OVO OT au Ye { Ue Ad Se Bre Sees ie a ‘ ai " SS Ee af eet et oe, Lae _— r3 a - Ware g i he Sth IE o at th Aes ey ar es Sy * 3 —_ Vy, e a oS oe aie gy ... f ; : i ; : ‘ 67 Constable, J. ; ; : . : 3 107 moron c}. B. C. : : : ; , 87, 105 Corregio, A. A. ; ; : : ; I ts apo) Prema. |. L,. ; : . ; : f 109 imamimeny,.C. BP. . : ; ; ; ; 108 Denbeul, F. . ‘ f 5 ; : 65 De Neuville, A. : ; ; , , : Z Merde ia Pena . i ; ; ; ; 110 Doublet, C. . : ; : k . 44 LIST. OF ARTISTS—Continued Drowais, “Ff. ° HH: ; ; : , : . 86 Dubois, J. ; : : , ; ; ; 7 Durpe, J. ; . : ; : : 77 English School f : : ; , te 30 Florentine School : : : : 16 Fravonardse}. rie : : , ; ; 74 Fratel, R. : : : : ’ : : 19 Frerichs, W. : : , : ; : 24 Giovanni, F. A. a : ; : : 56 Greuze, J. B. : ; ; : : 3650101 biacterd: : iz Heimselin ; : : : : 34 Illes, of the Florentine School. He painted in conjunction _--~— with Andrea del Sarto and Sadoma for the Duoma at Pisa. | Meeting of Christ and Magdalena The artist has treated this tender subject with much feeling. 16% x 14 och a C. VAN HOORN Modern Dutch School Studied at the Royal Academy of Amsterdam. Windmill in Holland pay b: A joyous and beautiful landscape, a sunny shy, with reflections of the mill on the water. 21°x,30 (Signed ) 52 KERMIS Dutch School 1822-1875 Member of the Academy, Amsterdam and Brus- sels. Member of the Order of the Lion of Nether- land. A Winter Scene Near Haarlem On the frozen river people are skating. A charm. ing picture, full of color and life. On Panel 14 x 10 (Signed ) GABRIEL METSU | 3 1e is very interesting Bnd shows Metsu with his. pupils. ae as Wy | eee) 54 L-6. LEWIS American School et Sehiied abroad. Exhibited at the Salon de Paris. Watermill in Virginia es 20 x 17% g | (Signed and dated 1859) a From the Rockhill Collection oe) j F. BEINKE German School Medals: Brussels, 1863, 1864. Berlin, 1865, 1867. Gold Medal of Prussia. The Old Gypsy In the foreground an old gypsy is sitting, showing : ; to the children a cage with a bird. In the back- ground a landscape with children returning from school. 29% x 24 (Signed) 56 FRA ANGELICO GIOVANNI Tuscan School 1387-1455 An Angel Painted on panel, original Italian carved wood frame. Bought from the Cardinal di Marchio Collection, in 1857. No. 104 Odalisque Au Bain J. A. D. Ingres 57 L. WOODWARD American School In the Catskills This artist is really a true American painter. His pictures are delightfully handled. The coloring is very delicate and most pleasing to the Connoiseur. 14% x 10 (Signed and dated 1874) 58 JAN VAN ROSENDAEL Modern Dutch School Member of the Royal Academy of Amsterdam -and Antwerp. Member of the Legion of Honor. Medals: 1881, 1884. North Canal, Rotterdam This beautiful picture depicts the frozen fNorth Canal in Rotterdam on a Sunday. Many people are skating. On the left side an amusing scene; some boys are having an argument with two people for having thrown snowballs at them. In the background a snowstorm is coming. A truly charming picture. 2334 x 341% (Signed) 59 ALLEGRI ANTONIO CORREGIO School of Parma 1494-1534 A most celebrated painter of the | 6th century. Madonna This picture shows the refined and delicate work of this master. Medallion on panel Diameter 10 inches From the Baronue La Foutaine Collection. 60 PETER BREUGHEL | Flemish Scheer ne Be eas ~ 1568-1625 The most gifted of his. family. . .— a | = A t oh Skirmish Between Peasants and Soldiers 953 ae mae oat 2 ae ON PANEL \ : é One never tires of looking at this interesting picture. ; It shows the state of unrest in Europe during the 18th as as Wh century. (Signed PB.) 2 - From the Vander Burgh Collection, Brussels. ‘ 6! ANTHONY VAN DYCK Flemish School 1599-1641 This famous pupil of Rubens, who afterwards went to England and became Court painter to Charles I., is too well known to need description in_ this catalogue. The Sacrifice of Abraham Masterful composition and brilliant coloring. A museum picture. 40 x 53 From the Wauter’s Collection, Antwerp. y ; aM “os. Medalee 1868 oe ta oe ie - Knight of the Legion of Honor. — (Signed and dated 188. a leak ¢ * ' 6 John Constable, R.A. No. 107 Landscape at East Bergholt England 63 LORENZO LOTTO 1480-1555 Venetian School Came from the School of Bellini, and was under the influence of the Venetian painters, Giorgone and Titian. He had a somewhat peculiar manner, but a very charming painter, and his pictures can scarcely be classed below Titian. The Wine Merchant A most interesting example of this old master. His paintings can be seen in every museum in Europe and also in private galleries. 48 x 31 Sold at the Cio Sale, Rome, 1859. aa’ Pr Sain eh Ay Md " etary. " Pea a eae r ee 64 MIRALLES Modern French Bchioe! Ht “Medals: 1868, 1875, 1878. Knight of Legion of. Honor, 1879. Hors Concours. 7 An Interesting Book (Signed and datedal saan Three people from the city, have gone into the | country for a picnic. After the lunch one of the ladies reads a very interesting story. Very warm _ coloring. 15 x 25% 65 FRANS DE BEUL Belgian School Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Flemish Interior In a Flemish kitchen a young girl is ironing the family washing with great care. Everything in the room is clean and in perfect order. She looks most contented with her lot. | (Seal of the Italian Government on back) This picture comes from= a eine ame Florence, where it was placed on the altar. The square dark space in front of the picture shows where the easel with the gospel stood. Notice the wonderful action of every subject 1 in this great picture. Examples of this artist in the Metropolitan Museum and all over Europe. 27 x 40 Bought from the Cardinal di Marchio Collection, 1859, Rome. 69 BARENT G. KOEK-KOEK Dutch School 1803-1862 Member of Rotterdam and St. Petersburg Acad- emies. Orders of the Lion, 1839 and of Leopold, 1842. Legion of Honor. Gold Medals in Am- sterdam, 1840; Paris, 1840 and 1843, and the Hague. Off the Scotch Coast The sky is clear, with delicate clouds in an atmosphere of sunshine. ‘The sea is a little rough, and some fishing boats are going out. box 2 | (Signed) From the Pangoert Collection, Brussels. 08 CELEE (called clas see French School 1600-1682 Made his first studies in Paris a later sted ; Rene where he died. Near the Appian Way, Rome A beautiful landscape with mythowgiea, faneee | The Appian Way was the main road in Rome in the early days. A fine example of ue great F rench master. 19 x 24 From the Chapuis Collection, Pars Note:—The above photo represents the painting of the Holy Family by Anthony Van Dyck now in the Munich Museum. No. 101 Holy Family Anthony Van Dyck Soe 7\ LORENZO LOTTO Venetian School 1480-1855 Came from the School of Bellini and was under the influence of Venetian painters Giorgone, Titian. He had a somewhat peculiar manner, but a very. charming painter, and his pictures can scarcely be classed below Titian. Interior of an falian Shop A very interesting example of this great old mas- ter, his pictures can be seen in every museum in Europe and also private galleries. 53 x 59% re. From the Cirio Collection, Roma, 1859. 1 oe French School Medals: Paris, 1860, 1865, 1867, 1868, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Concours. Member of the Society of F: rench Ar ists. A Gay Family Meeting A quaint and charming Italian scene, full of color ce and movement. A truly choice example of this mas) io ter’s ideal work. 12% x 17) GniPaee (Signed and nee 1862) — From the Vernet Collection, Paris. 73 JOSEPH BENEDICTER German Modern School Professor at the Academy of Munich. Member of the Academies of Munich, Berlin, 1869; Vienna, 1870. Gold Medal at Berlin. Wurtemberg Medal of Art. Orders of the Red Eagle. Kitchen Interior This charming picture shows a truly German kitchen interior. The big sister is teaching her little brothers their first A, B, C, while an older child is reading at a table near a window in the background. The dog looks as though he was listening to the lesson, too. The sun is glittering through the window. A fine example of this great professor. ia x 164% On Panel (Signed and dated) 74 JEAN HONORE FRAGONAI French School 1732-1806 si : i This artist was renowned in the 18th Pei fs | pil of Chardin and Boucher. He became a Cait a painter in 1756, and was the favorite painter Of Bi Madame de Pompadour. After her death Louis. XVI. gave him a studio in the Louvre. The Lovers A typical example of this eat master, showing he ms marvellous coloring and handling of details. A little gem. 16 x 1234 From the Chapius Collection, Paris. 75 ALEXIS VAN HAMME Dutch School 1818-1875 Medals: Brussels, 1848; The Hague, 1861; Chevalier of the Legion of Leopold, 1861. Medal, Paris, 1850. Hors Concours. Selling a Chicken In her shop a typical old Dutch women is selling a chicken. The coloring of this picture is marvelous. The handling is as fine as the work of Van Mieris. Paintings by this great master can be seen in the New York Library, and also in every museum in Europe. 22% x 18% On Panel (Signed and dated) From the Withaus Collection. on ADOLPHE BERTOLLE French School saa, i ; ; see ee Born at Paris. Medals, Paris. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. Hors Concours, 1885. Me of the Society of French Artists. - A Street Scene in Abbeville, France _ - A sunny day, with a market street on te left hae side of the picture. A very warm coloring makes | this picture full of charm. 4 30 x 25 From the De ie Riviere Collection, Paris. 77 JULES DUPRE Barbizon School 1811-1889 One of the most original and powerful painters of the modern French School. Medals: Second Class, 1833, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer, 1870. Soiree Sur la Loire A very poetic and restful example of this great Barbizon painter. 10 x 15 On Panel (Signed) From the Courtois Collection, Paris. 78 DAVID TENIERS (the Younger) Flemish School 1610-1694 | The most eminent genre painter of Belgium in the 17th century. He was instructed by his father, but was greatly influenced by Rubens. His touch was light and brilliant, his color exquisitely beautiful. At the Dentist’s In a dusky interior a man sits in a chair, and above him the dentist is at work treating his teeth. In the background an old woman, in white cap and kerchief, looks on, while a boy assists the operator. On the table in the center is a group of bottles and jars; at the right a brass pan and water jug. In the back- ground, beneath a high window the figure of a man is dimly seen. 15 oxo Bought from Martin Colnaghi, London. PprAvg smo] sonbour 9T[PUIIIVAE WOFVAIOpY EOL ‘ON 79 JAN MIENZE MOLENAER Dutch School 1620-1676 Molenaer painted much in the manner of Jan Stein, his favorite subjects being taken from peasant life. He was the best painter of the three brothers. His coloring was warm and his pictures very animated. He had a humorous turn of mind, but rarely coarse in his handling of these scenes. Seventeenth Century Wedding Feast A group of Dutch peasants dancing and feasting in a Dutch tavern at a wedding. Remarkably fine play of light and shade; also beautiful coloring of this great master. 3734 x 4634 From the Van Den Brook Collection, Brussels. 80 PAULUS POTTER Dutch School he a : 1625-1654 Born in Holland. Received his first instruction from his father. Later studied under Jacob de Wet, the elder. Devoted himself to the study of animals. Elected member of the Corporation of St. Luke at Delft in 1646. . Landscape with Cattle and Goats In a grassy meadow, hedged by a brook, some cattle and goats are gathered. In the background a peasant woman is approaching. A truly summer land- scape skilfully handled by this celebrated Dutch painter. On Panel 19 x 25 (Signed and dated 1647) From the Lorent Collection. 81 FRANCOIS BOUCHER French School 1704-1770 In 1723 took First Prize at the Academy. Pro- fessor in 1737. Director in 1765. Celebrated for his mythological, pastoral and decorative subjects. Satyr with Cupids 8x 10 A very characteristic work of this artist. i + a z Medals: 1878, 1881. Legion of (i \ Concours, 1889. 2) Modern French School bye to the fishing boats. A pensive woman ie a a A down nearby is looking far off with her head ee on her hand. She ao not oe a gy ever Sy and charming. A beautiful piece of work. ‘25% 36) ae Se (Signed) | Ban: From the Somzée Collection. $3 NICHOLAS LANCRET French School 1690-1743 A society and Court painter, and much admired by his contemporaries. Plaisiers d’Ete In a garden some people are dancing. Very charm- ing picture and scene of the Regency of France. 11% x 8% From the Chapius Collection. 84 NICHOLAS LANCRET French Soneel * 1690-1743 French Court painter of lous XV. | After the Dancing Young folks are making love in the garden. © ly x 8Y From the Chapius Collection. 85 GUIDO RENI Bolognese School 1575-1642 A painter of many gifts and accomplishments. His works are well composed and high in sentiment and pathos. Magdalena One of the finest works of this famous painter at his best period. Original Italian carved wood frame. 26 x 20% From the Chapius Collection. 86 FRANCOIS HUBERT DROUAIS French School 1727-l Born in Paris, and died there in 1775. He was the son and pupil of Carl Van Loo, Natoire and Boucher. He was received into the Academy in ~ 1758, and was the most popular portraitist of his time. Drouais was a Court painter after 1758. Portrait of Mademoiselle d’Ossun This canvas shows the portrait of a young girl sit- ting down in a beautiful garden. She is wearing a low cut blue Nattier dress, with a red mantle across her shoulder. ‘The’ sitter looks directly towards us. She is petting a lamb with her right hand, while two little dogs, her favorites, are lying down near her. 48 x 414 From the Chapuis Collection. No. 111 Young Girl in Prayer Jean B. Greuze 87 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Barbizon School 1796-1875 Medals: Second Class, 1833; First Class, 1848, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1846. A Quiet Morning Near Fontainebleau This picture shows a forest glade with two peas- ants. ‘The sky is filled with soft gray yellow clouds. On Panel 1514 x 12 (Signed) From the Bernier Collection, Paris. 88 Flemish School 1558-1629 was the master of Rubens. Procris and Cephalis — While Procris fell asleep on the edge of the water Cephalis came along with many cupids to hold him — in her arms. A nymph is coming out of the water : and is looking towards him with expressions of love: > A delightful picture. 26% x 33% Seal of the Chapuis Collection, Paris, on the back of the picture. 89 OTTO VAN VEEN (called Venius) Flemish School 1558-1629 Painter ot Albert and Isabella of Spain and Brus- sels. Master of Rubens. Bacchus and Ariadne Bacchus and Ariadne are flirting. A satyr is em- bracing a beautiful young nymph, surrounded by cupids. Magnificent and poetic rendering. ~The warm coloring in this picture is marvelous. 26% x 33% Seal of the Chapuis Collection, Paris, on back of this picture. 90 eee CONSTANT TROYON F rench School : 1810-1865 A truly animal painter. He became illustrious in ‘the rendering of the cattle and landscape scenes. Medals: Third Class, 1838; Second Class, 1840; First Class, 1846, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Study of a Red Bull The light of a gray afternoon glints across the back of a powerful bull in a pasturage near the water. Behind him are two sheep lying on the grass. A very strong and fine example of this great animal painter. 14 x 1634 (Signed with monogram C. T.) From the La Fontaine Collection, Paris: . 91 GERBRAND VAN DER EECKHOUT Dutch School 1621-1674 Born at Amsterdam, and died there in 1674. He was a pupil of Rembrandt. Esther and Assuerus The story of this well-known painting is too well known to be told here. The coloring is marvelous. The painting shows the different periods of Esther’s story. On Panel 22%x 3ly% From the Van den Benden Collection. 92: Belgian School ec a e 1799-1881 Pupil of Barthelemi Verboeckhoven. Member of | Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Amsterdam and St. Peters- burg Academies. Legion of Honor. Orders of Leo- pold and Francois Joseph and Order of St. Michael. Ruins with Sheep and Herdsman This picture shows the ruins of Villiers la Ville near Brussels. The sheep are nearby on the grass with a herdsman and dog watching them. In the foreground a brook is glittering, its clear water com- ing from behind the rocks. 32 24% (Signed) F rench School Ge * % Feb y and landscape painter. Was painter to Louis XIII., who showered honors upon him. e* e style, his skill in composition, his elegance ne grouping < 1 disposition of figures, and his i id and poet c feeling 1 in landscape entitle him th the place among painters of the F rench School. = y poe k oy ‘ a Be 3 te ee Diana Preparing for the Hunt A r This picture shows Diana with her maids preparing i, the start of the hunt. Note the beautiful handling of the draperies and the landscape. A powerful ex- ample of this great master. \ ae 1D ip ae From the Baronne La Fontaine Collection. 94 PAUL JEAN CLAYS | Belgian School Ra Medals: Brussels, 1851; Paris, 1867. of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1881. Commander of ne a8 der of Charles III., of we and of St. of Bavaria. Early Morning on the Scheldt ., aa Many boats at anchor on this uc river. A ice ; eas 5; ture beautiful in color and rendition. © ac 1514 x 12% (Signed) 95 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE Dutch School 1610-1685 Pupil of Frans Hals. and Rembrandt. An in- imitable painter of rustic scenes. He had many pu- pils, one of whom was the famous Jan Steen. Dutch Cabaret Scene Outside of a Dutch cabaret two men are sitting at a table enjoying themselves. Another man would very much like to join them, but his wife tries to per- suade him to come away. This is a very character- istic work of Van Ostade. On Copper 7 x 8Y (Signed) From the De Hamow Collection. 96 ADOLPHE SCHREYER — Germat Geet 1829-1899 Court painter to the Grand Duke of Meckler berg. Medals: Brussels, 1863; Paris, 1864, 1865, 1867; : Munich, 1876. Order of Leopold, 1866. of the Star of Roumania, 1888. Hungarian Scout In the foreground is a soldier on horseback. A dead soldier is lying nearby on the grass. A splen- did example of this great colorist. 10% x 14% (Signed) 97 MARIE, ROSA BONHEUR French School 1822-1899 é Gold Medal, 1847. Member of the Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, 1867. Medals: 1845, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1865: Officer of the most noble Order of Santa Jacobo, 1894. Lions at Rest in the Desert A feeling of deep silence pervades this scene. Four beautiful lions are sleeping, while two others are on the alert; they are truly the kings of the desert. A masterpiece from this great animal painter. wee By (Signed) From the Courtois Collection. 98 ZACHARIAS NOTTERMAN Modern Dutch Sahoo! Prix de Rome. Member of the Royal Acaieeee ; of Brusssels, Antwerp and The Be Legion of Honor. Wait a Little While This picture represents a Dutch kitchen on @ farm. The farmer’s wife is sitting near the old: tached door. One of the dogs drinks from a pail, the other two are also thirsty, but she keeps them away and says. “Wait a little while.”’ This painter is famous for his interiors of farms always with dogs, and the masterful way in which he places the lights and | shades. Examples in all museums in Belgium, Hol- land and Germany. 23 x 30% (Signed and dated 1800) 99 JAN BREUGHEL (the Elder) Flemish School 1568-1625 Born at Brussels, and died in Antwerp. He had versatility of talent, and painted landscapes, peasants and Scriptural scenes. Giving Bread to the Poor 46% x 70 The masters of the poor from the Gild of St. Eloi distributing bread and money to the poor on Sunday in a Flemish village near Brussels. This St. Eloi Gild was founded only for charitable work and to help the poor. =“ 100 : a SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, PRA | English School aaa ; 1769-1830 © A Court painter and ene of St. Luke at Rome | and of most other foreign academies. In 1825 he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Portrait of Sir William Riches A half-length bust of a young man sitting in a chair holding a book in his hands. The coloring of this portrait is beautiful in tone, very soft and exquisite. A wonderful example of this great portraitist. 32% x 24% Bought from the Reynolds family in Leeds, Eng- land. 10] ANTHONY VAN DYCK Flemish School 1599-1641 The most distinguished of Ruben’s pupils. One _ of the many great artists whose gifts showed almost from birth. He was the son of a painter. When ten years old he had already begun to paint. At fifteen he had entered Rubens’ studio, and at nine- teen he was himself a master. The Holy Family Van Dyck painted two canvasses known under the same name. One may be seen in the museum at Munich. The one here shown differs from that in Munich in five pronounced ways. ‘This whole pic- ture is in opposite direction of the one in Munich. The background of this one shows a drapery above the heads, while the one in Munich shows only a land- scape. he head of the Madonna is entirely different and most refined in this picture. The head of Joseph is also a different one, and the drapery under the Child is also different. This paniting hung in the Magdalene Church of Brussels, and was sold when the French soldiers invaded Brussels in 1793 to the Van den Benden family. 52 x 4014 VECELLO TIZIANO (Called Venetian School 1477-1576 One of the most brilliant Italian painters Or Renaissance period. Was the master of Ve es ane Eattation of Guna i , Venus is binding a Cupid while ahcnen one es te Is leaning over her right shoulder. The story ye ea Titian’s daughter posed for this painting. — i sae Ah ture was purchased at the sale of Cardinal de I Mar : chio, Rome, 1857. 2 47% x 42 SoyoUA XNU JIU UT FIT ‘ON nvassnoy “UL “A ‘d srsermmcaneerear bes 3 103 FERDINAND BOL Dutch School 1616-1680 Celebrated portrait painter. Was one of the best pupils of Rembarndt. Head of a Man This picture is supposed to be the portrait of Peter I. of Russia while he was in Holland. At first sight this picture looks like a Rembrandt. On Vellum 10 x 734 From the Van den Brook Collection. “JEAN: AUGUSTE DOMINIQUE a INGRES. a French canon 1780-1867 Pupil of David. Medals: 1810, 1815, 1840, ae 1852, 1857. Painter of Charles X., the Duc of 5 Orleans and also Bonaparte. Professor at the Ecole — des Beaux Arts, Paris. His paintings are very rare, — and a large exhibition of his works was held in Paris last year. ; | Odalisque Au Bain A young odalisque, attended by her colored maid, is preparing for the bath. Her long hair is loose and falls upon her shoulder. In the background is seen _ the St. Sophia Mosque of Stamboul under a beauti- ful blue sky. rs 10% x 8% (Signed on the upper right hand side) _From the Van den Benden Collection, Brussels. 105 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Barbizon School : 1796-1875 Medals: Second Class, 1833; First Class, 1848, 1855; Second Class, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1867. Les Carrieres A typical example of this great master, showing his marvelous handling of detail. A gem. On Panel 7% x 12 From the Courtois Collection. Celebrated Court portrait painter tury. oe, ep Portrait of the Duc de Life size. Three-quarter length. | is holds a manuscript with his monogram a A most decorative subject. - 46x 33% 0 From the Pangoert Collection, B 107 JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. English School 1776-1837 4 A close student of nature, who painted what he saw in English country life, and painted it with a knowledge and artistic sentiment never surpassed in England. His pictures possess a quality which fill a place unoccupied by .any other English landscape painter, and they have done much to form the style of the modern French Landscape School. Landscape at East Bergholt, England This landscape shows the place near where he was born. One of the most beautiful and masterly works of this painter. From this picture one must be con- vinced that Constable was one of the foremost paint- ers of the Barbizon School. 20 x 29 Bought from Martin Colnoghi, London, 1901. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGN Barbizon ches 1817-1878 -of deceased artists, 1878. Evening on the Oise The strength aaar vigor a the countryside is de- picted i in a masterful manner, showing this great mas-_ ter at his best. Note the beautiful and remarkable 4 sky. In the front of the picture two peasants are roasting potatoes after the day’s work; nearby is the Oise. (Danbigny’s seal on the back ooaen am On Pareles os Woice tk (Signe From the Baronne Lafontaine Collection. i 109 JACQUES LOUIS DAVID French School 1748-1825 : It was David who established the reign of classicism in France, and by native power became the leader. He was Court painter to Louis XVI., and also to Napoleon Bonaparte. Pupil of Vien, the principal painter in France during the reign of Napoleon I. Adoration Maternelle A very sweet and charming picture, and a typical example of this great and classical master. (Exam- ples of his works are in the National Gallery, the Louvre, Dublin, Brussels, Cherbourg and _ private galleries. 39 x 47 (Signed and dated 1784) From the de Villejas Collection, Paris. 110 eA: i 7 in Bie. $ ve é ‘ = DIAZ DE Le i Barbizon Scheels ss. 1809-1860 ah en | Medals: Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. gion of Honor, 1851. Coucher de Soleil dans la Forern de ‘ Fontainebleau ground. ne most remarkable be inspiring : eee | Seal on back of this picture. 19. x23 (Signed and dated #16500 From the Percine Collection, Paris. 111 JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE French School ; 1725-1805 Painter of King Louis XV. and of the Dauphin de France. Member of the Royal Academy of Paris. Young Girl in Prayer An ideal head of a girl with blue eyes, and blonde hair which falls about her shoulders. A most beauti- ful example of this great artist. 18% x 15 From the De Mele Collection, Paris. 112” - JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Barbizon School : 1814-1875 ac Medals: Paris, 1853, 1864, 1867. Univer: ie Exhibition. Legion of Honor, 1868. an Harvest Time A wonderful example of this great artist and lovers : of peasant life. A little gem. i: Water Color 6% x 8% (Signed J. F. M.) | a . From the Courtois Collection. 113 FELIX ZIEM French School 1821-1911 His views of Venice have won him world-wide renown. Medals: Third Class, 1853, 1855; First Class, 1852. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer, 1878. Hors Concours. Sunday Scene at Venice on the Grand Canal Full of color and animation. A typical example of this romantic master. On Panel 1034 x 14 (Signed Ziem) From the Courtois Collection. 114 Barbizon School 1812-1867 Rousseau is the recognized leader of the Bar- — bizon School and the most learned landscapist of this : a century. In color he was rich and usually warm; in ei technic firm and individual; in sentiment at tim 3 sublime. Medals: Third Class, 1834; First Class, a 1849, 1855. Medal of Honor, 1867. | Legion of | oS Honor, 1852. a Ae La Mare aux Vaches | : A characteristic work carefully painted and full of poetic charm. Rich and beautiful in color. A most — remarkable and inspiring landscape. eee 23° x e572 (Signed) From the Baronne La Fontaine Collection, Paris. EES REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN RYN Dutch School 1606-1669 Born at Leyden, and died at Amsterdam. Every important museum in the world and every ambitious collector has a strong desire to secure a Rembrandt, but the works of this great master seldom come on the market. Portrait of the Rabbi Isac Van den Hoven One of the masterpieces of the golden age of Rem- brandt. The deep and beautiful expression of the face makes the portrait look like a living one. 3434 x 30% Came from the Collection of the Ecuyer of Napo- leon III., De la Valee and Pangoert of Brussels. 116 FRED KRAUS Ceeaien School 1826 ae Born at Krottingen. Pupil of Konigberg Acad- ay emy. Studied in Paris, 1852-1854, and in Rome, 1855. ? ia ve. - ‘Near Amalfi, talya Under a beautiful blue Italian sky two women are looking far away on the lake. On the edge of the lake can be seen a feudal castle. The sun is setting amid the ruins in the foreground. Glowing in color. 19 x 27% (Signed) . Dutch School 1803-1862 ee oe the Zeeland Coast - Near Flushing ; A wonderful and delightful work of this great sea- é ~ scapist, and is without doubt his greatest achievement. _ The waves are breaking with force on the shore and the fishing boats are hurrying back home. peti 25 x 3614 (Signed) = i ae = aan yar PD > Si Ae . —— 2 ad 4 al ee oe rin = f a ef ra. ) eee Ca Se ee, = ; : cone — Se ee “ <7 - fe ~ awe IN.c od TNE eo Mase < =. 3 *. Mites . oa € > sve ‘hie =z Sm ee. i es ¥ / fe! ~~ duut iaSadi. il j 3 3125 01663 2206 OT Pat eee, es D ah.* @ a 539 Phe BY. = Bye) aa med boa Sa ee RESEARCH INST ita 1 ~~ y 9! A are A et “pr als fbi leat hive Pen vty, ae Nadel! 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