Raa Se Hye eee pera er eee $52 SSSS 821 pn ee eee SOLS lamer O68 th i ate a ae ee a we cL. ee a AA . LIBRARY a O. M. Knoedler & Cop 328 | 14 East 57th St. § New York §& N ACC. Clad Att we ra - eee 2 “ A - naapon cna Senor eeemagi eect POLED a — PAGODA 6 al HM hip My. Richard Butler's Collection of Paintings. LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK MODERN PAINTINGS MR. RICHARD BUTLER = alts FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, near 34th STREET. FREE EXHIBITION, DAY »° EVENING CATALOGUE PRIVATE COLLECTION MODERN PAINTINGS MR. RICHARD BUTLER OF THIS CITY, WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, MARCH _ 20TH.AND 21ST, AT 8 O'CLOCK. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER. BY ORTGIES & CO., 18go. aa el OF ELS, j plied Ee ABBEY, 7, 107. , FOSTER; 44. MORAN,,20. , AMBERG, 57. , FARRELL, 86. * MURPHY) 465 AUBERT, 83. FITCH, 100. _ MUELER, 74° | x FULLER; 149. _McENTEE, 128.' ; BUTLER, It, 141 : MOELLER, 139; ( BLAKELOCK, 17, 56, ros, GIFFORD, Ts; 8, 14,19, 26, ve 112. 38, 45,°52, 61,:76, 78; NICHOLS, Bon Pevaa Nees 2 BROWN, Ju G45. a Pe, 90, 95, 97, 106,115; ei ; BOSCH} 54. 123,/127,.136, 148. PLUMB, 110. BRISTOL, 66,.72, 146. GRANT; ) oN.cx, -decedsed- 7 -e-. -New York OLD TANNERY—KAUTERSKILL CLOVE, 2-DeckersCoSepi)! sees en esses eee New York STILINL IRE 10 x 12 3 Darley (F. O.C.), N. A., deceased .......New York SSAA VION SITS ’ Drawing. 13 X11 Se 3 ee eS ee eS eee ST « $253k inka a a Sacha 4 Homer (Winslow), N. A....:.2..... ... New York THE FISHERMEN. . Black and White. Re Pall Geo. Hie Aree shai tece Sac hel eS New York CHERRIES. 12X10 Oulnmans (ees ence ea ee. shee .-New York FLOWERS ON A CROSS. 10 X 14 Fx pDey Ca WwAM As) eo. ois maces ae oir) New York IDLERS IN HOLLAND, Water Color. 8x12 9 SaGiltord= (saa) IN. Avedeceased ican. New York HUDSON RIVER HIGHLANDS. 10 x6 G Wiggins (Carlerom)\uy esr. ar nae ie: New York TOM David (Ge \pcleceased ny. nan site eee Paris Cl IB ANCIE Water Color. “WAR.” Water Color. IZX9Q mi Butler (G. Ba) Nak weak 6 cae ise lecasmers wee New York BUNCH OF GRAPES. 14X17 C6 SE SE SS a ey me a ol aetna 12 Decker (Joseph) Soe acy ae Lees meg ae a Oke New York A CORNER IN DATES. 10 x 8 4 Bee TOW D5 eee foe ee ae ee ee MOONLIGHT. Water Color. 16 x 10 14 Gifford (S. R.), N. A., deceased...,..... New York ROAD SCENE—KAUTERSKILL,. 8igx7 15 Heimerdingen (F.), deceased...... ... Hamburg Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy. Born 1817; Died 1883. SOD YOL LiIGCL?. 9X7 II .....New York 16 Innes (George), N. A..... SOLITUDE—EVENING. 10 X 34 +7 Blakelock.( Ade 5 ee New York FOREST IN AUTUMN. 20 X 12 .. New York eoeeeoee 26 Tait (A_- 1 News. eine POINTER AND QUAIL. 10 X13 New York eee ee ee co 19 Gifford (S. R.), N. A., deceased GLOUCESTER BEACH, MASS. 18 X7 gee ese ae New York 20 Moran (Thomas), N. A A GRAY DAY. 14 X12 ee he soe teem a te a aA A 21 Durrie (G. a; deceased’. 2 Sess Hartford WINTER SUNSET. 18 x 12 22 Rawstone (E.), deceased....-....--.-. New PALISADES—HUDSON RIVER. an Wentraven. (Bs )g ses ese ee aps eee New THE GLOW OF SUNSET. 24 Ruggles (E.), deceased........-..---. New VENICE. 13x 8 2paC an pea leyelly sie. ca Gila et agetons eevee .. New AN ANTIQUARIAN. 20 X 24 York York York York 13 26, Gifford .(S. R.), N. A., deceased ...,.... New \ LONG ISLAND COAST. I5X7 27 ohattuck (ACD: \ ON. Ana os oo eee New WOOD NYMPH. MANCHESTER BEACH, N. H. 18 x9 ag: Tait.. Sts Ciass® te "HUNTINGTON RIVER, VT. 10 x 16 62 Smith (Henry P.)..... oR tan Gn shee eae New York AN AUTUMN AFTERNOON. 63 Glide (Hans F.) .......-.-- 20 eee eee teens Berlin Pupil of A. Achenback. Professor at Berlin Academy. Medals, 1855, ’61, '67. Great Gold Medal, Berlin, 1852, ’60. Weimar, 1861. Member of the Amsierdam, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Berlin and Vienna Academies. oj 3: tied.) Gadarea ree ner J ‘NORWEGIAN LANDSCAPE. 21 64-Conrad. (Albert). Gis a J ..znarsBerlity Pupil of Knaus: FRA ANGELICO—PAINTING IN THE CONVENT. 30 X 29 65 Col (David isos tac. capi Poe Antwerp Pupil of Antwerp Academy. Member of the Order of Leopold, 1875. 66 Hunt (W. M.), deceased ..... Te ee a Boston HARVEST-TIME, NEW ENGLAND. pea 18x 12 67 De Haas (Wm. F.), deceased...... ...New York Pupil of Rotterdam Academy. Ey ye ok ie Born 1830... Died: —+..f i 5) 9220 9S GALE ON THE COAST. 35.X 23 BIE RS BESS 6S Re ee ee be See Sette oe OO Oe a oe & Oe 6 a ole ce pe eer a @ 68 Greatorex (E.). . ; as eve bede New York DECEMBER ROSES. 14 X 16 bg: Bristol ([at oN a So ON Oe New York ST..FOHN’S RIVER, FLA. 39°X 248 7o Chase (William M.)................. .. New York THE COAST OF HOLLAND. 8x 12 71 Wyant (A. H.), N. A Feet canines aioe New York ADIRONDACK WOODS. | 33 X 42 S 72 Bristol (J. B.),-N. A... ee, tat Pata eae See New York BERKSHIRE HILLS 42 X 23 75 cerry der (WATERS) ce-05 hierar sine oeeapemcenieier Paris Pupil of Laville. Medals, 1867, ’84. A QUIET oor 47 X 34 74 Muller (Ghatles dt \o35 ee ee Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medals 1838, 46, ’48, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1850. Member of the Institute of France, 1864. FIRST QUARTER OF THE HONE VMOON. 38 x 48 aes 6 $i $55 Asan Se es eee Say Th SECOND EVENING’S SALE. Fripay, March 21st. 75 Darley. (Ff. O. C.), N. A., deceased:....:,. New York RECOGNITION. Drawing. 12 X 14 76 Gifford: (Sako) No-A., deceased, 2a. c4 a. < New York VENICE. ip NA TUN Pe INES (ls) giacaictete s Seige ade ators