a Oy See oe ee ee or re er re tee Te hee ara ewer er er tit nthe 1 meet fe Leet Oe er oer etnt Seren) oe tre PICTURES OF THE OLD MASTERS, PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON, &c. OF A COLLECTION OF PICTURES, : OF THE Malian, Butch, French & English Schools, PART OF WHICH ARE JUST IMPORTED FROM THE CONTINENT; INCLUDING : Specimens of the following highly Esteemed Masters : MURILLO . P. WOUVERMANS MILLE _ PARMEGIANO J. WOUVERMANS GREUZE « BASSANO VANDERNEER CLAUDE ECKHOUT BREUGHEL WATTEAU NEEFS | K. DU JARDIN VERNET?T ALBANO STORCK DAVID POUSSIN | CUYP LEFEVRE MILLE WEENIX GERARD MILBOURNE 0’CONNOR ESPECIALLY THE CELEBRATED PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE, BY DAVID AND LEFEVRE; A Girl’s Head, GREuZE; An Historical, by RIGAUD; a Landscape, CLAUDE; THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE, PARMEGIANO; An Historical, Eckhout ; a Landscape, J. Wouvermans; and Halt of Travellers, P. Wouvermans ; A SMALL LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE, A. CUYP, &c, &c. CUirich will be Sold by Auction, BY Messrs. &. FOSTER and Son At the Gallery, 54, PALL MALL, On MONDAY, the 25th of MAY, 1835, at Twelve oClock. 7 be Viewed till the Sale, and Catalogues had at Messrs. FOSTER’s Offices, No. 54, . Pall Mall, and 14, Greek Street, Soho Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE. cial gncinycr geinalaapapeapaaaqeanaeaatonbeaieb ation Efrat oe -THE highest bidder torbe the AD UVerS and if aug iweoetednes Ty mofe bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up lagain and Less } Second No person to advance less than 1s.—above five pounds Shr nee so on in pro- s ia et 2% ne oy ew >t Bscthinies ie Nba? ~ Lee ww e 8 : due i" ty s a BK te f , Be ¥ ¢ Third -- The at fhisasen to give in there names and places of abode, and to. “pay + AG. RW. per cent. if required, in part of payment of the purchase-money. Fourth . The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all.faults and errors ‘et WikFiption, at the purchaser’s expence, within one‘day after the males RitA GH S ALTIMA as - - Fifth ~~ 4s this auction is made on Cbd soit of prompt oben pas revoniretat, the . ~ nugahase money to be aleeurey nee on or urfere the delivery. is bit : : : he SEE PT Sixth ~- Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the een poaanyneeee in part of payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private dale)’ without further notice, and the defi- — ciency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter or defaulters at this sale. : JCP AGE OE § Seventh - But should ve ace or. han sebinie their lot or,lots, and by any neglect or evasion omit paying for the same, such purchaser.or purchasers shall pay five : per cent. ititerest:on the amount of the said purchase, \frem the day of\sale-untih |. the amount of the said Dill shall be discharged, and also waREHOUSE CHARGES OF ONE SHILLING PER WEEK for the occupation of every such lot as may not be cleared! within: the\time dforesaid, arithat may remain juusold. } Lastly - -EVery attention will be given. ‘to property entrusted for Sale, but if Any lots: et ab % D Garcinaieunsold ar uneleared:more than one: ey afterseach sale, Messrs. Foster .. will Lot be respon them abr in any ease rt one WF corde nh ope ell oh 76 a Pe NE he i lo. diao cdi VY AGM Gere , > a i A 8 i Ok eee fee mF 2 a mee Tor a Pas A CATALOGUE, &e. oe MONDAY. the 25th day of MAY, 1835, Modern Guido 3 A ae ee 5 6 y | A, Durerveceerss 8 N. Berchem see... 9 Breemberg ...... 10 Vandyke .....0- V1 Lingleback ... «1 12 DORIAUS: wclawce sees 13 Van Goyen ....6: 14 Mortimer ....... dd UMOUETR csc vcs 16 Naysmith ....+.+++ 17 Hogarth ...... 0 18 Old Franks ...... 19 Raphael 4.2... 20 | 21 Hobbima ........ 22 23 Pas 66s consanies Vandyck ..so+.. 20 Dubuf. .c -ssine' 526 AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. Eighteen china plates and 3 large dishes to match Two bronze busts of Sully and Henry LV. of France, with glass shades A cabinet for coins and stand _ Landscape Venus and Adonis Head of a Saint | The Beautiful Gate of the Temple, from Raffaelle’s Cartoon The Repose in Egypt Landscape and Figures A Landscape with Ruins Interview of the Family of Charles, Bishop Claxon and ‘Cromwell A Dutch Scene Buildings and Figures luandscape and Figures A. small drawing An Indian ink ditto, View in Italy A Landscape The Widow’s Visit to Hudibras (etched by himself ) Joseph interpreting Pharoah’s Dream Head of Himself John the Baptist Preaching A Landscape and Figures A Cobbler ‘Landscape and Stag ‘Hunt A whole length Portrait of Charles I. A pair, Le Souvenir et: Le Regret Craasbeck ee Ceeees 27 Bassan ...¢eccees 28 29 De Wilde .....- es A MRI oe aa niexice ce Snyders ..cesceeee 32 Wynants ....000- 33 Sir G. Kneller.... 34 Fitkins o.22. sees OD DOTTO 8k onan coke a0 A. de Gelder .... 37 E. Vanderneer.... 38 Glauber & Lairesse 39 Bonington ...... 42 Elsheimer.sevse.2 48 Guido ‘.ccceccess AD A. V. de Velde.... 46 Raffaelle seccvece 47 Northcote eo.sesee 49 Panini @eaeoeoeee2e 51 Lancret eceos veces PHD | G. Morland ...... 58 Velasquez.....«.. 54 Barlow «.sceesees 55 Sir J. Reynolds .. 56 Brecklincamp .... 57 D Este ..... 08 e168 Elsheimerssecee est 09- F. Danby... pecoeee 60 a doe. op The Miser, a beautiful picture of this scarce master Landscape and Cattle, a gallery picture Ducks A Bacchante A Theatrical Character A Boar Hunt ; a gallery picture Landscape and Figures ) A whole length Portrait of George I. A Hunting Piece Ditto | Lamentation of David A Lady, with Parrot, &c. 0 A pair of highly finished andscapes, the F light into Kegypt, and Christ in the Garden A pair, Views in Amsterdam and Delft A gallery picture of Beasts and Birds A Scene on the French Coast, with numerous ied oe The Repose in Egypt Portrait of a Female Artist Sty Peter and St. Paul—after tay" A Landscape, Cattle and Figures ; highly 6 finished The Virgin and Child, with Angel | Dutch Gamesters Death of Dido, after Reynolds ‘ : A spirited Battle Piece, representing La Haye Sainte or Hogoumont | Ruins and Figures A Musical Party, with Landséape The Alehouse Door aa arate Peasants travelling’ with their Dads and ' Mules by Moonlight := Pheasants ‘in a Landscape ar nstiGdoNs A Girl and Dog—after | Interior of an Outhouse and oe woe TE View of the Pont d’Ore eee Anyhan Deathi of the Virgin, attended by Saints ids A Landscape and Figures 9) The following Forty-three Pictures are just Imported from Valentino ...e.+++ 60 PEGI AE v0.0, cumeis v.00. Ol CET ics es en ae 90,02 AROTCE 5 om men aos 63 Marinari ........ 64 De Heem weccesee 05 Van Balen........ 66 PR GMERE 50 onwnnw'iOl, ERE fe. a ds oe o, 8 PF DIONE sista w Sie 40,4 ¢,, 09 Pillement ....s0++ 70 Guercino .s.se00. 71 Solomon Ruysdael 72 MRGISs ows od materi ty L4Ea PGPRCE WE as ci tasin cots LA Bout and Bodwyns 75 Solomene ..+.:,.. 76 ASSELYR oc cece vane 77 Fragonard ...... 78 Petit $eo4#383 07> 889% @ 79 OO IIE 80 EOI eens ohn PICRGONE Ls o's 5 e's sant Peel 2708 a8 SS Romanelli AS oatatt oe the Continent. Lady and Gentleman playing at Tric Trac _ Going out to the Chase ; an agreeable composition Ditto, the Return Pastoral Scene; very clever Magdalen; fine expression Still Life; clever Small Holy Family, in a Landscape; on copper Two Figures dancing Woody Landscape and Figures; good effect St. John in a Landscape Cabinet Italian Landscape and Figures, with Bridge and Waterfall; an agreeable picture Angel Gabriel; painted in the style of Guido Cabinet Woody Landscape and Figures View in Holland and Buildings; elaborately finished Marine, Storm, Figures drawing up a Wreck; aclever specimen Cabinet Landscape and Figures Historical, fine composition and well painted, (on copper) Upright Landscape, Figures and Architectural Ruins, warm effect Pastoral Concert in a Garden; rich in colour and touched with great freedom of hand, and nearly equal to Watieau Landscape, Cattle and Figures; a pleasing picture Ditto; companion Marine View with Ships, Boats and Figures; a good specimen | Holy Family and St. Joseph ; highly speculative Cabinet Landscape, Cow and Sheep Classical Landscape and Figures ; a charming compo- sition and highly finished Adoration of the Shepherds; a fine composition of fourteen Figures, brilliantly coloured — Bias) i — > . Peter Neefs ...%. ~'P. Wowloermans « Karel du Jardin... Velvet Breughel nen é Ditto Parrocet 22. e233 32 A. Cuyp 92 eeeee 93 Porky: od cis G. Poussin . Patel fea sae 94 . 9 “Vondertéer ....\.. 96 ah) C1311) ey BNO oa ween 98 99 J. B. Greuze .... 100 D. Teniers .....10! Watteau ....4...102 Artois ees c ede tOee 86, 6 The Flight into Egypt, in a Landscape; spéeulative Small Marine Landscape and numerous Figures; a fine specimen ae “DIES ; ebinparitor;: qtililly od6d ‘Military halting at’ théif Tents; a fine comp, full of subject: Landscape with Cows tirid River ; a capital piettire A classical Landscape; to the right three Figtires, to the left Stepherd driving Sheep; a: fhe oe in its géhuine State Mountaindis Snow Piéée and Figures: Classical iuatidscape aid Figures ; to the right WieliPor a Motititainous Cotintry, to the left Danes Bee: 5 cOmpanidnh t6 lot OF Landscape, Fiourés ard Buildings; in the ale * Claude, to Whom it Has beeh attributed 9 Tnterioy of 4 Cat hedral, with many Figurés}' a fine composition, the figtives well grouped esa A River Scené, Moonlight, to the right a Village, ‘to the left a Cart at the door of a Cabaret ; hogtram On the front of the picture” | The “‘Meanditant : painted with that : pecwliay ‘skill which charachtit¥is the works of this master; a speculative picture Ditto, companion ; equally fine Cavalier’ halting at a Farrier’s Shop, a View > tf a distant Cua nltPy and Figures—the three Fowls feeding are inimitably painted ; position ‘and full ‘of harmony A young Female ‘caressing her favorite Dog ; ei Fe. tiiale Héad is Graceful and expressive, ‘ahd ‘the whole picture'fs oft of great merit ‘Cabinet Landsciipe and Figures | pe , The Féteof ‘St. John | sce: A grand “Liatdscape, with ‘Groups ‘of ‘pipall by “Gonitittes and Vander Meer the mo- ana greeable : com- Pynaker coon eee lO K. du Jardin ....104 Spagnoletti P. Wouvermans.. .106 Van Huysum ....107 Blankof.. ++ .0.2..108 P. Wouvermans ..109 Guido ete ee LLG Guiliani .....-...LI1 WEIGAUID ec ccucsckls Davivo& LEFEVRE 113 Jan Wouvermans..114 Wynants .... vee ID Eckhout.s......116 PP MUCTE TE Sct aes 8s 5 117 Fielding ..s0++..18 BUG oy ae hn sos 119 Backhuysen .. +120 Parmegiano. ..... 121 Milbourne........ 122 F, Mola. .vieee oes 23 Per PINO 2.6. + 0s 124 Ostade ... . 125 B, Van Orlay Sel PESUDE os.n00 Sed lr JANSEN vevccr ee eo l28. Wouvermaas.....+129 TANSENS y+. 0,0 9,+,9,¢,+ +130 WerENIXx eee 131 G. Morland ,...++ “132 Bassin. nad bs "3 Sea View by Moonlight ‘Travellers rablining’ themselves St. Andrew A Landscape with ‘Travellers halting Skirmish of Cavalry, a capital specimen Vessels in a stiff breeze Watering Horses Head of an Old Man Danaé The Return of Constance to Rome to implore the forgiveness of her Father—from “ The Man of Lawes Tate.” Chaucer.. Portrait or NapoLton BuoNAPARTE CorRoNnaATION Ropes | A Landscape and Figures, with Cattle passing over i Bridge, and Travellers halting at a Cabaret, AN EXCELLENT SPECIMEN Landscape and Cattle, with View of a Farm House The.Continence of Scipio IN HIS “Scriptural subject, on copper Landscape and Figures A classical Landscape and Figures A Sea Piece, ‘highly finished The Marriage of St. Catherine A Landscape, Cattle and Wigures, a highly finished picture, and excellent composition ‘Landscape with Baealianglians Niobe Dutch Boors Virgin and Child A argh in the Campagna, with Figures by Jan Miel Cattle ina Landscape An effective Landscape, Moonlight Cattle in a Landscape Sportsmen, Dogs and Dead Game Sportsmen i in’a cae a ate Spring 1% Bassan ..ooee--..1384 Autumn 135 Portraits of three Bull Dogs meat ah SR Rubens ..0+..2,.++136 Mercury and Battus—school of tahiiiad Snyders ...00¢-.2137. Larder, with Game and Swan me 138 .Two—Virgin and Child, and Meleagar and Atalanta Parrocel .s...0..139 Camp Scene Volant BROLIN wick oon ss -+140 Storm at Sea nerve Vander Bosch ....141 Interior, a Masquerade rt G. Morland ......142 Pigs - Serra oe Bronzino .... ...143 Portrait o ie. : 3 «x 144 Pair of Landscapes Scale , 145 View of Halifax; taken from St. George’s Island Hobbima .,......146 Landscape and Figures L. Giordano ......147 The Rape of Helen O’Connor .+.¢-+..148 Landscape ot Modern..+...++..149 British Scenery a O’Connor ........150 Landscape; companion to lot 148 Wran.d NOTICE OF SALES AT THE GALLERY. On Salurday next, abet eke 30th of May, A Coxuection of ITALIAN and DUTCH PICTURES, susr Imvontep, the Property of A HIGH FUNCTIONARY OF A FOREIGN COURT. On Saturday, ‘the 6th of June, A COLLECTION chiefly of the ITALIAN SCHOOL, the Property ot a GENTLEMAN, who during a long residence abroad had unusual oppor tunities of selecting them. On Saturday, the Ath of July, The small Collection of chiefly ITALIAN PICTURES, late the Property of THE RIGHT HON. EARL NELSON, DECEASED, ~ Removed from the Mansion, TrarauGar, WILTs. On the same Day, | THE CABINET OF ITALIAN AND DUTCH PICTURES, of the VERY HIGHEST QUALITY OF ART, The Property of a GENTLEMAN, whose name will appear in the Catalogue. ae oy ng ¥, + a ee af ; A yee, | ; ts 7% - 5 ‘egies nt 1 Fo ir 5 BS 7 “t 1835 May 25 LoFo c.1 E. Foster/Pictures of the Italian P1874 TULA 3 3125 01188 1544 “ ae,