow : cA Lula PANEL Two infantry soldiers of Napoleon’s army have arrived in a village to requisition quarters. They have presented the official billeting paper to an old man in a short red jacket who is trying to decipher its contents. His barrow is beside him containing a wooden rake and two copper milk cans. Above him spread the boughs of an apple tree sprinkled with fruit. In the meantime one of the soldiers has removed his shako and is mopping his head while the other stolidly awaits results. Behind the group is asmall pool; on the far side of which appear a yellowish-pink plastered cottage with a high thatched roof and an adjoining barn of pink brick. Signed at the lower right, J. Le Buanr. FRANCOIS LAMORINIERE FRENCH She De aes (1828- ) THE HEATH, CALMTHOUT Height, 16 inches ; Length, 28% inches. PANEL THE scene, in the neighborhood of the village of Calmthout, some sixteen miles from Antwerp, shows a stream winding between banks that are clothed with mossy cushions of grass, yellowish and cool green by turns, and interrupted by spots of sandy ground. It is bordered on the left by a stretch of heath, over which approaches the distant figure of a woman carrying a faggot of sticks. She is coming from a wood that crowns a low sand hill. On the horizon appears a strip of sea bounded by whitish cliffs. Lying over them are horizontal layers of mauve, rosy-yellow and white clouds, above which are larger volumes of rosy-white vapor breaking into blue. Signed at the lower right, Francois LAMORINIERE. ‘an SERICORDIA ATA & > ~ oe 2675 No. 27 MARTIN RICO SPANISH ~ (1850-1908) 3 Gao . MARIA DELLA MISERICORDIA : | Height, 1734 inches ; Length, 28% inches. From the left a wooden bridge crosses the canal to a grassy quay, on which stands the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia. Its facade is in the Baroque style, decorated with statuary and surmounted by a semi-circular — pediment. Adjoining it on the left, is a building, pierced with windows, embellished with Venetian Gothic ornamentation. A lady, holding a red fan, is crossing the bridge, beyond which appear a red and a dull yellow sail : and a distant view of the Campanile. Lying beside the quay, on the right of the foreground, is a gondola, occupied by three figures. Signed at ‘the lower left, Rico. Purchased from M. Knorpurr & Co. Rega hy * £ tae No. 28 | Seas ; _ JEAN ERNEST AUBERT | | a ia to 800 ete . FRENCH . Ths While (1824- ) LOVE DISCONSOLATE Height, 23 inches ; Width, 18% inches. In a forbidding scene, covered with snow, two little naked, white-winged Loves are seeking comfort in a fire, fed by their arrows. One sits with his hands stretched out to catch the heat, while the other breaks an arrow across his knee. The latter wears a bandage, which has been lifted from his eyes and encircles his blond curls. Signed and dated at the lower right, Jean AuBERT, 1897. No. 29 BENJAMIN VAUTIER GERMAN-SWISS (1829-1898) A eS WAITING FOR PERMISSION US ba Height, 264 inches ; Width, 20% inches. ; tem a 7 A YOUNG peasant of the Black Forest stands in a cottage doorway, gazing at a comely girl who is seated beside an old man. She lays her hand on his arm, and seems to be telling him of her lover, for the old man glances sideways at the youth. The latter, .| meanwhile, with one foot on the . threshold, his right hand on his hip a and the other across his chin, as he leans his elbow against the doorpost, seems to wait for permission to enter. The girl is attractively dressed in a grayish-blue frock, partly covered by a rosy, salmon-colored apron. A , = ‘*hutte’’ lies on the stone-flagged floor beside her, and on the left of the foreground is a basket containing curly blue cabbages. Signed and dated on the lower left, B. Vautmr, Df. ( Dusseldorf), 1887. ANTOINE VOLLON £00 ——— FRENCH Wh DOH (1833-1900) STILL-LIFE Height, 2534 inches ; Width, 21% inches. Conspicuous among the objects, disposed upon a crimson tablecloth, is a helmet with crest or comb but no vizor, of the type known as a morion. It is of Sixteenth century workmanship, wrought in whitish steel, dam- ascened with gold which has been considerably worn by polishing. Near it is a plum-red flagon, a crystal mug, with lid, handle and decorations of silver-gilt, and a golden medallion attached to a chain. On the medal- lion is the head of a man somewhat resembling the Duke of Wellington. Signed at the lower right, A. VoLton. Pe ee ee ey a me hee, Sx. a 4 ih ae, 7 2 aaa = WA caress UTR OOE ree Came salrys, :790 22° iM t RSS aaah Se TP GLB! VO i reenter cage teats eS — " cag Soe as ARLES OST No. 31 Soe JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND 5 ea. - ae see | 3 : | r oo £000. ~— Ga19.1800) | ff L, DUTCH CANAL BY MOONLIGHT Height, 16 inches; Length, 25¥4 inches. | PANEL Acainst the luminosity of the moonlit sky a windmill rises darkly on the _ Ba right bank of the canal. In the shadow beneath it a barge is being brought a to its mooring by two men, one of whom hauls on a rope while the other y pushes with a pole. In the center of the stream, a boat with its sail down rs ; & is being poled along by two men. It is moving in the direction of a tall, _ ee arched bridge, supported on three piers, behind which are dimly visible , another windmill and some trees. The moon is at full, surrounded by a scattered aureole of warm, yellowish clouds. Signed and dated at the lower right, JonekinD, 69. Ps Ry Re ~ rete tg ‘ ‘THE FLOCK AT HOME 2 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE ’ - CATALOGUE No. 82 . th A No. 82 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH 2g Bp (1813-1894) : : : - Oe we 3 : THE FLOCK AT HOME fh, / - Height, 1834 inches ; Length, 26 inches. : ay | Sone THE wall of the stable interior is a silvery Bheh cede ‘Thuminated eee upper left by a streak of light, which falls across a portion of the plasteron which a lantern hangs. In the center of the floor stand two ewes and two well-grown lambs, all facing to the front, where a dark brown hen is scratch- ing in the straw. To the left of this group are two other hens, beside a sheep that is lying down. Over on the right, a lamb is reaching up to a rack, stuffed with yellow fodder. Meanwhile, in the center of the middle distance, through an opening into an inner stable, the back of the shepherd, clad in a blue blouse, shows against the golden-brown obscurity. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. LAGE STREET, MOONLIGHT ae £ each ue No. 83 FRITZ THAULOW | _ NORWEGIAN 23 | V ke is 3 ; | (1847-1906) . Soap 23 3 VILLAGE STREET, MOONLIGHT y Mf, Hsew, 1934 inches ; Length, 25% inches. At the end of the eine street, dark, shaggy masses of foliage aay against a deep blue sky, pierced with several stars and lighted by a moon, invisible on the left. Two figures are vaguely distinguishable, passing beside a cottage with high-pitched roof, from a window in which gleams an orange-yellow light. This is on the right of the street, and is succeeded nearer to the front by a cottage with red-tiled roof, in front of which stands a cart, painted blue. Next to it is a house, whose steep roof of thatch is surmounted by a coping of tiles. A gateway, with brick piers, and the angle of a reddish roof, close in the right of the foreground. On the left of the roadway lie the scattered shadows of trees that are outside the scene. Signed at the lower right, Frirz THauLow. No. 34 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH (1807-1876) | LANDSCAPE STUDY pee Height, 634 inches ; Length, 10% inches. PANEL SKETCHED in freely and vigorously but with an abundant suggestion of nat- ural facts, the scene represents a foreground of yellowish, olive-colored grass, strewn with gray and drab boulders and interspersed with tufts of reddish-brown grass. It slopes down from the left, cutting across another undulation of similar formation which approaches from the right. In the distance beyond their intersection lies a darker mound of slaty-purplish hue, the top of which, like the elevation on the right, shows a few scanty trees. Over the horizon lie horizontal streaks of creamy-white cloud-tufts, which are succeeded above by larger masses of drab and dove-colored vapor. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz. Gs : | No. 85 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH (1796-1874) | : : HONFLEUR—CALV AIRE DE LA COTE DE GRACE é + Sb 00 ret Height, 1134 inches ; Length, 16 inches. F 4 ie Es PANEL Loo / Setib, Gy “allnrwes 2 a THE left of the foreground is occupied by a grove of trees whose drab-gray 4 trunks, flecked with brown, cast diagonal shadows across the carpet of grass. The latter is broken up with scattered spaces of sandy soil that catch the slanting light. Here two figures are disposed, the one seated, the other reclining. Over on the right four women are grouped in attitudes of reverence around a crucifix which surmounts a base composed of three steps. The high shaft intersects an expanse of water bounded by cliffs, while the figure at the top is projected against the greenish pale-blue sky. The women’s costumes are distinguished by touches of white, black and rosy crimson. Two other persons in black and white, which suggest a priest and acolyte, are moving away in the background of the group. Signed at the lower left, Corot. Described in ‘‘L’CEuvre de Corot,’ by ALFRED Rosaut and Moreavu-NéEtaton. No. 224 bis. f : a So CURE ee oe | — »,» @A \ Drtie Sees ae Re + Sake g : 4 eee eS eee ee ee ee Bae ee No. 86 JULES DUPRE FRENCH (1812-1889) LA CHARRETTE SS) ly vr; bi - Height, 1034 inches ; Length, 16% inches. 20 In the afterglow of a sky, whose scattered clouds of cream are flecked with - be rose, obscurity is gathered over the landscape. Its foreground presents a , shallow stream in which a dull red ox is standing. It is harnessed to a cart piled with hay or grass which is being loaded by a man who stands on top assisted by another pitching from the ground. To the left of this group a shepherdess is seated on a fallen tree-trunk with her flock beside her while two of the sheep and a goat stand in the water. On the right-hand side of the stream lie two more oak stems and some severed limbs. Signed at fie lower right, J. Dupre. ro a7 Lom my yee: ANDSCAPE WITH DISTANT VILLAGE CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY f f . zx oY. . CATALOGUE No. 87. ; No. 37 | CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH 7700 —- : . (1817-1878) LANDSCAPE WITH DISTANT VILLAGE Height, 14% inches ; Length, 2674 deat ws dt. Wh fi PANEL Vury broadly and effectively canter the foreground shows a slope of richly hued, golden brown and olive sandy ground on which three seated figures make spots of black, dull blue, red and white. The stretch above them is clothed with tussets of coarse grass. On the right of the foreground are indications of a stream, beyond which appear the dark, red roofs of — cottages nestling amid a few trees. The background is closed in with a greenish-drab hill, lying low beneath a greening, vaporous sky. Signed and dated at the lower left, Dausiany, 1876. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA _ , | FRENCH | - (1807-1876) eS POOL AT FONTAINEBLEAU z L000— ae Height, 17% inches ; Length, 25% inches. Obs | l(, PANEL THE pool is on the right of the foreground, surrounded by brownish-olive and yellow grass, interrupted by a single gray boulder. The water reflects the gray and blue of the sky and the brown and creamy trunks of six young oaks which form an irregular screen at the back of the pool. Their yellow- ish-green foliage and brown limbs show against flusters of white cloud, interspersed with pale blue. On the left of the composition is a grassy mound, topped by a few bushy trees. Signed and dated at the lower left, N. Diaz, ’69. et re ee CHAUMIERE EN PICARDIE la THEODORE ROUSSEAU a CATALOGUE No. 39 6$00-—— 25 No. 39 | THEODORE ROUSSEAU : : cece | | (1812-1867) CHA UMIERE EN PICARDIE Height, 21% inches ; Length, 29% inches. the top of an elevation on the right of the composition, the smoke from its single chimney showing gray against a background of oaks. The slope is composed of sandy soil, irregularly spotted with boulders and tussets of coarse grass. Toward the right of it grows a bush, covered with pink and creamy blossoms, near the approach to a wooden foot-bridge which spans a brook. A girl is crossing it, dressed in a white cap and waist and a bright blue skirt. Her figure is seen against a low, grassy slope, crowned with F trees, the olive-green foliage of which is interrupted by another mass of rose- cream blossoms, growing on a tall stem. The sky is filled with volumes of rosy lavender and warm white cloud. On the back of the canvas is a certificate in French that the picture entitled ‘‘Chaumiére en Picardie’’ is by Théodore Rousseau and was so entitled by the master himself. Signed at the loner left, TH. Rousseau. THE cottage, with its thatched roof, is seen embowered in apple trees, at 2 a KORE re all ee: PLE OO : No. 40 | NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA | | | ee | | (1807-1876) DANSE DES ALMEES Height, 21% inches ; Length, 31% inches. THE scene represents an Oriental reception hall, open on the left with a iat portico, supported by columns. The low, slanting rays of the sun pour through it, flecking fantastically the necks, cheeks and costumes of three dancing girls and the richly-apparelled groups of spectators. One girl, ina full white skirt, is serpentining in the dance alone, while the other two are circling round together. Two lute players are seated in the shadow behind them. The right of the scene is occupied by gentlemen, reclining on low divans, behind which is a row of standing women. Meanwhile, the ladies of the harem, with some children, form a group on the left of the composition. At the back of the scene, an arched entrance leads into a vaulted chamber, where standing and seated figures appear in a haze of illumination. | Signed near the lower left on the base of a column, N. Diaz. Lallaic, fn, Telche eo BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT BeraccumN a | t yy : eet OO | oe Ea No. 41 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH (1796-1874) LANDSCAPE sare THE SEA 4. bila, Height, 3834 inches ; Toa 51 inches. NEAR two boulders on the left of the foreground, springs the sturdy ecune of a birch, with a few limbs, sprinkled with leaves. Alongside it runs diagonally a sandy road, on which a woman in white cap, blue waist, partly covered with a pink tippet, and a slaty-purplish skirt, stands holding the hand of a little child. Over on the right is a slight knoll on which a figure, distinguished by a scarlet cap,is seated at the foot of a birch, one of a clump of trees that form a mass of golden-brown and silvery, grayish-green : foliage. At the foot of the knoll, three cows appear in a meadow which stretches back to a line of cottages, with brown and lavender roofs, lying along the edge of an arm of the sea. The latter is bounded in the distance by faint lavender cliffs, under which red roofs are faintly discernible. The sky is filled with a warm shimmer of creamy-rose vapor over pale blue. Signed at the lower left, Corot. een Yeaig 7 3 RT ILE VAN | CATALOGUE N oe No. 42 — 7 oe EMILE VAN MARCKE : FRENCH KOO ; | Z =* (1827-1890) - | COWS IN THE MEADOW Height, 31% inches ; Length, 40 inches. THE sky is piled with slaty-drab rain-clouds, which darken on the left to a dull purple. Against this lowering mass, the silvered trunks and sparse green leaves of two young oaks cut sharply. A transitory gleam of pallid light strikes across the middle distance of the meadow, where a yellow cow and white horse are standing and a dun cow is lying down. On the right of the foreground, where a little pool of water also catches the whiteness of the light, lies a red cow with white face, beside which is another with dark — brown and white markings. Over on the left of the foreground, a red and white cow grazes as she moves along toward the center. Signed at the lower left, Em. Van Marcxe. jhe Hae hae a. fee £ J. 2 ‘De pal Ai ¥ : Oe at . eel ; Gi} <, ae Bae a No, 48 JEAN CHARLES CAZIN | FRENCH ue (1840-1900) | A FARMYARD AT NIGHT f ff fi O Hieiglt te melee Vea 20s eee Paks: A moon, hidden on the left, illuminates the pale blue vapory sky, which is pricked with bright stars and streaked with a scarf of white cloud. The moonlight is. reflected on the right-hand side of the farmyard, where it makes a gleaming patch on a barn wall and glints upon the spiky foliage — of a bush which overhangs a well. The latter, on the immediate right of the foreground, has two piers, supporting a beam and wheel, from which a double rope hangs down over the circular stone well-head. The yard is bounded at the back by another wall, where a rude gate appears, near which are resting a ladder and two poles. The corner on the right is occupied by bushes and a pig-stye, above which, on the farther side of the wall, appear the brown roof and gabled windows of a cottage. Signed and dated at the lower left, J. C. Cazin, 1882. CIS. nae Pies aes 2 are a No. 44 WILLIAM T. RICHARDS, N. A. s | AMERICAN | | i ARP (1833-1905) | Z : MOONLIGHT MARINE Lilles bhnocr | E. iy | he Height, 1934 inches ; Length, 40 inches. A FULL moon, hanging low, tinges with faint yellow the gray of the sky a and the horizontal streaks of cloud, and lays a pathway of light over the sea. oP ine latter, pale olive-green, luminous with silver and cream, approaches in 3 f smooth, low heaves, which break on the flat sand into long, sliding curls of gleaming water. kao Br ‘Signed and dated at the lower right, Witt1am T. Ricuarps, 1886. e | No. 45° st of JOHANN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER DUTCH = — KOs We . came ) THE SEWING CLASS Ibu, SA ie es 30% inches; Length, A2vh inches. A SEWING teacher is conducting her class in the open air, the whole party : a being seated in front of a dull, red-brick cottage with buff-drab thatch. The woman, dressed in a salmon-pink waist and bluish-drab skirt, is on the left of the group, with her back turned partly toward us, as she bends over her needlework. At her left is the solitary figure of a little girl, busily knitting a black stocking. In front of the teacher sit five children in a TOW, — the two end ones stitching, the others knitting. Each one, with her distinct character of expression, is diligently absorbed in her work, the dresses of the whole rank forming a pretty bouquet of colors—pink, olive-brown, gray and pale blue. Behind them appears a hedge, with apple trees showing beyond. Signed at the lower right, Krver. SS ee = ring ee | 4 No. 46 ss FERDINAND HEILBUTH GERMAN (NATURALIZED FRENCH) 10 Bo i (asour 1834- ) | | BOATING PARTY ON THE THAMES NM. Hoth, Height, 2734 inches ; Length, 34% inches. PLEASURE boats are moored along the left bank of the river, under the shadow of trees, which also shelter a boathouse. In front of the latter, a landing stage pro} ects into the water. ‘Two ladies are standing on it, one with her back to us, dressed in a white gown and orange-yellow sash. Behind them a punt lies alongside the landing, held in place by a waterman in a red shirt. ‘Two ladies are seated in the stern, near a man in a drab coat with a creel slung from his shoulders, while another man with Dun- dreary whiskers is standing. Meanwhile, in front of the landing stage lie two skiffs, side by side, one of them keeling over, as the gentleman in it leans across to whisper to the lady who occupies the other. The farther bank of the river is bordered with trees, some of which are yellow in the sunshine. Signed at the loner left, F. Hettputu. . AT THE CATHEDRAL ENTRANCE St 9g $0 — | No. 47 JOSEF ISRAELS ae (1824- +) - Height, 203% ey Bea Width, 18 inches. Wf, as . LUO PANEL In what appears to be the vestibule of a cathedral, an old woman sits facing the spectator. The valance of a white cap frames her wrinkled face, which is bowed toward a book that she grasps on her lap. Its cover is brown and a red marker is inserted between the leaves. She wears a greenish shawl, 2 fastened over the full white sleeves of her waist, and a rich olive-black skirt, drawn up so as toshow adull peacock-blue petticoat. Her feet rest on a little stool. The floor around her is of buff-red tiles, stretching back to a flight of four steps, which lead to a perspective of arches and vaulted ceiling, sup- ported upon columns. To the immediate left of the figure is a vertical band of creamy drab masonry, showing the indications of clustered pillars. Signed at the lower right, Josn¥ IsRAxELs. hee PS ie mE PSS PT cet trite pr Se eT eee No. 48 F. LEBRET FRENCH | Contemporary re Height, 23% inches ; Width, 22% inches. | | a ON a mound at the left of the foreground with her dog beside her a _ shepherdess is seated, leaning forward with her hands upon her lap in an atti- tude of fatigue. The light strikes onher white tippet and on a black and white _ealf which stands near her. Beside it is the mother, a red dun with white head, facing away from the spectator. Farther back on the right are three sheep and a dark brown cow, while still another cow, red and white, appears in the background. The meadow slopes up to a slight eminence on the left, crowned with a coppice, out of which grow a few tall trees. The lavender- blue sky is piled with volumes of creamy cloud. Signed and dated at the lower right, F. Lesret, 1872. LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE 4? Yaothy OS Se WNo.-40 | EUGENE FROMENTIN FRENCH os eas =: we eo ae oe “Sa: 1 ‘ ey aT — p+ bi yy 5 yt 4 , Sea Chae neat 4 io See Lei ‘ i ae | No. 50 ss GIOVANNI MUZZIOLI : ge ITALIAN > E230 - | (1854-1894) , KL by, A THERE'S MANY A SLIP Height, 27% inches ; Width, 19 inches. A GREEK maiden laughingly eludes the embrace of her lover. She has been - seated on a marble bench, decorated at the ends with winged female forms, which abuts on to a balustrade extending back from the right of the fore- ground. Her lover, a dark-haired youth‘in a creamy tunic and crimson drapery, has stolen up behind her. From the outside of the terrace he has reached over the balustrade and caught her primrose veil; but, as he reaches out his arm for further favors, she has sprung from her seat and stands mockingly just beyond his grasp. The terrace ends at the rear in a marble stairway, on the first landing of which is a statue on a pedestal. The terrace surmounts a hill, for on the right appears the peep of a city low down among trees. Signed at the lower left, G. Muzzio. x | No. 51 AUGUSTE TOULMOUCHE FRENCH / O— : (1829-1890) LE LIVRE SERIEUX Height, 32% inches; Width, 25 inches. PANEL Two ladies while seated on a sofa reading have dropped asleep. One of ey Ss elegantly attired in an olive-velvet gown with pale blue silk tablier and sash, has sunk back on to the blue and old rose embroidered cushions, her arm still % around the neck of her companion. The latter, on whose lap the book i is | lying, is dressed in a negligee of lavender-pink material striped with silvery-_ white. It is edged with broad lace and opens over a lace-flounced petticoat. Behind the sofa stands a decorated Chinese screen. Signed and dated at the lower right, A. ToutmoucneE, 1874. 2 Rote Ee = PEO ere Se pf 8s A eRe ae | pe eee SS en Oe Sahar asl — < ars me) ze L Fa arp ll a Tp Nl TE I ln AN A Tic a Dine No. 52 : = ae LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE : re . (1844- ——) | a , . Be 4 a THE GLEANERS CO Kddin Height, 2034 inches; Length, 3034 rs, oo : ie From high up on the left a stretch of stubble field descends steeply tothe _ foreground. Here is a group of three girls gleaning. The nearest of them, clad in a striped green and blue bodice and a brownish-red skirt, with her white apron caught up as a bag, is stooping to the ground. Behind her, just about to stoop, stands another girl at whose left is the third in upright position arranging in a sheaf the ears which she has gleaned. Farther back a solitary figure, conspicuous by ared cap, is in the act of stooping. At the top of the slope, which is tufted with a few dark bushes, one sees a harvest. wagon. In the distance a hill, shaded to a rosy peacock-blue tone, extends across the horizon. Over the center of the latter the twilight sky glows, cream and yellow, beneath a curtain of slaty-purple, which toward the sides pales to a dove gray. Signed and dated at the lower right, L. Luermitre, 92. is ee Bie 4 ss ARTHUR HOEBER co AMERICAN “MEADOWS WITH CATTLE J moaMs 28% ies Length, 36 inches. vis LEVEL expanse of meadow-land, covered with coarse tussets of grass that show intervals of sandy soil, stretches to the horizon, where toward the right Ce wood is faintly visible. In the foreground lies a little reedy pool, which reflects soft tones of rose, blue and cream from the evening sky. A black and white cow is approaching from the left to drink. Its body is seen between two fragments of a railed fence. In the rear two other cows are _ coming forward. Signed at the lower left, ARTHUR HoxBER Contemporary : 7 Sopa ? No. 54 CHARLES BRUN FRENCH (ABOUT eo rae) : = LE tle THE LANGUAGE OF FLO WERS Height, 39% inches ; Width, 25 inches. A TuRKISH idyl is being enacted in a narrow street. -While a maid servant, hooded and cloaked in grayish-blue, knocks at a door, her mistress turns to_ look at an admirer who leans against an angle of the wall of an opposite house. The lady’s figure is draped in a cream and rose striped cloak, while her eyes look languishingly from above her yashmak. The young man returns her gaze, as he holds toward her a white carnation. His costume ~ consists of a crimson turban, bound with white, a blue caftan, white bloom- ers and a plum-brown cloak. He dangles in his left hand a flag-shaped fan. High up on the roof of one of the houses, seen against a patch of blue sky, a stork is standing on her nest, while her mate hovers near. Signed and dated at the lower lefi, C. Brun, 1889. \ he lw. Ma ee ee POLISH SLEIGH-RIDE 7b Weil No. 55 _——s« SAN: CHELMINSKI POLISH [- 3 Height, 2534 inches; Length, 40% inches. #| | Tue scene presents a flat expanse of snow-covered country, sprinkled ~ scantily with stalks and grass and interrupted in the distance by-scattered clumps of trees. It extends back to a lavender-drab horizon, streaked with scarlet and overhung by a canopy of purplish-slaty vapor. In the immediate foreground, a sleigh is coming toward us at a gallop, drawn by three horses abreast: a white, a black and a chestnut. They are handled by a driver in a brown coat, while in the back of the sleigh appears a face, muffled in a green scarf. Preceding the sleigh rides a servant in a livery of green, edged with fur, who is in the act of guiding his bay horse round the curve of the road to the left. Signed at the lower left, JAN CHELMINSKI. No. 56 | ae oe JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN-CONSTANT _ | FRENCH : o (1845-1902) SCENE IN 4 MOORISH COURTYARD ate Freak a, cokes ¢ Width, ae © ee UA L is i : “ AT the back of the court a gateway, surmounted by a horseshoe arch, shows _ an outside view of deep azure sky, pale green grass and a gray aloe. Reclin- _ ing at the entrance, only his body showing above the step, is a young Moor, oe who, like the other persons in the scene, is intently watching a performance that is being given in the center of the court. Here, a Nubian, whose coal-. “a black arms and torso are nude, sits on a rug, holding by a chain a viciously- snarling puma. ‘To the right is a group of three: a Nubian, wrapped in an olive-green cloak, standing motionless; a figure, draped in white, stooping forward, and the erect form of a man who holds a musket across the back — of his shoulders. On the left of the scene, a figure is seated in front of a doorway, beside a saddle. Signed at the lower right, Bens.-CoNnsTANT. recrere ETON } : No. 57 GIUSEPPE DE NITTIS_ ITALIAN | : = 7 Ih Pp Ye Un (1846-1884) _ 4 MORNING ON THE RIVER i . Height, 22% inches ; Length, 44% ohare 4 - SUNLIGHT beams clearly upon the water and colors the distant trees on the _ opposite bank of a river. Floating across the foreground is a skiff, buff body, with gunwale and rowlocks of mahogany. It is propelled by a sculler, dressed in a white jersey and dark blue cap, the seat in the stern being occu- pied by two ladies. One ‘is attired in a yellow straw hat and rosy pink gown, trimmed with lace; the other, who is in white, holds her hat on her lap. Both are sheltered from the sun by parasols. Following in the wake of the boat are four swans and six mallard ducks. Signed and dated at the lower right, De Nirtis, ’78. No. 58 ae VACSLAV VON “BROZIK : S AUSTRIAN PMO OE : (1852-1901) A KREUTZER SHORT ic Ma Heigl 30% inches ; Width, 25 inches. PANEL | ‘ BEsIDE a table placed under the window of an alehouse a maid-servant stands with an empty stein in her hand. A ring of beer marks where it has stood — upon the table and some coins are beside it, together with a china pipe, a tobacco bag and a hat. These belong to an old gentleman who sits diving — down into his pocket for the balance of his score. He is dressed in a bluish- green coat over a red waistcoat and reddish-brown breeches. In the rear on the left a door opens into a kitchen where the back of an old woman is seen. _ Signed at the lower left, V. Brozix. PERurie os ee we No. 59 ss EUGENE GIRARDOT ; | FRENCH Contemporary Loe ORIENTAL CHECKER PLAYERS Height, 2834 inches ; Length, 39% inches. : THE scene presented is the interior of an Oriental coffee-house. At the rear A 3 ee is a sideboard on which cups and glasses are arranged in rows. An attendant jeg ae stands near it in green vest and white bloomers. At his left, in a sort of a i, alcove, two white-draped figures are reclining on a bench against a wall. - Meanwhile in front of the chamber two Arabs seated on a mat on the floor _ are playing checkers. One of them has his back to us, draped in a brown cloak with a cream-lined hood. Seated opposite to him so that his face is toward the spectator, his opponent with a cigarette in his mouth is in the act of moving a piece. He is dressed in a white tunic and scarlet cloak. A Nubian, draped in purplish-blue, reclines beside him and smiles as he watches the play. iv; Signed at the lower left, KEugent GiraRDOT ling UNIVERSITY No. 60. | ARTHUR FERRARIS HUNGARIAN (1864- +) VISIT OF THE GRAND SHEIK TO tie CAIRO : Height, 32 inches ; Length, 39% inches. THE center of the group is occupied by the venerable figure of he sae f whose gray beard descends over a brown gabardine, adorned with broad — yellow stoles. He is being received by two men in long blue silk coats, one of whom bows to kiss his hand, while the other points to a doorway on the right. The Sheik is accompanied by a man in loose white robe, who carries _ared coral rosary, and followed by a boy attendant who walks ahead of a handsome man, with iron-gray hair showing beneath his turban. Beside. the latter walks an old man, whose gray hair projects wildly from his head. He wears a necklace of crimson beads and carries a staff. In advance of the crowd which throngs the gateway at the back of the court rides a man ~ on a donkey. At the left of the foreground a woman in a rosy, fringed dress and black veil, stands holding a baby. Signed and dated at the lower left, ARTHUR FERRARIs, 1890. Purchased from M. Knorpier & Co. AA All bt woO— No. 61 FERDINAND FAGERLIN _ SWEDISH-GERMAN (1825- ) THE CONVALESCENT, SUNDAY AFTERNOON Height, 3634 inches; Length, 45% inches. Ina pleasantly furnished cottage interior a girl is seated against a wall on the right, her hands folded upon the blanket in which she is wrapped below the waist. A young fisherman in dark blue trousers and shirt, over an un- _dershirt of red, stands reverently gazing down at the convalescent. On her _ other side sits her sister, resting her face on her hand, as she reads from the family Bible, open on her lap. To the left of this group are seated the father and mother; he, a sturdy fisherman, looking into vacancy, she with her gaze fixed upon her child. Meanwhile, at the back of her chair a small boy kneels on the floor, blowing with a bellows at a rough-haired terrier. Signed and dated at the lower right, Frrv. Facrriin, Df. (Dusseldorf), ’87. opo ok No. 62 BENJAMIN VAUTIER GERMAN-SWISS (as 829-1898) DANCE OF PEASANTS Hagk 80 decker Yon ee Tue interior of a village inn presents a scene of animated gaiety. Back on _ the left some couples are dancing, their figures illuminated by the light from — : a large window. The musicians,—a bass, fiddle and clarionet,—are ‘grouped a near the left of the foreground, beside a table on which rests two glass mugs — and a brass instrument. A little urchin stands listening intently to the - music, while two little girls are watching the dancers from the vantage place of a platform, on to which a small child in olive-green dress ‘is climbing. Behind this group to the right, a serving-girl looks longingly toward the dancers, as she rests her hand on a table laid with plates, a flagon and mugs. At another table in the rear, a man and his.partner are seated, while other , figures throng the doorway. Signed at the lower left, B. Vautizr. ” * Cre } o-— Mato 6900— Bea he GERMAN No. 63 3 FRANZ DEFREGGER (1835-— ,, ANKUNFT ZUM BALL—ARRIVING AT THE BALL Height, 48 een ca 65 inches. THE scene is the interior of a villasoann Through a one on. the left breaks in a bevy of smiling peasant girls, the sunlight streaming behind them and adding gaiety to their gala costumes. The front girl is welcomed by a tall young fellow whose hands grasp hers as he bends to greet her. She seems to be a general favorite, for other men throng round her and one peasant is indulging in the antics of a dance as he snaps his fingers. Meanwhile the girl’s companion stands by disconsolately as if she felt neglected. Over on the right a man and a girl seated at a table are laughing at the dancer’s — antics, while a young man stands eyeing the scene with an expression of | annoyance or jealousy. Farther back two musicians are ‘mounted on a platform, one of them leaning over the music-rest to talk to a man beneath it. A shepherd dog is lying in the center of the foreground of boarded floor. Two portraits and a picture of the Madonna adorn the walls. bes Signed and dated at the lower right, F. Derreccer, 1882. Awarded Gold Medal, Vienna, 1882. Collection of Grorcr I. Senzy, New York, 1885. Catalogue No. 195. IES No. 64 DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN GOSSIPS Height, 88% inches; Length, 51¥4 inches. ; In a field of brown, sandy soil, interspersed with tufts of coarse vegetation _and sprinkled with yellow and scarlet flowers, three peasant girls have met. One, on the left of the group, half back to us, dressed in a pale-blue skirt lined with fawn, has her hands planted on her hips as she talks to a girl who leans slightly forward under the weight of the burden on her back She is dressed in brown with a drab apron and holds a brass-lined pot in her left hand. Meanwhile the third girl stands a little apart with folded hands and on each arm a basket. ‘The field is bounded on the right by a stretch of blue water, bordered with willows and poplars. _ Signed and dated at the lower right, Ripcway Knicut, Paris, 1885. (1850- +) | Chanel Legend ») ee as No. 65 BENJAMIN VAUTIER GERMAN-SWISS ( 1820-1808) Na BY eae THE DILIGENCE STATION Height, 33% inches; Length, 51 inches. Groups of people are waiting in a wood-paneled room for the arrival of the diligence. Near the center, a tall man in uniform, with a cockade on his hat, apparently a conductor, is drinking a parting glass to the health of the smiling maid-servant. In the rear, a priest’s black back is bending to the window where the seats are booked, and a young peasant girl in gala costume is counting her money, while a young man watches her with interest. Near them a brown-frocked friar sits conning a breviary, and a fat man in a blue jacket is feeding at a table. Over on the left of the composition, a mother sits silently holding the hand of her boy, who is apparently departing on his first journey from home, and the little sister, depressed at the thought — of her brother leaving her, stands by with a large green umbrella. Signed and dated at the lower right, B. Vautizr, ’78. POLO 3 . (1843- —) No. 66 ADRIEN MOREAU FRENCH A MASQUERADE Height, 38% inches ; Length, 51% inches. On the right-hand side of the street stands a circular fountain-basin which is surmounted by another basin supported by a group of figures, the design terminating at the top in a single figure. Two peasant girls in handsome holiday garb stand holding their pitchers as they watch a procession of revelers in masquerade attire. At the head marches a burly gentleman with a lady at each arm. To one of them, whois masked, a fool in scarlet creeps up to make a joke. Behind these follow a flutist and a man playing upon an elaborate stringed instrument. They are succeeded by another group surrounding a man with a cock’s mask who carries a staff decorated with flowers and streamers. As the procession passes a house with an arched entrance on the opposite side of the street two ladies look down upon the animated scene from an upper balcony. Signed at the lower right, Aprimn Moreau. No. 67 = : DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN REDO —— | : (1850- eae: A WAITING THE ‘BOA TS Height, 47 inches ; Length, 59% inches. THE pale, creamy, green water, stretching back to the horizon, where a few _ sails show faintly, breaks upon the sand in the foreground in a gentle swell, _ whitening on its crest. At the right is a projection of silvery-drab rock, 5 occupied by a group of four figures. — A fisher girl is seated in profile, shad- ing her eyes as she scans the sea for a sight of the returning fishing boats. Two others are side by side, the one turning her head to talk to the other, __ whose face is toward us. They are being intently watched by a fisher-youth, who rests his chin on his hand, as he sits on a basket filled with nets. Two — empty baskets are lying in front of the group. Signed at the lower right, Ripaway Knicut, Paris. ; AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Tuomas E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. "THEIR WORK CATALOGUE sy Soe a ; NUMBER A AUBERT, aoe Pe eee , Bt No _ Love Disconsolate | | ss 28 B: JAMIN-CONSTANT, Deaw Josern ae d