—w e Ean on ve fouthese: of the: ake brought $22,497 at the second session in the ee ball room of the Waldorf- ‘Astoria, of the sale of paintings col- lected by Senor Salvador de Mendonca. ‘The total for the two eSETINEE was ‘brought to $50,367. The attendance last night was a pit larger than at the preceding sesgion, although empty seats were still in the ‘Majority. The banner figure-—S$1, 925—was paid ie. S. T. Wallace for Sir Thomas Law- rence’s portrait of “Mrs. Mackworth Praed.” Robert VTourniere’s ‘Madame Victoire, Daughter of Louis XV.,”. bought ‘by H. B. Hinkle, brought $1, 000; while q v's “Meditation, was sold Paul Smith for $1,100. George iIn- ‘Ss very green) “Summer Foliage’ featk ‘to Henry Schulthies for $1,650. | Curiously enough the names of buyers, as at the Fischoff and Oehme sales this ‘Season, were of collectors who are prac- tically unknown here. — Jobn Constalle’s “Landscape” and the head of a “Young Girl,” by Greuze, ‘brought a $1,400 each. They were bought ‘by L. T. Turner and L. Lewis, respec- tively. William Hogarth’s UViscountess, ‘of Townsend” went for $1,500. It was ‘bought by D. Wagner. The names of painters. pictures, buy- ers and the prices paid on. ¢anvases which brought $50 and over follow: Zuccher, ‘ae Devereux, Earl of Essex, Dr. Pt Maxis. eee “de” “Paturage,” Louis: | bot Pee a eee ae a eae erie eae a 20. Morland, The Wreckers, wey; B. Mathison. .$710. |Relouse, “Landscape,” J. R. Williams..+..+$1 800 ativan, ‘Julfette,” J, de Ackerly... ces ceva $700 mstable, ‘Vand seape,’? lL, T. Turner... .,.$1,400 oearta, “Viscountess of “Ten eend: - “p. Pek | . ‘The Two Gleaners,” AM. Newington. $779 | Bess. “Young Girl,” L, Lewis..,..0.+-.+- $1,400 \y uny, ‘‘Roman ‘Model,’ J. Ha shes... Pinel $720 ea “‘Duchesse Marguerite de Parme,’’ name we Pourbus, ihe younger, Marie. de “Gonzague,” AB a UC NIROUIT lute clawis ee) ip posite SURE @ cue eta phar tials am Romney, the Meditation,” Paul Smith. . Innes, _‘‘Summer Foliage, ’’ Henry Schulthies. ry 650 etti. “The Troubador,’’ William Mitchell. $900 érpfer, ‘‘T’ne Discovered Engagement,’’ 1,. Lewis Tournieres, “Madame Victoire,” H. B. Hinkle, 000 Hoppner, “Lady Berwick,’? RB.’ P. aeena + $800 Perret. “Vintage,” Wi Woddas ies o473% ‘a Lawrence, ““Mrs. Macworth Praed, Ft Bo a Wale He ats Ue eae . Tat aay ees a yee BR. Berti Pee ‘o¢eque, chesse de artres,’” 1 oBe, @ = \Portes, “Sevilla,’’ Dr, P. Ju Oettinge i ES OLS, IES 135 Inmness, © (182 Der Lament, +135. Hoeber, ae ~~ 136 Seherrewitz, — 137 Schultz, > 138 Dobson, 139 Thornley 140 Berchore, 141 Yorres, 142 Vestier, 143 Grison, 144 . Guardl, 146 Herpfer 148 Hogarth, 149. Dupre, 150 Wilson, 151..Carran,. . 152 Wouvermans, 155 Torres, . 154 Tournieres, 155 Balay, 156. Hoponer, 157° Perret, 158. Constable, 159 Flinck, 160 Weiland, 161 Lawrence, 162 Richet, 165 Mabuse, 164 Tocque, 165 Torres, 166 dampieri, 167 French School, 167A French School, 168 French School, 169 Woodland, 172 Crome 175 Veronese 174 Leprince, 175 Thornley, 176 177. Netscher, 178 Der Helst, 179 Gihon, 180 Santerre, 181 Rossi, 182 Van Lint, 185 Ede, 184 Gainsborough, 185 French School, 186 Harpignies, 187 Constable 188 Post, 189 Canaletto, 190 Roybet 191 Ede, 192 Tocque, 193 Isabey, 194 West, 195 Rigaud, 196 Hde, 197 Wohlgemuth, 198° Torres, { each) 65,00 225,00 75,00 | 170,00. 70,00 140,00 200,00 180,90 140,009 900, 00 700,00 180, 00 560,00 — 860,00 PAO,.00 115,00 110,00 280,00 1000,00 160,00 800,00 750.00 280,00 250, 00 400,00 1925, 00 205,00 725,00 145,00 900, 00 140, 00 ~ 40,00 90.00 10,00 29,00 15,00 1500, 00 650,00 ~ 60, 00 95,00 50.00 220,00 120, 00 150,00 200.00 120,00 2900.00 175,00 210,00 160,00 1550,00 500.00 100,00 425,00 1000,00 180,00 700,00 280,00 250, 00 750,00 175,00 450, 00 105,00 Watts, Drouais, Perret, Reni, Lawrence Barker, De Madrazo, Prancke, Hoeber, Torres, Shee 9 Van Boskercky Pourbus, Shul zy Watts, Lesrel, Land seer, Vestier, Bogert, Van L0O, Perret, Miller Straghliati LOPeZy Lagrenee » Thaulow, Westall, Opie, Netti, Canal, Monticelli, Mathews, Lymess, Mi emard 9 Richet, Kauffmann, Veronese, Rico, De Ribera, Ede, Yan Dashorst, sémericania, Beechey, French School, (Out ) (Out ) a2) Wilson, Northcote, B49 Thorniey, 11 German School, 12 Flemish School, 13 italian School, 14 Sebast iano P 15 Dupont, 16. Michel, 17 Hogarth 18 Ducg, 19 Schulz, 20 Corter, 21 Straghliati, 22 Ede, ¥ 23 Maes, 24 Watts, 25 Cuylenborch, 26 Schulz, 27 Morland, 28 Cruz, 29 Torres, 30 De Veide, $1 Canaletto, oe Danlouxy 33 Ede, o4 Onbrienne, o5 Bassand, o6 Bassands 57 Corot, o8 Velasquez, o9 Feyen, 40 Trinouesse, 41 lLancre%t, 42 Backuysen, 45 Jacquet, Muller, 45 Straghliati, 46 Courbet, 47 Opie, 48 Schulz, 49 Drouais, 50 Max, 5l Raoux, 52 Moran, 55 Tournieres, 54 Hilliard, 55 Perret, 56 Romey, 57 Richet, 58 Schiavone, 59 Van Ceullen, _ 64 Van Marcke, 65 Berchem, 66 ‘Wilson, 355,00 - 180,00 200,00 950.00 570,00 450,90 450,00 70,00 280, 00 150,00 220600 BR. 00 1750, 00 17 50,00 70.00 70,00 105,00 250, 00 500,00 950,00 75,00 525, 00 150.00 160,00 250,00 100,00 140,90 125,00 900, 00 150,00 120 127 Fat swe 122 128 124 125 126 12 128 129 1509 131 Lebrun, Goupil, Vesticr, Inne ss 9 Vincent, Bonington, Jettel, Wintz, Van Der Neer, Sci Zi» GreUuze» Schulz, Corregzio Michel Lagrenee Ede, Spots French School, Thornley, Thornley » Trinquesse, _ ® French Panels, Stark, Santerre, Stoffes, aucchero, Schulz, He rlow, Terdure, Marais, Morland, French School, TOPYeS, PeloQuse, Bde, TOCQUE, Parton, Vroom, Chartvan, echidone, Mignard, RA0UX, Iullerx, Ede, Constable, Hogarth, Perret, GrCUZGE», Gihon 9 Stannard, Richet, T sUSVENES » Memling, Backhuysen, Fortuny » Coello, Van Boskercky Rigaud, Gihon, Richet, Francois, Schulz 9 Zucchero Ede, Harlow, $45.00 190,00 275.00 520,00 170,00 375,00 215,00 4.5.00 95,00 110, 00 2600.00 190.00 2200.00 425,00 450,00 45.00 45,00 15,00 25.00 70.00 4.0.00 50,00 80,00 195,00 135,00 500,00 135,00 320,00 340,00 525,00 710.00 275.00 130.00 1800.00 305,00 4.00 ,00 185,00 225,00 700,00 200,00 200,00 50.00 4.50.00 315,00 1400.00 1550, 00 775.00 14.00.00 225,00 110,00 230,00 375.00 15,00 50,00 720,00 775,00 205.00 130,00 125,00 200,00 650,00 65,00 450,00 275,00 275.00 ie: it Co sold for $2,200 to agent. The Valesq em u Spanish Prince” b : Secured by J. J, Cle eland ‘third | Medaonea sale of 1892. In 1899 | is ‘brought “but _ vh American Art. Assoc ‘tice with” ae FD scape by A. M. ‘for “Social Gathe Grane Ola. Duck uaee ere’s a Hastman James, $700 “Sunset.” et j Coast of France,” Henry Inman, “‘George of Princeton,’ J German School, “‘F Clevelan Courbet, ref, ae is aoe 8 es Siu sett, Second Session of Me C Auction Brings Total Up to $50,367. “Bightycfive numbers oe brought $22,497 at the seine in the grand ball room of the Waldorf: Astoria, of the sale of paintings col- lected by Senor Salvador de e The total for the two evenings ibaa brought to $50,367. | The attendance last night was a bit: larger than at the preceding session, although empty seats were still in ‘the majority. The banner figure—$1,995—-wae paid by S. T. Wallace for Sir Thomas” Law: rence’s portrait 0“ Mrs. worth Praed.” . Robert vous XV Victoire, Daughter of Louis V.,” bough by H. B. Hinkle, brought $1,000; w rane. George Romney’s “Meditation,” was sold to Paul Smith for $1, oe mk ge In- ness's. very green “Sum | went to Henry Schulthies- for r $1, 0. _ Curiously enough the nam uyer as at the Fischoff and Oehime Ae ane season, were of collectors who are prac tically unknown here: ‘ — Sone Ba inten and i ead of a .“Youn rl,” by eu brought a $1,400 each. They were bought ie - eee 2nd oe ah a oe vely, am ce iscountess of Townsend” went for $1,500. it was bought by EX. Wagner. — | The names of painters, pictures, puy- ers’ and the prices paid on canvases which brought 50 eat over follow: | Pogeter, ere Devereux, Earl of Essex, De | eae t ean tai ar ds, “ce a es Vv fe ae oni tdealec} ee vb ak ee ee states hil A Morland, “The W: Bo) tap 8 Lands Constable, “Landscape,” I fi mer.... A0€ Hogarth, ‘Viscountess of Domnahena ae Wag Cee pee mm este e sewer eeeeeern ene Gi Soest “Young Girl,’’ L, tsewehe maid Port: “Roman ‘Model,”” Je Ha ghes....... Coello, eevnehasas Marguerite arme,’? “nig ee eee eee eee ees neee 5 pein the younger, ‘‘Marie de ‘Gonzague,* Xn if 50) Herpfer, ‘The Discovered Pngagement,’’ L. Tournieres, ‘‘Madame Victoire,” H. B. Hi Hoppner, ‘“‘Lady Berwick.” R. Py Spalding... | Demet, “Vin: topes W. Woods ve ae. “Mrs. “Macworth Praed.” 8 hah nals Ae Sta oa de Sua ee eae Torres, “Sevilla,” Dr. Boar Octtinger...... 5! 3 Top Price of $2,900 Brought by Van Lint’s “Members ASOT, Antwerp Guild.” wy Onsnicen The sale of the inexien of ‘pictures formed by Senhor Salvador de Mendonca was concluded at the Waldorf-Astoria last/night with a total of $46,570 for the [sighty-fve pictures disposed of during ithe evening, and of-$106,937 for the three se ese The persons present were so 'seattered in the enormous ballroom as to give the impression of a very small at- _tendance. Habitual “sale goers,’ whose ability to’ ‘approximate in advance the prices that are to be paid on pictures by the names ‘of their painters and by, the character of the compositions, were sadly at a ‘loss. The evening was full of surprises. “Woodland, ”" by Frederic Ede, whose imitations of the work of Fritz Thaulow ‘usually bring comparatively good prices, was purchased for $10 by F. R. Wescott. John Hoppner must have turned in his grave when his “‘Catherine, Countess of |Hampden” brought but $250; Sir Joshua Reynolds, when his ‘Portrait of Samucl ~ Id” went to W. Lippman for $650, Guido Reni when his *‘Coronation .of (the Virgin” was sold to V. C. Chambers ‘for $550. A Van Lint Brings Top Price. | The Anatomist,” by Ribera, is not un- |known in Manhattan and yet it brought [but $200 last night. J. H. WFairfax | bought it. Mr. Brandus’s favorite, Aime |Perret was not, however, so maltreated: |S. R. Farmer was forced to pay $800 for his “The Flower Garden” and W.. Lang- ‘don $700. for*his “Peasants at Hote.’ | Peter Van Lint’s “Portraits of the ‘Members of the Antwerp Guild,” bought iby J. D. Ichenhauser, of the Anglo Amer- lican Art Company, brought. $2,900, the fop figure of the session and of the. eri- tire sale. The William T. Mathews ‘Por-) ‘trait of Lincoln” sold to the same pur- chaser for $2,100. 7 Born in Utica, N. Y., October 20, 1801, died in New York January 17, 1846. Portrait, landscape and genre painter, pupil of John W. Jarvis, in New York. In 1844 visited England, where he painted many portraits of notable men. At the time of his death Inman was engaged on a series of historical pictures for the Capitol at Washington. GEORGE WASHINGTON AT THE BATTLE OF PRINCETON Height 47% inches; width, 62 inches. UNITED STATES 6 ar 2 } e Louis Testelin if j PARIS BARONNE DE BESENVAL Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches. ve Frederic Ede PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bourguereau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. WOODLAND (Water Color) THE POOL (Water. Color) S 3 Ds 8 Richard Wilson, R. A. ENGLAND Born at Pinegas, Montgomeryshire, August I, 1713; died at Llanberris, Carnarvonshire, May, 1782. Pupil of Thomas Wright, a London portrait painter. Began to paint landscapes~in Italy about 1749, taking this step by the advice of Zuccarelli. His work was not appreciated in England during his lifetime, and he died in indigence, but he is now regarded as one of the chief landscape painters of the English School. He was one of the founders of the Royal Academy. VIEW OF: THE THAMES “NEAR sien HOUSE, TWICKENHAM A river with a winding road, a sailboat coming down the stream, and a tree in the foreground with two men near the trunk, one of whom is preparing to bathe, are the principal elements in this composi- tion. In the stern of the boat there is smoke from a fire on which probably the crew are cooking their supper. The sky shows summer atmosphere with clouds lit up on the edges, and the pastoral feeling is well interpreted. An individual and very inter- esting example of Wilson’s excellent work. Dated 1769. Height, 12% inches; length, 28 inchesi, eee James 7 etl ae Ee od Northcote, R. A. O) 0 Oe AS ra : 1766-183 ieee ab: eee: GIRL WITH A DOVE” He Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches, ~ i | iO _-W. Thornley 0. : ay PARIS : --~—~—sCiBorn in England, he is one of the most successful Ps bs 7 Wi foreign artists in the French Capital, where his A ie ig work is highly appreciated. CHURCH AT BELLENGUEVILLE, FRANCE Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches, German School . : SOUTH EARLY GERMANY. Ecclesiastical Painting Height, 371/2 inches; width, 271/2 inches. Flemish School MADONNA AND CHILD Height, 2444 inches; width, 21 inches. 13 0?" Italian School 4 TRY PTIQUE Religious Subject 14 Fige aa ; 1 9 OF Ricci Sebastiano Le ¥! z ITALY Born at Cividale di Belluno in 1659, died in Venice May 15, 1734. Venetian School. Pupil in Venice of F. Cervelli, whom he accompanied to Milan; resided several years in Florence, Rome and other Italian cities, studying and executing many works. From Vienna, where he decorated the Pal- ace of Schonbrunn, he went to England, in the reign of Queen Anne, and during a ten years’ residence painted the chapel at Bulstrode for the Duke of Portland, the hall of Burlington House, an altar piece for the chapel of Chelsea College, and other works, some of which are at Hampton Court. With a fertile invention and great facility of execution, Sebastiano excelled in imitating the great masters of the Venetian School, especially Paolo Veronese. In 1718 he returned to Venice, where he lived, rich and honored, until his death. ADORATION OF THE MAGI Height, 23 inches; width, 271% inches, nfo 15 Gainborough-Dupont 1767-1797 Nephew and Pupil of Thomas Gainsborough MRS. PARKYNS Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. hey | Oy 16 ps! Georges Michel FRANCE Born in Paris in 1763; died in 1843. Pupil of Taunay and was known in his time as a fine copyist. He had but little reputation in-his day as a painter, but his pictures are now classed by many critics with the works of Decamps and the Barbizon Group. His landscapes are much sought for by col- lectors. LANDSCAPE NEAR PARIS ‘A broad road leads down hill from the fore- ground, winding into the middle distance. A flock of «sheep and some small figures are seen at the bend in the road, and there are windmills on the left. The middle distance is in shadow, and the hills at the horizon are lighted up by a gleam of sunshine. The sky is heavy with clouds of gray, white and black; and the picture is firmly composed in color masses and great lines. Height, 28 inches; width, 2814 inches. ant William Hogarth ENGLAND Born in London, December 10, 1697; died there, October 26, 1764. After being apprenticed to a sil- versmith, from whom he learned to engrave arms and monograms on plate, he became a student in St. Martin’s Lane Academy. He began business as a silversmith about 1720, and engraved book-plates. He afterward took up portrait painting and achieved good success. In 1753 he completed a series of six pictures called “The Harlot’s Prog- ress,’ which was followed by other series called “The Rake’s Progress,’ and “Marriage a la Mode” series of six pictures, and seven other works. PORTRAIT OF COLONEL CHARLES HOWARD In the left upper corner of the canvas is a coat of arms and the inscription, “Charles Howard, Esqr., Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, second son of Charles, third Earl of Carlisle.’ The figure is dressed in a coat and waistcoat of blue with a white shirt-front. The face is rosy, and the expression of the blue-eyed Colonel is frank and engaging. The painting is careful and characteristic. Height, 30 inches; width, 24% inches. of 18 i: Jean Le Ducq ! 1636-1682 THE TROUBADOUR Height, 34 inches; width, 29 inches. Adrien Schulz PARIS One of the ablest followers of the Barbizon School. iT EDGE OF THE FOREST Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches. 90? 20 A. M. Corter | LANDSCAPE Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches. fo: ai Straghliati MILAN RHODODENDRONS 22 0. Frederic Ede ) PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. THE THIRSTY COW Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches. : 23 | [0 a Nicholas Maes | 1632-1603 | DUTCH WOMAN Height, 3514 inches; width, 23%4 inches. acd fj é Frederic W. Watts i) 0 LONDON 1800-1862 (Brother-in-law of John Constable) THE RIVER STOUR, SUFFOLK Height, 20 inches; width, 80 inches. Abraham Van Cuyienborch HOLLAND Died after 1664. Dutch School. Landscape painter in the manner of Poelenburg; master of Utrecht Guild in 1639. Classical Landscape DIANA AND HER NYMPHS iv Signed and dated. Height, 41 inches; width, 4914 inches. 26 ¢ 0» Adrien Schulz PARIS One of the ablest followers of the Barbizon Schoo) ; LA CLAIRIERE (Opening in the Forest) Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. 2g o é ’) 0 George Morland 1763-1804. STOPPING AT THE INN Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. Pantoja de la Cruz ae ; 56 DONA MENDOZA DE LA CERDA Height, 50 inches; width, 38 inches. ? i | | 29 Antonio Torrés aes eae SPAIN . ‘<; ae ae a y (Studio in Paris) or Born in 1874 at Tarragona, he studied in the art q * schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Academy, : x Paris.» Torres is possessed of great talent and his ifs 4 + x success as a painter of “ideal heads” and beautiful ‘4 ss women is universal 4 | REVERIE k Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches, a Adriaen Van De Velde HOLLAND Born in Amsterdam in 1635 or 1636; died there January 21, 1672. Pupil of Willem van de Velde the elder, and afterward at Haarlem, of Jan Wy- nants. After leaving Wynants he studied the figure under Philip Wouwerman, and further developed under the influence of Paul Potter. His “Frozen Canal” is in the Louvre, and other works are in the principal European museums. MILKING TIME A group of cows and sheep, with landscape. In the centre of the group is a red and white cow, with _a black one at the left, which a woman is milking. A boy hangs over the fence, laughing and pointing to a calf or young heifer sleeping in the fore- ground. Trees, a distant prospect of country, and a fine sky of delicate blue, with gray clouds tinged with pink, are the other elements in this pleasing composition. Painted in the manner characteristic of this celebrated painter of the Dutch school Height, 141%4 inches; length, 20 inches. . PA : ({ d+ se Oe Canaletto (Antonio Canale) VENICE Born in Venice, 1697. Pupil of his father, Ber- nado Canale, a decorator and scene painter. In 1719 went to Rome, drew and copied the antiquities. Re- turning to Venice, occupied himself exclusively with views of that city. In 1764 visited London, remain- ing there two years. Etched thirty-one plates of “Views in Venice.” Died there in 1768. CANAL SCENE, VENICE Height, 80 inches; width, 50 inches, SLA VENETIAN SCENE Height, 30 inches; width, 50 inches. 32 AO Pierre Danloux 1753-1809 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches, 33 oan OD Frederic Ede PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of ex- ceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. THE OLD FARM Height, 22 inches; width, 29 inches, oe 34 eg | nll Os Ecole Ombrienne Sixteenth Century VIRGIN AND CHILD Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches, 30 Jacopo Bassano VENETIAN SCHOOL Jacopo Bassano, called the elder ,bwrn at Bassano, 1510, died there February 13, 1592. Venetian school, real name Jacopo da Ponte; son and pupil of Fran cesco da Ponte, the elder, afterward pupil of Boni- fazio Veneziano, and later, it is said, of Titian. He excelled in painting landscape and animals, and chose his subjects from Scripture scenes in which they could be suitably introduced. JUDA AND THAMAR Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. ~ Court, St. James’s Palace, kt | a §.'B. C. Corot | 1796-1875 ra RUINS IN ITALIE Height, 9% inches; width, 12% inches. Brice di | 38 ieee tee oct ee Diego De Rodriguez De Sylva Y Velasquez Born in Seville; baptized June 6, 599; died in Madrid, August 7, 1660. Pupil of Herrara el Viego and of Francis Pacheco, whose daughter he mar- ried in 1618. PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH PRINCE This portrait was known in the collection of the Duchess de Berry as the portrait of the Infanta Maria Teresa, but the title was erroneous, as is shown by the masculine gender of the participle natus in the inscription painted on the canvas: ‘Na- tus Anno MDCXXX dies Septembris 111.” Maria — Theresa was born in 1638. It is probably a portrait of the Infante Don Baltazar Carlos. The little prince stands by a table, with his left hand resting upon it, near a high crowned hat. He is dressed in a costume of old rose color, with scarlet sleeves, and a white ruff of lace about the neck. The right hand holds one of the green and white lacing strings of his dress, and from his neck, on a string of large red and gold beads, hangs a medal of the Holy Sepulchre. The child’s face is attractive, and the flesh tints and the pale reddish color of the hair are delightfully rendered. The work is characteris- tic of the master, both in the effect of the masses when seen at a distance, and by the perfect finish of the details when seen near by. The color scheme is handsome, and the general aspect of the picture is stately and charming. Height, 331%% inches; width, 23 inches. ; ugéne Feyen Bp he A | edals Paris Salon 1866, 1841 i “HARVEST i ees Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. | - ih Se BAe bag L. Trinquesse { Lk I, . z : Re p, & et. i Be aha § i PARIS 1 ri om Eighteenth Century ae ch BARONNE D’OBERKIRCK ae | § 1+ Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. rs 41 0% Nicholas Lancret FRANCE SOCIAL GATHERING IN THE PARK Born in Paris, January 22, 1690; died there, Sep- tember 14, 1743. Pupil of Dulin and of Gillot, but formed his style chiefly after Watteau. The pic- tures of the two artists are sometimes confounded, as the subjects are similar, and Lancret’s treatment follows that of Watteau. Ten of Lancret’s works are in the Louvre; others in French provincial mu- seums, and in various European galleries. The scene is in a garden with a terrace wall and a high vase on the left. A group of five figures, consisting of three young women and two men. In the middle of the group a girl with a flute is learn- ing to play, while a man who is teaching her sits beside her. Another woman is reclining on the grass, and back of her is a man who stands up while he converses with the third woman, who is seated on the grass, with her back turned to the spectator. The costumes are light in color—white, pink and blue—and these tints form an effective contrast to the green of the landscape background. No. 1133 in the Metayer de Guy Collection. ei 6. Oo: #2 Ludolf Backuysen HOLLAND Born at Emden 1631, a pupil of Aldert van Ever- dingen, worked much at Amsterdam. Celebrated in his own day for sea-pieces, and especially for ren- dering of storms. In latter part of life etched a few plates and. practiced engraving. Died at Amster- MARINE From the collection of General McKinnon, C. B.; and O. S. Cave, Esqr., Rossbryn Manor, Cork, Ire- land. Height, 21 inches; width, 27 inches. 43 o Q ? “i Gustave Jacquet PARIS Medals: -Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878: Legion of Honor IDEAL HEAD Height, 18% inches; width, 151% ‘inches. 44 af a William James MuHer ENGLAND ORIENTAL LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Four Arabs are seen seated in a tent pitched among some ruins, and a dragoman, dressed in a crimson robe and white turban, stands near by, leaning on a staff. A camel appears back of the tent with a load on his back. Among the ruins are some tall, ornamented columns, and the sky shows the clear blue of the Far East. The color scheme is brilliant and effective, and the picture is painted with knowledge and force. Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches. OPTS Wok Bias ii ar * Straghliati f 2 MILAN BY CANDLE LIGHT. A 46 Gustave Courbet FRENCH Born at Ornans, France 1819, commenced to study law in Paris, but drifted round the studios and studied the old masters in the Louvre. In- dependent, he would have nothing of the academical or romantic schools, and struck out for realism; first attracting attention by his “Dinner of Ornans” in 1849. At the Expositions of 1855 and 1867 he made an exhibition of his works in a separate build- ing, outside the grounds. Two years later, Munich honored him with a separate room and the Bavarian Order of St. Michael. He accepted it, but refused the Legion of Honor. . During the Commune he was elected Minister of Fine Arts, and to save The Louvre was forced to consent to the destruction of The Vendome Column. For this he was im- prisoned and fined; after which he retired to Vevay in Switzerland, and died there in 1878. ETRETAT, ON THE COAST OF FRANCE Signed, G. Courbet. Height, 18% inches; width, 21% inches. | 2 os John Opie 1761-1807 MRS. CLARK Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. fe a Adrien Schulz | PARIS (His works show many of the qualities of Diaz, and they are highly praised by the admirers of the Barbizon School). Le LOING AT MONTIGNY Height, 25 inches; width, 36 inches. 6 #- 49 ¢ Francois Drouais 4 1720-1775 MADAME DE FRONTENAC Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. «Gabriel Max MUNICH YOUTH Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. 51 Jean Raoux PARIS 1677-1734 MADEMOISELLE PREVOST Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. o2 Thomas Moran NEW YORK THE DESERTED CASTLE * $ UCHESSE #ENVILLE, oe ¥. eo oie i ‘ ehcp Height, 56 inches; width, 40 inches. d a 54, W. H. Hilliard | DECEASED VILLAGE IN HOLLAND Height, 18 inches; width, 30 inches. PARIS Received several medals at the Paris Salon. Member of the Legion of Honor. ; . The French Government acquired a number of his works for the Musée du Luxembourg and for other Museums in France. ; SUNSET Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. 3 56 George Romney 1734-1802 MRS. HENSHAW Height, 36 inches; width 80 inches. HY d »@* , & Léon Richet Pupil of Diaz PARIS 1839-1907 SUNSET Height, 22 inches; width, 82 inches. 58 i 8) a G. Schiavone [ (Pupil of Titian) 1470-1510 -THE THREE AGES Height, 55 inches; width, 46 inches. * ; » 59 j A 2) | : '° Cornelis Janson Van Ceulen AMSTERDAM 1594-1664 YOUNG GIRL Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. 60 ~* @* Se se ¥y Frederic Ede tet PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year FARM ON THE RIVERSIDE Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. mh D- 61 Jean Etienne Liotard PARIS 1702-1790 COMTESSE DE NEUBOURG Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. < yO 62 i Charles Coypel 1694-1752 ADRIENNE LECOUVREUR Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. res 63 ia Joseph Vergara 1726-1799 Pupil of l’Espagnolet LA SENORITA DONA MARIA BRYIDA AGUADO Y ANGULO Height, 48 inches; width, 86 inches, 64 ¢ Emile Van Marcke 1827-1891 LANDSCAPE Height, 10 inches; width, 16 inches From the Van Marcke Sale 65 — soe 4 Utah tyes, Claas Pieterez Berchem HOLLAND (Nicholas Berghem) Born in Haarlem, baptized October 16, 1620, died in Amsterdam, February 18, 1683. Dutch School; landscape, animal, history and portrait painter; son and pupil of Pieter Claasz; pupil of J. van Goyen, N. Moyaert, P. de Grebber, Jan Wils, whose daughter he married, and J. B. Weenix. In June, 1642, he entered the Guild in Haarlem, where he worked until 1670, having probably visited Italy in 1648-55, and finally settled in Amsterdam. ST. JEROME Height, 38 inches; width, 291% inches. Richard Wilson, R.A. 1714-1782 ENGLISH COUNTRY SCENE | Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. € 67 ; % ; z l- Charles Lebrun ; PARIS 1619-1690 PORTRAIT OF ALEXIS PIRON (French Poet) 68 Jules Goupil Aj PARIS ft * | 1 Pupil of Ary Scheffer ; Received First Class Medal Salon 1875 MADEMOISELLE LANGE Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches, ’ 4 | ~~ om 69 TS inion Antoine Vestier 1740-1824 MADAME D’OULTREMONT Height, 36 inches; width, 30 inches. 70 : ea Se George Inness as ; NEW YORK 1825-1894 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. From the Collection of Thomas B. Clarke. Sale Feb. 1899: Catalogue No. 285. 71 M ” George Vincent ' LONDON 1796-1830 LANDSCAPE IN SURREY Height, 24144 inches; width, 29 inches, ig Richard Parkes Bonington ‘a 72 ENGLAND ON THE SEA-SHORE A woman, whose shoulders are covered with a red shawl, sits with her back to the spectator before a long table on the beach covered with fish, which she offers for sale. Nearby is a man on a white horse, the bridle held by a fisherman with a red cap, and there are some small figures in the distance. The sky at the lower right portion of the picture is dark and threatening, and the sea lies beneath it with fine pearly tone. The general aspect of the picture is suave and distinguished, and the work is marked by much truth of observation, while the scene is interpreted with artistic knowledge and general utility of effect. Height, 10 inches; length, 14144 inches. . . yh cae oF - dds 73! nee Eugene Jettel Pupil of Theo. Rousseau. LANDSCAPE a G. Wintz GERMAN LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE 75 Artus Van Der Neer HOLLAND { | 1619-1683 A LURID SUNSET. Height, 23 inches; width, 29 inches. Signed on the lower right-hand corner with in~- itials. “He sometimes painted sunset—in which the glowing richness and harmony of his coloring ap- proach the excellence of Rubens and Rembrandt.’”— Spooner. - 5 76 | 0 & Adrien Schulz | PARIS One of the ablest followers of the Barbizon School THE OLD OAKS (Forest of Foutainebleau) Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. 4 a <5 & vr 6 e os . Jean Baptiste Greuze FRANCE Born at Tournus, Sadne-et-Loire, France, August 21, 1725; died in Paris, March 21, 1805. Pupil, in Lyons, of Brandon; and in Paris, of the Academy. His pictures early became popular, and he accumu- lated a large fortune; but lost it all in the Revolu- tion. The vogue of David and his school, and the taste for the classic as interpreted by these painters, prevented any further success for Greuze, and he died in poverty. His celebrated picture, “La Cruche Cassée,” and fourteen other pictures and portraits are in The Louvre. Other important European Mu- seums contain examples of his work. “LA. SUPPLIAN TE Height, 2014 inches; width, 16% inches. OG ge | 0 G8 Adrien Schulz PARIS One of the ablest followers of the Barbizon School. OCTOBER EVENING. - Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. 79 : ab Correggio ‘f; . ITALY HEAD OF A BOY Real name, Antonio Allegri. Born at Correggio about 1494; died there, March 5, 1534. Pupil of his father’s brother, Lorenzo Allegri and of Antonio Bartolotti, painters of the town of Correggio of no great repute. At Modena is said to have been a pupil of Ferrari, but all the accounts of Correggio’s early training lack confirmation. No one has been able to trace the origin and development of his method of painting, which is unlike that of any of his contempories.. In grace and elegance, in tender- ness and sweetness of expression, and in skilful execution his works are unrivalled. One of the greatest masters of the Italian Renaissance. Im- portant works in the Louvre, in the Dresden Gallery, and at Parma. ; A curly haired, chubby faced boy looking over his nude shoulder. This head may have served as a study for one of Correggio’s great compositions. Time has given to the picture a beautiful golden tone, and the color is delicious. From the collection of Mr. Bevan, Trent Park, Hertfordshire, England. Height, 12 inches; width, 11% inches. Georges Michel pan PARIS 1763-1843 APPROACHING STORM. a 81 Louis Lagrenée 1724-1805 THE CLEMENCY OF CORIOLAN Height, 40 inches; width, 54 inches. SECOND EVENING SALE IN THE Waldorf-Astoria-Hotel Grand Ball Room, TUESDAY, APRIL (3th, 1909, At 8,15 promptly. a 82 i Frederic Ede pe i: a PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bourguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of ex- ceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. MARINE (Water Color) ROCKY SPOT (Water Color) 84 | French School Pastel YOUNG GIRL 4, 85 W. Thornley PARIS Born in England, he is one of the most successful foreign artists in the French Capital, where his work is highly appreciated. THE OLD FARM (Water Color) 86 | W. Thornley a - PARIS Born in England, he is one of the most successful gn artists in the French Capital, where his work ghly appreciated. VILLAGE CHURCH oh eA Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches. | ee 87 lp J. Trinquesse XVIII. Century ‘ Pupil of Largilliére 4 LARGILLIERE IN HIS STUDIO 4 ae Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. 88 i TWO FRENCH DECORATIVE PANELS Height, 26 inches; width, 82 inches. sheik ae James Stark CU yeas 1794-1859 Stark studied under Crome for three years, later going to London, where he entered the Royal Aca-— demy in 1817. The National Gallery and Kensington Museum contain many of his most important works. »s LANDSCAPE Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. | ; | Jean Baptiste Santerre 1658-1717 MADAME DE COISLIN Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches. { m | J. V. D. Stoffes A painter of battle-pieces, chiefly skirmishes of Cavalry flourished about the year 1649. His pictures are not uncommon, though his history is not known. They are generally on panel, spirited in action, well- drawn, and smoothly finished. BATTLE SCENE From the Belchamp Hall Collection. Height, 1914 inches; width, 41 inches. Lf oe 92 | a? eZ Federigo Zucchero ITALY Born at St. Agnolo in Vado, Urbino, in 1543; died at Ancona in 1609. Roman School, and pupil of his brother Taddeo Zucchero. Executed yarious important mural paintings in Italy and painted por-. traits of many distinguished persons, including Queen Elizabeth of England. He founded the Academy of St. Luke and left all his property to it. Author of a treatise on painting, sculpture, and architecture. ROBERT DEVEREUX, EARL OF ESSEX From the collection of Lord St. Leonards, Lord Chancellor of England. Half length portrait, white ruff of gauze and lace, pourpoint of white and gold, and black ribbon supporting order or medal below the bottom of canvas. This fine head, with dark red beard, is strongly and sympathetically painted and is a splendid work, valuable for its artistic and historical importance. Height, 2314 inches; width, 18 inches. Adrien Schulz PARIS MONTIGNY Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. hae George Henry Harlow, R. A. 94 1789-1819 COUNTESS OF ESSEX “Rushton Hall Collection, Northamptonshire Height, 82 inches; width, 26 inches. 95 ou? Gerard Terburg HOLLAND Born at Zwolle, probably between 1613 and 1617, died at Deventer, December 8, 1681. Dutch School; genre painter. Received his first instruction from his father, Gert Terburg (1584-1662) who had stud- ied in Rome. He then formed himself in Amsterdam, and especially in Haarlem, where he entered the Guild in 1635 under the influence of Frans Hals, and through independent study of the masterworks of Titian, Rembrandt and Velasques. Travelled through Germany, Italy, Spain, England, and France; and painted everywhere portraits and genre pieces. In 1646-48 at Miinster, he became, through the favor of the Spanish envoy to Madrid, the painter of the diplomatic circle, and executed the famous portrait group of the Peace Congress; followed the Spanish envoy to Madrid, where he painted the King and many courtiers and ladies; returned via England and France to his native country and settled at Deventer where he obtained the citizenship in 1655 and afterwards became Burgomaster. He was the inventor of the interiors, and of the satin gown, so much used by Miers and Metsu; a first rate and thoroughly original master. PORTRAIT OF JAN DE WITT Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Ad. Marais PARIS VACHES DU PATURAGE Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches. 42 ‘ George Morland ENGLAND THE WRECKERS Height, 25 inches; length, 30 iwches, From the collection of William Howgate Esq. A scene on the sea-shore, with a great cliff on the right of the composition. A group of people is seen about a sail boat drawn up on the beach, and a vessel stranded appears off shore, with the wind blowing into rags what is left of her sails. Only one mast is left standing. A figure of a woman in the group, clad in a white cloak, makes a strong note in the color scheme, which is conceived in sober tints and the sky shows the fury of the weather. This picture is painted in that style of the master where he resembles Gainsborough. _ Antonio Torres Ave a 3 SPAIN Goris eae (Saidio in Paris) Born in 1874 at Tarragona; he studied in the art schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Academy, Paris. Pretty Maiden from Valencia. s Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. Born at Pierrelaye, Seine-et-Oise, France; died in Paris a few years ago. Well known as one of the leading landscape painters of the French School. He received various! medals at the Safon-and high honors at the Paris Exposition of 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. LANDSCAPE Height, 25% inches; length, 36% inches. The picture shows a foreground descending to a stream in a valley with a high bank on the opposite side. A village is seen nestled among the trees in the valley, and on the hill opposite there are houses. Tall trees growing on the border of the stream reach up nearly to the top of the canvas and the sky is full of light. All the foreground is in trans- parent shadow, and on the distant hills to the left is seen a gleam of late afternoon sunshine. A very characteristic example of the work of a painter whose fine qualities are distinctly personal. Signed at the left. 101 BY Frederic Ede < PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of ex- ceptional talent whose works are becoming more popular every year. LANDSCAPE Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches. 102 Louis Tocqué ' 1696—1772 Born 1744 Collection Lemaire, Paris PETER THE THIRD OF RUSSIA Height, 48 inches; width, 40 inches. ar gel Arthur Parton New York APPLE BLOSSOMS Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. From the Collection of Thomas B. Clarke Sale, Feb., 1899 Catalogue No. 17 pike Sys” atts 2 vier a he ioe SOD imettuse yes fi ¢ 6 104 * : db ie i H. C. Vroom HOLLAND Born in Haarlem in 1566, died there in 1640. “SILVER WEDDING FESTIVITIES” Height, 23 inches; width, 32 inches. pe’ 105 Theobald Chartran Born in France, 1849. Pupil of Cabanel, Grand Prix de Rome, 1877. Medal Universal Exhibition 1889. Crevalier Legion of Honor, 1890. Officer Legion of Honor, 1902. Commander St. Grégoire- le-Grand. JULIETTE (Oval) j & 106 Bartolomeo Schidone Born in Modena about 1570 died there December 27, 1615. Lombard school; said to have been, a pupil of the Carracci, but his style shows careful study of Correggio whose works he imitated, but without servility. Patronized by Duke Ranuccio of Modena for whom he painted some admirable pictures. He was an excellent portrait painter, but his favorite subjects were Madonnas and Holy Families. MADONNA AND CHILD Height, 18% inches; width, 15 inches. From Lord Northwick Collection. 107, 9,99 Pierre Mignard I1610—1605 DUCHESSE DE LONGUEVILLE (Oval) a 108 3 @: Jean Raoux | : 1677-1734 MARQUISE D’ARGENSON Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. 109 i William James Muller (2. CHILDREN IN THE THE WHEAT-FIELD Height, 20 inches; width, 1714 inches. Three little girls are seen in a group near a fence with a big barred gate. The one in the mid- dle, who has a pretty face, wears a red skirt and holds up in her apron field flowers and wheat. The child on the right has a blue skirt, and the third, one of violet color. Shocks of grain appear in the background, and the sky is blue, toned with gray. The little girls are nice types of country children, and the picture is full of rustic simplicity and charm. Height, 20 inches; width, 17% inches. at we Frederic Ede PARIS Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic - Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. THE OLD BRIDGE Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. Pes e 111 John Constable 1776—1837 LANDSCAPE : if a ‘ 112 | IY a William Hogarth 1697—1764 VISCOUNTESS OF TOWNSHEND Collection of Edward Harrison, Esq., of Balls From the Albemarle Collection Height, 36 inches; width, 3@ inches. i i peeled several medals at the Pits Salon.— Member of the Legion of Honor. The French hy Government acquired a number of his works for 4s the Musée du Luxembourg and for other Museums in France. 4 { i THE TWO GLEANERS Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. a 2 ) i - 114 { : on? e Jean Baptiste Greuze 1725—1805 iT YOUNG GIRL *#e40— > Albert D. Gihon Born at Portsmouth, N. H., 1866. Pupil fe Oa Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, of L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and of the Julian Academy, Paris. Won the John Wanamaker Prize for Landscapes at the A. A. A., Paris, 1900. Exhibits in the Salon des Artistes Frangais in Paris since 1900. His work is represented in many of the private Collections in this Country. LANDSCAPE Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. # 116 Alfeed Stannard ENGLAND Norwich school. Exhibited in London between 1826 and 1860 at the Society of British Artists. Signed and dated. “BOUGH APTON” Seat of Lord Viscount Nevill Height, 26 inches; width, 40 inches. Léon Richet = PARIS 1839—1907 * ‘Pupil of Diaz THE POOL “Height, 22 inches; width, 32 inches. Louis Lagrenée ;, 1724—1805_ - A Net os ET ELIZABETH OF RUSSIA wks «EMPRESS Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. * [a 119 | : - Hans Memling BRUGES 1425—1495 MAN PRAYING Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. 50. | Ludolph Backhuysen #7 pt 121 120 1717—1782 MARINE Height, 26 inches; width, 38 inches, Mariano Fortuny SPAIN Born at Reus, Spain, June 11, 1838; died at Rome, November 21, 1874. Pupil of Palan, Claudio Loren- zalez, and the Barcelona Academy, where he won the prize of Rome in 1856. He married the daughter of Federigo de Madrazo, director of the Madrid Museum, and so was the brother-in-law of Raymond de Madrazo. Associated throughout his career with him, Zamacois, and other celebrated painters of the Spanish-Roman and French schools. William H. Stewart, the American Collector, owned many of his principal works, which were sold by the American Art Association, in February, 1898. “The Choice of the Model” brought $42,000. . ROMAN MODEL Height, 22 inches; width, 1534 inches. A vigorous study of the head and torso of an old man with gray beard and long hair. Painted in Fortuny’s characteristically swift and skilful manner. Signed at the left. 122 af. ee Sanchez Coello I515—1590 ‘DUCHESSE MARGUERITE DE PARME Height, 52 inches; width, 88 inches. Robert W. Van Feskerct NA. & FRANCE Graduate of the School of Mines Columbia Uni- versity. Member National Academy of design.— Member of the Society of American Artists. Pupil of A. H. Wyant, N. A. Silver Medal at Pan. Ameri- can Exposition at Buffalo. Silver Medal at St. Louis Exposition. THE RIVER AT PONT DE LARCHE Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. 124 % 0 Hyacinthe Rigaud 1650—1745 LOUIS XIV From the collection of the Marquis de Biencourt, Chateau Azay le Rideau Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches, 6 125 je> ; Albert D. Gihon FRANCE Born at Portsmouth, N. H., 1866. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, i of L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and of the Julian Academy, Paris. Won the John Wanamaker Prize for Landscapes at the A. A. A., Paris, 1900. Exhibits in the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris since 1900. His work is represented in many of the Private Collections in this Country. MONTIGNY Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches. fj nOr 126 Ja | Leon Richet Paris 1839—1907 Pupil of Diaz FISHERMAN ngois, The Younger ft 1570—1652 MARIE DE GONZAGUE ae _ Height, 52 inches: width, 42 inches. Adrien Schutz i _ Paris One of the ablest followers of the Barbizon School re : FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 15 inches; width, 21 inches. Federigo Zucchero ITALY HERNANDO CORTEZ The head is shown in almost full face in an oval painted on the canvas. The ruff around the neck and the other parts of the costume are carefully painted white, the face is strong in expression, and — the whole work is vigorous and able. This is a fine piece of portrait painting and notable for its fine firm modelling. From the collection of Lord St. Leonards, Lord Chancellor of England Height, 2214 inches; width, 1714 inches. 130 Frederic Ede Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. THE STONE BRIDGE Height, 20 inches; width, 29 inches. Vor see } ae a $s Aah Rata 8 ye UN %. + S — brs a o ~ » 133 as Sena ‘tii vor ie George Inness Pes i he New York \¢ ies 1825—1894 it , | ake SUMMER FOLIAGE 1 2 From the Collection of Thomas B. Clarke i Sale Feb., 1899. aA tees 134 Jacob Van Der Lamen 1615—1651 DUTCH SCENE Height, 20 inches; width, 45 inches. 135 Arthur Hoeber New York Pupil of L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris MARINE wide = . Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. 136 fa T. Scherrewitz HOLLAND THE RETURN AT DUSK Height, 16 inches; length, 28 inches. reer =e OF pee Rte flaky . ote - BEATRICE Height, 23 inches; -~ 138 1610—1646 7 139 W. Thornley Paes Born in England, he is one of the width, 18 inches. William Dobson SON OF CHARLES I OF ENGLAND Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches. > = most successful Foreign artists in the French Capital, wasee his — ors is highly appreciated. PONT L’EVEQUE FRANCE Height, 16 inches; width, 21 inches. Narcisse Berchére Paris Received Medals in the Paris Salon Represented in the Musée du Luxembourg SCENE IN CAIRO _ Height, 24 inches; width, 17 inches. ) . 141 Antonio Torrés » Re SPAIN (Studio in Paris) Born in 1874 at Tarragona; he studied in the Art Schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Academy, Paris. WIFE OF THE TOREADOR Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. vi Antoine Vestier a 15 at § ‘i : b 4 Reese ie) pe - 1740—1824 Re ee DE CLITOURP - Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. | F. A. Grison Paris - LA TOILETTE 144 i Y Francois Guardi Pash 1712—1793 VENICE Height, 23 inches; width, 31 inches. 145 C. Detti Paris THE TROUBADOUR Height, 80 inches; width, 40 inches. y? § 146 Professor Karl Herpfer BAVARIA Born at Dinkelsbithl, Bavaria, November 30, 1836. Genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy, under Ramberg, “THE DISCOVERED ENGAGEMENT” Height, 51 inches; width, 36 inches, 147 Frederic Ede Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. LANDSCAPE & RIVER Height, 20 inches; width, 29 inches, 148 a, ‘Cll William Hogarth . ENGLAND Born in London, December 10, 1697 died there October 26, 1764. Son of Richard Hogarth, school- master; apprenticed to Ellis Gamble, Silversmith, to learn to engrave arms and cyphers on plate. When his time had expired (1718) became a student in St. Martin’s Lane Academy, where he learned to draw. About 1720 he set up in business as a silversmith, and began to engrave book-plates, the first of his prints to attract notice being a series of illustrations for Butler’s Hudibras (1726). In 1730 he clandes- tinely married the daughter of Sir Jas. Thornhill, serjeant-painter to the King, whose studio he had frequented. As his book-plates were not profitable he set up as a portrait painter and met with consider- able success. PORTRAIT OF ALEXANDER POPE Height, 28 inches; width, 21 inches, £ 149 a 9 Oo. Julien Dupré . Paris Medals Salon 1880, 1881 Legion of Honor 1892 CATTLE IN PASTURE Height, 40 inches; width, 50 inches, a4? 1s Richard Wilson, R.A. 1714—1782 LAKE IN ITALY Height, 36 inches; width, 44 inches. 151 gate: Charles O. Curran WADING IN THE LILY POND From the Collection of Thomas B. Clarke Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. Sale Feb., 1809 Catalogue No. 214 152 Fs » | 4) Pieter Wouvermans Ae HOLLAND 1632—1682 COUNTRY FAIR 153 Antonio Torrés é / SPAIN (Studio in Paris) Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. Born in 1874 at Tarragona; he studied in the Art Schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Academy, Paris: A BELLE FROM GRANADA 154 i, ) Robert Tourniéres iv 1676—1756 ~MADAME VICTOIRE— DAUGHTER OF LOUIS XV Height, 42 inches; width, 32 inches. 155 [) 2 ; Charles Balay | 3 : Paris ENJOYING HIS PIPE Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. John Hoppner 1759—1810 LADY BERWICK Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. ae 157 4 OF anemia é Paris. Received several medals at the Paris Salon. Member of the Legion of Honor. The French Government acquired a number of his works for the Musée du Luxembourg and for other Museums in France. VINTAGE + Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches. 158 sm 7 ry “ John Constable, R.A. Fo ogy 1776—1837 THE WATER MILL From the collection of Chas. Sedelmeyer Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. Sale Paris, 1907 Catalogue No. 39 159 Govaert Flinck 1615—1660 PORTRAIT OF A MAW Height, 22 inches; width, 20 inches. — eo MS py ek, ow —) RT APNEA REI RET ISR Tie MEMES CTR Seta = = faut we... m +, i“ y Ls — : 4 ; 2 160 j | i a Weiland . a AMSTERDAM (Pupil of Israels) IN HOLLAND Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches. Sir Thomas Lawrence 1 1769—1830 | iam = A i . MRS. MACKWORTH PRAED Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. Rushton Hall Collection, Northamptonshire -Léon Richet Paris 1839—1907 Pupil of Diaz AUTUMN Height, 22 inches; width, 82 inches. " 163 Jan Van Mabuse 1470—I541 THE VIRGIN WITH THE INFANT AND AN ANGEL From the collection of Charles Sedelmeyer Height, 36 inches; width, 23 inches. f 164 " je Louis Tocqué 1696—1772 DUCHESSE DE CHARTRES Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. 165 | ig di Be i w Antonio Torrés ( % SPAIN (Studio in Paris) Born in 1874 at Tarragona; he studied in the Art Schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Aca ‘emy, Paris. ‘ SEVILLA Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. 166 ® = Domenico Zampieri a e (Venetian School) 158I—I641 RENAUD AND ARMIDE Height, 46 inches; width, 50 inches. PS TL Pe error * 167 verre ‘ sve FRENCH SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A COURT LADY Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. cm. 167A Le 0 French School TWO DECORATIVE PANELS SS Pa Third and Last Evening Sale IN THE GRAND BALL ROOM = ', OF THE WALDORF-ASTORIA HOTEL Wednesday, April 14th, 1909 At 8,15 De 168 Rete French School YOUNG GIRL (Pastel) Frederic Ede Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. | 4 ‘ 169 WOODLAND (Water Color) 170 6 ; J) SHEPHERDESS i (Water Color) 171 if i WHITE BIRCH TREES (Water Color) aye 13 92 John Crome Called “Old Crome” born in Norwich, England, December 21, 1769; died there, April 22, 1821. He was originally a coach painter, and entered the domain of the fine arts through the study of nature and pictures of the Dutch School. “Mousehold Heath,’—perhaps the best of his works, is in the National Gallery, London. He founded the Norwich School of Arts in 1805. A LANDSCAPE IN NORFOLK ENGLAND Height, 14% inches; width, 22% inches. A broad road leads into the picture, with steep- roofed cottages on the right. Before the houses are a woman and a child, and there is a group of dead trees on the right. The sky is cloudy, with warm gray and white masses and the general tone of the picture with its browns and yellows, is agree- able and effective. From the Dawson—Turner Col- lection. Engraved. 3 § 173 Paul Veronese ITALY Born in Verona in 1528, died in Venice, April 19, 1588. Venetian School. “TRIUMPH OF VENEZIA” Height, 38 inches; width, 26 inches. 174 ; £ 0 Jean Leprince 1733—1791 PORTRAIT OF GRESSET (French Poet) Height, $2 inches; width, 26 inches. : if 175 F : t e ie W. Thornley Paris Ges 7 Born in England, he is one of the most successful Foreign artists in the French Capital, where his work is highly appreciated. TWO WATER COLORS. CHURCH AT PONT L’EVEQUE FRANCE VILLAGE ROAD . FRENCH DECORATIVE PANEL Height, 40 inches; width, 80 inches. a q Ze: Jagisa Caspar Netscher t ; GERMANY ; Born at Heidelberg in 1639, died at The Hague, oe January 15, 1684. Dutch School. Genre and portrait ; painter, pupil at Arnheim of Koster; then at z- Deventer of Gerard Terburg, who taught him to paint genre pictures. Later he painted portraits in which he excelled. 7 | “PORTRAIT OF C. DE WITT” Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. | ‘“ B. Van Der Helst | HOLLAND - 161I—1670 PORTRAIT OF A PRIEST No. 2574 in the Peoli Collection Height, 2114 inches; width, 18% inches. f0> 179 ed Albert DB. Gina Born at Portsmouth, N. H., 1866. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, of L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and of the Julian Academy, Pants; Won the John Wanamaker Prize for landscapes at the A. A. A., Paris, 1900. Exhibits in the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris since 1900. His work represented in many of the Private Collections in this Country. FOREST AT MARLOTTE FRANCE Height, 29 inches; width, 86 inches. + ny ay Hea Baptiste Santerre ‘, ah Pigs 5 ; fie COMTESSE DE FLAVACOURT ee Rn: tr . Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. .. 181 | i L. Rossi SWISS BEAUTY * ie a ries SUNS ato i Peter Van Lint FLEMISH Born in Antwerp, baptized June 28, 1609, died there and buried September 25, 1690. Flemish School; history, genre, and portrait painter; master of the Antwerp Guild in 1632. Then went to Rome to complete his studies, and painted the Chapel S. Croce in S. Maria del Popolo and three alter pieces for Ostia. In 1644 he returned to Antwerp, and in 1662 became court painter to Chris- tian IV of Denmark, without however leaving. Antwerp. PORTRAITS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ANTWERP GUILD, &C. Height, 72 inches; width, 96 inches. Signed and dated # Mas 183 | (> , Frederic Ede Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. THE WOODEN BRIDGE Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches, Thomas Gainsborough Tae, pre tr nM 1727—1788 LANDSCAPE peotiectian Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris Height, 16 inches; width, 14 inches. 185 Hi 0. | French School i PORTRAIT OF A COURT LADY a | Height, 43 inches; width, 35 inches. sas ae: 186 as 4 ae ; Henri Harpignies tf . FRANCE | | Born at Valencienne in 1819. Medal at the Paris Salon, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1878. pet of Honor 1875 Officer, 1883. Height, 15 nea width, 19 inches, LANDSCAPE 0 187 John Constable, R.A. | ENGLAND Born at East Bergholt, Suffolk, England, June 11, 1776; died in London, March 30, 1837. Pupil of the Royal Academy and afterward of Joseph Farrington and R. R. Reinagle. He at first painted portraits and historical subjects, but took up land- scape and exhibited his first picture in 1802. He was not elected a royal academician until 1829, and his work was not appreciated or liked in his native country during his life time. In France he was recognized as a man of talent and new ideas, and French painters thought highly of his work. He is now generally considered one of the great English painters, and his pictures are in many Continental museums. Two are in the Louvre, and there are examples of his work in the Metropolitan Museum, New York.. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST This picture is known as “The Handsome Miller” and shows the figure in three-quarters length seated in an arm chair. The head is turned full to the spectator and shows a manly, frank face. A table behind the chair has two books on it, and in one hand the artist holds a small leather covered volume. He is dressed in a dark blue coat and wears a white stock. An open window gives a view of a landscape in the distance. Head, figure, hands, and all the accessories are admirably painted. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. ria 2 pS gee cle Seale a 188 rh : M. Merritt Post _ | 0 | iy New York oa ; BREEZY DAY : ; ss _ From the Collection of Thomas B. Clarke ; Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. a5 \Salé Feb., 1899 Catalogue No. 98 189 ip Canaletto. (Antonio Canale) VENICE VENETIAN SCENE From the collection of J. Travers Smith of London, England Height, 16% inches; width, 25 inches. 190 ae Ferdinand Roybet PARIS Received all the honors of the Salon, including the Grand Medal in 1893; officer of the Legion of Honor THE SERENADE Height, 21 inches; width, 14 inches. g » 8 191 _-—--“ Frederic Ede , Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bouguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. THE LONELY FARM Height, 22 inches; width, 29 inches. 192 go: Louis Tocqué 1696—1772 MADAME DE FUREMON Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. a Ro : 193 : f, A Eugene Isabey Paris Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey. Medals Paris Salon, 1824, 1827, 1855. Legion of Honor 1832. Officer, 1852. 1804—1886 MARINE Height, 8 inches; width, 13 inches. 194 | ee: | . 0 ’ Benjamin West, P.R.A. 4 : Unrtep STATES ; 1738—1820 RETURNS FROM THE PROMISED LAND Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches. One of the best examples of this artist, in his cold, conventional, but correct manner. Benjamin West was one of the three Americans who first received the honors of membership of the Royal Academy, of which West, although inferior to Copley and Leslie, was for a time President. # a 3 yoo 195 | Hyacinthe Rigaud 1650—1734 LA DUCHESSE DE LESDIGUIBRES Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. by " f : 196 Frederic Ede Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. Pupil of Robert Fleury and Bourguerau. Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent, whose works are becoming more popular every year. RIVER SCENE Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches. 4 O- 197 Michael Wohlgemuth GERMANY Born in Nuremberg in 1434, died there November 30, 1519. German school; history and portrait pain- ter. After receiving instruction in art, probably from his father, he, like other apprentices, spent three years in wandering about Germany and the Netherlands, and then settled at Nuremberg where he first appears as a citizen in 1474. He opened a large studio or rather workshop in which he and his numerous apprentices painted religious pictures to order; and made designs for such wood-cuts as those which fill the pages of the famous” Chronicle of Nuremberg.” His best pictures show considezable dramatic feeling, and are painted in clear, strong color. “THE CHRIST AND ST VERONICA.” Height, 32 inches; width, 2834 inches. 198 0 g ly Antonio Torrés Paris (Talented Spanish artist who has met with great success ) A SPANISH BLONDE Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. fi 199 ub bs Andrea Da Salerno ITALY Born at Salerno about 1480, died in Naples (?) about 1545. Neapolitan school; real name Andrea Sabbatini. Started for Perugia to study the works of Perugino, but attracted by the fame of Raffaelle became his assistant, and finally settled in Naples, where he painted many pictures. | MADONNA ENTHRONED Height, 4814 inches; width, 4814 inches. 200 T. Weiland HoLLAND DUTCH INTERIOR Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches. eo 8 Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A. ENGLAND Born at Plympton, Devonshire, England, July 16, 1723; died in London, February 23, 1792. He went to London in 1741 as a pupil of Thomas Hudson, in about two years returned to Plympton and painted portraits at low prices. In 1746 he again went to London and began to practice his profession there. In 1749 he accompanied Commodore Keppel, after- ward Lord Keppel, on a trip to the Mediterranean, and while in Rome, making studies in the Sistine Chapel, caught a cold, which brought on permanent deafness. After two years in Rome and sojourns in other Italian cities, he settled down in London in 1753. In 1768 he was chosen first president of the Royal Academy and was knighted by George III. He exhibited 245 works in the Academy, his con- tributions averaging eleven a year. He died un- married, and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. He is generally conceded to be the greatest of England’s portrait painters.. The National Gallery contains some of the best works, but there are others in public museums and private collections. Siru Joshua painted all the great men of his day and many beautiful women. The list of his portraits is a long catalogue of notables. PORTRAIT OF DR. SAMUEL ARNOLD MUSICAL COMPOSER The head, slightly bent forward, is seen in profile over the sitter’s shoulder. A white peruke and a gray coat make up the costume. In the background there is a pillar on the left and a sky with dark clouds. The face shows strong character, and the painting shows solidity and able modelling. Height, 29 inches; width, 241% inches. John Hoppner — . 2 e ese _ CATHERINE, COUNTESS OF HAMPDEN SS bed ‘ i n < Py, $ ae McLean Collection Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches. fu. Sy ee Die a ST APR en } ’ aa hip ag he y ' 1| ae 205 . } E 3 a2 Albert D. Gikon YY Spey 3 a yee Born at Portsmouth, N. H., 1866, ° ; Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, - . Philadelphia, of L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris and a of the Julian Academy, Paris. * ie. : Won the John Wanamaker Prize for landscapes NaS at the A. A. A., Paris, 1900, Exhibits in the Salon . i des Artistes Francais in Paris since 1900. . ' His work is represented in many of the Private . , Collections in this Country. is . io j I AUTUMN } | Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. } a ie 250° i § 204 George Harlow, R.A. rh +} 1787—1819 MARGARET BRYANT ee wt he S - Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches. < we : Theobald Chartran Born in France, 1849. Pupil of Cabanel. Grand Prix de Rome, 1877. Medal Universal Exhibition 1889. Chevalier Legion of Honor 1890. Officer Legion of Honor 1902. Commander St. Grégoire-le- Grand. IDEAL HEAD (Oval) ees te ee Oe aa " #) é OD» . 206 : Ab : e J. Fernandez Ribera | Manprip 1779—1860 : THE ANATOMIST Albermarle Collection Height, 54 inches; width, 40 inches. J. B. Jongkind Paris — 1819—1891 Born at Latrop, Holland he went to France while very young, and settled in Paris i ps Pupil of M. E. Isabey. & Medal Paris Salon 1890. | | | i From the Collection Polto-Riche Sale, Paris, 1800 a VESSELS ENTERING THE SCHELDT B eae Height, 22% inches; width, 3114 inches, 208 is Gerrit Lundens HoLLaNpD Dutch school. Flourished about 1652-73. Genre Be ie = ‘ painter in the manner of Metzu. DUTCH INTERIOR Height, 221%4 inches; width, 28 inches, is Wea 3h? ft ; a ay? 209 j Frederick Watts ENGLAND Brother-in-law and pupil of Constable. Exhibited at the Royal Academy between 1821 and 1862. LANDSCAPE IN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND Height, 201% inches; length, 27 inches. The scene shows a hayfield with men and carts at work and an enormous hay stack. A cottage is seen embowered in the trees on the right, and a woman in a red cloak in the foreground is going toward the house. In the distance is a village with a church tower. The sky is full of white clouds with a bit of blue near the top of the canvas. The general aspect of the picture is light and the color is fresh and agreeable in tone. The work shows great truth of observation and is a picturesque scene of country life. é atid # 210 Francois Drouais 1727—1775 MADEMOISELLE DE BRIONNE Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches, 7411 g pd Aimé Perret Parris Received several medals at the Paris Salon. Member of the Legion of Honor. The French Government acquired a number of his works for the Musée du Luxembourg and for other Museums in France. THE FLOWER GARDEN Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. 212 5 Guido Reni @ ITALY Born in Bologna, November 4, 1575; died there, August 18, 1642. Bolognese school. Son of Daniele Reni, a musician; pupil of Denis Calvart, afterward of the Carracci. For a time he was the favorite pupil of Lodovico, but he soon aroused so much jealousy that he was dismissed from the academy, After painting several years in Bologna, where his pictures excited much admiration, he went to Rome about 1608, with his fellow pupil Francesco Albani, and notwithstanding the oppostion of Carravaggio, and of Annibale Garracci, then at work in the palazzo Farnese, he soon won an honorable position. CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN From the collection of The Honorable Percy Wyndham Height, 29%4 inches; width, 28 inches, *, # =i ve at ee eee a ) nO Raimundo De Madrazo HEAD OF A WOMAN s 1769—1830 MISS COATES ‘Se #1 214 Thomas Barker (Barter of Bath) 1769-1847 MOONLIGHT Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. _ 215 SPAIN Contemporary Height, 16 inches; width, 18 inches, ee J..G. Chris. Francke oc 421/2 inches; width, 341/2 inches. ae | ; FREDERICK THE GREAT Height, 10% inches; width, 11% inches. Pr From the Crisp Collection b 217 Fee Arthur Hoeber New York Pupil of L’Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris LANDSCAPE Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. 218 4} i pe Antonio Torrés SPAIN Born in 1874 at Tarragona; he studied in the Art Schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Academy, Paris. (Studio in Paris.) CARMEN Height, 86 inches; width, 29 inches. ~~ ont . oe ea ee ede eee > ee be re | ck a) eis ens AN t t t hy i sink ie r! teu a q hee HERA Was oe a, 249: Sir Martin Shee, P.R.A. _ 1769-1850 LADY WHITMORE Height, 34 inches; width, 26 inches. 4 pe 390 : 220 Robert W. Van Boskerck, N.A. Graduate of the School of Mines, Columbia University. Member National Academy of Design, Member of the Society of American Artists. Pupil of A. H. Wyant, N. A. Silver medal at Pan-American Exposition at Buf- Silver medal at St. Louis Exposition. THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 24 inches; width, 32 inches. © 3 221 ag? $3 Franz Pourbus 1570-1622 | ELEONORA DI MEDICI Height, 46 inches; width, 87 inches. Collection Francis Palmer Adrien Schulz One of the ablest followers of the Barbizon School. Paris POOL IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAl Height, 29 inches; width, v4 inches. 223 i) Frederic W. Watts (Brother-in-law of John Constable. ) Lonpon 1800-1862 LANDSCAPE IN SUFFOLK Height, 16% inches; width, 24 inches. 9 fa 224 ka Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel PARIS TESTING THE SWORD. ‘ee i 225 he Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, R.A. ENGLAND Born in London, March 7, 1802, died there Octo- berets. 1873: PORTRAIT OF ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF WELLINGTON. Height, 51 inches; width, 35 inches. Painted by Sir E. Landseer as a study for his famous picture “Wellington revisiting the plains of Waterloo.” Her portrait appears in Findon’s “Fe- male Aristocracy.” At the time when the picture was painted, the subject of it was Lady Elizabeth Hay, and her father the eighth Marquis of Tweed- dale, was a friend of the then Marquess of Douro in 1849, but he died in 1884 having succeeded to the title in 1852. Elizabeth, Duchess of Wellington, was in her eighty-fifth year at the time of her death. From 1843 to 1858 she was Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria, and from 1861 to 1868, and again, from 1874 to 1880, Mistress of the Robes to her late Majesty. a 226 “i fpr Antoine Vestier 1740-1824 MADAME CROMOT de FUGY Oval. Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches. 227 2, a Geo. H. Bogert g New York e VENICE” Height, 36 inches; width, 56 inches. Carle Van Loo 228 rb 1705-1765 MADAME DE BRANCAS Height, 44 inches; width, 34 inches. 229 Qe? Aimé Perret PARIS Received Medals of the Paris Salon Hors Concours Member of the Legion of Honor; Represented in the Musée du Luxembourg PEASANTS AT HOME Height, 29 inches; width, 24 imches. 1s 230: William James Miller ENGLAND Born at Bristol, England, June 28, 1812; died there September 8, 1845. Son of a German clergyman who was Curator of the Bristol Museum, and pupil of the landscape painter J. B. Pyne. Exhibited “De- struction of Old London Bridge” at the Royal Acad- emy in 1833. Visited Germany, Italy, Greece, and Egypt, 1834-1838, and accompanied the Expedition of Sir Charles Fellowes to Lycia, bringing back many studies of Oriental scenes and types. Two of his pictures are in the National Gallery, London. ARABS RESTING On a rug spread. on the sand some Arabs are resting in a desolate country with ruins in the dis- tance and a camel near by. The place is bare and rocky, with high hills on the left, and the sky of deep blue is broken with clouds. | 5 inches; whan) 28 aad qi (252 2 | French School ~ Louis xv Pci of a Court Lady Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. dhs : | (253 ji Me, French School 1 | i Decorative Panels te Height, 39 inches; width, 58 inches, | f] Z Tree WS bee ee ; 4 3 SAS Va RULES SONGS Vat SEN RNS ARE TURAL Y