NeAnN SALE NUMBER I'712 : ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH PAINTINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MR. GREGORY NYCANDER MR. VICTOR KOCH aie Ge Bog Bt JESSE A. WASSERMAN OF NEW YORK CITY ae THE LATE POROTHEA A. WOLFF OF NEW YORK CITY AND OTHER PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, TWENTIETH AT EIGHT~FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 0 ‘ e 7 . . R ¥ ‘ : s é : h . € y é ; ; 4 o e F ; a ? \ re ee a ie ie “ee - cl SALE NUMBER I712 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH PAINTINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF MR. GREGORY NYCANDER OF GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN Mix VICTOR KOCH OF LONDON, ENGLAND ES ASE JESSE A. WASSERMAN OF NEW YORK CITY THE SLATE DOROTHEA A. WOLFF OF NEW YORK CITY AND OTHER PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, TWENTIETH AT EIGHT~FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 a dh, 2 ( / 4+ f/f x 4 { CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WI1rHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN LIST OF ARTISTS ASSELYN, J. BAKHUYSEN, L. BARKER OF BATH, T. BASSANO (DA PONTE) BASSANO (L. DA PONTE) BECKER, C. L. BEERT, O. BEGA, C. BENLDGIURE Y GIL, J. BONHEUR, R. BOUT AND BOUDEWYNS BRAKENBURG, R. BRANDT, O. BREKELENKAM, Q. BREUGHEL, P. (MANNER OF) CAMPHAUSEN, W. CANALETTO (SCHOOL OF) CARLSEN, E. CARRACCI (SCHOOL OF) CARRIERE-BELLEUSE, P. CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, A. CATTIEL CHARLEMONT, E. CORDIGIANI BOROT. J.B: C. COROT (ATT. TO) COURBET, G. COURTOIS, J. (IL BOURGUIGNON) Mayr. s. G. DAUBIGNY, C. F. DAVIES, A. B. DE FLIEGER, S. DE JONGHE, J. M. DE LAIRESSE, G. DE MOMPERS, J. DENNER, B. DE PATINIR, J. DE ROY, J. B. DE WET, J. DE WET, J. (THE YOUNGER)) DIAZ DE LA PENA, N. V. DOU, G. DUBOIS, G. DU JARDIN, K. DUPRE, J. DUTCH SCHOOL DUVERGER, T. E. EATON, C. W. EBERT, A. ENGLISH SCHOOL EPP, R. PAINTING NO. 168 128 19 170 90, 92 71 169 104, 62 54 Loo ala t 133 55 41, 42, 43 132 157 176 131 108 126 110, 111 161 35 68, 69 26, 70, 97 75 PAINTING NO. EXIMENO, J. 135 FLORENTINE SCHOOL 142 FOSTER, B. 56 FRANK, F. (FRANKEN) 139 FRENCH SCHOOL 4, 5, 6, 38 FROMENTIN, E. 57 GAUTHIER, E. 73 GELLING, O. 4 GERMAN SCHOOL 95 HAGBORG, A. 714 HALS, D. 136 HALS, H. F. 143 HALS, R. F. 141 HART, J. M. 37 HOBBEMA (AFTER) 140 HUTCHENS, F. T. 2 INNESS, G. 58 IRVING, J. B. 7 ISA BEY, Ketan: 36 ISSELSTEYN, A. 94. ITALIAN SCHOOL 137, 174, 175 JACOBZ, J. (SACOBSEN) 154 KENSETT, J. F. 16 KRAMER, B. X. 39 KRUSEMAN, C. 83 KUWASSEGG, G. 20, 21 LABILLE-GUIARD, MME. (ATTRIBUTED TO) 7 LAFONTAINE, P. 102 LAWRENCE, SIR T. (SCHOOL OF) 67 LEIGH, W. R. 29 LE NAIN, M. 162, 163, 164, 165, 166 LONGHI, P. 112 MICHEL, G. 40, 44 MILLAR, A. T. 23 MISCELLANEOUS 1 MOLENARR, K. 113 MOSLER, H. 66 NEUHUYS, A. 45 NEUHUYS, F. A. 9 PEETERS, B. 145, 178 PEGOT, B. 82 POT, H. 124 PYNACKER, A. 101 RANGER, H. W. AT REMBRANDT SCHOOI, 119 2ENOUF, E. 10 RICHET, L. 24 ROBERT, H. 64 ROSEN, M. 81 ROUSSEAU, T. P. E. 46, 48 SAFTLEVEN, C. 114 SCHEFFER, A. 3 PAINTING NO. SCHREYER, A. 60, 63 SCHULZ, A. 11 SEIGNAG, P. 12 SHITZ,.J. 25 SHEE, M. A. 65 SIGNORELLI, L. 116 SIMONS, M. 130 SMITH, H. P. 28 SORGH, H. M. 115 SOUZA-PINTO, J. J. 49 SPANISH SCHOOL 103 STEEN, J. 117 ‘BATT, CAF, 8 TAMBURINI, A. 13 TENIERS, D. (THE YOUNGER) 85 TENIERS, D. (ATTRIBUTED TO) 146 THAULOW (MANNER OF) 78 TILTON, JR. 79 UNKNOWN 81, 1538, 167, 171, 172 VALLEE, E. M. 14 VAN CRAESBEECK, J. 105 VAN CROOS, A. J. 118 VAN DER LEEUW, P. 93 VAN DER NEER, A. (MANNER OF) 177 VAN DER SMISSEN, D. 147 VAN DER STOFFE, J. J. 86, 149 VAN DER VENNE, A. P. 87, 148, 150 VAN DER VUCHT, J. 120, 151 VAN DIEST, Ww. 109 VAN DYCK, A. 121 VAN HEEMSKERCK, EF. 122 VAN HEEMSKERCK, E. (THE YOUNGER) 106 VAN HOOGSTRATEN, S. 138 VAN HUCHTENBURGH, J. 152, 160 VAN OSTADE, I. 129 VAN SLUYS, T. 29 VAN STEENWYCK, H. 123 VERNET, J. C. (AFTER) 172 VIDAL, E. 30 VOLUZ, F. J. 50 VROOMAN, N. 144 WEENIKX, J. B. 156 WIEGAND, G. : 31 WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI, A. : 32 WILLAERTS, A. 158 WIMMER, C. 76 WOUWERMAN, P. (SCHOOL OF) 98 ZELOTI | 100 SALE 1 MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-83 MISCELLANEOUS (a) MONK WITH GEESE After Tamburini. Canvas. Height, 1734 inches; width, 1014 inches. (b) INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Dutch, 17th century. Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches. (c) NYMPHS AND SATYR After Bougereau, on photograph. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. (3) F. T. HUTCHENS CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE MEADOW STREAM Grassy and flowery bank at the left, bushes at the right, tree- groups in the middle distance, all in nice reflection ; in the brook; grey and silvery sky. Canvas. Signed at lower lett. Height, 16 inches; width, 10 wnches. ARY SCHEFFER FRENCH, 1795-1858 MALE CHARACTER STUDY Bust, at full front, of a bald-headed man with br own beard, in simple shirt, his right hand supporting his chin, neutral back- ground. | Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. 1 4 FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY (a) PORTRAIT OF A LADY Bust, head and shoulders to the front, grey powdered hair with lace headdress, in low cut pink bodice with lace insertion, neutral background. Pastel. Oval, height, 20 inches; width, 1614 inches. OLAF GELLING CONTEMPORARY SWEDISH (b) AN ELK IN A WOOD A fine specimen with large palmate antlers faces the spectator as he stands behind a bank of boulders and underbrush; groves of pines at the right and left, wooded distance, warm-tinted sky. Gouache. Signed and dated 1922 at lower left. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY (a) PORTRAIT OF A LADY Bust, head turned toward the spectator, shoulders to the right, low-cut corsage, blue scarf over shoulders; neutral background. Pastel. Height, 20 inches; width, 1514 inches. FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY (b) PORTRAIT OF A LADY Bust, head to the front, shoulders to the left, high powdaes coiffe with blue ribbon, in low-cut, pale pink bodice, with orange drapery, neutral background. Pastel. Height, 20 inches; width, 1544 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) 2 FRENCH SCHOOL 19TH CENTURY OeecomwoRATT STUDY Bust, facing toward the right, of a middle-aged, bearded man, head bowed, attired in dark overcoat: light cream-colored back- ground. Canvas. Height, 181% inches; width, 1214 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) J. BEAUFAIN IRVING, N. A. AMERICAN, 1826-1877 7 THE TROUBADOUR Standing presentation of a cavalier in 16th century costume playing a mandolin; rich interior. Panel. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 8 inches; width, 614 inches. ERE UR He DATIR EN, Av AMERICAN, 1819-1905 8 RUFFED GROUSE CHICKENS Six fluffy, brown chicks, of which two are interested in a bug in the foreground; high grasses at right and left, hazy distance; glimpse of cream-colored sky. Academy board. Signed with initials and dated 1857 at lower left, also inscribed on the back. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 wnches. Bea NEVHUYS puTcH, 19TH CENTURY 9 A WELCOME VISITOR An elderly woman carrying a stick is visiting a mother and chil- dren, one of whom at once interests himself in the newcomer’s purse; a little girl is seen at the open door at the left; humble interior, 16th century costumes. Panel. Signed and dated 1871 at lower right. Height, 634 inches; width, 834 inches. 10 11 13 EK. RENOUF CONTEMPORARY FRENCH LANDSCAPE Towering poplars beside a pool in the foreground, grassy meadow at middle distance, with glimpse of a house; creamy sky with warm cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 21 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) ADRIEN SCHULZ CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FOREST INTERIOR A wagon road passes through a wood of stately beech trees clothed in autumn foliage; a woman is seen in the foreground. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. PAUL SEIGNAC FRENCH, 1826-1904 WASHERWOMEN OF ECOUEN A large number of laundresses, young and old, are seen at the edge of the basin in the various acts of cleansing their linen, while two of the younger ones are discussing their differences with a new arrival in the foreground. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) ANTONIO TAMBURINI ITALIAN, 1843-1876 THE NEWS OF THE DAY Half-length of a priest, seated, facing the left, absorbed in the daily paper; attired in deep plum-colored gown and scull cap, neutral background. Canvas. Signed at upper left. Height, 91% imches; width, 734 inches. . | (From the Oliver Hoyt Sale) 4 14 15 16 iby E. MAX VALLEE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH THE GOOSE WOMAN A green meadow with a woman sitting on the sward looking after a number of geese; a path traverses the foreground, lead- ing to the brow of a hill, where a mill is seen in dark relief from a sky of a rich grey with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches;. width, 1714 inches. CORDIGIANI CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN PORTRAIT OF AN ENGLISH GIRL Bust, head and shoulders to the front, leaning forward, eyes directed toward the spectator, dark brown hair; attired in pale blue, low-cut bodice with lace insertion; deep neutral back- ground. Canvas. Height, 2414 inches; width, 18 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) JOHN F. KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1818-1872 LANDSCAPE A fine tree group rising from a brown ledge in the foreground, panoramic hazy distance, with pale blue sky. Canvas. Signed with initials at lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH, 1822-1899 BULL LYING DOWN A fine specimen of the bovine family, largely white, with two black spots, is facing the right; brown background. Sketch. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 13 inches; width, 1914 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) 5 18 19 20 21 ATTRIBUTED TO COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 TOLL BRIDGE Rocky brown expanse of open country with a castellated toll bridge built over a stream in the foreground; blue sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 161% inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) THOMAS BARKER OF BATH ENGLISH, 1769-1847 THE YOUNG GLEANER A country girl in simple attire is seated at a well, with a brown jug at her side, holding her apron full of wheat as she looks at the spectator; thicket at the left, blue and cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 16 inches; width, 18 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) G. KUWASSEGG AUSTRIAN, 19TH CENTURY AFTER SUNSET A house with sheds at the left, towering trees at the centre, also at the left and right distance, a path with a woman and a boy in the foreground; sky with cumulus clouds tinged with the last rays of the sun. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, '7 inches; width, 9 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) G. KUWASSEGG AUSTRIAN, 19TH CENTURY COUNTRY VILLAGE Stream in the foreground, houses and fine tree groups about, with church spire at the left distance; animated with figures all charmingly detailed; blue sky with slight cloud effect. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) 6 22 23 24 25 WILLIAM R. LEIGH CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN INDIAN SCENE A Taos Indian girl, nude to the waist, with a rich crimson cloth wound about her loins, is seated in the sandy desert coaxing a small fire to boil her pot; adobe hut at right distance, flat table land with blue sky. Academy board. Signed at lower left. Height, 9 inches; width, 11 inches. ADDISON T. MILLAR AMERICAN, 1860-1915 THE MOSQUE OF THE GREEN DOOR An Arab in red attire mounted on a brown horse and in charge of a white one attends at the entrance to the mosque, which is adorned with a beautiful Moorish doorway; figures about, a glimpse of a dark blue sky at the upper left. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches. LEON RICHET FRENCH, 1847-1907 FARMHOUSE A pool in the foreground, typical French thatched abode at the right and a shed at the left, fowl about; a woman is seen in the distance; silvery and grey clouds in a blue sky. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 15 inches; width, 214% inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) J. SEITZ GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY INTERIOR WITH FIGURE An old woman is seated near a hearth in the company of two cats; a basket of greens, copper jug, bird cage, etc., all ren- dered with great fidelity, are seen about the humble abode. Cradled panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 1414 wches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) 7 ENGLISH SCHOOL LATE 18TH CENTURY 26 WEST INDIES PLANTATION SCENE Fae 28 29 A gathering of colored folk in light tropical attire, some danc- ing to the music produced by a couple of dusky fiddlers at the left, while others are partaking of refreshments at the right. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 2514, inches. (Victor Koch Collection) ATTRIBUTED TO MME. LABILLE-GUIARD FRENCH, 1749-1803 HEAD OF A GIRL Bust, slightly to the right, eyes directed toward the spectator, blond type, attired in low-cut, pale wine-colored bodice with lace insertion ; light neutral background. Cradled panel. Height, 914 inches; width, 734 imches. HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN, 1854-1907 LANDSCAPE A lake with figure in a punt at the right, grassy bank with a path and ducks at the left, fine groups of trees, slope beyond with a red barn indicated among the rich foliage; pale blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. THEODORE VAN SLUYS BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY THE SHEEPFOLD Several fine ewes and lambs are about in the straw in the fore- ground, while a number of hens and a cock in rich plumage add acceptable color notes at the right and left. Canvas. Signed at upper right, also inscription on the back. Height, 16 inches; width, 2314 inches. 8 EUGENE VIDAL CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 30 SPRING IDYLL 31 32 Half-length presentment of a maiden facing the spectator, a diaphanous drapery held about her head, in tea-colored, flowered bodice; branches of blossoms in nice design across a background of cloud effects in opalescent tints. Canvas. Height, 1214 inches; width, 9 inches. GUSTAVE WIEGAND CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE RISING SUN Brown rolling country, with pine growths in the fore and middle ground, grey blue hills at the horizon, with the dise of the sun shedding an orange glow as it bursts through the morning mists of a pale emerald sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 28 mches. A. WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI CONTEMPORARY POLISH GENTLEMAN HUNTER With powdered wig, in vermilion jacket, tan breeches and black boots, mounted on a prancing white horse, crossing a clearing carpeted with autumn leaves, while a companion similarly attired follows at the left distance; wooded country, pale blue and creamy sky. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches: width, 16 imches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) 9 33 34 35 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH, 1847-1896 ON THE INDEX A Trappist monk in brown habit leaning back in his chair in his simply furnished cell reading a novel by Paul de Kock, looks amusedly at the spectator; a bed, a mop, pipes, a calendar and a crucifix complete the composition. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; width, 614 inches. T. E. DOUVERGER CONTEMPORARY FRENCH “WHEN THE CAT’S AWAY THE- MICE WILL PLAY” In the absence of the choir-master, three youths, two of them clad in red coats, are playing on a violoncello and a horn, while the other one directs in the sanctity of the church; a girl at the open door at the right looks on in surprise; fine interior. Panel, Signed at lower left. Height, 1814 inches; width, 144% inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) CHARLES WARREN EATON CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN INDIAN SUMMER Marshy foreground with tree groups at the left in hazy brown tonality; grey morning sky with silvery streaks, rich effect. Canvas. Signed and dated 1890 at lower right. Height, 18 mches; width, 30 inches. EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY FRENCH, 1804-1886 36: COAST AT ETRETAT A violent sea is washing in on the rocky coast near the cliffs with the natural arch; warm grey cloudy sky, with luminous cream-colored and blue touches. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; width, 14 mches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) | 10 JAMES M. HART, N.A. AMERICAN, 1828-1901 37 FARM AT STOCKBRIDGE 38 39 Expanse of meadow in the foreground with a hay-wagon being loaded at the left, fine tree groups with glimpse of red house at the back, village with church-spire pecring amidst groves at the right; blue sky with light cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 9 inches; width, 16 inches. Certified by the daughter of the artist, Letitia B. Hart, on the back. FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF THE MARCHESA MARIESI Half-length, head to the front, shoulders toward the right, in low-cut flowered corsage, holding a pearl necklace which descends from about the neck; neutral background. Canvas. Height, 33 inches; width, 25 wches. A certificate of attribution from Dr. Gluck, Vienna State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) B. X. KRAMER CONTEMPORARY GERMAN PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL Bust, head and shoulders slightly to the left, of a pretty maiden with long auburn hair descending tosher shoulders and tied with a pink ribbon, attired in green flowered bodice with cream- colored lace collar; deep blue background. Panel. Signed and dated 1893 at upper left. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) tet 4.0 [40] GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH, 1763-1843 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES, CHARCOAL BURNERS A number of gypsies with their appropriate belongings, com- posed of a woman in the van carrying a basket on her arm, and a bundle on her head, a white horse, a man on its back, and a cart whereon a young couple are seen, while a cow and goats follow in the rear on a road at the bend of which a charcoal oven looms up over a flat distance; wooded slope at the left, effective sky with slaty grey clouds and touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 32 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 12 41 43 ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STUDY FROM THE NUDE A female figure, at full length in two poses, executed in pastel on a lightly tinted wash of water-color. Paper. Signed at lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STUDY FROM THE NUDE A female figure at full length in four poses, executed in pastel on a light tan wash of water-color. Paper. Signed at lower right. Height, 15 inches; width, 111% inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) ARTHUR B. DAVIES CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STUDY FROM THE NUDE A female figure, three-quarter length, in three poses, with long auburn hair contributing to a graceful rhythmical movement; executed in pastel on a brown wash of water-color. Paper. Signed at lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 11% inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 14] 13 ARTHUR B. DAVIES . [43 | 44 45 46 GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH, 1763-1843 LANDSCAPE Low-pitched horizon, a brown slope surrounded by a fence at middle distance, a stream with a bridge at the right, grey hills beyond; slaty sky with a bright streak at the horizon and warm cloud effect at the top. Canvas. Height, 1514 inches; width, 20 inches. ALBERT NEUHUYS puTcH, 1844-1914 THE LESSON The mother is seated and with an open book placed against her sewing container on the table, appears to be helping the daughter, standing at left, who is not yet in her teens, with her lessons; simple interior. Panel. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 1314 inches. THEODORE PIERRE ETIENNE ROUSSEAU FRENCH, 1812-1867 LANDSCAPE A pool of water at the right, sloping ground at the left, with a cottage and wooded distance in colorful silhouette against a fleeting sky of silvery clouds and deep blue values. Water-color. Signed with initials at lower left. Height, 314 inches; width, 7 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) 1 A7 48 49 HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN, 1858-1916 CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE, PECONNUCK VALLEY Iixpanse of grassy valley extends from foreground to low hill in the distance, where houses and cattle are indicated; blue haze at the horizon, a fine bank of silvery cumulus clouds traversing the sky, with lesser cloud formations above and below. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches. (From the Ranger sale, March 29, 1917) THEODORE PIERRE ETIENNE ROUSSEAU FRENCH, 1812-1867 SUNSET GLOW A pond in the foreground where a man is watering his horse, a path is dimly seen beyond leading toward cottages in the dis- tance; tree groups in the foreground; rich opalescent sky, with silver and orange tinted clouds near the horizon and _ heavier masses at the top. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 914 mches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) | SEE ILLUSTRATION | JOSE JULIO SOUZA-PINTO CONTEMPORARY PORTUGUESE MENDING THE BOAT (PARIS SALON, 1892) An old salt is seated at a work-bench adjusting a sailing boat for a flaxen-haired, bare-footed boy who stands at the right, wearing an expression of extreme contentment; humble interior charm- ingly painted. Canvas. Signed and dated 1897 at lower right. Height, 37 inches; width, 29 inches. 16 50 51 52 FREDERIGH: J VOLE GERMAN, 1817-1886 CATTLE AT A POOL A herder is seated on the ground, his dog beside him, while cows, calves and several horses are-grouped about, some wading in the water; a slope onthe right on the brow of which are seen a loaded hay-wagon and reapers homeward bound; the field of grain is farther back; village with church-spire at the left distance; fine blue sky with silvery cloud effects. Canvas. Signed with initials at lower right. Height, 19 inches; width, 27 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE BOWL OF PUNCH An arrangement on a table of bottles of various liquors and wines, with a glass bowl of inviting red liquid from which a re-— freshing piece of ice emerges, half a lemon and glasses about; neutral background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1894 at lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 27 inches. EDOUARD CHARLEMONT AUSTRIAN, 1848-1906 THE MARINE PAINTER, WILLEM VAN DE VELDE The 17th century Dutch painter in rich costume of the period is seated at his easel, ostensibly painting from a fine old ship model placed in the left foreground, while a prim Dutch maid looks out from the kitchen at the left. Cradled panel. Signed and dated 1889 at lower right. Height, 36 inches; width, 281% inches. 18 58 [53 | JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 VIEW NEAR BOULOGNE Hilly countryside with a village of which the salient feature is a church-spire, nestling among richly-toned masses of foliage; grey hills at the distance, surmounted by a sky with silvery and blue touches. Fine example of the master. Cradled panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 15 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | inf) GUSTAVE COURBET FRENCH, 1819-1877 THE CASCADE A pale emerald creek in the foreground fed by a waterfall de- scending from a slope in the centre, surrounded by high cliffs and red birches; boulders in the foreground; all in the fine moist greens and ochres characteristic of the palette of the master. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 251 inches; width, 211% inches. (Victor Koch Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 20 [ 54] [55 | CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH, 1817-1878 55 RIVER SCENE Broad stream with schooner in the foreground, wooded bank at the left of opposite shore, a road with cottages, figures, horse and cart on the right, cottages on, flat expanse in the distance, with grey hill at the horizon; blue and pink-toned sky with mov- ‘ing cloud effects. Cradled panel. Signed and dated 1876 at lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 251% inches. Purchased from Messrs. Knoedler and Co. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 292 ol tome 56 O7 58 BEN FOSTER, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SUNRISE Grassy foreground, tree group on a hillock at the left, the crimson disc of the rising sun reflecting in the running stream at the right, wooded bank at opposite side; pearly grey early morn- ing effect. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 30 inches; width, 361, inches. EUGENE FROMENTIN FRENCH, 1820-1876 AN ARAB ENCAMPMENT A band of Bedouins in the foreground resting, with a canopy for the chiefs at the left, an ass with quaint saddle and foal lying at its side in the foreground; white fortress-like building on brow of brown hill in the distance, in light relief from grey sky. Panel. Signed with initials at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN, 1825-1894 LANDSCAPE ; Hilly country, a fence in the foreground and a fine tree towering over the sky; sloping hills at the left, a blue haze in the distance, melting into warm cloud effects with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1855 at lower left centre. Height, 12 wmches; width, 22 inches. bo Co 59 JULES DUPRE FRENCH, 1812-1889 THE OLD OAK A gnarled tree spreads its branches across the composition from a swampy foreground, where a couple of cows are seen among the tall grasses; the middle ground and distance are composed of brown underbrush and saplings; grey sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 2514 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 24 [59] 60 [ 60] ADOLPH SCHREYER GERMAN, 1828-1909 RECONNOITRING A couple of Arabs mounted on fiery chargers, one of which is white, and the other brown, are making their way carefully in the foreground and are about to enter a pool; three of the band are following in the distance and appear startled by the white smoke of a shot at the right; warm cloudy sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 32 inches; width, 42 inches. Purchased direct from the family of the artist. (Victor Koch Collection) [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 26 61 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1807-1876 VENUS AND CUPIDS Charming presentment of the goddess of love seated on a dull rose drapery upon the turf under the overhanging branches of a pectator as she rests her left elbow on her tree, smiling at the knee, while two winged cupids whisper to her; blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1868 at lower left. Height, 391%, inches; width, 32 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) s [SEE ILLUSTRATION | JOSE BENLLIURE Y GIL CONTEMPORARY SPANISH 62 A RELIGIOUS EPISODE 63 64 A couple of Trappist monks in brown cowls have entered a court- yard and are offering rosaries and indulgences to a motley group of soldiers, who do not appear to be convinced of the necessity of saving their souls by such means; at the left a number are en- gaged at a game of cards, and a French poodle barks at the holy men. Drums, banners and other accoutrements about; a lady peers out of a window at the upper left; rich architec- tural effect, early 16th century uniforms and setting. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 3914 inches. ADOLPH SCHREYER GERMAN, 1828-1909 EPISODE OF THE CRIMEAN WAR A company of cavalry in blue and gilt uniform, urged on by their commander with uplifted sword, is mounting a slope at the right in the face of the heavy fire of the enemy; grey sky with silvery cloud effects from the smoke of battle. An early work in the first manner of this artist. Canvas. Signed and dated 1859 at the lower right. Height, 4214 inches; width, 651 inches. Purchased direct from the family of the artist. (Victor Koch Collection) HUBERT ROBERT FRENCH, 1733-1808 LANDSCAPE WITH RUINS An old Romanesque landmark partly in ruins is the principal theme of the composition, a creek passes underneath; cliffs are at the left with complementary foliage; two men are fishing in the foreground; blue sky with slight cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 32 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) 28 SIR MARTIN A. SHEE, P.R.A. ENGLISH, 1762-1850 65 PORTRAIT OF MASTER DEVEREAUX 66 67 Bust, head at three-quarters to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, shoulders to the left, chestnut hair, sympathetical, youthful countenance, wide frilled collar, black jacket with gilt buttons; neutral background. Canvas. H eight, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. HENRY MOSLER AMERICAN, 1841-1921 ON THE WAY TO MILK THE COWS A fresh-complexioned dairymaid is leaning against a gate with both arms outstretched, in fine relief from a wooded mass at the back, her stool and milk pail are at the right; refreshing vista of cottages in the undulated distance at the right ; blue sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 451% inches; width, 63 inches. Henry Mosler was the first American artist honored by having a picture purchased by the French Government for the Luxem- bourg Gallery. SCHOOL OF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE ENGLISH, 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length of a smiling brunette, shoulders to the left, head in- clined toward the spectator, in low corsage, holding a pale wine- colored drapery about her shoulders ; sky effect background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 2414 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) 29 68 69 70 A. EBERT CONTEMPORARY AUSTRIAN A VENETIAN BEAUTY Bust, head and shoulders to the left, long wavy, copper-colored hair descending to the shoulders, variegated fichu as a headdress, pearl necklace, old-gold flowered bodice with grey brocaded sleeves; complementary background. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 23 inches; width, 17% imches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) A. EBERT CONTEMPORARY AUSTRIAN A NEAPOLITAN BEAUTY Bust, head and shoulders to the right, eyes directed toward the spectator, low-cut, pale wine-colored bodice with lace insertion, ornate comb in black hair, necklace and earrings; neutral back- ground. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 23 inches; width, 171% imches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) ENGLISH SCHOOL LATE 18TH CENTURY WEST INDIES PLANTATION SCENE A number of colored women, some nude to the waist, otheis with a loin-cloth and several fully attired, are grouped about a run- ning stream, engaged in washing themselves or their clothing; several white folk are passing along a path at the right; hilly landscape. Canvas. Height, 32 inches; width, 44 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) ral 73 CARL L. BECKER GERMAN, 1820-1900 THE MESSAGE A pretty blond woman in white satin gown is seated at the table and is hiding her expression with a peacock-feather fan from her escort, a middle-aged man opposite, as she receives a message from a masked young man; decanter of wine and glasses on the table, 16th century costumes, sumptuous furnishings. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at lower right. Height, 38 inches; width, 50 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) WILHELM CAMPHAUSEN GERMAN, 1818-1885 THE HAWKING PARTY A Prince and his lady nobly mounted, a falcon perched on the uplifted wrist of the latter, are galloping along a country road, followed by the staff, a black hound running at their side; a town at the left and a mill at the right distance; blue and cloudy sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1882 at the lower left. Height, 32 imches; width, 41 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Kern, Berlin, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) EMILE GAUTHIER CONTEMPORARY FRENCH BURNING WEEDS A peasant and his family are seen in the foreground gathering the dead leaves after the harvest and consigning them to a burn- ing heap which sends a volume of white smoke across the blue sky; a field of grain at the middle ground, with red-roofed cot- tages in the distance, relieved against a wooded ridge at the horizon. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891 at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 37 imches. 31 79 76 AUGUSTE HAGBORG CONTEMPORARY: SWEDISH THE YOUNG FARMER A blond barefooted boy carrying some harness and a w hip thrown across his shoulders is walking across a meadow, ostensibly to put a grazing horse to work; sloping ground at the right, stretch of sea at the left horizon; creamy grey sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, B94 inches; width, 26 inches. (Charles H. Godfrey Collection) RUDOLPH EPP GERMAN, 1834-1910 TEA AND GOSSIP An elderly woman and her daughter are seated facing their hos- tess, a buxom young mother at the tea table, while a child munches a piece of bread in a cradle at the right; Bavarian peasant dress and nice bits of still life. Canvas. Signed and dated 1887 at lower right. Height, 33 inches; width, 42 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) CONRAD WIMMER CONTEMPORARY GERMAN WINTER SCENE A country road bordering a lake with a group of cottages at the left; a covered market cart is coming toward the specta- tor, while hunters and their dogs are interested in some deer seen at the right distance near the opposite bank; sunset sky of pale emerald, with cloud effects near the horizon. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 33 anches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) 32 2 =e 78 iN WILHELM CAMPHAUSEN GERMAN, 1818-1885 CHARLES THE FIRST AT THE BATTLE OF NASEBY The king with sword aloft, mounted on a magnificent grey charger, finds himself overwhelmed by the partisans. of Crom- well, on a small knoll overlooking the battlefield; blue sky with warm grey cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1851 at the lower right. Height, 56 inches; width, TAY inches. Formerly in the Kunsthalle Museum, Hamburg. (Gregory Nycander Collection) MANNER OF THAULOW CONTEMPORARY NORWEGIAN ON THE TRENTINO The river passes in the foreground, with a punt and two men at the right, group of stone and brick buildings on the opposite bank, distant hills at the left; sunset sky. Canvas. Height, 211% inches; width, 2814 inches. J. R. TILTON ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY SUNSET IN VENICE The Grand Canal with the church of Maria della Salute, custom house, ete., at the left, the Campanile, Doge’s Palace and Saint Mark’s at the right ; many gondolas and sailing craft in the fore- ground; pale blue and orange sky. Canvas. Signed with a monogram at the right. Height, 21 mches; width, 36 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) 33 80 81 83 CATTIEL 19TH CENTURY FRENCH MOLIERE RECITING TO HIS HOUSEKEEPER Holding the manuscript of “la Tartuffe” in his right hand and with a powerful gesture of his left hand, the great playwright stands near an open window as he faces the spectator and de- claims to the manifest entertainment of his housekeeper, who sits at the left; fine 17th century interior. Canvas. Height, 43 inches; width, 29 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) M. ROSEN EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY STILL LIFE Arrangement of flowers in a vase at the left, fruit in a basket at the right, and a glass of lemon water in the centre on a table; neutral background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1842 at the lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 42 inches. BERNARD PEGOT FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE GAME COCK An urchin is sprawling on the sandy soil amusing himself by holding a piece of a mirror in which his pet cockerel sees his reflec- tion and straightway shows fight; landscape background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1868 at upper left. Height, 34 inches; width, 44 inches. CORNELIUS KRUSEMAN putrcH, 1797-1857 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Seated on the side of a hill, holding a parchment as with up- lifted arm he looks heavenward, long black curly hair, in tan and red draperies; landscape background. Panel. Signed and dated 1826 at lower right. Height, 421% inches; width, 82 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 4 SALE $4 85 TUESDAY EVENING,. FEBRUARY ‘TWENTIETH, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 84-178 OTTO BRANDT GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY (a) LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES A number of peasants and an ass are seen in the foreground, a bare tree rises at the left near a sandy hillock; grey sky. Panel. Signed at lower left. H eight, 1214, mches; width, 161%, inches. UNKNOWN MASTER 17TH CENTURY (b) CROSSING THE RED SEA A mass of figures and some soldiers wading in shallow water, directing horses drawing a chariot in which a potentate is seated ; figures on the brow of a hill at the back; blue and cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 17 inches; width, 25 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER FLEMISH, 1610-1690 “TASTE,” FROM A SERIES “THE FIVE SENSES” Two cronies, one drinking with smiling countenance, the other smoking; neutral background. Cradled panel. Height, 914 wches; width, 714 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Bode, Berlin, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) _ By, 86 88 JAN JACOBSZ VAN DER STOFFE putTcH, 1615-1670 BATTLE SCENE, THE AMALEKITES Illustrating the 7th chapter of Judges, wherein Gideon and his army defeat the Midianites and Amalekites. Cavalry encounter on level country, rising to the right; pale blue sky with warm cloud effect. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 1414 inches; width, 1914, inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) ADRIAAN PIETERSZ VAN DER VENNE putcH, 1589-1662 A COUPLE DANCING The young lady holds up a glass as she smilingly executes a fancy step, turning toward her partner; rich costumes; a figure is seen at the back; neutral background. Panel. Height, 1114 inches; width, 834 inches. — A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) G. DUBOIS DUTCH, ACTIVE 1680 LANDSCAPE Expanse of level country, wooded at the right, a path extending from the lower right toward the centre, where a cottage is seen; sandy hillock in the foreground partly covered with stubble and animated by a couple of figures; grey and slaty sky. Panel. Height, 16 inches; width, 231% inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, declaring that the painting is fully signed at the lower left, accompanies this picture. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 36 89 90 au BOUT AND BOUDEWYNS FLEMISH, 1644-1711 THE FISHMARKET Animated scene at the shore, with fishing craft, fishermen draw- ing in their nets and a motley crowd of fishmongers displaying their offerings beside a steep cliff in the foreground ; effective sky of clouds, with touches of blue. Canoas. Height, 1514 inches; width, 2214 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) BASSANO (L. DA PONTE) VENETIAN, 1558-1623 THE VINTAGE Peasants gathering the grapes, bringing them in a cart drawn by oxen, pressing them, as well as sampling the vintage, all pic- torially demonstrated ; interesting landscape and sky. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) MANNER OF PIETER BREUGHEL FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY THE PEASANTS’ DREAM During their noon hour’s rest the husbandmen have a vision that an old man of the mountains appears and sows the seed on their allotments; a group of several men and women are asleep at the left and at the right, sacks of grain, a basket and water jug as well as a dog are seen in the foreground, the apparition in hooded cowl is in the middle ground scattering corn; fine tree groups about, cottages in the distance, warm grey sky. Panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 2814 inches. OF BASSANO (L. DA. PONTE) VENETIAN, 1558-1625 THE ANNUNCIATION “While shepherds watched their flocks by night, all seated on the ground, An angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around.” Group of sheep, goats, cows and an ass gathered together in the foreground by their shepherds, one of whom looks up as the angel appears in the sky. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) P. VAN DER LEEUW DUTCH, ACTIVE 1670 98 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE 94 A group of cattle, sheep, goats and a donkey with a shepherdess, grouped about a grassy sward in the foreground, with a path and a thatched shed at the right, a well at the left; hilly distance. Canvas. Height, 141% inches; width, 181% inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) A. ISSELSTEYN FLEMISH, ACTIVE 1672 INTERIOR OF A TAVERN Smokers at the right, a group playing cards at the back, and a woman entering a door at the right side. In the manner of Teniers. Panel. Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) 38 95 96 97 GERMAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY PEASANTS A man and woman in simple garb are standing at the roadside offering eggs, fowl and country produce for sale; blue and cloudy sky effect. Old copy in colors, after an engraving by Albrecht Diirer. Panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 914 wches. (Victor Koch Collection) RICHARD BRAKENBURG putcH, 1650-1702 INTERIOR WITH FIGURES A buxom woman is seated at table eating porridge and is being caressed by a man seated at her side; a child is in a cradle at the right, a woman and a boy are in the background; humble interior. Panel. Height, 8 inches; width, 614 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, declaring that the picture is monogrammed at the lower left, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) ENGLISH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF ZACHARY MACAULAY Half-length, standing, head and shoulders slightly to the left, his left arm resting on a ledge; in light brown wig, white lace necker- chief and cuffs, blue waistcoat and pale plum-colored coat; neu- tral background with a column at the left. Canvas. Oval. Height, 131% inches; width, 11 inches. 39 98 v9 100 TOE SCHOOL OF PHILIP WOUWERMAN puTCH, 1619-1668 ASVISTT. TOUCHE STARE | A nobleman and two children, a negro page and the groom as well as two fine dapple-grey and white horses and a couple of greyhounds are seen in the foreground, nicely gr ouped in front of the coach, at the entrance to the stable. Panel. Height, 8 inches; width, 11 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) DUTCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY PAIR OF FIGURE PIECES (a) An old woman with a stick talking to a man at a door. (b) Interior with a man seated talking to an old woman eating porridge. Panel. Size of each: height, 34 inches; width, 21% inches. (2) ZELOTI VENETIAN, 1532-1592 PAIR OF BIBLICAL SCENES (a) Gathering manna. (b) Doves bringing messages to a saint. Panel. Size of each: height, 141% inches; width, 8 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) (2) ADAM PYNACKER puTcH, 1622-1673 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE Milly country with cattle, goats and sheep and a dog in the foreground; a man appears at the right; pool at the left; warm sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed with monogram at lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 40) 102 103 104 P. LAFONTAINE FRENCH, 1758-1835 CATHEDRAL INTERIOR High-vaulted nave and transepts with tiled floors, many ecclesias- tics and gentry about, as well as two beggars in the foreground. Figures attributed to De Marne. Cradled panel. H eight, 21 inches; width, 25 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) SPANISH SCHOOL EARLY 18TH CENTURY (a) THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL Supported by a group of cherubim, holding a palmleaf and a white banner; cloud effects. Copper. Inscribed at lower left, “T. Miavet Vicrorta DE Dios.”’ Height, 9 inches; width, 634 inches. PIERRE CARRIERE-BELLEUSE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH (b) STABLE INTERIOR Study of a couple of white cows in a stall, one standing and the other in lying position. Academy board. Signed with initials in upper right. Height, 6 inches; width, 81/4, inches. (2) CORNELIUS BEGA pDuTcH, 1620-1664 THE OLD FORTUNE TELLER In front of a wayside inn an old woman in white bonnet and red jacket is seated on an inverted tub, a peasant sits opposite and makes a grimace at the spectator, while another crony standing is refreshing himself from a jug; blue and cloudy sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1652 (barely legible) on tub at lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. ‘k] 105 106 Loe 108 JOOST VAN CRAESBEECK FLEMISH, 1606-1654 TAVERN SCENE A man seated at the left appears to be suffering from copious libations, as the empty beaker on the floor bears witness, causing the maid at his back some solicitude, while the one at the right is having a puff at a clay pipe. Panel. Height, 1834 inches; width, 154% inches. (Victor Koch Collection) EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK THE YOUNGER purcH, 1645-1704 INTERIOR OF AN INN ‘The maid holding up her apron is dancing to the amusement of a large gathering picturesquely grouped about, among whom a soldier in steel helmet and breastplate in the foreground is the principal guest; fine bits of still life about. Panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 141% inches. (Victor Koch Collection) SCHOOL OF CANALETTO ITALIAN, 1687-1768 VENETIAN SCENE View of a wide canal with gondolas and other craft plying on its surface, while stately palaces and churches line its banks; blue sky with slight cloud effect. Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 16 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) BALTHASAR DENNER GERMAN, 1685-1747 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Bust, head and shoulders to the front, of an elderly man with long, flowing beard, wearing a small skull cap and a dark red cloak; neutral background, Rembrandtesque effect. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) 42 109 110 regi WILLEM VAN DIEST DUTCH, ACTIVE. TO 1663 SHORE SCENE |.,; 4 = Rising slope at the right, “cake Hench at the left are toward the distance, a gentleman on horseback coming at a gallop in the foreground, groups of gentlefolk about, awaiting the landing of three vessels near the shore, as well as a large brig in the distance. Sky with fleeting grey and silvery clouds. Panel. Height, 124% inches; width, 18 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) Jabe DEeRON DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY CATTLE A pond in the foreground mirroring a white and orange-spotted cow lying on the grassy bank, in company with two cows and a bull standing at the left, a boy on a bridge at the right, accom- panied by a dog; at the left middle distance a shepherdess with her flock; rich blue sky with warm, rolling cloud effects. Panel. Signed and dated 1789 at lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 21 inches. J. B. DE ROY DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY HOMEWARD BOUND Along a country road a shepherdess and a peasant carrying a rake are slowly wending their way, accompanied by their cattle, sheep and goats; a boy and a dog are on the grassy bank of a limpid pool at the left foreground, with charming reflections; a dog is leading the way at the right on rising ground, with a cot- tage farther back; luminous sky with warm cloud effects. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 21 meches. 46 PIETRO LONGHI VENETIAN, 1702-1785 112) A BALL AT THE COURT OF MARIE DE’MEDICI 113 114 A gathering of princes, noblemen and ladies, some in fancy cos- tume and several wearing masks, are forming in line for a march; musicians are playing at the left and a table is being laid for a collation; a dog is at the right; spacious interior, decorated with paintings and curtains. Canvas. Signed and dated 17438 “at lower right. Height, 23 imches; width, 351 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) KLAES MOLENAER putTcH, 1630-1676 WINTER SCENE A frozen river animated by skaters, tradesmen with their horses and sleds, gentry and people all mingling pursuits with pastime on a fine day; a snow-covered road leads to cottages and a tower at, the left; cloudy sky with touches of blue. Panel. Height, 1516 inches; width, 22 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) CORNELIUS SAFTLEVEN puTCH, 1606-1681 INTERIOR WITH FIGURE A maid in a red jacket is busy with various kitchen utensils of brass and copper; a basket and other still life objects, and vari- ous hens and a cock as well as a pig are seen about, all well rendered. Panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 2444 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Gluck, Vienna State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 44 115 116 117 HENDRIK MARTINSZ SORGH DUTCH, 1611-1670 THE ALCHEMIST In a high-vaulted interior a man is poring over old manuscripts surrounded by vessels, bottles and instruments; figure seated at a small forge in the background. Copper. Signed at lower left. Height, 11 inches; width, 101% inches. (Victor Koch Collection) LUCA SIGNORELLI ITALIAN, 1441-1523 PORTRAIT OF A GIRL Half-length, head and shoulders to the left, eyes directed toward the spectator, holding a pink rose, her black hair combed to the side and fashioned into a knot at the back; attired in red bro- caded bodice with blue sleeves, and wearing a jewelled ornament over the forehead; the head silhouettes against a blue banner, and a landscape with a river forms the background. Cradled panel. H eight, 22 inches; width, 1314 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) JAN STEEN DUTCH, 1626-1679 MERRY COMPANY An officer in deep red jacket, tan-colored breeches and top-boots is making an effort to read from a document in spite of the music and general hilarity of the motley company present, drink- ing and dancing; a dog and a monkey are of the party. Fine rendering of still-life objects. Canvas, several inches cut off at the right. Height, 28 inches; width, 3114 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) BE) JEG) ANTONIE JANX VAN CROOS: puTCH, 1606-1662 LANDSCAPE | Sloping sandy expanse with a mill dominating the foreground and spreading its arms over the sky, a stream at the left; cot- tages about, warm cloudy sky with touches of blue. Panel. Height, 1444 inches; width, 19 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) REMBRANDT SCHOOL DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A PHILOSOPHER Bust, head bent forward to the front, shoulders to the right, of a bearded elderly man in fur-lined coat; neutral background. Canvas. Height, 221% inches; width, 17 inches. This is the subject engraved by J. J. Van Vliet after Rembrandt’s work in the “Klassiker der Kunst.” ‘The same head reversed attributed to Rembrandt is owned in Paris. (Victor Koch Collection) JAN VAN DER VUCHT putcH, 1603-1637 120. INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL High-vaulted nave in fine perspective, aisles with groups of figures in the foreground, where a couple of dogs are seen at the left. Panel. Signed at base of pillar at lower right. Height, 138 inches; width, 151% inches. . A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 46 123 ANTHONY VAN DYCK FLEMISH, 1599-1641 HEAD OF A SAINT Bust, head and shoulders to the left, eyes directed upward, wavy brown hair and beard, features finely modelled, attired in plain brown cloak; neutral background. Cradled panel. Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) EGBERT VAN HEEMSKERCK putcH, 1610-1680 PAIR OF FIGURE SUBJECTS (a) A couple of peasants making merry; one in the foreground holding a glass, the other behind him playing on a violin. (b) A man singing and his companion seated at a table with pipe and glass of wine. Panel. Size of each: height, 10 inches; width, 71% inches. (Victor Koch Collection) (2) HEENDRICK VAN STEENWYCK FLEMISH, 1550-1603 INTERIOR OF A CHURCH High-vaulted structure with long sweeping nave, and transept, many worshippers about, beggars in the foreground. Panel. Signature on a pillar at the right indistinct. Height, 1814, inches; width, 25 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) HENDRICK POT putcH, 1584-1657 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Bust, head and shoulders to the left, attired in broad collar, black cloak; long wavy grey hair, neutral background. Cradled panel. Height, 7 inches; width, 51% inches. (Victor Koch Collection) AT Re ieee Recs QUIRYN BREKELENKAM puTCH, 1620-1668 125 SAYING GRACE [he mother and son in homely garb are at table with hands in attitude of prayer, asking a blessing before they have their simple meal, spread on the table; fine bits of still life about, fine grey qualities characteristic of this master. Panel. Signed with initials at lower left. Height, 13 inches; width, 14 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) [| SEE ILLUSTRATION | 45 126 JOACHIM DE PATINIR FLEMISH, 1485-1524 LANDSCAPE, WITH BIBLICAL SCENE A hermit saint asleep in a humble hut at the foot of a towering cliff, is being approached by an angel carrying a staff, which with a fine oak tree forms the main point of interest in the composi- tion; with varied and interesting views of a stream, bridge, cha- teaux, cottages, crags and mountains, all charmingly detailed and in fine perspective ; blue sky with silvery cloud effects. Cradled panel. Height, 914, inches; width, 15 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) [SEE ILLUSTR ATION | £9 bo —t KAREL DU JARDIN putrcH, 1625-1678 RESTING BY THE WAYSIDE Several dairymaids and a boy surrounded by their cows, sheep and goats, are picturesquely grouped on the bank of a river in the foreground; a shepherd and his flock are ascending a hill on the opposite bank, where a tower rises from a wooded spot; slop- ing ground at the left; heavy grey cloud effect in emerald and cream-colored sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 37 inches; width, 47 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 50 LUDOLF BAKHUYSEN putcH, 1681-1708 128 A STORM AT SEA A three-masted sailing vessel is rocking in a heavy sea, two ships are seen at the left distance, land at the right with a village; fine sky with rolling cloud effects and touches of blue. Canvas. Signed with initials on a floating cask at the left. Height, 31 inches; width, 40 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Mayer, Pinakotek, Munich, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 51 129 [129] ISAAC VAN OSTADE putTcH, 1621-1649 STABLE INTERIOR Quaint high-pitched barn, the light streaming in from a door at the left centre illuminating an old woman sitting on the floor, a cow in its stall, a group of men and a boy as well as a calf and fowl and dairy implements; another calf, a churn and fowl are seen in the shadow at the left foreground; a pump at the right and other articles are strewn about, contributing to a fine golden brown tonality. Cradled panel. Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. The following certificate of authenticity from Dr. Hofstede de Groot accompanies the picture: “This painting is a genuine and characteristic work of Isaae van Ostade and will be included in my catalogue raisonné of his works, etc.” (Consul Weber Collection, Hamburg: Victor Koch Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Ae oD am MICHIEL SIMONS DUTCH, ACTIVE 1671 180 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL AS DIANA 13 1 Three-quarter length, standing head to the front, shoulders to the left, of a pretty maiden with brown curls, in a cherry-colored silk dress with blue draperies, a sheaf of arrows hanging from her back, holding the bow in her left hand and a quail in her right; landscape background. Panel, split. Height, 46 inches; width, 3114 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JOOST DE MOMPERS FLEMISH, 1564-1635 LANDSCAPE Hilly expanse with two mills spreading their arms in the middle distance, a water mill in the foreground, a shepherd and his flock coming down the highway toward the spectator ; other houses and figures about; a towering tree at the left completes the composi- tion; grey slaty sky effect at the right, warm golden burst of light at the left. Panel. Height, 1414 inches; width, 18 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) SIMON DE FLIEGER pbuTCcH, 1600-1653 ROCKY COAST SCENE A heavy sea dashes against the cliffs at the right, carrying a three-masted vessel out of its course at the left; figures on the rocks, spar in the sea; another vessel in the distance Goyal iineurolls ing sky of grey and silver clouds as well as birds about the cliffs make a very attractive composition. Panel. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) 133 134 135 JACOB GERRITZ CUYP putcH, 1575-1651 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Bust, head and shoulders to the right, eyes directed toward the spectator, in broad, white, fluted, cart-wheel ruff, black seull cap and robe; neutral, complementary background. Cradled panel. Height, 2314 inches; width, 1814 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) GERARD DOU putrcH, 1618-1675 PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT’S FATHER Bust, head to the front, shoulders to the left, in steel gorget and red cloak, black velvet cap decorated with jewels and a long red plume; warm brown background. Gerard Dou was one of Rembrandt’s first pupils. Cradled panel. Height, 2414 inches; width, 18 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) JOAQUIN EXIMENO SPANISH, 1674-1754 FLOWER PIECE A variety of roses, dahlias, etc., in nice design in a vase against a dark neutral background. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 24 inches. 54 [136] DIRK HALS puTCcH, 1600-1656 136 THE MINUET, COURT SCENE In a high-vaulted hall, the walls decorated with paintings, a gathering of cavaliers and their ladies are seen, some about to dance, others grouped about, all in costly costumes and wide lace collars of the period, while four musicians are on a stage at the right background; view of a park through an open door at the back. Cradled panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 40 inches. (Mrs. Dorothea Wolff Collection) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 59 137 138 139 ITALIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE WITH ADORATION OF THE MAGI Broad vista of hilly country with palms at the left and thicket at the right, with a manger in the foreground where Mary is seated with the infant Christ receiving the homage of the three kings; a temple is seen at the left distance; blue sky with cloud effects. | Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 271%, inches. SAMUEL VAN HOOGSTRATEN DUTCH, 1627-1678 PORTRAIT OF A MAN 3 Bust, head turned slightly to the right, shoulders to the front, dark brown velvet cap ornamented with feather and jewel, long brown, wavy hair, glimpse of white shirt at the throat; warm grey background. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 1914, inches. (Victor Koch Collection) F. FRANK (FRANKEN) FLEMISH, 1581-1642 ON THE WAY TO GOLGOTHA Christ having fallen under the burden of the cross is being urged on by a centurion in coat of mail, among a company of soldiers and people; interesting landscape with fortresses and a castle. Copper. Signed at lower right. Height, 1514 inches; width, 1934 inches. 56 AFTER HOBBEMA DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY 140 LANDSCAPE 14] Diversified countryside, a road and a mill-pond running side by side from right foreground to the left toward a water mullsva bridge at middle distance leading to a cottage farther back; fine wooded groups at the left and right and in the distance: group of figures in the foreground and swan in the pond; sky of grey and silvery clouds with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed on the log at left foreground. Height, 271% mches; width, B34 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) REGNIER FRANZ HALS putcH, 1627-1689 INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Two men and two boys are interesting themselves in the prepara- tion of fish pies; a barrel is used as a table on which a basin of water is placed, with a herring dangling from it, while one of the men holds a pie; humble interior. Canvas. Height, 54 inches; width, 44 inches. (Victor Koch Collection) FLORENTINE SCHOOL LATE 15TH CENTURY TRIPTYCH ALTARPIECE The Madonna and Child are seen in the central panel, God the Father above, St. George is depicted on the right wing and St. Lambert on the left. When closed two angels are depicted on the wings. (Restored) Panel. Period frame, damaged. Height, 4914, inches; width, 38 inches open. (Victor Koch Collection) 1 ere HARMEN FRANZ HALS putcH, 1611-1669 143. A HARMONIOUS COUPLE 144 145 Half-length of an old crony in red fur-lined cap who is fondling his old helpmate; the latter is attired in a red jacket and black cap; neutral background. Canvas. Height, 321% inches; width, 24 inches. (Victor Koch Collection ) NICOLAS VROOMAN putcH, 1660-1719 BIRD AND INSECT LIFE A dell with plants, flowers, butterflies, a cockatoo, a finch and many living creatures, flying and crawling about; open vista at the middle ground with a road and tree groups; glimpse of blue sky with warm cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 23 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) BONAVENTURA PEETERS FLEMISH, 1614-1652 A STORM AT SEA Rough weather with various ships at the mercy of the waves, in the foreground, icebergs seen at the left; sky of rolling grey clouds with touches of blue. Panel. Height, 21 inches; width, 38 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Museum, declaring that the painting is signed on a floating spar (almost illegibly) accompanies this picture. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 58 146 147 148 ATTRIBUTED TO DAVID TENIERS FLEMISH, 1610-1690 INTERIOR OF A TAVERN A number of men are enjoying themselves about the smoking table in the left foreground, while another group are engaged in a game of cards in the background at the right; a dog in the fore- ground as well as fine bits of still life contribute to the ensemble. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 wnches. Seal of the Galerie Sedelmayer, Paris, on the back. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) DOMINICUS VAN DER SMISSEN DuTcH, 1704-1760 PORTRAIT OF THE COMPOSER, JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH, 1685-1750 Half-length, head to the front, shoulders to the right, in long flowing wig, red velvet coat, gold-embroidered waistcoat and white ruffled neckerchief ; brown background. Canvas. Height, 2914 inches; width, 25 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) ADRIAAN PIETERSZ VAN DER VENNE puTcH, 1589-1662 THE LITTLE GOD OF PLENTY A cupid perched on a pedestal is showering coins on a multitude of all classes gathered in an open square; cloudy effect. Canvas, grisaille. Signed at lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 82 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 59 JAN JACOBSZ VAN DER STOFFE putTcH, 1615-1670 149 BATTLE SCENE 150 151 Two armies of cavalry and archers have met with emblems aloft and banners waving in an indescribable mélée of man, horse and spear; a narrow defile between cliffs at the right; grey sky with cloud effects. Panel. Height, 2114 inches; width, 36 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Museum, declaring that this painting is signed, accompanies the picture. (Gregory Nycander Collection) ADRIAAN PIETERSZ VAN DER VENNE putcH, 1589-1662 “SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME” The Saviour is seated with his arm encircling a little one, its mother bowing at the right; elders stand behind Christ and many parents are grouped with their children in the foreground ; high- vaulted interior with columns and curtains. Panel, grisaille. Signed at lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 39 anches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nvycander Collection) JAN VAN DER VUCHT putTcH, 1603-1637 INTERIOR OF A CHURCH IN ROME Vast complex of columns with transepts and aisles, a canopied altar at the centre and frescoed surfaces; several figures in 17th ventury costumes about. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 47 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 60 152 153 154 JAN VAN HUCHTENBURGH DUTCH, 1646-17338 PORTRAIT OF PRINCE EUGENE OF SAVOY Half-length, standing, head to the front, shoulders to the right, the staff of a Field-Marshal in his left hand, his right arm akimbo, in powdered wig, coat of armor and red drapery; dark neutral background. Canvas. Height, 38 inches; width, 28 inches. Prince Eugene was the famous Austrian General, 1663-1736. (Gregory Nycander Collection) UNKNOWN ARTIST pDuTCH, 18TH CENTURY VIEW IN GELDERLAND A stream with a bridge in the right foreground, a road at the left passing a cottage with tree-groups, cultivated hill at opposite bank with a church and houses on the brow; grey and cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 43 inches. Inscribed on the back in old Dutch, formerly the property of District Judge H. W. F. Panhuis of Groningen ; painted by Rem- brandt anno 1637 and signed with his monogram, etc. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JURIAN JACOBZ (JACOBSEN ) puTCH, 1610-1685 REST DURING THE HUNT A number of hunters, beaters and a variety of dogs are in the foreground, while the masters and their horses are seen farther back; an old aqueduct is at the right and hills in the distance ; warm sunset sky. Panel. Height, 28 inches; width, 26 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 61 JACOB DE WET THE YOUNGER puTcH, ? -1697 155 ABIGAIL BEFORE KING DAVID The king is enthroned at the upper right attended by courtiers and servants, while Abigail and a man half-clad kneel in suppli- ance at the left; rich presents in the foreground, soldiers and people about; distant hills, blue sky with pink cloud effects. Panel. Height, 20 inches; width, 291 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Museum, declaring that the painting is signed, accompanies this picture. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JAN BAPTIST WEENIX putcH, 1621-1664 156 HORSEMEN AND RUINS A couple of cavaliers, their servant and dogs have halted near some ancient gates and are interested in a group of gypsies who are resting at the wayside. Canvas. Height, 40 inches; width, 41 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JAN MARTENSZ DE JONGHE DUTCH, 1609-1647 157 A SKIRMISH Two companies of cavalry mounted on fine steeds are having a hand-to-hand fight in the foreground, with foot-soldiers at the right and left; flat, slightly wooded landscape; sky grey with _ the smoke of battle at the right, warm-tinted clouds with touches of blue at the left. Panel. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Museum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 62 ADAM WILLAERTS FLEMISH, 1577-1664 153A SEA PORT Several men-of-war have arrived in the harbor, the commanding officer has just landed and is being greeted by the burgomaster, town at the left bustling with activity, fisherfolk offering their wares, merry-making in a tent, etc.; pale blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1660 at lower left. Height, 23 inches; width, 45 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JACQUES COURTOIS (IL BOURGUIGNON ) FRENCH, 1621-1676 159 THE SURPRISE ATTACK An encampment of soldiers, some cavalry partly in armor, has been taken unawares; pink, cream-colored and blue-striped tents are on the right, cannon lined up at the left distance; towers crowning a hill and a mountain near the horizon complete the landscape; sky with warm grey cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 32 inches; width, 40 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin saa Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 63 160 161 162 JAN VAN HUCHTENBURGH puTcH, 1646-1733 A BATTLE SCENE The contending detachments, mostly cavalry, have met near the fringe of a wood, on rising ground; a habitation is seen at the left, blue hill at the horizon; effective sky with rolling pink and grey clouds with touches of blue. Canoas. Height, 221% inches; width, 321% inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Museum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JACOB DE WET DUTCH, 1636-1671 THE FIRE TEST AND NEBUCHADNEZZAR Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego pass through a fiery furnace unharmed before the king and a multitude of all classes, while an angel stands behind the condemned men; temples and a lofty statue in the middle-ground; blue and cloudy sky. Illustrating the 26th verse of the 3rd chapter of the Book of Daniel. Panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 41 imches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) MATHIEU LE NAIN FRENCH, 1607-1677 THE FIVE SENSES: SIGHT Half-length, standing figure of a youth facing the spectator, reading from a book to which he points with his left index finger ; long wavy chestnut hair, attired in brown jacket with light tan sleeves; dark neutral background. Canvas. Height, 2814 inches; width, 28 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) 64 163 164 165 166 MATHIEU LE NAIN FRENCH, 1607-1677 THE FIVE SENSES: ODOR Half-length, standing figure of a youth, head toward the spec- tator, shoulders slightly to the right, in red cap and blue jacket with red slashed sleeves ; smiling as he fills a pipe with tobacco. Canvas. Height, 2814 inches; width, 23 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) MATHIEU LE NAIN FRENCH, 1607-1677 THE FIVE SENSES: HEARING _Half-length, standing figure of a youth, head and shoulders slightly toward the left, eyes directed to the spectator, as he plays on a flute; attired in blue cap and grey jacket with white sleeves ; light brown background. Canvas. Height, 2814 inches; width, 23 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) MATHIEU LE NAIN FRENCH, 1607-1677 THE FIVE SENSES: TASTE Half-length, standing figure of a youth, head and shoulders to the front, eyes directed to the right, in vermilion jacket, drink- ing from a flagon; dark background. Canvas. Height, 281% inches; width, 23 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) MATHIEU LE NAIN FRENCH, 1607-1677 THE FIVE SENSES: TOUCH Half-length standing figure of a youth, facing the spectator, wavy blond hair, blue cap, red jacket with blue sleeves, glimpse of white shirt open at the throat, where he points to a slight scratch; brown background. Canvas. Height, 2814 inches; width, 23 inches. (Jesse A. Wasserman Collection) 65 UNKNOWN MASTER 17TH CENTURY 167 BIBLICAL SCENE A group of retainers offering presents are halted by a servant from approaching his master, who is seen prostrate on a bed in a tent at the right; masts of ships in the background, cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 30 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) JAN ASSELYN putTcH, 1610-1652 168 THE AMBUSCADE 169 An encounter between a mounted party and highwaymen on a road close to a cliff, distant vista at the right; blue sky with rolling masses of grey clouds; towering trees in the foreground. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 36 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) OSIAS BEERT DUTCH, ACTIVE 1630 STILL LIFE An arrangement of grapes, strawberries, game, fish and a jug against a dark background. Cradled panel. Height, 1914 inches; width, 32 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 66 170 171 BASSANO DA PONTE VENETIAN, ABOUT 1650 ADORATION OF THE MAGI The Holy Family are seated at the right in front of the manger, where the ass and oxen appear; the three kings are on the left paying homage and offering gold, frankincense and myrrh; horse- men and servants about, grey sky with silvery streaks. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 54 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Gluck, Vienna State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) UNKNOWN MASTER 18TH CENTURY (a) ON THE WAY TO GOLGOTHA Christ bearing the cross is about to fall under the weight, as Mary bathes his forehead; a soldier urges him on; St. John, Mary Magdalen and another saint at the right; Golgotha with the crosses at the left, a castellated fort on a hill at the right distance; cloudy sky. Canvas mounted on cardboard. Height, 311% inches; width, 43 mnches. JACQUES COURTOIS (IL BOURGUIGNON ) FRENCH, 1621-1676 (b) BATTLE SCENE | Close cavalry encounter in the foreground, pursuing battalions at the right, ruins in the distance; blue and cloudy sky. Canvas. Signed with initials at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) 67 172 173 174 UNKNOWN MASTER 17TH CENTURY (a) HALT AT AN INN A number of cavaliers are taking refreshment at a tavern; sky effect at the right. Canvas. Unframed. Height, 28 inches; width, 42 inches. AFTER JOSEPH C. VERNET FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY (b) MEDITERRANEAN SCENE Rocky bank at the right where fishermen are hauling in a net, a ship unloading goods at a landing place leading to an old Romanesque tower at the left; sails in the distance; blue sky with burst of bright light effect near the horizon. Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 33 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) SCHOOL OF THE CARRACCI ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY THE DEATH OF CLEOPATRA The Egyptian Queen, nude to the waist, is seated, head thrown back and lifeless; the asp curling about her upper left arm re- sents the intrusion of a maid at the left, who clasps her hands in despair ; neutral background. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches. ITALIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY PAIR OF ROMAN PORTRAITS Ocravianus ImpERATOR Romanorvm, half-length, head toward the right, shoulders to the front. Friavianus Imvperaror Romanorvm, half-length, facing the spec- tator. Canvas. Size of each: height, 54 inches; width, 43 imches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) 68 1 1 wy ~ 5 6 ITALIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY SAINT MARY MAGDALEN Three-quarter length, facing the spectator, a halo about her head, her right arm about a large cross, her left hand extended, a palm leaf on a pedestal; column at the back; sky effect at the right. Canvas. Height, 46 inches; width, 3614 inches. (Gregory Nycander Collection) GERARD DE LAIRESSE putTcH, 1641-1711 A MYTHOLOGICAL SCENE A group of nymphs are at the left beguiling their time with music and poetry, when Perseus armed with a long spear and the shield of Medusa appears to them on a cloud, while the winged horse Pegasus is descending from above; a fountain, tree and a cliff compose the left background, while the sea and an effective sky are at the right. Canvas. Height, 58 inches; width, 42 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Dr. Binder, Berlin State Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY (a) THE QUARREL A burly fellow is about to strike a man whom he holds by the throat, the under man grips a knife, a third looks on; a jug and deck of playing cards complete the composition. Panel, split. Height, 371% inches; width, 30 inches. A certificate of attribution from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Mu- seum, accompanies this painting. 69 1 8 AFTER A. VAN DER NEER 19TH CENTURY (b) SUNSET Various craft on a broad river, village at the left bank; deep sky with sunset effect at the horizon on the left. Canvas. Height, 181% inches; width, 2614 inches. Inscription on stretcher: “Carl Edward von Reutter, Pinxit.” (Gregory Nycander Collection) (2) BONAVENTURA PEETERS FLEMIsSH, 1614-1652 ASSAULT ON A HIGHWAY A number of bandits have held up a cart and slain the driver, while the inmates beg for mercy; a mounted cavalier is fleeing across a shallow stream at the left; wooded cliff at the left fore- ground, houses at the foot of a hill at the right, blue hill at the horizon, clouded sky effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 51 inches. A certificate of authenticity from Professor Pauli, Hamburg Museum, accompanies this painting. (Gregory Nycander Collection) 70 r > H + ig @ *- , a * 7 ‘ 4 + . ‘ . t 2 sg SS / . i i } f * . 3 F LIBRARY y, paul GET CENTER ILA EFL D AOE OEE 111 \| IHN (IH | WAH HUET i Wa \\| HH} iN] I} Hh 1 ] i | in| | WA | Tih 1 wisi ae WA \| al it | uu et